Доберман по английски как пишется

доберман — перевод на английский

Если мистер Сайкс не увидит настоящих денег, мы станем едой для доберманов.

If Mr. Sykes don’t see some cold, hard cash soon, we are Doberman chow.

— Единственный тут в арендованном костюме. — Глаза пучком, как яйца добермана.

— He’s as close as a Doberman’s balls.

Сухожилия быка, нервные волокна живого добермана.

Bull tendons, nerve bundles from a live Doberman.

Доберман одел не те ботинки.

Doberman’s wearing the wrong shoes.

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А когда те два добермана появились сзади

And then these two Dobies come out from behind,

-Было пять доберманов?

— There were five Dobies?

Два добермана.

Two Dobies.

У Питта доберманы.

Pitt had Dobies.

Это были не доберманы.

It wasn’t done by Dobies.

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Перевод «Доберман» на английский





The Dobie

Доберман — идеальный компаньон для опытного, физически активного владельца.

Doberman — the ideal companion for the experienced, physically active owner.

Доберман стал одной из самых популярных спортивных пород собак в мире.

Doberman was one of the most popular sporting dog breeds in the world.

Доберман работал сборщиком налогов, ночным сторожем и собачником.

Dobermann worked as a tax collector, night watchman, and dogcatcher.

Луис Доберман — полицейский, занимавшийся сбором налогов.

Гари Доберман и Марк Верхайден напишут сценарий и выступают шоураннерами.

Mark Verheiden and Gary Dauberman are penning the script and will serve as showrunners.

Сценарий написал Гэри Доберман («Оно»).

The screenplay is by Gary Dauberman («IT»).

Гэри Доберман уже написал финальный вариант сценария.

Gary Doberman wrote the most recent draft of the script.

Доберман верная, дружелюбная собака, которая готова постоять за своего хозяина.

Doberman is a loyal, friendly dog that is ready stand up for their master.

Доберман ты или нет, но ее не цапай.

Doberman or not, do not pinch her.

Доберман тоже не принимает душ, но по более ужасающей причине.

Doberman doesn’t take showers either, but for an entirely different and much more frightening reason.

Доберман — идеально сложенная, энергичная и активная собака.

Doberman — perfectly composed, energetic and active dog.

Доберман имеет горделивый и элегантный вид.

Doberman has a proud and elegant appearance.

Доберман энергичен, силен, а иногда и упрям.

The Dobermann is driven, strong, and sometimes stubborn.

Такой успех объясняется и тем, что Доберман сумел вывести именно востребованную породу, которая полностью отвечала требованиям современности.

Such success is explained by the fact that Doberman managed to bring out the demanded breed, which fully met the requirements of modern times.

Там же был замечен бывший боец батальона Донбасс грузинской национальности, известный под позывным Доберман.

In the same place was seen a former Donbas Battalion fighter of Georgian nationality, known by the call-sign Doberman.

Никто не знает наверняка, но считается, что Доберман скрестил много пород, чтобы получить доберманского пинчера.

No one knows for certain, but Dobermann is thought to have crossed many breeds to get the Doberman pinscher.

Доберман пинчер подойдет для тех, кто готов отдать ему свою любовь и внимание.

Doberman Pinscher is suitable for those who are ready to give him your love and attention.

Имя породе дал заводчик Луис Доберман, который искал идеальную собаку для охраны.

Name the breed was given by the breeder Louis Doberman, who was looking for the perfect dog for protection.

Очень энергичная порода, Доберман пинчер нуждается в ежедневных активных тренировках и умственной стимуляции.

Highly energetic, Doberman Pinschers require daily extensive exercise and stimulation.

Следующим фильмом был французский боевик «Доберман».

Her next film was French thriller Dobermann.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 274. Точных совпадений: 274. Затраченное время: 74 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


  • 1

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > доберман

  • 2

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > доберман

  • 3

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > доберман

  • 4

    Новый русско-английский словарь > доберман

  • 5

    doberman или dobermann

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > доберман

  • 6

    Dobermann pinscher [‘pɪnʃə]

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > доберман

  • 7

    Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > доберман

  • 8

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > доберман-пинчер

  • 9

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > доберман-пинчер

  • 10

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > доберман-пинчер

  • 11

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > доберман-пинчер

  • 12

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > доберман(-пинчер)

  • 13

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > доберман(-пинчер)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Доберман — Нахождение бульмастифа в разделе мастифов и догов может вызвать спор у кинологов. Но в его создании участвовали доги, ротвейлеры. К тому же наш определитель популярный и не претендует на роль научного трактата по кинологии. Небольшой город… …   Полная энциклопедия пород собак

  • доберман — [ …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Доберман — Доберман. Доберман. Доберман, одна из лучших пород сторожевых собак; широко используются и как розыскные. Создана в 1870—80 х гг. сборщиком налогов из Тюрингии () Л. Доберманом. В связи с особенностями своей работы он задался целью вывести… …   Энциклопедия «Животные в доме»

  • ДОБЕРМАН — ДОБЕРМАН, а и ДОБЕРМАН ПИНЧЕР, а, муж. Короткошёрстная служебная собака из породы пинчеров, обычно тёмной масти. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • ДОБЕРМАН — (Dobermann), Франция, Canal +, 1997, 103 мин. Боевик. Герою фильма уже в день крестин один из друзей отца дарит Магнум 357. Мальчик вырос и стал дерзким грабителем по кличке Доберман. Свирепая банда грабителей терроризирует Париж. Расправиться с… …   Энциклопедия кино

  • доберман — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • доберман пинчер (3) • пинчер (4) • собака (445) …   Словарь синонимов

  • Доберман — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Доберман (фильм). Доберман Доберман …   Википедия

  • Доберман — м. разг. то же, что доберман пинчер Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • Доберман — порода домашних собак, которые используются, гл. обр., как сторожевые и полицейские собаки. Название – по имени Л. Добермана. Карл Фридрих Луи Доберман Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann (1834–1894) немецкий селекционер любитель. Родился и жил в… …   Судьба эпонимов. Словарь-справочник

  • доберман — див. доберман пінчер …   Український тлумачний словник

  • доберман — (по името на одгледувачот, Германецот А. А. Доберман) зоол. куче од благородна раса, добиено со вкрстување на германско овчарско куче и голем пинчер …   Macedonian dictionary

Перевод «Доберман» на английский

Dobermann, Doberman Pinscher, doberman — самые популярные переводы слова «Доберман» на английский.
Пример переведенного предложения: С днем Св.Валентина всех влюбленных Доберманов и их хозяев! ↔ Hapy Valentine Day to all dobermanns and owners!


