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Фото Как пишется Бентли по-английски? — Полезная информация для всех Видео Похожие статьи
А правильное название остается только одно – «Бентейга». Ну, а если вы не верите нам, то посмотрите видео с самой первой презентации «Бентейги», и послушайте, как название этой модели произносит глава Bentley Motors Вольфганг Дюрхаймер. Lamborghini. Итальянскую марку Lamborghini неправильно произносят не только в России. Всё дело в особенностях итальянского написания, в котором звуки передаются несколько не так, как в английском. Например, если вы видите сочетание Gi – его следует читать как «Джи». А вот если перед вами сочетание Ghi – то это «Ги», и ник.
Марку машины Бентли по-английски правильно писать — Bentley. Это одна из дорогих машин в автосалонах и цена например Bentley Continental колеблется от 7 и выше. С рук такую машинку (немно. «Bentley» — настоящие автолюбители с детства знают как выглядит эта надпись и что она значит. Лично у меня Bentley ассоциируется с комфортом, с качеством, с дорогим обслуживанием. Ну а еще куча девочек вокруг меня Увлекся.:) 0. Всем известная марка автомобилей «Бентли» пишется на английском языке следующим образом — «Bentley». Сомнений в этом нет никаких, а если они и появятся, то достаточно взглянуть на лого марки, где представлена эта надпись: 0.
А Bentley, очевидно, встал поперек горла. Вот серьезно, мне по-прежнему кажется, что нет совершенно никакой разницы — Бентли или Бэнтли. Лично мне в этом плане очень симпатичны взгляды кандидата исторических наук Андрея Родионова, который много лет работает PR-директором фирмы Mercedes-Benz в России. Он принципиально не насаждает грамматической муштры: «Какая разница, Мерседес, Mercedes или Mercedes-Benz, если всем понятно, какой это автомобиль?» Вот и я так думал, поэтому произносил название Bentley так, как удобно, — по-русски. Похоже, зря. Раскололась даже наша редакция: мягкий «бентли», го.
Роскошью и утонченностью Роллс Ройса здесь и не пахнет. А вот не все так просто: Нажимаю стартовую кнопку на центральной консоли. Другого варианта написания Вы не найдете. Система полного привода — такая же, как у Audi, с дифференциалом Torsen, в штатном режиме распределяющим тягу между передними и задними колесами в пропорции
Тест-драйв Bentley Bentayga — Колеса.ру
Времена, когда в нашей стране присутствовали лишь отечественные производители, давно позади. Сейчас россиян окружают сотни различных заграничных брендов, названия которых пишутся на иностранных языках.
А иногда латинской графикой пользуются и российские компании, тем самым маскируясь под иностранцев. Неудивительно, что запомнить, как правильно читать то или иное название, не так уж и просто. Автомобили — не исключение. Нередко россияне произносят названия отдельных марок и моделей абсолютно неправильно, причем даже не догадываются об этом. Мы решили рассмотреть несколько подобных случаев, а заодно рассказать, как же на самом деле нужно произносить те или иные названия.
Думаете, что вас эта проблема не касается? Не спешите с выводами. В этой статье вы увидите и очень неоднозначные варианты. Проблем с произношением марки Bentley в России вроде бы не было никогда. Споры вызвал первый внедорожник в линейке британского бренда под названием Bentayga. Многие уверены, название этой модели произносится как «Бентайга», однако, увы, это не так. Правильно имя этого SUV читается как «Бентейга» — это напрямую связано с особенностями английской фонетики.
Также некоторые в нашей стране стали называть этот автомобиль «Бентягой». Разумеется, такую версию можно принять исключительно в качестве шутки. А правильное название остается только одно — «Бентейга». Ну, а если вы не верите нам, то посмотрите видео с самой первой презентации «Бентейги», и послушайте, как название этой модели произносит глава Bentley Motors Вольфганг Дюрхаймер.
Итальянскую марку Lamborghini неправильно произносят не только в России. Всё дело в особенностях итальянского написания, в котором звуки передаются несколько не так, как в английском. Например, если вы видите сочетание Gi — его следует читать как «Джи». А вот если перед вами сочетание Ghi — то это «Ги», и никак иначе. Поэтому и название марки правильно произносится именно как «Ламборгини». Но, оказывается, зачастую люди неправильно читают не только название марки Lamborghini, но и наименования некоторых моделей.
Интересный факт! Наиболее популярной моделью является автомобиль Bentley S-2. Данное авто принадлежало Джону Ленону. Он приобрел его исключительно для рекламы нового альбома The Beatles — «Yellow Submarine».
Марка Lamborghini называет свои модели в честь знаменитых быков. А поскольку дело происходило в Испании, то правильно имя быка читается на испанский манер — «Мурсьелаго», с ударением на букву «е». То же касается и названия породы боевых быков Gallardo, в честь которого была названа одна из моделей Lamborghini. Правильно это слово читается как «Гайярдо», хотя допустим и вариант «Гальярдо». А вот итальянизированное произношение «Галлардо» будет уже неправильным. Наконец, есть еще одна модель Lamborghini, название которой также произносят у нас неправильно.
По непонятной причине, даже в России это название читают уже даже не на итальянский, а на английский манер как «Хурикейн». Не смущает даже и то, что английское слово «ураган» пишется по-другому, как Hurricane. А в случае с моделью Lamborghini речь снова идет о быке, участвовавшем в корриде в XIX веке. И читается его имя по-испански, как «Уракан», с ударением на второй слог. В общем, как вы поняли, произношение названий моделей Lamborghini — это действительно непростая задача для обывателя.
С правильным прочтением этой итальянской марки, в отличие от Lamborghini, проблем у россиян не возникает. А вот с произношением отдельных моделей — да. Взять, к примеру, четырехдверный седан Maserati Ghibli. Здесь мы имеем точно такую же ситуацию, как и в случае с Lamborghini — в соответствии с нормами итальянского языка сочетание Ghi будет читаться как «Ги». Поэтому Ghibli — это «Гибли». Любопытно, что такая форма не всем приходится по вкусу. В том числе — и продавцам Maserati, которые начинают читать название модели как «Джибли».
Всё ради того, чтобы не было созвучия с русским словом «гиблый». Тем не менее, это — неправильно. А подшутить над названием автомобиля недалекие люди смогут всегда — хоть так вы назовите модель, хоть эдак.
Un MONSTRE !! La toute nouvelle Bentley Continental GT !!
Бентли пишется с заглавной буквы, так как это название автомобильной марки. Первая гласная звучит как «э», при написании используется буква «е», именно так указано заводом-изготовителем.
Значение слова
Бентли – это марка автомобиля категории люкс. Элитные автомобили «Бентли» считаются одними из самых комфортных в мире.
- Покупка автомобиля «Бентли» требует существенных расходов на его обслуживание.
- Встреча с этим человеком помогла осуществить мою мечту – прокатиться на Бентли.
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- Топ-100 слов, где все делают ошибки
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- 20 слов, которые всегда пишутся слитно
- 20 слов, которые пишутся только через дефис
- 15 слов, которые всегда пишутся слитно с «не»
- Слова-паразиты, о которых тебе нужно забыть
- Топ-20 длинных и сложных слов
- 9 новых слов, в которых все делают ошибки
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Ещё один пост >>
Type | Subsidiary |
Industry | Automotive |
Founded | 18 January 1919; 103 years ago |
Founders |
Fate |
Headquarters |
Crewe , England[2] |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Adrian Hallmark Chairman, CEO[3] John Paul Gregory (Head of Exterior Design)[4] Darren Day (Head of Interior Design)[5] |
Products |
[6] |
Production output |
[7][8] |
Services | Automobile customisation |
Revenue |
[7] |
Net income |
[9] |
Owner | Volkswagen Group[10] |
Number of employees |
3,600 (2013)[11] |
Parent | Audi |
Website | bentleymotors.com |
Footnotes / references [12][13] |
Bentley winged «B» badge bonnet (hood) ornament
Bentley Motors Limited is a British designer, manufacturer and marketer of luxury cars and SUVs. Headquartered in Crewe, England, the company was founded as Bentley Motors Limited by W. O. Bentley (1888–1971) in 1919 in Cricklewood, North London, and became widely known for winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930. Bentley has been a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group since 1998 and consolidated under VW’s premium brand arm Audi since 2022.[14][15]
Prominent models extend from the historic sports-racing Bentley 4½ Litre and Bentley Speed Six; the more recent Bentley R Type Continental, Bentley Turbo R, and Bentley Arnage; to its current model line, including the Flying Spur, Continental GT, Bentayga and the Mulsanne—which are marketed worldwide, with China as its largest market as of November 2012.[16]
Today most Bentley models are assembled at the company’s Crewe factory, with a small number assembled at Volkswagen’s Dresden factory, Germany,[17] and with bodies for the Continental manufactured in Zwickau and for the Bentayga manufactured at the Volkswagen Bratislava Plant.
The joining and eventual separation of Bentley and Rolls-Royce followed a series of mergers and acquisitions, beginning with the 1931 purchase by Rolls-Royce of Bentley, then in receivership. In 1971, Rolls-Royce itself was forced into receivership and the UK government nationalised the company—splitting into two companies the aerospace division (Rolls-Royce Plc) and automotive (Rolls-Royce Motors Limited) divisions—the latter retaining the Bentley subdivision. Rolls-Royce Motors was subsequently sold to engineering conglomerate, Vickers and in 1998, Vickers sold Rolls-Royce to Volkswagen AG.
Intellectual property rights to both the name Rolls-Royce as well as the company’s logo had been retained not by Rolls-Royce Motors, but by aerospace company Rolls-Royce Plc, which had continued to license both to the automotive division. Thus the sale of «Rolls-Royce» to VW included the Bentley name and logos, vehicle designs, model nameplates, production, and administrative facilities, the Spirit of Ecstasy and Rolls-Royce grille shape trademarks (subsequently sold to BMW by VW)—but not the rights to the Rolls-Royce name or logo. The aerospace company, Rolls-Royce Plc, ultimately sold both to BMW AG.
Cricklewood (1919–1931)
Before World War I, Walter Owen Bentley and his brother, Horace Millner Bentley, sold French DFP cars in Cricklewood, North London, but W.O, as Walter was known, always wanted to design and build his own cars. At the DFP factory, in 1913, he noticed an aluminium paperweight and thought that aluminium might be a suitable replacement for cast iron to fabricate lighter pistons. The first Bentley aluminium pistons were fitted to Sopwith Camel aero engines during the First World War.
