Достоевский рассказ на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Биография Фёдора Достоевского/ The Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky с переводом на русский язык.

The Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky Биография Фёдора Достоевского
Fyodor Michaylovich Dostoevsky was an outstanding Russian write and is now regarded as one of the best novelists in the world. Федор Михайлович Достоевский был выдающимся русским писателем и в настоящее время считается одним из лучших романистов в мире.
He was born on November the 11th 1821 in Moscow. His father was a physician and he was a quite cruel even to his servants, while his mother was a very kind woman. The place, where he lived, was surrounded by gloomy institutions, such as a cemetery, a mental house, an orphanage. This atmosphere greatly influenced his works in the future. From the early age, Dostoevsky sometimes suffered from epilepsy. Он родился 11 ноября 1821 года в Москве. Его отец был врачом, и он был довольно жесток даже со своими крепостными, а его мать была очень доброй женщиной. Место, где он жили, было окружено мрачными заведениями, такими как кладбище, психбольница, детский дом. Эта атмосфера заметно повлияла на его работы в будущем. С раннего возраста Достоевский временами страдал эпилепсией.
When he turned 17, he successfully passed the exams and entered Saint Petersburg Institute of Military Engineering. His early works were published when he was 21 or 22 years old. At first he translated Balzac’s novel “Eugenie Grandet” and a year later he wrote his first work – “Poor Folk”, which made him immediately famous. One of the best literary critics of that time Belynsky said that this novel was excellent and socially useful. Когда ему исполнилось 17 лет, он успешно сдал экзамены и поступил Санкт-Петербургский институт военной инженерии. Его ранние работы были опубликованы, когда ему было 21 или 22. Сначала он перевел роман Бальзака «Евгения Гранде», а год спустя он написал свою первую работу – «Бедные люди», которая сразу же прославила его. Один из лучших литературных критиков того времени Белинский сказал, что этот роман превосходен и общественно полезен.
Dostoevsky soon left his military career and devoted himself to writing. After that he wrote several other novels and short stories, which didn’t bring him success and left him in financial crisis. Other difficult periods in novelist’s life include Siberian exile and prison from 1849 till 1854 and the gambling trip to Europe. In 1866 one of his most renowned works “Crime and Punishment” was published. At the same time he was working on “Gambler”. Достоевский вскоре оставил свою военную карьеру и посвятил себя писательству. После этого он написал несколько других романов и рассказов, которые не принесли ему успеха и оставили его в финансово трудном положении. Другие сложные периоды в жизни романиста включают ссылку в Сибирь и тюремное заключение с 1849 до 1854 годы, а также увлечение азартными играми во время поездки в Европу. В 1866 году была опубликована одна из его самых известных работ «Преступление и наказание». В то же время он работал над романом «Игрок».
In 1867 Dostoevsky married his young assistant and stenographer Anna Snitkina and they went together to Germany for their honeymoon. Soon their first daughter Sonya was born. Unfortunately, the child was ill and died after three months. In 1869 in Dresden their second daughter Lyubov was born. In 1871 Dostoevsky and his family returned to Saint Petersburg. While travelling he wrote another outstanding novel “The Idiot” and started working on “Demons”. В 1867 году Достоевский женился на своей молодой помощнице и стенографистке Анне Сниткиной, и они вместе отправились в Германию, чтобы провести там медовый месяц. Вскоре родилась их первая дочь Соня. К сожалению, ребенок был болен и умер через три месяца. В 1869 году в Дрездене родилась их вторая дочь – Любовь. В 1871 Достоевский и его семья вернулись в Санкт-Петербург. Во время путешествия он написал другой выдающийся роман «Идиот» и начал работать над романом «Бесы».
Dostoevsky died on February the 9th 1881 after suffering a lung hemorrhage. His last novel was “The Brothers Karamazov”. Достоевский умер 9-го февраля 1881 года после перенесенного легочного кровотечения. Его последний роман был «Братья Карамазовы».

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky[a] (,[1] ;[2] Russian: Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский[b], tr. Fyódor Mikháylovich Dostoyévskiy, IPA: [ˈfʲɵdər mʲɪˈxajləvʲɪdʑ dəstɐˈjefskʲɪj] (listen); 11 November 1821 – 9 February 1881[3][c]), sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist. Dostoevsky’s literary works explore the human condition in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres of 19th-century Russia, and engage with a variety of philosophical and religious themes. His most acclaimed novels include Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), Demons (1872), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880). His 1864 novella, Notes from Underground, is considered to be one of the first works of existentialist literature.[4] Numerous literary critics regard him as one of the greatest novelists in all of world literature, as many of his works are considered highly influential masterpieces.[5]

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Portrait of Fyodor Dostoyevsky by Vasily Perov c. 1872

Portrait of Fyodor Dostoyevsky by Vasily Perov c. 1872

Born Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
11 November 1821
Moscow, Moskovsky Uyezd, Moscow Governorate, Russian Empire
Died 9 February 1881 (aged 59)
Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Governorate, Russian Empire
  • Military engineer
  • novelist
  • journalist
Education Military Engineering-Technical University
  • Novel
  • short story
  • journalism
Literary movement Realism, Philosophy, Personality psychology
Years active 1844–1880
Notable works
  • Notes from Underground (1864)
  • Crime and Punishment (1866)
  • The Idiot (1868–1869)
  • Demons (1871–1872)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (1879–1880)

Maria Dmitriyevna Isaeva

(m. ; died 


Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina



Children 4, including Lyubov Dostoevskaya
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Signature.svg

Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors. His mother died in 1837 when he was 15, and around the same time, he left school to enter the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute. After graduating, he worked as an engineer and briefly enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, translating books to earn extra money. In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, Poor Folk, which gained him entry into Saint Petersburg’s literary circles. However, he was arrested in 1849 for belonging to a literary group, the Petrashevsky Circle, that discussed banned books critical of Tsarist Russia. Dostoevsky was sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted at the last moment. He spent four years in a Siberian prison camp, followed by six years of compulsory military service in exile. In the following years, Dostoevsky worked as a journalist, publishing and editing several magazines of his own and later A Writer’s Diary, a collection of his writings. He began to travel around western Europe and developed a gambling addiction, which led to financial hardship. For a time, he had to beg for money, but he eventually became one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers.

Dostoevsky’s body of work consists of thirteen novels, three novellas, seventeen short stories, and numerous other works. His writings were widely read both within and beyond his native Russia and influenced an equally great number of later writers including Russians such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Anton Chekhov, philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre, and the emergence of Existentialism and Freudianism.[6] His books have been translated into more than 170 languages, and served as the inspiration for many films.


Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevskaya

Mikhail Andreyevich Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky’s paternal ancestors were part of a noble family of Russian Orthodox Christians. The family traced its roots back to Danilo Irtishch, who was granted lands in the Pinsk region (for centuries part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, now in modern-day Belarus) in 1509 for his services under a local prince, his progeny then taking the name «Dostoevsky» based on a village there called Dostoïevo (derived from Old Polish dostojnik – dignitary).[7]

Dostoevsky’s immediate ancestors on his mother’s side were merchants; the male line on his father’s side were priests.[8][9]

In 1809, the 20-year-old Mikhail Dostoevsky enrolled in Moscow’s Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy. From there he was assigned to a Moscow hospital, where he served as military doctor, and in 1818 he was appointed a senior physician. In 1819 he married Maria Nechayeva. The following year, he took up a post at the Mariinsky Hospital for the poor. In 1828, when his two sons, Mikhail and Fyodor, were eight and seven respectively, he was promoted to collegiate assessor, a position which raised his legal status to that of the nobility and enabled him to acquire a small estate in Darovoye, a town about 150 km (100 miles) from Moscow, where the family usually spent the summers.[10] Dostoevsky’s parents subsequently had six more children: Varvara (1822–1892), Andrei (1825–1897), Lyubov (born and died 1829), Vera (1829–1896), Nikolai (1831–1883) and Aleksandra (1835–1889).[11][8][9]

Childhood (1821–1836)Edit

Fyodor Dostoevsky, born on 11 November [O.S. 30 October] 1821 in Moscow, was the second child of Dr. Mikhail Dostoevsky and Maria Dostoevskaya (born Nechayeva). He was raised in the family home in the grounds of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, which was in a lower class district on the edges of Moscow.[12] Dostoevsky encountered the patients, who were at the lower end of the Russian social scale, when playing in the hospital gardens.[13]

Dostoevsky was introduced to literature at an early age. From the age of three, he was read heroic sagas, fairy tales and legends by his nanny, Alena Frolovna, an especially influential figure in his upbringing and his love for fictional stories.[14] When he was four his mother used the Bible to teach him to read and write. His parents introduced him to a wide range of literature, including Russian writers Karamzin, Pushkin and Derzhavin; Gothic fiction such as the works from writer Ann Radcliffe; romantic works by Schiller and Goethe; heroic tales by Miguel de Cervantes and Walter Scott; and Homer’s epics.[15][16] Dostoevsky was greatly influenced by the work of Nikolai Gogol.[17] Although his father’s approach to education has been described as strict and harsh,[18] Dostoevsky himself reported that his imagination was brought alive by nightly readings by his parents.[13]

Some of his childhood experiences found their way into his writings. When a nine-year-old girl had been raped by a drunk, he was asked to fetch his father to attend to her. The incident haunted him, and the theme of the desire of a mature man for a young girl appears in The Devils, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, and other writings.[19] An incident involving a family servant, or serf, in the estate in Darovoye, is described in «The Peasant Marey»: when the young Dostoevsky imagines hearing a wolf in the forest, Marey, who is working nearby, comforts him.[20]

Although Dostoevsky had a delicate physical constitution, his parents described him as hot-headed, stubborn, and cheeky.[21] In 1833, Dostoevsky’s father, who was profoundly religious, sent him to a French boarding school and then to the Chermak boarding school. He was described as a pale, introverted dreamer and an over-excitable romantic.[22] To pay the school fees, his father borrowed money and extended his private medical practice. Dostoevsky felt out of place among his aristocratic classmates at the Moscow school, and the experience was later reflected in some of his works, notably The Adolescent.[23][16]

Youth (1836–1843)Edit

On 27 September 1837 Dostoevsky’s mother died of tuberculosis. The previous May, his parents had sent Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail to Saint Petersburg to attend the free Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute, forcing the brothers to abandon their academic studies for military careers. Dostoevsky entered the academy in January 1838, but only with the help of family members. Mikhail was refused admission on health grounds and was sent to an academy in Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia).[24][25]

Dostoevsky disliked the academy, primarily because of his lack of interest in science, mathematics, and military engineering and his preference for drawing and architecture. As his friend Konstantin Trutovsky once said, «There was no student in the entire institution with less of a military bearing than F.M. Dostoevsky. He moved clumsily and jerkily; his uniform hung awkwardly on him; and his knapsack, shako and rifle all looked like some sort of fetter he had been forced to wear for a time and which lay heavily on him.»[26] Dostoevsky’s character and interests made him an outsider among his 120 classmates: he showed bravery and a strong sense of justice, protected newcomers, aligned himself with teachers, criticised corruption among officers, and helped poor farmers. Although he was solitary and inhabited his own literary world, he was respected by his classmates. His reclusiveness and interest in religion earned him the nickname «Monk Photius».[27][28]

Signs of Dostoevsky’s epilepsy may have first appeared on learning of the death of his father on 16 June 1839,[29] although the reports of a seizure originated from accounts written by his daughter (later expanded by Sigmund Freud[30]) which are now considered to be unreliable. His father’s official cause of death was an apoplectic stroke, but a neighbour, Pavel Khotiaintsev, accused the father’s serfs of murder. Had the serfs been found guilty and sent to Siberia, Khotiaintsev would have been in a position to buy the vacated land. The serfs were acquitted in a trial in Tula, but Dostoevsky’s brother Andrei perpetuated the story.[31] After his father’s death, Dostoevsky continued his studies, passed his exams and obtained the rank of engineer cadet, entitling him to live away from the academy. He visited Mikhail in Reval (Tallinn) and frequently attended concerts, operas, plays and ballets. During this time, two of his friends introduced him to gambling.[32][28]

On 12 August 1843 Dostoevsky took a job as a lieutenant engineer and lived with Adolph Totleben in an apartment owned by Dr. Rizenkampf, a friend of Mikhail. Rizenkampf characterised him as «no less good-natured and no less courteous than his brother, but when not in a good mood he often looked at everything through dark glasses, became vexed, forgot good manners, and sometimes was carried away to the point of abusiveness and loss of self-awareness».[33] Dostoevsky’s first completed literary work, a translation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel Eugénie Grandet, was published in June and July 1843 in the 6th and 7th volumes of the journal Repertoire and Pantheon,[34][35] followed by several other translations. None were successful, and his financial difficulties led him to write a novel.[36][28]


Early career (1844–1849)Edit

Dostoevsky completed his first novel, Poor Folk, in May 1845. His friend Dmitry Grigorovich, with whom he was sharing an apartment at the time, took the manuscript to the poet Nikolay Nekrasov, who in turn showed it to the renowned and influential literary critic Vissarion Belinsky. Belinsky described it as Russia’s first «social novel».[37] Poor Folk was released on 15 January 1846 in the St Petersburg Collection almanac and became a commercial success.[38][39]

Dostoevsky felt that his military career would endanger his now flourishing literary career, so he wrote a letter asking to resign his post. Shortly thereafter, he wrote his second novel, The Double, which appeared in the journal Notes of the Fatherland on 30 January 1846, before being published in February. Around the same time, Dostoevsky discovered socialism through the writings of French thinkers Fourier, Cabet, Proudhon and Saint-Simon. Through his relationship with Belinsky he expanded his knowledge of the philosophy of socialism. He was attracted to its logic, its sense of justice and its preoccupation with the destitute and the disadvantaged. However, his Russian Orthodox faith and religious sensibilities could not accord with Belinsky’s admixture of atheism, utilitarianism and scientific materialism, leading to increasing friction between them. Dostoevsky eventually parted with him and his associates.[40][41]

