Как пишется на английском дейдара тсукури

editDeidara Camera font awesome.svg Browse Information.svg[1][2]
デイダラ Deidara
Manga Volume #28, Naruto Chapter #247
Anime Naruto Shippūden Episode #2
Novel Akatsuki Hiden: Evil Flowers in Full Bloom
Movie Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie
Game Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX
OVA Naruto Shippūden: UNSG anime cutscenes
Appears in Anime, Manga, Novel, Game, Movie
Voice Actors
  • Katsuhiko Kawamoto Search_Icon.svg
  • Quinton Flynn Search_Icon.svg (Episode 135)
  • Roger Craig Smith Search_Icon.svg
Birthdate Astrological Sign Taurus.svg May 5
Sex Gender Male.svg Male
  • Part II: 19
Status Deceased
  • Part II: 166 cm1.66 m <br />5.446 ft <br />65.354 in <br />
  • Part II: 50.8 kg111.995 lb <br />
Blood type AB
Kekkei Genkai
  • Nature Icon Explosion.svg Explosion Release
  • S-rank
  • Missing-nin
  • Mercenary Ninja
  • Terrorist Bomber
  • Iwagakure Symbol.svg Iwagakure
  • Akatsuki Symbol.svg Akatsuki
  • Explosion Corps
  • Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon
  • Sasori
  • Tobi
Ninja Registration IW-08721
Nature Type
  • Nature Icon Explosion.svg Explosion Release
  • Nature Icon Earth.svg Earth Release
  • Nature Icon Lightning.svg Lightning Release
  • C0
  • C1
  • C2
  • C3
  • C4
  • Clay Clone
  • Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
  • Explosive Clay
  • Explosive Clay Dolls (Anime only)
  • Explosive Landmines
  • Five-Seal Barrier Pass Technique
  • Iwagakure Kinjutsu
  • Shadow Clone Technique
  • Suicide Bombing Clone
  • Eye Scope
  • Sword (Anime only)

Deidara (デイダラ, Deidara) was an S-rank missing-nin from Iwagakure. During his time in the village, he was a member of the Explosion Corps. After defecting from the village, he was forced into Akatsuki and was its youngest member. There, Deidara was partnered with Sasori until the latter’s death, and later with Tobi before his own death.


During his time as an Iwagakure shinobi, Deidara came to know Ōnoki, and became familiarised with his fighting style.[3] He possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai which he used as a member of the Explosion Corps.[4] Though praised highly for his clay sculptures, Deidara’s desire to reach even greater heights in his art resulted with him stealing one of his village’s kinjutsu that allows one to knead their chakra into substances.[1] Using explosive clay to take out his pursuers, Deidara found the art he had desired: the Art of a Single Moment (一瞬の芸術, Isshun no Geijutsu).[1] Remembering the first moment whenever he detonated his explosive clay, he recalls the process that allowed him to reach this art. Since then, Deidara became a missing-nin and offered his services as a bomber to insurgents in various countries.[1]

Deidara’s exploits eventually caught the attention of Akatsuki, and Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Sasori were sent to recruit him. Deidara refused at first until he accepts a challenge from Itachi on the condition that Akatsuki let him be if he won. However, Deidara was easily defeated by Itachi’s Sharingan and begrudgingly joined the organisation where he was partnered with Sasori. In the anime, Sasori and Deidara were immediately tasked with eliminating Orochimaru for betraying the organisation. Upon arriving in the Land of Wind and witnessing the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation by Orochimaru, the Sannin retreated after his technique proved incomplete. After Deidara attempted to kill him by blowing up his base, Deidara and Sasori searched the ruins but were unable to confirm his death as they didn’t find his corpse.[5] At some point afterwards, Deidara returned to Iwagakure and left it in destruction after detonating a bomb within the village, as he flew away.[6]

With his ego crushed from his defeat at the hands of Itachi’s dōjutsu, Deidara carried a murderous loathing for Itachi and his Sharingan for the rest of his life.[7] Acknowledging that Itachi was a more powerful opponent, Deidara took steps during his time with Akatsuki to ensure he could get revenge on Itachi, such as training his left eye to counter genjutsu,[8] and devising the means to create C4.[9]


During his partnership with Sasori, Deidara usually showed a cool, and relaxed attitude, never losing his smirk even while fighting an intense battle or when being blamed by his partner. However, his personality seemed to change to some extent after being partnered with Tobi, as he would easily get mad at his partner’s childish and sometimes disrespectful behaviour. He also had something of a sadistic arsonist nature, rather he was not above enjoying a good fight, and he often blew up his opponents in a very brutal fashion. Deidara’s most distinctive trait, however, was his love of art. He would respect any form of it, even if it disagreed with his own. Deidara also had a habit of ending his sentences with nasal-like grunts (…うん, …un), roughly translated as «yeah» or «hm». The latter of which is used in the VIZ version. Deidara also seemed to respect the ideals of others as he allowed Gaara to move the sand he used to protect his village into the desert before kidnapping him, even going so far as to admiringly call him noble.

Deidara referred to his explosive ninjutsu as art, usually quoting «Art is an Explosion!» (芸術は爆発だ, Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da) and seeing each bomb he made to be a significant accomplishment. He referred to his style as superflat (referring to certain types of art), and claimed pop (another art style) is dead.[10] He would often boast about his works of art, even towards his opponents in battle. Deidara’s pride as an artist makes him simply unwilling to accept that anything could defeat it, leading to his abandonment of strategy during his battle with Sasuke Uchiha, in favour of tactics that let him show off his art. He was able to recognise stronger opponents like Itachi, although he felt that the Sharingan was inartistic, and despised the fact that he had been enthralled by its genjutsu.

Deidara referred to his partner Sasori as Master Sasori (サソリの旦那, Sasori no Danna, English TV: Sasori, my man), out of respect for him as a fellow artist. He also admitted, at least outwardly, that Sasori was more powerful than he was.[11] In spite of this, Deidara wasn’t above goading his partner, and they frequently argued over the nature of true art (Deidara holding that art is what lasts within a moment while Sasori believing fine art is something that lasts for all time).[12] This reflected their individual fighting styles (Deidara made clay sculptures that exploded; Sasori made long-lasting puppets out of humans). Deidara outwardly seemed to respect Sasori’s beliefs, but couldn’t resist getting a final jab in after Sasori’s death.[13]

Deidara’s partnership with his second partner, Tobi, however, was very different. Tobi apparently held great respect for Deidara, and frequently called him «senpai» (先輩, senior). The idiotic front Tobi put up greatly irritated Deidara, who believed that all Akatsuki members should be calm, talking less and acting serious.[14] This in turn results in Tobi unintentionally angering Deidara to attack him in a comedic fashion (e.g. blasting him with his explosive clay or strangling him with his legs).[14][15] But in battle, Deidara puts his issues with Tobi aside to work well with him, telling him to get away when he was about to do a more dangerous attack.[16] Deidara also seemed to have a minor sense of appreciation for Tobi, as shown when he apologised to his partner in his thoughts before he initiated his self-destruction technique.[17]


  • Deidara before joining Akatsuki.

  • Deidara’s appearance after joining Akatsuki.

  • Deidara’s appearance underneath his Akatsuki attire.

Deidara had slanted blue eyes and long golden blond hair which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely. The bang hanging over his left eye is what concealed his eye scope signifying that he was a long-range fighter, but as shown in his fight with Sasuke, it was not permanently attached to his face. After casting the Iwagakure Kinjutsu on himself, he developed a mouth on both of his palms, and on the left side of his chest he had a large, stitched-up mouth. He used this kinjutsu to supplement his Explosive Release to his clay. Before joining Akatsuki, Deidara wore a blue and grey kimono jacket with a fishnet under-shirt inside and khaki pants with sandals and a belt-like pouch with a chain. His blond hair was also tied into a lower ponytail and an Iwa forehead protector. After joining Akatsuki, he wore their signature cloak, navy blue pants with matching shinobi sandals, and an Akatsuki ring on his right index finger, which bore the kanji for «blue or green» (, ao) and was teal in colour. He also wore black nail polish on his fingers and toes. Under his cloak, he wore a V-neck, sleeveless, midriff shirt with mesh armour underneath it along with pants, stirrups, and sandals. He also wore a utility belt with two bags on either side, which he used to carry his clay. He also scratched a line across his forehead protector to signify his severed ties with Iwagakure, a common practice of Akatsuki members.

Because of a certain turn of events, Deidara suffered damage to his arms. Deidara had his left arm crushed by Gaara’s sand,[18] and the elbow of his right arm was blown into another dimension by Kakashi’s Kamui.[19] Deidara had his arms restored by having Kakuzu sew what was left of his arms with what appears to be a transplanted arm.[20][21] His transplant was dark brown and had several wrinkles on it.[22]

After Kabuto reincarnated him, Deidara displayed the black sclerae and darker irides seen in other reincarnated shinobi, due to the talisman placed into his head. Deidara no longer wore his forehead protector resulting in his hair being looser, although it was still kept tied into a ponytail. In place of his previous clothing, Deidara, like the other reincarnated Akatsuki members, wore a red cloak with white lining. During the anime-exclusive Power arc, he originally wore a black robe with red lining before wearing the red cloak for the remaining of his servitude under Kabuto before and during the Fourth Shinobi World War.


The mouth on Deidara’s palm.

Deidara was a very powerful S-rank missing-nin whose abilities earned him recognition within Akatsuki. Even the organisation’s leader, Pain, praised Deidara’s abilities, openly admitting that he was something unique, and that his loss was a major blow to the group.[23] Deidara was able to single-handedly defeat Gaara (Shukaku’s jinchūriki and the Fifth Kazekage), and Isobu, despite fighting the both of them in their home territories. He also fought on equal grounds with Sasuke Uchiha, an Uchiha clan prodigy, despite his techniques being at an elemental disadvantage against those of Sasuke.


One of Deidara’s strong points was his intelligence, often using tricks, misdirection, and calculated gambles to get his explosives in range of an opponent. He demonstrated these skills in his fight with Gaara, putting clay into Gaara’s sand as it destroyed his arm. During his battle against Sasuke, he managed to trick him on a few occasions, such as trapping him between his C2 dragon in the sky and the landmines buried underneath the ground by Tobi, and again when he lured him into his C4 attack at point-blank. In the anime, Deidara managed to deduce a workaround to his weakness to Lightning Release by using a sword as a makeshift ground rod to siphon off the lightning-based attacks his explosive clay was weak against.[24]


Deidara had shown some skill with the Shadow Clone Technique, incorporating it into some of his techniques, such as the Suicide Bombing Clone.

Nature Transformation and Explosive Clay

Deidara’s most powerful technique.

Deidara possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai. This allowed him — by simultaneously using earth and lightning chakra natures — to give his chakra explosive qualities. Deidara also possessed a special mouth on each palm and on the left side of his chest as a result of stealing and using a powerful kinjutsu from his village on himself. By commonly using these two special abilities in unison, he could create explosive clay: clay infused with his explosive chakra that detonated with the command Katsu () and the seal of confrontation. This clay could be moulded into a wide variety of shapes and forms, growing to large sizes when infused with chakra (with Deidara performing the necessary hand seals), and could be controlled at will. This allowed him to create living explosives to attack opponents at long-range.

Deidara could even create clones from the clay and can detonate them, which will make for a deadly surprise attack, and if need be, create clay minions to control with a cord from a distance. Deidara’s clay creations range from microscopic to gigantic in size, allowing him to adapt to any situation from creating dragons to shoot smaller clay bombs, to working in conjunction with Obito to lay explosive clay landmines under ground to limit the opponent’s movements. As an ultimate last resort, Deidara could turn himself into a bomb by devouring explosive clay that has a large blast radius in which he calls his «Ultimate Art». Deidara could also use the clay for other purposes, as he was frequently seen creating birds to be used for transportation, which also functioned as a way to easily infiltrate villages on missions.[25] It seemed he also knew standard earth-based techniques, as shown from his Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, which he used to avoid damage from one of his mass-scale bombs.[26] Since all of his explosives were earth-based, they were vulnerable to lightning, and most could thereby be defused with lightning-based attacks.[27]

Eye Enhancement

Deidara’s scope.

Deidara wore a scope on his left eye for long-range observation, and he had trained the eye itself to counter genjutsu, allowing him to see through and negate them. When he did this, his pupil would contract.[28] This training was done in order to counter Itachi’s powerful genjutsu skills, of which he had a considerable loathing for, and wished to defeat him when he got the chance.[8] Deidara also seems to be able to see long distances without his scope as after being reincarnated, he found enemy shinobi lurking near Tobi’s hideout; he still needed to close his right eye in order to use his left eye for long distance vision.[29]

Physical Prowess

Deidara’s stealth skills were rather proficient, able to sneak up on two of Konoha’s Anbu members as they were scouting.[30] He possessed high reaction speed, able to avoid a high-speed blitz by Sasuke.[31] He also had enough strength to dislodge the Fūma Shuriken that pierced and pinned his arms using his legs.[32]


Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Hand seals Total
Third 5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4 3.5 32

Part I

Sasuke Recovery Mission

Main article: Sasuke Recovery Mission
At the end of Part I, Deidara made a cameo appearance as a silhouette during an Akatsuki gathering where he mentioned that they should be patient as they’d kill Orochimaru eventually as well, stating that they only have three years, questioning if Akatsuki could accomplish all of their tasks on time.[33]

The Fallen Castle

Main article: The Fallen Castle
In the anime, Deidara and Sasori met with Hidan and Kakuzu to discuss their new missions and decide which team would take which mission. Deidara and Sasori were chosen to take the war-mission.[34] The duo then went to the Land of This, a small nation, with the intent of destroying it to spread Akatsuki’s reputation. Deidara then handled the initial attack, setting off a series of explosions to scare the population. To his annoyance, Sasori then took over to finish the job, only agreeing because Sasori complemented his performance. By dusk, the nation was destroyed, making Sasori and Deidara’s mission a success.[35]

Part II

Kazekage Rescue Mission

Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission

Deidara and Sasori en route to Sunagakure to capture Gaara.

Deidara, with Sasori, travelled to Sunagakure to capture Gaara so Akatsuki can extract Shukaku, the One-Tail, from him. As they arrive, Deidara notes that the one who was in place there would be the first, while the one they sent under Orochimaru will have to wait. Getting passed gate security with the help of Sasori’s sleeper agent Yūra, taking out any guards watching the sky, Deidara found that the village was artistically worthy of being blown up. Despite the stealthy infiltration, Deidara was quickly confronted by Gaara, who knew he was in the village due to the clay bird he was flying on not matching any species native in the Land of Wind. Deidara was then forced into taking up the defensive, seeing Gaara’s abilities to make his opponent worthy of him using his artistic ninjutsu on. Nearly being trapped in a prison of sand pulled from the surrounding desert, Deidara ended up losing his left arm trapped in some of the sand from Gaara’s gourd, forcing Deidara to pull what remained of it off to prevent the sand from crushing the rest of him.

Deidara captures Gaara.

Seeing that he was nearly out of clay, Deidara hatched a plan that would end the fight: Using a C3 bomb on the village as a decoy with Gaara left defenceless in his act to protect Sunagakure for Deidara to use a clay bird. Though Gaara’s sand stops the scheme, Deidara reveals that some of the clay in the arm Gaara took had mixed with his sand. Detonating the clay as Gaara uses his ultimate defence, Deidara abducts his unconscious opponent with Kankurō in pursuit before Sasori gives Deidara time to escape. After waiting for Sasori, Deidara headed out with him to one of their hideouts in the Land of Rivers to extract Shukaku with the rest of Akatsuki. When Team Kakashi and Team Guy were announced to be on their way to save Gaara, Deidara couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about his lack of stealth in capturing Gaara.

Deidara losing his remaining arm to Kakashi’s Kamui.

When Team Kakashi arrived at their location, Deidara was given a meagre clue from Itachi as to what the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is like — the one who barges in and barks first. To test Itachi’s clue, he sat on Gaara’s corpse while waiting for the team, to see which of the shinobi gave a response first. This worked and Deidara, taking advantage of this, left with Gaara’s body in order to lead away the jinchūriki, leaving Sasori to deal with Sakura and Chiyo. He was set on capturing Naruto to help him in his quest for greater stimulation to his art sense as he found Naruto to be «a canvas worthy of my artistry«. He tried separating Naruto from Kakashi Hatake in order to have an easier time capturing Naruto and tried several different tactics, but ended up failing each time. Kakashi tried decapitating Deidara, but only managed destroying his other arm, giving Naruto a chance to retrieve Gaara and knock Deidara into the forest. Handicapped, Deidara was taken by surprise when Naruto appeared behind him and pushed him to the ground, repeatedly pummelling him without rest. Right before Naruto could kill him with a Rasengan; Deidara managed to switch himself with a clay clone and hid in a near-by bush

«Deidara» committing suicide.

He watched in amazement as Naruto’s anger caused him to enter a two-tailed form before Kakashi reversed it with a Chakra-Suppressing Seal. Chiyo and Sakura arrived immediately afterwards, cuing Deidara to make his escape as he had no backup to rely on now; however, he couldn’t help but get in the last laugh about his partner as he prepared to leave. He was caught by Team Guy, thanks to Neji, and forced to flee as he was now heavily outnumbered. Upon remembering his clay bird was still around, Deidara bit off some of it and used another substitution, allowing a Suicide Bombing Clone to take his place in an attempt to both kill his enemies and flee. The attempt at destroying his enemies was futile, as Kakashi teleported the explosion away with Kamui; though they did believe Deidara was dead.

