Как пишется на английском тамерлан


  • Beg
  • Sultan[1]

Timur reconstruction03.jpg

Timur facial reconstruction from skull, by Mikhail Mikhaylovich Gerasimov

Amir of the Timurid Empire
Reign 9 April 1370 –
14 February 1405
Coronation 9 April 1370, Balkh[2]
Successor Khalil Sultan
Born 9 April 1336[2]
near Kesh, Chagatai Khanate
Died 18 February 1405 (aged 68)
Farab, Timurid Empire

Gur-e-Amir, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Consort Saray Mulk Khanum
  • Chulpan Mulk Agha
  • Aljaz Turkhan Agha
  • Tukal Khanum
  • Dil Shad Agha
  • Touman Agha
  • Other wives
  • Umar Shaikh Mirza I
  • Jahangir Mirza I
  • Miran Shah
  • Shah Rukh
Shuja-ud-din Timur[3]
Dynasty Timurid
Father Amir Taraghai
Mother Tekina Khatun
Religion Sunni Islam

Timur[a] (Chagatay: تيمور Temür, lit. ‘Iron’; 9 April 1336 – 17–19 February 1405), later Timūr Gurkānī[b] (Chagatay: تيمور کورگن Temür Küregen),[8] was a Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire in and around modern-day Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia, becoming the first ruler of the Timurid dynasty. An undefeated commander, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest military leaders and tacticians in history, as well as one of the most brutal.[9][10][11] Timur is also considered a great patron of art and architecture as he interacted with intellectuals such as Ibn Khaldun, Hafez, and Hafiz-i Abru and his reign introduced the Timurid Renaissance.[9]: 341–342 

Born into the Barlas confederation in Transoxiana (in modern-day Uzbekistan) on 9 April 1336, Timur gained control of the western Chagatai Khanate by 1370. From that base, he led military campaigns across Western, South, and Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Southern Russia, defeating in the process the Khans of the Golden Horde, the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the emerging Ottoman Empire, and the late Delhi Sultanate of India and emerging as the most powerful ruler in the Islamic World.[12] From these conquests, he founded the Timurid Empire, but this empire fragmented shortly after his death.

Timur was the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lasting Islamic gunpowder empires in the 16th and 17th centuries.[13][14][15] Timur was of both Turkic and Mongol descent, and, while probably not a direct descendant on either side, he shared a common ancestor with Genghis Khan on his father’s side,[16][17][18] though some authors have suggested his mother may have been a descendant of Khan.[19][20] He clearly sought to invoke the legacy of the latter’s[clarification needed] conquests during his lifetime.[21] Timur envisioned the restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan and according to Gérard Chaliand, saw himself as Genghis Khan’s heir.[22]

According to Beatrice Forbes Manz, «in his formal correspondence Temur continued throughout his life to portray himself as the restorer of Chinggisid rights. He justified his Iranian, Mamluk, and Ottoman campaigns as a re-imposition of legitimate Mongol control over lands taken by usurpers.»[23] To legitimize his conquests, Timur relied on Islamic symbols and language, referring to himself as the «Sword of Islam». He was a patron of educational and religious institutions. He converted nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam during his lifetime. Timur decisively defeated the Christian Knights Hospitaller at the Siege of Smyrna, styling himself a ghazi.[9]: 91  By the end of his reign, Timur had gained complete control over all the remnants of the Chagatai Khanate, the Ilkhanate, and the Golden Horde, and even attempted to restore the Yuan dynasty in China.

Timur’s armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[9] sizable parts of which his campaigns laid waste.[24] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.[25][26] Of all the areas he conquered, Khwarazm suffered the most from his expeditions, as it rose several times against him.[27] Timur’s campaigns have been characterized as genocidal.[28]

Timur was the grandfather of the Timurid sultan, astronomer and mathematician Ulugh Beg, who ruled Central Asia from 1411 to 1449, and the great-great-great-grandfather of Babur (1483–1530), founder of the Mughal Empire, which then ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent.[29][30]


Genealogical relationship between Timur and Genghis Khan

Through his father, Timur claimed to be a descendant of Tumanay Khan, a male-line ancestor he shared with Genghis Khan.[18] Tumanay’s great-great-grandson Qarachar Noyan was a minister for the emperor who later assisted the latter’s son Chagatai in the governorship of Transoxiana.[31][32]
Though there are not many mentions of Qarachar in 13th and 14th century records, later Timurid sources greatly emphasized his role in the early history of the Mongol Empire.[33][34] These histories also state that Genghis Khan later established the «bond of fatherhood and sonship» by marrying Chagatai’s daughter to Qarachar.[35] Through his alleged descent from this marriage, Timur claimed kinship with the Chagatai Khans.[36]

The origins of Timur’s mother, Tekina Khatun, are less clear. The Zafarnama merely states her name without giving any information regarding her background. Writing in 1403, Johannes de Galonifontibus, Archbishop of Sultaniyya, claimed that she was of lowly origin.[31] The Mu’izz al-Ansab, written decades later, says that she was related to the Yasa’uri tribe, whose lands bordered that of the Barlas.[37] Ibn Khaldun recounted that Timur himself described to him his mother’s descent from the legendary Persian hero Manuchehr.[38] Ibn Arabshah suggested that she was a descendant of Genghis Khan.[20] The 18th century Books of Timur identify her as the daughter of ‘Sadr al-Sharia’, which is believed to refer to the Hanafi scholar Ubayd Allah al-Mahbubi of Bukhara.[39]

Early life

Emir Timur feasts in the gardens of Samarkand.

Timur was born in Transoxiana near the city of Kesh (modern Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan), some 80 kilometres (50 mi) south of Samarkand, part of what was then the Chagatai Khanate.[40] His name Temur means «Iron» in the Chagatai language, his mother-tongue (cf. Uzbek Temir, Turkish Demir).[41] It is cognate with Genghis Khan’s birth name of Temüjin.[42][43] Later Timurid dynastic histories claim that Timur was born on 8 April 1336, but most sources from his lifetime give ages that are consistent with a birthdate in the late 1320s. Historian Beatrice Forbes Manz suspects the 1336 date was designed to tie Timur to the legacy of Abu Sa’id Bahadur Khan, the last ruler of the Ilkhanate descended from Hulagu Khan, who died in that year.[44]

He was a member of the Barlas, a Mongolian tribe[45][46] that had been turkified in many aspects.[47][48][49] His father, Taraghai was described as a minor noble of this tribe.[40] However, Manz believes that Timur may have later understated the social position of his father, so as to make his own successes appear more remarkable. She states that though he is not believed to have been especially powerful, Taraghai was reasonably wealthy and influential.[50] This is shown by Timur later returning to his birthplace following the death of his father in 1360, suggesting concern over his estate.[51] Taraghai’s social significance is further hinted at by Arabshah, who described him as a magnate in the court of Amir Husayn Qara’unas.[20] In addition to this, the father of the great Amir Hamid Kereyid of Moghulistan is stated as a friend of Taraghai’s.[52]

In his childhood, Timur and a small band of followers raided travelers for goods, especially animals such as sheep, horses, and cattle.[44]: 116  Around 1363, it is believed that Timur tried to steal a sheep from a shepherd but was shot by two arrows, one in his right leg and another in his right hand, where he lost two fingers. Both injuries disabled him for life. Some believe that these injuries occurred while serving as a mercenary to the khan of Sistan in what is today the Dashti Margo in southwest Afghanistan. Timur’s injuries have given him the names of Timur the Lame and Tamerlane by Europeans.[9]: 31 

Military leader

By about 1360, Timur had gained prominence as a military leader whose troops were mostly Turkic tribesmen of the region.[22] He took part in campaigns in Transoxiana with the Khan of the Chagatai Khanate. Allying himself both in cause and by family connection with Qazaghan, the dethroner and destroyer of Volga Bulgaria, he invaded Khorasan[53] at the head of a thousand horsemen. This was the second military expedition that he led, and its success led to further operations, among them the subjugation of Khwarazm and Urgench.[54]

Following Qazaghan’s murder, disputes arose among the many claimants to sovereign power. Tughlugh Timur of Kashgar, the Khan of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, another descendant of Genghis Khan, invaded, interrupting this infighting. Timur was sent to negotiate with the invader but joined with him instead and was rewarded with Transoxania. At about this time, his father died and Timur also became chief of the Berlas. Tughlugh then attempted to set his son Ilyas Khoja over Transoxania, but Timur repelled this invasion with a smaller force.[53]

Rise to power

It was in this period that Timur reduced the Chagatai khans to the position of figureheads while he ruled in their name. Also during this period, Timur and his brother-in-law Amir Husayn, who were at first fellow fugitives and wanderers, became rivals and antagonists.[54] The relationship between them became strained after Husayn abandoned efforts to carry out Timur’s orders to finish off Ilya Khoja (former governor of Mawarannah) close to Tashkent.[9]: 40 

Timur gained followers in Balkh, consisting of merchants, fellow tribesmen, Muslim clergy, aristocracy and agricultural workers, because of his kindness in sharing his belongings with them. This contrasted Timur’s behavior with that of Husayn, who alienated these people, took many possessions from them via his heavy tax laws and selfishly spent the tax money building elaborate structures.[9]: 41–42  Around 1370, Husayn surrendered to Timur and was later assassinated, which allowed Timur to be formally proclaimed sovereign at Balkh. He married Husayn’s wife Saray Mulk Khanum, a descendant of Genghis Khan, allowing him to become imperial ruler of the Chaghatay tribe.[9]

Legitimization of Timur’s rule

Timur’s Turco-Mongolian heritage provided opportunities and challenges as he sought to rule the Mongol Empire and the Muslim world. According to the Mongol traditions, Timur could not claim the title of khan or rule the Mongol Empire because he was not a descendant of Genghis Khan. Therefore, Timur set up a puppet Chaghatayid Khan, Suyurghatmish, as the nominal ruler of Balkh as he pretended to act as a «protector of the member of a Chinggisid line, that of Genghis Khan’s eldest son, Jochi».[55] Timur instead used the title of Amir meaning general, and acting in the name of the Chagatai ruler of Transoxania.[44]: 106  To reinforce this position, Timur claimed the title Guregen (royal son-in-law) when he married Saray Mulk Khanum, a princess of Chinggisid descent.[7]

As with the title of Khan, Timur similarly could not claim the supreme title of the Islamic world, Caliph, because the «office was limited to the Quraysh, the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad». Therefore, Timur reacted to the challenge by creating a myth and image of himself as a «supernatural personal power» ordained by God.[55] Otherwise he was described as a spiritual descendant of Ali, thus claiming the lineage of both Genghis Khan and the Quraysh.[56]

Period of expansion

Timur besieges the historic city of Urganj.

Timur spent the next 35 years in various wars and expeditions. He not only consolidated his rule at home by the subjugation of his foes, but sought extension of territory by encroachments upon the lands of foreign potentates. His conquests to the west and northwest led him to the lands near the Caspian Sea and to the banks of the Ural and the Volga. Conquests in the south and south-West encompassed almost every province in Persia, including Baghdad, Karbala and Northern Iraq.[54]

One of the most formidable of Timur’s opponents was another Mongol ruler, a descendant of Genghis Khan named Tokhtamysh. After having been a refugee in Timur’s court, Tokhtamysh became ruler both of the eastern Kipchak and the Golden Horde. After his accession, he quarreled with Timur over the possession of Khwarizm and Azerbaijan.[54] However, Timur still supported him against the Russians and in 1382 Tokhtamysh invaded the Muscovite dominion and burned Moscow.[57]

Orthodox tradition states that later, in 1395 Timur, having reached the frontier of the Principality of Ryazan, had taken Elets and started advancing towards Moscow. Great Prince Vasily I of Moscow went with an army to Kolomna and halted at the banks of the Oka River. The clergy brought the famed Theotokos of Vladimir icon from Vladimir to Moscow. Along the way people prayed kneeling: «O Mother of God, save the land of Russia!» Suddenly, Timur’s armies retreated. In memory of this miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Timur on 26 August, the all-Russian celebration in honor of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God was established.[58]

Conquest of Persia

Emir Timur’s army attacks the survivors of the town of Nerges, in Georgia, in the spring of 1396.

