Идеальный партнер сочинение на английском

1 page, 300 words

Everybody has their own choice of person whom they want to be with. For myself, my ideal partner should be the one who has good and best important personalities.

My ideal partner will be someone who is confident, someone who believes in family values and understands the importance of family and who has the spirit to take up challenges and overcome them”.

My life partner should have is love and caring nature and who is more responsible enough and who can hold me in his loving and caring hands. I feel where there is trust and understanding there will be the divine existence and happiness throughout the life. Life Partner should not be money minded.

I am looking for a good mature life partner who will love me, care for me n understand me.In any relation a good friendship is essential. So partner should be my good friend also, as I will be hope for the best.I want a friend who understands me, a friendly soul who can add a meaning to my life and to whom I can say -You make My Life simple.

I am looking for a partner who will be a friend, willing to stand by me at every stage of my life.

Besides,he is the guy whom truly love me, accepting all your negative habits and faults, willing to share the joy and sadness,unhappiness or happiness. In my opinion, sharing is one of the most important thing in family life. It will help us overcome those difficulties in life & find the best solution to resolve them. That’s the base help our relationship will remain to the end .

2 pages, 867 words

The Essay on Life partner

Characteristic mostly considered by men when choosing a Woman as their Life Marriage is a sacred contract between a woman and a man. It is where a couple begins the long journey of life with shared love, harmony, cooperation, tolerance and comfort with each other. The Commitment of marriage is one of the most recommended acts in Islam. The Qur’an has described this relationship between men and …

In conclusion,these things that i mention above are base personalities of my partner and i hope i will meet her soon.

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There are many things I look for in a relationship and in a partner, loyalty and respect being at the top. A relationship is based completely on loyalty and the trust that you must have in your partner. I would never want my partner to make me feel like I was a second choice or not good enough for them, just as much as I would not want my partner to feel that way. Loyalty is about support and allegiance, my partner needs to support my decisions and my goals one-hundred percent.

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Respect is to admire your partner’’s abilities and achievements and to never put them down. A relationship is two sided and must stay balanced for it to be healthy and functioning. I plan on working at a job I love and being very successful when I grow up, I hope the same for my husband. If my husband were more successful than me it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest and if it were the opposite I would not want a partner that felt threatened or second best.

I could not be with someone that didn’t aspire to achieve great things in life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also very important that is why I want a partner that motivates me to stay fit and to eat healthy. I do not want a husband that is lazy and content with whatever is given to him. We will strive together to be active and be able to live a long and happy life.

Being fit is important to me because I love to travel and to explore and go on adventures, I need a partner that also enjoys these things. Wanting to travel to many different countries and explore new things is something my ideal partner would definitely need to be interested in. I want kids and my partner must too. Couples often get into serious relationships without knowing what the other person might want in the future. My ideal partner would want to live the same life that I do.

That is why it is important that I marry someone that is interested in having at least two kids, I want to be able to start a family of my own. Finally my partner must be attractive. Although physical attraction is not what to base a relationship on it, it can’t hurt. Having an attractive partner can only be beneficial, it can boost confidence and make you more compelled to enjoy the time you spend together. I would like to marry someone that I enjoy looking at everyday. I want my husband to be tall and to be muscular, who could argue that? Ha. In conclusion my ideal partner would be a combination of many different qualities. It is someone that I can trust and feel I can confide anything to. It is someone that respects me, and my aspirations. It is someone that wants to travel the world and see new things. It is someone that wants kids and to have a family. It is someone that is physically attractive and fit. My ideal partner will treat me as his equal.

I’m still young, I don’t think I need to think about marriage that soon. However, that does not mean I haven’t thought about the person I would like to marry one day. The person whom I think is fit
to be my life
partner should have some very important qualities.

Firstly, she should be faithful and loyal to me. A person who is faithful is trustworthy and dependable. She will not cheat on her loved ones and will not do anything that will make her partner
feel insecure. This is very important in a relationship. A wife must be able to have full confidence in her husband or else she would become suspicious or jealous.

Almost as important as faithfulness is patience. My ideal partner shouldn’t be someone who is quick-tempered. If I were to lose my cool, she would remain calm, and same goes to me too. This is an
important trait because if both of us are impatient types, we’d end up quarrelling all the time. And the relationship won’t be able to last long.

Let’s not forget this – someone who has a good sense of humour. People with good sense of humour are fun to be with. They don’t look at life so seriously nor do they get weighed down by troubles.
Instead, they have a positive outlook of life. Humour can help to make others feel good or to help buffer stress. I love being with jovial people like that. I would want to marry a woman who is
able to see the funny side of things. She could comfort me when I’m down by making me laugh.

In a nutshell, I think faithfulness, patience and having a good sense of humour are essential for a relationship to last. I also think that having these three qualities will help us weather the
storms in life. I am not sure if my ideal partner exists, but I hope she’s somewhere here on Earth and soon we will meet one day.

© Copyright 2023 Tran Cuo Veung. All rights reserved.

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My ideal partner

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  • Сочинение на тему:Мой идеальный партнер. Очень нужна помочь, пожалуйста помогите))

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      Русский язык

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      3 года назад

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  • fizika

    2 минуты назад

    Физика, помогите пожалуйста ??????

  • angliiskii-yazyk
    Английский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Пожалуйста, помогите очень срочно надо!!!

  • geografiya

    2 минуты назад

    Визначте, у яких двох півкулях розташовані острови: 2
    в) Тасманія
    а) Мадагаскар
    г) Гренландія.
    б) Ісландія

  • angliiskii-yazyk
    Английский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Срочно…Нужно по этому предложению сделать 1. +2. — 3. ?4. 2 вопросительных предложения со словами Where и WhoА вот и предложение:We visited our relatives yesterdayЖду)​

  • matematika

    2 минуты назад

    уравнение прямой, если она проходит через точку М(-5; 5+2) перпендикулярно вектору n(5;4)


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