Как пишется иосиф на английском


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    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > иосиф

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    Iосiф, Юзiк,







    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф

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    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Иосиф

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    1) General subject: Iosif

    4) Communications: Joseph

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф

  • 5

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Иосиф

  • 6
    Иосиф Волоколамский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Волоколамский

  • 7
    Иосиф Барнабас

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф Барнабас

  • 8
    Иосиф Варнава


    Joses surnamed Barnabas

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф Варнава

  • 9
    Иосиф из Аримафеи

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф из Аримафеи

  • 10
    Иосиф Обручник



    катол. Обручник Пресвятой Девы Марии (д. п. 19 марта) — Joseph, Husband of Mary

    правосл. Праведный Иосиф Обручник (д. п. 26 декабря / 8 января) — St. Joseph the Betrothed

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф Обручник

  • 11
    Иосиф Плотник

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф Плотник

  • 12
    Иосиф Праотец

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иосиф Праотец

  • 13

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ИОСИФ ОСВЯЩЕННЫЙ, САМАКИЙСКИЙ

  • 14
    Иосиф Алеппский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Алеппский

  • 15
    Иосиф Аналитин Раифский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Аналитин Раифский

  • 16
    Иосиф Аримафейский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Аримафейский

  • 17
    Иосиф Бродский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Бродский

  • 18
    Иосиф Броз Тито

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Броз Тито

  • 19
    Иосиф Варсава

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Варсава

  • 20
    Иосиф Леонисский

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иосиф Леонисский


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Иосиф II — Joseph II …   Википедия

  • ИОСИФ — (? 1652), патриарх Московский и Всея Руси с 1642. Расширил деятельность московского Печатного двора (впервые изданы Жития русских святых, Кормчая книга, Грамматика Мелетия Смотрицко го и др.). Направил Арсения (Суханова) на Ближний Восток с целью …   Русская история

  • ИОСИФ — Прекрасный (Иосиф евр. jôseph, из jôseph el, «бог да умножит»), в традициях иудаизма, христианства и ислама (Йусуф) сын Иакова и Рахили (младший из одиннадцати сыновей Иакова, рождённых в Месопотамии); через своих сыновей Ефрема и Манассию («дом… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • Иосиф — а, муж.; народн. Осип, а; разг. Иосип, а; прост. к Ёсип, а.Отч.: Иосифович, Иосифовна; разг. Иосифыч.Производные: Иося; Осипка; Ося.Происхождение: (Др. евр. имя Iosef он (т. е. бог) приумножит, добавит.)Именины: воскресенье по Рождеству Христову …   Словарь личных имен

  • ИОСИФ — (нем. Joseph) герой романа Т.Манна «Иосиф и его братья» (1933 1943), знаменитый Иосиф Прекрасный из Ветхого завета, сын Иакова и Рахили, проданный завистливыми братьями в рабство, попавший в Египет, где он, сделав замечательную карьеру, спасает… …   Литературные герои

  • Иосиф I — (кёльнский курфюрст) Иосиф I (константинопольский патриарх) Иосиф I (император Священной Римской империи) Иосиф (Жозе) I (король Португалии) …   Википедия

  • иосиф — целомудрен, как Иосиф.. Словарь русских синонимов и сходных по смыслу выражений. под. ред. Н. Абрамова, М.: Русские словари, 1999. Иосиф Божия награда; Осип; Иосип; Ёсип; Иося, Осипка, Ося, Йосик Словарь русских синонимов …   Словарь синонимов

  • Иосиф II — Иосиф II. Иосиф II. Иосиф II () австрийский эрцгерцог () в 1780 90 гг. (. соправитель своей матери Марии Терезии), император Священной Римской империи с 1765 г. Проводил политику протекционизма, поощрения мануфактур, отменил крепостную… …   Энциклопедический словарь «Всемирная история»

  • Иосиф — епископ Владикавказский и Моздокский (Чепиговский Иван).Родился в 1821 году в Таврической губернии в семье священника.Первоначально обучался в Тифлисской духовной семинарии.В 1843 году поступил в Киевскую духовную академию. В 1847 году, по… …   Большая биографическая энциклопедия

  • Иосиф II — немецко римский император (1765 1790), один из наиболее типичных представителей так называемого просвещенного абсолютизма . Из его многочисленных реформ наиболее замечательны: отмена крепостного права (сначала в Богемии, а затем и в других… …   1000 биографий

  • Иосиф — (евр. Йосеф, Он (Бог) прибавит (еще детей) ). I: 1) а) одиннадцатый сын Иакова и первенец от Рахили (Быт 30:22 24). Из сопоставления ст. 25 и Быт 31:41 становится очевидным, что И. родился прим. за шесть лет до бегства Иакова из Харрана, т.е.… …   Библейская энциклопедия Брокгауза


Peter von Cornelius 002.jpg

Joseph, a figure in the Book of Genesis.

Gender Male
Name day 19 March
Word/name Hebrew
Meaning God will add, taken away or praise, fame taken away
Region of origin Middle East
Other names
Related names Joe, Joey, Joel, Jojo, Jos, Joss, Josh, John, Jose, Josephus, José, Joseba, Jože, Dodô, Doido, Joep, Jupp, Posie, Bapi, Jô, Giuseppe, Yosef, Yoseph, Ouseph, Iosif, Peppa, Hovsep, Yusuf, Seph, Sepp, Jo, Josie, Josif, Josef, Pepa, Josephine, Josephina, Juuso

Joseph is a common male given name, derived from the Hebrew Yosef[1] (יוֹסֵף). «Joseph» is used,[2] along with «Josef», mostly in English, French and partially German languages. This spelling is also found as a variant in the languages of the modern-day Nordic countries. In Portuguese and Spanish, the name is «José». In Arabic, including in the Quran, the name is spelled يوسف Yūsuf. In Persian, the name is «Yousef».

The name has enjoyed significant popularity in its many forms in numerous countries, and Joseph was one of the two names, along with Robert, to have remained in the top 10 boys’ names list in the US from 1925 to 1972.[3] It is especially common in contemporary Israel, as either «Yossi» or «Yossef», and in Italy, where the name «Giuseppe» was the most common male name in the 20th century. In the first century CE, Joseph was the second most popular male name for Palestine Jews.[4]

In the Book of Genesis[5] Joseph is Jacob’s eleventh son and Rachel’s first son, and known in the Hebrew Bible as Yossef ben-Yaakov.[6] In the New Testament the most notable two are Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple of Jesus who supplied the tomb in which Jesus was buried.


The Bible offers two explanations of the name Yosef: first, it is compared to the word asaf from the root /’sp/, «taken away»: «And she conceived, and bore a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach»; Yosef is then identified with the similar root /ysp/, meaning «add»: «And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me another son.»[7] The Jewish Encyclopedia says that it is a theophoric name referencing YHWH.[8] The name can also consist of the Hebrew yadah meaning «praise», «fame» and the word asaf.[citation needed]

Variants, diminutives and familiar forms in other languages[edit]

Variations for males include:

  • Afrikaans: Josef, Joesoef
  • Albanian: Jozë (indefinite), Joza (definite), Zef (indef.), Zefi (def.), Josif (indef.), Josifi (def.), Isuf (indef.), Isufi (def.), Bibë (indef.), Biba (def.)
  • Alemmanic: Sepp, Seppu
  • Alsatian: Sepp
  • Amharic: ዮሴፍ (Yosēfi)
  • Armenian: Հովսեփ, Յովսէփ (Hovsep)
  • Arabic: يوسف (Yūsif, Youssef, Yussef, Yousif, Yousef, Youssof, Yūsuf)
  • Azerbaijani: Yusif, Yusuf, Usub
  • Basque: Joseba, Josepe
  • Bavarian: Sepp, Bepperl, Beppe, Beppi,
  • Belarusian: Іосіф (Iosif), Язэп (Jazep)
  • Bengali: ইউসুফ (Iusuf or Yusuf) (Islamic), জোসেফ (Josef) (Christian)
  • Bosnian: Josip, Jusuf
  • Breton: Jozef, Jozeb
  • Bulgarian: Йосиф (Yosif)
  • Burmese (Myanmar): ယောသပ်သည် (Yaw sautsai)
  • Cantonese: 約瑟 (Joek3 sat1)
  • Catalan: Josep, Pep (shortened form), Jep (an alternative shortened form)
  • Circassian: Юсыф (Yusyf)
  • Cornish: Josep
  • Corsican: Ghjaseppu, Ghjiseppu
  • Croatian: Josip, Joso, Jozo, Joza, Joze, Joško, Joža, Jože, Bepo, Bepi, Bapi, Pino, Osíp, Bozo, Gonzo, Ganso
  • Czech: Josef; Diminutives: Pepa, Peppa, Pepík, Pepik, Jožka, Pepan, Pepča, Pepek, Pepino, Jožin
  • Danish: Josef
  • Dutch: Jozef, Josephus; Diminutives: Joep, Joost, Jos, Jo, Jef, Seppe
  • English: Joseph, Diminutives: Joe, Joey
  • Esperanto: Jozefo
  • Estonian: Joosep, Joosu
  • Faroese: Jósef
  • Fijian: Josefa
  • Filipino: Joseph, José, Pepe, Peping, Sep, Jojo
  • Finnish: Jooseppi, Juuso
  • French: José, Joseph, Jojo
  • Friulian: Josef, ‘Sef, ‘Sefin, ‘Sefut, Bepi, Bepo, Beput
  • Galician: Xosé
  • Georgian: იოსებ (Ioseb), სოსო («Soso«)
  • German: Josef, Joseph; Jupp (familiar); Sepp, Seppl or Pepi (familiar or diminutive forms, particularly in South Germany and Austria)
  • Greek: Ιωσήφ (Iosif), Ιώσηπος (Iosipos), Σήφης («Sifis«) (local in Crete)
  • Gujarati: જોસેફ (Jōsēfa)
  • Hawaiian (Iokepa)
  • Hebrew: יוסף (Yosef), יוסי («Yossi«, diminutive)
  • Hiligaynon: José, Josef, Josep (rare)
  • Hindi: यूसुफ (Yūsuf)
  • Hungarian: József; Jóska, Józsi (diminutive)
  • Icelandic: Jósef, Jói
  • Igbo: Yôsēp̄, Yossef, Josef
  • Indonesian: Yoseph, Yosep, Yusuf, Yosef, Yusup, Jusuf, Joesoef, Josef, Joseph
  • Interlingua: Joseph
  • Italian: Giuseppe, Giù, Beppe, Peppe, Peppino, Pepino, Pino, Bepi, Beppo, Pippo, Puccio, Gioseffo, Gio or Giò
  • Irish: Seosamh, Iósaf
  • Japanese: ヨセフ (Yosefu), ジョセフ (Josefu)
  • Kambaata, Ethiopia: Yeseffe, Yese, Josse, Jossy
  • Kannada: ಜೋಸೆಫ್ (Jōseph)
  • Kazakh: Yusuf, Jusip
  • Khmer: យ៉ូសែប (Yousaep)
  • Korean: 요셉 (Yosep), 조셉 (Joseb)
  • Kyrgyz: Жусуп (Jusup)
  • Latin: Iōsēph, Iōsēphus
  • Latvian: Jāzeps, Jozefs, Josefs, Josifs, Džozefs, Žozefs, Jusufs, Jozis, Zeps, Seps
  • Limburgish: Joep, Sef
  • Lithuanian: Juozapas, Juozas (shorter form), Juzas, Juzė (diminutive), Justas
  • Lombard: Giüsèpp, Pèpp, Pèpa, Pèppa, Bèpp
  • Macedonian: Јосиф (J̌osif)
  • Malayalam: ജോസപ്പ് (Josapp) or ജോസപ്പൻ (Josappan), ഔസേപ്പ് (Ousepp), യോസേപ്പ് (Yosef), ഔസേപച്ചന്‍ (Ouseppachen), കൊച്ചാപ്പു (Kochaappu), ഈപ്പൻ (Eappan), ഈപ്പച്ചൻ (Eappachan), ജോസഫ് (Jēāsaph)
  • Malaysian: Yusuf, Yusop, Yusoff, Jusoh, Eusoff, Usop
  • Manado Malay: Josef, Yosef, Oce’
  • Maltese: Ġużeppi, Ġużi, Ġuż, Ġużè, Peppi, Peppu, Peppinu, Pepp, Peppa, Pepa, Żeppi, Żeppu, Żepp
  • Mandarin: simplified Chinese: 约瑟; traditional Chinese: 約瑟; pinyin: (Yuēsè), simplified Chinese: 约瑟夫; traditional Chinese: 約瑟夫; pinyin: (Yuēsèfū), 玉素甫 (Yùsùfǔ), Zho-Zi-Fu
  • Marathi: योसेफ (Jōsēfa)
  • Māori: Hohepa
  • Mongolian: Иосеф (Iosyef)
  • Nepali: यूसुफ (Yūsupha)
  • Norwegian: Josef
  • Occitan: Josèp
  • Persian: يوسف (Youssef, Yūsuf, Yussef)
  • Polish: Józef, Józek (diminutive), Józio (diminutive)
  • Portuguese: José, Josefo,[9] Diminutive forms: Zé, Zeca, Zezé
  • Provençal: Jóusè
  • Punjabi: ਯੂਸੁਫ਼ (Yūsufa)
  • Quechua: Husiy
  • Romanian: Iosif, Iosub
  • Romansch: Giusep, Gisep, Giusi, Sepp
  • Russian: Иосиф (Iosif), Осип («Osip«), Пеппа (Peppa)
  • Samoan: Iosefa, Sefa
  • Sardinian: Josepe, Zosepe, Gisepu
  • Scottish Gaelic: Seòsaidh
  • Serbian: Јосиф (Josif), Јосеф (Josef), Јозеф (Jozef)
  • Sepedi: Josefa
  • Sicilian: Giuseppi
  • Silesian: Zefel, Zeflik (diminutive)
  • Singapore: Joseph
  • Sinhala: ජුසේ (Juse), ජෝසේෆ් (Jōsēf)
  • Slovak: Jozef, Jožo, Dodo, Ďoďo, Dodô, Doido
  • Slovene: Jožef, Jože
  • Somali: Yuusuf, يوسف
  • Spanish: José; hypocoristic versions: Pepe, Chepe, Che, Cheo, Chelo
  • Sundanese: Yusup, Yosep
  • Swahili: Yusuph, Yusufu, Yosefu
  • Swedish: Josef
  • Sylheti: য়ুসুফ (Yusuf)
  • Syriac: ܝܘܣܦ (Yosip, Yausef, Ossi)
  • Tagalog: Jose, Pepe, Peping
  • Tamil: சூசை (sūsai), யோசேப்பு (yōcēppu)
  • Tajik: Юсуф (Yusuf)
  • Telugu: యోసేపు (Yōsepu)
  • Thai: โจเซฟ (Co sef, Josef)
  • Tongan: Siosefa
  • Turkish: Yusuf
  • Turkmen: Yusup
  • Ukrainian: Йосип (Josyp), Осип (Osyp)
  • Urdu: يوسف (Yūsuf)
  • Uzbek: Yusuf
  • Valencian: Josep
  • Venetian: Juxepe, Bepi, Bepin, Bapi
  • Vietnamese: Giu-se or Giô-xếp or Yuse or Giô-sép
  • Vilamovian: Juza
  • Welsh: Joseff
  • Yiddish: Yissl, Yussel, Jayzl
  • Yoruba: Josefu, Yusufu
  • Shona: Joze, Joza
  • Zulu: uJosef

Female forms[edit]

