Итальянская кухня сочинение на английском языке

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Кухни народов мира/ Cuisines Of The World с переводом на русский язык.

Cuisines Of The World Кухни народов мира
Every nation living on Earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, features of the national cuisine. A cuisine is a certain set of cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation. A cuisine is often named after the place where it originated. The choice of ingredients depends on the region or country. Каждый народ, проживающий на Земле, имеет свою историю, традиции и, конечно же, особенности национальной кухни. Кухня представляет собой определенный набор традиций приготовления пищи, передаваемый из поколения в поколение. Кухня часто бывает названа в честь местности, где она возникла. Выбор ингредиентов зависит от региона или страны.
For example, the Greeks use lots of tomatoes, olives, lemons and seafood in their dishes because these products are easily found in their country. Например, греки используют много помидоров, маслин, лимонов и морепродуктов в своих блюдах, потому что эти продукты легко найти в их стране.
Today, if you want to taste the food of different countries, it’s not necessary to fly there. The restaurants of various cuisines can be found almost in every city. I live in Yekaterinburg and there are lots of Chinese, Japanese, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish and even Mexican restaurants here. Сегодня, если вы хотите попробовать еду разных стран, нет необходимости лететь туда. Рестораны различных кухонь можно найти почти в каждом городе. Я живу в Екатеринбурге и здесь есть много китайских, японских, французских, греческих, итальянских, испанских и даже мексиканских ресторанов.
Chinese dishes are mostly made of rice and noodles. The thing that I like about this cuisine is the variety of green and herbal teas. Китайские блюда в основном из риса и лапши. Вот, что мне нравится в этой кухни, так это разнообразие зеленого и травяного чая.
Japanese cuisine is based on fresh seafood, soybeans and white rice. I have already tried several types of rolls and sushi with soy sauce and it was rather delicious. Блюда японской кухни приготовлены из свежих морепродуктов, сои и белого риса. Я уже пробовал несколько типов роллов и суши с соевым соусом, и это было довольно вкусно.
French cuisine is considered to be the most exquisite and refined of all. I have never tried French dishes but I’d love to. They say French cheese, wine and pastries are really good. Французская кухня считается самой изысканной и утонченной из всех. Я никогда не пробовала блюда французской кухни, но с удовольствием попробовала бы. Говорят, французские сыры, вино и пирожные действительно хороши.
Greek food is delicious. My favourite dish is the Greek salad with fresh tomatoes, olives, bell peppers and tofu cheese. Греческая еда вкусная. Мое любимое блюдо – это Греческий салат со свежими помидорами, оливками, болгарским перцем и сыром тофу.
I also like Italian food. It mainly offers different types of pizzas and pasta. I think, that Italian cuisine somehow reminds the Greek one because both these countries are situated in the Mediterranean. Мне также нравится итальянская еда. В неё в основном входят различные виды пиццы и пасты. Я думаю, что итальянская кухня чем-то напоминает греческую, потому что обе эти страны расположены в Средиземноморье.
Spanish cuisine offers lots of dishes from seafood and fresh vegetables. A good example of this cuisine is paella. Испанская кухня предлагает множество блюд из морепродуктов и свежих овощей. Хорошим примером этой кухни является паэлья.
Mexican cuisine uses lots of spices and chili pepper. Famous Mexican dishes are tacos and quesadillas. Мексиканская кухня использует много специй и перца чили. Известные мексиканские блюда – это тако и кесадильи.

Обновлено: 09.01.2023

Презентация на тему: » THE ITALIAN CUISINE Заикина Ольга Петровна Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ 1 г. Апрелевки.» — Транскрипт:

1 THE ITALIAN CUISINE Заикина Ольга Петровна Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ 1 г. Апрелевки

2 The Italian cuisine The traditional Italian cuisine is one of the most popular and best-known cuisine in the world!

3 Italy The Arabs The Greeks The Romans

4 Specialities The Italian cuisine has a lot of fresh food. It is its main feature.

5 The typical foods Rice Cheese Olives and olive oil Fresh vegetables

6 The typical foods Dough Species Beef Seafood

7 The most popular dishes Pizza The tart baked with tomato sauce, cheese and a variety of different ingredients.

8 Pasta (spaghetti) They are certainly served with one of the many traditional sauces, plenty of which create a variety of dishes. Spaghetti Bolognese Spaghetti a Milano

9 Risotto A dish from rice on the broth or water. It has different ingredients: seafood, meat, green and vegetables.

10 Lasagna The layered pie with meat and tomato sauce and grated cheese.

11 Pyadina Its a tortilla stuffed with fresh vegetables and spices.

12 Ice-cream The Italians called it gelato. It has different tastes.

13 Red wine The Italians like to drink wine, because it is good for blood.

14 The Mediterranean cuisine The Italian cuisine is a part of the Mediterranean cuisine. It is healthy because it contains a lot of seafood and meat combined with vegetables, rice and flour products. The taste is enriched by the use of olives, garlic, herbs and spices.

