Как пишется бикини боттом на английском

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bikini bottom


bikini bottoms


Plankton has a plan to save Bikini Bottom.
У Планктона есть план, как спасти Бикини-Боттом.

The pretty girl in the bikini was an eye-opener on the beach.
На пляже было заметно лишь милую девушку в бикини.

If you want to read this page later, just know that you can access it from the «Help» link at the very bottom of the website.
Если в будущем вы захотите прочесть эту страницу, вы всегда можете найти её по находящейся вверху ссылке «Помощь».

She styles her hair and makeup neatly to talk on camera with friends about how to pick the most flattering bikini.
Она тщательно укладывает волосы и накладывает макияж, чтобы говорить перед камерой со своими друзьями о том, как выбрать наиболее подходящее бикини.

She is always at the bottom of the class.
Она всегда самая отстающая в классе.


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Автор Лесяндр Sexcrime задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Как по английски правльно пишется БИКИНИ БОТОМ? город из мультика спанч боб и получил лучший ответ

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Bikini Bottom

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Bikini Bottom

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Как пишется так и переводится

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Bikiny Botom

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Baokinnni Button

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5 лет назад

Bikini Bottom

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14 лет назад

Bikini Bottom

AnnaМастер (1222)

14 лет назад

не подскажете, где мульт скачать?

Дмитрий Александрович



14 лет назад

Как пишется так и переводится




14 лет назад

Bikiny Botom

Никита КуликовУченик (220)

2 года назад

Не правельно

Мик Маттоо



14 лет назад

Вickiny Bottom

Пользователь удален



14 лет назад

Baokinnni Button

Леонид Владимирович



3 года назад

Bikini Bottom

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bikini bottom


bikini bottoms


Plankton has a plan to save Bikini Bottom.
У Планктона есть план, как спасти Бикини-Боттом.

The pretty girl in the bikini was an eye-opener on the beach.
На пляже было заметно лишь милую девушку в бикини.

Truth is difficult to find at the bottom of a well.
Трудно найти истину на дне колодца.

She styles her hair and makeup neatly to talk on camera with friends about how to pick the most flattering bikini.
Она тщательно укладывает волосы и накладывает макияж, чтобы говорить перед камерой со своими друзьями о том, как выбрать наиболее подходящее бикини.

If you want to read this page later, just know that you can access it from the «Help» link at the very bottom of the website.
Если в будущем вы захотите прочесть эту страницу, вы всегда можете найти её по находящейся вверху ссылке «Помощь».


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купальные трусики

внизу бикини

Okay, everybody, let’s get back to Bikini Bottom and…

Plankton has a plan to save Bikini Bottom.

Let’s get the Krabby Patty formula and save Bikini Bottom.

Надо вернуть рецепт крабсбургера и спасти Бикини-Боттом.

«Once upon a time, under the sea,»there was a little town called Bikini Bottom.

Давным-давно, где-то на морском дне существовал маленький городок под названием Бикини-Боттом.

The story of how Bikini Bottom was brought to its knees when its beloved Krabby Patty formula was stolen by me,

В истории о том, как Бикини-Боттом был поставлен на колени, когда украли рецепт всеми любимого крабсбургера. А сделал это я,

Now, Bikini Bottom Action News!

And so Bikini Bottom became an apocalyptic cesspool forevermore.

Look what’s become of Bikini Bottom.

The series follows the adventures of the title character in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom.

В этой серии рассказывается о приключениях главного героя в подводном городе «Бикини Боттом».

He lives in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom in a moai situated between SpongeBob SquarePants’ pineapple house and Patrick Star’s rock.

Он живёт в подводном городе Бикини Боттом в статуе моаи, расположенной между жилищем Губки Боба Квадратные Штаны и скалой Патрика Стара.

Spongebob is having gallons of fun in this great Bikini Bottom racing adventure, join him as he whizzes around the town in his brand new ride!

Губка Боб оказывает галлонов веселья в этой большой Бикини Боттом гонках приключение, присоединиться к нему, как он свистит по городу в своем новом езды!

Help Patrick as he tries to avoid getting hit by Spongebob and Mr Krab, even while he drives down the wrong way on the roads of Bikini Bottom. This fast paced funny driving game is full of thrill and excitement as every hit makes you lose fuel.

Помощь Патрик, как он пытается избежать удара по Спанч Боб и г Краб, даже в то время как он ездит по неверному пути на дорогах Бикини Боттом. Это быстрый темп смешно гоночная игра полна острых ощущений и волнения, как каждый удар заставляет вас терять топливо.

Could’ve sworn I saw a bulge in that bikini bottom.

