Как пишется диск двд

Всего найдено: 23

Здравствуйте. Работаю с субтитрами на ТВ. У нас нет возможности использовать буквы латинского алфавита. Как буквами кириллицы правильно записать: DVD-проигрыватель, IT-индустрия, PR-менеджер и подобные слова, которые рекомендуется записывать, используя буквы латиницы? Ди-ви-ди-проигрыватель? ДиВиДи-проигрыватель? ДВД-проигрыватель?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Для приведенных Вами иностранных аббревиатур уже есть рекомендации в академическом орфографическом словаре: дивиди-проигрыватель, ИТ-индустрия, пиар-менеджер. См. орфографический академический ресурс «Академос» или ресурс «Проверка слова».

Добрый день. Вышел спор с коллегами как правильно писать в документе, с кавычками или без. И требуется-ли ставить точку: Приложения: 1. Приложение 1. «название приложения». 2. Приложение 2. «название приложения». ИЛИ Приложения: 1. Приложение 1 название приложения 2. Приложение 2 название приложения

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

ГОСТ Р 7.0.97-2016 предписывает такой вариант оформления:

DvDsGnDFs6xmzGaMhqhPJ8jqTcpVxKUkCDKR61NO8INVItnAPPzHhovNOAQ2kyA4S52hoysJ6VCdpz2ZJw5r2Z7MWwc3U3sytOYM7SciPCZFtF+8xNF+Q9s2/V2amIRfs9qIwer3D3/4wxVe8OY57uf2VfM+3LTZbYIgz/XpCwgzG97YtoWr90ovjbQ/U7el322CW5/44ycvsrLR9rYUblxDTMlvv3Xc1Ra/MQTBrnGXsqxNkPuMDTKfPv9HeWQ8Frza7Dy2ijDGyou2sGcRBPvw4qV03/J3yCGHRFJX2BHftnF3lyAYbVn4VbMJozT2J0Lz9LNRBgi3TSBYkfD/+yfiOk/65+nnI05ahyJOJTsEwTvuuKNXecePK664IoKZ225jzbEzWg9pN9RoGvuU21K7j3+zpF3naBoXPS+7xDmulfpdTces7d08guAY5UzzL9JYs0tpm7euR1jz1DdNQ62+68IUwsyCIO0rC5QiPmprGeb6IgmC7KbTuLb9Rjwc06ggyEva2kvOMcPEL1ZttqUz7rFaeC2MjrUirJq9/fbbd66GnyeOOk6Z5VivrSIIBiQGoXT8bGWgIua3MXkCAqB4ttZQ5M6GDqVkaCDCL5aQ33///dM/tgjFvZIgSBhxH5uznTjrCcGO7a9sPdH7TObU8IZa7+NfmDZBkC1K8Rzxwq0atkPFfWw6JCZ1GFYvMOHR+3SYavo0oLhXP/R5fvfpBNmqpX6UBEHe5IcbJjq8lY8VIAxw89sPluuqQTXXBpt42YxDYGhjM2/oTJSiTOjb0DZ/uz4qonUdv1mBxerkaJMIJ8LELokGhD9PezJvHNaqPZm3Dm6m9qStjNXuzdtP4G9pQsRHRhAa2XLHdgFt5yijpe1LtTh2XddVgsRFB3cMgKNuUIbVaN7Tvmv/Gr9VrOsSBAmHQRQrS+j3EMJZSUQ/GHHAzquLGNATbwb19J8M2ugT6S+YBLLtJ54vjRW0P6PdY6UVfSlbRglr//33nz6PPyVBDy6RR/Rlkf6wNY/z87kMMUZiEkP7RNroF/X53C7qIHUtBUHiGWmEQxfL0iQSTn3GBlrO+v7W8kj8eLGKgAVH8pOjapQjv9cyLwg/8j/bbGfGaNmbh5e246Sd7WPUAeoR5SOvfilNEHmOP/K4ZroEQdLA80ccccSkHlOOGf/z4gkxSstPaUxIuPP0s1oGagJBLW1jpH/efp64aZmAYy47/P+b3/xm0jYwH9HVcbQ93KNcw52JMdc0bXmrcY1H1/Ua6yxgs/0yG00jcRvS7ue002dybABlHsGMtltXnNcWvtBmBh+2uStvxPO4N1QQrLV3tAEaFr91FwtzynyfeoQZo5xp/jFPpL2gnSSMe+65pwnRh/TTt2Yzb10PrvO0N5qGUn1nDKELUwgzC4IcLxJxweaoKj3i6vrrr5/eXyRBMNpJjhZhFSD6RIxbqPfaLiCkjWm0bAQ72hn6GbQR+ty1MFpXGSdq/UCjibishyD4pS99aTJG5AUtdSeOL4s4YJeOyRmLy9A5+lYTBPPKuAChyz4ZlNF4qwmgpYaCCp4nCKWBKf6xvSr8YnKlRgfhJUFQ40hBy8Icft13331T/wknn3MUW2u4p4fF41fES1cIcq5GXMcubRXWtzJ5ghbp08FhPheqqwENPzQecS1s7cxLg1jdKhD+5MEf5/jEPWzOccomd/ilQSzCIeWMDq2UR9lP/9+PwNDGpp/vdVdjC4KUCa0ziIclw1kQUR5pd0KYVrdD25Ox4jB2ezJGHdxs7Ynmd5/fY/QTUe7CLrWpbAnTyXTtGIU+cc5uGMxE2NixnZIJZVwnbBUK8aNP3jO5CD/6CIJZ7CMc6qKunCwNbvPLIk0jE2BlR3rVdPVnbGWONGDnfjn8CjelyRMT3rifOWoZQgwsGX0RyEBUzXoIgn3HXV0s+4wNNG2z/NbyCO/SSm/GGZEP2Hlcsl55Eekag1duxx988MHwfmoj0uiECVbZBBfqSs10CYKEU+o7wz99Yc0W/pIZ2s/il5aBkkBQCi+uzZv+sfr5rjIR8cVm22bEm3lQCM3qhjZY25/aylh9ps/vGmsdpyDSlcblmkbiP6Td17TTP1D2stF5HuGU4qKrw7KQoeV1iCA4a3un4hNCYsmMVc5q+Rdh6mrwUpswb12PclvyO+LQ1d50pSGLsYSZBUF20kVcSnUDUSfuL5IgCKO2cQ/z5Yg3At6YpiQIRljYaCqlOf28cdA+LNdlFe/XY8tw7eWrsuF88LUyQ+foW0UQpJLXDpqlQmrh4U28mrhXaig43DPuh10TBHU5eRYntaPIgiCdQviNjfBXM/rmlZUcaphQaUd87bXXTm5TkMP/EAQJU7cCx5YS9U8H/nSANaPu8uSpqwENPyN+2NloZ54nr5z/Qr7p8/zOA2/1g0NQa0bdZT9qz/j6/ASGNjbzhjy2IKh1gXKYt9tFfPNqU86Ey2ZoezJWHMZuT7RuDa2Dy9yejNFPIA5pW8lqtprRN9m1Pq/2bNd1XSVIn4UApBMuVqpk0yfvZxEE8a9maPuDU/SZNbel63oMRx6oaj3I/Rl+kc/wJnz6NthkgwgS8eOswWx0HKCCYC5DrE4sGV6ahv8577V9qQ1S8ZMxUPhRGl/EvXnGXW0s+44NSunvc03LY2liF37oFkEt1+uZFxGXMXipHyUxOsJCdIk8xkboVhP3Svkf7rom6OGuZrPyKMIhH0pmaD+LX1oG1lsQ1HpIGoeONTQ/S+2RMtP05kUP6k77jiHtp/oVvzXsYM1q5shf2ildaRXPYWsa8adm2tp9DT9vSVb/1F0Wg3AXL4xzu8q9eQTBIe1dH0FwrHKmXCL/lJu+PGGeO6vpqutRTuZpb9rSwAe8Igy1cxnQFbS0b9kssiCY46r/M6eJdJfKtrqd9Tf14uCDD558wISXmKxmjbDC5gVwFu1mDSe719We+d6iCII6vohjHXJcx/h/6Bx9taKzDmcItk1sgEGnFAUnV8K4nhsKlnPHPRXPaoVdl1UzuVHTJgjqigD8ZqBYMwgHEScap2zYphL3SQ8D/pIgyNawcIdAyeq4bDQsBv5sGyv96cAvr8poa0A1vIgLdjbameuAhXQR93iWlQzxO4t58dUc7jNRKaWDa5wdGH4gBtusD4Ghjc28sRtbENQ6wxb0NqNlsjShHNqejBmHMdsTTe/QOrjM7ckY/QQvw6J9w2a7V82w+kPdloSp2rNd1/MqQQbTemRD7qPxr0/ezyIIlo4PiXhr2vO4INy02doXsY1RTa0/ww192rHHHjvlXmtDNJ2sMsumJgjmMlTrB7muExcVG3SCuBaC4CzjrhrLWcYGmV3f/7U8llYchT8qWiiv9cyLiMsYvLQd56uqbUbH3XlHS7QtbfVrXkGQL5tGOEwoS2ZoP4tfWgaYtDKupm/jq6ms1mr7wnTEa2j6x+rna2WixErzs7Zymee0bJPOtjlNKZzSNWWNoARb2AXH0krV8EfTOLTd17RzNESt7dQJev7Ku74EyHMl4jpUEBza3vURBMcqZzn/Im+wGQ/oHLurXdFn43dXXY9yMrS+EU4tDSrG4j95G+FlQTAEYe4zvs5mowqCpCPSzPhjrQ3aRl6RyYuIMU2MgbCzWQRBUOsm2lHe/ZrjPM//Q+foqxWddRAEdaBVSrQu/cyVMAqxNhRsDdXORlcZ1gRBvqgWfuUlpG2CoA6wa+dORJr4kkyEQQdVMqy+CTc0YHpOIGliKXqkjbTkBiv81E40/Ouyc/y1AeU3KwhLf+pvhB+2xkMFQc5mi+fYtnz66adP/8+CoMYjnumy89lJER/b4xMY2tjMG5OxBUEtq5TPNqPtBZOsbPT+LO3JmHEgTmO1J2PUQfVj2dqTMfqJPFHL21lzGYx+graSIybGNLpKkPY7RKzSRIlwNe9LKwxwo0JZyR+tG9qX5HTpxI20187BYlKIgMUZakw0OZOJv0gLzxInNRoH4kjd54+JZAxAeY7fjBtKRscBcMxGw9cVglqGCKPvn27LVD8YP5T6c65pHPquEJx13KUsNT9nGRtkdn3/71Me8UvPY9UyqRz75gPuannRNQYmLmPw0nTnsXRmx1nakTYmL2riOnatDOkL37ZVQ7ysgDNniDK+PeOMMxrqBf5GOLQxJTO0n8UvZRHhZBs3pS9Aqrsh6de8nGesof5oHcqscpvIDoI2o30H/c68RlmTt3qsQx7v57CGpjHa/Zx2zbu236w+VYNwFO45iy2boYLg0PaujyCo7OYpZ5p/LOCJfo82QssK9by0HTtYDa3rwR17SH0jfE1DjEEQY3VHAMdtsHU9wsvza22TEAf1a9iEsdaCIGmopT/ijF0z1AVeBvAlZerdueeeOxnz8HXoeJ50rZfRYzfIhzFNlMu8q5Mw1lsQZKwVdeawww5bIToTz66+eF4uQ+foxZLEUsYoLFk0qkWUNz7xDBUsGx1QdQ2G9KDu/FnsCAOomFzBeYPICrpwVxME9WMBnMGkpk0Q1Dfi+bwe9YPfunKB+NSMnusX8S7ZvM2sGba3lJ5pu5ZXamoD2vac3svx0Q4pBiwU/niGPfQcatwmCOrbvXiuy257k5jj6P/nIzC0sZkv1KYZWxDU1T35PM0cV105kusNboe2J2PGIeI8RnsyRh1c5vZkjH6Cvk3bvcjfmq2TLvrbMU1eJRjxqp2Donkfg/Ecn7EEQfyNwSDxysIcx3ro2S0R95L91ltvrYim9mcl93ENDvkjFOGRbnNkNVI2KsapIMjX4cL/WWz1X8ddff3oIwgOGXcpy6FjA03bLL/7lEf8Y/IUnMiXMGPnRdcYmHDH4IWoGelhVU6b0TFkHk+FH33tkiBI2dYw2vw68sgji1Ed2s/imZaBtrC5l9uQLvf5fk7/WP18qUyUQLFKWONUcqPXtL9vW0Grz7T9rrFGBKgdFxX+9U0j7kvtfl5Zrxzafud0a7t94oknRvSm9hBBcNa50DSwpmn6CIJjlbNa/ik/5tZZ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alt=»» width=»653″ height=»112″ />

вЕнтилятор — проверочное слово вентиль?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Вентиль, вентилировать, вентилятор – родственные слова, они восходят к лат. ventilo «развеиваю, проветриваю», в них выделяется корень вентил(ь)-. Родство слов ощущается носителями русского языка. Это дает орфографистам  основание считать слово вентиль проверочным для вентилировать и вентилятор. См. здесь.