After the death of Abu Sa’id, ruler of the Ilkhanate, in 1335, there was a power vacuum in Persia. In the end, Persia was split amongst the Muzaffarids, Kartids, Eretnids, Chobanids, Injuids, Jalayirids, and Sarbadars. In 1383, Timur started his lengthy military conquest of Persia, though he already ruled over much of Persian Khorasan by 1381, after Khwaja Mas’ud, of the Sarbadar dynasty surrendered. Timur began his Persian campaign with Herat, capital of the Kartid dynasty. When Herat did not surrender he reduced the city to rubble and massacred most of its citizens; it remained in ruins until Shah Rukh ordered its reconstruction around 1415.[59] Timur then sent a general to capture rebellious Kandahar. With the capture of Herat the Kartid kingdom surrendered and became vassals of Timur; it would later be annexed outright less than a decade later in 1389 by Timur’s son Miran Shah.[60]

Timur then headed west to capture the Zagros Mountains, passing through Mazandaran. During his travel through the north of Persia, he captured the then town of Tehran, which surrendered and was thus treated mercifully. He laid siege to Soltaniyeh in 1384. Khorasan revolted one year later, so Timur destroyed Isfizar, and the prisoners were cemented into the walls alive. The next year the kingdom of Sistan, under the Mihrabanid dynasty, was ravaged, and its capital at Zaranj was destroyed. Timur then returned to his capital of Samarkand, where he began planning for his Georgian campaign and Golden Horde invasion. In 1386, Timur passed through Mazandaran as he had when trying to capture the Zagros. He went near the city of Soltaniyeh, which he had previously captured but instead turned north and captured Tabriz with little resistance, along with Maragha.[61] He ordered heavy taxation of the people, which was collected by Adil Aqa, who was also given control over Soltaniyeh. Adil was later executed because Timur suspected him of corruption.[62]

Timur then went north to begin his Georgian and Golden Horde campaigns, pausing his full-scale invasion of Persia. When he returned, he found his generals had done well in protecting the cities and lands he had conquered in Persia.[63] Though many rebelled, and his son Miran Shah, who may have been regent, was forced to annex rebellious vassal dynasties, his holdings remained. So he proceeded to capture the rest of Persia, specifically the two major southern cities of Isfahan and Shiraz. When he arrived with his army at Isfahan in 1387, the city immediately surrendered; he treated it with relative mercy as he normally did with cities that surrendered (unlike Herat).[64] However, after Isfahan revolted against Timur’s taxes by killing the tax collectors and some of Timur’s soldiers, he ordered the massacre of the city’s citizens; the death toll is reckoned at between 100,000 and 200,000.[65] An eye-witness counted more than 28 towers constructed of about 1,500 heads each.[66] This has been described as a «systematic use of terror against towns…an integral element of Tamerlane’s strategic element», which he viewed as preventing bloodshed by discouraging resistance. His massacres were selective and he spared the artistic and educated.[65] This would later influence the next great Persian conqueror: Nader Shah.[67]

Timur then began a five-year campaign to the west in 1392, attacking Persian Kurdistan.[68][69][70] In 1393, Shiraz was captured after surrendering, and the Muzaffarids became vassals of Timur, though prince Shah Mansur rebelled but was defeated, and the Muzafarids were annexed. Shortly after Georgia was devastated so that the Golden Horde could not use it to threaten northern Iran.[71] In the same year, Timur caught Baghdad by surprise in August by marching there in only eight days from Shiraz. Sultan Ahmad Jalayir fled to Syria, where the Mamluk Sultan Barquq protected him and killed Timur’s envoys. Timur left the Sarbadar prince Khwaja Mas’ud to govern Baghdad, but he was driven out when Ahmad Jalayir returned. Ahmad was unpopular but got help from Qara Yusuf of the Kara Koyunlu; he fled again in 1399, this time to the Ottomans.[72]

Tokhtamysh–Timur war

In the meantime, Tokhtamysh, now khan of the Golden Horde, turned against his patron and in 1385 invaded Azerbaijan. The inevitable response by Timur resulted in the Tokhtamysh–Timur war. In the initial stage of the war, Timur won a victory at the Battle of the Kondurcha River. After the battle Tokhtamysh and some of his army were allowed to escape. After Tokhtamysh’s initial defeat, Timur invaded Muscovy to the north of Tokhtamysh’s holdings. Timur’s army burned Ryazan and advanced on Moscow. He was pulled away before reaching the Oka River by Tokhtamysh’s renewed campaign in the south.[73]

In the first phase of the conflict with Tokhtamysh, Timur led an army of over 100,000 men north for more than 700 miles into the steppe. He then rode west about 1,000 miles advancing in a front more than 10 miles wide. During this advance, Timur’s army got far enough north to be in a region of very long summer days causing complaints by his Muslim soldiers about keeping a long schedule of prayers. It was then that Tokhtamysh’s army was boxed in against the east bank of the Volga River in the Orenburg region and destroyed at the Battle of the Kondurcha River, in 1391.

In the second phase of the conflict, Timur took a different route against the enemy by invading the realm of Tokhtamysh via the Caucasus region. In 1395, Timur defeated Tokhtamysh in the Battle of the Terek River, concluding the struggle between the two monarchs. Tokhtamysh was unable to restore his power or prestige, and he was killed about a decade later in the area of present-day Tyumen. During the course of Timur’s campaigns, his army destroyed Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde, and Astrakhan, subsequently disrupting the Golden Horde’s Silk Road. The Golden Horde no longer held power after their losses to Timur.


In May 1393, Timur’s army invaded the Anjudan, crippling the Ismaili village only a year after his assault on the Ismailis in Mazandaran. The village was prepared for the attack, evidenced by its fortress and system of tunnels. Undeterred, Timur’s soldiers flooded the tunnels by cutting into a channel overhead. Timur’s reasons for attacking this village are not yet well understood. However, it has been suggested that his religious persuasions and view of himself as an executor of divine will may have contributed to his motivations.[74] The Persian historian Khwandamir explains that an Ismaili presence was growing more politically powerful in Persian Iraq. A group of locals in the region was dissatisfied with this and, Khwandamir writes, these locals assembled and brought up their complaint with Timur, possibly provoking his attack on the Ismailis there.[74]

Campaign against the Tughlaq dynasty

Timur defeats the Sultan of Delhi, Nasir Al-Din Mahmud Tughluq, in the winter of 1397–1398, painting dated 1595–1600.

In 1398, Timur invaded northern India, attacking the Delhi Sultanate ruled by Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq of the Tughlaq dynasty. After crossing the Indus River on 30 September 1398, he sacked Tulamba and massacred its inhabitants. Then he advanced and captured Multan by October.[75] His invasion was unopposed as most of the Indian nobility surrendered without a fight, however he did encounter resistance from the united army of Rajputs and Muslims at Bhatner[76] under the command of the Rajput king Dulachand,[77] Dulachand initially opposed Timur but when hard-pressed he considered surrender. He was locked outside the walls of Bhatner by his brother and was later killed by Timur. The garrison of Bhatner then fought and were slaughtered to the last man. Bhatner was looted and burned to the ground.[78]

While on his march towards Delhi, Timur was opposed by the Jat peasantry, who would loot caravans and then disappear in the forests, Timur had 2,000 Jats killed and many taken captive.[78][79] But the Sultanate at Delhi did nothing to stop his advance.[80][unreliable source?]

Capture of Delhi (1398)

The battle took place on 17 December 1398. Before the battle, Timur slaughtered some 100,000 slaves who had been captured previously in the Indian campaign. This was done out of fear that they might revolt.[81][30]

Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq and the army of Mallu Iqbal had war elephants armored with chain mail and poison on their tusks.[9]: 267  As his Tatar forces were afraid of the elephants, Timur ordered his men to dig a trench in front of their positions. Timur then loaded his camels with as much wood and hay as they could carry. When the war elephants charged, Timur set the hay on fire and prodded the camels with iron sticks, causing them to charge at the elephants, howling in pain: Timur had understood that elephants were easily panicked. Faced with the strange spectacle of camels flying straight at them with flames leaping from their backs, the elephants turned around and stampeded back toward their own lines. Timur capitalized on the subsequent disruption in the forces of Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq, securing an easy victory. Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq fled with remnants of his forces.[82][83][84]

The capture of the Delhi Sultanate was one of Timur’s largest and most devastating victories as at that time, Delhi was one of the richest cities in the world. The city of Delhi was sacked and reduced to ruins, with the population enslaved.[85] After the fall of the city, uprisings by its citizens against the Turkic-Mongols began to occur, causing a retaliatory bloody massacre within the city walls. After three days of citizens uprising within Delhi, it was said that the city reeked of the decomposing bodies of its citizens with their heads being erected like structures and the bodies left as food for the birds by Timur’s soldiers. Timur’s invasion and destruction of Delhi continued the chaos that was still consuming India, and the city would not be able to recover from the great loss it suffered for almost a century.[9]: 269–274 

Campaigns in the Levant

19th century painting depicting Bayezid I being held captive by Timur.

Before the end of 1399, Timur started a war with Bayezid I, sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and the Mamluk sultan of Egypt Nasir-ad-Din Faraj. Bayezid began annexing the territory of Turkmen and Muslim rulers in Anatolia. As Timur claimed sovereignty over the Turkoman rulers, they took refuge behind him.

In 1400, Timur invaded Armenia and Georgia. Of the surviving population, more than 60,000 of the local people were captured as slaves, and many districts were depopulated.[86] He also sacked Sivas in Asia Minor.[87]

Then Timur turned his attention to Syria, sacking Aleppo,[88] and Damascus.[89] The city’s inhabitants were massacred, except for the artisans, who were deported to Samarkand.

Timur invaded Baghdad in June 1401. After the capture of the city, 20,000 of its citizens were massacred. Timur ordered that every soldier should return with at least two severed human heads to show him. When they ran out of men to kill, many warriors killed prisoners captured earlier in the campaign, and when they ran out of prisoners to kill, many resorted to beheading their own wives.[90] British historian David Nicolle, in his «The Mongol Warlords», quotes an anonymous contemporary historian who compared Timur’s army to «ants and locusts covering the whole countryside, plundering and ravaging.»[91]

Invasion of Anatolia

In the meantime, years of insulting letters had passed between Timur and Bayezid. Both rulers insulted each other in their own way while Timur preferred to undermine Bayezid’s position as a ruler and play down the significance of his military successes.