The same day that the Paris Peace Conference to end World War I started, Walter Owen («W.O.») Bentley founded Bentley Motors Limited, on January 18, 1919[18] and registered Bentley Motors Ltd. in August 1919. In October he exhibited a car chassis (with a dummy engine) at the London Motor Show.[19] Ex–Royal Flying Corps officer Clive Gallop designed an innovative four-valves-per-cylinder engine for the chassis. By December the engine was built and running. Delivery of the first cars was scheduled for June 1920, but development took longer than estimated so the date was extended to September 1921.[19] The durability of the first Bentley cars earned widespread acclaim, and they competed in hill climbs and raced at Brooklands.[20]
Bentley’s first major event was the 1922 Indianapolis 500, a race dominated by specialized cars with Duesenberg racing chassis. They entered a modified road car driven by works driver Douglas Hawkes, accompanied by riding mechanic H. S. «Bertie» Browning.[21] Hawkes completed the full 500 miles (800 km) and finished 13th with an average speed of 74.95 miles per hour (120.62 km/h) after starting in 19th position.[22] The team was then rushed back to England to compete in the 1922 RAC Tourist Trophy.[21][23]
Captain Woolf Barnato
In an ironic reference to his heavyweight boxer’s stature, Captain Woolf Barnato was nicknamed «Babe». In 1925, he acquired his first Bentley, a 3-litre. With this car, he won numerous Brooklands races. Just a year later, he acquired the Bentley business itself.
The Bentley enterprise was always underfunded, but inspired by the 1924 Le Mans win by John Duff and Frank Clement, Barnato agreed to finance Bentley’s business. Barnato had incorporated Baromans Ltd in 1922, which existed as his finance and investment vehicle. Via Baromans, Barnato initially invested in excess of £100,000, saving the business and its workforce. A financial reorganisation of the original Bentley company was carried out and all existing creditors paid off for £75,000. Existing shares were devalued from £1 each to just 1 shilling, or 5% of their original value. Barnato held 149,500 of the new shares giving him control of the company and he became chairman. Barnato injected further cash into the business: £35,000 secured by debenture in July 1927; £40,000 in 1928; £25,000 in 1929. With renewed financial input, W. O. Bentley was able to design another generation of cars.
The Bentley Boys
The Bentley Boys were a group of British motoring enthusiasts that included Barnato, Sir Henry «Tim» Birkin, steeple chaser George Duller, aviator Glen Kidston, automotive journalist S.C.H. «Sammy» Davis, and Dudley Benjafield. The Bentley Boys favoured Bentley cars. Many were independently wealthy and many had a military background. They kept the marque’s reputation for high performance alive; Bentley was noted for its four consecutive victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, from 1927 to 1930.
Birkin developed the 4½-litre, lightweight Blower Bentley at Welwyn Garden City in 1929 and produced five racing specials, starting with Bentley Blower No.1 which was optimised for the Brooklands racing circuit. Birkin overruled Bentley and put the model on the market before it was fully developed. As a result, it was unreliable.
During the March 1930 Blue Train Races, Barnato raised the stakes on Rover and its Rover Light Six, having raced and beaten Le Train Bleu for the first time, to better that record with his 6½-litre Bentley Speed Six on a bet of £100. He drove against the train from Cannes to Calais, then by ferry to Dover, and finally London, travelling on public highways, and won.
Barnato drove his H.J. Mulliner–bodied formal saloon in the race against the Blue Train. Two months later, on 21 May 1930, he took delivery of a Speed Six with streamlined fastback «sportsman coupé» by Gurney Nutting. Both cars became known as the «Blue Train Bentleys»; the latter is regularly mistaken for, or erroneously referred to as being, the car that raced the Blue Train, while in fact Barnato named it in memory of his race.[24][25] A painting by Terence Cuneo depicts the Gurney Nutting coupé racing along a road parallel to the Blue Train, which scenario never occurred as the road and railway did not follow the same route.
Cricklewood Bentleys
- 1921–1929 3-litre
- 1926–1930 4½-litre & «Blower Bentley»
- 1926–1930 6½-litre
- 1928–1930 6½-litre Speed Six
- 1930–1931 8-litre
- 1931 4-litre
The original model was the three-litre, but as customers put heavier bodies on the chassis, a larger 4½-litre model followed. Perhaps the most iconic model of the period is the 4½-litre «Blower Bentley», with its distinctive supercharger projecting forward from the bottom of the grille. Uncharacteristically fragile for a Bentley it was not the racing workhorse the 6½-litre was, though in 1930 Birkin remarkably finished second in the French Grand Prix at Pau in a stripped-down racing version of the Blower Bentley, behind Philippe Etancelin in a Bugatti Type 35.
The 4½-litre model later became famous in popular media as the vehicle of choice of James Bond in the original novels, but this has been seen only briefly in the films. John Steed in the television series The Avengers also drove a Bentley.
The new eight-litre was such a success that when Barnato’s money seemed to run out in 1931 and Napier was planning to buy Bentley’s business, Rolls-Royce purchased Bentley Motors to prevent it from competing with their most expensive model, the Phantom II.
Performance at Le Mans
24 hours of Le Mans Grand Prix d’Endurance
- 1923 4th (private entry) (3-Litre)
- 1924 1st (3-Litre)
- 1925 did not finish
- 1926 did not finish
- 1927 1st 15th 17th (3-Litre)
- 1928 1st 5th (4½-litre)
- 1929 1st (Speed Six); 2nd 3rd 4th: (4½-litre)
- 1930 1st 2nd (Speed Six)
Bentley withdrew from motor racing just after winning at Le Mans in 1930, claiming that they had learned enough about speed and reliability.[26]
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the resulting Great Depression throttled the demand for Bentley’s expensive motor cars. In July 1931 two mortgage payments were due which neither the company nor Barnato, the guarantor, were able to meet. On 10 July 1931 a receiver was appointed.[27]
Napier offered to buy Bentley with the purchase to be final in November 1931. Instead, British Central Equitable Trust made a winning sealed bid of £125,000.[28] British Central Equitable Trust later proved to be a front for Rolls-Royce Limited. Not even Bentley himself knew the identity of the purchaser until the deal was completed.[19]
Barnato received £42,000 for his shares in Bentley Motors. In 1934 he was appointed to the board of the new Bentley Motors (1931) Ltd. In the same year Bentley confirmed that it would continue racing.
Rolls-Royce (1931–1970)
«The silent sports car»
1935 3½-litre cabriolet by unknown coachbuilder
Rolls-Royce took over the assets of Bentley Motors (1919) Ltd and formed a subsidiary, Bentley Motors (1931) Ltd. Rolls-Royce had acquired the Bentley showrooms in Cork Street, the service station at Kingsbury, the complex at Cricklewood and the services of Bentley himself. This last was disputed by Napier in court without success. Bentley had neglected to register their trademark so Rolls-Royce immediately did so. They also sold the Cricklewood factory in 1932. Production stopped for two years,[29] before resuming at the Rolls-Royce works in Derby. Unhappy with his role at Rolls-Royce, when his contract expired at the end of April 1935 W. O. Bentley left to join Lagonda.
When the new Bentley 3½ litre appeared in 1933, it was a sporting variant of the Rolls-Royce 20/25, which disappointed some traditional customers yet was well received by many others. W. O. Bentley was reported as saying, «Taking all things into consideration, I would rather own this Bentley than any other car produced under that name».[19] Rolls-Royce’s advertisements for the 3+1⁄2 Litre called it «the silent sports car»,[30] a slogan Rolls-Royce continued to use for Bentley cars until the 1950s.[31]
All Bentleys produced from 1931 to 2004 used inherited or shared Rolls-Royce chassis, and adapted Rolls-Royce engines, and are described by critics as badge-engineered Rolls-Royces.[32]
Derby Bentleys
- 1933–1937 3½-litre
- 1936–1939 4¼-litre
- 1939–1941 Mark V
- 1939 Mark V
In preparation for war, Rolls-Royce and the British Government searched for a location for a shadow factory to ensure production of aero-engines.[33][34] Crewe, with its excellent road and rail links, as well as being located in the northwest away from the aerial bombing starting in mainland Europe, was a logical choice. Crewe also had extensive open farming land. Construction of the factory started on a 60-acre area on the potato fields of Merrill’s Farm in July 1938, with the first Rolls-Royce Merlin aero-engine rolling off the production line five months later. 25,000 Merlin engines[33] were produced and at its peak, in 1943 during World War II, the factory employed 10,000 people.[35] With the war in Europe over and the general move towards the then new jet engines, Rolls-Royce concentrated its aero-engine operations at Derby and moved motor car operations to Crewe.[33]
Standard Steel saloons
Bentley Mark VI standard steel saloon, the first Bentley supplied by Rolls-Royce with a standard all-steel body
Until some time after World War II, most high-end motorcar manufacturers like Bentley and Rolls-Royce did not supply complete cars. They sold rolling chassis, near-complete from the instrument panel forward. Each chassis was delivered to the coachbuilder of the buyer’s choice. The biggest specialist car dealerships had coachbuilders build standard designs for them which were held in stock awaiting potential buyers.
The assembled pressings from Pressed Steel
To meet post-war demand, particularly UK Government pressure to export and earn overseas currency, Rolls-Royce developed an all-steel body using pressings made by Pressed Steel to create a «standard» ready-to-drive complete saloon car. The first steel-bodied model produced was the Bentley Mark VI: these started to emerge from the newly reconfigured Crewe factory early in 1946.[33][36] Some years later, initially only for export, the Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn was introduced, a standard steel Bentley but with a Rolls-Royce radiator grille for a small extra charge, and this convention continued.
Chassis remained available to coachbuilders until the end of production of the Bentley S3, which was replaced for October 1965 by the chassis-less monocoque construction T series.
Bentley Continental
Bentley Continental, fastback coupé body by H J Mulliner
The Continental fastback coupé was aimed at the UK market, most cars, 164 plus a prototype, being right-hand drive. The chassis was produced at the Crewe factory and shared many components with the standard R type. Other than the R-Type standard steel saloon, R-Type Continentals were delivered as rolling chassis to the coachbuilder of choice. Coachwork for most of these cars was completed by H. J. Mulliner & Co. who mainly built them in fastback coupe form. Other coachwork came from Park Ward (London) who built six, later including a drophead coupe version. Franay (Paris) built five, Graber (Wichtrach, Switzerland) built three, one of them later altered by Köng (Basel, Switzerland), and Pininfarina made one. James Young (London) built in 1954 a Sports Saloon for the owner of James Young’s, James Barclay.
