Побережье небольшого острова неподалеку от берегов Кореи. Молодой человек (Нок-ту) занимается подводной рыбалкой. Он нанизывает на гарпун очередную рыбину, выныривает на поверхность, бредет по мелководью к берегу. Ему призывно машет рукой маленькая девочка: вот и мой муженек появился! Нок-ту ворчит себе под нос: опять я муженек.
Девочка готовит на костре выловленных Нок-ту моллюсков, поедает их. Нок-ту говорит ей, что не сможет на ней жениться: понимаешь, мне надо будет покинуть наш остров, у меня есть кое-какие дела. Девочка сердится: но ведь отец сказал, что мы поженимся! Она хватает Нок-ту за руку. Тот с трудом разжимает пальцы разъяренного ребенка, рассматривает оставшиеся от захвата следы на руке: и откуда в тебе такая силища?
На берегу появляется отец девочки, он отхлебывает из баклажки спиртное, его ноги заплетаются. Девочка сообщает отцу о том, что Нок-ту отказывается на ней жениться. Нок-ту бормочет извинения, говорит о том, что его «невеста» еще слишком мала. Так что я пока не могу на ней жениться, учитель! Учитель с пьяной ухмылкой на лице говорит, что Нок-ту – самый юный жених на острове. Так что вы просто идеальная парочка.
На берег выбегает женщина, она кричит, что в доме у Нок-ту случилось несчастье.
Нок-ту бежит к своему дому. Он видит, что во дворе происходит настоящее сражение. Его отец с палкой в руках пытается отбить нападение группы вооруженных мечами людей. Все они облачены в красные одежды, лица закрыты повязками. Брат Нок-ту лежит, привалившись к стене дома, он держится за бок, откуда сочится кровь.
Нок-ту вступает в схватку с убийцами. Он обезоруживает одного из нападавших, хватает его меч и одного за другим выводит из строя людей в красном. Последнего оставшегося в живых бойца Нок-ту ранит в ногу. Он срывает с его лица повязку и убеждается, что перед ним молодая женщина. Воспользовавшись секундным замешательством Нок-ту, женщина в красном убегает.
Во двор заходит учитель Нок-ту. Он осматривает рану его брата, говорит, что она не представляет опасности для жизни. Нок-ту обращается к отцу: кто эти люди? Почему они нас преследуют? Отец говорит Нок-ту, что им надо бежать с острова. Нок-ту возражает: мы так и будем бегать? Но они снова нас найдут. Отец говорит, что вины Нок-ту в том, что произошло сегодня, нет. Нок-ту сомневается: нет, наверное, все дело во мне. Я уеду с острова, разыщу того, кто направляет к нам наемных убийц, выясню, что ему от нас надо. Нок-ту обращается к учителю: позаботьтесь о моем отце и брате. Учитель говорит, что на время отсутствия Нок-ту на острове поселит его отца и брата у себя в доме.
По улице города Ханянь несутся верхом на лошадях вооруженные стражники. Они расчищают проезжую часть от заполнивших ее людей: дорогу, разойдись! Дорогу королю! Люди разбегаются в разные стороны.
По улице перемещается королевский кортеж: придворные несут паланкин, на котором восседает правитель. Вдоль дороги выстроены вооруженные стражники. Следом за паланкином идут придворные, музыканты издают пронзительные звуки, извлекаемые из медных труб.
Из переулка за процессией наблюдает девушка в мужском наряде. Она воображает, что извлекает из сумки складной лук и стрелу, раскладывает лук, натягивает тетиву, накладывает стрелу, стреляет в короля.
Девушка-мальчик извлекает из сумки складной лук и стрелу. В этот момент на нее налетает проходящий мимо Нок-ту, стрела и лук падают на землю. Нок-ту извиняется за свою неловкость. Девушка-мальчик упрекает его за это. Нок-ту говорит, что «парень» мог быть и повнимательней. Лучница снова смотрит в сторону королевской процессии и понимает, что момент для покушения уже упущен.
Дорогу кавалькаде преграждает пожилой мужчина в скромной одежде. Он бросает камень и попадает им в короля. Старик обрушивается на монарха с гневной инвективой, он обвиняет правителя в алчности и наплевательском отношении к нуждам простого народа. Для того, чтобы построить себе дворец, ты разрушаешь наши дома. Твои люди убили моего сына и внука. Ты никакой не король!
Стражники хватают старика. Король говорит приближенным, что у бунтовщика должны быть пособники. Обыщите все вокруг, хватайте всех мало-мальски подозрительных людей. Начинается облава, стражники хватают всех попавшихся под руку и тащат в тюрьму. Один из стражников находит стрелу, которую оборонила лучница. Эта находка подтверждает мнение короля о том, что у террориста-камнеметателя были сообщники.
Нок-ту тоже подает в руки стражников. Его отправляют в тюрьму и помещают в камеру вместе с другими подозреваемыми. В этой же камере находится и девушка-мальчик. Нок-ту и «парень» вспоминают старые обиды, начинают ссориться. Нок-ту удивлен тем, что низкорослый «парень» говорит с ним, как с несмышленышем. Да я же старше тебя. И сколько тебе лет? Я родился в год змеи. Девушка-мальчик заявляет, что в год рождения оппонента он(а) уже читал(а) Конфуция.
Переодетая девица замечает, что нижняя часть деревянной решетки, отделяющей камеру от коридора, повреждена. Дождавшись, когда сокамерники и стражник в коридоре заснут, она выбивает ногой часть решетки и пытается выбраться в образовавшееся отверстие из камеры. Но ей это не удается, пытаясь протиснуть в отверстие плечи, белянка застревает. За ней наблюдает проснувшийся Нок-ту. И чего ты вытворяешь? Если ты ни в чем не виноват – утром тебя отпустят. Но если тебя поймают при попытке к бегству – можешь попрощаться с головой. Травести умоляет Нок-ту спасти ее. Тот требует, чтобы «парень» повторил просьбу в более вежливой форме. Девица выдавливает из себя «пожалуйста», Нок-ту затаскивает ее за ноги обратно в камеру.
Нок-ту наблюдает за тем, как девушка-мальчик постанывает во сне. И как такой хилый парень пытался сбежать? Он ложится рядом с незадачливой беглянкой, укрывает ее полой своей одежды. Утром Нок-ту и травести, обнаружив нежеланное соседство, отталкивают друг друга.
Заключенных выводят в тюремный двор. Там проводятся допросы с применением пыток. Дознаватель требует, чтобы травести назвала свое имя, место постоянного жительства, цель пребывания в городе. Девушка-мальчик лепечет что-то невнятное и замолкает. К ее горлу стражник подносит обнаженный меч. Нок-ту обращается к дознавателю. Он требует, чтобы ему организовали встречу с королем. И что ты хочешь ему сказать? Нок-ту заявляет, что король действует крайне неразумно: зачем он пытает и казнит заведомо невиновных людей? С его стороны было бы гораздо умнее послать цветы на могилу сына и внука мятежного старика, выразить свои соболезнования его семье. Если он не желает это делать искренне – пусть хотя бы притворится добрым. И тогда народ проникнется к нему привязанностью.