By evening, a battered Deidara emerged from the ground, lamenting of his clone explosive failing before deciding to find his severed arm as it would soon begin to rot. A bit later, Deidara met Tobi and Zetsu after they found his severed appendage, stating he fulfilled his position in capturing Gaara when Zetsu wondered why he did not capture Naruto as well. He then comically tried to choke Tobi to death after being accidentally insulted three times by him when the masked ninja refused to give Deidara back his arm. At some point in time later, Deidara had what was left of his right arm sewn back on by Kakuzu along with a new left arm to replace the one Gaara had crushed.

Akatsuki Suppression Mission

Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission
Deidara was present during the sealing of the Two-Tails, and upon hearing Kakuzu mention he and his partner were heading to Konoha, Deidara warned the two that a very powerful jinchūriki lived there.

Three-Tails’ Appearance

Main article: Three-Tails’ Appearance
In the anime, he and his new partner, Tobi, found their next mission was to capture the Three-Tails. Along the way, they took a break at a nearby dango shop. Deidara also showed an interest in what Tobi looked like behind his mask, only for him to be tricked by Tobi to look away for a moment. After a short fight between the two due to Tobi’s antics, they split up to seek out the beast.

Tobi and Deidara confront the Three-Tails.

Later, Deidara snuck up on and killed two Konoha Anbu, who were sending a report on the Three-Tails back to the village. Tobi congratulated Deidara, and they headed towards the lake. Deidara commented that, since Tobi was now a part of Akatsuki, he should be able to capture the beast himself. Frightened by the huge beast and its devastating powers, Tobi ran away with the beast chasing after him. Deidara sent an explosive clay fish into the lake which detonated, taking down the beast and allowing Tobi to capture it. Surprised by the defeated beast, Tobi gloated that he did it with a special technique of his, not realising that it was Deidara’s explosive clay that did it. Tobi later fell asleep while Deidara was speaking to him, which prompted an angry Deidara to exploding clay next to Tobi, frightening him.

Itachi Pursuit Mission

Main article: Itachi Pursuit Mission
After sealing the Four-Tails, Deidara learned that Naruto and the Eight Man Squad were searching for Itachi and Sasuke. When Naruto was mentioned, he openly said that he held a grudge against Naruto when he punched him in the face, and for disrespecting his art. He also heard about the death of former Akatsuki member, Orochimaru. Having wanted to kill Orochimaru himself, Deidara and Tobi sought out Orochimaru’s killer: Sasuke Uchiha, the younger brother of Itachi Uchiha. When they finally found Sasuke, Tobi assisted in Deidara’s assault against him.

Deidara prepares his attack.

Deidara attempted to attack from above using a bomb, but Sasuke used Hidden Shadow Snake Hands to wrap himself with a snake as a shield. Tobi also attempted an attack, but he was scared of Sasuke, and fled from him. Deidara told Tobi he was to handle Sasuke, and tested him with C1 grade fleas. Sasuke used the Chidori Senbon to stop the bombs. He then jumped behind Deidara, who used a bomb to distance himself. But Sasuke managed to avoid the bomb. Realising Sasuke’s abilities were great, Deidara used C2 next, and summoned a clay dragon as a battle partner. The dragon then regurgitated a cluster of land mines to which Tobi said they were going with «that». Sasuke attacked with Chidori Sharp Spear, but Deidara was out of range. While Sasuke was busy with Deidara, Tobi planted the latter’s mines around the field

Sasuke stuck in Deidara’s clay clone.

Deidara sent a new C2 bomb after Sasuke, and he activated his Cursed Seal level 2 to block the blast (at the cost of one of his wings). He shot two giant shuriken at Deidara. Deidara avoided them, but Sasuke attached wires to them. They impaled Deidara’s arms against the dragon, and Sasuke flew up with his Chidori sword and severed one of the dragon’s wings off. Deidara fell to the ground toward his land mines which subsequently destroyed the dragon. Tobi cried out for Deidara, but Deidara (who earlier had dislodged the shuriken and was now safely atop one of his clay birds) told him to be quiet. He looked into Sasuke’s Sharingan and remembered when he had first seen them in Itachi.

Angered that Sasuke, like Itachi, refused to acknowledge his art, Deidara used C4 — his most powerful explosive — ingesting the clay with his own mouth and spewing out a giant replica of himself. Believing himself to be victorious as Sasuke disintegrated into nothing, Deidara is shocked to realise that he had been placed under a genjutsu. Attacking Deidara with the Chidori, Sasuke seemingly pierces Deidara through the chest but this is revealed to be a clay clone as the real Deidara emerges from below and explains that he had trained his left eye to counter genjutsu.

Deidara turns himself into a bomb.

Enveloping Sasuke in another clone, Deidara prepares a homing bomb to detonate his C4 creation while he falls through the air. Sasuke, however, is able to escape and protect himself with his Chidori Current. He then jumped right next to Deidara and punched him. Realising that Deidara was out of chakra and could not get up, Sasuke asked where Itachi was but Deidara refused to answer, and attacked Sasuke again, but it was nullified and Sasuke collapsed of exhaustion. Enraged and driven half-mad by Sasuke’s indifference to his art, Deidara released the mouth located on his chest and turned himself into a suicide bomb in last effort to kill Sasuke. However, the Uchiha summoned the giant snake Manda, whom he used as a shield from the blast, and teleported himself to safety (at the cost of Manda’s life), leaving Deidara’s sacrifice in vain.


Main article: Power (Arc)

Deidara and Sai clash.

In the anime, Kabuto acquired Deidara’s genetic material and brought him back to life via Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation to aid him in the attack on the Hachō Village, fighting the Yamato-led Team Kakashi while protecting his summoner.[36] When Kabuto was about to escape, Deidara prevented the enemies from following using an explosion to cast a smokescreen.[37]

The next day, with his personality restored, Deidara, along with a recreated Hidan, killed several guards from the Hachō Village who were guarding The Hole, allowing Kabuto to sneak into the nearby village. The two began bickering about their respective defeats, which nearly escalated into a fight between the two, when Yamato and Sai arrived with more Hachō guards.[38] After a Tailed Beast Ball fired by a clone of Naruto detonated nearby, Deidara was recalled into his coffin by Kabuto.[39]

After the Ama no Hoko was activated by Disonasu, Kabuto summoned Deidara into battle once again. Deidara planted explosive clay on several of Kabuto’s reincarnated shinobi, using them as suicide bombers to attack his enemies. Deidara then pursued Hidan’s clone, intending to assist him in activating his curse technique on the members of Team Asuma. However, as he flew towards Hidan, Kabuto remotely removed Deidara’s personality and forced him to fly back towards the Ama no Hoko.[40] Kabuto then used Deidara to assault Kakashi, although he emerged from Deidara’s attack unscathed.[41] As Kabuto later left the area, he presumably recalled Deidara to his coffin.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown

Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown

Deidara and Kabuto head out to find the jinchūriki.

In an attempt to both impede Tobi and coerce him into joining forces during their initial encounter, Kabuto Yakushi demonstrated his capabilities by revealing Deidara and the other deceased members of Akatsuki brought back by Impure World Reincarnation.[42] Later, Kabuto transported himself atop of Deidara’s clay bird, before placing a seal inside his head which, while granting Deidara a certain amount of free will, allowed Kabuto to maintain control over him. Deidara was pleased by the prospect of a further chance to create new art and seemed content with the idea of fighting Naruto again, because he had a score to settle.

Deidara fights Ōnoki.

On route to the island, they are ambushed by Ōnoki, with Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi. However, both Kabuto and Deidara are revealed to be clay clones and were then blown but Ōnoki is also revealed to have been one of Akatsuchi’s rock clones. By Kabuto’s orders, they continue towards the island, rather than engaging with Ōnoki in battle. He is ordered by Kabuto to mould a big bomb, which takes the form of a jellyfish and explodes beneath the giant tortoise. Deidara offered to let Kabuto go ahead to look for Killer B and Naruto while he fought Ōnoki and his bodyguards. During the battle his explosives were blocked by Akatsuchi’s rock golem. After being drawn away from the giant island turtle, Deidara challenges Ōnoki’s Dust Release with his own explosive clay, but before he could attack he was placed back in the coffin, much to his dismay.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation

Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation

Deidara’s group heads out.

Assigned to the Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon, Deidara is tasked with disrupting the Allied Shinobi Forces using his explosives, as the Fourth Shinobi World War commences. After arguing with Sasori about art and telling him that they were both dead, their group mobilises atop Deidara’s clay birds, where he locates the three remaining members of the Infiltration and Reconnaissance Party.

Complaining about Muta Aburame’s insects, he bombards their position, until the group is eventually taken captive. Deidara then booby-traps Muta’s jar, before Sasori manipulates him so as to attack the opposing Surprise Attack Division. The enemy uncovers the trap and evades the blast, forcing Deidara to engage them directly, where he tells them only one squad can emerge victorious, but that they can’t lose as they’re «immortal«. Fooled into thinking Omoi was about to attack him, when he actually intended to free Tokuma and Ranka, he becomes enraged. However, the earth beneath him is suddenly raised, making him collide with the falling Sasori. Deidara then resorts to detonating the clay placed inside of Shin, yet Kankurō manages to smother it.

Deidara and Sasori attacked by a furious Sai.

Displeased that the blast was lessened, his remarks provoke Sai, by referring to Shin as «the bomb«. Teasing him further as a weakling who couldn’t even replace Sasuke, while reminding him that Shin could be made into a bomb again, Deidara then ridicules Sai’s art when he starts to draw. However, struck from behind, both he and Sasori are contained by Kankurō’s puppets. Threatening to activate C0, despite its repeated use cheapening his art, Deidara is instead pierced by Omoi’s lightning-infused sword, diffusing his clay. As Kankurō later lectures Sasori about how a puppet master could find true immortality in one’s own work, Deidara becomes furious, telling Sasori not to listen to him as true art was found within a fleeting blast.

Still imprisoned when Chūkichi arrives with reinforcements, after Hanzō’s remark halts his complaining, Deidara demands that the others release him. However, when the retreating division are met by a portion of the Fifth Division, he is secured by the samurai. In the anime, while being interrogated by Kurotsuchi, Deidara manages to escape thanks to the White Zetsu Army infiltrating the Fifth Division. With the entire Fifth Division in pursuit, Deidara is forced to use guerrilla tactics to evade them before being baited by Kurotsuchi, posing as Sasuke to play on his insistence that killed him, into a trap with the Fifth Division recapturing him. As a slight compensation, Deidara had thought up his Super Ultimate Art, as he found repeating his self-detonating tasteless.[24]

Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax

Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax

Deidara’s soul begins departing.

Still demanding that they release him before he exploded, he told Kankurō that in art there was no such things as duds before being taken by surprise by the release of the Impure World Reincarnation technique with his soul emerging from his deconstructing body as it returns to the afterlife.


When news of Deidara’s death reaches the rest of Akatsuki, Pain comments that his loss is a huge blow to the organisation, instructing the other members to mourn his death quietly amongst themselves.[23]

Despite Iwagakure ridiculing his artistic values and his subsequent defection from the village, Deidara has earned some respect from certain high-ranking villagers, as Kurotsuchi called him «Deidara-nii» (デイダラ兄), an honourific meaning «big brother», either as family or a sign of respect, and wished to fight the person who defeated him: Sasuke.[43] The Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, still recognising Deidara’s abilities, also seemed displeased that someone like Sasuke could defeat Deidara.[44]

In Other Media

Video Games

Deidara is a playable character in the following video games:

Game name Japanese release English release
Naruto Mobile 2016 2016
Naruto Shippūden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 17 November 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 22 February 2007
Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 2 29 November 2007
Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 3 27 November 2008
Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! Special 2 December 2010
Naruto Shippūden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising 6 October 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Council 4 19 July 2007 2 June 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Destiny 2 24 April 2008 15 September 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Destiny 3 28 April 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Shinobi Rumble 22 April 2010 8 February 2011
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 4 5 April 2007 24 March 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 5 20 December 2007 27 November 2009
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing 14 July 2016 24 August 2016
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 10 December 2009 11 May 2010
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Impact 20 October 2011 18 October 2011
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 21 October 2010 19 October 2010
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 18 April 2013 5 March 2013
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 4 February 2016 9 February 2016
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations 23 February 2012 13 March 2012
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution 11 September 2014 16 September 2014
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker 30 August 2018 31 August 2018
Naruto x Boruto: Ninja Tribes June 2019 June 2019
Naruto x Boruto: Ninja Voltage 22 November 2017 22 November 2017
Naruto: Shinobi Collection 2014
Naruto: Shinobi Collection Shippū Ranbu 27 July 2015
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Online 14 April 2013 20 July 2016


  • Deidara’s catch phrase was originally coined by famous Japanese abstract artist Tarō Okamoto, whose works inspired many of Deidara’s explosives.
  • Deidara ranked 3rd in one official character popularity poll shortly after his debut, just one rank above Naruto. He also ranked higher than any other member of Akatsuki (though at the point that poll was taken, only about half of Akatsuki’s members were formally introduced).
  • Ironically, and unknown to him, his second partner, Tobi, had the kekkei genkai he despised: the Sharingan.
  • Deidara’s characteristic «katsu» (), which he uses to detonate his explosive clay, is a type of shout that is used in Zen Buddhism to stop the discursive thoughts of practitioners, potentially helping them achieve an enlightenment experience. It is also used as a means of focusing energy.
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Deidara had completed 82 official missions in total: 4 D-rank, 27 C-rank, 35 B-rank, 13 A-rank, 3 S-rank.
    • Deidara’s hobby was experimenting with explosions.
    • Deidara wished to fight Itachi Uchiha.
    • Deidara’s favourite food was bakudan, a pun on the actual food (boiled eggs in surimi) and the Japanese word meaning bombs, while his least favourite was mixed rice/pilaf.
    • Deidara’s favourite phrase was «Art is an Explosion!» (芸術は爆発だ, Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da).
  • Tobi commented that Deidara would die from an explosion,[45] while Sasori said that he was the type to die young.[46] Both of them were right, as Deidara would later self-destruct with a massive explosion, as a last effort to kill Sasuke at the age of 19.
  • He referred to his previous partner Sasori as Master Sasori (サソリの旦那, Sasori no Danna, English TV: Sasori, my man), but Sasori was not the only person that Deidara called with this title: in Shippūden episode 18 and in an omake for this episode, Deidara referred Kisame as «Kisame no Danna» (鬼鮫の旦那, English TV: Kisame, my man) as well.
  • After being reincarnated Deidara was not aware that Sasuke was still alive, having died believing that his final attack killed the both of them despite what Ōnoki had told him.[47] In the anime, Kurotsuchi reiterates this point to Deidara once more.[24]
  • Deidara’s tendency to finish his sentences with nasal grunts is similar to Zaku Abumi’s.


  • (Catchphrase) «Art is an explosion!» (芸術は爆発だ!, Geijutsu wa bakuhatsu da!).[48]
  • (Before killing the Suna guards) «Look at those fools. They have no appreciation for art. You have to feel art. And true art… is an EXPLOSION!«[49]
  • (To Sasori) «Fine art is the beauty of that single fleeting moment of explosion.«[12]
  • (To Tobi, after he mocked how Deidara had lost his arms) «Tobi, even a Buddha loses patience when insulted a third time… One more word and there’ll be no doubt about the cause of your death.«[15]
  • (To Sasuke) «You think you’re so cool! And those eyes make me sick!! Always judging me… and my art!! You have no appreciation of the beauty of my work… and it makes me want to kill you!!«[50]
  • (Last words to Sasuke) «This will be my ultimate piece of art. I’ll explode. I shall die and become art itself! This will be like no explosion before it, and it will leave a scar upon the Earth unlike anything else. Then, my art will receive the admiration it’s always deserved! Tremble! Be afraid! Recoil in despair! Cower in awe! And cry your heart out, because my art… is an EXPLOSION!«[51]
  • (To Ōnoki after being reincarnated) «Shut up! I killed Sasuke Uchiha! And you’re next, you art-hating sack of wrinkles!«[47]
  • (To himself) «Art will never die… even if I already have.«[24]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Third Databook, pages 104-108
  2. Fourth Databook, page 122
  3. Naruto chapter 514
  4. Naruto chapter 526, page 12
  5. Naruto: Shippūden episode 457
  6. Naruto: Shippūden episode 261
  7. Naruto chapter 359, pages 5-15
  8. 8.0 8.1 Naruto chapter 360, page 17
  9. Naruto chapter 360, page 1
  10. Naruto chapter 358, page 3
  11. Naruto chapter 265, page 11
  12. 12.0 12.1 Naruto chapter 264, page 7
  13. Naruto chapter 277, page 14
  14. 14.0 14.1 Naruto chapter 318, page 6
  15. 15.0 15.1 Naruto chapter 281, page 16; The first sentence refers to Buddha’s patience.
  16. Naruto chapter 357, page 11
  17. Naruto chapter 362, page 13
  18. Naruto chapter 248, page 19
  19. Naruto chapter 276, page 9
  20. Naruto chapter 332, page 6
  21. Naruto chapter 359, page 5
  22. Naruto: Shippūden episode 123
  23. 23.0 23.1 Naruto chapter 363, page 9
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Naruto: Shippūden episode 280
  25. Naruto chapter 248, page 7
  26. Naruto chapter 280, page 16
  27. Naruto chapter 361, pages 16-17
  28. Naruto chapter 360, pages 11, 16-17
  29. Naruto chapter 516, pages 8-9
  30. Naruto: Shippūden episode 112
  31. Naruto chapter 357, pages 8-9
  32. Naruto chapter 359, page 1
  33. Naruto chapter 238, page 18
  34. Naruto: Shippūden episode 309
  35. Naruto: Shippūden episode 310
  36. Naruto: Shippūden episode 290
  37. Naruto: Shippūden episode 291
  38. Naruto: Shippūden episode 292
  39. Naruto: Shippūden episode 293
  40. Naruto: Shippūden episode 294
  41. Naruto: Shippūden episode 295
  42. Naruto chapter 489, pages 18-20
  43. Naruto chapter 461, page 14
  44. Naruto chapter 466, page 14
  45. Naruto chapter 359, page 3
  46. Naruto chapter 359, page 11
  47. 47.0 47.1 Naruto chapter 513, page 9
  48. Naruto chapter 248, page 6
  49. Naruto chapter 248, page 5
  50. Naruto chapter 362, pages 8-9
  51. Naruto chapter 362, pages 15-16

Deidara (デイダラ, Deidara) was an S-rank missing-ninfrom Iwagakure. During his time in the village, he was a member of the Explosion Corps. After defecting from the village, he was forced into Akatsuki and was its youngest member. There, Deidara was partnered with Sasori until the latter’s death, and later with Tobi before his own death.