15 Life span Average life span in Italy is 80 years old. Women – 83 years. Men – 77 years.

16 Questions 1. What are the main ingredients in the Italian cuisine? 2. What is the main feature? 3. Tell the names of the national dishes. 4. What is the average life span in Italy? 5. Is the Italian cuisine good for health? And why?

I would like to tell about my favourite restaurant. It is called IL Punto. This Italian restaurant is located in the city centre. The restaurant serves traditional Italian cuisine in a calm, relaxing atmosphere.

In front of the entrance there is a summer terrace where guests can enjoy a light business lunch or a cup of coffee.

The interior of the restaurant is elegantly decorated in warm colours. Quiet music is played in the background. Guests can order fresh pizza, delicious pasta as well as excellent meat and fish specialties.

A wide range of salads and snacks is also served here. After a lunch or dinner, you will be offered to try one of the desserts. The meal can be accompanied by alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Prices in this restaurant are affordable. Waiters are very attentive and can assist with the choice of the dishes. I have their loyalty card and receive 5% discount every time I go there. You can also order food online and they will deliver it to your door. The delivery is free of charge.

Перевод на русский язык

Я бы хотел рассказать о своем любимом ресторане. Он называется IL Punto. Этот ресторан итальянской кухни находится в центре города. Традиционные блюда итальянской кухни подаются в ресторане в спокойной расслабляющей обстановке.

Перед входом в ресторан расположена летняя терраса, на которой можно отведать легкий бизнес-ланч или выпить чашку кофе.

Интерьер ресторана изысканно оформлен в теплых цветах. В зале звучит тихая музыка. Здесь можно заказать свежую пиццу, вкусную пасту, а также великолепные мясные и рыбные блюда.

В меню представлен широкий выбор салатов и закусок. После обеда или ужина вам предложат попробовать один из десертов. К столу подают алкогольные и безалкогольные коктейли.

Цены в этом ресторане приемлемые. Официанты очень внимательны и могут помочь с выбором блюда. У меня есть их дисконтная карта, и каждый раз я получаю скидку 5%. Также можно заказать любые блюда онлайн с доставкой на дом. Доставка в этом ресторане бесплатная.

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Presnyakov Nikita Mokrinskaya Dasha Paramonova EkaterinaItalian cuisine

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Presnyakov Nikita Mokrinskaya Dasha Paramonova EkaterinaItalian cuisine

Presnyakov Nikita
Mokrinskaya Dasha
Paramonova Ekaterina
Italian cuisine

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine is known and popular worldwide. Everybody kno.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine is known and popular worldwide.
Everybody knows pizza, pasta and ciabatta.
But there are a lot of other delicious dishes.

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine is characterized by fresh food of the Mediterr.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine is characterized by fresh food of the Mediterranean region, which significantly differs the original Italian cuisine from its simulation in the world.

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine differs from region to region. Roman cuisine.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine differs from region to region.
Roman cuisine
Sicilian cuisine
Sardinian pastries
Lazio cuisine.

Roman cuisineCuisine of Rome is based on seasonal ingredients coming mainly f.

Roman cuisine
Cuisine of Rome is based on seasonal ingredients coming mainly from the Roman Campaign, and a fairly simple way of cooking.
It is therefore important ingredients are vegetables, meat (lamb and goat meat) and cheese (Pecorino romano and ricotta).

Roman cuisineTypical dressing in the Roman kitchen serves Strutt - lard, serv.

Roman cuisine
Typical dressing in the Roman kitchen serves Strutt — lard, served every winter.
Widely used fat from prosciutto, while olive oil — only raw vegetables and sometimes when frying.

Sicilian cuisineThe island of Sicily for centuries been under the domination.

Sicilian cuisine
The island of Sicily for centuries been under the domination of different cultures, so cuisine combines elements of different countries.
From these cuisines Sicilian cuisine has adopted a love to spices, as well as to the «exotic» fruits and vegetables (melon, apricots, citrus fruits, sweet peppers).

Sicilian cuisineSicilian cuisine can be broadly described in three words: pas.

Sicilian cuisine
Sicilian cuisine can be broadly described in three words: pasta, fish and sweets.

