Как пишется имя елизавета или елизаветта

Как правильно пишется слово «елизавета»

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Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе

Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.

Вопрос: налив — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?

Ассоциации к слову «Елизавета»

Синонимы к слову «елизавета»

Синонимы к слову «Елизавета»

Предложения со словом «елизавета»

  • Меткий, хладнокровный стрелок, Елизавета всегда готова пустить в ход оружие, причём делает это исключительно по идейным соображениям.
  • Елизавета хотя и не обладала гениальными качествами своего отца, но в проявлении общей линии национальной политики проявляла последовательность и настойчивость.
  • – Бойтесь данайцев, дары приносящих… Когда первая глава-то будет готова, а, Елизавета?
  • (все предложения)

Цитаты из русской классики со словом «елизавета»

  • — С Нееловым… — твердо и уверенно ответила Елизавета Петровна.
  • — Ты ничего не рассказываешь о Петербурге, Ипполит, — сказала Елизавета Сергеевна.
  • Елизавета. Не будем говорить о ней…
  • (все
    цитаты из русской классики)

Значение слова «Елизавета»

  • Елизаве́та (ивр. ‏אלישבע‏‎, Элише́ва — букв. «Бог мой — клятва», «почитающая Бога», «заклинающая Богом») — женское имя еврейского происхождения. Это имя носила супруга первосвященника Аарона. (Википедия)

    Все значения слова ЕЛИЗАВЕТА

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Елизаве́та (ивр. ‏אלישבע‏‎, Элише́ва — букв. «Бог мой — клятва», «почитающая Бога», «заклинающая Богом») — женское имя еврейского происхождения. Это имя носила супруга первосвященника Аарона.

Все значения слова «Елизавета»

  • Меткий, хладнокровный стрелок, Елизавета всегда готова пустить в ход оружие, причём делает это исключительно по идейным соображениям.

  • Елизавета хотя и не обладала гениальными качествами своего отца, но в проявлении общей линии национальной политики проявляла последовательность и настойчивость.

  • – Бойтесь данайцев, дары приносящих… Когда первая глава-то будет готова, а, Елизавета?

  • (все предложения)
  • великая княгиня
  • фрейлинский шифр
  • иностранные принцы
  • комнатная девушка
  • барская барыня
  • (ещё синонимы…)
  • Елисавета
  • (ещё синонимы…)
  • королева
  • императрица
  • англичанин
  • государыня
  • царица
  • (ещё ассоциации…)




Русский орфографический словарь. / Российская академия наук. Ин-т рус. яз. им. В. В. Виноградова. — М.: «Азбуковник».


Смотреть что такое «Елизавета» в других словарях:

  • Елизавета — (אלישבע) еврейское Другие формы: Елисавета, Елиссив (древнеслав.) Производ. формы: Лиза Иноязычные аналоги: англ. Элизабет, Элиза араб. اليزابيث‎‎ арм …   Википедия

  • Елизавета I — Елизавета I. Елизавета I. Елизавета I () английская королева с 1558 г., последняя из династии Тюдоров. Дочь Генриха VIII и Анны Болейн. и другие.гих городов, а также чиновники. В 1559 г. был принят акт, устанавливающий в Англии протестантизм.… …   Энциклопедический словарь «Всемирная история»

  • Елизавета — ы, жен.; разг. Лизавета, ы; стар. Елисавета, ы.Производные: Елизаветка; Вета; Лиля; Лиза; Лизуня; Лизуха; Лизуша; Лизура; Лизута; Лизаветка.Происхождение: (Др. евр. имя ’Eliseba‘ бог моя клятва, богом я клянусь.)Именины: 7 мая, 5 сент., 18 сент …   Словарь личных имен

  • Елизавета I — (1533 1603 гг.)Ч английская королева с 1558 г., последняя из династии Тюдоров. Дочь Генриха VIII и Анны Болейн. Елизавету I поддерживали дворянство и зажиточные слои Лондона и др. городов, а также чиновники. В 1559 г. был принят акт,… …   Исторический словарь

  • Елизавета I — Елизавета I. ЕЛИЗАВЕТА I (Elizabeth) Тюдор (1533 1603), английская королева с 1558, дочь Генриха VIII и Анны Болейн. При Елизавете I укреплены позиции абсолютизма, восстановлена англиканская церковь, разгромлена испанская “Непобедимая армада”… …   Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

  • Елизавета — дочь Ярослава I , выданная замуж в 1045 г. за короля венгерского, Гаральда Смелого (Строгого), который, добиваясь ее руки, совершил ряд подвигов в Греции, Африке, Сицилии и Палестине и сочинил 16 любовных песен (одна из них переведена Батюшковым …   Биографический словарь

  • ЕЛИЗАВЕТА — (нем. Elizabeth) центральный персонаж трагедии Фридриха Шиллера «Мария Стюарт» (1800). Исторический прототип Елизавета I Тюдор (1533 1603), английская королева с 1558 г., дочь Генриха VIII и Анны Болейн. Образ Е. наделен глубоким психологизмом и… …   Литературные герои

  • елизавета — клятва Божия; Лизавета; Елисавета; Елизаветка, Вета, Лиля, Лиза, Лизуня, Лизуха, Лизуша, Лизура, Лизута, Лизаветка Словарь русских синонимов. елизавета сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • имя (1104) • …   Словарь синонимов

  • ЕЛИЗАВЕТА I — (Elizabeth) Тюдор (1533 1603), английская королева с 1558, дочь Генриха VIII и Анны Болейн. При Елизавете I укреплены позиции абсолютизма, восстановлена англиканская церковь, разгромлена испанская Непобедимая армада (1588), широко осуществлялась… …   Современная энциклопедия

  • ЕЛИЗАВЕТА II — (р. 1926) королева Великобритании с 1952, дочь Георга VI …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • ЕЛИЗАВЕТА — (Elizabeth), Великобритания, Universal Pictures, 1998, 121 мин. Историческая драма. Повествование о первых годах правления Елизаветы I Тюдор, о трудном становлении одной из самых знаменитых королев Англии. Фильм примечателен отличной актерской и… …   Энциклопедия кино

Елизавета — царское и красивое женское имя. У него много интересных форм.


  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: значение, происхождение
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: какое будет полное имя?
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза — как можно называть по-другому: красивые формы имени
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: краткая форма имени
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: ласкательная форма
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: уменьшительная форма
  • Имя Елизавета, Лиза: форма имени на латыни
  • Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза на украинском языке?
  • Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза на японском языке?
  • Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-французски?
  • Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-английски?
  • Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-немецки?
  • Видео: Значение имени Елизавета — карма, характер и судьба

В русском языке от полного имени человека могут образовываться различные его формы – краткое, уменьшительное, ласкательное или огрубленная форма. Поэтому можно услышать, что людей часто называют не их именами, а переделанными вариантами. Это интересно.

Прочитайте на нашем сайте другую статью по теме: «Если поменять имя или фамилию, изменится ли судьба?». Вы узнаете, как влияет, расшифровка нумерологического значения.

Имя Елизавета входит в топ-10 имен девочек, популярных в России за последние десять лет. Примечательно, что в мировых масштабах оно принадлежит каждой 34-38 девочке из 1000 родившихся. Из этой статьи вы узнаете, какие существуют формы у этого наречения. Читайте далее.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: значение, происхождение

Имя елизавета, лиза: значение

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: значение

Имя Елизавета имеет древнееврейское происхождение и переводится как «почитающая Бога», «клянущаяся Богом». Еще одно значение – «Бог мой – клятва». В Библии это наречение встречается дважды. Елисаветой звали мать Иоанна Крестителя, Елизавета была женой первосвященника Аарона.

На иврите наречение звучит как Элишера, западно-европейским вариантом Елизаветы является Изабелла, Изабель. Азиатская форма – Эльзира. В нашей стране в 18 веке имя произносилось как Елисавета. Впервые встречается в 11 веке в Киевской Руси. Затем, четыре столетия, вплоть до 15 века, имя Елизавета в летописях не встречается.

Интересно: Существует версия, что в Россию это наречение пришло из Греции, где оно звучит как Элисабет.

Также имеет место версия о том, что древнерусский вариант Елизаветы – Олисава. Читайте далее.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: какое будет полное имя?

Имя Елизавета считалось королевским во все времена, поэтому оно было популярно у дворянства и в высших слоях общества. В пример можно привести российскую императрицу — Елизавету Петровну, младшую дочь императора Петра 1. Она стала последней представительницей династии Романовых по женской линии. Елизавета смогла руководить двором два десятилетия, одержала победу в Семилетней войне и войне за австрийское наследство, сыграла важнейшую роль в развитии России.

