Как пишется тайский бокс по английски

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «тайский бокс» на английский


Каждый фокусируется на определенных техниках, но именно тайский бокс считается национальным видом спорта.

Each one focuses on particular techniques, but it is Thai boxing is considered the national sport.

Тайский бокс по праву считается самым зрелищным видом спорта на арене.

Thai boxing is rightly regarded as the most spectacular type of sport in a ring.

Солдаты тех дней должны были изучать тайский бокс наравне с традиционными видами оружия.

Soldiers in those days had to learn Muay Thai along with the use of traditional weapons.

Муай тай или тайский бокс также доказали свою высокую эффективность за пределами ринга и была поддержана бойцами различных боевых искусств, спортсменами, военными и сотрудниками правоохранительных органов.

Muay Thai has also proven very effective outside the ring and has been embraced enthusiastically by practitioners of a variety of self-defense, sporting, military, and law enforcement organizations.

Тайский бокс нередко называют «наукой восьми конечностей».

Thai Boxing is often referred to as the science of eight limbs.

В те времена тайский бокс или муай-тай были использованы для целей самообороны и борьбы.

Back in those days, Thai boxing or Muay Thai was used for self-defense purposes and fighting.

Тайский бокс может быть сложным для тех, которые не использованы любой другой вид бокса раньше.

Thai Boxing can often be difficult for people haven’t used any different type of boxing before.

Фактически, это был тайский бокс, который был сначала профессионализирован (с тринадцатью весовыми категориями).

In fact, it was Thai boxing which was first professionalised (with thirteen weight categories).

Очень часто тайский бокс показывают и по телевидению, особенно в вечернее время.

Thai Boxing may also be seen on television every day, usually in the evening.

Тайский бокс задействует все части тела, потому что в нем разрешены все удары.

Thai boxing works out the entire body, since hits of all kinds are allowed.

Рудиментарные элементы, которые определены тайский бокс, как боевой стиль начала укореняться.

The rudimentary elements that defined Thai Boxing as a fighting style began to take root.

Тайский бокс предъявляет особые жесткие требования к общей и специальной физической подготовке спортсмена.

Thai boxing demands strict requirements to the general and special physical training of the athlete.

Тайский бокс — одна из них.

В наше время, тайский бокс считается спортом и средством самообороны.

Thai boxing is both a sport and means of self defense.

Тайский бокс — это стройная система, позволяющая в минимальные сроки овладеть техникой, тактикой, а также…

Thai boxing is a slender system that allows you to master techniques, tactics, and…

Тайский бокс называют ударным видом спорта.

Моя программа подготовки включает в себя бег, танцы, тайский бокс и, конечно, стрельбу.

My program includes running, dancing, Thai boxing and of course shooting.

Тайский бокс задействует все части тела, потому что в нем разрешены все удары.

Thai boxing involves all parts of the body because all boxes are allowed in it.

Для юного организма очень важно укрепление суставов и связок, тренировка сердечно-сосудистой системы, и все это дает тайский бокс.

For the young organism it is very important to strengthen the joints and ligaments, train the cardiovascular system, and all this gives the Thai Boxing.

Муай Тай бокс матчи полный контакт без каких-либо ограничений тайский бокс.

Muay thai boxing matches are full contact with no thai boxing restrictions.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 385. Точных совпадений: 142. Затраченное время: 101 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

тайский бокс

  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > муай-тай

См. также в других словарях:

  • Тайский бокс — Муай тай มวยไทย Бой по правилам «Муай тай» …   Википедия

  • Кубок короля Таиланда (тайский бокс) — Вид спорта тайский бокс Основание 2003 год Страна …   Википедия

  • Кик бокс — Удар в среднюю зону Кикбоксинг  вид современного боевого искусства. Представляет собой синтез кулачной техники европейского бокса и техники ударов ногами, заимствованной в ряде восточных единоборств (каратэ, тхэквондо, тайский бокс и др.).… …   Википедия

  • Хук (бокс) — Хук (англ. hook)  классический фланговый удар из традиционного бокса. «Хук» в переводе с английского означает «крюк», что совпадает с традиционным русским названием этого удара. Однако в настоящее время чаще используется англоязычное… …   Википедия

  • Прекрасный боксёр — บิวตี้ฟูล บ๊อกเซอร Жанр фильм биография драма боевик …   Википедия

  • Прекрасный боксёр (фильм) — Прекрасный боксёр บิวตี้ฟูล บ๊อกเซอร Жанр биография / драма / комедия Режиссёр Экачай Уэкронгтам Продюсер …   Википедия

  • Муай тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай)  древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… …   Википедия

  • Муай-тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай)  древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… …   Википедия

  • Сурия Со. Пхленчит — สุริยา ส. เพลินจิต Личная информация Гражданство: таец Специализация: Тайский бокс, бокс Дата рождения: 2 апреля 1980 года Место рождения: Накхонратчасима, Таиланд …   Википедия

  • Шехов, Владимир Геннадьевич — Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник …   Википедия

  • Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов — (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник. Владимир Шехов Содержание… …   Википедия

- boxing |ˈbɑːksɪŋ|  — бокс, упаковка, упаковка в ящики, тара, футляр, фанера для футляров

любительский бокс — amateur boxing
профессиональный бокс — professional boxing
послать в нокдаун (бокс) — to floor a man in a boxing match
профессиональный [любительский] бокс — professional [amateur] boxing
а) игровой бокс; б) бокс высокого класса — scientific boxing

- box |bɑːks|  — коробка, ящик, бокс, ящичек, сундук, козлы, стойло, домик, телевизор

тюремный бокс — prison box
закрытый бокс — closed box
радиационный бокс — radiation box

бокс для оглушения — knocking box
взломостойкий бокс — tamper-resistant box
измерительный бокс — measurement box
железобетонный бокс — reinforced concrete box
бокс парогенератора — sg box
боксовый гараж; бокс — box garage
звукопоглощающий бокс — sound-absorbing box
прочный и плотный бокс — strength and tight box
пыленепроницаемый бокс — dustproof box
бактериологический бокс — bacteriologic box
бокс с защитной атмосферой азота — controlled nitrogen box
хромовая телячья кожа; хром; бокс — box calf
смотровой бокс; приёмный бокс; бокс — box receptacle
бокс для испытания (напр. двигателей) — test box
взломостойкий бокс; ударопрочный блок — crush-proof box
индивидуальный бокс; мельцеровский бокс — individual box
звукоизолированный бокс; звукозаглушающий бокс — acoustically insulated box
распределительная коробка; коммутационный бокс — breakout box
соединительный кабельный ящик; кабельная коробка; кабельный бокс — cable box splice
бокс с осушённой и очищенной атмосферой; защитная камера с перчатками — dry box
полицейский бокс (помещение для содержания только что задержанных лиц) — police box
стерильная камера с перчатками; герметизированный рабочий бокс; бардачок — glove box
бокс для подводной съёмки; водонепроницаемый бокс; водонепроницаемый бок — underwater box

ещё 23 примера свернуть

- pugilism |ˈpjuːdʒɪlɪzəm|  — кулачный бой, бокс
- boxcalf |ˈbɑːkskæf|  — бокс
- bout with the gloves  — бокс
- manly art  — бокс

Смотрите также

ритм-бокс — rhythm computer
загон в бокс — driving to knocking pen
огневой бокс — firing bay
бокс без крыши — topless cubicle
групповой бокс — group pen
кабельный бокс — sealed chamber terminal
фехтование; бокс — noble science
контрольный бокс — checkout cell
бокс с фиксатором — restraining pen
ближний бой (бокс) — fighting at close quarters

прямой удар (бокс) — straight blow
открываться (бокс) — to leave oneself open
лабораторный бокс — aseptic room
первый раунд (бокс) — first round
прочноплотный бокс — reinforced leaktight compartment
короткий удар (бокс) — short-armed blow /punch/
информационный бокс — data jack
холодный гараж, бокс — lock-up garage
блок-бокс кип и связи — instrument & telecommunication shelter
удар в туловище (бокс) — lead for the body
открытая стойка (бокс) — open on-guard
парогенераторный бокс — steam generator cubicle
звукозаглушающий бокс — sound-proof blimp
удар с поворотом (бокс) — pivot blow
водонепроницаемый бокс — underwater blimp
верхний апперкот (бокс)  — bolo punch
бросать на канаты (бокс) — to give the ropes
ламинарный бокс; ламинар — laminar clean bench
бокс для ритуального убоя — ritual stunning pen
бокс разгрузки контейнера — cask unloading cell

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

- ring |rɪŋ|  — кольцо, ринг, звон, круг, ободок, рым, конфорка, звучание, обруч

ринг, бокс — prize ring

- spar |spɑːr|  — шпат, перекладина, брус, рангоутное дерево, петушиный бой
- container |kənˈteɪnər|  — контейнер, сосуд, резервуар, вместилище, баллончик, приемник
- receptacle |rɪˈseptəkl|  — сосуд, приемник, гнездо, вместилище, патрон, хранилище, цветоложе

  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > муай-тай

См. также в других словарях:

  • Тайский бокс — Муай тай มวยไทย Бой по правилам «Муай тай» …   Википедия

  • Кубок короля Таиланда (тайский бокс) — Вид спорта тайский бокс Основание 2003 год Страна …   Википедия

  • Кик бокс — Удар в среднюю зону Кикбоксинг  вид современного боевого искусства. Представляет собой синтез кулачной техники европейского бокса и техники ударов ногами, заимствованной в ряде восточных единоборств (каратэ, тхэквондо, тайский бокс и др.).… …   Википедия

  • Хук (бокс) — Хук (англ. hook)  классический фланговый удар из традиционного бокса. «Хук» в переводе с английского означает «крюк», что совпадает с традиционным русским названием этого удара. Однако в настоящее время чаще используется англоязычное… …   Википедия

  • Прекрасный боксёр — บิวตี้ฟูล บ๊อกเซอร Жанр фильм биография драма боевик …   Википедия

  • Прекрасный боксёр (фильм) — Прекрасный боксёр บิวตี้ฟูล บ๊อกเซอร Жанр биография / драма / комедия Режиссёр Экачай Уэкронгтам Продюсер …   Википедия

  • Муай тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай)  древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… …   Википедия

  • Муай-тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай)  древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… …   Википедия

  • Сурия Со. Пхленчит — สุริยา ส. เพลินจิต Личная информация Гражданство: таец Специализация: Тайский бокс, бокс Дата рождения: 2 апреля 1980 года Место рождения: Накхонратчасима, Таиланд …   Википедия

  • Шехов, Владимир Геннадьевич — Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник …   Википедия

  • Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов — (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник. Владимир Шехов Содержание… …   Википедия

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод ТАЙСКИЙ БОКС

Muay Thai

Русско-Американский Английский словарь.

     Russian-American English dictionary .

тайский боксthai boxing

Тайский бокс!

Hump, Thai boxing!

Тайский бокс с ногами?

Thai boxing with your legs?

Тайский бокс.

Thai boxing.

тайский боксmuay thai

Я влюбилась в тайский бокс.

I fell in love with Muay Thai.

Занималась раньше восточными единоборствами, особенно удавался ей тайский бокс.

Ex-MMA fighter with mad skills in Muay Thai.

тайский бокс — другие примеры

Сказано, ее хобби — тайский бокс и стрельба из лука.

Says this girl’s hobby is slapboxing and archery.

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  • thai boxing
  • muay thai

Check it at Linguazza.com

  • thai boxing: phrases, sentences
  • muay thai: phrases, sentences





тайский бокс

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Для желающих получить острые ощущения стоит посетить стадион Soi Tan Stadium, где проходят соревнования по тайскому боксу.

For those who want to get the thrill it’s worth to visit the Soi Tan Stadium, where Thai boxing competitions take place.

Стал серебряным чемпионом Украины среди любителей по тайскому боксу в Одессе (2010 г.).

He was the silver Thai Boxing champion of Ukraine among amateurs in the city of Odessa (2010).

Он до сих пор учит кикбоксингу и тайскому боксу в Монреале.

He still teaches kickboxing and Muay Thai in Montreal.

Среди возможностей для досуга есть две зеленые лужайки для обучения игре в гольф, занятия по тайскому боксу и тайцзицюань, волейбол, бадминтон, футбол, петанк, гигантские шахматы, прокат велосипедов

Leisure opportunities include two putting greens, Muay Thai and Tai Chi classes, volleyball, badminton, football, petanque, giant chess, and bicycle rental

Из достопримечательностей можно выделить Сад Орхидей Нонг Нуч, парк Мини Сиам, интересно будет сходить на шоу традиционного танца Таиланда или посетить матч по тайскому боксу.

Of the attractions can be identified Orchid Garden Nong Nuch, Mini Siam Park, it will be interesting to go to the traditional dance show of Thailand or attend a match in Thai boxing.

