виктор — перевод на английский
Виктор Янсон
Victor Janson
Виктор Орлов
Victor Orlov
Виктор Орлов — Аспирант института
Victor Orlov— a post-graduate student at the Institute
«Это рай» . Это Виктор Гюго, он украл эти слова.
«Heaven itself.» That’s victor Hugo.
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Виктор Лутце, СА Обергруппенфюрер и Начальник Штаба Штурмовых Отрядов (SA
Viktor Lutz, SA Obergruppenführer and Chief of Staff of the Storm Troopers (SA
Виктор Лутце, Начальник Штаба СА и Ночного Шествия СА(Штурмовиков)
Viktor Lutze, S. A. Chief of Staff at SA Night Rally
Генрих Гиммлер, Рейхсфюрер-СС и Глава Германской Полиции, Гитлер, и Виктор Лутце, Начштаба-СА
Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police, Hitler, and Viktor Lutze, Stabchef-SA
Виктор Лутце, Начальник Штаба Штурмовиков(СА)
Viktor Lutze, Storm Troopers (SA) Chief of Staff
Начальник штаба СА Виктор Лутце
SA Stabchef (SA-Chief of Staff) Viktor Lutze
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Виктор Васнецов
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Виктор Гюго
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Виктор Дамасский
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Виктор Ерофеев
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виктор Ерофеев
Виктор Ипполитович
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виктор Ипполитович
Виктор Марсельский
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виктор Марсельский
Виктор Никомидийский
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виктор Никомидийский
Виктор, епископ Глазовский
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виктор, епископ Глазовский
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > виктор-металл
Русско-английский географический словарь > Виктор-Харбор
Виктор из Виты
Victor of [de] Vita, Vitensis, Bp. of Vita
Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Виктор из Виты
Виктор Марсельский
St. Victor of Marseilles, M.
Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Виктор Марсельский
они остановились на имени Виктор
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > они остановились на имени Виктор
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См. также в других словарях:
Виктор — 1) а, муж.Отч.: Викторович, Викторовна; разг. Викторыч.Производные: Викторка; Тора; Викта; Виктуся; Витя (Вита); Витюля (Витуля); Витюня (Витуня); Витюся (Витуся); Витюха; Витюша (Витуша); Витяня (Витаня); Витяся (Витася); Витяха (Витаха); Витяша … Словарь личных имен
Виктор II — лат. Victor PP. II … Википедия
Виктор I — (лат. Victor) (? 199) епископ Рима с 189 по 199. Родился в Северной Африке, служил архидьяконом. После избрания активно участвовал в споре о времени празднования Пасхи. В 196 созвал в Риме собор, на котором был закреплен западный обычай… … Википедия
Виктор I — Виктор I (лат. Victor) (? 199) епископ Рима с 189 по 199. Родился в Северной Африке, служил архидьяконом. После избрания активно участвовал в споре о времени празднования Пасхи. В 196 созвал в Риме собор, на котором был закреплен западный обычай… … Википедия
Виктор — I. Виктор, Victor, из Виты, ум. после 484 г. н. э., латинский христианский писатель, историк. Был священником в Карфагене, где провел большую часть своей жизни под властью царей вандалов Гензерика и Гуннерика. Один из первых религиозных писателей … Античные писатели
ВИКТОР II — Виктор II, папа Римский. Раскрашенная гравюра (Shedel H. Liber chronicarum. 1493) (РГБ) Виктор II, папа Римский. Раскрашенная гравюра (Shedel H. Liber chronicarum. 1493) (РГБ) (ок. 1020, Германия 28.07.1057, Ареццо, Италия; мирское имя Гебхард,… … Православная энциклопедия
виктор — победитель; Викторка, Тора, Викта, Виктуся, Витя, Витюля, Витюня, Витюся, Витюха, Витюша, Витяня, Витяся, Витяха, Витяша, Витёша, Виша, Вишута, Вика Словарь русских синонимов. виктор сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • витя (2) • … Словарь синонимов
Виктор — Виктор Перрен (Victor Perrin) Клод (7.12.1764, Ла Марш, Вогезы, 1.3.1841, Париж), маршал Франции (1807), герцог Беллунский (1808), пэр Франции (1815). С 1781 служил солдатом в артиллерии. Отличился при осаде Тулона (1793) во время… … Большая советская энциклопедия
ВИКТОР — (лат., от vincere побеждать). Мужское имя: победитель. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
виктор — Victor. Модное мужское имя под влиянием французского. Во фр. уличном argot по этому способу строятся все сокращения имен: Totor вместо Victor, Nana вместо Анна, Nenette вместо Anette. Лихачев Черты первобытного примитивизма воровской речи. // Л.… … Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка
Виктор — У слова «Виктор» есть и другие значения: см. Виктор (значения). Виктор латинское Род: муж. Этимологическое значение: «победитель» Отчество: Викторович Викторовна Женское парное имя: Виктория … Википедия
Victor is both a given name and a surname. It is Latin in origin meaning winner or conqueror.
