Город которого нет сказка

Приключения в городе, которого нет



  • Художественный фильм

О фильме

Школьник Слава Курочкин – большой фантазер и выдумщик. Он мечтает собрать телескоп для установления контакта с внеземными цивилизациями. Одна беда: у мальчика большие проблемы с литературой, ничегошеньки он не читал и читать не хочет. Вернуть одноклассника на верный путь берется отличница Марина Сомова.

И тут в жизни будущего астронома начинаются самые настоящие приключения. Наверстать упущенное ему предстоит не где-нибудь, а в волшебной стране, населенной литературными героями. Кого здесь только нет: и Дон Кихот со своим верным спутником Санчо Пансой, и персонажи Фонвизина, известные даже первоклассникам. Но Славка никого не узнает: «двойка» была его самой высокой оценкой по литературе.

Вопиющее невежество нашего героя не ускользает от внимания злобного Советника, давно мечтающего о мировом господстве. Как известно, на дурака не нужен нож. Негодяй решает втереться в доверие к Славе и с его помощью завладеть умами читателей.

Режиссер: Леонид Нечаев
Сценарий: Сергей Муратов, Марк Розовский
В ролях: Женя Горячев, Игорь Анисимов, Валентин Скулме, Валерий Носик, Леонид Каневский, Иван Переверзев, Николай Гринько, Стефания Станюта

  • Марк Розовский

Adventures in a City that does not Exist
Adventures in a City that does not Exist.jpg
Directed by Leonid Nechayev
Written by Sergei Muratov
Mark Rosovsky
Starring Evgeny Goryachev
Valentīns Skulme
Cinematography Yuri Shalimov
Music by Sergei Cortez



Release date

  • 1974

Running time

80 minutes
Country Soviet Union
Language Russian

Adventures in a City that does not Exist (Russian: Приключения в городе, которого нет, romanized: Priklucheniya v gorode, kotorogo net) is a 1974 Soviet children’s musical film, directorial debut of Leonid Nechayev.[1][2][3]


Pioneer Slava Kurochkin dreams of space. He actively studies physics and astronomy, but at the same time he does not read fiction at all. By coincidence, he finds himself in a fairytale town, where the heroes of the most famous books live: The Snow Queen, Timur and His Squad, The White Solitary Sails, Les Misérables, Treasure Island and so on.

But, alas, in the city live not only positive characters — treacherous commerce adviser from the play The Snow Queen (by Evgeny Schwartz) decides to use Slavin’s ignorance of books in order to deceive him and with the help of other antagonists to subjugate readers worldwide. The protagonists come to help the boy, and together with friends Slava manages to defeat the adviser and his henchmen. When Slava returns to the real world, the first thing he does is to go to the library.



  • Evgeny Goryachev as Slava Kurochkin, reader
  • Igor Anisimov as Timur Garaev (from the book Timur and His Squad)
  • Vyacheslav Baranov as Gavrosh (voiced by Hagar Vlasov) (from the book Les Misérables)
  • Alexander Plyushchev as Petya Bachey (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Alexander Pokko as Gavrik (voiced by Nadezhda Podyapolskaya) (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Tatiana Prusakova as Pippi Longstocking (from the book Pippi Longstocking)
  • Igor Ambrazhevich as Tom Sawyer (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Igor Kondratovich as Huckleberry Finn (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Irina Shilkina as Gerda (from the fairy tale of H. C. Andersen The Snow Queen)
  • Nikolai Grinko as Don Quixote (voiced by Artem Karapetyan) (from the book «The Clever Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha»)
  • Mikhail Sachuk as Dimka the Invisible (from the book of the same name by Korostylyov and Lvovsky)
  • Alexander Pyatkov as Mitrofanushka (from the play The Minor)
  • Fedor Khramtsov as armorer Prospero (from the book Three Fat Men)
  • Galina Linnik as Somova


  • Valentīns Skulme as commerce adviser (voiced by Zinovy Gerdt) (from the play The Snow Queen by Evgeny Schwartz)
  • Gediminas Karka as Javer, Police Inspector (from the Les Misérables)
  • Valery Nosik as informant «Mustache» (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Leonid Kanevsky as Captain Bonaventure (from the book Three Fat Men)
  • Ivan Pereverzev as John Silver (from the book Treasure Island)
  • Igor Gushchin as «Figure» (from the book Timur and His Squad)
  • Leonid Kryuk as tall pirate
  • Vadim Aleksandrov as short pirate
  • Rostislav Shmyrev as general
  • Valentin Bukin as owner of a pirate restaurant
  • Stefaniya Stanyuta as Aunt Polly (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


  1. ^ «Приключения в городе, которого нет. Х/Ф». Russia-1.
  2. ^ Vadim Nesterov. «Папа Буратино». gazeta.ru.
  3. ^ «Леонид Нечаев: Я выкупил Золотой ключик за 30 рублей». segodnya.ua.

