Интересный рассказ на английском языке 6 класс

The Lion and the Mouse

Once a Lion decided to have a rest.
While he’d been asleep a little Mouse started to run up and down upon him. The
Lion woke up because of that, put his huge paw upon the Mouse and opened his
awful mouth to swallow him.

«I beg your pardon, my King!» the
little Mouse cried, «Forgive me please. I shall never do it again and I shall
never forget how kind you were to me. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll do you
a favor in turn?»

The Lion found the idea of the Mouse
being able to help him so funny, that he let him go.

Sometime later the Lion was captured
by hunters. They tied him to a tree and they went away for a while searching
for a wagon to carry him on.

Just then the little Mouse happened
to pass by, and the Lion in trouble. At once he ran up to him and soon gnawed
away the ropes that tied the King. «Wasn’t I really right?» the little Mouse
said, being very proud of his role of the Lion’s saviour.

Переведите слова: Once, trouble, a huge paw, a rest, to capture, to
carry, a favor.

предложение в тексте на английском:
И кто знает, может быть однажды я смогу оказаться тебе
полезным в свою очередь.



beg your pardon, my King!»


away for a while searching for a wagon to carry him on.


he’d been asleep a little Mouse


away the ropes that tied the King.


tied him to a tree and they


little Mouse cried


once he ran up to him and soon


shall never forget how kind you were to me.


shall never do it again and


to run up and down upon him.

4.     Сделайте синквейн:

Main characters:

The Lion

The Mouse





описывающее главного героя

описывающее главного героя

searching – во время поиска

Pass by – проходить мимо, пропускать.

Gnaw [nϽ:] – грызть, глотать.

Rope – веревка, канат, трос.


A Horse and a Dog (an
English fairy-tale)

upon a time there was a horse whose name was Reginald. Every morning he was
delivering milk, he usually met his friend Blackie, who was a little black dog.

didn’t want to be a milkman’s horse. He wanted to be a racehorse and win the
Derbi.1 And
Blackie, who had rather short legs, wanted to be able to run very fast, like a

afternoon they were sitting in Reginald’s stable. Suddenly Blackie said that he
had, an idea.

do we not eat coal?» — he said. «Trains eat coal and run fast.»

thought about this for a long time, and at last Reginald said: «Let’s try it,»

they went down to the coal cellar. They were going to take some coal, when Mrs
Marry, the landlady, came in.

You are stealing my coal!» —  she began to cry, and she picked up a piece
of coal and threw it at them. They ran away. They had never run so fast in
their lives before.2

then the Mayor was looking out of the window.

that horse can run fast I’m sure it can win the Derby, look at the dog; it’s a
real hound I’ll give them each a medal.» And he did.

upon a time –
давным давно

доставлять, вручать

a hound

a stable

a coal – уголь, уголек

cellar – подвал,

win the Derby [‘dɑːbɪ]
— выиграть Дерби
 (ежегодные скачки, проводящиеся неподалеку
от Лондона)

2  They had never run so fast in their lives before.— Они
никогда не бегали так быстро прежде. (had run — подобные глагольные формы переводятся прошедшим


Find the mistake in the words: Treins, wyh, windou, ujually, onc, evry moning, litle
blak, aftenoon, doun, taime.

Make questions about the text: When? Why? What? Where?…

Find irregular verbs in the text and say their 3 forms.

Find the translation of the sentences: Они
думали об этом в течение долгого времени и в конце концов Редженальд сказал:
«Давай попробуем это». И так они спустились в подвал с углем.

Which character can be described in the following words:

who had rather short legs,
wanted to be able to run very fast, like a hound.

Translate the following sentences into Russian

Just then the Mayor was
looking out of the window.

«Oh, that horse can run fast
I’m sure it can win the Derby, look at the dog; it’s a real hound I’ll give
them each a medal.» And he did.

jackal and the elephant

The jackal lived in a very untidy old house. He didn’t want to
clean or repair it. He was lazy and never took care of his house. That is why
the roof of his house had holes in it.

 One day an elephant was walking past the jackal’s house. The
elephant was very, very large and heavy. He tripped on the stone, fell right
on top of jackal’s house and broke the roof.
The jackal cried, «Oh, my
house! It’s broken! What can I do? Where will I live ?”
The elephant said, “I’m sorry for that! I’ll make a new strong roof for your
The elephant worked hard to make a new beautiful roof for the
jackal’s house. But the jackal wasn’t happy. He thought, “The elephant is
afraid of me! He said, he was sorry and he’s making a new roof now. So, he’s
afraid of me! A huge elephant is afraid of me! I’ll tell him to make a new
house for me!”

Soon the new roof was ready. The elephant wanted to go home but the jackal
didn’t let him do it. He said, “Hey, you! Do you think that a new roof is
enough? No, it’s not enough! I want a new house! You must build a new house
for me!”
It wasn’t fair and the elephant was really angry with the jackal.
He came to the jackal’s house and sat on it with all his huge heavy body. The
house with its new beautiful roof was broken.
The elephant didn’t say
a word and left.

The jackal never understood why the elephant did so.

to be afraid of – бояться чеголибо

to take care of – заботиться о чем-либо

to trip – бежать вприпрыжку, спотыкаться

1.      Match
words with translation:

















2.      Make
sentences in order

Hey, you! Do you think that a new roof is enough?

Oh, my house! It’s broken!

You must build a new house for me!

I’m sorry for that!

I want a new house!

What can I do?

I’ll make a new strong roof for your house!”

No, it’s not enough!

Where will I live?

3.     Translate the highlighted sentences into Russian

Main characters:

The jackal

The elephant





описывающее главного героя

описывающее главного героя

Read the story about a parrot and you
will know why parrots can only repeat words. But first learn the words.

1.     talkative —

2.     honest —

3.     dishonest —

4.     cruel —

5.     intelligent —

6.     polite — вежливый

7.     tell the
сказать правду

8.     tell lies —
говорить ложь

9.     have an
есть идея

10. repeat the words —
повторять слова

11. poure – лить, наливать

parrots repeat words

time ago all the birds could talk like people. Most of all the birds, people
liked the talkative parrot be­cause this honest bird
always told the truth.

lived with a dishonest cruel man. One night the man killed his
friend’s cow. When the friend came to look for it in the morning, he asked
the dishonest cruel man, «Did you kill my cow yesterday?»

I didn’t,» said the man.

that the truth? Let’s ask the parrot, because he always tells the truth

he did. This dishonest cruel man killed the cow,» answered the

night came, the man had an idea. He put a great cup on the parrot’s
head. Then he poured a lot of water on the cup.

the morning his friend and some other people came to his house again.

know that this dishonest cruel man killed my cow. The parrot
says that he did.»

are wrong!
 That parrot tells lies. He will not tell
the truth
 even about what happened last night. Ask him if there was
the moon in the sky yesterday.»

said the parrot. «There was no moon, it was raining all night.»

is impossible! This bird tells lies! What shall we do?» the
people said. «Fly away! You can’t live with us!»

the parrot flew away unhappily into the forest where he met a mocking-bird (
пересмешник) and told him his

did you not repeat words as I do?» asked the mocking-bird.
«Men always think their words are clever.»

the man told lies and he was not intelligent,»
said the parrot.

is nothing,» answered the mocking-bird. «Say what they say, and
they will think you are a wonderful and polite bird.»

I see,» said the parrot, «from now on, I will only repeat their words

1.     Translate these

in the morning, kill, yesterday, people, night, a great cup, the forest, Fly
away! It is impossible!

2.     Put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“ if it is wrong.

day the man killed his friend’s cow.

ask the parrot, because he always tells the lies

the morning his friend and some other people came to his house again.

was no moon, it was raining all night» said the parrot.

what they say, and they will think you are a wonderful and polite bird.

3.     Find the
translation of these sentences in English in the text:

— «Это
невозможно! Эта птица говорит ложь! Что нам следует сделать?» сказали люди.
«Улетай прочь! Ты можешь жить без нас!»

— Больше
всех птиц, люди любили разговорчивого попугая, потому что, честная птица всегда
говорила правду.

— «Да я
вижу,» сказал попугай, «с этого момента я буду только повторять их слова.»

The Useful Dragon

upon a time there lived a dragon whose name was Komodo [ka’moudou]. He could
breathe fire, and all the people who lived nearby were afraid of him. When
they heard him or saw him, they ran away and hid.
They could always hear
him because he had six feet, and wore three pairs of shoes, and each of his
shoes creaked.

day he met a little girl who wasn’t afraid of him.
«Why are you so
fierce?» she asked. «Why do you breathe fire when you see anybody?»

said Komodo, «I never really thought about it. Shall I stop it?»

please,» said the little girl whose name was Susie [‘sju:zi].

right,» said Komodo, «I’ll try.»

said good-bye to each other, and Susie went home. It was beginning to get dark.
Susie was surprised because all the lamps in the town were not lit. She
found out that it was because of the lamplighter, whose name was Charlie.

hadn’t lit  the street lamps because he was still in bed. He was tired
after lighting the lamps the night before.

mayor of the town was very angry with Charlie.
«What must I do
about that?» he thought.

Susie had an idea. She ran to Komodo’s cave, brought him to the town. Komodo
breathed fire on each lamp and lit it.

glad the people were!

Now they were not afraid of the dragon. They could see he was a friendly
animal. And after that Komodo came and lit the lamps every time when Charlie
had his holiday.

Words to remember (слова для

  1. dragon
    — дракон
  2. fire
    — огонь
  3. be
    afraid of the dragon —
    бояться дракона
  4. be
    surprised because — удивиться потому что
  5. be
    tired after — устать после
  6. be
    angry with — сердиться на
  7. hear
    (heard) — слышать (услышал)
  8. see
    (saw) — увидеть или понимать (увидел, понял)
  9. run
    away (ran away) —
    убежать (убежал)
  10. hide
    (hid) — спрятаться (спрятался)

examples of closed and open vowel syllables in words

Words to understand (слова для


давным давно жил был





upon a time there lived






out (found out)







узнать (узнала)

3.      Write the sentences in the right order.

1 — The mayor of the town was very angry with Charlie.

2 — He could breathe fire, and all the people who lived nearby
were afraid of him.

3 — They could see he was a friendly animal.

4 — They said good-bye to each other, and Susie went home.

5 — «Why do you breathe fire when you see anybody?»

— He was tired after lighting the lamps the night before.

— And after that Komodo came and lit the lamps every time when Charlie had his

4.         Translate
the highlighted sentences into Russian.

At the
North Pole school

It’s winter. White bears are going to school.
“Hi, Tony, Oliver, Tim! Look! It’s snowing!” says one of the bears.
“Hi, Rebecca, look at this snowflake! Isn’t it beautiful?
I’ll give it to Mrs Hoppe,” Tony shows Rebecca a nice little snowflake.
“I’ll give her this nice snowflake,” says Rebecca, showing Tony her snowflake.
Tim, their friend, also has something in his paws: “Look at my huge snowflake!
I’ll give it to Mrs Hoppe, too!”
“And I’ll give her a lot of snowflakes!!!” says Oliver starting to make a pile
of snow.
The bears are at school. They show their snowflakes to the teacher.
“Oh, Rebecca, Tony, Tim, thank you so much!!! Your snowflakes are amazing!”
says Mrs Hoppe.

Suddenly the door opens and a very big snow pile comes in. Oh! It’s not
a pile. It’s Oliver!
“Mrs Hoppe, all these snowflakes are for you!” he says giving the pile of snow
to the teacher.
Mrs Hoppe is surprised: “Oh, Oliver! That’s a LOT of snow!!! Let’s make a
They all go outside and make a snowman. “I’m happy!” says Oliver, “I love

a snowflake — снежинка

paws — лапы

a pile
– куча, груда, стопка, пачка.

– удивительный, изумительный, ошеломительный

a snowman
— снеговик

go outside
– выйти наружу, на улицу.

1.      Tell
the heroes’

from the story:

2.      Find
and write the words in alphabetical order:

3.      Find
sentences for these tenses:

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Future Simple

4.      Put
pictures according to the text:

54321https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-polar-bear-in-the-snow-watercolor-style-vector_53876-56471.jpghttps://game2i.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Screenshot_20180128-213043.png https://www.culture.ru/storage/images/61489c338c09d349f851da4c559477bc/535b3ddf9d2fb0615c4cc4b1c5c34d3b.jpeghttps://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/1738868/e5365347-5f3f-49a2-b3d8-00e83a826aa8/s1200?webp=falsehttps://png.rinvik.ru/files/Tri-multyashnyh-medvedya-novyj-god.png

Translate the highlighted sentences into Russian.

wolf, a fox and a crow

Once upon a time in a small wood there lived Walter, the little
wolf, and Fiona, the fox.
They were good friends and often played
different games together.
Once a crow came to live in the wood. Her name was Cathy. Cathy didn’t have
friends in the forest.
That’s why she was often sad. Cathy wanted to make
friends with Walter and Fiona.
One day she came to them and said, “Hello! My name is Cathy. I don’t have friends
in your wood. Can I play with you?” Fiona and Walter asked, “Do you like
sports?” “Of course, I do,” answered the crow, because she wanted to play with
Walter and Fiona very much.
“Then let’s ride the bikes!” said Walter. Fiona
and Walter happily rode their bikes, but the crow couldn’t ride a bike with
them. She didn’t know how to ride a bike. “OK,” said Fiona,
“Let’s roller-skate!” Fiona and Walter roller-skated and laughed, but
Cathy couldn’t roller-skate with them, she didn’t know how to roller-skate.
After that Walter and Fiona played tennis, but the crow couldn’t play with them
because she didn’t know how to play tennis. Finally, Fiona said,
“You don’t like sports! You can’t ride a bike, you can’t roller-skate, you
can’t play tennis!” Walter agreed, “You can’t play with us!”
Cathy was very upset. She was very angry with Walter and Fiona and wanted to
play a trick on them.
She found them in the field. Walter and Fiona were
playing with a ball. They were throwing the ball into the basket, which stood
in the middle of the field. Cathy wanted to stop their game. She quickly
took the basket into her beak and flew into the air. Fiona looked at Cathy and
cried «Oh, Cathy, it’s a very good idea! You’re so clever!”
Walter agreed,
«It’s great, Cathy! We’re sorry we didn’t want to play with you. Let’s play
together. You’ll fly with the basket and we’ll throw the ball in it! It’ll be
fun!” Cathy was surprised. She could play with Walter and Fiona. After that
day Fiona and Walter always played with Cathy who couldn’t ride a bike or play
tennis, but always taught them new games.

the wood – лес, дерево(материал), дрова

Of course — конечно

agree – соглашаться, принимать

angry – сердитый, гневный

to play a trickподшучивать

throw— бросать

in the middle – в середине

the basketкорзина

a beakклюв

1.      Как вы думаете, о чем пойдет рассказ в этом произведении согласно

2.      Какие виды спорта вы встретили в рассказе?

3.      Найдите ошибку в предложениях:

a)      They were throwing the ball into the box, which stood in the
middle of the field.

b)      After that day Fiona and Walter never played with Cathy who
couldn’t ride a bike or play tennis, but always taught them new games.

c)      Fiona and Walter happily rode their cars, but the crow couldn’t
ride a car with them.

d)      They were good friends and often saw different games together.

4.      Соедини следующие предложения:

1. They were throwing the ball into the

a) Fiona and wanted to play a trick on

2.“Of course, I do,” answered the crow,
because she

b) which stood in the middle of the

3.«Oh, Cathy, it’s a very good idea!
You’re so clever!”

c) wanted to play with Walter and Fiona
very much.

4.She was very angry with Walter and

d) You’re so clever!”

5.      Переведите предложения, выделенные жирным шрифтом:

6.      Как ты считаешь в чем главная идея произведения?

Чтение на английском языке. Тексты для шестого класса.

На этой странице представлены тексты для чтения на английском языке для 6-го класса. Запомните: Чтение способствует развитию ясного и четкого мышления, а в итоге, и речи.

Тексты для 6 класса

A wedding in Chicago

A wedding in Chicago


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Alisher Navoi

Alisher Navoi


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Amir Temur

Amir Temur


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Animals in Great Britain

Animals in Great Britain


Тексты для 6 класса

Animals in South America

Animals in South America


Тексты для 6 класса




Тексты для 6 класса

Bats in Australia

Bats in Australia


Тексты для 6 класса




Тексты для 6 класса

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin


Тексты для 6 класса




Топики (тематические тексты) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Вторая часть (продолжение). В первой части вы найдете Тексты (топики) по следующим темам: About myself. My family. My friends. My school. My birthday. My day. How I help about the house. My hobby. My pet. К каждому тексту предлагаются слова для повторения темы, вопросы и задания.

Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс). Часть 2

  1. Мои любимые животные. My favourite animals.
  2. Моя любимая книга. My favourite book.
  3. Времена года и погода. Seasons and weather.
  4. Зимние каникулы. Winter holidays.
  5. Летние каникулы. Summer holidays.
  6. Поход в каникулы. Camping Holidays.
  7. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins
  8. Спорт. Sport.
  9. Одежда. Clothes
  10. Соединенное Королевство. The UK.
  11. Лондон. London

* * *

Тext 11. My Favourite Animals

I like animals. I can see wild animals at the Zoo. It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, foxes, bears and other animals.
I like films about animals. I have read a lot of books about bears because I like bears most of all.
Bears are huge. They can be white and brown. The white bear eats fish. It lives in the Arctic. The brown bear lives in the woods. It likes honey and sleeps in the lair (берлоге) sucking its paw in winter.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Animals». Полный список животных, птиц и насекомых
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 12. My Favorite Book

I like reading because I learn a lot of interesting things from books. But most of all I like adventure stories.

My favourite book is «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. It is a story about an American boy and his friends. Tom is inventive and brave. He is always full of ideas. He has a lot of adventures on the Mississippi River.

The book teaches us to be kind and friendly, honest and brave, to be a true friend.

I really enjoyed the book.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Books». Список №1 (для начинающих)
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather in Russia

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the seasons of the year.

December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold. It usually snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a nice season. The weather is warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the parks. The sun shines brightly. The birds sing songs everywhere.

June, July and August are summer months. In summer it is usually hot. The sky is blue. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. There are many berries in the forests.

September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool. It often rains.  The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. You can see yellow, red and brown leaves on the trees.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Weather»
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

Text 14. Winter Holidays

I like winter because I have long winter holidays. They start on the 29th of December and last till the 10th of January.

The weather is usually fine. There is a lot of snow everywhere.

During winter holidays I have a lot of free time. I don’t have to get up early and go to school. I like to skate and ski.

