Большой театр по английски как пишется

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Большой театр» на английский

Здесь более 70 театров, самый известный — Большой театр.

There are more than 70 theatres here, the best known of them the Bolshoi Theatre.

А Большой театр для властей всегда был учреждением особенным.

The Bolshoi Theatre had always been something special for the country’s leadership.

Русский балет наконец возвращается в свой родной дом — Большой театр.

Russian ballet is finally returning to its historic home, the Bolshoi Theater.

Большой театр в Москве стремится удивлять экспериментальными постановками, но классические в нем все-таки лучше.

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow seeks to amaze with experimental productions, but the classical ones are still better in it.

Знаменитый Большой театр так же располагается неподалёку.

Большой театр Бордо был открыт 17 апреля 1780 года.

Also known as the Grand Theatre de Bordeaux and was inaugurated on 17 April 1780.

Большой театр также окружен кристаллом, подобным искусственному озеру.

The grand theatre is also surrounded by a crystal like artificial lake.

Большой театр впервые объявил открытый конкурс для профессиональных художников и дизайнеров на создание визуального образа спектакля.

The Bolshoi theatre for the first time announced an open competition for professional artists and designers to create a visual image of the play.

Юная балерина выбрала Большой театр, где в этом сезоне сразу займет положение солистки.

The young ballerina has chosen the Bolshoi Theatre, where she will immediately take up a position as soloist in the coming season.

Считается, что под огромным куполом может поместиться московский Большой театр.

It is believed that the whole Moscow Bolshoi Theatre can be housed under the dome.

Такой же узнаваемый символ столицы, как Кремль или Большой театр.

It is the same recognizable symbol of the capital, like the Kremlin or the Bolshoi Theatre.

Ранее московское УФАС заподозрило Большой театр в нарушении данного закона.

Earlier Moscow OFAS suspected the Bolshoi theater in violation of this law.

Конкурс проводится с 2014 года, организатор — Большой театр Беларуси.

The competition has been held since 2014 and is organized by the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus.

Советское правительство хотело закрыть Большой театр в Москве и разрушить здание.

The Soviet government was about to close the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and destroying the building.

В конце 2003 года Большой театр предложил Волочковой четырехмесячный контракт вместо годового.

At the end of 2003 Bolshoi Theatre offered Volochkova a four-month contract instead of annual one.

Мы рады предоставить вам уникальную возможность зайти в Большой театр, не покупая дорогие билеты на шоу.

We are happy to provide you with a unique opportunity to get inside the Bolshoi Theatre without buying very expensive show tickets.

Большой театр — один из старейших центров оперного искусства

Большой театр, конечно, не может существовать без своих великих традиций, без классического репертуара.

‘The Bolshoi Theatre of course can’t exist without its great traditions and without the classical repertoire.

Во второй половине XIX века Большой театр считался одним из лучших в мире по своим акустическим свойствам.

» In the second half of the 19th century the Bolshoi Theatre was considered one of the best in the world for its acoustic properties.

Был приглашен в Большой театр, как выпускник Покровского, но отказался.

He was invited to the Bolshoi Theater, as a graduate of Pokrovsky, but refused.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 804. Точных совпадений: 804. Затраченное время: 94 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Bolshoi Theatre

Большой театр


Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre is located in Central Moscow

Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

Location within central Moscow

Address Teatralnaya Square 1,
Tverskoy District, Moscow,
Coordinates 55°45′37″N 37°37′07″E / 55.76028°N 37.61861°ECoordinates: 55°45′37″N 37°37′07″E / 55.76028°N 37.61861°E
Public transit Teatralnaya or Okhotny Ryad (Moscow Metro)
Opened 1825
Architect Peter Urusov, Michael Maddox

The Bolshoi Theatre (Russian: Большо́й теа́тр, tr. Bol’shoy teatr, IPA: [bɐlʲˈʂoj tʲɪˈat(ə)r], lit. ‘Big Theater’) is a historic theatre in Moscow, Russia, originally designed by architect Joseph Bové, which holds ballet and opera performances.[1] Before the October Revolution it was a part of the Imperial Theatres of the Russian Empire along with Maly Theatre (Small Theatre) in Moscow and a few theatres in Saint Petersburg (Hermitage Theatre, Bolshoi (Kamenny) Theatre, later Mariinsky Theatre and others).

The Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera are among the oldest and best known ballet and opera companies in the world. It is by far the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers.[2] The theatre is the parent company of The Bolshoi Ballet Academy, a leading school of ballet. It has a branch at the Bolshoi Theater School in Joinville, Brazil.[3]

The main building of the theatre, rebuilt and renovated several times during its history, is a landmark of Moscow and Russia (its iconic neoclassical façade is depicted on the Russian 100-ruble banknote). On 28 October 2011, the Bolshoi re-opened after an extensive six-year renovation.[4] The official cost of the renovation is 21 billion rubles ($688 million). However, other Russian authorities and other people connected to it claimed much more public money was spent.[5][6] The renovation included restoring acoustics to the original quality (which had been lost during the Soviet Era), as well as restoring the original Imperial decor of the Bolshoi.[4]


The old Bolshoi Theatre in the early 19th century

The Bolshoi on a 1951 stamp

Bolshoi Theatre in 2006 before the renovation


The company was founded on 28 March [O.S. 17 March] 1776,[7] when Catherine II granted Prince Peter Urusov a licence to organise theatrical performances, balls and other forms of entertainment.[8] Urusov set up the theatre in collaboration with English tightrope walker Michael Maddox.[9] Initially, it held performances in a private home, but it acquired the Petrovka Theatre and on 30 December 1780, it began producing plays and operas, thus establishing what would become the Bolshoi Theatre. Fire destroyed the Petrovka Theatre on 8 October 1805, and the New Arbat Imperial Theatre replaced it on 13 April 1808, however it also succumbed to fire during the French invasion of Moscow in 1812.[citation needed]

The first instance of the theatre was built between 1821 and 1824, designed and supervised to completion by architect Joseph Bové based upon an initial competition-winning design created by Petersburg-based Russian architect Andrei Mikhailov that was deemed too costly to complete.[10][11] The new building opened on 18 January 1825 as the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theatre with a performance of Fernando Sor’s ballet, Cendrillon. Initially, it presented only Russian works, but foreign composers entered the repertoire around 1840.[citation needed]

Renovations in the 19th century[edit]

In 1843 a large-scale reconstruction of the theatre took place using a design by A. Nikitin, but a fire in 1853 caused extensive damage and so a further reconstruction was carried out, by Alberto Cavos, son of the opera composer Catterino Cavos.

20th century[edit]

On 7 December 1919 the house was renamed the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre. Only a few days later, however, on 12 December, there was an unsuccessful attempt to shut the institution entirely. Beethoven Hall opened on 18 February 1921. Ivan Rerberg directed further reconstruction of the theatre between 1921 and 1923. A bomb damaged the structure during World War II, but this was repaired.

New stage of 2002[edit]

A new stage for the Bolshoi Theatre, called the New Stage, went into service on 29 November 2002, constructed to the left of the theatre’s historic main stage. Together with auxiliary buildings — a restored 17th-century building, two rehearsal halls, and artists’ recreation rooms — it forms a single theatre complex, the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. The new building is on a natural hill which it shared, until recently, blocks of old houses with communal apartments.[12]

Major rebuilding and renovation (2005–2011)[edit]

The curtain of the Bolshoi Theater

From July 2005 to October 2011 the theatre was closed for restoration. The building, whose architecture combines three different styles, was damaged and a quick renovation seemed to be necessary.

Repairs were initially estimated at 15 billion rubles ($610 million) but engineers found that more than 75% of the structure was unstable,[13] and as a result the cost estimate jumped to 25.5 billion rubles (app. $850 million). At the completion of the work, however, it was announced that only 21 billion rubles ($688 mil) had been spent.[14] According to The Moscow Times, the true cost may have been double that,[5] and Der Spiegel quotes a figure of $1.1 billion.[6] The rebuilding and renovation was funded entirely by the federal government.[15]

During the long period of reconstruction, the company continued to mount productions, with performances held on the New Stage and on the stage of the Great Kremlin Palace.

The renovation included an improvement in acoustics, to attempt to replicate the sound believed to have existed in pre-Soviet times,[16] and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.[4] Finally, on 28 October 2011, the Bolshoi Theatre re-opened with a concert featuring international artists and the ballet and opera companies.[4] The first staged opera, Ruslan and Lyudmila, followed soon after.

Notable premieres[edit]

The Bolshoi has been the site of many historic premieres, including:

  • Tchaikovsky’s The Voyevoda and Mazeppa
  • Modest Mussorgsky’s one version of Boris Godunov was given on 16 December 1888.
  • Rachmaninoff’s Aleko and Francesca da Rimini
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera The Maid of Pskov, with Feodor Chaliapin singing the role of Ivan the Terrible
  • Dmitri Shostakovich’s opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District in 1935.

Other notable facts[edit]

  • The first symphonic concert by the Bolshoi Orchestra took place at the Bolshoi Theatre on 4 May 1919, conducted by Serge Koussevitzky
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, at least 34 members of the theatre were infected.[17]

Ballet and opera[edit]

Performance in the Bolshoi Theatre (1856)

The Bolshoi is a repertory theatre, meaning that it draws from a list of productions, any one of which may be performed on a given evening. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there have been a few attempts to reduce the theatre’s traditional dependence on large state subsidies.[citation needed] The Bolshoi has been associated from its beginnings with ballet. Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theatre on 4 March 1877.[citation needed] The chief ballet conductor from 1923 to 1963 was Yuri Fayer.[citation needed]

After the death of Joseph Stalin, the company toured internationally and became an important source of cultural prestige, as well as foreign currency earnings. As a result, the «Bolshoi Ballet» became a well-known name in the West.[citation needed]

However, the Bolshoi suffered from losses through a series of defections of its dancers. The first occurrence was on 23 August 1979, with Alexander Godunov;[18] followed by Leonid Kozlov and Valentina Kozlova on 16 September 1979; and other cases in the following years. Bolshoi continues to tour regularly with opera and ballet productions in the post-Soviet era.[19][20]

Until the mid-1990s, most foreign operas were sung in Russian, but Italian and other languages have been heard more frequently on the Bolshoi stage in recent years.[citation needed]

Auditorium of the Bolshoi Theatre in 2014


Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater in the workplace

Music director and chief conductor Vassily Sinaisky quit abruptly at the start of December 2013, after a 41-month tenure, citing the need to avoid conflict. General director Vladimir Urin accepted his resignation, and selected Tugan Sokhiev as replacement. Sokhiev’s four-year contract, settled on 20 January 2014, and became effective immediately.

Tugan Sokhiev left his position in connection with the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[21]

Chief conductors and music directors[edit]

  • Samuil Samosud (1936–1942)
  • Ariy Pazovsky (1943–1948)
  • Nikolai Golovanov (1948 –1953)
  • Alexander Melik-Pashayev (1953–1963)
  • Yevgeny Svetlanov (1963–1965)
  • Gennady Rozhdestvensky (1965–1970)
  • Yuri Simonov (1970–1985)
  • Alexander Lazarev (1987–1995)
  • Peter Feranec (1995–1998)
  • Mark Ermler (1998–2000)
  • Gennady Rozhdestvensky (2000–2001)
  • Alexander Vedernikov (2001–2009)[22]
  • Leonid Desyatnikov (2009–2010)
  • Vassily Sinaisky (2010–2013)[23]
  • Tugan Sokhiev (2014–2022)

Cultural status[edit]

The Bolshoi Theatre is attracts large numbers of tourists. As a result, prices can be much higher than in other Russian theatres.[citation needed]


  • The rebuilding and renovation cost was $1.1 billion,[6] sixteen times the initial estimate. In 2009 prosecutors alleged the lead contractor was paid three times for the same work.[2]
  • Anastasia Volochkova, a former Bolshoi prima ballerina, has said she sees the theatre «as a big brothel» because, she has claimed, ballerinas are invited to parties by theatre administrators and refused roles if they do not accept.[2][6]
  • On 17 January 2013, Sergei Filin, the Bolshoi’s ballet director, was attacked with sulfuric acid and as a result lost much of his eyesight.[24] A male dancer was later charged with the crime.
  • In the area of box office, a theatre insider told the German publication Der Spiegel that tickets are often sold to mafia dealers, who in turn sell them on the black market for double the face value.[6]
  • Performance quality has been criticized by the former music director Alexander Vedernikov (2001-2009). He has claimed the Bolshoi Theatre was putting «bureaucratic interests before artistic ones.»[2]
  • July 8, 2017, three days before the premiere, the Bolshoi Theatre called off the premiere of a ballet about legendary dancer Rudolf Nureyev. The Director General Vladimir Urin claimed it was due to the bad quality of the dancing, however the principal dancer Maria Alexandrova claimed it was the first sign of a ‘new era’ of censorship.[25] It was the first time a show has been pulled in such a way since the collapse of the Soviet Union, sparking rumours about the motivation behind it.[26]

See also[edit]

