Гов как пишется по английски

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California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger praised the court’s decision.

Губернатор Калифорнии Арнольд Шварценеггер похвалил решение суда.



California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger praised the court’s decision.
Губернатор Калифорнии Арнольд Шварценеггер похвалил решение суда.

Honestly, Sen. Cruz and Gov. Kasich should really get out of the race.
Честно говоря, сенатору Крузу и губернатору Касичу уже пора сойти с дистанции.

Gov. John Kasich is for the TPP, saying he is “pretty much for open” trade.
Губернатор штата Огайо Джон Кейсик вступает за соглашение о Партнерстве, заявляя, что он «в общем-то, за открытую» торговлю.

Besides Gov. Kuroda, we have one speaker on Wednesday’s agenda: Riksbank Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley speaks.
Кроме губернатора Куроды, у нас есть один спикер на повестке дня в среду: Выступает заместитель губернатора Банка Швеции Сесилия Скингсли.

Last week, California’s Gov. Schwarzenegger tweeted his way through a Moscow visit — «Just landed in Moscow.
На прошлой неделе губернатор Калифорнии Шварценеггер писал у себя в Twitter’е о визите в Москву: «Только что приземлились в Москве.


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  • 1

    Gov I governor noun губернатор; правитель II government noun правительство

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Gov

  • 2

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > gov(t)

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > Gov.

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Gov

  • 5

    1. группа изображений VOP

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > GOV

  • 6

    * Government

    правительство; управление, руководство, регулирование; форма правления; политический строй; государственная власть;

    * Governor

    управляющий (банком) Govt. — Government = Gov.1)

    Англо-русский словарь акронимов и аббревиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности > GOV.

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Gov

  • 8

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > gov.

  • 9

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > .GOV

  • 10

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > .gov

  • 11

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > GOV

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov

  • 13
    Gov Is

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov Is

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov’t.

  • 15
    Gov(t) .

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov(t) .

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov.

  • 17

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gov

  • 18

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Gov

  • 19

    губернатор; правитель


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Gov

  • 20
    Gov .

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gov .


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • .gov — Introduced 1985 TLD type Sponsored top level domain Status Active Registry General Services Administration …   Wikipedia

  • gov — gov; gov·ern; gov·ern·able; gov·ern·ance; gov·er·nante; gov·er·nessy; gov·ern·ment; gov·ern·men·tal; gov·ern·men·tal·ism; gov·ern·men·tal·ist; gov·ern·men·tal·iza·tion; gov·ern·men·tal·ize; gov·ern·men·tal·ly; gov·ern·ment·ese; gov·er·nor;… …   English syllables

  • .gov — est un domaine de premier niveau commandité réservé aux départements du gouvernement des États Unis depuis janvier 1985. Les gouvernements des pays autres que les États Unis ne disposent pas d un domaine de premier niveau pour inscrire leurs… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • .gov — Введение 1985 Тип домена общий домен верхнего уровня Статус действующий Документы …   Википедия

  • gov — 1.) Gov. the written abbreviation of governor 2.) .gov used in Internet addresses for government websites …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gov — DEFINICIJA krat. int. nenacionalna oznaka (.gov) koja označuje internetsku stranicu vezanu za vladine ustanove [http: www.hrvatska vlada.gov], usp. com, edu, org, hr ETIMOLOGIJA engl. government: vlada …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • .gov — abbr. government agency (in Internet addresses).   Usage Note: For Internet addresses of the United States government,.gov is the top level domain only for federal agencies, except for the military, which uses.mil. State government agencies use… …   Universalium

  • gov — or Gov abbrev. 1. government 2. governor * * * …   Universalium

  • gov. — gov. (government) n. ruling of a country or area; political control; group of people that rule a country or area; rule, authority gov. (governor) n. one who governs; executive head of a state (USA) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gov — or Gov abbrev. 1. government 2. governor …   English World dictionary

  • .gov.sg — is a country code second level domain (ccSLD) in the .sg namespace, administered by the Singapore Network Information Centre. It is used for Singapore government organizations. [http://www.nic.net.sg/sub about/sg domains.html SGNIC About SGNIC… …   Wikipedia

«You’ve taught me that we must see each other as two anxious children» «filled with good will and the best intentions.»

«But gov…»

Now I see it. «But governed by forces we only partially control.»

«Вы учили меня смотреть друг на друга, как будто озабоченные дети» «наполнены добрыми эмоциями и наилучшими намереньями.»

«Но упра…»

Вот, вижу. «Но управление усилиями — это лишь частичный контроль.»

What’s wrong with your arm?

Abscess, gov.

Hurts something terrible.

Что случилось с вашей рукой?

— Нарыв, господин.

Иногда ужасно болит.

— Won’t we, Ned?

— Don’t worry, gov. (Chuckles)

I’ll take care of him, all right.

Можете, Нэд?

— Не беспокойтесь, господин. [ Смешки ]

— Я позабочусь о нем. Все будет в порядке

Three bullets were found.

Gov. Connally also appeared to have been hit.

The President was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, four miles away.

Было найдено три пули.

Очевидно был ранен и губернатор Коннели.

Президента срочно доставили в больницу Паркланд Мемориал, за шесть километров от места событий.

[ Engine turns over ]

Look out, gov! Oh! [ Car horn honks ]

My dear Mr. Shaw! Are you all right? Yes.