Могу поклясться, что видел выпуклости внизу бикини.

This fashionable yet romantic bandeau bikini features a big bow on the bikini bottom.

Этот светский и, в то же время, романтичный бикини-бандо детализуется большим бантом на нижней части костюма.

Today spongebob is helping the bus driver to take the passengers in bikini bottom to their destination.

Сегодня Губка Боб помогает водителю автобуса, чтобы взять пассажиров в бикини к месту назначения.

I’m the last honest man in bikini bottom!

This electric blue bikini bottom from Rio de Sol is sure to turn heads at the beach or pool.

Patrick is starving, lest help patrick to find cheese in bikini bottom.

Патрик голодает, чтобы справочной Патрик найти сыр в бикини.

This bright scrunch bikini bottom will attract all the looks on the beach this summer!

Этим летом это яркая нижняя часть бикини привлечет все взгляды на пляже!

Featuring a striped base with a floral band in shades of navy, purple, orange and yellow, the Calcinha Barramares bikini bottom provides a colorful way to draw attention to yourself on the beach.

Женственная и очень чувственная модель купальных трусиков Calcinha Barramares продолжает тенденцию марки Rio de Sol комбинировать разные узоры.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 38. Точных совпадений: 38. Затраченное время: 42 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


нижняя часть купальника

Bikini Bottom

Okay, everybody, let’s get back to Bikini Bottom and…

And so Bikini Bottom became an apocalyptic cesspool forevermore.

Вот так Бикини-Боттом навсегда превратился в сточный колодец в преддверии конца света.

Comparing the three groups afterwards, academics found that those who had spent the previous nine minutes watching the goings-on at Bikini Bottom were immediately shown to be «significantly impared in executive function».

Сравнивая эти три группы впоследствии, ученые обнаружили, что те, кто провел предыдущие девять минут, наблюдая за происходящим в Bikini Bottom, сразу же показали, что они «значительно ослаблены исполнительной функцией».

The plot of almost all the episodes takes place underwater in Bikini Bottom city located in the Pacific Ocean.

Почти что все моменты были сняты в городке Bikini Bottom, который располагается в Тихом океане.

«Once upon a time, under the sea,»there was a little town called Bikini Bottom.

Давным-давно, где-то на морском дне существовал маленький городок под названием Бикини-Боттом.

We will present the world of Bikini Bottom and its characters in a whole new way that can only be achieved in the live medium of the theatre.

Мы покажем мир Бикини-Боттом и его персонажей с совершенно новой стороны, которую можно раскрыть только в театральной среде.

The plot of almost all the episodes takes place underwater in Bikini Bottom city located in the Pacific Ocean.

Действие почти всех серий происходит в подводном городке Бикини-Боттом, расположенном на дне Тихого океана.

Plankton has a plan to save Bikini Bottom.

Let’s get the Krabby Patty formula and save Bikini Bottom.

Надо вернуть рецепт крабсбургера и спасти Бикини-Боттом.

Robert Harold Square pants-sea sponge, and lives this amazing character on the ocean floor, in a pretty town called Bikini bottom.

Роберт Гарольд Квадратные штаны — морская губка, и обитает этот удивительный персонаж на дне океана, в симпатичном городке под названием Бикини-Боттом.

«His utterly original characters and the world of Bikini Bottom will long stand as a reminder of the value of optimism, friendship and the limitless power of imagination,» Nickelodeon added.

Его абсолютно оригинальные персонажи и мир Bikini Bottom будут долгое время напоминать о том, насколько важны оптимизм, дружба и безграничная сила воображения , — говорится в сообщении канала Nickelodeon.

This intrigue joined with his masterful ability and love of the ocean and its animals, drove him to compose and show stories as instructing apparatuses with characters that would later turn into the inhabitants of SpongeBob’s home, Bikini Bottom.

Этот интерес, в сочетании с его художественным талантом и любовью к морю и его созданиям, заставил его писать и иллюстрировать истории как инструменты обучения с персонажами, которые позже стали обитателями дома SpongeBob, Bikini Bottom.

This interest, combined with his artistic talent and love of the sea and its creatures, led him to write and illustrate stories as teaching tools with characters that would later become the center of SpongeBob’s home, Bikini Bottom.

Этот интерес, в сочетании с его художественным талантом и любовью к морю и его созданиям, заставил его писать и иллюстрировать истории как инструменты обучения с персонажами, которые позже стали обитателями дома SpongeBob, Bikini Bottom.

