Как пишется тамара по английскому

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  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Тамара

  • 2

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Тамара

  • 3

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > Тамара

  • 4

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Тамара

  • 5
    Тамара, царица Грузинская

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Тамара, царица Грузинская

  • 6



    unfortunate has happened, then you can expect more trouble to follow (said when misfortunes come one after another): — troubles (misfortunes) never come singly
    it never rains but it pours
    when it rains, it pours.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-42

  • 7


    NP gen

    these forms only






    of some negative quality or phenomenon) to or of the highest degree

    of the first (highest) order

    of the first water
    of (in) the first degree


    (in limited contexts) of the worst type.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-29

  • 8

    как собака

    highly coll

    как +




    )) (in refer, to a person) extremely, to a very high degree

    X устал — = X is dog-tired (dog weary, dead tired)

    X голоден (проголодался) С-442 = X is hungry as a wolf (a bear)

    X is so hungry he could eat a horse

    X замёрз С-442 — X is frozen through

    X is chilled to the bone (to the marrow)

    X зол — = X is mad as hell (as the dickens, as the devil)

    X Is absolutely livid
    X is fuming (furious).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-442

  • 9
    пришла беда — отворяй ворота





    unfortunate has happened, then you can expect more trouble to follow (said when misfortunes come one after another):

    when it rains, it pours.

    ♦ Собрание вынесло рекомендацию освободить меня от обязанностей заведующего отделом… Тамара затеяла развод и раздел квартиры… Но пришла беда — открывай ворота. Не стало Ленки (Зиновьев 2). The Commission recommended that I should be relieved of the responsibilities of head of section….Tamara started divorce proceedings and demanded the division of our apartment…. But troubles never come singly. Lenka died (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пришла беда — отворяй ворота

  • 10
    пришла беда — открывай ворота





    unfortunate has happened, then you can expect more trouble to follow (said when misfortunes come one after another):

    when it rains, it pours.

    ♦ Собрание вынесло рекомендацию освободить меня от обязанностей заведующего отделом… Тамара затеяла развод и раздел квартиры… Но пришла беда — открывай ворота. Не стало Ленки (Зиновьев 2). The Commission recommended that I should be relieved of the responsibilities of head of section….Tamara started divorce proceedings and demanded the division of our apartment…. But troubles never come singly. Lenka died (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пришла беда — открывай ворота

  • 11
    пришла беда — растворяй ворота





    unfortunate has happened, then you can expect more trouble to follow (said when misfortunes come one after another):

    when it rains, it pours.

    ♦ Собрание вынесло рекомендацию освободить меня от обязанностей заведующего отделом… Тамара затеяла развод и раздел квартиры… Но пришла беда — открывай ворота. Не стало Ленки (Зиновьев 2). The Commission recommended that I should be relieved of the responsibilities of head of section….Tamara started divorce proceedings and demanded the division of our apartment…. But troubles never come singly. Lenka died (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пришла беда — растворяй ворота

  • 12
    пришла бела — растворяй ворота





    unfortunate has happened, then you can expect more trouble to follow (said when misfortunes come one after another):

    when it rains, it pours.

    ♦ Собрание вынесло рекомендацию освободить меня от обязанностей заведующего отделом… Тамара затеяла развод и раздел квартиры… Но пришла беда — открывай ворота. Не стало Ленки (Зиновьев 2). The Commission recommended that I should be relieved of the responsibilities of head of section….Tamara started divorce proceedings and demanded the division of our apartment…. But troubles never come singly. Lenka died (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пришла бела — растворяй ворота

  • 13
    высшей марки




    ; these forms only; nonagreeing


    ; fixed






    of some negative quality or phenomenon) to or of the highest degree:

    — [in limited contexts] of the worst type.

    ♦ Насчёт газеты. Прямо завтра с утра: позвонить куда нужно, написать, свезти, безобразие вопиющее, вредительство высшей марки… (Трифонов 1). As far as the newspaper sketch was concerned, he must start in right away, the next morning. He should write it up, make phone calls wherever necessary, and deliver it in person. It was a crying shame, sabotage of the highest order… (1a).

    ♦ [Тамара:] А Гришка подонок оказался первой марки… (Панова 1). [Т.:] And Grishka turned out to be a first-class rat… (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > высшей марки

  • 14
    первой марки




    ; these forms only; nonagreeing


    ; fixed






    of some negative quality or phenomenon) to or of the highest degree:

    — [in limited contexts] of the worst type.