Although not directly associated with a Biblical name, Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christ’s victory over sin and death.
- Albanian: Viktor
- Amharic: አሸናፊ
- Arabic:
- Direct derivation: ڤيكتور Vīktūr
- Equivalent meaning: ظافر Ẓāfir (literally «victor, conqueror»); منصور Manṣūr, منتصر Muntaṣir (both meaning «given victory»); فواز Fawwāz («winner»)
- Armenian: Վիկտոր (Viktor); Վիգէն (Viken, Vigen)[citation needed]
- Asturian: Vítor
- Basque: Bittor
- Belarusian: Віктар (Viktar)
- Bulgarian: Виктор (Viktor)
- Catalan: Víctor
- Chinese: 维克托, Wéikètuō
- Czech: Viktor
- Danish: Viktor, Victor
- Dutch: Viktor, Victor
- English: Victor, Vic
- Estonian: Viktor
- Filipino: Biktor
- Finnish: Vihtori, Viktor
- French: Victor (Victoire)
- Galician: Vítor
- German: Viktor, Victor
- Greek: Βίκτωρας (Viktoras)
- Gujarati: વિક્ટર (Vikṭara)
- Hausa: Mainasara
- Hawai’ian: Wikoli
- Hebrew: ויקטור (Viktor), אביגדור (Avigdor)
- Hindi: विजेता, Vijētā, Abhijeet
- Hungarian: Viktor, Győző
- Ibibio: Àkàn
- Igbo: Ùgò
- Irish: Buadhach
- Italian: Vittorio, Vittore, Vittorino, Rino
- Japanese: ビクター (Bikutā)
- Kannada: ಜಯಶಾಲಿ, Jayaśāli
- Kinyarwanda: Mutsinzi
- Korean: 빅토르 (Biktoreu), 빅터 (Bikteo)
- Late Roman: Victorinus, Victorius
- Latvian: Viktors
- Lithuanian: Viktoras
- Macedonian: Виктор (Viktor)
- Marathi: विजेता (Vijētā)
- Mongolian: Виктор (Viktor)
- Nepali: विक्टर (Vikṭara)
- Norwegian: Viktor
- Persian: Pirooz
- Polish: Wiktor
- Portuguese: Vítor, Victor
- Romanian: Victor
- Russian: Ви́ктор (Victor, Viktor)
- Serbian: Виктор (Viktor)
- Slovak: Viktor
- Somali: Guled
- Spanish: Víctor, Victorio, Victoriano, Victorino
- Swedish: Victor, Viktor
- Tamil: வஞ்சி (Vañci)
- Telugu: విక్టర్ (Vikṭar)
- Turkish: Galip, Muzaffer, Utku, Zafer
- Ukrainian: Віктор (Viktor)
- Uzbek: G’olib, Muzaffar, Viktor
- Vietnamese: Victor
- Welsh: Gwythyr
- Yiddish: וויקטאָר (Viktor)
- Yoruba: Segun
People with the given name and mononymEdit
- Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy (1587–1637)
- Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia (1666–1732)
- Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia (1726–1796)
- Victor de Broglie (1756–1794), French soldier and politician, son of the 2nd duc de Broglie
- Victor de Broglie (1785–1870), 3rd duc de Broglie, French statesman and diplomat
- Victor de Broglie (1846–1906), 5th duc de Broglie, French politician and diplomat
- Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia (1759–1824), Duke of Savoy and King of Sardinia
- Victor Emmanuel II of Italy (1820–1878), King of Sardinia
- Victor Emmanuel III of Italy (1869–1947), King of Italy
- Pope Victor I (died 199), also a saint
- Pope Victor II (c. 1018–1057)
- Pope Victor III (c. 1026–1087)
- Antipope Victor IV (1138)
- Antipope Victor IV (1159–1164)
- Victor of Marseilles (died c. 290), a saint
- Victor Maurus (died c. 303), Victor the Moor or Victor of Milan, a saint
- Viktor of Xanten (died 4th century), a saint
- Victor I (bishop of Chur) (fl. 7th century)
- Victor II (bishop of Chur) (fl. 8th century)
- Victor III (bishop of Chur) (died in or before 836)
- Victor Babeş (1854–1926), Romanian biologist
- Victor Dzau (born 1945), Chinese-American doctor and academic
- Viktor Frankl (1905–1997), Austrian psychiatrist
- Victor Ginzburg (born 1957), Russian-American mathematician
- Victor Goldschmidt (1888–1947), Norwegian mineralogist
- Victor Gunnarsson (1953–1993), Swedish teacher who once prosecuted for the assassination of its prime minister
- Viktor Kokochashvili (1904-1986), Georgian chemist
- Victor Loche (1806–1863), French zoologist
- Victor Ninov (born 1959), Bulgarian physicist
- Victor Ricciardi, American professor of business and author
- Victor Skumin (born 1948), Russian psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist
- Victor Slăvescu (1891–1977), Romanian economist
- Victor Vâlcovici (1885–1970), Romanian mechanician and mathematician
Arts and entertainmentEdit
- Victor Ambrus (1935–2021), Hungarian-born British illustrator
