Как пишется слово кил по английскому в майнкрафте

Death messages are messages sent in the chat to either all players or a specific player to announce the death of a player or pet. These messages communicate how the entity died, and some are intended to be humorous.

Upon the death of a player, a death message is broadcast to everyone on a server. Upon the death of a pet wolf, cat, or parrot the message is broadcast to the pet’s owner in Java Edition or to all players in the world in Bedrock Edition.[1] In Bedrock Edition, death messages are also produced upon the death of a pet horse, donkey, mule, llama, or skeleton horse.[2]

Death messages can be made not to appear in chat (and therefore broadcasted to other players) with the game rule showDeathMessages. This also affects the notification of a pet’s death.

Java Edition[]


  • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob using a bow or crossbow.
    • When the player is killed by an arrow shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was shot by Arrow/Spectral Arrow.
  • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob using a renamed bow or crossbow.
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
    • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a snowball, egg or ender pearl shot by a player or mob. This is practically impossible, as these projectiles do not deal damage.
      • Blazes take damage from snowballs, which means that naming a blaze and killing it with snowballs will send this message to the game’s log.
      • Because of MC-72151, a snow golem’s snowballs are able to hurt and kill wolves, after which the message would appear to the owner of the tamed wolf.
    • Theoretically, when the player is killed by a snowball or egg shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, or an ender pearl summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was pummeled by Snowball/Thrown Egg/Thrown Ender Pearl.
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a snowball, egg or ender pearl shot by a player or mob that is holding a renamed item during the player’s death. This is impossible, as these projectiles do not deal damage. However, as stated above, blazes take damage from snowballs, and snow golems can kill wolves, and if the killer in each case is holding a renamed item, this message appears instead.
  • <player> was pricked to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were touching a cactus.
  • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by touching a cactus.
  • <player> drowned
    • Appears when the player runs out of air underwater and is killed from drowning damage.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named blaze, enderman, strider, snow golem or bee takes lethal damage from being in water, and when a named cod, salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish, squid, glow squid or tadpole takes lethal damage from being out of water.
  • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then dies from drowning.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when one of the aforementioned mobs is hurt by a player or mob then dies from drowning.
  • <player> experienced kinetic energy
    • Appears when the player is killed by hitting a wall while flying with elytra on.
  • <player> experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then hits a wall while flying with elytra on.
  • <player> blew up
    • Appears when the player is killed by TNT activated by redstone mechanisms, fire, dispensed out from a dispenser, by an end crystal triggered by a projectile shot by a dispenser or summoned with /summon, by a minecart with TNT that wasn’t triggered by a player or mob, or by the explosion of a fireball or wither skull summoned with /summon.
  • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a mob that exploded (e.g. creeper), by TNT activated by a player or mob, either by using flint and steel or a fire charge on the block or shooting it with an arrow that is on fire, by the explosion of an end crystal triggered by a player or mob, by the explosion of a minecart with TNT triggered by a player shooting it with an arrow that is on fire, or by the explosion of a fireball or wither skull shot by a player or mob.
  • <player> was blown up by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears in any of the cases for the previous death message, when the killer player or mob (if any) is holding a renamed item.
  • <player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]
    • Appears when the player is killed by a bed exploding in the Nether or the End, or by a charged respawn anchor exploding in the Overworld or the End.
    • Includes a click-event link to MCPE-28723.
  • <player> hit the ground too hard
    • Appears when the player is killed by a less than 5 block fall, ender pearl damage, or falling while riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
  • <player> hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by either a fall from less than 5 blocks, ender pearl damage, or when riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
  • <player> fell from a high place
    • Appears when the player is killed by a greater than 5 block fall.
  • <player> fell off a ladder
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a ladder.
  • <player> fell off some vines
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a vine.
  • <player> fell off some weeping vines
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a weeping vine.
  • <player> fell off some twisting vines
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a twisting vine.
  • <player> fell off scaffolding
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after traversing up or down through scaffolding.
      • If the player falls from scaffolding that doesn’t have scaffolding below it, it just counts as a greater than 5 block fall («fell from a high place»).
  • <player> fell while climbing
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a climbable block that is not one of the aforementioned ones.
      • Only cave vines fall into this category in the vanilla game, however one can make more blocks climbable using data packs.
    • Also appears when the player falls from any climbable block, changes dimension before dying, and then dies to fall damage.
      • This assumes there being no climbable block in the exact same position in the dimension the player teleported to, as the climbable block the player fell from. For instance, if a player falls off a ladder at x=0, y=100, z=0 in the overworld and they teleport to the End before they die, it must be the case that the block at x=0, y=100, z=0 in the End is not climbable, for this death message to appear.
        • If that block is climbable, then the death message for that block will appear instead. In this example, if the block at those coordinates in the End is a vine (instead of a ladder), the death message <player> fell off some vines will appear instead of <player> fell off a ladder.
  • death.fell.accident.water
    • Appears when the player dies to fall damage in water, which is ordinarily impossible because water cancels all fall damage.
    • Currently replicable in 1.13+ by taking fall damage on a waterlogged slab in a minecart, or by having a trident enchanted with an insanely high level of Riptide, then trying to use it inside deep water bodies.
    • This death message is untranslated due to MC-195467.
      • Before 1.16, this message was translated as <player> fell out of the water.
  • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
    • Appears when the player falls on a pointed dripstone and dies.
  • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then falls on a pointed dripstone and dies.
Falling blocks
  • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil
    • Appears when the player is killed by an anvil falling on their head.
  • <player> was squashed by a falling block
    • Appears when the player is killed by a falling block (other than an anvil or pointed dripstone) modified to inflict damage.
  • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • Appears when the player is killed by a falling pointed dripstone.
  • <player> went up in flames
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a fire source block.
  • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters a fire source block.
  • <player> burned to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were on fire, but not in a fire source block.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named snow golem dies because of being in a hot biome.
  • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed because they were on fire.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named snow golem is hurt by a player or mob then dies to the heat in a hot biome.
Firework rockets
  • <player> went off with a bang
    • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket.
  • <player> went off with a bang due to a firework fired from <item> by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket shot by a player or mob holding a renamed item.
  • <player> tried to swim in lava
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in lava.
  • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters lava.
  • <player> was struck by lightning
    • Appears when the player is killed by a lightning bolt.
  • <player> was struck by lightning whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by a lightning bolt.
Magma Block
  • <player> discovered the floor was lava
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were standing on a magma block.
  • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by magma block damage.
Magic (Instant Damage / Evoker Fangs / Guardian laser)
  • <player> was killed by magic
    • Appears when the player is killed by Instant Damage given with /effect, by an evoker fang summoned with /summon or by an arrow of harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named hostile mob dies to magic damage dealt by an active conduit.
  • <player> was killed by magic whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by Instant Damage or an evoker fang that didn’t originate from a player or mob.
  • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic
    • Appears when the player is killed by a potion or arrow of Harming shot by a player or mob, by an evoker fang summoned by an evoker or by the extra damage from a guardian’s or elder guardian’s laser.
      • If the player was killed by a splash potion of Harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by Potion using magic.
      • If the player was killed by the cloud created by a lingering potion of Harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by Area Effect Cloud using magic.
  • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by one of the aforementioned ways but the player or mob is holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
Powder Snow
  • <player> froze to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in powder snow for too long.
  • <player> was frozen to death by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then dies from freezing damage.
Players and mobs
  • <player> was slain by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob and killed.
    • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> and <player> was slain by <player>.
      • This means they can be customized completely independently of each other using resource packs.
    • <player> was slain by <player> also appears when a parrot is fed a cookie.
      • If the parrot was named, the message will appear in the game’s log. If it was tamed, the message will be sent to its owner.
    • <player> was slain by <mob> also appears when the player is killed by a shulker using a shulker bullet, or a llama using its llama spit.
      • If the player was killed by a shulker bullet or llama spit summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was slain by Shulker Bullet/Llama Spit.
  • <player> was slain by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob holding a renamed item and killed.
    • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> using <item> and <player> was slain by <player> using <item>.
      • This means they can be customized completely independently of each other using resource packs.
    • <player> was slain by <player> using <item> also appears when a parrot is fed a cookie by a player holding a named item in their main hand.
    • <player> was slain by <mob> using <item> also appears when the player is killed by a shulker holding a renamed item using a shulker bullet, or a llama holding a renamed item using its llama spit.
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob.
    • When the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> burned to death.
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
  • <player> was stung to death
    • Appears when the player is killed by a bee.
  • <player> was stung to death by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a bee that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
  • <player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a wither skull shot by a player or mob (only possible with the wither).
    • When the player is killed by a wither skull summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by magic.
  • <player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a wither skull shot by a player or mob that is holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
  • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
    • Appears when the player is killed by a warden using its sonic boom.
  • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob> wielding <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a warden holding a renamed item using its sonic boom.
  • <player> starved to death
    • Appears when the player plays in hard or hardcore and is killed by hunger damage because their hunger bar was at 0.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named vex takes damage after 30-119 seconds from when it was spawned.
  • <player> starved to death whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player plays in hard or hardcore and is hurt by a player or mob then killed by hunger damage.
    • Also appears in the game’s log when a named vex dies after being hurt by a player or mob.
  • <player> suffocated in a wall
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were inside of a non-transparent block.
  • <player> suffocated in a wall whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by suffocation damage.
  • <player> was squished too much
    • Appears when the player is killed by the maxEntityCramming gamerule.
  • <player> was squashed by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the maxEntityCramming gamerule.
Sweet Berry Bushes
  • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a sweet berry bush.
  • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters a sweet berry bush.
Thorns enchantment
  • <player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns.
  • <player> was killed by <item> trying to hurt <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns and holding a renamed item.
  • <player> was impaled by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob.
    • When the player is killed by a trident shot from a dispenser‌[upcoming: JE Combat Tests] or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was impaled by Trident.
  • <player> was impaled by <player/mob> with <item>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
  • <player> fell out of the world
    • Appears when the player is killed by being 64 blocks below the lowest point where blocks can be placed or by using /kill.[3]
  • <player> didn’t want to live in the same world as <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the void or /kill.[3]
Wither effect
  • <player> withered away
    • Appears when the player is killed by the Wither status effect.
  • <player> withered away whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the Wither status effect.
Drying out
  • <player> died from dehydration
    • Appears in the game’s log when a named dolphin or axolotl dies to being out of water.
  • <player> died from dehydration whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears in the game’s log when a named dolphin or axolotl is hurt by a player or mob then dies to being out of water.
Generic death
  • <player> died
    • Is coded to appear only when the player achieves a death that is not assigned to a damage type (magic, cactus etc.) or is assigned to the generic damage type. Currently replicable in 1.17.1+ by naming a bee with a name tag, letting it sting a player, waiting for it to die and looking at the game’s log.
  • <player> died because of <player/mob>
    • Is coded to appear only when the player is hurt by a player or mob then achieves a death that is not assigned to a damage type or is assigned to the generic damage type. Currently replicable in 1.17.1+ by naming a bee with a name tag, letting it sting a player, punching it while waiting for it to die naturally and looking at the game’s log.
Unsendable death messages

