Как пишется вирджиния на английском

Виргиния, штат на Атлантическом побережье США, к югу от Вашингтона <от Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen (15331603) Елизавета I, «королевадевственница»>.
Сокращение: *VA. Полное


: the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Прозвища: «старый доминион» [*Old Dominion], «родина штатов» [*Mother of States], «родина государственных мужей» [*Mother of Statesmen], «там, где начинается Юг» [*Down Where the South Begins].
Житель штата: виргинец [Virginian].


Ричмонд [*Richmond I].
Девиз: «Так навсегда покончено с тиранами» (


‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’ ‘Thus always to tyrants’).
Песня: «Верни меня снова в старую Виргинию» [*‘Carry Me Back to Old Virginia’].
Цветок: американский кизил [*American dogwood].
Птица: кардинал [*cardinal].
Дерево: кизил [dogwood].
Площадь: 102558

кв. км

(39,598 ) — 37- е место.
Население (1992): 6,5


— 12- е место.
Крупнейшие города: Норфолк [Norfolk], Вирджиния-Бич [Virginia Beach], Ричмонд [*Richmond I], Ньюпорт-Ньюс [Newport News], Хамптон [Hampton].
Экономика. Основные отрасли: сервис, торговля, обслуживание государственных объектов, машиностроение, туризм, сельское хозяйство.
Основная продукция: текстиль, транспортное оборудование, продукция пищевой и химической промышленности, печатная продукция.
Сельское хозяйство. Основные культуры: соя, табак, арахис, кукуруза.
Животноводство (1991): скота — 1,73


; свиней — 430


; овец — 157


; бройлеров — 1,96


; индеек — 1,7


Лесное хозяйство: сосна и твердодревесные породы.
Минералы: уголь, строительный камень. Рыболовство (1992): на 416

млн. долл.

История. Здесь была основана первая английская колония в Северной Америке [*Jamestown, 1607]. С началом Американской революции виргинцы взяли власть в свои руки в 1775, заставив губернатора Данмора [Dunmore] бежать из колонии. Под командованием Джорджа Кларка [Clark, George Rogers] виргинцы очистили от английских войск район Огайо-Индиана-Иллинойс. Переметнувшийся на сторону англичан Бенедикт Арнольд [*Arnold, Benedict] сжёг в 1781 Ричмонд и Петерсбург. В том же году английский


Корнуоллис [*Cornwallis] попал в ловушку в районе Йорктауна и сдался в плен. Виргиния знаменита политическими деятелями колониального периода и времён Войны за независимость, среди которых Джордж Вашингтон [*Washington, George], главнокомандующий американскими войсками и первый президент США, Томас Джефферсон [*Jefferson, Thomas], автор текста Декларации независимости, 3-й президент США, Ричард Г. Ли [*Lee, Richard Henry], внёсший предложение об отделении североамериканских колоний от Англии (7 июня 1776). Избрание президентами США в первый период их истории политических деятелей из Виргинии дало основание говорить о «виргинской династии» [*‘Virginia dynasty’]. Территория штата была ареной боёв во время Гражданской войны [*Bull Run, *Fredericksburg, *Chancelorsville, *Wilderness, *Richmond]. У Аппоматтокса [*Appomattox] произошла капитуляция армии южан (9 апреля 1865).
Достопримечательности: колониальный Уильямсбург [*Williamsburg], сады Буша [Busch Gardens], ферма Вулф-Трэп [Wolf Trap Farm] возле Фоллс-Чёрч [Falls Church], Арлингтонское национальное кладбище [*Arlington National Cemetery], усадьба Джона Вашингтона «Маунт-Вернон» [*Mount Vernon] и Томаса Джефферсона «Монтиселло» [*Monticello], родина




Стратфорд [Stratford], комплекс мостов и тоннелей через залив Чесапик [Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel], Национальный парк Шенандоа [*Shenandoah National Park], военные мемориалы Фредериксбурга и Спотсильвании [Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park], мемориал


Роберта Ли — Арлингтон-Хаус [Arlington House], живописный автомобильный маршрут по гористой местности Скайлайн-драйв [Skyline Drive], автострада вдоль хребта Блу-Ридж [Blue Ridge National Parkway], Вирджиния-Бич [Virginia Beach], Джеймстаунский фестивальный парк [Jamestown Festival Park], Йорктаун [*Yorktown], Аппоматтокс [*Appomattox].
Знаменитые виргинцы: Бёрд, Ричард [Byrd, Richard Evelyn], полярный исследователь; Гаррисон, Уильям [*Harrison, William Henry], 9-й президент США; Генри, Патрик [*Henry, Patrick], патриот-оратор, призывавший к независимости североамериканских колоний; Джефферсон, Томас [*Jefferson, Thomas], 3-й президент США; Джонстон, Джозеф [Johnston, Joseph E.], генерал в армии конфедератов; Ли, Роберт [*Lee, Robert E.], главнокомандующий войсками Конфедерации южных штатов во время Гражданской войны; Льюис, Мериуэйзер [*Lewis, Meriwether] и Кларк, Уильям [*Clark, William], руководители экспедиции по исследованию Дальнего Запада; Медисон, Джеймс [*Madison, James], 4-й президент США; Маршалл, Джон [Harlan, John Marshall], 1-й Верховный судья США; Монро, Джеймс [*Monroe, James], 5-й президент США; По, Эдгар Аллан [*Poe, Edgar Allan], поэт и писатель; Рид, Уолтер [Reed, Walter], военный врач и бактериолог, покончил с жёлтой лихорадкой; Тэйлор, Захария [*Taylor, Zachary], 12-й президент США; Тайлер, Джон [*Tyler, John], 10-й президент США; Вашингтон, Букер [*Washington, Booker T.], негритянский просветитель XIX


; Вашингтон, Джордж [*Washington, George], главнокомандующий американскими войсками в Войне за независимость, 1-й президент США; Вильсон, Вудро [*Wilson, Woodrow], 28- й президент США.
Ассоциации: первая английская колония в Северной Америке [*Old Dominion], основанная «джентльменами», считавшими ниже своего достоинства заниматься физическим трудом ( в отличие от пуритан Новой Англии), вотчина рабовладельцев-плантаторов, родина первых президентов [Presidential State], в том числе Джорджа Вашингтона [*Mount Vernon] и Томаса Джефферсона [Jefferson Country]; центр образования и культуры ( Университет Уильяма и Мэри — старейший университет США); оплот южан во время Гражданской войны ( Ричмонд [*Richmond I] был столицей Конфедерации) и место ожесточённых сражений [*Bull Run, *Fredericksburg, *Chancelorsville, *Wilderness, *Richmond I]; Аппоматтокс [*Appomattox] — место капитуляции армии


Ли; Виргиния была повержена и разграблена янки-«саквояжниками» [*carpetbaggers] во время Реконструкции Юга [*Reconstruction]; до сих пор Виргиния — поставщик знаменитых виргинских табаков; западные и южные пригороды Вашингтона — Арлингтон [*Arlington] и Александрия [*Alexandria] находятся в штате Виргиния, соответственно и расположенные в них некоторые правительственные учреждения ( Пентагон в Арлингтоне и штаб-квартира ЦРУ в Лэнгли [Langley]); побережье Виргинии, славящееся устрицами, является


вотчиной ВМС США, здесь находятся крупнейшие в мире военно-морские базы; Виргиния ассоциируется со «старым Югом» [*Old South] и ностальгией по давно прошедшим временам; каждому в США знакома фраза *‘Carry Me Back to Old Virginia’, ставшая


официальной песни штата
виргинский табак, сорт табака, первоначально выращиваемого в штате Виргиния

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Перевод «Вирджиния» на английский








Вирджиния выдвинула достойных лидеров нашей страны.

Virginia has put forth some of our nation’s finest leaders.

События разворачиваются 21августа 1931 года в штате Вирджиния.

The events unfold on August 21, 1931, in the US state of Virginia.

Расположен на юго-восточной оконечности полуострова Вирджиния.

It is located on the southeastern end of the Virginia Peninsula.

Младший сенатор великого штата Вирджиния попросила меня поработать главным советником.

The Junior Senator of the great state of Virginia has asked me to serve as her chief advisor.

Главный офис компании находится в штате Вирджиния.

The principal office of the corporation will be in the state of Virginia.

Рыжеволосая женщина по имени Вирджиния жила на седьмом этаже.

A red-haired woman named Virginia was living on the seventh floor.

Франция и Вирджиния скоро будут связаны — ради лучшего интернет-сервиса.

France and Virginia will soon be connected — all in the name of better internet service.

Законная и незаконная иммиграция в штат Вирджиния находится на подъеме в течение нескольких лет.

Lawful and unlawful immigration to the state of Virginia has been on the rise for several years.

Именно такие строки прочитала маленькая Вирджиния на окне библиотеки старого замка.

Just such lines were read by little Virginia on the library window of the old castle.

Вирджиния сделает невозможное, чтобы спасти ее маленькую дочь, которая была похищена.

Virginia will do the impossible in order to rescue her little daughter who has been abducted.

На данный момент она находится в тюрьме в штате Вирджиния.

He is currently detained in a prison in the state of Virginia.

Некогда Вирджиния была гораздо больше, чем теперь.

Virginia used to be a lot bigger than it is now, too.

Третий — Вирджиния разозлилась и убила его.

Three: Virginia flew into a rage, killed him.

Вирджиния, жена не должна иметь секретов от мужа.

Virginia, a wife should have no secrets from her husband.

С которой не справилась бы даже Вирджиния.

Something that Virginia didn’t think she could handle.

Вирджиния отправила его туда ловить крыс.

Virginia sent him there to take care of the rat infestation.

Нам не нужно знать, где будет Вирджиния.

We don’t need to find out where Virginia’s going to be.

Вирджиния, эти люди не твои поклонники.

Virginia, these people are not your biggest fans.

Вирджиния, размер моего пиджака 44…

Virginia, just so you know, my jacket size is 44 long.

У тебя нет кольца, Вирджиния.

With no ring on your finger, Virginia.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Вирджиния

Результатов: 5507. Точных совпадений: 5507. Затраченное время: 64 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

virginia — перевод на русский

I was working my head off at the Virginia Club.

Я пахала, как проклятая, в клубе «Вирджиния» ,..

This is Virginia.

Это Вирджиния.

In the name of the great State of Virginia, which one is that?

Во имя великого штата Вирджиния, что все это значит?

And if I was a horse and a man put whiskers on me, I’d rear up and throw him clean out of the State of Virginia, hear?

Если бы я был лошадью, и кто-то положил бы на меня свою задницу, я бы встал на дыбы, и опозорил бы его на весь штат Вирджиния.

Merry Christmas, Virginia, and you, Frank.

С Рождеством, Вирджиния, и тебя тоже, Фрэнк.

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General Lee has completely whipped the enemy… and swept the Yankee army northward from Virginia!

Генерал Ли наголову разбил врага и отбросил армию янки к северу от Вирджинии!

And the snow in Virginia’s deep.

А снег в Вирджинии глубок.

I’ve traveled all the way here from Virginia.

Я доехала сюда из Вирджинии.

Have you ever been in Virginia?

Вы когда-нибудь были в Вирджинии?

Who could? Take my ma, for instance— came all the way from virginia with pa in a wagon.

Любая из них взять хоть мою мать приехала из Вирджинии в повозке с отцом ох очень неудобно.

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When you’re older, I’ll take you to Kentucky and Virginia.

Когда ты вырастешь, я отвезу тебя в Кентукки и Вирджинию.

If I get out of this jam, I’m going back to West Virginia.

Если я из этого выпутаюсь, я вернусь в Западную Вирджинию.

My husband, there was a man who was really afraid of Virginia Woolf.

Мой муж… вот уж кто по-настоящему боялся Вирджинию Вульф.

We would go down to Virginia, to get away for a while.

Нужно будет съездить в Вирджинию, чтоб отвлечься.. вы понимаете…

They took me back to Virginia with him.

Меня вернули в Вирджинию вместе с ним.

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That looked like a pretty good thing you had with Virginia, kid.

Похоже у вас с Вирджинией все было хорошо.

For instance, you’re mixed up about Virginia, I guess.

Например, ты запутался с Вирджинией, мне кажется.

You didn’t know Virginia had divorced you when you married me.

Ты не знал, что развелся с Вирджинией, когда женился на мне!

Was there someone with Virginia?

Там кто-то был? С Вирджинией кто-то был?

I am part of space, I cling to Virginia.»

Я пересекаю вселенную рядом с Вирджинией.

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Others soon there will join ya… Negro brothers from Virginia and heroes hurrying from Malaysia.

Скоро будут другие, черные братья с Виргинии, спешат удалые Малайцы…

Like I said on the telephone, you’re better off in Virginia.

Я тебе уже сказал по телефону, тебе лучше было остаться в Виргинии.

Well, I’m going to take you down to that farm that I told you about, in southern Virginia.

Ну, я отвезу тебя на ту ферму, о которой я говорил, в южной Виргинии.

She grew up in Virginia.

Она родом из Виргинии.

Out of loyalty to her boyfriend in Virginia… she’d only go on group dates, never individual ones.

Храня верность своему парню из Виргинии, с мальчиками она виделась только в компаниях.

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My older brother Harry lives in Roanoke, Virginia… with his wife Estelle.

Мой старший брат Гарри живёт Ронвуде, штат Вирджиния, всё ещё со своей женой.

He was imprisoned in Fortress Monroe near Norfolk, Virginia.

Он был заключён в крепости Монро, близ Норфолка, штат Вирджиния.

19 years old. Coldville, Virginia.

Ему было 19 лет, он жил в Кавсвиле, штат Вирджиния.

And while he is buried in Lexington, Virginia, his left arm is buried separately near the battlefield.

И хотя он похоронен в Лексингтоне, штат Вирджиния, его левая рука похоронена отдельно возле поля сражения.

Communications Liaison for the Behavioral Analysis Unit, in Quantico, Virginia.

Ответственный за связи с общественностью отдела поведенческого анализа, Куантико, штат Вирджиния.

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Virginia state trooper responded to a domestic disturbance call.

Полиция штата Виргиния зафиксировала звонок о нарушении общественного порядка.

Charlottesville, Virginia?

Шарлоттесвилль, Виргиния?

Her name was Virginia.

Её звали Виргиния.

Or is it Virginia?

Или Виргиния?

You guys, I found out how Virginia croaked.

Ребята, я нашла как скончалась Виргиния.

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I’s getting mighty tired pretending Eskimos is from Virginia.

Надоело представляться эскимоской из Виржинии…

There’s your Virginia Challenge Cup.

Вот тебе и Кубок Виржинии.

I did a lot of mining in my day, silver mining, that is, up in Virginia City.

В свое время я много поработал горняком, добывал серебро недалеко от Виржинии.

Now, if we did it that way in Virginia City why can’t we do it that way here?

Если мы поступали так в Виржинии, почему мы не можем сделать так же здесь?

I think the last time was when you picketed our toxic waste dump in West Virginia.

— Когда в последний раз мы виделись, ты вывезла наши токсичные отходы из Западной Виржинии.

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«Born in Kentucky. Enlisted first at Fort Meyer, Virginia. «Bugle Corps, First Bugler. »

Родился в Кентукки, начал служить в форте Мейер, Виржиния.

Virginia Renoir — chick. Her job? Typist.

Виржиния Ренуар — цыпочка.

Virginia Renoir.

Клара Роше, Робер де Шаранс, Сюзанна Бриссар, Виржиния Ренуар.

However, mademoiselle Virginia, you don’t seem to be sad.

Значит завтра не работаем? Однако, мадемуазель Виржиния, у вас не слишком удрученный вид.

This is Virginia, Maitre Rocher’s typist.

Это Виржиния, машинистка мэтра Роше.

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Vote for Virginia!

