Как пишется кержаков по английски

Происхождение имени Кержаков

Подробные данные о фамилии Кержаков. История происхождения, значение и суть фамилии, перевод и правильное написание. Подробная история фамилии.
Откуда к нам пришла фамилия Кержаков? Какая национальность человека с данной фамилией? Правильно написание фамилии на английском языке, склонение по падежам.
Более подробную информацию о фамилии Кержаков, ее значении и сути вы прочтете онлайн на данной странице без прохождения регистрации и совершенно бесплатно.

Происхождение имени

Происхождение фамилии Кержаков

Большая часть фамилий, Кержаков не исключение, произошли от отчеств (по мирскому или крестильному имени одного из потомков), прозвищ (по месту происхождения,
роду деятельности или другим особенностям потомка) или других имен рода. В русских фамилиях чаще всего есть суффикс –ев/-ов. Это окончание самое популярное,
добавлялось, если в основе последним был согласный звук. Фамилия Кержаков могла произойти от прозвища отца, имени дедушка, профессии или ремесла семьи.
Подобным образом создавалась большая часть русских фамилий. Таким образом, семьи одного корня стало проще обозначать.

Согласно русской традиции при бракосочетании женщина берет себе фамилию мужа. Также женщина может не придерживаться данного правила и остаться со своей фамилией, либо сделать ее двойной с написанием девичьей фамилии и через дефис фамилии мужа.
Детям обычно присваивается фамилия отца, но если женщина не состоит в браке или по желанию родителей ребенок может перенять фамилию матери. Фамилия Кержаков в 61% случаев славянского происхождения, остальные 39%
свидетельствуют о происхождении от языков русских народов.
В любом случае фамилия Кержаков произошла от прозвища, имени, сферы деятельности или места обитания дальних предков человека по мужской линии.

История фамилии Кержаков

В разных слоях общества фамилии появлялись в разное время. История фамилии Кержаков довольно длительна.
В первый раз фамилия Кержаков была написана в летописях духовенства в середине 18 века.
Зачастую они были образованы от названий церквей или приходов, либо имени отца.
Часть священнослужителей получали фамилию при выпуске из семинарии, при этом лучшие ученики получали самые благозвучные фамилии, которые несли положительное значение,
как, к примеру, фамилия Кержаков. Фамилия Кержаков передавалась из поколения в поколение по линии мужчин (или женщин).

Cуть фамилии Кержаков, значение, расшифровка по буквам

Фамилия Кержаков складывается из 8 букв. Восемь букв указывают на то, что этот человек может быть кем угодно, но не «человеком семьи». Такие люди всегда не довольны течением событий и нынешним положением, находятся в постоянном поиске нового, способного вызвать восхищение. Сама же такая личность крайне очаровательна, способна лишить разума, вовлечь и навязать свое мнение. Скрытое значение и смысл фамилии Кержаков можно узнать после анализа каждой её буквы.

Значение фамилии Кержаков

Фамилия Кержаков это основной элемент, который связывает человека с окружающим миром и вселенной.
Она указывает на главные черты характера, определяет судьбу. Фамилия Кержаков скрывает в себе опыт, который накапливался предками и предыдущими поколениями.
Если обратиться к нумерологии мы сможем о жизненном пути рода, достоинствах и недостатках человека, семейном благополучии и характере личности с фамилией Кержаков.

Формула вычисления числа фамилии: Кержаков

  • Кержаков. К + Е + Р + Ж + А + К + О + В
  • 3 + 6 + 9 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3
  • Сумма — 40 Далее 4 + 0 = 4.

  • К — выносливые и принципиальные личности, легко берутся за новое дело и получают новые умения, знания. Люди, в чем имени стоит данная буква, умеют хранить секреты. Их девиз на жизнь – все или ничего. Выносливы и имеют твердость духа. Иногда излишне конкретны и при разговоре не используют полутона.
  • Е — любят самовыражаться, обмениваться опытом с окружающими людьми. Часто в конфликте это посредники. Достаточно болтливые личности, проницательны, имеют понимание о таинственном мире. Очень любят путешествовать и узнавать что-то новое, не задерживаются на одном месте надолго.
  • Р — наделены уверенностью в себе, храбростью, могут противостоять внешнему воздействию, очень увлеченные особи. Склонны на неоправданный риск, это авантюрные личности, которые склоны к не опровергаемым высказываниям. Часто рискуют ради достижения цели, имеют потенциал и желание для становления лидерами.
  • Ж — скрытые личности, обладают разносторонним внутренним миром. Нуждаются во внимании к себе со стороны окружающих. Стремятся стать значимыми, обрести факт признания, не обязательно в виде реальной картины.
  • А — данная буква является самой сильной и яркой буквой в кириллице. Носители данной буквы в своем имени стремятся быть лидерами, часто ведут борьбу с самим собой, любят перемены. Стремятся быть на вершине комфорта в духовном и физическом плане.
  • К — выносливые и принципиальные личности, легко берутся за новое дело и получают новые умения, знания. Люди, в чем имени стоит данная буква, умеют хранить секреты. Их девиз на жизнь – все или ничего. Выносливы и имеют твердость духа. Иногда излишне конкретны и при разговоре не используют полутона.
  • О — личности, связанные с данной буквой, могут испытывать сильнейшие чувства, стремятся узнать самого себя как можно лучше. Всегда в поиске своего истинного предназначения, совершенствуются сами и хотят усовершенствовать окружающий мир. Обладают достаточно хорошей интуицией, умеют грамотно распорядится финансами. Им свойственно переменчивое настроение от уныния к восторгу.
  • В — легко сходятся с людьми, просты в общении, склонны к реализму. Часто это творческие личности, стремятся стать одним целым с природой. Очень много в жизни таких людей зависит от принятого решения и выбранного пути.

Нумерология фамилии Кержаков и её значение

В нумерологии фамилии Кержаков присвоено число – 4.
Нумерология фамилии Кержаков поможет Вам узнать характер и отличительные качества человека с такой фамилией.
Также можно узнать о судьбе, успехе в личной жизни и карьере, расшифровывать знаки судьбы и пробовать предсказывать будущее.

Данное число передает человеку упрямство и своенравность, такие люди упорно движутся к поставленным целям и прикладывают к этому все возможные силы. Такие особы не очень общительны, не тратят свое время зря, и избегаю шумных компаний. Все дела даются им с трудностями, но все это не остановит человека с данной фамилией. Также им присущи отголоски меланхолии, которые порой дают о себе знать в трудных ситуациях. Это мыслители, которые обдумывают каждый свой шаг, стараются избежать риска и чаще прибегают к проверенным способам достижения цели.

Жизненный путь рода и фамилии Кержаков

Носители данной фамилии имеют мощную защиту. Высшие силы защищают таких людей от жизненных трудностей и всевозможных проблем. Как только человек стает на правильный путь ему на помощь приходит нужный человек и указывает правильное направление. Такие личности ценят свободу и не переносят контроль над собой, могут при хороших условиях раскрыть свой потенциал во всей мере. В обычной жизни такой человек может получить звание замкнутого или чудака: пока другие предпочитают развлечение, четверки работают над грандиозными планами. Они тяжело переносят собственные ошибки и не любят публичные выступления. В классе это будут лучшие ученики, которые при этом будут отказываться от несения ответственности.

Семейная жизнь с фамилией Кержаков

Часто при построении семье такие люди руководствуются взаимопониманием и любовью. Никогда не признают брак по расчету и открыто ненавидят альфонсов. Брак может быть создан при неосторожной половой связи и случайной беременности. В таком случае носитель данной фамилии защищает своего малыша и действует согласно личному моральному кодексу. Они никогда не вливаются в шумные компании, предпочитают просмотр фильма в кинотеатре или семейный ужин. Способны победить тайные желания и не решаться на измену. Как правило семьи таких людей материально обеспечены, в их доме всегда порядок и уют.

Какие профессии лучше всего подойдут человеку с фамилией Кержаков

Носители данной фамилии могут увлекаться наукой, разбираться в тонкостях лечения различных болезней и могут найти скрытые причины заболеваний. Им подойдет профессия ученого с докторской степенью, потенциального врача и диагноста. Также четверки способны достичь высот в законодательной сфере. Стать руководителями они не стремятся, чаще соглашаются на роль специалиста отдела или заместителя. Если у них есть склонность к математическим наукам, им подойдет карьера экономиста или бухгалтера. В бизнес сфере такие люди не смогут хорошо себя зарекомендовать, они не умеют чувствовать отличные возможности и реагировать на движение рынка.

Лучшие качества человека с фамилией Кержаков

Данная фамилия означает уравновешенность, честность, целеустремленность и преданность. Зачастую это ответственный человек, которые выполняет все свои обязанности. Также это спокойные и тихие люди, которые стараются избежать конфликтов.

Правильное написание фамилии Кержаков, на русском и английском языках

На русском языке, данная фамилия пишется так: Кержаков
Если мы попробуем перевести данную фамилию на английский язык (сделать транслитерация), то у нас получится — kerzhakov

Правильное склонение фамилии Кержаков по падежам

Падеж Падежный вопрос Имя
Именительный Кто? Кержаков
Родительный Нет Кого? Кержакова
Дательный Рад Кому? Кержакову
Винительный Вижу Кого? Кержакова
Творительный Доволен Кем? Кержаковым
Предложный О ком думаю? Кержакове

Уважаемые гости нашего сайта!

Согласны ли Вы с правильностью написания фамилии Кержаков, ее историей происхождения, изложенной сутью и значением?
Знаете ли вы еще что-то о данной фамилии? Если описание и значение фамилии Вам понравилось, или у Вас есть знакомый с данной фамилией, расскажите об их национальности, судьбе и характере.
Известны ли Вам известные или успешные личности с такой фамилией?
Мы будем рады поговорить с Вами об значении фамилии Кержаков в комментариях под данной статьей.

Делитесь своим мнением относительно значения фамилии Кержаков, если у вас есть какая-то информация об этой фамилии, которая не указана в статье — напишите о ней в комментариях ниже, и мы вместе с вами дополним историю этой замечальной фамилии!

Aleksandr Kerzhakov


Aleksandr Kerzhakov in 2017

Personal information
Full name Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Date of birth 27 November 1982 (age 40)
Place of birth Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Position(s) Striker
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2001–2006 Zenit Saint Petersburg 159 (64)
2006–2008 Sevilla 26 (8)
2008–2010 Dynamo Moscow 51 (19)
2010–2017 Zenit Saint Petersburg 129 (56)
2015–2016 → Zürich (loan) 17 (5)
Total 382 (152)
International career
2001–2002 Russia U21 4 (2)
2002–2016 Russia 91 (30)
Managerial career
2017–2018 Russia U17
2018–2019 Russia U18
2019–2020 Russia U19
2020–2021 Tom Tomsk
2021–2022 Nizhny Novgorod
*Club domestic league appearances and goals

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov (Russian: Александр Анатольевич Кержаков [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ɐnɐˈtolʲjɪvʲɪtɕ kʲɪrʐɐˈkof]; born 27 November 1982) is a Russian football manager and former professional football player who played as a striker.

He is the most prolific goalscorer in the history of Russian football, with the number of goals scored in competitive games standing at 233. He is described as a forward who likes to «drop deep to link with the midfield, expecting players to break beyond him» for whom he creates space.[1]

A full international since 2002, Kerzhakov earned 90 caps for Russia and played at two World Cups and two European Championships. In 2014, he surpassed the record held by Vladimir Beschastnykh for most goals for the Russian national team.