The story of how Bikini Bottom was brought to its knees when its beloved Krabby Patty formula was stolen by me,

В истории о том, как Бикини-Боттом был поставлен на колени, когда украли рецепт всеми любимого крабсбургера. А сделал это я,

Like with Destroy All Humans, THQ Nordic has given Battle for Bikini Bottom a gorgeous cartoon sheen with Rehydrated, making the game more closely resemble a 3D Spongebob movie.

Как и в случае с Destroy All Humans!, издательство THQ Nordic с выходом Rehydrated придало Battle of Bikini Bottom приятный глазу мультипликационный шарм, что сделало игру более похожей на 3D фильм о губкообразном герое.

Conch Street runs north-south as revealed in the SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom video game.

Ракушечная улица находится на юге, как показано в видео игре «SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom».

Could’ve sworn I saw a bulge in that bikini bottom.

Могу поклясться, что видел выпуклости внизу бикини.

This fashionable yet romantic bandeau bikini features a big bow on the bikini bottom.

Этот светский и, в то же время, романтичный бикини-бандо детализуется большим бантом на нижней части костюма.

She is wearing only a bikini bottom underneath.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 99. Точных совпадений: 99. Затраченное время: 69 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Bikini bottom: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

  • bikini snap — снимок в бикини
  • bikini atoll — Бикини-Атолл
  • bandeau bikini top — бандо-топ
  • bikini top — топ бикини
  • tiny bikini — крошечное бикини
  • bikini wax — воск бикини
  • bikini line — линия бикини
  • string bikini — струнный бикини
  • thong bikini — стринги бикини

bottom [noun]

noun: дно, низ, основание, днище, нижняя часть, суть, зад, грунт, конец, основа

adjective: нижний, низкий, последний, основной, базисный

preposition: под

verb: основывать, вникнуть, добираться до сути дела, приделывать дно, касаться дна, измерять глубину, доискаться причины, основываться, строить

  • removable bottom baking pan — противень со съёмным дном
  • bottom water isolation method — метод изоляции подошвенных вод
  • bottom water shutoff — изоляция подошвенных вод
  • bottom turbine — приключенная турбина
  • bottom driver roll — нижний приводной валок
  • bottom-pouring ladle — ковш с разливкой через днище
  • bottom-blast forge — кузнечный горн с нижним дутьем
  • bottom load — нижняя часть заряда взрывчатого вещества
  • bottom waterdrive reservoir — коллектор с активным напором подошвенных вод
  • the bottom line — Нижняя линия

Предложения с «bikini bottom»

Could’ve sworn I saw a bulge in that bikini bottom.

Могу поклясться, что видел выпуклости внизу бикини.

For letting down Bikini Bottom.

Я не спас Бикини — Боттом.

Back then it was always sandals… bottom half of a flower-print bikini… and a faded country Joe and the Fish T-shirt.

Тогда она ходила в сандалиях, в плавках от бикини с цветочным рисунком и выцветшей футболке Кантри Джо и Фиш.

A bikini line is the area of the upper leg and inner thigh in which pubic hair grows that is normally not covered by the bottom part of a swimsuit.

Линия бикини — это область верхней части ноги и внутренней части бедра, в которой растут лобковые волосы, которые обычно не покрываются нижней частью купальника .

  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на арабский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на бенгальский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на китайский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на испанский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на хинди
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на японский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на португальский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на русский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на венгерский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на иврит
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на украинский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на турецкий
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на итальянский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на греческий
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на хорватский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на французский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на немецкий
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на корейский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на панджаби
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на маратхи
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на узбекский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на малайский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на голландский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на польский
  • «bikini bottom» Перевод на чешский


1 part.

en parte to a certain extent, partly

por mi/tu parte for my/your part

¿de qué parte de España es? what part of Spain is he from?, whereabouts in Spain is he from?

3 side (bando, lado).

estar/ponerse de parte de alguien to be on/to take somebody’s side

por parte de padre/madre on one’s father’s/mother’s side

por una parte… por otra… on the one hand… on the other (hand)…

4 (spare) part, spare (repuesto). (Mexican Spanish)

5 party, side.

6 region, place.

7 communication, communiqué, message, notice.




3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: partir.


2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: partir.

