приказом Министерства финансов
Российской Федерации
(в ред. Приказов Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н, от 17.06.2019 N 97н)
1.Настоящие Правила устанавливают порядок сокращенного наименования адресообразующих элементов.
2.В структуре адреса сокращенные наименования адресообразующих элементов (страна, субъект Российской Федерации, муниципальный район, городской округ, внутригородская территория (для городов федерального значения) в составе субъекта Российской Федерации, городское или сельское поселение, населенный пункт, элемент планировочной структуры, элемент улично-дорожной сети и идентификационный(ые) элемент(ы) объекта адресации) указываются с использованием букв русского алфавита.
Дополнительно в случае указания органом местного самоуправления, органом государственной власти субъекта Российской Федерации — города федерального значения или органом местного самоуправления внутригородского муниципального образования города федерального значения, уполномоченным законом указанного субъекта Российской Федерации на присвоение объектам адресации адресов, наименований элементов планировочной структуры и элементов улично-дорожной сети с использованием букв латинского алфавита, а также на государственных языках субъектов Российской Федерации или родных языках народов Российской Федерации, сокращенные наименования адресообразующих элементов могут быть также указаны соответственно с использованием букв латинского алфавита, а также на государственных языках субъектов Российской Федерации или родных языках народов Российской Федерации.
3.При написании наименований адресообразующих элементов на русском языке используются сокращенные наименования республик, краев, областей, городов федерального значения, автономных областей, автономных округов, муниципальных образований, населенных пунктов, элементов планировочной структуры, элементов улично-дорожной сети, идентификационных элементов объекта адресации, приведенные в Приложении к настоящим Правилам.
4.В конце сокращенных наименований адресообразующих элементов ставится точка, за исключением случаев, когда сокращенное наименование адресообразующих элементов не образовано стяжением или сокращенная форма не оканчивается на ту же букву, что и полное наименование адресообразующих элементов.
5.Наименования адресообразующих элементов не сокращаются, если расшифровка сокращения наименования адресообразующего элемента приводит к различному пониманию его наименования.Приложение
к Правилам сокращенного
наименования адресообразующих
элементов, утвержденных
приказом Министерства финансов
Российской Федерации
от 05.11.2015 N 171нПеречень сокращенных наименований видов субъектов Российской Федерации, муниципальных образований, населенных пунктов, элементов планировочной структуры, элементов улично-дорожной сети и идентификационных элементов объекта адресации
(в ред. Приказов Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н, от 17.06.2019 N 97н)
Полное наименование Сокращенное наименование
Субъекты Российской Федерации
Город федерального значения
Автономная область
Автономный округ
Муниципальные образования
Муниципальный район
Городской округ
Городское поселение
г. п.
Сельское поселение
Внутригородской район
Внутригородская территория (внутригородское муниципальное образование) города федерального значения
вн.тер. г.
Административно-территориальные единицы
Населенные пункты
Населенный пункт
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 17.06.2019 N 97н)
Дачный поселок
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 17.06.2019 N 97н)
Сельский поселок
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 17.06.2019 N 97н)
Поселок городского типа
Рабочий поселок
Курортный поселок
Городской поселок
Поселок при станции (поселок станции)
п. ст.
Поселок при железнодорожной станции
п. ж/д ст.
Железнодорожный блокпост
ж/д бл-ст
Железнодорожная будка
ж/д б-ка
Железнодорожная ветка
ж/д в-ка
Железнодорожная казарма
ж/д к-ма
Железнодорожный комбинат
ж/д к-т
Железнодорожная платформа
ж/д пл-ма
Железнодорожная площадка
ж/д пл-ка
Железнодорожный путевой пост
ж/д п.п.
Железнодорожный остановочный пункт
ж/д о.п.
Железнодорожный разъезд
ж/д рзд.
Железнодорожная станция
ж/д ст.
Элементы планировочной структуры
Жилой район
Зона (массив)
Промышленный район
Территория ведения гражданами садоводства или огородничества для собственных нужд
тер. СОСН
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория садоводческих некоммерческих объединений граждан
тер. СНО
Территория огороднических некоммерческих объединений граждан
тер. ОНО
Территория дачных некоммерческих объединений граждан
тер. ДНО
Территория садоводческого некоммерческого товарищества
тер. СНТ
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория огороднического некоммерческого товарищества
тер. ОНТ
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория дачных некоммерческих товариществ
тер. ДНТ
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория садоводческих потребительских кооперативов
тер. СПК
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория огороднических потребительских кооперативов
тер. ОПК
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория огороднических потребительских кооперативов
тер. ДПК
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория садоводческих некоммерческих партнерств
тер. СНП
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория огороднических некоммерческих партнерств
тер. ОНП
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория дачных некоммерческих партнерств
тер. ДНП
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория товарищества собственников жилья
тер. ТСЖ
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория товарищества собственников недвижимости
тер. ТСН
Территория гаражно-строительного кооператива
тер. ГСК
Территория потребительского кооператива
тер. ПК
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Территория фермерского хозяйства
Элементы улично-дорожной сети
Идентификационные элементы объекта адресации
Земельный участок
(в ред. Приказа Минфина РФ от 16.10.2018 N 207н)
Объект незавершенного строительства
Рабочий участок
Торговый зал
торг. зал
<*> Сокращенное наименование административно-территориальной единицы, элемента планировочной структуры, элемента улично-дорожной сети, идентификационного элемента объекта адресации, используемое в структуре адреса в соответствии с частью 5 статьи 9 Федерального закона от 28 декабря 2013 г. N 443-ФЗ «О федеральной информационной адресной системе и о внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «Об общих принципах организации местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации» (Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации, 2013, N 52, ст. 7008).
Подготовлена редакция документа с изменениями, не вступившими в силу
Типы адресных объектов |
Сокращения |
Автономный округ |
АО |
Аал |
аал |
Автономная область |
Аобл |
Аллея |
аллея |
Аул |
аул |
Бульвар |
б-р |
Волость |
волость |
Въезд |
въезд |
Выселки(ок) |
высел |
Город |
г |
Городок |
городок |
Дачный поселок |
дп |
Деревня |
д |
Дорога |
дор |
ж/д останов. (обгонный) пункт |
ж/д_оп |
Железнодорожная будка |
ж/д_будка |
Железнодорожная казарма |
ж/д_казарм |
Железнодорожная платформа |
ж/д_платф |
Железнодорожная станция |
ж/д_ст |
Железнодорожный пост |
ж/д_пост |
Железнодорожный разъезд |
ж/д_рзд |
Животноводческая точка |
жт |
Заезд |
заезд |
Заимка |
заимка |
Казарма |
казарма |
Квартал |
кв-л |
Километр |
км |
Кольцо |
кольцо |
Край |
край |
Курортный поселок |
кп |
Линия |
линия |
Местечко |
м |
Микрорайон |
мкр |
Набережная |
наб |
Населенный пункт |
нп |
Область |
обл |
Остров |
остров |
Парк |
парк |
Переезд |
переезд |
Переулок |
пер |
Планировочный район |
п/р |
Платформа |
платф |
Площадка |
пл-ка |
Площадь |
пл |
Полустанок |
полустанок |
Поселок городского типа |
пгт |
Поселок и (при) станция(и) |
п/ст |
Поселок сельского типа |
п |
Починок |
починок |
Почтовое отделение |
п/о |
Проезд |
проезд |
Промышленная зона |
промзона |
Просек |
просек |
Проселок |
проселок |
Проспект |
пр-кт |
Проулок |
проулок |
Рабочий (заводской) поселок |
рп |
Разъезд |
рзд |
Район |
р-н |
Республика |
Респ |
Сад |
сад |
Село |
с |
Сельская администрация |
с/а |
Сельский округ |
с/о |
Сельсовет |
с/с |
Сквер |
сквер |
Слобода |
сл |
Станица |
ст-ца |
Станция |
ст |
Строение |
стр |
Территория |
тер |
Тракт |
тракт |
Тупик |
туп |
Улица |
ул |
Улус |
У |
Участок |
уч-к |
Хутор |
х |
Шоссе |
ш |
Настоящие требования действуют в отношении указания юридических адресов и адресов прописки ИП.
Приведены требования по сокращению адресных объектов, действующие для форм регистрации бизнеса в 2023 году.
Как зарегистрировать ООО на домашний адрес?
Юридический адрес должен быть указан по Государственному адресному реестру.
Обратите внимание: документы, создаваемые в нашем сервисе автоматически сокращают наименования адресных объектов согласно нижепредставленным требованиям.