Однако найти у слов вентиль, вентилировать, вентилятор общий смысловой компонент, который однозначно бы показывал, что они однокоренные, затруднительно. Вентилятор – устройство для проветривания помещений или охлаждения воздуха, двигателей и т.п.; вентилировать – производить вентиляцию. Вентиль – клапан для регулирования расхода жидкости, пара, газа и т.п.  

                                 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alt=»Намотать жару на вентилятор: недорогие варианты для дома / Умные вещи» width=»57″ height=»74″ />                        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alt=»Вентиль (клапан) запорный проходной латунный муфтовый 15б1п» width=»75″ height=»75″ />

Поэтому в современном русском языке эти слова все же однокоренными признать нельзя, а значит, и проверять слова вентилировать, вентилятор словом вентиль неправильно. Но опереться на слово вентиль, чтобы запомнить, как пишутся родственные слова вполне можно. Эту проверку условно можно назвать этимологической.

По роду службы встречаю много слов с IT: IT-отрасль, IT-специальности, IT-фирма. Употребление таких слово норма? Как правильно их писать? Это заимствования?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Да, такие написания вошли в практику употребления (ср. DVD-плеер, HD-изображение) и уже закреплены орфографическими правилами. «Дефис употребляется в составе письменных эквивалентов сложных слов, часть которых передается цифрой, буквой или буквами (в том числе нерусского алфавита) или иным начертанием (даже таким, которое невозможно «прочесть»), напр.: 25-процентный, 150-летие, 300-миллионный, 5 1/2-тысячный, Т-образный, IBM-совместимый, γ-активный, «S-образное движение ловкого тела» (Купр.), ww-образные трубки».

Сочетания типа IT-отрасль заимствованными не являются, они образовались в русском языке с использованием заимствованных элементов.

1. Почему 3D принято писать так, ведь в русском языке нет D? Как посоветуете писать при условии, что латинские буквы не читаются? Допустимо ли писать «три дэ»? Как написать SOS кириллицей? 2. О щёголях или щеголях? В словаре не указано окончание в р.п. значит, «щёголях»? Локтем или локтём? — В словаре указано р.п «локтЕй» — значит следует писать «локтём»?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

3D – далеко не единственное сочетание, которое пишется с латинской буквой в русском тексте. Ср.: DVD-плеер, HD-изображение и т. д. Буквосочетание SOS (не являющееся аббревиатурой) тоже вошло в русский язык именно в написании латиницей. Эти сочетания не требуют замены латинских букв кириллическими.

Правильно: о щёголях, локтем.

Добрый день! Как пишутся составные названия, например, DVD-проигрыватель, DVD-накопитель, DVD-плеер, LCD-монитор, ЖК-монитор, LCD-телевизор, HD-телевизор — через дефис или через пробел? Спасибо!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Приведенные Вами варианты верны. Пишутся через дефис слова с первой частью – аббревиатурой.

Добрый день!
Вопрос № 234021
Подскажите, пожалуйста, «компакт-диск» — через дефис, а «СД-диск» — как правильно написать? Спасибо!
Литвинова Юлия Валентиновна
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Корректно: _CD-диск_.
Но ведь англ. Compact Disc и есть компакт-диск. Получается компакт-диск-диск? Поясните, пожалуйста, как правильно, особенно в тексте: «…где в качестве носителей используются сначала CD, а потом и DVD диски…». Если можно, ответьте сейчас: требуется срочная корректура текста! Спасибо!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Здесь два разных вопроса: о правописании и о лексической (содержательной) правильности. Конечно, сочетания со словом «диск» избыточны, если вдуматься в расшифровку аббревиатур CD и DVD. Но с другой стороны, эти аббревиатуры могут обозначать не только диск-носитель, но и формат записи данных, а также считывающее устройство. Поэтому логично внести дополнения: DVD-диск, DVD-привод и т. д.

Добрый день!
Корректно ли написание: «CD- и/или DVD-проигрыватели» или нужно повторять слово «проигрыватель» всякий раз «CD-проигрыватель и/или DVD-проигрыватель».
А также: «аудио- и/или видеоинформация» или «аудиоинфомация и видеоинформация». Есть ли определённое правило написания сложных слов с повторяющимся вторым компонентом?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Второй (склоняемый) компонент сложного слова дублировать не обязательно.

Пожалуйста, помогите разобраться со следующим предложением: «Воспроизводите эти диски на большинстве стандартных DVD — проигрывателях или проигрывателей».
По правилам грамматики русского языка прилагательные сочетаются с существительными по родам, падежам и числам. Если исходить из того, что существительное «проигрывателях» с предлогом «на» используется в предложном падеже, то необходимо прилагательное стандартных также ставить в предложном падеже, то есть стандартных проигрывателях. При разборе словосочетания на стандартных проигрывателей, прилагательное употребляется в предложном падеже, а существительное в родительном падеже. По какому правилу в данном случае происходит согласование? Мне кажется, что правильный ответ — на стандартных DVD — проигрывателях, но меня вводит в заблуждение слово большинстве. В интернете при поиске выдает два варианта. Пожалуйста, расскажите мне, как правильно писать. Заранее благодарна Вам за ответ! С уважением, Раиса!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Предлог на относится не к существительному проигрыватель, а к существительному большинство.  Это существительное управляет родительным падежом: большинство чего? проигрывателей. Поэтому правильно: на большинстве стандартных DVD-проигрывателей. Если бы слова большинство не было, тогда, конечно, следовало бы писать: на стандартных DVD-проигрывателях.

как правильно написать
DVD-проигрыватель или
DVD проигрыватель

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: DVD-проигрыватель.

Огромное спасибо за помощь и низкий поклон.
Помогите ещё раз, пожалуйста.
Надо ли ставить дефис в следующих словах: DVD-проигрыватель, DVD-центр, ТВ-салон?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Да, дефис во всех этих случаях ставится.

Скажите пожалуйста, необходим ли дефис в написании таких слов, как IBM(-)совместимый, КМОП(-)микросхема, DVD(-)плеер.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Корректно с дефисом.

Уважаемая Грамота! Клиент настаивает на формулировке «DVD-audio системы». Как лучше написать? DVD / audio-системы? Есть ли правило, оговаривающее правописание сложных слов, где одна часть — русское слово, а другая — иностранное?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Да, предпочтителен вариант DVD/audio-системы. Дефис употребляется в составе письменных эквивалентов сложных слов, часть которых передается цифрой, буквой или буквами (в том числе нерусского алфавита).

Здравствуйте, уважаемая «Справка»!
Так и не дождавшись ответа на свой вопрос, решила повторить его снова. Нужна ли запятая в таком предложении: «Согласно теории у-син (?) все явления окружающего мира делятся на пять категорий»? И еще такой вопрос. Как лучше: «Хочешь быть здоровым человеком? Будь им! (или лучше без им?). И, не сочтите за труд, ответьте еще на такой вопрос: корректно ли написать DVD-диск, не является ли это тавтологией? Заранее благодарна. Надеюсь на скорый ответ.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Вам давно ответили. См. ответ № 225479 .
Так как источник такого рода конструкций — выражение _Если хочешь быть счастливым, будь им_, лучше _им_ сохранить.
Лучше писать просто _DVD_.

Может быть все таки правильно писать слово ДВУЯДЕРНЫЙ без ХЪ?

Графика все же двумерная, так же как и двуслойные DVD и двуядерные процессоры — корни этих слов начинаются с глухого звука.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

В орфографическом словаре указан только вариант _двухъядерный_. В «Большой советской энциклопедии» есть статьи с использованием варианта _двуядерный_ (о клетках), однако ориентироваться следует на рекомендации орфографического словаря.

This article is about the disc format in general. For the video recording format based upon DVD, see DVD-Video. For the audio storage format also based upon DVD, see DVD-Audio. For other uses, see DVD (disambiguation).

«MMCD» redirects here. For Sony’s proprietary CD-ROM XA-based multimedia software format, see Sony Multimedia CD-ROM Player.


DVD logo.svg

The data side of a DVD
manufactured by Sony DADC

Media type Optical disc
Encoding DVD-ROM and DVD-R(W) use one encoding, DVD-RAM and DVD+R(W) uses another
Capacity 4.7 GB (single-sided, single-layer – common)
8.5 GB (single-sided, double-layer)
9.4 GB (double-sided, single-layer)
17.08 GB (double-sided, double-layer)
Up to four layers are possible in a standard form DVD.
Read mechanism 300–650 nm laser, 10.5 Mbit/s (1×)
Write mechanism 650 nm laser with a focused beam using more power than for reading, 10.5 Mbit/s (1×)
Standard DVD Forum’s DVD Books[1][2][3] and DVD+RW Alliance specifications
Developed by Sony
Dimensions Diameter: 12 cm (4.7 in)
Thickness: 1.2 mm (0.047 in)
Weight 16 grams (0.56 oz)
Usage Home video, Computer data storage
Extended from LaserDisc
Compact disc
Extended to
  • DVD+RW, DVD-RAM (Fixed-track writable media)
  • HD DVD
  • Blu-ray
Released November 1, 1996 (Japan)[4]
January 1997 (CIS and other Asia)
March 24, 1997 (United States)[5][6][7]
March 1998 (Europe)
February 1999 (Australia/New Zealand)

The DVD (common abbreviation for Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc)[8][9] is a digital optical disc data storage format. It was invented and developed in 1995 and first released on November 1, 1996, in Japan. The medium can store any kind of digital data and has been widely used for video programs (watched using DVD players) or formerly for storing software and other computer files as well. DVDs offer significantly higher storage capacity than compact discs (CD) while having the same dimensions. A standard DVD can store up to 4.7 GB of storage, while variants can store up to a maximum of 17.08 GB.[10]

Prerecorded DVDs are mass-produced using molding machines that physically stamp data onto the DVD. Such discs are a form of DVD-ROM because data can only be read and not written or erased. Blank recordable DVD discs (DVD-R and DVD+R) can be recorded once using a DVD recorder and then function as a DVD-ROM. Rewritable DVDs (DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) can be recorded and erased many times.

DVDs are used in DVD-Video consumer digital video format and less commonly in DVD-Audio consumer digital audio format, as well as for authoring DVD discs written in a special AVCHD format to hold high definition material (often in conjunction with AVCHD format camcorders). DVDs containing other types of information may be referred to as DVD data discs.


The Oxford English Dictionary comments that, «In 1995, rival manufacturers of the product initially named digital video disc agreed that, in order to emphasize the flexibility of the format for multimedia applications, the preferred abbreviation DVD would be understood to denote digital versatile disc.» The OED also states that in 1995, «The companies said the official name of the format will simply be DVD. Toshiba had been using the name ‘digital video disc’, but that was switched to ‘digital versatile disc’ after computer companies complained that it left out their applications.»[11]

«Digital versatile disc» is the explanation provided in a DVD Forum Primer from 2000[12] and in the DVD Forum’s mission statement, which the purpose is to promote broad acceptance of DVD products on technology, across entertainment, and other industries.[13]

Because DVDs became highly popular for the distribution of movies in the 2000s, the term DVD became popularly used in English as a noun to describe specifically a full-length movie released on the format; for example the sentence to «watch a DVD» describes watching a movie on DVD.[14]


Development and launch[edit]

Comparison of several forms of disk storage showing tracks (tracks not to scale); green denotes start and red denotes end.
* Some CD-R(W) and DVD-R(W)/DVD+R(W) recorders operate in ZCLV, CAA or CAV modes, but most work in constant linear velocity (CLV) mode.