Club career[edit]


Born in Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, he spent the 2000 season at amateur club FC Svetogorets Svetogorsk, helping them win the Northwest regional league by scoring 18 goals.[citation needed]

In 2001 Kerzhakov transferred to FC Zenit Saint Petersburg, debuting in March and scoring his first goal in June against Spartak Moscow. In his first season, Kerzhakov was the second choice striker behind Hennadiy Popovych. However, later in 2001, he helped Zenit finish third in the Russian Premier League and runners-up in 2003. In 2002, Kerzhakov developed a striking partnership with Andrei Arshavin which earned them both call-ups to the Russian national team. That year Kerzhakov represented Russia at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.[citation needed]

In 2003, Czech manager Vlastimil Petržela used Kerzhakov as a first choice striker and he became the top scorer of the Russian Premier League the following season. While under Petržela, Kerzhakov started in all four group games of the 2004–05 UEFA Cup and went on to score a hat trick in a 5–1 victory over AEK Athens. The following season, he was in the starting line up once again in Zenit’s second straight UEFA Cup campaign. Zenit qualified for the round of 32 by overcoming Vitória, Beşiktaş, Bolton, and Sevilla. In the knockout stages, Kerzhakov scored against Rosenborg and Olympique de Marseille as Zenit reached the quarterfinals to face Sevilla.[2] Kerzhakov gave his best performance by scoring a goal in the away leg but could not save his team as they lost out 5–2 on aggregate.[citation needed]


With decreased playing timed following the appointment of Dick Advocaat at Zenit, Kerzhakov transferred to Sevilla in December 2006, signing a five-and-a-half-year contract worth €5 million, as part of the deal of the partnership of the clubs.[3]

Under then manager Juande Ramos, Kerzhakov featured alongside Luís Fabiano and Frédéric Kanouté.[4] He played his first match on 14 January 2007 and scored his first goal on 28 January 2007 in a 4–2 victory against Levante UD. He scored the winning goal against Tottenham in a 4–3 victory in the UEFA Cup quarter-finals on 5 April 2007. Kerzhakov later contributed to Sevilla’s victorious run in the 2006–07 UEFA Cup season.[5]

After Juande Ramos moved to Tottenham Hotspur in October 2007, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased under caretaker manager Manuel Jiménez. Being selected behind Luís Fabiano, Frédéric Kanouté, Javier Chevantón, and Arouna Koné, it was speculated that Kerzhakov would quit Sevilla following interest from Tottenham, Manchester United, and Paris Saint-Germain.[6]
According to Russian newspaper Sport-Express, on 30 January 2008, Kerzhakov stated he would stay at Sevilla to help in the La Liga and UEFA Champions League campaigns.[7]

Dynamo Moscow[edit]

Kerzhakov in action for Dynamo Moscow in 2009

In February 2008, after being left out of Sevilla’s Champions League tie against Fenerbahçe, Kerzhakov signed a three-year contract with Russian side Dinamo Moscow.[8] Kerzhakov established himself as a first choice striker with Tsvetan Genkov and Cícero, scoring his first goal against FC Moscow. He finished the 2008 season as the top scorer in the squad with seven goals, helping the club finish in third place and earn a play off spot in the qualifiers for the UEFA Champions League.[citation needed]

During the 2009 season, Kerzhakov maintained his spot as a first choice striker ahead of Aleksandr Kokorin and Fedor Smolov but Dynamo finished eighth and lost to Celtic and CSKA Sophia in an attempt to qualify for the Champions League and inaugural Europa League.[citation needed]

Return to Zenit[edit]

In January 2010, Kerzhakov rescinded the last year of his contract with Dynamo and returned to his first professional club Zenit St. Petersburg. Under incoming manager Luciano Spalletti, Kerzhakov became the first choice striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation and managed twenty six appearances.[9] He scored his first goal against CSKA Moscow in April 2010 and followed up with two hat tricks against R.S.C. Anderlecht in the UEFA Europa League and Saturn Moscow in the domestic league.[10][11]

The following season began with a disappointing loss to FC Twente in the round of 16 of the Europa League. However, Kerzhakov went on to score 23 goals in 32 appearances in the Russian Premier League, finishing as the second highest goal scorer behind CSKA Moscow’s Seydou Doumbia. Zenit finished first in the regular season and then won the championship group in the spring of 2012 to claim their second league title in two years.[citation needed]

During the 2012–13 season, Kerzhakov was a first choice striker in Spalletti’s 4-2-3-1 formation, netting 11 goals in the league, including braces against Amkar Perm, Mordovia Saransk, and Spartak Vladikavkaz. He participated in the UEFA Champions League, scoring his only goal outside the Russian Premier League against Anderlecht. After Zenit failed to make the knockout stage, Kerzhakov played in the UEFA Europa League but failed to score as his club lost to F.C. Basel in the round of 16. With Spalletti purchasing Salomón Rondón midway through the 2013–14 season, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased amid reports of a strained relationship with the Italian manager.[12]

After the arrival of Andre Villas-Boas in March 2014, Kerzhakov in five of the last nine matches of the season as Zenit finished in second place behind CSKA Moscow. The following season, Zenit won the league with Kerzhakov playing in 14 matches and scoring three goals. He also played in the club’s Champions League campaign, coming on as a substitute in three of the group stage matches. Kerzhakov started the 2014–15 season with a brace in an 8–1 victory over Torpedo Moscow as Zenit won the first eight matches in the league.[13] Villas-Boas used Kerzhakov as a substitute with speculations of a rift between the two.[14] Villas Boas excluded Kerzhakov from the squad during the 2015–16 season, with the striker making no appearances in the league or European tournaments before being loaned out to FC Zurich.[15]


At Zurich, Sami Hyypiä used Kerzhakov as a striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation. He would go on to score five goals in seventeen appearances in a campaign that ended in the club’s relegation from the Swiss Super League.[16]

Final season at Zenit[edit]

Kerzhakov returned to Zenit for the 2016–17 season under Mircea Lucescu.[17] Lucescu used Kerzhakov as a substitute striker, only starting him in the first match of the season. Kerzhakov officially retired on 13 July 2017 and was appointed the coordinator of Zenit’s youth and academy teams.[18]

International career[edit]

Kerzhakov with the Russia national football team in 2011

Early international career[edit]

Kerzhakov began playing for the Russian U21 team in 2001. He made his senior debut for Russia in a friendly against Estonia on 27 March 2002. Two months later, Oleg Romantsev selected Kerzhakov for the 2002 FIFA World Cup as one of four strikers alongside Vladimir Beschastnykh, Ruslan Pimenov, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for Russia’s first two games against Tunisia and Japan but came on for Valery Karpin against Belgium in the 82nd minute and provided an assist for Sychev in an eventual 3–2 defeat.[19][20]

After Romanstev’s sacking, new manager Valery Gazzaev made Kerzhakov a regular call up in the squad. Just prior to the start of the UEFA Euro 2004 qualifiers, Kerzhakov scored his first goal for Russia in a friendly 1–1 draw against Sweden on 21 August 2002. In 2003, he won the Cyprus International Football Tournament, playing in the final match.[21]

After making eight appearances in the qualification tournament, he was selected by Georgi Yartsev for the final tournament as one of four strikers in the squad behind with Dmitri Bulykin, Dmitri Kirichenko, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for the games against Spain and Greece, but played a full game against Portugal, as Russia was eliminated from the group stage.[citation needed]


Following Euro 2004, Kerzhakov featured regularly under Yartsev during the 2006 World Cup qualifiers and scored a goal against Liechtenstein in March 2005.[22][23] Yartsev’s successor Yuri Semin, continued to select Kerzhakov as he went on to score three goals including a double against Liechtenstein as Russia failed to qualify for final tournament.[24]

Under Guus Hiddink, Kerzhakov continued his role as the first choice striker but was dropped after limited appearances for Zenit in late 2006.[25] Upon moving to Sevilla, Hiddink overlooked Kerzhakov for a friendly against the Netherlands in February 2007.[26] Being recalled for a UEFA Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia and scored both goals in a 2–0 victory.[27] In June 2007, Kerzhakov scored a hat-trick in a 4–0 victory over Andorra.[28] He made a further contribution to Russia’s Euro 2008 qualification campaign by scoring a goal in a 3–0 victory over Macedonia in September 2007.[29] Despite being the top scorer for Russia with five goals, Kerzhakov failed to make Hiddink’s 23-man squad for the tournament finals.[30]

After an 18-month exclusion, Kerzhakov was recalled in May 2009 for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifier against Finland in Helsinki.[31] He started the game and scored two goals as Russia defeated Finland 3–0 and went on to play for the remainder of the campaign.[32] During the playoff against Slovenia, Kerzhakov was on the bench for first leg but came on at half-time for Roman Pavlyuchenko in the second leg. In the 66th minute, he received a straight red card from Terje Hauge for a deliberate kick at Slovenian goalkeeper Samir Handanović. Slovenia emerged victorious with a 1–0 win and eliminated Russia after an aggregate 2–2 draw on away goals.[33]

2010–2016: Record goalscorer and last appearances[edit]

Kerzhakov training for Russia on 3 September 2014, ahead of the game when he broke the record for most goals for Russia

Kerzhakov’s red card against Slovenia resulted in a suspension for two qualifiers of the Euro 2012 campaign.[34] Upon being recalled by Dick Advocaat, Kerzhakov scored in the victories over Ireland and Macedonia.[35][36] He did not score again for the rest of the qualification campaign but managed to make three additional appearances as Russia topped Group B to qualify directly for the final tournament. Advocaat included him in the final tournament squad, but he scored no goals as Russia failed to progress from their group.[37]

After Euro 2012, former England manager Fabio Capello utilized Kerzhakov as the first choice striker after dropping Andrei Arshavin, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and Pavel Pogrebnyak. Kerzhakov appeared in all ten of Russia’s qualification matches and finished as the team’s top goalscorer with five goals, including the winning goal in a 1–0 defeat of Portugal.[38]

Making Capello’s squad for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Kerzhakov appeared as a 71st-minute substitute for Yuri Zhirkov and scored the team’s equalising goal three minutes later in the opening match of the tournament, a 1–1 draw with South Korea. The goal was his 26th for Russia, equaling Vladimir Beschastnykh’s record for the national team.[39] Kerzhakov came on as a late substitute for Aleksandr Samedov in Russia’s 0–1 defeat to Belgium.[40] He started in the final group match against Algeria before being substituted for Maksim Kanunnikov in a 1–1 draw as Russia were eliminated in the first round.[41]

On 3 September 2014, he became the top scorer for the Russian national team after netting two goals in a 4–0 friendly win over Azerbaijan.[42]

Kerzhakov continued to appear in Capello’s squads for the UEFA Euro 2016 qualification campaign. He was on the bench against Sweden and Austria while being substituted at half-time against Liechtenstein and Moldova.[43][44] Kerzhakov went on to appear as a second-half substitute in the 0–1 home defeat to Austria in what was Capello’s last match at Russia coach.[45] Capello’s successor, Leonid Slutsky, omitted Kerzhakov from the remaining qualification matches as well as the final tournament.[46] He made his final appearance for the national team in a friendly against Lithuania on 26 March 2016.[47]

Coaching career[edit]

On 15 March 2018, the Russian Football Union announced signing a contract with Kerzhakov to manage the Russia national under-17 football team until the end of 2019.[48] The team became Russia national under-18 football team in September 2018 as the players aged and then Russia national under-19 football team.[citation needed]

On 24 September 2020, he was hired as manager by the FNL club FC Tom Tomsk.[49] He left Tom at the end of the 2020–21 season.[50]

On 17 June 2021, he signed with FC Nizhny Novgorod, which was recently promoted into the Russian Premier League.[51] The club avoided relegation at the end of the 2021–22 season, and on 16 June 2022 Kerzhakov left Nizhny Novgorod.[52]

Personal life[edit]

His younger brother, Mikhail, is a professional footballer who also plays for Zenit Saint Petersburg as a goalkeeper.[citation needed] In 2002, Kerzhakov authored his autobiography titled Up to 16 and older. (Russian: До 16 и старше)[citation needed]

Career statistics[edit]


Appearances and goals by club, season and competition[53]

Club Season League Cup Europe Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2001 Russian Top Division 28 6 5 2 0 0 0 0 33 8
2002 Russian Premier League 29 14 2 0 2 2 0 0 33 16
2003 Russian Premier League 27 13 3 3 0 0 0 0 30 16
2004 Russian Premier League 29 18 6 6 7 6 0 0 42 30
2005 Russian Premier League 25 7 5 5 8 3 0 0 38 15
2006 Russian Premier League 21 6 2 0 6 4 0 0 29 10
Total 159 64 23 16 23 15 0 0 205 95
Sevilla 2006–07 La Liga 15 5 5 0 8 2 0 0 27 7
2007–08 La Liga 11 3 3 0 3 1 2 0 19 4
Total 26 8 8 0 11 3 2 0 46 11
Dynamo Moscow 2008 Russian Premier League 27 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 29 8
2009 Russian Premier League 24 12 2 2 4 1 0 0 30 15
Total 51 19 4 3 4 1 0 0 59 23
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2010 Russian Premier League 28 13 3 0 5 4 0 0 36 17
2011–12 Russian Premier League 32 23 3 0 7 1 0 0 42 24
2012–13 Russian Premier League 23 10 0 0 8 1 0 0 31 11
2013–14 Russian Premier League 19 6 1 0 11 3 1 0 32 9
2014–15 Russian Premier League 14 3 1 0 6 1 0 0 21 4
2016–17 Russian Premier League 13 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 17 2
Total 129 56 8 0 40 11 2 0 179 67
FC Zürich 2015–16 Swiss Super League 17 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 19 7
Career total 382 152 46 21 78 30 4 0 508 203


Appearances and goals by national team and year

National team Year Apps Goals
Russia[54] 2002 7 3
2003 8 0
2004 7 0
2005 10 4
2006 5 0
2007 7 6
2008 0 0
2009 6 2
2010 2 2
2011 5 0
2012 12 5
2013 8 2
2014 11 5
2015 2 1
2016 1 0
Total 91 30
Scores and results list Russia’s goal tally first, score column indicates score after each Kerzhakov goal.
List of international goals scored by Aleksandr Kerzhakov

