Как пишется идентификационный номер

Значение словосочетания «идентификационный номер»

  • идентификационный номер

    1. номер, предназначенный для идентификации Напротив одного из столбиков стояли две буковки: «Л.С.» Напротив другого ― три: «П.И.Н.» Что такое «П.И.Н.», Александров догадался сразу: «персональный идентификационный номер». Вадим Громов, «Компромат для олигарха», 2000 г. (цитата из НКРЯ)

Источник: Викисловарь

Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе

Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.

Вопрос: вытурить — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?

Ассоциации к слову «номер»

Синонимы к словосочетанию «идентификационный номер»

Предложения со словосочетанием «идентификационный номер»

  • Из-за путаницы с идентификационным номером налогоплательщика заказ не приняли, но уведомления об этом по электронной почте не послали.
  • Каждый блок имеет уникальный идентификационный номер, время создания и ссылку на предыдущий блок.
  • На таких карточках хранились личные дела курсантов, но эта не имела идентификационного номера.
  • (все предложения)

Цитаты из русской классики со словосочетанием «идентификационный номер»

  • — В таком случае мне придется истребовать по телеграфу разрешение префекта вас арестовать… — заметил комиссар и удалился из номера.
  • В это время в одном из номеров с шумом отворилась дверь, и на пороге ее показалась молодая девушка в одном только легоньком капоте, совершенно не застегнутом на груди, в башмаках без чулок, и с головой непричесанной и растрепанной, но собой она была прехорошенькая и, как видно, престройненькая и преэфирная станом.
  • Второй номер еще лучше.
  • (все
    цитаты из русской классики)

Сочетаемость слова «номер»

  • нужный номер
    телефонный номер
    гостиничный номер
  • номер телефона
    номер машины
    номер квартиры
  • дверь номера
    окна номера
    определитель номера
  • номер принадлежал
    номер вышел
    номер оказался
  • набирать номер
    вернуться в номер
    узнать номер
  • (полная таблица сочетаемости)

Понятия со словосочетанием «идентификационный номер»

  • Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика (ИНН) — цифровой код, упорядочивающий учёт налогоплательщиков в Российской Федерации. Присваивается налоговой записи как юридических, так и физических лиц в Федеральной налоговой службе (сокращённо — ФНС России). Организациям присваивается с 1994 года, индивидуальным предпринимателям — с 1997 года, прочим физическим лицам — с 1999 года (с начала действия первой части Налогового кодекса Российской Федерации).

  • Идентификационный номер транспортного средства (англ. Vehicle identification number, VIN) — уникальный код транспортного средства, состоящий из 17 знаков. В коде представлены сведения о производителе и характеристиках транспортного средства, а также о годе выпуска. Строение кода основано на стандартах ISO 3779-1983 и ISO 3780. Идентификационные номера наносятся на неразъёмных частях кузова или шасси и на особо изготовленных номерных табличках (шильдиках).

  • (все понятия)

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Идентификационный номер

Идентификационный номер

15. Идентификационный номер

Записанный на карте оплаты видимый номер, предназначенный для идентификации владельца карты и заключающий в себе идентификационные номера банковского счета владельца карты, отрасли промышленности и организации, выпустивших карту

Смотри также родственные термины:

3.5 идентификационный номер (код) составной части (далее — НСЧ-код): Структурная комбинация знаков, присваиваемая составной части или принадлежности (дополнительному оборудованию) ТС для целей их идентификации.

2.2 идентификационный номер (код) транспортного средства — Vehicle Identification Number, VIN (далее — код VIN): Структурная комбинация знаков, присваиваемая ТС для целей его идентификации.

82 идентификационный номер абонентской установки в стране назначения: Номер, однозначно определяющий оконечное оборудование сети Телекс в стране назначения.

Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации.


Смотреть что такое «Идентификационный номер» в других словарях:

  • идентификационный номер — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN identification number …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИОННЫЙ НОМЕР — цифровой (буквенный, знаковый) код, который идентифицирует конкретный выпуск (дополнительный выпуск) эмиссионных ценных бумаг, не подлежащий государственной регистрации …   Юридическая энциклопедия

  • идентификационный номер налогоплательщика — Число, состоящее из девяти цифр, присваиваемое каждому предприятию, индивидуальному предпринимателю или работнику при их регистрации в налоговой инспекции. Этот номер затем указывается на всех бланках, счетах и других финансовых документах. [ОАО… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • идентификационный номер UIN — Однозначно определяющий владельца уникальный идентификационный номер, используемый протоколом ICQ. UIN, в отличие от других подобных кодов, позволяет изменять псевдоним, не проходя регистрацию повторно. [http://www.morepc.ru/dict/] Тематики… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика — (ИНН)  цифровой код, упорядочивающий учёт налогоплательщиков в Российской Федерации. Присваивается как юридическим, так и физическим лицам. Организациям присваивается с 1993 года, индивидуальным предпринимателям  с 1997 года, прочим… …   Википедия

  • Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика — (сокращ. ИНН) цифровой код, упорядочивающий сбор налогов с налогоплательщиков. Присваивается как юридическим, так и физическим лицам. Появился в 1990 е. ИНН физического лица является последовательностью из 12 арабских цифр, из которых первые две… …   Бухгалтерская энциклопедия

  • Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — (англ. Vehicle identification number, VIN)  уникальный код транспортного средства, состоящий из 17 символов. В коде представлена информация о производителе и характеристиках транспортного средства, и годе выпуска. Структура кода… …   Википедия

  • идентификационный номер мобильной станции — Сетевой номер, по которому мобильная станция может быть однозначно идентифицирована в другой сети. Номер MIN обычно отличается от серийного номера (ESN), который присваивается заводом изготовителем. Чтобы предотвратить несанкционированный доступ… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика (ИНН) — представляет собой единый по всем видам налогов и сборов, в том числе подлежащих уплате в связи с перемещением товаров через таможенную границу Российской Федерации, и на всей территории Российской Федерации номер, присваиваемый каждому… …   Энциклопедический словарь-справочник руководителя предприятия

  • Идентификационный номер (VIN) — уникальный 17 значный номер, присваиваемый транспортным средствам заводом изготовителем… Источник: Методические рекомендации по проведению независимой технической экспертизы транспортного средства при ОСАГО (N 001МР/СЭ) (утв. НИИАТ Минтранса РФ …   Официальная терминология

  • Rain

    Senior MemberАвтор темы


    25 июля 2011 17:20

    Такое, что благодаря религии находятся сейчас люди, которые портят жизнь себе и другим, на основе бредятины написанной одними религиозными фанатиками а потом переписанной другими тысячи лет тому назад.

    Вы Победитель (с)

  • Nordan

    Senior Member


    8 июня 2012 19:48

    Подниму тему.

    Как известно, личный (точнее идентификационный) номер в паспорте гражданина РБ можно легко расшифровать:

    Итак, первая цифра означает следующее: 1 — мужчина, родившийся в XIX веке, 2 — женщина, родившаяся в XIX веке, 3 — мужчина, родившийся в XX веке, 4 — женщина, родившаяся в XX веке, 5 — мужчина, родившийся в XXI веке, 6 — женщина, родившаяся в XXI веке. Шесть последующих цифр — день, месяц и год рождения. Потом буква — это код региона, в котором получен паспорт. А — Минск, В — Минская область, С — Брестская, К — Гродненская, Е — Витебская, М — Могилевская, Н — Гомельская. Три последующие цифры означают порядковый номер человека, обратившегося за паспортом, среди родившихся с ним в один день и год. Еще две буквы — признак
    гражданства: GB и РВ — гражданин Республики Беларусь, ВА — лицо без гражданства, постоянно проживающее в республике, BI — иностранный гражданин, постоянно проживающий в стране. Последняя — контрольная цифра.

    НО! так похоже уже было до недавнего времени.
    Сегодня держал в руках два свежевыданных в 2012 году паспорта.
    В них идентификационные номера — абсолютная бессмыслица (или глубоко зашифрованы)
    что-то вроде 7123456А001РВ3
    Притом — первый паспорт женский, второй — мужской. Но в обоих паспортах первая цифра 7.

    Кто-нибудь может привести расшифровку этих номеров? и с какого числа она поменялась

    BELNETMON | Манiторынг сотавых сетак у Беларусi

  • A.Z.

    Dogs Team


    8 июня 2012 20:07

    7 и у М и у Ж ? Навевает на определенные размышления :D надо гуглить

    Не дай Бог свінні рог, а ахлудзе панства // Раба легко опознать по гордости за своего хозяина

  • Nordan

    Senior Member


    8 июня 2012 21:47

    A.Z., пытался гуглить — как то пусто :(

    BELNETMON | Манiторынг сотавых сетак у Беларусi

  • romashka29

    Junior Member


    10 июня 2012 20:59


    Подниму тему.

    Как известно, личный (точнее идентификационный) номер в паспорте гражданина РБ можно легко расшифровать:

    Итак, первая цифра означает следующее: 1 — мужчина, родившийся в XIX веке, 2 — женщина, родившаяся в XIX веке, 3 — мужчина, родившийся в XX веке, 4 — женщина, родившаяся в XX веке, 5 — мужчина, родившийся в XXI веке, 6 — женщина, родившаяся в XXI веке. Шесть последующих цифр — день, месяц и год рождения. Потом буква — это код региона, в котором получен паспорт. А — Минск, В — Минская область, С — Брестская, К — Гродненская, Е — Витебская, М — Могилевская, Н — Гомельская. Три последующие цифры означают порядковый номер человека, обратившегося за паспортом, среди родившихся с ним в один день и год. Еще две буквы — признак
    гражданства: GB и РВ — гражданин Республики Беларусь, ВА — лицо без гражданства, постоянно проживающее в республике, BI — иностранный гражданин, постоянно проживающий в стране. Последняя — контрольная цифра.

    НО! так похоже уже было до недавнего времени.
    Сегодня держал в руках два свежевыданных в 2012 году паспорта.
    В них идентификационные номера — абсолютная бессмыслица (или глубоко зашифрованы)
    что-то вроде 7123456А001РВ3
    Притом — первый паспорт женский, второй — мужской. Но в обоих паспортах первая цифра 7.

    Кто-нибудь может привести расшифровку этих номеров? и с какого числа она поменялась

    тоже на днях видела паспорт с л.н. 7830149А001РВ1, дата рождения 06.03.1969) не понятно что это))

  • Nordan

    Senior Member


    10 июня 2012 21:17

    romashka29, дата рождения 06.03.1969
    так это значит л.н. меняется даже у тех, кому уже раньше давался паспорт??? :o
    Тогда зачем вообще этот идент.номер? есть же еще серия и номер паспорта…

    з.ы. или это был впервые полученный паспорт (напр., не гражданин РБ до этого)?

    BELNETMON | Манiторынг сотавых сетак у Беларусi

  • tycoonban

    Senior Member


    11 июня 2012 12:58


    общий вид идентификационного номера:

    группы 1 2 3 4 5,

    где Ц — цифра от 0 до 9;
    Б — буква латинского алфавита (от A до Z);
    1-я группа: целое число из последовательности неповторяющихся случайных равномерно распределенных чисел в диапазоне от 7000000 до 7999999 включительно;
    2-я группа: символ A;
    3-я группа: номер последовательности случайных чисел;
    4-я группа: сигнатура идентификационного номера, заполняется символами PB;
    5-я группа: контрольная цифра;
    1.2. контрольная цифра рассчитывается по модулю 10 с постоянно повторяющейся весовой функцией 731731… следующим образом:
    слева направо умножить каждую цифру соответствующего элемента цифровых данных на весовой показатель, стоящий в соответствующей последовательной позиции;
    сложить результаты каждого умножения;
    разделить полученную сумму на 10 (модуль);
    остаток деления является контрольной цифрой;
    1.3. алфавитные знаки от A до Z имеют последовательно следующие значения от 10 до 35.

  • Nordan

    Senior Member


    11 июня 2012 13:11

    tycoonban, спасибо

    BELNETMON | Манiторынг сотавых сетак у Беларусi

  • GlooMMy

    Neophyte Poster


    11 июля 2012 13:43

    Подскажите как раньше считалась контрольная сумма
    Что-то не могу постановление по этому поводу найти…

  • Nick36

    Nokia Team


    18 сентября 2012 10:57


    Подскажите как раньше считалась контрольная сумма

    Считалась по такому же алгоритму.

  • headmade

    Junior Member


    26 сентября 2012 21:03

    Редактировалось headmade, 1 раз.

    Подскажите плиз (пример расчета набросайте) как считается контрольная цифра, а то я во всех этих


    по модулю 10 с постоянно повторяющейся весовой функцией 731731

    что-то слабо разбираюсь


  • krum

    Левша Team


    4 октября 2012 17:00

    tycoonban, а может вы поясните, зачем было достаточно логичную систему заменять на непонятно что?

    В голове моей опилки — я начальник лесопилки.

  • Nick36

    Nokia Team


    7 октября 2012 10:42


    tycoonban, а может вы поясните, зачем было достаточно логичную систему заменять на непонятно что?

    Я не tycoonban, но кроме «невозможности получения из номера информации о дате рождения, поле и области выдачи паспорта» ничего другого в голову не приходит.

    Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 25 секунд

    А это, в свою очередь, объяснил бы следующим: личный номер — уникален на весь срок жизни человека, к нему «привязывается» информация в базах данных различных органов.

    А тут — то пол человек сменил (бывает же, согласны?) — надо первую цифру поменять, или дату рождения (как Президент) сменил. :)

    Добавлено спустя 37 секунд

    В случае нового типа идентификационного номера — меняй себе пол и дату, сколько хочешь, номер не поменяется. :)

  • krum

    Левша Team


    8 октября 2012 14:52


    А тут — то пол человек сменил (бывает же, согласны?)

    да на каждом шагу…. :D но личный номер от этого не меняется, если исходить из логики «пол при рождении» :)


    дату рождения (как Президент) сменил

    ничего он не менял, смотрите, за клевету привлекут.

    В голове моей опилки — я начальник лесопилки.

  • avksv



    27 декабря 2012 15:04

    Редактировалось avksv, 1 раз.

    может кто нибудь пояснить. Возможно ил по номеру определить что это паспорт гражданина РБ или вид на жительство?
    Например МI0016426 — вид на жительство
    МP0016426 — паспорт.

    <br />

  • Daun1984



    12 июня 2013 13:19

    а вот когда вместо паспорта вам чипы с номерами в руку и голову начнут вживлять под предлогом,мол вы потерять можете свой паспорт,я посмотрю,какие вы песни запоёте!
    вся америка уже очипировалась,в украине начали,в россии вводят, и у нас через годик начнётся…

  • A.Z.

    Dogs Team


    12 июня 2013 13:37

    avksv, у паспортов строго серии по регионам

    Не дай Бог свінні рог, а ахлудзе панства // Раба легко опознать по гордости за своего хозяина

  • irzuniha

    Senior Member


    13 августа 2013 14:54

    обязательно ли совпадение Инд. кода и дня рождения в паспорте,который был выдан в 2000 году. Ошибка в Инд..коде,а не в дне рождения. Спрашиваю,т.к. не дали в кредит телефон в салоне МТС и банковскую карточку на зарплату в банке выдали с большим трудом, в копьютере было «замечание» по этому поводу. В паспортном говорят, что все нормально, а я беспокоюсь, выдадут ли визу шенген. да и вообще что делать. Возможно визу и дадут, а вот в РБ по базе банков,возможны проблемы или нет7

    Добавлено спустя 9 минут 15 секунд

    Хотел тел. в кредит — отказали, т.к. обнаружили несовпадение инд.кода и даты рождения, (паспорт выдали в 2000году) Оформлял карточку на работе, дали с трудом, т.к. компьютер выдал «замечание»несовпадение инд.кода и даты рождения . Паспортисты говорят :»ничего страшного. это у них у всех программы старые. Сечас надо рабочую визу делать. Опасаюсь новых проблем. Ошибка в инд.коде, дата рождения правильно. Знаю, что в новых паспортах все иначе. А касается ли эти нововведения старых, в которых раньше должно было быть совпадение?


    Senior Member


    11 сентября 2013 11:17

    Редактировалось EXEMOK, 1 раз.

    Что-то в синеокой с идентификационными номерами поменялось.
    Детям в свидетельство о рождении его сразу вписали (или это другой номер?), и дата рождения в нем уже незашифрована.

    ЗЫ. Почитал сверху и понял, что таки поменялось.

  • Стерлитамак

    Neophyte Poster


    17 сентября 2013 19:49

    А никто не в курсе, по какому принципу в свидетельства о рождении это всё (серия и номер) записывалось? Заметил, что у всех родственников серия одна и у друзей одна, а я как из другой галактики. Теперь боюсь, мало ли чего. В частности 90-й год рождения.

  • «VIN» redirects here. For other uses, see Vin.

    VIN visible in the windshield

    VIN recorded on a Chinese vehicle license

    A vehicle identification number (VIN) (also called a chassis number or frame number) is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization in ISO 3779 (content and structure) and ISO 4030 (location and attachment).[1]

    There are vehicle history services in several countries that help potential car owners use VINs to find vehicles that are defective or have been written off.

    History of the bodywork number[edit]

    VINs were first used in 1954 in the United States.[2] From 1954 to 1981, there was no accepted standard for these numbers, so different manufacturers used different formats.

    In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States standardized the format.[2] It required all on-road vehicles sold to contain a 17-character VIN, which does not include the letters O (o), I (i), and Q (q) (to avoid confusion with numerals 0, 1, and 9).

    After the introduction of the ISO norm, the manufacturers which produced vehicles for the American market very quickly adjusted to this standard. The ISO introduced recommendations for applying the VIN standard and its structure, and the bodywork number was also used in Europe. However, the sets of information contained in it were introduced gradually. For example, Volkswagen started to encode bigger chunks of information during 1995-1997, and the control digit during 2009-2015 for selected models from the group. The VIN control digit is also used, although not in all brand-models. In the European vehicles, it can be found e.g. in Audi A1.[3]


    There are at least four competing standards used to calculate the VIN.

    • FMVSS 115, Part 565: Used in United States and Canada[4]
    • ISO 3779: Used in Europe and many other parts of the world
    • SAE J853: Very similar to the ISO standard
    • ADR 61/2 used in Australia, referring to ISO 3779 and 3780[5]


    Modern VINs are based on two related standards, originally issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1979 and 1980: ISO 3779[6] and ISO 3780,[7] respectively. Compatible but different implementations of these ISO standards have been adopted by the European Union and the United States.[8]

    The VIN comprises the following sections:

    Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    ISO 3779 World manufacturer identifier Vehicle descriptor section Vehicle identifier section
    European Union[9]

    more than 500 vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle»
    European Union[9]

    500 or fewer vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier 9 Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle»
    North America

    more than 2,000 vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier Vehicle attributes Check digit Model year Plant code Sequential number
    North America

    2,000 or fewer vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier 9 Vehicle attributes Check digit Model year Plant code Manufacturer identifier Sequential number

    World manufacturer identifier[edit]

    The first three characters uniquely identify the manufacturer of the vehicle using the world manufacturer identifier or WMI code. A manufacturer who builds fewer than 1,000 vehicles per year uses a 9 as the third digit, and the 12th, 13th and 14th position of the VIN for a second part of the identification. Some manufacturers use the third character as a code for a vehicle category (e.g., bus or truck), a division within a manufacturer, or both. For example, within 1G (assigned to General Motors in the United States), 1G1 represents Chevrolet passenger cars; 1G2, Pontiac passenger cars; and 1GC, Chevrolet trucks.

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in the US assigns WMIs to countries and manufacturers.[10]

    The first character of the WMI is typically the region in which the manufacturer is located although there are exceptions e.g. the WMI 7SA was assigned to Tesla Inc. in the United States in 2021.[11] In practice, each is assigned to a country of manufacture, although in Europe the country where the continental headquarters is located can assign the WMI to all vehicles produced in that region (Example: Opel/Vauxhall cars whether produced in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom or Poland carry a WMI of W0L because Adam Opel AG is based in Rüsselsheim, Germany).

