Как пишется дейзи по английски

daisy — перевод на русский


— Amazing deduction, Daisy.

— Гениальное умозаключение, Дейзи.

— Thank you, Daisy.

— Спасибо, Дейзи.

Thanks, Daisy.

Опасибо, Дейзи.

Only Daisy.

Только Дейзи.

Hey, Daisy, come on!

Эй, Дейзи, сюда!

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Hello, Daisy?

Алло, Дэйзи?

Daisy, I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed.

Дэйзи, я сказал, чтобы меня не тревожили.

Daisy tells me the police were here this morning.

Дэйзи сказала мне, что полиция приходила сегодня утром.

Nothing, Daisy…

Ничего, Дэйзи.

I’m quite sure you won’t, Daisy.

Я уверен, что не поедешь, Дэйзи.

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There’s the old cemetery, squirrels, buttercups, daisies.

Белки, лютики, маргаритки.

She likes daisies best of all.

Oна больше всего любит маргаритки.

He’d start painting daisies.

Он начнет рисовать маргаритки.

The old women from Morone, their veils on their heads, went with the dead to the cemetery, gathering by the roadside daisies and clover.

Старухи из Мороне, с вуалями, пошли с мёртвыми на кладбище, собирая придорожные маргаритки и клевер.

Because of the time I bought the daisies.

Ради того времени, когда я принес маргаритки.

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On board, you’ll meet a girl called Daisy and other people.

Там будет девушка Дэзи и другие.

Take Daisy, she can do everything.

Вот Дэзи, она всё умеет.

Well, then nominate Daisy for president.

Вот и назначь свою Дэзи президентом.

Daisy your honour.

Прошу, Дэзи.

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On the stage of the Youth Theatre the violet and daisy coloured «Spring» is in full bloom.

На подмостках Театра молодежи «Весна» цвета ромашки и перепески уже вовсю цветет.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say she actually writes poetry, but when a girl suddenly asks you out of a clear blue sky if you don’t think that the stars are God’s daisy chain,

Я не ошибусь, если скажу, что она пишет стихи. Когда девушки неожиданно спрашивают тебя о чем ты думаешь,.. глядя на звезды на небе, на эти божьи ромашки.

You can say… how you’ve often thought that the stars are God’s daisy chain.

например, мне часто казалось, что звезды это божьи ромашки.

— God’s daisy chain?

Божьи ромашки?

God’s daisy chain…

Божьи ромашки.

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Fresh as a daisy!

Свеж как огурчик!

Then I’m off to the power plant, fresh as a daisy.

Потом я иду на электростанцию — свежий, как огурчик.

You’re as fresh as a daisy.

Вы свежий как огурчик.

My mama used to take that many every friday night, wash it down with a gin, and wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy to do her paper route.

Моя мама каждую пятницу столько принимала, да еще и запивала джином, а наутро всегда как огурчик топала по своим делам.

Fresh as a Daisy?

Свежей, как огурчик?

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Tea Daisy, another cup.

Дези, ещё одну чашку чая.

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Yes, I know. Upsy daisy.

Да, знаю я, мой цветочек..

Do you want me to put down some of those rubber traction daisies in the tub?

— Хочешь, я положу в ванной резиновый коврик какой-нибудь в цветочек? — Нет.

Look at yourself, disguised as a daisy.

Одно слово — цветочек.

Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe.

Слушай, раньше мы могли сидеть тут тихо и собирать цветочки, когда мы знали, что это место безопасно.

When I need somebody to pick daisies and count ladybugs.

Когда нужно будет собирать цветочки и божьих коровок.

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  • 1

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > daisy

  • 2

    1) маргари́тка


    амер. бот.

    попо́вник, нивя́ник обыкнове́нный



    что-л. первокла́ссное, первосо́ртное

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > daisy

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > daisy

  • 4

    DAISY, data acquisition and interpretation system

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > DAISY

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > DAISY

  • 6

    English-russian biological dictionary > daisy

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > daisy

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Daisy

  • 9

    ˈdeɪzɪ сущ.
    1) ромашка, маргаритка
    2) амер.;
    бот. поповник, нивяник обыкновенный
    3) сл. что-л. отличное, превосходное;
    выдающийся человек;
    вещь экстра-класса She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! She’s just a daisy, that’s what she is. ≈ Она самая замечательная девушка, которую я когда-либо видел. Она просто чудо, вот кто она! ∙ as fresh as a daisy ≈ прекрасна как роза;
    свеж как огурчик
    (ботаника) маргаритка (Bellis gen.) (американизм) (ботаника) нивяник, поповник (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) (сленг) первоклассная, замечательная штука: «первый сорт», что надо, пальчики оближешь;
    закачаешься — а * girl девочка что надо (американизм) корейка (тж. * ham) > as fresh as а * цветущий;
    бодрый, полный юношеского задора;
    > under the daisies, pushing /kicking/ up daisies на том свете, в могиле, умерший;
    > to turn one’s toes to the daisies протянуть ноги, умереть
    daisy маргаритка ~ жарг. (что-л.) первоклассное, первосортное ~ амер. бот. поповник, нивяник обыкновенный

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > daisy

  • 10


    daisy маргаритка daisy жарг. (что-л.) первоклассное, первосортное daisy амер. бот. поповник, нивяник обыкновенный

    English-Russian short dictionary > daisy

  • 11





    первоклассная, замечательная вещь; «первый сорт»