Ты поехал в Таиланд после пожара, чтобы учиться тайскому боксу?

Did you go to Thailand after the fire to study Thai boxing?

С 2011 года, Роман начал выступать на профессиональном ринге в боях по версии К 1 (профессиональная версия кикбоксинга) и тайскому боксу (муай тай) в тяжёлой весовой категории.

Since 2011 Roman began performing on a professional ring in the fightings according to K-1 (professional version of kickboxing) and Thai boxing (Muay Thai) in the heavyweight category.

На ринге MIOFF EXPO пройдут открытые мастер-классы по кросс-файту, воркауту, тайскому боксу.

Open workshops for cross-fight, fitness training and Thai boxing will take place in the MIOFF EXPO ring.

Мира ВИНКЛЕМАНН является действующей чемпионкой Европы по версии ISKA (среди любителей) по тайскому боксу. Она является одной из лучших в Австрии по своим навыкам и силе.

Myra WINKLEMANN is current European ISKA Champion (amateur) in Thai Boxing and one of the best female fighter in Austria.

Также на площадке ЕХРО гости мероприятия приняли участие в мастер-классах по кросс-файту, воркауту, тайскому боксу, в интерактивных программах по кроссфиту, аэройоге, фитнесе на батутах и по другим видам спортивных тренировок.

Visitors to the EXPO platform could participate in cross fight, workout and Thai boxing sessions, interactive programmes dedicated to cross fit, aeroyoga, trampoline workouts and other kinds of training.

Анастасия Янькова.Чемпионка России по тайскому боксу

Фади МЕРЗА — лучший австрийский боец на этом турнире. Будучи бойцом Супер-Лиги и действующим чемпионом мира по тайскому боксу по версии ISKA, этот спортсмен в настоящее время является известнейшим тайским боксером с огромным списком побед.

The Austrian Top fighter Fadi MERZA is well known from Super League and many, many other high class events arround the World.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 12. Точных совпадений: 12. Затраченное время: 31 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

muay thai

1 муай-тай

2 A. Yang Thai Manufacturing

3 Prefix to Thai warship names.

4 Royal Thai Air Defence System

5 Royal Thai Air Force

6 Royal Thai Armed Forces

7 Royal Thai Army

8 Royal Thai Government

9 Royal Thai Navy

10 Taste Of Thai

11 Thai

12 Thai API Consortium / Thai Industrial Standard

13 Thai Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System

14 Thai Baht

15 Thai Farmer Bank

16 Thai Industrial Standard

17 Thai Invention Association

18 Thai Journalists Association

19 Thai Nation

20 Thai Ridgeback Dogs

См. также в других словарях:

Muay Thai — Muay thaï Muay thaï (มวยไทย) … Wikipédia en Français

Muay Thaï — (มวยไทย) … Wikipédia en Français

Muay thai — Muay thaï Muay thaï (มวยไทย) … Wikipédia en Français

Muay thai — มวยไทย Practicantes de Muay Thai Otros nombres Thai Boxing, Pahuyuth Origen … Wikipedia Español

Muay Thai — Logo Muay Thai (Thai: มวยไทย, Aussprache: /muːaj tʰaj/) oder Thaiboxen ist eine Kampfkunst und der Nationalsport Thailands. Das Muay Thai entwickelte sich aus regulären Kampfkünsten. Wenn Schwert und Speer unbrauch … Deutsch Wikipedia

muay thai — (izg. mȕaj tȃi) m DEFINICIJA sijamski boks, v. sijamski … Hrvatski jezični portal

Muay Thai — For the drink with a similar sounding name, see Mai Tai. Muay Thai (มวยไทย) Fighters perform the Wai Khru Ram Muay before an amateur muay Thai match. Also known as Thai boxing, Thai kickboxing, Tharshanning Focus … Wikipedia

Muay thaï — Muai thaï (มวยไทย) … Wikipédia en Français

Muay Thai — /mueɪ ˈtaɪ/ (say moohay tuy) noun → Thai boxing. … Australian-English dictionary

Muay thai — El MuayThai se puede definir como defensa personal, deporte, ciencia, y arte, a decir de algunos, sin embargo su acepción de deporte de contacto y espectáculo de entretenimiento es la forma común de entender esta actividad. Nacido en Siam,… … Enciclopedia Universal

Muay Thai — noun A sport practiced in Thailand which is similar to boxing but also allows strikes with the feet, elbows, and knees … Wiktionary


тайский бокс

1 муай-тай

2 бокс

3 блок-бокс анализатора

4 бокс для ремонта

6 бокс

7 боксёрский

8 бокс

9 бокс (команды судей)

«Бокс!» — «Box!»

«Брек!» — «Break!»

«Продолжайте!» — «Box on!», «Go on!»

«Секунданты, за ринг!» — «Seconds, out!»

«Стоп!» — «Stop!»

10 боксёр

11 бокс

12 перчаточный бокс

13 бокс

14 бокс

15 бокс

бокс объекти́ва — lens housing / shell

16 боксёрский

боксёрские перча́тки — boxing gloves

боксёрские трусы́ — boxer shorts, boxers

17 бокс Прибнова

18 бокс Хогнесса

19 Прибнова бокс

20 ТАТА-бокс

См. также в других словарях:

Тайский бокс — Муай тай มวยไทย Бой по правилам «Муай тай» … Википедия

Кубок короля Таиланда (тайский бокс) — Вид спорта тайский бокс Основание 2003 год Страна … Википедия

Прекрасный боксёр (фильм) — Прекрасный боксёр บิวตี้ฟูล บ๊อกเซอร Жанр биография / драма / комедия Режиссёр Экачай Уэкронгтам Продюсер … Википедия

Муай тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Муай-тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Сурия Со. Пхленчит — สุริยา ส. เพลินจิต Личная информация Гражданство: таец Специализация: Тайский бокс, бокс Дата рождения: 2 апреля 1980 года Место рождения: Накхонратчасима, Таиланд … Википедия

Шехов, Владимир Геннадьевич — Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник … Википедия

Владимир Геннадьевич Шехов — (родился 22 июля 1963 года в деревне Дарьино Старицкого района Калининской области) российский писатель, теоретик боевых искусств, изобретатель, создатель авторской программы на Нижегородском телевидении, правозащитник. Владимир Шехов Содержание… … Википедия




Официальный представитель WMF в России

Муай Тай и Тайский бокс, в чем разница?

Многие из вас, возможно, не раз сталкивались с такими названиями, как «Тайский бокс» и «Муай Тай».

Для многих это означает одно и тоже. Но… Между этими двумя понятиями лежит глубокая пропасть. И вот почему.

Попробуем разобраться. «Тайский бокс» – это понятие, пришедшее в обиход совсем недавно. Это простое обозначение соревновательной формы боевого искусства Муай Тай. Всем, наверняка, встречались так же выражения – «английский бокс», «французский бокс», «киТайский бокс» и т.д. Но именно в таком виде, данные выражения не прижились. Все знают «бокс», «сават» или «кунг-фу» («у-шу»).

В прежние времена людям было просто обозначить единоборства, пришедший из определенной страны, общим названием, не вдаваясь в подробности этих видов единоборств, будь то боевое искусство или спорт. У многих в голове отложилось, что бокс – это бой руками. Но в других видах, таких как, к примеру, Тайский бокс, французский или китайский, дерутся не только на руках, но и ногами, а где-то еще коленями и локтями. Отсюда можно сказать, что эти термины не корректные. И это скорее международное название, так как в каждой стране свой вид единоборства, все называют оригинальным именем. Так и в Таиланде, все знают только «Муай Тай» и лишь в общении с иностранцами, иногда говорят «тайбоксинг». Так в чем же все-таки разница между этими двумя понятиями?

И лишь в начале 90-х годов стали создаваться и проводиться первые любительские международные Чемпионаты Мира. Тогда то, этот вид и пришел к нам в Россию. Так что, «Тайский бокс» – это вид спорта, в котором два спортсмена соревнуются с друг другом на ринге, в перчатках, по определенным правилам, с определенными ограничениями. Отсюда и пошли разграничения, на спортивный вид и все остальное, как традиционные виды. Что дает понять, что в тайском боксе, можно не придерживаться традиций, а оставлять лишь соревновательную форму. Все иначе обстоит с понятием «Муай Тай».

«Муай Тай» имеет очень глубокие исторические корни. Конечно, сейчас очень тяжело найти исторические упоминания о данном виде борьбы. Но, большинство считают, что оно зародилось более 2000 лет назад. Как вид боевого искусства «Муай» или «Муай Тай» рождался на полях сражений, смешиваясь с техниками боевых искусств других стран и постепенно превращаясь в тот вид, который мы знаем сейчас. «Муай Тай» дословно можно перевести как «Борьба Таев», именно «таев», а не тайцев. Так как предками современных тайцев, были именно «Таи». Отсюда и современное название страны пишется именно так, а не иначе – «Таиланд», без «Й», что переводится как, «страна таев». В свое время, племена и земли «таев» никто не мог завоевать и их прозвали «свободными». Отсюда и пошло название, что Таиланд – страна свободных и тайцы очень гордятся тем, что их ни разу не колонизировали. Да, были захваты, были потери территорий, но никогда Королевство не стало ни чьей Колонией.

Опять же и отсюда, некоторые называют «Муай Тай», как «Борьба Свободных». Так же не совсем корректно переводить «Муай Тай» как, «искусство восьми конечностей». Вообще-то «Искусство 8 конечностей» звучит на тайском, как «Силапа Пэд Кхен Кха». Так что, давайте делать перевод более корректно. А все другие названия использовать только для описания искусства «Муай Тай». Так в чем же еще, принципиальная разница, между «Муай Тай» и «Тайским боксом», кроме исторической составляющей и древних традиций. Их не мало.

Есть так же направления, где дерутся без перчаток. В тайском боксе не обязательное исполнение традиционного танца перед боем «Рам Муай», в Муай Тай – это обязательное условие. В тайском боксе дерутся не более 3 раундов, в Муай Тай их 5. В тайском боксе не изучают древних и исторических техник, в Муай Тай их можно применять на ринге. В тайском боксе есть ограничения по работе в клинче и по работе локтями и коленями. В Муай Тай это приветствуется в большей степени. В тайском боксе почти всегда дерутся в защитной экипировке, в Муай Тай на вас только шорты и перчатки. Этот список можно еще долго продолжать. Начиная от использования атрибутики и амулетов, до званий и Чемпионских титулов, где везде будут существенные различия.

К чему все это? Можно, конечно, говорить, что «Муай Тай» и «Тайский бокс» это одно и то же. Но… Мы уже указали, в чем существенная разница этих понятий. В Таиланде – это ВСЕГДА «Муай Тай». И… времена меняются и все более широкие массы просвещаются, понимая, что к чему. Почему же единственная аккредитованная в России «Федерация Тайского Бокса России» (ФТБР), которая никому не дает развивать Муай Тай в стране, совсем недавно ввело в свое название дополнительное слово «муайтай» и стала теперь «Федерация Тайского Бокса-Муайтай России» (ФТБМР). Если это одно и тоже, то ЗАЧЕМ. И почему, только в этой Федерации, не используются оригинальные названия техник и ударов Муай Тай, а используется слэнг «Кикбоксинга». Странно… Ведь во всех других азиатских единоборствах, развивающихся на территории России, используются именно оригинальные названия и команды, оригинальная форма одежды спортсменов и ритуалы. Возьмите, к примеру, Каратэ, Тхэквондо, У-шу, Айкидо и т.п. Что не так с тайским боксом. Почему они так не любят и не уважают свой вид? Может потому, что это не Муай Тай, а лишь «Кикбоксинг с локтями»?