    In the notation below, assume that letters precede numbers and that zero is the last number. For example, 8X–82 denotes the range 8X, 8Y, 8Z, 81, 82, excluding 80.[10]

    Country or region codes[edit]

    A–H = Africa J–R = Asia S–Z = Europe 1–5, 7F-70 = North America 6–7E = Oceania 8–9 = South America

    AA-AH South Africa
    AJ-AN Côte d’Ivoire
    AP-A0 unassigned
    AR-AL Algeria
    BA-BE Angola
    BF-BK Kenya
    BL-BR Tanzania
    BU Uganda
    BS-B0 unassigned
    CA-CE Benin
    CF-CK Madagascar
    CL-CR Tunisia
    CS-C0 unassigned
    DA-DE Egypt
    DF-DK Morocco
    DL-DR Zambia
    DS-D0 unassigned
    EA-EE Ethiopia
    EF-EK Mozambique
    EL-E0 unassigned
    FA-FE Ghana
    FF-FK Nigeria
    FL-F0 unassigned
    GA-G0 unassigned
    HA-H0 unassigned

    J Japan
    KA-KE Sri Lanka
    KF-KK Israel
    KL-KR Korea (South)
    KS-KT Jordan
    L China (Mainland)
    MA-ME, MY-M0 India
    MF-MK Indonesia
    ML-MR Thailand
    MS Myanmar
    MU Mongolia
    MX Kazakhstan
    NA-NE Iran
    NF-NK Pakistan
    NL-NR Turkey
    NS-NT Uzbekistan
    NU-N0 unassigned
    PA-PE Philippines
    PF-PK Singapore
    PL-PR Malaysia
    PS-PT Bangladesh
    PU-P0 unassigned
    RA-RE United Arab Emirates
    RF-RK Taiwan
    RL-RP Vietnam
    RS-RT Saudi Arabia
    R1-R7 Hongkong

    SA-SM United Kingdom
    SN-ST Germany (formerly East Germany)
    SU-SZ Poland
    S1-S2 Latvia
    S3 Georgia
    S4 Iceland
    S5-S0 unassigned
    TA-TH Switzerland
    TJ-TP Czech Republic
    TR-TV Hungary
    TW-T2 Portugal
    T3-T0 unassigned
    UA-UG unassigned
    UH-UM Denmark
    UN-UT Ireland
    UU-UZ Romania
    U1-U4 North Macedonia
    U5-U7 Slovakia
    U8-U0 Bosnia and Herzegovina
    VA-VE Austria
    VF-VR France
    VS-VW Spain
    VX-V2 Serbia
    V3-V5 Croatia
    V6-V0 Estonia
    W Germany (formerly West Germany)
    XA-XE Bulgaria
    XF-XK Greece
    XL-XR Netherlands
    XS-XW Russia (former USSR)
    XX-XY Luxembourg
    XZ-X0 Russia
    YA-YE Belgium
    YF-YK Finland
    YL-YR Malta
    YS-YW Sweden
    YX-Y2 Norway
    Y3-Y5 Belarus
    Y6-Y0 Ukraine
    ZA-ZU Italy
    ZV-ZW unassigned
    ZX-ZZ Slovenia
    Z3-Z5 Lithuania
    Z6-Z0 Russia

    1, 4, 5 or 7F-70 United States
    2 Canada
    3A-3X Mexico
    3Y-37 Costa Rica
    38-39 Cayman Islands
    30 unassigned

    6 Australia
    7A-7E New Zealand

    8A-8E Argentina
    8F-8K Chile
    8L-8R Ecuador
    8S-8W Peru
    8X-82 Venezuela
    82-82 Bolivia
    83-80 unassigned
    9A-9E Brazil
    9F-9K Colombia
    9L-9R Paraguay
    9S-9W Uruguay
    9X-92 Trinidad & Tobago
    93–99 Brazil
    90 unassigned

    Vehicle descriptor section[edit]

    The fourth to ninth positions in the VIN are the vehicle descriptor section or VDS. This is used, according to local regulations, to identify the vehicle type, and may include information on the automobile platform used, the model, and the body style. Each manufacturer has a unique system for using this field. Most manufacturers since the 1980s have used the eighth digit to identify the engine type whenever there is more than one engine choice for the vehicle. Example: for the 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, U is for a 6.0-liter V8 engine, and E is for a 7.0-liter V8.

    North American check digits[edit]

    One element that is inconsistent is the use of position nine as a check digit, compulsory for vehicles in North America and China, but not Europe.

    Vehicle identifier section[edit]

    The 10th to 17th positions are used as the vehicle identifier section or VIS. This is used by the manufacturer to identify the individual vehicle in question. This may include information on options installed or engine and transmission choices, but often is a simple sequential number. In North America, the last five digits must be numeric.

    Model year encoding[edit]

    One consistent element of the VIS is the 10th digit, which is required worldwide to encode the model year of the vehicle. Besides the three letters that are not allowed in the VIN itself (I, O and Q), the letters U and Z and the digit 0 are not used for the model year code. The year code is the model year for the vehicle.

    The year 1980 was encoded by some manufacturers, especially General Motors and Chrysler, as «A» (since the 17-digit VIN was not mandatory until 1981, and the «A» or zero was in the manufacturer’s pre-1981 placement in the VIN), yet Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980. Subsequent years increment through the allowed letters, so that «Y» represents the year 2000. 2001 to 2009 are encoded as the digits 1 to 9, and subsequent years are encoded as «A», «B», «C», etc.

    Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year
    A 1980 L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010 L 2020 Y 2030
    B 1981 M 1991 1 2001 B 2011 M 2021 1 2031
    C 1982 N 1992 2 2002 C 2012 N 2022 2 2032
    D 1983 P 1993 3 2003 D 2013 P 2023 3 2033
    E 1984 R 1994 4 2004 E 2014 R 2024 4 2034
    F 1985 S 1995 5 2005 F 2015 S 2025 5 2035
    G 1986 T 1996 6 2006 G 2016 T 2026 6 2036
    H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017 V 2027 7 2037
    J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018 W 2028 8 2038
    K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019 X 2029 9 2039

    On April 30, 2008, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration adopted a final rule amending 49 CFR Part 565, «so that the current 17 character vehicle identification number (VIN) system, which has been in place for almost 30 years, can continue in use for at least another 30 years», in the process making several changes to the VIN requirements applicable to all motor vehicles manufactured for sale in the United States. There are three notable changes to the VIN structure that affect VIN deciphering systems:

    • The make may only be identified after looking at positions one through three and another position, as determined by the manufacturer in the second section or fourth to eighth segment of the VIN.
    • In order to identify the exact year in passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 or less, one must read position 7 as well as position 10. For passenger cars, and for multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) or less, if position seven is numeric, the model year in position 10 of the VIN refers to a year in the range 1980–2009.[12][citation needed] If position seven is alphabetic, the model year in position 10 of VIN refers to a year in the range 2010–2039.
    • The model year for vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lb (4,500 kg), as well as buses, motorcycles, trailers and low-speed vehicles, may no longer be identified within a 30-year range. VIN characters 1–8 and 10 that were assigned from 1980 to 2009 can be repeated beginning with the 2010 model year.

    Plant code[edit]

    Compulsory in North America and China is the use of the 11th character to identify the assembly plant at which the vehicle was built. Each manufacturer has its own set of plant codes.

    Production number[edit]

    In the United States and China, the 12th to 17th digits are the vehicle’s serial or production number. This is unique to each vehicle, and every manufacturer uses its own sequence.

    Check-digit calculation[edit]

    A check-digit validation is used for all road vehicles sold in the United States and Canada.

    When trying to validate a VIN with a check digit, first either (a) remove the check digit for the purpose of calculation or (b) use a weight of zero (see below) to cancel it out. The original value of the check digit is then compared with the calculated value. If the calculated value is 0–9, the check digit must match the calculated value. If the calculated value is 10, the check digit must be X. If the two values do not match (and there was no error in the calculation), then there is a mistake in the VIN. However, a match does not prove the VIN is correct, because there is still a 1/11 chance that any two distinct VINs have a matching check digit: for example, the valid VINs 5GZCZ43D13S812715 (correct with leading five) and SGZCZ43D13S812715 (incorrect with leading character «S»). The VINs in the Porsche image, WP0ZZZ99ZTS392124, and the GM-T body image, KLATF08Y1VB363636, do not pass the North American check-digit verification.

    Transliterating the numbers[edit]

    Transliteration consists of removing all of the letters, and replacing them with their appropriate numerical counterparts. These numerical alternatives (based on IBM’s EBCDIC) are in the following chart. I, O, and Q are not allowed in a valid VIN; for this chart, they have been filled in with N/A (not applicable). Numerical digits use their own values.

    Transliteration key: values for VIN decoding

    A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 5 F: 6 G: 7 H: 8
    J: 1 K: 2 L: 3 M: 4 N: 5 P: 7 R: 9
    S: 2 T: 3 U: 4 V: 5 W: 6 X: 7 Y: 8 Z: 9

    S is 2, and not 1. There is no left-alignment linearity.

    Weights used in calculation[edit]

    The following is the weight factor for each position in the VIN. The 9th position is that of the check digit. It has been substituted with a 0, which will cancel it out in the multiplication step.

    Weight factor table

    Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Weight 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

    Worked example[edit]

    Consider the hypothetical VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788, where the underscore will be the check digit.

    VIN 1 M 8 G D M 9 A K P 0 4 2 7 8 8
    Value 1 4 8 7 4 4 9 1 0 2 7 0 4 2 7 8 8
    Weight 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Products 8 28 48 35 16 12 18 10 0 18 56 0 24 10 28 24 16
    1. The VIN’s value is calculated from the above transliteration table. This number is used in the rest of the calculation.
    2. Copy the weights from the weight factor row above.
    3. The products row is the result of the multiplication of the columns in the Value and Weight rows.
    4. The products (8, 28, 48, 35 … 24, 16) are all added together to yield a sum, 351.
    5. Find the remainder after dividing by 11
      351 MOD 11 = 10
      351 ÷ 11 = 311011
    6. The remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10, the check digit is X. In this example, the remainder is 10, so the check digit is transliterated as X.

    With a check digit of X, the VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788 is written 1M8GDM9AXKP042788.

    A VIN with straight-ones (seventeen consecutive 1s) has the nice feature that its check digit 1 matches the calculated value 1. This is because a value of one multiplied by 89 (sum of weights) is 89, and 89 divided by 11 is 8 with remainder 111; thus 1 is the check digit. This is a way to test a VIN-check algorithm.

    VIN scanning[edit]

    The VIN is marked in multiple locations; normally in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver’s side, under the bonnet next to latch, at the front end of the vehicle frame, and inside the door pillar on the driver’s side.[13] On newer vehicles VINs may be optically read with barcode scanners or digital cameras, or digitally read via OBD-II.[14] There are smartphone applications that can pass the VIN to websites to decode the VIN.[15]

    List of common WMI[edit]

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) assigns the WMI[16] (world manufacturer identifier) to countries and manufacturers. The following list shows a selection of world manufacturer codes.

    WMI Country Manufacturer


    AAA South Africa Audi South Africa made by Volkswagen of South Africa
    AAK FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA (PTY) Ltd.
    AAM MAN Automotive (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. includes VW Truck & Bus
    AAV Volkswagen of South Africa[17]
    ABJ Mitsubishi Colt & Triton pickups made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1994-2011
    ABJ Mitsubishi Fuso made by Daimler Trucks & Buses Southern Africa
    ACV Isuzu Motors South Africa 2018-
    AC5 Hyundai Automotive South Africa (cars)
    ADD UD Trucks Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADM General Motors South Africa includes Isuzu through 2018
    ADN Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADR Renault Sandero made by Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADX Tata Automobile Corporation (SA) Ltd.
    AFA Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa & Samcor
    AFB Mazda BT-50 made by Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa
    AHH Hino South Africa
    AHM Honda Ballade made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1982-2000
    AHT Toyota South Africa Motors[17]
    BF9 Kenya KIBO Motorcycles
    CL9 Tunisia Wallyscar
    DA1 DA4 Egypt Arab American Vehicles
    DAA Fiat Auto Egypt Industrial Co
    DAB BMW Egypt SKD
    DF9 Morocco Laraki
    GA1 Madagascar Renault /SOMACOA — Société Malgache de Construction Automobile


    J81 Japan Chevrolet/Geo car made by Isuzu
    J87 Pontiac/Asüna car made by Isuzu for GM Canada
    J8B J8C Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu
    J8D J8T GMC commercial trucks made by Isuzu
    J8Z Chevrolet pickup truck made by Isuzu
    JA3 Mitsubishi car
    JA4 Mitsubishi MPV/SUV
    JA7 Mitsubishi truck
    JAA Isuzu truck
    JAB Isuzu car
    JAC Isuzu SUV
    JAE Acura SLX made by Isuzu
    JAL Isuzu commercial trucks & Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu 2016+ & Hino S-series truck made by Isuzu
    JAM Isuzu commercial trucks
    JB3 Dodge car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JB4 Dodge MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JB7 Dodge truck made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JC0 Ford brand cars made by Mazda
    JC1 Fiat 124 Spider made by Mazda
    JC2 Ford Courier made by Mazda
    JD1 Daihatsu car
    JD2 Daihatsu SUV
    JD4 Daihatsu truck
    JDA Daihatsu
    JE3 Eagle car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JE4 Mitsubishi
    JF1 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries car
    JF2 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries SUV
    JF3 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries truck
    JF4 Saab 9-2X made by Subaru
    JG1 Chevrolet/Geo car made by Suzuki
    JG7 Pontiac/Asuna car made by Suzuki for GM Canada
    JGC Chevrolet/Geo SUV made by Suzuki
    JGT GMC SUV made by Suzuki for GM Canada
    JH2 Honda motorcycle/ATV
    JH3 Honda ATV
    JH4 Acura car
    JHA JHB Hino
    JHD JHF JHH Hino
    JHL Honda MPV/SUV[17]
    JHM Honda car[17]
    JJ3 Chrysler car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JK8 Suzuki QUV620F UTV made by Kawasaki
    JKA JKB Kawasaki
    JKS Suzuki Marauder 1600/Boulevard M95 motorcycle made by Kawasaki
    JL5 JL6 Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JLF Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JLS Sterling Trucks 360 made by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JM0 Mazda for Oceania export
    JM1 Mazda car
    JM2 Mazda truck
    JM3 Mazda MPV/SUV
    JM6 Mazda[17]
    JM7 Mazda
    JMA JMB Mitsubishi[17]
    JMF Mitsubishi
    JMY Mitsubishi
    JMZ Mazda for Europe export
    JN Nissan[17]
    JN1 Nissan car & Infiniti car
    JN3 Nissan incomplete vehicle
    JN6 Nissan truck
    JN8 Nissan MPV/SUV & Infiniti SUV
    JNA Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks incomplete vehicle
    JNC Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks
    JNE Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks truck
    JNK Infiniti car
    JNR Infiniti SUV
    JNX Infiniti incomplete vehicle
    JP3 Plymouth car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JP4 Plymouth MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JP7 Plymouth truck made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JPC Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks
    JR2 Isuzu Oasis made by Honda
    JS Suzuki[17]
    JS1 Suzuki motorcycle & Kawasaki KLX400S/KLX400SR motorcycle made by Suzuki
    JS2 Suzuki car
    JS3 Suzuki SUV
    JSA Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki
    JSK Kawasaki KLX125/KLX125L motorcycle made by Suzuki
    JSL Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki
    JT Toyota[17]
    JT2 Toyota car
    JT3 Toyota MPV/SUV
    JT4 Toyota truck
    JT5 Toyota incomplete vehicle
    JT6 Lexus SUV
    JT8 Lexus car
    JTD Toyota car
    JTE Toyota MPV/SUV
    JTF Toyota van/truck
    JTG Toyota MPV/bus
    JTH Lexus car
    JTJ Lexus SUV
    JTK Toyota car
    JTL Toyota SUV
    JTM Toyota SUV
    JTN Toyota car
    JW6 Mitsubishi FUSO division of Mitsubishi Motors (through mid 2003)
    JY Yamaha Motor[17]
    JY3 Yamaha Motor 3-wheel ATV
    JY4 Yamaha Motor 4-wheel ATV
    JYA Yamaha Motor motorcycles
    JYE Yamaha Motor snowmobile
    KF3 Israel Merkavim
    KF6 Automotive Industries, Ltd.
    KF9 004 Tomcar
    KLA South Korea Daewoo/GM Korea[17]
    KLT KLU Tata Daewoo
    KL1 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car
    KL2 Daewoo/GM Daewoo Pontiac
    KL3 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Holden
    KL4 GM Korea Buick
    KL5 GM Daewoo Suzuki
    KL6 GM Daewoo GMC
    KL7 Daewoo GM Canada brands: Passport, Asuna (Pre-2000)
    KL7 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet MPV/SUV (Post-2000)
    KL8 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car (Spark)
    KMA Asia Motors
    KME Hyundai commercial truck
    KMF Hyundai van & commercial truck & Bering Truck
    KMH Hyundai car[17]
    KMJ Hyundai bus & minibus
    KMT Genesis Motor car
    KMU Genesis Motor SUV
    KMY Daelim Motor Company, Ltd/DNA Motors Co., Ltd.
    KM4 Hyosung Motors/S&T Motors/KR Motors
    KM8 Hyundai SUV
    KNA KNC KNE Kia car[17]
    KND Kia SUV/MPV & Hyundai Entourage
    KNJ Ford Festiva & Aspire
    KNM Renault Samsung Motors & Nissan Rogue made by Renault Samsung Motors
    KPA SsangYong pickup
    KPB SsangYong car
    KPH Mitsubishi Precis
    KPT SsangYong SUV/MPV[17]
    L1C China Hubei Huawei Special-Purpose Automobile
    L2C Chery Jaguar Land Rover
    L5Y Znen Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co. Ltd.
    L6T Geely
    L8A Jinhua Youngman Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    L8Y Zhejiang Jonway Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    L9N Zhejiang Taotao Vehicles Co., Ltd.
    LA6 King Long
    LA9 LC0 BYD Auto
    LAL Sundiro Honda Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LB1 Fujian Benz
    LB2 Geely motorcycle
    LB3 Geely
    LBB Qianjiang Motorcycle & Benelli
    LBE Beijing Hyundai
    LBP Chonqing Jianshe Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd.
    LBV BMW Brilliance
    LC0 BYD Auto Industry Co. Ltd.
    LC2 Changzhou Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd.
    LC6 Changzhou Haojue Suzuki Motorcycle Co. Ltd.
    LCE CF Moto by Chunfeng Holding Group Hangzhou Motorcycles Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    LCR Gonow
    LDC Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën
    LDK FAW Bus (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
    LDN Soueast
    LDY Zhongtong Bus
    LE4 Beijing Benz & Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive Co., Ltd.
    LET Jiangxi Isuzu
    LF3 Lifan motorcycle
    LFB FAW Jilin
    LFM FAW Toyota
    LFN FAW Bus (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
    LFP FAW Car
    LFV FAW-Volkswagen
    LGA Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. trucks
    LGB Dongfeng Nissan
    LGC Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. buses
    LGG Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor
    LGJ Dongfeng Fengshen (Aeolus)
    LGL Guilin Daewoo
    LGW Great Wall (Haval)
    LGX BYD Auto
    LGZ Guangzhou Denway Bus
    LH1 FAW Haima
    LHG Guangzhou Honda
    LJ1 JAC
    LJ8 Zotye Auto
    LJC Jincheng Corporation
    LJD Dongfeng Yueda Kia
    LJN Zhengzhou Nissan
    LJS Yaxing Coach
    LJU Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. & Kandi
    LJV Sinotruk Chengdu Wangpai Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd.
    LJX JMC Ford
    LKC Changhe
    LKG Youngman Lotus Automobile Co., Ltd.
    LKL Higer Bus
    LKT Yunnan Lifan Junma Vehicle Co., Ltd. commercial vehicles
    LL3 Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Co. Ltd
    LL6 GAC Mitsubishi
    LL8 Jiangsu Linhai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
    LLC Loncin Holdings
    LLN Qoros
    LLV Lifan
    LM6 SWM (automobiles)
    LMG GAC Trumpchi
    LNB BAIC Motor
    LNP NAC MG UK Limited & Nanjing Fiat Automobile
    LNY Yuejin
    LPA Changan PSA (DS Automobiles)
    LPE BYD Auto
    LPS Polestar
    LRB SAIC General Motors Buick
    LRD Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co., Ltd. Auman trucks
    LRE SAIC General Motors Cadillac
    LRW Tesla
    LS5 Changan Automobile & Changan Suzuki
    LS7 JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle
    LSF SAIC Maxus & Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation
    LSG SAIC General Motors Chevrolet
    LSH SAIC Maxus
    LSJ SAIC MG & SAIC Roewe
    LSK SAIC Maxus
    LSV SAIC Volkswagen
    LSY Brilliance & Jinbei GM
    LTA ZX Auto
    LTN Soueast built Chrysler & Dodge vehicles
    LTV FAW Toyota (Tianjin)
    LUC Honda Automobile (China)
    LUD Dongfeng Nissan Diesel Motor Co Ltd
    LUX Dongfeng Yulon Motor Co. Ltd
    LVA LVB LVC Foton Motor
    LVF Changhe Suzuki
    LVG GAC Toyota
    LVH Dongfeng Honda
    LVM Chery Commercial Vehicle
    LVR Changan Mazda
    LVS Changan Ford & Changan Ford Mazda
    LVV Chery
    LVX Landwind
    LVY Volvo Cars Daqing factory
    LVZ DFSK Motor
    LWB Wuyang Honda Motorcycle (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
    LWL Qingling Isuzu
    LWV GAC Fiat Chrysler
    LXV Beijing Borgward Automotive Co., Ltd.
    LXY Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LYB Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd.
    LYM Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LYV Volvo Cars Chengdu factory & Luqiao factory
    LZF SAIC Iveco Hongyan
    LZG Shaanxi Automobile Group Shacman Bus
    LZK Sinotruk (CNHTC) Huanghe bus
    LZS Zongshen
    LZU Guangzhou Isuzu Bus
    LZW SAIC GM Wuling
    LZY Yutong
    LZZ Sinotruk (CNHTC) Howo, Sitrak
    MA1 India Mahindra
    MA3 Maruti Suzuki India Limited
    MA6 General Motors India Pvt. Ltd.
    MA7 Hindustan Motors Ltd & Mitsubishi Motors models made by Hindustan Motors & Isuzu models made by Hindustan Motors
    MAH Fiat India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd
    MAJ Ford India
    MAK Honda Cars India
    MAL Hyundai Motor India
    MAN Eicher Polaris Multix
    MAT Tata Motors
    MB1 Ashok Leyland Ltd
    MB8 Suzuki Motorcycle India Limited
    MBF Royal Enfield
    MBH Nissan Pixo made by Maruti Suzuki India Limited
    MBJ Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd
    MBK MAN Trucks India Pvt. Ltd
    MBL Hero MotoCorp
    MBU Swaraj Vehicles Limited
    MBV Premier Automobiles Ltd
    MBX Piaggio India Piaggio Ape
    MBY Asia Motor Works Ltd
    MC1 Force Motors Limited
    MC2 Eicher Motors Limited
    MC4 Dilip Chhabria Design Pvt Ltd
    MCA FCA India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd
    MCB General Motors India Pvt. Ltd.
    MCD Mahindra Two Wheelers
    MCG Atul Auto
    MCL International Cars And Motors Ltd
    MD2 Bajaj Auto Ltd & KTM and Husqvarna models built by Bajaj
    MD6 TVS Motor Company
    MD7 LML Ltd including Genuine Scooter Company Stella
    MDE Kinetic Engineering Limited
    MDH Nissan Motor India Pvt Ltd
    MDT Kerala Automobiles Limited
    ME1 India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd
    ME3 Royal Enfield
    ME4 Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India
    MEC Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. BharatBenz
    MEE Renault India Private Limited
    MEG Harley-Davidson India
    MER Benelli
    MET Piaggio India Vespa
    MEX Škoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. 2015 on
    MYH Ather Energy
    MZ7 MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd.
    MZB Kia India Pvt. Ltd.
    MZD Classic Legends Private Limited — Jawa
    M3G Isuzu Motors India
    M6F UM Lohia Two Wheelers Private Limited
    MH1 Indonesia PT Astra Honda Motor
    MH3 PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg.
    MH4 PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia
    MHF PT Toyota Astra Motor
    MHK PT Astra Daihatsu Motor including Toyotas made by Astra Daihatsu
    MHL PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia
    MHR PT Honda Prospect Motor
    MHY PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor
    MJB GM Indonesia
    MK2 Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia
    MK3 PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Wuling
    ML0 Thailand Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    ML3 Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)
    ML5 Kawasaki Motors Enterprise Co. Ltd. (Thailand)
    MLC Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.
    MLE Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
    MLH Honda motorcycle
    MLY Harley-Davidson
    MM0 MM6 MM7 Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)
    MM8 Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[18]
    MMA MMB Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[17]
    MMC MMD Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)
    MMF BMW[19]
    MMH Tata[20]
    MMK Toyota (Toyota Auto Works plant)[21]
    MMM Chevrolet[22]
    MML MG
    MMR Subaru[23]
    MMS Suzuki[24]
    MMT Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[25]
    MMU Holden
    MNA Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for Australia/New Zealand export
    MNB Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[26] for other right-hand drive markets
    MNC Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for left-hand drive markets
    MNK Hino Motors Manufacturing Thailand Co Ltd
    MNT Nissan Motor Thailand
    MPA IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand
    MPB Ford (FTM plant)[27]
    MP1 IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand
    MP2 Mazda BT-50 pickup built by Isuzu Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    MP5 Foton[28]
    MRH Honda car
    MR0 Toyota (Ban Pho and Samrong plant)[29]
    MR1 Toyota (Samrong plant) (Fortuner)
    MR2 Toyota (Gateway plant)[30]
    MS0 Myanmar SSS MOTORS Myanmar/Kia
    MS3 Suzuki Myanmar Motor Co.,Ltd.
    MX3 Kazakhstan Hyundai Trans Auto
    N3C Iran Kavir motor Company (Yektaz)
    N58 Kavir motor Comany (EURASIA)
    NAA Iran khodro Company
    NAD Saipa Diesel
    NAG Bahman Industrial Group
    NAP Pars Khodro
    NFB Pakistan Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Ltd
    NG3 Lucky Motor Corporation
    NLA Turkey Honda cars
    NLC Askam Kamyon Imalat Ve Ticaret A.S.
    NLH Hyundai Assan Otomotiv car/SUV
    NLJ Hyundai Assan Otomotiv van
    NLN Karsan Automotive Industry & Trade
    NLR Otokar
    NMA MAN Türkiye A.Ş.[17]
    NMB Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S.
    NMC BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
    NMH Honda motorcycle
    NMT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey
    NM0 Ford Otosan
    NM1 Oyak-Renault Oto Fab AS
    NM4 Tofas (Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS)
    NNA Anadolu Isuzu
    PAB Philippines Isuzu Philippines Corporation
    PAD Honda Cars Philippines
    PE1 Ford Motor Company Philippines
    PE3 Mazda Philippines made by Ford Motor Company Philippines
    PL1 Malaysia Proton
    PL8 Hyundai/Inokom
    PLP Subaru
    PLZ Isuzu Malaysia
    PMH Honda car
    PML Hicom
    PM1 BMW
    PM2 Perodua
    PM9 Bufori
    PMK Honda Boon Siew motorcycle
    PMN Modenas
    PMV Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn. Bhd.
    PNA Naza/Kia/Peugeot
    PNA Peugeot
    PNV Volvo Cars
    PN1 PN2 Toyota
    PN8 Nissan
    PP1 Mazda
    PP3 Hyundai
    PPP Suzuki
    PPV Volkswagen
    PR8 Ford
    PRA Sinotruk
    PRH Chery
    LFA Taiwan Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd old designation
    LM1 LM4 Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd old designation
    LPR Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. old designation
    RF3 Aeon Motor
    RF5 Yulon Motor Co Ltd
    RFB Kymco
    RFC Taiwan Golden Bee
    RFD Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd new designation
    RFG SYM Motors
    RFV PGO Scooters including Genuine Scooter Company models made by PGO
    RGS Kawasaki made by Kymco
    RHA Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd new designation
    RK7 Kawasaki ATV made by Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd (rebadged Suzuki ATV) new designation
    RKJ Prince Motors Taiwan
    RKL Kuozui Motors (Toyota)
    RKM China Motor Corporation
    RKR Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. new designation
    RKT Honda Taiwan
    RL0 Vietnam Ford Vietnam
    RL4 Toyota Motor Vietnam
    RLA Vina Star Motors Corp. — Mitsubishi
    RLC Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    RLE Isuzu Vietnam Co.
    RLH Honda Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    RLL VinFast SUV
    RLM Mercedes-Benz Vietnam
    RLV Vietnam Precision Industrial CO., Ltd. Can-Am DS 70 & DS 90
    RP8 Piaggio Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    R4N Hong Kong Elyx Smart Technology Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd.