- Victor Anastasi (1913–1992), Maltese designer and draughtsman
- Victor Borge (1909–2000), Danish-born American musician and comedian
- Victor Buono (1938–1982), American actor
- Victor Assis Brasil (1945–1981), Brazilian jazz saxophonist
- Viktor Đerek (born 2000), Croatian photographer
- Victor Fonfreide (1872–1934), French painter
- Victor French (1934–1989), American actor
- Victor Garber (born 1949), Canadian actor
- Victor Hugo (1802–1885), French writer
- Victor Honoré Janssens (1658–1736), Flemish painter
- Víctor Jara (1932–1973), Chilean musician
- Victor J. Kemper (born 1927), American cinematographer
- Victor Martinez (author) (1954–2011), Mexican American poet and author
- Victor Mature (1913–1999), American actor
- Victor McLaglen (1886–1959), British actor
- Victor Meirelles (1832–1903), Brazilian painter
- Vic Mignogna (born 1962), American actor
- Víctor Mora (comics) (1931–2016), Spanish writer of comic books
- Viktor Preiss (born 1947), Czech actor
- Victor Rasuk (born 1984), American actor
- Victor Rathnayake (born 1942), Sri Lankan Sinhala folk musician
- Victor Silvester (1900–1978), British dancer and bandleader
- Victor Sloan (born 1945), Irish artist
- Victor Socaciu (1953–2021), Romanian folk singer and composer
- Victor Spinetti (1929–2012), Welsh actor
- Víctor Trujillo (born 1961), Mexican comedian
- Viktor Tsoi (1962–1990), Russian musician
- Victor Willis (born 1951), American musician
- Victor Yerrid (born 1971), American puppeteer and voice actor
- Victor Chandler (born 1951), British bookmaker and businessman
- Victor Civita (1907–1990), Brazilian publisher
- Victor Kassir (1910–1997), Lebanese businessman
- Victor Kiam (1926–2001), American entrepreneur
- Victor Li Tzar-kuoi (born 1964), Hong Kong businessman
- Victor Vargas (born 1952), Venezuelan entrepreneur and philanthropist
- Victor Vescovo (born 1966), American financier and undersea explorer
- Victor Perry (born 1967), American businessman and motorcycle designer
- Viktor Bout (born 1967), Russian arms dealer
- Víctor Manuel Gerena (born 1958), American fugitive robber
- Victor H. Czegka (1880–1973), Austrian-American Marine officer
- Victor Gunasekara (1921-1993), Sri Lankan Sinhala army major and civil servant
- Victor Jones (British Army officer), Second World War British Army officer
- Viktor Nikolayevich Sokolov (born 1962), Russian naval officer
- Viktor Zolotov, commander of Russias National Guard
Politics and diplomacyEdit
- Victor Banks (born 1947), Anguillan politician
- Victor de Broglie (1756–1794), French soldier and politician
- Victor de Broglie (1785–1870), 3rd duc de Broglie, French statesman and diplomat
- Victor de Broglie (1846–1906), 5th duc de Broglie, French politician and diplomat
- Victor Ciorbea (born 1954), Romanian politician
- Victor Deleu (1876–1939), Romanian politician
- Victor Gram ((1910–1969), Danish politician
- Victor Kamber (born 1943), American political consultant
- Viktor Klima (born 1947), Austrian politician
- Víctor Hipólito Martínez (1924–2017), former Vice President of Argentina
- Victor A. Nicholas (1897-1956), second Sri Lankan to hold post of Postmaster General of Sri Lanka
- Viktor Orbán (born 1963), Hungarian politician
- Victor Owusu (1923-2000), Ghanaian lawyer and politician
- Victor Perera, Sri Lankan governor
- Victor Ponta (born 1972), Romanian politician
- Victor Rădulescu-Pogoneanu (1910–1962), Romanian diplomat
- Victor Garvin Weerawardana Ratnayake (1908-1994), Sri Lankan politician
- Vico Sotto (born 1989), Filipino politician
- Victor Stănculescu (1928–2016), Romanian general officer and politician
- Victor Stern (1885 – 1958), Austrian philosopher and politician
- Viktor Yanukovych (born 1950), Ukrainian politician
- Viktor Yushchenko (born 1954), Ukrainian politician
- Viktor (wrestler) (Eric Thompson, born 1980), a Canadian professional wrestler
- Viktor Apostolov (born 1962), Bulgarian hammer thrower
- Viktor Axelsen (born 1994), Danish badminton player and men’s singles world champion
