Как правильно пишется имя денис или динис на русском языке


Как пишется: Денис или Деннис?

Как правильно пишется имя: Денис или Деннис?

Как правильно писать имя: Денис или Деннис?

2 ответа:



Денис — используется в странах СНГ. Деннис — скорее всего интерпретация имени с английского языка.



Добрый день.

Мы можем встретить оба варианта написания имени: «Денис» или «Деннис». Давайте разберемся, а какой вариант правильный.

Для России более распространенном вариантом написания является «Денис» с одной гласной буквой «н».

Второй вариант «Деннис» тоже можно встретить и он будет правильным, просто в таком случае — это больше англоязычная версия.

И естественно, что для конкретного человека правильным вариантом будет тот, который прописан у него в паспорте.

Правильный ответ: «Денис» и «Деннис».

Читайте также

«Не требуется» — это даже и не слово, а два слова. Первое — частица, а второе — глагол.

Думается, что такое предположение не было голословным, поскольку второе слово («требуется») отвечает на вопрос «что делает?» (или «что делается?», если создавать вопрос с обычной формальностью, не вдаваясь в смысл). Да и обладает другими категориальными признаками глагола.

А первое слово («не») не может быть признано приставкой, потому что если в языке есть слово «требуется», но не может быть слова «нетребуется». Это понятно из правила, обуславливающего соответствующую раздельность глаголов с «НЕ».

не требуется


Итак, глагол «требоваться относится к совокупности тех, которые не сливаются с «НЕ». Писать «нетребуется» нельзя.

Ещё одно простейшее доказательство того — возможность принудительного разделения «НЕ» и глагола вставленным словом. Например: «не очень требуется», «не слишком требуется», «не каждый год требуется» и так далее.

Других доказательств не потребуется.


  • «А что, разве не требуется даже подтверждения своей почты?».

«Чёрно-белый» — это сложное имя прилагательное, являющееся высокочастотным представителем так называемой колоративной лексики (выражение цвета) с возможной коннотацией «блеклый во всех отношениях» и с модальностью «отрицание цвета».

Как известно, коннотативные значения никогда не берут верх при объяснении орфографии слов, поэтому в данном случае мы должны воспринимать это прилагательное только как цветообозначение. Такие слова пишется с дефисом. К тому же части слова «чёрно-белый» совершенно семантически равноправны.

Писать «чёрно белый» (раздельно) или «чёрнобелый» (слитно) нельзя.


Например (предложения).

  • «Любая чёрно-белая фотография носит в себе оттенки старины».
  • «В третьем зале музея стояли чёрно-белые телевизоры».
  • «Ваня Мельничаненко почему-то воспринимал мир только в чёрно-белых тонах».

1) Утверждение: Это непреступный (находящийся в рамках закона) случай простой женской хитрости.

2) Отрицание:

Случай этот — не преступный, здесь скорее нарушение общественной морали.

Случай этот отнюдь не преступный.

Планы у подростков были не преступные, а вполне безобидные.

Надо сказать, что обе формы, слитная и раздельная, используются крайне редко, в отличие от омофона «неприступный» (с большой частотностью). Особенно это касается слитного написания, когда поисковик указывает на ошибку и предлагает найти слово «неприступный».

Сочетание «со мной» (ударение на «О«, которая после «Н«) — это ни что другое, как предлог «С» с местоимением «Я«. Но мы эмпирически понимаем, что говорить «Пойдём с я» нельзя.

  • «Со» — вариант «с», иногда используемый, в частности, перед [м] плюс согласная. Например: «со многими». Это из разряда «подо», «предо», «передо», «ко», «во», «надо», «обо» и так далее.
  • «Мной» («мною») — это указанное выше «Я» в творительном падеже. «С кем? — со мной (со мною)». Личное местоимение.

    со мной

Предлоги нельзя в таких случаях подсоединять к личным местоимениям. Подобные примеры: «с тобой (с тобою)», «с ней (с нею»)», «с ним».