The early R Type Continental has essentially the same engine as the standard R Type, but with modified carburation, induction and exhaust manifolds along with higher gear ratios.[37] After July 1954 the car was fitted with an engine, having now a larger bore of 94.62 mm (3.7 in) with a total displacement of 4,887 cc (4.9 L; 298.2 cu in). The compression ratio was raised to 7.25:1.
Crewe Rolls-Royce Bentleys
- Bentleys made by Rolls-Royce Ltd. in Crewe
«The silent sports car»
1952 4¼-litre 2-door by H J Mulliner -
Bentley S-series Standard Saloon
Bentley T-series Standard Saloon (l.w.b.)
- Standard-steel saloon
- 1946–1952 Mark VI
- 1952–1955 R Type
- Continental
- 1952–1955 R Type Continental
- S-series
- 1955–1959 S1 and Continental
- 1959–1962 S2 and Continental
- 1962–1965 S3 and Continental
- T-series
- 1965–1977 T1
- 1977–1980 T2
- 1971–1984 Corniche
- 1975–1986 Camargue
Vickers (1970–1998)
The problems of Bentley’s owner with Rolls-Royce aero engine development, the RB211, brought about the financial collapse of its business in 1970.
The motorcar division was made a separate business, Rolls-Royce Motors Limited, which remained independent until bought by Vickers plc in August 1980. By the 1970s and early 1980s Bentley sales had fallen badly; at one point less than 5% of combined production carried the Bentley badge.[19] Under Vickers, Bentley set about regaining its high-performance heritage, typified by the 1980 Mulsanne. Bentley’s restored sporting image created a renewed interest in the name and Bentley sales as a proportion of output began to rise. By 1986 the Bentley:Rolls-Royce ratio had reached 40:60; by 1991 it achieved parity.[19]
Crewe Vickers Bentleys
- 1984–1995 Continental: convertible
- 1992–1995 Continental Turbo
- 1980–1992 Bentley Mulsanne
- 1984–1988 Mulsanne L: limousine
- 1982–1985 Mulsanne Turbo
- 1987–1992 Mulsanne S
- 1984–1992 Eight: basic model
- 1985–1995 Turbo R: turbocharged performance version
- 1991–2002 Continental R: turbocharged 2-door model
- 1994–1995 Continental S: intercooled
- 1996–2002 Continental T
- 1999–2003 Continental R Mulliner: performance model
- 1992–1998 Brooklands: improved Eight
- 1996–1998 Brooklands R: performance Brooklands
- 1994–1995 Turbo S: limited-edition sports model
- 1994–1995 Continental S: to order only version of Continental R with features of Turbo S incorporated
- 1995–1997 New Turbo R: updated 96MY Turbo R with revised bumpers, single front door glazing, new door mirrors, spare in trunk, engine cover, new seat design, auto lights, auto wipers etc.
- 1995–2003 Azure: convertible Continental R
- 1996–2002 Continental T: short-wheelbase performance model
- 1997–1998 Turbo RL: «new» Turbo R LWB (Long Wheel Base)
- 1997–1998 Bentley Turbo RT: replacement for the Turbo RL
- 1997–1998 RT Mulliner: Ultra exclusive performance model
Volkswagen (1998–present)
In October 1997, Vickers announced that it had decided to sell Rolls-Royce Motors. BMW AG seemed to be a logical purchaser because BMW already supplied engines and other components for Bentley and Rolls-Royce branded cars and because of BMW and Vickers joint efforts in building aircraft engines. BMW made a final offer of £340m, but was outbid by Volkswagen AG, which offered £430m. Volkswagen AG acquired the vehicle designs, model nameplates, production and administrative facilities, the Spirit of Ecstasy and Rolls-Royce grille shape trademarks, but not the rights to the use of the Rolls-Royce name or logo, which are owned by Rolls-Royce Holdings plc. In 1998, BMW started supplying components for the new range of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars—notably V8 engines for the Bentley Arnage and V12 engines for the Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph, however, the supply contract allowed BMW to terminate its supply deal with Rolls-Royce with 12 months’ notice, which would not be enough time for Volkswagen to re-engineer the cars.
BMW paid Rolls-Royce plc £40m to license the Rolls-Royce name and logo. After negotiations, BMW and Volkswagen AG agreed that, from 1998 to 2002, BMW would continue to supply engines and components and would allow Volkswagen temporary use of the Rolls-Royce name and logo. All BMW engine supply ended in 2003 with the end of Silver Seraph production.
From 1 January 2003 forward, Volkswagen AG would be the sole provider of cars with the «Bentley» marque. BMW established a new legal entity, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited, and built a new administrative headquarters and production facility for Rolls-Royce branded vehicles in Goodwood, West Sussex, England.
Investment and company development
After acquiring the business, Volkswagen spent GBP500 million (about US$845 million) to modernise the Crewe factory and increase production capacity.[38]
As of early 2010, there are about 3,500 working at Crewe, compared with about 1,500 in 1998 before being taken over by Volkswagen.[39] It was reported that Volkswagen invested a total of nearly US$2 billion in Bentley and its revival.[40] As a result of upgrading facilities at Crewe the bodywork now arrives fully painted at the Crewe facility for final assembly, with the parts coming from Germany—similarly Rolls-Royce body shells are painted and shipped to the UK for assembly only.
Demand had been so great that the factory at Crewe was unable to meet orders despite an installed capacity of approximately 9,500 vehicles per year; there was a waiting list of over a year for new cars to be delivered. Consequently, part of the production of the new Flying Spur, a four-door version of the Continental GT, was assigned to the Transparent Factory (Germany), where the Volkswagen Phaeton luxury car was also assembled. This arrangement ceased at the end of 2006 after around 1,000 cars, with all car production reverting to the Crewe plant.
Bentley presented Queen Elizabeth II with an official State Limousine in 2002 to celebrate her Golden Jubilee. Production of the two-door convertible Bentley Azure finished in 2003. It was replaced by a large luxury coupé powered by a W12 engine built in Crewe and named Bentley Continental GT.
It was confirmed in April 2005 a four-seat convertible Azure derived from the Arnage Drophead Coupé prototype would begin at Crewe in 2006. By the autumn of 2005, a convertible version of the successful Continental GT, the Continental GTC, was also presented in the autumn of 2005. These two models were launched in late 2006.
2005 Bentley Continental Flying Spur
2011 Bentley Continental GT
2017 Bentley Bentayga diesel
2019 Bentley Continental GTC
A limited run of a Zagato modified GT was also announced in March 2008, dubbed «GTZ».
A new version of the Bentley Continental was introduced at the 2009 Geneva Motor Show: The Continental Supersports. This new Bentley is a supercar combining extreme power with environmentally friendly FlexFuel technology, capable of using petrol (gasoline) and biofuel (E85 ethanol).
Bentley sales continued to increase, and in 2005 8,627 were sold worldwide, 3,654 in the United States. In 2007, the 10,000 cars-per-year threshold was broken for the first time with sales of 10,014. For 2007, a record profit of €155 million was also announced.[41] Bentley reported a sale of about 7,600 units in 2008.[42] However, its global sales plunged 50 percent to 4,616 vehicles in 2009 (with the U.S. deliveries dropped 49% to 1,433 vehicles) and it suffered an operating loss of €194 million, compared with an operating profit of €10 million in 2008.[38][43] As a result of the slump in sales, production at Crewe was shut down during March and April 2009.[citation needed] Though vehicle sales increased by 11% to 5,117 in 2010, operating loss grew by 26% to €245 million.[44] In Autumn 2010, workers at Crewe staged a series of protests over proposal of compulsory work on Fridays and mandatory overtime during the week.[45]
Vehicle sales in 2011 rose 37% to 7,003 vehicles, with the new Continental GT accounting for over one-third of total sales. The current workforce is about 4,000 people.