    Англо-русский современный словарь > daisy

  • 12

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > daisy

  • 13

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > daisy

  • 14

    1. n Дейзи

    2. n бот. маргаритка

    3. n амер. бот. нивяник, поповник

    4. n сл. первоклассная, замечательная штука; «первый сорт», что надо, пальчики оближешь; закачаешься

    5. n амер. корейка

    under the daisies, pushing up daisies — на том свете, в могиле, умерший

    English-Russian base dictionary > Daisy

  • 15

    НБАРС > daisy

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DAISY

  • 17

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Daisy

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > daisy

  • 19


    фирма-производитель пневматического оружия

    Сборный англо-русский словарь > Daisy

  • 20


    ромашка, маргаритка

    поповник, нивяник обыкновенный

    что-либо отличное, превосходное; выдающийся человек; вещь экстра-класса

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > daisy


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Daisy — may refer to: Contents 1 Names 2 Places 3 Animals 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Daisy. — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Reborn! Naissance 200 ans Genre Mascul …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Daisy — (engl. für Gänseblümchen) steht für: Daisy (Vorname), weiblicher Vorname – dort auch zu Namensträgerinnen und Nachbenennung Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Daisy (Alabama) Daisy (Arkansas) Daisy (Georgia) Daisy (Kentucky) Daisy (Maryland) Daisy… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DAISY — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DAISY — ist die Abkürzung für: Dynamisches Auskunfts und Informationssystem, wie es z. B. die Berliner BVG zur Information ihrer Fahrgäste verwendet, siehe Dynamische Fahrgastinformation und Zugzielanzeiger Digital Accessible Information System, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DAISY — (от англ. Digital Accessible Information System, Цифровая доступная информационная система)  это стандарт цифрового формата для записи «цифровых говорящих книг» (англ. digital talking books). Данный формат сочетает различные… …   Википедия

  • Daisy — Dai sy (d[=a] z[y^]), n.; pl. {Daisies} (d[=a] z[i^]z). [OE. dayesye, AS. d[ae]ges e[ a]ge day s eye, daisy. See {Day}, and {Eye}.] (Bot.) (a) A genus of low herbs ({Bellis}), belonging to the family {Composit[ae]}. The common English and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Daisy — Daisy, AR U.S. town in Arkansas Population (2000): 118 Housing Units (2000): 119 Land area (2000): 1.145807 sq. miles (2.967627 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.294272 sq. miles (0.762161 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.440079 sq. miles (3.729788 sq.… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Daisy Ba-ad — DAISY B. BA AD, is a playwright, stage director, composer, motivational speaker and life coach based in Cebu City, Philippines. She is a Masscom graduate of St. Theresa s College, Cebu City given a special award for Outstanding Performance in… …   Wikipedia

  • Daisy, AR — U.S. town in Arkansas Population (2000): 118 Housing Units (2000): 119 Land area (2000): 1.145807 sq. miles (2.967627 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.294272 sq. miles (0.762161 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.440079 sq. miles (3.729788 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Daisy, GA — U.S. city in Georgia Population (2000): 126 Housing Units (2000): 60 Land area (2000): 0.985871 sq. miles (2.553394 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.031102 sq. miles (0.080553 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.016973 sq. miles (2.633947 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places


Femme à la marguerite, Mucha.jpg

Femme à la marguerite, an Art Nouveau illustration by Alfons Mucha.

Pronunciation DAY-zee
Gender Female
Word/name Old English
Meaning «day’s eye»

Daisy is a feminine given name. The flower name comes from the Old English word dægeseage, meaning «day’s eye».[1] The name Daisy is therefore ultimately derived from this source. Daisy is also a nickname for Margaret because Marguerite, the French version of the latter name, is also a French name for the oxeye daisy.[2][3]


The name came into popular use in the late Victorian era along with other flower names. Linda Rosenkrantz and Pamela Redmond Satran wrote in their 2007 book Baby Name Bible that Daisy has a «fresh, wholesome, and energetic» image.[2] The name has been used for literary characters such as Daisy Miller, the title character of the novella by Henry James. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, a character named Margaret is «Meg» to her family, but «Daisy» to her wealthy would-be-friends. In television, Daisy Duke on The Dukes of Hazzard wears very short, form-fitting, denim cut-off jeans shorts, now often called Daisy Dukes after this character.

Gathering Daisies by Karl Witkowsi, 1900.

The name was in steady use for American girls throughout the 20th century and was ranked among the top 200 names for girls between 1900 and 1940. It declined in popularity between 1960 and 1980, but has been climbing in popularity since the 1980s and has again ranked among the top 200 names for American girls since 1990. It was the 294th most common name for all females during the 1990 United States census. Daisy has ranked among the top 100 names for girls in the United Kingdom since 1996 and in the past decade in Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand.[4]


