Добрая сказка николь 2019



Россия, Москва

Еще один добрый фильм про Рождество



Забавный сюжет


местами затянуто

Добрый день дорогие друзья и читатели сайта Отзовик. Кто же не любит фильмы про Рождество? Думаю таких людей будет немного, не все они конечно интересны, но есть такие милые, что растопят душу любого взрослого. Я…



Украина, Днепр

Санта Клаус умер. Да здравствует Санта Клаус!



Оригинальная идея, игра актеров, праздничная атмосфера.


Простенько и одноразово.

Итак, декабрь наступил. Так что, теперь уж точно пора создавать себе празднично-предновогоднее настроение. Ведь неизвестно еще, что лучше, сам праздник или его предвкушение. А новеньких фильмов для создания праздничной атмосферы сейчас видимо-невидимо. Вот и студия…



Россия, Северный город

Всегда все приходится делать самой!



Красиво и нарядно, местами с хорошим юмором



Так-то в оригинале этот диснеевский семейный фильм звучит как Ноэлль )) ну ладно, пусть будет и Николь, наверно это производная от Св. Николая, да и брат у барышни слева на постере Николай. Мне в этом…



Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Приятная сказка.



Добрый приятный сюжет, актеры.


На один раз.

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели Отзовика. Вечер хотелось провести за просмотром ненавязчивого фильма. И фильм «Николь» подошел просто замечательно. Очередное американское кино о Рождестве, Санта Клаусе и чудесах. В фильме Санта Клаус предстает не вечным, а это…



Украина, Киев в отпуске

Про Рождество и Санту номер 9.





слишком простой и моментами глупый.

Продолжаем марафон и этот фильм номер 9. В этом году я не успеваю смотреть эти рождественские фильмы каждый день, только изредка. Не хватает времени совсем. Так вот фильм «Николь», как вы увидите, если будете смотреть…


Йогой занимаются даже Санты



Добрая, спокойная комедия



1,40 для современного фильма, особенно если это комедия кажется очень много. Фильм «Николь» является этому ярким примером. Действительно очень затянули, можно было бы сократить на 40 минут и не потерять ничего. Зато в остальном все…



Украина, Киев

Рождественский фильм для семейного просмотра



веселый, добрый фильм для семейного просмотра


иногда слишком детский

В предновогодний и новогодний период обожаю смотреть разные рождественские фильмы. Смотрю много таких фильмов, но нахожу каждый год что-то новенькое, что еще не смотрела. По рекомендации подруги посмотрела фильм «Николь». Фильм для просмотра всей семьей…


милый и мудрый фильм для семейного просмотра



яркий, красочный, добрый


не ждите шедевра

Если вы хотите украсить семейный вечер и провести его с детьми, этот фильм — то, что надо! Яркий, красивый, с интересной историей внутри. Я люблю такие легкие и блестящие фильмы, которые создают настроение. «Дисней» держит…



Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Она вам не Санта ))



очень добрый сюжет, замечательная игра актеров, музыка, оригинальность и зрелищность, драматизм, эмоции и смешные шутки ))



Так! Что за безобразие сняли на этот раз в Disney? Как такое может быть? Что за абсурд! Я сильно возмущен и немедленно требую объяснений в письменном виде. Да, в бумажном формате A4 и если появится…



Беларусь, Минск

Для рождественского настроения



Качество, интересно, мило


Местами наивно

Ещё один фильм для рождественского настроения, который можно посмотреть вечерком всей семьей. В этот раз роль Санта Клауса исполняет по воле судьбы девушка! Никаких пошлых шуток и грязного юмора, много красивых костюмов, заснеженных гор и…

Тоха М


Россия, Торжок

Неплохой фильм, но не более того



Красивая Рождественская сказка от Дисней


Простой сюжет, игра актеров средняя

В 2020 году очень мало фильмов вышло в кинотеатрах из-за пандемии короновируса. Соответственно по фильмам прошлого года выбор не велик. Однако в последние годы набирают популярность стриминговые сервисы. Так в 2019 году Дисней запустил свой…



Украина, Полтава

Очень теплый фильм.



Красочный, добрый фильм.


Немного храмала графика.

