Какие принцессы бывают в сказках

После того, как в 1937 году вышел мультфильм про Белоснежку, история Диснеевских принцесс начала свой отсчет. Но более шестидесяти лет никто об этом так сильно не думал, и официального деления на принцесс и не-принцесс не было. Компания просто выпускала свою продукцию, как на большом экране, так и сопутствующую (игрушки и другие товары).

Но в начале двухтысячного года «Диснеем» был нанят Энди Муни. Он должен был повысить продажи товаров. Именно этот человек создал линию так называемых Диснеевских принцесс. Франшиза стала настолько успешной, что компания расширила список красавиц – принцессами Диснея стали практически все женские персонажи мультфильмов. Представляем вам список всех диснеевских принцесс с именами и картинками — из мультфильмов и сериалов Диснея.


  • 1 Белоснежка
  • 2 Золушка
  • 3 Аврора
  • 4 Ариэль
  • 5 Белль
  • 6 Жасмин
  • 7 Покахонтас
  • 8 Мулан
  • 9 Тиана
  • 10 Рапунцель
  • 11 Мерида
  • 12 Неофициальные принцессы
    • 12.1 Алиса
    • 12.2 Динь-Динь
    • 12.3 Эсмеральда
    • 12.4 Жизель
    • 12.5 Кида
    • 12.6 Леди Мариан
    • 12.7 Нала
    • 12.8 Мегара (Мэг)
    • 12.9 Эльза
    • 12.10 Анна
    • 12.11 София Прекрасная
    • 12.12 Моана


Как уже говорилось, картина «Белоснежка и семь гномов» была выпущена в 1937 году. Сюжет основан на сказке братьев Гримм. Белоснежка считается самой молодой из принцесс (по своему возрасту в картине, разумеется). Это красивая девушка с черными, как смоль, волосами и белой, нежной кожей. Она приходится дочерью королю.

Мама героини, к сожалению, умерла, и воспитывала ее мачеха, по традиции, злая, да еще и колдунья. У этой женщины было зеркало, которое говорило, что прекраснее всех на свете только Белоснежка. В итоге девушка была тайно приговорена к смерти, чудом спаслась, а потом встретилась с замечательными гномами.

Белоснежка очень добрая, в ее повседневных делах ей всегда помогают животные из леса.


Первое ее появление произошло в одноименном мультфильме 1950 года. Золушка входит в тройку наиболее великовозрастных принцесс (ей уже 19). Героиня не может похвастаться королевским происхождением. Свой статус она получила благодаря выгодной партии с сыном короля.

Она воспитывалась в семье с мачехой и двумя сводными сестрами. Отца мало волновало воспитание героини (да и поделать он ничего не мог).

К счастью, у белокурой красавицы (даже грязная роба не смогла скрыть ее очарование) крестная была волшебницей. Разумеется, еще героине повезло иметь миниатюрный размер ноги.


Аврору можно увидеть в картине 1959 года «Спящая красавица». Именно под последним именем ее знают многие. Шестнадцатилетняя девушка является полноправной принцессой – дочерью короля и королевы. Стройная блондинка покорила всех любителей сказки Шарля Перро. И это несмотря на то, что она любит поспать!

Пожалуй, она одна из немногих, в чьей истории есть противник с яркой индивидуальностью. Ведьма Малефисента даже заслужила свой диснеевский фильм, где персонажа сыграла Анджелина Джоли. Аврора также появлялась в паре смежных проектов, где ее нельзя не заметить.


Ариэль поразила зрителей своей милотой в 1989 году. Она является морской девой (т.е. русалкой). Героине было суждено стать самой младшей (седьмой по счету) дочкой морского короля. Впрочем, потом она также выходит за принца, так что о статусе принцессы можно не беспокоиться.

Сказочник Андресен в свое время написал грустную историю о Русалочке. Дисней, после проблем с «Бэмби», никак не мог позволить себе зрительского осуждения. Таким образом, история Ариэль закончилась счастливо.

Она появилась в сиквелах, а также в мультсериале. Кстати, это единственная принцесса, которая изначально не является настоящим человеком.


Нельзя говорить о принцессах и не упоминать Францию. Вот и обольстительная мадемуазель Белль к вашим услугам! Это начитанная и простая деревенская девушка, которая верит в счастье.

Она верила долго (ей исполнился 21 год), но, тем не менее, всегда полагалась на то, что подскажет сердце.

Она смогла помочь принцу избавиться от заклятья, так что ей заслуженно достался почетный титул. Что интересно, среди других принцесс больше нет шатенок. Француженки всегда отличались талантом выделиться. Сюжет о Белль очень популярен, и она появляется во многих проектах.


«Арабская нооочь!
О Дивный Востооок!»

Все верно, также можно охарактеризовать принцессу Жасмин. Она приходится дочерью султану Аграбы, волшебного и невероятно красивого королевства, расположенного среди песков и оазисов.

Жасмин одета, как и полагается восточной красавице. Она первая неевропейка среди Диснеевских принцесс, более того остается единственной героиней арабского происхождения. Будучи знатного рода, полюбила предприимчивого босяка Аладдина, что и наблюдали зрители в 1992 году. Затем красотка щеголяла в сиквелах, сериале и играх, где всегда сохраняла ореол таинственности.


Дисней решил обратиться к своим корням и показать, как жили принцессы на американском континенте. В 1995 году выходит картина о похождениях Покахонтас. Черноволосая, атлетическая и гибкая индианка не зря заслужила свое прозвище, которое переводится как «непослушная». Проказницей она и является.

Отец Покахонтас – вождь большого племени, так что она принцесса. Это означает, что ей позволено бегать везде, где хочется. Девушка любит уединяться и чувствовать, как велика природа. Ее лучшими друзьями является енот и колибри. Когда появились первые белые поселенцы, героиня первая узнала об этом.


Мулан находится в списке Диснеевских принцесс, видимо, для количества. По крайней мере, этим руководствовался Муни, намереваясь извлечь максимальную выгоду из продаж. Хотя нельзя говорить о том, что Мулан не достойна такого титула.

История, с которой зрители познакомились в 1998 году, повествует о национальной героине китайского эпоса, которая спасла страну от нашествия гуннов. А потом девушка вышла замуж за достигшего больших высот военачальника. И это при том, что он могла сама занять этот пост! Более того, Мулан могла выйти за принца во второй части своих приключений. Но любовь победила все.


Тиана даже не думала о том, чтобы стать принцессой. Чернокожие официантки, живущие в Новом Орлеане, редко о таком мечтают. Героиня очень тяжело работала, намереваясь продолжить дело отца и открыть свой собственный ресторан. Медленно, но верно она шла к осуществлению своей цели, пока ей под руку не попалась лягушка.

Принца экзотической страны превратили в земноводное в корыстных целях. Он считал, что поцелуй принцессы спасет его. На карнавале Тиана была одета, как особа королевских кровей.

Увы, потом они вместе стали прыгать навстречу своему счастью. Девушка доказала, что она достойна своего титула.


Оригинальная история Рапунцель рассказана братьями Гримм. Дисней сгладил кое-какие углы, и получился детский мультфильм. Детский? Да, но не совсем. Картина 2010 года имеет такой рейтинг, что дети должны смотреть ее только в присутствии родителей. Имеются шутки, которые малюткам нельзя слушать в одиночку.

Рапунцель дочь королей. Но еще в младенчестве ее похитила ведьма, чтобы использовать силу ее волос. Кстати, эти волосы имеют длину более 21 метра. Вслед за Авророй героиня является второй блондинкой среди Диснеевских принцесс. Жениха она себе подобрала на манер Жасмин – вора и пройдоху.


Пришло время отправиться в Шотландию. В 2012 году вышел мультфильм «Храбрая сердцем». Конечно, это локализованное название является оммажем в сторону почти одноименной картины режиссера Мела Гибсона. С тех самых пор Шотландия не может упоминаться без обсуждения оскароносного фильма.

Главной героиней является принцесса Мерида. Она дочка короля, так что все традиции соблюдены. Девушке шестнадцать лет, и она полна энергии. Непослушные рыжие локоны, лук за спиной и верный конь – больше ей ничего не нужно. Она немного напутала с магией, но потом, конечно же, исправилась. Что интересно, у Мериды нет ухажера. Что для Диснеевских принцесс является нонсенсом.

Неофициальные принцессы

Вот и закончился список принцесс Диснея. Это вам так только кажется. На самом деле студия никак не могла остановиться на одиннадцати прекрасных героинях. Так возник список неофициальных принцесс, который состоит из практически всех женских персонажей, ленты которые выходили на экраны.

Даже была выпущена видеоигра, в которой все девушки носили звание Принцесс Сердца.


Мультфильм «Алиса в Стране чудес» вышел в 1951 году. Сюжет зиждется на дилогии Льюиса Кэрролла, с некоторыми изменениями. Девочка Алиса засыпает в саду. Ее будит пробегающий мимо Белый Кролик, который жутко опаздывает. Героиня, устремившись вслед за ним, попадает в Страну чудес.

Также имеется игровая адаптация. Даже вышло две части. Правда, фильмы только используют знакомых персонажей. Сюжет двинулся дальше. А Алиса, можно ли такое вообразить, крутит шашни с Безумным Шляпником. Правда, играет его Джонни Депп. Как бы то ни было, наличие этого персонажа в списке принцесс можно оправдать.


«Питер Пэн» вышел в 1953 году. Пьеса Джеймса Барри имела большой успех, так что историю следовало воплотить на экране. Среди прочих персонажей (Питер Пэн, Капитан Крюк, Крокодил) выделяется Динь-Динь. Она является маленькой и очень милой феей, которая постоянно старается вытащить мальчишку Пэна из проблем.

Правда, со временем, было принято решение о том, что персонаж не очень похож на классическую принцессу. А ведь сначала волшебную красотку позиционировали более активно. Впрочем, это не мешает Динь-Динь быть героиней собственного мультсериала.


Да, Дисней добрался и до Виктора Гюго. Студия в 1996 году сняла мультипликационный фильм «Горбун из Нотр-Дама». Все слышали про Квазимодо, его проклятие и безответную любовь к красавице. В книге все было мрачно. Картина тоже была не сильно веселой, но конец получился диснеевским.

В ленте фигурирует Эсмеральда. Она является цыганкой. Девушка отличается той экзотической красотой, которая обычно получается от смешения кровей. Длинные черные волосы, изумрудные глаза – выглядит Эсмеральда просто бесподобно. Не будучи принцессой, она заслужила свое место в линейке продаж.


Картина «Зачарованная» вышла в 2007 году. Актриса Эми Адамс, тогда еще неизвестная, начала свое восхождение на голливудский Олимп. Дело в том, что фильм представляет собой совмещение игрового кино и традиционной анимации.

Принцесса Жизель живет в своем волшебном королевстве в мире с животными. Но потом ей приходится отправиться в реальный мир.

В королевстве зритель может наблюдать за нарисованной девушкой, а уже в человеческом мире Эми Адамс старается вовсю. Принцесса Жизель не стала героиней классической франшизы из-за того, что «Мышиный дом» не собирается просто так платить актрисе. Это же не рисованные деньги.


Кидагакаш является героиней мультфильма «Атлантида: Затерянный мир». Ее спутник Майло при первой встрече не смог произнести это имя правильно, так что принцесса стала Кидой. Девушка является дочерью короля Антлантиды, затерянной подводной страны. Чуть позже, уже в конце картины, Кида получает титул королевы.

Невключение ее в официальную франшизу вызвано новым титулом и не очень большими денежными сборами. Тем не менее, эта «принцесса» имеет своих фанатов. Которых, кстати, она переживет, ведь атланты живут тысячи лет. Кида всегда готова броситься на защиту своей страны, но она также часто помогает своим друзьям.

Леди Мариан

Незадолго до своей смерти Уолт Дисней утвердил производство картины, которая основывалась на похождениях Робина Гуда. Это хорошая легенда, успех которой был ожидаем. В итоге зрители получили отличный мультфильм и леди Мариан.

Героиня является лисицей, которая живет при дворе короля Ричарда (или принца Джона). В официальную линейку ее саму не включили, но песня в исполнении девы всегда включается в различные выпуски. Несмотря на высокое воспитание, леди Мариан готова с головой броситься навстречу приключениям, ни о чем не задумываясь.


«Король лев» вышел в 1994 году. Что бы там ни говорили, это один из величайших мультфильмов за всю историю кинематографа. «Оскары» и «Золотые глобусы» только подтверждают это. Замечательная анимация, проникновенные голоса актеров озвучки, саундтрек и исполнение песен – все идеально.

Среди всего этого можно и забыть про Налу, чего делать совершенно нельзя. Во-первых, она львица. Во-вторых, фактически, является королевой. Симба, ее супруг, король своего прайда и остальных животных. Нала же отметилась своей песней и участием в продвижении сопутствующей продукции.

Мегара (Мэг)

Ее полное имя Мегара, что звучит не слишком дружелюбно. Естественно, ведь половину мультфильма 1997 года «Геркулес» она помогала Аиду свести своего племянника с этого света в мир мертвых. Вышло неудачно, а Мэг (американцы любят сокращать имена) стала встречаться с сыном Зевса.

Может быть, так ее даже можно причислить к принцессам. Как бы то ни было, мультфильм получился удачным, и Мэг пела в нем песню. Продукция продавалась, вызывая зрительский интерес. Мэг несет в себя что-то трагическое. Все это скрыто под маской таинственности. Неудивительно, что Геркулес решил приударить за красоткой.


Диснеевский мультфильм 2013 года «Холодное сердце» подарил зрителям целых две принцессы, одна из которых потом станет королевой. Собственно, о последней сейчас и речь. Эльза обладает невероятным даром. Лед, снег и весь холод находится под ее непосредственным контролем. Это очень здорово, но, в то же время, и опасно.

Из-за несчастного случая, когда героиня не смогла справиться со своими способностями, она решила уйти жить в горы. Там она осознала свою силу, раскрепостилась и нашла умиротворение. Но затем вернулась к исполнению своих прямых обязанностей.


Анна является сестрой Эльзы из «Холодного сердца». Кстати, уже идут разговоры о том, чтобы включить обеих девушек в официальный список принцесс Диснея. Еще бы, ведь они обе просто изумительно для этого подходят!

Анна не обладает теми способностями, что Эльза. Она просто добрая девушка, которая готова всегда оказать помощь своим друзьям. В основе персонажа находятся главные герои сказки «Снежная королева» — девочка Герда и ее брат Кай. Разумеется, не обходится без характерных диснеевских особенностей.

София Прекрасная

Возможно, София и станет полноправной диснеевской принцессой. Стоит только дать ей время. Ведь девочка еще совсем крошка. Более того, она не родилась при королевском дворе. Героиня была обычной горожанкой, и помогала маме по работе.

В итоге матушка приглянулась королю, и так София приобрела свой статус. Ей было непривычно начинать новую жизнь. Тяжело строились отношения с детьми короля от другого брака. Но героине помогали другие Диснеевские принцессы, так что все закончилось хорошо.


Моана является ребенком океана. Связь с великим и могучим у нее настолько сильна, что с этим связаны все приключения, показанные в мультфильме 2016 года. Героиня представляет собой олицетворение жителей Океании – полинезийцев (в том числе, гавайцев и маори).

Моана – дочь вождя, так что ее статус неоспорим. Правда, у нее нет романтической линии, но это, увы, так современно. Ясно одно – о похождениях этой экзотической симпатяжки мы еще услышим. Дисней никогда не забывает тех, кто приносит ему постоянный доход.

Диснеевские принцессы – это очень успешная франшиза. Что бы там ни говорили скептики, девочки (и мальчики) смотрят мультфильмы и покупают соответствующие товары. Несомненно, список будут пополнять новые персонажи, потому что студия не намерена останавливаться. Алоха!

This is a list of fictional princesses that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced, notable examples of fictional princesses.


This section contains examples of both classic and more modern writing.

Princess Work Notes Author
al-Nadirah Hatra legend Recorded in early Islamic literature
Iris Belzerg Stylish Sword KonoSuba She is a princess of the Kingdom of Belzerg who is proficient with swords. Natsume Akatsuki
Princess Eilonwy The Chronicles of Prydain Princess Eilonwy of Llyr. Lloyd Alexander
Queen Irene Xanth Formerly Princess Irene. Sorceress of Plants; daughter of King Trent and Queen Iris. She is the wife of Dor and the mother of Ivy, Ida, and Dolph. She appears in Centaur Aisle. Piers Anthony
Princess Ivy Sorceress of Enhancement; daughter of Queen Irene and Dor, and the twin sister of Ida. She appears in Dragon on a Pedestal, Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn, and Man from Mundania.
Princess Ida Sorceress of the idea; daughter of Queen Irene and Dor, and the lost twin sister of Ivy. She first appears in The Color of Her Panties.
Princesses Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm Triplet Sorceresses; the daughters of Princess Ivy and Grey.
Tiger Lily Peter and Wendy There is a controversy over the stereotypes of Native Americans with Tiger Lily being an «Indian princess», for she is obviously the daughter of the tribal chief Great Big Little Panther. J. M. Barrie
Betsy Bobbin Oz books According to Ruth Plumly Thompson, Betsy becomes a Princess of Oz. She appears as the «Princess of Stones» and is referred to as the «Lady Betsy Bobbin» in David Sexton’s Tarot of Oz. L. Frank Baum
Dorothy Gale She is created a Princess of Oz by Princess Ozma.
Princesses of Ev The five daughters of the late King Evoldo of the Land of Ev:

  • Princess Evanna
  • Princess Evedna
  • Princess Evella
  • Princess Evirene
  • Princess Evrose
Princess Gayelette She was the princess and sorceress of the Gillikin Country.
Princess Ozma Ozma of Oz, she is called «princess», but really functions as the Queen of Oz.
Peg Amy Trot’s doll, who, in Kabumpo in Oz, is discovered to be the enchanted form of the Princess of Sun-Top Mountain. She marries Prince Pompadore of Pumperdink, with whom she has a daughter, Princess Pajonia of Pumperdink.
Polychrome She is a cloud fairy who is the «sky princess», the youngest daughter of the Rainbow.
Trot She becomes a princess of the Ozure Isles.
Princess Langwidere Ozma of Oz
Angelica Orlando innamorato She reappears in the saga’s continuation, Orlando furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, and in other later works based on the two originals.[1] Matteo Maria Boiardo
Mistaya Magic Kingdom of Landover Daughter of Ben Holiday, the High Lord of Landover, and his queen, Willow. She’s born near the end of the fourth book, The Tangle Box, and is one of the main characters of the fifth, Witches’ Brew. She takes her father’s place as protagonist in the sixth volume, A Princess of Landover. Terry Brooks
Dejah Thoris Barsoom series Princess of the Martian city-state/empire of Helium. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jane Porter Clayton, Countess of Greystoke Tarzan series Simultaneously the Countess of Greystoke and the tribal queen of the Waziri people due to her marriage to Tarzan. Although she is not an official princess, the latter title that she does hold would arguably cause her to qualify.
Meriem, wife of Korak The daughter-in-law of Tarzan, who is both an English peer and an African tribal chief, Meriem is also a princess in her own right.
Mia Thermopolis The Princess Diaries Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia, commonly known as «Mia Thermopolis». Meg Cabot
Elora Danan Chronicles of the Shadow War trilogy A series based on George Lucas’s 1988 high fantasy film Willow. The books take place fifteen years after the events of the film. Chris Claremont and George Lucas
The three princesses The Three Daughters of King O’Hara Irish fairy tale collected by Jeremiah Curtin in Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland. Jeremiah Curtin
Felicia Fortunée, or Felicia and the Pot of Pinks French literary fairy tale written by Madame d’Aulnoy. Included by Andrew Lang by in The Blue Fairy Book. Madame d’Aulnoy
Abricotine Le Prince Lutin She serves as a fairy princess of the Island of Quiet Pleasures.
Princess Belle-Etoile Princess Belle-Etoile French fairy tale inspired by Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Ancilotto, King of Provino.
Princess Rosette Princess Rosette French fairy tale by Madame d’Aulnoy. Included by Andrew Lang in The Red Fairy Book.
Princess Aline The Princess Aline The character of Aline, illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson, is inspired by Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, the last tsarina of the Russian Empire who Davis was infatuated with.[2] Richard Harding Davis
Princess Pea The Tale of Despereaux The princess of Dor, only child of King Philip and the deceased Queen. Kate DiCamillo
The Wentworth princesses Entwined Based on «The Twelve Dancing Princesses».

  • Azaela Kathryn Wentworth, Princess Royale
  • Bramble Wentworth
  • Clover Wentworth
  • Delphinium Wentworth
  • Evening Primrose «Eve» Wentworth
  • Flora Wentworth
  • Goldenrod Wentworth
  • Hollyhock «Holli» Wentworth
  • Ivy Wentworth
  • Jessamine Wentworth
  • Kale Wentworth
  • Lily Wentworth
Heather Dixon
Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meiningen A Scandal in Bohemia A Scandinavian princess. Arthur Conan Doyle
Fallon Princess of Fire[3] A Saxon princess, daughter of King Harold of England. Shannon Drake
Ce’Nedra The Belgariad series Imperial Princess of Tolnedra, Queen of Riva. She first appears in Queen of Sorcery. David Eddings
Cassandra/Evanlyn Ranger’s Apprentice She is the crown princess, and later queen regent, of Araluen who befriends Ranger Will Treaty and knight Horace Altman and is a natural leader. She is then married to Horace, as her prince consort, to have a daughter Madelyn. John Flanagan
Madelyn «Maddie» Altman She is the wild princess of Araluen who has been apprenticed to Will to become the first female Ranger in an attempt by her parents Horace and Cassandra to teach her discipline.
Princess Badroulbadour The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp A Middle Eastern folktale; one of a collection of tales from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). Translated and added by Antoine Galland
Princess Buttercup The Princess Bride Buttercup is a commoner, who is chosen to marry Prince Humperdinck because she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Because the prince can’t marry a commoner, she is given the courtesy title of Princess of Hammersmith, with Hammersmith being the name of a small region in the kingdom of Florin. William Goldman
Queen Cyrilla of Galea Sword of Truth series Cyrilla Amnell. Formerly Princess Cyrilla. Daughter of Queen Bernadine and King Wyborn Amnell of Galea; sister of Prince Harold of Galea. Older half-sister of the Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell. Terry Goodkind
Princess Violet of Tamarang Spoilt daughter of Queen Milena of Tamarang. She later succeeds her mother as Queen of Tamarang.
Allerleirauh Allerleirauh Brothers Grimm
Rapunzel Rapunzel
Snow White Snow White
The twelve princesses The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Cinderella Cinderella Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault
Princess Beatrice The Princess and the Hound Mette Ivie Harrison
Princess Irulan Dune series Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul. Frank Herbert
Princess Chalice A daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Wensicia The third daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Josifa The daughters of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Rugi
Grace Princess Grace Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu. Mary Hoffman
Nausicaa The Odyssey She is the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of Phaeacia, who helps Odysseus when he becomes shipwrecked on the island of Scheria. Homer
Princess Osra The Heart of Princess Osra Anthony Hope
Princess Flavia The Prisoner of Zenda Betrothed of King Rudolf of Ruritania and love of Rudolf Rassendyll. She later becomes the Queen of Ruritania in the sequel Rupert of Hentzau.
Christina Light/Princess Casamassima Roderick Hudson;
The Princess Casamassima
She is married to the Prince Casamassima. Henry James
Kaguya-hime The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter Kaguya-hime (かぐや姫, Princess Kaguya). A 10th century Japanese folktale. This story is the basis for the science fiction manga series, Kaguyahime. Japanese folk tale
Zhao Min The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber Princess Shaomin, born Minmin Temür. Daughter of Chaghan Temür, the Prince of Ruyang of the Yuan Dynasty, younger sister of Köke Temür, and love interest of Zhang Wuji. Jin Yong
Princess Beatrice Castle in the Air She is the strong-minded princess of Strangia who has been engaged to Prince Justin of Ingary. Beatrice is one of the princesses who have been taken captive by Djinn Hasruel. Diana Wynne Jones
Princess Flower-in-the-Night She is the daughter of the Sultan of Zanzib and, later, the wife of Abdullah. Flower-in-the-Night is one of the princesses who have been taken captive by Djinn Hasruel.
Princess Hilda House of Many Ways She is the elderly and unmarried princess of High Norland and the daughter of the elderly King Adolphus X.
Princess of Pure Reason The Phantom Tollbooth The twin princesses who are adopted by King Azaz the Unabridged of the Kingdom of Wisdom. Norton Juster
Princess of Sweet Rhyme
Carissa A Certain Magical Index Rebellious second princess of the United Kingdom that tried to take over the country to protect it from the Roman Catholic Church and its influence. Kazuma Kamachi
Riméa Eldest princess of the United Kingdom, who was opposed to her younger sister, Carissa, taking over the country.
Villain Youngest princess of the United Kingdom, who was opposed to her elder sister taking over the country.
Princess Golden Locks The Greek Princess and the Young Gardener Irish fairy tale collected Kennedy’s in Fireside Stories of Ireland. Included by Joseph Jacobs in More Celtic Fairy Tales. Collected by Patrick Kennedy
Dotterine The Child who came from an Egg Estonian fairy tale, also known as The Egg-Born Princess (Estonian: Munast sündinud kuningatütar). Collected by Dr. Friedrich Kreutzwald in Eestirahwa Ennemuistesed jutud. Dr. Friedrich Kreutzwald
Princess Daisy Valenski Princess Daisy Judith Krantz
Dani Valenski Daisy’s twin sister, not accepted by their father because she was born brain-damaged.
Signy Asmund and Signy Icelandic fairy tale collected in Islandische Märchen. Included by Andrew Lang in The Brown Fairy Book. Collected by Andrew Lang
The Enchanted Princess The Blue Mountains
Princess Hadvor Hermod and Hadvor
Seserakh Earthsea The princess of the Kargad lands and the daughter of King Thol. Ursula K. Le Guin
Vera Princess Ligovskaya Character based on Varvara Lopukhina, the woman with whom the author Lermontov was in love. Lopukhina’s husband, Nikolai Bakhmetyev, was the prototype for the character of Prince Ligovskoy. Mikhail Lermontov
Ella of Frell Ella Enchanted She becomes a princess when she marries Charmont (Char), the Crown Prince of Kyrria. Gail Carson Levine
Princess Adelina (Addie) The Two Princesses of Bamarre
Princess Meryl
Aravis The Chronicles of Narnia She marries Crown Prince Cor of Archenland; she appears as a main character in The Horse and His Boy and a minor character in The Last Battle. C. S. Lewis
Nehemia Ytger Throne of Glass The Princess of Eyllwe and friend to protagonist Queen Celaena Sardothien. Sarah J. Maas
The Light Princess The Light Princess Scottish fairy tale. George MacDonald
Princess Makemnoit
Princess Irene The Princess and the Goblin Princess Irene also appears, a few years older, in the book’s sequel, The Princess and Curdie.
Myrcella Baratheon A Song of Ice and Fire Princess of the House Baratheon of King’s Landing. Legal daughter of King Robert Baratheon, biological daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister, and sister of Joffrey and Tommen. George R. R. Martin
Arianne Martell
Elia Martell
Rhaenys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Vasilisa «Lissa» Dragomir Vampire Academy;
Lissa is a moroi princess and the user of a rare form of magic (spirit) who maintains a bond with dhampir Rose Hathaway. She later becomes the moroi queen and is the older half-sister of Jill Mastrano Dragomir in Bloodlines. Richelle Mead
Princess Elena The Princes and the Treasure A strong, capable princess of Evergreen whose father King Rufus wants her to marry the eligible prince, which is not how she wants to live her life. Jeffery A. Miles
Leila Tūs Salvatíraas The Savior’s series The current savior and ruler of Thessen. Jenna Moreci
Princess Corenice of Atlantis Merlin’s Ring H. Warner Munn
Princess Ben Princess Ben Princess Benevolence. Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Princess Marïonoff The Emperor’s Candlesticks Baroness Orczy
Arya Dröttningu The Inheritance Cycle She is the elven princess, and later queen, of Ellesméra and the only child of King Evandar and Queen Islanzadí. She first appeared in Eragon. Christopher Paolini
Princess Esme Discworld Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre, the daughter of King Verence II and Queen Magrat Garlick. Terry Pratchett
Queen Keli Queen Kelirehenna I, formerly the princess of Sto Lat and the daughter of the murdered King Olerve the Bastard.
Adelaide Bevan The Tin Princess Adelaide briefly becomes a princess when she is married to Prince Rudolf of Razkavia until she becomes the reigning queen due to his sudden death. A part of the Sally Lockhart series. Philip Pullman
Ludmila Ruslan and Ludmila The daughter of Prince Vladimir of the Kievan Rus’. Alexander Pushkin
Tsarevna The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Also called «The Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and the Seven Bogatyrs», the 1833 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin.
Princess-Swan The Tale of Tsar Saltan 1831 Russian poem written after the fairy tale edited by Vladimir Dahl.
Alasen of Kierst Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies Princess of Meadowlord and the daughter of Prince Volog of Kierst. Melanie Rawn
Gemma of Syr Princess of Ossteia and the younger sister of the villainous Prince Jastri.
Sioned The Sunrunner witch and the High Princess. She is married to Rohan, the Dragon Prince of the Desert and the mother of Prince Pol; the younger sister of Prince Davvi.
Ileana Cosânzeana Romanian Fairy Tales She is a good-natured princess who gets kidnapped by a dragon called the Zmeu but gets rescued by a heroic knight, Făt-Frumos. Romanian Folklore
Jenna Heap Septimus Heap series A primary character in the Septimus Heap series. She is a descendant of Princess Esmeralda. Angie Sage
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon The Witcher series Also known simply as Ciri, she is the princess of Cintra and the Lady of Time and Space who is trained under the watchful eyes of Geralt of Rivia. She is the daughter of Princess Pavetta and Emperor Duny and the granddaughter of the late Queen Calanthe. Andrzej Sapkowski
Cordelia King Lear She is the youngest of the three daughters of King Lear of Britain. William Shakespeare
Goneril The oldest daughter of King Lear of Britain.
Regan The second daughter of King Lear of Britain.
Daughter of Antiochus Pericles, Prince of Tyre The unnamed daughter of King Antiochus of Antioch.
Marina The daughter of Thaisa and Prince Pericles.
Thaisa The daughter of Simonides, King of Pentapolis, and wife of Pericles, Prince of Tyre.
The Duchess of Gloucester Richard II Wife of Richard II’s uncle, Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester; based on the historical figure of Lady Eleanor de Bohun.
The Duchess of York Widow of Richard II’s uncle, the Duke of York (who is based on the historical figure, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York). Though unnamed, the Duchess is reportedly a composite of Langley’s first and second wives, Infanta Isabella of Castile and Joan Holland, respectively.
Miranda The Tempest Daughter of Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, and wife of Prince Ferdinand.
Princess Gentianella Somebody Else’s Prince A short story collected by Evelyn Sharp in The Other Side of the Sun. Evelyn Sharp
Amalina Seraphina Prince Otto: A Romance The discontented princess who is married to Prince Otto of Grünewald but plots with Baron Gondremark to depose him. Robert Louis Stevenson
Serena Ancilotto, King of Provino Italian fairy tale included in The Facetious Nights of Straparola. Giovanni Francesco Straparola
Princess Puss in Boots Italian fairy tale included in The Facetious Nights of Straparola, with the different versions published by Giambattista Basile and then by Charles Perrault.
Swedish folktale
Princess Ida The Princess 1847 serio-comic blank verse narrative poem. Alfred Tennyson
Princess Pajonia of Pumperdink Oz books The daughter of Peg Amy and Prince Pompadore of Pumperdink. She first appears in The Purple Prince of Oz.
Planetty She appears in Ruth Plumly Thompson’s 1938 novel The Silver Princess in Oz. She also appears in Jeff Freedman’s The Magic Dishpan of Oz (1994).
Princess Lenore Many Moons James Thurber
Eärwen Unfinished Tales
The Silmarillion
Daughter of Olwë of Alqualondë, king of the Telerin Elves of Aman. She is the wife of Finarfin, Prince of the Noldor, the mother of Galadriel, and Queen of Eldamar. J. R. R. Tolkien
Finduilas The Children of Húrin
The Silmarillion
Daughter of Orodreth, the ruler of Nargothrond. She was a high princess of the Noldor.
Galadriel The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Youngest child and only daughter of Finarfin, Prince and later High King of the Noldor, and Eärwen.
Idril The Silmarillion, The Book of Lost Tales (The Fall of Gondolin) Daughter of Turgon, Elven king of the Noldor.
Princess Lothíriel of Dol Amroth The Lord of the Rings Wife of Éomer.
Lúthien Tinúviel The Silmarillion A Telerin (Sindarin) princess, daughter of Elu Thingol, King of Dorian, and Melian the Maia.
Princess Maria Bolkonskaya War and Peace Princess Maria Nikolayevna Bolkonskaya.[4][5] Daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky (Prince Bolkonsky).[6] Leo Tolstoy
Princess Adalmina Adalmina’s Pearl A Finnish fairy tale about princess who gets a magical pearl with the power to make her more beautiful, more intelligent, and richer by every day.[7] Zachris Topelius
Princess Janine de St. Jehan Heir Apparent The illegitimate daughter of the late King Cynric and Queen Andreanna. She is portrayed as a playable RPG character, controlled by the main character Giannine Bellisario. Vivian Vande Velde
Aouda Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne


Princess Comic title Notes
Princess Diana of Themyscira («Wonder Woman») DC Comics Wonder Woman is a warrior princess of the Amazons. Known in her homeland as «Diana of Themyscira», her powers include superhuman strength, flight, super-speed, super-stamina, and super-agility. She is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and in the art of tactical warfare. She also possesses animal-like cunning skills and a natural rapport with animals, which has been presented as an actual ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She uses her Lasso of Truth, which forces those bound by it to tell the truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in some stories, an invisible airplane.
Princess Projectra Projectra Wind’zzor, princess, and later queen, of the planet Orando. She has the power to create illusions.
Starfire Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran, a planet in the fictional Vegan system.
Princess Tara Markov («Terra») She is the princess of Markovia and the half-sister of Prince Brion Markov.
Princess Leona Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai The princess of Papnica who trains to be a sage and is well-versed in the magic arts. Based on the Dragon Quest video game franchise.
Princess Aura Flash Gordon
Hephylia Garulfo Princess Hephylia of Brandelune who is looked after by governess Naomi; only child to the King. Created by Alain Ayroles and Bruno Maïorana. Series published by Delcourt (1992–2002).
Chae-kyung Shin Goong She is married to Crown Prince Shin Lee.
«Princes» of Kakin Hunter × Hunter The daughters of King Nasubi Hui Guo Rou of the Kakin kingdom. Like their brothers, the series referred to these young women being held the title of «prince», rather than «princess».

  • Camilla Hui Guo Rou
  • Tubeppa Hui Guo Rou
  • Tyson Hui Guo Rou
  • Kacho Hui Guo Rou
  • Fugetsu Hui Guo Rou
  • Momoze Hui Guo Rou
  • Woble Hui Guo Rou
Kilala Reno Kilala Princess She becomes the wife of Prince Rei.
Princess Sylphy She is a princess of Floradiso and Kilala’s former rival who claims to be Prince Rei’s fiancée, though this is hinted to be unofficial.
Jadina The Legendaries She is a princess who is the magician and member of the team of the Legendaries, representing the virtue of Intelligence; the daughter of King Kinder and Queen Adeyrid of Orchidia.
Anelle Marvel Comics A Skrull princess, daughter of Emperor Dorrek VII and Empress R´Klll.
Ororo Munroe («Storm») The daughter of an African tribal princess, N’Dare, and American photojournalist David Munroe. After she is recruited by Charles Xavier («Professor X») to join the X-Men, she receives the code name «Storm».
Zarda Shelton («Power Princess») The princess of Utopia Isle who is a member of the Squadron Supreme. She is considered an analog to Wonder Woman of the Justice League.
Crown Princess Alexia Mimic Royal Princess She is a princess whose queendom is well-respected only by women and not men.
Nausicaä (Shimamoto) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Princess of the Valley of the Wind. She is named for the Princess Nausicaa in Homer’s Odyssey.
Nefeltari Vivi One Piece Nefeltari Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, daughter of Nefeltari Cobra and Titi. She was one of the main antagonists of the Reverse Mountain Arc under the Baroque Works codename Miss Wednesday, but she ended up traveling with the Straw Hat Pirates for most of the Alabasta Saga after revealing herself to be a spy plotting against Baroque Works. She has not been featured in the main story since the Straw Hats left Alabasta but has occasionally been shown to be keeping track of their progress.
Sailor Princesses Sailor Moon Sailor Princesses:

  • Usagi Tsukino (Tsukino Usagi, «Serena»), Sailor Moon — Princess Serenity/Serena
    • Chibiusa (Tsukino Chibiusa, «Rini»), Sailor Chibi Moon — Princess Usagi «Small Lady» Serenity
  • Ami Mizuno (Mizuno Ami, «Amy»), Sailor Mercury
  • Rei Hino (Hino Rei, «Raye»), Sailor Mars
  • Makoto Kino (Kino Makoto, «Lita»), Sailor Jupiter
  • Minako Aino (Aino Minako, «Mina»), Sailor Venus
  • Setsuna Meiou (Meiō Setsuna, «Trista»), Sailor Pluto
  • Haruka Tenou (Ten’ō Haruka, «Amara»), Sailor Uranus
  • Michiru Kaiou (Kaiō Michiru, «Michelle»), Sailor Neptune
  • Hotaru Tomoe (Tomoe Hotaru, «Hotaru»), Sailor Saturn

There is also the princess of a fictional planet Kinmoku outside the solar system, Princess Kakyuu.

Princess Kaguya Character from a side story of the Sailor Moon manga series, The Lover of Princess Kaguya, which is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale «The Snow Queen». The name «Princess Kaguya» comes from the Japanese legend The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
Nao Kusunoki Shounen Princess: Putri Harimau Naoko A man who, disguised as a woman, becomes princess of Urunei when he marries Prince Ahmad, who in turn is a woman disguised as a man.
Blaze the Cat Sonic the Hedgehog The princess from the Sol Dimension. Based on the video game franchise of the same name.
Sally Acorn The princess of the Kingdom of Acorn and the co-leader of the Freedom Fighters.
Princess Undina The aquatic princess from Meropis whose childhood friend Coral the Betta, priestess of the Eusebes Temple, has been chosen over her; the daughter of Queen Angelica and King Puff.
Princess Erminia The Sword of Paros She is a lesbian princess of Paros who tries to pass as a man, similar to Princess Sapphire from Princess Knight and Oscar from The Rose of Versailles, while avoiding her arrenged marriage to Prince Phaon of Kaurous, due to her love for young laundry maid Fiona.
Sakura Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle The princess of the Kingdom of Clow.


Princess Title Notes
Aida Aida She is the princess of Ethiopia who has been captured and enslaved by the Egyptians.

An opera by Giuseppe Verdi. Later adapted into a rock opera and 2000 Broadway show with songs by Tim Rice and Elton John.

Amneris She is the princess of Egypt and the daughter of the Pharaoh.
Princess Badroulbadour Aladdin The traditional pantomime was originally dramatized by John O’Keeffe in 1788 for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Different versions of the pantomime story have been performed for over 200 years. The «Aladdin» story was also adapted into other theatrical productions. Notable adaptations include:

  • Aladdin (1805), verse drama by Adam Oehlenschläger; with incidental music by Carl Nielsen.
  • The New Aladdin (1906), successful Edwardian musical comedy
    • Originally starred Adrienne Augarde as «The Princess»
  • Aladdin, the 1979 musical adaptation
Princess Stephanie of Balaria The Balkan Princess A British musical written by Frederick Lonsdale and Frank Curzon; lyrics by Paul Rubens and Arthur Wimperis; music by Paul Rubens.
Princess Fedora Palinska The Circus Princess The German operetta in three acts composed by Emmerich Kálmán with libretto by Julius Brammer and Alfred Grünwald.
Princess Yevpraksiya The Enchantress Princess Yevpraksiya Romanovna. 1887 Russian opera in four acts by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Princess of Monte Carlo The Grand Duke 1896 Savoy Opera written by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan.
Cinderella Into the Woods
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Princess Marie King of Cadonia An English musical written by Frederick Lonsdale; lyrics by Adrian Ross and Arthur Wimperis; music by Sidney Jones and Frederick Rosse (the short-lived Broadway production featured additional music by Jerome Kern).
Princess Cristiane King’s Rhapsody She is the princess of Norseland and the daughter of King Peter.
Princesses Kirsten and Hulda The little cousins of Cristiane.
Princess Lena Leonce and Lena The Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Pipi.
Princess Althea The Light Princess Adapted from the Scottish fairy tale by George MacDonald.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess A 2004 musical based on the novel of the same name. Music by Andrew Lippa and book and lyrics by Brian Crawley.
Pamina The Magic Flute The daughter of the Queen of the Night. She also appears in the following sequels, Das Labyrinth and The Magic Flute Part Two.
Princess Olga Maid of Pskov Princess Olga Yuryevna Tokmakova. Adoptive daughter of Prince Tokmakov, biological daughter of Vera Sheloga (Tokmakov’s sister-in-law) and Tsar Ivan Vasilevich the Terrible. 1872 opera composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; based on the drama of the same name by Lev Mei.
Princess Winnifred Once Upon a Mattress A musical comedy based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea. There is also the 2005 television film adaptation featuring Tracey Ullman as «Fred».
Tiger Lily Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up 1904 play by J. M. Barrie prior to his 1911 novel.
Princess Ida The Princess
  • The Princess, A blank verse farcical play by W. S. Gilbert, parodying Alfred Tennyson’s poem, «The Princess: A Medley».
  • Princess Ida, A comic opera; music by Arthur Sullivan, libretto by W. S. Gilbert. Based on the poem «The Princess» by Alfred Tennyson.
Princess Flavia The Prisoner of Zenda The 1895 play by Edward Rose, based on Anthony Hope’s novel of the same name.
Princess Puss in Boots 1915 short opera in three acts for children composed by César Cui, based on the fairy tale of the same name.
Lyudmila Ruslan and Lyudmila 1842 Russian opera composed by Mikhail Glinka, based on Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name.
Volkhova Sadko Daughter of the Sea King.
Princess Aurora The Sleeping Beauty The ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky based on Charles Perrault’s fairy tale of the same name.
The Princess The Sleeping Prince: An Occasional Fairy Tale 1953 play by Terence Rattigan.
Princess The Snow Queen A chamber opera in six scenes based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name; prologue by Matthew King, libretto by Andrew McKinnon.
Princess Margaret The Student Prince The daughter of Grand Duchess Anastasia. The 1924 operetta in four acts composed by Sigmund Romberg.
Princess Alexandra The Swan 1920 play by Ferenc Molnár.
Princess Odette Swan Lake The princess who has been turned into a swan by the curse of an evil sorcerer.
Princess Léonide The Triumph of Love She is the former princess of Sparta who disguises herself as a man under the name Phocion after learning that her lover, Agis, is the rightful heir to the Spartan throne.

The play was originally written by Pierre de Marivaux in 1732 and later adapted into a Broadway musical by James Magruder in 1997.

Disney Princesses Various A number of Disney Princesses have gotten their own musicals.

  • Jasmine, in Aladdin
  • Belle, in Beauty and the Beast
  • Anna and Elsa, in Frozen[8][9]
  • Megara, in Hercules
  • Ariel, in The Little Mermaid
  • Moana, in Moana Jr.[10]
  • Mulan, in Mulan Jr.[11]
Princess Maria Bolkonskaya War and Peace Princess Maria Nikolayevna Bolkonskaya.[4][5] Opera based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy.
Zémire Zémire et Azor Operatic version of the fairy-tale Beauty and the Beast, written by Jean-François Marmontel and composed by André Grétry.


Live action[edit]

Princess Film Notes
Princess Herzelinde 1½ Knights: In Search of the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde Portrayed by Julia Dietze.
Princess Parisa The 7th Voyage of Sinbad The daughter of the Sultan of Chandra. Portrayed by Kathryn Grant.
The Wachati Princess Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Daughter of the Wachati Chief and sister of Prince Ouda. She has been engaged to Tiny Warrior, prince of the Wachootoo tribe. Portrayed by Sophie Okonedo.
Princess Kanza Omar Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Portrayed by Alma M. Pappas (uncredited).
Princess Fatima Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens Portrayed by Bella Cortez.
Princess Miriam Ali Baba Goes to Town Portrayed by June Lang.
Princess Aouda Around the World in 80 Days 1956 film based on the famous novel of the same name by Jules Verne. Portrayed by Shirley MacLaine.
Princess Selenia Arthur and the Invisibles;
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard;
Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds
Daughter of Emperor Sifrat XVI and older sister of Prince Betameche. Based on the French Arthur book series by Luc Besson. Portrayed by Madonna (original) and Selena Gomez (sequels).
Princess Henriette At Sword’s Point 1952 film that features the offsprings of the Three Musketeers. Portrayed by Nancy Gates.
Princess Antillia Atlantis, the Lost Continent The daughter of King Cronus of Atlantis and one of the main characters of the film. Portrayed by Joyce Taylor.
Neytiri of the Omaticaya Na’vi Avatar Portrayed by Zoe Saldana, the character of Neytiri may well be considered a princess. Although she is never actually called by this title in the film, her status as both the daughter of a tribal chieftain and the heir to a high priestly office that is usually held by the women of her family means that she is commonly referred to as one by both real-world commentators and fans alike.
Devasena Baahubali: The Beginning;
Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
She is the princess of Kuntala Kingdom, a skilled archer and a fighter. Portrayed by Anushka Shetty.
Princess Natalya Petrovna Balalaika Based on the 1936 musical of the same name by Eric Maschwitz. Portrayed by Zeffie Tilbury.
Princess Taramis Barbarian Queen Portrayed by Dawn Dunlap.
Belle La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast) French film adaptation of the fairy-tale of the same name, known in English as Beauty and the Beast. Belle is portrayed in the film by Josette Day.
Princess Leyla Black Gold She is the princess from Hobeika, daughter of Emir Nesib and sister of Prince Tariq. Based on the novel South of the Heart: A Novel of Modern Arabia by Hans Ruesch. Portrayed by Freida Pinto.
Shuri Black Panther Princess of Wakanda, daughter of the late King T’Chaka and sister of King T’Challa. Portrayed by Letitia Wright.
Princess Teresa The Brigand Portrayed by Jody Lawrance.
Princess Jana Captain Sindbad Princess of Baristan. Portrayed by Heidi Brühl.
Maharani Ammanmani Chandravathy Chandra Portrayed by Shriya Saran.
Princess Emily A Christmas Prince;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
Princess Emily of Aldovia; younger sister of King Richard and sister-in-law of Queen Amber. Portrayed by Honor Kneafsey.
Princess Elleri A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby Princess Elleri Claire of Aldovia; newborn daughter of King Richard and Queen Amber.
Princess Meeka Joffer Coming 2 America The first daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer and the heir apparent of Zamunda. Portrayed by KiKi Layne.
Princess Omma Joffer The second daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer of Zamunda. Portrayed by Bella Murphy.
Princess Tinashe Joffer The third daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer of Zamunda. Portrayed by Akiley Love.
Princess Yasimina Conan the Barbarian She is the daughter of King Osric of Zamora. Portrayed by Valérie Quennessen.
Princess Jehnna Conan the Destroyer She is the niece of Queen Taramis of Shadizar. Portrayed by Olivia d’Abo.
Princess Mirska Conquest Based on the novel Pani Walewska by Wacław Gąsiorowski. Portrayed by Betty Blythe (uncredited).
Princess Gwendolyn The Court Jester Princess Gwendolyn of England, the daughter of King Roderick the Tyrant. She was portrayed by Angela Lansbury.
Empress Phoenix Curse of the Golden Flower Portrayed by Li Gong.
Princess Ling Moy Daughter of the Dragon Portrayed by Anna May Wong.
Princess Diana of Themyscira DC Extended Universe Better known as Wonder Woman, she is the Amazon crown princess of Themyscira.

She is portrayed by Gal Gadot in the following superhero films:

  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • Wonder Woman
  • Justice League
  • Wonder Woman 1984
  • Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Princess Maria Death Takes a Holiday Portrayed by Kathleen Howard.
Princess Codille Deathstalker Portrayed by Barbi Benton.
Princess Evie Deathstalker II Warrior princess of Jzafir. Portrayed by Monique Gabrielle.
Princesses Carissa and Elizena Deathstalker III: The Warriors from Hell The twin princesses, both portrayed by Carla Herd.
Inca Princess Kawillaka Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 film based on the animated series Dora the Explorer. Portrayed by Q’orianka Kilcher.
Mehgan Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire She is the biological daughter of the late King Walter of Britannia, granddaughter of King Gareth and Queen Rhonu and twin sister of Edric. Portrayed by Jessamine-Bliss Bell.
Princess Elspeth Dragonslayer The princess of Urland and the daughter of King Casiodorus. Portrayed by Chloe Salaman.
Princess Irulan Dune Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Elder sister of Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Virginia Madsen in the 1984 film adaptation.
Princess Nandini Eklavya: The Royal Guard 2007 Indian film. Portrayed by Raima Sen.
Ella of Frell Ella Enchanted Portrayed by Anne Hathaway.
Arya Dröttningu Eragon The elf princess of Ellesméra. Based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Paolini; portrayed by Sienna Guillory. Arya also appeared in the video game adaptation.
Princess Aud Erik the Viking She is the daughter of King Arnulf. Portrayed by Imogen Stubbs.
Danielle de Barbarac Ever After: A Cinderella Story She becomes the wife of Prince Henry. 1998 film adaptation of «Cinderella» set in Renaissance France. Portrayed by Drew Barrymore.
Princess Luisa Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles The princess of Carpia and the daughter of King Augustin and Queen Remini. Portrayed by Amy Acker.
Princess Helen/Jane Hamilton Fit for a King Portrayed by Helen Mack.
Princess Marcuzan Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster A Martian princess, portrayed by Marilyn Hanold.
Princess Zora The Frog Prince Based on the classic fairy tale of the same name, Zora is the niece of King William and the younger sister of Princess Henrietta, who kisses Ribbit the frog to change him back into a human prince. She was portrayed by Aileen Quinn.
Princess Mary Gulliver’s Travels Princess of Lilliput and daughter of King Theodore and Queen Isabelle. Portrayed by Emily Blunt.
Princess Diana Hercules and the Princess of Troy The princess of Troy, portrayed by Diana Hyland.
Princess Alexandra Here is My Heart Based on the play La Grande-Duchesse et le garçon d’étage by Alfred Savoir. Portrayed by Kitty Carlisle.
Princess Yuki Akizuki The Hidden Fortress Portrayed by Misa Uehara.
Princess Gloria His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz The daughter of King Krewl of the Land of Oz. Portrayed by Vivian Reed.
Princess Nawa The Hot Chick Portrayed by Shazia Ali, Nawa was an Abyssinian princess who used her magical earrings to switch bodies with a slave girl to escape from an arranged marriage in 50 BC. These earrings are later used by both a modern teenage girl, Jessica, and a criminal, Clive, as they accidentally switch their own bodies as well.
Cinderella Into the Woods She is loosely based on the protagonist from the fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by Anna Kendrick.
Rapunzel She is loosely based on the protagonist from the fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by MacKenzie Mauzy.
Princess Aneta It Is Hell With the Princess 2009 Czech film. Portrayed by Tereza Voříšková.
Princess Taou Yuen Java Head The daughter of the Manchu noble.