    ♦ Насчёт газеты. Прямо завтра с утра: позвонить куда нужно, написать, свезти, безобразие вопиющее, вредительство высшей марки… (Трифонов 1). As far as the newspaper sketch was concerned, he must start in right away, the next morning. He should write it up, make phone calls wherever necessary, and deliver it in person. It was a crying shame, sabotage of the highest order… (1a).

    ♦ [Тамара:] А Гришка подонок оказался первой марки… (Панова 1). [Т.:] And Grishka turned out to be a first-class rat… (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > первой марки

  • 15
    как собака

    [ как +










    (in refer, to a person) extremely, to a very high degree:

    X устал как собака X is dog-tired (dog weary, dead tired);

    || X зол как собака X is mad as hell (as the dickens, as the devil);

    X is fuming (furious).

    ♦ Я пришла с работы усталая как собака. Мальчишки — ну, конечно! — играли в шахматы. Это какая-то мужская болезнь. Я сказала: «…Опять эти дурацкие шахматы. До каких пор?» (Грекова 1). I came home [from work] dog-tired. The boys, of course, were playing chess. Seems to be some kind of male disease. «…Again those stupid chess pieces! How long is this going to go on?» (1a).

    ♦ Он был голоден как собака — с утра ничего не ел (Абрамов 1)….He was as hungry as a wolf, having eaten nothing all day (1a).

    ♦ Было поздно. Метро уже не работало. И мы с Тамарой полчаса ловили такси… Тамара была злая как собака (Зиновьев 2). It was late and the metro was no longer running. It took Tamara and me half an hour to get a taxi….Tamara was absolutely livid (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как собака

  • 16
    изо всех сил

    1) do smth. with all one’s strength (might); strain every sinew; do one’s very best

    Санин проворно снял сюртук с лежавшего мальчика… и, вооружившись щёткой, начал изо всех сил тереть ему грудь и руки. (И. Тургенев, Вешние воды) — Sanin rapidly removed the coat from the recumbent boy and… arming himself with a brush, rubbed his chest and arms with all his might.

    Противник изо всех сил стремился не допустить выхода наших войск за реку, и поэтому переправы всё время подвергались ударам наземных войск и авиации противника. (А. Ерёменко, В начале войны) — The enemy was straining every sinew to prevent our troops from reaching the other bank. All our crossings were continuously harassed by ground attacks and ceaselessly bombed and strafed from the air.

    Я старалась, кажется, изо всех сил, но главной в доме, то есть в нашей двухкомнатной квартире, почему-то оказывалась уже не я, а Тамара. (П. Нилин, Впервые замужем) — You can see I did my very best but for some reason it was not I but Tamara, who was the boss at home, in our two-roomed flat.

    2) run for all one is worth; run as fast as one can; run hell for leather

    Нехлюдов бегал быстро, и ему хотелось не поддаться художнику, и он пустился изо всех сил. (Л. Толстой, Воскресение) — Being a good runner, Nekhludov did not want to yield to the artist. He started running for all he was worth.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > изо всех сил

  • 17
    на старости лет

    — Людей смешить на старости лет? Женихом побыть захотелось? А не будет ли стыдно перед собственными детьми? — допытывалась Тамара Евгеньевна. (А. Ким, Отец-лес) — ‘Do you want to make a fool of yourself in your old age? Do you want to become a bridegroom, Nikolai? Won’t you be ashamed before your own children?’ interrogated Tamara Yevgenievna.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на старости лет

  • 18
    покончить с жизнью

    put an end to one’s life; commit suicide

    Вячеслав еле сдержался, чтобы не сказать отцу, как собирался покончить с собой и как его спасла Тамара. (Н. Воронов, Лягушонок на асфальте) — Vyacheslav could hardly restrain his wish to tell his father how he was going to commit suicide and how Tamara saved him.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > покончить с жизнью

См. также в других словарях:

  • «Тамара» — «ТАМАРА», одна из последних баллад Л. (1841), возникшая на материале кавк. преданий и легенд. В центре стих. демонич. образ обольстительницы, любовь к рой влечет за собой смерть (в отличие от «Демона», «Морской царевны» и др., где герой несет… …   Лермонтовская энциклопедия

  • Тамара — ы, жен.Производные: Тамарка; Тама; Тамуся; Тома; Томуля; Томуня; Томуся; Муся; Тата; Татуся; Туся; Мара.Происхождение: (Др. евр. имя Tamar финиковая пальма.)Именины: 14 мая Словарь личных имён. ТАМАРА Смоковница, финиковая пальма. Тат …   Словарь личных имен