- Victor Leandro Bagy (born 1983), Brazilian football goalkeeper known simply as Victor
- Vítor Baía (born 1969), Portuguese football player
- Víctor Manuel Baute (born 1972), Spanish boxer
- Vitor Belfort (born 1977), Brazilian mixed martial artist
- Vic Bellamy (born 1963), American football player
- Viktor Berg (born 1977), Canadian squash player
- Víctor Bird (born 1982), Puerto Rican volleyball player
- Víctor Blasco (born 1994), Spanish footballer
- Victor Corrêa (born 1990), Brazilian race car driver
- Victor Cruz (American football) (born 1986), American football player
- Victor Davis (1964–1989), Canadian Olympic champion swimmer
- Victor Dimukeje (born 1999), American football player
- Viktor Fischer (born 1994), Danish footballer
- Víctor Genés (born 1961), Paraguayan footballer and football manager
- Víctor Hugo González (born 1974), Colombian cyclist
- Victor Hedman (born 1990), National Hockey League player from Sweden
- Victor Heflin (born 1960), American football player
- Víctor Herrera (cyclist) (born 1970), Colombian cyclist
- Víctor Herrera Piggott (born 1980), Panamanian footballer
- Victor Hicks (born 1957), American football player
- Victor Houston (athlete) (born 1974), Barbadian track and field athlete
- Victor Jones (cricketer) (1881–1923), Australian cricketer
- Victor Jones (linebacker) (born 1966), American football player
- Victor Jones (running back) (born 1967), American football player
- Viktor Kassai (born 1975), Hungarian football referee
- Victor Kros (born 1981), Dutch football player
- Viktor Kuznetsov (swimmer) (born 1961), Russian swimmer
- Victor Leandro Bagy (born 1983), Brazilian football player
- Victor Lindelöf (born 1994) Swedish football player
- Victor Loturi (born 2001), Canadian soccer player
- Víctor Maldonado (born 1939), Venezuelan hurdler
- Víctor Martínez (athlete) (born 1975), Andorran middle-distance runner
- Víctor Martínez (baseball) (born 1978), Venezuelan-born Major League Baseball player
- Víctor Martínez (bodybuilder) (born 1973), Dominican professional bodybuilder
- Victor Matfield (born 1977), South African rugby player
- Viktor Mazin (1954–2022), Soviet weightlifter
- Viktor Mitrou (born 1973), Greek weightlifter
- Víctor Mora (athlete) (born 1944), Colombian retired long-distance runner
- Víctor Hugo Mora (born 1974), Mexican football manager
- Víctor Moreno (born 1979), Venezuelan baseball player
- Víctor Moreno (cyclist) (born 1985), Venezuelan cyclist
- Víctor Muñoz (born 1957), Spanish football coach and player
- Victor Oladipo (born 1992), American basketball player
- Viktor Olsen (born 1924), Norwegian long-distance runner
- Viktor Onopko (born 1969), Russian football coach and former player
- Victor Ortíz (born 1987), American boxer
- Victor Perez («Young»; 1911–45), Tunisian world champion flyweight boxer
- Victor Quintana (born 1976), Paraguayan football player
- Víctor Rivera (football manager) (born 1968), Peruvian football manager
- Victor Rivera (volleyball) (born 1976), Puerto Rican volleyball player
- Victor Ross (1900–1974), American lacrosse player
- Víctor Sánchez (born 1976), Spanish retired footballer
- Victor «Vic» Seixas (born 1923), American Hall of Fame former top-10 tennis player
- Victor Simões (born 1981), Brazilian footballer
- Viktor Spasov (born 1957), Soviet pole vaulter
- Viktor Troicki (born 1986), Serbian tennis player
- Victor Trumper (1877–1915), Australian cricketer
- Victor Wembanyama (born 2004), French Basketball Player
- Víctor Valdés (born 1982), Spanish retired football goalkeeper
- Viktor Zaitsev (born 1966), Uzbekistani javelin thrower
- Chick Zamick (1926–2007), Canadian ice hockey player and coach
- Viktor Zhurba (born 1950), Soviet discus thrower
Other peopleEdit
- Victor Agosto (born 1985), American anti-war activist
- Victor of Aveyron (1785–1828), French feral child
- Victor Chang (1936–1991), Australian–Chinese cardiac surgeon
- Victor Horta (1861–1947), Belgian architect
- Victor Korchnoi (1931–2016), Soviet-born Swiss chess player