  • Java Head, 1923 silent film version starring Leatrice Joy.
  • Java Head, 1934 British sound film remake starring Anna May Wong.
Jodhaa Bai Jodhaa Akbar A Rajput princess portrayed by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Dejah Thoris John Carter Princess of Helium. Portrayed by Lynn Collins.
Mrinalini «Mili» Chakravarty Khoobsurat Originally a physiotherapist of the Kolkata Knight Riders, Mili is married to Prince Vikram Rathore, receiving the title of «The Royal Misfit». Portrayed by Sonam Kapoor.
Princess Divya Rathore She is the younger sister of Prince Vikram and the daughter of King Shekhar Singh and Queen Nirmala Devi Rathore of Rajasthan. Portrayed by Simran Jehani.
Princess Tania/Catherine Bell King Kelly of the U.S.A. The princess of the European kingdom of Belgardia and the daughter of King Maxmilian. Portrayed by Irene Ware.
Princess Anna of Finland King Ralph Portrayed by Joely Richardson.
Princess Cristiane King’s Rhapsody Princess Cristiane of Norseland. Based on the stage musical of the same name by Ivor Novello; portrayed by Patrice Wymore.
Lyssa Krull Portrayed by Lisette Anthony (Lindsay Crouse, dub).
Princess Lily Legend Portrayed by Mia Sara.
Princess Zarina Leprechaun 4: In Space The alien princess of the planet Dominia. Portrayed by Rebekah Carlton.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess Multiple film adaptations of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel have been made. Some notable examples include:

  • The Little Princess (1917), silent film starring Mary Pickford
  • The Little Princess (1939), starring Shirley Temple
  • A Little Princess (1995), starring Liesel Matthews
  • Sarah… Ang Munting Prinsesa (1995), starring Camille Prats
    • 1995 Filipino film adaptation of the anime Princess Sarah, based on the novel A Little Princess.
Princess Thania of Arvonne The Lone Wolf in Paris Portrayed by Frances Drake.
Princess Hedwig Long Live the King Based on the novel of the same name by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Portrayed by Ruth Renick.
Galadriel The Lord of the Rings Youngest child and only daughter of Finarfin, Prince of the Noldor, and Eärwen. Portrayed by Cate Blanchett.
Princess Sophia Alexnov Meet the Prince Portrayed by Julia Faye.
Princess Lauranna Men in Black II Zarthon ambassador to Earth, and keeper of the Light of Zartha. She is the love interest of Agent Kay and mother of Laura Vasquez. The actual Princess Lauranna, as the ambassador of her people, is portrayed by Linda Kim. In the «Mysteries in History» video shown within the film, she is portrayed by Paige Brooks.
Laura Vasquez Princess and the Light of Zartha, daughter of Princess Lauranna and love interest of Agent Jay. Portrayed by Rosario Dawson.
Ahmanet The Mummy She is the Egyptian princess and the titular antagonist who was mummified alive. Loosely based on the ancient Egyptian goddess Amunet as well as Imhotep from the original Mummy films; portrayed by Sofia Boutella.
Princess Elsa My Pal, the King The aunt of young King Charles V of Alvonia. Portrayed by Noel Francis.
Princess Marie de Namour de la Bonfain Naughty Marietta 1935 film based on the 1910 operetta of the same name. Portrayed by Jeanette MacDonald.
Katherine «Katie» Hollingston Once Upon a Holiday Princess of Montsaurai, in the 2015 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Briana Evigan as a young woman and Kayden Magnuson as a child.
Princess Moanna/Ofelia Pan’s Labyrinth The daughter of the King and Queen of the Underworld; stepdaughter of Captain Vidal. Portrayed by Ivana Baquero.
Tiger Lily Peter Pan
  • Peter Pan, 1924 silent film starring Anna May Wong.
  • Peter Pan, 2003 American film starring Carsen Gray.
  • Neverland, 2003 Indie film starring Ray Garcia.
  • Pan, 2015 film starring Rooney Mara.

Based on J. M. Barrie’s 1904 play, Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, and 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy.

Princess Dala The Pink Panther She is the exiled princess from the Asian mountain kingdom of Lugash. Portrayed by Claudia Cardinale (voiced by Gale Garnett, uncredited).
Rajkumari Chandrika and Radhika Prem Ratan Dhan Payo The half-sisters of Crown Prince Vijay Singh of Pritampur. Portrayed by Swara Bhaskar and Aashika Bhatia respectively.
Princess Maithili Devi Portrayed by Sonam Kapoor.
Princess Astrid Pretty Princess 1993 Italian film; portrayed by Jessica Simpson.
Princess Sofia The princess of a small principality of Liechtenhaus and the daughter of Prince Max. Portrayed by Barbara Snellenburg.
Princess Amrita Prince Portrayed by Vyjayanthimala.
Paige Morgan The Prince & Me;
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding;
The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon;
The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure
She is the love interest of Crown Prince Edvard before she is married to him to become the queen of Denmark. Portrayed by Julia Stiles (original) and Kam Heskin (sequels).
Princess Arabella The Prince & Me Portrayed by Eliza Bennett.
Princess Carmilla The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding Portrayed by Lana Likic.
Princess Gabrielle Portrayed by Paulína Bakarová.
Princess Kirsten The newcomer princess of Norway and a childhood friend of Edvard. Portrayed by Clemency Burton-Hill.
Princess Myra The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure The princess of Sangyoon and the daughter of King Saryu. Portrayed by Ase Wang.
Princess Gwendolyn Prince Charming She was the princess of Lothian. 2001 television film portrayed by Christina Applegate.
Kate She marries Prince John of Anwyn. Also portrayed by Christina Applegate.
Princess Tamina Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Princess of Alamut. Portrayed by Gemma Arterton.
Princess Ilene Prince Valiant (1954)
Prince Valiant (1997)
Portrayed by Debra Paget in the 1954 version and Katherine Heigl in the 1997 version.
Princess Aleta Prince Valiant Portrayed by Janet Leigh.
Princess Calliope Princess 2008 ABC Family Original Movie. Portrayed by Nicole Gale Anderson.
Princess Ithaca Portrayed by Nora Zehetner.
The Princess The Princess She is a strong, dedicated princess in the medieval realm who along with her sister Princess Violet and friend Linh fights off against Julius and his brutal mercenaries in the 2022 Hulu original film. Portrayed by Allegra du Troit as a child and Joey King as an adult.
Princess Songhwa The Princess and the Matchmaker Portrayed by Shim Eun-kyung.
Princess Margaret Warbrook The Princess and the Pirate Portrayed by Virginia Mayo (singing voice dubbed by Louanne Hogan).
Princess Evelyn Princess and the Pony Portrayed by Fiona Perry.
Princess Buttercup The Princess Bride Portrayed by Robin Wright. Based on the 1973 novel of the same name by William Goldman.
Princess Caraboo/Mary Baker Princess Caraboo Portrayed by Phoebe Cates.
Princess Daisy Valenski Princess Daisy Based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Judith Krantz. Portrayed by Merete Van Kamp as an adult and by Rachel Dennis as a child.
Dani Valenski Daisy’s twin sister, not accepted by their father because she was born brain-damaged. Portrayed by Merete Van Kamp as an adult and by Melissa Dennis as a child.
Mia Thermopolis The Princess Diaries;
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, commonly known as «Mia Thermopolis». She later becomes Queen of Genovia. Portrayed by Anne Hathaway.
Princess Asana The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Portrayed by Raven-Symoné.
Kaya, the Princess Kaguya Princess from the Moon Based on the Japanese folklore The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Portrayed by Yasuko Sawaguchi.
Princess Maria Princess O’Rourke 1943 romantic comedy starring Olivia de Havilland, Robert Cummings, and Charles Coburn. It is similar to the later Roman Holiday (1953), which starred Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
Princess Shalimar/Taura Princess of the Nile She is the princess of Egypt who disguises herself as a popular dancer in the Tambourine Tavern to escape prison. She was portrayed by Debra Paget.
Princess Rosalinda Montoya Fiore/Rosie Gonzalez Princess Protection Program The princess, and later queen, of Costa Luna. Portrayed by Demi Lovato.
Lady Margaret Katherine Claire Delacourt The Princess Switch Lady Margaret is the duchess of Montenaro who trades places with Stacy De Novo. She later becomes the queen of Montenaro in Switched Again. Inspired by Mark Twain’s novel «The Prince and the Pauper», Margaret is portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens.
Stacy Juliette De Novo Formerly a baker, Stacy is married to Prince Edward Wyndham after switching places with Lady Margaret. She is also portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens.
Rajkumari Vishaka Rajkumar Portrayed by Madhuri Dixit.
Princess Natasha Rasputin and the Empress Portrayed by Diana Wynyard.
Princess Yuna Rebirth of Mothra II Princess of the ancient civilization of Nirai Kanai. Portrayed by Maho Nonami.
Princess Ozma Return to Oz She is the rightful ruler of the Land of Oz whose witch Mombi overthrew her, claiming to be the new princess. Portrayed by Emma Ridley.
Princess Lala McTavish Road to Bali She is a half-Scottish princess in Bali and the cousin of Prince Ken Arok. Portrayed by Dorothy Lamour.
Princess Alexandra The Rogue Song Portrayed by Nance O’Neil.
Princess Vera Portrayed by Catherine Dale Owen.
Princess Ann/Anya Smith Roman Holiday 1953 romantic comedy starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Princess Ann. The film was remade for television in 1987, starring Tom Conti and Catherine Oxenberg, daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.
Princess Anne The Royal Bed Based on the 1928 play The Queen’s Husband by Robert E. Sherwood. Portrayed by Mary Astor.
Emily Taylor A Royal Christmas She is married to Prince Leopold. Portrayed by Lacey Chabert in the 2014 Hallmark television film.
Duchess Natasha Duchess Natasha of Warren. Portrayed by Katherine Flynn.
Princess Priscilla The Runaway Princess Based on the 1905 novel Princess Priscilla’s Fortnight by Elizabeth von Arnim. Portrayed by Mady Christians.
Ludmila Ruslan and Ludmila Based on the Russian poem of the same name. Portrayed by Natalya Petrova.
Princess Pei-Pei Shanghai Noon She is the daughter of the Emperor of China. Portrayed by Lucy Liu.
Princess Trubetskaya The Silver Skates She is the mother of Prince Arkadiy Trubetskoy of the Russian Empire. Portrayed by Elena Rufanova.
Princess Farah Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger The princess of Charak and the sister of Prince Kassim; stepdaughter of the evil Queen Zenobia. Portrayed by Jane Seymour.
Princess Alina Sinbad of the Seven Seas Portrayed by Alessandra Martines.
Cinderella The Slipper and the Rose She marries Prince Edward, in the retelling fairy tale of «Cinderella». Portrayed by Gemma Craven.
Summer Princess Snow Queen 2002 made-for-television made by Hallmark Entertainment. Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale «The Snow Queen». Portrayed by Kira Clavell.
Princess The Snow Queen 2005 BBC television movie based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale «The Snow Queen». Portrayed by Leah Cudmore.
Snow White Numerous adaptations of the Snow White story have been made over the years, starring several different actresses. Some of these include:

  • Marguerite Clark in Snow White, a 1916 silent film.
  • Rossana Podestà in The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (Italian: I sette nani alla riscossa), the 1951 Italian comedy film.
  • Elke Arendt in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (German: Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge) (1955)
  • Carol Heiss in Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961).
  • Sarah Patterson in Snow White (1987), a musical film.
  • Kristin Kreuk in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
  • Cosma Shiva Hagen in 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (German: 7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald), a 2004 German comedy film.
  • Amanda Bynes in Sydney White (2007).
  • Eliza Bennett in Grimm’s Snow White (2012).
  • Lily Collins in Mirror Mirror (2012).
  • Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012).
Lilli Hoffman Snow White: A Tale of Terror 1997 film based on Snow White. Portrayed by Monica Keena.
Princess Yasmin Son of the Pink Panther She is the daughter of King Haroak and the new princess of the Asian kingdom of Lugash. Portrayed by Debrah Farentino.
Vespa Spaceballs Daughter of King Roland of Druidia, portrayed by Daphne Zuniga.
Padmé Amidala Star Wars Elected Queen of Naboo at the young age of 14 after previously serving as the Princess of Theed. She later goes on to serve her people as a senator for Naboo.

Portrayed by Natalie Portman in:
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Leia Organa Secretly adopted daughter of Bail Prestor Organa (formally styled as His Serene Highness Prince Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan). Portrayed in the original and sequel trilogy films by Carrie Fisher:

  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • The Force Awakens
  • The Last Jedi
  • The Rise of Skywalker
Princess Una Stardust Portrayed by Kate Magowan.
Princess Beatrice The Strange Adventures of Prince Courageous 1923 silent film series. Portrayed by Doreen Turner.
Princess Johanna The Student Prince Based on the operetta of the same name by Sigmund Romberg. Portrayed by Betta St. John.
Princess Jorala Super Buddies She is an alien princess of the planet Ispirion. Voiced by Fiona Gubelmann.
Demon Princess Elzebub The Super Inframan Also known as Princess Dragon Mom in English dub, she is the ruler of Inner Earth and the main villainess of the film. Portrayed by Terry Liu.
Princess Daisy Super Mario Bros. Portrayed by Samantha Mathis in the 1993 film loosely based on the video game of the same name.
Princess Alexandra The Swan
  • Frances Howard in The Swan (1925)
  • Lillian Gish in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Grace Kelly in The Swan (1956)

Based on the 1920 play The Swan by Ferenc Molnár.

Princess Beatrice
  • Ida Waterman in The Swan (1925)
  • Marie Dressler in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Jessie Royce Landis in The Swan (1956)
Violet Tale of Tales Princess of Highhills, portrayed by Bebe Cave. Based on the fairy tale collection «Pentamerone».
The Princess The Thief of Bagdad (1940); and
The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
This character appears in the 1940 Technicolor film and 1924 silent version of this story, based on a loose adaptation of the story of «Aladdin». Portrayed by June Duprez in 1940 and Julanne Johnston in 1924.
Princess Amina The Thief of Baghdad (1961) Portrayed by Giorgia Moll.
Princess Yasmine The Thief of Baghdad (1978) Princess Yasmine of Baghdad. Portrayed by Palva Ustinov.
Princess «Zizzi» Catterina Thirty-Day Princess Princess of Taronia. Portrayed by Sylvia Sidney.
The Princess The Triumph of Love 2001 film based on the three-act comic play and musical of the same name. Portrayed by Mira Sorvino.
Princess Brenda/Miss Vandeleur Trouble for Two Princess Brenda of Irania. Portrayed by Rosalind Russell.
Anna Valerious Van Helsing Princess of the Gypsies. Portrayed by Kate Beckinsale.
Princess Mandakini Vanjikottai Valiban The princess of the Ratna Island Kingdom. Portrayed by Vyjayanthimala.
Princess Padma The princess of the Vanjikottai Kingdom. Portrayed by Padmini.
Elora Danan Willow An infant child prophesied to bring about the downfall of the evil Queen Bavmorda. She is portrayed alternately by twins Kate and Ruth Greenfield, Rebecca Bearman, Kristen Lang (for scenes shot in Marin County), and, for scenes shot in New Zealand, by Isla Brentwood, Laura Hopkirk, and Gina Nelson.
Princess Carlotta («Carly») A Winter Princess[12] 2019 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Natalie Hall.
Princess Aura Wizards of the Lost Kingdom The princess, and later queen, of Axeholme. Portrayed by Dolores Michaels.
Princess Amathea Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II The warrior princess of Venir. Portrayed by Lana Clarkson.
Princess Octavia Yahudi Ki Ladki
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1933), portrayed by Tarabai
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1957)
  • Yahudi (1958), portrayed by Nigar Sultana

Based on the Urdu play of the same name by Agha Hashar Kashmiri.



Princess Film Notes
Jasmine Aladdin Based on Princess Badroulbadour from the tale of «The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp» from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). She falls in love with Aladdin. She is voiced by Linda Larkin for speaking, with singing voice by Lea Salonga.
Belle Beauty and the Beast She falles in love with the Beast. Voiced by Paige O’Hara.
Princess Eilonwy The Black Cauldron Based on the character from Lloyd Alexander’s The Chronicles of Prydain. Voiced by Susan Sheridan.
Merida Brave Daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor of DunBroch and older sister of Princes Harris, Hubert and Hamish. Voiced by Peigi Barker as a child, and by Kelly Macdonald as a young woman. Merida joined the official Disney Princess Lineup in July 2013.
Cinderella Cinderella She marries Prince Charming. Originally voiced by Ilene Woods.
Anna Frozen Princess Anna of Arendelle, one of the main protagonists of Disney’s Frozen. Anna is inspired by the character of Gerda from The Snow Queen, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. She later becomes the new Queen of Arendelle as her sister Elsa becomes the guardian of the Enchanted Forest in the following sequel Frozen II. Voiced by Kristen Bell.
Elsa Formerly Princess Elsa of Arendelle. She possesses the ancient cryokinetic power over ice and snow and is the elder sister of Anna. The character of Elsa is inspired by the title character from Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Voiced by Idina Menzel.
Megara «Meg» Hercules Loosely based on the Theban princess of the same name, Meg is a con artist who is married to Hercules, the prince of the gods in Mount Olympus, in the following sequel Zero to Hero. She is inspired by Barbara Stanwyck’s character in The Lady Eve and was voiced by Susan Egan.
Kiara The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride She is the feisty, adventurous princess and heir of the Pride Lands and the daughter of King Simba and Queen Nala. In The Lion Guard, Kiara is the older sister of Kion.
Ariel The Little Mermaid Ariel has a very distinctive appearance, with her long, flowing red hair, blue eyes, green tail and a lavender seashell bikini top. She is the youngest daughter of King Triton. Ariel has six older sisters:

  • Attina
  • Alana
  • Adella
  • Aquata
  • Arista
  • Andrina

Ariel is often rebellious, and longs to be a part of the human world. She marries Prince Eric, whom she rescued from a shipwreck, to have a daughter Princess Melody. Ariel is voiced by Jodi Benson.

Princess Minnie Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers She is the mouse princess of the Kingdom of France, portrayed by Minnie Mouse (voiced by Russi Taylor), though she is not technically a princess throughout the various animated films, short films and TV shows.

Minnie also portrays the role of a princess in two of the Mickey Mouse short films:

  • Ye Olden Days
  • Brave Little Tailor
Moana Moana Moana is the only daughter of a chief in a long line of navigators, who sets sail to an island with a demi-god, Maui, to help her family. Though she may not actually be a princess, Moana joined the official Disney Princess Lineup in 2019. Voiced by Louise Bush as a toddler and Auliʻi Cravalho as a young woman.
Mulan Mulan While in actuality she is neither a princess by birth nor by marriage, Mulan holds an honorary Disney Princess status. She is a member of the official Disney Princess lineup, the only one who is not actually a princess. Speaking voice by Ming-Na Wen, singing voice by Lea Salonga.
Tiger Lily Peter Pan Based on the 1904 play, Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, and the 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy, both by J. M. Barrie. Unlike most of the media adaptations of Peter Pan, Tiger Lily is unable to speak.
Pocahontas Pocahontas Based loosely on the real-life Pocahontas, she is considered the Indian princess to the English. She falls in love with John Smith. Speaking voice by Irene Bedard, singing voice by Judy Kuhn.
Tiana The Princess and the Frog She marries Prince Naveen. Voiced by Elizabeth Dampier as a child and Anika Noni Rose as a young adult.
Namaari Raya and the Last Dragon She is the villainous warrior princess of the tribe of Fang Land in Kumandra, daughter of Chieftess Virana and the archenemy of Raya. Voiced by Jona Xiao as a teenager and Gemma Chan as an adult.
Raya The daughter of Chief Benja of the tribe of Heart Land in Kumandra, she is the heroic warrior princess who assumes the role of the Guardian of the Dragon Gem and embarks in search for Sisu, the last dragon. She is inspired by the character of Star-Lord and was voiced by Kelly Marie Tran.
Aurora (aka Briar Rose) Sleeping Beauty Daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. She falls in love with Prince Phillip. She is originally voiced by Mary Costa.
Snow White Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The central character of Walt Disney’s first animated feature film, and the first Disney Princess. Voiced by Adriana Caselotti.
Rapunzel Tangled The long-lost princess of Corona, daughter of King Frederic and Queen Arianna. Voiced by Mandy Moore.
Vanellope von Schweetz Wreck-It Ralph;
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Vanellope, voiced by Sarah Silverman, rejects the title at the film’s end, preferring to race in her parent game (Sugar Rush) over being royalty.


Princess Film Notes
Anastasia (Anya) Anastasia Loosely based on the true story of Anastasia Romanov, youngest daughter of Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar, and the rumors surrounding her supposed escape from the massacre that killed her family. When Disney acquired Fox, Anya became a de facto Disney Princess. Voiced by Meg Ryan; singing voice by Liz Callaway.
Snow White Happily Ever After Voiced by Irene Cara.
Princess Arianna Hercules The Golden Films version of the myth of Hercules.
Nausicaä Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind A 1984 animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, based on his manga of the same name. Other princesses who appear in the film:

  • Princess Lastelle of Pejite
  • Princess Kushana of Tolmekia
Sara Rhubarb The Penniless Princess 2012 VeggieTales retelling of A Little Princess.
Princess of Pure Reason The Phantom Tollbooth Based on the 1961 children’s book of the same name by Norton Juster. Voiced by June Foray and Patti Gilbert.
Princess of Sweet Rhyme
Princess Eloise The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie The leek princess of Monteria and the younger sister of Prince Alexander. Voiced by Laura Gerow.
Kimia Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel She is the princess of the Azoth Kingdom and the older sister of Prince Raleigh. Voiced by Riley Joseph in English and Mayu Matsuoka in Japanese.
Princess Irene The Princess and the Goblin Voiced by Sally Ann Marsh.
Princess Daria The Princess and the Pea Voiced by Amanda Waring.
Princess Arîte Princess Arete The titular character in the 2001 Japanese animated film. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima.
Princess Claire The Princess Castle The 1996 Golden Films film about a young girl who dreams of becoming a princess.
Princess Lillifee Prinzessin Lillifee The titular character in the 2009 German animated film. Princess Lillifee is the fairy Princess who rules the kingdom of Pinkovia. Lillifee also appears in the 2011 sequel, Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn. Voiced by Maresa Sedlmeier.
San Princess Mononoke A girl raised by wolves. If not a princess in actuality, a princess by name (she is called «Princess Mononoke» by the neighboring village people). Voiced by Yuriko Ishida in the original Japanese and by Claire Danes in the English dub.
Princess Malika Princess of Rome The film depicts the life of the Christian princess, Malika, mother-to-be of Muhammad al-Mahdi, the 12th Shia Imam, and granddaughter of Caesar of Rome.
Princesses Dawn and Eve The Princess Twins of Legendale Both voiced by Lalainia Lindbjerg.
C-Ko Kotobuki Project A-Ko C-Ko is the Fourth Princess from the Lepton Kingdom of Alpha Cygni, the long-lost daughter of the Fifth Queen.
Alessandra Bellagamba Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos She is the princess of Italy whose «Heart of Fire» Ruby, the crown jewel, has been missing. Voiced by Charlotte Newhouse.
Kayley Quest for Camelot While in actuality she is neither a princess by birth nor by marriage, Kayley holds an honorary title as a Knight of the Round Table. Speaking voice by Jessalyn Gilsig, singing voice by Andrea Corr.
Princess Akhesa La Reine Soleil Voiced by Coralie Vanderlinden
Princess Zeila La Rosa di Bagdad The niece of Caliph Omen III of Baghdad. Voiced by Julie Andrews in English, and by Germana Calderini (speaking) and Beatrice Preziosa (singing) in Italian.
Solar Sailor Princesses Sailor Moon Eternal Based on the Sailor Moon manga series, the Sailor Guardians reveal themselves to be Sailor Princesses, just like Usagi Tsukino/Princess Serenity and Chibiusa/Small Lady:

  • Ami Mizuno/Princess Mercury, voiced by Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese) and Kate Higgins (English)
  • Rei Hino/Princess Mars, voiced by Rina Satō (Japanese) and Cristina Vee (English)
  • Makoto Kino/Princess Jupiter, voiced by Ami Koshimizu (Japanese) and Amanda C. Miller (English)
  • Minako Aino/Princess Venus, voiced by Shizuka Itō (Japanese) and Cherami Leigh (English)
  • Setsuna Meiou/Princess Pluto, voiced by Ai Maeda (Japanese) and Veronica Taylor (English)
  • Haruka Tenou/Princess Uranus, voiced by Junko Minagawa (Japanese) and Erica Mendez (English)
  • Michiru Kaiou/Princess Neptune, voiced by Sayaka Ohara (Japanese) and Lauren Landa (English)
  • Hotaru Tomoe/Princess Saturn, voiced by Yukiyo Fujii (Japanese) and Christine Marie Cabanos (English)
Princess Snow Kaguya Sailor Moon S: The Movie 1994 Japanese animated film adapted from a side story of the Sailor Moon manga series, The Lover of Princess Kaguya, which is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale «The Snow Queen». The name «Princess Kaguya» comes from the Japanese legend The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Voiced by Eiko Masuyama in the Japanese version and by Linda Ballantyne in the English version.
Fairy Princess Willow Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King Voiced by Hayden Panettiere.
Princess Malta The Sea Prince and the Fire Child She is the daughter and heir of the Fire Goddess Themis of the Fire Kingdom. Voiced by Mami Koyama.
Princess Fiona Shrek Princess Fiona is initially portrayed as the archetypal princess from fairy tales, speaking formally in matters of courtship and presenting high expectations of how she is to be rescued, who is to rescue her, and so forth. She seems to give off an air of prissiness and even snobbery to a degree (however this is shown to be purely out of her concern for breaking her curse, which she is ashamed of). Later, Princess Fiona’s true self emerges, as she is really a very down-to-earth and independent woman who is a match or even better than Shrek when it comes to farting, belching, and other bad habits. She is a loyal friend, and unlike princesses of fairy tales, an expert in hand-to-hand combat with knowledge of Japanese martial arts. She also has very bad manners (just like Shrek), since she is, for part of the time at first, an ogre. However, she is much more well-mannered when in front of her parents. Princess Fiona is voiced by Cameron Diaz.
Princess Nefia Sinbad The daughter of King Jamaal of Salabat. The Golden Films version of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor.
Princess Serena Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Meechee Smallfoot Meechee is the daughter of the Yeti Village chief called the Stonekeeper. She is voiced by Zendaya.
The Princess The Snow Queen
  • Tatiana Linnik in the 1957 Soviet animated film.
  • Scarlett Strallen in the 1995 British animated film.
  • Erin Fitzgerald in the 2012 Russian 3D-animated film.

Based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name.

Princess Mindy The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
Princess Mila The Stolen Princess Voiced by Nadya Dorofeeva.
Princess Dawn Strange Magic Princess of the Fairy Kingdom. Voiced by Meredith Anne Bull.
Princess Marianne Dawn’s older sister. Voiced by Evan Rachel Wood.
Princess Kiara Super K – The Movie
(Kiara the Brave)
Voiced by Pamela L. Houle.
Princess Odette The Swan Princess Speaking voice by Michelle Nicastro, singing voice by Liz Callaway.
Princess Alise The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale Alise is the adopted daughter of Princess Odette and Prince Derek. Voiced by Carley G. Fogelson
Princess Lilli Tabaluga (Ice Princess Lily) The ice princess of Iceland. Voiced by Yvonne Catterfeld in German and Mackenzie Ziegler in English.
Princess Pea The Tale of Despereaux 2008 film based on Kate DiCamillo’s 2003 Newbery Medal-winning novel of the same name. Voiced by Emma Watson.
Princess Kaguya The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Voiced by Chloë Grace Moretz in English and Aki Asakura in Japanese.
Princess Yum-Yum The Thief and the Cobbler
(The Princess and the Cobbler)
Voiced, in the original version, by Hilary Pritchard. In the Miramax version, she is voiced by Jennifer Beals, in the Majestic Films version by Bobbi Page, and, in re-edited versions, Andrea Robinson provides Yum-Yum’s singing voice.
Princess Poppy Trolls;
Trolls World Tour
The former princess, and now queen, of the Trolls. Voiced by Anna Kendrick.
Elle de Rosenbach Urusei Yatsura: Only You She is an alien princess, just like Lum and Kurama, who is in charge of the Planet Elle and has to marry Ataru after their «shadow tag» during their childhood. Voiced by Shiori as a child and Yoshiko Sakakibara as an adult in the original Japanese, and by Kristen Foster in the English dub.
Princess Rosa The Wonderful World of Puss ‘n Boots Voiced by Rumi Sakakibara in Japanese and Corinne Orr in English.


Live action[edit]

Princess Series title Notes
Princess Millicent von Schlepp The Addams Family Gomez’s aunt who «married a Prince von Schlepp». Her husband was poor, and squandered all of her money before his death. Portrayed by Elvia Allman.
Princess Aouda Around the World in 80 Days 1989 NBC miniseries based on Jules Verne’s novel of the same name. Portrayed by Julia Nickson.
Liuying Ashes of Love The Demon Princess. Portrayed by Chen Yuqi.
Suihe The Princess of the Bird Tribe and the Peacock immortal. Portrayed by Wang Yifei.
Princess Brendar The Barbarian and the Troll A fierce warrior princess who is on a quest to avenge an attack on her family. Performed by Spencer Grammer.
Miranda BBC Television Shakespeare Portrayed by Pippa Guard in the episode «The Tempest».
Princess Susannah, Duchess of Beaumont Black Mirror In the 2011 episode «The National Anthem», Princess Susannah is kidnapped by artist Carlton Bloom, who forces Prime Minister Michael Callow to engage in sexual intercourse with a pig as a condition for her safe return. Portrayed by Lydia Wilson.
Princess Multiwa/Archerina Chōriki Sentai Ohranger/Power Rangers Zeo Voiced by Miho Yamada in Chōriki Sentai Ohranger and Melora Harte in Power Rangers Zeo.
Princess Brea The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance She is the princess of the Gelfling Vapra Clan, the third-born daughter of All-Maudra Mayrin (queen) and the younger sister of Princesses Seladon and Katavra. Voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy and performed by Alice Dinnean.
Beatriz Reyes-Montilla (aka Dyesebel) Dyesebel She is the princess who is part mermaid and part human and the titular protagonist of the series; the daughter of the merprince Tino and a human Lucia Reyes. Portrayed by Ashley Sarmiento as a child Anne Curtis as a young woman.
Princess Coralia The daughter of the evil Queen Dyangga and one of the main antagonists of the series. She and her mother would torment a mermaid princess Dyesebel and claim what’s rightfully theirs. Portrayed by Brenna Garcia as a child and Bangs Garcia as a young woman.
Alexandra «Alex» Wilson The Elephant Princess Princess of Manjipoor. Portrayed by Emily Robins.
Princess Indie Eureeka’s Castle Princess of Eureeka’s Castle. Performed by Eleanor Martin.
Princess Stella Fate: The Winx Saga Princess of Solaria. Portrayed by Hannah van der Westhuysen.
Princess Irulan Frank Herbert’s Dune Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Elder sister of Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Julie Cox.
Princess Wensicia Third daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Sister of Irulan, Chalice, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Susan Sarandon.
Isabella The Fuccons The young princess of the Blueberry Kingdom who was formerly betrothed to Mikey Fuccon. Voiced by Mitsuki Mori in Japanese and Nancy Novotny in English.
Princess Isabella Galavant Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia. Portrayed by Karen David.
Myrcella Baratheon Game of Thrones Princess of House Baratheon of King’s Landing. Legal daughter of King Robert Baratheon, biological daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Sister of Kings Joffrey and Tommen. Betrothed to Prince Trystane of Dorne. Portrayed in Seasons 1 and 2 by Aimee Richardson, and in Seasons 5 and 6 by Neil Tiger Free.
Shireen Baratheon Daughter of Stannis Baratheon, disputed King of Westeros, and his wife, Selyse Florent. Portrayed by Kerry Ingram.
Elia Martell Sister of Prince Doran Martell of Dorne and Prince Oberyn. Mentioned only.
Daenerys Targaryen Daughter of Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella; younger sister of Rhaegar and Viserys Targaryen. Wife of Khal Drogo, and mother of their stillborn son, Rhaego. Known as the Mother of Dragons and Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. Portrayed by Emilia Clarke.
Rhaenys Targaryen Daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. Niece of Daenerys Targaryen. Mentioned only.
Alexis Davis General Hospital Daughter of Greco-Russian prince Mikkos Cassadine and his mistress, Swedish opera singer Kristin Bergman. Portrayed by Nancy Lee Grahn, briefly by Susan Diol, and by Kristen Erickson as a teenager.
Princess Ial (Mio) Hikari Sentai Maskman Princess Ial of the Underground Empire Tube. Portrayed by Mina Asami.
«Prince» Igam Prince (Princess) Igam of the Underground Empire Tube, twin sister of Princess Ial. Major villain revealed to be a woman. Also portrayed by Mina Asami.
Princess SummerFallWinterSpring Howdy Doody Member of the fictional Tinka Tonka tribe. She was portrayed by actress Judy Tyler, but also performed as a marionette.
Lan Shang Ice Fantasy The mermaid princess of the Mermaid Tribe. Portrayed by Madina Memet.
Nan Xing The third princess of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Wang Yitong.
Qian Ying The Princess Consort of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Li Sheng.
Xing Gui The princess of the Dream Tribe. Portrayed by Xu Jiao.
Xue Mi The fourth princess of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Ou Xianru.
Yan Da The princess of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Alina Zhang Meng.
Princess Lee Jae-shin The King 2 Hearts The princess of South Korea, the daughter of Queen Bang Yang-seon and the younger sister of King Lee Jae-kang and Crown Prince Lee Jae-ha. Portrayed by Lee Yoon-ji.
Princess Ciara Knight Squad She is secretly the princess of Astoria who uses a special ring to attend knight school and be a part of Phoenix Squad under her disguise. Portrayed by Daniella Perkins.
Princess Eliza She is Ciara’s older sister who gives her a special ring and leads the royal army in fighting Ryker, the former king of Astoria. Portrayed by Sydney Park in the two-part episode «End of the Knight».
Princess Jarmin Kousoku Sentai Turboranger The Demon Princess. Portrayed by Kanako Kishi.
Mei Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger Princess of the Risha tribe. Portrayed by Reiko Chiba.
Princess Corah of Caddock Legend of the Seeker Season 1, Episode 19: «Cursed»

Corah is first introduced as the daughter of King Gregor of Caddock. She later becomes Queen of Caddock. Portrayed by Beatrice Joblin.

Princess Loralyn of Thryce Character in the TV series adaptation of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series; Season 2, Episode 13: «Princess»
Queen Milena of Tamarang Previously Princess Milena of Tamarang. Character in the TV series adaptation of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series. Portrayed by Geraldine Brophy; 1 Episode (1.9): «Puppeteer».[13]
Princess Violet of Tamarang Portrayed by Maisy McLeod-Riera, daughter of New Zealand actress Sarah McLeod; 1 Episode (1.9): «Puppeteer».
Princess Montivano Little Princess Portrayed by Jo Berry.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess Multiple television adaptations of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel have been made. Some notable examples include:

  • A Little Princess (1973), lost mini-series starring Deborah Makepeace.
  • A Little Princess (1986), mini-series starring Amelia Shankley.
  • Princess Sarah (2007), teleserye starring Sharlene San Pedro.
Princess Mabushina Mashin Sentai Kiramager She is the princess, and later crowned queen, of the Land of Jewels Crystalia who was very close to and fond of her foster brother Takamichi; the daughter of the late King Oradin and Queen Mabayuine. Voiced by Inori Minase.
Princess Elena Merlin The daughter of Lord Godwyn. Portrayed by Georgia King; 1 Episode: «The Changeling» (2010).
Princess Mithian Princess of Nemeth and daughter of King Rodor. Portrayed by Janet Montgomery; 2 Episodes: «The Hunter’s Heart» (2011) and «Another’s Sorrow» (2012).
Lady Morgana Pendragon Lady Morgana is introduced as the ward of Uther Pendragon, and is later revealed to be Uther’s daughter through a tryst with Morgana’s mother while her mother’s husband, Gorlois, was away.

While in Arthurian legend the character of Morgan LeFay, on whom Lady Morgana is based, is commonly depicted as the half-sister of Arthur through their mother, Igraine, in the Merlin television series they are related through Uther.

She is portrayed by Katie McGrath.

Lady Vivian Daughter of King Olaf. Portrayed by Georgia Tennant; 1 Episode (2.10): «Sweet Dreams» (2010).
Lee Seol My Princess The great-granddaughter of the last Emperor of the Joseon dynasty. Portrayed by Kim Tae-hee.
Princess Deirdre Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog Mystic Knight of Air. Portrayed by Lisa Dwan.
Princess Locke The New Legends of Monkey Portrayed by Bryony Skillington.
Princess Abigail/Kathryn Nolan Once Upon A Time Daughter of King Midas in the fairy tale world. Portrayed by Anastasia Griffith.
Princess Aurora Portrayed by Sarah Bolger.
Cora Mills The Queen of Hearts and the mother of Regina Mills and Zelena/The Wicked Witch of the West. Born a miller’s daughter, she becomes a princess when she marries Prince Henry, the son of King Xavier. The older Cora is portrayed by Barbara Hershey, the younger by Rose McGowan.
Queen Eva Previously Princess Eva. First wife of King Leopold and Snow White’s mother. Portrayed by Eva Bourne (credited as Eva Allan) as a young princess and by Rena Sofer as an adult.
Rapunzel Portrayed by Alexandra Metz.[14]
Regina Mills Also known as The Evil Queen, she is daughter of Cora and Prince Henry. She later becomes Queen as the second wife of King Leopold; step-mother of Snow White. Portrayed by Lana Parrilla.
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard Daughter of King Leopold and Queen Eva, wife of Prince «Charming» David in the fairy tale world and mother of Emma Swan. Portrayed by Ginnifer Goodwin as an adult, and by Bailee Madison as a child.

  • Her daughter, Emma Swan (portrayed by Jennifer Morrison), should be a princess, but since she was brought up in the real world, she is technically not. However, David does refer to Emma as a princess in «Where Bluebirds Fly»
Princess Anna of Arendelle Portrayed by Elizabeth Lail.
Ingrid the Snow Queen Formerly Princess Ingrid of Arendelle, Ingrid is the main antagonist on the first half of the fourth season of ABC’s Once Upon a Time. She débuts in the second episode of the fourth season. She is portrayed by guest star Elizabeth Mitchell as an adult and by Brighton Sharbino as a child.
Princess Helga of Arendelle Helga is the second child with Ingrid and Gerda as her sisters. She is portrayed by guest star Sally Pressman as an adult and by Bailey Herbert as a child.
Princess Gerda of Arendelle Gerda is the third child who inherits the throne and is the mother of Elsa and Anna. Portrayed by Pascale Hutton as an adult and by Ava Marie Telek as a child.
Ursula One of the three Queens of Darkness. She is a former mermaid, the daughter of the Sea King Poseidon. Portrayed by Merrin Dungey as an adult, and by Tiffany Boone as a young mermaid.
Princess Eleanor The Palace The first daughter of the widowed Queen Charlotte and the older sister of Prince George and Princess Isabelle, Eleanor is jealous of her first younger brother Richard IV taking over the throne after the death of her father, King James III. Portrayed by Sophie Winkleman.
Princess Isabelle Eleanor and Richard’s younger sister who is an A-Level student. Portrayed by Nathalie Lunghi.
Princess Areeyah Wangchuck/Mikay Maghirang-Dela Rosa Princess and I The long-lost crown princess of Yangdon who was adopted by the family of Maghirang; the daughter of King Anand and Queen Isabel Wangchuck. Portrayed by Kathryn Bernardo.
Princess Dollie Suri Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag Portrayed by Karishma Randhawa.
Shin Chae-kyeong Princess Hours 2006 South Korean television series based on the manhwa Goong. Portrayed by Yoon Eun-hye.
Lady Hwa-young She was formerly the Crown Princess. Portrayed by Shim Hye-jin.
Princess Hye-myung Portrayed by Lee Yoon-ji.
Feng Xin’er/Li Weiyoung The Princess Weiyoung The princess of Northern Liang, the daughter of King Hexi and granddaughter of Queen Dowager. Portrayed by Tiffany Tang.
Princess Georgina «Georgy» De La Rue Princesses A recently widowed English princess (and former showgirl) who arrives in the United States to challenge her late husband’s contested will. Portrayed by Twiggy (credited as Twiggy Lawson).
Evil Spirit Princess Venus Rescue Sentai GoGoFive Portrayed by Kaya Hirasawa.
Princess Eleanor Henstridge The Royals The princess of England, daughter of King Simon and Queen Helena Henstridge and twin sister of Prince Liam Henstridge. Portrayed by Alexandra Park.
Princess Maribel Henstridge The younger daughter of Prince Cyrus Henstridge. Portrayed by Hatty Preston (season 1) and Jerry-Jane Pears (season 2).
Princess Penelope Henstridge The first daughter of Prince Cyrus Henstridge and the older sister of Maribel. Portrayed by Lydia Rose Bewley.
Princess Emily Scandal She was the wife of Prince Richard and the princess of Caledonia who died in a car crash. She appeared in season 5, episode 1 «Heavy Is the Head» and was portrayed by Hilty Bowen.
Amberle Elessedil The Shannara Chronicles Elven princess, and the first female to be accepted as one of the Chosen. Portrayed by Poppy Drayton.
Vulcan Princess Star Trek The mother of Spock’s paternal half-brother Sybok.
Koriand’r / Kory Anders / Starfire Titans A super-powered alien princess, who comes to Earth seeking asylum. She ultimately crosses paths with and becomes a member of the Titans. Portrayed by Anna Diop.
Sookie Stackhouse True Blood Based on the book series of The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. Portrayed by Anna Paquin.
Vasilisa «Lissa» Dragomir Vampire Academy 2022 original Peacock series based on Richelle Mead’s young adult novel series of the same name. Portrayed by Daniela Nieves.
Princess Gisla Vikings Daughter of Emperor Charles; later marries Rollo, Duke of Normandy (Rollo Lothbrok). Based on the historical or legendary Gisela of France. Portrayed by Morgane Polanski.
Princess Judith Daughter of King Aelle and Queen Ealhswith of Northumbria and the wife of Prince Aethelwulf. She has a legitimate son with Aethelwulf, Prince Aethelred, and an illegitimate one with Athelstan, Alfred. Based on the historical Judith of Flanders. Portrayed by Sarah Greene in season 2 and Jennie Jacques since season 3.
Kwenthrith Pretender to the throne of Mercia, and sister of Prince Burgred. She has a putative illegitimate son, Magnus, with Ragnar. Based on the historical Cwenthryth. Portrayed by Amy Bailey.
Zhao Jiayi A Weaver on the Horizon Orphaned daughter of the late Emperor Lizong of Song, niece and ward of Wang Gang, Emperor Duzong of Song. She is known as Princess Jiayi. Portrayed by Cecilia Liu.
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon The Witcher Based on the novel series of the same name by Andrzej Sapkowski, Ciri is portrayed by Freya Allan. She also appears in the 2001 film The Hexer, portrayed by Marta Bitner.
Princess Lexi Wizards vs Aliens She is the princess of the Nekross aliens and the younger sister of the King Regent Varg. Portrayed by Gwendoline Christie.
Princess Tizz The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss The princess of the Kingdom of Didd and the daughter of King Derwin. Performed by Leslie Carrara-Rudolph.
Gabrielle Xena: Warrior Princess A warrior, bard, Amazon princess, and later Amazon queen. She is referred to by fans of the show as the «Battling Bard of Potidaea». Portrayed by Renee O’Connor.
Princess Siwan Yanxi Palace: Princess Adventure Portrayed by Xu Xiaonuo.
Princess Zhaohua Daughter of Emperor Qianlong and Wei Yingluo, Consort Ling. Her father is the emperor of the Qing dynasty. Portrayed by Wang Herun.
Princess Juliana of Bulgaria Year of the Rabbit She is a perpetrator of the kidnapping of her brother Prince Hector of Bulgaria; the member of ‘the Vision’, the secret organisation. Portrayed by Sally Phillips.


Princess Series title Notes
Princess Bubblegum Adventure Time Princess of the Candy Kingdom. Voiced primarily by Hynden Walch, Isabella Acres and Livvy Stubenrauch when turned younger, and by Paige Moss in the original pilot short.

While Princess Bubblegum is the most prominent princess in the princess-laden Adventure Time comics and television show, there are many others:

  • Breakfast Princess
  • Cotton Candy Princess
  • Dr. Princess
  • Emerald Princess
  • Engagement Ring Princess
  • Flame Princess, voiced by Jessica DiCicco.
  • Ghost Princess
  • Hot Dog Princess
  • Lumpy Space Princess, voiced by Pendleton Ward.
  • Purple Princess
  • Raggedy Princess
  • Slime Princess
  • Turtle Princess
  • Wildberry Princess
Marceline the Vampire Queen Princess Marceline is the self-proclaimed «Vampire Queen». However, she is also the daughter of the still living ruler of Nightosphere.
Alicia Charlotte Aikatsu Friends! Brilliant Jewel She is a princess from the Solvette kingdom and an idol with a distinctive atmosphere, for whom Hibiki Tenshō forms Friends with. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi.
Princess Julienne All Hail King Julien She is the ring-tailed lemur who is a princess of the Lemur Kingdom in Madagascar, the sister of Uncle King Julien and the mother of King Julien XIII. Voiced by Anjelica Huston.
Princess Gertrude Altair: A Record of Battles She is the second princess of the Urado Kingdom, and one of the four daughters of King Zsigmond III, who is the cabinet minister to formerly the Balt-Rhein Empire and later the Cuore and South Rumeliana. Voiced by Juri Kimura.
Princess Margit She is the youngest of King Zsigmond’s four daughters who is the cabinet minister of negotiations for Greater Türkiye and a spy for Zağanos’s spy network. Voiced by Megumi Han.
Princess Azula Avatar: The Last Airbender She was the Princess of the Fire Nation. Also of note is her mother, Princess Ursa, who appears in several flashbacks. Azula is voiced by Grey DeLisle.
Princess Yue She was the Princess of the Northern Water Tribe who was given life by the moon spirit, only to give it back when the moon spirit was killed in its fish form. She is voiced by Johanna Braddy.
Fabia Sheen Bakugan Battle Brawlers She is the Princess of Neathia and the younger sister of the former Queen Serena Sheen. Fabia later becomes the new Queen of Neathia in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge.
Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Wyndham Berserk She was formerly the princess of Midland.
Nunnally vi Britannia Code Geass Voiced by Kaori Nazuka (Japanese); Rebecca Forstadt (English).
Cornelia li Britannia Second Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army. Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (Japanese), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (English).
Euphemia li Britannia Third Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire. Voiced by: Omi Minami (Japanese), Michelle Ruff (English).
Jiang Lihua (Tianzi) Young Empress of the Chinese Federation, though she is sometimes referred to as a «puppet princess». Voiced by: Tamaki Matsumoto (Japanese), Jessica Straus (English).
Angelise «Ange» Ikaruga Misurugi Cross Ange Ange is a former princess of the Empire of Misurugi and the main heroine who is considered a «Norma» and has been exiled to the island of Arzenal. She is the daughter of the late Emperor Jurai and Empress Sophia and the sister of Emperor Julio and Princess Sylvia. Voiced by Nana Mizuki in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Misty Rosenblum She is a princess from the neighboring Kingdom of Rosenblum who is one of opposing teams that Ange competes with in some sort of para-mail Lacrosse. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Amanda L. Baird in English.
Salamandinay She is the princess from the Freya DRAGON clan who pilots Enryugo the Ryu-Shing-Ki mecha and is capable of controlling the other DRAGONs with the song called «El Ragna». Voiced by Yui Horie in Japanese and Juliet Simmons in English.
Princess Dorathea Danny Phantom The ghost princess who transforms into a dragon. Voiced by Grey DeLisle and Susan Blakeslee.
Princess Bean Disenchantment Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie De La Rochambeaux Grunkowitz, commonly known as «Bean», is the irresponsible and bisexual princess of Dreamland. She is the daughter of King Zøg and Queen Dagmar, the stepdaughter of Queen Oona, and the half-sister of Prince Derek. Voiced by openly bisexual actress Abbi Jacobson.
Princess Persephone Doc McStuffins Also known simply as Peri, she is a toy princess who is very athletic and hyper. Persephone appears in the episode «Sir Kirby and the Plucky Princess» and is voiced by Geena Davis.
Millhiore Firianno Biscotti Dog Days The 13-year-old princess of Biscotti Republic. Voiced by Yui Horie.
Princess Marie Angelica DokiDoki! PreCure Also known as Princess Marie Ange in Japanese, she is the princess of the Trump Kingdom.
The Princess Dora and Friends: Into the City! She appeared in the episode «The Royal Ball» and was voiced by Raquel Wallace.
Princess Maribel Appearing in the episode «The Princess and the Kate», she is the doppelgänger of Kate whom she trades places with for a day. Both Kate and Princess Maribel are voiced by Isabela Moner.
Princess Xochitl Voiced by Jessica Conde. She appeared in the episode «The Magic Ring».
Puppy Princess Princess of the Doggie Land. She appeared in the episode «Puppy Princess Rescue» and was voiced by Jamie Cantome.
The Princess Dora the Explorer She appeared in the episode «Dora’s Knighthood Adventure» and was voiced by Sofia Singer.
Sabrina the Snow Princess The princess of the Snowy Forest. She first appeared in the episode «Dora Saves the Snow Princess» and was voiced by Jessica Conde.
Chi-Chi Dragon Ball She is the daughter of the Ox-King of Frypan Mountain and the wife of Son Goku.
Princess Nell Dragon Goes House-Hunting Princess Andriana Ellen Croixdea Margarethe Emmalyn Narsham Felna, commonly known as Nell. Voiced by Misato Fukuen in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English.
Princess Clara Drawn Together Clara, voiced by Tara Strong, is a parody of the Disney Princesses, specifically Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Belle (Beauty and the Beast). There is also an animated film adaptation, called The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!.
Fatora Venus El-Hazard She is the second princess of Roshtaria.
Rune Venus She is the first princess of Roshtaria and older sister of Fatora.
Princess Caterina Elena of Avalor The daughter of King Joaquín and Queen Teresa of Cariza. She appeared in the episode «Olaball» and was voiced by Marsai Martin.
Princess Elena Crown princess of Avalor, full name Elena Castillo Flores. Daughter of the late King Raul and Queen Lucia of Avalor, and the elder sister of Princess Isabel. Princess Elena debuted in Disney Junior’s Sofia the First.[15][16] Voiced by Aimee Carrero.
Princess Marisa The crown princess of the Sirena kingdom of Coronado, daughter of King Pescoro and Queen Camila and the sister of Crown Prince Marzel. She appeared in the hour-long special «Song of the Sirenas» and was voiced by Gina Rodriguez and Gia Lopez (young).
Princess Valentina Princess Valentina Montańez Torres of Parìso. She appeared in the episode «Royal Rivalry» and was voiced by Chrissie Fit.
Princess Lalala The Emperor’s New School Appearring in one episode «The Bride of Kuzco», Lalala is a serious princess who Emperor Kuzco does not want to marry, leading her to be turned into a frog by Yzma until she changes back thanks to the mistake of Kronk. She was voiced by Teresa Ganzel.
Jane Klockenlocher The Enchanted World of Danny Kaye Voiced by Imogene Coca, Jane is a princess of the Empire of Bibbentucker whose father Emperor Klockenlocher has been tricked by the wicked jester, Jasper, into putting on his «invisible suit» in the 1972 stop-motion special adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s «The Emperor’s New Clothes».
Rona Pricipa O’Lapanesta Endro! She is the princess of the Lapanesta kingdom. Voiced by Momo Asakura in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Princess Hyatt Excel Saga In the anime series, Hyatt is a mysterious princess supposedly from space who has a connection to the Puuchuus and Space Butler and serves as the frail junior officer of Excel. Voiced by Omi Minami in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Princess Niamh Faeries The daughter of the King of Faery Land. Based on the book of the same name by Brian Froud and Alan Lee. Voiced by Morgan Brittany.
Princess Mandie («Man-DIE») The Fairly OddParents Voiced by Tara Strong.
Carla Fairy Tail Also known as Charles in Japanese, she is a white-furred cat who is the Exceed princess and can assume a humanoid form.
Hisui E. Fiore Hisui E. Fiore is the princess, and now queen, of Fiore and the daughter of King Toma E. Fiore.
Anelle Fantastic Four
The Super Hero Squad Show
A Skrull princess; the animated version of the Marvel Comics character.

