Дубай сочинение на английском

История и будущее Дубая. Этот крупный мировой город сильно изменился за последние 40 лет. The history and future of Dubai. This major global city has changed a lot in the last 40 years.

The City of Dubai

Imagine a mountain made of snow in the middle of the desert. Now think about 300 large islands made by men to look like a map of the world. What about an underwater hotel where people can sleep while dangerous sharks swim all around them? These ideas seem impossible. But in the city of Dubai, they are real.

Dubai is one of the fastest-changing cities in the world.
Dubai is a large city in the country of the United Arab Emirates. It sits on the Persian Gulf, right next to the ocean. Dubai is a port city. But it has a completely desert climate. In the past, Dubai was not a big city. Most of its citizens lived simple lives. They earned money by catching fish, or diving for valuable ocean pearls. Until recent years, most people in the area around Dubai lived the same way they had lived for hundreds of years before.

All that changed in 1966. This was the year workers discovered oil in Dubai. At this time, the Maktoums were Dubai’s ruling family. Oil quickly brought the Maktoums huge amounts of wealth. But the family knew that the oil would not last forever. So they decided to invest a lot of their money in other industries – like tourism and trade. As a result of their effort, Dubai changed in major ways.

Now, tourism is a major industry in Dubai. Each year, millions of people visit the city. Many people come to see Dubai’s famous building projects. Dubai has the world’s tallest and highest priced hotel, the Burj-al-Arab. It also has two sets of human made islands. The Palm Islands are a group of islands made in the shape of a date palm tree. Dubai’s World Islands look like a map of the world. And, they are so large, you can even see them from space! But Dubai is most famous for the Burj-Khalifa – the tallest human made building on the planet.

Dubai is a global city, full of modern wonders. But less than 50 years ago, it was a small, desert port. No other area in the world has experienced such large amounts of change in such a short amount of time. But now does this affect a culture? What happens to peope when they become rich so quickly?
Many young people in Dubai are thankful for their wealth.

This is the best place in the world to be young! The government pays for your education to the highest level. You get a free house when you get married. You get free healthcare. Almost everyone has workers who clean their homes, watch their children and drive them around. And we never pay taxes. Before, my grandfather got up every day, and he would have to fight to get to the well first, to get water. They were always hungry and thirsty. They needed jobs very badly. Now look at us!

But now everyone agrees that this easy wealth is wonderful. People here are becoming overweight babies who do not want to do any work. We do not do anything ourselves!

Many people from Dubai are also concerned about keeping their cultural indemnity. To help achieve Dubai’s fast growth, rulers brought many foreigners to the country. Between 90% and 95% of Dubai’s population is foreign. Many people from the United Arab Emirates feel that Dubai is losing its Emirati culture. The people of Dubai are extremely proud of their city, and rightly so. And yet, in our hearts, we fear we have built a modern city but are losing it to all these foreigners.

Dubai’s fast growth has also caused other problems. Many human rights organizations have recognized problems with poor treatment of foreign workers. Dubai needs a lot of workers to support city. These workers help build Dubai’s many new homes and buildings. Other workers help wealthy families care for their homes and children. Most of these workers come from poor countries. To enter the United Arab Emirates, they need a visa. Often, they do not have enough money to pay for this official document. So, many of the businesses or families they work for, the workers’ visas. This means the workers owe their employers money before they begin working. This gives the employer a lot of power.

When workers arrive in Dubai, their employers often pay them much less than they promised. Many workers have to live in very bad conditions. But they have to pay off their loan before they can leave the country. So they are trapped. Some of them feel like they are slaves.

Even though the city is so rich, there is another side. The city’s economic miracle would not be possible without armies of poorly paid workers from the Indian sub-continent. Most of these workers are forced to give up their passports when they arrive.
In 2013, 11 million people visited Dubai. That is only 3 million less than London and Paris — the world’s most visited cities.