Доброго времени суток читатели Отзовика. Ищете что можно посмотреть осенним холодным вечером? Тогда вы в правильном направлении. Фильм «Николь» это именно то что согреет тёплыми емоциями и подарит чудное настроение. Увлекательная история о детях Санти…



Россия, Москва

Переосмысливание рождественской мифологии



Неплохая идея, актерский состав


нет ощущения праздника, дешевые компьютерные олени

Фильм о дочери Санты по всей видимости направлен на аудиторию не самых разборчивых зрителей. Кинолента игнорирует желание доставить удовольствие от просмотра. Суть фильма сводится к тому, что классический Санта умер, а поддерживать дух рождества берется…



Россия, Москва

Легкая рождественкая комедия



актеры и антураж



Скоро Новый год, а значит фильмы с такой тематикой, то что нужно зрителю. Ведь Новый год любят все, а значит и новогодние фильмы пойдут на ура. Данный фильм не исключение, ведь это красивая, легкая, рождественкая…



Россия, Самара

к новогоднему просмотру!



праздничный, семейный



Фильм классный!!! Понравился очень, он отличается от пресловутых рождественских фильмов. Смотрела его в гостях у сестры, фильм прекрасно подойдет для просмотра семейным вечером. Приключения дочки Санты это что то новенькое для меня было. Она делает…



Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Девочки тоже могут быть бородатыми Санта-Клаусами



Для сопливых, неуверенных в себе девочек.


Ничего общего с классическими картинами к празднику.

Должен признать, все еще стоит мне увидеть диснеевскую башню и нотки мелодии «When You Wish Upon a Star», мне сразу хочется перенестись в диснеевское детство. Однако, все «старое доброе» как обычно измазали грязью. Как всем…



Россия, Волгоград

Так себе рождество.



Кино про праздник


Праздник не получился

Добрый день. Посмотрел с сыном, думал отличная Рождественская сказка. Тем более настроение было соответствующее, плюс актеры не самые последние в Голливуде. Сюжет незамысловат: живет себе на Северном полюсе семейство Клайсов, выполняют свои прямые обязанности. Дарят…

Отзывы на аналоги:


Я была очень удивлена тому, насколько непопулярен оказался этот рождественский фильм на просторах интернета: информации о нём раз и обчёлся, хотя сервис Disney+, на котором изначально была трансляция, достаточно известен и раскручен. Даже аннотация на Кинопоиске оказалась какой-то скудненькой:

Дочь Санта-Клауса Николь вынуждена заняться семейным делом вместо папы.

Кстати, в оригинале картина называется Ноэль, и в некоторых озучках это имя сохранено.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Производство: США

Год выпуска: 2019

Длительность: 100 мин./ 01:40

Жанр: Фэнтези, Мелодрама, Комедия, Приключения, Семейный

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Этот фильм напоминает мне что-то среднее между «Зачарованной» 2007 года и «Сантой» 1994 года, благодаря чему выглядит, как современная сказка для всех возрастов.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

В чём суть?

На Северном полюсе есть семья, которая испокон веков занимается организацией Рождества, и все потомки этого рода обладают особым даром, который позволяет им вносить немного волшебства в традиционный процесс.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Вот только после смерти главы семейства (это, кстати, не спойлер, именно с этого начинается сюжет) оказывается, что главный наследник Ник этими качествами не обладает, в отличие от своей сестры Николь, которую никто не воспринимает всерьёз для такой «мужской» работы.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

И теперь волшебному миру предстоит непростой выбор: заставить создавать празник того, кто к этому вообще не приспособлен, посадить на место Санты сумасшедшего техника, который хочет автоматизировать Рождество с помощью нейронных сетей или, может, всё-таки открыться новому….

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Новогодняя атмосфера в данной картине зашкаливает, несмотря на то, что 60% действий будут проходить в жарком штате среди обычных людей.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Остальную же часть мы будем любоваться эльфами, подарочной мастерской, горами снега, звонкими санями и летающими оленями. К сожалению, полностью нарисованными на компьютере. Этот момент мне не особо понравился, хотя Снежок клёвый Smile

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Да и в целом актёры приятные, никто не кривляется, все удачно вписываются в свои роли.

Николь (2019, фильм) фото

Цветовая гамма выдержана в едином стиле, поэтому смотреть на такую гармоничную картину — одно удовольствие. Также мне нравится традиционное новогоднее звуковое сопровождение, которое в данном фильме выглядит очень уместно и ненавязчиво.


Это совершенно добрая история без капли пошлости и грубости, при просмотре картины можно вообще не напрягаться и полностью отдаться предновогодней атмосфере.


  • Неплохая идея.
  • Красивая съёмка.
  • Очень по-новогоднему.
  • Смотрится легко.
  • Классные актёры.
  • Приятное звуковое сопровождение.
  • Подходит для просмотра и детьми, и взрослыми.
  • Позитивный сюжет.


  • Анимационные персонажи так себе.
  • Небольшой феминистический подтекст.

Фильм получился немного наивным, я бы даже сказала «миленьким». Он точно не понравится тем, кто расположен посмотреть что-то философски серьёзное. Зато те, кто ждут от него лёгкости и прекрасного настроения, останутся в восторге.