Sometimes I go to my country house and meet my friends there. We spend a lot of time in the open air, go to the forest, build snowcastles and play snowballs. If it is cold, I usually stay at home. I read books, watch TV or play computer games.

Also I like my winter holidays because we have a happy day – New Year’s Day on the 1st of January and I get presents.

Sometimes my parents and I travel during winter holidays. Last year we visited Suzdal. We stayed in a hotel for three days. I saw many places of interest in Suzdal: wooden houses, beautiful churches and monasteries. It was a very impressive trip.

I like my winter holidays very much.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Holidays»
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

I like summer holidays very much. In summer it is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air. I usually spend June at the seaside.

In June I usually go to a camp. I like spending time there. We play sports, swim in the river and go to different clubs. There is a forest near the camp and we always make a campfire once a week.

In July my parents have a vacation and we go to the seaside. Usually we go to the Black Sea. I like to swim in the sea and spend time on the beach.

In August my parents go to work and I go to the country. We have a country house where my grandparents live. I help them in the garden. I pick up apples and plums, water vegetables. We often go fishing with my grandad or pick up mushrooms in the forest. I have a lot of friends there. We ride bicycles or play games. I have a nice time in the country.

Summer is my favourite season and I enjoy my summer holidays very much.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Summer Holidays»
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 16. Camping on Holidays

Last summer I went camping with my dad. We took rucksacks, two sleeping bags, a tent, a map, a compass, torches, and, of course, matches.

First, we got on a train. When we got off the train, we walked through the woods to the lake. Then we put up a tent and made a campfire. We caught a lot of fish and cooked it on the fire. I slept well and mosquitoes didn’t bite me.

I enjoyed the day very much.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Camping» (Поход)
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 17. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins

Запомните конструкции с глаголом BE:

  1. be responsible for — отвечать за
  2. be necessary for — быть необходимым для
  3. be important for — быть важным для

People need vitamins to stay healthy. The word «vitamins» comes from the word «vita». «Vita» means life in Latin. People get vitamins from food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. Each vitamin is responsible for diffeent things in human body. For example, vitamin A is necessary for eyes. Vitamin B is necessary for the nervous system. Vitamin C is important for bones and teeth.

To stay healthy you should eat healthy food. But unhealthy food is tasty because it has a lot of sugar or fat. Also it has no vitamins. For example, there is no vitamins in Coke, chips or fast food.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Food»
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

* * *

Text 18. Спорт. Sport

I like sport. That’s why my favourite lesson is P.E.

My favourite sport is …………. (your variant). I play for my school team.  We are a good team. We often win in competitions.  It is not easy (легко) to win.

Every day I go to the gym and practise.  I also go to the sports club. Every morning I run in the park with my friends.

I want to be a sportsman because I like to win.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Sport».
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

 * * *

Text 19. Одежда. Clothes

People wear different clothes.

When it is cold, people wear coats, jumpers, trousers  and boots. When it is hot, people wear T-shirts, shorts and light dresses.

Some people like to wear comfortartable clothes, others prefer fashionable one.  There are clothes for boys and girls, for men and women. But everybody likes to wear jeans.

Also there are clothes for sport. It is a tracksuit and trainers.

As for me, I like to wear _____ (your variant). I always wear________when ________ (your variant).

  • Повторить слова по теме «Clothes».
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

* * *

Тext 20. Соединенное королевство. The UK

The UK is situated on the British Isles. It has 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales are called Great Britain and are situated on the island called Great Britain, too.

The climate of Great Britain is mild. England and Ireland consist mainly of plains. Scotland and Wales have mountains.

There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. The longest river is the Severn.

The capital of the UK is London but there are many beautiful towns and villages.

  • Повторить слова по теме «The UK». Список №1
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

* * *

Тext 21. Лондон. London

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It is about 2 thousand years old.

London stands on the river Thames. It is a large port.

London has got three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are offices and banks there. The West End has a lot of places of interest and is always full of people.

The most famous places of interest are:

  • the Buckingham Palace
  • the Westminster Abbey
  • the Houses of Parliament
  • the Tower

There are many beautiful squares in London. The Trafalgar Square is the most famous one. It is in the center of London.

London is rich in parks. The most famous parks are:

  • Hyde Park
  • St. James Park

There are many theatres, museums and art galleries in London. The most well-known of them are:

  • the National Gallery
  • the Tate Gallery
  • the British Museum
  • Madam Tussaud’s Museum

London is worth visiting.

  • Повторить слова по теме «Достопримечательности»
  • Задание и вопросы к тексту

* * *

Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Уроки английского языка для начинающих Present Simple Tense

Text 11. My Favourite Animals

1. Complete the text with the words dangerous, friendly, sharp, huge (large), delicious, fast, body, skin, legs.

  1. The shark is a sea animal. It is  very ________. It can kill other sea animals and people with its _______ teeth. It’s got a ______, long body and rough _____. Half of its _____ is white and half is black.
  2. The dolpin is a sea animal, too. It is very _______ and it loves to swim in front of _____boats. It’s got a long, thin body and smooth _____. It’s got over one hundred teeth.
  3. The crab has got a shell on its body and ten _____legs. They have got two ______ claws for fighting. They are a very _______ meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Упражнение.Перепишите текст, заменив выделенные слова, используя прилагательные из рамки:

large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прилагательные big, good, bad, nice —  очень простые. При описании лучше использовать более интересные слова: large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прочитайте текст ниже и замените прилагательные big, good, bad, nice на более интересные.

ПРИМЕР. Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten long legs.


Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten big legs. They have got two big claws for fighting. They are a very good meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Whales are big sea animals. They aren’t bad animals and usually they’re very nice to people.

2. Answer the questions, using the words the mountains, the river, the desert, the Arctic, the jungle, the ocean, keep as a pet.

  1. Where do lions live?
  2. Where do whales live?
  3. Where do wolves live?
  4. Where do crocodiles live?
  5. Where do snakes live ?
  6. Where do the polar bear live?
  7. Say what pets your friends and relatives have.
  8. What is your favourite animal?
  9. Can you decribe an animal?
  10. Do you think it is good to keep animals in the zoo? Why? Why not?

* * *

Text 12. My Favourite Book

1.1. Complete the letter with the words: favourite, character, adventures, sailor.

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your letter.

Guess what I would like to write about? It is a book which I read last month. It is «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The main _____ is a man who lived on a deserted island (необитаемый остров) for many years. He had a lot of ______  but the plot is based on a real story of a ______.

You know, I like reading books. One of my ______ book is «Harry Potter.»

And what about you? Do you like reading? What is your favourite book?

Write to me!

Best wishes,

1.2. Complete the text.

  • find the murderer — найти убийцу
  • using his deductive reasoning — используя метод «дедукции» (нахождение решения по заданным фактам)

This summer I’ve read a book by Conan Doyle.  Its ______ is  “The Hound of the Baskerville”. Conan Doyle is a _______ writer. He wrote _______stories. I liked this book ______from the very beginning. The main ________ of the book are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The ______of this book is very exciting. Sherlock Holmes was a ______ detective and found the murderer using his deductive reasoning.  I enjoy the way he did it very much.

I began to read this book in June and ______it in August. It was very ______ for me to read this book, because I learnt many new English words. Now I’m going to read one more English book.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. What kind of books do you like (prefer) reading?
  3. Can you name the titles of some stories?
  4. Do you like travel books? Why? Why not?
  5. Have you got any favourite books, authors or favourite characters?
  6. Have you got a favourite writer?
  7. Who is your favourite writer?
  8. Did you like fairy tales when you were little?
  9. What kinds of book do you dislike? Why?

* * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather

1. Complete the text.

There are 4 _____ in the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn.  In Russia ______ three winter months.  They are ______, ______ and February. Spring months are _____ , ______ and May. Summer months are ____, ____ and August. Autumn months are ____, ___ and November. My favourite season is summer because I like to _______ in the river. I like to _____ a bike, too.  It is sunny and ______ in summer. And I have _______ holidays. It’s great!

2. Answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name the seasons. (Назови……)
  3. What season is between (между) winter and summer?
  4. What season is it now?
  5. What is your favourite season? Why?
  6. How many months are there in a year?
  7. Name summer months (winter months, etc.)
  8. What month is it now?
  9. What month comes after May? before August?
  10. What is your favourite month? Why?
  11. What month do you have your birthday?
  12.  What is the first month of winter? of summer?
  13. When does spring start in Russia? in Great Britain?
  14. When does autumn finish in Russia? in Great Britain?
  15. What month does the school year in Russia start (finish)?

* * *

Text 14. Winter Holidays

1. Complete the text. Use the words: at  home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowbals, enjoyed, fine.

I spent my winter_______________in the country. The weather was ___________.

I ______________in the forest. My friend and I went to the river to __________. Sometimes we played _____________ and ______________snowmen.

When it was cold I stayed______________, read books, ______TV. I _______my winter holidays.

2. Answer the questions:


* * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

1. Read the poem. Then say why children like holidays. Use the poem.

No grammar in summer,
No lessons, no tests,
No English, no Maths, no P.E.
Just rivers and lakes,
Swimming, bathing and sailing
in the deep blue sea!

2. Complete the text.

In Russia children have holidays in spring, summer autumn and winter. Summer holidays are the _________. They begin in June and _______ in August.

I like summer holidays ______. My parents, my sister and me like to travel. Russia is a big _______ and has a lot of interesting places to ______.

I want to ______you about my last holiday.

Contunue talking. Use the questions as a plan.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Where did you go on your last holidays?
  2. When was it?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. How did you get there?
  5. Where did you stay?
  6. How long did you stay?
  7. What did you do all day?
  8. What did you do in the evening?
  9. Did you enjoy your holidays?
  10. What activity did you enjoy most of all?

* * *

Text 16. Camping

1. Complete the text.

Mr Lake and Mr River love outdoor activities and canoeing is their favourite. Last summer they ______ canoeing in France. They took a lot of ________with them. Mr Lake took _________and Mr River took __________ and a tent. One day they decided to spend a night in a beautiful forest by a lake. They left the _______on the lake but they forgot to tie it up to a tree. Then they _______the tent. Mr Lake went to the forest because he wanted to find some _____ for a fire. Next Mr River made a _______ and cooked some fish. After the meal they went to ______.  There was a terrible storm that night but Mr Lake and Mr River didn’t wake up. In the morning they went to the lake but their canoe wasn’t there. Then they saw their _______ in the lake. Their paddles, helmets and life jackets were in the canoe. Luckily (К счастью), their mobiles were with them and they could call for help.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you often go camping?
  2. When did you go camping last time?
  3. Where did you go?
  4. Who did you go with?
  5. What things did you take with you?
  6. How did you get there?
  7. Where did you make a camp?
  8. How long did you stay there?
  9. Did you cook food on a fire?
  10. Did you sleep in a tent?
  11. Did you sleep well? Why? Why not?
  12. What did you do all day?
  13. What did you do in the evening?
  14. Do you like camping? Why?

* * *

Text 17. Food

1. Complete the text.

My favourite food is ………… . I would like to eat ……………. twice a day.

I  (don’t ) like………………  I usually (never) eat ……………………..for breakfast.

I like fruit very much. Fruit is healthy.  There are a lot of vitamins in ______, ________, ________.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. What food don’t you like?

* * *

Text 18. Sports

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like sport?
  2. What sport do you play (do)?
  3. Where do you prefer doing sport: in the staduim or in the gym?
  4. Do you play for your school team?
  5. Does your team often win?
  6. Where do you practise?
  7. Who is the captain of your team?
  8. Who is the best (the worst) player?
  9. Do you like your P.E. lessons?
  10. Do you go to sport clubs?
  11. What sports games can you play?
  12. Why is it good to be fit?
  13. What is your favourite sport to watch?
  14. Do you go to matches?
  15. Do you watch sport on TV?

* * *

Text 19. Clothes

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you wear when it is cold?
  2. What do you wear when it is hot?
  3. What do you wear when you go to P. E. lesson?
  4. What do you wear when you go to school?

* * *

Text 20. The UK

1. Complete the text.

The UK or Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. There are ________ countries in the UK: England, Scotland, ________ and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of the _______. It is also the capital of ________. <…>

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is the UK?
  2. What is the capital of the UK?
  3. What is the capital of England?
  4. How many countries are there in the UK?
  5. What are the countries?

* * *

Text 21. London

1. Complete the text.

  1. be founded by Romans — основан римлянами
  2. Thames — Темза
  3. Buckingham — Букингемский


London is the _______of England and the UK. It is one of the most __________ cities in the UK. It was founded by Romans. London ______on the river Thames. The English Queen lives in London. She lives in Buckingham _______.

There are a lot of historical buildings,  ______ and _______ in London. Millions of _______ from different countries visit the city every year. They go sightseeing, ______souvenirs and enjoy traditional meals. The most famous London ______ are Big Ben, the Tower of London and London Eye.


  • take part in — принимать участие в
  • make speeches — говорить речи (высказывать свое мнение)

London is ______  in parks and gardens. London’s parks are ______  of trees, grass and flowers. They are free for visitors.

Each park is something special. Hyde Park is the largest park. It is _______ for its Speaker’s Corner (уголок оратора). There you can make a speech about what you like.

St. James Park is famous for the ______of  Buckingham Palace. This park is very beautiful with its flower beds.

In all London’s parks you can take part in different activities. Londoners love their parks and ______ of them.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Is London an old city?
  2. What is London like?
  3. What London’s sights would you like to visit?
  4. Would you like to see Big Ben?
  5. What is Big Ben like?
  6. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
  7. What London’s parks do you know?
  8. What each of them famous for?
  9. Would you like to visit London?
  10. What would you do in London?

Еще читайте на эту тему:

  • Написать письмо другу по этим темам
  • Топики (тематические тексты) для школьников 5, 6 класс. Часть 3 (в разработке)

Тексты на английском языке, предлагаемые для чтения в 6-х классах

Text 1.

A Cleaver Salesman”

Данный текст предлагается для чтения к разделу 8 “We have a lot in common.”

Mr. Boxell lived at 5 Central Road in a little town in the North of England. He was a tall fair-haired man with dark eyes on his round pleasant face. Mr. Boxell was a salesman.

One Thursday when Tom was in his shop a short man walked in and asked for an expensive pair of shoes. There was something dangerous in the man’s unfriendly eyes. It was Brooks, the burglar. Tom knew that the police wanted him very much. Brooks tried on a few pairs of shoes and then bought the pair which Tom strongly recommended. Brooks thought they were a bit tight but Tom said: “Don’t worry, they’ll stretch, sir.”

The next morning Brooks came into the shop to change his shoes. But when he asked for a different pair of shoes the police arrested him as the policemen were in the shop. They were sure he would come to change his shoes the next day. What a clever salesman Tom Boxell was!

Text 2.

Stone Soup”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

One day a tramp came to an old women’s house. “Excuse me,” said the tramp. “I’m very hungry. Can you give me something to eat?” But the old women was very mean. “Go away,” she said. “I haven’t got any food.” “Oh,” said the tramp.

That’s a pity. I’ve got a magic stone. I can make soup with it. But I need some water.” “Well, I’ve got a lot of water,” said the mean old women. “A magic stone, eh?” She fetched a big saucepan of water. The tramp put the stone into it. After a while he tested the soup. “Mmm, it’s very good,” he said. “It just needs a bit of salt and pepper.” The old women fetched some salt and pepper. “Mmm, that’s better,” he said. It really needs a few vegetables. It’s a pity you haven’t got any vegetables.” “Oh, I can find some vegetables,” she said. She ran into the garden and brought some potatoes, carrots, beans and big onion. The tramp put the vegetables into the saucepan.

Is it ready now?” asked the women. “Almost,” said the tramp. “it’s really needs a bit of meat. It’s a pity you haven’t got any meat.” ”Oh, I can find some meat,” said the old woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with some ham and some sausages. The tramp put them into the saucepan.

Right,” said the tramp. “I can’t see the stone anymore. So the soup is ready. Bread is very good with stone soup. It’s a pity you haven’t got any bread.” “Oh, I’ve got a bit of bread,” said the woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with a lot of bread, some butter and a piece of cake. She put them on the table. The old women tasted the soup. “Mmm, this stone soup is delicious, and you made it just with a magic stone.”

When the tramp left, he said “Here is the magic stone, you can keep it.” “Oh, thank you,” said the old woman. “But remember,” said the tramp, “for the best stone soup you need a bit of meat, few vegetables and a bit of salt and pepper, too.”

Text 3.

Little Apples And Big Apples”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

Little Ann likes apples. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today she has no apples. Ann goes up to her mother.

Ann: Mummy, I want an apple. Give me an apple, please.

Mother: It is evening now, darling. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.

Ann: Oh, no, Mummy. Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep. Give me a big one, please, Mummy.

Text 4.

It’s Brunch Time”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

Americans eat it if they don’t have breakfast and don’t have lunch. They can eat it the garden on Sundays when they have time to relax. They dress elegantly and sometimes they invite their friends.

They have pancakes or French toasts. They also have ham or bacon. Some of them like to eat brunch at restaurants. They start with tomato or orange juice. Then they have bacon and eggs on an English muffin.

Why don’t you make your own brunch? Prepare a buffet with bacon, eggs and tomato sandwiches, salads, cheese and cakes or biscuits. You can drink fruit juice. Milk, tea or coffee. Enjoy yourself!

Text 5.

The Painter and the Doctor”

К разделу 5 “Faces Of London.”

Turner, the great English painter had a dog which he loved very much. One day the dog broke a leg. Turner sent for a doctor. Hi did not want to send for a veterinary, he sent for the best doctor in London.

When the doctor come, Turner said, “Doctor, I am very glad that you have come. My dog has broken a leg. I know that you are too great a doctor for work of this kind, but please do it. It is so important for me.”

The doctor was angry, but did not show it. He did what the painter asked him to do.

Next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his house. “The doctor wants to see me about my dog,” thought Turner. “It must be that.”

When Turner went into the doctor’s house, the doctor said:

Mr.Turner, I am so glad to see you. I want to ask you to paint my door. I know that you are too great a painter for this work, but please do it. It is so important for me.”

Text 6.

London Zoo”

К разделу 6 “Animals In Our Life.”

Many years ago the London Zoo had a young elephant from Africa. The elephant was very small. His name was Jumbo. A man looked after him. His name was Scott. The elephant grew very quickly. Soon he learned to carry people on his back. Children liked to sit on the little benches which he carried on his back. The people of London knew Jumbo and liked him

One day a rich American saw Jumbo. He wanted to buy him and take him to America to show Jumbo in the circus there and to make a lot of money.