After The Double received negative reviews (including a particularly scathing one from Belinsky) Dostoevsky’s health declined and his seizures became more frequent, but he continued writing. From 1846 to 1848 he published several short stories in the magazine Notes of the Fatherland, including «Mr. Prokharchin», «The Landlady», «A Weak Heart», and «White Nights». The negative reception of these stories, combined with his health problems and Belinsky’s attacks, caused him distress and financial difficulty, but this was greatly alleviated when he joined the utopian socialist Beketov circle, a tightly knit community which helped him to survive. When the circle dissolved, Dostoevsky befriended Apollon Maykov and his brother Valerian. In 1846, on the recommendation of the poet Aleksey Pleshcheyev,[42] he joined the Petrashevsky Circle, founded by Mikhail Petrashevsky, who had proposed social reforms in Russia. Mikhail Bakunin once wrote to Alexander Herzen that the group was «the most innocent and harmless company» and its members were «systematic opponents of all revolutionary goals and means».[43] Dostoevsky used the circle’s library on Saturdays and Sundays and occasionally participated in their discussions on freedom from censorship and the abolition of serfdom.[44][45] Bakunin’s description, however, was not true of the aristocrat Nikolay Speshnev, who joined the circle in 1848 and set about creating a secret revolutionary society from amongst its members. Dostoevsky himself became a member of this society, was aware of its conspiratorial aims, and actively participated, although he harboured significant doubts about their actions and intentions.[46]

In 1849, the first parts of Netochka Nezvanova, a novel Dostoevsky had been planning since 1846, were published in Notes of the Fatherland, but his banishment ended the project. Dostoevsky never attempted to complete it.[47]

Siberian exile (1849–1854)Edit

A sketch of the Petrashevsky Circle mock execution

The members of the Petrashevsky Circle were denounced to Liprandi, an official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Dostoevsky was accused of reading works by Belinsky, including the banned Letter to Gogol,[48] and of circulating copies of these and other works. Antonelli, the government agent who had reported the group, wrote in his statement that at least one of the papers criticised Russian politics and religion. Dostoevsky responded to these charges by declaring that he had read the essays only «as a literary monument, neither more nor less»; he spoke of «personality and human egoism» rather than of politics. Even so, he and his fellow «conspirators» were arrested on 23 April 1849 at the request of Count A. Orlov and Tsar Nicholas I, who feared a revolution like the Decembrist revolt of 1825 in Russia and the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe. The members were held in the well-defended Peter and Paul Fortress, which housed the most dangerous convicts.[49][50][51]

The case was discussed for four months by an investigative commission headed by the Tsar, with Adjutant General Ivan Nabokov, senator Prince Pavel Gagarin, Prince Vasili Dolgorukov, General Yakov Rostovtsev and General Leonty Dubelt, head of the secret police. They sentenced the members of the circle to death by firing squad, and the prisoners were taken to Semyonov Place in Saintt Petersburg on 23 December 1849. They were split into three-man groups and the first group was taken in front of the firing squad. Dostoevsky was the third in the second row; next to him stood Pleshcheyev and Durov. The execution was stayed when a cart delivered a letter from the Tsar commuting the sentence. Dostoevsky later described the experience of what he believed to be the last moments of his life in his novel The Idiot. The story of a young man sentenced to death by firing squad but reprieved at the last moment is recounted by the main character, Prince Myshkin, who describes the experience from the point of view of the victim, and considers the philosophical and spiritual implications.

Dostoevsky served four years of exile with hard labour at a katorga prison camp in Omsk, Siberia, followed by a term of compulsory military service. After a fourteen-day sleigh ride, the prisoners reached Tobolsk, a prisoner way station. Despite the circumstances, Dostoevsky consoled the other prisoners, such as the Petrashevist Ivan Yastrzhembsky, who was surprised by Dostoevsky’s kindness and eventually abandoned his decision to kill himself. In Tobolsk, the members received food and clothes from the Decembrist women, as well as several copies of the New Testament with a ten-ruble banknote inside each copy. Eleven days later, Dostoevsky reached Omsk[50][52] together with just one other member of the Petrashevsky Circle, the writer Sergei Durov.[53] Dostoevsky described his barracks:

In summer, intolerable closeness; in winter, unendurable cold. All the floors were rotten. Filth on the floors an inch thick; one could slip and fall … We were packed like herrings in a barrel … There was no room to turn around. From dusk to dawn it was impossible not to behave like pigs … Fleas, lice, and black beetles by the bushel …[54]

Classified as «one of the most dangerous convicts», Dostoevsky had his hands and feet shackled until his release. He was only permitted to read his New Testament Bible. In addition to his seizures, he had haemorrhoids, lost weight and was «burned by some fever, trembling and feeling too hot or too cold every night». The smell of the privy pervaded the entire building, and the small bathroom had to suffice for more than 200 people. Dostoevsky was occasionally sent to the military hospital, where he read newspapers and Dickens novels. He was respected by most of the other prisoners, but despised by some Polish political prisoners because of his Russian nationalism and anti-Polish sentiments.[55]

Release from prison and first marriage (1854–1866)Edit

After his release on 14 February 1854, Dostoevsky asked Mikhail to help him financially and to send him books by Vico, Guizot, Ranke, Hegel and Kant.[56] The House of the Dead, based on his experience in prison, was published in 1861 in the journal Vremya («Time») – it was the first published novel about Russian prisons.[57] Before moving in mid-March to Semipalatinsk, where he was forced to serve in the Siberian Army Corps of the Seventh Line Battalion, Dostoevsky met geographer Pyotr Semyonov and ethnographer Shokan Walikhanuli. Around November 1854, he met Baron Alexander Egorovich Wrangel, an admirer of his books, who had attended the aborted execution. They both rented houses in the Cossack Garden outside Semipalatinsk. Wrangel remarked that Dostoevsky «looked morose. His sickly, pale face was covered with freckles, and his blond hair was cut short. He was a little over average height and looked at me intensely with his sharp, grey-blue eyes. It was as if he were trying to look into my soul and discover what kind of man I was.»[58][59][60]

In Semipalatinsk, Dostoevsky tutored several schoolchildren and came into contact with upper-class families, including that of Lieutenant-Colonel Belikhov, who used to invite him to read passages from newspapers and magazines. During a visit to Belikhov, Dostoevsky met the family of Alexander Ivanovich Isaev and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva and fell in love with the latter. Alexander Isaev took a new post in Kuznetsk, where he died in August 1855. Maria and her son then moved with Dostoevsky to Barnaul. In 1856, Dostoevsky sent a letter through Wrangel to General Eduard Totleben, apologising for his activity in several utopian circles. As a result, he obtained the right to publish books and to marry, although he remained under police surveillance for the rest of his life. Maria married Dostoevsky in Semipalatinsk on 7 February 1857, even though she had initially refused his marriage proposal, stating that they were not meant for each other and that his poor financial situation precluded marriage. Their family life was unhappy and she found it difficult to cope with his seizures. Describing their relationship, he wrote: «Because of her strange, suspicious and fantastic character, we were definitely not happy together, but we could not stop loving each other; and the more unhappy we were, the more attached to each other we became». They mostly lived apart.[61] In 1859 he was released from military service because of deteriorating health and was granted permission to return to European Russia, first to Tver, where he met his brother for the first time in ten years, and then to St Petersburg.[62][63]

Dostoevsky in Paris, 1863

The short story «A Little Hero» (Dostoevsky’s only work completed in prison) appeared in a journal, but «Uncle’s Dream» and «The Village of Stepanchikovo» were not published until 1860. Notes from the House of the Dead was released in Russky Mir (Russian World) in September 1860. Humiliated and Insulted was published in the new Vremya magazine,[d] which had been created with the help of funds from his brother’s cigarette factory.[65][66][67]

Dostoevsky travelled to western Europe for the first time on 7 June 1862, visiting Cologne, Berlin, Dresden, Wiesbaden, Belgium, and Paris. In London, he met Herzen and visited the Crystal Palace. He travelled with Nikolay Strakhov through Switzerland and several North Italian cities, including Turin, Livorno, and Florence. He recorded his impressions of those trips in the essay «Winter Notes on Summer Impressions», in which he also criticised capitalism, social modernisation, materialism, Catholicism and Protestantism.[68][69]

From August to October 1863, Dostoevsky made another trip to western Europe. He met his second love, Polina Suslova, in Paris and lost nearly all his money gambling in Wiesbaden and Baden-Baden. In 1864 his wife Maria and his brother Mikhail died, and Dostoevsky became the lone parent of his stepson Pasha and the sole supporter of his brother’s family. The failure of Epoch, the magazine he had founded with Mikhail after the suppression of Vremya, worsened his financial situation, although the continued help of his relatives and friends averted bankruptcy.[70][71]

Second marriage and honeymoon (1866–1871)Edit

The first two parts of Crime and Punishment were published in January and February 1866 in the periodical The Russian Messenger,[72] attracting at least 500 new subscribers to the magazine.[73]

Dostoevsky returned to Saint Petersburg in mid-September and promised his editor, Fyodor Stellovsky, that he would complete The Gambler, a short novel focused on gambling addiction, by November, although he had not yet begun writing it. One of Dostoevsky’s friends, Milyukov, advised him to hire a secretary. Dostoevsky contacted stenographer Pavel Olkhin from Saint Petersburg, who recommended his pupil, the twenty-year-old Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina. Her shorthand helped Dostoevsky to complete The Gambler on 30 October, after 26 days’ work.[74][75] She remarked that Dostoevsky was of average height but always tried to carry himself erect. «He had light brown, slightly reddish hair, he used some hair conditioner, and he combed his hair in a diligent way … his eyes, they were different: one was dark brown; in the other, the pupil was so big that you could not see its color, [this was caused by an injury]. The strangeness of his eyes gave Dostoyevsky some mysterious appearance. His face was pale, and it looked unhealthy.»[76]

Memorial plaque to Dostoevsky in Baden-Baden

On 15 February 1867 Dostoevsky married Snitkina in Trinity Cathedral, Saint Petersburg. The 7,000 rubles he had earned from Crime and Punishment did not cover their debts, forcing Anna to sell her valuables. On 14 April 1867, they began a delayed honeymoon in Germany with the money gained from the sale. They stayed in Berlin and visited the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden, where he sought inspiration for his writing. They continued their trip through Germany, visiting Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Heidelberg and Karlsruhe. They spent five weeks in Baden-Baden, where Dostoevsky had a quarrel with Turgenev and again lost much money at the roulette table.[77] At one point, his wife was reportedly forced to pawn her underwear.[78] The couple travelled on to Geneva.[79]

In September 1867, Dostoevsky began work on The Idiot, and after a prolonged planning process that bore little resemblance to the published novel, he eventually managed to write the first 100 pages in only 23 days; the serialisation began in The Russian Messenger in January 1868.

Their first child, Sofya, had been conceived in Baden-Baden, and was born in Geneva on 5 March 1868. The baby died of pneumonia three months later, and Anna recalled how Dostoevsky «wept and sobbed like a woman in despair».[80] Sofya was buried at the Cimetière des Rois (Cemetery of Kings), which is considered the Genevan Panthéon. The grave was later dissolved but in 1986 the International Dostoevsky Society donated a commemorative plaque.[81]

The couple moved from Geneva to Vevey and then to Milan before continuing to Florence. The Idiot was completed there in January 1869, the final part appearing in The Russian Messenger in February 1869.[82][83] Anna gave birth to their second daughter, Lyubov, on 26 September 1869 in Dresden. In April 1871, Dostoevsky made a final visit to a gambling hall in Wiesbaden. Anna claimed that he stopped gambling after the birth of their second daughter, but this is a subject of debate.[e]

After hearing news that the socialist revolutionary group «People’s Vengeance» had murdered one of its own members, Ivan Ivanov, on 21 November 1869, Dostoevsky began writing Demons.[86] In 1871, Dostoevsky and Anna travelled by train to Berlin. During the trip, he burnt several manuscripts, including those of The Idiot, because he was concerned about potential problems with customs. The family arrived in Saint Petersburg on 8 July, marking the end of a honeymoon (originally planned for three months) that had lasted over four years.[87][88]

Back in Russia (1871–1875)Edit

Dostoevsky (left) in the Haymarket, 21/22 March 1874

Back in Russia in July 1871, the family was again in financial trouble and had to sell their remaining possessions. Their son Fyodor was born on 16 July, and they moved to an apartment near the Institute of Technology soon after. They hoped to cancel their large debts by selling their rental house in Peski, but difficulties with the tenant resulted in a relatively low selling price, and disputes with their creditors continued. Anna proposed that they raise money on her husband’s copyrights and negotiate with the creditors to pay off their debts in installments.[89][90]

Dostoevsky revived his friendships with Maykov and Strakhov and made new acquaintances, including church politician Terty Filipov and the brothers Vsevolod and Vladimir Solovyov. Konstantin Pobedonostsev, future Imperial High Commissioner of the Most Holy Synod, influenced Dostoevsky’s political progression to conservatism. Around early 1872 the family spent several months in Staraya Russa, a town known for its mineral spa. Dostoevsky’s work was delayed when Anna’s sister Maria Svatkovskaya died on 1 May 1872, from either typhus or malaria,[91] and Anna developed an abscess on her throat.[89][92]

The family returned to St Petersburg in September. Demons was finished on 26 November and released in January 1873 by the «Dostoevsky Publishing Company», which was founded by Dostoevsky and his wife. Although they accepted only cash payments and the bookshop was in their own apartment, the business was successful, and they sold around 3,000 copies of Demons. Anna managed the finances. Dostoevsky proposed that they establish a new periodical, which would be called A Writer’s Diary and would include a collection of essays, but funds were lacking, and the Diary was published in Vladimir Meshchersky’s The Citizen, beginning on 1 January, in return for a salary of 3,000 rubles per year. In the summer of 1873, Anna returned to Staraya Russa with the children, while Dostoevsky stayed in St Petersburg to continue with his Diary.[93][94]