  • List of productions of Swan Lake derived from its 1895 revival


  1. ^ «Mission». Bolshoi Theatre. Retrieved 20 October 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d Elder, Miriam (22 March 2011). «Bolshoi rocked by scandal and intrigue». The Guardian. Manchester. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  3. ^ Galayda, A. (2020-02-11). «Why the only Bolshoi Theater school outside Russia is in Brazil». Russia Beyond the Headlines. Retrieved 2020-02-19.
  4. ^ a b c d «Bolshoi Theatre to reopen after major refit», BBC News on bbc.co.uk, 28 October 2011
  5. ^ a b Tabakov, Igor (27 October 2011). «Bolshoi Theater to reopen after restoration». The Moscow Times. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  6. ^ a b c d e Beyer, Susanne; Bidder, Benjamin; Pyljow, Wladimir & Schepp, Matthias (30 January 2013). «Jealousy and corruption rumors surround attack on Bolshoi director». Der Spiegel. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  7. ^ «In Short». Bolshoi Theatre. Retrieved 20 October 2018.
  8. ^ «History». Bolshoi Theatre. Retrieved 20 October 2018.
  9. ^ Andrew Osborn (27 Oct 2011). «The Bolshoi Theatre: a rich history». Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 2022-01-12.
  10. ^ «История Большого театра». www.bolshoi.ru. Retrieved 26 March 2018.
  11. ^ Brumfield (2 December 2013). Landmarks of Russian Architect. Routledge. ISBN 9781317973249. Retrieved 26 March 2018 – via Google Books.
  12. ^ The New Stage of Bolshoi Theatre Archived 2011-07-16 at the Wayback Machine, See You in Moscow
  13. ^ Van Gelder, Lawrence (4 February 2008). «Saving Bolshoi Theater». The New York Times. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  14. ^ «Bolshoi Theater raises curtain after six-year restoration». RIA Novosti. 28 Oct 2011. Retrieved 29 Oct 2011.
  15. ^ Baldwin, Chris (31 January 2008). «Bolshoi to reopen late in 2009 after rescue work». Reuters.
  16. ^ «The Theatre: Reconstruction». Bolshoi Theatre. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  17. ^ «As it happened — Coronavirus: Trump says US will halt funding to WHO».
  18. ^ «Turmoil on the Tarmac». Time. 3 September 1979. Archived from the original on May 29, 2009.
  19. ^ «Today in History — September 18». World of Quotes. Archived from the original on 29 November 2017. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  20. ^ «Brouhaha at the Bolshoi». Time. 1 October 1979. Archived from the original on October 15, 2010.
  21. ^ «Pressed on Ukraine war, Bolshoi conductor Tugan Sokhiev resigns», Al Jazeera, 6 March 2022
  22. ^ Stott, Michael (13 July 2009). «Conductor exits left as Bolshoi Theatre’s woes mount». Reuters.
  23. ^ Ferris-Rotman, Amie (21 September 2010). «New musical director opens Bolshoi’s 235th season». Reuters. Archived from the original on 2013-03-29. Retrieved 2011-06-01.
  24. ^ «Bolshoi boss Sergei Filin leaves hospital for Germany». BBC News. 4 February 2013.
  25. ^ «Maria Alexandrova Instagram Post». Instagram. 8 July 2017. Archived from the original on 2021-12-26. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  26. ^ «Bolshoi Theatre postpones Rudolf Nureyev ballet». BBC News. 11 July 2017. Retrieved 11 July 2017.


  • The Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre used to exist in Saint Petersburg. It stood next to the Circus Theatre (rebuilt in 1860 as the Mariinsky Theatre), but was replaced in the 1890s by the present-day building of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. It was at St. Petersburg’s Bolshoi that the first great Russian operas, Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila, premiered.
  • In a bit of ideological editing, the Bolshoi Theatre appears to be «destroyed» by the device of a split screen in Dziga Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera.

External links[edit]

  • Official Bolshoi Theatre website (in English)
  • Official Bolshoi Theatre webpages YouTube
  • Official Bolshoi Theatre webpages Facebook
  • Official Bolshoi Theatre webpages VKontakte
  • Official Bolshoi Theatre webpages Twitter
  • Official Bolshoi Theatre webpages Instagram
  • Bolshoi Theatre in Theatrical Russia Annual Dictionary
  • For Ballet Lovers Only: Bolshoi dancers of the past and of today in biographies and photos
  • Chief Conductors
  • Bolshoi Theatre School in Brazil website
  • Bolshoi Delights Cuba Audience Photo Feature, Havana Times, Feb 15, 2010
  • Reconstruction of Bolshoi Theatre, Pictures
  • The New Stage of Bolshoi Theatre, Pictures
  • The Bolshoi Theatre at Google Cultural Institute

Сегодня в Большой театр иду

I’ m going to the Bolshoi theatre tonight

Я смотрел эту пьесу в большом театре, заполненном на треть.

I watched the play in a large theatre that was two-thirds empty.

Празднование годовщины состоялось в Большом театре вечером б ноября.

An anniversary ceremony took place in the Bolshoi Theater on the evening of 6 November.

В следующий приезд Таманьо он пел в Большом театре.

During the next visit of Tamagno he sang in the Great Theatre.

В Мельбурне расположено больше театров, чем в любом другом городе Австралии.

There are more theatres and performance venues in Melbourne than any other city in Australia.

3) Под Новый год из маскарада Большого театра было выведено 200 человек за драку.

On New Year’s Eve, 200 people were thrown out of the Bolshoi Theaters costume ball for brawling.

Вечером 27-го февраля Сталин отправился в Большой театр на балет «Лебединое озеро».

On the night of February 27, Stalin went to the Bolshoi Theater to attend a performance of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.

Женева, Швейцария Вторник 18:32 СЕТ Виктор шел по площади Пляс-Нёв возле Большого театра.

CHAPTER 16 Geneva, Switzerland Tuesday 18:32 CET Victor walked through Place Neuve and passed the Grand Théâtre.

В Большом театре пройдёт торжественное заседание, на котором выступят Ленин и Троцкий.

A big meeting will be held at the Opera House, at which Lenin and Trotsky are going to speak.

Очень большого.-… очень большого театра

Very big.- Very big theatre

Он хотел организовать мое первое выступление в театре «Лицеум» – самом большом театре Нью-Йорка.

He wanted to arrange my first concert appearance at the Lyceum Theater, the biggest in New York.

22 марта 2016 года в Большом театре Гаваны президент Обама произнес обращенную к народу Кубы речь [анг]:

On March 22, 2016, at the Havana Grand Theatre, Obama delivered a speech to the Cuban people:

Он мог бы еще раз сходить в Третьяковку, в Пушкинский музей, в Большой театр.

He could have gone back to the Tretyakov, and the Pushkin Museum, and the Bolshoi Theater.

Планируя свой визит в Большой театр, знайте — о Вашей безопасности здесь позаботятся профессионалы.

When planning your visit to the Bolshoi Theatre you may rest assured we take good care of your safety and comfort.

И мы условились встретиться между колоннами у Большого театра.

We arranged to meet in the colonnade of the Bolshoi Theatre.

3 января 2003 года она была приглашена выступить в Шанхайском большом театре.

On January 3, 2003 she was invited to perform at the Shanghai Grand Theatre.

Потребность в таких больших театрах, как эпидаврский, возникла именно благодаря широкой и растущей популярности драматургии.

It was the growing and widespread popularity of drama that created the need for large theaters, such as the one at Epidaurus.

«Театру Мария Витория» был одним из нескольких больших театров в увеселительном квартале Парк Майер.

The Teatro Maria Vitória was one of the big theaters in the Parque Mayer amusement park.

В том же году партийная элита почтила своим присутствием концерт в Большом театре.

Later that year the party elite attended a concert in the Bolshoi Theater.

Медаль Большого театра, врученная директором Большого театра, Российская Федерация (1999 год).

Awarded the Medal of the Bolshoi Theatre, presented by the Director of the Bolshoi Theatre, Russian Federation (1999).

В ночь на 16 октября был спешно заминирован Большой театр.

During the night of October 16 the Bolshoy Theater was hurriedly packed with explosives.

После выполнения марша в Большом театре им заинтересовались партийные руководители, которых обеспокоила слишком повышенная духовная атмосфера среди слушателей.

After performing the march at the Bolshoi Theatre (Moscow), it became an interest of party leaders who worried about a very heightened spiritual atmosphere among the audience.

Первое исполнение — декабрь 1977 г., Бетховенский зал Большого театра (вечер памяти Леона Закса).

It was first performed in December 1977 in the Beethoven Hall of the Bolshoy Theater (Leon Sachs Commemoration Meeting).

Адрес, впрочем, имею: у Большого театра, дом Мытовцовой

I have the address though, by the Great Theatre, Mytovtsov’s house.”

Жена Буденного, Ольга, пела в Большом театре и дружила с женой маршала Егорова.

Budyonny’s wife, Olga, was a Bolshoi singer, who was best friends with the actress wife of Marshal Yegorov.


Русский глагол хотеть используется для выражения желания любого типа, как того что реально происходит, так и того что может произойти с малой долей вероятности или вообще уже не может произойти. Английские соответствия подчеркивают реальность, нереальность, а также малую вероятность исполнения желания, степень желательности и относятся к разным стилям речи.

1. to want — хотеть, желать, испытывать желание ( не употребляется в Passive и Continuous): to want smth — желать чего-либо/хотеть чего-либо; to want smb to do smth — хотеть, чтобы кто-либо сделал что-либо; to want to do smth — хотеть что-либо сделать I want to talk with you. — Я хочу поговорить с тобой. I want you to talk with her. — Я хочу, чтобы ты поговорил с ней. The dog wants out. — Собака хочет выйти погулять. Your mother wants you. — Мама тебя зовет. I want some carrots. — Я хочу немного моркови./Мне моркови, пожалуйста. She said she didn’t want to get married. — Она сказала, что не хочет выходить замуж. Please, let me pay half, I really want to. — Разрешите и мне заплатить половину, я действительно хочу это сделать. You could go back to bed for a while, if you want to. — Ты можешь еще немного поспать, если хочешь. The doctor wants me to go for another check up in two weeks’ time. — Врач хочет, чтобы я прошла контрольное обследование через две недели. We wanted her to go with us, but she could not get the time off work. — Мы хотели, чтобы она поехала с нами, но она не могла уйти с работы. I know you want the party to be a success. — Я знаю, что ты хочешь, чтобы вечер прошел удачно. She wants the room fixed before we go. — Она хочет, чтобы навели порядок в комнате до нашего отъезда. What do you want to be when you grow up? — Кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь? Состояние хотения ассоциируется с желанием еды и питья, а исполнение желания с процессом поедания, что проявляется в явном виде в ряде следующих словосочетаний: They are power-hungry and will stop at nothing. — Они жаждут власти и ни перед чем не остановятся. They are greedy for power. — Они жаждут власти. My grandmother had huge appetite for life. — Моя бабушка очень любила жизнь./Моя бабушка имела вкус к жизни. We are salivating for interesting things to do. — Мы изголодались по интересной работе. I have developed a taste for foreign travel. — Я вошел во вкус путешествий по разным странам. Here’s something to whet your appetite. — Вот кое-что, что может возбудить твой аппетит. She hungered to see him again. — Она истомилась желанием увидеть его снова./Оыа жаждала увидеть его снова. They have thirst for knowledge. — У них жажда к знаниям. I devoured every book on the subject thai I could find. — Я с жадностью проглатывал/поглощал все книги по этому вопросу, которые мог найти.

2. to wish — хотеть, желать (не употребляется в Passive и Continuous; в условных и дополнительных придаточных предложениях имеет значение хотеть того, что может случиться с малой долей вероятности): to wish smb well (ill) — желать кому-либо добра (зла) The chief wishes to see you. — Начальник хочет вас видеть. I wish I could help you. — Если бы только я мог вам помочь. I wish to goodness that music would stop. — Господи, хоть бы эта музыка смолкла. I wished him all the best. — Я пожелал ему всего самого лучшего. I wished him a good trip. — Я пожелал ему доброго пути. They wished me a happy birthday. — Они поздравили меня с днем рождения. What more could one wish her? — Чего еще можно ей пожелать? The weather was everything we could wish. — Погода была как на заказ. Anyone wishes to order the book should send a cheque to the publisher. — Все, кто желают приобрести эту книгу, должны выслать чек на имя издателя. I wish you would shut up! — Если бы ты замолчал!/Хоть бы ты замолчал! Where is that postman? I wish he would hurry up. — Куда девался этот почтальон? Хотелось бы, чтобы он поторопился./Хоть бы он поторопился. I wish the rains would stop. — Когда-нибудь кончатся эти дожди? I wish I had a car like that. — Как бы мне хотелось иметь такую же машину. I’ve come to wish you a happy New Year. — Я пришел, чтобы пожелать вам счастливого Нового года./Я пришел, чтобы поздравить вас с Новым годом.

3. to feel like doing smth — быть в настроении что-либо сделать, хотеть что-либо сделать (или иметь, особенно потому, что вам это может доставить удовольствие): to feel like doing smth — хотеть что-либо сделать/быть в состоянии что-либо сделать Do you feel like dancing? — Вам не хочется потанцевать? I feel like saying to him: «Paul, you are the world’s biggest idiot». — Мне так и хотелось ему сказать: «Павел, ты самый большой идиот/дурак в мире». It is so hot today, I really feel like an ice-cream. — Сегодня так жарко, что мне очень хочется мороженого.