Естественно, что к императрице обращались по полному имени и отчеству — Елизавета Петровна. Другими вариантами наречения ее почти не называли. Поэтому можно сказать с уверенностью, что полное имя так и есть – Елизавета. Это знают все обладательницы этого наречения. Но существуют и другие формы данного прекрасного наречения. Читайте далее.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза — как можно называть по-другому: красивые формы имени

Еще один яркий пример монаршей особы, носившей имя Елизавета – скончавшаяся недавно королева Великобритании, правящая монархией 68 лет. Домашнее уменьшительно-ласкательное ее наречение – Лилибет. Кстати сказать, младший сын ныне короля Карла и леди Дианы, Гарри, свою дочку назвал в честь бабушки – Лилибет. Еще была одна представительница такого прекрасного наречения — это Елизавета Ярославна – дочь Ярослава Мудрого.

Имя Елизавета имеет много вариантов, каждый из них звучит приятно слуху. Итак, как можно называть по-другому? Вот красивые формы имени:

Формы имени

Формы имени

Как видите, вариантов много. Ниже еще опубликованы разные формы. Читайте далее.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: краткая форма имени

В русском языке от полного наречения образуются его краткие формы, когда к основе имени добавляются окончания «–а» или «–я». Например, к основе имени Елизавета — «Лиз» прибавляется окончание «а» и получается краткая форма – Лиза. Как варианты иностранной формы — Эла, Бет, Элли, Элис.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: ласкательная форма

Испытывая добрые, положительные эмоции к женщине, мужчина может обращаться к ней, используя уменьшительно-ласкательную форму наречения – Лизонька, Лизочка, Лизавета, Лизаветушка, Лизок. И, наоборот, человека, к которому испытывают негативные эмоции, называют огрубленным именем — Лизка.

Имя елизавета, лиза: ласкательная форма

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: ласкательная форма

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: уменьшительная форма

Все формы уменьшительных имен делятся на несколько типов. Первый наиболее совпадает с полным именем. При этой форме основная часть остается неизменной, меняется окончание. Второй тип получается, когда отбрасывается первая часть имени и используется вторая его часть. В нашем случае – Елизавета – Лиза.

Уменьшительная форма наречение в лингвистике русского языка звучит так же, как и ласкательная. Поэтому форма так и называется – уменьшительно-ласкательная. Можно подобрать такие варианты к наречению Елизавета – Лиза, Лиз, иногда – Вета.

Подбор уменьшительного варианта зависит от чувств или эмоций, которые испытывает человек к женщине с этим именем: нежность, доброта, любовь, ироничность, интерес и другие. Иногда бывает, что тот кто говорит, наоборот, не испытывает добрых чувств. Тогда используя уменьшительную форму имени, он хочет подчеркнуть свое пренебрежительное отношение. Например, Лизуха.

Имя Елизавета, Лиза: форма имени на латыни

Написание наречения Елизавета на латыни встречается в заграничных паспортах, а также в различных международных документах. Пишется оно как Elizaveta или Elisaveta. Произносится, как и пишется – Елизавета. Не забывайте, что писать личные данные в документах нужно большими, заглавными буквами — ELIZAVETA или ELISAVETA 

Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза на украинском языке?

На украинском языке имя звучит так же, как и на русском. Есть варианты имени – Лисавета, Элисавета. Пишется так:

Имя елизавета на украинском языке

Имя Елизавета на украинском языке

Имя встречается на Украине, но не является особо популярным.

Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза на японском языке?

Имя Лиза в Японии достаточно популярно. Оно используется как японское в западном стиле, а также в качестве псевдонима. В японском языке нет звуков, соответствующих европейским, поэтому произношение имени осуществляется в стиле японского языка. Иероглифами имя Елизавета изображается так:

Имя елизавета на японском языке

Имя Елизавета на японском языке

Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-французски?

От имени Елизавета произошел ее южнофранцузский вариант – Изабель. Имя родилось в Провансе. Среди знати наречение впервые появилось в 12 веке. Знаменита во Франции Елизавета Австрийская, королева Франции (1554 – 1592гг). По-французски это наречение пишется так:

Имя елизавета по-французски

Имя Елизавета по-французски

Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-английски?

В Англии имя Елизавета занимает достойное место с момента правления королевы Елизаветы Тюдор в 1558 году. На протяжении 45 лет она управляла монархией, сделала Англию сильной морской державой.

По-английски Елизавета пишется как Elizabeth – Элизабет. Имя популярно в семьях высшего света.

Как написать имя Елизавета, Лиза по-немецки?

Имя Елизавета (Эльза) встречается в Германии довольно часто. Оно возникло в древней Германии как одна из форм этого наречения. В 20 веке стало популярным в странах Европы. Пишется по-немецки как Elisabeth – Эльза.

Стоит отметить: В русскоязычных странах Европы данное наречение не пользуется популярностью, встречается редко.

Имя Елизавета очень красиво, благородно и благозвучно, поэтому полюбилась во всех странах мира. Периодически интерес к этому имени снижается, но оно неизменно остается в топ-10 самых популярных в мире имен.

Видео: Значение имени Елизавета — карма, характер и судьба

Прочитайте по теме:

  • Женское имя Катя, Екатерина: формы имени
  • Женское имя Алина: формы имени
  • Женское имя Виктория, Вика: формы 
  • Женское имя Юля, Юлия: формы 
  • Отчества женские и мужские — значение, толкование

Lucas Cranach d. Ä. - Die Heilige Elizabeth mit Herzog Georg von Sachsen als Stifter.jpg

Saint Elizabeth shown with George of Saxony in a painting on an altar by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Gender Female
Language(s) English
Word/name Hebrew
Derivation Elisheva
Meaning My God is an oath
Other names
Related names
  • Bess
  • Bessie
  • Bessy
  • Beth
  • Betsy
  • Bettina
  • Betty
  • Eliza
  • Elsa
  • Else
  • Elsebeth
  • Elspeth
  • Isabel
  • Isabella
  • Isabelle
  • Lettie
  • Libby
  • Lisa
  • Liza
  • Liz
  • Lizzie
  • Lizzy

Elizabeth is a feminine given name, a variation of the Hebrew name Elisheva (אֱלִישֶׁבַע), meaning «My God is an oath» or «My God is abundance», as rendered in the Septuagint.

Occurrence in the Bible[edit]

«Elizabeth» appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name of Aaron’s wife («Elisheva» in the Hebrew Bible), and in the New Testament as the name of the wife of the priest Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist. It has also been the name of several saints and queens.


The name has many variants in use across the world and has been in consistent use worldwide. ‘Elizabeth’ was the tenth most popular name given to baby girls in the United States in 2007 and has been among the 25 most popular names given to girls in the United States for the past 100 years. It is the only name that remained in the top ten US girls’ names list from 1925 to 1972.[1]

In the early 21st century, ‘Elizabeth’ has been among the top 50 names given to girls in the past 10 years born in England and Wales, as well Canada and Australia, and has been in the top 100 most popular names given to baby girls born in Scotland and Ireland. ‘Elizaveta’ (Eлизaвeтa), a Russian form of the name, has been in the top 10 names given to baby girls born in Moscow, Russia in the past 10 years. The name is also popular in Ukraine and Belarus.

Name variants[edit]

Full name[edit]