The business earned a profit in 2011 after two years of losses as a result of the following sales results:[46]
On 23 March 2020, Bentley announced to halt production due to COVID-19 pandemic.[47] In June 2020, Bentley announced that it will cut around 1,000 (one quarter of 4,200) job places in the UK as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.[48]
On 3 November 2020, Bentley announced that all new cars sold will be electric by 2030. This announcement also follows after the United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced in February 2020 that he approved legislation that will ban and phase out fuel combustion vehicles (including Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid vehicles) from the UK by 2030 with hybrids being banned by 2035.[49][50]
Deliveries, profits and staff
Year | Profit or loss € million |
Staff | Total deliveries |
Americas | China | Europe exc UK |
UK | Middle East |
Asia Pacific |
Japan | Other |
1998 | 1500 | 414 | |||||||||
1999 | 1001 | ||||||||||
2000 | 1469 | ||||||||||
2001 | 1429 | ||||||||||
2002 | 1157 | 36 | |||||||||
2003 | 1017 | ||||||||||
2004 | 7411 | ||||||||||
2005 | 8627 | 3654 | 500 | 4473 | |||||||
2006 | +137 | 9387 | 4035 | 175 | 2024 | 3153 | |||||
2007 | +155 | 10014 | 4196 | 338 | 2166 | 2079 | 1235 | ||||
2008 | +10 | 7605 | |||||||||
2009 | −194 | 3500 | 4616 | 1433 | 489 | 897 | 1797 | ||||
2010 | −245 | 5117 | 1525 | 910 | 776 | 982 | 924 | ||||
2011 | 8 | 4000 | 7003 | 2021 | 1839 | 1187 | 1031 | 566 | 249 | 110 | |
2012 | 100 | 8510 | 2457 | 2253 | 1333 | 1104 | 815 | 358 | 190 | ||
2013 | 176 | 10120 | 3140 | 2191 | 1480 | 1381 | 1185 | 452 | 291 |
Sources Volkswagen AG Annual Reports and press releases[51]
Bentley recorded a 31% rise in global sales in FY21 despite shutdowns caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. [52]
Year | Bentayga | CGT Coupé | CGT Cabrio | Flying Spur | Mulsanne | Arnage | Brooklands | Azure | Continental | Other Bentley | Rolls-Royce | Total |
2000 | 1243 | 131 | 93 | 2 | 469 | 1938 | ||||||
2001 | 1049 | 205 | 114 | 61 | 352 | 1781 | ||||||
2002 | 883 | 69 | 50 | 61 | 147 | 1210 | ||||||
2003 | 107 | 607 | 62 | 16 | 792 | |||||||
2004 | 6896 | 790 | 7686 | |||||||||
2005 | 4733 | 4271 | 556 | 9560 | ||||||||
2006 | 3611 | 1742 | 4042 | 464 | 177 | 10036 | ||||||
2007 | 2140 | 4847 | 2270 | 357 | 8 | 350 | 9972 | |||||
2008 | 2699 | 2408 | 1813 | 277 | 312 | 165 | 7674 | |||||
2009 | 1211 | 722 | 1358 | 147 | 106 | 93 | 3637 | |||||
2010 | 1735 | 843 | 1914 | 354 | 6 | 2 | 4854 | |||||
2011 | 3416 | 677 | 2354 | 1146 | 7593 | |||||||
2012 | 3536 | 2638 | 1764 | 1169 | 9107 | |||||||
2013 | 3602 | 2197 | 3960 | 1117 | 10876 | |||||||
2014 | 3442 | 2151 | 4556 | 884 | 11033 | |||||||
2015 | 96 | 3997 | 2216 | 3660 | 919 | 10888 | ||||||
2016 | 5586 | 2272 | 1600 | 1731 | 628 | 11817 | ||||||
2017 | 4849 | 1345 | 1468 | 2295 | 595 | 10552 | ||||||
2018 | 4072 | 2841 | 28 | 1627 | 547 | 9115 | ||||||
2019 | 5232 | 3903 | 2760 | 102 | 443 | 12440 | ||||||
2020 | 3946 | 1905 | 1244 | 3381 | 127 | 10603 |
Sources Volkswagen AG Annual Reports
List of Bentley vehicles
Model Name | Introduced | Discontinued | Class |
3 Litre | 1921 | 1929 | Sports car |
3.5 Litre | 1933 | 1939 | Luxury car |
4 Litre | 1931 | 1931 | Luxury car |
4 1/2 Litre | 1927 | 1931 | Sports car |
Speed Six | 1926 | 1930 | «Rolling chassis» |
8 Litre | 1930 | 1932 | Luxury car |
Arnage | 1998 | 2009 | Luxury car |
Azure | 1995 | 2009 | Grand tourer |
Bentayga | 2015 | Luxury SUV | |
Brooklands | 1992 | 2011 | Luxury car
Grand tourer |
Continential | 1952 | ||
Continental GT | 2003 | Grand tourer | |
Eight | 1984 | 1992 | Luxury car |
Flying Spur | 2005 | Luxury car
Ultra-luxury car |
Mark V | 1939 | 1941 | Luxury car |
Mark VI | 1946 | 1952 | Luxury car |
Mulsanne | 1980 | 1992 | Luxury car |
Mulsanne | 2010 | Luxury car | |
R Type | 1952 | 1955 | Luxury car |
S1 | 1955 | 1959 | Luxury car |
S2 | 1959 | 1962 | |
S3 | 1962 | 1965 | Luxury car |
State Limousine | 2002 | 2002 | Luxury car
Limousine |
T-Series | 1965 | 1980 | Luxury car |
Turbo R | 1985 | 1999 |
Crewe Volkswagen Bentleys
Car models in current production
- 2016–present: Bentayga
- 2018–present: Continental GT (Gen 3)
- 2019–present: Flying Spur (Gen 3)
Car models formerly in production
- 1998–2009: Arnage
- 2003–2011: Continental GT
- 2005–2013: Continental Flying Spur (Gen 1)
- 2006–2009: Azure (Gen 2)
- 2008–2011: Bentley Brooklands (Gen 2)
- 2011–2018: Continental GT (Gen 2)
- 2013–2019: Flying Spur (Gen 2)
- 2010–2020: Mulsanne
Special edition car models
- 1999: Hunaudières Concept
- 2002: State Limousine
A Bentley Continental GT3 entered by the M-Sport factory team won the Silverstone round of the 2014 Blancpain Endurance Series. This was Bentley’s first official entry in a British race since the 1930 RAC Tourist Trophy.[53]
See also
- List of car manufacturers of the United Kingdom
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 68.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 49.
- ^ «New appointment». www.bentleymedia.com. Retrieved 11 March 2018.
- ^ «new appintment». www.bentleymedia.com. Archived from the original on 17 September 2017. Retrieved 11 March 2018.
- ^ «The new Bentley Continental GT — Darren Day, Head of Interior Design, Bentley Motors». MSN. Archived from the original on 23 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 102.
- ^ a b Volkswagen AG 2012a, p. 120.
- ^ «vwagfy2012». Archived from the original on 4 October 2013.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012a, p. 121.
- ^ «Persons with significant control». Companies House. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
- ^ Armistead, Louise (9 October 2013). «Video: behind the scenes at the Bentley factory». The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 9 October 2013.
- ^ «Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Facts and Figures 2012» (PDF). volkswagenag.com. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. 11 June 2012. 1058.809.453.20. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 October 2013. Retrieved 10 August 2012.
- ^ «Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Annual Report 2011» (PDF). volkswagenag.com. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. 12 March 2012. 258.809.536.00. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 May 2012. Retrieved 8 August 2012.
- ^ Armitstead, Louise (6 October 2013). «Monday Interview: Bentley boss on what’s driving demand for luxury British cars». The Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
- ^ «Premium brand group restructured». 17 March 2022. Retrieved 19 May 2022.
- ^ Einhorn, Bruce (5 April 2012). «The Surge in China’s Auto Sales May Soon Slow». Bloomberg Businessweek.
- ^ «Germany». PistonHeads. 14 November 2013. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
- ^ Stiefel & Clark 2019.
- ^ a b c d e f Georgano, Nick, ed. (1 October 2000). Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile (Hardcover, Reprint ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN 1-57958-293-1.
- ^ «Bentley’s racing heritage». The Telegraph. 5 October 2016. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022.
- ^ a b Wagstaff, Ian (September 2010). «3: The Not-So-Roaring Twenties». The British at Indianapolis=. Dorchester, UK: Veloce Publishing. pp. 26–27. ISBN 978-1-84584-246-8. Retrieved 11 October 2013.
It was an event that was to prove a costly exercise for the Cricklewood-based company in sending both a professional driver and a mechanic with the car.
- ^ Davidson, Donald; Schaffer, Rick (2006). «Official Box Scores 1911–2006». Autocourse Official History of the Indianapolis 500. St. Paul, MN USA: MBI Publishing. p. 327. ISBN 1-905334-20-6. Retrieved 9 October 2013.
- ^ Davidson, Donald, Schaffer, Rick, Autocourse Official History of the Indianapolis 500, page 60
- ^ Melissen, Wouter (12 January 2004). «Bentley Speed Six ‘Blue Train Special’«. UltimateCarPage. Retrieved 4 November 2008.
- ^ Burgess-Wise, David (1 January 2006). «The Slippery Shape of Power». Auto Aficionado. Archived from the original on 24 March 2009. Retrieved 4 November 2008.
- ^ «Bentley Motors To Give Up Racing». Evening Telegraph. Angus, Scotland: British Newspaper Archive. 1 July 1930. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
- ^ «Receiver Appointed of Bentley Motors Limited Re Bentley Motors Limited; London Life Association Limited v. Bentley Motors Limited, And Woolf Barnato». The Times, Saturday, 11 July 1931; p. 4; Issue 45872
- ^ Feast, Richard (2004). «When Barnato bought Bentley». The DNA of Bentley. St. Paul, MN: MotorBooks International. pp. 64–65. ISBN 978-0-7603-1946-8. Retrieved 26 March 2012.
- ^ Finley, Ross (29 November 1985). «Luxury of the long-distance cruiser». Glasgow Herald. p. 21. Retrieved 5 April 2013.
- ^ Feast, Richard, The DNA of Bentley, Chapter 5: «Togetherness: Rolls-Royce/Bentley», p. 77
- ^ Stein, Ralph (1952). Sports Cars of the World. Scribner. p. 43. Retrieved 29 September 2013.
These, known as «the silent sports car,» have been successfully marketed for almost twenty years now in various models.
- ^ Sewell, Brian (13 July 2004). «New Bentley is a drive in the wrong direction». The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 21 June 2017. Retrieved 5 April 2013.
- ^ a b c d Crewe’s Rolls-Royce Factory From Old Photographs by Peter Ollerhead and Tony Flood, republished electronically 2013 by Amberley Publishing of Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
- ^ Pugh 2000, pp. 192–198.
- ^ «Bentley Crewe History 1914 – 2006». Jack Barclay. Archived from the original on 5 March 2012. Retrieved 19 November 2010.
- ^ Ollerhead, P. (2013). Crewe’s Rolls-Royce Factory From Old Photographs. Amberley Publishing. ISBN 9781445627649. Retrieved 5 October 2014.
- ^ «Used Car test: Bentley Continental». Autocar. 130 (3824): 47–48. 29 May 1969.
- ^ a b Cremer, Andreas (24 June 2010). «Volkswagen Said to Shuffle Porsche, Bentley Managers». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Gillies, Mark (10 May 2010). «Going Back in Time at the Bentley Factory». Car and Driver blog. Archived from the original on 9 August 2011. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Edmondson, Gail (6 December 2004). «VW Steals A Lead in Luxury». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Garlick. «Bentley reports record profit». Retrieved 18 March 2008.
- ^ Reiter, Chris; Ramsey, Mike (15 December 2009). «Daimler Maybach Fails to Dent Rolls, Bentley Super-Luxury Lead». Bloomberg.
- ^ Cremer, Andreas (14 January 2010). «Volkswagen’s Bentley Targets U.S. Growth With Mulsanne Sedan». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.[dead link]
- ^ «Volkswagen AG 2010 Annual Report». Annualreport2010.volkswagenag.com. Archived from the original on 10 June 2011. Retrieved 24 March 2012.
- ^ Cooke, Rhiannon (24 October 2010). «Bentley protests continue in Crewe over changes to working hours». Crewe Chronicle.
- ^ Rauwald, Christopher (4 January 2012). «Bentley Mulls Its Own SV». The Wall Street Journal. p. B3.
- ^ L, Bentley Jaguar; Rover. «Luxury carmakers join coronavirus shutdown». Motor1.com. Retrieved 11 August 2020.
- ^ Campbell, Peter. «Bentley to cut quarter of workforce as UK car sector job losses hit 5,000». Financial Times. Archived from the original on 10 December 2022. Retrieved 5 June 2020.
- ^ Wayland, Michael (5 November 2020). «Famed luxury carmaker Bentley to go fully electric by 2030». CNBC. Retrieved 6 November 2020.
- ^ «Luxury automaker Bentley to go all electric». NBC News. 10 November 2020.
- ^ «Volkswagen AG 2012 Annual Report». Annualreport2012.volkswagenag.com. Retrieved 15 March 2013.
- ^ Carey, Nick (6 January 2022). «Bentley cruised to record year in 2021 with luxury cars in high demand». Reuters. Retrieved 6 January 2022.