He paid the London Zoo two thousand dollars for Jumbo. When the people of London heard about it, they wrote letters and articles to newspapers and organized meeting of protest. They did not want Jumbo to go to America. But nothing helped. Scott began to prepare to go to America with Jumbo to look after him there.

When the elephant came out of the Zoo, he lay down in the street and did not want to get up. Many times Scott told him to get up. When at last he got up, they began to walk to the port of London. Many people stood in the street and watched. There were meetings of protest in the streets, squares and at the Port. The people wanted Jumbo to stay in the London Zoo.

But Jumbo and Scott went to America on a ship. In America Jumbo was a circus elephant. He learned to carry things from one place to another and he danced. The American also liked Jumbo.

Text 7.

The Cat”

К разделу 6 “Animals In Our Life.”

Our cats were first timed in Egypt.

There _________ many kinds of cats: white cats, black cats, _________ cats, red cats; cats with long tails, cats ______ bushy tails, cats with no tails at all. _______ are clean and pretty. They are very wise, _______ can find their way anywhere. You can make ______ friends with cats, but they are not so ______ as dogs. They are more shy and independent. ________ cat has a nice coat. It is made ______ fur, and the fur is very thick and ______. The cat’s feet have sharp claws. It can ______ them in, then its paws are soft. The _____ eyes are green and yellow. It can see ______ the dark and in the light. The light ______ the day is too strong for its eyes, ______ it often shuts them. But at night, when _____ is only a little light, it opens its ______ very wide. When the cat is happy, it ______. It says, “Purr, purr.”

Key: are, grey, with, cats, and, great, loving, the, of, warm, pull, cat’s, in, of, and, there, eyes, sings (if students used a word different from what the key is giving, but suitable for the context, it shouldn’t be considered a mistake).

Текст 8. Малые жанры устного народного творчества.

1). Hush-a-bye, baby,

On the tree top.

When the wind blows,

The cradle will rock,

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby,

Cradle and all.

2). Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir

Three bags full.

One for the master,

One for the dame and one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

3). «Little Miss Muffet»

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider, and sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.


Little Miss Muffet is a girl in a traditional nursery rhyme. Miss Muffet, it is said, was the daughter of Dr. Thomas Muffet, a famous 16th century scientist who studied insects. )

4). «Little Jack Horner»

Little Jack Horner

Sat in a corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb

And pulled out a plum,

And said, what a good boy am-I!


Little Jack Horner is a boy in a traditional nursery rhyme. The poem may refer to a man called Jack Horner who was a servant of King Henry VIII).

Henry VIII (1491-1547) – the most famous English King (1509-1547). He was cruel and wasteful with money. The most well-known fact about Henry VIII is that he had six wives. His first wife, Catherine of Aragon, failed to bear him a son, but the Pope would not allow him to divorce her. As a result, the Church of England broke away from the Roman Catholic сhurch, and Henry married Anne Boleyn. She was later found guilty of adultery and Henri had her head cut off. His other wives were Jane Seymour, who died whale giving birth to a child, Annу of Cleves, who Henry divorced, Catherine Howard, who was executed, and Catherine Parr, who lived on after Henry’s death. Henry encouraged leaning and allowed the Bible to be printed in English. Under Henry England became richer and more powerful.

Приложение 2

Фрагмент урока по обучению изучающему чтению в 6-м классе средней школы.

Тема: «Известные люди»

(по учебному комплекту М.З Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English-3») .

Unit 5 “Faces Of London”

Section 2 “Talking About The Famous”

Цели урока: активизация лексических навыков по теме «Известные люди»; совершенствование навыков чтения вслух, тренировка навыков перевода.

Оборудование: портреты известных людей.

Ход фрагмента.

I. Организационный момент

Good Afternoon, boys and girls. I’m glad to meet you. How are you today?

Let’s start the lesson now. Today we shall have a talk about famous people of Great Britain and America.

II. Речевая разминка

I’d like to ask you a question.

  • What famous people in Russia do you know?

  • Who can add? Do you know any Russian painters?

  • Who was a first Russian cosmonaut?

  • Are you proud of the Russian famous people?

III. Фонетическая отработка новых слов по теме «Известные люди»

Let’s talk about the Famous. I have written their names on the blackboard. Can you read them?

Запись на доске: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Charlie Chaplin, John Lennon, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, Joseph Turner.

Учитель вывешивает на доске портреты известных людей и привлекает внимание детей к словам на доске (имена и фамилии с транскрипцией). Ученики читают слова самостоятельно и повторяют их за учителем, хором и в парах.

IV. Закрепление введенной лексики в устной речи

  • Have you ever heard the names of these famous people? Will you open the books, page 86, exercise 25? Say what these people are famous for. You may need the words: songs, poems, films, pictures, stories about Sherlock Holmes, plays, detective stories.

Example: Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories.

Для выполнения данного упражнения используются портреты знаменитостей.

V. Совершенствование техники чтения вслух.

— It’s time to read the text about Daniel Defoe and his famous book “The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”. You will read the text and find answers to the questions:

a) When did Daniel Defoe write his most famous novel?

b) Was the story based on real adventures?

c) What is the title of the book?


Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was a famous English writer of the eighteenth century. He wrote his world famous novel “The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” when he was nearly 60 years old.

The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adventures of a sailor called Alexander Selkirk, who has lived alone for four years on a desert island. The book, however, also contains a lot of incidents from the author imagination.

When the book was published in 1719, it immediately became popular. Defoe made his story so realistic that everyone believed it.

Defoe didn’t write his book for children. But every child now knows “Robinson Crusoe”, how he learned to catch goats and to make pots, how he made an umbrella and had hundreds of adventures.

Daniel Defoe wrote many other books, but for “Robinson Crusoe” he is called “the father of English prose”.

Ученики читают текст и отвечают на вопросы задания перед текстом.

VI. Контроль понимания содержания прочитанного текста.

I want to find out if you understand the text well.

Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

1) D.Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.

2) D.Defoe wrote his novels about R.Crusoe when he was 30.

3) The story of R.Crusoe is the author’s imagination.

4) The novel wasn’t popular in the 18th century, it became popular later.

5) D.Defoe didn’t write his book for children.

6) D.Defoe is called “the father of English prose” for his detective stories.

VII. Активизация лексических навыков и навыков перевода

  • Let’s return to the next text about Daniel Defoe and his famous book. Read the word combinations and give their equivalents. Find the sentences in the text whith these word combinations and translate them from Russian into English.

Восемнадцатый век, известный во всем мире роман, удивительные приключения, жить одному, остров, много фантазии, была опубликована, стала популярной, поверили, изобрел зонт.

VIII. Have you read the novel “Robinson Crusoe”? Say a few words about this novel and include the following information:

  1. the author

  2. the main character, his traits (его черты характера)

  3. the novel

  4. five adjectives to describe the novel

Ученики зачитывают словосочетания на русском языке, дают их английский эквивалент, а затем находят в тексте предложения с данными речевыми структурами, зачитывают их и переводят.

Text 1

Healthy Food

1. Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some

people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy

savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is

gets the things it needs to work properly.

2. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to

grow and stay healthy.

3. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of

them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in

fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and

spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

4. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for

ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk,

butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most

of us get more than enough of them from our food.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (14) и найди соответствия с заголовками (AD).

A. Витамины и алфавит. С. Ты не можешь жить без еды.

B.О вкусах не спорят. D.Укрепляющий витамин.

2)Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Food helps us 2. Vitamins are called after 3. We can get vitamin D

a) to keep fit a) the colors a)in oranges

b) to be healthy b) fruits and vegetables b)in milk

c) to get fun c) the alphabet c) in juice

Level 2

1) Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту

T(True), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,F (False).

a) When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well.

b) To get vitamins you need to buy pills.

c) Vitamin C is important for our skin.

d) You can get vitamin D only eating special food.

2) Переведи на русский язык.

Hungry __________

Stay healthy _______


Fresh fruit____________


Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1.Vitamins are named after the alphabet.

2. The food helps us to grow and stay healthy.

3. People have different tastes in eating.

4. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables.

5. Some people like sweet things, other prefer savoury food.

6. We can get vitamins from our food.

7. We are able to make vitamin D if our skin gets enough sunlight.

Text 2

With the words” Elementary, my dear Watson…”, the most famous detective of all times,

Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend., Dr.Watson. That phrase has now

entered the English language.

Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in “The Adventures of

Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him.Many thousands of

books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year.

Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor.

In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked

with, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr.Watson. Conan Doyle’s

medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.

Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story, which goes on.

And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in

which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He

smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying

glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London.

If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221B Baker Street. But instead, you can

go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock

Holmes’s room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories.

Level 1

1. Выбери подходящий заголовок к тексту.

A. Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

B. Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell.

C. Conan Doyle’s Family.

D. Conan Doyle and his characters.

2. Закончи предложения, используя текст.

1)Arthur Conan Doyle invented…. .

2) Conan Doyle started the fashion of … .

3) Dr. Joseph Bell was… .

4) Sherlock Holmes is a quiet man … .

Level 2

1. Выбери предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.

A. Dr. Watson was Dr. Bell’s assistant.

B. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle;s friend.

C. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle’s book character.

D. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s relative.

2. Найди неверное утверждение.

A. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s friend.

B. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

C. There is 221B Baker Street in London.

D. The fashion of the detective stories goes on.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story.

2. Sherlock Holmes lives in Baker Street in London.

3. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882.

4. In London there is a pub called the “ Sherlock Holmes”.

5. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the stories about Sherlock Holmes. He was a doctor.

6. Sherlock Holmes was a quiet man, he smokes a pipe and plays the violin.

Text 3

1.The Earl of Sandwich lived long ago in England. He was a fanatic about playing cards.

He didn’t even want to stop playing to eat a meal and refused to put his cards away. So his

servant invented a quick meal for him. He put some meat between two slices of bread, so that

the Earl could hold his meal in one hand and play cards with the other.

2.Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take

an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time.

Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The sandwiches were very small and delicate.

Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger.

3.The English eat millions of sandwiches every day.They are a typical “snack” meal

because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don’t want to make

them yourself. There are thousands of sandwich bars and cafes and even some restaurants that

sell them.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (13) и найди соответствия с заголовками (AC).

A. Еда, быстрая в приготовлении. B. Граф Сэндвич и его слуга.

C. Любимая еда англичан в эпоху викторианства.

2) Закончи предложения, используя текст.

1. The Earl’s of Sandwich servant invented … .

2. In Victorian England it was a tradition … .

3. The sandwiches are a typical “snack” meal because … .

4. You can buy sandwiches in … .

Level 2

1) Ответь на вопрос, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. What kind of meal did the Earl’s of Sandwich servant invent?

a) quick and convenient. b) very delicious

c) very good for health d) junk food

2. What was one of great traditions in Victorian England?

a) make cucumber sandwiches

b) cut the crusts off the bread

c) have 5 o’clock tea

d) eat lots of sandwiches

3. What kind of sandwiches do people have today?

a) very elegant

b) very big

c) with many slices of bread

d) much bigger than they used to be

4. Why do people like to have sandwiches for their meal?

a) Because sandwiches are a typical “ snack” meal.

b) Because people can do sandwiches themselves.

c) Because sandwiches are easy and quick to cook.

d) Because people can buy sandwiches almost everywhere.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. Many rich families ate sandwiches at their afternoon tea at 5 o’clock.

2. They are a typical “snack” meal because they are easy and quick to prepare.

3. The Earl of Sandwich was fond of playing cards.

4. People can buy sandwiches in bars, cafes and even restaurants.

5. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular.

6. His servant invented a quick meal for him- sandwiches.

Text 4

1.William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was born in 1564 in

Stratford-on-Avon. We don’t know everything about Shakespeare’s early life. But we know that

he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in the theatre when

he was still a boy.

In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he worked in the theatre for some years

before he began to write his own plays.

2.Shakespeare soon became well-known in London literary circles. Every play that he

wrote was good news to the people of the capital. Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s plays,

and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King Jamesa

great honor in those days. By the end of the 16


century Shakespeare and his friends built their

own theatre the famous Globe Theatre.

3.But Shakespeare had many difficulties in his life. Less talented writers, whose plays

were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors in his own

theatre sometimes turned against him.

4.Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies

and tragedies that are still modern and well-known all over the world.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (14) и найди соответствия с заголовками (AD).

A. Известный драматург. C. Жизнь Шекспира.

B. Мировая известность. D. Трудности в жизни.

Level 2

1) Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Shakespeare was especially good at 2. It was a great honor in those days

a) novels. a) to play before the Queen.

b) detective stories. b) to work in the theatre.

c) dramas. c) to write plays.

d) mystery plays. d) to live in London.

3. Shakespeare and his friends founded

a) a library.

b) a museum.

c) a theatre.

d) a cinema.

2) Найдите предложение не соответствующее тексту.

a) In his childhood Shakespeare got interested in the theatre.

b) The Queen and King of England liked his plays.

c) Shakespeare was widely known for his Globe Theatre.

d) Shakespeare had difficulties in his life.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса по тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. By the end of the 16


century Shakespeare and his friends built the famous Globe


2. He became interested in the theatre from his childhood.

3. William Shakespeare was the greatest English writer.

4. Shakespeare’s plays, comedies and tragedies are loved and admired by a lot of people

all over the world.

5. In London Shakespeare worked in the theatre and began to write his own plays.

6. Shakespeare had a lot of difficulties in his life.

Тексты с заданиями для чтения 

по английскому языку (6 класс)


The giraffe.

The giraffe is the tallest animal. His head is about five meters above the ground. It has its good and bad sides. The giraffe can eat leaves from high trees because he has a long neck and a strong tongue. But it’s difficult for the giraffe to eat the grass. When the giraffe drinks water, lions and leopards often hide in the tall grass ready to catch him. It is very bad for the giraffe, because he can’t raise his head quickly and run away.  The giraffe can live for months without water.      

He gets most of the water from what he eats. Also, because his heads is so far from the ground, a giraffe can see danger and can quickly walk away or run away.

1) The giraffe is the strongest animal.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

2) He has a long neck.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

3) The giraffe eats only grass.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

4) The giraffe can run fast.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

5) He can’t raise his head fast.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

6) The giraffe can’t live without water for a long time.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

7) He can see danger because he has a long neck.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated


                                          A story about a parrot

Once there lived a man who had a parrot. The man tried to teach the parrot to speak. But the parrot could learn only the phrase, “There is no doubt about it.” (в этом нет сомнения). The parrot always said these words and always gave the same answer. “There is no doubt about it”.

At last the man decided to sell (продавать; sold = V 2) the parrot. He went to the street and began to cry, “Twenty dollars for a very clever parrot!”

One woman heard this. She came up to the parrot and asked, “ Are you worth twenty dollars?” The parrot answered, “There is no doubt about it”.

“What a clever parrot”, she said and bought the bird.

After some days the woman couldn’t listen to the parrot any more. She said, “What a fool I was to buy this parrot and throw away so much money.Twenty dollars!”

Then the parrot cried, “There is no doubt about it”.

This time the parrot was right. 

True, false or not stated:

1. The parrot learned a lot of words.    

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

2. The man liked his clever bird so much that he decided not to sell it.

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

3. The woman thought that the parrot was very clever.  

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                                                

4. The parrot said the same words.

         a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

5. The woman sold the parrot.                                                                          

         a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                    


                                             The King and the Painter       There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them very much.
One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, «I’d like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them?»
The painter looked at the king’s pictures and said, «My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist.»
The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years passed and the king wanted to see the painter again.
«I was angry with you,» he said, «because you didn’t like my pictures. Now you are a free man again and I am your friend.» The king talked with the painter and invited him for dinner. The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much.
After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, «Well, how do you like them now?» The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, «Take me back to prison.»

     I.  Was the King a good painter?    
           1.Yes, people liked his pictures very much.

            2.No, his pictures were bad.
           3.He didn’t paint pictures at all.

     II.Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures?                
           1.Because they were afraid of him.

            2.Because they enjoyed the dinner.
           3.Because the King could paint very well.

     III.Did the painter like the King’s pictures?
            1.Yes, he liked them very much.

             2.No, he said that the King was a bad artist.

             3.The King didn’t show the pictures to the painter.

      IV.What happened to the great painter who told the King the truth?

              1.The king invited him for dinner.
             2.The king sent him to prison. 
             3.The king talked with the painter.

       V.Why did the painter asked the soldier to take him back to prison?    
             1.Because he didn’t like the king’s pictures.
             2.Because he enjoyed the dinner.
             3.Because he liked to be in prison. 

Тексты для чтения по английскому языку с заданиями 6 класс

Text 1

Healthy Food

1. Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.

2. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.

3. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

4. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствия с заголовками (A-D).

A. Витамины и алфавит. С. Ты не можешь жить без еды.

B.О вкусах не спорят. D.Укрепляющий витамин.

2)Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Food helps us 2. Vitamins are called after 3. We can get vitamin D

a) to keep fit a) the colors a)in oranges

b) to be healthy b) fruits and vegetables b)in milk

c) to get fun c) the alphabet c) in juice

Level 2

1) Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту-T(True), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,- F (False).

a) When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well.

b) To get vitamins you need to buy pills.

c) Vitamin C is important for our skin.

d) You can get vitamin D only eating special food.

2) Переведи на русский язык.

Hungry __________

Stay healthy _______


Fresh fruit____________


Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1.Vitamins are named after the alphabet.

2. The food helps us to grow and stay healthy.

3. People have different tastes in eating.

4. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables.

5. Some people like sweet things, other prefer savoury food.

6. We can get vitamins from our food.

7. We are able to make vitamin D if our skin gets enough sunlight.

Text 2

With the words” Elementary, my dear Watson…”, the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend., Dr.Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language.

Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him.Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year.

Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked with, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr.Watson. Conan Doyle’s medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.

Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story, which goes on.

And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London.

If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmes’s room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories.

Level 1

1. Выбери подходящий заголовок к тексту.

A. Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

B. Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell.

C. Conan Doyle’s Family.

D. Conan Doyle and his characters.

2. Закончи предложения, используя текст.

1)Arthur Conan Doyle invented…. .

2) Conan Doyle started the fashion of … .

3) Dr. Joseph Bell was… .

4) Sherlock Holmes is a quiet man … .

Level 2

1. Выбери предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.

A. Dr. Watson was Dr. Bell’s assistant.

B. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle;s friend.

C. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle’s book character.

D. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s relative.

2. Найди неверное утверждение.

A. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s friend.

B. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

C. There is 221B Baker Street in London.

D. The fashion of the detective stories goes on.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story.

2. Sherlock Holmes lives in Baker Street in London.

3. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882.