Другие мои отзывы на мультики, фильмы и сериалы:

Ещё один тематический фильм с удивительным образом переплетающейся историей

Одна из самых ожидаемых экранизаций в мире фантастики — Дюна

Криминальная комедия «Большой Куш» с супердинамичным сюжетом

Уютный фильм о том, как один лотерейный билет может изменить три судьбы

Лёгкий подростковый сериал с уклоном в драмком

Похожий как две капли воды на Эйфорию сериал-детектив о школьницах

Noelle poster.jpeg

Promotional poster

Directed by Marc Lawrence
Written by Marc Lawrence
Produced by Suzanne Todd
  • Anna Kendrick
  • Bill Hader
  • Kingsley Ben-Adir
  • Billy Eichner
  • Julie Hagerty
  • Shirley MacLaine
Cinematography Russell Carpenter
Edited by Hughes Winborne
Music by
  • Cody Fitzgerald
  • Clyde Lawrence


Walt Disney Pictures

Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Release date

  • November 12, 2019 (Disney+)

Running time

100 minutes
Country United States
Language English

Noelle is a 2019 American Christmas fantasy comedy film written and directed by Marc Lawrence, produced by Walt Disney Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film stars Anna Kendrick as Noelle Kringle, the daughter of Kris Kringle. It also stars Bill Hader, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Billy Eichner, Julie Hagerty, and Shirley MacLaine. In the film, when Noelle’s brother Nick is stressed from all the pressure of taking over for their father, he leaves and does not return. She must find her brother and bring him back in time for Christmas. It was filmed from October 2017 to January 2018 in British Columbia and Woodstock, Georgia. Noelle was released on November 12, 2019, on Disney+, receiving mixed reviews from critics.


At the North Pole, preparations for the upcoming Christmas are quickly taking place. After the current Santa Claus’s death five months prior, his son, Nick Kringle, is having difficulties trying to complete his training in order to become the next Santa. His younger sister, Noelle, who has been placed in charge of distributing and maintaining Christmas spirit, continues to support him, and even suggests taking the weekend off as to avoid the stress and relax before the big day. Complying, Nick takes off overnight with the reindeer, and does not return following the weekend.

When the reindeer return without Nick and Noelle admits to giving him controversial advice, the elves get angry at her. The elf elders forcibly appoint her cousin Gabriel, the Kringles’ tech support, to fill in as the new Santa. Guilt-stricken and forlorn, Noelle deduces that Nick fled to Phoenix, Arizona, and takes off with the Sleigh and reindeer with her childhood nanny Polly.

They set down in a mall. With the permission of manager Helen Rojas and the customers’ support and belief that it was a Christmas exhibit, Noelle sets out into the city to find Nick, leaving Polly to tend to the sleigh and reindeer. She meets and hires Jake Hapman, a private investigator as well as a recently divorced dad, to track down Nick. Noelle also interacts with Jake’s enthusiastic son Alex and several other people, discovering that she can understand and communicate in other languages (including American Sign Language), as well as tell the naughty from the nice.

Jake tracks Nick down to a yoga studio, where Nick is enthusiastic to see Noelle yet refuses to return north and become Santa. After a heated argument, Noelle leaves the building. She returns to the mall, where her reindeer friend Snowcone arrives with a letter from Mrs. Claus informing her about the situation back home and ordering her to find and bring Nick back home. During Noelle’s time away, Gabriel had used an algorithm to determine that there were only 2,837 «nice» children in the world, much to the horror of the elves and Mrs. Claus.

With help from Snowcone, Noelle tracks down Nick to a yoga retreat at the Desert Botanical Garden, and convinces him to return. Meeting up with her and Polly at the mall the next day, Noelle has him continue to train by being a mall Santa. While Nick sees the text message being sent to children from Gabriel, Jake discovers that Noelle told Alex about his Christmas wish, something that he finds awkward as his ex-wife remarried. Noelle reveals that she is Santa’s daughter, causing him to leave. When Nick is accosted by the actual mall Santa, Noelle intervenes and accidentally hurts a police officer, resulting in her arrest and later hospitalization for psychological evaluation.

After a visit from Polly, who reveals her identity as an elf, Jake removes Noelle from the hospital and she makes her way back to the North Pole with Nick, Polly, and the reindeer before Christmas Eve. Back home after a meeting with the elders, Nick nominates Noelle as the next Santa, which stirs up controversy throughout the town but unanimously gains agreement from the elders when they determine that there is no rule against a female Santa and they are convinced she naturally has the skills. After a few mishaps, Noelle successfully delivers the presents across the world and drops Jake off at his ex-wife’s house to spend time with Alex.