  • Daisy, Princess of Pless (1873–1943), socialite
  • Daisy Aitkens (born 1986), English actress, writer, and director
  • Daisy Al-Amir (born 1935), Iraqi writer, poet, and novelist
  • Daisy Alik-Momotaro, Marshallese politician
  • Daisy Andrews (c. 1934 or 1935–2015), Australian painter
  • Daisy and Violet Hilton (1908–1969), English entertainers, who were conjoined twins
  • Daisy Ascher (1944– 2003), Mexican photographer
  • Daisy Ashford (1881–1972), English writer
  • Daisy Avellana (1917–2013), Filipino stage actress and theater director
  • Daisy Ba-ad, Filipino playwright, director, composer, motivational speaker, and life coach
  • Daisy Bacon (1898–1986), American pulp fiction magazine editor and writer
  • Daisy Baez (born 1959), American Democratic politician
  • Daisy Bates (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Daisy Beaumont (born 1974), English actress
  • Daisy Betts (born 1982), Australian actress
  • Daisy Bevan (born 1992), English actress
  • Daisy Bindi (1904–1962), Aboriginal Australian Indigenous rights activist
  • Daisy Blanche King (1875–1947), American painter and sculptor
  • Daisy Bopanna (born 1982), Indian actress
  • Daisy Burrell (1892–1982), English stage and film actress and musical theatre performer
  • Daisy Calhoun (1863–1949), American socialite and hostess
  • Daisy Campbell, British silent film actress
  • Daisy Christodoulou, educational researcher
  • Daisy Cleverley (born 1997), New Zealand footballer
  • Daisy Cocco De Filippis (born 1949), American community college president
  • Daisy Coleman (1997–2020), American sexual abuse victim advocate
  • Daisy Cooper (born 1981), British politician
  • Daisy Cordell, British silent film actress
  • Daisy Coulam, British television producer and screenwriter
  • Daisy Curwen (1889–1982), British swimmer
  • Daisy Danjuma (born 1952), Nigerian politician
  • Daisy Dares You (born 1993), British singer and songwriter
  • Daisy Davis (1858–1902), American baseball pitcher
  • Daisy de Bock (born 1974), Belgian sport shooter
  • Daisy DeBolt (1945–2011), Canadian singer, musician, and songwriter
  • Daisy Dee (born 1970), Dutch singer, actress, T.V. host, stylist, and television producer
  • Daisy de Melker (1886–1932), South African nurse
  • Daisy de Peinder (born 1976), Dutch softball player
  • Daisy Dern, American country music artist
  • Daisy Devan (1928–2009), Singaporean businesswoman
  • Daisy Dick (born 1972), British three-day eventing rider
  • Daisy Donovan (born 1973), English television presenter, actress, and writer
  • Daisy Door (born 1944), German Schlager music singer
  • Daisy Dormer (1883–1947), English music hall singer
  • Daisy Douglas Barr (1875–1938), Imperial Empress (leader) of the Indiana Women’s Ku Klux Klan
  • Daisy Dunn (born 1987), English author, classicist, and critic
  • Daisy E. Nirdlinger (1879–1950), American businesswoman and children’s book author
  • Daisy Eagan (born 1979), American actress
  • Daisy Earles (1907–1980), German actress
  • Daisy Edgar-Jones (born 1998), English actress
  • Daisy Ejang, Ugandan singer
  • Daisy Elizabeth Adams Lampkin (1883–1965), American suffragist, civil rights activist, organization executive, and community practitioner
  • Daisy Elizabeth McQuigg Sewell (1876–1944), American religious leader
  • Daisy Elizabeth Platts-Mills (1868–1956), New Zealand doctor and community leader
  • Daisy Elliott (1917–2015), African-American politician
  • Daisy Eris Campbell (born 1978), British writer, actress, and theatre director
  • Daisy Exposito-Ulla, Cuban-born advertising agency executive
  • Daisy Fancourt (born 1990), British researcher
  • Daisy Fellowes (1890–1962), society beauty and fashion icon
  • Daisy Fisher (1888–1967), English novelist and playwright
  • Daisy Fried (born 1967), American poet
  • Daisy Fuentes (born 1966), Cuban television host and model
  • Daisy Hernández Gaytán, Mexican politician
  • Daisy Hendley Gold (1893–1975), American author and journalist
  • Daisy Gardner (born 1976), American television writer and comedian
  • Daisy Goodwin (born 1961), British writer and television producer
  • Daisy Grace, American woman accused in 1912 of killing her husband and found not guilty
  • Daisy Granados (born 1942), Cuban film actress
  • Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick (1861–1938), British socialite and mistress of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII)
  • Daisy Hage (born 1993), Dutch handball player
  • Daisy Haggard (born 1978), British actress
  • Daisy Harcourt, English comedian
  • Daisy Hasan, Indian-English author from Meghalaya
  • Daisy Hay, British writer
  • Daisy Head (born 1991), English actress
  • Daisy Hendley Gold (1893–1975), American writer, poet, and journalist
  • Daisy Hernández (born 1975), American writer and editor
  • Daisy Hernández Gaytán (born 1983), Mexican politician
  • Daisy Hill Northcross (1881–1956), American physician, hospital administrator
  • Daisy Hooee (1906 or 1910–1994 or 1998), Hopi-Tewa potter
  • Daisy Hurst Floyd (born 1956), American lawyer, law professor, and law school dean
  • Daisy Igel (born 1926/1927), Brazilian architect and billionaire heiress
  • Daisy Irani (actress), Indian actress in Hindi and Telugu language films
  • Daisy Irani, Indian television actress, director, and producer
  • Daisy Jefferson (1889–1967), American actress
  • Daisy Jenks (born 1991), English filmmaker and videographer
  • Daisy Johnson (writer) (born 1990), British novelist and short story writer