4. In London there is a pub called the “ Sherlock Holmes”.

5. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the stories about Sherlock Holmes. He was a doctor.

6. Sherlock Holmes was a quiet man, he smokes a pipe and plays the violin.

Text 3

1.The Earl of Sandwich lived long ago in England. He was a fanatic about playing cards. He didn’t even want to stop playing to eat a meal and refused to put his cards away. So his servant invented a quick meal for him. He put some meat between two slices of bread, so that the Earl could hold his meal in one hand and play cards with the other.

2.Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take an afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The sandwiches were very small and delicate. Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger.

3.The English eat millions of sandwiches every day.They are a typical “snack” meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don’t want to make them yourself. There are thousands of sandwich bars and cafes and even some restaurants that sell them.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (1-3) и найди соответствия с заголовками (A-C).

A. Еда, быстрая в приготовлении. B. Граф Сэндвич и его слуга.

C. Любимая еда англичан в эпоху викторианства.

2Закончи предложенияиспользуя текст.

1. The Earl’s of Sandwich servant invented … .

2. In Victorian England it was a tradition … .

3. The sandwiches are a typical “snack” meal because … .

4. You can buy sandwiches in … .

Level 2

1) Ответь на вопрос, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. What kind of meal did the Earl’s of Sandwich servant invent?

a) quick and convenient. b) very delicious

c) very good for health d) junk food

2. What was one of great traditions in Victorian England?

a) make cucumber sandwiches

b) cut the crusts off the bread

c) have 5 o’clock tea

d) eat lots of sandwiches

3. What kind of sandwiches do people have today?

a) very elegant

b) very big

c) with many slices of bread

d) much bigger than they used to be

4. Why do people like to have sandwiches for their meal?

a) Because sandwiches are a typical “ snack” meal.

b) Because people can do sandwiches themselves.

c) Because sandwiches are easy and quick to cook.

d) Because people can buy sandwiches almost everywhere.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. Many rich families ate sandwiches at their afternoon tea at 5 o’clock.

2. They are a typical “snack” meal because they are easy and quick to prepare.

3. The Earl of Sandwich was fond of playing cards.

4. People can buy sandwiches in bars, cafes and even restaurants.

5. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular.

6. His servant invented a quick meal for him- sandwiches.

Text 4

1.William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. We don’t know everything about Shakespeare’s early life. But we know that he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in the theatre when he was still a boy.

In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he worked in the theatre for some years before he began to write his own plays.

2.Shakespeare soon became well-known in London literary circles. Every play that he wrote was good news to the people of the capital. Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s plays, and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King James- a great honor in those days. By the end of the 16th century Shakespeare and his friends built their own theatre –the famous Globe Theatre.

3.But Shakespeare had many difficulties in his life. Less talented writers, whose plays were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors in his own theatre sometimes turned against him.

4.Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies and tragedies that are still modern and well-known all over the world.

Level 1

1) Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствия с заголовками (A-D).

A. Известный драматург. C. Жизнь Шекспира.

B. Мировая известность. D. Трудности в жизни.

Level 2

1) Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Shakespeare was especially good at 2. It was a great honor in those days

a) novels. a) to play before the Queen.

b) detective stories. b) to work in the theatre.

c) dramas. c) to write plays.

d) mystery plays. d) to live in London.

3. Shakespeare and his friends founded

a) a library.

b) a museum.

c) a theatre.

d) a cinema.

2) Найдите предложение не соответствующее тексту.

a) In his childhood Shakespeare got interested in the theatre.

b) The Queen and King of England liked his plays.

c) Shakespeare was widely known for his Globe Theatre.

d) Shakespeare had difficulties in his life.

Level 3

1) Задай три вопроса по тексту.

2) Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. By the end of the 16th century Shakespeare and his friends built the famous Globe Theatre.

2. He became interested in the theatre from his childhood.

3. William Shakespeare was the greatest English writer.

4. Shakespeare’s plays, comedies and tragedies are loved and admired by a lot of people all over the world.

5. In London Shakespeare worked in the theatre and began to write his own plays.

6. Shakespeare had a lot of difficulties in his life.

Материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему: Тексты для чтения в 6 классе(английский язык)

Тексты с заданиями для чтения 

по английскому языку (6 класс)


The giraffe.

The giraffe is the tallest animal. His head is about five meters above the ground. It has its good and bad sides. The giraffe can eat leaves from high trees because he has a long neck and a strong tongue. But it’s difficult for the giraffe to eat the grass. When the giraffe drinks water, lions and leopards often hide in the tall grass ready to catch him. It is very bad for the giraffe, because he can’t raise his head quickly and run away.  The giraffe can live for months without water.      

He gets most of the water from what he eats. Also, because his heads is so far from the ground, a giraffe can see danger and can quickly walk away or run away.

1) The giraffe is the strongest animal.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

2) He has a long neck.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

3) The giraffe eats only grass.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

4) The giraffe can run fast.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

5) He can’t raise his head fast.

        a) true             b) false             c) not stated

6) The giraffe can’t live without water for a long time.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

7) He can see danger because he has a long neck.

       a) true             b) false             c) not stated


                                          A story about a parrot

Once there lived a man who had a parrot. The man tried to teach the parrot to speak. But the parrot could learn only the phrase, “There is no doubt about it.” (в этом нет сомнения). The parrot always said these words and always gave the same answer. “There is no doubt about it”.

At last the man decided to sell (продавать; sold = V 2) the parrot. He went to the street and began to cry, “Twenty dollars for a very clever parrot!”

One woman heard this. She came up to the parrot and asked, “ Are you worth twenty dollars?” The parrot answered, “There is no doubt about it”.

“What a clever parrot”, she said and bought the bird.

After some days the woman couldn’t listen to the parrot any more. She said, “What a fool I was to buy this parrot and throw away so much money.Twenty dollars!”

Then the parrot cried, “There is no doubt about it”.

This time the parrot was right. 

True, false or not stated:

1. The parrot learned a lot of words.    

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

2. The man liked his clever bird so much that he decided not to sell it.

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

3. The woman thought that the parrot was very clever.  

        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                                                

4. The parrot said the same words.

         a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          

5. The woman sold the parrot.                                                                          

         a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                    


                                             The King and the Painter

       There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them very much.
      One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, «I’d like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them?»
       The painter looked at the king’s pictures and said, «My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist.»
      The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years passed and the king wanted to see the painter again.
     «I was angry with you,» he said, «because you didn’t like my pictures. Now you are a free man again and I am your friend.» The king talked with the painter and invited him for dinner. The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much.
      After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, «Well, how do you like them now?» The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, «Take me back to prison.»

     I.  Was the King a good painter?    
           1.Yes, people liked his pictures very much.

            2.No, his pictures were bad.
           3.He didn’t paint pictures at all.

     II.Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures?                
           1.Because they were afraid of him.

            2.Because they enjoyed the dinner.
           3.Because the King could paint very well.

     III.Did the painter like the King’s pictures?
            1.Yes, he liked them very much.

             2.No, he said that the King was a bad artist.

             3.The King didn’t show the pictures to the painter.

      IV.What happened to the great painter who told the King the truth?

              1.The king invited him for dinner.
             2.The king sent him to prison. 
             3.The king talked with the painter.

       V.Why did the painter asked the soldier to take him back to prison?    
             1.Because he didn’t like the king’s pictures.
             2.Because he enjoyed the dinner.
             3.Because he liked to be in prison. 

Тексты (топики) на английском языке 5, 6 класс с вопросами. Часть 1

Тематические тексты (топики) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Данные тексты на английском языке предназначены для повторения пройденных тем, развития  письменной и разговорной речи. Вопросы к текстам могут быть использованы, как основа для диалогов. Слова и выражения в текстах соответствуют пройденной в этих классах лексике. К сайту подключен словарь. Чтобы узнать перевод незнакомого слова, нужно кликнуть по нему 2 раза.  К текстам прилагаются списки слов для повторения по указанным ниже темам, а также задания по теме «Личное письмо».

Тексты (топики):

  1. О себе. About myself
  2. Моя семья. My family and me.
  3. Мои друзья. My friends.
  4. Место, где я живу. My place.
  5. Школа. My School
  6. Мой день рождения. My birthday.
  7. Мой день. My day.
  8. Как я помогаю по дому. How I help about the house.
  9. Хобби. My Hobby.
  10. Мой домашний питомец. My Pet.

* * *

Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Текст 1. About Myself

My name is … . I am … years old.

I am in the … th form. We learn different subjects but my favourite subject is …

I live in … . I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly and loving.

I am tall (short). My hair is straight and long. I have big brown eyes.

I have got many friends. My best friend is … . We often spend time together. We like to ….

* * *

Текст 2. My Family and Me

My family is large. There are 6 of us: father, mother, my sister, two brothers and me. My family is friendly and loving.

My father’s name is …. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession.

My mother’s name is …. She is busy and loving. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife.

My elder sister’s name is … She is a very beautiful girl. Her hobby is singing.
My younger brother’s name is … He is very active. He likes sport.

My hobby is drawing. I like to draw in my free time. Also I like reading books. My favourite writer is …

At the weekends all the members of our family spend time together. We go for a walk, visit museums, go to the cinema or to the theatre.

I love my family very much.

* * *

Текст 3. My Friends

I have got a close friend. His name is… My friend is in the same form as me. He studies well. He is a good pupil and a good friend. He often helps me to do homework.

I like to spend time with my friend. We go for a walk, talk about music and go to the cinema together.

I have got another friend…. (his/her name). She is a nice girl. Her favourite subject is English. She spends a lot of time on it and knows it very well. Also she is fond of music. She can play the piano very well.

I like my friend very much and think that we are true friends.

* * *

Текст 4. My Place
  • neither … nor — ни … ни…
  • It’s a pity! — Жаль!

I live in a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is on the fifth floor. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

Our living room is big. It is light because it has a large window. To the left of the window there is a piano. To the right of the window there is an old wardrobe. In the middle of the room there is a big round table. We often gather together at this table and play table games. On the walls there are beautiful paintings of modern artists.

I have my own room. It is small. It hasn’t got much furniture but it is very cosy. It is a pity that there is no balcony in my room.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. We have a big fridge and a microwave oven. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

I like my flat.

* * *

Текст 5. My School

I live in Russia. In my country the school year starts in September. It has four or three terms.

I go to school № 2009. This year I am in the 5th form. I have 5 or 6 lessons a day. The lessons start at half past 8. My favourite lesson is Art. I like drawing and our teacher is very kind. She always gives us good marks. I have many other subjects in my timetable too.

I have lunch at half past 10. I have dinner at school, too. I don’t go home after dinner. I stay at school and have fun with my friends. I sometimes do my homework at school, too.

I like school, but I don’t like lessons. The school year finishes in May. We have summer holidays in June, July and August. I love summer!

* * *

Текст 6. My Birthday

I have my birthday on the … of … (month). I like my birthday because I get a lot of presents.

Last year I got a … This year I hope my parents will give me … as a birthday present.

I usually have a birthday party at home and we have a big meal. All my family gather around a big table. There is a birthday cake with candles on it. All my relatives say “Happy birthday” to me.

Next day I invite my friends and organize games and quizes, sing songs and play jokes. We usually have fun.

I enjoy my birthday party very much.

* * *

Текст 7. My Day

I usually get up at 7 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At the weekends I get up late because I don’t have to go to school (work).
After that I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Next I make my bed and dress.
I have breakfast at half past 7. I usually have a glass of juice and a sandwich.
I leave home at 8 o’clock. My school is near my house and it takes me 5 minutes to get there. I usually have 6 lessons at school. For example, today I have English, Russian, Science, Maths, History and Art.
I come home at 2 o’clock and have dinner. Then I have a little rest and start doing my homework.
In the evening I have supper and then watch TV or play computer games.
I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

* * *

Текст 8. How I help about the house
  • take turns — делать по очереди
  • don’t mind — не возражать

I live with my parents and I have to help about the house. Every Sunday I do my room. I dust the furniture and vacuum the carpet. I water the flowers once a week.
I help my mother to lay the table. I wash the dishes after dinner. We take turns with my brother.
Sometimes I help my mother make cakes and pies. I seldom go shopping only when my mother asks me. I buy bread and fruit.
I understand that I must help my parents because they work hard. And I don’t mind doing it.

* * *

Текст 9. My Hobby

Hobby is what people like to do in their free time. We choose a hobby to our tastes. Hobby makes our life interesting. Sometimes it helps us to choose our future profession.
I have got a hobby too. My hobby is …… When I have free time, I always … (describe your hobby)
Also I like to make toys in my free time. I like reading books, too. My favourite writer is …
If your hobby is cooking, you can say how you make cakes and pies.

Текст 10. My Pet

Запомните выражение: I have a hamster as a pet. — У меня есть домашнее животное, хомяк.

I keep a hamster as a pet.  — Я держу дома хомяка.

Hello there! I would like to tell you about my pet. It is a hamster and her name is Sue.

Sue is about one year old. She is very funny. She has soft skin and bright black eyes. Sue is very lively (подвижная) and likes to run around a wheel in her cage.

I keep her cage in the hall because she makes noise at night. But in the daytime I let her run about the flat and play with her.

Sue eats vegetables and I feed her every day. I clean her cage every week. I like to take care of my pet.

I hope that one day my parents will buy me one more pet. I would like to get a rabbit on my birthday.

Эти тексты нужно дополнить и уметь рассказывать. Заучивать наизусть тексты НЕ НАДО. Ниже вы найдете список вопросов к текстам, на которые надо уметь отвечать.

* * *

Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Text 1. About Myself

1. Complete the text.

My name is _______. I am ________years old. I live in _______.

I have a ______ family. There are 6 of ______: my parents, my grandparents, my sister and me.

As for my appearance, you can see yourself. I am _______. I have ______hair and ______ eyes.

I like _______and always go to the ______ in my free time.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. What are you?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Is your hair long or short?
  5. What are eyes like?
  6. Can you describe (описать) yourself?
  7. Where do you live?
  8. Have you any friends?

* * *

Text 2. My Family and Me.

1. Complete text 1.

There are ………….of us in my family. We are a close family. We are sociable and …

My mother is a …………………  My mother is loving and ……….

My father is a ……………………… My father is strong and …………..

As for me, I think I am ……………………… I would like to be more ……..

I have (not) got……. My elder brother is active and …….
My little sister is pretty but ……….

I love my family ……

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  • main characteristic — главная черта характера
  1. How would you describe your family?
  2. What do your parents do?
  3. What are your parents’ main characteristics?
  4. What are your main characteristics?
  5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  6. How old are they?
  7. What are they like?
  8. What do you like doing together?

2. Complete text 2 with the words: close, sociable, get on, hobby, card, typical, intelligent, naughty, humour.

ОБРАЗЕЦ ПИСЬМА на тему «My Family»

Dear Ann,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me to write about my family.

Well, our family is a _____  Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little sister and me) and a cat. We are a _____  family and _____ well with each other.

My mum is a teacher at school. She is _____. Her ______ is painting. My dad is a computer _________. He is _________. He has a good sense of __________. My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes ____________.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

* * *

Text 3. My Friends.

1. Complete the text.

I have a _____ friend. Her name is….. . She is a ______ girl.She has got ______ brown hair and ______ blue eyes. She is slim and ______. She is crazy about collecting dolls. She is very proud of her big _________.

We meet every day because we are in the same form. We talk during the ______and often _____ time together after school.

She is a good student and sometimes help me with my _______.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Have you got many friends?
  2. Who is your best friend?
  3. When did you make friends?
  4. What does your friend look like?
  5. Why do you like him (her)?
  6. What do you have in common?
  7. Do you share ideas?
  8. How often do you phone each other?
  9. How do you like to spend your time together?
  10. What does your friend like doing?

* * *

Text 4. My Place.

1. Complete the text.

My family lives on the _______ floor in a big house. Our flat is ______. We have two bedrooms, a _______, a _________ , a ________ and a toilet.

The biggest room in our flat is the _______. It is a _____ room with a big table in the center. In the _____ there is a cosy sofa. Just on the opposite wall there is a large flat screen.

When we are at home, we often _____ in the room and spend time playing games or watching TV.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Do you live in a flat or in a house?
  2. Is it big or small?
  3. How many rooms has it?
  4. What is there in the living-room?
  5. What is there in the kitchen?
  6. Do you have your own room?

* * *

Text 5. My School.

1. Complete the text.

My name is ____   I am ____. I am in the______ at school number _____.

I _____ a lot of subjects this year. I study Maths, History, Russian, English, Science, _______. I like _______. I don’t like _________.

I like school because I like to ________my friends during the breaks.

But I don’t like to get _____marks.

3. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What school do you study at?
  2. What form are you in?
  3. What lessons / subjects do you like?
  4. What lessons / subjects don’t you like?
  5. How many subjects do you have? What are they?
  6. What subjects do you have in your timetable (on Monday)?
  7. What do you do at your English lessons?
  8. What subject would you like to study?
  9. Do you like breaks?
  10. Some schoolchildren don’t like school. Do you think why?

* * *

Text 6. My Birthday.

1. Complete the text.

My Last Birthday Party

Last year my sisters arranged a birthday party for me.

When I was out, they got _________for the party. They _________the house and _______ pizza. They decorate my room with the balloons. They _______on their best clothes and looked ________.

When I rang the doorbell, the music started playing. I came into the room and saw a big _________  on the table. _______ 13 candles on it.

My sisters sang to me, «Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, ……Happy birthday to you. »

I was very ……

Обратите внимание на слова: прежде всего, потом, и, итак, также. Они делают ваш рассказ более связным. Еще о словах-связках читайте ЗДЕСЬ (скоро)

How to Arrange a School Party

I am _____________to have a school party next week.

First of all, I will arrange date and time and write ____________ (приглашения).

Then I will think who can help me to organise the party. I think I will ask my friend Ilya to bring CDs. He will be responsible for ___________. I am _______ to ask my friend Slava to ________a guitar. He can play the guitar very __________. I will ask Anya to ________food.

And I will ask Sveta to make a____________. So, the girls will be ______________ for the meal.

Also I am ______ to buy small presents for my friends because we will have quizes and contests at the party.

I hope the party will  be _____________.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. How old are you now?
  2. When is your birthday?
  3. Do you like birthday parties?
  4. How do you celebrate your birthday?
  5. Whom do you invite to your birthday party?
  6. You like to get presents, don’t you?
  7. What kind of presents do you like to get best of all?

* * *

Text 7. My Day (My Working Day / My Day Out)

1. Complete the text.

My school day begins early.

I get up at 7 o’clock, _______my face and dress. Then I ______ my bed and go to the _______to have my breakfast.