  • Albanian: Jozefina, Zefina
  • Catalan : Josepa, Pepa, Peppa (shortened)
  • Cornish: Josepa
  • Croatian: Josipa, Josica, Jozica
  • Czech: Josefina, Josefa, Jozeva
  • Dutch: José, Josefien
  • English: Jo, Josephine, Joette, Posy, Posie
  • French: Joséphine
  • Friulian: Josefe, ‘Sefe, Pine
  • Greek: Ιωσηφίνα (Iosiphina)
  • Hungarian: Jozefa, Jozefina, Józsa
  • Irish: Seosaimhín
  • Italian: Giuseppa, Giuseppina
  • Maltese: Ġuża, Ġużeppa
  • Norwegian: Josefine, Josephine
  • Polish: Józefina
  • Portuguese: Josefa, Josefina, José (mainly in the compound Maria José), Zezé (nickname)
  • Romansh: Giuseppa, Giuseppina
  • Samoan: Iosefina
  • Sardinian: Josepa, Zosepa, Zosepedda
  • Slovak: Jozefína, Jozefa
  • Spanish: Josefa, Josefina, Josefita
  • Swedish: Josefin, Josefine, Josephine
  • Yiddish: Jayzl, Yissl


Biblical figures[edit]

  • Joseph (patriarch), son of Jacob in the Hebrew Bible book of Genesis
  • Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus
  • Joseph of Arimathea, secret disciple of Jesus
  • Joseph Barsabbas, one of two candidates to replace Judas Iscariot’s position among the Twelve Apostles
  • Joseph ben Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest related to the crucifixion of Jesus. Only written as ‘Caiaphas’ in the New Testament.


  • Austria
    • Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor
    • Joseph II of Austria
    • Franz Joseph I of Austria
    • Archduke Joseph August of Austria
    • Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria
  • Portugal
    • Joseph I of Portugal, King of Portugal
    • Joseph, Prince of Brazil
    • Joseph, General Inquisitor (1720–1801) – a natural son of King John V of Portugal, one of the Children of Palhavã.
  • Spain/Italy/France
    • Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, King of Naples
  • Other
    • Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria
    • Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, King of Bavaria
    • Joseph (Khazar), king of the Khazars during the 950s and 960s
    • Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and Spain


  • Chief Joseph (1840–1904), Nez Perce tribal leader
  • John Joseph Abercrombie (1798–1877), career United States Army officer and brigadier general
  • Joseph Arthur Ankrah (1915–1992), 2nd president of Ghana from 1966–1969
  • Jusuf Anwar (1941–2015), Indonesian politician and diplomat
  • Joseph Robinette «Joe» Biden (born 1942), 46th and current president of the United States (2021–present); 47th vice president of the United States (2009–2017); U.S. senator from Delaware (1973–2009)
  • Joseph «Beau» Robinette Biden (1969–2015), American lawyer, soldier and politician, son of Joe Biden
  • Joseph Carraro (born 1944), State Senator from New Mexico
  • Joseph Caillaux, French politician and Minister of France
  • Joseph Cook (1860–1947), 6th Prime Minister of Australia
  • Joseph Dudley, British military commander and colonial administrator, notable during colonization of Americas
  • Joseph Estrada (born 1937), 13th president of the Philippines
  • Joseph Isaac Gnanamuttu (died 1944), Sri Lankan Tamil politician
  • Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945), German politician and propaganda minister of Nazi Germany
  • Joseph Hemphill (1770-1842), U.S. Congressman
  • Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, French Canadian military officer
  • Joseph Kabila, Congolese politician who served as President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Joseph Kabui (1954–2008), first president of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
  • Jusuf Kalla (born 1942), 10th vice president of Indonesia (2004–2009); 12th vice president of Indonesia (2014–2019)
  • Joseph P. Kennedy (1888–1969), American businessman, financier and politician
  • Joseph P. Kennedy II (born 1952), oldest son of Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and former Congressman from Massachusetts, 1987–1999
  • Joe Kennedy (born 1980), son of Joseph P. Kennedy II and Congressman from Massachusetts, 2013–present
  • Joe Kennedy (Georgia politician) (1930–1997), American politician from Georgia
  • Joseph Abu Khalil (1925–2019), Lebanese politician and journalist
  • Joe Lieberman (born 1942), US Senator from Connecticut
  • Joseph Lyons (1879–1939), 10th Prime Minister of Australia
  • Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821), French diplomat
  • Joseph McCarthy (1908–1957), US Senator from Wisconsin
  • Joseph Henry Mensah (1928–2018), Ghanaian economist and politician
  • Joseph Bennet Odunton (1920–2004), Ghanaian civil servant
  • Joseph Michael Perera (born 1941), Sri Lankan politician
  • Joseph Yuvaraj Pillay (born 1934), Singaporean civil servant
  • Sir Joseph Planta (1787–1847), English politician
  • Joseph «Beppo» Schmid, Air force general in Nazi Germany
  • Joseph Hill Sinex (1819-1892), Pennsylvania State Representative
  • Joseph Howland (1834–1886), American general, politician, and philanthropist
  • Joseph Stalin (1878–1953), General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1953)
  • Joseph Vidal (1933–2020), French politician
  • Joseph Wapasha (c. 1816–1876), Mdewakanton Sioux chief

Arts and entertainment[edit]

  • Joseph Albrier, French painter
  • Joe Alwyn, British actor
  • Joseph Barbera, American cartoonist
  • Joseph Bertolozzi (born 1959), American composer
  • Joseph Beuys, German artist
  • Joseph Bitangcol, Filipino actor
  • Joseph Brodsky, Russian and American poet and essayist
  • Harry Connick, Jr. (Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr.), American singer, actor and pianist
  • Joseph Connors, American art historian
  • Joseph Conrad, Polish-British writer
  • Joseph Cotten, American actor
  • Joseph Dempsie, British actor
  • Joseph Dennie, American writer
  • Joe Dolan, Irish showband singer
  • Joseph Garrett (born 1990), known online as stampylonghead, British YouTube personality
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt, American actor
  • Joe Hawley, American singer, songwriter, and musician
  • Joseph Hahn, American musician
  • Joseph Haydn, Austrian composer
  • Joseph Heller, American author
  • Michael Joseph Jackson (1958–2009), American singer
  • Joe Jonas, lead vocals, the Jonas Brothers
  • Josef Jungmann, Czech poet and linguist
  • Joseph Kaiser, Canadian opera singer
  • Joseph Koo, Hong Kong composer and arranger
  • Joseph L. Mankiewicz, American film director, producer and screenwriter
  • Joseph May, British-born Canadian-American actor
  • Joseph Mazzello, American actor
  • Joe McElderry, British singer and winner of The X Factor
  • Joseph Carey Merrick, the «Elephant Man»
  • Joseph Peter Moraes Fernando, also known as Premnath Moraes (1923–1998), Sri Lankan Tamil actor, film director and screenwriter
  • Joseph Nevels, also known as JSPH, singer/songwriter
  • Joe Pasquale, winner of the 4th series of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!
  • Joe Pesci, American actor
  • Joe Ranft, American screenwriter, animator, storyboard artist and voice actor
  • Joe Root, English cricketer
  • Joe Ruby (born 1933), American cartoonist and producer
  • Joe Strummer, English musician
  • Joseph Pickett, American painter
  • Joe Perry, Aerosmith lead guitarist
  • Joe Satriani, instrumental rock guitarist
  • Joseph Simmons, aka DJ Run, of rap group Run-DMC
  • Joseph Simmons (guitarist), American guitarist
  • Joe Sugg, British YouTuber
  • Joseph Tetsuro Bizinger, known online as The Anime Man, Japanese Australian YouTuber, voice actor, songwriter, and podcaster
  • Joseph Vijay, Tamil actor
  • Joss Whedon, American screenwriter, director and producer
  • Joseph Wiseman (1918–2009), Canadian actor