NOTE: These death messages are technically able to appear, but their conditions cannot be met in vanilla Minecraft.

  • <player> was doomed to fall
    • Was intended to show up when the player was shot by a projectile from a dispenser or summoned with /summon then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
    • See MC-121048 for more info.
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
    • Was intended to show up when the player was attacked by a player or mob then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
    • See MC-121048 for more info.
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Was intended to show up when the player was attacked by a player or mob holding a renamed item then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
    • See MC-121048 for more info.
  • <player> was roasted in dragon breath
    • Is coded to appear when the player achieves a death that is assigned to the dragonBreath damage type.
    • Was added in 15w31c, appeared when the player was killed by a fireball shot by the ender dragon, but since then it has been unused, because dragon fireballs no longer deal impact damage.
    • See MC-84595 for more info.
  • <player> was roasted in dragon breath by <player/mob>
    • Is coded to appear when the player is hurt by a player or mob then achieves a death that is assigned to the dragonBreath damage type.
    • Was added later on to accompany the previous one.
  • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob> wielding <item>
    • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that shot it is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
  • death.attack.anvil.item
    • Is coded to appear when a falling anvil kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
  • death.attack.fallingBlock.item
    • Is coded to appear when a falling block (other than an anvil or pointed dripstone) modified to inflict damage kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This obviously is not possible.
  • death.attack.fallingStalactite.item
    • Is coded to appear when a falling stalactite kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
Unused death messages

NOTE: These death messages have no code to make them appear, so they appear only in the en_us.json file.

  • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
    • Was intended to show up when the player took fall damage and was killed by another player or mob.
  • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>
    • Was intended to show up when the player took fall damage and was killed by another player or mob holding a renamed item.
  • <player> was stung to death by <player/mob>
    • The death message «<player> was stung to death» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
  • <player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • The death message «<player> went off with a bang» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
  • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • The death message «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
  • <player> was killed by even more magic
    • Has a hover event, with text Actually, message was too long to deliver fully. Sorry! Here’s stripped version: [message]
    • Appears when the regular death message is too large to send. This situation is almost impossible to trigger normally.[needs testing]


These death messages existed only in Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34.

  • <player> was too soft for this world
    • Appeared when the player was in Obligatory nightmare mode and was killed by the constant damage they took there.
  • <player> was too soft for this world (<player/mob> helped)
    • Appeared when the player was in Obligatory nightmare mode, was hurt by a player or mob and was killed by the constant damage they took there.


In Java Edition snapshots 13w02a through 13w04a, a complicated system existed to show death messages for when the player fell to their death or fell and was killed by something else.
There were two types of messages, «<player> <first>» and «<player> <first> and <last>».

<first> could be:

  • fell (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place)
  • was (shot|pummeled|blown|fireballed|knocked) (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place)
  • was (shot|pummeled|blown|fireballed|knocked) (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place) by <player/mob>

<last> could be:

  • into a pool of lava
  • fell out of the world
  • into a patch of fire
  • into a patch of cacti
  • got finished off by <player/mob>
  • got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • got finished off using <item>

There were 352 different death messages.
(416 in the en_US.lang file, because the verb «blown» existed twice.)

All fall death messages:

  • <player> fell off a ladder
  • <player> fell off some vines
  • <player> fell out of the water
  • <player> fell from a high place
  • <player> was shot off a ladder
  • <player> was shot off some vines
  • <player> was shot out of the water
  • <player> was shot from a high place
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place
  • <player> was blown off a ladder
  • <player> was blown off some vines
  • <player> was blown out of the water
  • <player> was blown from a high place
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder
  • <player> was knocked off some vines
  • <player> was knocked out of the water
  • <player> was knocked from a high place
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> fell off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> fell out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> fell from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
  • <player> fell off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> fell off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> fell out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> fell from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
  • <player> fell off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> fell off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> fell out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> fell from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
  • <player> fell off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> fell off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> fell out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> fell from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
  • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
  • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>

Bedrock Edition[]

  • <player> was slain by Arrow
    • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
  • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob.
  • <player> was pricked to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were touching a cactus.
  • <player> drowned
    • Appears when the player runs out of air underwater and is killed from drowning damage.
  • <player> experienced kinetic energy
    • Appears when the player is killed by hitting a wall while flying with elytra on.
  • <player> blew up
    • Appears when the player is killed by an end crystal, a bed exploding in the Nether or the End, or by a charged respawn anchor exploding in the Overworld or the End.
  • <player> was blown up by Block of TNT
    • Appears when the player is killed by TNT activated by redstone mechanisms, fire, or dispensed out from a dispenser.
  • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by an entity that exploded, or by TNT activated by a player or mob.
  • <player> hit the ground too hard
    • Appears when the player is killed by a less than 5 block fall, ender pearl damage, or falling while riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
  • <player> fell from a high place
    • Appears when the player is killed by a greater than 5 block fall.
  • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil
    • Appears when the player is killed by an anvil falling on their head.
  • <player> was squashed by a falling block
    • Appears when the player is killed by a falling block (other than an anvil) modified to inflict damage.
  • <player> went up in flames
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a fire source block.
  • <player> burned to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were on fire, but not in a fire source block.
  • <player> went off with a bang
    • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket.
  • <player> tried to swim in lava
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in lava.
  • <player> was struck by lightning
    • Appears when the player is killed by a lightning bolt.
  • <player> discovered floor was lava
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were standing on a magma block.
  • <player> was killed by magic
    • Appears when the player is killed by a potion of Harming shot from a dispenser, by Instant Damage given with /effect or by an evoker fang summoned with /summon.
  • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic
    • Appears when the player is killed by a potion or arrow of Harming shot by a player or mob, or by an evoker fang summoned by an evoker.
  • <player> was slain by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob and killed.
    • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> and <player> was slain by <player>.
  • <player> was slain by <player> using <item>
    • Appears when the player is hurt by a player holding a renamed item and killed.
  • <player> was slain by Small Fireball
    • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser.
  • <player> starved to death
    • Appears when the player plays in hard difficulty and is killed by hunger damage because their hunger bar was at 0.
  • <player> suffocated in a wall
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were inside of a non-transparent block.
  • <player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns.
  • <player> was impaled to death by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob, or from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
  • <player> fell out of the world
    • Appears when the player is killed by being more than 64 blocks below the bottom of the world.
  • <player> withered away
    • Appears when the player is killed by the wither status effect.
  • <player> died
    • Appears when the player is killed by /kill or is killed by a sweet berry bush.
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob.
  • <player> was sniped by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a shulker bullet shot by a shulker
  • <player> was spitballed by <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a llama spit shot by a llama.
  • <player> froze to death
    • Appears when the player is killed because they were in powder snow for too long.
  • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • Appears when the player is killed by falling stalactite.
  • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
    • Appears when the player falls on a stalagmite and dies.
  • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • Appears when the player is killed by a warden using its sonic boom.
Unused death messages

NOTE: These death messages appear only in the en_US.lang file.

  • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
  • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> walked on danger zone due to <player/mob>
  • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
  • <player> fell off a ladder
  • <player> fell off some vines
  • <player> fell out of the water
  • <player> was doomed to fall
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
  • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>


This section is missing information about Bedrock Edition addition/removal/change of each death message.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition Beta
1.8 Pre-release Added death messages.
Currently, death messages are only shown on multiplayer servers.
Added the following death messages:

  • <player> went up in flames
  • <player> burned to death
  • <player> tried to swim in lava
  • <player> suffocated in a wall
  • <player> drowned
  • <player> starved to death
  • <player> was pricked to death
  • <player> hit the ground too hard
  • <player> fell out of the world
  • <player> died
  • <player> blew up
  • <player> was killed by magic
  • <player> was slain by <mob>
  • <player> was slain by <player>
  • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Added the death message «<player> was killed by <player/mob>» (triggered by splash potions of Harming, it is just not clear).
1.3.1 12w16a The death message «<player> died» can no longer appear practically, only theoretically.
12w18a As singleplayer worlds are now internal servers, death messages are now also shown in singleplayer.
1.4.2 12w34a Added the death message «<player> withered away».
12w41a Added the death message «<player> was squashed by a falling anvil».
12w42a Added the death message «<player> was squashed by a falling block».
1.4.6 12w50a Added the death message «<player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>».
1.5 13w01a Added the death message «<player> was slain by <player> using <item>».
13w02a The entire translation string system for death messages has been rewritten.
Death messages for fall damage are now shown based on a system that results in 352 (416 in en_US.lang) death messages.
Added the following death messages:

  • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
  • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
  • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
  • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
  • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
  • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
The «<player> was killed by <player/mob>» death message has been changed to «<player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic».
13w05a The system for fall damage death messages has been removed due to internationalization issues.[4]
Added the following death messages, which existed already, but were part of the system removed in this snapshot:

  • <player> fell from a high place
  • <player> fell off a ladder
  • <player> fell off some vines
Added the death message «<player> fell out of the water», which existed as part of the system removed in this snapshot, and which can only appear theoretically, not practically.
Added the following death messages:

  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
  • Added the following unused death messages:

  • <player> was doomed to fall
  • <player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>
  • 1.6.1 13w21b The following unused death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>» to «<player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob
    • «<player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>» to «<player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item
    1.7.4 13w47a The following death messages are now unused:

    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
    1.8 14w10a Added game rule showDeathMessages.
    14w32a Added the death message «<player> was struck by lightning».
    1.9 15w31a Death messages are now displayed on the death screen as well as in the chat.
    15w31c Added the death message «<player> was roasted in dragon breath».
    15w32a The death message «<player> was roasted in dragon breath» can no longer practically appear, only theoretically.
    15w42a Added the death message «<player> experienced kinetic energy».
    1.10 16w20a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> discovered floor was lava
    • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
    1.11 16w43a Added the death message «<player> was squished too much».
    1.11.1 16w50a Added the death message «<player> went off with a bang».
    1.13 17w48a Added the death message «<player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]».
    18w01a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was struck by lightning whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> suffocated in a wall whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by <player/mob>
    • <player> starved to death whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob> using <item>
    • death.attack.magic.player
    • <player> withered away whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was slaim [sic] by <mob> using <item>
    • <player> was killed by <item> trying to hurt <player/mob>
    • <player> hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> didn’t want to live in the same world as <player/mob>
    • <player> experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>
    Added the following death messages, which can theoretically appear, but not practically:

    • <player> died because of <player/mob>
    • <player> was roasted in dragon breath by <player/mob>
    18w07a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob>
    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob> with <item>
    18w15a Added the following death messages, which can theoretically appear, but not practically:

    • death.attack.dryout
    • death.attack.dryout.player
    18w20b The following death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> was slaim by <mob> using <item>» to «<player> was slain by <mob> using <item
    • «<player> discovered floor was lava» to «<player> discovered the floor was lava»
    pre5 The death message «<player> fell out of the water» can now appear practically, not only theoretically.
    1.13.1 18w31a Added the unused death message «<player> was killed by even more magic», along with its hover event: «Actually, message was too long to deliver fully. Sorry! Here’s stripped version: <message
    1.14 18w49a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush
    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    1.15 19w34a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was stung to death
    • death.attack.sting.item
    Added the unused death message «<player> was stung to death by <player/mob>».
    1.16 20w07a The «death.attack.magic.player» death message has been changed to «<player> was killed by magic whilst trying to escape <player/mob>».
    20w09a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> fell off some weeping vines
    • <player> fell while climbing
    • death.attack.fireworks.item
    The death message «<player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>» has been removed, but its translation string remains.
    20w11a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> fell off some twisting vines
    • <player> fell off a scaffolding
    20w12a The translation of the death message «<player> fell out of the water» has been removed. It now displays as «death.fell.accident.water».
    20w13a The raw translation strings of the death message «<player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]» have been changed from «death.attack.netherBed.<message/link>» to «death.attack.badRespawnPoint.<message/link>», because the death message now also appears when a player is killed by the explosion of a charged respawn anchor in the Overworld or the End.
    20w18a The following death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> fell off a scaffolding» to «<player> fell off scaffolding»
    • «death.attack.fireworks.item» to «<player> went off with a bang due to a firework fired from <item> by <player/mob
    20w22a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was shot by a <player/mob>’s skull
    • death.attack.witherSkull.item
    1.16.2 20w30a The «<player> was shot by a <player/mob>’s skull» death message has been changed to «<player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob>».
    1.17 20w46a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> froze to death
    • <player> was frozen to death by <player/mob>
    20w49a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    21w03a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    1.17.1 Pre-release 2 The following death messages can now appear practically, not only theoretically:

    • death.attack.dryout
    • death.attack.dryout.player
    • <player> died
    • <player> died because of <player/mob>
    Release Candidate 1 The following death messages have been changed:

    • «death.attack.dryout» to «<player> died from dehydration»
    • «death.attack.dryout.player» to «<player> died from dehydration whilst trying to escape <player/mob>»
    1.19 22w17a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    22w19a Added the death message «death.attack.sonic_boom.item».
    The death message «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>» has been removed, but its translation string remains.
    Pre-release 2 Added the death message «<player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob> wielding <item>», which can theoretically appear, but not practically.
    The following death messages have been changed:

    • «death.attack.sting.item» to «<player> was stung to death by <player/mob> using <item>»
    • «death.attack.witherSkull.item» to «<player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob> using <item>»
    • «death.attack.sonic_boom.item» to «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob> wielding <item>»
    1.19.3 22w43a Added the following death messages:

    • death.attack.anvil.item
    • death.attack.fallingBlock.item
    • death.attack.fallingStalactite.item
    The following death messages have been removed, but their translation strings remain:

    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    Pocket Edition Alpha
    v0.11.0 build 1 Added death messages.
    Pocket Edition
    1.0.4 alpha Added the death message «<player> experienced kinetic energy».
    1.1.3 alpha Added the following death messages:

    • <player> discovered floor was lava
    • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
    Bedrock Edition
    1.2.0 beta Added the death message «<player> went off with a bang».
    1.16.200 beta Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was sniped by <player/mob>
    • <player> was spitballed by <player/mob>
    1.16.210 beta Added the death message «<player> froze to death».
    1.16.220 beta Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    1.19.10 beta Death messages are now displayed on the death screen.
    Legacy Console Edition
    TU5 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Added death messages.
    PlayStation 4 Edition
    1.88 The option to disable messages from appearing when a player or tamed mob dies has been added.


    • Death messages obtained through PvE means are generally grammatically incorrect due to the lack of a preceding «a» before the name of the killer. This is a bug that Mojang declined to fix.[5]


    1. MCPE-69255
    2. MC-71778
    3. a b MC-21520
    4. MC-8647
    5. MC-129907

    Death messages are messages sent in the chat to either all players or a specific player to announce the death of a player or pet. These messages communicate how the entity died, and some are intended to be humorous.

    Upon the death of a player, a death message is broadcast to everyone on a server. Upon the death of a pet wolf, cat, or parrot the message is broadcast to the pet’s owner in Java Edition or to all players in the world in Bedrock Edition.[1] In Bedrock Edition, death messages are also produced upon the death of a pet horse, donkey, mule, llama, or skeleton horse.[2]

    Death messages can be made not to appear in chat (and therefore broadcasted to other players) with the game rule showDeathMessages. This also affects the notification of a pet’s death.