* * *

1 familiar privates, private parts

¿de parte de quien? who’s calling please?

llevar la mejor/peor parte to have the best/worst of it

por una parte,… por otra… on the one hand…, on the other hand…

vamos/vayamos por partes one step at a time

* * *



report, dispatch



3) side, party

— parte delantera
— parte trasera

* * *



1) report

parte de baja (laboral) — doctor’s note; certificate of leaving employment, P45

parte facultativo, parte médico — medical report, medical bulletin

2) (Mil) dispatch, communiqué

3) (Radio) news bulletin


wedding invitation; (


) speeding ticket



1) part

¿en qué parte del libro te has quedado? — where are you in the book?, which bit of the book are you on at the moment?

ser parte esencial de algo — to be an essential part of sth

la mayor parte de algo, pasé la mayor parte del tiempo leyendo — I spent most of the time reading

-¿os queda dinero? -sí, aunque ya hemos gastado la mayor parte — «do you have any money left?» — «yes, though we’ve spent most of it»


de parte de, llamo de parte de Juan — I’m calling on behalf of Juan

¿de parte de quién? — who’s calling?

en parte — partly, in part

formar parte de algo, ¿cuándo entró a formar parte de la organización? — when did she join the organization?

en gran parte — to a large extent

por otra parte — on the other hand

por una parte… por otra (parte) — on the one hand,… on the other

por parte de — on the part of

yo por mi parte, no estoy de acuerdo — I, for my part, disagree

¡ vayamos por partes! — let’s take it one step at a time!

3) share

ir a la parte — to go shares

tener parte en algo — to share in sth

tomar parte (en algo) — to take part (in sth)

¿cuántos corredores tomarán parte en la prueba? — how many runners will take part in the race?


4) part

¿de qué parte de Inglaterra eres? — what part of England are you from?

¿en qué parte de la ciudad vives? — where o whereabouts in the city do you live?

ir a otra parte — to go somewhere else

en o por todas partes — everywhere


5) side

estar de parte de algn — to be on sb’s side

¿de parte de quién estás tú? — whose side are you on?

ponerse de parte de algn — to side with sb, take sb’s side

6) side

7) (Dep) half

8) (Teat) part

9) (Jur) party





private parts


, privates


partes íntimas, partes pudendas — private parts




parts, qualities, talents

* * *



1) (informe, comunicación) report

2) (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fine

me pasaron or me pusieron un parte — I got a ticket o a fine




a) (porción, fracción) part

pasa la mayor or gran parte del tiempo al teléfono — she spends most of her o the time on the phone

esto se debe en gran parte a… — this is largely due to…

¿de qué parte de México eres? — what part of Mexico are you from?

es, en buena parte, culpa suya — it is, to a large o great extent, his own fault

¿de parte de quién? — ( por teléfono) who’s calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml)

¿tú de parte de quién estás? — whose side are you on?

formar parte de algo — pieza/sección to be part of something; persona/país to belong to something

por mi/tu/su parte — for my/your/his part

yo, por mi parte… — I, for my part… (frml), as far as I’m concerned…

por parte de: fue un error por parte nuestra/de la compañía it was a mistake on our part/on the part of the company; por parte de or del padre on his father’s side; por partes: revisémoslo por partes let’s go over it section by section; vayamos por partes let’s take it step by step; por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case; ( por otro lado) however, on the other hand; salva sea la parte — (euf & hum) rear (colloq & euph)

¿adónde vas? — a ninguna parte — where are you going? — nowhere

a/en todas partes — everywhere

5) (en negociación, contrato, juicio) party

6) (Teatr) part, role

7) (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)

* * *

= body, end, part, part, party, piece, portion, quarter, section, segment, sequence, share, report.

Nota: Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización.

Ex. The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.

Ex. Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.

Ex. Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.

Ex. A part is one of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer.

Ex. Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.

Ex. Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.

Ex. An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.

Ex. A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.

Ex. Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.

Ex. No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.

Ex. A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.

Ex. The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.

Ex. The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.


* abordar una mínima parte del asunto = touch + the tip of the iceberg.

* a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).

* buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.

* de la parte superior = topmost [top most].

* de parte de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf], in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].

* de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.

* dividir Algo en partes iguales = divide + Nombre + in equal parts.

* dividir en partes = break into + parts.

* dividirse en partes = fall into + parts.

* en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.

* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.

* en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.

* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.

* en la parte de atrás = in the back, at the rear.

* en la parte superior = at the top, uppermost.

* en la parte trasera = in the back, at the rear.

* en ninguna parte = nowhere.

* en otra parte = elsewhere, further afield.

* en parte = in part, part of the way, partial, partially, partly.

* en parte + Nombre = part + Nombre.

* en su mayor parte = largely, mostly, for the most part.

* en todas partes = all around, far and wide, far and wide.

* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.

* entre tres partes = 3-party [three-party].

* en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].

* extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.

* formar parte = form + part.

* formar parte de = be part of, be part of, build into, enter into, become + (a) part of, be a part of, inhere in, become + one with, inform, fall under.

* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.

* formar parte de un comite = serve on + committee.

* formar parte integral = form + an integral part.

* formar parte natural de su entorno = blend into + the landscape.

