Кентерберийские рассказы тема произведения

Брак, любовь и семья в произведении Дж. Чосера ‘Кентерберийские рассказы’



Глава 1. Любовь и женские образы в рассказах Чосера

Глава 2. Брак в «Кентерберийских рассказах»

Глава 3. Семья у Чосера


Список использованной литературы


Исследование матримониальных отношений в определённом культурном пространстве невозможно без знания историко-культурного своеобразия изучаемой эпохи, а также специфики нормативного восприятия этих отношений. Как и для других европейских стран для средневековой Британии XIV века характерно совмещение нескольких, иногда противоречащих друг другу, тенденций при оценке супружества.

Куртуазная культура формирует совершенно новый взгляд на природу отношений женщины и мужчины. Идеализированная, во многом придуманная система отношений диктовала другое отношение к женщине и любви. Полноценность рыцаря определялась не только его доблестью, но и чувством к женщине. Недосказанность и потенциальность отношений такого рода разрушали привычное восприятие, но при этом запретность и конфликт, заложенные в этом чувстве, не позволяли выйти за рамки этических представлений данного общества. Красивость и искусственность литературных образов и идеальный характер любовных отношений резко контрастировали с реальной прозой жизни. Но создание этой модели предполагает внутреннее стремление человека к подобным отношениям.

Как раз в эти трудные для британского писателя Джеффри Чосера (Geoffrey Chaucer, между 1340 и 1345 — 1400 гг.) времена около 1380 года и созрело его величайшее произведение, которое вводит поэта в ряды самых замечательных писателей Англии и с которого, собственно, и начинается новая — ренессансная — британская литература. Это сборник стихотворных новелл «Кентерберийские рассказы», овеянный духом ренессансного жизнелюбия. Земная жизнь выступает в нём как высшее благо человека. Правда, Чосер отдаёт дань религиозным воззрениям средних веков. Об этом свидетельствует хотя бы включённое в книгу житие святой Кекилии. Также Чосер нигде не ставит под сомнение необходимость самих религиозных институтов, хотя резко критикует современную ему практику католической церкви — сказывается влияние времени. Создаётся впечатление, Чосер переживает за судьбу христианства и личную судьбу человека в связи с вероучением, а не вне его.

«Кентерберийские рассказы» Чосера являются крайне важным источником для исследования этики семейных отношений в разных слоях общества средневековой Британии. Они отражают соединение жизненной практики, идеальных представлений и личностных особенностей автора. «Кентерберийские рассказы» были написаны Чосером под непосредственным влиянием «Декамерона» Дж. Боккаччо, когда Чосер уже был известным и популярным писателем. Под воздействием региональных доминант и национально-обусловленного мировидения, форма, содержание, идеи и образы «Кентерберийских рассказов» приобрели специфически британский колорит.

Используя наследие французской литературы, особенно фаблио, Чосер в трактовке темы любви не совпадает со своими источниками. В большинстве случаев любовь представлена в «Кентерберийских рассказах» в более общественно-значимом смысле, трактовка семейных отношений приобретает социальную заострённость. Всё-таки Чосер пытается найти глубинные истоки поставленных им проблем.

«Кентерберийские рассказы» имеют характерную для своего времени форму сборника рассказов. Они объединяются либо по темам, либо по функции. В целом, несмотря на наличие самой разнообразной тематики, «Кентерберийские рассказы» можно охарактеризовать как книгу, содержащую общественную направленность. Весомость общественно-значимых тем является одной из особенностей британского мировидения.

Чосер написал только пролог и часть путешествия в Кентербери, обратный путь остался ненаписанным. Зато в обширном прологе Чосер даёт то обширную галерею мастерски выполненных портретов богомольцев — это люди из различных уголков Англии, представители различных профессий и социальных положений, с различными интересами, вкусами, манерами и эстетическими пристрастиями. Объединяет их чисто внешний мотив: все они едут в Кентербери на поклонение гробу высоко чтимого в Британии св. Томаса Бекета и, чтобы скоротать путь, рассказывать каждый по две новеллы на пути туда и обратно. Перед нами возникает вся средневековая Британия, да и самое обрамление новелл — путешествие богомольцев в Кентербери — является характерной бытовой деталью, почёрпнутой из житейского обихода тогдашней Англии.

Чосер просто не мог показать своих паломников, не описав их яркие индивидуальные качества, не мог вообще не придавать индивидуальных качеств своим рассказчикам, т.к. хотел донести до читателя живые идеи, а для этого нужны были живые люди. Люди Чосера эмоционально шире, более независимы, их мир многогранен, стеснён не маской своего «типажа», но только личным характером. Чосер показывает: мир несовершенен, бывает по-разному, люди ведут себя разно, тому есть много причин, как объективных, так и субъективных. У каждого героя Чосера своя судьба, преодолеть которую он не может. Но при этом они выбирают свой путь самостоятельно, и каждый из них несёт какую-то общественную нагрузку. Одни из персонажей нравственны, другие аморальны.

Несмотря на то, что Чосер пользовался заимствованными источниками при сочинении своего произведения, он постоянно сообщает читателю свои собственные рассуждения, возникшие в процессе написания. Чосер всё время задумывается, а потом выдаёт свой вердикт. Видимо, Чосера не совсем устраивает предоставленная его источником-героем трактовка событий, — его интерес — в сфере психологической прорисовки характеров, его герои сообразуются и с обстоятельствами, и с движениями своих душ, и со своим особым, часто непростым личным нравом.

Трактовка Дж. Чосером в «Кентерберийских рассказах» обязательно влечёт за собой трансформацию в сторону большего драматизма действия и персонажа, большей жизненной наполненности, показа трагичности происходящих событий и человеческих поступков.

Главным образом в «Кентерберийских рассказах» речь идёт о людях, владеющих в городе недвижимостью, а также профессионально связанных с городом: прежде всего — это купцы, ремесленники, чиновники и реже — рыцари. Изучение семейно-брачных отношений является одним из наиболее актуальных направлений в «Кентерберийских рассказов». В традиционном укладе средневекового общества семья была одной из главных микроструктур, определяющих статус человека, форму его поведения, систему личных взаимоотношений. Изучение традиционных семейных укладов в различных социальных слоях являет возможность, опосредованно, через морально-этические установки каждой группы, понять специфику их корпоративных и индивидуальных представлений. Изучение семьи также даёт возможность заглянуть во внутренний мир человека, исследовать его наиболее интимную и скрытую сторону жизни. Появляется возможность определить поведенческие нормы, в коих существует индивид, его потребности и возможности выхода за рамки этих норм.

Глава 1. Любовь и женские образы в рассказах Чосера

На основании образа женщин в «Кентерберийских рассказах» и отношения к ним героев можно прийти к выводу о том, что, несмотря на многочисленные монологи женщин от первого лица, можно проследить ярко выраженное отношение к женщине с мужской точки зрения, с позиции наблюдателя за происходящим. Восхищение одними женщинами, презрение и негодование по отношению к другим, ироничная снисходительность к третьим и т.п. носят характер социальной заинтересованности в развитии образа, все проблемы подаются Чосером с общественно-значимой позиции.

Гуманистический взгляд на природу отношений мужчины и женщины «Кентерберийских рассказов» являет совершенно новое восприятие чувства любви. Любовь становится неотъемлемой чертой полноценной жизни человека, она наполняет её красками и доселе неизвестным смыслом.

Любовь выступает у Чосера и как простое плотское влечение, сопряженное обычно с плутовством (рассказы мельника, мажордома, шкипера и использующего популярный фривольный эпизод купца) или даже с преступлением (рассказ врача), и как всепоглощающая страсть (рассказ рыцаря). Она испытывает человеческое благородство (рассказ Франклина о верной жене, которой хочет овладеть влюблённый паж с помощью волшебства, — кстати, в повествование включён длинный список стяжавших известность стойких дев и жён, искавших в смерти спасение от позора). Так, например, в рассказе врача видна ту же связь между любовью страданием, которая проходит через другие «нравственные рассказы». Ссылаясь на Титуса Ливиуса, этот образованный врач повествует о добродетельной Виргинии, решившей умереть, но не стать добычей сластолюбивого негодяя Аппиануса и помощника Клаудиуса. Виргиния любит Бога и свою чистоту (что видно и из её имени) и страдает за эту любовь. Её отец Виргиниус стоит перед выбором: убить свою дочь или отдать её на бесчестие (он выбирает первое).

Как уже говорилось выше Чосер в Общем прологе предупреждает читателя, что рассказы героев могут быть неоднозначны или нескромны, но он оправдывает это стремлением передать всё как было, рассказать правду. В этом контексте обращает на себя внимание выразительный портрет разбитной ткачихи из Бата, женщины уже не первой молодости, но ещё весьма энергичной. Она богата и пользуется весом у себя в городе. Никто из местных женщин не смеет прежде неё войти в приходскую церковь, поскольку все знают, что за словом в карман она не полезет. Пять раз она была уже повенчана, но похоронила всех своих мужей (и не меньшее количество любовников) и теперь мечтает о шестом.

Тем не менее, в рассказе Батской ткачихи затронута проблема связи красоты и измены жены. Батская ткачиха — «весёлая вдова» — излагает свои взгляды на семейно-брачную жизнь, а также весьма откровенно повествует о том, как ловко она управлялась со своими мужьями. Тем самым, Батская ткачиха буквально отбрасывала тогдашнюю религиозно-нравственную доктрину, на коей зиждилась социальная структура средневековой британской семьи. Кстати, Чосер, не осуждая поведение Батской ткачихи прямо, всё же упоминает, что цвет её молодости прошёл, она глуха, безобразна, и вряд ли что-то хорошее ждёт её в старости, хотя она и хорохорится, и в этом выражается тяга автора к справедливости, к морализаторству.

Умеющий ценить силу, бесцеремонную ловкость и материальную выгоду шкипер из породы морских волков предлагает вниманию слушателей Фаблио о жене купца, которая за необходимых ей для оплаты нарядов сто франков отдаётся сообразительному монаху, получающего эти деньги от её мужа-купца.

В отличии от Батской ткачихи и жены купца в «нравственных» рассказах (рыцаря, Франклина и т.д.) внешняя красота женщины равняется её внутренней красоте, т.е. целомудрию.

С характерами паломников обычно связаны и их почерпнутые из самых различных источников рассказы, будь то назидательные сборники средних веков, фаблио, авантюрно-рыцарские повести, античная словесность, произведения итальянских гуманистов XIV в. или происшествия, прямо взятые из жизни. Так, превыше всего ценивший книги и владевший, разумеется, латинским языком, студент из Оксфорда пересказывает заключительную новеллу «Декамерона» о многострадальной Гризелде, известную ему по латинскому переводу Петрарки. В конце рассказа Студента и в заключении Чосера к этому рассказу можно увидеть ту смену точек зрения, которая характерна для всего готического искусства. Только что закончился патетический рассказ о терпеливой Гризелде, дано аллегорическое истолкование этого рассказа, и вдруг студент заявляет, что теперь не найдёшь ни одной Гризелды, и в своей песне советует жёнам веселиться и всячески мучить своих мужей. С другой стороны в рассказе землевладельца говорится: «Она согласилась признать его своим супругом и господином, Поскольку мужья могут быть господами своих жён».

Таким образом, Чосер резюмирует счастливый брак при условии, однако, если мужчина отказывается от главенствующего положения в семье (нетрудно догадаться, что рассказ с подобной тенденцией принадлежит Батской ткачихе). Что касается самого Чосера, то он избегает плоской морализации, характерной для средневековых дидактиков. Ведь за каждый рассказ ответственность несёт наделённый определёнными взглядами и вкусами рассказчик в каждом конкретном случае. Чосер словно бы отходит в сторону и просто наблюдает за течением жизни средневековой Британии.

Иногда Чосер развёрнуто (но весьма скрытно при этом) иронизирует. Так, в рассказе эконома он перечисляет случаи ветрености и непостоянства в животном мире, проявляемые всегда особями женского пола, — волчицей и кошкой, а потом резюмирует:

«Все эти примеры относятся к мужчинам, Ставшим неверными, а вовсе не к женщинам. Ибо у мужчин всегда больше стремления Удовлетворить жажду к низменным вещам, чем у их жён».