In March 1874, Dostoevsky left The Citizen because of the stressful work and interference from the Russian bureaucracy. In his fifteen months with The Citizen, he had been taken to court twice: on 11 June 1873 for citing the words of Prince Meshchersky without permission, and again on 23 March 1874. Dostoevsky offered to sell a new novel he had not yet begun to write to The Russian Messenger, but the magazine refused. Nikolay Nekrasov suggested that he publish A Writer’s Diary in Notes of the Fatherland; he would receive 250 rubles for each printer’s sheet – 100 more than the text’s publication in The Russian Messenger would have earned. Dostoevsky accepted. As his health began to decline, he consulted several doctors in St Petersburg and was advised to take a cure outside Russia. Around July, he reached Ems and consulted a physician, who diagnosed him with acute catarrh. During his stay he began The Adolescent. He returned to Saint Petersburg in late July.[95][96]

Anna proposed that they spend the winter in Staraya Russa to allow Dostoevsky to rest, although doctors had suggested a second visit to Ems because his health had previously improved there. On 10 August 1875 his son Alexey was born in Staraya Russa, and in mid-September the family returned to Saint Petersburg. Dostoevsky finished The Adolescent at the end of 1875, although passages of it had been serialised in Notes of the Fatherland since January. The Adolescent chronicles the life of Arkady Dolgoruky, the illegitimate child of the landowner Versilov and a peasant mother. It deals primarily with the relationship between father and son, which became a frequent theme in Dostoevsky’s subsequent works.[97][98]

Last years (1876–1881)Edit

In early 1876, Dostoevsky continued work on his Diary. The book includes numerous essays and a few short stories about society, religion, politics and ethics. The collection sold more than twice as many copies as his previous books. Dostoevsky received more letters from readers than ever before, and people of all ages and occupations visited him. With assistance from Anna’s brother, the family bought a dacha in Staraya Russa. In the summer of 1876, Dostoevsky began experiencing shortness of breath again. He visited Ems for the third time and was told that he might live for another 15 years if he moved to a healthier climate. When he returned to Russia, Tsar Alexander II ordered Dostoevsky to visit his palace to present the Diary to him, and he asked him to educate his sons, Sergey and Paul. This visit further increased Dosteyevsky’s circle of acquaintances. He was a frequent guest in several salons in Saint Petersburg and met many famous people, including Countess Sophia Tolstaya, Yakov Polonsky, Sergei Witte, Alexey Suvorin, Anton Rubinstein and Ilya Repin.[99][100]

Dostoevsky’s health declined further, and in March 1877 he had four epileptic seizures. Rather than returning to Ems, he visited Maly Prikol, a manor near Kursk. While returning to St Petersburg to finalise his Diary, he visited Darovoye, where he had spent much of his childhood. In December he attended Nekrasov’s funeral and gave a speech. He was appointed an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, from which he received an honorary certificate in February 1879. He declined an invitation to an international congress on copyright in Paris after his son Alyosha had a severe epileptic seizure and died on 16 May. The family later moved to the apartment where Dostoevsky had written his first works. Around this time, he was elected to the board of directors of the Slavic Benevolent Society in Saint Petersburg. That summer, he was elected to the honorary committee of the Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale, whose members included Victor Hugo, Ivan Turgenev, Paul Heyse, Alfred Tennyson, Anthony Trollope, Henry Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Leo Tolstoy. Dostoevsky made his fourth and final visit to Ems in early August 1879. He was diagnosed with early-stage pulmonary emphysema, which his doctor believed could be successfully managed, but not cured.[101][102]

On 3 February 1880 Dostoevsky was elected vice-president of the Slavic Benevolent Society, and he was invited to speak at the unveiling of the Pushkin memorial in Moscow. On 8 June he delivered his speech, giving an impressive performance that had a significant emotional impact on his audience. His speech was met with thunderous applause, and even his long-time rival Turgenev embraced him. Konstantin Staniukovich praised the speech in his essay «The Pushkin Anniversary and Dostoevsky’s Speech» in The Business, writing that «the language of Dostoevsky’s [Pushkin Speech] really looks like a sermon. He speaks with the tone of a prophet. He makes a sermon like a pastor; it is very deep, sincere, and we understand that he wants to impress the emotions of his listeners.»[103] The speech was criticised later by liberal political scientist Alexander Gradovsky, who thought that Dostoevsky idolised «the people»,[104] and by conservative thinker Konstantin Leontiev, who, in his essay «On Universal Love», compared the speech to French utopian socialism.[105] The attacks led to a further deterioration in his health.[106][107]


Dostoevsky’s grave in Saint Petersburg

On 6 February [O.S. 25 January] 1881, while searching for members of the terrorist organisation Narodnaya Volya («The People’s Will») who would soon assassinate Tsar Alexander II, the Tsar’s secret police executed a search warrant in the apartment of one of Dostoevsky’s neighbours.[citation needed] On the following day, Dostoevsky suffered a pulmonary haemorrhage. Anna denied that the search had caused it, saying that the haemorrhage had occurred after her husband had been looking for a dropped pen holder.[f] After another haemorrhage, Anna called the doctors, who gave a poor prognosis. A third haemorrhage followed shortly afterwards.[111][112] While seeing his children before dying, Dostoevsky requested that the parable of the Prodigal Son be read to his children. The profound meaning of this request is pointed out by Frank:

It was this parable of transgression, repentance, and forgiveness that he wished to leave as a last heritage to his children, and it may well be seen as his own ultimate understanding of the meaning of his life and the message of his work.[113]

Among Dostoevsky’s last words was his quotation of Matthew 3:14–15: «But John forbad him, saying, I have a need to be baptised of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness», and he finished with «Hear now—permit it. Do not restrain me!».[114] His last words to his wife Anna were: «Remember, Anya, I have always loved you passionately and have never been unfaithful to you ever, even in my thoughts!»[115] When he died, his body was placed on a table, following Russian custom. He was interred in the Tikhvin Cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Convent,[116] near his favourite poets, Nikolay Karamzin and Vasily Zhukovsky. It is unclear how many attended his funeral. According to one reporter, more than 100,000 mourners were present, while others describe attendance between 40,000 and 50,000. His tombstone is inscribed with lines from the New Testament:[111][117]

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit.

Personal lifeEdit


Dostoevsky had his first known affair with Avdotya Yakovlevna, whom he met in the Panayev circle in the early 1840s. He described her as educated, interested in literature, and a femme fatale.[118] He admitted later that he was uncertain about their relationship.[119] According to Anna Dostoevskaya’s memoirs, Dostoevsky once asked his sister’s sister-in-law, Yelena Ivanova, whether she would marry him, hoping to replace her mortally ill husband after he died, but she rejected his proposal.[120]

Dostoevsky and Apollonia (Polina) Suslova had a short but intimate affair, which peaked in the winter of 1862–1863. Suslova’s dalliance with a Spaniard in late spring and Dostoevsky’s gambling addiction and age ended their relationship. He later described her in a letter to Nadezhda Suslova as a «great egoist. Her egoism and her vanity are colossal. She demands everything of other people, all the perfections, and does not pardon the slightest imperfection in the light of other qualities that one may possess», and later stated «I still love her, but I do not want to love her any more. She doesn’t deserve this love …»[61] In 1858 Dostoevsky had a romance with comic actress Aleksandra Ivanovna Schubert. Although she divorced Dostoevsky’s friend Stepan Yanovsky, she would not live with him. Dostoevsky did not love her either, but they were probably good friends. She wrote that he «became very attracted to me».[121][122]

Through a worker in Epoch, Dostoevsky learned of the Russian-born Martha Brown (née Elizaveta Andreyevna Chlebnikova), who had had affairs with several westerners. Her relationship with Dostoevsky is known only through letters written between November 1864 and January 1865.[123][124] In 1865, Dostoevsky met Anna Korvin-Krukovskaya. Their relationship is not verified; Anna Dostoevskaya spoke of a good affair, but Korvin-Krukovskaya’s sister, the mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya, thought that Korvin-Krukovskaya had rejected him.[125]

Political beliefsEdit

In his youth, Dostoevsky enjoyed reading Nikolai Karamzin’s History of the Russian State, which praised conservatism and Russian independence, ideas that Dostoevsky would embrace later in life. Before his arrest for participating in the Petrashevsky Circle in 1849, Dostoevsky remarked, «As far as I am concerned, nothing was ever more ridiculous than the idea of a republican government in Russia.» In an 1881 edition of his Diaries, Dostoevsky stated that the Tsar and the people should form a unity: «For the people, the tsar is not an external power, not the power of some conqueror … but a power of all the people, an all-unifying power the people themselves desired.»[126]

While critical of serfdom, Dostoevsky was skeptical about the creation of a constitution, a concept he viewed as unrelated to Russia’s history. He described it as a mere «gentleman’s rule» and believed that «a constitution would simply enslave the people». He advocated social change instead, for example removal of the feudal system and a weakening of the divisions between the peasantry and the affluent classes. His ideal was a utopian, Christianized Russia where «if everyone were actively Christian, not a single social question would come up … If they were Christians they would settle everything».[127] He thought democracy and oligarchy were poor systems; of France he wrote, «the oligarchs are only concerned with the interest of the wealthy; the democrats, only with the interest of the poor; but the interests of society, the interest of all and the future of France as a whole—no one there bothers about these things.»[127] He maintained that political parties ultimately led to social discord. In the 1860s, he discovered Pochvennichestvo, a movement similar to Slavophilism in that it rejected Europe’s culture and contemporary philosophical movements, such as nihilism and materialism. Pochvennichestvo differed from Slavophilism in aiming to establish, not an isolated Russia, but a more open state modelled on the Russia of Peter the Great.[127]

In his incomplete article «Socialism and Christianity», Dostoevsky claimed that civilisation («the second stage in human history») had become degraded, and that it was moving towards liberalism and losing its faith in God. He asserted that the traditional concept of Christianity should be recovered. He thought that contemporary western Europe had «rejected the single formula for their salvation that came from God and was proclaimed through revelation, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself’, and replaced it with practical conclusions such as, Chacun pour soi et Dieu pour tous [Every man for himself and God for all], or «scientific» slogans like ‘the struggle for survival.«[126] He considered this crisis to be the consequence of the collision between communal and individual interests, brought about by a decline in religious and moral principles.

Dostoevsky distinguished three «enormous world ideas» prevalent in his time: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and (Russian) Orthodoxy. He claimed that Catholicism had continued the tradition of Imperial Rome and had thus become anti-Christian and proto-socialist, inasmuch as the Church’s interest in political and mundane affairs led it to abandon the idea of Christ. For Dostoevsky, socialism was «the latest incarnation of the Catholic idea» and its «natural ally».[128] He found Protestantism self-contradictory and claimed that it would ultimately lose power and spirituality. He deemed (Russian) Orthodoxy to be the ideal form of Christianity.

For all that, to place Dostoevsky politically is not that simple, but: as a Christian, he rejected atheistic socialism; as a traditionalist, he rejected the destruction of the institutions; and, as a pacifist, he rejected any violent method or upheaval led by either progressives or reactionaries. He supported private property and business rights, and did not agree with many criticisms of the free market from the socialist utopians of his time.[129][130]

During the Russo-Turkish War, Dostoevsky asserted that war might be necessary if salvation were to be granted. He wanted the Muslim Ottoman Empire eliminated and the Christian Byzantine Empire restored, and he hoped for the liberation of Balkan Slavs and their unification with the Russian Empire.[126]

Ethnic beliefsEdit

Many characters in Dostoevsky’s works, including Jews, have been described as displaying negative stereotypes.[131] In a letter to Arkady Kovner from 1877, a Jew who had accused Dostoevsky of antisemitism, he replied with the following:

«I am not an enemy of the Jews at all and never have been. But as you say, its 40-century existence proves that this tribe has exceptional vitality, which would not help, during the course of its history, taking the form of various Status in Statu … how can they fail to find themselves, even if only partially, at variance with the indigenous population – the Russian tribe?»[132]

Dostoevsky held to a Pan Slavic ideology that was conditioned by the Ottoman occupations of Eastern Europe. In 1876, the Slavic populations of Serbia and Bulgaria rose up against their Ottoman overlords, but the rebellion was put down. In the process, an estimated 12,000 people were killed. In his diaries, he scorned Westerners and those who were against the Pan Slavic movement. This ideology was motivated in part by the desire to promote a common Orthodox Christian heritage, which he saw as both unifying as well as a force for liberation.[133]

Religious beliefsEdit

The New Testament that Dostoevsky took with him to prison in Siberia

Dostoevsky was an Orthodox Christian[134] who was raised in a religious family and knew the Gospel from a very young age.[135] He was influenced by the Russian translation of Johannes Hübner’s One Hundred and Four Sacred Stories from the Old and New Testaments Selected for Children (partly a German bible for children and partly a catechism).[136][135][137] He attended Sunday liturgies from an early age and took part in annual pilgrimages to the St. Sergius Trinity Monastery.[138] A deacon at the hospital gave him religious instruction.[137] Among his most cherished childhood memories were reciting prayers in front of guests and reading passages from the Book of Job that impressed him while «still almost a child.»[139]

According to an officer at the military academy, Dostoevsky was profoundly religious, followed Orthodox practice, and regularly read the Gospels and Heinrich Zschokke’s Die Stunden der Andacht («Hours of Devotion»), which «preached a sentimental version of Christianity entirely free from dogmatic content and with a strong emphasis on giving Christian love a social application.» This book may have prompted his later interest in Christian socialism.[140] Through the literature of Hoffmann, Balzac, Eugène Sue, and Goethe, Dostoevsky created his own belief system, similar to Russian sectarianism and the Old Belief.[140] After his arrest, aborted execution, and subsequent imprisonment, he focused intensely on the figure of Christ and on the New Testament: the only book allowed in prison.[141] In a January 1854 letter to the woman who had sent him the New Testament, Dostoevsky wrote that he was a «child of unbelief and doubt up to this moment, and I am certain that I shall remain so to the grave.» He also wrote that «even if someone were to prove to me that the truth lay outside Christ, I should choose to remain with Christ rather than with the truth.»[142]

In Semipalatinsk, Dostoevsky revived his faith by looking frequently at the stars. Wrangel said that he was «rather pious, but did not often go to church, and disliked priests, especially the Siberian ones. But he spoke about Christ ecstatically.» Two pilgrimages and two works by Dmitri Rostovsky, an archbishop who influenced Ukrainian and Russian literature by composing groundbreaking religious plays, strengthened his beliefs.[143] Through his visits to western Europe and discussions with Herzen, Grigoriev, and Strakhov, Dostoevsky discovered the Pochvennichestvo movement and the theory that the Catholic Church had adopted the principles of rationalism, legalism, materialism, and individualism from ancient Rome and had passed on its philosophy to Protestantism and consequently to atheistic socialism.[144]

Themes and styleEdit

Dostoevsky’s canon includes novels, novellas, novelettes, short stories, essays, pamphlets, limericks, epigrams and poems. He wrote more than 700 letters, a dozen of which are lost.[145]

Dostoevsky expressed religious, psychological, and philosophical ideas in his writings. His works explore such themes as suicide, poverty, human manipulation, and morality. Psychological themes include dreaming, first seen in «White Nights»,[146] and the father-son relationship, beginning in The Adolescent.[147] Most of his works demonstrate a vision of the chaotic sociopolitical structure of contemporary Russia.[148] His early works viewed society (for example, the differences between poor and rich) through the lens of literary realism and naturalism. The influences of other writers, particularly evident in his early works, led to accusations of plagiarism,[149][150] but his style gradually became more individual. After his release from prison, Dostoevsky incorporated religious themes, especially those of Russian Orthodoxy, into his writing. Elements of gothic fiction,[151] romanticism,[152] and satire[153] are observable in some of his books. He frequently used autobiographical or semi-autobiographical details.