4. wouldn’t mind — хотеть, не прочь (используется в ситуациях, когда вам хочется иметь что-либо или сделать что-либо, даже в тех случаях, когда вероятность получить мала): I wouldn’t mind looking like Elisabeth Taylor when 1 am her age. — Я бы была не против выглядеть как Элизабет Тейлор, когда буду в том же возрасте. I would not mind his job, he is always eating at expensive restaurants and stays at exclusive hotels. — Я бы не возражала иметь такую как у него работу, он питается в дорогих ресторанах и живет в шикарных гостиницах./Я хотела бы иметь такую как у него работу, он питается в дорогих ресторанах и живет в шикарных гостиницах. Would you like another beer? —Yes, I wouldn’t mind. — Хотите еще пива? — Да, я бы не прочь.

5. would not say no — не откажусь (используется в ситуациях, когда вам очень хочется иметь или сделать что-либо): I would not say no to a glass of whisky! — Я бы не отказался от рюмочки виски! How about a night out of town? — I certainly would not say no. — He провести ли нам ночь за городом? — Конечно, я бы не отказался.

6. would like — хотеть, желать (чтобы кто-либо что-либо сделал, особенно в вежливых просьбах, инструкциях и указаниях): We would like you to record all your conversations. — Мы бы хотели, чтобы вы записали на пленку все эти беседы. I would like you to see her and visit my family in Kiev, when you are there. — Я бы хотел, чтобы вы, когда будете в Киеве, повидались с ней и зашли к моим родителям. Would you like another cup of tea? — Хотите еще чашечку чая?

7. to be willing — хотеть что-либо сделать, охотно что-либо сделать (используется для выражения готовности сделать что-либо по своей воле, без принуждения): to be willing to do smth — охотно что-либо сделать He is willing to tell the police everything he knows. — Он готов рассказать полиции все, что знает. Have a word with the manager and see if he is willing to reduce the price. — Поговори с управляющим и выясни, хочет ли/готов ли он снизить цену. We needed a new secretary but no one was willing to take the job. — Нам был нужен новый секретарь, но никто не хотел взяться за эту работу.

8. to fancy — хотеть, нравиться, приходить в голову ( используется в неофициальной речи): I don’t fancy this car. — Мне не нравится эта машина./Я бы не хотел иметь такую машину. The patient can eat whatever he fancies. — Больной может есть все, что ему захочется/Больной может есть все, что ему вздумается./Больной может есть все, что ему заблагорассудится. Do you fancy a drink? — Хочешь выпить? I think he has always fancied a house like that. — Мне кажется, ему всегда хотелось иметь такой дом. I really fancy going for a swim. — Мне действительно хочется выкупаться. What do you fancy for dinner? — Что бы ты хотел на обед? I quite fancy the idea of lazing around. — Я совсем не прочь побездельничать. I don’t fancy staying in tonight. — Мне не хочется сегодня вечером сидеть дома.

9. to take smb’s fancy — приглянуться, вызвать желание иметь что-либо, захотеть, привлечь чем-либо, захотеть иметь чтолибо, захотеть приобрести что-либо ( используется в обыденных ситуациях): We could go to the movie or go out for a meal — wherever takes your fancy. — Мы можем пойти в кино или куда-нибудь поесть — куда тебе хочется./ Мы можем пойти в кино или куда-нибудь поесть — куда тебе больше нравится. We wandered around the market stopping occasionally at the stalls to buy something that took her fancy. — Мы ходили между разными лотками, останавливаясь время от времени и покупая то, что привлекло ее./Мы ходили по рынку, останавливаясь время от времени у разных лотков, и покупая то, что ей хотелось./Мы ходили между разными лотками, останавливаясь время от времени и покупая то, что ей казалось привлекательным.

10. to be interested — хотеть, иметь желание (хотеть что-то сделать и быть с кем-либо связанным или иметь к этому отношение, особенно, если вас об этом просили): I don’t know if I can tell you much, but I would be very interested in coming to the meeting. — He знаю, смогу ли я много рассказать, но я бы хотел прийти на собрание. Would you be interested in going to the theatre with me on Friday? — Хотите пойти со мной в театр в пятницу? We are going for a walk, are you interested? — Мы идем гулять, а ты не хочешь пойти с нами?

11. to be keen on/to be keen on doing smth — очень хотеть что-либо сделать (особенно потому, что вы думаете это будет интересно и доставит удовольствие или поможет другим людям): He’s really keen to meet you. — Ему правда очень хочется познакомиться с вами. Diana is very keen to prove her worth to our group. — Диане очень хочется доказать, что она полезна нашей группе. The government is keen to avoid further conflicts with the Trade Union. — Правительство стремится к тому, чтобы избежать дальнейших конфликтов с профсоюзами./Правительство очень заинтересовано в том, чтобы избежать дальнейших конфликтов с профсоюзами. We are very keen to encourage more local employers to work with us. — Нам очень хочется, чтобы многие местные предприниматели работали с нами./Мы заинтересованы втом, чтобы больше местных предпринимателей сотрудничало с нами.

12. to be eager to do smth — хотеть что-либо сделать, стремиться что-либо сделать: I was very eager to get my hand on those rare recordings. — Мне очень хотелось заполучить эти редкие записи/пластинки. Не is so eager to learn that he stayes late every evening. — Он так стремится к знаниям, что сидит (за занятиями) подолгу по вечерам. Some patients are only too eagerto tell you exactly how they feel. — Некоторые пациенты горят желанием подробно рассказать ( врачу) о своих ощущениях./Некоторые пациенты стремятся в подробностях рассказать ( врачу) 0 своих ощущениях.

13. to be anxious to do smth — стремиться что-либо сделать, очень хотеть что-либо сделать (приложить большие усилия к тому, чтобы произвести хорошее впечатление или успешно справиться с новой работой): Не was anxious to gain approval. — Ему хотелось, чтобы его работа была одобрена./Он старался, чтобы его действия были одобрены./Он старался добиться похвалы. We are anxious to hear from anyone who can help. — Мы стремимся связаться со всеми, кто может оказать помощь. We are anxious that the food should be of the best quality. — Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества./Мы очень хотим, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества,/Мы очень стараемся, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества.

14. would do anything/would give anything — хотеть сделать все возможное (используется в ситуациях, когда вам очень хочется сделать что-либо): When she began writing she would have done anything to get her articles printed. — Когда она начала писать, она была готова на все, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны./Когда она начала писать, она очень стремилась к тому, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны./Когда она начала писать, она очень хотела, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны. She would do anything to marry Ben, but he just won’t ask her. — Она отдала бы все, чтобы выйти замуж за Бена, но он не делает ей предложение. 1 would do anything for a cup of coffee. — Я бы все отдал за чашечку кофе.

15. can’t wait — не могу дождаться, мне не терпится (используется в ситуациях, когда вам чего-либо очень хочется, чтобы это произошло как можно скорее, особенно потому, что вы довольны, счастливы от предвкушения и возбуждены): After his trip to the Zoo, Philip could not wait to tell his club fellows about it. — После посещения зоопарка Филиппу не терпелось рассказать обо всем своим товарищам по клубу. She can’t wait to get out onto the ski slopes this year. — Ей не терпится и в этом году вновь попасть в горы покататься на лыжах. I can’t wait for Christmas it will be great to see the family again. — Я жду не дождусь Рождества, здорово будет повидать всю семью снова. Another two weeks and we will be together — I can’t wait. — Еще две недели, и мы будем вместе — я жду не дождусь этого дня./Еще две недели, и мы будем вместе — я вся в нетерпении.

16. to be itching to do smth — гореть желанием что-либо сделать, не терпится что-либо сделать, руки чешутся сделать что-либо (нетерпеливо ждать чего-либо, чего вы не имели возможности сделать или иметь до сих пор): The guard stood aggressively, gun in hand, they were itching to shoot someone. — Охранники стояли в агрессивной позе, с ружьями наготове, им не терпелось в кого-нибудь выстрелить. She is just itching to tell you about your husband’s affair, she doesn’t realize you know already! — Она изнывает от желания рассказать вам о любовных интрижках вашего мужа, она не знает, что вы уже об этом знаете./ Ей не терпится рассказать вам о любовных интрижках вашего мужа, она не подозревает, что вы уже об этом знаете.

17. to be dying — горячо желать чего-либо, до смерти хотеть чего-либо (потому, что вам это действительно очень нужно или потому, что это доставит вам большое удовольствие): I’m dying for a drink. — Let’s go to the bar. — Умираю, хочу пить. — Пошли в буфет. I’m dying to go to the toilet — can we walk a bit faster? — Нельзя ли нам идти побыстрее, мне очень надо в туалет. She is dying to find out what happened. — Ей очень хочется выяснить, что случилось. Paul was dying for someone to recognize him after his appearance on TV. — Павлу смерть как хотелось, чтобы его узнавали, после того как он выступил по телевидению.

18. to set one’s heart on — хотеть добиться чего-либо, быть готовым добиваться чего-либо (так сильно хотеть чего-либо, что вы все время об этом думаете и если вы этого не добьетесь, то будете очень огорчены): We have set our hearts on this house in the country. — Мы очень хотели приобрести этот домик за городом./Этот домик за городом запал нам в душу. I’ve set my heart on becoming a pilot. — Я твердо решил стать пилотом.

19. to dream of — хотеть, мечтать ( о чем-либо) (хотеть чего-либо, что хотелось иметь давно; хотеть то, что вам хочется иметь, но вы вряд ли сумеете получить): Не dreams of becoming a famous novelist. — Он мечтает стать известным романистом. То think that what I have dreamt of all my life is coming true! — Подумать только, что сбывается то, о чем я мечтала всю жизнь! Не owns the biggest business anyone could dream of. — Он владеет самым большим предприятием, о каком любой могбы только помечтать./ Он владеет самым большим бизнесом, какой любой хотел бы иметь.

20. to long — горячо желать, сильно хотеть, стремиться, с нетерпением ждать (сильно хотеть или сделать что-либо, особенно, если это уже случалось в прошлом или о том, что может произойти в будущем; предполагает тоску по несбыточному): Не longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect. — Он мечтал о тех прежних временах, когда учителей уважали./Он мечтал о прежних временах, когда учителям оказывали уважение. Не was longing for everyone to live so that he might think in peace about what had happened that day. — Он очень хочет, чтобы наступило такое время, когда каждый сможет спокойно подумать о том, что произошло в тот день. More than anything I long to have someone who loves me for myself. — Я больше всего мечтаю о том, чтобы у меня был кто-то, кто любил бы меня ради меня самой./Я больше всего хочу, чтобы у меня был кто-то, кто любил бы меня ради меня самой. The day I have longed for eventually came. — Наконец наступил тот день, о котором я мечтал.

21. to yearn — очень сильно хотеть, мечтать, стремиться, жаждать (так сильно хотеть чего-либо, что без этого вы не будете счастливы и довольны; часто желать того, на что мало вероятности рассчитывать): Above all the prisoners yearned for freedom. — Больше всего на свете узникам хотелось свободы. By this time some career women begin to yearn for motherhood. — В наше время некоторые женщины, сделавшие себе карьеру, начинают мечтать о том, чтобы иметь ребенка. I have always yearned to travel. — Я всегда очень хотел путешествовать./Я всегда стремился путешествовать. They were yearning to have a baby. — Им очень хотелось иметь ребенка.

22. to crave — желать ( чего-либо) (счастья, любви так сильно, что ни чем другом вы не можете думать; часто хотеть так, что трудно себя контролировать): have always craved for love and acceptance. — Я всегда мечтал о том, чтобы меня любили и признавали. Не at last gained a recognition he craved for. — Наконец он получил признание, о котором мечтал. Не craved forthe attention ofthe older boys. — Ему очень хотелось, чтобы старшие ребята обращали на него внимание.

23. to hanker after — хотеть, мечтать, страстно желать (постоянно думать о чем-либо, что вам хочется иметь и огорчаться по поводу того, что у вас этого нет; обычно используется в разговорном стиле речи): After two months abroad he began to hanker after/about home cooking. — После двухмесячного пребывания за границей, он начал мечтать о домашней еде. I still hanker after a career in politics. — Я все еще мечтаю о политической карьере. She always hankered after thick curly hair. — Ей всегда очень хотелось, чтобы у нее были густые курчавые волосы.

24. to aspire — хотеть, стремиться, мечтать (стремиться достичь успеха, особенно в карьере): to aspire to fame — стремиться к славе/гнаться за славой Не was a young writer, aspiring to fame. — Он был молодым писателем, стремящимся к славе. Не aspired to artistic perfection in all his painting. — Во всех своих картинах он стремился к художественному совершенству. She aspired to nothing less than the head of the company. — Ей очень хотелось стать во главе компании и не меньше.

25. to need — хотеть, нуждаться (используется в разговорных ситуациях для выражения желания получить что-либо обычное): I need a drink — I’m off to the bar. — Я хочу пить — я пошел в буфет. Не looks like he badly needs a holiday. — У него такой вид, как будто ему срочно нужен отпуск.

Перевод «большой театр» на английский

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Сегодня в Большой театр иду.
I’m going to the Bolshoi theatre tonight.

В Большой театр даже звали Гамлета играть.
The Bolshoi Theatre invited me to play Hamlet.

Ты даже можешь сказать, что я променял анатомический театр на Большой театр.
I suppose you could say, I have swapped the operating theatre for the Bolshoi theatre.

Перед Большим театром собралось много людей для того, чтобы послушать песни военных лет.
In front of the Bolshoi Theatre, crowds gathered to listen to wartime songs.