The most famous Sicilian dishes include arancini (rice balls with fillings), Pasta alla Norma, caponata.

Sardinian cuisineSardinian cuisine is based on simple ingredients that origin.

Sardinian cuisine
Sardinian cuisine is based on simple ingredients that originate pastushechih and peasant traditions: bread, cheese and meat.

The central role in the kitchen Sardinia got tuna, eel, lobster and other seafood.

Sardinian cuisineThe traditional Sardinian cuisine is famous for its desser.

Sardinian cuisine
The traditional
Sardinian cuisine is famous for its desserts, many of which consist of honey, nuts and fruit.
Pecorino sardo — one of the varieties of pecorino.

Lazio cuisineThe capital of Lazio and the whole Italy is Rome, where the best.

Lazio cuisine
The capital of Lazio and the whole Italy is Rome, where the best restaurants and many famous cafes, specializing in ice cream are placed.
Extensive use of lamb and veal are typical for regional cuisine and cooking of high quality products is simplified.

Lazio cuisineOne of the typical dishes of Lazio is Suppli al telefono (means.

Lazio cuisine
One of the typical dishes of Lazio is Suppli al telefono (means «Telephone line»), presenting risotto balls stuffed with hot melt mozzarella cheese.

Italian cuisine is very popular all over the world, but there are a lot of di.

Italian cuisine is very popular all over the world, but there are a lot of different dishes, which you haven’t tried yet.
Try as many different Italian dishes, as you can, because it’s worth it.

Bon Appetit!

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Italian — traditional kuhnyaItalii, common and popular in the world, thanks to dishes like pizza and spaghetti.

It is very diverse and regional, each region has its own traditional dishes.

Написать сочинение на английском японская кухня?

Написать сочинение на английском японская кухня.

Как по английски кухня?

Как по английски кухня.

Сочинение на английском на тему моя кухня Пжл помогите?

Сочинение на английском на тему моя кухня Пжл помогите.

Сочинение по английскому на тему моя любимая кухня(не комната)?

Сочинение по английскому на тему моя любимая кухня(не комната).

Запишите английскую пословицу с названием итальянского города?

Запишите английскую пословицу с названием итальянского города.

Sos Напишите сочинение на тему на английском Любое блюдо белорусской кухни?

Sos Напишите сочинение на тему на английском Любое блюдо белорусской кухни!

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Сочинение про казахскую кухню на английском?

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Перевидите на Английский , Французский и Итальянский пожалуйста.

Я живу для себя!

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Помогите написать сочинение на английском про белорусскую национальную кухню.

Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

Dad is doing repairs in our apartment asked me to prop the door open.

Me and my friends have decided to go to the beach. We took out our surfing boards, put them all in the car and went to catch the waves. As we arrived at the beach it seemed a bit too windy for us. Water started to splash our car and turned over th..

Держи, думаю поможет.

I go to school because I need for it.

It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown — ups like to watch different animals : mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo. In my opinion, we do not have to build a zoo on every place..

1) He said that he had seen a film about the war. 2)He said that he was not sure he knew the truth. 3)He asked me if I could tell him the way to the museum. 4)My mother told me to stay in bed , I was ill.

3. At present, farmers (are given) a set quota of sheep to produce in return for a subsidy under the common agricultural policy.

Tolerant — d) patient To succed in c) to win Threat — e) warning To be ashamed — b) to be shy Mad — a) crazy.

11 K 12 H 13 B 14 I 15 C 16 L 17 D 18 A 19 F 20 G.

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1. Итальянская кухня — традиционная кухня Италии, распространённая и п перевод - 1. Итальянская кухня — традиционная кухня Италии, распространённая и п английский как сказать

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1. Итальянская кухня — традиционная кухня Италии, распространённая и популярная во всём мире, благодаря таким блюдам, как пицца и спагетти. Она очень разнообразна и региональна, в каждом регионе есть свои традиционные блюда.
Самые популярные итальянские блюда это:
спагетти, каннеллони. Они непременно подаются с одним из многих традиционных соусов, обилие которых создаёт разнообразие блюд.Среди самых известных и простых блюд: Spaghetti Napoli (спагетти по-неаполитански) — с томатным соусом, Spaghetti Bolognese (спагетти Болоньезе) — с томатным соусом и мясным фаршем, Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (спагетти с чесноком и маслом) — с горячим оливковым маслом и совсем слегка обжаренным в нём чесноком.
пицца — известный во всём мире открытый пирог, запечённый с томатным соусом, сыром и разнообразными опциональными ингредиентами. Среди классических разновидностей итальянской пиццы следует выделить такие, как Маргарита (с продуктами цветов итальянского флага: моцарелла — белый, томатный соус — красный, базилик — зелёный)[2], Дьябола, Кватро формаджио («Четыре сыра») и Кватро стаджионе («Четыре сезона»)
ризотто — блюдо из риса на бульоне/воде.
лазанья — слоёная запеканка с тестом
чиабатта — белый хлеб
Панна-котта (Panna cotta) — один из самых популярных итальянских десертов


