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Как писать рейхстаг с родовым словом: здание рейхстага или здание Рейхстага?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Корректно: здание Рейхстага (=Рейхстаг).
Как корректнее и почему: нацистская Германия или фашистская Германия? У вас в орфографическом словаре, например: Третий рейх (о фашистской Германии).
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Правильно как в словаре: фашистская Германия, нацистская Германия.
Уважаемая Грамота, подскажите как правильно писать слово «вермахт», как название сухопутных сил Третьего Рейха — со строчной или с Прописной буквы. На мой взгляд это имя собственное и поэтому должно писаться с Прописной, некоторые современные авторы так и пишут, но основная масса пишет со строчной. Может это идеологическое наследие советской системы давлеет над правилами написания? Заранее спасибо
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Верно написание строчными буквами: вермахт, люфтваффе и т. д.
Добрый день!
К Дню Победы редакция готовит несколько материалов, в связи с которыми и появился этот вопрос.
Согласно словарной рекомендации слово «рейхстаг» в значении «немецкий парламент» следует писать со строчной, а в значении «памятник Второй мировой войны» — с прописной. Получается, в материале, посвященном водружению Знамени Победы, слудует писать «Рейхстаг»?
Примеры из текста:
1. «… красных знамен водружалось над рейхстагом много».
2. «Штурм рейхстага состоялся…»
3. «… над поверженным рейхстагом»
4. «… герои взятия рейхстага»
5. «В рейхстаге завязались жаркие схватки»
6. «… на первом этаже рейхстага»
7. «… на крышу рейхстага»
8. «… гарнизон рейхстага».
Сложность в том, что в некоторых примерах «рейхстаг» употребляется именно в значении «здание (парламента)», а не «памятник войны». Но в тексте написание то с прописной, то со строчной может быть воспринято как ошибка. Какой же вариант предпочесть? Очень ждем, если возможно — побыстрее, праздничный номер сдаем 1 мая.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
В этом материале следует писать Рейхстаг с прописной буквы. Со строчной – в значении ‘парламент’, напр.: в Германии рейхстаг принимал следующие решения… В контекстах, где речь идет о штурме Берлина, водружении Знамени Победы, слово Рейхстаг употребляется в значении ‘здание’ (ставшее впоследствии памятником Второй мировой войны) и пишется с прописной.
Слово «рейх» читается как «рЕйх» или «рЭйх»?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Правильно: [рэ]йх.
С какой буквы- строчной или прописной- правильно написать слово «рейхстаг» в предложении: » Он прошел всю войну — от Москвы до Берлина, до самого рейхстага.»
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
В значении ‘здание в Берлине, памятник Второй мировой войны’ правильно написание Рейхстаг: до самого Рейхстага.
И вот ещё что интересно: «рейх» произносится твёрдо [РЭ]йх, значит ли это,что слово «рейхстаг» произносится тоже твёрдо? Или для «рейхстага» возможны оба варианта произношения???
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
В слове рейхстаг возможно твердое и мягкое произношение р.
Уважаемые сотрудники «Грамоты»!
Как написать слово «рейх» в середине предложения без добавочных слов — Германский, Второй, Третий — со строчной или прописной? Примеры: «Требования рейха полностью удовлетворены», «Беспощаден к врагам рейха». В энциклопедиях и других книгах встречается по разному. Спасибо.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Существительное рейх пишется со строчной: Требования рейха полностью удовлетворены. Беспощаден к врагам рейха.
Скажите пожалуйста фамилия Рейх склоняется
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Склоняется фамилия Рейх, принадлежащая мужчине. Женская фамилия не изменяется по падежам.
Как написать Второй Рейх, с прописной оба слова и нужны ли кавычки? В словосочетании Третий рейх второе слово со строчной, но нет уверенности, что по аналогии надо писать. Спасибо.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Как название Германской империи до 1918 года – Второй рейх.
Добрый день! Подскажите, слово рейхстаг пишется с прописной в предложении: «От стен Кремля до стен Рейхстага»? Спасибо.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Верно писать с большой буквы.
Как правильно пишется слово «рейхстаг»
рейхста́г, -а (парламент в Германии, ист.) и Рейхста́г, -а (здание в Берлине)
Источник: Орфографический
академический ресурс «Академос» Института русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова РАН (словарная база
Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе
Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!
Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.
Вопрос: спасский — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?
Ассоциации к слову «рейхстаг»
Синонимы к слову «рейхстаг»
Предложения со словом «рейхстаг»
- Я считаю это заявление не только угрозой, но и посягательством на права депутата рейхстага, которые принадлежат мне по нашей конституции.
- Давление, осуществлённое на немецкий народ, а также масштабная махинация с поджогом рейхстага не прошли даром.