Некий дворянин рассказывает в новелле о даме, которая в отсутствие любимого мужа обещала ответить на страсть влюбленного в неё пажа, если тот очистит побережье Бретани от подводных скал. Обещая это, она была уверена в неисполнимости подобной задачи. Между тем её поклонник при помощи чародея совершил требуемое, и дама очутилась перед необходимостью выполнить обещание. Необходимость эту признал и возвратившийся домой муж, хотя, по его словам, предпочел бы пасть с сердцем, пробитым в бою. Тронутый громадностью жертвы паж «решил от вожделенья своего отречься, чтобы рыцарский закон поступком подлым не был оскорблён», и освободил предмет своей любви от исполнения обещания, хотя услуги чародея обошлись ему в 1000 фунтов золотом. Но при таком всеобщем великодушии и чародей оказался на высоте: он отказался от платы, узнав, что паж разорился напрасно. Чосер далеко не риторически спрашивает: кто из них, по-вашему, великодушнее? Муж, который послал любимую жену к её поклоннику, чтобы не обесчестить её неисполнением данного слова? Или влюбленный паж, который отказался от своих прав? Или же, наконец, тот владевший тайнами магии философ, который не согласился принять плату за свой труд?

Глава 2. Брак в «Кентерберийских рассказах»

«Постой-ка, мой рассказ ещё не начат.

Его услышав, запоешь иначе.

В той бочке погорчее будет эль,

чем всё, что рассказала я досель.

Ох, знаю я, едва ль кто лучше знает,

каким бичом супружество взимает

Свои налоги, — я сама тот бич.

И осторожность ты к себе покличь,

И посоветуйся, потом решайся

пригубить рог. И уж затем не кайся,

Что эль супружества не больно сладок;

примеры приведу я, как он гадок».

Исследование нормативного поведения и декларированного восприятия брака должно иметь чёткую взаимосвязь с реальностью, только в этом случае мы можем рассчитывать на адекватное понимание специфики матримониальных отношений в эпоху Чосера.

Осознавая все сложности извлечения материала семейно-брачных отношений из литературного источника, можно привлечь материал «Кентерберийских рассказов» тогда, когда обнаруживаем явные параллели сюжетов, характеров с документальным материалом. Представляет интерес именно видение проблемы самим Чосером, например, его отношение к браку или его представления о возможных семейных отношениях.

Чосер сумел отразить основные тенденции семейно-брачных отношений Британии середины XIV века: высмеивание простака мужчины, обличение пороков женщины, предубеждённость к браку, традиционный взгляд на брак, где женщина и мужчина априорно получали свои качественные персонификации.

В самом конце Рассказа Рыцаря говорится о браке Паламона и Эмилии. Это позволяет в какой-то мере сопоставить Рассказ Рыцаря с рассказами так называемой «Брачной группы».

В рассказе Франклина показан идеальный брак, тот брак, на который дан намёк в конце рассказ Рыцаря и рассказа Батской ткачихи. Он основан на взаимном доверии и свободе. Хотя некоторые исследователи находят на основании исследования средневековых брачных договоров противоречия в этом браке.

Этот метод позволил рассмотреть традиционную бракоразводную практику в Англии в XIV-XV вв., а также взглянуть на матримониальные проблемы глазами самих современников. Проводя ряд параллелей с традициями других европейских государств, мы прибегаем к сравнительным методам исследования. Это позволяет выявить как общие, так и уникальные тенденции развития британской городской семьи.

Рассказ основан на необдуманном обещании Доригены. Как считает Д. Бруэр, «Chaucer reveals the ambivalence of deep values, or that values good in themselves may be incompatible with each other — a good Gothic point illustrated again in the Clerks Tale and in Troilus».

«Что в жизни привлекательней, чем брак? Особенно когда ты стар и Твоя жена должна быть молода, и народите с нею вы тогда Наследника: жизнь будет вам сладка. А посмотри на жизнь холостяка: На скуку часто жалуется он, любовной суетою утомлён. И справедливо, чтобы холостяк вёл жизнь, лишённую отрад и благ. Он строит на песке, и потому лишь неудача суждена ему. Живёт свободно он, как дичь лесная, о принужденье ничего не зная. Женатый человек, наоборот, всегда размеренную жизнь ведёт, Привязан крепко к брачному ярму, и жизнь сладка и радостна ему. Кто может быть нежнее, чем жена? Кто с большим прилежаньем, чем она, Когда ты болен, ходит за тобою? Она готова верною рабою Тебе служить, хотя б ты слёг в кровать с тем, чтоб до смерти больше не вставать».

«Иначе думает учёных ряд, в числе их Теофраст. Пусть невпопад Он поучает, — что мне, право, в том? Коль хочешь ты держать в порядке дом, Так учит он, — жениться не спеши, для этого и слуги хороши. Перед слугою верным что жена? Ведь полдобра себе берёт она. А если, заболев, ты сляжешь вдруг, к себе участье у друзей и слуг Скорей найдешь, чем у жены своей: твоё добро всего милее ей».

Чосер намеренно противопоставляет в браке мужчину женщину, причём в пользу последней. В рассказе Мельника звучит буквально апофеоз женщине:

«Супруга же, напротив, — верьте мне, — Надолго входит в дом, на дольший срок, чем ты, пожалуй, пожелать бы мог. Брак — таинство великое, и тот, кто не женат, беспомощно живёт, И все его надежды скоротечны (я о мужчинах говорю, конечно). А почему? Да потому, что Богу угодно было женщину в подмогу Нам сотворить. Когда им был Адам из глины вылеплен, создатель сам, Увидев, как он наг и одинок, его в душе не пожалеть не мог И дал ему поддержку в виде Евы. Отсюда ясно, — согласитесь все вы, — то женщина на радость нам дана и в помощь; рай земной она С душой своей, привязчивой и нежной. Жизнь с нею — счастья океан безбрежный. Единой плотью став, жена и муж до гроба скреплены союзом душ. Жена! Возможно ль, чтоб того беда постигла, кто женат? Нет, никогда. Клянусь тобой, о Дева Пресвятая! Между супругами — любовь такая, Что выразить её нельзя никак. Жена тебе подательница благ И бескорыстная хозяйка дома; она со своевольем незнакома, Всегда смиренный подает ответ; ты «да» сказал — она не скажет «нет». Жизнь брачная! Ты, как эдемский сад, полна и благолепья и услад; Все воздают тебе такую честь, что каждый, в ком хоть капля смысла есть, До гроба должен, если он женат, благодарить творца все дни подряд. А если холост, то молиться Богу, чтоб он ему жену послал в подмогу. Вступивши в брак, себя он оградит от всякого обмана и обид. Кто следует жене в своем пути, Тот может смело голову нести, — Так мудрости полны её советы. Коль преуспеть ты хочешь в жизни этой, Словам жены не забывай внимать. Ведь вот же посоветовала мать Иакову, чтоб в козьей шкуре он явился к Исааку на поклон, — И дал ему отец благословенье. Спас избранный народ от истребленья Юдифи ум, когда тирану с плеч снёс голову её бесстрашный меч. Навала жизнь на волоске висела, и всё ж её спасти жена сумела Своим умом. Есфирью от невзгод спасён был богоизбранный народ, За что и преклонился перед ней сановник Агасфера, Мардохей. Сенека говорит: во всей вселенной нет существа ценней жены смиренной. Като велит послушным быть жене. Ей подчинись, — тогда она вдвойне Своё смиренье пред тобой проявит. Жена хозяйством нашим мудро правит. Особенно хворающим жена, чтоб дом в упадок не пришёл, нужна. Что церковь для Христа, тем для тебя жена пусть будет. Мудрость возлюбя, Жену считай за высшее из благ. Ведь плоти собственной никто не враг, Поэтому жену свою лелей: обречь блаженство можно только с ней. Муж и жена — я не шучу ничуть — спокойно жизненный проходят путь, Союзу их угрозы не страшны, особенно со стороны жены.

Кто много школ прошёл, учён безмерно. С женой свяжись — и скажешь: это верно».

Несмотря на столь длинный процитированный отрывок это было сделано для того, чтобы было ясно, что Чосер всё-таки смотрит на женщину с чисто мужской точки зрения.

Далее следует повествование о том, как мужчина уже в летах всё-таки надумал жениться, но, конечно же, на молодой («чтоб не старше 20 ей было).

«А девушка в твоих руках — как воск: и сердце свеже у неё и мозг. Так знайте же заранее, друзья: не поведу к венцу старуху я. Ведь если б сделал так злосчастный рок, чтоб с нею наслаждаться я не мог, На стороне я б стал искать усладу и тем себя навек обрёк бы аду, Да и бездетным был бы этот брак. А мне милей быть сворою собак Разорванным, чем чтобы чужакам досталось то, что накопил я сам.

В свой черед подвыпивший мельник, весьма далекий от «высоких» материй, рассказывает историю о том, как хитроумный школяр наставил рога простоватому плотнику, рискнувшему, несмотря на свой преклонный возраст, жениться на молодой красотке. Рассказ Мельника звучит так: жил в Оксфорде плотник. Мастером он был на все руки и пользовался заслуженной репутацией умельца. Был он богат и пускал к себе в дом нахлебников. Среди них у него жил бедный студент, который неплохо разбирался в алхимии, помнил теоремы и частенько удивлял всех своими познаниями. За добрый нрав и приветливость все звали его Душка Николас. Жена плотника скончалась, и он, погоревав, женился снова на молодой чернобровой красавице Элисон. В «Рассказе мельника» Чосер даёт прелестное, земное, далёкое от мира чистого идеализма описание Элисон:

«Она была стройна, гибка, красива,

бойка, что белка, и, что вьюн, игрива…

Глаза её живым огнем сияли;

чтоб брови глаз дугою огибали,

Она выщипывала волоски,

и вот, как ниточки, они узки

И круты стали. Так была нарядна,

что было на неё смотреть отрадно.

Нежна, что пух, прозрачна на свету,

Для знатоков она прелакомый была кусочек,

Могла б затмить легко баронских дочек,

Позора ложе с лордом разделить,

могла б она женой примерной быть

Какого-нибудь йомена, который

по возрасту пришёлся бы ей в пору». (Перевод Кашина).

Т.е. она была настолько привлекательна и мила, что влюбленным в неё не было числа, и среди них оказался и студент душка Николас. Ничего не подозревая, старый плотник был всё же очень ревнив и приглядывал за своей молодой женой. Пересказ данного рассказа выходит за рамки работы, но в общих чертах получается, что ловкий школяр умудряется обмануть старого плотника и наставить ему рога с его молодой женой.

Чосер продолжает:

«Я не болтаю, как пустой дурак;

я знаю, для чего вступаю в брак,

И знаю также, что людей немало

о браке часто судят как попало,

Не больше смысля в нём, чем мой слуга.

Кому небес награда дорога,

А целомудрие невыносимо, пусть женится,

чтоб с женщиной любимой

Производить во славу божью чад,

а не для плотских лишь одних услад.

Умеренно к ним надо прибегать,

лишь для того, чтоб долг свой исполнять.

Берут себе ещё затем супругу,

чтоб помогать, как брат с сестрой, друг другу

И соблюдать с ней чистоты закон».

Таким образом, здесь мы видим признание необходимости супружества и разработка идеальных ролевых функций для мужчины и женщины.

Вариативность проявлялась и в декларированном распределении ролевых функций женщины и мужчины в браке, а также в их непосредственных отношениях. Положение женщины определялось, исходя из её сущностных характеристик. С одной стороны, женская природа слаба и греховна. Отсюда следовало, что женщина, как основная виновница первородного греха, в реальной жизни должна была полностью подчиняться воли супруга. С другой, признание равенства женщины и мужчины перед Богом.

Итак, в «Кентерберийских рассказах» появляется вариативность в восприятии супружеских отношений. С одной стороны, брак — это грех, с другой — спасение. С одной стороны, супружеские отношения подвергаются язвительному осмеянию, с другой — воспевается любовь и нежность (а особенно верность) между мужчиной и женщиной.