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


1. Italian cuisine — traditional cuisine of Italy, common and popular worldwide, thanks to such dishes as spaghetti and pizza. It is very diverse and regional’na, each region has its own traditional dishes.The most popular Italian dishes are:spaghetti, cannelloni. They certainly served with one of the many traditional sauces, an abundance of which creates variety. Are among the most famous and simple dishes: Spaghetti Napoli (spaghetti Neapolitan) with tomato sauce, Spaghetti Bolognese (Spaghetti Bolognese) — with tomato sauce and minced meat, Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (spaghetti with garlic and oil) — with hot olive oil and very lightly roasted garlic in it. Pizza is famous throughout the world outdoor cake baked with tomato sauce, cheese and a variety of optional ingredients. Among the classic Italian pizza varieties should be highlighted such as the Margarita (with food colors of the Italian flag: white mozzarella, tomato sauce, Basil-red-green) [2], D’jabola, formadzhio Quattro (four cheese) and Quattro stadzhione («four seasons») risotto is a dish of rice to broth/water. Lasagna is a flaky pie doughciabatta — White breadPanna cotta (Panna cotta) is one of the most popular Italian desserts

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


1. Italian — Traditional Italian cuisine, widespread and popular in the world, thanks to dishes like pizza and spaghetti. It is very diverse and regionally, has its traditional dishes in each region.
The most popular Italian dishes are:
spaghetti, cannelloni. They certainly are served with one of the many traditional sauces, plenty of which creates a variety of blyud.Sredi most famous and simple dishes: Spaghetti Napoli (Neapolitan spaghetti) — with tomato sauce, Spaghetti Bolognese (Spaghetti Bolognese) — with tomato sauce and minced meat, spaghetti Aglio e Olio (spaghetti with garlic and oil) — with hot olive oil and very little roasted garlic in it.
Pizza — the world-famous flan, baked with tomato sauce, cheese and a variety of optional ingredients. Among the classic varieties of Italian pizza should be made such as Margarita (with food colors of the Italian flag: mozzarella — white, tomato sauce — red, basil — green) [2], diabolo, Quattro formadzhio ( «Four cheese») and Quattro stadzhione ( » Four seasons «)
risotto — a dish of rice in the broth / water.
lasagna — flaky dough casserole with
ciabatta — white bread,
panna cotta (Panna cotta) — one of the most popular Italian desserts

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Italian cuisine is deeply influenced by its geographic position especially the plentiful supply of fresh seafood from the Mediterranean Sea. While you can sample Italian cuisine all over the world nowadays, it is worthwhile understanding what makes Italian food so popular the world over. If you are not familiar with the dishes in Italian cuisine, this article will help you get acquainted with some of the more popular dishes.

The Most Common Ingredients Found in Italian Cooking

Italian cuisine prides itself on simple recipes, prepared with passion and using the freshest ingredients. Among the most common items in the preparation of Italian food are:

– Vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, artichokes and peppers).

– Pasta, made from wheat flour.

– Cheese (mascarpone, gorgonzola, mozzarella and parmesan).

– Spices – (rosemary, capers, garlic and basil).

– Olive oil and olives.

– Seafood, especially fish and shellfish.

– Lean pork, beef and peperoni.

– Lentils and beans.

– Mushrooms.

– Almonds.

– Fruits.

– Italian Wine like Chianti and Grappa.

Popular Italian Dishes

One of the most common dishes that you can find anywhere in the world is pizza. This is arguably the most famous contribution of Italian food to world food culture. Pizza is a flan baked with cheese and tomato sauce with your selection of toppings. Among the more classical versions of pizza include Pizza Marguerite, with mozzarella, tomato and oregano as toppings, Four Cheese Pizza, Four Season Pizza, Diablo and Capriccioso.

Pizza has been eaten in Italy for centuries. No one can be sure how this dish came about but it was and still is a simple everyday meal in the rural parts of Italy. Pizza really became famous worldwide when an Italian immigrant brought the dish and introduced to the Americans. From there, the Americans adopted it as it were their own and made it a staple diet for American people. Nowadays, pizza is one of the most consumed meals in America and possibly the world as well.