  • Elisabeta, Elisa, Liza, Izabela (Albanian)
  • أليصابات, أليشابع, إِلِيزَابِيث (‘alīṣābāt, ‘alīshābaʻ, ilīzābīth) (Arabic)
  • Ilisapesi (Tongan)
  • Irihāpeti (Māori)
  • ელისაბედ (Elisabed) (Shesan)
  • Aelswith, Aelswithia, Elesabeth, Elyzabeth (English)
  • Ⲉⲗⲉⲥⲁⲃⲏⲕ (Ilisabek) (Coptic)
  • Alžběta, Eliška (Czech)
  • Alžbeta (Slovak)
  • Ealasaid (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Ealisaid (Manx)
  • Elesbed (Breton)
  • Elizabete, Isabel, Elisabete (Portuguese)
  • Eliisabet, Eliise (Estonian)
  • Elikapeka (Hawaiian)
  • Elisa (Turkish)
  • Elizabeti (Swahili)
  • Elisabet (Catalan), (Danish), (Finnish), (German), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Elísabet (Icelandic)
  • Elisabeta (Romanian)
  • Élisabeth, Élizabeth (French)
  • Elisabeth (Catalan), (Danish), (Dutch), (German), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Elizabeto (Esperanto)
  • Elisabetta (Italian)
  • Ελισάβετ (Elisávet), Ζαμπέτα (Zabéta) (Greek)
  • Eлисавета (Elisaveta) (Bulgarian)
  • Альжбета (Alžbieta) (Belarusian)
  • אֱלִישֶׁבַע (Elisheba, Elisheva) (Hebrew)
  • Elixabete (Basque)
  • Elizabeta (Albanian), (Croatian), (Bosnian), (Slovene)
  • Elizabete (Basque), (Latvian)
  • 엘리자베스 (Ellijabeseu) (Korean)
  • Elishua (Malayalam)
  • Elsebeth (Danish)
  • Elsbeth (Dutch), (German), (Scots), (Swiss German)
  • Elspeth (Scots)
  • Êlizabét (Vietnamese)
  • Елизабета, Јелисавета (Elizabeta, Jelisaveta), (Serbian), (Macedonian)
  • Елизaвета, Элизабет (Yelizaveta (or Yelyzaveta), Elizabet, (Russian)
  • Єлизавета, Елізабет (Yelizaveta (or Yelyzaveta), Elizabet (Ukrainian)
  • Elžbieta, Elzbute (Lithuanian)
  • Elżbieta (Polish)
  • エリザベス (Erizabesu) (Japanese)
  • Erzsébet (Hungarian)
  • Isabella (Italian), (Dutch)
  • Isabelle (French), (Dutch)
  • Isabel (Spanish), (Dutch)
  • Եղիսաբեթ (Yeghisabet), Ելսաբեթ (Elsabet) (Armenian)
  • Chinese: 伊丽莎白; pinyin: Yī lì shā bái (Chinese Simplified)
  • Chinese: 伊麗莎白; pinyin: Yīlìshābái (Chinese Traditional)
  • এলিজাবেথ (Ēlijābētha) (Bengali)
  • એલિઝાબેથ (Ēlijhābētha) (Gujarati)
  • एलिज़ाबेथ (Ēlizābētha) (Hindi)
  • ಎಲಿಜಬೆತ್ (Elijabet) (Kannada)
  • एलिझाबेथ (Ēlijhābētha) (Marathi)
  • Элизабет (Elizabyet) (Mongolian)
  • एलिजाबेथ (Ēlijābētha) (Nepali)
  • الیزابت (Persian)
  • ਇਲੀਸਬਤ (Ilīsabata) (Punjabi)
  • எலிசபெத் (Elicapet) (Tamil)
  • ఎలిజబెత్ (Elijabet) (Telugu)
  • เอลิซาเบธ (Elisābeṭh) (Thai)
  • الزبتھ (Urdu)
  • עליזאַבעטה (Eʻlyzabeta) (Yiddish)


  • Chabela, Isabelita, Ybel, Ysabel, Yzabel, Yzabela (Spanish)
  • Erzsi (Hungarian)
  • Isabeau (French)
  • Isabel (Catalan), (English), (Norwegian), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (French)
  • Isabela (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Isabell (English), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Isabella (Dutch), (English), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Polish), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Isabelle (English), (French), (German)
  • Isave (Vietnamese)
  • Isbal, Ysbal (Manx)
  • Isbel, Isebella, Izabelle, Lisabeth, Lizabeth, Sabella, Sissy (English)
  • Iseabail (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Ishbel, Isobel (Scots)
  • Isibéal, Sibéal (Irish)
  • Izabel (Portuguese (archaic)), (Spanish), (Polish)
  • Izabela (Czech), (Polish)
  • Izabella (Hungarian), (Polish)
  • Lettie (Greek), (Latin)
  • Liesbeth, Lijsbeth (Dutch)
  • Lisabella (Italian)
  • Lisaveta (Ukrainian)
  • Lisbet (Danish), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Lisbeth (German), (Norwegian), (Danish)
  • Lizbeth (Spanish, chiefly Latin American)
  • Sabela (Galician)
  • Špela (Slovene)
  • Zabel, Liza (Armenian)
  • Ιζαμπέλλα, Ισαβέλλα (Izabella, Isavella) (Greek)
  • Јелисавка, Савета, Савка (Jelisavka, Saveta, Savka) (Serbian)
  • Лизa (Liza) (Russian), (Serbian)
  • ლიზა, ლიზი, ლიზიკო (Liza, Lizi, Liziko) (Georgian)

First half[edit]

  • Ailsa (Danish)
  • Aley, Aleyamma, Aleykutty (Malayalam)
  • Alzira, Elisete, Lilianna (Portuguese)
  • Ealee, Ealish (Manx)
  • Eilís, Éilis (Irish language)
  • Ela, Elunia, Elzira, Elżunia (Polish)
  • Elbie (Afrikaans)
  • Elise, Ella, Ellisif (Norwegian)
  • Elly (English), (Dutch)
  • Eli (Catalan), (English), (Spanish)
  • Eli, Eliamma (Malayalam)
  • Eliisa (Finnish)
  • Elis, Elschen (German)
  • Elisa (Finnish), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Élise, Elysée, Liset, Lisette, Lizette, Lysa, (French)
  • Eliška (Czech) and (Slovak)
  • Elina, Elena (Bulgarian)
  • Eliso, Lizi (Georgian)
  • Elissa (English), (Norwegian)
  • Eliza (Albanian), (English), (Polish)
  • Elka (Albanian), (Polish)
  • Ellee, Elsie, Elyse, Leesa, Lizzy, Liz, Lysette (English)
  • Elli (Finnish), (German)
  • Ellie (Origin unknown)
  • Els, Liesje, Liselot, (Dutch)
  • Elsa (Catalan), (Dutch), (Finnish), (German), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Else (Danish), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Elts, Liis, Liisbet, Liisu (Estonian)
  • Elza (Hebrew)
  • Elzė (Lithuanian)
  • Erzsi, Lilike, Zsóka (Hungarian)
  • Ilsa, Liesa, Lieschen, Liese, Liesel, Liesl, Lilli, Lys (German)
  • Ilse (Dutch), (German)
  • Isa (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Issa, Iza, Liseta, Yza (Spanish)
  • Izzie (English)
  • Izzy (English), (Norwegian)
  • Lela (Serbian)
  • Lies (Dutch), (German)
  • Lieselotte (German), (Swedish)
  • Liisa, Liisi, (Estonian), (Finnish)
  • Lila (mostly for kids) (Catalan), (Polish)
  • Lili (French), (Polish)
  • Liliana, Liliani (Indonesian)
  • Lis (Danish), (English), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Lisa (Catalan), (Danish), (English), (German), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Swedish), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (Polish), (Welsh)
  • Lisanne (Dutch), (English), (Norwegian)
  • Lise (French), (Norwegian)
  • Liselotte (Danish), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Lisen (Swedish)
  • Liza (English), (Polish), (Russian), (Ukrainian)
  • Lizina (Latvian)
  • Lizzie (English), (Norwegian)


  • Babette (French)
  • Ibbie, Issy, Libby, Liddy (English)
  • Liba (archaic, rural areas) (Catalan)
  • Isa (German)

Second half[edit]

  • Beileag (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Bel (Catalan)
  • Belita (Spanish)
  • Bella (Italian)
  • Bess, Bessie, Beth, Betsy, Betsey, Bette, Bettie, Betty, Bettye, Bitsy, Buffy, Zabeth (English)
  • Běta, Bětka (Czech)
  • Bethan, Betsan, Bětuška (Welsh)
  • Betka (Slovak)
  • Betta (Italian)
  • Betti (German)
  • Bettina (German), (Italian)
  • Etti, Etty (Estonian)

People with the given name[edit]

Empresses regnant[edit]

  • Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762)

Empresses consort[edit]

  • Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1691–1750), consort of Emperor Charles VI
  • Elizabeth Alexeievna (Louise of Baden) (1779–1826), wife of Tsar Alexander I of Russia
  • Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837–1898), wife of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, also known as Empress Elisabeth or «Sisi»
  • Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900–2002), wife of the King-Emperor George VI of the United Kingdom
  • Empress Wanrong (1906–1946), last Empress of China, also known as Elizabeth, the English name her tutor gave her

Queens regnant[edit]

  • Elizabeth I (1533–1603), queen of England and Ireland
  • Elizabeth II (1926–2022), queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, The Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis

Queens consort[edit]