    SA9 United Kingdom < 500 units Morgan Motor Company
    SA9 OX Global
    SA9 005 Panther
    SA9 019 TVR
    SA9 039 Westfield Sportscars
    SA9 048 McLaren F1
    SA9 050 Marcos Engineering
    SA9 130 MG Sport and Racing
    SA9 202 Morgan 3-Wheeler
    SAA United Kingdom Austin
    SAB Optare
    SAD Daimler until April 1987
    SAD Jaguar SUV
    SAH Honda made by Austin Rover Group
    SAJ Jaguar car
    SAL Land Rover[17]
    SAM Morris
    SAR Rover & MG Rover Group[17]
    SAT Triumph car[17]
    SAX Austin Rover Group including Sterling Cars
    SAY Norton Motorcycles
    SAZ Freight Rover
    SBB Leyland Vehicles
    SBC Iveco Ford Truck
    SBJ Leyland Bus
    SBL Leyland Motors & Leyland DAF
    SBM McLaren Automotive[17]
    SBS Scammell
    SBV Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Leyland Trucks
    SB1 Toyota Manufacturing UK[17]
    SCA Rolls-Royce Motor Cars & Rolls-Royce Motors car
    SCB Bentley car
    SCC Lotus Cars[17]
    SCE DeLorean
    SCF Aston Martin Lagonda[17]
    SCG Triumph Engineering original Triumph Motorcycle company
    SCK Ifor Williams Trailers
    SCR London Electric Vehicle Company & London Taxi Company & London Taxis International
    SCV Volvo Truck & Bus
    SC6 INEOS Automotive[17]
    SDB Talbot Motor Company
    SDF Dodge Trucks — UK 1981-1984
    SDG Renault Trucks Industries 1985-1992
    SDK Caterham Cars
    SDP MG Motor NAC MG UK & MG Motor UK
    SED IBC Vehicles (Isuzu Bedford Company)
    SEG Dennis Eagle
    SEY LDV Group
    SFA Ford of Britain
    SFD Dennis
    SFE Alexander Dennis
    SFN Foden
    SFZ Tesla Roadster made by Lotus
    SHH Honda UK Manufacturing car[17]
    SHS Honda UK Manufacturing SUV[17]
    SJA Bentley SUV
    SJK Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Infiniti
    SJN Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Nissan
    SKA Vauxhall Motors
    SKF Bedford Vehicles
    SLA Rolls-Royce Motor Cars SUV
    SLP JC Bamford Excavators
    SLV Volvo Bus
    SMT Triumph Motorcycles Ltd current Triumph Motorcycle company
    SNE East Germany Wartburg
    SNT Trabant
    SNZ MZ Motorrad- und Zweiradwerk
    SUA Poland Sanocka Fabryka Autobusow Sfa / Autosan
    SUD Wielton
    SUF Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych
    SUJ Jelcz
    SUL FSC Lublin Automotive Factory
    SUN FSD [pl]
    SUP Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych
    SUU Solaris Bus & Coach
    SZA Scania Production Slupsk
    TAM Switzerland Mowag
    TAP Polaris Europe (based in Switzerland)
    TCC Micro Compact Car[17] (until 5/99)
    TEB Bucher Municipal including Johnston Sweepers of the UK (owned by Bucher Municipal of Switzerland)
    TK9 SL5 Czech Republic SOR Libchavy
    TLJ Jawa Moto
    TMA Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech car[17]
    TMB Škoda Auto AS[17]
    TMC Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech SUV
    TMK Karosa
    TMP Škoda Ostrov
    TMT Tatra car
    TNA Avia/Daewoo Avia
    TNT TNU Tatra trucks
    TRA Hungary Ikarus Bus
    TRU Audi[17]
    TSM Suzuki[17]
    TW1 Portugal Toyota Caetano Portugal
    TW3 Renault Portuguesa SARL
    TW7 Mini Moke made by British Leyland & Austin Rover
    TW8 General Motors De Portugal Lda
    TWG Salvador Caetano
    TX5 Mini Moke made by Cagiva
    TYA Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp.
    TYB Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp.
    U5Y Slovakia Kia Motors Slovakia car[17]
    U6Y Kia Motors Slovakia SUV
    ULA Denmark ASA-LIFT: Vegetable Technology Specialist (Agricultural Machinery)
    UU1 Romania Dacia[17]
    UU2 Oltcit
    UU3 ARO
    UU5 Rocar
    UU6 Daewoo Romania
    UU7 Euro Bus Diamond
    UU9 Astra Bus
    UZT UTB (Uzina de Tractoare Brașov)
    VA0 Austria ÖAF[17]
    VAG Steyr-Daimler-Puch Puch G & Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer
    VAN Steyr-Daimler-Puch Steyr Trucks
    VBK KTM[17]
    VBK Husqvarna Motorcycles & Gas Gas under KTM ownership
    VCF Fisker Inc. (Fisker Ocean) made by Magna Steyr
    VF1 France Renault[17] & Eagle Medallion made by Renault
    VF2 Renault Trucks[17]
    VF3 Peugeot[17]
    VF4 Talbot[17]
    VF5 Iveco Unic[17]
    VF6 Renault Trucks[17]
    VF7 Citroën[17]
    VF8 Matra/Talbot/Simca[17]
    VF9 607 Mathieu Fayat Group
    VF9 673 Venturi Automobiles
    VF9 795 Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.[17]
    VFA Alpine
    VG5 MBK & Yamaha Motor
    VG6 Renault Trucks & Mack Trucks medium duty trucks made by Renault Trucks
    VG7, VG8 Renault Trucks
    VGA Peugeot Motocycles
    VJ1 Heuliez Bus
    VK8 Venturi Automobiles
    VL4 Bluecar
    VLU Scania Production Angers
    VMK Renault Sport Spider
    VN1 Renault SOVAB
    VNE Iveco Bus
    VNK Toyota Motor Manufacturing France
    VNV Nissan
    VR1 DS Automobiles
    VR3 Peugeot
    VR7 Citroën
    VPS MLT Automotive
    VXE Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall van
    VXK Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall car/SUV
    VS1 Spain Pegaso
    VS5 Renault España
    VS6 Ford Espana
    VS7 Citroën
    VS8 Peugeot
    VSC Mercedes-Benz Espana SA (Vitoria)
    VSE Santana Motor
    VSK Nissan Motor Iberica SA, Nissan passenger car/MPV/van/SUV/pickup & Ford Maverick 1993-1999
    VSS SEAT[17]
    VSX Opel Automobile Espana,SA
    VTD Montesa Honda Honda Montesa motorcycle models
    VTH Derbi
    VTL Yamaha Motor España SA & Yamaha Sociedad Española de Motocicletas
    VTM Montesa Honda Honda motorcycle models
    VTR Gas Gas
    VTT Suzuki Motor España Motorcycle
    VV9 Tauro Sport Auto
    VWA Nissan Vehiculos Industriales SA, Nissan Commercial Vehicles
    VX1 Yugoslavia/Serbia Zastava Automobiles
    V31 Croatia Tvornica Autobusa Zagreb (TAZ)
    V39 AB8 Rimac Automobili
    WAC Germany Audi/Porsche RS 2 Avant
    WAG Neoplan[17]
    WAU Audi car[17]
    WAP Alpina[17]
    WUA Audi SUV
    WBA BMW car[17]
    WBS BMW M car[17]
    WBX BMW SUV[17]
    WBY BMW i car
    WB1 BMW Motorrad Motorcycle
    WB3 BMW Motorrad Motorcycles made in India
    WB4 BMW Motorrad Motorscooters made in China
    WB5 BMW i SUV
    WCD Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2019
    WD0 Dodge Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2009
    WD1 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 incomplete vehicle
    WD2 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats)
    WD3 Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    WD4 Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    WD5 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats)
    WD6 Freightliner Unimog truck
    WD7 Freightliner Unimog incomplete vehicle
    WD8 Dodge Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2009
    WDA Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    WDB Mercedes-Benz & Maybach[17]
    WDC Mercedes-Benz SUV[17]
    WDD Mercedes-Benz car
    WDF Mercedes-Benz van (French & Spanish built models — Citan & Vito & X-Class)
    WDP Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2019
    WDR Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2019
    WDW Dodge Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2009
    WDX Dodge Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2009
    WDY Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2019
    WDZ Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    WEB EvoBus Mercedes-Benz buses[17]
    WEL e.GO Mobile AG
    WF0 Ford of Europe[17]
    WF1 Merkur
    WJM Iveco/Iveco Magirus
    WJR Irmscher[17]
    WKK Setra & Karl Kässbohrer Fahrzeugwerke[17]
    WMA MAN[17]
    WME Smart[17] (from 5/99)
    WMW Mini car[17]
    WMX Mercedes-AMG used for Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG & Mercedes-AMG GT (not used in North America)
    WMZ Mini SUV
    WNA Next.e.GO Mobile SE
    WP0 Porsche car[17]
    WP1 Porsche SUV[17]
    WS5 StreetScooter
    WUA Audi Sport GmbH & Quattro GmbH car[17]
    WU1 Audi Sport GmbH SUV
    WVG Volkswagen SUV[17]
    WVM Arbeitsgemeinschaft VW-MAN
    WVP Viseon Bus
    WVW Volkswagen car[17]
    WV1 Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17]
    WV2 Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17]
    WZ1 Toyota Supra Fifth generation
    W04 Buick Regal & Buick Cascada
    W06 Cadillac Catera
    W08 Saturn Astra
    W09 B09 Bitter Cars
    W09 B16 Brabus
    W09 D05 Drögmöller
    W09 HA8 HWA AG
    W09 R06 Ruf Automobile[17]
    W0L Adam Opel AG/Vauxhall[17] & Holden
    W0S Opel Special Vehicles[17]
    W0V Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall & Holden
    W1A Smart
    W1H Freightliner Econic
    W1K Mercedes-Benz car
    W1N Mercedes-Benz SUV
    W1T Mercedes-Benz truck
    W1V Mercedes-Benz van
    W1W Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    W1X Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    W1Y Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    W1Z Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    W2W Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats)
    W2X Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle
    W2Y Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats)
    W2Z Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    XBB Bulgaria Great Wall Motors/Litex Motors AD
    XL9 003 Netherlands Autobusfabriek Bova BV
    XL9 320 VDL Bova
    XL9 363 Spyker Cars
    XLB Volvo Car B.V./NedCar B.V. (Volvo Cars)
    XLE Scania Nederland B.V.
    XLR DAF Trucks[17] & Leyland DAF
    XLV DAF Bus
    XMC NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors
    XMG VDL Bus International
    XNC NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors (Colt CZC convertible)
    XNL VDL Bus & Coach
    XP7 Tesla Europe (based in the Netherlands)
    XTA Russia AvtoVAZ[17]
    XTB AZLK[17]
    XTF GolAZ
    XTY LiAZ
    XU1 UAZ Special Purpose Vehicles
    XUF General Motors Russia
    XUU Chevrolet made by Avtotor
    XW7 Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia
    XW8 Volkswagen Group Rus
    XWE Hyundai Motor Company & Kia made by Avtotor
    X1E KAvZ
    X1M PAZ
    X4X BMW made by Avtotor
    X7L Renault Russia
    X8J IMZ-Ural Ural Motorcycles
    X96 GAZ
    X9F Ford Motor Company ZAO
    X9L GM-AvtoVAZ
    X9P Volvo Vostok ZAO Volvo Trucks
    X9X Great Wall Motors IMS Avtotrade-12 LLC
    Z6F Ford Sollers
    Z8N Nissan Manufacturing Rus
    Z8T PCMA Rus
    Z94 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus
    Z9M Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok
    XWB Uzbekistán UzDaewoo GM Uzbekistan Ravon
    Y6D Ukraine ZAZ
    Y6J Bogdan group
    Y6U Škoda Auto made by Eurocar
    Y7B Bogdan group
    Y7C Great Wall Motors KrASZ
    YAR Belgium Toyota Motor Europe (based in Belgium) used for Toyota ProAce & Toyota ProAce City
    YB3 Volvo Trucks
    YB6 Jonckheere
    YC1 Honda
    YE2 Van Hool[17]
    YH2 Finland Lynx (snowmobile)
    YH4 Fisker Automotive (Fisker Karma) built by Valmet Automotive
    YK1 Saab[17] built by Valmet Automotive
    YK7 Sisu Auto
    YS2 Sweden Scania, Södertälje[17] truck
    YS3 Saab[17]
    YS4 Scania, Katrineholm[17] bus
    YSC Cadillac BLS built by Saab
    YT9 007 Koenigsegg Automotive AB[31]
    YTN Saab NEVS
    YU7 Husaberg Swedish built models
    YV1 Volvo Cars car[17]
    YV2 Volvo Trucks[17]
    YV3 Volvo Buses[17]
    YV4 Volvo Cars SUV
    YV5 Volvo Trucks incomplete vehicle
    YYC Norway Think Nordic
    ZA9 A12 Italy Lamborghini through mid 2003
    ZA9 D38 Cizeta Automobili SRL
    ZA9 D39 Bugatti Automobili S.p.A
    ZA9 F76 Pagani Automobili S.p.A.
    ZA9 M09 Italdesign Automobili Speciali
    ZA9 M27 Dallara Stradale
    ZAA Autobianchi
    ZAC Jeep and Dodge Hornet
    ZAM Maserati car[17]
    ZAP Piaggio and Vespa and Gilera[32]
    ZAR Alfa Romeo car[17] & Nissan Cherry Europe
    ZAS Alfa Romeo Alfasud & Sprint through 1989
    ZAS Alfa Romeo SUV 2018-
    ZBB Gruppo Bertone
    ZBN Benelli
    ZBW Rayton-Fissore Magnum
    ZC2 Chrysler TC by Maserati
    ZCF Iveco[17]
    ZCG Cagiva & MV Agusta
    ZCG Husqvarna Motorcycles Under MV Agusta ownership
    ZD0 Yamaha Motor Italia SpA & Belgarda SpA
    ZD3 Betamotor S.p.A.
    ZD4 Aprilia
    ZDC Honda Italia Industriale S.p.A.
    ZDM Ducati Motor Holding
    ZDT De Tomaso Modena SpA
    ZES Bimota
    ZF4 Qvale
    ZFA Fiat car[17] Also Fiat Fullback
    ZFB Fiat MPV/SUV
    ZFC Ram 1200
    ZFF Ferrari[17]
    ZFM Fantic Motor
    ZFR Pininfarina
    ZGA Iveco Bus[17]
    ZGU Moto Guzzi
    ZHU Husqvarna Motorcycles Under Cagiva ownership
    ZHW Lamborghini car[17] from mid 2003
    ZJM Malaguti
    ZJN Innocenti
    ZJT Italjet
    ZKH Husqvarna Motorcycles Srl Under BMW ownership
    ZK5 Hyundai Automobili Italia Importazioni
    ZLA Lancia[17]
    ZLM Moto Morini srl
    ZLV Laverda
    ZN0 SWM Motorcycles S.r.l.
    ZN3 Iveco Defence
    ZN6 Maserati SUV
    ZNN Energica Motor Company
    ZPB Lamborghini SUV
    ZZ1 Slovenia Tomos motorcycle

    North America[edit]