    Java Edition[]


    • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob using a bow or crossbow.
      • When the player is killed by an arrow shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was shot by Arrow/Spectral Arrow.
    • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob using a renamed bow or crossbow.
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
      • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a snowball, egg or ender pearl shot by a player or mob. This is practically impossible, as these projectiles do not deal damage.
        • Blazes take damage from snowballs, which means that naming a blaze and killing it with snowballs will send this message to the game’s log.
        • Because of MC-72151, a snow golem’s snowballs are able to hurt and kill wolves, after which the message would appear to the owner of the tamed wolf.
      • Theoretically, when the player is killed by a snowball or egg shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, or an ender pearl summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was pummeled by Snowball/Thrown Egg/Thrown Ender Pearl.
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a snowball, egg or ender pearl shot by a player or mob that is holding a renamed item during the player’s death. This is impossible, as these projectiles do not deal damage. However, as stated above, blazes take damage from snowballs, and snow golems can kill wolves, and if the killer in each case is holding a renamed item, this message appears instead.
    • <player> was pricked to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were touching a cactus.
    • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by touching a cactus.
    • <player> drowned
      • Appears when the player runs out of air underwater and is killed from drowning damage.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named blaze, enderman, strider, snow golem or bee takes lethal damage from being in water, and when a named cod, salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish, squid, glow squid or tadpole takes lethal damage from being out of water.
    • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then dies from drowning.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when one of the aforementioned mobs is hurt by a player or mob then dies from drowning.
    • <player> experienced kinetic energy
      • Appears when the player is killed by hitting a wall while flying with elytra on.
    • <player> experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then hits a wall while flying with elytra on.
    • <player> blew up
      • Appears when the player is killed by TNT activated by redstone mechanisms, fire, dispensed out from a dispenser, by an end crystal triggered by a projectile shot by a dispenser or summoned with /summon, by a minecart with TNT that wasn’t triggered by a player or mob, or by the explosion of a fireball or wither skull summoned with /summon.
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a mob that exploded (e.g. creeper), by TNT activated by a player or mob, either by using flint and steel or a fire charge on the block or shooting it with an arrow that is on fire, by the explosion of an end crystal triggered by a player or mob, by the explosion of a minecart with TNT triggered by a player shooting it with an arrow that is on fire, or by the explosion of a fireball or wither skull shot by a player or mob.
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears in any of the cases for the previous death message, when the killer player or mob (if any) is holding a renamed item.
    • <player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]
      • Appears when the player is killed by a bed exploding in the Nether or the End, or by a charged respawn anchor exploding in the Overworld or the End.
      • Includes a click-event link to MCPE-28723.
    • <player> hit the ground too hard
      • Appears when the player is killed by a less than 5 block fall, ender pearl damage, or falling while riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
    • <player> hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by either a fall from less than 5 blocks, ender pearl damage, or when riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
    • <player> fell from a high place
      • Appears when the player is killed by a greater than 5 block fall.
    • <player> fell off a ladder
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a ladder.
    • <player> fell off some vines
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a vine.
    • <player> fell off some weeping vines
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a weeping vine.
    • <player> fell off some twisting vines
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a twisting vine.
    • <player> fell off scaffolding
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after traversing up or down through scaffolding.
        • If the player falls from scaffolding that doesn’t have scaffolding below it, it just counts as a greater than 5 block fall («fell from a high place»).
    • <player> fell while climbing
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling after being on a climbable block that is not one of the aforementioned ones.
        • Only cave vines fall into this category in the vanilla game, however one can make more blocks climbable using data packs.
      • Also appears when the player falls from any climbable block, changes dimension before dying, and then dies to fall damage.
        • This assumes there being no climbable block in the exact same position in the dimension the player teleported to, as the climbable block the player fell from. For instance, if a player falls off a ladder at x=0, y=100, z=0 in the overworld and they teleport to the End before they die, it must be the case that the block at x=0, y=100, z=0 in the End is not climbable, for this death message to appear.
          • If that block is climbable, then the death message for that block will appear instead. In this example, if the block at those coordinates in the End is a vine (instead of a ladder), the death message <player> fell off some vines will appear instead of <player> fell off a ladder.
    • death.fell.accident.water
      • Appears when the player dies to fall damage in water, which is ordinarily impossible because water cancels all fall damage.
      • Currently replicable in 1.13+ by taking fall damage on a waterlogged slab in a minecart, or by having a trident enchanted with an insanely high level of Riptide, then trying to use it inside deep water bodies.
      • This death message is untranslated due to MC-195467.
        • Before 1.16, this message was translated as <player> fell out of the water.
    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
      • Appears when the player falls on a pointed dripstone and dies.
    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then falls on a pointed dripstone and dies.
    Falling blocks
    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil
      • Appears when the player is killed by an anvil falling on their head.
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block
      • Appears when the player is killed by a falling block (other than an anvil or pointed dripstone) modified to inflict damage.
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
      • Appears when the player is killed by a falling pointed dripstone.
    • <player> went up in flames
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a fire source block.
    • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters a fire source block.
    • <player> burned to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were on fire, but not in a fire source block.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named snow golem dies because of being in a hot biome.
    • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed because they were on fire.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named snow golem is hurt by a player or mob then dies to the heat in a hot biome.
    Firework rockets
    • <player> went off with a bang
      • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket.
    • <player> went off with a bang due to a firework fired from <item> by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket shot by a player or mob holding a renamed item.
    • <player> tried to swim in lava
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in lava.
    • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters lava.
    • <player> was struck by lightning
      • Appears when the player is killed by a lightning bolt.
    • <player> was struck by lightning whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by a lightning bolt.
    Magma Block
    • <player> discovered the floor was lava
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were standing on a magma block.
    • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by magma block damage.
    Magic (Instant Damage / Evoker Fangs / Guardian laser)
    • <player> was killed by magic
      • Appears when the player is killed by Instant Damage given with /effect, by an evoker fang summoned with /summon or by an arrow of harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named hostile mob dies to magic damage dealt by an active conduit.
    • <player> was killed by magic whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by Instant Damage or an evoker fang that didn’t originate from a player or mob.
    • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic
      • Appears when the player is killed by a potion or arrow of Harming shot by a player or mob, by an evoker fang summoned by an evoker or by the extra damage from a guardian’s or elder guardian’s laser.
        • If the player was killed by a splash potion of Harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by Potion using magic.
        • If the player was killed by the cloud created by a lingering potion of Harming shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by Area Effect Cloud using magic.
    • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by one of the aforementioned ways but the player or mob is holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
    Powder Snow
    • <player> froze to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in powder snow for too long.
    • <player> was frozen to death by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then dies from freezing damage.
    Players and mobs
    • <player> was slain by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob and killed.
      • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> and <player> was slain by <player>.
        • This means they can be customized completely independently of each other using resource packs.
      • <player> was slain by <player> also appears when a parrot is fed a cookie.
        • If the parrot was named, the message will appear in the game’s log. If it was tamed, the message will be sent to its owner.
      • <player> was slain by <mob> also appears when the player is killed by a shulker using a shulker bullet, or a llama using its llama spit.
        • If the player was killed by a shulker bullet or llama spit summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was slain by Shulker Bullet/Llama Spit.
    • <player> was slain by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob holding a renamed item and killed.
      • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> using <item> and <player> was slain by <player> using <item>.
        • This means they can be customized completely independently of each other using resource packs.
      • <player> was slain by <player> using <item> also appears when a parrot is fed a cookie by a player holding a named item in their main hand.
      • <player> was slain by <mob> using <item> also appears when the player is killed by a shulker holding a renamed item using a shulker bullet, or a llama holding a renamed item using its llama spit.
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob.
      • When the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> burned to death.
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
    • <player> was stung to death
      • Appears when the player is killed by a bee.
    • <player> was stung to death by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a bee that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
    • <player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a wither skull shot by a player or mob (only possible with the wither).
      • When the player is killed by a wither skull summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was killed by magic.
    • <player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a wither skull shot by a player or mob that is holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
      • Appears when the player is killed by a warden using its sonic boom.
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob> wielding <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a warden holding a renamed item using its sonic boom.
    • <player> starved to death
      • Appears when the player plays in hard or hardcore and is killed by hunger damage because their hunger bar was at 0.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named vex takes damage after 30-119 seconds from when it was spawned.
    • <player> starved to death whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player plays in hard or hardcore and is hurt by a player or mob then killed by hunger damage.
      • Also appears in the game’s log when a named vex dies after being hurt by a player or mob.
    • <player> suffocated in a wall
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were inside of a non-transparent block.
    • <player> suffocated in a wall whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by suffocation damage.
    • <player> was squished too much
      • Appears when the player is killed by the maxEntityCramming gamerule.
    • <player> was squashed by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the maxEntityCramming gamerule.
    Sweet Berry Bushes
    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a sweet berry bush.
    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then enters a sweet berry bush.
    Thorns enchantment
    • <player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns.
    • <player> was killed by <item> trying to hurt <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns and holding a renamed item.
    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob.
      • When the player is killed by a trident shot from a dispenser‌[upcoming: JE Combat Tests] or summoned with /summon, the death message is <player> was impaled by Trident.
    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob> with <item>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob that was holding a renamed item during the player’s death.
    • <player> fell out of the world
      • Appears when the player is killed by being 64 blocks below the lowest point where blocks can be placed or by using /kill.[3]
    • <player> didn’t want to live in the same world as <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the void or /kill.[3]
    Wither effect
    • <player> withered away
      • Appears when the player is killed by the Wither status effect.
    • <player> withered away whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by the Wither status effect.
    Drying out
    • <player> died from dehydration
      • Appears in the game’s log when a named dolphin or axolotl dies to being out of water.
    • <player> died from dehydration whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears in the game’s log when a named dolphin or axolotl is hurt by a player or mob then dies to being out of water.
    Generic death
    • <player> died
      • Is coded to appear only when the player achieves a death that is not assigned to a damage type (magic, cactus etc.) or is assigned to the generic damage type. Currently replicable in 1.17.1+ by naming a bee with a name tag, letting it sting a player, waiting for it to die and looking at the game’s log.
    • <player> died because of <player/mob>
      • Is coded to appear only when the player is hurt by a player or mob then achieves a death that is not assigned to a damage type or is assigned to the generic damage type. Currently replicable in 1.17.1+ by naming a bee with a name tag, letting it sting a player, punching it while waiting for it to die naturally and looking at the game’s log.
    Unsendable death messages

    NOTE: These death messages are technically able to appear, but their conditions cannot be met in vanilla Minecraft.