- Газета также сообщила, что покойный имел степень доктора философии, несколько лет был членом германского рейхстага и принадлежал к национально-либеральной партии.
- (все предложения)
Цитаты из русской классики со словом «рейхстаг»
- Тагильский угрожал войной с Германией, ему возражали: в рейхстаге большинство социалисты, председатель Шейдеман, — они не позволят буржуазии воевать.
- Недавно в германском рейхстаге, отвечая на запрос о том, почему нужны деньги для прибавления жалованья унтер-офицерам, германский канцлер прямо объявил, что нужны надежные унтер-офицеры для того, чтобы бороться против социализма.
- — К делу, Тебеньков, к делу! — сказал я, — говори, правы ли, по твоему мнению, члены германского рейхстага, так весело насмеявшиеся над Тейтчем?
- (все
цитаты из русской классики)
Каким бывает «рейхстаг»
Значение слова «рейхстаг»
РЕЙХСТА́Г, -а, м. Германский парламент (до 1933 г. — выборный, при фашизме — назначавшийся), просуществовавший до 1945 г., а также здание, в котором заседал этот парламент. (Малый академический словарь, МАС)
Все значения слова РЕЙХСТАГ
Отправить комментарий
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РЕЙХСТА́Г, -а, м. Германский парламент (до 1933 г. — выборный, при фашизме — назначавшийся), просуществовавший до 1945 г., а также здание, в котором заседал этот парламент.
Все значения слова «рейхстаг»
Я считаю это заявление не только угрозой, но и посягательством на права депутата рейхстага, которые принадлежат мне по нашей конституции.
Давление, осуществлённое на немецкий народ, а также масштабная махинация с поджогом рейхстага не прошли даром.
Газета также сообщила, что покойный имел степень доктора философии, несколько лет был членом германского рейхстага и принадлежал к национально-либеральной партии.
- (все предложения)
- парламент
- ландтаг
- бундестаг
- рейхсрат
- сейм
- (ещё синонимы…)
- канцлер
- Германия
- флаг
- (ещё ассоциации…)
- германский рейхстаг
- поджог рейхстага
- распустить рейхстаг
- (полная таблица сочетаемости…)
- германский
- немецкий
- (ещё…)
- Склонение
существительного «рейхстаг» - Разбор по составу слова «рейхстаг»
На чтение 1 мин.
Значение слова «Рейхстаг»
— название парламента в Германии до 1945 г
— здание, в котором заседал этот парламент
- Транскрипция слова
- MFA Международная транскрипция
- Цветовая схема слова
Транскрипция слова
MFA Международная транскрипция
р | [р’] | согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий парный |
е | [и] | гласный, безударный |
й | [й’] | согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), мягкий непарный |
х | [х] | согласный, твердый парный |
с | [с] | согласный, глухой парный, твердый парный |
т | [т] | согласный, глухой парный, твердый парный |
а | [а] | гласный, безударный |
г | [г,] | согласный, звонкий парный, твердый парный |
Букв: 8 Звуков: 8
Цветовая схема слова
Как правильно пишется «Рейхстаг»
рейхста́г, -а (парламент в Германии, ист.) и Рейхста́г, -а (здание в Берлине)
Как правильно перенести «Рейхстаг»
Часть речи
Часть речи слова «рейхстаг» — Имя существительное
Морфологические признаки.
рейхстаг (именительный падеж, единственного числа)
Постоянные признаки:
- нарицательное
- неодушевлённое
- мужской
- 2-e склонение
Непостоянные признаки:
- именительный падеж
- единственного числа
Может относится к разным членам предложения.
Склонение слова «Рейхстаг»
Падеж | Единственное число | Множественное число |
Именительный Кто? Что? |
рейхста́г | рейхста́ги |
Родительный Кого? Чего? |
рейхста́га | рейхста́гов |
Дательный Кому? Чему? |
рейхста́гу | рейхста́гам |
Винительный (неод.) Кого? Что? |
рейхста́г | рейхста́ги |
Творительный Кем? Чем? |
рейхста́гом | рейхста́гами |
Предложный О ком? О чём? |
рейхста́ге | рейхста́гах |
Разбор по составу слова «Рейхстаг»
Состав слова «рейхстаг»:
корень — [рейх], суффикс — [с], корень — [таг], нулевое окончание — [ ]
Проверьте свои знания русского языка
Категория: Русский язык
Русский язык
Тест на тему “Согласные и гласные буквы”
1 / 5
Сколько гласных букв насчитывается в русском языке?
2 / 5
В каком ряду все буквы являются гласными?
а, ю, к
у, и, й
о, е, у
л, м, ы
3 / 5
Укажите высказывание, которое соответствует истине.