  • тамара — финикийская пальма; Тамарка, Тама, Тамуся, Тома, Томуля, Томуня, Томуся, Муся, Тата, Татуся, Туся, Мара Словарь русских синонимов. тамара сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • астероид (579) • …   Словарь синонимов

  • ТАМАРА — (Тамар) (около середины 60 х гг. 12 в. 1207), царица Грузии в 1184 1207. Ее правление связано с расцветом грузинского государства. Образ Тамары овеян поэтическим ореолом и народным почитанием. Ей посвящена поэма Ш. Руставели Витязь в тигровой… …   Современная энциклопедия

  • ТАМАРА — (Тамар) (ок. сер. 60 х гг. 12 в. 1207) царица Грузии (1184 1207). В ее царствование Грузия добилась больших военно политических успехов. Ей посвящена поэма Ш. Руставели Витязь в тигровой шкуре …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • Тамара — знаменитая грузинская царица (1184 1213), с именем которой связан один из лучших периодов в жизни Грузии. Она происходила из династии Багратидов и была единственной дочерью Георгия III и красавицы Бурдухан, сравниваемой летописцем с Пенелопой.… …   Биографический словарь

  • Тамара — (Фадмор) город в пустыне (3Цар 9:18; Иез 47:19; 48:28). Судя по упоминаниям в Книге пр. Иезекииля, он находился на юго вост. краю земли обетованной и предположит. тождествен Хацацон Фамару в Быт 14:7. Вероятно, это совр. Айн эль Арус (новоевр.… …   Библейская энциклопедия Брокгауза

  • ТАМАРА — героиня «восточной повести» М.ЮЛермонтова «Демон (1829 1841). Самое сокровенное творение Лермонтова, «Демон» в сущности является опытом самопознания поэта, а условные герои и ситуации произведения способом непосредственного переживания… …   Литературные герои

  • Тамара — знаменитая грузинская царица, (1184 1213), с именем которойсвязан один из лучших периодов в жизни Грузии. Она происходила издинастии Багратидов и была единственной дочерью Георгия III и красавицыБурдухан, сравниваемой летописцем с Пенелопой.… …   Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

  • ТАМАРА F1 — см. Рекомендуется для выращивания в однолетней культуре из семян. Среднеранний. Период от полных всходов до массового полегания листьев 98 133 дня. Луковица округлая, массой 52 90 г. Сухие чешуи прочные, коричнево охряной окраски, прилегание их к …   Энциклопедия семян. Овощные культуры

  • Тамара — (Тамар) (около середины 60 х гг. 12 в. 1207), царица Грузии в 1184 1207. Ее правление связано с расцветом грузинского государства. Образ Тамары овеян поэтическим ореолом и народным почитанием. Ей посвящена поэма Ш. Руставели “Витязь в тигровой… …   Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь


Gender Female
Word/name Arabic/Hebrew
Meaning «date» (the fruit), «date palm», «palm tree»
Other names
Related names Tammy, Tamy, Tami, Tammii, Tam

Tamara is a female given name most commonly derived from the Biblical name «Tamar» and in the Arabic from the singular form «Tamra» (Arabic: تَمْرَة tamrah) and the plural form «Tamar» (Arabic: تَمْر tamr), meaning in both Hebrew and Arabic the generic name of the fruit «date», «date palm» or «palm tree».

In central and eastern European countries like Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine it has been a common name for centuries. In Australia it was very popular from the 1960s to 1990s. One of the most popular names in Russia.

In the United States, the name was fairly common from the late 1950s to mid 1990s, bolstered by the popularity of the film Tammy and the Bachelor and its theme song (Tammy is commonly a nickname for Tamara). In the US the most girls named Tamara were born in 1970 and the number of Tamaras born per year was greater than 1,000 as late as 1996.[1]

The name is now fairly uncommon in the US: in 2010, the name fell off the Top 1000 SSA Baby Names list, with fewer than 250 baby girls named Tamara that year.[2]


Variations include Tamar, Temara, Tamra, Tamera, and Tamora. In North America Tamara is typically pronounced ; in the United Kingdom and Australia it is sometimes pronounced as ; and in Russia /tɐˈmarə/ (written Тама́ра). In Arabic it is pronounced /tæˈmæːrɐ/ (written تمارا or تمارة). The most common US nickname for Tamara is Tammy or Tam, but other nicknames exist, such as Tatia (თათია) Tamar (თამარ) Tamuna (თამუნა), Tamari (თამარი), Tamriko (თამრიკო) or Tako (თაკო) in Georgia, Toma in Russia, Mara, Tama or Tara.