голосуйте за Виргинию!

Well, you did call Virginia pathetic.

Ну, ты назвала Виргинию жалкой.

All in favor of Virginia Horton raise your hand.

Кто за Виргинию Хортон, поднимите руку.

— Just putting Virginia back where she belongs.

— Просто ставлю Виргинию на место.

To West Virginia?

Идем. — Куда, в Западную Виргинию?

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Предложения со словом «Virginia»

I ran into a woman in West Virginia who was going to a funeral for her mom.

В Западной Виргинии я встретился с женщиной на похоронах её матери.

Within a month, she joined the faculty at the University of Virginia , where she now works on pluralism, race, faith and culture.

Спустя месяц она устроилась в Университет Вирджинии, где продвигает идеи многообразия рас, веры и культур.

It’s anchored 200 nautical miles off the Virginia coast.

Бросил якорь в двухстах морских милях от побережья Вирджинии.

Springfield, Virginia .

Спрингфилд, Вирджиния.

Washington spared some land from the states Maryland and Virginia and called the district Columbia.

Вашингтон отсоединил немного земель от штатов Мэриленд и Вирджиния, и назвал этот район Колумбией.

Head of Morale Ops at the new camp in Virginia .

Глава оперативного отдела по поддержанию боевого духа в новом лагере в Вирджинии.

The gun dealer in Virginia identified your husband as the man he sold the gun to.

Продавец оружия в Вирджинии узнал в вашем муже человека, которому он продал пистолет.

Tiredness had gradually taken hold of me throughout the morning and I slept fitfully for an hour before setting off for Virginia .

Накопившаяся за утро усталость взяла свое, и я на час забылся беспокойным сном.

Virginia state trooper responded to a domestic disturbance call.

Полиция штата Виргиния зафиксировала звонок о нарушении общественного порядка.

The first officer at the scene was a Virginia state trooper, responding to a call made from the cell phone of a passing trucker.

Первым полицейским, оказавшимся на месте происшествия, был патрульный, прибывший по звонку с мобильного телефона.

Juveniles now comprised approximately ten percent of all narcotics trafficking arrests in Virginia .

Подростки составляли теперь около десяти процентов всех арестованных за наркобизнес в Вирджинии.

She closed the bathroom door behind her, sat on the edge of the bathtub, and smoked a Virginia Slim.

Она закрыла за собой дверь в ванную комнату, села на край ванны и закурила сигарету.

The United States Ground Forces will defend against Posleen incursions further into northern Virginia .

Наземные Силы Соединенных Штатов воспрепятствуют вторжению послинов в северную часть Вирджинии.

A week after that, police in Virginia stopped Amalthea Lank for a traffic violation.

Неделей позже полиция Вирджинии остановила Амальтею Лэнк за нарушение правил дорожного движения.

This effigy burned outside my door in west Virginia .

Это чучело сожгли за моей дверью в западной Вирджинии.

To call it hard work would be an insult to the hardworking people of Virginia .

Называть это работой будет оскорблением для трудолюбивых жителей Вирджинии.

You and the widow licking champagne off each other’s toes down there in Virginia Beach.

Вы со вдовой слизывали шампанское с пяток друг друга в Вирджинии Бич.

There’s some inventors contest this weekend, and Virginia wants us to put on our thinking caps and think of an invention.

На выходных будет конкурс изобретателей, и Вирджиния хочет, чтобы мы пошевелили мозгами и что — нибудь изобрели.

Virginia State troopers spotted it at a motel parking lot near Falls Church about ten minutes ago.

Патрульные в Вирджинии видели его на стоянке возле мотеля Falls Church около десяти минут назад.

Made from the finest selected leaves of Virginia and Turkish.

Сделан из лучших отборных листьев виргинских и турецких сортов.

That narrows our suspect pool down to a relatively small group of people within the state of Virginia .

Это сужает круг подозреваемых до сравнительно небольшой группы людей в штате Виргиния .

She was discharged from the obstetrics ward at a hospital in Virginia .

Она была освобождена от обязательств опеки в госпитале в Вирджинии.

A deputy in Virginia just found an NCIS special agent dead in a car crash.

Помощник шерифа в Вирджинии только что обнаружил специального агента Морской полиции, который погиб в автокатастрофе.

The air taxi swung in a wide arc toward the Virginia side Richard reluctantly turned his thoughts to the coming ordeal.

Воздушное такси описало широкую дугу и направилось в сторону Вирджинии.

The state of Virginia will argue that it is unfair to bring children of mixed race into the world.

Штат Виргиния будет доказывать, что нельзя, чтобы от смешанных браков рождались дети.

The article ran long with accounts of other battlefields throughout Virginia that had been paved by developers.

В статье приводился длинный список других исторических памятных мест Виргинии , заасфальтированных застройщиками.

It won’t do for us to be separated this long, Virginia .

Нехорошо, если мы так долго не сможем быть вместе, Вирджиния.

All right, we’ll go with virginia .

Ладно, будем работать с Вирджинией.

Chandler is the son of Superior Court Judge Virginia Ryan.

Чендлер — сын Судьи Верховного суда Вирджинии Райан.

A last-minute stay of execution could only come from the governor of Virginia .

Приказ отложить казнь в последнюю минуту может отдать только губернатор Вирджинии.

He’s in a nursing home in Abingdon, Virginia .

Он в доме престарелых в Абингдон, Вирджиния.

Virginia, dear, life’s too short to carry a grudge.

Вирджиния, дорогая. жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы хранить обиды.

I only invited you here to light a fire under Virginia .

Я тебя пригласила, только чтобы поторопить Вирджинию.

A certain agency with a certain headquarters — in Langley, Virginia .

Некое агентство с некой штаб — квартирой в Лэнгли, Вирджиния.

Virginia has put forth some of our nation’s finest leaders.

Вирджиния выдвинула достойных лидеров нашей страны.

I went to West Virginia , the most unhealthy state in America.

Я поехал в Западную Виржинию, самый нездоровый штат Америки.

Two thirds of the executions had occurred in five states: Texas, Virginia , Oklahoma, Missouri and Florida.

Две трети всех казней приходится на пять штатов: Техас, Вирджиния, Оклахома, Миссури и Флорида.

Virginia, Oklahoma, South Dakota.

Вирджиния, Оклахома, Южная Дакота.

Half a pound of Virginia ham, half pound of the yoghurt spread.

Полфунта Вирджинской ветчины, полфунта йогуртной массы.

Guinea-Bissau has not used excessive force in boarding and arresting the Virginia G.

Гвинея — Бисау не применяла чрезмерную силу при высадке на борт и аресте судна «Вирджиния Джи».

All parkways and interstates in dc, Maryland, and Virginia have station checkpoints.

На всех дорогах в округе Колумбия, Мэриленде и в Вирджинии установлены пункты проверки.

You just dice some Virginia ham right in with the batter.

А ты ещё попробуй кусочек вриджинской ветчины с маслом.

Tried to get home to see his mother in West Virginia , got as far as DC.

Пытался вернуться домой, чтобы увидеться с матерью в Западной Вирджинии, это далеко от Округа Колумбия.

Well, you know, West Virginia has five bordering states, boss.

Ну, знаете, Западная Вирджиния граничит с пятью штатами, босс.

And he started a militia out of West Virginia , violent separatists.

И он начинал в армии в Западной Вирджинии, жестокий сепаратист.

It’s 13,000 square miles in Virginia and West Virginia where electromagnetic radiation is highly restricted.

Это 13000 квадратных миль в Вирджинии и Западной Вирджинии, где электромагнитное излучение сильно ограничено.

Well, I was on a beach in Grafton, West Virginia .

Но я был на пляже в Графтоне, в Западной Вирджинии.

So tell me about Miss West Virginia .

Итак, расскажите мне о мисс Западная Вирджиния.

I thought 2nd Lt. Carwood Lipton from West Virginia

Я думаю, что Старший Лейтенант Карвуд Липтон из Западной Вирджинии…

A man and a woman entered a home in West Virginia .

Мужчина и женщина вернулись в свой дом в Западной Вирджинии.

Insect and foliage particulates from Vermont to West Virginia .

Насекомые и частицы листвы из Вермонта в Западной Вирджинии.

The priest, Father Nabors, was assigned to a parish in West Virginia where Alex Rockwell lived.

Священник, отец Нейбоз, был прикреплен к приходу в Западной Вирджинии, где жил Алекс Роквелл.

Born in West Virginia , raised by a single mom, — no siblings.

Родился в западной Вирджинии, рос с матерью, братьев и сестер нет.

All you got to do, Barry, is go to West Virginia .

Нам, Барри, достаточно побывать в Западной Вирджинии.

Anyhow, listen, I talked to the local PD in West Virginia about helping us search for that blue pick up truck.

Так или иначе, слушай, я разговаривал с местными полицейскими отделениями в Западной Вирджинии насчет того, чтобы помочь нам найти этот синий пикап.

And Paris, and Zurich, and West Virginia .

И в Париже, и в Цюрихе, и в Западной Вирджинии.

Get in your car and take the 79 to the West Virginia state line.

Садитесь в свою машину отправляйтесь по 79 до конца границы Западной Вирджинии.

Forty percent unemployment in West Virginia ?

Сорока процентная безработица в Западной Вирджинии?

They stop giving to you in West Virginia ?

Они перестали жертвовать в Западной Вирджинии?

Please tell me you didn’t take everything I said back at West Virginia to heart?

Пожалуйста, скажи, что ты не приняла близко к сердцу всё, что я тебе наговорил в Западной Вирджинии?

«The Old Dominion» redirects here. For other uses, see Old Dominion.



Commonwealth of Virginia

Navy blue flag with the circular Seal of Virginia centered on it.


A circular seal with the words "Virginia" on the top and "Sic Semper Tyrannis" on the bottom. In the center, a woman wearing a blue toga and Athenian helmet stands on the chest of dead man wearing a purple breastplate and skirt. The woman holds a spear and sheathed sword. The man holds a broken chain while his crown lies away from the figures. Orange leaves encircle the seal.



Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents


Sic semper tyrannis
(English: Thus Always to Tyrants)[1]

Anthem: «Our Great Virginia»
Virginia is located on the Atlantic coast along the line that divides the northern and southern halves of the United States. It runs mostly east to west. It includes a small peninsula across a bay which is discontinuous with the rest of the state.

Map of the United States with Virginia highlighted

Country United States
Before statehood Colony of Virginia
Admitted to the Union June 25, 1788 (10th)
Capital Richmond
Largest city Virginia Beach
Largest metro and urban areas Washington–Baltimore (combined)
Washington (metro and urban)
 • Governor Glenn Youngkin (R)
 • Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears (R)
Legislature General Assembly
 • Upper house Senate
 • Lower house House of Delegates
Judiciary Supreme Court of Virginia
U.S. senators
  • Mark Warner (D)
  • Tim Kaine (D)
U.S. House delegation
  • 5 Democrats
  • 5 Republicans
  • 1 vacant


 • Total 42,774.2 sq mi (110,785.67 km2)
 • Rank 35th
 • Length 430 mi (690 km)
 • Width 200 mi (320 km)
Elevation 950 ft (290 m)
Highest elevation

(Mount Rogers[2])

5,729 ft (1,746 m)
Lowest elevation

(Atlantic Ocean)

0 ft (0 m)


 • Total 8,654,542[3]
 • Rank 12th
 • Density 206.7/sq mi (79.8/km2)
  • Rank 14th
 • Median household income $71,535[4]
 • Income rank 10th
Demonym Virginian
 • Official language English
 • Spoken language
  • English 86%
  • Spanish 6%
  • Other 8%
Time zone UTC-05:00 (Eastern)
 • Summer (DST) UTC-04:00 (EDT)
USPS abbreviation


ISO 3166 code US-VA
Traditional abbreviation Va.
Latitude 36° 32′ N to 39° 28′ N
Longitude 75° 15′ W to 83° 41′ W
Website www.virginia.gov
Virginia state symbols
Flag of Virginia.svg

Flag of Virginia

Seal of Virginia.svg
Living insignia
Bird Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Butterfly Tiger swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus)
Dog breed American Foxhound (Canis familiaris)
Fish Brook trout, striped bass
Flower Flowering dogwood
Insect Tiger swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus)
Tree Flowering dogwood
Inanimate insignia
Beverage Milk
Dance Square dance
Fossil Chesapecten jeffersonius
Rock Nelsonite
Shell Eastern oyster
Slogan «Virginia is for Lovers»
Tartan Virginia Quadricentennial tartan
State route marker
Virginia state route marker
State quarter
Virginia quarter dollar coin

Released in 2000

Lists of United States state symbols

Virginia, officially the Commonwealth of Virginia,[a] is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions of the United States, between the Atlantic Coast and the Appalachian Mountains. The geography and climate of the Commonwealth are shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which provide habitat for much of its flora and fauna. The capital of the Commonwealth is Richmond; Virginia Beach is the most-populous city, and Fairfax County is the most-populous political subdivision. The Commonwealth’s population in 2020 was over 8.65 million, with 36% of them living in the Baltimore–Washington metropolitan area.

The area’s history begins with several indigenous groups, including the Powhatan. In 1607, the London Company established the Colony of Virginia as the first permanent English colony in the New World. Virginia’s state nickname, the Old Dominion, is a reference to this status. Slave labor and land acquired from displaced native tribes fueled the growing plantation economy, but also fueled conflicts both inside and outside the colony. Virginia was one of the original Thirteen Colonies in the American Revolution, and battles in Virginia secured the independence of the United States. During the American Civil War, Virginia was split when the state government in Richmond joined the Confederacy, but many of the state’s northwestern counties remained loyal to the Union, becoming the state of West Virginia in 1863. Although the Commonwealth was under one-party rule for nearly a century following the Reconstruction era, both major political parties are competitive in modern Virginia.

Virginia’s state legislature is the Virginia General Assembly, which was established in July 1619, making it the oldest current law-making body in North America. It is made up of a 40-member Senate and a 100-member House of Delegates. The state government is unique in how it treats cities and counties equally, manages local roads, and prohibits governors from serving consecutive terms. Virginia’s economy has many sectors: agriculture in the Shenandoah Valley; high tech and federal agencies, including the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency, in Northern Virginia; and military facilities in Hampton Roads, the site of the region’s main seaport.


A simple drawing of a young dark-haired Native American woman speaking to two men in armor from the early 1600s. Several Native Americans look on from the right.

May 2007 marked 400 years since the establishment of the Jamestown Colony. Observances for this quadricentennial highlighted contributions from Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans, each of which had a significant part in shaping Virginia’s history.[6][7] Warfare, including among these groups, has also had an important role. Virginia was a focal point in conflicts from the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the Civil War, to the Cold War and the War on Terrorism.[8] Fictionalized stories about the early colony, in particular the story of Pocahontas and John Smith, first became popular in the period after the Revolutionary War, and together with other myths surrounding George Washington’s childhood and the plantation elite in the antebellum period, became touchstones of Virginian and American culture and helped shape the state’s historic politics and beliefs.[9][5]

Original inhabitants

The first people are estimated to have arrived in Virginia over 12,000 years ago.[10] By 5,000 years ago, more permanent settlements emerged, and farming began by 900 AD. By 1500, the Algonquian peoples had founded towns such as Werowocomoco in the Tidewater region, which they referred to as Tsenacommacah. The other major language groups in the area were the Siouan to the west and the Iroquoians, who included the Nottoway and Meherrin, to the north and south. After 1570, the Algonquians consolidated under Wahunsenacawh, known in English as Chief Powhatan, in response to threats from these other groups on their trade network.[11] Powhatan controlled more than thirty smaller tribes, which shared a common Virginia Algonquian language, with more than 150 settlements that had total population of around 15,000 in 1607.[12] Over that century however, three-fourths of the native population in Virginia would die from smallpox and other Old World diseases.[13]


Several European expeditions, including a group of Spanish Jesuits, explored the Chesapeake Bay during the 16th century.[14] To help counter Spain’s colonies in the Caribbean, Queen Elizabeth I of England supported Walter Raleigh’s April 1584 expedition to the Atlantic coast of North America.[15][16] The name «Virginia» was used by Captain Arthur Barlowe in the expedition’s report, and may have been suggested that year by Raleigh or Elizabeth, perhaps noting her status as the «Virgin Queen» or that they viewed the land as being untouched, and may also be related to an Algonquin phrase, Wingandacoa or Windgancon, or leader’s name, Wingina, as heard by the expedition.[17][18] Initially the name applied to the entire coastal region from South Carolina to Maine, plus the island of Bermuda.[19] Raleigh’s colony failed, but in 1606, the new king James I of England issued the First Virginia Charter to the London Company, a joint stock company that financed a new expedition, which was led by Christopher Newport and sailed that December. They landed in Virginia in May 1607, and established a settlement named for the king, Jamestown.[20]

A three-story red brick colonial style hall and its left and right wings during summer.