Another item that truly characterized Italian cuisine is pasta and its variants such as spaghetti, cannelloni, linguine and penne. Pasta is a form of noodles and is traditionally served with gravy or sauce. The sauce is usually made from either tomato or cream. Some of the more popular varieties of pasta include, Spaghetti Napoli, a tomato based meal, Spaghetti Bolognese – tomato and minced beef, Penne Aglio Olio – pasta stir fried in olive oil and Linguine Carbonara – a cream based version.

Although it is a Mediterranean country, Italian cuisine does use rice from time to time. One of the main rice dishes in Italian cuisine is Risotto. Italian risotto is basically rice boiled until it is soft and becomes like a stew. Risotto can be cooked with a variety of ingredients such as poultry, beef, seafood, vegetables, cheese and mushrooms. There are no distinct recipes for risotto. Basically you can use whatever that is fresh and seasonal. The only constant item in the dish is short grain rice.

These three main dishes of Italian cuisine are found anywhere in the world but the best ones are definitely the one made in Italy. If you have a chance to sample the Italian cuisine in Napoli or Milan, you may find it very different to what you are accustomed to back home.

Traditional Italian food is arguably the most popular and well known cuisine in Europe and indeed the entire world.

Typical Italian ingredients, methods and dishes influence other palettes across the globe, and even spawn sub-cultures such as American-Italian food.

Generally Italian dishes are characterised by their simplicity, focusing heavily on fresh, quality, seasonal ingredients. Of course, Italian cuisine is mostly known worldwide for being the home of pizza, pasta and ragu.

Authenticity lies at the heart of traditional Italian cooking with a significance placed on preserving original recipes that have been passed down generations.

Furthermore, Italian dishes are often defined by regionality with certain foods being traceable back to a very specific region of Italy and sometimes even being named after that part, bolognese from Bologna for example.

The diversity by region, especially between the north and the south, is what makes Italian food so incredibly rich and varied, with so much to uncover.

Italian delicacies and specialities are also defined by family traditions and regional styles, so each Italian food experience you have can differ from one place to the next.

Whenever I travel to Italy I am constantly amazed by the difference it makes to eat the most authentic versions of dishes straight from the source.

If you only indulge in one thing on your Italian travels, make sure it is the food!

Most Popular Italian Dishes

Pasta, tomatoes, vegetables, cheese, fish, meat and olive oil are all central elements of Italian cuisine and the Mediterranean diet.

Italians utilise a wide range of cheeses including Parmesan, mozzarella, ricotta and pecorino romano. High quality olive oil and good pasta are also very important ingredients.

Traditionally the structure of an Italian meal can serve up to 10 courses, including aperitivo, antipasto, primo and dolce.

So here we go, these are the most iconic must-try Italian dishes you need to experience:


Typical Lasagne dish eaten in Italy
Traditional Italian Lasagne dish

Lasagne is one of the most popular traditional Italian dishes that has been adapted and evolved around the world.

Its origins can be traced back to Naples or Emilia-Romagna (depending on who you talk to), where you can still find the authentic version.

Lasagne consists of beef ragu and vegetables layered between pasta sheets and bechamel sauce, topped with cheeses (most often parmesan or mozzarella), and oven baked.

Lasagna was never typically made with tomatoes as it was invented well before tomatoes were imported from the New World in the 16th century.

Ragu instead encompassed the rich meat stock flavours complimented by red wine, and is the delicious core of the traditional Italian lasagne.


Italian style Risotto
A traditional Italian risotto

Whilst Italy isn’t particularly well known for its rice dishes, risotto is a unique and unreserved part of traditional Italian cuisine.

Originating in Northern Italy, risotto is a creamy rice dish cooked in a broth with saffron, butter, wine and onion.

Meat, fish and vegetables are sometimes added depending on region, including shrimp, cuttlefish, peas, mushroom, chicken, bacon or chorizo.

First the butter and oil is heated in a pan before adding onions, white wine and broth. Rice is then added and very cooked slowly over a low heat, before adding in the final seasonings and toppings.

The result is a creamy, rich texture that packs a real punch of flavour.

Spaghetti carbonara

Spaghetti carbonara as eaten in Italy
Traditional Italian Spaghetti Carbonara

Carbonara is another classic spaghetti dish very typically associated with Italian cooking and eaten around the world. Italian cuisine is an absolute haven of pasta dishes so it’s difficult to pick just one, but the carbonara just encompasses the simplicity of authentic Italian cooking so superbly.

Reportedly originating in Rome, carbonara is made with spaghetti, egg, guanciale (pork cheek, often replaced by pancetta, lardons or bacon in adapted versions), cheese and black pepper.