  • Elisabeth of Swabia (1203–1235), also known as Beatrice of Swabia, queen consort of Castile and León
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Germany (c. 1227–1273), queen consort of Germany, Jerusalem and Sicily
  • Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1230–1266), queen consort of Germany
  • Elizabeth the Cuman (1239/1240–1290), queen consort and regent of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Hungary, Queen of Serbia (1255–1313), queen consort of Serbia
  • Elizabeth of Sicily, Queen of Hungary (1261–1303), queen consort of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Carinthia, Queen of Germany (c. 1262–1312), queen consort of Germany
  • Elizabeth of Aragon (1271–1336), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Portugal, also known as Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
  • Elisabeth Richeza of Poland (1286–1335), queen consort of Bohemia and Poland
  • Elizabeth de Burgh (1289–1327), queen consort of Scotland
  • Elisabeth of Bohemia (1292–1330), queen consort of Bohemia
  • Elizabeth of Carinthia, Queen of Sicily (1298–1352), queen consort and regent of Sicily
  • Elizabeth of Holstein-Rendsburg (c. 1300-before 1340), junior queen consort of Denmark, wife of Eric Christoffersen
  • Elizabeth of Poland, Queen of Hungary (1305–1380), queen consort of Hungary, regent of Poland
  • Elizabeth of Bosnia (c. 1339–1387), queen of Hungary and Poland
  • Elizabeth of Pomerania (1347–1393), queen consort and queen dowager of the Romans, Bohemia, Italy and Burgundy
  • Elisabeth of Nuremberg (1358–1411), queen consort of the Romans
  • Isabeau of Bavaria (c. 1370–1435), also known as Elisabeth of Bavaria-Ingolstadt, queen consort of France
  • Elizabeth Granowska (c. 1372–1420), queen consort of Poland
  • Elizabeth of Luxembourg (1409–1442), queen consort of the Romans, Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia
  • Elisabeth of Habsburg (1436–1505), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Poland
  • Elizabeth Woodville (c. 1437–1492), queen consort of Edward IV
  • Elizabeth of York (1466–1503), queen consort of King Henry VII of England
  • Elizabeth of Austria (1526–1545), queen consort of Poland
  • Elisabeth of Valois (1545-1568), queen consort of Spain
  • Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France (1554–1592), queen consort of France
  • Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia (1596–1662), daughter of James VI and I of Scotland and England, the «Winter Queen» of Bohemia
  • Elisabeth of France (1602–1644), queen consort of Spain and Portugal
  • Elisabeth Farnese (1692–1766), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Spain
  • Elisabeth Therese of Lorraine (1711–1741), queen consort of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
  • Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern (1715–1797), queen consort and queen dowager of Prussia
  • Kaʻahumanu (c. 1768–1832), also known as Elizabeth Kaʻahumanu, queen consort and queen regent of Hawaiʻi
  • Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria (1801–1873), queen consort of Prussia
  • Kīnaʻu (c. 1805–1839), also known as Elizabeth Kīnaʻu, queen consort, queen regent and dowager queen of Hawaiʻi
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria (1837–1898), queen consort of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia
  • Elisabeth of Wied (1843–1916), queen consort and queen dowager of Romania
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium (1876–1965), wife of King Albert I of Belgium
  • Elisabeth of Romania (1894–1956), queen consort of King George II of Greece
  • Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900–2002), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of the United Kingdom


  • Elisabeth of the Palatinate (1618–1680), Bohemian princess and philosopher
  • Princess Élisabeth of France (Élisabeth Philippine Marie Hélène; 1764–1794), sister of Louis XVI of France, also known as Madame Élisabeth
  • Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (1770–1840), daughter of George III
  • Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918) (1864–1918), Russian grand duchess and Orthodox martyr, wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia and granddaughter of Queen Victoria
  • Elizabeth Bagration (1880–1915), Georgian royal princess
  • Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark (1904–1955), later Countess of Toerring-Jettenbach, the middle daughter of Prince Nicholas of Greece and Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia
  • Princess Elisabeth of Denmark (born 1935)
  • Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia (born 1936)
  • Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant (born 2001), oldest child and heiress apparent of Philippe, King of the Belgians

Other aristocrats[edit]

  • Elizabeth of Lancaster, Duchess of Exeter (1363–1426), younger daughter and second surviving child of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and Blanche of Lancaster
  • Elisabeth von Matsch, (1380s—around 1439), last countess of Toggenburg
  • Elizabeth Báthory (1560–1614), niece of the Polish King Stephen Báthory; Hungarian countess and murderer


  • Elizabeth (1st century BC), the mother of John the Baptist
  • Elisabeth of Schönau (1129–1164), a German Benedictine visionary
  • Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1231), the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Aragon or Elizabeth of Portugal (1271–1336), Queen consort of Portugal
  • Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774–1821), the first canonized «American» saint
  • Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918), Eastern Orthodox saint and wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia
  • Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880–1906), French Carmelite nun


  • Elizabeth Andrews (1882–1960), first woman organiser of the Labour Party in Wales
  • Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq (1916–2003), Canadian Inuk textile artist
  • Elizabeth Arden (1881–1966), American businesswoman
  • Elizabeth Mary Aslin (1923–1989), English art historian, administrator, author and lecturer
  • Elizabeth Banks (born 1974), American actress
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861), Victorian era poet
  • Elizabeth Beckley (c. 1846–1927), British astronomical photographer
  • Élisabeth Bergeron (1851–1936), Canadian Venerable religious servant
  • Lady Elizabeth Philippa Biddulph (1834-1916), English humanitarian, temperance leader; Woman of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria
  • Elizabeth Blackadder (1931–2021), Scottish painter and printmaker
  • Elizabeth Blackwell (1821–1910), the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States
  • Elizabeth Baker Bohan (1849–1930), British-born American author, journalist, artist, social reformer
  • Elizabeth Joanna Bosman (1894–1963), South African author, first Afrikaner novelist published in English
  • Elizabeth Bowen Thompson (1812/1813–1869), British missionary who founded of the British Syrian Schools
  • Elizabeth Bruenig (born 1990), American writer and opinion columnist for The New York Times
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902), American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement
  • Elizabeth Carter (1717–1806), English poet, classicist, writer, translator, linguist, polymath
  • Elisabeth Cavazza (1849–1926), American author, journalist, music critic
  • Elizabeth Williams Champney (1850–1922), American writer
  • Elizabeth Marney Conner (1856–?), American dramatic reader, educator, author
  • Elizabeth Craig-McFeely (born 1927), British Director of the Women’s Royal Naval Service
  • Elizabeth Cromwell (1598–1665), the wife of Oliver Cromwell and Her Highness the Lady Protector
  • Elizabeth Litchfield Cunnyngham (1831-1911), American missionary and church worker
  • Elizabeth Daily (born 1961), American actress and singer
  • Elizabeth Otis Dannelly (1838–1896), American poet
  • Elizabeth David (1913–1992), British cookery writer
  • Elizabeth Debicki (born 1990), Australian actress
  • Elizabeth Jessup Eames (1813–1856), American writer
  • Elisabeth Ebeling (1946–2020), German film and stage actress
  • Elizabeth Edwards (1949–2010), American attorney, a best-selling author and a health care activist
  • Elisabeth Erke (born 1962), Norwegian Sami educator and politician
  • Elizabeth Hawley Everett (1857-1940), American clubwoman, suffragist, author, magazine founder/editor, school principal, superindent of schools
  • Elizabeth Sterling Haynes (1897–1957), Canadian theatre activist
  • Elizabeth Filippouli, Greek journalist-turned-entrepreneur, founder of the international non-profit think tank Global Thinkers Forum
  • Elizabeth Fraser (born 1963), Scottish singer
  • Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845), English prison reformer
  • Elizabeth Gaskell (1810–1865), British novelist and short story writer
  • Elizabeth Gillies (born 1993), American Broadway actress
  • Elizabeth Ayton Godwin (1817–1889), English hymnwriter, religious poet
  • Elizabeth Putnam Gordon (1851–1933), American temperance advocate, author
  • Elizabeth Greenhill (bookbinder), (1907–2006), English bookbinder
  • Elizabeth Greenwood (1873–1961), New Zealand photographer
  • Elisabeth Griffith, American historian, educator, and activist
  • Elizabeth Haigh (born 1988), Singaporean chef
  • Elizabeth Amherst Hale (1774–1826), Canadian Watercolor Artist
  • Elizabeth Mae «Lzzy» Hale (born 1983), American musician, singer, songwriter. Lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Halestorm
  • Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (1757–1854), American philanthropist and wife of United States founding father Alexander Hamilton
  • Elizabeth Boynton Harbert (1843–1925), American author, lecturer, reformer philanthropist
  • Elizabeth Harrower (disambiguation), several people
  • Elizabeth Haselwood (c. 1644–1715), English silversmith
  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck (born 1977), American actress
  • Elizabeth Henstridge (born 1987), English actress, model, and director.
  • Elizabeth Hoare (1915–2001), English church furnisher and actress
  • Elizabeth Holmes (born 1984), American fraudster who founded Theranos
  • Elizabeth Hulette aka Miss Elizabeth (1960–2003), professional wrestling manager
  • Elizabeth Hughes Gossett (1907–1981), daughter of American politician Charles Evans Hughes
  • Elizabeth Hurley (born 1965), British actress and model
  • Elizabeth Jaranyi (1918–1998), Holocaust survivor and writer
  • Elisabeth Jastrow (1890–1981), German-born classical archaeologist
  • Elisabetta Keller (1891–1969), Swiss-Italian artist
  • Elizabeth Kelly (born 1921), British actress
  • Elizabeth «Ellie» Kemper (born 1980), American actress and comedian
  • Elizabeth Kenny (1880–1952), Australian nurse
  • Elizabeth Lail (born 1992), American actress
  • Elizabeth Lambert, American writer of romance
  • Elizabeth Lazebnik, Latvian Canadian filmmaker
  • Elizabeth «Betty» Washington Lewis (1733–1797), sister of George Washington
  • Elizabeth A. Lynn (born 1946), American writer most known for fantasy and to a lesser extent science fiction
  • Elizabeth Roberts MacDonald (1864-1922), Canadian writer, suffragist
  • Elisabeth MacIntyre, (1916–2004), Australian writer and illustrator
  • Elizabeth Eunice Marcy (1821–1911), American author, activist, and social reformer
  • Elizabeth Margosches, American statistician
  • Elisabeth Marschall (1886–1947), head nurse (Oberschwester) at Ravensbrück concentration camp, later executed for war crimes
  • Elizabeth Louisa Foster Mather (1815–1882), American writer
  • Elizabeth McGovern (born 1961), American actress
  • Elizabeth Meckes (1980–2020), American mathematician
  • Elizabeth Miller (1878–1961), American novelist
  • Elizabeth Mitchell (1972–1998), American shag dancer
  • Elizabeth Monk (1898–1980), Canadian lawyer and city councillor
  • Elizabeth Monroe (1768–1830), First Lady of the United States (1817–1825)
  • Elizabeth «Eliza» Monroe Hay (1786–1840), American socialite
  • Elizabeth Montgomery (1933–1995), American actress
  • Elizabeth Moore (1894–1976), American local historian and preservationist
  • Elizabeth Martha Olmsted (1825–1910), American poet
  • Elizabeth Murdoch (1909–2012), Australian philanthropist
  • Elisabeth Murray (1909–1998), English biographer and educationist
  • Elizabeth Mystakidou (born 1977), Greek taekwondo athlete
  • Elizabeth Olsen (born 1989), American actress
  • Elizabeth Perkins (born 1960), American actress
  • Elizabeth Pesiridou (born 1992), Greek hurdler
  • Elizabeth Power (born 1941), English actress
  • Elizabeth Ramsey (1931–2015), Filipina comedian, singer, and actress
  • Elizabeth Rose (died 1130), Benedictine nun at Chelles, France
  • Elizabeth Lownes Rust (1835–1899), American philanthropist, humanitarian, Christian missionary
  • Elizabeth Scott (1708–1776), English-American poet, hymnwriter
  • Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye (1858–1923), American writer
  • Elizabeth Simcoe (1762–1850), British artist and diarist, wife of John Graves Simcoe
  • Elisabeth Sladen (1946–2011), English actress
  • Elizabeth Smart (born 1987), American female activist and contributor for ABC News (American Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Elizabeth Willisson Stephen (1856-1925), American author
  • Elizabeth Stride (1843–1888), the third murder victim of Jack the Ripper
  • Elizabeth Taylor (1932–2011), British-American actress
  • Elizabeth Terry (born c. 1943), American chef
  • Elizabeth Underwood (1794–1858), pioneering Australian land owner
  • Elizabeth Warren (born 1949), American politician and United States Senator from Massachusetts
  • Elizabeth Lowe Watson (1842–1927), American lecturer, suffragist
  • Elizabeth Wettlaufer (born 1967), Canadian nurse and serial killer
  • Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (born 1985), real name of singer Lana Del Rey
  • Elizabeth Young (author), contemporary romance writer
  • Elizabeth Young (journalist) (1950–2001), literary critic and author
  • Elizabeth Zachariadou (1931–2018), Greek historian
  • Elizabeth Zimmerman (born 1948), Filipina former flight attendant and former wife of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte
  • Elizabeth Zimmermann (1910–1999), British-born knitter