Понятие «буква» и понятие «звук» обозначают одно и то же явление
Звуки используются в речи, а буквы используются в письме
Звук – символ алфавита, графическое изображение буквы
В русском языке насчитывается 42 буквы
4 / 5
В каком ряду все буквы являются согласными?
о, п, р
к, л, м
ф, х, ь
й, ш, ъ
5 / 5
Сколько согласных букв насчитывается в русском языке?
Каким бывает «рейхстаг»;
Синонимы к слову «рейхстаг»
Ассоциации к слову «рейхстаг»
Предложения со словом «рейхстаг»
- Я считаю это заявление не только угрозой, но и посягательством на права депутата рейхстага, которые принадлежат мне по нашей конституции.
Фриц Тиссен, Я заплатил Гитлеру. Исповедь немецкого магната. 1939–1945
- Давление, осуществлённое на немецкий народ, а также масштабная махинация с поджогом рейхстага не прошли даром.
Жак Деларю, История гестапо, 2004
- Газета также сообщила, что покойный имел степень доктора философии, несколько лет был членом германского рейхстага и принадлежал к национально-либеральной партии.
Борис Антонов, Петербург – 1914 – Петроград. Хронологическая мозаика столичной жизни, 2014
Происхождение слова «Рейхстаг»
Происходит от нем. Reichstag «съезд рейха», от Reich (страна, царство, рейх) и Tag (заседание, съезд, собор).
Reichstag | |
The dedication Dem deutschen Volke, meaning To the German people, can be seen on the frieze. |
General information | |
Address | Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin |
Town or city | Berlin |
Country | Germany |
Coordinates | 52°31′07″N 13°22′34″E / 52.51861°N 13.37611°ECoordinates: 52°31′07″N 13°22′34″E / 52.51861°N 13.37611°E |
Current tenants | Bundestag |
Construction started | 9 June 1884 |
Completed | 1894 |
Renovated | 1961–1964, 1992–1999 |
Height | 47 m (154 ft) |
Technical details | |
Floor count | 6 |
Floor area | 61,166 m2 (658,390 sq ft)[1] |
Design and construction | |
Architect(s) | Paul Wallot |
Renovating team | |
Architect(s) | Norman Foster |
The Reichstag (German: Reichstag, pronounced [ˈʁaɪçsˌtaːk] (listen); officially: Deutscher Bundestag – Reichstagsgebäude [ˈʁaɪçstaːksɡəˌbɔʏdə] (
listen); English: Parliament) is a historic government building in Berlin which houses the Bundestag, the lower house of Germany’s parliament.
It was constructed to house the Imperial Diet (German: Reichstag) of the German Empire. It was opened in 1894 and housed the Diet until 1933, when it was set on fire.
In World War II, during the Battle of Berlin, the building was severely damaged by the Soviet Red Army. After the War, the building fell into disuse; the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (the Volkskammer) met in the Palast der Republik in East Berlin, while the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany (the Bundestag) met in the Bundeshaus in Bonn.
The ruined building was made safe against the elements and partially refurbished in the 1960s, but no attempt at full restoration was made until after German reunification on 3 October 1990, when it underwent a reconstruction led by architect Norman Foster. After its completion in 1999, it once again became the meeting place of the German parliament: the contemporary Bundestag.
The term Reichstag, when used to connote a diet, dates back to the Holy Roman Empire. The building was built for the Diet of the German Empire, which was succeeded by the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic. The latter would become the Reichstag of Nazi Germany, which left the building (and ceased to act as a parliament) after the 1933 fire and never returned, using the Kroll Opera House instead; the term Reichstag has not been used by German parliaments since World War II. In today’s usage, the word Reichstag (Imperial Diet) refers mainly to the building, while Bundestag (Federal Diet) refers to the institution.
History of the building[edit]
The Königsplatz with the Raczyński Palace in 1880 (Brandenburg Gate on the right)
Reichstag building, constitution celebration, 11 August 1932
Imperial and Weimar Republic eras[edit]
The Reichstag building at the end of the 19th century.
Construction of the building began well after the unification of Germany in 1871. Starting in 1871, and for the next 23 years, the parliament met in the former property of the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin, at Leipziger Straße 4. In 1872 an architectural contest with 103 participating architects was carried out to erect a new building, a contest won by Ludwig Bohnstedt. The plan incorporated the Königsplatz (today’s Platz der Republik), which was then occupied by the palace of a Polish-Prussian aristocrat, Athanasius Raczyński. Unfortunately, that property was unavailable at the time.[2]
In 1882, another architectural contest was held, with 200 architects participating. This time, the winner—the Frankfurt architect Paul Wallot—would actually see his Neo-Baroque project executed. The direct model for Wallot’s design was Philadelphia’s Memorial Hall, the main building of the 1876 Centennial Exhibition.[3] Wallot adorned the building’s façade with crowns and eagles symbolising imperial strength. The building’s four corner towers represented the four German kingdoms at unification, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg, and the heraldic coat of arms of each kingdom, as well as smaller devices representing various German city-states, flanked the main entrance, celebrating the process of unification.[4] Some of the Reichstag’s decorative sculptures, reliefs, and inscriptions were by sculptor Otto Lessing.
