Как зовут главного героя сказки по щучьему велению

At the Pike’s Behest!
Емеля дурак Курдюмов 1913 - 02.jpg

Emelian rides on the horseless sled. Illustration by Valery Kurdyumov, 1913.

Folk tale
Name At the Pike’s Behest!
Also known as Emelian, the Fool
Emelya the Simpleton
Aarne–Thompson grouping ATU 675 (The Lazy Boy)
Region Russia
Published in Narodnye russkie skazki by Alexander Afanasyev
Related Peruonto
The Dolphin
Foolish Hans (de)
Peter the Fool (fr)

Emelya the Simpleton (Russian: Емеля-дурак) or At the Pike’s Behest (Russian: По щучьему веленью) is a Russian fairy tale collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki.


Emelya lived in a village on the shore of the Volga River with his two brothers and their wives. Although he was good-looking, he was also foolish, lazy, and despised work. He spent his days sitting on the clay stove in the kitchen. His brothers ran a trading business left to them by their dead father. The brothers left Emelya one day, to sell their wares along the river, leaving Emelya with the wives, promising to return with a kaftan, red boots, and a red hat for their brother.

During the days and weeks the brothers were gone, the wives tried unsuccessfully to get Emelya to do work, until one day, they left Emelya with a choice: get water from the frozen river, or no dinner and no kaftan, red boots and red hat. At that threat, Emelya hurried on his way, and on reaching the river, he grumbled about his problems while hacking away at the thick ice. As he scooped water into the buckets, he noticed he had caught a fish: a large pike. Emelya was going to take it home for supper, but the pike pleaded with him, promising that if Emelya were to let him go, that Emelya would never need to work again, which was a tempting offer for lazy Emelya. All he would need to say, was “By the Pike’s command, and at my desire-(command)“ and his will would be done. Emelya agreed, and to his surprise, the commands worked.

Emelya was not careful to conceal his new talent for work, and soon the tsar heard about it, and ordered this ‘magician’ to appear before him at his palace by the Caspian Sea. Emelya, being foolish and lazy, ordered his stove to take him to the tsar, using the Pike’s command. He arrived instantly at the palace before the tsar, still lying on his stove, where he looked down on the tsar and was not acting the way a subject should towards his superior. The tsar would have ordered his head cut off, had he not wanted the secret to the boy’s power. However, he could not extract the secret from Emelya, so he tried to use his daughter to get the secret. After three days of teaching each other games, the princess had learned only that Emelya was handsome, fun, and charming. She wanted to marry him. The tsar was at first angry, then decided that Emelya would perhaps give up his secret to his wife, if he became married. So he arranged for a wedding.

At first, Emelya was horrified at the idea, believing a wife to be more trouble than it was worth. He agreed, though, and the wedding feast was held soon after, at which Emelya finally got down from his stove. During the feast, Emelya had terrible table manners, which convinced the tsar to finally rid himself of the obnoxious boy. A sleeping potion was added to Emelya’s wine, he was thrown in a barrel and tossed into the sea, and his bride banished to an island in the sea opposite the palace. While floating in the waves, Emelya encountered his friend the pike, who allowed Emilyan to wish for anything his heart desired, since he had not abused his power. Emelya wished for wisdom, and when the pike pushed him to the island, Emelya fell in love with his wife. He had the hut on the island transformed into a beautiful palace, with a crystal bridge connecting to the mainland, so that his wife could visit her father, the tsar. With his new-found wisdom, he made amends with everyone, and thereafter lived happily and ruled well.


The tale was translated into English as Emelyan, the Fool,[1][2][3] Emilian the Fool,[4] Emelya and the Pike[5] and At the Behest of the Pike.[6]

The tale was also translated as By the Will of the Pike, by Irina Zheleznova.[7]

The tale can also be known as At the Wish of the Fish.[8]

English versions[edit]

The story was retold and translated into English by Lee Wyndham in «Russian Tales of Fabulous Beasts and Marvels», illustrated by Charles Mikolaycak. Other Russian tales told by Lee Wyndham include Ivashko and the Witch, Kuzenko Sudden-Wealthy, The Magic Acorn, and The Firebird.