Released in 1987, CD Video used analog video encoding on optical discs matching the established standard 120 mm (4.7 in) size of audio CDs. Video CD (VCD) became one of the first formats for distributing digitally encoded films in this format, in 1993.[15] In the same year, two new optical disc storage formats were being developed. One was the Multimedia Compact Disc (MMCD), backed by Philips and Sony (developers of the CD and CD-i), and the other was the Super Density (SD) disc, supported by Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC. By the time of the press launches for both formats in January 1995, the MMCD nomenclature had been dropped, and Philips and Sony were referring to their format as Digital Video Disc (DVD).[16][17]

On May 3, 1995, an ad hoc, technical working group formed from five computer companies (IBM, Apple, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft) issued a press release stating that they would only accept a single format.[18][19] The TWG voted to boycott both formats unless the two camps agreed on a single, converged standard. They recruited Lou Gerstner, president of IBM, to pressure the executives of the warring factions. In one significant compromise, the MMCD and SD groups agreed to adopt proposal SD 9, which specified that both layers of the dual-layered disc be read from the same side—instead of proposal SD 10, which would have created a two-sided disc that users would have to turn over. As a result, the DVD specification provided a storage capacity of 4.7 GB (4.38 GiB)[a] for a single-layered, single-sided disc and 8.5 GB (7.92 GiB) for a dual-layered, single-sided disc.[20] The DVD specification ended up similar to Toshiba and Matsushita’s Super Density Disc, except for the dual-layer option. MMCD was single-sided and optionally dual-layer, whereas SD was two half-thickness, single-layer discs which were pressed separately and then glued together to form a double-sided disc.[17]

Philips and Sony decided that it was in their best interests to end the format war, and on September 15, 1995[21] agreed to unify with companies backing the Super Density Disc to release a single format, with technologies from both. After other compromises between MMCD and SD, the computer companies through TWG won the day, and a single format was agreed upon. The TWG also collaborated with the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) on the use of their implementation of the ISO-13346 file system (known as Universal Disk Format) for use on the new DVDs. The format’s details were finalized on December 8, 1995.[22]

In November 1995, Samsung announced it would start mass-producing DVDs by September 1996.[23] The format launched on November 1, 1996, in Japan, mostly with music video releases. The first major releases from Warner Home Video arrived on December 20, 1996, with four titles being available.[b][4] The format’s release in the U.S. was delayed multiple times, from August 1996,[24] to October 1996,[25] November 1996,[26] before finally settling on early 1997.[27] Players began to be produced domestically that winter, with March 24, 1997 as the U.S. launch date of the format proper in seven test markets.[c][6][28] Approximately 32 titles were available on launch day, mainly from the Warner, MGM, and New Line libraries.[29][d] However, the launch was planned for the following day (March 25), leading to a distribution change with retailers and studios to prevent similar violations of breaking the street date.[30] The nationwide rollout for the format happened on August 22, 1997.[31][better source needed]

DTS announced in late 1997 that they would be coming onto the format. The sound system company revealed details in a November 1997 online interview, and clarified it would release discs in early 1998.[32] However, this date would be pushed back several times before finally releasing their first titles at the 1999 Consumer Electronics Show.[33]

In 2001, blank DVD recordable discs cost the equivalent of $27.34 US dollars in 2022.[34][35]


Movie and home entertainment distributors adopted the DVD format to replace the ubiquitous VHS tape as the primary consumer video distribution format.[36]

Immediately following the formal adoption of a unified standard for DVD, two of the four leading video game console companies (Sega and The 3DO Company) said they already had plans to design a gaming console with DVDs as the source medium.[37] Sony stated at the time that they had no plans to use DVD in their gaming systems, despite being one of the developers of the DVD format and eventually the first company to actually release a DVD-based console.[37] Game consoles such as the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360 use DVDs as their source medium for games and other software. Contemporary games for Windows were also distributed on DVD. Early DVDs were mastered using DLT tape,[38] but using DVD-R DL or +R DL eventually became common.[39] TV DVD combos, combining a standard definition CRT TV or an HD flat panel TV with a DVD mechanism under the CRT or on the back of the flat panel, and VCR/DVD combos were also available for purchase.[40]

For consumers, DVD soon replaced VHS as the favored choice for home movie releases. In the year 2001, DVD players outsold VCRs for the first time in the United States. At this time 1 in 4 American households owned a DVD player.[41] By 2007, about 80% of Americans owned a DVD player, a figure that had surpassed VCRs and was also higher than personal computers or cable television.[42]


The DVD specifications created and updated by the DVD Forum are published as so-called DVD Books (e.g. DVD-ROM Book, DVD-Audio Book, DVD-Video Book, DVD-R Book, DVD-RW Book, DVD-RAM Book, DVD-AR (Audio Recording) Book, DVD-VR (Video Recording) Book, etc.).[1][2][3] DVD discs are made up of two discs; normally one is blank, and the other contains data. Each disc is 0.6 mm thick, and are glued together to form a DVD disc. The gluing process must be done carefully to make the disc as flat as possible to avoid both birefringence and «disc tilt», which is when the disc is not perfectly flat, preventing it from being read.[43][44]

Some specifications for mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of DVD optical discs can be downloaded as freely available standards from the ISO website.[45] There are also equivalent European Computer Manufacturers Association (Ecma) standards for some of these specifications, such as Ecma-267 for DVD-ROMs.[46] Also, the DVD+RW Alliance publishes competing recordable DVD specifications such as DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD+RW or DVD+RW DL. These DVD formats are also ISO standards.[47][48][49][50]

Some DVD specifications (e.g. for DVD-Video) are not publicly available and can be obtained only from the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation (DVD FLLC) for a fee of US$5000.[51][52] Every subscriber must sign a non-disclosure agreement as certain information on the DVD Books is proprietary and confidential.[51]

Double-sided discs[edit]

Borrowing from the LaserDisc format, the DVD standard includes DVD-10 discs (Type B in ISO) with two recorded data layers such that only one layer is accessible from either side of the disc. This doubles the total nominal capacity of a DVD-10 disc to 9.4 GB (8.75 GiB), but each side is locked to 4.7 GB. Like DVD-5 discs, DVD-10 discs are defined as single-layer (SL) discs.[45]

Dual-layer discs[edit]

DVD hardware accesses the additional layer (layer 1) by refocusing the laser through an otherwise normally-placed, semitransparent first layer (layer 0). This laser refocus—and the subsequent time needed to reacquire laser tracking—can cause a noticeable pause in A/V playback on earlier DVD players, the length of which varies between hardware.[53] A printed message explaining that the layer-transition pause was not a malfunction became standard on DVD keep cases. During mastering, a studio could make the transition less obvious by timing it to occur just before a camera angle change or other abrupt shift, an early example being the DVD release of Toy Story.[54] Later in the format’s life, larger data buffers and faster optical pickups in DVD players made layer transitions effectively invisible regardless of mastering.[citation needed]

Dual-layer DVDs are recorded using Opposite Track Path (OTP).[55]

Combinations of the above[edit]

The DVD Book also permits an additional disc type called DVD-14: a hybrid double-sided disc with one dual-layer side, one single-layer side, and a total nominal capacity of 12.3 GB.[56] DVD-14 has no counterpart in ISO.[45]

Both of these additional disc types are extremely rare due to their complicated and expensive manufacturing.[56] For this reason, some DVDs that were initially issued as double-sided discs were later pressed as two-disc sets.

Note: The above sections regarding disc types pertain to 12 cm discs. The same disc types exist for 8 cm discs: ISO standards still regard these discs as Types A–D, while the DVD Book assigns them distinct disc types. DVD-14 has no analogous 8 cm type. The comparative data for 8 cm discs is provided further down.

DVD recordable and rewritable[edit]

HP initially developed recordable DVD media from the need to store data for backup and transport.[57][failed verification] DVD recordables are now also used for consumer audio and video recording. Three formats were developed: DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW (plus), and DVD-RAM. DVD-R is available in two formats, General (650 nm) and Authoring (635 nm), where Authoring discs may be recorded with CSS encrypted video content but General discs may not.[58]

Dual-layer recording[edit]

Dual-layer recording (occasionally called double-layer recording) allows DVD-R and DVD+R discs to store nearly double the data of a single-layer disc—8.5 and 4.7 gigabyte capacities, respectively.[59] The additional capacity comes at a cost: DVD±DLs have slower write speeds as compared to DVD±R.[60] DVD-R DL was developed for the DVD Forum by Pioneer Corporation; DVD+R DL was developed for the DVD+RW Alliance by Mitsubishi Kagaku Media (MKM) and Philips.[61]

Recordable DVD discs supporting dual-layer technology are backward-compatible with some hardware developed before the recordable medium.[61]


Capacity and nomenclature[62][63]
SS = single-sided, DS = double-sided, SL = single-layer, DL = dual-layer

Designation Sides Layers
DVD-1[64] SS SL 1 1 8 1.46
DVD-2 SS DL 1 2 8 2.65
DVD-3 DS SL 2 2 8 2.92
DVD-4 DS DL 2 4 8 5.31
DVD-5 SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-9 SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD-10 DS SL 2 2 12 9.40
DVD-14[56] DS SL+DL 2 3 12 13.24
DVD-18 DS DL 2 4 12 17.08

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

DVD-RW Drive operating (performing a burning (writing) operation) with its protective cover removed

Capacity and nomenclature of (re)writable discs

Designation Sides Layers
DVD-R SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 3.95
DVD-R SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-RW SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD+R SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD+RW SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-R SS DL 1 2 12 8.50
DVD-RW SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD+R SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD+RW SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD-RAM SS SL 1 1 8 1.46*
DVD-RAM DS SL 2 1 8 2.47*
DVD-RAM SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 2.58
DVD-RAM SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-RAM DS SL (1.0) 2 1 12 5.15
DVD-RAM DS SL (2.0) 2 1 12 9.39*

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

Capacity differences of writable DVD formats

Type Sectors Bytes kB MB GB
DVD-R SL 2,298,496 4,707,319,808 4,707,320 4,707 4.7
DVD+R SL 2,295,104 4,700,372,992 4,700,373 4,700 4.7
DVD-R DL 4,171,712 8,543,666,176 8,543,666 8,544 8.5
DVD+R DL 4,173,824 8,547,991,552 8,547,992 8,548 8.5

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

DVD drives and players[edit]

DVD drives are devices that can read DVD discs on a computer. DVD players are a particular type of devices that do not require a computer to work, and can read DVD-Video and DVD-Audio discs.

Transfer rates[edit]

Internal mechanism of a DVD-ROM Drive. See text for details.

Read and write speeds for the first DVD drives and players were 1,385 kB/s (1,353 KiB/s); this speed is usually called «1×». More recent models, at 18× or 20×, have 18 or 20 times that speed. Note that for CD drives, 1× means 153.6 kB/s (150 KiB/s), about one-ninth as swift.[64][65]

DVD drive speeds

Drive speed (not rotations) Data rate ~Write time (minutes)[e] Revolutions per minute (constant linear velocity, CLV)[66][67][f]
Mbit/s MB/s Single-Layer Dual-Layer
11 1.4 57 103 1400 (inner) 580 (outer)[65]
22 2.8 28 51 2800 (inner) 1160 (outer)
2.4× 27 3.3 24 43 3360 (inner) 1392 (outer)
2.6× 29 3.6 22 40 3640 (inner) 1508 (outer)
33 4.1 19 34 4200 (inner) 2320 (outer)
44 5.5 14 26 5600 (inner) 2900 (outer)
67 8.3 9 17 8400 (inner) 3480 (outer)
89 11.1 7 13 4640 (CAV; no longer uses pure CLV)
10× 111 13.9 6 10 5800
12× 133 16.6 5 9 6960
16× 177 22.2 4 6 9280
18× 199 24.9 3 6 10440
20× 222 27.7 3 5 11600
22× 244 30.5 3 5 12760
24× 266 33.2 2 4 13920

DVDs can spin at much higher speeds than CDs – DVDs can spin at up to 32000 RPM vs 23000 for CDs.[68]

DVD recordable and rewritable discs can be read and written using either constant angular velocity (CAV), constant linear velocity (CLV), Partial constant angular velocity (P-CAV) or Zoned Constant Linear Velocity (Z-CLV or ZCLV).[69]

Due to the slightly lower data density of dual layer DVDs (4.25 GB instead of 4.7 GB per layer), the required rotation speed is around 10% faster for the same data rate, which means that the same angular speed rating equals a 10% higher physical angular rotation speed. For that reason, the increase of reading speeds of dual layer media has stagnated at 12× (constant angular velocity) for half-height optical drives released since around 2005,[g] and slim type optical drives are only able to record dual layer media at 6× (constant angular velocity), while reading speeds of 8× are still supported by such.[74][75][76]

Disc quality measurements[edit]

Error rate measurement on a DVD+R. The error rate is still within a healthy range.