Писать «сомной» нельзя. Нужен пробел.


  • «Со мной всё в полном порядке, Трофим, а с тобой ничего не случилось ли?».
  • «Будь со мной, Игнатий, не когда тебе это необходимо, а всегда».

Слово «повеселее» находится в составе систематизированного языка, в числе подобных единиц («получше», «понастойчивее», «похуже» и так далее).

Элемент «по-«, который мы при написании таких слов порой не знаем, к приставкам его отнести или к предлогам, является всё-таки приставкой.

Оттолкнёмся от имени прилагательного «весёлый» и от наречия «весело». И у первого, и у второго слов имеются формы (одинаковые!) сравнительной степени, которые образуются так:

  • «Весёлый — веселее — повеселее».
  • «Весело — веселее — повеселее».

    повеселее и повеселей

К простейшей классической форме прибавляется наша приставка, преобразуя её в разговорную. Этот приём — системный. Пишется приставка слитно. Писать «по веселее» (или «по веселей») нельзя.


  • «Повеселее, повеселее, Родион, не засыпай!».

Gender Male
Language(s) English, Danish, Swedish
Name day Sweden: August 7
Meaning Dionysus
Region of origin Greece
Other names
Alternative spelling Denis, Dennys
Variant form(s) Denise (Female)
Nickname(s) Denny
Related names Denis

Dennis or Denis is a first or last name from the Greco-Roman name Dionysius, via one of the Christian saints named Dionysius.

The name came from Dionysus, the Greek god of ecstatic states, particularly those produced by wine, which is sometimes said to be derived from the Greek Dios (Διός, «of Zeus») and Nysos or Nysa (Νῦσα), where the young god was raised. Dionysus (or Dionysos; also known as Bacchus in Roman mythology and associated with the Italic Liber), the Thracian god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficent influences. He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and lover of peace—as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theater.

Dionysus is a god of mystery religious rites, such as those practiced in honor of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the «bassaris» or fox-skin, symbolizing new life. (See also Maenads.)

A mediaeval Latinised form of the Anglo-Norman surname Le Denys was Dacus, which correctly meant Dacian, but when the Vikings were about was often used to mean «Danish» or «The Dane». The name became modernised as Denys, then later as Dennis.

Alternative forms and spellings of the name include Denis, Denys, Dennys, Denish, Deon, Deonne, Deonte, and Dion, Dionice. Diminutive forms include Den, Dennoh, Deno, Denny, Deny and Deen.

The name Sydenie (alternate spellings: Sydney or Sidney) may derive from a village in Normandy called Saint-Denis.[citation needed]

A medieval diminutive was Dye, from which the names Dyson and Tyson are derived.[citation needed]

Dennis is a very popular English, Irish and Danish name, common throughout the English-speaking world.

Denis is a very popular French name, common throughout the Francophone world, but is also a common English, Irish, German, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Bosnian, and Albanian name.

Dionizy is the Polish version of the name.

Dionigi and Dionisio are the Italian versions of the name.

The Irish name Donnchadh may be anglicised as Denis, but has a different origin and is in fact related to the name Duncan.

Feminine versions of the name include: Denise, Denisa, Deni, Denice, Deniece, Dione, and Dionne.


  • Dānnísī (丹尼斯): Chinese
  • Dénes, Dienes, Gyenis, Gyenes: Hungarian
  • Denis: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian (Денис), Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian (Денис), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian (Денис), Serbo-Croatian (also Денис), Slovak, Slovene
  • Deniseu (데니스): Korean
  • Deniss: Latvian
  • Denisu (デニス): Japanese
  • Denijs: Middle Dutch
  • Deniz: Turkish (actual meaning is sea)
  • Dêniz: Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Dennis: Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish
  • Denny: English
  • Denys (Денис): Ukrainian
  • Dinis, Diniz, Dionísio: Portuguese
  • Dion: English, French (medieval diminutive), Greek (diminutive: Δίων)
  • Dionigi: Italian
  • Dionís: Catalan
  • Dionise, Dionisie: Romanian
  • Dionisije (Дионисије): Serbian
  • Dionisio: Italian, Spanish
  • Dionisos (Դիոնիսոս): Armenian
  • Dionizy; Dionizjusz (archaic): Polish
  • Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Greek
  • Dionýz: Slovak
  • Diviš: Czech
  • Dzianis (Дзяніс): Belarusian
  • Genis (Генис): Udmurt
  • Tõnis: Estonian