An important stylistic element in Dostoevsky’s writing is polyphony, the simultaneous presence of multiple narrative voices and perspectives.[154] Kornelije Kvas wrote that Bakhtin’s theory of «the polyphonic novel and Dostoevsky’s dialogicness of narration postulates the non-existence of the ‘final’ word, which is why the thoughts, emotions and experiences of the world of the narrator and his/her characters are reflected through the words of another, with which they can never fully blend.»[155]


Reception and influenceEdit

Dostoevsky monument in Dresden (Germany)

Dostoevsky is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential novelists of the Golden Age of Russian literature.[156] Leo Tolstoy admired some of Dostoevsky’s works, particularly The House of the Dead, which he saw as exalted religious art, inspired by deep faith and love of humanity.[157][158] Albert Einstein called Dostoevsky a «great religious writer» who explores «the mystery of spiritual existence».[159] Sigmund Freud ranked Dostoevsky second only to Shakespeare as a creative writer,[160] and called The Brothers Karamazov «the most magnificent novel ever written».[161] Friedrich Nietzsche called Dostoevsky «the only psychologist from whom I had something to learn» and described him as being «among the most beautiful strokes of fortune in my life.»[162][163] The Russian literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin’s analysis of Dostoevsky came to be at the foundation of his theory of the novel. Bakhtin argued that Dostoevsky’s use of Polyphony was a major advancement in the development of the novel as a genre.[154]

In his posthumous collection of sketches A Moveable Feast, Ernest Hemingway stated that in Dostoevsky «there were things believable and not to be believed, but some so true that they changed you as you read them; frailty and madness, wickedness and saintliness, and the insanity of gambling were there to know».[164] James Joyce praised Dostoevsky’s prose: «… he is the man more than any other who has created modern prose, and intensified it to its present-day pitch. It was his explosive power which shattered the Victorian novel with its simpering maidens and ordered commonplaces; books which were without imagination or violence.»[165] In her essay The Russian Point of View, Virginia Woolf said, «Out of Shakespeare there is no more exciting reading».[166] Franz Kafka called Dostoevsky his «blood-relative»[167] and was heavily influenced by his works, particularly The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment, both of which profoundly influenced The Trial.[168] Hermann Hesse enjoyed Dostoevsky’s work and said that to read him is like a «glimpse into the havoc».[169] The Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun wrote that «no one has analyzed the complicated human structure as Dostoyevsky. His psychologic sense is overwhelming and visionary.»[170] In her essay What Is Romanticism?, Russian-American author Ayn Rand wrote that Dostoevsky was one of the two greatest novelists (the other being Victor Hugo).[171] Writers associated with cultural movements such as surrealism, existentialism and the Beats cite Dostoevsky as an influence,[172] and he is regarded as a forerunner to Russian symbolism,[173] expressionism[174] and psychoanalysis.[175]

J.M. Coetzee featured Dostoevsky as the protagonist in his 1997 novel The Master of Petersburg. The famous Malayalam novel Oru Sankeerthanam Pole by Perumbadavam Sreedharan deals with the life of Dostoevsky and his love affair with Anna.[176]


In 1956 an olive-green postage stamp dedicated to Dostoevsky was released in the Soviet Union, with a print run of 1,000 copies.[177] A Dostoevsky Museum was opened on 12 November 1971 in the apartment where he wrote his first and final novels.[178] A crater on Mercury was named after him in 1979, and a minor planet discovered in 1981 by Lyudmila Karachkina was named 3453 Dostoevsky. Music critic and broadcaster Artemy Troitsky has hosted the radio show «FM Достоевский» (FM Dostoevsky) since 1997.[179] Viewers of the TV show Name of Russia voted him the ninth greatest Russian of all time, just after Dmitry Mendeleev, and just ahead of ruler Ivan IV.[180] An Eagle Award-winning TV series directed by Vladimir Khotinenko about Dostoevsky’s life was screened in 2011.

Numerous memorials were inaugurated in cities and regions such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Semipalatinsk, Kusnetsk, Darovoye, Staraya Russa, Lyublino, Tallinn, Dresden, Baden-Baden and Wiesbaden. The Dostoyevskaya metro station in Saint Petersburg was opened on 30 December 1991, and the station of the same name in Moscow was opened on 19 June 2010, the 75th anniversary of the Moscow Metro. The Moscow station is decorated with murals by artist Ivan Nikolaev depicting scenes from Dostoevsky’s works, such as controversial suicides.[181][182]

In 2021, Kazakhstan celebrated the 200th anniversary of Dostoyevsky’s birth.[183]


Dostoevsky’s work did not always gain a positive reception. Some critics, such as Nikolay Dobrolyubov, Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokov, viewed his writing as excessively psychological and philosophical rather than artistic. Others found fault with chaotic and disorganised plots, and others, like Turgenev, objected to «excessive psychologising» and too-detailed naturalism. His style was deemed «prolix, repetitious and lacking in polish, balance, restraint and good taste». Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nikolay Mikhaylovsky and others criticised his puppet-like characters, most prominently in The Idiot, Demons (The Possessed, The Devils)[184] and The Brothers Karamazov. These characters were compared to those of Hoffmann, an author whom Dostoevsky admired.[185]

Basing his estimation on stated criteria of enduring art and individual genius, Nabokov judges Dostoevsky «not a great writer, but rather a mediocre one—with flashes of excellent humour but, alas, with wastelands of literary platitudes in between». Nabokov complains that the novels are peopled by «neurotics and lunatics» and states that Dostoevsky’s characters do not develop: «We get them all complete at the beginning of the tale and so they remain.» He finds the novels full of contrived «surprises and complications of plot», which are effective when first read, but on second reading, without the shock and benefit of these surprises, appear loaded with «glorified cliché».[186] The Scottish poet and critic Edwin Muir, however, addressed this criticism, noting that «regarding the ‘oddness’ of Dostoevsky’s characters, it has been pointed out that they perhaps only seem ‘pathological’, whereas in reality they are ‘only visualized more clearly than any figures in imaginative literature’.[187]


Dostoevsky’s books have been translated into more than 170 languages.[188] The German translator Wilhelm Wolfsohn published one of the first translations, parts of Poor Folk, in an 1846–1847 magazine,[189] and a French translation followed. French, German and Italian translations usually came directly from the original, while English translations were second-hand and of poor quality.[190] The first English translations were by Marie von Thilo in 1881, but the first highly regarded ones were produced between 1912 and 1920 by Constance Garnett.[191] Her flowing and easy translations helped popularise Dostoevsky’s novels in anglophone countries, and Bakthin’s Problems of Dostoevsky’s Creative Art (1929) (republished and revised as Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics in 1963) provided further understanding of his style.[192]

Dostoevsky’s works were interpreted in film and on stage in many different countries. Princess Varvara Dmitrevna Obolenskaya was among the first to propose staging Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky did not refuse permission, but he advised against it, as he believed that «each art corresponds to a series of poetic thoughts, so that one idea cannot be expressed in another non-corresponding form». His extensive explanations in opposition to the transposition of his works into other media were groundbreaking in fidelity criticism. He thought that just one episode should be dramatised, or an idea should be taken and incorporated into a separate plot.[193] According to critic Alexander Burry, some of the most effective adaptions are Sergei Prokofiev’s opera The Gambler, Leoš Janáček’s opera From the House of the Dead, Akira Kurosawa’s film The Idiot and Andrzej Wajda’s film The Possessed.[194]

After the 1917 Russian Revolution, passages of Dostoevsky books were sometimes shortened, although only two books were censored: Demons[195] and Diary of a Writer.[196] His philosophy, particularly in Demons, was deemed anti-capitalist but also anti-Communist and reactionary.[197][198] According to historian Boris Ilizarov, Stalin read Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov several times.[199]


Dostoevsky’s works of fiction include 16 novels and novellas, 17 short stories, and 5 translations. Many of his longer novels were first published in serialised form in literary magazines and journals. The years given below indicate the year in which the novel’s final part or first complete book edition was published. In English many of his novels and stories are known by different titles.

Major worksEdit

Poor FolkEdit

Poor Folk is an epistolary novel that depicts the relationship between the small, elderly official Makar Devushkin and the young seamstress Varvara Dobroselova, remote relatives who write letters to each other. Makar’s tender, sentimental adoration for Varvara and her confident, warm friendship for him explain their evident preference for a simple life, although it keeps them in humiliating poverty. An unscrupulous merchant finds the inexperienced girl and hires her as his housewife and guarantor. He sends her to a manor somewhere on a steppe, while Makar alleviates his misery and pain with alcohol.

The story focuses on poor people who struggle with their lack of self-esteem. Their misery leads to the loss of their inner freedom, to dependence on the social authorities, and to the extinction of their individuality. Dostoevsky shows how poverty and dependence are indissolubly aligned with deflection and deformation of self-esteem, combining inward and outward suffering.[200]

Notes from UndergroundEdit

Notes from Underground is split into two stylistically different parts, the first essay-like, the second in narrative style. The protagonist and first-person narrator is an unnamed 40-year-old civil servant known as The Underground Man. The only known facts about his situation are that he has quit the service, lives in a basement flat on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg and finances his livelihood from a modest inheritance.

The first part is a record of his thoughts about society and his character. He describes himself as vicious, squalid and ugly; the chief focuses of his polemic are the «modern human» and his vision of the world, which he attacks severely and cynically, and towards which he develops aggression and vengefulness. He considers his own decline natural and necessary. Although he emphasises that he does not intend to publish his notes for the public, the narrator appeals repeatedly to an ill-described audience, whose questions he tries to address.

In the second part he describes scenes from his life that are responsible for his failure in personal and professional life and in his love life. He tells of meeting old school friends, who are in secure positions and treat him with condescension. His aggression turns inward on to himself and he tries to humiliate himself further. He presents himself as a possible saviour to the poor prostitute Lisa, advising her to reject self-reproach when she looks to him for hope. Dostoevsky added a short commentary saying that although the storyline and characters are fictional, such things were inevitable in contemporary society.

The Underground Man was very influential on philosophers. His alienated existence from the mainstream influenced modernist literature.[201][202]

Crime and PunishmentEdit

The novel Crime and Punishment has received both critical and popular acclaim. It remains one of the most influential and widely read novels in Russian literature,[203] and has been sometimes described as Dostoevsky’s magnum opus.[204]

Crime and Punishment follows the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker, an old woman who stores money and valuable objects in her flat. He theorises that with the money he could liberate himself from poverty and go on to perform great deeds, and seeks to convince himself that certain crimes are justifiable if they are committed in order to remove obstacles to the higher goals of ‘extraordinary’ men. Once the deed is done, however, he finds himself racked with confusion, paranoia, and disgust. His theoretical justifications lose all their power as he struggles with guilt and horror and confronts both the internal and external consequences of his deed.

Strakhov remarked that «Only Crime and Punishment was read in 1866″ and that Dostoevsky had managed to portray a Russian person aptly and realistically.[205] In contrast, Grigory Eliseev of the radical magazine The Contemporary called the novel a «fantasy according to which the entire student body is accused without exception of attempting murder and robbery».[206] The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes Crime and Punishment as «a masterpiece» and «one of the finest studies of the psychopathology of guilt written in any language.»[207]

The IdiotEdit

The title is an ironic reference to the central character of the novel, Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, a young man whose goodness, open-hearted simplicity and guilelessness lead many of the more worldly characters he encounters to mistakenly assume that he lacks intelligence and insight. In the character of Prince Myshkin, Dostoevsky set himself the task of depicting «the positively good and beautiful man.»[208] The novel examines the consequences of placing such a singular individual at the centre of the conflicts, desires, passions and egoism of worldly society, both for the man himself and for those with whom he becomes involved.

Joseph Frank describes The Idiot as «the most personal of all Dostoevsky’s major works, the book in which he embodies his most intimate, cherished, and sacred convictions.»[209] It includes descriptions of some of his most intense personal ordeals, such as epilepsy and mock execution, and explores moral, spiritual and philosophical themes consequent upon them. His primary motivation in writing the novel was to subject his own highest ideal, that of true Christian love, to the crucible of contemporary Russian society.