The quality and data integrity of optical media is measureable, which means that future data losses caused by deteriorating media can be predicted well in advance by measuring the rate of correctable data errors.[77]

Support of measuring the disc quality varies among optical drive vendors and models.[78][79]


DVD-Video is a standard for distributing video/audio content on DVD media. The format went on sale in Japan on November 1, 1996,[4] in the United States on March 24, 1997, to line up with the 69th Academy Awards that day;[6] in Canada, Central America, and Indonesia later in 1997, and in Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa in 1998. DVD-Video became the dominant form of home video distribution in Japan when it first went on sale on November 1, 1996, but it shared the market for home video distribution in the United States for several years; it was June 15, 2003, when weekly DVD-Video in the United States rentals began outnumbering weekly VHS cassette rentals.[80]
DVD-Video is still the dominant form of home video distribution worldwide except for in Japan where it was surpassed by Blu-ray Disc when Blu-ray first went on sale in Japan on March 31, 2006.[citation needed]


The purpose of CSS is twofold:

  1. CSS prevents byte-for-byte copies of an MPEG (digital video) stream from being playable since such copies do not include the keys that are hidden on the lead-in area of the restricted DVD.
  2. CSS provides a reason for manufacturers to make their devices compliant with an industry-controlled standard, since CSS scrambled discs cannot in principle be played on noncompliant devices; anyone wishing to build compliant devices must obtain a license, which contains the requirement that the rest of the DRM system (region codes, Macrovision, and user operation prohibition) be implemented.[81]

Successors and decline[edit]

Ambox current red Americas.svg

This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2019)

In 2006, two new formats called HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc were released as the successor to DVD. HD DVD competed unsuccessfully with Blu-ray Disc in the format war of 2006–2008. A dual layer HD DVD can store up to 30 GB and a dual layer Blu-ray disc can hold up to 50 GB.[82][83]

However, unlike previous format changes, e.g., vinyl to Compact Disc or VHS videotape to DVD, there is no immediate indication that production of the standard DVD will gradually wind down, as they still dominate, with around 75% of video sales and approximately one billion DVD player sales worldwide as of April 2011. In fact, experts claim that the DVD will remain the dominant medium for at least another five years as Blu-ray technology is still in its introductory phase, write and read speeds being poor and necessary hardware being expensive and not readily available.[84][85]

Consumers initially were also slow to adopt Blu-ray due to the cost.[86] By 2009, 85% of stores were selling Blu-ray Discs. A high-definition television and appropriate connection cables are also required to take advantage of Blu-ray disc. Some analysts suggest that the biggest obstacle to replacing DVD is due to its installed base; a large majority of consumers are satisfied with DVDs.[87]

DVDs are also facing competition from video on demand services.[88][89][90][91] With increasing numbers of homes having high speed Internet connections, many people now have the option to either rent or buy video from an online service, and view it by streaming it directly from that service’s servers, meaning they no longer need any form of permanent storage media for video at all. By 2017, digital streaming services had overtaken the sales of DVDs and Blu-rays for the first time.[92]

Manufacturers continue to release standard DVD titles as of 2020, and the format remains the preferred one for the release of older television programs and films. Shows that were shot and edited entirely on film, such as Star Trek: The Original Series, cannot be released in high definition without being re-scanned from the original film recordings.[93] Shows that were made between the early 1980s and the early 2000s were generally shot on film, then transferred to video tape, and then edited natively in either NTSC or PAL, making high-definition transfers impossible as these SD standards were baked into the final cuts of the episodes. Star Trek: The Next Generation is the only such show that has a Blu-ray release, as prints were re-scanned and edited from the ground up.[94]


Longevity of a storage medium is measured by how long the data remains readable, assuming compatible devices exist that can read it: that is, how long the disc can be stored until data is lost. Numerous factors affect longevity: composition and quality of the media (recording and substrate layers), humidity and light storage conditions, the quality of the initial recording (which is sometimes a matter of mutual compatibility of media and recorder), etc.[95] According to NIST, «[a] temperature of 64.4 °F (18 °C) and 40% RH [Relative Humidity] would be considered suitable for long-term storage. A lower temperature and RH is recommended for extended-term storage.»[96]

As with CDs, the information and data storage will begin to degrade over time with most standard DVDs lasting up to 30 years depending the type of environment they are stored and whether they are full with data.[97]

According to the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA), «Manufacturers claim lifespans ranging from 30 to 100 years for DVD, DVD-R and DVD+R discs and up to 30 years for DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM.»[98]

According to a NIST/LoC research project conducted in 2005–2007 using accelerated life testing, «There were fifteen DVD products tested, including five DVD-R, five DVD+R, two DVD-RW and three DVD+RW types. There were ninety samples tested for each product. … Overall, seven of the products tested had estimated life expectancies in ambient conditions of more than 45 years. Four products had estimated life expectancies of 30–45 years in ambient storage conditions. Two products had an estimated life expectancy of 15–30 years and two products had estimated life expectancies of less than 15 years when stored in ambient conditions.» The life expectancies for 95% survival estimated in this project by type of product are tabulated below:[95][dubious – discuss]

Disc type 0–15 years 15–30 years 30–45 years over 45 years
DVD-R 20% 20% 0% 60%
DVD+R 20% 0% 40% 40%
DVD-RW 0% 0% 50% 50%
DVD+RW 0% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%[95]















  •   0–15 years
  •   15–30 years
  •   30–45 years
  •   over 45 years

See also[edit]

  • List of computer hardware
  • Book type
  • Comparison of popular optical data-storage systems
  • Digital video recorder
  • Disk-drive performance characteristics
  • DVD authoring
  • DVD ripper
  • DVD region code
  • DVD TV game – Interactive movie
  • Professional disc
  • DVD single
  • M-DISC


  1. ^ 1 GB is one billion bytes
  2. ^ The four titles being The Fugitive, Blade Runner: Director’s Cut, Eraser, and Assassins.
  3. ^ These test markets were in Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.
  4. ^ Three additional titles, including GoldenEye; are not listed in this article but are mentioned in other launch-day sources, most of which are dead links.
  5. ^ The write time is wildly optimistic for higher (>4x) write speeds, due to being calculated from the maximum drive write speed instead of the average drive write speed.[citation needed]
  6. ^ Due to the data track circumference of 12cm discs being 2.4 times as long at the outer edge as at the innermost edge of the data area, a constant angular velocity number equals the physical rotation speed the disc has when accessed with the same constant linear velocity number at the outermost edge. This means that the listed CLV (constant linear velocity) speeds at the outer edge equal the same number of rotations per minute as the same CAV (constant angular velocity) rating number.
  7. ^ The first optical drive model from a major optical drive vendor that achieved ×12 speeds on DVD-ROM Dual Layer was the Pioneer DVR-107 (2004).[70][71] Later optical drives such as the HL data storage GSA-H10N (2006)[72] have also achieved 12×(CAV) reading speeds on recordable dual-layer media (DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL), and TSSTcorp SH-S202/S203/TS-H653B (2007) achieved writing speeds of 12×(CAV) and 16×(CAV) on DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL respectively, on quality media from selected vendors.[73]


  1. ^ a b «DVD FLLC – DVD Format Book». Dvdfllc.co.jp. Archived from the original on April 25, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  2. ^ a b «DVD FLLC – DVD Format Book». Dvdfllc.co.jp. Archived from the original on February 2, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  3. ^ a b «BOOKS OVERVIEW». Mpeg.org. Archived from the original on May 1, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  4. ^ a b c Taylor, Jim (March 21, 1997). «DVD Frequently Asked Questions (with answers!)». Video Discovery. Archived from the original on March 29, 1997. Retrieved August 20, 2019.
  5. ^ Johnson, Lawrence B. (September 7, 1997). «For the DVD, Disney Magic May Be the Key». The New York Times. Archived from the original on July 29, 2018. Retrieved May 25, 2009.
  6. ^ a b c Copeland, Jeff B. (March 23, 1997). «Oscar Day Is Also DVD Day». E! Online. Archived from the original on April 11, 1997. Retrieved August 21, 2019.
  7. ^ Staff (March 24, 1997). «Creative Does DVD». PC Gamer. Archived from the original on February 18, 1998. Retrieved December 5, 2019.
  8. ^ Popular Mechanics, June 1997, p. 69;
  9. ^ Jim Taylor, DVD demystified, McGraw Hill, 1998, 1st edition, p. 405
  10. ^ «CD/DVD comparison chart». h71036.www7.hp.com. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
  11. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, DVD.
  12. ^ «DVD Primer». DVD Forum. September 6, 2000. Archived from the original on June 9, 2010. Retrieved December 14, 2013.
  13. ^ «DVD Forum’s Mission». DVD Forum. January 14, 2010. Archived from the original on May 10, 2014. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  14. ^ «DVD noun». Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. Retrieved December 6, 2022.
  15. ^ Super Video Compact Disc, A Technical Explanation (PDF), Philips System Standards and Licensing, 1998, p. 2, archived from the original (PDF) on May 28, 2008, retrieved February 13, 2008
  16. ^ «WCES: The Calm Before the Storm». Next Generation. Imagine Media (3): 18. March 1995.
  17. ^ a b «DVD Plagued by Double Standards». Next Generation. Imagine Media (6): 16–17. June 1995.
  18. ^ «Requirements for Future High-Capacity Compact-Disc Format Announced by Computer Industry Technical Group». Apple Computer. May 3, 1995. Archived from the original on December 2, 1998. Retrieved December 1, 2021.
  19. ^ «Electronic Giants Battle On». Next Generation. Imagine Media (11): 19. November 1995.
  20. ^ «DVD: coming soon to your PC?». Computer Shopper. 16 (3): 189. March 1, 1996.
  21. ^ «Nokia Welcomes Single Standard for Next Generation High Density Optical Disc Format» (Press release). Nokia. September 26, 1995. Archived from the original on December 20, 1996. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  22. ^ «DVD Format Unification» (Press release). Toshiba. December 8, 1995. Archived from the original on May 1, 1997. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  23. ^ Souter, Gerry (2017) [1997]. «DVD: The Five-Inch Digital Video Disc». Buying and Selling Multimedia Services. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-136-13437-1.
  24. ^ «DVD Is Go!». Japan Press Network. January 17, 1996. Archived from the original on January 16, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  25. ^ Elrich, David J. (July 11, 1996). «DVD Introduction Announced». E-Town News. Archived from the original on February 13, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  26. ^ «Matsushita Electronics to launch DVDs in November». CNN. August 31, 1996. Archived from the original on January 14, 2000. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  27. ^ Elrich, David J. (November 19, 1996). «Toshiba: DVD is here — Almost». E-Town News. Archived from the original on January 16, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  28. ^ Gerson, Bob (March 21, 1997). «Warner’s DVD Warning». E-Town News. Archived from the original on January 17, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  29. ^ «DVD News for March 21». Laserviews. March 21, 1997. Archived from the original on February 6, 1998. Retrieved March 24, 2022.
    DVD announcements: Now that we finally have ALL the information on the first 29 Warner, MGM and New Line DVD titles…
  30. ^ Bilzi, Jill (April 7, 1997). «DVD Street Date Ignored». E-Town News. Archived from the original on January 16, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  31. ^ «DVD Announcement» (Press release). Warner Home Video. July 31, 1997. Archived from the original on February 19, 1999. Retrieved October 6, 2021.
  32. ^ DTS Staff (November 5, 1997). «Chat Transcript — Nov 5, 1997». DTS. Archived from the original on February 6, 1998. Retrieved March 24, 2022.
  33. ^ «CES Report, 1998». hometheaterhifi.com. Retrieved January 3, 2023.
  34. ^ Practical Television, November 2001 issue
  35. ^ Calculated pound sterling inflation using «Inflation calculator». Bank of England. Retrieved July 21, 2022. 15 pounds in 2001 to 2021 = 22.74 pounds, then calculated exchange rate using Google
  36. ^ Uhlig, Robert (November 22, 2004). «DVD kills the video show as digital age takes over». Telegraph.co.uk. Archived from the original on February 16, 2018. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  37. ^ a b «DVD Game Consoles?». Next Generation. No. 18. Imagine Media. June 1996. p. 40.
  38. ^ «DVD Authoring — What is DLT?». HellmanProduction.com. Archived from the original on September 24, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  39. ^ «DVD Authoring — How to make a proper DVD master». HellmanProduction.com. Archived from the original on September 6, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  40. ^ Kidman, Alex (October 21, 2010). «Toshiba 22DV615Y LCD TV/DVD Combo review». CNET. Archived from the original on July 16, 2020. Retrieved July 16, 2020.
  41. ^ «DVD sales top VHS sales for first time». San Jose Business Journal. January 9, 2002.
  42. ^ Rubin, Ross (November 5, 2007). «Tech on Deck: The Decline of the DVD Player». ABC News.
  43. ^ Watson, Stephanie (October 16, 2004). «How Blu-ray Reads Data». HowStuffWorks.com. Archived from the original on December 20, 2019. Retrieved April 21, 2020.
  44. ^ Watson, Stephanie (October 16, 2004). «Building a Blu-ray Disc». HowStuffWorks.com. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved April 21, 2020.
  45. ^ a b c ISO ISO Freely Available Standards Archived October 26, 2018, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-07-24
  46. ^ «Standard ECMA-267». Ecma-international.org. Archived from the original on May 22, 2013. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  47. ^ ISO ISO/IEC 17344:2009, Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disc using +R format – Capacity: 4,7 Gbytes and 1,46 Gbytes per side (recording speed up to 16X) Archived April 29, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-07-26
  48. ^ ISO ISO/IEC 25434:2008, Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disc using +R DL format – Capacity: 8,55 Gbytes and 2,66 Gbytes per side (recording speed up to 16X) Archived April 29, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-07-26
  49. ^ ISO ISO/IEC 17341:2009, Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disc using +RW format – Capacity: 4,7 Gbytes and 1,46 Gbytes per side (recording speed up to 4X) Archived April 29, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-07-26
  50. ^ ISO ISO/IEC 26925:2009, Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disc using +RW HS format – Capacity: 4,7 Gbytes and 1,46 Gbytes per side (recording speed 8X) Archived April 29, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-07-26
  51. ^ a b DVD FLLC (2009) DVD Format Book Archived April 4, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-08-14
  52. ^ DVD FLLC (2009) How To Obtain DVD Format/Logo License (2005–2009) Archived March 18, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved on 2009-08-14
  53. ^ «DVD players benchmark». hometheaterhifi.com. Archived from the original on March 13, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
  54. ^ DVD: The Death Knell of Laserdisc, archived from the original on December 21, 2021, retrieved July 16, 2021
  55. ^ «DVD Studio Pro 4 User Manual». documentation.apple.com. Archived from the original on September 26, 2013. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
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  64. ^ a b Taylor, Jim. «DVD Demystifed FAQ». Dvddemystified.com. Archived from the original on August 22, 2009. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  65. ^ a b «Understanding DVD -Recording Speed». Optical Storage Technology Association. Archived from the original on June 11, 2004. Retrieved August 9, 2011.
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  81. ^ «IEEE – Copy Protection for DVD Video p.2» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 18, 2009.
  82. ^ «What is Blu-ray Disc?». Sony. Archived from the original on December 3, 2009. Retrieved November 25, 2008.
  83. ^ «DVD FAQ: 3.13 – What about the new HD formats?». September 21, 2008. Archived from the original on August 22, 2009. Retrieved November 25, 2008.
  84. ^ «High-Definition Sales Far Behind Standard DVD’s First Two Years». Movieweb.com. February 20, 2008. Archived from the original on September 14, 2008. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  85. ^ «Blu-ray takes 25% Market share». September 21, 2008. Archived from the original on June 23, 2011. Retrieved June 28, 2011.
  86. ^ Martorana, Robert (November 4, 2009). «Slow Blu-ray Adoption: A Threat to Hollywood’s Bottom Line?». Seeking Alpha. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved August 9, 2011.
  87. ^ «Gates And Ballmer On «Making The Transition»«. BusinessWeek. April 19, 2004. Archived from the original on August 26, 2009. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  88. ^ «Are DVDs becoming obsolete?». Electronics.howstuffworks.com. November 1, 2014. Archived from the original on April 5, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  89. ^ «Amazon.com: Customer Discussions: When will DVDs be obsolete?». Amazon.com. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  90. ^ Romano, Nick. «Is the DVD Becoming Obsolete?». ScreenCrush. Archived from the original on April 12, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  91. ^ «DVD Going The Way Of VHS In 2016 – CINEMABLEND». Cinemablend.com. June 6, 2014. Archived from the original on April 12, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  92. ^ Sweney, Mark (January 5, 2017). «Film and TV streaming and downloads overtake DVD sales for first time». Theguardian.com. Archived from the original on January 3, 2018. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  93. ^ «Kirk/Spock STAR TREK To Get All-New HD Spaceships». Aintitcool.com. Archived from the original on December 9, 2012. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  94. ^ Burt, Kayti (February 6, 2017). «Star Trek: DS9 & Voyager HD Blu-Ray Will Likely Never Happen». Den of Geek. Archived from the original on October 17, 2018. Retrieved January 12, 2019.
  95. ^ a b c Final Report: NIST/Library of Congress (LC) Optical Disc Longevity Study Archived February 28, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, Loc.gov, September 2007 (table derived from figure 7)
  96. ^ Chang, Wo (August 21, 2007). «NIST Digital Media Group: docs/disccare». National Institute of Standards and Technology. Archived from the original on January 4, 2013. Retrieved December 18, 2013.
  97. ^ «How Long Do CDs/DVDs Last? The Truth About Lifespan, Mold, and Rot». Makeuseof.com. July 14, 2021. Retrieved July 19, 2022.
  98. ^ «Understanding DVD – Disc Longevity». Osta.org. Archived from the original on May 2, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2017.

