Джозеф лоуренс рассказ служанки

Commander Joseph Lawrence is a recurring character in the second and fifth season and a main character in the third and fourth seasons of the TV Series. He serves as a Commander in Gilead, as well as (presumably) being a member of the Sons of Jacob. He was married to Eleanor Lawrence until her suicide and is the head of a household in which Emily and June were nominally enslaved as Handmaids.



Unlike most Commanders, Commander Lawrence doesn’t often dress in a black suit or wear a Commander’s star on his shoulder; he is often seen wearing a gray scarf with his faded black outfits, which somewhat create the look of an academic. He is of average height and build, with white hair and a gray beard. He has brown eyes and wears glasses.


Commander Lawrence is a pensive, perceptive, often gruff man. He speaks in a laconic, irreverent manner, with a subtle, dry, clever sense of humor. He is annoyed by lies and stupidity, but though he yells from time to time, he is never abusive. Toward his emotionally troubled wife, he is extremely loving and protective. His attitude toward everyone else ranges from disdain to indifference to grudging benevolence.

The titles of his books imply that he professed utilitarian ideas contributing to the social environment which fueled Gilead’s ascendancy. It is implied that before he met June, ethics and morality were unimportant to him, and that, like an archetypal economist, utilitarianism was all he was interested in, even if the most efficient means would cause some people unspeakable suffering. His relationship with his wife seems to be the only doorway into his humanity.

Commander Waterford calls Joseph Lawrence “an interesting man” and a “visionary”, who has always been hard to read. When Offred asks about Lawrence, Commander Waterford notes that Lawrence doesn’t want to be bored.[1]


 See also: Joseph and June, Joseph and Emily

Joseph had a deeply loving relationship with his wife, and seems to have no interest in sex with handmaids, whom he keeps in his home unmolested. His choice of handmaids suggests that he selects near-outcasts who are intelligent and educated, in danger of persecution by Gilead authorities, and unlikely to report his unorthodox lifestyle to the Aunts.


<span {{[[Template:title="Source: {{{3}}}" |title="Source: {{{3}}}"]]}}>I’m getting myself in deep shit.”  —  Commander Lawrence about the escape plot he devised for Emily[2]

<span {{title="Source: Mary and Martha"}}>Women like you are like children. Asking for too much, taking whatever you want, damn the consequences.”  —  Lawrence after June had made him harbor opponents on the run[source]


In the past[]

Before Gilead[]

The details of Commander Joseph Lawrence’s background before Gilead are obscure. He seems to have been an academic, writer, and public intellectual of some sort. His wife was an art professor. She tells June that she had wanted children but that Joseph disagreed, due to her unstable psychiatric condition which kept needing medication adjustments.[3] In college, Joseph wooed Eleanor by making her mixtapes.[4]

Sometime before the events of the series, Lawrence goes on to become the prime architect of Gilead’s economy;[5] this suggests that he was an economist prior to Gilead.

Lawrence authored several books, including «Brink of Extinction» (likely a book about the infertility epidemic), «Problematic Populism: Upheaval During the Infertility Crisis and Long-Term Effects on American Prosperity,» «The Case for Relaunching the Mercantile Economy in Developing Nations,» and «Women’s Work and Coffee Spoons: The Empirical Model of Women’s Work Hours.»

After the Takeover[]

Commander Lawrence became involved with the Sons of Jacob movement as an opportunist seizing the chance to create a sustainable system from scratch, rather than as a true religious believer, and is likely not religious at all. (He privately calls the other commanders «religious nutjobs»; he is never seen praying, mentioning God, reading or quoting a Bible, or using the religious phatic expressions of Gilead unless forced to; and no one in his household has been observed to act piously inside the home.) Although the extent of his involvement with the Sons of Jacob is not completely revealed, according to Aunt Lydia, Commander Lawrence is responsible for the establishment of Gilead’s economy and, according to his wife Eleanor, the dreaded Colonies.[6]

Season 2[]


Emily is led by Aunt Lydia to Commander Lawrence’s house. He turns out to be different from the other commanders. He has a Martha named Cora with only one eye. His house is littered with books and artifacts, which is severely forbidden by Gileadean law. Emily is caught looking at a book by the Commander. He asks her what the current penalty is for being caught reading, and she says a finger. He asks her if she thinks that’s fair, then says that it used to be a hand.

When Emily is getting ready for bed, Commander Lawrence’s wife Eleanor enters. She tells her that he is responsible for the genocidal Colonies. Lawrence comes to take her away but she screams that she hates him. He locks her back in her room and tells Emily to come with him. She follows him into his study where he serves her a glass of liquor. He asks about her past as a scientist and professor, but she replies that God has called her to a higher purpose. He says that she doesn’t believe that. He asks if she has a wife and a son and she says yes. He says that she must miss them.

The Word[]

Commander Lawrence refuses to participate in the very first Ceremony with Emily, though it is required by law. He instead sends her back to her room. The next morning, Aunt Lydia visits and informs Emily that the Commander said the Ceremony went «splendidly». However, she also calls Emily a perverse degenerate, triggering Emily to stab and attack Aunt Lydia. Cora locks Emily in her room. Later, Commander Lawrence takes Emily out of the house for a drive; Emily thinks she is going to be punished and killed. However, Lawrence is revealed to be a passive part of the resistance. He takes Emily to a rendezvous point that had also been designated for June and the baby Holly. A plot had been set up by other members of the resistance to help June escape Gilead; Lawrence wants Emily to have her chance at an escape as well. He gives her a heartfelt farewell despite the fact that he will suffer the wrath of the Eyes. A military surplus vehicle arrives, and Lawrence and his driver leave as Emily is reassured by June that she is escaping Gilead for good. June helps Emily into the truck as Commander Lawrence drives away, then gives her the baby, telling Emily to call the child «Nichole» and say that she loves her. June shuts the door and the truck drives away, with Emily screaming her name.

Season 3[]


The episode opens right where season 2 ended, with a shot of the vehicle that is smuggling baby Nichole and Emily. Commander Lawrence’s car disappears from sight as June chases after him. After a moment of panic, his car comes back into view as he picks up June. He is shocked that June didn’t get in the truck and tells her to get in the car, so they can meet up with the truck before it crosses the Canadian border. June refuses and asks to be taken to Commander MacKenzie’s house to get her daughter Hannah (called «Agnes» in Gilead) before heading north. With great conviction, June states that she can’t and won’t leave without her. After June threatens to expose his crime, Commander Lawrence agrees to take her to MacKenzies.

In the Red Center, Aunt Elizabeth tells June to get her things and she is driven to a new house — Commander Lawrence’s. June promises him that she won’t be any trouble.

Mary and Martha[]

When she returns home, June finds Aunt Lydia sitting in the parlor with the Lawrences. The Commander describes to her the recent Ceremony as «aces» before escorting Eleanor out. (In reality the Ceremony did not take place; the Commander seems to have no interest in having sex with his handmaids.) Aunt Lydia, suspicious of Commander Lawrence, reminds June to report anything “unseemly”. When she stumbles as they start to go upstairs to June’s room, June offers to help her only to be tased by her cattle prod. A suddenly infuriated Aunt Lydia points out that unlike Aunt Elizabeth, she would have sent June to the Wall rather than to a new household. She then snarls to Lawrence that «Ofjoseph» was seen «gossiping» at Loaves and Fishes. She leaves the house in her wheelchair. Lawrence casually wonders out loud what the voltage on the cattle prod is.

In the Lawrence kitchen, June runs into Beth and Cora who are about to harbor the runaway Martha Alison planning to help her escape. A suspicious Commander Lawrence wants to call a Guardian to send her home but June convinces him to «let her have a chance for something better».

At the Lawrence home, Alison suddenly shows up with an injured Martha and they hide her in the basement, but the Guardians that shot her are close behind. An incensed Commander Lawrence calls Cora a «liar» as she excuses the noise in the basement by the sighting of a rat. He orders June to fix things. As he makes to let the Guardians in, June realizes that the woman’s blood is on the wall. Mrs. Lawrence notices as well and has Cora take over the job of cleaning up, while she makes tea to distract the Guardians. June returns downstairs. The guardians are looking for the fugitives outside the window and in the house, June desperately tries to calm down the injured woman’s moaning to stop her from drawing the Guardians’ notice. The Guardians eventually leave, but the woman dies.

Commander Lawrence, enraged, demands that June dispose of the Martha’s body all by herself. It takes her a while, but she digs a grave and puts the woman in it, then says a prayer over her final resting place. As June soaks in the tub later, Beth comes in with some salve for June’s ripped-up hands. She reports that Lawrence has sent Cora away since «he doesn’t like liars”. The next morning, Mrs. Lawrence is seen planting an herb garden over the fresh grave to conceal it.


Beth and the new Martha, Sienna, are preparing for a big meeting: all the Commanders come to Lawrence because he won’t attend meetings. Beth and June whisper about the dwindling flow of information, likely due to recent roundups among Marthas.

When the Commanders start to arrive, Fred Waterford and June have a brief conversation in the dining room. She wonders how Serena is doing, and he says she’ll be okay. Then she asks what he knows about Lawrence. He calls him “an interesting man” and a “visionary” who helped bring Gilead into being, but admits he’s always been hard to read. When she presses him for more, Fred says, “He does not like to be bored.”

When June enters the study, which is now full of commanders, she is surprised to see Nick sitting among them. The men are discussing a «shipment» of females from Chicago, bound for the Colonies. As a discussion about the difference in gender abilities comes up, Lawrence mocks June’s former profession as book editor and then commands her to fetch Charles Darwin’s «The Descent of Man» from his bookshelf. She retrieves the book in question and kneels to give it to him, and he dismisses her remarking «Women can be useful».

June visits Lawrence in his study where he’s poring over some «binders full of women». He starts quizzing her on whether she’s good at making friends, influencing people, and “intimacy”, getting closer to her face only to ask if this «really worked on Fred» and how the Waterfords could not notice how «transactional» she is. He then explains he helped Emily because she was smart and could be «useful» to the world while he sees June as «useless» since she never tried to «help anyone», punctuating his theory with some details from her past. June replies if he hadn’t created the system that made Gilead possible, none of them would be in the situation they’re in now, which makes him «far worse than useless».

Lawrence then announces they’re going to take a drive and brings June to a warehouse where hundreds of women are being held in cages. They’re bound for the Colonies the next day, but he hands her the binder and tells her she can save five, who will be made into Marthas. As she won’t choose, he tells her she’s condemning all of them to death, calling her objection, that it is actually him and Gilead responsible for their deaths, a “technical distinction” that won’t matter to the women in question. June returns to the car and cries.