Demons is a social and political satire, a psychological drama, and large-scale tragedy. Joyce Carol Oates has described it as «Dostoevsky’s most confused and violent novel, and his most satisfactorily ‘tragic’ work.»[210] According to Ronald Hingley, it is Dostoevsky’s «greatest onslaught on Nihilism», and «one of humanity’s most impressive achievements—perhaps even its supreme achievement—in the art of prose fiction.»[211]

Demons is an allegory of the potentially catastrophic consequences of the political and moral nihilism that were becoming prevalent in Russia in the 1860s.[212] A fictional town descends into chaos as it becomes the focal point of an attempted revolution, orchestrated by master conspirator Pyotr Verkhovensky. The mysterious aristocratic figure of Nikolai Stavrogin—Verkhovensky’s counterpart in the moral sphere—dominates the book, exercising an extraordinary influence over the hearts and minds of almost all the other characters. The idealistic, Western-influenced generation of the 1840s, epitomized in the character of Stepan Verkhovensky (who is both Pyotr Verkhovensky’s father and Nikolai Stavrogin’s childhood teacher), are presented as the unconscious progenitors and helpless accomplices of the «demonic» forces that take possession of the town.

The Brothers KaramazovEdit

At nearly 800 pages, The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoevsky’s largest work. It received both critical and popular acclaim and is often cited as his magnum opus.[213] Composed of 12 «books», the novel tells the story of the novice Alyosha Karamazov, the non-believer Ivan Karamazov, and the soldier Dmitri Karamazov. The first books introduce the Karamazovs. The main plot is the death of their father Fyodor, while other parts are philosophical and religious arguments by Father Zosima to Alyosha.[214][215]

The most famous chapter is «The Grand Inquisitor», a parable told by Ivan to Alyosha about Christ’s Second Coming in Seville, Spain, in which Christ is imprisoned by a ninety-year-old Catholic Grand Inquisitor. Instead of answering him, Christ gives him a kiss, and the Inquisitor subsequently releases him, telling him not to return. The tale was misunderstood as a defence of the Inquisitor, but some, such as Romano Guardini, have argued that the Christ of the parable was Ivan’s own interpretation of Christ, «the idealistic product of the unbelief». Ivan, however, has stated that he is against Christ. Most contemporary critics and scholars agree that Dostoevsky is attacking Roman Catholicism and socialist atheism, both represented by the Inquisitor. He warns the readers against a terrible revelation in the future, referring to the Donation of Pepin around 750 and the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th century, which in his view corrupted true Christianity.[216][214][215]


Novels and novellasEdit

  • (1846) Poor Folk
  • (1846) The Double
  • (1847) The Landlady (novella)
  • (1849) Netochka Nezvanova (unfinished)
  • (1859) Uncle’s Dream (novella)
  • (1859) The Village of Stepanchikovo
  • (1861) Humiliated and Insulted
  • (1862) The House of the Dead
  • (1864) Notes from Underground (novella)
  • (1866) Crime and Punishment
  • (1867) The Gambler
  • (1869) The Idiot
  • (1870) The Eternal Husband
  • (1872) Demons (also titled: The Possessed, The Devils)[184]
  • (1875) The Adolescent
  • (1880) The Brothers Karamazov

Short storiesEdit

  • (1846) «Mr. Prokharchin»
  • (1847) «Novel in Nine Letters»
  • (1848) «Another Man’s Wife and a Husband Under the Bed» (merger of «Another Man’s Wife» and «A Jealous Husband»)
  • (1848) «A Weak Heart»
  • (1848) «Polzunkov»
  • (1848) «An Honest Thief»
  • (1848) «A Christmas Tree and a Wedding»
  • (1848) «White Nights»
  • (1849) «A Little Hero»
  • (1862) «A Nasty Story»
  • (1865) «The Crocodile»
  • (1873) «Bobok»
  • (1876) «The Heavenly Christmas Tree» (also titled: «The Beggar Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree»)[217]
  • (1876) «A Gentle Creature» (also titled: «The Meek One»)
  • (1876) «The Peasant Marey»
  • (1877) «The Dream of a Ridiculous Man»

Essay collectionsEdit

  • Winter Notes on Summer Impressions (1863)
  • A Writer’s Diary (1873–1881)


  • (1843) Eugénie Grandet (Honoré de Balzac)
  • (1843) La dernière Aldini (George Sand)
  • (1843) Mary Stuart (Friedrich Schiller)

Personal lettersEdit

  • (1912) Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to His Family and Friends by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (Author), translator Ethel Colburn Mayne Kessinger Publishing, LLC (26 May 2006) ISBN 978-1-4286-1333-1

Posthumously published notebooksEdit

  • (1922) Stavrogin’s Confession & the Plan of the Life of a Great Sinner – English translation by Virginia Woolf and S.S. Koteliansky



  1. ^ His name has been variously transcribed into English, his first name sometimes being rendered as Theodore or Fedor.
  2. ^ Before the postrevolutionary orthographic reform which, among other things, replaced the Cyrillic letter Ѳ with Ф, Dostoevsky’s name was written Ѳедоръ Михайловичъ Достоевскій.
  3. ^ In Old Style dates: 30 October 1821 – 28 January 1881
  4. ^ Time magazine was a popular periodical with more than 4,000 subscribers before it was closed on 24 May 1863 by the Tsarist Regime after publishing an essay by Nikolay Strakhov about the Polish revolt in Russia. Vremya and its 1864 successor Epokha expressed the philosophy of the conservative and Slavophile movement Pochvennichestvo, supported by Dostoevsky during his term of imprisonment and in the following years.[64]
  5. ^ Another reason for his abstinence might have been the closure of casinos in Germany in 1872 and 1873 (it was not until the rise of Adolf Hitler that they were reopened)[84] or his entering a synagogue that he confused with a gambling hall. According to biographer Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky took that as a sign not to gamble any more.[85]
  6. ^ The haemorrhage could also have been triggered by heated disputes with his sister Vera about his aunt Aleksandra Kumanina’s estate, which was settled on 30 March and discussed in the St Petersburg City Court on 24 July 1879.[108][109] Anna later acquired a part of his estate consisting of around 185 desiatina (around 500 acres or 202 ha) of forest and 92 desiatina of farmland.[110]