This is the excerpt from one of Timur’s letters addressed to Ottoman sultan:

Believe me, you are but pismire ant: don’t seek to fight the elephants for they’ll crush you under their feet. Shall a petty prince such as you are contend with us? But your rodomontades (braggadocio) are not extraordinary; for a Turcoman never spake with judgement. If you don’t follow our counsels you will regret it[92]

Finally, Timur invaded Anatolia and defeated Bayezid in the Battle of Ankara on 20 July 1402. Bayezid was captured in battle and subsequently died in captivity, initiating the twelve-year Ottoman Interregnum period. Timur’s stated motivation for attacking Bayezid and the Ottoman Empire was the restoration of Seljuq authority. Timur saw the Seljuks as the rightful rulers of Anatolia as they had been granted rule by Mongol conquerors, illustrating again Timur’s interest with Genghizid legitimacy.[citation needed]

In December 1402, Timur besieged and took the city of Smyrna, a stronghold of the Christian Knights Hospitalers, thus he referred to himself as ghazi or «Warrior of Islam». A mass beheading was carried out in Smyrna by Timur’s soldiers.[93][94][95][96]

With the Treaty of Gallipoli in February 1402, Timur was furious with the Genoese and Venetians, as their ships ferried the Ottoman army to safety in Thrace. As Lord Kinross reported in The Ottoman Centuries, the Italians preferred the enemy they could handle to the one they could not.[citation needed]

During the early interregnum, Bayezid I’s son Mehmed Çelebi acted as Timur’s vassal. Unlike other princes, Mehmed minted coins that had Timur’s name stamped as «Demur han Gürgân» (تيمور خان كركان), alongside his own as «Mehmed bin Bayezid han» (محمد بن بايزيد خان).[97][98] This was probably an attempt on Mehmed’s part to justify to Timur his conquest of Bursa after the Battle of Ulubad. After Mehmed established himself in Rum, Timur had already begun preparations for his return to Central Asia, and took no further steps to interfere with the status quo in Anatolia.[97]

While Timur was still in Anatolia, Qara Yusuf assaulted Baghdad and captured it in 1402. Timur returned to Persia and sent his grandson Abu Bakr ibn Miran Shah to reconquer Baghdad, which he proceeded to do. Timur then spent some time in Ardabil, where he gave Ali Safavi, leader of the Safaviyya, a number of captives. Subsequently, he marched to Khorasan and then to Samarkhand, where he spent nine months celebrating and preparing to invade Mongolia and China.[99]

Attempts to attack the Ming dynasty

The fortress at Jiayu Pass was strengthened due to fear of an invasion by Timur.[100]

Timurid Empire at Timur’s death in 1405

By 1368, Han Chinese forces had driven the Mongols out of China. The first of the new Ming dynasty’s emperors, the Hongwu Emperor, and his son, the Yongle Emperor, produced tributary states of many Central Asian countries. The suzerain-vassal relationship between Ming empire and Timurid existed for a long time. In 1394, Hongwu’s ambassadors eventually presented Timur with a letter addressing him as a subject. He had the ambassadors Fu An, Guo Ji, and Liu Wei detained.[101] Neither Hongwu’s next ambassador, Chen Dewen (1397), nor the delegation announcing the accession of the Yongle Emperor fared any better.[101]

Timur eventually planned to invade China. To this end Timur made an alliance with surviving Mongol tribes based in Mongolia and prepared all the way to Bukhara. Engke Khan sent his grandson Öljei Temür Khan, also known as «Buyanshir Khan» after he converted to Islam while at the court of Timur in Samarkand.[102]


Timur preferred to fight his battles in the spring. However, he died en route during an uncharacteristic winter campaign. In December 1404, Timur began military campaigns against Ming China and detained a Ming envoy. He became ill while encamped on the farther side of the Syr Daria and died at Farab on 17 February 1405,[103] before ever reaching the Chinese border.[104] After his death the Ming envoys such as Fu An and the remaining entourage were released[101] by his grandson Khalil Sultan.

Geographer Clements Markham, in his introduction to the narrative of Clavijo’s embassy, states that, after Timur died, his body «was embalmed with musk and rose water, wrapped in linen, laid in an ebony coffin and sent to Samarkand, where it was buried».[105] His tomb, the Gur-e-Amir, still stands in Samarkand, though it has been heavily restored in recent years.[106]


Timur had twice previously appointed an heir apparent to succeed him, both of whom he had outlived. The first, his son Jahangir, died of illness in 1376.[107][108]: 51  The second, his grandson Muhammad Sultan, had died from battle wounds in 1403.[109] After the latter’s death, Timur did nothing to replace him. It was only when he was on his own death-bed that he appointed Muhammad Sultan’s younger brother, Pir Muhammad as his successor.[110]

Pir Muhammad was unable to gain sufficient support from his relatives and a bitter civil war erupted amongst Timur’s descendants, with multiple princes pursuing their claims. It was not until 1409 that Timur’s youngest son, Shah Rukh was able to overcome his rivals and take the throne as Timur’s successor.[111]

Wives and concubines

Timur had forty-three wives and concubines, all of these women were also his consorts. Timur made dozens of women his wives and concubines as he conquered their fathers’ or erstwhile husbands’ lands.[112]

  • Turmish Agha, mother of Jahangir Mirza, Jahanshah Mirza and Aka Begi;
  • Oljay Turkhan Agha (m. 1357/58), daughter of Amir Mashlah and granddaughter of Amir Qazaghan;
  • Saray Mulk Khanum (m. 1367), widow of Amir Husain, and daughter of Qazan Khan;
  • Islam Agha (m. 1367), widow of Amir Husain, and daughter of Amir Bayan Salduz;
  • Ulus Agha (m. 1367), widow of Amir Husain, and daughter of Amir Khizr Yasuri;
  • Dilshad Agha (m. 1374), daughter of Shams ed-Din and his wife Bujan Agha;
  • Touman Agha (m. 1377), daughter of Amir Musa and his wife Arzu Mulk Agha, daughter of Amir Bayezid Jalayir;
  • Chulpan Mulk Agha, daughter of Haji Beg of Jetah;
  • Tukal Khanum (m. 1397), daughter of Mongol Khan Khizr Khawaja Oglan;[108]: 24–25 
  • Tolun Agha, concubine, and mother of Umar Shaikh Mirza I;
  • Mengli Agha, concubine, and mother of Miran Shah;
  • Toghay Turkhan Agha, lady from the Kara Khitai, widow of Amir Husain, and mother of Shah Rukh;
  • Tughdi Bey Agha, daughter of Aq Sufi Qongirat;
  • Sultan Aray Agha, a Nukuz lady;
  • Malikanshah Agha, a Filuni lady;
  • Khand Malik Agha, mother of Ibrahim Mirza;
  • Sultan Agha, mother of a son who died in infancy;

His other wives and concubines included:
Dawlat Tarkan Agha, Burhan Agha, Jani Beg Agha, Tini Beg Agha, Durr Sultan Agha, Munduz Agha, Bakht Sultan Agha, Nowruz Agha, Jahan Bakht Agha, Nigar Agha, Ruhparwar Agha, Dil Beg Agha, Dilshad Agha, Murad Beg Agha, Piruzbakht Agha, Khoshkeldi Agha, Dilkhosh Agha, Barat Bey Agha, Sevinch Malik Agha, Arzu Bey Agha, Yadgar Sultan Agha, Khudadad Agha, Bakht Nigar Agha, Qutlu Bey Agha, and another Nigar Agha[citation needed].


Sons of Timur

  • Umar Shaikh Mirza I – with Tolun Agha
  • Jahangir Mirza – with Turmish Agha
  • Miran Shah Mirza – with Mengli Agha
  • Shah Rukh Mirza – with Toghay Turkhan Agha

Daughters of Timur

  • Aka Begi (died 1382) – by Turmish Agha. Married to Muhammad Beg, son of Amir Musa Tayichiud
    • Sultan Husayn Tayichiud
  • Sultan Bakht Begum (died 1429/30) – by Oljay Turkhan Agha. Married first Muhammad Mirke Apardi, married second, 1389/90, Sulayman Shah Dughlat
  • Sa’adat Sultan – by Dilshad Agha
  • Bikijan – by Mengli Agha
  • Qutlugh Sultan Agha – by Toghay Turkhan Agha[113][114]

Sons of Umar Shaikh Mirza I

  • Pir Muhammad
  • Iskandar
  • Rustam
  • Bayqara I
    • Mansur
      • Sultan Husayn Bayqarah
        • Badi’ al-Zaman
          • Muhammed Mu’min
          • Muhammad Zaman Mirza
        • Muzaffar Hussein
        • Ibrahim Hussein

Sons of Jahangir

  • Muhammad Sultan Mirza
  • Pir Muhammad

Sons of Miran Shah

  • Khalil Sultan
  • Abu Bakr
  • Muhammad Mirza
    • Abu Sa’id Mirza
      • Umar Shaikh Mirza II
        • Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
          • the Mughals
        • Jahangir Mirza II

Sons of Shah Rukh Mirza

  • Mirza Muhammad Taraghay – better known as Ulugh Beg
    • Abdul-Latif
  • Ghiyath-al-Din Baysunghur
    • Ala al-Dawla Mirza
      • Ibrahim Mirza
    • Sultan Muhammad
      • Yadigar Muhammad
    • Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza
  • Sultan Ibrahim Mirza
    • Abdullah Mirza
  • Mirza Soyurghatmïsh Khan
  • Muhammad Juki

Religious views

A modern portrait of Timur in Gur-e-Amir, Samarkand.

Timur was a practicing Sunni Muslim, possibly belonging to the Naqshbandi school, which was influential in Transoxiana.[115] His chief official religious counsellor and adviser was the Hanafi scholar ‘Abdu ‘l-Jabbar Khwarazmi. In Tirmidh, he had come under the influence of his spiritual mentor Sayyid Baraka, a leader from Balkh who is buried alongside Timur in Gur-e-Amir.[116][117][118]

Timur was known to hold Ali and the Ahl al-Bayt in high regard and has been noted by various scholars for his «pro-Shia» stance. However, he also punished Shias for desecrating the memories of the Sahaba.[119] Timur was also noted for attacking the Shia with Sunni apologism, while at other times he attacked Sunnis on religious grounds as well.[120] In contrast, Timur held the Seljuk Sultan Ahmad Sanjar in high regard for attacking the Ismailis at Alamut, and Timur’s own attack on Ismailis at Anjudan was equally brutal.[120]


Timur is regarded as a military genius and as a brilliant tactician with an uncanny ability to work within a highly fluid political structure to win and maintain a loyal following of nomads during his rule in Central Asia. He was also considered extraordinarily intelligent – not only intuitively but also intellectually.[121] In Samarkand and his many travels, Timur, under the guidance of distinguished scholars, was able to learn the Persian, Mongolian, and Turkish languages[9]: 9  (according to Ahmad ibn Arabshah, Timur could not speak Arabic).[122] However, it was Persian which was held in distinction by Timur as it was the language not only of his court, but also that of his chancellery.[123]

According to John Joseph Saunders, Timur was «the product of an Islamized and Iranized society», and not steppe nomadic.[124] More importantly, Timur was characterized as an opportunist. Taking advantage of his Turco-Mongolian heritage, Timur frequently used either the Islamic religion or the sharia law, fiqh, and traditions of the Mongol Empire to achieve his military goals or domestic political aims.[9] Timur was a learned king, and enjoyed the company of scholars; he was tolerant and generous to them. He was a contemporary of the Persian poet Hafez, and a story of their meeting explains that Timur summoned Hafiz, who had written a ghazal with the following verse:

For the black mole on thy cheek
I would give the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara.

Timur upbraided him for this verse and said, «By the blows of my well tempered sword I have conquered the greater part of the world to enlarge Samarkand and Bukhara, my capitals and residences; and you, pitiful creature, would exchange these two cities for a mole.» Hafez, undaunted, replied, «It is by similar generosity that I have been reduced, as you see, to my present state of poverty.» It is reported that the King was pleased by the witty answer and the poet departed with magnificent gifts.[125][126]

There is a shared view that Timur’s real motive for his campaigns was his imperialistic ambition, as expressed by his statement: «The whole expanse of the inhabited part of the world is not large enough to have two kings.» However, besides Iran, Timur simply plundered the states he invaded with a purpose of enriching his native Samarqand and neglected the conquered areas, which may have resulted in a relatively quick disintegration of his Empire after his death.[127]

Timur used Persian expressions in his conversations often, and his motto was the Persian phrase rāstī rustī (راستی رستی, meaning «truth is safety» or «veritas salus»).[122] He is credited with the invention of the Tamerlane chess variant, played on a 10×11 board.[128]

Exchanges with Europe

Timur had numerous epistolary and diplomatic exchanges with various European states, especially Spain and France. Relations between the court of Henry III of Castile and that of Timur played an important part in medieval Castilian diplomacy. In 1402, the time of the Battle of Ankara, two Spanish ambassadors were already with Timur: Pelayo de Sotomayor and Fernando de Palazuelos. Later, Timur sent to the court of the Kingdom of León and Castile a Chagatai ambassador named Hajji Muhammad al-Qazi with letters and gifts.