И вот теперь вы услышите лучшего солиста Первого Украинского, бывшего Воронежского, будущего солиста Большого театра.
And now you’ll hear the best soloist of the first Ukrainian, the former Voronezh, the future soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre.


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большой театр — перевод на английский

— Тот, который в Большой театр не пришла.

The one that didn’t come to the Bolshoi.

Я тут подумывал привезти балет Большого театра в римский Колизей показать » Спартака» .

I thought maybe, having the «Bolshoi Ballet» dance «Spartacus» at the Coliseum… Or whatever.

Сталин любил проводить вечера в Большом театре.

he’s to spend his evenings at the Bolshoi.

Я была единственной американкой, которая танцевала в Большом театре.

Well, I was the only American to be invited to dance with the Bolshoi, sugar.

Сегодня у меня свидание с примой-балериной Большого театра.

Tonight i have a date with the bolshoi’s lead ballerina.

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И вот теперь вы услышите лучшего солиста Первого Украинского, бывшего Воронежского, будущего солиста Большого театра…

And now you’ll hear the best soloist of the first Ukrainian, the former Voronezh, and the future soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre…

Будущего солиста Большого театра?

The future soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre? No problem!

Сегодня в Большой театр иду.

I’m going to the Bolshoi theatre tonight.

В Большой театр даже звали Гамлета играть.

The Bolshoi Theatre invited me to play Hamlet.

Ты даже можешь сказать, что я променял анатомический театр на Большой театр.

I suppose you could say, I have swapped the operating theatre for the Bolshoi theatre.

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На вопрос Составьте сообщение про Большой театр по английски! заданный автором Настя Комарова
лучший ответ это The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the oldest and biggest theatres in Russia. It is also one of the most renowned opera and ballet theatres in the world. People sometimes call it shortly «The Bolshoi» and it is situated in the central part of Moscow. Originally it was an Imperial theatre. The architect who designed the building of The Bolshoi was Joseph Bove. It was built between 1821 and 1824. Since then, the building was renovated and rebuilt several times. However, it kept its original imperial decorations. Today, it’s not simply the building of the theatre but it is also an outstanding landmark of Moscow. The neoclassical view of The Bolshoi can be seen on the Russian 100-ruble banknote. The theatre is always associated with opera and ballet. It has been the site for many notable premiers. Among them, Rachmaninoff’s “Aleko”, Mussorgsky’s “Boris Godunov”, Tchaikovsky’s “The Voyevoda” and “Mazeppa”. Ballet repertoire includes Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”, Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet”, Adam’s “Giselle” and several others. Many productions are based on classical works of Russian composers. However, the works of such Italian composers as Verdi, Rossini and Puccini are also staged. The Bolshoi Theatre is well-known throughout the world. It is frequently visited by tourists and guests of Moscow. There is another interesting theatre, which is also beloved by visitors. It is The Bolshoi’s sibling – The Maly Theatre. It is situated next to The Bolshoi Theatre but specializes in dramas.
Большой театр является одним из старейших и крупнейших театров России. Он также является одним из самых известных театров оперы и балета в мире. Люди иногда кратко называют его «Большой» и он находится в центральной части Москвы. Первоначально это был Имперский театр. Архитектор, который спроектировал здание для Большого – Иосиф Бове. Оно было построено между 1821 и 1824 гг. С тех пор здание было несколько раз отремонтировано и перестроено. Тем не менее, оно сохранило свои первоначальные имперские декорации. Сегодня это не просто здание театра, но также выдающаяся достопримечательность Москвы. Неоклассической вид Большого театра можно увидеть на российской 100-рублевой купюре. Этот театр всегда связывают с оперой и балетом. Он стал местом проведения многих заметных премьер. Среди них «Алеко» Рахманинова, «Борис Годунов» Мусоргского, «Воевода» и «Мазепа» Чайковского. Репертуар балета включает «Лебединое озеро» Чайковского, «Ромео и Джульетту» Прокофьева, «Жизель» Адама и ряд других. Многие постановки основаны на классических произведениях русских композиторов. Тем не менее, работы таких итальянских композиторов, как Верди, Россини и Пуччини также ставятся. Большой театр хорошо известен во всем мире. Он часто посещаем туристами и гостями Москвы. Существует еще один интересный театр, который также является излюбленным местом среди посетителей. Это побратим Большого театра — Малый театр. Он расположен рядом с Большим театром, но специализируется на драмах.

Ответ от Виталия Малютина
The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant in the world opera and ballet theaters. The theater is located at the Theater Square in Moscow.
It was founded in March 1776 by prince Pyotr Vasilievich Urusov. However, the theatre has survived several fires, and the modern building is a child of an architect Joseph Bove.
Joseph Bove actually carried out the project of the winner of the contest for the design of the new building of the Bolshoi Theatre – Andrei Mikhailov. However, this project was recognized to be too costly. Bove also revised the design project, while improving it significantly.
The new building is different from previous ones with its monumental grandeur, commensurate proportions, and harmony of architectural forms, and richness of the interior.
The Bolshoi Theatre is a compact rectangle in plan with an extended forward portico with eight columns from the Theatre Square. The facade is decorated with a large sculptural group – Apollo in a chariot with three horses – and is “looking” at the Theatre Square.
In the middle of the front part of the building, there is an entrance to the theatre with grand staircases, the main foyer, a five-tiered audience hall and a stage. Side parts of the building are divided into three floors and are reserved for other rooms of the theatre; besides, there are located entrances to the top tiers.
The present theatre building has gable roof with frontons.
Большой театр – это один из крупнейших в России и один из самых значительных в мире театров оперы и балета. Театр расположен на Театральной площади в Москве.
Он был основан в марте 1776 года князем Петром Васильевичем Урусовым. Однако театр пережил несколько пожаров, а современное здание – это дитя архитектора Осипа Бове.
Осип Бове, на самом деле, осуществил проект победителя конкурса проектов нового здания Большого театра – Андрея Михайлова. Однако этот проект признали слишком дорогостоящим. Бове же исправил проект, при этом значительно улучшив его.
Новое здание отличается от предыдущих монументальным величием, соразмерностью пропорций, гармонией архитектурных форм и богатством внутреннего интерьера.
Большой театр представляет собой компактный прямоугольник в плане с выдвинутым вперед портиком с восьмью колоннами со стороны Театральной площади. Фасад украшен большой скульптурной группой – Аполлоном на колеснице с тремя конями – и «смотрит» на Театральную площадь.
В средней части здания располагаются входная часть театра с парадными лестницами, главное фойе, пятиярусный зрительный зал и сцена. Боковые части, разделенные на три этажа, отведены для иных помещений театра, кроме того, в них же располагаются и входы в верхние ярусы.
У нынешнего здания театра двускатное покрытие с фронтонами.

The Bolshoi Theatre
Russian: Bol’shoy teatr or Большой театр
is a landmark of not only theatrical Moscow but also of Russia as a whole. Located in the very heart of Moscow, close to the Kremlin , it holds opera and ballet performances based on the world’s best classical oeuvres, and the Bolshoi company has been considered one of the world’s leaders for decades. Going to this theatre will definitely be an unforgettable experience, but bear in mind that tickets to the most renowned productions are sold out long before the date of the performance. After the renovation that was finished in 2011, this, Moscow’s oldest public theatre, began to live up to its full potential. It has regained its bygone magnificence and its acoustics as well as the double-headed eagles, the symbol of 19th-century Imperial Russia, are famous around the world. The Bolshoi is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful theatres in Europe today. Besides attending performances, connoisseurs of the history of art also have the opportunity to join guided tours of the theatre and the museum .


The history of the Bolshoi Theatre is closely associated with dozens of names that left a deep mark on world culture: Yury Grigorovich, Vladimir Vasilyev, Maya Plisetskaya, Galina Ulanova, Yekaterina Maksimova, Māris Liepa, Galina Vishnevskaya, Zurab Sotkilava, and many other stars of the opera and of the ballet.

According to Tugan Sokhiev, the musical director of the Bolshoi, the Bolshoi is “the first national musical theatre of Russia”. The staples of its repertoire are mostly masterpieces of the Russian musical theatre of the 19th and 20th centuries, for example Russian opera classics such as Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov
, Borodin’s Prince Igor
, The Queen of Spades
, Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tsar’s Bride
and The Snow Maiden
, and Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
-one of the greatest operas of the 20th century. Some international favourites are also staged here: La Traviata
, La Bohème
, Carmen
, Manon Lescaut
, etc.

The permanent Bolshoi ballet company has an exceptionally strong team of soloists. At the same time, the theatre actively attracts iconic performers, particularly prominent Russians such as Anna Netrebko, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Hibla Gerzmava, Ildar Abdrazakov, Olga Peretyatko, and Yekaterina Gubanova.

The Bolshoi sees the mission of its ballet as preserving the classical repertoire and ensuring its masterful performance. Today, it stages the following ballets: The Nutcracker
, Sleeping Beauty
and Swan Lake
by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, La Bayadère
by Ludwig Minkus, Georges Balanchine’s Jewels
, Onegin
to Tchaikovsky’s music, Spartacus
by Aram Khachaturian, Legend of Love
by Arif Melikov, and others. Svetlana Zakharova is the most reputed prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, the only La Scala étoile among Russian ballet dancers.

The Bolshoi is always eager to present the best pieces of world theatre art to its audience. For this purpose, it invites distinguished European conductors, directors, artists, scenic designers and performers for its own productions as well as hosting guest performances of the world’s major musical theatres (La Scala, Royal Opera House, Hamburg State Opera, etc.).


There are three stages in the Bolshoi Theatre: the Historic Stage, the New Stage, and Beethoven Hall. If you are going to the theatre and wishing to see not only a ballet or an opera performance but also the famous theatre building with its splendid hall, you should opt for productions mounted on the Historic Stage. The New Stage constructed in 2002 is located in a separate building to left of the Bolshoi. As for Beethoven Hall, it was built after the renovation of 2011 on the first floor of the Bolshoi Theatre historic building. It now holds concerts and performances for children.

The Bolshoi mounts productions seasonally. For example, The Nutcracker
is only staged in winter, in the second half of December and sometimes during the New Year holiday week, too (there are individual repertoires for each season). The famous Swan Lake
has been held in autumn (mostly in September) and in January for the last three years.

Tickets to the Historic and New Stages become available three months before the performance and those to Beethoven Hall can be purchased two months in advance. The sale of tickets begins with the pre-sale in box offices, and only then are the tickets left sold through the website and official distributors. Please note that there is an immense demand for iconic performances, so tickets are often sold out during the pre-sale period.


The Bolshoi was built as a private theatre in 1771. It owns its existence to Peter Urusov, the prosecutor appointed by Catherine the Great
Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796
to a ten-year privilege of organizing performances, balls, masquerades and other entertainments. Originally, the theatre was named Petrovsky after Petrovka Street
Russian: ulitsa Petrovka or улица Петровка
in the centre of Moscow. Later, Urusov invited English entrepreneur Michael Maddox to join the project. Maddox had come to Russia at the age of 19 as an equilibrist and the manager of “mechanical and physical representations”. Petrovsky Theatre became the first public theatre in Moscow. However, its owners were deeply in debt, and in 1805 the theatre was destroyed by fire. After that, the theatre and all its debts were nationalised. The company performed for almost 20 years at different stages until it found its new home at Teatralnaya Square
Russian: Teatralnaya ploshchad or Театральная площадь
in 1825. The building was designed by , the key Moscow architect of that time. It amazed Muscovites with its majestic size, and soon the name acquired a “prefix” to become the Bolshoi
“bolshoi” is Russian for “large” or “grand”
Petrovsky Theatre. It became the central theatre of Moscow.

The fire of 1853 destroyed the theatre almost completely. The scorched walls and portico columns “adorned” the square for a few years. However, the theatre was restored in record-breaking time (18 months!), appearing before the public in even more grandeur in August 1856 to host the coronation of Alexander II
the Emperor of Russia from 1855 until his assassination in 1881

The theatre renovation tender was won by Alberto Cavos, the chief architect of imperial theatres. The new building differed a lot from the previous one: it was almost four metres higher, another pediment was added to the facade, and a cast bronze quadriga was installed instead of Apollo’s troika. This appearance has been preserved until the present day and is recognisable all over the world.

Emperors of Russia lived in Saint Petersburg but kept the ancient tradition of coming to the Kremlin for coronations. The “eighth sacrament” ceremony would be held in Uspensky Cathedral
Russian: Uspensky Sobor or Успенский собор
, after which the Emperor, his guests and retinue would leave Moscow for a solemn celebration in the northern capital. Interestingly, it was decided to celebrate coronations in Moscow after the Bolshoi Theatre was reopened in 1856. The theatre gave a special performance in honor of the occasion, and the Emperor’s monogram was depicted above the entrance to the imperial box.


Cavos paid a lot of attention to the auditorium, making it six-tier to accommodate 2,300 people. The hall has a shape of a violin, with the orchestra pit situated in the narrow part. Cavos was an ingenious acoustician: each element of décor contributes to the sound. He invented lots of unusual solutions: all panels in the hall are made of fir tree used as a tonewood in violins, cellos and guitars. Mouldings on the balconies are made not of plaster but of papier-mâché, which not only fails to absorb sound but also resonates it. Multiple acoustic cavity resonators are provided in the auditorium. All the decorations and fabric were fully renovated during the 2005–2011 renovation of the historic building.