The tale was also published as a standalone book titled The Fool and the Fish, with illustrations by artist Gennady Spirin.

The tale was retold as Ivan the Fool and the Magic Pike by James Riordan.[9]


The tale first appeared in a German language compilation of fairy tales, published by Anton Dietrich in 1831, in Leipzig. Its name was Märchen von Emeljan, dem Narren.[10] Jacob Grimm, of his famed collection, noted its great resemblance with Peruonto.[11] The similarity was also noted by mythologist Thomas Keightley, in the 19th century, in his book Tales and Popular Fictions.[12]

19th century Portuguese folklorist Consiglieri Pedroso claimed that the tale is a popular one, specially «in the East of Europe». Its name in Russian compilations are Emilian the Fool or By the Pike’s Will.[13]

Jack Haney stated that the tale is «common throughout the Eastern Slavic world».[14]

Portuguese author José Teixeira Rêgo suggested that the story of Emiliano Parvo («The Foolish Emelian») was «a deformed [narrative] of the flood myth». He also considered the text of Emelian the Fool as a more complete version of the story, which would allow him to formulate his hypothesis. For instance, he compared the episode of Emelyan meeting the pike in the ocean and its help to Matsya, pisciform avatara of Vishnu, being released by king Manu and, in turn, alerting the human about the upcoming great deluge and helping him reach terra firma.[15] He also compared the crystal bridge the pike produces with his magic to a rainbow the gods send the survivors of the flood.[16]


Folklorist Alexander Afanasyev compiled two variants of the tale about the magic pike wherein the protagonist is the foolish character.[17][18][19]

He also collected another version about the magic pike, but the protagonist is simply a humble man, instead of a stupid and lazy boy.[20][21][22]

Cultural legacy[edit]

The tale was adapted into the 1938 film Wish upon a Pike and four Soviet animated films (1938, 1957, 1970, 1984).

See also[edit]

  • The Fisherman and His Wife (German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm)
  • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish (Alexander Pushkin’s fairy tale in verse)