Государь, который в это время проходит по дорожке за углом, слышит речи Нок-ту и, демонстрируя явное незнакомство с одноименной работой Макиавелли, соглашается с опередившими свое время популистскими рекомендациями: ладно, буду притворяться; но этого старика я все же не помилую.
Задержанных отпускают на свободу. Нок-ту обращается к травести: я тебя выручил, а поэтому ты должен угостить меня рисовым супом. Мальчик-девочка обвиняет Нок-ту в корысти и уходит от него, выразив на прощание надежду на то, что они никогда больше не встретятся.
Нок-ту приходит на постоялый двор. Он снимает на ночь комнату. Вечером к нему заходит хозяйка, она приносит Нок-ту еду: ее не стали есть постояльцы, которые уже съехали. Так что ешь и пей, денег я с тебя за это не возьму.
Нок-ту набрасывается на еду. Через некоторое время он вываливается из комнаты через окно. Согнувшись в три погибели и демонстрируя явные признаки отравления, Нок-ту выходит на улицу. За ним с ножом в руке, прихрамывая, крадется женщина в красном одеянии. К Нок-ту подходят ночные стражники, тот падает на землю. Один из стражников бежит за помощью. Женщина в красном возвращается на постоялый двор. Нок-ту тут же «оживает».
Хозяйка постоялого двора говорит, что выполнила все указания убийцы. Вы должны отдать мне обещанную плату. Женщина в красном достает нож и «расплачивается» с пособницей.
Нок-ту наблюдает за постоялым двором. Утром оттуда выходит женщина в красном. Нок-ту крадется за ней. Та идет через лес и заходит на территорию какой-то деревни. Нок-ту следует за ней. Он видит, что деревня населена исключительно женщинами. Они с удивление смотрят на пришельца. Звучат голоса: мужчина! Откуда он тут взялся? К Нок-ту подбегает команда крупногабаритных дам, они наносят ему несколько мощных ударов: говори, как ты попал в нашу деревню, в которой живут только вдовы!
Нок-ту вышвыривают из деревни. Однако ему удается найти женское платье, он переодевается и возвращается в деревню вдов. Ему рассказывают о том, что деревня была основана во время японского вторжения вдовами погибших на войне мужчин. Рядом с деревней находится дом, где готовят кисэн (корейские гейши). Нок-ту знакомится с его обитательницами, в том числе и с Дон Дон-чжу, той самой травести, которая хотела убить короля.
Вернувшись в деревню вдов, Нок-ту замечает там прихрамывающую женщину, которая заходит в помещение винокурни.
Обитательницы деревни приглашают Нок-ту на совместное купание, однако ему удается сохранить свою тайну.
Нок-ту поселяют в одной комнате с Дон-чжу, это создает массу деликатных ситуаций, связанных с отходом ко сну и переодеванием.
Тем временем по приказу короля по всей стране разыскивают отца Нок-ту, который когда-то был его другом и инсценировал свою смерть на войне.
А Нок-ту продолжает слежку за отрядом женщин-убийц.
The Tale of Nokdu | |
Promotional poster |
Also known as | Joseon Rom-com: Mung Bean Chronicles |
Hangul | 조선로코-녹두전 |
Hanja | 朝鮮로코-綠豆傳 |
Revised Romanization | Joseolloko Nokdujeon |
Literally | Joseon Rom-com: Tale of Nok-du |
Genre |
Based on | Joseon Love Story: The Tale of Nokdu [ko] by Hye Jin-yang |
Written by |
Directed by | Kim Dong-hwi |
Starring |
Opening theme | «Miracle» by Woozi (Seventeen) |
Ending theme | «I’ll Be The Light» by Younha |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language | Korean |
No. of episodes | 32 |
Production | |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 35 minutes |
Production companies |
Distributor | Korean Broadcasting System |
Budget | ₩10 billion[3] |
Release | |
Original network | KBS2 |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Audio format | Dolby Digital |
Original release | September 30 – November 25, 2019 |
The Tale of Nokdu (Korean: 조선로코-녹두전) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Jang Dong-yoon, Kim So-hyun, Kang Tae-oh, and Jung Joon-ho. It is based on the webtoon by Hye Jin-yang which was published in 2014 on Naver Webtoon. It aired on KBS2 from September 30 to November 25, 2019.[4][5]
Set in the Joseon dynasty, the series is about a man who disguises as a woman to enter a mysterious women-only village in search of the truth about his birth; and a young woman who does not want to become a kisaeng in pursuit of revenge for her family.[1]
Leads Jang, Kim, Jung and Kang at The Tale of Nokdu’s press conference in September 2019.
- Jang Dong-yoon as Jeon Nok-du / Lady Kim Nok-soon / Yeon Soo[2]
- Kim Ji-woo as young Jeon Nok-du
- A smart and athletic man who, due to an incident, enters an all-women village where men are strictly forbidden. To do so, he dresses himself as a woman in the guise of the widowed Lady Kim Nok-soon.
- Kim So-hyun as Dong Dong-joo / Yoo Eun-seo[6]
- Jo Ye-rin as young Dong Dong-joo / Yoo Eun-seo
- A clumsy and hot-tempered kisaeng trainee who has no skills in performing arts, but is an artisan. Wanting to take revenge on the man who wronged her family, she uses her skills in developing a concealed weapon.
- Kang Tae-oh as Prince Neungyang / Cha Yool-moo[7]
- Jeon Jin-seo as young Prince Neungyang / Cha Yool-moo
- The king’s nephew who seemingly lives a simple life. He is a man known for his looks and talent in cooking. He cherishes Dong-joo, having been betrothed to her before her family’s disgrace. He stages a coup and becomes the next king of Joseon.[8]
- Jung Joon-ho as King Gwanghae[9]
- Upon the death of his father and after finding out that he was not the intended successor, he orders the execution of the supporters of his father’s will. He jealously guards the throne against possible contenders.
People around Jeon Nok-du[edit]
- Lee Seung-joon as Jung Yoon-jeo, Nok-du and Hwang-tae’s father.[10]
- Song Geon-hee as Jeon Hwang-tae/Jung Yi-hyun, Nok-du’s older brother.[11]
- Lee Moon-sik as Hwang Jang-gun, a martial art master and soon to be father-in-law of Nokdu.[12]
- Go Geon-han as Yeon Geun, a rich man who manages the widow village and is entangled with Nok-du.[13][14]
- Park Da-Yeon as Hwang Aeng-du, 7 years old daughter of Hwang Jang-gun. She is convinced that her father promised to marry her with Nokdu, so she called Nokdu «honey».