No. Date Venue Opponent Score Result Competition
1 21 August 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Sweden 1–0 1–1 Friendly match
2 7 September 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Republic of Ireland 3–1 4–2 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
3 16 October 2002 Central Stadium, Volgograd, Russia  Albania 1–0 4–1 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
4 26 March 2005 Rheinpark Stadion, Vaduz, Liechtenstein  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
5 3 September 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–0 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
6 2–0
7 8 October 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Luxembourg 2–0 5–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
8 24 March 2007 A. Le Coq Arena, Tallinn, Estonia  Estonia 1–0 2–0[55] UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
9 2–0
10 2 June 2007 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Andorra 1–0 4–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
11 2–0
12 3–0
13 8 September 2007 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Macedonia 3–0 3–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
14 10 June 2009 Helsinki Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland  Finland 1–0 3–0 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification
15 2–0
16 8 October 2010 Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland  Republic of Ireland 1–0 3–2 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
17 12 October 2010 Philip II Arena, Skopje, Macedonia  Macedonia 1–0 1–0 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
18 25 May 2012 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Uruguay 1–1 1–1 Friendly match
19 1 June 2012 Letzigrund, Zurich, Switzerland  Italy 1–0 3–0 Friendly match
20 11 September 2012 National Stadium, Ramat Gan, Israel  Israel 1–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
21 3–0
22 12 October 2012 Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Portugal 1–0 1–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
23 6 September 2013 Central Stadium, Kazan, Russia  Luxembourg 3–0 4–1 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
24 11 October 2013 Stade Josy Barthel, Luxembourg, Luxembourg  Luxembourg 4–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
25 26 May 2014 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Slovakia 1–0 1–0 Friendly match
26 18 June 2014 Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá, Brazil  South Korea 1–1 1–1 2014 FIFA World Cup
27 3 September 2014 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Azerbaijan 1–0 4–0 Friendly match
28 2–0
29 18 November 2014 Groupama Arena, Budapest, Hungary  Hungary 2–0 2–1 Friendly match
30 7 June 2015 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Belarus 4–2 4–2 Friendly match

Managerial statistics[edit]

As of 21 May 2022

Team From To Record
G W D L GF GA GD Win %
Russia u-18 1 September 2018 30 June 2019 17 8 1 8 31 25 +6 047.06
Russia u-19 1 July 2019 24 September 2020 9 4 5 0 23 8 +15 044.44
Tom Tomsk 24 September 2020 9 June 2021 28 10 6 12 27 31 −4 035.71
Nizhny Novgorod 17 June 2021 16 June 2022 33 10 9 14 28 42 −14 030.30
Total 87 32 21 34 109 106 +3 036.78



Zenit Saint Petersburg

  • Russian Premier League: 2010, 2011–12, 2014–15
  • Russian Cup: 2009–10
  • Russian Premier League Cup: 2003
  • Russian Super Cup: 2011, 2016


  • UEFA Cup: 2006–07
  • Copa del Rey: 2006–07
  • Supercopa de España: 2007

FC Zürich

  • Swiss Cup: 2015–16


  • Russian Premier League top scorer: 2004


In 2017 became an ambassador of social Football for Friendship international children’s forum.[56] In 2018 took part in the Football for Friendship programme where he presented the cup to the winners of the final match of the programme’s championship.[57]


  1. ^ Wilson, Jonathan. «Euro 2012: Russia». Sports Illustrated. Retrieved 2 June 2012.
  2. ^ «Официальный сайт ФК «Зенит» / Зенит / Нападающие / Александр Кержаков». Archived from the original on 20 January 2010. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
  3. ^ «Sevilla move for Kerzhakov». UEFA.com. 28 December 2006. Archived from the original on 29 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  4. ^ «Sevilla keep pressure on». Eurosport. 27 May 2007. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  5. ^ Burke, Chris (5 April 2007). «Kerzhakov edges Sevilla in front». UEFA. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  6. ^ «Spurs tracking Sevilla striker Kerzhakov». Tribal Football. 27 December 2007. Retrieved 18 February 2013.
  7. ^ «Kerzhakov Stays in Sevilla». Sport Express Daily. 30 January 2008. Archived from the original on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 6 February 2008.
  8. ^ «Dinamo bring Sevilla’s Kerzhakov home». UEFA.com. 25 February 2008. Archived from the original on 28 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  9. ^ Zikov, Sergey (18 January 2010). «Kerzhakov and Lumb Sign for Zenit, Igor Korneev Promises Two or Three More». Bleacher Report. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  10. ^ Chris Burke (16 September 2010). «Kerzhakov class leaves Anderlecht reeling». UEFA.com. Archived from the original on 18 September 2010.
  11. ^ «Кержаков оформил два хет-трика в трех последних матчах». sports.ru. 25 September 2010.
  12. ^ Yokhin, Michael (26 May 2014). «Aleksandr Kerzhakov makes his point». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  13. ^ «Hulk nets a brace as Zenit smash Torpedo 8-1». Associated Press via Sportsnet. 9 August 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  14. ^ «AVB denies Kerzhakov rift». ESPN. 30 September 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  15. ^ «Russia’s Alexander Kerzhakov to play on loan for Zurich FC starting Jan. 1». TASS. 18 December 2015. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  16. ^ Yokhin, Michael (25 May 2016). «FC Zurich and Lugano face relegation and Swiss cup final in same week». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  17. ^ «Kerzhakov extends Zenit stay». Four Four Two. 21 July 2016. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  18. ^ Александр Кержаков назначен на должность координатора команд Академии (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 13 July 2017.
  19. ^ «Belgium — Russia». FIFA. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  20. ^ Yokhin, Michael (21 June 2014). «Belgium’s hex over Russia». ESPN. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  21. ^ «Cyprus International Tournament 2003».
  22. ^ «Ovchinnikov axed from Russia squad». CNN. 14 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  23. ^ «Malafeev saves day for nervy Russia». UEFA. 26 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  24. ^ «Kerzhakov goals secure Russia’s hopes». Irish Examiner. 3 September 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  25. ^ «Hiddink announced Russia squad for Macedonia match». Taiwan News via The Associated Press. 8 November 2006. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  26. ^ Gognidze, Pavle (6 February 2007). «Dutch a distraction for Russia». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  27. ^ Luik, Margus (24 March 2007). «Russia delight in Kerzhakov». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  28. ^ James, Spiro (3 June 2007). «Red-hot Kerzhakov keeps Russia high and mighty». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  29. ^ «Russia survive scare to take points». UEFA. 8 September 2007. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  30. ^ «Russia name 25-Man preliminary Euro 2008 squad». Goal. 14 May 2008. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  31. ^ «Hiddink recalls Kerzhakov for Finland qualifier». Reuters UK. 26 May 2009. Archived from the original on 11 December 2012. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  32. ^ «Germany beat Russia to book World Cup berth». The Local. 10 October 2009. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  33. ^ Roughley, Gregg (18 November 2009). «Dedic squeezes Slovenia through as nine-man Russia implode». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  34. ^ «Russia recall Kerzhakov after suspension». Four Four Two via Reuters. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  35. ^ Mason, Glenn (8 October 2010). «Republic of Ireland 2-3 Russia». RTE. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  36. ^ «Kerzhakov and Akinfeev give Russia victory». UEFA. 12 October 2010. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  37. ^ «Advocaat announced the finalized Euro Squad» (in Russian). 25 May 2012.
  38. ^ «Aleksandr KERZHAKOV». FIFA. Archived from the original on 20 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  39. ^ «Russia 1-1 South Korea». BBC. 18 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  40. ^ Singer, Mike (21 June 2014). «2014 World Cup: Belgium advances with late goal over Russia». CBS Sports. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  41. ^ Murray, Scott (26 June 2014). «Algeria v Russia: World Cup 2014 – as it happened». The Guardian. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  42. ^ «Kerzhakov breaks record as Russia thrash Azerbaijan in friendly». Fox Sports. Associated Press. 3 September 2014. Retrieved 3 September 2014.
  43. ^ «Russia’s Football Team Starts Euro 2016 Campaign With Win Over Liechtenstein». The Moscow Times. 7 September 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  44. ^ «Moldova celebrate surprise draw in Moscow». Reuters. 12 October 2014. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  45. ^ «Marc Janko scores spectacular winner for Austria in Russia». The Guardian via The Associated Press. 14 June 2015. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  46. ^ «Dzyuba headlines Russia’s Euro 2016 roster; Dzagoev out hurt». Sports Illustrated. 31 May 2016. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  47. ^ «Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov — International Appearances». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. 27 August 2020. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  48. ^ Александр Кержаков возглавил юношескую сборную России (in Russian). Russian Football Union. 15 March 2018.
  49. ^ «Новый главный тренер «Томи» — Александр Анатольевич Кержаков!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 24 September 2020.
  50. ^ «Тренерскому штабу «Томи» — спасибо и удачи!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 17 May 2021.
  51. ^ «Александр Кержаков – главный тренер ФК «Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Nizhny Novgorod. 17 June 2021.
  52. ^ «Александр Кержаков и его штаб завершили работу в ФК «Пари Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Pari Nizhny Novgorod. 16 June 2022. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  53. ^ Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway
  54. ^ «Aleksandr Kerzhakov». National Football Teams. Benjamin Strack-Zimmermann. Retrieved 6 September 2018.
  55. ^ According to the UEFA report Archived 14 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine, this goal was scored by player V. Bystrov. In Russia, the UEFA report has no legal force, and is not recognized, and the goal is credited to player A. Kerzhakov. He scored 2 goals.
  56. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.
  57. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Zenit Profile
  • Fan Club
  • Blog: «Kerzhakov in La Liga»
  • Career history (in Russian)
  • Personal website (in Russian)
  • Career, statistic, goals
  • Player profile (in Russian)
  • Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway

Mikhail Anatolyevich Kerzhakov (Russian: Михаил Анатольевич Кержаков; born 28 January 1987) is a Russian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. He is the younger brother of striker Aleksandr Kerzhakov.[2]

Mikhail Kerzhakov

Mikhail Kerzhakov 2019.jpg

Kerzhakov with Zenit in 2019

Personal information
Full name Mikhail Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Date of birth 28 January 1987 (age 35)
Place of birth Kingisepp, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Height 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in)[1]
Position(s) Goalkeeper
Club information

Current team

Number 41
Youth career
2004-2008 Zenit Saint Petersburg
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2005–2010 Zenit Saint Petersburg 0 (0)
2008 → Volga Ulyanovsk (loan) 21 (0)
2009 → Volgar (loan) 17 (0)
2010 → Alania Vladikavkaz (loan) 16 (0)
2011–2013 Volga Nizhny Novgorod 31 (0)
2013–2015 Anzhi Makhachkala 55 (0)
2015– Zenit Saint Petersburg 71 (0)
2015–2018 → Zenit-2 14 (0)
2017 → Orenburg (loan) 5 (0)
International career
2005 Russia U-19 4 (0)
2007–2008 Russia U-21 3 (0)
*Club domestic league appearances and goals, correct as of 12 November 2022

Club careerEdit

On 10 February 2017, he joined FC Orenburg on loan until the end of the 2016–17 season.[3]

On 15 June 2022, Kerzhakov extended his contract with FC Zenit Saint Petersburg for the 2022–23 season.[4]

International careerEdit

Kerzhakov was called up to the Russia national football team for the first time for a friendly against Kyrgyzstan in September 2022.[5]

Career statisticsEdit

As of match played 16 November 2022[6]
Appearances and goals by club, season and competition

Club Season League Cup Continental Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Zenit 2005 Russian Premier League 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Volga Ulyanovsk (loan) 2008 First Division 21 0 0 0 21 0
Volgar (loan) 2009 17 0 1 0 18 0
Alania Vladikavkaz (loan) 2010 Russian Premier League 16 0 2 0 18 0
Volga NN 2011–12 12 0 1 0 2[a] 0 15 0
2012–13 19 0 1 0 20 0
Total 31 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 35 0
Anzhi Makhachkala 2013–14 Russian Premier League 23 0 0 0 7 0 30 0
2014–15 FNL 32 0 2 0 34 0
Total 55 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 64 0
Zenit 2015–16 Russian Premier League 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 8 0
2016–17 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 0
2017–18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018–19 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 0
2019–20 10 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 18 0
2020–21 18 0 0 0 6 0 1[b] 0 25 0
2021–22 19 0 2 0 3 0 1[b] 0 25 0
2022–23 14 0 2 0 0 0 0[b] 0 16 0
Total 71 0 13 0 18 0 2 0 104 0
Zenit-2 2015–16 FNL 1 0 1 0
2017–18 13 0 13 0
Total 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0
Orenburg (loan) 2016–17 Russian Premier League 5 0 5 0
Career total 231 0 20 0 25 0 4 0 279 0
  1. ^ Two appearances in relegation play-offs
  2. ^ a b c Appearance(s) in Russian Super Cup.