Арлекинада, предшественник английской пантомимы, ее предок.

Были впервые завезены в Англию три столетия назад цирковыми клоунами и ярмарочными актерами из Италии.

Сегодня эти персонажи — не более чем маски на костюмированном представлении или балу.

Get back to the customers.

This way, gov.

That’s Jim Simmons, typesetter.

Обслуживай лучше посетителей.

— Сюда, господин.

— Это же Джим Симмонс. Я оперировал его.

Nobody looks at the court’s website.

It’s a dot-gov address.

Look, you click on it, it’s so boring, you’ll fall asleep.

Никто не заходит на этот сайт.

Это государственный сайт.

Как только ты туда попадаешь, там так скучно, что уснуть можно.

Yeah, well, it shouldn’t be.

Look, we studied prohibition in Comp Gov.

You’re not doing anything immoral.

Да, но это неправильно.

Слушай, мы изучаем корпоративное право.

Ты не делаешь ничего аморального.


Gov. but no concrete piece of evidence LT.

— LEADERSHIP TARGETING CELL that he was an operational figure LT. COL.

подразделение ЦРУ по вопросам ислама так и правительства США.

разведуправление министерства обороны не было.

ЦРУ что видел его по телевизору почти десять лет назад.

— Okay.

— Let’s go, V.

Frank, what the hell?

— Хорошо.

— Пойдем, Ви.

Фрэнк, какого хера?

Jesus, that’s gonna be some fuckin’ memoir!

It’s a storied life, gov.

Have you written any of it down?

Боже, охуеть будут мемуары!

Насыщенная жизнь была,

Ты хоть что-нибудь записал?

A man in Arkansas, this past weekend, flew over a river in a jet pack powered only by hair bleach, but was disappointed when he reach the other side to discover he was still an idiot.

arrest on federal corruption charges and calls from the Illinois Attorney General for him to step down, Gov

You’re not going to resign?

ћужчина из јрканзаса в конце прошлой недели перелетел реку на реактивном ранце, работающем только на отбеливателе дл€ волос, но был разочарован, когда оказалось, что он все еще идиот.

Ќесмотр€ на недавний арест по обвинению в коррупции и требование генерального прокурора штата «ллинойс уйти в отставку, губернатор Ѕлагоевич еще не сложил полномочи€, что подводит нас к нашей рубрике «—ерьезно, что ли?»

—ерьезно, Ѕлагоевич. «ы не собираешьс€ в отставку?

— Give me some music on now, please.

— Yes Gov!

Hey Charlie…

— Включите нам музыку, пожалуйста.

— Да, сэр.

Эй, Чарли…

And I look forward to seeing some of this wonderful work I’ve heard so much about.

Gov-Governor… Cha-Charlie’s actually brought something for you to have a look at now…


И с нетерпением жду встречи с твоими работами, о которых столько наслышан.

Чарли как раз принес Вам кое-что, чтобы вы взглянули, если хотите…


Since you got so much fucking time on your hands, yeah, answer this one: do you know how many people get killed by screws in prison every year?

Oh, sorry, Gov.

It was only people like me what is really rotten, isn’t it? Really bad. Beyond hope.

Раз у вас столько свободного, мать вашу, времени… так вот, скажите честно: вы хоть знаете, сколько людей умирают в тюрьме по вине надзирателей каждый год? Их убивают!

Ой, простите, губернатор, извините, откуда мы могли знать, что там происходит, и почему!

А у людей, которых вы засадили за решетку, уже нет никакой надежды.

And his work colleagues.

Gov, if he has got Ryan, maybe we can make him see sense to bring the boy in.

An appeal.

— С коллегами тоже.

Все считают его прекрасным парнем, шеф, если Райан у него, можеть быть, удастся убедить его образумиться и вернуть его?

— Обращение?

«Grove fly a. «

«Are fly gov. «

«Era fly gov. «

«Гроув летит а»,

«Летит губернатор».

«Эра летающих губернаторов».

«Are fly gov. «

«Era fly gov. «

— «Elf gov ray. «

«Летит губернатор».

«Эра летающих губернаторов».

— «Эль губернатор».

«Era fly gov. «

— «Elf gov ray. «

— It’s «Valley Forge».

«Эра летающих губернаторов».

— «Эль губернатор».

— Это «Вэлли-Фордж».

Ya dude!

Dude bett’r let go ‘v her!

Hey, Jungu!


Придушу! Быстрее!

Бон Чжун Гу!

Or needed Dutch courage to pull the trigger.

Gov, Ron…

Helen Shane.

Или для куражу пьет, чтобы на курок нажать.

Шеф, Рон…

Хелен Шейн.

Thanks for doing this.

When the Gov asks me to do something, I do it.

I figure we can start tomorrow.

Спасибо, что согласилась.

Если губернатор о чем-то просит, то я соглашаюсь.

Я думаю, мы можем начать завтра.

♪ Dust yourself off That’s when they knock you back down…

— Bored today, gov?

— I’m not bored.

— Вы что, сегодня заскучали? ♪ Приведи себя в порядок, И тебя опять завалят рядом… ♪


Обычная проверка.

It’s time.

Got some last words, Gov?

We’ll miss you, love.


Скажите пару слов, шеф.

Мы будем скучать.