People around Cha Yool-moo[edit]
- Hwang In-youp as Park Dan-ho, Cha Yool-moo’s escort warrior with an excellent sword skill. He is ambitious in sword-fighting and very loyal to Yool-moo, willing to even lay down his life if needed to protect him.[15]
- Kim Yi-kyung as Ok-ran, a kisaeng who is jealous of Yool-moo’s one-sided devotion towards Dong-joo.[16]
People around King Gwanghae[edit]
- Kim Tae-woo as Heo Yoon, King Gwanghae’s most beloved friend and subject.[17]
- Lee Eun-hyung as officer Baek Jong, a man who is silently guarding the king.[18]
- Park Min-jung as Deposed Queen Yu, King Gwanghae’s queen consort.[19]
- Oh Ha-nee as Queen Inmok, King Gwanghae’s young stepmother or King Seonjo’s wife.[20]
- Yoon Yoo-sun as Cheon Hae-soo, the head and guardian of the village to protect the kisaeng and the widow village.[21]
- Lee Joo-bin as Mae Hwa-soo, a friend of Dong-joo and the most popular kisaeng with her talent and natural dancing ability.[22]
Member of the Virtuous Women Corps (Yeollyeodan)[edit]
- Yoon Sa-bong as Kang Soon-nyeo[23]
- Hwang Mi-young as Park Bok-nyeo
- Yoon Geum Sun Ah as Lee Mal-nyeon
Member of the Muwol Corps (Muwoldan)[edit]
- Cho Soo-hyang as Kim Ssook, a calm and cautious widow who has impressive sword skills.[24]
- Song Chae-yoon as Min Deul-re, a mysterious person who is following Nok-du and the dandelion.[25]
- Han Ga-rim as No Yeon Boon[26]
- Yang So-min as Ahn Jeong-sook [27]
- Han Da-sol as Hang-ah, a court lady who falls in love with Nok-du at first sight.[28]
- Kwon Hyuk[29]
Special appearances[edit]
- Park Chul-min as the father-in-law of the escaper and the holder of elephant treasure statue of Ming Dynasty. (Ep.1,
- Lee Ho-jae as the father who threw the stone at the king. (Ep.1)
- Jung Yi-rang as the inn owner. (Ep.1)
- The first script reading was held in June 2019 at KBS Annex Broadcasting Station in Yeouido, Seoul, South Korea.[31]
- Yeonwoo of Momoland was offered the role of Mae Hwa-soo, but declined due to health concerns.[32][33]
- The series was filmed in Dongmakgol, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon Province, South Korea from June 1 to August 31, 2019.[34]
- The series suspended its production on July 4, 2019, in wake of actress Jeon Mi-seon’s death.[35][36] She was cast as Cheon Hae-soo.[37]
- On July 18, 2019, it was revealed that lead actress Kim So-hyun suffered a minor injury when she fell off a horse while filming. Filming was canceled and rescheduled after her recovery.[38]
- On August 26, 2019, The Tale of Nokdu, Naver Music and National Gugak Center announced the opening of K-Drama Music Competition Season 3 to select ten songs for the series’ original soundtrack. The winner’s song will be released as an official soundtrack on various music portals with the prize money of ₩2 million.[39][40]
- It is the first series produced by Wavve and aired simultaneously on KBS2 and Wavve starting September 30.[3]
Original soundtrack[edit]
The Tale of Nokdu OST Special Album |
Soundtrack album by
Various artists |
Released | November 26, 2019 |
Genre | Soundtrack |
Language | Korean |
Part 1[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Baby Only You» | Park Beom-geun | Park Beom-geun | NCT U (Doyoung, Mark) | 3:17 |
2. | «Baby Only You» (Inst.) | Park Beom-geun | 3:17 | ||
Total length: | 6:34 |
Part 2[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «I’ll Be The Light» (빛이 되어줄게) | Honey Jar | Honey Jar | Younha | 4:11 |
2. | «I’ll Be The Light» (Inst.) | Honey Jar | 4:11 | ||
Total length: | 8:22 |
Part 3[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Miracle» | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | Woozi (Seventeen) | 3:39 |
2. | «Miracle» (Inst.) | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | 3:39 | ||
Total length: | 7:18 |
Part 4[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Most Beautiful Days» (가장 완벽한 날들) | Yang Jae-seon, Gaemi | Gaemi | Gummy | 4:45 |
2. | «Most Beautiful Days» (Inst.) | Gaemi | 4:45 | ||
Total length: | 9:30 |
Part 5[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Going Round And Round Inside Me» (내 안에 맴돌아) | Heo Sung-jin, Gaemi | Kim Se-jin | Sandeul (B1A4) | 3:36 |
2. | «Going Round And Round Inside Me» (Inst.) | Kim Se-jin | 3:36 | ||
Total length: | 7:12 |
Part 6[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «It Hurts» (아프고 아파서) | Jin Hyo-jeong | Jin Hyo-jeong, Ecobridge | Min Seo | 3:34 |
2. | «It Hurts» (Inst.) | Jin Hyo-jeong, Ecobridge | 3:34 | ||
Total length: | 7:08 |
Part 7[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Scar» (흉터) | GA EUN | Gaemi | Kim Yeon-ji | 4:01 |
2. | «Scar» (Inst.) | Gaemi | 4:01 | ||
Total length: | 8:02 |
Part 8[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Your Warmth» (너의 온기) | Kim Seong-yeon | Jin Min-ho | Huh Gak | 4:04 |
2. | «Your Warmth» (Inst.) | Jin Min-ho | 4:04 | ||
Total length: | 8:08 |
Part 9[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Sunshine Wind Starlight» (햇살 바람 별빛 그대) | Lee Da-hee | Lee Da-hee | Parc Jae Jung | 4:01 |
2. | «Sunshine Wind Starlight» (Inst.) | Lee Da-hee | 4:01 | ||
Total length: | 8:02 |
Part 10[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «The Never Ending Melody» (끝나지 않은 이 멜로디) | Rael, Naomi | 개미, Ra.L | Kim Na-yeon | 3:26 |
2. | «The Never Ending Melody» (Inst.) | 개미, Ra.L | 3:26 | ||
Total length: | 6:52 |
No. | Title | Artist | Length |
1. | «The Fate From Scars» (흉터로 만든 운명) | 개미 | 1:30 |
2. | «Escape» | Yoo Min-ho | 1:50 |
3. | «Destined To Be King» (왕이 될 운명) | Park Yun-seo | 2:02 |
4. | «Hardship» | Lee Seong-gu | 1:57 |
5. | «Conspiracy» (역모) | Park Mi-sun | 1:32 |
6. | «Twisted Choice» (엇갈린 선택) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:01 |
7. | «Grey Wind» (잿바람) | Junghwan Park | 1:07 |
8. | «The Day When The Sky Opened» (하늘이 열리는 날) | 개미 | 2:27 |
9. | «Fate» (운명) | 개미 | 3:08 |
10. | «Withstand» | Lee Seong-gu | 2:00 |
11. | «Attack» (습격) | Park Mi-sun | 1:56 |
12. | «Swing» (그네터) | Park Mi-sun | 3:01 |
13. | «The Day of the Battle» (결전의 날) | Park Ji-hwan | 1:50 |
14. | «Avoid the Rain» (비를 긋다) | Park Yun-seo | 2:48 |
15. | «Far Away» (멀어진 길) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:06 |
16. | «Sweet Dream» (단꿈) | Lee Geon-yeong | 4:14 |
17. | «Dark Shadow» (검은 그림자) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:42 |
18. | «Perfect Days» (완벽한 날들) | 개미 | 4:19 |
19. | «Shoes with Flowers» (꽃신) | Park Yun-seo | 4:16 |
20. | «First Love» | Yoo Min-ho | 2:26 |
21. | «Light Tread» (가벼운 발걸음) | Lee Seong-gu | 2:45 |
22. | «Flower Shaped Rice Cake» (꽃전) | Park Mi-sun | 1:47 |
23. | «Village of Widows» (과부촌) | Yoo Min-ho | 1:47 |
24. | «Fairytale» | Lee Geon-yeong | 2:38 |
25. | «Widow Kim» (김과부) | Yoo Min-ho | 2:05 |
26. | «A Widow Need Lots of Hand» (손이 많이 가는 과부님) | Park Mi-sun | 2:27 |
27. | «The Flower’s Way» (꽃길) | Dear Island | 2:45 |
Jang Dong-yoon & Kim So-Hyun at The Tale of Nokdu’s conference.