Noelle is celebrated at the North Pole as Gabriel happily returns to tech support while Nick opens up a yoga studio and Polly becomes an elf elder. Noelle admits that she is proud to continue her father’s legacy for being the 24th generational Santa and that Christmas will go on.


  • Anna Kendrick as Noelle Kringle, the titular character, narrator, and Kris’s daughter.
    • Oakley Bull as Young Noelle
    • Taylor Bedford as Teenage Noelle
  • Bill Hader as Nick Kringle, Kris’s son, Noelle’s brother and the 23rd Santa.
    • Owen Vaccaro as Young Nick
  • Shirley MacLaine as Elf Polly, Noelle’s childhood nanny.
  • Kingsley Ben-Adir as Jake Hapman, a private detective Noelle befriends.
  • Billy Eichner as Gabriel Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s cousin, who values cost-saving above the Christmas spirit.
  • Julie Hagerty as Mrs. Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s mother, and Kris’s wife.
  • Jay Brazeau as Kris Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s father and the 22nd Santa.
  • Maceo Smedley as Alex, Jake’s son.
  • Diana Maria Riva as Helen Rojas, the manager of the shopping center.
  • Ron Funches as Elf Mortimer
  • Michael Gross as Elder Elf Abe, the leader of the Elf Elders.
  • Chelah Horsdal as Dr. Shelley Sussman
  • Anna Van Hooft as Elf Mary
  • Anthony Konechny as Elf Ted
  • Burgess Jenkins as Dan
  • Jason Antoon as Omar
  • Shaylee Mansfield as Michelle
  • Gracie Lawrence as Elf Carol


On January 11, 2017, it was announced that Anna Kendrick would play the titular role of Santa Claus’s daughter, Noelle, and that the movie would be written and directed by Marc Lawrence, and produced by Suzanne Todd for Walt Disney Pictures.[1] In July 2017, Bill Hader joined the cast.[2] In September 2017, Billy Eichner and Shirley MacLaine joined the cast.[3][4] In October 2017, Julie Hagerty and Maceo Smedley joined the cast.[5] In November 2017, Michael Gross joined the cast.[6]

Principal photography for the film began in late-October 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, and later moved to Whistler Olympic Park in early-January 2018, where filming continued until January 19, 2018. The exterior for the shelter in Phoenix was St. James Anglican Church—the church’s name can be seen in the Christmas Eve shot. Additional photography also took place in Woodstock, Georgia.[7][8][9] Cody Fitzgerald and Clyde Lawrence composed the film’s score.[10]


Noelle was originally scheduled to be theatrically released on November 8, 2019, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.[11][12] On February 8, 2018, it was revealed that the film would be released on Disney+ instead.[13] It was released on November 12, 2019, four days after its original theatrical release date.[14] It was released in the United Kingdom and Latin America on November 27, 2020.[15]


Critical response[edit]

Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports an approval rating of 55% based on 42 reviews with an average rating of 5.2/10. The site’s critics consensus reads: «The always charming Anna Kendrick does her best, but Noelles progressive take on a timeless tale is unfortunately subdued.»[16] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 48 out of 100, based on 11 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[17]

Nick Allen of Roger Ebert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, writing, «Noelle has more going for it than just being one of the easiest ways for Disney+ to make a good first impression. […] Noelle has plenty of charm—the kind that makes a Christmas story not just simply amiable, but worth a look.»[18] Jennifer Green of Common Sense Media rated the movie a 3 out of 5 stars and wrote: «Noelle is appropriate for the whole family but will likely appeal most to grade-schoolers, who are likely to feel the most connection with its holiday-spirit messages, storylines, and humor, as well as with star Anna Kendrick. […] The subplots of kids being deemed naughty or nice and families seeking togetherness and well-being over material possessions offer positive messages for all ages.»[19] Tim Robey of The Telegraph gave the film 3 out of 5 stars and stated: «It isn’t exactly cinema’s salvation, with a story that’s a near-shameless retread of Jon Favreau’s Elf, this time sticking Anna Kendrick in Will Ferrell’s pointy shoes. But it’s likeable stay-at-home fluff – the kind of thing you could stick on as mood music while you get the decorations out.»[20] Matt Fowler of IGN rated the film 6.7 out of 10, indicating, «Noelle is a bouncy-yet-benign Christmas caper that, despite fun performances, falls short of instant greatness.»[21] Gwen Ihnat of The A.V Club rated the movie C+ and said: «Noelle has a few of those peppermint hot chocolate moments, but thanks to its bizarre warm-weather detour and wasting of a stellar cast, it just barely makes the nice list.»[22]