In return, Henry III of Castile sent a famous embassy to Timur’s court in Samarkand in 1403–06, led by Ruy González de Clavijo, with two other ambassadors, Alfonso Paez and Gomez de Salazar. On their return, Timur affirmed that he regarded the king of Castile «as his very own son».

According to Clavijo, Timur’s good treatment of the Spanish delegation contrasted with the disdain shown by his host toward the envoys of the «lord of Cathay» (i.e., the Yongle Emperor), the Chinese ruler. Clavijo’s visit to Samarkand allowed him to report to the European audience on the news from Cathay (China), which few Europeans had been able to visit directly in the century that had passed since the travels of Marco Polo.

The French archives preserve:

  • A 30 July 1402 letter from Timur to Charles VI of France, suggesting that he send traders to Asia. It is written in Persian.[129]
  • A May 1403 letter. This is a Latin transcription of a letter from Timur to Charles VI, and another from Miran Shah, his son, to the Christian princes, announcing their victory over Bayezid I at Smyrna.[130]

A copy has been kept of the answer of Charles VI to Timur, dated 15 June 1403.[131]

In addition, Byzantine John VII Palaiologos who was a regent during his uncle’s absence in the West, sent a Dominican friar in August 1401 to Timur, to pay his respect and propose paying tribute to him instead of the Turks, once he managed to defeat them.[87]


Timur’s legacy is a mixed one. While Central Asia blossomed under his reign, other places, such as Baghdad, Damascus, Delhi and other Arab, Georgian, Persian, and Indian cities were sacked and destroyed and their populations massacred. Thus, while Timur still retains a positive image in Muslim Central Asia, he is vilified by many in Arabia, Iraq, Persia, and India, where some of his greatest atrocities were carried out. However, Ibn Khaldun praises Timur for having unified much of the Muslim world when other conquerors of the time could not.[132] The next great conqueror of the Middle East, Nader Shah, was greatly influenced by Timur and almost re-enacted Timur’s conquests and battle strategies in his own campaigns. Like Timur, Nader Shah conquered most of Caucasia, Persia, and Central Asia along with also sacking Delhi.

Timur’s short-lived empire also melded the Turko-Persian tradition in Transoxiana, and, in most of the territories that he incorporated into his fiefdom, Persian became the primary language of administration and literary culture (diwan), regardless of ethnicity.[133] In addition, during his reign, some contributions to Turkic literature were penned, with Turkic cultural influence expanding and flourishing as a result. A literary form of Chagatai Turkic came into use alongside Persian as both a cultural and an official language.[134]

Tamerlane virtually exterminated the Church of the East, which had previously been a major branch of Christianity but afterwards became largely confined to a small area now known as the Assyrian Triangle.[135]

Timur became a relatively popular figure in Europe for centuries after his death, mainly because of his victory over the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid. The Ottoman armies were at the time invading Eastern Europe and Timur was seen as an ally.

Statue of Tamerlane in Uzbekistan. In the background are the ruins of his summer palace in Shahrisabz.

Timur is officially recognized as a national hero in Uzbekistan. His monument in Tashkent now occupies the place where Karl Marx’s statue once stood.

Muhammad Iqbal, a philosopher, poet and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement,[136] composed a notable poem entitled Dream of Timur, the poem itself inspired by a prayer of the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II:[citation needed]

The Sharif of the Hijaz suffers due to the divisive sectarian schisms of his faith, And lo! that young Tatar (Timur) has boldly re-envisioned magnanimous victories of overwhelming conquest.

In 1794, Sake Dean Mahomed published his travel book, The Travels of Dean Mahomet. The book begins with the praise of Genghis Khan, Timur, and particularly the first Mughal emperor, Babur. He also gives important details on the then incumbent Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

Historical sources

The earliest known history of his reign was Nizam al-Din Shami’s Zafarnama, which was written during Timur’s lifetime. Between 1424 and 1428, Sharaf ad-Din Ali Yazdi wrote a second Zafarnama drawing heavily on Shami’s earlier work. Ahmad ibn Arabshah wrote a much less favorable history in Arabic. Arabshah’s history was translated into Latin by the Dutch Orientalist Jacobus Golius in 1636.

As Timurid-sponsored histories, the two Zafarnamas present a dramatically different picture from Arabshah’s chronicle. William Jones remarked that the former presented Timur as a «liberal, benevolent and illustrious prince» while the latter painted him as «deformed and impious, of a low birth and detestable principles».[54]

Malfuzat-i Timuri

The Malfuzat-i Timurī and the appended Tuzūk-i Tīmūrī, supposedly Timur’s own autobiography, are almost certainly 17th-century fabrications.[30][137] The scholar Abu Taleb Hosayni presented the texts to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, a distant descendant of Timur, in 1637–1638, supposedly after discovering the Chagatai language originals in the library of a Yemeni ruler. Due to the distance between Yemen and Timur’s base in Transoxiana and the lack of any other evidence of the originals, most historians consider the story highly implausible, and suspect Hosayni of inventing both the text and its origin story.[137]

European views

Timur arguably had a significant impact on the Renaissance culture and early modern Europe.[138] His achievements both fascinated and horrified Europeans from the fifteenth century to the early nineteenth century.

European views of Timur were mixed throughout the fifteenth century, with some European countries calling him an ally and others seeing him as a threat to Europe because of his rapid expansion and brutality.[139]: 341 

When Timur captured the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid at Ankara, he was often praised and seen as a trusted ally by European rulers, such as Charles VI of France and Henry IV of England, because they believed he was saving Christianity from the Turkic Empire in the Middle East. Those two kings also praised him because his victory at Ankara allowed Christian merchants to remain in the Middle East and allowed for their safe return home to both France and England. Timur was also praised because it was believed that he helped restore the right of passage for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land.[139]: 341–344 

Other Europeans viewed Timur as a barbaric enemy who presented a threat to both European culture and the religion of Christianity. His rise to power moved many leaders, such as Henry III of Castile, to send embassies to Samarkand to scout out Timur, learn about his people, make alliances with him, and try to convince him to convert to Christianity in order to avoid war.[139]: 348–349 

In the introduction to a 1723 translation of Yazdi’s Zafarnama, the translator wrote:[140]

[M. Petis de la Croix] tells us, that there are calumnies and impostures, which have been published by authors of romances, and Turkish writers who were his enemies, and envious at his glory: among whom is Ahmed Bin Arabschah … As Timur-Bec had conquered the Turks and Arabians of Syria, and had even taken the Sultan Bajazet prisoner, it is no wonder that he has been misrepresented by the historians of those nations, who, in despite of truth, and against the dignity of history, have fallen into great excesses on this subject.

Exhumation and alleged curse

A wax statue of Timur made in Turkey

Timur’s body was exhumed from his tomb on 19 June 1941 and his remains examined by the Soviet anthropologists Mikhail M. Gerasimov, Lev V. Oshanin and V. Ia. Zezenkova. Gerasimov reconstructed the likeness of Timur from his skull and found that his facial characteristics displayed «typical Mongoloid features», i.e. East Asian in modern terms.[141][142][143] An anthropologic study of Timur’s cranium shows that he belonged predominately to the South Siberian Mongoloid type.[144] At 5 feet 8 inches (173 centimeters), Timur was tall for his era. The examinations confirmed that Timur was lame and had a withered right arm due to his injuries. His right thighbone had knitted together with his kneecap, and the configuration of the knee joint suggests that he had kept his leg bent at all times and therefore would have had a pronounced limp.[145] He appears to have been broad-chested and his hair and beard were red.[146]
It is alleged that Timur’s tomb was inscribed with the words, «When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble.» It is also said that when Gerasimov exhumed the body, an additional inscription inside the casket was found, which read, «Whomsoever [sic] opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I.»[147] Even though people close to Gerasimov claim that this story is a fabrication, the legend persists.[148] In any case, three days after Gerasimov began the exhumation, Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.[149] Timur was re-buried with full Islamic ritual in November 1942 just before the Soviet victory at the Battle of Stalingrad.[150]

In the arts

  • Tamburlaine the Great, Parts I and II (English, 1563–1594): play by Christopher Marlowe
  • Tamerlan ou la mort de Bajazet [Tamerlane or the Death of Bajazet] (1675): play by Jacques Pradon.
  • Tamerlane (1701): play by Nicholas Rowe (English)
  • Tamerlano (1724): opera by George Frideric Handel, in Italian, based on the 1675 Pradon play.
  • Bajazet (1735): opera by Antonio Vivaldi, portrays the capture of Bayezid I by Timur.
  • Il gran Tamerlano (1772): opera by Josef Myslivecek which also portrays the capture of Bayezid I by Timur.
  • Timour the Tartar (1811): equestrian drama by Matthew Lewis
  • Tamerlane (published 1827): first published poem of Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Turandot (1924): opera by Giacomo Puccini (libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni) in which Timur is the deposed, blind former King of Tartary and father of the protagonist Calaf.
  • Lord of Samarkand (The Lame Man; published 1932): story by Robert E. Howard in which Timour appears.
  • Nesimi (1973): Azerbaijani film in which Timur was portrayed by Yusif Veliyev.[151]
  • Tamerlan (2003): Spanish-language novel by Colombian writer Enrique Serrano[152]
  • Day Watch (2006): Russian film in which Tamerlane in his youth is portrayed by Emir Baygazin, and in maturity by Gani Kulzhanov.[153]
  • Tamburlaine: Shadow of God (broadcast 2008): a BBC Radio 3 play by John Fletcher presenting a fictitious encounter between Tamburlaine, Ibn Khaldun, and Hafez.[154]
  • Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (2019): a video game containing a six-chapter campaign titled «Tamerlane».[155]

See also

  • List of largest empires
  • Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent
  • Timuri
  • Timurid conquests and invasions
  • Timurlengia


Explanatory notes

  1. ^
     • Sometimes spelled Taimur or Temur.
     • Historically best known as Amir Timur, Tamerlane[4] (Persian: تيمور لنگ Temūr(-i) Lang; Chagatay: اقساق تیمور Aqsaq Temür,[5] lit. ‘Timur the Lame’) or as Sahib-i-Qiran (lit. ‘Lord of the Auspicious Conjunction’), his epithet.[6]
  2. ^ To legitimize his rule, Timur claimed the title Guregen (lit. ‘royal son-in-law’) when he married Saray Mulk Khanum, a princess of Chinggisid descent.[7]