One notable occurrence of the name ‘Tamora’ in literature is a character in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. In this play, Tamora is an ambitious and vengeful woman. Her sons plan to rape the daughter of Titus Andronicus and Tamora refuses the girl’s pleas to stop them. Titus, in revenge for the brutal rape and disfigurement of his daughter, kills the young men, has them baked into a pie, and serves the pie to Tamora. Titus tells her that she has just eaten her sons immediately before killing her.

The term ‘tamarro’ entered Italian through the Neapolitan dialect, meaning «lowlife», «scumbag», with a specific bent to people who have a very strong tendency to copy the general mode, have uncultured behaviour and tend to buy and flaunt expensive branded goods.[3]

Notable people[edit]

  • Tamara Adrián, Venezuelan politician
  • Tamara Al-Gabbani, Middle Eastern fashion designer
  • Tamara Bleszynski, Indonesian actress, singer, and model
  • Tamara Braun, American soap opera actress
  • Tamara Buciuceanu, Romanian actress
  • Tamara Bunke, better known as Tania the Guerrilla, a communist revolutionary
  • Tamara Danz, German rock singer
  • Tamara Degtyaryova (Russian: Тамара Васильевна Дегтярёва; 1944 – 2018), Russian stage, television and film actress
  • Tamara Dobson, African-American actress and model
  • Tamara Drasin, Ukrainian-born singer-actress
  • Tamara Duisenova, Kazakh politician
  • Tamara Ecclestone, English-Serbian socialite, television personality and model
  • Tamara Feldman, American actress
  • Tamara Frolova, Russian politician
  • Tamara Georgijev, Serbian handball player
  • Tamara Gorski, Canadian actor
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Georgian-Russian singer, actress and composer, People’s Artist of Ingushetia, Georgia and Russia.
  • Kera Tamara, known as Tamara Hejtan, Bulgarian princess, the daughter of the Bulgarian Emperor Ivan Alexander
  • Tamara Jaber, Lebanese-Australian singer and songwriter
  • Tamara Johnson, American indoor volleyball player
  • Tamara Jones, singer and actress
  • Tamara Karsavina, Russian ballerina
  • Tamara Maria Kler or Tamara Hunkeler, Swiss DJ known by her stage name Dinka
  • Tamara Larrea, Cuban beach volleyball player
  • Tamara de Lempicka, Polish art deco painter
  • Tamara Levitt, Canadian author, mindfulness instructor, and voice-over artist
  • Tamara Makarova, Russian-Soviet actress
  • Tamara Marthe, known as Shy’m, French singer
  • Tamara McKinney, American skier
  • Tamara Mello, American actress
  • Tamara Mellon, president and founder of designer shoes company Jimmy Choo
  • Tammy Faye Messner, American televangelist and reality TV star
  • Tamara Metal, Israeli Olympic high jumper and long jumper, and captain of the Israel women’s national basketball team
  • Tamara Mkheidze, Georgian arachnologist
  • Tamara Moskvina, Russian pairs figure skating coach
  • Tamara Moss, Indian model
  • Tamara Gräfin von Nayhauß, German television presenter
  • Tamara Pamyatnykh, Soviet fighter pilot during the Second World War
  • Tamara Radočaj (born 1987), Serbian basketball player
  • Tamara Rojo (born 1974), Spanish ballet dancer, artistic director of English National Ballet
  • Tamara Salman, Iraqi-born designer
  • Tamara Samsonova, Russian murderer and suspected serial killer
  • Tamara Macarena Valcárcel Serrano (born 1984), Spanish singer known as Tamara
  • Tamara Sher, American psychologist
  • Tamara Sky, DJ and model
  • Tamara Sinyavskaya, Russian mezzo-soprano
  • Tamara Smart (born 2005), English actress
  • Tamara Sujú, Venezuelan activist
  • Tamara Taylor, Canadian actress
  • Tamara Todevska, Macedonian pop singer
  • Tamara Toumanova, Georgian-Armenian ballerina and actress, active in Paris and Hollywood
  • Tamara Tunie, American actress
  • Tamara Venit-Shelton, American author and professor of American history
  • Tamara Diane Wimer, known as Isis Gee, American singer
  • Tamara Witmer, American actress and model

See also[edit]