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Elizabeth, main character and A.I. companion in the video game BioShock Infinite
  • Elizabeth, from the videogame Persona 3
  • Elizabeth, a truck from the TV series Thomas and Friends
  • Elizabeth, a muppet from the TV series Sesame Street
  • Elizabeth Bennet, main character in the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice
  • Elizabeth Johnson, main character in the FX series American Horror Story: Hotel, portrayed by Lady Gaga
  • Lizzy Bruin, best friend of Sister Bear from The Berenstain Bears
  • Elizabeth «Z» Delgado, the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers SPD
  • Betty DeVille, wife of Howard DeVille and mother of Phil and Lil DeVille on Rugrats
  • Elizabeth Jones, protagonist of the Lifetime movie Reviving Ophelia
  • Elizabeth Keen, main character from the American TV series The Blacklist
  • Elizabeth Lochley, main character in the 1990s science fiction TV series Babylon 5, and had appeared on the spin-off TV series Crusade.
  • Elizabeth «Beth» March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  • Elizabeth «Lizzie» McGuire, main character of the teen sitcom Lizzie McGuire
  • Elizabeth Midford, in the anime and manga Black Butler
  • Elizabeth Poldark, from the novel and two BBC television series Poldark
  • Betty Rubble, wife of Barney Rubble and adoptive mother of Bamm Bamm Rubble on The Flintstones
  • Elizabeth Shaw, main character in Ridley Scott’s movie Prometheus
  • Effy Stonem, main character from the British teen drama Skins
  • Elizabeth Swann, a main character in the film series Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Elizabeth Thompson, main character in the anime Soul Eater
  • Elizabeth Webber, on the daytime soap opera General Hospital
  • Elizabeth Liones, main character in the manga The Seven Deadly Sins
  • Elizabeth Sherman, from the Hellboy comic books
  • Elizabeth Harmon, protagonist of the novel The Queen’s Gambit
  • Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, from the X-men
  • Elizabeth Weir (Stargate), main character in the TV series Stargate Atlantis
  • Dr. Liz Wilson, the vet and Jon’s love interest from Jim Davis’s Garfield comic strip
  • Elizabeth Afton, a main character from the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise

See also[edit]

  • Ælfthryth, an unrelated Anglo-Saxon name, derived from the Old English Ælfþryð (‘elf-strength’), superficially similar to ‘Elspeth’ and several other variants of ‘Elizabeth’; more often rendered as ‘Elfriede’, ‘Elfrida’ or ‘Alfreda’.


  1. ^ Frank Nuessel (1992). The Study of Names: A Guide to the Principles and Topics. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. p. 10. Archived from the original on 2017-07-06.

Lucas Cranach d. Ä. - Die Heilige Elizabeth mit Herzog Georg von Sachsen als Stifter.jpg

Saint Elizabeth shown with George of Saxony in a painting on an altar by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Gender Female
Language(s) English
Word/name Hebrew
Derivation Elisheva
Meaning My God is an oath
Other names
Related names
  • Bess
  • Bessie
  • Bessy
  • Beth
  • Betsy
  • Bettina
  • Betty
  • Eliza
  • Elsa
  • Else
  • Elsebeth
  • Elspeth
  • Isabel
  • Isabella
  • Isabelle
  • Lettie
  • Libby
  • Lisa
  • Liza
  • Liz
  • Lizzie
  • Lizzy

Elizabeth is a feminine given name, a variation of the Hebrew name Elisheva (אֱלִישֶׁבַע), meaning «My God is an oath» or «My God is abundance», as rendered in the Septuagint.

Occurrence in the Bible[edit]

«Elizabeth» appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name of Aaron’s wife («Elisheva» in the Hebrew Bible), and in the New Testament as the name of the wife of the priest Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist. It has also been the name of several saints and queens.


The name has many variants in use across the world and has been in consistent use worldwide. ‘Elizabeth’ was the tenth most popular name given to baby girls in the United States in 2007 and has been among the 25 most popular names given to girls in the United States for the past 100 years. It is the only name that remained in the top ten US girls’ names list from 1925 to 1972.[1]

In the early 21st century, ‘Elizabeth’ has been among the top 50 names given to girls in the past 10 years born in England and Wales, as well Canada and Australia, and has been in the top 100 most popular names given to baby girls born in Scotland and Ireland. ‘Elizaveta’ (Eлизaвeтa), a Russian form of the name, has been in the top 10 names given to baby girls born in Moscow, Russia in the past 10 years. The name is also popular in Ukraine and Belarus.