On 29 June 1884, the foundation stone was finally laid by Wilhelm I, at the east side of the Königsplatz. Before construction was completed by Philipp Holzmann A.G. in 1894,[5] Wilhelm I died (in 1888, the Year of Three Emperors). His eventual successor, Wilhelm II, took a more jaundiced view of parliamentary democracy than his grandfather. The original building was acclaimed for the construction of an original cupola of steel and glass, considered an engineering feat at the time. But its mixture of architectural styles drew widespread criticism.[6]
In 1916 the iconic words Dem deutschen Volke («To the German People») were placed above the main façade of the building, much to the displeasure of Wilhelm II, who had tried to block the adding of the inscription for its democratic significance. After World War I had ended and Wilhelm had abdicated, during the revolutionary days of 1918, Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed the institution of a republic from one of the balconies of the Reichstag building on 9 November. The building continued to be the seat of the parliament of the Weimar Republic (1919–1933), which was still called the Reichstag. Up to 42 protesters died during the Reichstag Bloodbath of 13 January 1920, when workers tried to protest against a law that would restrict their rights; it was the bloodiest demonstration in German history.[7][8][9]
Nazi period[edit]
Following the Reichstag fire on 27 February 1933, the building was not used for parliamentary sessions for the next 12 years of Nazi rule. Instead, the nearby Kroll Opera House was used, and the Reichstag building became the setting for political exhibitions. In 1939 the library and archive were moved elsewhere, and the windows bricked up as the building was made into a fortress. By 1943, the building was used as a hospital, and a radio tube manufacturing facility by AEG. During the Battle of Berlin in 1945, it became one of the central targets for the Red Army to capture, due to its perceived symbolic significance.[2]: 121–138
The Reichstag on fire (27 February 1933)
Cold War[edit]
When the Cold War emerged, the building was physically within West Berlin, but in ruins. During the Berlin blockade, an enormous number of West Berliners assembled before the building on 9 September 1948, and Mayor Ernst Reuter held a famous speech that ended with «Ihr Völker der Welt… schaut auf diese Stadt…» («You people of the world…look upon this city…»).[2]: 139–148
Reichstag building in 1970, before reconstruction of the dome.
In 1956, after some debate, the West German government decided that the Reichstag should not be torn down, but be restored instead under the guidance of Paul Baumgarten. The cupola of the original building, which had also been heavily damaged in the war, was dismantled, and the outside façade made simpler with the removal of ornaments and statues. Reconstruction started in 1961, and was complete by 1971.[2]: 158–169
The artistic and practical value of his work was the subject of much debate after German reunification. Under the 1971 Four Power Agreement on Berlin, Berlin was formally outside the bounds of either East or West Germany, and so the West German parliament, the Bundestag, was not allowed to assemble formally in West Berlin. This prohibition was obeyed even though East Germany had declared East Berlin its capital, violating this provision. Until 1990, the building was thus used only for occasional representative meetings, and one-off events, such as a free concert given by British rock band Barclay James Harvest on 30 August 1980.[10] It was also used for a widely lauded permanent exhibition about German history called Fragen an die deutsche Geschichte («Questions on German history»).
The Wrapping before the Reconstruction on 6 July 1995
Reconstruction in August 1998
The official German reunification ceremony on 3 October 1990, was held at the Reichstag building, including Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President Richard von Weizsäcker, former Chancellor Willy Brandt and many others. The event included huge firework displays. The following day the parliament of the united Germany assembled as a symbolic act in the Reichstag building.[citation needed]
However, at that time, the role of Berlin had not yet been decided upon. Only after a fierce debate, considered by many as one of the most memorable sessions of parliament, on 20 June 1991, did the Bundestag conclude with quite a slim majority in favour of both government and parliament returning to Berlin from Bonn.