Lawrence comes upon June sitting with the files from the night before, handing him her five selections. Then she walks into the kitchen and announces to Beth that they’ll have five new, hand-picked Marthas for the resistance: an engineer, an IT tech, a journalist, a lawyer, and a thief.

Unknown Caller[]

Commander Lawrence refuses to help June find out whether Luke is in imminent danger by stating «We’re all in danger».

Serena and Fred show up at the Lawrences’ home and ask an initially reluctant June to call Luke and ask him to agree to a visit in Canada. Only when June learns it is essentially Serena’s personal request to meet Nichole, she eventually agrees, pointing out she wants Serena «to owe her».

With the Waterfords and Commander Lawrence looking on, June phones her husband and reassures him that she and Hannah are both okay. She then tells him to bring Nichole to meet the Waterfords at the Toronto airport the next day. Luke agrees to see «not him, just her.» The call cuts off as June is telling him she loves him.


Lawrence tells June that Fred wants to enlist her help in forcing the Canadians to repatriate his daughter. June tells Lawrence not to call Nichole as Fred’s daughter. Lawrence tells her that the Waterfords are participating in a public prayer in Washington, D.C. to implore the Canadians to return Nichole.

When June and the Waterfords travel to Washington, Commander Lawrence sends Nick behind them to «keep watch».

Under His Eye[]

June and Mrs. Lawrence return home from their walk to the girls’ school. Commander Lawrence gently leads his wife to her room. Mrs. Lawrence apologizes to June. Commander Lawrence gently helps his wife into bed and removes her shoes. June tells Commander Lawrence she had no intention of putting Mrs. Lawrence in danger. She tells Commander Lawrence that his wife came alive during their walk.


Commander Lawrence gruffly tells June he doesn’t know anything about where the MacKenzies or Hannah are now, and “Don’t ask me again.” Later, when Commander Lawrence asks June to spend time with his wife since she’s «good for her», June angrily blames the world that he built to be destroying his wife, adding by keeping her «hostage» instead of taking her out of Gilead where she can get the environment and psychiatric treatment she needs, he is factually killing her.


June returns to the Lawrence home from the hospital. The books and art at the Lawrence home are gone from most of the rooms, as a response to some new regulations Commander Waterford has put forth since returning from Washington, D.C.

Eleanor and Joseph argue loudly. She kicks him out of her room and he retreats to his study; June follows him and notices that most of the books have been stuffed here before urging him to «get a truck, get her out, and get her the help that she needs». In a voice-over, June realizes he’s scared and sees his fear as a «great motivator».

Mr. Lawrence is out to a meeting. June sneaks into his office and starts poking around in his files. As she is caught by Mrs. Lawrence, she confesses to be looking for her «friends’ children». Eleanor leads her to the basement where Joseph keeps the Red Center dossiers. Downstairs, June sits on the ground and starts poring through several boxes of the handmaids’ files. When she suggests Eleanor leaving Gilead along with her husband, she declines, pointing out that Joseph as a war criminal would be jailed or killed as soon as he crosses the border, admitting «he would deserve it».

Meanwhile, Fred convinces High Commander Winslow that Gilead needs to “set an example” with June’s commander, who’s had four handmaids and no children, which might indicate a lack of discipline, and being «unfit to lead his household» would prove him «unfit to lead Gilead». They decide to attend the Ceremony at the Lawrence house that evening.

Beth beckons a surprised June to the sitting room where Winslow and the Waterfords have gathered. June recalls they used to send people to «bear witness» in the first months of Gilead when some households resisted the Ceremony. The Lawrences and June have no choice but to comply. After some Bible verses, Joseph, Eleanor and June go upstairs to the bedroom.

Joseph suggests they wait in the room for a while, maybe play a game of canasta, and then simply go back downstairs, but June reminds him that a doctor will check her afterwards, which puts Eleanor in a rage. June points out that if they don’t go through with sex, they could all be hanged. Eleanor is sent into an adjacent room. June coaches Joseph to «treat it like a job and see it from the outside, as a transaction.» Afterwards, Joseph goes down to his study without a word to their guests. The doctor checks June out, and Aunt Lydia announces that it’s been “a successful Ceremony”.

After everyone’s left, Lawrence, getting drunk at the kitchen table, passes June a packet of birth-control pills. He then promises to get her a truck to get his wife out of Gilead. June suggests him to come along bringing some stolen children of Gilead with them, which makes Lawrence muse about becoming a hero.


June finds a deranged Eleanor Lawrence holding her husband Joseph, who tries to reason with her, at gunpoint. June tells Eleanor to lower the gun, but Eleanor wants to kill him for creating the world that has caused June and other women to be brutalized and raped. June sympathizes with Eleanor but tells her to calm down, because she needs her and Commander Lawrence’s help to smuggle children out of Gilead.

After calming Eleanor down, June spends time with Commander Lawrence in the living room. She tells Lawrence about her plan to evacuate 52 children out of Gilead with the help of Marthas. June tells him that this can help him to make amends for his role in creating Gilead. Lawrence replies that he overlooked mental health and maternal love as factors when creating the system of Gilead, and that he struggles to live with the regret. Lawrence says that he needs to get his wife out. June convinces Lawrence to supply her with more trucks. June asks Commander Lawrence to toy with the prospect of becoming a hero.

Entering Lawrence’s study, Beth and June find that the Lawrences have already fled and left behind shredded documents. June hurls a book in rage. She searches through the drawers and picks up a telephone, which is still working.

Later, June is surprised to see that Commander Lawrence has returned. June is angry that Lawrence reneged on her promise to help her because she has made certain promises. Lawrence tells June that his wife is more important to him. He confirms that he was unable to get out due to having his high-level security clearance suddenly taken away. Lawrence admits that he cannot get a truck out and that the authorities are closing in on him. Lawrence promises to keep June away from the Colonies and to find her a kind Commander.

June convinces Lawrence to drive her into Boston. He drops her off at Jezebel’s and promises to wait for her. Inside the brothel, June is almost raped by High Commander Winslow, but manages to kill him. She escapes, returns to Lawrence in the car, and tells him to drive. Later, June is back at home sitting at her window when Lawrence walks in with a gun. He gives it to June, telling her that «they’ll be coming for us».


Commander Lawrence asks Sienna to unwrinkle his jacket but she apologizes that she is busy because «Ofjoseph» needs her help. Lawrence does not object and allows her to enter the basement. When Lawrence remarks that Sienna is prickly, June replies that maybe he has forgotten how a strong woman looks like. Lawrence raises concerns about Beth’s sickness.

Lawrence tells June that he has organized a security staff meeting which should draw security forces out of the neighborhood during the evacuation. Shortly later, Beth enters the kitchen and asks if she can get Commander Lawrence something. Lawrence says he is alright and leaves the kitchen. In the kitchen, the women prepare bread, meat, and water for their flight to Canada.

Commander Lawrence returns unexpectedly. He explains that he made a regretful exit but June tells him that he has to be there. Lawrence apologizes and asks how Kiki is. June reassures her that the child will be fine because they will get her out of here. Lawrence wants to evacuate the child to Lexington but June disagrees.

Lawrence tells her that someone spotted a Martha with a child near Lexington who shouldn’t have been moving warning June that the district has sent search parties. Lawrence wants to pull the plug on the operation but June is unwilling to allow Kiki to be married of at 14 years. She is determined not to send Kiki back to be raped and maimed in the insane world that he helped build. Lawrence tries to reassure her that Kiki will be safe because her father is a Commander. June disagrees and says that too many have suffered. Lawrence remarks that the universe doesn’t have a balance sheet but June begs to differ, admitting that she almost shot Kiki for crying. June says that this couldn’t have been for nothing. Lawrence asks June to return the gun and she places it on the table. She tells Lawrence that he is not in charge but that she is in charge. June tells Lawrence to go to his office and find her a map. Lawrence angrily responds that Kiki is still in his house but June implies that this is no longer his house. She looks outside a window before hiding her pistol in a boot.

Rita and another Martha bring a baby to the Lawrence’s, with Rita telling June that the other Martha killed the parents because they wouldn’t let them leave. June and the Marthas then check the trail to the airport. They tie white clothes on the branches to mark their path.

June and the Marthas return to the Lawrence household where they find Commander Lawrence reading a story to the children and Marthas in order to comfort and encourage them. June also meets Janine who hugs her and tells her that the authorities have arrested another Martha. They learn that the authorities are searching house to house for the Lexington girl. The women and children file out of the Lawrence household.

Commander Lawrence reminds June of her promise there would be no trouble. June pleads with Lawrence to come with them, saying that Eleanor would have wanted that. Lawrence replies that he is not a big fan of flying. He says that Eleanor would have wanted him to stay and clean up his own mess. June says may God grant him peace and Lawrence also gives her a blessing as well.

Season 4[]


A trial is held for Lawrence and his role in the disappearance of 86 children. Nick thanks Lawrence for his service. Some time later, he is brought to a room with a chair. He is told that Nick has vouched for him, and that he has been brought on as a consultant in order to plan the next war strategy. He then proceeds to be offered a shave, instead of brought for lethal injection as he initially believed.[7]

The Crossing[]

Lawrence and Nick discuss June being captured by Gilead. Lawrence says that she isn’t stupid, but she is stubborn to the point of stupidity. Nick urges Lawrence to save June as he saved Lawrence from execution. Lawrence ponders whether June has fulfilled her purpose in the rebellion and whether it is time to move on from her, but Nick says that he is not ready.

June is brought from her cell in a maximum security prison to a candlelit dinner with Lawrence. She is surprised to see him alive, but he tells her that Gilead needs him. He reports that six Commanders have been killed and nine hospitalized from what she pulled off in the Jezebel’s in Pennsylvania. Lawrence compels her to reveal the location of her fellow Handmaids, telling her that if she does not, they will eventually harm Hannah. June is shocked at the notion that Gilead would harm a child, as it was established for the sake of fertility, but Lawrence reprimands her naïveté and tells her that everything in Gilead is done for the sake of power. When June is brought to Hannah by the prison’s Guardians, she eventually confesses to the location of the Handmaids.[8]


Lawrence is brought before the Council, where Nick is meeting as part of the session. They ask if the Handmaids have been captured yet again, but Lawrence responds in the negatory. Lawrence states that the world fears the military of Gilead, but that the sanctions put Gilead in a chokehold, and that they need money. He thus proposes a temporary ceasefire along all their contested borders to allow international aid to come in, hoping to hasten the end of trade restrictions. Nick lends his support when alternative military measures are proposed. The other Commanders then raise that it was Lawrence’s Handmaid who kidnapped all the children, which he confirms, claiming he was deceived by a faithless woman, but goes on to speak for the economic benefits of halting the war. All the Commanders oppose Lawrence’s suggestion, including Nick, and the Council is adjourned. Lawrence privately tells Nick that it might tell June, but Nick denies her presence on the border; Lawrence suggests that not even Gilead can see everything.