Life in the colony was perilous, and many died during the Starving Time in 1609 and in a series of conflicts with the Powhatan Confederacy that started in 1610, and flared up again in 1622, when led by Powhatan’s brother, Opechancanough.[21] Only 3,400 of the 6,000 early settlers had survived by 1624.[22] However, European demand for tobacco fueled the arrival of more settlers and servants.[23] The headright system tried to solve the labor shortage by providing colonists with land for each indentured servant they transported to Virginia.[24] Colonists struggled with rule from both the London Company and English monarchy, which took direct control of the colony in 1624 in part because in 1619, colonists had gained greater local control with an elected leadership. Later called the House of Burgesses, it shared power with the governors appointed by the crown.[25] In 1635, colonists arrested a despised governor and forced him to return to England against his will.[26] The turmoil of the English Civil War permitted Virginia even greater autonomy during the 1650s, and many supporters of the king fled to the colony, becoming known as «Virginia Cavaliers.»[27]

African workers were first imported to Jamestown in 1619 initially under the rules of indentured servitude. The shift to a system of African slavery in Virginia was propelled by the legal cases of John Punch, who was sentenced to lifetime slavery for attempting to escape servitude in 1640, and of John Casor, who was claimed by Anthony Johnson as his servant for life in 1655.[28] Slavery first appears in Virginia statutes in 1661 and 1662, when a law made it hereditary based on the mother’s status.[29] Tensions and the geographic differences between the working and ruling classes led to Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, by which time current and former indentured servants made up as much as eighty percent of the population.[30] The rebels, who burned Jamestown, were largely from the colony’s frontier, and opposed to the governor’s conciliatory policy towards native tribes. One result of the rebellion was the signing at Middle Plantation of the Treaty of 1677, which made the signatory tribes tributary states and was part of a pattern of appropriating tribal land by force and treaty.[31]

In 1693, the College of William & Mary was founded in Middle Plantation, which was renamed Williamsburg in 1699, when it became the new capital of the growing colony.[32] Colonists in the 1700s were likewise moving inland, and in 1747, a group of Virginian speculators formed the Ohio Company, with the backing of the British crown, to start English settlement and trade in the Ohio Country west of the Appalachian Mountains.[33] The Kingdom of France, which claimed this area as part of their colony of New France, viewed this as a threat, and the ensuing French and Indian War became part of the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763). A militia from several British colonies, called the Virginia Regiment, was led by then-Lieutenant Colonel George Washington.[34]


Upper-class middle-aged man dressed in a bright red cloak speaks before an assembly of other angry men. The subject's right hand is raise high in gesture toward the balcony.

The British Parliament’s efforts to levy new taxes in the decade following the French and Indian War were deeply unpopular in the colonies. In the House of Burgesses, opposition to taxation without representation was led by Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee, among others.[35] Virginians began to coordinate their actions with other colonies in 1773, and sent delegates to the Continental Congress the following year.[36] After the House of Burgesses was dissolved by the British governor in 1774, Virginia’s revolutionary leaders continued to govern via the Virginia Conventions. On May 15, 1776, the Convention declared Virginia’s independence from the British Empire and adopted George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights, which was then included in a new constitution.[37] Another Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, drew upon Mason’s work in drafting the national Declaration of Independence.[38]

When the American Revolutionary War began in 1776, George Washington was selected to head the Continental Army, and many Virginians joined the army and other revolutionary militias. Virginia was the first colony to ratify the Articles of Confederation in December 1777.[39] In April 1780, the capital was moved to Richmond at the urging of Governor Thomas Jefferson, who feared that Williamsburg’s coastal location would make it vulnerable to British attack.[40] British forces indeed landed around Portsmouth in October 1780, and soldiers under Benedict Arnold managed to raid Richmond in January 1781.[41] The British army had over seven thousand soldiers in Virginia that year, but General Charles Cornwallis and his superiors were indecisive, and maneuvers by the three thousand soldiers under the Marquis de Lafayette and twenty-nine French warships together managed to trap the British on the Virginia Peninsula in September 1781. Around sixteen thousand soldiers under George Washington and Comte de Rochambeau quickly converged there and defeated Cornwallis in the siege of Yorktown.[42] His surrender on October 19, 1781, led to peace negotiations in Paris and secured the independence of the colonies.[43]

Virginians were instrumental in the new country’s early years and in writing the United States Constitution. James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan in 1787 and the Bill of Rights in 1789.[38] Virginia ratified the Constitution on June 25, 1788. The three-fifths compromise ensured that Virginia, with its large number of slaves, initially had the largest bloc in the House of Representatives. Together with the Virginia dynasty of presidents, this gave the Commonwealth national importance. In 1790, both Virginia and Maryland ceded territory to form the new District of Columbia, though the Virginian area was retroceded in 1846.[44] Virginia is called the «Mother of States» because of its role in being carved into states such as Kentucky, which became the fifteenth state in 1792, and for the numbers of American pioneers born in Virginia.[45]

Civil War

A family of eight women and children sit on a bench behind a cylindrical metal heater, while one adult male sits on his own to the right.

Eyre Crowe painted Slaves Waiting for Sale: Richmond, Virginia in 1853, after visiting the city’s slave markets, where thousands were sold every year.[46]

Between 1790 and 1860, the number of slaves in Virginia rose from around 290 thousand to over 490 thousand, roughly one-third of the state population during that time, and the number of slaveholders rose to over fifty thousand, both the most in the U.S.[47][48] Soil exhausted by years of monoculture tobacco farming pushed the plantation economy to expand westward,[49] and as labor-intensive cotton came to dominate southern agriculture after 1800, Virginia plantations turned to exporting slaves by the thousands, breaking up many families in the process.[50] In addition to agriculture, slave labor was increasingly used in mining, shipbuilding and other industries.[51] The failed slave uprisings of Gabriel Prosser in 1800, George Boxley in 1815, and Nat Turner in 1831, however, marked the growing resistance to the system of slavery. One response to Nat Turner’s rebellion by the Virginia government was to arrange for ships to transport free Blacks to Liberia.[49]

On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a raid on an armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in an attempt to start a slave revolt across the southern states. The polarized national response to his raid and execution in Charles Town that December marked a tipping point for many who believed the end of slavery would need to be achieved by force.[52] Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 election further convinced many southern supporters of slavery that his opposition to its expansion would ultimately mean the end of slavery across the country. In South Carolina, the first state to secede to preserve the institution of slavery, a regiment loyal to the newly-formed Confederate States of America seized Fort Sumter on April 14, 1861, prompting President Lincoln to call for a federal army of 75,000 men from state militias the next day.[53]

A single soldier stands among cannons and cannonballs across a river from the ruins of a city.

In Virginia, a special convention called by the General Assembly voted on April 17 to secede on the condition it was approved in a referendum the next month. The convention then voted to join the Confederacy, which named Richmond its capital on May 20.[45] During the May 23 referendum, armed pro-Confederate groups prevented the casting and counting of votes from many northwestern counties that opposed secession. Representatives from 27 of these counties instead began the Wheeling Convention that month, which organized a government loyal to the Union and led to the separation of West Virginia as a new state.[54]

The armies of the Union and Confederacy first met on July 21, 1861 in Battle of Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, where a Confederate victory established that the war would not be easily decided. Union General George B. McClellan organized the Army of the Potomac, which landed on the Virginia Peninsula in March 1862 and reached the outskirts of Richmond that June. With Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston wounded in fighting outside the city, command his Army of Northern Virginia fell to Robert E. Lee. Over the next month, Lee drove the Union army back, and starting that September, led the first of several invasions into Union territory. During the next three years of war, more battles were fought in Virginia than anywhere else, including the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania, and the concluding Battle of Appomattox Court House, where Lee surrendered on April 9, 1865.[55] After the capture of Richmond that month, the state capital was briefly moved to Lynchburg,[56] while the Confederate leadership fled to Danville.[57] 32,751 Virginians died in the Civil War.[58]

Reconstruction and Jim Crow

Several World War I ships line a port crowded with warehouses, with a city skyline behind them.

With nearly 800,000 soldiers passing through, Hampton Roads was America’s second largest port of embarkation during World War I.[59]

Virginia was formally restored to the United States in 1870, due to the work of the Committee of Nine.[60] During the post-war Reconstruction era, African Americans were able to unite in communities, particularly around Richmond, Danville, and the Tidewater region, and take a greater role in Virginia society, as many achieved some land ownership during the 1870s.[61][62] Virginia adopted a constitution in 1868 which guaranteed political, civil, and voting rights, and provided for free public schools.[63] However, with much of the railroads and other infrastructure investments destroyed during the Civil War, the Commonwealth was deeply in debt, and in the late 1870s redirected money from public schools to pay bondholders. The Readjuster Party formed in 1877 and won legislative power in 1879 by uniting Black and white Virginians behind a shared opposition to debt payments and the perceived plantation elites.[64]

The Readjusters focused on building up schools, like Virginia Tech and Virginia State, and successfully forced West Virginia to share in the pre-war debt.[65] But in 1883, they were divided by a proposed repeal of anti-miscegenation laws, and days before that year’s election, a riot in Danville involving armed policemen left four Black men and one white man dead.[66] These events motivated a push by white supremacists to seize political power, and segregationists in the Democratic Party won the legislature that year and maintained control for decades.[67] They passed Jim Crow laws and in 1902 rewrote the state constitution to include a poll tax and other voter registration measures that effectively disenfranchised most African Americans and many poor whites.[68]

New economic forces would meanwhile industrialize the Commonwealth. Virginian James Albert Bonsack invented the tobacco cigarette rolling machine in 1880 leading to new large-scale production centered around Richmond. Railroad magnate Collis Potter Huntington founded Newport News Shipbuilding in 1886, which was responsible for building six World War I-era dreadnoughts, seven battleships, and 25 destroyers for the U.S. Navy from 1907 to 1923.[69] During the war, German submarines like U-151 attacked ships outside the port,[70] which was a major site for transportation of both soldiers and supplies.[59] A homecoming parade to honor African-American veterans returning from the war was attacked in July 1919 as part of a renewed white-supremacy movement that was known as Red Summer.[71] During World War II, the shipyard quadrupled its labor force to 70,000 by 1943, while the Radford Arsenal outside Blacksburg had 22,000 workers making explosives.[72]

Civil Rights to present

Protests against underfunded segregated schools started by Barbara Rose Johns in 1951 in Farmville led to the lawsuit Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County. This case, filed by Richmond natives Spottswood Robinson and Oliver Hill, was decided in 1954 with Brown v. Board of Education, which rejected the doctrine of «separate but equal». But, in 1956, under the policy of «massive resistance» led by the influential segregationist Senator Harry F. Byrd and his Byrd Organization, the Commonwealth prohibited desegregated local schools from receiving state or private funding as part of the Stanley Plan. After schools in many districts began closing in September 1958, state and district courts ruled the plan unconstitutional, and on February 2, 1959, the first Black students integrated schools in Arlington and Norfolk, where they were known as the Norfolk 17.[73] Prince Edward County still refused to integrate, and closed their county school system in June 1959. The Supreme Court ordered the county’s public schools to be, like others in the state, open and integrated in May 1964, which they finally did that September.[74][75]

A bronze statue of a man riding a horse on a tall pedestal that is covered in colorful graffiti.

The civil rights movement gained national support during the 1960s. Federal passage of the Civil Rights Act in June 1964 and Voting Rights Act in August 1965, and their later enforcement, helped end racial segregation in Virginia and overturn Jim Crow era state laws.[76] In June 1967, the Supreme Court also struck down the state’s ban on interracial marriage with Loving v. Virginia. In 1968, Governor Mills Godwin called a commission to rewrite the state constitution. The new constitution, which banned discrimination and removed articles which now violated federal law, passed in a referendum with 71.8% support and went into effect in June 1971.[77] In 1977, Black members became the majority of Richmond’s city council; in 1989, Douglas Wilder became the first African American elected as governor in the United States; and in 1992, Bobby Scott became the first Black congressman from Virginia since 1888.[78][79]

The expansion of federal government offices into Northern Virginia’s suburbs during the Cold War boosted the region’s population and economy.[80] The Central Intelligence Agency outgrew their offices in Foggy Bottom during the Korean War, and moved to Langley in 1961, in part due to a decision by the National Security Council that the agency relocate outside the District of Columbia.[81] The agency was involved in various Cold War events, and its headquarters was a target of Soviet espionage activities. The Pentagon, built in Arlington during World War II as the headquarters of the Department of Defense, was one of the targets of the September 11, 2001 attacks; 189 people died at the site when a jet passenger plane was flown into the building.[82] Mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and in Virginia Beach in 2019 led to passage of gun control measures in 2020.[83] Racial injustice and the presence of Confederate monuments in Virginia have also led to large demonstrations, including in August 2017, when a white supremacist drove his car into protesters, killing one, and in June 2020, when protests that were part of the larger Black Lives Matter movement brought about the removal of statues on Monument Avenue in Richmond and elsewhere.[84]


A topographic map of Virginia, with text identifying cities and natural features.

Virginia is located in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions of the United States.[85][86] Virginia has a total area of 42,774.2 square miles (110,784.7 km2), including 3,180.13 square miles (8,236.5 km2) of water, making it the 35th-largest state by area.[87] The Commonwealth is bordered by Maryland and Washington, D.C. to the north and east; by the Atlantic Ocean to the east; by North Carolina to the south; by Tennessee to the southwest; by Kentucky to the west; and by West Virginia to the north and west. Virginia’s boundary with Maryland and Washington, D.C. extends to the low-water mark of the south shore of the Potomac River.[88]

The Commonwealth’s southern border is defined as 36°30′ north latitude, though surveyor error in the 1700s led to deviations of as much as three arcminutes as the North Carolina border moved west.[89] Surveyors appointed by Virginia and Tennessee worked in 1802 and 1803 to reset the border as a line from the summit of White Top Mountain to the top of Tri-State Peak in the Cumberland Mountains. However, errors in this line were discovered in 1856, and the Virginia General Assembly proposed a new surveying commission in 1871. Tennessee’s representatives preferred to keep the 1803 line, and in 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in their favor in the case Virginia v. Tennessee.[90][91] One result of this is the division of the city of Bristol between the two states.[92]

Geology and terrain

The Chesapeake Bay separates the contiguous portion of the Commonwealth from the two-county peninsula of Virginia’s Eastern Shore. The bay was formed from the drowned river valley of the ancient Susquehanna River.[93] Many of Virginia’s rivers flow into the Chesapeake Bay, including the Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James, which create three peninsulas in the bay, traditionally referred to as «necks» named Northern Neck, Middle Peninsula, and the Virginia Peninsula from north to south.[94] Sea level rise has eroded the land on Virginia’s islands, which include Tangier Island in the bay and Chincoteague, one of 23 barrier islands on the Atlantic coast.[95][96]

Rapids in a wide, rocky river under blue sky with clouds colored purple by the sunset.