  • Fantastic Four: «Behold, A Distant Star», voiced by Mary Kay Bergman.
  • The Super Hero Squad Show: «Another Order of Evil: Part 1», voiced by Tara Strong.
Fena Houtman Fena: Pirate Princess Fena is an orphaned princess who, as a pirate captain, recruits a group of seven elite samurai called the Samurai Seven to help her on her voyage. She is the only child of the King of England but has been adopted by the late Franz Houtman, the nobleman, and Helena des Armoises, the former maiden. Voiced by Asami Seto in Japanese and Brittany Cox in English.
Lisa Pacifist Final Fantasy: Unlimited She is the Tsarevna and heir of Russia who acts as a protector of the twins Ai and Yu Hayakawa. Voiced by Kyōko Hikami (Japanese) and Shawn Sides (English).
Princess Florrie Florrie’s Dragons Based on the children’s book series Dear Dragon by Margaret Hillert. Voiced by Lara Wollington.
Tiger Lily Fox’s Peter Pan & the Pirates She is the older sister of the Indian Prince Hard-to-Hit and the daughter of Chief Great Big Little Panther. An animated series that aired on Fox based on J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. Voiced by Cree Summer.
May Chang Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood The princess of the fictional country of Xing and the sister of Prince Lin Yao. Voiced by Monica Rial in English and Mai Goto in Japanese.
Lulun Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart She is the Princess of the Garden of Light and the younger sister of Prince Pollun.
Princess Goleeta Galtar and the Golden Lance The princess of Bandisar. Voiced by Mary McDonald-Lewis.
Princess Finella Gargoyles Princess of Scotland. Voiced by Sheena Easton.
Princess Katharine Granddaughter of Malcolm I of Scotland by his son, Prince Malcolm, and the Norman Princess Elena. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Piña Co Lada Gate The 19-year-old princess of the Empire who is dedicated to its welfare; the younger half-sister of Prince Zorzal El Caesar. Voiced by Jessica Boone in English and Haruka Tomatsu in Japanese.
Princess Gwendolyn Gawayn She is a rightful but deposed ruler whose evil Duke of Amaraxos shrinks her to take over her kingdom.
Falanya Elk Arbalest The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt She is the princess of the Kingdom of Natra who studies politics. She is the daughter of the late King Natra Owen and younger sister of Crown Prince Wein. Voiced by Sayaka Senbongi in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Lowellmina «Lowa» Earthworld She is the princess of the Earthworld Empire and the sister of Princes Demetrio, Bardloche and Manfred. Voiced by Nao Tōyama in Japanese and Alexis Tipton in English.
Towa Akagi Go! Princess PreCure The princess of the Hope Kingdom whose alter ego is Cure Scarlet. She was also the antagonist of the series, called Twilight.
Captain Victoria Guardians of the Galaxy She is the princess of the Spartax Empire, the younger half-sister of Peter Quill and the daughter of the villainous Emperor J’son. Voiced by Cree Summer.
Rinda Farseer Guin Saga The crown princess of Parros, and the daughter of King Aldross III, who along with her twin brother Crown Prince Remus allies with the mysterious, amnesiac warrior Guin. She is voiced by Mai Nakahara in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Hime Shirayuki HappinessCharge PreCure! The princess of the Blue Sky Kingdom. Hime’s alter ego is Cure Princess.
Charlotte «Charlie» Morningstar Hazbin Hotel Charlie is the princess of Hell and the founder of the Hazbin Hotel; the daughter of King Lucifer and Queen Lillith. Voiced by Jill Harris (speaking) and Elsie Lovelock (singing).
Princess Dawn Here Comes the Grump Voiced by Stefanianna Christopherson.
Irina The Heroic Legend of Arslan She is the blind princess of the kingdom of Maryam in Lusitanian territory who lost her sight by illness but keeps her regal appearance. Voiced by Lindsay Seidel in English and Ai Kayano in Japanese.
Princess Flora Honey Honey no Suteki na Bouken The princess of Vienna and Honey Honey’s older sister. Voiced by Fuyumi Shiraishi.
Princess Priscilla/Honey Honey The title character of the series who is a lost princess from a small Prussian country. Voiced by Minori Matsushima.
Jeanne Euphoria How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom She is the crown princess of the Gran Chaos Empire and the commander of the imperial military. Jeanne is the younger sister of Empress Maria Euphoria. Voiced by Yui Ishikawa in Japanese and Michelle Rojas in English.
Liscia Elfrieden She is the tomboyish crown princess of the Kingdom of Elfrieden, daughter of King Albert and Queen Elisha Elfrieden, and the adoptive sister of Tomoe Inui. She becomes the first Primary Queen as one of the wives to Kazuya who becomes her kingdom’s new king. Voiced by Inori Minase in Japanese and Anairis Quiñones in English.
Roroa Amidonia She is the princess from the former Principality of Amidonia, the daughter of the late Prince Gaius and the younger sister of Prince Julius Amidonia. She is the fourth Primary Queen as one of King Kazuya’s wives. Voiced by M・A・O in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English.
Emilia Gudenburg/Emilia Hermit/Emile Crossfode Hundred The third princess from the Gudenburg Empire who initially disguises herself as a boy under the name Emile Crossfode. Voiced by Rumi Okubo in Japanese and Mikaela Krantz in English.
Hildegard «Hilde» Minas Lestia In Another World with My Smartphone Hilde is the princess from the Lestia Knight Kingdom who is known as «Knight Princess» due to her swordsmanship skills and has moved to the Duchy of Brunhild as Touya Mochizuki’s seventh fiancée in the Bride Conference.
Lucia Leah Regulus Lucia is the third princess from the Regulus Empire who Touya rescues her from the imperial army in the coup and whose father Emperor Zephyrus creates a truce with King Tristwin of Belfast, leading her to become Touya’s fifth fiancée in the Bride Conference at the Duchy of Brunhild.
Yumina Ernea Belfast Yumina is the princess of the Kingdom of Belfast, and the niece of Duke Alfred Ortlinde, who possesses «Mystic Eyes», an ability in which allows her to see a person’s true nature, and forms the Bride Conference as she becomes Touya’s first fiancée in her uncle’s duchy of Brunhild. She is the daughter of King Tristwin and Queen Yuel.
Kaguya Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Kaguya, Princess of the Heavens. Moon Princess character in this second film of the Inuyasha film series.
Ecarlate Juptris St. Piria Ixion Saga DT She is a young princess of St. Piria who, despite being a child, is so mature that she has to marry Prince Nabokov Jugglaburk to bring peace to each other. Voiced by Shiori Mikami.
Ortfiné Fredericka von Eylstadt Izetta: The Last Witch Also known simply as Finé, she is the tomboyish crown princess and heir to the throne of Eylstadt. Voiced by Saori Hayami in Japanese and Mallorie Rodak in English.
Princess Serena Jack and the Beanstalk Voiced by Janet Waldo (speaking) and Marni Nixon (singing).
The Pirate Princess Jake and the Never Land Pirates Speaking voice by Tori Spelling, singing voice by Laura Dickinson.
Princess Winger A bird princess from the island of the Sky Bird Kingdom. Voiced by Lisa Loeb.
Princess Yasmine James Bond Jr. She is the daughter of Shiekh Yabootie of Al-Khaline and one of the Bond girls in the episode «Valley of the Hungry Dunes». Voiced by Sheryl Bernstein.
Princess Lavinia Pernilla Kippernook Jane and the Dragon Based on the book series of the same name by Martin Baynton. Voiced by Isabel De Carteret.
Princess Hitei Katanagatari She is a princess who resides in Owari and the descendant of master swordsmith Kiki Shikizaki. Voiced by Haruka Tomatsu.
Princess Yōsha «Togame» Hida She is the ambitious strategist working for the shogunate, and the only daughter of the late feudal lord Takahito Hida. Voiced by Yukari Tamura.
Princess Lily Kinnikuman The princess of Planet Kinmoku and the older sister Prince Cherry. Voiced by Minori Matsushima.
Princess Rona Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Appeared in the episode «A Princess in Dis-Dress»; voiced by Yuko Sasamoto in Japanese and Tara Sands in English.
Princess Mei Li Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness The Emperor’s daughter whom Master Po has to escort but discovers that she would be given to Warrior-King Temutai of the Qidan clan as a servant in exchange for peace between the nations in the episode «The Princess and the Po». Voiced by Kari Wahlgren.
Greta Kyo Kara Maoh! She is the princess from the fallen kingdom of Zorashia and the biological daughter of the former Lady Izura. Voiced by Motoko Kumai (Japanese) and Rebecca Forstadt (English).
Pina Sformklan Estoh Ladies versus Butlers! She is a princess who is in the upper-ed class. Voiced by Mai Gotō in Japanese and Bryn Apprill in English.
Lady LovelyLocks Lady Lovely Locks The princess of the Kingdom of Lovelylocks and the titular protagonist of the series. Voiced by Tony St. Vincent.
Duchess RavenWaves The evil ruler of Tangleland and the archenemy of Lady LovelyLocks. Voiced by Louise Vallance.
Yurikano De Metrio Lu Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne She is the princess of De Metrio, and the younger sister of the former Prince Villagulio, who was presumed dead after a failed Vox Particle Control Experiment but has actually survived the experiment and has been rescued by Le Garite following the Tradegy of Militia Zodia. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Carrie Keranen in English.
Liliana Il Grazioso Merlo Turan Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing The first princess of the Kingdom of Turan. Voiced by Jamie Marchi in English and Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese.
Millia Il Velch Cutrettola Turan The second princess of the Kingdom of Turan and one of the main characters of the series; the younger sister of Liliana. Voiced by Carrie Savage in English and Ai Kayano in Japanese.
Princess Eska The Legend of Korra Daughter of Chief Unalaq of the Northern Water Tribe and twin sister of Prince Desna; the cousin of Avatar Korra.
Aleta The Legend of Prince Valiant The Princess, and later Queen, of the Misty Isles; daughter of King Hugo. Voiced by Paige O’Hara.
Snow White The Legend of Snow White Daughter of King Conrad and Queen Isabelle of the Emerald Valley. Italian-Japanese anime series. Voiced by Yuri Amano.
Noa Ehn The Legend of the Legendary Heroes She is the former princess of the Estabul Kingdom, and the only daughter of King Ruwe Ehn, who senior statesman Claugh Klom has saved her from being killed during Miran Froaude’s extermination exercise on the nobles. Voiced by Mikako Takahashi in Japanese and Colleen Clinkenbeard in English.
Princess Zelda The Legend of Zelda Based on the video game series of the same name. Voiced by Cyndy Preston.
Spryte The fairy-princess who assists and accompanies Link and Princess Zelda. Voiced by Paulina Gillis.
Princess Corina Little Charmers The mermaid princess.
Ariel The Little Mermaid Ariel has a very distinctive appearance, with her long, flowing red hair, blue eyes, green tail and a lavender seashell bikini top. In the films and television series, she is the youngest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena.[17][18] She is often rebellious, and in the first film longs to be a part of the human world. She marries Prince Eric, whom she rescued from a shipwreck, and together they have a daughter, Melody.[19]

Some of her sisters appear occasionally throughout the television series, most notably Arista, whom Ariel often quarrels with.

  • Attina
  • Alana
  • Adella
  • Aquata
  • Arista
  • Andrina
The Little Princess Little Princess Based on the original books of the same name by Tony Ross. Voiced by Jane Horrocks.
Raynesia El-Arte Cowen Log Horizon Also spelled «Lenessia Erhart Cowen», she is a member of the Corwen clan in the League of Freedom Cities Eastal. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Auriana LoliRock She is the Princess of Volta.
Carissa She is the Princess of Calix.
Iris She is the Princess of Ephedia and the main character of the series.
Izira She is the first Princess of Xeris.
Lyna She is the Princess of Borealis.
Talia She is the second Princess of Xeris and the younger sister of Izira.
Alea Golt/Pony Goodlight Lost Song The princess and heir of the kingdom of Golt who was originally thought be to be lost during war and later becomes the queen following the abdication of her cold-hearted brother Prince Rudo. Voiced by Chiaki Takahashi in Japanese and Reba Buhr in English.
Amalla Su Love Hina She is the first Princess of Molmol. Voiced by Wendee Lee in English and Aya Hisakawa in Japanese.
Kaolla Su She is the second Princess of Molmol and Amalla’s younger sister. Voiced by Wendee Lee in English and Reiko Takagi in Japanese.
Hakuei Ren Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic She is the first princess of the Kou Empire and the older sister of Prince Hakuryuu and Princess Kougyoku. Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Johanna Luis (English).
Serendine Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia She is the first princess of the Parthevia Empire and the commander of the army, known as the «Venomous Spider Princess of Parthevia». Voiced by Ai Kayano (Japanese) and Abby Trott (English).
Princess Emeraude Magic Knight Rayearth She is the current pillar and the princess of Cephiro; elder sister of Prince Ferio. There is also a video game based on the anime.
Minky Momo Mahou Princess Minky Momo The princess of Fenarinarsa. Voiced by Koyama Mami, Rebecca Forstadt, Megumi Hayashibara.
Ruri Hoshino Martian Successor Nadesico Voiced by Omi Minami in Japanese and Kira Vincent-Davis in English.
Princess Maya Maya and the Three Maya, voiced by Zoe Saldana, is the warrior princess of Mesoamerica who embarks on a quest to recruit three legendary warriors to help save humanity from destruction of the underworld gods. She is the daughter of the King and Queen Teca.
Caren Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Mermaid Princess of the Antarctic Ocean. Voiced by Ema Kogure.
Coco Mermaid Princess of the South Pacific Ocean. Voiced by Satomi Arai.
Hanon Hosho Mermaid Princess of the South Atlantic Ocean. Voiced by Hitomi Terakado.
Lucia Nanami Mermaid Princess of the North Pacific Ocean and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Asumi Nakada.
Noel Mermaid Princess of the Arctic Ocean. Voiced by Ryoko Nagata.
Rina Toin Mermaid Princess of the North Atlantic Ocean. Voiced by Mayumi Asano.
Sara She was the villainous mermaid princess of the Indian Ocean. Voiced by Kana Ueda.
Seira The future mermaid princess of the Indian Ocean and the young successor of Sara. Voiced by Eri Kitamura.
Evie Alfred Mike the Knight She is the young princess who is a witch-in-training. She is the younger sister of Prince Mike and the daughter of King Norg and Queen Martha. Voiced by Erin Pitt in North America and Jessica Hann in the United Kingdom.
Princess Shivani Mira, Royal Detective She is the crown princess of the Indian kingdom of Naiyapuram. Voiced by Shavanie Jayna.
Marina Ismail Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The reigning princess of Azadistan. Voiced by Paula Lindberg (English) and Ayumi Tsunematsu (Japanese).
Cagalli Yula Athha Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Voiced by Naomi Shindo.
Relena Peacecraft Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Voiced by Lisa Ann Beley (English) and Akiko Yajima (Japanese).
Princess Scowlette MoonDreamers She is the villainous princess of Monstrous Middle who often tries to destroy the celestial Moondreamers to impress her mother, Queen Scowlene.
Princess Cat My Knight and Me The acrobatic tomboy princess who likes to tag along with Jimmy of Orange and his father Henri on their adventures. Voiced by Kaycie Chase.
Princess Vega My Life as a Teenage Robot She is formerly the good-hearted princess of the Cluster and the daughter of the evil Queen Vexus. She later becomes the Cluster’s new queen. Voiced by Thora Birch.
Princess Ponies My Little Pony
  • Princess Primrose, pink Earth pony princess. Voiced by Katie Leigh.
  • Princess Royal Blue, blue Earth pony princess. Voiced by Sherry Lynn.
  • Princess Serena, Earth pony princess. Voiced by Jennifer Darling.
  • Princess Sparkle, unicorn princess. Voiced by Alice Playten.
  • Princess Starburst, yellow Earth pony princess. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
  • Princess Tiffany, Pegasus princess and the leader of the Princess Ponies. Also voiced by Kath Soucie.

They appeared in the four-part episode «The Quest of the Princess Ponies».

Princess Cadance My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. She is the Princess of Love and rules the Crystal Empire jointly with her husband, Shining Armor. She is the mother of Flurry Heart, sister-in-law of Twilight Sparkle, and adopted niece of Princess Celestia. She was originally a pegasus. Voiced by Britt McKillip.
Princess Celestia She is the Princess of the Day and the older sister of Princess Luna. She raises the Sun every morning in the land of Equestria. Voiced by Nicole Oliver.
Princess Flurry Heart The daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, and the niece of Twilight Sparkle. She is the first known pony to have been born an alicorn. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain.
Princess Luna She is the Princess of the Night and the younger sister of Princess Celestia. She raises the Moon every evening in the land of Equestria. Speaking voice by Tabitha St. Germain, singing voice by Kazumi Evans («Twilight’s Kingdom») and Aloma Steele («A Hearth’s Warming Tail»).
Princess Twilight Sparkle She is the Princess of Friendship. She conjured up the first «new» magic in the history of Equestria. She was originally a unicorn. Voiced by Tara Strong (speaking) and Rebecca Shoichet (singing).
Princess Arkana Goodfey Mysticons The elder princess of Gemina, leader of the Mysticons and the second Mysticon Dragon Mage. The first daughter of King and Queen Goodfey and the stepdaughter of King Darius. Voiced by Alyson Court.
Zarya Moonwolf The younger twin sister of Arkana Goodfey and the second princess of Gemina who has been chosen as the second Mysticon Ranger; the biological daughter of King and Queen Goodfey and stepdaughter of King Darius. She is adopted by a family of Moonwolf. Voiced by Nicki Burke.
Nadia La Arwall Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water She is the princess and rightful heir of Atlantis who possesses the Blue Water; the biological daughter of former King Eleusis «Nemo» La Arwall and the sister of Emperor Benusis «Neo» La Arwall.
Hinata Hyuga Naruto The first daughter and former heiress of the Hyuga Clan, known as the «Byakugan Princess».
Hanabi Hyuga The second daughter and heiress of the Hyuga Clan and the younger sister of Hinata.
Tsunade The first grandchild of the First Hokage with many referring to her by the Japanese honorific «hime» (princess). She is the Fifth Hokage and also known as «Konoha’s Slug Princess Tsunade».
Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia Negima! Magister Negi Magi Also known as the Imperial Princess of Twilight, she is a princess from the fallen empire of Vespertatia and student number eight in Mahora Girls’ Jr. High Class. Voiced by Akemi Kanda in Japanese and Luci Christian in English.
Princess Nella Nella the Princess Knight The first daughter of King Dad and Queen Mom and the eponymous protagonist of the series. Voiced by Akira Golz.
Princess Norma The baby sister of Princess Nella and the second daughter of King Dad and Queen Mom. Voiced by Courtney Shaw.
Princess Tina The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn She is the princess of Lilliput who has been engaged to Huck Finn but is already in relationship with Lord Bitto; the daughter of King Bigun in the episode «The Little People». Voiced by Julie Bennett.
Romina Ladorio Ninja Senshi Tobikage The princess and heir of the planet Ladorio. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Princess Harumi Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Voiced by Britt McKillip.
Princess Vania Voiced by Sabrina Pitre.
Stephanie Dola No Game No Life The teenage granddaughter of the previous King of Elkia. Voiced by Sara Ornelas in English and Yōko Hikasa in Japanese.
Boa Hancock One Piece She is known to her subjects as the «Snake Princess».
Mansherry The dwarven princess of the Tontatta Kingdom who has the ability to instantly heal any living being’s injury with her tears. She is the daughter of the «Tonta-Chief», King Gancho.
Nefeltari Vivi Princess of the Alabasta Kingdom. She is also known as «Princess Vivi» in the English version.
Shirahoshi The gigantic Mermaid Princess of the Ryugu Kingdom and the youngest child of King Neptune and the late Queen Otohime.
Vinsmoke Reiju Better known as the «Poison Pink», Reiju is the princess of the Germa Kingdom, the sister of the former prince Vinsmoke Sanji and the daughter of King Judge and Queen Sora.
Viola/Violet Crown princess of Dressrosa whose older sister, Princess Scarlett, was killed when the Don Quixote Pirates took over her kingdom. She is the younger daughter of King Doldo III.
Aliceliese «Alice» Lou Nebulis IX Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World She is the second princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty whose magic power is to manipulate ice on a large scale. She is known as the «Ice Calamity Witch» by the Heavenly Empire and one of three daughters of Queen Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII. Voiced by Sora Amamiya in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Elletear Lou Nebulis IX She is the eldest daughter of Queen Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII and the first princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty who conspired with the Heavenly Empire to betray her entire family and country after being mocked and mistreated by her mother and other people due to her weak astral powers. Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese and Anairis Quiñones in English.
Sisbell Lou Nebulis IX She is Alice and Elletear’s younger sister and the third princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty whose ability, «Illumination», allows her to see what happened in the past. In a year before the story’s event, she was held captive in the Heavenly Empire until the main protagonist, Iska, rescued her. Voiced by Azumi Waki in Japanese and Emi Lo in English.
Renner Vaiself Overlord Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, she is the third princess of the Re-Estize Kingdom, the daughter of King Ramposa III and the half-sister of Princes Barbro and Zanac Vaiself. Voiced by Jessica Peterson in English and Kiyono Yasuno in Japanese.
Princess Ana Medaiyu Overman King Gainer The daughter of Duke Medaiyu of Domepolis. Voiced by Noriko Kito in Japanese and Michelle Ruff in English.
Princess of Barkingburg PAW Patrol Voiced by Caoimhe Judd.
Princess Paw Paw Paw Paws Voiced by Susan Blu.
Princess Alrgelbaccch Blunkenthorttthhhph Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Princess of Alien World. Voiced by Elizabeth Henstridge.
Platinum Princess Candidates Petite Princess Yucie The five princesses who attend the Princess Academy and form their friendship:

  • Yucie, princess of the Human World who is raised by the knight Gunbard and cursed in the body of a 10-year-old child.
  • Cocoloo, princess of the Spirit World who is gentle and soft-spoken and a friend to Yucie.
  • Glenda, princess of the Demon World (Underworld) who formerly rivals with Yucie.
  • Elmina, princess of Heaven (Celestrial Realm) who is very studious and fastidious and has a similar curse to Yucie.
  • Beth, princess of the Fairy World who is athletic and stubborn and also has a similar curse to Yucie.
Princess Baldegunde Phineas and Ferb The 15-year-old princess of Druelselstein who is the doppelgänger of Candace Flynn. Both Candace and Baldegunde are voiced by Ashley Tisdale.
Princess OomLout «Oom» Planet Sheen She is the daughter of the alien emperor of the planet Zeenu. OomLout has two different faces in which to switch, and was voiced by Candi Milo.
Princess Allie Pokémon Princess Allie of the Parfum Palace. She appeared in the episode «Awakening the Sleeping Giant!» and was voiced by Kate Bristol in English and Misato Fukuen in Japanese.
Princess Salvia She is the doppelgänger of Dawn, appeared in the episode «Dawn of a Royal Day!» and was voiced by Erica Schroeder in English and Yumi Kakazu in Japanese.
Princess Sara She appeared in the episode «The Princess and the Togepi» and was voiced by Tara Sands in English and Megumi Toyoguchi in Japanese.
Princess Melody Potatoes and Dragons The blonde-haired princess of the land of potatoes, and the daughter of King Hugo III, who befriends the dragon. Voiced by Carrie Finlay.
Princess Morbucks The Powerpuff Girls Voiced by Jennifer Hale in the 1998 version and Haley Mancini in the 2016 version.
Princess Bluebelle The Powerpuff Girls (2016) Bluebelle, voiced by Laura Bailey, is a parody of the Disney Princesses who resides in the fairy tale world but ends up visiting a modern-day city, similar to Giselle from Enchanted, in the episode «Once Upon a Townsville».[20]
Yūki Soleil The Price of Smiles She is the 12-year-old energetic princess of the Kingdom of Soleil who thinks it is the duty of her father the King to make everyone and herself smile. Voiced by Yumiri Hanamori.
Princess Gwenevere Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders Voiced by Kerry Butler (season 1) and Jean Louisa Kelly (season 2).
Charlotte Hazelrink Princess Lover! Princess of the fictional Hazelrink Principality. Voiced by Ryōka Yuzuki.
Natasha Princess Natasha She is secretly a princess and spy from Zoravia, and the daughter of King Carl and Queen Lena, who travels to the United States in order to stop the attacks of her villainous uncle Lubek.
Princess Charlotte Princess Principal Fourth Princess of a fictional analogue of England called Albion. She is voiced by Akira Sekine in Japanese and Patricia Duran in English.
Lillianne von Phoenix Princess Resurrection Also known as Hime, she is the princess from the Phoenix Tribe.
Sarah Crewe Princess Sarah The anime adaption of A Little Princess. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Princess Sissi Princess Sissi She is the titular character of the show. Voiced by Terri Hawkes.
Ahiru Arima/Princess Tutu Princess Tutu Voiced by Nanae Katō (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English).
Rue Kuroha/Princess Kraehe Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Jessica Boone (English).
Septième Rodelia Pumpkin Scissors The seventh princess from the kingdom of Rodelia who Warrant Officer Martis has a subtle encounter with. She appeared in the episode «Rough Yet Delicious» and was voiced by Chiwa Saitō in Japanese and Sarah Swifford in English.
Menace Queen’s Blade She was a princess from an ancient kingdom of Amara who died trapped in her palace but was resurrected by the villainous Swamp Witch. Voiced by Yūko Gotō in Japanese and Jessica Paquet in English.
Ymir Iron Princess Ymir, she is the daughter of the Dwarven King. Voiced by Ayaka Saito in Japanese and Kate Vincent in English.
Princess Fianna Record of Lodoss War In the OVA series, Fianna is the only daughter of one of the «Six Heroes», King Fahn of Valis, who gains her responsibility and political role before becoming the new queen of Valis. Voiced by Rei Sakuma in Japanese and Simone Grant in English.
Flare Arlgrande Jioral Redo of Healer Also known as Freia, she is the first princess of the Jioral Kingdom who is known as the Magic Hero. Voiced by Ayano Shibuya.[21]
Norn Clatalissa Jioral Also known as Ellen, she is the second princess of the Jioral Kingdom and Flare’s younger sister. Voiced by Minami Tsuda.
Princess Adelheid/Chocolate Parfait Restaurant to Another World She is the princess of the Great Empire, the granddaughter of Emperor Wilhelm, and the youngest great power on the Eastern Continent. Voiced by Reina Ueda in Japanese and by Jeannie Tirado (Season 1) and Alexis Tipton (Season 2) in English.
Anthy Himemiya Revolutionary Girl Utena Anthy is the mysterious princess who attends Ohtori Academy, with her older brother Akio Ohtori (formerly Prince Dios) as its chairman, where she is the Rose Bride for whom Utena Tenjou, a tomboy who poses as the «noble prince», escorts her throughout the sword dueling events. There is also an anime film adaptation, Adolescence of Utena.
Malty S. Melromarc/Myne Sophia The Rising of the Shield Hero The former first princess of Melromarc and primary antagonist of the series. Voiced by Faye Mata in English[22] and Sarah Emi Bridcutt in Japanese.
Melty Q. Melromarc The second princess and heir of Melromarc and younger sister of Malty. Voiced by Jackie Lastra in English[23] and Maaya Uchida in Japanese.
Marie Antoinette The Rose of Versailles Marie is a princess who later becomes the queen of France as a wife to the Dauphin. She is formerly the love interest of Oscar François de Jarjayes (a woman raised as a man) and Hans Axel von Fersen. She is based on the real-life Marie Antoinette and was voiced by Miyuki Ueda.
Princess Kakyuu Sailor Moon Also known as Princess Fireball in English version, she is the princess of the planet Kinmoku outside the solar system.
Princess Serenity («Sailor Moon») Sailor Moon;
Sailor Moon Crystal
She is the princess of the Moon Kingdom and the daughter of Queen Serenity in her past life. In the future, she is Neo-Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo as the wife of King Endymion and mother of Chibiusa.
Princess Usagi «Small Lady» Serenity («Sailor Chibi Moon») She is the young princess of Crystal Tokyo and the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion. She travels to the past to seek help from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers and later returns as a Soldier herself.
Saori Athena Saint Seiya Voiced by Keiko Han, Fumiko Orikasa, Ayan Hirano and Allison Sumrall.
Sally Yumeno Sally the Witch She is the witch princess of the Magic Kingdom and the eponymous protagonist of the series.
Princess Violet «Vi» (Tokugawa Usako) Samurai Pizza Cats She is the rabbit princess of Little Tokyo and the mean, selfish daughter of Emperor Fred (panda) and Empress Frieda (rabbit). Voiced by Liza MacRae in English and Maria Kawamura in Japanese.
Aliyah-Din Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights The girl who wishes to become a princess in the gender-bent version of «Aladdin». Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Pacifica Casull Scrapped Princess Also referred to as the «Scrapped Princess», Pacifica is the abandoned princess from the kingdom of Leinwan who was adopted by the Casull family. Voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in Japanese and Kari Wahlgren in English.
Princess Seness Giat The warrior princess of the Giat Empire. Voiced by Yuki Matsuoka in Japanese and Wendee Lee in English.
Princess Ping The Secret Show The sister of Prince Spong of the planet Zabulon.
Elaine The Seven Deadly Sins A princess of the Fairy Clan, and sister of King. Voiced by Kotori Koiwai (Japanese) and Brianna Knickerbocker (English).
Elizabeth Liones The third princess of Liones as the adopted daughter of King Bartra. She is the main viewpoint character of the story as well as the main female protagonist. Voiced by Sora Amamiya (Japanese) and Erika Harlacher (English).
Margaret Liones The First Princess of Liones, daughter of King Bartra, sister of Veronica, and eldest adoptive sister of Elizabeth. Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Johanna Luis (English).
Nadja Liones The sister of King Bartra and love interest of Gowther.
Veronica Liones Second Princess of Liones, daughter of King Bartra, younger sister of Princess Margaret, and elder adoptive sister of Princess Elizabeth. Voiced by Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese) and Abby Trott (English).
Princess Adora («She-Ra») She-Ra: Princess of Power;
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Daughter of King Randor and Queen Marlena; princess of Eternia and the twin sister of Prince Adam.
Princesses of Etheria She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
  • Adora, the current incarnation of She-Ra, the Princess of Power. Voiced by Aimee Carrero.
  • Princess Entrapta, Princess of Dryll and a former member of the Princess Alliance. Unlike many of the other princesses, she has no magical powers and no runestone. Voiced by Christine Woods.
  • Princess Frosta, Princess of Castle Chill in the Kingdom of Snows. Voiced by Merit Leighton.
  • Princess Glimmer, Princess of Brightmoon and daughter of Queen Angella and King Micah. Voiced by Karen Fukuhara.
  • Princess Mermista, Princess of Salineas and daughter of King Mercier. Voiced by Vella Lovell.
  • Princess Perfuma, Princess of Plumeria. Voiced by Genesis Rodriguez.
  • Princess Scorpia, a member of the Evil Horde whose family gave their runestone, the Black Garnet, to Lord Hordak. Voiced by Lauren Ash.
Princess Adara Shimmer and Shine The stardust princess of Zahramay Skies. Voiced by Tania Gunadi.
Princess Samira The princess of Zahramay Falls and one of the main characters of the show. Voiced by Nikki SooHoo in the US and Cariad Lloyd in the UK.
Princess Ula The Gem Princess of Rainbow Zahramay who is in charge of giving all the Genies Gems their magic powers. Voiced by Tatyana Ali.
Princess Kemi of Nigeria The Simpsons The daughter of a Nigerian king who makes a deal with Mr. Burns. She appeared in the episode «The Princess Guide» and was voiced by Yaya DaCosta.
Yuriarna Merol Melissa Rhoden Olav Skeleton Knight in Another World The second princess of the Rhoden Kingdom, and the younger daughter of King Karlon, who has been assassinated on her way to the Grand Duchy of Limbult but is resurrected by Arc’s Rejuvenation magic. She is the younger sister of Duchess Seriarna of Limbult and the half-sister of Princes Sekt and Dakares. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi in Japanese and Danielle Yoshiko Phillips in English.
Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun Slayers She is the Princess of Seyruun and the youngest daughter of Prince Philionel.
Gracia Ul Naga Seyruun Better known as «Naga the White Serpant», she is the older sister of Amelia and the oldest daughter of Prince Philionel.
Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova She is the former Princess, and later Queen, of the Kingdom of Zoana. She is named after professional tennis player Martina Navratilova.
Princess Syalis Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Princess Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste, otherwise known simply as Syalis. She is the princess from the kingdom of Goodereste in the human world who has been taken by the Demon King Tasogare but finds a good place to sleep in his castle. Voiced by Inori Minase in Japanese and Kira Buckland in English.
Princess Savina The Smurfs Voiced by Jennifer Darling.
Rona Shenazard Snow White with the Red Hair The princess of Tanbarun, daughter of King Shenazard and the sister of Princes Raji and Eugena Shenazard. Voiced by Alexis Tipton in English and Inori Minase in Japanese.
Suelecia «Sue» Analeit So I’m a Spider, So What? She is the second princess of the Analeit Kingdom who cares deeply for her older half-brother Prince Shun but willingly aids Shiraori out of fear to frame him while assassinating her father King Meiges under the coup of her elder brother Crown Prince Cylis. Voiced by Yui Ogura in Japanese and Kira Buckland in English.
Princesses from Sofia the First Sofia the First Princess Sofia («Sofia the First»);[24][25] the daughter of Miranda, who marries King Roland II of Enchancia.[26][27] Released as a TV movie in Fall 2012, and a TV series in Spring 2013. Voiced by Ariel Winter.

  • Princess Amber, Sofia’s elder stepsister, the Princess of Enchancia; Voiced by Darcy Rose Byrnes.
  • Princess Arsinoe, voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Charlotte of Isleworth; daughter of King Philip and Queen Everly. Charlotte is a former wearer of the Amulet of Avalor whom Sophia helps to break a curse; voiced by Megan Hilty.
  • Princess Clio of Corinthia; a friend of Princesses Amber, Hildegard, and Sofia; voiced by Harley Graham.
  • Princess Hildegard of Friezenburg; friend of Sofia’s stepsister, Amber. Hildegard has an older sister. Voiced by Coco Grayson.
  • Princess Jun of Wei-Ling, daughter of Emperor Quon and Empress Lin-Lin, sister of Prince Jin. Voiced by Michaela Zee.
  • Princess Leena of Khaldoun, daughter of King Nasir and Queen Anya, sister of Princess Maya and Prince Khalid. Voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Mae of Athens, voiced by Alyson Stoner.
  • Princess Matilda
  • Princess Maya of Khaldoun, daughter of King Nasir and Queen Anya, sister of Princess Leena and Prince Khalid. Voiced by Olivia Grace.
  • Princess Penelope «Penny» of York, voiced by Bailee Madison.
  • Princess Vivian of Zumaria, daughter of Queen Cecily; Sofia’s shy, musically gifted best friend; she is one of Sofia’s classmates at Royal Prep. Voiced by Sabrina Carpenter.
  • Princess Cora of Mermaid Cove, daughter of Queen Emmaline and Oona’s mermaid older sister who aids Sofia in Oona’s rescue. Voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Oona of Mermaid Cove, daughter of Queen Emmaline; Sofia’s mermaid friend who is kidnapped but is saved by Sofia and her sister Cora. Voiced by Kiernan «Kiki» Shipka.
  • Princess Lei-Lani «Lani» of Hakalo, voiced by Abigail Mavity.
  • Princess Zooey; daughter of Queen Avery (Kath Soucie). Voiced by Fiona Bishop.
  • Princess Ivy, an evil princess who attempted to take over Sofia’s kingdom after Amber stole Sofia’s amulet which put a curse on her by summoning Princess Ivy. Voiced by Anna Camp.
  • Duchess Matilda («Aunt Tilly»). Voiced by Bonnie Hunt.
Sally Acorn Sonic the Hedgehog Princess of Mobotropolis and the co-leader of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Sonia the Hedgehog Sonic Underground The daughter of Queen Aleena of Mobius and the sister of Sonic and Manic Hedgehog. Voiced by Jaleel White (speaking) and Louise Vallance (singing).
Princess Sparkle Spider Riders The princess of Arachna and the younger sister of Prince Lumen. Voiced by Melanie Tonello in English and Kaori Shimizu in Japanese.
Sparkle Star Fairies A Star Fairy princess who rules the land of WishComeTrue high above the clouds. Voiced by B. J. Ward.
Ophiuchus/Darknest Star☆Twinkle PreCure She is the leader of the Notraiders and the main villainess of the series who is a former member of the Star Princesses before being exiled by them, leading the Notraiders to attack the princesses’ Star Palace and then seek the twelve Princess Star Color Pens.
Star Princesses They are a group of thirteen princesses who are based on the Zodiac signs and protect the balance of the universe. They soon scatter themselves across the universe as the Princess Star Color Pens sought by the five PreCures and the Notraiders.

  • Princess Taurus
  • Princess Leo
  • Princess Libra
  • Princess Capricorn
  • Princess Scorpio
  • Princess Sagittarius
  • Princess Virgo
  • Princesses Gemini twins
  • Princess Aries
  • Princess Aquarius
  • Princess Cancer
  • Princess Pisces
Meteora Butterfly Star vs. the Forces of Evil Formerly known as Miss Heinous, she is the former princess and true heir to the throne of Mewni. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren as a baby, Bryana Salaz as a teenager and Jessica Walter as an adult.
Star Butterfly Princess of Mewni and the main character of the series. Voiced by Eden Sher.
Princess Aurora Starzinger The princess of the Moon. Voiced by Kazuko Sugiyama.
Shūrei Hong The Story of Saiunkoku She is the daughter of the Hong clan. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima in Japanese and Kelly Sheridan in English.
Princess Alia Strange Dawn She was a princess who used her magic powers to summon the two human girls, Yuko and Eri, to her planet but later died during an escape attempt. Voiced by Yuri Shiratori.
Princess Berrykin Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures Voiced by Andrea Libman.
La Folia Rihavein Strike the Blood The beautiful, silver-haired princess of Aldegyr. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi.
Ako Shirabe Suite PreCure The princess of the Mayor Land. Ako’s alter ego is Cure Muse.
Princess Pea (aka Princess Presto) Super Why! Voiced by Tajja Isen.
Princess Ilana Sym-Bionic Titan The alien princess. Voiced by Tara Strong.
Princess Grace TaleSpin She is a white swan who is a princess, and later queen, of the Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang kingdom in the episode «Waiders of the Wost Tweasure». Voiced by Victoria Carroll.
Princess Lotta L’Amour She is a vixen crown princess of the Middle-Eastern kingdom of Macadamia and the daughter of King Amuck (rabbit) in the episode «The Road to Macadamia». Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Princess Aja Tarron Tales of Arcadia Voiced by Tatiana Maslany.
Princess Claris Tantei Opera Milky Holmes The princess of Marlo who bears a striking resemblance to Sheryl Shellingford and yearns to be a normal girl, despite her arranged marriage to Prince Pero. Voiced by Ai Nonaka.
Princess Mallory of Malicuria Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Voiced by Renae Jacobs[28]
Ayeka Masaki Jurai Tenchi Muyo She is the First Princess of Jurai.
Sasami Masaki Jurai She is the Second Princess of Jurai and Ayeka’s younger sister.
Princess Ariel Thundarr the Barbarian Voiced by Nellie Bellflower.
Princess Shalala Time Travel Tondekeman Voiced by Rei Sakuma.
Lala Satalin Deviluke To Love Ru The princess of the Deviluke kingdom, older daughter of King Gid Lucion and Queen Sephie Michaela Deviluke; older sister of the twin princesses Nana Asta and Momo Belia Deviluke.
Princess Erika Tōshō Daimos A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Erika, voiced by Miyuki Ueda, is a former princess of the Baam Empire who works as a field doctor after her father Emperor Leon was poisoned by the villainous Olban and his right-hand man Georiya. She is also the sister of the disgruntled Prince Richter and the love interest of Kazuya Ryūzaki.
Princess Grizelda True and the Rainbow Kingdom Grizelda, voiced by Anna Bartlam, is a self-centered princess who claims herself to be one for the Rainbow Kingdom but realizes she needs a friend like True. She is also accompanied with her dog Frookie.
Sakura Tsubasa Chronicle the Movie: The Princess of the Country of Birdcages Voiced by Yui Makino.
Princess Tomoyo Voiced by Maaya Sakamoto.
Shoukei The Twelve Kingdoms She was the sheltered princess of the Hou Kingdom and the daughter of the late King Chuutatsu and Queen Kaka. Voiced by Kate Higgins in English and Houko Kuwashima in Japanese.
Princesses from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Twin Princess of Wonder Planet
  • Fine and Rein, the twin princesses of the Sunny Kingdom.
  • Grace, the legendary princess from the ancient days.
  • Milky, the toddler princess of the Moon Kingdom.
  • Lione, the princess of the Flame Kingdom.
  • Mirlo, the princess of the Water Drop Kingdom.
  • Seed Princesses, the eleven princesses of the Seed Kingdom.
  • Altezza, the princess of the Jewelry Kingdom.
  • Sophie, the princess of the Windmill Kingdom.
  • Pearl, the princess of the Sea Kingdom.
Princesses from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Gyu!
  • Elizabetta, the princess of the Planet Celeb.
  • Chiffon, the princess of the Planet Mathematics.
  • March, the princess of the Planet Morals
  • Lemon, the princess of the Planet Naniwan.
  • Bibin, the princess of the Black Planet.
Maria Grace Fleed UFO Robot Grendizer She is a princess who, like her brother Crown Prince Duke Fleed, has been raised on Earth after her home planet Fleed was destroyed by the forces of King Vega.
Rubina She was the daughter of King Vega and the princess of the planet Vega who was a fiancée to Duke Fleed, only to be separated by the attack of the Queen Spazer fortress.
Princess Valkyire «Val» UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Valkyrie is the princess from the planet Valhalla who flees to Earth and, after transferring part of her soul to her lover Kazuto Tokino, takes on the form of an 8-year-old child. She has seven sisters:

  • Princess Mehm
  • Princess Hydra
  • Princess Chorus
  • Princess Pharm
  • Princess Inarba
  • Princess Nesty
  • Princess Laine
Charlotte de Valois Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight She is a princess of the Kingdom of France, and the third daughter of the Royal Family of Valois, who becomes the heir to the throne after her brothers’ deaths in the Battle of Azincourt. She is the female counterpart of Charles VII of France and is voiced by Saori Ōnishi in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Kurama Urusei Yatsura The humanoid princess of the Karasutengu (crow goblin) alien race. Voiced by Rihoko Yoshida.
Lum Voiced by Fumi Hirano.
Princess Camyu Utawarerumono The second princess of Onkamiyamukai who was born with black wings. Voiced by Rie Kugimiya in original Japanese and Serena Varghese in English dub.
Princess Ulthury Camyu’s older sister and the first princess of Onkamiyamukai who was born with white wings and holds the title of High Priestess. Voiced by Sayaka Ohara in Japanese and Kelly Manison in English.
Lieselotte W. Dorssia Valvrave the Liberator She is the princess of Dorssia who saved L-elf’s life when they were children but later believes she does not belong with him as a result to being a Magius. Voiced by Aki Toyosaki.
Miyu Vampire Princess Miyu
Princess Tinyfeet The Venture Bros. Voiced by Suzanne Gilad.
Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel Violet Evergarden Princess of the Kingdom of Drossel. Voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English and Megumi Nakajima in Japanese.
Millerna Aston The Vision of Escaflowne She is the third princess of the kingdom of Asturia, youngest daughter of the widowed King Grava Aston and younger sister of Princesses Marlene and Eries Aston.
Marlene Freid (née Aston) She was the first princess of Asturia, oldest daughter of King Grava Aston and older sister of Millerna and Eries Aston. She adopted Chid Freid, the biological son of her former lover Allen Schezar, to make him the prince and heir of the duchy of Freid.
Princess Allura (Princess Fala) Voltron Voiced by B. J. Ward in the 1980s and 1990s series, Ashleigh Ball in the 2011 series, and Kimberly Brooks in the 2016 series.
Elyon Escanor/Elyon Brown W.I.T.C.H. She is the lost princess, and later rightful queen, of Meridian who was raised by the family of Brown as a normal girl from her evil brother Prince Phobos. Voiced by Serena Berman.
Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm Wakfu She is the Princess of the Sadida Kingdom.
The Ugly Princesses A group of princesses that have been cursed to become ugly by the God Osamodes.

  • Princess Eenca
  • Princess Ydalipe
  • Princess Erpel
  • Princess Lela
Princess Demurra Wander Over Yonder Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Princess Sara Wildfire The princess of Thurinia, the daughter of Prince Cavan and the late Queen Sarana, and the main character of the show. Voiced by Georgi Irene.
Members of the Winx Club Winx Club
  • Aisha, the Princess of the surface of Andros and the fairy of waves.
  • Amentia, the Princess of Downland.
  • Bloom, the Princess of Domino who is a fairy with the power of ‘the dragon flame’.
  • Daphne, the Nymph of Domino and Bloom’s older sister.
  • Diaspro, a princess from Eraklyon and Prince Sky’s former fiancée.
  • Galatea, the Princess of Melody.
  • Icy, the Princess of Dyamond.
  • Krystal, the Princess of Linphea.
  • Roxy, the Princess of Tir Na Nog and the fairy of animals.
  • Sapphire, the Princess of Dyamond and Icy’s younger sister.
  • Stella, the Princess of Solaria and the fairy of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
  • Tressa, the mermaid princess of the oceans of Andros and the cousin of Aisha.
May von Earls-hide Wise Man’s Grandchild She is the 10-year-old princess of the Earlshide Kingdom who turns out to be a prodigy after learning under Merlin Wolford and his ex-wife Melida Bowen. She is the younger sister of Prince August and the daughter of King Diseum and Queen Julia. Voiced by Maya Hinanogi in Japanese and Brittany Lauda in English.
Lemercier Princesses The World Is Still Beautiful The four princesses of the Rain Dukedom.

  • Mira Lemercier, the first princess
  • Nia Lemercier, the second princess
  • Kara Lemercier, the third princess
  • Nike Lemercier, the fourth princess and the main protagonist
Princess Crepe Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo! The tiger princess who rules the Crêpe Kingdom and is one of the Four Rulers in which she holds the Rose Garden Key to open the door to the Cure Rose Garden.
Yona Yona of the Dawn She is the sole princess of the Kouka Kingdom, daughter of the pacifistic King II and the late Queen Kashi. Voiced by Chiwa Saitō in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Princess Adena Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters The princess of Sin Lau who is created in the virtual reality game by Seto Kaiba based off his younger brother Mokuba. Voiced by Eri Sendai in Japanese and Tara Sands in English.
Princess Rose Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Voiced by Hiroko Kasahara in Japanese and Veronica Taylor in English.
Princess Silver Yume no Crayon Oukoku She is a young princess of the Crayon Kingdom, and the descendant of Queen Buretsu, who has «Twelve bad habits».


Princess Series title Notes
Princess Theresa of Liechtenstein Cabin Pressure Eldest sister of the King of Liechtenstein (a title which does not exist in real life), and love interest of pilot Martin Crieff.
Erimemushinteperem Doctor Who More commonly known as «Erimem», she is the fictional daughter of Pharaoh Amenhotep II and a companion of the Fifth Doctor. She appears in a number of audio plays produced by Big Finish Productions, in which she is played by Caroline Morris.