Глава 3. Семья у Чосера

Отнюдь не случайно в «Кентерберийских рассказах» Чосера именно городская семья становится основным предметом изучения. Следует отметить, что в исследователи Чосера при изучении средневековой британской семьи главное внимание уделялось общему анализу семейно-брачной сферы, исследованию её региональной и социальной специфики. Кроме того, в поле зрения ученых находились прежде всего знатные, а также крестьянские семьи. Как правило, городская же семья рассматривалась в «Кентерберийских рассказах» (да и в вообще в рассказах того времени) в контексте социально-культурной жизни города в целом и не выступала как самостоятельный объект. Однако многообразие укладов городской жизни, социальная мобильность, уровень экономического и культурного развития, восприимчивость к новому создают уникальную возможность для исследований в области матримониальных отношений.

«Кентерберийские рассказы» позволяют расширить представления о семейных людях средневековой Британии, давая возможность их увидеть объёмно, разглядеть разнохарактерность и вариативность отношений, поведения, восприятия. Таким путём можно достичь конкретизации представлений об особенностях людей изучаемой эпохи. Интерес к семье «Кентерберийских рассказов» современными потребностями в самореализации и самоопределении себя в обществе.

В «Кентерберийских рассказах» не всегда любовная история заканчивается благополучно не из-за стечения обстоятельств, а потому, что любовь может быть нелегальна или даже аморальна. Есть в этом некоторый намёк на будущее появление пуританства. У Чосера — семейные ценности рассматриваются во всём комплексе. Таким образом, и всё произведение Чосера можно охарактеризовать как носящее социальный характер.

В книге «Кентерберийских рассказов» везде видны попытки узнать: что происходит, почему, как нужно жить в семейной жизни, какой путь выбрать, что также является отличительной особенностью английского мировидения XIV века.

Чосер брал людей такими, какими их видел. Он верил в их здоровые земные инстинкты, в их право на счастье, хотя и не указывал путей, по которым человечество могло бы прийти в царство радости. Но он верил, что радость — естественный удел человека. Прежде всего, именно в семейной жизни готов Чосер искать источник человеческого счастья.


чосер новелла любовь семья

Выступление Чосера, такое решительное и многообещающее, всё-таки не привело к быстрому расцвету британской литературы эпохи Ренессанса. В XV веке у автора «Кентерберийских рассказов» не было достойных преемников. Поэты, в той или иной мере примыкавшие к чосеровской школе, уступали ему не только в таланте, но и в умении по-новому смотреть на вещи. В британской литературе XV в. ростки Ренессанса были слабыми и редкими. В основном она продолжала оставаться средневековой.

Чосер не был сторонником «эмансипации» женщин, но то, что для него тема любви и семейных отношений животрепещущая — несомненно. «Брачная группа» в составе «Кентерберийских рассказов» свидетельствует об этом. По отношению к «новому» положению женщины, к её «признанию человеком» и даже выходу на главенствующие позиции в семейной жизни, Чосер скорее наблюдатель, он констатирует эти факты, но его менталитет не дает возможности однозначно и безоговорочно принять эти реалии.

Чосер был искусным рассказчиком. В его книге рождалась британская новелла. В «Кентерберийских рассказах» Чосера, все удивительно конкретно и типично: и люди, и обстановка, и предметы, и ситуации. Становится понятно, почему А.М. Горький назвал Чосера «основоположником реализма».

Список использованной литературы

1.Chaucer G. The Canterbury tales. P.166.

2.Brewer D. A New Introduction to Chaucer Longman 1998. P. 366.

.Chaucer G. The Canterbury tales. P. 228.

.Chaucer G. The Canterbury tales. P. 386.

.Brewer D. A New Introduction to Chaucer. Longman 1998. P. 338.

6.Все шедевры мировой литературы в кратком изложении. Сюжеты и характеры. Зарубежная литература древних эпох, средневековья и Возрождения: Энциклопедическое издание. М. 1997.

.Особенности духовной жизни Англии во второй половине XIV в. (по произведению Дж. Чосера «Кентерберийские рассказы») // Сборник материалов VII-й междунар. научн. конференции «Россия и Запад: диалог культур». Вып. 8. Т. II. М., МГУ, 2000.

.Представления о браке и взаимоотношениях супругов в XIV в. в Англии по произведению Дж. Чосера «Кентерберийские рассказы» // Вестник Моск. ун-та. Сер. 19. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. Вып. 3. М., МГУ, 2002.

.Создание образа «реального человека» в Общем прологе к «Кентерберийским рассказам» Джеффри Чосера. Тезисы. // Материалы междунар. научн. конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Ломоносов». Вып. 4, М., МГУ, 2000.

The Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales.png

A woodcut from William Caxton’s second edition of The Canterbury Tales printed in 1483

Author Geoffrey Chaucer
Original title Tales of Caunterbury
Country England
Language Middle English
Set in Kingdom of England, 14th century

Publication date

c. 1400 (unfinished at Chaucer’s death)

Dewey Decimal

LC Class PR1870 .A1
Text The Canterbury Tales at Wikisource

The Canterbury Tales (Middle English: Tales of Caunterbury)[2] is a collection of twenty-four stories that runs to over 17,000 lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400.[3] It is widely regarded as Chaucer’s magnum opus. The tales (mostly written in verse, although some are in prose) are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return.

It has been suggested that the greatest contribution of The Canterbury Tales to English literature was the popularisation of the English vernacular in mainstream literature, as opposed to French, Italian or Latin. English had, however, been used as a literary language centuries before Chaucer’s time, and several of Chaucer’s contemporaries—John Gower, William Langland, the Pearl Poet, and Julian of Norwich—also wrote major literary works in English. It is unclear to what extent Chaucer was seminal in this evolution of literary preference.

The Canterbury Tales is generally thought to have been incomplete at the end of Chaucer’s life. In the General Prologue, some 30 pilgrims are introduced. According to the Prologue, Chaucer’s intention was to write four stories from the perspective of each pilgrim, two each on the way to and from their ultimate destination, St. Thomas Becket’s shrine (making for a total of about 120 stories). Although perhaps incomplete, The Canterbury Tales is revered as one of the most important works in English literature.


The question of whether The Canterbury Tales is a finished work has not been answered to date. There are 84 manuscripts and four incunabula (printed before 1500) editions[4] of the work, which is more than for any other vernacular English literary text with the exception of The Prick of Conscience. This comparison should not be taken as evidence of the Tales’ popularity in the century after Chaucer’s death, because according to Derek Pearsal, it is unfair considering that The Prick of Conscience had all the benefit of the «preservation of a dogmatic religious subject-matter».[5] Fifty-five of these manuscripts are thought to have been originally complete, while 28 are so fragmentary that it is difficult to ascertain whether they were copied individually or as part of a set.[6] The Tales vary in both minor and major ways from manuscript to manuscript; many of the minor variations are due to copyists’ errors, while it is suggested that in other cases Chaucer both added to his work and revised it as it was being copied and possibly as it was being distributed.

Even the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Tales are not Chaucer’s originals. The very oldest is probably MS Peniarth 392 D (called «Hengwrt»), written by a scribe shortly after Chaucer’s death. Another famous example is the Ellesmere Manuscript, a manuscript handwritten by one person with illustrations by several illustrators; the tales are put in an order that many later editors have followed for centuries.[7][8] The first version of The Canterbury Tales to be published in print was William Caxton’s 1476 edition. Only 10 copies of this edition are known to exist, including one held by the British Library and one held by the Folger Shakespeare Library.

In 2004, Linne Mooney claimed that she was able to identify the scrivener who worked for Chaucer as an Adam Pinkhurst. Mooney, then a professor at the University of Maine and a visiting fellow at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, said she could match Pinkhurst’s oath in the Scriveners’ Common Paper to the handwriting in the Hengwrt manuscript, which she theorized might have been transcribed from Chaucer’s working copy.[9][10] Although this identification has been generally accepted, some scholars have expressed doubts.[11]


There is no consensus as to whether or not a complete version of the Tales exists, and also no consensus regarding Chaucer’s intended order of the stories.[12][13]

Textual and manuscript clues have been adduced to support the two most popular modern methods of ordering the tales. Some scholarly editions divide the Tales into ten «Fragments». The tales that make up a Fragment are closely related and contain internal indications of their order of presentation, usually with one character speaking to and then stepping aside for another character. However, between Fragments, the connection is less obvious. Consequently, there are several possible orders; the one most frequently seen in modern editions follows the numbering of the Fragments (ultimately based on the Ellesmere order).[12] Victorians frequently used the nine «Groups», which was the order used by Walter William Skeat whose edition Chaucer: Complete Works was used by Oxford University Press for most of the twentieth century, but this order is currently seldom followed.[12]

Fragment Group Tales
Fragment I A

General Prologue

The Knight’s Tale

The Miller’s Tale

The Reeve’s Tale

The Cook’s Tale

Fragment II B1 The Man of Law’s Tale
Fragment III D The Wife of Bath’s Tale
The Friar’s Tale
The Summoner’s Tale
Fragment IV E The Clerk’s Tale
The Merchant’s Tale
Fragment V F The Squire’s Tale
The Franklin’s Tale
Fragment VI C The Physician’s Tale
The Pardoner’s Tale
Fragment VII B2 The Shipman’s Tale
The Prioress’s Tale
Sir Thopas’ Tale
The Tale of Melibee
The Monk’s Tale
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
Fragment VIII G The Second Nun’s Tale
The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale
Fragment IX H The Manciple’s Tale
Fragment X I The Parson’s Tale

An alternative ordering (seen in the early 15th-century manuscript Harley MS. 7334) places Fragment VIII before VI. Fragments I and II almost always follow each other, just as VI and VII, IX and X do in the oldest manuscripts. Fragments IV and V, by contrast, vary in location from manuscript to manuscript.


Recording in reconstructed Middle English pronunciation

Chaucer mainly wrote in a London dialect of late Middle English, which has clear differences from Modern English. From philological research, some facts are known about the pronunciation of English during the time of Chaucer. Chaucer pronounced -e at the end of many words, so that care (except when followed by a vowel sound) was [ˈkaːrə], not as in Modern English. Other nowadays silent letters were also pronounced, so that the word knight was [kniçt], with both the k and the gh pronounced, not . In some cases, vowel letters in Middle English were pronounced very differently from Modern English, because the Great Vowel Shift had not yet happened. For instance, the long e in wepyng «weeping» was pronounced as [eː], as in modern German or Italian, not as . Below is an IPA transcription of the opening lines of The Merchant’s Prologue:

‘Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe
I knowe ynogh, on even and a-morwe,’
Quod the Marchant, ‘and so doon oother mo
That wedded been.’[14]
ˈweːpiŋɡ and ˈwailiŋɡ ‖ ˈkaːr‿and ˈoːðər ˈsɔrwə ‖
iː ˈknɔu iˈnoːx ‖ ɔn ˈɛːvən and aˈmɔrwə ‖
ˈkwɔd ðə ˈmartʃant ‖ and ˈsɔː ˈdoːn ˈoːðər ˈmɔː ‖
ðat ˈwɛddəd ˈbeːn ‖[15]
‘Weeping and wailing, care and other sorrow
I know enough, in the evening and in the morning,’
said the Merchant, ‘and so do many others
who have been married.’