1 муай-тай

См. также в других словарях:

Муай тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Муай-тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Муай Тай (фильм) — Муай Тай Muay Thai Chaiya ไชยา Жанр … Википедия

День национального бокса Муай Тай — Боец Муай Тай демонстрирует мастерство Тип официальны … Википедия

Международная федерация любительского Муай Тай — Вид спорта Муай тай Основание 1990 Сайт ifmamuaythai.org Международная федерация любительского Муай Тай (МФЛМ; англ. International Federation of Muaythai Amateur, IFMA) международная федерация любительского муай тай. Основана в 1990 году … Википедия

Муай Боран — Муай Боран традиционный стиль боевого искусства Таиланда, прародитель современного таиландского бокса муай тай. В переводе с тайского Муай Боран (มวยโบราณ) означает «древний бокс». Если классический с … Википедия

Май-тай (значения) — Май тай (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Май тай (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты… … Википедия

Май тай — (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Май тай (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты (фруктовые соки), ликеры.… … Википедия

Май-тай — (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Маи Таи (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты (фруктовые соки) … Википедия

Тайский бокс — Муай тай มวยไทย Бой по правилам «Муай тай» … Википедия

Маилов, Роман — В этой биографической статье о человеке из России или страны СНГ не указано отчество. Вы можете помочь проекту, добавив отчество в текст статьи и переименовав её соответственно … Википедия



1 муай-тай

См. также в других словарях:

Муай тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Муай-тай — Бойцы муай тай Тайский бокс (Муай тай) древнее боевое искусство Таиланда. Термин «муай тай» переводится как «поединок свободных» или «свободный бой». Термин официально принят в 1912 году. В современном муай тай можно наносить удары кулаками,… … Википедия

Муай Тай (фильм) — Муай Тай Muay Thai Chaiya ไชยา Жанр … Википедия

День национального бокса Муай Тай — Боец Муай Тай демонстрирует мастерство Тип официальны … Википедия

Международная федерация любительского Муай Тай — Вид спорта Муай тай Основание 1990 Сайт ifmamuaythai.org Международная федерация любительского Муай Тай (МФЛМ; англ. International Federation of Muaythai Amateur, IFMA) международная федерация любительского муай тай. Основана в 1990 году … Википедия

Муай Боран — Муай Боран традиционный стиль боевого искусства Таиланда, прародитель современного таиландского бокса муай тай. В переводе с тайского Муай Боран (มวยโบราณ) означает «древний бокс». Если классический с … Википедия

Май-тай (значения) — Май тай (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Май тай (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты… … Википедия

Май тай — (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Май тай (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты (фруктовые соки), ликеры.… … Википедия

Май-тай — (слинг) (mei tai) приспособление для ношения детей, применялось в Китае. см. Слинг. Маи Таи (коктейль) (mai tai) классический слабоалкогольный коктейль на основе рома. Содержит ром (белый, темный или оба вида), фрукты (фруктовые соки) … Википедия

Тайский бокс — Муай тай มวยไทย Бой по правилам «Муай тай» … Википедия

Маилов, Роман — В этой биографической статье о человеке из России или страны СНГ не указано отчество. Вы можете помочь проекту, добавив отчество в текст статьи и переименовав её соответственно … Википедия


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется тайский бокс по английски, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется тайский бокс по английски», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.





boxer cut

short back and sides

Произношение Тайский бокс
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

Тайский бокс – 20 результатов перевода

Давайте немного передохнем.

Тайский бокс!

Не стыда, не совести.

Let’s take a break, our audiences. Please continue to focus on the awward ceremony.

Hump, Thai boxing!

Mean and shameless. I wwill block you.

Скорее всего.

Я буду биться против Ах Мут Ша — чемпиона мира по тайскому боксу.

Он бьется очень яростно.

Very likely

You’re against Ah Mut Sha, the Thai Boxing Champion

He fights fiercely

Ты знаешь как стать богатым?

Я выучил Кулак Ханга, а также владею тайским боксом. Если я соединю два стиля мне не будет равных.

Просто жди и смотри, я выиграю.

Do you know how to become rich?

I know Hung Fist, and have learnt Thai Boxing too lf l combine the 2 styles they are no match to me

Just wait and see, I will win

А я иду в спортзал.

Да, я занимаюсь тайским боксом. Недавно начал ходить.

Мне нравится. — Здорово!

I’m going to the gym.

I’ve taken up Thai boxing.

It does me good.

Кто она?

Занималась раньше восточными единоборствами, особенно удавался ей тайский бокс.

Ее дисквалифицировали из соревнований за всякого рода нарушения правил.

Who is she?

Ex-MMA fighter with mad skills in Muay Thai.

Got herself banned from legal competition for all sorts of rule violations.

Я больше на него не работаю.

Как я понимаю, вы чемпион штата по тайскому боксу?

Ни одного поражения. Понимаю.

I don’t work for him any more.

You are the state Muay Thai boxing champion, I understand.

Never beaten.

«Тэксасифицируй!» Так чем плох мой план?

Говорил же, сейчас не время сносить ворота крутыми приемами из тайского бокса.

Мы ведем наблюдение.

So what’s wrong with my plan?

This isn’t the time to storm the gates with sweet Muay Thai kicks.

We’re on a stakeout.

На мое блюдо положите мяса!

Тогда у меня будет много сил, чтобы снести ворота крутыми приемами из тайского бокса!

Ты не услышал ни слова из того, что он сказал, да?

I’ll have mine rare!

Then I’ll have plenty of strength to storm the gates with sweet Muay Thai kicks!

You’re not listening to a word he’s saying, are you?

у нас есть несколько докладов об этом уличных бойцов превращают в террористов?

эту ходячую гору мускулов зовут Сагат он чемпион по му тай (тайский бокс) и признан национальным героем

следующего участника зовут Балрог которого за чрезмерную жестокость отстранили от участия во всех соревнованиях из Испании у нас есть Вега это жестокий, грубый психопат

Are they turning street fighters into terrorists?

This is a fighter named Sagat. He`s known as the Muay Thai «King of Fighters» in Thailand. He´s considered a hero there.

This one`s named Bison, a boxer who was thrown out of the boxing world for his viciousness in the ring. And this is the Spanish fighter, Balrog, known as the «Mad Anaconda».

Когда я училась в школе, моя мама была послом в Бангкоке.

Я влюбилась в тайский бокс.

То есть, если бы я попыталась выцарапать вам глаза, вы бы, вероятно, сломали мне пальцы?

When I was in high school, my mother was the ambassador to Bangkok.

I fell in love with Muay Thai.

So iI tried to scratch your eyes out, you could probably break my fingers?


Обычно занимаюсь простым и тайским боксом.

А я планирую начать.


I usually play boxing and Thai boxing.

I plan to learn them.


Сказано, ее хобби — тайский бокс и стрельба из лука.


— Lovely.

Says this girl’s hobby is slapboxing and archery.


— Что за бои?

Тайский бокс с ногами?

— Нет, можно бить чем угодно:

What kind of boxing?

Thai boxing with your legs?

No, you can use anything:

397)}Сакаки Сио

Бог смерти таинственного мира тайского бокса — Апачай Хопачай 411)}Апачай Хопачай

Мастер всевозможных боевых искусств Китая: 396)}Ма Кенсей

The karate fighter, who has earned himself the nickname of the 100th dan in street fighting- Shio Sakaki. [dan means rank and degree.]

And then there’s Apachai Hopachai- the grim reaper of secret Muay Thai boxing.

And Kensei Ma- a master of all kinds of Chinese martial arts.

И что вы собирались предпринять?

Тайский бокс.

Этого вора вывезли бы из комнаты либо на больничной каталке, либо ногами вперед.

What were you going to do?

Muay thai.

That thief would’ve left that room on a gurney or in a box.

Ты не обращай внимания на шарфик.

В тайском боксе я неплох.

А в джиу-джитсу еще лучше, но…

Hey, don’t let the scarf fool you.

My muay Thai is pretty good.

My jujitsu is a little better, but…

Потом сдал экзамен и стал тренером.

Еще занимаюсь карате и тайским боксом.

Ага… Боевыми искусствами.

I got my teaching certificate, and now I’m a teacher.

I do karate and Thai boxing too.

Oh, yes… combat sports.

Черт бы тебя подрал!

Плох ты в тайском боксе, Линч, и в джиу-джитсу тоже.

Лучше не выпускай пистолет.

God damn it!

Your muay Thai is as bad as your jujitsu, Lynch.

Better stick with a gun.

— Занимался чем-нибудь?

— Давно, тайским боксом и обычным.

— Хочешь подзаработать денег?

— Did you fight matches?

— Long ago, boxing and Thai boxing.

Would you like to earn money?

— Му Тай.

Тайский бокс.

— Да, я знаю, что это такое, зачем мне это?

Muay Thai.

Thai boxing.

Yeah, I know what it is, why am I doing it?

Показать еще

Хотите знать еще больше переводов Тайский бокс?

Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Тайский бокс для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.

Перевести новое выражение

Not to be confused with Mai Tai.

Muay Thai (Thai: มวยไทย, RTGS: muai thai, pronounced [mūa̯j tʰāj] (listen)), sometimes referred to as Thai boxing, is a combat sport that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques.[1] This discipline is known as the «art of eight limbs», as it is characterised by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees and shins.[2] Muay Thai became widespread internationally in the late 20th to 21st century, when Westernised practitioners from Thailand began competing in kickboxing and mixed-rules matches as well as matches under muay Thai rules around the world. The professional league is governed by The Professional Boxing Association of Thailand (P.A.T), sanctioned by The Sports Authority of Thailand (S.A.T.).

Muay Thai is related to other martial art styles such as musti-yuddha, Adimurai, muay Chaiya, muay boran, muay Lao, lethwei, pradal serey and tomoi.[3] Muay Thai developed from the traditional muay boran.[4] A practitioner of muay Thai is known as a nak muay. Western practitioners in Thailand are sometimes called nak muay farang, meaning «foreign boxer».[5]


Local school children in Thailand demonstrate muay Thai

The history of muay Thai can be traced at least to the 16th century as a peace-time martial art practised by the soldiers of King Naresuan.[6] An exhibition of muay Thai was observed and reported by Simon de la Loubère, a French diplomat who was sent by King Louis XIV to the Kingdom of Siam in 1687, in his famous work and the Ayutthaya Kingdom Burmese–Siamese War (1765–1767)[7] Muay boran, and therefore muay Thai, was originally called by more generic names such as toi muay or simply muay. As well as being a practical fighting technique for use in actual warfare, muay became a sport in which the opponents fought in front of spectators who went to watch for entertainment. These muay contests gradually became an integral part of local festivals and celebrations, especially those held at temples. Eventually, the previously bare-fisted fighters started wearing lengths of hemp rope around their hands and forearms. This type of match was called muay khat chueak (มวยคาดเชือก).

19th century[edit]

The ascension of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) to the throne in 1868 ushered in a golden age not only for muay but for the whole country of Thailand. Muay progressed greatly during the reign of Rama V as a direct result of the king’s personal interest in the sport. The country was at peace and muay functioned as a means of physical exercise, self-defense, attacking, recreation and personal advancement.[8]

The modern era[edit]

1909-1910: King Chulalongkorn formalized muay boran («ancient boxing») by awarding (in 1910) three muen to victors at the funeral fights for his son (in 1909). The region style: Lopburi, Korat and Chaiya.[8]

1913: British boxing was introduced into the curriculum of the Suan Kulap College. The first descriptive use of the term «muay Thai».

1919: British boxing and muay Thai were taught as one sport in the curriculum of the Suan Kulap College. Judo was also offered.

1921: First permanent ring in Siam at Suan Kulap College. Used for both muay and British boxing.

1923: Suan Sanuk Stadium. First international style three-rope ring with red and blue padded corners, near Lumpinee Park. Muay and British boxing.[9]

King Rama VII (r. 1925–1935) pushed for codified rules for muay and they were put into place. Thailand’s first boxing ring was built in 1921 at Suan Kulap. Referees were introduced and rounds were now timed by kick. Fighters at the Lumpinee Boxing Stadium began wearing modern gloves, as well as hard groin protectors, during training and in boxing matches against foreigners. Traditional rope-binding (khat chueak) made the hands a hardened, dangerous striking tool. The use of knots in the rope over the knuckles made the strikes more abrasive and damaging for the opponent while protecting the hands of the fighter.[10] This rope-binding was still used in fights between Thais but after a death in the ring, it was decided that fighters should wear gloves and cotton coverlets over the feet and ankles. It was also around this time that the term «muay Thai» became commonly used, while the older form of the style came to be known as «muay boran», which is now performed primarily as an exhibition art form.

A muay boran demonstration, Lumpinee Boxing Stadium, Bangkok

Muay Thai was at the height of its popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. Top fighters commanded purses of up to 200,000 baht and the stadia where gambling was legal drew big gates and big advertising revenues. In 2016, a payout to a superstar fighter was about 100,000 baht per fight,[11] but can range as high as 540,000 baht for a bout.[12]

In 1993, the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur, or IFMA was inaugurated. It became the governing body of amateur muay Thai consisting of 128 member countries worldwide and is recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia.

In 1995, the World Muaythai Council, the oldest and largest professional sanctioning organisations of muay Thai, was established by the Thai government and sanctioned by the Sports Authority of Thailand.

In 1995, the World Muay Thai Federation was founded by the merger of two existing organisations, and established in Bangkok, becoming the federation governing international muay Thai. In August 2012, it had over 70 member countries. Its president is elected at the World Muay Thai Congress.

In 2006, muay Thai was included in SportAccord with IFMA. One of the requirements of SportAccord was that no sport can have a name of a country in its name. As a result, an amendment was made in the IFMA constitution to change the name of the sport from «muay Thai» to «muaythai» —written as one word in accordance with Olympic requirements.

In 2014, muay Thai was included in the International World Games Association (IWGA) and was represented in the official programme of The World Games 2017 in Wrocław, Poland.