  1. ^ Steele, Robert. The Russian garland: being Russian folk tales. London: A.M. Philpot. [1916?] pp. 166-182.
  2. ^ Tibbitts, Charles John. Folk-Lore and Legends: Russian and Polish. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1891. pp. 58-75.
  3. ^ Dietrich, Anton, and Jacob Grimm. Russian Popular Tales: Tr. From the German Version of Anton Dietrich. London: Chapman and Hall, 1857. pp. 152-.168 [1]
  4. ^ Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. Russian Folk-tales. New York: R. Worthington, 1878. pp. 269-272.
  5. ^ The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales From Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection. Illustrated by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers. 1985. Tale nr. 17.
  6. ^ Afanasyev, Alexander. Russian Folk-Tales. Edited and Translated by Leonard A. Magnus. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. 1915. pp. 274-280.
  7. ^ Vasilisa the Beautiful: Russian Fairytales. Edited by Irina Zheleznova. Moscow: Raduga Publishers. 1984. pp. 124-134.
  8. ^ Anglickienė, Laima. Slavic Folklore: DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Cultural Studies and Ethnology. 2013. p. 128. ISBN 978-9955-21-352-9
  9. ^ Riordan, James. Russian Folk-Tales. Oxford University Press. 2000. pp. 18-26. ISBN 0 19 274536 0.
  10. ^ Dietrich, Anton. Russische Volksmärchen in den Urschriften gesammelt und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Leipzig: Weidmann’sche Buchhandlung. 1831. pp. 171-186. [2]
  11. ^ Dietrich, Anton, and Jacob Grimm. Russian Popular Tales: Tr. From the German Version of Anton Dietrich’. London: Chapman and Hall, 1857. p. viii. [3]
  12. ^ Keightley, Thomas. Tales And Popular Fictions: Their Resemblance, And Transmission From Country to Country. London: Whittaker. 1834. pp. 303-336. [4]
  13. ^ Pedroso, Consiglieri. Portuguese Folk-Tales. London: Published for the Folk-Lore Society. 1882. pp. vii.
  14. ^ Haney, Jack V. The Complete Russian Folktale: v. 4: Russian Wondertales 2 — Tales of Magic and the Supernatural. New York: Routledge. 2019 [2001]. p. 437. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315700076
  15. ^ Leeming, David Adams. A Dictionary of Asian Mythology. Oxford University Press. 2001. p. 57. ISBN 0-19-512052-3.
  16. ^ Rego, José Teixeira. «Os animais agradecidos nos contos populares e o dilúvio». In: Revista de Estudos Históricos, v. 1 (1924), pp. 8-23.
  17. ^ Tales nr. 165-166: «Емеля-дурак». In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev, Volume I, Volume 1. Edited by Jack V. Haney. University Press of Mississippi. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-093-3
  18. ^ «Emelia the Fool.» In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev: Volume I, edited by Haney Jack V., 429-38. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Accessed November 17, 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctt9qhm7n.110.
  19. ^ Народные русские сказки (Афанасьев)/Емеля-дурак
  20. ^ Tale nr. 167: «По щучьему веленью». In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev, Volume I, Volume 1. Edited by Jack V. Haney. University Press of Mississippi. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-093-3
  21. ^ «At the Pike’s Command.» In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev: Volume I, edited by Haney Jack V., 439-42. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Accessed November 17, 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctt9qhm7n.111.
  22. ^ Народные русские сказки (Афанасьев)/По щучьему веленью


  • Lee Wyndham, Russian Tales of Fabulous Beasts and Marvels, “Foolish Emilyan and the Talking Fish”
  • Thomas P. Whitney (transl.), In a Certain Kingdom: Twelve Russian Fairy Tales
  • Moura Budberg and Amabel Williams-Ellis, Russian Fairy Tales
At the Pike’s Behest!
Емеля дурак Курдюмов 1913 - 02.jpg

Emelian rides on the horseless sled. Illustration by Valery Kurdyumov, 1913.

Folk tale
Name At the Pike’s Behest!
Also known as Emelian, the Fool
Emelya the Simpleton
Aarne–Thompson grouping ATU 675 (The Lazy Boy)
Region Russia
Published in Narodnye russkie skazki by Alexander Afanasyev
Related Peruonto
The Dolphin
Foolish Hans (de)
Peter the Fool (fr)

Emelya the Simpleton (Russian: Емеля-дурак) or At the Pike’s Behest (Russian: По щучьему веленью) is a Russian fairy tale collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki.


Emelya lived in a village on the shore of the Volga River with his two brothers and their wives. Although he was good-looking, he was also foolish, lazy, and despised work. He spent his days sitting on the clay stove in the kitchen. His brothers ran a trading business left to them by their dead father. The brothers left Emelya one day, to sell their wares along the river, leaving Emelya with the wives, promising to return with a kaftan, red boots, and a red hat for their brother.

During the days and weeks the brothers were gone, the wives tried unsuccessfully to get Emelya to do work, until one day, they left Emelya with a choice: get water from the frozen river, or no dinner and no kaftan, red boots and red hat. At that threat, Emelya hurried on his way, and on reaching the river, he grumbled about his problems while hacking away at the thick ice. As he scooped water into the buckets, he noticed he had caught a fish: a large pike. Emelya was going to take it home for supper, but the pike pleaded with him, promising that if Emelya were to let him go, that Emelya would never need to work again, which was a tempting offer for lazy Emelya. All he would need to say, was “By the Pike’s command, and at my desire-(command)“ and his will would be done. Emelya agreed, and to his surprise, the commands worked.