- ^ Burt, Matt (25 May 2014). «New Bentley Continental GT3 claims inaugural victory at Silverstone». Autocar. Haymarket Group. Retrieved 26 May 2014.
- Feast, Richard (2003). Kidnap of the Flying Lady: How Germany Captured Both Rolls-Royce and Bentley. Motorbooks. ISBN 0-7603-1686-4.
- Frankel, Andrew (2005). Bentley: The Story. Redwood Publishing. ISBN 0-9517751-9-7.
- Parissien, Steven (2013). The Life of the Automobile: A New History of the Motor Car (Hardback). London: Atlantic Books. ISBN 978-1-8488-7705-4.
- Stiefel, Barry L.; Clark, Jennifer (6 December 2019). The Routledge Companion to Automobile Heritage, Culture, and Preservation. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780429753428. — Total pages: 406
External links
- Official website
- «Inside the Bentley factory»—Jorn Madslien, BBC News
Type | Subsidiary |
Industry | Automotive |
Founded | 18 January 1919; 103 years ago |
Founders |
Fate |
Headquarters |
Crewe , England[2] |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Adrian Hallmark Chairman, CEO[3] John Paul Gregory (Head of Exterior Design)[4] Darren Day (Head of Interior Design)[5] |
Products |
[6] |
Production output |
[7][8] |
Services | Automobile customisation |
Revenue |
[7] |
Net income |
[9] |
Owner | Volkswagen Group[10] |
Number of employees |
3,600 (2013)[11] |
Parent | Audi |
Website | bentleymotors.com |
Footnotes / references [12][13] |
Bentley winged «B» badge bonnet (hood) ornament
Bentley Motors Limited is a British designer, manufacturer and marketer of luxury cars and SUVs. Headquartered in Crewe, England, the company was founded as Bentley Motors Limited by W. O. Bentley (1888–1971) in 1919 in Cricklewood, North London, and became widely known for winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930. Bentley has been a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group since 1998 and consolidated under VW’s premium brand arm Audi since 2022.[14][15]
Prominent models extend from the historic sports-racing Bentley 4½ Litre and Bentley Speed Six; the more recent Bentley R Type Continental, Bentley Turbo R, and Bentley Arnage; to its current model line, including the Flying Spur, Continental GT, Bentayga and the Mulsanne—which are marketed worldwide, with China as its largest market as of November 2012.[16]
Today most Bentley models are assembled at the company’s Crewe factory, with a small number assembled at Volkswagen’s Dresden factory, Germany,[17] and with bodies for the Continental manufactured in Zwickau and for the Bentayga manufactured at the Volkswagen Bratislava Plant.
The joining and eventual separation of Bentley and Rolls-Royce followed a series of mergers and acquisitions, beginning with the 1931 purchase by Rolls-Royce of Bentley, then in receivership. In 1971, Rolls-Royce itself was forced into receivership and the UK government nationalised the company—splitting into two companies the aerospace division (Rolls-Royce Plc) and automotive (Rolls-Royce Motors Limited) divisions—the latter retaining the Bentley subdivision. Rolls-Royce Motors was subsequently sold to engineering conglomerate, Vickers and in 1998, Vickers sold Rolls-Royce to Volkswagen AG.
Intellectual property rights to both the name Rolls-Royce as well as the company’s logo had been retained not by Rolls-Royce Motors, but by aerospace company Rolls-Royce Plc, which had continued to license both to the automotive division. Thus the sale of «Rolls-Royce» to VW included the Bentley name and logos, vehicle designs, model nameplates, production, and administrative facilities, the Spirit of Ecstasy and Rolls-Royce grille shape trademarks (subsequently sold to BMW by VW)—but not the rights to the Rolls-Royce name or logo. The aerospace company, Rolls-Royce Plc, ultimately sold both to BMW AG.
Cricklewood (1919–1931)
Before World War I, Walter Owen Bentley and his brother, Horace Millner Bentley, sold French DFP cars in Cricklewood, North London, but W.O, as Walter was known, always wanted to design and build his own cars. At the DFP factory, in 1913, he noticed an aluminium paperweight and thought that aluminium might be a suitable replacement for cast iron to fabricate lighter pistons. The first Bentley aluminium pistons were fitted to Sopwith Camel aero engines during the First World War.
The same day that the Paris Peace Conference to end World War I started, Walter Owen («W.O.») Bentley founded Bentley Motors Limited, on January 18, 1919[18] and registered Bentley Motors Ltd. in August 1919. In October he exhibited a car chassis (with a dummy engine) at the London Motor Show.[19] Ex–Royal Flying Corps officer Clive Gallop designed an innovative four-valves-per-cylinder engine for the chassis. By December the engine was built and running. Delivery of the first cars was scheduled for June 1920, but development took longer than estimated so the date was extended to September 1921.[19] The durability of the first Bentley cars earned widespread acclaim, and they competed in hill climbs and raced at Brooklands.[20]
Bentley’s first major event was the 1922 Indianapolis 500, a race dominated by specialized cars with Duesenberg racing chassis. They entered a modified road car driven by works driver Douglas Hawkes, accompanied by riding mechanic H. S. «Bertie» Browning.[21] Hawkes completed the full 500 miles (800 km) and finished 13th with an average speed of 74.95 miles per hour (120.62 km/h) after starting in 19th position.[22] The team was then rushed back to England to compete in the 1922 RAC Tourist Trophy.[21][23]
Captain Woolf Barnato
In an ironic reference to his heavyweight boxer’s stature, Captain Woolf Barnato was nicknamed «Babe». In 1925, he acquired his first Bentley, a 3-litre. With this car, he won numerous Brooklands races. Just a year later, he acquired the Bentley business itself.
The Bentley enterprise was always underfunded, but inspired by the 1924 Le Mans win by John Duff and Frank Clement, Barnato agreed to finance Bentley’s business. Barnato had incorporated Baromans Ltd in 1922, which existed as his finance and investment vehicle. Via Baromans, Barnato initially invested in excess of £100,000, saving the business and its workforce. A financial reorganisation of the original Bentley company was carried out and all existing creditors paid off for £75,000. Existing shares were devalued from £1 each to just 1 shilling, or 5% of their original value. Barnato held 149,500 of the new shares giving him control of the company and he became chairman. Barnato injected further cash into the business: £35,000 secured by debenture in July 1927; £40,000 in 1928; £25,000 in 1929. With renewed financial input, W. O. Bentley was able to design another generation of cars.
The Bentley Boys
The Bentley Boys were a group of British motoring enthusiasts that included Barnato, Sir Henry «Tim» Birkin, steeple chaser George Duller, aviator Glen Kidston, automotive journalist S.C.H. «Sammy» Davis, and Dudley Benjafield. The Bentley Boys favoured Bentley cars. Many were independently wealthy and many had a military background. They kept the marque’s reputation for high performance alive; Bentley was noted for its four consecutive victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, from 1927 to 1930.
Birkin developed the 4½-litre, lightweight Blower Bentley at Welwyn Garden City in 1929 and produced five racing specials, starting with Bentley Blower No.1 which was optimised for the Brooklands racing circuit. Birkin overruled Bentley and put the model on the market before it was fully developed. As a result, it was unreliable.
During the March 1930 Blue Train Races, Barnato raised the stakes on Rover and its Rover Light Six, having raced and beaten Le Train Bleu for the first time, to better that record with his 6½-litre Bentley Speed Six on a bet of £100. He drove against the train from Cannes to Calais, then by ferry to Dover, and finally London, travelling on public highways, and won.
Barnato drove his H.J. Mulliner–bodied formal saloon in the race against the Blue Train. Two months later, on 21 May 1930, he took delivery of a Speed Six with streamlined fastback «sportsman coupé» by Gurney Nutting. Both cars became known as the «Blue Train Bentleys»; the latter is regularly mistaken for, or erroneously referred to as being, the car that raced the Blue Train, while in fact Barnato named it in memory of his race.[24][25] A painting by Terence Cuneo depicts the Gurney Nutting coupé racing along a road parallel to the Blue Train, which scenario never occurred as the road and railway did not follow the same route.
Cricklewood Bentleys
- 1921–1929 3-litre
- 1926–1930 4½-litre & «Blower Bentley»
- 1926–1930 6½-litre
- 1928–1930 6½-litre Speed Six
- 1930–1931 8-litre
- 1931 4-litre
The original model was the three-litre, but as customers put heavier bodies on the chassis, a larger 4½-litre model followed. Perhaps the most iconic model of the period is the 4½-litre «Blower Bentley», with its distinctive supercharger projecting forward from the bottom of the grille. Uncharacteristically fragile for a Bentley it was not the racing workhorse the 6½-litre was, though in 1930 Birkin remarkably finished second in the French Grand Prix at Pau in a stripped-down racing version of the Blower Bentley, behind Philippe Etancelin in a Bugatti Type 35.
The 4½-litre model later became famous in popular media as the vehicle of choice of James Bond in the original novels, but this has been seen only briefly in the films. John Steed in the television series The Avengers also drove a Bentley.
The new eight-litre was such a success that when Barnato’s money seemed to run out in 1931 and Napier was planning to buy Bentley’s business, Rolls-Royce purchased Bentley Motors to prevent it from competing with their most expensive model, the Phantom II.
Performance at Le Mans
24 hours of Le Mans Grand Prix d’Endurance
- 1923 4th (private entry) (3-Litre)
- 1924 1st (3-Litre)
- 1925 did not finish
- 1926 did not finish
- 1927 1st 15th 17th (3-Litre)
- 1928 1st 5th (4½-litre)
- 1929 1st (Speed Six); 2nd 3rd 4th: (4½-litre)
- 1930 1st 2nd (Speed Six)
Bentley withdrew from motor racing just after winning at Le Mans in 1930, claiming that they had learned enough about speed and reliability.[26]
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the resulting Great Depression throttled the demand for Bentley’s expensive motor cars. In July 1931 two mortgage payments were due which neither the company nor Barnato, the guarantor, were able to meet. On 10 July 1931 a receiver was appointed.[27]
Napier offered to buy Bentley with the purchase to be final in November 1931. Instead, British Central Equitable Trust made a winning sealed bid of £125,000.[28] British Central Equitable Trust later proved to be a front for Rolls-Royce Limited. Not even Bentley himself knew the identity of the purchaser until the deal was completed.[19]
Barnato received £42,000 for his shares in Bentley Motors. In 1934 he was appointed to the board of the new Bentley Motors (1931) Ltd. In the same year Bentley confirmed that it would continue racing.