  • Joseph «Doc» Alexander, American NFL football player and coach
  • Joseph Anoa’i, Samoan-American wrestler
  • Joseph Charlton (born 1997), American football player
  • Joe Choynski, American boxer
  • Joe Clancy, American football player
  • Joseph Daye, Australian footballer
  • Joe DiMaggio, American baseball player
  • Joe Frazier, American boxer
  • Joe Garagiola, American baseball player and broadcaster
  • Joe Gomez, English footballer
  • Joseph Hagerty, American gymnast
  • Joe Hart, English football player
  • Joe Horlen, American baseball player
  • Joe Jacobi, American canoer
  • Joe Jacobson, Welsh soccer player
  • Joe Kaminer, South African rugby player
  • Joe Katchik, American football player
  • Joe Keeble, American football player
  • Joe Kehoskie (born 1973), American baseball executive
  • Joe Lamas, American football player
  • Joseph Louis Barrow, American boxer and heavyweight champion better known as «Joe Louis»
  • Joe Magidsohn, Russian, American football player
  • Joseph Marwa, Tanzanian boxer
  • Joe Mauer, American baseball player
  • Joe McGlone (1896–1963), American football player
  • Joe Minucci (born 1981), American football player
  • Joe Montana, American Hall of Fame NFL quarterback
  • Joe Namath (born 1943), American Hall of Fame NFL quarterback
  • Joseph Noteboom (born 1995), American football player
  • Joseph Odom (born 1992), American professional baseball catcher
  • Joe O’Malley, American football player
  • Joseph Oosting, Dutch football player
  • Joseph Paulo, New Zealand rugby player
  • Joe Paterno, Penn State football coach
  • Joe Pavelski (born 1984), American ice hockey player
  • Joe Picker (born 1987), Australian rugby player
  • Joe Prokop (born 1960), American football player
  • Joe Prokop (halfback) (1921–1995), American football player
  • Joe Righetti (born 1947), American football player
  • Joe Schilling, American kick-boxer
  • Joseph Schooling (born 1995), Singaporean swimmer
  • Joe Stringfellow (1918–1992), American football player
  • Joseph Tapine (born 1994), New Zealand rugby league player
  • Joseph Ualesi, Australian rugby player
  • Joseph Valtellini (born 1985), Canadian kickboxer
  • Joe Vetrano (1918–1995), American football player
  • Joe Vodicka, American football player
  • Joe Winkler (1922–2001), American football player
  • Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushantha Joseph Chaminda Vaas (born 1974), Sri Lankan cricketer


  • Joseph Ayo Babalola, Nigerian religious figure
  • Joseph Gelfer, British researcher in religion and masculinities
  • Joseph F. Merrill, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Joseph (Petrovykh) (1872–1937), metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • Joseph Ponniah, 1st Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Batticaloa
  • Joseph Prince, a pastor and IT consultant
  • Joseph Ratzinger, given name of Pope Benedict XVI
  • Joseph Sarvananthan, Sri Lankan Tamil Anglican priest
  • Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement
  • Joseph Smith III, son of Joseph Smith and founder of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • Joseph F. Smith, 6th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Joseph of Vatopedi (1921–2009), Greek Cypriot Orthodox monk
  • Joseph Vaz, Indian Catholic priest, «Apostle of Sri Lanka»
  • Joseph B. Wirthlin, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Joseph Angell Young, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Rayappu Joseph, 2nd Bishop of Mannar


  • Joseph von Baader (1763–1835), German engineer and rail transport pioneer
  • Josef Dobrovský, Czech philologist and historian
  • Joseph W. Esherick, American historian of China
  • Joseph Peter de Fonseka (1897–1948), Sri Lankan essayist and editor
  • Joseph Dalton Hooker, British botanist
  • Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821), French philosopher
  • Joseph Mercado, Filipino statistician
  • Joseph S. Murphy (1933–1998), American political scientist and university administrator
  • Joseph Planta (1744–1828), Swiss principal librarian of the British Museum
  • Joe Root, a 19th-century American naturalist from Erie, Pennsylvania
  • Joseph Polchinski, theoretical physicist and string theorist


  • Joseph Glidden (1813–1906), inventor of barbed wire
  • Joseph Nicéphore Niépce (1765–1833), first person to create a permanent photograph


  • Joseph D. «Joe» Ball (1896–1938), American murderer and suspected serial killer
  • Joseph Christopher (1955–1993), American serial killer
  • Joseph James DeAngelo (born 1945), American serial killer and rapist and former cop
  • Joseph Edward Duncan (1963–2021), American serial killer, rapist, and kidnapper
  • Joseph Paul Franklin (1950–2013), American serial killer, arsonist, bank robber, and neo-nazi
  • Joseph Kallinger (1935–1996), American serial killer and rapist
  • Joseph Massino (born 1943), former boss of Bonanno crime family
  • Joseph Mengele (1911–1979), Nazi scientist
  • Joseph Scott Pemberton, a US Marine lance corporal convicted of the homicide of Jennifer Laude, a Filipino trans woman
  • Joseph Rosenzweig, (born c.1891), American New York City labor racketeer
  • Joseph Skowron (born c.1969), American portfolio manager convicted of insider trading


  • Joseph Fenton, informer killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army
  • Joseph Fitzgerald (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Joseph Hedley, English quilter and murder victim
  • Joseph B. MacInnis (born 1937), Canadian physician, underwater diver and author
  • Joseph Oliver (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Joseph Safra (1938–2020), Brazilian banker
  • Joseph Thornton (1808–1891), English bookseller based in Oxford
  • Joseph Wilf (1925–2016), Polish-born American businessman

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Joseph Desaulniers, a hunter in the video game Identity V
  • Joseph Goldberg, main character in the Netflix series You
  • Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター), the main protagonist of Part 2: Battle Tendency in the manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
  • Joseph Seed, a recurring character in the Far Cry video game franchise
  • Joseph Wilford, the main antagonist in the Netflix series Snowpiercer

See also[edit]

  • Hohepa (disambiguation)
  • Joe (disambiguation)
  • Josef (disambiguation)
  • Jozef
  • József
  • Saint Joseph (disambiguation)
  • Yosef (disambiguation), a variation of the name in Hebrew, and the Dutch eye dialect of the name
  • Yusuf (disambiguation), as rendered in Islam/Arabic


  1. ^ «JOSEPH». jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015. «like all other Hebrew names beginning with the syllable «Jo,» it has Yhwh as its first element»
  2. ^ «JOSEPH». jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015.
  3. ^ Frank Nuessel (1992). The Study of Names: A Guide to the Principles and Topics. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 10.[ISBN missing]
  4. ^ Ilan, Tal (2002) Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity: Palestine 330 BCE–200 CE (Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, 91), Coronet Books, pp. 56–57; Hachili, R. «Hebrew Names, Personal Names, Family Names and Nicknames of Jews in the Second Temple Period,» in J. W. van Henten and A. Brenner, eds., Families and Family Relations as Represented in Early Judaism and Early Christianity (STAR 2; Leiden:Deo, 2000), pp. 113–115 (note: Hachili placed Joseph in the third place after Yohanan based on narrower basis on data than Ilan’s, whereas Bauckham’s calculation, based on Ilan’s data, places Joseph at the second place); apud Bauckham, Richard (2017). Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (2nd ed.). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 68–72. ISBN 9780802874313. Quote (p. 71): 15.6% of men bore one of the two most popular male names, Simon and Joseph; (p. 72): for the Gospels and Acts… 18.2% of men bore one of the two most popular male names, Simon and Joseph.
  5. ^ Genesis 30:24
  6. ^ «JACOB, also called Israel». JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015.
  7. ^ Friedman, R. E., The Bible with Sources Revealed (2003), p. 80
  8. ^ «JOSEPH». The Jewish Encyclopedia. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015. «like all other Hebrew names beginning with the syllable ‘Jo,’ it has Yhwh as its first element».
  9. ^ In Portuguese, Flavius Josephus, the author of the Jewish Antiquities is known as Flávio Josefo.

Peter von Cornelius 002.jpg

Joseph, a figure in the Book of Genesis.