On 21 June 1994, Norman Foster was asked to include a dome solution in his draft reconstruction proposal, which he included in his 10 February 1995 plans.[2]: 185, 197
Reichstag building in 2017
Before reconstruction began, the Reichstag was wrapped by the Bulgarian-American artists Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude in 1995, attracting millions of visitors.[11] The project was financed by the artists through the sale of preparatory drawings and collages, as well as early works of the 1950s and 1960s.[citation needed]
During the reconstruction, the building was first almost completely gutted, taking out everything except the outer walls, including all changes made by Baumgarten in the 1960s. Respect for the historic aspects of the building was one of the conditions stipulated to the architects, so traces of historical events were to be retained in a visible state. Among them were bullet holes and graffiti left by Soviet soldiers after the final battle for Berlin in April–May 1945. However, graffiti considered offensive was removed, in agreement with Russian diplomats at the time.[2]: 203–205
Reconstruction was completed in 1999, with the Bundestag convening there officially for the first time on 19 April of that year.[12] The Reichstag is now the second most visited attraction in Germany, not least because of the huge glass dome that was erected on the roof as a gesture to the original 1894 cupola, giving an impressive view over the city, especially at night.[citation needed]
Reichstag building seen from the former Königsplatz at night
Rear of the Reichstag as seen at night from across the Spree
The large glass dome at the very top of the Reichstag has a 360-degree view of the surrounding Berlin cityscape. The main hall (debating chamber) of the parliament below can also be seen from inside the dome, and natural light from above radiates down to the parliament floor. A large sun shield tracks the movement of the sun electronically and blocks direct sunlight which would not only cause large solar gain, but dazzle those below. Construction work was finished in 1999 and the seat of parliament was transferred to the Bundestag in April of that year. The dome is open to visitors by prior registration.[13]
See also[edit]
- List of legislative buildings
- Band des Bundes
- Christo and Jeanne-Claude
- National Diet Building of Japan
- Reichskanzlei
- Reichstag (disambiguation)
- ^ «Reichstag, New German Parliament | Foster + Partners». Archived from the original on 30 October 2019. Retrieved 29 October 2019.
- ^ a b c d e f Cullen, Michael (2015). Der Reichstag: Symbol Deutscher Geschichte (in German). Berlin: be.bra. pp. 17–25. ISBN 9783898091145.
- ^ Filler, Martin, Makers of Modern Architecture, Volume 1, New York: The New York Review of Books, 2007, ISBN 978-1-59017-227-8, p. 226
- ^ Barnstone, Deborah Ascher (2004). The Transparent State: Architecture and Politics in Postwar Germany. London: Routledge. p. 181. ISBN 978-0415700191. Archived from the original on 21 May 2022. Retrieved 4 March 2021.
- ^ Schmid, John (24 November 1999). «Germany Fails in Effort To Keep Builder Afloat». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 9 March 2014. Retrieved 31 March 2013.
- ^ David Clay Large, Berlin, New York: Basic Books, 2000, ISBN 978-0-465-02646-3, p. 59 Archived 10 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine.
- ^ Liang 1970, p. 98.
- ^ Weipert 2012, p. 16.
- ^ Fisher 1948, p. 120.
- ^ «Barclay James Harvest Biography». Archived from the original on 27 July 2018. Retrieved 2 May 2020.
- ^ Church, Jok. «Wrapped Reichstag Berlin, 1971–95». Christo and Jeanne Claude. Archived from the original on 27 August 2007. Retrieved 25 June 2009.
- ^ Reichstag Archived 2 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine Berlin International
- ^ www.reichstag.de «Registering to visit the dome of the Reichstag Building» Archived 23 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 29 September 2011
- Fisher, Ruth (1948). Stalin and German Communism. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 9781412835015. — Total pages: 687
- Liang, Hsi-huey (1970). The Berlin Police Force in the Weimar Republic. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520016033. — Total pages: 252
- Weipert, Axel (May 2012). «Vor den Toren der Macht. Die Demonstration am 13. Januar 1920 vor dem Reichstag» [At the gates of power. The demonstration on January 13, 1920 in front of the Reichstag] (PDF). Arbeit — Bewegung — Geschichte. 11 (2): 16–32. ISSN 1610-093X. OCLC 49930935.
External links[edit]
- Website of the German parliament
- of the German Reichstags building in Berlin
- Wrapped Reichstag
- Photos of the Reichstag from 1989 and Photos of the 1945 Battle for the Reichstag.
- Article in Exberliner Magazine [permanent dead link]
- Reichstag and vicinity at dawn, July 1971. From the «Berlin 1969» website.
- Panoramic view of The Reichstag (building)
Reichstag | |
The dedication Dem deutschen Volke, meaning To the German people, can be seen on the frieze. |
General information | |
Address | Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin |
Town or city | Berlin |
Country | Germany |
Coordinates | 52°31′07″N 13°22′34″E / 52.51861°N 13.37611°ECoordinates: 52°31′07″N 13°22′34″E / 52.51861°N 13.37611°E |
Current tenants | Bundestag |
Construction started | 9 June 1884 |
Completed | 1894 |
Renovated | 1961–1964, 1992–1999 |
Height | 47 m (154 ft) |
Technical details | |
Floor count | 6 |
Floor area | 61,166 m2 (658,390 sq ft)[1] |
Design and construction | |
Architect(s) | Paul Wallot |
Renovating team | |
Architect(s) | Norman Foster |
The Reichstag (German: Reichstag, pronounced [ˈʁaɪçsˌtaːk] (listen); officially: Deutscher Bundestag – Reichstagsgebäude [ˈʁaɪçstaːksɡəˌbɔʏdə] (
listen); English: Parliament) is a historic government building in Berlin which houses the Bundestag, the lower house of Germany’s parliament.