Name variants[edit]

Full name[edit]

  • Elisabeta, Elisa, Liza, Izabela (Albanian)
  • أليصابات, أليشابع, إِلِيزَابِيث (‘alīṣābāt, ‘alīshābaʻ, ilīzābīth) (Arabic)
  • Ilisapesi (Tongan)
  • Irihāpeti (Māori)
  • ელისაბედ (Elisabed) (Shesan)
  • Aelswith, Aelswithia, Elesabeth, Elyzabeth (English)
  • Ⲉⲗⲉⲥⲁⲃⲏⲕ (Ilisabek) (Coptic)
  • Alžběta, Eliška (Czech)
  • Alžbeta (Slovak)
  • Ealasaid (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Ealisaid (Manx)
  • Elesbed (Breton)
  • Elizabete, Isabel, Elisabete (Portuguese)
  • Eliisabet, Eliise (Estonian)
  • Elikapeka (Hawaiian)
  • Elisa (Turkish)
  • Elizabeti (Swahili)
  • Elisabet (Catalan), (Danish), (Finnish), (German), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Elísabet (Icelandic)
  • Elisabeta (Romanian)
  • Élisabeth, Élizabeth (French)
  • Elisabeth (Catalan), (Danish), (Dutch), (German), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Elizabeto (Esperanto)
  • Elisabetta (Italian)
  • Ελισάβετ (Elisávet), Ζαμπέτα (Zabéta) (Greek)
  • Eлисавета (Elisaveta) (Bulgarian)
  • Альжбета (Alžbieta) (Belarusian)
  • אֱלִישֶׁבַע (Elisheba, Elisheva) (Hebrew)
  • Elixabete (Basque)
  • Elizabeta (Albanian), (Croatian), (Bosnian), (Slovene)
  • Elizabete (Basque), (Latvian)
  • 엘리자베스 (Ellijabeseu) (Korean)
  • Elishua (Malayalam)
  • Elsebeth (Danish)
  • Elsbeth (Dutch), (German), (Scots), (Swiss German)
  • Elspeth (Scots)
  • Êlizabét (Vietnamese)
  • Елизабета, Јелисавета (Elizabeta, Jelisaveta), (Serbian), (Macedonian)
  • Елизaвета, Элизабет (Yelizaveta (or Yelyzaveta), Elizabet, (Russian)
  • Єлизавета, Елізабет (Yelizaveta (or Yelyzaveta), Elizabet (Ukrainian)
  • Elžbieta, Elzbute (Lithuanian)
  • Elżbieta (Polish)
  • エリザベス (Erizabesu) (Japanese)
  • Erzsébet (Hungarian)
  • Isabella (Italian), (Dutch)
  • Isabelle (French), (Dutch)
  • Isabel (Spanish), (Dutch)
  • Եղիսաբեթ (Yeghisabet), Ելսաբեթ (Elsabet) (Armenian)
  • Chinese: 伊丽莎白; pinyin: Yī lì shā bái (Chinese Simplified)
  • Chinese: 伊麗莎白; pinyin: Yīlìshābái (Chinese Traditional)
  • এলিজাবেথ (Ēlijābētha) (Bengali)
  • એલિઝાબેથ (Ēlijhābētha) (Gujarati)
  • एलिज़ाबेथ (Ēlizābētha) (Hindi)
  • ಎಲಿಜಬೆತ್ (Elijabet) (Kannada)
  • एलिझाबेथ (Ēlijhābētha) (Marathi)
  • Элизабет (Elizabyet) (Mongolian)
  • एलिजाबेथ (Ēlijābētha) (Nepali)
  • الیزابت (Persian)
  • ਇਲੀਸਬਤ (Ilīsabata) (Punjabi)
  • எலிசபெத் (Elicapet) (Tamil)
  • ఎలిజబెత్ (Elijabet) (Telugu)
  • เอลิซาเบธ (Elisābeṭh) (Thai)
  • الزبتھ (Urdu)
  • עליזאַבעטה (Eʻlyzabeta) (Yiddish)


  • Chabela, Isabelita, Ybel, Ysabel, Yzabel, Yzabela (Spanish)
  • Erzsi (Hungarian)
  • Isabeau (French)
  • Isabel (Catalan), (English), (Norwegian), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (French)
  • Isabela (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Isabell (English), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Isabella (Dutch), (English), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Polish), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Isabelle (English), (French), (German)
  • Isave (Vietnamese)
  • Isbal, Ysbal (Manx)
  • Isbel, Isebella, Izabelle, Lisabeth, Lizabeth, Sabella, Sissy (English)
  • Iseabail (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Ishbel, Isobel (Scots)
  • Isibéal, Sibéal (Irish)
  • Izabel (Portuguese (archaic)), (Spanish), (Polish)
  • Izabela (Czech), (Polish)
  • Izabella (Hungarian), (Polish)
  • Lettie (Greek), (Latin)
  • Liesbeth, Lijsbeth (Dutch)
  • Lisabella (Italian)
  • Lisaveta (Ukrainian)
  • Lisbet (Danish), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Lisbeth (German), (Norwegian), (Danish)
  • Lizbeth (Spanish, chiefly Latin American)
  • Sabela (Galician)
  • Špela (Slovene)
  • Zabel, Liza (Armenian)
  • Ιζαμπέλλα, Ισαβέλλα (Izabella, Isavella) (Greek)
  • Јелисавка, Савета, Савка (Jelisavka, Saveta, Savka) (Serbian)
  • Лизa (Liza) (Russian), (Serbian)
  • ლიზა, ლიზი, ლიზიკო (Liza, Lizi, Liziko) (Georgian)

First half[edit]

  • Ailsa (Danish)
  • Aley, Aleyamma, Aleykutty (Malayalam)
  • Alzira, Elisete, Lilianna (Portuguese)
  • Ealee, Ealish (Manx)
  • Eilís, Éilis (Irish language)
  • Ela, Elunia, Elzira, Elżunia (Polish)
  • Elbie (Afrikaans)
  • Elise, Ella, Ellisif (Norwegian)
  • Elly (English), (Dutch)
  • Eli (Catalan), (English), (Spanish)
  • Eli, Eliamma (Malayalam)
  • Eliisa (Finnish)
  • Elis, Elschen (German)
  • Elisa (Finnish), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Élise, Elysée, Liset, Lisette, Lizette, Lysa, (French)
  • Eliška (Czech) and (Slovak)
  • Elina, Elena (Bulgarian)
  • Eliso, Lizi (Georgian)
  • Elissa (English), (Norwegian)
  • Eliza (Albanian), (English), (Polish)
  • Elka (Albanian), (Polish)
  • Ellee, Elsie, Elyse, Leesa, Lizzy, Liz, Lysette (English)
  • Elli (Finnish), (German)
  • Ellie (Origin unknown)
  • Els, Liesje, Liselot, (Dutch)
  • Elsa (Catalan), (Dutch), (Finnish), (German), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (Swedish)
  • Else (Danish), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Elts, Liis, Liisbet, Liisu (Estonian)
  • Elza (Hebrew)
  • Elzė (Lithuanian)
  • Erzsi, Lilike, Zsóka (Hungarian)
  • Ilsa, Liesa, Lieschen, Liese, Liesel, Liesl, Lilli, Lys (German)
  • Ilse (Dutch), (German)
  • Isa (Spanish), (Portuguese)
  • Issa, Iza, Liseta, Yza (Spanish)
  • Izzie (English)
  • Izzy (English), (Norwegian)
  • Lela (Serbian)
  • Lies (Dutch), (German)
  • Lieselotte (German), (Swedish)
  • Liisa, Liisi, (Estonian), (Finnish)
  • Lila (mostly for kids) (Catalan), (Polish)
  • Lili (French), (Polish)
  • Liliana, Liliani (Indonesian)
  • Lis (Danish), (English), (Norwegian), (Swedish)
  • Lisa (Catalan), (Danish), (English), (German), (Italian), (Norwegian), (Swedish), (Portuguese), (Spanish), (Polish), (Welsh)
  • Lisanne (Dutch), (English), (Norwegian)
  • Lise (French), (Norwegian)
  • Liselotte (Danish), (German), (Norwegian)
  • Lisen (Swedish)
  • Liza (English), (Polish), (Russian), (Ukrainian)
  • Lizina (Latvian)
  • Lizzie (English), (Norwegian)


  • Babette (French)
  • Ibbie, Issy, Libby, Liddy (English)
  • Liba (archaic, rural areas) (Catalan)
  • Isa (German)

Second half[edit]