The series had a strong opening week for KBS2 22:00 Monday/Tuesday timeslot with ratings ranging from 6-8% that was last achieved by Sweet Stranger and Me back in 2016.[41] It was announced on October 2 that due to «The Tale of Nokdu effect», Wavve has increased 4.5 times in paid subscribers daily and peak-time traffic rose more than 30% due to service reorganization, wave marketing and monopoly contents after launching a month before the drama aired.[42] In addition, the drama reached 8.8% of the total viewing time of domestic dramas provided by Wavve considering it provides both latest and old series.[43]
Jang Dong-yoon saddled to a difficult task in transforming himself into a woman by growing out his hair and going on a severe diet to be able to pass as a woman in hanbok received praises from the viewers.[44][45] He and Kim So-hyun were donned the nickname «Manhwa tearing» chemistry by the viewers for capturing everything from laughter to excitement and adding their own colors to the original characters.[46][47]
According to the Content Power Index, The Tale of Nokdu was ranked second in both drama and non-drama and first in the drama category.[48][49] In addition, according to the Good Data Corporation survey, the series was ranked third place in online video consumption of currently airing and upcoming dramas, and Jang Dong-yoon and Kim So-hyun were ranked third and fifth respectively in the list of top 10 most talked about actors and actresses in South Korea.[50] As of 4th Week of November, the drama ended topped on the list of top 10 most talked about dramas.[51]
SeoulBeats gave the drama a positive review, saying: «…cannot be defined by a single genre. The ability of the drama to experiment with various genres at once is due in large part to the complex character motives, desires, and relationships that drive the plot.»[52] Although mild, The Tale of Nokdu indirectly demonstrates the great abilities of women from special bodyguards, female assassins to a community of widows.[53] Moon Soo-yeon of The Fact praised Jang dong-yoon, Kim So-hyun and Kang Tae-oh’s acting performance to the ever-changing atmosphere in a work where the elements of comic, melo, action, and traditional historical drama were properly harmonized.[54] Sarah Kim, SVP of content and partnerships at Rakuten Viki stated that «It was good to have a cross-dressing drama, which has not been produced since Coffee Prince.»[55]
The Tale of Nokdu ranked 15th on 2019 Wavve Chart.[56] According to a survey conducted by SBS, the series ranked 5th among the Korean dramas in 2019.[57]
The Tale of Nokdu : South Korea viewers per episode (thousands)
Episodes | Episode number | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ||
1–16 | 946 | 1165 | 1018 | 1308 | 860 | 1153 | 981 | 1174 | 859 | 1109 | 835 | 1081 | 928 | 979 | 924 | 1328 | |
17–32 | 1128 | 1424 | 899 | 1172 | 917 | 1144 | 1041 | 1312 | 1014 | 1349 | 1098 | 1295 | 1222 | 1423 | 1095 | 1300 |
Source: Audience measurement performed nationwide by Nielsen Korea.[58]
Ep. | Original broadcast date | Average audience share | ||
Nielsen Korea[59] | TNmS[60] | |||
Nationwide | Seoul | Nationwide | ||
1 | September 30, 2019 | 5.6% (14th) | 5.0% (17th) | 6.2% (15th) |
2 | 7.1% (8th) | 6.3% (9th) | 8.0% (10th) | |
3 | October 1, 2019 | 6.5% (11th) | 6.4% (11th) | 6.1% (14th) |
4 | 8.3% (5th) | 8.2% (5th) | 7.3% (11th) | |
5 | October 7, 2019 | 5.4% (17th) | 5.3% (19th) | 5.8% (15th) |
6 | 7.1% (10th) | 6.9% (10th) | 7.3% (13th) | |
7 | October 8, 2019 | 5.8% 16th) | 5.5% 16th) | 5.0% (20th) |
8 | 6.7% (11th) | 6.5% (12th) | 6.3% (12th) | |
9 | October 15, 2019[a] | 5.0% (17th) | N/A | |
10 | 6.6% (12th) | 6.5% (11th) | 5.4% (14th) | |
11 | October 21, 2019 | 4.3% (NR) | N/A | |
12 | 5.9% (14th) | 5.6% (16th) | 5.5% (19th) | |
13 | October 22, 2019[b] | 6.0% (15th) | 6.1% (15th) | N/A |
14 | 6.2% (13th) | 6.3% (12th) | 5.7% (15th) | |
15 | October 28, 2019 | 4.9% (NR) | N/A | 4.7% (NR) |
16 | 7.3% (11th) | 6.9% (13th) | 5.9% (19th) | |
17 | October 29, 2019 | 6.0% (16th) | 5.7% (16th) | N/A |
18 | 7.4% (8th) | 7.4% (8th) | 6.3% (15th) | |
19 | November 4, 2019 | 4.6% (NR) | N/A | |
20 | 6.4% (14th) | 6.3% (16th) | 6.2% (16th) | |
21 | November 5, 2019 | 4.7% (NR) | N/A | |
22 | 6.2% (12th) | 6.0% (15th) | 5.5% (17th) | |
23 | November 11, 2019 | 5.1% (18th) | 5.1% (19th) | 5.5% (17th) |
24 | 6.9% (11th) | 7.0% (12th) | 6.4% (14th) | |
25 | November 12, 2019 | 5.4% (15th) | 5.2% (15th) | 5.7% (15th) |
26 | 7.7% (6th) | 7.4% (5th) | 7.0% (10th) | |
27 | November 18, 2019 | 5.6% (20th) | 5.9% (19th) | N/A |
28 | 6.5% (14th) | 6.5% (13th) | 6.3% (16th) | |
29 | November 19, 2019 | 6.3% (12th) | 6.2% (14th) | 5.9% (18th) |
30 | 7.8% (9th) | 8.0% (7th) | 6.9% (13th) | |
31 | November 25, 2019 | 6.0% (17th) | N/A | |