No manuscript exists in Chaucer’s own hand; all extant copies were made by scribes. Because the final -e sound was lost soon after Chaucer’s time, scribes did not accurately copy it, and this gave scholars the impression that Chaucer himself was inconsistent in using it.[16] It has now been established, however, that -e was an important part of Chaucer’s grammar, and helped to distinguish singular adjectives from plural and subjunctive verbs from indicative.[17]


No other work prior to Chaucer’s is known to have set a collection of tales within the framework of pilgrims on a pilgrimage. It is obvious, however, that Chaucer borrowed portions, sometimes very large portions, of his stories from earlier stories, and that his work was influenced by the general state of the literary world in which he lived. Storytelling was the main entertainment in England at the time, and storytelling contests had been around for hundreds of years. In 14th-century England, the English Pui was a group with an appointed leader who would judge the songs of the group. The winner received a crown and, as with the winner of The Canterbury Tales, a free dinner. It was common for pilgrims on a pilgrimage to have a chosen «master of ceremonies» to guide them and organise the journey.[18] Harold Bloom suggests that the structure is mostly original, but inspired by the «pilgrim» figures of Dante and Virgil in The Divine Comedy.[19] New research suggests that the General Prologue, in which the innkeeper and host Harry Bailey introduces each pilgrim, is a pastiche of the historical Harry Bailey’s surviving 1381 poll-tax account of Southwark’s inhabitants.[20]

The Canterbury Tales contains more parallels to the Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio, than any other work. Like the Tales, the Decameron features a frame tale in which several different narrators tell a series of stories. In the Decameron, the characters have fled to the countryside to escape the Black Death. It ends with an apology by Boccaccio, much like Chaucer’s Retraction to the Tales. A quarter of the tales in The Canterbury Tales parallel a tale in the Decameron, although most of them have closer parallels in other stories. Some scholars thus find it unlikely that Chaucer had a copy of the work on hand, surmising instead that he may have merely read the Decameron at some point.[21] Chaucer may have read the Decameron during his first diplomatic mission to Italy in 1372.[citation needed] Chaucer used a wide variety of sources, but some, in particular, were used frequently over several tales, among them the Bible, Classical poetry by Ovid, and the works of contemporary Italian writers Petrarch and Dante. Chaucer was the first author to use the work of these last two.[citation needed] Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy appears in several tales, as do the works of John Gower, a friend of Chaucer’s. Chaucer also seems to have borrowed from numerous religious encyclopaedias and liturgical writings, such as John Bromyard’s Summa praedicantium, a preacher’s handbook, and Jerome’s Adversus Jovinianum.[22] Many scholars say there is a good possibility Chaucer met Petrarch or Boccaccio.[23][24][25][26][27]

Genre and structure

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories built around a frame tale, a common and already long established genre in this period. Chaucer’s Tales differs from most other story «collections» in this genre chiefly in its intense variation. Most story collections focused on a theme, usually a religious one. Even in the Decameron, storytellers are encouraged to stick to the theme decided on for the day. The idea of a pilgrimage to get such a diverse collection of people together for literary purposes was also unprecedented, though «the association of pilgrims and storytelling was a familiar one».[28] Introducing a competition among the tales encourages the reader to compare the tales in all their variety, and allows Chaucer to showcase the breadth of his skill in different genres and literary forms.[29]

While the structure of the Tales is largely linear, with one story following another, it is also much more than that. In the General Prologue, Chaucer describes not the tales to be told, but the people who will tell them, making it clear that structure will depend on the characters rather than a general theme or moral. This idea is reinforced when the Miller interrupts to tell his tale after the Knight has finished his. Having the Knight go first gives one the idea that all will tell their stories by class, with the Monk following the Knight. However, the Miller’s interruption makes it clear that this structure will be abandoned in favour of a free and open exchange of stories among all classes present. General themes and points of view arise as the characters tell their tales, which are responded to by other characters in their own tales, sometimes after a long lapse in which the theme has not been addressed.[30]

Lastly, Chaucer does not pay much attention to the progress of the trip, to the time passing as the pilgrims travel, or to specific locations along the way to Canterbury. His writing of the story seems focused primarily on the stories being told, and not on the pilgrimage itself.[31]


Title page of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in the hand of «Scribe B», identified as Adam Pinkhurst, c. 1400.

The variety of Chaucer’s tales shows the breadth of his skill and his familiarity with many literary forms, linguistic styles, and rhetorical devices. Medieval schools of rhetoric at the time encouraged such diversity, dividing literature (as Virgil suggests) into high, middle, and low styles as measured by the density of rhetorical forms and vocabulary. Another popular method of division came from St. Augustine, who focused more on audience response and less on subject matter (a Virgilian concern). Augustine divided literature into «majestic persuades», «temperate pleases», and «subdued teaches». Writers were encouraged to write in a way that kept in mind the speaker, subject, audience, purpose, manner, and occasion. Chaucer moves freely between all of these styles, showing favouritism to none.[32] He not only considers the readers of his work as an audience, but the other pilgrims within the story as well, creating a multi-layered rhetoric.[33]

With this, Chaucer avoids targeting any specific audience or social class of readers, focusing instead on the characters of the story and writing their tales with a skill proportional to their social status and learning. However, even the lowest characters, such as the Miller, show surprising rhetorical ability, although their subject matter is more lowbrow. Vocabulary also plays an important part, as those of the higher classes refer to a woman as a «lady», while the lower classes use the word «wenche», with no exceptions. At times the same word will mean entirely different things between classes. The word «pitee», for example, is a noble concept to the upper classes, while in the Merchant’s Tale it refers to sexual intercourse. Again, however, tales such as the Nun’s Priest’s Tale show surprising skill with words among the lower classes of the group, while the Knight’s Tale is at times extremely simple.[34]

Chaucer uses the same meter throughout almost all of his tales, with the exception of Sir Thopas and his prose tales. This is a line characterised by five stressed syllables, usually alternating with unstressed syllables to produce lines usually of ten syllables, but often eleven and occasionally nine; occasionally a caesura can be identified around the middle of a line. This metre was probably inspired by French and Italian forms. Chaucer’s meter would later develop into the heroic meter of the 15th and 16th centuries sometimes known as riding rhyme, and is an ancestor of iambic pentameter. Chaucer’s verse is usually also characterised by couplet rhyme, but he avoided allowing couplets to become too prominent in The Canterbury Tales, and four of the tales (the Man of Law’s, Clerk’s, Prioress’, and Second Nun’s) use rhyme royal.[35][36]

Historical context and themes

In 1386, Chaucer became Controller of Customs and Justice of the Peace and, in 1389, Clerk of the King’s Works.[37] It was during these years that Chaucer began working on The Canterbury Tales.

The end of the fourteenth century was a turbulent time in English history. The Catholic Church was in the midst of the Western Schism and, although it was still the only Christian authority in Western Europe, it was the subject of heavy controversy. Lollardy, an early English religious movement led by John Wycliffe, is mentioned in the Tales, which also mention a specific incident involving pardoners (sellers of indulgences, which were believed to relieve the temporal punishment due for sins that were already forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession) who nefariously claimed to be collecting for St. Mary Rouncesval hospital in England. The Canterbury Tales is among the first English literary works to mention paper, a relatively new invention that allowed dissemination of the written word never before seen in England. Political clashes, such as the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt and clashes ending in the deposing of King Richard II, further reveal the complex turmoil surrounding Chaucer in the time of the Tales’ writing. Many of his close friends were executed and he himself moved to Kent to get away from events in London.[38]

While some readers look to interpret the characters of The Canterbury Tales as historical figures, other readers choose to interpret its significance in less literal terms. After analysis of Chaucer’s diction and historical context, his work appears to develop a critique of society during his lifetime. Within a number of his descriptions, his comments can appear complimentary in nature, but through clever language, the statements are ultimately critical of the pilgrim’s actions. It is unclear whether Chaucer would intend for the reader to link his characters with actual persons. Instead, it appears that Chaucer creates fictional characters to be general representations of people in such fields of work. With an understanding of medieval society, one can detect subtle satire at work.[39]


The Tales reflect diverse views of the Church in Chaucer’s England. After the Black Death, many Europeans began to question the authority of the established Church. Some turned to lollardy, while others chose less extreme paths, starting new monastic orders or smaller movements exposing church corruption in the behaviour of the clergy, false church relics or abuse of indulgences.[40] Several characters in the Tales are religious figures, and the very setting of the pilgrimage to Canterbury is religious (although the prologue comments ironically on its merely seasonal attractions), making religion a significant theme of the work.[41]

Two characters, the Pardoner and the Summoner, whose roles apply the Church’s secular power, are both portrayed as deeply corrupt, greedy, and abusive. Pardoners in Chaucer’s day were those people from whom one bought Church «indulgences» for forgiveness of sins, who were guilty of abusing their office for their own gain. Chaucer’s Pardoner openly admits the corruption of his practice while hawking his wares.[42] Summoners were Church officers who brought sinners to the Church court for possible excommunication and other penalties. Corrupt summoners would write false citations and frighten people into bribing them to protect their interests. Chaucer’s Summoner is portrayed as guilty of the very kinds of sins for which he is threatening to bring others to court, and is hinted as having a corrupt relationship with the Pardoner.[43] In The Friar’s Tale, one of the characters is a summoner who is shown to be working on the side of the devil, not God.[44]

Churchmen of various kinds are represented by the Monk, the Prioress, the Nun’s Priest, and the Second Nun. Monastic orders, which originated from a desire to follow an ascetic lifestyle separated from the world, had by Chaucer’s time become increasingly entangled in worldly matters. Monasteries frequently controlled huge tracts of land on which they made significant sums of money, while peasants worked in their employ.[45] The Second Nun is an example of what a Nun was expected to be: her tale is about a woman whose chaste example brings people into the church. The Monk and the Prioress, on the other hand, while not as corrupt as the Summoner or Pardoner, fall far short of the ideal for their orders. Both are expensively dressed, show signs of lives of luxury and flirtatiousness and show a lack of spiritual depth.[46] The Prioress’s Tale is an account of Jews murdering a deeply pious and innocent Christian boy, a blood libel against Jews that became a part of English literary tradition.[47] The story did not originate in the works of Chaucer and was well known in the 14th century.[48]

Pilgrimage was a very prominent feature of medieval society. The ultimate pilgrimage destination was Jerusalem,[49] but within England Canterbury was a popular destination. Pilgrims would journey to cathedrals that preserved relics of saints, believing that such relics held miraculous powers. Saint Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, had been murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by knights of Henry II during a disagreement between Church and Crown. Miracle stories connected to his remains sprang up soon after his death, and the cathedral became a popular pilgrimage destination.[50] The pilgrimage in the work ties all of the stories together and may be considered a representation of Christians’ striving for heaven, despite weaknesses, disagreement, and diversity of opinion.[51]

Social class and convention

Bors’ Dilemma – he chooses to save a maiden rather than his brother Lionel

The upper class or nobility, represented chiefly by the Knight and his Squire, was in Chaucer’s time steeped in a culture of chivalry and courtliness. Nobles were expected to be powerful warriors who could be ruthless on the battlefield yet mannerly in the King’s Court and Christian in their actions.[52] Knights were expected to form a strong social bond with the men who fought alongside them, but an even stronger bond with a woman whom they idealised to strengthen their fighting ability.[53] Though the aim of chivalry was to noble action, its conflicting values often degenerated into violence. Church leaders frequently tried to place restrictions on jousts and tournaments, which at times ended in the death of the loser. The Knight’s Tale shows how the brotherly love of two fellow knights turns into a deadly feud at the sight of a woman whom both idealise. To win her, both are willing to fight to the death. Chivalry was on the decline in Chaucer’s day, and it is possible that The Knight’s Tale was intended to show its flaws, although this is disputed.[54] Chaucer himself had fought in the Hundred Years’ War under Edward III, who heavily emphasised chivalry during his reign.[55] Two tales, Sir Topas and The Tale of Melibee, are told by Chaucer himself, who is travelling with the pilgrims in his own story. Both tales seem to focus on the ill-effects of chivalry—the first making fun of chivalric rules and the second warning against violence.[56]

The Tales constantly reflect the conflict between classes. For example, the division of the three estates: the characters are all divided into three distinct classes, the classes being «those who pray» (the clergy), «those who fight» (the nobility), and «those who work» (the commoners and peasantry).[57] Most of the tales are interlinked by common themes, and some «quit» (reply to or retaliate against) other tales. Convention is followed when the Knight begins the game with a tale, as he represents the highest social class in the group. But when he is followed by the Miller, who represents a lower class, it sets the stage for the Tales to reflect both a respect for and a disregard for upper class rules. Helen Cooper, as well as Mikhail Bakhtin and Derek Brewer, call this opposition «the ordered and the grotesque, Lent and Carnival, officially approved culture and its riotous, and high-spirited underside.»[58] Several works of the time contained the same opposition.[58]

Relativism versus realism

Chaucer’s characters each express different—sometimes vastly different—views of reality, creating an atmosphere of testing, empathy, and relativism.[32] As Helen Cooper says, «Different genres give different readings of the world: the fabliau scarcely notices the operations of God, the saint’s life focuses on those at the expense of physical reality, tracts and sermons insist on prudential or orthodox morality, romances privilege human emotion.» The sheer number of varying persons and stories renders the Tales as a set unable to arrive at any definite truth or reality.[59]