Emelya was not careful to conceal his new talent for work, and soon the tsar heard about it, and ordered this ‘magician’ to appear before him at his palace by the Caspian Sea. Emelya, being foolish and lazy, ordered his stove to take him to the tsar, using the Pike’s command. He arrived instantly at the palace before the tsar, still lying on his stove, where he looked down on the tsar and was not acting the way a subject should towards his superior. The tsar would have ordered his head cut off, had he not wanted the secret to the boy’s power. However, he could not extract the secret from Emelya, so he tried to use his daughter to get the secret. After three days of teaching each other games, the princess had learned only that Emelya was handsome, fun, and charming. She wanted to marry him. The tsar was at first angry, then decided that Emelya would perhaps give up his secret to his wife, if he became married. So he arranged for a wedding.

At first, Emelya was horrified at the idea, believing a wife to be more trouble than it was worth. He agreed, though, and the wedding feast was held soon after, at which Emelya finally got down from his stove. During the feast, Emelya had terrible table manners, which convinced the tsar to finally rid himself of the obnoxious boy. A sleeping potion was added to Emelya’s wine, he was thrown in a barrel and tossed into the sea, and his bride banished to an island in the sea opposite the palace. While floating in the waves, Emelya encountered his friend the pike, who allowed Emilyan to wish for anything his heart desired, since he had not abused his power. Emelya wished for wisdom, and when the pike pushed him to the island, Emelya fell in love with his wife. He had the hut on the island transformed into a beautiful palace, with a crystal bridge connecting to the mainland, so that his wife could visit her father, the tsar. With his new-found wisdom, he made amends with everyone, and thereafter lived happily and ruled well.


The tale was translated into English as Emelyan, the Fool,[1][2][3] Emilian the Fool,[4] Emelya and the Pike[5] and At the Behest of the Pike.[6]

The tale was also translated as By the Will of the Pike, by Irina Zheleznova.[7]

The tale can also be known as At the Wish of the Fish.[8]

English versions[edit]

The story was retold and translated into English by Lee Wyndham in «Russian Tales of Fabulous Beasts and Marvels», illustrated by Charles Mikolaycak. Other Russian tales told by Lee Wyndham include Ivashko and the Witch, Kuzenko Sudden-Wealthy, The Magic Acorn, and The Firebird.

The tale was also published as a standalone book titled The Fool and the Fish, with illustrations by artist Gennady Spirin.

The tale was retold as Ivan the Fool and the Magic Pike by James Riordan.[9]


The tale first appeared in a German language compilation of fairy tales, published by Anton Dietrich in 1831, in Leipzig. Its name was Märchen von Emeljan, dem Narren.[10] Jacob Grimm, of his famed collection, noted its great resemblance with Peruonto.[11] The similarity was also noted by mythologist Thomas Keightley, in the 19th century, in his book Tales and Popular Fictions.[12]

19th century Portuguese folklorist Consiglieri Pedroso claimed that the tale is a popular one, specially «in the East of Europe». Its name in Russian compilations are Emilian the Fool or By the Pike’s Will.[13]

Jack Haney stated that the tale is «common throughout the Eastern Slavic world».[14]

Portuguese author José Teixeira Rêgo suggested that the story of Emiliano Parvo («The Foolish Emelian») was «a deformed [narrative] of the flood myth». He also considered the text of Emelian the Fool as a more complete version of the story, which would allow him to formulate his hypothesis. For instance, he compared the episode of Emelyan meeting the pike in the ocean and its help to Matsya, pisciform avatara of Vishnu, being released by king Manu and, in turn, alerting the human about the upcoming great deluge and helping him reach terra firma.[15] He also compared the crystal bridge the pike produces with his magic to a rainbow the gods send the survivors of the flood.[16]


Folklorist Alexander Afanasyev compiled two variants of the tale about the magic pike wherein the protagonist is the foolish character.[17][18][19]

He also collected another version about the magic pike, but the protagonist is simply a humble man, instead of a stupid and lazy boy.[20][21][22]

Cultural legacy[edit]

The tale was adapted into the 1938 film Wish upon a Pike and four Soviet animated films (1938, 1957, 1970, 1984).