The difference between a good carbonara and a bad carbonara is a simple misuse of ingredients or replacing essential aspects, for example using cream instead of creating the sauce from scratch. However, the pasta and the cheeses are interchangeable, with linguine or fettuccine sometimes substituting the spaghetti and parmesan sometimes replacing the pecorino romano.

Carbonara is made by combining raw eggs with cheese (pecorino romano or parmesan), then adding to hot pasta with fried guanciale pork cheek and black pepper.


Typical arancini as eaten in Italy
Arancini is a typical Italian dish of stuffed rice balls, coated in breadcrumbs and fried

Arancini was first developed as a way to make use of leftover risotto by creating a uniquely Italian snack.

Arancini are stuffed rice balls coated in flour and breadcrumbs and fried to a golden brown colour, but there are numerous variations of arancini depending on region including:

  • Arancini con ragù – utilising the famous Italian tomato, meat sauce ragu with mozzarella and peas
  • Arancini con burro – made with butter or bechamel sauce
  • Arancini con funghi – a mushroom alternative
  • Arancini con pistacchi – using pistachios
  • Arancini con melanzane – an aubergine twist

Arancini con ragù is the most common type of arancini however, and can be found all around Italy.

Ragù alla Bolognese

Typical Italian dish of ragu bolognese with tagliatelle
Traditional Italian ragù alla bolognese

If you ever go to Italy, don’t ask for spaghetti bolognese. Whilst spaghetti bolognese is considered Italian to those outside of Italy, it’s not actually an authentic Italian dish.

However, there are similarities with Ragù alla bolognese which uses fresh tagliatelle instead of dried spaghetti and is less heavy on the tomato sauce. Furthermore, the dish doesn’t use oregano, basil or garlic like a spaghetti bolognese does, and certainly doesn’t go anywhere near cheddar cheese!

Ragu is a meat-based sauce used in many Italian pasta dishes and is made with ground meat, finely chopped sauteed celery and carrot, tomatoes, red wine, stock and milk, cooked on a very low heat for 3 or more hours.

The ingredients vary by region in Italy and can include different meats and liquids, and can often exclude tomatoes.


Pizza eaten in Italy
A traditional Italian style pizza

Pizza is the most exported dish of all traditional Italian dishes, being eaten in nearly every country in the world. Having first been invented in Naples, authentic Neapolitan pizza has now been officially registered as a ‘Traditional Speciality Guaranteed dish’ by the European Union as a means to protect and promote the original recipe.

Neapolitan pizza is the most simple and authentic of them all, consisting solely of a dough base with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and olive oil.

However, there are other variations of pizza that are still authentic in Italy including pizza margherita and pizza marinara.

Traditionally, Italian style pizza is quite small and is usually just a serving for one, taking only approximately 2 minutes to cook in a pizza oven. Moreover, too many toppings are considered inauthentic or less quality because fewer ingredients show a confidence in the quality of the products used to make the dish.

Of course it goes without saying that other evolutions of pizza developed outside of Italy, such as American-Italian style, are considered inauthentic and are not typically consumed by Italians.



Agnolotti is stuffed pasta which is made by stuffing pasta dough with roasted meat or vegetables with a really simple sauce so as not to distract too much from the flavor.

Agnolotti is similar to ravioli with the main difference being that Agnolotti is made with folded over pasta, rather than 2 square pieces like ravioli.



Sfogliatella is a pastry similar to a croissant except that it is shaped like a lobster tail. It is also typically filled with sweet ingredients such as orange flavored ricotta, candied citron peel or almond paste.

Despite Italy’s incredible reputation for savory dishes, Italians also have a penchant for sweet treats, of which Sfogliatella is a very popular choice.


Typical Italian prosciutto

Prosciutto is often served as an antipasto in Italian meals and is simply dry-cured, uncooked ham cut thinly into slices.

Even though prosciutto is served uncooked, it is safe to eat thanks to the curing process.

It is made from the thigh or hind leg of a pig and is often served wrapped around a breadstick (grissini) or with melon. However, there are many other uses for prosciutto, often being included in pasta dishes or in stuffings of other meats.

Whilst you can buy different variants of prosciutto according to the different Italian regions, the most famous is prosciutto di Parma or Parma ham, which is developed over a period of up to 24 months by a salting and air-drying process.


Traditional ribollita
Italian Ribollita bread soup

Considered one of Tuscany’s most famous dishes, Ribollita has its roots in peasantry, having been eaten by servants made from leftovers.