  • Daisy Jopling (born 1969), British classical/rock violinist
  • Daisy Jugadai Napaltjarri (c. 1955–2008), Australian Indigenous artist
  • Daisy Junor (1919–2012), Canadian baseball player
  • Daisy Kadibil (1923–2018), Aboriginal Australian woman whose experiences shaped media
  • Daisy Kaitano (born 1993), Zimbabwean footballer
  • Daisy Kennedy (1893–1981), Australian-born concert violinist
  • Daisy Kessler Biermann (1874–1963), magazine and newspaper writer, a painter, and a pianist
  • Daisy Khan, Muslim activist
  • Daisy Kyaw Win, Burmese actress
  • Daisy Lang (born 1972), Bulgarian martial artist
  • Daisy Lawler (born 1942), American politician
  • Daisy Lee Bitter (born 1928), American science educator
  • Daisy Lewis, British actress and producer
  • Daisy Linda Ward (1883–1937), American still life painter
  • Daisy Li Yuet-Wah, Hong Kong journalist
  • Daisy Lowe (born 1989), English fashion model
  • Daisy Lumini (1936–1993), Italian composer, singer, and stage actress
  • Daisy Makeig-Jones (1881–1945), pottery designer for Wedgwood, best known for her Fairyland Lustre series
  • Daisy Mallory (born 1993), American country music singer-songwriter
  • Daisy Marchisotti (1904–1987), Australian social and political activist
  • Daisy Marguerite Hughes (1883–1968), American painter and lithographer
  • Daisy Martey, British singer, songwriter, playwright, and screenwriter
  • Daisy Martin (fl. c. 1914– c. 1925), American actress and blues singer
  • Daisy Martinez (born 1958?), actress, model, chef, host of the PBS T.V. show Daisy Cooks! and author
  • Daisy Masterman (born 1990), Australian actress
  • Daisy Maud Bellis (1887–1971), American painter
  • Daisy Maude Orleman Robinson (1869–1942), American medical doctor decorated for her work during World War I
  • Daisy May Cooper (born 1986), English actress and writer
  • Daisy May Pratt Erd (1882–1925), Canadian-born American songwriter, composer, and naval veteran
  • Daisy May Queen (born 1965), Argentine radio host, former television presenter, and writer
  • Daisy McAndrew (born 1972), English journalist
  • Daisy McCrackin (born 1981), American actress and singer-songwriter
  • Daisy Morales (born 1960), American politician
  • Daisy Myers (1925–2011), African American educator
  • Daisy Nakalyango (born 1994), Ugandan badminton player
  • Daisy Newman (1904–1994), American novelist
  • Daisy Nyongesa (born 1989), Kenyan senator
  • Daisy Ocasio (born 1964), Puerto Rican boxer and athlete
  • Daisy Osakue (born 1996), Italian discus thrower
  • Daisy Osborn (1888–1957), New Zealand painter, illustrator, and jewelry designer
  • Daisy Parsons (1890–1957), British suffragette
  • Daisy Pearce (born 1988), Australian footballer
  • Daisy Pirovano (born 1977), Italian politician
  • Daisy Platts-Mills (1868–1956), New Zealand doctor and community leader
  • Daisy Polk (1874–1963), American-born French countess
  • Daisy Postgate (1892–1971), British political activist
  • Daisy Quezada Ureña (born 1990), American visual artist and educator
  • Daisy Reyes, Filipino beauty queen
  • Daisy Richards Bisz (1909–2007), American attorney
  • Daisy Ridgley (1909–?), English athlete
  • Daisy Ridley (born 1992), British film and television actress
  • Daisy Riley Lloyd (1928–2019), American politician
  • Daisy Romualdez, Filipino actress
  • Daisy Rosario, American public radio personality and producer
  • Daisy Rossi (1879–1974), Australian artist, interior designer, and writer
  • Daisy Roulland-Dussoix (1936–2014), Swiss molecular microbiologist
  • Daisy Schjelderup (1916–1991), Norwegian translator and writer
  • Daisy Shah (born 1984), Indian model, dancer, and film actress
  • Daisy Solomon (1882–1978), British suffragette
  • Daisy Soros, Hungarian-born American philanthropist
  • Daisy Speranza, French tennis player
  • Daisy St. John (1877–1956), English international badminton player
  • Daisy Sweeney (1920–2017), Canadian Classical music and piano teacher
  • Daisy Sylvan (1874–?), Italian film studio owner, producer, director, and actress in the silent era
  • Daisy Syron Russell, English singer
  • Daisy Tahan, American actress
  • Daisy Tapley (1882–1925), American classical singer and vaudeville performer
  • Daisy Theresa Borne (1906–1998), British sculptor
  • Daisy Torres, Nicaraguan politician
  • Daisy Tourné (born 1951), Uruguayan politician
  • Daisy Turner, (1883–1988), American storyteller and poet
  • Daisy Vaithilingam (1925–2014), Singaporean social worker
  • Daisy Voisin (1924–1991), Trinidad and Tobago singer and composer
  • Daisy von Scherler Mayer (born 1966), American film and television director
  • Daisy Voog (born 1932), Estonian-German mountain climber
  • Daisy W. Okocha (born 1951), Nigerian lawyer
  • Daisy Wai, Canadian politician
  • Daisy Waite (born 2005), English-Chinese actress
  • Daisy Walker (born 2002), Australian rules footballer
  • Daisy Waterstone (born 1994), British actress
  • Daisy Waugh (born 1967), English journalist, travel writer, novelist, and television presenter
  • Daisy Webster (1911–2004), Canadian educator, author, and political figure
  • Daisy Whitney, American multimedia reporter
  • Daisy Winas (born 1986), Papua New Guinean footballer
  • Daisy Wood (1877–1961), English music hall singer
  • Daisy Wood-Davis (born 1990), British singer and actress
  • Daisy Yen Wu (1902–1993), Chinese biologist
  • Daisy Youngblood (born 1945), American sculptor and ceramicist
  • Daisy Zamora (born 1950), Latin American poet