Zenit Saint Petersburg
  • Russian Premier League: 2007, 2018–19,[7][8] 2019–20,[9] 2020–21,[10] 2021–22[11]
  • Russian Cup: 2016, 2019–20[12]
  • Russian Super Cup: 2015, 2016, 2020,[13] 2021[14]


  1. ^ «Mikhail Kerzhakov» (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. Retrieved 12 August 2022.
  2. ^ «Михаил Кержаков — о брате: когда Александр забил в мои ворота, мама показала ему кулак» (in Russian). Championat. 18 November 2021. Retrieved 3 April 2022.
  3. ^ Михаил Кержаков продолжит сезон в «Оренбурге» (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 10 February 2017.
  4. ^ ««Зенит» продлил контракт с Михаилом Кержаковым» (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 15 June 2022. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  5. ^ «Тренерский штаб сборной России вызвал 28 футболистов на сентябрьский сбор» [Coaching staff of Russian national team called up 28 players for the September camp] (in Russian). Russian Football Union. 15 September 2022.
  6. ^ Mikhail Kerzhakov at Soccerway
  7. ^ «Zenit is the Russian Premier League champion» (in Russian). Russian Premier League. 4 May 2019.
  8. ^ «20 Zenit players became Russian champions for the first time» (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 4 May 2019.
  9. ^ «Zenit crowned 2019/20 RPL champions». Russian Premier League. 5 July 2020.
  10. ^ «Sensational Zenit storm to the title with utterly dominant thrashing». Russian Premier League. 2 May 2021.
  11. ^ ««Зенит» – восьмикратный чемпион Тинькофф РПЛ!» [Zenit is the eight-times winner of Tinkoff RPL] (in Russian). Russian Premier League. 30 April 2022.
  12. ^ «Late Dzyuba penalty seals Russian Cup for Zenit». Russian Premier League. 25 July 2020.
  13. ^ ««Зенит» обыграл «Локомотив» и стал пятикратным победителем Олимп-Суперкубка России» (in Russian). Russian Premier League. 7 August 2020.
  14. ^ «Zenit canter to second consecutive Super Cup win over error-strewn Lokomotiv». Russian Premier League. 17 July 2021.

External linksEdit

  • Player profile at Official Zenit website
Aleksandr Kerzhakov


Aleksandr Kerzhakov in 2017

Personal information
Full name Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Date of birth 27 November 1982 (age 40)
Place of birth Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Position(s) Striker
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2001–2006 Zenit Saint Petersburg 159 (64)
2006–2008 Sevilla 26 (8)
2008–2010 Dynamo Moscow 51 (19)
2010–2017 Zenit Saint Petersburg 129 (56)
2015–2016 → Zürich (loan) 17 (5)
Total 382 (152)
International career
2001–2002 Russia U21 4 (2)
2002–2016 Russia 91 (30)
Managerial career
2017–2018 Russia U17
2018–2019 Russia U18
2019–2020 Russia U19
2020–2021 Tom Tomsk
2021–2022 Nizhny Novgorod
*Club domestic league appearances and goals

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov (Russian: Александр Анатольевич Кержаков [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ɐnɐˈtolʲjɪvʲɪtɕ kʲɪrʐɐˈkof]; born 27 November 1982) is a Russian football manager and former professional football player who played as a striker.

He is the most prolific goalscorer in the history of Russian football, with the number of goals scored in competitive games standing at 233. He is described as a forward who likes to «drop deep to link with the midfield, expecting players to break beyond him» for whom he creates space.[1]

A full international since 2002, Kerzhakov earned 90 caps for Russia and played at two World Cups and two European Championships. In 2014, he surpassed the record held by Vladimir Beschastnykh for most goals for the Russian national team.

Club career[edit]


Born in Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, he spent the 2000 season at amateur club FC Svetogorets Svetogorsk, helping them win the Northwest regional league by scoring 18 goals.[citation needed]

In 2001 Kerzhakov transferred to FC Zenit Saint Petersburg, debuting in March and scoring his first goal in June against Spartak Moscow. In his first season, Kerzhakov was the second choice striker behind Hennadiy Popovych. However, later in 2001, he helped Zenit finish third in the Russian Premier League and runners-up in 2003. In 2002, Kerzhakov developed a striking partnership with Andrei Arshavin which earned them both call-ups to the Russian national team. That year Kerzhakov represented Russia at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.[citation needed]

In 2003, Czech manager Vlastimil Petržela used Kerzhakov as a first choice striker and he became the top scorer of the Russian Premier League the following season. While under Petržela, Kerzhakov started in all four group games of the 2004–05 UEFA Cup and went on to score a hat trick in a 5–1 victory over AEK Athens. The following season, he was in the starting line up once again in Zenit’s second straight UEFA Cup campaign. Zenit qualified for the round of 32 by overcoming Vitória, Beşiktaş, Bolton, and Sevilla. In the knockout stages, Kerzhakov scored against Rosenborg and Olympique de Marseille as Zenit reached the quarterfinals to face Sevilla.[2] Kerzhakov gave his best performance by scoring a goal in the away leg but could not save his team as they lost out 5–2 on aggregate.[citation needed]


With decreased playing timed following the appointment of Dick Advocaat at Zenit, Kerzhakov transferred to Sevilla in December 2006, signing a five-and-a-half-year contract worth €5 million, as part of the deal of the partnership of the clubs.[3]

Under then manager Juande Ramos, Kerzhakov featured alongside Luís Fabiano and Frédéric Kanouté.[4] He played his first match on 14 January 2007 and scored his first goal on 28 January 2007 in a 4–2 victory against Levante UD. He scored the winning goal against Tottenham in a 4–3 victory in the UEFA Cup quarter-finals on 5 April 2007. Kerzhakov later contributed to Sevilla’s victorious run in the 2006–07 UEFA Cup season.[5]

After Juande Ramos moved to Tottenham Hotspur in October 2007, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased under caretaker manager Manuel Jiménez. Being selected behind Luís Fabiano, Frédéric Kanouté, Javier Chevantón, and Arouna Koné, it was speculated that Kerzhakov would quit Sevilla following interest from Tottenham, Manchester United, and Paris Saint-Germain.[6]
According to Russian newspaper Sport-Express, on 30 January 2008, Kerzhakov stated he would stay at Sevilla to help in the La Liga and UEFA Champions League campaigns.[7]

Dynamo Moscow[edit]

Kerzhakov in action for Dynamo Moscow in 2009

In February 2008, after being left out of Sevilla’s Champions League tie against Fenerbahçe, Kerzhakov signed a three-year contract with Russian side Dinamo Moscow.[8] Kerzhakov established himself as a first choice striker with Tsvetan Genkov and Cícero, scoring his first goal against FC Moscow. He finished the 2008 season as the top scorer in the squad with seven goals, helping the club finish in third place and earn a play off spot in the qualifiers for the UEFA Champions League.[citation needed]

During the 2009 season, Kerzhakov maintained his spot as a first choice striker ahead of Aleksandr Kokorin and Fedor Smolov but Dynamo finished eighth and lost to Celtic and CSKA Sophia in an attempt to qualify for the Champions League and inaugural Europa League.[citation needed]

Return to Zenit[edit]

In January 2010, Kerzhakov rescinded the last year of his contract with Dynamo and returned to his first professional club Zenit St. Petersburg. Under incoming manager Luciano Spalletti, Kerzhakov became the first choice striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation and managed twenty six appearances.[9] He scored his first goal against CSKA Moscow in April 2010 and followed up with two hat tricks against R.S.C. Anderlecht in the UEFA Europa League and Saturn Moscow in the domestic league.[10][11]

The following season began with a disappointing loss to FC Twente in the round of 16 of the Europa League. However, Kerzhakov went on to score 23 goals in 32 appearances in the Russian Premier League, finishing as the second highest goal scorer behind CSKA Moscow’s Seydou Doumbia. Zenit finished first in the regular season and then won the championship group in the spring of 2012 to claim their second league title in two years.[citation needed]

During the 2012–13 season, Kerzhakov was a first choice striker in Spalletti’s 4-2-3-1 formation, netting 11 goals in the league, including braces against Amkar Perm, Mordovia Saransk, and Spartak Vladikavkaz. He participated in the UEFA Champions League, scoring his only goal outside the Russian Premier League against Anderlecht. After Zenit failed to make the knockout stage, Kerzhakov played in the UEFA Europa League but failed to score as his club lost to F.C. Basel in the round of 16. With Spalletti purchasing Salomón Rondón midway through the 2013–14 season, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased amid reports of a strained relationship with the Italian manager.[12]

After the arrival of Andre Villas-Boas in March 2014, Kerzhakov in five of the last nine matches of the season as Zenit finished in second place behind CSKA Moscow. The following season, Zenit won the league with Kerzhakov playing in 14 matches and scoring three goals. He also played in the club’s Champions League campaign, coming on as a substitute in three of the group stage matches. Kerzhakov started the 2014–15 season with a brace in an 8–1 victory over Torpedo Moscow as Zenit won the first eight matches in the league.[13] Villas-Boas used Kerzhakov as a substitute with speculations of a rift between the two.[14] Villas Boas excluded Kerzhakov from the squad during the 2015–16 season, with the striker making no appearances in the league or European tournaments before being loaned out to FC Zurich.[15]


At Zurich, Sami Hyypiä used Kerzhakov as a striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation. He would go on to score five goals in seventeen appearances in a campaign that ended in the club’s relegation from the Swiss Super League.[16]

Final season at Zenit[edit]

Kerzhakov returned to Zenit for the 2016–17 season under Mircea Lucescu.[17] Lucescu used Kerzhakov as a substitute striker, only starting him in the first match of the season. Kerzhakov officially retired on 13 July 2017 and was appointed the coordinator of Zenit’s youth and academy teams.[18]

International career[edit]

Kerzhakov with the Russia national football team in 2011

Early international career[edit]

Kerzhakov began playing for the Russian U21 team in 2001. He made his senior debut for Russia in a friendly against Estonia on 27 March 2002. Two months later, Oleg Romantsev selected Kerzhakov for the 2002 FIFA World Cup as one of four strikers alongside Vladimir Beschastnykh, Ruslan Pimenov, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for Russia’s first two games against Tunisia and Japan but came on for Valery Karpin against Belgium in the 82nd minute and provided an assist for Sychev in an eventual 3–2 defeat.[19][20]

After Romanstev’s sacking, new manager Valery Gazzaev made Kerzhakov a regular call up in the squad. Just prior to the start of the UEFA Euro 2004 qualifiers, Kerzhakov scored his first goal for Russia in a friendly 1–1 draw against Sweden on 21 August 2002. In 2003, he won the Cyprus International Football Tournament, playing in the final match.[21]

After making eight appearances in the qualification tournament, he was selected by Georgi Yartsev for the final tournament as one of four strikers in the squad behind with Dmitri Bulykin, Dmitri Kirichenko, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for the games against Spain and Greece, but played a full game against Portugal, as Russia was eliminated from the group stage.[citation needed]


Following Euro 2004, Kerzhakov featured regularly under Yartsev during the 2006 World Cup qualifiers and scored a goal against Liechtenstein in March 2005.[22][23] Yartsev’s successor Yuri Semin, continued to select Kerzhakov as he went on to score three goals including a double against Liechtenstein as Russia failed to qualify for final tournament.[24]

Under Guus Hiddink, Kerzhakov continued his role as the first choice striker but was dropped after limited appearances for Zenit in late 2006.[25] Upon moving to Sevilla, Hiddink overlooked Kerzhakov for a friendly against the Netherlands in February 2007.[26] Being recalled for a UEFA Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia and scored both goals in a 2–0 victory.[27] In June 2007, Kerzhakov scored a hat-trick in a 4–0 victory over Andorra.[28] He made a further contribution to Russia’s Euro 2008 qualification campaign by scoring a goal in a 3–0 victory over Macedonia in September 2007.[29] Despite being the top scorer for Russia with five goals, Kerzhakov failed to make Hiddink’s 23-man squad for the tournament finals.[30]

After an 18-month exclusion, Kerzhakov was recalled in May 2009 for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifier against Finland in Helsinki.[31] He started the game and scored two goals as Russia defeated Finland 3–0 and went on to play for the remainder of the campaign.[32] During the playoff against Slovenia, Kerzhakov was on the bench for first leg but came on at half-time for Roman Pavlyuchenko in the second leg. In the 66th minute, he received a straight red card from Terje Hauge for a deliberate kick at Slovenian goalkeeper Samir Handanović. Slovenia emerged victorious with a 1–0 win and eliminated Russia after an aggregate 2–2 draw on away goals.[33]

2010–2016: Record goalscorer and last appearances[edit]

Kerzhakov training for Russia on 3 September 2014, ahead of the game when he broke the record for most goals for Russia

Kerzhakov’s red card against Slovenia resulted in a suspension for two qualifiers of the Euro 2012 campaign.[34] Upon being recalled by Dick Advocaat, Kerzhakov scored in the victories over Ireland and Macedonia.[35][36] He did not score again for the rest of the qualification campaign but managed to make three additional appearances as Russia topped Group B to qualify directly for the final tournament. Advocaat included him in the final tournament squad, but he scored no goals as Russia failed to progress from their group.[37]

After Euro 2012, former England manager Fabio Capello utilized Kerzhakov as the first choice striker after dropping Andrei Arshavin, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and Pavel Pogrebnyak. Kerzhakov appeared in all ten of Russia’s qualification matches and finished as the team’s top goalscorer with five goals, including the winning goal in a 1–0 defeat of Portugal.[38]