The concept of liminality figures prominently within The Canterbury Tales.[32] A liminal space, which can be both geographical as well as metaphorical or spiritual, is the transitional or transformational space between a «real» (secure, known, limited) world and an unknown or imaginary space of both risk and possibility.[60] The notion of a pilgrimage is itself a liminal experience, because it centres on travel between destinations and because pilgrims undertake it hoping to become more holy in the process. Thus, the structure of The Canterbury Tales itself is liminal; it not only covers the distance between London and Canterbury, but the majority of the tales refer to places entirely outside the geography of the pilgrimage. Jean Jost summarises the function of liminality in The Canterbury Tales,

Both appropriately and ironically in this raucous and subversive liminal space, a ragtag assembly gather together and tell their equally unconventional tales. In this unruly place, the rules of tale telling are established, themselves to be both disordered and broken; here the tales of game and earnest, solas and sentence, will be set and interrupted. Here the sacred and profane adventure begins, but does not end. Here, the condition of peril is as prominent as that of protection. The act of pilgrimaging itself consists of moving from one urban space, through liminal rural space, to the next urban space with an ever fluctuating series of events and narratives punctuating those spaces. The goal of pilgrimage may well be a religious or spiritual space at its conclusion, and reflect a psychological progression of the spirit, in yet another kind of emotional space.[61]

Liminality is also evident in the individual tales. An obvious instance of this is The Friar’s Tale in which the yeoman devil is a liminal figure because of his transitory nature and function; it is his purpose to issue souls from their current existence to hell, an entirely different one.[62] The Franklin’s Tale is a Breton Lai tale, which takes the tale into a liminal space by invoking not only the interaction of the supernatural and the mortal, but also the relation between the present and the imagined past.[63]


While Chaucer clearly states the addressees of many of his poems (the Book of the Duchess is believed to have been written for John of Gaunt on the occasion of his wife’s death in 1368), the intended audience of The Canterbury Tales is more difficult to determine. Chaucer was a courtier, leading some to believe that he was mainly a court poet who wrote exclusively for the nobility. He is referred to as a noble translator and poet by Eustache Deschamps and by his contemporary John Gower. It has been suggested that the poem was intended to be read aloud, which is probable as this was a common activity at the time. However, it also seems to have been intended for private reading, since Chaucer frequently refers to himself as the writer, rather than the speaker, of the work. Determining the intended audience directly from the text is even more difficult, since the audience is part of the story. This makes it difficult to tell when Chaucer is writing to the fictional pilgrim audience or the actual reader.[64]

Chaucer’s works may have been distributed in some form during his lifetime in part or in whole. Scholars speculate that manuscripts were circulated among his friends, but likely remained unknown to most people until after his death. However, the speed with which copyists strove to write complete versions of his tale in manuscript form shows that Chaucer was a famous and respected poet in his own day. The Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts are examples of the care taken to distribute the work. More manuscript copies of the poem exist than for any other poem of its day except The Prick of Conscience, causing some scholars to give it the medieval equivalent of bestseller status. Even the most elegant of the illustrated manuscripts, however, is not nearly as highly decorated as the work of authors of more respectable works such as John Lydgate’s religious and historical literature.[65]

15th century

John Lydgate and Thomas Occleve were among the first critics of Chaucer’s Tales, praising the poet as the greatest English poet of all time and the first to show what the language was truly capable of poetically. This sentiment was universally agreed upon by later critics into the mid-15th century. Glosses included in The Canterbury Tales manuscripts of the time praised him highly for his skill with «sentence» and rhetoric, the two pillars by which medieval critics judged poetry. The most respected of the tales was at this time the Knight’s, as it was full of both.[66]

Literary additions and supplements

The incompleteness of the Tales led several medieval authors to write additions and supplements to the tales to make them more complete. Some of the oldest existing manuscripts of the tales include new or modified tales, showing that even early on, such additions were being created. These emendations included various expansions of the Cook’s Tale, which Chaucer never finished, The Plowman’s Tale, The Tale of Gamelyn, the Siege of Thebes, and the Tale of Beryn.[67]

The Tale of Beryn, written by an anonymous author in the 15th century, is preceded by a lengthy prologue in which the pilgrims arrive at Canterbury and their activities there are described. While the rest of the pilgrims disperse throughout the town, the Pardoner seeks the affections of Kate the barmaid, but faces problems dealing with the man in her life and the innkeeper Harry Bailey. As the pilgrims turn back home, the Merchant restarts the storytelling with Tale of Beryn. In this tale, a young man named Beryn travels from Rome to Egypt to seek his fortune only to be cheated by other businessmen there. He is then aided by a local man in getting his revenge. The tale comes from the French tale Bérinus and exists in a single early manuscript of the tales, although it was printed along with the tales in a 1721 edition by John Urry.[68]

John Lydgate wrote The Siege of Thebes in about 1420. Like the Tale of Beryn, it is preceded by a prologue in which the pilgrims arrive in Canterbury. Lydgate places himself among the pilgrims as one of them and describes how he was a part of Chaucer’s trip and heard the stories. He characterises himself as a monk and tells a long story about the history of Thebes before the events of the Knight’s Tale. John Lydgate’s tale was popular early on and exists in old manuscripts both on its own and as part of the Tales. It was first printed as early as 1561 by John Stow, and several editions for centuries after followed suit.[69]

There are actually two versions of The Plowman’s Tale, both of which are influenced by the story Piers Plowman, a work written during Chaucer’s lifetime. Chaucer describes a Plowman in the General Prologue of his tales, but never gives him his own tale. One tale, written by Thomas Occleve, describes the miracle of the Virgin and the Sleeveless Garment. Another tale features a pelican and a griffin debating church corruption, with the pelican taking a position of protest akin to John Wycliffe’s ideas.[70]

The Tale of Gamelyn was included in an early manuscript version of the tales, Harley 7334, which is notorious for being one of the lower-quality early manuscripts in terms of editor error and alteration. It is now widely rejected by scholars as an authentic Chaucerian tale, although some scholars think he may have intended to rewrite the story as a tale for the Yeoman. Dates for its authorship vary from 1340 to 1370.[71]

Later adaptations and homages


  • The most well-known work of the 18th century writer Harriet Lee was called The Canterbury Tales, and consists of twelve stories, related by travellers thrown together by untoward accident. In turn, Lee’s version had a profound influence on Lord Byron.
  • Henry Dudeney’s 1907 book The Canterbury Puzzles contains a part reputedly lost from what modern readers know as Chaucer’s tales.
  • Historical-mystery novelist P.C. Doherty wrote a series of novels based on The Canterbury Tales, making use of both the story frame and Chaucer’s characters.
  • Science-fiction writer Dan Simmons wrote his Hugo Award winning 1989 novel Hyperion based on an extra-planetary group of pilgrims.
  • Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins used The Canterbury Tales as a structure for his 2004 non-fiction book about evolution titled The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution. His animal pilgrims are on their way to find the common ancestor, each telling a tale about evolution.
  • Canadian author Angie Abdou translates The Canterbury Tales to a cross section of people, all snow-sports enthusiasts but from different social backgrounds, converging on a remote back-country ski cabin in British Columbia in the 2011 novel The Canterbury Trail.
  • British poet and performer Patience Agbabi is one of fourteen authors who worked together to tell the stories and experiences of refugees, detainees, and asylum seekers in a book titled Refugee Tales. The collaborative efforts of the writers and displaced people create stories modeled after Chaucer’s tale of journey in The Canterbury Tales. This project is rooted in the efforts of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, a non-partisan advocacy group for detained people.

Stage adaptations

  • The Two Noble Kinsmen, by William Shakespeare and John Fletcher, a retelling of «The Knight’s Tale», was first performed in 1613 or 1614 and published in 1634.
  • In 1961, Erik Chisholm completed his opera, The Canterbury Tales. The opera is in three acts: The Wyf of Bath’s Tale, The Pardoner’s Tale and The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.
  • Nevill Coghill’s modern English version formed the basis of a musical version that was first staged in 1964.

Film and television

  • A Canterbury Tale, a 1944 film, jointly written and directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, is loosely based on the narrative frame of Chaucer’s tales. The movie opens with a group of medieval pilgrims journeying through the Kentish countryside as a narrator speaks the opening lines of the General Prologue. The scene then makes a now-famous transition to the time of World War II. From that point on, the film follows a group of strangers, each with their own story and in need of some kind of redemption, who are making their way to Canterbury together. The film’s main story takes place in an imaginary town in Kent and ends with the main characters arriving at Canterbury Cathedral, bells pealing and Chaucer’s words again resounding. A Canterbury Tale is recognised as one of the Powell-Pressburger team’s most poetic and artful films. It was produced as wartime propaganda, using Chaucer’s poetry, referring to the famous pilgrimage, and offering photography of Kent to remind the public of what made Britain worth fighting for. In one scene, a local historian lectures an audience of British soldiers about the pilgrims of Chaucer’s time and the vibrant history of England.[72]
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1972 film The Canterbury Tales features several of the tales, some of which cohere to the original tale and others which are embellished. «The Cook’s Tale», for instance, which is incomplete in the original version, is expanded into a full story, and «The Friar’s Tale» extends the scene in which the Summoner is dragged down to hell. The film includes these two tales as well as «The Miller’s Tale», «The Summoner’s Tale», «The Wife of Bath’s Tale», and «The Merchant’s Tale».[73] «The Tale of Sir Topas» was also filmed and dubbed; however, it was later removed by Pasolini, and is now considered lost.
  • Alan Plater retold the stories in a series of plays for BBC2 in 1975: Trinity Tales.
  • On 26 April 1986, American radio personality Garrison Keillor opened «The News from Lake Wobegon» portion of the first live TV broadcast of his A Prairie Home Companion radio show with a reading of the original Middle English text of the General Prologue. He commented, «Although those words were written more than 600 years ago, they still describe spring.»
  • The 2001 film A Knight’s Tale, starring Heath Ledger, takes its title from Chaucer’s «The Knight’s Tale» and features Chaucer as a character.
  • In 2003, the BBC again featured modern re-tellings of selected tales in their six-episode series Canterbury Tales.[74]


  • British Psychedelic rock band Procol Harum’s 1967 hit «A Whiter Shade of Pale» is often assumed to be referencing the Canterbury Tales through the line, «as the miller told his tale.» However, lyricist Keith Reid has denied this, saying he had never read Chaucer when he wrote the line.[75]
  • The title of Sting’s 1993 album Ten Summoner’s Tales alludes to «The Summoner’s Tale» and to Sting’s birth name, Gordon Sumner.[76]

Ezra Winter, Canterbury Tales mural (1939), Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C. This mural is located on the west wall of the North Reading Room, and features the Miller, Host, Knight, Squire, Yeoman, Doctor, Chaucer, Man of Law, Clerk, Manciple, Sailor, Prioress, Nun, and three Priests; the other pilgrims appear on the east wall mural.[77]