What ar’ ya doin’ to her!

Ya bett’r let go ‘v her now!

I said let go ‘v her!

Ты чё творишь?

! ты чего в неё вцепился?


May I pay you Friday next?

But the gov is very clear.

Cash only, he said.

Можно я заплачу в пятницу?

Простите, мисс, но босс не разрешает.

Tолько наличньıми.

Seung-Jo Baeg! Ya bett’r let go ‘v her now!

I said let go ‘v her!

— You again?

! ты чего в неё вцепился?


Опять ты?

I’ll get my own lunch, thanks.

Gov, re the references to Amanda Delany’s accusations about being ripped off, I’ve contacted her agent

She has power of attorney.

У меня свой ланч, спасибо.

Шеф, что касается заявлений Аманды Делани о воровстве, я связалась с ее агентом, мисс Лессер, и попросила детальный отчет.

У нее генеральная доверенность.

Why didn’t Kayla tell us about social services herself?

Gov, her focus is on getting her kid back.

That’s gonna be the last thing on her mind.

А почему Кайла сама не рассказывала нам о социальной службе?

Шеф, она сейчас думает, как вернуть своего ребенка.

Какие тут социальные службы?

Bit «spaghetti against the wall», isn’t it?

Well, she hid the money for a reason, Gov.

Maybe she was moonlighting.

Немного притянуто за уши, вам не кажется?

Она ведь не просто так припрятала эти деньги, шеф.

Может, она халтурила.

Показать еще


Introduced January 1, 1985; 38 years ago
TLD type Sponsored top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Sponsor Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Intended use Governmental entities
Actual use Only the United States government; formerly only federal government but later expanded to include state and local government
Registration restrictions Must meet eligibility requirements and submit authorization letter
Structure Registrations at second level permitted
Documents RFC 920; RFC 1591; RFC 2146
Dispute policies None
Registry website home.dotgov.gov

The domain name gov is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The name is derived from the word government, indicating its restricted use by government entities. The TLD is administered by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),[1] a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security.

.gov is one of the original six top-level domains, defined in RFC 920.[2] Though “originally intended for any kind of government office or agency”,[3] only U.S.-based government organizations may register .gov domain names, a result of the Internet originating as a U.S. government-sponsored research network.

Other countries typically delegate a second-level domain for government operations on their country-code top-level domain (ccTLD); for example, .gov.uk is the domain for the Government of the United Kingdom, and .gc.ca is the domain for the Government of Canada. The United States is the only country that has a government-specific top-level domain in addition to its ccTLD (.us).

Beginning in 1997, the General Services Administration (GSA) began administering .gov. Responsibility for the TLD was transferred to CISA under the DOTGOV Online Trust in Government Act of 2020,[4] part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.

.gov domains are registered at dotgov.gov.


Many governments in the United States use a .gov domain, though most use .us (e.g., leg.state.nv.us), .com (e.g., myflorida.com), .org (e.g., lacity.org), or other TLDs (e.g., senate.mn).[5] The full list of registered .gov domains is published at dotgov.gov/data.[6]

During GSA’s administration of .gov, registration and annual renewal fees peaked at $400 per year.[7] When CISA began managing the TLD in April 2021, all fees were removed.[8]

Federal Executive branch policy requires the use of .gov for civilian agencies,[9] but some U.S. government-related websites use non-.gov domain names, including the United States Postal Service (e.g., usps.com) and various recruiting websites for armed services (e.g., goarmy.com). The United States Department of Defense and its subsidiary organizations typically use the .mil sTLD instead of .gov.


U.S.-based government organizations and publicly controlled entities are eligible to obtain a .gov domain. This includes federal, state, local, or territorial government, as well as any tribal government recognized by the federal government or a state government.[10]

To register a .gov domain, an authorization letter must be submitted to CISA. The signer of the letter differs by entity type, but it is typically an agency’s head, chief information officer (CIO), or highest-ranking or elected official.

Historically, only U.S. federal government agencies were allowed to register a .gov domain. In May 2002, GSA proposed a change that would open registration to state, local, and tribal governments in the U.S.,[11] a change that went into effect in March 2003.[12]

In November 2019, before the transfer of .gov to CISA, GSA’s authorization process was shown to be weak after someone impersonated the mayor of Exeter, Rhode Island in an authorization letter and successfully gained control of exeterri.gov. In response, GSA said it had implemented additional fraud prevention controls, and CISA advocated for transferring the TLD from GSA.[13]


The DOTGOV Act requires that CISA maintain requirements that “minimize the risk of .gov internet domains whose names could mislead or confuse users”.[14] These include:

  • Requested names must correspond with the requesting entity’s organization’s name or services.
  • Generic terms are reserved for federal agencies, though generic words can be combined with state or local municipality names.
  • Most non-federal domain types require a two-letter United States postal abbreviations or state name equivalent, though exceptions are made. Rules have been established for municipalities whose names are unique, who are well-known, or that are among the most populous cities and counties in the nation.[15]

The Act also requires that .gov domains not be used for political campaign or commercial purposes, and that domains are registered only by authorized individuals.