Video games[edit]

Princess Game System(s) Note
Princess of Traumere 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
  • Android
  • iOS
She is the long-lost princess in the Dream World who has to rescue various princes from the monstrous Dream Eaters and defend their world.
Rosa Cossette D’Elise Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
  • PC
The defensive princess and heir of the Kingdom of Erusea.
Licia de novus Yurii Aiyoku no Eustia
  • Windows
  • Vita
She is a mischievous princess and successor to the throne with little interest in the politics of the city of Novus Aither. Voiced by Yuzuha Ebihara in Windows and Eriko Nakamura in PS Vita.
Princess Lora Alex Kidd in Miracle World Master System Also known as Princess Rooney, she is the fiancée of Prince Igul of Radaxian and the future sister-in-law of Alex Kidd.
Princess Sarah Amazing Princess Sarah
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
  • WP
  • Xbox One
She is the princess of Kaleiya who is on a quest to rescue her father the King from the evil Demon Queen Lilith.
Isabella Ximénez ARMA: Queen’s Gambit Microsoft Windows Formerly the princess of Sahrani, she becomes the kingdom’s reigning queen as she assumes power as a sole remaining member of her royal family. She is the daughter of the late King Joseph and younger sister of Crown Prince Orlando.
Princess Rosebud The Astyanax NES The ruler of the Remila kingdom.
Princess Athena Athena
  • Arcade
  • NES
  • Amstrad CPC
  • C64
  • ZX Spectrum
  • PSN
The headstrong princess from the Kingdom of Victory and the main protagonist of the game. She is named after the Greek goddess Athena.
Princess Angelica Battletoads
  • NES/Famicom
  • Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
  • Game Boy
  • Game Gear
  • Amiga
  • Amiga CD32
The daughter of the Terren Emperor and the princess of the Terren Corporate who the Battletoads rescue from the evil Dark Queen.
Princess Millian Bomberman Hero Nintendo 64 Princess of the planet Primus Star.
Gloria Bravely Default 2 Nintendo Switch She is the refugee princess from the lost kingdom of Musa and one of the main characters of the game.
Princess Nina Breath of Fire
  • SNES
  • Game Boy Advance
She is a winged princess whose people of Wyndia can transform into large birds. There are also distant relatives who share the same name with Nina in Breath of Fire II, III and IV.
Princess Elina Breath of Fire IV
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
She is the princess of Wyndia and older sister of Nina, who has been engaged to Prince Morley of Ludia but is aware of romantic feelings of Cray, chief of the cat-like tribe of Woren.
Princess Margarita
  • The Castle
  • Castlequest
  • PC-8801
  • PC-9801
  • PC-6001
  • FM-7
  • PC-88
  • X1
  • MSX
  • SG-1000
  • NES
Princess of Moss Castlevania: Bloodlines Sega Genesis
Princess Pitts Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
  • GameCube
  • Wii
She is a princess doll in Jenny Sanderson’s bedroom.
Princess Aurora Child of Light
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Wii U
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
The daughter of the Duke of five hills.
Marle Chrono Trigger
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
Although her real name is Nadia, princess of the Kingdom of Guardia and daughter of King Guardia XXXIII and Queen Aliza, she leaves home under the name «Marle» to travel through time with Crono and Lucca.
Schala She is the princess of Zeal and the older sister of Prince Janus.
Solange Blanchefleur De Lux Code of Princess
  • 3DS
  • Windows
Exiled princess of the DeLuxia Kingdom who is armed with the Sacred Blade DeLuxcalibur sword and sets out to find the cause of the violent behavior of monsters that have attacked her kingdom.
Crystal Princess Conquest of the Crystal Palace NES
Princess Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom
  • iOS
  • Android
She is the gingerbread princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom, the daughter of Royal Berry Cookie (king) and Jungleberry Cookie (queen), and the granddaughter of Hollyberry Cookie. Princess Cookie is voiced by Eden Riegel in English, Kim Chae-ha in Korean and Ari Ozawa in Japanese.
Tiger Lily Cookie She was born to be a princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom, like her sister Princess Cookie, but has been estranged from her royal family and ends up living in the jungle as a gingerbread jungle warrior. Tiger Lily Cookie is voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English, Lee Kye-yun in Korean and Mariya Ise in Japanese.
Princess Alexandra Cute Knight
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
A runaway princess who bears a striking resemblance to Michiko.
Michiko An orphaned knight who discovers that her biological mother is actually Queen Penelope.
Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
  • Arcade
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
She is the daughter of the dangerous and reputed pirate king.
Ani Inako Dame×Prince
  • Android
  • iOS
She is the princess of Inaco and the main protagonist of the game. Voiced by Sayuri Yahagi.
Sonia Nevermind Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • PSP
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux
  • PlayStation 4
Princess of a small European country called Novoselic. Member of the 77-B class and known as the Ultimate Princess (or Super High School Level Princess), Sonia Nevermind was one of the participants of the Killing School Trip.
Princess Monica Raybrandt Dark Chronicle PlayStation 2 Voiced by Anndi McAfee in English and Hiroko Taguchi in Japanese.
Morrigan Aensland Darkstalkers
  • Arcade
  • Various
Kasumi Dead or Alive
  • Arcade
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
  • Dreamcast
  • PlayStation 2
  • Xbox
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • PlayStation 3
  • iOS
  • PlayStation Vita
  • Xbox One
  • PlayStation 4
  • Microsoft Windows
Fiona Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation
  • Stream
  • DMM
A big-breasted, Wisteria-haired princess from an unidentified European country who arrived at the Venus Islands (the setting of the game), officially to learn how to become a bride, but mostly due to falling in love with the player character at first sight.
Nyotengu Dead or Alive 5
  • Arcade
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation Vita
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Steam
  • DMM
Although not directly stated in her bio, her summary in Xtreme Venus Vacation claims that she acted as the princess of the various Tengu.
Hezeliah Shaytham The Diofield Chronicle
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
Hezeliah is a princess whose Kingdom of Alletain sits in the close vicinity of a conflict between the Trovelt-Schoevian Empire and the Rowetale Alliance. She is the sister of Prince Levantia Shaytham.[29] Voiced by Misuzu Yamada in Japanese and Fern Deacon in English.
Sapphire Rhodonite Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice PlayStation 3 Princess of the Human World.
Emily Kaldwin Dishonored series
  • Microsoft Windows
  • PlayStation 3
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
Voiced by Erica Luttrell as an adult and Chloë Grace Moretz as a child.
Princess of Gentlehaven Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
  • PS2
  • Wii
  • Windows
  • PSN
She is an amnesiac girl who discovers that she is actually a princess and travels through worlds inhabited by the Disney Princesses. Voiced by Isabelle Fuhrman.
Princess Zara She is an evil ex-princess who uses her magic powers in attempt to stop every girl from becoming a new princess. Voiced by Melissa Disney.
Princess Penny Dokapon Kingdom
  • PlayStation 2
  • Wii
Princess Celia Dragon Buster
  • Arcade
  • Famicom
  • MSX
  • PC-8801
  • PC-9801
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mobile phone
The daughter of King Lawrence.
Princess Gwaelin Dragon Quest NES/Famicom Also known as Lady Lora, daughter of King Lorik.
Princess of Moonbrooke Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line NES/Famicom She is the cousin of two main characters, Princes of Midenhall and Cannock.
Tsarevna Alena of Zamoksva Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
  • NES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
  • Android
  • iOS
Princess Medea Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
  • PS2
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
Princess of Trodain and daughter of the cursed King Trode.
Princess Anlucia Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Switch
Also known as Hero Princess Anlucia, she is the princess of Gran Zedora and the sister of villainous Prince Toma. Also of note is her mother Princess Yulia.
Princess Jade Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • Xbox One
The exiled princess of Heliodor and a martial artist who fights with her fisticuffs, claws and spears. She is the daughter of King Carnelian.
Princess Tina (Mica) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • TurboGrafx-CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mega Drive
  • Satellaview
  • Windows
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
She is the princess of the Sordis Kingdom and the daughter of King Theos. She later becomes the queen of Farlalyne and the mother of Prince Atlas when she marries King Serios (Logan) in Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II.
Princess Alicia Dragon Spirit
  • Arcade
  • Amiga
  • Amstrad CPC
  • Atari ST
  • C64
  • TurboGrafx-16
  • Sharp X68000
  • ZX Spectrum
She is the princess from the kingdom of Mitgult. She later becomes the queen of Olympis when she is married to King Armul (Amru in English).
Princess Iris Dragon Spirit: The New Legend NES She is the princess of Olympis, daughter of King Armul and Queen Alicia and the sister of Prince Lace.
Princess Vivian Dragon’s Crown
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • PS4
The silent princess of Hydeland who is later made queen and inherits the titular Dragon’s Crown following the defeat of the ancient dragon.
Aelinor Dragon’s Dogma
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
She is a member of the House of Biquard, daughter of the Lord of Meloire, and the wife of Duke Edmun Dragonsbane of Gransys. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Mariya Ise in Japanese.
Princess Daphne Dragon’s Lair games Arcade The daughter of King Aethelred. Voiced by Vera Lanpher.
Princess What’s-Her-Name Earthworm Jim series Various
Princess Rilule Étoile Princesse Sharp X68000 She is a young, careless princess of Fail Land who takes on a journey to rescue Sol and the female magicians from a dark witch.
Princess Gutrune Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Nintendo DS The Deep Princess.
The Princess (The Heroine) Fable III
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
The player may choose to control either a female character (The Princess/The Heroine), voiced by Mischa Goodman, or a male character (The Prince/The Hero), voiced by Louis Tamone.
Fat Princess
  • Fat Princess
  • Fat Princess Adventures
  • PS3
  • Portable
  • PS4
She is a princess who the teammates feed slices of cake, causing her to gain weight and become heavier for the enemy to carry to their castle. Voiced by Tara Strong.
Princess Sarah
  • Final Fantasy
  • Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
  • NES
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
Princess of the Kingdom of Cornelia.
Princess Aire Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Nintendo DS Princess of Horne and younger sister of Princess Carino.
Princess Hilda Final Fantasy II
  • Famicom
  • WonderSwan Color
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
Princess of Fynn whose White Mage Minwu serves as her right-hand man.
Sara Altney Final Fantasy III
  • Famicom
  • DS
  • iOS
  • Android
  • PSP
  • Ouya
  • Windows Phone
  • Windows
Princess of Sasune.
Princess Luca Final Fantasy IV SNES The only child of the dwarven King Giott.
Ursula Fang Leiden Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
  • Wii
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
The princess of Fabul who wants to be a strong monk like her father King Yang Fang Leiden.
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII Final Fantasy IX PlayStation Princess of Alexandria.
Faris Scherwiz Final Fantasy V
  • Super Famicom
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
She was born as Princess Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon, daughter of the late King Alexander Highwind Tycoon, but was raised as a boy by the pirates.
Krile Mayer Baldesion She is the granddaughter of old King Galuf Halm Baldesion and the princess of the Bal kingdom.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon Also known as Reina, she is Faris’s biological sister. Lenna later becomes the queen of the Kingdom of Tycoon after her father’s death.
Yuffie Kisaragi Final Fantasy VII PS2 Female ninja princess and daughter of the Lord of Wutai.
Princess Ashe Final Fantasy XII PS2 Princess Ashelia of Dalmasca.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Final Fantasy XV
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
Also known simply as Luna, she is the oracle who is formerly the princess of Tenebrae, daughter of Queen Sylva Via Fleuret, and younger sister of the former Prince Ravus Nox Fleuret. She is also betrothed to Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Fiona Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles GameCube Princess of Alfitaria who is half Lilty and half Clavat.
Althea Sol Alfitaria Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers Wii The new princess of Alfitaria.
Sarah Final Fantasy Dimensions
  • FOMA 903i
  • iOS
  • Android
The princess from the Kingdom of Burtgang and a member of the Warriors of Light.
Ovelia Atkascha Final Fantasy Tactics PlayStation Princess of Ordalia.
Lucina Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS Crown Princess of Ylisse, daughter of Chrom, and a major character of the game. She traveled back about 18 years to prevent an apocalyptic future.
Lissa Princess of Ylisse, younger sister of Chrom and Queen Emmeryn, future aunt of Lucina, and a major character of the game.
Say’ri Princess of Chon’sin and younger sister of King Yen’fay.
Azura Fire Emblem Fates Nintendo 3DS Princess of Valla and Nohr, daughter of Queen Arete, stepdaughter of King Garon, and stepsister of Xander, Camilla, Corrin, Leo, Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi and Elise.
Camilla First princess of Nohr and older daughter of King Garon.

Sister of Nohrian princes Xander and Leo, older sister of Princesses Elise and Corrin; stepsister of Princess Azura.

Corrin (Avatar) The player may choose to control either a female character (Nohr Princess), or a male character (Nohr Prince).
Elise Second princess of Nohr and younger daughter of King Garon.

Sister of Nohrian princes Xander and Leo, youngest sister of Princesses Camilla and Corrin; stepsister of Princess Azura.

Hinoka First princess of Hoshido, older daughter of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; older stepdaughter of Queen Mikoto. Sister of Princes Ryoma and Takumi and older sister of Princess Sakura.
Sakura Second princess of Hoshido, younger daughter of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; stepdaughter of Queen Mikoto, younger sister of Princess Hinoka and Princes Ryoma and Takumi.
  • Fire Emblem Gaiden
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo 3DS
Also known as Anthiese. She is the princess of Zofia, daughter of King Lima IV and Liprica, half-sister of Conrad, and one of the main characters of the game.
Altena Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Super Famicom Princess of Leonster and the sister of Prince Leif.
Julia The scion of Naga and the princess of Grannvale.
Lachesis Princess of Nordion and younger half-sister of Eldigan.
Ayra Princess of Isaach, daughter of King Mananan and uncle of Crown Prince Shannan.
The Princesses Fire Emblem Heroes
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Sharena, the princess of the Askr Kingdom and younger sister of Prince Alfonse.
  • Veronica, the princess of the Emblian Empire and younger half-sister of Prince Bruno.
  • Gunnthrá, the first princess of the Nifl Kingdom.
  • Fjorm, the second princess of the Nifl Kingdom and middle sister of Gunnthrá and Yglr.
  • Ylgr, the third princess of the Nifl Kingdom and youngest sister of Gunnthrá and Fjorm.
  • Laegjarn, the first princess of the Múspell Kingdom, older daughter of King Surtr.
  • Laevatein, the second princess of the Múspell Kingdom, younger daughter of King Surtr, and younger sister of Laegjarn.
  • Eir, the princess of Hel and the adoptive daughter of Queen Hel.
  • Reginn, the princess of Niðavellir and the younger sister of King Fáfnir and Prince Ótr.
  • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  • Super Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Princess of Gra and daughter of King Jiol.
Princess Yuliya Princess of Grust.
Elincia Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance GameCube She is the Princess of Crimea, daughter of King Ramon, and one of the main characters of the game. She later becomes Queen of Crimea in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Leanne The white-winged Heron princess of Serenes, daughter of King Lorazieh, and younger sister of Rafiel and Reyson.
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Princess of Talys, daughter of King Mostyn, and one of the main characters of the game.
Elice Princess of Altea, daughter of King Cornelius and Queen Liza; older sister of Prince Marth.
Maria Second princess of Macedon and youngest sister of Michalis and Minerva.
Minerva First princess of Macedon and younger sister of King Michalis.
Nyna Princess of Archanea.
Tiki A young Manakete princess of the Divine Dragon tribe and the daughter of Naga. She later becomes a priestess in Fire Emblem Awakening.
Guinivere Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade GBA Princess of Bern, daughter of King Desmond and Queen Hellene; younger sister of King Zephiel.
Hellene A former princess from Etruria. She becomes Queen of Bern as the wife of King Desmond and the mother of King Zephiel and Princess Guinivere.
Eirika Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA A princess from Renais, twin sister of Prince Ephrain, and one of the main characters in the game.
L’Arachel Princess of Rausten and niece of the Divine Emperor Mansel.
Tana Princess of Frelia and younger sister of Prince Innes.
Edelgard von Hresvelg Fire Emblem: Three Houses Nintendo Switch The imperial princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire and the leader of the Black Eagles. She disguises herself as a male figure called the «Flame Emperor» so that she can work against the Church of Seiros.
Petra The crown princess and heir to the throne of Brigid and the member of the Black Eagles. She is hold as political hostage by the Adrestian Empire.
Lianna Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Nintendo Switch
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Princess of the Aytolis Kingdom, daughter of Queen Yelena, and older twin sister of Prince Rowan.
Princess Dar Frogger: The Great Quest
  • PS2
  • Windows
The vampire princess, and the daughter of Count Blah of the Catacombs, who is not the princess Frogger has been searching for.
Princess Holly The fairy princess who rules Fairy Town but is not the princess Frogger has been looking for.
Princess Joy The princess who resides in Joy Castle and is the one Frogger has been looking for. She also appears in Frogger Advance: The Great Quest.
Princess Robyn Gemfire
  • MSX
  • NES
  • SNES
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • MS-DOS
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • Sharp X68000
  • NEC PC-8801
  • Windows
The daughter of King Eselred of Ishmeria.
Kiichi Minazuru Genji: Dawn of the Samurai PS2 She is the daughter of Kiichi Hogen of the Tamayoribito clan who is usually referred to as «Princess Minazuru» in the video game loosely based on The Tale of the Heike.
Traveler’s Sibling Genshin Impact
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
The player may choose either a female (Princess of the Abyss Order) or male character (Prince of the Abyss Order).
Astrid Gensō Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki PlayStation Portable She is a princess of the Holy Aionian Empire who is called the «Empress General» as the leader of the imperial army. Voiced by Kikuko Inoue.
Princess Prin-Prin Ghosts ‘n Goblins series Various Also known as Princess Guinevere.
Tyris Flare Golden Axe
  • Arcade
  • Sega Genesis
  • Master System
  • Sega CD
  • DOS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Amstrad
  • Commodore 64
  • iOS
  • PC Engine
  • WonderSwan Color
  • ZX Spectrum
  • Android
The amazon warrior who was formerly the princess of the Firewood Kingdom and joins forces with Ax Battler and Gilius Thunderhead to fight against Death Adder.
Milan Flare Golden Axe: The Duel
  • Arcade
  • Saturn
  • GameTap
Princess of the Windwood Kingdom.
Princess Rena Golvellius
  • MSX
  • Master System
  • iPhone OS
Serena Corsair
  • Guardian Heroes
  • Advance Guardian Heroes
  • Sega Saturn
  • Xbox 360
  • Game Boy Advance
The former princess who joins the band of knights in attempt to put an end of the reign of Kanon the powerful wizard. Voiced by Yoko Soumi.
Princess Ariana HarmoKnight Nintendo 3DS She is the princess of Symphony City in the planet Melodia.
Witch Princess Harvest Moon DS Nintendo DS
Princess Ann
  • Hydlide
  • Virtual Hydlide
  • PC-6001
  • PC-8801
  • MSX
  • MSX2
  • PC-9801
  • Sharp X1
  • PC-6601
  • FM-7
  • Sharp MZ-2000
  • Famicom/NES
  • Sega Saturn
Princess Sun Lian Jade Empire
  • Xbox
  • Microsoft Windows
  • macOS
  • iOS
  • Android
Better known as «Silk Fox», she is the princess of the titular Jade Empire and daughter of the villainous Emperor Sun Hai.
The Princess JumpStart Math for Second Graders[30]
  • Windows 3.1x
  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Macintosh
One of the protagonists of the game.
Princess Tiramisu Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru Game Boy Princess of the Mille-Feuille Kingdom.
Princess Amelie King’s Bounty: The Legend
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
Princess Valanice of Kolyma King’s Quest II: Romancing the Throne
  • PC
  • Macintosh
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • PCjr
  • Tandy 1000
She was formerly the princess from Kolyma who becomes queen of Daventry under her marriage to King Graham.
Princess Rosella of Daventry King’s Quest III: To Heir Is Human
  • MS-DOS
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Macintosh
  • TRS-80 Color Computer
The daughter of King Graham and Queen Valanice and the twin sister of Prince Alexander. She also appears in the reboot King’s Quest launched in 2015.
Princess Gwendolyn King’s Quest
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
She is the daughter of Prince Alexander and Princess Cassima and the granddaughter of King Graham.
Princess Madeline of Avalon A pet squirrel belonging to the knight hopeful Acorn, who vows that once he wins the knightly tournament, «everything the light touches» will be hers.
Princesses of Heart Kingdom Hearts
  • PS2
  • PS3 (HD)
  • Kairi
  • Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  • Jasmine (Aladdin)
  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Cinderella (Cinderella)
  • Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Calista The Last Story Wii Princess of the House of Arganan and one of the main characters of the game. Voiced by Alix Wilton Regan (English) and Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese).
Klaudia von Auslese The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
  • Windows
  • PSP
  • PS3
  • Vita
She is the crown princess and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Liberl and the granddaughter of Queen Alicia von Auslese II. Voiced by Cristina Vee in English and Yuko Minaguchi in Japanese.
Alfin Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • PS4
She is the princess of the Empire of Erebonia, the daughter of Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla, twin sister of Crown Prince Cedric and the half-sister of Prince Olivert.
Princess Kiri (hime) The Legend of Kage
  • Arcade
  • Amstrad CPC
  • CBM 64
  • Famicom/NES
  • MSX
  • X1
  • ZX Spectrum
She is the fictional daughter of Shōgun Tokugawa, who has been kidnapped multiple times by the evil warlord in both the first game and its sequel The Legend of Kage 2.
Princess Zelda The Legend of Zelda series
  • Game & Watch
  • Game Boy
  • GBC
  • GBA
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo DSi
  • 3DS
  • NES
  • SNES
  • N64
  • GameCube
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • VC
  • Nintendo Switch
In most of the games, Zelda has blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a slight frame, and wears a pink and white kirtle with pink dress shoes, but in Twilight Princess she is a tall and pale girl with auburn hair, blue-gray eyes, and a more womanly figure, and wears a purple and white kirtle with brown knee-high boots. She is the daughter of the King of Hyrule and is associated with the goddess Nayru and the Triforce of Wisdom.
Princess Hilda The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS Ruler of Lorule.
Lady Mipha The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Wii U
  • Nintendo Switch
Princess of the Zoras, daughter of King Dorephan and sister of Prince Sidon. She is one of Link’s allies.
Deku Princess The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
  • N64
  • GameCube
Member of the Deku Royal Family and princess of the Deku Palace in Termina. She also appears in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D.
Princess Ruto The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • N64
  • GameCube
  • iQue Player
  • VC
Princess of the Zoras and only child of King Zora. She also appears in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.
Princess Styla The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Nintendo 3DS Princess of Hytopia and daughter of King Tuft.
Midna The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Wii
  • GameCube
Appearing in Twilight Princess, she has two forms: one human-like, and the other imp-like. Some theorize a romance between Link and Midna. Voiced by Akiko Kōmoto.
Wolf Princess The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
  • Vita
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • iOS
  • Android
She is a singing wolf who makes a deal with the witch to transform into a human princess in exchange for her voice and wishes for the eyes of the prince to be healed.
Princess Kurusale Cherie «Kururu» Marl Q. Little Princess: Marl Ōkoku no Ningyō Hime 2
  • PlayStation
  • PlayStation Network
Daughter of Cornet and King Ferdinand Marl E. and the main character of the game.
Princess Elodie Long Live the Queen
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
She was the princess of Nova who has been training to become a new queen after her mother’s death.
Princess Shroob Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Nintendo DS The evil co-ruler of the alien race called the Shroobs, alongside her sister Elder Princess Shroob; the primary antagonist of the game.
Princess Luxy Marvel Land
  • Arcade
  • Sega Mega Drive
Also known as Wondra in English.
Princess Pride Mega Man Battle Network 2 GBA The princess of Creamland and the operator of KnightMan.
Sarah Lotte Cornelia Mobius Final Fantasy
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Microsoft Windows
Princess of Palamecia.
Kitana Mortal Kombat Arcade She is the Princess of Edenia, and the stepdaughter of Emperor Shao Kahn of Outworld, who uses a pair of steel fans for most of her special attacks.
Mileena She was Kitana’s clone mixed with Tarkatan DNA.
Momohime Muramasa: The Demon Blade
  • Wii
  • PlayStation Vita
She is the princess of the Narukami clan, and younger sister of Torahime, who fights demon possession against the spirit of vengeful rōnin Jinkuro Izuna. Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.
Princess Elise My World, My Way
  • Nintendo DS
  • PSP
The Princess Ninja Hayate
  • Arcade
  • Sega CD
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
Gwyndolyn Odin Sphere
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
The valkyrie princess of the warrior realm of Ragnanival, and younger daughter of Demon Lord Odin, who lives for years in the shadow of her older sister Princess Griselda. Voiced by Mia Bradly in English and Ayako Kawasumi in Japanese.[31]
Mercedes Formerly the princess, she becomes a reluctant queen of the Fairy Kingdom of Ringford following the death of her mother Queen Elfaria. Voiced by Jennifer Sekiguchi in English and Mamiko Noto in Japanese.[31]
Velvet The survival princess from the destroyed Kingdom of Valentine, maternal granddaughter of the villainous King Valentine, and Gwyndolyn’s half-sister. She hides her identity as Demon Lord Odin’s illegitimate daughter. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese.[31]
Princess Sakuya Ōkami
  • PS2
  • Wii
  • PS3 (PSN)
Wood sprite and guardian of Kamiki Village.
Lady Bow Paper Mario
  • Nintendo 64
  • iQue Player
The princess-like leader of the Boos and one of Mario’s eight allies.
Maia Phantasy Star III Sega Genesis She is the Layan princess of Cille.
Hariette Renata Reina Cuento Phantasy Star Online 2
  • Windows
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Xbox Series X/S
She is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Cuento. Voiced by Faye Mata in English and Megumi Han in Japanese.
Rayfa Padma Khura’in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice Nintendo 3DS The crown princess of a small Asian county, the Kingdom of Khura’in, and a royal priestess of the Khura’inism religion. By post-game she has become in-line as Queen, with his brother acting as regent in her place. She is known by the official address of, «Her Benevolence».
The Princess Prince of Persia (1989) Apple II The daughter of the Sultan.
Princess Elika Prince of Persia (2008)
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
Princess of Ahura and daughter of the Mourning King. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren.
Princess Farah Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  • GBA
  • PS2
  • GameCube
  • Xbox
  • Windows
  • Mobile
  • PS3
Also appears in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, she is the daughter of the Maharajah of India. Voiced by Joanna Wasick and Helen King.
Eustiana «Pecorine» von Astraea Princess Connect! Re:Dive
  • Android
  • iOS
  • DMM
The swordswoman and Guide Master of the Gourmet Edifice guild, she is a human princess whose country of Landsol develops Legends of Astrum. Voiced by M・A・O.
Gradriel Do Valendia Princess Crown
  • Sega Saturn
  • PSP
The 13-year-old princess who has been set to become the new queen and savior of her kingdom of Valendia after the death of her mother Queen Elfaran De Valendia.
Leticia La Mew Symphonia Princess Holiday
  • Windows
  • Dreamcast
  • PS2
Minerva Princess Minerva
  • NEC PC-9801
  • PC Engine
  • Super Famicom
She is a princess of the kingdom of Whistler and an eponymous protagonist of the game who has been threatened by the evil sorceress Dynastar to kidnap all women but soon leaves with her eight female bodyguards to defeat her. Voiced by Miki Itō.
The Princesses Princess Quest
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
  • Churros, princess of Rouresu. Voiced by Ai Orikasa.
  • Custard, princess of Rarian. Voiced by Sakura Tange.
  • Gelato, princess of Soodaresu. Voiced by Mifuyu Hiiragi.
  • Millefeuille, princess of Northland. Voiced by Yuri Shiratori.
  • Pannacotta, princess of Gimuria. Voiced by Kikuko Inoue.
Princess Tomato Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-6001
  • FM-7
  • MSX
  • NES/Famicom
  • VC
Eclair La Pucelle: Tactics
  • PS2
  • PSP
Princess of Paprika. Voiced by Amber Hood in English and Natsuko Kuwatani in Japanese.
Princess Serephine Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
  • Nintendo DS
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Windows
  • Wii
  • iOS
  • Xbox 360
  • PS2
  • PS3
Runaway daughter of the Emperor, who becomes a companion if the player chooses to rescue her from being forced into an arranged marriage.
Princess Irieth/Kisala Rogue Galaxy PlayStation 2 She is the lost princess, and later queen, of the planet Mariglenn who has been adopted by Captain Dorgengoa of the Dorgenark pirate ship but is actually the biological daughter of King Albioth and Queen Freidias. Voiced by Natalie Lander in English and Aya Ueto in Japanese.
Princess Cassidy The Royal Trap
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
The heir and future queen of Gwellinor, and the sister of Prince Calum, who has been kidnapped during the party held in her honor.[32]
Princess Kurumi Sega Ninja
  • Arcade
  • SG-1000
  • Master System
The ninja princess who uses throwing knives and throwing stars to battle the enemies.
Princess Elis Shining Force II Sega Mega Drive She is the princess of Granseal.
Rufina Shining Hearts PlayStation Portable She is the gentle princess of Wynderia and the younger sister of Prince Ragnus.
Princess Jessa Shining in the Darkness Sega Mega Drive She is the princess of Thornwood.
Excella Noa Aura Shining Resonance Refrain
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Windows
The imperial princess and the top-tier dragon knight.
Sonia Blanche The determined princess of Astoria.
Princess Camille Shining Soul II Game Boy Advance Also known as Princess Cocotte in Japanese, she is the daughter of King Marcel and Queen Yvonne of Klantol.
Princess Satera Shining Wisdom Sega Saturn
Princesses Puripuri and Puchipuchi Snow Bros.
  • Arcade
  • Game Boy
  • NES
  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Android
  • iOS
Also known in the NES port as Princesses Teri and Tina, they are the twin princesses who have been taken captive by the evil King Scorch. One of them reappears in the following sequel Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves.
Blaze the Cat
  • Sonic Rush
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic Rush Adventure
  • Nintendo DS
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
The princess of the Sol Empire, there is some controversy over her back story, as it changes depending on the video game.
Princess Elise III Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
The ruler of Soleanna who Sonic escorts from the evil Doctor Eggman multiple times. Voiced by Lacey Chabert in English and Maaya Sakamoto in Japanese.
Hildegard von Krone Soulcalibur IV
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
Better known as «Hilde».
Princess Ami
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The fairy princess of Charmed Ridge who has been engaged to marry the feline prince Azrael and gives a dragon egg to Spyro.
Princess Popcorn Starflyers
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
She is the princess, and later queen, of Planet Pop-a-Lot, though in real life it is Katie Cadet’s mother, in «Royal Jewel Rescue».
Elena Street Fighter III: New Generation
  • Arcade
  • Dreamcast
An African princess from Kenya and younger daughter of Chief Jafari.
Ailish Sudeki
  • Xbox
  • Windows
Princess of Illumina, daughter of Queen Lusica, and one of the main characters of the game.
Jillia Blight Suikoden II
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
She is a princess of the Highland Kingdom, and the half-sister of the villainous Luca Blight, who marries Jowy Atreides.
Flare En Kuldes Suikoden IV PlayStation 2 She is the daughter of King Lino En Kuldes and the princess of Obel. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren in English and Yamakawa Kotomi in Japanese.
Lymsleia «Lym» Falenas Suikoden V PlayStation 2 She is the princess and heir of the Queendom of Falena, the younger sister of the Prince and the daughter of Queen Arshtat and Ferid Egan. Voiced by Philece Sampler in English and Ishige Sawa in Japanese.
Corselia Suikoden Tactics PlayStation 2 She is the former princess whose grandfather Julius was the last emperor of the Kooluk Empire. Voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English and Akane Oomae in Japanese.
Phara Mir Celestia Summon Night X: Tears Crown Nintendo DS She is the princess and heir of the Kingdom of Celestia, daughter of King Novice Won Celestia and younger sister of Prince Noin, and the female protagonist of the game. Voiced by Minori Chihara.
Sprixie Princesses Super Mario 3D World Wii U The seven fairy princesses of the Sprixie Kingdom:

  • Green Sprixie Princess
  • Yellow Sprixie Princess
  • Blue Sprixie Princess
  • Orange Sprixie Princess
  • Purple Sprixie Princess
  • Cyan Sprixie Princess
  • Red Sprixie Princess
Princess Peach Toadstool Super Mario Bros. NES Princess Peach is the sovereign of the Mushroom Kingdom, a principality in Nintendo’s Mario series. In most games, she has long thick blonde locks, a golden crown dazzled by rubies and sapphires, upper-elbow length gloves, pink lipstick, blue eyes, a long pink dress, and pink pumps.
Rosalina Super Mario Galaxy Wii A princess from outer space who lives in the Comet Observatory.
Princess Daisy Super Mario Land Nintendo Game Boy Ruler of Sarasaland.
Princess Dee-Dee Super Monkey Ball Adventure
  • GameCube
  • PS2
  • PSP
The monkey princess of Kongri-la.
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear Tales of the Abyss
  • PS2
  • 3DS
Princess of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, though not by birth. Natalia was taken to replace the stillborn Kimlascan princess. She is the biological daughter of Largo the Black Lion and Sylvia, the midwife’s daughter. She is a fiancée of Luke fon Fabre, the game’s main protagonist.
Kaguya Houraisan Touhou Project Windows Essentially Kaguya-hime from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. However, in this version of events it explains that she never returned to the moon, instead going into hiding on earth.
Yuyuko Saigyouji The ghost princess of Hakugyokurou, part of the Netherworld.
Angela Trials of Mana
  • Super Famicom
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
She is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Altena and one of the main protagonists of the game. In the video game remake, she is voiced by Sarah Miller-Crews in English and Rumi Ookubo in Japanese.
Riesz She is the princess of the Wind Kingdom of Laurent and one of six main characters of the game. She is voiced by Brittany Cox in English and Mikako Komatsu in Japanese in the video game remake.
Cordelia Glenbrook Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch The princess whose Kingdom of Glenbrook has been seized by the villainous Archduke Gustadolph Aesfrost. She is the younger sister of Princes Roland and Frani and the daughter of the late King Regna. Voiced by Rosie Day in English and Reina Ueda in Japanese.
Frederica Aesfrost The princess of the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost and the member of the House Wolffort War Council whose mother Orlaea was a hero who freed the Rosellan people during the Saltiron War. She is the half-sister of Archduke Gustadolph and betorthed to protagonist Serenoa Wolffort. Voiced by Emma Ballantine in English and Minami Tsuda in Japanese.
Cordelia gi Randgriz Valkyria Chronicles
  • PS3
  • Windows
  • PS4
Cordelia is formerly the crown princess of Gallia. She later becomes the archduchess in Valkyria Chronicles II. Voiced by Kate Higgins (English) and Mamiko Noto (Japanese).
Ophelia Augusta af Jutland Valkyria Revolution
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Xbox One
Princess of Jutland and one of the main characters in the game. Voiced by Eden Riegel (English) and Saori Hayami (Japanese).
Jelanda Valkyrie Profile
  • PlayStation
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
Sorceress princess of Artolia. Voiced by Rachael Lillis (English) and Kae Araki (Japanese).
Alicia Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria PlayStation 2 The princess of Dipan, the only daughter of King Barbarossa, and one of the main characters of the game. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Akiko Yajima in Japanese.
Archer Princesses
  • Chrystie, runaway princess of Paltierre. Voiced by Hunter MacKenzie Austin in English and Yuri Amano in Japanese.
  • Lydia, princess of Crell Monferaigne. Voiced by Erica Lenhart in English and Yuri Amano in Japanese.
Princess Shokora Wario Land 4 GBA A cursed princess from an ancient kingdom.
Princess Priscilla Wizard and the Princess
  • Apple II
  • Atari 8-bit
  • Commodore 64
  • IBM PC
  • IBM PCjr
  • FM-7
  • PC-88
  • PC-98
The princess of Serenia and daughter of King George IV.
Princess of Elrond Wizards & Warriors NES
Princess Elaine Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of Fear Game Boy
Melia Antiqua Xenoblade Chronicles
  • Wii
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Mage and crown princess of the High Entia. Voiced by Shiori Katsuta (original Japanese) and Jenna Coleman (English dub).
Elaine Laccius Xexex Arcade Princess of the planet E-Square. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz Yggdra Union: We’ll Never Fight Alone
  • Game Boy Advance
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Android
  • iOS
Princess of Fantasinia and leader of the Royal Liberation Army.


Princess Origin Notes
Princess Ai No Miko AdventureQuest Worlds Princess of Yokai Island. Also known as «Princess Miko».
Princess Brittany Princess Royal of Swordhaven, eldest daughter of King Alteon and heir to the throne of Swordhaven. Wife of Lord Brentan, Guardian of the Neverglades.
Princess Victoria Rebellious second daughter of King Alteon. Better known (though unbeknownst to her overprotective father) as «Robina the Hood».
Princess Tara Youngest daughter of King Alteon.
Feferi Peixes Homestuck The heiress of the Alternian Empire and the descendant of Her Imperious Condescension. SBURB title is «Witch Of Life».

See also[edit]

  • Princess and dragon
  • List of fictional princes
  • List of fictional monarchs (fictional countries)
  • List of fictional nobility


  1. ^ «Angelica». britannica.com. Retrieved 1 March 2017.
  2. ^ Downey, FairFax. Richard Harding Davis and His Day pp. 1, 146–47 (1933)
  3. ^ Princess of Fire at Goodreads
  4. ^ a b Omnilexia: «Who is Maria Bolkonskaya?» Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  5. ^ a b Princess Marie at IMDb. Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  6. ^ Omnilexia: «Who is Prince Bolkonsky?» Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  7. ^ Adalmina’s Pearl – TV Tropes
  8. ^ Gilbert, Ryan (13 January 2014). «Disney Confirms Broadway Plans for Hit Movie Frozen». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  9. ^ Emery, Debbie (13 January 2014). «‘Frozen’ Musical Is Headed to Broadway — Hollywood Reporter». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  10. ^ «Disney’s Moana JR». Retrieved August 1, 2022.
  11. ^ «Disney’s Mulan JR». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  12. ^ A Winter Princess on IMDb
  13. ^ Geraldine Brophy at the Internet Movie Database
  14. ^ [«Once Upon a Time Exclusive: Find Out Who Will Let Down Her Hair as Rapunzel»]. TV Line. December 4, 2013.
  15. ^ Tauber, Michelle (29 January 2015). «Princess Elena of Avalor: First Latina Disney Princess». People. Retrieved 29 January 2015.
  16. ^ Messer, Lesley (29 January 2015). «Meet Elena of Avalor, Disney’s First Latina Princess — ABC News». Good Morning America. Retrieved 29 January 2015.
  17. ^ Ron Clements and John Musker (directors) (1989). The Little Mermaid (Film). Walt Disney Pictures.
  18. ^ Peggy Holmes (director) (2008). The Little Mermaid III: Ariel’s Beginning (Film). Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.
  19. ^ Jim Kammerud and Brian Smith (directors) (2000). The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (Film). Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
  20. ^ B, Laura (June 22, 2016). «Queer Love’s Kiss: LBGTQ Representation In Modern Cartoons». The Geekiary. Retrieved November 5, 2022.
  21. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (June 15, 2020). «Redo of Healer Anime Reveals Main Cast, 2021 Premiere». Anime News Network. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  22. ^ Coats, Cayla (February 13, 2019). «Meet Shield Hero’s New English Cast!». Crunchyroll. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  23. ^ Lastra, Jackie [@JackieLastra] (March 6, 2019). «I’m so happy to join the cast of #RisingoftheSheildHero as Princess Melty Melromarc! I highly recommend this show to anyone looking for a great adventure! They did a great job adapting it from the manga. Check out the English dubs every Wed @ 7:30am on @Crunchyroll» (Tweet). Retrieved March 10, 2019 – via Twitter.
  24. ^ New Disney Princess: Meet Sophia the First — International Business Times
  25. ^ Disney unveils newest princess, Sophia the First, for toddlers — NY Daily News
  26. ^ Disney princess Sophia ‘not Latin enough’ for some
  27. ^ Disney defends new Hispanic-influenced princess — Yahoo TV
  28. ^ «April’s Fool». TV.Com. 1989. Retrieved 19 November 2018.
  29. ^ Lada, Jenni (March 11, 2022). «The DioField Chronicle Characters Introduced». Siliconera.
  30. ^ JumpStart 2nd Grade Math
  31. ^ a b c «Odin Sphere (2007 Video Game)». Behind The Voice Actors.
  32. ^ Johnson, Neilie (2012). «The Royal Trap Review». Gamezebo. Retrieved October 29, 2022.

This is a list of fictional princesses that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced, notable examples of fictional princesses.


This section contains examples of both classic and more modern writing.

Princess Work Notes Author
al-Nadirah Hatra legend Recorded in early Islamic literature
Iris Belzerg Stylish Sword KonoSuba She is a princess of the Kingdom of Belzerg who is proficient with swords. Natsume Akatsuki
Princess Eilonwy The Chronicles of Prydain Princess Eilonwy of Llyr. Lloyd Alexander
Queen Irene Xanth Formerly Princess Irene. Sorceress of Plants; daughter of King Trent and Queen Iris. She is the wife of Dor and the mother of Ivy, Ida, and Dolph. She appears in Centaur Aisle. Piers Anthony
Princess Ivy Sorceress of Enhancement; daughter of Queen Irene and Dor, and the twin sister of Ida. She appears in Dragon on a Pedestal, Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn, and Man from Mundania.
Princess Ida Sorceress of the idea; daughter of Queen Irene and Dor, and the lost twin sister of Ivy. She first appears in The Color of Her Panties.
Princesses Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm Triplet Sorceresses; the daughters of Princess Ivy and Grey.
Tiger Lily Peter and Wendy There is a controversy over the stereotypes of Native Americans with Tiger Lily being an «Indian princess», for she is obviously the daughter of the tribal chief Great Big Little Panther. J. M. Barrie
Betsy Bobbin Oz books According to Ruth Plumly Thompson, Betsy becomes a Princess of Oz. She appears as the «Princess of Stones» and is referred to as the «Lady Betsy Bobbin» in David Sexton’s Tarot of Oz. L. Frank Baum
Dorothy Gale She is created a Princess of Oz by Princess Ozma.
Princesses of Ev The five daughters of the late King Evoldo of the Land of Ev:

  • Princess Evanna
  • Princess Evedna
  • Princess Evella
  • Princess Evirene
  • Princess Evrose
Princess Gayelette She was the princess and sorceress of the Gillikin Country.
Princess Ozma Ozma of Oz, she is called «princess», but really functions as the Queen of Oz.
Peg Amy Trot’s doll, who, in Kabumpo in Oz, is discovered to be the enchanted form of the Princess of Sun-Top Mountain. She marries Prince Pompadore of Pumperdink, with whom she has a daughter, Princess Pajonia of Pumperdink.
Polychrome She is a cloud fairy who is the «sky princess», the youngest daughter of the Rainbow.
Trot She becomes a princess of the Ozure Isles.
Princess Langwidere Ozma of Oz
Angelica Orlando innamorato She reappears in the saga’s continuation, Orlando furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, and in other later works based on the two originals.[1] Matteo Maria Boiardo
Mistaya Magic Kingdom of Landover Daughter of Ben Holiday, the High Lord of Landover, and his queen, Willow. She’s born near the end of the fourth book, The Tangle Box, and is one of the main characters of the fifth, Witches’ Brew. She takes her father’s place as protagonist in the sixth volume, A Princess of Landover. Terry Brooks
Dejah Thoris Barsoom series Princess of the Martian city-state/empire of Helium. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jane Porter Clayton, Countess of Greystoke Tarzan series Simultaneously the Countess of Greystoke and the tribal queen of the Waziri people due to her marriage to Tarzan. Although she is not an official princess, the latter title that she does hold would arguably cause her to qualify.
Meriem, wife of Korak The daughter-in-law of Tarzan, who is both an English peer and an African tribal chief, Meriem is also a princess in her own right.
Mia Thermopolis The Princess Diaries Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia, commonly known as «Mia Thermopolis». Meg Cabot
Elora Danan Chronicles of the Shadow War trilogy A series based on George Lucas’s 1988 high fantasy film Willow. The books take place fifteen years after the events of the film. Chris Claremont and George Lucas
The three princesses The Three Daughters of King O’Hara Irish fairy tale collected by Jeremiah Curtin in Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland. Jeremiah Curtin
Felicia Fortunée, or Felicia and the Pot of Pinks French literary fairy tale written by Madame d’Aulnoy. Included by Andrew Lang by in The Blue Fairy Book. Madame d’Aulnoy
Abricotine Le Prince Lutin She serves as a fairy princess of the Island of Quiet Pleasures.
Princess Belle-Etoile Princess Belle-Etoile French fairy tale inspired by Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Ancilotto, King of Provino.
Princess Rosette Princess Rosette French fairy tale by Madame d’Aulnoy. Included by Andrew Lang in The Red Fairy Book.
Princess Aline The Princess Aline The character of Aline, illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson, is inspired by Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, the last tsarina of the Russian Empire who Davis was infatuated with.[2] Richard Harding Davis
Princess Pea The Tale of Despereaux The princess of Dor, only child of King Philip and the deceased Queen. Kate DiCamillo
The Wentworth princesses Entwined Based on «The Twelve Dancing Princesses».

  • Azaela Kathryn Wentworth, Princess Royale
  • Bramble Wentworth
  • Clover Wentworth
  • Delphinium Wentworth
  • Evening Primrose «Eve» Wentworth
  • Flora Wentworth
  • Goldenrod Wentworth
  • Hollyhock «Holli» Wentworth
  • Ivy Wentworth
  • Jessamine Wentworth
  • Kale Wentworth
  • Lily Wentworth
Heather Dixon
Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meiningen A Scandal in Bohemia A Scandinavian princess. Arthur Conan Doyle
Fallon Princess of Fire[3] A Saxon princess, daughter of King Harold of England. Shannon Drake
Ce’Nedra The Belgariad series Imperial Princess of Tolnedra, Queen of Riva. She first appears in Queen of Sorcery. David Eddings
Cassandra/Evanlyn Ranger’s Apprentice She is the crown princess, and later queen regent, of Araluen who befriends Ranger Will Treaty and knight Horace Altman and is a natural leader. She is then married to Horace, as her prince consort, to have a daughter Madelyn. John Flanagan
Madelyn «Maddie» Altman She is the wild princess of Araluen who has been apprenticed to Will to become the first female Ranger in an attempt by her parents Horace and Cassandra to teach her discipline.
Princess Badroulbadour The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp A Middle Eastern folktale; one of a collection of tales from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). Translated and added by Antoine Galland
Princess Buttercup The Princess Bride Buttercup is a commoner, who is chosen to marry Prince Humperdinck because she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Because the prince can’t marry a commoner, she is given the courtesy title of Princess of Hammersmith, with Hammersmith being the name of a small region in the kingdom of Florin. William Goldman
Queen Cyrilla of Galea Sword of Truth series Cyrilla Amnell. Formerly Princess Cyrilla. Daughter of Queen Bernadine and King Wyborn Amnell of Galea; sister of Prince Harold of Galea. Older half-sister of the Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell. Terry Goodkind
Princess Violet of Tamarang Spoilt daughter of Queen Milena of Tamarang. She later succeeds her mother as Queen of Tamarang.
Allerleirauh Allerleirauh Brothers Grimm
Rapunzel Rapunzel
Snow White Snow White
The twelve princesses The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Cinderella Cinderella Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault
Princess Beatrice The Princess and the Hound Mette Ivie Harrison
Princess Irulan Dune series Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul. Frank Herbert
Princess Chalice A daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Wensicia The third daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Josifa The daughters of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul.
Princess Rugi
Grace Princess Grace Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu. Mary Hoffman
Nausicaa The Odyssey She is the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of Phaeacia, who helps Odysseus when he becomes shipwrecked on the island of Scheria. Homer
Princess Osra The Heart of Princess Osra Anthony Hope
Princess Flavia The Prisoner of Zenda Betrothed of King Rudolf of Ruritania and love of Rudolf Rassendyll. She later becomes the Queen of Ruritania in the sequel Rupert of Hentzau.
Christina Light/Princess Casamassima Roderick Hudson;
The Princess Casamassima
She is married to the Prince Casamassima. Henry James
Kaguya-hime The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter Kaguya-hime (かぐや姫, Princess Kaguya). A 10th century Japanese folktale. This story is the basis for the science fiction manga series, Kaguyahime. Japanese folk tale
Zhao Min The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber Princess Shaomin, born Minmin Temür. Daughter of Chaghan Temür, the Prince of Ruyang of the Yuan Dynasty, younger sister of Köke Temür, and love interest of Zhang Wuji. Jin Yong
Princess Beatrice Castle in the Air She is the strong-minded princess of Strangia who has been engaged to Prince Justin of Ingary. Beatrice is one of the princesses who have been taken captive by Djinn Hasruel. Diana Wynne Jones
Princess Flower-in-the-Night She is the daughter of the Sultan of Zanzib and, later, the wife of Abdullah. Flower-in-the-Night is one of the princesses who have been taken captive by Djinn Hasruel.
Princess Hilda House of Many Ways She is the elderly and unmarried princess of High Norland and the daughter of the elderly King Adolphus X.
Princess of Pure Reason The Phantom Tollbooth The twin princesses who are adopted by King Azaz the Unabridged of the Kingdom of Wisdom. Norton Juster
Princess of Sweet Rhyme
Carissa A Certain Magical Index Rebellious second princess of the United Kingdom that tried to take over the country to protect it from the Roman Catholic Church and its influence. Kazuma Kamachi
Riméa Eldest princess of the United Kingdom, who was opposed to her younger sister, Carissa, taking over the country.
Villain Youngest princess of the United Kingdom, who was opposed to her elder sister taking over the country.
Princess Golden Locks The Greek Princess and the Young Gardener Irish fairy tale collected Kennedy’s in Fireside Stories of Ireland. Included by Joseph Jacobs in More Celtic Fairy Tales. Collected by Patrick Kennedy
Dotterine The Child who came from an Egg Estonian fairy tale, also known as The Egg-Born Princess (Estonian: Munast sündinud kuningatütar). Collected by Dr. Friedrich Kreutzwald in Eestirahwa Ennemuistesed jutud. Dr. Friedrich Kreutzwald
Princess Daisy Valenski Princess Daisy Judith Krantz
Dani Valenski Daisy’s twin sister, not accepted by their father because she was born brain-damaged.
Signy Asmund and Signy Icelandic fairy tale collected in Islandische Märchen. Included by Andrew Lang in The Brown Fairy Book. Collected by Andrew Lang
The Enchanted Princess The Blue Mountains
Princess Hadvor Hermod and Hadvor
Seserakh Earthsea The princess of the Kargad lands and the daughter of King Thol. Ursula K. Le Guin
Vera Princess Ligovskaya Character based on Varvara Lopukhina, the woman with whom the author Lermontov was in love. Lopukhina’s husband, Nikolai Bakhmetyev, was the prototype for the character of Prince Ligovskoy. Mikhail Lermontov
Ella of Frell Ella Enchanted She becomes a princess when she marries Charmont (Char), the Crown Prince of Kyrria. Gail Carson Levine
Princess Adelina (Addie) The Two Princesses of Bamarre
Princess Meryl
Aravis The Chronicles of Narnia She marries Crown Prince Cor of Archenland; she appears as a main character in The Horse and His Boy and a minor character in The Last Battle. C. S. Lewis
Nehemia Ytger Throne of Glass The Princess of Eyllwe and friend to protagonist Queen Celaena Sardothien. Sarah J. Maas
The Light Princess The Light Princess Scottish fairy tale. George MacDonald
Princess Makemnoit
Princess Irene The Princess and the Goblin Princess Irene also appears, a few years older, in the book’s sequel, The Princess and Curdie.
Myrcella Baratheon A Song of Ice and Fire Princess of the House Baratheon of King’s Landing. Legal daughter of King Robert Baratheon, biological daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister, and sister of Joffrey and Tommen. George R. R. Martin
Arianne Martell
Elia Martell
Rhaenys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Vasilisa «Lissa» Dragomir Vampire Academy;
Lissa is a moroi princess and the user of a rare form of magic (spirit) who maintains a bond with dhampir Rose Hathaway. She later becomes the moroi queen and is the older half-sister of Jill Mastrano Dragomir in Bloodlines. Richelle Mead
Princess Elena The Princes and the Treasure A strong, capable princess of Evergreen whose father King Rufus wants her to marry the eligible prince, which is not how she wants to live her life. Jeffery A. Miles
Leila Tūs Salvatíraas The Savior’s series The current savior and ruler of Thessen. Jenna Moreci
Princess Corenice of Atlantis Merlin’s Ring H. Warner Munn
Princess Ben Princess Ben Princess Benevolence. Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Princess Marïonoff The Emperor’s Candlesticks Baroness Orczy
Arya Dröttningu The Inheritance Cycle She is the elven princess, and later queen, of Ellesméra and the only child of King Evandar and Queen Islanzadí. She first appeared in Eragon. Christopher Paolini
Princess Esme Discworld Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre, the daughter of King Verence II and Queen Magrat Garlick. Terry Pratchett
Queen Keli Queen Kelirehenna I, formerly the princess of Sto Lat and the daughter of the murdered King Olerve the Bastard.
Adelaide Bevan The Tin Princess Adelaide briefly becomes a princess when she is married to Prince Rudolf of Razkavia until she becomes the reigning queen due to his sudden death. A part of the Sally Lockhart series. Philip Pullman
Ludmila Ruslan and Ludmila The daughter of Prince Vladimir of the Kievan Rus’. Alexander Pushkin
Tsarevna The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Also called «The Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and the Seven Bogatyrs», the 1833 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin.
Princess-Swan The Tale of Tsar Saltan 1831 Russian poem written after the fairy tale edited by Vladimir Dahl.
Alasen of Kierst Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies Princess of Meadowlord and the daughter of Prince Volog of Kierst. Melanie Rawn
Gemma of Syr Princess of Ossteia and the younger sister of the villainous Prince Jastri.
Sioned The Sunrunner witch and the High Princess. She is married to Rohan, the Dragon Prince of the Desert and the mother of Prince Pol; the younger sister of Prince Davvi.
Ileana Cosânzeana Romanian Fairy Tales She is a good-natured princess who gets kidnapped by a dragon called the Zmeu but gets rescued by a heroic knight, Făt-Frumos. Romanian Folklore
Jenna Heap Septimus Heap series A primary character in the Septimus Heap series. She is a descendant of Princess Esmeralda. Angie Sage
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon The Witcher series Also known simply as Ciri, she is the princess of Cintra and the Lady of Time and Space who is trained under the watchful eyes of Geralt of Rivia. She is the daughter of Princess Pavetta and Emperor Duny and the granddaughter of the late Queen Calanthe. Andrzej Sapkowski
Cordelia King Lear She is the youngest of the three daughters of King Lear of Britain. William Shakespeare
Goneril The oldest daughter of King Lear of Britain.
Regan The second daughter of King Lear of Britain.
Daughter of Antiochus Pericles, Prince of Tyre The unnamed daughter of King Antiochus of Antioch.
Marina The daughter of Thaisa and Prince Pericles.
Thaisa The daughter of Simonides, King of Pentapolis, and wife of Pericles, Prince of Tyre.
The Duchess of Gloucester Richard II Wife of Richard II’s uncle, Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester; based on the historical figure of Lady Eleanor de Bohun.
The Duchess of York Widow of Richard II’s uncle, the Duke of York (who is based on the historical figure, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York). Though unnamed, the Duchess is reportedly a composite of Langley’s first and second wives, Infanta Isabella of Castile and Joan Holland, respectively.
Miranda The Tempest Daughter of Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, and wife of Prince Ferdinand.
Princess Gentianella Somebody Else’s Prince A short story collected by Evelyn Sharp in The Other Side of the Sun. Evelyn Sharp
Amalina Seraphina Prince Otto: A Romance The discontented princess who is married to Prince Otto of Grünewald but plots with Baron Gondremark to depose him. Robert Louis Stevenson
Serena Ancilotto, King of Provino Italian fairy tale included in The Facetious Nights of Straparola. Giovanni Francesco Straparola
Princess Puss in Boots Italian fairy tale included in The Facetious Nights of Straparola, with the different versions published by Giambattista Basile and then by Charles Perrault.
Swedish folktale
Princess Ida The Princess 1847 serio-comic blank verse narrative poem. Alfred Tennyson
Princess Pajonia of Pumperdink Oz books The daughter of Peg Amy and Prince Pompadore of Pumperdink. She first appears in The Purple Prince of Oz.
Planetty She appears in Ruth Plumly Thompson’s 1938 novel The Silver Princess in Oz. She also appears in Jeff Freedman’s The Magic Dishpan of Oz (1994).
Princess Lenore Many Moons James Thurber
Eärwen Unfinished Tales
The Silmarillion
Daughter of Olwë of Alqualondë, king of the Telerin Elves of Aman. She is the wife of Finarfin, Prince of the Noldor, the mother of Galadriel, and Queen of Eldamar. J. R. R. Tolkien
Finduilas The Children of Húrin
The Silmarillion
Daughter of Orodreth, the ruler of Nargothrond. She was a high princess of the Noldor.
Galadriel The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Youngest child and only daughter of Finarfin, Prince and later High King of the Noldor, and Eärwen.
Idril The Silmarillion, The Book of Lost Tales (The Fall of Gondolin) Daughter of Turgon, Elven king of the Noldor.
Princess Lothíriel of Dol Amroth The Lord of the Rings Wife of Éomer.
Lúthien Tinúviel The Silmarillion A Telerin (Sindarin) princess, daughter of Elu Thingol, King of Dorian, and Melian the Maia.
Princess Maria Bolkonskaya War and Peace Princess Maria Nikolayevna Bolkonskaya.[4][5] Daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky (Prince Bolkonsky).[6] Leo Tolstoy
Princess Adalmina Adalmina’s Pearl A Finnish fairy tale about princess who gets a magical pearl with the power to make her more beautiful, more intelligent, and richer by every day.[7] Zachris Topelius
Princess Janine de St. Jehan Heir Apparent The illegitimate daughter of the late King Cynric and Queen Andreanna. She is portrayed as a playable RPG character, controlled by the main character Giannine Bellisario. Vivian Vande Velde
Aouda Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne


Princess Comic title Notes
Princess Diana of Themyscira («Wonder Woman») DC Comics Wonder Woman is a warrior princess of the Amazons. Known in her homeland as «Diana of Themyscira», her powers include superhuman strength, flight, super-speed, super-stamina, and super-agility. She is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and in the art of tactical warfare. She also possesses animal-like cunning skills and a natural rapport with animals, which has been presented as an actual ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She uses her Lasso of Truth, which forces those bound by it to tell the truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in some stories, an invisible airplane.
Princess Projectra Projectra Wind’zzor, princess, and later queen, of the planet Orando. She has the power to create illusions.
Starfire Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran, a planet in the fictional Vegan system.
Princess Tara Markov («Terra») She is the princess of Markovia and the half-sister of Prince Brion Markov.
Princess Leona Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai The princess of Papnica who trains to be a sage and is well-versed in the magic arts. Based on the Dragon Quest video game franchise.
Princess Aura Flash Gordon
Hephylia Garulfo Princess Hephylia of Brandelune who is looked after by governess Naomi; only child to the King. Created by Alain Ayroles and Bruno Maïorana. Series published by Delcourt (1992–2002).
Chae-kyung Shin Goong She is married to Crown Prince Shin Lee.
«Princes» of Kakin Hunter × Hunter The daughters of King Nasubi Hui Guo Rou of the Kakin kingdom. Like their brothers, the series referred to these young women being held the title of «prince», rather than «princess».