  • The Knight

    The Knight

  • The Squire

    The Squire

  • Oswald The Reeve

    Oswald The Reeve

  • Robin The Miller

    Robin The Miller

  • Roger The Cook

    Roger The Cook

  • Alison The Wife of Bath

    Alison The Wife of Bath

  • The Franklin

    The Franklin

  • The Shipman

    The Shipman

  • The Manciple

    The Manciple

  • The Merchant

    The Merchant

  • The Clerk of Oxford

    The Clerk of Oxford

  • The Sergeant of Law

    The Sergeant of Law

  • The Physician

    The Physician

  • The Parson

    The Parson

  • The Monk

    The Monk

  • Madame Eglantine The Prioress

    Madame Eglantine The Prioress

  • The Second Nun

    The Second Nun

  • The Nun's Priest

    The Nun’s Priest

  • Hubert The Friar

    Hubert The Friar

  • The Summoner

    The Summoner

  • The Pardoner

    The Pardoner

  • The Canon Yeoman

    The Canon Yeoman

  • Geoffrey Chaucer

    Geoffrey Chaucer

See also

  • icon Novels portal


  1. ^ Carlson, David. «The Chronology of Lydgate’s Chaucer References». The Chaucer Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2004), pp. 246–54. Accessed 6 January 2014.
  2. ^ The name «Tales of Caunterbury» appears within the surviving texts of Chaucer’s work. Its modern name first appeared as Canterbury talys in John Lydgate’s 1421–1422 prologue to the Siege of Thebes.[1]
  3. ^ «Encyclopedia Britannica».
  4. ^ «A Digital Catalogue of the Pre-1500 Manuscripts and Incunables of the Canterbury Tales Second Edition».
  5. ^ Pearsall, 8.
  6. ^ Cooper, 6–7
  7. ^ Pearsall, 10, 17.
  8. ^ Cooper, 8.
  9. ^ Linne R. Mooney (2006), «Chaucer’s Scribe,» Speculum, 81 : 97–138.
  10. ^ [1] Ezard, John (20 July 2004). «The scrivener’s tale: how Chaucer’s sloppy copyist was unmasked after 600 years». The Guardian.
  11. ^ See Lawrence Warner, Chaucer’s Scribes: London Textual Production, 1384–1432 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).
  12. ^ a b c Cooper, 7
  13. ^ Pearsall, 14–15.
  14. ^ Text from The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 153.
  15. ^ Based on the information in Norman Davies, «Language and Versification», in The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. xxv–xli.
  16. ^ e.g. Ian Robinson, Chaucer’s Prosody: A Study of the Middle English Verse Tradition (London: Cambridge University Press, 1971).
  17. ^ See M. L. Samuels, «Chaucerian Final ‘-e'», Notes and Queries, 19 (1972), 445–48, and D. Burnley, «Inflection in Chaucer’s Adjectives», Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 83 (1982), 169–77.
  18. ^ Cooper, p. 10.
  19. ^ Bloom, Harold (11 November 2009). «Road Trip». The New York Times. Retrieved 9 September 2013.
  20. ^ Sobecki, Sebastian (2017). «A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales» (PDF). Speculum. 92 (3): 630–60. doi:10.1086/692620. S2CID 159994357.
  21. ^ Cooper, pp. 10–11.
  22. ^ Cooper, pp. 12–16.
  23. ^ Brewer, p. 227. «Although Chaucer undoubtedly studied the works of these celebrated writers, and particularly of Dante before this fortunate interview; yet it seems likely, that these excursions gave him a new relish for their compositions, and enlarged his knowledge of the Italian fables.»
  24. ^ Brewer, p. 277.»…where he became thoroughly inbued with the spirit and excellence of the great Italian poets and prose-writers: Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio; and is said to have had a personal contact interview with one of these, Petrarch.»
  25. ^ Hendrickson, pp. 183–92. Professor G. L. Hendrickson of the University of Chicago gives a detailed analysis as to Chaucer coming in contact with Petrarch.
  26. ^ Rearden, p. 458. «There can be no moral doubt but that Chaucer knew Petrarch personally. They were both in France many times, where they might have met. They were both courtiers. They both had an enthusiasm for scholarship. Whether they met then, or whether Chaucer, when on his visit to Genoa, specially visited the Italian, it does not appear.» «…but the only reason that such a visit could not have occurred lies in the fact that Petrarch himself does not record it. Still, on the other hand, would he have mentioned the visit of a man who was the servant of a barbarous monarch, and whose only claim to notice, literary-wise, was his cultivation of an unknown and uncouth dialect that was half bastard French?»
  27. ^ Skeat (1874), p. xxx. «And we know that Petrarch, on his own shewing, was so pleased with the story of Griselda that he learnt it by heart as well as he could, for the express purpose of repeating it to friends, before the idea of turning it into Latin occurred to him. Whence we may conclude that Chaucer and Petrarch met at Padua early in 1373; that Petrarch told Chaucer the story by word of mouth, either in Italian or French; and that Chaucer shortly after obtained a copy of Petrarch’s Latin version, which he kept constantly before him whilst making his own translation.»
  28. ^ «Sources and Analogues of the Canterbury Tales», 2002, p. 22.
  29. ^ Cooper, 8–9.
  30. ^ Cooper, 17–18.
  31. ^ Cooper, 18.
  32. ^ a b c Podgorski, Daniel (29 December 2015). «Puppetry and the «Popet:» Fiction, Reality, and Empathy in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales«. The Gemsbok. Retrieved 17 March 2016.
  33. ^ Cooper, 22–24.
  34. ^ Cooper, 24–25.
  35. ^ Cooper, 25–26.
  36. ^ Norman Davies, ‘Language and Versification’, in The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. xxv-xli (pp. xxxix-xl).
  37. ^ Prestwich, Michael (2014). Medieval People: Vivid Lives in a Distant Landscape. London: Thames & Hudson. pp. 4. An Age of Plague 1300–1400. ISBN 978-0500252031.
  38. ^ Cooper, 5–6.
  39. ^ Donald R. Howard, Chaucer and the Medieval World (London, 1987), pp. 410–17.
  40. ^ Bisson, pp. 49–51, 56–62.
  41. ^ Bisson, p. 50.
  42. ^ Bisson, pp. 61–64.
  43. ^ Bisson, pp. 66–67.
  44. ^ Bisson, pp. 67–68.
  45. ^ Bisson, pp. 73–75, 81.
  46. ^ Bisson, pp. 91–95.
  47. ^ Rubin, 106–07.
  48. ^ «The Prioress’s Tale», by Prof. Jane Zatta.
  49. ^ Bisson, pp. 99–02.
  50. ^ Bisson, pp. 110–13.
  51. ^ Bisson, pp. 117–19.
  52. ^ Bisson, pp. 123–31.
  53. ^ Bisson, pp. 132–34.
  54. ^ Bisson, pp. 139–42.
  55. ^ Bisson, p. 138.
  56. ^ Bisson, pp. 141–42.
  57. ^ Bisson, p. 143.
  58. ^ a b Cooper, 19
  59. ^ Cooper, 21.
  60. ^ Bishop, Norma J. «Liminal Space in Travellers’ Tales: Historical and Fictional Passages (Folklore, Ritual, History)». Order No. 8615152 The Pennsylvania State University, 1986. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 30 September 2015.
  61. ^ Jost, Jean. «Urban and Liminal Space in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale: Perilous or Protective?» Albrecht Classen, ed. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture: Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. Berlin, DEU: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Print.
  62. ^ Bloomfield, Morton W. «The ‘Friar’s Tale’ as a Liminal Tale». The Chaucer Review 17.4 (1983): 286–91. Print.
  63. ^ Nowlin, Steele. «Between Precedent and Possibility: Liminality, Historicity, and Narrative in Chaucer’s ‘The Franklin’s Tale'». Studies in Philology 103.1 (2006): 47–67. Print.
  64. ^ Pearsall, 294–95.
  65. ^ Pearsall, 295–97.
  66. ^ Pearsall, 298–302.
  67. ^ Trigg, Stephanie, Congenial Souls: Reading Chaucer from Medieval to Postmodern, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002, p. 86. ISBN 0-8166-3823-3.
  68. ^ Trigg, pp. 86–88, 97.
  69. ^ Trigg, pp. 88–97.
  70. ^ Brewer, Charlotte, Editing Piers Plowman: The Evolution of the Text, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 8–9. ISBN 0-521-34250-3.
  71. ^ Ohlgren, Thomas, Medieval Outlaws, Parlor Press, 2005, pp. 264–65. ISBN 1-932559-62-0.
  72. ^ Ellis, Steve, Chaucer at Large, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000, pp. 64–65. ISBN 0-8166-3376-2.
  73. ^ Pencak, William, The Films of Derek Jarman, Jefferson: McFarland & Co, 2002, pp. 178–9. ISBN 0-7864-1430-8.
  74. ^ «Canterbury Tales». BBC Drama. Retrieved 6 May 2007.
  75. ^ Butler,Mike (17 September 1994). «In truth they were at sea: Lives of the Great Songs – A Whiter Shade of Pale: Vestal Virgins, light fandangoes: Procol Harum’s classic can be baffling. Mike Butler asked its authors to help». The Independent. Retrieved 24 May 2021.
  76. ^ Marienberg, Evyatar (2021). Sting and Religion: The Catholic-Shaped Imagination of a Rock Icon. Eugene, Or.: Cascade Books. ISBN 9781725272262. Retrieved 10 July 2021.
  77. ^ «On These Walls: Inscriptions and Quotations in the Buildings of the Library of Congress». Library of Congress. Retrieved 31 December 2012.


  • Bisson, Lillian M. (1998). Chaucer and the late medieval world. New York: St. Martin’s Press. ISBN 978-0-312-10667-6.
  • Cooper, Helen (1996). The Canterbury tales. Oxford guides to Chaucer (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-871155-1.
  • Pearsall, Derek Albert (1985). The Canterbury tales. Unwin critical library. London: G. Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-0-04-800021-7.
  • Scattered among the nations: documents affecting Jewish history, 49 to 1975. Alexis P. Rubin (ed.). Toronto, ON: Wall & Emerson. 1993. ISBN 978-1-895131-10-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)

Further reading

  • Collette, Carolyn P. (2001). Species, phantasms, and images: vision and medieval psychology in The Canterbury tales. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. doi:10.3998/mpub.16499. ISBN 978-0-472-11161-9.
  • Kolve, V.A.; Olson, Glending (2005). The Canterbury tales: fifteen tales and the general prologue: authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism. A Norton critical edition (2 ed.). New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-92587-6.
  • Sobecki, Sebastian (2017). «A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales» (PDF). Speculum. 92 (3): 630–60. doi:10.1086/692620. S2CID 159994357.
  • Thompson, N.S. (1996). Chaucer, Boccaccio, and the debate of love: a comparative study of the Decameron and the Canterbury tales. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-812378-1.
  • Spark Notes: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing. 2014.
  • No Fair: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing. 2009.
  • Dogan, Sandeur (2013). «The Three Estates Model: Represented and Satirised in Chaucer’s General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales». Journal of History, Culture & Art Research / Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Arastirmalari Dergisi. June 2013, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pp. 49–56.
  • Nicholls, Jonathan. «Review: Chaucer’s Narrators by David Lawton,» The Modern Language Review,2017.
  • Pugh, Tison. «Gender, Vulgarity, and the Phantom Debates of Chaucer’s Merchant’s Tale,» Studies in Philology, Vol. 114 Issue 3, 473–96, 2017.

External links


  • Texts and translations at Harvard University
  • The Canterbury Tales Project: publishing transcripts, images, collations and analysis of all surviving 15th-century copies
  • The Canterbury Tales at the Bibliotheca Augustana
  • The Canterbury Tales public domain audiobook at LibriVox

Online texts

  • The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems at Project Gutenberg
  • Ecker, Ronald L.; Crook, Eugene Joseph (1993). The Canterbury Tales: A Complete Translation into Modern English. Palatka, FL: Hodge & Braddock. ISBN 978-0-9636512-3-5.


  • The Hengwrt Manuscript: the oldest manuscript copy
  • MS 1084/2 Canterbury tales at OPenn
  • Ellesmere Chaucer
  • British Library, Harley MS 7334
  • British Library, Harley MS 1758
  • Caxton’s Chaucer: scans of William Caxton’s two editions of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales.png

A woodcut from William Caxton’s second edition of The Canterbury Tales printed in 1483

Author Geoffrey Chaucer
Original title Tales of Caunterbury
Country England
Language Middle English
Set in Kingdom of England, 14th century

Publication date

c. 1400 (unfinished at Chaucer’s death)

Dewey Decimal

LC Class PR1870 .A1
Text The Canterbury Tales at Wikisource

The Canterbury Tales (Middle English: Tales of Caunterbury)[2] is a collection of twenty-four stories that runs to over 17,000 lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400.[3] It is widely regarded as Chaucer’s magnum opus. The tales (mostly written in verse, although some are in prose) are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return.

It has been suggested that the greatest contribution of The Canterbury Tales to English literature was the popularisation of the English vernacular in mainstream literature, as opposed to French, Italian or Latin. English had, however, been used as a literary language centuries before Chaucer’s time, and several of Chaucer’s contemporaries—John Gower, William Langland, the Pearl Poet, and Julian of Norwich—also wrote major literary works in English. It is unclear to what extent Chaucer was seminal in this evolution of literary preference.

The Canterbury Tales is generally thought to have been incomplete at the end of Chaucer’s life. In the General Prologue, some 30 pilgrims are introduced. According to the Prologue, Chaucer’s intention was to write four stories from the perspective of each pilgrim, two each on the way to and from their ultimate destination, St. Thomas Becket’s shrine (making for a total of about 120 stories). Although perhaps incomplete, The Canterbury Tales is revered as one of the most important works in English literature.