Доберман (фильм)

  • С днем Св.Валентина всех влюбленных Доберманов и их хозяев!

    Hapy Valentine Day to all dobermanns and owners!

  • Что, если у неё доберман пинчер и он ненавидит всех, включая её?

    What if she has a Doberman Pinscher who hates everyone except her?

  • Glosbe

  • Google


существительное мужского рода


  • Ваша честь, я тоже знаю Дугласа Риллера как любящего мужа и отца для наших двух доберманов.

    Your Honor, I too knew Douglas Riller as a loving husband and father to our two dobermans.

  • Doberman
    Doberman Pinscher

А до тех пор пусть ваши доберманы-пинчеры держатся подальше от меня.

Keep your human Dobermans away from me until then.”

Третий валялся на спине с разорванным горлом, а доберман меж тем метался по лесу в поисках остальных

A third man had sprawled back, his throat torn open, while the Doberman paced the woods in search of others.

Эдвард еще раз дернул звонок, а доберман подошел еще ближе и не то зевнул, не то завыл, раскрывая пасть

Edward rang the bell again, and the Doberman came a little closer, and yelped and yawned all in one breath.

Потом пристегнула поводок к ошейнику добермана и пошла домой.

She clipped the lead onto the Doberman’s collar and went home.

Они смеялись, играя, как молодые доберманы.

They laughed, young Dobermans at play.

И заставить его выслать мне немного денег, чтобы купить огромного добермана-альбиноса.

Have him iwre me some money to buy a huge albino Doberman.

Кот снова открыл рот, издал долгое, сердитое «мур-р-р-роу…» И доберманы сбежали, словно испуганные кошки.

The cat opened its mouth again, letting out a long, irritated mrrr-row… And the Dobermans ran like scaredy-cats.

Когда доберман издох, Дрезден занялся собакой, впившейся в его правую переднюю лапу, крупной немецкой овчаркой.

When the Doberman was dead, Dresden turned his attention to the dog biting his right foreleg, a big German shepherd.

Голова добермана, замечательно

Детектор движения, доберман, сто тысяч наличными?

A motion detector, a Doberman, a hundred thousand in cash?

Животные были описаны как сторожевые собаки – помесь добермана и ротвейлера.

The animals had been described as “guard dogs—Doberman/Rottweiler mix.”

Так, здесь у нас доберман.

This one says the breed is a Doberman.

Еще Алекс узнала добермана, двух ротвейлеров и немецкую овчарку обычной масти.

She recognized a Doberman, two Rottweilers, and a traditionally colored German shepherd.

Месье Брюне, вы хозяин этого добермана по имени Тарзан?

Mr. Brunet, are you the owner of this Doberman called Tarzan?

Напоминал добермана, которого приковали к гаражу двухметровой цепью.

He was like a Doberman who’d been tethered to the garage with a seven-foot chain.

Думаю, что я даже улыбалась, хотя это была улыбка добермана почтальону.

I think I even smiled, though it was the kind of smile a Doberman gives a mailman.

Норман-Доберман: Пока я был на работе, она положила неоткрытое мясо мне на крыльцо.

STORMIN’ NORMAN: She came over when I was at work and put the unopened platter on my front stoop.

Она увидела добермана, который черной стрелой рванулся к ней в ночной тьме.

And then she saw the Doberman, a fleet black arrow in the stormy darkness, racing toward her.

В замке они держат доберман-пинчеров и в лагере наверняка тоже.

They’ve Doberman pinchers up at the castle and I’ve no doubt they have them at the camp too.

Еще одной важной темой произведений Ваксса является его любовь к собакам, особенно к породам, которые считаются «опасными», таким как доберманы, ротвейлеры и особенно питбули.

Another important theme that pervades Vachss’ work is his love of dogs, particularly breeds considered «dangerous,» such as Doberman pinschers, rottweilers, and especially pit bulls.

Оба добермана, лежавшие смирно возле кресла Эдвины, тут же вскинули головы, словно почуяв незваного гостя.

The two Dobermans, who were lying beside Edwina’s chair, suddenly lifted their heads as if scenting an intruder.

Подрезанные уши и хвост позволяли сделать предположение, что это доберман, потерявший форму от переедания.

The trimmed ears and tail suggested that it was a Doberman, out of shape from overeating.

Это были две овчарки и доберман — и они не единожды спасали наши шкуры.

There were two shepherds and a Doberman – and they saved our hides more than once.

По берегу туда-сюда бегали два доберман-пинчера.

Two Doberman pinschers ran on the beach.

Да, доберманы были свирепые, но они знали своего хозяина

Granted, those Dobermans were vicious, but they knew their master.”

Перевод «доберман» на английский

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Если мистер Сайкс не увидит настоящих денег, мы станем едой для доберманов.

If Mr. Sykes don’t see some cold, hard cash soon, we are Doberman chow.



Если мистер Сайкс не увидит настоящих денег, мы станем едой для доберманов.
If Mr. Sykes don’t see some cold, hard cash soon, we are Doberman chow.

Следующий коллектив художников называется «Серебряные доберманы«. Их девиз — распространять прагматизм по очереди.
The next is a collective of artists called the Silver Dobermans, and their motto is to spread pragmatism one person at a time.

Иону и Добермана оглушили одним и тем же типом шокера, но это не был шокер Нэта.
Iona and the Doberman were burnt with the same type of stun gun, but it wasn’t Neth’s.


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Other names Doberman Pinscher
Common nicknames Dobie, Doberman
Origin Germany
Height Dogs 68 to 72 cm (27 to 28 in)[1]
Bitches 63 to 68 cm (25 to 27 in)[1]
Weight Dogs 40–45 kg (88–99 lb)[1]
Bitches 32–35 kg (71–77 lb)[1]
Coat Short
Color Black & tan, red & tan
Life span 9–12 years
Kennel club standards
VDH standard
Fédération Cynologique Internationale standard
Dog (domestic dog)

The Dobermann (; German pronunciation: [ˈdoːbɐman]), or Doberman Pinscher in the United States and Canada, is a medium-large breed of domestic dog that was originally developed around 1890 by Louis Dobermann, a tax collector from Germany.[2] The Dobermann has a long muzzle. It stands on its pads and is not usually heavy-footed. Ideally, they have an even and graceful gait. Traditionally, the ears are cropped and posted and the tail is docked. However, in some countries, these procedures are now illegal and it is often considered cruel and unnecessary. Dobermanns have markings on the chest, paws/legs, muzzle, above the eyes, and underneath the tail.