  1. ^ Jones, Daniel (2011). Roach, Peter; Setter, Jane; Esling, John (eds.). «Dostoievski, Dostoevsky». Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15255-6.
  2. ^ «Dostoevsky». Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.
  3. ^ Fyodor Dostoyevsky at the Encyclopædia Britannica
  4. ^ Leigh, David J. (2010). «The Philosophy and Theology of Fyodor Dostoevsky». Ultimate Reality and Meaning. 33 (1–2): 85–103. doi:10.3138/uram.33.1-2.85.
  5. ^ Scanlan 2002.
  6. ^ Morson, Gary Saul. «Fyodor Dostoyevsky». Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  7. ^ Dominique Arban, Dostoïevski, Seuil, 1995, p. 5
  8. ^ a b Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 1–5.
  9. ^ a b Frank 1979, pp. 6–22.
  10. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 11.
  11. ^ Terras, Victor (1985). Handbook of Russian Literature. Yale University Press. p. 102. ISBN 978-0-300-04868-1.
  12. ^ Bloom 2004, p. 9.
  13. ^ a b Breger 2008, p. 72.
  14. ^ Leatherbarrow 2002, p. 23.
  15. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 6–11.
  16. ^ a b Frank 1979, pp. 23–54.
  17. ^ «Natural School (Натуральная школа)». Brief Literary Encyclopedia in 9 Volumes. Moscow. 1968. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
  18. ^ Mochulsky 1967, p. 4.
  19. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 61.
  20. ^ Ruttenburg, Nancy (4 January 2010). Dostoevsky’s Democracy. Princeton University Press. pp. 76–77.
  21. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 6.
  22. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 39.
  23. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 14–15.
  24. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 17–23.
  25. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 69–90.
  26. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 2.
  27. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 24–7.
  28. ^ a b c Frank 1979, pp. 69–111.
  29. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 59.
  30. ^ Reik, Theodor (1940). «The Study on Dostoyevsky.» In From Thirty Years with Freud, Farrar & Rhinehart, Inc., pp. 158–76.
  31. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 109.
  32. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 31–36.
  33. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 114–15.
  34. ^ Breger 2008, p. 104.
  35. ^ Grossman, Leonid (2011). Достоевский [Dostoevsky] (in Russian). AST. p. 536.
  36. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 36–37.
  37. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 73.
  38. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 113–57.
  39. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 42–49.
  40. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 159–82.
  41. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 53–55.
  42. ^ Mochulsky 1967, pp. 115–21.
  43. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 59.
  44. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 239–46, 259–346.
  45. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 58–69.
  46. ^ Frank, Joseph (2010). Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time. pp. 152–158. ISBN 9780691128191.
  47. ^ Mochulsky 1967, pp. 99–101.
  48. ^ Belinsky, Vissarion (1847). Letter to Gogol. Documents in Russian History, Seton Hall University. Retrieved 27 December 2017.
  49. ^ Mochulsky 1967, pp. 121–33.
  50. ^ a b Frank 1987, pp. 6–68.
  51. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 72–79.
  52. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 79–96.
  53. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 113.
  54. ^ Pisma, I: pp. 135–37.
  55. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 96–108.
  56. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 8–20.
  57. ^ Sekirin 1997, pp. 107–21.
  58. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 112–13.
  59. ^ Frank 1987, pp. 165–267.
  60. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 108–13.
  61. ^ a b Sekirin 1997, p. 168.
  62. ^ Frank 1987, pp. 175–221.
  63. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 115–63.
  64. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 34–64.
  65. ^ Frank 1987, pp. 290 et seq.
  66. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 8–62.
  67. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 135–37.
  68. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 233–49.
  69. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 143–45.
  70. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 197–211, 283–94, 248–365.
  71. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 151–75.
  72. ^ Frank 2009, p. 462.
  73. ^ Leatherbarrow 2002, p. 83.
  74. ^ Frank 1997, pp. 42–183.
  75. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 162–96.
  76. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 178.
  77. ^ Moss, Walter G. (2002). Russia in the Age of Alexander II, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Anthem Press. pp. 128–33. ISBN 978-0-85728-763-2.
  78. ^ Andrew Kaufman (31 August 2021). The Gambler Wife: A True Story of Love, Risk, and the Woman Who Saved Dostoyevsky. Riverhead Books. ISBN 0-525-53714-7. OL 34129769M. Wikidata Q109057625.
  79. ^ «Fiodor Dostojewski — biografia, wiersze, utwory». poezja.org (in Polish). Retrieved 18 June 2022.
  80. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 219.
  81. ^ Kathari, Suzanne; Riliet, Natalie (2009). Histoire et Guide des cimetières genevois (in French). Geneva: Éditions Slatkine. pp. 110, 222, 227. ISBN 978-2-8321-0372-2.
  82. ^ Frank 1997, pp. 151–363.
  83. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 201–37.
  84. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 245.
  85. ^ Frank 2003, p. 639.
  86. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 240–61.
  87. ^ Frank 1997, pp. 241–363.
  88. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 265.
  89. ^ a b Frank 2003, pp. 14–63.
  90. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 265–67.
  91. ^ Nasedkin, Nikolay. Вокруг Достоевского [Around Dostoyevsky]. The Dostoyevsky Encyclopedia (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2 May 2013. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  92. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 268–71.
  93. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 38–118.
  94. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 269–89.
  95. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 120–47.
  96. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 273–95.
  97. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 149–97.
  98. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 273–302.
  99. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 199–280.
  100. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 303–06.
  101. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 320–75.
  102. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 307–49.
  103. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 255.
  104. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 170.
  105. ^ Lantz 2004, pp. 230–31.
  106. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 475–531.
  107. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 353–63.
  108. ^ Sekirin 1997, pp. 309–16.
  109. ^ Lantz 2004, p. xxxiii.
  110. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 223.
  111. ^ a b Frank 2003, pp. 707–50.
  112. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 368–71.
  113. ^ Joseph Frank, «Dostoevsky. A Writer in His Time», Princeton University Press, 2010, p. 925,
  114. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 371–72.
  115. ^ Mikhailova, Valeriya (6 March 2017). «To be the wife of Fyodor Dostoevsky (part 4)». Bloggers Karamazov.
  116. ^ «Dostoevsky in Petersburg». F.M. Dostoevsky Literary Memorial Museum. Archived from the original on 25 March 2016. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  117. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 373 et seqq.
  118. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 50.
  119. ^ Payne, Robert. Dostoyevsky: A Human Portrait, Knopf, 1961, p. 51, OCLC 609509729
  120. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 299.
  121. ^ Frank 1988, pp. 18–19.
  122. ^ Mochulsky 1967, pp. 183–84.
  123. ^ Frank 2009, pp. 445–46.
  124. ^ Lantz 2004, pp. 45–46.
  125. ^ Sekirin 1997, p. 169.
  126. ^ a b c Lantz 2004, pp. 183–89.
  127. ^ a b c Lantz 2004, pp. 323–27.
  128. ^ Lantz 2004, p. 185.
  129. ^ Dostoevsky, Fyodor (20 July 1997). A Writer’s Diary. Northwestern University Press. ISBN 9780810115163. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  130. ^ Ward, Bruce K. (30 October 2010). Dostoyevsky’s Critique of the West: The Quest for the Earthly Paradise. ISBN 9781554588169. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  131. ^ Eberstadt, Fernanda (1987). «Dostoevsky and the Jews». Commentary Magazine.
  132. ^ Frank, Joseph; Goldstein, David I. (1989). Selected Letters of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Rutgers. pp. 437–38.
  133. ^ dakaras. «The Diary Of A Writer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive». Retrieved 26 January 2022.
  134. ^ Pattison, George; Thompson, Diane Oenning, eds. (2001). Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition (Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature). Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature. Cambridge University Press. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-521-78278-4.
  135. ^ a b Frank 1979, p. 401.
  136. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 8–9.
  137. ^ a b Jones 2005, p. 1.
  138. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 7–9.
  139. ^ Frank 2009, pp. 24, 30.
  140. ^ a b Jones 2005, p. 2.
  141. ^ Jones 2005, p. 6.
  142. ^ Jones 2005, p. 7.
  143. ^ Frank 1979, pp. 22–23.
  144. ^ Jones 2005, pp. 7–9.
  145. ^ Достоевский Федор Михайлович: Стихотворения [Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: Poems] (in Russian). Lib.ru. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  146. ^ Frank 2009, p. 110.
  147. ^ Catteau, Jacques (1989). Dostoyevsky and the Process of Literary Creation. Cambridge University Press. p. 282. ISBN 978-0-521-32436-6.
  148. ^ Terras 1998, p. 59.
  149. ^ Terras 1998, p. 14.
  150. ^ Bloshteyn 2007, p. 3.
  151. ^ Lantz 2004, pp. 167–70.
  152. ^ Lantz 2004, pp. 361–64.
  153. ^ Scanlan 2002, p. 59.
  154. ^ a b Bakhtin, M.M. (1984) Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. Edited and translated by Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  155. ^ Kvas, Kornelije (2019). The Boundaries of Realism in World Literature. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books. p. 101. ISBN 978-1-7936-0910-6.
  156. ^ Lauer 2000, p. 364.
  157. ^ Frank, Joseph (2010). p. 369
  158. ^ Aimée Dostoyevskaya (1921). Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Study. Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific. p. https://books.google.es/books?id=n7fb7eH6nRUC&pg=PA218&q=dostoyevsky%20admired%20tolstoy p. 218.
  159. ^ Vucinich, Alexander (2001). Einstein and Soviet Ideology. Physics Today. Vol. 55. Stanford University Press. p. 181. Bibcode:2002PhT….55i..59V. doi:10.1063/1.1522218. ISBN 978-0-8047-4209-2.
  160. ^ Freud, Sigmund (1961). The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. The Hogarth Press. p. 177.
  161. ^ Rieff, Philip (1979). Freud, the Mind of the Moralist (3rd ed.). University of Chicago Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-0-226-71639-8.
  162. ^ Müller 1982, p. 7.
  163. ^ See. KSA 13, 14[222] and 15[9]
  164. ^ Dahiya, Bhim S. (1992). Hemingway’s A Farewell To Arms: a Critical Study. Academic Foundation. p. 15. ISBN 978-81-269-0772-4.
  165. ^ Power, Arthur; Joyce, James (1999). Conversations with James Joyce. University of Toronto. pp. 51–60. ISBN 978-1-901866-41-4. Archived from the original on 12 September 2004.
  166. ^ Woolf, Virginia (1984). «Chapter 16: The Russian Point of View». The Common Reader. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0-15-602778-6.
  167. ^ Bridgwater, Patrick (2003). Kafka: Gothic and Fairytale. Rodopi. p. 9. ISBN 978-90-420-1194-6.
  168. ^ Struc, Roman S. (1981). Written at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. «Kafka and Dostoevsky as ‘Blood Relatives’«. Dostoevsky Studies. Austria. 2: 111–17. OCLC 7475685 – via University of Toronto.
  169. ^ Müller 1982, p. 8.
  170. ^ Lavrin 1947, p. 161.
  171. ^ Rand, Ayn. The Romantic Manifesto.
  172. ^ Bloshteyn 2007, p. 5.
  173. ^ Lavrin 2005, p. 38.
  174. ^ Burry 2011, p. 57.
  175. ^ Breger 2008, p. 270.
  176. ^ «‘Oru Sankeerthanam Pole’ goes into 100th edition». The New Indian Express. No. 26 November 2017.
  177. ^ «Russian Postage Stamps of 1956–1960». Soyuzpechat [ru]. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  178. ^ «Museum». F.M. Dostoevsky Literary Memorial Museum. Archived from the original on 17 January 2008. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  179. ^ Радио ФИНАМ ФМ 99.6 (in Russian). ФИНАМ. Retrieved 20 April 2013.
  180. ^ Результаты Интернет голосования [Internet voting results] (in Russian). Name of Russia. Archived from the original on 27 August 2017. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  181. ^ «Liublinsko-Dmitrovskaya Line». Moscow Metro. Archived from the original on 10 March 2012.
  182. ^ «A Dark View Of Dostoevsky On The Moscow Subway». NPR.org. 9 August 2010. Retrieved 25 November 2020.
  183. ^ November 2021, Dmitry Babich in Society on 10 (10 November 2021). «Dostoyevsky’s 200th Anniversary Celebrated in Kazakhstan, the Land of His Formative Years». The Astana Times. Retrieved 10 November 2021.
  184. ^ a b The 1872 novel ″Demons″, Russian: Бесы, Bésy, by Fyodor Dostoevsky is sometimes also titled The Possessed or The Devils
  185. ^ Terras 1998, pp. 3–4.
  186. ^ Nabokov, Vladamir (1981). Lectures on Russian Literature. Harvest Book/Harcourt. pp. 97–135. ISBN 978-0-15-602776-2.
  187. ^ Murr, Edwin. DER 99.
  188. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. foreword.
  189. ^ Meier-Gräfe 1988, p. 492.
  190. ^ Bloshteyn 2007, p. 26.
  191. ^ Jones & Terry 2010, p. 216.
  192. ^ France, Peter (2001). The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford University Press. pp. 594–98. ISBN 978-0-19-818359-4.
  193. ^ Burry 2011, p. 3.
  194. ^ Burry 2011, p. 5.
  195. ^ «[Д-З]». Forbidden Books of Russian Writers and Literary Scientists, 1917–1991. Archived from the original on 29 July 2017. Retrieved 31 August 2013.
  196. ^ «3.3. Книги об отдельных писателях». Forbidden Books of Russian Writers and Literary Scientists, 1917–1991. Archived from the original on 20 February 2018. Retrieved 31 August 2013.
  197. ^ Bloshteyn 2007, pp. 7–8.
  198. ^ Lenin read Dostoevsky in a more-nuanced way than others, describing Demons (1871–72) as «repulsive but great»; Geoff Waite with Francesca Cernia Slovin, «Nietzsche with Dostoevsky: Unrequited Collaborators in Crime without Punishment», in Jeff Love and Jeffrey Metzger, eds., Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: Philosophy, Morality, Tragedy (Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2016), ISBN 0810133962. For a summary of the Soviet reception of Dostoevsky, see Vladimir Shlapentokh, Soviet Intellectuals and Political Power: The Post-Stalin Era (Princeton Univ. Press, 1990), 94.
  199. ^ Vladimir Bushin. Враньё от юного папуаса [Fids from a young Papuan]. Pravda (in Russian). Archived from the original on 29 October 2013.
  200. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 69–103.
  201. ^ Halliwell, Martin (2006). Transatlantic Modernism: Moral Dilemmas in Modernist Fiction. Edinburgh University Press. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-7486-2393-8.
  202. ^ Eysteinsson, Ástráður (1990). The Concept of Modernism. Cornell University Press. p. 29. ISBN 978-0-8014-8077-5.
  203. ^ «Greatest Russian Novels of All Time». Retrieved 21 July 2020.
  204. ^ Arntfield, Michael (2017). Murder in Plain English. New York: Prometheus. p. 42. ISBN 9781633882546.
  205. ^ Kjetsaa 1989, p. 183.
  206. ^ Frank 1997, p. 45, 60–182.
  207. ^ Cregan-Reid, Vybarr. «Crime and Punishment». Retrieved 21 July 2020.
  208. ^ Dostoevsky letter quoted in Peace, Richard (1971). Dostoyevsky: An Examination of the Major Novels. Cambridge University Press. pp. 59–63. ISBN 0-521-07911-X.
  209. ^ Frank, Joseph (2010). Dostoevsky A Writer in His Time. Princeton University Press. p. 577. ISBN 9780691128191.
  210. ^ Joyce Carol Oates: Tragic Rites In Dostoevsky’s The Possessed, p. 3
  211. ^ Hingley, Ronald (1978). Dostoyevsky His Life and Work. London: Paul Elek Limited. pp. 158–59. ISBN 0-236-40121-1.
  212. ^ Peter Rollberg (2014) Mastermind, Terrorist, Enigma: Dostoevsky’s Nikolai Stavrogin, Perspectives on Political Science, 43:3, 143-152.
  213. ^ Frank 2003, pp. 390–441.
  214. ^ a b Frank 1997, pp. 567–705.
  215. ^ a b Kjetsaa 1989, pp. 337–414.
  216. ^ Müller 1982, pp. 91–103.
  217. ^ Dostoyefsky, F.M. «A Beggar Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree» in Little Russian Masterpieces. Zénaïde A. Ragozin (Ed., Trans.). New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1920. p. 172.


  • Bercken, Wil van den (2011). Christian Fiction and Religious Realism in the Novels of Dostoevsky. Anthem Press. ISBN 978-0-85728-976-6.
  • Bloshteyn, Maria R. (2007). The Making of a Counter-Culture Icon: Henry Miller’s Dostoevsky. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-8020-9228-1.
  • Breger, Louis (2008). Dostoevsky: The Author As Psychoanalyst. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4128-0843-9.
  • Burry, Alexander (2011). Multi-Mediated Dostoevsky: Transposing Novels Into Opera, Film, and Drama. Northwestern University Press. ISBN 978-0-8101-2715-9.
  • Cassedy, Steven (2005). Dostoevsky’s Religion. Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-5137-7.
  • Cicovacki, Predrag (2012). Dostoevsky and the Affirmation of Life. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4128-4606-6.
  • Frank, Joseph (1981). «Foreword». In Goldstein, David (ed.). Dostoevsky and the Jews. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-71528-8.
  • Jones, Malcolm V. (2005). Dostoevsky And the Dynamics of Religious Experience. Anthem Press. ISBN 978-1-84331-205-5.
  • Jones, Malcolm V.; Terry, Garth M. (2010). New Essays on Dostoyevsky. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15531-1.
  • Lantz, Kenneth A. (2004). The Dostoevsky Encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-30384-5.
  • Lauer, Reinhard (2000). Geschichte der Russischen Literatur: von 1700 bis zur Gegenwart (in German). Verlag C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-50267-5.
  • Lavrin, Janko (2005). Dostoevsky: A Study. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4179-8844-0.
  • Leatherbarrow, William J (2002). The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-65473-9.
  • Maurina, Zenta (1940). A Prophet of the Soul: Fyodor Dostoievsky. Translated by C. P. Finlayson. James Clarke & Co. Ltd.
  • Meier-Gräfe, Julius (1988) [1926]. Dostojewski der Dichter (in German). Insel Verlag. ISBN 978-3-458-32799-8.
  • Mochulsky, Konstantin (1967) [1967]. Dostoevsky: His Life and Work. Minihan, Michael A. (translator). Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01299-5.
  • Müller, Ludolf (1982). Dostojewskij: Sein Leben, Sein Werk, Sein Vermächtnis (in German). Erich Wewel Verlag. ISBN 978-3-87904-100-8.
  • Paperno, Irina (1997). Suicide as a Cultural Institution in Dostoevsky’s Russia. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-8425-4.
  • Pattison, George; Thompson, Diane Oenning (2001). Dostoevsky and the Christian tradition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-78278-4.
  • Popović, Justin (2007). Философия и религия Достоевского [Philosophical and Religious Beliefs of Dostoyevsky] (in Russian). ISBN 978-985-90125-1-8.
  • Scanlan, James Patrick (2002). Dostoevsky the Thinker: A Philosophical Study. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-3994-0.
  • Sekirin, Peter, ed. (1997). The Dostoevsky Archive: Firsthand Accounts of the Novelist from Contemporaries’ Memoirs and Rare Periodicals, Most Translated Into English for the First Time, with a Detailed Lifetime Chronology and Annotated Bibliography. McFarland. ISBN 978-0-7864-0264-9.
  • Terras, Victor (1998). Reading Dostoevsky. University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-16054-8.
  • Bloom, Harold (2004). Fyodor Dostoevsky. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7910-8117-4.
  • Frank, Joseph (2009). Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12819-1.
  • Frank, Joseph (1979) [1976]. Dostoevsky: The Seeds of Revolt, 1821–1849. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01355-8.
  • Frank, Joseph (1987) [1983]. Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1850–1859. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01422-7.
  • Frank, Joseph (1988) [1986]. Dostoevsky: The Stir of Liberation, 1860–1865. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01452-4.
  • Frank, Joseph (1997) [1995]. Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865–1871. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01587-3.
  • Frank, Joseph (2003) [2002]. Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet, 1871–1881. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-11569-6.
  • Kjetsaa, Geir (1989). Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Writer’s Life. Fawcett Columbine. ISBN 978-0-449-90334-6.
  • Lavrin, Janko (1947). Dostoevsky. New York The Macmillan Company. OCLC 646160256.

Further readingEdit

  • Allen, James Sloan (2008), «Condemned to Be Free,» Worldly Wisdom: Great Books and the Meanings of Life, Savannah: Frederic C. Beil. ISBN 978-1-929490-35-6
  • Birmingham, Kevin. 2021. The sinner and the saint: Dostoevsky and the gentleman murderer who inspired a masterpiece. New York: Penguin.
  • Berdyaev, Nicolas (1948). The Russian Idea, The Macmillan Company.
  • Bierbaum, Otto Julius (1910–1911). «Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche,» The Hibbert Journal, Vol. IX.
  • Hubben, William. (1997). Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Kafka: Four Prophets of Our Destiny, Simon & Schuster. Originally published in 1952.
  • Lavrin, Janko (1918). «Dostoyevsky and Certain of his Problems,» Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, The New Age, Vol. XXII, Nos. 12–21.
  • Lavrin, Janko (1918). «The Dostoyevsky Problem,» The New Age, Vol. XXII, No. 24, pp. 465–66.
  • Maeztu, Ramiro de (1918). «Dostoyevsky the Manichean,» The New Age, Vol. XXII, No. 23, 1918, pp. 449–51.
  • Manning, Clarence Augustus (1922). «Dostoyevsky and Modern Russian Literature,» The Sewanee Review, Vol. 30, No. 3.
  • Seccombe, Thomas (1911). «Dostoievsky, Feodor Mikhailovich» . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 8 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 438–439.
  • Simmons, Ernest J. (1940). Dostoevsky: The Making Of A Novelist, Vintage Books.
  • Westbrook, Perry D. (1961). The Greatness of Man: An Essay on Dostoyevsky and Whitman. New York: Thomas Yoseloff.