Приказ Минфина России
от 05.11.2015 N 171н
(ред. от 10.03.2020)
Полное наименование | Сокращённое наименование |
Субъекты Российской Федерации | |
Республика | респ. |
Край | край |
Область | обл. |
Город федерального значения | г.ф.з. |
Автономная область | а.обл. |
Автономный округ | а.окр. |
Муниципальные образования | |
Муниципальный район | м.р-н |
Муниципальный округ | м.о. |
Городской округ с внутригородским делением | г.о. вн.д. |
Городской округ | г.о. |
Городское поселение | г.п. |
Сельское поселение | с.п. |
Внутригородской район | вн.р-н |
Внутригородская территория (внутригородское муниципальное образование) города федерального значения | вн.тер.г. |
Административно-территориальные единицы | |
Поселение | пос. |
Район | р-н |
Сельсовет | с/с |
Населённые пункты | |
Город | г. |
Населённый пункт | нп. |
Дачный посёлок | дп. |
Сельский посёлок | СП. |
Посёлок городского типа | пгт. |
Рабочий посёлок | рп. |
Курортный посёлок | кп. |
Городской посёлок | гп. |
Посёлок | п. |
Аал | аал |
Арбан | арбан |
Аул | аул |
Выселки | в-ки |
Городок | г-к |
Заимка | з-ка |
Починок | п-к |
Кишлак | киш. |
Посёлок при станции (посёлок станции) | п. ст. |
Посёлок при железнодорожной станции | п. ж/д ст. |
Железнодорожный блокпост | ж/д бл-ст |
Железнодорожная будка | ж/д б-ка |
Железнодорожная ветка | ж/д в-ка |
Железнодорожная казарма | ж/д к-ма |
Железнодорожный комбинат | ж/д к-т |
Железнодорожная платформа | ж/д пл-ма |
Железнодорожная площадка | ж/д пл-ка |
Железнодорожный путевой пост | ж/д п.п. |
Железнодорожный остановочный пункт | ж/д о.п. |
Железнодорожный разъезд | ж/д рзд. |
Железнодорожная станция | ж/д ст. |
Местечко | м-ко |
Деревня | д. |
Село | с. |
Слобода | сл. |
Станция | ст. |
Станица | ст-ца |
Улус | у. |
Хутор | х. |
Разъезд | рзд. |
Зимовье | зим. |
Элементы планировочной структуры | |
Берег | б-г |
Вал | вал |
Жилой район | ж/р |
Зона (массив) | зона |
Квартал | кв-л |
Микрорайон | мкр. |
Набережная | наб. |
Остров | ост-в |
Парк | парк |
Платформа | платф. |
Промышленный район | п/р |
Район | р-н |
Сад | сад |
Сквер | сквер |
Территория | тер. |
Территория ведения гражданами садоводства или огородничества для собственных нужд | тер. СОСН |
Территория садоводческих некоммерческих объединений граждан | тер. СНО |
Территория огороднических некоммерческих объединений граждан | тер. ОНО |
Территория дачных некоммерческих объединений граждан | тер. ДНО |
Территория садоводческого некоммерческого товарищества | тер. СНТ |
Территория огороднического некоммерческого товарищества | тер. ОНТ |
Территория дачных некоммерческих товариществ | тер. ДНТ |
Территория садоводческих потребительских кооперативов | тер. СПК |
Территория огороднических потребительских кооперативов | тер. ОПК |
Территория дачных потребительских кооперативов | тер. ДПК |
Территория садоводческих некоммерческих партнерств | тер. СНП |
Территория огороднических некоммерческих партнерств | тер. ОНП |
Территория дачных некоммерческих партнерств | тер. ДНП |
Территория товарищества собственников жилья | тер. ТСЖ |
Территория товарищества собственников недвижимости | тер. ТСН |
Территория гаражно-строительного кооператива | тер. ГСК |
Территория потребительского кооператива | тер. ПК |
Усадьба | ус. |
Территория фермерского хозяйства | тер.ф.х. |
Юрты | ю. |
Элементы улично-дорожной сети | |
Аллея | ал. |
Бульвар | б-р |
Взвоз | взв. |
Въезд | взд. |
Дорога | дор. |
Заезд | ззд. |
Километр | км |
Кольцо | к-цо |
Коса | коса |
Линия | лн. |
Магистраль | мгстр. |
Набережная | наб. |
Переезд | пер-д |
Переулок | пер. |
Площадка | пл-ка |
Площадь | пл. |
Проезд | пр-д |
Просек | пр-к |
Просека | пр-ка |
Проселок | пр-лок |
Проспект | пр-кт |
Проулок | проул. |
Разъезд | рзд. |
Ряд(ы) | ряд |
Сквер | с-р |
Спуск | с-к |
Съезд | сзд. |
Тракт | тракт |
Тупик | туп. |
Улица | ул. |
Шоссе | ш. |
Идентификационные элементы объекта адресации | |
Владение | влд. |
Гараж | г-ж |
Дом | д. |
Домовладение | двлд. |
Здание | зд. |
Земельный участок | з/у |
Квартира | кв. |
Комната | ком. |
Подвал | подв. |
Котельная | кот. |
Погреб | п-б |
Корпус | к. |
Машино-место | м/м |
Объект незавершённого строительства | ОНС |
Офис | офис |
Павильон | пав. |
Помещение | помещ. |
Рабочий участок | раб.уч. |
Склад | скл. |
Сооружение | соор. |
Строение | стр. |
Торговый зал | торг.зал |
Цех | цех |
Читайте также:
- Требования к оформлению документов, представляемых в регистрирующий орган (часть 1)
- Требования к оформлению документов, представляемых в регистрирующий орган (часть 2)
- Коды субъектов Российской Федерации
- Виды документов, удостоверяющих личность физического лица
Krasnoyarsk Красноярск |
City[1] |
Top to bottom, left to right: Krasnoyarsk along the Yenisey River, Krasnoyarsk at dusk, Krasnoyarsk railway station, Annunciation Cathedral, Krasnoyarsk Krai government building |
Flag Coat of arms |
Location of Krasnoyarsk |
Krasnoyarsk Location of Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Krai) |
Coordinates: 56°00′32″N 92°52′19″E / 56.00889°N 92.87194°ECoordinates: 56°00′32″N 92°52′19″E / 56.00889°N 92.87194°E | |
Country | Russia |
Federal subject | Krasnoyarsk Krai[1] |
Founded | August 19, 1628[2] |
City status since | 1690[3] |
Government | |
• Body | City Council of Deputies[2] |
• Head[2] | Sergey Yeryomin[4] |
[5] |
• Total | 348 km2 (134 sq mi) |
Elevation | 287 m (942 ft) |
(2010 Census)[6] |
• Total | 973,826 |
• Estimate
(2018)[7] |
1,090,811 (+12%) |
• Rank | 14th in 2010 |
• Density | 2,800/km2 (7,200/sq mi) |
Administrative status |
• Subordinated to | krai city of Krasnoyarsk[1] |
• Capital of | krai city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai[8] |
Municipal status |
• Urban okrug | Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug[9] |
• Capital of | Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug[9] |
Time zone | UTC+7 (MSK+4 |
Postal code(s)[11] |
660000, 660001, 660003–660005, 660006, 660009–660023, 660025, 660027, 660028, 660030–660032, 660036, 660037, 660041–660043, 660046–660050, 660052, 660054–660056, 660058–660062, 660064, 660067–660069, 660071, 660073–660075, 660077–660079, 660091–660095, 660097–660100, 660113, 660115, 660118, 660119, 660121–660127, 660130–660133, 660135, 660136, 660880, 660890, 660899, 660911–660946, 660960–660966, 660970, 660999, 901175, 901177, 901179, 901181, 993600 |
Dialing code(s) | +7 391[12] |
OKTMO ID | 04701000001 |
City Day | Second Sunday of June[13] |
Website | www.admkrsk.ru |
Krasnoyarsk ( KRA(H)SS-nə-YARSK;[14][15][16][17] Russian: Красноя́рск, IPA: [krəsnɐˈjarsk] (listen)) (in semantic translation — Red Ravine City) is the largest city and administrative center of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. It is situated along the Yenisey River, and is the second-largest city in Siberia after Novosibirsk, with a population of over 1.1 million.[18] Krasnoyarsk is an important junction of the renowned Trans-Siberian Railway, and is one of the largest producers of aluminium in the country.
The city is known for its natural landscape; author Anton Chekhov judged Krasnoyarsk to be the most beautiful city in Siberia.[19] The Stolby Nature Sanctuary is located 10 km south of the city. Krasnoyarsk is a major educational centre in Siberia, and hosts the Siberian Federal University. In 2019, Krasnoyarsk was the host city of the 2019 Winter Universiade, the third hosted in Russia.
Aerial view of Krasnoyarsk
Church in Krasnoyarsk, 1895
The panorama of Krasnoyarsk from the Karaulnaya Gora hill, 1910
The total area of the city, including suburbs and the river, is 348 km2 (134 sq mi).[5]
The river Yenisei flows from west to east through the city. Due to the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric dam 32 km (20 mi) upstream, the Yenisei never freezes in winter and never[citation needed] exceeds +14 °C (57 °F) in summer through the city. Near the city center, its elevation is 136 m (446 ft) above sea level. There are several islands in the river, the largest of which are Tatyshev and Otdyha Isles, used mainly for recreation.
To the south and west, Krasnoyarsk is surrounded by forested mountains averaging 410 m (1,350 ft) in height above river level. The most prominent of them are Nikolayevskaya Sopka (notable for its ski jumping tracks), Karaulnaya Gora, and Chornaya Sopka, the latter being an extinct volcano.[20] The gigantic rock cliffs of the Stolby Nature Reserve rise from the mountains of the southern bank of the Yenisei, the western hills from the Gremyachaya Griva crest extending westwards up to the Sobakina River, the north is generally plain, except for the Drokinskaya Sopka hill, with forests to the northwest and agricultural fields to the north and east.
The major rivers in and near Krasnoyarsk are the Yenisei, Mana, Bazaikha, and Kacha Rivers, the latter flowing throughout the historical center of the city. Due to the nature of the terrain, a few natural lakes exist in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk.
The forests close to the city are mostly pine and birch; further afield, aspen becomes dominant in many areas. The moss-covered fir and Siberian pine replaces other wood in the mountains westward of the Karaulnaya River, in about 15 km (9.3 mi) to the west from the city, the forests to the south are mostly pine, fir and aspen.[21]
Monument to the Czecho-Slovak Legion in the Trinity Cemetery
The city was founded on August 19, 1628[2] as a Russian border fort when a group of service class people from Yeniseysk led by Andrey Dubenskiy arrived at the confluence of the Kacha and Yenisei Rivers and constructed fortifications intended to protect the frontier from attacks of native peoples who lived along the Yenisei and its tributaries. Along with Kansk to the east, it represented the southern limit of Russian expansion in the Yenisei basin during the seventeenth century. In the letter to Tsar Michael I the Cossacks reported:
- …The town of trunks (log buildings) we have constructed and around the place of fort, we the servants of thee, our Lord, have embedded posts and fastened them with double bindings and the place of fort have strengthened mightily…
The fort was named Krasny Yar (Russian: Кра́сный Яр) after the Yarin (a dialect of Khakas) name of the place it was built, Kyzyl Char (‘red steep-riverbank’),[22] which was translated as Krasny Yar. The settlement was granted town status in 1690.[23] An intensive growth of Krasnoyarsk began with the arrival of the Siberian Route (the road M53 nowadays) in 1735 to 1741 which connected the nearby towns of Achinsk and Kansk with Krasnoyarsk and with the rest of Russia.
In 1749, a meteorite with a mass of about 700 kg (1,500 lb) was found 230 km (140 mi) south of Krasnoyarsk. It was excavated by Peter Simon Pallas in 1772 and transported to Krasnoyarsk and subsequently to Saint Petersburg. The Krasnoyarsk meteorite is important because it was the first pallasite ever studied and the first meteorite ever etched.