Dobermanns are known to be intelligent, alert, and tenaciously loyal companions and guard dogs.[3]


World breed standards are published by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, or FCI (World Canine Organisation), on the advice of the IDC (International Dobermann Club), which is the Dobermann breed’s governing council and has 36 countries in its member list. To become a world champion, dogs are judged to FCI standards. The AKC has its own standards, as do some other countries, although most still adhere to FCI standards. The breed standard describes the Dobermann as a dog of medium size that is also strong and muscularly built. In order to be eligible to meet these standards, the body of the Dobermann should appear to be almost square.
It should also appear elegant and noble.

The dog was originally intended as a guard dog,[4][5] so males typically have a muscular and intimidating appearance.[4][5] Females are usually thinner, but should not be spindly.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standard differs from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standards, with the latter being an often larger and heavier dog. This has led some to argue that Dobermanns and Doberman Pinschers should be considered and evaluated differently.[4]

Size and proportions[edit]

Although the breed standards vary among kennel and breed clubs, most follow the standard set by the FCI, which describes the size of male dogs as 68 to 72 centimetres (27 to 28 in) at the withers;[1] The Kennel Club in the UK quotes 69 centimetres (27 in) as being ideal.[6] The size of female dogs, according to the same standards, is 63 to 68 centimetres (25 to 27 in),[1] with 65 centimetres (26 in) being ideal.[6] The Dobermann has a square frame; its length should equal its height to the withers and the length of its head, neck, and legs should be in proportion to its body.[4]

The standards for the weight of the Dobermann are also described by the FCI. The ideal dog must be of a sufficient size for an optimal combination of strength, endurance and agility.[6] The ideal weight of male dogs is described as 40–45 kilograms (88–99 lb)[1] and the ideal weight of female dogs is described to be 32–35 kilograms (71–77 lb).[1]


Two different color genes exist in the Dobermann: one for black (B) and one for color dilution (D). There are nine possible combinations of these alleles, which can result in four different color phenotypes: black, blue, red, and fawn (Isabella).[7] The traditional and most common color occurs when both the color and dilution genes have at least one dominant allele (i.e., BBDD, BBDd, BbDD or BbDd) and is commonly referred to as black, black and rust, or black and tan. The red, red rust, or brown coloration occurs when the black gene has two recessive alleles but the dilution gene has at least one dominant allele (i.e., bbDD, bbDd). The blue Dobermann has the color gene with at least one dominant allele and the dilution gene with both recessive alleles (i.e., BBdd or Bbdd). The fawn coloration is the least common, occurring only when both the color and dilution genes have two recessive alleles (i.e., bbdd). Thus, the blue color is a diluted black, and the fawn color is a diluted red.

Expression of the color dilution gene is a disorder called Color Dilution Alopecia, a kind of canine follicular dysplasia. Although not life-threatening, these dogs can develop skin problems.[8]

In 1976, a «white» Doberman Pinscher was whelped[9] and was subsequently bred to her son, who was also bred to his litter sisters. This tight inbreeding continued for some time to allow the breeders to «fix» the mutation. This severe inbreeding not only intensified the production of «white» dogs, it also amplified their health problems. White Dobermans are not recognized within professional breeders and continue to be reproduced by unethical breeders marketing them as rare in order to charge more for an animal that would never win a show competition. The white colored Doberman is prone to suffer long term medical conditions ranging from: poor hearing or complete deafness, poor vision or complete blindness, behavioral/temperament issues, cancers (predominately skin cancer), amongst others. White/Albino Dobermanns are actually a cream color with white markings, blue eyes, and pink nose. Although this is consistent with albinism, the proper characterization of the mutation is currently unknown. The animals are commonly known as tyrosinase-positive albinoids, lacking melanin in oculocutaneous structures.[10] This condition is caused by a partial deletion in the SLC45A2 gene.[11]

  • Traditional black and tan Dobermann with ears cropped

    Traditional black and tan Dobermann with ears cropped

  • One black and one blue Doberman Pinscher

    One black and one blue Doberman Pinscher

  • Blue Doberman Pinscher

    Blue Doberman Pinscher

  • Fawn Dobermann Pinscher

    Fawn Dobermann Pinscher


The Dobermann’s natural tail is fairly long, but individual dogs often have a short tail as a result of docking, a procedure in which the majority of the tail is surgically removed shortly after birth.

The practice of docking has been around for centuries and is older than the Dobermann as a breed.[12] The historical reason for docking is to ensure that the tail does not get in the way of the dog’s work.[12] However, docking has always been controversial.[13] Docking and cropping (see below) have been written out of the Breed Standard by FCI and IDC, and dogs born after 2016 will not be allowed to participate in FCI or IDC shows without a full tail and natural ears. This is mirrored in most EU and Commonwealth countries. In the UK, dogs with docked tails have been banned from show for a number of years and the practice is now illegal for native born dogs. Veterinary Certificates are required as proof to avoid prosecution on imported animals. It has also been made illegal in many other European countries, as well as Australia. The American Kennel Club standard for Doberman Pinschers includes a tail docked near the 2nd vertebra.[4] Docking is a common practice in the United States, Russia, and Japan (as well as a number of other countries with Dobermann populations), where it remains legal.


Dobermanns often have their ears cropped,[14] a procedure that is thought to be done for functionality for both the traditional guard duty and effective sound localization. According to the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, ears are «normally cropped and carried erect».[15] Like tail docking, ear cropping is illegal in many countries[16] and has never been legal in some Commonwealth countries.


Canine intelligence is an umbrella term that encompasses the faculties involved in a wide range of mental tasks, such as learning, problem-solving, and communication. The Doberman Pinscher has been ranked amongst the most intelligent dog breeds in experimental studies and expert evaluations. Psychologist Stanley Coren ranks the Dobermann as the 5th most intelligent dog in the category of obedience command training, based on the selective surveys answered by experienced trainers (as documented in his book The Intelligence of Dogs). Additionally, in two studies, Hart and Hart (1985) ranked the Doberman Pinscher first in the same category,[17] and Tortora (1980) gave the Dobermann the highest rank in general trainability.[18] Although methods of evaluation differ, studies have consistently shown that the Doberman Pinscher, along with the Border Collie, Standard Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Rottweiler, are the most trainable breeds of dog.