  • Daisy (dog) (1993–2006), a dog belonging to Rudolph Moshammer
  • Daisy, a meerkat in the series Meerkat Manor
  • Daisy, an orangutan in the series Orangutan Island

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Daisy (Keeping Up Appearances), from the British comedy television series, portrayed by actress Judy Cornwell
  • Daisy (Thomas the Tank Engine), railway engine in the television series
  • Daisy the Diesel Rail-Car, diesel railcar, painted green with yellow lining from the Rev. W. Awdry’s The Railway Series
  • Daisy, Lily, and Violet, Kanto Gym Leaders in Pokémon and Misty’s sisters
  • Princess Daisy, a character in the Super Mario series
  • Daisy Bell, an 1892 song involving a bicycle built for two
  • Daisy, a character of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  • Daisy Duck, a Walt Disney cartoon and comic book character, first appearing in 1940
  • Daisy, young boy, main character of Baby with the Bathwater
  • Daisy, a character from Toy Story 3
  • Daisy, Bumstead family’s dog in the comic strip Blondie
  • Daisy, Charlie’s porn star client in Californication
  • Daisy, local stable owner in Look to the Lady
  • Daisy, animated tall orange/yellow/green daisy in Oswald
  • Daisy, a character in Spaced
  • Daisy, Sweet’s girlfriend on Bones
  • Daisy Buchanan, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novella The Great Gatsby
  • The title character of the Henry James novella Daisy Miller
  • Daisy and Poppy, the fairy twins on Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom
  • Daisy, title character of the manga Dengeki Daisy
  • Daisy Fuller, in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  • Daisy Carter, from the American CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless
  • Daisy Domergue female protagonist in The Hateful Eight film
  • Daisy Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard
  • Daisy, in the TV series Grey’s Anatomy
  • Daisy, a character from the video game Evolve
  • Daisy Johnson, a Marvel Comics superheroine
  • Daisy Mason, a kitchen maid in the TV series Downton Abbey
  • Daisy, a pony in the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
  • Daisy Renton (also known as Eva Smith), central character in the 1912 English play An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly
  • Margaret ‘Daisy’ Daykin, one of the Five Find-Outers in the series of children’s mystery books by Enid Blyton
  • Daizy, a character in Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
  • Daisy the Bunny, one of the main characters in Nature Cat
  • Daisy Adair, a character in Dead Like Me
  • Daisy Fitzroy, leader of the Vox Populi in Bioshock Infinite
  • Dress Up Daisy, a dress up doll from Doc McStuffins
  • Daisy, a ghoul merchant from the video game Fallout 4
  • Daisy Salinas from Gotta Kick It Up!
  • Daisy Midgeley, a character from Coronation Street
  • Daisy, a character from the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
  • Daisy, a cat character from the book series Warriors

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Daisy
  • All pages with titles containing Daisy
  • Daisy (nickname), people with the nickname Daisy


  1. ^ Daisy. Behind the Name. Retrieved on 2012-05-23.
  2. ^ a b Rosenkrantz, Linda, and Satran, Pamela Redmond (2007). Baby Name Bible. St. Martin’s Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-35220-2
  3. ^ Hanks, Patrick; Hardcastle, Kate; Hodges, Flavia (2006). Oxford Dictionary of First Names. Oxford University Press. p. 67. ISBN 0-19-861060-2.
  4. ^ «Popularity for the name Daisy — Behind the Name».

Femme à la marguerite, Mucha.jpg

Femme à la marguerite, an Art Nouveau illustration by Alfons Mucha.

Pronunciation DAY-zee
Gender Female
Word/name Old English
Meaning «day’s eye»

Daisy is a feminine given name. The flower name comes from the Old English word dægeseage, meaning «day’s eye».[1] The name Daisy is therefore ultimately derived from this source. Daisy is also a nickname for Margaret because Marguerite, the French version of the latter name, is also a French name for the oxeye daisy.[2][3]


The name came into popular use in the late Victorian era along with other flower names. Linda Rosenkrantz and Pamela Redmond Satran wrote in their 2007 book Baby Name Bible that Daisy has a «fresh, wholesome, and energetic» image.[2] The name has been used for literary characters such as Daisy Miller, the title character of the novella by Henry James. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, a character named Margaret is «Meg» to her family, but «Daisy» to her wealthy would-be-friends. In television, Daisy Duke on The Dukes of Hazzard wears very short, form-fitting, denim cut-off jeans shorts, now often called Daisy Dukes after this character.

Gathering Daisies by Karl Witkowsi, 1900.

The name was in steady use for American girls throughout the 20th century and was ranked among the top 200 names for girls between 1900 and 1940. It declined in popularity between 1960 and 1980, but has been climbing in popularity since the 1980s and has again ranked among the top 200 names for American girls since 1990. It was the 294th most common name for all females during the 1990 United States census. Daisy has ranked among the top 100 names for girls in the United Kingdom since 1996 and in the past decade in Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand.[4]