  • Tamsin (disambiguation)
  • Tara (disambiguation)
  • Palmyra
  • Tamara (disambiguation)


  1. ^ «Girl Name Tamara — Trends, Comments and Popularity of Tamara».
  2. ^ «Popular Baby Names».
  3. ^ https://unaparolaalgiorno.it/significato/tamarro https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/ricerca/tamarro/

Gender Female
Word/name Arabic/Hebrew
Meaning «date» (the fruit), «date palm», «palm tree»
Other names
Related names Tammy, Tamy, Tami, Tammii, Tam

Tamara is a female given name most commonly derived from the Biblical name «Tamar» and in the Arabic from the singular form «Tamra» (Arabic: تَمْرَة tamrah) and the plural form «Tamar» (Arabic: تَمْر tamr), meaning in both Hebrew and Arabic the generic name of the fruit «date», «date palm» or «palm tree».

In central and eastern European countries like Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine it has been a common name for centuries. In Australia it was very popular from the 1960s to 1990s. One of the most popular names in Russia.

In the United States, the name was fairly common from the late 1950s to mid 1990s, bolstered by the popularity of the film Tammy and the Bachelor and its theme song (Tammy is commonly a nickname for Tamara). In the US the most girls named Tamara were born in 1970 and the number of Tamaras born per year was greater than 1,000 as late as 1996.[1]

The name is now fairly uncommon in the US: in 2010, the name fell off the Top 1000 SSA Baby Names list, with fewer than 250 baby girls named Tamara that year.[2]


Variations include Tamar, Temara, Tamra, Tamera, and Tamora. In North America Tamara is typically pronounced ; in the United Kingdom and Australia it is sometimes pronounced as ; and in Russia /tɐˈmarə/ (written Тама́ра). In Arabic it is pronounced /tæˈmæːrɐ/ (written تمارا or تمارة). The most common US nickname for Tamara is Tammy or Tam, but other nicknames exist, such as Tatia (თათია) Tamar (თამარ) Tamuna (თამუნა), Tamari (თამარი), Tamriko (თამრიკო) or Tako (თაკო) in Georgia, Toma in Russia, Mara, Tama or Tara.

One notable occurrence of the name ‘Tamora’ in literature is a character in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. In this play, Tamora is an ambitious and vengeful woman. Her sons plan to rape the daughter of Titus Andronicus and Tamora refuses the girl’s pleas to stop them. Titus, in revenge for the brutal rape and disfigurement of his daughter, kills the young men, has them baked into a pie, and serves the pie to Tamora. Titus tells her that she has just eaten her sons immediately before killing her.

The term ‘tamarro’ entered Italian through the Neapolitan dialect, meaning «lowlife», «scumbag», with a specific bent to people who have a very strong tendency to copy the general mode, have uncultured behaviour and tend to buy and flaunt expensive branded goods.[3]

Notable people[edit]