Further reading[edit]

  • Bennett, Hugh (April 2004). «Understanding Recordable and Rewritable DVD». Optical Storage Technology Association. Archived from the original on February 4, 2012. Retrieved December 17, 2006.
  • Labarge, Ralph (2001). DVD Authoring and Production. Gilroy, California: CMP Books. ISBN 1-57820-082-2.
  • Taylor, Jim (2000). DVD Demystified (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-135026-8.

External links[edit]

  • All About Converting From Several Video Formats To DVD at Wikibooks
  • DVD at Curlie
  • Dvddemystified.com: DVD Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • Dual Layer Explained – Informational Guide to the Dual Layer Recording Process

Wikimedia Commons has media related to

This article is about the disc format in general. For the video recording format based upon DVD, see DVD-Video. For the audio storage format also based upon DVD, see DVD-Audio. For other uses, see DVD (disambiguation).

«MMCD» redirects here. For Sony’s proprietary CD-ROM XA-based multimedia software format, see Sony Multimedia CD-ROM Player.


DVD logo.svg

The data side of a DVD
manufactured by Sony DADC

Media type Optical disc
Encoding DVD-ROM and DVD-R(W) use one encoding, DVD-RAM and DVD+R(W) uses another
Capacity 4.7 GB (single-sided, single-layer – common)
8.5 GB (single-sided, double-layer)
9.4 GB (double-sided, single-layer)
17.08 GB (double-sided, double-layer)
Up to four layers are possible in a standard form DVD.
Read mechanism 300–650 nm laser, 10.5 Mbit/s (1×)
Write mechanism 650 nm laser with a focused beam using more power than for reading, 10.5 Mbit/s (1×)
Standard DVD Forum’s DVD Books[1][2][3] and DVD+RW Alliance specifications
Developed by Sony
Dimensions Diameter: 12 cm (4.7 in)
Thickness: 1.2 mm (0.047 in)
Weight 16 grams (0.56 oz)
Usage Home video, Computer data storage
Extended from LaserDisc
Compact disc
Extended to
  • DVD+RW, DVD-RAM (Fixed-track writable media)
  • HD DVD
  • Blu-ray
Released November 1, 1996 (Japan)[4]
January 1997 (CIS and other Asia)
March 24, 1997 (United States)[5][6][7]
March 1998 (Europe)
February 1999 (Australia/New Zealand)

The DVD (common abbreviation for Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc)[8][9] is a digital optical disc data storage format. It was invented and developed in 1995 and first released on November 1, 1996, in Japan. The medium can store any kind of digital data and has been widely used for video programs (watched using DVD players) or formerly for storing software and other computer files as well. DVDs offer significantly higher storage capacity than compact discs (CD) while having the same dimensions. A standard DVD can store up to 4.7 GB of storage, while variants can store up to a maximum of 17.08 GB.[10]

Prerecorded DVDs are mass-produced using molding machines that physically stamp data onto the DVD. Such discs are a form of DVD-ROM because data can only be read and not written or erased. Blank recordable DVD discs (DVD-R and DVD+R) can be recorded once using a DVD recorder and then function as a DVD-ROM. Rewritable DVDs (DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) can be recorded and erased many times.

DVDs are used in DVD-Video consumer digital video format and less commonly in DVD-Audio consumer digital audio format, as well as for authoring DVD discs written in a special AVCHD format to hold high definition material (often in conjunction with AVCHD format camcorders). DVDs containing other types of information may be referred to as DVD data discs.


The Oxford English Dictionary comments that, «In 1995, rival manufacturers of the product initially named digital video disc agreed that, in order to emphasize the flexibility of the format for multimedia applications, the preferred abbreviation DVD would be understood to denote digital versatile disc.» The OED also states that in 1995, «The companies said the official name of the format will simply be DVD. Toshiba had been using the name ‘digital video disc’, but that was switched to ‘digital versatile disc’ after computer companies complained that it left out their applications.»[11]

«Digital versatile disc» is the explanation provided in a DVD Forum Primer from 2000[12] and in the DVD Forum’s mission statement, which the purpose is to promote broad acceptance of DVD products on technology, across entertainment, and other industries.[13]

Because DVDs became highly popular for the distribution of movies in the 2000s, the term DVD became popularly used in English as a noun to describe specifically a full-length movie released on the format; for example the sentence to «watch a DVD» describes watching a movie on DVD.[14]


Development and launch[edit]

Comparison of several forms of disk storage showing tracks (tracks not to scale); green denotes start and red denotes end.
* Some CD-R(W) and DVD-R(W)/DVD+R(W) recorders operate in ZCLV, CAA or CAV modes, but most work in constant linear velocity (CLV) mode.

Released in 1987, CD Video used analog video encoding on optical discs matching the established standard 120 mm (4.7 in) size of audio CDs. Video CD (VCD) became one of the first formats for distributing digitally encoded films in this format, in 1993.[15] In the same year, two new optical disc storage formats were being developed. One was the Multimedia Compact Disc (MMCD), backed by Philips and Sony (developers of the CD and CD-i), and the other was the Super Density (SD) disc, supported by Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC. By the time of the press launches for both formats in January 1995, the MMCD nomenclature had been dropped, and Philips and Sony were referring to their format as Digital Video Disc (DVD).[16][17]

On May 3, 1995, an ad hoc, technical working group formed from five computer companies (IBM, Apple, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft) issued a press release stating that they would only accept a single format.[18][19] The TWG voted to boycott both formats unless the two camps agreed on a single, converged standard. They recruited Lou Gerstner, president of IBM, to pressure the executives of the warring factions. In one significant compromise, the MMCD and SD groups agreed to adopt proposal SD 9, which specified that both layers of the dual-layered disc be read from the same side—instead of proposal SD 10, which would have created a two-sided disc that users would have to turn over. As a result, the DVD specification provided a storage capacity of 4.7 GB (4.38 GiB)[a] for a single-layered, single-sided disc and 8.5 GB (7.92 GiB) for a dual-layered, single-sided disc.[20] The DVD specification ended up similar to Toshiba and Matsushita’s Super Density Disc, except for the dual-layer option. MMCD was single-sided and optionally dual-layer, whereas SD was two half-thickness, single-layer discs which were pressed separately and then glued together to form a double-sided disc.[17]

Philips and Sony decided that it was in their best interests to end the format war, and on September 15, 1995[21] agreed to unify with companies backing the Super Density Disc to release a single format, with technologies from both. After other compromises between MMCD and SD, the computer companies through TWG won the day, and a single format was agreed upon. The TWG also collaborated with the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) on the use of their implementation of the ISO-13346 file system (known as Universal Disk Format) for use on the new DVDs. The format’s details were finalized on December 8, 1995.[22]

In November 1995, Samsung announced it would start mass-producing DVDs by September 1996.[23] The format launched on November 1, 1996, in Japan, mostly with music video releases. The first major releases from Warner Home Video arrived on December 20, 1996, with four titles being available.[b][4] The format’s release in the U.S. was delayed multiple times, from August 1996,[24] to October 1996,[25] November 1996,[26] before finally settling on early 1997.[27] Players began to be produced domestically that winter, with March 24, 1997 as the U.S. launch date of the format proper in seven test markets.[c][6][28] Approximately 32 titles were available on launch day, mainly from the Warner, MGM, and New Line libraries.[29][d] However, the launch was planned for the following day (March 25), leading to a distribution change with retailers and studios to prevent similar violations of breaking the street date.[30] The nationwide rollout for the format happened on August 22, 1997.[31][better source needed]

DTS announced in late 1997 that they would be coming onto the format. The sound system company revealed details in a November 1997 online interview, and clarified it would release discs in early 1998.[32] However, this date would be pushed back several times before finally releasing their first titles at the 1999 Consumer Electronics Show.[33]

In 2001, blank DVD recordable discs cost the equivalent of $27.34 US dollars in 2022.[34][35]


Movie and home entertainment distributors adopted the DVD format to replace the ubiquitous VHS tape as the primary consumer video distribution format.[36]

Immediately following the formal adoption of a unified standard for DVD, two of the four leading video game console companies (Sega and The 3DO Company) said they already had plans to design a gaming console with DVDs as the source medium.[37] Sony stated at the time that they had no plans to use DVD in their gaming systems, despite being one of the developers of the DVD format and eventually the first company to actually release a DVD-based console.[37] Game consoles such as the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360 use DVDs as their source medium for games and other software. Contemporary games for Windows were also distributed on DVD. Early DVDs were mastered using DLT tape,[38] but using DVD-R DL or +R DL eventually became common.[39] TV DVD combos, combining a standard definition CRT TV or an HD flat panel TV with a DVD mechanism under the CRT or on the back of the flat panel, and VCR/DVD combos were also available for purchase.[40]

For consumers, DVD soon replaced VHS as the favored choice for home movie releases. In the year 2001, DVD players outsold VCRs for the first time in the United States. At this time 1 in 4 American households owned a DVD player.[41] By 2007, about 80% of Americans owned a DVD player, a figure that had surpassed VCRs and was also higher than personal computers or cable television.[42]


The DVD specifications created and updated by the DVD Forum are published as so-called DVD Books (e.g. DVD-ROM Book, DVD-Audio Book, DVD-Video Book, DVD-R Book, DVD-RW Book, DVD-RAM Book, DVD-AR (Audio Recording) Book, DVD-VR (Video Recording) Book, etc.).[1][2][3] DVD discs are made up of two discs; normally one is blank, and the other contains data. Each disc is 0.6 mm thick, and are glued together to form a DVD disc. The gluing process must be done carefully to make the disc as flat as possible to avoid both birefringence and «disc tilt», which is when the disc is not perfectly flat, preventing it from being read.[43][44]

Some specifications for mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of DVD optical discs can be downloaded as freely available standards from the ISO website.[45] There are also equivalent European Computer Manufacturers Association (Ecma) standards for some of these specifications, such as Ecma-267 for DVD-ROMs.[46] Also, the DVD+RW Alliance publishes competing recordable DVD specifications such as DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD+RW or DVD+RW DL. These DVD formats are also ISO standards.[47][48][49][50]

Some DVD specifications (e.g. for DVD-Video) are not publicly available and can be obtained only from the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation (DVD FLLC) for a fee of US$5000.[51][52] Every subscriber must sign a non-disclosure agreement as certain information on the DVD Books is proprietary and confidential.[51]

Double-sided discs[edit]

Borrowing from the LaserDisc format, the DVD standard includes DVD-10 discs (Type B in ISO) with two recorded data layers such that only one layer is accessible from either side of the disc. This doubles the total nominal capacity of a DVD-10 disc to 9.4 GB (8.75 GiB), but each side is locked to 4.7 GB. Like DVD-5 discs, DVD-10 discs are defined as single-layer (SL) discs.[45]

Dual-layer discs[edit]

DVD hardware accesses the additional layer (layer 1) by refocusing the laser through an otherwise normally-placed, semitransparent first layer (layer 0). This laser refocus—and the subsequent time needed to reacquire laser tracking—can cause a noticeable pause in A/V playback on earlier DVD players, the length of which varies between hardware.[53] A printed message explaining that the layer-transition pause was not a malfunction became standard on DVD keep cases. During mastering, a studio could make the transition less obvious by timing it to occur just before a camera angle change or other abrupt shift, an early example being the DVD release of Toy Story.[54] Later in the format’s life, larger data buffers and faster optical pickups in DVD players made layer transitions effectively invisible regardless of mastering.[citation needed]

Dual-layer DVDs are recorded using Opposite Track Path (OTP).[55]

Combinations of the above[edit]

The DVD Book also permits an additional disc type called DVD-14: a hybrid double-sided disc with one dual-layer side, one single-layer side, and a total nominal capacity of 12.3 GB.[56] DVD-14 has no counterpart in ISO.[45]

Both of these additional disc types are extremely rare due to their complicated and expensive manufacturing.[56] For this reason, some DVDs that were initially issued as double-sided discs were later pressed as two-disc sets.