32 | 7.3% (11th) | 6.4% (15th) | 6.5% (16th) | |
Average | 6.2% | —[c] | —[c] | |
International broadcast[edit]
The Tale of Nokdu is available on online streaming services such as Viki, Kocowa, Viu, and Netflix.[63][64][65][66]
Awards and nominations[edit]
Year | Award | Category | Recipient | Result | Ref. |
2019 | KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries | Jang Dong-yoon | Won | [67][68][69][70][71][72] |
Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries | Kim So-hyun | Won | |||
Best Supporting Actor | Jung Joon-ho | Nominated | |||
Best Young Actress | Park Da-Yeon | Won | |||
Best New Actor | Kang Tae-oh | Won | |||
Netizen Award | Jang Dong-yoon | Nominated | |||
Kang Tae-oh | Nominated | ||||
Kim So-hyun | Nominated | ||||
Best Couple | Jang Dong-yoon and Kim So-hyun | Won | |||
Jang Dong-yoon and Kang Tae-oh | Nominated | ||||
2020 | 7th APAN Star Awards | Popular Star Award, Actor | Jang Dong-yoon | Nominated | [73] |
Best New Actor | Won | [74][75] |
- ^ On October 14, regular broadcasting of the drama was cancelled due to the delay of 2019 KBO League season Play-Off Game Kiwoom Heroes vs SK Wyverns.[61]
- ^ On October 22, regular broadcasting of the drama began broadcasting 40 minutes later than usual after 2019 KBO League season Kiwoom Heroes vs Doosan Bears.[62]
- ^ a b Due to some unpublished ratings, the exact average rating is unknown.
- ^ a b «Kim So-hyun’s 2019 Profile B-cuts». HanCinema. Top Star News. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ a b «장동윤과 김소현, ‘조선로코 녹두전’«. Naver (in Korean). KBS Media. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ a b «지상파·케이블·종편까지…판 커지는 한국 OTT 시장» (in Korean). Interview365. September 18, 2019.
- ^ «The Tale of Nokdu tells story of beautiful boy Nokdu and strong-willed girl Dong Joo». JTBC Plus. October 1, 2019.
- ^ «8.3% viewership: drag queen drama off to good start». The Korea Times. October 3, 2019.
- ^ «김소현, 차기작은 드라마 ‘녹두전’…제작진 «신의 한수 캐스팅» [공식]». Naver (in Korean). My Daily. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ «강태오, ‘조선로코-녹두전’ 합류…김소현·장동윤과 호흡 [공식]». Naver (in Korean). Xports News. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
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- ^ TNmS
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- ^ «[2019 KBS 연기대상] 김소현 «‘녹두전’ 행복하게 촬영…좋은 사람들 얻었다»» (in Korean). MyDaily. January 1, 2020.
- ^ «[2019 KBS 연기대상] 강태오 김명수 김재영, 신인상 «뜻깊은 상 감사해»» (in Korean). MKCulture. December 31, 2019.
- ^ «[KBS 연기대상] 박다연·주예림, 女청소년 연기상…»예뻐해 주셔서 감사»» (in Korean). News1. December 31, 2019.
- ^ «[2019 KBS 연기대상] 장동윤-김소현 «눈 코 입 키스, 그렇게 진해야 했냐고»» (in Korean). SportsDonga. January 1, 2020.
- ^ Kim, Yang-soo (October 26, 2020). «APAN어워즈’, 방탄X임영웅X현빈X주원…인기상 후보 공개 ‘뜨거운 경합». joynews24 (in Korean). Daum. Retrieved October 26, 2020.
- ^ Kim, Myung-mi (November 13, 2020). «APAN STAR AWARDS’ 우수상 후보 공개, 박보검부터 지창욱까지». naver (in Korean). Newsen. Retrieved November 13, 2020.
- ^ Kang Min-kyung (January 23, 2021). «[2020 APAN AWARDS] 장동윤·이도현, 신인상 수상 «초심 잃지 않겠다». star.mt (in Korean). Retrieved January 23, 2021.
External links[edit]
- Official website (in Korean)
- The Tale of Nokdu at IMDb
- The Tale of Nokdu at HanCinema
- Joseon Love Story: The Tale of Nokdu at Naver Webtoon (in Korean)
The Tale of Nokdu | |
Promotional poster |
Also known as | Joseon Rom-com: Mung Bean Chronicles |
Hangul | 조선로코-녹두전 |
Hanja | 朝鮮로코-綠豆傳 |
Revised Romanization | Joseolloko Nokdujeon |
Literally | Joseon Rom-com: Tale of Nok-du |
Genre |
Based on | Joseon Love Story: The Tale of Nokdu [ko] by Hye Jin-yang |
Written by |
Directed by | Kim Dong-hwi |
Starring |
Opening theme | «Miracle» by Woozi (Seventeen) |
Ending theme | «I’ll Be The Light» by Younha |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language | Korean |
No. of episodes | 32 |
Production | |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 35 minutes |
Production companies |
Distributor | Korean Broadcasting System |
Budget | ₩10 billion[3] |
Release | |
Original network | KBS2 |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Audio format | Dolby Digital |
Original release | September 30 – November 25, 2019 |
The Tale of Nokdu (Korean: 조선로코-녹두전) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Jang Dong-yoon, Kim So-hyun, Kang Tae-oh, and Jung Joon-ho. It is based on the webtoon by Hye Jin-yang which was published in 2014 on Naver Webtoon. It aired on KBS2 from September 30 to November 25, 2019.[4][5]
Set in the Joseon dynasty, the series is about a man who disguises as a woman to enter a mysterious women-only village in search of the truth about his birth; and a young woman who does not want to become a kisaeng in pursuit of revenge for her family.[1]
Leads Jang, Kim, Jung and Kang at The Tale of Nokdu’s press conference in September 2019.