Making Capello’s squad for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Kerzhakov appeared as a 71st-minute substitute for Yuri Zhirkov and scored the team’s equalising goal three minutes later in the opening match of the tournament, a 1–1 draw with South Korea. The goal was his 26th for Russia, equaling Vladimir Beschastnykh’s record for the national team.[39] Kerzhakov came on as a late substitute for Aleksandr Samedov in Russia’s 0–1 defeat to Belgium.[40] He started in the final group match against Algeria before being substituted for Maksim Kanunnikov in a 1–1 draw as Russia were eliminated in the first round.[41]

On 3 September 2014, he became the top scorer for the Russian national team after netting two goals in a 4–0 friendly win over Azerbaijan.[42]

Kerzhakov continued to appear in Capello’s squads for the UEFA Euro 2016 qualification campaign. He was on the bench against Sweden and Austria while being substituted at half-time against Liechtenstein and Moldova.[43][44] Kerzhakov went on to appear as a second-half substitute in the 0–1 home defeat to Austria in what was Capello’s last match at Russia coach.[45] Capello’s successor, Leonid Slutsky, omitted Kerzhakov from the remaining qualification matches as well as the final tournament.[46] He made his final appearance for the national team in a friendly against Lithuania on 26 March 2016.[47]

Coaching career[edit]

On 15 March 2018, the Russian Football Union announced signing a contract with Kerzhakov to manage the Russia national under-17 football team until the end of 2019.[48] The team became Russia national under-18 football team in September 2018 as the players aged and then Russia national under-19 football team.[citation needed]

On 24 September 2020, he was hired as manager by the FNL club FC Tom Tomsk.[49] He left Tom at the end of the 2020–21 season.[50]

On 17 June 2021, he signed with FC Nizhny Novgorod, which was recently promoted into the Russian Premier League.[51] The club avoided relegation at the end of the 2021–22 season, and on 16 June 2022 Kerzhakov left Nizhny Novgorod.[52]

Personal life[edit]

His younger brother, Mikhail, is a professional footballer who also plays for Zenit Saint Petersburg as a goalkeeper.[citation needed] In 2002, Kerzhakov authored his autobiography titled Up to 16 and older. (Russian: До 16 и старше)[citation needed]

Career statistics[edit]


Appearances and goals by club, season and competition[53]

Club Season League Cup Europe Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2001 Russian Top Division 28 6 5 2 0 0 0 0 33 8
2002 Russian Premier League 29 14 2 0 2 2 0 0 33 16
2003 Russian Premier League 27 13 3 3 0 0 0 0 30 16
2004 Russian Premier League 29 18 6 6 7 6 0 0 42 30
2005 Russian Premier League 25 7 5 5 8 3 0 0 38 15
2006 Russian Premier League 21 6 2 0 6 4 0 0 29 10
Total 159 64 23 16 23 15 0 0 205 95
Sevilla 2006–07 La Liga 15 5 5 0 8 2 0 0 27 7
2007–08 La Liga 11 3 3 0 3 1 2 0 19 4
Total 26 8 8 0 11 3 2 0 46 11
Dynamo Moscow 2008 Russian Premier League 27 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 29 8
2009 Russian Premier League 24 12 2 2 4 1 0 0 30 15
Total 51 19 4 3 4 1 0 0 59 23
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2010 Russian Premier League 28 13 3 0 5 4 0 0 36 17
2011–12 Russian Premier League 32 23 3 0 7 1 0 0 42 24
2012–13 Russian Premier League 23 10 0 0 8 1 0 0 31 11
2013–14 Russian Premier League 19 6 1 0 11 3 1 0 32 9
2014–15 Russian Premier League 14 3 1 0 6 1 0 0 21 4
2016–17 Russian Premier League 13 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 17 2
Total 129 56 8 0 40 11 2 0 179 67
FC Zürich 2015–16 Swiss Super League 17 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 19 7
Career total 382 152 46 21 78 30 4 0 508 203


Appearances and goals by national team and year

National team Year Apps Goals
Russia[54] 2002 7 3
2003 8 0
2004 7 0
2005 10 4
2006 5 0
2007 7 6
2008 0 0
2009 6 2
2010 2 2
2011 5 0
2012 12 5
2013 8 2
2014 11 5
2015 2 1
2016 1 0
Total 91 30
Scores and results list Russia’s goal tally first, score column indicates score after each Kerzhakov goal.
List of international goals scored by Aleksandr Kerzhakov

No. Date Venue Opponent Score Result Competition
1 21 August 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Sweden 1–0 1–1 Friendly match
2 7 September 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Republic of Ireland 3–1 4–2 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
3 16 October 2002 Central Stadium, Volgograd, Russia  Albania 1–0 4–1 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
4 26 March 2005 Rheinpark Stadion, Vaduz, Liechtenstein  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
5 3 September 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–0 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
6 2–0
7 8 October 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Luxembourg 2–0 5–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
8 24 March 2007 A. Le Coq Arena, Tallinn, Estonia  Estonia 1–0 2–0[55] UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
9 2–0
10 2 June 2007 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Andorra 1–0 4–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
11 2–0
12 3–0
13 8 September 2007 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Macedonia 3–0 3–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
14 10 June 2009 Helsinki Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland  Finland 1–0 3–0 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification
15 2–0
16 8 October 2010 Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland  Republic of Ireland 1–0 3–2 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
17 12 October 2010 Philip II Arena, Skopje, Macedonia  Macedonia 1–0 1–0 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
18 25 May 2012 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Uruguay 1–1 1–1 Friendly match
19 1 June 2012 Letzigrund, Zurich, Switzerland  Italy 1–0 3–0 Friendly match
20 11 September 2012 National Stadium, Ramat Gan, Israel  Israel 1–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
21 3–0
22 12 October 2012 Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Portugal 1–0 1–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
23 6 September 2013 Central Stadium, Kazan, Russia  Luxembourg 3–0 4–1 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
24 11 October 2013 Stade Josy Barthel, Luxembourg, Luxembourg  Luxembourg 4–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
25 26 May 2014 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Slovakia 1–0 1–0 Friendly match
26 18 June 2014 Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá, Brazil  South Korea 1–1 1–1 2014 FIFA World Cup
27 3 September 2014 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Azerbaijan 1–0 4–0 Friendly match
28 2–0
29 18 November 2014 Groupama Arena, Budapest, Hungary  Hungary 2–0 2–1 Friendly match
30 7 June 2015 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Belarus 4–2 4–2 Friendly match

Managerial statistics[edit]

As of 21 May 2022

Team From To Record
G W D L GF GA GD Win %
Russia u-18 1 September 2018 30 June 2019 17 8 1 8 31 25 +6 047.06
Russia u-19 1 July 2019 24 September 2020 9 4 5 0 23 8 +15 044.44
Tom Tomsk 24 September 2020 9 June 2021 28 10 6 12 27 31 −4 035.71
Nizhny Novgorod 17 June 2021 16 June 2022 33 10 9 14 28 42 −14 030.30
Total 87 32 21 34 109 106 +3 036.78



Zenit Saint Petersburg

  • Russian Premier League: 2010, 2011–12, 2014–15
  • Russian Cup: 2009–10
  • Russian Premier League Cup: 2003
  • Russian Super Cup: 2011, 2016


  • UEFA Cup: 2006–07
  • Copa del Rey: 2006–07
  • Supercopa de España: 2007

FC Zürich

  • Swiss Cup: 2015–16


  • Russian Premier League top scorer: 2004


In 2017 became an ambassador of social Football for Friendship international children’s forum.[56] In 2018 took part in the Football for Friendship programme where he presented the cup to the winners of the final match of the programme’s championship.[57]


  1. ^ Wilson, Jonathan. «Euro 2012: Russia». Sports Illustrated. Retrieved 2 June 2012.
  2. ^ «Официальный сайт ФК «Зенит» / Зенит / Нападающие / Александр Кержаков». Archived from the original on 20 January 2010. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
  3. ^ «Sevilla move for Kerzhakov». UEFA.com. 28 December 2006. Archived from the original on 29 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  4. ^ «Sevilla keep pressure on». Eurosport. 27 May 2007. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  5. ^ Burke, Chris (5 April 2007). «Kerzhakov edges Sevilla in front». UEFA. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  6. ^ «Spurs tracking Sevilla striker Kerzhakov». Tribal Football. 27 December 2007. Retrieved 18 February 2013.
  7. ^ «Kerzhakov Stays in Sevilla». Sport Express Daily. 30 January 2008. Archived from the original on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 6 February 2008.
  8. ^ «Dinamo bring Sevilla’s Kerzhakov home». UEFA.com. 25 February 2008. Archived from the original on 28 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  9. ^ Zikov, Sergey (18 January 2010). «Kerzhakov and Lumb Sign for Zenit, Igor Korneev Promises Two or Three More». Bleacher Report. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  10. ^ Chris Burke (16 September 2010). «Kerzhakov class leaves Anderlecht reeling». UEFA.com. Archived from the original on 18 September 2010.
  11. ^ «Кержаков оформил два хет-трика в трех последних матчах». sports.ru. 25 September 2010.
  12. ^ Yokhin, Michael (26 May 2014). «Aleksandr Kerzhakov makes his point». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  13. ^ «Hulk nets a brace as Zenit smash Torpedo 8-1». Associated Press via Sportsnet. 9 August 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  14. ^ «AVB denies Kerzhakov rift». ESPN. 30 September 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  15. ^ «Russia’s Alexander Kerzhakov to play on loan for Zurich FC starting Jan. 1». TASS. 18 December 2015. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  16. ^ Yokhin, Michael (25 May 2016). «FC Zurich and Lugano face relegation and Swiss cup final in same week». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  17. ^ «Kerzhakov extends Zenit stay». Four Four Two. 21 July 2016. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  18. ^ Александр Кержаков назначен на должность координатора команд Академии (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 13 July 2017.
  19. ^ «Belgium — Russia». FIFA. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  20. ^ Yokhin, Michael (21 June 2014). «Belgium’s hex over Russia». ESPN. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  21. ^ «Cyprus International Tournament 2003».
  22. ^ «Ovchinnikov axed from Russia squad». CNN. 14 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  23. ^ «Malafeev saves day for nervy Russia». UEFA. 26 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  24. ^ «Kerzhakov goals secure Russia’s hopes». Irish Examiner. 3 September 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  25. ^ «Hiddink announced Russia squad for Macedonia match». Taiwan News via The Associated Press. 8 November 2006. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  26. ^ Gognidze, Pavle (6 February 2007). «Dutch a distraction for Russia». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  27. ^ Luik, Margus (24 March 2007). «Russia delight in Kerzhakov». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  28. ^ James, Spiro (3 June 2007). «Red-hot Kerzhakov keeps Russia high and mighty». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  29. ^ «Russia survive scare to take points». UEFA. 8 September 2007. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  30. ^ «Russia name 25-Man preliminary Euro 2008 squad». Goal. 14 May 2008. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  31. ^ «Hiddink recalls Kerzhakov for Finland qualifier». Reuters UK. 26 May 2009. Archived from the original on 11 December 2012. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  32. ^ «Germany beat Russia to book World Cup berth». The Local. 10 October 2009. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  33. ^ Roughley, Gregg (18 November 2009). «Dedic squeezes Slovenia through as nine-man Russia implode». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  34. ^ «Russia recall Kerzhakov after suspension». Four Four Two via Reuters. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  35. ^ Mason, Glenn (8 October 2010). «Republic of Ireland 2-3 Russia». RTE. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  36. ^ «Kerzhakov and Akinfeev give Russia victory». UEFA. 12 October 2010. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  37. ^ «Advocaat announced the finalized Euro Squad» (in Russian). 25 May 2012.
  38. ^ «Aleksandr KERZHAKOV». FIFA. Archived from the original on 20 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  39. ^ «Russia 1-1 South Korea». BBC. 18 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  40. ^ Singer, Mike (21 June 2014). «2014 World Cup: Belgium advances with late goal over Russia». CBS Sports. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  41. ^ Murray, Scott (26 June 2014). «Algeria v Russia: World Cup 2014 – as it happened». The Guardian. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  42. ^ «Kerzhakov breaks record as Russia thrash Azerbaijan in friendly». Fox Sports. Associated Press. 3 September 2014. Retrieved 3 September 2014.
  43. ^ «Russia’s Football Team Starts Euro 2016 Campaign With Win Over Liechtenstein». The Moscow Times. 7 September 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  44. ^ «Moldova celebrate surprise draw in Moscow». Reuters. 12 October 2014. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  45. ^ «Marc Janko scores spectacular winner for Austria in Russia». The Guardian via The Associated Press. 14 June 2015. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  46. ^ «Dzyuba headlines Russia’s Euro 2016 roster; Dzagoev out hurt». Sports Illustrated. 31 May 2016. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  47. ^ «Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov — International Appearances». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. 27 August 2020. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  48. ^ Александр Кержаков возглавил юношескую сборную России (in Russian). Russian Football Union. 15 March 2018.
  49. ^ «Новый главный тренер «Томи» — Александр Анатольевич Кержаков!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 24 September 2020.
  50. ^ «Тренерскому штабу «Томи» — спасибо и удачи!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 17 May 2021.
  51. ^ «Александр Кержаков – главный тренер ФК «Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Nizhny Novgorod. 17 June 2021.
  52. ^ «Александр Кержаков и его штаб завершили работу в ФК «Пари Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Pari Nizhny Novgorod. 16 June 2022. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  53. ^ Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway
  54. ^ «Aleksandr Kerzhakov». National Football Teams. Benjamin Strack-Zimmermann. Retrieved 6 September 2018.
  55. ^ According to the UEFA report Archived 14 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine, this goal was scored by player V. Bystrov. In Russia, the UEFA report has no legal force, and is not recognized, and the goal is credited to player A. Kerzhakov. He scored 2 goals.
  56. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.
  57. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Zenit Profile
  • Fan Club
  • Blog: «Kerzhakov in La Liga»
  • Career history (in Russian)
  • Personal website (in Russian)
  • Career, statistic, goals
  • Player profile (in Russian)
  • Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway
Aleksandr Kerzhakov


Aleksandr Kerzhakov in 2017

Personal information
Full name Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Date of birth 27 November 1982 (age 40)
Place of birth Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Position(s) Striker
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2001–2006 Zenit Saint Petersburg 159 (64)
2006–2008 Sevilla 26 (8)
2008–2010 Dynamo Moscow 51 (19)
2010–2017 Zenit Saint Petersburg 129 (56)
2015–2016 → Zürich (loan) 17 (5)
Total 382 (152)
International career
2001–2002 Russia U21 4 (2)
2002–2016 Russia 91 (30)
Managerial career
2017–2018 Russia U17
2018–2019 Russia U18
2019–2020 Russia U19
2020–2021 Tom Tomsk
2021–2022 Nizhny Novgorod
*Club domestic league appearances and goals

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov (Russian: Александр Анатольевич Кержаков [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ɐnɐˈtolʲjɪvʲɪtɕ kʲɪrʐɐˈkof]; born 27 November 1982) is a Russian football manager and former professional football player who played as a striker.