    1A4 1A8 United States Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2009 only
    1AC American Motors Corporation MPV
    1AF American LaFrance truck
    1AM American Motors Corporation car & Renault Alliance 1983 only
    1B3 Dodge[17] car 1981-2011
    1B4 Dodge MPV/SUV 1981-2002
    1B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    1B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    1B9 133 Buell Motorcycle Company through mid 1995
    1B9 975 Motus Motorcycles
    1BA Blue Bird Corporation bus
    1BB Blue Bird Wanderlodge MPV
    1BD Blue Bird Corporation incomplete vehicle
    1C3 Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011
    1C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012-
    1C4 Chrysler brand MPV 1990-2005
    1C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV 2012-
    1C6 Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012-
    1C8 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    1C9 291 CX Automotive
    1CM Checker Motors Corporation
    1CU Cushman Haulster (Cushman division of Outboard Marine Corporation)
    1CY Crane Carrier Company
    1D3 Dodge truck 2002-2009
    1D4 Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2011 only
    1D7 Dodge truck 2002-2011
    1D8 Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2009 only
    1F Ford[17]
    1F1 Ford SUV — limousine (through 2009)
    1F6 Ford stripped chassis made by Detroit Chassis LLC
    1F9 ST2 Seagrave
    1FA Ford car
    1FB Ford «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    1FC Ford stripped chassis made by Ford
    1FD Ford incomplete vehicle
    1FM Ford MPV/SUV
    1FT Ford truck
    1FU 1FV Freightliner Trucks
    1G General Motors[17]
    1G0 GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986
    1G0 GMC Rapid Transit Series (RTS) bus 1981-1986
    1G0 Opel car 2007-2017
    1G1 Chevrolet car
    1G2 Pontiac car
    1G3 Oldsmobile car
    1G4 Buick car[33]
    1G5 GMC MPV/SUV 1981-1986
    1G6 Cadillac car
    1G7 Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada
    1G8 Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1981-1986
    1G8 Saturn car 1991-2010
    1G9 495 Google & Waymo
    1GA Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    1GB Chevrolet incomplete vehicles[33]
    1GC Chevrolet truck
    1GD GMC incomplete vehicles[33]
    1GE Cadillac incomplete vehicle
    1GF Flxible bus
    1GG Isuzu pickup trucks made by GM
    1GH Oldsmobile MPV/SUV 1990-2004
    1GH Holden Acadia 2019-2020
    1GJ GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987-
    1GK GMC MPV/SUV 1987-
    1GM Pontiac MPV
    1GN Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987-
    1GT GMC truck
    1GY Cadillac SUV
    1HA Chevrolet incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International
    1HD Harley-Davidson
    1HF Honda motorcycle/ATV/UTV
    1HG Honda[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    1HS International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck
    1HT International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks & Chevrolet Silverado 4500HD, 5500HD, 6500HD incomplete vehicle
    1HV IC Bus incomplete bus
    1J4 Jeep[17] SUV 1989-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1J7 Jeep truck 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1J8 Jeep SUV 2002-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1JC Jeep SUV 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    1JT Jeep truck 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    1JU Marmon Motor Company
    1L Lincoln[17]
    1L1 Lincoln car — limousine
    1L9 234 Laforza
    1LJ Lincoln incomplete vehicle
    1LN Lincoln car
    1M0 John Deere Gator
    1M1 1M2 Mack Trucks
    1M8 Motor Coach Industries
    1M9 682 Mosler Automotive
    1M9 816 Proterra Through mid-2019
    1MB Mercedes-Benz Truck Co.
    1ME Mercury car[17]
    1MR Continental Mark VI & VII 1981-1985 & Continental sedan[17] 1982-1985
    1N4 Nissan car
    1N6 Nissan truck
    1N9 013 Neoplan USA
    1N9 393 Nikola Corporation
    1NK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    1NP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    1NX Toyota car made by NUMMI
    1P3 Plymouth car
    1P4 Plymouth MPV/SUV
    1P9 213 Panoz
    1S9 098 Scania AB Scania CN112 bus made in Orange, CT
    1S9 842 Saleen S7
    1S9 944 SSC North America
    1T7 1T8 Thomas Built Buses
    1T9 899 Tomcar USA
    1TU Transportation Manufacturing Corporation
    1UT Jeep DJ made by AM General
    1V1 Volkswagen truck
    1V2 Volkswagen SUV
    1V9 048 Vector Aeromotive
    1VH Orion Bus Industries
    1VW Volkswagen car[17]
    1WU White truck
    1WV 1WW Winnebago Industries
    1WX 1WY White incomplete vehicle
    1XK Kenworth truck
    1XM Renault Alliance/GTA/Encore 1984-1987
    1XP Peterbilt truck
    1Y1 Chevrolet/Geo car made by NUMMI
    1YJ Rokon International, Inc.
    1YV Mazda[17]
    1Z3 1Z7 Mitsubishi Raider
    1Z9 332 Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles LLC
    1ZV Ford made by AutoAlliance International
    1ZW Mercury made by AutoAlliance International
    10R E-Z-GO
    10T Oshkosh Corporation
    12A Avanti
    137 AM General Hummer & Hummer H1
    15G Gillig bus
    16X Vixen 21 motorhome
    17N John Deere incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    19U Acura[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    19V Acura car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    19X Honda car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    2A3 Canada Imperial
    2A4 2A8 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2011 only
    2AY 2AZ Hino
    2B1 Orion Bus Industries
    2B3 Dodge[17] car 1981-2011
    2B4 Dodge MPV 1981-2002
    2B5 Dodge «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-2002
    2B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    2B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    2BC Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1987-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    2BP Ski-Doo
    2BV Can-Am & Bombardier ATV
    2BW Can-Am Commander E LSV
    2BX Can-Am Spyder
    2BZ Can-Am Freedom Trailer for Can-Am Spyder
    2C1 Geo/Chevrolet car made by CAMI Automotive
    2C3 Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011
    2C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012-
    2C4 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2000-2005
    2C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Lancia & VW) 2012-
    2C7 Pontiac car made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada
    2C8 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2001-2005
    2C9 145 Campagna Motors
    2CC American Motors Corporation MPV
    2CG Asüna/Pontiac SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada
    2CK GMC Tracker SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada 1990-1991 only
    2CK Pontiac Torrent SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2006-2009 only
    2CM American Motors Corporation car
    2CN Geo/Chevrolet SUV made by CAMI Automotive 1990-2011 only
    2CT GMC Terrain SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2010-2011 only
    2D4 Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only
    2D6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003
    2D7 Dodge truck 2003
    2D8 Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only
    2DG Ontario Drive & Gear
    2E3 Eagle car 1989-1997 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    2E4 Lancia MPV
    2F Ford[17]
    2FA Ford car
    2FM Ford MPV/SUV
    2FT Ford truck
    2FU 2FV Freightliner Trucks
    2FW Sterling Trucks truck
    2FY New Flyer
    2FZ Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2Gx General Motors[17]
    2G0 GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986
    2G1 Chevrolet
    2G2 Pontiac
    2G3 Oldsmobile car
    2G4 Buick
    2G5 GMC MPV 1981-1986
    2G6 Cadillac
    2G7 Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada
    2G8 Chevrolet MPV 1981-1986
    2G9 Gnome Homes
    2GA Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    2GB Chevrolet incomplete vehicles
    2GC Chevrolet truck
    2GD GMC incomplete vehicles
    2GE Cadillac incomplete vehicle
    2GH GMC GM New Look bus & GM Classic series bus
    2GJ GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987-
    2GK GMC MPV/SUV 1987-
    2GN Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987-
    2GT GMC truck
    2HG Honda car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HH Acura car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HJ Honda truck made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HK Honda MPV/SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HM Hyundai
    2HN Acura SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HS International Trucks truck
    2HT International Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2J4 Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    2L1 Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limo
    2L9 Les Contenants Durabac
    2LJ Lincoln incomplete vehicle — hearse
    2LM Lincoln SUV
    2LN Lincoln car[17]
    2M1 2M2 Mack Trucks
    2ME Mercury car[17]
    2MG Motor Coach Industries (Produced from Sept. 1, 2008 on)
    2MR Mercury MPV
    2NK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    2NP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    2NV Nova Bus
    2P3 Plymouth car
    2P4 Plymouth MPV 1981-2000
    2P5 Plymouth «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1983
    2P9 001 Prevost 1981-1995
    2PC Prevost 1996-
    2S2 Suzuki car made by CAMI Automotive
    2S3 Suzuki SUV made by CAMI Automotive
    2T1 Toyota car
    2T2 Lexus SUV
    2T3 Toyota SUV
    2V4 2V8 Volkswagen Routan
    2WK Western Star Trucks truck
    2WL 2WM Western Star Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2XK Kenworth truck
    2XM Eagle Premier 1988 only (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    2XP Peterbilt truck
    3A4 3A8 Mexico Chrysler brand MPV 2006-2010 only
    3AK 3AL Freightliner Trucks
    3B3 Dodge car 1981-2011
    3B4 Dodge SUV 1986-1993
    3B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    3B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    3BJ Western Star 3700 truck made by DINA S.A.
    3BK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    3BM Motor Coach Industries bus made by DINA S.A.
    3BP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    3C3 Chrysler brand car 1981-2011
    3C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Fiat) 2012-
    3C4 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    3C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Fiat) 2012-
    3C6 Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012-
    3C7 Chrysler Group (all brands) incomplete vehicle 2012-
    3C8 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    3CE Volvo Buses de Mexico
    3CZ Honda SUV
    3D2 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2007-2009
    3D3 Dodge truck 2006-2009
    3D4 Dodge SUV 2009-2011
    3D6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003-2011
    3D7 Dodge truck 2002-2011
    3E4 Fiat SUV
    3F Ford
    3F6 Sterling Bullet
    3FA Ford car
    3FC Ford stripped chassis made by Ford & IMMSA
    3FM Ford MPV/SUV
    3FN 3FR Ford F-650/F-750 made by Blue Diamond Truck Co.
    3FT Ford truck
    3G General Motors[17]
    3G0 Saab 9-4X 2011
    3G0 Holden Equinox 2018-2020
    3G1 Chevrolet car
    3G2 Pontiac car
    3G4 Buick car
    3G5 Buick SUV
    3G7 Pontiac SUV
    3GC Chevrolet truck
    3GM Holden Suburban
    3GN Chevrolet SUV
    3GS Saturn SUV
    3GT GMC truck
    3GY Cadillac SUV
    3H1 Honda motorcycle/UTV
    3H3 Hyundai de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. for Hyundai Translead (truck trailers)
    3HA International Trucks incomplete vehicle
    3HC International Trucks truck
    3HG Honda car[17]
    3HS International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck
    3HT International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks incomplete vehicle
    3JB Can-Am ATV/UTV & Can-Am Ryker
    3KP Kia/Hyundai car[17]
    3LN Lincoln car
    3MD Mazda car
    3ME Mercury car
    3MV Mazda SUV
    3MW BMW
    3MY Toyota car made by Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation
    3MZ Mazda car
    3N1 Nissan[17] car
    3N6 Nissan truck & Chevrolet City Express
    3N8 Nissan MPV
    3NE Polaris Inc. ATV
    3NS Polaris Inc. UTV
    3P3 Plymouth car
    3PC Infiniti SUV made by COMPAS
    3TM Toyota truck made by TMMBC
    3TY Toyota truck made by TMMGT
    3VV Volkswagen SUV
    3VW Volkswagen car[17]
    3WK Kenworth truck
    3WP Peterbilt truck
    4A3 United States Mitsubishi Motors car
    4A4 Mitsubishi Motors SUV
    4B3 Dodge car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4B9 038 BYD Coach & Bus LLC
    4C3 Chrysler car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4C9 561 Czinger
    4CD Oshkosh Chassis Division incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    4DR IC Bus
    4E3 Eagle car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4F2 Mazda[17] SUV made by Ford
    4F4 Mazda truck made by Ford
    4G1 Chevrolet Cavalier convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture
    4G2 Pontiac Sunfire convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture
    4G3 Toyota Cavalier made by GM
    4G5 General Motors EV1
    4GD Opel Sintra
    4GL Buick incomplete vehicle
    4GT Isuzu incomplete vehicle built by GM
    4JG Mercedes-Benz SUV[17]
    4KB Chevrolet W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only)
    4KD GMC W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only)
    4KL Isuzu commercial truck built by GM
    4M2 Mercury MPV/SUV
    4ML Oshkosh Trailer Division
    4MZ Buell Motorcycle Company
    4N2 Nissan Quest made by Ford
    4NU Isuzu Ascender made by GM
    4P1 Pierce Manufacturing
    4P3 Plymouth car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory 1990-1994
    4P3 Mitsubishi Motors SUV made by Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America 2013-2015 for export only
    4RK Nova Bus & Prevost made by Nova Bus (US) Inc.
    4S1 Isuzu truck made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S2 Isuzu SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S3 Subaru car[17]
    4S4 Subaru SUV/MPV[17]
    4S6 Honda SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S7 Spartan Motors incomplete vehicle
    4S9 197 Smith Electric Vehicles US Corp.
    4S9 419 Spartan Motors truck
    4S9 454 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus car
    4S9 542 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG Boot (M.P.V.)
    4S9 559 Spartan Fire, LLC truck (formerly Spartan ER)
    4S9 560 Spartan Fire, LLC incomplete vehicle (formerly Spartan ER)
    4T1 Toyota[17] car made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
    4T3 Toyota MPV/SUV made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
    4T4 Toyota car made by Subaru of Indiana Automotive
    4TA Toyota truck made by NUMMI
    4UF Arctic Cat
    4US BMW car[17]
    4UZ Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation & gas-powered Mitsubishi Fuso trucks assembled by Freightliner Custom Chassis & Thomas Built Buses FS-65 & Saf-T-Liner C2
    4V1 WhiteGMC truck
    4V2 WhiteGMC incomplete vehicle
    4V4 Volvo Trucks North America truck
    4V5 Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle
    4VA 4VG Volvo Trucks North America truck
    4VE 4VH 4VM Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle
    4VZ Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group incomplete vehicle — bare chassis only
    4XA Polaris Inc.
    4Z3 American LaFrance truck
    43C Consulier
    46G Gillig incomplete vehicle
    478 Honda ATV
    480 Sterling Trucks truck
    49H Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle
    5AS GEM
    5B4 Workhorse Custom Chassis, LLC incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    5BZ Nissan «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    5CD Indian Motorcycle Company of America Gilroy, CA
    5CX Shelby Series 1
    5DF Thomas Dennis Company LLC
    5EH Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle
    5FN Honda[17] MPV/SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FP Honda truck made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FR Acura[17] SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FY New Flyer
    5G8 Holden Volt
    5GA Buick MPV/SUV
    5GD Daewoo G2X
    5GN Hummer H3T
    5GR Hummer H2
    5GT Hummer H3
    5GZ Saturn MPV/SUV
    5HD Harley-Davidson for export markets
    5J6 Honda[17] SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    5J8 Acura SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    5KB Honda[17] car made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5KJ 5KK Western Star Trucks truck
    5L1 Lincoln SUV (2004-2009)
    5LD Ford & Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limousine (2010-2014)
    5LM Lincoln SUV
    5LT Lincoln truck
    5MZ Buell Motorcycle Company for export markets
    5N1 Nissan & Infiniti SUV
    5N3 Infiniti SUV
    5NM Hyundai SUV
    5NP Hyundai car
    5NT Hyundai truck
    5PV Hino incomplete vehicle
    5S3 Saab 9-7X
    5SA Suzuki ATV
    5SX American LaFrance incomplete vehicle (Condor)
    5TB Toyota[17] truck made by TMMI
    5TD Toyota MPV/SUV made by TMMI
    5TE Toyota truck made by NUMMI
    5TF Toyota truck made by TMMTX
    5UM BMW M car[17]
    5VC Autocar incomplete vehicle
    5VP Victory Motorcycles
    5WE IC Bus incomplete vehicle
    5XX Kia car
    5XY Kia/Hyundai SUV
    5Y2 Pontiac Vibe made by NUMMI
    5Y4 Yamaha Motor Company ATV, UTV
    5YA Indian Motorcycle Company Kings Mountain, NC
    5YF Toyota car made by TMMMS
    5YJ Tesla[17]
    5Z6 Suzuki truck made by Nissan
    50E Lucid Motors
    50G Karma Automotive
    516 Autocar truck
    51R Brammo Motorcycles
    523 VPG
    52C GEM subsidiary of Polaris Inc.
    538 Zero Motorcycles
    53G Coda Automotive
    53T Think North America in Elkhart, IN
    546 EBR
    54C Winnebago Industries trailer
    54D Isuzu & Chevrolet commercial trucks built by Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group
    55S Mercedes-Benz car[17]
    56K Indian Motorcycle International, LLC Polaris subsidiary
    57W Mobility Ventures
    57X Polaris Slingshot
    58A Lexus car made by TMMK


    6F1 Australia Ford[17]
    6F2 Iveco Trucks Australia Ltd.
    6F4 Nissan Motor Australia
    6F5 Kenworth Australia
    6FM Mack Trucks Australia
    6FP Ford
    6G General Motors
    6G1 Holden & Chevrolet
    6G2 Pontiac
    6G3 Chevrolet
    6H Holden
    6MM Mitsubishi[17]
    6MP Mercury Capri
    6T1 Toyota
    6T9 Trailer
    6U9 Low Volume (Grey) Import Vehicles which don’t have 17 Digit VIN. Uses NON ISO VIN with «Filler 0’s between WMI & Non Iso VIN — I.e Japanese VIN PV35-400635 would become 6U90000PV35400637 see note below
    7A1 New Zealand Mitsubishi
    7A3 Honda
    7A4 Toyota
    7A5 Ford
    7A7 Nissan New Zealand
    7A8 NZ Transport Agency (pre-2009)
    7AT NZ Transport Agency (post-2009)

    North America[edit]

    7FA United States Honda SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    7FC Rivian truck
    7GZ GMC incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International
    7H4 Hino truck
    7JR Volvo Cars car
    7JZ Proterra From mid-2019 on
    7KG Vanderhall Motor Works
    7MM Mazda SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture)
    7MU Toyota SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture)
    7NA Navistar Defense
    7NY Lordstown Motors
    7PD Rivian SUV
    7RZ Electric Last Mile Solutions
    7SA Tesla SUV 2022+
    7SV Toyota SUV made by TMMTX
    7SX Global Electric Motorcars
    7Z0 Zoox

    South America[edit]

    8AC Argentina Mercedes Benz vans (for South America)
    8AD Peugeot
    8AE Peugeot van
    8AF Ford Motor Argentina[17]
    8AG General Motors de Argentina Chevrolet
    8AJ Toyota Argentina
    8AN Nissan
    8AP Fiat
    8AT Iveco
    8AW Volkswagen Argentina
    8A1 Renault Argentina
    8A3 Scania Argentina
    8BB Agrale Argentina S.A
    8BC Citroën
    8BN Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    8BR Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    8BT Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    8BU Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    8CH Honda motorcycle
    8C3 Honda car/SUV
    8G1 Chile Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Renault
    8GD Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Peugeot
    8GG General Motors Chile Ltda.
    8L4 Ecuador Great Wall Motors made by Ciudad del Auto Ciauto Cia. Ltda.
    8LB General Motors OBB
    8LF Maresa (Mazda)
    8LG Aymesa (Hyundai Motor & Kia)
    8XD Venezuela Ford Motor Venezuela
    8XJ Mack de Venezuela C.A.
    8XV Iveco Venezuela C.A.
    8Z1 General Motors Venezolana C.A.
    829 Bolivia Quantum Motors
    9AM Brazil Massari (?)
    9BD Fiat Automóveis
    9BF Ford Brasil
    9BG General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet
    9BH Hyundai Motor Brasil
    9BM Mercedes-Benz car & SUV & commercial truck
    9BN Mafersa
    9BR Toyota
    9BS Scania Brazil
    9BV Volvo Trucks
    9BW Volkswagen do Brasil[17]
    9BY Agrale S.A.
    9C2 Honda Motorcycles[17]
    9C6 Yamaha Motor[17]
    9CD Suzuki (motorcycles) assembled by J. Toledo Motos do Brasil
    9DW Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Volkswagen do Brasil
    932 Harley-Davidson
    935 Citroën
    936 Peugeot
    937 Dodge
    93C General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet SUV (Mexico)
    93H Honda car/SUV
    93K Volvo Trucks
    93P Volare
    93S Navistar International
    93U Audi 1999-2006
    93V Navistar International
    93W Fiat Ducato made by Iveco 2000-2016
    93X Souza Ramos — Mitsubishi Motors / Suzuki Jimny
    93Y Renault do Brasil
    93Z Iveco
    94D Nissan
    94G Indabra
    94M HVR-Busscar
    94N RWM Brazil
    94T Troller Veículos Especiais
    953 VW Truck & Bus / MAN Truck & Bus
    95P CAOA / Hyundai & CAOA Chery
    95V Dafra Motos (motorscooters from SYM) & Ducati, KTM, & MV Agusta assembled by Dafra
    95V BMW motorcycles assembled by Dafra Motos 2009-2016
    95Z Buell Motorcycle Company assembled by Harley-Davidson Brazil
    96P Kawasaki
    97N Triumph Motorcycles Ltd
    988 Jeep and Fiat (made at the Goiana plant)
    98M BMW car/SUV
    98R Chery
    99A Audi 2016-
    99J Jaguar Land Rover
    99K Haojue & Kymco assembled by JTZ Indústria e Comércio de Motos
    99L BYD
    99Z BMW Motorrad Motorcycle assembled by BMW 2017-
    9FB Colombia Sofasa (Renault)
    9FC Compañía Colombiana Automotriz S.A. (Mazda)
    9GC GM Colmotores S.A. (Chevrolet)
    9UJ Uruguay Chery assembled by Chery Socma S.A.
    9UK Lifan
    9UW Kia made by Nordex S.A.
    9V7 Citroen made by Nordex S.A.
    9V8 Peugeot made by Nordex S.A.