See also[edit]

  • The Fisherman and His Wife (German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm)
  • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish (Alexander Pushkin’s fairy tale in verse)


  1. ^ Steele, Robert. The Russian garland: being Russian folk tales. London: A.M. Philpot. [1916?] pp. 166-182.
  2. ^ Tibbitts, Charles John. Folk-Lore and Legends: Russian and Polish. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1891. pp. 58-75.
  3. ^ Dietrich, Anton, and Jacob Grimm. Russian Popular Tales: Tr. From the German Version of Anton Dietrich. London: Chapman and Hall, 1857. pp. 152-.168 [1]
  4. ^ Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. Russian Folk-tales. New York: R. Worthington, 1878. pp. 269-272.
  5. ^ The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales From Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection. Illustrated by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers. 1985. Tale nr. 17.
  6. ^ Afanasyev, Alexander. Russian Folk-Tales. Edited and Translated by Leonard A. Magnus. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. 1915. pp. 274-280.
  7. ^ Vasilisa the Beautiful: Russian Fairytales. Edited by Irina Zheleznova. Moscow: Raduga Publishers. 1984. pp. 124-134.
  8. ^ Anglickienė, Laima. Slavic Folklore: DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Cultural Studies and Ethnology. 2013. p. 128. ISBN 978-9955-21-352-9
  9. ^ Riordan, James. Russian Folk-Tales. Oxford University Press. 2000. pp. 18-26. ISBN 0 19 274536 0.
  10. ^ Dietrich, Anton. Russische Volksmärchen in den Urschriften gesammelt und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Leipzig: Weidmann’sche Buchhandlung. 1831. pp. 171-186. [2]
  11. ^ Dietrich, Anton, and Jacob Grimm. Russian Popular Tales: Tr. From the German Version of Anton Dietrich’. London: Chapman and Hall, 1857. p. viii. [3]
  12. ^ Keightley, Thomas. Tales And Popular Fictions: Their Resemblance, And Transmission From Country to Country. London: Whittaker. 1834. pp. 303-336. [4]
  13. ^ Pedroso, Consiglieri. Portuguese Folk-Tales. London: Published for the Folk-Lore Society. 1882. pp. vii.
  14. ^ Haney, Jack V. The Complete Russian Folktale: v. 4: Russian Wondertales 2 — Tales of Magic and the Supernatural. New York: Routledge. 2019 [2001]. p. 437. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315700076
  15. ^ Leeming, David Adams. A Dictionary of Asian Mythology. Oxford University Press. 2001. p. 57. ISBN 0-19-512052-3.
  16. ^ Rego, José Teixeira. «Os animais agradecidos nos contos populares e o dilúvio». In: Revista de Estudos Históricos, v. 1 (1924), pp. 8-23.
  17. ^ Tales nr. 165-166: «Емеля-дурак». In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev, Volume I, Volume 1. Edited by Jack V. Haney. University Press of Mississippi. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-093-3
  18. ^ «Emelia the Fool.» In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev: Volume I, edited by Haney Jack V., 429-38. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Accessed November 17, 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctt9qhm7n.110.
  19. ^ Народные русские сказки (Афанасьев)/Емеля-дурак
  20. ^ Tale nr. 167: «По щучьему веленью». In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev, Volume I, Volume 1. Edited by Jack V. Haney. University Press of Mississippi. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62846-093-3
  21. ^ «At the Pike’s Command.» In: The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev: Volume I, edited by Haney Jack V., 439-42. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Accessed November 17, 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctt9qhm7n.111.
  22. ^ Народные русские сказки (Афанасьев)/По щучьему веленью


  • Lee Wyndham, Russian Tales of Fabulous Beasts and Marvels, “Foolish Emilyan and the Talking Fish”
  • Thomas P. Whitney (transl.), In a Certain Kingdom: Twelve Russian Fairy Tales
  • Moura Budberg and Amabel Williams-Ellis, Russian Fairy Tales

Читательский дневник по русской народной сказке «По щучьему велению»

Автор: народ.