The hall interior is an elegant union of Renaissance and Byzantine style based on the combination of white, golden and bright raspberry colours. The ultimate pearl in the crown is the magnificent crystal chandelier with tens of thousands of elements. The chandelier is 9 m high and 6 m in diameter, weighing 2,200 kg. It was manufactured for the Bolshoi in France in 1863. 30 years later, the original gas jets were transformed into electric lamps, and the chandelier hasn’t changed since then.

The chandelier is hanging from the center of a fine painting Apollo and the Muses
created by academic painter Alexey Titov in the 19th century. Interestingly, the painter included an Easter egg by replacing Polyhymnia, the canonical Muse of religious hymns, by the Muse of pictorial arts he invented. You can see her with a palette and a brush in her hands.

During the renovation, the majesty of the auditorium enfilades was also restored: the Lobby, the White Foyer, the Choral, the Exhibition and the Round and Beethoven Halls. The ceiling paintings were restored in the White Foyer: they might look like chiseled plasterwork, but this is a trick of the light provided by the grisaille technique. The Emperor’s box is entered from the central part of the White Foyer. Above the entrance, you can see the monogram of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia: the Russian letter “Н” intertwined with the Roman numeral II.

Beethoven Hall and the Round Hall are astoundingly splendid. We can see them today exactly the same as they were in 1895, when they were renovated for the coronation of Nicholas II. After the reconstruction, Beethoven Hall regained its imperial symbols that had been lost during the Soviet era: moulded crowns and the imperial monogram. The walls are upholstered with red fabric, the restoration of which required nearly five years of surveys and renovation works. The red satin was woven manually on Jacquard looms using 19th-century technology. Only 5 or 6 cm of fabric per day could be manufactured using this technique, while 700 m was required to cover the walls of the two halls.


Tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre cost a pretty penny today. If you don’t have enough money or time to see a performance on the Historic Stage, you should pay attention to the theatre tours. Guided tours in English and Russian are run a few times a week in the morning, starting from the central entrance. You’d better get in a queue in advance, as the demand is huge and seats are limited. Box offices open at 11 a.m. Tourists are let in to purchase the tickets (the prices are specified on the official website) and then proceed to a tour, which lasts one hour.

The Theatre
1). People live a very busy life nowadays, so they have little time to spare. 2). Still they try their best to make use of those rare hours of leisure. 3). Some people find it a pleasure to go to the theatre. 4). The theatre is one of the most ancient kinds of arts. 5). For centuries people have come to the theatre for different aims: to relax, to be amused and entertained, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favourite actors and actresses.
6). Some people like drama, others are fond of musical comedy. 7). The subtlest theatre-lovers prefer ballet and opera. 8). In our country there are a lot of theatres: big and small, new and old, famous and not very well known. 9), The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow is among the most famous theatres in the world. 10). Wonderful operas and ballets are staged in this theatre. 11). The names of Ulanova, Plisetskaya, Maximova, Vasiliev, Arkhipova, Sotkilava and others are known worldwide.
12). The other most popular Moscow theatres are the Maly Theatre, the Satire Theatre, the Vachtangov Theatre, the Variety Theatre and others. 13). Young spectators attend the Children»s Musical Theatre and the Puppet Theatre more willingly. 14). All these and lots of other theatres present a great variety of shows. 15). That makes a spectator feel somewhat at a loss what theatre to choose. 16). In this case it may turn out useful to consult a billboard and find out what and where is on. 17). Sometimes you may face a difficulty of another kind: that is of getting tickets. 18). If you don»t feel like standing in a queue for tickets at the box-office, you may book them beforehand.
19). Ticket prices vary according to the seats. 20). The better seats at the theatre are in the stalls and in the dress circle. 21). They are rather expensive seats. 22). Boxes, of course, are the best seats and the most expensive, too. 23). Those people, who are short of money, take seats in the gallery, in the balcony or in the upper balcony. 24). Tickets for afternoon performances are cheaper than those for evening performances.

1). Люди в наши дни живут очень занятой жизнью, поэтому у них мало свободного времени. 2). Всё же они стараются с пользой проводить редкие часы досуга. 3). Некоторые люди с удовольствием ходят в театр. 4). Театр — один из самых древних видов искусств. 5). Веками люди ходят в театр с разной целью: расслабиться, развлечься, посмеяться, насладиться игрой своих любимых актёров и актрис.
6). Кто-то любит драму, кто-то увлекается музыкальной комедией. 7). Самые утончённые театралы предпочитают балет и оперу. 8). В нашей стране много театров: больших и маленьких, новых и старых, знаменитых и не очень хорошо известных. 9). Большой Театр в Москве — среди наиболее знаменитых в мире. 10). Прекрасные оперы и балеты ставятся в этом театре. 11). Имена Улановой, Плисецкой, Максимовой, Васильева, Архиповой, Соткилавы и других известны во всём мире.
12). Другие наиболее популярные московские театры — Малый театр, Театр сатиры, Театр им. Вахтангова, Театр эстрады и другие. 13). Юные зрители посещают Детский музыкальный театр и Театр кукол. 14). Все эти и множество других театров дают много разных представлений. 15). Из-за этого зритель иногда бывает в растерянности, какой театр выбрать. 16). В этом случае может оказаться полезным просмотреть афишу и выяснить, что где идёт. 17). Иногда Вы можете столкнуться с трудностью иного рода — как достать билеты. 18). Если Вы не хотите стоять в очереди за билетами у театральной кассы, Вы можете заказать их заранее.
19). Цены на билеты варьируются в зависимости от мест. 20). Лучшие места в театре — в партере и в бельэтаже. 21). Они довольно дороги. 22). Ложи, конечно, являются самыми лучшими местами, а также самыми дорогими. 23). Те, у кого не очень много денег, берут билеты на галёрку, на балкон или верхний балкон. 24). Билеты на дневное представление дешевле, чем на вечерние представления.

The Bolshoi Theatre
is one of the oldest theaters in Moscow, it has the world famous operas and ballets

The history of the started from March of 1776, when Prince Petr Urusiv received the highest assent of Empress Catherine II «… Contain any kind of theatrical presentation, as well as concerts, and masquerades”. The Bolshoi
was founded more than 40 years after the Imperial Ballet in St. Petersburg
. Prince began the construction of the theater, which was location on the Petrovka Street on the right bank of Neglinka River. Theatre was named Petrovsky. But theater Urusova burned down even before its opening, and the Prince passed the constraction to his business partner, the British entrepreneur Michael Maddox.

Maddox built the Petrovsky Theater
. Maddox’s Petrovsky Theater stood for 25 years, but on October 8, 1805 building burned down.
The new building was constructed by Carlo Rossi on Arbat Square. However, it was built from a wood and it burned down in 1812, during the invasion of Napoleon.
In 1821 the new construction began on the Bolshoi Theater
at the original location. Bolshoi Theatre
construction was a real event in Moscow at the beginning of the XIX century. Beautiful building in classical style, decorated inside in red and gold tones, according to contemporaries, was the best theatre in Europe and scale only second after Milan «La Scala». The current building was designed by Osip Bove (who oversaw the repairs of Moscow after the great, Napoleonic fire of 1812) and Andrei Mikhailov, was completed in 1824.

Since then, the theatre has its unusual name of the Bolshoi
. The audience first saw the opera «Boris Godunov» by Mussorgsky, «Eugene Onegin» by Tchaikovsky from its stage. The premier of the beautiful Tchaikovsky»s ballet «Swan Lake» took a place here. In the late 19th — early 20th centuries Bolshoi achieved its peak of the fame. Fyodor Shalyapin amazed audience by his powerful opera voice. Sergei Rakhmaninov wrote his music for the Bolshoi and later he became its conductor.

The Revolution brought a lot of changes. The status of the Imperial Theater was immediately withdrawn and Bolshoi Theater
was left without financial support. 1922 was decisive for the Bolshoi. Lunocharsky (he was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and the first Soviet People»s Commissar of Enlightenment responsible for culture and education) stood up for the theater and was saved. Repertoire has changed of course according to the spirit of the time, but the classical works of operas and ballets by Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka continued to be placed. In the 20th years of unsophisticated audience saw performances of foreign talent: Puccini, Strauss and Mozart. But the 30s crushed theater by product of socialist realism.

1941 — Beginning of the War with Germany and evacuation of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. A bomb fell in theatre’s building; and the troupe was evacuated to the Kuibyshev. Despite of War was still going on in 1943; a troupe returned to Moscow and resumed work. September 26 was a joyous event — the first day of the performance after a long break.

The second half of the 20th century is a landmark in the life of the Bolshoi Theatre
. Because of the the whole world learned about the Russian ballet
. Well-known ballet dancers Maya Plesetskaya, Maris Liepa, Galina Ulanova preformed on its stage. «Carmen» and «Spartacus» have got the greatest feedback in the hearts of the audience. Bolshoi Theater
began touring. It had a huge success in Italy, USA, United Kingdom and many other countries.

In present days the Bolshoi Theater
offers well-known works of meters of Russian classics: Beethoven, Puccini, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, and new composers who bring a lot of different brightness and expression. The young ballets authors (Neumeier, Balanchine, Wheeldon) are placed at the Bolshoi Theater stage
. Desyatnikov’s operas are very popular now.

Of course, it is no secret that buy tickets to the Bolshoi Theater
have always been problematic. I recommend you to take care of it in advice, before your trip
. You can do it via Bolshoi Theatre official website or through a travel agency.

Bolshoi Theater
gave us a lot of nuggets, which were cut and turned into sparkling diamonds via hard work on the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre stage
. The playbills of Bolshoi Theater have always been diverse, and everyone can choose a play to own liking. I’m sure you will too.

Your Moscow Russia Travel Guide.

The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant in the world opera and ballet theaters. The theater is located at the Theater Square in Moscow.

It was founded in March 1776 by prince Pyotr Vasilievich Urusov. However, the theatre has survived several fires, and the modern building is a child of an architect Joseph Bové.

Joseph Bové actually carried out the project of the winner of the contest for the design of the new building of the Bolshoi Theatre – Andrei Mikhailov. However, this project was recognized to be too costly. Bové also revised the design project, while improving it significantly.

The new building is different from previous ones with its monumental grandeur, commensurate proportions, and harmony of architectural forms, and richness of the interior.

The Bolshoi Theatre is a compact rectangle in plan with an extended forward portico with eight columns from the Theatre Square. The façade is decorated with a large sculptural group – Apollo in a chariot with three horses – and is “looking” at the Theatre Square.

In the middle of the front part of the building, there is an entrance to the theatre with grand staircases, the main foyer, a five-tiered audience hall and a stage. Side parts of the building are divided into three floors and are reserved for other rooms of the theatre; besides, there are located entrances to the top tiers.

The present theatre building has gable roof with frontons.

Большой театр – это один из крупнейших в России и один из самых значительных в мире театров оперы и балета. Театр расположен на Театральной площади в Москве.

Он был основан в марте 1776 года князем Петром Васильевичем Урусовым. Однако театр пережил несколько пожаров, а современное здание – это дитя архитектора Осипа Бове.

Осип Бове, на самом деле, осуществил проект победителя конкурса проектов нового здания Большого театра – Андрея Михайлова. Однако этот проект признали слишком дорогостоящим. Бове же исправил проект, при этом значительно улучшив

Новое здание отличается от предыдущих монументальным величием, соразмерностью пропорций, гармонией архитектурных форм и богатством внутреннего интерьера.

Большой театр представляет собой компактный прямоугольник в плане с выдвинутым вперед портиком с восьмью колоннами со стороны Театральной площади. Фасад украшен большой скульптурной группой – Аполлоном на колеснице с тремя конями – и «смотрит» на Театральную площадь.

В средней части здания располагаются входная часть театра с парадными лестницами, главное фойе, пятиярусный зрительный зал и сцена. Боковые части, разделенные на три этажа, отведены для иных помещений театра, кроме того, в них же располагаются и входы в верхние ярусы.

У нынешнего здания театра двускатное покрытие с фронтонами.

The Bolshoi Theater

Сочинение на тему «Большой театр»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

The Bolshoi Theater

Большой театр

In all countries, theaters are the main symbols of art, centers of national culture. Such academic theaters as The Royal Opera House in London or La Scala in Milan are famous all over the world. Every visit to them opens an incredible beauty to the spectators and listeners. Of course, The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow is among these temples of art.

Во всех странах театры – это главные символы искусства, центры национальной культуры. Такие академические театры, как Королевский театр в Лондоне или Ла Скала в Милане, знамениты во всём мире. Каждый визит в них открывает зрителям и слушателям невероятную красоту. Конечно, Большой театр в Москве – среди этих храмов искусства.

Russian opera and classical ballet are thought to be examples of the aesthetic perfection. The Bolshoi Theater is their “heart”, the greatest theater in the country. It is possible to see there the best stage performances of musical works by Russian and foreign composers, musicians, and choreographers.

Российские опера и классический балет считаются образцами эстетического совершенства. Большой театр – их «сердце», величайший театр страны. Там можно увидеть лучшие сценические постановки музыкальных произведений русских и зарубежных композиторов, музыкантов и хореографов.

The magnificent building of the theater with white columns can impress everyone, as well as its halls with red seats, golden boxes, and huge stages. The building is a part of the Theater Square architectural ensemble.