Background Edit[]

During his time as an Iwagakure shinobi, Deidara came to know Ōnoki, and became familiarised with his fighting style.[3] He possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai which he used as a member of the Explosion Corps.[4] Though praised highly for his clay sculptures, Deidara’s desire to reach even greater heights in his art resulted with him stealing one of his village’s kinjutsu that allows one to knead their chakra into substances.[1] Using explosive clay to take out his pursuers, Deidara found the art he had desired: the Art of a Single Moment (一瞬の芸術,Isshun no Geijutsu).[1] Remembering the first moment whenever he detonated his explosive clay, he recalls the process that allowed him to reach this art. Since then, Deidara became a missing-nin and offered his services as a bomber to insurgents in various countries.[1]

Deidara’s exploits eventually caught the attention of Akatsuki, and Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Sasori were sent to recruit him. Deidara refused at first until he accepts a challenge from Itachi on the condition that Akatsuki let him be if he won. However, Deidara was easily defeated by Itachi’sSharingan and begrudgingly joined the organisation where he was partnered with Sasori. In the anime, Sasori and Deidara were immediately tasked with eliminating Orochimaru for betraying the organisation. Upon arriving in the Land of Wind and witnessing the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation by Orochimaru, the Sannin retreated after his technique proved incomplete. After Deidara attempted to kill him by blowing up his base, Deidara and Sasori searched the ruins but were unable to confirm his death as they didn’t find his corpse.[5] At some point afterwards, Deidara returned to Iwagakure and left it in destruction after detonating a bomb within the village, as he flew away.[6]

With his ego crushed from his defeat at the hands of Itachi’s dōjutsu, Deidara carried a murderous loathing for Itachi and his Sharingan for the rest of his life.[7] Acknowledging that Itachi was a more powerful opponent, Deidara took steps during his time with Akatsuki to ensure he could get revenge on Itachi, such as training his left eye to counter genjutsu,[8] and devising the means to create C4.[9]

Personality Edit[]

During his partnership with Sasori, Deidara usually showed a cool, and relaxed attitude, never losing his smirk even while fighting an intense battle or when being blamed by his partner. However, his personality seemed to change to some extent after being partnered with Tobi, as he would easily get mad at his partner’s childish and sometimes disrespectful behaviour. He also had something of a sadistic arsonist nature, rather he was not above enjoying a good fight, and he often blew up his opponents in a very brutal fashion. Deidara’s most distinctive trait, however, was his love of art. He would respect any form of it, even if it disagreed with his own. Deidara also had a habit of ending his sentences with nasal-like grunts (…うん, …un), roughly translated as «yeah» or «hm». The latter of which is used in the VIZ version. Deidara also seemed to respect the ideals of others as he allowedGaara to move the sand he used to protect his village into the desert before kidnapping him, even going so far as to admiringly call him noble.

Deidara referred to his explosive ninjutsu as art, usually quoting «Art is an Explosion!» (芸術は爆発だ,Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da) and seeing each bomb he made to be a significant accomplishment. He referred to his style as superflat (referring to certain types of art), and claimed pop (another art style) is dead.[10] He would often boast about his works of art, even towards his opponents in battle. Deidara’s pride as an artist makes him simply unwilling to accept that anything could defeat it, leading to his abandonment of strategy during his battle with Sasuke Uchiha, in favour of tactics that let him show off his art. He was able to recognise stronger opponents like Itachi, although he felt that the Sharingan was inartistic, and despised the fact that he had been enthralled by its genjutsu.

Deidara referred to his partner Sasori as Master Sasori (サソリの旦那, Sasori no Danna, English TV:Sasori, my man), out of respect for him as a fellow artist. He also admitted, at least outwardly, that Sasori was more powerful than he was.[11] In spite of this, Deidara wasn’t above goading his partner, and they frequently argued over the nature of true art (Deidara holding that art is what lasts within a moment while Sasori believing fine art is something that lasts for all time).[12] This reflected their individual fighting styles (Deidara made clay sculptures that exploded; Sasori made long-lasting puppets out of humans). Deidara outwardly seemed to respect Sasori’s beliefs, but couldn’t resist getting a final jab in after Sasori’s death.[13]

Deidara’s partnership with his second partner, Tobi, however, was very different. Tobi apparently held great respect for Deidara, and frequently called him «senpai» (先輩, senior). The idiotic front Tobi put up greatly irritated Deidara, who believed that all Akatsuki members should be calm, talking less and acting serious.[14] This in turn results in Tobi unintentionally angering Deidara to attack him in a comedic fashion (e.g. blasting him with his explosive clay or strangling him with his legs).[14][15] But in battle, Deidara puts his issues with Tobi aside to work well with him, telling him to get away when he was about to do a more dangerous attack.[16] Deidara also seemed to have a minor sense of appreciation for Tobi, as shown when he apologised to his partner in his thoughts before he initiated his self-destruction technique.[17]

Appearance Edit[]

  • Deidara before joining Akatsuki.

1 of 2

Deidara had slanted blue eyes and long golden blond hair which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely. The bang hanging over his left eye is what concealed his eye scope signifying that he was a long-range fighter, but as shown in his fight with Sasuke, it was not permanently attached to his face. After casting theIwagakure Kinjutsu on himself, he developed a mouth on both of his palms, and on the left side of his chest he had a large, stitched-up mouth. He used this kinjutsu to supplement his Explosive Release to his clay. Before joining Akatsuki, Deidara wore a blue and grey kimono jacket with a fishnet under-shirt inside and khaki pants with sandals and a belt-like pouch with a chain. His blond hair was also tied into a lower ponytail and an Iwa forehead protector. After joining Akatsuki, he wore their signature cloak, navy blue pants with matching shinobi sandals, and an Akatsuki ring on his right index finger, which bore the kanji for «blue or green» (青, ao) and was teal in colour. He also wore black nail polish on his fingers and toes. Under his cloak, he wore a V-neck, sleeveless, midriff shirt with mesh armour underneath it along with pants, stirrups, and sandals. He also wore a utility belt with two bags on either side, which he used to carry his clay.

Because of a certain turn of events, Deidara suffered damage to his arms. Deidara had his left arm crushed by Gaara’s sand,[18] and the elbow of his right arm was blown into another dimension by Kakashi’s Kamui.[19] Deidara had his arms restored by having Kakuzu sew what was left of his arms with what appears to be a transplanted arm.[20][21] His transplant was dark brown and had several wrinkles on it.[22]

After Kabuto reincarnated him, Deidara displayed the black sclerae and darker irides seen in other reincarnated shinobi, due to the talisman placed into his head. Deidara no longer wore his forehead protector resulting in his hair being looser, although it was still kept tied into a ponytail. In place of his previous clothing, Deidara, like the other reincarnated Akatsuki members, wore a red cloak with white lining. During the anime-exclusive Power arc, he originally wore a black robe with red lining before wearing the red cloak for the remaining of his servitude under Kabuto before and during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

Abilities Edit[]

Deidara was a very powerful S-rank missing-nin whose abilities earned him recognition within Akatsuki. Even the organisation’s leader, Pain, praised Deidara’s abilities, openly admitting that he was something unique, and that his loss was a major blow to the group.[23] Deidara was able to single-handedly defeat Gaara (Shukaku‘s jinchūriki and the FifthKazekage), and Isobu, despite fighting the both of them in their home territories. He also fought on equal grounds with Sasuke Uchiha, anUchiha clan prodigy, despite his techniques being at an elemental disadvantage against those of Sasuke.

Intelligence Edit[]

One of Deidara’s strong points was his intelligence, often using tricks, misdirection, and calculated gambles to get his explosives in range of an opponent. He demonstrated these skills in his fight with Gaara, putting clay into Gaara’s sand as it destroyed his arm. During his battle against Sasuke, he managed to trick him on a few occasions, such as trapping him between his C2 dragon in the sky and the landmines buried underneath the ground by Tobi, and again when he lured him into his C4 attack at point-blank. In the anime, Deidara managed to deduce a workaround to his weakness to Lightning Release by using a sword as a makeshift ground rod to siphon off the lightning-based attacks his explosive clay was weak against.[24]

Ninjutsu Edit[]

Deidara had shown some skill with the Shadow Clone Technique, incorporating it into some of his techniques, such as the Suicide Bombing Clone. Deidara was also able to weave one-hand signs.

Nature Transformation and Explosive Clay Edit[]

Deidara possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai. This allowed him — by simultaneously using earth and lightning chakra natures — to give his chakra explosive qualities. Deidara also possessed a special mouth on each palm and on the left side of his chest as a result of stealing and using a powerful kinjutsu from his village on himself. By commonly using these two special abilities in unison, he could create explosive clay: clay infused with his explosive chakra that detonated with the commandKatsu (喝) and the seal of confrontation. This clay could be moulded into a wide variety of shapes and forms, growing to large sizes when infused with chakra (with Deidara performing the necessary hand seals), and could be controlled at will. This allowed him to create living explosives to attack opponents at long-range.

Deidara could even create clones from the clay and can detonate them, which will make for a deadly surprise attack, and if need be, create clay minions to control with a cord from a distance. Deidara’s clay creations range from microscopic to gigantic in size, allowing him to adapt to any situation from creating dragons to shoot smaller clay bombs, to working in conjunction with Obito to lay explosive clay landmines under ground to limit the opponent’s movements. As an ultimate last resort, Deidara could turn himself into a bomb by devouring explosive clay that has a large blast radius in which he calls his «Ultimate Art«. Deidara could also use the clay for other purposes, as he was frequently seen creating birds to be used for transportation, which also functioned as a way to easily infiltrate villages on missions.[25] It seemed he also knew standard earth-based techniques, as shown from his Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, which he used to avoid damage from one of his mass-scale bombs.[26]. Since all of his explosives were earth-based, they were vulnerable to lightning, and most could thereby be defused with lightning-based attacks.[27]

Eye Enhancement Edit[]

Deidara wore a scope on his left eye for long-range observation, and he had trained the eye itself to counter genjutsu, allowing him to see through and negate them. When he did this, his pupil would contract.[28]This training was done in order to counter Itachi’s powerful genjutsu skills, of which he had a considerable loathing for, and wished to defeat him when he got the chance.[8] Deidara also seems to be able to see long distances without his scope as after being reincarnated, he found enemy shinobi lurking near Tobi’s hideout; he still needed to close his right eye in order to use his left eye for long distance vision.[29]

Physical Prowess Edit[]

Deidara’s stealth skills were rather proficient, able to sneak up on two of Konoha’s Anbu members as they were scouting.[30] He possessed high reaction speed, able to avoid a high-speed blitz by Sasuke.[31] He also had enough strength to dislodge the Fūma Shuriken that pierced and pinned his arms using his legs.[32]

Stats Edit[]

Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Hand seals Total
Third 5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4 3.5 32

Part I Edit[]

Sasuke Recovery Mission Edit[]

At the end of Part I, Deidara made a cameo appearance as a silhouette during an Akatsuki gathering where he mentioned that they should be patient as they’d kill Orochimaru eventually as well, stating that they only have three years, questioning if Akatsuki could accomplish all of their tasks on time.[33]

The Fallen Castle Edit[]

In the anime, Deidara and Sasori met with Hidan and Kakuzu to discuss their new missions and decide which team would take which mission. Deidara and Sasori were chosen to take the war-mission.[34]The duo then went to the Land of This, a small nation, with the intent of destroying it to spread Akatsuki’s reputation. Deidara then handled the initial attack, setting off a series of explosions to scare the population. To his annoyance, Sasori then took over to finish the job, only agreeing because Sasori complemented his performance. By dusk, the nation was destroyed, making Sasori and Deidara’s mission a success.[35]

Part II Edit[]

Kazekage Rescue Mission Edit[]

Deidara, with Sasori, travelled to Sunagakure to capture Gaara so Akatsuki can extract Shukaku, the One-Tail, from him. As they arrive, Deidara notes that the one who was in place there would be the first, while the one they sent under Orochimaru will have to wait. Getting passed gate security with the help of Sasori’s sleeper agent Yūra, taking out any guards watching the sky, Deidara found that the village was artistically worthy of being blown up. Despite the stealthy infiltration, Deidara was quickly confronted by Gaara, who knew he was in the village due to the clay bird he was flying on not matching any species native in the Land of Wind. Deidara was then forced into taking up the defensive, seeing Gaara’s abilities to make his opponent worthy of him using his artistic ninjutsu on. Nearly being trapped in a prison of sand pulled from the surrounding desert, Deidara ended up losing his left arm trapped in some of thesand from Gaara’s gourd, forcing Deidara to pull what remained of it off to prevent the sand from crushing the rest of him.

Seeing that he was nearly out of clay, Deidara hatched a plan that would end the fight: Using a C3 bomb on the village as a decoy with Gaara left defenceless in his act to protect Sunagakure for Deidara to use a clay bird. Though Gaara’s sand stops the scheme, Deidara reveals that some of the clay in the arm Gaara took had mixed with his sand. Detonating the clay as Gaara uses his ultimate defence, Deidara abducts his unconscious opponent with Kankurō in pursuit before Sasori gives Deidara time to escape. After waiting for Sasori, Deidara headed out with him to one of their hideouts in the Land of Rivers to extract Shukaku with the rest of Akatsuki. When Team Kakashi and Team Guy were announced to be on their way to save Gaara, Deidara couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about his lack of stealth in capturing Gaara.

When Team Kakashi arrived at their location, Deidara was given a meagre clue from Itachi as to what the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is like — the one who barges in and barks first. To test Itachi’s clue, he sat on Gaara’s corpse while waiting for the team, to see which of the shinobi gave a response first. This worked and Deidara, taking advantage of this, left with Gaara’s body in order to lead away the jinchūriki, leaving Sasori to deal with Sakura and Chiyo. He was set on capturing Naruto to help him in his quest for greater stimulation to his art sense as he found Naruto to be «a canvas worthy of my artistry«. Deidara noticed that Naruto was an extraordinary jinchūriki and felt more interested in fighting him than Kakashi Hatake. He tried to separate Naruto from Kakashi so he could fight Naruto and capture him with several different tactics, but ended up failing each time. Kakashi tried decapitating Deidara, but only managed destroying his other arm, giving Naruto a chance to retrieve Gaara and knock Deidara into the forest. Handicapped, Deidara was taken by surprise when Naruto appeared behind him and pushed him to the ground, repeatedly pummelling him without rest. Right before Naruto could kill him with a Rasengan; Deidara managed to switch himself with a clay clone and hid in a near-by bush

He watched in amazement as Naruto’s anger caused him to enter a two-tailed form before Kakashi reversed it with a Chakra-Suppressing Seal. Chiyo and Sakura arrived immediately afterwards, cuing Deidara to make his escape as he had no backup to rely on now; however, he couldn’t help but get in the last laugh about his partner as he prepared to leave. He was caught by Team Guy, thanks to Neji, and forced to flee as he was now heavily outnumbered. Upon remembering his clay bird was still around, Deidara bit off some of it and used another substitution, allowing a Suicide Bombing Clone to take his place in an attempt to both kill his enemies and flee. The attempt at destroying his enemies was futile, as Kakashi teleported the explosion away with Kamui; though they did believe Deidara was dead.

By evening, a battered Deidara emerged from the ground, lamenting of his clone explosive failing before deciding to find his severed arm as it would soon begin to rot. A bit later, Deidara met Tobi andZetsu after they found his severed appendage, stating he fulfilled his position in capturing Gaara when Zetsu wondered why he did not capture Naruto as well. He then comically tried to choke Tobi to death after being accidentally insulted three times by him when the masked ninja refused to give Deidara back his arm. At some point in time later, Deidara had what was left of his right arm sewn back on by Kakuzu along with a new left arm to replace the one Gaara had crushed.

Akatsuki Suppression Mission Edit[]

Deidara was present during the sealing of the Two-Tails, and upon hearing Kakuzu mention he and his partner were heading to Konoha, Deidara warned the two that a very powerful jinchūriki lived there.