- Jang Dong-yoon as Jeon Nok-du / Lady Kim Nok-soon / Yeon Soo[2]
- Kim Ji-woo as young Jeon Nok-du
- A smart and athletic man who, due to an incident, enters an all-women village where men are strictly forbidden. To do so, he dresses himself as a woman in the guise of the widowed Lady Kim Nok-soon.
- Kim So-hyun as Dong Dong-joo / Yoo Eun-seo[6]
- Jo Ye-rin as young Dong Dong-joo / Yoo Eun-seo
- A clumsy and hot-tempered kisaeng trainee who has no skills in performing arts, but is an artisan. Wanting to take revenge on the man who wronged her family, she uses her skills in developing a concealed weapon.
- Kang Tae-oh as Prince Neungyang / Cha Yool-moo[7]
- Jeon Jin-seo as young Prince Neungyang / Cha Yool-moo
- The king’s nephew who seemingly lives a simple life. He is a man known for his looks and talent in cooking. He cherishes Dong-joo, having been betrothed to her before her family’s disgrace. He stages a coup and becomes the next king of Joseon.[8]
- Jung Joon-ho as King Gwanghae[9]
- Upon the death of his father and after finding out that he was not the intended successor, he orders the execution of the supporters of his father’s will. He jealously guards the throne against possible contenders.
People around Jeon Nok-du[edit]
- Lee Seung-joon as Jung Yoon-jeo, Nok-du and Hwang-tae’s father.[10]
- Song Geon-hee as Jeon Hwang-tae/Jung Yi-hyun, Nok-du’s older brother.[11]
- Lee Moon-sik as Hwang Jang-gun, a martial art master and soon to be father-in-law of Nokdu.[12]
- Go Geon-han as Yeon Geun, a rich man who manages the widow village and is entangled with Nok-du.[13][14]
- Park Da-Yeon as Hwang Aeng-du, 7 years old daughter of Hwang Jang-gun. She is convinced that her father promised to marry her with Nokdu, so she called Nokdu «honey».
People around Cha Yool-moo[edit]
- Hwang In-youp as Park Dan-ho, Cha Yool-moo’s escort warrior with an excellent sword skill. He is ambitious in sword-fighting and very loyal to Yool-moo, willing to even lay down his life if needed to protect him.[15]
- Kim Yi-kyung as Ok-ran, a kisaeng who is jealous of Yool-moo’s one-sided devotion towards Dong-joo.[16]
People around King Gwanghae[edit]
- Kim Tae-woo as Heo Yoon, King Gwanghae’s most beloved friend and subject.[17]
- Lee Eun-hyung as officer Baek Jong, a man who is silently guarding the king.[18]
- Park Min-jung as Deposed Queen Yu, King Gwanghae’s queen consort.[19]
- Oh Ha-nee as Queen Inmok, King Gwanghae’s young stepmother or King Seonjo’s wife.[20]
- Yoon Yoo-sun as Cheon Hae-soo, the head and guardian of the village to protect the kisaeng and the widow village.[21]
- Lee Joo-bin as Mae Hwa-soo, a friend of Dong-joo and the most popular kisaeng with her talent and natural dancing ability.[22]
Member of the Virtuous Women Corps (Yeollyeodan)[edit]
- Yoon Sa-bong as Kang Soon-nyeo[23]
- Hwang Mi-young as Park Bok-nyeo
- Yoon Geum Sun Ah as Lee Mal-nyeon
Member of the Muwol Corps (Muwoldan)[edit]
- Cho Soo-hyang as Kim Ssook, a calm and cautious widow who has impressive sword skills.[24]
- Song Chae-yoon as Min Deul-re, a mysterious person who is following Nok-du and the dandelion.[25]
- Han Ga-rim as No Yeon Boon[26]
- Yang So-min as Ahn Jeong-sook [27]
- Han Da-sol as Hang-ah, a court lady who falls in love with Nok-du at first sight.[28]
- Kwon Hyuk[29]
Special appearances[edit]
- Park Chul-min as the father-in-law of the escaper and the holder of elephant treasure statue of Ming Dynasty. (Ep.1,
- Lee Ho-jae as the father who threw the stone at the king. (Ep.1)
- Jung Yi-rang as the inn owner. (Ep.1)
- The first script reading was held in June 2019 at KBS Annex Broadcasting Station in Yeouido, Seoul, South Korea.[31]
- Yeonwoo of Momoland was offered the role of Mae Hwa-soo, but declined due to health concerns.[32][33]
- The series was filmed in Dongmakgol, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon Province, South Korea from June 1 to August 31, 2019.[34]
- The series suspended its production on July 4, 2019, in wake of actress Jeon Mi-seon’s death.[35][36] She was cast as Cheon Hae-soo.[37]
- On July 18, 2019, it was revealed that lead actress Kim So-hyun suffered a minor injury when she fell off a horse while filming. Filming was canceled and rescheduled after her recovery.[38]
- On August 26, 2019, The Tale of Nokdu, Naver Music and National Gugak Center announced the opening of K-Drama Music Competition Season 3 to select ten songs for the series’ original soundtrack. The winner’s song will be released as an official soundtrack on various music portals with the prize money of ₩2 million.[39][40]
- It is the first series produced by Wavve and aired simultaneously on KBS2 and Wavve starting September 30.[3]
Original soundtrack[edit]
The Tale of Nokdu OST Special Album |
Soundtrack album by
Various artists |
Released | November 26, 2019 |
Genre | Soundtrack |
Language | Korean |
Part 1[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Baby Only You» | Park Beom-geun | Park Beom-geun | NCT U (Doyoung, Mark) | 3:17 |
2. | «Baby Only You» (Inst.) | Park Beom-geun | 3:17 | ||
Total length: | 6:34 |
Part 2[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «I’ll Be The Light» (빛이 되어줄게) | Honey Jar | Honey Jar | Younha | 4:11 |
2. | «I’ll Be The Light» (Inst.) | Honey Jar | 4:11 | ||
Total length: | 8:22 |
Part 3[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Miracle» | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | Woozi (Seventeen) | 3:39 |
2. | «Miracle» (Inst.) | Zigzag Note, Moon Sang-seon, moonc | 3:39 | ||
Total length: | 7:18 |
Part 4[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Most Beautiful Days» (가장 완벽한 날들) | Yang Jae-seon, Gaemi | Gaemi | Gummy | 4:45 |