.gov has been used to serve certain policy goals. As an action following Executive Order 13571,[16] President Barack Obama restricted executive branch agencies from registering new .gov domains in an attempt to eliminate unnecessary, redundant, or outdated sites.[17] US government agencies used the .gov registrar to make it easy for new registrants to opt-in to HTTPS preloading [18] and to make it easier for the public to report potential security issues.[19]

Use by states and territories[edit]

As of February 2014, all states, the District of Columbia, and all territories except for the Northern Mariana Islands have operational domains in gov:

State or territory Domain
Alabama al.gov and alabama.gov
Alaska ak.gov and alaska.gov
American Samoa as.gov and americansamoa.gov
Arizona az.gov and arizona.gov
Arkansas ar.gov and arkansas.gov
California ca.gov and california.gov
Colorado co.gov and colorado.gov
Connecticut ct.gov
Delaware de.gov and delaware.gov
District of Columbia dc.gov
Florida florida.gov and fl.gov (redirects to myflorida.com)
Georgia ga.gov and georgia.gov
Guam guam.gov
Hawaii hawaii.gov ehawaii.gov and hi.gov
Idaho id.gov and idaho.gov
Illinois il.gov and illinois.gov
Indiana in.gov and indiana.gov
Iowa ia.gov and iowa.gov
Kansas ks.gov and kansas.gov
Kentucky ky.gov and kentucky.gov
Louisiana la.gov and louisiana.gov
Maine me.gov and maine.gov
Maryland md.gov and maryland.gov
Massachusetts ma.gov mass.gov and massachusetts.gov
Michigan mi.gov and michigan.gov
Minnesota mn.gov and minnesota.gov
Mississippi ms.gov and mississippi.gov
Missouri mo.gov and missouri.gov
Montana mt.gov and montana.gov
Nebraska ne.gov and nebraska.gov
Nevada nv.gov and nevada.gov
New Hampshire nh.gov and newhampshire.gov
New Jersey nj.gov and newjersey.gov
New Mexico nm.gov and newmexico.gov
New York ny.gov
North Carolina nc.gov and northcarolina.gov
North Dakota nd.gov and northdakota.gov
Ohio oh.gov and ohio.gov
Oklahoma ok.gov and oklahoma.gov
Oregon or.gov and oregon.gov
Pennsylvania pa.gov and pennsylvania.gov
Puerto Rico pr.gov
Rhode Island ri.gov and rhodeisland.gov
South Carolina sc.gov and southcarolina.gov
South Dakota sd.gov
Tennessee tn.gov and tennessee.gov
Texas tx.gov and texas.gov
Utah utah.gov
Vermont vt.gov and vermont.gov
Virgin Islands vi.gov
Virginia virginia.gov
Washington wa.gov and washington.gov
West Virginia wv.gov
Wisconsin wi.gov and wisconsin.gov
Wyoming wy.gov and wyoming.gov

International equivalents[edit]

While the use of gov as a top-level domain is restricted to the United States, several other countries have second-level domains of the same name or similar semantics for governmental purposes, including:

Country or Territory Domain Notes
Afghanistan gov.af
Albania gov.al
Algeria gov.dz
Andorra gov.ad
Angola gov.ao
Anguilla gov.ai British overseas territory
Armenia gov.am
Aruba gov.aw Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Argentina gob.ar
Austria gv.at
Australia gov.au
Åland gov.ax Part of Finland
Azerbaijan gov.az
Bangladesh gov.bd
Belarus gov.by
Belgium gov.be gov.be is for national matters, the Belgian Federal Government is using fgov.be and belgium.be
Bulgaria gov.bg Only the Council of Ministers uses this site.
Brazil gov.br
Chile gob.cl or gov.cl
Canada canada.ca All other provinces and territories of Canada: gov.{xx}.ca where ‘{xx}’ is the applicable province or territory’s postal abbreviation, except Quebec, which uses gouv.qc.ca, and New Brunswick, which uses gnb.ca
          Quebec gouv.qc.ca Part of Canada
China gov.cn
          Hong Kong gov.hk Part of China
          Macau gov.mo Part of China
Colombia gov.co
Croatia gov.hr
Cyprus gov.cy
Czechia gov.cz
Egypt gov.eg
Greece gov.gr
Finland gov.fi
France gouv.fr Stands for the French word gouvernement
Hungary gov.hu
India gov.in
Indonesia go.id
Iran gov.ir
Iraq gov.iq
          Kurdistan Regional Government gov.krd Part of Iraq
Ireland gov.ie
Israel gov.il
Italy gov.it
Japan go.jp
Kazakhstan gov.kz
Kenya go.ke
Latvia gov.lv
Lebanon gov.lb
Lithuania gov.lt
Malaysia gov.my
Malta gov.mt
Mexico gob.mx
Morocco gov.ma
Myanmar (Burma) gov.mm
Nepal gov.np
New Caledonia gouv.nc Part of French overseas
New Zealand govt.nz
Nigeria gov.ng
North Korea gov.kp
Paraguay gov.py
Peru gob.pe
Pakistan gov.pk
Philippines gov.ph
Poland gov.pl
Portugal gov.pt
Romania gov.ro
Russia gov.ru
Singapore gov.sg
Slovakia gov.sk
Slovenia gov.si
South Africa gov.za
South Korea go.kr
Spain gob.es
Sri Lanka gov.lk
Sweden gov.se
Switzerland admin.ch
Taiwan (Republic of China) gov.tw
Thailand go.th
Trinidad and Tobago gov.tt
Turkey gov.tr
Ukraine gov.ua
United Kingdom gov.uk
          Scotland gov.scot Part of the United Kingdom
          Wales gov.wales Part of the United Kingdom
          Guernsey gov.gg British Crown dependency
          Jersey gov.je British Crown dependency
          Isle of Man gov.im British Crown dependency
          Bermuda gov.bm British Overseas Territory
          Cayman Islands gov.ky British Overseas Territory
          Falkland Islands gov.fk British Overseas Territory
          Pitcairn Islands government.pn British Overseas Territory
Uruguay gub.uy
Venezuela gob.ve
Vietnam gov.vn