    • <player> was doomed to fall
      • Was intended to show up when the player was shot by a projectile from a dispenser or summoned with /summon then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
      • See MC-121048 for more info.
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
      • Was intended to show up when the player was attacked by a player or mob then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
      • See MC-121048 for more info.
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Was intended to show up when the player was attacked by a player or mob holding a renamed item then fell to their death, but two lines in the code responsible for this message are swapped.
      • See MC-121048 for more info.
    • <player> was roasted in dragon breath
      • Is coded to appear when the player achieves a death that is assigned to the dragonBreath damage type.
      • Was added in 15w31c, appeared when the player was killed by a fireball shot by the ender dragon, but since then it has been unused, because dragon fireballs no longer deal impact damage.
      • See MC-84595 for more info.
    • <player> was roasted in dragon breath by <player/mob>
      • Is coded to appear when the player is hurt by a player or mob then achieves a death that is assigned to the dragonBreath damage type.
      • Was added later on to accompany the previous one.
    • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob> wielding <item>
      • Is coded to appear when the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that shot it is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
    • death.attack.anvil.item
      • Is coded to appear when a falling anvil kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
    • death.attack.fallingBlock.item
      • Is coded to appear when a falling block (other than an anvil or pointed dripstone) modified to inflict damage kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This obviously is not possible.
    • death.attack.fallingStalactite.item
      • Is coded to appear when a falling stalactite kills a player, while simultaneously, the nonexistent player or mob that killed them is holding a renamed item. This is obviously not possible.
    Unused death messages

    NOTE: These death messages have no code to make them appear, so they appear only in the en_us.json file.

    • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
      • Was intended to show up when the player took fall damage and was killed by another player or mob.
    • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>
      • Was intended to show up when the player took fall damage and was killed by another player or mob holding a renamed item.
    • <player> was stung to death by <player/mob>
      • The death message «<player> was stung to death» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
    • <player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>
      • The death message «<player> went off with a bang» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • The death message «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek» should have a <player/mob> variable, but the vanilla translation does not include it.
    • <player> was killed by even more magic
      • Has a hover event, with text Actually, message was too long to deliver fully. Sorry! Here’s stripped version: [message]
      • Appears when the regular death message is too large to send. This situation is almost impossible to trigger normally.[needs testing]


    These death messages existed only in Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34.

    • <player> was too soft for this world
      • Appeared when the player was in Obligatory nightmare mode and was killed by the constant damage they took there.
    • <player> was too soft for this world (<player/mob> helped)
      • Appeared when the player was in Obligatory nightmare mode, was hurt by a player or mob and was killed by the constant damage they took there.


    In Java Edition snapshots 13w02a through 13w04a, a complicated system existed to show death messages for when the player fell to their death or fell and was killed by something else.
    There were two types of messages, «<player> <first>» and «<player> <first> and <last>».

    <first> could be:

    • fell (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place)
    • was (shot|pummeled|blown|fireballed|knocked) (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place)
    • was (shot|pummeled|blown|fireballed|knocked) (off a ladder|off some vines|out of the water|from a high place) by <player/mob>

    <last> could be:

    • into a pool of lava
    • fell out of the world
    • into a patch of fire
    • into a patch of cacti
    • got finished off by <player/mob>
    • got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • got finished off using <item>

    There were 352 different death messages.
    (416 in the en_US.lang file, because the verb «blown» existed twice.)

    All fall death messages:

    • <player> fell off a ladder
    • <player> fell off some vines
    • <player> fell out of the water
    • <player> fell from a high place
    • <player> was shot off a ladder
    • <player> was shot off some vines
    • <player> was shot out of the water
    • <player> was shot from a high place
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place
    • <player> was blown off a ladder
    • <player> was blown off some vines
    • <player> was blown out of the water
    • <player> was blown from a high place
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder
    • <player> was knocked off some vines
    • <player> was knocked out of the water
    • <player> was knocked from a high place
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> fell off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> fell out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> fell from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a pool of lava
    • <player> fell off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> fell off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> fell out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> fell from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and fell out of the world
    • <player> fell off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> fell off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> fell out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> fell from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of fire
    • <player> fell off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> fell off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> fell out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> fell from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and into a patch of cacti
    • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> fell off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> fell off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> fell out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> fell from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was shot from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was blown from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off a ladder by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked off some vines by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked out of the water by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>
    • <player> was knocked from a high place by <player/mob> and got finished off using <item>

    Bedrock Edition[]

    • <player> was slain by Arrow
      • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
    • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob.
    • <player> was pricked to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were touching a cactus.
    • <player> drowned
      • Appears when the player runs out of air underwater and is killed from drowning damage.
    • <player> experienced kinetic energy
      • Appears when the player is killed by hitting a wall while flying with elytra on.
    • <player> blew up
      • Appears when the player is killed by an end crystal, a bed exploding in the Nether or the End, or by a charged respawn anchor exploding in the Overworld or the End.
    • <player> was blown up by Block of TNT
      • Appears when the player is killed by TNT activated by redstone mechanisms, fire, or dispensed out from a dispenser.
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by an entity that exploded, or by TNT activated by a player or mob.
    • <player> hit the ground too hard
      • Appears when the player is killed by a less than 5 block fall, ender pearl damage, or falling while riding an entity that died due to fall damage.
    • <player> fell from a high place
      • Appears when the player is killed by a greater than 5 block fall.
    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil
      • Appears when the player is killed by an anvil falling on their head.
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block
      • Appears when the player is killed by a falling block (other than an anvil) modified to inflict damage.
    • <player> went up in flames
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in a fire source block.
    • <player> burned to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were on fire, but not in a fire source block.
    • <player> went off with a bang
      • Appears when the player is killed by the explosion of a firework rocket.
    • <player> tried to swim in lava
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in lava.
    • <player> was struck by lightning
      • Appears when the player is killed by a lightning bolt.
    • <player> discovered floor was lava
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were standing on a magma block.
    • <player> was killed by magic
      • Appears when the player is killed by a potion of Harming shot from a dispenser, by Instant Damage given with /effect or by an evoker fang summoned with /summon.
    • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic
      • Appears when the player is killed by a potion or arrow of Harming shot by a player or mob, or by an evoker fang summoned by an evoker.
    • <player> was slain by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob and killed.
      • This death message is actually two different death messages: <player> was slain by <mob> and <player> was slain by <player>.
    • <player> was slain by <player> using <item>
      • Appears when the player is hurt by a player holding a renamed item and killed.
    • <player> was slain by Small Fireball
      • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot from a dispenser.
    • <player> starved to death
      • Appears when the player plays in hard difficulty and is killed by hunger damage because their hunger bar was at 0.
    • <player> suffocated in a wall
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were inside of a non-transparent block.
    • <player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed because they hurt a guardian, elder guardian, or a player or mob wearing armor enchanted with Thorns.
    • <player> was impaled to death by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a trident shot by a player or mob, or from a dispenser or summoned with /summon.
    • <player> fell out of the world
      • Appears when the player is killed by being more than 64 blocks below the bottom of the world.
    • <player> withered away
      • Appears when the player is killed by the wither status effect.
    • <player> died
      • Appears when the player is killed by /kill or is killed by a sweet berry bush.
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a fireball shot by a player or mob.
    • <player> was sniped by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a shulker bullet shot by a shulker
    • <player> was spitballed by <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a llama spit shot by a llama.
    • <player> froze to death
      • Appears when the player is killed because they were in powder snow for too long.
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
      • Appears when the player is killed by falling stalactite.
    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
      • Appears when the player falls on a stalagmite and dies.
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
      • Appears when the player is killed by a warden using its sonic boom.
    Unused death messages

    NOTE: These death messages appear only in the en_US.lang file.

    • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> walked on danger zone due to <player/mob>
    • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
    • <player> fell off a ladder
    • <player> fell off some vines
    • <player> fell out of the water
    • <player> was doomed to fall
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
    • <player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>


    This section is missing information about Bedrock Edition addition/removal/change of each death message.

    Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

    Java Edition Beta
    1.8 Pre-release Added death messages.
    Currently, death messages are only shown on multiplayer servers.
    Added the following death messages:

    • <player> went up in flames
    • <player> burned to death
    • <player> tried to swim in lava
    • <player> suffocated in a wall
    • <player> drowned
    • <player> starved to death
    • <player> was pricked to death
    • <player> hit the ground too hard
    • <player> fell out of the world
    • <player> died
    • <player> blew up
    • <player> was killed by magic
    • <player> was slain by <mob>
    • <player> was slain by <player>
    • <player> was shot by <player/mob>
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob>
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob>
    Java Edition
    1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Added the death message «<player> was killed by <player/mob>» (triggered by splash potions of Harming, it is just not clear).
    1.3.1 12w16a The death message «<player> died» can no longer appear practically, only theoretically.
    12w18a As singleplayer worlds are now internal servers, death messages are now also shown in singleplayer.
    1.4.2 12w34a Added the death message «<player> withered away».
    12w41a Added the death message «<player> was squashed by a falling anvil».
    12w42a Added the death message «<player> was squashed by a falling block».
    1.4.6 12w50a Added the death message «<player> was killed trying to hurt <player/mob>».
    1.5 13w01a Added the death message «<player> was slain by <player> using <item>».
    13w02a The entire translation string system for death messages has been rewritten.
    Death messages for fall damage are now shown based on a system that results in 352 (416 in en_US.lang) death messages.
    Added the following death messages:

    • <player> walked into fire whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> tried to swim in lava to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> drowned whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob>
    • <player> was shot by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was fireballed by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was pummeled by <player/mob> using <item>
    • <player> was killed by <player/mob> using <item>
    The «<player> was killed by <player/mob>» death message has been changed to «<player> was killed by <player/mob> using magic».
    13w05a The system for fall damage death messages has been removed due to internationalization issues.[4]
    Added the following death messages, which existed already, but were part of the system removed in this snapshot:

    • <player> fell from a high place
    • <player> fell off a ladder
    • <player> fell off some vines
    Added the death message «<player> fell out of the water», which existed as part of the system removed in this snapshot, and which can only appear theoretically, not practically.
    Added the following death messages:

  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
  • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
  • Added the following unused death messages:

  • <player> was doomed to fall
  • <player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>
  • <player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>
  • 1.6.1 13w21b The following unused death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob>» to «<player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob
    • «<player> was fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item>» to «<player> fell too far and was finished by <player/mob> using <item
    1.7.4 13w47a The following death messages are now unused:

    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob>
    • <player> was doomed to fall by <player/mob> using <item>
    1.8 14w10a Added game rule showDeathMessages.
    14w32a Added the death message «<player> was struck by lightning».
    1.9 15w31a Death messages are now displayed on the death screen as well as in the chat.
    15w31c Added the death message «<player> was roasted in dragon breath».
    15w32a The death message «<player> was roasted in dragon breath» can no longer practically appear, only theoretically.
    15w42a Added the death message «<player> experienced kinetic energy».
    1.10 16w20a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> discovered floor was lava
    • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
    1.11 16w43a Added the death message «<player> was squished too much».
    1.11.1 16w50a Added the death message «<player> went off with a bang».
    1.13 17w48a Added the death message «<player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]».
    18w01a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was struck by lightning whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> suffocated in a wall whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by <player/mob>
    • <player> starved to death whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was blown up by <player/mob> using <item>
    • death.attack.magic.player
    • <player> withered away whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was slaim [sic] by <mob> using <item>
    • <player> was killed by <item> trying to hurt <player/mob>
    • <player> hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> didn’t want to live in the same world as <player/mob>
    • <player> experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    • <player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>
    Added the following death messages, which can theoretically appear, but not practically:

    • <player> died because of <player/mob>
    • <player> was roasted in dragon breath by <player/mob>
    18w07a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob>
    • <player> was impaled by <player/mob> with <item>
    18w15a Added the following death messages, which can theoretically appear, but not practically:

    • death.attack.dryout
    • death.attack.dryout.player
    18w20b The following death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> was slaim by <mob> using <item>» to «<player> was slain by <mob> using <item
    • «<player> discovered floor was lava» to «<player> discovered the floor was lava»
    pre5 The death message «<player> fell out of the water» can now appear practically, not only theoretically.
    1.13.1 18w31a Added the unused death message «<player> was killed by even more magic», along with its hover event: «Actually, message was too long to deliver fully. Sorry! Here’s stripped version: <message
    1.14 18w49a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush
    • <player> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    1.15 19w34a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was stung to death
    • death.attack.sting.item
    Added the unused death message «<player> was stung to death by <player/mob>».
    1.16 20w07a The «death.attack.magic.player» death message has been changed to «<player> was killed by magic whilst trying to escape <player/mob>».
    20w09a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> fell off some weeping vines
    • <player> fell while climbing
    • death.attack.fireworks.item
    The death message «<player> went off with a bang whilst fighting <player/mob>» has been removed, but its translation string remains.
    20w11a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> fell off some twisting vines
    • <player> fell off a scaffolding
    20w12a The translation of the death message «<player> fell out of the water» has been removed. It now displays as «death.fell.accident.water».
    20w13a The raw translation strings of the death message «<player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]» have been changed from «death.attack.netherBed.<message/link>» to «death.attack.badRespawnPoint.<message/link>», because the death message now also appears when a player is killed by the explosion of a charged respawn anchor in the Overworld or the End.
    20w18a The following death messages have been changed:

    • «<player> fell off a scaffolding» to «<player> fell off scaffolding»
    • «death.attack.fireworks.item» to «<player> went off with a bang due to a firework fired from <item> by <player/mob
    20w22a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was shot by a <player/mob>’s skull
    • death.attack.witherSkull.item
    1.16.2 20w30a The «<player> was shot by a <player/mob>’s skull» death message has been changed to «<player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob>».
    1.17 20w46a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> froze to death
    • <player> was frozen to death by <player/mob>
    20w49a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    21w03a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite
    • <player> was impaled on a stalagmite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    1.17.1 Pre-release 2 The following death messages can now appear practically, not only theoretically:

    • death.attack.dryout
    • death.attack.dryout.player
    • <player> died
    • <player> died because of <player/mob>
    Release Candidate 1 The following death messages have been changed:

    • «death.attack.dryout» to «<player> died from dehydration»
    • «death.attack.dryout.player» to «<player> died from dehydration whilst trying to escape <player/mob>»
    1.19 22w17a Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
    • <player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>
    22w19a Added the death message «death.attack.sonic_boom.item».
    The death message «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob>» has been removed, but its translation string remains.
    Pre-release 2 Added the death message «<player> was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting <player/mob> wielding <item>», which can theoretically appear, but not practically.
    The following death messages have been changed:

    • «death.attack.sting.item» to «<player> was stung to death by <player/mob> using <item>»
    • «death.attack.witherSkull.item» to «<player> was shot by a skull from <player/mob> using <item>»
    • «death.attack.sonic_boom.item» to «<player> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape <player/mob> wielding <item>»
    1.19.3 22w43a Added the following death messages:

    • death.attack.anvil.item
    • death.attack.fallingBlock.item
    • death.attack.fallingStalactite.item
    The following death messages have been removed, but their translation strings remain:

    • <player> was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting <player/mob>
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    Pocket Edition Alpha
    v0.11.0 build 1 Added death messages.
    Pocket Edition
    1.0.4 alpha Added the death message «<player> experienced kinetic energy».
    1.1.3 alpha Added the following death messages:

    • <player> discovered floor was lava
    • <player> walked into danger zone due to <player/mob>
    Bedrock Edition
    1.2.0 beta Added the death message «<player> went off with a bang».
    1.16.200 beta Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was sniped by <player/mob>
    • <player> was spitballed by <player/mob>
    1.16.210 beta Added the death message «<player> froze to death».
    1.16.220 beta Added the following death messages:

    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite
    • <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob>
    1.19.10 beta Death messages are now displayed on the death screen.
    Legacy Console Edition
    TU5 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Added death messages.
    PlayStation 4 Edition
    1.88 The option to disable messages from appearing when a player or tamed mob dies has been added.


    • Death messages obtained through PvE means are generally grammatically incorrect due to the lack of a preceding «a» before the name of the killer. This is a bug that Mojang declined to fix.[5]


    1. MCPE-69255
    2. MC-71778
    3. a b MC-21520
    4. MC-8647
    5. MC-129907

    Консольные Команды

    На этой странице команды, которые работают в одиночном режиме и в локальной сети. Использование этих команд приравнивается к использованию читов и включать их нужно при первой генерации мира (создании карты) в меню «Дополнительные настройки мира». Команды показаны в порядке востребованности, можно упорядочить их по алфавиту, также доступен поиск команд и подробное описание некоторых из них. Команды для командного блока можно найти по ссылке.

