Генри миллс однажды в сказке актер

Генри родился в тюрьме Финиксе, штат Аризона, и был отдан на усыновление его родной матерью, Эммой Свон, желавшей дать ему шанс на лучшую жизнь. («Таллахасси», «Сердце истинно верующего»)

Ребёнка принимает семья, но по неизвестной причине передумывает. Мальчик попадает в приют в Бостоне, где его усыновляет Реджина Миллс, мэр Сторибрука. Она называет сына Генри (в честь отца).

В Сторибруке Реджина приходит с малышом в закусочную «У Бабушки». Генри начинает плакать, и Бабушка советует рассказать ему сказку. Но первая попытка Реджины оказывается неудачной. Она начинает переживать за здоровье сына. Однако доктор Вейл не обнаруживает каких-либо заболеваний. Он советует узнать историю болезней биологических родителей, которые могли бы дать более точные данные. Пока Реджина связывается по телефону с Сидни, она передаёт ребёнка Мэри Маргарет, волонтёру больницы, которая инстинктивно укачивает малыша. Реджину, видя успокоившегося Генри, берёт его на руки, и тот сразу же начинает плакать. Дома крики малыша продолжаются. Реджина просит дать ей шанс и целует сына, который, к её радости, тут же успокаивается. Но, получив факс от Сидни, она понимает, кем является биологическая мать Генри, и решает немедленно вернуть его в Бостон. В агентстве по усыновлению уже привязавшаяся к мальчику Реджина передумывает. Чтобы не воспитывать ребёнка в вечном беспокойстве, она принимает зелье забвения. («Спасти Генри»)

В десять лет Генри чувствует себя одиноким из-за того, что родная мать бросила его. Он высказывает всё это на ланче своей учительнице, Мисс Бланшар. Генри также разочарован в городе, которому он как будто не принадлежит. Чтобы ободрить его, Мэри Маргарет даёт мальчику книгу и называет сказки напоминанием о том, что жизнь станет лучше, если не терять надежду. Генри перелистывает страницы книги. На мгновенье он видит Мэри Маргарет в образе Белоснежки. («Дорога домой»)

Вскоре Генри начинает верить, что Злая Королева наложила проклятье, перенёсшее сказочных героев в Сторибрук, и что истории из его книги реальны. Он видит в своей приёмной матери Злую Королеву, а в родной — Спасительницу, которой предназначено разрушить проклятье. Реджина отправляет его на сеансы к доктору Хопперу.

В один день Генри сбегает в Бостон и привозит оттуда свою родную мать Эмму Свон. По дороге Генри рассказывает о своей книге, все истории которой произошли на самом деле. Наконец они приезжают в Сторибрук, но мальчик отказывается говорить адрес. Он объясняет, что Злая Королева с помощью проклятья перенесла сказочных героев в этот город, где время остановилось. Их разговор прерывает Арчи, который, по мнению Генри, является Говорящим Сверчком. От него Эмма узнаёт адрес и отводит мальчика домой. Генри утверждает, что приёмная мать его не любит. Хотя встретившая их Реджина крепко обнимает сына, тот убегает к себе в комнату, при этом назвав Эмму своей «настоящей мамой». Позднее он наблюдает, как последняя покидает их дом. Утром, разочарованный в своей теории, Генри уходит на детскую площадку, где его находит Эмма, которая возвращает книгу. После тяжёлого разговора она убеждает упрямого Генри вернуться к приёмной матери. Вечером мальчик замечает, что время возобновило свой ход, и понимает, что Эмма решила остаться. («Пилотная серия»)

And I wouldn’t dismiss those stories just yet. You see, even though you can’t admit it, I think you’re quite a lot like your namesake. He was my favorite character.
Henry Mills: Of course he was. Everyone loves a little kid full of hope and belief.
Weaver: Yeah, I didn’t like him because he was full of hope and belief. I liked him because he fought for those things. And I can tell you’re not giving up just yet.

— Henry & Weaver

Prince Henry Daniel Mills (born August 15, 2001, age 29), also known as Henry Swan during the missing year, the Author and the Truest Believer, is one of the main characters in the first six seasons of ABC’s Once Upon a Time and is the main protagonist of the series’ seventh and final season. Henry is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, half-brother of Hope Jones, the stepson of Killian Jones, the adopted son of Regina Mills, nephew of Neal Nolan and grandson of Rumplestiltskin, Prince Charming/David Nolan, and Snow White, husband of Ella Mills, and biological father of Lucy.

Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Henry was eventually adopted by Regina Mills and she kept him by changing her mind at the last minute. Growing up in this quaint town of Storybrooke, Henry realized he was the only one who aged and felt that his birth mother did not love him. Being a loner, Snow gave Henry a storybook filled with many of the fairytale characters in order to give her unknown grandson hope. Henry constantly tries to prove to his mother that the curse is real, but she continues to not believe him. Eventually, Henry takes a bite of a poisoned apple turnover that Regina intended to give Emma, and nearly dies, but Emma gives Henry true love’s kiss on his forehead. While barely starting a relationship with Emma and his new grandparents, Henry is separated from his mother and grandmother. Throughout their time being gone, Henry’s soul travels to the Netherworld due to a side effect of the sleeping curse. They are able to bring Emma and Mary Margaret back home, with Henry embracing them at last.

Meanwhile Regina continues to be a better mother for her son, but ultimately ends up breaking his heart by succumbing to her former magical impulses. He later learned the identity of his birth father, Neal Cassidy when his mother led him to believe that his dad died in a fire saving a family, which caused a rift in Henry’s relationship with Emma. After August apparently died, but was resurrected, Emma promised to never lie to Henry again, which made Henry trust her completely again. During the attempted destruction of Storybrooke, Henry spent the last moments with his family but Regina and Emma are able to deactivate the trigger , however, Henry is kidnapped by Greg and Tamara in the mix of it all and is taken to Neverland.

It is learned that he is the Truest Believer, but Peter Pan, his great-grandfather wanted to steal his heart in order to restore his youth. During a brief time, Henry switches bodies with Pan, but switches back. However, after Pan cast the dark curse, Henry and Emma are forced to retreat to the Land Without Magic and live a new life in New York with new memories. A year later, Henry and Emma returned home after Hook gave Emma a potion for remembering the missing year in Storybrooke. Henry is eventually awoken after touching a storybook.

Henry continues to have a growing relationship with his mother, Regina, especially after the arrival of Elsa and began helping her find the Author to give her a better ending. He tries to later reach to Emma, whose magic quickly loses control, but she quickly accepts herself and her magic. Henry, Emma and Regina continue to search for the Author but also Henry is worried his paternal grandfather will turn his mother dark. In an alternate reality where heroes are villains and vice versa, Henry goes to stop Isaac by recruiting both of his mothers and Captain Hook, but at the cost of Hook’s life. However, Henry becomes the next Author and restores the characters to the real world.  Emma later takes on the mantle of Dark One after absorbing it to save everyone. Henry later wishes to free her from the Darkness, but at the cost of Hook’s life again. Henry travels to the underworld with Emma to rescue Hook. However, after all of this suffering, Henry believes magic is tearing his family apart. and sets off with his girlfriend, Violet to destroy magic once and for all, but learns that magic does not tear them apart. They actually wish Snow, Charming, Hook And Zelena home and destroy the Evil Queen. However, she returns to Storybrooke, where Henry struggles to accept the Evil Queen as his mother. During the Final Battle, Henry created a prophecy about the
final battle being destroyed by light vs. light. Henry becomes a best man for
Killian and Emma’s wedding, but the curse is enacted again by his
great-grandmother, Fiona.

Finally creating the last of the book, Henry realizes that he is not in any of the stories and goes to the New Enchanted Forest to find his story. However, along the way, Henry meets and falls in love with Cinderella and reunites with Hook and Regina to defeat Belfrey while assisting Tiana. He and Ella marry, having a daughter named Lucy. However, Henry is kidnapped by the Coven of the Eight and poisoned, forcing his mother to cast the Dark Curse. Under the curse, Henry becomes a Swyft driver and meets Lucy again, developing a relationship with his unknown wife, Jacinda. Throughout the misadventures, Henry reconnects with his unknown family, including Regina and Rogers, helps take down Victoria Belfrey after learning she kidnapped Eloise Gardener, and even restarting his relationship with Ivy Belfrey, but she uses him to get to her nefarious goals. Unknown to him, Henry is getting to know his mother, Regina (cursed as Roni). When Lucy falls unconscious, Henry goes to be at her bedside and goes to test to be a biological relative. He later enters a game night with Lucy and Jacinda and both nearly give each other true love’s kiss, but Lucy quickly runs to stop them, but acts coldly towards her father, much to Henry’s shock and believing that he is not right for Jacinda. He later helps Rogers with his case in proving Tilly’s innocence. To get his mind over Jacinda, Henry goes to a barcade but is tricked by Lucy into a boy’s night out with Nick Branson and Detective Rogers.