He later meets with Aunt Lydia inside his home, and he asks if she has changed her hair. Lawrence pours Lydia some whiskey, and they meet for their discussion. Lydia tells Lawrence that she can be of service to him, as she has sources and witnesses on his involvement in Commander Winslow’s disappearance, as well as his abuses of power. She threatens to expose him unless he arranges for her immediate reinstatement. Lawrence then asks her about what information she has on the other Commanders, seeing as she already has accounts of his misdeeds. Lawrence presses her after she refuses to divulge information, seeing as his knowledge of the secrets will help him win more influence and power at the Commanders’ table. She agrees to the proposal, on the condition that Ofjoseph will be returned to her if she is captured by Gilead again.

Lawrence meets with Nick, and the latter privately tells him that he thinks that June is in Chicago, and that he was right. Lawrence simply tells Nick that it is good to have him on the board. The Council meets again, and discusses Lawrence’s proposal. All of them have reconsidered the proposal with Lawrence’s new information, and that NGOs are ready to move in within 16 hours. Lawrence tells Nick to coordinate a bombardment on all fronts just prior to the deadline. The Commanders tell Nick to be underway with the bombing.[9]

Season 5[]

Commander Lawrence tries to push his idea about New Bethlehem, a haven for ex-Gilead refugees to come back and live, under a different set of rules. Lawrence tries to convince June and her family to join the community, knowing it would be great PR to have a symbol of the revolution come back and live in Gilead. June considers it and Lawrence continues to push it.

Commander Putnam opposes his idea of New Bethlehem and tells him to give it up. Lawrence feels his power starting to slip and worries. Upon hearing from Aunt Lydia that Putnam raped a handmaid before she was assigned to his house, Lawrence calls an emergency meeting to put Putnam on trial. He goes to meet Putnam and Nick shoots him in the head.

Feeling the pressure to live by Gilead family values, Lawrence agrees to get a wife. He asks Naomi Putnam, Warren’s widow, to marry him. She reluctantly agrees and moves in to his house with her daughter Angela. They get married. At the wedding, Nick punches Lawrence in the face after hearing that June was targeted in an attack. Lawrence sends him to jail.


Current role[]

In season 3, it is implied his role is in charge of the Colonies including overseeing the deportations and is responsible for salvagings as he sees fit.

It is also implied that Lawrence, being a Commander, sometimes can ignore the laws of Gilead without any major consequences. However, he is not immune to the laws since he had to proceed the Ceremony with June.


Season Two[]

  • «Postpartum»
  • «The Word»

Season Three[]

  • «Night»
  • «Mary and Martha»
  • «Useful»


  1. Episode 3.3, Useful
  2. Episode 2.13, The Word
  3. Episode 3.7, Under His Eye
  4. Episode 3.5, Unknown Caller
  5. Aunt Lydia to Emily, in «Postpartum»
  6. Episode 2.12, «Postpartum»
  7. Pigs
  8. The Crossing
  9. «Chicago»
The Handmaid’s Tale
Handmaids Alma | Brianna | Danielle | Dolores | Emily Malek | Erin | Greer Ladestro | Heather | Janine Lindo | June (film) | June Osborne | Maria Navarro | Moira Strand | Natalie | Ofandy | Ofcharles | Offred (Film) | Offred (Novel) | Offred’s predecessor | Ofgeorge | Lillie Fuller | Ofjohn | Oflyle | Ofmyles | Ofthomas | Oftim | Ofwyatt | Tyler |
Wives Mrs. Allston | Caroline | Mrs. Calhoun | Eleanor Lawrence | Emma Monroe | Esther Keyes |Grace Scott | Leah | Mrs. MacKenzie (Novel) | Naomi Putnam | Mrs. O’Conner | Olivia Winslow | Pamela | Commander Roy’s Wife | Serena Waterford | Sonia Cushing | Mrs. Webber
Marthas Martha 6715-301 | Alison | Beth | Cora(Novel) | Doris | Eun Jung Park | Frances | Dr. Hodgson | Maggie | Rita(Novel | Film) | Sienna | Zilla
Commanders Commander Andy Allston | Commander Bennett | Commander Nick Blaine | Commander Matthew Calhoun | Commander Derek Chambers | Commander Ray Cushing | Commander Davidson | Commander Glen Deeds | Commander Robert Ellis | Commander Grinnel | Commander Guthrie | Commander Horace | Commander Joseph Lawrence | Commander Logan | Commander MacKenzie | Commander Daniel Monroe | Commander Andrew Pryce | Commander Warren Putnam | Commander Roy | Commander Steven Scott | Commander Fred Waterford(Novel | Film) | Commander Webber | Commander Wells | High Commander George Winslow
Aunts Aunt Christina | Aunt Dylan | Aunt Elizabeth(Film) | Aunt Estée | Aunt Kimberly | Aunt Lydia(Novel | Film) | Aunt Margaret | Aunt Pauline | Aunt Sara | Aunt Sarah | Aunt Vidala | Aunt Wendy
Econopeople Boston Globe janitor | Butcher | Unnamed Doctor | Eden Blaine | Dr. Epstein | Heather | Omar | Mr. Spencer | Dr. Yates
Guardians Isaac | Jeremiah | Jonathan | Kyle | Nick Blaine
Unwomen Emily Malek | Fiona | Holly Maddox(Novel) | Janine Lindo | Kit | Mrs. O’Conner | Odette | Sally
Children Adam | Angela Putnam(Novel)| Becka | Caleb Lindo | Gavin | Hannah Bankole(Novel | Film) | Huldah | James | Nichole Osborne (Novel) | Oliver | Polly Winslow | Rebecca | Rose | Ryan | Shunammite
Non-Gilead Annie | Jim Thorne | Lucas Bankole | Noelle | Dr. Chung | Claudine Fournier | Daisy | Gavin | Genevieve | Jean | Kevin McConnell | Lena | Mark Tuello | Mattias | Oliver | Oona | Professor Pieixoto | Rachel Tapping | Sofia | Stuart Williston | Sylvia

Commander Joseph Lawrence is a recurring character in the second and fifth season and a main character in the third and fourth seasons of the TV Series. He serves as a Commander in Gilead, as well as (presumably) being a member of the Sons of Jacob. He was married to Eleanor Lawrence until her suicide and is the head of a household in which Emily and June were nominally enslaved as Handmaids.



Unlike most Commanders, Commander Lawrence doesn’t often dress in a black suit or wear a Commander’s star on his shoulder; he is often seen wearing a gray scarf with his faded black outfits, which somewhat create the look of an academic. He is of average height and build, with white hair and a gray beard. He has brown eyes and wears glasses.


Commander Lawrence is a pensive, perceptive, often gruff man. He speaks in a laconic, irreverent manner, with a subtle, dry, clever sense of humor. He is annoyed by lies and stupidity, but though he yells from time to time, he is never abusive. Toward his emotionally troubled wife, he is extremely loving and protective. His attitude toward everyone else ranges from disdain to indifference to grudging benevolence.

The titles of his books imply that he professed utilitarian ideas contributing to the social environment which fueled Gilead’s ascendancy. It is implied that before he met June, ethics and morality were unimportant to him, and that, like an archetypal economist, utilitarianism was all he was interested in, even if the most efficient means would cause some people unspeakable suffering. His relationship with his wife seems to be the only doorway into his humanity.

Commander Waterford calls Joseph Lawrence “an interesting man” and a “visionary”, who has always been hard to read. When Offred asks about Lawrence, Commander Waterford notes that Lawrence doesn’t want to be bored.[1]


 See also: Joseph and June, Joseph and Emily

Joseph had a deeply loving relationship with his wife, and seems to have no interest in sex with handmaids, whom he keeps in his home unmolested. His choice of handmaids suggests that he selects near-outcasts who are intelligent and educated, in danger of persecution by Gilead authorities, and unlikely to report his unorthodox lifestyle to the Aunts.


<span {{[[Template:title="Source: {{{3}}}" |title="Source: {{{3}}}"]]}}>I’m getting myself in deep shit.”  —  Commander Lawrence about the escape plot he devised for Emily[2]

<span {{title="Source: Mary and Martha"}}>Women like you are like children. Asking for too much, taking whatever you want, damn the consequences.”  —  Lawrence after June had made him harbor opponents on the run[source]


In the past[]

Before Gilead[]

The details of Commander Joseph Lawrence’s background before Gilead are obscure. He seems to have been an academic, writer, and public intellectual of some sort. His wife was an art professor. She tells June that she had wanted children but that Joseph disagreed, due to her unstable psychiatric condition which kept needing medication adjustments.[3] In college, Joseph wooed Eleanor by making her mixtapes.[4]

Sometime before the events of the series, Lawrence goes on to become the prime architect of Gilead’s economy;[5] this suggests that he was an economist prior to Gilead.

Lawrence authored several books, including «Brink of Extinction» (likely a book about the infertility epidemic), «Problematic Populism: Upheaval During the Infertility Crisis and Long-Term Effects on American Prosperity,» «The Case for Relaunching the Mercantile Economy in Developing Nations,» and «Women’s Work and Coffee Spoons: The Empirical Model of Women’s Work Hours.»

After the Takeover[]

Commander Lawrence became involved with the Sons of Jacob movement as an opportunist seizing the chance to create a sustainable system from scratch, rather than as a true religious believer, and is likely not religious at all. (He privately calls the other commanders «religious nutjobs»; he is never seen praying, mentioning God, reading or quoting a Bible, or using the religious phatic expressions of Gilead unless forced to; and no one in his household has been observed to act piously inside the home.) Although the extent of his involvement with the Sons of Jacob is not completely revealed, according to Aunt Lydia, Commander Lawrence is responsible for the establishment of Gilead’s economy and, according to his wife Eleanor, the dreaded Colonies.[6]

Season 2[]


Emily is led by Aunt Lydia to Commander Lawrence’s house. He turns out to be different from the other commanders. He has a Martha named Cora with only one eye. His house is littered with books and artifacts, which is severely forbidden by Gileadean law. Emily is caught looking at a book by the Commander. He asks her what the current penalty is for being caught reading, and she says a finger. He asks her if she thinks that’s fair, then says that it used to be a hand.