There is no question that Dubai is an amazing city. It is also clear that the city plans to grow even more than it already has. But what is less clear is how all of this growth and change will affect the people living there. What will life really be like for them? Will the people of the United Arab Emirates be able to keep their culture stong? Will the workers from poor countries earn enough money to improve their lives?


Представьте себе гору из снега посреди пустыни. А теперь представьте себе 300 больших островов, созданных людьми в виде карты мира. А как насчет подводного отеля, где люди могут спать, пока вокруг них плавают опасные акулы? Эти идеи кажутся невозможными. Но в городе Дубай они настоящие.

Дубай — один из самых быстро меняющихся городов мира.
Дубай — крупный город в стране Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов. Он расположен на берегу Персидского залива, прямо у океана. Дубай — портовый город. Но здесь совершенно пустынный климат. В прошлом Дубай не был большим городом. Большинство его граждан жили простой жизнью. Они зарабатывали деньги ловлей рыбы или нырянием за ценным жемчугом океана. До недавнего времени большинство людей в окрестностях Дубая жили так же, как и сотни лет назад.

Все изменилось в 1966 году. В этом году рабочие обнаружили нефть в Дубае. В то время Мактумы были правящей семьей Дубая. Нефть быстро принесла мактумам огромное богатство. Но семья знала, что нефть не вечной. Поэтому они решили вложить много денег в другие отрасли — например, туризм и торговлю. В результате их усилий Дубай сильно изменился.

В настоящее время туризм — основная отрасль в Дубае. Ежегодно город посещают миллионы людей. Многие люди приезжают посмотреть на знаменитые строительные проекты Дубая. В Дубае находится самый высокий в мире отель с самой высокой ценой — Бурдж-аль-Араб. Он также имеет два набора островов, созданных руками человека. Пальмовые острова — это группа островов, сделанных в форме финиковой пальмы. Мировые острова Дубая выглядят как карта мира. И они такие большие, что их можно увидеть даже из космоса! Но больше всего в Дубае находится Бурдж-Халифа — самое высокое построенное руками человека здание на планете.

Дубай — мировой город, полный современных чудес. Но менее 50 лет назад это был небольшой порт в пустыне. Ни в одной другой области мира не произошло такого большого изменения за такой короткий промежуток времени. Но влияет ли это на культуру? Что происходит с людьми, когда они так быстро становятся богатыми?
Многие молодые люди в Дубае благодарны за свое богатство.

Это лучшее место в мире для молодых! Государство оплачивает ваше образование на высшем уровне. Вы получаете бесплатный дом, когда вступаете в брак. Вы получаете бесплатное медицинское обслуживание. Практически у всех есть работники, которые убирают дома, присматривают за детьми и возят их. И мы никогда не платим налоги. Раньше дедушка вставал каждый день, и ему приходилось бороться, чтобы первым добраться до колодца, за водой. Они всегда были голодны и хотели пить. Им очень нужна была работа. А теперь посмотрите на нас!

Но теперь все согласны с тем, что это легкое богатство прекрасно. Люди здесь становятся полными младенцами, которые не хотят работать. Мы сами ничего не делаем!

Многие люди из Дубая также озабочены сохранением своего культурного наследия. Чтобы добиться быстрого роста Дубая, правители привлекли в страну много иностранцев. От 90% до 95% населения Дубая — это иностранцы. Многие люди из Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов чувствуют, что Дубай теряет свою эмиратскую культуру. Дубайцы очень гордятся своим городом, и это правильно. И все же в глубине души мы боимся, что построили современный город, но теряем его из-за всех этих иностранцев.

Быстрый рост Дубая вызвал и другие проблемы. Многие правозащитные организации признали проблемы плохого обращения с иностранными рабочими. Дубаю нужно много рабочих, чтобы поддерживать город. Эти рабочие помогают строить в Дубае множество новых домов и зданий. Другие работники помогают богатым семьям заботиться о своем доме и детях. Большинство этих рабочих приехали из бедных стран. Для въезда в Объединенные Арабские Эмираты им нужна виза. Часто им не хватает денег для оплаты этого официального документа. Поэтому, у многих предприятий или семей, на которые они работают, рабочие визы. Это означает, что рабочие должны деньги работодателю до того, как они начнут работать. Это дает работодателю большую власть.