External links[edit]

Adventures in a City that does not Exist at IMDb

Adventures in a City that does not Exist
Adventures in a City that does not Exist.jpg
Directed by Leonid Nechayev
Written by Sergei Muratov
Mark Rosovsky
Starring Evgeny Goryachev
Valentīns Skulme
Cinematography Yuri Shalimov
Music by Sergei Cortez



Release date

  • 1974

Running time

80 minutes
Country Soviet Union
Language Russian

Adventures in a City that does not Exist (Russian: Приключения в городе, которого нет, romanized: Priklucheniya v gorode, kotorogo net) is a 1974 Soviet children’s musical film, directorial debut of Leonid Nechayev.[1][2][3]


Pioneer Slava Kurochkin dreams of space. He actively studies physics and astronomy, but at the same time he does not read fiction at all. By coincidence, he finds himself in a fairytale town, where the heroes of the most famous books live: The Snow Queen, Timur and His Squad, The White Solitary Sails, Les Misérables, Treasure Island and so on.

But, alas, in the city live not only positive characters — treacherous commerce adviser from the play The Snow Queen (by Evgeny Schwartz) decides to use Slavin’s ignorance of books in order to deceive him and with the help of other antagonists to subjugate readers worldwide. The protagonists come to help the boy, and together with friends Slava manages to defeat the adviser and his henchmen. When Slava returns to the real world, the first thing he does is to go to the library.



  • Evgeny Goryachev as Slava Kurochkin, reader
  • Igor Anisimov as Timur Garaev (from the book Timur and His Squad)
  • Vyacheslav Baranov as Gavrosh (voiced by Hagar Vlasov) (from the book Les Misérables)
  • Alexander Plyushchev as Petya Bachey (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Alexander Pokko as Gavrik (voiced by Nadezhda Podyapolskaya) (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Tatiana Prusakova as Pippi Longstocking (from the book Pippi Longstocking)
  • Igor Ambrazhevich as Tom Sawyer (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Igor Kondratovich as Huckleberry Finn (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Irina Shilkina as Gerda (from the fairy tale of H. C. Andersen The Snow Queen)
  • Nikolai Grinko as Don Quixote (voiced by Artem Karapetyan) (from the book «The Clever Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha»)
  • Mikhail Sachuk as Dimka the Invisible (from the book of the same name by Korostylyov and Lvovsky)
  • Alexander Pyatkov as Mitrofanushka (from the play The Minor)
  • Fedor Khramtsov as armorer Prospero (from the book Three Fat Men)
  • Galina Linnik as Somova


  • Valentīns Skulme as commerce adviser (voiced by Zinovy Gerdt) (from the play The Snow Queen by Evgeny Schwartz)
  • Gediminas Karka as Javer, Police Inspector (from the Les Misérables)
  • Valery Nosik as informant «Mustache» (from the book The White Solitary Sails)
  • Leonid Kanevsky as Captain Bonaventure (from the book Three Fat Men)
  • Ivan Pereverzev as John Silver (from the book Treasure Island)
  • Igor Gushchin as «Figure» (from the book Timur and His Squad)
  • Leonid Kryuk as tall pirate
  • Vadim Aleksandrov as short pirate
  • Rostislav Shmyrev as general
  • Valentin Bukin as owner of a pirate restaurant
  • Stefaniya Stanyuta as Aunt Polly (from the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


  1. ^ «Приключения в городе, которого нет. Х/Ф». Russia-1.
  2. ^ Vadim Nesterov. «Папа Буратино». gazeta.ru.
  3. ^ «Леонид Нечаев: Я выкупил Золотой ключик за 30 рублей». segodnya.ua.

External links[edit]

Adventures in a City that does not Exist at IMDb

  • Город кемер на турецком как пишется
  • Город калинов темное царство или земля обетованная сочинение
  • Город калинов каким я представляю его себе сочинение
  • Город калинов и его обитатели сочинение рассуждение с аргументами из литературы
  • Город калинов и его обитатели сочинение 10 класс на 250 слов