  • Camilla Hui Guo Rou
  • Tubeppa Hui Guo Rou
  • Tyson Hui Guo Rou
  • Kacho Hui Guo Rou
  • Fugetsu Hui Guo Rou
  • Momoze Hui Guo Rou
  • Woble Hui Guo Rou
Kilala Reno Kilala Princess She becomes the wife of Prince Rei.
Princess Sylphy She is a princess of Floradiso and Kilala’s former rival who claims to be Prince Rei’s fiancée, though this is hinted to be unofficial.
Jadina The Legendaries She is a princess who is the magician and member of the team of the Legendaries, representing the virtue of Intelligence; the daughter of King Kinder and Queen Adeyrid of Orchidia.
Anelle Marvel Comics A Skrull princess, daughter of Emperor Dorrek VII and Empress R´Klll.
Ororo Munroe («Storm») The daughter of an African tribal princess, N’Dare, and American photojournalist David Munroe. After she is recruited by Charles Xavier («Professor X») to join the X-Men, she receives the code name «Storm».
Zarda Shelton («Power Princess») The princess of Utopia Isle who is a member of the Squadron Supreme. She is considered an analog to Wonder Woman of the Justice League.
Crown Princess Alexia Mimic Royal Princess She is a princess whose queendom is well-respected only by women and not men.
Nausicaä (Shimamoto) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Princess of the Valley of the Wind. She is named for the Princess Nausicaa in Homer’s Odyssey.
Nefeltari Vivi One Piece Nefeltari Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, daughter of Nefeltari Cobra and Titi. She was one of the main antagonists of the Reverse Mountain Arc under the Baroque Works codename Miss Wednesday, but she ended up traveling with the Straw Hat Pirates for most of the Alabasta Saga after revealing herself to be a spy plotting against Baroque Works. She has not been featured in the main story since the Straw Hats left Alabasta but has occasionally been shown to be keeping track of their progress.
Sailor Princesses Sailor Moon Sailor Princesses:

  • Usagi Tsukino (Tsukino Usagi, «Serena»), Sailor Moon — Princess Serenity/Serena
    • Chibiusa (Tsukino Chibiusa, «Rini»), Sailor Chibi Moon — Princess Usagi «Small Lady» Serenity
  • Ami Mizuno (Mizuno Ami, «Amy»), Sailor Mercury
  • Rei Hino (Hino Rei, «Raye»), Sailor Mars
  • Makoto Kino (Kino Makoto, «Lita»), Sailor Jupiter
  • Minako Aino (Aino Minako, «Mina»), Sailor Venus
  • Setsuna Meiou (Meiō Setsuna, «Trista»), Sailor Pluto
  • Haruka Tenou (Ten’ō Haruka, «Amara»), Sailor Uranus
  • Michiru Kaiou (Kaiō Michiru, «Michelle»), Sailor Neptune
  • Hotaru Tomoe (Tomoe Hotaru, «Hotaru»), Sailor Saturn

There is also the princess of a fictional planet Kinmoku outside the solar system, Princess Kakyuu.

Princess Kaguya Character from a side story of the Sailor Moon manga series, The Lover of Princess Kaguya, which is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale «The Snow Queen». The name «Princess Kaguya» comes from the Japanese legend The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
Nao Kusunoki Shounen Princess: Putri Harimau Naoko A man who, disguised as a woman, becomes princess of Urunei when he marries Prince Ahmad, who in turn is a woman disguised as a man.
Blaze the Cat Sonic the Hedgehog The princess from the Sol Dimension. Based on the video game franchise of the same name.
Sally Acorn The princess of the Kingdom of Acorn and the co-leader of the Freedom Fighters.
Princess Undina The aquatic princess from Meropis whose childhood friend Coral the Betta, priestess of the Eusebes Temple, has been chosen over her; the daughter of Queen Angelica and King Puff.
Princess Erminia The Sword of Paros She is a lesbian princess of Paros who tries to pass as a man, similar to Princess Sapphire from Princess Knight and Oscar from The Rose of Versailles, while avoiding her arrenged marriage to Prince Phaon of Kaurous, due to her love for young laundry maid Fiona.
Sakura Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle The princess of the Kingdom of Clow.


Princess Title Notes
Aida Aida She is the princess of Ethiopia who has been captured and enslaved by the Egyptians.

An opera by Giuseppe Verdi. Later adapted into a rock opera and 2000 Broadway show with songs by Tim Rice and Elton John.

Amneris She is the princess of Egypt and the daughter of the Pharaoh.
Princess Badroulbadour Aladdin The traditional pantomime was originally dramatized by John O’Keeffe in 1788 for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Different versions of the pantomime story have been performed for over 200 years. The «Aladdin» story was also adapted into other theatrical productions. Notable adaptations include:

  • Aladdin (1805), verse drama by Adam Oehlenschläger; with incidental music by Carl Nielsen.
  • The New Aladdin (1906), successful Edwardian musical comedy
    • Originally starred Adrienne Augarde as «The Princess»
  • Aladdin, the 1979 musical adaptation
Princess Stephanie of Balaria The Balkan Princess A British musical written by Frederick Lonsdale and Frank Curzon; lyrics by Paul Rubens and Arthur Wimperis; music by Paul Rubens.
Princess Fedora Palinska The Circus Princess The German operetta in three acts composed by Emmerich Kálmán with libretto by Julius Brammer and Alfred Grünwald.
Princess Yevpraksiya The Enchantress Princess Yevpraksiya Romanovna. 1887 Russian opera in four acts by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Princess of Monte Carlo The Grand Duke 1896 Savoy Opera written by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan.
Cinderella Into the Woods
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Princess Marie King of Cadonia An English musical written by Frederick Lonsdale; lyrics by Adrian Ross and Arthur Wimperis; music by Sidney Jones and Frederick Rosse (the short-lived Broadway production featured additional music by Jerome Kern).
Princess Cristiane King’s Rhapsody She is the princess of Norseland and the daughter of King Peter.
Princesses Kirsten and Hulda The little cousins of Cristiane.
Princess Lena Leonce and Lena The Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Pipi.
Princess Althea The Light Princess Adapted from the Scottish fairy tale by George MacDonald.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess A 2004 musical based on the novel of the same name. Music by Andrew Lippa and book and lyrics by Brian Crawley.
Pamina The Magic Flute The daughter of the Queen of the Night. She also appears in the following sequels, Das Labyrinth and The Magic Flute Part Two.
Princess Olga Maid of Pskov Princess Olga Yuryevna Tokmakova. Adoptive daughter of Prince Tokmakov, biological daughter of Vera Sheloga (Tokmakov’s sister-in-law) and Tsar Ivan Vasilevich the Terrible. 1872 opera composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; based on the drama of the same name by Lev Mei.
Princess Winnifred Once Upon a Mattress A musical comedy based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea. There is also the 2005 television film adaptation featuring Tracey Ullman as «Fred».
Tiger Lily Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up 1904 play by J. M. Barrie prior to his 1911 novel.
Princess Ida The Princess
  • The Princess, A blank verse farcical play by W. S. Gilbert, parodying Alfred Tennyson’s poem, «The Princess: A Medley».
  • Princess Ida, A comic opera; music by Arthur Sullivan, libretto by W. S. Gilbert. Based on the poem «The Princess» by Alfred Tennyson.
Princess Flavia The Prisoner of Zenda The 1895 play by Edward Rose, based on Anthony Hope’s novel of the same name.
Princess Puss in Boots 1915 short opera in three acts for children composed by César Cui, based on the fairy tale of the same name.
Lyudmila Ruslan and Lyudmila 1842 Russian opera composed by Mikhail Glinka, based on Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name.
Volkhova Sadko Daughter of the Sea King.
Princess Aurora The Sleeping Beauty The ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky based on Charles Perrault’s fairy tale of the same name.
The Princess The Sleeping Prince: An Occasional Fairy Tale 1953 play by Terence Rattigan.
Princess The Snow Queen A chamber opera in six scenes based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name; prologue by Matthew King, libretto by Andrew McKinnon.
Princess Margaret The Student Prince The daughter of Grand Duchess Anastasia. The 1924 operetta in four acts composed by Sigmund Romberg.
Princess Alexandra The Swan 1920 play by Ferenc Molnár.
Princess Odette Swan Lake The princess who has been turned into a swan by the curse of an evil sorcerer.
Princess Léonide The Triumph of Love She is the former princess of Sparta who disguises herself as a man under the name Phocion after learning that her lover, Agis, is the rightful heir to the Spartan throne.

The play was originally written by Pierre de Marivaux in 1732 and later adapted into a Broadway musical by James Magruder in 1997.

Disney Princesses Various A number of Disney Princesses have gotten their own musicals.

  • Jasmine, in Aladdin
  • Belle, in Beauty and the Beast
  • Anna and Elsa, in Frozen[8][9]
  • Megara, in Hercules
  • Ariel, in The Little Mermaid
  • Moana, in Moana Jr.[10]
  • Mulan, in Mulan Jr.[11]
Princess Maria Bolkonskaya War and Peace Princess Maria Nikolayevna Bolkonskaya.[4][5] Opera based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy.
Zémire Zémire et Azor Operatic version of the fairy-tale Beauty and the Beast, written by Jean-François Marmontel and composed by André Grétry.


Live action[edit]

Princess Film Notes
Princess Herzelinde 1½ Knights: In Search of the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde Portrayed by Julia Dietze.
Princess Parisa The 7th Voyage of Sinbad The daughter of the Sultan of Chandra. Portrayed by Kathryn Grant.
The Wachati Princess Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Daughter of the Wachati Chief and sister of Prince Ouda. She has been engaged to Tiny Warrior, prince of the Wachootoo tribe. Portrayed by Sophie Okonedo.
Princess Kanza Omar Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Portrayed by Alma M. Pappas (uncredited).
Princess Fatima Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens Portrayed by Bella Cortez.
Princess Miriam Ali Baba Goes to Town Portrayed by June Lang.
Princess Aouda Around the World in 80 Days 1956 film based on the famous novel of the same name by Jules Verne. Portrayed by Shirley MacLaine.
Princess Selenia Arthur and the Invisibles;
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard;
Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds
Daughter of Emperor Sifrat XVI and older sister of Prince Betameche. Based on the French Arthur book series by Luc Besson. Portrayed by Madonna (original) and Selena Gomez (sequels).
Princess Henriette At Sword’s Point 1952 film that features the offsprings of the Three Musketeers. Portrayed by Nancy Gates.
Princess Antillia Atlantis, the Lost Continent The daughter of King Cronus of Atlantis and one of the main characters of the film. Portrayed by Joyce Taylor.
Neytiri of the Omaticaya Na’vi Avatar Portrayed by Zoe Saldana, the character of Neytiri may well be considered a princess. Although she is never actually called by this title in the film, her status as both the daughter of a tribal chieftain and the heir to a high priestly office that is usually held by the women of her family means that she is commonly referred to as one by both real-world commentators and fans alike.
Devasena Baahubali: The Beginning;
Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
She is the princess of Kuntala Kingdom, a skilled archer and a fighter. Portrayed by Anushka Shetty.
Princess Natalya Petrovna Balalaika Based on the 1936 musical of the same name by Eric Maschwitz. Portrayed by Zeffie Tilbury.
Princess Taramis Barbarian Queen Portrayed by Dawn Dunlap.
Belle La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast) French film adaptation of the fairy-tale of the same name, known in English as Beauty and the Beast. Belle is portrayed in the film by Josette Day.
Princess Leyla Black Gold She is the princess from Hobeika, daughter of Emir Nesib and sister of Prince Tariq. Based on the novel South of the Heart: A Novel of Modern Arabia by Hans Ruesch. Portrayed by Freida Pinto.
Shuri Black Panther Princess of Wakanda, daughter of the late King T’Chaka and sister of King T’Challa. Portrayed by Letitia Wright.
Princess Teresa The Brigand Portrayed by Jody Lawrance.
Princess Jana Captain Sindbad Princess of Baristan. Portrayed by Heidi Brühl.
Maharani Ammanmani Chandravathy Chandra Portrayed by Shriya Saran.
Princess Emily A Christmas Prince;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
Princess Emily of Aldovia; younger sister of King Richard and sister-in-law of Queen Amber. Portrayed by Honor Kneafsey.
Princess Elleri A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby Princess Elleri Claire of Aldovia; newborn daughter of King Richard and Queen Amber.
Princess Meeka Joffer Coming 2 America The first daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer and the heir apparent of Zamunda. Portrayed by KiKi Layne.
Princess Omma Joffer The second daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer of Zamunda. Portrayed by Bella Murphy.
Princess Tinashe Joffer The third daughter of King Akeem and Queen Lisa Joffer of Zamunda. Portrayed by Akiley Love.
Princess Yasimina Conan the Barbarian She is the daughter of King Osric of Zamora. Portrayed by Valérie Quennessen.
Princess Jehnna Conan the Destroyer She is the niece of Queen Taramis of Shadizar. Portrayed by Olivia d’Abo.
Princess Mirska Conquest Based on the novel Pani Walewska by Wacław Gąsiorowski. Portrayed by Betty Blythe (uncredited).
Princess Gwendolyn The Court Jester Princess Gwendolyn of England, the daughter of King Roderick the Tyrant. She was portrayed by Angela Lansbury.
Empress Phoenix Curse of the Golden Flower Portrayed by Li Gong.
Princess Ling Moy Daughter of the Dragon Portrayed by Anna May Wong.
Princess Diana of Themyscira DC Extended Universe Better known as Wonder Woman, she is the Amazon crown princess of Themyscira.

She is portrayed by Gal Gadot in the following superhero films:

  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • Wonder Woman
  • Justice League
  • Wonder Woman 1984
  • Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Princess Maria Death Takes a Holiday Portrayed by Kathleen Howard.
Princess Codille Deathstalker Portrayed by Barbi Benton.
Princess Evie Deathstalker II Warrior princess of Jzafir. Portrayed by Monique Gabrielle.
Princesses Carissa and Elizena Deathstalker III: The Warriors from Hell The twin princesses, both portrayed by Carla Herd.
Inca Princess Kawillaka Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 film based on the animated series Dora the Explorer. Portrayed by Q’orianka Kilcher.
Mehgan Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire She is the biological daughter of the late King Walter of Britannia, granddaughter of King Gareth and Queen Rhonu and twin sister of Edric. Portrayed by Jessamine-Bliss Bell.
Princess Elspeth Dragonslayer The princess of Urland and the daughter of King Casiodorus. Portrayed by Chloe Salaman.
Princess Irulan Dune Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Elder sister of Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Virginia Madsen in the 1984 film adaptation.
Princess Nandini Eklavya: The Royal Guard 2007 Indian film. Portrayed by Raima Sen.
Ella of Frell Ella Enchanted Portrayed by Anne Hathaway.
Arya Dröttningu Eragon The elf princess of Ellesméra. Based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Paolini; portrayed by Sienna Guillory. Arya also appeared in the video game adaptation.
Princess Aud Erik the Viking She is the daughter of King Arnulf. Portrayed by Imogen Stubbs.
Danielle de Barbarac Ever After: A Cinderella Story She becomes the wife of Prince Henry. 1998 film adaptation of «Cinderella» set in Renaissance France. Portrayed by Drew Barrymore.
Princess Luisa Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles The princess of Carpia and the daughter of King Augustin and Queen Remini. Portrayed by Amy Acker.
Princess Helen/Jane Hamilton Fit for a King Portrayed by Helen Mack.
Princess Marcuzan Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster A Martian princess, portrayed by Marilyn Hanold.
Princess Zora The Frog Prince Based on the classic fairy tale of the same name, Zora is the niece of King William and the younger sister of Princess Henrietta, who kisses Ribbit the frog to change him back into a human prince. She was portrayed by Aileen Quinn.
Princess Mary Gulliver’s Travels Princess of Lilliput and daughter of King Theodore and Queen Isabelle. Portrayed by Emily Blunt.
Princess Diana Hercules and the Princess of Troy The princess of Troy, portrayed by Diana Hyland.
Princess Alexandra Here is My Heart Based on the play La Grande-Duchesse et le garçon d’étage by Alfred Savoir. Portrayed by Kitty Carlisle.
Princess Yuki Akizuki The Hidden Fortress Portrayed by Misa Uehara.
Princess Gloria His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz The daughter of King Krewl of the Land of Oz. Portrayed by Vivian Reed.
Princess Nawa The Hot Chick Portrayed by Shazia Ali, Nawa was an Abyssinian princess who used her magical earrings to switch bodies with a slave girl to escape from an arranged marriage in 50 BC. These earrings are later used by both a modern teenage girl, Jessica, and a criminal, Clive, as they accidentally switch their own bodies as well.
Cinderella Into the Woods She is loosely based on the protagonist from the fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by Anna Kendrick.
Rapunzel She is loosely based on the protagonist from the fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by MacKenzie Mauzy.
Princess Aneta It Is Hell With the Princess 2009 Czech film. Portrayed by Tereza Voříšková.
Princess Taou Yuen Java Head The daughter of the Manchu noble.

  • Java Head, 1923 silent film version starring Leatrice Joy.
  • Java Head, 1934 British sound film remake starring Anna May Wong.
Jodhaa Bai Jodhaa Akbar A Rajput princess portrayed by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Dejah Thoris John Carter Princess of Helium. Portrayed by Lynn Collins.
Mrinalini «Mili» Chakravarty Khoobsurat Originally a physiotherapist of the Kolkata Knight Riders, Mili is married to Prince Vikram Rathore, receiving the title of «The Royal Misfit». Portrayed by Sonam Kapoor.
Princess Divya Rathore She is the younger sister of Prince Vikram and the daughter of King Shekhar Singh and Queen Nirmala Devi Rathore of Rajasthan. Portrayed by Simran Jehani.
Princess Tania/Catherine Bell King Kelly of the U.S.A. The princess of the European kingdom of Belgardia and the daughter of King Maxmilian. Portrayed by Irene Ware.
Princess Anna of Finland King Ralph Portrayed by Joely Richardson.
Princess Cristiane King’s Rhapsody Princess Cristiane of Norseland. Based on the stage musical of the same name by Ivor Novello; portrayed by Patrice Wymore.
Lyssa Krull Portrayed by Lisette Anthony (Lindsay Crouse, dub).
Princess Lily Legend Portrayed by Mia Sara.
Princess Zarina Leprechaun 4: In Space The alien princess of the planet Dominia. Portrayed by Rebekah Carlton.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess Multiple film adaptations of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel have been made. Some notable examples include:

  • The Little Princess (1917), silent film starring Mary Pickford
  • The Little Princess (1939), starring Shirley Temple
  • A Little Princess (1995), starring Liesel Matthews
  • Sarah… Ang Munting Prinsesa (1995), starring Camille Prats
    • 1995 Filipino film adaptation of the anime Princess Sarah, based on the novel A Little Princess.
Princess Thania of Arvonne The Lone Wolf in Paris Portrayed by Frances Drake.
Princess Hedwig Long Live the King Based on the novel of the same name by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Portrayed by Ruth Renick.
Galadriel The Lord of the Rings Youngest child and only daughter of Finarfin, Prince of the Noldor, and Eärwen. Portrayed by Cate Blanchett.
Princess Sophia Alexnov Meet the Prince Portrayed by Julia Faye.
Princess Lauranna Men in Black II Zarthon ambassador to Earth, and keeper of the Light of Zartha. She is the love interest of Agent Kay and mother of Laura Vasquez. The actual Princess Lauranna, as the ambassador of her people, is portrayed by Linda Kim. In the «Mysteries in History» video shown within the film, she is portrayed by Paige Brooks.
Laura Vasquez Princess and the Light of Zartha, daughter of Princess Lauranna and love interest of Agent Jay. Portrayed by Rosario Dawson.
Ahmanet The Mummy She is the Egyptian princess and the titular antagonist who was mummified alive. Loosely based on the ancient Egyptian goddess Amunet as well as Imhotep from the original Mummy films; portrayed by Sofia Boutella.
Princess Elsa My Pal, the King The aunt of young King Charles V of Alvonia. Portrayed by Noel Francis.
Princess Marie de Namour de la Bonfain Naughty Marietta 1935 film based on the 1910 operetta of the same name. Portrayed by Jeanette MacDonald.
Katherine «Katie» Hollingston Once Upon a Holiday Princess of Montsaurai, in the 2015 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Briana Evigan as a young woman and Kayden Magnuson as a child.
Princess Moanna/Ofelia Pan’s Labyrinth The daughter of the King and Queen of the Underworld; stepdaughter of Captain Vidal. Portrayed by Ivana Baquero.
Tiger Lily Peter Pan
  • Peter Pan, 1924 silent film starring Anna May Wong.
  • Peter Pan, 2003 American film starring Carsen Gray.
  • Neverland, 2003 Indie film starring Ray Garcia.
  • Pan, 2015 film starring Rooney Mara.

Based on J. M. Barrie’s 1904 play, Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, and 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy.

Princess Dala The Pink Panther She is the exiled princess from the Asian mountain kingdom of Lugash. Portrayed by Claudia Cardinale (voiced by Gale Garnett, uncredited).
Rajkumari Chandrika and Radhika Prem Ratan Dhan Payo The half-sisters of Crown Prince Vijay Singh of Pritampur. Portrayed by Swara Bhaskar and Aashika Bhatia respectively.
Princess Maithili Devi Portrayed by Sonam Kapoor.
Princess Astrid Pretty Princess 1993 Italian film; portrayed by Jessica Simpson.
Princess Sofia The princess of a small principality of Liechtenhaus and the daughter of Prince Max. Portrayed by Barbara Snellenburg.
Princess Amrita Prince Portrayed by Vyjayanthimala.
Paige Morgan The Prince & Me;
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding;
The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon;
The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure
She is the love interest of Crown Prince Edvard before she is married to him to become the queen of Denmark. Portrayed by Julia Stiles (original) and Kam Heskin (sequels).
Princess Arabella The Prince & Me Portrayed by Eliza Bennett.
Princess Carmilla The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding Portrayed by Lana Likic.
Princess Gabrielle Portrayed by Paulína Bakarová.
Princess Kirsten The newcomer princess of Norway and a childhood friend of Edvard. Portrayed by Clemency Burton-Hill.
Princess Myra The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure The princess of Sangyoon and the daughter of King Saryu. Portrayed by Ase Wang.
Princess Gwendolyn Prince Charming She was the princess of Lothian. 2001 television film portrayed by Christina Applegate.
Kate She marries Prince John of Anwyn. Also portrayed by Christina Applegate.
Princess Tamina Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Princess of Alamut. Portrayed by Gemma Arterton.
Princess Ilene Prince Valiant (1954)
Prince Valiant (1997)
Portrayed by Debra Paget in the 1954 version and Katherine Heigl in the 1997 version.
Princess Aleta Prince Valiant Portrayed by Janet Leigh.
Princess Calliope Princess 2008 ABC Family Original Movie. Portrayed by Nicole Gale Anderson.
Princess Ithaca Portrayed by Nora Zehetner.
The Princess The Princess She is a strong, dedicated princess in the medieval realm who along with her sister Princess Violet and friend Linh fights off against Julius and his brutal mercenaries in the 2022 Hulu original film. Portrayed by Allegra du Troit as a child and Joey King as an adult.
Princess Songhwa The Princess and the Matchmaker Portrayed by Shim Eun-kyung.
Princess Margaret Warbrook The Princess and the Pirate Portrayed by Virginia Mayo (singing voice dubbed by Louanne Hogan).
Princess Evelyn Princess and the Pony Portrayed by Fiona Perry.
Princess Buttercup The Princess Bride Portrayed by Robin Wright. Based on the 1973 novel of the same name by William Goldman.
Princess Caraboo/Mary Baker Princess Caraboo Portrayed by Phoebe Cates.
Princess Daisy Valenski Princess Daisy Based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Judith Krantz. Portrayed by Merete Van Kamp as an adult and by Rachel Dennis as a child.
Dani Valenski Daisy’s twin sister, not accepted by their father because she was born brain-damaged. Portrayed by Merete Van Kamp as an adult and by Melissa Dennis as a child.
Mia Thermopolis The Princess Diaries;
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, commonly known as «Mia Thermopolis». She later becomes Queen of Genovia. Portrayed by Anne Hathaway.
Princess Asana The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Portrayed by Raven-Symoné.
Kaya, the Princess Kaguya Princess from the Moon Based on the Japanese folklore The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Portrayed by Yasuko Sawaguchi.
Princess Maria Princess O’Rourke 1943 romantic comedy starring Olivia de Havilland, Robert Cummings, and Charles Coburn. It is similar to the later Roman Holiday (1953), which starred Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
Princess Shalimar/Taura Princess of the Nile She is the princess of Egypt who disguises herself as a popular dancer in the Tambourine Tavern to escape prison. She was portrayed by Debra Paget.
Princess Rosalinda Montoya Fiore/Rosie Gonzalez Princess Protection Program The princess, and later queen, of Costa Luna. Portrayed by Demi Lovato.
Lady Margaret Katherine Claire Delacourt The Princess Switch Lady Margaret is the duchess of Montenaro who trades places with Stacy De Novo. She later becomes the queen of Montenaro in Switched Again. Inspired by Mark Twain’s novel «The Prince and the Pauper», Margaret is portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens.
Stacy Juliette De Novo Formerly a baker, Stacy is married to Prince Edward Wyndham after switching places with Lady Margaret. She is also portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens.
Rajkumari Vishaka Rajkumar Portrayed by Madhuri Dixit.
Princess Natasha Rasputin and the Empress Portrayed by Diana Wynyard.
Princess Yuna Rebirth of Mothra II Princess of the ancient civilization of Nirai Kanai. Portrayed by Maho Nonami.
Princess Ozma Return to Oz She is the rightful ruler of the Land of Oz whose witch Mombi overthrew her, claiming to be the new princess. Portrayed by Emma Ridley.
Princess Lala McTavish Road to Bali She is a half-Scottish princess in Bali and the cousin of Prince Ken Arok. Portrayed by Dorothy Lamour.
Princess Alexandra The Rogue Song Portrayed by Nance O’Neil.
Princess Vera Portrayed by Catherine Dale Owen.
Princess Ann/Anya Smith Roman Holiday 1953 romantic comedy starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Princess Ann. The film was remade for television in 1987, starring Tom Conti and Catherine Oxenberg, daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.
Princess Anne The Royal Bed Based on the 1928 play The Queen’s Husband by Robert E. Sherwood. Portrayed by Mary Astor.
Emily Taylor A Royal Christmas She is married to Prince Leopold. Portrayed by Lacey Chabert in the 2014 Hallmark television film.
Duchess Natasha Duchess Natasha of Warren. Portrayed by Katherine Flynn.
Princess Priscilla The Runaway Princess Based on the 1905 novel Princess Priscilla’s Fortnight by Elizabeth von Arnim. Portrayed by Mady Christians.
Ludmila Ruslan and Ludmila Based on the Russian poem of the same name. Portrayed by Natalya Petrova.
Princess Pei-Pei Shanghai Noon She is the daughter of the Emperor of China. Portrayed by Lucy Liu.
Princess Trubetskaya The Silver Skates She is the mother of Prince Arkadiy Trubetskoy of the Russian Empire. Portrayed by Elena Rufanova.
Princess Farah Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger The princess of Charak and the sister of Prince Kassim; stepdaughter of the evil Queen Zenobia. Portrayed by Jane Seymour.
Princess Alina Sinbad of the Seven Seas Portrayed by Alessandra Martines.
Cinderella The Slipper and the Rose She marries Prince Edward, in the retelling fairy tale of «Cinderella». Portrayed by Gemma Craven.
Summer Princess Snow Queen 2002 made-for-television made by Hallmark Entertainment. Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale «The Snow Queen». Portrayed by Kira Clavell.
Princess The Snow Queen 2005 BBC television movie based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale «The Snow Queen». Portrayed by Leah Cudmore.
Snow White Numerous adaptations of the Snow White story have been made over the years, starring several different actresses. Some of these include:

  • Marguerite Clark in Snow White, a 1916 silent film.
  • Rossana Podestà in The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (Italian: I sette nani alla riscossa), the 1951 Italian comedy film.
  • Elke Arendt in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (German: Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge) (1955)
  • Carol Heiss in Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961).
  • Sarah Patterson in Snow White (1987), a musical film.
  • Kristin Kreuk in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
  • Cosma Shiva Hagen in 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (German: 7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald), a 2004 German comedy film.
  • Amanda Bynes in Sydney White (2007).
  • Eliza Bennett in Grimm’s Snow White (2012).
  • Lily Collins in Mirror Mirror (2012).
  • Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012).
Lilli Hoffman Snow White: A Tale of Terror 1997 film based on Snow White. Portrayed by Monica Keena.
Princess Yasmin Son of the Pink Panther She is the daughter of King Haroak and the new princess of the Asian kingdom of Lugash. Portrayed by Debrah Farentino.
Vespa Spaceballs Daughter of King Roland of Druidia, portrayed by Daphne Zuniga.
Padmé Amidala Star Wars Elected Queen of Naboo at the young age of 14 after previously serving as the Princess of Theed. She later goes on to serve her people as a senator for Naboo.

Portrayed by Natalie Portman in:
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Leia Organa Secretly adopted daughter of Bail Prestor Organa (formally styled as His Serene Highness Prince Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan). Portrayed in the original and sequel trilogy films by Carrie Fisher:

  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • The Force Awakens
  • The Last Jedi
  • The Rise of Skywalker
Princess Una Stardust Portrayed by Kate Magowan.
Princess Beatrice The Strange Adventures of Prince Courageous 1923 silent film series. Portrayed by Doreen Turner.
Princess Johanna The Student Prince Based on the operetta of the same name by Sigmund Romberg. Portrayed by Betta St. John.
Princess Jorala Super Buddies She is an alien princess of the planet Ispirion. Voiced by Fiona Gubelmann.
Demon Princess Elzebub The Super Inframan Also known as Princess Dragon Mom in English dub, she is the ruler of Inner Earth and the main villainess of the film. Portrayed by Terry Liu.
Princess Daisy Super Mario Bros. Portrayed by Samantha Mathis in the 1993 film loosely based on the video game of the same name.
Princess Alexandra The Swan
  • Frances Howard in The Swan (1925)
  • Lillian Gish in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Grace Kelly in The Swan (1956)

Based on the 1920 play The Swan by Ferenc Molnár.

Princess Beatrice
  • Ida Waterman in The Swan (1925)
  • Marie Dressler in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Jessie Royce Landis in The Swan (1956)
Violet Tale of Tales Princess of Highhills, portrayed by Bebe Cave. Based on the fairy tale collection «Pentamerone».
The Princess The Thief of Bagdad (1940); and
The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
This character appears in the 1940 Technicolor film and 1924 silent version of this story, based on a loose adaptation of the story of «Aladdin». Portrayed by June Duprez in 1940 and Julanne Johnston in 1924.
Princess Amina The Thief of Baghdad (1961) Portrayed by Giorgia Moll.
Princess Yasmine The Thief of Baghdad (1978) Princess Yasmine of Baghdad. Portrayed by Palva Ustinov.
Princess «Zizzi» Catterina Thirty-Day Princess Princess of Taronia. Portrayed by Sylvia Sidney.
The Princess The Triumph of Love 2001 film based on the three-act comic play and musical of the same name. Portrayed by Mira Sorvino.
Princess Brenda/Miss Vandeleur Trouble for Two Princess Brenda of Irania. Portrayed by Rosalind Russell.
Anna Valerious Van Helsing Princess of the Gypsies. Portrayed by Kate Beckinsale.
Princess Mandakini Vanjikottai Valiban The princess of the Ratna Island Kingdom. Portrayed by Vyjayanthimala.
Princess Padma The princess of the Vanjikottai Kingdom. Portrayed by Padmini.
Elora Danan Willow An infant child prophesied to bring about the downfall of the evil Queen Bavmorda. She is portrayed alternately by twins Kate and Ruth Greenfield, Rebecca Bearman, Kristen Lang (for scenes shot in Marin County), and, for scenes shot in New Zealand, by Isla Brentwood, Laura Hopkirk, and Gina Nelson.
Princess Carlotta («Carly») A Winter Princess[12] 2019 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Natalie Hall.
Princess Aura Wizards of the Lost Kingdom The princess, and later queen, of Axeholme. Portrayed by Dolores Michaels.
Princess Amathea Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II The warrior princess of Venir. Portrayed by Lana Clarkson.
Princess Octavia Yahudi Ki Ladki
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1933), portrayed by Tarabai
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1957)
  • Yahudi (1958), portrayed by Nigar Sultana

Based on the Urdu play of the same name by Agha Hashar Kashmiri.



Princess Film Notes
Jasmine Aladdin Based on Princess Badroulbadour from the tale of «The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp» from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). She falls in love with Aladdin. She is voiced by Linda Larkin for speaking, with singing voice by Lea Salonga.
Belle Beauty and the Beast She falles in love with the Beast. Voiced by Paige O’Hara.
Princess Eilonwy The Black Cauldron Based on the character from Lloyd Alexander’s The Chronicles of Prydain. Voiced by Susan Sheridan.
Merida Brave Daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor of DunBroch and older sister of Princes Harris, Hubert and Hamish. Voiced by Peigi Barker as a child, and by Kelly Macdonald as a young woman. Merida joined the official Disney Princess Lineup in July 2013.
Cinderella Cinderella She marries Prince Charming. Originally voiced by Ilene Woods.
Anna Frozen Princess Anna of Arendelle, one of the main protagonists of Disney’s Frozen. Anna is inspired by the character of Gerda from The Snow Queen, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. She later becomes the new Queen of Arendelle as her sister Elsa becomes the guardian of the Enchanted Forest in the following sequel Frozen II. Voiced by Kristen Bell.
Elsa Formerly Princess Elsa of Arendelle. She possesses the ancient cryokinetic power over ice and snow and is the elder sister of Anna. The character of Elsa is inspired by the title character from Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Voiced by Idina Menzel.
Megara «Meg» Hercules Loosely based on the Theban princess of the same name, Meg is a con artist who is married to Hercules, the prince of the gods in Mount Olympus, in the following sequel Zero to Hero. She is inspired by Barbara Stanwyck’s character in The Lady Eve and was voiced by Susan Egan.
Kiara The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride She is the feisty, adventurous princess and heir of the Pride Lands and the daughter of King Simba and Queen Nala. In The Lion Guard, Kiara is the older sister of Kion.
Ariel The Little Mermaid Ariel has a very distinctive appearance, with her long, flowing red hair, blue eyes, green tail and a lavender seashell bikini top. She is the youngest daughter of King Triton. Ariel has six older sisters:

  • Attina
  • Alana
  • Adella
  • Aquata
  • Arista
  • Andrina

Ariel is often rebellious, and longs to be a part of the human world. She marries Prince Eric, whom she rescued from a shipwreck, to have a daughter Princess Melody. Ariel is voiced by Jodi Benson.

Princess Minnie Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers She is the mouse princess of the Kingdom of France, portrayed by Minnie Mouse (voiced by Russi Taylor), though she is not technically a princess throughout the various animated films, short films and TV shows.

Minnie also portrays the role of a princess in two of the Mickey Mouse short films:

  • Ye Olden Days
  • Brave Little Tailor
Moana Moana Moana is the only daughter of a chief in a long line of navigators, who sets sail to an island with a demi-god, Maui, to help her family. Though she may not actually be a princess, Moana joined the official Disney Princess Lineup in 2019. Voiced by Louise Bush as a toddler and Auliʻi Cravalho as a young woman.
Mulan Mulan While in actuality she is neither a princess by birth nor by marriage, Mulan holds an honorary Disney Princess status. She is a member of the official Disney Princess lineup, the only one who is not actually a princess. Speaking voice by Ming-Na Wen, singing voice by Lea Salonga.
Tiger Lily Peter Pan Based on the 1904 play, Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, and the 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy, both by J. M. Barrie. Unlike most of the media adaptations of Peter Pan, Tiger Lily is unable to speak.
Pocahontas Pocahontas Based loosely on the real-life Pocahontas, she is considered the Indian princess to the English. She falls in love with John Smith. Speaking voice by Irene Bedard, singing voice by Judy Kuhn.
Tiana The Princess and the Frog She marries Prince Naveen. Voiced by Elizabeth Dampier as a child and Anika Noni Rose as a young adult.
Namaari Raya and the Last Dragon She is the villainous warrior princess of the tribe of Fang Land in Kumandra, daughter of Chieftess Virana and the archenemy of Raya. Voiced by Jona Xiao as a teenager and Gemma Chan as an adult.
Raya The daughter of Chief Benja of the tribe of Heart Land in Kumandra, she is the heroic warrior princess who assumes the role of the Guardian of the Dragon Gem and embarks in search for Sisu, the last dragon. She is inspired by the character of Star-Lord and was voiced by Kelly Marie Tran.
Aurora (aka Briar Rose) Sleeping Beauty Daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. She falls in love with Prince Phillip. She is originally voiced by Mary Costa.
Snow White Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The central character of Walt Disney’s first animated feature film, and the first Disney Princess. Voiced by Adriana Caselotti.
Rapunzel Tangled The long-lost princess of Corona, daughter of King Frederic and Queen Arianna. Voiced by Mandy Moore.
Vanellope von Schweetz Wreck-It Ralph;
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Vanellope, voiced by Sarah Silverman, rejects the title at the film’s end, preferring to race in her parent game (Sugar Rush) over being royalty.


Princess Film Notes
Anastasia (Anya) Anastasia Loosely based on the true story of Anastasia Romanov, youngest daughter of Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar, and the rumors surrounding her supposed escape from the massacre that killed her family. When Disney acquired Fox, Anya became a de facto Disney Princess. Voiced by Meg Ryan; singing voice by Liz Callaway.
Snow White Happily Ever After Voiced by Irene Cara.
Princess Arianna Hercules The Golden Films version of the myth of Hercules.
Nausicaä Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind A 1984 animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, based on his manga of the same name. Other princesses who appear in the film:

  • Princess Lastelle of Pejite
  • Princess Kushana of Tolmekia
Sara Rhubarb The Penniless Princess 2012 VeggieTales retelling of A Little Princess.
Princess of Pure Reason The Phantom Tollbooth Based on the 1961 children’s book of the same name by Norton Juster. Voiced by June Foray and Patti Gilbert.
Princess of Sweet Rhyme
Princess Eloise The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie The leek princess of Monteria and the younger sister of Prince Alexander. Voiced by Laura Gerow.
Kimia Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel She is the princess of the Azoth Kingdom and the older sister of Prince Raleigh. Voiced by Riley Joseph in English and Mayu Matsuoka in Japanese.
Princess Irene The Princess and the Goblin Voiced by Sally Ann Marsh.
Princess Daria The Princess and the Pea Voiced by Amanda Waring.
Princess Arîte Princess Arete The titular character in the 2001 Japanese animated film. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima.
Princess Claire The Princess Castle The 1996 Golden Films film about a young girl who dreams of becoming a princess.
Princess Lillifee Prinzessin Lillifee The titular character in the 2009 German animated film. Princess Lillifee is the fairy Princess who rules the kingdom of Pinkovia. Lillifee also appears in the 2011 sequel, Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn. Voiced by Maresa Sedlmeier.
San Princess Mononoke A girl raised by wolves. If not a princess in actuality, a princess by name (she is called «Princess Mononoke» by the neighboring village people). Voiced by Yuriko Ishida in the original Japanese and by Claire Danes in the English dub.
Princess Malika Princess of Rome The film depicts the life of the Christian princess, Malika, mother-to-be of Muhammad al-Mahdi, the 12th Shia Imam, and granddaughter of Caesar of Rome.
Princesses Dawn and Eve The Princess Twins of Legendale Both voiced by Lalainia Lindbjerg.
C-Ko Kotobuki Project A-Ko C-Ko is the Fourth Princess from the Lepton Kingdom of Alpha Cygni, the long-lost daughter of the Fifth Queen.
Alessandra Bellagamba Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos She is the princess of Italy whose «Heart of Fire» Ruby, the crown jewel, has been missing. Voiced by Charlotte Newhouse.
Kayley Quest for Camelot While in actuality she is neither a princess by birth nor by marriage, Kayley holds an honorary title as a Knight of the Round Table. Speaking voice by Jessalyn Gilsig, singing voice by Andrea Corr.
Princess Akhesa La Reine Soleil Voiced by Coralie Vanderlinden
Princess Zeila La Rosa di Bagdad The niece of Caliph Omen III of Baghdad. Voiced by Julie Andrews in English, and by Germana Calderini (speaking) and Beatrice Preziosa (singing) in Italian.
Solar Sailor Princesses Sailor Moon Eternal Based on the Sailor Moon manga series, the Sailor Guardians reveal themselves to be Sailor Princesses, just like Usagi Tsukino/Princess Serenity and Chibiusa/Small Lady:

  • Ami Mizuno/Princess Mercury, voiced by Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese) and Kate Higgins (English)
  • Rei Hino/Princess Mars, voiced by Rina Satō (Japanese) and Cristina Vee (English)
  • Makoto Kino/Princess Jupiter, voiced by Ami Koshimizu (Japanese) and Amanda C. Miller (English)
  • Minako Aino/Princess Venus, voiced by Shizuka Itō (Japanese) and Cherami Leigh (English)
  • Setsuna Meiou/Princess Pluto, voiced by Ai Maeda (Japanese) and Veronica Taylor (English)
  • Haruka Tenou/Princess Uranus, voiced by Junko Minagawa (Japanese) and Erica Mendez (English)
  • Michiru Kaiou/Princess Neptune, voiced by Sayaka Ohara (Japanese) and Lauren Landa (English)
  • Hotaru Tomoe/Princess Saturn, voiced by Yukiyo Fujii (Japanese) and Christine Marie Cabanos (English)
Princess Snow Kaguya Sailor Moon S: The Movie 1994 Japanese animated film adapted from a side story of the Sailor Moon manga series, The Lover of Princess Kaguya, which is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale «The Snow Queen». The name «Princess Kaguya» comes from the Japanese legend The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Voiced by Eiko Masuyama in the Japanese version and by Linda Ballantyne in the English version.
Fairy Princess Willow Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King Voiced by Hayden Panettiere.
Princess Malta The Sea Prince and the Fire Child She is the daughter and heir of the Fire Goddess Themis of the Fire Kingdom. Voiced by Mami Koyama.
Princess Fiona Shrek Princess Fiona is initially portrayed as the archetypal princess from fairy tales, speaking formally in matters of courtship and presenting high expectations of how she is to be rescued, who is to rescue her, and so forth. She seems to give off an air of prissiness and even snobbery to a degree (however this is shown to be purely out of her concern for breaking her curse, which she is ashamed of). Later, Princess Fiona’s true self emerges, as she is really a very down-to-earth and independent woman who is a match or even better than Shrek when it comes to farting, belching, and other bad habits. She is a loyal friend, and unlike princesses of fairy tales, an expert in hand-to-hand combat with knowledge of Japanese martial arts. She also has very bad manners (just like Shrek), since she is, for part of the time at first, an ogre. However, she is much more well-mannered when in front of her parents. Princess Fiona is voiced by Cameron Diaz.
Princess Nefia Sinbad The daughter of King Jamaal of Salabat. The Golden Films version of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor.
Princess Serena Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Meechee Smallfoot Meechee is the daughter of the Yeti Village chief called the Stonekeeper. She is voiced by Zendaya.
The Princess The Snow Queen
  • Tatiana Linnik in the 1957 Soviet animated film.
  • Scarlett Strallen in the 1995 British animated film.
  • Erin Fitzgerald in the 2012 Russian 3D-animated film.

Based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name.

Princess Mindy The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
Princess Mila The Stolen Princess Voiced by Nadya Dorofeeva.
Princess Dawn Strange Magic Princess of the Fairy Kingdom. Voiced by Meredith Anne Bull.
Princess Marianne Dawn’s older sister. Voiced by Evan Rachel Wood.
Princess Kiara Super K – The Movie
(Kiara the Brave)
Voiced by Pamela L. Houle.
Princess Odette The Swan Princess Speaking voice by Michelle Nicastro, singing voice by Liz Callaway.
Princess Alise The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale Alise is the adopted daughter of Princess Odette and Prince Derek. Voiced by Carley G. Fogelson
Princess Lilli Tabaluga (Ice Princess Lily) The ice princess of Iceland. Voiced by Yvonne Catterfeld in German and Mackenzie Ziegler in English.
Princess Pea The Tale of Despereaux 2008 film based on Kate DiCamillo’s 2003 Newbery Medal-winning novel of the same name. Voiced by Emma Watson.
Princess Kaguya The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Voiced by Chloë Grace Moretz in English and Aki Asakura in Japanese.
Princess Yum-Yum The Thief and the Cobbler
(The Princess and the Cobbler)
Voiced, in the original version, by Hilary Pritchard. In the Miramax version, she is voiced by Jennifer Beals, in the Majestic Films version by Bobbi Page, and, in re-edited versions, Andrea Robinson provides Yum-Yum’s singing voice.
Princess Poppy Trolls;
Trolls World Tour
The former princess, and now queen, of the Trolls. Voiced by Anna Kendrick.
Elle de Rosenbach Urusei Yatsura: Only You She is an alien princess, just like Lum and Kurama, who is in charge of the Planet Elle and has to marry Ataru after their «shadow tag» during their childhood. Voiced by Shiori as a child and Yoshiko Sakakibara as an adult in the original Japanese, and by Kristen Foster in the English dub.
Princess Rosa The Wonderful World of Puss ‘n Boots Voiced by Rumi Sakakibara in Japanese and Corinne Orr in English.


Live action[edit]

Princess Series title Notes
Princess Millicent von Schlepp The Addams Family Gomez’s aunt who «married a Prince von Schlepp». Her husband was poor, and squandered all of her money before his death. Portrayed by Elvia Allman.
Princess Aouda Around the World in 80 Days 1989 NBC miniseries based on Jules Verne’s novel of the same name. Portrayed by Julia Nickson.
Liuying Ashes of Love The Demon Princess. Portrayed by Chen Yuqi.
Suihe The Princess of the Bird Tribe and the Peacock immortal. Portrayed by Wang Yifei.
Princess Brendar The Barbarian and the Troll A fierce warrior princess who is on a quest to avenge an attack on her family. Performed by Spencer Grammer.
Miranda BBC Television Shakespeare Portrayed by Pippa Guard in the episode «The Tempest».
Princess Susannah, Duchess of Beaumont Black Mirror In the 2011 episode «The National Anthem», Princess Susannah is kidnapped by artist Carlton Bloom, who forces Prime Minister Michael Callow to engage in sexual intercourse with a pig as a condition for her safe return. Portrayed by Lydia Wilson.
Princess Multiwa/Archerina Chōriki Sentai Ohranger/Power Rangers Zeo Voiced by Miho Yamada in Chōriki Sentai Ohranger and Melora Harte in Power Rangers Zeo.
Princess Brea The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance She is the princess of the Gelfling Vapra Clan, the third-born daughter of All-Maudra Mayrin (queen) and the younger sister of Princesses Seladon and Katavra. Voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy and performed by Alice Dinnean.
Beatriz Reyes-Montilla (aka Dyesebel) Dyesebel She is the princess who is part mermaid and part human and the titular protagonist of the series; the daughter of the merprince Tino and a human Lucia Reyes. Portrayed by Ashley Sarmiento as a child Anne Curtis as a young woman.
Princess Coralia The daughter of the evil Queen Dyangga and one of the main antagonists of the series. She and her mother would torment a mermaid princess Dyesebel and claim what’s rightfully theirs. Portrayed by Brenna Garcia as a child and Bangs Garcia as a young woman.
Alexandra «Alex» Wilson The Elephant Princess Princess of Manjipoor. Portrayed by Emily Robins.
Princess Indie Eureeka’s Castle Princess of Eureeka’s Castle. Performed by Eleanor Martin.
Princess Stella Fate: The Winx Saga Princess of Solaria. Portrayed by Hannah van der Westhuysen.
Princess Irulan Frank Herbert’s Dune Eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Elder sister of Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Julie Cox.
Princess Wensicia Third daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and Anirul. Sister of Irulan, Chalice, Josifa, and Rugi. Portrayed by Susan Sarandon.
Isabella The Fuccons The young princess of the Blueberry Kingdom who was formerly betrothed to Mikey Fuccon. Voiced by Mitsuki Mori in Japanese and Nancy Novotny in English.
Princess Isabella Galavant Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia. Portrayed by Karen David.
Myrcella Baratheon Game of Thrones Princess of House Baratheon of King’s Landing. Legal daughter of King Robert Baratheon, biological daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Sister of Kings Joffrey and Tommen. Betrothed to Prince Trystane of Dorne. Portrayed in Seasons 1 and 2 by Aimee Richardson, and in Seasons 5 and 6 by Neil Tiger Free.
Shireen Baratheon Daughter of Stannis Baratheon, disputed King of Westeros, and his wife, Selyse Florent. Portrayed by Kerry Ingram.
Elia Martell Sister of Prince Doran Martell of Dorne and Prince Oberyn. Mentioned only.
Daenerys Targaryen Daughter of Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella; younger sister of Rhaegar and Viserys Targaryen. Wife of Khal Drogo, and mother of their stillborn son, Rhaego. Known as the Mother of Dragons and Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. Portrayed by Emilia Clarke.
Rhaenys Targaryen Daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. Niece of Daenerys Targaryen. Mentioned only.
Alexis Davis General Hospital Daughter of Greco-Russian prince Mikkos Cassadine and his mistress, Swedish opera singer Kristin Bergman. Portrayed by Nancy Lee Grahn, briefly by Susan Diol, and by Kristen Erickson as a teenager.
Princess Ial (Mio) Hikari Sentai Maskman Princess Ial of the Underground Empire Tube. Portrayed by Mina Asami.
«Prince» Igam Prince (Princess) Igam of the Underground Empire Tube, twin sister of Princess Ial. Major villain revealed to be a woman. Also portrayed by Mina Asami.
Princess SummerFallWinterSpring Howdy Doody Member of the fictional Tinka Tonka tribe. She was portrayed by actress Judy Tyler, but also performed as a marionette.
Lan Shang Ice Fantasy The mermaid princess of the Mermaid Tribe. Portrayed by Madina Memet.
Nan Xing The third princess of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Wang Yitong.
Qian Ying The Princess Consort of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Li Sheng.
Xing Gui The princess of the Dream Tribe. Portrayed by Xu Jiao.
Xue Mi The fourth princess of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Ou Xianru.
Yan Da The princess of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Alina Zhang Meng.
Princess Lee Jae-shin The King 2 Hearts The princess of South Korea, the daughter of Queen Bang Yang-seon and the younger sister of King Lee Jae-kang and Crown Prince Lee Jae-ha. Portrayed by Lee Yoon-ji.
Princess Ciara Knight Squad She is secretly the princess of Astoria who uses a special ring to attend knight school and be a part of Phoenix Squad under her disguise. Portrayed by Daniella Perkins.
Princess Eliza She is Ciara’s older sister who gives her a special ring and leads the royal army in fighting Ryker, the former king of Astoria. Portrayed by Sydney Park in the two-part episode «End of the Knight».
Princess Jarmin Kousoku Sentai Turboranger The Demon Princess. Portrayed by Kanako Kishi.
Mei Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger Princess of the Risha tribe. Portrayed by Reiko Chiba.
Princess Corah of Caddock Legend of the Seeker Season 1, Episode 19: «Cursed»

Corah is first introduced as the daughter of King Gregor of Caddock. She later becomes Queen of Caddock. Portrayed by Beatrice Joblin.