Although they are considered to be working dogs, Dobermanns are often stereotyped as being ferocious and aggressive.[19] As a personal protection dog, the Dobermann was originally bred for these traits: it had to be large and intimidating, fearless, and willing to defend its owner from attackers (especially from other guard dogs), but sufficiently obedient and restrained to do so only on command. These traits served the dog well in its role as a personal defense dog, police dog, or war dog, but were not ideally adapted to a companionship role. The Dobermann’s aggression has been toned down by modern breeders over the years. Therefore, today’s Dobermanns are known to have a much more even and good-natured temperament, as well as extreme loyalty, high intelligence, and great trainability. The modern Dobermann is known to be energetic, watchful, fearless, and obedient.[2]

Doberman Pinscher puppies

They can easily learn to respect and protect their owners and are therefore considered by many to be excellent guard dogs. Given that they are properly socialized from a young age, they are generally sociable toward familiar humans and can also be sociable with other dogs. However, Dobermanns do rank among the more-likely breeds to show aggressive behaviour toward strangers and other dogs, though they are not among the most likely to do so.[citation needed] They are highly unlikely to show aggressive behaviour toward their owners.

There is some evidence that Doberman Pinschers in North America have a calmer and more even temperament than their European counterparts because of the breeding strategies employed by American breeders.[20] Because of these differences in breeding strategies, different lines of Doberman Pinschers have developed different traits. Although many contemporary Doberman Pinschers in North America are gentle and friendly to strangers, some lines are bred more true to the original personality standard.[21]

The personality of the Doberman Pinscher is known to be unique. There is a great deal of scientific evidence that Doberman Pinschers have a number of stable psychological traits, such as certain personality factors and intelligence. As early as 1965, studies have shown that there are several broad behavioral traits that significantly predict behavior and are genetically determined.[22] Subsequently, there have been numerous scientific attempts to quantify canine personality or temperament by using statistical techniques for assessing personality traits in humans. These studies often vary in terms of the personality factors they focus on and in terms of ranking breeds differently along these dimensions. One such study found that Doberman Pinschers, compared to other breeds, rank high in playfulness, average in curiosity/fearlessness, low on aggressiveness, and low on sociability.[23] Another such study ranked Doberman Pinschers low on reactivity/surgence and high on aggression/disagreeableness and openness/trainability.[24]

In addition to the studies of canine personality, there has been some research to determine whether there are breed differences in aggression. In a study published in 2008, aggression was divided into four categories: aggression directed at strangers, owner, strange dogs, and rivalry with other household dogs.[25] This study found that the Doberman Pinscher ranked relatively high on stranger-directed aggression, but extremely low on owner-directed aggression. The Doberman Pinscher ranked as average on dog-directed aggression and dog rivalry. Looking only at bites and attempted bites, Doberman Pinschers rank as far less aggressive towards humans and show less aggression than many breeds without a reputation (e.g., Cocker Spaniel, Dalmatian, and Great Dane). This study concluded that aggression has a genetic basis, that the Dobermann shows a distinctive pattern of aggression depending on the situation and that contemporary Doberman Pinschers are not an aggressive breed overall.[25] In regards to Dobermanns attacking owners, it is rare and usually in the case of overdiscipline. Dobermanns accept physical punishment to an extent. However, when they consider it to no longer be punishment, but an attack on themselves, they will defend themselves.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 1979 and 1998, the Doberman Pinscher was involved in attacks on humans resulting in fatalities less frequently than several other dog breeds such as German Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers, Husky-type dogs, wolf-dog hybrids and Alaskan Malamutes.[26][27] According to this Center for Disease Control and Prevention study, one of the most important factors contributing to dog bites is the level of responsibility exercised by dog owners.[28]


The Dobermann’s lifespan is about 10–13 years on average.[29] The breed is prone to a number of health concerns. Common serious health problems include dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM),[30][31]
[32] cervical vertebral instability (CVI),[33] von Willebrand’s disease (a bleeding disorder for which genetic testing has been available since 2000),[30] and prostatic disease.[34] Less serious common health concerns include hypothyroidism and hip dysplasia.[31] Canine compulsive disorder is also common.[35] Studies have shown that the Doberman Pinscher suffers from prostatic diseases (such as bacterial prostatiti, prostatic cysts, prostatic adenocarcinoma, and benign hyperplasia), more than any other breed.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a major cause of death in Dobermanns. This disease affects the breed more than any other.[36] Nearly 40% of DCM diagnoses are for Dobermann Pinschers, followed by German Shepherds at 13%.[36] More recent studies based on European dogs, however, has indicated that DCM affected rates are much higher for this population than their American relatives: around 58% of European Dobermanns will develop DCM within their lifetime.[37] Research has shown that the breed is affected by an attenuated wavy fiber type of DCM that affects many other breeds,[38] as well as an additional fatty infiltration-degenerative type that appears to be specific to Dobermann Pinscher and Boxer breeds.[38]
This serious disease is likely to be fatal in most Dobermanns affected.[38]

Roughly a quarter of Dobermann Pinschers who develop cardiomyopathy die suddenly from seemingly unknown causes,[38][39][40] and an additional fifty percent die of congestive heart failure.[40] Among female Dobermanns, the sudden death manifestation of the disease is more common, whereas males tend to develop congestive heart failure.[41] In addition to being more prevalent in Dobermanns, this disease is also more serious in the breed. Following a diagnosis, the average non-Dobermann has an expected survival time of 8 months; for Dobermann Pinschers, however, the expected survival time is less than two months.[36] Although the causes for the disease are largely unknown, there is evidence that it is a familial disease inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.[42] Investigation into the genetic causes of canine DCM may lead to therapeutic and breeding practices to limit its impact.[43][44]


Dobermanns were first bred in the 1880s by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in Apolda, Thuringia, Germany, a tax collector who ran the Apolda dog pound. With access to dogs of many breeds, he got the idea to create a breed that would be ideal for protecting him. He set out to breed a new type of dog that would exhibit impressive stamina, strength, and intelligence. Five years after Dobermann’s death, Otto Goeller, one of the earliest breeders, created the National Doberman Pinscher Club and is considered to have perfected the breed, breeding and refining them in the 1890s.[45][46]