  • Tamara Adrián, Venezuelan politician
  • Tamara Al-Gabbani, Middle Eastern fashion designer
  • Tamara Bleszynski, Indonesian actress, singer, and model
  • Tamara Braun, American soap opera actress
  • Tamara Buciuceanu, Romanian actress
  • Tamara Bunke, better known as Tania the Guerrilla, a communist revolutionary
  • Tamara Danz, German rock singer
  • Tamara Degtyaryova (Russian: Тамара Васильевна Дегтярёва; 1944 – 2018), Russian stage, television and film actress
  • Tamara Dobson, African-American actress and model
  • Tamara Drasin, Ukrainian-born singer-actress
  • Tamara Duisenova, Kazakh politician
  • Tamara Ecclestone, English-Serbian socialite, television personality and model
  • Tamara Feldman, American actress
  • Tamara Frolova, Russian politician
  • Tamara Georgijev, Serbian handball player
  • Tamara Gorski, Canadian actor
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Georgian-Russian singer, actress and composer, People’s Artist of Ingushetia, Georgia and Russia.
  • Kera Tamara, known as Tamara Hejtan, Bulgarian princess, the daughter of the Bulgarian Emperor Ivan Alexander
  • Tamara Jaber, Lebanese-Australian singer and songwriter
  • Tamara Johnson, American indoor volleyball player
  • Tamara Jones, singer and actress
  • Tamara Karsavina, Russian ballerina
  • Tamara Maria Kler or Tamara Hunkeler, Swiss DJ known by her stage name Dinka
  • Tamara Larrea, Cuban beach volleyball player
  • Tamara de Lempicka, Polish art deco painter
  • Tamara Levitt, Canadian author, mindfulness instructor, and voice-over artist
  • Tamara Makarova, Russian-Soviet actress
  • Tamara Marthe, known as Shy’m, French singer
  • Tamara McKinney, American skier
  • Tamara Mello, American actress
  • Tamara Mellon, president and founder of designer shoes company Jimmy Choo
  • Tammy Faye Messner, American televangelist and reality TV star
  • Tamara Metal, Israeli Olympic high jumper and long jumper, and captain of the Israel women’s national basketball team
  • Tamara Mkheidze, Georgian arachnologist
  • Tamara Moskvina, Russian pairs figure skating coach
  • Tamara Moss, Indian model
  • Tamara Gräfin von Nayhauß, German television presenter
  • Tamara Pamyatnykh, Soviet fighter pilot during the Second World War
  • Tamara Radočaj (born 1987), Serbian basketball player
  • Tamara Rojo (born 1974), Spanish ballet dancer, artistic director of English National Ballet
  • Tamara Salman, Iraqi-born designer
  • Tamara Samsonova, Russian murderer and suspected serial killer
  • Tamara Macarena Valcárcel Serrano (born 1984), Spanish singer known as Tamara
  • Tamara Sher, American psychologist
  • Tamara Sky, DJ and model
  • Tamara Sinyavskaya, Russian mezzo-soprano
  • Tamara Smart (born 2005), English actress
  • Tamara Sujú, Venezuelan activist
  • Tamara Taylor, Canadian actress
  • Tamara Todevska, Macedonian pop singer
  • Tamara Toumanova, Georgian-Armenian ballerina and actress, active in Paris and Hollywood
  • Tamara Tunie, American actress
  • Tamara Venit-Shelton, American author and professor of American history
  • Tamara Diane Wimer, known as Isis Gee, American singer
  • Tamara Witmer, American actress and model

See also[edit]

  • Tamsin (disambiguation)
  • Tara (disambiguation)
  • Palmyra
  • Tamara (disambiguation)


  1. ^ «Girl Name Tamara — Trends, Comments and Popularity of Tamara».
  2. ^ «Popular Baby Names».
  3. ^ https://unaparolaalgiorno.it/significato/tamarro https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/ricerca/tamarro/


Как пишется имя Тамара по-английски и в латинском варианте?

3 ответа:



Здесь все очень просто: Tamara. Есть еще английский вариант — Tamarah.



На английском языке имя Тамара пишется как Tamara, иногда встречается вариант написания с буквой h на конце — Tamarah (на призношение не влияет), при этом имя является одним из популярнейших имён в большинстве англоговорящих стран. Для загранпаспота и для банковских карточек в России имя Тамара пишется так: Tamara.



Это библейское ветхозаветное имя, которое в старых переводах Библии писалось по-русски через фиту, которой соответствует английское Th. Фамарь. Тамар в современном Израиле. Значение — финиковая пальма. С русского Tamara. Не с русского Thamar, наверное.

Читайте также

Ангела Меркель- это известная политик-женщина, которая занимает пост Федерального канцлера Германии. Ничего сложного в написании ее имени и фамилии нет. Ее имя пишется одинаково и на английском языке, и на латинице.

Пишется так: Angela Merkel. Полное имя- Angela Dorothea Merkel.

Имя Ариадна — довольно редкое, но в тоже время очень красивое имя. Оно имеет греческие корни. И в переводе означает «чистая», «непорочная, «священная». Правильное написание в соответствии со стандартами ISO 9 — ARIADNA, т.е. например для загранпаспорта можете смело испольщовать такой формат.

имя Лионелла по-английски? -Смотрите ниже на английском сайте, посвященном значению и происхождению имен:

First name Lionella — [NamepediA [http://www.namepedia.org/en/firstname/lionella/_green]


Name meaning for Lionella with description, pronunciation for Lionella and origin of the given name. … Scottish Gaelic, English, Italian.

[1]: NamepediA [http://www.namepedia.org/en/firstname/lionella/_green] www.namepedia.org/en/firstname/Lionella/

Имя Алевтина пишется и транслитом, и по-английски «ALEVTINA».

Есть две версии происхождения этого имени. Согласно первой имя Алевтина славянское, вариация русского имени Валентина. По другой же версии Алевтина походит от греческого мужского имени Алет и переводится как «натирающаяся благовониями» либо «чуждая дурного».