  1. ^ Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 9. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1847. p. 377.
  2. ^ a b Muntakhab-al Lubab, Khafi Khan Nizam-ul-Mulki, Vol I, p. 49. Printed in Lahore, 1985
  3. ^ W. M. Thackston, A Century of Princes: Sources on Timurid History and Art, (1989), p. 239
  4. ^
  5. ^ Johanson, Lars (1998). The Turkic Languages. Routledge. p. 27. ISBN 0415082005.
  6. ^ ʻInāyat Khān, Muḥammad Ṭāhir Āšnā ʿInāyat Ḫān (1990). The Shah Jahan Nama of ‘Inayat Khan: An Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, Compiled by His Royal Librarian: the Nineteenth-century Manuscript Translation of A.R. Fuller (British Library, Add. 30,777. Oxford University Press. pp. 11–17.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  7. ^ a b Manz 1999, p. 14.
  8. ^ Heissig, Walther; Sagaster, Klaus (1989). Gedanke und Wirkung: Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstag von Nikolaus Poppe. p. 115. ISBN 978-3447028936.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Marozzi, Justin (2004). Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, conqueror of the world. HarperCollins.
  10. ^ Josef W. Meri (2005). Medieval Islamic Civilization. Routledge. p. 812. ISBN 978-0415966900.
  11. ^ «Timur | Biography, Conquests, Empire, & Facts | Britannica». www.britannica.com. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
  12. ^ «Counterview: Taimur’s actions were uniquely horrific in Indian history».
  13. ^ Darwin, John (2008). After Tamerlane: the rise and fall of global empires, 1400–2000. Bloomsbury Press. pp. 29, 92. ISBN 978-1596917606.
  14. ^ Manz 1999, p. 1.
  15. ^ Marozzi, Justin (2006). Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World. Da Capo Press. p. 342. ISBN 978-0306814655.
  16. ^ Donald M. Seekins, Richard F. Nyrop (1986). Afghanistan A Country Study · Volume 550, Issues 65-986. The Studies. p. 11. ISBN 978-0160239298 – via University of California. Timur was of both Turkish and Mongol descent and claimed Genghis Khan as an ancestor{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  17. ^ International Association for Mongol Studies; Secretariat, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin; Unesco (2002). Eighth International Congress of Mongolists being convened under the patronage of N. Bagabandi, president of Mongolia. OUMSKh-ny Nariĭn bichgiĭn darga naryn gazar. p. 377 – via Indiana University. First of all, Timur’s genealogy gives him a common ancestor with Chinggis Khan in Tumbinai – sechen or Tumanay Khan{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  18. ^ a b Woods, John E. (2002). Timur and Chinggis Khan. Eighth International Congress of Mongolists being convened under the patronage of N. Bagabandi, president of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar: OUMSKh-ny Nariĭn bichgiĭn darga naryn gazar. p. 377.
  19. ^ Henry Cabot Lodge (1916). The History of Nations Volume 14. P. F. Collier & son. p. 46. ISBN 978-0160239298 – via University of Minnesota. Timur the Lame, from the effects of an early wound, a name which some European writers have converted into Tamerlane, or Tamberlaine. He was of Mongol origin, and a direct descendant, by the mother’s side, of Genghis Khan
  20. ^ a b c Ahmad ibn Arabshah; McChesney, Robert D. (2017). Tamerlane: The Life of the Great Amir. Translated by M. M. Khorramia. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 4. ISBN 978-1784531706.
  21. ^ Richard C. Martin, Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World A–L, Macmillan Reference, 2004, ISBN 978-0028656045, p. 134.
  22. ^ a b Gérard Chaliand, Nomadic Empires: From Mongolia to the Danube translated by A.M. Berrett, Transaction Publishers, 2004. translated by A.M. Berrett. Transaction Publishers, p. 75. ISBN 076580204X. Limited preview at Google Books. p. 75., ISBN 076580204X, p. 75., «Timur Leng (Tamerlane) Timur, known as the lame (1336–1405) was a Muslim Turk. He aspired to recreate the empire of his ancestors. He was a military genius who loved to play chess in his spare time to improve his military tactics and skill. And although he wielded absolute power, he never called himself more than an emir.», «Timur Leng (Tamerlane) Timur, known as the lame (1336–1405) was a Muslim Turk from the Umus of Chagatai who saw himself as Genghis Khan’s heir.»
  23. ^ Forbes Manz, Beatrice (April 1998). «Temür and the Problem of a Conqueror’s Legacy». Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Third. 8 (1): 21–41. doi:10.1017/S1356186300016412. JSTOR 25183464. S2CID 154734091.
  24. ^ Matthew White: Atrocitology: Humanity’s 100 Deadliest Achievements, Canongate Books, 2011, ISBN 978-0857861252, section «Timur»
  25. ^ «The Rehabilitation of Tamerlane». Chicago Tribune. 17 January 1999.
  26. ^ J.J. Saunders, The history of the Mongol conquests (page 174), Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1971, ISBN 0812217667
  27. ^ Barthold, V.V. (1962). Four studies on the History of Central Asia, vol. 1 (Second Printing ed.). Leiden: E.J. Brill. p. 61.
  28. ^ Foss, Clive (1992). «Genocide in History» (PDF). In Freedman-Apsel, Joyce; Fein, Helen (eds.). Teaching About Genocide: A Guidebook for College and University Teachers: Critical Essays, Syllabi, and Assignments. Ottawa: Human Rights Internet. p. 27. ISBN 1-895842-00X. Retrieved 29 November 2022.
  29. ^ «Timur». Encyclopædia Britannica, Online Academic Edition. 2007.
  30. ^ a b c Beatrice F. Manz (2000). «Tīmūr Lang». Encyclopaedia of Islam. Vol. 10 (2nd ed.). Brill. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
  31. ^ a b Woods, John E. (1990). Martin Bernard Dickson; Michel M. Mazzaoui; Vera Basch Moreen (eds.). «Timur’s Genealogy». Intellectual Studies on Islam: Essays Written in Honor of Martin B. Dickson. University of Utah Press: 97. ISBN 978-0874803426.
  32. ^ Mackenzie, Franklin (1963). The Ocean and the Steppe: The Life and Times of the Mongol Conqueror Genghis Khan, 1155–1227. Vantage Press. p. 322.
  33. ^ Woods (1990, p. 90)
  34. ^ Woods, John E. (1991). The Timurid dynasty. Indiana University, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies. p. 9.
  35. ^ Haidar, Mansura (2004). Indo-Central Asian Relations: From Early Times to Medieval Period. Manohar. p. 126. ISBN 978-8173045080.
  36. ^ Keene, H. G. (2001) [1878]. The Turks in India. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific. p. 20. ISBN 978-0898755343.
  37. ^ Manz 1999, pp. 164–165.
  38. ^ Fischel, Walter J. (1952). Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. p. 37.
  39. ^ Sela, Ron (2011). The Legendary Biographies of Tamerlane: Islam and Heroic Apocrypha in Central Asia. Cambridge University Press. p. 27. ISBN 978-1139498340.
  40. ^ a b «Tamerlane». AsianHistory. Retrieved 1 November 2013.
  41. ^ Richard Peters, The Story of the Turks: From Empire to Democracy (1959), p. 24
  42. ^ Glassé, Cyril (2001). The new encyclopedia of Islam (Rev. ed.). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. ISBN 0759101892. OCLC 48553252.
  43. ^ Sinor, Denis (1 March 1990), «Introduction: the concept of Inner Asia», The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–18, doi:10.1017/chol9780521243049.002, ISBN 978-0521243049, retrieved 6 April 2021
  44. ^ a b c Manz, Beatrice Forbes (1988). «Tamerlane and the symbolism of sovereignty». Iranian Studies. 21 (1–2): 105–122. doi:10.1080/00210868808701711. JSTOR 4310596.
  45. ^ «Central Asia, history of Timur», in Encyclopædia Britannica, Online Edition, 2007. (Quotation:»Under his leadership, Timur united the Mongol tribes located in the basins of the two rivers.»)
  46. ^ «Islamic world», in Encyclopædia Britannica, Online Edition, 2007. Quotation: «Timur (Tamerlane) was of Mongol descent and he aimed to restore Mongol power.»
  47. ^ Carter V. Findley, The Turks in World History, Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0195177268, p. 101.
  48. ^ G. R. Garthwaite, The Persians, Malden, ISBN 978-1557868602, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2007. (p.148) Quotation: «Timur’s tribe, the Barlas, had Mongol origins but had become Turkic-speaking … However, the Barlus tribe is considered one of the original Mongol tribes and there are «Barlus Ovogton» people who belong to Barlus tribe in modern Mongolia.»
  49. ^ M.S. Asimov & Clifford Edmund Bosworth, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, UNESCO Regional Office, 1998, ISBN 9231034677, p. 320: «One of his followers was […] Timur of the Barlas tribe. This Mongol tribe had settled […] in the valley of Kashka Darya, intermingling with the Turkic population, adopting their religion (Islam) and gradually giving up its own nomadic ways, like a number of other Mongol tribes in Transoxania …»
  50. ^ Beatrice Forbes Manz, Tamerlane and the Symbolism of Sovereignty (1988), p. 116
  51. ^ Sharaf ad-Din Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama (1424–1428), p. 35
  52. ^ Sharaf ad-Din Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama (1424–1428), p. 75
  53. ^ a b Ian C. Hannah (1900). A brief history of eastern Asia. T.F. Unwin. p. 92. Retrieved 30 December 2015.
  54. ^ a b c d e Goldsmid 1911, p. 994.
  55. ^ a b Manz, Beatrice Forbes (2002). «Tamerlane’s Career and Its Uses». Journal of World History. 13: 3. doi:10.1353/jwh.2002.0017. S2CID 143436772.
  56. ^ Denise Aigle The Mongol Empire between Myth and Reality: Studies in Anthropological History, Brill, 2014, p. 132[ISBN missing]
  57. ^ Nicholas V. Raisanovsky; Mark D. Steinberg: A History of Russia Seventh Edition, p. 93[ISBN missing]
  58. ^ «Commemoration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the deliverance of Moscow from the Invasion of Tamerlane». oca.org. Retrieved 5 February 2019.
  59. ^ Wescoat, James L.; Wolschke-Bulmahn, Joachim (1996). Mughal Gardens. google.ca. ISBN 978-0884022350.
  60. ^ Melville 2020, p. 32.
  61. ^ Timur (2013). The Mulfuzat Timury, Or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur: Written in the Jagtay Turky Language. Cambridge University Press. pp. vii–xxxvii. ISBN 978-1108056021.
  62. ^ Melville 2020, p. 56.
  63. ^ Manz 1999, pp. 67–71.
  64. ^ Melville 2020, pp. 97–100.
  65. ^ a b Chaliand, Gerard; Arnaud Blin (2007). The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to Al Qaeda. University of California Press. p. 87. ISBN 978-0520247093. isfahan Timur.
  66. ^ Fisher, W.B.; Jackson, P.; Lockhart, L.; Boyle, J.A. : The Cambridge History of Iran, p. 55.
  67. ^ Strange 1905, pp. 267–287.
  68. ^ Manz 1999, pp. 123–125.
  69. ^ Melville 2020, p. 109.
  70. ^ Shterenshis, Michael (2002). Tamerlane and the Jews. Psychology Press. pp. 144–189. ISBN 978-0700716968.
  71. ^ Strange, Guy Le (1905). The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate: Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia, from the Moslem Conquest to the Time of Timur. University Press. p. 235.
  72. ^ Morgan, David (2014). Medieval Persia 1040–1797. Routledge. pp. 167–184. ISBN 978-1317871408.
  73. ^ Nicholas V. Raisanovsky; Mark D. Steinberg: A History of Russia Seventh Edition, p. 94
  74. ^ a b Virani, Shafique N. The Ismailis in the Middle Ages: A History of Survival, A Search for Salvation (New York: Oxford University Press), 2007, p. 116.
  75. ^ Hunter, Sir William Wilson (1909). «The Indian Empire: Timur’s invasion 1398». The Imperial Gazetteer of India. Vol. 2. p. 366.