Rolls-Royce (1931–1970)
«The silent sports car»
1935 3½-litre cabriolet by unknown coachbuilder
Rolls-Royce took over the assets of Bentley Motors (1919) Ltd and formed a subsidiary, Bentley Motors (1931) Ltd. Rolls-Royce had acquired the Bentley showrooms in Cork Street, the service station at Kingsbury, the complex at Cricklewood and the services of Bentley himself. This last was disputed by Napier in court without success. Bentley had neglected to register their trademark so Rolls-Royce immediately did so. They also sold the Cricklewood factory in 1932. Production stopped for two years,[29] before resuming at the Rolls-Royce works in Derby. Unhappy with his role at Rolls-Royce, when his contract expired at the end of April 1935 W. O. Bentley left to join Lagonda.
When the new Bentley 3½ litre appeared in 1933, it was a sporting variant of the Rolls-Royce 20/25, which disappointed some traditional customers yet was well received by many others. W. O. Bentley was reported as saying, «Taking all things into consideration, I would rather own this Bentley than any other car produced under that name».[19] Rolls-Royce’s advertisements for the 3+1⁄2 Litre called it «the silent sports car»,[30] a slogan Rolls-Royce continued to use for Bentley cars until the 1950s.[31]
All Bentleys produced from 1931 to 2004 used inherited or shared Rolls-Royce chassis, and adapted Rolls-Royce engines, and are described by critics as badge-engineered Rolls-Royces.[32]
Derby Bentleys
- 1933–1937 3½-litre
- 1936–1939 4¼-litre
- 1939–1941 Mark V
- 1939 Mark V
In preparation for war, Rolls-Royce and the British Government searched for a location for a shadow factory to ensure production of aero-engines.[33][34] Crewe, with its excellent road and rail links, as well as being located in the northwest away from the aerial bombing starting in mainland Europe, was a logical choice. Crewe also had extensive open farming land. Construction of the factory started on a 60-acre area on the potato fields of Merrill’s Farm in July 1938, with the first Rolls-Royce Merlin aero-engine rolling off the production line five months later. 25,000 Merlin engines[33] were produced and at its peak, in 1943 during World War II, the factory employed 10,000 people.[35] With the war in Europe over and the general move towards the then new jet engines, Rolls-Royce concentrated its aero-engine operations at Derby and moved motor car operations to Crewe.[33]
Standard Steel saloons
Bentley Mark VI standard steel saloon, the first Bentley supplied by Rolls-Royce with a standard all-steel body
Until some time after World War II, most high-end motorcar manufacturers like Bentley and Rolls-Royce did not supply complete cars. They sold rolling chassis, near-complete from the instrument panel forward. Each chassis was delivered to the coachbuilder of the buyer’s choice. The biggest specialist car dealerships had coachbuilders build standard designs for them which were held in stock awaiting potential buyers.
The assembled pressings from Pressed Steel
To meet post-war demand, particularly UK Government pressure to export and earn overseas currency, Rolls-Royce developed an all-steel body using pressings made by Pressed Steel to create a «standard» ready-to-drive complete saloon car. The first steel-bodied model produced was the Bentley Mark VI: these started to emerge from the newly reconfigured Crewe factory early in 1946.[33][36] Some years later, initially only for export, the Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn was introduced, a standard steel Bentley but with a Rolls-Royce radiator grille for a small extra charge, and this convention continued.
Chassis remained available to coachbuilders until the end of production of the Bentley S3, which was replaced for October 1965 by the chassis-less monocoque construction T series.
Bentley Continental
Bentley Continental, fastback coupé body by H J Mulliner
The Continental fastback coupé was aimed at the UK market, most cars, 164 plus a prototype, being right-hand drive. The chassis was produced at the Crewe factory and shared many components with the standard R type. Other than the R-Type standard steel saloon, R-Type Continentals were delivered as rolling chassis to the coachbuilder of choice. Coachwork for most of these cars was completed by H. J. Mulliner & Co. who mainly built them in fastback coupe form. Other coachwork came from Park Ward (London) who built six, later including a drophead coupe version. Franay (Paris) built five, Graber (Wichtrach, Switzerland) built three, one of them later altered by Köng (Basel, Switzerland), and Pininfarina made one. James Young (London) built in 1954 a Sports Saloon for the owner of James Young’s, James Barclay.
The early R Type Continental has essentially the same engine as the standard R Type, but with modified carburation, induction and exhaust manifolds along with higher gear ratios.[37] After July 1954 the car was fitted with an engine, having now a larger bore of 94.62 mm (3.7 in) with a total displacement of 4,887 cc (4.9 L; 298.2 cu in). The compression ratio was raised to 7.25:1.
Crewe Rolls-Royce Bentleys
- Bentleys made by Rolls-Royce Ltd. in Crewe
«The silent sports car»
1952 4¼-litre 2-door by H J Mulliner -
Bentley S-series Standard Saloon
Bentley T-series Standard Saloon (l.w.b.)
- Standard-steel saloon
- 1946–1952 Mark VI
- 1952–1955 R Type
- Continental
- 1952–1955 R Type Continental
- S-series
- 1955–1959 S1 and Continental
- 1959–1962 S2 and Continental
- 1962–1965 S3 and Continental
- T-series
- 1965–1977 T1
- 1977–1980 T2
- 1971–1984 Corniche
- 1975–1986 Camargue
Vickers (1970–1998)
The problems of Bentley’s owner with Rolls-Royce aero engine development, the RB211, brought about the financial collapse of its business in 1970.
The motorcar division was made a separate business, Rolls-Royce Motors Limited, which remained independent until bought by Vickers plc in August 1980. By the 1970s and early 1980s Bentley sales had fallen badly; at one point less than 5% of combined production carried the Bentley badge.[19] Under Vickers, Bentley set about regaining its high-performance heritage, typified by the 1980 Mulsanne. Bentley’s restored sporting image created a renewed interest in the name and Bentley sales as a proportion of output began to rise. By 1986 the Bentley:Rolls-Royce ratio had reached 40:60; by 1991 it achieved parity.[19]
Crewe Vickers Bentleys
- 1984–1995 Continental: convertible
- 1992–1995 Continental Turbo
- 1980–1992 Bentley Mulsanne
- 1984–1988 Mulsanne L: limousine
- 1982–1985 Mulsanne Turbo
- 1987–1992 Mulsanne S
- 1984–1992 Eight: basic model
- 1985–1995 Turbo R: turbocharged performance version
- 1991–2002 Continental R: turbocharged 2-door model
- 1994–1995 Continental S: intercooled
- 1996–2002 Continental T
- 1999–2003 Continental R Mulliner: performance model
- 1992–1998 Brooklands: improved Eight
- 1996–1998 Brooklands R: performance Brooklands
- 1994–1995 Turbo S: limited-edition sports model
- 1994–1995 Continental S: to order only version of Continental R with features of Turbo S incorporated
- 1995–1997 New Turbo R: updated 96MY Turbo R with revised bumpers, single front door glazing, new door mirrors, spare in trunk, engine cover, new seat design, auto lights, auto wipers etc.
- 1995–2003 Azure: convertible Continental R
- 1996–2002 Continental T: short-wheelbase performance model
- 1997–1998 Turbo RL: «new» Turbo R LWB (Long Wheel Base)
- 1997–1998 Bentley Turbo RT: replacement for the Turbo RL
- 1997–1998 RT Mulliner: Ultra exclusive performance model
Volkswagen (1998–present)
In October 1997, Vickers announced that it had decided to sell Rolls-Royce Motors. BMW AG seemed to be a logical purchaser because BMW already supplied engines and other components for Bentley and Rolls-Royce branded cars and because of BMW and Vickers joint efforts in building aircraft engines. BMW made a final offer of £340m, but was outbid by Volkswagen AG, which offered £430m. Volkswagen AG acquired the vehicle designs, model nameplates, production and administrative facilities, the Spirit of Ecstasy and Rolls-Royce grille shape trademarks, but not the rights to the use of the Rolls-Royce name or logo, which are owned by Rolls-Royce Holdings plc. In 1998, BMW started supplying components for the new range of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars—notably V8 engines for the Bentley Arnage and V12 engines for the Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph, however, the supply contract allowed BMW to terminate its supply deal with Rolls-Royce with 12 months’ notice, which would not be enough time for Volkswagen to re-engineer the cars.
BMW paid Rolls-Royce plc £40m to license the Rolls-Royce name and logo. After negotiations, BMW and Volkswagen AG agreed that, from 1998 to 2002, BMW would continue to supply engines and components and would allow Volkswagen temporary use of the Rolls-Royce name and logo. All BMW engine supply ended in 2003 with the end of Silver Seraph production.
From 1 January 2003 forward, Volkswagen AG would be the sole provider of cars with the «Bentley» marque. BMW established a new legal entity, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited, and built a new administrative headquarters and production facility for Rolls-Royce branded vehicles in Goodwood, West Sussex, England.
Investment and company development
After acquiring the business, Volkswagen spent GBP500 million (about US$845 million) to modernise the Crewe factory and increase production capacity.[38]
As of early 2010, there are about 3,500 working at Crewe, compared with about 1,500 in 1998 before being taken over by Volkswagen.[39] It was reported that Volkswagen invested a total of nearly US$2 billion in Bentley and its revival.[40] As a result of upgrading facilities at Crewe the bodywork now arrives fully painted at the Crewe facility for final assembly, with the parts coming from Germany—similarly Rolls-Royce body shells are painted and shipped to the UK for assembly only.
Demand had been so great that the factory at Crewe was unable to meet orders despite an installed capacity of approximately 9,500 vehicles per year; there was a waiting list of over a year for new cars to be delivered. Consequently, part of the production of the new Flying Spur, a four-door version of the Continental GT, was assigned to the Transparent Factory (Germany), where the Volkswagen Phaeton luxury car was also assembled. This arrangement ceased at the end of 2006 after around 1,000 cars, with all car production reverting to the Crewe plant.
Bentley presented Queen Elizabeth II with an official State Limousine in 2002 to celebrate her Golden Jubilee. Production of the two-door convertible Bentley Azure finished in 2003. It was replaced by a large luxury coupé powered by a W12 engine built in Crewe and named Bentley Continental GT.
It was confirmed in April 2005 a four-seat convertible Azure derived from the Arnage Drophead Coupé prototype would begin at Crewe in 2006. By the autumn of 2005, a convertible version of the successful Continental GT, the Continental GTC, was also presented in the autumn of 2005. These two models were launched in late 2006.