People with the given name Dennis[edit]

  • Dennis Albaugh (born 1949/50), American billionaire, founder and chairman of Albaugh LLC
  • Dennis Alexio, American kickboxer
  • Dennis Aogo, German footballer
  • Dennis Bergkamp, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Blake, Jamaican track and field athlete
  • Dennis C. Bottorff, American business executive.
  • Dennis Brain, English virtuoso horn player
  • Dennis Brinkmann, German footballer and manager
  • Dennis Brunod, Italian ski mountaineer and skyrunner
  • Dennis Buschening, German-Thai professional footballer
  • Dennis Cagara, Danish footballer
  • Dennis Chambers, American drummer
  • Dennis Clifford, American basketball player
  • Dennis Cole, American actor
  • Dennis Coles, American rapper known as Ghostface Killah
  • Dennis Daley (born 1996), American football player
  • Dennis Danell, guitarist with band Social Distortion
  • Dennis Day (1942–2018), American murder victim
  • Dennis Delane, Irish actor
  • Dennis DeYoung, lead singer and keyboardist pop music group Styx
  • Dennis Diekmeier, German footballer
  • Dennis Daugaard, American politician
  • Dennis Eckersley, American baseball player
  • Dennis Eilhoff, German footballer
  • Dennis Endras, German ice hockey goaltender
  • Dennis Erickson, American football head coach
  • Dennis Farina (1944–2013), American character actor
  • Dennis Fentie, Canadian politician
  • Dennis Ferrera, Honduran footballer
  • Dennis Foggia, Italian motorcycle rider
  • Dennis Franz, American actor
  • Dennis Frederiksen (1951–2014), American singer
  • Dennis Gabor, Hungarian electrical engineer and inventor
  • Dennis Gansel, German film director
  • Dennis Gardeck, American football player
  • Dennis Gentenaar, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Gile, American football player
  • Dennis González, American jazz musician, poet and visual artist
  • Dennis Green, American football head coach
  • Dennis Grote, German footballer
  • Dennis Hapugalla (1930-2000), Sri Lankan Sinhala army brigadier
  • Dennis Hastert, American politician
  • Dennis Havrilla, American football player
  • Dennis Hayden (actor), American actor
  • Dennis Haysbert (born 1954), American actor
  • Dennis Hopper (1936–2010), American actor, filmmaker and artist
  • Dennis Houston (born 1999), American football player
  • Dennis James (disambiguation), several people
  • Dennis Johnson, American basketball player
  • Dennis Joseph, Malayalam scriptwriter and director
  • Dennis Kimetto, Kenyan long-distance runner
  • Dennis Kruppke, German footballer
  • Dennis Kucinich, American politician
  • Dennis Law (born 1963), Hong Kong film director
  • Denis Leary, American actor and comedian
  • Dennis Lennon (1918–1991), British architect and interior designer
  • Dennis Lillee, Australian cricketer
  • Dennis Lisk, German rapper known as Denyo
  • Dennis Lo (born 1963), Hong Kong molecular biologist
  • Dennis Lundy, American football player
  • Dennis Lynds, pseudonym of Michael Collins (American author)
  • Dennis Lyxzén, Swedish musician
  • Dennis Miller, American comedian and talk show host
  • Dennis Muilenburg (born 1964), American businessman, CEO of Boeing
  • Dennis Nielsen, American colonel and politician
  • Dennis Nilsen (1945–2018), Scottish serial killer
  • Dennis Oli, English footballer
  • Dennis Patera, American football player
  • Dennis Paul, American politician
  • Denis Payton, British musician, saxophonist of Dave Clark Five
  • Dennis Prager, American radio host
  • Denis Charles Pratt, birth name of British writer, raconteur and gay icon Quentin Crisp
  • Dennis Price, English actor
  • Dennis Quaid, American actor
  • Dennis Rader, American serial killer
  • Dennis Ritchie, American computer scientist
  • Dennis Rodman, American basketball player
  • Dennis Rommedahl, Danish footballer
  • Dennis Sarfate (born 1981), American baseball player
  • Dennis Schröder (born 1993), German basketball player
  • Dennis Schulp, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Seidenberg, German ice hockey player
  • Dennis Smith (disambiguation), several people
  • Dennis Souza, Brazilian footballer
  • Dennis Stewart (judoka), British judoka
  • Dennis Taylor, Northern Irish snooker player
  • Dennis Tito, American engineer, multimillionaire and space tourist
  • Dennis To (born 1981), Hong Kong martial artist and actor
  • Dennis Trillo (born 1981), Filipino actor
  • Dennis Tufano (born 1946), American singer
  • Dennis Uy (born 1973), Chinese-Filipino businessman
  • Dennis van der Geest, Dutch judoka
  • Dennis Waterman (1948–2022), English actor and singer
  • Dennis Weaver, American actor
  • Dennis Wheatley, English author
  • Dennis Williams (born 1965), American basketball player
  • Dennis Wilson (1944–1983), American musician, co-founder of The Beach Boys
  • Dennis Wise, English footballer and manager