The breed is believed to have been created from several different breeds of dogs that had the characteristics that Dobermann was looking for. The exact ratios of mixing, and even the exact breeds that were used, remain uncertain, although many experts believe that the Dobermann Pinscher is a combination of several breeds including the Beauceron, German Pinscher, Rottweiler and Weimaraner.[47] The single exception is the documented crossing with the Greyhound and Manchester Terrier. It is also widely believed that the old German Shepherd was the single largest contributor to the Dobermann breed. Philip Greunig’s The Dobermann Pinscher (1939) describes the breed’s early development by Otto Goeller, who helped to establish the breed. The American Kennel Club believes the breeds utilized to develop the Dobermann Pinscher may have included the old shorthaired shepherd, Rottweiler, Black and Tan Terrier and the German Pinscher.[2]

After Dobermann’s death in 1894, the Germans named the breed Dobermann-pinscher in his honor, but a half century later dropped the word ‘pinscher’ on the grounds that this German word for ‘terrier’ was no longer appropriate. The British did the same a few years later; now the US and Canada are the only countries who continue to use Pinscher and have dropped an «n» from Dobermann’s surname.[47]

During World War II, the United States Marine Corps adopted the Doberman Pinscher as its official war dog, although the Corps did not exclusively use this breed in the role.

In the United States, the American Kennel Club ranked the Doberman Pinscher as the 12th most popular dog breed in 2012 and 2013.[48]


The Dobermann became very popular over a short period of time. It is a relatively new breed, less than 150 years old. According to the latest ranking in 2017 by the American Kennel Club,[49] Dobermanns are the 16th most popular dog breed. Dobermanns started to become popular when they were used in World War II as guard dogs. In the 1970s, Dobermanns had their fair share in movies. They starred in the 1972 American film The Doberman Gang.[50] Dobermanns also became popular after winning four Westminster Kennel Club Dog Shows in 1939, 1952, 1953 and 1989. The Dobermann was recognised (as the Doberman Pinscher) by the American Kennel Club in 1908 and since then they have been one of the most popular dog breeds due to their intelligence and agility. Even today, the numbers of Dobermann dog registrations are increasing.[51]

Notable Dobermanns[edit]

  • Graf Belling v. Grönland: first registered Dobermann, in 1898.[52]
  • First Dobermann registered with the American Kennel Club, 1908[2]
  • Cappy, a Dobermann who saved the lives of 250 U.S. Marines when he alerted them to Japanese soldiers. Another Dobermann named Kurt became the first K-9 casualty, 23 July, when he was mortally wounded by a Japanese grenade. Kurt was the first to be buried in what would become the War Dog Cemetery and he is the dog depicted in bronze sitting quiet but alert atop the World War II War Dog Memorial. Cappy, Kurt and 23 other Dobermanns whose names are inscribed on the memorial, died fighting with the US Marine Corps against Japanese forces on Guam in 1944.[53]
  • Ch. Rancho Dobe’s Storm: consecutive Westminster Best in Show (1952, 1953).[54]
  • Bingo von Ellendonk: first Dobermann to score 300 points (perfect score) in Schutzhund.[55]
  • Ch. Borong the Warlock: won his championship title in three countries, including 230 Best of Breed, 30 Specialty Show «bests,» six all-breed Best in Show, and 66 Working Groups. He was the only Dobermann ever to have won the Doberman Pinscher Club of America National Specialty Show three times, and in 1961 five Dobermann specialists judged him Top in the breed in an annual Top Ten competition event.[56]
  • Tunga: Female Doberman Pinscher police dog in Karnataka India, who is famous for uncovering more than 50 murders and 60 thefts including one case where she ran more than 12 km to catch the murderer.[57]

See also[edit]