Emily St. James of Vox graded the movie 2.5 out of 5, stating, «Noelle frequently feels like it’s running in place, frantically throwing shiny objects in your face in the hope you don’t lose interest. But for fans of movie depictions of Christmas, there are worse options. The production design and costumes are sprightly and colorful, and Lawrence is terrific at keeping the story moving, even when it doesn’t seem like it has any reason to keep going.»[23] Kate Erbland of IndieWire gave the film a C- rating and claimed: «Kendrick is delightful, but this Christmas comedy is a cheap holiday tchotchke with no staying power.»[24]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
2021 BMI Film & TV Awards BMI Streaming Film Award Cody Fitzgerald, Clyde Lawrence Won [25]

See also[edit]

  • List of Christmas films
  • Santa Claus in film


  1. ^ Kroll, Justin (January 11, 2017). «Anna Kendrick Eyeing Female Santa Claus Tale for Disney and Marc Lawrence (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  2. ^ Kroll, Justin (July 20, 2017). «Bill Hader Eyeing Disney’s Female Santa Claus Film With Anna Kendrick (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  3. ^ Kroll, Justin (September 22, 2017). «Billy Eichner in Talks to Join Anna Kendrick’s Female Santa Claus Film (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 22, 2017.
  4. ^ Lee, Ashley (September 25, 2017). «Shirley MacLaine Joins Anna Kendrick in Disney’s Female Santa Claus Movie». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 27, 2017.
  5. ^ N’Duka, Amanda (October 12, 2017). «Julie Hagerty To Play Mrs. Claus In Disney’s ‘Nicole’; Maceo Smedley Also Cast». Deadline. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  6. ^ N’Duka, Amanda (15 November 2017). «Michael Gross Joins Disney’s ‘Noelle’, Michael Hyatt Cast In ‘Foster Boy’; Ray Wise In ‘For Entertainment Purposes Only’«.
  7. ^ «Nicole: Disney’s Female Santa Claus Movie with Anna Kendrick Starts Filming». What’s Filming?. October 23, 2017. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  8. ^ Busch, Jenna (October 26, 2017). «Nicole: Anna Kendrick Posts First Look Pic of Nicole Claus». ComingSoon.net. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  9. ^ Takeuchi, Craig (October 23, 2017). «Filming in Vancouver: Anna Kendrick, You Me Her, and an official Dwayne Johnson Day?». Inside Vancouver. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  10. ^ «Cody Fitzgerald & Clyde Lawrence to Score Disney’s ‘Noelle’«. FilmMusicReporter. March 19, 2018. Retrieved November 8, 2018.
  11. ^ McClintock, Pamela (September 12, 2017). «Disney Swaps Release Dates for ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ and ‘Aladdin’«. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  12. ^ Perry, Spencer (September 12, 2017). «Disney Sets Release Dates for Aladdin, Artemis Fowl, & More». ComingSoon.net. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  13. ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. (February 8, 2018). «Disney Unveils Inaugural Streaming Service Launch Slate To Town; No R-Rated Fare». Deadline. Retrieved February 8, 2018.
  14. ^ Burkett, Becky (August 23, 2019). «Disney+ announces new Christmas film starring Anna Kendrick». insidethemagic.net. Retrieved August 23, 2019.
  15. ^ «Disney+ confirms November UK releases including Star Wars». Digital Spy. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2022-04-06.
  16. ^ «Noelle (2019)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved October 10, 2021. Edit this at Wikidata
  17. ^ «Noelle Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 28, 2020.
  18. ^ Allen, Nick. «Noelle movie review & film summary (2019) | Roger Ebert». Roger Ebert.com. Retrieved November 12, 2019.
  19. ^ «Noelle Movie Review | Common Sense Media». www.commonsensemedia.org. Retrieved 2022-05-22.
  20. ^ Robey, Tim (2020-11-26). «Noelle, Disney+ review: Anna Kendrick’s cutesy window into a Christmas before Covid». The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 2022-06-06.
  21. ^ Fowler, Matt (2019-11-12). «Noelle Review: Anna Kendrick’s Fun Performance Can’t Save This Disney+ Christmas Caper». IGN. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  22. ^ «Even with Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader in the sleigh, Disney’s Noelle is no Christmas miracle». The A.V. Club. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  23. ^ James, Emily St (2019-11-12). «Noelle, starring Anna Kendrick, doesn’t bode well for Disney+’s holly jolly future». Vox. Retrieved 2022-06-06.
  24. ^ Erbland, Kate (2019-11-12). «‘Noelle’ Review: Disney+’s Anna Kendrick Holiday Comedy Is a Sloppy Hallmark Channel Ripoff». IndieWire. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  25. ^ «2021 BMI Film, TV & Visual Media Awards». BMI.com. Retrieved 2022-04-04.