Великолепное здание театра с белыми колоннами способно впечатлить любого, как и его залы с красными креслами, золотыми ложами и огромными сценами. Здание является частью архитектурного ансамбля Театральной площади.

The modern audience loves The Bolshoi Theater, but it has a long artistic tradition. It was founded in the 18 th century, by the order of the Empress Catherine II, and hosted performances, concerts, and masquerades. However, later the building was destroyed by fire and rebuilt several times. The theater flourished in the 19 th and the early 20 th centuries: operas by Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Verdi, Wagner, famous ballets (for example, Giselle and Swan Lake) were extremely successful. In the USSR epoch, the theater remained popular and supported by the state.

Современная публика любит Большой театр, но у него долгая художественная традиция. Он был основан в XVIII веке, по указу императрицы Екатерины II, и там проходили спектакли, концерты, маскарады. Однако позднее здание было разрушено пожаром и несколько раз перестраивалось. Театр расцвёл в XIX и в начале XX вв.: оперы Чайковского, Бородина, Верди, Вагнера, знаменитые балеты (например, «Жизель» и «Лебединое озеро») были чрезвычайно успешны. В эпоху СССР театр остался популярным и поддерживался государством.

Nowadays, traditions and creative experiments coexist in the theater. People willingly visit its ballets (Don Quixote, Cinderella, etc.) and operas (Carmen, Eugene Onegin, etc.).

В наши дни в театре сосуществуют традиции и творческие эксперименты. Люди охотно посещают его балеты («Дон Кихот», «Золушка» и др.) и оперы («Кармен», «Евгений Онегин» и др.).


большой театр

1 большой

ими промежутками at long intervals;

2 coliseum

3 coliseum

4 the Bolshoi Theatre

5 coliseum

6 театр

а the history of the Russian theatre;

кукол the puppet theatre;

е work in the theatre;
(об актёре тж.) be* on the stage;

3. (здание) theatre, play-house;
theater амер. ;

военных действий theatre of operations.

7 Государственный еврейский театр (1919-1949)

8 Большой Пес

9 МТКК большой грузоподъемности

10 автомобиль большой грузоподъемности

11 анатомический театр

12 бесконечно большой

13 большой баклан

14 большой берцовый кость

15 большой бизнес

16 большой биромбоикосододекаэдр

17 большой буква

18 большой бутерброд

19 большой важность

20 большой вам спасибо

См. также в других словарях:

Большой Театр — Здание Основной сцены Большого театра Место нахождения Москва, Координаты 55.760278, 37.618611 … Википедия

Большой театр — Большой театр. Москва. Большой театр (Государственный академический театр оперы и балета России) (, 2), крупнейший центр российской и мировой музыкальной культуры. История Большого театра восходит к 1776 (см. ). Первоначальное название Петровский … Москва (энциклопедия)

Большой театр — Государственный академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский театр оперы и балета, крупнейший центр русской, советской и мировой музыкальной театральной культуры. Современное здание театра построено в 1820 24… … Художественная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К.… … Русская история

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О.И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектором А.К.… … Современная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1825 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К. Кавос). Ставились иностранные и первые русские оперы и балеты М. И. Глинки, А. С.… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Большой театр — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Большой театр (значения). Большой театр … Википедия

Большой театр — БОЛЬШÓЙ ТЕÁТР, Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский муз. т р, сыгравший выдающуюся роль в формировании и развитии нац. традиций балетного иск ва. Его возникновение связано с расцветом рус.… … Балет. Энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Старейший театр оперы и балета в России. Официальное название Государственный академический Большой театр России. В разговорной речи театр называют просто Большой. Большой театр памятник архитектуры. Современное здание театра выстроено в стиле… … Лингвострановедческий словарь

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР, старейший рус. муз театр, крупнейший центр муз. театральной культуры, здание к рого являлось также местом проведения съездов, торжеств. заседании и др. обществ. мероприятий. Осн … Советская историческая энциклопедия



1 большой

ими промежутками at long intervals;

2 coliseum

3 coliseum

4 the Bolshoi Theatre

5 coliseum

6 театр

а the history of the Russian theatre;

кукол the puppet theatre;

е work in the theatre;
(об актёре тж.) be* on the stage;

3. (здание) theatre, play-house;
theater амер. ;

военных действий theatre of operations.

7 Государственный еврейский театр (1919-1949)

8 Большой Пес

9 МТКК большой грузоподъемности

10 автомобиль большой грузоподъемности

11 анатомический театр

12 бесконечно большой

13 большой баклан

14 большой берцовый кость

15 большой бизнес

16 большой биромбоикосододекаэдр

17 большой буква

18 большой бутерброд

19 большой важность

20 большой вам спасибо

См. также в других словарях:

Большой Театр — Здание Основной сцены Большого театра Место нахождения Москва, Координаты 55.760278, 37.618611 … Википедия

Большой театр — Большой театр. Москва. Большой театр (Государственный академический театр оперы и балета России) (, 2), крупнейший центр российской и мировой музыкальной культуры. История Большого театра восходит к 1776 (см. ). Первоначальное название Петровский … Москва (энциклопедия)

Большой театр — Государственный академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский театр оперы и балета, крупнейший центр русской, советской и мировой музыкальной театральной культуры. Современное здание театра построено в 1820 24… … Художественная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К.… … Русская история

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О.И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектором А.К.… … Современная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1825 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К. Кавос). Ставились иностранные и первые русские оперы и балеты М. И. Глинки, А. С.… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Большой театр — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Большой театр (значения). Большой театр … Википедия

Большой театр — БОЛЬШÓЙ ТЕÁТР, Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский муз. т р, сыгравший выдающуюся роль в формировании и развитии нац. традиций балетного иск ва. Его возникновение связано с расцветом рус.… … Балет. Энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Старейший театр оперы и балета в России. Официальное название Государственный академический Большой театр России. В разговорной речи театр называют просто Большой. Большой театр памятник архитектуры. Современное здание театра выстроено в стиле… … Лингвострановедческий словарь

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР, старейший рус. муз театр, крупнейший центр муз. театральной культуры, здание к рого являлось также местом проведения съездов, торжеств. заседании и др. обществ. мероприятий. Осн … Советская историческая энциклопедия


Bolshoi Theatre

header 2

key fa%D1%81ts


The Bolshoi Theatre Russian: Bol’shoy teatr or Большой театр is a landmark of not only theatrical Moscow but also of Russia as a whole. Located in the very heart of Moscow, close to the Kremlin, it holds opera and ballet performances based on the world’s best classical oeuvres, and the Bolshoi company has been considered one of the world’s leaders for decades. Going to this theatre will definitely be an unforgettable experience, but bear in mind that tickets to the most renowned productions are sold out long before the date of the performance. After the renovation that was finished in 2011, this, Moscow’s oldest public theatre, began to live up to its full potential. It has regained its bygone magnificence and its acoustics as well as the double-headed eagles, the symbol of 19th-century Imperial Russia, are famous around the world. The Bolshoi is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful theatres in Europe today. Besides attending performances, connoisseurs of the history of art also have the opportunity to join guided tours of the theatre and the museum.


72 image2 sThe history of the Bolshoi Theatre is closely associated with dozens of names that left a deep mark on world culture: Yury Grigorovich, Vladimir Vasilyev, Maya Plisetskaya, Galina Ulanova, Yekaterina Maksimova, Māris Liepa, Galina Vishnevskaya, Zurab Sotkilava, and many other stars of the opera and of the ballet.

According to Tugan Sokhiev, the musical director of the Bolshoi, the Bolshoi is “the first national musical theatre of Russia”. The staples of its repertoire are mostly masterpieces of the Russian musical theatre of the 19th and 20th centuries, for example Russian opera classics such as Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov, Borodin’s Prince Igor, Tchaikovsky’s The Queen of Spades, Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tsar’s Bride and The Snow Maiden, and Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District—one of the greatest operas of the 20th century. Some international favourites are also staged here: La Traviata, La Bohème, Carmen, Manon Lescaut, etc.

The permanent Bolshoi ballet company has an exceptionally strong team of soloists. At the same time, the theatre actively attracts iconic performers, particularly prominent Russians such as Anna Netrebko, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Hibla Gerzmava, Ildar Abdrazakov, Olga Peretyatko, and Yekaterina Gubanova.

The Bolshoi sees the mission of its ballet as preserving the classical repertoire and ensuring its masterful performance. Today, it stages the following ballets: The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, La Bayadère by Ludwig Minkus, Georges Balanchine’s Jewels, Onegin to Tchaikovsky’s music, Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian, Legend of Love by Arif Melikov, and others. Svetlana Zakharova is the most reputed prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, the only La Scala étoile among Russian ballet dancers.

The Bolshoi is always eager to present the best pieces of world theatre art to its audience. For this purpose, it invites distinguished European conductors, directors, artists, scenic designers and performers for its own productions as well as hosting guest performances of the world’s major musical theatres (La Scala, Royal Opera House, Hamburg State Opera, etc.).


73 image3 sThere are three stages in the Bolshoi Theatre: the Historic Stage, the New Stage, and Beethoven Hall. If you are going to the theatre and wishing to see not only a ballet or an opera performance but also the famous theatre building with its splendid hall, you should opt for productions mounted on the Historic Stage. The New Stage constructed in 2002 is located in a separate building to left of the Bolshoi. As for Beethoven Hall, it was built after the renovation of 2011 on the first floor of the Bolshoi Theatre historic building. It now holds concerts and performances for children.

The Bolshoi mounts productions seasonally. For example, The Nutcracker is only staged in winter, in the second half of December and sometimes during the New Year holiday week, too (there are individual repertoires for each season). The famous Swan Lake has been held in autumn (mostly in September) and in January for the last three years.

Tickets to the Historic and New Stages become available three months before the performance and those to Beethoven Hall can be purchased two months in advance. The sale of tickets begins with the pre-sale in box offices, and only then are the tickets left sold through the website and official distributors. Please note that there is an immense demand for iconic performances, so tickets are often sold out during the pre-sale period.


74 image4 sThe Bolshoi was built as a private theatre in 1771. It owns its existence to Peter Urusov, the prosecutor appointed by Catherine the Great Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796 to a ten-year privilege of organizing performances, balls, masquerades and other entertainments. Originally, the theatre was named Petrovsky after Petrovka Street Russian: ulitsa Petrovka or улица Петровка in the centre of Moscow. Later, Urusov invited English entrepreneur Michael Maddox to join the project. Maddox had come to Russia at the age of 19 as an equilibrist and the manager of “mechanical and physical representations”. Petrovsky Theatre became the first public theatre in Moscow. However, its owners were deeply in debt, and in 1805 the theatre was destroyed by fire. After that, the theatre and all its debts were nationalised. The company performed for almost 20 years at different stages until it found its new home at Teatralnaya Square Russian: Teatralnaya ploshchad or Театральная площадь in 1825. The building was designed by Joseph Bové, the key Moscow architect of that time. It amazed Muscovites with its majestic size, and soon the name acquired a “prefix” to become the Bolshoi “bolshoi” is Russian for “large” or “grand” Petrovsky Theatre. It became the central theatre of Moscow.

The theatre renovation tender was won by Alberto Cavos, the chief architect of imperial theatres. The new building differed a lot from the previous one: it was almost four metres higher, another pediment was added to the facade, and a cast bronze quadriga was installed instead of Apollo’s troika. This appearance has been preserved until the present day and is recognisable all over the world.


75 image5 sCavos paid a lot of attention to the auditorium, making it six-tier to accommodate 2,300 people. The hall has a shape of a violin, with the orchestra pit situated in the narrow part. Cavos was an ingenious acoustician: each element of décor contributes to the sound. He invented lots of unusual solutions: all panels in the hall are made of fir tree used as a tonewood in violins, cellos and guitars. Mouldings on the balconies are made not of plaster but of papier-mâché, which not only fails to absorb sound but also resonates it. Multiple acoustic cavity resonators are provided in the auditorium. All the decorations and fabric were fully renovated during the 2005–2011 renovation of the historic building.

The hall interior is an elegant union of Renaissance and Byzantine style based on the combination of white, golden and bright raspberry colours. The ultimate pearl in the crown is the magnificent crystal chandelier with tens of thousands of elements. The chandelier is 9 m high and 6 m in diameter, weighing 2,200 kg. It was manufactured for the Bolshoi in France in 1863. 30 years later, the original gas jets were transformed into electric lamps, and the chandelier hasn’t changed since then.

76 image6 sThe chandelier is hanging from the center of a fine painting Apollo and the Muses created by academic painter Alexey Titov in the 19th century. Interestingly, the painter included an Easter egg by replacing Polyhymnia, the canonical Muse of religious hymns, by the Muse of pictorial arts he invented. You can see her with a palette and a brush in her hands.

During the renovation, the majesty of the auditorium enfilades was also restored: the Lobby, the White Foyer, the Choral, the Exhibition and the Round and Beethoven Halls. The ceiling paintings were restored in the White Foyer: they might look like chiseled plasterwork, but this is a trick of the light provided by the grisaille technique. The Emperor’s box is entered from the central part of the White Foyer. Above the entrance, you can see the monogram of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia: the Russian letter “Н” intertwined with the Roman numeral II.