Note: The above sections regarding disc types pertain to 12 cm discs. The same disc types exist for 8 cm discs: ISO standards still regard these discs as Types A–D, while the DVD Book assigns them distinct disc types. DVD-14 has no analogous 8 cm type. The comparative data for 8 cm discs is provided further down.

DVD recordable and rewritable[edit]

HP initially developed recordable DVD media from the need to store data for backup and transport.[57][failed verification] DVD recordables are now also used for consumer audio and video recording. Three formats were developed: DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW (plus), and DVD-RAM. DVD-R is available in two formats, General (650 nm) and Authoring (635 nm), where Authoring discs may be recorded with CSS encrypted video content but General discs may not.[58]

Dual-layer recording[edit]

Dual-layer recording (occasionally called double-layer recording) allows DVD-R and DVD+R discs to store nearly double the data of a single-layer disc—8.5 and 4.7 gigabyte capacities, respectively.[59] The additional capacity comes at a cost: DVD±DLs have slower write speeds as compared to DVD±R.[60] DVD-R DL was developed for the DVD Forum by Pioneer Corporation; DVD+R DL was developed for the DVD+RW Alliance by Mitsubishi Kagaku Media (MKM) and Philips.[61]

Recordable DVD discs supporting dual-layer technology are backward-compatible with some hardware developed before the recordable medium.[61]


Capacity and nomenclature[62][63]
SS = single-sided, DS = double-sided, SL = single-layer, DL = dual-layer

Designation Sides Layers
DVD-1[64] SS SL 1 1 8 1.46
DVD-2 SS DL 1 2 8 2.65
DVD-3 DS SL 2 2 8 2.92
DVD-4 DS DL 2 4 8 5.31
DVD-5 SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-9 SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD-10 DS SL 2 2 12 9.40
DVD-14[56] DS SL+DL 2 3 12 13.24
DVD-18 DS DL 2 4 12 17.08

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

DVD-RW Drive operating (performing a burning (writing) operation) with its protective cover removed

Capacity and nomenclature of (re)writable discs

Designation Sides Layers
DVD-R SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 3.95
DVD-R SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-RW SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD+R SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD+RW SS SL 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-R SS DL 1 2 12 8.50
DVD-RW SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD+R SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD+RW SS DL 1 2 12 8.54
DVD-RAM SS SL 1 1 8 1.46*
DVD-RAM DS SL 2 1 8 2.47*
DVD-RAM SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 2.58
DVD-RAM SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4.70
DVD-RAM DS SL (1.0) 2 1 12 5.15
DVD-RAM DS SL (2.0) 2 1 12 9.39*

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

Capacity differences of writable DVD formats

Type Sectors Bytes kB MB GB
DVD-R SL 2,298,496 4,707,319,808 4,707,320 4,707 4.7
DVD+R SL 2,295,104 4,700,372,992 4,700,373 4,700 4.7
DVD-R DL 4,171,712 8,543,666,176 8,543,666 8,544 8.5
DVD+R DL 4,173,824 8,547,991,552 8,547,992 8,548 8.5

All units are expressed with SI/IEC prefixes (i.e. 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes etc.).

DVD drives and players[edit]

DVD drives are devices that can read DVD discs on a computer. DVD players are a particular type of devices that do not require a computer to work, and can read DVD-Video and DVD-Audio discs.

Transfer rates[edit]

Internal mechanism of a DVD-ROM Drive. See text for details.

Read and write speeds for the first DVD drives and players were 1,385 kB/s (1,353 KiB/s); this speed is usually called «1×». More recent models, at 18× or 20×, have 18 or 20 times that speed. Note that for CD drives, 1× means 153.6 kB/s (150 KiB/s), about one-ninth as swift.[64][65]

DVD drive speeds

Drive speed (not rotations) Data rate ~Write time (minutes)[e] Revolutions per minute (constant linear velocity, CLV)[66][67][f]
Mbit/s MB/s Single-Layer Dual-Layer
11 1.4 57 103 1400 (inner) 580 (outer)[65]
22 2.8 28 51 2800 (inner) 1160 (outer)
2.4× 27 3.3 24 43 3360 (inner) 1392 (outer)
2.6× 29 3.6 22 40 3640 (inner) 1508 (outer)
33 4.1 19 34 4200 (inner) 2320 (outer)
44 5.5 14 26 5600 (inner) 2900 (outer)
67 8.3 9 17 8400 (inner) 3480 (outer)
89 11.1 7 13 4640 (CAV; no longer uses pure CLV)
10× 111 13.9 6 10 5800
12× 133 16.6 5 9 6960
16× 177 22.2 4 6 9280
18× 199 24.9 3 6 10440
20× 222 27.7 3 5 11600
22× 244 30.5 3 5 12760
24× 266 33.2 2 4 13920

DVDs can spin at much higher speeds than CDs – DVDs can spin at up to 32000 RPM vs 23000 for CDs.[68]

DVD recordable and rewritable discs can be read and written using either constant angular velocity (CAV), constant linear velocity (CLV), Partial constant angular velocity (P-CAV) or Zoned Constant Linear Velocity (Z-CLV or ZCLV).[69]

Due to the slightly lower data density of dual layer DVDs (4.25 GB instead of 4.7 GB per layer), the required rotation speed is around 10% faster for the same data rate, which means that the same angular speed rating equals a 10% higher physical angular rotation speed. For that reason, the increase of reading speeds of dual layer media has stagnated at 12× (constant angular velocity) for half-height optical drives released since around 2005,[g] and slim type optical drives are only able to record dual layer media at 6× (constant angular velocity), while reading speeds of 8× are still supported by such.[74][75][76]

Disc quality measurements[edit]

Error rate measurement on a DVD+R. The error rate is still within a healthy range.

The quality and data integrity of optical media is measureable, which means that future data losses caused by deteriorating media can be predicted well in advance by measuring the rate of correctable data errors.[77]

Support of measuring the disc quality varies among optical drive vendors and models.[78][79]


DVD-Video is a standard for distributing video/audio content on DVD media. The format went on sale in Japan on November 1, 1996,[4] in the United States on March 24, 1997, to line up with the 69th Academy Awards that day;[6] in Canada, Central America, and Indonesia later in 1997, and in Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa in 1998. DVD-Video became the dominant form of home video distribution in Japan when it first went on sale on November 1, 1996, but it shared the market for home video distribution in the United States for several years; it was June 15, 2003, when weekly DVD-Video in the United States rentals began outnumbering weekly VHS cassette rentals.[80]
DVD-Video is still the dominant form of home video distribution worldwide except for in Japan where it was surpassed by Blu-ray Disc when Blu-ray first went on sale in Japan on March 31, 2006.[citation needed]


The purpose of CSS is twofold:

  1. CSS prevents byte-for-byte copies of an MPEG (digital video) stream from being playable since such copies do not include the keys that are hidden on the lead-in area of the restricted DVD.
  2. CSS provides a reason for manufacturers to make their devices compliant with an industry-controlled standard, since CSS scrambled discs cannot in principle be played on noncompliant devices; anyone wishing to build compliant devices must obtain a license, which contains the requirement that the rest of the DRM system (region codes, Macrovision, and user operation prohibition) be implemented.[81]

Successors and decline[edit]

Ambox current red Americas.svg

This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2019)

In 2006, two new formats called HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc were released as the successor to DVD. HD DVD competed unsuccessfully with Blu-ray Disc in the format war of 2006–2008. A dual layer HD DVD can store up to 30 GB and a dual layer Blu-ray disc can hold up to 50 GB.[82][83]

However, unlike previous format changes, e.g., vinyl to Compact Disc or VHS videotape to DVD, there is no immediate indication that production of the standard DVD will gradually wind down, as they still dominate, with around 75% of video sales and approximately one billion DVD player sales worldwide as of April 2011. In fact, experts claim that the DVD will remain the dominant medium for at least another five years as Blu-ray technology is still in its introductory phase, write and read speeds being poor and necessary hardware being expensive and not readily available.[84][85]

Consumers initially were also slow to adopt Blu-ray due to the cost.[86] By 2009, 85% of stores were selling Blu-ray Discs. A high-definition television and appropriate connection cables are also required to take advantage of Blu-ray disc. Some analysts suggest that the biggest obstacle to replacing DVD is due to its installed base; a large majority of consumers are satisfied with DVDs.[87]

DVDs are also facing competition from video on demand services.[88][89][90][91] With increasing numbers of homes having high speed Internet connections, many people now have the option to either rent or buy video from an online service, and view it by streaming it directly from that service’s servers, meaning they no longer need any form of permanent storage media for video at all. By 2017, digital streaming services had overtaken the sales of DVDs and Blu-rays for the first time.[92]

Manufacturers continue to release standard DVD titles as of 2020, and the format remains the preferred one for the release of older television programs and films. Shows that were shot and edited entirely on film, such as Star Trek: The Original Series, cannot be released in high definition without being re-scanned from the original film recordings.[93] Shows that were made between the early 1980s and the early 2000s were generally shot on film, then transferred to video tape, and then edited natively in either NTSC or PAL, making high-definition transfers impossible as these SD standards were baked into the final cuts of the episodes. Star Trek: The Next Generation is the only such show that has a Blu-ray release, as prints were re-scanned and edited from the ground up.[94]


Longevity of a storage medium is measured by how long the data remains readable, assuming compatible devices exist that can read it: that is, how long the disc can be stored until data is lost. Numerous factors affect longevity: composition and quality of the media (recording and substrate layers), humidity and light storage conditions, the quality of the initial recording (which is sometimes a matter of mutual compatibility of media and recorder), etc.[95] According to NIST, «[a] temperature of 64.4 °F (18 °C) and 40% RH [Relative Humidity] would be considered suitable for long-term storage. A lower temperature and RH is recommended for extended-term storage.»[96]

As with CDs, the information and data storage will begin to degrade over time with most standard DVDs lasting up to 30 years depending the type of environment they are stored and whether they are full with data.[97]

According to the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA), «Manufacturers claim lifespans ranging from 30 to 100 years for DVD, DVD-R and DVD+R discs and up to 30 years for DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM.»[98]

According to a NIST/LoC research project conducted in 2005–2007 using accelerated life testing, «There were fifteen DVD products tested, including five DVD-R, five DVD+R, two DVD-RW and three DVD+RW types. There were ninety samples tested for each product. … Overall, seven of the products tested had estimated life expectancies in ambient conditions of more than 45 years. Four products had estimated life expectancies of 30–45 years in ambient storage conditions. Two products had an estimated life expectancy of 15–30 years and two products had estimated life expectancies of less than 15 years when stored in ambient conditions.» The life expectancies for 95% survival estimated in this project by type of product are tabulated below:[95][dubious – discuss]

Disc type 0–15 years 15–30 years 30–45 years over 45 years
DVD-R 20% 20% 0% 60%
DVD+R 20% 0% 40% 40%
DVD-RW 0% 0% 50% 50%
DVD+RW 0% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%[95]















  •   0–15 years
  •   15–30 years
  •   30–45 years
  •   over 45 years

See also[edit]

  • List of computer hardware
  • Book type
  • Comparison of popular optical data-storage systems
  • Digital video recorder
  • Disk-drive performance characteristics
  • DVD authoring
  • DVD ripper
  • DVD region code
  • DVD TV game – Interactive movie
  • Professional disc
  • DVD single
  • M-DISC