Так или иначе имя это православное, и все Алевтины празднуют именины 29 июля.

Очень интересное и любопытное имя.

Говорят, оно очень древнее, еврейское, дохристианское. (Ная может быть — от Ноя).

Но вот беда, сами евреи не знают такого имени. Нет в списках.

Наама, Наоми, Нехама, есть а Наины нет.


Скорее всего, следует сказать спасибо товарищу Пушкину А.С. за это имя, ставшее известным с его руки.

Он большой любитель был на разного рода выдумок с таинственно-магическими, астрально-философскими и сказочно-волшебными именами.

Скорее всего это буквосочетание — сплав букв, идеально подходящих для рифмы в «Руслан и Людмила».

Имя очень-очень редкое и сегодня.

Полное тайн и многогранности.

Означает НЕВИННАЯ.(по «древнееврейским» определениям)

Только вдумайтесь в значение этого слова!

Наверное, нужно быть или очень смелым или великим философом или предсказателем, что бы ребенку дать такое имя, несущее колоссальный код и оберегающую программу.

Это почти невероятно, мистически и очень глубоко в жизненном аспекте.

И самое удивительное — имя Наина не отмечает именины — нет такой святой.

А почему?

Это очень редкий случай в истории имен.

Naina — так точно можно написать в загранпаспорте.

тамара — перевод на английский

Что, Тамара?

What’s up, Tamara?

Мадам Тамара ждет вас в музыкальном салоне.

Madame Tamara is waiting for you in the music lounge.

В самом деле, Тамара Павловна собирается забрать… 20 лет как мы ненавидим друг друга.

Now really, Tamara Pavlovna tries to slip by unnoticed… We’ve been detesting each other for 20 years.

Это мистер и миссис Кузеновы и их дочь Тамара

This is Mr. And Mrs. Kusenov and their daughter, Tamara.

Показать ещё примеры для «tamara»…

Вы нарушили ритуал смерти Тамара, поэтому я вынужден попросить вас удалиться.

Now you’ve disrupted Tamar’s death. I’ll going to have to ask you to leave.

Показать ещё примеры для «tamar»…

Тамара, один день?

Tamra, one day?

Я не белая, Тамара.

I’m obviously not white, Tamra.

Тамара, пошлешь миссис ДиПаула по почте копию ее УЗИ?

Tamra, can you email Mrs. DiPaola a copy of her ultrasound?

Тамара, ты меня слышишь?

Tamra, can you hear me? — Hmm?

Тамара и я целовались чувственным образом.

Tamra and I were kissing in a sensual manner.

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Tamara is a female given name most commonly derived from the Biblical name «Tamar» and in the Arabic from the singular form «Tamra» (Arabic: تَمْرَة tamrah) and the plural form «Tamar» (Arabic: تَمْر tamr), meaning in both Hebrew and Arabic the generic name of the fruit «date», «date palm» or «palm tree».


Gender Female
Word/name Arabic/Hebrew
Meaning «date» (the fruit), «date palm», «palm tree»
Other names
Related names Tammy, Tamy, Tami, Tammii, Tam

In central and eastern European countries like Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine it has been a common name for centuries. In Australia it was very popular from the 1960s to 1990s. One of the most popular names in Russia.

In the United States, the name was fairly common from the late 1950s to mid 1990s, bolstered by the popularity of the film Tammy and the Bachelor and its theme song (Tammy is commonly a nickname for Tamara). In the US the most girls named Tamara were born in 1970 and the number of Tamaras born per year was greater than 1,000 as late as 1996.[1]

The name is now fairly uncommon in the US: in 2010, the name fell off the Top 1000 SSA Baby Names list, with fewer than 250 baby girls named Tamara that year.[2]


Variations include Tamar, Temara, Tamra, Tamera, and Tamora. In North America Tamara is typically pronounced ; in the United Kingdom and Australia it is sometimes pronounced as ; and in Russia /tɐˈmarə/ (written Тама́ра). In Arabic it is pronounced /tæˈmæːrɐ/ (written تمارا or تمارة). The most common US nickname for Tamara is Tammy or Tam, but other nicknames exist, such as Tatia (თათია) Tamar (თამარ) Tamuna (თამუნა), Tamari (თამარი), Tamriko (თამრიკო) or Tako (თაკო) in Georgia, Toma in Russia, Mara, Tama or Tara.