When Emily is getting ready for bed, Commander Lawrence’s wife Eleanor enters. She tells her that he is responsible for the genocidal Colonies. Lawrence comes to take her away but she screams that she hates him. He locks her back in her room and tells Emily to come with him. She follows him into his study where he serves her a glass of liquor. He asks about her past as a scientist and professor, but she replies that God has called her to a higher purpose. He says that she doesn’t believe that. He asks if she has a wife and a son and she says yes. He says that she must miss them.

The Word[]

Commander Lawrence refuses to participate in the very first Ceremony with Emily, though it is required by law. He instead sends her back to her room. The next morning, Aunt Lydia visits and informs Emily that the Commander said the Ceremony went «splendidly». However, she also calls Emily a perverse degenerate, triggering Emily to stab and attack Aunt Lydia. Cora locks Emily in her room. Later, Commander Lawrence takes Emily out of the house for a drive; Emily thinks she is going to be punished and killed. However, Lawrence is revealed to be a passive part of the resistance. He takes Emily to a rendezvous point that had also been designated for June and the baby Holly. A plot had been set up by other members of the resistance to help June escape Gilead; Lawrence wants Emily to have her chance at an escape as well. He gives her a heartfelt farewell despite the fact that he will suffer the wrath of the Eyes. A military surplus vehicle arrives, and Lawrence and his driver leave as Emily is reassured by June that she is escaping Gilead for good. June helps Emily into the truck as Commander Lawrence drives away, then gives her the baby, telling Emily to call the child «Nichole» and say that she loves her. June shuts the door and the truck drives away, with Emily screaming her name.

Season 3[]


The episode opens right where season 2 ended, with a shot of the vehicle that is smuggling baby Nichole and Emily. Commander Lawrence’s car disappears from sight as June chases after him. After a moment of panic, his car comes back into view as he picks up June. He is shocked that June didn’t get in the truck and tells her to get in the car, so they can meet up with the truck before it crosses the Canadian border. June refuses and asks to be taken to Commander MacKenzie’s house to get her daughter Hannah (called «Agnes» in Gilead) before heading north. With great conviction, June states that she can’t and won’t leave without her. After June threatens to expose his crime, Commander Lawrence agrees to take her to MacKenzies.

In the Red Center, Aunt Elizabeth tells June to get her things and she is driven to a new house — Commander Lawrence’s. June promises him that she won’t be any trouble.

Mary and Martha[]

When she returns home, June finds Aunt Lydia sitting in the parlor with the Lawrences. The Commander describes to her the recent Ceremony as «aces» before escorting Eleanor out. (In reality the Ceremony did not take place; the Commander seems to have no interest in having sex with his handmaids.) Aunt Lydia, suspicious of Commander Lawrence, reminds June to report anything “unseemly”. When she stumbles as they start to go upstairs to June’s room, June offers to help her only to be tased by her cattle prod. A suddenly infuriated Aunt Lydia points out that unlike Aunt Elizabeth, she would have sent June to the Wall rather than to a new household. She then snarls to Lawrence that «Ofjoseph» was seen «gossiping» at Loaves and Fishes. She leaves the house in her wheelchair. Lawrence casually wonders out loud what the voltage on the cattle prod is.

In the Lawrence kitchen, June runs into Beth and Cora who are about to harbor the runaway Martha Alison planning to help her escape. A suspicious Commander Lawrence wants to call a Guardian to send her home but June convinces him to «let her have a chance for something better».

At the Lawrence home, Alison suddenly shows up with an injured Martha and they hide her in the basement, but the Guardians that shot her are close behind. An incensed Commander Lawrence calls Cora a «liar» as she excuses the noise in the basement by the sighting of a rat. He orders June to fix things. As he makes to let the Guardians in, June realizes that the woman’s blood is on the wall. Mrs. Lawrence notices as well and has Cora take over the job of cleaning up, while she makes tea to distract the Guardians. June returns downstairs. The guardians are looking for the fugitives outside the window and in the house, June desperately tries to calm down the injured woman’s moaning to stop her from drawing the Guardians’ notice. The Guardians eventually leave, but the woman dies.

Commander Lawrence, enraged, demands that June dispose of the Martha’s body all by herself. It takes her a while, but she digs a grave and puts the woman in it, then says a prayer over her final resting place. As June soaks in the tub later, Beth comes in with some salve for June’s ripped-up hands. She reports that Lawrence has sent Cora away since «he doesn’t like liars”. The next morning, Mrs. Lawrence is seen planting an herb garden over the fresh grave to conceal it.


Beth and the new Martha, Sienna, are preparing for a big meeting: all the Commanders come to Lawrence because he won’t attend meetings. Beth and June whisper about the dwindling flow of information, likely due to recent roundups among Marthas.

When the Commanders start to arrive, Fred Waterford and June have a brief conversation in the dining room. She wonders how Serena is doing, and he says she’ll be okay. Then she asks what he knows about Lawrence. He calls him “an interesting man” and a “visionary” who helped bring Gilead into being, but admits he’s always been hard to read. When she presses him for more, Fred says, “He does not like to be bored.”

When June enters the study, which is now full of commanders, she is surprised to see Nick sitting among them. The men are discussing a «shipment» of females from Chicago, bound for the Colonies. As a discussion about the difference in gender abilities comes up, Lawrence mocks June’s former profession as book editor and then commands her to fetch Charles Darwin’s «The Descent of Man» from his bookshelf. She retrieves the book in question and kneels to give it to him, and he dismisses her remarking «Women can be useful».

June visits Lawrence in his study where he’s poring over some «binders full of women». He starts quizzing her on whether she’s good at making friends, influencing people, and “intimacy”, getting closer to her face only to ask if this «really worked on Fred» and how the Waterfords could not notice how «transactional» she is. He then explains he helped Emily because she was smart and could be «useful» to the world while he sees June as «useless» since she never tried to «help anyone», punctuating his theory with some details from her past. June replies if he hadn’t created the system that made Gilead possible, none of them would be in the situation they’re in now, which makes him «far worse than useless».

Lawrence then announces they’re going to take a drive and brings June to a warehouse where hundreds of women are being held in cages. They’re bound for the Colonies the next day, but he hands her the binder and tells her she can save five, who will be made into Marthas. As she won’t choose, he tells her she’s condemning all of them to death, calling her objection, that it is actually him and Gilead responsible for their deaths, a “technical distinction” that won’t matter to the women in question. June returns to the car and cries.

Lawrence comes upon June sitting with the files from the night before, handing him her five selections. Then she walks into the kitchen and announces to Beth that they’ll have five new, hand-picked Marthas for the resistance: an engineer, an IT tech, a journalist, a lawyer, and a thief.

Unknown Caller[]

Commander Lawrence refuses to help June find out whether Luke is in imminent danger by stating «We’re all in danger».

Serena and Fred show up at the Lawrences’ home and ask an initially reluctant June to call Luke and ask him to agree to a visit in Canada. Only when June learns it is essentially Serena’s personal request to meet Nichole, she eventually agrees, pointing out she wants Serena «to owe her».

With the Waterfords and Commander Lawrence looking on, June phones her husband and reassures him that she and Hannah are both okay. She then tells him to bring Nichole to meet the Waterfords at the Toronto airport the next day. Luke agrees to see «not him, just her.» The call cuts off as June is telling him she loves him.


Lawrence tells June that Fred wants to enlist her help in forcing the Canadians to repatriate his daughter. June tells Lawrence not to call Nichole as Fred’s daughter. Lawrence tells her that the Waterfords are participating in a public prayer in Washington, D.C. to implore the Canadians to return Nichole.

When June and the Waterfords travel to Washington, Commander Lawrence sends Nick behind them to «keep watch».

Under His Eye[]

June and Mrs. Lawrence return home from their walk to the girls’ school. Commander Lawrence gently leads his wife to her room. Mrs. Lawrence apologizes to June. Commander Lawrence gently helps his wife into bed and removes her shoes. June tells Commander Lawrence she had no intention of putting Mrs. Lawrence in danger. She tells Commander Lawrence that his wife came alive during their walk.


Commander Lawrence gruffly tells June he doesn’t know anything about where the MacKenzies or Hannah are now, and “Don’t ask me again.” Later, when Commander Lawrence asks June to spend time with his wife since she’s «good for her», June angrily blames the world that he built to be destroying his wife, adding by keeping her «hostage» instead of taking her out of Gilead where she can get the environment and psychiatric treatment she needs, he is factually killing her.


June returns to the Lawrence home from the hospital. The books and art at the Lawrence home are gone from most of the rooms, as a response to some new regulations Commander Waterford has put forth since returning from Washington, D.C.

Eleanor and Joseph argue loudly. She kicks him out of her room and he retreats to his study; June follows him and notices that most of the books have been stuffed here before urging him to «get a truck, get her out, and get her the help that she needs». In a voice-over, June realizes he’s scared and sees his fear as a «great motivator».

Mr. Lawrence is out to a meeting. June sneaks into his office and starts poking around in his files. As she is caught by Mrs. Lawrence, she confesses to be looking for her «friends’ children». Eleanor leads her to the basement where Joseph keeps the Red Center dossiers. Downstairs, June sits on the ground and starts poring through several boxes of the handmaids’ files. When she suggests Eleanor leaving Gilead along with her husband, she declines, pointing out that Joseph as a war criminal would be jailed or killed as soon as he crosses the border, admitting «he would deserve it».

Meanwhile, Fred convinces High Commander Winslow that Gilead needs to “set an example” with June’s commander, who’s had four handmaids and no children, which might indicate a lack of discipline, and being «unfit to lead his household» would prove him «unfit to lead Gilead». They decide to attend the Ceremony at the Lawrence house that evening.

Beth beckons a surprised June to the sitting room where Winslow and the Waterfords have gathered. June recalls they used to send people to «bear witness» in the first months of Gilead when some households resisted the Ceremony. The Lawrences and June have no choice but to comply. After some Bible verses, Joseph, Eleanor and June go upstairs to the bedroom.

Joseph suggests they wait in the room for a while, maybe play a game of canasta, and then simply go back downstairs, but June reminds him that a doctor will check her afterwards, which puts Eleanor in a rage. June points out that if they don’t go through with sex, they could all be hanged. Eleanor is sent into an adjacent room. June coaches Joseph to «treat it like a job and see it from the outside, as a transaction.» Afterwards, Joseph goes down to his study without a word to their guests. The doctor checks June out, and Aunt Lydia announces that it’s been “a successful Ceremony”.

After everyone’s left, Lawrence, getting drunk at the kitchen table, passes June a packet of birth-control pills. He then promises to get her a truck to get his wife out of Gilead. June suggests him to come along bringing some stolen children of Gilead with them, which makes Lawrence muse about becoming a hero.