  1. ^ 1 GB is one billion bytes
  2. ^ The four titles being The Fugitive, Blade Runner: Director’s Cut, Eraser, and Assassins.
  3. ^ These test markets were in Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.
  4. ^ Three additional titles, including GoldenEye; are not listed in this article but are mentioned in other launch-day sources, most of which are dead links.
  5. ^ The write time is wildly optimistic for higher (>4x) write speeds, due to being calculated from the maximum drive write speed instead of the average drive write speed.[citation needed]
  6. ^ Due to the data track circumference of 12cm discs being 2.4 times as long at the outer edge as at the innermost edge of the data area, a constant angular velocity number equals the physical rotation speed the disc has when accessed with the same constant linear velocity number at the outermost edge. This means that the listed CLV (constant linear velocity) speeds at the outer edge equal the same number of rotations per minute as the same CAV (constant angular velocity) rating number.
  7. ^ The first optical drive model from a major optical drive vendor that achieved ×12 speeds on DVD-ROM Dual Layer was the Pioneer DVR-107 (2004).[70][71] Later optical drives such as the HL data storage GSA-H10N (2006)[72] have also achieved 12×(CAV) reading speeds on recordable dual-layer media (DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL), and TSSTcorp SH-S202/S203/TS-H653B (2007) achieved writing speeds of 12×(CAV) and 16×(CAV) on DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL respectively, on quality media from selected vendors.[73]


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  75. ^ «Manual».
  76. ^ Pioneer computer drive archive
  77. ^ «QPxTool – check the quality». qpxtool.sourceforge.io.
  78. ^ «QPxTool glossary». qpxtool.sourceforge.io. QPxTool. August 1, 2008. Retrieved July 22, 2020.
  79. ^ «One DVD «DATA» Sector – LightByte».
  80. ^ Bakalis, Anna (June 20, 2003). «It’s unreel: DVD rentals overtake videocassettes». The Washington Times. Archived from the original on May 26, 2007.
  81. ^ «IEEE – Copy Protection for DVD Video p.2» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 18, 2009.
  82. ^ «What is Blu-ray Disc?». Sony. Archived from the original on December 3, 2009. Retrieved November 25, 2008.
  83. ^ «DVD FAQ: 3.13 – What about the new HD formats?». September 21, 2008. Archived from the original on August 22, 2009. Retrieved November 25, 2008.
  84. ^ «High-Definition Sales Far Behind Standard DVD’s First Two Years». Movieweb.com. February 20, 2008. Archived from the original on September 14, 2008. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  85. ^ «Blu-ray takes 25% Market share». September 21, 2008. Archived from the original on June 23, 2011. Retrieved June 28, 2011.
  86. ^ Martorana, Robert (November 4, 2009). «Slow Blu-ray Adoption: A Threat to Hollywood’s Bottom Line?». Seeking Alpha. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved August 9, 2011.
  87. ^ «Gates And Ballmer On «Making The Transition»«. BusinessWeek. April 19, 2004. Archived from the original on August 26, 2009. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  88. ^ «Are DVDs becoming obsolete?». Electronics.howstuffworks.com. November 1, 2014. Archived from the original on April 5, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  89. ^ «Amazon.com: Customer Discussions: When will DVDs be obsolete?». Amazon.com. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  90. ^ Romano, Nick. «Is the DVD Becoming Obsolete?». ScreenCrush. Archived from the original on April 12, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  91. ^ «DVD Going The Way Of VHS In 2016 – CINEMABLEND». Cinemablend.com. June 6, 2014. Archived from the original on April 12, 2015. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
  92. ^ Sweney, Mark (January 5, 2017). «Film and TV streaming and downloads overtake DVD sales for first time». Theguardian.com. Archived from the original on January 3, 2018. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  93. ^ «Kirk/Spock STAR TREK To Get All-New HD Spaceships». Aintitcool.com. Archived from the original on December 9, 2012. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
  94. ^ Burt, Kayti (February 6, 2017). «Star Trek: DS9 & Voyager HD Blu-Ray Will Likely Never Happen». Den of Geek. Archived from the original on October 17, 2018. Retrieved January 12, 2019.
  95. ^ a b c Final Report: NIST/Library of Congress (LC) Optical Disc Longevity Study Archived February 28, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, Loc.gov, September 2007 (table derived from figure 7)
  96. ^ Chang, Wo (August 21, 2007). «NIST Digital Media Group: docs/disccare». National Institute of Standards and Technology. Archived from the original on January 4, 2013. Retrieved December 18, 2013.
  97. ^ «How Long Do CDs/DVDs Last? The Truth About Lifespan, Mold, and Rot». Makeuseof.com. July 14, 2021. Retrieved July 19, 2022.
  98. ^ «Understanding DVD – Disc Longevity». Osta.org. Archived from the original on May 2, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2017.

Further reading[edit]

  • Bennett, Hugh (April 2004). «Understanding Recordable and Rewritable DVD». Optical Storage Technology Association. Archived from the original on February 4, 2012. Retrieved December 17, 2006.
  • Labarge, Ralph (2001). DVD Authoring and Production. Gilroy, California: CMP Books. ISBN 1-57820-082-2.
  • Taylor, Jim (2000). DVD Demystified (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-135026-8.

External links[edit]

  • All About Converting From Several Video Formats To DVD at Wikibooks
  • DVD at Curlie
  • Dvddemystified.com: DVD Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • Dual Layer Explained – Informational Guide to the Dual Layer Recording Process

Wikimedia Commons has media related to


DVD logo.svg
Оптический носитель информации. Процесс записи и считывания информации осуществляется при помощи лазера
Тип носителя

оптический диск

Формат контента



1.4 ГБ (односторонний однослойный 8 см miniDVD
2.8 ГБ (двухсторонний однослойный 8 см miniDVD
4.7 ГБ (односторонний однослойный – общепринятый)
9.4 ГБ (двухсторонний однослойный )
17.08 ГБ (двухсторонний двухслойный – редкость)

Считывающий механизм

лазер, длина волны 650 нм (красный), 10.5 Мбит/c (1×)

Записывающий механизм

10.5 Мбит/c (1×)

Международный стандарт

DVD Forum DVD Books


Sony, Philips, Toshiba, Panasonic


диаметр 120 мм, толщина 1,2 мм


~15,7 г


хранение аудио, видео и данных

Год выпуска


Работа с оптическими дисками
  • Оптический диск
  • Образ оптического диска, ISO-образ
  • Эмулятор оптических дисководов
  • Программное обеспечение для работы с файловыми системами оптических дисков
  • Технологии записи
    • Режимы записи
    • Пакетная запись
Типы оптических дисков
  • Лазердиск/Laserdisc
  • Компакт-диск/Compact disc (CD): Audio CD, 5.1 Music Disc, Super Audio CD, Photo CD, CD-R, CD-ROM, CD-RW, CD Video (CDV), Video CD (VCD), Super Video CD, CD+G, CD-Text, CD-ROM XA, CD-Extra, CD-i Bridge, CD-i
  • Минидиск/MiniDisc: Hi-MD
  • Blu-ray Disc (BD): BD-R, BD-RE, BD-ROM
  • HD DVD
  • HD VMD         CH-DVD
  • UDO
  • UMD
  • Голографическая память: HVD
  • 3D optical data storage
  • Rainbow Books
  • Файловые системы
    • ISO 9660
      • Joliet
      • Rock Ridge
        • Amiga Rock Ridge Extensions
      • El Torito
      • Apple ISO9660 Extensions
        • HFS, HFS+
    • Universal Disk Format
      • Mount Rainier
Технологии защиты
  • CSS
  • RPC
  • SafeDisc
  • StarForce

DVD (ди-ви-ди́, англ. Digital Versatile Disc — цифровой многоцелевой диск; также англ. Digital Video Disc — цифровой видеодиск) — носитель информации, выполненный в форме диска, имеющего такой же размер, как и компакт-диск, но более плотную структуру рабочей поверхности, что позволяет хранить и считывать больший объём информации за счёт использования лазера с меньшей длиной волны и линзы с большей числовой апертурой.

DVD-привод — устройство чтения (и записи).


  • 1 История
  • 2 Техническая информация
    • 2.1 Записываемые DVD
    • 2.2 Форматы DVD-R и DVD+R
  • 3 DVD-видео
  • 4 См. также
  • 5 Литература
  • 6 Ссылки
  • 7 Примечания


Первые диски и проигрыватели DVD появились в ноябре 1996 года в Японии, и в марте 1997 года в США и СНГ.

В начале 1990-х годов разрабатывалось два стандарта для оптических информационных носителей высокой плотности. Один из них назывался Multimedia Compact Disc (MMCD) и разрабатывался компаниями Philips и Sony, второй — Super Disc — поддерживали 8 крупных корпораций, в числе которых были Toshiba и Time Warner. Позже усилия разработчиков стандартов были объединены под началом IBM, которая не хотела повторения войны форматов, как было со стандартами кассет VHS и Betamax в 1970-х. Официально DVD был анонсирован в сентябре 1995 года, тогда же была опубликована первая версия спецификаций DVD. Изменения и дополнения в спецификации вносит организация DVD Forum (ранее называвшаяся DVD Consortium), членами которой являются 10 компаний-основателей и более 220 частных лиц. DVD является самой быстрорастущей категорией бытовой электроники в истории человечества.[источник не указан 465 дней]

Первый привод, поддерживающий запись DVD-R, выпущен Pioneer в октябре 1997 года. Стоимость этого привода, поддерживающего спецификацию DVD-R версии 1.0, составляла 17 000 долл. Чистые диски объёмом 3,95 ГБ стоили по 50 долл. США.

Сравнительные размеры: 12-сантиметровый DVD-RW рядом с 19-сантиметровым карандашом

Изначально «DVD» расшифровывалось как «Digital Video Disc» (цифровой видеодиск), поскольку данный формат первоначально разрабатывался как замена видеокассетам. Позже, когда стало ясно, что носитель подходит и для хранения произвольной информации, многие стали расшифровывать DVD как Digital Versatile Disc (цифровой многоцелевой диск). Toshiba, заведующая официальным сайтом DVD Forum’а, использует «Digital Versatile Disc». К консенсусу не пришли до сих пор, поэтому сегодня «DVD» официально вообще никак не расшифровывается.

Техническая информация

Для считывания и записи DVD используется красный лазер с длиной волны 650 нм. Шаг дорожки — 0,74 мкм, это более чем в два раза меньше, чем у компакт-диска. Записанный DVD, как и компакт-диск — пример дифракционной решётки с периодом, равным шагу дорожки.

Формат DVD по структуре данных бывают четырёх типов:

  • DVD-видео — содержат фильмы (видео и звук);
  • DVD-Audio — содержат аудиоданные высокого качества (гораздо выше, чем на аудио-компакт-дисках);
  • DVD-Data — содержат любые данные;
  • смешанное содержимое.

В отличие от компакт-дисков, в которых структура аудиодиска принципиально отличается от диска с данными, в DVD всегда[источник не указан 716 дней] используется файловая система UDF (для данных может быть использована ISO 9660). DVD-видео, для которых существует требование «быть проигранным на бытовых проигрывателях», используют ту же файловую систему UDF[источник не указан 716 дней], но с рядом ограничений (документ ECMA-167) — например, не допускается фрагментация файлов. Таким образом, любой из типов носителей DVD может нести любую из четырёх структур данных (см. выше).

Физически DVD может иметь одну или две рабочие стороны и один или два рабочих слоя на каждой стороне. От их количества зависит ёмкость диска (из-за чего 8-см диски получили названия DVD-1, −2, −3, −4, а 12-см диски — DVD-5, −9, −10, −14, −18, по принципу округления ёмкости диска в Гб до ближайшего сверху целого числа):

Ёмкости и номенклатура DVD[1]
SS = односторонний (single-sided), DS = двухсторонний (double-sided), SL = однослойный (single-layer), DL = двухслойный (dual-layer)

Обозначение Cторон Слоёв
DVD-1[2] SS SL 1 1 8 1,46 1,36
DVD-2 SS DL 1 2 8 2,66 2,47
DVD-3 DS SL 2 1 8 2,92 2,72
DVD-4 DS DL 2 4 8 5,32 4,95
DVD-5 SS SL 1 1 12 4,70 4,37
DVD-9 SS DL 1 2 12 8,54 7,95
DVD-10 DS SL 2 1 12 9,40 8,75
DVD-14[3] DS SL+DL 2 3 12 13,24 12,33
DVD-18 DS DL 2 4 12 17,08 15,90

Записываемые DVD

Первоначально HP разработала записываемые носители DVD для сохранения данных при резервном копировании и переносе.

Записываемые DVD теперь используются и в бытовых аудио- и видеопроигрывателях или рекордерах. Существуют три формата записываемых и перезаписываемых DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW (плюс) и DVD-RAM (минус, тире). DVD-R распространён двух типов: General, с длиной волны записи 650 нм и Authoring, с длиной волны записи 635 нм. Оба типа проигрываются на любом DVD плеере, запись осуществляется в зависимости от модели. DVD-авторинг видео возможен для любого из этих типов, но только для последнего возможна запись видео с использованием Content Scramble System[4]

Сейчас DVD рекордеры, в основном, могут записывать как DVD+R/RW, так и DVD-R/RW форматы (обычно указывают DVD±R или для каждого формата отдельно логотипы DVD Forum и DVD+RW Alliance), а проигрыватели — читать оба этих формата, однако, выпущенные ранее могут иметь сложности с «+». А некоторые первые модели DVD плееров могли привести к повреждению DVD±R/RW/DL при попытке их проиграть.