In 1822 Krasnoyarsk became the administrative center of Yeniseysk Governorate.[23] By the end of the 19th century, Krasnoyarsk had several manufacturing facilities and railroad workshops and an engine-house. Growth continued with the discovery of gold and the arrival of a railroad in 1895.
In the Russian Empire, Krasnoyarsk was one of the places to which political exiles were banished. For example, eight Decembrists were deported from St. Petersburg to Krasnoyarsk after the failure of the revolt.
Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric dam
In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917, during the Russian Civil War, Siberia east of Omsk was controlled by white forces under Alexander Kolchak, who in December 1919 retreated east to Irkutsk and the Bolsheviks took control of the city. On a plateau 7 km outside of town was a prisoner of war camp with 13,000 German and Austrian troops. Elsa Brändström of the Swedish Red Cross spent almost a year there from July 1919 until May 1920.[24]
During the periods of centralized planning (Five Year Plans) numerous large plants and factories were constructed in Krasnoyarsk: Sibtyazhmash, the dock yard, the paper factory, the hydroelectric power station (now the fifth largest in the world and the second in Russia), and the river port.
In 1934, Krasnoyarsk Krai was formed, with Krasnoyarsk as its administrative center.
During Stalinist times, Krasnoyarsk was a major center of the gulag system. The most important labor camp was the Kraslag or Krasnoyarsky ITL (1938-c.1960) with the two units located in Kansk and Reshyoty. In the city of Krasnoyarsk itself, the Yeniseylag or Yeniseysky ITL labor camp was prominent as well during World War II (c. 1940–41).
During World War II, dozens of factories were evacuated from Ukraine and Western Russia to Krasnoyarsk and nearby towns, stimulating the industrial growth of the city. After the war additional large plants were constructed: the aluminum plant, the metallurgic plant, the plant of base metals and many others.
In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union began constructing a phased array radar station at Abalakova, near Krasnoyarsk, which violated the ABM Treaty. Beginning in 1983, the United States demanded its removal, until the Soviet Union admitted the radar station was a violation in 1989. Equipment was slowly removed from the site and by 1992 it was officially declared to be dismantled, though the equipment from the site was likely relocated to a new site near Komsomolsk-na-Amure.[25] Krasnoyarsk was also a home to Krasnoyarsk Northeast air base, which was turned into living blocks after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and beginning of privatization, many large plants and factories, such as the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, became owned by alleged criminal authorities and oligarchs, while others were declared bankrupt. The economic transition resulted in a dramatic rise in unemployment and numerous strikes.
The best known financial scandal of the second half of the 1990s happened when ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant by a known Krasnoyarsk businessman Anatoliy Bykov had been canceled after he was accused of murdering his partner, Vilor Struganov. The accusation eventually turned out to be false.[26] The Krasnoyarsk plant’s ownership problems continue through the early 21st century since nearly all of them are owned either by monopolistic financial groups or by oligarchs.[citation needed]
Since the election of Pyotr Pimashkov as the mayor of Krasnoyarsk in 1996, the appearance of the city gradually improved: the old historical buildings were restored, the asphalt walkways were replaced with paving-stone, and numerous squares and recreation areas with fountains were either restored or constructed from scratch. Now the majority of the city keeps only a few traces of its former, drab, post-collapse look.[citation needed]
Administrative and municipal status[edit]
Krasnoyarsk is the administrative center of the krai.[8] Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is, together with one rural locality (the village of Peschanka) incorporated as the krai city of Krasnoyarsk – an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.[1] As a municipal division, the krai city of Krasnoyarsk is incorporated as Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug.[9]
City divisions[edit]
For administrative purposes, Krasnoyarsk is divided into seven city districts:
- Kirovsky
- Leninsky
- Oktyabrsky
- Sovetsky
- Sverdlovsky
- Tsentralny
- Zheleznodorozhny
Coat of arms[edit]
The first version was approved on March 12, 1804. The coat of arms was divided horizontally into two parts, the upper part containing the coat of arms of Tomsk Governorate, and the lower part picturing the Krasny Yar cliff on a silver background. A revised coat of arms, approved on November 23, 1851, had the golden figure of a lion placed on a red heraldic shield with a spade in the right fore paw and a sickle in the left fore paw, both made of the same metal. The shield was topped with the golden crown of the Russian Empire. The current coat of arms (as depicted here) was approved on November 28, 2004. It contains the same red shield as in 1851 but with a slightly changed figure of the lion in the officially approved image. The shield is topped with a form of the mural crown, which is the golden five-tower coronet of rank of a federal subject administrative center.[27][28][29]
Krasnoyarsk experiences a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfb) bordering on a subarctic climate (Dfc). Krasnoyarsk has high differentials between summer and winter temperatures.
Climate data for Krasnoyarsk (1991–2020, extremes 1891–present) | |||||||||||||
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Record high °C (°F) | 6.0 (42.8) |
8.5 (47.3) |
18.5 (65.3) |
31.4 (88.5) |
34.0 (93.2) |
34.8 (94.6) |
36.4 (97.5) |
35.1 (95.2) |
31.3 (88.3) |
24.5 (76.1) |
13.6 (56.5) |
8.6 (47.5) |
36.4 (97.5) |
Average high °C (°F) | −11.6 (11.1) |
−7.5 (18.5) |
0.7 (33.3) |
9.3 (48.7) |
17.1 (62.8) |
23.5 (74.3) |
25.2 (77.4) |
22.2 (72.0) |
14.6 (58.3) |
6.7 (44.1) |
−3.6 (25.5) |
−9.3 (15.3) |
7.3 (45.1) |
Daily mean °C (°F) | −15.6 (3.9) |
−12.3 (9.9) |
−4.9 (23.2) |
3.4 (38.1) |
10.4 (50.7) |
16.9 (62.4) |
19.1 (66.4) |
16.1 (61.0) |
9.1 (48.4) |
2.3 (36.1) |
−7.3 (18.9) |
−13.2 (8.2) |
2.0 (35.6) |
Average low °C (°F) | −19.2 (−2.6) |
−16.3 (2.7) |
−9.4 (15.1) |
−1.4 (29.5) |
4.7 (40.5) |
11.1 (52.0) |
13.7 (56.7) |
11.2 (52.2) |
5.0 (41.0) |
−1.3 (29.7) |
−10.7 (12.7) |
−16.9 (1.6) |
−2.5 (27.5) |
Record low °C (°F) | −52.8 (−63.0) |
−41.6 (−42.9) |
−38.7 (−37.7) |
−25.7 (−14.3) |
−11.2 (11.8) |
−3.6 (25.5) |
3.3 (37.9) |
−1.0 (30.2) |
−9.6 (14.7) |
−25.1 (−13.2) |
−42.3 (−44.1) |
−47.0 (−52.6) |
−52.8 (−63.0) |
Average precipitation mm (inches) | 17 (0.7) |
15 (0.6) |
19 (0.7) |
29 (1.1) |
48 (1.9) |
66 (2.6) |
70 (2.8) |
76 (3.0) |
55 (2.2) |
42 (1.7) |
39 (1.5) |
31 (1.2) |
507 (20.0) |
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) | 16 (6.3) |
16 (6.3) |
13 (5.1) |
3 (1.2) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
2 (0.8) |
7 (2.8) |
14 (5.5) |
16 (6.3) |
Average rainy days | 0.3 | 0.4 | 2 | 9 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 13 | 4 | 0.3 | 120 |
Average snowy days | 24 | 21 | 17 | 14 | 4 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.03 | 2 | 14 | 23 | 25 | 144 |
Average relative humidity (%) | 73 | 70 | 64 | 58 | 54 | 64 | 72 | 76 | 75 | 71 | 74 | 73 | 69 |
Mean monthly sunshine hours | 63 | 100 | 171 | 216 | 251 | 280 | 281 | 237 | 160 | 111 | 58 | 41 | 1,969 |
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net[30] | |||||||||||||
Source 2: NOAA (sun only 1961–1990)[31] |
The population count by year:[32][33]
1897 | 26,600 | 1962 | 465,000 | 1982 | 833,000 | 2000 | 875,500 | 2010 | 973,826 |
1923 | 60,400 | 1967 | 576,000 | 1986 | 885,000 | 2001 | 875,900 | 2011 | 979,600 |
1926 | 69,300 | 1970 | 648,100 | 1989 | 912,600 | 2003 | 909,300 | 2012 | 997,316 |
1939 | 186,100 | 1973 | 707,000 | 1992 | 925,000 | 2005 | 917,200 | 2013 | 1,016,385 |
1956 | 328,000 | 1976 | 758,000 | 1996 | 871,100 | 2008 | 936,400 | 2014 | 1,035,528 |
1959 | 412,000 | 1979 | 796,300 | 1998 | 875,300 | 2009 | 948,500 | 2017 | 1,083,865[34][35] |
Population chart (1855–2012)
Population count by districts (2010 Census):[6]
- Kirovsky: 114,715
- Leninsky: 145,530
- Oktyabrsky: 153,112
- Sovetsky: 281,284
- Sverdlovsky: 130,596
- Tsentralny: 55,060
- Zheleznodorozhny: 93,529
The population of Krasnoyarsk includes a number of peoples, the most numerous are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans, and Belarusians. Lately the number of Tajiks, Uzbeks and other Central Asian and Caucasian peoples has grown extensively because of the vast, often illegal immigration in search for work.
Another populous immigrant group is the Chinese who, unlike other foreign workers, are employed in much more lucrative areas and often form business partnerships with local companies. Many Chinese trade at the bazaars, and a special large Chinese bazaar named Sodruzhestvo (Russian for fellowship), and the Chinese Trading Town (known in Russian as Китайский торговый город) or colloquially Kitai-gorod on Strelka.
Stalinist architecture in Krasnoyarsk
There are a number of historical buildings in Krasnoyarsk, the oldest of them being the Intercession Cathedral (Russian: Покровский собор, 1785 to 1795, restored in 1977 to 1978). Other locally significant samples of Russian Orthodox architecture are the Annunciation Cathedral (Russian: Благовещенский собор, 1802–12), the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Russian: Свято-Троицкий собор, 1802–12), John the Baptist Church (Russian: Церковь Иоанна Предтечи, 1899, former episcopal residence), and the new Michael the Archangel Church (Russian: Церковь Архистратига Михаила, 1998 to 2003).