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Dennis Creevey, minor character from Harry Potter
  • Dennis Finch, main character from Just Shoot Me
  • Dennis Loughran, aka Denisovich, from the 2015 animated sequel film Hotel Transylvania 2 and its two sequels Hotel Transylvania 3: Monster Vacation and Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania is the young vampire/human hybrid son of vampire Mavis and human Johnathon.
  • Dennis Nedry, character from Jurassic Park
  • Dennis Reynolds, main character from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  • Dennis, Stanley’s talking pet goldfish in the Playhouse Disney animated show Stanley
  • Dennis Tanner, character on Coronation Street from its first episode in 1960 until 2014.
  • Dennis the Hitman, is Plankton’s bounty hunter and the secondary main villain from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)
  • Dennis the Locomotive, minor character from Thomas and Friends
  • Dennis the Menace (UK comics) in The Beano
  • Dennis the Menace (U.S. comics), a daily syndicated newspaper comic strip whose eponymous protagonist is named Dennis Mitchell
    • Dennis the Menace (film) (released in the United Kingdom as Dennis), a 1993 live-action American family film based on the comic strip
  • Dennis, character from Far Cry 3
  • Dennis the Peasant, minor character from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Dennis Duffy, a minor character from 30 Rock
  • «Phantom Dennis», Cordelia Chase’s deceased roommate on Angel
  • Dennis, the title character in the 2006 film Love Belongs to Everyone (released in Belgium as Dennis van Rita), played by Matthias Schoenaerts
  • Dennis Lapman, character from Final Destination 5

People with the surname Dennis[edit]