    Note: Vehicles to be registered in Australia without a 17 character VIN[34]

    See also[edit]

    • Builder’s plate
    • Danish bicycle VIN-system
    • Engine number
    • Name plate
    • Serial number
    • VIN etching
    • RPO Code
    • VIN cloning


    1. ^ «Vehicle Control by VIN Code». ISO 3779. Retrieved 2021-10-12.
    2. ^ a b «Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)». National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Retrieved 2021-02-10.
    3. ^ AUTODNA. «VIN number — autoDNA». www.autodna.com. Retrieved 2022-09-08.
    4. ^ «eCFR – Code of Federal Regulations – Title 49: Transportation – PART 565—VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS». www.ecfr.gov. Retrieved 2013-04-09.
    5. ^ «ComLaw Legislative Instruments – Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 61/02 – Vehicle Marking) 2005 (ADR 61/02)». Comlaw.gov.au. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    6. ^ ISO 3779:2009 Road vehicles—Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure
    7. ^ ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles—World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code
    8. ^ «United States Federal VIN Requirements (Title 49, Chapter V, Part 565)». Access.gpo.gov. Archived from the original on 2010-05-27. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    9. ^ a b «Directive 76/114/EEC — Automotive — Enterprise and Industry». European Commission. Archived from the original on 2013-09-30. Retrieved 2013-07-08.
    10. ^ a b «ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles – World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code». ISO. 2009-10-05. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    11. ^ «NHTSA VIN decoder».
    12. ^ «49 CFR § 565.15 — Content requirements». Legal Information Institute. US: Cornell University. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
    13. ^ Miller, Tim (2019-04-27). «VIN Numbers: What Are They And What Do They Tell You?». Garatos. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
    14. ^ Miller, Tim (2021-10-16). «On-Board Diagnostics: From The History To Its Practical Applications In Our Life». OBD Advisor. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
    15. ^ Pocket-lint (2021-06-10). «10 of the best VIN decoders to lookup VIN numbers for free». www.pocket-lint.com. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
    16. ^ «World Manufacturer Identifier». NSAI. November 23, 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
    17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed «List of manufacturers of motor vehicles and their trailers — numerical — SV 3.2» (PDF). Germany: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. 2018-01-15. Retrieved 2019-01-08.
    18. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/cc4463140bb246a89a2c4daefcd5e75e[bare URL image file]
    19. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/093082806ad44a8fa85aa1be049fac6c[bare URL image file]
    20. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7d35eaf890b845f4aaa13b1974c8a598[bare URL image file]
    21. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/ce90d22945fb422598d4bc419a324dca[bare URL image file]
    22. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/bad2975e9abb403b8cbe8b167afd93d1[bare URL image file]
    23. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7549929fdb2f4328b1ba3844b6a97146[bare URL image file]
    24. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/58c7a77bd33e49a6a6be0103dda35f20[bare URL image file]
    25. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/fba3638129224e87993e0aa700c75af8[bare URL image file]
    26. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/31c0027f349c47a8a36c315bcd970477[bare URL image file]
    27. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/65710f4c794e44388ea4d6519e6b1fe6[bare URL image file]
    28. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/ba1b29ef16734c76b289b99eceb24e6e[bare URL image file]
    29. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/5abe5eff4d4a47d2883cd7a604124bfb[bare URL image file]
    30. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/47ae10d50bf448659c59b970cf710442[bare URL image file]
    31. ^ «Re: VIN Information pursuant to 49 CFR 565.7 KOENIGSEGG» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2008-03-14. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
    32. ^ «Modern Vespa : VIN Decoding». modernvespa.com. Retrieved 2019-10-08.
    33. ^ a b c «Revision to General Motors’ Vehicle Identification Number decoding for 2016 Model Year» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2015-01-12. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
    34. ^ «Importing vehicles without a 17 character VIN». NEVDIS. 10 June 2022.

    External links[edit]

    • ISO 3779:2009
    • FMVSS 115, Part 565

    «VIN» redirects here. For other uses, see Vin.

    VIN visible in the windshield

    VIN recorded on a Chinese vehicle license

    A vehicle identification number (VIN) (also called a chassis number or frame number) is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization in ISO 3779 (content and structure) and ISO 4030 (location and attachment).[1]

    There are vehicle history services in several countries that help potential car owners use VINs to find vehicles that are defective or have been written off.

    History of the bodywork number[edit]

    VINs were first used in 1954 in the United States.[2] From 1954 to 1981, there was no accepted standard for these numbers, so different manufacturers used different formats.

    In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States standardized the format.[2] It required all on-road vehicles sold to contain a 17-character VIN, which does not include the letters O (o), I (i), and Q (q) (to avoid confusion with numerals 0, 1, and 9).

    After the introduction of the ISO norm, the manufacturers which produced vehicles for the American market very quickly adjusted to this standard. The ISO introduced recommendations for applying the VIN standard and its structure, and the bodywork number was also used in Europe. However, the sets of information contained in it were introduced gradually. For example, Volkswagen started to encode bigger chunks of information during 1995-1997, and the control digit during 2009-2015 for selected models from the group. The VIN control digit is also used, although not in all brand-models. In the European vehicles, it can be found e.g. in Audi A1.[3]


    There are at least four competing standards used to calculate the VIN.

    • FMVSS 115, Part 565: Used in United States and Canada[4]
    • ISO 3779: Used in Europe and many other parts of the world
    • SAE J853: Very similar to the ISO standard
    • ADR 61/2 used in Australia, referring to ISO 3779 and 3780[5]


    Modern VINs are based on two related standards, originally issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1979 and 1980: ISO 3779[6] and ISO 3780,[7] respectively. Compatible but different implementations of these ISO standards have been adopted by the European Union and the United States.[8]

    The VIN comprises the following sections:

    Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    ISO 3779 World manufacturer identifier Vehicle descriptor section Vehicle identifier section
    European Union[9]

    more than 500 vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle»
    European Union[9]

    500 or fewer vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier 9 Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle»
    North America

    more than 2,000 vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier Vehicle attributes Check digit Model year Plant code Sequential number
    North America

    2,000 or fewer vehicles/year

    World manufacturer identifier 9 Vehicle attributes Check digit Model year Plant code Manufacturer identifier Sequential number

    World manufacturer identifier[edit]

    The first three characters uniquely identify the manufacturer of the vehicle using the world manufacturer identifier or WMI code. A manufacturer who builds fewer than 1,000 vehicles per year uses a 9 as the third digit, and the 12th, 13th and 14th position of the VIN for a second part of the identification. Some manufacturers use the third character as a code for a vehicle category (e.g., bus or truck), a division within a manufacturer, or both. For example, within 1G (assigned to General Motors in the United States), 1G1 represents Chevrolet passenger cars; 1G2, Pontiac passenger cars; and 1GC, Chevrolet trucks.

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in the US assigns WMIs to countries and manufacturers.[10]

    The first character of the WMI is typically the region in which the manufacturer is located although there are exceptions e.g. the WMI 7SA was assigned to Tesla Inc. in the United States in 2021.[11] In practice, each is assigned to a country of manufacture, although in Europe the country where the continental headquarters is located can assign the WMI to all vehicles produced in that region (Example: Opel/Vauxhall cars whether produced in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom or Poland carry a WMI of W0L because Adam Opel AG is based in Rüsselsheim, Germany).

    In the notation below, assume that letters precede numbers and that zero is the last number. For example, 8X–82 denotes the range 8X, 8Y, 8Z, 81, 82, excluding 80.[10]

    Country or region codes[edit]

    A–H = Africa J–R = Asia S–Z = Europe 1–5, 7F-70 = North America 6–7E = Oceania 8–9 = South America

    AA-AH South Africa
    AJ-AN Côte d’Ivoire
    AP-A0 unassigned
    AR-AL Algeria
    BA-BE Angola
    BF-BK Kenya
    BL-BR Tanzania
    BU Uganda
    BS-B0 unassigned
    CA-CE Benin
    CF-CK Madagascar
    CL-CR Tunisia
    CS-C0 unassigned
    DA-DE Egypt
    DF-DK Morocco
    DL-DR Zambia
    DS-D0 unassigned
    EA-EE Ethiopia
    EF-EK Mozambique
    EL-E0 unassigned
    FA-FE Ghana
    FF-FK Nigeria
    FL-F0 unassigned
    GA-G0 unassigned
    HA-H0 unassigned

    J Japan
    KA-KE Sri Lanka
    KF-KK Israel
    KL-KR Korea (South)
    KS-KT Jordan
    L China (Mainland)
    MA-ME, MY-M0 India
    MF-MK Indonesia
    ML-MR Thailand
    MS Myanmar
    MU Mongolia
    MX Kazakhstan
    NA-NE Iran
    NF-NK Pakistan
    NL-NR Turkey
    NS-NT Uzbekistan
    NU-N0 unassigned
    PA-PE Philippines
    PF-PK Singapore
    PL-PR Malaysia
    PS-PT Bangladesh
    PU-P0 unassigned
    RA-RE United Arab Emirates
    RF-RK Taiwan
    RL-RP Vietnam
    RS-RT Saudi Arabia
    R1-R7 Hongkong

    SA-SM United Kingdom
    SN-ST Germany (formerly East Germany)
    SU-SZ Poland
    S1-S2 Latvia
    S3 Georgia
    S4 Iceland
    S5-S0 unassigned
    TA-TH Switzerland
    TJ-TP Czech Republic
    TR-TV Hungary
    TW-T2 Portugal
    T3-T0 unassigned
    UA-UG unassigned
    UH-UM Denmark
    UN-UT Ireland
    UU-UZ Romania
    U1-U4 North Macedonia
    U5-U7 Slovakia
    U8-U0 Bosnia and Herzegovina
    VA-VE Austria
    VF-VR France
    VS-VW Spain
    VX-V2 Serbia
    V3-V5 Croatia
    V6-V0 Estonia
    W Germany (formerly West Germany)
    XA-XE Bulgaria
    XF-XK Greece
    XL-XR Netherlands
    XS-XW Russia (former USSR)
    XX-XY Luxembourg
    XZ-X0 Russia
    YA-YE Belgium
    YF-YK Finland
    YL-YR Malta
    YS-YW Sweden
    YX-Y2 Norway
    Y3-Y5 Belarus
    Y6-Y0 Ukraine
    ZA-ZU Italy
    ZV-ZW unassigned
    ZX-ZZ Slovenia
    Z3-Z5 Lithuania
    Z6-Z0 Russia

    1, 4, 5 or 7F-70 United States
    2 Canada
    3A-3X Mexico
    3Y-37 Costa Rica
    38-39 Cayman Islands
    30 unassigned

    6 Australia
    7A-7E New Zealand

    8A-8E Argentina
    8F-8K Chile
    8L-8R Ecuador
    8S-8W Peru
    8X-82 Venezuela
    82-82 Bolivia
    83-80 unassigned
    9A-9E Brazil
    9F-9K Colombia
    9L-9R Paraguay
    9S-9W Uruguay
    9X-92 Trinidad & Tobago
    93–99 Brazil
    90 unassigned

    Vehicle descriptor section[edit]

    The fourth to ninth positions in the VIN are the vehicle descriptor section or VDS. This is used, according to local regulations, to identify the vehicle type, and may include information on the automobile platform used, the model, and the body style. Each manufacturer has a unique system for using this field. Most manufacturers since the 1980s have used the eighth digit to identify the engine type whenever there is more than one engine choice for the vehicle. Example: for the 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, U is for a 6.0-liter V8 engine, and E is for a 7.0-liter V8.

    North American check digits[edit]

    One element that is inconsistent is the use of position nine as a check digit, compulsory for vehicles in North America and China, but not Europe.

    Vehicle identifier section[edit]

    The 10th to 17th positions are used as the vehicle identifier section or VIS. This is used by the manufacturer to identify the individual vehicle in question. This may include information on options installed or engine and transmission choices, but often is a simple sequential number. In North America, the last five digits must be numeric.

    Model year encoding[edit]

    One consistent element of the VIS is the 10th digit, which is required worldwide to encode the model year of the vehicle. Besides the three letters that are not allowed in the VIN itself (I, O and Q), the letters U and Z and the digit 0 are not used for the model year code. The year code is the model year for the vehicle.

    The year 1980 was encoded by some manufacturers, especially General Motors and Chrysler, as «A» (since the 17-digit VIN was not mandatory until 1981, and the «A» or zero was in the manufacturer’s pre-1981 placement in the VIN), yet Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980. Subsequent years increment through the allowed letters, so that «Y» represents the year 2000. 2001 to 2009 are encoded as the digits 1 to 9, and subsequent years are encoded as «A», «B», «C», etc.

    Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year
    A 1980 L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010 L 2020 Y 2030
    B 1981 M 1991 1 2001 B 2011 M 2021 1 2031
    C 1982 N 1992 2 2002 C 2012 N 2022 2 2032
    D 1983 P 1993 3 2003 D 2013 P 2023 3 2033
    E 1984 R 1994 4 2004 E 2014 R 2024 4 2034
    F 1985 S 1995 5 2005 F 2015 S 2025 5 2035
    G 1986 T 1996 6 2006 G 2016 T 2026 6 2036
    H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017 V 2027 7 2037
    J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018 W 2028 8 2038
    K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019 X 2029 9 2039

    On April 30, 2008, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration adopted a final rule amending 49 CFR Part 565, «so that the current 17 character vehicle identification number (VIN) system, which has been in place for almost 30 years, can continue in use for at least another 30 years», in the process making several changes to the VIN requirements applicable to all motor vehicles manufactured for sale in the United States. There are three notable changes to the VIN structure that affect VIN deciphering systems:

    • The make may only be identified after looking at positions one through three and another position, as determined by the manufacturer in the second section or fourth to eighth segment of the VIN.
    • In order to identify the exact year in passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 or less, one must read position 7 as well as position 10. For passenger cars, and for multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) or less, if position seven is numeric, the model year in position 10 of the VIN refers to a year in the range 1980–2009.[12][citation needed] If position seven is alphabetic, the model year in position 10 of VIN refers to a year in the range 2010–2039.
    • The model year for vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lb (4,500 kg), as well as buses, motorcycles, trailers and low-speed vehicles, may no longer be identified within a 30-year range. VIN characters 1–8 and 10 that were assigned from 1980 to 2009 can be repeated beginning with the 2010 model year.

    Plant code[edit]

    Compulsory in North America and China is the use of the 11th character to identify the assembly plant at which the vehicle was built. Each manufacturer has its own set of plant codes.

    Production number[edit]

    In the United States and China, the 12th to 17th digits are the vehicle’s serial or production number. This is unique to each vehicle, and every manufacturer uses its own sequence.

    Check-digit calculation[edit]

    A check-digit validation is used for all road vehicles sold in the United States and Canada.

    When trying to validate a VIN with a check digit, first either (a) remove the check digit for the purpose of calculation or (b) use a weight of zero (see below) to cancel it out. The original value of the check digit is then compared with the calculated value. If the calculated value is 0–9, the check digit must match the calculated value. If the calculated value is 10, the check digit must be X. If the two values do not match (and there was no error in the calculation), then there is a mistake in the VIN. However, a match does not prove the VIN is correct, because there is still a 1/11 chance that any two distinct VINs have a matching check digit: for example, the valid VINs 5GZCZ43D13S812715 (correct with leading five) and SGZCZ43D13S812715 (incorrect with leading character «S»). The VINs in the Porsche image, WP0ZZZ99ZTS392124, and the GM-T body image, KLATF08Y1VB363636, do not pass the North American check-digit verification.

    Transliterating the numbers[edit]

    Transliteration consists of removing all of the letters, and replacing them with their appropriate numerical counterparts. These numerical alternatives (based on IBM’s EBCDIC) are in the following chart. I, O, and Q are not allowed in a valid VIN; for this chart, they have been filled in with N/A (not applicable). Numerical digits use their own values.

    Transliteration key: values for VIN decoding

    A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 5 F: 6 G: 7 H: 8
    J: 1 K: 2 L: 3 M: 4 N: 5 P: 7 R: 9
    S: 2 T: 3 U: 4 V: 5 W: 6 X: 7 Y: 8 Z: 9

    S is 2, and not 1. There is no left-alignment linearity.

    Weights used in calculation[edit]

    The following is the weight factor for each position in the VIN. The 9th position is that of the check digit. It has been substituted with a 0, which will cancel it out in the multiplication step.

    Weight factor table

    Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Weight 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

    Worked example[edit]

    Consider the hypothetical VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788, where the underscore will be the check digit.

    VIN 1 M 8 G D M 9 A K P 0 4 2 7 8 8
    Value 1 4 8 7 4 4 9 1 0 2 7 0 4 2 7 8 8
    Weight 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Products 8 28 48 35 16 12 18 10 0 18 56 0 24 10 28 24 16
    1. The VIN’s value is calculated from the above transliteration table. This number is used in the rest of the calculation.
    2. Copy the weights from the weight factor row above.
    3. The products row is the result of the multiplication of the columns in the Value and Weight rows.
    4. The products (8, 28, 48, 35 … 24, 16) are all added together to yield a sum, 351.
    5. Find the remainder after dividing by 11
      351 MOD 11 = 10
      351 ÷ 11 = 311011
    6. The remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10, the check digit is X. In this example, the remainder is 10, so the check digit is transliterated as X.

    With a check digit of X, the VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788 is written 1M8GDM9AXKP042788.

    A VIN with straight-ones (seventeen consecutive 1s) has the nice feature that its check digit 1 matches the calculated value 1. This is because a value of one multiplied by 89 (sum of weights) is 89, and 89 divided by 11 is 8 with remainder 111; thus 1 is the check digit. This is a way to test a VIN-check algorithm.

    VIN scanning[edit]

    The VIN is marked in multiple locations; normally in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver’s side, under the bonnet next to latch, at the front end of the vehicle frame, and inside the door pillar on the driver’s side.[13] On newer vehicles VINs may be optically read with barcode scanners or digital cameras, or digitally read via OBD-II.[14] There are smartphone applications that can pass the VIN to websites to decode the VIN.[15]

    List of common WMI[edit]

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) assigns the WMI[16] (world manufacturer identifier) to countries and manufacturers. The following list shows a selection of world manufacturer codes.

    WMI Country Manufacturer


    AAA South Africa Audi South Africa made by Volkswagen of South Africa
    AAK FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA (PTY) Ltd.
    AAM MAN Automotive (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. includes VW Truck & Bus
    AAV Volkswagen of South Africa[17]
    ABJ Mitsubishi Colt & Triton pickups made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1994-2011
    ABJ Mitsubishi Fuso made by Daimler Trucks & Buses Southern Africa
    ACV Isuzu Motors South Africa 2018-
    AC5 Hyundai Automotive South Africa (cars)
    ADD UD Trucks Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADM General Motors South Africa includes Isuzu through 2018
    ADN Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADR Renault Sandero made by Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd
    ADX Tata Automobile Corporation (SA) Ltd.
    AFA Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa & Samcor
    AFB Mazda BT-50 made by Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa
    AHH Hino South Africa
    AHM Honda Ballade made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1982-2000
    AHT Toyota South Africa Motors[17]
    BF9 Kenya KIBO Motorcycles
    CL9 Tunisia Wallyscar
    DA1 DA4 Egypt Arab American Vehicles
    DAA Fiat Auto Egypt Industrial Co
    DAB BMW Egypt SKD
    DF9 Morocco Laraki
    GA1 Madagascar Renault /SOMACOA — Société Malgache de Construction Automobile