  • List of dog breeds


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h «Dobermann breed standard» (PDF). FCI. Archived (PDF) from the original on 4 September 2014. Retrieved 21 January 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d «Get to Know the Doberman Pinscher» Archived 9 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine, ‘The American Kennel Club’, retrieved 6 May 2014
  3. ^ «Dobermans Suffer From a Bad Press». The New York Times. 15 February 1993. Archived from the original on 20 August 2018. Retrieved 20 August 2018.
  4. ^ a b c d e «American Kennel Club: Doberman Pinscher breed standard». American Kennel Club. Archived from the original on 9 February 2015. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  5. ^ a b «Canadian Kennel Club: Doberman Pinscher breed standard». Archived from the original on 5 December 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2007. Size: «Males, decidedly masculine, without coarseness. Females, decidedly feminine, without over-refinement.»
  6. ^ a b c «UK Kennel Club: Dobermann breed standard». The Kennel Club (UK). Archived from the original on 6 September 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2009.
  7. ^ «Color Chart». Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Archived from the original on 9 April 2009. Retrieved 23 March 2007.
  8. ^ WILLIAM H. MILLER Jr. 1 (2008). «Colour Dilution Alopecia in Doberman Pinschers with Blue or Fawn Coat Colours: A Study on the Incidence and Histopathology of this Disorder». Veterinary Dermatology. 1 (3): 113–122. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3164.1990.tb00089.x. PMID 34644836. Archived from the original on 5 January 2013.
  9. ^ «What is an Albino Doberman». Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Archived from the original on 9 April 2009. Retrieved 25 March 2007.
  10. ^ «The White Doberman». Ione Smith. Archived from the original on 7 November 2018. Retrieved 12 February 2009.
  11. ^ Winkler PA (2014). «A Partial Gene Deletion of SLC45A2 Causes Oculocutaneous Albinism in Doberman Pinscher Dogs». PLOS ONE. 9 (3): e92127. Bibcode:2014PLoSO…992127W. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092127. PMC 3960214. PMID 24647637.
  12. ^ a b Raymond Gudas; Betsy Sikora Siino (2005). Doberman Pinschers: Everything about purchase, care, nutrition, training and behavior. Barron’s Educational Series.
  13. ^
    Bennett, P.C.; Perini, E. (2008). «Tail docking in dogs: a review of the issues». Australian Veterinary Journal. 81 (4): 208–18. doi:10.1111/j.1751-0813.2003.tb11473.x. PMID 15080444. Archived from the original on 5 January 2013.
  14. ^ Pagan, C. «Ear cropping and tail docking: Should you or shouldn’t you?». WebMD. Archived from the original on 2 September 2016. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  15. ^ «The Doberman – Breed Standard». DPCA. Archived from the original on 24 November 2012. Retrieved 14 January 2013.
  16. ^ «Ear cropping and tail docking». The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies/Fédération des sociétés canadiennes d’assistance aux animaux (CFHS/FSCAA). Archived from the original on 9 September 2011. Retrieved 29 October 2016.
  17. ^
    Hart, B.L.; Hart, L.A. (1985). «Selecting pet dogs on the basis of cluster analysis of breed behavior profiles and gender». J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 186 (11): 1181–1185. PMID 4008297.
  18. ^ Tortora, D.F. (1980). «Animal behavior therapy: the behavioral diagnosis and treatment of dominance-motivated aggression in canines. 1 [Dogs]». Canine Practice. 7. ISSN 0094-4904.
  19. ^ «The Doberman pinscher: darling…or devil?». Sports Illustrated. Archived from the original on 14 June 2018. Retrieved 14 June 2018.
  20. ^ Stanley Coren (2006). Why does my dog act that way?. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-7706-8.
  21. ^ «A candid look at Doberman temperament». The Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Archived from the original on 9 April 2009. Retrieved 9 February 2009.
  22. ^ Scott, J.P.; Fuller, J.L. (1966). Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-74338-7.
  23. ^ Kenth Svartberg (2006). «Breed-typical behaviour in dogs—Historical remnants or recent constructs?». Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 96 (3–4): 293–313. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2005.06.014.
  24. ^
    Thomas Draper (1995), «Canine analogs of human personality factors», Journal of General Psychology, 122 (3): 241–252, doi:10.1080/00221309.1995.9921236, PMID 7650520
  25. ^ a b Duffy DL; Hsu Y; Serpell JA (2008). «Breed differences in canine aggression» (PDF). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 114 (3–4): 441–460. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2008.04.006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 July 2011. Retrieved 24 August 2010.
  26. ^ US Centers for Disease Control: Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998 Archived 23 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 25 March 2007
  27. ^ Jeffrey J. Sacks; Leslie Sinclair; Julie Gilchrist; Gail C. Golab; Randall Lockwood. «Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998». JAVMA. 217.
  28. ^ Sacks; Lockwood, R; Hornreich, J; Sattini, RW; et al. (1996). «Fatal dog attacks, 1989–1994». Pediatrics. 97 (6 Pt 1): 891–5. doi:10.1542/peds.97.6.891. PMID 8657532. S2CID 245088140.
  29. ^ «Breed Data Summary». pullman.com. Archived from the original on 17 July 2007. Retrieved 6 February 2012.
  30. ^ a b «Doberman Pinscher». Canine Inherited Disorders Database. University of Prince Edward Island. Archived from the original on 5 November 2013. Retrieved 25 March 2007 – via UPEI.ca.
  31. ^ a b «Growth and Development». dpca.org. Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Archived from the original on 29 November 2011. Retrieved 6 February 2012.
  32. ^ «Health Issues in Dobermans». uniteddobermanclub.com. United Doberman Club. Archived from the original on 6 October 2008. Retrieved 18 June 2011.
  33. ^ «Health Issues in the Doberman Pinscher». dpcc.ca. Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada. Archived from the original on 1 March 2007. Retrieved 25 March 2007.
  34. ^ Krawiec DR; Heflin D. (1992). «Study of prostatic disease in dogs: 177 cases (1981–1986)». J Am Vet Med Assoc. 200 (8): 1119–22. PMID 1376729.
  35. ^ Ogata, Niwako; Gillis, Timothy E.; Liu, Xiaoxu; Cunningham, Suzanne M.; Lowen, Steven B.; Adams, Bonnie L.; Sutherland-Smith, James; Mintzopoulos, Dionyssios; Janes, Amy C.; Dodman, Nicholas H.; Kaufman, Marc J. (2013). «Brain structural abnormalities in Dobermann Pinschers with canine compulsive disorder». Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 45: 1–6. doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2013.04.002. PMID 23590875. S2CID 4107434. CCD is highly prevalent among Dobermans, with an estimated incidence of about 28% in a database including over 2300 dogs (personal communication, Andrew Borgman, Statistical Analyst, Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, MI)
  36. ^ a b c Domanjko-Petrič, Aleksandra; Stabej, Polona; Žemva, A. (2002). «Dilated cardiomyopathy in the Dobermann dog: survival, causes of death and a pedigree review in a related line». Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 4 (1): 17–24. doi:10.1016/S1760-2734(06)70019-4. PMID 19081342.
  37. ^ «Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Doberman Pinschers – genetic, diagnostic, and therapeutic studies». vetmed.uni-muenchen.de (in German). Medizinische Kleintierklinik — LMU München. Archived from the original on 9 May 2018. Retrieved 8 May 2018.
  38. ^ a b c d
    Tidholm, A.; Jönsson, L. (2005). «Histologic Characterization of Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy». Veterinary Pathology. 42 (1): 1–8. doi:10.1354/vp.42-1-1. PMID 15657266. S2CID 15431327.
  39. ^
    Calvert CA; Hall G; Jacobs G; Pickus C. (1997). «Clinical and pathologic findings in Dobermanns with occult cardiomyopathy that died suddenly or developed congestive heart failure: 54 cases (1984–1991)». J Am Vet Med Assoc. 210.
  40. ^ a b
    Calvert CA; Jacobs GJ; Smith DD; Rathbun SL; Pickus CW (2000). «Association between results of ambulatory electrocardiography and development of cardiomyopathy during long-term follow-up of Doberman Pinschers». Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 216 (1): 34–39. doi:10.2460/javma.2000.216.34. PMID 10638315.
  41. ^ Dutton, E.; López-Alvarez, J. (17 April 2018). «An update on canine cardiomyopathies – is it all in the genes?». Journal of Small Animal Practice. 59 (8): 455–464. doi:10.1111/jsap.12841. ISSN 0022-4510. PMID 29665072.
  42. ^
    Meurs KM; Fox PR; Norgard M; Spier AW; Lamb A; Koplitz SL; Baumwart RD. (2007). «A prospective genetic evaluation of familial dilated cardiomyopathy in the Doberman pinscher». J Vet Intern Med. 21 (5): 1016–1020. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2007.tb03058.x. PMID 17939558.
  43. ^ Broschk C; Distl O. (October 2005). «Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs—pathological, clinical, diagnosis and genetic aspects». Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr (in German). 112 (10): 380–385. PMID 16320572.
  44. ^ «Dobermann Rescue, Rehome and Adoption through The Dobermann Trust». dobermanntrust.org.uk. The Dobermann Trust. Archived from the original on 21 April 2021. Retrieved 28 August 2021.
  45. ^ Donnelly, Kerry (1988). Doberman Pinschers. US: T.F.H. Publications. pp. 8–11. ISBN 9780866228060.
  46. ^ Basic Guide to the Doberman Pinscher. US: Dace Publishing. 1997. pp. 9–11. ISBN 9780932045102.
  47. ^ a b «Breed history». Dobermann Pinscher Club of America. Archived from the original on 18 February 2016. Retrieved 24 August 2016.
  48. ^ «AKC Dog Registration Statistics». AKC.org. American Kennel Club. Archived from the original on 16 July 2007. Retrieved 6 May 2014.
  49. ^ «Most Popular Dog Breeds». Archived from the original on 8 May 2018. Retrieved 8 May 2018.
  50. ^ «Doberman Gang, The». Monthly Film Bulletin. 41 (480): 174. January 1974.
  51. ^ Dogspot. «Doberman Dog Breed Information». Archived from the original on 8 May 2018. Retrieved 8 May 2018.
  52. ^ «Graf Belling v. Grönland». Doberman Pedigrees. Archived from the original on 18 February 2011. Retrieved 13 August 2010.
  53. ^ Locke, Michelle. «DOBERMAN HEROES OF WORLD WAR II». Doberman Rescue Unlimited. Archived from the original on 19 February 2015. Retrieved 28 November 2014.
  54. ^ Doberman Pinscher. Kennel Club Books. 2008. p. 15. ISBN 978-1-59378-230-6.
  55. ^ «Bingo von Ellendonk». Doberman Pedigrees. Archived from the original on 10 July 2011. Retrieved 13 August 2010.
  56. ^ «Borong the Warlock». Archived from the original on 22 December 2009. Retrieved 8 August 2010.
  57. ^ «Karnataka Police Sniffer Dog Runs 12 km To Track Down Murder Accused». Archived from the original on 21 July 2020. Retrieved 21 July 2020.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dobermann.