Henry is later offered a job in New York City by a company,
but this requires him leaving Hyperion Heights. However, Henry is visited by his grandfather, Rumplestiltskin (under the name Weaver in Hyperion Heights), who seeks out Henry’s intel. Looking through his Once Upon a Time novel that belongs to the Candy Killer, Henry sees that their killer thinks he is Hansel. On his way to the airport to New York for the interview, Henry intends to go  tell Jacinda how he feels after finding a glass piece in his tire and takes Nick’s offer for a drive. However, he learns Nick’s identity as the serial killer the cops are looking for, but Nick drugs and kidnaps Henry before he can escape and tell anyone. Holding Henry prisoner in his apartment, Nick attempts to wake his former best friend up from the
curse, especially showing him records that say he is indeed Lucy’s father. However, Henry remains asleep during the curse. Henry is
later saved by Rogers and is reunited with Ella and Lucy, deciding to stay with them. Henry takes the test results back and shows them to Ella, stating that he is her father, according to the documents. The two later attempt to break the curse with True Love’s
Kiss, but everyone remains cursed thanks to Eloise.

☀Since the curse did not break, Regina decides to take
matters into her own hands and gives Henry a memory potion, but it fails to
work. Later, Regina and Lucy attempt to wake him up with the second storybook,
but it does not work. Henry notices that Roni had slipped the adoption papers
of Regina adopting a Henry Mills in Boston. He wakes up after calling his younger self and realizes his mother and
daughter were right. Henry kisses Regina on the forehead, thus breaking the Curse and reviving his mother. Henry is then reunited with his family.

Henry is a member of the Nolan, Gold, and the Swan Family. Through adoption, he is a member of the Mills family. Together the families are sub-families of the Royal Family of the Enchanted Forest. Henry is also a former member of the Resistance and a member of the House of Tremaine through marriage. 

Early Life

Henry was born in prison on August 15, 2001 to an eighteen-year-old girl named Emma Swan. His birth father was Neal Cassidy. Both his parents originated from a magical land called the Enchanted Forest, where his mother was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming while his father ,Neal, was really named Baelfire and the son of Rumplestiltskin. After he is born, Emma gives Henry up for a closed adoption, meaning she will have no contact or rights with her biological child. However, Emma does this to give Henry his best chance for a better life.

At six weeks old, Henry was adopted by Regina Mills, the mayor of a quaint town called Storybrooke. However, she was really the Evil Queen from Fairy Tale Land. Regina nearly gave Henry up after learning that his mother was the Savior destined to destroy the Curse, but changed her mind after looking at the Baby again. She is worried that one day, Henry’s mother might change her mind and want her son back, but Regina instead, uses a magical potion that helps her forget about Emma and turn her attention to Henry.

Growing up, Henry was a lonely child who felt unloved by both his adoptive and biological mothers, not even Regina giving Henry a TRON lunchbox makes him feel better. . He was the only one who aged while everyone remained the same. One day while sitting in a courtyard, Henry’s grandmother, Snow White (under the guise of Mary Margaret in the Dark Curse)  saw how lonely Henry was and gave him a book about fairytales. When Henry read the book, he noticed how much Mary Margaret resembled Snow White and led him to believe that there was a curse and set out to find his mother after seeing her name in the book: Emma.

Henry steals Mary Margaret’s credit card to look for his mom.

Throughout the Once Upon a Time Universe

Season One

Henry first appears in «Pilot,» where he comes to the doorstep of his mother,  Emma Swan and convinces her to take him back to Stortbrooke. Apparently, he has a strained relationship with his adoptive mother, the mayor, Regina Mills. Seeing how miserable Henry is, Emma decides to stay for a week. She later plays along with Henry’s apparent theory about the dark curse.

In «The Thing You Love Most,» 

In «Snow Falls,» 

In «The Price of Gold,» 

In «That Still Small Voice,» 

In «The Shepherd,» 

In «The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,» 

In «Desperate Souls,» 

In «True North,» 

In «7:15 A.M.,» 

In «Fruit of the Poisonous Tree,» 

In «Skin Deep,» 

In «What Happened to Frederick,» 

In «Dreamy,» 

In «Red-Handed,» 

In «Heart of Darkness,» 

In «Hat Trick,» 

In «The Stable Boy,» 

In «The Return,» 

In «The Stranger,» 

In «An Apple Red as Blood,» 

In «A Land Without Magic,» Henry is rushed to the hospital after falling unconscious. Emma angrily blames Regina, for it is her fault that Henry is asleep because of her.  However, the two women are forced to work together when Henry could die from the curse because they are in a land without magic.☀After believing him to be dead, Emma tearfully tells Henry she loves him before kissing him on the forehead. The kiss re-awakes Henry, who says he loves her back.  