External links[edit]

  • Noelle on Disney+ Edit this at Wikidata
  • Official website
  • Noelle at IMDb
Noelle poster.jpeg

Promotional poster

Directed by Marc Lawrence
Written by Marc Lawrence
Produced by Suzanne Todd
  • Anna Kendrick
  • Bill Hader
  • Kingsley Ben-Adir
  • Billy Eichner
  • Julie Hagerty
  • Shirley MacLaine
Cinematography Russell Carpenter
Edited by Hughes Winborne
Music by
  • Cody Fitzgerald
  • Clyde Lawrence


Walt Disney Pictures

Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Release date

  • November 12, 2019 (Disney+)

Running time

100 minutes
Country United States
Language English

Noelle is a 2019 American Christmas fantasy comedy film written and directed by Marc Lawrence, produced by Walt Disney Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film stars Anna Kendrick as Noelle Kringle, the daughter of Kris Kringle. It also stars Bill Hader, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Billy Eichner, Julie Hagerty, and Shirley MacLaine. In the film, when Noelle’s brother Nick is stressed from all the pressure of taking over for their father, he leaves and does not return. She must find her brother and bring him back in time for Christmas. It was filmed from October 2017 to January 2018 in British Columbia and Woodstock, Georgia. Noelle was released on November 12, 2019, on Disney+, receiving mixed reviews from critics.


At the North Pole, preparations for the upcoming Christmas are quickly taking place. After the current Santa Claus’s death five months prior, his son, Nick Kringle, is having difficulties trying to complete his training in order to become the next Santa. His younger sister, Noelle, who has been placed in charge of distributing and maintaining Christmas spirit, continues to support him, and even suggests taking the weekend off as to avoid the stress and relax before the big day. Complying, Nick takes off overnight with the reindeer, and does not return following the weekend.

When the reindeer return without Nick and Noelle admits to giving him controversial advice, the elves get angry at her. The elf elders forcibly appoint her cousin Gabriel, the Kringles’ tech support, to fill in as the new Santa. Guilt-stricken and forlorn, Noelle deduces that Nick fled to Phoenix, Arizona, and takes off with the Sleigh and reindeer with her childhood nanny Polly.

They set down in a mall. With the permission of manager Helen Rojas and the customers’ support and belief that it was a Christmas exhibit, Noelle sets out into the city to find Nick, leaving Polly to tend to the sleigh and reindeer. She meets and hires Jake Hapman, a private investigator as well as a recently divorced dad, to track down Nick. Noelle also interacts with Jake’s enthusiastic son Alex and several other people, discovering that she can understand and communicate in other languages (including American Sign Language), as well as tell the naughty from the nice.

Jake tracks Nick down to a yoga studio, where Nick is enthusiastic to see Noelle yet refuses to return north and become Santa. After a heated argument, Noelle leaves the building. She returns to the mall, where her reindeer friend Snowcone arrives with a letter from Mrs. Claus informing her about the situation back home and ordering her to find and bring Nick back home. During Noelle’s time away, Gabriel had used an algorithm to determine that there were only 2,837 «nice» children in the world, much to the horror of the elves and Mrs. Claus.

With help from Snowcone, Noelle tracks down Nick to a yoga retreat at the Desert Botanical Garden, and convinces him to return. Meeting up with her and Polly at the mall the next day, Noelle has him continue to train by being a mall Santa. While Nick sees the text message being sent to children from Gabriel, Jake discovers that Noelle told Alex about his Christmas wish, something that he finds awkward as his ex-wife remarried. Noelle reveals that she is Santa’s daughter, causing him to leave. When Nick is accosted by the actual mall Santa, Noelle intervenes and accidentally hurts a police officer, resulting in her arrest and later hospitalization for psychological evaluation.

After a visit from Polly, who reveals her identity as an elf, Jake removes Noelle from the hospital and she makes her way back to the North Pole with Nick, Polly, and the reindeer before Christmas Eve. Back home after a meeting with the elders, Nick nominates Noelle as the next Santa, which stirs up controversy throughout the town but unanimously gains agreement from the elders when they determine that there is no rule against a female Santa and they are convinced she naturally has the skills. After a few mishaps, Noelle successfully delivers the presents across the world and drops Jake off at his ex-wife’s house to spend time with Alex.

Noelle is celebrated at the North Pole as Gabriel happily returns to tech support while Nick opens up a yoga studio and Polly becomes an elf elder. Noelle admits that she is proud to continue her father’s legacy for being the 24th generational Santa and that Christmas will go on.