  • Beileag (Scottish Gaelic)
  • Bel (Catalan)
  • Belita (Spanish)
  • Bella (Italian)
  • Bess, Bessie, Beth, Betsy, Betsey, Bette, Bettie, Betty, Bettye, Bitsy, Buffy, Zabeth (English)
  • Běta, Bětka (Czech)
  • Bethan, Betsan, Bětuška (Welsh)
  • Betka (Slovak)
  • Betta (Italian)
  • Betti (German)
  • Bettina (German), (Italian)
  • Etti, Etty (Estonian)

People with the given name[edit]

Empresses regnant[edit]

  • Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762)

Empresses consort[edit]

  • Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1691–1750), consort of Emperor Charles VI
  • Elizabeth Alexeievna (Louise of Baden) (1779–1826), wife of Tsar Alexander I of Russia
  • Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837–1898), wife of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, also known as Empress Elisabeth or «Sisi»
  • Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900–2002), wife of the King-Emperor George VI of the United Kingdom
  • Empress Wanrong (1906–1946), last Empress of China, also known as Elizabeth, the English name her tutor gave her

Queens regnant[edit]

  • Elizabeth I (1533–1603), queen of England and Ireland
  • Elizabeth II (1926–2022), queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, The Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis

Queens consort[edit]

  • Elisabeth of Swabia (1203–1235), also known as Beatrice of Swabia, queen consort of Castile and León
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Germany (c. 1227–1273), queen consort of Germany, Jerusalem and Sicily
  • Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1230–1266), queen consort of Germany
  • Elizabeth the Cuman (1239/1240–1290), queen consort and regent of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Hungary, Queen of Serbia (1255–1313), queen consort of Serbia
  • Elizabeth of Sicily, Queen of Hungary (1261–1303), queen consort of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Carinthia, Queen of Germany (c. 1262–1312), queen consort of Germany
  • Elizabeth of Aragon (1271–1336), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Portugal, also known as Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
  • Elisabeth Richeza of Poland (1286–1335), queen consort of Bohemia and Poland
  • Elizabeth de Burgh (1289–1327), queen consort of Scotland
  • Elisabeth of Bohemia (1292–1330), queen consort of Bohemia
  • Elizabeth of Carinthia, Queen of Sicily (1298–1352), queen consort and regent of Sicily
  • Elizabeth of Holstein-Rendsburg (c. 1300-before 1340), junior queen consort of Denmark, wife of Eric Christoffersen
  • Elizabeth of Poland, Queen of Hungary (1305–1380), queen consort of Hungary, regent of Poland
  • Elizabeth of Bosnia (c. 1339–1387), queen of Hungary and Poland
  • Elizabeth of Pomerania (1347–1393), queen consort and queen dowager of the Romans, Bohemia, Italy and Burgundy
  • Elisabeth of Nuremberg (1358–1411), queen consort of the Romans
  • Isabeau of Bavaria (c. 1370–1435), also known as Elisabeth of Bavaria-Ingolstadt, queen consort of France
  • Elizabeth Granowska (c. 1372–1420), queen consort of Poland
  • Elizabeth of Luxembourg (1409–1442), queen consort of the Romans, Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia
  • Elisabeth of Habsburg (1436–1505), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Poland
  • Elizabeth Woodville (c. 1437–1492), queen consort of Edward IV
  • Elizabeth of York (1466–1503), queen consort of King Henry VII of England
  • Elizabeth of Austria (1526–1545), queen consort of Poland
  • Elisabeth of Valois (1545-1568), queen consort of Spain
  • Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France (1554–1592), queen consort of France
  • Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia (1596–1662), daughter of James VI and I of Scotland and England, the «Winter Queen» of Bohemia
  • Elisabeth of France (1602–1644), queen consort of Spain and Portugal
  • Elisabeth Farnese (1692–1766), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of Spain
  • Elisabeth Therese of Lorraine (1711–1741), queen consort of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
  • Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern (1715–1797), queen consort and queen dowager of Prussia
  • Kaʻahumanu (c. 1768–1832), also known as Elizabeth Kaʻahumanu, queen consort and queen regent of Hawaiʻi
  • Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria (1801–1873), queen consort of Prussia
  • Kīnaʻu (c. 1805–1839), also known as Elizabeth Kīnaʻu, queen consort, queen regent and dowager queen of Hawaiʻi
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria (1837–1898), queen consort of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia
  • Elisabeth of Wied (1843–1916), queen consort and queen dowager of Romania
  • Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium (1876–1965), wife of King Albert I of Belgium
  • Elisabeth of Romania (1894–1956), queen consort of King George II of Greece
  • Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900–2002), queen consort, queen dowager and queen mother of the United Kingdom


  • Elisabeth of the Palatinate (1618–1680), Bohemian princess and philosopher
  • Princess Élisabeth of France (Élisabeth Philippine Marie Hélène; 1764–1794), sister of Louis XVI of France, also known as Madame Élisabeth
  • Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (1770–1840), daughter of George III
  • Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918) (1864–1918), Russian grand duchess and Orthodox martyr, wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia and granddaughter of Queen Victoria
  • Elizabeth Bagration (1880–1915), Georgian royal princess
  • Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark (1904–1955), later Countess of Toerring-Jettenbach, the middle daughter of Prince Nicholas of Greece and Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia
  • Princess Elisabeth of Denmark (born 1935)
  • Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia (born 1936)
  • Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant (born 2001), oldest child and heiress apparent of Philippe, King of the Belgians

Other aristocrats[edit]

  • Elizabeth of Lancaster, Duchess of Exeter (1363–1426), younger daughter and second surviving child of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and Blanche of Lancaster
  • Elisabeth von Matsch, (1380s—around 1439), last countess of Toggenburg
  • Elizabeth Báthory (1560–1614), niece of the Polish King Stephen Báthory; Hungarian countess and murderer


  • Elizabeth (1st century BC), the mother of John the Baptist
  • Elisabeth of Schönau (1129–1164), a German Benedictine visionary
  • Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1231), the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary
  • Elizabeth of Aragon or Elizabeth of Portugal (1271–1336), Queen consort of Portugal
  • Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774–1821), the first canonized «American» saint
  • Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918), Eastern Orthodox saint and wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia
  • Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880–1906), French Carmelite nun