He is the most prolific goalscorer in the history of Russian football, with the number of goals scored in competitive games standing at 233. He is described as a forward who likes to «drop deep to link with the midfield, expecting players to break beyond him» for whom he creates space.[1]

A full international since 2002, Kerzhakov earned 90 caps for Russia and played at two World Cups and two European Championships. In 2014, he surpassed the record held by Vladimir Beschastnykh for most goals for the Russian national team.

Club career[edit]


Born in Kingisepp, Leningrad Oblast, he spent the 2000 season at amateur club FC Svetogorets Svetogorsk, helping them win the Northwest regional league by scoring 18 goals.[citation needed]

In 2001 Kerzhakov transferred to FC Zenit Saint Petersburg, debuting in March and scoring his first goal in June against Spartak Moscow. In his first season, Kerzhakov was the second choice striker behind Hennadiy Popovych. However, later in 2001, he helped Zenit finish third in the Russian Premier League and runners-up in 2003. In 2002, Kerzhakov developed a striking partnership with Andrei Arshavin which earned them both call-ups to the Russian national team. That year Kerzhakov represented Russia at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.[citation needed]

In 2003, Czech manager Vlastimil Petržela used Kerzhakov as a first choice striker and he became the top scorer of the Russian Premier League the following season. While under Petržela, Kerzhakov started in all four group games of the 2004–05 UEFA Cup and went on to score a hat trick in a 5–1 victory over AEK Athens. The following season, he was in the starting line up once again in Zenit’s second straight UEFA Cup campaign. Zenit qualified for the round of 32 by overcoming Vitória, Beşiktaş, Bolton, and Sevilla. In the knockout stages, Kerzhakov scored against Rosenborg and Olympique de Marseille as Zenit reached the quarterfinals to face Sevilla.[2] Kerzhakov gave his best performance by scoring a goal in the away leg but could not save his team as they lost out 5–2 on aggregate.[citation needed]


With decreased playing timed following the appointment of Dick Advocaat at Zenit, Kerzhakov transferred to Sevilla in December 2006, signing a five-and-a-half-year contract worth €5 million, as part of the deal of the partnership of the clubs.[3]

Under then manager Juande Ramos, Kerzhakov featured alongside Luís Fabiano and Frédéric Kanouté.[4] He played his first match on 14 January 2007 and scored his first goal on 28 January 2007 in a 4–2 victory against Levante UD. He scored the winning goal against Tottenham in a 4–3 victory in the UEFA Cup quarter-finals on 5 April 2007. Kerzhakov later contributed to Sevilla’s victorious run in the 2006–07 UEFA Cup season.[5]

After Juande Ramos moved to Tottenham Hotspur in October 2007, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased under caretaker manager Manuel Jiménez. Being selected behind Luís Fabiano, Frédéric Kanouté, Javier Chevantón, and Arouna Koné, it was speculated that Kerzhakov would quit Sevilla following interest from Tottenham, Manchester United, and Paris Saint-Germain.[6]
According to Russian newspaper Sport-Express, on 30 January 2008, Kerzhakov stated he would stay at Sevilla to help in the La Liga and UEFA Champions League campaigns.[7]

Dynamo Moscow[edit]

Kerzhakov in action for Dynamo Moscow in 2009

In February 2008, after being left out of Sevilla’s Champions League tie against Fenerbahçe, Kerzhakov signed a three-year contract with Russian side Dinamo Moscow.[8] Kerzhakov established himself as a first choice striker with Tsvetan Genkov and Cícero, scoring his first goal against FC Moscow. He finished the 2008 season as the top scorer in the squad with seven goals, helping the club finish in third place and earn a play off spot in the qualifiers for the UEFA Champions League.[citation needed]

During the 2009 season, Kerzhakov maintained his spot as a first choice striker ahead of Aleksandr Kokorin and Fedor Smolov but Dynamo finished eighth and lost to Celtic and CSKA Sophia in an attempt to qualify for the Champions League and inaugural Europa League.[citation needed]

Return to Zenit[edit]

In January 2010, Kerzhakov rescinded the last year of his contract with Dynamo and returned to his first professional club Zenit St. Petersburg. Under incoming manager Luciano Spalletti, Kerzhakov became the first choice striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation and managed twenty six appearances.[9] He scored his first goal against CSKA Moscow in April 2010 and followed up with two hat tricks against R.S.C. Anderlecht in the UEFA Europa League and Saturn Moscow in the domestic league.[10][11]

The following season began with a disappointing loss to FC Twente in the round of 16 of the Europa League. However, Kerzhakov went on to score 23 goals in 32 appearances in the Russian Premier League, finishing as the second highest goal scorer behind CSKA Moscow’s Seydou Doumbia. Zenit finished first in the regular season and then won the championship group in the spring of 2012 to claim their second league title in two years.[citation needed]

During the 2012–13 season, Kerzhakov was a first choice striker in Spalletti’s 4-2-3-1 formation, netting 11 goals in the league, including braces against Amkar Perm, Mordovia Saransk, and Spartak Vladikavkaz. He participated in the UEFA Champions League, scoring his only goal outside the Russian Premier League against Anderlecht. After Zenit failed to make the knockout stage, Kerzhakov played in the UEFA Europa League but failed to score as his club lost to F.C. Basel in the round of 16. With Spalletti purchasing Salomón Rondón midway through the 2013–14 season, Kerzhakov’s playing time decreased amid reports of a strained relationship with the Italian manager.[12]

After the arrival of Andre Villas-Boas in March 2014, Kerzhakov in five of the last nine matches of the season as Zenit finished in second place behind CSKA Moscow. The following season, Zenit won the league with Kerzhakov playing in 14 matches and scoring three goals. He also played in the club’s Champions League campaign, coming on as a substitute in three of the group stage matches. Kerzhakov started the 2014–15 season with a brace in an 8–1 victory over Torpedo Moscow as Zenit won the first eight matches in the league.[13] Villas-Boas used Kerzhakov as a substitute with speculations of a rift between the two.[14] Villas Boas excluded Kerzhakov from the squad during the 2015–16 season, with the striker making no appearances in the league or European tournaments before being loaned out to FC Zurich.[15]


At Zurich, Sami Hyypiä used Kerzhakov as a striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation. He would go on to score five goals in seventeen appearances in a campaign that ended in the club’s relegation from the Swiss Super League.[16]

Final season at Zenit[edit]

Kerzhakov returned to Zenit for the 2016–17 season under Mircea Lucescu.[17] Lucescu used Kerzhakov as a substitute striker, only starting him in the first match of the season. Kerzhakov officially retired on 13 July 2017 and was appointed the coordinator of Zenit’s youth and academy teams.[18]

International career[edit]

Kerzhakov with the Russia national football team in 2011

Early international career[edit]

Kerzhakov began playing for the Russian U21 team in 2001. He made his senior debut for Russia in a friendly against Estonia on 27 March 2002. Two months later, Oleg Romantsev selected Kerzhakov for the 2002 FIFA World Cup as one of four strikers alongside Vladimir Beschastnykh, Ruslan Pimenov, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for Russia’s first two games against Tunisia and Japan but came on for Valery Karpin against Belgium in the 82nd minute and provided an assist for Sychev in an eventual 3–2 defeat.[19][20]

After Romanstev’s sacking, new manager Valery Gazzaev made Kerzhakov a regular call up in the squad. Just prior to the start of the UEFA Euro 2004 qualifiers, Kerzhakov scored his first goal for Russia in a friendly 1–1 draw against Sweden on 21 August 2002. In 2003, he won the Cyprus International Football Tournament, playing in the final match.[21]

After making eight appearances in the qualification tournament, he was selected by Georgi Yartsev for the final tournament as one of four strikers in the squad behind with Dmitri Bulykin, Dmitri Kirichenko, and Dmitri Sychev. He was on the bench for the games against Spain and Greece, but played a full game against Portugal, as Russia was eliminated from the group stage.[citation needed]


Following Euro 2004, Kerzhakov featured regularly under Yartsev during the 2006 World Cup qualifiers and scored a goal against Liechtenstein in March 2005.[22][23] Yartsev’s successor Yuri Semin, continued to select Kerzhakov as he went on to score three goals including a double against Liechtenstein as Russia failed to qualify for final tournament.[24]

Under Guus Hiddink, Kerzhakov continued his role as the first choice striker but was dropped after limited appearances for Zenit in late 2006.[25] Upon moving to Sevilla, Hiddink overlooked Kerzhakov for a friendly against the Netherlands in February 2007.[26] Being recalled for a UEFA Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia and scored both goals in a 2–0 victory.[27] In June 2007, Kerzhakov scored a hat-trick in a 4–0 victory over Andorra.[28] He made a further contribution to Russia’s Euro 2008 qualification campaign by scoring a goal in a 3–0 victory over Macedonia in September 2007.[29] Despite being the top scorer for Russia with five goals, Kerzhakov failed to make Hiddink’s 23-man squad for the tournament finals.[30]

After an 18-month exclusion, Kerzhakov was recalled in May 2009 for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifier against Finland in Helsinki.[31] He started the game and scored two goals as Russia defeated Finland 3–0 and went on to play for the remainder of the campaign.[32] During the playoff against Slovenia, Kerzhakov was on the bench for first leg but came on at half-time for Roman Pavlyuchenko in the second leg. In the 66th minute, he received a straight red card from Terje Hauge for a deliberate kick at Slovenian goalkeeper Samir Handanović. Slovenia emerged victorious with a 1–0 win and eliminated Russia after an aggregate 2–2 draw on away goals.[33]

2010–2016: Record goalscorer and last appearances[edit]

Kerzhakov training for Russia on 3 September 2014, ahead of the game when he broke the record for most goals for Russia

Kerzhakov’s red card against Slovenia resulted in a suspension for two qualifiers of the Euro 2012 campaign.[34] Upon being recalled by Dick Advocaat, Kerzhakov scored in the victories over Ireland and Macedonia.[35][36] He did not score again for the rest of the qualification campaign but managed to make three additional appearances as Russia topped Group B to qualify directly for the final tournament. Advocaat included him in the final tournament squad, but he scored no goals as Russia failed to progress from their group.[37]

After Euro 2012, former England manager Fabio Capello utilized Kerzhakov as the first choice striker after dropping Andrei Arshavin, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and Pavel Pogrebnyak. Kerzhakov appeared in all ten of Russia’s qualification matches and finished as the team’s top goalscorer with five goals, including the winning goal in a 1–0 defeat of Portugal.[38]

Making Capello’s squad for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Kerzhakov appeared as a 71st-minute substitute for Yuri Zhirkov and scored the team’s equalising goal three minutes later in the opening match of the tournament, a 1–1 draw with South Korea. The goal was his 26th for Russia, equaling Vladimir Beschastnykh’s record for the national team.[39] Kerzhakov came on as a late substitute for Aleksandr Samedov in Russia’s 0–1 defeat to Belgium.[40] He started in the final group match against Algeria before being substituted for Maksim Kanunnikov in a 1–1 draw as Russia were eliminated in the first round.[41]

On 3 September 2014, he became the top scorer for the Russian national team after netting two goals in a 4–0 friendly win over Azerbaijan.[42]