Когда рабочие прибывают в Дубай, их работодатели часто платят им намного меньше, чем они обещали. Многим рабочим приходится жить в очень плохих условиях. Но они должны выплатить кредит, прежде чем они смогут покинуть страну. Так что, они в ловушке. Некоторые из них чувствуют себя рабами.

Несмотря на то, что город такой богатый, есть и другая сторона. Экономическое чудо города было бы невозможно без армий низкооплачиваемых рабочих с индийского субконтинента. Большинство этих рабочих вынуждены сдавать паспорта по прибытии.

В 2013 году Дубай посетили 11 миллионов человек.
Это всего на 3 миллиона меньше, чем Лондон и Париж — самые посещаемые города мира.

Несомненно, Дубай — удивительный город. Также ясно, что город планирует расти даже больше, чем уже есть. Но менее ясно, как весь этот рост и изменения повлияют на людей, живущих там. Какой на самом деле будет жизнь для них? Сможет ли народ Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов сохранить свою культуру? Смогут ли рабочие из бедных стран заработать достаточно денег, чтобы улучшить свою жизнь?


Updated On — Tuesday , July 6 2021

Short essay on Dubai , with all the information that is valuable and useful to anyone who wants to know more about Dubai. Here you will find Short essay on Dubai with everything you are looking for.

Short essay on Dubai

The city of Dubai is one of the most beautiful tourist cities in the world where tourists come from everywhere in the world. If you want to know important and useful information about this wonderful country, you will find here Short essay on Dubai.


Dubai is one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates.

It is the second largest emirate in the federation after the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

It is bordered to the west by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and from the east by Sharjah.

It is considered the economic capital of the United Arab Emirates.

Dubai is characterized by a free and vibrant economy.

There is no the system of tax payment , which greatly contributes to attracting investors from all countries of the world to invest in them, and the economy is based on trade, real estate, financial services and tourism, and the climate of Dubai is very hot, very hot and windy humidity and warm in winter.

Dubai has a pleasant summer atmosphere all year round, and has some of the vast desert areas, beaches and beautiful beaches, making it an important tourist destination in the world, where millions of people every year want to enjoy all these things and the markets, Cafes, hotels and resorts. The Emirati people are friendly, hospitable and generous. The tourist gets all the amenities and can do various tourist activities.

Tourism is the first source of income for the Emirate of Dubai.

Dubai is characterized by a variety of tourist places,  not all places entertainment, but also to be cultural, heritage, tourism and educational, as follows:

Burj Khalifa:

It is the highest building in the world, and is characterized by modern architecture and construction.

Burj Al Arab:

Located in Jumeirah, it takes the form of a sailboat.

Dubai Mall:

One of the largest malls in the world.

Dubai Land:

where tourists can do various activities and practice their hobbies variety.

Dubai Dancer Fountain:

where water is sprayed through music and different rhythms.

Dubai Aquarium:

The largest aquarium with thousands of fish species.

Dubai Desert Reserve:

which was established in order to protect the desert and all its plants and animals.

The Bastakia district is heritage-style and is characterized by heritage and originality.

Dubai is the economic capital of the United Arab Emirates, and Dubai’s economy has grown exponentially in recent years.

Dubai witnessed Development in its various sectors which has encouraged Dubai to grow its business, establish small businesses and medium-sized companies.

In addition to Dubai’s economically significant oil sector,Dubai has developed in terms of trade, finance, services, real estate and tourism which attracting millions of people around the world to set up various projects and businesses.

There are 79 schools in Dubai, run by the Ministry of Education, 145 private schools, Arabic as the official language of instruction, and English as a second language.