* gran parte = much.

* hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.

* la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion’s share of.

* la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.

* llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado = jury duty.

* llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.

* más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.

* no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.

* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.

* parte anterior del pie = ball of + Posesivo + foot.

* parte azotada por el viento = windward.

* parte de atrás = back, backside, rear.

* parte expuesta al viento = windward.

* parte inferior = bottom, underside.

* parte integrante = integral part, fixture.

* parte interesada = interested party, stakeholder, concerned party.

* parte musical = part.

* parte posterior = backside, rear.

* parte protegida = lee.

* parte protegida del viento = leeward.

* partes beligerantes = warring factions, warring parties.

* partes de un conflicto = warring factions, warring parties.

* partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.

* partes enfrentadas = warring factions, warring parties.

* partes implicadas, las = parties involved, the, parties concerned, the.

* parte superior = top, topside.

* parte trasera = back, rear.

* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.

* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.

* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.

* por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.

* por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.

* por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.

* por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.

* por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.

* Posesivo + partes = Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.

* Posesivo + partes íntimas = Posesivo + privates, Posesivo + family jewels.

* Posesivo + partes privadas = Posesivo + crown jewels, Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.

* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + family jewels.

* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + privates.

* relación parte/todo = whole/part relationship.

* segunda parte = sequel, follow-up.

* ser parte de = be part of, be a part of, fall under.

* tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.

* tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.

* tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.

* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.

* una cuarta parte = one-quarter (1/4), one in four.

* una décima parte = one tenth [one-tenth], one in ten.

* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion’s share of.

* una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.

* una quinta parte = one-fifth [one fifth], one in five.

* una tercera parte = one third (1/3), one in three.

* * *



1) (informe, comunicación) report

2) (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fine

me pasaron or me pusieron un parte — I got a ticket o a fine




a) (porción, fracción) part

pasa la mayor or gran parte del tiempo al teléfono — she spends most of her o the time on the phone

esto se debe en gran parte a… — this is largely due to…

¿de qué parte de México eres? — what part of Mexico are you from?

es, en buena parte, culpa suya — it is, to a large o great extent, his own fault

¿de parte de quién? — ( por teléfono) who’s calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml)

¿tú de parte de quién estás? — whose side are you on?

formar parte de algo — pieza/sección to be part of something; persona/país to belong to something

por mi/tu/su parte — for my/your/his part

yo, por mi parte… — I, for my part… (frml), as far as I’m concerned…

por parte de: fue un error por parte nuestra/de la compañía it was a mistake on our part/on the part of the company; por parte de or del padre on his father’s side; por partes: revisémoslo por partes let’s go over it section by section; vayamos por partes let’s take it step by step; por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case; ( por otro lado) however, on the other hand; salva sea la parte — (euf & hum) rear (colloq & euph)

¿adónde vas? — a ninguna parte — where are you going? — nowhere

a/en todas partes — everywhere

5) (en negociación, contrato, juicio) party

6) (Teatr) part, role

7) (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)

* * *

= body, end, part, part, party, piece, portion, quarter, section, segment, sequence, share, report.

Nota: Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización.

Ex: The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.

Ex: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.

Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.

Ex: A part is one of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer.

Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.

Ex: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.

Ex: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.

Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.

Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.

Ex: No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.

Ex: A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.

Ex: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.

Ex: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.

* a alguna parte = someplace.

* abordar una mínima parte del asunto = touch + the tip of the iceberg.

* ambas partes del argumento = both sides of the fence.

* a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).

* buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.

* dar parte de = report.

* de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.

* de la parte superior = topmost [top most].

* de otras partes = further afield.

* de parte de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf], in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].

* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.

* de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.

* de todas partes = from far and wide.

* de una parte a otra = back and forth.

* de un tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.

* dividir Algo en partes iguales = divide + Nombre + in equal parts.

* dividir en partes = break into + parts.

* dividirse en partes = fall into + parts.

* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.

* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.

* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

* en alguna parte = someplace.

* en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.

* en buena parte = for the most part.

* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.

* en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.

* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.

* en la mayor parte de = in the majority of.

* en la parte de arriba = at the top.

* en la parte de atrás = in the back, at the rear.

* en la parte de delante = at the front.

* en la parte delantera = at the front.

* en la parte posterior = in the back.

* en la parte superior = at the top, uppermost.

* en la parte trasera = in the back, at the rear.

* en ninguna parte = nowhere.

* en otra parte = elsewhere, further afield.

* en otras partes = further afield.

* en parte = in part, part of the way, partial, partially, partly.

* en parte + Nombre = part + Nombre.

* en qué parte = whereabouts.