The Tidewater is a coastal plain between the Atlantic coast and the fall line. It includes the Eastern Shore and major estuaries of Chesapeake Bay. The Piedmont is a series of sedimentary and igneous rock-based foothills east of the mountains which were formed in the Mesozoic era.[98] The region, known for its heavy clay soil, includes the Southwest Mountains around Charlottesville.[99] The Blue Ridge Mountains are a physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains with the highest points in the Commonwealth, the tallest being Mount Rogers at 5,729 feet (1,746 m).[2] The Ridge-and-Valley region is west of the mountains, carbonate rock based, and includes the Massanutten Mountain ridge and the Great Appalachian Valley, which is called the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.[100] The Cumberland Plateau and Cumberland Mountains are in the southwest corner of Virginia, south of the Allegheny Plateau. In this region, rivers flow northwest, with a dendritic drainage system, into the Ohio River basin.[101]

The Virginia Seismic Zone has not had a history of regular earthquake activity. Earthquakes are rarely above 4.5 in magnitude, because Virginia is located away from the edges of the North American Plate. The Commonwealth’s largest earthquake in at least a century, at a magnitude of 5.8, struck central Virginia on August 23, 2011, near Mineral.[102] Due to the area’s geologic properties, this earthquake was felt from Northern Florida to Southern Ontario.[103] 35 million years ago, a bolide impacted what is now eastern Virginia. The resulting Chesapeake Bay impact crater may explain what earthquakes and subsidence the region does experience.[104] A meteor impact is also theorized as the source of Lake Drummond, the largest of the two natural lakes in the state.[105]

The Commonwealth’s carbonate rock is filled with more than 4,000 limestone caves, ten of which are open for tourism, including the popular Luray Caverns and Skyline Caverns.[106] Virginia’s iconic Natural Bridge is also the remaining roof of a collapsed limestone cave.[107] Coal mining takes place in the three mountainous regions at 45 distinct coal beds near Mesozoic basins.[108] More than 72 million tons of other non-fuel resources, such as slate, kyanite, sand, or gravel, were also mined in Virginia in 2020.[109] The largest-known deposits of uranium in the U.S. are under Coles Hill, Virginia. Despite a challenge that reached the U.S. Supreme Court twice, the state has banned its mining since 1982 due to environmental and public health concerns.[110]


Virginia state-wide averages 1895–2022
Climate chart (explanation)

















































Average max. and min. temperatures in °F
Precipitation totals in inches
Source: U.S. Climate Divisional Dataset
Metric conversion

















































Average max. and min. temperatures in °C
Precipitation totals in mm

Virginia has a humid subtropical climate that transitions to humid continental west of the Blue Ridge Mountains.[111] Seasonal extremes vary from average lows of 25 °F (−4 °C) in January to average highs of 86 °F (30 °C) in July.[112] The Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream have a strong effect on eastern and southeastern coastal areas of the Commonwealth, making the climate there warmer and more constant. Most of Virginia’s recorded extremes in temperature and precipitation have occurred in the Blue Ridge Mountains and areas west.[113] Virginia receives an average of 43.49 inches (110 cm) of precipitation annually,[112] with the Shenandoah Valley being the state’s driest region due to the mountains on either side.[113]

Virginia has around 35–45 days with thunderstorms annually, and storms are common in the late afternoon and evenings between April and September.[114] These months are also the most common for tornadoes,[115] fifteen of which touched down in the Commonwealth in 2020.[116] Hurricanes and tropical storms can occur from August to October, and though they typically impact coastal regions, the deadliest natural disaster in Virginia was Hurricane Camille, which killed over 150 people mainly in inland Nelson County in 1969.[113][117] Between December and March, cold-air damming caused by the Appalachian Mountains can lead to significant snowfalls across the state, such as the January 2016 blizzard, which created the state’s highest recorded snowfall of 36.6 inches (93 cm) near Bluemont.[118][119] Virginia only received 13.1 inches (33 cm) of snow during winter 2018–19, just above the state’s average of 10 inches (25 cm).[120]

Climate change in Virginia is leading to higher temperatures year-round as well as more heavy rain and flooding events.[121] Urban heat islands can be found in many Virginia cities and suburbs, particularly in neighborhoods linked to historic redlining.[122][123] Arlington had the most code orange days in 2021 for high ozone pollution in the air, with four, followed by Fairfax County with three.[124] Exposure of particulate matter in Virginia’s air has been cut in half from 13.5 micrograms per cubic meter in 2003 to 6.6 in 2022.[125] The closure and conversion of coal power plants in Virginia and the Ohio Valley region has reduced haze in the mountains, which peaked in 1998.[126] Coal has declined as a source of Virginia’s electricity from 44% in 2008 to just 4% in 2019,[127] and current plans call for 30% of the Commonwealth’s electricity to be renewable by 2030 and for all to be carbon-free by 2050.[128]


Forests cover 62% of Virginia as of 2019, of which 78% is considered hardwood forest, meaning that trees in Virginia are primarily deciduous and broad-leaved. The other 22% is pine, with Loblolly and shortleaf pine dominating much of central and eastern Virginia.[129] In the western and mountainous parts of the Commonwealth, oak and hickory are most common, while lower altitudes are more likely to have small but dense stands of moisture-loving hemlocks and mosses in abundance.[113] Spongy moth infestations in oak trees and the blight in chestnut trees have decreased both of their numbers, leaving more room for hickory and invasive ailanthus trees.[130][113] In the lowland tidewater and Piedmont, yellow pines tend to dominate, with bald cypress wetland forests in the Great Dismal and Nottoway swamps.[129] Other common trees include red spruce, Atlantic White cedar, tulip-poplar, and the flowering dogwood, the state tree and flower, as well as willows, ashes, and laurels.[131] Plants like milkweed, dandelions, daisies, ferns, and Virginia creeper, which is featured on the state flag, are also common.[132] The Thompson Wildlife Area in Fauquier is known for one of the largest populations of trillium wildflowers in all of North America.[113]

Five mountain ridges in shades of dark blue below an orange and yellow sunset.

As of 2019, roughly 16.2% of land in the Commonwealth is protected by federal, state, and local governments and non-profits.[134] Federal lands account for the majority, with thirty National Park Service units in the state, such as Great Falls Park and the Appalachian Trail, and one national park, Shenandoah.[135] Shenandoah was established in 1935 and encompasses the scenic Skyline Drive. Almost forty percent of the park’s total 199,173 acres (806 km2) area has been designated as wilderness under the National Wilderness Preservation System.[136] The U.S. Forest Service administers the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, which cover more than 1.6 million acres (6,500 km2) within Virginia’s mountains, and continue into West Virginia and Kentucky.[137] The Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge also extends into North Carolina, as does the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, which marks the beginning of the Outer Banks.[138]

State agencies control about one-third of protected land in the state,[134] and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation manages over 75,900 acres (307.2 km2) in forty Virginia state parks and 59,222 acres (239.7 km2) in 65 Natural Area Preserves, plus three undeveloped parks.[139][140] Breaks Interstate Park crosses the Kentucky border and is one of only two inter-state parks in the United States.[141] Sustainable logging is allowed in 26 state forests managed by the Virginia Department of Forestry totaling 71,972 acres (291.3 km2),[142] as is hunting in 44 Wildlife Management Areas run by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources covering over 205,000 acres (829.6 km2).[143] The Chesapeake Bay is not a national park, but is protected by both state and federal legislation and the inter-state Chesapeake Bay Program, which conducts restoration on the bay and its watershed.[144]


Two red-brown colored deer, one adult female and one young fawn, stand along a grassy area with pink mountains in the background.

White-tailed deer, one of 75 mammal species found in Virginia, rebounded from an estimated population of as few as 25 thousand in the 1930s to over one million by the 2010s.[146][147] Native carnivorans include black bears, who have a population of around five to six thousand in the state,[148] as well as bobcats, coyotes, both gray and red foxes, raccoons, weasels and skunks. Rodents include groundhogs, nutria, beavers, both gray squirrels and fox squirrels, chipmunks, and Allegheny woodrats, while the seventeen bat species include brown bats and the Virginia big-eared bat, the state mammal.[149][147] The Virginia opossum is also the only marsupial native to the United States and Canada,[150] and the native Appalachian cottontail was recognized in 1992 as a distinct species of rabbit, one of three found in the state.[151] Whales, dolphins, and porpoises have also been recorded in Virginia’s coastal waters, with bottlenose dolphins being the most frequent aquatic mammals.[147]

Virginia’s bird fauna consists of 422 counted species, of which 359 are regularly occurring, 41 are accidental (vagrant), 20 are hypothetical, and two are extinct; of the regularly occurring species, 214 have bred in Virginia, while the rest are winter residents or transients in Virginia.[152] Water birds include sandpipers, wood ducks, and Virginia rail, while common inland examples include warblers, woodpeckers, and cardinals, the state bird. Birds of prey include osprey, broad-winged hawks, and barred owls.[153] There are no species of bird endemic to the Commonwealth.[152] Audubon recognizes 21 Important Bird Areas in the state.[154] Peregrine falcons, whose numbers dramatically declined due to DDT pesticide poisoning in the middle of the 20th century, are the focus of conservation efforts in the state and a reintroduction program in Shenandoah National Park.[155]

Virginia has 226 species of freshwater fish from 25 families; the state’s diverse array of fish species is attributable to its varied and humid climate, topography, interconnected river system, and lack of Pleistocene glaciers. The state’s lakes and rivers are home to Eastern blacknose dace and sculpin on the Appalachian Plateau; smallmouth bass and redhorse sucker in the Ridge-and-Valley region; brook trout, the state fish, and Kanawha darter in the Blue Ridge; stripeback darter and Roanoke bass in the Piedmont; and swampfish, bluespotted sunfish, and pirate perch in the Tidewater.[156] The Chesapeake Bay is host to clams, oysters, and 350 species of saltwater and estuarine fish, including the bay’s most abundant finfish, the Bay anchovy, as well as the invasive blue catfish.[157][158] An estimated 405 million Chesapeake blue crabs live in the bay as of 2020.[159] There are 34 native species of crayfish, like the Big Sandy, which often inhabit rocky bottomed streambeds.[160][113] Amphibians found in Virginia include the Cumberland Plateau salamander and Eastern hellbender,[161] while the northern watersnake is the most common of the 32 snake species.[162]

Cities and towns

Map of Virginia counties colored by population density, ranging from pale yellow, to green, to dark blue.

Population density of Virginia counties and cities in 2020

Virginia is divided into 95 counties and 38 independent cities, the latter acting in many ways as county-equivalents.[163] This general method of treating cities and counties on par with each other is unique to Virginia; only three other independent cities exist elsewhere in the United States, each in a different state.[164] The differences between counties and cities in Virginia are small and have to do with how each assess new taxes, whether a referendum is necessary to issue bonds, and with the application of Dillon’s Rule, which limits the authority of cities and counties to countermand acts expressly allowed by the General Assembly.[165][166] Within counties, there can also be incorporated towns, which do operate their own governments, and unincorporated communities, which do not. There are no further administrative subdivisions, such as villages or townships.

Over 3 million people, 35% of Virginians, live in Northern Virginia, which is part of the larger Washington metropolitan area and the Northeast megalopolis.[167][168] Fairfax County is the most populous locality in the state, with more than 1.1 million residents, although that does not include its county seat Fairfax City, which is one of the independent cities.[169] Fairfax County has a major urban business and shopping center in Tysons Corner, Virginia’s largest office market.[170] Neighboring Prince William County is Virginia’s second most populous county, with a population exceeding 450,000, and is home to Marine Corps Base Quantico, the FBI Academy and Manassas National Battlefield Park. Loudoun County, with its county seat at Leesburg, is the fastest-growing county in the state.[169][171] Arlington County is the smallest self-governing county in the U.S. by land area,[172] and has considered reorganizing as an independent city due to its high density.[165]

Richmond is the capital of Virginia, and its city proper has a population of over 230,000, while its metropolitan area has over 1.2 million.[173] As of 2021, Virginia Beach is the most populous independent city in the Commonwealth, with Chesapeake and Norfolk second and third, respectively.[174] The three are part of the larger Hampton Roads metropolitan area, which has a population over 1.7 million people and is the site of the world’s largest naval base, Naval Station Norfolk.[173][175] Suffolk, which includes a portion of the Great Dismal Swamp, is the largest city by area at 429.1 square miles (1,111 km2).[176] In western Virginia, Roanoke city and Montgomery County, part of the Blacksburg–Christiansburg metropolitan area, both have surpassed a population of over 100,000 since 2018.[177]

Largest Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas in Virginia

U.S. Census Bureau MSA Population Estimates 2021

Rank Name Pop. Rank Name Pop.
Northern Virginia
Northern Virginia
Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads
1 Northern Virginia 3,061,478 11 Danville 102,187 Richmond
2 Hampton Roads 1,726,251 12 Bristol 92,108
3 Richmond 1,324,062 13 Martinsville 63,765
4 Roanoke 314,496 14 Tazewell 39,925
5 Lynchburg 262,258 15 Big Stone Gap 39,313
6 Charlottesville 222,688
7 Blacksburg–Christiansburg 165,293
8 Harrisonburg 135,824
9 Staunton–Waynesboro 125,774
10 Winchester 145,155


Historical population
Census Pop.
1790 691,737
1800 807,557 16.7%
1810 877,683 8.7%
1820 938,261 6.9%
1830 1,044,054 11.3%
1840 1,025,227 −1.8%
1850 1,119,348 9.2%
1860 1,219,630 9.0%
1870 1,225,163 0.5%
1880 1,512,565 23.5%
1890 1,655,980 9.5%
1900 1,854,184 12.0%
1910 2,061,612 11.2%
1920 2,309,187 12.0%
1930 2,421,851 4.9%
1940 2,677,773 10.6%
1950 3,318,680 23.9%
1960 3,966,949 19.5%
1970 4,648,494 17.2%
1980 5,346,818 15.0%
1990 6,187,358 15.7%
2000 7,078,515 14.4%
2010 8,001,024 13.0%
2020 8,631,393 7.9%
2022 (est.) 8,683,619 0.6%
1790–2020,[178][179] 2022[180]

The United States Census Bureau found the state resident population was 8,631,393 on April 1, 2020, a 7.9% increase since the 2010 United States census. Another 23,149 Virginians live overseas, giving the state a total population of 8,654,542. Virginia has the fourth largest overseas population of U.S. states due to its federal employees and military personnel.[3] The fertility rate in Virginia as of 2020 was 55.8 per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 44,[181] and the median age as of 2021 was the same as the national average of 38.8 years old, with the oldest city by median age being James City and the youngest being Lynchburg, home to several universities.[174] The geographic center of population was located northwest of Richmond in Hanover County, as of 2020.[182]

Immigration between 2010 and 2018 from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 159,627 people, and migration within the country produced a net increase of 155,205 people.[183] Aside from Virginia, the top birth state for Virginians is New York, having overtaken North Carolina in the 1990s, with the Northeast accounting for the largest number of domestic migrants into the state by region.[184] About twelve percent of residents were born outside the United States as of 2020. El Salvador was the most common foreign country of birth, with India, South Korea, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and the Philippines as other common birthplaces.[185]