Kerzhakov continued to appear in Capello’s squads for the UEFA Euro 2016 qualification campaign. He was on the bench against Sweden and Austria while being substituted at half-time against Liechtenstein and Moldova.[43][44] Kerzhakov went on to appear as a second-half substitute in the 0–1 home defeat to Austria in what was Capello’s last match at Russia coach.[45] Capello’s successor, Leonid Slutsky, omitted Kerzhakov from the remaining qualification matches as well as the final tournament.[46] He made his final appearance for the national team in a friendly against Lithuania on 26 March 2016.[47]

Coaching career[edit]

On 15 March 2018, the Russian Football Union announced signing a contract with Kerzhakov to manage the Russia national under-17 football team until the end of 2019.[48] The team became Russia national under-18 football team in September 2018 as the players aged and then Russia national under-19 football team.[citation needed]

On 24 September 2020, he was hired as manager by the FNL club FC Tom Tomsk.[49] He left Tom at the end of the 2020–21 season.[50]

On 17 June 2021, he signed with FC Nizhny Novgorod, which was recently promoted into the Russian Premier League.[51] The club avoided relegation at the end of the 2021–22 season, and on 16 June 2022 Kerzhakov left Nizhny Novgorod.[52]

Personal life[edit]

His younger brother, Mikhail, is a professional footballer who also plays for Zenit Saint Petersburg as a goalkeeper.[citation needed] In 2002, Kerzhakov authored his autobiography titled Up to 16 and older. (Russian: До 16 и старше)[citation needed]

Career statistics[edit]


Appearances and goals by club, season and competition[53]

Club Season League Cup Europe Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2001 Russian Top Division 28 6 5 2 0 0 0 0 33 8
2002 Russian Premier League 29 14 2 0 2 2 0 0 33 16
2003 Russian Premier League 27 13 3 3 0 0 0 0 30 16
2004 Russian Premier League 29 18 6 6 7 6 0 0 42 30
2005 Russian Premier League 25 7 5 5 8 3 0 0 38 15
2006 Russian Premier League 21 6 2 0 6 4 0 0 29 10
Total 159 64 23 16 23 15 0 0 205 95
Sevilla 2006–07 La Liga 15 5 5 0 8 2 0 0 27 7
2007–08 La Liga 11 3 3 0 3 1 2 0 19 4
Total 26 8 8 0 11 3 2 0 46 11
Dynamo Moscow 2008 Russian Premier League 27 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 29 8
2009 Russian Premier League 24 12 2 2 4 1 0 0 30 15
Total 51 19 4 3 4 1 0 0 59 23
Zenit Saint Petersburg 2010 Russian Premier League 28 13 3 0 5 4 0 0 36 17
2011–12 Russian Premier League 32 23 3 0 7 1 0 0 42 24
2012–13 Russian Premier League 23 10 0 0 8 1 0 0 31 11
2013–14 Russian Premier League 19 6 1 0 11 3 1 0 32 9
2014–15 Russian Premier League 14 3 1 0 6 1 0 0 21 4
2016–17 Russian Premier League 13 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 17 2
Total 129 56 8 0 40 11 2 0 179 67
FC Zürich 2015–16 Swiss Super League 17 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 19 7
Career total 382 152 46 21 78 30 4 0 508 203


Appearances and goals by national team and year

National team Year Apps Goals
Russia[54] 2002 7 3
2003 8 0
2004 7 0
2005 10 4
2006 5 0
2007 7 6
2008 0 0
2009 6 2
2010 2 2
2011 5 0
2012 12 5
2013 8 2
2014 11 5
2015 2 1
2016 1 0
Total 91 30
Scores and results list Russia’s goal tally first, score column indicates score after each Kerzhakov goal.
List of international goals scored by Aleksandr Kerzhakov

No. Date Venue Opponent Score Result Competition
1 21 August 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Sweden 1–0 1–1 Friendly match
2 7 September 2002 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Republic of Ireland 3–1 4–2 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
3 16 October 2002 Central Stadium, Volgograd, Russia  Albania 1–0 4–1 UEFA Euro 2004 qualification
4 26 March 2005 Rheinpark Stadion, Vaduz, Liechtenstein  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
5 3 September 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Liechtenstein 1–0 2–0 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
6 2–0
7 8 October 2005 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Luxembourg 2–0 5–1 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
8 24 March 2007 A. Le Coq Arena, Tallinn, Estonia  Estonia 1–0 2–0[55] UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
9 2–0
10 2 June 2007 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Andorra 1–0 4–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
11 2–0
12 3–0
13 8 September 2007 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Macedonia 3–0 3–0 UEFA Euro 2008 qualification
14 10 June 2009 Helsinki Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland  Finland 1–0 3–0 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification
15 2–0
16 8 October 2010 Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland  Republic of Ireland 1–0 3–2 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
17 12 October 2010 Philip II Arena, Skopje, Macedonia  Macedonia 1–0 1–0 UEFA Euro 2012 qualification
18 25 May 2012 Lokomotiv Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Uruguay 1–1 1–1 Friendly match
19 1 June 2012 Letzigrund, Zurich, Switzerland  Italy 1–0 3–0 Friendly match
20 11 September 2012 National Stadium, Ramat Gan, Israel  Israel 1–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
21 3–0
22 12 October 2012 Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia  Portugal 1–0 1–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
23 6 September 2013 Central Stadium, Kazan, Russia  Luxembourg 3–0 4–1 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
24 11 October 2013 Stade Josy Barthel, Luxembourg, Luxembourg  Luxembourg 4–0 4–0 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification
25 26 May 2014 Petrovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia  Slovakia 1–0 1–0 Friendly match
26 18 June 2014 Arena Pantanal, Cuiabá, Brazil  South Korea 1–1 1–1 2014 FIFA World Cup
27 3 September 2014 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Azerbaijan 1–0 4–0 Friendly match
28 2–0
29 18 November 2014 Groupama Arena, Budapest, Hungary  Hungary 2–0 2–1 Friendly match
30 7 June 2015 Arena Khimki, Khimki, Russia  Belarus 4–2 4–2 Friendly match

Managerial statistics[edit]

As of 21 May 2022

Team From To Record
G W D L GF GA GD Win %
Russia u-18 1 September 2018 30 June 2019 17 8 1 8 31 25 +6 047.06
Russia u-19 1 July 2019 24 September 2020 9 4 5 0 23 8 +15 044.44
Tom Tomsk 24 September 2020 9 June 2021 28 10 6 12 27 31 −4 035.71
Nizhny Novgorod 17 June 2021 16 June 2022 33 10 9 14 28 42 −14 030.30
Total 87 32 21 34 109 106 +3 036.78



Zenit Saint Petersburg

  • Russian Premier League: 2010, 2011–12, 2014–15
  • Russian Cup: 2009–10
  • Russian Premier League Cup: 2003
  • Russian Super Cup: 2011, 2016


  • UEFA Cup: 2006–07
  • Copa del Rey: 2006–07
  • Supercopa de España: 2007

FC Zürich

  • Swiss Cup: 2015–16


  • Russian Premier League top scorer: 2004


In 2017 became an ambassador of social Football for Friendship international children’s forum.[56] In 2018 took part in the Football for Friendship programme where he presented the cup to the winners of the final match of the programme’s championship.[57]


  1. ^ Wilson, Jonathan. «Euro 2012: Russia». Sports Illustrated. Retrieved 2 June 2012.
  2. ^ «Официальный сайт ФК «Зенит» / Зенит / Нападающие / Александр Кержаков». Archived from the original on 20 January 2010. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
  3. ^ «Sevilla move for Kerzhakov». UEFA.com. 28 December 2006. Archived from the original on 29 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  4. ^ «Sevilla keep pressure on». Eurosport. 27 May 2007. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  5. ^ Burke, Chris (5 April 2007). «Kerzhakov edges Sevilla in front». UEFA. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  6. ^ «Spurs tracking Sevilla striker Kerzhakov». Tribal Football. 27 December 2007. Retrieved 18 February 2013.
  7. ^ «Kerzhakov Stays in Sevilla». Sport Express Daily. 30 January 2008. Archived from the original on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 6 February 2008.
  8. ^ «Dinamo bring Sevilla’s Kerzhakov home». UEFA.com. 25 February 2008. Archived from the original on 28 February 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2008.
  9. ^ Zikov, Sergey (18 January 2010). «Kerzhakov and Lumb Sign for Zenit, Igor Korneev Promises Two or Three More». Bleacher Report. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  10. ^ Chris Burke (16 September 2010). «Kerzhakov class leaves Anderlecht reeling». UEFA.com. Archived from the original on 18 September 2010.
  11. ^ «Кержаков оформил два хет-трика в трех последних матчах». sports.ru. 25 September 2010.
  12. ^ Yokhin, Michael (26 May 2014). «Aleksandr Kerzhakov makes his point». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  13. ^ «Hulk nets a brace as Zenit smash Torpedo 8-1». Associated Press via Sportsnet. 9 August 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  14. ^ «AVB denies Kerzhakov rift». ESPN. 30 September 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  15. ^ «Russia’s Alexander Kerzhakov to play on loan for Zurich FC starting Jan. 1». TASS. 18 December 2015. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  16. ^ Yokhin, Michael (25 May 2016). «FC Zurich and Lugano face relegation and Swiss cup final in same week». ESPN. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  17. ^ «Kerzhakov extends Zenit stay». Four Four Two. 21 July 2016. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  18. ^ Александр Кержаков назначен на должность координатора команд Академии (in Russian). FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. 13 July 2017.
  19. ^ «Belgium — Russia». FIFA. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  20. ^ Yokhin, Michael (21 June 2014). «Belgium’s hex over Russia». ESPN. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  21. ^ «Cyprus International Tournament 2003».
  22. ^ «Ovchinnikov axed from Russia squad». CNN. 14 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  23. ^ «Malafeev saves day for nervy Russia». UEFA. 26 March 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  24. ^ «Kerzhakov goals secure Russia’s hopes». Irish Examiner. 3 September 2005. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  25. ^ «Hiddink announced Russia squad for Macedonia match». Taiwan News via The Associated Press. 8 November 2006. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  26. ^ Gognidze, Pavle (6 February 2007). «Dutch a distraction for Russia». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  27. ^ Luik, Margus (24 March 2007). «Russia delight in Kerzhakov». UEFA. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  28. ^ James, Spiro (3 June 2007). «Red-hot Kerzhakov keeps Russia high and mighty». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  29. ^ «Russia survive scare to take points». UEFA. 8 September 2007. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  30. ^ «Russia name 25-Man preliminary Euro 2008 squad». Goal. 14 May 2008. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  31. ^ «Hiddink recalls Kerzhakov for Finland qualifier». Reuters UK. 26 May 2009. Archived from the original on 11 December 2012. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  32. ^ «Germany beat Russia to book World Cup berth». The Local. 10 October 2009. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  33. ^ Roughley, Gregg (18 November 2009). «Dedic squeezes Slovenia through as nine-man Russia implode». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  34. ^ «Russia recall Kerzhakov after suspension». Four Four Two via Reuters. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  35. ^ Mason, Glenn (8 October 2010). «Republic of Ireland 2-3 Russia». RTE. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  36. ^ «Kerzhakov and Akinfeev give Russia victory». UEFA. 12 October 2010. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  37. ^ «Advocaat announced the finalized Euro Squad» (in Russian). 25 May 2012.
  38. ^ «Aleksandr KERZHAKOV». FIFA. Archived from the original on 20 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  39. ^ «Russia 1-1 South Korea». BBC. 18 June 2014. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
  40. ^ Singer, Mike (21 June 2014). «2014 World Cup: Belgium advances with late goal over Russia». CBS Sports. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  41. ^ Murray, Scott (26 June 2014). «Algeria v Russia: World Cup 2014 – as it happened». The Guardian. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  42. ^ «Kerzhakov breaks record as Russia thrash Azerbaijan in friendly». Fox Sports. Associated Press. 3 September 2014. Retrieved 3 September 2014.
  43. ^ «Russia’s Football Team Starts Euro 2016 Campaign With Win Over Liechtenstein». The Moscow Times. 7 September 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
  44. ^ «Moldova celebrate surprise draw in Moscow». Reuters. 12 October 2014. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  45. ^ «Marc Janko scores spectacular winner for Austria in Russia». The Guardian via The Associated Press. 14 June 2015. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  46. ^ «Dzyuba headlines Russia’s Euro 2016 roster; Dzagoev out hurt». Sports Illustrated. 31 May 2016. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  47. ^ «Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kerzhakov — International Appearances». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. 27 August 2020. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  48. ^ Александр Кержаков возглавил юношескую сборную России (in Russian). Russian Football Union. 15 March 2018.
  49. ^ «Новый главный тренер «Томи» — Александр Анатольевич Кержаков!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 24 September 2020.
  50. ^ «Тренерскому штабу «Томи» — спасибо и удачи!» (in Russian). FC Tom Tomsk. 17 May 2021.
  51. ^ «Александр Кержаков – главный тренер ФК «Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Nizhny Novgorod. 17 June 2021.
  52. ^ «Александр Кержаков и его штаб завершили работу в ФК «Пари Нижний Новгород»» (in Russian). FC Pari Nizhny Novgorod. 16 June 2022. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  53. ^ Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway
  54. ^ «Aleksandr Kerzhakov». National Football Teams. Benjamin Strack-Zimmermann. Retrieved 6 September 2018.
  55. ^ According to the UEFA report Archived 14 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine, this goal was scored by player V. Bystrov. In Russia, the UEFA report has no legal force, and is not recognized, and the goal is credited to player A. Kerzhakov. He scored 2 goals.
  56. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.
  57. ^ «Children mingle and dream big at ‘Football for friendship’ tournament». euronews. 2 July 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Zenit Profile
  • Fan Club
  • Blog: «Kerzhakov in La Liga»
  • Career history (in Russian)
  • Personal website (in Russian)
  • Career, statistic, goals
  • Player profile (in Russian)
  • Aleksandr Kerzhakov at Soccerway

Подробная информация о фамилии Кержаков, а именно ее происхождение, история образования, суть фамилии, значение, перевод и склонение. Какая история происхождения фамилии Кержаков? Откуда родом фамилия Кержаков? Какой национальности человек с фамилией Кержаков? Как правильно пишется фамилия Кержаков? Верный перевод фамилии Кержаков на английский язык и склонение по падежам. Полную характеристику фамилии Кержаков и ее суть вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно без регистрации.