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

Season Seven 


Because of being in the midst of the families, Henry has inherited several things from both sides of the family.Like Emma and Snow, Henry felt unwanted and had no family other than Regina, who made Henry think he felt crazy and wished he had magic like his mothers and paternal grandfather. However, in later episodes, Regina states Henry is special just the way he is. Henry does gain magic by being the next Author.

On his father’s side, Henry like Neal thought that magic was a problem and that their family were better without it. Both upon seeing their parents, Rumplestiltskin and Emma Swan as Dark Ones cost them a ton of sorrow. He also disliked their darkness, but still believed in the goodness in their parents.

Even as an adult, Henry remained optimistic and hopefil, even falling in love with Ella. He becomes a proud father to a young girl named Lucy. However, after Henry is cursed, he no longer believes in himself and becomes an aspiring writer, but can not always find the right place to start. He was still a likable man, even befriending Roni.


Henry is a young boy who has dark brown hair, green eyes and is the same height as both his mothers. He usually wears a grey and red stripped scarf, black jacket, jeans and white tennis shoes. His mom and grandma also have the same eye color.  

Powers and Abilities



  • Emma Swan — Biological Mother
  • Neal Cassidy — Biological Father
  • Regina Mills — Adoptive Mother
  • Evil Queen (Serum) — Adoptive Mother
  • Evil Queen (Serum) — Adoptive Mother
  • Hope Jones — Half-Sister
  • Killian Jones — Stepfather
  • Ella Mills — Wife
  • Lucy — Daughter
  • Snow White — Grandmother
  • Prince Charming — Grandfather
  • Rumplestiltskin — Grandfather
  • Milah — Grandmother
  • Belle — Step-Grandmother
  • Gideon — Uncle
  • Prince Neal — Uncle
  • Mills Family — Adopted Family
    • Henry (Wish Realm) — Adopted Brother
    • Cora — Adoptive Grandmother
    • Prince Henry — Adoptive Grandfather
    • Zelena — Adoptive Aunt
    • Robin Hood — Adoptive Cousin


  • Tiana
  • Tremaine Family
    • Lady Tremaine — Former Enemy
    • Drizella Tremaine — Former Enemy
  • Fairies
    • Blue Fairy/Mother Superior
    • Tiger Lily
    • Tinker Bell
  • Seven Dwarves
    • Grumpy
    • Sneezy
    • Sleepy
    • Bashful
    • Dopey
    • Doc
    • Happy
  • Peter Pan (Wish Realm)
  • Crew of the Jolly Roger
    • William Smee (original)
  • Crew of the Jolly Roger (Wish Realm)
    • William Smee (Wish Realm)
  • The Apprentice
  • The Apprentice (Wish Realm)


  • Blackbeard (Wish Realm)
  • Greg Mendell — Kidnapper
  • Tamara — Kidnapper
  • Cruella De Vil — Kidnapper
  • Black Fairy — Great-Grandmother and Enemy
  • Mr. Hyde
  • Dr. Jekyll
  • Cruella de Vil (Wish Realm)
  • Gold Family (Wish Realm) — Wish Realm Versions
    • Sir Henry — Wish Realm Self and Enemy
    • Rumplestiltskin (Wish Realm) — Imprisoner


  • Daniel — Namesake

In season 1, Henry (like Emma) didn’t have many friends growing up. However, several of the residents of Storybrooke liked and respected Henry.  

  • Emma Swan: Henry’s birth mother. Because she had nothing to offer for Henry, Emma was forced to send him into the foster system to (like her parents) give Henry his best chance. They get along fairly well. Main page Emma and Henry
  • Regina Mills: Adoptive mother and step-great-grandmother through Emma. They are at first at odds with each other. However, Regina now treats Henry with respect and had changed for her son’s sake, no longer critisizing him. As Roni, she is a bit more laid back on Henry but her true self was still locked inside. Their relationship is similar to Emma’s and Mary Margaret’s during the First Curse.
  • Lucy: Daughter. Henry loves Lucy ever since the day she was born and has been protective of her, even warningly telling Drizella to stay away from her. Their relationship is similar to Emma’s and Henry’s during the First Curse.   

Fairy Tale Origins

Henry, though not a fictional character originates from the «Snow White» fairytale due to his grandparents being Snow White and Prince Charming and his adoptive mother was the Evil Queen. Henry also comes from the «Rumplestltskin» fairytale because his grandfather is Rumplestiltskin.

Throughout most of the show, Henry was an original character, but he took on the role for the prince in «Cinderella» and the Disney film of the Same name. 