The most important historical places Shindagha. Bastakiya. Al Fahidi Castle. Nayef Castle. Shindagha Square.

Paragraph about Dubai

Dubai is one of the important tourist destinations for many people, whether young or old. When anyone listens to it and sees the beauty of Dubai and its continuous progress, he will certainly want to visit it and enjoy watching the modern buildings and roaming on the amazing beaches that were created to astonish anyone who watches it.

I can say that Dubai is a masterpiece that never ends. Everyone who resides in Dubai or who comes to it thinks what next. What you can do next year, there is always a surprise for investors.

I myself am satisfied with wandering and enjoying everything possible and observing the cultural differences, whether from the ancient civilization that they adhere to so as not to lose their heritage. Or by watching the modern civilization that grows every day to compete with all countries.

It’s great to stay in Dubai or visit it from time to time. And enjoy the recreational activities they offer, whether in the sea, air or land. Everywhere you can enjoy in Dubai.

Essay on Dubai

Dubai represents the achievable dream for some dreamers of achieving strange and rare goals. It fulfills all desires and dreams. It is working continuously to construct the tallest and most luxurious buildings and the best services.
Whether expected or unexpected services.

We find that there is an important destination for golf players in Dubai on one of the high-rise buildings that rise above the clouds, and on its top there is a place dedicated to practicing golf. To become the literal meaning of playing golf above the clouds.

For those who want exotic and modern dining experiences, they can eat in many exotic ways, such as eating inside a huge fish tank while the fish move from the bottom and the top. Which makes it a special and unique experience that children and adults enjoy a lot.

It is also possible to walk in it only and see the city shining with amazing lights that are there to break records only.

Essay about Dubai before and now

Dubai has witnessed a great development in recent years. Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates.

The prince of Dubai has worked to develop the economy in Dubai by establishing many huge projects, such as the Palm Island, Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world, and other giant urban and economic projects. In addition to building luxury hotels, mega malls, parks and gardens.

Thus, Dubai has become one of the world-famous tourist countries, and it is intended for millions of visitors every year, as they enjoy stunning beaches, modern amusement parks, and shopping from the largest malls.

My favourite country Dubai essay

Dubai has become one of the most famous cities in the world, and it has proven to be a beautiful tourist city visited by millions of people every year. Everyone is eager to see the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, which is 828 meters high. It includes office spaces, luxury apartments and hotel rooms. 124 There is an observation deck, through which the visitor can see the entire city of Dubai, and one of the places that the tourist is keen to visit is the wonderful islands such as Jumeirah Island, it is an island in the form of a palm, where beautiful beaches and charming nature.

I would like to visit Dubai essay

Dubai is one of the most beautiful areas on earth where everything the mind can imagine. I watch many documentaries about amazing modern constructions that break all records. Also, in many films, I can watch some of the shots that were filmed in Dubai. Such shots make me very excited to visit Dubai and enjoy its beautiful scenery.

I definitely made a list of the areas that I like to go to when I visit Dubai. Such as Burj Khalifa, Dubai Mall, Dubai theme park, Dubai Opera, Dubai Aquarium. Many of these wonderful places that I know everything about, I only need to visit and see their views on nature.

I am very curious to know if the information I have gathered about Dubai is similar to what I imagined in my mind, or better or less. That feeling of longing makes me more interested in visiting it.

Descriptive essay about Dubai

Dubai is one of the most beautiful countries that offers more than one civilization and a different housing system. As it always takes into account in its construction social, cultural and economic differences. Therefore, many different areas are created to suit all people. We can say that everything you dream about is in Dubai.

Then we come to the great constructions of restaurants or tall buildings that embrace the clouds. One of the famous landmarks in Dubai is the Burj Al Arab. It is one of the most luxurious and magnificent buildings in the world.

There is also the magnificent Burj Khalifa, which got the tallest tower in the world. This tower is always a source of attraction for all lovers of heights.