I leave home for school at 8 o’clock. On the way to school I often _____ my friends and we go the school ______.

I ______home at 3 o’clock.

I have dinner and after that______ because I am often _____.  When I have little homework, I can go to _______  or_______.

In the evening I usually ______ or______.

I ________to bed at 10 p.m.

2.1. Answer the questions to the text «My working Day».

  1. When do you get up on your working days?
  2. It is difficult for you to get up early, isn’t it?
  3. Do you usually make your bed?
  4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  5. When do you leave home for school?
  6. Where is your school?
  7. How long does it take you to get to your school on foot?
  8. When do you come home?
  9. What do you do after that?
  10. What do you like to do in the evenings?
  11. When do you go to bed?

2.2. Answer the questions to the text «My Day Out»

  1. Do you like weekends? Why?
  2. What time do you get up?
  3. What do you do in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening?
  4. Do you like to watch TV?
  5. Do you go to the park?
  6. Do you go swimming?
  7. Do you meet your friends?
  8. Who does shopping in your family?
  9. Do you like shopping?

2.3 Составьте свой рассказ по плану ниже. Обязательно используйте слова, передающие последовательность действий(СКОРО). Они выделены в тексте жирным шрифтом.

My Usual Day

I usually get up at about (около) …

Then I …

Next I

At school I …

When I come home from school, I …


We usually eat dinner at about…

I help my mother with dinner. I ….


After I do my homework, I like …

I always do …. before I go to bed.

* * *

Text 8. How I help about the house.

1. Complete the text.

My name is_____________. I live with parents.

I love my family and help my parents ________the house.

I always vacuum the ________. Sometimes I help my mother to _______the table. And I usually  ________ up after meals. I often ______my room and __________the flowers.

But I never do the___________. I don’t like it.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Do your friends help their parents?
  2. Do you help your parents about the house?
  3. Can you clean your room?
  4. Do you water the flowers?
  5. Do you wash the dishes?
  6. Do you help to lay the table?
  7. Do you vacuum the carpet?
  8. Do you go to the shops and buy food?
  9. What don’t you like to do?

* * *

Text 9. My Hobby.

1. Complete the text.

Our Hobbies

Different people like ____________ things. That’s why we have ____________ hobbies.

I am fond of________________________ ( 3 предложения о себе ).

My friend Nastya likes __________ . She is crazy about_____________( 3 предложения о своем друге/ подруге)

I think hobbies make our life ______________.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What hobbies do you know?
  2. Do you play any musical instrument?
  3. What is your hobby?
  4. Do you think your hobby may help you in future?
  5. What do you want to be?

* * *

Text 10. My Pet.

1. Complete the text.

The animals we keep at home are our_____. They can be dogs, _______,________,
________ or _______.

People are fond of pets. They like to watch them and treat them as real members of the family. Dogs and cats are our _________pets.

I have got  _____pets. In my house _________three cats, a dog, two hamsters and a parrot. I love them all and I am very _________ when I play with them. I _______care of them, too. My mum helps me to ________ them. When I grow up, I want to _______a vet and take ________of animals.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Have you got a pet?
  2. What pet is it?
  3. What is your pet like?
  4. How do you take care of your pet?
  5. Would you like to have one more pet?

* * *

Для написания статьи использованы разработки к различным учебникам,  а также пособие Т.Ю. Журина «Английский язык. 55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников 5-11 класс» (частично переработанное и дополненное)

This entry was posted in Тексты на английском языке для разных уровней and tagged Топики 5-7 класс.

Топики (тематические тексты) для школьников 5, 6 класс. Часть 2

Топики (тематические тексты) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Вторая часть (продолжение). В первой части вы найдете Тексты (топики) по следующим темам: About myself. My family. My friends. My school. My birthday. My day. How I help about the house. My hobby. My pet. К каждому тексту предлагаются слова для повторения темы, вопросы и задания.

Тексты (топики) 10-21:
  1. Мои любимые животные. My favourite animals.
  2. Моя любимая книга. My favourite book.
  3. Времена года и погода. Seasons and weather.
  4. Зимние каникулы. Winter holidays.
  5. Летние каникулы. Summer holidays.
  6. Поход в каникулы. Camping Holidays.
  7. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins
  8. Спорт. Sport.
  9. Одежда. Clothes
  10. Соединенное Королевство. The UK.
  11. Лондон. London

* * *

Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс). Часть 2

Тext 11. My Favourite Animals

I like animals. I can see wild animals at the Zoo. It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, foxes, bears and other animals.
I like films about animals. I have read a lot of books about bears because I like bears most of all.
Bears are huge. They can be white and brown. The white bear eats fish. It lives in the Arctic. The brown bear lives in the woods. It likes honey and sleeps in the lair (берлоге) sucking its paw in winter.

 * * *

Text 12. My Favorite Book

I like reading because I learn a lot of interesting things from books. But most of all I like adventure stories.

My favourite book is «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. It is a story about an American boy and his friends. Tom is inventive and brave. He is always full of ideas. He has a lot of adventures on the Mississippi River.

The book teaches us to be kind and friendly, honest and brave, to be a true friend.

I really enjoyed the book.

 * * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather in Russia

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the seasons of the year.

December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold. It usually snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a nice season. The weather is warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the parks. The sun shines brightly. The birds sing songs everywhere.

June, July and August are summer months. In summer it is usually hot. The sky is blue. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. There are many berries in the forests.

September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool. It often rains.  The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. You can see yellow, red and brown leaves on the trees.

Text 14. Winter Holidays

I like winter because I have long winter holidays. They start on the 29th of December and last till the 10th of January.

The weather is usually fine. There is a lot of snow everywhere.

During winter holidays I have a lot of free time. I don’t have to get up early and go to school. I like to skate and ski.

Sometimes I go to my country house and meet my friends there. We spend a lot of time in the open air, go to the forest, build snowcastles and play snowballs. If it is cold, I usually stay at home. I read books, watch TV or play computer games.

Also I like my winter holidays because we have a happy day – New Year’s Day on the 1st of January and I get presents.

Sometimes my parents and I travel during winter holidays. Last year we visited Suzdal. We stayed in a hotel for three days. I saw many places of interest in Suzdal: wooden houses, beautiful churches and monasteries. It was a very impressive trip.

I like my winter holidays very much.

 * * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

I like summer holidays very much. In summer it is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air. I usually spend June at the seaside.

In June I usually go to a camp. I like spending time there. We play sports, swim in the river and go to different clubs. There is a forest near the camp and we always make a campfire once a week.

In July my parents have a vacation and we go to the seaside. Usually we go to the Black Sea. I like to swim in the sea and spend time on the beach.

In August my parents go to work and I go to the country. We have a country house where my grandparents live. I help them in the garden. I pick up apples and plums, water vegetables. We often go fishing with my grandad or pick up mushrooms in the forest. I have a lot of friends there. We ride bicycles or play games. I have a nice time in the country.

Summer is my favourite season and I enjoy my summer holidays very much.

 * * *

Text 16. Camping on Holidays

Last summer I went camping with my dad. We took rucksacks, two sleeping bags, a tent, a map, a compass, torches, and, of course, matches.

First, we got on a train. When we got off the train, we walked through the woods to the lake. Then we put up a tent and made a campfire. We caught a lot of fish and cooked it on the fire. I slept well and mosquitoes didn’t bite me.

I enjoyed the day very much.

 * * *

Text 17. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins

People need vitamins to stay healthy. The word «vitamins» comes from the word «vita». «Vita» means life in Latin. People get vitamins from food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. Each vitamin is responsible for diffeent things in human body. For example, vitamin A is necessary for eyes. Vitamin B is necessary for the nervous system. Vitamin C is important for bones and teeth.

To stay healthy you should eat healthy food. But unhealthy food is tasty because it has a lot of sugar or fat. Also it has no vitamins. For example, there is no vitamins in Coke, chips or fast food.

* * *

Text 18. Спорт. Sport

I like sport. That’s why my favourite lesson is P.E.

My favourite sport is …………. (your variant). I play for my school team.  We are a good team. We often win in competitions.  It is not easy (легко) to win.

Every day I go to the gym and practise.  I also go to the sports club. Every morning I run in the park with my friends.

I want to be a sportsman because I like to win.

 * * *

Text 19. Одежда. Clothes

People wear different clothes.

When it is cold, people wear coats, jumpers, trousers  and boots. When it is hot, people wear T-shirts, shorts and light dresses.

Some people like to wear comfortartable clothes, others prefer fashionable one.  There are clothes for boys and girls, for men and women. But everybody likes to wear jeans.

Also there are clothes for sport. It is a tracksuit and trainers.

As for me, I like to wear _____ (your variant). I always wear________when ________ (your variant).

* * *

Тext 20. Соединенное королевство. The UK

The UK is situated on the British Isles. It has 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales are called Great Britain and are situated on the island called Great Britain, too.

The climate of Great Britain is mild. England and Ireland consist mainly of plains. Scotland and Wales have mountains.

There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. The longest river is the Severn.

The capital of the UK is London but there are many beautiful towns and villages.

* * *

Тext 21. Лондон. London
There is a saying: If a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It is about 2 thousand years old.

London stands on the river Thames. It is a large port.

London has got three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are offices and banks there. The West End has a lot of places of interest and is always full of people.

The most famous places of interest are:

  • the Buckingham Palace
  • the Westminster Abbey
  • the Houses of Parliament
  • the Tower

There are many beautiful squares in London. The Trafalgar Square is the most famous one. It is in the center of London.

London is rich in parks. The most famous parks are:

There are many theatres, museums and art galleries in London. The most well-known of them are:

  • the National Gallery
  • the Tate Gallery
  • the British Museum
  • Madam Tussaud’s Museum

London is worth visiting.

* * *

Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Text 11. My Favourite Animals

1. Complete the text with the words dangerous, friendly, sharp, huge (large), delicious, fast, body, skin, legs.

  1. The shark is a sea animal. It is  very ________. It can kill other sea animals and people with its _______ teeth. It’s got a ______, long body and rough _____. Half of its _____ is white and half is black.
  2. The dolpin is a sea animal, too. It is very _______ and it loves to swim in front of _____boats. It’s got a long, thin body and smooth _____. It’s got over one hundred teeth.
  3. The crab has got a shell on its body and ten _____legs. They have got two ______ claws for fighting. They are a very _______ meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Упражнение.Перепишите текст, заменив выделенные слова, используя прилагательные из рамки:

large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прилагательные big, good, bad, nice —  очень простые. При описании лучше использовать более интересные слова: large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прочитайте текст ниже и замените прилагательные big, good, bad, nice на более интересные.

ПРИМЕР. Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten long legs.


Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten big legs. They have got two big claws for fighting. They are a very good meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Whales are big sea animals. They aren’t bad animals and usually they’re very nice to people.

2. Answer the questions, using the words the mountains, the river, the desert, the Arctic, the jungle, the ocean, keep as a pet.

  1. Where do lions live?
  2. Where do whales live?
  3. Where do wolves live?
  4. Where do crocodiles live?
  5. Where do snakes live ?
  6. Where do the polar bear live?
  7. Say what pets your friends and relatives have.
  8. What is your favourite animal?
  9. Can you decribe an animal?
  10. Do you think it is good to keep animals in the zoo? Why? Why not?

* * *

Text 12. My Favourite Book

1.1. Complete the letter with the words: favourite, character, adventures, sailor.

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your letter.

Guess what I would like to write about? It is a book which I read last month. It is «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The main _____ is a man who lived on a deserted island (необитаемый остров) for many years. He had a lot of ______  but the plot is based on a real story of a ______.

You know, I like reading books. One of my ______ book is «Harry Potter.»

And what about you? Do you like reading? What is your favourite book?

Write to me!

Best wishes,

1.2. Complete the text.

  • find the murderer — найти убийцу
  • using his deductive reasoning — используя метод «дедукции» (нахождение решения по заданным фактам)

This summer I’ve read a book by Conan Doyle.  Its ______ is  “The Hound of the Baskerville”. Conan Doyle is a _______ writer. He wrote _______stories. I liked this book ______from the very beginning. The main ________ of the book are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The ______of this book is very exciting. Sherlock Holmes was a ______ detective and found the murderer using his deductive reasoning.  I enjoy the way he did it very much.

I began to read this book in June and ______it in August. It was very ______ for me to read this book, because I learnt many new English words. Now I’m going to read one more English book.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. What kind of books do you like (prefer) reading?
  3. Can you name the titles of some stories?
  4. Do you like travel books? Why? Why not?
  5. Have you got any favourite books, authors or favourite characters?
  6. Have you got a favourite writer?
  7. Who is your favourite writer?
  8. Did you like fairy tales when you were little?
  9. What kinds of book do you dislike? Why?

* * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather

1. Complete the text.

There are 4 _____ in the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn.  In Russia ______ three winter months.  They are ______, ______ and February. Spring months are _____ , ______ and May. Summer months are ____, ____ and August. Autumn months are ____, ___ and November. My favourite season is summer because I like to _______ in the river. I like to _____ a bike, too.  It is sunny and ______ in summer. And I have _______ holidays. It’s great!

2. Answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name the seasons. (Назови……)
  3. What season is between (между) winter and summer?
  4. What season is it now?
  5. What is your favourite season? Why?
  6. How many months are there in a year?
  7. Name summer months (winter months, etc.)
  8. What month is it now?
  9. What month comes after May? before August?
  10. What is your favourite month? Why?
  11. What month do you have your birthday?
  12.  What is the first month of winter? of summer?
  13. When does spring start in Russia? in Great Britain?
  14. When does autumn finish in Russia? in Great Britain?
  15. What month does the school year in Russia start (finish)?

* * *

Text 14. Winter Holidays

1. Complete the text. Use the words: at  home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowbals, enjoyed, fine.

I spent my winter_______________in the country. The weather was ___________.

I ______________in the forest. My friend and I went to the river to __________. Sometimes we played _____________ and ______________snowmen.

When it was cold I stayed______________, read books, ______TV. I _______my winter holidays.

2. Answer the questions:


* * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

1. Read the poem. Then say why children like holidays. Use the poem.

No grammar in summer,
No lessons, no tests,
No English, no Maths, no P.E.
Just rivers and lakes,
Swimming, bathing and sailing
in the deep blue sea!

2. Complete the text.

In Russia children have holidays in spring, summer autumn and winter. Summer holidays are the _________. They begin in June and _______ in August.

I like summer holidays ______. My parents, my sister and me like to travel. Russia is a big _______ and has a lot of interesting places to ______.

I want to ______you about my last holiday.

Contunue talking. Use the questions as a plan.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Where did you go on your last holidays?
  2. When was it?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. How did you get there?
  5. Where did you stay?
  6. How long did you stay?
  7. What did you do all day?
  8. What did you do in the evening?
  9. Did you enjoy your holidays?
  10. What activity did you enjoy most of all?

* * *

Text 16. Camping

1. Complete the text.

Mr Lake and Mr River love outdoor activities and canoeing is their favourite. Last summer they ______ canoeing in France. They took a lot of ________with them. Mr Lake took _________and Mr River took __________ and a tent. One day they decided to spend a night in a beautiful forest by a lake. They left the _______on the lake but they forgot to tie it up to a tree. Then they _______the tent. Mr Lake went to the forest because he wanted to find some _____ for a fire. Next Mr River made a _______ and cooked some fish. After the meal they went to ______.  There was a terrible storm that night but Mr Lake and Mr River didn’t wake up. In the morning they went to the lake but their canoe wasn’t there. Then they saw their _______ in the lake. Their paddles, helmets and life jackets were in the canoe. Luckily (К счастью), their mobiles were with them and they could call for help.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you often go camping?
  2. When did you go camping last time?
  3. Where did you go?
  4. Who did you go with?
  5. What things did you take with you?
  6. How did you get there?
  7. Where did you make a camp?
  8. How long did you stay there?
  9. Did you cook food on a fire?
  10. Did you sleep in a tent?
  11. Did you sleep well? Why? Why not?
  12. What did you do all day?
  13. What did you do in the evening?
  14. Do you like camping? Why?

* * *

Text 17. Food

1. Complete the text.

My favourite food is ………… . I would like to eat ……………. twice a day.

I  (don’t ) like………………  I usually (never) eat ……………………..for breakfast.

I like fruit very much. Fruit is healthy.  There are a lot of vitamins in ______, ________, ________.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. What food don’t you like?

* * *

Text 18. Sports

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like sport?
  2. What sport do you play (do)?
  3. Where do you prefer doing sport: in the staduim or in the gym?
  4. Do you play for your school team?
  5. Does your team often win?
  6. Where do you practise?
  7. Who is the captain of your team?
  8. Who is the best (the worst) player?
  9. Do you like your P.E. lessons?
  10. Do you go to sport clubs?
  11. What sports games can you play?
  12. Why is it good to be fit?
  13. What is your favourite sport to watch?
  14. Do you go to matches?
  15. Do you watch sport on TV?

* * *

Text 19. Clothes

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you wear when it is cold?
  2. What do you wear when it is hot?
  3. What do you wear when you go to P. E. lesson?
  4. What do you wear when you go to school?

* * *

Text 20. The UK

1. Complete the text.

The UK or Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. There are ________ countries in the UK: England, Scotland, ________ and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of the _______. It is also the capital of ________. <…>

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is the UK?
  2. What is the capital of the UK?
  3. What is the capital of England?
  4. How many countries are there in the UK?
  5. What are the countries?

* * *

Text 21. London

1. Complete the text.

  1. be founded by Romans — основан римлянами
  2. Thames — Темза
  3. Buckingham — Букингемский


London is the _______of England and the UK. It is one of the most __________ cities in the UK. It was founded by Romans. London ______on the river Thames. The English Queen lives in London. She lives in Buckingham _______.

There are a lot of historical buildings,  ______ and _______ in London. Millions of _______ from different countries visit the city every year. They go sightseeing, ______souvenirs and enjoy traditional meals. The most famous London ______ are Big Ben, the Tower of London and London Eye.


  • take part in — принимать участие в
  • make speeches — говорить речи (высказывать свое мнение)

London is ______  in parks and gardens. London’s parks are ______  of trees, grass and flowers. They are free for visitors.

Each park is something special. Hyde Park is the largest park. It is _______ for its Speaker’s Corner (уголок оратора). There you can make a speech about what you like.

St. James Park is famous for the ______of  Buckingham Palace. This park is very beautiful with its flower beds.

In all London’s parks you can take part in different activities. Londoners love their parks and ______ of them.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Is London an old city?
  2. What is London like?
  3. What London’s sights would you like to visit?
  4. Would you like to see Big Ben?
  5. What is Big Ben like?
  6. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
  7. What London’s parks do you know?
  8. What each of them famous for?
  9. Would you like to visit London?
  10. What would you do in London?