Gender Male
Name day 19 March
Word/name Hebrew
Meaning God will add, taken away or praise, fame taken away
Region of origin Middle East
Other names
Related names Joe, Joey, Joel, Jojo, Jos, Joss, Josh, John, Jose, Josephus, José, Joseba, Jože, Dodô, Doido, Joep, Jupp, Posie, Bapi, Jô, Giuseppe, Yosef, Yoseph, Ouseph, Iosif, Peppa, Hovsep, Yusuf, Seph, Sepp, Jo, Josie, Josif, Josef, Pepa, Josephine, Josephina, Juuso

Joseph is a common male given name, derived from the Hebrew Yosef[1] (יוֹסֵף). «Joseph» is used,[2] along with «Josef», mostly in English, French and partially German languages. This spelling is also found as a variant in the languages of the modern-day Nordic countries. In Portuguese and Spanish, the name is «José». In Arabic, including in the Quran, the name is spelled يوسف Yūsuf. In Persian, the name is «Yousef».

The name has enjoyed significant popularity in its many forms in numerous countries, and Joseph was one of the two names, along with Robert, to have remained in the top 10 boys’ names list in the US from 1925 to 1972.[3] It is especially common in contemporary Israel, as either «Yossi» or «Yossef», and in Italy, where the name «Giuseppe» was the most common male name in the 20th century. In the first century CE, Joseph was the second most popular male name for Palestine Jews.[4]

In the Book of Genesis[5] Joseph is Jacob’s eleventh son and Rachel’s first son, and known in the Hebrew Bible as Yossef ben-Yaakov.[6] In the New Testament the most notable two are Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple of Jesus who supplied the tomb in which Jesus was buried.


The Bible offers two explanations of the name Yosef: first, it is compared to the word asaf from the root /’sp/, «taken away»: «And she conceived, and bore a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach»; Yosef is then identified with the similar root /ysp/, meaning «add»: «And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me another son.»[7] The Jewish Encyclopedia says that it is a theophoric name referencing YHWH.[8] The name can also consist of the Hebrew yadah meaning «praise», «fame» and the word asaf.[citation needed]

Variants, diminutives and familiar forms in other languages[edit]

Variations for males include:

  • Afrikaans: Josef, Joesoef
  • Albanian: Jozë (indefinite), Joza (definite), Zef (indef.), Zefi (def.), Josif (indef.), Josifi (def.), Isuf (indef.), Isufi (def.), Bibë (indef.), Biba (def.)
  • Alemmanic: Sepp, Seppu
  • Alsatian: Sepp
  • Amharic: ዮሴፍ (Yosēfi)
  • Armenian: Հովսեփ, Յովսէփ (Hovsep)
  • Arabic: يوسف (Yūsif, Youssef, Yussef, Yousif, Yousef, Youssof, Yūsuf)
  • Azerbaijani: Yusif, Yusuf, Usub
  • Basque: Joseba, Josepe
  • Bavarian: Sepp, Bepperl, Beppe, Beppi,
  • Belarusian: Іосіф (Iosif), Язэп (Jazep)
  • Bengali: ইউসুফ (Iusuf or Yusuf) (Islamic), জোসেফ (Josef) (Christian)
  • Bosnian: Josip, Jusuf
  • Breton: Jozef, Jozeb
  • Bulgarian: Йосиф (Yosif)
  • Burmese (Myanmar): ယောသပ်သည် (Yaw sautsai)
  • Cantonese: 約瑟 (Joek3 sat1)
  • Catalan: Josep, Pep (shortened form), Jep (an alternative shortened form)
  • Circassian: Юсыф (Yusyf)
  • Cornish: Josep
  • Corsican: Ghjaseppu, Ghjiseppu
  • Croatian: Josip, Joso, Jozo, Joza, Joze, Joško, Joža, Jože, Bepo, Bepi, Bapi, Pino, Osíp, Bozo, Gonzo, Ganso
  • Czech: Josef; Diminutives: Pepa, Peppa, Pepík, Pepik, Jožka, Pepan, Pepča, Pepek, Pepino, Jožin
  • Danish: Josef
  • Dutch: Jozef, Josephus; Diminutives: Joep, Joost, Jos, Jo, Jef, Seppe
  • English: Joseph, Diminutives: Joe, Joey
  • Esperanto: Jozefo
  • Estonian: Joosep, Joosu
  • Faroese: Jósef
  • Fijian: Josefa
  • Filipino: Joseph, José, Pepe, Peping, Sep, Jojo
  • Finnish: Jooseppi, Juuso
  • French: José, Joseph, Jojo
  • Friulian: Josef, ‘Sef, ‘Sefin, ‘Sefut, Bepi, Bepo, Beput
  • Galician: Xosé
  • Georgian: იოსებ (Ioseb), სოსო («Soso«)
  • German: Josef, Joseph; Jupp (familiar); Sepp, Seppl or Pepi (familiar or diminutive forms, particularly in South Germany and Austria)
  • Greek: Ιωσήφ (Iosif), Ιώσηπος (Iosipos), Σήφης («Sifis«) (local in Crete)
  • Gujarati: જોસેફ (Jōsēfa)
  • Hawaiian (Iokepa)
  • Hebrew: יוסף (Yosef), יוסי («Yossi«, diminutive)
  • Hiligaynon: José, Josef, Josep (rare)
  • Hindi: यूसुफ (Yūsuf)
  • Hungarian: József; Jóska, Józsi (diminutive)
  • Icelandic: Jósef, Jói
  • Igbo: Yôsēp̄, Yossef, Josef
  • Indonesian: Yoseph, Yosep, Yusuf, Yosef, Yusup, Jusuf, Joesoef, Josef, Joseph
  • Interlingua: Joseph
  • Italian: Giuseppe, Giù, Beppe, Peppe, Peppino, Pepino, Pino, Bepi, Beppo, Pippo, Puccio, Gioseffo, Gio or Giò
  • Irish: Seosamh, Iósaf
  • Japanese: ヨセフ (Yosefu), ジョセフ (Josefu)
  • Kambaata, Ethiopia: Yeseffe, Yese, Josse, Jossy
  • Kannada: ಜೋಸೆಫ್ (Jōseph)
  • Kazakh: Yusuf, Jusip
  • Khmer: យ៉ូសែប (Yousaep)
  • Korean: 요셉 (Yosep), 조셉 (Joseb)
  • Kyrgyz: Жусуп (Jusup)
  • Latin: Iōsēph, Iōsēphus
  • Latvian: Jāzeps, Jozefs, Josefs, Josifs, Džozefs, Žozefs, Jusufs, Jozis, Zeps, Seps
  • Limburgish: Joep, Sef
  • Lithuanian: Juozapas, Juozas (shorter form), Juzas, Juzė (diminutive), Justas
  • Lombard: Giüsèpp, Pèpp, Pèpa, Pèppa, Bèpp
  • Macedonian: Јосиф (J̌osif)
  • Malayalam: ജോസപ്പ് (Josapp) or ജോസപ്പൻ (Josappan), ഔസേപ്പ് (Ousepp), യോസേപ്പ് (Yosef), ഔസേപച്ചന്‍ (Ouseppachen), കൊച്ചാപ്പു (Kochaappu), ഈപ്പൻ (Eappan), ഈപ്പച്ചൻ (Eappachan), ജോസഫ് (Jēāsaph)
  • Malaysian: Yusuf, Yusop, Yusoff, Jusoh, Eusoff, Usop
  • Manado Malay: Josef, Yosef, Oce’
  • Maltese: Ġużeppi, Ġużi, Ġuż, Ġużè, Peppi, Peppu, Peppinu, Pepp, Peppa, Pepa, Żeppi, Żeppu, Żepp
  • Mandarin: simplified Chinese: 约瑟; traditional Chinese: 約瑟; pinyin: (Yuēsè), simplified Chinese: 约瑟夫; traditional Chinese: 約瑟夫; pinyin: (Yuēsèfū), 玉素甫 (Yùsùfǔ), Zho-Zi-Fu
  • Marathi: योसेफ (Jōsēfa)
  • Māori: Hohepa
  • Mongolian: Иосеф (Iosyef)
  • Nepali: यूसुफ (Yūsupha)
  • Norwegian: Josef
  • Occitan: Josèp
  • Persian: يوسف (Youssef, Yūsuf, Yussef)
  • Polish: Józef, Józek (diminutive), Józio (diminutive)
  • Portuguese: José, Josefo,[9] Diminutive forms: Zé, Zeca, Zezé
  • Provençal: Jóusè
  • Punjabi: ਯੂਸੁਫ਼ (Yūsufa)
  • Quechua: Husiy
  • Romanian: Iosif, Iosub
  • Romansch: Giusep, Gisep, Giusi, Sepp
  • Russian: Иосиф (Iosif), Осип («Osip«), Пеппа (Peppa)
  • Samoan: Iosefa, Sefa
  • Sardinian: Josepe, Zosepe, Gisepu
  • Scottish Gaelic: Seòsaidh
  • Serbian: Јосиф (Josif), Јосеф (Josef), Јозеф (Jozef)
  • Sepedi: Josefa
  • Sicilian: Giuseppi
  • Silesian: Zefel, Zeflik (diminutive)
  • Singapore: Joseph
  • Sinhala: ජුසේ (Juse), ජෝසේෆ් (Jōsēf)
  • Slovak: Jozef, Jožo, Dodo, Ďoďo, Dodô, Doido
  • Slovene: Jožef, Jože
  • Somali: Yuusuf, يوسف
  • Spanish: José; hypocoristic versions: Pepe, Chepe, Che, Cheo, Chelo
  • Sundanese: Yusup, Yosep
  • Swahili: Yusuph, Yusufu, Yosefu
  • Swedish: Josef
  • Sylheti: য়ুসুফ (Yusuf)
  • Syriac: ܝܘܣܦ (Yosip, Yausef, Ossi)
  • Tagalog: Jose, Pepe, Peping
  • Tamil: சூசை (sūsai), யோசேப்பு (yōcēppu)
  • Tajik: Юсуф (Yusuf)
  • Telugu: యోసేపు (Yōsepu)
  • Thai: โจเซฟ (Co sef, Josef)
  • Tongan: Siosefa
  • Turkish: Yusuf
  • Turkmen: Yusup
  • Ukrainian: Йосип (Josyp), Осип (Osyp)
  • Urdu: يوسف (Yūsuf)
  • Uzbek: Yusuf
  • Valencian: Josep
  • Venetian: Juxepe, Bepi, Bepin, Bapi
  • Vietnamese: Giu-se or Giô-xếp or Yuse or Giô-sép
  • Vilamovian: Juza
  • Welsh: Joseff
  • Yiddish: Yissl, Yussel, Jayzl
  • Yoruba: Josefu, Yusufu
  • Shona: Joze, Joza
  • Zulu: uJosef