  • Aubrey Dennis, South African cricketer
  • Bill Dennis (born 1935), American NASCAR driver
  • Bo Dennis, star of Lost Girl
  • C. J. Dennis, Australian poet
  • Carl Dennis, American poet and educator
  • Carolyn Dennis, American singer and actor
  • Cathy Dennis, English singer-songwriter, record producer and actress
  • Cecil Dennis, Liberian political figure who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Charles Dennis, Canadian actor, playwright, director and screenwriter
  • Cheri Dennis, American singer
  • Clare Dennis, Australian breaststroke swimmer
  • David W. Dennis, American politician
  • Derek Dennis, American football player
  • Diana Dennis, American female bodybuilder
  • Eddie Dennis, Welsh professional wrestler
  • Elias Smith Dennis, American lawyer, politician and soldier
  • Elizabeth Salisbury Dennis, Australian plant molecular biologist
  • Emmanuel Dennis, Nigerian football player
  • Eugene Dennis, American politician and leader of the Communist Party USA
  • Everette Dennis, American scholar
  • Felix Dennis, English magazine publisher and philanthropist
  • Ferdinand Dennis, Jamaican-born writer, broadcaster, journalist
  • Franklyn Dennis, Canadian cricketer
  • Gabriel Lafayette Dennis, Liberian politician
  • Geoffrey Dennis (1892–1963), English writer
  • George Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Hershel Dennis, American football player
  • Hugh Dennis, English actor, comedian, writer
  • Jack Dennis, American electrical engineer and computer scientist
  • Jake Dennis, British Formula E driver
  • John Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Kristian Dennis, English footballer
  • Lawrence Dennis, American diplomat, consultant and author
  • Les Dennis, English comedian and actor
  • Matt Dennis, American singer and bandleader
  • Monika Larsen Dennis (born 1963), Swedish sculptor, filmmaker
  • Morgan Dennis, American illustrator and author
  • N. Dennis (1929–2013), Indian politician
  • Nick Dennis, American actor
  • Nigel Dennis, English writer, critic, playwright and magazine editor
  • Patrick Dennis, American author
  • Richard Dennis, American commodities trader
  • Robert J. Dennis, American businessman, chairman and CEO of Genesco
  • Ron Dennis, English former executive chairman of McLaren Automotive
  • Roy L. Dennis, American boy afflicted with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
  • R. W. G. Dennis, British mycologist
  • Samuel Dennis (1870–1945), Australian politician
  • Samuel Dennis (academic), English academic administrator
  • Samuel K. Dennis (died 1892), American politician
  • Samuel K. Dennis Jr. (1874–1953), American politician and judge
  • Sandy Dennis, American theater and film actress
  • Shaun Dennis, Scottish footballer
  • Simon Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Tom Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Wesley Dennis, American country music artist
  • Weston Dennis, also known as Westballz, American Super Smash Bros. Melee player
  • William Dennis (disambiguation)
  • Willie Dennis, American jazz trombonist
  • Willye Dennis, American librarian and civil rights activist

See also[edit]

  • Denis (disambiguation)
  • Denise (given name)
  • Dionysus

External links[edit]

  • Reynolds, Francis J., ed. (1921). «Denis» . Collier’s New Encyclopedia. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Company.

Gender Male
Language(s) English, Danish, Swedish
Name day Sweden: August 7
Meaning Dionysus
Region of origin Greece
Other names
Alternative spelling Denis, Dennys
Variant form(s) Denise (Female)
Nickname(s) Denny
Related names Denis

Dennis or Denis is a first or last name from the Greco-Roman name Dionysius, via one of the Christian saints named Dionysius.

The name came from Dionysus, the Greek god of ecstatic states, particularly those produced by wine, which is sometimes said to be derived from the Greek Dios (Διός, «of Zeus») and Nysos or Nysa (Νῦσα), where the young god was raised. Dionysus (or Dionysos; also known as Bacchus in Roman mythology and associated with the Italic Liber), the Thracian god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficent influences. He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and lover of peace—as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theater.

Dionysus is a god of mystery religious rites, such as those practiced in honor of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the «bassaris» or fox-skin, symbolizing new life. (See also Maenads.)

A mediaeval Latinised form of the Anglo-Norman surname Le Denys was Dacus, which correctly meant Dacian, but when the Vikings were about was often used to mean «Danish» or «The Dane». The name became modernised as Denys, then later as Dennis.

Alternative forms and spellings of the name include Denis, Denys, Dennys, Denish, Deon, Deonne, Deonte, and Dion, Dionice. Diminutive forms include Den, Dennoh, Deno, Denny, Deny and Deen.