  • Daisy, Princess of Pless (1873–1943), socialite
  • Daisy Aitkens (born 1986), English actress, writer, and director
  • Daisy Al-Amir (born 1935), Iraqi writer, poet, and novelist
  • Daisy Alik-Momotaro, Marshallese politician
  • Daisy Andrews (c. 1934 or 1935–2015), Australian painter
  • Daisy and Violet Hilton (1908–1969), English entertainers, who were conjoined twins
  • Daisy Ascher (1944– 2003), Mexican photographer
  • Daisy Ashford (1881–1972), English writer
  • Daisy Avellana (1917–2013), Filipino stage actress and theater director
  • Daisy Ba-ad, Filipino playwright, director, composer, motivational speaker, and life coach
  • Daisy Bacon (1898–1986), American pulp fiction magazine editor and writer
  • Daisy Baez (born 1959), American Democratic politician
  • Daisy Bates (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Daisy Beaumont (born 1974), English actress
  • Daisy Betts (born 1982), Australian actress
  • Daisy Bevan (born 1992), English actress
  • Daisy Bindi (1904–1962), Aboriginal Australian Indigenous rights activist
  • Daisy Blanche King (1875–1947), American painter and sculptor
  • Daisy Bopanna (born 1982), Indian actress
  • Daisy Burrell (1892–1982), English stage and film actress and musical theatre performer
  • Daisy Calhoun (1863–1949), American socialite and hostess
  • Daisy Campbell, British silent film actress
  • Daisy Christodoulou, educational researcher
  • Daisy Cleverley (born 1997), New Zealand footballer
  • Daisy Cocco De Filippis (born 1949), American community college president
  • Daisy Coleman (1997–2020), American sexual abuse victim advocate
  • Daisy Cooper (born 1981), British politician
  • Daisy Cordell, British silent film actress
  • Daisy Coulam, British television producer and screenwriter
  • Daisy Curwen (1889–1982), British swimmer
  • Daisy Danjuma (born 1952), Nigerian politician
  • Daisy Dares You (born 1993), British singer and songwriter
  • Daisy Davis (1858–1902), American baseball pitcher
  • Daisy de Bock (born 1974), Belgian sport shooter
  • Daisy DeBolt (1945–2011), Canadian singer, musician, and songwriter
  • Daisy Dee (born 1970), Dutch singer, actress, T.V. host, stylist, and television producer
  • Daisy de Melker (1886–1932), South African nurse
  • Daisy de Peinder (born 1976), Dutch softball player
  • Daisy Dern, American country music artist
  • Daisy Devan (1928–2009), Singaporean businesswoman
  • Daisy Dick (born 1972), British three-day eventing rider
  • Daisy Donovan (born 1973), English television presenter, actress, and writer
  • Daisy Door (born 1944), German Schlager music singer
  • Daisy Dormer (1883–1947), English music hall singer
  • Daisy Douglas Barr (1875–1938), Imperial Empress (leader) of the Indiana Women’s Ku Klux Klan
  • Daisy Dunn (born 1987), English author, classicist, and critic
  • Daisy E. Nirdlinger (1879–1950), American businesswoman and children’s book author
  • Daisy Eagan (born 1979), American actress
  • Daisy Earles (1907–1980), German actress
  • Daisy Edgar-Jones (born 1998), English actress
  • Daisy Ejang, Ugandan singer
  • Daisy Elizabeth Adams Lampkin (1883–1965), American suffragist, civil rights activist, organization executive, and community practitioner
  • Daisy Elizabeth McQuigg Sewell (1876–1944), American religious leader
  • Daisy Elizabeth Platts-Mills (1868–1956), New Zealand doctor and community leader
  • Daisy Elliott (1917–2015), African-American politician
  • Daisy Eris Campbell (born 1978), British writer, actress, and theatre director
  • Daisy Exposito-Ulla, Cuban-born advertising agency executive
  • Daisy Fancourt (born 1990), British researcher
  • Daisy Fellowes (1890–1962), society beauty and fashion icon
  • Daisy Fisher (1888–1967), English novelist and playwright
  • Daisy Fried (born 1967), American poet
  • Daisy Fuentes (born 1966), Cuban television host and model
  • Daisy Hernández Gaytán, Mexican politician
  • Daisy Hendley Gold (1893–1975), American author and journalist
  • Daisy Gardner (born 1976), American television writer and comedian
  • Daisy Goodwin (born 1961), British writer and television producer
  • Daisy Grace, American woman accused in 1912 of killing her husband and found not guilty
  • Daisy Granados (born 1942), Cuban film actress
  • Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick (1861–1938), British socialite and mistress of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII)
  • Daisy Hage (born 1993), Dutch handball player
  • Daisy Haggard (born 1978), British actress
  • Daisy Harcourt, English comedian
  • Daisy Hasan, Indian-English author from Meghalaya
  • Daisy Hay, British writer
  • Daisy Head (born 1991), English actress
  • Daisy Hendley Gold (1893–1975), American writer, poet, and journalist
  • Daisy Hernández (born 1975), American writer and editor
  • Daisy Hernández Gaytán (born 1983), Mexican politician
  • Daisy Hill Northcross (1881–1956), American physician, hospital administrator
  • Daisy Hooee (1906 or 1910–1994 or 1998), Hopi-Tewa potter
  • Daisy Hurst Floyd (born 1956), American lawyer, law professor, and law school dean
  • Daisy Igel (born 1926/1927), Brazilian architect and billionaire heiress
  • Daisy Irani (actress), Indian actress in Hindi and Telugu language films
  • Daisy Irani, Indian television actress, director, and producer
  • Daisy Jefferson (1889–1967), American actress
  • Daisy Jenks (born 1991), English filmmaker and videographer
  • Daisy Johnson (writer) (born 1990), British novelist and short story writer