This entry was posted in Тексты на английском языке для разных уровней and tagged Топики 5-7 класс.

Тексты на английском языке, предлагаемые для чтения в 6-х классах

Тексты на английском языке, предлагаемые для чтения в 6-х классах

Text 1.

“A Cleaver Salesman”

Данный текст предлагается для чтения к разделу 8 “We have a lot in common.”

Mr. Boxell lived at 5 Central Road in a little town in the North of England. He was a tall fair-haired man with dark eyes on his round pleasant face. Mr. Boxell was a salesman.

One Thursday when Tom was in his shop a short man walked in and asked for an expensive pair of shoes. There was something dangerous in the man’s unfriendly eyes. It was Brooks, the burglar. Tom knew that the police wanted him very much. Brooks tried on a few pairs of shoes and then bought the pair which Tom strongly recommended. Brooks thought they were a bit tight but Tom said: “Don’t worry, they’ll stretch, sir.”

The next morning Brooks came into the shop to change his shoes. But when he asked for a different pair of shoes the police arrested him as the policemen were in the shop. They were sure he would come to change his shoes the next day. What a clever salesman Tom Boxell was!

Text 2.

“Stone Soup”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

One day a tramp came to an old women’s house. “Excuse me,” said the tramp. “I’m very hungry. Can you give me something to eat?” But the old women was very mean. “Go away,” she said. “I haven’t got any food.” “Oh,” said the tramp.

“That’s a pity. I’ve got a magic stone. I can make soup with it. But I need some water.” “Well, I’ve got a lot of water,” said the mean old women. “A magic stone, eh?” She fetched a big saucepan of water. The tramp put the stone into it. After a while he tested the soup. “Mmm, it’s very good,” he said. “It just needs a bit of salt and pepper.” The old women fetched some salt and pepper. “Mmm, that’s better,” he said. It really needs a few vegetables. It’s a pity you haven’t got any vegetables.” “Oh, I can find some vegetables,” she said. She ran into the garden and brought some potatoes, carrots, beans and big onion. The tramp put the vegetables into the saucepan.

“Is it ready now?” asked the women. “Almost,” said the tramp. “it’s really needs a bit of meat. It’s a pity you haven’t got any meat.” ”Oh, I can find some meat,” said the old woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with some ham and some sausages. The tramp put them into the saucepan.

“Right,” said the tramp. “I can’t see the stone anymore. So the soup is ready. Bread is very good with stone soup. It’s a pity you haven’t got any bread.” “Oh, I’ve got a bit of bread,” said the woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with a lot of bread, some butter and a piece of cake. She put them on the table. The old women tasted the soup. “Mmm, this stone soup is delicious, and you made it just with a magic stone.”

When the tramp left, he said “Here is the magic stone, you can keep it.” “Oh, thank you,” said the old woman. “But remember,” said the tramp, “for the best stone soup you need a bit of meat, few vegetables and a bit of salt and pepper, too.”

Text 3.

“Little Apples And Big Apples”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

Little Ann likes apples. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today she has no apples. Ann goes up to her mother.

Ann: Mummy, I want an apple. Give me an apple, please.

Mother: It is evening now, darling. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.

Ann: Oh, no, Mummy. Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep. Give me a big one, please, Mummy.

Text 4.

“It’s Brunch Time”

K разделу 7 “Living together.”

Americans eat it if they don’t have breakfast and don’t have lunch. They can eat it the garden on Sundays when they have time to relax. They dress elegantly and sometimes they invite their friends.

They have pancakes or French toasts. They also have ham or bacon. Some of them like to eat brunch at restaurants. They start with tomato or orange juice. Then they have bacon and eggs on an English muffin.

Why don’t you make your own brunch? Prepare a buffet with bacon, eggs and tomato sandwiches, salads, cheese and cakes or biscuits. You can drink fruit juice. Milk, tea or coffee. Enjoy yourself!

Text 5.

“The Painter and the Doctor”

К разделу 5 “Faces Of London.”

Turner, the great English painter had a dog which he loved very much. One day the dog broke a leg. Turner sent for a doctor. Hi did not want to send for a veterinary, he sent for the best doctor in London.

When the doctor come, Turner said, “Doctor, I am very glad that you have come. My dog has broken a leg. I know that you are too great a doctor for work of this kind, but please do it. It is so important for me.”

The doctor was angry, but did not show it. He did what the painter asked him to do.

Next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his house. “The doctor wants to see me about my dog,” thought Turner. “It must be that.”

When Turner went into the doctor’s house, the doctor said:

“Mr.Turner, I am so glad to see you. I want to ask you to paint my door. I know that you are too great a painter for this work, but please do it. It is so important for me.”

Text 6.

“London Zoo”

К разделу 6 “Animals In Our Life.”

Many years ago the London Zoo had a young elephant from Africa. The elephant was very small. His name was Jumbo. A man looked after him. His name was Scott. The elephant grew very quickly. Soon he learned to carry people on his back. Children liked to sit on the little benches which he carried on his back. The people of London knew Jumbo and liked him

One day a rich American saw Jumbo. He wanted to buy him and take him to America to show Jumbo in the circus there and to make a lot of money.

He paid the London Zoo two thousand dollars for Jumbo. When the people of London heard about it, they wrote letters and articles to newspapers and organized meeting of protest. They did not want Jumbo to go to America. But nothing helped. Scott began to prepare to go to America with Jumbo to look after him there.

When the elephant came out of the Zoo, he lay down in the street and did not want to get up. Many times Scott told him to get up. When at last he got up, they began to walk to the port of London. Many people stood in the street and watched. There were meetings of protest in the streets, squares and at the Port. The people wanted Jumbo to stay in the London Zoo.

But Jumbo and Scott went to America on a ship. In America Jumbo was a circus elephant. He learned to carry things from one place to another and he danced. The American also liked Jumbo.

Text 7.

“The Cat”

К разделу 6 “Animals In Our Life.”

Our cats were first timed in Egypt.

There _________ many kinds of cats: white cats, black cats, _________ cats, red cats; cats with long tails, cats ______ bushy tails, cats with no tails at all. _______ are clean and pretty. They are very wise, _______ can find their way anywhere. You can make ______ friends with cats, but they are not so ______ as dogs. They are more shy and independent. ________ cat has a nice coat. It is made ______ fur, and the fur is very thick and ______. The cat’s feet have sharp claws. It can ______ them in, then its paws are soft. The _____ eyes are green and yellow. It can see ______ the dark and in the light. The light ______ the day is too strong for its eyes, ______ it often shuts them. But at night, when _____ is only a little light, it opens its ______ very wide. When the cat is happy, it ______. It says, “Purr, purr.”

Key: are, grey, with, cats, and, great, loving, the, of, warm, pull, cat’s, in, of, and, there, eyes, sings (if students used a word different from what the key is giving, but suitable for the context, it shouldn’t be considered a mistake).

Текст 8. Малые жанры устного народного творчества.

1). Hush-a-bye, baby,

On the tree top.

When the wind blows,

The cradle will rock,

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby,

Cradle and all.

2). Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir

Three bags full.

One for the master,

One for the dame and one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

3). «Little Miss Muffet»

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider, and sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.


Little Miss Muffet is a girl in a traditional nursery rhyme. Miss Muffet, it is said, was the daughter of Dr. Thomas Muffet, a famous 16th century scientist who studied insects. )

4). «Little Jack Horner»

Little Jack Horner

Sat in a corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb

And pulled out a plum,

And said, what a good boy am-I!


Little Jack Horner is a boy in a traditional nursery rhyme. The poem may refer to a man called Jack Horner who was a servant of King Henry VIII).

Henry VIII (1491-1547) – the most famous English King (1509-1547). He was cruel and wasteful with money. The most well-known fact about Henry VIII is that he had six wives. His first wife, Catherine of Aragon, failed to bear him a son, but the Pope would not allow him to divorce her. As a result, the Church of England broke away from the Roman Catholic сhurch, and Henry married Anne Boleyn. She was later found guilty of adultery and Henri had her head cut off. His other wives were Jane Seymour, who died whale giving birth to a child, Annу of Cleves, who Henry divorced, Catherine Howard, who was executed, and Catherine Parr, who lived on after Henry’s death. Henry encouraged leaning and allowed the Bible to be printed in English. Under Henry England became richer and more powerful.

Приложение 2

Фрагмент урока по обучению изучающему чтению в 6-м классе средней школы.

Тема: «Известные люди»

(по учебному комплекту М.З Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English-3») .

Unit 5 “Faces Of London”

Section 2 “Talking About The Famous”

Цели урока: активизация лексических навыков по теме «Известные люди»; совершенствование навыков чтения вслух, тренировка навыков перевода.

Оборудование: портреты известных людей.

Ход фрагмента.

I. Организационный момент

Good Afternoon, boys and girls. I’m glad to meet you. How are you today?

Let’s start the lesson now. Today we shall have a talk about famous people of Great Britain and America.

II. Речевая разминка

I’d like to ask you a question.

  • What famous people in Russia do you know?

  • Who can add? Do you know any Russian painters?

  • Who was a first Russian cosmonaut?

  • Are you proud of the Russian famous people?

III. Фонетическая отработка новых слов по теме «Известные люди»

Let’s talk about the Famous. I have written their names on the blackboard. Can you read them?

Запись на доске: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Charlie Chaplin, John Lennon, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, Joseph Turner.

Учитель вывешивает на доске портреты известных людей и привлекает внимание детей к словам на доске (имена и фамилии с транскрипцией). Ученики читают слова самостоятельно и повторяют их за учителем, хором и в парах.

IV. Закрепление введенной лексики в устной речи

  • Have you ever heard the names of these famous people? Will you open the books, page 86, exercise 25? Say what these people are famous for. You may need the words: songs, poems, films, pictures, stories about Sherlock Holmes, plays, detective stories.

Example: Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories.

Для выполнения данного упражнения используются портреты знаменитостей.

V. Совершенствование техники чтения вслух.

— It’s time to read the text about Daniel Defoe and his famous book “The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”. You will read the text and find answers to the questions:

a) When did Daniel Defoe write his most famous novel?

b) Was the story based on real adventures?

c) What is the title of the book?


Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was a famous English writer of the eighteenth century. He wrote his world famous novel “The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” when he was nearly 60 years old.

The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adventures of a sailor called Alexander Selkirk, who has lived alone for four years on a desert island. The book, however, also contains a lot of incidents from the author imagination.

When the book was published in 1719, it immediately became popular. Defoe made his story so realistic that everyone believed it.

Defoe didn’t write his book for children. But every child now knows “Robinson Crusoe”, how he learned to catch goats and to make pots, how he made an umbrella and had hundreds of adventures.

Daniel Defoe wrote many other books, but for “Robinson Crusoe” he is called “the father of English prose”.

Ученики читают текст и отвечают на вопросы задания перед текстом.

VI. Контроль понимания содержания прочитанного текста.

I want to find out if you understand the text well.

Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

1) D.Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.

2) D.Defoe wrote his novels about R.Crusoe when he was 30.

3) The story of R.Crusoe is the author’s imagination.

4) The novel wasn’t popular in the 18th century, it became popular later.

5) D.Defoe didn’t write his book for children.

6) D.Defoe is called “the father of English prose” for his detective stories.

VII. Активизация лексических навыков и навыков перевода

Восемнадцатый век, известный во всем мире роман, удивительные приключения, жить одному, остров, много фантазии, была опубликована, стала популярной, поверили, изобрел зонт.

VIII. Have you read the novel “Robinson Crusoe”? Say a few words about this novel and include the following information:

  1. the author

  2. the main character, his traits (его черты характера)

  3. the novel

  4. five adjectives to describe the novel

Ученики зачитывают словосочетания на русском языке, дают их английский эквивалент, а затем находят в тексте предложения с данными речевыми структурами, зачитывают их и переводят.

Тексты по английскому языку для контрольных заданий (6 класс)

Контрольная работа № 3 6-й класс

Text for listening

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot”

Part I

First I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the second form at a school in Manchester. I have a little sister Bess, who is very silly and I have a very clever dog. His name is Pal.
What a bad day Monday was for me! I woke up late and did not have time to eat my breakfast. I did not see my books and my school cap in their places. I looked in my room. I looked in the dining- room. Then I looked into the bathroom and saw my books there. Then I saw my dog Pal under the table with my cap. I put my books into my bag, took my cap and ran very quickly to school.
The first lesson on Monday is Maths. What a difficult subject to begin the week with! Mr. Green, the mathematics teacher, took our homework. He saw that my exercise-book was dirty. He gave me a bad mark for it. Then he gave us tasks to do. I sit behind Jane, who is fat and silly. But she likes Maths very much and has good marks for it. I asked her to tell me the answers, but she didn’t want to.
The second lesson on Monday is French. I like French. It’s nice to talk to your friends at the lesson in another language. Then it was eleven o’clock — time for break. Nell gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk and then gave me her homework to copy. I think Nell likes me, and she is a nice girl.
After break we had two lessons of Latin! They are bad lessons: I do not like Latin. I talked to Nell at the lesson and Mr. Williams gave me a hundred words to write in my exercise-book after school. I wrote those words at the lesson when the boys and girls were reading a Latin book.

Say “True or False”:

  1. I am thirteen and I am in the second form at a school in Manchester.

  2. What a bad day Monday was for me!

  3. I like English.

  4. She wanted to tell me the answers.

5. I do not like Latin.

Контрольная работа №3

Text for reading(6th grade)

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Part II

At half past twelve the long break for dinner begins. I ran to the dining-room and sat down at the table. They gave us meat and vegetables for dinner. I do not like vegetables and I ate very little at dinner. Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.
After dinner break we had a History lesson. I don’t usually like History, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in the year 1066. In summer we were at Hastings and saw all the places that the History teacher told us about.
At three o’clock we had the lesson which I like very much. It is games. We went to the playground and played football! Pete hit John, but Mr. Temple, the games teacher, did not see that.
After school, at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some ice-cream and I went to his house to listen to his new record. It is a nice record and I want to buy it, but now I have no money.
I came home at half past seven. Mum didn’t speak to me. She doesn’t like when I come home late after school. I had cold supper in the kitchen. After supper I did my French homework, but I didn’t do my History homework because I watched TV. I can do it at school during a break .

Say “True or False”:

  1. I like vegetables.

  2. I don’t usually like History.

  3. I came home at half past six.

  4. Mum didn’t speak to me.

  5. I can do History at school during a break .

Schools in England

Schools in England are not the same as in our country. Children begin to go to school when they are five years old. From five to seven they are in infant schools An infant school is like a kindergarten. The children draw and paint, they sing and listen to stories which the teacher reads to them. They also play games. In these schools they begin to learn to read and write.
From seven to eleven children in England go to a junior school. Here they all learn to read and write and do mathematics.
From eleven to sixteen boys and girls in England go to a secondary school. They begin to learn in form one. The sixth form is the last form in this school. They have many subjects in their time-table.
In England schoolchildren do not go to schools on Saturdays and Sundays.

Школы в Англии

Школы в Англии не такие, как в нашей стране. Дети начинают ходить в школу в пять лет. С пяти до семи лет они в начальной школе. Начальная школа похожа на детский сад. Дети рисуют и рисуют красками, они поют и слушают рассказы, которые учитель читает им. Они также играют в игры. В этих школах они начинают учиться читать и писать.С семи до одиннадцати лет дети в Англии ходят в младшую школу. Там они учатся читать и писать, и делать математику.
С одиннадцати до шестнадцати лет мальчики и девочки в Англии ходят в среднюю школу. Они начинают учиться в первом классе. Шестой класс — последний класс в этой школе. У них много предметов в их расписании уроков.
В Англии школьники не ходят в школу по субботам и воскресеньям.

Lena Describes Her Classroom

I am in the sixth form. Our classroom is on the second floor of the school. There are twenty-one desks in the classroom and two pupils sit at each desk.
The teacher’s desk is in front of the pupils’ desks. The blackboard is on the wall on the teacher’s left. The chalk and the duster are in a box near the blackboard.
There are four very large windows on the side of the room opposite the door. We open the windows during the break between lessons.
There are portraits on the wall over the blackboard. There are pictures and maps hanging on the walls in the classroom.
There are lamps hanging above the desks. In winter it is dark early. Then we turn on the light and the classroom is light.
We begin our lessons at half past eight in the morning. We have four or five lessons a day. We have a short break of ten minutes between lessons, but between the second and third lessons we have a long break of twenty minutes. During the long break we go to the dining-room and have lunch. We finish our lessons at ten minutes past twelve.


Five years ago my grandparents lived in the village of Smalville in Florida. We visited them every summer. Every day we helped with their farm. They didn’t have a car, but they had

a brown horse and a cart. They also had two cows and a very big bull. I wasn’t afraid of him because he was good. He was three years old and was born on the farm. My grandparents had some hens and sheep too and a beautiful dog, Ted, but they didn’t have any cats. Near their house there was a river. My grandad swam but I didn’t because I was too small. We liked the farm. We were very happy there. Last year my grandparents sold their house and some of their animals and moved to a village near Los Angeles. I am glad they didn’t sell their horse or their dog. Last month we visited them. Their new house and village are beautiful. I want to visit them again soon.

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Времена английского языка (The Verb Tenses)

Модальный глагол Have to

Фонетическая транскрипция / звуки

Вопросительные предложения

Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)











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Смотрите также:

  • Курс разговорного английского
  • Английские тексты с аудио
  • Диалоги на английском
  • Топики по английскому с переводом
  • Видео на английском с текстами
  • Английские слова по темам с транскрипцией
  • Основные фразы на английском
  • Английские идиомы по темам
  • Английские сленговые выражения
  • Упражнения на произношение  английского
  • Английские скороговорки
  • Анекдоты на английском с переводом на русский
  • Стихи на английском с переводом и аудио

Подготовка к экзаменам по английскому языку:

  • ЕГЭ по английскому языку
  • Подготовка к экзамену TOEFL
  • Подготовка к экзамену IELTS
  • Международные экзамены по английскому

Мы рекомендуем:

  • Лучшие репетиторы по английскому

Самое необходимое из теории языка:

  • Грамматика английского языка

Предлагаем пройти тесты онлайн:

  • Тест на уровень владения английским
  • Тест по лексике английского
  • Тесты по грамматике английского
  • Какой язык учить?