The name Sydenie (alternate spellings: Sydney or Sidney) may derive from a village in Normandy called Saint-Denis.[citation needed]

A medieval diminutive was Dye, from which the names Dyson and Tyson are derived.[citation needed]

Dennis is a very popular English, Irish and Danish name, common throughout the English-speaking world.

Denis is a very popular French name, common throughout the Francophone world, but is also a common English, Irish, German, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Bosnian, and Albanian name.

Dionizy is the Polish version of the name.

Dionigi and Dionisio are the Italian versions of the name.

The Irish name Donnchadh may be anglicised as Denis, but has a different origin and is in fact related to the name Duncan.

Feminine versions of the name include: Denise, Denisa, Deni, Denice, Deniece, Dione, and Dionne.


  • Dānnísī (丹尼斯): Chinese
  • Dénes, Dienes, Gyenis, Gyenes: Hungarian
  • Denis: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian (Денис), Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian (Денис), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian (Денис), Serbo-Croatian (also Денис), Slovak, Slovene
  • Deniseu (데니스): Korean
  • Deniss: Latvian
  • Denisu (デニス): Japanese
  • Denijs: Middle Dutch
  • Deniz: Turkish (actual meaning is sea)
  • Dêniz: Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Dennis: Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish
  • Denny: English
  • Denys (Денис): Ukrainian
  • Dinis, Diniz, Dionísio: Portuguese
  • Dion: English, French (medieval diminutive), Greek (diminutive: Δίων)
  • Dionigi: Italian
  • Dionís: Catalan
  • Dionise, Dionisie: Romanian
  • Dionisije (Дионисије): Serbian
  • Dionisio: Italian, Spanish
  • Dionisos (Դիոնիսոս): Armenian
  • Dionizy; Dionizjusz (archaic): Polish
  • Dionysios (Διονύσιος): Greek
  • Dionýz: Slovak
  • Diviš: Czech
  • Dzianis (Дзяніс): Belarusian
  • Genis (Генис): Udmurt
  • Tõnis: Estonian

People with the given name Dennis[edit]