June finds a deranged Eleanor Lawrence holding her husband Joseph, who tries to reason with her, at gunpoint. June tells Eleanor to lower the gun, but Eleanor wants to kill him for creating the world that has caused June and other women to be brutalized and raped. June sympathizes with Eleanor but tells her to calm down, because she needs her and Commander Lawrence’s help to smuggle children out of Gilead.

After calming Eleanor down, June spends time with Commander Lawrence in the living room. She tells Lawrence about her plan to evacuate 52 children out of Gilead with the help of Marthas. June tells him that this can help him to make amends for his role in creating Gilead. Lawrence replies that he overlooked mental health and maternal love as factors when creating the system of Gilead, and that he struggles to live with the regret. Lawrence says that he needs to get his wife out. June convinces Lawrence to supply her with more trucks. June asks Commander Lawrence to toy with the prospect of becoming a hero.

Entering Lawrence’s study, Beth and June find that the Lawrences have already fled and left behind shredded documents. June hurls a book in rage. She searches through the drawers and picks up a telephone, which is still working.

Later, June is surprised to see that Commander Lawrence has returned. June is angry that Lawrence reneged on her promise to help her because she has made certain promises. Lawrence tells June that his wife is more important to him. He confirms that he was unable to get out due to having his high-level security clearance suddenly taken away. Lawrence admits that he cannot get a truck out and that the authorities are closing in on him. Lawrence promises to keep June away from the Colonies and to find her a kind Commander.

June convinces Lawrence to drive her into Boston. He drops her off at Jezebel’s and promises to wait for her. Inside the brothel, June is almost raped by High Commander Winslow, but manages to kill him. She escapes, returns to Lawrence in the car, and tells him to drive. Later, June is back at home sitting at her window when Lawrence walks in with a gun. He gives it to June, telling her that «they’ll be coming for us».


Commander Lawrence asks Sienna to unwrinkle his jacket but she apologizes that she is busy because «Ofjoseph» needs her help. Lawrence does not object and allows her to enter the basement. When Lawrence remarks that Sienna is prickly, June replies that maybe he has forgotten how a strong woman looks like. Lawrence raises concerns about Beth’s sickness.

Lawrence tells June that he has organized a security staff meeting which should draw security forces out of the neighborhood during the evacuation. Shortly later, Beth enters the kitchen and asks if she can get Commander Lawrence something. Lawrence says he is alright and leaves the kitchen. In the kitchen, the women prepare bread, meat, and water for their flight to Canada.

Commander Lawrence returns unexpectedly. He explains that he made a regretful exit but June tells him that he has to be there. Lawrence apologizes and asks how Kiki is. June reassures her that the child will be fine because they will get her out of here. Lawrence wants to evacuate the child to Lexington but June disagrees.

Lawrence tells her that someone spotted a Martha with a child near Lexington who shouldn’t have been moving warning June that the district has sent search parties. Lawrence wants to pull the plug on the operation but June is unwilling to allow Kiki to be married of at 14 years. She is determined not to send Kiki back to be raped and maimed in the insane world that he helped build. Lawrence tries to reassure her that Kiki will be safe because her father is a Commander. June disagrees and says that too many have suffered. Lawrence remarks that the universe doesn’t have a balance sheet but June begs to differ, admitting that she almost shot Kiki for crying. June says that this couldn’t have been for nothing. Lawrence asks June to return the gun and she places it on the table. She tells Lawrence that he is not in charge but that she is in charge. June tells Lawrence to go to his office and find her a map. Lawrence angrily responds that Kiki is still in his house but June implies that this is no longer his house. She looks outside a window before hiding her pistol in a boot.

Rita and another Martha bring a baby to the Lawrence’s, with Rita telling June that the other Martha killed the parents because they wouldn’t let them leave. June and the Marthas then check the trail to the airport. They tie white clothes on the branches to mark their path.

June and the Marthas return to the Lawrence household where they find Commander Lawrence reading a story to the children and Marthas in order to comfort and encourage them. June also meets Janine who hugs her and tells her that the authorities have arrested another Martha. They learn that the authorities are searching house to house for the Lexington girl. The women and children file out of the Lawrence household.

Commander Lawrence reminds June of her promise there would be no trouble. June pleads with Lawrence to come with them, saying that Eleanor would have wanted that. Lawrence replies that he is not a big fan of flying. He says that Eleanor would have wanted him to stay and clean up his own mess. June says may God grant him peace and Lawrence also gives her a blessing as well.

Season 4[]


A trial is held for Lawrence and his role in the disappearance of 86 children. Nick thanks Lawrence for his service. Some time later, he is brought to a room with a chair. He is told that Nick has vouched for him, and that he has been brought on as a consultant in order to plan the next war strategy. He then proceeds to be offered a shave, instead of brought for lethal injection as he initially believed.[7]

The Crossing[]

Lawrence and Nick discuss June being captured by Gilead. Lawrence says that she isn’t stupid, but she is stubborn to the point of stupidity. Nick urges Lawrence to save June as he saved Lawrence from execution. Lawrence ponders whether June has fulfilled her purpose in the rebellion and whether it is time to move on from her, but Nick says that he is not ready.

June is brought from her cell in a maximum security prison to a candlelit dinner with Lawrence. She is surprised to see him alive, but he tells her that Gilead needs him. He reports that six Commanders have been killed and nine hospitalized from what she pulled off in the Jezebel’s in Pennsylvania. Lawrence compels her to reveal the location of her fellow Handmaids, telling her that if she does not, they will eventually harm Hannah. June is shocked at the notion that Gilead would harm a child, as it was established for the sake of fertility, but Lawrence reprimands her naïveté and tells her that everything in Gilead is done for the sake of power. When June is brought to Hannah by the prison’s Guardians, she eventually confesses to the location of the Handmaids.[8]


Lawrence is brought before the Council, where Nick is meeting as part of the session. They ask if the Handmaids have been captured yet again, but Lawrence responds in the negatory. Lawrence states that the world fears the military of Gilead, but that the sanctions put Gilead in a chokehold, and that they need money. He thus proposes a temporary ceasefire along all their contested borders to allow international aid to come in, hoping to hasten the end of trade restrictions. Nick lends his support when alternative military measures are proposed. The other Commanders then raise that it was Lawrence’s Handmaid who kidnapped all the children, which he confirms, claiming he was deceived by a faithless woman, but goes on to speak for the economic benefits of halting the war. All the Commanders oppose Lawrence’s suggestion, including Nick, and the Council is adjourned. Lawrence privately tells Nick that it might tell June, but Nick denies her presence on the border; Lawrence suggests that not even Gilead can see everything.

He later meets with Aunt Lydia inside his home, and he asks if she has changed her hair. Lawrence pours Lydia some whiskey, and they meet for their discussion. Lydia tells Lawrence that she can be of service to him, as she has sources and witnesses on his involvement in Commander Winslow’s disappearance, as well as his abuses of power. She threatens to expose him unless he arranges for her immediate reinstatement. Lawrence then asks her about what information she has on the other Commanders, seeing as she already has accounts of his misdeeds. Lawrence presses her after she refuses to divulge information, seeing as his knowledge of the secrets will help him win more influence and power at the Commanders’ table. She agrees to the proposal, on the condition that Ofjoseph will be returned to her if she is captured by Gilead again.

Lawrence meets with Nick, and the latter privately tells him that he thinks that June is in Chicago, and that he was right. Lawrence simply tells Nick that it is good to have him on the board. The Council meets again, and discusses Lawrence’s proposal. All of them have reconsidered the proposal with Lawrence’s new information, and that NGOs are ready to move in within 16 hours. Lawrence tells Nick to coordinate a bombardment on all fronts just prior to the deadline. The Commanders tell Nick to be underway with the bombing.[9]

Season 5[]

Commander Lawrence tries to push his idea about New Bethlehem, a haven for ex-Gilead refugees to come back and live, under a different set of rules. Lawrence tries to convince June and her family to join the community, knowing it would be great PR to have a symbol of the revolution come back and live in Gilead. June considers it and Lawrence continues to push it.

Commander Putnam opposes his idea of New Bethlehem and tells him to give it up. Lawrence feels his power starting to slip and worries. Upon hearing from Aunt Lydia that Putnam raped a handmaid before she was assigned to his house, Lawrence calls an emergency meeting to put Putnam on trial. He goes to meet Putnam and Nick shoots him in the head.

Feeling the pressure to live by Gilead family values, Lawrence agrees to get a wife. He asks Naomi Putnam, Warren’s widow, to marry him. She reluctantly agrees and moves in to his house with her daughter Angela. They get married. At the wedding, Nick punches Lawrence in the face after hearing that June was targeted in an attack. Lawrence sends him to jail.


Current role[]

In season 3, it is implied his role is in charge of the Colonies including overseeing the deportations and is responsible for salvagings as he sees fit.

It is also implied that Lawrence, being a Commander, sometimes can ignore the laws of Gilead without any major consequences. However, he is not immune to the laws since he had to proceed the Ceremony with June.


Season Two[]

  • «Postpartum»
  • «The Word»

Season Three[]

  • «Night»
  • «Mary and Martha»
  • «Useful»