  • Anna Kendrick as Noelle Kringle, the titular character, narrator, and Kris’s daughter.
    • Oakley Bull as Young Noelle
    • Taylor Bedford as Teenage Noelle
  • Bill Hader as Nick Kringle, Kris’s son, Noelle’s brother and the 23rd Santa.
    • Owen Vaccaro as Young Nick
  • Shirley MacLaine as Elf Polly, Noelle’s childhood nanny.
  • Kingsley Ben-Adir as Jake Hapman, a private detective Noelle befriends.
  • Billy Eichner as Gabriel Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s cousin, who values cost-saving above the Christmas spirit.
  • Julie Hagerty as Mrs. Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s mother, and Kris’s wife.
  • Jay Brazeau as Kris Kringle, Noelle and Nick’s father and the 22nd Santa.
  • Maceo Smedley as Alex, Jake’s son.
  • Diana Maria Riva as Helen Rojas, the manager of the shopping center.
  • Ron Funches as Elf Mortimer
  • Michael Gross as Elder Elf Abe, the leader of the Elf Elders.
  • Chelah Horsdal as Dr. Shelley Sussman
  • Anna Van Hooft as Elf Mary
  • Anthony Konechny as Elf Ted
  • Burgess Jenkins as Dan
  • Jason Antoon as Omar
  • Shaylee Mansfield as Michelle
  • Gracie Lawrence as Elf Carol


On January 11, 2017, it was announced that Anna Kendrick would play the titular role of Santa Claus’s daughter, Noelle, and that the movie would be written and directed by Marc Lawrence, and produced by Suzanne Todd for Walt Disney Pictures.[1] In July 2017, Bill Hader joined the cast.[2] In September 2017, Billy Eichner and Shirley MacLaine joined the cast.[3][4] In October 2017, Julie Hagerty and Maceo Smedley joined the cast.[5] In November 2017, Michael Gross joined the cast.[6]

Principal photography for the film began in late-October 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, and later moved to Whistler Olympic Park in early-January 2018, where filming continued until January 19, 2018. The exterior for the shelter in Phoenix was St. James Anglican Church—the church’s name can be seen in the Christmas Eve shot. Additional photography also took place in Woodstock, Georgia.[7][8][9] Cody Fitzgerald and Clyde Lawrence composed the film’s score.[10]


Noelle was originally scheduled to be theatrically released on November 8, 2019, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.[11][12] On February 8, 2018, it was revealed that the film would be released on Disney+ instead.[13] It was released on November 12, 2019, four days after its original theatrical release date.[14] It was released in the United Kingdom and Latin America on November 27, 2020.[15]


Critical response[edit]

Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports an approval rating of 55% based on 42 reviews with an average rating of 5.2/10. The site’s critics consensus reads: «The always charming Anna Kendrick does her best, but Noelles progressive take on a timeless tale is unfortunately subdued.»[16] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 48 out of 100, based on 11 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[17]

Nick Allen of Roger Ebert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, writing, «Noelle has more going for it than just being one of the easiest ways for Disney+ to make a good first impression. […] Noelle has plenty of charm—the kind that makes a Christmas story not just simply amiable, but worth a look.»[18] Jennifer Green of Common Sense Media rated the movie a 3 out of 5 stars and wrote: «Noelle is appropriate for the whole family but will likely appeal most to grade-schoolers, who are likely to feel the most connection with its holiday-spirit messages, storylines, and humor, as well as with star Anna Kendrick. […] The subplots of kids being deemed naughty or nice and families seeking togetherness and well-being over material possessions offer positive messages for all ages.»[19] Tim Robey of The Telegraph gave the film 3 out of 5 stars and stated: «It isn’t exactly cinema’s salvation, with a story that’s a near-shameless retread of Jon Favreau’s Elf, this time sticking Anna Kendrick in Will Ferrell’s pointy shoes. But it’s likeable stay-at-home fluff – the kind of thing you could stick on as mood music while you get the decorations out.»[20] Matt Fowler of IGN rated the film 6.7 out of 10, indicating, «Noelle is a bouncy-yet-benign Christmas caper that, despite fun performances, falls short of instant greatness.»[21] Gwen Ihnat of The A.V Club rated the movie C+ and said: «Noelle has a few of those peppermint hot chocolate moments, but thanks to its bizarre warm-weather detour and wasting of a stellar cast, it just barely makes the nice list.»[22]