It is great if you are in Dubai to visit the Dubai Frame, as it allows you to see Dubai from all sides, where one side represents old Dubai and another destination represents the modern Dubai. And if you look under your feet, you will find that the floor is made of glass, and you can see buildings and roads under your feet.

Therefore, Dubai represents a very wonderful source for tourism, entertainment or residence and trade.

My Favourite place Dubai essay

My favorite place in Dubai is Legoland. I love spending time in it and enjoying modern and exciting games. I had a lot of fun as soon as I walked in and saw the dinosaur in the foreground. I also enjoy water games a lot, I spend a lot of time in it.

I also love touring in the Bollywood Parks Dubai area. I really like the Indian atmosphere everywhere and the performances offered. I always prefer to go to this place because they always offer new dances.

The most beautiful thing about this place is that it is dedicated to many

activities, such as if you are a fan of walking and want to see a distinctive architectural character, you can tour Riverland Dubai and enjoy watching the lake and the architecture on both sides.

It is great that there are many different restaurants to suit everyone. I like to try a different and new restaurant every time.

I also love to ride the famous death train and other games that make me enjoy a lot and make me feel energetic and free. Indeed this is my favorite place that I hope to be in always.

Descriptive writing about Dubai

Dubai is one of the most popular entertainment and commercial countries in the world. We can see the amount of investment offered in the markets by businessmen and investors.

Dubai has been famous for several years and has been a source of attraction for many famous players such as Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jackie Chan, Shah Rukh Khan, and many other famous stars.

We find that Dubai is very famous for its distinctive views and imaginary places of recreation, and for lovers of adventure and entertainment, they have many dangerous and crazy activities.

This makes Dubai a very important and powerful source for businessmen who know very well the importance of investing in this country, as it represents for them the winning horse. It has no risk. In Dubai ,any investment is very successful and strong.

All the investor has to do is come up with a crazy idea and prepare it to the fullest. And do not worry about anything else, as Dubai attracts lovers of new experiences from all over the world.

In this way, we have provided you with Short essay on Dubai, and to read more articles about Dubai and many other countries you can access the following section:

  • Tourism in Dubai essay

Светило науки — 17 ответов — 78 раз оказано помощи

Dubai — sort of Heaven on EarthMy dream come true . In the summer of 2012 my parents and I flew to the United Arab Emirates . I just raved about this place , considering it a benchmark of luxury, wealth and beauty . Looking at the front say that my opinion has not changed niskolechko , but rather more in love with this country.Our trip took place in August , one might say , in the most » out of season «. Time for vacations and all that made ​​their adjustments to plan a holiday. Well, save a little but .Wait indefinitely and that the airport … plane landing … … five o’clock … Sharjah . If anyone knows , it is one of the seven emirates . There was a long exhausting queues. We quickly checked the documents , » removed » the retina . When photographed , it still asked me, » Lins ? » ( Lenses? ) . Nothing you can not hide ) )Immediately change money at the airport . At the exit of tourists expected tour operators with signs that sit in buses and transported to hotels . A pleasant surprise was the rosette , which gave each tourist ! 
Вот перевод данного текста на русский язык
Дубай — подобие Рая на ЗемлеСбылась моя мечта. Летом 2012 года мы с родителями полетели в ОАЭ. Я просто бредила этим местом, считая его эталоном роскоши, богатства и красоты. Забегая на перед скажу, что мнение свое нисколечко не поменяла, а наоборот, еще более влюбилась в эту страну.Наша поездка состоялась в августе, можно сказать, в самый «не сезон». Пора отпусков и все такое внесли свои коррективы в планировку отпуска. Ну, сэкономили немного зато.Бесконечное ожидание и вот аэропорт…посадка…самолет…пять часов…Шарджа. Если кто не знает, то это один из 7 эмиратов. Не было долгих изматывающих очередей. Быстренько проверили документы, «сняли» сетчатку глаза. Когда фотографировали, то еще спросили у меня: «линс?» (линзы?). Ничего не утаишь))Сразу же в аэропорту поменяли деньги. На выходе туристов ожидали туроператоры с табличками, которые рассаживали в автобусы и развозили по отелям. Приятной неожиданностью стала розочка, которую дарили каждой туристке!