Three-Tails’ Appearance Edit[]

Main article: Three-Tails’ AppearanceIn the anime, he and his new partner, Tobi, found their next mission was to capture the Three-Tails. Along the way, they took a break at a nearby dango shop. Deidara also showed an interest in what Tobi looked like behind his mask, only for him to be tricked by Tobi to look away for a moment. After a short fight between the two due to Tobi’s antics, they split up to seek out the beast.

Later, Deidara snuck up on and killed two Konoha Anbu, who were sending a report on the Three-Tails back to the village. Tobi congratulated Deidara, and they headed towards the lake. Deidara commented that, since Tobi was now a part of Akatsuki, he should be able to capture the beast himself. Frightened by the huge beast and its devastating powers, Tobi ran away with the beast chasing after him. Deidara sent an explosive clay fish into the lake which detonated, taking down the beast and allowing Tobi to capture it. Surprised by the defeated beast, Tobi gloated that he did it with a special technique of his, not realising that it was Deidara’s explosive clay that did it. Tobi later fell asleep while Deidara was speaking to him, which prompted an angry Deidara to exploding clay next to Tobi, frightening him.

Itachi Pursuit Mission Edit[]

After sealing the Four-Tails, Deidara learned that Naruto and the Eight Man Squad were searching for Itachi and Sasuke. When Naruto was mentioned, he openly said that he held a grudge against Naruto when he punched him in the face, and for disrespecting his art. He also heard about the death of former Akatsuki member, Orochimaru. Having wanted to kill Orochimaru himself, Deidara and Tobi sought out Orochimaru’s killer: Sasuke Uchiha, the younger brother of Itachi Uchiha. When they finally found Sasuke, Tobi assisted in Deidara’s assault against him.

Deidara attempted to attack from above using a bomb, but Sasuke usedHidden Shadow Snake Hands to wrap himself with a snake as a shield. Tobi also attempted an attack, but he was scared of Sasuke, and fled from him. Deidara told Tobi he was to handle Sasuke, and tested him with C1 grade fleas. Sasuke used the Chidori Senbon to stop the bombs. He then jumped behind Deidara, who used a bomb to distance himself. But Sasuke managed to avoid the bomb. Realising Sasuke’s abilities were great, Deidara used C2 next, and summoned a clay dragon as a battle partner. The dragon then regurgitated a cluster of land mines to which Tobi said they were going with «that». Sasuke attacked with Chidori Sharp Spear, but Deidara was out of range. While Sasuke was busy with Deidara, Tobi planted the latter’s mines around the field

Deidara sent a new C2 bomb after Sasuke, and he activated his Cursed Seal level 2 to block the blast (at the cost of one of his wings). He shot two giant shuriken at Deidara. Deidara avoided them, but Sasuke attached wires to them. They impaled Deidara’s arms against the dragon, and Sasuke flew up with his Chidori sword and severed one of the dragon’s wings off. Deidara fell to the ground toward his land mines which subsequently destroyed the dragon. Tobi cried out for Deidara, but Deidara (who earlier had dislodged the shuriken and was now safely atop one of his clay birds) told him to be quiet. He looked into Sasuke’s Sharingan and remembered when he had first seen them in Itachi.

Angered that Sasuke, like Itachi, refused to acknowledge his art, Deidara used C4 — his most powerful explosive — ingesting the clay with his own mouth and spewing out a giant replica of himself. Believing himself to be victorious as Sasuke disintegrated into nothing, Deidara is shocked to realise that he had been placed under a genjutsu. Attacking Deidara with the Chidori, Sasuke seemingly pierces Deidara through the chest but this is revealed to be a clay clone as the real Deidara emerges from below and explains that he had trained his left eye to counter genjutsu.

Enveloping Sasuke in another clone, Deidara prepares a homing bomb to detonate his C4 creation while he falls through the air. Sasuke, however, is able to escape and protect himself with his Chidori Current. He then jumped right next to Deidara and punched him. Realising that Deidara was out of chakra and could not get up, Sasuke asked where Itachi was but Deidara refused to answer, and attacked Sasuke again, but it was nullified and Sasuke collapsed of exhaustion. Enraged and driven half-mad by Sasuke’s indifference to his art, Deidara released the mouth located on his chest and turned himself into a suicide bomb in last effort to kill Sasuke. However, the Uchiha summoned the giant snake Manda, whom he used as a shield from the blast, and teleportedhimself to safety (at the cost of Manda’s life), leaving Deidara’s sacrifice in vain.

Power Edit[]

Main article: Power (Arc)

In the anime, Kabuto acquired Deidara’s genetic material and brought him back to life via Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation to aid him in the attack on the Hachō Village, fighting the Yamato-led Team Kakashi while protecting his summoner.[36] When Kabuto was about to escape, Deidara prevented the enemies from following using an explosion to cast a smokescreen.[37]

The next day, with his personality restored, Deidara, along with a recreated Hidan, killed several guards from the Hachō Village who were guarding The Hole, allowing Kabuto to sneak into the nearby village. The two began bickering about their respective defeats, which nearly escalated into a fight between the two, when Yamato and Sai arrived with more Hachō guards.[38] After a Tailed Beast Ballfired by a clone of Naruto detonated nearby, Deidara was recalled into his coffin by Kabuto.[39]

After the Ama no Hoko was activated by Disonasu, Kabuto summoned Deidara into battle once again. Deidara planted explosive clay on several of Kabuto’s reincarnated shinobi, using them as suicide bombers to attack his enemies. Deidara then pursued Hidan’s clone, intending to assist him in activating his curse technique on the members of Team Asuma. However, as he flew towards Hidan, Kabuto remotely removed Deidara’s personality and forced him to fly back towards the Ama no Hoko.[40] Kabuto then used Deidara to assault Kakashi, although he emerged from Deidara’s attack unscathed.[41] As Kabuto later left the area, he presumably recalled Deidara to his coffin.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown Edit[]

In an attempt to both impede Tobi and coerce him into joining forces during their initial encounter, Kabuto Yakushi demonstrated his capabilities by revealing Deidara and the other deceased members of Akatsuki brought back by Impure World Reincarnation.[42] Later, Kabuto transported himself atop of Deidara’s clay bird, before placing a seal inside his head which, while granting Deidara a certain amount of free will, allowed Kabuto to maintain control over him. Deidara was pleased by the prospect of a further chance to create new art and seemed content with the idea of fighting Naruto again, because he had a score to settle.

On route to the island, they are ambushed by Ōnoki, with Akatsuchi andKurotsuchi. However, both Kabuto and Deidara are revealed to be clay clones and were then blown but Ōnoki is also revealed to have been one of Akatsuchi’s rock clones. By Kabuto’s orders, they continue towards the island, rather than engaging with Ōnoki in battle. He is ordered by Kabuto to mould a big bomb, which takes the form of a jellyfish and explodes beneath the giant tortoise. Deidara offered to let Kabuto go ahead to look for Killer B and Naruto while he fought Ōnoki and his bodyguards. During the battle his explosives were blocked by Akatsuchi’s rock golem. After being drawn away from the giant island turtle, Deidara challenges Ōnoki’s Dust Release with his own explosive clay, but before he could attack he was placed back in the coffin, much to his dismay.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation Edit[]

Assigned to the Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon, Deidara is tasked with disrupting the Allied Shinobi Forces using his explosives, as theFourth Shinobi World War commences. After arguing with Sasori about art and telling him that they were both dead, their group mobilises atop Deidara’s clay birds, where he locates the three remaining members of the Infiltration and Reconnaissance Party.

Complaining about Muta Aburame‘s insects, he bombards their position, until the group is eventually taken captive. Deidara then booby-traps Muta’s jar, before Sasori manipulates him so as to attack the opposing Surprise Attack Division. The enemy uncovers the trap and evades the blast, forcing Deidara to engage them directly, where he tells them only one squad can emerge victorious, but that they can’t lose as they’re «immortal«. Fooled into thinking Omoi was about to attack him, when he actually intended to free Tokuma and Ranka, he becomes enraged. However, the earth beneath him is suddenly raised, making him collide with the falling Sasori. Deidara then resorts to detonating the clay placed inside of Shin, yet Kankurō manages to smother it.

Displeased that the blast was lessened, his remarks provoke Sai, by referring to Shin as «the bomb«. Teasing him further as a weakling who couldn’t even replace Sasuke, while reminding him that Shin could be made into a bomb again, Deidara then ridicules Sai’s art when he starts to draw. However, struck from behind, both he and Sasori are containedby Kankurō’s puppets. Threatening to activate C0, despite its repeated use cheapening his art, Deidara is instead pierced by Omoi’s lightninginfused sword, diffusing his clay. As Kankurō later lectures Sasori about how a puppet master could find true immortality in one’s own work, Deidara becomes furious, telling Sasori not to listen to him as true art was found within a fleeting blast.

Still imprisoned when Chūkichi arrives with reinforcements, after Hanzō‘s remark halts his complaining, Deidara demands that the others release him. However, when the retreating division are met by a portion of the Fifth Division, he is secured by the samurai. In the anime, while being interrogated by Kurotsuchi, Deidara manages to escape thanks to the White Zetsu Army infiltrating the Fifth Division. With the entire Fifth Division in pursuit, Deidara is forced to use guerrilla tactics to evade them before being baited by Kurotsuchi, posing as Sasuke to play on his insistence that killed him, into a trap with the Fifth Division recapturing him. As a slight compensation, Deidara had thought up his Super Ultimate Art, as he found repeating his self-detonating tasteless.[24]

Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax Edit[]

Still demanding that they release him before he exploded, he told Kankurō that in art there was no such things as duds before being taken by surprise by the release of the Impure World Reincarnation technique with his soul emerging from his deconstructing body as it returns to theafterlife.

Deidara (デイダラ, Deidara) was an S-rank missing-ninfrom Iwagakure. During his time in the village, he was a member of the Explosion Corps. After defecting from the village, he was forced into Akatsuki and was its youngest member. There, Deidara was partnered with Sasori until the latter’s death, and later with Tobi before his own death.

Background Edit[]

During his time as an Iwagakure shinobi, Deidara came to know Ōnoki, and became familiarised with his fighting style.[3] He possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai which he used as a member of the Explosion Corps.[4] Though praised highly for his clay sculptures, Deidara’s desire to reach even greater heights in his art resulted with him stealing one of his village’s kinjutsu that allows one to knead their chakra into substances.[1] Using explosive clay to take out his pursuers, Deidara found the art he had desired: the Art of a Single Moment (一瞬の芸術,Isshun no Geijutsu).[1] Remembering the first moment whenever he detonated his explosive clay, he recalls the process that allowed him to reach this art. Since then, Deidara became a missing-nin and offered his services as a bomber to insurgents in various countries.[1]

Deidara’s exploits eventually caught the attention of Akatsuki, and Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Sasori were sent to recruit him. Deidara refused at first until he accepts a challenge from Itachi on the condition that Akatsuki let him be if he won. However, Deidara was easily defeated by Itachi’sSharingan and begrudgingly joined the organisation where he was partnered with Sasori. In the anime, Sasori and Deidara were immediately tasked with eliminating Orochimaru for betraying the organisation. Upon arriving in the Land of Wind and witnessing the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation by Orochimaru, the Sannin retreated after his technique proved incomplete. After Deidara attempted to kill him by blowing up his base, Deidara and Sasori searched the ruins but were unable to confirm his death as they didn’t find his corpse.[5] At some point afterwards, Deidara returned to Iwagakure and left it in destruction after detonating a bomb within the village, as he flew away.[6]

With his ego crushed from his defeat at the hands of Itachi’s dōjutsu, Deidara carried a murderous loathing for Itachi and his Sharingan for the rest of his life.[7] Acknowledging that Itachi was a more powerful opponent, Deidara took steps during his time with Akatsuki to ensure he could get revenge on Itachi, such as training his left eye to counter genjutsu,[8] and devising the means to create C4.[9]

Personality Edit[]

During his partnership with Sasori, Deidara usually showed a cool, and relaxed attitude, never losing his smirk even while fighting an intense battle or when being blamed by his partner. However, his personality seemed to change to some extent after being partnered with Tobi, as he would easily get mad at his partner’s childish and sometimes disrespectful behaviour. He also had something of a sadistic arsonist nature, rather he was not above enjoying a good fight, and he often blew up his opponents in a very brutal fashion. Deidara’s most distinctive trait, however, was his love of art. He would respect any form of it, even if it disagreed with his own. Deidara also had a habit of ending his sentences with nasal-like grunts (…うん, …un), roughly translated as «yeah» or «hm». The latter of which is used in the VIZ version. Deidara also seemed to respect the ideals of others as he allowedGaara to move the sand he used to protect his village into the desert before kidnapping him, even going so far as to admiringly call him noble.

Deidara referred to his explosive ninjutsu as art, usually quoting «Art is an Explosion!» (芸術は爆発だ,Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da) and seeing each bomb he made to be a significant accomplishment. He referred to his style as superflat (referring to certain types of art), and claimed pop (another art style) is dead.[10] He would often boast about his works of art, even towards his opponents in battle. Deidara’s pride as an artist makes him simply unwilling to accept that anything could defeat it, leading to his abandonment of strategy during his battle with Sasuke Uchiha, in favour of tactics that let him show off his art. He was able to recognise stronger opponents like Itachi, although he felt that the Sharingan was inartistic, and despised the fact that he had been enthralled by its genjutsu.

Deidara referred to his partner Sasori as Master Sasori (サソリの旦那, Sasori no Danna, English TV:Sasori, my man), out of respect for him as a fellow artist. He also admitted, at least outwardly, that Sasori was more powerful than he was.[11] In spite of this, Deidara wasn’t above goading his partner, and they frequently argued over the nature of true art (Deidara holding that art is what lasts within a moment while Sasori believing fine art is something that lasts for all time).[12] This reflected their individual fighting styles (Deidara made clay sculptures that exploded; Sasori made long-lasting puppets out of humans). Deidara outwardly seemed to respect Sasori’s beliefs, but couldn’t resist getting a final jab in after Sasori’s death.[13]

Deidara’s partnership with his second partner, Tobi, however, was very different. Tobi apparently held great respect for Deidara, and frequently called him «senpai» (先輩, senior). The idiotic front Tobi put up greatly irritated Deidara, who believed that all Akatsuki members should be calm, talking less and acting serious.[14] This in turn results in Tobi unintentionally angering Deidara to attack him in a comedic fashion (e.g. blasting him with his explosive clay or strangling him with his legs).[14][15] But in battle, Deidara puts his issues with Tobi aside to work well with him, telling him to get away when he was about to do a more dangerous attack.[16] Deidara also seemed to have a minor sense of appreciation for Tobi, as shown when he apologised to his partner in his thoughts before he initiated his self-destruction technique.[17]

Appearance Edit[]

  • Deidara before joining Akatsuki.

1 of 2

Deidara had slanted blue eyes and long golden blond hair which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely. The bang hanging over his left eye is what concealed his eye scope signifying that he was a long-range fighter, but as shown in his fight with Sasuke, it was not permanently attached to his face. After casting theIwagakure Kinjutsu on himself, he developed a mouth on both of his palms, and on the left side of his chest he had a large, stitched-up mouth. He used this kinjutsu to supplement his Explosive Release to his clay. Before joining Akatsuki, Deidara wore a blue and grey kimono jacket with a fishnet under-shirt inside and khaki pants with sandals and a belt-like pouch with a chain. His blond hair was also tied into a lower ponytail and an Iwa forehead protector. After joining Akatsuki, he wore their signature cloak, navy blue pants with matching shinobi sandals, and an Akatsuki ring on his right index finger, which bore the kanji for «blue or green» (青, ao) and was teal in colour. He also wore black nail polish on his fingers and toes. Under his cloak, he wore a V-neck, sleeveless, midriff shirt with mesh armour underneath it along with pants, stirrups, and sandals. He also wore a utility belt with two bags on either side, which he used to carry his clay.

Because of a certain turn of events, Deidara suffered damage to his arms. Deidara had his left arm crushed by Gaara’s sand,[18] and the elbow of his right arm was blown into another dimension by Kakashi’s Kamui.[19] Deidara had his arms restored by having Kakuzu sew what was left of his arms with what appears to be a transplanted arm.[20][21] His transplant was dark brown and had several wrinkles on it.[22]

After Kabuto reincarnated him, Deidara displayed the black sclerae and darker irides seen in other reincarnated shinobi, due to the talisman placed into his head. Deidara no longer wore his forehead protector resulting in his hair being looser, although it was still kept tied into a ponytail. In place of his previous clothing, Deidara, like the other reincarnated Akatsuki members, wore a red cloak with white lining. During the anime-exclusive Power arc, he originally wore a black robe with red lining before wearing the red cloak for the remaining of his servitude under Kabuto before and during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

Abilities Edit[]

Deidara was a very powerful S-rank missing-nin whose abilities earned him recognition within Akatsuki. Even the organisation’s leader, Pain, praised Deidara’s abilities, openly admitting that he was something unique, and that his loss was a major blow to the group.[23] Deidara was able to single-handedly defeat Gaara (Shukaku‘s jinchūriki and the FifthKazekage), and Isobu, despite fighting the both of them in their home territories. He also fought on equal grounds with Sasuke Uchiha, anUchiha clan prodigy, despite his techniques being at an elemental disadvantage against those of Sasuke.