In January 2015, muay Thai was granted the patronage of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and, from 16 to 23 March 2015, the first University World Muaythai Cup was held in Bangkok.

In 2020, there are more than 3,800 Thai boxing gyms overseas.[13]


According to IFMA rules and regulations, Muay Thai is a martial art that uses every part of the body’s limbs, therefore allowing for strikes including the fists, legs, knees and elbows.

Generally, for a strike to count towards the point score, it has to hit without being blocked or guarded against by the opponent. Strikes also do not score if they hit the opponent’s glove, forearm, foot, or shin. Strikes to the groin are against the rules and if found to be intentional are counted as fouls.[14]

If both Muay Thai fighters have the same score at the end of the round, the winner is determined by which fighter has the more powerful strike.


Timeline of International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) from founding to International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition:[15]

  • 1992 – National Federation of Muaythai Associations founded.
  • 1995 – International Amateur Muay Thai Federation (IAMTF) founded.
  • 2012 – Official request for International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition launched.
  • 2016 – First endorsement received.
  • 2017 – Muaythai is included in the World Games.
  • 2021 – On June 10, the IOC Board of Directors agreed on the full endorsement of IFMA at the 138th IOC General Assembly in Tokyo.
  • 2021 – On July 20, the IOC General Assembly granted full recognition to the International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) and Muaythai.

Traditional wear[edit]

The mongkhon, or mongkol (headband), and pra jiad (armbands) are often worn into the ring before the match begins. They originated when Siam was in a constant state of war. Young men would tear off pieces of a loved one’s clothing (often a mother’s sarong) and wear it in battle for good luck as well as to ward off harmful spirits. In modern times, the mongkol (lit. «holy spirit», «luck», «protection») is worn as a tribute to the fighter’s gym. The mongkol is traditionally presented by a trainer to the fighter when he judges that the fighter is ready to represent the gym in the ring. Often, after the fighter has finished the wai kru, the trainer will take the mongkol off his head and place it in his corner of the ring for luck. They were also used for protection. Whether the fighter is a Buddhist or not, it is common for them to bring the mongkol to a Buddhist monk who blesses it for good luck prior to stepping into the ring.


Formal muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai (แม่ไม้), or «major techniques», and luk mai (ลูกไม้), or «minor techniques». Muay Thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another.[16] This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable. Almost all techniques in muay Thai use the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.

Punching (Chok)[edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Jab หมัดหน้า/หมัดแย็บ Mat na/Mat yaep [màt nâ]
Cross/Straight หมัดตรง Mat trong [màt troŋ]
Hook/Swing หมัดเหวี่ยงสั้น Mat tawad/mat wiang san [màt wìəŋ sân]
Overhand/Haymaker หมัดเหวี่ยงยาว Mat khork/mat wiang yao [màt wìəŋ jaːw]
Backfist/Spinning Backfist หมัดเหวี่ยงกลับ Mat wiang klap/Mat clap lang/Kwang jag narai [màt wìəŋ klàp]
Uppercut หมัดเสย/หมัดสอยดาว Mat soei/Mat ngat [màt sɤ̌j], [màt sɔ̌j daːw]
Superman punch/Cobra punch กระโดดชก Kradot chok [kradòːt tɕʰók]

The punch techniques in muay Thai were originally quite limited, being crosses and a long (or lazy) circular strike made with a straight (but not locked) arm and landing with the heel of the palm. Cross-fertilisation with Western boxing and Western martial arts mean the full range of western boxing punches are now used: lead jab, straight/cross, hook, uppercut, shovel and corkscrew punches and overhands, as well as hammer fists and back fists.

As a tactic, body punching is used less in muay Thai than most other striking combat sports to avoid exposing the attacker’s head to counter strikes from knees or elbows. To utilize the range of targeting points, in keeping with the centre line theory, the fighter can use either the Western or Thai stance which allows for either long range or short range attacks to be undertaken effectively without compromising guard.

Elbow (Sok)[edit]

The elbow can be used in several ways as a striking weapon: horizontal, diagonal-upwards, diagonal-downwards, uppercut, downward, backward-spinning,and flying. From the side, it can be used as either a finishing move or as a way to cut the opponent’s eyebrow so that blood might block his vision. The diagonal elbows are faster than the other forms but are less powerful. The elbow strike is considered the most dangerous form of attack in the sport.

English Thai Romanization IPA
Elbow slash ศอกตี (ศอกสับ) Sok ti [sɔ̀ːk tiː]
Horizontal elbow ศอกตัด Sok tat [sɔ̀ːk tàt]
Uppercut elbow ศอกงัด Sok ngat [sɔ̀ːk ŋát]
Forward elbow thrust ศอกพุ่ง Sok phung [sɔ̀ːk pʰûŋ]
Reverse horizontal elbow ศอกเหวี่ยงกลับ (ศอกกระทุ้ง) Sok wiang klap [sɔ̀ːk wìəŋ klàp]
Spinning elbow ศอกกลับ Sok klap [sɔ̀ːk klàp]
Double elbow chop ศอกกลับคู่ Sok klap khu [sɔ̀ːk klàp kʰûː]
Mid-air elbow strike/Jump elbow chop กระโดดศอก Kradot sok [kradòːt sɔ̀ːk]

Horizontal Elbow (Sok tat)

There is a distinct difference between a single elbow and a follow-up elbow. The single elbow is a move independent from any other, whereas a follow-up elbow is the second strike from the same arm, being a hook or straight punch first with an elbow follow-up. Such elbows, and most other elbow strikes, are used when the distance between fighters becomes too small and there is too little space to throw a hook at the opponent’s head.

Elbows can be used to great effect as blocks or defences against, for example, spring knees, side body knees, body kicks or punches. When well connected, an elbow strike can cause serious damage to the opponent, including cuts or even a knockout.

Kicking (Te)[edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight kick เตะตรง Te trong [tèʔ troŋ]
Roundhouse kick เตะตัด Te tat [tèʔ tàt]
Diagonal kick เตะเฉียง Te chiang [tèʔ tɕʰǐəŋ]
Half-shin, half-knee kick เตะครึ่งแข้งครึ่งเข่า Te khrueng khaeng khrueng khao [tèʔ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰɛ̂ŋ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰàw]
Reverse roundhouse kick เตะกลับหลัง Te klap lang/Jorakhe faad hang [tèʔ klàp lǎŋ]
Down roundhouse kick เตะกด Te kot [tèʔ kòt]
Axe heel kick เตะเข่า Te khao [tèʔ kʰàw]
Jump kick กระโดดเตะ Kradot te [kradòːt tèʔ]
Step-up kick เขยิบเตะ Khayoep te/yiep te [kʰa.jɤ̀p tèʔ]

The two most common kicks[17] in muay Thai are known as the thip (literally «foot jab») and the te chiang (kicking upwards in the shape of a triangle cutting under the arm and ribs), or roundhouse kick. The Thai roundhouse kick uses a rotational movement of the entire body and has been widely adopted by practitioners of other combat sports. It is done from a circular stance with the back leg just a little ways back (roughly shoulder width apart) in comparison to instinctive upper body fighting (boxing) where the legs must create a wider base. The roundhouse kick draws its power almost entirely from the rotational movement of the hips, counter-rotation of the shoulders and arms are also often used to add torque to the lower body and increase the power of the kick as well.[18]

If a roundhouse kick is attempted by the opponent, the Thai boxer will normally check the kick, that is, he will block the kick with the outside of his lower leg. Thai boxers are trained to always connect with the shin. The foot contains many fine bones and is much weaker. A fighter may end up hurting himself if he tries to strike with his foot or instep. Shins are trained by repeatedly striking firm objects, such as pads or heavy bags.

Knee (Ti Khao)[19][edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight knee strike เข่าตรง Khao trong [kʰàw troŋ]
Diagonal knee strike เข่าเฉียง Khao chiang [kʰàw tɕʰǐəŋ]
Curving knee strike เข่าโค้ง Khao khong [kʰàw kʰóːŋ]
Horizontal knee strike เข่าตัด Khao tat [kʰàw tàt]
Knee slap เข่าตบ Khao ti/khao top [kʰàw tòp]
Knee bomb เข่ายาว Khao yao [kʰàw jaːw]
Flying knee เข่าลอย Khao loi [kʰàw lɔːj]
Step-up knee strike เข่าเหยียบ Khao yiap [kʰàw jìəp]
  • Khao dot [kʰàw dòːt] (Jumping knee strike) – the boxer jumps up on one leg and strikes with that leg’s knee.
  • Khao loi (Flying knee strike) – the boxer takes a step(s), jumps forward and off one leg and strikes with that leg’s knee.
  • Khao thon [kʰàw tʰoːn] (Straight knee strike) – the boxer simply thrusts it forward but not upwards, unless he is holding an opponent’s head down in a clinch and intend to knee upwards into the face. According to one written source, this technique is somewhat more recent than khao dot or khao loi.[citation needed] Supposedly, when the Thai boxers fought with rope-bound hands rather than the modern boxing gloves, this particular technique was subject to potentially vicious cutting, slicing and sawing by an alert opponent who would block it or deflect it with the sharp «rope-glove» edges which are sometimes dipped in water to make the rope much stronger. This explanation also holds true for some of the following knee strikes below as well.

Foot-thrust (Teep)[edit]

One fighter executes a Muay Thai Foot-thrust (Thip) kick against her opponent in a women’s muay Thai match.

The foot-thrust, or literally, «foot jab», is one of the techniques in muay Thai. It is mainly used as a defensive technique to control distance or block attacks. Foot-thrusts should be thrown quickly but with enough force to knock an opponent off balance.

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight foot-thrust ถีบตรง Thip trong [tʰìːp troŋ]
Sideways foot-thrust ถีบข้าง Thip khang [tʰìːp kʰâːŋ]
Reverse foot-thrust ถีบกลับหลัง Thip klap lang [tʰìːp klàp lǎŋ]
Slapping foot-thrust ถีบตบ Thip top [tʰìːp tòp]
Jumping foot-thrust กระโดดถีบ Kradot thip [kradòːt tʰìːp]

Clinch and neck wrestling (Chap kho)[edit]

Ram Muay, rituals before the match

In Western boxing, the two fighters are separated when they clinch; in muay Thai, however, they are not. It is often in the clinch that knee and elbow techniques are used. To strike and bind the opponent for both offensive and defensive purposes, small amounts of stand-up grappling are used in the clinch. The front clinch should be performed with the palm of one hand on the back of the other. There are three reasons why the fingers must not be intertwined. 1) In the ring fighters are wearing boxing gloves and cannot intertwine their fingers. 2) The Thai front clinch involves pressing the head of the opponent downwards, which is easier if the hands are locked behind the back of the head instead of behind the neck. Furthermore, the arms should be putting as much pressure on the neck as possible. 3) A fighter may incur an injury to one or more fingers if they are intertwined, and it becomes more difficult to release the grip in order to quickly elbow the opponent’s head.

A correct clinch also involves the fighter’s forearms pressing against the opponent’s collar bone while the hands are around the opponent’s head rather than the opponent’s neck. The general way to get out of a clinch is to push the opponent’s head backward or elbow them, as the clinch requires both participants to be very close to one another. Additionally, the non-dominant clincher can try to «swim» their arm underneath and inside the opponent’s clinch, establishing the previously non-dominant clincher as the dominant clincher.

Muay Thai has several other variants of the clinch or chap kho [tɕàp kʰɔː], including:

  • Arm clinch: One or both hands controls the inside of the defender’s arm(s) and where the second hand if free is in the front clinch position. This clinch is used to briefly control the opponent before applying a knee strike or throw.
  • Side clinch: One arm passes around the front of the defender with the attacker’s shoulder pressed into the defender’s arm pit and the other arm passing round the back which allows the attacker to apply knee strikes to the defender’s back or to throw the defender readily.
  • Low clinch: Both controlling arms pass under the defender’s arms, which is generally used by the shorter of two opponents.
  • Swan-neck: One hand around the rear of the neck is used to briefly clinch an opponent before a strike.[citation needed]

Defence against attacks[edit]

Defences in muay Thai are categorised in six groups:

  • Blocking – defender’s hard blocks to stop a strike in its path so preventing it reaching its target (e.g. the shin block described in more detail below)
  • Parry/Block – Parrying or blocking uses the kickboxer’s hands as defensive tools to deflect incoming attacks. As the opponent’s punch arrives, the boxer delivers a sharp, lateral, open-handed blow to the opponent’s wrist or forearm, redirecting the punch.
  • Avoidance – moving a body part out of the way or range of a strike so the defender remains in range for a counter-strike. For example, the defender moves their front leg backward to avoid the attacker’s low kick, then immediately counters with a roundhouse kick. Or the defender might lay their head back from the attacker’s high roundhouse kick then counter-attack with a side kick.
  • Evasion – moving the body out of the way or range of a strike so the defender has to move close again to counter-attack, e.g. defender jumping laterally or back from attacker’s kicks
  • Disruption – Pre-empting an attack e.g. with defender using disruptive techniques like jab, foot-thrust or low roundhouse kick, generally called a «leg kick» (to the outside or inside of the attacker’s front leg, just above the knee) as the attacker attempts to close distance
  • Anticipation – Defender catching a strike (e.g., catching a roundhouse kick to the body) or countering it before it lands (e.g., defender’s low kick to the supporting leg below as the attacker initiates a high roundhouse kick).