Race and ethnicity

The state’s most populous racial group, non-Hispanic whites, has declined as a proportion of the population from 76% in 1990 to 58.6% in 2020, as other ethnicities have increased.[186][187] Immigrants from the islands of Britain and Ireland settled throughout the Commonwealth during the colonial period,[188] a time when roughly three-fourths of immigrants came as indentured servants.[189] Those who identify on the census as having «American ethnicity» are predominantly of English descent, but have ancestors who have been in North America for so long they choose to identify simply as American.[190][191] The western mountains have many settlements that were founded by Scotch-Irish immigrants before the American Revolution.[192] There are also sizable numbers of people of German descent in the northwestern mountains and Shenandoah Valley,[193] and 10.3% of Virginians are estimated to have German ancestry, as of 2020.[194]

Dozens of adults sit in auditorium rows, many waving small American flags

New citizens attend a naturalization ceremony in Northern Virginia, where 25% of residents are foreign-born, almost twice the overall state average[185]

The largest minority group in Virginia are Blacks and African Americans, who include about one-fifth of the population.[187] Virginia was a major destination of the Atlantic slave trade, and the first generations of enslaved men, women, and children were brought primarily from Angola and the Bight of Biafra. The Igbo ethnic group of what is now southern Nigeria were the single largest African group among slaves in Virginia.[195] Blacks in Virginia also have more European ancestry than those in other southern states, and DNA analysis shows many have asymmetrical male and female ancestry contributions from before the Civil War, evidence of European fathers and African or Native American mothers during the time of slavery.[196][197] Though the Black population was reduced by the Great Migration to northern industrial cities in the first half of the 20th century, since 1965 there has been a reverse migration of Blacks returning south.[198] The Commonwealth has the highest number of Black-white interracial marriages in the United States,[199] and 8.2% of Virginians describe themselves as multiracial.[180]

More recent immigration in the late 20th century and early 21st century has resulted in new communities of Hispanics and Asians. As of 2020, 10.5% of Virginia’s total population describe themselves as Hispanic or Latino, and 8.8% as Asian.[180] The state’s Hispanic population rose by 92% from 2000 to 2010, with two-thirds of Hispanics in the state living in Northern Virginia.[200] Northern Virginia also has a significant population of Vietnamese Americans, whose major wave of immigration followed the Vietnam War.[201] Korean Americans have migrated more recently, attracted by the quality school system.[202] The Filipino American community has about 45,000 in the Hampton Roads area, many of whom have ties to the U.S. Navy and armed forces.[203]

Tribal membership in Virginia is complicated by the legacy of the state’s «pencil genocide» of intentionally categorizing Native Americans and Blacks together, and many tribal members do have African and European ancestry.[204] In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau found that only 0.5% of Virginians were exclusively American Indian or Alaska Native, though 2.1% were in some combination with other ethnicities.[187] The state government has extended recognition to eleven indigenous tribes resident in Virginia. Seven tribes also have federal recognition, including six that were recognized in 2018 after passage of bill named for activist Thomasina Jordan.[205][206] The Pamunkey and Mattaponi have reservations on tributaries of the York River in the Tidewater region.[207]

Largest race by county or city Race and ethnicity (2020) Alone Total
Map of racial plurality in Virginia by county, per the 2020 US Census

Non-Hispanic White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino













Non-Hispanic White 58.6% 62.8%
Black or African American 18.3% 20.1%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 10.5%
Asian 7.1% 8.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.2% 1.5%
Other 0.6% 1.5%
Largest ancestry by county or city Ancestry (2020 est.) Total

Virginia counties colored either red, blue, yellow, green, or purple based on the populations most common ancestry. The south-east is predominately purple for African American, while the west is mostly red for American. The north has yellow for German, with two small areas green for Irish. Yellow is also found in spots in the west. A strip in the middle is blue for English.

American Community Survey five-year estimate

  Irish or Scotch-Irish








  Subsaharan African



Recording of a resident of Tangier Island who was born in the late 1800s, showcasing the island’s unique accent

According to U.S. Census data as of 2019 on Virginia residents age five and older, 83.2% (6,683,027) speak English at home as a first language, while 16.8% (1,352,586) speak something other than English. Spanish is the next most commonly spoken language, with 7.6% (616,226) of Virginia households, though age is a factor, and 10.3% (139,312) of Virginians under age eighteen speak Spanish. 58.2% of Spanish speakers reported speaking English «very well,» but again, of Spanish-speakers under age eighteen, 80.3% speak English «very well.» Chinese languages, including Standard Mandarin and Cantonese, were the third most commonly spoken languages with around 0.8% of residents, followed by Vietnamese and Arabic, both with just over 0.7%, and then Korean and Tagalog, with 0.6% and 0.5% respectively.[208]

English was passed as the Commonwealth’s official language by statutes in 1981 and again in 1996, though the status is not mandated by the Constitution of Virginia.[209] While a more homogenized American English is found in urban areas, various accents are also used.[210] The Piedmont region is known for its non-rhotic dialect’s strong influence on Southern American English, and a BBC America study in 2014 ranked it as one of the most identifiable accents in American English.[211] The Tidewater accent, sometimes described as a subset of the Old Virginia accent, evolved from the language that upper-class English typically spoke in the early Colonial period, while the Appalachian accent has much more influence from the English spoken by Scottish and Irish immigrants from that time.[210][212] The English spoken on Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay, preserved by the island’s isolation, contains many phrases and euphemisms not found anywhere else and is said to closely resemble Elizabethan English or «Restoration English.»[213][214]


Virginia is predominantly Christian and Protestant; Baptist denominations combined to form largest group with over a quarter of the population as of 2014.[215] Baptist denominational groups in Virginia include the Baptist General Association of Virginia, with about 1,400 member churches, which supports both the Southern Baptist Convention and the moderate Cooperative Baptist Fellowship; and the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia with more than 500 affiliated churches, which supports the Southern Baptist Convention.[216][217] Roman Catholics are the next largest religious group with around twelve percent.[215] The Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington includes most of Northern Virginia’s Catholic churches, while the Diocese of Richmond covers the rest.

An outdoor auditorium with seated guests lined with neoclassical columns and a closed archway on one side and banners hanging inside the arch.

The United Methodist Church, representing about six percent of Virginians, has the Virginia Conference as their regional body in most of the Commonwealth, while the Holston Conference represents much of extreme Southwest Virginia. Around five percent of Virginians attend Pentecostal churches, while around three percent attend Presbyterian churches, which are split between the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Presbyterian Church in America. The Lutheran Church, under the Virginia Synod, Congregational churches, and Episcopalian adherents each comprised less than two percent of the population as of 2014.[215] The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, Southern Virginia, and Southwestern Virginia support the various Episcopal churches.

In November 2006, fifteen conservative Episcopal churches voted to split from the Diocese of Virginia over the ordination of openly gay bishops and clergy in other dioceses of the Episcopal Church; these churches continue to claim affiliation with the larger Anglican Communion through other bodies outside the United States. Though Virginia law allows parishioners to determine their church’s affiliation, the diocese claimed the secessionist churches’ buildings and properties. The resulting property law case, ultimately decided in favor of the mainline diocese, was a test for Episcopal churches nationwide.[219]

Among other religions, adherents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints constitute just over one percent of the population, with 216 congregations in Virginia as of 2022.[220] Fairfax Station is the site of the Ekoji Buddhist Temple, of the Jodo Shinshu school, and the Hindu Durga Temple. Sterling is the home of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, which, with its eleven satellite branches, considers itself the second largest Muslim mosque community in the country.[221] While the state’s Jewish population is small, organized Jewish sites date to 1789 with Congregation Beth Ahabah.[222] Megachurches in the Commonwealth include Thomas Road Baptist Church, Immanuel Bible Church, and McLean Bible Church,[223] and the twenty percent who describe themselves as unaffiliated also include seven percent who say religion is important to them, but may not attend regular services with formal membership.[224] Several Christian universities are also based in the state, including Regent University, Liberty University, and the University of Lynchburg.


Map of Virginia counties colored by median household income, with ranging from gray, to blue, to darker green.

Virginia counties and cities by median household income (2015–2019)

Virginia’s economy has diverse sources of income, including local and federal government, military, farming and high-tech. The state’s average earnings per job was $63,281, the 11th-highest nationwide,[225] and the gross domestic product (GDP) was $476.4 billion in 2018, the 13th-largest among U.S. states.[226] Prior to the COVID-19 recession, in March 2020, Virginia had 4.36 million people employed with an unemployment rate of 2.9%,[227] but jobless claims due to the virus soared over 10% in early April 2020,[228] before leaving off around 5% in November 2020.[229] In October 2022, it was 2.7%, which was the 9th-lowest nationwide.[230]

Virginia has a median household income of $72,600, 11th-highest nationwide, and a poverty rate of 10.7%, 12th-lowest nationwide, as of 2018. Montgomery County outside Blacksburg has the highest poverty rate in the state, with 28.5% falling below the U.S. Census poverty thresholds. Loudoun County meanwhile has the highest median household income in the nation, and the wider Northern Virginia region is among the highest-income regions nationwide.[231] As of 2013, six of the twenty highest-income counties in the United States, including the two highest,[232] as well as three of the fifty highest-income towns, are all located in Northern Virginia.[233] Though the Gini index shows Virginia has less income inequality than the national average,[234] the state’s middle class is also smaller than the majority of states.[235]

Virginia’s business environment has been ranked highly by various publications. In 2021, CNBC named Virginia their Top State for Business, with its deductions being mainly for the high cost of living,[236] while Forbes magazine ranked it fourth, though number one in quality of life.[237] Additionally, in 2014 a survey of 12,000 small business owners found Virginia to be one of the most friendly states for small businesses.[238] Oxfam America however ranked Virginia in 2021 as only the 23rd-best state to work in, with pluses for new worker protections from sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination, but negatives for laws on organized labor and the low tipped employee minimum wage of $2.13.[239] Virginia has been an employment-at-will state since 1906 and a «right to work» state since 1947,[240][241] and though state minimum wage increased to $11 in 2021 and will increase to $12 in 2023, farm and tipped workers are specifically excluded.[242][239]

Government agencies

Aerial view of the huge five-sided building and its multiple rings. Parking lots and highways stretch away from it.

Government agencies directly employ around 700,000 people, almost 17% of all employees, as of 2021.[244] Approximately twelve percent of all U.S. federal procurement money is spent in Virginia, the second-highest amount after California.[245][246] As of 2019, 124,870 active-duty personnel and 98,506 civilians work directly for the U.S. Department of Defense across the 27 military bases in the state and the headquarters at the Pentagon,[247] and over 139,000 Virginians work for defense contracting firms, which received over $37.4 billion worth of contracts in the 2018 fiscal year.[248] Virginia has one of the highest concentrations of veterans of any state,[249] and the Hampton Roads area has the largest concentration of military personnel and assets of any metropolitan area in the world.[250]

Other large federal agencies in Northern Virginia include the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, the National Science Foundation and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Bailey’s Crossroads. Virginia’s state government employs over 106,000 public employees, who combined have a median income of $52,401 as of 2018,[251] with the Departments of Education and of Transportation being the largest by expenditure.[252]


High-rise hotels line the ocean front covered with colorful beach-goers.

Virginia was home to 653,193 separate firms in the 2012 U.S. Census Survey of Business Owners, with 54% of those majority male-owned and 36.2% majority female-owned. Approximately 28.3% of firms were also majority minority-owned, and 11.7% were veteran-owned.[180] Twenty-one Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in Virginia as of 2019, with the largest companies by revenue being Freddie Mac, General Dynamics, and Capital One.[253] The largest by their number of employees are Dollar Tree in Chesapeake and Hilton Worldwide Holdings in McLean.[254]

Virginia has the third highest concentration of technology workers and the fifth highest overall number among U.S. states as of 2020, with the 451,268 tech jobs accounting for 11.1% of all jobs in the state and earning a median salary of $98,292.[255] Many of these jobs are in Northern Virginia, which hosts a large number of software, communications, and cybersecurity companies, particularly in the Dulles Technology Corridor and Tysons Corner areas. Amazon additionally selected Crystal City for its HQ2 in 2018, while Google expanded their Reston offices in 2019. Virginia became the world’s largest data center market in 2016, with Loudoun County specifically branding itself «Data Center Alley» due to the roughly 13.5 million square feet (1.25 km2) in use for data.[256][257] In 2021, the state had the fastest average internet download speeds in the United States, with 458 Mbit/s,[258] though the state ranked eighteenth in the percent of households with broadband access, at 92.9%.[125] Computer chips first became the state’s highest-grossing export in 2006,[259] and had a total export value of $827 million in 2020.[260] Though in the top quartile for diversity based on the Simpson index, only 26% of tech employees in Virginia are women, and only 13% are Black or African American.[255]

Tourism in Virginia supported an estimated 234,000 jobs in 2018, making tourism the state’s fifth largest industry. It generated $26 billion, an increase of 4.4% from 2017.[261] The state was eighth nationwide in domestic travel spending in 2018, with Arlington County the top tourist destination in the state by domestic spending, followed by Fairfax County, Loudoun County, and Virginia Beach.[262] Virginia also saw 1.1 million international tourists in 2018, a five percent increase from 2017.[263]


Two adult men in green and red baseball caps work with their hands while crouching down in a field of wide green leaves.

Rockingham County accounts for twenty percent of Virginia’s agricultural sales as of 2017.[264]

As of 2017, agriculture occupied 28% of the land in Virginia with 7.8 million acres (12,188 sq mi; 31,565 km2) of farmland. Nearly 54,000 Virginians work on the state’s 43,225 farms, which average 181 acres (0.28 sq mi; 0.73 km2). Though agriculture has declined significantly since 1960 when there were twice as many farms, it remains the largest single industry in Virginia, providing for over 334,000 jobs.[265] Soybeans were the most profitable crop in Virginia in 2017, ahead of corn and cut flowers as other leading agricultural products.[266] However, the ongoing China-U.S. trade war led many Virginia farmers to plant cotton instead of soybeans in 2019.[267] Though it is no longer the primary crop, Virginia is still the third-largest producer of tobacco in the United States.[265]

Virginia is also the country’s third-largest producer of seafood as of 2018, with sea scallops, oysters, Chesapeake blue crabs, menhaden, and hardshell clams as the largest seafood harvests by value, and France, Canada, and Hong Kong as the top export destinations.[268][269] Commercial fishing supports 18,220 jobs as of 2020, while recreation fishing supports another 5,893.[270] Eastern oyster harvests had increased from 23,000 bushels in 2001 to over 500,000 in 2013,[271] but fell to 248,347 in 2019 because of low salinity in coastal waters due to heavy spring rains.[272] Those same rains however made 2019 a record wine harvest for vineyards in the Northern Neck and along the Blue Ridge Mountains, which also attract 2.3 million tourists annually.[273][274] Virginia has the seventh-highest number of wineries in the nation, with 307 as of 2020.[275] Cabernet franc and Chardonnay are the most grown varieties.[276]


State income tax is collected from those with incomes above a filing threshold; there are five income brackets, with rates ranging from 2.0% to 5.75% of taxable income.[277][278] The state sales and use tax rate is 4.3%. There is an additional 1% local tax, for a total of a 5.3% combined sales tax on most Virginia purchases. The sales tax rate is higher in three regions: Northern Virginia (6%), Hampton Roads (6%) and the Historic Triangle (7%).[279] Unlike the majority of states, Virginia has a sales tax on groceries, but at a lower rate than the general sales tax.[280] The sales tax for food and certain essential personal hygiene goods is, as of January 2023, 1%;[279] this tax decreased from 2.5% in January 2023.[281]

Virginia’s property tax is set and collected at the local government level and varies throughout the Commonwealth. Real estate is also taxed at the local level based on one hundred percent of fair market value.[282] As of fiscal year 2018, the median real estate tax rate per $100 of assessed taxable value was $1.07 for cities, $0.67 for counties, and $0.17 for towns; town rates are lower because towns (unlike cities) have a narrow range of responsibilities and are subordinate to counties.[283] Of local government tax revenue, about 61% is generated from real property taxes; about 24% from tangible personal property, sales and use, and business license tax; and 15% from other taxes (such as restaurant meal taxes, public service corporation property tax, consumer utility tax, and hotel tax).[284]


Five women dressed in long colonial style clothing sit on the stairs of tan and beige buildings talking. In front of them is a wooden wheelbarrow full of wicker baskets.