It was constructed to house the Imperial Diet (German: Reichstag) of the German Empire. It was opened in 1894 and housed the Diet until 1933, when it was set on fire.
In World War II, during the Battle of Berlin, the building was severely damaged by the Soviet Red Army. After the War, the building fell into disuse; the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (the Volkskammer) met in the Palast der Republik in East Berlin, while the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany (the Bundestag) met in the Bundeshaus in Bonn.
The ruined building was made safe against the elements and partially refurbished in the 1960s, but no attempt at full restoration was made until after German reunification on 3 October 1990, when it underwent a reconstruction led by architect Norman Foster. After its completion in 1999, it once again became the meeting place of the German parliament: the contemporary Bundestag.
The term Reichstag, when used to connote a diet, dates back to the Holy Roman Empire. The building was built for the Diet of the German Empire, which was succeeded by the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic. The latter would become the Reichstag of Nazi Germany, which left the building (and ceased to act as a parliament) after the 1933 fire and never returned, using the Kroll Opera House instead; the term Reichstag has not been used by German parliaments since World War II. In today’s usage, the word Reichstag (Imperial Diet) refers mainly to the building, while Bundestag (Federal Diet) refers to the institution.
History of the building[edit]
The Königsplatz with the Raczyński Palace in 1880 (Brandenburg Gate on the right)
Reichstag building, constitution celebration, 11 August 1932
Imperial and Weimar Republic eras[edit]
The Reichstag building at the end of the 19th century.
Construction of the building began well after the unification of Germany in 1871. Starting in 1871, and for the next 23 years, the parliament met in the former property of the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin, at Leipziger Straße 4. In 1872 an architectural contest with 103 participating architects was carried out to erect a new building, a contest won by Ludwig Bohnstedt. The plan incorporated the Königsplatz (today’s Platz der Republik), which was then occupied by the palace of a Polish-Prussian aristocrat, Athanasius Raczyński. Unfortunately, that property was unavailable at the time.[2]
In 1882, another architectural contest was held, with 200 architects participating. This time, the winner—the Frankfurt architect Paul Wallot—would actually see his Neo-Baroque project executed. The direct model for Wallot’s design was Philadelphia’s Memorial Hall, the main building of the 1876 Centennial Exhibition.[3] Wallot adorned the building’s façade with crowns and eagles symbolising imperial strength. The building’s four corner towers represented the four German kingdoms at unification, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg, and the heraldic coat of arms of each kingdom, as well as smaller devices representing various German city-states, flanked the main entrance, celebrating the process of unification.[4] Some of the Reichstag’s decorative sculptures, reliefs, and inscriptions were by sculptor Otto Lessing.
On 29 June 1884, the foundation stone was finally laid by Wilhelm I, at the east side of the Königsplatz. Before construction was completed by Philipp Holzmann A.G. in 1894,[5] Wilhelm I died (in 1888, the Year of Three Emperors). His eventual successor, Wilhelm II, took a more jaundiced view of parliamentary democracy than his grandfather. The original building was acclaimed for the construction of an original cupola of steel and glass, considered an engineering feat at the time. But its mixture of architectural styles drew widespread criticism.[6]
In 1916 the iconic words Dem deutschen Volke («To the German People») were placed above the main façade of the building, much to the displeasure of Wilhelm II, who had tried to block the adding of the inscription for its democratic significance. After World War I had ended and Wilhelm had abdicated, during the revolutionary days of 1918, Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed the institution of a republic from one of the balconies of the Reichstag building on 9 November. The building continued to be the seat of the parliament of the Weimar Republic (1919–1933), which was still called the Reichstag. Up to 42 protesters died during the Reichstag Bloodbath of 13 January 1920, when workers tried to protest against a law that would restrict their rights; it was the bloodiest demonstration in German history.[7][8][9]
Nazi period[edit]
Following the Reichstag fire on 27 February 1933, the building was not used for parliamentary sessions for the next 12 years of Nazi rule. Instead, the nearby Kroll Opera House was used, and the Reichstag building became the setting for political exhibitions. In 1939 the library and archive were moved elsewhere, and the windows bricked up as the building was made into a fortress. By 1943, the building was used as a hospital, and a radio tube manufacturing facility by AEG. During the Battle of Berlin in 1945, it became one of the central targets for the Red Army to capture, due to its perceived symbolic significance.[2]: 121–138
The Reichstag on fire (27 February 1933)
Cold War[edit]
When the Cold War emerged, the building was physically within West Berlin, but in ruins. During the Berlin blockade, an enormous number of West Berliners assembled before the building on 9 September 1948, and Mayor Ernst Reuter held a famous speech that ended with «Ihr Völker der Welt… schaut auf diese Stadt…» («You people of the world…look upon this city…»).[2]: 139–148
Reichstag building in 1970, before reconstruction of the dome.