See also[edit]

  • usa.gov
  • .us


  1. ^ «Delegation Record for .gov». Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Retrieved July 11, 2021.
  2. ^ Postel, John; Reynolds, Joyce (October 1984). «RFC 920 — Domain Requirements». Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  3. ^ Postel, John (March 1994). «RFC 1591 — Domain Name System Structure and Delegation». Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  4. ^ «DOTGOV Act of 2020». December 27, 2020. Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  5. ^ Schreiber, Paul (April 4, 2021). «State legislature websites, compared». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  6. ^ «.gov data». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved August 8, 2021.
  7. ^ «Gov Domain Fee Increase FAQs» (PDF). General Services Administration. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 1, 2016. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  8. ^ «A new day for .gov». Dotgov.gov. April 27, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  9. ^ «Memorandum 17-06: Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services» (PDF). Office of Management and Budget. §9, «Use Only Approved Domains». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  10. ^ «Eligibility, .gov domain requirements». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  11. ^ «GSA Proposes Rule to Make Dot-Gov Domain Available to Non-Federal Government Entities». General Services Administration. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  12. ^ «Federal Management Regulation; Internet GOV Domain». Federal Register. Retrieved September 19, 2021.
  13. ^ Krebs, Brian. «It’s way too easy to get a .gov domain name». KrebsOnSecurity.com. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  14. ^ «6 USC 665». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  15. ^ «.gov domain requirements». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  16. ^ «Executive Order 13571». April 27, 2011. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  17. ^ Phillips, Macon (June 13, 2011). «TooManyWebsites.gov». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  18. ^ Dixon, Cameron; Fox, Marina (October 29, 2018). «GSA steps up security for .gov». Digital.gov. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  19. ^ «Binding Operational Directive 20-01». Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. September 2, 2020. Retrieved August 5, 2021.

External links[edit]

  • Official .gov registration site
  • IANA gov whois information
  • RFC 920 Domain Requirements (defined .com and the other original top-level domains)
  • RFC 2146 U.S. Government Internet Domain Names
  • Complete list of .gov domains

Introduced January 1, 1985; 38 years ago
TLD type Sponsored top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Sponsor Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Intended use Governmental entities
Actual use Only the United States government; formerly only federal government but later expanded to include state and local government
Registration restrictions Must meet eligibility requirements and submit authorization letter
Structure Registrations at second level permitted
Documents RFC 920; RFC 1591; RFC 2146
Dispute policies None
Registry website home.dotgov.gov

The domain name gov is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The name is derived from the word government, indicating its restricted use by government entities. The TLD is administered by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),[1] a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security.

.gov is one of the original six top-level domains, defined in RFC 920.[2] Though “originally intended for any kind of government office or agency”,[3] only U.S.-based government organizations may register .gov domain names, a result of the Internet originating as a U.S. government-sponsored research network.

Other countries typically delegate a second-level domain for government operations on their country-code top-level domain (ccTLD); for example, .gov.uk is the domain for the Government of the United Kingdom, and .gc.ca is the domain for the Government of Canada. The United States is the only country that has a government-specific top-level domain in addition to its ccTLD (.us).

Beginning in 1997, the General Services Administration (GSA) began administering .gov. Responsibility for the TLD was transferred to CISA under the DOTGOV Online Trust in Government Act of 2020,[4] part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.

.gov domains are registered at dotgov.gov.


Many governments in the United States use a .gov domain, though most use .us (e.g., leg.state.nv.us), .com (e.g., myflorida.com), .org (e.g., lacity.org), or other TLDs (e.g., senate.mn).[5] The full list of registered .gov domains is published at dotgov.gov/data.[6]

During GSA’s administration of .gov, registration and annual renewal fees peaked at $400 per year.[7] When CISA began managing the TLD in April 2021, all fees were removed.[8]

Federal Executive branch policy requires the use of .gov for civilian agencies,[9] but some U.S. government-related websites use non-.gov domain names, including the United States Postal Service (e.g., usps.com) and various recruiting websites for armed services (e.g., goarmy.com). The United States Department of Defense and its subsidiary organizations typically use the .mil sTLD instead of .gov.


U.S.-based government organizations and publicly controlled entities are eligible to obtain a .gov domain. This includes federal, state, local, or territorial government, as well as any tribal government recognized by the federal government or a state government.[10]

To register a .gov domain, an authorization letter must be submitted to CISA. The signer of the letter differs by entity type, but it is typically an agency’s head, chief information officer (CIO), or highest-ranking or elected official.