- Víctor Martínez (disambiguation)
- Victor Rivera (bishop) (1916–2005), American Episcopalian bishop
- Victor Rivera Gonzalez (born 1948), Puerto Rican police chief and lawyer
- Viktor Schauberger (1885–1958), Austrian forester and inventor
- Victor Ukpolo (born 1950), Nigerian-born American university administrator
People with the surnameEdit
- Alexander F. Victor (fl. 1910s–1920s), founder of the Victor Animatograph Corporation
- Binjimen Victor (born 1997), American football player
- Divya Victor (fl. 2009-), Tamil American poet
- Idara Victor, American actress
- Jaclyn Victor (born 1978), Malaysian musician
Fictional charactersEdit
- Victor Baxter, in the television series That’s So Raven and Cory in the House
- Victor Borin, a character in the Netflix series Grand Army
- Victor Borkowski, in the X-Men comics, also known as Anole
- Victor Coste, friend of Sam Fisher in the Splinter Cell series of videogames
- Victor Creed, the real name of Sabretooth, a character from the X-Men series
- Victor Frankenstein, in the 1818 novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- Victor Florescu, a character in the 1934 American romantic musical movie The Cat and the Fiddle
- Victor Fries, a villain in the Batman series, also known as Mr. Freeze
- «Count Victor Grazinski», alias of Victoria Grant, protagonist of the 1982 film Victor/Victoria
- Victor Grantz, a survivor in the video game Identity V
- Viktor Hargreeves, a character from The Umbrella Academy
- Victor Joseph, a character in the 1998 Canadian-American independent film Smoke Signals
- Victor Kiriakis, in the television series Days of Our Lives
- Viktor Krum, in the Harry Potter series
- Vic Mackey, on the television series The Shield
- Victor Magtanggol, the titular character of the 2018 Philippine drama series Victor Magtanggol
- Victor Mancha, in the Runaways comic book
- Victor Meldrew, in the television series One Foot in the Grave
- Viktor Navorski, in the 2004 film The Terminal
- Victor Newman, in the television series The Young and the Restless
- Victor Nikiforov, in the Japanese television series Yuri on Ice
- Victor Quartermaine, in the television series Wallace and Gromit
- Victor Shade, alias for the Marvel superhero Vision
- Victor Stone, DC Comics superhero better known as Cyborg
- Victor Sullivan, from the Uncharted series
- Victor Van Dort, in the 2005 animated film Corpse Bride
- Victor Vance, protagonist of the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
- Victor Von Doom, in the Fantastic Four comics
- Victor von Gerdenheim, in the Darkstalkers video game series
- Viktor (Suikoden), in the Suikoden video game series
- Victor Zsasz, a serial killer featured in the Batman series
- Victor (mascot), the logo and mascot for the Just for Laughs comedy festival
- Victor (Dollhouse), from Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse
- Viktor (Underworld), from the Underworld film series
- Victor (Breaking Bad), an underling of criminal mastermind Gustavo Fring in the series Breaking Bad
- Victor, elder brother of Hugo in the Chinese television show Victor & Hugo: Bunglers in Crime and head of Naughtiness International
- Victor, a gargoyle supporting character from the 1996 Disney animated film The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Victor Best, the brother of Victoria Best in WordGirl
- Victor Wexlar, the evil villain in Starflyers
- Victor, the main character in Victor and Valentino
- Victor, the dock worker in Clifford the Big Red Dog
- Victor, the ice rink janitor in Spy Fox 2: «Some Assembly Required»
- Victor Li, a main character in female oriented visual novel phone game Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
- Victor Creel, a recurring character in Stranger Things (season 4).
See alsoEdit
- Victor (disambiguation)
- Saint Victorian (disambiguation)
- St. Victor (disambiguation)
- Victoria (disambiguation)
- Victory (disambiguation)
- Vittorio
- Vincent (literally «winning» or «conquering»)