Colonial Virginian culture, language, and style are reenacted in Williamsburg.

Modern Virginian culture has many sources, and is part of the culture of the Southern United States.[285] The Smithsonian Institution divides Virginia into nine cultural regions, and in 2007 used their annual Folklife Festival to recognize the substantial contributions of England and Senegal on Virginian culture.[286] Virginia’s culture was popularized and spread across America and the South by figures such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Robert E. Lee. Their homes in Virginia represent the birthplace of America and the South.[287]

Besides the general cuisine of the Southern United States, Virginians maintain their own particular traditions. Virginia wine is made in many parts of the Commonwealth.[274] Smithfield ham, sometimes called «Virginia ham», is a type of country ham which is protected by state law, and can be produced only in the town of Smithfield.[288] Virginia furniture and architecture are typical of American colonial architecture. Thomas Jefferson and many of the Commonwealth’s early leaders favored the Neoclassical architecture style, leading to its use for important state buildings. The Pennsylvania Dutch and their style can also be found in parts of the Commonwealth.[193]

Literature in Virginia often deals with the Commonwealth’s extensive and sometimes troubled past. The works of Pulitzer Prize winner Ellen Glasgow often dealt with social inequalities and the role of women in her culture.[289] Glasgow’s peer and close friend James Branch Cabell wrote extensively about the changing position of gentry in the Reconstruction era, and challenged its moral code with Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice.[290] William Styron approached history in works such as The Confessions of Nat Turner and Sophie’s Choice.[291] Tom Wolfe has occasionally dealt with his southern heritage in bestsellers like I Am Charlotte Simmons.[292] Mount Vernon native Matt Bondurant received critical acclaim for his historic novel The Wettest County in the World about moonshiners in Franklin County during prohibition.[293] Virginia also names a state Poet Laureate.[294]

Fine and performing arts

Five male musicians perform on stage in front of a standing audience, behind them a dozen lights project blue lines upward.

Virginia ranks near the middle of U.S. states in terms of public spending on the arts as of 2021, at just over half of the national average.[295] The state government does fund some institutions, including the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and the Science Museum of Virginia. Other museums include the popular Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center of the National Air and Space Museum and the Chrysler Museum of Art.[296] Besides these sites, many open-air museums are located in the Commonwealth, such as Colonial Williamsburg, the Frontier Culture Museum, and various historic battlefields.[297] The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities works to improve the Commonwealth’s civic, cultural, and intellectual life.[298]

Theaters and venues in the Commonwealth are found both in the cities and in suburbs. The Harrison Opera House, in Norfolk, is home of the Virginia Opera. The Virginia Symphony Orchestra operates in and around Hampton Roads.[299] Resident and touring theater troupes operate from the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton.[300] The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, designated the State Theatre of Virginia, won the first Regional Theatre Tony Award in 1948, while the Signature Theatre in Arlington won it in 2009. There is also a Children’s Theater of Virginia, Theatre IV, which is the second largest touring troupe nationwide.[301] Notable music performance venues include The Birchmere, the Landmark Theater, and Jiffy Lube Live.[302] Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts is located in Vienna and is the only national park intended for use as a performing arts center.[303]

Many award-winning traditional musical artists and internationally successful popular music acts, as well as Hollywood actors come from Virginia.[1] Virginia is known for its tradition in the music genres of old-time string and bluegrass, with groups such as the Carter Family and Stanley Brothers.[304] The state’s African tradition is found through gospel, blues, and shout bands, with both Ella Fitzgerald and Pearl Bailey coming from Newport News.[305] Contemporary Virginia is also known for folk rock artists like Dave Matthews and Jason Mraz, hip hop stars like Pharrell Williams, Missy Elliott and Pusha T, as well as thrash metal groups like GWAR and Lamb of God.[306] Several members of country music band Old Dominion grew up in the Roanoke area, and took their band name from Virginia’s state nickname.[307]


Dozens of brown and white ponies surge out of the shallow water onto a grassy shore crowded with onlookers.

Many counties and localities host county fairs and festivals. The Virginia State Fair is held at the Meadow Event Park every September. Also in September is the Neptune Festival in Virginia Beach, which celebrates the city, the waterfront, and regional artists. Norfolk’s Harborfest, in June, features boat racing and air shows.[308] Fairfax County also sponsors Celebrate Fairfax! with popular and traditional music performances.[309] The Virginia Lake Festival is held during the third weekend in July in Clarksville.[310] On the Eastern Shore island of Chincoteague the annual Pony Penning of feral Chincoteague ponies at the end of July is a unique local tradition expanded into a week-long carnival.[311]

The Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival is a six-day festival held annually in Winchester which includes parades and bluegrass concerts. The Old Time Fiddlers’ Convention in Galax, begun in 1935, is one of the oldest and largest such events worldwide, and Wolf Trap hosts the Wolf Trap Opera Company, which produces an opera festival every summer.[303] The Blue Ridge Rock Festival has operated since 2017, and has brought as many as 33,000 concert-goers to the Blue Ridge Amphitheater in Pittsylvania County.[312] Two important film festivals, the Virginia Film Festival and the VCU French Film Festival, are held annually in Charlottesville and Richmond, respectively.[313]


Two geometric all glass towers connected by a central atrium stand in front of a grassy walkway and under a dark and cloudy sky

USA Today, one of the nation’s most circulated newspapers, has its headquarters in McLean.

The Hampton Roads area is the 44th-largest media market in the United States as ranked by Nielsen Media Research, while the Richmond-Petersburg area is 56th and Roanoke-Lynchburg is 71st as of 2022. Northern Virginia is part of the much larger Washington, D.C. media market, which is the country’s 9th-largest.[314]

There are 36 television stations in Virginia, representing each major U.S. network, part of 42 stations which serve Virginia viewers including those broadcasting from neighboring jurisdictions.[315] According the Federal Communications Commission, 595 FCC-licensed FM radio stations broadcast in Virginia, with 239 such AM stations as of 2020.[316][317] The nationally available Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is headquartered in Arlington. Independent PBS affiliates exist throughout Virginia, and the Arlington PBS member station WETA-TV produces programs such as the PBS NewsHour and Washington Week.

The most circulated native newspapers in the Commonwealth are Norfolk’s The Virginian-Pilot with around 132,000 subscribers,[318] the Richmond Times-Dispatch with 86,219,[319] and The Roanoke Times as of 2018.[320] USA Today, which is headquartered in McLean, has seen its daily subscription number decline significantly from over 500,000 in 2019 to just over 180,000 in 2021, but is still the third-most circulated paper nationwide.[321] USA Today is the flagship publication of Gannett, Inc., which merged with GateHouse Media in 2019, and operates over one hundred local newspapers nationwide.[322] In Northern Virginia, The Washington Post is the dominant newspaper and provides local coverage for the region.[323] Politico, which covers national politics, has its offices in Rosslyn.[324]


Five middle school students work together at a table using a soldering iron.

Virginia’s educational system consistently ranks in the top five states on the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, with Virginia students outperforming the average in all subject areas and grade levels tested.[325] The 2020 Quality Counts report ranked Virginia’s K–12 education eighth in the country, with a letter grade of B.[326] All school divisions must adhere to educational standards set forth by the Virginia Department of Education, which maintains an assessment and accreditation regime known as the Standards of Learning to ensure accountability.[327]

Public K–12 schools in Virginia are generally operated by the counties and cities, and not by the state. As of the 2018–19 academic year, a total of 1,290,576 students were enrolled in 2,293 local and regional schools in the Commonwealth, including eight charter schools, and an additional 98 alternative and special education centers across 133 school divisions.[328][329] 2018 marked the first decline in overall enrollment in public schools, by just over 2,000 students, since 1984.[330] Besides the general public schools in Virginia, there are Governor’s Schools and selective magnet schools. The Governor’s Schools are a collection of more than forty regional high schools and summer programs intended for gifted students.[331] The Virginia Council for Private Education oversees the regulation of 483 state accredited private schools.[332] An additional 17,283 students receive homeschooling.[333]

In 2019, 91.5% of high school students graduated on-time after four years,[334] an increase of two percent from 2013,[335] and 89.3% of adults over the age 25 had their high school diploma.[180] Virginia has one of the smaller racial gaps in graduation rates among U.S. states,[336] with 89.7% of Black students graduating on time, compared to 94.7% of white students and 97.5% of Asian students.[334] Despite ending school segregation in the 1960s, seven percent of Virginia’s public schools were rated as «intensely segregated» by The Civil Rights Project at UCLA in 2019, and the number has risen since 1989, when only three percent were.[337] Virginia has comparatively large public school districts, typically comprising entire counties or cities, and this helps mitigate funding gaps seen in other states such that non-white districts average slightly more funding, $255 per student as of 2019, than majority white districts.[338] Elementary schools, with Virginia’s smallest districts, were found to be more segregated than state middle or high schools by a 2019 VCU study.[339]

Colleges and universities

As of 2020, Virginia has the sixth highest percent of residents with bachelor’s degrees or higher, with 39.5%.[180] The Department of Education recognizes 163 colleges and universities in Virginia.[341] In the 2021 U.S. News & World Report ranking of national public universities, the University of Virginia is ranked 4th, the College of William and Mary is 11th, Virginia Tech is 29th, George Mason University is 65th, and Virginia Commonwealth University is 77th.[342] James Madison University is also ranked the third best regional university in the South.[343] There are 124 private institutions in the state, including Washington and Lee University and the University of Richmond, which are ranked as the country’s 9th and 22nd best liberal arts colleges respectively.[341][344]

Virginia Tech and Virginia State University are the state’s land-grant universities, and Virginia State is one of five historically black colleges and universities in Virginia.[345] The Virginia Military Institute is the oldest state military college.[346] Virginia also operates 23 community colleges on 40 campuses which enrolled 218,985 degree-seeking students during the 2020–2021 school year.[347] In 2021, the state made community college free for most low- and middle-income students.[348] George Mason University had the largest on-campus enrollment at 38,542 students as of 2021,[349] though the private Liberty University had the largest total enrollment in the state, with 88,283 online and 15,105 on-campus students in Lynchburg as of 2019.[350]


Two medical professionals, one holding a clipboard, in blue scrubs and facemasks stand outside the window of a dark blue car parked in front of a brick building.

Virginia has a mixed health record. The state was ranked 14th in overall health outcomes and 18th for healthy behaviors by the 2022 United Health Foundation’s Health Rankings. Among U.S. states, Virginia has the nineteenth lowest rate of premature deaths, with 7,931 per 100,000,[125] and an infant mortality rate of 5.61 per 1,000 live births.[352] The rate of uninsured Virginians dropped to 6.8% in 2022, following an expansion of Medicare in 2019.[125] Falls Church and Loudoun County were both ranked in the top ten healthiest communities in 2020 by U.S. News & World Report.[353]

There are however racial and social health disparities. With high rates of heart disease and diabetes, African Americans in Virginia had an average life expectancy four years lower than whites and twelve years lower than Asian Americans and Latinos in 2017,[354] and were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 during the coronavirus pandemic.[355] African-American mothers are also three times more likely to die while giving birth in the state.[356] Mortality rates among white middle-class Virginians have also been rising, with drug overdose, alcohol poisoning, and suicide as leading causes.[357] Suicides in the state increased by 11% between 2009 and 2021, while deaths from drug overdoses more than doubled in that time.[358]

Weight is an issue for many Virginians, and 32.2% of adults and 14.9% of 10- to 17-year-olds are obese as of 2021.[359] Additionally, 35% of adults are overweight and 23.3% do not exercise regularly.[360] Smoking in bars and restaurants was banned in January 2010,[361] and the percent of tobacco smokers in the state has declined from 19% in that year to 12.4% in 2022, but an additional 6.8% use e-cigarettes. Virginia does have above average percentage of residents who receive annual immunizations, ranking sixteenth for yearly flu vaccinations.[125] In 2008, Virginia became the first U.S. state to mandate the HPV vaccine for girls for school attendance,[362] and 64.9% of adolescents have the vaccine.[125] As of January 2023, 73.6% of Virginians had received a full COVID-19 vaccine.[363]

The Virginia Board of Health regulates health care facilities, and there are ninety hospitals in Virginia with a combined 17,706 hospital beds as of 2020.[364] Notable examples include Inova Fairfax Hospital, the largest hospital in the Washington Metropolitan Area, and the VCU Medical Center, located on the medical campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. The University of Virginia Medical Center, part of the University of Virginia Health System, is highly ranked in endocrinology according to U.S. News & World Report.[365] Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, a teaching institution of Eastern Virginia Medical School, was the site of the first successful in-vitro fertilization program.[366] Virginia has a ratio of 254.8 primary care physicians per 10,000 residents, the fifteenth worst rate nationally, and only 228.8 mental health providers per that number, the thirteenth worst nationwide.[125] As of 2021, the state’s eight public mental health care facilities were 96% full, causing delays in admissions.[367]


A train station built over a busy intersection in front of several skyscrapers at sunset.

Because of the 1932 Byrd Road Act, the state government controls most of Virginia’s roads, instead of a local county authority as is usual in other states.[368] As of 2018, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) owns and operates 57,867 miles (93,128 km) of the total 70,105 miles (112,823 km) of roads in the state, making it the third largest state highway system in the United States.[369] Traffic on Virginia’s roads is among the worst in the nation according to the 2019 American Community Survey. The average commute time of 28.7 minutes is the eighth longest among U.S. states, and the Washington Metropolitan Area, which includes Northern Virginia, has the second worst rate of traffic congestion among U.S. cities.[370] About 65.6% of workers in Virginia reported driving alone to work in 2021, the eleventh lowest percent in the U.S.,[125] while 8.5% reported carpooling,[371] and Virginia hit peak car usage before the year 2000, making it one of the first such states.[372]

About 3.4% of Virginians commute on public transit,[371] and there were over 171.9 million public transit trips in Virginia in 2019, over 62% of which were done on the Washington Metro transit system, which serves Arlington and Alexandria, and extends into Loudoun and Fairfax Counties.[373] Virginia has Amtrak passenger rail service along several corridors, and Virginia Railway Express (VRE) maintains two commuter lines into Washington, D.C. from Fredericksburg and Manassas. VRE averaged over 90,000 weekly riders in 2019, but saw a dramatic 90% decline in ridership due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.[374] Major freight railroads in Virginia include Norfolk Southern and CSX Transportation, and in 2021 the state finalized a deal to purchase 223 miles (359 km) of track and over 350 miles (560 km) of right of way from CSX for future passenger rail service.[375] Commuter buses include the Fairfax Connector, FRED buses in Fredericksburg, and OmniRide in Prince William County,[376] while the state-run Virginia Breeze buses run four inter-city routes from Washington, D.C. to Bristol, Blacksburg, Martinsville, and Danville.[377] VDOT operates several free ferries throughout Virginia, the most notable being the Jamestown Ferry which connects Jamestown to Scotland Wharf across the James River.[378]

Virginia has five major airports: Washington Dulles International and Reagan Washington National in Northern Virginia, both of which handle more than twenty million passengers a year, Richmond International southeast of the state capital, and Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport and Norfolk International in Hampton Roads. Several other airports offer limited commercial passenger service, and sixty-six public airports serve the state’s aviation needs.[379] The Virginia Port Authority’s main seaports are those in Hampton Roads, which carried 61,505,700 short tons (55,797,000 t) of total cargo in 2021, the sixth most of United States ports.[380] The Eastern Shore of Virginia is the site of Wallops Flight Facility, a rocket launch center owned by NASA, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, a commercial spaceport.[381][382] Space tourism is also offered through Vienna-based Space Adventures.[383]

Law and government

All white Neoclassical building with pediment and six columns rises on a grassy hill with a large American elm tree in the left foreground. Two boxier, but similarly styled wings are attached at the building's rear.