Female forms[edit]

  • Albanian: Jozefina, Zefina
  • Catalan : Josepa, Pepa, Peppa (shortened)
  • Cornish: Josepa
  • Croatian: Josipa, Josica, Jozica
  • Czech: Josefina, Josefa, Jozeva
  • Dutch: José, Josefien
  • English: Jo, Josephine, Joette, Posy, Posie
  • French: Joséphine
  • Friulian: Josefe, ‘Sefe, Pine
  • Greek: Ιωσηφίνα (Iosiphina)
  • Hungarian: Jozefa, Jozefina, Józsa
  • Irish: Seosaimhín
  • Italian: Giuseppa, Giuseppina
  • Maltese: Ġuża, Ġużeppa
  • Norwegian: Josefine, Josephine
  • Polish: Józefina
  • Portuguese: Josefa, Josefina, José (mainly in the compound Maria José), Zezé (nickname)
  • Romansh: Giuseppa, Giuseppina
  • Samoan: Iosefina
  • Sardinian: Josepa, Zosepa, Zosepedda
  • Slovak: Jozefína, Jozefa
  • Spanish: Josefa, Josefina, Josefita
  • Swedish: Josefin, Josefine, Josephine
  • Yiddish: Jayzl, Yissl


Biblical figures[edit]

  • Joseph (patriarch), son of Jacob in the Hebrew Bible book of Genesis
  • Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus
  • Joseph of Arimathea, secret disciple of Jesus
  • Joseph Barsabbas, one of two candidates to replace Judas Iscariot’s position among the Twelve Apostles
  • Joseph ben Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest related to the crucifixion of Jesus. Only written as ‘Caiaphas’ in the New Testament.


  • Austria
    • Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor
    • Joseph II of Austria
    • Franz Joseph I of Austria
    • Archduke Joseph August of Austria
    • Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria
  • Portugal
    • Joseph I of Portugal, King of Portugal
    • Joseph, Prince of Brazil
    • Joseph, General Inquisitor (1720–1801) – a natural son of King John V of Portugal, one of the Children of Palhavã.
  • Spain/Italy/France
    • Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, King of Naples
  • Other
    • Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria
    • Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, King of Bavaria
    • Joseph (Khazar), king of the Khazars during the 950s and 960s
    • Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and Spain


  • Chief Joseph (1840–1904), Nez Perce tribal leader
  • John Joseph Abercrombie (1798–1877), career United States Army officer and brigadier general
  • Joseph Arthur Ankrah (1915–1992), 2nd president of Ghana from 1966–1969
  • Jusuf Anwar (1941–2015), Indonesian politician and diplomat
  • Joseph Robinette «Joe» Biden (born 1942), 46th and current president of the United States (2021–present); 47th vice president of the United States (2009–2017); U.S. senator from Delaware (1973–2009)
  • Joseph «Beau» Robinette Biden (1969–2015), American lawyer, soldier and politician, son of Joe Biden
  • Joseph Carraro (born 1944), State Senator from New Mexico
  • Joseph Caillaux, French politician and Minister of France
  • Joseph Cook (1860–1947), 6th Prime Minister of Australia
  • Joseph Dudley, British military commander and colonial administrator, notable during colonization of Americas
  • Joseph Estrada (born 1937), 13th president of the Philippines
  • Joseph Isaac Gnanamuttu (died 1944), Sri Lankan Tamil politician
  • Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945), German politician and propaganda minister of Nazi Germany
  • Joseph Hemphill (1770-1842), U.S. Congressman
  • Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, French Canadian military officer
  • Joseph Kabila, Congolese politician who served as President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Joseph Kabui (1954–2008), first president of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
  • Jusuf Kalla (born 1942), 10th vice president of Indonesia (2004–2009); 12th vice president of Indonesia (2014–2019)
  • Joseph P. Kennedy (1888–1969), American businessman, financier and politician
  • Joseph P. Kennedy II (born 1952), oldest son of Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and former Congressman from Massachusetts, 1987–1999
  • Joe Kennedy (born 1980), son of Joseph P. Kennedy II and Congressman from Massachusetts, 2013–present
  • Joe Kennedy (Georgia politician) (1930–1997), American politician from Georgia
  • Joseph Abu Khalil (1925–2019), Lebanese politician and journalist
  • Joe Lieberman (born 1942), US Senator from Connecticut
  • Joseph Lyons (1879–1939), 10th Prime Minister of Australia
  • Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821), French diplomat
  • Joseph McCarthy (1908–1957), US Senator from Wisconsin
  • Joseph Henry Mensah (1928–2018), Ghanaian economist and politician
  • Joseph Bennet Odunton (1920–2004), Ghanaian civil servant
  • Joseph Michael Perera (born 1941), Sri Lankan politician
  • Joseph Yuvaraj Pillay (born 1934), Singaporean civil servant
  • Sir Joseph Planta (1787–1847), English politician
  • Joseph «Beppo» Schmid, Air force general in Nazi Germany
  • Joseph Hill Sinex (1819-1892), Pennsylvania State Representative
  • Joseph Howland (1834–1886), American general, politician, and philanthropist
  • Joseph Stalin (1878–1953), General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1953)
  • Joseph Vidal (1933–2020), French politician
  • Joseph Wapasha (c. 1816–1876), Mdewakanton Sioux chief

Arts and entertainment[edit]