  • Dennis Albaugh (born 1949/50), American billionaire, founder and chairman of Albaugh LLC
  • Dennis Alexio, American kickboxer
  • Dennis Aogo, German footballer
  • Dennis Bergkamp, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Blake, Jamaican track and field athlete
  • Dennis C. Bottorff, American business executive.
  • Dennis Brain, English virtuoso horn player
  • Dennis Brinkmann, German footballer and manager
  • Dennis Brunod, Italian ski mountaineer and skyrunner
  • Dennis Buschening, German-Thai professional footballer
  • Dennis Cagara, Danish footballer
  • Dennis Chambers, American drummer
  • Dennis Clifford, American basketball player
  • Dennis Cole, American actor
  • Dennis Coles, American rapper known as Ghostface Killah
  • Dennis Daley (born 1996), American football player
  • Dennis Danell, guitarist with band Social Distortion
  • Dennis Day (1942–2018), American murder victim
  • Dennis Delane, Irish actor
  • Dennis DeYoung, lead singer and keyboardist pop music group Styx
  • Dennis Diekmeier, German footballer
  • Dennis Daugaard, American politician
  • Dennis Eckersley, American baseball player
  • Dennis Eilhoff, German footballer
  • Dennis Endras, German ice hockey goaltender
  • Dennis Erickson, American football head coach
  • Dennis Farina (1944–2013), American character actor
  • Dennis Fentie, Canadian politician
  • Dennis Ferrera, Honduran footballer
  • Dennis Foggia, Italian motorcycle rider
  • Dennis Franz, American actor
  • Dennis Frederiksen (1951–2014), American singer
  • Dennis Gabor, Hungarian electrical engineer and inventor
  • Dennis Gansel, German film director
  • Dennis Gardeck, American football player
  • Dennis Gentenaar, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Gile, American football player
  • Dennis González, American jazz musician, poet and visual artist
  • Dennis Green, American football head coach
  • Dennis Grote, German footballer
  • Dennis Hapugalla (1930-2000), Sri Lankan Sinhala army brigadier
  • Dennis Hastert, American politician
  • Dennis Havrilla, American football player
  • Dennis Hayden (actor), American actor
  • Dennis Haysbert (born 1954), American actor
  • Dennis Hopper (1936–2010), American actor, filmmaker and artist
  • Dennis Houston (born 1999), American football player
  • Dennis James (disambiguation), several people
  • Dennis Johnson, American basketball player
  • Dennis Joseph, Malayalam scriptwriter and director
  • Dennis Kimetto, Kenyan long-distance runner
  • Dennis Kruppke, German footballer
  • Dennis Kucinich, American politician
  • Dennis Law (born 1963), Hong Kong film director
  • Denis Leary, American actor and comedian
  • Dennis Lennon (1918–1991), British architect and interior designer
  • Dennis Lillee, Australian cricketer
  • Dennis Lisk, German rapper known as Denyo
  • Dennis Lo (born 1963), Hong Kong molecular biologist
  • Dennis Lundy, American football player
  • Dennis Lynds, pseudonym of Michael Collins (American author)
  • Dennis Lyxzén, Swedish musician
  • Dennis Miller, American comedian and talk show host
  • Dennis Muilenburg (born 1964), American businessman, CEO of Boeing
  • Dennis Nielsen, American colonel and politician
  • Dennis Nilsen (1945–2018), Scottish serial killer
  • Dennis Oli, English footballer
  • Dennis Patera, American football player
  • Dennis Paul, American politician
  • Denis Payton, British musician, saxophonist of Dave Clark Five
  • Dennis Prager, American radio host
  • Denis Charles Pratt, birth name of British writer, raconteur and gay icon Quentin Crisp
  • Dennis Price, English actor
  • Dennis Quaid, American actor
  • Dennis Rader, American serial killer
  • Dennis Ritchie, American computer scientist
  • Dennis Rodman, American basketball player
  • Dennis Rommedahl, Danish footballer
  • Dennis Sarfate (born 1981), American baseball player
  • Dennis Schröder (born 1993), German basketball player
  • Dennis Schulp, Dutch footballer
  • Dennis Seidenberg, German ice hockey player
  • Dennis Smith (disambiguation), several people
  • Dennis Souza, Brazilian footballer
  • Dennis Stewart (judoka), British judoka
  • Dennis Taylor, Northern Irish snooker player
  • Dennis Tito, American engineer, multimillionaire and space tourist
  • Dennis To (born 1981), Hong Kong martial artist and actor
  • Dennis Trillo (born 1981), Filipino actor
  • Dennis Tufano (born 1946), American singer
  • Dennis Uy (born 1973), Chinese-Filipino businessman
  • Dennis van der Geest, Dutch judoka
  • Dennis Waterman (1948–2022), English actor and singer
  • Dennis Weaver, American actor
  • Dennis Wheatley, English author
  • Dennis Williams (born 1965), American basketball player
  • Dennis Wilson (1944–1983), American musician, co-founder of The Beach Boys
  • Dennis Wise, English footballer and manager

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Dennis Creevey, minor character from Harry Potter
  • Dennis Finch, main character from Just Shoot Me
  • Dennis Loughran, aka Denisovich, from the 2015 animated sequel film Hotel Transylvania 2 and its two sequels Hotel Transylvania 3: Monster Vacation and Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania is the young vampire/human hybrid son of vampire Mavis and human Johnathon.
  • Dennis Nedry, character from Jurassic Park
  • Dennis Reynolds, main character from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  • Dennis, Stanley’s talking pet goldfish in the Playhouse Disney animated show Stanley
  • Dennis Tanner, character on Coronation Street from its first episode in 1960 until 2014.
  • Dennis the Hitman, is Plankton’s bounty hunter and the secondary main villain from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)
  • Dennis the Locomotive, minor character from Thomas and Friends
  • Dennis the Menace (UK comics) in The Beano
  • Dennis the Menace (U.S. comics), a daily syndicated newspaper comic strip whose eponymous protagonist is named Dennis Mitchell
    • Dennis the Menace (film) (released in the United Kingdom as Dennis), a 1993 live-action American family film based on the comic strip
  • Dennis, character from Far Cry 3
  • Dennis the Peasant, minor character from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Dennis Duffy, a minor character from 30 Rock
  • «Phantom Dennis», Cordelia Chase’s deceased roommate on Angel
  • Dennis, the title character in the 2006 film Love Belongs to Everyone (released in Belgium as Dennis van Rita), played by Matthias Schoenaerts
  • Dennis Lapman, character from Final Destination 5