    @p — ближайший игрок, можно поменять на ник игрока

    Команда Описание Примеры
    /give Выдать игроку предмет /give @p minecraft:diamond_block 64 — Выдать себе 64 алмазных блока.
    Смотрите ID предметов.
    /gamemode Смена режима игры /gamemode survival — Переключиться на режим выживание
    /gamemode creative — Переключиться на творческий режим
    /weather Смена погоды /weather clear — Убрать дождь и снег
    /clear Удалить все предметы из инвентаря /clear — Очистить инвентарь себе
    /clear notch — Очистить инвентарь игроку notch
    /effect Наложение эффектов /effect give @p speed — Получить эффект Скорость
    /effect clear @p speed — Убрать эффект скорость
    /defaultgamemode Режим игры на карте по умолчанию /defaultgamemode creative — Творческий режим игры по умолчанию
    /defaultgamemode survival — Творческий режим игры по умолчанию
    /xp Выдача опыта /xp add @p 500 — Выдать себе 500 опыта
    /kill Убийство сущностей /kill — себя
    /kill notch — игрока notch
    /kill @e[type=item] — выброшенные предметы
    /kill @e[type=!player] — всех, кроме себя
    /kill @e[type=cow] — всех коров по-близости
    /summon Призвать сущность /summon zombie — Призвать зомби
    /summon lightning_bolt

    — Призвать молнию в 25 метрах
    /summon fox

    ]> — Призвать лису с крипером на спине
    Смотрите ID Мобов.

    /enchant Зачаровать предмет /enchant @p sharpness 5 — Зачаровать меч в руке на Острота V
    /enchant @p infinity — Зачаровать лук в руке на бесконечность
    Смотрите ID чар и Совместимость чар.
    /difficulty Сложность игры /difficulty peaceful — Установить мирную сложность
    /difficulty hard Установить сложную сложность
    /spawnpoint Установить точку спауна /spawnpoint — Установить точку спауна месте нахождения
    /spawnpoint notch — То же самое для игрока notch
    /spawnpint notch 0 65 00 — С выбором координат
    /seed Посмотреть ключ генерации мира /seed — Узнать ключ генерации мира
    /gamerule Установка игровых правил /gamerule keepInventory true — Вещи игрока не выпадают при смерти
    /gamerule doDaylightCycle false — Остановить цикл дня и ночи (всегда одно время)
    /gamerule mobGriefing false — Запрещает мобам ломать блоки в мире
    /advancement Достижения /advancement grant @p everything — Выдать игроку все достижения
    /advancement revoke @p everything — Забрать у игрока все достижения
    /ban Бан игрока на сервере /ban notch — Забанить игрока notch
    /ban notch Флуд — Забанить игрока notch за флуд
    /ban-ip Бан по IP /ban-ip флуд — Бан ip-адреса по причине «флуд»
    /ban-ip notch флуд Бан ip-адреса игрока notch по причине «флуд»
    /banlist Черный список /banlist ips — Показать список ip в черном списке
    /banlist players — Показать игроков в черном списке
    /bossbar Управление боссбаром /bossbar add notch <«text»:»Notch»>— Создать боссбар с названием Notch
    /bossbar set notch players @p — Показать боссбар ближайшему игроку
    /clone Копирование ,kjrj /clone 1 67 1 1 67 1 2 67 1 replace — копирование 1 блока с точки 1 67 1 на 2 67 1
    /debug Отладка /debug start — Запустить отладку
    /debug stop — Остановить отладку
    /debug report — Отчет по отладке
    /data Работа с NBT /data get block 1 65 1 — NBT-данные блока на координатах 1 65 1
    /daylock Останавливает цикл времени /daylock true — Остановить цикл дня/ночи
    /daylock false — Возобновить цикл дня/ночи
    /alwaysday true — Всегда день
    /alwaysday false- Отключить
    /datapack Работа с наборами данных /datapack disable nabor — Отключить набор данных nabor
    /datapack enable nabor — Включить набор данных nabor
    /deop Снять статус оператора /deop player — Снимает статус оператора


    1. Команды вводятся после открытия чата нажатием клавиши «T» в английской раскладке
    2. Вместо player вводим ник игрока, которого должна коснутся команда
    3. Когда стоит знак «/» (косая черта) между несколькими опциями нужно вводить только одну из опций
    4. Клавиша Tab автоматически дополнит команду и покажет все доступные варианты

    Сложные команды, создающие механизмы, мобов, оружие и т.д. смотрите по ссылке команды майнкрафт.
    Список серверных команд админа в Minecraft можно посмотреть по ссылке.

    Источник статьи: http://onminecraft.ru/komandy

    How to Use the Kill Command in Minecraft

    This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /kill command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

    You can kill a player or a type of mob using the /kill command in Minecraft. Let’s explore how to use this cheat (game command).

    Supported Platforms

    The /kill command is available in the following versions of Minecraft:

    * The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.
    NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history.


    To run game commands in Minecraft, you have to turn cheats on in your world.

    Kill Command

    Kill Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

    In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16, the syntax to kill a target is:

    In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who/what you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    • targets or player is the name of the player (or a target selector) that you wish to kill.

    Kill Command in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE)

    In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    Kill Command in Minecraft Xbox One Edition

    In Minecraft Xbox One Edition, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    Kill Command in Minecraft PS4 Edition

    In Minecraft PS4 Edition, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    Kill Command in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition

    In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    Kill Command in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

    In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:


    Kill Command in Minecraft Education Edition

    In Minecraft Education Edition, the /kill command has different syntaxes depending on who you would like to kill.

    To kill all entities (including your own player):

    To kill a specific player or mob:



    Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16

    To kill the player named Axe2Grind in Minecraft 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16:

    To kill all mobs but not kill any of the players (including yourself):

    Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.11 and 1.12

    To kill yourself in Minecraft 1.11 and 1.12:

    To kill the player named Axe2Grind:

    To kill all cows within 20 blocks:

    Example in Pocket Edition (PE)

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft PE:

    To kill the player named TheExcavator:

    Example in Xbox One Edition

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

    To kill the player named TheEarthMover:

    Example in PS4

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft PS4 Edition:

    To kill the player named Axe2Grind:

    Example in Nintendo Switch Edition

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition:

    To kill the player named Axe2Grind:

    Example in Windows 10 Edition

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition:

    To kill the player named TheExcavator:

    Example in Education Edition

    To kill yourself in the game in Minecraft Education Edition:

    To kill the player named Axe2Grind:

    How to Enter the Command

    1. Open the Chat Window

    The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft:

    2. Type the Command

    We will cover examples of how to use the /kill command to kill your own player, to kill a specific type of mob, and to kill all mobs except players in the game.

    Kill Your Own Player

    You may find yourself lost in your Minecraft world and you can’t get back home. If you kill yourself, you should respawn where you slept last. This is an easy way to safely get back home.

    In this example, we will kill ourself in the game with the following command:

    Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command.

    Once the cheat has been entered, your game will end and you should see the following screen:

    You can click the Respawn button to continue in the game. You will rejoin the game at your spawn point, which is usually the last place that you slept.

    When you die, you will have lost all of your inventory. If you retrace your steps to where you died, you will find the items from your inventory and a portion of your experience floating on the ground. You can pick these items up again, if you choose.

    Kill a Type of Mob

    You can also use the /kill command to kill a particular type of mob. For example, if you are creating an adventure map in a superflat world, you might not want all of the slimes everywhere.

    In this example, we will kill all slimes in Minecraft 1.10 with the following command:

    Type the command in the chat window and press the Enter key to run the command.

    Once the cheat has been entered, you should start to see all of the slimes die.

    You will see the message ” Killed Slime ” appear in the lower left corner of the game window for each slime that is killed.

    There is one important thing we should mention about killing slimes (as well as magma cubes). When a large slime is killed, it will drop smaller slimes. So you may need to run this /kill command a couple of times before all sizes of slimes are killed.

    Kill all Mobs except Players

    In this example, we will kill all mobs (but not players) with the following command:

    Type the command in the chat window and press the Enter key to run the command.

    Once the cheat has been entered, you should start to see all of the mobs die, but no players will be affected.

    You will see a message such as ” Killed xxx ” appear in the lower left corner of the game window for each mob that is killed.

    Congratulations, you just learned how to use the /kill command in Minecraft!

    Other Game Commands

    You can use other commands and cheats in Minecraft such as:

    Источник статьи: http://www.digminecraft.com/game_commands/kill.php

    Морфемный разбор слова:

    Однокоренные слова к слову:

    Как пишется слово кил по английскому

    1 кил

    2 кил

    3 кил

    4 Кил

    5 КИЛ

    6 кил

    См. также в других словарях:

    кил — кил/ … Морфемно-орфографический словарь

    кил — (тур. kil глина) глинистая горная порода, т. наз. мыльные и отбеливающие глины, состоящие в основном из минерала монтмориллонита, обладают высокой поглотительной способностью и широко примен. в промышленности для очистки нефтяных продуктов, масел … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

    КИЛ — КИЛ, кила, муж. (турец. kil, с перс. глина). Род белой глины с большим содержанием щелочей, употр. для мытья. Мыло кил (туалетное мыло, в состав которого входит кил). Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

    кил — а; м. [тур. kil] Глина с большим содержанием щелочей, употребляемая в качестве мыла (при мытье и стирке в морской воде). * * * кил (от тур. kil глина), горная порода, разновидность отбеливающих глин. * * * КИЛ КИЛ (от тур. kil глина), горная… … Энциклопедический словарь

    КИЛ — киллектор КИЛ комплект искусственных линий телеком. КИЛ корабль инженерных линий морск … Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур

    КИЛ — (от тур. kil глина) горная порода, разновидность отбеливающих глин … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

    кил — кил, а (горная порода) … Русское словесное ударение

    Кил — м. Горная порода, глина с большим содержанием щелочей, употребляемая в качестве мыла (при мытье или стирке в морской воде). Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 … Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

    кил — сущ., кол во синонимов: 4 • глина (38) • каприлолактам (1) • кеффекелит (3) • … Словарь синонимов

    КИЛ — [тюрк.] серовато зеленая жирная наощупь глина крымская разнов. отбеливающих глин. Залегает маломощными пластами (0,3 1,6 м) среди мергелей мелового возраста Состав К. преимущественно монтмориллонитовый, иногда с небольшой примесью кальцита,… … Геологическая энциклопедия

    кил — кил, а (белая глина) … Русский орфографический словарь


    существительное ↓

    глагол ↓

    Мои примеры



    Smoking kills.