Название: «По щучьему велению, по моему хотению».

Число страниц: 5.

Жанр произведения: волшебная сказка.

Главные герои: Емеля, Царь, Царевна.

Второстепенные герои: щука, невестки, офицер, вельможа.

Характеристика главных героев:

Емеля — простой парень.

Ленивый, но добрый.

Пощадил щуку и выпустил её в реку.

Хитрый и ловкий.

Проучил царя.

Царь — требовательный и капризный.

Хотел сжить со свету родную дочь и Емелю.

Вовремя признал свою неправоту.

Марья-царевна — красивая и верная девушка.

Вместе с Емелей осталась жить и строить новое царство.

Характеристика второстепенных героев:

Щука — добрая и благодарная.

Невестки — посылали парня работать.

Офицер, вельможа — приглашали Емелю к царю.

Краткое содержание сказки «По щучьему велению»

Послали невестки Емелю за водой, а тот щуку в проруби поймал.

Щука пообещала парню исполнять его желания, и дурачок отпустил её.

Теперь вёдра сами шли за водой, а дрова рубились.

Однажды поехали сани в лес и подвали много народу.

Послал царь офицера привести дурачка.

Но офицера дубинка побила.

Послал царь вельможу и тот гостинцами сманил дурачка.

Пожелал Емеля, чтобы царевна в него влюбилась.

Осерчал царь, велел молодых в бочку бросить.

Но дурачок пожелал на берег, а потом дворец, да и сам красавцем стал.

Начал Емеля царю войной грозить, тот испугался и дал согласие на брак.

План сказки:

  1. Щука в проруби.
  2. Вёдра идут сами.
  3. Дрова рубятся.
  4. В лес на санях.
  5. Недовольство царя.
  6. Офицер и вельможа.
  7. Влюблённая Марья.
  8. В бочке.
  9. Дворец.
  10. Красавец.
  11. Свадьба.

Детский рисунок-иллюстрация

Детский рисунок - иллюстрация по русской народной сказке «По щучьему велению»

Основная мысль сказки «По щучьему велению»

Главная мысль сказки заключается в том, что человек — сам кузнец своего счастья.

Основная идея сказки в том, что нужно уметь оказаться в правильном месте и использовать свой шанс.

Чему учит сказка

Сказка учит быть внимательным и добрым.

Учит слушаться старших и не лениться выполнять их просьбы.

Учит верить в чудеса и в мечты, но и самому делать что-то для их осуществления.

Краткий отзыв о сказке «По щучьему велению» для читательского дневника

Прочитав эту сказку, я подумала о том, что дуракам часто везёт совершенно незаслуженно.

Герой сказки получил всё, не сделав для этого почти ничего. Он просто отпустил рыбу.

Это интересная и смешная сказка.

В ней говорится о том, что надо уметь воспользоваться случаем.

Мне понравился Емеля, который хоть и был дурак, но свою выгоду видел сразу.

Я всем советую прочитать эту сказку и не ждать удачи, а самим что-то делать.

Пословицы к сказке

  • У лодыря, что ни день, то лень.
  • Хитростью поймаешь даже льва, силой не поймаешь и сверчка.
  • Не ленись, а трудись.
  • Одна удача идёт, другую ведёт.
  • Всё глупому удастся.