Defences in practice[edit]

Defensively, the concept of «wall of defence» is used, in which shoulders, arms and legs are used to hinder the attacker from successfully executing techniques. Blocking is a critical element in muay Thai and compounds the level of conditioning a successful practitioner must possess. Low and mid body roundhouse kicks are normally blocked with the upper portion of a raised shin (this block is known as a «check»). High body strikes are blocked ideally with the forearms and shoulder together, or if enough time is allowed for a parry, the glove (elusively), elbow, or shin will be used. Midsection roundhouse kicks can also be caught/trapped, allowing for a sweep or counter-attack to the remaining leg of the opponent. Punches are blocked with an ordinary boxing guard and techniques similar, if not identical, to basic boxing technique. A common means of blocking a punch is using the hand on the same side as the oncoming punch. For example, if an orthodox fighter throws a jab (being the left hand), the defender will make a slight tap to redirect the punch’s angle with the right hand. The deflection is always as small and precise as possible to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure and return the hand to the guard as quickly as possible. Hooks are often blocked with a motion sometimes described as «combing the hair», that is, raising the elbow forward and effectively shielding the head with the forearm, flexed biceps and shoulder. More advanced muay Thai blocks are usually in the form of counter-strikes, using the opponent’s weight (as they strike) to amplify the damage that the countering opponent can deliver. This requires impeccable timing and thus can generally only be learned by many repetitions.

Child boxers[edit]

In Thailand, children often start practicing Muay Thai and perform in the ring from the age of 5.

In 2016, 9,998 children under the age of 15 were registered with Board of Boxing under the Sport Authority of Thailand, according to the Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Centre (CSIP).[20] Some estimates put the number of child boxers nationwide at between 200,000 and 300,000, some as young as four years old.[21]

The Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Centre (AIMC) at Ramathibodi Hospital studied 300 child boxers aged under 15 with two to more than five years of experience, as well as 200 children who do not box. The findings show that child boxers not only sustain brain injuries, they also have a lower IQ, about 10 points lower than average levels. Moreover, IQ levels correlate with the length of their training.[21][22] Beyond brain damage, the death of young fighters in the ring sometimes occurs.[23]

Adisak Plitapolkarnpim, director of CSIP,[24] was indirectly quoted (in 2016) as having said that muay Thai practitioners «younger than 15 years old are being urged to avoid ‘head contact’ to reduce the risk of brain injuries, while children aged under nine should be banned from the combat fight»; furthermore, the Boxing Act’s minimum age to compete professionally was largely being flouted; furthermore, quoted indirectly, «Boxers aged between 13 and 15» should still be permitted to compete, but «with light contact to the head and face».[20] He said that «spectators and a change in the boxing rules can play a vital role in preventing child boxers from suffering brain injuries, abnormality in brain structure, Parkinson’s disease and early-onset Alzheimer’s later in life…Children aged between nine and 15 can take part in [Thai] boxing, but direct head contact must not be allowed». Referring to Findings [of 2014] on the Worst Forms of Child Labour as published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs, he said, «We know Muay Thai paid fighters have been exploited in the past like child labourers and the matter still remains a serious concern.»[20]

At the 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in 2018, it was revealed that up to three percent of the upcoming generation will grow up with learning disabilities unless an amendment is ratified that bans children under 12 from participating in boxing matches. International pediatricians have called on lawmakers in Thailand to help.[25]


Muay Thai is a combat sport that utilises eight different parts of the body (fists, elbows, knees and shins) so injuries are quite common in all levels of muay Thai. An injury is considered reportable if it requires the athlete to rest for more than one day. Many injuries in the sport go unreported as the fighters may not notice the injuries at first, refuse to admit that they need treatment, have a heightened pain threshold, fear that their instructor will perceive the injury negatively, or have confusion as to what is an injury.[26] Similar to most sports, injury rates tend to be higher in beginners than amateurs and professionals. Soft tissue injuries are the most common form of injury in muay Thai, comprising between 80 and 90% of all injuries. These injuries are caused by repeated trauma to soft parts of the body. During matches there is little to no padding, leaving soft tissue vulnerable to strikes. The second most common injuries among beginners and amateurs are sprains and strains. It appears that these injuries can be easily avoided or reduced. Many participants of a study admitted to inadequate warm up before the event of the injury.[26] The third most common injuries are fractures. Fractures are more commonly seen with amateur and professional fighters, because they are allowed full contact, while beginners are not. The most common sites for fractures are the nose, carpal bones, metacarpals, digits and ribs. The distribution of injuries differs significantly for beginners, amateurs and professionals, because as a fighter progresses through the different levels, the forces involved grow progressively higher, less padding and protective equipment is used, and athletes are likely to train harder, resulting in more serious injuries among experienced fighters.


Thai boxer during a fight on Koh Samui

According to a Bangkok Post columnist, «…Thai professional boxing is all about gambling and big money. Gambling on muay Thai boxing is estimated to worth about 40 billion baht a year….all the talk about the promotion of Thai martial arts is just baloney.»[13] Rob Cox, the manager of a boxing camp just east of Bangkok claims that «Without the gamblers, the sport would pretty much be dead. They’re killing it off, but they’re also keeping it alive».[11]

The practice of fixing fights is not unknown. Boxers can earn from 60,000 to 150,000 baht for purposefully losing a fight. A fighter, later arrested, who threw a fight at Rajadamnern Stadium in December 2019, is an example.[27] An infamous alleged case of match-fixing was the bout on 12 October 2014 in Pattaya between top Thai boxer Buakaw Banchamek and his challenger, Enriko Kehl, at the K-1 World Max Final event.[13]


An urban legend started being told by Thai people in 1767 around the time of the fall of the ancient Siamese capital of Ayutthaya, when the invading Burmese troops rounded up thousands of Siamese citizens. They then organised a seven-day, seven-night religious festival in honour of Buddha’s relics. The festivities included many forms of entertainment, such as costume plays, comedies and sword fighting matches. According to the folklore story, at one point, King Mangra wanted to see how Thai fighters would compare to his fighters. Nai Khanomtom was selected to fight against the King’s chosen champion and the boxing ring was set up in front of the throne. When the fight began, Nai Khanomtom charged out, using punches, kicks, elbows and knees to pummel his opponent until he collapsed. The King supposedly asked if Nai Khanomtom would fight nine other Burmese champions to prove himself. He agreed and fought one after the other with no rest periods. His last opponent was a great kickboxing teacher from Rakhine State whom Nai Khanomtom defeated with kicks.[28]

Every year on March 17th, Thailand celebrates the Nai Khanom Tom day.

King Mangra was so impressed that he allegedly remarked, «Every part of the Siamese is blessed with venom. Even with his bare hands, he can fell nine or ten opponents. But his Lord was incompetent and lost the country to the enemy. If he had been any good, there was no way the City of Ayutthaya would ever have fallen.»[29]

To commemorate the story of Nai Khanom Tom, the Muay Thai Festival and Wai Khru Muay Thai Ceremony are staged annually every year on March 17.[30]


Like most full contact fighting sports, muay Thai has a heavy focus on body conditioning.[31] This can create a steep learning curve for newcomers to muay Thai but allows for rapid increases in fitness and stamina provided one avoids overtraining.[32] Training regimens include many staples of combat sport conditioning such as running, shadowboxing, rope jumping, body weight resistance exercises, medicine ball exercises, abdominal exercises and, in some cases, weight training. Thai boxers rely heavily on kicks utilising the shin bone. As such, practitioners will repeatedly hit a dense heavy bag with their shins, conditioning it, hardening the bone through a process called cortical remodelling.[33] Striking a sand-filled bag will have the same effect.

A fighter punching a heavy bag at a training camp in Thailand

Training specific to a Thai fighter includes training with coaches on Thai pads, focus mitts, heavy bag, and sparring. Daily training includes many rounds (3–5 minute periods broken up by a short rest, often 1–2 minutes) of these various methods of practice. Thai pad training is a cornerstone of muay Thai conditioning that involves practicing punches, kicks, knees, and elbow strikes with a trainer wearing thick pads covering the forearms and hands. These special pads (often referred to as Thai pads) are used to absorb the impact of the fighter’s strikes and allow the fighter to react to the attacks of the pad holder in a live situation. The trainer will often also wear a belly pad around the abdominal area so that the fighter can attack with straight kicks or knees to the body at any time during the round.

Focus mitts are specific to training a fighter’s hand speed, punch combinations, timing, punching power, defence and counter-punching and may also be used to practice elbow strikes. Heavy bag training is a conditioning and power exercise that reinforces the techniques practiced on the pads. Sparring is a means to test technique, skills, range, strategy and timing against a partner. Sparring is often a light to medium contact exercise because competitive fighters on a full schedule are not advised to risk injury by sparring hard. Specific tactics and strategies can be trained with sparring including in close fighting, clinching and kneeing only, cutting off the ring, or using reach and distance to keep an aggressive fighter away.

Due to the rigorous training regimen (some Thai boxers fight almost every other week), professional boxers in Thailand have relatively short careers in the ring. Many retire from competition to begin instructing the next generation of Thai fighters. Most professional Thai boxers come from lower economic backgrounds, and the purse (after other parties have their cut) is sought as a means of support for the fighters and their families.[34] Very few higher economic strata Thais join the professional muay Thai ranks; they usually either do not practice the sport or practice it only as amateur boxers.[35]

Famous practitioners[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Muay Boran
  • Muay Chaiya
  • Muay Lerdrit
  • Wai khru ram muay
  • Pra Jiad
  • Mongkhon
  • Muay Thai in popular culture
  • Krabi–krabong
  • Pencak silat