2. | «Most Beautiful Days» (Inst.) | Gaemi | 4:45 | ||
Total length: | 9:30 |
Part 5[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Going Round And Round Inside Me» (내 안에 맴돌아) | Heo Sung-jin, Gaemi | Kim Se-jin | Sandeul (B1A4) | 3:36 |
2. | «Going Round And Round Inside Me» (Inst.) | Kim Se-jin | 3:36 | ||
Total length: | 7:12 |
Part 6[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «It Hurts» (아프고 아파서) | Jin Hyo-jeong | Jin Hyo-jeong, Ecobridge | Min Seo | 3:34 |
2. | «It Hurts» (Inst.) | Jin Hyo-jeong, Ecobridge | 3:34 | ||
Total length: | 7:08 |
Part 7[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Scar» (흉터) | GA EUN | Gaemi | Kim Yeon-ji | 4:01 |
2. | «Scar» (Inst.) | Gaemi | 4:01 | ||
Total length: | 8:02 |
Part 8[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Your Warmth» (너의 온기) | Kim Seong-yeon | Jin Min-ho | Huh Gak | 4:04 |
2. | «Your Warmth» (Inst.) | Jin Min-ho | 4:04 | ||
Total length: | 8:08 |
Part 9[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «Sunshine Wind Starlight» (햇살 바람 별빛 그대) | Lee Da-hee | Lee Da-hee | Parc Jae Jung | 4:01 |
2. | «Sunshine Wind Starlight» (Inst.) | Lee Da-hee | 4:01 | ||
Total length: | 8:02 |
Part 10[edit]
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Artist | Length |
1. | «The Never Ending Melody» (끝나지 않은 이 멜로디) | Rael, Naomi | 개미, Ra.L | Kim Na-yeon | 3:26 |
2. | «The Never Ending Melody» (Inst.) | 개미, Ra.L | 3:26 | ||
Total length: | 6:52 |
No. | Title | Artist | Length |
1. | «The Fate From Scars» (흉터로 만든 운명) | 개미 | 1:30 |
2. | «Escape» | Yoo Min-ho | 1:50 |
3. | «Destined To Be King» (왕이 될 운명) | Park Yun-seo | 2:02 |
4. | «Hardship» | Lee Seong-gu | 1:57 |
5. | «Conspiracy» (역모) | Park Mi-sun | 1:32 |
6. | «Twisted Choice» (엇갈린 선택) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:01 |
7. | «Grey Wind» (잿바람) | Junghwan Park | 1:07 |
8. | «The Day When The Sky Opened» (하늘이 열리는 날) | 개미 | 2:27 |
9. | «Fate» (운명) | 개미 | 3:08 |
10. | «Withstand» | Lee Seong-gu | 2:00 |
11. | «Attack» (습격) | Park Mi-sun | 1:56 |
12. | «Swing» (그네터) | Park Mi-sun | 3:01 |
13. | «The Day of the Battle» (결전의 날) | Park Ji-hwan | 1:50 |
14. | «Avoid the Rain» (비를 긋다) | Park Yun-seo | 2:48 |
15. | «Far Away» (멀어진 길) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:06 |
16. | «Sweet Dream» (단꿈) | Lee Geon-yeong | 4:14 |
17. | «Dark Shadow» (검은 그림자) | Park Ji-hwan | 2:42 |
18. | «Perfect Days» (완벽한 날들) | 개미 | 4:19 |
19. | «Shoes with Flowers» (꽃신) | Park Yun-seo | 4:16 |
20. | «First Love» | Yoo Min-ho | 2:26 |
21. | «Light Tread» (가벼운 발걸음) | Lee Seong-gu | 2:45 |
22. | «Flower Shaped Rice Cake» (꽃전) | Park Mi-sun | 1:47 |
23. | «Village of Widows» (과부촌) | Yoo Min-ho | 1:47 |
24. | «Fairytale» | Lee Geon-yeong | 2:38 |
25. | «Widow Kim» (김과부) | Yoo Min-ho | 2:05 |
26. | «A Widow Need Lots of Hand» (손이 많이 가는 과부님) | Park Mi-sun | 2:27 |
27. | «The Flower’s Way» (꽃길) | Dear Island | 2:45 |
Jang Dong-yoon & Kim So-Hyun at The Tale of Nokdu’s conference.
The series had a strong opening week for KBS2 22:00 Monday/Tuesday timeslot with ratings ranging from 6-8% that was last achieved by Sweet Stranger and Me back in 2016.[41] It was announced on October 2 that due to «The Tale of Nokdu effect», Wavve has increased 4.5 times in paid subscribers daily and peak-time traffic rose more than 30% due to service reorganization, wave marketing and monopoly contents after launching a month before the drama aired.[42] In addition, the drama reached 8.8% of the total viewing time of domestic dramas provided by Wavve considering it provides both latest and old series.[43]
Jang Dong-yoon saddled to a difficult task in transforming himself into a woman by growing out his hair and going on a severe diet to be able to pass as a woman in hanbok received praises from the viewers.[44][45] He and Kim So-hyun were donned the nickname «Manhwa tearing» chemistry by the viewers for capturing everything from laughter to excitement and adding their own colors to the original characters.[46][47]
According to the Content Power Index, The Tale of Nokdu was ranked second in both drama and non-drama and first in the drama category.[48][49] In addition, according to the Good Data Corporation survey, the series was ranked third place in online video consumption of currently airing and upcoming dramas, and Jang Dong-yoon and Kim So-hyun were ranked third and fifth respectively in the list of top 10 most talked about actors and actresses in South Korea.[50] As of 4th Week of November, the drama ended topped on the list of top 10 most talked about dramas.[51]
SeoulBeats gave the drama a positive review, saying: «…cannot be defined by a single genre. The ability of the drama to experiment with various genres at once is due in large part to the complex character motives, desires, and relationships that drive the plot.»[52] Although mild, The Tale of Nokdu indirectly demonstrates the great abilities of women from special bodyguards, female assassins to a community of widows.[53] Moon Soo-yeon of The Fact praised Jang dong-yoon, Kim So-hyun and Kang Tae-oh’s acting performance to the ever-changing atmosphere in a work where the elements of comic, melo, action, and traditional historical drama were properly harmonized.[54] Sarah Kim, SVP of content and partnerships at Rakuten Viki stated that «It was good to have a cross-dressing drama, which has not been produced since Coffee Prince.»[55]
The Tale of Nokdu ranked 15th on 2019 Wavve Chart.[56] According to a survey conducted by SBS, the series ranked 5th among the Korean dramas in 2019.[57]