Словарь неизвестных слов

  • Прорубь — отверстие во льду.
  • Вельможа — знатный офицер.
  • Дивится — удивляется.
  • Давеча — недавно.
  • Кафтан — мужская длинная накидка.

Отрывок из произведения, поразивший меня больше всего:

Царь ест, пьёт и не надивится:

— Кто же ты такой, добрый молодец?

— А помнишь дурачка Емелю — как приезжал к тебе на печи, а ты велел его со своей дочерью в бочку засмолить, в море бросить?

Я — тот самый Емеля.

Захочу — всё твоё царство пожгу и разорю.

Ещё читательские дневники по русским народным сказкам:

  • «Баба-яга»
  • «Белая уточка»
  • «Василиса Прекрасная»
  • «Волк и семеро козлят»
  • «Волшебная водица»
  • «Волшебная дудочка»
  • «Волшебное кольцо»
  • «Гуси-лебеди»
  • «Два мороза»
  • «Зимовье»
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Емеля (персонаж)

Емеля — персонаж русской народной сказки «По щучьему веленью». К серьезным делам семьи Емелю не допускают. Он чрезвычайно ленив: невесткам приходится подолгу упрашивать его выполнить любую, даже несложную работу. Единственное, что может сподвигнуть его на действие — это обещание гостинцев, на которые он падок. В этом заключается скрытая, на первый взгляд незаметная ирония, имя Емельян по одной из версий в переводе с латыни означает «трудолюбивый». Однако этот, казалось бы, непривлекательный персонаж обладает качествами, которые делают его настоящим героем: он ловок и удачлив, сумел голыми руками поймать волшебную щуку в проруби и получить от неё магическую силу (в терминологии В. Я. Проппа щука становится «волшебным помощником» деревенского дурачка).

Сначала Емеля использует приобретенный дар в бытовых целях — заставляет вёдра идти за водой, топор — рубить дрова, дубинку — колотить недругов. Кроме того, он передвигается на самодвижущихся санях без лошади, а впоследствии управляет печкой (так как не хочет оставить любимую лежанку). Езда на печи — один из ярких эпизодов сказки. Интересно, что, управляя своими транспортными средствами, Емеля безжалостно давит людей («А зачем они под сани лезли?»). Среди фольклористов существует мнение, что эта деталь указывает на царскую природу Емели, который до поры до времени остается «тёмной лошадкой», а впоследствии обнаруживает свою героическую, незаурядную сущность.

Действительно, именно слухи о барском способе вождения и жалобы пострадавших заставляют царя обратить внимание на ничтожнейшего из своих подданных. Емелю заманивают во дворец при помощи подарков, и царь предъявляет ему претензию, которая, в сущности, ограничивается устным выговором. Емеля же в это время успевает околдовать царскую дочь, так что, когда он отправляется домой, та начинает тосковать и требует вернуть крестьянского сына. Царь соглашается, но, когда Емеля приезжает вторично, замуровывает его вместе с Марьей-царевной в бочке и бросает в море. Однако волшебный дар и тут выручает героя: заклинание «По щучьему веленью, по моему хотенью» выбрасывает бочку на берег, строит дворец и превращает Емелю в красавца (по просьбе девушки). Царь, увидев новый замок на своей земле, гневается и приезжает посмотреть на наглеца. Он не узнает изменившегося Емелю, и только во время трапезы герой открывает свое лицо и припоминает царю злодейский поступок. Царь пугается, признает силу Емели и то, что он достоин стать его зятем. Как и многие русские сказки, история заканчивается свадьбой.


  • Текст русской народной сказки «По щучьему веленью»
  • Текст сказки с иллюстрациями
  • Новиков Н. В. Образы восточнославянской волшебной сказки. Л.: Наука, 1974. С.116-126.
  • Лозовская Н. В. Многоязыковой проект: Варианты сказочного сюжетного типа AT 675 («По щучьему веленью»)
  • Значение имени Емельян

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