  1. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (26 October 2015). «Preserving the Classic Technique of Maemai Muay Thai». Fightland. Vice. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
    Colman, David (9 January 2005). «It’s Hand-to-Hand for a Keeper of Faces». The New York Times. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
    Fuller, Thomas (16 September 2007). «Sugar and Spice and a Vicious Right: Thai Boxing Discovers Its Feminine Side». The New York Times. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
    Perry, Alex (11 June 2001). «Fighting for Their Lives». Time. Archived from the original on 30 October 2010. Retrieved 7 December 2010.
    «Muay Thai History». 4 March 2016.
  2. ^ Kuswandini, Dian (22 July 2009). «Get fit the Muaythai way». The Jakarta Post. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  3. ^ Wee, Lionel; Goh, Robbie B. H. (24 October 2019). Language, Space and Cultural Play: Theorising Affect in the Semiotic Landscape. ISBN 9781108472203. Retrieved 9 July 2020.
  4. ^ «Awesome Muay Thai» (PDF). Tourismthailand.org. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 July 2020.
    «Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran». 2 February 2017.
  5. ^ Reynolds, Alex (24 January 2006). «Fighting as a ‘farang’ for a fist full of Baht». The Daily Telegraph. London. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
  7. ^ «History». Thaiboxing.com. 18 April 2015. Archived from the original on 30 June 2015. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
  8. ^ a b «AWESOME MUAY THAI».
  9. ^ «The Modernization of Muay Thai — A Timeline | Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu». 8Limbs.us. 10 January 2015. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
  10. ^ Patterson, Jeff. «Know Your Muay Thai: Hand Wraps». nwfighting.com. Northwest Fighting Arts. Retrieved 4 March 2014.
  11. ^ a b Zandstra, Tate (13 October 2016). «Blood, sweat and debt». Southeast Asia Globe. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  12. ^ Krausz, Tibor (15 October 2018). «Muay Thai child fighters put their health on the line for gamblers and hope of a better life». South China Morning Post. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  13. ^ a b c Prateepchaikul, Veera (30 March 2020). «Army’s role in boxing a shady affair» (Opinion). Bangkok Post. Retrieved 30 March 2020.
  14. ^ «Muaythai Rules – International Federation of Muaythai Associations». Retrieved 19 February 2022.
  15. ^ «Muay Thai, IFMA fully recognized by IOC». nationthailand. 20 July 2021. Retrieved 21 July 2021.
  16. ^ «Muay Thai | Muay Pro | Muay Pro Muay Thai % | Muay Thai». Muay Pro. Retrieved 1 September 2020.
  17. ^ «5 Main Kicking Techniques In Muay Thai». Muay Thai Teacher. 5 April 2016. Archived from the original on 26 August 2018. Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  18. ^ Cimadoro, Giuseppe; Mahaffey, Ryan; Babault, Nicolas (April 2018). «Acute neuromuscular responses to short and long roundhouse kick striking paces in professional Muay Thai fighters» (PDF). The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 59 (2): 204–209. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.18.08295-6. PMID 29619797. S2CID 4647910. Archived (PDF) from the original on 30 April 2019.
  19. ^ «Muay Thai Weapons» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 December 2013. Retrieved 29 December 2012.
  20. ^ a b c Jitcharoenkul, Prangthong (26 December 2016). «Expert urges ‘no head contact’ among young boxers». Bangkok Post. Retrieved 27 October 2018.
  21. ^ a b «Doctors call for crackdown on child boxing». Bangkok Post. 22 December 2017. Retrieved 22 December 2017.
  22. ^ Amsangiam, Lerpong; Panyasuppakun, Kornrawee (27 October 2018). «The high cost of Muay Thai». The Nation. Retrieved 27 October 2018.
  23. ^ «Child boxer dies after fight». Bangkok Post. 13 November 2018. Retrieved 13 November 2018.
  24. ^ «Assoc. Prof. Plitapolkarnpim Adisak». ThaiScience (วิทยาศาสตร์ไทย). Archived from the original on 18 May 2017. Retrieved 26 January 2017.
  25. ^ «The worst type of child abuse – Doctors call on ban for underage boxing». The Thaiger. 8 November 2018. Retrieved 8 November 2018.
  26. ^ a b Gartland, Malik (2001). «Injury and injury rates in muay Thai kick boxing». Gale Group. 35 (5): 308–13. doi:10.1136/bjsm.35.5.308. PMC 1724381. PMID 11579062.
  27. ^ Cox, Rob (31 January 2019). «The fall of a fighter: corruption and gambling in Muay Thai». Asian MMA. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  28. ^ «Nai Khanom Tom: Father of Muay Thai». Archived from the original on 27 June 2020. Retrieved 9 July 2020.
  29. ^ «A celebration of all things muay Thai». Bangkok Post.
  30. ^ «Spain Pays Respect to Nai Kanom Tom». 20 February 2012. Retrieved 11 May 2013.
  31. ^ Gordon, Mclean (22 May 2013). «Muay Thai, Economic Realities, and Cultural Differences». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  32. ^ Darius, Moaz (1 September 2021). «Muay Thai Training Stories». Mua Thai Insights. Retrieved 9 September 2021.
  33. ^ Baker, Donnie (28 October 2012). «Muay Thai: Beyond The Ring: Top 3 Muay Thai Shin Conditioning Myths Debunked». Oldstylemuaythai.blogspot.co.uk. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  34. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (16 January 2015). «An American Sociologist Is Studying the Behavior of Muay Thai». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  35. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (13 February 2015). «The World Muay Thai Angels: Marketing the Women Fighters of Thailand». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
    Newhall, Lindsey (4 September 2014). «An American in Thailand: Muay Thai for the Rich». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.

Further reading[edit]

  • Kraitus, Panya (1992), Muay Thai The Most Distinguished Art of Fighting, Phuket: Transit Press, ISBN 974-86841-9-9
  • Muay Thai The Essential Guide To The Art of Thai Boxing. Tony Moore. New Holland. ISBN 1 84330 596 8.
  • Boykin, Chad (2002), Muay Thai Kickboxing – The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning, Training and Fighting, Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, ISBN 1-58160-320-7
  • Prayukvong, Kat (2006), Muay Thai: A Living Legacy, Bangkok, Thailand: Spry Publishing Co., Ltd, ISBN 974-92937-0-3
  • Hartig, Bastian (4 December 2018). Thai boxing: The dangerous fight against poverty (Video). Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 6 December 2018.
  • Nusch, Florian (9 December 2017). Child Thai boxers: A fighting chance (Video). Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 6 December 2018.
  • Vail, P. T. (1998). «Modern «Muai Thai» Mythology». Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 12 (2): 75–95. JSTOR 40860679.
  • Wei, Lindsey (2020) Path of the Spiritual Warrior: Life and Teachings of Muay Thai Fighter Pedro Solana. Auckland: Purple Cloud Press, ISBN 979-8651807901

Not to be confused with Mai Tai.

Muay Thai (Thai: มวยไทย, RTGS: muai thai, pronounced [mūa̯j tʰāj] (listen)), sometimes referred to as Thai boxing, is a combat sport that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques.[1] This discipline is known as the «art of eight limbs», as it is characterised by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees and shins.[2] Muay Thai became widespread internationally in the late 20th to 21st century, when Westernised practitioners from Thailand began competing in kickboxing and mixed-rules matches as well as matches under muay Thai rules around the world. The professional league is governed by The Professional Boxing Association of Thailand (P.A.T), sanctioned by The Sports Authority of Thailand (S.A.T.).

Muay Thai is related to other martial art styles such as musti-yuddha, Adimurai, muay Chaiya, muay boran, muay Lao, lethwei, pradal serey and tomoi.[3] Muay Thai developed from the traditional muay boran.[4] A practitioner of muay Thai is known as a nak muay. Western practitioners in Thailand are sometimes called nak muay farang, meaning «foreign boxer».[5]


Local school children in Thailand demonstrate muay Thai

The history of muay Thai can be traced at least to the 16th century as a peace-time martial art practised by the soldiers of King Naresuan.[6] An exhibition of muay Thai was observed and reported by Simon de la Loubère, a French diplomat who was sent by King Louis XIV to the Kingdom of Siam in 1687, in his famous work and the Ayutthaya Kingdom Burmese–Siamese War (1765–1767)[7] Muay boran, and therefore muay Thai, was originally called by more generic names such as toi muay or simply muay. As well as being a practical fighting technique for use in actual warfare, muay became a sport in which the opponents fought in front of spectators who went to watch for entertainment. These muay contests gradually became an integral part of local festivals and celebrations, especially those held at temples. Eventually, the previously bare-fisted fighters started wearing lengths of hemp rope around their hands and forearms. This type of match was called muay khat chueak (มวยคาดเชือก).

19th century[edit]

The ascension of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) to the throne in 1868 ushered in a golden age not only for muay but for the whole country of Thailand. Muay progressed greatly during the reign of Rama V as a direct result of the king’s personal interest in the sport. The country was at peace and muay functioned as a means of physical exercise, self-defense, attacking, recreation and personal advancement.[8]

The modern era[edit]

1909-1910: King Chulalongkorn formalized muay boran («ancient boxing») by awarding (in 1910) three muen to victors at the funeral fights for his son (in 1909). The region style: Lopburi, Korat and Chaiya.[8]

1913: British boxing was introduced into the curriculum of the Suan Kulap College. The first descriptive use of the term «muay Thai».

1919: British boxing and muay Thai were taught as one sport in the curriculum of the Suan Kulap College. Judo was also offered.

1921: First permanent ring in Siam at Suan Kulap College. Used for both muay and British boxing.

1923: Suan Sanuk Stadium. First international style three-rope ring with red and blue padded corners, near Lumpinee Park. Muay and British boxing.[9]

King Rama VII (r. 1925–1935) pushed for codified rules for muay and they were put into place. Thailand’s first boxing ring was built in 1921 at Suan Kulap. Referees were introduced and rounds were now timed by kick. Fighters at the Lumpinee Boxing Stadium began wearing modern gloves, as well as hard groin protectors, during training and in boxing matches against foreigners. Traditional rope-binding (khat chueak) made the hands a hardened, dangerous striking tool. The use of knots in the rope over the knuckles made the strikes more abrasive and damaging for the opponent while protecting the hands of the fighter.[10] This rope-binding was still used in fights between Thais but after a death in the ring, it was decided that fighters should wear gloves and cotton coverlets over the feet and ankles. It was also around this time that the term «muay Thai» became commonly used, while the older form of the style came to be known as «muay boran», which is now performed primarily as an exhibition art form.

A muay boran demonstration, Lumpinee Boxing Stadium, Bangkok

Muay Thai was at the height of its popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. Top fighters commanded purses of up to 200,000 baht and the stadia where gambling was legal drew big gates and big advertising revenues. In 2016, a payout to a superstar fighter was about 100,000 baht per fight,[11] but can range as high as 540,000 baht for a bout.[12]

In 1993, the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur, or IFMA was inaugurated. It became the governing body of amateur muay Thai consisting of 128 member countries worldwide and is recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia.

In 1995, the World Muaythai Council, the oldest and largest professional sanctioning organisations of muay Thai, was established by the Thai government and sanctioned by the Sports Authority of Thailand.

In 1995, the World Muay Thai Federation was founded by the merger of two existing organisations, and established in Bangkok, becoming the federation governing international muay Thai. In August 2012, it had over 70 member countries. Its president is elected at the World Muay Thai Congress.

In 2006, muay Thai was included in SportAccord with IFMA. One of the requirements of SportAccord was that no sport can have a name of a country in its name. As a result, an amendment was made in the IFMA constitution to change the name of the sport from «muay Thai» to «muaythai» —written as one word in accordance with Olympic requirements.

In 2014, muay Thai was included in the International World Games Association (IWGA) and was represented in the official programme of The World Games 2017 in Wrocław, Poland.

In January 2015, muay Thai was granted the patronage of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and, from 16 to 23 March 2015, the first University World Muaythai Cup was held in Bangkok.

In 2020, there are more than 3,800 Thai boxing gyms overseas.[13]


According to IFMA rules and regulations, Muay Thai is a martial art that uses every part of the body’s limbs, therefore allowing for strikes including the fists, legs, knees and elbows.

Generally, for a strike to count towards the point score, it has to hit without being blocked or guarded against by the opponent. Strikes also do not score if they hit the opponent’s glove, forearm, foot, or shin. Strikes to the groin are against the rules and if found to be intentional are counted as fouls.[14]

If both Muay Thai fighters have the same score at the end of the round, the winner is determined by which fighter has the more powerful strike.


Timeline of International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) from founding to International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition:[15]

  • 1992 – National Federation of Muaythai Associations founded.
  • 1995 – International Amateur Muay Thai Federation (IAMTF) founded.
  • 2012 – Official request for International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition launched.
  • 2016 – First endorsement received.
  • 2017 – Muaythai is included in the World Games.
  • 2021 – On June 10, the IOC Board of Directors agreed on the full endorsement of IFMA at the 138th IOC General Assembly in Tokyo.
  • 2021 – On July 20, the IOC General Assembly granted full recognition to the International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) and Muaythai.

Traditional wear[edit]

The mongkhon, or mongkol (headband), and pra jiad (armbands) are often worn into the ring before the match begins. They originated when Siam was in a constant state of war. Young men would tear off pieces of a loved one’s clothing (often a mother’s sarong) and wear it in battle for good luck as well as to ward off harmful spirits. In modern times, the mongkol (lit. «holy spirit», «luck», «protection») is worn as a tribute to the fighter’s gym. The mongkol is traditionally presented by a trainer to the fighter when he judges that the fighter is ready to represent the gym in the ring. Often, after the fighter has finished the wai kru, the trainer will take the mongkol off his head and place it in his corner of the ring for luck. They were also used for protection. Whether the fighter is a Buddhist or not, it is common for them to bring the mongkol to a Buddhist monk who blesses it for good luck prior to stepping into the ring.


Formal muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai (แม่ไม้), or «major techniques», and luk mai (ลูกไม้), or «minor techniques». Muay Thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another.[16] This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable. Almost all techniques in muay Thai use the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.

Punching (Chok)[edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Jab หมัดหน้า/หมัดแย็บ Mat na/Mat yaep [màt nâ]
Cross/Straight หมัดตรง Mat trong [màt troŋ]
Hook/Swing หมัดเหวี่ยงสั้น Mat tawad/mat wiang san [màt wìəŋ sân]
Overhand/Haymaker หมัดเหวี่ยงยาว Mat khork/mat wiang yao [màt wìəŋ jaːw]
Backfist/Spinning Backfist หมัดเหวี่ยงกลับ Mat wiang klap/Mat clap lang/Kwang jag narai [màt wìəŋ klàp]
Uppercut หมัดเสย/หมัดสอยดาว Mat soei/Mat ngat [màt sɤ̌j], [màt sɔ̌j daːw]
Superman punch/Cobra punch กระโดดชก Kradot chok [kradòːt tɕʰók]

The punch techniques in muay Thai were originally quite limited, being crosses and a long (or lazy) circular strike made with a straight (but not locked) arm and landing with the heel of the palm. Cross-fertilisation with Western boxing and Western martial arts mean the full range of western boxing punches are now used: lead jab, straight/cross, hook, uppercut, shovel and corkscrew punches and overhands, as well as hammer fists and back fists.

As a tactic, body punching is used less in muay Thai than most other striking combat sports to avoid exposing the attacker’s head to counter strikes from knees or elbows. To utilize the range of targeting points, in keeping with the centre line theory, the fighter can use either the Western or Thai stance which allows for either long range or short range attacks to be undertaken effectively without compromising guard.