  • Dobermann at Curlie

По-моему, выглядит ужасно, когда всё обрезано.

Это же доберман!

— Хочешь верь, хочешь — нет, но мы собрали больше 40 000$.

I think it looks frightening when it’s cut off.

It’s a Doberman.

Let it have its ears. — Believe it or not… we brought in over $40,000.

Не волнуйся об этом.

У меня три добермана.

Если бы я не била их по яйцам, я бы ни одно дело не смогла завершить.

Don’t worry about it.

I got three Dobermans.

If I didn’t kick them in the balls regularly, I’d never get anything done.

Это был доберман?

Доберман, мистер Хьюз, или такса?

— Ни то и ни другое.

— The press can be a damned nuisance. — Was it a Doberman?

— A Doberman, Mr. Hughes?

Or a dachshund?


. — Глаза пучком, как яйца добермана.

— Не хочу говорить плохо о Гарри.

— Only man here in a hired suit.

— He’s as close as a Doberman’s balls.

Don’t want to say anything bad about Harry.

— Сержант, вы вернулись!

Ах, Доберман.

Мой нежеланный сынок.

— Sarge! You’ve come back!

Ah, Doberman.

The son I never wanted.

Вы больше не коп, я могу не отвечать.


В металлическом ошейнике с поводком.

There is a real Police. He did not speak.

A large dog, Doberman.

it was shining skin. He is its owner.

Нет. Там есть буква «Р».


— Дрейк?

It has an «R» in it.


— Drake?

Что тут происходит?

Это рядовой Доберман.

Тот который похож немного на человека.

What’s goin’ on?

It’s private Doberman.

He’s the one who looks sort of human.

Оо, Сержант.

Доберман тоже не принимает душ, но по более ужасающей причине.

Мой приказ, Сержант.

Aw, sarge.

Doberman doesn’t take showers either, but for an entirely different and much more frightening reason.

My orders, sergeant.

У него ботинки не те!

Доберман одел не те ботинки.

У него нет сцепления с полом.

He’s got the wrong shoes!

Doberman’s wearing the wrong shoes.

He’s… got no traction.

Тот который похож немного на человека.

Вчера вечером в зале, Доберман сказал «Я чувствую себя сильным, прям как лошадь.»

Какой-то парень из роты «П» услышал его и говорит ему: «Да ну?

He’s the one who looks sort of human.

Last night in the gym, Doberman said «I feel as strong as a horse».

Some guy from company P overheard ‘im and said «Yeah?

«Уолли ты нам не нравишся.» И все подписались под этим.

— Мда, вот и Добермана подпись «X».

— Можно мне другого соседа?

«Wally, we don’t like you.» And they all signed it.

Yeah, that’s Doberman’s «X».

Speakin’ of Doberman, can I please have another roommate?

Сбросили пару фу…

Молодец, Доберман!

Слушай Джон, если бы ты поговорил с офицерами и их женами, это бы их успокоило.

Have you lost w…

Good work, Doberman!

So, John, if you spoke to the officers and their wives, it would mean a lot.

Но они утверждали, что у них больше никого не осталось.

Они предложили нам Добермана.

Сюрприз. Меня не было в городе.

But they claimed no one else was available.

They suggested a Doberman. Surprise!

I’ve been out of town.

Вы ведь знали, что люди заводят себе доберманов?

Так вот, для мужчин, у которых нет гениталий, доберманы или собаки других агрессивных пород, являются

А как же насчет секса?

Oh, surely you’ve seen people walking around with Dobermans before? — Yes.

— Yeah, well, for men who have no genitals, the ownership of a Doberman, or a similarly violent animal, acts as an important psychological crutch.

What about making love?


У Питта доберманы.

Да, у Питторино, босс.


Pitt had Dobies.

Pittorino, yeah, boss.

Гиббс, я подумал, что вам стоит знать, что Эбби обнаружила шерсть добермана на рукаве напавшего на Рубби.


У Питта доберманы.

Gibbs, I thought you should know Abby found Doberman hair on the sleeve of Ruby’s attacker.


Pitt had Dobies.

Нет, тебе говорят!

У меня в кровати доберман.

А мне тут классную дурь привезли.

For fucks sake…

There’s a Doberman in my bed.

I just got a great stash.

Так, какой же, какой бы он выбрал?

Так, здесь у нас доберман.

На его месте я бы не стал запихивать лампочку владельцу сторожевой собаки.