Intelligence Edit[]

One of Deidara’s strong points was his intelligence, often using tricks, misdirection, and calculated gambles to get his explosives in range of an opponent. He demonstrated these skills in his fight with Gaara, putting clay into Gaara’s sand as it destroyed his arm. During his battle against Sasuke, he managed to trick him on a few occasions, such as trapping him between his C2 dragon in the sky and the landmines buried underneath the ground by Tobi, and again when he lured him into his C4 attack at point-blank. In the anime, Deidara managed to deduce a workaround to his weakness to Lightning Release by using a sword as a makeshift ground rod to siphon off the lightning-based attacks his explosive clay was weak against.[24]

Ninjutsu Edit[]

Deidara had shown some skill with the Shadow Clone Technique, incorporating it into some of his techniques, such as the Suicide Bombing Clone. Deidara was also able to weave one-hand signs.

Nature Transformation and Explosive Clay Edit[]

Deidara possessed the Explosion Release kekkei genkai. This allowed him — by simultaneously using earth and lightning chakra natures — to give his chakra explosive qualities. Deidara also possessed a special mouth on each palm and on the left side of his chest as a result of stealing and using a powerful kinjutsu from his village on himself. By commonly using these two special abilities in unison, he could create explosive clay: clay infused with his explosive chakra that detonated with the commandKatsu (喝) and the seal of confrontation. This clay could be moulded into a wide variety of shapes and forms, growing to large sizes when infused with chakra (with Deidara performing the necessary hand seals), and could be controlled at will. This allowed him to create living explosives to attack opponents at long-range.

Deidara could even create clones from the clay and can detonate them, which will make for a deadly surprise attack, and if need be, create clay minions to control with a cord from a distance. Deidara’s clay creations range from microscopic to gigantic in size, allowing him to adapt to any situation from creating dragons to shoot smaller clay bombs, to working in conjunction with Obito to lay explosive clay landmines under ground to limit the opponent’s movements. As an ultimate last resort, Deidara could turn himself into a bomb by devouring explosive clay that has a large blast radius in which he calls his «Ultimate Art«. Deidara could also use the clay for other purposes, as he was frequently seen creating birds to be used for transportation, which also functioned as a way to easily infiltrate villages on missions.[25] It seemed he also knew standard earth-based techniques, as shown from his Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, which he used to avoid damage from one of his mass-scale bombs.[26]. Since all of his explosives were earth-based, they were vulnerable to lightning, and most could thereby be defused with lightning-based attacks.[27]

Eye Enhancement Edit[]

Deidara wore a scope on his left eye for long-range observation, and he had trained the eye itself to counter genjutsu, allowing him to see through and negate them. When he did this, his pupil would contract.[28]This training was done in order to counter Itachi’s powerful genjutsu skills, of which he had a considerable loathing for, and wished to defeat him when he got the chance.[8] Deidara also seems to be able to see long distances without his scope as after being reincarnated, he found enemy shinobi lurking near Tobi’s hideout; he still needed to close his right eye in order to use his left eye for long distance vision.[29]

Physical Prowess Edit[]

Deidara’s stealth skills were rather proficient, able to sneak up on two of Konoha’s Anbu members as they were scouting.[30] He possessed high reaction speed, able to avoid a high-speed blitz by Sasuke.[31] He also had enough strength to dislodge the Fūma Shuriken that pierced and pinned his arms using his legs.[32]

Stats Edit[]

Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Hand seals Total
Third 5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4 3.5 32

Part I Edit[]

Sasuke Recovery Mission Edit[]

At the end of Part I, Deidara made a cameo appearance as a silhouette during an Akatsuki gathering where he mentioned that they should be patient as they’d kill Orochimaru eventually as well, stating that they only have three years, questioning if Akatsuki could accomplish all of their tasks on time.[33]

The Fallen Castle Edit[]

In the anime, Deidara and Sasori met with Hidan and Kakuzu to discuss their new missions and decide which team would take which mission. Deidara and Sasori were chosen to take the war-mission.[34]The duo then went to the Land of This, a small nation, with the intent of destroying it to spread Akatsuki’s reputation. Deidara then handled the initial attack, setting off a series of explosions to scare the population. To his annoyance, Sasori then took over to finish the job, only agreeing because Sasori complemented his performance. By dusk, the nation was destroyed, making Sasori and Deidara’s mission a success.[35]

Part II Edit[]

Kazekage Rescue Mission Edit[]

Deidara, with Sasori, travelled to Sunagakure to capture Gaara so Akatsuki can extract Shukaku, the One-Tail, from him. As they arrive, Deidara notes that the one who was in place there would be the first, while the one they sent under Orochimaru will have to wait. Getting passed gate security with the help of Sasori’s sleeper agent Yūra, taking out any guards watching the sky, Deidara found that the village was artistically worthy of being blown up. Despite the stealthy infiltration, Deidara was quickly confronted by Gaara, who knew he was in the village due to the clay bird he was flying on not matching any species native in the Land of Wind. Deidara was then forced into taking up the defensive, seeing Gaara’s abilities to make his opponent worthy of him using his artistic ninjutsu on. Nearly being trapped in a prison of sand pulled from the surrounding desert, Deidara ended up losing his left arm trapped in some of thesand from Gaara’s gourd, forcing Deidara to pull what remained of it off to prevent the sand from crushing the rest of him.

Seeing that he was nearly out of clay, Deidara hatched a plan that would end the fight: Using a C3 bomb on the village as a decoy with Gaara left defenceless in his act to protect Sunagakure for Deidara to use a clay bird. Though Gaara’s sand stops the scheme, Deidara reveals that some of the clay in the arm Gaara took had mixed with his sand. Detonating the clay as Gaara uses his ultimate defence, Deidara abducts his unconscious opponent with Kankurō in pursuit before Sasori gives Deidara time to escape. After waiting for Sasori, Deidara headed out with him to one of their hideouts in the Land of Rivers to extract Shukaku with the rest of Akatsuki. When Team Kakashi and Team Guy were announced to be on their way to save Gaara, Deidara couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about his lack of stealth in capturing Gaara.

When Team Kakashi arrived at their location, Deidara was given a meagre clue from Itachi as to what the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is like — the one who barges in and barks first. To test Itachi’s clue, he sat on Gaara’s corpse while waiting for the team, to see which of the shinobi gave a response first. This worked and Deidara, taking advantage of this, left with Gaara’s body in order to lead away the jinchūriki, leaving Sasori to deal with Sakura and Chiyo. He was set on capturing Naruto to help him in his quest for greater stimulation to his art sense as he found Naruto to be «a canvas worthy of my artistry«. Deidara noticed that Naruto was an extraordinary jinchūriki and felt more interested in fighting him than Kakashi Hatake. He tried to separate Naruto from Kakashi so he could fight Naruto and capture him with several different tactics, but ended up failing each time. Kakashi tried decapitating Deidara, but only managed destroying his other arm, giving Naruto a chance to retrieve Gaara and knock Deidara into the forest. Handicapped, Deidara was taken by surprise when Naruto appeared behind him and pushed him to the ground, repeatedly pummelling him without rest. Right before Naruto could kill him with a Rasengan; Deidara managed to switch himself with a clay clone and hid in a near-by bush

He watched in amazement as Naruto’s anger caused him to enter a two-tailed form before Kakashi reversed it with a Chakra-Suppressing Seal. Chiyo and Sakura arrived immediately afterwards, cuing Deidara to make his escape as he had no backup to rely on now; however, he couldn’t help but get in the last laugh about his partner as he prepared to leave. He was caught by Team Guy, thanks to Neji, and forced to flee as he was now heavily outnumbered. Upon remembering his clay bird was still around, Deidara bit off some of it and used another substitution, allowing a Suicide Bombing Clone to take his place in an attempt to both kill his enemies and flee. The attempt at destroying his enemies was futile, as Kakashi teleported the explosion away with Kamui; though they did believe Deidara was dead.

By evening, a battered Deidara emerged from the ground, lamenting of his clone explosive failing before deciding to find his severed arm as it would soon begin to rot. A bit later, Deidara met Tobi andZetsu after they found his severed appendage, stating he fulfilled his position in capturing Gaara when Zetsu wondered why he did not capture Naruto as well. He then comically tried to choke Tobi to death after being accidentally insulted three times by him when the masked ninja refused to give Deidara back his arm. At some point in time later, Deidara had what was left of his right arm sewn back on by Kakuzu along with a new left arm to replace the one Gaara had crushed.

Akatsuki Suppression Mission Edit[]

Deidara was present during the sealing of the Two-Tails, and upon hearing Kakuzu mention he and his partner were heading to Konoha, Deidara warned the two that a very powerful jinchūriki lived there.

Three-Tails’ Appearance Edit[]

Main article: Three-Tails’ AppearanceIn the anime, he and his new partner, Tobi, found their next mission was to capture the Three-Tails. Along the way, they took a break at a nearby dango shop. Deidara also showed an interest in what Tobi looked like behind his mask, only for him to be tricked by Tobi to look away for a moment. After a short fight between the two due to Tobi’s antics, they split up to seek out the beast.

Later, Deidara snuck up on and killed two Konoha Anbu, who were sending a report on the Three-Tails back to the village. Tobi congratulated Deidara, and they headed towards the lake. Deidara commented that, since Tobi was now a part of Akatsuki, he should be able to capture the beast himself. Frightened by the huge beast and its devastating powers, Tobi ran away with the beast chasing after him. Deidara sent an explosive clay fish into the lake which detonated, taking down the beast and allowing Tobi to capture it. Surprised by the defeated beast, Tobi gloated that he did it with a special technique of his, not realising that it was Deidara’s explosive clay that did it. Tobi later fell asleep while Deidara was speaking to him, which prompted an angry Deidara to exploding clay next to Tobi, frightening him.

Itachi Pursuit Mission Edit[]

After sealing the Four-Tails, Deidara learned that Naruto and the Eight Man Squad were searching for Itachi and Sasuke. When Naruto was mentioned, he openly said that he held a grudge against Naruto when he punched him in the face, and for disrespecting his art. He also heard about the death of former Akatsuki member, Orochimaru. Having wanted to kill Orochimaru himself, Deidara and Tobi sought out Orochimaru’s killer: Sasuke Uchiha, the younger brother of Itachi Uchiha. When they finally found Sasuke, Tobi assisted in Deidara’s assault against him.

Deidara attempted to attack from above using a bomb, but Sasuke usedHidden Shadow Snake Hands to wrap himself with a snake as a shield. Tobi also attempted an attack, but he was scared of Sasuke, and fled from him. Deidara told Tobi he was to handle Sasuke, and tested him with C1 grade fleas. Sasuke used the Chidori Senbon to stop the bombs. He then jumped behind Deidara, who used a bomb to distance himself. But Sasuke managed to avoid the bomb. Realising Sasuke’s abilities were great, Deidara used C2 next, and summoned a clay dragon as a battle partner. The dragon then regurgitated a cluster of land mines to which Tobi said they were going with «that». Sasuke attacked with Chidori Sharp Spear, but Deidara was out of range. While Sasuke was busy with Deidara, Tobi planted the latter’s mines around the field

Deidara sent a new C2 bomb after Sasuke, and he activated his Cursed Seal level 2 to block the blast (at the cost of one of his wings). He shot two giant shuriken at Deidara. Deidara avoided them, but Sasuke attached wires to them. They impaled Deidara’s arms against the dragon, and Sasuke flew up with his Chidori sword and severed one of the dragon’s wings off. Deidara fell to the ground toward his land mines which subsequently destroyed the dragon. Tobi cried out for Deidara, but Deidara (who earlier had dislodged the shuriken and was now safely atop one of his clay birds) told him to be quiet. He looked into Sasuke’s Sharingan and remembered when he had first seen them in Itachi.

Angered that Sasuke, like Itachi, refused to acknowledge his art, Deidara used C4 — his most powerful explosive — ingesting the clay with his own mouth and spewing out a giant replica of himself. Believing himself to be victorious as Sasuke disintegrated into nothing, Deidara is shocked to realise that he had been placed under a genjutsu. Attacking Deidara with the Chidori, Sasuke seemingly pierces Deidara through the chest but this is revealed to be a clay clone as the real Deidara emerges from below and explains that he had trained his left eye to counter genjutsu.

Enveloping Sasuke in another clone, Deidara prepares a homing bomb to detonate his C4 creation while he falls through the air. Sasuke, however, is able to escape and protect himself with his Chidori Current. He then jumped right next to Deidara and punched him. Realising that Deidara was out of chakra and could not get up, Sasuke asked where Itachi was but Deidara refused to answer, and attacked Sasuke again, but it was nullified and Sasuke collapsed of exhaustion. Enraged and driven half-mad by Sasuke’s indifference to his art, Deidara released the mouth located on his chest and turned himself into a suicide bomb in last effort to kill Sasuke. However, the Uchiha summoned the giant snake Manda, whom he used as a shield from the blast, and teleportedhimself to safety (at the cost of Manda’s life), leaving Deidara’s sacrifice in vain.

Power Edit[]

Main article: Power (Arc)

In the anime, Kabuto acquired Deidara’s genetic material and brought him back to life via Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation to aid him in the attack on the Hachō Village, fighting the Yamato-led Team Kakashi while protecting his summoner.[36] When Kabuto was about to escape, Deidara prevented the enemies from following using an explosion to cast a smokescreen.[37]

The next day, with his personality restored, Deidara, along with a recreated Hidan, killed several guards from the Hachō Village who were guarding The Hole, allowing Kabuto to sneak into the nearby village. The two began bickering about their respective defeats, which nearly escalated into a fight between the two, when Yamato and Sai arrived with more Hachō guards.[38] After a Tailed Beast Ballfired by a clone of Naruto detonated nearby, Deidara was recalled into his coffin by Kabuto.[39]

After the Ama no Hoko was activated by Disonasu, Kabuto summoned Deidara into battle once again. Deidara planted explosive clay on several of Kabuto’s reincarnated shinobi, using them as suicide bombers to attack his enemies. Deidara then pursued Hidan’s clone, intending to assist him in activating his curse technique on the members of Team Asuma. However, as he flew towards Hidan, Kabuto remotely removed Deidara’s personality and forced him to fly back towards the Ama no Hoko.[40] Kabuto then used Deidara to assault Kakashi, although he emerged from Deidara’s attack unscathed.[41] As Kabuto later left the area, he presumably recalled Deidara to his coffin.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown Edit[]

In an attempt to both impede Tobi and coerce him into joining forces during their initial encounter, Kabuto Yakushi demonstrated his capabilities by revealing Deidara and the other deceased members of Akatsuki brought back by Impure World Reincarnation.[42] Later, Kabuto transported himself atop of Deidara’s clay bird, before placing a seal inside his head which, while granting Deidara a certain amount of free will, allowed Kabuto to maintain control over him. Deidara was pleased by the prospect of a further chance to create new art and seemed content with the idea of fighting Naruto again, because he had a score to settle.

On route to the island, they are ambushed by Ōnoki, with Akatsuchi andKurotsuchi. However, both Kabuto and Deidara are revealed to be clay clones and were then blown but Ōnoki is also revealed to have been one of Akatsuchi’s rock clones. By Kabuto’s orders, they continue towards the island, rather than engaging with Ōnoki in battle. He is ordered by Kabuto to mould a big bomb, which takes the form of a jellyfish and explodes beneath the giant tortoise. Deidara offered to let Kabuto go ahead to look for Killer B and Naruto while he fought Ōnoki and his bodyguards. During the battle his explosives were blocked by Akatsuchi’s rock golem. After being drawn away from the giant island turtle, Deidara challenges Ōnoki’s Dust Release with his own explosive clay, but before he could attack he was placed back in the coffin, much to his dismay.

Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation Edit[]

Assigned to the Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon, Deidara is tasked with disrupting the Allied Shinobi Forces using his explosives, as theFourth Shinobi World War commences. After arguing with Sasori about art and telling him that they were both dead, their group mobilises atop Deidara’s clay birds, where he locates the three remaining members of the Infiltration and Reconnaissance Party.

Complaining about Muta Aburame‘s insects, he bombards their position, until the group is eventually taken captive. Deidara then booby-traps Muta’s jar, before Sasori manipulates him so as to attack the opposing Surprise Attack Division. The enemy uncovers the trap and evades the blast, forcing Deidara to engage them directly, where he tells them only one squad can emerge victorious, but that they can’t lose as they’re «immortal«. Fooled into thinking Omoi was about to attack him, when he actually intended to free Tokuma and Ranka, he becomes enraged. However, the earth beneath him is suddenly raised, making him collide with the falling Sasori. Deidara then resorts to detonating the clay placed inside of Shin, yet Kankurō manages to smother it.

Displeased that the blast was lessened, his remarks provoke Sai, by referring to Shin as «the bomb«. Teasing him further as a weakling who couldn’t even replace Sasuke, while reminding him that Shin could be made into a bomb again, Deidara then ridicules Sai’s art when he starts to draw. However, struck from behind, both he and Sasori are containedby Kankurō’s puppets. Threatening to activate C0, despite its repeated use cheapening his art, Deidara is instead pierced by Omoi’s lightninginfused sword, diffusing his clay. As Kankurō later lectures Sasori about how a puppet master could find true immortality in one’s own work, Deidara becomes furious, telling Sasori not to listen to him as true art was found within a fleeting blast.