Elbow (Sok)[edit]

The elbow can be used in several ways as a striking weapon: horizontal, diagonal-upwards, diagonal-downwards, uppercut, downward, backward-spinning,and flying. From the side, it can be used as either a finishing move or as a way to cut the opponent’s eyebrow so that blood might block his vision. The diagonal elbows are faster than the other forms but are less powerful. The elbow strike is considered the most dangerous form of attack in the sport.

English Thai Romanization IPA
Elbow slash ศอกตี (ศอกสับ) Sok ti [sɔ̀ːk tiː]
Horizontal elbow ศอกตัด Sok tat [sɔ̀ːk tàt]
Uppercut elbow ศอกงัด Sok ngat [sɔ̀ːk ŋát]
Forward elbow thrust ศอกพุ่ง Sok phung [sɔ̀ːk pʰûŋ]
Reverse horizontal elbow ศอกเหวี่ยงกลับ (ศอกกระทุ้ง) Sok wiang klap [sɔ̀ːk wìəŋ klàp]
Spinning elbow ศอกกลับ Sok klap [sɔ̀ːk klàp]
Double elbow chop ศอกกลับคู่ Sok klap khu [sɔ̀ːk klàp kʰûː]
Mid-air elbow strike/Jump elbow chop กระโดดศอก Kradot sok [kradòːt sɔ̀ːk]

Horizontal Elbow (Sok tat)

There is a distinct difference between a single elbow and a follow-up elbow. The single elbow is a move independent from any other, whereas a follow-up elbow is the second strike from the same arm, being a hook or straight punch first with an elbow follow-up. Such elbows, and most other elbow strikes, are used when the distance between fighters becomes too small and there is too little space to throw a hook at the opponent’s head.

Elbows can be used to great effect as blocks or defences against, for example, spring knees, side body knees, body kicks or punches. When well connected, an elbow strike can cause serious damage to the opponent, including cuts or even a knockout.

Kicking (Te)[edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight kick เตะตรง Te trong [tèʔ troŋ]
Roundhouse kick เตะตัด Te tat [tèʔ tàt]
Diagonal kick เตะเฉียง Te chiang [tèʔ tɕʰǐəŋ]
Half-shin, half-knee kick เตะครึ่งแข้งครึ่งเข่า Te khrueng khaeng khrueng khao [tèʔ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰɛ̂ŋ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰàw]
Reverse roundhouse kick เตะกลับหลัง Te klap lang/Jorakhe faad hang [tèʔ klàp lǎŋ]
Down roundhouse kick เตะกด Te kot [tèʔ kòt]
Axe heel kick เตะเข่า Te khao [tèʔ kʰàw]
Jump kick กระโดดเตะ Kradot te [kradòːt tèʔ]
Step-up kick เขยิบเตะ Khayoep te/yiep te [kʰa.jɤ̀p tèʔ]

The two most common kicks[17] in muay Thai are known as the thip (literally «foot jab») and the te chiang (kicking upwards in the shape of a triangle cutting under the arm and ribs), or roundhouse kick. The Thai roundhouse kick uses a rotational movement of the entire body and has been widely adopted by practitioners of other combat sports. It is done from a circular stance with the back leg just a little ways back (roughly shoulder width apart) in comparison to instinctive upper body fighting (boxing) where the legs must create a wider base. The roundhouse kick draws its power almost entirely from the rotational movement of the hips, counter-rotation of the shoulders and arms are also often used to add torque to the lower body and increase the power of the kick as well.[18]

If a roundhouse kick is attempted by the opponent, the Thai boxer will normally check the kick, that is, he will block the kick with the outside of his lower leg. Thai boxers are trained to always connect with the shin. The foot contains many fine bones and is much weaker. A fighter may end up hurting himself if he tries to strike with his foot or instep. Shins are trained by repeatedly striking firm objects, such as pads or heavy bags.

Knee (Ti Khao)[19][edit]

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight knee strike เข่าตรง Khao trong [kʰàw troŋ]
Diagonal knee strike เข่าเฉียง Khao chiang [kʰàw tɕʰǐəŋ]
Curving knee strike เข่าโค้ง Khao khong [kʰàw kʰóːŋ]
Horizontal knee strike เข่าตัด Khao tat [kʰàw tàt]
Knee slap เข่าตบ Khao ti/khao top [kʰàw tòp]
Knee bomb เข่ายาว Khao yao [kʰàw jaːw]
Flying knee เข่าลอย Khao loi [kʰàw lɔːj]
Step-up knee strike เข่าเหยียบ Khao yiap [kʰàw jìəp]
  • Khao dot [kʰàw dòːt] (Jumping knee strike) – the boxer jumps up on one leg and strikes with that leg’s knee.
  • Khao loi (Flying knee strike) – the boxer takes a step(s), jumps forward and off one leg and strikes with that leg’s knee.
  • Khao thon [kʰàw tʰoːn] (Straight knee strike) – the boxer simply thrusts it forward but not upwards, unless he is holding an opponent’s head down in a clinch and intend to knee upwards into the face. According to one written source, this technique is somewhat more recent than khao dot or khao loi.[citation needed] Supposedly, when the Thai boxers fought with rope-bound hands rather than the modern boxing gloves, this particular technique was subject to potentially vicious cutting, slicing and sawing by an alert opponent who would block it or deflect it with the sharp «rope-glove» edges which are sometimes dipped in water to make the rope much stronger. This explanation also holds true for some of the following knee strikes below as well.

Foot-thrust (Teep)[edit]

One fighter executes a Muay Thai Foot-thrust (Thip) kick against her opponent in a women’s muay Thai match.

The foot-thrust, or literally, «foot jab», is one of the techniques in muay Thai. It is mainly used as a defensive technique to control distance or block attacks. Foot-thrusts should be thrown quickly but with enough force to knock an opponent off balance.

English Thai Romanization IPA
Straight foot-thrust ถีบตรง Thip trong [tʰìːp troŋ]
Sideways foot-thrust ถีบข้าง Thip khang [tʰìːp kʰâːŋ]
Reverse foot-thrust ถีบกลับหลัง Thip klap lang [tʰìːp klàp lǎŋ]
Slapping foot-thrust ถีบตบ Thip top [tʰìːp tòp]
Jumping foot-thrust กระโดดถีบ Kradot thip [kradòːt tʰìːp]

Clinch and neck wrestling (Chap kho)[edit]

Ram Muay, rituals before the match

In Western boxing, the two fighters are separated when they clinch; in muay Thai, however, they are not. It is often in the clinch that knee and elbow techniques are used. To strike and bind the opponent for both offensive and defensive purposes, small amounts of stand-up grappling are used in the clinch. The front clinch should be performed with the palm of one hand on the back of the other. There are three reasons why the fingers must not be intertwined. 1) In the ring fighters are wearing boxing gloves and cannot intertwine their fingers. 2) The Thai front clinch involves pressing the head of the opponent downwards, which is easier if the hands are locked behind the back of the head instead of behind the neck. Furthermore, the arms should be putting as much pressure on the neck as possible. 3) A fighter may incur an injury to one or more fingers if they are intertwined, and it becomes more difficult to release the grip in order to quickly elbow the opponent’s head.

A correct clinch also involves the fighter’s forearms pressing against the opponent’s collar bone while the hands are around the opponent’s head rather than the opponent’s neck. The general way to get out of a clinch is to push the opponent’s head backward or elbow them, as the clinch requires both participants to be very close to one another. Additionally, the non-dominant clincher can try to «swim» their arm underneath and inside the opponent’s clinch, establishing the previously non-dominant clincher as the dominant clincher.

Muay Thai has several other variants of the clinch or chap kho [tɕàp kʰɔː], including:

  • Arm clinch: One or both hands controls the inside of the defender’s arm(s) and where the second hand if free is in the front clinch position. This clinch is used to briefly control the opponent before applying a knee strike or throw.
  • Side clinch: One arm passes around the front of the defender with the attacker’s shoulder pressed into the defender’s arm pit and the other arm passing round the back which allows the attacker to apply knee strikes to the defender’s back or to throw the defender readily.
  • Low clinch: Both controlling arms pass under the defender’s arms, which is generally used by the shorter of two opponents.
  • Swan-neck: One hand around the rear of the neck is used to briefly clinch an opponent before a strike.[citation needed]

Defence against attacks[edit]

Defences in muay Thai are categorised in six groups:

  • Blocking – defender’s hard blocks to stop a strike in its path so preventing it reaching its target (e.g. the shin block described in more detail below)
  • Parry/Block – Parrying or blocking uses the kickboxer’s hands as defensive tools to deflect incoming attacks. As the opponent’s punch arrives, the boxer delivers a sharp, lateral, open-handed blow to the opponent’s wrist or forearm, redirecting the punch.
  • Avoidance – moving a body part out of the way or range of a strike so the defender remains in range for a counter-strike. For example, the defender moves their front leg backward to avoid the attacker’s low kick, then immediately counters with a roundhouse kick. Or the defender might lay their head back from the attacker’s high roundhouse kick then counter-attack with a side kick.
  • Evasion – moving the body out of the way or range of a strike so the defender has to move close again to counter-attack, e.g. defender jumping laterally or back from attacker’s kicks
  • Disruption – Pre-empting an attack e.g. with defender using disruptive techniques like jab, foot-thrust or low roundhouse kick, generally called a «leg kick» (to the outside or inside of the attacker’s front leg, just above the knee) as the attacker attempts to close distance
  • Anticipation – Defender catching a strike (e.g., catching a roundhouse kick to the body) or countering it before it lands (e.g., defender’s low kick to the supporting leg below as the attacker initiates a high roundhouse kick).

Defences in practice[edit]

Defensively, the concept of «wall of defence» is used, in which shoulders, arms and legs are used to hinder the attacker from successfully executing techniques. Blocking is a critical element in muay Thai and compounds the level of conditioning a successful practitioner must possess. Low and mid body roundhouse kicks are normally blocked with the upper portion of a raised shin (this block is known as a «check»). High body strikes are blocked ideally with the forearms and shoulder together, or if enough time is allowed for a parry, the glove (elusively), elbow, or shin will be used. Midsection roundhouse kicks can also be caught/trapped, allowing for a sweep or counter-attack to the remaining leg of the opponent. Punches are blocked with an ordinary boxing guard and techniques similar, if not identical, to basic boxing technique. A common means of blocking a punch is using the hand on the same side as the oncoming punch. For example, if an orthodox fighter throws a jab (being the left hand), the defender will make a slight tap to redirect the punch’s angle with the right hand. The deflection is always as small and precise as possible to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure and return the hand to the guard as quickly as possible. Hooks are often blocked with a motion sometimes described as «combing the hair», that is, raising the elbow forward and effectively shielding the head with the forearm, flexed biceps and shoulder. More advanced muay Thai blocks are usually in the form of counter-strikes, using the opponent’s weight (as they strike) to amplify the damage that the countering opponent can deliver. This requires impeccable timing and thus can generally only be learned by many repetitions.

Child boxers[edit]

In Thailand, children often start practicing Muay Thai and perform in the ring from the age of 5.

In 2016, 9,998 children under the age of 15 were registered with Board of Boxing under the Sport Authority of Thailand, according to the Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Centre (CSIP).[20] Some estimates put the number of child boxers nationwide at between 200,000 and 300,000, some as young as four years old.[21]

The Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Centre (AIMC) at Ramathibodi Hospital studied 300 child boxers aged under 15 with two to more than five years of experience, as well as 200 children who do not box. The findings show that child boxers not only sustain brain injuries, they also have a lower IQ, about 10 points lower than average levels. Moreover, IQ levels correlate with the length of their training.[21][22] Beyond brain damage, the death of young fighters in the ring sometimes occurs.[23]

Adisak Plitapolkarnpim, director of CSIP,[24] was indirectly quoted (in 2016) as having said that muay Thai practitioners «younger than 15 years old are being urged to avoid ‘head contact’ to reduce the risk of brain injuries, while children aged under nine should be banned from the combat fight»; furthermore, the Boxing Act’s minimum age to compete professionally was largely being flouted; furthermore, quoted indirectly, «Boxers aged between 13 and 15» should still be permitted to compete, but «with light contact to the head and face».[20] He said that «spectators and a change in the boxing rules can play a vital role in preventing child boxers from suffering brain injuries, abnormality in brain structure, Parkinson’s disease and early-onset Alzheimer’s later in life…Children aged between nine and 15 can take part in [Thai] boxing, but direct head contact must not be allowed». Referring to Findings [of 2014] on the Worst Forms of Child Labour as published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs, he said, «We know Muay Thai paid fighters have been exploited in the past like child labourers and the matter still remains a serious concern.»[20]

At the 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in 2018, it was revealed that up to three percent of the upcoming generation will grow up with learning disabilities unless an amendment is ratified that bans children under 12 from participating in boxing matches. International pediatricians have called on lawmakers in Thailand to help.[25]


Muay Thai is a combat sport that utilises eight different parts of the body (fists, elbows, knees and shins) so injuries are quite common in all levels of muay Thai. An injury is considered reportable if it requires the athlete to rest for more than one day. Many injuries in the sport go unreported as the fighters may not notice the injuries at first, refuse to admit that they need treatment, have a heightened pain threshold, fear that their instructor will perceive the injury negatively, or have confusion as to what is an injury.[26] Similar to most sports, injury rates tend to be higher in beginners than amateurs and professionals. Soft tissue injuries are the most common form of injury in muay Thai, comprising between 80 and 90% of all injuries. These injuries are caused by repeated trauma to soft parts of the body. During matches there is little to no padding, leaving soft tissue vulnerable to strikes. The second most common injuries among beginners and amateurs are sprains and strains. It appears that these injuries can be easily avoided or reduced. Many participants of a study admitted to inadequate warm up before the event of the injury.[26] The third most common injuries are fractures. Fractures are more commonly seen with amateur and professional fighters, because they are allowed full contact, while beginners are not. The most common sites for fractures are the nose, carpal bones, metacarpals, digits and ribs. The distribution of injuries differs significantly for beginners, amateurs and professionals, because as a fighter progresses through the different levels, the forces involved grow progressively higher, less padding and protective equipment is used, and athletes are likely to train harder, resulting in more serious injuries among experienced fighters.