Historically, only U.S. federal government agencies were allowed to register a .gov domain. In May 2002, GSA proposed a change that would open registration to state, local, and tribal governments in the U.S.,[11] a change that went into effect in March 2003.[12]

In November 2019, before the transfer of .gov to CISA, GSA’s authorization process was shown to be weak after someone impersonated the mayor of Exeter, Rhode Island in an authorization letter and successfully gained control of exeterri.gov. In response, GSA said it had implemented additional fraud prevention controls, and CISA advocated for transferring the TLD from GSA.[13]


The DOTGOV Act requires that CISA maintain requirements that “minimize the risk of .gov internet domains whose names could mislead or confuse users”.[14] These include:

  • Requested names must correspond with the requesting entity’s organization’s name or services.
  • Generic terms are reserved for federal agencies, though generic words can be combined with state or local municipality names.
  • Most non-federal domain types require a two-letter United States postal abbreviations or state name equivalent, though exceptions are made. Rules have been established for municipalities whose names are unique, who are well-known, or that are among the most populous cities and counties in the nation.[15]

The Act also requires that .gov domains not be used for political campaign or commercial purposes, and that domains are registered only by authorized individuals.

.gov has been used to serve certain policy goals. As an action following Executive Order 13571,[16] President Barack Obama restricted executive branch agencies from registering new .gov domains in an attempt to eliminate unnecessary, redundant, or outdated sites.[17] US government agencies used the .gov registrar to make it easy for new registrants to opt-in to HTTPS preloading [18] and to make it easier for the public to report potential security issues.[19]

Use by states and territories[edit]

As of February 2014, all states, the District of Columbia, and all territories except for the Northern Mariana Islands have operational domains in gov:

State or territory Domain
Alabama al.gov and alabama.gov
Alaska ak.gov and alaska.gov
American Samoa as.gov and americansamoa.gov
Arizona az.gov and arizona.gov
Arkansas ar.gov and arkansas.gov
California ca.gov and california.gov
Colorado co.gov and colorado.gov
Connecticut ct.gov
Delaware de.gov and delaware.gov
District of Columbia dc.gov
Florida florida.gov and fl.gov (redirects to myflorida.com)
Georgia ga.gov and georgia.gov
Guam guam.gov
Hawaii hawaii.gov ehawaii.gov and hi.gov
Idaho id.gov and idaho.gov
Illinois il.gov and illinois.gov
Indiana in.gov and indiana.gov
Iowa ia.gov and iowa.gov
Kansas ks.gov and kansas.gov
Kentucky ky.gov and kentucky.gov
Louisiana la.gov and louisiana.gov
Maine me.gov and maine.gov
Maryland md.gov and maryland.gov
Massachusetts ma.gov mass.gov and massachusetts.gov
Michigan mi.gov and michigan.gov
Minnesota mn.gov and minnesota.gov
Mississippi ms.gov and mississippi.gov
Missouri mo.gov and missouri.gov
Montana mt.gov and montana.gov
Nebraska ne.gov and nebraska.gov
Nevada nv.gov and nevada.gov
New Hampshire nh.gov and newhampshire.gov
New Jersey nj.gov and newjersey.gov
New Mexico nm.gov and newmexico.gov
New York ny.gov
North Carolina nc.gov and northcarolina.gov
North Dakota nd.gov and northdakota.gov
Ohio oh.gov and ohio.gov
Oklahoma ok.gov and oklahoma.gov
Oregon or.gov and oregon.gov
Pennsylvania pa.gov and pennsylvania.gov
Puerto Rico pr.gov
Rhode Island ri.gov and rhodeisland.gov
South Carolina sc.gov and southcarolina.gov
South Dakota sd.gov
Tennessee tn.gov and tennessee.gov
Texas tx.gov and texas.gov
Utah utah.gov
Vermont vt.gov and vermont.gov
Virgin Islands vi.gov
Virginia virginia.gov
Washington wa.gov and washington.gov
West Virginia wv.gov
Wisconsin wi.gov and wisconsin.gov
Wyoming wy.gov and wyoming.gov

International equivalents[edit]

While the use of gov as a top-level domain is restricted to the United States, several other countries have second-level domains of the same name or similar semantics for governmental purposes, including:

Country or Territory Domain Notes
Afghanistan gov.af
Albania gov.al
Algeria gov.dz
Andorra gov.ad
Angola gov.ao
Anguilla gov.ai British overseas territory
Armenia gov.am
Aruba gov.aw Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Argentina gob.ar
Austria gv.at
Australia gov.au
Åland gov.ax Part of Finland
Azerbaijan gov.az
Bangladesh gov.bd
Belarus gov.by
Belgium gov.be gov.be is for national matters, the Belgian Federal Government is using fgov.be and belgium.be
Bulgaria gov.bg Only the Council of Ministers uses this site.
Brazil gov.br
Chile gob.cl or gov.cl
Canada canada.ca All other provinces and territories of Canada: gov.{xx}.ca where ‘{xx}’ is the applicable province or territory’s postal abbreviation, except Quebec, which uses gouv.qc.ca, and New Brunswick, which uses gnb.ca
          Quebec gouv.qc.ca Part of Canada
China gov.cn
          Hong Kong gov.hk Part of China
          Macau gov.mo Part of China
Colombia gov.co
Croatia gov.hr
Cyprus gov.cy
Czechia gov.cz
Egypt gov.eg
Greece gov.gr
Finland gov.fi
France gouv.fr Stands for the French word gouvernement
Hungary gov.hu
India gov.in
Indonesia go.id
Iran gov.ir
Iraq gov.iq
          Kurdistan Regional Government gov.krd Part of Iraq
Ireland gov.ie
Israel gov.il
Italy gov.it
Japan go.jp
Kazakhstan gov.kz
Kenya go.ke
Latvia gov.lv
Lebanon gov.lb
Lithuania gov.lt
Malaysia gov.my
Malta gov.mt
Mexico gob.mx
Morocco gov.ma
Myanmar (Burma) gov.mm
Nepal gov.np
New Caledonia gouv.nc Part of French overseas
New Zealand govt.nz
Nigeria gov.ng
North Korea gov.kp
Paraguay gov.py
Peru gob.pe
Pakistan gov.pk
Philippines gov.ph
Poland gov.pl
Portugal gov.pt
Romania gov.ro
Russia gov.ru
Singapore gov.sg
Slovakia gov.sk
Slovenia gov.si
South Africa gov.za
South Korea go.kr
Spain gob.es
Sri Lanka gov.lk
Sweden gov.se
Switzerland admin.ch
Taiwan (Republic of China) gov.tw
Thailand go.th
Trinidad and Tobago gov.tt
Turkey gov.tr
Ukraine gov.ua
United Kingdom gov.uk
          Scotland gov.scot Part of the United Kingdom
          Wales gov.wales Part of the United Kingdom
          Guernsey gov.gg British Crown dependency
          Jersey gov.je British Crown dependency
          Isle of Man gov.im British Crown dependency
          Bermuda gov.bm British Overseas Territory
          Cayman Islands gov.ky British Overseas Territory
          Falkland Islands gov.fk British Overseas Territory
          Pitcairn Islands government.pn British Overseas Territory
Uruguay gub.uy
Venezuela gob.ve
Vietnam gov.vn

See also[edit]

  • usa.gov
  • .us


  1. ^ «Delegation Record for .gov». Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Retrieved July 11, 2021.
  2. ^ Postel, John; Reynolds, Joyce (October 1984). «RFC 920 — Domain Requirements». Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  3. ^ Postel, John (March 1994). «RFC 1591 — Domain Name System Structure and Delegation». Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  4. ^ «DOTGOV Act of 2020». December 27, 2020. Retrieved June 20, 2021.
  5. ^ Schreiber, Paul (April 4, 2021). «State legislature websites, compared». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  6. ^ «.gov data». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved August 8, 2021.
  7. ^ «Gov Domain Fee Increase FAQs» (PDF). General Services Administration. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 1, 2016. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  8. ^ «A new day for .gov». Dotgov.gov. April 27, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  9. ^ «Memorandum 17-06: Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services» (PDF). Office of Management and Budget. §9, «Use Only Approved Domains». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  10. ^ «Eligibility, .gov domain requirements». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  11. ^ «GSA Proposes Rule to Make Dot-Gov Domain Available to Non-Federal Government Entities». General Services Administration. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  12. ^ «Federal Management Regulation; Internet GOV Domain». Federal Register. Retrieved September 19, 2021.
  13. ^ Krebs, Brian. «It’s way too easy to get a .gov domain name». KrebsOnSecurity.com. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  14. ^ «6 USC 665». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  15. ^ «.gov domain requirements». Dotgov.gov. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  16. ^ «Executive Order 13571». April 27, 2011. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  17. ^ Phillips, Macon (June 13, 2011). «TooManyWebsites.gov». Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  18. ^ Dixon, Cameron; Fox, Marina (October 29, 2018). «GSA steps up security for .gov». Digital.gov. Retrieved August 5, 2021.
  19. ^ «Binding Operational Directive 20-01». Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. September 2, 2020. Retrieved August 5, 2021.

External links[edit]

  • Official .gov registration site
  • IANA gov whois information
  • RFC 920 Domain Requirements (defined .com and the other original top-level domains)
  • RFC 2146 U.S. Government Internet Domain Names
  • Complete list of .gov domains

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

губернатор m






Proved to be the cleanest sites in the U.S. domain gov — there is almost no infected sites.

Самыми чистыми оказались сайты на американском домене «gov» — почти нет зараженных сайтов.

gov — for state and local authorities

gov — для государственных и местных органов власти

Announcements. gov means it’s official.

gov означает, что это официально.

Exit. gov means it’s official.

gov означает, что это официально.

gov — reserved for government departments or entities.

GOV — лицензии для государственных предприятий и учреждений.

gov? — only government sites have this domain

gov — только государственные сайты имеют это расширение домена.

gov — indicates governmental entities and agencies.

GOV — для правительственных организаций и структур.

gov — It is limited to government agencies.

gov — предназначен для правительственных учреждений.

gov — For national and government agencies

gov — для государственных и местных органов власти

gov — This particular domain extension is reserved solely for government agencies.

gov — Это конкретное расширение домена зарезервировано исключительно для государственных учреждений.

Generic top-level domains (formerly Categories) initially consisted of gov, edu, com, mil, org, and net.

Общие домены верхнего уровня (ранее категории) первоначально состояли из gov, edu, com, mil, org и net.

Another provision of this project requires clerks to use professional email addresses (gov), so that the use of multiple public communication platforms would be eliminated.