  • Henry: The name «Henry» comes from the Germanic name, Heimirich, meaning «home ruler,» composed of the elements heim (home) and ric («power» or «ruler»). He was named after Regina’s father who is dead.
  • Daniel: Henry’s middle name comes from Regina’s first true love, Daniel Colter; who’s heart was ripped out by his adoptive grandmother, Cora.
  • Swan: Emma took on the name Swan as symbolism from the fairy-tale, «The Ugly Duckling.» where the Ugly Duckling becomes a Beautiful swan. Henry is also known as Henry Swan to the public.
  • Mills: A name given to the people who worked near the mills. It is an english name, but elsewhere in Ireland it may be a translation of a Gaelic topographic byname, an Mhuilinn, meaning «of the Mill.» [1]Mills is also a reference to their family member, Cora, who used to work in the mills and is based on the Miller’s daughter.


  • According to Henry, his mother’s passwards are his birthday (815), meaning he was born August 15, 2001. 815 is also the number of Henry’s apartment. 
  • Like his mother and grandmother, Henry enjoys hot cocoa with cinnamon. However, his adoptive mother does not. 
  • His address is 23 King Street, Seattle, WA.
  • The walkie talkies used by him, Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Lucy Mills, and countless other characters, were actually originally Sheriff Graham’s, and were given to Henry, after his passing; by Emma Swan in «Desperate Souls.»


  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 7


  1. https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=mills


Main Characters
Queen Regina • Henry Mills • Killian Jones • Rumplestiltskin • Lucy • Cinderella Mills • Lady Tremaine • Tiana
Jiminy Cricket/Archie Hopper • Huntsman/Sheriff Graham Humbert • Pinocchio/August Wayne Booth • Red Riding Hood/Ruby • Baelfire/Neal Cassidy • Will Scarlet • Snow White • Emma Swan • Prince Charming • Belle • Zelena
And I wouldn’t dismiss those stories just yet. You see, even though you can’t admit it, I think you’re quite a lot like your namesake. He was my favorite character.
Henry Mills: Of course he was. Everyone loves a little kid full of hope and belief.
Weaver: Yeah, I didn’t like him because he was full of hope and belief. I liked him because he fought for those things. And I can tell you’re not giving up just yet.

— Henry & Weaver

Prince Henry Daniel Mills (born August 15, 2001, age 29), also known as Henry Swan during the missing year, the Author and the Truest Believer, is one of the main characters in the first six seasons of ABC’s Once Upon a Time and is the main protagonist of the series’ seventh and final season. Henry is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, half-brother of Hope Jones, the stepson of Killian Jones, the adopted son of Regina Mills, nephew of Neal Nolan and grandson of Rumplestiltskin, Prince Charming/David Nolan, and Snow White, husband of Ella Mills, and biological father of Lucy.

Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Henry was eventually adopted by Regina Mills and she kept him by changing her mind at the last minute. Growing up in this quaint town of Storybrooke, Henry realized he was the only one who aged and felt that his birth mother did not love him. Being a loner, Snow gave Henry a storybook filled with many of the fairytale characters in order to give her unknown grandson hope. Henry constantly tries to prove to his mother that the curse is real, but she continues to not believe him. Eventually, Henry takes a bite of a poisoned apple turnover that Regina intended to give Emma, and nearly dies, but Emma gives Henry true love’s kiss on his forehead. While barely starting a relationship with Emma and his new grandparents, Henry is separated from his mother and grandmother. Throughout their time being gone, Henry’s soul travels to the Netherworld due to a side effect of the sleeping curse. They are able to bring Emma and Mary Margaret back home, with Henry embracing them at last.

Meanwhile Regina continues to be a better mother for her son, but ultimately ends up breaking his heart by succumbing to her former magical impulses. He later learned the identity of his birth father, Neal Cassidy when his mother led him to believe that his dad died in a fire saving a family, which caused a rift in Henry’s relationship with Emma. After August apparently died, but was resurrected, Emma promised to never lie to Henry again, which made Henry trust her completely again. During the attempted destruction of Storybrooke, Henry spent the last moments with his family but Regina and Emma are able to deactivate the trigger , however, Henry is kidnapped by Greg and Tamara in the mix of it all and is taken to Neverland.

It is learned that he is the Truest Believer, but Peter Pan, his great-grandfather wanted to steal his heart in order to restore his youth. During a brief time, Henry switches bodies with Pan, but switches back. However, after Pan cast the dark curse, Henry and Emma are forced to retreat to the Land Without Magic and live a new life in New York with new memories. A year later, Henry and Emma returned home after Hook gave Emma a potion for remembering the missing year in Storybrooke. Henry is eventually awoken after touching a storybook.