External linksEdit

Digital collections

  • Works by Fyodor Dostoevsky in eBook form at Standard Ebooks
  • Works by Fyodor Dostoyevsky at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Fyodor Dostoevsky at Internet Archive
  • Works by Fyodor Dostoevsky at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)  
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky collection at One More Library
  • The complete works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (in Russian) – the online published bibliography in its original language

Scholarly works

  • International Dostoevsky Society – a network of scholars dedicated to studying the life and works of Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • FyodorDostoevsky.com – discussion forums, essays, quotes, photos, biography of the author
  • Archives of Dostoevsky Studies ISSN 1013-2309, a journal published from 1980 to 1988

Other links

  • Dostoevsky’s family tree
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky at the Internet Book List
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor (8 June 2016). A Novel in Nine Letters. Short Story Project. Translated by Garnett, Constance Clara. Also available in the original Russian Archived 15 April 2018 at the Wayback Machine.
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor (4 March 2017). The Dream of a Ridiculous Man. Short Story Project. Translated by Garnett, Constance. Archived from the original on 15 April 2018. Retrieved 15 April 2018.
  • Newspaper clippings about Fyodor Dostoevsky in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW
  • Places of Fyodor Dostoevsky in Saint Petersburg

Сочинение на тему «Биография Фёдора Достоевского»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Биография Фёдора Достоевского

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the most famous Russian writers, a great author still impressing readers all over the world with his deep comprehension of human nature. His books are a mixture of existential issues and psychological analysis, pain and suffering, light and darkness of the human’s soul.

Фёдор Достоевский – один из самых известных русских писателей, великий автор, который по-прежнему впечатляет читателей по всему миру своим глубоким осмыслением природы человека. Его книги – смесь экзистенциальных вопросов и психологического анализа, боли и страданий, света и тьмы человеческой души.

Dostoevsky’s life was bright and controversial as well as his works. He was born in 1828, in a doctor’s family. Fyodor was a smart child fond of reading. He always dreamed about a writer’s career, but his father insisted on his studying in an engineering school in Saint Petersburg. However, later Dostoevsky left his service and dedicated himself to literature. Readers and critics accepted his first novel Poor Folk very positively.

Жизнь Достоевского была яркой и противоречивой, как и его произведения. Он родился в 1828 г., в семье врача. Фёдор был умным ребёнком, обожающим читать. Он всегда мечтал о карьере писателя, но отец настоял на том, чтобы он учился в инженерном училище в Санкт-Петербурге. Однако позднее Достоевский оставил службу и посвятил себя литературе. Читатели и критики восприняли его первый роман «Бедные люди» очень положительно.

The writer worried about social problems in Russia, life of “a small person” in an unfair society, which led him to a circle of Petrashevsky where French Socialists’ ideas were discussed. Because of participation in these discussions, Dostoevsky was arrested and sentenced to death but pardoned at the last moment. This experience was a big trauma reflected in his works.

Писателя волновали социальные проблемы России, жизнь «маленького человека» в несправедливом обществе, что привело его в кружок Петрашевского, где обсуждались идеи французских социалистов. За участие в этих дискуссиях Достоевского арестовали и приговорили к смертной казни, но в последний момент помиловали. Этот опыт был большой травмой и отразился в его произведениях.

Dostoevsky spent several years in penal servitude in Syberia. It influenced his worldview greatly: he became a conservative and focused on such topics as crime and punishment, suffering, sin. In Syberia he met his first wife who became a prototype of his “fatal” suffering heroines in the novels Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, The Adolescent, The Brothers Karamazov.

Достоевский провёл несколько лет на каторге в Сибири. Это сильно повлияло на его мировоззрение: он стал консерватором и сосредоточился на таких темах, как преступление и наказание, страдание, грех. В Сибири он встретил свою первую жену, которая стала прототипом «роковых» страдающих героинь в романах «Преступление и наказание», «Идиот», «Бесы», «Подросток», «Братья Карамазовы».

These so-called “five great books” of Dostoevsky were created after the penal servitude and made him a famous author. Nevertheless, he was not a rich person and always had to worry about money; his second wife, Anna Grigorievna, helped him in all material issues and writing. Dostoevsky reflected all the main topics and concepts of Russian culture in his texts: Russian national character, family, revolutionary movement, religion, passions and morality, etc. He died in 1881, without finishing his last novel.

Это так называемое «великое пятикнижие» Достоевского было создано после каторги и сделало его знаменитым автором. Тем не менее, он не был богатым человеком и всегда был вынужден беспокоиться о деньгах; его вторая жена, Анна Григорьевна, помогала ему в материальных вопросах и в творчестве. В своих текстах Достоевский отразил все главные темы и концепты русской культуры: русский национальный характер, семью, революционное движение, религию, страсти и мораль и т.д. Он умер в 1881 г., не завершив свой последний роман.

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Quick Facts

Also Known As: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Died At Age: 59


Spouse/Ex-: Anna Grigorievna Snitkin (m. 1867), Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva ​(m. 1857–1864), Anna Grigorievna Snitkin (m. 1867), Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva ​ (m. 1857–1864)

father: Mikhail Dostoevsky

mother: Maria Dostoevsky

siblings: Mikhail Dostoevsky

children: Alexei

Born Country: Russia

Quotes By Fyodor Dostoevsky


Died on: February 9, 1881

place of death: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Notable Alumni: Military Engineering-Technical University

Diseases & Disabilities: Epilepsy

Cause of Death: Emphysema

City: Moscow, Russia

Founder/Co-Founder: Dostoyevsky Publishing Company, Epoch

More Facts

education: Military Engineering-Technical University

Childhood & Early Life

Dostoevsky was born in into a middle class family. His parents, Mikhail and Maria, were religious and hard-working. His father was a doctor and was very strict with his son.

His nanny Alena and his mother used to tell him many stories, sagas, and fairytales which kindled his rich imagination. He became aware about the works of various illustrious authors like Karamzin, Pushkin, Schiller, and Walter Scott.

He was sent to a French boarding school in 1833. Later on, he attended the Chermak boarding school. He felt like a misfit among his aristocratic classmates.

He joined the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute in 1838. He did not like the institute at all and felt like a misfit. He was a kind-hearted soul who fought against corruption and helped poor farmers.

He started suffering epileptic attacks during 1839 after learning about the death of his father. He continued his studies and passed his exams.


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He found work as a lieutenant engineer in 1843. The same year, his first literary work, a translation of the novel, ‘Eugenie Grandet’ was published. This was followed by several other translations.

He published his first novel ‘Poor Folk’ in 1846. It was described as Russia’s first social novel by the renowned critic Vissarion Belinsky, and became a huge commercial success.

He resigned from his military career in order to focus on his literary pursuits. His second novel, ‘The Double’ was also out in 1846. However, it did not do well and the failure of this novel affected his health.

He wrote several short stories for the magazine ‘Annals of the Fatherland’ from 1846 to 1848, but none of them performed well. He found himself in financial trouble as a result.

In 1846, he joined the Petrashevsky Circle, a literary discussion group that opposed the Tsarist autocracy.

The Emperor Nicholas I had the members of the circle arrested in 1849 and sentenced to death. However, at the last moment Dostoevsky’s sentence was changed to four years in exile in Siberia.

He was released in 1854, and wrote about his experiences in the prison camp in his novel ‘The House of the Dead’ in 1861. He described the details and living conditions of the camps very vividly.

In 1864, his novella ‘Notes from Underground’ was published. It is considered by many literary critics as the first existential novel.

He became very popular as a author though he was always in dire financial conditions due to his gambling addiction. When the first two parts of ‘Crime and Punishment’ were published in the January and February 1866 issues of ‘The Russian Messenger’, the periodical saw an increase of at least 500 new subscribers.

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His novel ‘The Idiot’ was first published in a serialized format in ‘The Russian Messenger’ between 1868 and 1869. It is considered to be one of his most brilliant literary achievements.

Along with his wife, he founded a publishing house, Dostoevsky Publishing Company, and published the novel ‘Demons’ in 1873. The book did well and sold around 3000 copies.

He was made the vice president of the Slavic Benevolent Society in 1880. He gave a speech at the unveiling of the Pushkin memorial in Moscow that was so well received by the audience that even his longtime rival Turgenev embraced him.

His final novel ‘The Brothers Karamozov’ was completed in 1880 after nearly two years of writing. Dostoevsky died just a few months after its publication.


Quotes: I

Major Works

His novel ‘Crime and Punishment’, a detective story, deals with the moral dilemmas faced by a poor student who murders an unscrupulous rich woman for money but is later overcome with guilt.

The novella ‘Notes from Underground’ is regarded as the first existential novel and is credited to have influenced many philosophers including Jean-Paul Sartre.

‘The Brothers Karamazov’, his longest ever work is considered to be his magnum opus. Set in the 19th century Russia, it tells the story of the three Karamazov brothers Alyosha, Ivan and Dmitri, and their struggles with moral issues like faith, doubt and reason.

Personal Life & Legacy

He married a widow, Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva in 1857. The marriage was a complicated affair due to the complex nature of both the individuals involved. Even though the marriage was not happy, they loved each other too much to part ways.

He married Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina after the death of his first wife.

In addition to his wives, he had been romantically involved with several other women as well.

He died of a pulmonary haemorrhage in 1881.

He is considered one of the greatest novelists of the Golden Age of Russian literature, and his works have been translated into more than 170 languages.

The apartment where he wrote his first and final novels was converted into a Dostoevsky Museum in 1971.



His works have been criticized for being overly psychological and philosophical instead of artistic.

A postal stamp dedicated to him was released in the Soviet Union in 1956.

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The Russian writer Dostoevski is regarded as one of the world’s great novelists. In Russia he was surpassed only by Leo Tolstoi.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevski was born on Nov. 11, 1821, in a Moscow hospital where his father was a physician. At 13 Fedor was sent to a Moscow boarding school, then to a military engineering school in St. Petersburg. Shortly after graduating he resigned his commission in order to devote his time to writing.

Dostoevski had published two novels and several sketches and short stories when he was arrested along with a group of about 20 others with whom he had been studying French socialist theories. After the 1848 revolutions in Western Europe, Russia’s Czar Nicholas I decided to round up all of that country’s revolutionaries, and in April 1849 Dostoevski’s group was imprisoned. Dostoevski and several others were sentenced to be shot, but at the last minute their sentence was changed to four years of hard labor in a prison in Omsk, Siberia. There, Dostoevski said, they were «packed in like herrings in a barrel» with murderers and other criminals. He read and reread the New Testament, the only book he had, and built a mystical creed, identifying Christ with the common people of Russia. He had great sympathy for the criminals.

As a child Dostoevski suffered from mild epilepsy, and it grew worse in prison. After four years in prison, he was sent as a private to a military station in Siberia. There in 1857 he met and married a widow named Marie Isaeva.

In 1860 Dostoevski was back in St. Petersburg. The next year he began to publish a literary journal that was soon suppressed, though he had by now lost interest in socialism. In 1862 he visited Western Europe and hated the industrialism he saw there. Dostoevski had been separated from his wife but visited her in Moscow before her death in 1864. In 1867 he married his young stenographer, Anna Snitkina. He died on Feb. 9, 1881, in St. Petersburg.

Версия для печати

The Russian writer Dostoevski is regarded as one of the world’s great novelists. In Russia he was surpassed only by Leo Tolstoi.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevski was born on Nov. 11, 1821, in a Moscow hospital where his father was a physician. At 13 Fedor was sent to a Moscow boarding school, then to a military engineering school in St. Petersburg. Shortly after graduating he resigned his commission in order to devote his time to writing.

Dostoevski had published two novels and several sketches and short stories when he was arrested along with a group of about 20 others with whom he had been studying French socialist theories. After the 1848 revolutions in Western Europe, Russia’s Czar Nicholas I decided to round up all of that country’s revolutionaries, and in April 1849 Dostoevski’s group was imprisoned. Dostoevski and several others were sentenced to be shot, but at the last minute their sentence was changed to four years of hard labor in a prison in Omsk, Siberia. There, Dostoevski said, they were «packed in like herrings in a barrel» with murderers and other criminals. He read and reread the New Testament, the only book he had, and built a mystical creed, identifying Christ with the common people of Russia. He had great sympathy for the criminals.

As a child Dostoevski suffered from mild epilepsy, and it grew worse in prison. After four years in prison, he was sent as a private to a military station in Siberia. There in 1857 he met and married a widow named Marie Isaeva.

In 1860 Dostoevski was back in St. Petersburg. The next year he began to publish a literary journal that was soon suppressed, though he had by now lost interest in socialism. In 1862 he visited Western Europe and hated the industrialism he saw there. Dostoevski had been separated from his wife but visited her in Moscow before her death in 1864. In 1867 he married his young stenographer, Anna Snitkina. He died on Feb. 9, 1881, in St. Petersburg.

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Fyodor Dostoevsky (November 11, 1821 – February 9, 1881) was a Russian novelist. His works of prose deal heavily with philosophical, religious, and psychological themes and are influenced by the complicated social and political milieu of nineteenth-century Russia.