Princess Loralyn of Thryce Character in the TV series adaptation of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series; Season 2, Episode 13: «Princess»
Queen Milena of Tamarang Previously Princess Milena of Tamarang. Character in the TV series adaptation of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series. Portrayed by Geraldine Brophy; 1 Episode (1.9): «Puppeteer».[13]
Princess Violet of Tamarang Portrayed by Maisy McLeod-Riera, daughter of New Zealand actress Sarah McLeod; 1 Episode (1.9): «Puppeteer».
Princess Montivano Little Princess Portrayed by Jo Berry.
Sara Crewe A Little Princess Multiple television adaptations of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel have been made. Some notable examples include:

  • A Little Princess (1973), lost mini-series starring Deborah Makepeace.
  • A Little Princess (1986), mini-series starring Amelia Shankley.
  • Princess Sarah (2007), teleserye starring Sharlene San Pedro.
Princess Mabushina Mashin Sentai Kiramager She is the princess, and later crowned queen, of the Land of Jewels Crystalia who was very close to and fond of her foster brother Takamichi; the daughter of the late King Oradin and Queen Mabayuine. Voiced by Inori Minase.
Princess Elena Merlin The daughter of Lord Godwyn. Portrayed by Georgia King; 1 Episode: «The Changeling» (2010).
Princess Mithian Princess of Nemeth and daughter of King Rodor. Portrayed by Janet Montgomery; 2 Episodes: «The Hunter’s Heart» (2011) and «Another’s Sorrow» (2012).
Lady Morgana Pendragon Lady Morgana is introduced as the ward of Uther Pendragon, and is later revealed to be Uther’s daughter through a tryst with Morgana’s mother while her mother’s husband, Gorlois, was away.

While in Arthurian legend the character of Morgan LeFay, on whom Lady Morgana is based, is commonly depicted as the half-sister of Arthur through their mother, Igraine, in the Merlin television series they are related through Uther.

She is portrayed by Katie McGrath.

Lady Vivian Daughter of King Olaf. Portrayed by Georgia Tennant; 1 Episode (2.10): «Sweet Dreams» (2010).
Lee Seol My Princess The great-granddaughter of the last Emperor of the Joseon dynasty. Portrayed by Kim Tae-hee.
Princess Deirdre Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog Mystic Knight of Air. Portrayed by Lisa Dwan.
Princess Locke The New Legends of Monkey Portrayed by Bryony Skillington.
Princess Abigail/Kathryn Nolan Once Upon A Time Daughter of King Midas in the fairy tale world. Portrayed by Anastasia Griffith.
Princess Aurora Portrayed by Sarah Bolger.
Cora Mills The Queen of Hearts and the mother of Regina Mills and Zelena/The Wicked Witch of the West. Born a miller’s daughter, she becomes a princess when she marries Prince Henry, the son of King Xavier. The older Cora is portrayed by Barbara Hershey, the younger by Rose McGowan.
Queen Eva Previously Princess Eva. First wife of King Leopold and Snow White’s mother. Portrayed by Eva Bourne (credited as Eva Allan) as a young princess and by Rena Sofer as an adult.
Rapunzel Portrayed by Alexandra Metz.[14]
Regina Mills Also known as The Evil Queen, she is daughter of Cora and Prince Henry. She later becomes Queen as the second wife of King Leopold; step-mother of Snow White. Portrayed by Lana Parrilla.
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard Daughter of King Leopold and Queen Eva, wife of Prince «Charming» David in the fairy tale world and mother of Emma Swan. Portrayed by Ginnifer Goodwin as an adult, and by Bailee Madison as a child.

  • Her daughter, Emma Swan (portrayed by Jennifer Morrison), should be a princess, but since she was brought up in the real world, she is technically not. However, David does refer to Emma as a princess in «Where Bluebirds Fly»
Princess Anna of Arendelle Portrayed by Elizabeth Lail.
Ingrid the Snow Queen Formerly Princess Ingrid of Arendelle, Ingrid is the main antagonist on the first half of the fourth season of ABC’s Once Upon a Time. She débuts in the second episode of the fourth season. She is portrayed by guest star Elizabeth Mitchell as an adult and by Brighton Sharbino as a child.
Princess Helga of Arendelle Helga is the second child with Ingrid and Gerda as her sisters. She is portrayed by guest star Sally Pressman as an adult and by Bailey Herbert as a child.
Princess Gerda of Arendelle Gerda is the third child who inherits the throne and is the mother of Elsa and Anna. Portrayed by Pascale Hutton as an adult and by Ava Marie Telek as a child.
Ursula One of the three Queens of Darkness. She is a former mermaid, the daughter of the Sea King Poseidon. Portrayed by Merrin Dungey as an adult, and by Tiffany Boone as a young mermaid.
Princess Eleanor The Palace The first daughter of the widowed Queen Charlotte and the older sister of Prince George and Princess Isabelle, Eleanor is jealous of her first younger brother Richard IV taking over the throne after the death of her father, King James III. Portrayed by Sophie Winkleman.
Princess Isabelle Eleanor and Richard’s younger sister who is an A-Level student. Portrayed by Nathalie Lunghi.
Princess Areeyah Wangchuck/Mikay Maghirang-Dela Rosa Princess and I The long-lost crown princess of Yangdon who was adopted by the family of Maghirang; the daughter of King Anand and Queen Isabel Wangchuck. Portrayed by Kathryn Bernardo.
Princess Dollie Suri Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag Portrayed by Karishma Randhawa.
Shin Chae-kyeong Princess Hours 2006 South Korean television series based on the manhwa Goong. Portrayed by Yoon Eun-hye.
Lady Hwa-young She was formerly the Crown Princess. Portrayed by Shim Hye-jin.
Princess Hye-myung Portrayed by Lee Yoon-ji.
Feng Xin’er/Li Weiyoung The Princess Weiyoung The princess of Northern Liang, the daughter of King Hexi and granddaughter of Queen Dowager. Portrayed by Tiffany Tang.
Princess Georgina «Georgy» De La Rue Princesses A recently widowed English princess (and former showgirl) who arrives in the United States to challenge her late husband’s contested will. Portrayed by Twiggy (credited as Twiggy Lawson).
Evil Spirit Princess Venus Rescue Sentai GoGoFive Portrayed by Kaya Hirasawa.
Princess Eleanor Henstridge The Royals The princess of England, daughter of King Simon and Queen Helena Henstridge and twin sister of Prince Liam Henstridge. Portrayed by Alexandra Park.
Princess Maribel Henstridge The younger daughter of Prince Cyrus Henstridge. Portrayed by Hatty Preston (season 1) and Jerry-Jane Pears (season 2).
Princess Penelope Henstridge The first daughter of Prince Cyrus Henstridge and the older sister of Maribel. Portrayed by Lydia Rose Bewley.
Princess Emily Scandal She was the wife of Prince Richard and the princess of Caledonia who died in a car crash. She appeared in season 5, episode 1 «Heavy Is the Head» and was portrayed by Hilty Bowen.
Amberle Elessedil The Shannara Chronicles Elven princess, and the first female to be accepted as one of the Chosen. Portrayed by Poppy Drayton.
Vulcan Princess Star Trek The mother of Spock’s paternal half-brother Sybok.
Koriand’r / Kory Anders / Starfire Titans A super-powered alien princess, who comes to Earth seeking asylum. She ultimately crosses paths with and becomes a member of the Titans. Portrayed by Anna Diop.
Sookie Stackhouse True Blood Based on the book series of The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. Portrayed by Anna Paquin.
Vasilisa «Lissa» Dragomir Vampire Academy 2022 original Peacock series based on Richelle Mead’s young adult novel series of the same name. Portrayed by Daniela Nieves.
Princess Gisla Vikings Daughter of Emperor Charles; later marries Rollo, Duke of Normandy (Rollo Lothbrok). Based on the historical or legendary Gisela of France. Portrayed by Morgane Polanski.
Princess Judith Daughter of King Aelle and Queen Ealhswith of Northumbria and the wife of Prince Aethelwulf. She has a legitimate son with Aethelwulf, Prince Aethelred, and an illegitimate one with Athelstan, Alfred. Based on the historical Judith of Flanders. Portrayed by Sarah Greene in season 2 and Jennie Jacques since season 3.
Kwenthrith Pretender to the throne of Mercia, and sister of Prince Burgred. She has a putative illegitimate son, Magnus, with Ragnar. Based on the historical Cwenthryth. Portrayed by Amy Bailey.
Zhao Jiayi A Weaver on the Horizon Orphaned daughter of the late Emperor Lizong of Song, niece and ward of Wang Gang, Emperor Duzong of Song. She is known as Princess Jiayi. Portrayed by Cecilia Liu.
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon The Witcher Based on the novel series of the same name by Andrzej Sapkowski, Ciri is portrayed by Freya Allan. She also appears in the 2001 film The Hexer, portrayed by Marta Bitner.
Princess Lexi Wizards vs Aliens She is the princess of the Nekross aliens and the younger sister of the King Regent Varg. Portrayed by Gwendoline Christie.
Princess Tizz The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss The princess of the Kingdom of Didd and the daughter of King Derwin. Performed by Leslie Carrara-Rudolph.
Gabrielle Xena: Warrior Princess A warrior, bard, Amazon princess, and later Amazon queen. She is referred to by fans of the show as the «Battling Bard of Potidaea». Portrayed by Renee O’Connor.
Princess Siwan Yanxi Palace: Princess Adventure Portrayed by Xu Xiaonuo.
Princess Zhaohua Daughter of Emperor Qianlong and Wei Yingluo, Consort Ling. Her father is the emperor of the Qing dynasty. Portrayed by Wang Herun.
Princess Juliana of Bulgaria Year of the Rabbit She is a perpetrator of the kidnapping of her brother Prince Hector of Bulgaria; the member of ‘the Vision’, the secret organisation. Portrayed by Sally Phillips.


Princess Series title Notes
Princess Bubblegum Adventure Time Princess of the Candy Kingdom. Voiced primarily by Hynden Walch, Isabella Acres and Livvy Stubenrauch when turned younger, and by Paige Moss in the original pilot short.

While Princess Bubblegum is the most prominent princess in the princess-laden Adventure Time comics and television show, there are many others:

  • Breakfast Princess
  • Cotton Candy Princess
  • Dr. Princess
  • Emerald Princess
  • Engagement Ring Princess
  • Flame Princess, voiced by Jessica DiCicco.
  • Ghost Princess
  • Hot Dog Princess
  • Lumpy Space Princess, voiced by Pendleton Ward.
  • Purple Princess
  • Raggedy Princess
  • Slime Princess
  • Turtle Princess
  • Wildberry Princess
Marceline the Vampire Queen Princess Marceline is the self-proclaimed «Vampire Queen». However, she is also the daughter of the still living ruler of Nightosphere.
Alicia Charlotte Aikatsu Friends! Brilliant Jewel She is a princess from the Solvette kingdom and an idol with a distinctive atmosphere, for whom Hibiki Tenshō forms Friends with. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi.
Princess Julienne All Hail King Julien She is the ring-tailed lemur who is a princess of the Lemur Kingdom in Madagascar, the sister of Uncle King Julien and the mother of King Julien XIII. Voiced by Anjelica Huston.
Princess Gertrude Altair: A Record of Battles She is the second princess of the Urado Kingdom, and one of the four daughters of King Zsigmond III, who is the cabinet minister to formerly the Balt-Rhein Empire and later the Cuore and South Rumeliana. Voiced by Juri Kimura.
Princess Margit She is the youngest of King Zsigmond’s four daughters who is the cabinet minister of negotiations for Greater Türkiye and a spy for Zağanos’s spy network. Voiced by Megumi Han.
Princess Azula Avatar: The Last Airbender She was the Princess of the Fire Nation. Also of note is her mother, Princess Ursa, who appears in several flashbacks. Azula is voiced by Grey DeLisle.
Princess Yue She was the Princess of the Northern Water Tribe who was given life by the moon spirit, only to give it back when the moon spirit was killed in its fish form. She is voiced by Johanna Braddy.
Fabia Sheen Bakugan Battle Brawlers She is the Princess of Neathia and the younger sister of the former Queen Serena Sheen. Fabia later becomes the new Queen of Neathia in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge.
Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Wyndham Berserk She was formerly the princess of Midland.
Nunnally vi Britannia Code Geass Voiced by Kaori Nazuka (Japanese); Rebecca Forstadt (English).
Cornelia li Britannia Second Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army. Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (Japanese), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (English).
Euphemia li Britannia Third Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire. Voiced by: Omi Minami (Japanese), Michelle Ruff (English).
Jiang Lihua (Tianzi) Young Empress of the Chinese Federation, though she is sometimes referred to as a «puppet princess». Voiced by: Tamaki Matsumoto (Japanese), Jessica Straus (English).
Angelise «Ange» Ikaruga Misurugi Cross Ange Ange is a former princess of the Empire of Misurugi and the main heroine who is considered a «Norma» and has been exiled to the island of Arzenal. She is the daughter of the late Emperor Jurai and Empress Sophia and the sister of Emperor Julio and Princess Sylvia. Voiced by Nana Mizuki in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Misty Rosenblum She is a princess from the neighboring Kingdom of Rosenblum who is one of opposing teams that Ange competes with in some sort of para-mail Lacrosse. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Amanda L. Baird in English.
Salamandinay She is the princess from the Freya DRAGON clan who pilots Enryugo the Ryu-Shing-Ki mecha and is capable of controlling the other DRAGONs with the song called «El Ragna». Voiced by Yui Horie in Japanese and Juliet Simmons in English.
Princess Dorathea Danny Phantom The ghost princess who transforms into a dragon. Voiced by Grey DeLisle and Susan Blakeslee.
Princess Bean Disenchantment Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie De La Rochambeaux Grunkowitz, commonly known as «Bean», is the irresponsible and bisexual princess of Dreamland. She is the daughter of King Zøg and Queen Dagmar, the stepdaughter of Queen Oona, and the half-sister of Prince Derek. Voiced by openly bisexual actress Abbi Jacobson.
Princess Persephone Doc McStuffins Also known simply as Peri, she is a toy princess who is very athletic and hyper. Persephone appears in the episode «Sir Kirby and the Plucky Princess» and is voiced by Geena Davis.
Millhiore Firianno Biscotti Dog Days The 13-year-old princess of Biscotti Republic. Voiced by Yui Horie.
Princess Marie Angelica DokiDoki! PreCure Also known as Princess Marie Ange in Japanese, she is the princess of the Trump Kingdom.
The Princess Dora and Friends: Into the City! She appeared in the episode «The Royal Ball» and was voiced by Raquel Wallace.
Princess Maribel Appearing in the episode «The Princess and the Kate», she is the doppelgänger of Kate whom she trades places with for a day. Both Kate and Princess Maribel are voiced by Isabela Moner.
Princess Xochitl Voiced by Jessica Conde. She appeared in the episode «The Magic Ring».
Puppy Princess Princess of the Doggie Land. She appeared in the episode «Puppy Princess Rescue» and was voiced by Jamie Cantome.
The Princess Dora the Explorer She appeared in the episode «Dora’s Knighthood Adventure» and was voiced by Sofia Singer.
Sabrina the Snow Princess The princess of the Snowy Forest. She first appeared in the episode «Dora Saves the Snow Princess» and was voiced by Jessica Conde.
Chi-Chi Dragon Ball She is the daughter of the Ox-King of Frypan Mountain and the wife of Son Goku.
Princess Nell Dragon Goes House-Hunting Princess Andriana Ellen Croixdea Margarethe Emmalyn Narsham Felna, commonly known as Nell. Voiced by Misato Fukuen in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English.
Princess Clara Drawn Together Clara, voiced by Tara Strong, is a parody of the Disney Princesses, specifically Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Belle (Beauty and the Beast). There is also an animated film adaptation, called The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!.
Fatora Venus El-Hazard She is the second princess of Roshtaria.
Rune Venus She is the first princess of Roshtaria and older sister of Fatora.
Princess Caterina Elena of Avalor The daughter of King Joaquín and Queen Teresa of Cariza. She appeared in the episode «Olaball» and was voiced by Marsai Martin.
Princess Elena Crown princess of Avalor, full name Elena Castillo Flores. Daughter of the late King Raul and Queen Lucia of Avalor, and the elder sister of Princess Isabel. Princess Elena debuted in Disney Junior’s Sofia the First.[15][16] Voiced by Aimee Carrero.
Princess Marisa The crown princess of the Sirena kingdom of Coronado, daughter of King Pescoro and Queen Camila and the sister of Crown Prince Marzel. She appeared in the hour-long special «Song of the Sirenas» and was voiced by Gina Rodriguez and Gia Lopez (young).
Princess Valentina Princess Valentina Montańez Torres of Parìso. She appeared in the episode «Royal Rivalry» and was voiced by Chrissie Fit.
Princess Lalala The Emperor’s New School Appearring in one episode «The Bride of Kuzco», Lalala is a serious princess who Emperor Kuzco does not want to marry, leading her to be turned into a frog by Yzma until she changes back thanks to the mistake of Kronk. She was voiced by Teresa Ganzel.
Jane Klockenlocher The Enchanted World of Danny Kaye Voiced by Imogene Coca, Jane is a princess of the Empire of Bibbentucker whose father Emperor Klockenlocher has been tricked by the wicked jester, Jasper, into putting on his «invisible suit» in the 1972 stop-motion special adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s «The Emperor’s New Clothes».
Rona Pricipa O’Lapanesta Endro! She is the princess of the Lapanesta kingdom. Voiced by Momo Asakura in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Princess Hyatt Excel Saga In the anime series, Hyatt is a mysterious princess supposedly from space who has a connection to the Puuchuus and Space Butler and serves as the frail junior officer of Excel. Voiced by Omi Minami in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Princess Niamh Faeries The daughter of the King of Faery Land. Based on the book of the same name by Brian Froud and Alan Lee. Voiced by Morgan Brittany.
Princess Mandie («Man-DIE») The Fairly OddParents Voiced by Tara Strong.
Carla Fairy Tail Also known as Charles in Japanese, she is a white-furred cat who is the Exceed princess and can assume a humanoid form.
Hisui E. Fiore Hisui E. Fiore is the princess, and now queen, of Fiore and the daughter of King Toma E. Fiore.
Anelle Fantastic Four
The Super Hero Squad Show
A Skrull princess; the animated version of the Marvel Comics character.

  • Fantastic Four: «Behold, A Distant Star», voiced by Mary Kay Bergman.
  • The Super Hero Squad Show: «Another Order of Evil: Part 1», voiced by Tara Strong.
Fena Houtman Fena: Pirate Princess Fena is an orphaned princess who, as a pirate captain, recruits a group of seven elite samurai called the Samurai Seven to help her on her voyage. She is the only child of the King of England but has been adopted by the late Franz Houtman, the nobleman, and Helena des Armoises, the former maiden. Voiced by Asami Seto in Japanese and Brittany Cox in English.
Lisa Pacifist Final Fantasy: Unlimited She is the Tsarevna and heir of Russia who acts as a protector of the twins Ai and Yu Hayakawa. Voiced by Kyōko Hikami (Japanese) and Shawn Sides (English).
Princess Florrie Florrie’s Dragons Based on the children’s book series Dear Dragon by Margaret Hillert. Voiced by Lara Wollington.
Tiger Lily Fox’s Peter Pan & the Pirates She is the older sister of the Indian Prince Hard-to-Hit and the daughter of Chief Great Big Little Panther. An animated series that aired on Fox based on J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. Voiced by Cree Summer.
May Chang Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood The princess of the fictional country of Xing and the sister of Prince Lin Yao. Voiced by Monica Rial in English and Mai Goto in Japanese.
Lulun Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart She is the Princess of the Garden of Light and the younger sister of Prince Pollun.
Princess Goleeta Galtar and the Golden Lance The princess of Bandisar. Voiced by Mary McDonald-Lewis.
Princess Finella Gargoyles Princess of Scotland. Voiced by Sheena Easton.
Princess Katharine Granddaughter of Malcolm I of Scotland by his son, Prince Malcolm, and the Norman Princess Elena. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Piña Co Lada Gate The 19-year-old princess of the Empire who is dedicated to its welfare; the younger half-sister of Prince Zorzal El Caesar. Voiced by Jessica Boone in English and Haruka Tomatsu in Japanese.
Princess Gwendolyn Gawayn She is a rightful but deposed ruler whose evil Duke of Amaraxos shrinks her to take over her kingdom.
Falanya Elk Arbalest The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt She is the princess of the Kingdom of Natra who studies politics. She is the daughter of the late King Natra Owen and younger sister of Crown Prince Wein. Voiced by Sayaka Senbongi in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Lowellmina «Lowa» Earthworld She is the princess of the Earthworld Empire and the sister of Princes Demetrio, Bardloche and Manfred. Voiced by Nao Tōyama in Japanese and Alexis Tipton in English.
Towa Akagi Go! Princess PreCure The princess of the Hope Kingdom whose alter ego is Cure Scarlet. She was also the antagonist of the series, called Twilight.
Captain Victoria Guardians of the Galaxy She is the princess of the Spartax Empire, the younger half-sister of Peter Quill and the daughter of the villainous Emperor J’son. Voiced by Cree Summer.
Rinda Farseer Guin Saga The crown princess of Parros, and the daughter of King Aldross III, who along with her twin brother Crown Prince Remus allies with the mysterious, amnesiac warrior Guin. She is voiced by Mai Nakahara in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Hime Shirayuki HappinessCharge PreCure! The princess of the Blue Sky Kingdom. Hime’s alter ego is Cure Princess.
Charlotte «Charlie» Morningstar Hazbin Hotel Charlie is the princess of Hell and the founder of the Hazbin Hotel; the daughter of King Lucifer and Queen Lillith. Voiced by Jill Harris (speaking) and Elsie Lovelock (singing).
Princess Dawn Here Comes the Grump Voiced by Stefanianna Christopherson.
Irina The Heroic Legend of Arslan She is the blind princess of the kingdom of Maryam in Lusitanian territory who lost her sight by illness but keeps her regal appearance. Voiced by Lindsay Seidel in English and Ai Kayano in Japanese.
Princess Flora Honey Honey no Suteki na Bouken The princess of Vienna and Honey Honey’s older sister. Voiced by Fuyumi Shiraishi.
Princess Priscilla/Honey Honey The title character of the series who is a lost princess from a small Prussian country. Voiced by Minori Matsushima.
Jeanne Euphoria How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom She is the crown princess of the Gran Chaos Empire and the commander of the imperial military. Jeanne is the younger sister of Empress Maria Euphoria. Voiced by Yui Ishikawa in Japanese and Michelle Rojas in English.
Liscia Elfrieden She is the tomboyish crown princess of the Kingdom of Elfrieden, daughter of King Albert and Queen Elisha Elfrieden, and the adoptive sister of Tomoe Inui. She becomes the first Primary Queen as one of the wives to Kazuya who becomes her kingdom’s new king. Voiced by Inori Minase in Japanese and Anairis Quiñones in English.
Roroa Amidonia She is the princess from the former Principality of Amidonia, the daughter of the late Prince Gaius and the younger sister of Prince Julius Amidonia. She is the fourth Primary Queen as one of King Kazuya’s wives. Voiced by M・A・O in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English.
Emilia Gudenburg/Emilia Hermit/Emile Crossfode Hundred The third princess from the Gudenburg Empire who initially disguises herself as a boy under the name Emile Crossfode. Voiced by Rumi Okubo in Japanese and Mikaela Krantz in English.
Hildegard «Hilde» Minas Lestia In Another World with My Smartphone Hilde is the princess from the Lestia Knight Kingdom who is known as «Knight Princess» due to her swordsmanship skills and has moved to the Duchy of Brunhild as Touya Mochizuki’s seventh fiancée in the Bride Conference.
Lucia Leah Regulus Lucia is the third princess from the Regulus Empire who Touya rescues her from the imperial army in the coup and whose father Emperor Zephyrus creates a truce with King Tristwin of Belfast, leading her to become Touya’s fifth fiancée in the Bride Conference at the Duchy of Brunhild.
Yumina Ernea Belfast Yumina is the princess of the Kingdom of Belfast, and the niece of Duke Alfred Ortlinde, who possesses «Mystic Eyes», an ability in which allows her to see a person’s true nature, and forms the Bride Conference as she becomes Touya’s first fiancée in her uncle’s duchy of Brunhild. She is the daughter of King Tristwin and Queen Yuel.
Kaguya Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Kaguya, Princess of the Heavens. Moon Princess character in this second film of the Inuyasha film series.
Ecarlate Juptris St. Piria Ixion Saga DT She is a young princess of St. Piria who, despite being a child, is so mature that she has to marry Prince Nabokov Jugglaburk to bring peace to each other. Voiced by Shiori Mikami.
Ortfiné Fredericka von Eylstadt Izetta: The Last Witch Also known simply as Finé, she is the tomboyish crown princess and heir to the throne of Eylstadt. Voiced by Saori Hayami in Japanese and Mallorie Rodak in English.
Princess Serena Jack and the Beanstalk Voiced by Janet Waldo (speaking) and Marni Nixon (singing).
The Pirate Princess Jake and the Never Land Pirates Speaking voice by Tori Spelling, singing voice by Laura Dickinson.
Princess Winger A bird princess from the island of the Sky Bird Kingdom. Voiced by Lisa Loeb.
Princess Yasmine James Bond Jr. She is the daughter of Shiekh Yabootie of Al-Khaline and one of the Bond girls in the episode «Valley of the Hungry Dunes». Voiced by Sheryl Bernstein.
Princess Lavinia Pernilla Kippernook Jane and the Dragon Based on the book series of the same name by Martin Baynton. Voiced by Isabel De Carteret.
Princess Hitei Katanagatari She is a princess who resides in Owari and the descendant of master swordsmith Kiki Shikizaki. Voiced by Haruka Tomatsu.
Princess Yōsha «Togame» Hida She is the ambitious strategist working for the shogunate, and the only daughter of the late feudal lord Takahito Hida. Voiced by Yukari Tamura.
Princess Lily Kinnikuman The princess of Planet Kinmoku and the older sister Prince Cherry. Voiced by Minori Matsushima.
Princess Rona Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Appeared in the episode «A Princess in Dis-Dress»; voiced by Yuko Sasamoto in Japanese and Tara Sands in English.
Princess Mei Li Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness The Emperor’s daughter whom Master Po has to escort but discovers that she would be given to Warrior-King Temutai of the Qidan clan as a servant in exchange for peace between the nations in the episode «The Princess and the Po». Voiced by Kari Wahlgren.
Greta Kyo Kara Maoh! She is the princess from the fallen kingdom of Zorashia and the biological daughter of the former Lady Izura. Voiced by Motoko Kumai (Japanese) and Rebecca Forstadt (English).
Pina Sformklan Estoh Ladies versus Butlers! She is a princess who is in the upper-ed class. Voiced by Mai Gotō in Japanese and Bryn Apprill in English.
Lady LovelyLocks Lady Lovely Locks The princess of the Kingdom of Lovelylocks and the titular protagonist of the series. Voiced by Tony St. Vincent.
Duchess RavenWaves The evil ruler of Tangleland and the archenemy of Lady LovelyLocks. Voiced by Louise Vallance.
Yurikano De Metrio Lu Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne She is the princess of De Metrio, and the younger sister of the former Prince Villagulio, who was presumed dead after a failed Vox Particle Control Experiment but has actually survived the experiment and has been rescued by Le Garite following the Tradegy of Militia Zodia. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Carrie Keranen in English.
Liliana Il Grazioso Merlo Turan Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing The first princess of the Kingdom of Turan. Voiced by Jamie Marchi in English and Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese.
Millia Il Velch Cutrettola Turan The second princess of the Kingdom of Turan and one of the main characters of the series; the younger sister of Liliana. Voiced by Carrie Savage in English and Ai Kayano in Japanese.
Princess Eska The Legend of Korra Daughter of Chief Unalaq of the Northern Water Tribe and twin sister of Prince Desna; the cousin of Avatar Korra.
Aleta The Legend of Prince Valiant The Princess, and later Queen, of the Misty Isles; daughter of King Hugo. Voiced by Paige O’Hara.
Snow White The Legend of Snow White Daughter of King Conrad and Queen Isabelle of the Emerald Valley. Italian-Japanese anime series. Voiced by Yuri Amano.
Noa Ehn The Legend of the Legendary Heroes She is the former princess of the Estabul Kingdom, and the only daughter of King Ruwe Ehn, who senior statesman Claugh Klom has saved her from being killed during Miran Froaude’s extermination exercise on the nobles. Voiced by Mikako Takahashi in Japanese and Colleen Clinkenbeard in English.
Princess Zelda The Legend of Zelda Based on the video game series of the same name. Voiced by Cyndy Preston.
Spryte The fairy-princess who assists and accompanies Link and Princess Zelda. Voiced by Paulina Gillis.
Princess Corina Little Charmers The mermaid princess.
Ariel The Little Mermaid Ariel has a very distinctive appearance, with her long, flowing red hair, blue eyes, green tail and a lavender seashell bikini top. In the films and television series, she is the youngest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena.[17][18] She is often rebellious, and in the first film longs to be a part of the human world. She marries Prince Eric, whom she rescued from a shipwreck, and together they have a daughter, Melody.[19]

Some of her sisters appear occasionally throughout the television series, most notably Arista, whom Ariel often quarrels with.

  • Attina
  • Alana
  • Adella
  • Aquata
  • Arista
  • Andrina
The Little Princess Little Princess Based on the original books of the same name by Tony Ross. Voiced by Jane Horrocks.
Raynesia El-Arte Cowen Log Horizon Also spelled «Lenessia Erhart Cowen», she is a member of the Corwen clan in the League of Freedom Cities Eastal. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Auriana LoliRock She is the Princess of Volta.
Carissa She is the Princess of Calix.
Iris She is the Princess of Ephedia and the main character of the series.
Izira She is the first Princess of Xeris.
Lyna She is the Princess of Borealis.
Talia She is the second Princess of Xeris and the younger sister of Izira.
Alea Golt/Pony Goodlight Lost Song The princess and heir of the kingdom of Golt who was originally thought be to be lost during war and later becomes the queen following the abdication of her cold-hearted brother Prince Rudo. Voiced by Chiaki Takahashi in Japanese and Reba Buhr in English.
Amalla Su Love Hina She is the first Princess of Molmol. Voiced by Wendee Lee in English and Aya Hisakawa in Japanese.
Kaolla Su She is the second Princess of Molmol and Amalla’s younger sister. Voiced by Wendee Lee in English and Reiko Takagi in Japanese.
Hakuei Ren Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic She is the first princess of the Kou Empire and the older sister of Prince Hakuryuu and Princess Kougyoku. Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Johanna Luis (English).
Serendine Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia She is the first princess of the Parthevia Empire and the commander of the army, known as the «Venomous Spider Princess of Parthevia». Voiced by Ai Kayano (Japanese) and Abby Trott (English).
Princess Emeraude Magic Knight Rayearth She is the current pillar and the princess of Cephiro; elder sister of Prince Ferio. There is also a video game based on the anime.
Minky Momo Mahou Princess Minky Momo The princess of Fenarinarsa. Voiced by Koyama Mami, Rebecca Forstadt, Megumi Hayashibara.
Ruri Hoshino Martian Successor Nadesico Voiced by Omi Minami in Japanese and Kira Vincent-Davis in English.
Princess Maya Maya and the Three Maya, voiced by Zoe Saldana, is the warrior princess of Mesoamerica who embarks on a quest to recruit three legendary warriors to help save humanity from destruction of the underworld gods. She is the daughter of the King and Queen Teca.
Caren Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Mermaid Princess of the Antarctic Ocean. Voiced by Ema Kogure.
Coco Mermaid Princess of the South Pacific Ocean. Voiced by Satomi Arai.
Hanon Hosho Mermaid Princess of the South Atlantic Ocean. Voiced by Hitomi Terakado.
Lucia Nanami Mermaid Princess of the North Pacific Ocean and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Asumi Nakada.
Noel Mermaid Princess of the Arctic Ocean. Voiced by Ryoko Nagata.
Rina Toin Mermaid Princess of the North Atlantic Ocean. Voiced by Mayumi Asano.
Sara She was the villainous mermaid princess of the Indian Ocean. Voiced by Kana Ueda.
Seira The future mermaid princess of the Indian Ocean and the young successor of Sara. Voiced by Eri Kitamura.
Evie Alfred Mike the Knight She is the young princess who is a witch-in-training. She is the younger sister of Prince Mike and the daughter of King Norg and Queen Martha. Voiced by Erin Pitt in North America and Jessica Hann in the United Kingdom.
Princess Shivani Mira, Royal Detective She is the crown princess of the Indian kingdom of Naiyapuram. Voiced by Shavanie Jayna.
Marina Ismail Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The reigning princess of Azadistan. Voiced by Paula Lindberg (English) and Ayumi Tsunematsu (Japanese).
Cagalli Yula Athha Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Voiced by Naomi Shindo.
Relena Peacecraft Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Voiced by Lisa Ann Beley (English) and Akiko Yajima (Japanese).
Princess Scowlette MoonDreamers She is the villainous princess of Monstrous Middle who often tries to destroy the celestial Moondreamers to impress her mother, Queen Scowlene.
Princess Cat My Knight and Me The acrobatic tomboy princess who likes to tag along with Jimmy of Orange and his father Henri on their adventures. Voiced by Kaycie Chase.
Princess Vega My Life as a Teenage Robot She is formerly the good-hearted princess of the Cluster and the daughter of the evil Queen Vexus. She later becomes the Cluster’s new queen. Voiced by Thora Birch.
Princess Ponies My Little Pony
  • Princess Primrose, pink Earth pony princess. Voiced by Katie Leigh.
  • Princess Royal Blue, blue Earth pony princess. Voiced by Sherry Lynn.
  • Princess Serena, Earth pony princess. Voiced by Jennifer Darling.
  • Princess Sparkle, unicorn princess. Voiced by Alice Playten.
  • Princess Starburst, yellow Earth pony princess. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
  • Princess Tiffany, Pegasus princess and the leader of the Princess Ponies. Also voiced by Kath Soucie.

They appeared in the four-part episode «The Quest of the Princess Ponies».

Princess Cadance My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. She is the Princess of Love and rules the Crystal Empire jointly with her husband, Shining Armor. She is the mother of Flurry Heart, sister-in-law of Twilight Sparkle, and adopted niece of Princess Celestia. She was originally a pegasus. Voiced by Britt McKillip.
Princess Celestia She is the Princess of the Day and the older sister of Princess Luna. She raises the Sun every morning in the land of Equestria. Voiced by Nicole Oliver.
Princess Flurry Heart The daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, and the niece of Twilight Sparkle. She is the first known pony to have been born an alicorn. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain.
Princess Luna She is the Princess of the Night and the younger sister of Princess Celestia. She raises the Moon every evening in the land of Equestria. Speaking voice by Tabitha St. Germain, singing voice by Kazumi Evans («Twilight’s Kingdom») and Aloma Steele («A Hearth’s Warming Tail»).
Princess Twilight Sparkle She is the Princess of Friendship. She conjured up the first «new» magic in the history of Equestria. She was originally a unicorn. Voiced by Tara Strong (speaking) and Rebecca Shoichet (singing).
Princess Arkana Goodfey Mysticons The elder princess of Gemina, leader of the Mysticons and the second Mysticon Dragon Mage. The first daughter of King and Queen Goodfey and the stepdaughter of King Darius. Voiced by Alyson Court.
Zarya Moonwolf The younger twin sister of Arkana Goodfey and the second princess of Gemina who has been chosen as the second Mysticon Ranger; the biological daughter of King and Queen Goodfey and stepdaughter of King Darius. She is adopted by a family of Moonwolf. Voiced by Nicki Burke.
Nadia La Arwall Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water She is the princess and rightful heir of Atlantis who possesses the Blue Water; the biological daughter of former King Eleusis «Nemo» La Arwall and the sister of Emperor Benusis «Neo» La Arwall.
Hinata Hyuga Naruto The first daughter and former heiress of the Hyuga Clan, known as the «Byakugan Princess».
Hanabi Hyuga The second daughter and heiress of the Hyuga Clan and the younger sister of Hinata.
Tsunade The first grandchild of the First Hokage with many referring to her by the Japanese honorific «hime» (princess). She is the Fifth Hokage and also known as «Konoha’s Slug Princess Tsunade».
Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia Negima! Magister Negi Magi Also known as the Imperial Princess of Twilight, she is a princess from the fallen empire of Vespertatia and student number eight in Mahora Girls’ Jr. High Class. Voiced by Akemi Kanda in Japanese and Luci Christian in English.
Princess Nella Nella the Princess Knight The first daughter of King Dad and Queen Mom and the eponymous protagonist of the series. Voiced by Akira Golz.
Princess Norma The baby sister of Princess Nella and the second daughter of King Dad and Queen Mom. Voiced by Courtney Shaw.
Princess Tina The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn She is the princess of Lilliput who has been engaged to Huck Finn but is already in relationship with Lord Bitto; the daughter of King Bigun in the episode «The Little People». Voiced by Julie Bennett.
Romina Ladorio Ninja Senshi Tobikage The princess and heir of the planet Ladorio. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Princess Harumi Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Voiced by Britt McKillip.
Princess Vania Voiced by Sabrina Pitre.
Stephanie Dola No Game No Life The teenage granddaughter of the previous King of Elkia. Voiced by Sara Ornelas in English and Yōko Hikasa in Japanese.
Boa Hancock One Piece She is known to her subjects as the «Snake Princess».
Mansherry The dwarven princess of the Tontatta Kingdom who has the ability to instantly heal any living being’s injury with her tears. She is the daughter of the «Tonta-Chief», King Gancho.
Nefeltari Vivi Princess of the Alabasta Kingdom. She is also known as «Princess Vivi» in the English version.
Shirahoshi The gigantic Mermaid Princess of the Ryugu Kingdom and the youngest child of King Neptune and the late Queen Otohime.
Vinsmoke Reiju Better known as the «Poison Pink», Reiju is the princess of the Germa Kingdom, the sister of the former prince Vinsmoke Sanji and the daughter of King Judge and Queen Sora.
Viola/Violet Crown princess of Dressrosa whose older sister, Princess Scarlett, was killed when the Don Quixote Pirates took over her kingdom. She is the younger daughter of King Doldo III.
Aliceliese «Alice» Lou Nebulis IX Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World She is the second princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty whose magic power is to manipulate ice on a large scale. She is known as the «Ice Calamity Witch» by the Heavenly Empire and one of three daughters of Queen Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII. Voiced by Sora Amamiya in Japanese and Emily Neves in English.
Elletear Lou Nebulis IX She is the eldest daughter of Queen Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII and the first princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty who conspired with the Heavenly Empire to betray her entire family and country after being mocked and mistreated by her mother and other people due to her weak astral powers. Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese and Anairis Quiñones in English.
Sisbell Lou Nebulis IX She is Alice and Elletear’s younger sister and the third princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty whose ability, «Illumination», allows her to see what happened in the past. In a year before the story’s event, she was held captive in the Heavenly Empire until the main protagonist, Iska, rescued her. Voiced by Azumi Waki in Japanese and Emi Lo in English.
Renner Vaiself Overlord Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, she is the third princess of the Re-Estize Kingdom, the daughter of King Ramposa III and the half-sister of Princes Barbro and Zanac Vaiself. Voiced by Jessica Peterson in English and Kiyono Yasuno in Japanese.
Princess Ana Medaiyu Overman King Gainer The daughter of Duke Medaiyu of Domepolis. Voiced by Noriko Kito in Japanese and Michelle Ruff in English.
Princess of Barkingburg PAW Patrol Voiced by Caoimhe Judd.
Princess Paw Paw Paw Paws Voiced by Susan Blu.
Princess Alrgelbaccch Blunkenthorttthhhph Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Princess of Alien World. Voiced by Elizabeth Henstridge.
Platinum Princess Candidates Petite Princess Yucie The five princesses who attend the Princess Academy and form their friendship:

  • Yucie, princess of the Human World who is raised by the knight Gunbard and cursed in the body of a 10-year-old child.
  • Cocoloo, princess of the Spirit World who is gentle and soft-spoken and a friend to Yucie.
  • Glenda, princess of the Demon World (Underworld) who formerly rivals with Yucie.
  • Elmina, princess of Heaven (Celestrial Realm) who is very studious and fastidious and has a similar curse to Yucie.
  • Beth, princess of the Fairy World who is athletic and stubborn and also has a similar curse to Yucie.
Princess Baldegunde Phineas and Ferb The 15-year-old princess of Druelselstein who is the doppelgänger of Candace Flynn. Both Candace and Baldegunde are voiced by Ashley Tisdale.
Princess OomLout «Oom» Planet Sheen She is the daughter of the alien emperor of the planet Zeenu. OomLout has two different faces in which to switch, and was voiced by Candi Milo.
Princess Allie Pokémon Princess Allie of the Parfum Palace. She appeared in the episode «Awakening the Sleeping Giant!» and was voiced by Kate Bristol in English and Misato Fukuen in Japanese.
Princess Salvia She is the doppelgänger of Dawn, appeared in the episode «Dawn of a Royal Day!» and was voiced by Erica Schroeder in English and Yumi Kakazu in Japanese.
Princess Sara She appeared in the episode «The Princess and the Togepi» and was voiced by Tara Sands in English and Megumi Toyoguchi in Japanese.
Princess Melody Potatoes and Dragons The blonde-haired princess of the land of potatoes, and the daughter of King Hugo III, who befriends the dragon. Voiced by Carrie Finlay.
Princess Morbucks The Powerpuff Girls Voiced by Jennifer Hale in the 1998 version and Haley Mancini in the 2016 version.
Princess Bluebelle The Powerpuff Girls (2016) Bluebelle, voiced by Laura Bailey, is a parody of the Disney Princesses who resides in the fairy tale world but ends up visiting a modern-day city, similar to Giselle from Enchanted, in the episode «Once Upon a Townsville».[20]
Yūki Soleil The Price of Smiles She is the 12-year-old energetic princess of the Kingdom of Soleil who thinks it is the duty of her father the King to make everyone and herself smile. Voiced by Yumiri Hanamori.
Princess Gwenevere Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders Voiced by Kerry Butler (season 1) and Jean Louisa Kelly (season 2).
Charlotte Hazelrink Princess Lover! Princess of the fictional Hazelrink Principality. Voiced by Ryōka Yuzuki.
Natasha Princess Natasha She is secretly a princess and spy from Zoravia, and the daughter of King Carl and Queen Lena, who travels to the United States in order to stop the attacks of her villainous uncle Lubek.
Princess Charlotte Princess Principal Fourth Princess of a fictional analogue of England called Albion. She is voiced by Akira Sekine in Japanese and Patricia Duran in English.
Lillianne von Phoenix Princess Resurrection Also known as Hime, she is the princess from the Phoenix Tribe.
Sarah Crewe Princess Sarah The anime adaption of A Little Princess. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Princess Sissi Princess Sissi She is the titular character of the show. Voiced by Terri Hawkes.
Ahiru Arima/Princess Tutu Princess Tutu Voiced by Nanae Katō (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English).
Rue Kuroha/Princess Kraehe Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Jessica Boone (English).
Septième Rodelia Pumpkin Scissors The seventh princess from the kingdom of Rodelia who Warrant Officer Martis has a subtle encounter with. She appeared in the episode «Rough Yet Delicious» and was voiced by Chiwa Saitō in Japanese and Sarah Swifford in English.
Menace Queen’s Blade She was a princess from an ancient kingdom of Amara who died trapped in her palace but was resurrected by the villainous Swamp Witch. Voiced by Yūko Gotō in Japanese and Jessica Paquet in English.
Ymir Iron Princess Ymir, she is the daughter of the Dwarven King. Voiced by Ayaka Saito in Japanese and Kate Vincent in English.
Princess Fianna Record of Lodoss War In the OVA series, Fianna is the only daughter of one of the «Six Heroes», King Fahn of Valis, who gains her responsibility and political role before becoming the new queen of Valis. Voiced by Rei Sakuma in Japanese and Simone Grant in English.
Flare Arlgrande Jioral Redo of Healer Also known as Freia, she is the first princess of the Jioral Kingdom who is known as the Magic Hero. Voiced by Ayano Shibuya.[21]
Norn Clatalissa Jioral Also known as Ellen, she is the second princess of the Jioral Kingdom and Flare’s younger sister. Voiced by Minami Tsuda.
Princess Adelheid/Chocolate Parfait Restaurant to Another World She is the princess of the Great Empire, the granddaughter of Emperor Wilhelm, and the youngest great power on the Eastern Continent. Voiced by Reina Ueda in Japanese and by Jeannie Tirado (Season 1) and Alexis Tipton (Season 2) in English.
Anthy Himemiya Revolutionary Girl Utena Anthy is the mysterious princess who attends Ohtori Academy, with her older brother Akio Ohtori (formerly Prince Dios) as its chairman, where she is the Rose Bride for whom Utena Tenjou, a tomboy who poses as the «noble prince», escorts her throughout the sword dueling events. There is also an anime film adaptation, Adolescence of Utena.
Malty S. Melromarc/Myne Sophia The Rising of the Shield Hero The former first princess of Melromarc and primary antagonist of the series. Voiced by Faye Mata in English[22] and Sarah Emi Bridcutt in Japanese.
Melty Q. Melromarc The second princess and heir of Melromarc and younger sister of Malty. Voiced by Jackie Lastra in English[23] and Maaya Uchida in Japanese.
Marie Antoinette The Rose of Versailles Marie is a princess who later becomes the queen of France as a wife to the Dauphin. She is formerly the love interest of Oscar François de Jarjayes (a woman raised as a man) and Hans Axel von Fersen. She is based on the real-life Marie Antoinette and was voiced by Miyuki Ueda.
Princess Kakyuu Sailor Moon Also known as Princess Fireball in English version, she is the princess of the planet Kinmoku outside the solar system.
Princess Serenity («Sailor Moon») Sailor Moon;
Sailor Moon Crystal
She is the princess of the Moon Kingdom and the daughter of Queen Serenity in her past life. In the future, she is Neo-Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo as the wife of King Endymion and mother of Chibiusa.
Princess Usagi «Small Lady» Serenity («Sailor Chibi Moon») She is the young princess of Crystal Tokyo and the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion. She travels to the past to seek help from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers and later returns as a Soldier herself.
Saori Athena Saint Seiya Voiced by Keiko Han, Fumiko Orikasa, Ayan Hirano and Allison Sumrall.
Sally Yumeno Sally the Witch She is the witch princess of the Magic Kingdom and the eponymous protagonist of the series.
Princess Violet «Vi» (Tokugawa Usako) Samurai Pizza Cats She is the rabbit princess of Little Tokyo and the mean, selfish daughter of Emperor Fred (panda) and Empress Frieda (rabbit). Voiced by Liza MacRae in English and Maria Kawamura in Japanese.
Aliyah-Din Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights The girl who wishes to become a princess in the gender-bent version of «Aladdin». Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Pacifica Casull Scrapped Princess Also referred to as the «Scrapped Princess», Pacifica is the abandoned princess from the kingdom of Leinwan who was adopted by the Casull family. Voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in Japanese and Kari Wahlgren in English.
Princess Seness Giat The warrior princess of the Giat Empire. Voiced by Yuki Matsuoka in Japanese and Wendee Lee in English.
Princess Ping The Secret Show The sister of Prince Spong of the planet Zabulon.
Elaine The Seven Deadly Sins A princess of the Fairy Clan, and sister of King. Voiced by Kotori Koiwai (Japanese) and Brianna Knickerbocker (English).
Elizabeth Liones The third princess of Liones as the adopted daughter of King Bartra. She is the main viewpoint character of the story as well as the main female protagonist. Voiced by Sora Amamiya (Japanese) and Erika Harlacher (English).
Margaret Liones The First Princess of Liones, daughter of King Bartra, sister of Veronica, and eldest adoptive sister of Elizabeth. Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese) and Johanna Luis (English).
Nadja Liones The sister of King Bartra and love interest of Gowther.
Veronica Liones Second Princess of Liones, daughter of King Bartra, younger sister of Princess Margaret, and elder adoptive sister of Princess Elizabeth. Voiced by Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese) and Abby Trott (English).
Princess Adora («She-Ra») She-Ra: Princess of Power;
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Daughter of King Randor and Queen Marlena; princess of Eternia and the twin sister of Prince Adam.
Princesses of Etheria She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
  • Adora, the current incarnation of She-Ra, the Princess of Power. Voiced by Aimee Carrero.
  • Princess Entrapta, Princess of Dryll and a former member of the Princess Alliance. Unlike many of the other princesses, she has no magical powers and no runestone. Voiced by Christine Woods.
  • Princess Frosta, Princess of Castle Chill in the Kingdom of Snows. Voiced by Merit Leighton.
  • Princess Glimmer, Princess of Brightmoon and daughter of Queen Angella and King Micah. Voiced by Karen Fukuhara.
  • Princess Mermista, Princess of Salineas and daughter of King Mercier. Voiced by Vella Lovell.
  • Princess Perfuma, Princess of Plumeria. Voiced by Genesis Rodriguez.
  • Princess Scorpia, a member of the Evil Horde whose family gave their runestone, the Black Garnet, to Lord Hordak. Voiced by Lauren Ash.
Princess Adara Shimmer and Shine The stardust princess of Zahramay Skies. Voiced by Tania Gunadi.
Princess Samira The princess of Zahramay Falls and one of the main characters of the show. Voiced by Nikki SooHoo in the US and Cariad Lloyd in the UK.
Princess Ula The Gem Princess of Rainbow Zahramay who is in charge of giving all the Genies Gems their magic powers. Voiced by Tatyana Ali.
Princess Kemi of Nigeria The Simpsons The daughter of a Nigerian king who makes a deal with Mr. Burns. She appeared in the episode «The Princess Guide» and was voiced by Yaya DaCosta.
Yuriarna Merol Melissa Rhoden Olav Skeleton Knight in Another World The second princess of the Rhoden Kingdom, and the younger daughter of King Karlon, who has been assassinated on her way to the Grand Duchy of Limbult but is resurrected by Arc’s Rejuvenation magic. She is the younger sister of Duchess Seriarna of Limbult and the half-sister of Princes Sekt and Dakares. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi in Japanese and Danielle Yoshiko Phillips in English.
Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun Slayers She is the Princess of Seyruun and the youngest daughter of Prince Philionel.
Gracia Ul Naga Seyruun Better known as «Naga the White Serpant», she is the older sister of Amelia and the oldest daughter of Prince Philionel.
Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova She is the former Princess, and later Queen, of the Kingdom of Zoana. She is named after professional tennis player Martina Navratilova.
Princess Syalis Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Princess Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste, otherwise known simply as Syalis. She is the princess from the kingdom of Goodereste in the human world who has been taken by the Demon King Tasogare but finds a good place to sleep in his castle. Voiced by Inori Minase in Japanese and Kira Buckland in English.
Princess Savina The Smurfs Voiced by Jennifer Darling.
Rona Shenazard Snow White with the Red Hair The princess of Tanbarun, daughter of King Shenazard and the sister of Princes Raji and Eugena Shenazard. Voiced by Alexis Tipton in English and Inori Minase in Japanese.
Suelecia «Sue» Analeit So I’m a Spider, So What? She is the second princess of the Analeit Kingdom who cares deeply for her older half-brother Prince Shun but willingly aids Shiraori out of fear to frame him while assassinating her father King Meiges under the coup of her elder brother Crown Prince Cylis. Voiced by Yui Ogura in Japanese and Kira Buckland in English.
Princesses from Sofia the First Sofia the First Princess Sofia («Sofia the First»);[24][25] the daughter of Miranda, who marries King Roland II of Enchancia.[26][27] Released as a TV movie in Fall 2012, and a TV series in Spring 2013. Voiced by Ariel Winter.