2005 Bentley Continental Flying Spur
2011 Bentley Continental GT
2017 Bentley Bentayga diesel
2019 Bentley Continental GTC
A limited run of a Zagato modified GT was also announced in March 2008, dubbed «GTZ».
A new version of the Bentley Continental was introduced at the 2009 Geneva Motor Show: The Continental Supersports. This new Bentley is a supercar combining extreme power with environmentally friendly FlexFuel technology, capable of using petrol (gasoline) and biofuel (E85 ethanol).
Bentley sales continued to increase, and in 2005 8,627 were sold worldwide, 3,654 in the United States. In 2007, the 10,000 cars-per-year threshold was broken for the first time with sales of 10,014. For 2007, a record profit of €155 million was also announced.[41] Bentley reported a sale of about 7,600 units in 2008.[42] However, its global sales plunged 50 percent to 4,616 vehicles in 2009 (with the U.S. deliveries dropped 49% to 1,433 vehicles) and it suffered an operating loss of €194 million, compared with an operating profit of €10 million in 2008.[38][43] As a result of the slump in sales, production at Crewe was shut down during March and April 2009.[citation needed] Though vehicle sales increased by 11% to 5,117 in 2010, operating loss grew by 26% to €245 million.[44] In Autumn 2010, workers at Crewe staged a series of protests over proposal of compulsory work on Fridays and mandatory overtime during the week.[45]
Vehicle sales in 2011 rose 37% to 7,003 vehicles, with the new Continental GT accounting for over one-third of total sales. The current workforce is about 4,000 people.
The business earned a profit in 2011 after two years of losses as a result of the following sales results:[46]
On 23 March 2020, Bentley announced to halt production due to COVID-19 pandemic.[47] In June 2020, Bentley announced that it will cut around 1,000 (one quarter of 4,200) job places in the UK as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.[48]
On 3 November 2020, Bentley announced that all new cars sold will be electric by 2030. This announcement also follows after the United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced in February 2020 that he approved legislation that will ban and phase out fuel combustion vehicles (including Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid vehicles) from the UK by 2030 with hybrids being banned by 2035.[49][50]
Deliveries, profits and staff
Year | Profit or loss € million |
Staff | Total deliveries |
Americas | China | Europe exc UK |
UK | Middle East |
Asia Pacific |
Japan | Other |
1998 | 1500 | 414 | |||||||||
1999 | 1001 | ||||||||||
2000 | 1469 | ||||||||||
2001 | 1429 | ||||||||||
2002 | 1157 | 36 | |||||||||
2003 | 1017 | ||||||||||
2004 | 7411 | ||||||||||
2005 | 8627 | 3654 | 500 | 4473 | |||||||
2006 | +137 | 9387 | 4035 | 175 | 2024 | 3153 | |||||
2007 | +155 | 10014 | 4196 | 338 | 2166 | 2079 | 1235 | ||||
2008 | +10 | 7605 | |||||||||
2009 | −194 | 3500 | 4616 | 1433 | 489 | 897 | 1797 | ||||
2010 | −245 | 5117 | 1525 | 910 | 776 | 982 | 924 | ||||
2011 | 8 | 4000 | 7003 | 2021 | 1839 | 1187 | 1031 | 566 | 249 | 110 | |
2012 | 100 | 8510 | 2457 | 2253 | 1333 | 1104 | 815 | 358 | 190 | ||
2013 | 176 | 10120 | 3140 | 2191 | 1480 | 1381 | 1185 | 452 | 291 |
Sources Volkswagen AG Annual Reports and press releases[51]
Bentley recorded a 31% rise in global sales in FY21 despite shutdowns caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. [52]
Year | Bentayga | CGT Coupé | CGT Cabrio | Flying Spur | Mulsanne | Arnage | Brooklands | Azure | Continental | Other Bentley | Rolls-Royce | Total |
2000 | 1243 | 131 | 93 | 2 | 469 | 1938 | ||||||
2001 | 1049 | 205 | 114 | 61 | 352 | 1781 | ||||||
2002 | 883 | 69 | 50 | 61 | 147 | 1210 | ||||||
2003 | 107 | 607 | 62 | 16 | 792 | |||||||
2004 | 6896 | 790 | 7686 | |||||||||
2005 | 4733 | 4271 | 556 | 9560 | ||||||||
2006 | 3611 | 1742 | 4042 | 464 | 177 | 10036 | ||||||
2007 | 2140 | 4847 | 2270 | 357 | 8 | 350 | 9972 | |||||
2008 | 2699 | 2408 | 1813 | 277 | 312 | 165 | 7674 | |||||
2009 | 1211 | 722 | 1358 | 147 | 106 | 93 | 3637 | |||||
2010 | 1735 | 843 | 1914 | 354 | 6 | 2 | 4854 | |||||
2011 | 3416 | 677 | 2354 | 1146 | 7593 | |||||||
2012 | 3536 | 2638 | 1764 | 1169 | 9107 | |||||||
2013 | 3602 | 2197 | 3960 | 1117 | 10876 | |||||||
2014 | 3442 | 2151 | 4556 | 884 | 11033 | |||||||
2015 | 96 | 3997 | 2216 | 3660 | 919 | 10888 | ||||||
2016 | 5586 | 2272 | 1600 | 1731 | 628 | 11817 | ||||||
2017 | 4849 | 1345 | 1468 | 2295 | 595 | 10552 | ||||||
2018 | 4072 | 2841 | 28 | 1627 | 547 | 9115 | ||||||
2019 | 5232 | 3903 | 2760 | 102 | 443 | 12440 | ||||||
2020 | 3946 | 1905 | 1244 | 3381 | 127 | 10603 |
Sources Volkswagen AG Annual Reports
List of Bentley vehicles
Model Name | Introduced | Discontinued | Class |
3 Litre | 1921 | 1929 | Sports car |
3.5 Litre | 1933 | 1939 | Luxury car |
4 Litre | 1931 | 1931 | Luxury car |
4 1/2 Litre | 1927 | 1931 | Sports car |
Speed Six | 1926 | 1930 | «Rolling chassis» |
8 Litre | 1930 | 1932 | Luxury car |
Arnage | 1998 | 2009 | Luxury car |
Azure | 1995 | 2009 | Grand tourer |
Bentayga | 2015 | Luxury SUV | |
Brooklands | 1992 | 2011 | Luxury car
Grand tourer |
Continential | 1952 | ||
Continental GT | 2003 | Grand tourer | |
Eight | 1984 | 1992 | Luxury car |
Flying Spur | 2005 | Luxury car
Ultra-luxury car |
Mark V | 1939 | 1941 | Luxury car |
Mark VI | 1946 | 1952 | Luxury car |
Mulsanne | 1980 | 1992 | Luxury car |
Mulsanne | 2010 | Luxury car | |
R Type | 1952 | 1955 | Luxury car |
S1 | 1955 | 1959 | Luxury car |
S2 | 1959 | 1962 | |
S3 | 1962 | 1965 | Luxury car |
State Limousine | 2002 | 2002 | Luxury car
Limousine |
T-Series | 1965 | 1980 | Luxury car |
Turbo R | 1985 | 1999 |
Crewe Volkswagen Bentleys
Car models in current production
- 2016–present: Bentayga
- 2018–present: Continental GT (Gen 3)
- 2019–present: Flying Spur (Gen 3)
Car models formerly in production
- 1998–2009: Arnage
- 2003–2011: Continental GT
- 2005–2013: Continental Flying Spur (Gen 1)
- 2006–2009: Azure (Gen 2)
- 2008–2011: Bentley Brooklands (Gen 2)
- 2011–2018: Continental GT (Gen 2)
- 2013–2019: Flying Spur (Gen 2)
- 2010–2020: Mulsanne
Special edition car models
- 1999: Hunaudières Concept
- 2002: State Limousine
A Bentley Continental GT3 entered by the M-Sport factory team won the Silverstone round of the 2014 Blancpain Endurance Series. This was Bentley’s first official entry in a British race since the 1930 RAC Tourist Trophy.[53]
See also
- List of car manufacturers of the United Kingdom
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 68.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 49.
- ^ «New appointment». www.bentleymedia.com. Retrieved 11 March 2018.
- ^ «new appintment». www.bentleymedia.com. Archived from the original on 17 September 2017. Retrieved 11 March 2018.
- ^ «The new Bentley Continental GT — Darren Day, Head of Interior Design, Bentley Motors». MSN. Archived from the original on 23 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012, p. 102.
- ^ a b Volkswagen AG 2012a, p. 120.
- ^ «vwagfy2012». Archived from the original on 4 October 2013.
- ^ Volkswagen AG 2012a, p. 121.
- ^ «Persons with significant control». Companies House. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
- ^ Armistead, Louise (9 October 2013). «Video: behind the scenes at the Bentley factory». The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 9 October 2013.
- ^ «Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Facts and Figures 2012» (PDF). volkswagenag.com. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. 11 June 2012. 1058.809.453.20. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 October 2013. Retrieved 10 August 2012.
- ^ «Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Annual Report 2011» (PDF). volkswagenag.com. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. 12 March 2012. 258.809.536.00. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 May 2012. Retrieved 8 August 2012.
- ^ Armitstead, Louise (6 October 2013). «Monday Interview: Bentley boss on what’s driving demand for luxury British cars». The Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
- ^ «Premium brand group restructured». 17 March 2022. Retrieved 19 May 2022.
- ^ Einhorn, Bruce (5 April 2012). «The Surge in China’s Auto Sales May Soon Slow». Bloomberg Businessweek.
- ^ «Germany». PistonHeads. 14 November 2013. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
- ^ Stiefel & Clark 2019.
- ^ a b c d e f Georgano, Nick, ed. (1 October 2000). Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile (Hardcover, Reprint ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN 1-57958-293-1.
- ^ «Bentley’s racing heritage». The Telegraph. 5 October 2016. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022.
- ^ a b Wagstaff, Ian (September 2010). «3: The Not-So-Roaring Twenties». The British at Indianapolis=. Dorchester, UK: Veloce Publishing. pp. 26–27. ISBN 978-1-84584-246-8. Retrieved 11 October 2013.
It was an event that was to prove a costly exercise for the Cricklewood-based company in sending both a professional driver and a mechanic with the car.
- ^ Davidson, Donald; Schaffer, Rick (2006). «Official Box Scores 1911–2006». Autocourse Official History of the Indianapolis 500. St. Paul, MN USA: MBI Publishing. p. 327. ISBN 1-905334-20-6. Retrieved 9 October 2013.