Henry continues to have a growing relationship with his mother, Regina, especially after the arrival of Elsa and began helping her find the Author to give her a better ending. He tries to later reach to Emma, whose magic quickly loses control, but she quickly accepts herself and her magic. Henry, Emma and Regina continue to search for the Author but also Henry is worried his paternal grandfather will turn his mother dark. In an alternate reality where heroes are villains and vice versa, Henry goes to stop Isaac by recruiting both of his mothers and Captain Hook, but at the cost of Hook’s life. However, Henry becomes the next Author and restores the characters to the real world.  Emma later takes on the mantle of Dark One after absorbing it to save everyone. Henry later wishes to free her from the Darkness, but at the cost of Hook’s life again. Henry travels to the underworld with Emma to rescue Hook. However, after all of this suffering, Henry believes magic is tearing his family apart. and sets off with his girlfriend, Violet to destroy magic once and for all, but learns that magic does not tear them apart. They actually wish Snow, Charming, Hook And Zelena home and destroy the Evil Queen. However, she returns to Storybrooke, where Henry struggles to accept the Evil Queen as his mother. During the Final Battle, Henry created a prophecy about the
final battle being destroyed by light vs. light. Henry becomes a best man for
Killian and Emma’s wedding, but the curse is enacted again by his
great-grandmother, Fiona.

Finally creating the last of the book, Henry realizes that he is not in any of the stories and goes to the New Enchanted Forest to find his story. However, along the way, Henry meets and falls in love with Cinderella and reunites with Hook and Regina to defeat Belfrey while assisting Tiana. He and Ella marry, having a daughter named Lucy. However, Henry is kidnapped by the Coven of the Eight and poisoned, forcing his mother to cast the Dark Curse. Under the curse, Henry becomes a Swyft driver and meets Lucy again, developing a relationship with his unknown wife, Jacinda. Throughout the misadventures, Henry reconnects with his unknown family, including Regina and Rogers, helps take down Victoria Belfrey after learning she kidnapped Eloise Gardener, and even restarting his relationship with Ivy Belfrey, but she uses him to get to her nefarious goals. Unknown to him, Henry is getting to know his mother, Regina (cursed as Roni). When Lucy falls unconscious, Henry goes to be at her bedside and goes to test to be a biological relative. He later enters a game night with Lucy and Jacinda and both nearly give each other true love’s kiss, but Lucy quickly runs to stop them, but acts coldly towards her father, much to Henry’s shock and believing that he is not right for Jacinda. He later helps Rogers with his case in proving Tilly’s innocence. To get his mind over Jacinda, Henry goes to a barcade but is tricked by Lucy into a boy’s night out with Nick Branson and Detective Rogers.

Henry is later offered a job in New York City by a company,
but this requires him leaving Hyperion Heights. However, Henry is visited by his grandfather, Rumplestiltskin (under the name Weaver in Hyperion Heights), who seeks out Henry’s intel. Looking through his Once Upon a Time novel that belongs to the Candy Killer, Henry sees that their killer thinks he is Hansel. On his way to the airport to New York for the interview, Henry intends to go  tell Jacinda how he feels after finding a glass piece in his tire and takes Nick’s offer for a drive. However, he learns Nick’s identity as the serial killer the cops are looking for, but Nick drugs and kidnaps Henry before he can escape and tell anyone. Holding Henry prisoner in his apartment, Nick attempts to wake his former best friend up from the
curse, especially showing him records that say he is indeed Lucy’s father. However, Henry remains asleep during the curse. Henry is
later saved by Rogers and is reunited with Ella and Lucy, deciding to stay with them. Henry takes the test results back and shows them to Ella, stating that he is her father, according to the documents. The two later attempt to break the curse with True Love’s
Kiss, but everyone remains cursed thanks to Eloise.

☀Since the curse did not break, Regina decides to take
matters into her own hands and gives Henry a memory potion, but it fails to
work. Later, Regina and Lucy attempt to wake him up with the second storybook,
but it does not work. Henry notices that Roni had slipped the adoption papers
of Regina adopting a Henry Mills in Boston. He wakes up after calling his younger self and realizes his mother and
daughter were right. Henry kisses Regina on the forehead, thus breaking the Curse and reviving his mother. Henry is then reunited with his family.

Henry is a member of the Nolan, Gold, and the Swan Family. Through adoption, he is a member of the Mills family. Together the families are sub-families of the Royal Family of the Enchanted Forest. Henry is also a former member of the Resistance and a member of the House of Tremaine through marriage. 