  1. Episode 3.3, Useful
  2. Episode 2.13, The Word
  3. Episode 3.7, Under His Eye
  4. Episode 3.5, Unknown Caller
  5. Aunt Lydia to Emily, in «Postpartum»
  6. Episode 2.12, «Postpartum»
  7. Pigs
  8. The Crossing
  9. «Chicago»
The Handmaid’s Tale
Handmaids Alma | Brianna | Danielle | Dolores | Emily Malek | Erin | Greer Ladestro | Heather | Janine Lindo | June (film) | June Osborne | Maria Navarro | Moira Strand | Natalie | Ofandy | Ofcharles | Offred (Film) | Offred (Novel) | Offred’s predecessor | Ofgeorge | Lillie Fuller | Ofjohn | Oflyle | Ofmyles | Ofthomas | Oftim | Ofwyatt | Tyler |
Wives Mrs. Allston | Caroline | Mrs. Calhoun | Eleanor Lawrence | Emma Monroe | Esther Keyes |Grace Scott | Leah | Mrs. MacKenzie (Novel) | Naomi Putnam | Mrs. O’Conner | Olivia Winslow | Pamela | Commander Roy’s Wife | Serena Waterford | Sonia Cushing | Mrs. Webber
Marthas Martha 6715-301 | Alison | Beth | Cora(Novel) | Doris | Eun Jung Park | Frances | Dr. Hodgson | Maggie | Rita(Novel | Film) | Sienna | Zilla
Commanders Commander Andy Allston | Commander Bennett | Commander Nick Blaine | Commander Matthew Calhoun | Commander Derek Chambers | Commander Ray Cushing | Commander Davidson | Commander Glen Deeds | Commander Robert Ellis | Commander Grinnel | Commander Guthrie | Commander Horace | Commander Joseph Lawrence | Commander Logan | Commander MacKenzie | Commander Daniel Monroe | Commander Andrew Pryce | Commander Warren Putnam | Commander Roy | Commander Steven Scott | Commander Fred Waterford(Novel | Film) | Commander Webber | Commander Wells | High Commander George Winslow
Aunts Aunt Christina | Aunt Dylan | Aunt Elizabeth(Film) | Aunt Estée | Aunt Kimberly | Aunt Lydia(Novel | Film) | Aunt Margaret | Aunt Pauline | Aunt Sara | Aunt Sarah | Aunt Vidala | Aunt Wendy
Econopeople Boston Globe janitor | Butcher | Unnamed Doctor | Eden Blaine | Dr. Epstein | Heather | Omar | Mr. Spencer | Dr. Yates
Guardians Isaac | Jeremiah | Jonathan | Kyle | Nick Blaine
Unwomen Emily Malek | Fiona | Holly Maddox(Novel) | Janine Lindo | Kit | Mrs. O’Conner | Odette | Sally
Children Adam | Angela Putnam(Novel)| Becka | Caleb Lindo | Gavin | Hannah Bankole(Novel | Film) | Huldah | James | Nichole Osborne (Novel) | Oliver | Polly Winslow | Rebecca | Rose | Ryan | Shunammite
Non-Gilead Annie | Jim Thorne | Lucas Bankole | Noelle | Dr. Chung | Claudine Fournier | Daisy | Gavin | Genevieve | Jean | Kevin McConnell | Lena | Mark Tuello | Mattias | Oliver | Oona | Professor Pieixoto | Rachel Tapping | Sofia | Stuart Williston | Sylvia

Джозеф Лоуренс — командор в республике Галаад. Этот персонаж появился только в сериале, в книге его не было.


После захвата власти[]

После того, как было создано государство Галаад, Лоуренс занимался экономическими вопросами. Также он был ответственен за создание Колоний.

Сезон 2[]

Эмили определили в дом командора Лоуренса, и она стала его служанкой. Оказалось, что Лоуренс не такой, как остальные командоры. Его марфу звали Кора, и у нее был один глаз. Дом был завален книгами и различными вещами, запрещенными законами Галаада. Лоуренс не наказал Эмили, когда застал ее за чтением книги, а позже пригласил ее в свой кабинет выпить и расспросил о ее прошлой жизни.

Лоуренс отказался участвовать в первой церемонии и отослал Эмили в ее комнату. Эмили напала на тетку Лидию, которой Лоуренс ранее сказал, что церемония прошла хорошо. Лоуренс очень разозлился и повез Эмили в неизвестное место. Эмили думала, что ее казнят, но они встретились с Джун и ее новорожденной дочкой. Был составлен целый план, согласно которому Джун должна была сбежать из Галаада, и Лоуренс хотел дать Эмили шанс скрыться вместе с ней. Лоуренс распрощался с новыми знакомыми и уехал.

Сезон 3[]

Джун отказалась бежать из Галаада, так как там у нее еще осталась другая дочь. Лоуренс подобрал ее по дороге назад и подвез.

Вскоре Джун определили в дом к Лоуренсу. Тетка Лидия подозревала, что что-то там неладно, и велела Джун докладывать обо всем неподобающем.

В доме Лоуренса марфы Бет и Кора решили приютить беглую марфу Элисон, а позже помочь ей сбежать. Лоуренс хотел отправить Элисон обратно домой, но Джун убедила его дать ей шанс. Элисон помогли сбежать, но позже она вернулась раненной, и ее спрятали в подвале. Лоуренс был в ярости и приказал Джун разобраться с тем, что она натворила. Тем не менее, Лоуренс отвлек внимание пришедших хранителей, пока женщины разбирались с раненной. Вскоре хранители ушли, а Элисон умерла. Лоуренс велел Джун избавиться от тела. Кору он отправил прочь из своего дома.

В доме Лоуренса было устроено собрание командоров. Из Чикаго была доставлена партия женщин, которых хотели отправить в колонии. Тем не менее, нужно было выбрать несколько, так как в Галааде был недостаток в марфах. Позже, когда командоры ушли. Джун пришла в кабинет к Лоуренсу. В ходе разговора Лоуренс объяснил, что решил отпустить Эмили, так как считал ее полезной, а вот Джун бесполезная. В ответ Джун стала обвинять его в причастности к созданию Галаада.

Лоуренс повез Джун на склад, где женщины за решеткой ожидали отправки в колонии. Джун была в ужасе, а Лоуренс заставил ее выбирать тех, кого сделают марфами, и тем самым спасти их от неминуемой смерти в Колониях. В случае, если она откажется выбирать, все будут казнены. Джун вернулась в машину в слезах. Спустя некоторое время она все же выбрала тех, кто мог бы быть полезен сопротивлению.

15 сентября, почти через год после окончания четвертого сезона, «Рассказ служанки» вернется с пятым. С тех пор в мире случилось достаточно событий, чтобы темные пророчества шоу стали реальнее. Вспоминаем, что было в предыдущих сериях.

Сериал сняли по мотивам одноименной дистопии Маргарет Этвуд — одного из самых знаменитых фантастических произведений, написанных женщинами. Она же одна из самых успешных — продолжение «Рассказа служанки», роман «Заветы», получил Букеровскую премию в 2019 году. За 5 лет эфира «Рассказ служанки» Hulu получил 75 номинаций на «Эмми» и в пятнадцати из них выиграл. А красные платья служанок стали новым феминистским символом: активистки используют их по всему миру каждый раз, когда права женщин (опять!) пытаются ограничить. «Каждый, кто видит женщин в красном, знает, что они имеют в виду — хоть в Ирландии, хоть в Аргентине, хоть в Аризоне», — говорила Этвуд в интервью The Guardian.

Драма буксовала во втором и третьем сезонах, но шоураннеры учли критику: последний сезон уходит от изображения натуралистичного насилия в сторону психологического триллера, сюжет которого двигают дилеммы. У пятого сезона есть шанс закрепить успех четвертого: судя по трейлеру, нас ждет напряженное, эмоционально заряженное противостояние двух главных героинь Гилеада — бывшей служанки Джун и ее бывшей госпожи Яснорады. В преддверии первых серий вспоминаем, что происходило в тоталитарной республике в первых четырех сезонах сериала.

В догилеадские времена Джун Осборн была редакторкой в одной из бостонских газет, счастливой матерью и любящей женой. Захватив власть, христианские фундаменталисты сделали Джун служанкой: формально потому, что та вышла замуж за прежде женатого мужчину; реально потому, что могла выносить ребенка. Вокруг Джун, которую в первых сезонах гораздо чаще называют Фредовой (Of Fred, то есть «принадлежащая Фреду»), и строится все повествование: основная интрига — когда и как именно она разрушит Гилеад. Одна или нет, внутри страны или за ее пределами, жестко или не очень — пока неизвестно.

Дом командора Фреда Уотерфорда стал первым «назначением» Джун (формально нет, но о предыдущем командоре служанки мы практически ничего не знаем; в сериале его не показывают). Уотерфорд — холодный, скользкий тип, способный на самые чудовищные пытки и насилие. А еще он важная фигура в режиме Гилеада, правда, из сериала неясно, чем именно он занимается в Совете. Но точно известно, что именно Фред был одним из тех, кто командовал вооруженным восстанием в США, в результате которого власть и захватили радикалы-христиане. В пятом сезоне его не будет: Джун убила его в финале четвертого.

Яснорада Уотерфорд сформировала ультраконсервативную идеологию Гилеада, описав свои идеи в книге под названием «A Woman’s Place» («Место женщины»), которые получили название domestic feminism («домашний феминизм»): безоговорочное подчинение мужчине, фертильность как национальный ресурс, рождение ребенка как моральный императив. В сериале Яснорада — одна из самых интересных антагонисток; спустя четыре сезона все еще не вполне ясно, что именно ею движет: природная злоба, искреннее заблуждение или нестерпимое желание иметь собственного ребенка (или все перечисленное одновременно).

Одна из главных злодеек — сериальных теток, которые совмещают в себе роли надзирательниц и политруков для новоприбывших служанок. В третьем сезоне становится известно, что жизнь Лидии Клементс в США не была счастливой: она работала учительницей начальных классов и занималась семейным правом, но своих детей у нее так и не появилось. Весь свой потенциал Лидия раскрывает, только став теткой в Гилеаде: именно она отвечает за самые жестокие и изощренные пытки — от регулярных избиений электрошокером до вырезания глаз и закидываний камнями.

Служанка, с которой мы знакомимся в самом начале сериале и за жизнью которой следим до сих пор. До Гилеада Джанин уже воспитывала одного ребенка, но в какой-то момент забеременела вторым и сделала аборт, за что христианские сектанты и обратили ее в служанку. В первой же серии первого сезона Джанин лишается глаза как раз по настоянию тетки Лидии, которая так решила перевоспитать упрямицу. Но жизнь в тоталитарной республике не озлобила служанку. Совсем наоборот, Джанин — пример эмпатии и человечности даже там, где это напрямую запрещено законом.

Охранник Уотерфорда, который довольно быстро сделал карьеру в военизированном Гилеаде: в конце четвертого сезона Блейн — один из самых влиятельных командоров. Ник не боится играть в двойную игру, втайне помогая гилеадскому сопротивлению «Мэйдэй». Движет им любовь к Джун и их общему ребенку Николь, но что будет с ним в пятом сезоне, даже предположить трудно: в трейлере о Нике не сказано ни слова.

Ретроспектива переворота

Повествование в первом сезоне нелинейное: зритель одновременно следит и за историей Джун и других служанок в Гилеаде, и за событиями, которые предшествовали появлению тоталитарного государства. Коротко ее пересказывает тетка Лидия в первой серии. Из-за экологического коллапса только одна женщина из ста может выносить и родить здорового ребенка. В США в это время приходит к власти христианская экстремистская группировка, которая называет себя «Сыны Иакова». Их представление о христианстве зиждется на ветхозаветной Библии, к которой добавили тоталитарный образ жизни — так то, что осталось от США, начинает жить по принципу «запрещено все, что не приказано».

Повествование намекает, что американцы (и, что даже точнее, американки) сами допустили усиление сектантов, когда протестам против закручивания гаек предпочитали жить «вне политики». Гилеад не щадит никого: профессорка цитологии Эмили, редакторка Джун, юристки, экономистки и многие другие становятся служанками, вопреки своей воле и вне зависимости от участия в сопротивлении тоталитарному режиму. История становления Гилеада в первом сезоне показана от лица разных людей, но в первую очередь, конечно, мы следим за ней глазами Джун.