Still imprisoned when Chūkichi arrives with reinforcements, after Hanzō‘s remark halts his complaining, Deidara demands that the others release him. However, when the retreating division are met by a portion of the Fifth Division, he is secured by the samurai. In the anime, while being interrogated by Kurotsuchi, Deidara manages to escape thanks to the White Zetsu Army infiltrating the Fifth Division. With the entire Fifth Division in pursuit, Deidara is forced to use guerrilla tactics to evade them before being baited by Kurotsuchi, posing as Sasuke to play on his insistence that killed him, into a trap with the Fifth Division recapturing him. As a slight compensation, Deidara had thought up his Super Ultimate Art, as he found repeating his self-detonating tasteless.[24]

Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax Edit[]

Still demanding that they release him before he exploded, he told Kankurō that in art there was no such things as duds before being taken by surprise by the release of the Impure World Reincarnation technique with his soul emerging from his deconstructing body as it returns to theafterlife.

в 19 лет
минуты жизни
в Rock Lee
no Seishun Full
Power Ninden

Дейдара помешан на взрывах, считает их истинным искусством. Он болтлив и общителен, однако не каждый способен это терпеть, а споры с ним по этому поводу бессмысленны. Дейдара подвержен частой смене настроения, особенно болезненно он переносит все, что связано с искусством. Он практически никого не признает, только те, кто смог его победить вызывают толику уважения, однако без чувства ненависти к ним Дейдара не остается. Дейдара достаточно мстителен и упорен. Не лишен чувства юмора. К заданиям подходит со всей ответственностью и старанием, на которые способен, при этом стараясь продемонстрировать свое искусство по максимуму. Этим он порой напоминает большого избалованного ребёнка. Дейдара эгоистичен, циничен и эгоцентричен. Ненавидит продумывать наперед свои шаги, а слово «тактика» ему неведомо. Он любит импровизировать по ходу дела и подчинять себе доступные ресурсы любыми имеющимися средствами. Вспыльчивый и импульсивный, Дейдара может проявлять как трогательную преданность, так и поразительную наглость; как полную пассивность к происходящему, так и неудержимое желание везде успеть. Он — сложная и многогранная личность.

Способности Дейдары заинтриговала Акацки. Учиха Итачи, Сасори и Хошигаки Кисаме навестили его, и предложили вступить в организацию. Дейдара отказался, однако Итачи предложил ему пари: либо Дейдара выиграет, и Акацки уйдут, либо проиграет и вступит в организацию. Дейдара не интересовался Акацки и хотел как можно быстрее избавиться от её членов. Таким образом, Дейдару, в отличие от некоторых членов организации, которые должны были пройти испытание, чтобы вступить в Акацки, буквально заставили вступить в организацию. При первой встрече, Сасори выглядит раздраженным Дейдарой. А Дейдара ненавидит Учиха Итачи, потому что ничего не смог сделать против его Шарингана.

Миссия по спасению Казекаге

Как члену Акацки, Дейдаре и его напарнику Сасори поручают захватить Гаару, джинчурики Однохвостого, чтобы захватить его Биджу, чакру которого в дальнейшем извлекают с помощью техники Пейна. В сражении против Гаары Дейдара в первый раз показывает свои способности.

Имея техники для дальнего боя, Дейдара побеждает Гаару, однако Гааре удается оторвать ему левую руку своим песком. Когда Дейдара и Сасори наконец-то захватывают Казекаге, они прибывают в убежище Акацки, где Шукаку извлекают из Гаары, а джинчурики умирает.

Появление Треххвостого

Миссия по поиску Итачи

В аниме в неизвестное время после Гокаге Кайдан, Кабуто удается попасть в Тоника но Сато, чтобы найти сокровище, состоящее из великой силы. Он разрушает её, воскресив при этом мёртвых шиноби, в том числе и Дейдару. Дейдара понимает, что его воскресил Кабуто, и после начинает выполнять его задания уже вместе с Хиданом. В конечной битве за Ама но Хоко, Кабуто, используя хаос, сбегает после схватки с Какаши, отменяя технику воскрешения. Возрождённые тела исчезают, в том числе и Дейдара.

Четвертая мировая война Шиноби: Обратный отсчет

Спустя некоторое время, Кабуто встречается с Тоби. Он желает объединения их силы для борьбы с Альянсом Шиноби. Для демонстрации своей силы, он призывает Учиха Итачи, Сасори, Дейдару, Какузу и Нагато с помощью Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей. Тоби соглашается на союз, однако у Кабуто на него другие планы. Позже Кабуто вновь призывает Дейдару с помощью Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей. Вместе с Кабуто, он создает глиняную птицу и улетает на остров Шимагаме для поимки двух оставшихся Джинчурики.

Четвертая мировая война Шиноби: Конфронтация

Дейдара пытается выбраться из марионетки, но его попытки оказываются безуспешными. В аниме, Зетсу находит Дейдару и освобождает его. Дейдара сбегает и пополняет свой запас глины. Однако увидев Учиха Саске, которого считал погибшим, забывает о своём плане и пытается нагнать Учиха, чтобы сразиться с ним. Тем не менее, это оказывается уловкой Куротсучи, и Дейдара вновь попадает в плен. Позже, Учиха Итачи заставляет Кабуто отменить Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей, и душа Дейдары освобождается.

Способности и техники

Так как стиль боя Дейдары основывается на дальних сражениях, он не слишком опытен в сражениях ближнего боя. Тем не менее, ему удалось выстоять против команды Гая, с одним лишь кунаем во рту без обеих рук. Также Дейдара имеет различные методы, с помощью которых он может уйти с близкого расстояния. Дейдара был в состоянии сосредоточиться на борьбе даже после потери обеих рук.

Способность Дейдары заключаются в создании взрывов разной степени мощности. Он способен применять Дотон для маскировки. Дейдара называет себя деятелем искусства, а свои взрывы — творениями. Как-то он сказал, что искусство — это миг чистой красоты, из-за чего он часто ссорится с Сасори, для которого искусство — это что-то вечное, например, его марионетки.

Дейдара имеет рты на обеих руках и груди, которыми он, при наличии глины, в состоянии создавать бомбы. Он может придавать глине любую форму. Это искусство называется Кибаку Нендо. Опустив руки в закрепленные на его поясе сумки, или просто, в мешочек, Дейдара с помощью ртов набирает глину, и между тем, как они её прожевывают, она смешивается с определенным количеством Чакры, благодаря чему определяется размер бомбы. Затем рты выплевывают глину, а Дейдара придает им форму. Так как он в состоянии контролировать сделанные своей способностью бомбы, он может принести большой ущерб окружающей среде. Перед каждым взрывом, Дейдара выкрикивает «Katsu!» (喝).

Другие творения Дейдары:

блоха С1
Многоножка Сова Орел
Рыба Водомерка Геометрический

Дейдара владеет необычным устройством, прикрепленным к левому глазу. Оно выполняет те же функции, что и телескоп. При помощи него Дейдара может следить за окружающей обстановкой. Радиус действия устройства довольно велик. Чаще всего, Дейдара прячет его под волосами. Чтобы использовать это устройство, Дейдара закрывает свой правый глаз и концентрируется на левом. Также Дейдара натренировал свой левый глаз для борьбы с Гендзюцу Шарингана.

Параметр способностей Дейдары выглядит следующим образом:

Энциклопедия Ниндзюцу Тайдзюцу Гендзюцу Интеллект Сила Скорость Чакра Ручные
Sha no Sho 5.0 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 32
Количество Ранг
4 Ранг D
27 Ранг С
35 Ранг В
13 Ранг А
3 Ранг S

❞ Настоящее искусство заключено в одном мимолетном моменте взрыва. ❝ – Сасори, глава 264

Энциклопедия Характер Любимое
сразиться с
Любимое слово
Любимая фраза
Naruto Hiden:
Rin no Sho
Naruto Hiden:
Tō no Sho
Naruto Hiden:
Sha no Sho
жареный рис
с овощами или мясом
Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da
(芸術は爆発だ, Искусство — это взрыв).


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется дейдара на японском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется дейдара на японском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Как пишется дейдара на японском:

Дейда́ра — Нукенин ранга S из Ивагакуре. Во время пребывания в деревне являлся частью Бакуха Бутай. После дезертирства, он вступил в преступную организацию Акацки, став самым молодым её членом. Дейдара был партнёром Сасори, вплоть до его смерти, а затем состоял в команде с Тоби, до своего собственного самоубийства.


  • 1 Личность
  • 2 Внешность
    • 2.1 Изменения
  • 3 Прошлое
  • 4 Действие
    • 4.1 Миссия по возвращению Саске
    • 4.2 Падение крепости
    • 4.3 Миссия по спасению Казекаге
    • 4.4 Миссия по подавлению Акацки
    • 4.5 Появление Трёххвостого
    • 4.6 Миссия по поиску Итачи
    • 4.7 Чикара
    • 4.8 Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Обратный отсчёт
    • 4.9 Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Конфронтация
    • 4.10 Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Кульминация
  • 5 Способности и техники
    • 5.1 Интеллект
    • 5.2 Ниндзюцу
      • 5.2.1 Сейшитсухенка и Кибаку Нендо
    • 5.3 Усовершенствование глаза
    • 5.4 Физические силы
    • 5.5 Параметры способностей
  • 6 Законченные миссии
  • 7 Наследие
  • 8 Цитаты
  • 9 Прочее
    • 9.1 Качества


Будучи партнёром Сасори, Дейдара оставался спокойным и сдержанным, не теряя свою ухмылку даже во время интенсивных сражений и споров с напарником. Тем не менее, его личность разительно изменилась после образования дуэта с Тоби, чьё детское, а иногда и неуважительное поведение быстро выводило его из себя. Также у него было что-то вроде садисткой поджигательной натуры, так как он часто взрывал своих врагов весьма жестокими способами. Наиболее отличительной чертой Дейдары, однако, была любовь к искусству. Он уважал любое его проявление, даже если оно отличалось от его собственного. Ещё Дейдара имел привычку заканчивать предложения ворчанием (…うん, …ун), что буквально переводится как «ага» или «гм». Казалось бы, он уважает идеалы других людей, так как позволил Гааре защитить деревню от взрыва, прежде чем похитить его, и даже назвал его благородным.

Одержимость Дейдары искусством доводит его до безумия

Дейдара относит свои взрывные техники к искусству, обычно выкрикивая Гейдзюцу ва Бакухатсу да! (芸術は爆発だ, «Искусство — это взрыв!») и считая каждую из своих бомб совершенством. Он преподносит свой стиль как WP.png суперфлэт (ссылаясь на новое направление в искусстве) и утверждает, что WP.png поп-арт (другой художественный стиль) мёртв.[3] Он часто хвалится своими произведениями искусства даже перед противниками в сражении. Из-за своей гордыни художника, Дейдара просто не способен признать чьё-то превосходство над ним, что привело к отказу от стратегии во время боя с Учиха Саске, в пользу демонстрации своих лучших творений. В то же время, Дейдара признавал таких сильных оппонентов, как Учиха Итачи, хотя и чувствовал его незаинтересованность в искусстве и презирал самого себя за очарование его Гендзюцу.

Разное понимание истинного искусства приводит к ссоре между Дейдарой и Сасори

Своего партнёра Сасори Дейдара называет Сасори но Данна (サソリの旦那, «Мастер Сасори») из уважения как к коллеге-художнику. Также, он признавал, что Сасори гораздо сильнее его.[4] Несмотря на это, Дейдара не считал его выше себя и часто спорил с ним по поводу природы истинного искусства (Для Дейдары, искусство — это что-то недолговечное, миг чистой красоты. Однако Сасори считал, что искусство должно существовать вечно).[5] Это мнение основывается на их величайших творениях (у Дейдары это Кибаку Нендо, у Сасори — Хитокугутсу). Хотя Дейдара, казалось бы, уважал убеждения Сасори, он раскритиковал его самоуверенность в создании тела с очевидным слабым местом, которая и привела к «подходящей для творца» смерти.[6]

Несерьёзное поведение Тоби и его детские выходки выводят Дейдару из себя

Иные отношения у Дейдары были со вторым напарником, Тоби. Тот, по-видимому, испытывал большое почтение по отношению к нему и часто обращался как к сенпаю (先輩, «старший товарищ»). Его идиотская манера поведения сильно раздражала Дейдару, который считал, что все члены Акацки должны быть спокойными, несговорчивыми и серьёзными.[7] Действия Тоби, в свою очередь, приводят Дейдару в ярость и вынуждают его в комичной манере атаковать партнёра (например, забрасывание его взрывной глиной или удушение ногами).[7][8] Тем не менее, в бою он отбрасывает все эти разногласия и даже в некотором роде заботится о нём, говоря Тоби отойти в сторону, когда собирается произвести серьёзную атаку.[9] Более того, по-видимому, Дейдара питает к Тоби чувство признательности, так как извиняется перед ним, прежде чем начать технику самоуничтожения.[10]


Скрытый рот Дейдары под плащом

У Дейдары голубые глаза и длинные русые волосы, сплетённые в хвост на затылке, и закрывающие левую половину лица, а также глазное устройство. Тем не менее, оно было уничтожено в бою против Учиха Саске.[11][12] После приобретения Киндзюцу Ивагакуре на его ладонях образовались дополнительные рты, а на левой половине груди располагался ещё один большой скрытый рот. До присоединения к Акацки Дейдара был одет в тёмно-зелёное подпоясанное кимоно с сумкой для глины и сетчатой бронёй под ним, а также укороченные коричневые штаны и сандалии. На лбу традиционно располагался протектор с символом Ивагакуре. Также его волосы были завязаны в свободно спадающий хвост. Став членом Акацки, Дейдара носил чёрный плащ с красными облаками, внутренней стороной того же цвета, и высоким воротом. Под плащом были синяя безрукавка и сетчатая броня, покрывающая грудь и живот. Его ноги покрывали тёмно-синие штаны и бело-синие сандалии. К ремню на его поясе прикреплены две сумки, в которых он хранил свою глину. На указательном пальце правой руки располагалось бирюзовое кольцо с символом Ao (青, Синий). Ногти рук и ног были окрашены в чёрный цвет. Его лоб покрывал протектор с перечёркнутым символом Ивагакуре.

В течение сериала Дейдара потерял обе руки. Его левая рука была раздавлена песком Гаары,[13] а правая оторвана от локтя после того, как Хатаке Какаши использовал на нём Камуи.[14] Впоследствии, они были восстановлены благодаря Какузу, который пришил то, что осталось от правой руки и пересадил другую.[15][16] При этом на обеих заметно выступали швы, а недостающая кожа с правой руки имела тёмно-коричневый оттенок.[17]

Дейдара в битве против Оноки

После его возрождения Якуши Кабуто, склеры Дейдары приобрели тёмным оттенок, но глаза сохранили свой прежний цвет. Возрождённый Дейдара не носил протектора, из-за чего его волосы выглядели свободнее, но всё ещё были завязаны в конский хвост. Во время демонстрации Кабуто для «Учиха Мадары», на Дейдаре был одет чёрный плащ с красной внутренней стороной. В битве против Тсучикаге Оноки и в течение всей Четвёртой мировой войны Ниндзя, он, как и все возрождённые Акацки, носил плащ коричневого цвета с внутренней стороной кремового оттенка.


  • Как шиноби Ивагакуре

  • В 19 лет

  • Перед смертью

  • Возрождённый


Во время проживания в Ивагакуре, Дейдара был учеником Оноки.[18] Кроме того, благодаря его Кеккей Генкаю Бакутон, Дейдара был членом Бакуха Бутай.[19] Несмотря на высокую оценку его феноменальных способностей, Дейдара мечтал достичь больших высот, что подтолкнуло его украсть Киндзюцу его деревни, позволяющее смешивать чакру с материей.[1] С помощью взрывной глины он устранил преследователей, при этом создав совершенное, по его мнению, искусство: Исшун но Гейдзюцу (一瞬の芸術, «Искусство единого мгновения»).[1] В дальнейшем, Дейдара стал элитным подрывником и наёмником.[1]

Дейдара вступает в Акацки

Работа Дейдары заинтриговала Акацки. Учиха Итачи, Сасори и Хошигаки Кисаме навестили его, и предложили вступить в организацию. Дейдара отказался, однако Итачи предложил ему пари. Условия были таковы, что если Дейдара выиграет, то Акацки уйдут, а если проиграет — то вступит в организацию. На самом деле, Дейдара не интересовался этой организацией, и хотел как можно быстрее избавиться от её членов. Некоторые члены организации должны были пройти испытание, в то время, как Дейдару буквально заставили вступить в Акацки. При первой встрече, Сасори выглядит раздраженным Дейдарой. Дейдара ненавидит Учиха Итачи, потому что ничего не смог сделать против его Шарингана.[20] После вступления в организацию, он и Сасори получили задание устранить предателя Орочимару, который скрывался в Казе но Куни. В ходе боя с ними, Орочимару понял, что недостаточно хорошо использует Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей, после чего отступил. Дейдара попытался устранить его, взорвав убежище, однако Саннину удалось спастись.[21] В дальнейшем, Дейдара вернулся в Ивагакуре и устроил там теракт.[22]


Миссия по возвращению Саске

В качестве голограммы, Дейдара ненадолго появляется на одном из собраний Акацки, где призывает товарищей набраться терпения, считая, что рано или поздно они убьют Орочимару, в то же время поставив под сомнение выполнение всех задач организации всего за три года.[23]

Описанные в этом разделе факты, персонажи, места и прочее встречаются исключительно в аниме.