  • Elizabeth Andrews (1882–1960), first woman organiser of the Labour Party in Wales
  • Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq (1916–2003), Canadian Inuk textile artist
  • Elizabeth Arden (1881–1966), American businesswoman
  • Elizabeth Mary Aslin (1923–1989), English art historian, administrator, author and lecturer
  • Elizabeth Banks (born 1974), American actress
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861), Victorian era poet
  • Elizabeth Beckley (c. 1846–1927), British astronomical photographer
  • Élisabeth Bergeron (1851–1936), Canadian Venerable religious servant
  • Lady Elizabeth Philippa Biddulph (1834-1916), English humanitarian, temperance leader; Woman of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria
  • Elizabeth Blackadder (1931–2021), Scottish painter and printmaker
  • Elizabeth Blackwell (1821–1910), the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States
  • Elizabeth Baker Bohan (1849–1930), British-born American author, journalist, artist, social reformer
  • Elizabeth Joanna Bosman (1894–1963), South African author, first Afrikaner novelist published in English
  • Elizabeth Bowen Thompson (1812/1813–1869), British missionary who founded of the British Syrian Schools
  • Elizabeth Bruenig (born 1990), American writer and opinion columnist for The New York Times
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902), American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement
  • Elizabeth Carter (1717–1806), English poet, classicist, writer, translator, linguist, polymath
  • Elisabeth Cavazza (1849–1926), American author, journalist, music critic
  • Elizabeth Williams Champney (1850–1922), American writer
  • Elizabeth Marney Conner (1856–?), American dramatic reader, educator, author
  • Elizabeth Craig-McFeely (born 1927), British Director of the Women’s Royal Naval Service
  • Elizabeth Cromwell (1598–1665), the wife of Oliver Cromwell and Her Highness the Lady Protector
  • Elizabeth Litchfield Cunnyngham (1831-1911), American missionary and church worker
  • Elizabeth Daily (born 1961), American actress and singer
  • Elizabeth Otis Dannelly (1838–1896), American poet
  • Elizabeth David (1913–1992), British cookery writer
  • Elizabeth Debicki (born 1990), Australian actress
  • Elizabeth Jessup Eames (1813–1856), American writer
  • Elisabeth Ebeling (1946–2020), German film and stage actress
  • Elizabeth Edwards (1949–2010), American attorney, a best-selling author and a health care activist
  • Elisabeth Erke (born 1962), Norwegian Sami educator and politician
  • Elizabeth Hawley Everett (1857-1940), American clubwoman, suffragist, author, magazine founder/editor, school principal, superindent of schools
  • Elizabeth Sterling Haynes (1897–1957), Canadian theatre activist
  • Elizabeth Filippouli, Greek journalist-turned-entrepreneur, founder of the international non-profit think tank Global Thinkers Forum
  • Elizabeth Fraser (born 1963), Scottish singer
  • Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845), English prison reformer
  • Elizabeth Gaskell (1810–1865), British novelist and short story writer
  • Elizabeth Gillies (born 1993), American Broadway actress
  • Elizabeth Ayton Godwin (1817–1889), English hymnwriter, religious poet
  • Elizabeth Putnam Gordon (1851–1933), American temperance advocate, author
  • Elizabeth Greenhill (bookbinder), (1907–2006), English bookbinder
  • Elizabeth Greenwood (1873–1961), New Zealand photographer
  • Elisabeth Griffith, American historian, educator, and activist
  • Elizabeth Haigh (born 1988), Singaporean chef
  • Elizabeth Amherst Hale (1774–1826), Canadian Watercolor Artist
  • Elizabeth Mae «Lzzy» Hale (born 1983), American musician, singer, songwriter. Lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Halestorm
  • Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (1757–1854), American philanthropist and wife of United States founding father Alexander Hamilton
  • Elizabeth Boynton Harbert (1843–1925), American author, lecturer, reformer philanthropist
  • Elizabeth Harrower (disambiguation), several people
  • Elizabeth Haselwood (c. 1644–1715), English silversmith
  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck (born 1977), American actress
  • Elizabeth Henstridge (born 1987), English actress, model, and director.
  • Elizabeth Hoare (1915–2001), English church furnisher and actress
  • Elizabeth Holmes (born 1984), American fraudster who founded Theranos
  • Elizabeth Hulette aka Miss Elizabeth (1960–2003), professional wrestling manager
  • Elizabeth Hughes Gossett (1907–1981), daughter of American politician Charles Evans Hughes
  • Elizabeth Hurley (born 1965), British actress and model
  • Elizabeth Jaranyi (1918–1998), Holocaust survivor and writer
  • Elisabeth Jastrow (1890–1981), German-born classical archaeologist
  • Elisabetta Keller (1891–1969), Swiss-Italian artist
  • Elizabeth Kelly (born 1921), British actress
  • Elizabeth «Ellie» Kemper (born 1980), American actress and comedian
  • Elizabeth Kenny (1880–1952), Australian nurse
  • Elizabeth Lail (born 1992), American actress
  • Elizabeth Lambert, American writer of romance
  • Elizabeth Lazebnik, Latvian Canadian filmmaker
  • Elizabeth «Betty» Washington Lewis (1733–1797), sister of George Washington
  • Elizabeth A. Lynn (born 1946), American writer most known for fantasy and to a lesser extent science fiction
  • Elizabeth Roberts MacDonald (1864-1922), Canadian writer, suffragist
  • Elisabeth MacIntyre, (1916–2004), Australian writer and illustrator
  • Elizabeth Eunice Marcy (1821–1911), American author, activist, and social reformer
  • Elizabeth Margosches, American statistician
  • Elisabeth Marschall (1886–1947), head nurse (Oberschwester) at Ravensbrück concentration camp, later executed for war crimes
  • Elizabeth Louisa Foster Mather (1815–1882), American writer
  • Elizabeth McGovern (born 1961), American actress
  • Elizabeth Meckes (1980–2020), American mathematician
  • Elizabeth Miller (1878–1961), American novelist
  • Elizabeth Mitchell (1972–1998), American shag dancer
  • Elizabeth Monk (1898–1980), Canadian lawyer and city councillor
  • Elizabeth Monroe (1768–1830), First Lady of the United States (1817–1825)
  • Elizabeth «Eliza» Monroe Hay (1786–1840), American socialite
  • Elizabeth Montgomery (1933–1995), American actress
  • Elizabeth Moore (1894–1976), American local historian and preservationist
  • Elizabeth Martha Olmsted (1825–1910), American poet
  • Elizabeth Murdoch (1909–2012), Australian philanthropist
  • Elisabeth Murray (1909–1998), English biographer and educationist
  • Elizabeth Mystakidou (born 1977), Greek taekwondo athlete
  • Elizabeth Olsen (born 1989), American actress
  • Elizabeth Perkins (born 1960), American actress
  • Elizabeth Pesiridou (born 1992), Greek hurdler
  • Elizabeth Power (born 1941), English actress
  • Elizabeth Ramsey (1931–2015), Filipina comedian, singer, and actress
  • Elizabeth Rose (died 1130), Benedictine nun at Chelles, France
  • Elizabeth Lownes Rust (1835–1899), American philanthropist, humanitarian, Christian missionary
  • Elizabeth Scott (1708–1776), English-American poet, hymnwriter
  • Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye (1858–1923), American writer
  • Elizabeth Simcoe (1762–1850), British artist and diarist, wife of John Graves Simcoe
  • Elisabeth Sladen (1946–2011), English actress
  • Elizabeth Smart (born 1987), American female activist and contributor for ABC News (American Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Elizabeth Willisson Stephen (1856-1925), American author
  • Elizabeth Stride (1843–1888), the third murder victim of Jack the Ripper
  • Elizabeth Taylor (1932–2011), British-American actress
  • Elizabeth Terry (born c. 1943), American chef
  • Elizabeth Underwood (1794–1858), pioneering Australian land owner
  • Elizabeth Warren (born 1949), American politician and United States Senator from Massachusetts
  • Elizabeth Lowe Watson (1842–1927), American lecturer, suffragist
  • Elizabeth Wettlaufer (born 1967), Canadian nurse and serial killer
  • Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (born 1985), real name of singer Lana Del Rey
  • Elizabeth Young (author), contemporary romance writer
  • Elizabeth Young (journalist) (1950–2001), literary critic and author
  • Elizabeth Zachariadou (1931–2018), Greek historian
  • Elizabeth Zimmerman (born 1948), Filipina former flight attendant and former wife of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte
  • Elizabeth Zimmermann (1910–1999), British-born knitter

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Elizabeth, main character and A.I. companion in the video game BioShock Infinite
  • Elizabeth, from the videogame Persona 3
  • Elizabeth, a truck from the TV series Thomas and Friends
  • Elizabeth, a muppet from the TV series Sesame Street
  • Elizabeth Bennet, main character in the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice
  • Elizabeth Johnson, main character in the FX series American Horror Story: Hotel, portrayed by Lady Gaga
  • Lizzy Bruin, best friend of Sister Bear from The Berenstain Bears
  • Elizabeth «Z» Delgado, the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers SPD
  • Betty DeVille, wife of Howard DeVille and mother of Phil and Lil DeVille on Rugrats
  • Elizabeth Jones, protagonist of the Lifetime movie Reviving Ophelia
  • Elizabeth Keen, main character from the American TV series The Blacklist
  • Elizabeth Lochley, main character in the 1990s science fiction TV series Babylon 5, and had appeared on the spin-off TV series Crusade.
  • Elizabeth «Beth» March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  • Elizabeth «Lizzie» McGuire, main character of the teen sitcom Lizzie McGuire
  • Elizabeth Midford, in the anime and manga Black Butler
  • Elizabeth Poldark, from the novel and two BBC television series Poldark
  • Betty Rubble, wife of Barney Rubble and adoptive mother of Bamm Bamm Rubble on The Flintstones
  • Elizabeth Shaw, main character in Ridley Scott’s movie Prometheus
  • Effy Stonem, main character from the British teen drama Skins
  • Elizabeth Swann, a main character in the film series Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Elizabeth Thompson, main character in the anime Soul Eater
  • Elizabeth Webber, on the daytime soap opera General Hospital
  • Elizabeth Liones, main character in the manga The Seven Deadly Sins
  • Elizabeth Sherman, from the Hellboy comic books
  • Elizabeth Harmon, protagonist of the novel The Queen’s Gambit
  • Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, from the X-men
  • Elizabeth Weir (Stargate), main character in the TV series Stargate Atlantis
  • Dr. Liz Wilson, the vet and Jon’s love interest from Jim Davis’s Garfield comic strip
  • Elizabeth Afton, a main character from the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise

See also[edit]

  • Ælfthryth, an unrelated Anglo-Saxon name, derived from the Old English Ælfþryð (‘elf-strength’), superficially similar to ‘Elspeth’ and several other variants of ‘Elizabeth’; more often rendered as ‘Elfriede’, ‘Elfrida’ or ‘Alfreda’.


  1. ^ Frank Nuessel (1992). The Study of Names: A Guide to the Principles and Topics. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. p. 10. Archived from the original on 2017-07-06.

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