On the top of the Karaulnaya Hill, originally a pagan shrine, later occupied by the Krasnoyarsk fort watchtower, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel (1804, rebuilt 1854–55) still stands. The chapel, displayed on the 10-ruble note, is one of the iconic images of the city. The chapel was abandoned and fell into disrepair during the Soviet era and only when Perestroyka came was it regained by the Yenisei bishopric.
Another unofficial symbol of Krasnoyarsk is the incomplete 24-story tower located at Strelka. Construction of the tower had been started just before Perestroyka and then frozen due to the administrative crisis. The outline of the tower is clearly seen from many places in the city.
A bridge near Krasnoyarsk carries the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Yenisei. The original structure, one of the longest at the time, was constructed between 1893 and 1896 to an award-winning design by Lavr Proskuryakov. In 2003 it was rejected for emergency inscription on the World Heritage List.[36] It was described at the time by ICOMOS «an early representation of a typical parabolic polygonal truss bridge in Russia» which became «a testing ground for the application of engineering theories and the development of new innovative solutions, which had numerous successors».[37] The bridge was dismantled between 2002-2007.[38][39]
Among other notable buildings are the mansions of the merchant Nikolay Gadalov (beginning of the 20th century), the Roman Catholic Transfiguration Chapel (Russian: Преображенский собор, 1911, also known as the Krasnoyarsk Organ Hall), the Krasnoyarsk Krai Museum stylized as an Ancient Egyptian temple, the Krasnoyarsk Cultural/Historical Center and the triumphal arch at the Spit (2003), the regional administration building flanked with two towers known as the «Donkey Ears».
There are a number of two-story wooden houses in the city built mostly in the middle of the 20th century as temporary habitations. Many urbanized villages located inside the city keep the remnants of the traditional Russian village architecture: wooden houses with backyards, many somewhat dilapidated now but still inhabited.
View of Strelka district from Tatyshev island
There are a number of local holidays celebrated annually in Krasnoyarsk. The most significant holiday is the Day of the City celebrated in June, usually with a carnival. Other holidays and cultural events are the Mana Festival (Russian: Манский фестиваль. The celebrations take place on the outside of town, on the bank of river Mana) usually held on the last weekend in June with the traditional bard contest, the International Museum Biennale traditionally held in the Krasnoyarsk Cultural/Historical Center, the avant-garde Museum Night festival dedicated to the International Museum Day (May 18), the Jazz on Yenisey festival, the Stolbist Day held many times a year celebrating the traditions of mountain climbing in the Stolby national reserve, and the Bikers’ Rally.
Krasnoyarsk has a number of local television companies and the highly developed telecommunications, many districts of the city have LAN-based broadband Internet access.
The city is also home to the Krasnoyarsk Children’s Choir, a world-renowned choir that tours in many countries as The Little Eagles of Siberia.
Education and science[edit]
Next to Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk is a prominent scientific and educational center of Siberia, with over 30 higher education facilities, many of which are the branches of the Russian Academy of Science, and about 200 high schools. The most notable higher education institutes are:
- Siberian Federal University (Russian abbreviation is SFU), founded on November 4, 2006. The institution integrated four large higher education institutions (Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Construction, Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, State University of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold)
- Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (Russian abbreviation is KGPU), founded in 1932
- Siberian State Technological University (Russian abbreviation is SibGTU), the oldest in the city, founded in 1930 as the Siberian Institute of Forest
- Siberian State Aerospace University (Russian abbreviation is SibGAU), founded in 1960
- Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Russian abbreviation is KrasGMU), founded in 1942
- Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Russian abbreviation is Krasnoyarsk GAU), founded in 1952
Like Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk has a special city district called Akademgorodok («Academic Town»), where several scientific research institutes are located. Krasnoyarsk’s Institute of Biophysics is known for a 1973–1985 experiment on ecological isolation of human beings (the «Bios Experiment»). Sukachev Institute of Forest, founded in 1944 at Moscow and relocated to Krasnoyarsk in 1959.
There are several museums in Krasnoyarsk. One is the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum, containing historical items and exhibits of the region, including ancient history, native Siberians, and woolly rhinos.
The Krasnoyarsk zoo is also a major attraction for residents and tourists.
An underground system (three lines) has been in planning and construction phases in Krasnoyarsk for decades. Subway construction was terminated in 2008.
Public Transportation[edit]
The transit system is dominated by buses, but there also are several trolleybus and tram routes.
Krasnoyarsk lies on the Yenisei River and historically has been an important junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Krasnoyarsk-Passazhirsky (Russian: Красноярск-Пассажирский, lit. Krasnoyarsk-Passenger) is the main railway station of Krasnoyarsk. Long-range trains of the Trans-Siberian Railway stop at this station. There are some stations served by Elektrichka and there is Krasnoyarsk-East goods station 26.3 km east of Krasnoyarsk-Passazhirsky.
Krasnoyarsk was served by two airports: Yemelyanovo Airport is the main airport and handles both medium and long-haul domestic as well as international flights, and is 27 km (17 mi) northwest of the city.[40] The secondary Cheremshanka Airport handled short-haul flights. Cheremshanka has lost its eminent role as the main base airport for an extensive network of local air services (MVL) in Krasnoyarsk Krai formerly served by the local Aeroflot Krasnoyarsk Directorate. In December 2011 a fire broke out at the Cheremshanka airport which destroyed the terminal building and the air traffic control tower.[41]
The most popular place of attraction for tourists visiting Krasnoyarsk is the huge national nature reserve Stolby («pillars»), which covers an area of 470 km2 (180 sq mi) with numerous giant granite rocks formations up to 100 meters high, many of very extraordinary shapes. Stolby is also a major rock climbing location. Many local climbers intentionally do not use any belaying equipment and call their extreme sport stolbizm, known elsewhere as solo climbing.
Other popular showplaces include the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam, the Karaulnaya Gora hill with the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel, museums, theaters, etc.
Krasnoyarsk is a center of Siberian sports. Areas, where Krasnoyarsk excels compared to other Russian cities, include rugby union, bandy, and freestyle wrestling.
Yenisey was the Soviet bandy champions every year in the 1980s as well as in 1991. The first Russian title came in 2001. In 2014 they became champions of the Bandy Super League and had the highest average attendance, 5 747.[42] In 2015 the league title was won again as well as in 2016.[43][44] At the 2019 Winter Universiade, bandy will feature as a demonstration sport for the first time and tournaments for both men and women will be held.[45] An indoor stadium will be built for the occasion.[46][47] It is planned to be ready for use by the end of 2018.[48] The complexity of the construction is considered unique.[49]
Crystal Arena, Krasnoyarsk
Platinum Arena Krasnoyarsk
The city is considered a stronghold of rugby union in Russia, to the extent that the Rugby Union of Russia was headquartered locally for many years. Two Krasnoyarsk clubs, Krasny Yar and Enisey-STM, participate in the national Professional Rugby League, and European Rugby Challenge Cup, the second-tier pan-European club competition. Matches take precedence in the local media, and the city derby match can attract crowds of about 3000–5000. Many players of the Russian national rugby team hail from the area. Some of Russia’s international rugby matches are played at the Central Stadium.
Club | Sport | Founded | Current League | League Rank |
Stadium |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Football | 1937 | Russian Premier League | 2nd | Central Stadium |
Sokol Krasnoyarsk | Ice Hockey | 1977 | Higher Hockey League | 2nd | Arena Sever |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Bandy | 1934 | Bandy Super League | 1st | Yenisey Stadium |
BC Enisey | Basketball | 1993 | VTB United League | 1st | Arena Sever |
Krasny Yar | Rugby Union | 1969 | Professional Rugby League | 1st | Krasny Yar Stadium |
Enisey-STM | Rugby Union | 1975 | Professional Rugby League | 1st | Avangard Stadium |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Volleyball | 1992 | Women’s Volleyball Super League | 1st | Dvorkin Sports House |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Volleyball | 1993 | Volleyball Supreme League A | 2nd | Dvorkin Sports House |
Former Carolina Hurricanes left winger Alexander Semin is from Krasnoyarsk.
Host of the international wrestling tournament named after Ivan Yarygin.
Sport events[edit]
The 2019 Winter Universiade was hosted by Krasnoyarsk in 2019.
Notable people[edit]
- Viktor Astafyev, writer
- Vyacheslav Butusov, singer and songwriter
- Caziel, artist
- Walter Ciszek, Polish-American Jesuit priest held captive here on suspicion of espionage for the Vatican
- Valentin Danilov, Russian scientist
- Elena Abramovna Davidovich, numismatist and archaeologist
- Helene Fischer, German singer and actress
- Iya Gavrilova, ice hockey player
- Dmitri Hvorostovsky, operatic baritone
- Evgeny Isakov, ice hockey player
- Elena Khrustaleva, biathlete
- Sergey Ivanovich Lomanov, bandy manager and former player
- Sergey Sergeyevich Lomanov, bandy player
- Andreï Makine, novelist
- Yevgeni Popov, writer
- Sofia Samodurova, figure skater
- Alexander Semin, ice hockey player
- Andrei Shepelenko, professional ice hockey player
- Pyotr Slovtsov, opera singer
- Vasily Surikov, historic painter
- Viktoria Tereshkina, prima ballerina
- Evgeny Ustyugov, biathlete
- Viktor Tretiakov, violinist
- Andrey Vorobyov, governor of Moscow Oblast
Twin towns – sister cities[edit]
Krasnoyarsk is twinned with:[50]
Heihe, China (1999)
Istaravshan, Tajikistan (2000)
Sault Ste. Marie, Canada (2002)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2003)
Samarkand, Uzbekistan (2003)
Oneonta, United States (2004)
Cremona, Italy (2006)
Žilina, Slovakia (2013)
Changchun, China (2014)
Manzhouli, China (2017)
Cooperation agreements[edit]
Krasnoyarsk has cooperation agreements with:
Kokshetau, Kazakhstan (2022)[51]
See also[edit]
Siberia portal
- ^ a b c d Law #10-4765
- ^ a b c d Charter of Krasnoyarsk
- ^ (in Russian)Основание Красноярска
- ^ TVK Sergey Yeryomin appointed head of Krasnoyarsk Archived October 26, 2017, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ a b Poexaly.ru. Krasnoyarsk Tourist Portal. Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- ^ a b Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
- ^ a b Law #10-4763
- ^ a b c Law #13-3148
- ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
- ^ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post). Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search) (in Russian)
- ^ «Телефонные коды Красноярский край». Ruspostindex.ru. Archived from the original on October 4, 2018. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Calend.ru. Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- ^ Roach, Peter (2011). Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15253-2.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.). HarperCollins. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on March 22, 2020.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ Anton Chekhov, «The Crooked Mirror» and Other Stories, Zebra Book, 1995. See page 200 for English translation of his journey through Siberia.