  • Daisy Jopling (born 1969), British classical/rock violinist
  • Daisy Jugadai Napaltjarri (c. 1955–2008), Australian Indigenous artist
  • Daisy Junor (1919–2012), Canadian baseball player
  • Daisy Kadibil (1923–2018), Aboriginal Australian woman whose experiences shaped media
  • Daisy Kaitano (born 1993), Zimbabwean footballer
  • Daisy Kennedy (1893–1981), Australian-born concert violinist
  • Daisy Kessler Biermann (1874–1963), magazine and newspaper writer, a painter, and a pianist
  • Daisy Khan, Muslim activist
  • Daisy Kyaw Win, Burmese actress
  • Daisy Lang (born 1972), Bulgarian martial artist
  • Daisy Lawler (born 1942), American politician
  • Daisy Lee Bitter (born 1928), American science educator
  • Daisy Lewis, British actress and producer
  • Daisy Linda Ward (1883–1937), American still life painter
  • Daisy Li Yuet-Wah, Hong Kong journalist
  • Daisy Lowe (born 1989), English fashion model
  • Daisy Lumini (1936–1993), Italian composer, singer, and stage actress
  • Daisy Makeig-Jones (1881–1945), pottery designer for Wedgwood, best known for her Fairyland Lustre series
  • Daisy Mallory (born 1993), American country music singer-songwriter
  • Daisy Marchisotti (1904–1987), Australian social and political activist
  • Daisy Marguerite Hughes (1883–1968), American painter and lithographer
  • Daisy Martey, British singer, songwriter, playwright, and screenwriter
  • Daisy Martin (fl. c. 1914– c. 1925), American actress and blues singer
  • Daisy Martinez (born 1958?), actress, model, chef, host of the PBS T.V. show Daisy Cooks! and author
  • Daisy Masterman (born 1990), Australian actress
  • Daisy Maud Bellis (1887–1971), American painter
  • Daisy Maude Orleman Robinson (1869–1942), American medical doctor decorated for her work during World War I
  • Daisy May Cooper (born 1986), English actress and writer
  • Daisy May Pratt Erd (1882–1925), Canadian-born American songwriter, composer, and naval veteran
  • Daisy May Queen (born 1965), Argentine radio host, former television presenter, and writer
  • Daisy McAndrew (born 1972), English journalist
  • Daisy McCrackin (born 1981), American actress and singer-songwriter
  • Daisy Morales (born 1960), American politician
  • Daisy Myers (1925–2011), African American educator
  • Daisy Nakalyango (born 1994), Ugandan badminton player
  • Daisy Newman (1904–1994), American novelist
  • Daisy Nyongesa (born 1989), Kenyan senator
  • Daisy Ocasio (born 1964), Puerto Rican boxer and athlete
  • Daisy Osakue (born 1996), Italian discus thrower
  • Daisy Osborn (1888–1957), New Zealand painter, illustrator, and jewelry designer
  • Daisy Parsons (1890–1957), British suffragette
  • Daisy Pearce (born 1988), Australian footballer
  • Daisy Pirovano (born 1977), Italian politician
  • Daisy Platts-Mills (1868–1956), New Zealand doctor and community leader
  • Daisy Polk (1874–1963), American-born French countess
  • Daisy Postgate (1892–1971), British political activist
  • Daisy Quezada Ureña (born 1990), American visual artist and educator
  • Daisy Reyes, Filipino beauty queen
  • Daisy Richards Bisz (1909–2007), American attorney
  • Daisy Ridgley (1909–?), English athlete
  • Daisy Ridley (born 1992), British film and television actress
  • Daisy Riley Lloyd (1928–2019), American politician
  • Daisy Romualdez, Filipino actress
  • Daisy Rosario, American public radio personality and producer
  • Daisy Rossi (1879–1974), Australian artist, interior designer, and writer
  • Daisy Roulland-Dussoix (1936–2014), Swiss molecular microbiologist
  • Daisy Schjelderup (1916–1991), Norwegian translator and writer
  • Daisy Shah (born 1984), Indian model, dancer, and film actress
  • Daisy Solomon (1882–1978), British suffragette
  • Daisy Soros, Hungarian-born American philanthropist
  • Daisy Speranza, French tennis player
  • Daisy St. John (1877–1956), English international badminton player
  • Daisy Sweeney (1920–2017), Canadian Classical music and piano teacher
  • Daisy Sylvan (1874–?), Italian film studio owner, producer, director, and actress in the silent era
  • Daisy Syron Russell, English singer
  • Daisy Tahan, American actress
  • Daisy Tapley (1882–1925), American classical singer and vaudeville performer
  • Daisy Theresa Borne (1906–1998), British sculptor
  • Daisy Torres, Nicaraguan politician
  • Daisy Tourné (born 1951), Uruguayan politician
  • Daisy Turner, (1883–1988), American storyteller and poet
  • Daisy Vaithilingam (1925–2014), Singaporean social worker
  • Daisy Voisin (1924–1991), Trinidad and Tobago singer and composer
  • Daisy von Scherler Mayer (born 1966), American film and television director
  • Daisy Voog (born 1932), Estonian-German mountain climber
  • Daisy W. Okocha (born 1951), Nigerian lawyer
  • Daisy Wai, Canadian politician
  • Daisy Waite (born 2005), English-Chinese actress
  • Daisy Walker (born 2002), Australian rules footballer
  • Daisy Waterstone (born 1994), British actress
  • Daisy Waugh (born 1967), English journalist, travel writer, novelist, and television presenter
  • Daisy Webster (1911–2004), Canadian educator, author, and political figure
  • Daisy Whitney, American multimedia reporter
  • Daisy Winas (born 1986), Papua New Guinean footballer
  • Daisy Wood (1877–1961), English music hall singer
  • Daisy Wood-Davis (born 1990), British singer and actress
  • Daisy Yen Wu (1902–1993), Chinese biologist
  • Daisy Youngblood (born 1945), American sculptor and ceramicist
  • Daisy Zamora (born 1950), Latin American poet