Текст на английском языке про Дубай

1 ответ:



Dubai — sort of Heaven on EarthMy dream come true . In the summer of 2012 my parents and I flew to the United Arab Emirates . I just raved about this place , considering it a benchmark of luxury, wealth and beauty . Looking at the front say that my opinion has not changed niskolechko , but rather more in love with this country.Our trip took place in August , one might say , in the most » out of season «. Time for vacations and all that made ​​their adjustments to plan a holiday. Well, save a little but .Wait indefinitely and that the airport … plane landing … … five o’clock … Sharjah . If anyone knows , it is one of the seven emirates . There was a long exhausting queues. We quickly checked the documents , » removed » the retina . When photographed , it still asked me, » Lins ? » ( Lenses? ) . Nothing you can not hide ) )Immediately change money at the airport . At the exit of tourists expected tour operators with signs that sit in buses and transported to hotels . A pleasant surprise was the rosette , which gave each tourist ! 

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On Monday I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. I wash , dress and have my breakfast. At half past eight I leave home. It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. I usually have six lessons on Monday. I spend half of my day at school. I study hard , talk with my schoolmates during school breaks and have lunch there. Monday is the beginning of the working week for adults and the beginning of the school week for students . So, it is very important to focus on studies at the beginning of the week. It helps me to finish my school week with good results. After school I usually have a rest in my own room. Then my mother calls me to have dinner. After dinner I do my homework. It usually takes me two or three hours. When I have several oral tasks it takes me more time . I talk with my schoolmates and we often discuss how to do this or that task. At 5 o’clock p.m my dad comes home from his work. He is an accountant. So , I spend the rest of the day with my family. We sit together , have supper and talk with each other. At 10 o’clock I get ready to go to bed. I wash my face and hands , clean my teeth and put on my pyjamas. At half past ten I go to bed. Sometimes I read or listen to music before going to bed. I like my typical Monday.
В понедельник я обычно просыпаюсь в 7 часов утра. Я привожу себя в порядок и завтракаю.В половине восьмого я выхожу из дома. У меня занимает 15 минут добраться до школы. В понедельник у меня обычно бывает 6 уроков. Я провожу половину дня в школе. Я учусь усердно, болтаю с одноклассниками на переменах и обедаю там. Понедельник начало рабочей недели для взрослых и начало учебной недели для учеников. И поэтому, очень важно сосредоточить внимание на учебе в начале недели. Это помогает мне завершить учебную неделю с хорошими результатами. После школы я обычно отдыхаю. Затем мама зовёт меня обедать. После еды я делаю домашнюю работу. У меня это занимает два или три часа. Когда у меня два или более устных заданий у меня уходит больше времени на уроки. Я общаюсь с одноклассниками и мы обсуждаем как выполнить то или иное задание. В пять часов вечера мой папа приходит домой с работы. Он бухгалтер. Я провожу остаток дня со своей семьей. Мы сидим вместе, ужинаем и болтаем друг с другом. В 10 часов я готовлюсь ко сну. Я умываюсь , мою руки и надеваю пижаму. В половине 11 я иду спать. Иногда я читаю или слушаю музыку перед тем как лечь спать. Мне нравится мой типичный понедельник.