- ^ «Атлас достопримечательностей». Krskstate.ru. Archived from the original on February 3, 2013. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Окрестности Красноярска. Карта. ФГУП Госцентр «Природа», 2003 г.
- ^ Бутанаев В. Я. «Топонимический словарь Хакасско-Минусинского края». Абакан, 1995.
- ^ a b Народная энциклопедия «Мой город». Красноярск (Красноярский край)
- ^ Elsa Björkman-Goldschmidt, Elsa Brändström (1969), pp. 174–187.
- ^ Pike, John. «Yeniseysk (Krasnoyarsk)». Globalsecurity.org. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Latynina, Yulia, «Today, Let’s Go Inside the Other Russia», Moscow Times, 21 February 2001
- ^ Герб города Красноярска (Krasnoyarsk City website) (in Russian)
- ^ Администрация г. Красноярска (in Russian)
- ^ Решение Красноярского городского Совета депутатов от 26 мая 2010 года No. В-169 (Decision of the Krasnoyarsk City Council of Deputies 26 May 2010) (in Russian)
- ^ «Pogoda.ru.net (Weather and Climate – The Climate of Krasnoyarsk)» (in Russian). Weather and Climate. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
- ^ «Krasnojarsk (Krasnoyarsk) Climate Normals 1961–1990». National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved October 29, 2021.
- ^ «За 2008 год население Красноярска увеличилось на 1,2% / Новости /». Newslab.ru. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Народная энциклопедия «Мой город». Красноярск (Красноярский край) (in Russian). Mojgorod.ru. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Предварительная оценка численности постоянного населения на 1 января 2017 года и в среднем за 2016 год по городским округам и муниципальным районам Красноярского края
- ^ «Информационно-аналитическая система «СТАТИСТИКА»«. Archived from the original on April 9, 2017. Retrieved June 12, 2017.
- ^ «Decision: 27 COM 8C.47 — The First Railway Bridge over the Yenisei River (Russian Federation)». World Heritage Centre. UNESCO. 2003. Retrieved September 10, 2021.
- ^ International Council on Monuments and Sites (June 16, 2003). «Evaluations of Cultural Properties — World Heritage Committee 27th Ordinary Session» (PDF). UNESCO. p. 13.
- ^ Muzhschinsky, Andrey (May 21, 2018). «Мосты Красноярска. История покорения Енисея». Gor Novosti (in Russian).
… the dismantling of the Tsar’s bridge began in 2002. On August 7, 2007, the dismantled object was handed over for scrap
- ^ «В Красноярске уникальный старинный Царский мост пошёл на металлолом». Tayga.info (in Russian). April 7, 2007.
- ^ Yemelyanovo International Airport – About/General Information
- ^ The Aviation Herald – Tower and terminal of Krasnojarsk Cheremshanka Airport burned down
- ^ «ABC of the golden season». redyarsk.ru. April 10, 2014. Retrieved March 14, 2022 – via Google Translate.
- ^ «FHMR congratulates the Krasnoyarsk «Yenisei»«. rusbandy.ru. March 26, 2016 – via Google Translate.
- ^ https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_Y0lhvnE7pU/hqdefault.jpg[bare URL image file]
- ^ Sports Archived December 14, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ «К Универсиаде в Красноярске появится крытый стадион для хоккея с мячом / Новости спорта Красноярска и Красноярского края / Newslab.Ru». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Google Translate». Archived from the original on October 31, 2020. Retrieved December 15, 2016.
- ^ «Есть вторая арка! — Архив новостей — Федерация хоккея с мячом России». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Делегация FIB и ФХМР посетила арену в Красноярске — Архив новостей — Федерация хоккея с мячом России». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Контакты с иностранными городами и организациями». admkrsk.ru (in Russian). Krasnoyarsk. Retrieved January 19, 2021.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk signed a memorandum of cooperation with the city of Kokshetau of the Republic of Kazakhstan». Krasnoyarsk — City Administration. August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №10-4765 от 10 июня 2010 г. «О перечне административно-территориальных единиц и территориальных единиц Красноярского края», в ред. Закона №7-3007 от 16 декабря 2014 г. «Об изменении административно-территориального устройства Большеулуйского района и о внесении изменений в Закон края «О перечне административно-территориальных единиц и территориальных единиц Красноярского края»». Вступил в силу 1 июля 2010 г. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №33(404), 5 июля 2010 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #10-4765 of June 10, 2010 On the Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units and the Territorial Units of Krasnoyarsk Krai, as amended by the Law #7-3007 of December 16, 2014 On Changing the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Bolsheuluysky District and on Amending the Krai Law «On the Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units and the Territorial Units of Krasnoyarsk Krai». Effective as of July 1, 2010.).
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №10-4763 от 10 июня 2010 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Красноярского края», в ред. Закона №8-3263 от 19 марта 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон края «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Красноярского края»». Вступил в силу на следующий день после официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №31(402), 28 июня 2010 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #10-4763 of June 10, 2010 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Krasnoyarsk Krai, as amended by the Law #8-3263 of March 19, 2015 On Amending the Krai Law «On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Krasnoyarsk Krai». Effective as of the day following the official publication.).
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №13-3148 от 25 февраля 2005 г. «О наделении муниципального образования город Красноярск статусом городского округа». Вступил в силу через десять дней после официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №13, 4 апреля 2005 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #13-3148 of February 25, 2005 On Granting Urban Okrug Status to the Municipal Formation of the City of Krasnoyarsk. Effective as of the day ten days after the official publication.).
- Красноярский городской Совет. Решение №В-62 от 24 декабря 1997 г. «Устав города Красноярска», в ред. Решения №6-90 от 16 декабря 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Устав города Красноярска». Вступил в силу в соответствии со статьёй 86. Опубликован: «Городские новости», №4, 16 января 2008 г. (Krasnoyarsk City Council. Decision #V-62 of December 24, 1997 Charter of the City of Krasnoyarsk, as amended by the Decision #6-90 of December 16, 2014 On Amending the Charter of the City of Krasnoyarsk. Effective as of the date determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 86.).
External links[edit]
- Official website of Krasnoyarsk
(in Russian and English)
- Interactive online map of Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- The Siberian Federal University homepage (in English, Russian, German, Spanish, and Chinese)
- «Krasnoyarsk» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). 1911.
Krasnoyarsk Красноярск |
City[1] |
Top to bottom, left to right: Krasnoyarsk along the Yenisey River, Krasnoyarsk at dusk, Krasnoyarsk railway station, Annunciation Cathedral, Krasnoyarsk Krai government building |
Flag Coat of arms |
Location of Krasnoyarsk |
Krasnoyarsk Location of Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Krai) |
Coordinates: 56°00′32″N 92°52′19″E / 56.00889°N 92.87194°ECoordinates: 56°00′32″N 92°52′19″E / 56.00889°N 92.87194°E | |
Country | Russia |
Federal subject | Krasnoyarsk Krai[1] |
Founded | August 19, 1628[2] |
City status since | 1690[3] |
Government | |
• Body | City Council of Deputies[2] |
• Head[2] | Sergey Yeryomin[4] |
[5] |
• Total | 348 km2 (134 sq mi) |
Elevation | 287 m (942 ft) |
(2010 Census)[6] |
• Total | 973,826 |
• Estimate
(2018)[7] |
1,090,811 (+12%) |
• Rank | 14th in 2010 |
• Density | 2,800/km2 (7,200/sq mi) |
Administrative status |
• Subordinated to | krai city of Krasnoyarsk[1] |
• Capital of | krai city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai[8] |
Municipal status |
• Urban okrug | Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug[9] |
• Capital of | Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug[9] |
Time zone | UTC+7 (MSK+4 |
Postal code(s)[11] |
660000, 660001, 660003–660005, 660006, 660009–660023, 660025, 660027, 660028, 660030–660032, 660036, 660037, 660041–660043, 660046–660050, 660052, 660054–660056, 660058–660062, 660064, 660067–660069, 660071, 660073–660075, 660077–660079, 660091–660095, 660097–660100, 660113, 660115, 660118, 660119, 660121–660127, 660130–660133, 660135, 660136, 660880, 660890, 660899, 660911–660946, 660960–660966, 660970, 660999, 901175, 901177, 901179, 901181, 993600 |
Dialing code(s) | +7 391[12] |
OKTMO ID | 04701000001 |
City Day | Second Sunday of June[13] |
Website | www.admkrsk.ru |
Krasnoyarsk ( KRA(H)SS-nə-YARSK;[14][15][16][17] Russian: Красноя́рск, IPA: [krəsnɐˈjarsk] (listen)) (in semantic translation — Red Ravine City) is the largest city and administrative center of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. It is situated along the Yenisey River, and is the second-largest city in Siberia after Novosibirsk, with a population of over 1.1 million.[18] Krasnoyarsk is an important junction of the renowned Trans-Siberian Railway, and is one of the largest producers of aluminium in the country.
The city is known for its natural landscape; author Anton Chekhov judged Krasnoyarsk to be the most beautiful city in Siberia.[19] The Stolby Nature Sanctuary is located 10 km south of the city. Krasnoyarsk is a major educational centre in Siberia, and hosts the Siberian Federal University. In 2019, Krasnoyarsk was the host city of the 2019 Winter Universiade, the third hosted in Russia.