  • Joseph Albrier, French painter
  • Joe Alwyn, British actor
  • Joseph Barbera, American cartoonist
  • Joseph Bertolozzi (born 1959), American composer
  • Joseph Beuys, German artist
  • Joseph Bitangcol, Filipino actor
  • Joseph Brodsky, Russian and American poet and essayist
  • Harry Connick, Jr. (Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr.), American singer, actor and pianist
  • Joseph Connors, American art historian
  • Joseph Conrad, Polish-British writer
  • Joseph Cotten, American actor
  • Joseph Dempsie, British actor
  • Joseph Dennie, American writer
  • Joe Dolan, Irish showband singer
  • Joseph Garrett (born 1990), known online as stampylonghead, British YouTube personality
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt, American actor
  • Joe Hawley, American singer, songwriter, and musician
  • Joseph Hahn, American musician
  • Joseph Haydn, Austrian composer
  • Joseph Heller, American author
  • Michael Joseph Jackson (1958–2009), American singer
  • Joe Jonas, lead vocals, the Jonas Brothers
  • Josef Jungmann, Czech poet and linguist
  • Joseph Kaiser, Canadian opera singer
  • Joseph Koo, Hong Kong composer and arranger
  • Joseph L. Mankiewicz, American film director, producer and screenwriter
  • Joseph May, British-born Canadian-American actor
  • Joseph Mazzello, American actor
  • Joe McElderry, British singer and winner of The X Factor
  • Joseph Carey Merrick, the «Elephant Man»
  • Joseph Peter Moraes Fernando, also known as Premnath Moraes (1923–1998), Sri Lankan Tamil actor, film director and screenwriter
  • Joseph Nevels, also known as JSPH, singer/songwriter
  • Joe Pasquale, winner of the 4th series of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!
  • Joe Pesci, American actor
  • Joe Ranft, American screenwriter, animator, storyboard artist and voice actor
  • Joe Root, English cricketer
  • Joe Ruby (born 1933), American cartoonist and producer
  • Joe Strummer, English musician
  • Joseph Pickett, American painter
  • Joe Perry, Aerosmith lead guitarist
  • Joe Satriani, instrumental rock guitarist
  • Joseph Simmons, aka DJ Run, of rap group Run-DMC
  • Joseph Simmons (guitarist), American guitarist
  • Joe Sugg, British YouTuber
  • Joseph Tetsuro Bizinger, known online as The Anime Man, Japanese Australian YouTuber, voice actor, songwriter, and podcaster
  • Joseph Vijay, Tamil actor
  • Joss Whedon, American screenwriter, director and producer
  • Joseph Wiseman (1918–2009), Canadian actor


  • Joseph «Doc» Alexander, American NFL football player and coach
  • Joseph Anoa’i, Samoan-American wrestler
  • Joseph Charlton (born 1997), American football player
  • Joe Choynski, American boxer
  • Joe Clancy, American football player
  • Joseph Daye, Australian footballer
  • Joe DiMaggio, American baseball player
  • Joe Frazier, American boxer
  • Joe Garagiola, American baseball player and broadcaster
  • Joe Gomez, English footballer
  • Joseph Hagerty, American gymnast
  • Joe Hart, English football player
  • Joe Horlen, American baseball player
  • Joe Jacobi, American canoer
  • Joe Jacobson, Welsh soccer player
  • Joe Kaminer, South African rugby player
  • Joe Katchik, American football player
  • Joe Keeble, American football player
  • Joe Kehoskie (born 1973), American baseball executive
  • Joe Lamas, American football player
  • Joseph Louis Barrow, American boxer and heavyweight champion better known as «Joe Louis»
  • Joe Magidsohn, Russian, American football player
  • Joseph Marwa, Tanzanian boxer
  • Joe Mauer, American baseball player
  • Joe McGlone (1896–1963), American football player
  • Joe Minucci (born 1981), American football player
  • Joe Montana, American Hall of Fame NFL quarterback
  • Joe Namath (born 1943), American Hall of Fame NFL quarterback
  • Joseph Noteboom (born 1995), American football player
  • Joseph Odom (born 1992), American professional baseball catcher
  • Joe O’Malley, American football player
  • Joseph Oosting, Dutch football player
  • Joseph Paulo, New Zealand rugby player
  • Joe Paterno, Penn State football coach
  • Joe Pavelski (born 1984), American ice hockey player
  • Joe Picker (born 1987), Australian rugby player
  • Joe Prokop (born 1960), American football player
  • Joe Prokop (halfback) (1921–1995), American football player
  • Joe Righetti (born 1947), American football player
  • Joe Schilling, American kick-boxer
  • Joseph Schooling (born 1995), Singaporean swimmer
  • Joe Stringfellow (1918–1992), American football player
  • Joseph Tapine (born 1994), New Zealand rugby league player
  • Joseph Ualesi, Australian rugby player
  • Joseph Valtellini (born 1985), Canadian kickboxer
  • Joe Vetrano (1918–1995), American football player
  • Joe Vodicka, American football player
  • Joe Winkler (1922–2001), American football player
  • Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushantha Joseph Chaminda Vaas (born 1974), Sri Lankan cricketer


  • Joseph Ayo Babalola, Nigerian religious figure
  • Joseph Gelfer, British researcher in religion and masculinities
  • Joseph F. Merrill, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Joseph (Petrovykh) (1872–1937), metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • Joseph Ponniah, 1st Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Batticaloa
  • Joseph Prince, a pastor and IT consultant
  • Joseph Ratzinger, given name of Pope Benedict XVI
  • Joseph Sarvananthan, Sri Lankan Tamil Anglican priest
  • Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement
  • Joseph Smith III, son of Joseph Smith and founder of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • Joseph F. Smith, 6th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Joseph of Vatopedi (1921–2009), Greek Cypriot Orthodox monk
  • Joseph Vaz, Indian Catholic priest, «Apostle of Sri Lanka»
  • Joseph B. Wirthlin, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Joseph Angell Young, American Latter-day Saint apostle
  • Rayappu Joseph, 2nd Bishop of Mannar


  • Joseph von Baader (1763–1835), German engineer and rail transport pioneer
  • Josef Dobrovský, Czech philologist and historian
  • Joseph W. Esherick, American historian of China
  • Joseph Peter de Fonseka (1897–1948), Sri Lankan essayist and editor
  • Joseph Dalton Hooker, British botanist
  • Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821), French philosopher
  • Joseph Mercado, Filipino statistician
  • Joseph S. Murphy (1933–1998), American political scientist and university administrator
  • Joseph Planta (1744–1828), Swiss principal librarian of the British Museum
  • Joe Root, a 19th-century American naturalist from Erie, Pennsylvania
  • Joseph Polchinski, theoretical physicist and string theorist


  • Joseph Glidden (1813–1906), inventor of barbed wire
  • Joseph Nicéphore Niépce (1765–1833), first person to create a permanent photograph


  • Joseph D. «Joe» Ball (1896–1938), American murderer and suspected serial killer
  • Joseph Christopher (1955–1993), American serial killer
  • Joseph James DeAngelo (born 1945), American serial killer and rapist and former cop
  • Joseph Edward Duncan (1963–2021), American serial killer, rapist, and kidnapper
  • Joseph Paul Franklin (1950–2013), American serial killer, arsonist, bank robber, and neo-nazi
  • Joseph Kallinger (1935–1996), American serial killer and rapist
  • Joseph Massino (born 1943), former boss of Bonanno crime family
  • Joseph Mengele (1911–1979), Nazi scientist
  • Joseph Scott Pemberton, a US Marine lance corporal convicted of the homicide of Jennifer Laude, a Filipino trans woman
  • Joseph Rosenzweig, (born c.1891), American New York City labor racketeer
  • Joseph Skowron (born c.1969), American portfolio manager convicted of insider trading


  • Joseph Fenton, informer killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army
  • Joseph Fitzgerald (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Joseph Hedley, English quilter and murder victim
  • Joseph B. MacInnis (born 1937), Canadian physician, underwater diver and author
  • Joseph Oliver (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Joseph Safra (1938–2020), Brazilian banker
  • Joseph Thornton (1808–1891), English bookseller based in Oxford
  • Joseph Wilf (1925–2016), Polish-born American businessman