Thai boxer during a fight on Koh Samui

According to a Bangkok Post columnist, «…Thai professional boxing is all about gambling and big money. Gambling on muay Thai boxing is estimated to worth about 40 billion baht a year….all the talk about the promotion of Thai martial arts is just baloney.»[13] Rob Cox, the manager of a boxing camp just east of Bangkok claims that «Without the gamblers, the sport would pretty much be dead. They’re killing it off, but they’re also keeping it alive».[11]

The practice of fixing fights is not unknown. Boxers can earn from 60,000 to 150,000 baht for purposefully losing a fight. A fighter, later arrested, who threw a fight at Rajadamnern Stadium in December 2019, is an example.[27] An infamous alleged case of match-fixing was the bout on 12 October 2014 in Pattaya between top Thai boxer Buakaw Banchamek and his challenger, Enriko Kehl, at the K-1 World Max Final event.[13]


An urban legend started being told by Thai people in 1767 around the time of the fall of the ancient Siamese capital of Ayutthaya, when the invading Burmese troops rounded up thousands of Siamese citizens. They then organised a seven-day, seven-night religious festival in honour of Buddha’s relics. The festivities included many forms of entertainment, such as costume plays, comedies and sword fighting matches. According to the folklore story, at one point, King Mangra wanted to see how Thai fighters would compare to his fighters. Nai Khanomtom was selected to fight against the King’s chosen champion and the boxing ring was set up in front of the throne. When the fight began, Nai Khanomtom charged out, using punches, kicks, elbows and knees to pummel his opponent until he collapsed. The King supposedly asked if Nai Khanomtom would fight nine other Burmese champions to prove himself. He agreed and fought one after the other with no rest periods. His last opponent was a great kickboxing teacher from Rakhine State whom Nai Khanomtom defeated with kicks.[28]

Every year on March 17th, Thailand celebrates the Nai Khanom Tom day.

King Mangra was so impressed that he allegedly remarked, «Every part of the Siamese is blessed with venom. Even with his bare hands, he can fell nine or ten opponents. But his Lord was incompetent and lost the country to the enemy. If he had been any good, there was no way the City of Ayutthaya would ever have fallen.»[29]

To commemorate the story of Nai Khanom Tom, the Muay Thai Festival and Wai Khru Muay Thai Ceremony are staged annually every year on March 17.[30]


Like most full contact fighting sports, muay Thai has a heavy focus on body conditioning.[31] This can create a steep learning curve for newcomers to muay Thai but allows for rapid increases in fitness and stamina provided one avoids overtraining.[32] Training regimens include many staples of combat sport conditioning such as running, shadowboxing, rope jumping, body weight resistance exercises, medicine ball exercises, abdominal exercises and, in some cases, weight training. Thai boxers rely heavily on kicks utilising the shin bone. As such, practitioners will repeatedly hit a dense heavy bag with their shins, conditioning it, hardening the bone through a process called cortical remodelling.[33] Striking a sand-filled bag will have the same effect.

A fighter punching a heavy bag at a training camp in Thailand

Training specific to a Thai fighter includes training with coaches on Thai pads, focus mitts, heavy bag, and sparring. Daily training includes many rounds (3–5 minute periods broken up by a short rest, often 1–2 minutes) of these various methods of practice. Thai pad training is a cornerstone of muay Thai conditioning that involves practicing punches, kicks, knees, and elbow strikes with a trainer wearing thick pads covering the forearms and hands. These special pads (often referred to as Thai pads) are used to absorb the impact of the fighter’s strikes and allow the fighter to react to the attacks of the pad holder in a live situation. The trainer will often also wear a belly pad around the abdominal area so that the fighter can attack with straight kicks or knees to the body at any time during the round.

Focus mitts are specific to training a fighter’s hand speed, punch combinations, timing, punching power, defence and counter-punching and may also be used to practice elbow strikes. Heavy bag training is a conditioning and power exercise that reinforces the techniques practiced on the pads. Sparring is a means to test technique, skills, range, strategy and timing against a partner. Sparring is often a light to medium contact exercise because competitive fighters on a full schedule are not advised to risk injury by sparring hard. Specific tactics and strategies can be trained with sparring including in close fighting, clinching and kneeing only, cutting off the ring, or using reach and distance to keep an aggressive fighter away.

Due to the rigorous training regimen (some Thai boxers fight almost every other week), professional boxers in Thailand have relatively short careers in the ring. Many retire from competition to begin instructing the next generation of Thai fighters. Most professional Thai boxers come from lower economic backgrounds, and the purse (after other parties have their cut) is sought as a means of support for the fighters and their families.[34] Very few higher economic strata Thais join the professional muay Thai ranks; they usually either do not practice the sport or practice it only as amateur boxers.[35]

Famous practitioners[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Muay Boran
  • Muay Chaiya
  • Muay Lerdrit
  • Wai khru ram muay
  • Pra Jiad
  • Mongkhon
  • Muay Thai in popular culture
  • Krabi–krabong
  • Pencak silat


  1. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (26 October 2015). «Preserving the Classic Technique of Maemai Muay Thai». Fightland. Vice. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
    Colman, David (9 January 2005). «It’s Hand-to-Hand for a Keeper of Faces». The New York Times. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
    Fuller, Thomas (16 September 2007). «Sugar and Spice and a Vicious Right: Thai Boxing Discovers Its Feminine Side». The New York Times. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
    Perry, Alex (11 June 2001). «Fighting for Their Lives». Time. Archived from the original on 30 October 2010. Retrieved 7 December 2010.
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  4. ^ «Awesome Muay Thai» (PDF). Tourismthailand.org. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 July 2020.
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  5. ^ Reynolds, Alex (24 January 2006). «Fighting as a ‘farang’ for a fist full of Baht». The Daily Telegraph. London. Retrieved 10 August 2010.
  7. ^ «History». Thaiboxing.com. 18 April 2015. Archived from the original on 30 June 2015. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
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  9. ^ «The Modernization of Muay Thai — A Timeline | Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu». 8Limbs.us. 10 January 2015. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
  10. ^ Patterson, Jeff. «Know Your Muay Thai: Hand Wraps». nwfighting.com. Northwest Fighting Arts. Retrieved 4 March 2014.
  11. ^ a b Zandstra, Tate (13 October 2016). «Blood, sweat and debt». Southeast Asia Globe. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  12. ^ Krausz, Tibor (15 October 2018). «Muay Thai child fighters put their health on the line for gamblers and hope of a better life». South China Morning Post. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  13. ^ a b c Prateepchaikul, Veera (30 March 2020). «Army’s role in boxing a shady affair» (Opinion). Bangkok Post. Retrieved 30 March 2020.
  14. ^ «Muaythai Rules – International Federation of Muaythai Associations». Retrieved 19 February 2022.
  15. ^ «Muay Thai, IFMA fully recognized by IOC». nationthailand. 20 July 2021. Retrieved 21 July 2021.
  16. ^ «Muay Thai | Muay Pro | Muay Pro Muay Thai % | Muay Thai». Muay Pro. Retrieved 1 September 2020.
  17. ^ «5 Main Kicking Techniques In Muay Thai». Muay Thai Teacher. 5 April 2016. Archived from the original on 26 August 2018. Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  18. ^ Cimadoro, Giuseppe; Mahaffey, Ryan; Babault, Nicolas (April 2018). «Acute neuromuscular responses to short and long roundhouse kick striking paces in professional Muay Thai fighters» (PDF). The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 59 (2): 204–209. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.18.08295-6. PMID 29619797. S2CID 4647910. Archived (PDF) from the original on 30 April 2019.
  19. ^ «Muay Thai Weapons» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 December 2013. Retrieved 29 December 2012.
  20. ^ a b c Jitcharoenkul, Prangthong (26 December 2016). «Expert urges ‘no head contact’ among young boxers». Bangkok Post. Retrieved 27 October 2018.
  21. ^ a b «Doctors call for crackdown on child boxing». Bangkok Post. 22 December 2017. Retrieved 22 December 2017.
  22. ^ Amsangiam, Lerpong; Panyasuppakun, Kornrawee (27 October 2018). «The high cost of Muay Thai». The Nation. Retrieved 27 October 2018.
  23. ^ «Child boxer dies after fight». Bangkok Post. 13 November 2018. Retrieved 13 November 2018.
  24. ^ «Assoc. Prof. Plitapolkarnpim Adisak». ThaiScience (วิทยาศาสตร์ไทย). Archived from the original on 18 May 2017. Retrieved 26 January 2017.
  25. ^ «The worst type of child abuse – Doctors call on ban for underage boxing». The Thaiger. 8 November 2018. Retrieved 8 November 2018.
  26. ^ a b Gartland, Malik (2001). «Injury and injury rates in muay Thai kick boxing». Gale Group. 35 (5): 308–13. doi:10.1136/bjsm.35.5.308. PMC 1724381. PMID 11579062.
  27. ^ Cox, Rob (31 January 2019). «The fall of a fighter: corruption and gambling in Muay Thai». Asian MMA. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  28. ^ «Nai Khanom Tom: Father of Muay Thai». Archived from the original on 27 June 2020. Retrieved 9 July 2020.
  29. ^ «A celebration of all things muay Thai». Bangkok Post.
  30. ^ «Spain Pays Respect to Nai Kanom Tom». 20 February 2012. Retrieved 11 May 2013.
  31. ^ Gordon, Mclean (22 May 2013). «Muay Thai, Economic Realities, and Cultural Differences». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  32. ^ Darius, Moaz (1 September 2021). «Muay Thai Training Stories». Mua Thai Insights. Retrieved 9 September 2021.
  33. ^ Baker, Donnie (28 October 2012). «Muay Thai: Beyond The Ring: Top 3 Muay Thai Shin Conditioning Myths Debunked». Oldstylemuaythai.blogspot.co.uk. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  34. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (16 January 2015). «An American Sociologist Is Studying the Behavior of Muay Thai». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
  35. ^ Newhall, Lindsey (13 February 2015). «The World Muay Thai Angels: Marketing the Women Fighters of Thailand». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.
    Newhall, Lindsey (4 September 2014). «An American in Thailand: Muay Thai for the Rich». Vice. Retrieved 4 March 2015.

Further reading[edit]

  • Kraitus, Panya (1992), Muay Thai The Most Distinguished Art of Fighting, Phuket: Transit Press, ISBN 974-86841-9-9
  • Muay Thai The Essential Guide To The Art of Thai Boxing. Tony Moore. New Holland. ISBN 1 84330 596 8.
  • Boykin, Chad (2002), Muay Thai Kickboxing – The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning, Training and Fighting, Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, ISBN 1-58160-320-7
  • Prayukvong, Kat (2006), Muay Thai: A Living Legacy, Bangkok, Thailand: Spry Publishing Co., Ltd, ISBN 974-92937-0-3
  • Hartig, Bastian (4 December 2018). Thai boxing: The dangerous fight against poverty (Video). Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 6 December 2018.
  • Nusch, Florian (9 December 2017). Child Thai boxers: A fighting chance (Video). Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 6 December 2018.
  • Vail, P. T. (1998). «Modern «Muai Thai» Mythology». Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 12 (2): 75–95. JSTOR 40860679.
  • Wei, Lindsey (2020) Path of the Spiritual Warrior: Life and Teachings of Muay Thai Fighter Pedro Solana. Auckland: Purple Cloud Press, ISBN 979-8651807901

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