Другое положение проекта обязывает государственных служащих пользоваться адресами рабочей электронной почты (gov) с тем, чтобы не использовать различные платформы для общения между органами государственного управления.

gov is the top-level domain for US-based government organizations.

gov — общий домен верхнего уровня для правительственных организаций США.

The first seven domains in the list (com, edu, gov, mil, net, int, and org) have been part of the domain system since the beginning.

Первые семь доменов списка (сом, edu, gov, mil, net, int и org) существовали в доменной системе изначально.

The only controls on the network belong to companies that issue conditional electronic addresses (in the form of verbal code (lv, ru, com, org, gov, etc.) — the real address is a numeric code and is assigned differently).

Единственными органами управления в сети являются компании, выдающие условные электронные адреса (в виде словесного кода (ru, com, org, gov и т.д.) — реальный адрес является цифровым кодом и назначается иначе).

The ending may tell more generalized information like what type of company yours is («gov«, «edu» etc.), what country you belong to, and more.

А вторая часть рассказывает более стандартизированную информацию, например, тип компании («gov«, «edu»), с которой она страны, и многое другое.

gov (government) — This domain extension can only be used by government entities.

gov — только государственные сайты имеют это расширение домена.

Class A domains by levels: international (com, gov, net, etc.), national (ua, us, uk, etc.), internationalized.

Классифицируют домены по уровням: международный (сом, gov, net и прочие), национальный (ua, us, uk и прочие), интернационализированный.

gov = Government organizations (non-military)

GOV: Правительственные учреждения (кроме военных)

You can find the OSHA Pocket Guide to Construction Safety (it’s a short and an easy read) at the main website (OSHA DOT gov) by searching for the report name.

Карманное руководство OSHA по безопасности строительства (краткое и простое для чтения) можно найти на главном веб-сайте (OSHA DOT gov), выполнив поиск по названию отчета.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1335. Точных совпадений: 1335. Затраченное время: 107 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Гов перевод на английский

38 параллельный перевод

а затем накорм € т нас солЄной гов € диной.

then fill us up with corned beef.

— ќтлично. » холодна € гов € дина.

— Jolly good. And the cold beef.

‘олодна € гов € дина без горчицы?

Cold beef without mustard?

ѕирог с гов € диной немного намок.

The veal pie’s a bit wet.

ѕирог с гов € диной немного намок?

The veal pie’s a bit wet?

ќтбивна € гов € дина в винном соусе.

Braised veal in wine sauce. Mmm! Mmm!

солнце, молоко, гов € дина, колледж.

— Yo, man, what happened? — They were stealing.

Может потому, что это полное гов…

Maybe because it’s a crock of sh…

¬ озьми хорошую гов € дину.

You need good beef.

¬ јргентине хороша € гов € дина.

Argentina has great beef.

» спанка € гов € дина хороша €.

— Spain has good beef.

Если нет смьiсла, то все только впустую. Я сто раз об этом гов….

If there’s no meaning, then it’s all in vain — just a chasing after the wind.

ѕолотенце из гов € дины?

Uh, beef diaper?

Я действительно не имею ни малейшего понятия о чем ты гов…

I have honestly absolutely no idea what you are talking abou…

И теперь табличка гласит : «Догма? Да гов».

She said, «Just take off the two letters.» I said, «All right.»

Ќужно чтобы у теб € кончились все гов € жьи отбивные чувак.

You gotta be all out of beef jerky, man!

Если б мы просто продолжали прослушку два месяца назад, сейчас бы не пришлось пробиваться через это гов- —

If we just stayed up on the wire two months ago, we wouldn’t be going through this sh- —

Тупые гов * юки, как по-вашему, чьё это здание?

Whose house do you think you’re standing in, you stupid speck of shit?

Ничего подобного. О чём ты гов…?

I don’t love The Playbook.

— Кусок гов… И как вы стали супердержавой?

— Piece of… how are you a superpower?

Касательно Крейгов.

As for the Craigs,

Это животное убило одного из моих охранников и зарезало единственную дочку Крейгов.

That animal killed one of my guards and slaughtered the Craigs’only daughter.

И это не всё, гов..!

I got some for you…

Я понятия не имею о чем ты гов… Скажи мне.

I don’t know what you’re talking abo… ( gasps and groans ) tell me.

О чем ты гов…

What are you t…

Он обедает у Крейгов.

Uh, he’s having dinner at Craig’s.

Твоё гов… — Вввввв… «Вон, глядите, конкурс талантов».

— Iiit… ♪ It looks like there’s a talent show ♪

Мэлори сейчас действительно проходит поэтому нам следует сделать что-нибудь приятное для неё. о чём ты гов…

Look, I think Malory is genuinely going through a really hard time right now, so I think we should do something nice for her. I don’t understand what you’re say…

Он издевается, гов…

Seriously, motherf…

Мы не должны гов…

I should not be talking…

Дар б-гов, я так думаю.

God’s gift, I guess.

Во имя всех б-гов, что тут происходит?

What in God’s green earth is going on here?

Что бы там ни было, не трогай его, если не хочешь получить мешок гов…

Oh, whatever you do, don’t fine him, unless you want a bag of human sh…

В последний раз, как я тебя видел, ты воровал воду из канализации у «грейгов».

Last time I saw you, you were… You were stealing sewer water from the griegas.

( А они едят гов… ) ( ногу влево, ногу вправо, )

Not like your team.

  • перевод на «гов» турецкий

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