Самое значительное экономическое изменение для многих стран мира было развитием массового туризма начиная со Второй мировой войны.Туризм — опасный бизнес: капиталовложение может быть значительным, тогда как сезон, в который можно возместить расходы, может быть коротким и может быть разрушен экономическими трудностями в стране и в соседних странах или прохладной, дождливой погодой летом. Кроме того, есть жестокая конкуренция, чтобы привлечь туристов, не только среди разных стран, но также и среди курортов в каждой стране.Туризм — растущая промышленность и один из крупнейших источников иностранной валюты. Огромные денежные суммы введены в экономические системы некоторых стран зимним и летним туризмом. Возможности трудоустройства в секторе обслуживания увеличиваются существенно. Туристическая отрасль — один из большинства важных источников занятости и дохода и подается многочисленными отелями и пансионами, хостелами, ресторанами и розничной торговлей. Много городов — также важные центры международных конференций и выставок.Число туристов постоянно увеличивается. В некоторых странах, тем не менее, туризм не был в основе их экономических систем, таким образом, отсутствие средств делает путешествие в них бурным опытом. Тем не менее, это становится частью правительственной политики в тех странах, чтобы включать условия для проложенных шоссе и строительства отелей в каждом последовательном плане развития. Таким образом туристический бизнес был активно поощрен властями. Роскошные учреждения развиты для богатых иностранцев. Многие рабочие находят работу в туризме, теперь непрерывном в течение всех сезонов во многих странах, связывая экономические системы города еще более твердо с туризмом. Туризм поддерживает многие предприятия малого бизнеса, которые обеспечивают еду, жилье, топливо, и другие поставки и услуги

Many people know that if you want to do some great shopping in Dubai, you should go to the Dubai Mall. This outstanding place with more than 1200 stores of all kind will impress you not only by the great number of boutiques but also by a variety of amusements

While you are resting after tiring shopping, you may enjoy the restaurants of any kind. However, this is not all, there is a beautiful fountain in the mall, an amazing aquarium, and even a big ice-rink! The Dubai Mall is not an ordinary shopping center, but a different world of unique locations where everyone from baby to adult can have fun, do shopping and admire the beauty of the city from the top of the mall.

Burj Khalifa is the tallest tower of the world where all Dubai Mall customers may see the great view. You can go up the tower and also visit the open-air terrace which is even 555 meters higher and is known to be the highest observation deck in the world.

As for the Dubai Fountain, it is supposed to be one of the most popular tourist attractions. Every 30 minutes from 6 o’clock in the evening you can watch a magical show to the popular melodies from classical to pop music. If you don’t want to stand at the fountain, you might watch the show from one of the restaurants in front of it combining a delicious meal with an unforgettable water show. 

All in all, the Dubai Mall is part and parcel of any trip to Dubai which can hardly be avoided. 


Многие люди знают, что если вы намерены делать покупки в Дубае, то следует отправиться в Dubai Mall. Это великолепное место с более, чем 1200 магазинов всех видов впечатлит вас не только количеством бутиков, но и разнообразием развлечений.

Пока вы отдыхаете от утомительного шоппинга, то можете насладиться различными ресторанами. Однако это еще не все, там также есть красивый фонтан, удивительный аквариум и даже большой каток! Dubai Mall не простой торговый центр, а совершенно другой мир уникальных заведений, где каждый, от мала до велика, может повеселиться, сделать покупки и восхититься красотой города с верхушки центра. 

Бурдж-Халиф – самая высокая башня в мире, где посетители Dubai Mall могут насладиться отличным видом. Вы можете подняться на башню, а также посетить открытую террасу, которая находится еще 555 метрами выше и считается самой высокой смотровой площадкой в мире. 

Что касается фонтана, он считается одной из самых популярных достопримечательностей. Каждые 30 минут, начиная с 6 вечера, вы можете посмотреть волшебное шоу под известные мелодии как классической, так и поп музыки. Если вам не хочется стоять у фонтана, вы можете посмотреть шоу из одного из ресторанчиков напротив, совместив вкусную еду и незабываемое водное шоу.

В конечном счете можно сказать, что Dubai Mall – неотъемлемая часть поездки в Дубай, которую едва ли можно избежать.