  76. ^ [1] The History of India, edited by Kenneth Pletcher Senior Editor, Geography and History p. 131
  77. ^ Hooja, Rima (2006). A History of Rajasthan. Rupa and company. p. 371. ISBN 978-8129108906. Bhatner was taken in 1391 by Timur from the Bhati Rajput King named Dulachand
  78. ^ a b History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period By Henry Miers Elliot pp. 489–493 [2]
  79. ^ Sen, Sudipta (2019). Ganga: The Many Pasts of a River. Penguin Random House India Private Limited. ISBN 978-9353054489 – via Google Books.
  80. ^ Singh, Raj Pal (1988). Rise of the Jat power. ISBN 978-8185151052. Retrieved 22 May 2012.
  81. ^ «www.britannica.com».
  82. ^ Ibn Arabşah, 1986: 164–166
  83. ^ Ibn Hacer, 1994, pp. II: 9–10
  84. ^ Ibn Tagrîbirdi, 1956, XII: 262–263.
  85. ^ «Battle of Delhi | December 17, 1398». History on this day. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
  86. ^ «The Turco-Mongol Invasions». Rbedrosian.com. Retrieved 22 May 2012.
  87. ^ a b Nicol 1993, p. 314.
  88. ^ Masters, Bruce (1999). «Aleppo:the Ottoman Empire’s caravan city». In Eldem, Edhem; Goffman, Daniel; Master, Bruce (eds.). The Ottoman City Between East and West: Aleppo, Izmir, and Istanbul. Cambridge University Press. p. 20.
  89. ^ Margaret Meserve, Empires of Islam in Renaissance Historical Thought, (Harvard University Press, 2008), 207.
  90. ^ Ibn Arabshah, Timur the Great Amir, p. 168
  91. ^ Nicolle, David; Hook, Richard (1998). The Mongol Warlords Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Hulegu, Tamerlane. Brockhampton Press. p. 161. ISBN 1860194079.
  92. ^ Rhoads Murphey, Exploring Ottoman Sovereignty: Tradition, Image and Practice in the Ottoman Imperial Household 1400–1800; published by Continium, 2008; p. 58
  93. ^ Kevin Reilly (2012). The Human Journey: A Concise Introduction to World History. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 164–. ISBN 978-1442213845.
  94. ^ Henry Cabot Lodge (1913). The History of Nations. P.F.Collier. pp. 51–.
  95. ^ Marina Belozerskaya (2012). Medusas Gaze: The Extraordinary Journey of the Tazza Farnese. Oxford University Press. pp. 88–. ISBN 978-0199876426.
  96. ^ Vertot (abbé de) (1856). The History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem: Styled Afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes, and at Present, the Knights of Malta. J.W. Leonard & Company. pp. 104–.
  97. ^ a b Dimitris J. Kastritsis (2007). The Sons of Bayezid: Empire Building and Representation in the Ottoman Civil War of 1402–1413. Brill. p. 49.
  98. ^ Nuri Pere (1968). Osmanlılarda madenî paralar: Yapı ve Kredi Bankasının Osmanlı madenî paraları kolleksiyonu. Yapı ve Kredi Bankası. p. 64.
  99. ^ Stevens, John. The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable actions of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact Description of all its Dominions; a curious Account of India, China, Tartary, Kermon, Arabia, Nixabur, and the Islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all Cities occasionally mention’d, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and Customs of those People, Persian Worshippers of Fire; Plants, Beasts, Product, and Trade. With many instructive and pleasant digressions, being remarkable Stories or Passages, occasionally occurring, as Strange Burials; Burning of the Dead; Liquors of several Countries; Hunting; Fishing; Practice of Physick; famous Physicians in the East; Actions of Tamerlan, &c. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkond, a famous Eastern Author that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, King of that Island, both of them translated into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv’d several Years in Persia and India; and now render’d into English.
  100. ^ Turnbull, Stephen (2007). The Great Wall of China 221 BC–1644 AD. Osprey Publishing. p. 23. ISBN 978-1846030048. Retrieved 26 March 2010.
  101. ^ a b c Tsai 2002, pp. 188–189.
  102. ^ C. P. Atwood. Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, see: «Northern Yuan Dynasty»
  103. ^ Adela C.Y. Lee. «Tamerlane (1336–1405) – The Last Great Nomad Power«. Silkroad Foundation. Retrieved 22 May 2012.
  104. ^ Tsai 2002, p. 161.
  105. ^ James Louis Garvin, Franklin Henry Hooper, Warren E. Cox, The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 22 (1929), p. 233
  106. ^ Abdulla Vakhabov, Muslims in the USSR (1980), pp. 63–64[ISBN missing]
  107. ^ Roya Marefat, Beyond the Architecture of Death: Shrine of the Shah-i Zinda in Samarqand (1991), p. 238
  108. ^ a b Vasilii Vladimirovitch Barthold, Four Studies on the History of Central Asia, Vol. 2 (1959)
  109. ^ Marthe Bernus-Taylor, Tombs of Paradise: The Shah-e Zende in Samarkand and Architectural Ceramics of Central Asia (2003), p. 27
  110. ^ Beatrice Forbes Manz, Power, Politics and Religion in Timurid Iran (2007), p. 16
  111. ^ William Bayne Fisher, Peter Jackson, Peter Avery, Lawrence Lockhart, John Andrew Boyle, Ilya Gershevitch, Richard Nelson Frye, Charles Melville, Gavin Hambly, The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume VI (1986), pp. 99–101
  112. ^ Ph. D., History; J. D., University of Washington School of Law; B. A., History. «Biography of Tamerlane, 14th Century Conqueror of Asia». ThoughtCo. Retrieved 20 February 2020.
  113. ^ Woods (1991, pp. 17–19)
  114. ^ Vasilii Vladimirovitch Barthold, Four Studies on the History of Central Asia, Vol. 2 (1963), p. 31
  115. ^ Manz 1999, p. 17.
  116. ^ «The Descendants of Sayyid Ata and the Rank of Naqīb in Central Asia» by Devin DeWeese Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 115, No. 4 (Oct. – Dec. 1995), pp. 612–634
  117. ^ Four studies on the history of Central Asia, Volume 1 By Vasilij Vladimirovič Bartold p. 19
  118. ^ Islamic art By Barbara Brend p. 130
  119. ^ Michael Shterenshis Tamerlane and the Jews Routledge ISBN 978-1136873669 p. 38
  120. ^ a b Virani, Shafique N. The Ismailis in the Middle Ages: A History of Survival, A Search for Salvation (New York: Oxford University Press), 2007, p. 114.
  121. ^ Manz 1999, p. 16.
  122. ^ a b Walter Joseph Fischel, Ibn Khaldūn in Egypt: His Public Functions and His Historical Research, 1382–1406; a Study in Islamic Historiography, University of California Press, 1967, p. 51, footnote
  123. ^ Roemer, H. R. «Timur in Iran.» The Cambridge History of Iran, edited by Peter Jackson and Lawrence Lockhart, vol. 6, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, pp. 86–87. The Cambridge History of Iran.
  124. ^ Saunders, J. J. (2001). The History of the Mongol Conquests. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 173–. ISBN 978-0812217667.
  125. ^ Holden, Edward S. (2004) [1895]. The Mogul Emperors of Hindustan (1398–1707 A.D). New Delhi: Westminster, Archibald Constable and Co. pp. 47–48. ISBN 978-8120618831.
  126. ^ Cowell, Professor (first name not given). MacMillan’s Magazine, vol. XXX (via Google Books). London: MacMillan & Co., 1874, p. 252.
  127. ^ Barthold, V.V. (1962). Four studies on the History of Central Asia, vol. 1 (Second Printing, 1962 ed.). Leiden: E.J. Brill. pp. 59–60.
  128. ^ Cazaux, Jean-Louis and Knowlton, Rick (2017). A World of Chess, p. 31. McFarland. ISBN 978-0786494279. «Often known as Tamerlane chess, [its invention] is traditionally attributed to the conqueror himself.»
  129. ^ Document preserved at Le Musée de l’Histoire de France, code AE III 204. Mentioned Dossier II, 7, J936
  130. ^ Mentioned Dossier II, 7 bis
  131. ^ Mentioned Dossier II, 7 ter
  132. ^ Frances Carney Gies (September–October 1978). «The Man Who Met Tamerlane». Saudi Aramco World. 29 (5). Archived from the original on 8 July 2011. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  133. ^ Manz 1999, p. 109″In Temür’s government, as in those of most nomad dynasties, it is impossible to find a clear distinction between civil and military affairs, or to identify the Persian bureaucracy as solely civil or the Turko-Mongolian solely with military government. In fact, it is difficult to define the sphere of either side of the administration and we find Persians and Chaghatays sharing many tasks. (In discussing the settled bureaucracy and the people who worked within it I use the word Persian in a cultural rather than ethnological sense. In almost all the territories which Temür incorporated into his realm Persian was the primary language of administration and literary culture. Thus the language of the settled ‘diwan’ was Persian and its scribes had to be thoroughly adept in Persian culture, whatever their ethnic origin.) Temür’s Chaghatay emirs were often involved in civil and provincial administration and even in financial affairs, traditionally the province of Persian bureaucracy.»
  134. ^ Roy, Olivier (2007). The new Central Asia. I.B. Tauris. p. 7. ISBN 978-1845115524.
  135. ^ «Nestorianism | Definition, History, & Churches | Britannica». www.britannica.com.
  136. ^ «Iqbal’S Hindu Relations». The Telegraph. Calcutta, India. 30 June 2007.
  137. ^ a b Hameed ud-Din (2011). «Abū Ṭāleb Ḥosaynī». Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  138. ^ Milwright, Marcus (2006). «So Despicable a Vessel: Representations of Tamerlane in Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries». Muqarnas. 23: 317. doi:10.1163/22118993-90000105.
  139. ^ a b c Knobler, Adam (November 1995). «The Rise of Timur and Western Diplomatic Response, 1390–1405». Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Third Series. 5 (3): 341–349. doi:10.1017/s135618630000660x. S2CID 162421202.
  140. ^ ad-DīnʿAlī Yazdī, Sharaf (1723). The History of Timur-Bec. Vol. 1. pp. xii–ix. Punctuation and spelling modernized.
  141. ^ Lev Vasil’evich Oshanin (1964). Anthropological composition of the population of Central Asia: and the ethnogenesis of its peoples. Vol. 2. Peabody Museum. p. 39.
  142. ^ Berna Özcan, Gül (2018). Diverging Paths of Development in Central Asia. Routledge. ISBN 978-1351739429.
  143. ^ Yah, Lim Chong (2001). Southeast Asia: The Long Road Ahead. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company. p. 3. ISBN 978-9813105843.
  144. ^ Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard University. 1964.
  145. ^ Mikhail Mikhailovich Gerasimov (1971). The face finder. Hutchinson. p. 135. ISBN 978-0091055103.
  146. ^ Congress, United States. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the United States Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office. p. A7238.
  147. ^ «Uzbekistan: On the bloody trail of Tamerlane». The Independent. London. 9 July 2006. Archived from the original on 20 December 2013. Retrieved 17 April 2016.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  148. ^ «Facial Reconstruction, Nazis, and Siberia: The story of Mikhail Gerasimov». 25 January 2011. Retrieved 9 November 2020.
  149. ^ Mark & Ruth Dickens. «Timurid Architecture in Samarkand». Oxuscom.com. Archived from the original on 2 July 2013. Retrieved 22 May 2012.
  150. ^ Marozzi 2004
  151. ^ «Näsimi (1973)». IMDb. Retrieved 31 August 2020.
  152. ^ Enrique Serrano (2 January 2011). Tamerlan (Biblioteca Breve) (Spanish ed.). ISBN 978-9584205407.
  153. ^ «Day Watch – Full Cast & Crew». IMDb. Retrieved 31 August 2020.
  154. ^ «John Fletcher Radio Plays & Dramatisations». suttonelms.org. Retrieved 31 August 2020.
  155. ^ «Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition review». PC Gamer. 12 November 2019.