Падение крепости

В аниме, Дейдара и Сасори встречаются с Хиданом и Какузу, чтобы обсудить новые миссии Акацки и распределить задания между собой. Дейдара и Сасори решают выполнить боевую миссию.[24] Дуэт отправляется в Ко но Куни с намерением уничтожить его для увеличения репутации Акацки. Дейдара учиняет серию мощных взрывов по всему государству, однако, к его недовольству, Сасори решает закончить работу самостоятельно. Разрушив страну, они успешно выполняют миссию.[25]

Миссия по спасению Казекаге

Дейдара и Сасори отправляются в Сунагакуре для захвата Гаары, чтобы Акацки смогли извлечь из него Ичиби. Странствуя по пустыням, Дейдара отмечает, что в деревне находится первый шпион, в то время как второй был послан к Орочимару. Не привлекая лишнего внимания, им удаётся проникнуть в Суну, благодаря спящему агенту Сасори, Юре. Дейдара вызывается лично захватить Джинчурики, после чего создаёт орла из глины и начинает парить над деревней, попутно уничтожая часовых с помощью C1. Проникнувшись красотой селения, юноша находит его заслуживающим уничтожения. Несмотря на скрытное проникновение, Дейдара быстро сталкивается с Гаарой, который знал, что в пустыне не водится подобных птиц. Оценив способности Гаары, Дейдара вынужденно занимает оборонительную позицию, уклоняясь от его песка и попутно атакуя взрывными техниками. Чудом избежав заточения в песчаной тюрьме, Дейдара, тем не менее, теряет свою левую руку, раздавленную личным песком Казекаге.

Понимая особенности песка Гаары, Дейдара разрабатывает план, согласно которому он скинет на Сунагакуре C3, бомбу, способную уничтожить деревню полностью. Хотя Гааре и удаётся спасти селение, выясняется, что Дейдара запустил в его песок несколько своих творений. После взрыва глины, поверженный Казекаге теряет сознание и падает с воздуха, прежде чем его ловит Дейдара и улетает на глиняной птице. В погоню за ним отправляется Канкуро. Сасори быстро побеждает его и, воссоединившись с Дейдарой, они отправляются в Кава но Куни, в одно из убежищ Акацки. Когда стало известно, что команда Какаши и команда Гая уже находятся в пути, чтобы спасти Гаару, Дейдаре ничего не оставалось, кроме как почувствовать себя неловко из-за своего недостатка скрытности во время захвата Гаары. В течение нескольких дней он и его товарищи по организации участвуют в извлечении Ичиби.

Дейдара подвергается воздействию Камуи Какаши

Когда команда Какаши выслеживает их, Дейдара получает скудный ответ от Итачи, как определить Джинчурики Кьюби: он шумный и первый бросается в бой. Чтобы проверить слова Итачи, Дейдара садится на труп Гаары в ожидании команды. Это срабатывает и Дейдара, пользуясь этим, уносит тело Гаары, чтобы привлечь внимание Джинчурики, оставив Сасори сражаться против Харуно Сакуры и Чиё. Дейдара находит Наруто необыкновенным Джинчурики, что только усиливает его желание сразиться с ним, однако вслед за Наруто отправляется Хатаке Какаши. Он пытается разделить Наруто и Какаши, однако раз за разом терпит неудачу. Какаши пытается обезглавить Дейдару, но вместо этого лишает его другой руки, давая Наруто шанс вернуть тело Гаары и перенести сражение с Дейдарой в лес. Будучи инвалидом, Дейдара был застигнут врасплох, когда Наруто появляется позади него и бросает в землю, после чего собирается добить Расенганом. Тем не менее, в последний момент Дейдара заменяет себя на Нендо Буншин.

«Дейдара» совершает самоубийство

Он с удивлением наблюдает, как из-за гнева у Наруто пробуждаются два хвоста из чакры Кьюби вплоть до того момента, пока Какаши не подавляет его скрытую силу. Сразу после этого прибывают Чиё и Сакура, в связи с чем Дейдара решает прибегнуть к тактическому отступлению, будучи лишённым возможности дать отпор врагу. Прежде чем ему удаётся сбежать, путь Дейдаре преграждает команда Гая. Не способный в одиночку противостоять такому большому количеству противников, Дейдара поглощает часть взрывной глины, в процессе подменяя себя на Джибаку Буншин, с помощью которого он намеревается убить ниндзя Конохи. Его попытка оказывается тщетной, поскольку Какаши нейтрализует взрыв с помощью Камуи, однако враги всё же считают его погибшим.

К вечеру, избитый Дейдара выходит из своего укрытия, сетуя на провальный план по убийству Джинчурики и компании, прежде чем решить в ближайшее время найти свою отрубленную руку, пока она не начала гнить. Чуть позже, Дейдара встречает Тоби и Зетсу после того, как те нашли его оторванную конечность. На вопрос Зетсу, почему он не схватил Джинчурики Кьюби, Дейдара отвечает, что уже выполнил свою работу, поймав для Акацки Ичиби. Затем он комически пытается задушить Тоби ногами, когда тот оскорбляет его.

В какой-то момент времени, Какузу пришивает Дейдаре его оторванную руку вместе с новой, чтобы заменить ту, что была раздавлена песком Гаары.

Миссия по подавлению Акацки

Дейдара присутствует на запечатывании Ниби и, услышав что Какузу и Хидан собираются отправиться в Конохагакуре, предупреждает их об очень сильном Джинчурики, проживающим там.

Появление Трёххвостого

Дейдара и Тоби получают задание захватить Санби. В аниме, они временно останавливаются в местном магазине данго. Дейдара заинтересовывается в том, чтобы увидеть лицо Тоби, но тот отворачивается, когда ест Данго. После этого, Тоби провоцирует Дейдару, оскорбляя его искусство. Выйдя из себя, Дейдара подвергает Тоби действию своих взрывов.[26] Затем они разделяются в поисках Санби.

Дейдара и Тоби против Санби

Некоторое время спустя, Дейдара обнаруживает Анбу Конохагакуре, охраняющих озеро, и убивает их. Тоби поздравляет его с победой и они направляются к озеру. Дейдара отмечает, что так как Тоби официально является членом Акацки, он должен самостоятельно захватить Биджу. Испугавшись огромного зверя и его разрушительной силы, Тоби убегает от его преследования. Дейдара создаёт рыбу из глины и отправляет её в озеро, учиняя мощный взрыв и давая Тоби возможность захватить Санби. Тогда же Тоби начинает хвалиться своим успехом, не понимая, что именно искусство Дейдары принесло им победу. Позднее, он засыпает во время рассказа старшего напарника, чем в очередной раз вызывает его гнев.

Миссия по поиску Итачи

После запечатывания Йонби, Дейдара узнаёт, что Наруто и его товарищи из Конохи ищут Итачи и Саске. При упоминании Наруто, он выражает злобу в отношении него, так как тот не уважает его искусство. Также он узнаёт о смерти бывшего члена Акацки, Орочимару. Поскольку именно он хотел убить Орочимару, Дейдара отправляется вместе с Тоби на поиски виновника, младшего брата Итачи, Саске. Когда они находят его, Тоби обеспечивает Дейдаре поддержку в битве с ним.

Дейдара готовит свою атаку

Дейдара предпринимает попытку атаковать сверху, используя бомбы, но Саске защищает себя с помощью Сеней Джашу, завернувшись в большую змею. Тоби также пытается внести свой вклад, но, испугавшись взгляда Саске, отступает. Отругав Тоби за пустую трату времени, Дейдара тестирует свои мини-бомбы уровня C1, которые Саске быстро нейтрализует своим Чидори Сенбон, после чего атакует со спины, однако Дейдара вовремя отбивается от него взрывом. По достоинству оценив способности молодого Учиха, Дейдара создаёт дракона C2 в качестве боевого партнёра. Пока Дейдара стреляет в Саске бомбами, Тоби минирует поле боя.

Дейдара посылает очередную C2-бомбу в Саске, которую тот блокирует крылом, когда переходит на второй уровень Джуина. Затем, он запускает в Дейдару два гигантских шурикена. Хотя тот, казалось бы, избегает снарядов, Саске притягивает их обратно. Они прибивают Дейдару к дракону, и Саске, оттолкнувшись от своего меча, отрезает ему крыло с помощью Чидори Эйсо. Дейдара падает на многочисленные мины, приводящие к уничтожению дракона. Тоби начинает оплакивать потерю сенпая, но спасшийся Дейдара велит ему замолчать. Взглянув на Шаринган Саске, он вспоминает свою первую встречу с Итачи.

Саске пронзает Нендо Буншин Дейдары

Возмущённый тем, что Саске, как и Итачи, отказывается признать его искусство, Дейдара использует C4, наиболее мощное взрывчатое вещество, глотая глину своим собственным ртом и высвобождая гигантское подобие самого себя. Считая себя победителем, когда Саске распадается в пыль, Дейдара испытывает потрясение, оказавшись под воздействием Гендзюцу. Саске появляется за спиной Дейдары и пронзает его грудь Чидори, но тут же признаёт глиняного клона. Настоящий Дейдара вылезает из под птицы, объясняя, как он натренировал свой левый глаз для противостояния Гендзюцу.

Дейдара превращает себя в бомбу

Поймав Саске в другого клона, Дейдара готовит самонаводящуюся бомбу, чтобы взорвать его создания C4, в то время как он падает на землю. Саске, однако, удаётся избежать уготованной участи благодаря Чидори Нагаши. Затем, он приземляется рядом с Дейдарой и бьёт его по лицу. Когда Саске спрашивает его о местоположении Итачи, Дейдара теряет самообладание из-за равнодушия Саске к своему искусству. Он открывает скрытый рот в области груди и поедает им оставшуюся глину, превращая себя в бомбу замедленного действия в последней попытке убить Саске. Тем не менее, Учиха призывает гигантскую змею Манду, с помощью которой телепортирует себя в безопасное от взрыва места, оставляя жертву Дейдары напрасной.

Описанные в этом разделе факты, персонажи, места и прочее встречаются исключительно в аниме.


В аниме, Кабуто приобретает генетический материал Дейдары и возвращает его к жизни с помощью Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей, чтобы тот помог ему в нападении на Хачо но Сато. Впоследствии, он защищает Кабуто в сражении с командой Какаши во главе с Ямато.[27] Перед отступлением, Кабуто заставляет Дейдару создать им прикрытие с помощью нескольких взрывов, создающих дымовую завесу.[28]

На следующий день, возрождённый Дейдара и клон Хидана ликвидируют поисковый отряд из Хачо но Сато, посланный в Тоника но Сато для разведки. Затем, между Дейдарой и Хиданом происходит ссора, они поддевают друг друга своими поражениями, что почти перерастает в драку между ними, но их прерывают Ямато, Сай и охранники, прибывшие в Хачо но Сато.[29] Когда искусственный клон Наруто выстреливает Биджудама, Дейдара был отозван Кабуто.[30]

После активации Ама но Хоко Дисонасу, Кабуто в очередной раз призывает Дейдару для сражения. Дейдара прикрепляет взрывную глину на нескольких возрождённых шиноби Кабуто, используя их в качестве террористов-смертников, чтобы атаковать своих врагов. Затем Дейдара преследует клона Хидана, намереваясь оказать ему помощь в активации Джудзюцу: Шиджи Хьёкетсу против членов команды Асумы. Тем не менее, Кабуто подавляет его личность и заставляет вернуться обратно к Ама но Хоко.[31] Дейдара нападает на Какаши, который благополучно избегает его атаки.[32] После этого он был отозван Кабуто.

Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Обратный отсчёт

В попытке принудить Тоби объединить их силы, Кабуто демонстрирует свои способности, призывая Дейдару и других погибших членов Акацки при помощи Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей. Позже, Кабуто помещает в его голову специальный талисман, предоставляя Дейдаре значительное количество воли, но в то же время сохраняя контроль над его телом. Вместе они отправляются в сторону Шимагаме верхом на глиняной птице. Дейдаре выпадает возможность в очередной раз показать своё искусство, а также шанс сразиться против Наруто, с которым тот имеет давние счёты.

На пути к острову, они попадают в засаду Оноки, Куротсучи и Акатсучи. Под видом себя и Кабуто, Дейдара взрывает глиняных клонов, однако Оноки и Акатсучи оказываются каменными двойниками. По приказу Кабуто, они продолжают путь к острову, игнорируя Оноки. Затем он создаёт бомбу форме медузы, которая взрывается под гигантской черепахой. Дейдара предлагает Кабуто идти вперёд на поиски Наруто и Киллера Би, в то время как сам собирается уничтожить Оноки и его телохранителей. Во время битвы его творения были блокированы каменным големом Акатсучи. Когда они отлетают на большое расстояние от острова-черепахи, Дейдара готовится противопоставить своё Кибаку Нендо Джитону Оноки, однако, прежде чем он успевает что-либо сделать, Кабуто отзывает его обратно в гроб, к ужасу художника.

Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Конфронтация

Группа Дейдары патрулирует небо

В составе Кишу Шодо Шотай Дейдаре было поручено подрывать членов Альянса Шиноби во время Четвёртой мировой войны Ниндзя. После очередного спора с Сасори о значении искусства, в котором он напоминает бывшему партнёру, что они оба мертвы, группа выступает на поле боя, передвигаясь на глиняных птицах. Некоторое время спустя, Дейдара обнаруживает трёх оставшихся членов Сеннью Тейсатсутай.

Жалуясь на насекомых Абураме Муты, он бомбардирует их позиции до тех пор, пока весь отряд не попадает в плен. Затем Дейдара закладывает в его сосуд мины-ловушки, после чего Мута под управлением Сасори проникает в лагерь Кишу Бутай. В последний момент противники обнаруживают ловушку, после чего Дейдара лично вступает в бой, говоря им, что только одной из команд суждено выиграть, упоминая при этом бессмертие его стороны. Будучи обманутым Омои, который вместо того, чтобы атаковать его, освобождает Токуму и Ранку, Дейдара свирепеет. Затем, в результате сдвига земли под его ногами, он сталкивается с падающим Сасори. Дейдара наполняет Шина взрывчаткой, чтобы использовать его как движущуюся бомбу, но Канкуро успевает нейтрализовать его.

Дейдара и Сасори на войне

Недовольный собственным фиаско, Дейдара сетует на бездарность «живой бомбы», чем провоцирует Сая. Заметив его реакцию, Дейдара называет его слабаком, неспособным заменить Саске, напоминая о возможности неоднократно использовать Шина в качестве оружия, а затем высмеивает его искусство, когда тот начинает рисовать. Тем не менее, будучи застигнутыми врасплох нападением Сая, он и Сасори попадаются в марионетки Канкуро. На угрозы Дейдары активировать C0, Омои пронзает его мечом, через который проводит райчакру, тем самым сведя на нет действие глины. В то время как Канкуро пытается доказать Сасори, что тот уже обессмертил себя в своих творениях, Дейдара в ярости призывает товарища не слушать его, преподнося искусство как мимолётный взрыв.

С прибытием подкрепления, которое привёл Чукичи, Дейдара требует освободить его, в противном случае обещая взорвать всё вокруг, однако Ханзо отмечает его бесполезность, пока тот находится внутри марионетки. Вскоре Дейдара попадает под охрану самураев из Сенто Токубетсу Бутай. В аниме, во время допроса Куротсучи, Дейдаре удаётся сбежать благодаря одному из Широ Зетсу, проникнувшему в ряды противника. Он отступает, чтобы пополнить запасы взрывной глины. Обходя посланные за ним силы противника, Дейдара встречает Учиха Саске. Ослеплённый местью, Дейдара бросается за ним в погоню, только для того, чтобы вновь попасть в плен к Сенто Токубетсу Бутай, согласно плану Куротсучи, которая приняла облик Учиха.[33]

Четвёртая мировая война Ниндзя: Кульминация

Душа Дейдары освобождается

Дейдара угрожает взорвать себя, если его не освободят, утверждая, что ничто не в силах помешать его искусству. Жалобы художника прерывает ореол света, охватывающий его тело. С учётом снятия Кучиёсе: Эдо Тенсей, душа Дейдары обретает свободу и возвращается обратно в Джодо. Перед тем, как окончательно покинуть мир живых, Дейдара с ухмылкой принимает поражение Кабуто и заявляет о нерушимости своего искусства.

Способности и техники

Дейдара был очень сильным Нукенином ранга S, чьи способности по достоинству оценило руководство Акацки. Лидер организации Пейн признал уникальность Дейдары и назвал его смерть большой потерей для Акацки.[34] Он в одиночку победил Джинчурики Ичиби и Годайме Казекаге Гаару, а также Санби, несмотря на то, что бой происходил на их родной территории. К тому же, он на равных сражался с вундеркиндом клана Учиха, Саске, хотя его методы по законам природы уступали способностям Саске.


Одной из наиболее сильных сторон Дейдары был его интеллект, благодаря которому ему удавалось заманивать оппонентов в радиус действия своих техник, а также придумывать хитрые уловки. Свои умственные способности он продемонстрировал в сражении с Гаарой, незаметно поместив в его песок взрывную глину, когда тот раздавил его руку. Во время битвы против Учиха Саске ему удалось несколько раз перехитрить своего противника, перекрывая ему воздух драконом C2 и закрывая путь к земле, благодаря установленным минам, а затем сбить с толку нападением C4. В аниме, ему удалось обойти свою слабость к Райтондзюцу, используя меч в качестве заземляющего стрежня для отвода молнии.[33]


Сейшитсухенка и Кибаку Нендо

Дейдара обладал Кеккей Генкай Бакутон. Это позволило ему, при смешивании элементов земли и молнии, придавать чакре взрывные свойства. Также, в результате кражи Киндзюцу Ивагакуре и его использования на самом себе, на ладонях и левой половине груди Дейдары образовались особые рты. При совмещении этих двух способностей Дейдара мог создавать взрывоопасную глину, активируемую командой Катсу (喝) при формировании печати противостояния. Эта глина может быть использована в самых различных формах, увеличиваясь при смешивании с чакрой Дейдары. Это позволило ему создать живые взрывчатые вещества для атаки противников на больших расстояниях.