Ribollita is a soup made of bread and vegetables such as cannellini beans, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onion and celery. Servants would collect the unfinished leftovers from their masters and boil the different ingredients to make a hearty, filling meal.

The ingredients are simply added to a large pot of boiling water and stewed for an hour, allowing the bread to fall apart in to a thick consistency.

It is most commonly found in Tuscany and is a must try for tourists travelling to the region.


Traditional Italian tortellini

Tortellini are small parcels of stuffed pasta, nicknamed ‘belly button’ for their shape.

In Northern Italy, tortellini is often eaten on Christmas day as one of the many courses on the traditional Italian meal.

They are most commonly stuffed with a mixture of meat (prosciutto or pork loin) and/or cheese, and served in a broth.

There are many different types of stuffing ingredients depending on the variation of tortellini, but the emphasis with tortellini is on fresh, quality ingredients, as is typical with Italian cooking. Of course, Parmesan and Italian seasonings will add depth of flavor.

Cotoletta Alla Milanese

Cotoletta Alla Milanese

Cotoletta Alla Milanese is similar to the traditional German weiner schnitzel except that it uses veal instead of beef and pork. The Italian version also keeps the bone in to impart additional flavor.

Cotoletta Alla Milanese is quite a simple dish, simply breading the meat and frying in butter. But as with all Italian cooking, simplicity is the key to its success.

The dish is a mainstay of the Lombard cuisine and is symbolic of the city of Milan.

Bombardino Cocktail

Italian Bombardino

Ok so while technically not a food, the Bombardino cocktail is so closely associated with Italy that it would be a travesty not to include it in the list.

Most commonly known for being the alcoholic drink of choice for those skiing in Italy’s mountainous regions, a Bombardino is a cocktail which is typically prepared with egg liqueur, cream and whiskey.

Conchiglie Pasta

Conchiglie in a tomato sauce

Ok so Conchiglie Pasta on its own isn’t a dish but since it is one of the most popular pasta shapes throughout Italy and the entire world, it’s deserving of its place on the list.

Conchiglie Pasta is seashell-shaped which means that it holds thick sauces well, both in the surface area to cling to and as a handy little pocket. In fact, many Conchiglie recipes will stuff a filling into the individual shells creating a stuffed pasta.

Sea Urchin Pasta

Sea Urchin pasta

Sea urchins are spherical, hard-shelled animals generally found on the seabed of every ocean. They usually live in cracks and crevices on coastal rocks and reefs. Sea urchins have a delicate flavor, hence it is best served with dishes containing a neutral taste, like pasta or toast. People generally tend to describe it as a sweet yet subtle food, and it is frequently likened to oysters in terms of flavor.

Salsiccia Sausage

salsiccia sausage in pan with salad

Salsiccia is a type of sausage prepared using minced or ground pork meat, pork fat and several spices. Salsiccia can be served as a main dish, used as a sandwich filling, a topping on traditional pizzas, or used as an ingredient in pasta sauces or casseroles.

Salsiccia is not just popular within Italy but is also widely loved and consumed in the United States. In the US salsiccia is largely familiar as a pork sausage spiced with fennel or anise.

Spritz Veneziano (Aperol Spritz)

Spritz Veneziano (Aperol Spritz)

A Spritz Veneziano, also known as an Aperol spritz, is a wine-based cocktail generally consumed in Northeast Italy. It is prepared using prosecco, digestive bitters, and sparkling mineral water (typically club soda). It is commonly served as an aperitif, a drink that helps with the stimulation of one’s appetite prior to a meal.

It is a light and refreshing drink and has a sweet, citrusy, bubbly and bitter flavor.

Regional Dishes to Try in Italy

For further inspiration take a look at this video of some of the most interesting regional dishes to try in Italy.

Of course, there is no better way to try Italian food than by visiting the different Italian regions and tasting the culinary delights cooked straight from the source.

Сочинение: Итальянская кухня

Итальянская кухня признана не только одной из лучших в мире, но и одной из самых модных в настоящее время. И это не удивительно — она отличается большим разнообразием продуктов и приправ: используются овощи, морепродукты, говядина и нежирная свинина, птица, фрукты и ягоды, сыр, бобовые (фасоль, горох) и рис.