    J81 Japan Chevrolet/Geo car made by Isuzu
    J87 Pontiac/Asüna car made by Isuzu for GM Canada
    J8B J8C Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu
    J8D J8T GMC commercial trucks made by Isuzu
    J8Z Chevrolet pickup truck made by Isuzu
    JA3 Mitsubishi car
    JA4 Mitsubishi MPV/SUV
    JA7 Mitsubishi truck
    JAA Isuzu truck
    JAB Isuzu car
    JAC Isuzu SUV
    JAE Acura SLX made by Isuzu
    JAL Isuzu commercial trucks & Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu 2016+ & Hino S-series truck made by Isuzu
    JAM Isuzu commercial trucks
    JB3 Dodge car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JB4 Dodge MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JB7 Dodge truck made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JC0 Ford brand cars made by Mazda
    JC1 Fiat 124 Spider made by Mazda
    JC2 Ford Courier made by Mazda
    JD1 Daihatsu car
    JD2 Daihatsu SUV
    JD4 Daihatsu truck
    JDA Daihatsu
    JE3 Eagle car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JE4 Mitsubishi
    JF1 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries car
    JF2 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries SUV
    JF3 Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries truck
    JF4 Saab 9-2X made by Subaru
    JG1 Chevrolet/Geo car made by Suzuki
    JG7 Pontiac/Asuna car made by Suzuki for GM Canada
    JGC Chevrolet/Geo SUV made by Suzuki
    JGT GMC SUV made by Suzuki for GM Canada
    JH2 Honda motorcycle/ATV
    JH3 Honda ATV
    JH4 Acura car
    JHA JHB Hino
    JHD JHF JHH Hino
    JHL Honda MPV/SUV[17]
    JHM Honda car[17]
    JJ3 Chrysler car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JK8 Suzuki QUV620F UTV made by Kawasaki
    JKA JKB Kawasaki
    JKS Suzuki Marauder 1600/Boulevard M95 motorcycle made by Kawasaki
    JL5 JL6 Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JLF Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JLS Sterling Trucks 360 made by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp
    JM0 Mazda for Oceania export
    JM1 Mazda car
    JM2 Mazda truck
    JM3 Mazda MPV/SUV
    JM6 Mazda[17]
    JM7 Mazda
    JMA JMB Mitsubishi[17]
    JMF Mitsubishi
    JMY Mitsubishi
    JMZ Mazda for Europe export
    JN Nissan[17]
    JN1 Nissan car & Infiniti car
    JN3 Nissan incomplete vehicle
    JN6 Nissan truck
    JN8 Nissan MPV/SUV & Infiniti SUV
    JNA Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks incomplete vehicle
    JNC Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks
    JNE Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks truck
    JNK Infiniti car
    JNR Infiniti SUV
    JNX Infiniti incomplete vehicle
    JP3 Plymouth car made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JP4 Plymouth MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JP7 Plymouth truck made by Mitsubishi Motors
    JPC Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks
    JR2 Isuzu Oasis made by Honda
    JS Suzuki[17]
    JS1 Suzuki motorcycle & Kawasaki KLX400S/KLX400SR motorcycle made by Suzuki
    JS2 Suzuki car
    JS3 Suzuki SUV
    JSA Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki
    JSK Kawasaki KLX125/KLX125L motorcycle made by Suzuki
    JSL Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki
    JT Toyota[17]
    JT2 Toyota car
    JT3 Toyota MPV/SUV
    JT4 Toyota truck
    JT5 Toyota incomplete vehicle
    JT6 Lexus SUV
    JT8 Lexus car
    JTD Toyota car
    JTE Toyota MPV/SUV
    JTF Toyota van/truck
    JTG Toyota MPV/bus
    JTH Lexus car
    JTJ Lexus SUV
    JTK Toyota car
    JTL Toyota SUV
    JTM Toyota SUV
    JTN Toyota car
    JW6 Mitsubishi FUSO division of Mitsubishi Motors (through mid 2003)
    JY Yamaha Motor[17]
    JY3 Yamaha Motor 3-wheel ATV
    JY4 Yamaha Motor 4-wheel ATV
    JYA Yamaha Motor motorcycles
    JYE Yamaha Motor snowmobile
    KF3 Israel Merkavim
    KF6 Automotive Industries, Ltd.
    KF9 004 Tomcar
    KLA South Korea Daewoo/GM Korea[17]
    KLT KLU Tata Daewoo
    KL1 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car
    KL2 Daewoo/GM Daewoo Pontiac
    KL3 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Holden
    KL4 GM Korea Buick
    KL5 GM Daewoo Suzuki
    KL6 GM Daewoo GMC
    KL7 Daewoo GM Canada brands: Passport, Asuna (Pre-2000)
    KL7 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet MPV/SUV (Post-2000)
    KL8 GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car (Spark)
    KMA Asia Motors
    KME Hyundai commercial truck
    KMF Hyundai van & commercial truck & Bering Truck
    KMH Hyundai car[17]
    KMJ Hyundai bus & minibus
    KMT Genesis Motor car
    KMU Genesis Motor SUV
    KMY Daelim Motor Company, Ltd/DNA Motors Co., Ltd.
    KM4 Hyosung Motors/S&T Motors/KR Motors
    KM8 Hyundai SUV
    KNA KNC KNE Kia car[17]
    KND Kia SUV/MPV & Hyundai Entourage
    KNJ Ford Festiva & Aspire
    KNM Renault Samsung Motors & Nissan Rogue made by Renault Samsung Motors
    KPA SsangYong pickup
    KPB SsangYong car
    KPH Mitsubishi Precis
    KPT SsangYong SUV/MPV[17]
    L1C China Hubei Huawei Special-Purpose Automobile
    L2C Chery Jaguar Land Rover
    L5Y Znen Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co. Ltd.
    L6T Geely
    L8A Jinhua Youngman Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    L8Y Zhejiang Jonway Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    L9N Zhejiang Taotao Vehicles Co., Ltd.
    LA6 King Long
    LA9 LC0 BYD Auto
    LAL Sundiro Honda Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LB1 Fujian Benz
    LB2 Geely motorcycle
    LB3 Geely
    LBB Qianjiang Motorcycle & Benelli
    LBE Beijing Hyundai
    LBP Chonqing Jianshe Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd.
    LBV BMW Brilliance
    LC0 BYD Auto Industry Co. Ltd.
    LC2 Changzhou Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd.
    LC6 Changzhou Haojue Suzuki Motorcycle Co. Ltd.
    LCE CF Moto by Chunfeng Holding Group Hangzhou Motorcycles Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    LCR Gonow
    LDC Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën
    LDK FAW Bus (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
    LDN Soueast
    LDY Zhongtong Bus
    LE4 Beijing Benz & Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive Co., Ltd.
    LET Jiangxi Isuzu
    LF3 Lifan motorcycle
    LFB FAW Jilin
    LFM FAW Toyota
    LFN FAW Bus (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
    LFP FAW Car
    LFV FAW-Volkswagen
    LGA Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. trucks
    LGB Dongfeng Nissan
    LGC Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. buses
    LGG Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor
    LGJ Dongfeng Fengshen (Aeolus)
    LGL Guilin Daewoo
    LGW Great Wall (Haval)
    LGX BYD Auto
    LGZ Guangzhou Denway Bus
    LH1 FAW Haima
    LHG Guangzhou Honda
    LJ1 JAC
    LJ8 Zotye Auto
    LJC Jincheng Corporation
    LJD Dongfeng Yueda Kia
    LJN Zhengzhou Nissan
    LJS Yaxing Coach
    LJU Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. & Kandi
    LJV Sinotruk Chengdu Wangpai Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd.
    LJX JMC Ford
    LKC Changhe
    LKG Youngman Lotus Automobile Co., Ltd.
    LKL Higer Bus
    LKT Yunnan Lifan Junma Vehicle Co., Ltd. commercial vehicles
    LL3 Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Co. Ltd
    LL6 GAC Mitsubishi
    LL8 Jiangsu Linhai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
    LLC Loncin Holdings
    LLN Qoros
    LLV Lifan
    LM6 SWM (automobiles)
    LMG GAC Trumpchi
    LNB BAIC Motor
    LNP NAC MG UK Limited & Nanjing Fiat Automobile
    LNY Yuejin
    LPA Changan PSA (DS Automobiles)
    LPE BYD Auto
    LPS Polestar
    LRB SAIC General Motors Buick
    LRD Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co., Ltd. Auman trucks
    LRE SAIC General Motors Cadillac
    LRW Tesla
    LS5 Changan Automobile & Changan Suzuki
    LS7 JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle
    LSF SAIC Maxus & Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation
    LSG SAIC General Motors Chevrolet
    LSH SAIC Maxus
    LSJ SAIC MG & SAIC Roewe
    LSK SAIC Maxus
    LSV SAIC Volkswagen
    LSY Brilliance & Jinbei GM
    LTA ZX Auto
    LTN Soueast built Chrysler & Dodge vehicles
    LTV FAW Toyota (Tianjin)
    LUC Honda Automobile (China)
    LUD Dongfeng Nissan Diesel Motor Co Ltd
    LUX Dongfeng Yulon Motor Co. Ltd
    LVA LVB LVC Foton Motor
    LVF Changhe Suzuki
    LVG GAC Toyota
    LVH Dongfeng Honda
    LVM Chery Commercial Vehicle
    LVR Changan Mazda
    LVS Changan Ford & Changan Ford Mazda
    LVV Chery
    LVX Landwind
    LVY Volvo Cars Daqing factory
    LVZ DFSK Motor
    LWB Wuyang Honda Motorcycle (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
    LWL Qingling Isuzu
    LWV GAC Fiat Chrysler
    LXV Beijing Borgward Automotive Co., Ltd.
    LXY Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LYB Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd.
    LYM Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
    LYV Volvo Cars Chengdu factory & Luqiao factory
    LZF SAIC Iveco Hongyan
    LZG Shaanxi Automobile Group Shacman Bus
    LZK Sinotruk (CNHTC) Huanghe bus
    LZS Zongshen
    LZU Guangzhou Isuzu Bus
    LZW SAIC GM Wuling
    LZY Yutong
    LZZ Sinotruk (CNHTC) Howo, Sitrak
    MA1 India Mahindra
    MA3 Maruti Suzuki India Limited
    MA6 General Motors India Pvt. Ltd.
    MA7 Hindustan Motors Ltd & Mitsubishi Motors models made by Hindustan Motors & Isuzu models made by Hindustan Motors
    MAH Fiat India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd
    MAJ Ford India
    MAK Honda Cars India
    MAL Hyundai Motor India
    MAN Eicher Polaris Multix
    MAT Tata Motors
    MB1 Ashok Leyland Ltd
    MB8 Suzuki Motorcycle India Limited
    MBF Royal Enfield
    MBH Nissan Pixo made by Maruti Suzuki India Limited
    MBJ Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd
    MBK MAN Trucks India Pvt. Ltd
    MBL Hero MotoCorp
    MBU Swaraj Vehicles Limited
    MBV Premier Automobiles Ltd
    MBX Piaggio India Piaggio Ape
    MBY Asia Motor Works Ltd
    MC1 Force Motors Limited
    MC2 Eicher Motors Limited
    MC4 Dilip Chhabria Design Pvt Ltd
    MCA FCA India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd
    MCB General Motors India Pvt. Ltd.
    MCD Mahindra Two Wheelers
    MCG Atul Auto
    MCL International Cars And Motors Ltd
    MD2 Bajaj Auto Ltd & KTM and Husqvarna models built by Bajaj
    MD6 TVS Motor Company
    MD7 LML Ltd including Genuine Scooter Company Stella
    MDE Kinetic Engineering Limited
    MDH Nissan Motor India Pvt Ltd
    MDT Kerala Automobiles Limited
    ME1 India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd
    ME3 Royal Enfield
    ME4 Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India
    MEC Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. BharatBenz
    MEE Renault India Private Limited
    MEG Harley-Davidson India
    MER Benelli
    MET Piaggio India Vespa
    MEX Škoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. 2015 on
    MYH Ather Energy
    MZ7 MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd.
    MZB Kia India Pvt. Ltd.
    MZD Classic Legends Private Limited — Jawa
    M3G Isuzu Motors India
    M6F UM Lohia Two Wheelers Private Limited
    MH1 Indonesia PT Astra Honda Motor
    MH3 PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg.
    MH4 PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia
    MHF PT Toyota Astra Motor
    MHK PT Astra Daihatsu Motor including Toyotas made by Astra Daihatsu
    MHL PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia
    MHR PT Honda Prospect Motor
    MHY PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor
    MJB GM Indonesia
    MK2 Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia
    MK3 PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Wuling
    ML0 Thailand Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    ML3 Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)
    ML5 Kawasaki Motors Enterprise Co. Ltd. (Thailand)
    MLC Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.
    MLE Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
    MLH Honda motorcycle
    MLY Harley-Davidson
    MM0 MM6 MM7 Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)
    MM8 Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[18]
    MMA MMB Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[17]
    MMC MMD Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)
    MMF BMW[19]
    MMH Tata[20]
    MMK Toyota (Toyota Auto Works plant)[21]
    MMM Chevrolet[22]
    MML MG
    MMR Subaru[23]
    MMS Suzuki[24]
    MMT Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[25]
    MMU Holden
    MNA Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for Australia/New Zealand export
    MNB Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[26] for other right-hand drive markets
    MNC Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for left-hand drive markets
    MNK Hino Motors Manufacturing Thailand Co Ltd
    MNT Nissan Motor Thailand
    MPA IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand
    MPB Ford (FTM plant)[27]
    MP1 IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand
    MP2 Mazda BT-50 pickup built by Isuzu Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    MP5 Foton[28]
    MRH Honda car
    MR0 Toyota (Ban Pho and Samrong plant)[29]
    MR1 Toyota (Samrong plant) (Fortuner)
    MR2 Toyota (Gateway plant)[30]
    MS0 Myanmar SSS MOTORS Myanmar/Kia
    MS3 Suzuki Myanmar Motor Co.,Ltd.
    MX3 Kazakhstan Hyundai Trans Auto
    N3C Iran Kavir motor Company (Yektaz)
    N58 Kavir motor Comany (EURASIA)
    NAA Iran khodro Company
    NAD Saipa Diesel
    NAG Bahman Industrial Group
    NAP Pars Khodro
    NFB Pakistan Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Ltd
    NG3 Lucky Motor Corporation
    NLA Turkey Honda cars
    NLC Askam Kamyon Imalat Ve Ticaret A.S.
    NLH Hyundai Assan Otomotiv car/SUV
    NLJ Hyundai Assan Otomotiv van
    NLN Karsan Automotive Industry & Trade
    NLR Otokar
    NMA MAN Türkiye A.Ş.[17]
    NMB Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S.
    NMC BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
    NMH Honda motorcycle
    NMT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey
    NM0 Ford Otosan
    NM1 Oyak-Renault Oto Fab AS
    NM4 Tofas (Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS)
    NNA Anadolu Isuzu
    PAB Philippines Isuzu Philippines Corporation
    PAD Honda Cars Philippines
    PE1 Ford Motor Company Philippines
    PE3 Mazda Philippines made by Ford Motor Company Philippines
    PL1 Malaysia Proton
    PL8 Hyundai/Inokom
    PLP Subaru
    PLZ Isuzu Malaysia
    PMH Honda car
    PML Hicom
    PM1 BMW
    PM2 Perodua
    PM9 Bufori
    PMK Honda Boon Siew motorcycle
    PMN Modenas
    PMV Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn. Bhd.
    PNA Naza/Kia/Peugeot
    PNA Peugeot
    PNV Volvo Cars
    PN1 PN2 Toyota
    PN8 Nissan
    PP1 Mazda
    PP3 Hyundai
    PPP Suzuki
    PPV Volkswagen
    PR8 Ford
    PRA Sinotruk
    PRH Chery
    LFA Taiwan Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd old designation
    LM1 LM4 Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd old designation
    LPR Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. old designation
    RF3 Aeon Motor
    RF5 Yulon Motor Co Ltd
    RFB Kymco
    RFC Taiwan Golden Bee
    RFD Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd new designation
    RFG SYM Motors
    RFV PGO Scooters including Genuine Scooter Company models made by PGO
    RGS Kawasaki made by Kymco
    RHA Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd new designation
    RK7 Kawasaki ATV made by Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd (rebadged Suzuki ATV) new designation
    RKJ Prince Motors Taiwan
    RKL Kuozui Motors (Toyota)
    RKM China Motor Corporation
    RKR Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. new designation
    RKT Honda Taiwan
    RL0 Vietnam Ford Vietnam
    RL4 Toyota Motor Vietnam
    RLA Vina Star Motors Corp. — Mitsubishi
    RLC Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    RLE Isuzu Vietnam Co.
    RLH Honda Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    RLL VinFast SUV
    RLM Mercedes-Benz Vietnam
    RLV Vietnam Precision Industrial CO., Ltd. Can-Am DS 70 & DS 90
    RP8 Piaggio Vietnam Co. Ltd.
    R4N Hong Kong Elyx Smart Technology Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd.