Aerial view of Krasnoyarsk
Church in Krasnoyarsk, 1895
The panorama of Krasnoyarsk from the Karaulnaya Gora hill, 1910
The total area of the city, including suburbs and the river, is 348 km2 (134 sq mi).[5]
The river Yenisei flows from west to east through the city. Due to the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric dam 32 km (20 mi) upstream, the Yenisei never freezes in winter and never[citation needed] exceeds +14 °C (57 °F) in summer through the city. Near the city center, its elevation is 136 m (446 ft) above sea level. There are several islands in the river, the largest of which are Tatyshev and Otdyha Isles, used mainly for recreation.
To the south and west, Krasnoyarsk is surrounded by forested mountains averaging 410 m (1,350 ft) in height above river level. The most prominent of them are Nikolayevskaya Sopka (notable for its ski jumping tracks), Karaulnaya Gora, and Chornaya Sopka, the latter being an extinct volcano.[20] The gigantic rock cliffs of the Stolby Nature Reserve rise from the mountains of the southern bank of the Yenisei, the western hills from the Gremyachaya Griva crest extending westwards up to the Sobakina River, the north is generally plain, except for the Drokinskaya Sopka hill, with forests to the northwest and agricultural fields to the north and east.
The major rivers in and near Krasnoyarsk are the Yenisei, Mana, Bazaikha, and Kacha Rivers, the latter flowing throughout the historical center of the city. Due to the nature of the terrain, a few natural lakes exist in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk.
The forests close to the city are mostly pine and birch; further afield, aspen becomes dominant in many areas. The moss-covered fir and Siberian pine replaces other wood in the mountains westward of the Karaulnaya River, in about 15 km (9.3 mi) to the west from the city, the forests to the south are mostly pine, fir and aspen.[21]
Monument to the Czecho-Slovak Legion in the Trinity Cemetery
The city was founded on August 19, 1628[2] as a Russian border fort when a group of service class people from Yeniseysk led by Andrey Dubenskiy arrived at the confluence of the Kacha and Yenisei Rivers and constructed fortifications intended to protect the frontier from attacks of native peoples who lived along the Yenisei and its tributaries. Along with Kansk to the east, it represented the southern limit of Russian expansion in the Yenisei basin during the seventeenth century. In the letter to Tsar Michael I the Cossacks reported:
- …The town of trunks (log buildings) we have constructed and around the place of fort, we the servants of thee, our Lord, have embedded posts and fastened them with double bindings and the place of fort have strengthened mightily…
The fort was named Krasny Yar (Russian: Кра́сный Яр) after the Yarin (a dialect of Khakas) name of the place it was built, Kyzyl Char (‘red steep-riverbank’),[22] which was translated as Krasny Yar. The settlement was granted town status in 1690.[23] An intensive growth of Krasnoyarsk began with the arrival of the Siberian Route (the road M53 nowadays) in 1735 to 1741 which connected the nearby towns of Achinsk and Kansk with Krasnoyarsk and with the rest of Russia.
In 1749, a meteorite with a mass of about 700 kg (1,500 lb) was found 230 km (140 mi) south of Krasnoyarsk. It was excavated by Peter Simon Pallas in 1772 and transported to Krasnoyarsk and subsequently to Saint Petersburg. The Krasnoyarsk meteorite is important because it was the first pallasite ever studied and the first meteorite ever etched.
In 1822 Krasnoyarsk became the administrative center of Yeniseysk Governorate.[23] By the end of the 19th century, Krasnoyarsk had several manufacturing facilities and railroad workshops and an engine-house. Growth continued with the discovery of gold and the arrival of a railroad in 1895.
In the Russian Empire, Krasnoyarsk was one of the places to which political exiles were banished. For example, eight Decembrists were deported from St. Petersburg to Krasnoyarsk after the failure of the revolt.
Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric dam
In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917, during the Russian Civil War, Siberia east of Omsk was controlled by white forces under Alexander Kolchak, who in December 1919 retreated east to Irkutsk and the Bolsheviks took control of the city. On a plateau 7 km outside of town was a prisoner of war camp with 13,000 German and Austrian troops. Elsa Brändström of the Swedish Red Cross spent almost a year there from July 1919 until May 1920.[24]
During the periods of centralized planning (Five Year Plans) numerous large plants and factories were constructed in Krasnoyarsk: Sibtyazhmash, the dock yard, the paper factory, the hydroelectric power station (now the fifth largest in the world and the second in Russia), and the river port.
In 1934, Krasnoyarsk Krai was formed, with Krasnoyarsk as its administrative center.
During Stalinist times, Krasnoyarsk was a major center of the gulag system. The most important labor camp was the Kraslag or Krasnoyarsky ITL (1938-c.1960) with the two units located in Kansk and Reshyoty. In the city of Krasnoyarsk itself, the Yeniseylag or Yeniseysky ITL labor camp was prominent as well during World War II (c. 1940–41).
During World War II, dozens of factories were evacuated from Ukraine and Western Russia to Krasnoyarsk and nearby towns, stimulating the industrial growth of the city. After the war additional large plants were constructed: the aluminum plant, the metallurgic plant, the plant of base metals and many others.
In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union began constructing a phased array radar station at Abalakova, near Krasnoyarsk, which violated the ABM Treaty. Beginning in 1983, the United States demanded its removal, until the Soviet Union admitted the radar station was a violation in 1989. Equipment was slowly removed from the site and by 1992 it was officially declared to be dismantled, though the equipment from the site was likely relocated to a new site near Komsomolsk-na-Amure.[25] Krasnoyarsk was also a home to Krasnoyarsk Northeast air base, which was turned into living blocks after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and beginning of privatization, many large plants and factories, such as the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, became owned by alleged criminal authorities and oligarchs, while others were declared bankrupt. The economic transition resulted in a dramatic rise in unemployment and numerous strikes.
The best known financial scandal of the second half of the 1990s happened when ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant by a known Krasnoyarsk businessman Anatoliy Bykov had been canceled after he was accused of murdering his partner, Vilor Struganov. The accusation eventually turned out to be false.[26] The Krasnoyarsk plant’s ownership problems continue through the early 21st century since nearly all of them are owned either by monopolistic financial groups or by oligarchs.[citation needed]
Since the election of Pyotr Pimashkov as the mayor of Krasnoyarsk in 1996, the appearance of the city gradually improved: the old historical buildings were restored, the asphalt walkways were replaced with paving-stone, and numerous squares and recreation areas with fountains were either restored or constructed from scratch. Now the majority of the city keeps only a few traces of its former, drab, post-collapse look.[citation needed]
Administrative and municipal status[edit]
Krasnoyarsk is the administrative center of the krai.[8] Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is, together with one rural locality (the village of Peschanka) incorporated as the krai city of Krasnoyarsk – an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.[1] As a municipal division, the krai city of Krasnoyarsk is incorporated as Krasnoyarsk Urban Okrug.[9]
City divisions[edit]
For administrative purposes, Krasnoyarsk is divided into seven city districts:
- Kirovsky
- Leninsky
- Oktyabrsky
- Sovetsky
- Sverdlovsky
- Tsentralny
- Zheleznodorozhny
Coat of arms[edit]
The first version was approved on March 12, 1804. The coat of arms was divided horizontally into two parts, the upper part containing the coat of arms of Tomsk Governorate, and the lower part picturing the Krasny Yar cliff on a silver background. A revised coat of arms, approved on November 23, 1851, had the golden figure of a lion placed on a red heraldic shield with a spade in the right fore paw and a sickle in the left fore paw, both made of the same metal. The shield was topped with the golden crown of the Russian Empire. The current coat of arms (as depicted here) was approved on November 28, 2004. It contains the same red shield as in 1851 but with a slightly changed figure of the lion in the officially approved image. The shield is topped with a form of the mural crown, which is the golden five-tower coronet of rank of a federal subject administrative center.[27][28][29]
Krasnoyarsk experiences a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfb) bordering on a subarctic climate (Dfc). Krasnoyarsk has high differentials between summer and winter temperatures.
Climate data for Krasnoyarsk (1991–2020, extremes 1891–present) | |||||||||||||
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Record high °C (°F) | 6.0 (42.8) |
8.5 (47.3) |
18.5 (65.3) |
31.4 (88.5) |
34.0 (93.2) |
34.8 (94.6) |
36.4 (97.5) |
35.1 (95.2) |
31.3 (88.3) |
24.5 (76.1) |
13.6 (56.5) |
8.6 (47.5) |
36.4 (97.5) |
Average high °C (°F) | −11.6 (11.1) |
−7.5 (18.5) |
0.7 (33.3) |
9.3 (48.7) |
17.1 (62.8) |
23.5 (74.3) |
25.2 (77.4) |
22.2 (72.0) |
14.6 (58.3) |
6.7 (44.1) |
−3.6 (25.5) |
−9.3 (15.3) |
7.3 (45.1) |
Daily mean °C (°F) | −15.6 (3.9) |
−12.3 (9.9) |
−4.9 (23.2) |
3.4 (38.1) |
10.4 (50.7) |
16.9 (62.4) |
19.1 (66.4) |
16.1 (61.0) |
9.1 (48.4) |
2.3 (36.1) |
−7.3 (18.9) |
−13.2 (8.2) |
2.0 (35.6) |
Average low °C (°F) | −19.2 (−2.6) |
−16.3 (2.7) |
−9.4 (15.1) |
−1.4 (29.5) |
4.7 (40.5) |
11.1 (52.0) |
13.7 (56.7) |
11.2 (52.2) |
5.0 (41.0) |
−1.3 (29.7) |
−10.7 (12.7) |
−16.9 (1.6) |
−2.5 (27.5) |
Record low °C (°F) | −52.8 (−63.0) |
−41.6 (−42.9) |
−38.7 (−37.7) |
−25.7 (−14.3) |
−11.2 (11.8) |
−3.6 (25.5) |
3.3 (37.9) |
−1.0 (30.2) |
−9.6 (14.7) |
−25.1 (−13.2) |
−42.3 (−44.1) |
−47.0 (−52.6) |
−52.8 (−63.0) |
Average precipitation mm (inches) | 17 (0.7) |
15 (0.6) |
19 (0.7) |
29 (1.1) |
48 (1.9) |
66 (2.6) |
70 (2.8) |
76 (3.0) |
55 (2.2) |
42 (1.7) |
39 (1.5) |
31 (1.2) |
507 (20.0) |
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) | 16 (6.3) |
16 (6.3) |
13 (5.1) |
3 (1.2) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
2 (0.8) |
7 (2.8) |
14 (5.5) |
16 (6.3) |
Average rainy days | 0.3 | 0.4 | 2 | 9 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 13 | 4 | 0.3 | 120 |
Average snowy days | 24 | 21 | 17 | 14 | 4 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.03 | 2 | 14 | 23 | 25 | 144 |
Average relative humidity (%) | 73 | 70 | 64 | 58 | 54 | 64 | 72 | 76 | 75 | 71 | 74 | 73 | 69 |
Mean monthly sunshine hours | 63 | 100 | 171 | 216 | 251 | 280 | 281 | 237 | 160 | 111 | 58 | 41 | 1,969 |
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net[30] | |||||||||||||
Source 2: NOAA (sun only 1961–1990)[31] |
The population count by year:[32][33]
1897 | 26,600 | 1962 | 465,000 | 1982 | 833,000 | 2000 | 875,500 | 2010 | 973,826 |
1923 | 60,400 | 1967 | 576,000 | 1986 | 885,000 | 2001 | 875,900 | 2011 | 979,600 |
1926 | 69,300 | 1970 | 648,100 | 1989 | 912,600 | 2003 | 909,300 | 2012 | 997,316 |
1939 | 186,100 | 1973 | 707,000 | 1992 | 925,000 | 2005 | 917,200 | 2013 | 1,016,385 |
1956 | 328,000 | 1976 | 758,000 | 1996 | 871,100 | 2008 | 936,400 | 2014 | 1,035,528 |
1959 | 412,000 | 1979 | 796,300 | 1998 | 875,300 | 2009 | 948,500 | 2017 | 1,083,865[34][35] |
Population chart (1855–2012)
Population count by districts (2010 Census):[6]
- Kirovsky: 114,715
- Leninsky: 145,530
- Oktyabrsky: 153,112
- Sovetsky: 281,284
- Sverdlovsky: 130,596
- Tsentralny: 55,060
- Zheleznodorozhny: 93,529
The population of Krasnoyarsk includes a number of peoples, the most numerous are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans, and Belarusians. Lately the number of Tajiks, Uzbeks and other Central Asian and Caucasian peoples has grown extensively because of the vast, often illegal immigration in search for work.