The question of whether The Canterbury Tales is a finished work has not been answered to date. There are 84 manuscripts and four incunabula (printed before 1500) editions[4] of the work, which is more than for any other vernacular English literary text with the exception of The Prick of Conscience. This comparison should not be taken as evidence of the Tales’ popularity in the century after Chaucer’s death, because according to Derek Pearsal, it is unfair considering that The Prick of Conscience had all the benefit of the «preservation of a dogmatic religious subject-matter».[5] Fifty-five of these manuscripts are thought to have been originally complete, while 28 are so fragmentary that it is difficult to ascertain whether they were copied individually or as part of a set.[6] The Tales vary in both minor and major ways from manuscript to manuscript; many of the minor variations are due to copyists’ errors, while it is suggested that in other cases Chaucer both added to his work and revised it as it was being copied and possibly as it was being distributed.

Even the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Tales are not Chaucer’s originals. The very oldest is probably MS Peniarth 392 D (called «Hengwrt»), written by a scribe shortly after Chaucer’s death. Another famous example is the Ellesmere Manuscript, a manuscript handwritten by one person with illustrations by several illustrators; the tales are put in an order that many later editors have followed for centuries.[7][8] The first version of The Canterbury Tales to be published in print was William Caxton’s 1476 edition. Only 10 copies of this edition are known to exist, including one held by the British Library and one held by the Folger Shakespeare Library.

In 2004, Linne Mooney claimed that she was able to identify the scrivener who worked for Chaucer as an Adam Pinkhurst. Mooney, then a professor at the University of Maine and a visiting fellow at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, said she could match Pinkhurst’s oath in the Scriveners’ Common Paper to the handwriting in the Hengwrt manuscript, which she theorized might have been transcribed from Chaucer’s working copy.[9][10] Although this identification has been generally accepted, some scholars have expressed doubts.[11]


There is no consensus as to whether or not a complete version of the Tales exists, and also no consensus regarding Chaucer’s intended order of the stories.[12][13]

Textual and manuscript clues have been adduced to support the two most popular modern methods of ordering the tales. Some scholarly editions divide the Tales into ten «Fragments». The tales that make up a Fragment are closely related and contain internal indications of their order of presentation, usually with one character speaking to and then stepping aside for another character. However, between Fragments, the connection is less obvious. Consequently, there are several possible orders; the one most frequently seen in modern editions follows the numbering of the Fragments (ultimately based on the Ellesmere order).[12] Victorians frequently used the nine «Groups», which was the order used by Walter William Skeat whose edition Chaucer: Complete Works was used by Oxford University Press for most of the twentieth century, but this order is currently seldom followed.[12]

Fragment Group Tales
Fragment I A

General Prologue

The Knight’s Tale

The Miller’s Tale

The Reeve’s Tale

The Cook’s Tale

Fragment II B1 The Man of Law’s Tale
Fragment III D The Wife of Bath’s Tale
The Friar’s Tale
The Summoner’s Tale
Fragment IV E The Clerk’s Tale
The Merchant’s Tale
Fragment V F The Squire’s Tale
The Franklin’s Tale
Fragment VI C The Physician’s Tale
The Pardoner’s Tale
Fragment VII B2 The Shipman’s Tale
The Prioress’s Tale
Sir Thopas’ Tale
The Tale of Melibee
The Monk’s Tale
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
Fragment VIII G The Second Nun’s Tale
The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale
Fragment IX H The Manciple’s Tale
Fragment X I The Parson’s Tale

An alternative ordering (seen in the early 15th-century manuscript Harley MS. 7334) places Fragment VIII before VI. Fragments I and II almost always follow each other, just as VI and VII, IX and X do in the oldest manuscripts. Fragments IV and V, by contrast, vary in location from manuscript to manuscript.


Recording in reconstructed Middle English pronunciation

Chaucer mainly wrote in a London dialect of late Middle English, which has clear differences from Modern English. From philological research, some facts are known about the pronunciation of English during the time of Chaucer. Chaucer pronounced -e at the end of many words, so that care (except when followed by a vowel sound) was [ˈkaːrə], not as in Modern English. Other nowadays silent letters were also pronounced, so that the word knight was [kniçt], with both the k and the gh pronounced, not . In some cases, vowel letters in Middle English were pronounced very differently from Modern English, because the Great Vowel Shift had not yet happened. For instance, the long e in wepyng «weeping» was pronounced as [eː], as in modern German or Italian, not as . Below is an IPA transcription of the opening lines of The Merchant’s Prologue:

‘Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe
I knowe ynogh, on even and a-morwe,’
Quod the Marchant, ‘and so doon oother mo
That wedded been.’[14]
ˈweːpiŋɡ and ˈwailiŋɡ ‖ ˈkaːr‿and ˈoːðər ˈsɔrwə ‖
iː ˈknɔu iˈnoːx ‖ ɔn ˈɛːvən and aˈmɔrwə ‖
ˈkwɔd ðə ˈmartʃant ‖ and ˈsɔː ˈdoːn ˈoːðər ˈmɔː ‖
ðat ˈwɛddəd ˈbeːn ‖[15]
‘Weeping and wailing, care and other sorrow
I know enough, in the evening and in the morning,’
said the Merchant, ‘and so do many others
who have been married.’

No manuscript exists in Chaucer’s own hand; all extant copies were made by scribes. Because the final -e sound was lost soon after Chaucer’s time, scribes did not accurately copy it, and this gave scholars the impression that Chaucer himself was inconsistent in using it.[16] It has now been established, however, that -e was an important part of Chaucer’s grammar, and helped to distinguish singular adjectives from plural and subjunctive verbs from indicative.[17]


No other work prior to Chaucer’s is known to have set a collection of tales within the framework of pilgrims on a pilgrimage. It is obvious, however, that Chaucer borrowed portions, sometimes very large portions, of his stories from earlier stories, and that his work was influenced by the general state of the literary world in which he lived. Storytelling was the main entertainment in England at the time, and storytelling contests had been around for hundreds of years. In 14th-century England, the English Pui was a group with an appointed leader who would judge the songs of the group. The winner received a crown and, as with the winner of The Canterbury Tales, a free dinner. It was common for pilgrims on a pilgrimage to have a chosen «master of ceremonies» to guide them and organise the journey.[18] Harold Bloom suggests that the structure is mostly original, but inspired by the «pilgrim» figures of Dante and Virgil in The Divine Comedy.[19] New research suggests that the General Prologue, in which the innkeeper and host Harry Bailey introduces each pilgrim, is a pastiche of the historical Harry Bailey’s surviving 1381 poll-tax account of Southwark’s inhabitants.[20]

The Canterbury Tales contains more parallels to the Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio, than any other work. Like the Tales, the Decameron features a frame tale in which several different narrators tell a series of stories. In the Decameron, the characters have fled to the countryside to escape the Black Death. It ends with an apology by Boccaccio, much like Chaucer’s Retraction to the Tales. A quarter of the tales in The Canterbury Tales parallel a tale in the Decameron, although most of them have closer parallels in other stories. Some scholars thus find it unlikely that Chaucer had a copy of the work on hand, surmising instead that he may have merely read the Decameron at some point.[21] Chaucer may have read the Decameron during his first diplomatic mission to Italy in 1372.[citation needed] Chaucer used a wide variety of sources, but some, in particular, were used frequently over several tales, among them the Bible, Classical poetry by Ovid, and the works of contemporary Italian writers Petrarch and Dante. Chaucer was the first author to use the work of these last two.[citation needed] Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy appears in several tales, as do the works of John Gower, a friend of Chaucer’s. Chaucer also seems to have borrowed from numerous religious encyclopaedias and liturgical writings, such as John Bromyard’s Summa praedicantium, a preacher’s handbook, and Jerome’s Adversus Jovinianum.[22] Many scholars say there is a good possibility Chaucer met Petrarch or Boccaccio.[23][24][25][26][27]

Genre and structure

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories built around a frame tale, a common and already long established genre in this period. Chaucer’s Tales differs from most other story «collections» in this genre chiefly in its intense variation. Most story collections focused on a theme, usually a religious one. Even in the Decameron, storytellers are encouraged to stick to the theme decided on for the day. The idea of a pilgrimage to get such a diverse collection of people together for literary purposes was also unprecedented, though «the association of pilgrims and storytelling was a familiar one».[28] Introducing a competition among the tales encourages the reader to compare the tales in all their variety, and allows Chaucer to showcase the breadth of his skill in different genres and literary forms.[29]

While the structure of the Tales is largely linear, with one story following another, it is also much more than that. In the General Prologue, Chaucer describes not the tales to be told, but the people who will tell them, making it clear that structure will depend on the characters rather than a general theme or moral. This idea is reinforced when the Miller interrupts to tell his tale after the Knight has finished his. Having the Knight go first gives one the idea that all will tell their stories by class, with the Monk following the Knight. However, the Miller’s interruption makes it clear that this structure will be abandoned in favour of a free and open exchange of stories among all classes present. General themes and points of view arise as the characters tell their tales, which are responded to by other characters in their own tales, sometimes after a long lapse in which the theme has not been addressed.[30]

Lastly, Chaucer does not pay much attention to the progress of the trip, to the time passing as the pilgrims travel, or to specific locations along the way to Canterbury. His writing of the story seems focused primarily on the stories being told, and not on the pilgrimage itself.[31]


Title page of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in the hand of «Scribe B», identified as Adam Pinkhurst, c. 1400.

The variety of Chaucer’s tales shows the breadth of his skill and his familiarity with many literary forms, linguistic styles, and rhetorical devices. Medieval schools of rhetoric at the time encouraged such diversity, dividing literature (as Virgil suggests) into high, middle, and low styles as measured by the density of rhetorical forms and vocabulary. Another popular method of division came from St. Augustine, who focused more on audience response and less on subject matter (a Virgilian concern). Augustine divided literature into «majestic persuades», «temperate pleases», and «subdued teaches». Writers were encouraged to write in a way that kept in mind the speaker, subject, audience, purpose, manner, and occasion. Chaucer moves freely between all of these styles, showing favouritism to none.[32] He not only considers the readers of his work as an audience, but the other pilgrims within the story as well, creating a multi-layered rhetoric.[33]

With this, Chaucer avoids targeting any specific audience or social class of readers, focusing instead on the characters of the story and writing their tales with a skill proportional to their social status and learning. However, even the lowest characters, such as the Miller, show surprising rhetorical ability, although their subject matter is more lowbrow. Vocabulary also plays an important part, as those of the higher classes refer to a woman as a «lady», while the lower classes use the word «wenche», with no exceptions. At times the same word will mean entirely different things between classes. The word «pitee», for example, is a noble concept to the upper classes, while in the Merchant’s Tale it refers to sexual intercourse. Again, however, tales such as the Nun’s Priest’s Tale show surprising skill with words among the lower classes of the group, while the Knight’s Tale is at times extremely simple.[34]

Chaucer uses the same meter throughout almost all of his tales, with the exception of Sir Thopas and his prose tales. This is a line characterised by five stressed syllables, usually alternating with unstressed syllables to produce lines usually of ten syllables, but often eleven and occasionally nine; occasionally a caesura can be identified around the middle of a line. This metre was probably inspired by French and Italian forms. Chaucer’s meter would later develop into the heroic meter of the 15th and 16th centuries sometimes known as riding rhyme, and is an ancestor of iambic pentameter. Chaucer’s verse is usually also characterised by couplet rhyme, but he avoided allowing couplets to become too prominent in The Canterbury Tales, and four of the tales (the Man of Law’s, Clerk’s, Prioress’, and Second Nun’s) use rhyme royal.[35][36]

Historical context and themes

In 1386, Chaucer became Controller of Customs and Justice of the Peace and, in 1389, Clerk of the King’s Works.[37] It was during these years that Chaucer began working on The Canterbury Tales.