77 image7 sBeethoven Hall and the Round Hall are astoundingly splendid. We can see them today exactly the same as they were in 1895, when they were renovated for the coronation of Nicholas II. After the reconstruction, Beethoven Hall regained its imperial symbols that had been lost during the Soviet era: moulded crowns and the imperial monogram. The walls are upholstered with red fabric, the restoration of which required nearly five years of surveys and renovation works. The red satin was woven manually on Jacquard looms using 19th-century technology. Only 5 or 6 cm of fabric per day could be manufactured using this technique, while 700 m was required to cover the walls of the two halls.


Tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre cost a pretty penny today. If you don’t have enough money or time to see a performance on the Historic Stage, you should pay attention to the theatre tours. Guided tours in English and Russian are run a few times a week in the morning, starting from the central entrance. You’d better get in a queue in advance, as the demand is huge and seats are limited. Box offices open at 11 a.m. Tourists are let in to purchase the tickets (the prices are specified on the official website) and then proceed to a tour, which lasts one hour.

78 image8 sOn a tour, you can learn a lot about the history of the Bolshoi. First, tour guides lead their groups through the Lobby halls, explaining their reconstruction and how they were used before the revolution. Then, the tour continues to the splendid historic auditorium. At the end of the tour, you will go up to the fourth-tier balconies, from where an opera or ballet rehearsal can be seen, if you are lucky. Visitors are allowed to take photos of everything except stage rehearsals. The theatre has a museum of its own, but you can’t visit it separately. Exhibitions organised by the museum are held in the Exhibition and Choral Halls and are only available to those with tickets for a performance or a guided tour.



1 Большой театр

2 большой театр

3 Большой театр

4 Большой театр

5 большой

большо́й ма́льчик — big boy

большо́й дом — large house

больша́я побе́да — great victory

больши́е друзья́ — great friends

в большо́й сте́пени — large-ly

с большо́й бу́квы — with a capital letter

больша́я доро́га — high road

См. также в других словарях:

Большой Театр — Здание Основной сцены Большого театра Место нахождения Москва, Координаты 55.760278, 37.618611 … Википедия

Большой театр — Большой театр. Москва. Большой театр (Государственный академический театр оперы и балета России) (, 2), крупнейший центр российской и мировой музыкальной культуры. История Большого театра восходит к 1776 (см. ). Первоначальное название Петровский … Москва (энциклопедия)

Большой театр — Государственный академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский театр оперы и балета, крупнейший центр русской, советской и мировой музыкальной театральной культуры. Современное здание театра построено в 1820 24… … Художественная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К.… … Русская история

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), театр оперы и балета. Один из центров русской и мировой музыкально театральной культуры. Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1824 (архитектор О.И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектором А.К.… … Современная энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный академический (ГАБТ), Основан в 1776 в Москве. Современное здание с 1825 (архитектор О. И. Бове; реконструировано в 1856, архитектор А. К. Кавос). Ставились иностранные и первые русские оперы и балеты М. И. Глинки, А. С.… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Большой театр — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Большой театр (значения). Большой театр … Википедия

Большой театр — БОЛЬШÓЙ ТЕÁТР, Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР (ГАБТ), ведущий советский муз. т р, сыгравший выдающуюся роль в формировании и развитии нац. традиций балетного иск ва. Его возникновение связано с расцветом рус.… … Балет. Энциклопедия

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Старейший театр оперы и балета в России. Официальное название Государственный академический Большой театр России. В разговорной речи театр называют просто Большой. Большой театр памятник архитектуры. Современное здание театра выстроено в стиле… … Лингвострановедческий словарь

БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР — Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр Союза ССР, старейший рус. муз театр, крупнейший центр муз. театральной культуры, здание к рого являлось также местом проведения съездов, торжеств. заседании и др. обществ. мероприятий. Осн … Советская историческая энциклопедия


Примеры из текстов

Тут он мне и внушил, что сегодня же можешь Настасью Филипповну в Большом театре видеть, в балете, в ложе своей, в бенуаре, будет сидеть.

And then he told me that I could see Nastasia Philipovna at the opera-house that evening, if I liked, and described which was her box.

Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971

На широком купонном поле изображено здание Большого театра в г. Москве, на узком купонном поле — число 100.

In the wide coupon field is the building of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and in the narrow coupon filed is the figure 100.

© 2000-2009 Bank of Russia

Да она никогда и не живала у Большого Театра, а отец никогда и не бывал у Настасьи Филипповны, если хотите знать; странно, что вы от него чего-нибудь ожидали.

She does not live there, and to tell you the truth my father has never been to her house! It is strange that you should have depended on him!

Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971

Адрес, впрочем, имею: у Большого Театра, дом Мытовцовой.

I have the address, though; it is close to the Grand Theatre.»

Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971

Визит к ней, — это пять минут, в этом доме я без церемонии, я тут почти-что живу, умоюсь, сделаю самый необходимый туалет, и тогда на извозчике мы пустимся к Большому Театру.

A visit to her is merely an affair of a few minutes; I am quite at home in her house. I will have a wash, and dress, and then we can drive to the Grand Theatre.

Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971

Юный слушатель мисс Канн был большим любителем театра и, особенно, оперы.

The young fellow who hears her has been often and often to the opera and the theatres.

Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис / НьюкомыThackeray, William Makepeace / The Newcomes

The Newcomes

Thackeray, William Makepeace

© 1898, by Harper & Brothers


Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1978

В оперном театре был большой костюмированный бал…

There was a big costume ball at the opera house in-”

Робертс, Нора / Образ смертиRobb, J.D. / Creation In Death

Creation In Death

Robb, J.D.

Образ смерти

Робертс, Нора

© 2007 by Nora Roberts

© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009

© Перевод. Н. Миронова, 2009

Добавить в мой словарь

Большой театр1/2

the Bolshoi Theatre

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The historic stage

The beethoven hall

The new stage

The chamber stage

The historic stage

Teatralnaya square 1

The historic building of the Bolshoi Theatre acquired its present appearance after a large-scale renovation that was carried out between 2005 and 2011

It had several aims. It was necessary to renovate the building, which had fallen into disrepair, with estimates from the moment the work started that between fifty and seventy per cent was suffering from dilapidation; to enlarge the backstage and provide the troupe, that had grown over the years, with the necessary rehearsal space and green rooms; to install the most up-to-date technological equipment in the stage area and the new theatre spaces. Meanwhile, not only was there a wish to keep the historic appearance of the building as a recognised architectural landmark, but to recreate, as far as possible, those features that were lost during the Soviet period.

An indispensable condition, foreseen in the project of the scientific restoration, was the complete authenticity of the materials: fabrics, paints, gilding and so on. All of which were made using old techniques. Paintings on the walls and plafonds, sculptures and plasterwork were all recreated down to the tiniest detail. To achieve this, a thorough study of all available documents, concerning the appearance of the building, construction and decorative materials used in the 19th century, was conducted.

The auditorium after renovation.

Photo by Damir Yusupov.


2 July the Historic Stage was closed for renovation.

The Facade

80000 Square metres

As a result of the reconstruction process the theatre’s area has increased almost twofold – from 40 000 m2 to 80 000 m2, due to the creation of additional underground spaces, including a new concert hall and service facilities.

During the renovation, the facade of the Bolshoi Theatre was painted in a sandy shade of gold. The probes carried out by conservators confirmed that the choice of colour was correct. The limestone columns had been badly damaged by groundwater over 200 years and lost their original shade of ivory, which was returned by virtue of a special method of demineralising the stone. The statues of muses, which had been destroyed by bombing in 1941, returned to the recesses of the facade. Only a year later, the plaster statues were recreated, however, their appearance was considerably different from the original ones. To recreate the image of muses, that would be closer to the statues from the era of Cavos, meticulous research had to be conducted.

The final touch, without which the impression of a complete picture of the renovated facade would have been disturbed, was the replacement of the coats of arms on the pediment. The outdated Soviet coats of arms was finally dismantled and replaced by the Imperial, with a double-headed eagle, according to the decision by the presidential heraldry commission.

The restoration of the statue by Peter Klodt that decorates the fronton entailed great difficulties. In light of the risk of damaging a thin layer of bronze that covers the whole surface, it was decided not to take it down and conduct the restoration works up above by constructing a special scaffolding. The sculpture was covered with a special compound to protect it from the elements, on top of which an olive-green paint was applied, that reproduced the colour of patina-covered bronze. Apollo was given back his belt-buckle, fig leaf and the garland, which the god of the arts had held in his hand.

The Main Foyer, which was known as the “White Foyer” during the Soviet times, has become an object of pride for the restorers, who worked on the project. The foyer has practically recovered the appearance, that the 19th century audience, floating and milling around, would have known.

Before the beginning of the renovation works, its condition was truly deplorable: the walls were cracked, and the plastering had come off in scales. The mural decorating the foyer had had numerous faults. Many original elements of the 19th century décor had survived, however, a host of them, significant ones, for example, the plaster vases in the balustrades, were missing. The efforts of the restorers recreated the beauty of the Main Foyer, including the details with imperial symbols.

During the works, the general colour scheme was changed: pastel pink has become the dominant colour as it was in the middle of the 19th century. Fitted mirrors that were returned, provide the hall with the sense of additional space and light, as it was originally conceived by Alberto Cavos. The foyer was once lit up with a single chandelier, but now there are three large crystal chandeliers.

The Main Foyer after renovation.

Photo by Damir Yusupov.

The Round Hall or the Lesser Imperial Foyer, back in the days of the Empire, was used for balls and receptions, which often took place in the theatre building. The Hall or rotunda was decorated by mirrors and lit by about forty-two chandeliers. The original décor of this hall has also been recreated. Its coats of arms had to be reimagined using the archive documents that are kept in the museum of the Bolshoi Theatre. The Hall was named Round because of its ceiling, that is rotunda shaped. The special feature of this hall is the acoustics. The quietest sound that is made there, is amplified many times by the resonance of the walls and the floor. Such an “acoustic shell” was likely to have been built to accommodate the orchestra playing at the court balls that were once held there.

The Grand Imperial Foyer, that received the name of the Beethoven Hall in 1920, in honour of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth, accommodated concerts in the Soviet times.

At the end of the 19th century, for the coronation of Nicholas II, the walls of the foyer were covered with satin of the Bolshoi’s “trademark” “hot iron” colour and, in addition, decorated with silk panels embroidered with woollen threads in Louis XV style. Over the years, the material had decayed: it had been carelessly restored and cleaned with inappropriate chemicals. The embroidery representing the imperial symbols had been simply cut out with scissors and replaced with colourful patches. By the start of the restoration, around forty per cent of the original wall- covering fabric had been lost. The remaining part was cleaned using special tools, but other fragments were sewn back together at the only workshop in Russia that makes unique patterned silk fabrics using museum samples of the 18thand 19th centuries. The gilded moulding of the wall has also been restored, including the monogram of Nicholas II and booses with rosettes.

The Exhibition and Choral Halls

As was discovered during the research, the murals were painted in the 1950s. The original murals were searched for under the outer layers of paint, comparing them to the description in the archive documents. As a result, it was completely restored as well as the tympanum on the wall between the Exhibition and Choral Halls. These halls are now used to exhibit the items from the museum of the Bolshoi theatre.

The restorers put a great deal of effort into making the hall appear extremely impressive but not overloaded with pompous decoration. Theatre halls built by Alberto Cavos were distinguished by perfect acoustics. The auditorium of the Bolshoi was no exception. According to the creative idea of the architect, the hall was a kind of a “violin”, in which the floors, wall panels and ceiling work like sounding boards to carry the sound. Therefore, only resonant pine was used in decoration. It is a special material, that improves the quality and passage of sound. Even the ceiling was made of wood instead of the then-usual iron to avoid excessive resonance.

However, in 2005, only the memories were left from this golden legacy of the past. During the repair works conducted in the 1960s and 1970s, the floor was covered in concrete and wooden panels were replaced with veneer. The hall was once again fitted with acoustically resonant pinewood panels. The fabrics used for upholstery of furniture and walls also have a special structure and treatment that does not disturb the acoustic characteristics of the hall. Thus, the legendary acoustics of the Bolshoi Theatre were restored.

The main house curtain (so-called “golden”) with the inscription “Russia” was created from the sketches of Fyodor Fyodorovsky and reworked by Sergei Barkhin. The artists were given the task of creating a tapestry with golden thread on damask lining and several layers for a better soundproofing effect. The fabric imitates natural silk and is also a modern fireproof material. Each thread is combined with metal foil with golden cover. It adds an effect of depth to the image and gives the fabric a ceremonial look.

The harlequin, the static curtain above the stage, was made based on the sketch by Fyodor Fyodorovky in the early 1950s and was updated according to the requirements of the time. The place of the Soviet crest was taken by the lyre – a symbol of pure art and an ancient emblem of the imperial theatres. The flagstaff has been replaced by the trumpets which would certainly play the triumphant melody “Vivat!” by Mikhail Glinka, whose score is realised on the harlequin.

4.5 Kilograms

To renew the gilt work in the auditorium, 4.5 kilograms of gold was required – 2812 sheets of 960 carat gold leaf.

View of the auditorium and stage from the Central box.

Photo by Damir Yusupov.

24 000 Pieces

The world-famous chandelier in the auditorium consists of 24 000 pieces, over half of which had to be produced anew in accordance with original sketches.