General references

  • Knobler, Adam (1995). «The Rise of Tīmūr and Western Diplomatic Response, 1390–1405». Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Third Series. 5 (3): 341–349. doi:10.1017/S135618630000660X. S2CID 162421202.
  • Knobler, Adam (2001). «Timur the (Terrible/Tartar) Trope: a Case of Repositioning in Popular Literature and History». Medieval Encounters. 7 (1): 101–112. doi:10.1163/157006701X00102.
  • Manz, Beatrice Forbes (1999). The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521633840.
  • May, Timothy. «Timur («the Lame») (1336–1405)». The Encyclopedia of War.
  • Nicol, Donald M. (1993). The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261–1453. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521439916.
  • Melville, Charles (2020). The Timurid Century: The Idea of Iran Vol.9. University of Cambridge, English: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1838606152.
  • Tsai, Shih-Shan Henry (2002). Perpetual Happiness: the Ming Emperor Yongle. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0295981246. OCLC 870409962.
  •  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Goldsmid, Frederic John (1911). «Timūr». In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 26 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 994–995.

Further reading

  • Abazov, Rafis. «Timur (Tamerlane) and the Timurid Empire in Central Asia.» The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2008. 56–57.[ISBN missing]
  • Forbes, Andrew, & Henley, David: «Timur’s Legacy: The Architecture of Bukhara and Samarkand» (CPA Media)
  • González de Clavijo, Ruy; Embassy to Tamerlane, 1403–1406, translated by Guy Le Strange, with a new Introduction by Caroline Stone (Hardinge Simpole, 2009).[ISBN missing]
    • Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez De Clavijo to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, A.D. 1403–6 – Full text at Google Books
  • Lamb, Harold (1929). Tamerlane: The Earth Shaker (Hardback). London: Thorndon Butterworth.
  • Marlowe, Christopher. Tamburlaine the Great. Ed. J. S. Cunningham. Manchester University Press, Manchester 1981.
  • Manz, Beatrice Forbes. «Temür and the Problem of a Conqueror’s Legacy,» Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Apr. 1998)
  • Marozzi, Justin. Tamerlane: sword of Islam, conqueror of the world, London: HarperCollins, 2004[ISBN missing]
  • Marozzi, Justin. «Tamerlane», in: The Art of War: great commanders of the ancient and medieval world, Andrew Roberts (editor), London: Quercus Military History, 2008. ISBN 978-1847242594
  • Novosel’tsev, A. P. «On the Historical Evaluation of Tamerlane.» Soviet studies in history 12.3 (1973): 37–70.
  • Paksoy, H. B. «Nationality or Religion: Views of Central Asian Islam».
  • Shterenshis, Michael V. «Approach to Tamerlane: Tradition and Innovation.» Central Asia and the Caucasus 2 (2000).
  • Sykes, P. M. «Tamerlane». Journal of the Central Asian Society 2.1 (1915): 17–33.
  • Yüksel, Musa Şamil. «Timur’un Yükselişi ve Batı’nın Diplomatik Cevabı, 1390–1405.» Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 1.18 (2005): 231–243.

External links

  • Media related to Timur at Wikimedia Commons


  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Тамерлан

См. также в других словарях:

  • Тамерлан — Тамерлан …   Википедия

  • ТАМЕРЛАН — (1336 1405), Тимур, Тимурленг, восточный правитель и полководец, один из величайших завоевателей в истории человечества. Родился 8 апреля 1336 в окрестностях Самарканда. Его имя Тимур означает по тюркски и по монгольски Железный . К нему добавили …   Энциклопедия Кольера

  • ТАМЕРЛАН — (англ. Tamburlane) герой трагедии К.Марло «Тамерлан Великий» (1587 1588). Прообразом героя послужил великий среднеазиатский завоеватель Тимур (в европейской транскрипции Тамерлан), живший в XIV XV веках и в ходе непрерывных военных походов… …   Литературные герои

  • ТАМЕРЛАН — см. Тимур …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • Тамерлан — Железный хромец Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык. З. Е. Александрова. 2011 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Тамерлан — (Тимур Хромой Тимур ) (Tamerlane) (1336 1405), монг. завоеватель, потомок Чингисхана. Захватив Туркестан, начал с его терр. совершать разорительные походы на Персию (1380 88, 1392 94), 3олотую Орду (1388 91, 1395), султанат Дели (1398 99),… …   Всемирная история

  • Тамерлан — см. Тимур. * * * ТАМЕРЛАН ТАМЕРЛАН, см. Тимур (см. ТИМУР) …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • ТАМЕРЛАН — (см. ТИМУР; тж в знач. нариц.) Побратавшись да левая с правою, Встанет всем Тамерланам на грусть! В струпьях, в язвах, в проказе оправдана, Ибо есть и останется Русь. Цв921 (II,11.1); Точно там, откупаяся данью, Длился век, когда жизнь замерла И… …   Собственное имя в русской поэзии XX века: словарь личных имён

  • Тамерлан Агузаров — Биография Тамерлана Агузарова Алания Тамерлан Кимович Агузаров родился 14 июня 1963 года в городе Алагир (РСО Алания). В 1987 году окончил юридический факультет Северо Осетинского государственного университета им. К.Л. Хетагурова, в 2004 годах… …   Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

  • Тамерлан (станция) — Координаты: 53°23′03″ с. ш. 60°59′23″ в. д. / 53.384167° с. ш. 60.989722° в. д.  …   Википедия

  • Тамерлан — (1336 1405)         среднеазиатский полководец; см. Тимур …   Большая советская энциклопедия

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Тамерлан» на английский

Тамерлан приказал прекратить военные действия и попросил людей показать ему гробницу святого.

Tamerlane ordered to terminate the attack and asked people to show him the tomb of the saint.

В 16 лет Тамерлан начал самостоятельно заниматься музыкой.

In 16 years, Tamerlane began to make music on their own.

Тамерлан был одним из последних великих завоевателей мира.

Timur was one of the last great world conquerors.

В постсоветском Узбекистане Тамерлан сделан национальным героем.

In post-Soviet Uzbekistan, Timur has been made into a national folk hero.

Старший из братьев, 26-летний Тамерлан, погиб.

His older brother, Tamerlan, 26, is dead.

Увидев это чудо, изумленный Тамерлан решил исполнить любую волю настоятеля.

Having seen this miracle, astonished Tamerlan decided to fulfill any will of the abbot.

И Тамерлан приказал своему войску отступить.

Tamerlane gave the order for his troops to retreat.

Тогда Тамерлан дал приказ войску повернуть назад.

Tamerlane then gave the order for his troops to turn around.

Тамерлан, войдя увидел, что произошло, испугался.

Tamerlane came in and saw what had happened, and the scene frightened him.

Возвращаясь из экспедиции Тамерлан приказал каждому из воинов забрать камень из кучи.

Returning from the expedition, Tamerlane ordered each of the soldiers to take a stone from the heap.

Знак использовал Тамерлан как свою государственную печать (тамгу).

The sign was used by Tamerlan (Timor) as state seal.

Тимур Тамерлан уничтожил город Дели, который восстанавливался в течение около века.

Timur Tamerlane destroyed the city of Delhi, which was restored for about a century.

В 13 веке Тамерлан пытался захватить Армению и убивал народ всеми возможными способами.

In the 13th century Tamerlane was trying to conquer Armenia and massacred people by all possible means.

Есть версия, что имя Тимур происходит от имени Тамерлан.

There is a version that the name Timur comes from the name of Tamerlane.

Если Тамерлан и все остальные родственники были военными, Улугбек был ученым.

If Tamerlane, and all other relatives were military, Ulugbek was a scientist.

Возможно, Тамерлан Царнаев был проектом, забракованным в стадии укоренения.

Perhaps Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a project that got aborted at the radicalization stage.

В 2009 Тамерлан Царнаев был арестован за нападение на его девушку.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was arrested in 2009 for assault and battery against his girlfriend.

Прогулка по Новогоднему Самарканду поможет понять, почему Тамерлан сделал его столицей своей могучей империи.

Walking through the festive city you will realise why Tamerlane made it the capital of his enormous empire.

Чтобы пересчитать выживших, Тамерлан на обратном пути приказал каждому забрать по одному камню и сложить их неподалеку.

To count the survivors on the way back, Tamerlane ordered everyone to pick up one stone and lay them nearby.

В своих военных походах Тамерлан достиг значительных успехов.

Tamerlan had a great success during his military campaigns.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 428. Точных совпадений: 428. Затраченное время: 81 мс


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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timur the Great
Reign 1370-1405
Coronation 1370, Balkh
Predecessor Amir Husayn
Successor Khalil Sultan
Born April 9, 1336
Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan
Died February 17, 1405 (aged 68)
Otrar, Syr Darya

Gur-e Amir, Samarkand

Spouse Bibi Khanum
House Kyzer
Father Amir Taraghai
Mother Tekina Khatun
Religion Sunni Islam

Timur (Emir Timur) or Tamerbeg (9 April 1336 – 17 February 1405) was a Turco-Mongol conqueror in the 14th century who is regarded as one of history’s greatest military leaders and strategists. He founded the Timurid Empire in 1370. The empire was large and included Transoxiana, parts of Turkestan, Afghanistan, Persia, Syria, Qurdistan, Baghdad, Georgia and Asia Minor. He successfully conquered southern Russia and parts of India. He invaded Delhi in 1398. He called himself «Sword of Islam«. He is also known to have invented the Tamerlane Chess. In 1402, his vast empire stretched from Izmir on the Aegean coast in the west to Xinjiang in the east.

Not related to Genghis Khan but claiming to be his successor, he caused the death of thousands of people. Timur is considered the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe and the wider Central Asia. His empire led to the Gunpowder Empires in the 1500s and 1600s, most notably the Mughal Empire of India.

Name[change | change source]

His real name is Tīmūr bin Taraghay Barlas. He is also known by these names: Temur, Taimur, Timur Lenk, Timur-i Leng, Temur-e Lang, Amir Timur, Aqsaq Timur, and Tamburlaine.

Conquests[change | change source]

He began his military career after conquering Movarounnahr (now Uzbekistan) through various political betrayals and military campaigns. In allegiance with other rulers in the area, he spent the next ten years fighting to gain territory, supporting the Khan empire against the Russians and defeating many large, imposing armies.

But this was only the beginning. In 1383, Tamerlane began conquering Persia, challenging several rival dynasties in an effort to preserve his empire and expand his territory.

After securing the majority of eastern Persia and defeating a major Mongol king, Tokhtamysh, Tamerlane and his army occupied Moscow for a year. During his time of absence from Persia, major revolts broke out. So he repressed them. Knowing his home territory of Samarkand was being handled by his military forces, Tamerlane then attacked India. He crossed the Indus River in 1398 and marched his army into Delhi where he reduced much of the city, an event that would cause a great setback for the region. As a result of this conquest, he left the territory with an immense quantity of spoil, using 90 captured elephants to carry treasure and stones from quarries to erect a mosque in his homeland.

In 1399, Tamerlane organized a new military expedition to attack the sultan of Egypt for territory infringement and marching on Syria, he stormed and sacked the city of Aleppo. In 1401, his army occupied the city of Damascus. He then moved on to storm Baghdad that same year and massacred 20,000 of its citizens, destroying all of its buildings and significant monuments in the process.

Timur and his army of 200,000 soldiers traveled through deep snow and frozen rivers towards China, eventually stopping in what is now Kazakhstan for a rest. Timur caught a cold and died on the journey. The trip to China stopped, and his body was taken home to Samarkand where it was buried beneath the dome of the Gur Amir mausoleum in a steel coffin under a slab of black jade six feet long. On the stone was inscribed, “This is the resting place of the illustrious and merciful monarch, the most great sultan, the most mighty warrior, Lord Timur, Conqueror of the World.”

[change | change source]

  • Timurid dynasty

Credits[change | change source]

  • http://www.historydiscussion.net/history-of-india/timurs-invasion-on-india-what-were-its-effects/2692
  • «Did The Curse of An Ancient Warlord Help the Nazis Invade Russia?». The Raven Report.