Fast Facts: Fyodor Dostoevsky

  • Full Name: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Known For: Russian essayist and novelist
  • Born: November 11, 1821 in Moscow, Russia
  • Parents: Dr. Mikhail Andreevich and Maria (née Nechayeva) Dostoevsky
  • Died: February 9, 1881 in St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Education: Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute
  • Selected Works: Notes from Underground (1864), Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1868–1869), Demons (1871–1872), The Brothers Karamazov (1879–1880)
  • Spouses: Maria Dmitriyevna Isaeva (m. 1857–1864), Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina (m. 1867⁠–⁠1881)
  • Children: Sonya Fyodorovna Dostoevsky (1868–1868), Lyubov Fyodorovna Dostoevsky (1869–1926), Fyodor Fyodorovich Dostoevsky (1871–1922), Alexey Fyodorovich Dostoevsky (1875–1878)
  • Notable Quote: “Man is a mystery. It needs to be unravelled, and if you spend your whole life unravelling it, don’t say that you’ve wasted time. I am studying that mystery because I want to be a human being.”

Early Life

Dostoevsky descended from minor Russian nobility, but by the time he was born, several generations down the line, his direct family did not bear any titles of nobility. He was the second son of Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky and Maria Dostoevsky (formerly Nechayeva). On Mikhail’s side, the family profession was the clergy, but Mikhail instead ran away, broke ties with his family, and enrolled in medical school in Moscow, where he became first a military doctor and, eventually, a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the poor. In 1828, he was promoted to collegiate assessor, which gave him status equal to certain nobles.

Head and shoulders portrait of Mikhail Dostoevsky

Portrait of Mikhail Dostoevsky, circa 1820s.
Heritage Images/Getty Images 

Along with his older brother (named Mikhail after their father), Fyodor Dostoevsky had six younger siblings, five of whom lived to adulthood. Although the family was able to acquire a summer estate away from the city, most of Dostoevsky’s childhood was spent in Moscow at the physician’s residence on the grounds of Mariinsky Hospital, which meant that he observed the sick and impoverished from a very young age. From a similarly young age, he was introduced to literature, beginning with fables, fairy tales, and the Bible, and soon branching out into other genres and authors.

As a boy, Dostoevsky was curious and emotional, but not in the best physical health. He was sent first to a French boarding school, then to one in Moscow, where he felt largely out of place among his more aristocratic classmates. Much like the experiences and encounters of his childhood, his life at boarding school later found its way into his writings.

Academia, Engineering, and Military Service

When Dostoevsky was 15, he and his brother Mikhail were both forced to leave their academic studies behind and begin pursuing military careers at St. Petersburg’s Nikolayev Military Engineering School, which was free to attend. Eventually, Mikhail was rejected for ill health, but Dostoevsky was admitted, albeit rather unwillingly. He had little interest in math, science, engineering, or the military as a whole, and his philosophical, stubborn personality didn’t fit in with his peers (although he did earn their respect, if not their friendship).

In the late 1830s, Dostoevsky suffered several setbacks. In the fall of 1837, his mother died of tuberculosis. Two years later, his father died. The official cause of death was determined to be a stroke, but a neighbor and one of the younger Dostoevsky brothers spread a rumor that the family’s serfs had murdered him. Later reports suggested that young Fyodor Dostoevsky suffered an epileptic seizure around this time, but the sources for this story were later proved unreliable.

After his father’s death, Dostoevsky passed his first set of exams and became an engineer cadet, which allowed him to move out of academy housing and into a living situation with friends. He often visited Mikhail, who had settled in Reval, and attended cultural events such as the ballet and the opera. In 1843, he secured a job as a lieutenant engineer, but he was already distracted by literary pursuits. He began his career by publishing translations; his first, a translation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel Eugénie Grandet, was published in the summer of 1843. Although he published several translations around this time, none of them were particularly successful, and he found himself struggling financially.

Early Career and Exile (1844-1854)

  • Poor Folk (1846)
  • The Double (1846)
  • «Mr. Prokharchin» (1846)
  • The Landlady (1847)
  • «Novel in Nine Letters» (1847)
  • «Another Man’s Wife and a Husband under the Bed» (1848)
  • «A Weak Heart» (1848)
  • «Polzunkov» (1848)
  • «An Honest Thief» (1848)
  • «A Christmas Tree and a Wedding» (1848)
  • «White Nights» (1848)
  • «A Little Hero» (1849)

Dostoevsky hoped that his first novel, Poor Folk, would be enough of a commercial success to help pull him out of his financial difficulties, at least for the time being. The novel was completed in 1845, and his friend and roommate Dmitry Grigorovitch was able to help him get the manuscript in front of the right people in the literary community. It was published in January 1846 and became an immediate success, both critically and commercially. In order to focus more on his writing, he resigned his military position. In 1846, his next novel, The Double, was published.

Black and white photograph of Dostoevsky, bearded and wearing a coat

Photograph of Dostoevsky, date unknown.
 Bettmann/Getty Images

As he immersed himself further in the literary world, Dostoevsky began embracing the ideals of socialism. This period of philosophical inquiry coincided with a downturn in his literary and financial fortunes: The Double was poorly received, and his subsequent short stories were as well, and he began suffering from seizures and other health problems. He joined a series of socialist groups, which provided him with assistance as well as friendship, including the Petrashevsky Circle (so named for its founder Mikhail Petrashevsky), who frequently met to discuss social reforms such as the abolition of serfdom and freedom of press and speech from censorship.

In 1849, however, the circle was denounced to Ivan Liprandi, a government official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and accused of reading and circulating banned works that criticized the government. Fearing a revolution, the government of Tsar Nicholas I deemed these critics to be very dangerous criminals. They were sentenced to be executed and were only reprieved at the last possible moment when a letter from the tsar arrived just before the execution, commuting their sentences to exile and hard labor followed by conscription. Dostoyevsky was exiled to Siberia for his sentence, during which time he suffered several health complications but earned the respect of many of his fellow prisoners. 

Return From Exile (1854-1865)

  • Uncle’s Dream (1859)
  • The Village of Stepanchikovo (1859)
  • Humiliated and Insulted (1861)
  • The House of the Dead (1862)
  • «A Nasty Story» (1862)
  • Winter Notes on Summer Impressions (1863)
  • Notes from Underground (1864)
  • «The Crocodile» (1865)

Dostoevsky completed his prison sentence in February 1854, and he published a novel based on his experiences, The House of the Dead, in 1861. In 1854, he moved to Semipalatinsk to serve out the rest of his sentence, forced military service in the Siberian Army Corps of the Seventh Line Battalion. While there, he began working as a tutor to the children of the nearby upper-class families.

It was in these circles that Dostoevsky first met Alexander Ivanovich Isaev and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. He soon fell in love with Maria, although she was married. Alexander had to take a new military posting in 1855, where he was killed, so Maria moved herself and her son in with Dostoevsky. After he sent a letter of formal apology in 1856, Dostoevsky had his rights to marry and to publish again restored; he and Maria married in 1857. Their marriage was not particularly happy, due to their differences in personality and his ongoing health problems. Those same health problems also led to him being released from his military obligations in 1859, after which he was allowed to return from exile and, eventually, move back to St. Petersburg.

Oil color painting of Dostoevsky

Oil painting of Dostoevsky by Vasily Perov, 1872.
Tretyakov Gallery/Corbis/Getty Images 

He published a handful of short stories around 1860, including “A Little Hero,” which was the only work he produced while in prison. In 1862 and 1863, Dostoevsky took a handful of trips out of Russia and throughout western Europe. He wrote an essay, “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions,” inspired by these travels and critiquing a wide range of what he viewed as social ills, from capitalism to organized Christianity and more.

While in Paris, he met and fell in love with Polina Suslova and gambled away much of his fortune, which put him in a more severe situation come 1864, when his wife and brother both died, leaving him as the sole supporter of his stepson and his brother’s surviving family. Compounding matters, Epoch, the magazine he and his brother had founded, failed.

Successful Writing and Personal Turmoil (1866-1873)

  • Crime and Punishment (1866)
  • The Gambler (1867)
  • The Idiot (1869)
  • The Eternal Husband (1870)
  • Demons (1872)

Fortunately, the next period of Dostoevsky’s life was to be considerably more successful. In the first two months of 1866, the first installments of what would become Crime and Punishment, his most famous work, were published. The work proved incredibly popular, and by the end of the year, he had also finished the short novel The Gambler.

To complete The Gambler on time, Dostoevsky engaged the help of a secretary, Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina, who was 25 years younger than him. The following year, they were married. Despite the significant income from Crime and Punishment, Anna was forced to sell her personal valuables to cover her husband’s debts. Their first child, daughter Sonya, was born in March 1868 and died only three months later.

Manuscript page covered in handwriting and doodles of facees

A handwritten manuscript page from «Demons».
Heritage Images/Getty Images 

Dostoevsky completed his next work, The Idiot, in 1869, and their second daughter, Lyubov, was born later that same year. By 1871, however, their family was in a dire financial situation yet again. In 1873, they founded their own publishing company, which published and sold Dostoevsky’s latest work, Demons. Fortunately, the book and the business were both successful. They had two more children: Fyodor, born in 1871, and Alexey, born in 1875. Dostoevsky wanted to start a new periodical, A Writer’s Diary, but he was unable to afford the costs. Instead, the Diary was published in another publication, The Citizen, and Dostoevsky was paid an annual salary for contributing the essays.

Declining Health (1874-1880)

  • The Adolescent (1875)
  • «A Gentle Creature» (1876)
  • «The Peasant Marey» (1876)
  • «The Dream of a Ridiculous Man» (1877)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (1880)
  • A Writer’s Diary (1873–1881)

In March 1874, Dostoevsky decided to leave his work at The Citizen; the stress of the work and the constant surveillance, court cases, and interference by the government proved too much for him and his precarious health to handle. His doctors suggested he leave Russia for a time to try to shore up his health, and he spent some months away before returning to St. Petersburg in July 1874. He eventually finished an ongoing work, The Adolescent, in 1875.

Dostoevsky continued working on his A Writer’s Diary, which included a range of essays and short stories surrounding some of his favorite themes and concerns. The compilation became his most successful publication ever, and he began receiving more letters and visitors than ever before. It was so popular, in fact, that (in a major reversal from his earlier life), he was summoned to the court of Tsar Alexander II to present him with a copy of the book and to receive the tsar’s request to help educate his sons.

Although his career was more successful than ever, his health suffered, with four seizures in the span of a single month in early 1877. He also lost his young son, Alexei, to a seizure in 1878. Between 1879 and 1880, Dostoevsky received a slew of honors and honorary appointments, including the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Slavic Benevolent Society, and the Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale. When he was elected vice president of the Slavic Benevolent Society in 1880, he gave a speech that was praised widely but also criticized harshly, leading to further stress on his health.

Literary Themes and Styles

Dostoevsky was heavily influenced by his political, philosophical, and religious beliefs, which were in turn influenced by the situation in Russia during his time. His political beliefs were intrinsically tied to his Christian faith, which placed him in an unusual position: he decried socialism and liberalism as atheist and degrading to society as a whole, but also disapproved of more traditional arrangements like feudalism and oligarchy. Still, he was a pacifist and despised ideas of violent revolution. His faith and his belief that morality was the key to improving society are threaded through most of his writings.

In terms of writing style, Dostoevsky’s hallmark was his use of polyphony—that is, the weaving together of multiple narratives and narrative voices within a single work. Rather than have an overarching voice of the author who has all the information and steers the reader towards the “right” knowledge, his novels tend to simply present characters and viewpoints and let them develop more naturally. There is no one “truth” within these novels, which ties in closely with the philosophical bend to much of his work.

Dostoevsky’s works often explore human nature and all the psychological quirks of humankind. In some regards, there are Gothic underpinnings to these explorations, as seen in his fascination with dreams, irrational emotions, and the concept of moral and literal darkness, as seen in everything from The Brothers Karamazov to Crime and Punishment and more. His version of realism, psychological realism, was concerned particularly with the reality of the inner lives of humans, even more so than the realism of society at large.


On January 26, 1881, Dostoevsky suffered two pulmonary hemorrhages in quick succession. When Anna called for a doctor, the prognosis was very grim, and Dostoevsky suffered a third hemorrhage soon after. He summoned his children to see him before his death and insisted on the Parable of the Prodigal Son being read to them—a parable about sin, repentance, and forgiveness. Dostoevsky died on February 9, 1881.

Illustration of crowds in the streets at a funeral procession

Illustration of Dostoevsky’s funeral procession by Arnold Karl Baldinger.
Heritage Images/Getty Images

Dostoevsky was buried in the Tikhvin Cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Convent in St. Petersburg, in the same cemetery as his favorite poets, Nikolay Karamzin and Vasily Zhukovsky. The exact number of mourners at his funeral is unclear, as different sources have reported numbers as varied as 40,000 to 100,000. His gravestone is inscribed with a quote from the Gospel of John: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit.”


Dostoevsky’s particular brand of human-focused, spiritual, and psychological writing has played a part in inspiring a wide range of modern cultural movements, including surrealism, existentialism, and even the Beat Generation, and he is considered a major forerunner of Russian existentialism, expressionism, and psychoanalysis.

In general, Dostoevsky is considered one of the great authors of Russian literature. Like most writers, he was ultimately received with great praise alongside severe criticism; Vladimir Nabokov was particularly critical of Dostoevsky and of the praise with which he was received. On the opposite side of things, however, luminaries including Franz Kafka, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Ernest Hemingway all spoke of him and his writing in glowing terms. To this day, he remains one of the most widely-read and studied authors, and his works have been translated across the globe.


  • Frank, Joseph. Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet, 1871–1881. Princeton University Press, 2003.
  • Frank, Joseph. Dostoevsky: The Seeds of Revolt, 1821–1849. Princeton University Press, 1979.
  • Frank, Joseph. Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time. Princeton University Press, 2009.
  • Kjetsaa, Geir. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Writer’s Life. Fawcett Columbine, 1989.

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