Рекомендуемые статьи и видео:

  • Как научиться свободно говорить на английском
  • Как успешно пройти собеседование на английском
  • Интересные тесты: узнайте свой уровень владения языком
  • Гимнастика для лингвистов: комплекс для правильного произношения
  • 5 правил успешного изучения языка
  • Как улучшить знание иностранного языка: три совета и пять правил
  • Как улучшить беглость речи
  • Видео: «Как улучшить произношение и понимание»
  • Хотите говорить как коренной англичанин?

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Как выбрать репетитора по английскому языку

Бесплатный пробный урок

Практичные советы по изучению английского языка

Как научиться свободно говорить на английском

Как успешно пройти собеседование на английском

Гимнастика для лингвистов: комплекс для правильного произношения

5 правил успешного изучения языка

Как улучшить знание иностранного языка: три совета и пять правил

Все советы

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текстов для 6 класса | Обучение в начальной школе

Однажды молодой шотландец влюбился в девушку, которую видел во сне. Он рассказал о ней своему отцу. «Я ни за кого не выйду замуж, — сказал он, — даже если мне придется искать ее по всему миру». «Иди, если хочешь, — сказал отец, — и я дам тебе немного денег, чтобы ты взял с собой». Итак, парень взял деньги и отправился во Францию, в Испанию и по всему миру, но нигде не нашел свою даму. Прибыв в Лондон, он встретил старуху, которая предложила ему помощь.Когда на следующий день он шел по городской улице, он увидел у окна красивую молодую женщину. Он сразу понял, что это девушка, которую он искал, но не подошел к ней, потому что его одежда была очень грязной. Итак, он пошел к старухе и рассказал ей все. «Это была дочь лондонского судьи», — сказала она. «Я была ее медсестрой, так что, возможно, я смогу вам помочь. Я подарю тебе прекрасную шотландскую одежду. Когда вы видите, как она идет по улице, вы должны наступить ей на платье. Когда она обернется, поговори с ней.Парень поблагодарил ее и сделал это. Он вышел, увидел даму и наступил ей на платье. Она сразу же обернулась, и он рассказал ей свою историю. «В ту же ночь я видела тебя во сне», — сказала она. «Ты выйдешь за меня?» он сказал. «Вернись сюда через год и день. В этом городе судья, мой отец, должен приложить мою руку к твоей, прежде чем мы сможем пожениться. Мальчик вернулся в Шотландию. Через год отец дал ему хороших овсяных лепешек, и он уехал в Лондон. По дороге он встретил англичанина. «Что ты будешь делать в Лондоне?» — спросил англичанин.«Когда я был там последний раз, я посадил дерево на улице, — сказал парень. «Если созреет, возьму с собой; если нет, я оставлю это ». «Что ж, — сказал англичанин, — это глупо. Что до меня, то я женюсь на единственной дочери лондонского судьи ». Они пошли вместе. Наконец англичанин проголодался. У него не было с собой еды, поэтому он повернулся к парню и попросил у него еды. «Я могу дать вам немного, но если бы я был джентльменом, как вы, я бы никогда не путешествовал без матери», — сказал парень.«Какая глупая идея!» — сказал англичанин. Они не ушли далеко, когда пошел дождь. У шотландца был плащ, а у англичанина его не было. «Дай мне свой плащ!» он сказал. «Я одолжу вам его часть, — сказал парень, — но если бы я был таким джентльменом, как вы, я бы никогда не путешествовал без своего дома». «Ты действительно дурак!» — сказал англичанин. «Мой дом очень большой, как я могу взять его с собой?» Наконец они приехали в Лондон.


стандартов изучения английского языка | Инициатива Common Core State Standards

Общие основные государственные стандарты для изучения английского языка и грамотности по истории / обществознанию, естествознанию и техническим предметам («стандарты») представляют собой следующее поколение стандартов K – 12, разработанных для подготовки всех учащихся к успеху в колледже, карьере и т.д. и жизнь к тому времени, когда они закончат среднюю школу.

Common Core предлагает студентам читать рассказы и литературу, а также более сложные тексты, содержащие факты и базовые знания в таких областях, как наука и общественные науки.Студентам будут предложены вопросы, которые заставят их вернуться к прочитанному. Это подчеркивает критическое мышление, решение проблем и аналитические навыки, необходимые для успеха в колледже, карьере и жизни.

Стандарты устанавливают руководящие принципы для изучения английского языка по искусству (ELA), а также для грамотности по истории / обществознанию, естествознанию и техническим предметам. Поскольку учащиеся должны научиться читать, писать, говорить, слушать и эффективно использовать язык в различных областях содержания, стандарты продвигают навыки и концепции грамотности, необходимые для подготовки к колледжу и карьере по нескольким дисциплинам.

Якорные стандарты готовности к колледжу и карьере составляют основу стандартов ELA / грамотности, формулируя основные знания и навыки, в то время как стандарты для конкретных классов обеспечивают дополнительную конкретность. Начиная с 6 класса стандарты грамотности позволяют учителям ELA, истории / социальных наук, естественных наук и технических предметов использовать свои знания в области содержания, чтобы помочь учащимся решать особые задачи чтения, письма, разговорной речи, аудирования и языка в их соответствующих областях. поля.

Важно отметить, что стандарты грамотности для 6–12 классов по истории / обществознанию, естествознанию и техническим предметам предназначены для дополнения стандартов содержания в этих областях, а не для их замены. Государства определяют, как включить эти стандарты в свои существующие стандарты по этим предметам или принять их в качестве стандартов грамотности в области содержания.

Навыки и знания, содержащиеся в стандартах ELA / грамотности, предназначены для подготовки учащихся к жизни вне класса.Они включают в себя навыки критического мышления и способность внимательно и внимательно читать тексты таким образом, чтобы помочь им понимать сложные литературные произведения и получать от них удовольствие. Студенты научатся использовать убедительные аргументы и навыки сбора доказательств, которые необходимы для успеха в колледже, карьеры и жизни. Стандарты также излагают видение того, что значит быть грамотным человеком, готовым к успеху в 21, , веках.


Рабочие листы на понимание прочитанного

На понимание прочитанного в 1-м классе

Набор отрывков для учащихся первого класса.

Понимание прочитанного во втором классе

Набор статей и рассказов для учащихся второго класса чтения.

Понимание прочитанного в третьем классе

Текст для учащихся, которые читают в третьем классе.

Понимание прочитанного в четвертом классе

Нехудожественные тексты и художественные рассказы для учащихся, которые читают на уровне чтения четвертого класса.

Понимание прочитанного в 5-х классах

Большая коллекция отрывков из художественной литературы для 5-го класса, научно-популярных статей и стихов.

Понимание прочитанного в 6-х классах

STW содержит множество биографических статей, научно-популярных статей и стихов, специально написанных для учеников 6-х классов.

Понимание прочитанного в средней школе

Отрывки для учащихся, которые читают выше пятого класса.

Статьи о животных

Печатайте статьи о бесчисленных видах животных, от трубкозубов и броненосцев до вомбатов и зебр.В каждой статье есть вопросы на понимание и словарное задание.


Здесь вы найдете подборку биографических отрывков для понимания прочитанного. В нем представлены Альберт Эйнштейн, Хелен Келлер, Джордж Вашингтон, доктор Мартин Лютер Кинг, Гертруда Эдерле и многие, многие другие.

Стихи и поэзия для детей

У нас есть огромная коллекция оригинальных стихов для учеников всех младших классов.

Театральные сценарии для читателей

Небольшие группы студентов могут исполнять эти короткие сценарии для театральных представлений в классе.

Мини-книги (очень простые)

На этой странице вы найдете большой выбор мини-книг по акустике для юных читателей.

Литературный кружок и Книжный клуб

Бланки отчетов о книгах, роли литературных кружков, книжное лото и другие рабочие листы для чтения.

Рабочие листы по языковым искусствам

Полный список материалов по изучению английского языка на этом сайте.

Рабочие листы по акустике

Полный список заданий по акустике на S.T.W.

Early Literacy

В этом разделе представлены упражнения с алфавитом, рабочие листы по акустике, базовые упражнения по построению предложений и многое другое.


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Чтение историй на английском – один из основных методов изучения языка. Работа с историями на английском языке помогает расширить словарный запас, грамматическую грамотность.

Семья читает книгу

Чем поможет чтение историй на английском?

Чтение историй на английском – это лучшая практика использования полученных знаний.

Оно имеет такую пользу:

  • чтение историй на английском расширяет словарный запас, позволяет понять специфику употребления многих идиом, разговорных оборотов, художественных приемов;
  • во время работы с историями на английском развивается умение понимать главную идею написанного;
  • чтение историй на английском языке позволяет увидеть практическое применение грамматических структур;
  • при чтении историй на английском у читателя появляется возможность научиться понимать оценить стиль автора.

Читая истории на английском можно значительно повысить мотивацию к изучению: понимание текста на иностранном языке вдохновляет на дальнейшее обучение. Изучая английский, истории полезно читать для проверки своих знаний и умения понимать и интерпретировать иноязычную речь.

Как правильно читать истории на английском?

Девочка с книгами

Чтобы чтение историй принесло максимальную пользу и удовольствие, следует правильно выбрать тексты для чтения.

Нужно учитывать:

  • уровень знания языка. Определить уровень языка можно в интернете с помощью специальных тестов или вместе со своим учителем/репетитором;
  • литературные вкусы. Чтение должно приносить удовольствие и выбирать истории нужно исходя из своих интересов;

Неправильно выбранная история на английском может отбить желание не только читать, но и изучать язык.

Главный принцип в работе с историями на английском – систематичность. Только систематическая работа может гарантировать ожидаемый результат.

Методика работы с историями:

  • выбранную историю первый раз нужно прочитать бегло: попытаться понять общую идею прочитанного, не стремиться понять каждое слово;
  • во время чтения истории на английском во второй раз обратить внимание на интересные слова и структуры, употребление грамматики;
  • интересные фразы и слова из истории можно выписывать в отдельную тетрадь для того, чтобы в дальнейшем иметь возможность возвращаться к ним.

Постоянная работа с историями поможет улучшить навыки чтения.

Английские короткие истории для начинающих

Для начинающих подходят истории на английском с простым сюжетом и несложными грамматическими конструкциями. Это могут быть истории-сказки, шуточные истории, простые сюжеты и рассказы о животных, детях, путешествиях.

История на английском про мальчика, который научился видеть

В этой истории употребляются простые времена и базовая лексика, она доступна для понимания для носителей уровней А1-А2.

In the railway carriage, one boy was laughing all the time, when he was looking at the window.

The man sitting in from of him was getting angry. He was very tired and he wanted to sleep. But the boy was laughing all the time and prevented him.

The man could not stand it and said:

— Mister, could you tell something to your son. Calm him down.

The father didn’t say a word.

Then the man said again:

— I think, your son needs a doctor! His behavior is awful!

— We have just been there. – smiled a father.

The man surprised.

Father continued:

— My son started to see the world around him! His vision has been restored today.

В вагоне поезда один мальчик постоянно смеялся, когда смотрел в окно.

Мужчина, который сидел напротив, начал злиться. Он был усталым и хотел спать. Но мальчик смеялся и мешал ему.

Мужчина не выдержал и сказал:

— Мистер, не могли бы вы успокоить своего сына.

Отец промолчал. Мальчик продолжал смеяться.

Тогда мужчина сказал еще:

— Я думаю, вашего сына нужно показать врачу.

— Мы только что там были. – Ответил отец.

Мужчина удивился. Поведение мальчика его очень злило!

Папа продолжил:

— Мой сын впервые увидел мир! Ему восстановили зрение.

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

История на английском про девочку и скрипку

Эта история подходит для чтения в контексте изучения простого и длительного настоящего времени английского языка.

One girl always wanted to learn how to play the violin. She was listening to music, watching concerts and was sitting sadly at the window.

Her family was very poor. They couldn’t buy a violin for their daughter.

But the girl tried not to be sad. She was happy when she heard the sound of a favorite musical instrument. She continued dreaming.

Once she was walking on the street when she saw a homeless man, who was playing the violin.

She has a few dollars with herself. She was so sorry for this man so she decided to give him her money.

— Thank you, kind girl. – said the man. – What can I do for you?

Blushed she came home without saying a word.

The next morning she found a violin near the front door. There was a note:

‘The kindness is always regarded’.

Одна девочка всегда хотела научиться играть на скрипке. Она слушала музыку, смотрела концерты и грустила у окна.

Ее семья была очень бедной. Они не могли купить скрипку своей дочери.

Но девочка не грустила. Она радовалась, когда слышала звук любимого инструмента и продолжала мечтать.

Однажды она шла по улице и увидела бездомного, который играл на скрипке.

У нее с собой было несколько долларов. Ей стало так жаль бедного, что она отдала ему все свои деньги.

— Спасибо, добрая девочка. – улыбнулся мужчина. – Что я могу сделать для тебя?

Покраснев, она молча пошла домой.

На следующее утро она нашла возле дверей скрипку. Возле нее была записка:

«Доброта всегда вознаграждается».

История на английском о соловье и розе

Соловей на ветке

Для закрепления знаний о простом и длительном прошлом времени в английском языке подойдет эта история с простым сюжетом и несложной базовой лексикой.

There was a rose in the garden. She was very sad and often cried. Other flowers had people who loved them. They were presented all the time. But rose wasn’t. She had thorns.

Once the Nightingale sat near rose. He started to sing a beautiful song. She was looking at the rose and his song was perfect.

The rose revived. She understood that somebody needs her. The bird always was sitting near here and singing its song.

Once he flew up very close and the rose was frightened:

— Fly away! – Cried she, — you can be pricked!

— I’m not afraid. – said the nightingale. – You are very beautiful and I’m not afraid to be pricked.

She heard such good words for the first time. She was pleased.

And she understood that there is always somebody who will not be afraid of you.

В саду росла красивая роза. Она была грустной и часто плакала. Другие цветы находили себе хозяев – их срывали и дарили друг другу люди. А розу никто не трогал. У нее были острые шипы.

Однажды на соседний куст сел соловей. Он начал красиво петь. Он смотрел на розу и пел прекрасную песню.

Роза ожила. Она поняла, что она кому-то нужна. Птица постоянно сидела рядом и пела песенки.

Однажды он подлетел близко и роза испугалась:

— Улетай! – сказала она. – Ты можешь уколоться!

— Я не боюсь. – Ответил соловей. – ты очень красивая и я не боюсь уколоться.

Первый раз роза слышала такие слова. Ей было приятно.

И она поняла, в этом мире всегда найдется кто-то, кто не побоится к тебе приблизиться.

Если Вы устали учить английский годами?

Наши читатели рекомендуют попробовать 5 бесплатных уроков курса «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА» с Анастасией Божок.

Те, кто посещают даже 1 урок узнают больше, чем за несколько лет!

Получите 5 бесплатных уроков здесь…

Без домашки. Без зубрежек. Без учебников


  • Научитесь составлять грамотные предложения на английском без заучивания грамматики
  • Узнаете секрет прогрессивного подхода, благодаря которому Вы можете сократить освоение английского с 3 лет до 15 недель
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Получить 5 уроков бесплатно можно тут

История на английском про счастье

Птица поет

В этой истории много прилагательных, которые можно выписать и практиковать в разных контекстах на английском.

The little bird decided to learn what happiness is. She asked the wind, sun, sky, and water. But all of them answered differently.

The wind said that happiness is freedom.

The sky said that happiness is silence.

The water said that happiness is the speed.

The bird was frustrated. She thought that she got confused. Then she decided to ask the wise Owl. Owl answered:

— Happiness is when you are happy. You are happy when you fly and sing.

The bird was pleased. It was true! She was always happy when she was flying and singing!

She understood that every creature has their own happiness.

Маленькая птичка решила узнать, что такое счастье. Она спросила у ветра, солнца, неба и воды. Но все они отвечали по-разному.

Ветер сказал, что счастье – это свобода.

Небо сказало, что счастье – это тишина.

А вода сказала, что счастье – это скорость.

Птичка растерялась. Она подумала, что запуталась. Потом она решила спросить мудрую сову. А сова ответила:

— Счастье – это то, что делает тебя счастливой. А счастлива ты тогда, когда хочешь петь и летать.

Птичка обрадовалась. Это была правда! Она радовалась, когда летала.

Она поняла, что каждый сам определяет свое счастье.

История на английском о дружбе


В этой истории много употреблений простого прошедшего времени в единичном и множественном числе. Она подходит для тренировки этой грамматической конструкции, а используемые в истории прилагательные помогут расширить словарный запас.

In the big forest lived a fox and a hare. They were unusual. The fox and the hare were friends. Everyone was surprised because foxes and hears cannot be friends! But those animals were unusual.

They helped each other, they gave advises to each other in different situations. The fox always protected the hare, and the hare made the fox laugh.

Once a big bear said:

— You mustn’t be friends with the hare! It is not right!

— But why? – asked the fox.

— Read the fairytales! This kind of friendship doesn’t exist!

The fox thought about it. And then answered:

— Not everything in the fairytale is true. Real life is more complicated and we can choose who we want to be friends with.

В одном большом лесу жили лиса и заяц. Они были необычными. Заяц и лиса дружили. Все удивлялись этому, ведь никогда не дружат лиса и заяц, но эти животные были особенными!

Они помогали друг другу, советовали, как поступить в разных ситуациях. Лиса защищала зайца, а заяц смешил лису.

Однажды большой медведь сказал лисе:

— Ты не должна с ним дружить! Это неправильно!

— но почему? – Удивилась лиса.

— Почитай сказки! Нигде нет такого, чтобы лиса и заяц дружили.

Лиса задумалась. А потом ответила:

— Не все, что пишут сказки – правда. Настоящая жизнь намного сложнее и мы сами можем выбирать, кем быть и с кем дружить.

История на английском про живой лес


Once a boy was walking in the forest. He broke branches, frightened animals, chopped the grass.

In the evening, when he went to bed, someone knocked at the window.

He looked out and saw a tree.

«You did very badly!» The boy heard the words. He was frightened.

— Who is it? — He asked.

— Never mind. I am a part of nature. And you are too. What you did is bad.

— You’re not alive!

The tree lowered its branches and sadly replied:

— That’s what you think. But I’m alive. And the grass is alive. And the animals feel pain.

The boy pondered. He felt ashamed.

— Forgive me, tree. — He answered.

But the tree was silent.

The next day the boy went to the forest and behaved quietly. He realized that the forest is alive.

Одни мальчик гулял в лесу. Он ломал ветки, пугал животных и мял траву.

Вечером, когда он ложился спать, в окно кто-то постучал.

Он выглянул и увидел дерево.

— Ты поступил очень плохо! – услышал мальчик слова. Он испугался.

— Кто это? – спросил он.

— Неважно. Я – часть природы. И ты тоже. То, что ты сделал — плохо.