Another populous immigrant group is the Chinese who, unlike other foreign workers, are employed in much more lucrative areas and often form business partnerships with local companies. Many Chinese trade at the bazaars, and a special large Chinese bazaar named Sodruzhestvo (Russian for fellowship), and the Chinese Trading Town (known in Russian as Китайский торговый город) or colloquially Kitai-gorod on Strelka.
Stalinist architecture in Krasnoyarsk
There are a number of historical buildings in Krasnoyarsk, the oldest of them being the Intercession Cathedral (Russian: Покровский собор, 1785 to 1795, restored in 1977 to 1978). Other locally significant samples of Russian Orthodox architecture are the Annunciation Cathedral (Russian: Благовещенский собор, 1802–12), the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Russian: Свято-Троицкий собор, 1802–12), John the Baptist Church (Russian: Церковь Иоанна Предтечи, 1899, former episcopal residence), and the new Michael the Archangel Church (Russian: Церковь Архистратига Михаила, 1998 to 2003).
On the top of the Karaulnaya Hill, originally a pagan shrine, later occupied by the Krasnoyarsk fort watchtower, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel (1804, rebuilt 1854–55) still stands. The chapel, displayed on the 10-ruble note, is one of the iconic images of the city. The chapel was abandoned and fell into disrepair during the Soviet era and only when Perestroyka came was it regained by the Yenisei bishopric.
Another unofficial symbol of Krasnoyarsk is the incomplete 24-story tower located at Strelka. Construction of the tower had been started just before Perestroyka and then frozen due to the administrative crisis. The outline of the tower is clearly seen from many places in the city.
A bridge near Krasnoyarsk carries the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Yenisei. The original structure, one of the longest at the time, was constructed between 1893 and 1896 to an award-winning design by Lavr Proskuryakov. In 2003 it was rejected for emergency inscription on the World Heritage List.[36] It was described at the time by ICOMOS «an early representation of a typical parabolic polygonal truss bridge in Russia» which became «a testing ground for the application of engineering theories and the development of new innovative solutions, which had numerous successors».[37] The bridge was dismantled between 2002-2007.[38][39]
Among other notable buildings are the mansions of the merchant Nikolay Gadalov (beginning of the 20th century), the Roman Catholic Transfiguration Chapel (Russian: Преображенский собор, 1911, also known as the Krasnoyarsk Organ Hall), the Krasnoyarsk Krai Museum stylized as an Ancient Egyptian temple, the Krasnoyarsk Cultural/Historical Center and the triumphal arch at the Spit (2003), the regional administration building flanked with two towers known as the «Donkey Ears».
There are a number of two-story wooden houses in the city built mostly in the middle of the 20th century as temporary habitations. Many urbanized villages located inside the city keep the remnants of the traditional Russian village architecture: wooden houses with backyards, many somewhat dilapidated now but still inhabited.
View of Strelka district from Tatyshev island
There are a number of local holidays celebrated annually in Krasnoyarsk. The most significant holiday is the Day of the City celebrated in June, usually with a carnival. Other holidays and cultural events are the Mana Festival (Russian: Манский фестиваль. The celebrations take place on the outside of town, on the bank of river Mana) usually held on the last weekend in June with the traditional bard contest, the International Museum Biennale traditionally held in the Krasnoyarsk Cultural/Historical Center, the avant-garde Museum Night festival dedicated to the International Museum Day (May 18), the Jazz on Yenisey festival, the Stolbist Day held many times a year celebrating the traditions of mountain climbing in the Stolby national reserve, and the Bikers’ Rally.
Krasnoyarsk has a number of local television companies and the highly developed telecommunications, many districts of the city have LAN-based broadband Internet access.
The city is also home to the Krasnoyarsk Children’s Choir, a world-renowned choir that tours in many countries as The Little Eagles of Siberia.
Education and science[edit]
Next to Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk is a prominent scientific and educational center of Siberia, with over 30 higher education facilities, many of which are the branches of the Russian Academy of Science, and about 200 high schools. The most notable higher education institutes are:
- Siberian Federal University (Russian abbreviation is SFU), founded on November 4, 2006. The institution integrated four large higher education institutions (Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Construction, Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, State University of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold)
- Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (Russian abbreviation is KGPU), founded in 1932
- Siberian State Technological University (Russian abbreviation is SibGTU), the oldest in the city, founded in 1930 as the Siberian Institute of Forest
- Siberian State Aerospace University (Russian abbreviation is SibGAU), founded in 1960
- Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Russian abbreviation is KrasGMU), founded in 1942
- Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Russian abbreviation is Krasnoyarsk GAU), founded in 1952
Like Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk has a special city district called Akademgorodok («Academic Town»), where several scientific research institutes are located. Krasnoyarsk’s Institute of Biophysics is known for a 1973–1985 experiment on ecological isolation of human beings (the «Bios Experiment»). Sukachev Institute of Forest, founded in 1944 at Moscow and relocated to Krasnoyarsk in 1959.
There are several museums in Krasnoyarsk. One is the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum, containing historical items and exhibits of the region, including ancient history, native Siberians, and woolly rhinos.
The Krasnoyarsk zoo is also a major attraction for residents and tourists.
An underground system (three lines) has been in planning and construction phases in Krasnoyarsk for decades. Subway construction was terminated in 2008.
Public Transportation[edit]
The transit system is dominated by buses, but there also are several trolleybus and tram routes.
Krasnoyarsk lies on the Yenisei River and historically has been an important junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Krasnoyarsk-Passazhirsky (Russian: Красноярск-Пассажирский, lit. Krasnoyarsk-Passenger) is the main railway station of Krasnoyarsk. Long-range trains of the Trans-Siberian Railway stop at this station. There are some stations served by Elektrichka and there is Krasnoyarsk-East goods station 26.3 km east of Krasnoyarsk-Passazhirsky.
Krasnoyarsk was served by two airports: Yemelyanovo Airport is the main airport and handles both medium and long-haul domestic as well as international flights, and is 27 km (17 mi) northwest of the city.[40] The secondary Cheremshanka Airport handled short-haul flights. Cheremshanka has lost its eminent role as the main base airport for an extensive network of local air services (MVL) in Krasnoyarsk Krai formerly served by the local Aeroflot Krasnoyarsk Directorate. In December 2011 a fire broke out at the Cheremshanka airport which destroyed the terminal building and the air traffic control tower.[41]
The most popular place of attraction for tourists visiting Krasnoyarsk is the huge national nature reserve Stolby («pillars»), which covers an area of 470 km2 (180 sq mi) with numerous giant granite rocks formations up to 100 meters high, many of very extraordinary shapes. Stolby is also a major rock climbing location. Many local climbers intentionally do not use any belaying equipment and call their extreme sport stolbizm, known elsewhere as solo climbing.
Other popular showplaces include the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam, the Karaulnaya Gora hill with the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel, museums, theaters, etc.
Krasnoyarsk is a center of Siberian sports. Areas, where Krasnoyarsk excels compared to other Russian cities, include rugby union, bandy, and freestyle wrestling.
Yenisey was the Soviet bandy champions every year in the 1980s as well as in 1991. The first Russian title came in 2001. In 2014 they became champions of the Bandy Super League and had the highest average attendance, 5 747.[42] In 2015 the league title was won again as well as in 2016.[43][44] At the 2019 Winter Universiade, bandy will feature as a demonstration sport for the first time and tournaments for both men and women will be held.[45] An indoor stadium will be built for the occasion.[46][47] It is planned to be ready for use by the end of 2018.[48] The complexity of the construction is considered unique.[49]
Crystal Arena, Krasnoyarsk
Platinum Arena Krasnoyarsk
The city is considered a stronghold of rugby union in Russia, to the extent that the Rugby Union of Russia was headquartered locally for many years. Two Krasnoyarsk clubs, Krasny Yar and Enisey-STM, participate in the national Professional Rugby League, and European Rugby Challenge Cup, the second-tier pan-European club competition. Matches take precedence in the local media, and the city derby match can attract crowds of about 3000–5000. Many players of the Russian national rugby team hail from the area. Some of Russia’s international rugby matches are played at the Central Stadium.