In 1619, the first Virginia General Assembly met at Jamestown Church, and included 22 locally elected representatives, making Virginia’s legislature the oldest of its kind in the North America.[384] The elected members became the House of Burgesses in 1642, and governed with the Governor’s Council, which was appointed by the British monarchy, until Virginians declared their independence from Britain in 1776. The current General Assembly is the 162nd since that year. The government today functions under the seventh Constitution of Virginia, which was approved by voters in 1970 went into effect in July 1971.[77] It is similar to the federal structure in that it provides for three branches: a strong legislature, an executive, and a unified judicial system.[385]

Virginia’s legislature is bicameral with a 100-member House of Delegates and 40-member Senate, who together write the laws for the Commonwealth. Delegates serve two-year terms, while senators serve four-year terms, with the next scheduled elections for both taking place in November 2023. The executive department includes the governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general, who are elected every four years in separate elections, with the most recent taking place in November 2021. The governor must be at least thirty years old and incumbent governors cannot run for re-election, however the lieutenant governor and attorney general can, and governors can and have served non-consecutive terms.[385] The lieutenant governor is the official head of the Senate, and is responsible for breaking ties. The House elects a Speaker of the House and the Senate elects a President pro tempore, who presides when the lieutenant governor isn’t present, and both houses elect a clerk and majority and minority leaders.[386] The governor also nominates their eleven cabinet members and others who head various state departments.

State budgets are biannual and proposed by the governor in even years.[387] Based on data through 2018, the Pew Center on the States found Virginia’s government to be above average in running surpluses,[388] and U.S. News & World Report ranked the state eighteenth in fiscal stability.[389] The legislature starts regular sessions on the second Wednesday of every year, which meet for up to 48 days in odd years and 60 days in even years to allow more time for the state budget.[386] After regular sessions end, special sessions can be called either by the governor or with agreement of two-thirds of both houses, and nineteen special sessions have been called since 2000, typically for legislation on preselected issues.[390] Though not a full-time legislature, the Assembly is classified as a hybrid because special sessions are not limited by the state constitution and often last several months.[391]

Judicial system

A seven-story sandstone building faced with ionic columns on a city street corner.

The judges and justices who make up Virginia’s judicial system, also the oldest in America, are elected by a majority vote in both the House and Senate without input from the governor, one way Virginia’s legislature is stronger than its executive. The system consists of a hierarchy from the Supreme Court of Virginia and the Court of Appeals of Virginia to the Circuit Courts, the trial courts of general jurisdiction, and the lower General District Courts and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts.[392] The Supreme Court has seven justices who serve twelve-year terms, with a mandatory retirement age of 73. The Supreme Court selects its own Chief Justice from among their seven members, who is informally limited to two four-year terms.[393] Virginia was the last state to guarantee an automatic right of appeal for all civil and criminal cases, and their Court of Appeals increased from eleven to seventeen judges in 2021.[394][395]

The Code of Virginia is the statutory law, and consists of the codified legislation of the General Assembly. Virginia has no «pocket veto,» and bills will become law if the governor chooses to neither approve nor veto legislation.[396] The largest law enforcement agency in Virginia is the Virginia State Police, with 3,022 sworn and civilian members as of 2018.[397] The Virginia Marine Police patrol coastal areas, and were founded as the «Oyster Navy» in 1864 in response to oyster bed poaching.[398] The Virginia Capitol Police protect the legislature and executive department, and are the oldest police department in the United States, dating to the guards who protected the colonial leadership.[399] The governor can also call upon the Virginia National Guard, which consists of approximately 7,200 army soldiers, 1,200 airmen, 300 Defense Force members, and 400 civilians.[400]

The death penalty was abolished in 2021. Over 1,300 people have been executed by the state since 1608, including 113 following the resumption of capital punishment in 1982.[401] Virginia’s prison system incarcerates 30,936 people as of 2018, 53% of whom are Black,[402] and the state has the sixteenth-highest rate of incarceration in the country, at 422 per 100,000 residents.[403] Prisoner parole was ended in 1995,[404] and Virginia’s rate of recidivism of released felons who are re-convicted within three years and sentenced to a year or more is 23.1%, the lowest in the country as of 2019.[405][406] Virginia has the fourth lowest violent crime rate and thirteenth lowest property crime rate as of 2018.[407] Between 2008 and 2017, arrests for drug-related crimes rose 38%, with 71% of those related to marijuana,[408] which Virginia decriminalized in July 2020 and legalized in July 2021.[409][410]


People stroll in a wooded area decorated with American flags.

Mirroring Virginia’s political transition, the annual Shad Planking event in Wakefield has evolved from a vestige of the Byrd era into a regular stop for many state campaigns.[411]

Over the past century, Virginia has shifted politically from being a largely rural, conservative, Southern bloc member to a state that is more urbanized, pluralistic, and politically moderate, as both greater enfranchisement and demographic shifts have changed the electorate. Up until the 1970s, Virginia was a racially divided one-party state dominated by the Byrd Organization.[412] They sought to stymie the political power of Northern Virginia, perpetuate segregation, and successfully restricted voter registration such that between 1905 and 1948, roughly one-third of votes in the state were cast by state employees and officeholders themselves, and voter turnout was regularly below ten percent.[413][414] The organization used malapportionment to manipulate what areas were over-represented in the General Assembly and the U.S. Congress until ordered to end the practice by the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Davis v. Mann and the 1965 Virginia Supreme Court decision in Wilkins v. Davis respectively.[415]

Enforcement of federal civil rights legislation passed in the mid-1960s helped overturn the state’s Jim Crow laws that effectively disfranchised African Americans, who have since become the most reliable bloc of Democratic voters.[416] The Voting Rights Act of 1965 made Virginia one of nine states that were required to receive federal approval for changes to voting laws, until the system for including states was struck down in 2013.[417] A strict photo identification requirement, added under Governor Bob McDonnell in 2014, was repealed in 2020,[418] and the Voting Rights Act of Virginia was passed in 2021, requiring preclearance from the state Attorney General for local election changes that could result in disenfranchisement, including closing or moving polling sites.[419] Though many Jim Crow provisions were removed in Virginia’s 1971 constitution, a lifetime ban on voting for felony convictions was unchanged, and by 2016, up to twenty percent of African Americans in Virginia were disenfranchised because of prior felonies.[420] That year, Governor Terry McAuliffe ended the lifetime ban and individually restored voting rights to over 200,000 ex-felons.[413] These changes moved Virginia from being ranked as the second most difficult state to vote in in 2016, to the twelfth easiest to in 2020.[421]

Regional differences also play a large part in Virginia politics. While urban and expanding suburban areas, including much of Northern Virginia, form the modern Democratic Party base, rural southern and western areas moved to support the Republican Party in response to its «southern strategy» starting around 1970.[422][423] Rural Democratic support has nevertheless persisted in union-influenced Roanoke in Southwest Virginia, college towns such as Charlottesville and Blacksburg, and the southeastern Black Belt Region.[424] Educational attainment and gender have become strong indicators of political alignment, with the majority of women in Virginia supporting Democratic presidential candidates since 1980.[425] International immigration and domestic migration into Virginia have also increased the proportion of eligible voters born outside the state from 44% in 1980 to 55% in 2019.[426]

State elections

A map of Virginia showing the results of the 2019 Virginia House of Delegates election, with Republican districts in red and Democratic districts in blue, with heavier shading showing which changed parties.

State elections in Virginia occur in odd-numbered years, with executive department elections occurring in years following U.S. presidential elections and Senate elections occurring in the years prior to presidential elections, as both have four-year terms. House of Delegates elections take place concurrent with each of those elections as members have two-year terms. National politics often play a role in state election outcomes, and Virginians have elected governors of the party opposite the U.S. president in eleven of the last twelve contests, with only Terry McAuliffe beating the trend in 2013.[427][428] McAuliffe, a Democrat, was elected during Barack Obama’s second presidential term.[429] Republicans at that time held a supermajority of seats in the House of Delegates, which they had first gained in the 2011 state elections,[430] and a one-vote majority the state senate, both of which they maintained in the 2015 elections.[431] The 2011 and 2015 elections also had the lowest voter turnout in recent history, with just 28.6% and 29.1% of registered voters participating respectively.[432]

The 2017 state elections resulted in Democrats holding the three executive offices, with outgoing lieutenant governor Ralph Northam winning the governorship, Justin Fairfax elected lieutenant governor, and Mark Herring continuing as attorney general. In concurrent House of Delegates elections, Democrats flipped fifteen of the Republicans’ previous sixteen-seat majority.[433] Control of the House came down to a tied election in the 94th district, which the Republican won by a drawing of lots, giving the party a slim 51–49 majority in the 2018–19 legislative sessions.[434] At this time, Virginia was ranked as having the most gerrymandered state legislature, as Republicans controlled the House with only 44.5% of the total vote.[435] In 2019, federal courts found that eleven House district lines, including the 94th, were unconstitutionally drawn to discriminate against African Americans.[436][437] Adjusted districts were used in the 2019 elections, when Democrats won full control of the General Assembly, despite a political crisis earlier that year.[438][439] Voters in 2020 then passed a referendum to give control of drawing both state and congressional districts to a commission of eight citizens and four legislators from each of the two major parties, rather than the legislature.[440]

In 2021, Glenn Youngkin became the first Republican to win the governor’s race since 2009.[441] Republicans also won the lieutenant governor’s race[442] and the race for attorney general.[443]

Federal elections

Two older white men in suits bend down as one shakes the hand of a young boy.

Though Virginia was considered a «swing state» in the 2008 presidential election,[444] Virginia’s thirteen electoral votes were carried in that election and the three since by Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden, who won by over ten percent in 2020, suggesting the state has shifted to being reliably Democratic in presidential elections. Virginia had previously voted for Republican presidential candidates in thirteen out of fourteen presidential elections from 1952 to 2004, including ten in a row from 1968 to 2004.[445] Virginia currently holds its presidential primary election on Super Tuesday, the same day as thirteen other states, with the most recent held on March 3, 2020.[446]

Virginia’s two U.S. Senators are in classes 1 and 2. In class 1, Republican incumbent George Allen lost races in 2006 to Democratic newcomer Jim Webb, and again in 2012 to Webb’s successor, former Governor Tim Kaine.[447] In 2008, Democrats also won the class 2 seat when former Governor Mark Warner was elected to replace retiring Republican John Warner.[448] Virginia has had eleven U.S. House of Representatives seats since 1993, and control of the majority has flipped four times since then, often as part of «wave elections». In the 2010 mid-term elections, the first under President Obama, Republicans flipped the 2nd and 5th seats from the Democrats, who had flipped both in the previous election, as well as the 9th. In the 2018 mid-terms, the first under President Trump, Democrats took back the 2nd, as well as the 7th and 10th, giving them currently seven seats to the Republicans’ four.[449] The 2nd flipped again, to Republican control, in 2022.[450]


A large crowd runners in brightly colored shirts race down a wide street bordered by autumnal trees.

Virginia is the most populous U.S. state without a major professional sports league franchise. The reasons for this include the lack of any dominant city or market within the state, a reluctance to publicly finance stadiums, and the proximity of teams in Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Charlotte, and Raleigh.[452] A proposed arena in Virginia Beach designed for an NBA franchise became the latest unsuccessful sports initiative when the city council there ended support in 2017.[453] Virginia Beach had previously been considered for an NBA franchise in 1987, which ultimately became the Charlotte Hornets.[454] The Virginia Squires of the ABA started in Norfolk in 1970, but lost momentum after trading «Dr. J» Julius Erving and folded just one month before the ABA–NBA merger in 1976.[455]

Five minor league baseball and two mid-level hockey teams play in Virginia. Norfolk is host to two: The Triple-A Norfolk Tides and the ECHL’s Norfolk Admirals. The Double-A Richmond Flying Squirrels began playing at The Diamond in 2010,[456] while the Fredericksburg Nationals, Lynchburg Hillcats, and Salem Red Sox play in the Low-A East league.[457] Loudoun United FC, the reserve team of D.C. United, debuted in the USL Championship in 2019,[458] while the Richmond Kickers of the USL League One have operated since 1993 and are the only team in their league to win both the league championship and the U.S. Open Cup in the same year.[459] The Washington Commanders also have their headquarters in Ashburn and their training facility in Richmond,[460] and the Washington Capitals practice at MedStar Capitals Iceplex in Ballston.

Virginia has many professional caliber golf courses including Kingsmill Resort outside Williamsburg, which hosts an LPGA Tour tournament in May, and the Country Club of Virginia outside Richmond, which hosts a charity classic on the men’s senior tour in October. NASCAR currently schedules Cup Series races on two tracks in Virginia: Martinsville Speedway and Richmond Raceway. Virginia natives currently competing in the series include Denny Hamlin and Elliott Sadler.[461] Hampton Roads has produced several Olympic gold medalists, including Gabby Douglas, the first African American to win gymnastics individual all-around gold,[462] and LaShawn Merritt, Francena McCorory, and Michael Cherry, who have all won gold in the 4 × 400 metres relay.[463] Major long-distance races in the state include the Richmond Marathon, the Blue Ridge Marathon on the Parkway, and the Monument Avenue 10K.

College sports

A college basketball player dressed in white with orange and blue bordering prepares to shoot a free throw.

In the absence of professional sports, several of Virginia’s collegiate sports programs have attracted strong followings, with a 2015 poll showing that 34% of Virginians were fans of the Virginia Cavaliers and 28% were fans of the rival Virginia Tech Hokies, making both more popular than the surveyed regional professional teams.[464] The men’s and women’s college basketball programs of the Cavaliers, VCU Rams, and Old Dominion Monarchs have combined for 63 regular season conference championships and 48 conference tournament championships between them as of 2021. The Hokies football team sustained a 27-year bowl streak between 1993 and 2019; James Madison Dukes football won FCS NCAA Championships in both 2004 and 2016.[465] The overall UVA men’s athletics programs won the national Capital One Cup in both 2015 and 2019, and lead the Atlantic Coast Conference in NCAA championships.[466][467]

Fourteen universities in total compete in NCAA Division I, with multiple programs each in the Atlantic Coast Conference, Atlantic 10 Conference, Big South Conference, and Colonial Athletic Association. Three historically Black schools compete in the Division II Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association, and two others (Hampton and Norfolk State) compete in Division I. Several smaller schools compete in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference and the USA South Athletic Conference of NCAA Division III. The NCAA currently holds its Division III championships in football, men’s basketball, volleyball, and softball in Salem.[468] State appropriated funds are not allowed to be used for either operational or capital expenses for intercollegiate athletics.[469]

High school sports

Virginia is also home to several of the nation’s top high school basketball programs, including Paul VI Catholic High School and Oak Hill Academy, the latter of which has won nine national championships.[470] In the 2018–2019 school year, 174,224 high school students participated in fourteen girls sports and thirteen boys sports managed by the Virginia High School League, with the most popular sports being football, outdoor track and cross country, soccer, basketball, baseball and softball, and volleyball.[471] Youth soccer leagues outside of the high school system are also popular in the state, and 18 teams from Virginia have won national championships, seventh-most among U.S. states.[472] Access to youth soccer in Virginia however has been found to be highly correlated to race and median household income, with opportunities almost completely disappearing in areas where the non-white population exceeded 90%, particularly in the Southwest and Southside regions of the Commonwealth.[473]

State symbols

A large rectangular metal sign, mostly black, with the words "Welcome To Virginia" and "Virginia is for lovers" with a red heart symbol on the left stands to the right of a rural road through green hills.