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 Тамерлан

См. также в других словарях:

Тамерлан — Тамерлан … Википедия

ТАМЕРЛАН — (англ. Tamburlane) герой трагедии К.Марло «Тамерлан Великий» (1587 1588). Прообразом героя послужил великий среднеазиатский завоеватель Тимур (в европейской транскрипции Тамерлан), живший в XIV XV веках и в ходе непрерывных военных походов… … Литературные герои

ТАМЕРЛАН — см. Тимур … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Тамерлан — Железный хромец Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык. З. Е. Александрова. 2011 … Словарь синонимов

Тамерлан — (Тимур Хромой Тимур ) (Tamerlane) (1336 1405), монг. завоеватель, потомок Чингисхана. Захватив Туркестан, начал с его терр. совершать разорительные походы на Персию (1380 88, 1392 94), 3олотую Орду (1388 91, 1395), султанат Дели (1398 99),… … Всемирная история

Тамерлан — см. Тимур. * * * ТАМЕРЛАН ТАМЕРЛАН, см. Тимур (см. ТИМУР) … Энциклопедический словарь

ТАМЕРЛАН — (см. ТИМУР; тж в знач. нариц.) Побратавшись да левая с правою, Встанет всем Тамерланам на грусть! В струпьях, в язвах, в проказе оправдана, Ибо есть и останется Русь. Цв921 (II,11.1); Точно там, откупаяся данью, Длился век, когда жизнь замерла И… … Собственное имя в русской поэзии XX века: словарь личных имён

Тамерлан — (1336 1405) среднеазиатский полководец; см. Тимур … Большая советская энциклопедия

Тамерлан — см. Тимур … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

ТАМЕРЛАН — см. Тимур … Советская историческая энциклопедия


Значение имени Тамерлан. Толкование имени

Содержание статьи:

Этимология (происхождение) имени

Значение имени Тамерлан для ребенка

Если говорить о Тамерлане, то в детстве особенно заметна его смелость и серьезность. Он замечательный ребенок и редко спорит со взрослыми, если конечно они уважительно к нему относятся. Мальчик восприимчив к разумным доводам, а вот любому давлению будет противостоять всеми доступными способами. Стоит отметить, что анализ фоносемантики имени Тамерлан показывает большую динамичностью у этого имени, чем у имя Тимур.

Учится Тамерлан достаточно хорошо. Мальчик любит чтобы его хвалили и для этого готов прилагать усилия. Еще больше успехов ребенок может достичь в спорте. Тамерлан имеет хорошие задатки для занятия спортом, а его волевые качества вообще выше всяких похвал. Мальчик умеет ставить перед собой цели и добиваться их. И все это не смотря на юный возраст.

Здоровье у Тамерлана обычно крепкое, а проблем в детстве почти нет. Единственным слабым местом его здоровья можно назвать иммунную систему. Иногда у него возникают аллергические реакции без видимых предпосылок для этого. Наиболее действенным лечением могут быть диета (если это пищевая аллергия) или смена климата (если аллергия на растения).

Сокращенное имя Тамерлан

Уменьшительно ласкательные имена

Тамерланчик, Тамерланочка, Тамерланушка, Тамушка, Тамочка.

Отчество детей

Тамерланович и Тамерлановна.

Имя Тамерлан на английском языке

В английском языке имя Тамерлан пишется как Tamerlan.

Перевод имени Тамерлан на другие языки

на испанском — Tamerlán
на итальянском — Tamerlano
на китайском — 帖木儿 (tièmùér)
на немецком — Tamerlan
на польском — Tamerlan
на французском — Tamerlan
на японском — 鉄 (Тетцу) – Железо

Имя Тамерлан по церковному (в православной вере) не определенно. Этого имени нет в церковных календарях.

Характеристика имени Тамерлан

У взрослого Тамерлана наблюдаются те же черты, что и в детстве. Он смел, серьезен и целеустремлен. При этом его смелость не безрассудна, так как он все тщательно взвешивает перед принятием решения. Это не означает что Тамерлан не ошибается, но ошибок он делает меньше чем другие и никогда не отчаивается. Тамерлан притягивает к себе людей, что не удивительно. Его сильный характер виден издалека и многие хотят стать его другом. А вот стать настоящим другом Тамерлана достаточно сложно, ведь он осторожен и не любит спешки в столь важных вопросах.

Работать Тамерлан любит и умеет, а наибольшего успеха добивается на руководящих должностях. Стоит отметить, что для Тамерлана очень важна положительная оценка окружающих. Особенно это становится заметно на работе. Тамерлан хочет похвалы даже за простое выполнение служебных обязанностей, что у многих вызывает удивление. Зато после похвалы Тамерлан работает у удвоенной энергией, так что стоит его хвалить почаще.

Тайна имени Тамерлан

Тайной Тамерлана можно назвать его тщеславие. Он старается его сильно не показывать, но иногда все же это становится заметно. Ему стоит быть осторожным с желанием славы и признания. Не зря во многих религиях тщеславие считается смертным грехом.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется на английском тамерлан, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется на английском тамерлан», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Транслит мужского имени Тамерлан: Tamerlan

Написание имени Тамерлан в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Тамерлан в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Тамерлан»

хромой Тимур

Значение букв в имени «Тамерлан»

Т — чувствительность, творческая личность, поиск идеала

А — властность, сила

М — трудолюбие, заботливость

Е — жизнестойкость, болтливость, проницательность

Р — самоуверенность, постоянное напряжение

Л — логика, артистичность, мелочность

А — властность, сила

Н — критичность, амбиции, острый ум

Популярные мужские имена

  • Алтынбек
  • Балмурат
  • Балкумис
  • Айтуган
  • Ыдырас
  • Аманжол
  • Асан
  • Курмет
  • Ахрам
  • Баукен
  • Лесбек
  • Бексултан
  • Ракым
  • Дархан
  • Тлеу
  • Изгилик
  • Куан
  • Матиби
  • Темирхан
  • Шарип
  • Болат
  • Мусиреп
  • Ескали
  • Ахат
  • Тауман
  • Айбар
  • Бекнияз
  • Маулен
  • Жанай
  • Кобей
  • Даулен
  • Батыр
  • Байсал
  • Елназ
  • Аян
  • Суйеу
  • Ахмет
  • Сафуан
  • Мухтар
  • Альдаир
  • Жанабил
  • Бекем
  • Кенен
  • Сахи
  • Мархабат
  • Наби
  • Кайрат
  • Бектемир
  • Кармыс
  • Нурберген

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

Произношение Тамерлан
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

Тамерлан – 23 результата перевода

Из глубин Азии наступали более безжалостные силы.

Орды Тамерлана.

Байазид, скажи мне, что величие и слава это только дым по ветру.

Deep Asia brought forward a more merciless power.

The hordes of Timur Lenk.

Baiazid, tell me that greatness and glory are just smoke in the wind.

Я уезжаю. — Куда?

— Искать могилу Тамерлана.

Благодарю вас.

— Where?

— To look for Tamerlan’s grave.

And thank you.

-Иеронимо… я

Тамерлан… я -Фауст…

и я ж… -Варавва,…

I am Hieronimo.

I am Tamburlaine.

I am Faustus.


Тамерлан должен двигаться дальше.

Где ты был?


Tamerlane needs to move up.

Where have you been?

Зеленый свет.

Тамерлан начинает действовать.

— Принято?

This is the green light.

Tamerlane is a go.

— Copy?

— Принято.

Тамерлан начинает действовать.

Ваш маленький план начинает работать… мы дали Эндрю передышку, и он сделал звонок.

— Copy that.

Tamerlane is a go.

Your little counterintel plan worked… we gave Andrew a little breathing room, and he made a call.

Я не потеряю Дэниела.

«Тамерлан» Эдгара По.

Это одна из немногих оставшихся копий.

I won’t lose Daniel.

Tamerlane by Edgar Allan Poe.

This is one of the very few copies left in existence.

Т.к. мы предпочитаем не делать знаменитостей из этих мужчин, на ACN мы будем относиться к ним, как подозреваемым.

Но сейчас, мы хотим, чтобы вы знали, подозреваемых, кроме Тамерлана и Джохара Царнаевых, — нет.

Приступаешь, через 6 минут.

Because we prefer not to make celebrities out of these men, we’ll be referring to them on ACN as the suspects.

But right now we want you to know that no one is a suspect but Tamerlan and Jahar Tsarnaev.

You’re up in six minutes.

«…был убит ранее этим утром, в то время, как второй на свободе.»

Ещё раз, ФБР объявило, что подозреваемые братья Тамерлан и Джохар Царнаевы.

Т.к. мы предпочитаем не делать знаменитостей из этих мужчин, на ACN мы будем относиться к ним, как подозреваемым.

…was killed early this morning while the second one remains at large.

Again, the FBI has announced that the suspects are the brothers Tamerlan and Jahar Tsarnaev.

Because we prefer not to make celebrities out of these men, we’ll be referring to them on ACN as the suspects.

Не хочешь — научим. Не можешь — заставим.

«Умирая, Тамерлан приказал похоронить его со сжатыми кулаками.

Воля Тамерлана была выполнена».

If you don’t want to — we’ll teach you, if you can’t do it — we’ll force you.

On his deathbed, Tamerlan instructed us to bury him with his hands clenched into fists.

And his will was perfomed.

«Умирая, Тамерлан приказал похоронить его со сжатыми кулаками.

Воля Тамерлана была выполнена».

Заверни-ка мне пельмешки, Зоар, пойду я домой.

On his deathbed, Tamerlan instructed us to bury him with his hands clenched into fists.

And his will was perfomed.

I want to take this ravioli with me, Zoar, I will go home. Can You wrap this up for me?

А целью была она — Великая…

В правой руке Тамерлана мела нет.

Ты откуда знаешь? Ты там была?

But she — a Greater — was the real target.

There is no chalk into Tamerlan’s right fist.

How did you know that?


С тех пор Тамерлан больше не совершал непоправимых ошибок.



Since that day Tamerlan never made any other irreparable mistakes.

Are you interested?


«Однако долгое время место захоронения Тамерлана оставалось неизвестным.

В 1941-м году под руководством академика Герасимова… была организована экспедиция в Самарканд.

I’m drunk today.

However, many long years the interment site of Tamerlan was remaining unknown.

In 1941, under the direction of academician Gerasimov, was organized a scientific expedition to Samarkand.

С одной стороны, сын темнит, с другой, подруга талантами блещет…

У Тамерлана с сыном тоже проблемы были.

Зоар, ну какие у него могли быть проблемы с сыном, а?

On one side, the son who makes the world darker, on the other side, the girlfriend who’s blinding with her talents.

You know, this Tamerlan had some problems with his son too.

Zoar, what kind of problems he could had with his son?

«Прошу разрешить экспедицию в город Самарканд… для вскрытия гробницы в архитектурном памятнике Гур-Эмир.

По нашим исследованиям в ней захоронен полководец Тамерлан, в правой руке которого находится Мел Судьбы

Гессер 19 июня.

I ask permission for an expedition to Samarkand-town… with the subject of expidition — opening the tomb into architectural monument Gur-Emir.

According to our investigation, in that tomb was buried a military leader Tamerlan… with the Chalk of Fate in his right hand.

Gesser. 19th june.

За свою жизнь я украл много вещей.

Может книгу Эдгара По «Тамерлан«?

Нет, нет.

I’ve stolen a lot of stuff in my lifetime.

Maybe poe’s «tamerlane» book?


И хранится этот мел в неприступной крепости, и все, кто приходил за ним и входил в ворота, погибали в бесконечном лабиринте.

Пока не пришел Тамерлан.


And this chalk was kept in an impenetrable fortress, and everyone who tried to find the chalk, died in an endless labyrinth.

And there was no other outcome. But only before Tamerlan came for the chalk.


— Ладно.

— Анзор Царнаев, отец Тамерлана и Джохара Царнаева…

— Готово.


Anzar Tsarnaev, the father of… — Stand by, G7 and 7A.

— Standing.

— Что у тебя?


Старый отель.

— What do you got for me?

The Tamerlane.

It’s an old hotel.

— Я ясно выразился?

— Да, мистер Тамерлан, да.

Снимай его.

— Am I clear?

— Yes, Mr. Tamerlane, yes.

Take it off.

Если бы я не потерял этих сирот, сейчас я бы уже получил повышение!

Мистер Тамерлан может уволить меня в любую минуту.

Это он!

If I hadn’t lost those orphans, I’d be getting a promotion right now.

Mr. Tamerlane is gonna fire me at any time.

That’s him!

По слушает.

По, это Тамерлан.

Я получил распоряжение не увольнять тебя.

Poe speaking.

Poe, this is Tamerlane.

I’ve received orders that I can’t let you go.

Показать еще

Хотите знать еще больше переводов Тамерлан?

Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Тамерлан для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.

Перевести новое выражение

  • Как пишется на английском смирнова
  • Как пишется на английском слово америка
  • Как пишется на английском сейчас
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  • Как пишется на английском с днем рождения сестра