Club | Sport | Founded | Current League | League Rank |
Stadium |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Football | 1937 | Russian Premier League | 2nd | Central Stadium |
Sokol Krasnoyarsk | Ice Hockey | 1977 | Higher Hockey League | 2nd | Arena Sever |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Bandy | 1934 | Bandy Super League | 1st | Yenisey Stadium |
BC Enisey | Basketball | 1993 | VTB United League | 1st | Arena Sever |
Krasny Yar | Rugby Union | 1969 | Professional Rugby League | 1st | Krasny Yar Stadium |
Enisey-STM | Rugby Union | 1975 | Professional Rugby League | 1st | Avangard Stadium |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Volleyball | 1992 | Women’s Volleyball Super League | 1st | Dvorkin Sports House |
Yenisey Krasnoyarsk | Volleyball | 1993 | Volleyball Supreme League A | 2nd | Dvorkin Sports House |
Former Carolina Hurricanes left winger Alexander Semin is from Krasnoyarsk.
Host of the international wrestling tournament named after Ivan Yarygin.
Sport events[edit]
The 2019 Winter Universiade was hosted by Krasnoyarsk in 2019.
Notable people[edit]
- Viktor Astafyev, writer
- Vyacheslav Butusov, singer and songwriter
- Caziel, artist
- Walter Ciszek, Polish-American Jesuit priest held captive here on suspicion of espionage for the Vatican
- Valentin Danilov, Russian scientist
- Elena Abramovna Davidovich, numismatist and archaeologist
- Helene Fischer, German singer and actress
- Iya Gavrilova, ice hockey player
- Dmitri Hvorostovsky, operatic baritone
- Evgeny Isakov, ice hockey player
- Elena Khrustaleva, biathlete
- Sergey Ivanovich Lomanov, bandy manager and former player
- Sergey Sergeyevich Lomanov, bandy player
- Andreï Makine, novelist
- Yevgeni Popov, writer
- Sofia Samodurova, figure skater
- Alexander Semin, ice hockey player
- Andrei Shepelenko, professional ice hockey player
- Pyotr Slovtsov, opera singer
- Vasily Surikov, historic painter
- Viktoria Tereshkina, prima ballerina
- Evgeny Ustyugov, biathlete
- Viktor Tretiakov, violinist
- Andrey Vorobyov, governor of Moscow Oblast
Twin towns – sister cities[edit]
Krasnoyarsk is twinned with:[50]
Heihe, China (1999)
Istaravshan, Tajikistan (2000)
Sault Ste. Marie, Canada (2002)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2003)
Samarkand, Uzbekistan (2003)
Oneonta, United States (2004)
Cremona, Italy (2006)
Žilina, Slovakia (2013)
Changchun, China (2014)
Manzhouli, China (2017)
Cooperation agreements[edit]
Krasnoyarsk has cooperation agreements with:
Kokshetau, Kazakhstan (2022)[51]
See also[edit]
Siberia portal
- ^ a b c d Law #10-4765
- ^ a b c d Charter of Krasnoyarsk
- ^ (in Russian)Основание Красноярска
- ^ TVK Sergey Yeryomin appointed head of Krasnoyarsk Archived October 26, 2017, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ a b Poexaly.ru. Krasnoyarsk Tourist Portal. Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- ^ a b Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
- ^ a b Law #10-4763
- ^ a b c Law #13-3148
- ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
- ^ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post). Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search) (in Russian)
- ^ «Телефонные коды Красноярский край». Ruspostindex.ru. Archived from the original on October 4, 2018. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Calend.ru. Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- ^ Roach, Peter (2011). Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15253-2.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.). HarperCollins. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on March 22, 2020.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk». Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ Anton Chekhov, «The Crooked Mirror» and Other Stories, Zebra Book, 1995. See page 200 for English translation of his journey through Siberia.
- ^ «Атлас достопримечательностей». Krskstate.ru. Archived from the original on February 3, 2013. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Окрестности Красноярска. Карта. ФГУП Госцентр «Природа», 2003 г.
- ^ Бутанаев В. Я. «Топонимический словарь Хакасско-Минусинского края». Абакан, 1995.
- ^ a b Народная энциклопедия «Мой город». Красноярск (Красноярский край)
- ^ Elsa Björkman-Goldschmidt, Elsa Brändström (1969), pp. 174–187.
- ^ Pike, John. «Yeniseysk (Krasnoyarsk)». Globalsecurity.org. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Latynina, Yulia, «Today, Let’s Go Inside the Other Russia», Moscow Times, 21 February 2001
- ^ Герб города Красноярска (Krasnoyarsk City website) (in Russian)
- ^ Администрация г. Красноярска (in Russian)
- ^ Решение Красноярского городского Совета депутатов от 26 мая 2010 года No. В-169 (Decision of the Krasnoyarsk City Council of Deputies 26 May 2010) (in Russian)
- ^ «Pogoda.ru.net (Weather and Climate – The Climate of Krasnoyarsk)» (in Russian). Weather and Climate. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
- ^ «Krasnojarsk (Krasnoyarsk) Climate Normals 1961–1990». National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved October 29, 2021.
- ^ «За 2008 год население Красноярска увеличилось на 1,2% / Новости /». Newslab.ru. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Народная энциклопедия «Мой город». Красноярск (Красноярский край) (in Russian). Mojgorod.ru. Retrieved March 26, 2013.
- ^ Предварительная оценка численности постоянного населения на 1 января 2017 года и в среднем за 2016 год по городским округам и муниципальным районам Красноярского края
- ^ «Информационно-аналитическая система «СТАТИСТИКА»«. Archived from the original on April 9, 2017. Retrieved June 12, 2017.
- ^ «Decision: 27 COM 8C.47 — The First Railway Bridge over the Yenisei River (Russian Federation)». World Heritage Centre. UNESCO. 2003. Retrieved September 10, 2021.
- ^ International Council on Monuments and Sites (June 16, 2003). «Evaluations of Cultural Properties — World Heritage Committee 27th Ordinary Session» (PDF). UNESCO. p. 13.
- ^ Muzhschinsky, Andrey (May 21, 2018). «Мосты Красноярска. История покорения Енисея». Gor Novosti (in Russian).
… the dismantling of the Tsar’s bridge began in 2002. On August 7, 2007, the dismantled object was handed over for scrap
- ^ «В Красноярске уникальный старинный Царский мост пошёл на металлолом». Tayga.info (in Russian). April 7, 2007.
- ^ Yemelyanovo International Airport – About/General Information
- ^ The Aviation Herald – Tower and terminal of Krasnojarsk Cheremshanka Airport burned down
- ^ «ABC of the golden season». redyarsk.ru. April 10, 2014. Retrieved March 14, 2022 – via Google Translate.
- ^ «FHMR congratulates the Krasnoyarsk «Yenisei»«. rusbandy.ru. March 26, 2016 – via Google Translate.
- ^ https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_Y0lhvnE7pU/hqdefault.jpg[bare URL image file]
- ^ Sports Archived December 14, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ «К Универсиаде в Красноярске появится крытый стадион для хоккея с мячом / Новости спорта Красноярска и Красноярского края / Newslab.Ru». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Google Translate». Archived from the original on October 31, 2020. Retrieved December 15, 2016.
- ^ «Есть вторая арка! — Архив новостей — Федерация хоккея с мячом России». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Делегация FIB и ФХМР посетила арену в Красноярске — Архив новостей — Федерация хоккея с мячом России». Retrieved March 14, 2022.
- ^ «Контакты с иностранными городами и организациями». admkrsk.ru (in Russian). Krasnoyarsk. Retrieved January 19, 2021.
- ^ «Krasnoyarsk signed a memorandum of cooperation with the city of Kokshetau of the Republic of Kazakhstan». Krasnoyarsk — City Administration. August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 27, 2022.
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №10-4765 от 10 июня 2010 г. «О перечне административно-территориальных единиц и территориальных единиц Красноярского края», в ред. Закона №7-3007 от 16 декабря 2014 г. «Об изменении административно-территориального устройства Большеулуйского района и о внесении изменений в Закон края «О перечне административно-территориальных единиц и территориальных единиц Красноярского края»». Вступил в силу 1 июля 2010 г. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №33(404), 5 июля 2010 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #10-4765 of June 10, 2010 On the Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units and the Territorial Units of Krasnoyarsk Krai, as amended by the Law #7-3007 of December 16, 2014 On Changing the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Bolsheuluysky District and on Amending the Krai Law «On the Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units and the Territorial Units of Krasnoyarsk Krai». Effective as of July 1, 2010.).
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №10-4763 от 10 июня 2010 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Красноярского края», в ред. Закона №8-3263 от 19 марта 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон края «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Красноярского края»». Вступил в силу на следующий день после официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №31(402), 28 июня 2010 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #10-4763 of June 10, 2010 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Krasnoyarsk Krai, as amended by the Law #8-3263 of March 19, 2015 On Amending the Krai Law «On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Krasnoyarsk Krai». Effective as of the day following the official publication.).
- Законодательное собрание Красноярского края. Закон №13-3148 от 25 февраля 2005 г. «О наделении муниципального образования город Красноярск статусом городского округа». Вступил в силу через десять дней после официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Ведомости высших органов государственной власти Красноярского края», №13, 4 апреля 2005 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Law #13-3148 of February 25, 2005 On Granting Urban Okrug Status to the Municipal Formation of the City of Krasnoyarsk. Effective as of the day ten days after the official publication.).
- Красноярский городской Совет. Решение №В-62 от 24 декабря 1997 г. «Устав города Красноярска», в ред. Решения №6-90 от 16 декабря 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Устав города Красноярска». Вступил в силу в соответствии со статьёй 86. Опубликован: «Городские новости», №4, 16 января 2008 г. (Krasnoyarsk City Council. Decision #V-62 of December 24, 1997 Charter of the City of Krasnoyarsk, as amended by the Decision #6-90 of December 16, 2014 On Amending the Charter of the City of Krasnoyarsk. Effective as of the date determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 86.).
External links[edit]
- Official website of Krasnoyarsk
(in Russian and English)
- Interactive online map of Krasnoyarsk (in Russian)
- The Siberian Federal University homepage (in English, Russian, German, Spanish, and Chinese)
- «Krasnoyarsk» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). 1911.