Virginia has several nicknames, the oldest of which is the «Old Dominion.» King Charles II of England first referred to «our auntient dominion of Virginia» in 1660, the year of his restoration, perhaps because Virginia was home to many of his supporters during the English Civil War.[475] These supporters were called Cavaliers, and the nickname «The Cavalier State» was popularized after the American Civil War.[476] Students at the University of Virginia began using The Cavalier Song as their school fight song in 1925, and the school’s sports teams were named Cavaliers after the song.[477] Virginia has also been called the «Mother of Presidents», as eight Virginians have served as President of the United States, including four of the first five.[1]

The state’s motto, Sic Semper Tyrannis, translates from Latin as «Thus Always to Tyrants», and is used on the state seal, which is then used on the flag. While the seal was designed in 1776, and the flag was first used in the 1830s, both were made official in 1930.[478] The majority of the other symbols were made official in the late 20th century.[479] The Virginia reel is among the square dances classified as the state dance.[480] In 1940, «Carry Me Back to Old Virginny» was named the state song, but it was retired in 1997 due to its references to slavery. In March 2015, Virginia’s government named «Our Great Virginia», which uses the tune of «Oh Shenandoah», as the traditional state song and «Sweet Virginia Breeze» as the popular state song.[481]

See also

  • Index of Virginia-related articles
  • Outline of Virginia


  1. ^ Virginia is one of only four U.S. states to use the term «Commonwealth» in its official name, along with Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.


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  • Burnham, Bill; Burnham, Mary (2018). Hiking Virginia: A Guide to Virginia’s Greatest Hiking Adventures. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot. ISBN 978-1-4930-3127-6.
  • Carroll, Steven; Miller, Mark (2002). Wild Virginia: A Guide to Thirty Roadless Recreation Areas Including Shenandoah National Park. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot. ISBN 978-0-7627-2315-7.
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  • Howard, Blair; Burnham, Mary; Burnham, Bill (2006). The Virginia Handbook (3 ed.). Edison, NJ: Hunter Publishing. ISBN 978-1-58843-512-5.
  • Hubbard, Bill Jr. (2009). American Boundaries: The Nation, the States, the Rectangular Survey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-35591-7.
  • Jaffa, Harry V. (2000). A New Birth of Freedom: Abraham Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8476-9952-0.
  • Joseph, John Earl (2006). Language and Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-2453-9.
  • Ketchum, Richard M. (2014). Victory at Yorktown: The Campaign That Won the Revolution. New York: Henry Holt and Co. ISBN 978-1-46687-953-9.
  • McGraw, Eliza (June 24, 2005). Two Covenants: Representations of Southern Jewishness. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. ISBN 978-0-8071-3043-8.
  • Miller, Kerby A.; Schrier, Arnold; Boling, Bruce D.; Doyle, David N. (2003). Irish immigrants in the land of Canaan. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-504513-0.
  • Moran, Michael G. (2007). Inventing Virginia: Sir Walter Raleigh and the Rhetoric of Colonization, 1584–1590. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-0-8204-8694-9.
  • Morgan, Lynda (1992). Emancipation in Virginia’s Tobacco Belt, 1850–1870. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0-8203-1415-0.
  • Morgan, Philip D. (1998). Slave Counterpoint. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 978-0-8078-4717-6.
  • Palmer, Tim (1998). America by Rivers. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. ISBN 978-1-55963-264-5.
  • Pazzaglia, Frank James (2006). Excursions in Geology and History: Field Trips in the Middle Atlantic States. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. ISBN 978-0-8137-0008-3.
  • Pinn, Anthony B. (2009). African American Religious Cultures. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-57607-470-1.
  • Olitzky, Kerry (1996). The American Synagogue: A Historical Dictionary and Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-28856-2.
  • Robertson, James I. (1993). Civil War Virginia: Battleground for a Nation. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. ISBN 978-0-8139-1457-2.
  • Scott, David L.; Scott, Kay W. (2004). Guide to the National Park Areas. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot. ISBN 978-0-7627-2988-3.
  • Smith, Gary Alden (2015). State and National Boundaries of the United States. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. ISBN 978-1-47660-434-3.
  • Smith, Julian (2008). Moon Virginia: Including Washington, D.C (4 ed.). Berkeley, CA: Avalon Travel. ISBN 978-1-59880-011-1.
  • Stewart, George (2008). Names on the Land: A Historical Account of Place-Naming in the United States. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-1-59017-273-5.
  • Styron, Alexandra (2011). Reading My Father: A Memoir. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 9-781-4165-9506-9.
  • Van Zandt, Franklin K. (1976). Boundaries of the United States and the several States. U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 95.
  • Vollmann, William T. (2002). Argall: The True Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. New York: Penguin Group. ISBN 978-0-14-200150-9.
  • Wallenstein, Peter (2007). Cradle of America: Four Centuries of Virginia History. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-1507-0.
  • Welch, Deborah (2006). Virginia: An Illustrated History. Hippocrene Books. ISBN 978-0-7818-1115-6.
  • Williamson, CiCi (2008). The Best of Virginia Farms Cookbook and Tour Book. Birmingham, AL: Menasha Ridge Press. ISBN 978-0-89732-657-5.

External links


  • State Government website
  • Virginia General Assembly
  • Virginia’s Judicial system

Tourism and recreation

  • Virginia Tourism Website
  • Virginia State Parks
  • Virginia Wildlife Management Areas

Culture and history

  • Library of Virginia
  • Virginia Museum of Culture and History
  • Encyclopedia Virginia

Maps and demographics

  • USGS geographic resources of Virginia
  • Virginia State Climatology Office
  • Virginia State Facts from USDA, Economic Research Service
  • Geographic data related to Virginia at OpenStreetMap

Coordinates: 37°N 79°W / 37°N 79°W

Что нужно знать о Вирджинии: 🌇 расположение на карте, сколько у них сейчас время и какой часовой пояс, население города, как пишется по-английски, а так же в какой стране находится

Местное время в Вирджинии


3 мая 2022

Разница с вами:

Страна 🇿🇦 ЮАР
Название города Вирджиния
По-английски Virginia
Население города 122 502 чел.
Часовой пояс Africa/Johannesburg

Где находится Вирджиния на карте

Правильное написание слова Вирджиния:


Крутая NFT игра. Играй и зарабатывай!

Количество букв в слове: 9

Слово состоит из букв:
В, И, Р, Д, Ж, И, Н, И, Я

Правильный транслит слова: Вirdzhiniya

Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: Вbhl;bybz

Неправильное написание слова с ошибкой: Вирджыния

Тест на правописание

Синонимы слова Вирджиния

  • Виргиния
  • Девственная
  • 1

    Sokrat personal > вирджиния

  • 2

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > вирджиния

  • 3

    3) Makarov: Virginia tobacco , common tobacco

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Вирджиния

  • 4

    Русско-английский географический словарь > Вирджиния

  • 5

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Вирджиния

  • 6

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Вирджиния

  • 7

    Русско-английский географический словарь > Вирджиния-Бич

  • 8
    Виржиния (также Вирджиния и Виргиния)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Виржиния (также Вирджиния и Виргиния)

  • 9
    штат Вирджиния .

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > штат Вирджиния .

  • 10
    штат вирджиния

    Sokrat personal > штат вирджиния

  • 11
    штат западная вирджиния

    Sokrat personal > штат западная вирджиния

  • 12
    штат Вирджиния (Полное официальное название штата — Содружество Вирджиния — Commonwealth of Virginia).

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > штат Вирджиния (Полное официальное название штата — Содружество Вирджиния — Commonwealth of Virginia).

  • 13
    Комиссия штата Вирджиния по корпорациям

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Комиссия штата Вирджиния по корпорациям

  • 14
    Кооперативный учебный маломощный реактор штата Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Кооперативный учебный маломощный реактор штата Вирджиния

  • 15
    Северная Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Северная Вирджиния

  • 16
    жевательный табак из слегка соусированного табака типа Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > жевательный табак из слегка соусированного табака типа Вирджиния

  • 17
    местный суд в штате Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > местный суд в штате Вирджиния

  • 18
    относящийся к штату Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > относящийся к штату Вирджиния

  • 19
    птицепромышленность штата Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > птицепромышленность штата Вирджиния

  • 20
    реактор университета штата Вирджиния

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > реактор университета штата Вирджиния


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

См. также в других словарях:

  • ВИРДЖИНИЯ — (Виргиния) (Virginia), штат на востоке США. Площадь 110,7 тыс км2. Население 7480,1 тыс человек (2004). Административный центр Ричмонд (см. РИЧМОНД). Крупнейшие города: Норфолк (пригород Портсмут, Portsmouth), Вирджиния Бич (Virginia Beach),… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • Вирджиния — (Виргиния) (Virginia) штат на востоке США (см. Соединенные Штаты Америки). Занимает площадь110,7 тысяч кв.км. Население 6,9 млн. человек (2000). Административный центр Ричмонд (Richmond). Крупнейшие города: Норфолк (Norfolk), Вирджиния Бич… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • вирджиния — Виргиния; девственная Словарь русских синонимов. вирджиния сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • астероид (579) • …   Словарь синонимов

  • Вирджиния (ПЛ) — Подводные лодки типа «Вирджиния» Virginia class attack submarines SSN 776 Гавайи типа «Вирджиния» История кораб …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния — Виргиния Флаг Виргинии Герб Виргинии Прозвище штата: «Старый доминион» …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Майо — Virginia Mayo Вирджиния Майо в трейлере к фильму «Лучшие годы нашей жизни» Имя при рождении: Вирджиния Клара Джонс …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Вулф — Virginia Woolf Вирджиния Вулф, 1902 год Имя при рождении: Аделина Вирджиния Стивен Дата рождения: 25 января 1882 Место рождения: Лондон Дата смерти: 28 ма …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Вульф — Вирджиния Вулф Virginia Woolf Вирджиния Вулф, 1902 год Имя при рождении: Аделина Вирджиния Стивен Дата рождения: 25 января 1882 Место рождения: Лондон Дата смерти: 28 ма …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Хэй — Вирджиния Хей Virginia Hey Имя при рождении: Вирджиния Робин Хей Дата рождения: 19 июня 1952 (56 лет) …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Хей — Virginia Hey Имя при рождении: Вирджиния Робин Хей Дата рождения: 19 июня 1952 (56 лет) …   Википедия

  • Вирджиния Мэдсен — Virginia Madsen 2006 Имя при рождении: Virginia Madsen Дата рождения: 11 сентября 1961 …   Википедия





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Вообще-то, я училась в колледже, на специальности Английский, при университете Вирджинии.

Где? — В Университете Вирджинии.

В мой первый год в университете Вирджинии я работал не покладая рук, чтобы вписаться в коллектив.

My first year at UVA, I was working so hard to fit in.

Я была у вас на курсе конституционного права в Университете Вирджинии.

I actually took your constitutional law class at UVA.

Когда Растина пригласили выступить в Университете Вирджинии в 1964 году, некоторые школьные директора пытались запретить его выступление, боясь, что он может организовать бойкот и там.

When Rustin was invited to speak at the University of Virginia in 1964, school administrators tried to ban him, out of fear that he would organize a school boycott there.

Некоторое время он преподавал в Университете Айовы и Университете Вирджинии, а также выполнял консультационную работу для правительства Австралии.

He taught for a time at the University of Iowa and the University of Virginia, and undertook consultancy work for the Australian government.

К моменту публикации книги Oxford University Press в сентябре 2009 года, Бёрнс была старшим профессором истории в Университете Вирджинии.

When the book was published by Oxford University Press in September 2009, Burns was an assistant professor of history at the University of Virginia.

С 1852 по 1855 год Джордж Браш работал учился в Университете Вирджинии, а также в Мюнхене и Фрайберге.

From 1852 to 1855, Brush worked and studied at the University of Virginia and in Munich and Freiberg.

После службы в Университете Пенсильвания Департамента политических наук в течение 23 лет (1943-1972), Абрахам стал главным профессором кафедры государственных и иностранных дел в Университете Вирджинии в 1972 году.

After serving in the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Political Science for 23 years (1949-1972), Abraham became a chaired professor in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs at the University of Virginia in 1972.

«Повесть Крутых гор» (англ. А Tale of the Ragged Mountains) — рассказ американского писателя Эдгара Аллана По 1844 года, частично основанный на его впечатлениях во время учёбы в университете Вирджинии.

«A Tale of the Ragged Mountains» is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe partially based on his experiences while a student at the University of Virginia.

В этом смысле исследовательская работа Стивенсона аналогична работе этнографов и социальных антропологов Дэвид Уоллис, пишущий для Нью-Йорк Таймс сказал: «После долгих лет насмешек от коллег, Доктор Ян Стивенсон, директор Департамента исследования личности в университете Вирджинии, наконец, получил должное уважение».

David Wallis, writing for The New York Times has said «After years of mockery from colleagues, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Director of the Department of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia, is finally getting respect».

После этого Маршал работал в Королевском госпитале Перта (1985-1986), затем в Университете Вирджинии (США) (1986-1996).

After his work at Fremantle Hospital, Marshall did research at Royal Perth Hospital (1985-86) and at the University of Virginia, USA (1986-Present), before returning to Australia while remaining on the faculty of the University of Virginia.

В 1981 году он стал реципиентом стипендии Мак-Артура, широко известной как «Премия гения», после чего в 1982 году стал профессором гуманитарных наук в Университете Вирджинии.

In 1981, he was a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, commonly known as the «Genius Award,» in its first year of awarding, and in 1982 he became Kenan Professor of the Humanities at the University Of Virginia.

Это парень, который стрелял в университете Вирджинии.

Мы вместе были в Университете Вирджинии.

We taught together at UVA.

В его честь, бывшие студенты и коллеги профессора Абрахама проводят серии лекций в Университете Вирджинии с права в 1997 году под покровительством Центра по защите свободы слова Томаса Джефферсона.

In his honor, Professor Abraham’s former students and colleagues established the Abraham Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Virginia School of Law in 1997 under the auspices of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression.

Учился в университете Вирджинии, но вылетел и стал популярным диджеем.

Went to UVA before dropping out to become a top 40 DJ.

Это парень, который стрелял в университете Вирджинии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 18. Точных совпадений: 18. Затраченное время: 27 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Правильное написание слова — Вирджиния

Неправильное написание слова с ошибкой — Вирджыния

Выберите, на какой слог падает ударение в слове — БОМБАРДИРОВАТЬ?


Слово состоит из букв:

Похожие слова:


Рифма к слову Вирджиния

линия, соревнования, верования, воззвания, преобразования, очарования, коронования, требования, начальствования, примеривания, прислуживания, толкования, неузнавания, образования, самосовершенствования, поворачивания, загораживания, руководствования, самопознавания, соболезнования, одевания, сочувствования, царствования, наименования, исследования, ознаменования, самопожертвования, завоевания, колебания, наскакивания, разочарования, чувствования, командования, звания, совершенствования, приставания, названия, заманивания, существования, узнавания, преследования, пожертвования, познавания, приветствования, философствования, жевания, основания, предзнаменования, суммования, празднования, следования, междоусобия, богословия, оружия, сочувствия, комедия, присутствия, подобия, благообразия, благородия, здравия, пособия, последствия, нашествия, дивизия, путешествия, молебствия, благоденствия, претензия, добронравия, религия, фантазия, отсутствия, содействия, возмездия, энергия, высокоблагородия, дружелюбия, бездействия, продовольствия, божия, спокойствия, действия, происшествия, бедствия, гвардия, усердия, честолюбия, разнообразия, сергия, сословия, условия, жребия, орудия, приветствия, неудовольствия, георгия, удовольствия, междуцарствия, милосердия, препятствия

Толкование слова. Правильное произношение слова. Значение слова.

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