— Ты же неживое!

Дерево опустило свои ветки и грустно ответило:

— Это ты так думаешь. Но я живое. И трава живая. И животные ощущают боль.

Мальчик задумался. Ему стало стыдно.

— Прости меня, дерево. – Ответил он.

Но дерево промолчало.

На следующий день мальчик пошел в лес и вел себя тихо-тихо. Он понял, что лес живой.

История на английском про мамину любовь

Сын целует мать

The boy tore his jacket and was crying for a long time. He thought that his mother would stop loving him. This jacket was presented to him for his birthday.

He was sitting on the steps and crying. He was ashamed and sad. He did not want to go home.

Evening came. And the boy did not want to go home.

— Son, we’ve been looking for you! What are you doing here? — Mom came to him.

He began to cry again.

And then mother noticed that the jacket was torn. The boy noticed this and said:

— Sorry! Mom, I’m sorry! I’m not on purpose! I know that you will stop loving me!

— Stop. Said mother and smiled. — Why do you think so?

— She’s so expensive. — Whispered the boy.

Mom once again smiled and tenderly replied:

— You are the most expensive. Nothing can kill my love.

Мальчик порвал свою куртку и очень долго плакал. Он думал, что мама его разлюбит. Эту куртку подарили ему на день рождения.

Он сидел на ступеньках и плакал. Ему было стыдно и грустно. Он не хотел идти домой.

Наступил вечер. А мальчик все не хотел идти домой.

— Сынок, мы тебя искали! Что ты здесь делаешь? – к нему подошла мама.

Он снова начал плакать.

И тут мама заметила, что куртка порвана. Мальчик заметил это и начал говорить:

— Прости! Мама, прости! Я не специально! Я знаю, что ты меня разлюбишь!

— Стоп. – Сказала мама и улыбнулась. – С чего ты взял?

— Она такая дорогая. – Прошептал мальчик.

Мама еще раз улыбнулась и нежно ответила:

— Ты – самое дорогое. Мою любовь ничто не может убить.

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Страшные истории на английском языке с переводом

История на английском про черную комнату

The black-black company had a black-and-black table. In the black-black desk was a black-black box. In this box was a black folder. And in the black folder were some black sheets of paper. There were written some gory story.

Everyone who read this story began to see terrible dreams.

Nobody knew who wrote this story.

The man who kept this story was very lonely. He wrote it for a very long time and every time someone insulted him, he threw a folder in his bag with this story.

Loneliness sometimes makes people very angry.

В черной-черной компании был черный-черный стол. В черном-черном столе был черный-черный ящик. В этом ящике лежала черная папка. А в черной папке на черных листах бумаги была написана страшная история.

Все, кто читали эту историю, начинали видеть страшные сны.

Никто не знал, кто написал эту историю.

Человек, который хранил эту историю, был очень одиноким. Он писал ее очень долго и каждый раз, когда кто-то его обижал, он подкидывал ему в сумку папку с этой историей.

Одиночество иногда делает людей очень злыми.

История на английском про привидение и замок

Замок и призрак

В этой истории на английском использовано много разных грамматических конструкций, которые изучаются на уровнях В1-В2. Те, кто учат английский на уровне А2, тоже могут читать ее, если хотят изучить более сложные слова и фразы.

In the castle lived a ghost. The castle stood empty for a long time and the ghost was sad. But one day the family moved there.

And the ghost came to life. It began to walk the corridors, frighten new tenants and scared to howl in the middle of the night. The family was very frightened.

One day she woke up a little girl, and she cried out loud.

Dad decided to do something with this ghost. They tried to catch him, summoned the priest, and the ghost hunters.

But nothing helped. And the family left this castle.

Ghosts stayed alone again.

Nobody found out about his loneliness. For thousands of years of emptiness in the castle, it has forgotten how to talk with people and is only able to frighten them.

В одном замке жило привидение. Замок долго стоял пустым и приведение грустило. Но однажды туда переехала семья.

И привидение ожило, начало гулять коридорами, пугать новых жильцов и страшно выть посреди ночи. Семья была очень напугана.

Однажды привидение разбудило маленькую девочку, и она громко закричала.

Папа решил что-то сделать с этим привидением. Они пытались поймать его, вызывали священника, и охотников за привидениями.

Но ничего не помогало. И семья покинула этот замок.

Привидения снова осталось само.

Никогда так и не узнал о его одиночестве. За тысячи лет пустоты в замке привидение разучилось разговаривать с людьми и умело только пугать их.

История на английском про Хеллоуин


Jessica never believed in spirits. She was always skeptical about any holidays and beliefs.

It was Halloween. All around bought suits, prepared strange dishes and decorated their homes.

Only Jessica sat sadly by the window. She was dreaming about a miracle!

Suddenly, something knocked at her window. Jessica winced: she lived on the 9th floor.

The knock repeated. The girl opened the window and looked out — the fresh air flew into the room, but there was no one there.

Jessica closed the window. Suddenly she felt something behind her.

She froze and turned slowly: big green eyes were looking at her.

The girl cried out loud and suddenly … woke up.

It turned out that she dozed off at the window and she dreamed it.

Джессика никогда не верила в духов. Она всегда скептически относилась к любым праздникам и верованиям.

Настал Хеллоуин. Все вокруг покупали костюмы, готовили странные блюда и украшали свои жилища.

Только Джессика грустно сидела возле окна. Ей так хотелось чуда!

Вдруг что-то постучало ей в окно. Джессика вздрогнула: она жила на 9 этаже.

Стук повторился. Девочка открыла окно и выглянула – свежий воздух залетел в комнату, но там никого не было.

Джессика закрыла окно. И вдруг почувствовала, как что-то стоит у нее за спиной.

Она замерла и медленно повернулась: на нее смотрели большие зеленые глаза.

Девочка громко закричала и вдруг… проснулась.

Оказалось, что она задремала у окна и это ей приснилось.

История на английском о двух мужчинах

Ночная дорога

Two men were driving in the car on the road. They were returning from their parents.

Suddenly a fox ran to the road. The driver was frightened and stopped the car.

The men got out of the car and looked around — there was a dark forest around, a howl of a wolf could be heard.

Suddenly something big appeared from the bushes, a roar was heard.

One man was frightened and quickly returned to the car.

— Get in the car! — He shouted.

But his brother froze and did not move from his place.

— Faster! — Cried the driver. He was very scared, he pressed the gas and the car drove off.

In the rear view, he saw how something black and big dragged his brother into the forest.

Двое мужчин ехали в машине по дороге. Они возвращались от родителей.

Вдруг на дорогу выбежала лиса. Водитель испугался и остановил машину.

Мужчины вышли из авто и осмотрелись – вокруг был темный лес, слышалось завывание волка.

Вдруг из кустов показалось что-то большое, послышался рык.

Один мужчина испугался и быстро вернулся в авто.

— Cадись в машину! – кричал он.

Но его брат застыл и не двигался с места.

— Быстрее! – кричал водитель. Ему было очень страшно, он нажал на газ и машина поехала.

В стекло заднего вида он видел, как что-то черное и большое утащило его брата в лес.

История на английском: «Злая собака и мальчик»

Злая собака

The family gave the boy a dog.

The child was happy and very fond of his pet, played with him. But the dog was dull — she did not like to play with the ball, toys.

When it grew up, the boy saw that the dog was getting very angry. And one day he began to be afraid of it.

The dog began to growl at him. In one day it bites him.

But the parents did not see this and did not believe the boy when he told about it.

— It is just bored with you — Said, my mother.

— You grew up and do not want to play with it. Answered my father.

The boy was scared.

One night he woke up because someone was breathing on him. He opened his eyes and saw a dog sitting on his stomach and looking into his eyes. He saw its big teeth.

The boy screamed and ran to his parents.

The next day the dog disappeared. Parents did not believe the boy, and the boy all his life expected that the dog will return one day.

Семья подарила мальчику собаку.

Ребенок был счастлив и очень любил своего питомца, играл с ним. Но собака была унылой – она не любила играть с мячиком, игрушками.

Когда она выросла, мальчик увидел, что собака стает очень злой. И однажды он начал ее бояться.

Собака начала на него рычать. В один день она его укусила.

Но родители этого не видели и не верили мальчику, когда он рассказывал об этом.

— Она тебе просто надоела. – говорила мама.

— Ты вырос и не хочешь с ней играть. – отвечал папа.

Мальчику было страшно.

Как-то ночью он проснулся от того, что на него кто-то дышал. Он открыл глаза и увидел пса, который сидел у него на животе и смотрел ему в глаза. Было видно ее большие зубы.

Мальчик закричал и побежал к родителям.

На следующий день собака исчезла. Родители так и не поверили мальчику, а мальчик всю жизнь ожидал возвращения собаки.

История на английском: «Девочка на дороге»

Призрак на дороге

The driver was driving along the road and suddenly stopped. In the middle of the road, there was a girl in white.

He went out, but the figure disappeared.

Every time he returned from work, he saw this figure. But she quickly disappeared.

The driver decided to look for something. He found some information. The girl had been killed on this road, and the killer has not yet been punished. Since then, the girl frightens the drivers.

The man became frightened and he began to go round this road. But he never stopped thinking about a girl in a white dress.

Водитель ехал по дороге и вдруг остановился. Посреди дороги стояла девочка в белом.

Он вышел, но фигура исчезла.

Каждый раз, когда он возвращался с работы, он видел эту фигуру. Но она быстро исчезала.

Водитель решил что-то поискать. Он нашел информацию о том, что на этой дороге была убита девочка, и убийца до сих пор не наказан. С тех пор девочка пугает водителей.

Мужчине стало страшно и он начал объезжать эту дорогу. Но никогда не прекращал думать о девочке в белом платье.

История на английском: «Монстр и подвал»

Темный подвал

Alice was afraid of going to the basement. Mom often asked her to go down there and get some things.

But the girl knew that there was a monster in the basement. She saw his terrible eyes and big teeth. But she was afraid to tell anyone about it.

So she wrote about it in her diary.

Once the mother asked Alice to bring the book from the cellar. The girl went down there, she trembled and was very afraid.

Since then, no one saw the girl.

All the people were looking for a girl in the forests, fields, meadows. Once the mother found Alice’s diary. She cried loudly, ran out of the house and began to cry.

After that, she poured a house on kerosene and set fire to it.

Алиса боялась ходить в подвал. Мама часто просила ее туда спуститься и достать какие-то вещи.

Но девочка знала, что в подвале живет монстр. Она видела его страшные глаза и большие зубы. Но она боялась говорить кому-то об этом.

Поэтому она писала об этом в своем дневнике.

Как-то мама попросила Алису принести книгу из подвала. Девочка спустилась туда, она дрожала и очень боялась. С тех пор девочку никто не видел.

Все искали девочку в лесах, полях, лугах. Однажды мама нашла дневник Алисы. Она громко закричала, выбежала из дома и начала плакать.

После этого она облила дом керосином подожгла его.

Смешные истории на английском языке с переводом

История на английском про кота, который боялся мышей

Кот и мышь

In one house a mouse started to live. The hosts decided to get a cat to catch this mouse.

The cat was named Timothy. But this cat was very shy. He was afraid of the mouse and hid behind the fridge.

— Catch the mouse, please. — asked the landlady at home.

Everyone realized that he was timid.

Once he was lying under the table and was afraid. Suddenly he saw a mouse. She came to him curiously and asked:

— Why do not you catch me?

The cat cried and answered:

— I’m afraid of you, mouse.

The mouse laughed and answered:

— I can not live with you in the same house! I want to run and hide. And you lie here and cry.

And the mouse has gone. Everyone thought that Timothy had caught it.

В одном доме завелась мышь. Хозяева решили завести кота, чтобы он поймал эту мышь.

Кота назвали Тимоти. Но этот кот был очень пугливым. Он боялся мыши и прятался за холодильником.

— Поймай мышь, пожалуйста. – Попросила хозяйка дома.

Все поняли, что он пугливый.

Однажды он лежал под столом и боялся. Вдруг он увидел мышь. Она любопытно подошла к нему и спросила:

— Почему ты меня не ловишь?

Кот заплакал и ответил:

— Я боюсь тебя, мышка.

Мышь рассмеялась и ответила:

— Я не смогу жить с тобой в одном доме! Я хочу убегать и прятаться. А ты лежишь тут и плачешь.

И мышь ушла. Все думали, что Тимоти ее поймал.

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История на английском: «Почему кенгуру так называется?»

One large expedition arrived in Australia. There they saw a big animal with a bag on its stomach.

Nearby stood a tribe.

Researchers asked them:

— Tell me, natives, who is this? What a wondrous animal with a bag on his stomach?

People answered:

— Ken gu ru.

The freight forwarders did not know the language of the tribe, and they thought it was the name of the animal.

— Kangaroo, a kangaroo. — the researchers nodded.

Since then, an animal with a bag is called a kangaroo. But only now we know that the tribe answered: «We do not know.»

Одна большая экспедиция приехала в Австралию. Там они увидели большое животное с сумкой на животе.

Рядом стояло племя.

Исследователи спросили у них:

— Скажите, коренные жители, кто это? Что за дивное животное с сумкой на животе?

Люди ответили:

— Кен гу ру.

Экспедиторы не знали языка племени, и они подумали, что это название животного.

— Кенгуру, кенгуру. – закивали исследователи.

С тех пор животное с сумкой называют кенгуру. Но только сейчас мы знаем, что племя ответило: «Мы не знаем».

История на английском: «В темноте»

Спичка в руке

Many years ago, two friends, Joe and Peter arrived in a small hotel. They asked for a room.

They were given keys and a candle.

While they were going there, the candle went out. They groped for the door and went into the room.

They undressed and went to bed, but they did not see that it was one big bed.

Joe said:

— Peter, there’s someone in my bed.

Peter replied:

— Joe, in mine, too. — I can feel his legs.

— Let’s push him, — suggested Joe.

They began to shove each other and both fell into bed.

The men got angry and said:

— We need to go to the owner and complain to him!

Много лет назад два друга Джо и Петер приехали в маленькую гостиницу. Они попросили номер.

Им дали ключи и свечу.

Пока они шли туда, свеча погасла. На ощупь они пришли к двери, и зашли в комнату.

Они разделись и легли в постель, но они не видели, что это одна большая кровать.

Джо сказал:

— Петер, в моей кровати кто-то есть.

Петер ответил:

— Джо, в моей тоже. Я чувствую его ноги.

— Давай столкнем его, — предложил Джо.

Они начали пихать друг друга и оба свалились в кровати.

Мужчины разозлились и сказали:

— Нужно пойти к владельцу и пожаловаться ему!

История на английском: «Вы разозлились?»


Короткая история с элементами шутки:

One day a famous man was traveling to France by an old train. He was going to a small village. He went to sleep very late. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got to the town.

He woke up in the morning. The train was already near Paris.

The man was very angry. He ran up to the conductor and cried:

— Why didn’t you do it? I am very angry with you!

The conductor looked at him for a moment and then said:

— You may be angry, but not so angry as the another man whom I put off’ the train instead of you at night

Однажды мужчина путешествовал на поезде. Он был в пути в маленький город. Было поздно, когда он лег спать. Он попросил кондуктора разбудить его, когда будет нужна остановка.

Он проснулся рано уже возле Парижа.

Мужчина разозлился. Он подбежал к кондуктору и закричал:

— Как вы могли? – сказал он кондуктору, — я очень зол!

Кондуктор посмотрел на него и сказал.

— Вы очень злы. Но американец, которого я разбудил вместо вас и высадил из поезда, еще злее.

История на английском: «В маленьком городе»

Девочка плачет

One little girl was crying all day. She was really sad.

Mother came to her and asked:

— Darling, why are you crying so long? What happened? Are you hurt?

— No, — said the girl.

— Maybe you have your toys broken?

— No!

— So tell me, why?

The girl looked at her mother’s eyes and said:

— Because my brother has holidays, and I don’t.

— But why? – Mother was surprised.

— Because I don’t go to school! – Cried the girl.

Одна маленькая девочка плакала весь день. Она была очень грустной.

Мама подошла к ней и спросила:

— Дорогая, почему ты плачешь? Что случилось? Тебя кто-то обидел?

— Нет, ответила девочка.

— Может, твои игрушки сломались?

— Нет!

— Так скажи же, почему?

Девочка посмотрела в мамины глаза и сказала:

— Потому что у моего брата каникулы, а у меня нет.

— Но почему? – удивилась мама.

— Потому что я еще не хожу в школу! – Разрыдалась девочка.

История на английском: «Великий доктор и великий писатель»


Смешная история про ответ великого доктора на действия великого писателя:

One big artist’s dog broke its leg. He decided to call the doctor. But he didn’t want to ask for help an ordinary vet. So he called the best doctor in the world.

— Doctor, — said he, — it is very important for me. Help my dog.

The doctor said nothing but did his job.

Later he called this artist.

— Dear artist, — said he. – I called you to ask for your help. Paint my door, please. This is very important for me.

У великого художника собака сломала ногу. Он решил вызвать врача. Но он не хотел простого ветеринара, поэтому вызвал самого лучшего врача в мире.

— Доктор, это важно для меня. Помогите моей собаке.

Доктор промолчал, но сделал свою работу.

Позже доктор вызвал художника.

— Милый художник, — сказал он, улыбаясь, — я вызвал вас покрасить мою дверь. Это важно для меня! Вы можете это сделать?

История на английском: «Полицейский и вор»

Полицейский и преступник

Небольшая история, похожая на анекдот про вора и полицейского:

Young policeman was asked to get the thief to the prison. While they were walking to that place, the thief said:

— I need to go to the shop to buy some food.

The policeman was waiting for him for 30 minutes. After he realized that he was fooled.

After some time thief was caught again. Young policeman was asked to do the same job.

Walking through the shop thief said:

— I need to go to the shop, wait for me.

— No! – Cried policeman. – You won’t do the same again. Now I will go to the shop and you will wait for me.

Молодого полицейского попросили сопроводить вора в тюрьму. По дороге вор сказал:

— Я должен зайти в магазин и купить еды, подождите меня здесь.

Полицейский ждал полчаса. Потом зашел в магазин и понял, что вор убежал.

Вскоре вора снова поймали. И молодого полицейского снова попросили выполнить работу.

Проходя мимо магазина, вор снова сказал:

— Я зайду в магазин, а вы подождите меня.

Полицейский ответил:

— Нет уж! Один раз я уже попался. Теперь я пойду в магазин, а вы ждите меня здесь.


Изучая английский, можно использовать истории на различные темы с переводом на русский в качестве дополнительного источника лексического и грамматического материала.

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