The fabrics, which decorated the interior of the auditorium, were recreated by hand using the 19th century manufacturing technology at the Old Fabrics Workshop of Novospassky Monastery. No more than six centimetres of fabric could be produced in a day, which therefore meant, it took a whole five years to complete the work. The Central Box (former Royal box) is decorated in red and gold tones like the rest of the auditorium. The red velvet curtains are finished with golden fringes with large tassels in their original form. Each tassel was gathered by hand from over a hundred fine parts covered in silk, soutache and lace.

As with the facade, all Soviet symbols inside the auditorium gave way to the coats of arms from various historic eras. Above the Central box can be seen the 1856 crest of the Russian Empire. Above the Special Zone (former “area” of the royal family), the Romanov crest was restored. The crest of Moscow is located above the Directors’ Box (formerly the box of the minister of the imperial court).

The restoration of the gilding which generously decorates the auditorium, demanded a large amount of work. The papier-mâché mouldings were gilded by hand, for which gilding masters were gathered literally from the whole country. The technique of gilding by hand had been almost entirely lost during the Soviet period and had to be re-established. However, it had to begin with the removal of the previous layers, that had accumulated over the years, and by ascertaining of the authentic composition of the gilding. The thickness of each gold leaf used by the gilders was 0.12microns. The total area of gilded decoration in the hall is 893 square metres. Each tier has its own individual pattern. The lower the tier, the denser the decoration and each pattern on the circles and boxes is uniquely individual. A complete restoration of one element of the décor took about a month of work: from the making of the papier-mâché paste to adding the sheen of gilding.

1740 Seats

According to historical data, the capacity of the hall used to be 1 740 seats. However, the theatre was often used for political meetings during the Soviet period and thus, the number of seats was increased to 2 185 by means of installing narrower chairs. It was decided to return to the historical capacity.

The chandelier.

Photo by Damir Yusupov.

The three-tiered chandelier of the auditorium is eight and a half metres high and six and a half metres in diameter. Originally, it held candles, then oil and gas lamps and finally, became electric in the 1890s. Over the long course of its existence, it had lost many tiny crystal parts, while others had been chipped or broken. The gilding too was in an unsatisfactory state. Lost crystal, lass and brass elements were recreated based on surviving examples. Old crystal pendants with chips were not replaced but carefully ground and polished so as to avoid the violation of their authentic facets. Thanks to the painstaking work of the masters, the filigree pendants and crystal “oak leaves” of the baskets were completely restored. In total, about half of the crystal elements had to be made from scratch (about thirteen thousand out of twenty-four thousand).

Serious restoration was required for the plafond “Apollo and the Muses”, which was made in the middle of the 19th century in the style of Italian masters, under the supervision of academic Alexei Titov. Due to the smoke from numerous candles and later oil and gas lamps, and the accumulation of moisture on the ceiling, the plafond rapidly deteriorated and underwent constant restoration. In the 1950s, an air-conditioning system was installed, however, it changed the microclimate of the hall and consequently, the painting continued to suffer. The canvas side was cleared of the old layers of glue and putty, the seams between the boards, to which the artwork would be glued, were sanded and sealed. At the same time, the masters strengthened the painted layer of the plafond and removed sags and tears in the canvas. The restored painting of the plafond was then covered with several layers of protective varnish with wax for moisture resistance.

The stage area has undergone a complete modernisation. After all, contemporary productions are impossible to stage without using complex structures and machinery. Out-of-date technical equipment, which had been mostly made at the beginning of the previous century, was renewed. The upper and lower stage equipment along with the lighting was replaced. Two-tier stage mechanisms were installed. With them the stage of the Bolshoi theatre can now be horizontal, tilted and stepped. Seven multi-functional platforms allow the setting up of scenery on two levels: stage level and below. Combined with various lighting, sound and visual effects and the elements of upper mechanisation, it allows the configuration of the stage into any shape. In addition, the largest hydraulic platform in Europe was installed twenty meters below the stage. It operates the lifting elements of the theatre mechanism and has a precise control over the smoothness and speed of the movement of the set.

Thanks to the modern equipment, the orchestra pit has become a multi-functional complex consisting of three lifting platforms. The orchestra can now be placed on different levels in relation to the stage. During concerts, when the orchestra is located on the stage, the orchestra pit can be brought up to the floor level to create additional seats for the audience.

In the framework of the general modernisation of the theatre, its belfry and organ were improved. The Bolshoi belfry is the only one in the world and it was created in the 1920s. It comprises thirty-five bells from the churches in Moscow, which had been rescued from being melted down. The belfry is not an extravagance for the theatre: many Russian operas are unimaginable without the sound of bells, which are woven into the score. The bells are old, but the organ is completely new. (this instrument is often used to great effect in operas).

The organ was made in Belgium, considering the architectural and acoustic properties of the building. The Bolshoi had never had such an instrument. The organ is equipped with 1 819 metal pipes, a hundred wooden pipes, thirty-one stops and two keyboards. Its total weight, including the case and bellows, is eight tonnes. Naturally, the most detailed attention was paid to the sound of the instrument. The technical specification given to the Belgian masters had been developed in unison with the acoustic department of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and foreign experts. The acousticians and designers solved this complex task together. The organ, which is in the upper part of the stage space, and the orchestra must sound as a single whole. The main mechanical manual (Spieltisch) of the organ is built into the instrument itself. The second, electronic manual allowing a musician to play remotely, is installed in the orchestra pit.

On the 28th of October 2011, the renovated historic building of the Bolshoi Theatre was opened with a ceremonial gala-concert with the leading artists of the opera and ballet troupe and the stars of the world opera stage.


The new Glatter-Götz organ was unveiled in a presentation concert on 14 May.

The beethoven hall

Teatralnaya square 1, entrance 13

One of the most exciting and unexpected decisions in the project of renovation became the construction of an underground concert and rehearsal room, that inherited the name of Beethoven from the Grand Imperial Foyer. The latter received that name in 1920, in honour of the 150 years since the birth of the composer, who was respected by the Soviet government. The foyer served as a venue for chamber concerts throughout the Soviet era.

The hall, the capacity of which is three hundred and thirty seats, is located below the lobby and is a multifunctional space with special mechanical equipment. It can be configured in various ways and used for different purposes. The space of the underground concert hall was created using five main and three auxiliary platforms (weighing over twenty tonnes). The central platform is the stage itself; two platforms, to the right and left of it, can either enlarge the stage or become part of the audience space, depending on the need. The other two platforms form the main space of the auditorium. All platforms can be raised to the foyer level to create a space for formal receptions. The seating set up takes only a few minutes. The seats are “folded” into sixteen special capsules, weighing approximately one tonne, which turn into several rows of seats at the touch of a button.

While designing the hall, the architects aimed to achieve a stylistic union with the historical rooms of the Bolshoi Theatre. The inlay work parquet of the hall repeats the pattern of the marble floor in the foyer, the walls and ceiling are decorated in harmony with the halls above. The elements of décor imitate aged marble and its style hints at antiquity.

The Beethoven Hall, the second stage of the Bolshoi in its historic building, has already firmly established itself in the concert life of Moscow. Its interesting and rich repertoire, as well as the mastery of the orchestra musicians, unfailingly evoke a warm reaction from the audience, amongst which there are habitues of this particular hall.

The Beethoven Hall.

Photo by Damir Yusupov.

The new stage

Bolshaya Dmitrovka 4/2

In the beginning of the 21st century, on one of the most beautiful squares in Moscow, the Teatralnaya Square, to the three theatres that have been situated there for a long time — Bolshoi, Maly and now Theatre of Youth, a fourth was added: The New Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. The building was constructed in the classical style, with a four-pillar portico, a large terrace at the front entrance and a wide staircase leading to it, blending in perfectly with the surrounding architecture. Although its main facade faces the square, it has its own address: 4/2 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. It was built on the place of an old block, the residents of which had a direct link with the theatre, including a famous Bolshoi choreographer, Alexander Gorsky. This fact is commemorated by a plaque on one of the walls of the New Stage.

The first branch of the Bolshoi Theatre was created as far back as the end of the 19th century. The theatre, that had a continuous growth of scenic set stocks and an expansion of the troupe, became desperate for additional space. In different years various buildings served as branches. However, from the 1960s, The Bolshoi had only its own building to operate in. Meanwhile, the need for a branch was only increasing and was already defined by several factors. The Bolshoi needed space for experiments. For many people, a visit to the Bolshoi Theatre seemed like an unfounded dream. The opening of the new building would increase the audience numbers.

The branch was intended to become a habitat and work for the theatre during the restoration of its historic building. The foundation had been eroded by the waters of the underground river Neglinka, so the columns and even the facade had cracks in them. Finally, it became clear that cosmetic redecoration, as had taken place relatively frequently during the Soviet times, would not be sufficient.

In 1987, A statement was issued by Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union acknowledging the necessity of reconstructing and restoring the Bolshoi theatre, renewing its stage machinery and front of house. However, a building, where the theatre would be able to “sit out” the renovation and continue giving performances and accommodating its troupe, was not found in the end. The question remained open. It was “closed” by the decision to build a branch: in 1993, an order of the Government of Russia established the need not only for a rapid restoration of the main Bolshoi theatre building but also the construction of a new one on Puskinskaya street (now Bolshaya Dmitrovka).


An order of the Government of Russia established the need for the construction of the New Stage.

Construction and opening of the New Stage


The New Stage was opened.

On the 25th of September 1995, a grand ceremony took place to lay the first stone of the foundation of new building. They were unable to finish the construction that century: it lasted for seven years and was completed in the 21st century.

The New Stage was opened on the 29th of November 2002 with the premiere of the opera “The Snow Maiden” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. true to itself, the Bolshoi chose the pearl of the Russian operatic repertoire. However, the production immediately demonstrated all of the technical abilities of the new venue, its technological “wonders” and experimental “spirit”.

The total area of the building is 25 thousand square metres. The auditorium has 879 seats. The orchestra pit can be easily transformed. The stage is supplied with twenty mobile platforms and twenty trap doors, which means that any character can disappear from the stage in a flash and suddenly reappear as well.

The chandelier in the auditorium corresponds to the famous chandelier that embellishes the historic building. The decorated ceiling presents a round dance of ballet characters from the Russian seasons as they appear in the sketches by Lev Bakst, one of the regular artists of Diaghilev’s enterprise. This design emphasizes the New Stage’s aim of creating the new: at the beginning of the 20th century, there was nothing more innovative and prodigious in “the sphere” of ballet and opera than performances of the Russian seasons. The rising and dropping front curtain is an acknowledgement of another renowned theatre artist, who was Diaghilev’s collaborator for some time: it is created based on the model by Alexander Golovin for the opera “Ruslan and Ludmila” by M. Glinka. The painting of the decorated ceiling, auditorium and curtain was carried out at the artist studio of Zurab Tsereteli.

During the renovation of the historic building, almost all the Bolshoi productions were successfully adapted to the New Stage. Additionally, many of the true 21st century hits of the Bolshoi repertoire started their journey there: the ballets “The Bright Stream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “A Hero of Our Time” and others.

Photo by Nikolai Rakhmanov.

Photo by Nikolai Rakhmanov.

Photo by Nikolai Rakhmanov.

The chamber stage

Nikolskaya 17/1

The Chamber Musical Theatre was founded by Boris Pokrovsky, then the head director of the Bolshoi Theatre, in 1972 For two years, a young troupe performed at various theatre and concert venues in Moscow. But in 1974, it received a permanent haven, a semi-basement space “In Sokol”. It was the location, where it became famous as a “laboratory of contemporary opera” and a discoverer of seldom performed operatic rarities.

Fires continued to play a fatal part in the existence of theatres even into the 20th century. A building forming part of a hotel complex “Slavic Bazaar” was renovated for the Chamber Theatre. It was built in the 19th century on 17 Nikolskaya Street. In 1993, there was a massive fire that damaged the future building of the theatre, and almost completely destroyed the most famous part of that complex, which contained the restaurant “Slavic Bazaar”. However, the year the theatre celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary, not only was it was granted the title of Academic but moved into the renovated building. The opening ceremony took place on the 3rd of September 1997 in the presence of the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, and his spouse.

The Chamber Theatre continued the theatrical story of this location. Straight after the revolution, an operetta troupe and a puppet theatre gave performances here. In 1965, (the street was then called 25 Letiya Octyabrya – meaning “25 years since the October revolution”), the Natalya Sats Children’s Musical Theatre was opened there and would go on to give more performances there. However, most importantly, exactly a hundred years ago at the flourishing restaurant “Slavic Bazaar”, a historic meeting of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko took place, and it became a starting point for the creation of the Moscow Art Theatre.

Boris Pokrovsky

Outstanding director and founder of the Chamber Theatre

The foyer.

Photo from the theatre’s archive.


A massive fire damaged the future building of the Chamber Theatre

In 2018, the ensemble of the Chamber Theatre joined the troupe of the Bolshoi and continued performing on its own stage, which was renamed as the Chamber Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. It also kept the name of B.A. Pokrovsky that had been given to the Chamber Theatre in 2009, after the master’s death.

In 2020, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation prepared a draft resolution on the allocation of 7.48 billion roubles from the federal budget for the renovation of the Chamber Stage. It is expected to be a complete reconstruction of the theatre building on Nikolskaya Street. It is presumed to recreate the intricate detail of its facade and the whole architectural image, provide the building with technological and engineering equipment, and make it meet the requirements of modern theatre as well as ensuring the comfort of the audience.


Grand opening of the Chamber Stage took place.

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