In 1956, after some debate, the West German government decided that the Reichstag should not be torn down, but be restored instead under the guidance of Paul Baumgarten. The cupola of the original building, which had also been heavily damaged in the war, was dismantled, and the outside façade made simpler with the removal of ornaments and statues. Reconstruction started in 1961, and was complete by 1971.[2]: 158–169
The artistic and practical value of his work was the subject of much debate after German reunification. Under the 1971 Four Power Agreement on Berlin, Berlin was formally outside the bounds of either East or West Germany, and so the West German parliament, the Bundestag, was not allowed to assemble formally in West Berlin. This prohibition was obeyed even though East Germany had declared East Berlin its capital, violating this provision. Until 1990, the building was thus used only for occasional representative meetings, and one-off events, such as a free concert given by British rock band Barclay James Harvest on 30 August 1980.[10] It was also used for a widely lauded permanent exhibition about German history called Fragen an die deutsche Geschichte («Questions on German history»).
The Wrapping before the Reconstruction on 6 July 1995
Reconstruction in August 1998
The official German reunification ceremony on 3 October 1990, was held at the Reichstag building, including Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President Richard von Weizsäcker, former Chancellor Willy Brandt and many others. The event included huge firework displays. The following day the parliament of the united Germany assembled as a symbolic act in the Reichstag building.[citation needed]
However, at that time, the role of Berlin had not yet been decided upon. Only after a fierce debate, considered by many as one of the most memorable sessions of parliament, on 20 June 1991, did the Bundestag conclude with quite a slim majority in favour of both government and parliament returning to Berlin from Bonn.
On 21 June 1994, Norman Foster was asked to include a dome solution in his draft reconstruction proposal, which he included in his 10 February 1995 plans.[2]: 185, 197
Reichstag building in 2017
Before reconstruction began, the Reichstag was wrapped by the Bulgarian-American artists Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude in 1995, attracting millions of visitors.[11] The project was financed by the artists through the sale of preparatory drawings and collages, as well as early works of the 1950s and 1960s.[citation needed]
During the reconstruction, the building was first almost completely gutted, taking out everything except the outer walls, including all changes made by Baumgarten in the 1960s. Respect for the historic aspects of the building was one of the conditions stipulated to the architects, so traces of historical events were to be retained in a visible state. Among them were bullet holes and graffiti left by Soviet soldiers after the final battle for Berlin in April–May 1945. However, graffiti considered offensive was removed, in agreement with Russian diplomats at the time.[2]: 203–205
Reconstruction was completed in 1999, with the Bundestag convening there officially for the first time on 19 April of that year.[12] The Reichstag is now the second most visited attraction in Germany, not least because of the huge glass dome that was erected on the roof as a gesture to the original 1894 cupola, giving an impressive view over the city, especially at night.[citation needed]
Reichstag building seen from the former Königsplatz at night
Rear of the Reichstag as seen at night from across the Spree
The large glass dome at the very top of the Reichstag has a 360-degree view of the surrounding Berlin cityscape. The main hall (debating chamber) of the parliament below can also be seen from inside the dome, and natural light from above radiates down to the parliament floor. A large sun shield tracks the movement of the sun electronically and blocks direct sunlight which would not only cause large solar gain, but dazzle those below. Construction work was finished in 1999 and the seat of parliament was transferred to the Bundestag in April of that year. The dome is open to visitors by prior registration.[13]
See also[edit]
- List of legislative buildings
- Band des Bundes
- Christo and Jeanne-Claude
- National Diet Building of Japan
- Reichskanzlei
- Reichstag (disambiguation)
- ^ «Reichstag, New German Parliament | Foster + Partners». Archived from the original on 30 October 2019. Retrieved 29 October 2019.
- ^ a b c d e f Cullen, Michael (2015). Der Reichstag: Symbol Deutscher Geschichte (in German). Berlin: be.bra. pp. 17–25. ISBN 9783898091145.
- ^ Filler, Martin, Makers of Modern Architecture, Volume 1, New York: The New York Review of Books, 2007, ISBN 978-1-59017-227-8, p. 226
- ^ Barnstone, Deborah Ascher (2004). The Transparent State: Architecture and Politics in Postwar Germany. London: Routledge. p. 181. ISBN 978-0415700191. Archived from the original on 21 May 2022. Retrieved 4 March 2021.