The Tale of Nokdu : South Korea viewers per episode (thousands)
Episodes | Episode number | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ||
1–16 | 946 | 1165 | 1018 | 1308 | 860 | 1153 | 981 | 1174 | 859 | 1109 | 835 | 1081 | 928 | 979 | 924 | 1328 | |
17–32 | 1128 | 1424 | 899 | 1172 | 917 | 1144 | 1041 | 1312 | 1014 | 1349 | 1098 | 1295 | 1222 | 1423 | 1095 | 1300 |
Source: Audience measurement performed nationwide by Nielsen Korea.[58]
Ep. | Original broadcast date | Average audience share | ||
Nielsen Korea[59] | TNmS[60] | |||
Nationwide | Seoul | Nationwide | ||
1 | September 30, 2019 | 5.6% (14th) | 5.0% (17th) | 6.2% (15th) |
2 | 7.1% (8th) | 6.3% (9th) | 8.0% (10th) | |
3 | October 1, 2019 | 6.5% (11th) | 6.4% (11th) | 6.1% (14th) |
4 | 8.3% (5th) | 8.2% (5th) | 7.3% (11th) | |
5 | October 7, 2019 | 5.4% (17th) | 5.3% (19th) | 5.8% (15th) |
6 | 7.1% (10th) | 6.9% (10th) | 7.3% (13th) | |
7 | October 8, 2019 | 5.8% 16th) | 5.5% 16th) | 5.0% (20th) |
8 | 6.7% (11th) | 6.5% (12th) | 6.3% (12th) | |
9 | October 15, 2019[a] | 5.0% (17th) | N/A | |
10 | 6.6% (12th) | 6.5% (11th) | 5.4% (14th) | |
11 | October 21, 2019 | 4.3% (NR) | N/A | |
12 | 5.9% (14th) | 5.6% (16th) | 5.5% (19th) | |
13 | October 22, 2019[b] | 6.0% (15th) | 6.1% (15th) | N/A |
14 | 6.2% (13th) | 6.3% (12th) | 5.7% (15th) | |
15 | October 28, 2019 | 4.9% (NR) | N/A | 4.7% (NR) |
16 | 7.3% (11th) | 6.9% (13th) | 5.9% (19th) | |
17 | October 29, 2019 | 6.0% (16th) | 5.7% (16th) | N/A |
18 | 7.4% (8th) | 7.4% (8th) | 6.3% (15th) | |
19 | November 4, 2019 | 4.6% (NR) | N/A | |
20 | 6.4% (14th) | 6.3% (16th) | 6.2% (16th) | |
21 | November 5, 2019 | 4.7% (NR) | N/A | |
22 | 6.2% (12th) | 6.0% (15th) | 5.5% (17th) | |
23 | November 11, 2019 | 5.1% (18th) | 5.1% (19th) | 5.5% (17th) |
24 | 6.9% (11th) | 7.0% (12th) | 6.4% (14th) | |
25 | November 12, 2019 | 5.4% (15th) | 5.2% (15th) | 5.7% (15th) |
26 | 7.7% (6th) | 7.4% (5th) | 7.0% (10th) | |
27 | November 18, 2019 | 5.6% (20th) | 5.9% (19th) | N/A |
28 | 6.5% (14th) | 6.5% (13th) | 6.3% (16th) | |
29 | November 19, 2019 | 6.3% (12th) | 6.2% (14th) | 5.9% (18th) |
30 | 7.8% (9th) | 8.0% (7th) | 6.9% (13th) | |
31 | November 25, 2019 | 6.0% (17th) | N/A | |
32 | 7.3% (11th) | 6.4% (15th) | 6.5% (16th) | |
Average | 6.2% | —[c] | —[c] | |
International broadcast[edit]
The Tale of Nokdu is available on online streaming services such as Viki, Kocowa, Viu, and Netflix.[63][64][65][66]
Awards and nominations[edit]
Year | Award | Category | Recipient | Result | Ref. |
2019 | KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries | Jang Dong-yoon | Won | [67][68][69][70][71][72] |
Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries | Kim So-hyun | Won | |||
Best Supporting Actor | Jung Joon-ho | Nominated | |||
Best Young Actress | Park Da-Yeon | Won | |||
Best New Actor | Kang Tae-oh | Won | |||
Netizen Award | Jang Dong-yoon | Nominated | |||
Kang Tae-oh | Nominated | ||||
Kim So-hyun | Nominated | ||||
Best Couple | Jang Dong-yoon and Kim So-hyun | Won | |||
Jang Dong-yoon and Kang Tae-oh | Nominated | ||||
2020 | 7th APAN Star Awards | Popular Star Award, Actor | Jang Dong-yoon | Nominated | [73] |
Best New Actor | Won | [74][75] |
- ^ On October 14, regular broadcasting of the drama was cancelled due to the delay of 2019 KBO League season Play-Off Game Kiwoom Heroes vs SK Wyverns.[61]
- ^ On October 22, regular broadcasting of the drama began broadcasting 40 minutes later than usual after 2019 KBO League season Kiwoom Heroes vs Doosan Bears.[62]
- ^ a b Due to some unpublished ratings, the exact average rating is unknown.
- ^ a b «Kim So-hyun’s 2019 Profile B-cuts». HanCinema. Top Star News. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ a b «장동윤과 김소현, ‘조선로코 녹두전’«. Naver (in Korean). KBS Media. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ a b «지상파·케이블·종편까지…판 커지는 한국 OTT 시장» (in Korean). Interview365. September 18, 2019.
- ^ «The Tale of Nokdu tells story of beautiful boy Nokdu and strong-willed girl Dong Joo». JTBC Plus. October 1, 2019.
- ^ «8.3% viewership: drag queen drama off to good start». The Korea Times. October 3, 2019.
- ^ «김소현, 차기작은 드라마 ‘녹두전’…제작진 «신의 한수 캐스팅» [공식]». Naver (in Korean). My Daily. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ «강태오, ‘조선로코-녹두전’ 합류…김소현·장동윤과 호흡 [공식]». Naver (in Korean). Xports News. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ «녹두전’ 강태오, 차율무 정체는 ‘인조반정’으로 왕 옹립되는 ‘능양군’» (in Korean). NewsInside. October 22, 2019.
- ^ «Jung Joon-ho Confirms Role in «Joseon Rom-Com Mung Bean Chronicles»«. HanCinema. Newsen. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ «‘미스터션샤인’ 이승준, 장동윤·송건희 아버지 된다…사극 ‘녹두전’ 합류 [공식]» (in Korean). TvReport. June 10, 2019. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
- ^ «송건희, ‘SKY캐슬’→’녹두전’ 출연..김소현과 호흡(공식)». Naver (in Korean). Star News. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
- ^ «이문식, 넥스트 스튜디오스와 전속 계약» (in Korean). NBN News. September 30, 2019. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
- ^ «‘조장풍’ 김민규, 차기작 ‘녹두전’ 결정 «사극 첫 도전»» (in Korean). JoyNews24. June 10, 2019. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
- ^ «‘조장풍’ 김민규, ‘조선로코 녹두전’부터 활동명 ‘고건한’으로 변경» (in Korean). The Celev. June 17, 2019. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
- ^ «신예 황인엽, ‘조선로코-녹두전’ 캐스팅 확정..본격적인 배우 행보 시작» (in Korean). BreakNews. September 27, 2019. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
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External links[edit]
- Official website (in Korean)
- The Tale of Nokdu at IMDb
- The Tale of Nokdu at HanCinema
- Joseon Love Story: The Tale of Nokdu at Naver Webtoon (in Korean)