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Joseph Desaulniers, a hunter in the video game Identity V
  • Joseph Goldberg, main character in the Netflix series You
  • Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター), the main protagonist of Part 2: Battle Tendency in the manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
  • Joseph Seed, a recurring character in the Far Cry video game franchise
  • Joseph Wilford, the main antagonist in the Netflix series Snowpiercer

See also[edit]

  • Hohepa (disambiguation)
  • Joe (disambiguation)
  • Josef (disambiguation)
  • Jozef
  • József
  • Saint Joseph (disambiguation)
  • Yosef (disambiguation), a variation of the name in Hebrew, and the Dutch eye dialect of the name
  • Yusuf (disambiguation), as rendered in Islam/Arabic


  1. ^ «JOSEPH». jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015. «like all other Hebrew names beginning with the syllable «Jo,» it has Yhwh as its first element»
  2. ^ «JOSEPH». jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015.
  3. ^ Frank Nuessel (1992). The Study of Names: A Guide to the Principles and Topics. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 10.[ISBN missing]
  4. ^ Ilan, Tal (2002) Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity: Palestine 330 BCE–200 CE (Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, 91), Coronet Books, pp. 56–57; Hachili, R. «Hebrew Names, Personal Names, Family Names and Nicknames of Jews in the Second Temple Period,» in J. W. van Henten and A. Brenner, eds., Families and Family Relations as Represented in Early Judaism and Early Christianity (STAR 2; Leiden:Deo, 2000), pp. 113–115 (note: Hachili placed Joseph in the third place after Yohanan based on narrower basis on data than Ilan’s, whereas Bauckham’s calculation, based on Ilan’s data, places Joseph at the second place); apud Bauckham, Richard (2017). Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (2nd ed.). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 68–72. ISBN 9780802874313. Quote (p. 71): 15.6% of men bore one of the two most popular male names, Simon and Joseph; (p. 72): for the Gospels and Acts… 18.2% of men bore one of the two most popular male names, Simon and Joseph.
  5. ^ Genesis 30:24
  6. ^ «JACOB, also called Israel». JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015.
  7. ^ Friedman, R. E., The Bible with Sources Revealed (2003), p. 80
  8. ^ «JOSEPH». The Jewish Encyclopedia. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 March 2015. «like all other Hebrew names beginning with the syllable ‘Jo,’ it has Yhwh as its first element».
  9. ^ In Portuguese, Flavius Josephus, the author of the Jewish Antiquities is known as Flávio Josefo.

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Руководитель СССР Иосиф Сталин согласился на это, рассчитывая расширить советские границы в Азии.

Soviet leader Josef Stalin agreed, aiming to expand Soviet borders in Asia.



Танки ИС более поздних серий (ИС — Иосиф Сталин) по своим характеристикам превзошли лучшие немецкие «Пантеры».

The later IS-series tanks — standing for Iosif (Joseph) Stalin — had proven themselves more than a match for Germany’s best Panzers.


Словосочетания (12)

  1. Иосиф I — Joseph I
  2. Иосиф II — Giuseppe II
  3. Иосиф Волоколамский — Giuseppe di Volokolamsk
  4. Иосиф Волоцкий — Giuseppe di Volotsk
  5. Иосиф Кобзон — Joseph Kobzon
  6. Иосиф Обручник — Saint Joseph
  7. Иосиф Плотник — St Joseph the Carpenter
  8. Иосиф Сталин — Joseph Stalin
  9. Святой Иосиф — Saint Joseph
  10. Франц Иосиф — Franz Joseph



Руководитель СССР Иосиф Сталин согласился на это, рассчитывая расширить советские границы в Азии.
Soviet leader Josef Stalin agreed, aiming to expand Soviet borders in Asia.

Танки ИС более поздних серий (ИС — Иосиф Сталин) по своим характеристикам превзошли лучшие немецкие «Пантеры».
The later IS-series tanks — standing for Iosif (Joseph) Stalin — had proven themselves more than a match for Germany’s best Panzers.

В конце Второй мировой войны советский диктатор Иосиф Сталин, бесспорно, был самым могущественным человеком в Евразии.
At the end of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin stood undisputed as the most powerful man in Eurasia.

А вот российский эстрадный певец Иосиф Кобзон, дружащий с чиновниками еще с брежневских времен, пришел в ярость.
Russian crooner Iosif Kobzon, who has managed to remain friendly with government officials since Leonid Brezhnev’s time, was enraged.

Конечно, затем, я посмотрел на маму и папу — Каролина и Карл, на бабушку и дедушку, Жозефина и Иосиф.
Then, of course, I looked at my mom and my dad — Karolina and Karl, and grandmom and granddad, Josefine and Josef.


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иосиф — перевод на английский

Иосиф, Иисус, Мария, помогите моему другу Джорджу Бейли.

Joseph, Jesus and Mary, help my friend Mr. Bailey.

Здравствуй, Иосиф.

Hello, Joseph.

Иосиф, пошли за Клэренсом.

Joseph, send for Clarence.

Иосиф, покажи ему сегодняшний день.

Joseph, now show him what happened today. Yes, sir.

КЛЭРЕHС? Hу как, Иосиф, получается у меня?

How am I doing, Joseph?

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Теперь император Франц Иосиф Первый стал вашим крёстным отцом. И по законам нашей святой церкви вы считаетесь его детьми.

Now that Emperor Franz Josef the First… has become your godfather and by the bond… of our Holy Church, you have become his sons.

Иосиф Шарф. — Секундочку.

Josef Scharf.

Иосиф Эль-Дор Цахи Град

Josef El-Dror Tzachi Graad

Скоро придёт Иосиф, он опять схватит меня за лицо и мои мозги вытекут через нос.

Josef is coming. He’ll squeeze my face and my brains will come out my nose.

Не расстраивайтесь, Иосиф, вы её вдохновили.

Don’t be upset, Josef, you inspired her.

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Иосиф Кармон

Yosef Carmon

Иосиф Готфред.

Yosef Gottfreund.

Иосиф Романо.

Yosef Romano.

— Знаю. Взаимно, Иосиф.

It’s a pleasure, Yosef.

Очень приятно, я Иосиф.

I’m Yosef, it’s a pleasure.

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Иосиф, вина.

Josephus, wine.

Иосиф, разносчик вина. Помогите ему, пожалуйста.

It’s Josephus, your wine steward.

Привет, Иосиф!

— Hey, Josephus.

Иосиф, быстрей!

Josephus, hurry.

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Транслит мужского имени Иосиф: Iosif

Написание имени Иосиф в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Иосиф в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Иосиф»


Значение букв в имени «Иосиф»

И — впечатлительность, миролюбие

О — эмоциональность

С — властность, нервозность, здравый смысл

И — впечатлительность, миролюбие

Ф — нежность, дружелюбие, умение приспосабливаться

Популярные мужские имена

  • Мстислав
  • Изот
  • Эрнст
  • Бронислав
  • Ульян
  • Пимен
  • Зот
  • Роман
  • Борис, Борай, Борил
  • Звенислав
  • Доброгор
  • Федор
  • Давыд
  • Михаил
  • Энергий
  • Самсон
  • Анисим
  • Панкрат
  • Арефий
  • Григорий
  • Святослав
  • Никодим
  • Емельян
  • Адам
  • Влас
  • Клим
  • Флорентин
  • Корнил
  • Митрофан
  • Марлен
  • Ставр
  • Белояр
  • Краснослав
  • Никифор
  • Авдей
  • Карп
  • Аполлинарий
  • Олимпий
  • Спиридон
  • Амвросий
  • Серафим
  • Север
  • Ратмир
  • Гурий
  • Свет
  • Богдан
  • Славий, Славута, Славята
  • Гордиян
  • Гедеон
  • Станислав

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

  • Как пишется иордания на английском
  • Как пишется йоу по английски
  • Как пишется ионная связь
  • Как пишется ион в химии
  • Как пишется йокогама на английском