- ^ Schmid, John (24 November 1999). «Germany Fails in Effort To Keep Builder Afloat». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 9 March 2014. Retrieved 31 March 2013.
- ^ David Clay Large, Berlin, New York: Basic Books, 2000, ISBN 978-0-465-02646-3, p. 59 Archived 10 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine.
- ^ Liang 1970, p. 98.
- ^ Weipert 2012, p. 16.
- ^ Fisher 1948, p. 120.
- ^ «Barclay James Harvest Biography». Archived from the original on 27 July 2018. Retrieved 2 May 2020.
- ^ Church, Jok. «Wrapped Reichstag Berlin, 1971–95». Christo and Jeanne Claude. Archived from the original on 27 August 2007. Retrieved 25 June 2009.
- ^ Reichstag Archived 2 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine Berlin International
- ^ www.reichstag.de «Registering to visit the dome of the Reichstag Building» Archived 23 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 29 September 2011
- Fisher, Ruth (1948). Stalin and German Communism. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 9781412835015. — Total pages: 687
- Liang, Hsi-huey (1970). The Berlin Police Force in the Weimar Republic. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520016033. — Total pages: 252
- Weipert, Axel (May 2012). «Vor den Toren der Macht. Die Demonstration am 13. Januar 1920 vor dem Reichstag» [At the gates of power. The demonstration on January 13, 1920 in front of the Reichstag] (PDF). Arbeit — Bewegung — Geschichte. 11 (2): 16–32. ISSN 1610-093X. OCLC 49930935.
External links[edit]
- Website of the German parliament
- of the German Reichstags building in Berlin
- Wrapped Reichstag
- Photos of the Reichstag from 1989 and Photos of the 1945 Battle for the Reichstag.
- Article in Exberliner Magazine [permanent dead link]
- Reichstag and vicinity at dawn, July 1971. From the «Berlin 1969» website.
- Panoramic view of The Reichstag (building)
- рейхстаг
- рейхста́г
Русское словесное ударение. — М.: ЭНАС.
Смотреть что такое «рейхстаг» в других словарях:
Рейхстаг — Рейхстаг[1] (нем. Reichstag от Reich «государство» и tagen «заседать») название немецких парламентов и заседаний этого парламента. Здание парламента также названо рейхстагом. Рейхстаг (Священная Римская империя) высший сословно… … Википедия
РЕЙХСТАГ — (нем.). Имперский сейм, высшее представительное учреждение в Германии. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. РЕЙХСТАГ германский парламент. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка.… … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
РЕЙХСТАГ — РЕЙХСТАГ, рейхстага, муж. (нем. Reichstag). В Германии парламент. Фашисты назначают депутатов в рейхстаг. Фашисты подожгли рейхстаг и путем подлогов пытались обвинить в этом коммунистическую партию Германии, но были на суде разоблачены тов.… … Толковый словарь Ушакова
рейхстаг — парламент в Германии См … Словарь синонимов
рейхстаг — рейхстаг. Произносится [рэйхстаг] и допустимо [рейхстаг] … Словарь трудностей произношения и ударения в современном русском языке
РЕЙХСТАГ — (нем. Reichstag) 1) в Священной Римской империи с XII в. орган сословного представительства при германском императоре. С XIV в. организация Р. приобрела постоянный характер; 2) в Германской империи учредительное собрание, а затем нижняя палата… … Юридический словарь
РЕЙХСТАГ — (нем. Reichstag) 1) один из органов центральной власти в средневековой Священной Римской империи германской нации .2) В Германии в 1867 1945 название парламента. 29.4 2.5.1945, во время Великой Отечественной войны, войска 1 го Белорусского фронта … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
РЕЙХСТАГ — РЕЙХСТАГ, а, муж. В Германии до 1945 г.: название парламента, а также здание, в к ром заседал этот парламент. Член рейхстага. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 … Толковый словарь Ожегова
Рейхстаг — (нем. Reichstag) орган представительной власти в Германии с 12 века по 1945 год. Политическая наука: Словарь справочник. сост. проф пол наук Санжаревский И.И.. 2010 … Политология. Словарь.
Рейхстаг — (Reichstag) (нем. имперский парламент), законодат. орган Германской империи и Веймарской республики. Центр, орган власти, существовавший в Средние века в Священной Римской империи , возрожден Бисмарком (1867) в кач ве представительной ассамблеи… … Всемирная история
Рейхстаг — (нем. Reichstag, от Reich государство, империя + Tag в значении «собрание») 1) в средние века в Священной Римской империи общеимперский сословно представительный орган. Возник первоначально из собрания крупных феодалов, которые созывались по… … Энциклопедия права