Красный центр

После того как женщину обрекают быть служанкой, ее доставляют в Красный центр (официально Центр Рахиль и Лии) — распределительный лагерь, где все они проходят идеологическую обработку. Кому-то, как подруге Джун, Мойре, удается оттуда сбежать: женщины вместе напали на одну из теток, отобрали ее наряд и, переодев в него Мойру, попытались уехать в Бостон; Мойре удалось, Джун ловят в последний момент и избивают ступни плетьми — так, что те оставляют красные кровавые пятна. Кому-то везет еще меньше. Джанин, которая дерзила тетке Лидии на первом же сеансе промывки мозгов, вырезают глаз. Их жизнь не становится лучше, когда из Красного центра женщин отправляют к их «хозяевам» — командорам, где те превращаются натурально в матки на ножках. Служанке Эмили отрезали клитор, когда узнали, что у нее завязался роман с марфой (помощницей по хозяйству), саму марфу повесили.

Знакомство с Уотерфордами

Огромная часть первого сезона снята в доме командора Уотерфорда и его жены Яснорады. Джун сталкивается с чудовищным отношением и регулярными ритуальными изнасилованиями — так называемыми церемониями, в результате которых служанки должны забеременеть. У Джун не получилось с первого раза, тогда Яснорада ее избила (и имела на это полное право: служанки в Гилеаде — такая же собственность, как мебель или посуда). При этом командор и его жена, как и другие власть имущие, в международных отношениях выставляют Гилеад страной всеобщего счастья, раем на земле и обителью духа. Впрочем, мало кто обманывается, даже у расположенной мексиканской делегации не остается никаких вопросов к порядкам Гилеада, после того как Джун правдиво и искренне о них рассказывает.

Беременность Джун

Яснорада подозревает, что ее муж Фред Уотерфорд может быть бесплоден. Ни она, ни другая служанка не смогли от него забеременеть. Тогда она решает пойти на преступление даже по меркам Гилеада: миссис Уотерфорд приказывает Джун переспать с их охранником Ником, чтобы она забеременела от него, выносила ребенка и отдала его на воспитание Уотерфордам. Вместе с тем у Джун и Ника завязывается настоящий роман; однажды она ночью пробирается к нему в дом, чтобы заняться нормальным, а не протокольным сексом. Джун в итоге беременеет, и именно Ника потом и представляют как отца ребенка.

Элизабет Мосс

Первая попытка побега

Во время осмотра в больнице Джун предпринимает первую попытку побега. Она находит в ботинке ключ и через секретный ход покидает больницу, спрятавшись в фургоне с мясом. Джун оказывается в бывшем здании редакции Boston Globe, где проводит месяцы в ожидании удачного момента для побега из Гилеада. Служанка встречает на своем пути мусульманина Омара, который прячет ее в своей квартире — как выяснится позже, ценой собственной жизни. От него Джун бежит к взлетно-посадочной полосе, где ее ждал самолет, но безуспешно: самолет сбили, пилота расстреляли, Джун вернули Уотерфордам.

Вторая попытка побега

К концу второго сезона Джун уже на большом сроке беременности. У нее начинаются ложные схватки, которые Уотерфорды принимают за роды. Разозлившись, что служанка не разродилась, Фред при помощи Яснорады снова насилует ее, а позже, видимо, почувствовав какое-то подобие стыда, устраивает встречу Джун с ее первой дочерью Ханной, которую теперь зовут Агнес. Фредовой удается спрятаться, потом она пытается уехать на машине, но опять без результата. У нее действительно начинаются роды, и Джун рожает вторую девочку, которую называет Холли.

Вывоз Николь из Гилеада

Дочь Джун достается Яснораде, и жена командора начинает переживать за будущее ребенка: Уотерфорд решает выступить перед советом и попросить разрешения учить девочек грамоте, закончив свое выступление чтением Библии. Женщинам в Гилеаде запрещено читать, и этот запрет — один из самых суровых. За чтение отрубают палец; Яснорада лишилась мизинца. В какой-то момент репрессивная машина Гилеада снова дает сбой, и Джун снова получает шанс сбежать , на этот раз не одна, а с Холли, которую Уотерфорды назвали Николь. Джун встречает свою первую напарницу Эмили, которую вернули из радиоактивных колоний и сделали Джозефовой, приписав командору Джозефу Лоуренсу. Несмотря на его огромное влияние в Гилеаде, Джозефа сложно назвать благочестивым командором: он не совершает церемоний, и он же помогает Эмили сбежать из Гилеада. Джун отдает ей ребенка, но сама не уезжает: она должна забрать Ханну.

Элизабет Мосс

Смерть Мэттьевой

В начале третьего сезона Джун получает новое назначение (служанку определяют Джозефу Лоуренсу) и новую напарницу, набожную Мэттьеву. Она полная противоположность Джозефовой: Мэттьева истово молится и буквально жаждет как можно скорее стать матерью, чтобы «исполнить предназначение», пока Джун готовит подпольное сопротивление. В то же время Яснорада рассказывает бывшей служанке, где сейчас находится ее старшая дочь, и Джун разрабатывает план «похищения» ребенка. Об этом узнает беременная Мэттьева и сдает напарницу тетке Лидии, после чего Ханна-Агнес и ее приемная семья уезжают в неизвестном направлении. Но психика Мэттьевой тоже сдает, и служанка нападает на Джанин, которую в третьем сезоне зовут Говардовой. Мэттьева выхватывает пистолет у хранителя, за что получает пулю в плечо: служанка с кровопотерей попадает в больницу. Там врачи спасают ребенка, о жизни Мэттьевой речь уже не идет.

Предательство Яснорады

Уотерфорд, которая фактически отпустила Джун с Николь из дома, начинает сожалеть о своем поступке и решает вернуть ее из Канады в Гилеад. Чтобы встретиться с «дочерью», Яснорада летит в Канаду, где получает предложение стать беженкой и не возвращаться на родину. Яснорада отказывается и летит обратно, чтобы потом вновь оказаться в Канаде, на этот раз с мужем Фредом. Яснорада сдает его как преступника канадским властям, взамен получив от них свободу и возможность видеться с Николь. Правда, ее свобода оказывается недолгой: Фред выдвигает встречные обвинения, из-за которых Яснораду тоже арестовывают.

Спасение 86 детей

Джун готовит новый план — вывезти из Гилеада как можно больше детей. Она пробирается в бордель под названием «Иезавель» и подговаривает помочь бармена Билли, который контрабандистом летает в Канаду. Служанка также подговаривает других марф и служанок помочь ей, и в назначенное время все они собираются в доме у командора Лоуренса. Джун и другие служанки ведут детей через лес к самолету, по пути столкнувшись с отрядом военных. Операция по спасению детей заканчивается успешно, и самолет, до отказа набитый мальчиками и девочками, улетает в Канаду. Фантастически, даже нереалистично сложная акция Джун заканчивается для нее огнестрельным ранением в плечо. В Канаде же самолет встречают спасатели, медики, журналисты и родители отобранных детей.

Элизабет Мосс и Мадлен Брюэр

Побег на ферму

Скрываясь от последствий своей дерзкой операции, Джун, Джанин и другие служанки приходят на ферму, где живут командор Кис и его молодая жена Эстер. Кис слишком стар, чтобы принимать хоть какие-то решения. Эстер же зажигается сопротивлением Джун и мечтает помочь той свергнуть режим Гилеада. Пока Джун восстанавливается от ранения, зрители узнают жуткую историю жены командора: ее насиловали чуть ли не все половозрелые мужчины в радиусе многих километров, поскольку ее муж не мог уже стать отцом. Джун узнает, что неподалеку от их фермы есть еще один бордель, и проворачивает там дело: вместе с подельницами они отравили командоров на вечеринке, которую те закатили перед уходом на фронт. Но в то же время оканчивается их спокойная жизнь на ферме. Вернувшись из борделя, Джун обнаруживает, что служанок выследили, все они вместе с Эстер пропали.

Побег из Красного центра

Джун снова оказывается в Красном центре, который с первого сезона сильно изменился: теперь это не только воспитательно-распределительный центр, но и профессионально оборудованная пыточная. Тетка Лидия и ее прислужники именно пытками пытаются выяснить, куда ушли служанки; Джун стоически переносит их, но ломается, когда ей намекают, что, если та не расколется, они навредят ее дочери Ханне. Служанок ловят, чтобы потом назначить в новое место в Гилеаде — колонию беременных женщин, которые все свободное время заняты работой. По какому-то странному стечению обстоятельств их везут туда в компании только вооруженного водителя и тетки Лидии с электрошокером. Женщинам везет — их машина встает на железнодорожном переезде, они пользуются моментом и сбегают. Правда, из пяти служанок выживают только две — Джун и Джанин успевают перебежать железнодорожные пути, в то время как их напарниц на полном ходу сбивает поезд.

Побег в Чикаго

Джун и Джанин бегут в Чикаго, спрятавшись в вагоне с молоком. По пути их поезд атакуют члены сепаратистского отряда. Формально бывшие служанки оказываются на свободе, но свободной их жизнь не назвать: они зависимы от милости руководителя отряда, от скромных запасов еды и воды. Джун решает двигаться дальше, Джанин сомневается, но в итоге тоже покидает временное пристанище. Добравшись до Чикаго, они попадают под бомбежку города силами Гилеада, Джун от взрывов теряет сознание.

Побег в Канаду

Джун среди завалов находит ее давняя подруга Мойра, которая приехала на оккупированную территорию с гуманитарной миссией из Канады. Она обманом проводит ее на корабль, которым командует ее возлюбленная, прямо запретившая забирать беглую служанку из Гилеада. Чтобы пройти паспортный контроль, Джун притворяется участницей кампании, и пограничники Гилеада, конечно же, не узнают в ней самую разыскиваемую женщину тоталитарной страны.

В Канаде Джун встречается с мужем Люком, дочерью Николь, марфой Ритой, с которой она жила у Уотерфордов, Эмили и другими подругами из прошлой жизни. Сбежавшая служанка становится одной из ключевых свидетельниц в деле против командора Уотерфорда. Позже она понимает, что ее показания используют в непонятной для нее политической игре, а Уотерфорд может получить свободу, когда расскажет больше о том, как устроен Гилеад. Джун встречается с Лоуренсом и договаривается об обмене командора на 23 осужденных по разным «преступлениям» женщин в Гилеаде. Но Уотерфорду не суждено оказаться на родине: на границе во время обмена пленными Джун убивает его.