    SA9 United Kingdom < 500 units Morgan Motor Company
    SA9 OX Global
    SA9 005 Panther
    SA9 019 TVR
    SA9 039 Westfield Sportscars
    SA9 048 McLaren F1
    SA9 050 Marcos Engineering
    SA9 130 MG Sport and Racing
    SA9 202 Morgan 3-Wheeler
    SAA United Kingdom Austin
    SAB Optare
    SAD Daimler until April 1987
    SAD Jaguar SUV
    SAH Honda made by Austin Rover Group
    SAJ Jaguar car
    SAL Land Rover[17]
    SAM Morris
    SAR Rover & MG Rover Group[17]
    SAT Triumph car[17]
    SAX Austin Rover Group including Sterling Cars
    SAY Norton Motorcycles
    SAZ Freight Rover
    SBB Leyland Vehicles
    SBC Iveco Ford Truck
    SBJ Leyland Bus
    SBL Leyland Motors & Leyland DAF
    SBM McLaren Automotive[17]
    SBS Scammell
    SBV Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Leyland Trucks
    SB1 Toyota Manufacturing UK[17]
    SCA Rolls-Royce Motor Cars & Rolls-Royce Motors car
    SCB Bentley car
    SCC Lotus Cars[17]
    SCE DeLorean
    SCF Aston Martin Lagonda[17]
    SCG Triumph Engineering original Triumph Motorcycle company
    SCK Ifor Williams Trailers
    SCR London Electric Vehicle Company & London Taxi Company & London Taxis International
    SCV Volvo Truck & Bus
    SC6 INEOS Automotive[17]
    SDB Talbot Motor Company
    SDF Dodge Trucks — UK 1981-1984
    SDG Renault Trucks Industries 1985-1992
    SDK Caterham Cars
    SDP MG Motor NAC MG UK & MG Motor UK
    SED IBC Vehicles (Isuzu Bedford Company)
    SEG Dennis Eagle
    SEY LDV Group
    SFA Ford of Britain
    SFD Dennis
    SFE Alexander Dennis
    SFN Foden
    SFZ Tesla Roadster made by Lotus
    SHH Honda UK Manufacturing car[17]
    SHS Honda UK Manufacturing SUV[17]
    SJA Bentley SUV
    SJK Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Infiniti
    SJN Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Nissan
    SKA Vauxhall Motors
    SKF Bedford Vehicles
    SLA Rolls-Royce Motor Cars SUV
    SLP JC Bamford Excavators
    SLV Volvo Bus
    SMT Triumph Motorcycles Ltd current Triumph Motorcycle company
    SNE East Germany Wartburg
    SNT Trabant
    SNZ MZ Motorrad- und Zweiradwerk
    SUA Poland Sanocka Fabryka Autobusow Sfa / Autosan
    SUD Wielton
    SUF Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych
    SUJ Jelcz
    SUL FSC Lublin Automotive Factory
    SUN FSD [pl]
    SUP Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych
    SUU Solaris Bus & Coach
    SZA Scania Production Slupsk
    TAM Switzerland Mowag
    TAP Polaris Europe (based in Switzerland)
    TCC Micro Compact Car[17] (until 5/99)
    TEB Bucher Municipal including Johnston Sweepers of the UK (owned by Bucher Municipal of Switzerland)
    TK9 SL5 Czech Republic SOR Libchavy
    TLJ Jawa Moto
    TMA Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech car[17]
    TMB Škoda Auto AS[17]
    TMC Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech SUV
    TMK Karosa
    TMP Škoda Ostrov
    TMT Tatra car
    TNA Avia/Daewoo Avia
    TNT TNU Tatra trucks
    TRA Hungary Ikarus Bus
    TRU Audi[17]
    TSM Suzuki[17]
    TW1 Portugal Toyota Caetano Portugal
    TW3 Renault Portuguesa SARL
    TW7 Mini Moke made by British Leyland & Austin Rover
    TW8 General Motors De Portugal Lda
    TWG Salvador Caetano
    TX5 Mini Moke made by Cagiva
    TYA Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp.
    TYB Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp.
    U5Y Slovakia Kia Motors Slovakia car[17]
    U6Y Kia Motors Slovakia SUV
    ULA Denmark ASA-LIFT: Vegetable Technology Specialist (Agricultural Machinery)
    UU1 Romania Dacia[17]
    UU2 Oltcit
    UU3 ARO
    UU5 Rocar
    UU6 Daewoo Romania
    UU7 Euro Bus Diamond
    UU9 Astra Bus
    UZT UTB (Uzina de Tractoare Brașov)
    VA0 Austria ÖAF[17]
    VAG Steyr-Daimler-Puch Puch G & Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer
    VAN Steyr-Daimler-Puch Steyr Trucks
    VBK KTM[17]
    VBK Husqvarna Motorcycles & Gas Gas under KTM ownership
    VCF Fisker Inc. (Fisker Ocean) made by Magna Steyr
    VF1 France Renault[17] & Eagle Medallion made by Renault
    VF2 Renault Trucks[17]
    VF3 Peugeot[17]
    VF4 Talbot[17]
    VF5 Iveco Unic[17]
    VF6 Renault Trucks[17]
    VF7 Citroën[17]
    VF8 Matra/Talbot/Simca[17]
    VF9 607 Mathieu Fayat Group
    VF9 673 Venturi Automobiles
    VF9 795 Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.[17]
    VFA Alpine
    VG5 MBK & Yamaha Motor
    VG6 Renault Trucks & Mack Trucks medium duty trucks made by Renault Trucks
    VG7, VG8 Renault Trucks
    VGA Peugeot Motocycles
    VJ1 Heuliez Bus
    VK8 Venturi Automobiles
    VL4 Bluecar
    VLU Scania Production Angers
    VMK Renault Sport Spider
    VN1 Renault SOVAB
    VNE Iveco Bus
    VNK Toyota Motor Manufacturing France
    VNV Nissan
    VR1 DS Automobiles
    VR3 Peugeot
    VR7 Citroën
    VPS MLT Automotive
    VXE Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall van
    VXK Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall car/SUV
    VS1 Spain Pegaso
    VS5 Renault España
    VS6 Ford Espana
    VS7 Citroën
    VS8 Peugeot
    VSC Mercedes-Benz Espana SA (Vitoria)
    VSE Santana Motor
    VSK Nissan Motor Iberica SA, Nissan passenger car/MPV/van/SUV/pickup & Ford Maverick 1993-1999
    VSS SEAT[17]
    VSX Opel Automobile Espana,SA
    VTD Montesa Honda Honda Montesa motorcycle models
    VTH Derbi
    VTL Yamaha Motor España SA & Yamaha Sociedad Española de Motocicletas
    VTM Montesa Honda Honda motorcycle models
    VTR Gas Gas
    VTT Suzuki Motor España Motorcycle
    VV9 Tauro Sport Auto
    VWA Nissan Vehiculos Industriales SA, Nissan Commercial Vehicles
    VX1 Yugoslavia/Serbia Zastava Automobiles
    V31 Croatia Tvornica Autobusa Zagreb (TAZ)
    V39 AB8 Rimac Automobili
    WAC Germany Audi/Porsche RS 2 Avant
    WAG Neoplan[17]
    WAU Audi car[17]
    WAP Alpina[17]
    WUA Audi SUV
    WBA BMW car[17]
    WBS BMW M car[17]
    WBX BMW SUV[17]
    WBY BMW i car
    WB1 BMW Motorrad Motorcycle
    WB3 BMW Motorrad Motorcycles made in India
    WB4 BMW Motorrad Motorscooters made in China
    WB5 BMW i SUV
    WCD Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2019
    WD0 Dodge Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2009
    WD1 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 incomplete vehicle
    WD2 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats)
    WD3 Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    WD4 Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    WD5 Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats)
    WD6 Freightliner Unimog truck
    WD7 Freightliner Unimog incomplete vehicle
    WD8 Dodge Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2009
    WDA Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    WDB Mercedes-Benz & Maybach[17]
    WDC Mercedes-Benz SUV[17]
    WDD Mercedes-Benz car
    WDF Mercedes-Benz van (French & Spanish built models — Citan & Vito & X-Class)
    WDP Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2019
    WDR Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2019
    WDW Dodge Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2009
    WDX Dodge Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2009
    WDY Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2019
    WDZ Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    WEB EvoBus Mercedes-Benz buses[17]
    WEL e.GO Mobile AG
    WF0 Ford of Europe[17]
    WF1 Merkur
    WJM Iveco/Iveco Magirus
    WJR Irmscher[17]
    WKK Setra & Karl Kässbohrer Fahrzeugwerke[17]
    WMA MAN[17]
    WME Smart[17] (from 5/99)
    WMW Mini car[17]
    WMX Mercedes-AMG used for Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG & Mercedes-AMG GT (not used in North America)
    WMZ Mini SUV
    WNA Next.e.GO Mobile SE
    WP0 Porsche car[17]
    WP1 Porsche SUV[17]
    WS5 StreetScooter
    WUA Audi Sport GmbH & Quattro GmbH car[17]
    WU1 Audi Sport GmbH SUV
    WVG Volkswagen SUV[17]
    WVM Arbeitsgemeinschaft VW-MAN
    WVP Viseon Bus
    WVW Volkswagen car[17]
    WV1 Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17]
    WV2 Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17]
    WZ1 Toyota Supra Fifth generation
    W04 Buick Regal & Buick Cascada
    W06 Cadillac Catera
    W08 Saturn Astra
    W09 B09 Bitter Cars
    W09 B16 Brabus
    W09 D05 Drögmöller
    W09 HA8 HWA AG
    W09 R06 Ruf Automobile[17]
    W0L Adam Opel AG/Vauxhall[17] & Holden
    W0S Opel Special Vehicles[17]
    W0V Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall & Holden
    W1A Smart
    W1H Freightliner Econic
    W1K Mercedes-Benz car
    W1N Mercedes-Benz SUV
    W1T Mercedes-Benz truck
    W1V Mercedes-Benz van
    W1W Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    W1X Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    W1Y Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    W1Z Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    W2W Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats)
    W2X Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle
    W2Y Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats)
    W2Z Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    XBB Bulgaria Great Wall Motors/Litex Motors AD
    XL9 003 Netherlands Autobusfabriek Bova BV
    XL9 320 VDL Bova
    XL9 363 Spyker Cars
    XLB Volvo Car B.V./NedCar B.V. (Volvo Cars)
    XLE Scania Nederland B.V.
    XLR DAF Trucks[17] & Leyland DAF
    XLV DAF Bus
    XMC NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors
    XMG VDL Bus International
    XNC NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors (Colt CZC convertible)
    XNL VDL Bus & Coach
    XP7 Tesla Europe (based in the Netherlands)
    XTA Russia AvtoVAZ[17]
    XTB AZLK[17]
    XTF GolAZ
    XTY LiAZ
    XU1 UAZ Special Purpose Vehicles
    XUF General Motors Russia
    XUU Chevrolet made by Avtotor
    XW7 Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia
    XW8 Volkswagen Group Rus
    XWE Hyundai Motor Company & Kia made by Avtotor
    X1E KAvZ
    X1M PAZ
    X4X BMW made by Avtotor
    X7L Renault Russia
    X8J IMZ-Ural Ural Motorcycles
    X96 GAZ
    X9F Ford Motor Company ZAO
    X9L GM-AvtoVAZ
    X9P Volvo Vostok ZAO Volvo Trucks
    X9X Great Wall Motors IMS Avtotrade-12 LLC
    Z6F Ford Sollers
    Z8N Nissan Manufacturing Rus
    Z8T PCMA Rus
    Z94 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus
    Z9M Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok
    XWB Uzbekistán UzDaewoo GM Uzbekistan Ravon
    Y6D Ukraine ZAZ
    Y6J Bogdan group
    Y6U Škoda Auto made by Eurocar
    Y7B Bogdan group
    Y7C Great Wall Motors KrASZ
    YAR Belgium Toyota Motor Europe (based in Belgium) used for Toyota ProAce & Toyota ProAce City
    YB3 Volvo Trucks
    YB6 Jonckheere
    YC1 Honda
    YE2 Van Hool[17]
    YH2 Finland Lynx (snowmobile)
    YH4 Fisker Automotive (Fisker Karma) built by Valmet Automotive
    YK1 Saab[17] built by Valmet Automotive
    YK7 Sisu Auto
    YS2 Sweden Scania, Södertälje[17] truck
    YS3 Saab[17]
    YS4 Scania, Katrineholm[17] bus
    YSC Cadillac BLS built by Saab
    YT9 007 Koenigsegg Automotive AB[31]
    YTN Saab NEVS
    YU7 Husaberg Swedish built models
    YV1 Volvo Cars car[17]
    YV2 Volvo Trucks[17]
    YV3 Volvo Buses[17]
    YV4 Volvo Cars SUV
    YV5 Volvo Trucks incomplete vehicle
    YYC Norway Think Nordic
    ZA9 A12 Italy Lamborghini through mid 2003
    ZA9 D38 Cizeta Automobili SRL
    ZA9 D39 Bugatti Automobili S.p.A
    ZA9 F76 Pagani Automobili S.p.A.
    ZA9 M09 Italdesign Automobili Speciali
    ZA9 M27 Dallara Stradale
    ZAA Autobianchi
    ZAC Jeep and Dodge Hornet
    ZAM Maserati car[17]
    ZAP Piaggio and Vespa and Gilera[32]
    ZAR Alfa Romeo car[17] & Nissan Cherry Europe
    ZAS Alfa Romeo Alfasud & Sprint through 1989
    ZAS Alfa Romeo SUV 2018-
    ZBB Gruppo Bertone
    ZBN Benelli
    ZBW Rayton-Fissore Magnum
    ZC2 Chrysler TC by Maserati
    ZCF Iveco[17]
    ZCG Cagiva & MV Agusta
    ZCG Husqvarna Motorcycles Under MV Agusta ownership
    ZD0 Yamaha Motor Italia SpA & Belgarda SpA
    ZD3 Betamotor S.p.A.
    ZD4 Aprilia
    ZDC Honda Italia Industriale S.p.A.
    ZDM Ducati Motor Holding
    ZDT De Tomaso Modena SpA
    ZES Bimota
    ZF4 Qvale
    ZFA Fiat car[17] Also Fiat Fullback
    ZFB Fiat MPV/SUV
    ZFC Ram 1200
    ZFF Ferrari[17]
    ZFM Fantic Motor
    ZFR Pininfarina
    ZGA Iveco Bus[17]
    ZGU Moto Guzzi
    ZHU Husqvarna Motorcycles Under Cagiva ownership
    ZHW Lamborghini car[17] from mid 2003
    ZJM Malaguti
    ZJN Innocenti
    ZJT Italjet
    ZKH Husqvarna Motorcycles Srl Under BMW ownership
    ZK5 Hyundai Automobili Italia Importazioni
    ZLA Lancia[17]
    ZLM Moto Morini srl
    ZLV Laverda
    ZN0 SWM Motorcycles S.r.l.
    ZN3 Iveco Defence
    ZN6 Maserati SUV
    ZNN Energica Motor Company
    ZPB Lamborghini SUV
    ZZ1 Slovenia Tomos motorcycle

    North America[edit]

    1A4 1A8 United States Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2009 only
    1AC American Motors Corporation MPV
    1AF American LaFrance truck
    1AM American Motors Corporation car & Renault Alliance 1983 only
    1B3 Dodge[17] car 1981-2011
    1B4 Dodge MPV/SUV 1981-2002
    1B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    1B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    1B9 133 Buell Motorcycle Company through mid 1995
    1B9 975 Motus Motorcycles
    1BA Blue Bird Corporation bus
    1BB Blue Bird Wanderlodge MPV
    1BD Blue Bird Corporation incomplete vehicle
    1C3 Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011
    1C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012-
    1C4 Chrysler brand MPV 1990-2005
    1C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV 2012-
    1C6 Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012-
    1C8 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    1C9 291 CX Automotive
    1CM Checker Motors Corporation
    1CU Cushman Haulster (Cushman division of Outboard Marine Corporation)
    1CY Crane Carrier Company
    1D3 Dodge truck 2002-2009
    1D4 Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2011 only
    1D7 Dodge truck 2002-2011
    1D8 Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2009 only
    1F Ford[17]
    1F1 Ford SUV — limousine (through 2009)
    1F6 Ford stripped chassis made by Detroit Chassis LLC
    1F9 ST2 Seagrave
    1FA Ford car
    1FB Ford «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    1FC Ford stripped chassis made by Ford
    1FD Ford incomplete vehicle
    1FM Ford MPV/SUV
    1FT Ford truck
    1FU 1FV Freightliner Trucks
    1G General Motors[17]
    1G0 GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986
    1G0 GMC Rapid Transit Series (RTS) bus 1981-1986
    1G0 Opel car 2007-2017
    1G1 Chevrolet car
    1G2 Pontiac car
    1G3 Oldsmobile car
    1G4 Buick car[33]
    1G5 GMC MPV/SUV 1981-1986
    1G6 Cadillac car
    1G7 Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada
    1G8 Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1981-1986
    1G8 Saturn car 1991-2010
    1G9 495 Google & Waymo
    1GA Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    1GB Chevrolet incomplete vehicles[33]
    1GC Chevrolet truck
    1GD GMC incomplete vehicles[33]
    1GE Cadillac incomplete vehicle
    1GF Flxible bus
    1GG Isuzu pickup trucks made by GM
    1GH Oldsmobile MPV/SUV 1990-2004
    1GH Holden Acadia 2019-2020
    1GJ GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987-
    1GK GMC MPV/SUV 1987-
    1GM Pontiac MPV
    1GN Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987-
    1GT GMC truck
    1GY Cadillac SUV
    1HA Chevrolet incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International
    1HD Harley-Davidson
    1HF Honda motorcycle/ATV/UTV
    1HG Honda[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    1HS International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck
    1HT International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks & Chevrolet Silverado 4500HD, 5500HD, 6500HD incomplete vehicle
    1HV IC Bus incomplete bus
    1J4 Jeep[17] SUV 1989-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1J7 Jeep truck 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1J8 Jeep SUV 2002-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    1JC Jeep SUV 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    1JT Jeep truck 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    1JU Marmon Motor Company
    1L Lincoln[17]
    1L1 Lincoln car — limousine
    1L9 234 Laforza
    1LJ Lincoln incomplete vehicle
    1LN Lincoln car
    1M0 John Deere Gator
    1M1 1M2 Mack Trucks
    1M8 Motor Coach Industries
    1M9 682 Mosler Automotive
    1M9 816 Proterra Through mid-2019
    1MB Mercedes-Benz Truck Co.
    1ME Mercury car[17]
    1MR Continental Mark VI & VII 1981-1985 & Continental sedan[17] 1982-1985
    1N4 Nissan car
    1N6 Nissan truck
    1N9 013 Neoplan USA
    1N9 393 Nikola Corporation
    1NK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    1NP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    1NX Toyota car made by NUMMI
    1P3 Plymouth car
    1P4 Plymouth MPV/SUV
    1P9 213 Panoz
    1S9 098 Scania AB Scania CN112 bus made in Orange, CT
    1S9 842 Saleen S7
    1S9 944 SSC North America
    1T7 1T8 Thomas Built Buses
    1T9 899 Tomcar USA
    1TU Transportation Manufacturing Corporation
    1UT Jeep DJ made by AM General
    1V1 Volkswagen truck
    1V2 Volkswagen SUV
    1V9 048 Vector Aeromotive
    1VH Orion Bus Industries
    1VW Volkswagen car[17]
    1WU White truck
    1WV 1WW Winnebago Industries
    1WX 1WY White incomplete vehicle
    1XK Kenworth truck
    1XM Renault Alliance/GTA/Encore 1984-1987
    1XP Peterbilt truck
    1Y1 Chevrolet/Geo car made by NUMMI
    1YJ Rokon International, Inc.
    1YV Mazda[17]
    1Z3 1Z7 Mitsubishi Raider
    1Z9 332 Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles LLC
    1ZV Ford made by AutoAlliance International
    1ZW Mercury made by AutoAlliance International
    10R E-Z-GO
    10T Oshkosh Corporation
    12A Avanti
    137 AM General Hummer & Hummer H1
    15G Gillig bus
    16X Vixen 21 motorhome
    17N John Deere incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    19U Acura[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    19V Acura car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    19X Honda car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    2A3 Canada Imperial
    2A4 2A8 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2011 only
    2AY 2AZ Hino
    2B1 Orion Bus Industries
    2B3 Dodge[17] car 1981-2011
    2B4 Dodge MPV 1981-2002
    2B5 Dodge «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-2002
    2B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    2B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    2BC Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1987-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    2BP Ski-Doo
    2BV Can-Am & Bombardier ATV
    2BW Can-Am Commander E LSV
    2BX Can-Am Spyder
    2BZ Can-Am Freedom Trailer for Can-Am Spyder
    2C1 Geo/Chevrolet car made by CAMI Automotive
    2C3 Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011
    2C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012-
    2C4 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2000-2005
    2C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Lancia & VW) 2012-
    2C7 Pontiac car made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada
    2C8 Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2001-2005
    2C9 145 Campagna Motors
    2CC American Motors Corporation MPV
    2CG Asüna/Pontiac SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada
    2CK GMC Tracker SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada 1990-1991 only
    2CK Pontiac Torrent SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2006-2009 only
    2CM American Motors Corporation car
    2CN Geo/Chevrolet SUV made by CAMI Automotive 1990-2011 only
    2CT GMC Terrain SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2010-2011 only
    2D4 Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only
    2D6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003
    2D7 Dodge truck 2003
    2D8 Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only
    2DG Ontario Drive & Gear
    2E3 Eagle car 1989-1997 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    2E4 Lancia MPV
    2F Ford[17]
    2FA Ford car
    2FM Ford MPV/SUV
    2FT Ford truck
    2FU 2FV Freightliner Trucks
    2FW Sterling Trucks truck
    2FY New Flyer
    2FZ Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2Gx General Motors[17]
    2G0 GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986
    2G1 Chevrolet
    2G2 Pontiac
    2G3 Oldsmobile car
    2G4 Buick
    2G5 GMC MPV 1981-1986
    2G6 Cadillac
    2G7 Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada
    2G8 Chevrolet MPV 1981-1986
    2G9 Gnome Homes
    2GA Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    2GB Chevrolet incomplete vehicles
    2GC Chevrolet truck
    2GD GMC incomplete vehicles
    2GE Cadillac incomplete vehicle
    2GH GMC GM New Look bus & GM Classic series bus
    2GJ GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987-
    2GK GMC MPV/SUV 1987-
    2GN Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987-
    2GT GMC truck
    2HG Honda car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HH Acura car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HJ Honda truck made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HK Honda MPV/SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HM Hyundai
    2HN Acura SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing
    2HS International Trucks truck
    2HT International Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2J4 Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure)
    2L1 Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limo
    2L9 Les Contenants Durabac
    2LJ Lincoln incomplete vehicle — hearse
    2LM Lincoln SUV
    2LN Lincoln car[17]
    2M1 2M2 Mack Trucks
    2ME Mercury car[17]
    2MG Motor Coach Industries (Produced from Sept. 1, 2008 on)
    2MR Mercury MPV
    2NK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    2NP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    2NV Nova Bus
    2P3 Plymouth car
    2P4 Plymouth MPV 1981-2000
    2P5 Plymouth «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1983
    2P9 001 Prevost 1981-1995
    2PC Prevost 1996-
    2S2 Suzuki car made by CAMI Automotive
    2S3 Suzuki SUV made by CAMI Automotive
    2T1 Toyota car
    2T2 Lexus SUV
    2T3 Toyota SUV
    2V4 2V8 Volkswagen Routan
    2WK Western Star Trucks truck
    2WL 2WM Western Star Trucks incomplete vehicle
    2XK Kenworth truck
    2XM Eagle Premier 1988 only (using AMC-style VIN structure)
    2XP Peterbilt truck
    3A4 3A8 Mexico Chrysler brand MPV 2006-2010 only
    3AK 3AL Freightliner Trucks
    3B3 Dodge car 1981-2011
    3B4 Dodge SUV 1986-1993
    3B6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002
    3B7 Dodge truck 1981-2002
    3BJ Western Star 3700 truck made by DINA S.A.
    3BK Kenworth incomplete vehicle
    3BM Motor Coach Industries bus made by DINA S.A.
    3BP Peterbilt incomplete vehicle
    3C3 Chrysler brand car 1981-2011
    3C3 Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Fiat) 2012-
    3C4 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    3C4 Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Fiat) 2012-
    3C6 Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012-
    3C7 Chrysler Group (all brands) incomplete vehicle 2012-
    3C8 Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005
    3CE Volvo Buses de Mexico
    3CZ Honda SUV
    3D2 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2007-2009
    3D3 Dodge truck 2006-2009
    3D4 Dodge SUV 2009-2011
    3D6 Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003-2011
    3D7 Dodge truck 2002-2011
    3E4 Fiat SUV
    3F Ford
    3F6 Sterling Bullet
    3FA Ford car
    3FC Ford stripped chassis made by Ford & IMMSA
    3FM Ford MPV/SUV
    3FN 3FR Ford F-650/F-750 made by Blue Diamond Truck Co.
    3FT Ford truck
    3G General Motors[17]
    3G0 Saab 9-4X 2011
    3G0 Holden Equinox 2018-2020
    3G1 Chevrolet car
    3G2 Pontiac car
    3G4 Buick car
    3G5 Buick SUV
    3G7 Pontiac SUV
    3GC Chevrolet truck
    3GM Holden Suburban
    3GN Chevrolet SUV
    3GS Saturn SUV
    3GT GMC truck
    3GY Cadillac SUV
    3H1 Honda motorcycle/UTV
    3H3 Hyundai de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. for Hyundai Translead (truck trailers)
    3HA International Trucks incomplete vehicle
    3HC International Trucks truck
    3HG Honda car[17]
    3HS International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck
    3HT International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks incomplete vehicle
    3JB Can-Am ATV/UTV & Can-Am Ryker
    3KP Kia/Hyundai car[17]
    3LN Lincoln car
    3MD Mazda car
    3ME Mercury car
    3MV Mazda SUV
    3MW BMW
    3MY Toyota car made by Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation
    3MZ Mazda car
    3N1 Nissan[17] car
    3N6 Nissan truck & Chevrolet City Express
    3N8 Nissan MPV
    3NE Polaris Inc. ATV
    3NS Polaris Inc. UTV
    3P3 Plymouth car
    3PC Infiniti SUV made by COMPAS
    3TM Toyota truck made by TMMBC
    3TY Toyota truck made by TMMGT
    3VV Volkswagen SUV
    3VW Volkswagen car[17]
    3WK Kenworth truck
    3WP Peterbilt truck
    4A3 United States Mitsubishi Motors car
    4A4 Mitsubishi Motors SUV
    4B3 Dodge car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4B9 038 BYD Coach & Bus LLC
    4C3 Chrysler car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4C9 561 Czinger
    4CD Oshkosh Chassis Division incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    4DR IC Bus
    4E3 Eagle car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory
    4F2 Mazda[17] SUV made by Ford
    4F4 Mazda truck made by Ford
    4G1 Chevrolet Cavalier convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture
    4G2 Pontiac Sunfire convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture
    4G3 Toyota Cavalier made by GM
    4G5 General Motors EV1
    4GD Opel Sintra
    4GL Buick incomplete vehicle
    4GT Isuzu incomplete vehicle built by GM
    4JG Mercedes-Benz SUV[17]
    4KB Chevrolet W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only)
    4KD GMC W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only)
    4KL Isuzu commercial truck built by GM
    4M2 Mercury MPV/SUV
    4ML Oshkosh Trailer Division
    4MZ Buell Motorcycle Company
    4N2 Nissan Quest made by Ford
    4NU Isuzu Ascender made by GM
    4P1 Pierce Manufacturing
    4P3 Plymouth car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory 1990-1994
    4P3 Mitsubishi Motors SUV made by Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America 2013-2015 for export only
    4RK Nova Bus & Prevost made by Nova Bus (US) Inc.
    4S1 Isuzu truck made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S2 Isuzu SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S3 Subaru car[17]
    4S4 Subaru SUV/MPV[17]
    4S6 Honda SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive
    4S7 Spartan Motors incomplete vehicle
    4S9 197 Smith Electric Vehicles US Corp.
    4S9 419 Spartan Motors truck
    4S9 454 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus car
    4S9 542 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG Boot (M.P.V.)
    4S9 559 Spartan Fire, LLC truck (formerly Spartan ER)
    4S9 560 Spartan Fire, LLC incomplete vehicle (formerly Spartan ER)
    4T1 Toyota[17] car made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
    4T3 Toyota MPV/SUV made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
    4T4 Toyota car made by Subaru of Indiana Automotive
    4TA Toyota truck made by NUMMI
    4UF Arctic Cat
    4US BMW car[17]
    4UZ Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation & gas-powered Mitsubishi Fuso trucks assembled by Freightliner Custom Chassis & Thomas Built Buses FS-65 & Saf-T-Liner C2
    4V1 WhiteGMC truck
    4V2 WhiteGMC incomplete vehicle
    4V4 Volvo Trucks North America truck
    4V5 Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle
    4VA 4VG Volvo Trucks North America truck
    4VE 4VH 4VM Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle
    4VZ Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group incomplete vehicle — bare chassis only
    4XA Polaris Inc.
    4Z3 American LaFrance truck
    43C Consulier
    46G Gillig incomplete vehicle
    478 Honda ATV
    480 Sterling Trucks truck
    49H Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle
    5AS GEM
    5B4 Workhorse Custom Chassis, LLC incomplete vehicle (RV chassis)
    5BZ Nissan «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats)
    5CD Indian Motorcycle Company of America Gilroy, CA
    5CX Shelby Series 1
    5DF Thomas Dennis Company LLC
    5EH Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle
    5FN Honda[17] MPV/SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FP Honda truck made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FR Acura[17] SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5FY New Flyer
    5G8 Holden Volt
    5GA Buick MPV/SUV
    5GD Daewoo G2X
    5GN Hummer H3T
    5GR Hummer H2
    5GT Hummer H3
    5GZ Saturn MPV/SUV
    5HD Harley-Davidson for export markets
    5J6 Honda[17] SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    5J8 Acura SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio
    5KB Honda[17] car made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama
    5KJ 5KK Western Star Trucks truck
    5L1 Lincoln SUV (2004-2009)
    5LD Ford & Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limousine (2010-2014)
    5LM Lincoln SUV
    5LT Lincoln truck
    5MZ Buell Motorcycle Company for export markets
    5N1 Nissan & Infiniti SUV
    5N3 Infiniti SUV
    5NM Hyundai SUV
    5NP Hyundai car
    5NT Hyundai truck
    5PV Hino incomplete vehicle
    5S3 Saab 9-7X
    5SA Suzuki ATV
    5SX American LaFrance incomplete vehicle (Condor)
    5TB Toyota[17] truck made by TMMI
    5TD Toyota MPV/SUV made by TMMI
    5TE Toyota truck made by NUMMI
    5TF Toyota truck made by TMMTX
    5UM BMW M car[17]
    5VC Autocar incomplete vehicle
    5VP Victory Motorcycles
    5WE IC Bus incomplete vehicle
    5XX Kia car
    5XY Kia/Hyundai SUV
    5Y2 Pontiac Vibe made by NUMMI
    5Y4 Yamaha Motor Company ATV, UTV
    5YA Indian Motorcycle Company Kings Mountain, NC
    5YF Toyota car made by TMMMS
    5YJ Tesla[17]
    5Z6 Suzuki truck made by Nissan
    50E Lucid Motors
    50G Karma Automotive
    516 Autocar truck
    51R Brammo Motorcycles
    523 VPG
    52C GEM subsidiary of Polaris Inc.
    538 Zero Motorcycles
    53G Coda Automotive
    53T Think North America in Elkhart, IN
    546 EBR
    54C Winnebago Industries trailer
    54D Isuzu & Chevrolet commercial trucks built by Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group
    55S Mercedes-Benz car[17]
    56K Indian Motorcycle International, LLC Polaris subsidiary
    57W Mobility Ventures
    57X Polaris Slingshot
    58A Lexus car made by TMMK