Early Life

Henry was born in prison on August 15, 2001 to an eighteen-year-old girl named Emma Swan. His birth father was Neal Cassidy. Both his parents originated from a magical land called the Enchanted Forest, where his mother was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming while his father ,Neal, was really named Baelfire and the son of Rumplestiltskin. After he is born, Emma gives Henry up for a closed adoption, meaning she will have no contact or rights with her biological child. However, Emma does this to give Henry his best chance for a better life.

At six weeks old, Henry was adopted by Regina Mills, the mayor of a quaint town called Storybrooke. However, she was really the Evil Queen from Fairy Tale Land. Regina nearly gave Henry up after learning that his mother was the Savior destined to destroy the Curse, but changed her mind after looking at the Baby again. She is worried that one day, Henry’s mother might change her mind and want her son back, but Regina instead, uses a magical potion that helps her forget about Emma and turn her attention to Henry.

Growing up, Henry was a lonely child who felt unloved by both his adoptive and biological mothers, not even Regina giving Henry a TRON lunchbox makes him feel better. . He was the only one who aged while everyone remained the same. One day while sitting in a courtyard, Henry’s grandmother, Snow White (under the guise of Mary Margaret in the Dark Curse)  saw how lonely Henry was and gave him a book about fairytales. When Henry read the book, he noticed how much Mary Margaret resembled Snow White and led him to believe that there was a curse and set out to find his mother after seeing her name in the book: Emma.

Henry steals Mary Margaret’s credit card to look for his mom.

Throughout the Once Upon a Time Universe

Season One

Henry first appears in «Pilot,» where he comes to the doorstep of his mother,  Emma Swan and convinces her to take him back to Stortbrooke. Apparently, he has a strained relationship with his adoptive mother, the mayor, Regina Mills. Seeing how miserable Henry is, Emma decides to stay for a week. She later plays along with Henry’s apparent theory about the dark curse.

In «The Thing You Love Most,» 

In «Snow Falls,» 

In «The Price of Gold,» 

In «That Still Small Voice,» 

In «The Shepherd,» 

In «The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,» 

In «Desperate Souls,» 

In «True North,» 

In «7:15 A.M.,» 

In «Fruit of the Poisonous Tree,» 

In «Skin Deep,» 

In «What Happened to Frederick,» 

In «Dreamy,» 

In «Red-Handed,» 

In «Heart of Darkness,» 

In «Hat Trick,» 

In «The Stable Boy,» 

In «The Return,» 

In «The Stranger,» 

In «An Apple Red as Blood,» 

In «A Land Without Magic,» Henry is rushed to the hospital after falling unconscious. Emma angrily blames Regina, for it is her fault that Henry is asleep because of her.  However, the two women are forced to work together when Henry could die from the curse because they are in a land without magic.☀After believing him to be dead, Emma tearfully tells Henry she loves him before kissing him on the forehead. The kiss re-awakes Henry, who says he loves her back.  

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

Season Seven 


Because of being in the midst of the families, Henry has inherited several things from both sides of the family.Like Emma and Snow, Henry felt unwanted and had no family other than Regina, who made Henry think he felt crazy and wished he had magic like his mothers and paternal grandfather. However, in later episodes, Regina states Henry is special just the way he is. Henry does gain magic by being the next Author.

On his father’s side, Henry like Neal thought that magic was a problem and that their family were better without it. Both upon seeing their parents, Rumplestiltskin and Emma Swan as Dark Ones cost them a ton of sorrow. He also disliked their darkness, but still believed in the goodness in their parents.

Even as an adult, Henry remained optimistic and hopefil, even falling in love with Ella. He becomes a proud father to a young girl named Lucy. However, after Henry is cursed, he no longer believes in himself and becomes an aspiring writer, but can not always find the right place to start. He was still a likable man, even befriending Roni.


Henry is a young boy who has dark brown hair, green eyes and is the same height as both his mothers. He usually wears a grey and red stripped scarf, black jacket, jeans and white tennis shoes. His mom and grandma also have the same eye color.  

Powers and Abilities



  • Emma Swan — Biological Mother
  • Neal Cassidy — Biological Father
  • Regina Mills — Adoptive Mother
  • Evil Queen (Serum) — Adoptive Mother
  • Evil Queen (Serum) — Adoptive Mother
  • Hope Jones — Half-Sister
  • Killian Jones — Stepfather
  • Ella Mills — Wife
  • Lucy — Daughter
  • Snow White — Grandmother
  • Prince Charming — Grandfather
  • Rumplestiltskin — Grandfather
  • Milah — Grandmother
  • Belle — Step-Grandmother
  • Gideon — Uncle
  • Prince Neal — Uncle
  • Mills Family — Adopted Family
    • Henry (Wish Realm) — Adopted Brother
    • Cora — Adoptive Grandmother
    • Prince Henry — Adoptive Grandfather
    • Zelena — Adoptive Aunt
    • Robin Hood — Adoptive Cousin