  • Daisy (dog) (1993–2006), a dog belonging to Rudolph Moshammer
  • Daisy, a meerkat in the series Meerkat Manor
  • Daisy, an orangutan in the series Orangutan Island

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Daisy (Keeping Up Appearances), from the British comedy television series, portrayed by actress Judy Cornwell
  • Daisy (Thomas the Tank Engine), railway engine in the television series
  • Daisy the Diesel Rail-Car, diesel railcar, painted green with yellow lining from the Rev. W. Awdry’s The Railway Series
  • Daisy, Lily, and Violet, Kanto Gym Leaders in Pokémon and Misty’s sisters
  • Princess Daisy, a character in the Super Mario series
  • Daisy Bell, an 1892 song involving a bicycle built for two
  • Daisy, a character of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  • Daisy Duck, a Walt Disney cartoon and comic book character, first appearing in 1940
  • Daisy, young boy, main character of Baby with the Bathwater
  • Daisy, a character from Toy Story 3
  • Daisy, Bumstead family’s dog in the comic strip Blondie
  • Daisy, Charlie’s porn star client in Californication
  • Daisy, local stable owner in Look to the Lady
  • Daisy, animated tall orange/yellow/green daisy in Oswald
  • Daisy, a character in Spaced
  • Daisy, Sweet’s girlfriend on Bones
  • Daisy Buchanan, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novella The Great Gatsby
  • The title character of the Henry James novella Daisy Miller
  • Daisy and Poppy, the fairy twins on Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom
  • Daisy, title character of the manga Dengeki Daisy
  • Daisy Fuller, in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  • Daisy Carter, from the American CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless
  • Daisy Domergue female protagonist in The Hateful Eight film
  • Daisy Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard
  • Daisy, in the TV series Grey’s Anatomy
  • Daisy, a character from the video game Evolve
  • Daisy Johnson, a Marvel Comics superheroine
  • Daisy Mason, a kitchen maid in the TV series Downton Abbey
  • Daisy, a pony in the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
  • Daisy Renton (also known as Eva Smith), central character in the 1912 English play An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly
  • Margaret ‘Daisy’ Daykin, one of the Five Find-Outers in the series of children’s mystery books by Enid Blyton
  • Daizy, a character in Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
  • Daisy the Bunny, one of the main characters in Nature Cat
  • Daisy Adair, a character in Dead Like Me
  • Daisy Fitzroy, leader of the Vox Populi in Bioshock Infinite
  • Dress Up Daisy, a dress up doll from Doc McStuffins
  • Daisy, a ghoul merchant from the video game Fallout 4
  • Daisy Salinas from Gotta Kick It Up!
  • Daisy Midgeley, a character from Coronation Street
  • Daisy, a character from the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
  • Daisy, a cat character from the book series Warriors

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Daisy
  • All pages with titles containing Daisy
  • Daisy (nickname), people with the nickname Daisy


  1. ^ Daisy. Behind the Name. Retrieved on 2012-05-23.
  2. ^ a b Rosenkrantz, Linda, and Satran, Pamela Redmond (2007). Baby Name Bible. St. Martin’s Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-35220-2
  3. ^ Hanks, Patrick; Hardcastle, Kate; Hodges, Flavia (2006). Oxford Dictionary of First Names. Oxford University Press. p. 67. ISBN 0-19-861060-2.
  4. ^ «Popularity for the name Daisy — Behind the Name».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


BOTH: Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer…

How are you? Daisy asked.

Как вы себя чувствуете? — спросил Сталин.

You can ask Daisy and verify.

I give her Daisy and everything ends.

Если я выдам ей Дейзи, всё будет кончено.

It was before we knew about Daisy.

Это случилось до того, как мы узнали про Дейзи.

Timing… Daisy had it in spades.

Выбор момента… в этом Дейзи не было равных.

Daisy, something you should see.

Дэйзи, думаю, ты должна это видеть.

No one must know that Daisy was driving.

Никто не должен знать, что Дэзи была за рулем.

Daisy certainly wouldn’t be carrying his child.

Дейзи, конечно, не не носила бы его ребенка.

Daisy‘s furious you haven’t called.

Дейзи в ярости, что ты ей не позвонил.

Daisy, ride with me in the circus wagon.

Дейзи, ты садишься ко мне и едешь на этом цирковом шарабане.

Daisy‘s never really needed me before.

Это ведь первый раз, когда Дейзи во мне действительно нуждалась.

Because Daisy went to jail after what you did.

Потому что Дейзи отправили в тюрьму после того, что ты сделал.

I still believe Daisy‘s right.

Я всё ещё верю, что Дейзи права.

Daisy wanted you to see this immediately.

Дейзи хочет, чтобы вы посмотрели это как можно скорее.

William proposes to Daisy before going to war.

Уильям просит Дейзи выйти за него замуж, прежде чем он отправится на войну.

David and Daisy are still sleeping.

Райан и Дейзи в настоящее время спят здесь.

I said Daisy was a dangerous player.

Я знал, что Денис — очень опасный игрок.

Looks like Daisy is enjoying herself too.

Чувствуется, что Динияр тоже получает удовольствие от своей игры.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Daisy

Результатов: 3541. Точных совпадений: 3541. Затраченное время: 52 мс


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  • Как пишется дезинформация или дезынформация
  • Как пишется дезинфекция или дизенфекция правильно
  • Как пишется дезерт игл
  • Как пишется дежурящий полицейский
  • Как пишется деепричастный оборот