Полезные выражения

Amusement – развлечение 

Tiring – утомляющий 

Ice-rink – ледовый каток 

From baby to adult – от мала до велика 

Observation deck – смотровая площадка 

Tourist attraction – достопримечательность 

Part and parcel of – неотъемлемая часть 

Avoid – избегать 

Interesting Facts about Dubai

Dubai is the City of Records

Here are some interesting facts about this city of the future:

  • Dubai is one of the seven states that comprise the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country formed in 1971 from individual sheikdoms.
  • Dubai is the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the country.
  • It is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf.
  • Many historians believe that the word Dubai may have come from the word Daba (which means “to creep”), referring to the slow flow of Dubai Creek inland.
  • Oil was discovered in Dubai in 1963, but today oil accounts for just a small portion, about 11%, of Dubai’s revenues. Tourism and trading are much bigger components of their economy.
  • Dubai is the largest  and the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  • Foreigners make up most of Dubai’s population! The local people, called Emiratis, are just 15% of the total. Emiratis are provided with free education, free medical and free housing. However, lately their subsidies have been cut back and they have been encouraged to get jobs (mainly government and tourist positions).
  • Arabic is the official language, but most of the locals speak English fluently.
  • Dubai is the fastest growing city on Earth. In 1991, Dubai had just one tall building and it was at the edge of the desert. Now they have over 400 high rises!
  • Dubai has a desert climate. Summers in Dubai are extremely hot. During the summer, the temperatures reach 50° C and don’t fall below 40° C even at night! Everything in Dubai needs to be cooled. Even the bus stops are usually air-conditioned.
  • Even though Dubai is in the middle of a desert and it is very flat, you can ski indoors at the Mall of the Emirates!
  • Dubai has many man-made islands. The Palm Jumeirah in Dubai is the world’s largest artificial island and is visible from space. It is home to Atlantis, the Palm, a resort with hotels, restaurants and private residences. There is a water park, Aquaventure, at the top of the Palm. They have another set of islands in the shape of a map of the world.
  • The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, is in Dubai. It has 164 floors and the world’s longest elevator travel distance (504m).
  • The Fountain at the Burj Khalifa is the most powerful and biggest automated fountain in the world. It can shoot water 130 metres high — as high as a 50-storey building.
  • The most luxurious hotel in the world is in Dubai and it’s called the Burj Al Arab. It bills itself at a 7-star hotel and is build on a man-island just off the coast. You can not enter the island without a reservation.
  • The Dubai Mall is the largest shopping center in the world with over 1,200 stores.
  • The Dubai Miracle Garden, a 72,000-metre flower garden, opened in Dubailand. It is the world’s largest flower garden. The garden has a total of 45 million flowers.
  • The Dubai Metro system is the longest automated rail network in the world. Its 87 trains run without drivers.
  • Princess Tower in Dubai is the tallest residential building in the world.
  • There are hundreds of mosques in Dubai and the call to prayer can be heard throughout the city.
  • The Dubai World Cup, an annual thoroughbred horse race, is the world’s richest horse race.
  • Camel racing is an extremely popular sport in Dubai, similar to what football is to the US and what hockey is to Canada. Child-sized robots are built and they race the camels. They cost from $300 to $10,000.
  • The other famous tourist attractions in Dubai are Dolphinarium, Exotic Birds Show and Cable Car.
  • Dubai has a crime rate of 0%. That is why this city is considered one of the safest cities on earth. The law is strict in Dubai. On the other hand, the people of Dubai are maintained with full of the morality.
  • The Dubai police fleet includes a Lamborghini, Ferrari and Bentley.
  • Modesty standards are encouraged Thereis such a thing as a “burq-kini” for those who wish to be covered up in lycra on the beach.
  • There is a golf course in Dubai that requires 4,000,000 gallons of water a day.
  • Dubai has no sewage system, instead they use poop trucks to haul the entire cities’ excrement away.
  • Dubai has no address system, no zip codes and no postal system. Instead of a line for address, there is a space to draw a map or leave instructions such as this: “I live on the street after the airport road, but before the roundabout. Go past the mosque and make a U-turn. It’s the second house on the left.”

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