  • Tiana
  • Tremaine Family
    • Lady Tremaine — Former Enemy
    • Drizella Tremaine — Former Enemy
  • Fairies
    • Blue Fairy/Mother Superior
    • Tiger Lily
    • Tinker Bell
  • Seven Dwarves
    • Grumpy
    • Sneezy
    • Sleepy
    • Bashful
    • Dopey
    • Doc
    • Happy
  • Peter Pan (Wish Realm)
  • Crew of the Jolly Roger
    • William Smee (original)
  • Crew of the Jolly Roger (Wish Realm)
    • William Smee (Wish Realm)
  • The Apprentice
  • The Apprentice (Wish Realm)


  • Blackbeard (Wish Realm)
  • Greg Mendell — Kidnapper
  • Tamara — Kidnapper
  • Cruella De Vil — Kidnapper
  • Black Fairy — Great-Grandmother and Enemy
  • Mr. Hyde
  • Dr. Jekyll
  • Cruella de Vil (Wish Realm)
  • Gold Family (Wish Realm) — Wish Realm Versions
    • Sir Henry — Wish Realm Self and Enemy
    • Rumplestiltskin (Wish Realm) — Imprisoner


  • Daniel — Namesake

In season 1, Henry (like Emma) didn’t have many friends growing up. However, several of the residents of Storybrooke liked and respected Henry.  

  • Emma Swan: Henry’s birth mother. Because she had nothing to offer for Henry, Emma was forced to send him into the foster system to (like her parents) give Henry his best chance. They get along fairly well. Main page Emma and Henry
  • Regina Mills: Adoptive mother and step-great-grandmother through Emma. They are at first at odds with each other. However, Regina now treats Henry with respect and had changed for her son’s sake, no longer critisizing him. As Roni, she is a bit more laid back on Henry but her true self was still locked inside. Their relationship is similar to Emma’s and Mary Margaret’s during the First Curse.
  • Lucy: Daughter. Henry loves Lucy ever since the day she was born and has been protective of her, even warningly telling Drizella to stay away from her. Their relationship is similar to Emma’s and Henry’s during the First Curse.   

Fairy Tale Origins

Henry, though not a fictional character originates from the «Snow White» fairytale due to his grandparents being Snow White and Prince Charming and his adoptive mother was the Evil Queen. Henry also comes from the «Rumplestltskin» fairytale because his grandfather is Rumplestiltskin.

Throughout most of the show, Henry was an original character, but he took on the role for the prince in «Cinderella» and the Disney film of the Same name. 


  • Henry: The name «Henry» comes from the Germanic name, Heimirich, meaning «home ruler,» composed of the elements heim (home) and ric («power» or «ruler»). He was named after Regina’s father who is dead.
  • Daniel: Henry’s middle name comes from Regina’s first true love, Daniel Colter; who’s heart was ripped out by his adoptive grandmother, Cora.
  • Swan: Emma took on the name Swan as symbolism from the fairy-tale, «The Ugly Duckling.» where the Ugly Duckling becomes a Beautiful swan. Henry is also known as Henry Swan to the public.
  • Mills: A name given to the people who worked near the mills. It is an english name, but elsewhere in Ireland it may be a translation of a Gaelic topographic byname, an Mhuilinn, meaning «of the Mill.» [1]Mills is also a reference to their family member, Cora, who used to work in the mills and is based on the Miller’s daughter.


  • According to Henry, his mother’s passwards are his birthday (815), meaning he was born August 15, 2001. 815 is also the number of Henry’s apartment. 
  • Like his mother and grandmother, Henry enjoys hot cocoa with cinnamon. However, his adoptive mother does not. 
  • His address is 23 King Street, Seattle, WA.
  • The walkie talkies used by him, Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Lucy Mills, and countless other characters, were actually originally Sheriff Graham’s, and were given to Henry, after his passing; by Emma Swan in «Desperate Souls.»


  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 7


  1. https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=mills


Main Characters
Queen Regina • Henry Mills • Killian Jones • Rumplestiltskin • Lucy • Cinderella Mills • Lady Tremaine • Tiana
Jiminy Cricket/Archie Hopper • Huntsman/Sheriff Graham Humbert • Pinocchio/August Wayne Booth • Red Riding Hood/Ruby • Baelfire/Neal Cassidy • Will Scarlet • Snow White • Emma Swan • Prince Charming • Belle • Zelena

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