10-4, standing by. All right, which one, which one would he choose?

This one says the breed is a Doberman.

I’m him, I’m not light bulbing the owner of a loyal attack dog.

Он сделал вид, что ищет жилье, но не много найдется людей, захотевшим сдавать жилье человеку с доберман-пинчером.

А где сейчас доберман-пинчер?

— Мы вынуждены были его усыпить.

He made a show of looking for a place but not too many people want to rent properties to someone with a Doberman Pinscher.

And where’s the Doberman Pinscher just now?

-It had to be put down.

Пару недель назад мы растолковали это Кеннету, очень доходчиво, и он согласился съехать, но не сделал этого.

Он сделал вид, что ищет жилье, но не много найдется людей, захотевшим сдавать жилье человеку с доберман-пинчером

А где сейчас доберман-пинчер?

We’d spoken to Kenneth about it weeks ago, very reasonably, and he agreed to go but he didn’t.

He made a show of looking for a place but not too many people want to rent properties to someone with a Doberman Pinscher.

And where’s the Doberman Pinscher just now?

А какой он породы?

Кто-нибудь знает добермана?

Хорошо, просто продолжай искать, Фред, и звони мне если что-то увидишь, ладно?

What breed is it?

Anyone know a Doberman?

Well, just keep looking, Fred, and call me if you see anything, okay?


Гиббс, я подумал, что вам стоит знать, что Эбби обнаружила шерсть добермана на рукаве напавшего на Рубби



Gibbs, I thought you should know Abby found Doberman hair on the sleeve of Ruby’s attacker.


Последний писк аниматроники напару с биоорганикой.

Сухожилия быка, нервные волокна живого добермана.

Наверное, поймал сигнал какой-нибудь старенькой рации.

State-of-the-art animatronics With bio-organic grafting.

Bull tendons, nerve bundles from a live Doberman.

Must’ve have picked up a signal from an Eighties Walkie-talkie.

Тема семинара — «Травля на работе».

Доберман ты или нет, но ее не цапай.

Добро пожаловать в Собачий штаб — ядро всей нашей организации.

Today’s seminar, «Harassment in the Workplace.»

Doberman or not, do not pinch her.

Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.

Ои. Привет, малышка.

Отвали, Доберман Пикчерс, у нее жених.

И славненькая, и остроумная.

— Hello, baby.

Beat it, Doberman pinhead. She’s taken.

Good looks and funny too.

Если у вас есть пульс, У вас будут конвульсии!

Леди и доберманы,

Утолите вашу жажду крови!

If you have a pulse, you will convulse!

Ladies and dobermans

For your blood-lusting pleasure!

Вы риджбеки.

Вы не доберманы.

По крайней мере, я завербовала двух собак.

You’re ridgebacks.

You’re not dobermans.

Least I can turn two dogs.

Я знал, что мне следовало закрыть дверь.

Голова добермана, замечательно.

Это новое.

I knew I should’ve shut the door.

Doberman head, nice.

That’s new.

Продолжайте поиски.

Месье Брюне, вы хозяин этого добермана по имени Тарзан?


Keep searching.

Mr. Brunet, are you the owner of this Doberman called Tarzan?


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Предложения со словом «doberman»

Without sound or warning, a black Doberman crashed through the dense foliage, its frenzy in full force.

Вдруг неожиданно и бесшумно сквозь густую растительность в полном бешенстве прорвался доберман — пинчер.

Tracy visualized the Doberman’s powerful, heavy body and deadly teeth.

Трейси сразу же представила сильное мускулистое тело добермана , его смертоносные зубы.

Mr. Brunet, are you the owner of this Doberman called Tarzan?

Месье Брюне, вы хозяин этого добермана по имени Тарзан?

Beat it, Doberman pinhead. She’s taken.

Отвали, Доберман Пикчерс, у нее жених.

The way I met her, this Doberman pinscher she had used to come over and relieve himself on our lawn, and my mother got very irritated about it.

А познакомился я с ней, потому что их доберман — пинчер всегда бегал в наш палисадник и там гадил, а мою мать это страшно раздражало.

She had figured out a way to distract the Doberman , but the infrared-ray alarms had proved to be a more difficult problem to solve.

Она решила проблему, как обезвредить добермана , но инфракрасные лучи оказались более твердым орешком.

Doberman doesn’t take showers either, but for an entirely different and much more frightening reason.

Доберман тоже не принимает душ, но по более ужасающей причине.

Doberman or not, do not pinch her.

Доберман ты или нет, но ее не цапай.

He made a show of looking for a place but not too many people want to rent properties to someone with a Doberman Pinscher.

Он сделал вид, что ищет жилье, но не много найдется людей, захотевшим сдавать жилье человеку с доберман — пинчером.

If Mr. Sykes don’t see some cold, hard cash soon, we are Doberman chow.

Если мистер Сайкс не увидит настоящих денег, мы станем едой для доберманов .

The American Conference added the Missouri Explosion, and the National Conference added the Dallas Doberman , Houston Bounty Hunters, and Las Vegas Vipers.

Американская конференция добавила взрыв в Миссури, а Национальная Конференция добавила Далласского добермана , хьюстонских охотников за головами и лас — вегасских гадюк.

Frank and George Doberman are a pair of opinionated, middle-aged men who spend their time in the pub discussing celebrities they admire.

Фрэнк и Джордж Доберман — пара самоуверенных мужчин средних лет, которые проводят время в пабе, обсуждая знаменитостей, которыми восхищаются.

In addition, Matt realizes he wants to marry Kitty after all, and gets her to agree to it. Finally, Doberman surprises Mae by presenting himself as her suitor.

Кроме того, Мэтт понимает, что все — таки хочет жениться на Китти, и заставляет ее согласиться. Наконец, Доберман удивляет Мэй, представляя себя ее поклонником.

When he revamped his style to a cleaner cut of suited and booted look, his Doberman-like facial features and slender frame were masked by his charisma and chic vibe.

Когда он обновил свой стиль до более чистого покроя костюма и ботинок, его Доберманские черты лица и стройная фигура были замаскированы его харизмой и шикарной атмосферой.

The others, meanwhile, are sniffed out by the doberman and are almost discovered by him.

Остальные тем временем вынюхиваются доберманом и почти обнаруживаются им.

Most of his music is published by Doberman Editions, Quebec, Canada.

Большая часть его музыки издается издательством Doberman Editions, Квебек, Канада.

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