  • Princess Amber, Sofia’s elder stepsister, the Princess of Enchancia; Voiced by Darcy Rose Byrnes.
  • Princess Arsinoe, voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Charlotte of Isleworth; daughter of King Philip and Queen Everly. Charlotte is a former wearer of the Amulet of Avalor whom Sophia helps to break a curse; voiced by Megan Hilty.
  • Princess Clio of Corinthia; a friend of Princesses Amber, Hildegard, and Sofia; voiced by Harley Graham.
  • Princess Hildegard of Friezenburg; friend of Sofia’s stepsister, Amber. Hildegard has an older sister. Voiced by Coco Grayson.
  • Princess Jun of Wei-Ling, daughter of Emperor Quon and Empress Lin-Lin, sister of Prince Jin. Voiced by Michaela Zee.
  • Princess Leena of Khaldoun, daughter of King Nasir and Queen Anya, sister of Princess Maya and Prince Khalid. Voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Mae of Athens, voiced by Alyson Stoner.
  • Princess Matilda
  • Princess Maya of Khaldoun, daughter of King Nasir and Queen Anya, sister of Princess Leena and Prince Khalid. Voiced by Olivia Grace.
  • Princess Penelope «Penny» of York, voiced by Bailee Madison.
  • Princess Vivian of Zumaria, daughter of Queen Cecily; Sofia’s shy, musically gifted best friend; she is one of Sofia’s classmates at Royal Prep. Voiced by Sabrina Carpenter.
  • Princess Cora of Mermaid Cove, daughter of Queen Emmaline and Oona’s mermaid older sister who aids Sofia in Oona’s rescue. Voiced by Sarah Mitchell.
  • Princess Oona of Mermaid Cove, daughter of Queen Emmaline; Sofia’s mermaid friend who is kidnapped but is saved by Sofia and her sister Cora. Voiced by Kiernan «Kiki» Shipka.
  • Princess Lei-Lani «Lani» of Hakalo, voiced by Abigail Mavity.
  • Princess Zooey; daughter of Queen Avery (Kath Soucie). Voiced by Fiona Bishop.
  • Princess Ivy, an evil princess who attempted to take over Sofia’s kingdom after Amber stole Sofia’s amulet which put a curse on her by summoning Princess Ivy. Voiced by Anna Camp.
  • Duchess Matilda («Aunt Tilly»). Voiced by Bonnie Hunt.
Sally Acorn Sonic the Hedgehog Princess of Mobotropolis and the co-leader of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Sonia the Hedgehog Sonic Underground The daughter of Queen Aleena of Mobius and the sister of Sonic and Manic Hedgehog. Voiced by Jaleel White (speaking) and Louise Vallance (singing).
Princess Sparkle Spider Riders The princess of Arachna and the younger sister of Prince Lumen. Voiced by Melanie Tonello in English and Kaori Shimizu in Japanese.
Sparkle Star Fairies A Star Fairy princess who rules the land of WishComeTrue high above the clouds. Voiced by B. J. Ward.
Ophiuchus/Darknest Star☆Twinkle PreCure She is the leader of the Notraiders and the main villainess of the series who is a former member of the Star Princesses before being exiled by them, leading the Notraiders to attack the princesses’ Star Palace and then seek the twelve Princess Star Color Pens.
Star Princesses They are a group of thirteen princesses who are based on the Zodiac signs and protect the balance of the universe. They soon scatter themselves across the universe as the Princess Star Color Pens sought by the five PreCures and the Notraiders.

  • Princess Taurus
  • Princess Leo
  • Princess Libra
  • Princess Capricorn
  • Princess Scorpio
  • Princess Sagittarius
  • Princess Virgo
  • Princesses Gemini twins
  • Princess Aries
  • Princess Aquarius
  • Princess Cancer
  • Princess Pisces
Meteora Butterfly Star vs. the Forces of Evil Formerly known as Miss Heinous, she is the former princess and true heir to the throne of Mewni. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren as a baby, Bryana Salaz as a teenager and Jessica Walter as an adult.
Star Butterfly Princess of Mewni and the main character of the series. Voiced by Eden Sher.
Princess Aurora Starzinger The princess of the Moon. Voiced by Kazuko Sugiyama.
Shūrei Hong The Story of Saiunkoku She is the daughter of the Hong clan. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima in Japanese and Kelly Sheridan in English.
Princess Alia Strange Dawn She was a princess who used her magic powers to summon the two human girls, Yuko and Eri, to her planet but later died during an escape attempt. Voiced by Yuri Shiratori.
Princess Berrykin Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures Voiced by Andrea Libman.
La Folia Rihavein Strike the Blood The beautiful, silver-haired princess of Aldegyr. Voiced by Saori Ōnishi.
Ako Shirabe Suite PreCure The princess of the Mayor Land. Ako’s alter ego is Cure Muse.
Princess Pea (aka Princess Presto) Super Why! Voiced by Tajja Isen.
Princess Ilana Sym-Bionic Titan The alien princess. Voiced by Tara Strong.
Princess Grace TaleSpin She is a white swan who is a princess, and later queen, of the Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang kingdom in the episode «Waiders of the Wost Tweasure». Voiced by Victoria Carroll.
Princess Lotta L’Amour She is a vixen crown princess of the Middle-Eastern kingdom of Macadamia and the daughter of King Amuck (rabbit) in the episode «The Road to Macadamia». Voiced by Kath Soucie.
Princess Aja Tarron Tales of Arcadia Voiced by Tatiana Maslany.
Princess Claris Tantei Opera Milky Holmes The princess of Marlo who bears a striking resemblance to Sheryl Shellingford and yearns to be a normal girl, despite her arranged marriage to Prince Pero. Voiced by Ai Nonaka.
Princess Mallory of Malicuria Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Voiced by Renae Jacobs[28]
Ayeka Masaki Jurai Tenchi Muyo She is the First Princess of Jurai.
Sasami Masaki Jurai She is the Second Princess of Jurai and Ayeka’s younger sister.
Princess Ariel Thundarr the Barbarian Voiced by Nellie Bellflower.
Princess Shalala Time Travel Tondekeman Voiced by Rei Sakuma.
Lala Satalin Deviluke To Love Ru The princess of the Deviluke kingdom, older daughter of King Gid Lucion and Queen Sephie Michaela Deviluke; older sister of the twin princesses Nana Asta and Momo Belia Deviluke.
Princess Erika Tōshō Daimos A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Erika, voiced by Miyuki Ueda, is a former princess of the Baam Empire who works as a field doctor after her father Emperor Leon was poisoned by the villainous Olban and his right-hand man Georiya. She is also the sister of the disgruntled Prince Richter and the love interest of Kazuya Ryūzaki.
Princess Grizelda True and the Rainbow Kingdom Grizelda, voiced by Anna Bartlam, is a self-centered princess who claims herself to be one for the Rainbow Kingdom but realizes she needs a friend like True. She is also accompanied with her dog Frookie.
Sakura Tsubasa Chronicle the Movie: The Princess of the Country of Birdcages Voiced by Yui Makino.
Princess Tomoyo Voiced by Maaya Sakamoto.
Shoukei The Twelve Kingdoms She was the sheltered princess of the Hou Kingdom and the daughter of the late King Chuutatsu and Queen Kaka. Voiced by Kate Higgins in English and Houko Kuwashima in Japanese.
Princesses from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Twin Princess of Wonder Planet
  • Fine and Rein, the twin princesses of the Sunny Kingdom.
  • Grace, the legendary princess from the ancient days.
  • Milky, the toddler princess of the Moon Kingdom.
  • Lione, the princess of the Flame Kingdom.
  • Mirlo, the princess of the Water Drop Kingdom.
  • Seed Princesses, the eleven princesses of the Seed Kingdom.
  • Altezza, the princess of the Jewelry Kingdom.
  • Sophie, the princess of the Windmill Kingdom.
  • Pearl, the princess of the Sea Kingdom.
Princesses from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Gyu!
  • Elizabetta, the princess of the Planet Celeb.
  • Chiffon, the princess of the Planet Mathematics.
  • March, the princess of the Planet Morals
  • Lemon, the princess of the Planet Naniwan.
  • Bibin, the princess of the Black Planet.
Maria Grace Fleed UFO Robot Grendizer She is a princess who, like her brother Crown Prince Duke Fleed, has been raised on Earth after her home planet Fleed was destroyed by the forces of King Vega.
Rubina She was the daughter of King Vega and the princess of the planet Vega who was a fiancée to Duke Fleed, only to be separated by the attack of the Queen Spazer fortress.
Princess Valkyire «Val» UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Valkyrie is the princess from the planet Valhalla who flees to Earth and, after transferring part of her soul to her lover Kazuto Tokino, takes on the form of an 8-year-old child. She has seven sisters:

  • Princess Mehm
  • Princess Hydra
  • Princess Chorus
  • Princess Pharm
  • Princess Inarba
  • Princess Nesty
  • Princess Laine
Charlotte de Valois Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight She is a princess of the Kingdom of France, and the third daughter of the Royal Family of Valois, who becomes the heir to the throne after her brothers’ deaths in the Battle of Azincourt. She is the female counterpart of Charles VII of France and is voiced by Saori Ōnishi in Japanese and Amber Lee Connors in English.
Kurama Urusei Yatsura The humanoid princess of the Karasutengu (crow goblin) alien race. Voiced by Rihoko Yoshida.
Lum Voiced by Fumi Hirano.
Princess Camyu Utawarerumono The second princess of Onkamiyamukai who was born with black wings. Voiced by Rie Kugimiya in original Japanese and Serena Varghese in English dub.
Princess Ulthury Camyu’s older sister and the first princess of Onkamiyamukai who was born with white wings and holds the title of High Priestess. Voiced by Sayaka Ohara in Japanese and Kelly Manison in English.
Lieselotte W. Dorssia Valvrave the Liberator She is the princess of Dorssia who saved L-elf’s life when they were children but later believes she does not belong with him as a result to being a Magius. Voiced by Aki Toyosaki.
Miyu Vampire Princess Miyu
Princess Tinyfeet The Venture Bros. Voiced by Suzanne Gilad.
Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel Violet Evergarden Princess of the Kingdom of Drossel. Voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English and Megumi Nakajima in Japanese.
Millerna Aston The Vision of Escaflowne She is the third princess of the kingdom of Asturia, youngest daughter of the widowed King Grava Aston and younger sister of Princesses Marlene and Eries Aston.
Marlene Freid (née Aston) She was the first princess of Asturia, oldest daughter of King Grava Aston and older sister of Millerna and Eries Aston. She adopted Chid Freid, the biological son of her former lover Allen Schezar, to make him the prince and heir of the duchy of Freid.
Princess Allura (Princess Fala) Voltron Voiced by B. J. Ward in the 1980s and 1990s series, Ashleigh Ball in the 2011 series, and Kimberly Brooks in the 2016 series.
Elyon Escanor/Elyon Brown W.I.T.C.H. She is the lost princess, and later rightful queen, of Meridian who was raised by the family of Brown as a normal girl from her evil brother Prince Phobos. Voiced by Serena Berman.
Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm Wakfu She is the Princess of the Sadida Kingdom.
The Ugly Princesses A group of princesses that have been cursed to become ugly by the God Osamodes.

  • Princess Eenca
  • Princess Ydalipe
  • Princess Erpel
  • Princess Lela
Princess Demurra Wander Over Yonder Voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Princess Sara Wildfire The princess of Thurinia, the daughter of Prince Cavan and the late Queen Sarana, and the main character of the show. Voiced by Georgi Irene.
Members of the Winx Club Winx Club
  • Aisha, the Princess of the surface of Andros and the fairy of waves.
  • Amentia, the Princess of Downland.
  • Bloom, the Princess of Domino who is a fairy with the power of ‘the dragon flame’.
  • Daphne, the Nymph of Domino and Bloom’s older sister.
  • Diaspro, a princess from Eraklyon and Prince Sky’s former fiancée.
  • Galatea, the Princess of Melody.
  • Icy, the Princess of Dyamond.
  • Krystal, the Princess of Linphea.
  • Roxy, the Princess of Tir Na Nog and the fairy of animals.
  • Sapphire, the Princess of Dyamond and Icy’s younger sister.
  • Stella, the Princess of Solaria and the fairy of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
  • Tressa, the mermaid princess of the oceans of Andros and the cousin of Aisha.
May von Earls-hide Wise Man’s Grandchild She is the 10-year-old princess of the Earlshide Kingdom who turns out to be a prodigy after learning under Merlin Wolford and his ex-wife Melida Bowen. She is the younger sister of Prince August and the daughter of King Diseum and Queen Julia. Voiced by Maya Hinanogi in Japanese and Brittany Lauda in English.
Lemercier Princesses The World Is Still Beautiful The four princesses of the Rain Dukedom.

  • Mira Lemercier, the first princess
  • Nia Lemercier, the second princess
  • Kara Lemercier, the third princess
  • Nike Lemercier, the fourth princess and the main protagonist
Princess Crepe Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo! The tiger princess who rules the Crêpe Kingdom and is one of the Four Rulers in which she holds the Rose Garden Key to open the door to the Cure Rose Garden.
Yona Yona of the Dawn She is the sole princess of the Kouka Kingdom, daughter of the pacifistic King II and the late Queen Kashi. Voiced by Chiwa Saitō in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Princess Adena Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters The princess of Sin Lau who is created in the virtual reality game by Seto Kaiba based off his younger brother Mokuba. Voiced by Eri Sendai in Japanese and Tara Sands in English.
Princess Rose Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Voiced by Hiroko Kasahara in Japanese and Veronica Taylor in English.
Princess Silver Yume no Crayon Oukoku She is a young princess of the Crayon Kingdom, and the descendant of Queen Buretsu, who has «Twelve bad habits».


Princess Series title Notes
Princess Theresa of Liechtenstein Cabin Pressure Eldest sister of the King of Liechtenstein (a title which does not exist in real life), and love interest of pilot Martin Crieff.
Erimemushinteperem Doctor Who More commonly known as «Erimem», she is the fictional daughter of Pharaoh Amenhotep II and a companion of the Fifth Doctor. She appears in a number of audio plays produced by Big Finish Productions, in which she is played by Caroline Morris.

Video games[edit]

Princess Game System(s) Note
Princess of Traumere 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
  • Android
  • iOS
She is the long-lost princess in the Dream World who has to rescue various princes from the monstrous Dream Eaters and defend their world.
Rosa Cossette D’Elise Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
  • PC
The defensive princess and heir of the Kingdom of Erusea.
Licia de novus Yurii Aiyoku no Eustia
  • Windows
  • Vita
She is a mischievous princess and successor to the throne with little interest in the politics of the city of Novus Aither. Voiced by Yuzuha Ebihara in Windows and Eriko Nakamura in PS Vita.
Princess Lora Alex Kidd in Miracle World Master System Also known as Princess Rooney, she is the fiancée of Prince Igul of Radaxian and the future sister-in-law of Alex Kidd.
Princess Sarah Amazing Princess Sarah
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
  • WP
  • Xbox One
She is the princess of Kaleiya who is on a quest to rescue her father the King from the evil Demon Queen Lilith.
Isabella Ximénez ARMA: Queen’s Gambit Microsoft Windows Formerly the princess of Sahrani, she becomes the kingdom’s reigning queen as she assumes power as a sole remaining member of her royal family. She is the daughter of the late King Joseph and younger sister of Crown Prince Orlando.
Princess Rosebud The Astyanax NES The ruler of the Remila kingdom.
Princess Athena Athena
  • Arcade
  • NES
  • Amstrad CPC
  • C64
  • ZX Spectrum
  • PSN
The headstrong princess from the Kingdom of Victory and the main protagonist of the game. She is named after the Greek goddess Athena.
Princess Angelica Battletoads
  • NES/Famicom
  • Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
  • Game Boy
  • Game Gear
  • Amiga
  • Amiga CD32
The daughter of the Terren Emperor and the princess of the Terren Corporate who the Battletoads rescue from the evil Dark Queen.
Princess Millian Bomberman Hero Nintendo 64 Princess of the planet Primus Star.
Gloria Bravely Default 2 Nintendo Switch She is the refugee princess from the lost kingdom of Musa and one of the main characters of the game.
Princess Nina Breath of Fire
  • SNES
  • Game Boy Advance
She is a winged princess whose people of Wyndia can transform into large birds. There are also distant relatives who share the same name with Nina in Breath of Fire II, III and IV.
Princess Elina Breath of Fire IV
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
She is the princess of Wyndia and older sister of Nina, who has been engaged to Prince Morley of Ludia but is aware of romantic feelings of Cray, chief of the cat-like tribe of Woren.
Princess Margarita
  • The Castle
  • Castlequest
  • PC-8801
  • PC-9801
  • PC-6001
  • FM-7
  • PC-88
  • X1
  • MSX
  • SG-1000
  • NES
Princess of Moss Castlevania: Bloodlines Sega Genesis
Princess Pitts Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
  • GameCube
  • Wii
She is a princess doll in Jenny Sanderson’s bedroom.
Princess Aurora Child of Light
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Wii U
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
The daughter of the Duke of five hills.
Marle Chrono Trigger
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
Although her real name is Nadia, princess of the Kingdom of Guardia and daughter of King Guardia XXXIII and Queen Aliza, she leaves home under the name «Marle» to travel through time with Crono and Lucca.
Schala She is the princess of Zeal and the older sister of Prince Janus.
Solange Blanchefleur De Lux Code of Princess
  • 3DS
  • Windows
Exiled princess of the DeLuxia Kingdom who is armed with the Sacred Blade DeLuxcalibur sword and sets out to find the cause of the violent behavior of monsters that have attacked her kingdom.
Crystal Princess Conquest of the Crystal Palace NES
Princess Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom
  • iOS
  • Android
She is the gingerbread princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom, the daughter of Royal Berry Cookie (king) and Jungleberry Cookie (queen), and the granddaughter of Hollyberry Cookie. Princess Cookie is voiced by Eden Riegel in English, Kim Chae-ha in Korean and Ari Ozawa in Japanese.
Tiger Lily Cookie She was born to be a princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom, like her sister Princess Cookie, but has been estranged from her royal family and ends up living in the jungle as a gingerbread jungle warrior. Tiger Lily Cookie is voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English, Lee Kye-yun in Korean and Mariya Ise in Japanese.
Princess Alexandra Cute Knight
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
A runaway princess who bears a striking resemblance to Michiko.
Michiko An orphaned knight who discovers that her biological mother is actually Queen Penelope.
Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
  • Arcade
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
She is the daughter of the dangerous and reputed pirate king.
Ani Inako Dame×Prince
  • Android
  • iOS
She is the princess of Inaco and the main protagonist of the game. Voiced by Sayuri Yahagi.
Sonia Nevermind Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • PSP
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux
  • PlayStation 4
Princess of a small European country called Novoselic. Member of the 77-B class and known as the Ultimate Princess (or Super High School Level Princess), Sonia Nevermind was one of the participants of the Killing School Trip.
Princess Monica Raybrandt Dark Chronicle PlayStation 2 Voiced by Anndi McAfee in English and Hiroko Taguchi in Japanese.
Morrigan Aensland Darkstalkers
  • Arcade
  • Various
Kasumi Dead or Alive
  • Arcade
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
  • Dreamcast
  • PlayStation 2
  • Xbox
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • PlayStation 3
  • iOS
  • PlayStation Vita
  • Xbox One
  • PlayStation 4
  • Microsoft Windows
Fiona Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation
  • Stream
  • DMM
A big-breasted, Wisteria-haired princess from an unidentified European country who arrived at the Venus Islands (the setting of the game), officially to learn how to become a bride, but mostly due to falling in love with the player character at first sight.
Nyotengu Dead or Alive 5
  • Arcade
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation Vita
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Steam
  • DMM
Although not directly stated in her bio, her summary in Xtreme Venus Vacation claims that she acted as the princess of the various Tengu.
Hezeliah Shaytham The Diofield Chronicle
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
Hezeliah is a princess whose Kingdom of Alletain sits in the close vicinity of a conflict between the Trovelt-Schoevian Empire and the Rowetale Alliance. She is the sister of Prince Levantia Shaytham.[29] Voiced by Misuzu Yamada in Japanese and Fern Deacon in English.
Sapphire Rhodonite Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice PlayStation 3 Princess of the Human World.
Emily Kaldwin Dishonored series
  • Microsoft Windows
  • PlayStation 3
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
Voiced by Erica Luttrell as an adult and Chloë Grace Moretz as a child.
Princess of Gentlehaven Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
  • PS2
  • Wii
  • Windows
  • PSN
She is an amnesiac girl who discovers that she is actually a princess and travels through worlds inhabited by the Disney Princesses. Voiced by Isabelle Fuhrman.
Princess Zara She is an evil ex-princess who uses her magic powers in attempt to stop every girl from becoming a new princess. Voiced by Melissa Disney.
Princess Penny Dokapon Kingdom
  • PlayStation 2
  • Wii
Princess Celia Dragon Buster
  • Arcade
  • Famicom
  • MSX
  • PC-8801
  • PC-9801
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mobile phone
The daughter of King Lawrence.
Princess Gwaelin Dragon Quest NES/Famicom Also known as Lady Lora, daughter of King Lorik.
Princess of Moonbrooke Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line NES/Famicom She is the cousin of two main characters, Princes of Midenhall and Cannock.
Tsarevna Alena of Zamoksva Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
  • NES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
  • Android
  • iOS
Princess Medea Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
  • PS2
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
Princess of Trodain and daughter of the cursed King Trode.
Princess Anlucia Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Switch
Also known as Hero Princess Anlucia, she is the princess of Gran Zedora and the sister of villainous Prince Toma. Also of note is her mother Princess Yulia.
Princess Jade Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • Xbox One
The exiled princess of Heliodor and a martial artist who fights with her fisticuffs, claws and spears. She is the daughter of King Carnelian.
Princess Tina (Mica) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • TurboGrafx-CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mega Drive
  • Satellaview
  • Windows
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
She is the princess of the Sordis Kingdom and the daughter of King Theos. She later becomes the queen of Farlalyne and the mother of Prince Atlas when she marries King Serios (Logan) in Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II.
Princess Alicia Dragon Spirit
  • Arcade
  • Amiga
  • Amstrad CPC
  • Atari ST
  • C64
  • TurboGrafx-16
  • Sharp X68000
  • ZX Spectrum
She is the princess from the kingdom of Mitgult. She later becomes the queen of Olympis when she is married to King Armul (Amru in English).
Princess Iris Dragon Spirit: The New Legend NES She is the princess of Olympis, daughter of King Armul and Queen Alicia and the sister of Prince Lace.
Princess Vivian Dragon’s Crown
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • PS4
The silent princess of Hydeland who is later made queen and inherits the titular Dragon’s Crown following the defeat of the ancient dragon.
Aelinor Dragon’s Dogma
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
She is a member of the House of Biquard, daughter of the Lord of Meloire, and the wife of Duke Edmun Dragonsbane of Gransys. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Mariya Ise in Japanese.
Princess Daphne Dragon’s Lair games Arcade The daughter of King Aethelred. Voiced by Vera Lanpher.
Princess What’s-Her-Name Earthworm Jim series Various
Princess Rilule Étoile Princesse Sharp X68000 She is a young, careless princess of Fail Land who takes on a journey to rescue Sol and the female magicians from a dark witch.
Princess Gutrune Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Nintendo DS The Deep Princess.
The Princess (The Heroine) Fable III
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
The player may choose to control either a female character (The Princess/The Heroine), voiced by Mischa Goodman, or a male character (The Prince/The Hero), voiced by Louis Tamone.
Fat Princess
  • Fat Princess
  • Fat Princess Adventures
  • PS3
  • Portable
  • PS4
She is a princess who the teammates feed slices of cake, causing her to gain weight and become heavier for the enemy to carry to their castle. Voiced by Tara Strong.
Princess Sarah
  • Final Fantasy
  • Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
  • NES
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
Princess of the Kingdom of Cornelia.
Princess Aire Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Nintendo DS Princess of Horne and younger sister of Princess Carino.
Princess Hilda Final Fantasy II
  • Famicom
  • WonderSwan Color
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
Princess of Fynn whose White Mage Minwu serves as her right-hand man.
Sara Altney Final Fantasy III
  • Famicom
  • DS
  • iOS
  • Android
  • PSP
  • Ouya
  • Windows Phone
  • Windows
Princess of Sasune.
Princess Luca Final Fantasy IV SNES The only child of the dwarven King Giott.
Ursula Fang Leiden Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
  • Wii
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
The princess of Fabul who wants to be a strong monk like her father King Yang Fang Leiden.
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII Final Fantasy IX PlayStation Princess of Alexandria.
Faris Scherwiz Final Fantasy V
  • Super Famicom
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
She was born as Princess Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon, daughter of the late King Alexander Highwind Tycoon, but was raised as a boy by the pirates.
Krile Mayer Baldesion She is the granddaughter of old King Galuf Halm Baldesion and the princess of the Bal kingdom.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon Also known as Reina, she is Faris’s biological sister. Lenna later becomes the queen of the Kingdom of Tycoon after her father’s death.
Yuffie Kisaragi Final Fantasy VII PS2 Female ninja princess and daughter of the Lord of Wutai.
Princess Ashe Final Fantasy XII PS2 Princess Ashelia of Dalmasca.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Final Fantasy XV
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
Also known simply as Luna, she is the oracle who is formerly the princess of Tenebrae, daughter of Queen Sylva Via Fleuret, and younger sister of the former Prince Ravus Nox Fleuret. She is also betrothed to Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Fiona Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles GameCube Princess of Alfitaria who is half Lilty and half Clavat.
Althea Sol Alfitaria Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers Wii The new princess of Alfitaria.
Sarah Final Fantasy Dimensions
  • FOMA 903i
  • iOS
  • Android
The princess from the Kingdom of Burtgang and a member of the Warriors of Light.
Ovelia Atkascha Final Fantasy Tactics PlayStation Princess of Ordalia.
Lucina Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS Crown Princess of Ylisse, daughter of Chrom, and a major character of the game. She traveled back about 18 years to prevent an apocalyptic future.
Lissa Princess of Ylisse, younger sister of Chrom and Queen Emmeryn, future aunt of Lucina, and a major character of the game.
Say’ri Princess of Chon’sin and younger sister of King Yen’fay.
Azura Fire Emblem Fates Nintendo 3DS Princess of Valla and Nohr, daughter of Queen Arete, stepdaughter of King Garon, and stepsister of Xander, Camilla, Corrin, Leo, Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi and Elise.
Camilla First princess of Nohr and older daughter of King Garon.

Sister of Nohrian princes Xander and Leo, older sister of Princesses Elise and Corrin; stepsister of Princess Azura.

Corrin (Avatar) The player may choose to control either a female character (Nohr Princess), or a male character (Nohr Prince).
Elise Second princess of Nohr and younger daughter of King Garon.

Sister of Nohrian princes Xander and Leo, youngest sister of Princesses Camilla and Corrin; stepsister of Princess Azura.

Hinoka First princess of Hoshido, older daughter of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; older stepdaughter of Queen Mikoto. Sister of Princes Ryoma and Takumi and older sister of Princess Sakura.
Sakura Second princess of Hoshido, younger daughter of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; stepdaughter of Queen Mikoto, younger sister of Princess Hinoka and Princes Ryoma and Takumi.
  • Fire Emblem Gaiden
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo 3DS
Also known as Anthiese. She is the princess of Zofia, daughter of King Lima IV and Liprica, half-sister of Conrad, and one of the main characters of the game.
Altena Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Super Famicom Princess of Leonster and the sister of Prince Leif.
Julia The scion of Naga and the princess of Grannvale.
Lachesis Princess of Nordion and younger half-sister of Eldigan.
Ayra Princess of Isaach, daughter of King Mananan and uncle of Crown Prince Shannan.
The Princesses Fire Emblem Heroes
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Sharena, the princess of the Askr Kingdom and younger sister of Prince Alfonse.
  • Veronica, the princess of the Emblian Empire and younger half-sister of Prince Bruno.
  • Gunnthrá, the first princess of the Nifl Kingdom.
  • Fjorm, the second princess of the Nifl Kingdom and middle sister of Gunnthrá and Yglr.
  • Ylgr, the third princess of the Nifl Kingdom and youngest sister of Gunnthrá and Fjorm.
  • Laegjarn, the first princess of the Múspell Kingdom, older daughter of King Surtr.
  • Laevatein, the second princess of the Múspell Kingdom, younger daughter of King Surtr, and younger sister of Laegjarn.
  • Eir, the princess of Hel and the adoptive daughter of Queen Hel.
  • Reginn, the princess of Niðavellir and the younger sister of King Fáfnir and Prince Ótr.
  • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  • Super Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Princess of Gra and daughter of King Jiol.
Princess Yuliya Princess of Grust.
Elincia Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance GameCube She is the Princess of Crimea, daughter of King Ramon, and one of the main characters of the game. She later becomes Queen of Crimea in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Leanne The white-winged Heron princess of Serenes, daughter of King Lorazieh, and younger sister of Rafiel and Reyson.
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Princess of Talys, daughter of King Mostyn, and one of the main characters of the game.
Elice Princess of Altea, daughter of King Cornelius and Queen Liza; older sister of Prince Marth.
Maria Second princess of Macedon and youngest sister of Michalis and Minerva.
Minerva First princess of Macedon and younger sister of King Michalis.
Nyna Princess of Archanea.
Tiki A young Manakete princess of the Divine Dragon tribe and the daughter of Naga. She later becomes a priestess in Fire Emblem Awakening.
Guinivere Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade GBA Princess of Bern, daughter of King Desmond and Queen Hellene; younger sister of King Zephiel.
Hellene A former princess from Etruria. She becomes Queen of Bern as the wife of King Desmond and the mother of King Zephiel and Princess Guinivere.
Eirika Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA A princess from Renais, twin sister of Prince Ephrain, and one of the main characters in the game.
L’Arachel Princess of Rausten and niece of the Divine Emperor Mansel.
Tana Princess of Frelia and younger sister of Prince Innes.
Edelgard von Hresvelg Fire Emblem: Three Houses Nintendo Switch The imperial princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire and the leader of the Black Eagles. She disguises herself as a male figure called the «Flame Emperor» so that she can work against the Church of Seiros.
Petra The crown princess and heir to the throne of Brigid and the member of the Black Eagles. She is hold as political hostage by the Adrestian Empire.
Lianna Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Nintendo Switch
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Princess of the Aytolis Kingdom, daughter of Queen Yelena, and older twin sister of Prince Rowan.
Princess Dar Frogger: The Great Quest
  • PS2
  • Windows
The vampire princess, and the daughter of Count Blah of the Catacombs, who is not the princess Frogger has been searching for.
Princess Holly The fairy princess who rules Fairy Town but is not the princess Frogger has been looking for.
Princess Joy The princess who resides in Joy Castle and is the one Frogger has been looking for. She also appears in Frogger Advance: The Great Quest.
Princess Robyn Gemfire
  • MSX
  • NES
  • SNES
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • MS-DOS
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • Sharp X68000
  • NEC PC-8801
  • Windows
The daughter of King Eselred of Ishmeria.
Kiichi Minazuru Genji: Dawn of the Samurai PS2 She is the daughter of Kiichi Hogen of the Tamayoribito clan who is usually referred to as «Princess Minazuru» in the video game loosely based on The Tale of the Heike.
Traveler’s Sibling Genshin Impact
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
The player may choose either a female (Princess of the Abyss Order) or male character (Prince of the Abyss Order).
Astrid Gensō Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki PlayStation Portable She is a princess of the Holy Aionian Empire who is called the «Empress General» as the leader of the imperial army. Voiced by Kikuko Inoue.
Princess Prin-Prin Ghosts ‘n Goblins series Various Also known as Princess Guinevere.
Tyris Flare Golden Axe
  • Arcade
  • Sega Genesis
  • Master System
  • Sega CD
  • DOS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Amstrad
  • Commodore 64
  • iOS
  • PC Engine
  • WonderSwan Color
  • ZX Spectrum
  • Android
The amazon warrior who was formerly the princess of the Firewood Kingdom and joins forces with Ax Battler and Gilius Thunderhead to fight against Death Adder.
Milan Flare Golden Axe: The Duel
  • Arcade
  • Saturn
  • GameTap
Princess of the Windwood Kingdom.
Princess Rena Golvellius
  • MSX
  • Master System
  • iPhone OS
Serena Corsair
  • Guardian Heroes
  • Advance Guardian Heroes
  • Sega Saturn
  • Xbox 360
  • Game Boy Advance
The former princess who joins the band of knights in attempt to put an end of the reign of Kanon the powerful wizard. Voiced by Yoko Soumi.
Princess Ariana HarmoKnight Nintendo 3DS She is the princess of Symphony City in the planet Melodia.
Witch Princess Harvest Moon DS Nintendo DS
Princess Ann
  • Hydlide
  • Virtual Hydlide
  • PC-6001
  • PC-8801
  • MSX
  • MSX2
  • PC-9801
  • Sharp X1
  • PC-6601
  • FM-7
  • Sharp MZ-2000
  • Famicom/NES
  • Sega Saturn
Princess Sun Lian Jade Empire
  • Xbox
  • Microsoft Windows
  • macOS
  • iOS
  • Android
Better known as «Silk Fox», she is the princess of the titular Jade Empire and daughter of the villainous Emperor Sun Hai.
The Princess JumpStart Math for Second Graders[30]
  • Windows 3.1x
  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Macintosh
One of the protagonists of the game.
Princess Tiramisu Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru Game Boy Princess of the Mille-Feuille Kingdom.
Princess Amelie King’s Bounty: The Legend
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
Princess Valanice of Kolyma King’s Quest II: Romancing the Throne
  • PC
  • Macintosh
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • PCjr
  • Tandy 1000
She was formerly the princess from Kolyma who becomes queen of Daventry under her marriage to King Graham.
Princess Rosella of Daventry King’s Quest III: To Heir Is Human
  • MS-DOS
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Macintosh
  • TRS-80 Color Computer
The daughter of King Graham and Queen Valanice and the twin sister of Prince Alexander. She also appears in the reboot King’s Quest launched in 2015.
Princess Gwendolyn King’s Quest
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
She is the daughter of Prince Alexander and Princess Cassima and the granddaughter of King Graham.
Princess Madeline of Avalon A pet squirrel belonging to the knight hopeful Acorn, who vows that once he wins the knightly tournament, «everything the light touches» will be hers.
Princesses of Heart Kingdom Hearts
  • PS2
  • PS3 (HD)
  • Kairi
  • Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  • Jasmine (Aladdin)
  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Cinderella (Cinderella)
  • Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Calista The Last Story Wii Princess of the House of Arganan and one of the main characters of the game. Voiced by Alix Wilton Regan (English) and Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese).
Klaudia von Auslese The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
  • Windows
  • PSP
  • PS3
  • Vita
She is the crown princess and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Liberl and the granddaughter of Queen Alicia von Auslese II. Voiced by Cristina Vee in English and Yuko Minaguchi in Japanese.
Alfin Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • PS4
She is the princess of the Empire of Erebonia, the daughter of Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla, twin sister of Crown Prince Cedric and the half-sister of Prince Olivert.
Princess Kiri (hime) The Legend of Kage
  • Arcade
  • Amstrad CPC
  • CBM 64
  • Famicom/NES
  • MSX
  • X1
  • ZX Spectrum
She is the fictional daughter of Shōgun Tokugawa, who has been kidnapped multiple times by the evil warlord in both the first game and its sequel The Legend of Kage 2.
Princess Zelda The Legend of Zelda series
  • Game & Watch
  • Game Boy
  • GBC
  • GBA
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo DSi
  • 3DS
  • NES
  • SNES
  • N64
  • GameCube
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • VC
  • Nintendo Switch
In most of the games, Zelda has blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a slight frame, and wears a pink and white kirtle with pink dress shoes, but in Twilight Princess she is a tall and pale girl with auburn hair, blue-gray eyes, and a more womanly figure, and wears a purple and white kirtle with brown knee-high boots. She is the daughter of the King of Hyrule and is associated with the goddess Nayru and the Triforce of Wisdom.
Princess Hilda The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS Ruler of Lorule.
Lady Mipha The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Wii U
  • Nintendo Switch
Princess of the Zoras, daughter of King Dorephan and sister of Prince Sidon. She is one of Link’s allies.
Deku Princess The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
  • N64
  • GameCube
Member of the Deku Royal Family and princess of the Deku Palace in Termina. She also appears in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D.
Princess Ruto The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • N64
  • GameCube
  • iQue Player
  • VC
Princess of the Zoras and only child of King Zora. She also appears in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.
Princess Styla The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Nintendo 3DS Princess of Hytopia and daughter of King Tuft.
Midna The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Wii
  • GameCube
Appearing in Twilight Princess, she has two forms: one human-like, and the other imp-like. Some theorize a romance between Link and Midna. Voiced by Akiko Kōmoto.
Wolf Princess The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
  • Vita
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • iOS
  • Android
She is a singing wolf who makes a deal with the witch to transform into a human princess in exchange for her voice and wishes for the eyes of the prince to be healed.
Princess Kurusale Cherie «Kururu» Marl Q. Little Princess: Marl Ōkoku no Ningyō Hime 2
  • PlayStation
  • PlayStation Network
Daughter of Cornet and King Ferdinand Marl E. and the main character of the game.
Princess Elodie Long Live the Queen
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
She was the princess of Nova who has been training to become a new queen after her mother’s death.
Princess Shroob Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Nintendo DS The evil co-ruler of the alien race called the Shroobs, alongside her sister Elder Princess Shroob; the primary antagonist of the game.
Princess Luxy Marvel Land
  • Arcade
  • Sega Mega Drive
Also known as Wondra in English.
Princess Pride Mega Man Battle Network 2 GBA The princess of Creamland and the operator of KnightMan.
Sarah Lotte Cornelia Mobius Final Fantasy
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Microsoft Windows
Princess of Palamecia.
Kitana Mortal Kombat Arcade She is the Princess of Edenia, and the stepdaughter of Emperor Shao Kahn of Outworld, who uses a pair of steel fans for most of her special attacks.
Mileena She was Kitana’s clone mixed with Tarkatan DNA.
Momohime Muramasa: The Demon Blade
  • Wii
  • PlayStation Vita
She is the princess of the Narukami clan, and younger sister of Torahime, who fights demon possession against the spirit of vengeful rōnin Jinkuro Izuna. Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.
Princess Elise My World, My Way
  • Nintendo DS
  • PSP
The Princess Ninja Hayate
  • Arcade
  • Sega CD
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
Gwyndolyn Odin Sphere
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
The valkyrie princess of the warrior realm of Ragnanival, and younger daughter of Demon Lord Odin, who lives for years in the shadow of her older sister Princess Griselda. Voiced by Mia Bradly in English and Ayako Kawasumi in Japanese.[31]
Mercedes Formerly the princess, she becomes a reluctant queen of the Fairy Kingdom of Ringford following the death of her mother Queen Elfaria. Voiced by Jennifer Sekiguchi in English and Mamiko Noto in Japanese.[31]
Velvet The survival princess from the destroyed Kingdom of Valentine, maternal granddaughter of the villainous King Valentine, and Gwyndolyn’s half-sister. She hides her identity as Demon Lord Odin’s illegitimate daughter. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese.[31]
Princess Sakuya Ōkami
  • PS2
  • Wii
  • PS3 (PSN)
Wood sprite and guardian of Kamiki Village.
Lady Bow Paper Mario
  • Nintendo 64
  • iQue Player
The princess-like leader of the Boos and one of Mario’s eight allies.
Maia Phantasy Star III Sega Genesis She is the Layan princess of Cille.
Hariette Renata Reina Cuento Phantasy Star Online 2
  • Windows
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Xbox Series X/S
She is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Cuento. Voiced by Faye Mata in English and Megumi Han in Japanese.
Rayfa Padma Khura’in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice Nintendo 3DS The crown princess of a small Asian county, the Kingdom of Khura’in, and a royal priestess of the Khura’inism religion. By post-game she has become in-line as Queen, with his brother acting as regent in her place. She is known by the official address of, «Her Benevolence».
The Princess Prince of Persia (1989) Apple II The daughter of the Sultan.
Princess Elika Prince of Persia (2008)
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
Princess of Ahura and daughter of the Mourning King. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren.
Princess Farah Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  • GBA
  • PS2
  • GameCube
  • Xbox
  • Windows
  • Mobile
  • PS3
Also appears in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, she is the daughter of the Maharajah of India. Voiced by Joanna Wasick and Helen King.
Eustiana «Pecorine» von Astraea Princess Connect! Re:Dive
  • Android
  • iOS
  • DMM
The swordswoman and Guide Master of the Gourmet Edifice guild, she is a human princess whose country of Landsol develops Legends of Astrum. Voiced by M・A・O.
Gradriel Do Valendia Princess Crown
  • Sega Saturn
  • PSP
The 13-year-old princess who has been set to become the new queen and savior of her kingdom of Valendia after the death of her mother Queen Elfaran De Valendia.
Leticia La Mew Symphonia Princess Holiday
  • Windows
  • Dreamcast
  • PS2
Minerva Princess Minerva
  • NEC PC-9801
  • PC Engine
  • Super Famicom
She is a princess of the kingdom of Whistler and an eponymous protagonist of the game who has been threatened by the evil sorceress Dynastar to kidnap all women but soon leaves with her eight female bodyguards to defeat her. Voiced by Miki Itō.
The Princesses Princess Quest
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
  • Churros, princess of Rouresu. Voiced by Ai Orikasa.
  • Custard, princess of Rarian. Voiced by Sakura Tange.
  • Gelato, princess of Soodaresu. Voiced by Mifuyu Hiiragi.
  • Millefeuille, princess of Northland. Voiced by Yuri Shiratori.
  • Pannacotta, princess of Gimuria. Voiced by Kikuko Inoue.
Princess Tomato Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-6001
  • FM-7
  • MSX
  • NES/Famicom
  • VC
Eclair La Pucelle: Tactics
  • PS2
  • PSP
Princess of Paprika. Voiced by Amber Hood in English and Natsuko Kuwatani in Japanese.
Princess Serephine Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
  • Nintendo DS
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Windows
  • Wii
  • iOS
  • Xbox 360
  • PS2
  • PS3
Runaway daughter of the Emperor, who becomes a companion if the player chooses to rescue her from being forced into an arranged marriage.
Princess Irieth/Kisala Rogue Galaxy PlayStation 2 She is the lost princess, and later queen, of the planet Mariglenn who has been adopted by Captain Dorgengoa of the Dorgenark pirate ship but is actually the biological daughter of King Albioth and Queen Freidias. Voiced by Natalie Lander in English and Aya Ueto in Japanese.
Princess Cassidy The Royal Trap
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
The heir and future queen of Gwellinor, and the sister of Prince Calum, who has been kidnapped during the party held in her honor.[32]
Princess Kurumi Sega Ninja
  • Arcade
  • SG-1000
  • Master System
The ninja princess who uses throwing knives and throwing stars to battle the enemies.
Princess Elis Shining Force II Sega Mega Drive She is the princess of Granseal.
Rufina Shining Hearts PlayStation Portable She is the gentle princess of Wynderia and the younger sister of Prince Ragnus.
Princess Jessa Shining in the Darkness Sega Mega Drive She is the princess of Thornwood.
Excella Noa Aura Shining Resonance Refrain
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Windows
The imperial princess and the top-tier dragon knight.
Sonia Blanche The determined princess of Astoria.
Princess Camille Shining Soul II Game Boy Advance Also known as Princess Cocotte in Japanese, she is the daughter of King Marcel and Queen Yvonne of Klantol.
Princess Satera Shining Wisdom Sega Saturn
Princesses Puripuri and Puchipuchi Snow Bros.
  • Arcade
  • Game Boy
  • NES
  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Android
  • iOS
Also known in the NES port as Princesses Teri and Tina, they are the twin princesses who have been taken captive by the evil King Scorch. One of them reappears in the following sequel Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves.
Blaze the Cat
  • Sonic Rush
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic Rush Adventure
  • Nintendo DS
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
The princess of the Sol Empire, there is some controversy over her back story, as it changes depending on the video game.
Princess Elise III Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
The ruler of Soleanna who Sonic escorts from the evil Doctor Eggman multiple times. Voiced by Lacey Chabert in English and Maaya Sakamoto in Japanese.
Hildegard von Krone Soulcalibur IV
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
Better known as «Hilde».
Princess Ami
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The fairy princess of Charmed Ridge who has been engaged to marry the feline prince Azrael and gives a dragon egg to Spyro.
Princess Popcorn Starflyers
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
She is the princess, and later queen, of Planet Pop-a-Lot, though in real life it is Katie Cadet’s mother, in «Royal Jewel Rescue».
Elena Street Fighter III: New Generation
  • Arcade
  • Dreamcast
An African princess from Kenya and younger daughter of Chief Jafari.
Ailish Sudeki
  • Xbox
  • Windows
Princess of Illumina, daughter of Queen Lusica, and one of the main characters of the game.
Jillia Blight Suikoden II
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
She is a princess of the Highland Kingdom, and the half-sister of the villainous Luca Blight, who marries Jowy Atreides.
Flare En Kuldes Suikoden IV PlayStation 2 She is the daughter of King Lino En Kuldes and the princess of Obel. Voiced by Kari Wahlgren in English and Yamakawa Kotomi in Japanese.
Lymsleia «Lym» Falenas Suikoden V PlayStation 2 She is the princess and heir of the Queendom of Falena, the younger sister of the Prince and the daughter of Queen Arshtat and Ferid Egan. Voiced by Philece Sampler in English and Ishige Sawa in Japanese.
Corselia Suikoden Tactics PlayStation 2 She is the former princess whose grandfather Julius was the last emperor of the Kooluk Empire. Voiced by Stephanie Sheh in English and Akane Oomae in Japanese.
Phara Mir Celestia Summon Night X: Tears Crown Nintendo DS She is the princess and heir of the Kingdom of Celestia, daughter of King Novice Won Celestia and younger sister of Prince Noin, and the female protagonist of the game. Voiced by Minori Chihara.
Sprixie Princesses Super Mario 3D World Wii U The seven fairy princesses of the Sprixie Kingdom:

  • Green Sprixie Princess
  • Yellow Sprixie Princess
  • Blue Sprixie Princess
  • Orange Sprixie Princess
  • Purple Sprixie Princess
  • Cyan Sprixie Princess
  • Red Sprixie Princess
Princess Peach Toadstool Super Mario Bros. NES Princess Peach is the sovereign of the Mushroom Kingdom, a principality in Nintendo’s Mario series. In most games, she has long thick blonde locks, a golden crown dazzled by rubies and sapphires, upper-elbow length gloves, pink lipstick, blue eyes, a long pink dress, and pink pumps.
Rosalina Super Mario Galaxy Wii A princess from outer space who lives in the Comet Observatory.
Princess Daisy Super Mario Land Nintendo Game Boy Ruler of Sarasaland.
Princess Dee-Dee Super Monkey Ball Adventure
  • GameCube
  • PS2
  • PSP
The monkey princess of Kongri-la.
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear Tales of the Abyss
  • PS2
  • 3DS
Princess of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, though not by birth. Natalia was taken to replace the stillborn Kimlascan princess. She is the biological daughter of Largo the Black Lion and Sylvia, the midwife’s daughter. She is a fiancée of Luke fon Fabre, the game’s main protagonist.
Kaguya Houraisan Touhou Project Windows Essentially Kaguya-hime from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. However, in this version of events it explains that she never returned to the moon, instead going into hiding on earth.
Yuyuko Saigyouji The ghost princess of Hakugyokurou, part of the Netherworld.
Angela Trials of Mana
  • Super Famicom
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
She is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Altena and one of the main protagonists of the game. In the video game remake, she is voiced by Sarah Miller-Crews in English and Rumi Ookubo in Japanese.
Riesz She is the princess of the Wind Kingdom of Laurent and one of six main characters of the game. She is voiced by Brittany Cox in English and Mikako Komatsu in Japanese in the video game remake.
Cordelia Glenbrook Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch The princess whose Kingdom of Glenbrook has been seized by the villainous Archduke Gustadolph Aesfrost. She is the younger sister of Princes Roland and Frani and the daughter of the late King Regna. Voiced by Rosie Day in English and Reina Ueda in Japanese.
Frederica Aesfrost The princess of the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost and the member of the House Wolffort War Council whose mother Orlaea was a hero who freed the Rosellan people during the Saltiron War. She is the half-sister of Archduke Gustadolph and betorthed to protagonist Serenoa Wolffort. Voiced by Emma Ballantine in English and Minami Tsuda in Japanese.
Cordelia gi Randgriz Valkyria Chronicles
  • PS3
  • Windows
  • PS4
Cordelia is formerly the crown princess of Gallia. She later becomes the archduchess in Valkyria Chronicles II. Voiced by Kate Higgins (English) and Mamiko Noto (Japanese).
Ophelia Augusta af Jutland Valkyria Revolution
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Xbox One
Princess of Jutland and one of the main characters in the game. Voiced by Eden Riegel (English) and Saori Hayami (Japanese).
Jelanda Valkyrie Profile
  • PlayStation
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
Sorceress princess of Artolia. Voiced by Rachael Lillis (English) and Kae Araki (Japanese).
Alicia Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria PlayStation 2 The princess of Dipan, the only daughter of King Barbarossa, and one of the main characters of the game. Voiced by Michelle Ruff in English and Akiko Yajima in Japanese.
Archer Princesses
  • Chrystie, runaway princess of Paltierre. Voiced by Hunter MacKenzie Austin in English and Yuri Amano in Japanese.
  • Lydia, princess of Crell Monferaigne. Voiced by Erica Lenhart in English and Yuri Amano in Japanese.
Princess Shokora Wario Land 4 GBA A cursed princess from an ancient kingdom.
Princess Priscilla Wizard and the Princess
  • Apple II
  • Atari 8-bit
  • Commodore 64
  • IBM PC
  • IBM PCjr
  • FM-7
  • PC-88
  • PC-98
The princess of Serenia and daughter of King George IV.
Princess of Elrond Wizards & Warriors NES
Princess Elaine Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of Fear Game Boy
Melia Antiqua Xenoblade Chronicles
  • Wii
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Mage and crown princess of the High Entia. Voiced by Shiori Katsuta (original Japanese) and Jenna Coleman (English dub).
Elaine Laccius Xexex Arcade Princess of the planet E-Square. Voiced by Sumi Shimamoto.
Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz Yggdra Union: We’ll Never Fight Alone
  • Game Boy Advance
  • PlayStation Portable
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Android
  • iOS
Princess of Fantasinia and leader of the Royal Liberation Army.


Princess Origin Notes
Princess Ai No Miko AdventureQuest Worlds Princess of Yokai Island. Also known as «Princess Miko».
Princess Brittany Princess Royal of Swordhaven, eldest daughter of King Alteon and heir to the throne of Swordhaven. Wife of Lord Brentan, Guardian of the Neverglades.
Princess Victoria Rebellious second daughter of King Alteon. Better known (though unbeknownst to her overprotective father) as «Robina the Hood».
Princess Tara Youngest daughter of King Alteon.
Feferi Peixes Homestuck The heiress of the Alternian Empire and the descendant of Her Imperious Condescension. SBURB title is «Witch Of Life».