Дейдара может создавать клонов из глины, суицидальных клонов, что могут стать смертельным сюрпризом для оппонента, а также глиняных миньонов под дистанционным управлением. Глиняные творения Дейдары варьировались от микроскопических до гигантских размеров, что позволило ему адаптироваться к любой ситуации, от создания драконов, стреляющих мелкими бомбами из глины, до эффективной командной работы с Тоби, который закладывает взрывные глиняные мины под землёй, чтобы ограничить радиус передвижения противника. В крайнем случае, Дейдара может превратить в бомбу самого себя, пожирая взрывную глину, имеющую гигантский радиус взрыва, что он называет «Кьюкьёку Гейджутсу» (究極芸術, «Последнее искусство»). Кибаку Нендо применяется и для других целей, так как Дейдара часто создавал гигантских птиц для передвижения по воздуху и скрытого проникновения в деревни во время миссий.[35] Он, казалось бы, знал стандартные Дотондзюцу, что видно из его использования Дотон: Могурагакуре но Дзюцу во избежание поражения одной из своих массивных бомб.[36] Тем не менее, поскольку его взрывная глина изготовлена из земли, она испытывает уязвимость по отношению к молнии и может быть ею же обезврежена.[37]

Видимо, у него имеются некоторые познания в Каге Буншин но Дзюцу, которая является частью его Джибаку Буншин.

Усовершенствование глаза

Дейдара владеет необычным устройством, прикреплённым к левому глазу, которое действует по принципу телескопа. Кроме того, Дейдара натренировал свой левый глаз для противостояния Гендзюцу Шарингана, что позволяет ему видеть сквозь иллюзию и свести её действие на нет.[38] Он обучился этому, чтобы противостоять мощнейшим Гендзюцу Итачи, к которым испытывал отвращение и желал сразиться с ним при любой удачной возможности.[39] Дейдара, казалось бы, был в состоянии видеть на больших расстояниях без использования устройства, так как, будучи возрождённым, он обнаружил укрытие вражеских шиноби рядом с убежищем Тоби, однако для этого ему по-прежнему было необходимо закрыть правый глаз, чтобы увеличить зоркость левого.[40]

Физические силы

У Дейдары были достаточно развиты навыки скрытности, которые позволили ему обойти двух квалифицированных Анбу совершенно незамеченным.[41] Кроме того, он обладал впечатляющими реакцией и скоростью, благодаря чему смог избежать резких атак Саске.[42] Дейдара продемонстрировал большую стойкость к боли, без криков перенеся потерю обеих рук, и несмотря на их отсутствие, а также будучи бойцом на дальних дистанциях, он был в состоянии парировать совместное нападение членов команды Гая при помощи лишь одного куная во рту. Также Дейдара владел большой физической силой, что было показано, когда он вырвался из плотного песка Гаары и вырвал из рук два гигантских шурикена, оттолкнув их ногами.

Параметры способностей

Параметры способностей Дейдары выглядит следующим образом:

Энциклопедия Nin
(Ручные печати)
Ша но Шо[43] 5.0 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 32

Законченные миссии

Количество Ранг
4 Ранг D
27 Ранг C
35 Ранг B
13 Ранг A
3 Ранг S


Когда новость о смерти Дейдары достигла оставшихся членов Акацки, Пейн назвал его гибель невосполнимой утратой для организации и отправился воздать почести мёртвому товарищу.[34]

Несмотря на осуждение Ивагакуре его художественных ценностей и его дезертирство из деревни, многие высокопоставленные ниндзя с уважением относились к Дейдаре. Так, например, Куротсучи называла его «Дейдара-нии» (デイダラ兄, «большой брат»), и хотела сразиться с Учиха Саске, человеком, победившим его.[44] В то же время Сандайме Тсучикаге Оноки по-прежнему видел в нём своего ученика и был недоволен, что кому-то вроде Саске удалось убить его.[45]


  • 芸術は爆発だ!, Geijutsu wa bakuhatsu da!, Искусство — это взрыв!ключевая фраза, глава 248
  • Такие идиоты не способны оценить настоящее искусство. Испытай его на себе. Искусство… это взрыв!Ниндзя Суны, глава 248
  • Настоящее искусство заключено в одном мимолётном моменте взрыва…Сасори, глава 264
  • Вот взрывы – это настоящее искусство! Не то что ваш кукольный театр! Гм…Сасори, глава 264
  • Тоби, даже Будда теряет терпение после троекратного оскорбления… Ещё одно слово, и мы будем определять уже причину твоей смерти!Тоби, глава 281
  • Эти глаза… Эти чёртовы глаза!!! Как же они меня бесят!!! Как они смеют смотреть на моё искусство свысока! Они видят его… но не замечают!!! Я не потерплю такого неуважения к моим шедеврам!!!Саске, глава 362
  • Это — моё последнее искусство. Я сам себя подорву! Смерть ради искусства! Это будет невиданный взрыв! Следы его никогда не исчезнут с лица Земли… И наконец-то… Моё искусство станут уважать!!! А теперь – ужасайся! Восхищайся! Бойся в отчаянии! И кричи!!! Потому что искусство… это взрыв!!!Последние слова для Саске, глава 362
  • Заткнись! Я убил Учиха Саске! И ты следующий, не смыслящий в искусстве мешок морщин!Оноки, глава 513
  • Искусство никогда не умрёт… хоть я и мёртв.Про себя, эпизод 280


  • Крылатая фраза Дейдары была придумана известным японским деятелем искусства WP.png Окамото Таро, чьи работы также оказали влияние на творения Дейдары.
  • Дейдара занял 3-е место в одном из списков популярных персонажей читателей вскоре после его дебюта, уступив Наруто. Кроме того, он занял самую высокую позицию из всех членов Акацки (хотя на тот момент было введено около половины членов Акацки).
  • Он никогда не знал о том, что его партнёр Тоби владеет Кеккей Генкай, который он ненавидел больше всего — Шаринган.
  • Его характерное Катсу (喝), которое он выкрикивает при взрыве, происходит от крика, используемого в буддистской школе WP.png Дзен, для остановки дискурсивных мыслей практикующих и помощи в достижении состояния просветления. Также оно используется как средство фокусирования энергии.
  • Тоби говорил, что Дейдара умрёт от взрыва,[46] а Сасори при знакомстве с ним — что такой тип людей умирает молодыми.[47] По иронии судьбы, сбылось и первое, и второе.
  • Своего предыдущего партнёра Дейдара называл Сасори но Данна (サソリの旦那, «Мастер Сасори»), однако Сасори был не единственным человеком, к которому Дейдара обращался в подобном ключе. В эпизоде 18 и в его омаке он назвал Кисаме Кисаме но Данна (鬼鮫の旦那, «Мастер Кисаме»).
  • Возрождённый Дейдара не знал, что Саске выжил после его последней атаки. Об этом ему сообщил Оноки.[48] В аниме, Куротсучи информирует Дейдару ещё раз.[33]
  • Привычка Дейдары заканчивать предложения с ворчанием та же, что и у Абуми Заку.


Качества Дейдары выглядят следующим образом:

Энциклопедия Характер Любимое блюдо Не любит Любимое искусство Хочет сразиться с Любимое слово/Любимая фраза Хобби
Рин но Шо / / / / / / /
То но Шо / / / / / / /
Ша но Шо Гордый, воинственный Бакудан (варёные яйца в WP.png сурими) Плов / Учиха Итачи Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da! (芸術は爆発だ, Искусство — это взрыв!) Создавать взрывы


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Ша но Шо, страница 104-108
  2. Джин но Шо, страница 122
  3. Глава 358, страница 3
  4. Глава 265, страница 11
  5. Глава 264, страница 7
  6. Глава 277, страница 14
  7. 7,0 7,1 Глава 318, страница 6
  8. Глава 281, страница 16
  9. Глава 357, страница 11
  10. Глава 362, страница 13
  11. Глава 358, страницы 16-17
  12. Глава 359, страница 4
  13. Глава 248, страница 19
  14. Глава 276, страница 9
  15. Глава 332, страница 6
  16. Глава 359, страница 5
  17. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 123
  18. Глава 514, страница 1
  19. Глава 526, страница 12
  20. Глава 359, страницы 5-15
  21. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 457
  22. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 261
  23. Глава 238, страница 18
  24. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 309
  25. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 310
  26. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 99
  27. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 290
  28. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 291
  29. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 292
  30. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 293
  31. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 294
  32. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 295
  33. 33,0 33,1 33,2 Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 280
  34. 34,0 34,1 Глава 363, страница 9
  35. Глава 248, страница 7
  36. Глава 280, страница 16
  37. Глава 361, страница 16-17
  38. Глава 360, страница 11, 16-17
  39. Глава 360, страница 17
  40. Глава 516, страница 8-9
  41. Naruto Shippūden — Эпизод 112
  42. Глава 357
  43. Ша но Шо
  44. Глава 461, страница 14
  45. Глава 466, страница 14
  46. Глава 359, страница 3
  47. Глава 359, страница 11
  48. Глава 513, страница 9
IwaSymb.jpg Жители Ивагакуре
Жители Акатсучи · Иттан · Китсучи · Контсучи · Куноичи Ивы · Куротсучи · Морио · Натсу · Оноки · Саган · Секки · Футаба Тсубуте · Шаро Эримаки
Бывшие жители Аккун · Гари · Дейдара · Доктор Ивы · Ишикава · Какко · Како · Кирара · Козучи · Кокуё · Ку · Махиру · Монга · Му · Роши · Секией · Сумаши · Тайсеки · Хан

Ex a.png



Дейдара Тсукури


18-19 лет


166 см

Дата рождения



Деревня Скрытого Камня


Ранг S


Ниндзя отступник




Ниндзюцу, Киндзюцу

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Взрывающийся Клон

Взрывная Глина

Взрывные Мины

Глиняный Клон

Стихия Земли: Техника Сокрытия Крота

Техника Теневого Клонирования







У Дейдары были скошенные голубые глаза и длинные светлые волосы, часть которых он собирал в хвост, а другую часть свободно отпускал. Чёлка, висящая над его левым глазом, скрывала его увеличительный прибор на глазу, что указывало его специализацию на дальнем бою. После использования Киндзюцу Скрытого Камня на себе, у Дейдары появились рты в обеих его ладонях, а на левой стороне груди присутствовал ещё один, зашитый рот. Он использовал киндзюцу, чтобы добавить Стихию Взрыва в свою глину. Перед вступлением в Акацуки Дейдара носил сине-серое кимоно наподобие куртки с сетчатой рубашкой под ним, штаны цвета хаки, сандалии, а также пояс с сумкой и цепью, присоединённым к нему. Его волосы были собраны в более длинный хвост, на голове же он носил протектор Ивагакуре. После присоединения к Акацуки Дейдара стал носить традиционный плащ организации, тёмно-синие штаны, соответствующие сандалии и кольцо Акацуки с кандзи «зелёный/голубой»


В ходе партнёрства с Сасори Дейдара обычно вел себя спокойно и расслабленно, а с его лица никогда не сходила ухмылка, даже когда его порицал партнёр или же во время напряжённых битв. Тем не менее, по-видимому, его характер отчасти изменился после становления Тоби партнёром, так как Дейдара часто злился при его ребяческом, а порою и неуважительном поведении. Также Дейдара показал некоторые черты садиста, так как он получал удовольствие от хороших битв и нередко взрывал своих противников в очень жестокой манере. Однако самой отличительной чертой Дейдары выступала его любовь к искусству. Он уважал любую его форму, даже если она и противоречила его собственной. Дейдара называл своё взрывное ниндзюцу искусством, постоянно используя фразу «Искусство — это взрыв!»


Дейдара был ниндзя-отступником ранга-S из Скрытого Камня. Во время своего пребывания в деревне он был членом Корпуса Подрывников. После ухода из неё Дейдара был вынужден вступить в Акацуки, и стал ее самым молодым членом. В организации он был партнёром Сасори до тех пор, пока последний не погиб, а позже — напарником Тоби до самой своей смерти.

Argentum играет в лотерейку и получает 3 хепкоинов.

Shinai играет в лотерейку и получает 4 EXP.

Shinai v0 вытягивает пустую карту в нашей лотерее.

Дайте теневых клонов, чтобы клоном я рпшил с Крис и Мекой, а оригиналом на миссии гонял орех

@Quattro Anatom, ща договоришься, будет 5 орех

@Quattro Anatom, ну кукол

@Anatom, у нитей теперь скорость 10м/с

дайте по башке сайтаме рукой бога да и всечай как вы до этого не додумались

Я даже сам не помню, осталась ли она где

Верю троль1


  • Сила роли: 4.8

Начало игры

Дейдара — шиноби из деревни Скрытого Камня. Начинает игру с нейтральных территорий.

Начальные техники

Рекомендуемые техники


Дейдара довольно спокойный и серьёзный в обычное время. Рассудителен, однако представляет собой вспыльчивую натуру. Может стерпеть колкости в свой адрес всего несколько раз(как говорил сам:»Ударь Будду трижды, и он потеряет терпение»), но не терпит их в адрес искусства. Тем более его видения. Практически сходу выходит из себя и всячески выказывает своё недовольство. За неправильно сказанные слова, в силу импульсивности, порой может проявить жестокость. Ценит спокойствие и эстетику. Одной из главнейших черт его характера является гордость. За счёт неё он сохраняет своё независимое видение вещей, не меняет мнения. Не позволяет оспаривать свои взгляды, за исключением двух случаев: «противник» этих самых взглядов пользуется уважением Дейдары; «противник» ничего для него из себя не представляет, его мнение не интересно. Игнорирует людей, относящихся к второму варианту, однако, как и сказано ранее, до поры. Требователен к вниманию к своей персоне. Самое неприятное для него — когда его самого игнорируют. Не сидит на месте, всегда стремится к большим высотам, из-за чего находит себе всё более сложных противников с течением времени. Испытывает настоящую страсть по отношению к взрывам, любит с ними экспериментировать. Творческая личность, которой свойственны «порывистые» действия. Манера поведения очень зависит от настроения, которое имеет обыкновение меняться невероятно быстро, в зависимости от условий. Выразительная мимика, по которой весь этот эмоциональный поток и прослеживается. Но это касается необычных ситуаций. В основном он спокоен и тих. Особенно, когда находится в одиночестве. Во время боя подхватывает азарт и получает от него удовольствие, даже если всё плохо, и он проигрывает. Всегда держится достойно. Также в бою не скупится на разговоры с оппонентом и даже оскорбления. Весьма общителен, не проявляет агрессии без причины по отношению к собеседнику, однако подать повод довольно легко. В общении допускает шутки, хоть, порой и своеобразные. Любит много говорить и рассуждать на темы, которые считает интересными или важными(возможно привлекает внимание таким образом и поднимает себя в глазах окружающих), особенно на тему искусства. Своё искусство олицетворяет взрывом глиняных созданий, выполненных в технике «супер-флэт». Считает, что искусство — это миг. Также придерживается мнения, что жизнь прекрасна лишь потому, что так мимолётна. Видит в своём искусстве не просто взрывы, а философский подтекст. Практически в прямом смысле вкладывает душу в свои создания. Любит давать имена лучшим своим творениям. Все фигуры, которые он придумал, получают свои номера по счёту, будь то глиняная птица или змея. Умеет ценить по достоинству, хоть и не всегда признаёт это или даёт понять. Довольно чуткая личность, однако от привязанностей имеет свойство отказываться. Считает, что они могут ограничивать его творчество. Весьма ответственен. Серьёзно подходит к задаче и её выполнению. Однако, если считает её пустяковой или крупичной, относится к ней соответствующие.


Невысокий юноша с длинными волосами блондинистого оттенка. Обычно волосы собраны в хвост сзади, но иногда могут быть просто заправлены под одежду(под плащ, например). Голубые подведённые глаза, светлый оттенок кожи. Чёлка обычно закрывает практически половину лица, однако Дейдаре это совсем не мешает. Он, как творческая личность, так же экспериментирует и с внешностью. На лбу находится повязка с символом деревни — Ивагакуре, даже несмотря на то, что самой деревни уже и нет. Носит тёмно-зелёную кофту поверх кальчужнообразной майки, края которой лежат наперекрёст друг на друге, образовывая треугольный вырез ближе к шее. Держится это на поясе светло-зелёного цвета с тонкой цепью и двумя сумками такого же цвета по бокам. Также носит свободные тёмно-зелёные бриджи(оттенком чуть темнее кофты), а на ногах надеты сандали. Рукава кофты формата три четверти. На ладонях, а так же левой половине груди имеются рты, появившиеся после использования на себе тайного кинджутсу Ивагакуре. Из-за того, что рот на груди может быть опасен для Дейдары, он держит его зашитым, а также под несколькими печатями, обеспечивающими безопасность. Рот не виден под одеждой. Волосы собраны сзади в низкий хвост(завязка ниже уровня плеч).

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