    Let’s kill these beers and go.

    Давайте допьём пиво и уйдём.

    Mom will kill me if I’m late.

    Мама убьёт меня, если опоздаю.

    The lion made the kill.

    He killed the ball.

    Он пробил мячом навылет. / Он загасил мяч. (о теннисе или волейболе)

    It nearly killed me.

    Я чуть не умер со смеху.

    The snake closed in for the kill.

    Змея приблизилась, чтобы добить жертву.

    He went crazy and tried to kill her.

    I killed the pain with drugs.

    Я лекарствами заглушил боль.

    I could kill for a smoke right now.

    Всё бы отдал сейчас за сигарету.

    She just killed the audience.

    Она просто поразила аудиторию.

    She killed the ball.

    Она пробила мячом навылет. / Она загасила мяч. (о теннисе или волейболе)

    A chemical that kills weeds

    Химическое вещество, которое убивает сорняки

    Bleach kills household germs.

    Отбеливатель убивает бытовых микробов.

    Taking drugs to kill the pain

    Употребление наркотиков с целью заглушить боль

    The drums killed the strings.

    Барабаны заглушили струнные инструменты.

    Why did she kill her husband?

    What led him to kill his wife?

    The committee killed the bill.

    Комитет не принял этот законопроект.

    These new shoes are killing me!

    Эти новые туфли меня доконают!

    She told him to kill the lights.

    Она велела ему выключить свет.

    The driver was killed instantly.

    Водитель был убит мгновенно.

    He raised his knife for the kill.

    She schemed to kill him with poison.

    Joe pulled in and killed the engine.

    Джо остановился и заглушил двигатель.

    AIDS has killed thousands in Africa.

    ‘I’ll kill you,’ Anne shrieked at him.

    — Я убью тебя, — закричала на него Энн.

    She dressed up to kill all other girls.

    Она вырядилась, чтобы сразить наповал всех остальных девчонок.

    It kills me to see him working so hard.

    Смотреть больно, как он надрывается на работе.


    Как пишется слово кил по английскому

    1 KILL

    2 kill

    3 kill

    4 kill

    5 kill

    plentiful kill — хорошая охота, богатая добыча

    pigs do not kill well at that age — свиньи, забитые в таком возрасте, дают небольшой выход мяса

    kill a bill — провалить законопроект; провалить предложение

    drugs that kill pain — препараты, снимающие боль

    dressed to kill — изумительно осушить, выпить до дна

    to kill by inches — мучить, заставлять умирать мучительной и медленной смертью

    6 kill

    7 kill

    to kill accidentally — случайно лишить жизни;

    to kill by gang — совершить групповое убийство;

    to kill in self-defence — лишить жизни в состоянии самообороны;

    to kill justifiably — лишить жизни при наличии оправдывающих обстоятельств;

    to kill lawfully — правомерно лишить жизни;

    to kill legally — лишить жизни по приговору суда; казнить;

    to kill oneself — покончить с собой;

    to kill situationally — совершить ситуационное убийство;

    to kill tortureously — совершить убийство особо мучительным способом;

    to kill unjustifiably — лишить человека жизни при отсутствии оправдывающих обстоятельств; совершить убийство, убить;

    to kill within self-defence — лишить жизни без превышения пределов самообороны;

    8 kill

    9 kill

    The prisoners killed a guard during the escape. — Во время побега заключённые убили охранника.

    She dressed up to kill all other girls. — Она вырядилась, чтобы сразить наповал всех остальных девчонок.

    She just killed the audience. — Она просто поразила аудиторию.

    It nearly killed me. — Я чуть не умер со смеху.

    His constant failures killed his ambition. — Постоянные неудачи загубили его честолюбивые стремления.

    I killed the pain with drugs. — Я лекарствами заглушил боль.

    The drums killed the strings. — Барабаны заглушили струнные инструменты.

    The lion made the kill. — Лев охотился.

    10 kill

    11 kill

    it nearly killed me я чуть не у́мер со́ смеху

    the drums killed the strings бараба́ны заглуши́ли стру́нные инструме́нты

    these pigs do not kill well сви́ньи э́той поро́ды даю́т ма́ло мя́са при убо́е

    12 kill






    подавлять (колебания)

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]










    13 kill

    kill the cattle — ре́зать скот

    they quickly killed a quart of Scotch — они́ бы́стренько «раздави́ли» буты́лку ви́ски

    14 kill

    15 kill

    16 kill

    17 kill

    18 kill

    19 kill

    20 kill

    My girdle is killing me — Я не дождусь, когда сниму этот пояс

    A screamingly funny play, it nearly killed me — Пьеса была такая смешная, что я умирал со смеху

    См. также в других словарях:

    Kill — may refer to: Killing, to cause the death of an organism, or the act of doing so. The verb form may also be a general use metaphor, synonymous with to terminate or to finish Kill, a civil parish in Dublin, Ireland Kill (body of water), a creek, a … Wikipedia

    Kill — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En Unix y los sistemas operativos tipo Unix, kill es un comando utilizado para enviar mensajes sencillos a los procesos ejecutándose en el sistema. Por defecto el mensaje que se envía es la señal de terminación… … Wikipedia Español

    Kill — Kill, v. t. [imp. & p. p. (k[i^]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. .] [OE. killen, kellen, cullen, to kill, strike; perh. the same word as cwellen, quellen, to kill (cf. ), or perh. rather akin to Icel. kolla to hit in the head, harm,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    Kill — Kill unix утилита, посылающая сигнал процессу. Содержание 1 Синтаксис 2 Описание 3 Параметры 4 Ссылки … Википедия

    KILL — «KILL» Sencillo de MELL Formato CD Grabación 2008 Género(s) J Pop Duración 13:24 … Wikipedia Español

    kill — vb Kill, slay, murder, assassinate, dispatch, execute are comparable when meaning to deprive of life or to put to death. Kill is so general that it merely states the fact and does not, except in special phrases (as Thou shalt not kill ), suggest… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

    kill — ► VERB 1) cause the death of. 2) put an end to. 3) informal overwhelm with an emotion. 4) informal cause pain or anguish to. 5) pass (time). 6) stop (a computing process). 7) (in sport) make (the ball) stop … English terms dictionary

    Kill — ist: der Familienname von Angelika Kill (1917 2003), Angehörige des Ordens der Ursulinen und langjährige Leiterin der Ursulinenschule Fritzlar ein Familienname, insbesondere im amerikanischen Raum eine Stadt in County Kildare, Irland, siehe Kill… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Kill — Kill, n. 1. The act of killing. There is none like to me! says the cub in the pride of his earliest kill. Kipling. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. An animal killed in the hunt, as by a beast of prey. If ye plunder his kill from a weaker, devour not all… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    Kill — Kill, n. [D. kil.] A channel or arm of the sea; a river; a stream; as, the channel between Staten Island and Bergen Neck is the Kill van Kull, or the Kills; used also in composition; as, Schuylkill, Catskill, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


    Как пишется слово кил по английскому

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    PROMT.One (www.translate.ru) – бесплатный онлайн-переводчик на основе нейронных сетей (NMT) для азербайджанского, английского, арабского, греческого, иврита, испанского, итальянского, казахского, китайского, корейского, немецкого, португальского, русского, татарского, турецкого, туркменского, узбекского, украинского, финского, французского, эстонского и японского языков.

    Смотрите перевод слов и устойчивых выражений, транскрипцию и произношение в онлайн cловаре. Словари PROMT для английского, немецкого, французского, русского, испанского, итальянского и португальского языков включают миллионы слов и словосочетаний, самую современную разговорную лексику, которая постоянно отслеживается и пополняется нашими лингвистами.

    Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.


    Как пишется слово кил по английскому

    Откройте возможности нейронного машинного перевода PROMT

    PROMT.One (www.translate.ru) – бесплатный онлайн-переводчик на основе нейронных сетей (NMT) для азербайджанского, английского, арабского, греческого, иврита, испанского, итальянского, казахского, китайского, корейского, немецкого, португальского, русского, татарского, турецкого, туркменского, узбекского, украинского, финского, французского, эстонского и японского языков.

    Смотрите перевод слов и устойчивых выражений, транскрипцию и произношение в онлайн cловаре. Словари PROMT для английского, немецкого, французского, русского, испанского, итальянского и португальского языков включают миллионы слов и словосочетаний, самую современную разговорную лексику, которая постоянно отслеживается и пополняется нашими лингвистами.

    Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.


    Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется слово кил по английскому, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется слово кил по английскому», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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