* en su mayor parte = largely, mostly, for the most part.

* en su parte central = at its core.

* en todas partes = all around, far and wide, far and wide.

* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.

* entre tres partes = 3-party [three-party].

* en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].

* extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.

* formar parte = form + part.

* formar parte de = be part of, be part of, build into, enter into, become + (a) part of, be a part of, inhere in, become + one with, inform, fall under.

* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.

* formar parte de un comite = serve on + committee.

* formar parte integral = form + an integral part.

* formar parte integral de = be an integral part of.

* formar parte natural de su entorno = blend into + the landscape.

* gran parte = much.

* gran parte de = much of.

* hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.

* la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion’s share of.

* la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.

* la parte de atrás de = the back of.

* la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.

* la parte más importante = the heart of.

* la parte principal de = the bulk of.

* la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.

* la parte trasera de = the back of.

* llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado = jury duty.

* llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.

* lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.

* más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.

* mínima parte = fraction.

* no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.

* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.

* numeración de las partes = numbering of parts.

* parte afectada = stakeholder.

* parte anterior del pie = ball of + Posesivo + foot.

* parte azotada por el viento = windward.

* parte de accidente = accident report.

* parte de atrás = back, backside, rear.

* parte delantera = fore-end.

* parte de una obra = component part.

* parte de una publicación = component part.

* parte en un contrato = contracting party.

* parte expuesta al viento = windward.

* parte implicada = stakeholder.

* parte inferior = bottom, underside.

* parte inferior derecha = lower right.

* parte integral = integral part.

* parte integrante = integral part, fixture.

* parte interesada = interested party, stakeholder, concerned party.

* parte metereológico = weather forecast.

* parte musical = part.

* parte posterior = backside, rear.

* parte principal del texto = meat of the text.

* parte protegida = lee.

* parte protegida del viento = leeward.

* parte que falta = missing part.

* partes = bits and pieces.

* partes beligerantes = warring factions, warring parties.

* partes de un conflicto = warring factions, warring parties.

* parte segunda = revisited.

* partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.

* partes enfrentadas = warring factions, warring parties.

* partes implicadas, las = parties involved, the, parties concerned, the.

* parte superior = top, topside.

* parte trasera = back, rear.

* parte vital = lifeblood.

* parte Y la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.

* pero por otra parte = but then again.

* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.

* ponerse de parte de = side with.

* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.

* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.

* por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.

* por parte de = on the part of.

* por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.

* por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.

* por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.

* por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.

* Posesivo + partes = Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.

* Posesivo + partes íntimas = Posesivo + privates, Posesivo + family jewels.

* Posesivo + partes privadas = Posesivo + crown jewels, Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.

* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + family jewels.

* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + privates.

* que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.

* que forma parte en = involved in.

* que toma parte en = involved in.

* relación parte/todo = whole/part relationship.

* segunda parte = sequel, follow-up.

* ser parte de = be part of, be a part of, fall under.

* sinónimo en parte = near synonym.

* subparte = subpart.

* tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.

* todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.

* tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.

* tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.

* tomar parte en = join in.

* tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.

* tomar parte en en el asunto = be part of the picture.

* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.

* una cuarta parte = one-quarter (1/4), one in four.

* una cuarta parte de = a fourth of.

* una décima parte = one tenth [one-tenth], one in ten.

* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion’s share of.

* una octava parte = one in eight.

* una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.

* una quinta parte = one-fifth [one fifth], one in five.

* una quinta parte de = a fifth of.

* una tercera parte = one third (1/3), one in three.

* * *

A (informe, comunicación) report


death certificate


medical report o bulletin

medical report o bulletin

weather report

me pasaron or sacaron or pusieron un parte I got a ticket o a fine


1 (porción, fracción) part

soy español — ¿de qué parte (de España)? I’m Spanish — which part (of Spain) are you from?


part of speech

lion’s share

esto se debe, en gran parte, al aumento de la demanda this is largely due to the increase in demand

es, en buena parte, culpa suya it is, to a large o great extent, his own fault

de mi/tu/su parte from me/you/him

¿de parte de quién? (por teléfono) who’s calling?, who shall I say is calling? ( frml)

¿tú de parte de quién estás? whose side are you on?

yo te ayudaré, pero tú también tienes que poner de tu parte I’ll help you, but you have to do your share o part o ( BrE colloq) bit

por mi/tu/su parte for my/your/his part

yo, por mi parte, no tengo inconveniente I, for my part, have no objection ( frml), as far as I’m concerned, there’s no problem

por parte de or del padre on his father’s side

vayamos por partes ¿cómo empezó la discusión? let’s take it step by step, how did the argument start?