- ^ Davidson, Donald, Schaffer, Rick, Autocourse Official History of the Indianapolis 500, page 60
- ^ Melissen, Wouter (12 January 2004). «Bentley Speed Six ‘Blue Train Special’«. UltimateCarPage. Retrieved 4 November 2008.
- ^ Burgess-Wise, David (1 January 2006). «The Slippery Shape of Power». Auto Aficionado. Archived from the original on 24 March 2009. Retrieved 4 November 2008.
- ^ «Bentley Motors To Give Up Racing». Evening Telegraph. Angus, Scotland: British Newspaper Archive. 1 July 1930. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
- ^ «Receiver Appointed of Bentley Motors Limited Re Bentley Motors Limited; London Life Association Limited v. Bentley Motors Limited, And Woolf Barnato». The Times, Saturday, 11 July 1931; p. 4; Issue 45872
- ^ Feast, Richard (2004). «When Barnato bought Bentley». The DNA of Bentley. St. Paul, MN: MotorBooks International. pp. 64–65. ISBN 978-0-7603-1946-8. Retrieved 26 March 2012.
- ^ Finley, Ross (29 November 1985). «Luxury of the long-distance cruiser». Glasgow Herald. p. 21. Retrieved 5 April 2013.
- ^ Feast, Richard, The DNA of Bentley, Chapter 5: «Togetherness: Rolls-Royce/Bentley», p. 77
- ^ Stein, Ralph (1952). Sports Cars of the World. Scribner. p. 43. Retrieved 29 September 2013.
These, known as «the silent sports car,» have been successfully marketed for almost twenty years now in various models.
- ^ Sewell, Brian (13 July 2004). «New Bentley is a drive in the wrong direction». The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 21 June 2017. Retrieved 5 April 2013.
- ^ a b c d Crewe’s Rolls-Royce Factory From Old Photographs by Peter Ollerhead and Tony Flood, republished electronically 2013 by Amberley Publishing of Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
- ^ Pugh 2000, pp. 192–198.
- ^ «Bentley Crewe History 1914 – 2006». Jack Barclay. Archived from the original on 5 March 2012. Retrieved 19 November 2010.
- ^ Ollerhead, P. (2013). Crewe’s Rolls-Royce Factory From Old Photographs. Amberley Publishing. ISBN 9781445627649. Retrieved 5 October 2014.
- ^ «Used Car test: Bentley Continental». Autocar. 130 (3824): 47–48. 29 May 1969.
- ^ a b Cremer, Andreas (24 June 2010). «Volkswagen Said to Shuffle Porsche, Bentley Managers». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Gillies, Mark (10 May 2010). «Going Back in Time at the Bentley Factory». Car and Driver blog. Archived from the original on 9 August 2011. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Edmondson, Gail (6 December 2004). «VW Steals A Lead in Luxury». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.
- ^ Garlick. «Bentley reports record profit». Retrieved 18 March 2008.
- ^ Reiter, Chris; Ramsey, Mike (15 December 2009). «Daimler Maybach Fails to Dent Rolls, Bentley Super-Luxury Lead». Bloomberg.
- ^ Cremer, Andreas (14 January 2010). «Volkswagen’s Bentley Targets U.S. Growth With Mulsanne Sedan». BusinessWeek. Retrieved 25 June 2010.[dead link]
- ^ «Volkswagen AG 2010 Annual Report». Annualreport2010.volkswagenag.com. Archived from the original on 10 June 2011. Retrieved 24 March 2012.
- ^ Cooke, Rhiannon (24 October 2010). «Bentley protests continue in Crewe over changes to working hours». Crewe Chronicle.
- ^ Rauwald, Christopher (4 January 2012). «Bentley Mulls Its Own SV». The Wall Street Journal. p. B3.
- ^ L, Bentley Jaguar; Rover. «Luxury carmakers join coronavirus shutdown». Motor1.com. Retrieved 11 August 2020.
- ^ Campbell, Peter. «Bentley to cut quarter of workforce as UK car sector job losses hit 5,000». Financial Times. Archived from the original on 10 December 2022. Retrieved 5 June 2020.
- ^ Wayland, Michael (5 November 2020). «Famed luxury carmaker Bentley to go fully electric by 2030». CNBC. Retrieved 6 November 2020.
- ^ «Luxury automaker Bentley to go all electric». NBC News. 10 November 2020.
- ^ «Volkswagen AG 2012 Annual Report». Annualreport2012.volkswagenag.com. Retrieved 15 March 2013.
- ^ Carey, Nick (6 January 2022). «Bentley cruised to record year in 2021 with luxury cars in high demand». Reuters. Retrieved 6 January 2022.
- ^ Burt, Matt (25 May 2014). «New Bentley Continental GT3 claims inaugural victory at Silverstone». Autocar. Haymarket Group. Retrieved 26 May 2014.
- Feast, Richard (2003). Kidnap of the Flying Lady: How Germany Captured Both Rolls-Royce and Bentley. Motorbooks. ISBN 0-7603-1686-4.
- Frankel, Andrew (2005). Bentley: The Story. Redwood Publishing. ISBN 0-9517751-9-7.
- Parissien, Steven (2013). The Life of the Automobile: A New History of the Motor Car (Hardback). London: Atlantic Books. ISBN 978-1-8488-7705-4.
- Stiefel, Barry L.; Clark, Jennifer (6 December 2019). The Routledge Companion to Automobile Heritage, Culture, and Preservation. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780429753428. — Total pages: 406
External links
- Official website
- «Inside the Bentley factory»—Jorn Madslien, BBC News
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Как пишется Бентли по-английски?
Как правильно написать марку машины бентли на английском языке?
11 ответов:
Компания Bentley Motors была основана Уолтером Оуэном Бентли. Первый автомобиль под его именем покинул мастерскую на New Street Mews в Лондоне в 1919 году.
Марку машины Бентли по-английски правильно писать — Bentley.
Это одна из дорогих машин в автосалонах и цена например Bentley Continental колеблется от 7 000 000 и выше.
С рук такую машинку (немного потрёпанную) можно найти и дешевле — за 2 500 000 рублей.
По английски марку машины Бентли надо писать Bentley.
Вот символика фирмы Бентли 1924 года.
Автомобиль Бентли победитель в гонках 1927 года, эта машина первой дошла до финиша,потерпела аварию, но сохранила свою работоспособность.
На английском языке для бентли правильным является написание Bentley — по фамилии основателя данной британской марки роскошных автомобилей класса люкс — Walter Owen Bently. Я бы не отказалась от такой машинки, пожалуй.
«Bentley» — настоящие автолюбители с детства знают как выглядит эта надпись и что она значит. Лично у меня Bentley ассоциируется с комфортом, с качеством, с дорогим обслуживанием. Ну а еще куча девочек вокруг меня… Увлекся.
Название марки машины происходит от фамилии ее «основателя» У. О. Бентли (с 1919 г). Для того, чтобы правильно написать название этой марки на английском языке, пишем так: B e n t l e y.
Симпатичная, конечно, машинка)
Всем известная марка автомобилей «Бентли» пишется на английском языке следующим образом — «Bentley».
Сомнений в этом нет никаких, а если они и появятся, то достаточно взглянуть на лого марки, где представлена эта надпись:
Bentley — это солидная фирма, выпускающая элитные автомобили по всему миру.
Машины завораживают своей красотой и ценой.
Переводится Бентли — Bentley.
Логотип Бентли в виде крыльев орла и буквы B по середине.
Название супер-люксовой автомобильной марки Бентли по английски пишется так «Bentley» — именно так пишется название этого автомобиля в техническом паспорте и во всех документах этой компании. Другого варианта написания Вы не найдете.
Вопрос интересный, есть в нем не ясности. Поскольку если это обычная фамилия, то писаться эта фамилия может Bentli. Однако, если разговор касается известной марки автомобиля компании Bentley Motors, основанной в Лондоне, то Bentley.
Доброго времени суток.
Автомобили марки «Бентли» считаются одними из самых престижных и комфортабельных.
Цены таких машин доходят до 30-50 миллионов рублей.
На английском языке название марки машины пишется таким образом — Bentley.
Читайте также
Официальное название отделения для всяких мелочей, которое мы ласково называем «бардачок», в английских документах прописывается как
что переводится на русский как «автомобильный перчаточный отсек», «автомобильное перчаточное отделение». Но в повседневной речи его называют «glovebox», что, собственно, означает то же самое — «ящик для перчаток». Придумала это название, как можно догадаться, дама: знаменитая в начале ХХ-го века автогонщица Дороти Левитт. В 1909-м году вышла ее книга «Женщина и автомобиль», в которой впервые употребляется это название. Сегодня во всех языках наблюдается тенденция к сокращению, поэтому слово выглядит еще короче — «glovie» (звучит приблизительно как «глАви» — ударение на «А»). Это производное от того же слова «glove» — «перчатка» («глав»).
Когда у человека есть один-два-три миллиона евро на приобретение роскошнейшего транспортного средства — ему абсолютно перпендикулярно, сколько нищих посмеются над своей же собственной неграмотностью, прочитав Пагани Уа́йра как-то по-своему.
Но лично я бы не купил, даже будь у меня не один, а сто миллионов евро.
Трусоват я) Убиться на такой машине гипермощной и сверхскоростной — дело трёх секунд.
А тошнить на ней по-пенсионерски, соблюдая Правила и скоростной режим — глупо. Всё равно, что межконтинентальной баллистической ракетой по воробьям пулять.
Нет, на таких машинах ездить — высококлассным профессиональным гонщиком нужно быть, а не только богачом.
Очень энергичное слово «шнива», несмотря на эту кажущуюся выразительность, не имеет официального значения, закрепленного в словарях, да и самого его в словарях не найти. Оно появилось в языке не так давно и живет исключительно в разговорной речи. Его появление связано с выходом на рынок автомобиля «Шевроле-Нива» в 2002 году. Меткий народный язык присоединил к привычной «Ниве» букву Ш — так и появилось это народное название — «шнива».
Он ездит на Cadillac CTS
Конструкторы советского послевоенного автомобиля на самом деле собирались присвоить ему название «Родина». Наверное, из чувства патриотизма.
Но как пишут историки — исследователи, Иосиф Сталин, который мог едко пошутить, и в этот раз озадачил пришедших к нему за утверждением названия людей вопросом: «Почём будет «Родина», в смысле, за сколько её можно купить?
На самом деле, могли возникнуть неприятные ситуации и это наверняка стало бы благоприятным моментом для составителей анекдотов.
Поэтому им ничего не оставалось делать, как придумать новое название. Решено было дать машине название «Победа» и Сталин в этот раз уже не возражал.