DVD диски c возможностью многократной перезаписи RAM, в отличие от RW, обладают более высокой надёжностью, возможностью большего числа циклов перезаписи (до ~100 тыс., RW «всего» более ~1 тыс.), но также и более высокой стоимостью.

Ёмкости и номенклатура (пере)записываемых DVD
± может означать «−» или «+»; R(W) — «R» или «RW»

Обозначение Число сторон Число слоёв Диаметр Ёмкость
(см) (ГБ) (ГиБ)
DVD-R SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 3,95 3,68
DVD±R(W) SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4,70 4,38
DVD±R SS DL 1 2 12 8,54 7,95
DVD±R(W) DS SL 2 1 12 9,40 8,76
DVD±R DS DL 2 4 12 17,08 15,90
DVD±R(W) SS SL 1 1 8 1,46 1,36
DVD±R SS DL 1 2 8 2,66 2,47
DVD±R(W) DS SL 2 1 8 2,92 2,72
DVD±R DS DL 2 4 8 5,32 4,95
DVD-RAM SS SL (1.0) 1 1 12 2,58 2,40
DVD-RAM SS SL (2.0) 1 1 12 4,70 4,37
DVD-RAM DS SL (1.0) 2 1 12 5,16 4,80
DVD-RAM DS SL (2.0) 2 1 12 9,40 8,75
DVD-RAM SS SL 1 1 8 1,46 1,36
DVD-RAM DS SL 2 1 8 2,65 2,47

Указанные цифры — приблизительные. На DVD данные записываются секторами; один сектор содержит 2048 байт. Поэтому точное значение ёмкости DVD можно определить умножением 2048 на число секторов на диске, которое слегка варьируется у различных типов DVD носителей:

Тип диска (12 см) Число секторов Ёмкость в байтах КБ МБ ГБ КиБ МиБ ГиБ
1-слойный DVD-RAM 2 295 072 4 700 307 456 4 700 307,456 4 700,307 4,700 4 590 144 4 482,562 4,377
1-слойный DVD-R(W) 2 298 496 4 707 319 808 4 707 319,808 4 707,320 4,707 4 596 992 4 489,250 4,384
1-слойный DVD+R(W) 2 295 104 4 700 372 992 4 700 372,992 4 700,373 4,700 4 590 208 4 482,625 4,378
2-слойный DVD-R 4 171 712 8 543 666 176 8 543 666,176 8 543,666 8,544 8 343 424 8 147,875 7,957
2-слойный DVD+R 4 173 824 8 547 991 552 8 547 991,552 8 547,992 8,548 8 347 648 8 152,000 7,961

Примечание: формат DVD-R(W) не задаёт точное число секторов, а лишь требует, чтобы ёмкость была не ниже 4,7 млрд байт. Однако большинство производителей придерживаются числа 2 298 496 секторов, что и указано в таблице.

Единица скорости (1x) чтения/записи DVD составляет 1 385 000 байт/с (то есть около 1352 Кбайт/с = 1,32 Мбайт/с), что примерно соответствует 9-й скорости (9x) чтения/записи CD, которая равна 9 × 150 = 1350 Кбайт/с. Таким образом, 16-скоростной привод обеспечивает скорость чтения (или записи) DVD, равную 16 × 1,32 = 21,12 Мбайт/с.

Форматы DVD-R и DVD+R

Стандарт записи DVD-R(W) был разработан в 1997 году японской компанией Pioneer и группой компаний, примкнувших к ней и вошедших в DVD Forum, как официальная спецификация записываемых (впоследствии и перезаписываемых) дисков.

Созданные на базе DVD-R диски DVD-RW первоначально имели неприятность, связанную с несовместимостью старых приводов с этими новыми дисками (проблема заключалась в отличии оптического слоя, ответственного за «запоминание» информации, который имел меньшую (по сравнению с носителями с однократной записью и штампованными дисками) отражающую способность). В дальнейшем данная проблема была почти полностью решена, хотя раньше именно из-за этого старые DVD-приводы не могли нормально проигрывать новые перезаписываемые диски.

Так как при разработке стандартов DVD-R и DVD-RW не были учтены разработки фирм Sony, Philips и некоторых других (а также цена лицензии на эту технологию была слишком высока), то эти производители записывающих приводов и носителей для записи объединились в DVD+RW Alliance (англ.), который и разработал в середине 2002 года стандарт DVD+R(W), стоимость лицензии на который была ниже.

Созданный альтернативный формат, получивший название DVD+R и DVD+RW, имел другой материал отражающего слоя и специальную разметку, облегчающую позиционирование головки (LPP, Land pre-pits — предзаписанные питы между дорожками, содержащие данные адресации и другую служебную информацию, эти данные позволяют приводу DVD записывать информацию в желаемые места на диске) — основное отличие подобных «плюсовых» дисков от «минусовых». С помощью этого диски DVD+RW способны в несколько приемов осуществлять запись (поверх существующей) как в обычном кассетном видеомагнитофоне, исключая предварительное стирание всего содержимого (для DVD-RW вначале необходимо целиком стереть имеющуюся запись).[источник не указан 368 дней]

Помимо этого, во время использования перезаписываемых «плюсовых» дисков количество ошибок уменьшается, а корректность записи увеличивается, в результате чего сбойный сектор можно с легкостью перезаписать, а не стирать и не записывать весь диск заново. Следовательно, если вы намерены активно пользоваться функцией перезаписи и записи, лучше выбрать рекордер, поддерживающий «плюсовой» формат (на что сейчас способно большинство моделей).[5]


Типичное содержание файловой структуры DVD-Video.

Для воспроизведения DVD с видео необходим DVD-оптический привод и декодер MPEG-2 (то есть либо бытовой DVD-проигрыватель с аппаратным декодером, либо компьютерный DVD-привод и программный проигрыватель с установленным декодером). Фильмы на DVD сжаты с использованием алгоритма MPEG-2 для видео и различных (часто многоканальных) форматов для звука. Битрейт сжатого видео варьируется от 2000 до 9800 Кбит/с, часто бывает переменным (VBR). Размер видео кадра для стандарта PAL равен 720×576 точек, а для стандарта NTSC — 720×480 точек.

Аудиоданные в DVD-фильме могут быть в формате PCM, DTS, MPEG или Dolby Digital (AC-3). В странах, использующих стандарт NTSC, все фильмы на DVD должны содержать звуковую дорожку в формате PCM или AC-3, а все NTSC-плееры должны эти форматы поддерживать. Таким образом, любой стандартный диск может быть воспроизведён на любом стандартном оборудовании.

В странах, использующих стандарт PAL (большинство стран Европы), сначала хотели ввести в качестве стандарта звука для DVD форматы PCM и MPEG-2, но под общественным давлением и вразрез с пожеланиями Philips DVD-Forum включил Dolby AC-3 в список опциональных форматов звука на дисках и обязательных форматов в плеерах.

См. также

  • Региональное кодирование оптических дисков
  • Mini-DVD
  • DRT-DM


  • DVD — новый формат цифрового оптического диска. «Радiоаматор» № 1-1999
  • Лапин Евгений Васильевич. Подготовка и запись DVD всех типов. Краткое руководство. — М.: Вильямс, 2006. — С. 320. — ISBN 5-8459-1064-1
  • Марк Л. Чемберс. Запись компакт-дисков и DVD для «чайников» = CD & DVD Recording For Dummies. — 2-е изд. — М.: Диалектика, 2005. — С. 304. — ISBN 0-7645-5956-7
  • Jim Taylor. DVD Demystified. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-135026-8 (2nd ed., December 22, 2000)
  • Ralph Labarge. DVD Authoring and Production. CMP Books. ISBN 1-57820-082-2 (August 2001)


commons: DVD на Викискладе?
  • DVD в Автомобиле
  • Виктор Устинов. Хранение данных на CD- и DVD-дисках: на наш век хватит?


  1. DVD Book A: Physical parameters (eng). Mpeg.org. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 февраля 2012. Проверено 19 декабря 2011.
  2. Jim Taylor DVD Demystifed FAQ (eng). Dvddemystified.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 февраля 2012. Проверено 19 декабря 2011.
  3. DVD-14 (eng). AfterDawn Ltd.. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 февраля 2012. Проверено 19 декабря 2011.
  4. DVD Media / DVD-R Media (eng). Tape Resources. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 февраля 2012. Проверено 19 декабря 2011.
  5. Шаг 2. «Плюс» или « минус»?
 Просмотр этого шаблона Компоненты персонального компьютера
Системный блок

Блок питания • Охлаждение • Материнская плата • Процессор • Шины • Видеокарта • Звуковая карта • Сетевая плата


Оперативная память • Запоминающее устройство с произвольным доступом

Носители и дисководы

Жёсткий диск • Твердотельный накопитель (Флеш-память • USB-флеш) • Оптический привод (CD • DVD BD) • НГМД (Дискета) • Стример • Кардридер


Динамик • Монитор • Принтер • Графопостроитель (плоттер) Акустическая система •


Клавиатура • Мышь • Трекбол • TrackPoint • Тачпад • Сенсорный экран • Цифровая ручка • Световое перо • Графический планшет • Микрофон • Сканер • Веб-камера


Джойстик • Руль • Штурвал • Педали • Пистолет • Paddle • Геймпад • Дэнспад • Трекер


Модем • ТВ-тюнер • Сетевой фильтр • ИБП

 Просмотр этого шаблона Видеоносители и видеостандарты
Магнитная лента

Quadruplex (1956) · VERA (1958) · Type A (1965) · CV-2000 (1965) · Akai (1967) · U-matic (1969) · EIAJ-1 (1969) · Cartrivision (1972) · Philips VCR (1972) · V-Cord (1974) · VX (1974) · Betamax (1975) · IVC (1975) · Type B (1976) · Type C (1976) · VHS (1976) · VK (1977) · SVR (1979) · Video 2000 (1980) · CVC (1980) · VHS-C (1982) · M (1982) · Betacam (1982) · Video8 (1985) · Betacam SP (1986) · MII (1986) · S-VHS (1987) · Hi8 (1989) · S-VHS-C (1987) · W-VHS (1994)


D-1 (1986) · D-2 (1988) · D-3 (1991) · DCT (1992) · D-5 (1993) · D-6 (1993) · Digital Betacam (1993) · DV (1995) · Digital-S (D-9) (1995) · DVCPRO (D-7) (1995) · Betacam SX (1996) · DVCAM (1996) · DVCPRO50 (1997) · D-VHS (1998) · Digital8 (1999) · MicroMV (2001) · MPEG IMX (D-10) (2001) ·

Высокой чёткости

Sony HDVS (1984) · UniHi (1984) · W-VHS (1994) · HDCAM (D-11) (1997) · D-VHS (1998) · DVCPRO HD (D-12) (2000) · D-6 HD (2000) · HDV (2003) · D5 HD (D-15) (2003) · HDCAM SR (D-16) (2003) ·


Phonovision (1927) · Ampex-HS (1967) · TeD (1975) · Laserdisc (1978) · CED (1981) · VHD (1983) · Laserfilm (1984) · CD Video (1987)


VCD (1993) · MovieCD (1995) · DVD/DVD-Video (1995) · Mini-DVD (1995) · CVD (1998) · SVCD (1998) · EVD (2003) · XDCAM (2003) · H(D)VD(2004) · FVD (2005) · UMD (2005) · VMD (2006) ·

Высокой чёткости

HD DVD (2006) · Blu-ray Disc (2006) · HVD (2007) · CBHD (2008)

Цифровое видео

P2 (2004) · SxS (2007)


Editcam (1995) · XDCAM (2003) · MOD (2005) · AVCHD (2006) · AVC-Intra (2007) · TOD (2007) · iFrame (2009) · XAVC (2012)

 Просмотр этого шаблона Sony Corporation
Технологии и бренды α • Betacam • Blu-ray • BRAVIA • CD • Cyber-shot • DAT • DVD • LocationFree • Memory Stick • MiniDisc • MiniDV • HDCAM • HDCAM SR • mylo • PlayStation • PSP • SDDS • VAIO • Video8/Hi8/Digital8 • Walkman• Walkman Phones • XDCAM • Sony Librié • XAVC
Историческая продукция AIBO • Betamax • Sony CLIÉ • Lissa • Mavica • NEWS • Qualia • TR-55 • Trinitron • U-matic • WEGA
Зависимые и дочерние
предприятия Sony Group
Sony Corp. (Sony Electronics в США) • Sony Pictures • Sony Computer Entertainment • Sony Music Entertainment • Sony Financial Holdings
Владение Columbia Records • Columbia Pictures Entertainment (Columbia Pictures & TriStar Pictures) • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer • Aiwa
Совместные предприятия Sony Ericsson • Sony BMG Music • Sony/ATV • S-LCD • STLCD • Sony NEC Optiarc • FeliCa Networks• Japan Display
Ведущие специалисты Harrison • Хираи • Ибука • Идэи • Куроки • Кутараги • Линтон • Морита • Ога • Pascal • Stringer

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