1 (en negociaciones, un contrato) party

2 ( Der) party


opposing party

F ( Teatr) part, role

mandarse la parte( RPl) or ( Chi) las partes ( fam); to show off


( euf); private parts (pl) ( euph), pudenda (pl) ( frml)

( euf); private parts (pl) ( euph)

* * *


Del verbo partir: ( conjugate partir)

parte es:

3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

Multiple Entries:


parte sustantivo masculino

1 (informe, comunicación) report;

[ autoridad] to file a report about an incident;

parte meteorológico weather report

2 (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fine

■ sustantivo femenino


a) (porción, fracción) part;

pasa la mayor parte del tiempo al teléfono she spends most of her o the time on the phone;

la mayor parte de los participantes the majority of o most of the participants

en la parte de atrás at the back

2 ( en locs)

en gran parte to a large extent, largely;

en su mayor parte for the most part;

de un tiempo a esta parte for some time now;

de parte de algn on behalf of sb;

llamo de parte de María I’m ringing on behalf of María;

dale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regards;

vengo de parte del señor Díaz Mr Díaz sent me;

¿de parte de quién? ( por teléfono) who’s calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml);

formar parte de algo [pieza/sección] to be part of sth;

[persona/país] to belong to sth;

por mi/tu/su parte as far as I’m/you’re/he’s concerned;

por partes: revisémoslo por partes let’s go over it section by section;

vayamos por partes let’s take it step by step;

por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case;

( por otro lado) however, on the other hand;

por una parte …, por la otra … on the one hand …, on the other …

3 ( participación) part;

4 ( lugar):

esto no nos lleva a ninguna parte this isn’t getting o leading us anywhere;

¿adónde vas? — a ninguna parte where are you going? — nowhere;

en cualquier parte anywhere;

a/en/por todas partes everywhere;

en alguna parte somewhere

5 (en negociación, contrato, juicio) party

6 (Teatr) part, role

7 (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)

partir ( conjugate partir) verbo transitivo

nuez/avellana to crack;

rama/palo to break

cabeza to split open

verbo intransitivo



a) parte DE algo ‹de una premisa/un supuesto› to start from sth


a parte de ahora/ese momento from now on/that moment on;

a parte de hoy (as o starting) from today

partirse verbo pronominal

diente to break, chip


I sustantivo femenino

1 (porción, trozo) part: esas danzas y esos ritos forman parte de nuestra cultura, those dances and rites are part of our culture

2 (de dinero, herencia, etc) share

3 (lado, sitio) place, spot: lo puedes encontrar en cualquier parte, you can find it anywhere

4 (en un enfrentamiento, discusión) side: ¿de qué parte estás?, whose side are you on?

está de mi parte, he’s on my side

tomar parte en, to take part in: no deberíamos tomar parte en esas discusiones, we shouldn’t take part in those discussions

5 Jur party

II sustantivo masculino

1 (informe, comunicación) report: tienes que dar parte a la policía, you must inform the police

parte médico/meteorológico, medical/weather report

2 Rad Tel news

♦ Locuciones: de parte a parte: el espejo se rompió de parte a parte, the mirror broke in two

de parte de…, on behalf of…

Tel ¿de parte de quién?, who’s calling?

en gran parte, to a large extent

en parte, partly

por mi parte, as far as I am concerned

por otra parte, on the other hand


I verbo transitivo

1 (romper, quebrar) to break: me parte el corazón verte tan desalentada, it’s heartbreaking to see you so depressed

partir una nuez, to shell a walnut

2 (dividir) to split, divide

(con un cuchillo) to cut

II vi (irse) to leave, set out o off

♦ Locuciones: a partir de aquí/ahora, from here on/now on

a partir de entonces no volvimos a hablarnos, we didn’t speak to each other from then on

parte‘ also found in these entries:


— accionariado
— adherirse
— adormecerse
— alma
— anterior
— apéndice
— arriba
— arte
— bajón
— caída
— caído
— chimenea
— colonizar
— consignar
— cuarta
— cuarto
— de
— deber
— décima
— décimo
— deformar
— deformarse
— delicadeza
— derecha
— derecho
— desnuda
— desnudo
— distribuir
— elemento
— encima
— encoger
— episodio
— ser
— escarpa
— este
— exterior
— fondo
— fuera
— gruesa
— grueso
— infante
— infrahumana
— infrahumano
— integrar
— integrante
— jirón
— juez
— les
— más


account for
— act
— again
— against
— agenda
— anywhere
— appeal
— away
— back
— backbone
— backroom
— begin
— behalf
— bikini
— body
— bottom
— bulk
— buy out
— call
— civil
— claw back
— come away
— come under
— component
— constituent
— cross-examine
— croup
— cut
— damage
— day
— dispatch
— element
— else
— engage in
— for
— fourteenth
— fraction
— front
— good
— half
— hear of
— inner
— integral
— join
— join in
— largely
— linchpin
— lion
— listen
— mostly