    6F1 Australia Ford[17]
    6F2 Iveco Trucks Australia Ltd.
    6F4 Nissan Motor Australia
    6F5 Kenworth Australia
    6FM Mack Trucks Australia
    6FP Ford
    6G General Motors
    6G1 Holden & Chevrolet
    6G2 Pontiac
    6G3 Chevrolet
    6H Holden
    6MM Mitsubishi[17]
    6MP Mercury Capri
    6T1 Toyota
    6T9 Trailer
    6U9 Low Volume (Grey) Import Vehicles which don’t have 17 Digit VIN. Uses NON ISO VIN with «Filler 0’s between WMI & Non Iso VIN — I.e Japanese VIN PV35-400635 would become 6U90000PV35400637 see note below
    7A1 New Zealand Mitsubishi
    7A3 Honda
    7A4 Toyota
    7A5 Ford
    7A7 Nissan New Zealand
    7A8 NZ Transport Agency (pre-2009)
    7AT NZ Transport Agency (post-2009)

    North America[edit]

    7FA United States Honda SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
    7FC Rivian truck
    7GZ GMC incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International
    7H4 Hino truck
    7JR Volvo Cars car
    7JZ Proterra From mid-2019 on
    7KG Vanderhall Motor Works
    7MM Mazda SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture)
    7MU Toyota SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture)
    7NA Navistar Defense
    7NY Lordstown Motors
    7PD Rivian SUV
    7RZ Electric Last Mile Solutions
    7SA Tesla SUV 2022+
    7SV Toyota SUV made by TMMTX
    7SX Global Electric Motorcars
    7Z0 Zoox

    South America[edit]

    8AC Argentina Mercedes Benz vans (for South America)
    8AD Peugeot
    8AE Peugeot van
    8AF Ford Motor Argentina[17]
    8AG General Motors de Argentina Chevrolet
    8AJ Toyota Argentina
    8AN Nissan
    8AP Fiat
    8AT Iveco
    8AW Volkswagen Argentina
    8A1 Renault Argentina
    8A3 Scania Argentina
    8BB Agrale Argentina S.A
    8BC Citroën
    8BN Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America)
    8BR Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    8BT Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America)
    8BU Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America)
    8CH Honda motorcycle
    8C3 Honda car/SUV
    8G1 Chile Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Renault
    8GD Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Peugeot
    8GG General Motors Chile Ltda.
    8L4 Ecuador Great Wall Motors made by Ciudad del Auto Ciauto Cia. Ltda.
    8LB General Motors OBB
    8LF Maresa (Mazda)
    8LG Aymesa (Hyundai Motor & Kia)
    8XD Venezuela Ford Motor Venezuela
    8XJ Mack de Venezuela C.A.
    8XV Iveco Venezuela C.A.
    8Z1 General Motors Venezolana C.A.
    829 Bolivia Quantum Motors
    9AM Brazil Massari (?)
    9BD Fiat Automóveis
    9BF Ford Brasil
    9BG General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet
    9BH Hyundai Motor Brasil
    9BM Mercedes-Benz car & SUV & commercial truck
    9BN Mafersa
    9BR Toyota
    9BS Scania Brazil
    9BV Volvo Trucks
    9BW Volkswagen do Brasil[17]
    9BY Agrale S.A.
    9C2 Honda Motorcycles[17]
    9C6 Yamaha Motor[17]
    9CD Suzuki (motorcycles) assembled by J. Toledo Motos do Brasil
    9DW Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Volkswagen do Brasil
    932 Harley-Davidson
    935 Citroën
    936 Peugeot
    937 Dodge
    93C General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet SUV (Mexico)
    93H Honda car/SUV
    93K Volvo Trucks
    93P Volare
    93S Navistar International
    93U Audi 1999-2006
    93V Navistar International
    93W Fiat Ducato made by Iveco 2000-2016
    93X Souza Ramos — Mitsubishi Motors / Suzuki Jimny
    93Y Renault do Brasil
    93Z Iveco
    94D Nissan
    94G Indabra
    94M HVR-Busscar
    94N RWM Brazil
    94T Troller Veículos Especiais
    953 VW Truck & Bus / MAN Truck & Bus
    95P CAOA / Hyundai & CAOA Chery
    95V Dafra Motos (motorscooters from SYM) & Ducati, KTM, & MV Agusta assembled by Dafra
    95V BMW motorcycles assembled by Dafra Motos 2009-2016
    95Z Buell Motorcycle Company assembled by Harley-Davidson Brazil
    96P Kawasaki
    97N Triumph Motorcycles Ltd
    988 Jeep and Fiat (made at the Goiana plant)
    98M BMW car/SUV
    98R Chery
    99A Audi 2016-
    99J Jaguar Land Rover
    99K Haojue & Kymco assembled by JTZ Indústria e Comércio de Motos
    99L BYD
    99Z BMW Motorrad Motorcycle assembled by BMW 2017-
    9FB Colombia Sofasa (Renault)
    9FC Compañía Colombiana Automotriz S.A. (Mazda)
    9GC GM Colmotores S.A. (Chevrolet)
    9UJ Uruguay Chery assembled by Chery Socma S.A.
    9UK Lifan
    9UW Kia made by Nordex S.A.
    9V7 Citroen made by Nordex S.A.
    9V8 Peugeot made by Nordex S.A.

    Note: Vehicles to be registered in Australia without a 17 character VIN[34]

    See also[edit]

    • Builder’s plate
    • Danish bicycle VIN-system
    • Engine number
    • Name plate
    • Serial number
    • VIN etching
    • RPO Code
    • VIN cloning


    1. ^ «Vehicle Control by VIN Code». ISO 3779. Retrieved 2021-10-12.
    2. ^ a b «Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)». National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Retrieved 2021-02-10.
    3. ^ AUTODNA. «VIN number — autoDNA». www.autodna.com. Retrieved 2022-09-08.
    4. ^ «eCFR – Code of Federal Regulations – Title 49: Transportation – PART 565—VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS». www.ecfr.gov. Retrieved 2013-04-09.
    5. ^ «ComLaw Legislative Instruments – Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 61/02 – Vehicle Marking) 2005 (ADR 61/02)». Comlaw.gov.au. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    6. ^ ISO 3779:2009 Road vehicles—Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure
    7. ^ ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles—World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code
    8. ^ «United States Federal VIN Requirements (Title 49, Chapter V, Part 565)». Access.gpo.gov. Archived from the original on 2010-05-27. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    9. ^ a b «Directive 76/114/EEC — Automotive — Enterprise and Industry». European Commission. Archived from the original on 2013-09-30. Retrieved 2013-07-08.
    10. ^ a b «ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles – World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code». ISO. 2009-10-05. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
    11. ^ «NHTSA VIN decoder».
    12. ^ «49 CFR § 565.15 — Content requirements». Legal Information Institute. US: Cornell University. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
    13. ^ Miller, Tim (2019-04-27). «VIN Numbers: What Are They And What Do They Tell You?». Garatos. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
    14. ^ Miller, Tim (2021-10-16). «On-Board Diagnostics: From The History To Its Practical Applications In Our Life». OBD Advisor. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
    15. ^ Pocket-lint (2021-06-10). «10 of the best VIN decoders to lookup VIN numbers for free». www.pocket-lint.com. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
    16. ^ «World Manufacturer Identifier». NSAI. November 23, 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
    17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed «List of manufacturers of motor vehicles and their trailers — numerical — SV 3.2» (PDF). Germany: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. 2018-01-15. Retrieved 2019-01-08.
    18. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/cc4463140bb246a89a2c4daefcd5e75e[bare URL image file]
    19. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/093082806ad44a8fa85aa1be049fac6c[bare URL image file]
    20. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7d35eaf890b845f4aaa13b1974c8a598[bare URL image file]
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    27. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/65710f4c794e44388ea4d6519e6b1fe6[bare URL image file]
    28. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/ba1b29ef16734c76b289b99eceb24e6e[bare URL image file]
    29. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/5abe5eff4d4a47d2883cd7a604124bfb[bare URL image file]
    30. ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/47ae10d50bf448659c59b970cf710442[bare URL image file]
    31. ^ «Re: VIN Information pursuant to 49 CFR 565.7 KOENIGSEGG» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2008-03-14. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
    32. ^ «Modern Vespa : VIN Decoding». modernvespa.com. Retrieved 2019-10-08.
    33. ^ a b c «Revision to General Motors’ Vehicle Identification Number decoding for 2016 Model Year» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2015-01-12. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
    34. ^ «Importing vehicles without a 17 character VIN». NEVDIS. 10 June 2022.

    External links[edit]

    • ISO 3779:2009
    • FMVSS 115, Part 565

    Содержание статьи



    ИНН расшифровывается как идентификационный номер налогоплательщика. Этот номер позволяет ФНС быстро проверять, какие налоги нужно начислить физическому лицу или собственнику бизнеса, и отслеживать, оплачены ли они.

    Налоговая служба присваивает его всем гражданам и юрлицам. При этом, если гражданин занимается предпринимательской деятельностью, то для ФНС он будет двумя разными субъектами — ему присвоят ИНН как физического лица, так и ИП.

    Как узнать ИНН физлица

    Если просто, то ИНН — это документ формата А4, на котором указано 12 цифр, а в ИНН юрлиц — 10. Это не случайный набор, а система кодирования:





    Код региона, в котором выдали свидетельство

    Номер отделения налоговой, которая присвоила ИНН

    Порядковый номер в реестре налогоплательщиков. У юрлиц цифр пять, а у физических — шесть

    Контрольные цифры

    Если ИНН потерян или забыт, то узнать его можно тремя способами:

    • На сайте ФНС. В этом случае нужно зайти на официальный сайт Федеральной налоговой службы, ввести свои паспортные данные, ФИО и дату рождения. ИНН — это не персональные данные, которые должны быть защищены, поэтому узнать ИНН другого физического или юрлица можно на том же сайте. Это может понадобиться при заключении договоров и проверке во время сделок.
    • На портале «Госуслуги». В личном кабинете нужно войти в «Документы и данные», затем в «Личные документы» и выбрать «ИНН». Если информация не отображается, то необходимо вбить в поиске портала «Узнать свой ИНН», тогда сайт отправит запрос в ФНС и налоговые данные привяжутся к личному кабинету автоматически. Так можно узнать только личный ИНН.
    • В отделении налоговой. Получится дольше, чем онлайн. На сайте ФНС необходимо записаться на прием в ближайшее отделение, прийти в назначенное время с паспортом и задать вопросы налоговому специалисту. Заодно можно узнать, как восстановить ИНН в случае утери.

    Как узнать ИНН юридического лица

    Обычно ИНН юрлица указывается на всех платежных документах — приложениях, актах, счетах. Узнать его можно и онлайн на несколько сайтах:

    • На официальном сайте налоговой. Зайдите на страницу со сведениями из ЕГРЮЛ и ЕГРИП, в которых хранится вся информациях о налогоплательщике. Выберите «Юридическое лицо» и введите ОГРН или название и регион, в котором находится организация. Чтобы найти индивидуального предпринимателя, выберите вкладку «Индивидуальный предприниматель/КФХ» и введите его ОГРНИП или ФИО и регион, где он живет.
    • На сайте «Федресурса». Это единый федеральный реестр, в котором хранится информация о работе всех юрлиц и ИП.
    • Платно на сайтах СПАРК и «Контур.Фокус». Сервисы пригодятся для ИП и юрлиц, которым нужно проверять контрагентов. Предоставляют информацию не только об ИНН, но и бухгалтерскую отчетность, кредитную историю, контактные телефоны и соцсети.

    Как и где получить ИНН

    Раньше ИНН выдавался физлицам и юрлицам, когда те начинали платить налоги, например, выходили на работу или регистрировали бизнес. Сейчас ИНН выдается сразу при рождении. Если родился ребенок, то все сведения о нем ЗАГС автоматически передает в налоговую (п. 2 ст. 84 НК РФ). Также, если физлицо покупает недвижимость или транспорт, налоговая автоматически присваивает ему ИНН сама.

    Обратите внимание, что первый раз свидетельство о присвоении ИНН выдается бесплатно. Если же оно было утеряно, то придется заплатить госпошлину в размере 300 рублей.

    Если же по каким-то причинам ИНН не был выдан, то нужно подать заявление. Для этого понадобится паспорт и заявление о постановке физлица на налоговый учет по форме № 2-2-Учет. Форму можно заранее распечатать, заполнить и принести в отделение с собой. Подать заявление можно онлайн и лично несколькими способами:

    • Онлайн на сайте ФНС. Нужно авторизоваться с помощью паспорта или через «Госуслуги», подать заявление на ИНН в личном кабинете. Номер появится также в личном кабинете, или можно отправить запрос, чтобы ИНН выдали на бумаге.
    • Записаться онлайн на прием в налоговую и получить ИНН лично через пять дней.
    • Прийти в любой центр МФЦ, заполнить заявление и через 7–10 дней получить его в том же центре. Но лучше заранее уточнить по телефону, возможно ли в выбранном МФЦ получить ИНН.
    • Отправить заполненное заявление по почте в налоговую вместе с нотариально заверенной копией паспорта. ФНС необходима главная страница с фото и местом выдачи паспорта, а также страница с действующей пропиской или местом пребывания. Обратите внимание, что отправить заявление нужно заказным письмом с описью вложенных документов и оплатить функцию уведомления о получении, чтобы быть уверенным, что заявление дошло до налоговой. Свидетельство о присвоении ИНН будет готово через пять дней, но нужно учитывать сроки его доставки.

    Как восстановить или заменить свидетельство ИНН

    ИНН присваивается человеку один раз и никогда не меняется. Измениться может только само свидетельство, например, при смене фамилии, имени или отчества. Обычно информация обо всех изменениях ФИО автоматически отправляется другими ведомствами в налоговую. Если же нужно получить свидетельство с новыми данными, то порядок тот же, что и при получении ИНН впервые. Все способы описаны выше, госпошлину платить не нужно.

    Если же свидетельство было утеряно, то необходимо его восстановить. Для этого нужно подать заявление на сайте «Постановка физического лица на учет в налоговом органе» или выбрать другой способ из описанных выше: записаться на прием в налоговую, сходить в МФЦ или отправить документы почтой. За утерю придется заплатить госпошлину — 300 рублей.

    Как получить ИНН на ребенка

    При рождении ребенка сотрудники ЗАГСа сами передадут сведения о нем в налоговую, а там ему уже присвоят ИНН. Дети 14 лет и старше могут получить ИНН теми же способами, что и взрослые.

    Для детей младше 14 лет порядок следующий:

    1. Родитель или законный представитель от своего имени пишет заявление о постановке на учет ребенка в качестве налогоплательщика.
    2. Собирает все необходимые документы: свидетельство о рождении ребенка и справку, которая подтверждает его регистрацию по месту жительства.
    3. Относит все документы в ближайшую налоговую. Для подачи документов и получения свидетельства ИНН ребенку присутствовать необязательно. Все может сделать родитель или опекун.

    Как получить электронное свидетельство ИНН

    Получить свидетельство ИНН в электронном виде можно онлайн. При этом оно будет равнозначно бумажной версии документа. Пригодится, когда где-то срочно нужно будет предоставить ИНН, а под рукой его нет.

    Чтобы получить ИНН в электронном виде, нужно:

    1. Зайти на сайт ФНС, выбрать раздел «Документы и справки» → «Получить свидетельство ИНН».
    2. Появится инструкция по оформлению электронной подписи. Это бесплатно и занимает 10 минут. Нужно только придумать пароль.
    3. Когда ЭП будет оформлена, нужно сформировать в личном кабинете заявление и нажать «Подписать» и там же отправить документ в налоговую онлайн.
    4. Через пять дней в личном кабинете в разделе «Сообщения» в переписке с налоговой появится решение о выдаче электронного свидетельства ИНН. Его можно скачать в формате pdf сколько угодно раз.

    Как получить ИНН иностранному гражданину

    Если иностранец планирует устроиться на работу в России, открыть бизнес, получать государственные социальные выплаты, оформить кредит или разрешение на временное проживание, то ему необходимо получить ИНН. В этих случаях он наравне с гражданами становится налоговым резидентом России и имеет право пользоваться государственными услугами.

    Для получения ИНН иностранцу нужно собрать пакет документов:

    1. Вид на жительство с отметкой о регистрации по месту жительства в России.
    2. Паспорт с отметкой о регистрации по месту проживания.
    3. Документ, удостоверяющий личность иностранного гражданина, отрывная часть бланка уведомления о прибытии с отметкой органа миграционного учета или миграционная карта с отметкой органа миграционного учета о регистрации по месту временного пребывания.

    Все эти документы можно отнести в налоговую лично или отправить нотариально заверенные копии заказным письмом.

    Ответы на популярные вопросы об ИНН. Кратко:

    Нужно ли менять номер при смене фамилии?

    Нет. ИНН выдается один раз и на всю жизнь. Информация о смене фамилии автоматически передается в налоговую другими ведомствами. Ничего дополнительно делать не нужно.

    С какого возраста можно получить ИНН?

    Обычно за ИНН обращаются, когда впервые устраиваются на работу или оформляют недвижимость в собственность, но на самом деле ФНС присваивает номер каждому ребенку в течение пяти лет со дня рождения (п. 2 ст. 84 НК РФ). Самостоятельно получить свидетельство ИНН может ребенок с 14 лет, ведь именно с этого возраста подросток обязан отчислять подоходный налог со своих трудовых доходов. До этого возраста ИНН на ребенка получает законный представитель — родитель или опекун.

    Как сделать отметку об ИНН в паспорте?

    Выбрать ближайшую к вам налоговую (необязательно по месту прописки) и записаться на прием онлайн. Затем прийти с паспортом и свидетельством ИНН. Сотрудник налоговой сделает отметку в паспорте за 15 минут в вашем присутствии.

    Можно ли получить ИНН через «Госуслуги»?

    Нет. На сайте «Госуслуги» можно посмотреть свой ИНН, но не получить или заказать электронное или бумажное свидетельство о его присвоении. Для получения ИНН необходимо подать заявление онлайн на сайте ФНС, отправить копии документов заказным письмом или лично прийти в ближайшую налоговую службу или МФЦ.

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