One notable occurrence of the name ‘Tamora’ in literature is a character in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. In this play, Tamora is an ambitious and vengeful woman. Her sons plan to rape the daughter of Titus Andronicus and Tamora refuses the girl’s pleas to stop them. Titus, in revenge for the brutal rape and disfigurement of his daughter, kills the young men, has them baked into a pie, and serves the pie to Tamora. Titus tells her that she has just eaten her sons immediately before killing her.

The term ‘tamarro’ entered Italian through the Neapolitan dialect, meaning «lowlife», «scumbag», with a specific bent to people who have a very strong tendency to copy the general mode, have uncultured behaviour and tend to buy and flaunt expensive branded goods.[3]

Notable peopleEdit

  • Tamara Adrián, Venezuelan politician
  • Tamara Al-Gabbani, Middle Eastern fashion designer
  • Tamara Bleszynski, Indonesian actress, singer, and model
  • Tamara Braun, American soap opera actress
  • Tamara Buciuceanu, Romanian actress
  • Tamara Bunke, better known as Tania the Guerrilla, a communist revolutionary
  • Tamara Danz, German rock singer
  • Tamara Degtyaryova (Russian: Тамара Васильевна Дегтярёва; 1944 – 2018), Russian stage, television and film actress
  • Tamara Dobson, African-American actress and model
  • Tamara Drasin, Ukrainian-born singer-actress
  • Tamara Duisenova, Kazakh politician
  • Tamara Ecclestone, English-Serbian socialite, television personality and model
  • Tamara Feldman, American actress
  • Tamara Frolova, Russian politician
  • Tamara Georgijev, Serbian handball player
  • Tamara Gorski, Canadian actor
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Georgian-Russian singer, actress and composer, People’s Artist of Ingushetia, Georgia and Russia.
  • Kera Tamara, known as Tamara Hejtan, Bulgarian princess, the daughter of the Bulgarian Emperor Ivan Alexander
  • Tamara Jaber, Lebanese-Australian singer and songwriter
  • Tamara Johnson, American indoor volleyball player
  • Tamara Jones, singer and actress
  • Tamara Karsavina, Russian ballerina
  • Tamara Maria Kler or Tamara Hunkeler, Swiss DJ known by her stage name Dinka
  • Tamara Larrea, Cuban beach volleyball player
  • Tamara de Lempicka, Polish art deco painter
  • Tamara Levitt, Canadian author, mindfulness instructor, and voice-over artist
  • Tamara Makarova, Russian-Soviet actress
  • Tamara Marthe, known as Shy’m, French singer
  • Tamara McKinney, American skier
  • Tamara Mello, American actress
  • Tamara Mellon, president and founder of designer shoes company Jimmy Choo
  • Tammy Faye Messner, American televangelist and reality TV star
  • Tamara Metal, Israeli Olympic high jumper and long jumper, and captain of the Israel women’s national basketball team
  • Tamara Mkheidze, Georgian arachnologist
  • Tamara Moskvina, Russian pairs figure skating coach
  • Tamara Moss, Indian model
  • Tamara Gräfin von Nayhauß, German television presenter
  • Tamara Pamyatnykh, Soviet fighter pilot during the Second World War
  • Tamara Radočaj (born 1987), Serbian basketball player
  • Tamara Rojo (born 1974), Spanish ballet dancer, artistic director of English National Ballet
  • Tamara Salman, Iraqi-born designer
  • Tamara Samsonova, Russian murderer and suspected serial killer
  • Tamara Macarena Valcárcel Serrano (born 1984), Spanish singer known as Tamara
  • Tamara Sher, American psychologist
  • Tamara Sky, DJ and model
  • Tamara Sinyavskaya, Russian mezzo-soprano
  • Tamara Smart (born 2005), English actress
  • Tamara Sujú, Venezuelan activist
  • Tamara Taylor, Canadian actress
  • Tamara Todevska, Macedonian pop singer
  • Tamara Toumanova, Georgian-Armenian ballerina and actress, active in Paris and Hollywood
  • Tamara Tunie, American actress
  • Tamara Venit-Shelton, American author and professor of American history
  • Tamara Diane Wimer, known as Isis Gee, American singer
  • Tamara Witmer, American actress and model

See alsoEdit

  • Tamsin (disambiguation)
  • Tara (disambiguation)
  • Palmyra
  • Tamara (disambiguation)


  1. ^ «Girl Name Tamara — Trends, Comments and Popularity of Tamara».
  2. ^ «Popular Baby Names».
  3. ^ https://unaparolaalgiorno.it/significato/tamarro https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/ricerca/tamarro/

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