Национальным блюдом итальянцев являются макароны, все блюда из которых называются общим словом «паста». Они бывают всех форм и размеров, их добавляют в супы, подают соусами или просто с сыром, запекают в духовке и даже начиняют. Часто пасту подают в сочетании с фасолью, горохом, цветной капустой. Из макаронных изделий очень распространены спагетти — вид длинной вермишели и каннеллони — крупные полые макароны. Сначала каннеллони отваривают до полуготовности, а затем наполняют мясным фаршем, смешанным с мелко нарезанными грибами, рубленой зеленью, яйцами и др. добавками, и запекают в духовке. Также популярны лазаньи (слоеные запеканки из макаронного теста, прослоенные мясным или овощным фаршем с соусом бешамель и сыром) и равиоли с различными начинками (небольшие пельмени из макаронного теста, которые подают в томатном или сливочном соусе с тертым сыром). Удивительно, но все «пасты» с ароматными соусами в итальянской кухне относятся к первым блюдам, как и супы. Из супов обязательно стоит попробовать Минестроне, который подают с зеленым итальянским соусом «песто» (обычно его готовят из базилика, оливкового масла и кедровых орехов).

Спутник многих первых блюд – тертый сыр Пармезан. Этот сыр созревает в подвалах не менее двух лет и в результате становится сухим, легко крошится. Он может храниться месяцами, не теряя своих качеств.

Итальянцы – горячие приверженцы всевозможных овощей и пряностей, среди них салат-латук, артишоки, помидоры, баклажаны, кабачки. Овощи могут служить и самостоятельным блюдом, и гарниром к мясным и рыбным блюдам.

Ужин часто состоит из какого-либо холодного блюда: салата, винегрета, помидоров, сыра.

Говоря об итальянской кухне нельзя не упомянуть об итальянском блюде из риса — ризотто, немного напоминающем плов, который делают со всевозможными наполнителями. Существуют сотни вариантов ризотто, и оно стало не менее популярно в мире, чем итальянская пицца.

В Италии готовят вкусное мороженое, всевозможные мучные изделия – пиццу, пельмени «равиоли», которые готовят из теста для макаронных изделий с разными, совершенно неожиданными начинками, миланские булочки с виноградом и фруктами, торт с миндалем, миндальные пирожные, муссы. Десерт обычно заканчивается кофе.

Вино в Италии – национальный напиток, наряду с другими блюдами кувшин с вином всегда присутствует на столе итальянцев, так как они являются большими ценителями вина.



Italian cuisine uses simple products that you can buy in any store-tomatoes, spaghetti, meat, herbs, etc.

The dishes are varied, easy to prepare and nutritious.

Ответ:   Рецепт приготовления макарон  по-итальянски


100 g pasta

1 teaspoon salt

1 liter of water

piece of butter


pot with lid


colander or sieve


1. Prepare pasta, water, vegetable oil, salt and butter.

1. Подготовь макароны, воду, растительное масло, соль и сливочное масло.

2. Pour water into the pan, cover and put it on the fire. Wait for the water to boil.

2. Налей в кастрюлю воду, накрой крышкой и поставь ее на огонь. Дождись когда закипит вода.

3. When the water is boiling, add salt to taste (10 – 12 g per litre of water = one teaspoon) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil (if you do not have olive at hand, any other vegetable oil will do) – so the pasta does not stick together.

3. Когда вода закипела, добавь соль по вкусу (10 – 12 г на литр воды = одна чайная ложка) и 1 столовую ложку оливкового масла (если нет под рукой оливковое, подойдет и любое другое растительное масло) – так макароны не  слипнуться.

4. Put in a pot of boiling water with the pasta. Don’t cover the pot! Mix with a wooden spoon to pasta does not stick to the bottom. After adding the pasta, the water will stop boiling. Cover the pan again with a lid so that the water boils again, then remove the lid and make the fire smaller, otherwise foam may appear.

4. Высыпь в кастрюлю с кипящей водой макароны. Кастрюлю крышкой не накрывай! Перемешай деревянной ложкой, чтобы макароны не пристали ко дну. После добавления макарон вода перестанет кипеть. Накрой снова кастрюлю крышкой, чтобы вода снова закипела, затем крышку сними и сделай огонь меньше, иначе возможно появление пены.

5. Cook pasta for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Вари макароны примерно 10 минут, периодически помешивая.  

6. For 2-3 minutes until cooked, try the pasta on the tooth – they should be soft, without flour flavour. When the pasta is ready, put it in a colander and rinse with hot boiled water.

6. За 2-3 минуты до готовности попробуй макароны на зубок – они должны быть мягкими, без мучного привкуса. Когда макароны готовы, откинь их на дуршлаг и промой горячей кипяченой водой.

7. Stir the pasta on a platter or plates with butter, decorate with sauce, herbs, grated cheese at will.

7. Размешай макароны на блюде или тарелках со сливочным маслом, укрась соусом, зеленью, тертым сыром по своему желанию.

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