Ивонн Страховски

Что мы знаем о пятом сезоне?

Первая серия пятого сезона выйдет 15 сентября. В России смотрите ее на more.tv и на Кинопоиске в Плюсе c more.tv. Этим летом Верховный суд США отменил решение по делу «Роу против Уэйда», которое гарантировало американкам в любом штате безусловное право на аборт. Красные робы и белые «крылышки» (так в сериале называют характерный головной убор служанок) были и остаются ярким символом активистской борьбы за равный доступ к абортам, но большой вопрос, проявится ли сверхактуальный американский контекст и усиление репродуктивного давления в сериале (скорее всего, нет — просто потому, что к маю, когда Politico опубликовал черновик решения Верховного суда, продакшен сериала был завершен).

Что будет с героями «Рассказа служанки»?

Трейлер намекает, что основной конфликт завяжется между Джун и Яснорадой, которой каким-то чудом удалось забеременеть от Фреда незадолго до его смерти. Яснорада вернется в Гилеад, но пока неизвестно, в каком качестве; похороны Фреда Уотерфорда кажутся грандиозным мероприятием, что намекает на то, что Яснорада сохранит свое высокое положение в Гилеаде.

Очевидно, Джун будет и дальше пытаться вернуть свою дочь Ханну, однако ее амбиции в конце четвертого сезона простираются куда дальше: нет никаких сомнений, что она захочет уничтожить Гилеад как явление. Интригой остаются ее отношения с Люком и Ником, к каждому из которых Джун неравнодушна; каждый из них — полноправный отец одной из двух ее дочерей, и пока совсем непонятно, каким именно образом авторы намерены раскручивать этот любовный треугольник.

Что мы знаем про шестой сезон?

Накануне выхода пятого сезона стало известно, что «Рассказ служанки» продлили до шестого, который станет финальным. Правда, не факт, что это конец истории. На волне успеха первого сезона сериала генеральный директор Hulu Рэнди Фрир говорил, что материала хватит и на десять сезонов.

Авторка «Рассказа служанки» Маргарэт Этвуд успела написать продолжение романа, назвав его «Заветы» («The Testaments»). Если авторы сериала захотят взять его за основу, то нас ждет еще не один сезон: Этвуд описывает события, которые сложно назвать ближайшим будущим.

Смотрите «Рассказ служанки» на more.tv и на Кинопоиске в Плюсе с more.tv

Автор: Антон Данилов

Иллюстратор: Александр Черепанов

Действие десятого эпизода 5-го сезона антиутопического сериала Hulu «Рассказ служанки» под названием «В безопасности» происходит после стрельбы, произошедшей у мемориала американским солдатам.

Марк Туэлло находит стрелка и предупреждает Джун Осборн о растущей враждебности по отношению к ней. Ее жизни снова угрожает опасность.

Это вынуждает Лукаса «Люка» Банколе встать на защиту своей жены, невзирая на законы страны. Жизнь Джанин Линдо меняется, когда тетя Лидия вынуждена разместить ее в доме командира Джозефа Лоуренса.

В Галааде отмечают свадьбу, но торжество прерывает разъяренный командир. Последний эпизод сезона заканчивается событием, которое может значительно изменить жизнь Джун. Если вам интересно узнать подробности окончания 5 сезона, то читайте дальше. Внимание! Далее следуют спойлеры.

Сюжет 10 эпизода 5 сезона сериала «Рассказ служанки»

Эпизод «В безопасности» начинается с того, что Марк Туэлло сообщает Джун и Люку о стрелке у мемориала. После их разговора Марк исчезает. Какой-то мужчина на грузовике пытается сбить Джун.

Но Люк вмешивается и нападает на него, чтобы спасти Джун. Люк и Мойра Стрэнд отвозят ее в госпиталь. Канадская полиция доставляет Люка в участок для допроса за нападение на канадца. Командир Ник Блейн заключил союз с Туэлло, чтобы он стал информатором. Он навещает Джун в больнице и возвращается в Галаад.

Кстати, пока не забыли. В Сети сейчас не так много ресурсов, которые ведут толковую аналитику по фильмам и сериалам. В их числе — телеграм-канал @SciFiNews, авторы которого пишут годнейшие аналитические материалы — разборы и теории фанатов, толкования послетитровых сцен, а также секреты  бомбических франшиз, вроде фильмов MARVEL и «Игры Престолов». Подписывайтесь, чтобы потом не искать — @SciFiNews. Однако вернемся к нашей теме…

Ник спорит с Лоуренсом по поводу нападения на Джун. Тетя Лидия вынуждена отправить Джанин в дом Лоуренса под опеку Наоми, которая готовится выйти замуж за Лоуренса после смерти командира Уоррена Патнэма.

Наоми счастлива от того, что Джанин находится в доме. Но последняя дала понять, что она не «друг» первой. Джанин говорит Наоми, что сильно ненавидит ее. Свадьба Лоуренса и Наоми проходит в присутствии всех полководцев и их жен. В дело вмешивается Ник и бьет Лоуренса, полагая, что он стоит за покушением на убийство матери его дочери.

Лоуренс приказывает Глазам схватить Джанин за неуважение к жене командира. Офицеры спецслужб увозят Джанин из-под опеки тети Лидии в неизвестном направлении. Люк выходит из-под стражи и возвращается к Джун, которая понемногу выздоравливает в их доме.

Рита Блю узнает от одного из своих друзей в полицейском управлении, что департамент планирует арестовать Люка, поскольку нападавший на Джун мертв. Они стараются оправдаться, чтобы уехать в Соединенные Штаты.

Концовка пятого сезона «Рассказа служанки»: удастся ли ли Джун и Люку убежать из Канады?

Рассказ служанки

Когда Джун и Люк понимают, что канадская полиция преследует Люка, они пытаются уехать в Соединенные Штаты. В момент, когда они собираются в аэропорт, чтобы успеть на рейс в Гонолулу, Туэлло прибывает к ним домой и сообщает им, что бронирование Люка замечено в аэропорту, и полиция ожидает там, чтобы арестовать их.

Туэлло дает им пропуск на посадку на поезд, который поможет им уехать в Соединенные Штаты, только для того, чтобы они столкнулись с офицерами, ищущими Люка. Чтобы убедиться, что Джун и Николь в безопасности, Люк просит их сесть на уходящий поезд, а затем сдается.

Люк знает, что безопасность Джун и Николь будет поставлена ​​под угрозу, если он попытается сопровождать их, чтобы покинуть Канаду. После протестов против американских беженцев правительство Канады не может позволить беженцу сбежать после убийства канадца.

Любые попытки со стороны Люка быть с семьей могут привести к тому, что офицеры арестуют Джун как его сообщницу, что приведет Николь в службу безопасности детей. Таким образом, он жертвует своей безопасностью и свободой ради защиты своей семьи. Из-за действий Люка офицеры отвлекаются, и Джун удается сесть в поезд с Николь.

Ожидается, что Джун завершит путешествие без каких-либо помех. Как только Джун прибудет на Гавайи, она сможет получить помощь Туэлло, чтобы начать новую жизнь в стране.

Судьба Люка зависит от того, насколько Туэлло сможет оказать давление на канадское правительство, чтобы освободить его или предложить ему юридическую помощь, если он предстанет перед судом.

Правительство может попытаться держать Люка под стражей до тех пор, пока не утихнут протесты против беженцев, что может произойти даже раньше, поскольку большая группа американцев уже уехала на поезде, организованном американским правительством.

Если Туэлло или кто-либо из друзей Люка поможет ему избежать смертного приговора, ожидается, что он в свое время покинет Канаду, чтобы присоединиться к Джун в Соединенных Штатах.

Ник и Роуз расстались? Выйдет ли Ник из тюрьмы?

После избиения Лоуренса Ника арестовывают и заключают в тюрьму. Роуз, которая узнает, что ее мужа арестовали за то, что он ударил Лоуренса из-за Джун, говорит ему о его непреходящих чувствах к матери его дочери Николь. Роуз хочет знать, остались ли у него чувства к Джун, а Нику не удается убедить ее, что Джун не является частью его жизни.

Он, должно быть, знал, что нет смысла лгать, когда его сердце и весь мир знают, как сильно он любит и заботится о Джун. Роуз понимает, что она не может заменить Джун в жизни своего мужа. Это приводит к тому, что она расстается с ним.

Хотя ребенок Ника растет в утробе Роуз, самоуважение последней не позволяет ей делить свою жизнь с Ником. Что касается Ника, то он, похоже, устал врать себе, что Джун не является частью его жизни.

Таким образом, не будет сюрпризом, если он и Роуз расстанутся. Их ребенок может стать официальным мостом между ними, но они могут не делить свою жизнь друг с другом. Решение Роуз расстаться с Ником также может задержать его в тюрьме на более длительный срок.

Верховный главнокомандующий Уортон, один из самых влиятельных людей тоталитарного режима и отец Роуз, может захотеть, чтобы Ник страдал в тюрьме за причинение вреда его дочери.

Лоуренс может помочь Нику выбраться из тюрьмы, несмотря на нападение последнего. Лоуренс может представить нападение Ника, как непреднамеренное. Ник совершил его, когда увидел, что Джун почти мертва. Поскольку Лоуренс пытается реформировать Галаад изнутри, ему нужен надежный командир на его стороне, и Ник — единственный, кто соответствует этому требованию.

Серена сбегает в США? Найдут ли ее Уилеры?

Джун садится на поезд, организованный Соединенными Штатами вместе с Николь. Там она встречает Серену Уотерфорд с ее сыном Ноем, которым каким-то образом удается сбежать от Уилеров в поисках убежища в Соединенных Штатах.

Ожидается, что Серена прибудет и благополучно откроет новую главу своей жизни в Соединенных Штатах. Хотя Райан Уиллер и его жена Аланис Уилер сильны, они недостаточно сильны, чтобы причинить вред Серене на американской земле. Максимум, что они могут сделать, это попытаться похитить Ноя у Серены, но ожидается, что Туэлло защитит мать и сына в тот момент, когда Серена и Ной прибудут в Соединенные Штаты.

Туэлло всегда пытался защитить Серену, но она каждый раз отклоняла его предложения о защите. Однако, учитывая, что жизнь Ноя в опасности, Серена может больше не отказывать Туэлло.

Кроме того, Джун пообещала присматривать за матерью и сыном, когда помогала Серене родить Ноя в сарае. Она может выполнить свое обещание, защищая Серену в Соединенных Штатах. Пока Люк не вернется к жене из Канады, мы можем ожидать, что Джун и Серена будут заботиться друг о друге.

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