See also[edit]

  • Princess and dragon
  • List of fictional princes
  • List of fictional monarchs (fictional countries)
  • List of fictional nobility


  1. ^ «Angelica». britannica.com. Retrieved 1 March 2017.
  2. ^ Downey, FairFax. Richard Harding Davis and His Day pp. 1, 146–47 (1933)
  3. ^ Princess of Fire at Goodreads
  4. ^ a b Omnilexia: «Who is Maria Bolkonskaya?» Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  5. ^ a b Princess Marie at IMDb. Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  6. ^ Omnilexia: «Who is Prince Bolkonsky?» Retrieved 16 March 2014.
  7. ^ Adalmina’s Pearl – TV Tropes
  8. ^ Gilbert, Ryan (13 January 2014). «Disney Confirms Broadway Plans for Hit Movie Frozen». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  9. ^ Emery, Debbie (13 January 2014). «‘Frozen’ Musical Is Headed to Broadway — Hollywood Reporter». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  10. ^ «Disney’s Moana JR». Retrieved August 1, 2022.
  11. ^ «Disney’s Mulan JR». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  12. ^ A Winter Princess on IMDb
  13. ^ Geraldine Brophy at the Internet Movie Database
  14. ^ [«Once Upon a Time Exclusive: Find Out Who Will Let Down Her Hair as Rapunzel»]. TV Line. December 4, 2013.
  15. ^ Tauber, Michelle (29 January 2015). «Princess Elena of Avalor: First Latina Disney Princess». People. Retrieved 29 January 2015.
  16. ^ Messer, Lesley (29 January 2015). «Meet Elena of Avalor, Disney’s First Latina Princess — ABC News». Good Morning America. Retrieved 29 January 2015.
  17. ^ Ron Clements and John Musker (directors) (1989). The Little Mermaid (Film). Walt Disney Pictures.
  18. ^ Peggy Holmes (director) (2008). The Little Mermaid III: Ariel’s Beginning (Film). Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.
  19. ^ Jim Kammerud and Brian Smith (directors) (2000). The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (Film). Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
  20. ^ B, Laura (June 22, 2016). «Queer Love’s Kiss: LBGTQ Representation In Modern Cartoons». The Geekiary. Retrieved November 5, 2022.
  21. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (June 15, 2020). «Redo of Healer Anime Reveals Main Cast, 2021 Premiere». Anime News Network. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  22. ^ Coats, Cayla (February 13, 2019). «Meet Shield Hero’s New English Cast!». Crunchyroll. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  23. ^ Lastra, Jackie [@JackieLastra] (March 6, 2019). «I’m so happy to join the cast of #RisingoftheSheildHero as Princess Melty Melromarc! I highly recommend this show to anyone looking for a great adventure! They did a great job adapting it from the manga. Check out the English dubs every Wed @ 7:30am on @Crunchyroll» (Tweet). Retrieved March 10, 2019 – via Twitter.
  24. ^ New Disney Princess: Meet Sophia the First — International Business Times
  25. ^ Disney unveils newest princess, Sophia the First, for toddlers — NY Daily News
  26. ^ Disney princess Sophia ‘not Latin enough’ for some
  27. ^ Disney defends new Hispanic-influenced princess — Yahoo TV
  28. ^ «April’s Fool». TV.Com. 1989. Retrieved 19 November 2018.
  29. ^ Lada, Jenni (March 11, 2022). «The DioField Chronicle Characters Introduced». Siliconera.
  30. ^ JumpStart 2nd Grade Math
  31. ^ a b c «Odin Sphere (2007 Video Game)». Behind The Voice Actors.
  32. ^ Johnson, Neilie (2012). «The Royal Trap Review». Gamezebo. Retrieved October 29, 2022.

Принцессы из мультфильмов Уолта Диснея — эталон красоты, доброты и женственности для девочек во всем мире. Первой на экранах появилась Белоснежка в 1937 году. К началу XXI века насчитывалось тринадцать принцесс. В начале 2000 года для расширения ассортимента рекламных товаров титулом наградили всех главных героинь мультфильмов студии Disney. В следующем списке собраны имена и картинки диснеевских принцесс с их характеристиками.


Героиня мультфильма по сказке братьев Гримм — настоящая принцесса, дочь вдовствующего короля. Ее отец женился во второй раз на самой красивой женщине в королевстве. Мачеха приказала убить затмившую ее красотой падчерицу. Но принцессу пожалел охотник.

Характеристика Белоснежки:

  • черные волосы, кожа белее снега;
  • доброта, отзывчивость, забота и оптимизм;
  • подружилась с лесными птицами, животными и гномами.

Художники раскрашивали лицо Белоснежки с помощью средств для макияжа, а певица Адриана Каселотти после озвучки мультфильма больше не выступала, поэтому голос диснеевской принцессы уникален.


Дочь охотника превратилась в служанку для злой мачехи и двух сводных сестер. Но Крестная Фея подарила девушке шанс побыть принцессой на балу.

Характеристика Золушки:

  • высокая, стройная, с золотистыми волосами;
  • добра к мачехе и сестрам, несмотря на их пакости;
  • потеряла туфельку из-за ноги размером 11,4 сантиметра.

Золушка — любимая принцесса Уолта Диснея, а момент превращения ее старого платья в бальный наряд больше всего нравился художнику. В мультфильме есть удаленная сцена, в которой усталая Золушка мечтает об армии своих двойников.

Аврора из «Спящей красавицы»

Героиня диснеевского мультфильма по сказке Шарля Перро до шестнадцати лет жила в лесу на попечении трех фей. Принцессу Аврору в младенчестве прокляла ведьма Малефисента за то, что король не пригласил ее на крестины. Укол от веретена обрек ее на вечный сон.

Характеристика Авроры:

  • светлокожая, со светлыми волосами;
  • мечтательная и оторванная от внешнего мира;
  • проспала все приключения, пока феи искали способ победить Малефисенту.

В мультфильме у диснеевской принцессы Авроры мало реплик, а общее пребывание героини на экране занимает 18 минут.

Ариэль из «Русалочка»

Дочь морского владыки Тритона жила беззаботно, пока не влюбилась в принца. Колдовство морской ведьмы помогло героине встать на ноги и попасть во дворец. Но лишь одно сказанное слово обратит принцессу в морскую пену.

Характеристика Ариэль:

  • огненно-рыжие волосы, рыбий хвост;
  • непоседливая, любопытная, независимая;
  • самая поющая из всех принцесс.

В диснеевском мультфильме «Русалочка» звучит больше всего песен, исполненных главной героиней и счастливый конец, в отличие от сказки Г.-Х. Андерсена.

Белль из «Красавицы и чудовища»

Героиня мультфильма по французской сказке стала принцессой после того, как вышла замуж за принца, долгое время обитавшего в заколдованном замке в облике чудовища. Когда ее отец попал в ловушку, местные парни побоялись идти на выручку. Простая девушка отважно переступила порог замка и осталась в его стенах в обмен на свободу отца.

Характеристика Белль:

  • каштановые волосы, карие глаза;
  • начитанная и интеллигентная девушка;
  • вместо замужества мечтала о путешествиях.

Белль — единственная из всех диснеевских принцесс, которая по сюжету не поет.

Мультфильм «Красавица и чудовище» — первый анимационный проект студии Disney, номинированный на «Оскар».

Жасмин из «Аладдина»

Дочь султана Аграбы пленила сердце юного бродяги Аладдина. Отец оберегает принцессу от опасностей, запрещает покидать дворец и готов отдать замуж за злодея Джафара. Загадочный принц на ковре-самолете осуществляет мечту героини о приключениях. Принцесса счастлива узнать, что за богатым одеянием скрывается Аладдин.

Характеристика Жасмин:

  • черные волосы, оливковая кожа;
  • авантюрная, принципиальная, мудрая и щедрая;
  • носит брюки-шаровары, а не платье.

Восточной диснеевской принцессе собирались дать имя Бадрулбадур, как в сказке «Тысяча и одна ночь». Аладдина сначала рисовали совсем оборванцем, но в мультфильме изобразили более романтичным бродягой.


Диснеевский мультфильм о дочери индейского вождя основан на реальных событиях. Покахонтас спасла от гибели колониста Джона Смита и стала послом мира между индейцами и белыми людьми.

Характеристика Покахонтас:

  • смуглая кожа, прямые черные волосы, на руке татуировка;
  • смелая, свободолюбивая, любит свой край и природу;
  • лучшие друзья — индианка Накома, енот Мико и колибри Флит.

Покахонтас меньше повезло в любви, чем другим диснеевским принцессам. В конце мультфильма героиня рассталась с Джоном Смитом.


Юная Мулан прикинулась парнем, чтобы на войну не забрали ее престарелого отца. Ловкая фехтовальщица показала себя толковым воином, но капитан Ли Шанг разгадал тайну героини.

Характеристика Мулан:

  • черные волосы до плеч, раскосые глаза;
  • самоотверженная патриотка, своенравная, дерзкая;
  • в мужском обличии назвалась именем Хуа Пин, которое созвучно китайскому названию женоподобного мужчины.

Мулан — самая воинственная и смертоносная героиня диснеевских мультфильмов. В одиночку она расправилась с вражеским отрядом в две тысячи человек.

Тиана из «Принцессы и лягушки»

В Новом Орлеане, где процветают культ вуду и карнавалы, легко стать принцессой. Стоило официантке Тиане надеть на праздник пышное платье и тиару, как тут же она встретила принца. Правда, его еще надо расколдовать — поцелуем превратить из лягушки в человека. Но магия в диснеевских мультфильмах непредсказуема и Тиана сама превратилась в принцессу-лягушку.

Характеристика Тианы:

  • афроамериканка, с темной кожей и волосами;
  • трудолюбивая, целеустремленная, честная;
  • тяжело работала, чтобы открыть собственный ресторан.

Почти весь мультфильм Тиана пребывает в облике лягушки, а в конце героиня сама справляется со злодеем, в отличие от обычных диснеевских принцесс.


Златовласая Рапунцель с детства жила в высокой башне под неусыпным оком матери-ведьмы и мечтала увидеть вблизи загадочные огоньки, которые поднимаются в небо вдалеке. Встреча с мошенником Флином исполнила мечту героини, разрушила привычную жизнь и помогла найти настоящих родителей.

Характеристика Рапунцель:

  • волосы длиной 21 метр, исполняют желание, если пропеть заклинание;
  • любознательная, доверчивая;
  • лучший друг — хамелеон Паскаль.

Мультфильм о Рапунцель — первое творение студии Disney, в котором есть взрослые шутки.

Мерида из «Храброй сердцем»

Дочь шотландского короля, меткая лучница и ловкая наездница пренебрегает придворным этикетом. Мерида не слушает советы матери и всячески отстаивает свою свободу. Но когда королева Элинор превратилась в медведицу, принцесса бросилась ее спасать.

Характеристика Мериды:

  • рыжие густые непослушные волосы, веснушки на лице;
  • сильная физически и духом;
  • имеет троих родных братьев.

Диснеевский мультфильм «Храбрая сердцем» раскрывает тему взаимоотношений детей и родителей, поэтому в сюжете нет любовной линии. Для изображения волос принцессы Мериды использовали 111 тысяч натуральных волосков и компьютерную обработку.

Алиса из Страны Чудес

Девочка, погнавшаяся за белым кроликом, не была принцессой, но происходила из аристократической английской семьи.

Характеристика Алисы:

  • девочка с голубыми глазами и золотистыми волосами;
  • мечтательная, любопытная, но рассудительная;
  • умеет решать трудные задачи.

В диснеевском мультфильме Алиса определяет стороны у круглого гриба, меняет рост по обстоятельствам и даже выступает свидетельницей на королевском суде.

Динь-Динь из «Питера Пэна»

Маленькая фея стала помощницей мальчика Питера, который не хотел взрослеть. Динь-Динь живет в Долине Фей, коллекционирует потерянные вещи и заботится о том, чтобы всем хватило волшебной пыльцы.

Характеристика Динь-Динь:

  • золотистые волосы, прозрачные крылышки, ростом с цветочный бутон;
  • дерзкая, вспыльчивая, ревнивая, преданная;
  • при движении издает мелодичный звон.

В оригинальном мультфильме Динь-Динь не говорит, а только звенит. В персональном диснеевском мультсериале самая волшебная из всех принцесс обрела голос.

Эсмеральда — «Горбун из Нотр-Дама»

Уличная танцовщица Эсмеральда защищала горбуна Квазимодо от унижений, восстала против судьи Фролло и нашла любовь с капитаном Фебом.

Характеристика Эсмеральды:

  • смуглая босая цыганка с зелеными глазами и черными волосами;
  • хитрая, справедливая, милосердная;
  • похожа на актрису Джину Лоллобриджиду.

Цыганка из парижских катакомб превратилась в принцессу благодаря студии Disney.

В романе Гете Эсмеральда погибла от руки Фролло, но в мультфильме героиня вышла замуж, стала носить туфли и родила сына Зефира.

Жизель — «Зачарованная»

Типичная диснеевская принцесса Жизель жила в волшебной стране Андалазии и собиралась замуж за принца Эдварда. Но свекровь королева-ведьма Нарисса отправила невестку из двухмерного мира мультфильма в реальный Нью-Йорк.

Характеристика Жизель:

  • рыжие волосы, большие голубые глаза;
  • наивная, простодушная, жизнерадостная;
  • поет песни, разговаривает с животными, шьет платья.

Жизель — единственная диснеевская героиня, которая предстает в мультяшном и человеческом облике. В постановочной части о приключениях в Нью-Йорке принцессу сыграла Эми Адамс.

Кида — «Атлантида: Затерянный мир»

Дочь царя Атлантиды Кидагакаш или Кида унаследовала престол. В диснеевском мультфильме после гибели отца от рук захватчиков, героиня спасла энергетический кристалл, питающий древний город и вместе с ученым Майло взялась за восстановление былого величия атлантов.

Характеристика Киды:

  • белые волосы, темная кожа;
  • милая, смелая, воинственная;
  • сократила имя, чтобы Майло мог его выговорить.

Отважная диснеевская принцесса Кида бережет покой и благополучие своей страны и всегда готова помочь друзьям.

Леди Мариан — «Робин Гуд»

Легенда о благородном разбойнике превратилась в мультфильм, в котором герои — антропоморфные звери. Леди Мариан жила при дворе короля Ричарда, но покинула королевские покои ради счастья с любимым Робином Гудом.

Характеристика леди Мариан:

  • рыжая лисичка в сиреневом платье и средневековом головном уборе атуре;
  • добродетельная, женственная, романтичная;
  • родственница короля Ричарда.

Леди Мариан хорошо воспитана, но любит приключения. Песня героини из мультфильма — одно из популярных произведений музыкального наследия Disney.

Нала — «Король лев»

  • Подруга детства и невеста наследника львиного прайда Симбы — ключевой персонаж самого успешного мультфильма студии Disney. Принцесса Нала помогла другу вновь поверить в себя и победить тирана Скара.
  • Характеристика Налы:
  • очаровательная львица;
  • прямолинейная, настойчивая, бесстрашная, справедливая;
  • любит приключения, но бывает благоразумной.

Мультфильм «Король лев» получил две премии «Оскар» за музыку Элтона Джона и Ханса Циммера, побил рекорд по продажам. Диснеевская принцесса Нала появилась во второй и третьей части истории.

Мегара (Мэг) — «Геркулес»

Героиня диснеевского мультфильма по мотивам греческих легенд сначала помогала злодею Аиду победить Геркулеса. Принцесса Мегара искала уязвимое место полубога, а нашла любовь и спасение от вечных скитаний в Царстве Тьмы.

Характеристика Мегары:

  • стройная, с фиолетовыми глазами и темными волосами;
  • циничная, саркастичная, разочарованная в любви;
  • продала душу Аиду ради спасения принца Адониса.

Диснеевская принцесса Мегара вновь пожертвовала собой, чтобы спасти Геркулеса и герой не разочаровал ее. Геркулес спустился в Тартар, чтобы просить Аида вернуть любимую к жизни.

Эльза — «Холодное сердце»

Принцесса-колдунья — старшая дочь в королевской семье. Эльза испугалась, что ее магия причинит вред близким, поселилась в холодной стране и стала Снежной королевой.

Характеристика Эльзы:

  • волосы платинового оттенка, голубые глаза;
  • чувствительная и любящая натура под маской холодности;
  • повелительница снега, холода и льда.

В мультфильме диснеевская принцесса Эльза переживает духовную трансформацию от игривой девочки до одинокой могущественной королевы.

Анна — «Холодное сердце»

Младшая сестра Эльзы — обычная принцесса без магического дара. Героиня разыскала Снежную королеву и пробудила в ней теплые чувства.

Характеристика Анны:

  • каштановые волосы, зеленые глаза;
  • самоотверженная, отважная, оптимистичная;
  • в детстве во время игры попала под магический удар сестры и потеряла сознание.

Несчастный случай привел к расставанию Анны и Эльзы. Чтобы найти старшую сестру, принцесса Анна противостоит стихии и магии.

София Прекрасная

Девочка София стала принцессой после того как ее мама, работница обувного магазина, вышла замуж за короля.

Характеристика Софии:

  • голубоглазая, с рыжими волосами;
  • скромная, умная, щедрая;
  • получила в подарок от короля волшебный амулет, который призывает на помощь диснеевских принцесс.

В четырех сезонах мультсериала и трех диснеевских полнометражных мультфильмах принцесса София постигает магическую науку и противостоит козням придворного мага.


Дочь вождя племени островитян отправилась в морское путешествие, чтобы вернуть сердце богине жизни Те Фити и спасти мир от разрушения.

Характеристика Моаны:

  • мускулистая, кареглазая, с черными кучерявыми волосами;
  • упрямая, отважная, бесстрашная;
  • избрана Океаном для великой миссии.

Имя Моана в переводе с наречия маори означает «океан». Волосы диснеевской принцессы выглядят реалистично благодаря специальной компьютерной технике изображения.


Будьте первым, кто оставит отзыв.


Показать больше

Будьте первым, кто оставит отзыв.

  • Сценарий
  • Актёры
  • Декорации
  • Костюмы
  • Графика
  • Звук

Принцессы Disney (или Диснеевские принцессы; англ. Disney Princess) — медиафраншиза, принадлежащая компании The Walt Disney Company.



Официальные принцессы Disney имеют несколько общих признаков, которые иногда описываются как «правила» для включения в официальную линейку:

  1. Героиня является человеком или, как в случае с Ариэль, человекоподобным.
  2. Героиня играет главную, основную или центральную роль в диснеевском или пиксаровском мультипликационном фильме.
  3. Героиня не была представлена в сиквеле, приквеле или мидквеле.
  4. Героиня родилась в королевской семье, вышла замуж за королевскую особу или, как в случае с Мулан, совершила акт героизма.
  5. Финансовый успех мультфильма, из которого происходит героиня, также может рассматриваться как решающий фактор включения персонажа во франшизу. Этим может объясняться отсутствие в линейке Айлонви и Киды.


Официальные принцессы


Героиня самого первого диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма «Белоснежка и семь гномов», снятого в 1937 году по мотивам сказки братьев Гримм «Белоснежка» (нем. Schneewittchen).

Белоснежка — осиротевшая юная принцесса, которая живёт со своей тщеславной и завистливой мачехой-королевой, желающей быть самой прекрасной женщиной на свете. Завидуя красоте падчерицы, королева приказывает своему придворному охотнику расправиться с ней, но тот отказывается убивать невинную девушку и позволяет ей убежать в лес. Там Белоснежка при помощи лесных животных обнаруживает маленький домик, в котором обитают семеро гномов. Сдружившись с хозяевами, девушка остаётся там жить. Однако королева при помощи своего волшебного зеркала находит укрытие Белоснежки и при помощи Отравленного Яблока погружает девушку в смертный сон, от которого Белоснежку своим поцелуем спасает её возлюбленный — принц.

Белоснежка является самой первой официальной принцессой Disney, а также самой юной из них — на момент событий оригинального мультфильма ей всего четырнадцать лет.

На момент событий сериала «Однажды в сказке», у неё есть дочь Эмма, внуки Генри и Хоуп, и правнучка Люси притом что сама принцесса выглядит моложе 30 лет


Героиня одноимённого диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма, снятого в 1950 году по мотивам знаменитой сказки Шарля Перро «Золушка» (фр. Cendrillon).


Героиня диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма «Спящая красавица», снятого в 1959 году по мотивам одноимённой сказки Шарля Перро.

Аврора — долгожданная и единственная дочь короля Стефана и королевы Лии, которая сразу после рождения становится жертвой зловещего заклятия могущественной и злой феи Малефисенты. Она предсказывает принцессе смерть в день её шестнадцатилетия от укола об веретено. Но одной из трёх добрых фей — Мэривезе, удаётся смягчить проклятие, сделав так, что Аврора не умрёт, а уснёт глубоким сном, от которого её разбудит поцелуй настоящей любви.


Героиня диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма «Русалочка», снятого в 1989 году по мотивам одноимённой сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена. Ариэль также является четвёртой принцессой Диснея и единственной не человеческого происхождения. Морская дева (русалочка) Ариэль — младшая дочь морского царя Тритона. Изначально жила в Атлантике со своими друзьями — крабом Себастьяном и рыбкой Флаундером. У Ариэль голубые глаза, длинные красные волосы, зелёный хвост и фиолетовые ракушки-бикини. Озвучкой Ариэль занимается актриса Джоди Бенсон.

Ариэль — четвёртая официальная принцесса Disney, и третья из них по старшинству (вместе с Авророй и Жасмин) — ей 16 лет. Первая принцесса у которой есть дочь.


Героиня диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма «Красавица и Чудовище», снятого в 1991 году по мотивам одноимённой сказки Жанны Мари Лепренс де Бомон. Белль — дочь изобретателя, очень любит читать и мечтать.


Героиня диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма «Аладдин», снятого в 1992 году по мотивам одноимённой сказки из сборника «Тысяча и одна ночь». Жасмин — пылкая и независимая принцесса Аграбы, которая мечтает увидеть мир за пределами дворца и найти свою настоящую любовь, а не выйти замуж согласно королевскому закону.


Покахонтас основана на реальной коренной американской «принцессе» племени Повхатан (имя также принадлежит её отцу, лидеру). Её настоящее имя было Матаока, так как Покахонтас было её прозвищем и означало «Playful One». Она влюбляется в человека по имени Джон Смит, который помогает ей предотвратить начало войны между их людьми. В конце фильма Джон ранен и отправлен обратно в Лондон для лечения.

Фа Мулан

Фа Мулан (или просто Мулан) — героиня, которая олицетворяет женщину-мужчину, который сражается за китайскую Имперскую армию, чтобы защитить своего больного отца, которого следовало бы уйти, если бы она не ушла на его место. Мулан притворяется сыном своего отца, Пинг, рискуя смертью и бесчестием, если её обнаружат. Присоединившись к борющимся отрядам новичков во главе с капитаном Ли Шан (или просто Шангом), «Пинг» является движущей силой драматического изменения войск в приличных солдатах. «Пинг» восхищается всеми, пока «он» не получил травмы во время битвы и не нуждался в медицинской помощи, в результате чего «его» секрет был нарушен. Поскольку «Пинг» спас жизнь Шан, Шан погасил свой долг и пощадил жизнь Мулана. В Имперской армии больше не допускается, Мулан становится изгоем и побеждает лидера гунов Шаня Ю. Китайский император восхваляет Мулана, признавая её героем за спасение Китая и за честь для своей семьи. Мулан приветствуется в её доме с любящими, распростертыми объятиями.

Хотя её и называют принцессой, формально она не является принцессой ни по рождению, ни по мужу.





Неофициальные принцессы

Диснеевские героини или фактические принцессы, которые не считаются частью официальной линейки, но являются героинями/принцессами в своих соответствующих фильмах. Тем не менее, некоторые из данных героинь всё же появлялись в некоторых официальных товарах франшизы.

  • Минни Маус
  • Алиса (Алиса в Стране Чудес)
  • Венди Дарлинг (Питер Пэн)
  • Динь-Динь (Питер Пэн)
  • Девица Мариан (Робин Гуд)
  • Принцесса Лея Органа (серия фильмов «Звёздные войны»)
  • Принцесса Айлонви (Чёрный Котёл)
  • Принцессы Аттина, Алана, Аделла, Аквата, Ариста и Андрина (Русалочка)
  • Королева Нала (Король Лев)
  • Эсмеральда (Горбун из Нотр-Дама)
  • Мегара (Геркулес)
  • Королева Атта (Приключения Флика)
  • Принцесса Дора (Приключения Флика)
  • Принцесса Киара (Король Лев 2: Гордость Симбы)
  • Джейн Портер (Тарзан)
  • Джесси (История игрушек 2)
  • Принцесса Мелоди (Русалочка 2: Возвращение в море)
  • Императрица Кида (Атлантида: Затерянный мир)
  • Каири (серия игр Kingdom Hearts)
  • Принцессы Тинг-Тинг, Су и Мэй (Мулан 2)
  • Килала Рено (Принцесса Килала)
  • Жизель (Зачарованная)
  • Ванилопа фон Кекс (Ральф)
  • Принцесса София (София Прекрасная)
  • Принцесса Эмбер (София Прекрасная)
  • Принцесса Анна (Холодное сердце)
  • Королева Эльза (Холодное сердце)
  • Принцесса Елена (Елена — принцесса Авалора)



На Disney Wiki имеется коллекция изображений и медиафайлов, относящихся к статье Диснеевские принцессы.



Disney princess render pack 1 by zoisitesarugaki-d7o5fs5.png

Официальные диснеевские принцессы: БелоснежкаЗолушкаАврораАриэльБелльЖасминПокахонтасМуланТианаРапунцельМерида
Другие принцессы: АйлонвиМелодиКида НедакхТинг-Тинг, Су и МейКилала РеноКаириПринцесса Седьмого НебаВанилопа фон КексСофияАннаЭльзаЕлена
Другие героини (протагонистки): Минни МаусАлисаВенди ДарлингДинь-ДиньЭсмеральдаНалаМегараДжейн ПортерМоана
Парки Disney
Enchanted Storybook CastleFairy Tale ForestFantasy FaireGolden Fairytale FanfareMickey’s Magical CelebrationPrincess PavilionRoyal Banquet Hall
Видеоигры: Disney PrincessDisney Princess: Royal AdventureПринцессы: Зачарованный мирDisney Princess: My Fairytale AdventureDisney Princess Enchanting Storybooks

Домашнее видео: Disney Princess Sing Along Songs: Once Upon a DreamDisney Princess Sing Along Songs Vol. 2: Enchanted Tea PartyDisney Princess Sing Along Songs Vol. 3: Perfectly PrincessВолшебные истории принцесс Disney: Следуй за мечтой
Книги: Принцесса КилалаDisney PrincessDisney Princess BeginningsPrincesses Through the SeasonsDisney Princess Comics TreasuryDisney Princess TreasuryA Royal ChristmasThe Disney Princess Little Golden Book LibraryThe Art of the Disney Princess

См. также
София ПрекраснаяФеи DisneyПринцессы СердцаКоролевские питомцыАкадемия принцессПушистые истории

Принцессы Диснея, список

Официальные диснеевские принцессы, слева направо: Ариэль, Покахонтас, Жасмин, Белль, Рапунцель, Аврора, Золушка, Тиана, Мулан и Белоснежка.Список принцесс Диснея — с именами и изображениями принцесс.

Принцессы из мультфильмов Диснея (Disney Princess) знакомы девочкам всех стран мира: выпускаются и куклы, и множество аксессуаров, канцелярских товаров, с изображением принцесс, а также детские журналы (Мир Принцесс, и т.п., где главные героини — именно знакомые по мультикам принцессы). И книги, раскраски.

Хотя в мультфильмах Диснея есть много женских героинь, в том числе и королевского происхождения, официальный список принцесс Диснея — торжественная линейка, в которую входят лишь: Белоснежка, Мулан, Аврора, Белль, Тиана, Рапунцель, Ариэль, Золушка, Жасмин, Покахонтас, и Мерида. Анна и Эльза из Холодного сердца давно считаются принцессами Диснея среди поклонников, однако в официальную линейку они вошли далеко не сразу после своего появления на экране. Остальные героини — это неофициальные принцессы.

Читайте в отдельной статье перепись населения диснеевских принцесс: 21 принцесса с характеристиками и особенностями — возраст, страна происхождения, цвет волос и глаз, и многое-многое другое.

Официальный магазин принцесс Диснея. Новинки, распродажи.

Смотрите интересные факты о принцессах Диснея.

65 редких фактов — по 5 на каждую из 13-ти принцесс.

Диснеевские принцессы: как бы они выглядели в реальной жизни?

21 принцесса Диснея.

  1. Золушка (Cinderella) из мультфильма Золушка, трудолюбивая
  2. Белль (Bell) из мультфильма Красавица и чудовище,
  3. Русалочка Ариэль (Ariel) из мультфильма Русалочка,
  4. Жасмин (Jasmine) из мультфильма Алладин,
  5. Белоснежка (Snow White) из мультфильма Белоснежка и семь гномов, весёлая по характеру
  6. Аврора (Aurora) из мультфильма Спящая красавица,
  7. Рапунцель (Rapunzel) из мультфильма Рапунцель: Запутанная История, смелая
  8. Тиана (Tiana) из мультфильма Принцесса и лягушка, серьёзная
  9. Мерида из мультфильма Храбрая сердцем
  10. Мулан (Mulan), Фа Мулан (Fa Mulan) — главная героиня мультфильма. Находчивая, сообразительная девушка. Пошла на войну вместо своего отца.
  11. Покахонтас (Pocahontas), романтическая мультистория о дочери индейского вождя, благородной девушке Покахонтас, жившей в полной гармонии с природой.
  12. Анна из королевства Эренделл (Anna of Arendelle) — русые волосы
  13. Эльза из королевства Эренделл (Elsa of Arendelle) — со светлыми волосами
  14. Моана (новинка 2016), полинезийская принцесса из Океании
  • Mattel в Майшоп

    Итого уже достаточно много основных принцесс.

    Куклы принцессы Диснея — смотрите здесь.

    Принцессы Диснея по мультфильму Frozen (Холодное сердце) появились в 2013 году: Анна из королевства Эренделл (Anna of Arendelle) — русые волосы и Эльза из королевства Эренделл (Elsa of Arendelle) — со светлыми волосами. Они не сразу вошли в официальный список.

    Также можно выделить и других героинь-принцесс, которые не входят в официальный список, но встречаются в мультфильмах.

    В 2016 году появилась новая принцесса — Елена из Авалора, впервые Дисней представил среди принцесс латиноамериканку.

    В 2016 году появляется ещё одна принцесса — Моана. Моана будет первой полинезийской диснеевской принцессой. Действие мультфильма происходит 2000 лет назад на островах Тихого океана. Ей 14 лет, она не будет иметь романтической линии в мультфильме.

    К официальным принцессам Диснея может добавиться принцесса Лея из Звёздных войн! Поклонники подписали петицию в Дисней, читайте подробнее.

      Золушка (Cinderella)

      Белль (Bell)

      Ариэль (Ariel)

      Жасмин (Jasmine)

      Белоснежка (Snow White)

      Аврора (Aurora)

      Рапунцель (Rapunzel)

      Тиана (Tiana)

      София Прекрасная (Sofia the First), смотрите её раздел на сайте.

      Елена из Авалора (Elena of Avalor), первая латиноамериканская принцесса Диснея, 2016 год. Елена из Авалора — анимационный сериал, который выходит на экраны в июле 2016 года, тематически связан с мультфильмом София Прекрасная (Sofia the First).

      В 2016 году появляется ещё одна принцесса — Моана, это первая полинезийская диснеевская принцесса с островов Тихого океана.

      Другие диснеевские персонажи также появлялись в линейке товаров, но не считаются частью официальной франшизы Диснеевских принцесс.

      • Алиса («Алиса в Стране чудес») — наряду с другими официальными диснеевскими принцессами была названа «Принцессой Сердца» в игре для PlayStation 2 Kingdom Hearts. Алиса исключена из официальной линейки, по крайней мере пока.
      • София Прекрасная.
      • Талия (Джастин и рыцари доблести).
      • Динь-Динь («Питер Пэн») — некоторое время входила в число официальных принцесс, несмотря на то, что не являлась принцессой. Позже было решено, что она не подходит для «мифологии» серии.
      • Эсмеральда («Горбун из Нотр Дама») — была отмечена на некоторых товарах франшизы, но не входит в официальную линейку.
      • Жизель («Зачарованная») — планировалась к добавлению в число диснеевских принцесс, пока компания не поняла, что в таком случае она должна будет платить играющей её актрисе, Эми Адамс, авторские отчисления за использование её подобия.
      • Кида («Атлантида: Затерянный мир») — также не входит в официальную линейку.

        Алиса (Алиса в Стране чудес)

        Динь-Динь (Питер Пэн)

        Эсмеральда (Горбун из Нотр Дама)

        Жизель (Зачарованная)

        Кида (Атлантида: Затерянный мир)

        Талия (Джастин и рыцари доблести).

        Мария (Maariyah), придуманная поклонниками принцесса Диснея.
        Есть ещё неофициальная принцесса, придуманная одним из фанатов (Индия, Пакистан) — Мария (Maariyah). Pothowari Princess (North-West Hindustan: modern day Pakistan).

        Поклонники Диснея придумывают свои образы, создавая интересных героинь, которые тоже когда-нибудь могли бы стать официальными принцессами Диснея.

        Вообще-то Мариан — это невеста Робин Гуда, она есть в мультике Диснея Ро́бин Гуд (Robin Hood), Леди Мариан, но только в том мультике герои представлены животными, и Мариан — лиса (а Робин Гуд, соответственно, лис). Робин и Мариан женятся.

        Ждём от компании Дисней новых мультфильмов и новых принцев и принцесс!


        Дополнения от Карины. Забыли упомянуть Мелоди (дочь Ариель), Мегару (или же Меган) из мультфильма Геркулес), Джессику, Джейн (из мультфильма Тарзан и Джейн), Венди (из мультфильма Питер Пен), а также дочь Венди (из мультфильма Питер Пен 2).

        Читайте также: Диснеевские принцессы: как бы они выглядели в реальной жизни? Посмотрите на их портреты, если бы они были настоящими людьми!

        Все принцессы Дисней


        26 ноября 2019 14:40

        Странно, но принцессы Диснея вовсе не являются надоевшим модным товаром, потому, что первая из них появилась в 1936 году и стала настоящей сенсацией. Добавляя все новых девушек, компания вывела на мировой рынок целую франшизу. Однако для многих людей, принцессы стали просто счастливым символом детства,. Но, как и многие шедевры, эта серия мультфильмов создавалась не легко. Здесь представлен разбор всех принцесс, как все началось и что стало в результате.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Белоснежка — 14 летняя принцесса вымышленного Германского королевства, немка по происхождению. Вынуждена была бежать от злобной мачехи — королевы и скрылась в лесу, в доме у семи гномов. Девушка стала женой принца Фердинанда.

        Все варианты Белоснежки.

        Все варианты Белоснежки.

        Прототип Белоснежки — дочь Голливудского хореографа Марджори Чемпион.

        Прототип Белоснежки - дочь Голливудского хореографа Марджори Чемпион.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        На состояние 2018 года, песня гномов из мультфильма (Heig — ho ), заняла сотое место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент, тем самым став седьмым хитом в списке, который связан с диснеевскими принцессами.

        Кристэн Стюарт исполнившая роль Белоснежки в фильме.

        Кристэн Стюарт исполнившая роль Белоснежки в фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Элла — 20 летняя француженка, известная как Золушка и получившая это прозвище от своей мачехи. Связавшись с доброй феей, она без проблем попадает на королевский бал. Девушка стала женой принца Чарминга.

        Все варианты Белоснежки.

        Все варианты Белоснежки.

        Прототип Золушки — актриса Хелен Стэнли.

        Прототип Золушки - актриса Хелен Стэнли.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        В 2015 году в период съемок одноименного фильма, произошел фанатский скандал. Согласно сценарию, Дризелла и Анастейша зовутся » уродливыми сводными сестрами «. На роль старшей выбрали актрису Софи МакШера и такой выбор устроил людей, но младшая сестра в исполнении красавицы Холлидей Грэйнджер, переплюнула по красоте главную героиню и никак не могла так называться. Песня: Oh, sing sweet nighttingale из мультфильма, заняла 98 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        Лили Джеймс исполнившая роль Золушки в фильме.

        Лили Джеймс исполнившая роль Золушки в фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Роза — 16 летняя англичанка, названная родителями Авророй, имя девушки сменили феи, когда прятали от колдуньи. Проживала в лесу, чтобы не попасться злодейке. Девушка стала женой принца Филиппа.

        Все варианты Авроры.

        Все варианты Авроры.

        Прототип Авроры — актриса Одри Хелпберн.

        Прототип Авроры - актриса Одри Хелпберн.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        После выхода фильма, аудитория была недовольна принцессой Авророй, так как та едва ли сказала пару фраз не считая песен. Нарисованная девушка получила статус самой молчаливой принцессы. Однако это не помешало ей стать и одной из самых красивых.

        Эль Фаннинг исполнившая роль Авроры в фильме.

        Эль Фаннинг исполнившая роль Авроры в фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Ариэль — 16 летняя девушка — русалка, является единственным сверхъестественным существом в серии. Чтобы очаровать человека меняет свой голос на ноги и выходит на сушу. Девушка является женой принца Эрика, пара имеет дочь по имени Мэлоди.

        Все варианты Ариэль.

        Все варианты Ариэль.

        Прототип Ариэль — актриса Алиса Милано.

        Прототип Ариэль - актриса Алиса Милано.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Отыскивая новый классический сюжет с принцессой для мультфильма, студия яростно отбраковала жестокую сказку о русалочке. Все уверения в том, что сценарий можно переделать не принесли результата. История появилась в качестве мультфильма только через 28 лет.

        Хлоя Грэйс Морец, которой только предстоит исполнить роль в фильме.

        Хлоя Грэйс Морец, которой только предстоит исполнить роль в фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Бэлль — 18 летняя француженка, первая принцесса которая сначала не имеет отношения к знатному роду. Чтобы спасти отца, она соглашается стать пленницей в замке чудовища которое влюбляется в нее. Девушка является женой принца Адама.

        Все варианты Бэлль.

        Все варианты Бэлль.

        Прототип Бэлль — актриса Джуди Гарленд.

        Прототип Бэлль - актриса Джуди Гарленд.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Поющая актриса Анджела Лэнсбери озвучившая миссис Поттс не хотела петь главную песню Beauty and the beast, женщина уговаривала коллег нанять профессиональную певицу. В результате Анджела записала песню с первой попытки, а когда закончила, вся работавшая с ней команда рыдала. Песню исполняли Селин Деон и Ариана Гранде, но только в исполнении Анджелы ее признали шедевром и вручили Оскар. В 2016 году, 91 летняя актриса исполнила песню в театре, в честь 25 летия мультфильма и при этом ее голос ничуть не изменился. Песня заняла 6 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        Эмма Уотсон исполнившая роль Бэлль в фильме и признанная после этого бездарностью практически всеми критиками, даже собственными фанатами.

        Эмма Уотсон исполнившая роль Бэлль в фильме и признанная  после этого бездарностью практически всеми критиками, даже собственными фанатами.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Жасмин — 16 летняя принцесса вымышленного арабского королевства Аграба. Встретив простого парня она более не желает сидеть во дворце и устраивает своеобразный бунт монаршему быту. Девушка является женой бедного авантюриста Аладдина.

        Все варианты Жасмин.

        Все варианты Жасмин.

        Прототип Жасмин — актриса Дженнифер Коннелли.

        Прототип Жасмин - актриса Дженнифер Коннелли.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Фанаты оригинального мультфильма были недовольны кастингом, так как главную роль исполнила не достаточно смуглая не арабка, а представительница индийского народа гуджарати, при чем наполовину англичанка. Тогда студии пришлось обнародовать прототип принцессы, который тоже не был смуглой и это еще больше настроило остальных против ремейка. Песня A whole new world заняла 10 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        Наоми Скотт исполнившая роль Жасмин в фильме.

        Наоми Скотт исполнившая роль Жасмин в фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Матоака — 18 летняя дочь индейского вождя племени Поухэтан, имеющая прозвище Покахонтас и принявшая имя Ребекка. Единственная принцесса оказавшаяся реальной исторической личностью. Девушка является женой плантатора Джона Рольфа и имеет сына Томаса.

        Все варианты Покахонтас.

        Все варианты Покахонтас.

        Прототип Покахонтас — артистка Ирэн Бедард.

        Прототип Покахонтас - артистка Ирэн Бедард.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Вопреки некоторым изменениям в сюжете, исторический мультфильм получился весьма жестоким, но это не отпугнуло от него аудиторию. Чтобы не скатиться еще больше, главного злодея Джона Смита сделали положительным героем, а отрицательным персонажем сделали Рэдклиффа, а так же Рольф вместо плантатора стал послом мира. Главным прототипом для принцессы все же была реальная личность, а озвучивавшая ее девушка помогла придать образу романтичности. Песня Colors of the wind заняла 60 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        К’орианка Килчер исполнившая роль Покахонтас в самом исторически достоверном фильме о ней.

        К'орианка Килчер исполнившая роль Покахонтас в  самом исторически достоверном фильме о ней.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Мулан — 17 летняя китайская народная героиня, которая по факту не является принцессой и даже не выходит замуж за принца. Известна тем, что притворялась мужчиной в борьбе с гуннами. Девушка является женой солдата Ли Шанга.

        Все варианты Мулан.

        Все варианты Мулан.

        Прототип Мулан — певица Кристина Агиллера.

        Прототип Мулан - певица Кристина Агиллера.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Мультипликаторам было сложнее всего нарисовать именно Мулан, для прототипа не подходила не одна из китайских актрис, а рисунки к балладе о Хуа Мулань были достаточно странными. Все изменила певица. Она пришла на запись главной песни брюнеткой. Художники решили срисовать принцессу с нее и потом добавить характерные для китаянки черты. Песня l’ll make a man out of you заняла 30 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        Лю Ифэй исполнившая роль Мулан в предстоящем фильме.

        Лю Ифэй исполнившая роль Мулан в предстоящем фильме.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Тиана — 18 летняя официантка, первая африканка в серии. В попытке открыть собственный ресторан попадает на вечеринку, где целует лягушку и сама в нее превращается. Девушка является женой принца Навина.

        Все варианты Тианы.

        Все варианты Тианы.

        Прототип Тианы — актриса Тиффани Бун.

        Прототип Тианы - актриса Тиффани Бун.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Мультфильм был признан единственной работой студии, которая приносила вред студии. Через 3 месяца после премьеры, в больницы разных штатов США, Германии и России были доставлены в целом 30 девочек от 5 до 7 лет. Они подхватили вирусную инфекцию поцеловав найденных лягушек.

        Меккиа Кокс актриса исполнившая роль Тианы в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Меккиа Кокс актриса исполнившая роль Тианы в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Рапунцель — 16 летняя немецкая принцесса, судя по опросу признана самой глупой из всех. Была похищена волшебницей из — за магической силы волос и воспитана в лесной башне. Девушка является женой разбойника Юджина.

        Все варианты Рапунцель.

        Все варианты Рапунцель.

        Прототип Рапунцель — актриса Аманда Сейфрид.

        Прототип Рапунцель - актриса Аманда Сейфрид.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Вопреки тому, что фильм имел успех, первая трехмерная принцесса не многим понравилась.

        Маккензи Дэвис исполнившая роль Рапунцель в сериале.

        Маккензи Дэвис исполнившая роль Рапунцель в сериале.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Мерида — 16 летняя шотландская принцесса. Ради собственной свободы накормила мать сомнительным кексом, в результате чего та превратилась в медведя. Девушка является первой принцессой у которой нет принца.

        Все варианты Мериды.

        Все варианты Мериды.

        Прототип Мериды — актриса Рашель Лефевр.

        Прототип Мериды - актриса Рашель Лефевр.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Храбрая сердцем — это первый и последний мультфильм о принцессе, создание которой студия поручила другой: Pixar. Диснеевцы не следили за рабочим процессом и не внесли поправки в характер принцессы. Эта эгоистичная, злонравная и туповатая принцесса не понравилась ни детям, ни родителям, ни критикам и была признана худшей из них, а мультфильм не оправдал ожиданий по кассовым сборам и стал разочарованием.

        Николь Фокс которая должна была исполнить роль Мериды в фильме, но студия закрыла проект не начав съемки.

        Николь Фокс которая должна была исполнить роль Мериды в фильме, но студия закрыла проект не начав съемки.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Эльза — 21 летняя принцесса Норвегии, обладавшая даром замораживания и с трудом научившаяся им управлять. Единственная принцесса которая впоследствии стала королевой вымышленного королевства Эринделл. Вторая принцесса не имеющая партнера.

        Все варианты Эльзы.

        Все варианты Эльзы.

        Прототип Эльзы — модель Антония Гаррн.

        Прототип Эльзы - модель Антония Гаррн.

        Джорджина Хейг исполнившая роль Эльзы в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Джорджина Хейг исполнившая роль Эльзы в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Анна — 20 летняя норвежка, по опросу на сайте Disney. ru самая не красивая из всех диснеевских принцесс. Младшая сестра королевы. Девушка так же является женой добытчика льда по имени Кристофф

        Все варианты Анны.

        Все варианты Анны.

        Прототип Анны — актриса Эмма Стоун.

        Прототип Анны - актриса Эмма Стоун.

        Элизабет Лэйл исполнившая роль Анны в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Элизабет Лэйл исполнившая роль Анны в сериале Однажды в сказке.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Мультфильм основанный на истории о Снежной королеве стал первой картиной студии, которая повествует о равнодействующих сестрах. Наравне с Рапунцель и Меридой, Анна признана глупой принцессой. Песня Let it go заняла 3 место в списке самых интересных саундтреков из мировых лент.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Моана — 16 летняя дочь вождя народа гавайев, третья темнокожая принцесса в серии ( у Мулан кожа желтого цвета, а у Покахонтас красного оттенка ). Чтобы предотвратить экологическую катастрофу отправляется по следу легенды. Девушка третья не имеющая партнера принцесса.

        Вот вариант Моаны.

        Вот  вариант Моаны.

        Прототип Моаны — актриса дубляжа Кэтрин Херлс.

        Прототип Моаны - актриса дубляжа Кэтрин Херлс.

        Все принцессы Дисней

        Образ Моаны возник когда художники осмотрели дикарей к фильму Семейка Крудс. Студия попросила разрешения у Дрим Воркс разрешение использовать измененный образ. Те дали согласие в полной уверенности, что мультфильм окажется ужасным провалом.

        Кэйтлин Санчес выигравшая кастинг на роль Моаны.

        Кэйтлин Санчес выигравшая  кастинг на роль Моаны.

        Ссылки по теме:

        Новости партнёров



        Мульфильм «Белоснежка и семь гномов», 1937 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — В 1988 году Белоснежку удостоили собственной звезды на «Аллее славы»;

        — Белоснежка является не только первой диснеевской принцессой. Фильм о Белоснежке и семи гномах был первым полнометражным фильмом в истории, и именно он положил начало этому жанру;

        — Она была первой принцессой, которая общалась с животными, которые понимают людей;

        — Чтобы добиться натурального цвета кожи, настоящую пудру и прочие средства макияжа наносили прямо на пленку, на которой рисовали мультфильм;

        — Пожалуй, Белоснежка — самая юная из всех принцесс. Ей всего 14 лет!


        Мультфильм «Золушка», 1950 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Её день рождения — 30 июня, и по гороскопу она рак;

        — Золушка — одна из четырех принцесс, ставшая принцессой в замужестве (как и Белль, Мулан и Тиана);

        — Вторая по очередности принцесса — признанный «лидер» диснеевских принцесс, она самая популярная из них и почти всегда её ставят в центре фотографий;

        — Имя «Золушка» («Cinderella») происходит от французского слова «Cendrillon», что переводится как «замарашка» или «девочка, испачканная в золе».


        Мультфильм «Спящая красавица», 1959 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Прозвище Авроры — Дикая Роза — взято из названия сказки Братьев Гримм о златовласой красавице;

        — На протяжении всего фильма цвет платья принцессы постоянно меняется с розового на голубой и обратно. Это результат бесконечных споров аниматоров, которые никак не могли решить, какой цвет подходит принцессе больше;

        — На латыни её имя означает «солнечный свет» и «рассвет»;

        — Аврора — единственная блондинка среди принцесс (Рапунцель и Эльза не в счет — их волосы светлые из-за магии и волшебных сил, а Эльза так вообще — королева, а не принцесса);

        — Её глаза фиолетового цвета (позже такие же глаза аниматоры подарили Мэг из «Геркулеса», но она не принцесса).


        Мультфильм «Русалочка», 1989 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Единственная принцесса, рожденная не человеком;

        — Вторая по «старшинству» принцесса — ей 16 лет;

        — Единственная принцесса, родившая ребенка (дочку Ариэль можно увидеть в ленте «Русалочка 2: Возвращение в море»);

        — Ариэль была первой (и долгое время единственной) принцессой, которая была не единственным ребенком в семье (позже появилась «храбрая» Мерида, у которой трое братьев);

        — Первая принцесса, которая сражалась со злодейкой, а не злодеем (второй была Рапунцель).


        Мультфильм «Красавица и чудовище», 1991 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Была первой принцессой, которая спасла от злых чар своего принца, а не наоборот;

        — Прядь волос, постоянно выбивавшаяся из прически Белль, давала понять, что она не идеальна;

        — Эра героических, смелых и независимых принцесс началась именно с Белль;

        — С французского её имя переводится как «красавица»;

        — Белль — единственная принцесса с карими глазами (у принцесс Мулан и Покахонтас черные глаза, а у Жасмин — темно-карие и аниматоры утверждают, что это принципиальная разница).


        Мультфильм «Аладдин», 1992 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Первая принцесса, которая вышла замуж за бедного парня;

        — Жасмин — единственная принцесса, которой пришлось поцеловать главного злодея фильма;

        — Первая принцесса, которая одета не в платье (второй была Мулан в доспехах);

        — Единственная принцесса, которая является второстепенным персонажем.


        Мультфильм «Покахонтас», 1995 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        Факты о диснеевских принцессах, которые вы вряд ли знали

        — Единственная принцесса, одетая в этнический наряд;

        — Только у нее есть татуировки;

        — Первая принцесса, образ которой основывался не на сказке, а на реальной исторической фигуре (второй была Мулан);

        — Согласно легенде, настоящую Покахонтас звали Матоака, а Покахонтас — это её фамилия.


        Мультфильм «Мулан», 1998 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Единственная героиня в линии, которая не является реальной принцессой;

        — В фильме Мулан обрезает волосы неспроста: в Китае этот жест означает позор и изгнание из семьи;

        — Единственная, кто маскируется под мужчину;

        — Первая принцесса, которая победила главного злодея фильма;

        — С китайского её имя переводится как «цветущая магнолия»;

        — Единственная принцесса, поцеловавшая своего суженого только в продолжении истории («Мулан 2»).


        Мультфильм «Принцесса и лягушка», 2009 г. Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Единственная принцесса, которая работала (не считая Золушки, которой за это не платили);

        — Только история Тианы развивается в «современном мире» и в реальном месте — в Новом Орлеане начала XX века;

        — Тиана — левша и единственная принцесса с ямочками на щеках;

        — Единственная принцесса, исполняющая песни в нестандартной «слащавой» поп-версии, в её песнях узнаются джаз, R&B, блюз и соул;

        — Единственная принцесса, одетая не в стандартное розовое или голубое платье.


        Мультфильм Кадр: Walt Disney Productions

        — Единственная среди всех диснеевских принцесс обладает магической силой;

        — Единственная зеленоглазая принцесса;

        — Длина золотистых волос Рапунцель — 70 футов (больше 21 метра), в них больше 100 000 отдельных локонов;

        — Первая принцесса, которая не раз «вмазала» своему суженому, прежде чем влюбиться в него.


        Мультфильм «Храбрая сердцем», 2012 г. Кадр: Pixar Animation Studios / Walt Disney Pictures

        — За фильм Мерида успела сменить 22 наряда, включая несколько платьев, плащей, украшений, головных уборов и лук со стрелами;

        — А еще 5 раз сменила прическу;

        — Единственная принцесса-кудряшка;

        — Мультипликационный фильм «Храбрая сердцем» является единственным мультфильмом анимационной студии Pixar, в котором главной героиней выступает женщина.


        Эльза, в 21 год, является самой «старой» принцессой Диснея, она единственный не-подросток в группе, всем остальным — до 20 лет, а самой младшей, Белоснежке, всего 14!

        — Имя Эльзы относится к Элиза, это героиня из другой истории Ганса Христиана Андерсена.

        — Эльза — первая принцесса Диснея, которая в самом деле становится королевой.

        — Эльза изначально в рисунке-концепте имела короткие, колючие чёрные волосы.

        — Эльза — первая принцесса, которой известно, что существуют и другие канонические принцессы Диснея.

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