Emily St. James of Vox graded the movie 2.5 out of 5, stating, «Noelle frequently feels like it’s running in place, frantically throwing shiny objects in your face in the hope you don’t lose interest. But for fans of movie depictions of Christmas, there are worse options. The production design and costumes are sprightly and colorful, and Lawrence is terrific at keeping the story moving, even when it doesn’t seem like it has any reason to keep going.»[23] Kate Erbland of IndieWire gave the film a C- rating and claimed: «Kendrick is delightful, but this Christmas comedy is a cheap holiday tchotchke with no staying power.»[24]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
2021 BMI Film & TV Awards BMI Streaming Film Award Cody Fitzgerald, Clyde Lawrence Won [25]

See also[edit]

  • List of Christmas films
  • Santa Claus in film


  1. ^ Kroll, Justin (January 11, 2017). «Anna Kendrick Eyeing Female Santa Claus Tale for Disney and Marc Lawrence (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  2. ^ Kroll, Justin (July 20, 2017). «Bill Hader Eyeing Disney’s Female Santa Claus Film With Anna Kendrick (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  3. ^ Kroll, Justin (September 22, 2017). «Billy Eichner in Talks to Join Anna Kendrick’s Female Santa Claus Film (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved September 22, 2017.
  4. ^ Lee, Ashley (September 25, 2017). «Shirley MacLaine Joins Anna Kendrick in Disney’s Female Santa Claus Movie». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 27, 2017.
  5. ^ N’Duka, Amanda (October 12, 2017). «Julie Hagerty To Play Mrs. Claus In Disney’s ‘Nicole’; Maceo Smedley Also Cast». Deadline. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  6. ^ N’Duka, Amanda (15 November 2017). «Michael Gross Joins Disney’s ‘Noelle’, Michael Hyatt Cast In ‘Foster Boy’; Ray Wise In ‘For Entertainment Purposes Only’«.
  7. ^ «Nicole: Disney’s Female Santa Claus Movie with Anna Kendrick Starts Filming». What’s Filming?. October 23, 2017. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  8. ^ Busch, Jenna (October 26, 2017). «Nicole: Anna Kendrick Posts First Look Pic of Nicole Claus». ComingSoon.net. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  9. ^ Takeuchi, Craig (October 23, 2017). «Filming in Vancouver: Anna Kendrick, You Me Her, and an official Dwayne Johnson Day?». Inside Vancouver. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  10. ^ «Cody Fitzgerald & Clyde Lawrence to Score Disney’s ‘Noelle’«. FilmMusicReporter. March 19, 2018. Retrieved November 8, 2018.
  11. ^ McClintock, Pamela (September 12, 2017). «Disney Swaps Release Dates for ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ and ‘Aladdin’«. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  12. ^ Perry, Spencer (September 12, 2017). «Disney Sets Release Dates for Aladdin, Artemis Fowl, & More». ComingSoon.net. Retrieved September 13, 2017.
  13. ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. (February 8, 2018). «Disney Unveils Inaugural Streaming Service Launch Slate To Town; No R-Rated Fare». Deadline. Retrieved February 8, 2018.
  14. ^ Burkett, Becky (August 23, 2019). «Disney+ announces new Christmas film starring Anna Kendrick». insidethemagic.net. Retrieved August 23, 2019.
  15. ^ «Disney+ confirms November UK releases including Star Wars». Digital Spy. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2022-04-06.
  16. ^ «Noelle (2019)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved October 10, 2021. Edit this at Wikidata
  17. ^ «Noelle Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 28, 2020.
  18. ^ Allen, Nick. «Noelle movie review & film summary (2019) | Roger Ebert». Roger Ebert.com. Retrieved November 12, 2019.
  19. ^ «Noelle Movie Review | Common Sense Media». www.commonsensemedia.org. Retrieved 2022-05-22.
  20. ^ Robey, Tim (2020-11-26). «Noelle, Disney+ review: Anna Kendrick’s cutesy window into a Christmas before Covid». The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 2022-06-06.
  21. ^ Fowler, Matt (2019-11-12). «Noelle Review: Anna Kendrick’s Fun Performance Can’t Save This Disney+ Christmas Caper». IGN. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  22. ^ «Even with Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader in the sleigh, Disney’s Noelle is no Christmas miracle». The A.V. Club. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  23. ^ James, Emily St (2019-11-12). «Noelle, starring Anna Kendrick, doesn’t bode well for Disney+’s holly jolly future». Vox. Retrieved 2022-06-06.
  24. ^ Erbland, Kate (2019-11-12). «‘Noelle’ Review: Disney+’s Anna Kendrick Holiday Comedy Is a Sloppy Hallmark Channel Ripoff». IndieWire. Retrieved 2022-04-04.
  25. ^ «2021 BMI Film, TV & Visual Media Awards». BMI.com. Retrieved 2022-04-04.

External links[edit]

  • Noelle on Disney+ Edit this at Wikidata
  • Official website
  • Noelle at IMDb

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