People with the surname Dennis[edit]

  • Aubrey Dennis, South African cricketer
  • Bill Dennis (born 1935), American NASCAR driver
  • Bo Dennis, star of Lost Girl
  • C. J. Dennis, Australian poet
  • Carl Dennis, American poet and educator
  • Carolyn Dennis, American singer and actor
  • Cathy Dennis, English singer-songwriter, record producer and actress
  • Cecil Dennis, Liberian political figure who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Charles Dennis, Canadian actor, playwright, director and screenwriter
  • Cheri Dennis, American singer
  • Clare Dennis, Australian breaststroke swimmer
  • David W. Dennis, American politician
  • Derek Dennis, American football player
  • Diana Dennis, American female bodybuilder
  • Eddie Dennis, Welsh professional wrestler
  • Elias Smith Dennis, American lawyer, politician and soldier
  • Elizabeth Salisbury Dennis, Australian plant molecular biologist
  • Emmanuel Dennis, Nigerian football player
  • Eugene Dennis, American politician and leader of the Communist Party USA
  • Everette Dennis, American scholar
  • Felix Dennis, English magazine publisher and philanthropist
  • Ferdinand Dennis, Jamaican-born writer, broadcaster, journalist
  • Franklyn Dennis, Canadian cricketer
  • Gabriel Lafayette Dennis, Liberian politician
  • Geoffrey Dennis (1892–1963), English writer
  • George Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Hershel Dennis, American football player
  • Hugh Dennis, English actor, comedian, writer
  • Jack Dennis, American electrical engineer and computer scientist
  • Jake Dennis, British Formula E driver
  • John Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Kristian Dennis, English footballer
  • Lawrence Dennis, American diplomat, consultant and author
  • Les Dennis, English comedian and actor
  • Matt Dennis, American singer and bandleader
  • Monika Larsen Dennis (born 1963), Swedish sculptor, filmmaker
  • Morgan Dennis, American illustrator and author
  • N. Dennis (1929–2013), Indian politician
  • Nick Dennis, American actor
  • Nigel Dennis, English writer, critic, playwright and magazine editor
  • Patrick Dennis, American author
  • Richard Dennis, American commodities trader
  • Robert J. Dennis, American businessman, chairman and CEO of Genesco
  • Ron Dennis, English former executive chairman of McLaren Automotive
  • Roy L. Dennis, American boy afflicted with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
  • R. W. G. Dennis, British mycologist
  • Samuel Dennis (1870–1945), Australian politician
  • Samuel Dennis (academic), English academic administrator
  • Samuel K. Dennis (died 1892), American politician
  • Samuel K. Dennis Jr. (1874–1953), American politician and judge
  • Sandy Dennis, American theater and film actress
  • Shaun Dennis, Scottish footballer
  • Simon Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Tom Dennis (disambiguation), several people
  • Wesley Dennis, American country music artist
  • Weston Dennis, also known as Westballz, American Super Smash Bros. Melee player
  • William Dennis (disambiguation)
  • Willie Dennis, American jazz trombonist
  • Willye Dennis, American librarian and civil rights activist

See also[edit]

  • Denis (disambiguation)
  • Denise (given name)
  • Dionysus

External links[edit]

  • Reynolds, Francis J., ed. (1921). «Denis» . Collier’s New Encyclopedia. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Company.

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