Происхождение фамилии Кержаков

Большинство фамилий, в том числе и фамилия Кержаков, произошло от отчеств (по крестильному или мирскому имени одного из предков), прозвищ (по роду деятельности, месту происхождения или какой-то другой особенности предка) или других родовых имён. Русские фамилии чаще всего имеют суффиксы -ов/-ев. Это самое распространенное окончание, присоединялось, если основа заканчивалась на согласный звук. Фамилия Кержаков могла быть образована по имени деда, прозвища отца, дела семьи или профессии. Подобную этимологию имеет большинство русских фамилий. Так проще стало обозначать семьи одного корня. В русской традиции женщины при вступлении в брак принимают фамилию мужа. Кроме того, женщина может сохранить свою девичью фамилию либо принять двойную фамилию с написанием фамилии мужа и своей девичьей фамилии через дефис. Дети обычно принимают фамилию отца — Кержаков, однако, по желанию родителей или если женщина не состоит в браке, могут принимать фамилию матери. Фамилия Кержаков в 72% случаев имеет славянское происхождение, и в 28% случаев приходит из языков народов России. В любом случае фамилия Кержаков образована от имени, прозвища, рода занятий или места жительства дальнего предка человека по мужской линии.

История фамилии Кержаков

В различных общественных слоях фамилии появились в разное время. История фамилии Кержаков насчитывает несколько сотен лет. Первое упоминание фамилии Кержаков встречается в XVIII—XIX веках, именно в это время на руси стали распространяться фамилии у служащих людей и у купечества. Поначалу только самое богатое — «именитое купечество» — удостаивалось чести получить фамилию Кержаков. В это время начинают называться многочисленные боярские и дворянские роды. Именно на этот временной промежуток приходится появление знатных фамильных названий. Фамилия Кержаков наследуется из поколения в поколение по мужской линии (или по женской).

Суть фамилии Кержаков по буквам

Фамилия Кержаков состоит из 8 букв. Восемь букв в фамилии означают, что это кто угодно, только не прирожденный «человек семьи». Такие люди постоянно испытывают чувство неудовлетворенности существующим положением вещей, они всегда в процессе поиска чего-то нового, яркого, способного вызвать восхищение. Сами же они – воплощенное очарование, в самом прямом смысле слова: способны околдовать, увлечь, лишить разума. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в фамилии Кержаков можно понять ее суть и скрытое значение.

  • К — характеризует личностей выносливых, принципиальных. Легкость, способность быстро браться за любые дела и получать новые знания. Люди с этой буквой в имени умеют хранить чужие тайны. Девиз по жизни: все или ничего. Выносливость и твердость духа. Излишняя конкретика и отсутствие полутонов.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Р — противостоят воздействию извне, уверены в себе, храбрые, увлечённые личности. Способны к неоправданному риску, авантюрные натуры склонны к непререкаемым суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал для лидерства.
  • Ж — скрытность, разносторонний внутренний мир. Требует к себе повышенного внимания. Постоянное стремление к значимости, важен сам факт признания, а не реальная картина.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в фамилии, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • К — характеризует личностей выносливых, принципиальных. Легкость, способность быстро браться за любые дела и получать новые знания. Люди с этой буквой в имени умеют хранить чужие тайны. Девиз по жизни: все или ничего. Выносливость и твердость духа. Излишняя конкретика и отсутствие полутонов.
  • О — стремятся к самопознанию, способны испытывать сильные чувства. Желают постичь своё истинное предназначение. Желание совершенствоваться и совершенствовать мир. Высокая интуиция, правильно распоряжаются деньгами. Стремление к совершенству. Переменчивость настроения от восторга к унынию.
  • В — умение сходиться с людьми, простота в общении, реализм; творческая личность, стремится к единению с природой. В жизни человека очень много зависит именно от его решений.
  • Значение фамилии Кержаков

    Фамилия является основным элементом, связывающим человека со вселенной и окружающим миром. Она определяет его судьбу, основные черты характера и наиболее значимые события. Внутри фамилии Кержаков скрывается опыт, накопленный предыдущими поколениями и предками. По нумерологии фамилии Кержаков можно определить жизненный путь рода, семейное благополучие, достоинства, недостатки и характер носителя фамилии. Число фамилии Кержаков в нумерологии — 4. Люди с фамилией Кержаков — это упрямые и своенравные люди, двигающиеся к поставленной цели. Число 4 в фамилии наделяет своего носителя упорством, целеустремленностью и достаточным количеством сил. Такие особы не слишком общительны: они старательно избегают компаний и стараются не тратить свободное время понапрасну. Все выполняемые дела даются им с трудом, но этот факт не останавливает человека с фамилией Кержаков от задуманного.
    В их психологической матрице присутствуют элементы меланхолии, которая активно проявляется в сложных ситуациях. Это мыслители, тщательно обдумывающие свои шаги. Они сознательно избегают риска и чаще всего используют проверенные способы достижения цели.

  • Жизненный путь рода и фамилии Кержаков.
    Высшие силы наделили носителей фамилии Кержаков мощной защитой. Они защищают этих людей от жизненных невзгод и всевозможных неприятностей. Как только человек начинает двигаться в неверном направлении, на помощь ему приходит совершенно посторонняя личность и указывает правильный путь. Такие люди ценят свою свободу и не терпят навязчивого контроля. Если им обеспечить хорошие условия, то со временем носители фамилии Кержаков раскрывают свой потенциал.
    В обычной жизни их называют чудаками и замкнутыми людьми: пока другие думают о развлечениях, четверки вынашивают глобальные планы. Они тяжело переживают свои ошибки и не любят публичных выступлений. В классе они часто являются лучшими учениками, но при этом избегают должности старосты и лидера группы.
  • Семейная жизнь с фамилией Кержаков.
    Чаще всего люди с фамилией Кержаков строят свою семейную жизнь на фундаменте любви и взаимопонимания. Не признают брак по расчету и открыто презирают альфонсов. Возможен брак из–за неосторожного секса, в результате которого родился ребенок. В этом случае носитель фамилии Кержаков попросту следуют своему моральному кодексу и обеспечивают защиту своей кровиночке. Их не интересуют шумные компании: они с радостью их меняют на семейный ужин или просмотр нового фильма в кинотеатре. Не склонны к изменам и способны победить свои тайные желания. Как правило, их семья материально обеспечена, а в их доме царит уют и порядок.
  • Рекомендуемые профессии для фамилии Кержаков.
    Носители фамилии Кержаков часто увлекаются наукой, а потому становятся учеными с докторской степенью. Это потенциальные врачи и диагносты: они великолепно разбираются в тонкости течения той или иной болезни, способны находить скрытые причины заболевания. Представители фамилии Кержаков могут добиться успеха в законодательной сфере. Они могут быть отличными юристами, адвокатами и судьями. К руководящим должностям стремятся редко: чаще всего довольствуются ролью заместителя или ведущего специалиста отдела. При наличии склонности к математическим наукам, возможна карьера бухгалтера или экономиста. В бизнес сфере проявляют себя с плохой стороны: не умеют реагировать на изменения рынка, плохо чувствуют потенциальные возможности.
  • Достоинства характера человека с фамилией Кержаков.
    Фамилия Кержаков — целеустремленность, уравновешенность, честность и преданность. Это ответственные люди, выполняющие все взятые на себя обязательства. Достаточно тихие и спокойные люди, избегающие конфликтных ситуаций.

    Как правильно пишется фамилия Кержаков

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этой фамилии является — Кержаков. В английском языке фамилия Кержаков может иметь следующий вариант написания — Kerzhakov.

    Склонение фамилии Кержаков по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Фамилия
    Именительный Кто? Кержаков
    Родительный Нет Кого? Кержакова
    Дательный Рад Кому? Кержакову
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Кержакова
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Кержаковым
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Кержакове

    Видео про фамилию Кержаков

    Вы согласны с описанием фамилии Кержаков, ее происхождением, историей образования, значением и изложенной сутью? Какую информацию о фамилии Кержаков вы еще знаете? С какими известными и успешными людьми с фамилией Кержаков вы знакомы? Будем рады обсудить фамилию Кержаков более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях.

  • На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Перевод «Кержаков» на английский

    Кержаков также стал лучшим бомбардиром национальной сборной в квалификационном раунде Евро-2008.

    Also Kerzhakov became the best scorer of the national team in the qualifying round of Euro 2008.

    Кержаков выполнил бы условие, только сыграв со сборной Уэльса.

    Kerzhakov would fulfill the condition, only played with the national team of Wales.

    В составе московского клуба Кержаков регулярно занимал первые строчки в рейтингах лучших бомбардиров России.

    In the Moscow club Kerzhakov regularly took the first places in the rankings of the best scorers in Russia.

    Александр Кержаков раскрыл интимное прозвище беременной жены

    Alexander Kerzhakov opened the intimate nickname pregnant wife

    Александр Кержаков показал идиллию с сыном после слухов о разводе

    Alexander Kerzhakov showed idyll with her son after rumors of a divorce

    Кержаков находится в хорошей форме потому, что он очень серьезный футболист и много работает на тренировках.

    Kerzhakov is in good form because he’s a very serious footballer who works very hard at practice.

    Александр Кержаков разрешил жене увидеть сына»

    Alexander Kerzhakov has allowed his wife to see his son

    Михаил Анатольевич Кержаков родился 28 января 1987 года в семье футболиста.

    Mikhail Kerzhakov was born on 28 January 1987 in a footballer’s family.

    Кержаков установил абсолютный рекорд по количеству голов за сборную России по футболу

    Kerzhakov has set an absolute record for number of goals for the national team of Russia on football

    Александр Кержаков рассказал о том, как его дети поладили с новой возлюбленной

    Alexander Kerzhakov talked about how his children are getting along with a new sweetheart

    Александр Кержаков вышел в свет без обручального кольца

    Alexander Kerzhakov came out without a wedding ring

    Михаил Кержаков переадресовал вам вопрос относительно того, насколько тщательно команда готовится к встрече с «Шальке-04».

    Mikhail Kerzhakov has forwarded you a question regarding how the team are preparing for the game with Schalke 04.

    По слухам, 35-летний бывший нападающий санкт-петербургского «Зенита» Александр Кержаков переживает трудности в браке.

    According to rumors, the 35-year-old former striker St. Petersburg «Zenit» Alexander Kerzhakov is experiencing difficulties in marriage.

    Несколько недель назад стало известно, что Александр Кержаков расстался с супругой Миланой.

    A few weeks ago it became known that Alexander Kerzhakov broke up with his wife Milana.

    Адвокат считает, что Александр Кержаков — «тщеславный и самолюбивый» человек, который к тому же не отличается верностью.

    The lawyer believes that Alexander Kerzhakov — «vain and proud» the man who is not faithful.

    В 2002 году Александр Кержаков издал свою книгу «До 16 и старше».

    In 2002, Kerzhakov authored his autobiography titled Up to 16 and older.

    Младший брат Александра Михаил Кержаков также является профессиональным футболистом.

    The younger brother of Alexander Mikhail Kerzhakov is also a professional footballer.

    Так же как и Миша Кержаков — во втором.

    As well as Misha Kerzhakov — in the second.

    Александр Кержаков решил продемонстрировать близким свои вокальные навыки и порадовал тещу знаменитой композицией Александра Серова «Я люблю тебя до слез».

    Alexander Kerzhakov decided to demonstrate close their vocal skills and pleased the mother of the famous song by Alexander Serov, «I love you to tears».

    В составе главной команды страны Кержаков дебютировал 27 марта в матче против сборной Эстонии.

    In the main team of the country Kerzhakov debuted on March 27 in the match against Estonia.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 108. Точных совпадений: 108. Затраченное время: 94 мс


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