* * *


parte de accidente (accident) claim form;

news bulletin



“El Padrino, Segunda parte” “The Godfather, Part Two”;

en parte to a certain extent, partly;

to a large extent;

por mi/tu/[m5]. parte for my/your/ part;

¡vamos por partes! let’s take one thing at a time!;

llevarse la mejor/peor parte to come off best/worst;

en salva sea la parte: le dio un puntapié en salva sea la parte she gave him a kick up the rear;

parte de la oración part of speech


la parte de abajo/de arriba, la parte inferior/superior the bottom/top;

la parte trasera/delantera, la parte de atrás/de delante the back/front;

¿de qué parte de Argentina es? what part of Argentina is he from?, whereabouts in Argentina is he from?;

por una parte…, por otra… on the one hand…, on the other (hand)…;

parte baja end of the inning


¡tú no vas a ninguna parte! you’re not going anywhere!;

2.000 pesos no van a ninguna parte 2,000 pesos won’t get you far;


estar/ponerse de parte de alguien to be on/to take sb’s side;

¿tú de qué parte estás? whose side are you on?;


la parte acusadora the prosecution;

(spare) part, spare

de parte de tu madre, que vayas a comprar leche your mother says for you to go and buy some milk;

fue muy amable/generoso de tu parte it was very kind/generous of you;

¿de parte de (quién)? who’s calling, please?;

de un mes/unos años a esta parte for the last month/last few years

* * *

llevar la mejor/peor parte be at an advantage/a disadvantage







por parte de madre/padre on one’s mother’s/father’s side;

por una parte … por otra parte on the one hand … on the other (hand)





* * *

report, dispatch

part, share

part, place

en alguna parte: somewhere

por todas partes: everywhere

party (in negotiations, etc.)

¿de parte de quién? may I ask who’s calling?

* * *

de parte de… from…

контекстный перевод и примеры — предложения
предложения на английском языке
предложения на русском языке
Could’ve sworn I saw a bulge in that bikini bottom. Могу поклясться, что видел выпуклости внизу бикини.
«Once upon a time, under the sea, «there was a little town called Bikini Bottom. «Давным-давно, где-то на морском дне существовал маленький городок под названием Бикини-Боттом.
He loved making Krabby Patties for the folks of Bikini Bottom just as much as they loved eating them. Он любил готовить крабсбургеры для жителей Бикини-Боттом не меньше, чем те любили их есть.
For all of Bikini Bottom! Для всего Бикини-Боттом!
And so Bikini Bottom became an apocalyptic cesspool forevermore. Вот так Бикини-Боттом навсегда превратился в сточный колодец в преддверии конца света.
Look what’s become of Bikini Bottom. Ты посмотри, куда катится Бикини-Боттом.
Now, Bikini Bottom Action News! А сейчас новости Бикини-Боттом!
Perch Perkins reporting live from downtown Bikini Bottom. Окунь Перкинс в прямом эфире из центра Бикини-Боттом.
Hey, Gary, Plankton and I need you to help us find the Krabby Patty formula and fix Bikini Bottom. Гэри, помоги нам с Планктоном найти рецепт крабсбургера и спасти город.
Yeah, looks like they’re gonna have to change the name of Bikini Bottom to Dirty Bottom. Похоже, город пора переименовывать в Помойку Боттом.
Plankton has a plan to save Bikini Bottom. У Планктона есть план, как спасти Бикини-Боттом.
And so, if a sacrifice is needed to restore Bikini Bottom to its former glory… И поэтому если для возрождения города требуется жертвоприношение,
Let’s get the Krabby Patty formula and save Bikini Bottom. Надо вернуть рецепт крабсбургера и спасти Бикини-Боттом.
The story of how Bikini Bottom was brought to its knees when its beloved Krabby Patty formula was stolen by me, В истории о том, как Бикини-Боттом был поставлен на колени, когда украли рецепт всеми любимого крабсбургера. А сделал это я,
For letting down Bikini Bottom. Я не спас Бикини-Боттом.
Okay, everybody, let’s get back to Bikini Bottom and… Ну ладно. Давайте возвращаться в Бикини-Боттом, и…
I’m the last honest man in bikini bottom! Да я самый честный человек во всём Бикини Боттом!

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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