The end of the fourteenth century was a turbulent time in English history. The Catholic Church was in the midst of the Western Schism and, although it was still the only Christian authority in Western Europe, it was the subject of heavy controversy. Lollardy, an early English religious movement led by John Wycliffe, is mentioned in the Tales, which also mention a specific incident involving pardoners (sellers of indulgences, which were believed to relieve the temporal punishment due for sins that were already forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession) who nefariously claimed to be collecting for St. Mary Rouncesval hospital in England. The Canterbury Tales is among the first English literary works to mention paper, a relatively new invention that allowed dissemination of the written word never before seen in England. Political clashes, such as the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt and clashes ending in the deposing of King Richard II, further reveal the complex turmoil surrounding Chaucer in the time of the Tales’ writing. Many of his close friends were executed and he himself moved to Kent to get away from events in London.[38]

While some readers look to interpret the characters of The Canterbury Tales as historical figures, other readers choose to interpret its significance in less literal terms. After analysis of Chaucer’s diction and historical context, his work appears to develop a critique of society during his lifetime. Within a number of his descriptions, his comments can appear complimentary in nature, but through clever language, the statements are ultimately critical of the pilgrim’s actions. It is unclear whether Chaucer would intend for the reader to link his characters with actual persons. Instead, it appears that Chaucer creates fictional characters to be general representations of people in such fields of work. With an understanding of medieval society, one can detect subtle satire at work.[39]


The Tales reflect diverse views of the Church in Chaucer’s England. After the Black Death, many Europeans began to question the authority of the established Church. Some turned to lollardy, while others chose less extreme paths, starting new monastic orders or smaller movements exposing church corruption in the behaviour of the clergy, false church relics or abuse of indulgences.[40] Several characters in the Tales are religious figures, and the very setting of the pilgrimage to Canterbury is religious (although the prologue comments ironically on its merely seasonal attractions), making religion a significant theme of the work.[41]

Two characters, the Pardoner and the Summoner, whose roles apply the Church’s secular power, are both portrayed as deeply corrupt, greedy, and abusive. Pardoners in Chaucer’s day were those people from whom one bought Church «indulgences» for forgiveness of sins, who were guilty of abusing their office for their own gain. Chaucer’s Pardoner openly admits the corruption of his practice while hawking his wares.[42] Summoners were Church officers who brought sinners to the Church court for possible excommunication and other penalties. Corrupt summoners would write false citations and frighten people into bribing them to protect their interests. Chaucer’s Summoner is portrayed as guilty of the very kinds of sins for which he is threatening to bring others to court, and is hinted as having a corrupt relationship with the Pardoner.[43] In The Friar’s Tale, one of the characters is a summoner who is shown to be working on the side of the devil, not God.[44]

Churchmen of various kinds are represented by the Monk, the Prioress, the Nun’s Priest, and the Second Nun. Monastic orders, which originated from a desire to follow an ascetic lifestyle separated from the world, had by Chaucer’s time become increasingly entangled in worldly matters. Monasteries frequently controlled huge tracts of land on which they made significant sums of money, while peasants worked in their employ.[45] The Second Nun is an example of what a Nun was expected to be: her tale is about a woman whose chaste example brings people into the church. The Monk and the Prioress, on the other hand, while not as corrupt as the Summoner or Pardoner, fall far short of the ideal for their orders. Both are expensively dressed, show signs of lives of luxury and flirtatiousness and show a lack of spiritual depth.[46] The Prioress’s Tale is an account of Jews murdering a deeply pious and innocent Christian boy, a blood libel against Jews that became a part of English literary tradition.[47] The story did not originate in the works of Chaucer and was well known in the 14th century.[48]

Pilgrimage was a very prominent feature of medieval society. The ultimate pilgrimage destination was Jerusalem,[49] but within England Canterbury was a popular destination. Pilgrims would journey to cathedrals that preserved relics of saints, believing that such relics held miraculous powers. Saint Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, had been murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by knights of Henry II during a disagreement between Church and Crown. Miracle stories connected to his remains sprang up soon after his death, and the cathedral became a popular pilgrimage destination.[50] The pilgrimage in the work ties all of the stories together and may be considered a representation of Christians’ striving for heaven, despite weaknesses, disagreement, and diversity of opinion.[51]

Social class and convention

Bors’ Dilemma – he chooses to save a maiden rather than his brother Lionel

The upper class or nobility, represented chiefly by the Knight and his Squire, was in Chaucer’s time steeped in a culture of chivalry and courtliness. Nobles were expected to be powerful warriors who could be ruthless on the battlefield yet mannerly in the King’s Court and Christian in their actions.[52] Knights were expected to form a strong social bond with the men who fought alongside them, but an even stronger bond with a woman whom they idealised to strengthen their fighting ability.[53] Though the aim of chivalry was to noble action, its conflicting values often degenerated into violence. Church leaders frequently tried to place restrictions on jousts and tournaments, which at times ended in the death of the loser. The Knight’s Tale shows how the brotherly love of two fellow knights turns into a deadly feud at the sight of a woman whom both idealise. To win her, both are willing to fight to the death. Chivalry was on the decline in Chaucer’s day, and it is possible that The Knight’s Tale was intended to show its flaws, although this is disputed.[54] Chaucer himself had fought in the Hundred Years’ War under Edward III, who heavily emphasised chivalry during his reign.[55] Two tales, Sir Topas and The Tale of Melibee, are told by Chaucer himself, who is travelling with the pilgrims in his own story. Both tales seem to focus on the ill-effects of chivalry—the first making fun of chivalric rules and the second warning against violence.[56]

The Tales constantly reflect the conflict between classes. For example, the division of the three estates: the characters are all divided into three distinct classes, the classes being «those who pray» (the clergy), «those who fight» (the nobility), and «those who work» (the commoners and peasantry).[57] Most of the tales are interlinked by common themes, and some «quit» (reply to or retaliate against) other tales. Convention is followed when the Knight begins the game with a tale, as he represents the highest social class in the group. But when he is followed by the Miller, who represents a lower class, it sets the stage for the Tales to reflect both a respect for and a disregard for upper class rules. Helen Cooper, as well as Mikhail Bakhtin and Derek Brewer, call this opposition «the ordered and the grotesque, Lent and Carnival, officially approved culture and its riotous, and high-spirited underside.»[58] Several works of the time contained the same opposition.[58]

Relativism versus realism

Chaucer’s characters each express different—sometimes vastly different—views of reality, creating an atmosphere of testing, empathy, and relativism.[32] As Helen Cooper says, «Different genres give different readings of the world: the fabliau scarcely notices the operations of God, the saint’s life focuses on those at the expense of physical reality, tracts and sermons insist on prudential or orthodox morality, romances privilege human emotion.» The sheer number of varying persons and stories renders the Tales as a set unable to arrive at any definite truth or reality.[59]


The concept of liminality figures prominently within The Canterbury Tales.[32] A liminal space, which can be both geographical as well as metaphorical or spiritual, is the transitional or transformational space between a «real» (secure, known, limited) world and an unknown or imaginary space of both risk and possibility.[60] The notion of a pilgrimage is itself a liminal experience, because it centres on travel between destinations and because pilgrims undertake it hoping to become more holy in the process. Thus, the structure of The Canterbury Tales itself is liminal; it not only covers the distance between London and Canterbury, but the majority of the tales refer to places entirely outside the geography of the pilgrimage. Jean Jost summarises the function of liminality in The Canterbury Tales,

Both appropriately and ironically in this raucous and subversive liminal space, a ragtag assembly gather together and tell their equally unconventional tales. In this unruly place, the rules of tale telling are established, themselves to be both disordered and broken; here the tales of game and earnest, solas and sentence, will be set and interrupted. Here the sacred and profane adventure begins, but does not end. Here, the condition of peril is as prominent as that of protection. The act of pilgrimaging itself consists of moving from one urban space, through liminal rural space, to the next urban space with an ever fluctuating series of events and narratives punctuating those spaces. The goal of pilgrimage may well be a religious or spiritual space at its conclusion, and reflect a psychological progression of the spirit, in yet another kind of emotional space.[61]

Liminality is also evident in the individual tales. An obvious instance of this is The Friar’s Tale in which the yeoman devil is a liminal figure because of his transitory nature and function; it is his purpose to issue souls from their current existence to hell, an entirely different one.[62] The Franklin’s Tale is a Breton Lai tale, which takes the tale into a liminal space by invoking not only the interaction of the supernatural and the mortal, but also the relation between the present and the imagined past.[63]


While Chaucer clearly states the addressees of many of his poems (the Book of the Duchess is believed to have been written for John of Gaunt on the occasion of his wife’s death in 1368), the intended audience of The Canterbury Tales is more difficult to determine. Chaucer was a courtier, leading some to believe that he was mainly a court poet who wrote exclusively for the nobility. He is referred to as a noble translator and poet by Eustache Deschamps and by his contemporary John Gower. It has been suggested that the poem was intended to be read aloud, which is probable as this was a common activity at the time. However, it also seems to have been intended for private reading, since Chaucer frequently refers to himself as the writer, rather than the speaker, of the work. Determining the intended audience directly from the text is even more difficult, since the audience is part of the story. This makes it difficult to tell when Chaucer is writing to the fictional pilgrim audience or the actual reader.[64]

Chaucer’s works may have been distributed in some form during his lifetime in part or in whole. Scholars speculate that manuscripts were circulated among his friends, but likely remained unknown to most people until after his death. However, the speed with which copyists strove to write complete versions of his tale in manuscript form shows that Chaucer was a famous and respected poet in his own day. The Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts are examples of the care taken to distribute the work. More manuscript copies of the poem exist than for any other poem of its day except The Prick of Conscience, causing some scholars to give it the medieval equivalent of bestseller status. Even the most elegant of the illustrated manuscripts, however, is not nearly as highly decorated as the work of authors of more respectable works such as John Lydgate’s religious and historical literature.[65]

15th century

John Lydgate and Thomas Occleve were among the first critics of Chaucer’s Tales, praising the poet as the greatest English poet of all time and the first to show what the language was truly capable of poetically. This sentiment was universally agreed upon by later critics into the mid-15th century. Glosses included in The Canterbury Tales manuscripts of the time praised him highly for his skill with «sentence» and rhetoric, the two pillars by which medieval critics judged poetry. The most respected of the tales was at this time the Knight’s, as it was full of both.[66]

Literary additions and supplements

The incompleteness of the Tales led several medieval authors to write additions and supplements to the tales to make them more complete. Some of the oldest existing manuscripts of the tales include new or modified tales, showing that even early on, such additions were being created. These emendations included various expansions of the Cook’s Tale, which Chaucer never finished, The Plowman’s Tale, The Tale of Gamelyn, the Siege of Thebes, and the Tale of Beryn.[67]

The Tale of Beryn, written by an anonymous author in the 15th century, is preceded by a lengthy prologue in which the pilgrims arrive at Canterbury and their activities there are described. While the rest of the pilgrims disperse throughout the town, the Pardoner seeks the affections of Kate the barmaid, but faces problems dealing with the man in her life and the innkeeper Harry Bailey. As the pilgrims turn back home, the Merchant restarts the storytelling with Tale of Beryn. In this tale, a young man named Beryn travels from Rome to Egypt to seek his fortune only to be cheated by other businessmen there. He is then aided by a local man in getting his revenge. The tale comes from the French tale Bérinus and exists in a single early manuscript of the tales, although it was printed along with the tales in a 1721 edition by John Urry.[68]

John Lydgate wrote The Siege of Thebes in about 1420. Like the Tale of Beryn, it is preceded by a prologue in which the pilgrims arrive in Canterbury. Lydgate places himself among the pilgrims as one of them and describes how he was a part of Chaucer’s trip and heard the stories. He characterises himself as a monk and tells a long story about the history of Thebes before the events of the Knight’s Tale. John Lydgate’s tale was popular early on and exists in old manuscripts both on its own and as part of the Tales. It was first printed as early as 1561 by John Stow, and several editions for centuries after followed suit.[69]

There are actually two versions of The Plowman’s Tale, both of which are influenced by the story Piers Plowman, a work written during Chaucer’s lifetime. Chaucer describes a Plowman in the General Prologue of his tales, but never gives him his own tale. One tale, written by Thomas Occleve, describes the miracle of the Virgin and the Sleeveless Garment. Another tale features a pelican and a griffin debating church corruption, with the pelican taking a position of protest akin to John Wycliffe’s ideas.[70]

The Tale of Gamelyn was included in an early manuscript version of the tales, Harley 7334, which is notorious for being one of the lower-quality early manuscripts in terms of editor error and alteration. It is now widely rejected by scholars as an authentic Chaucerian tale, although some scholars think he may have intended to rewrite the story as a tale for the Yeoman. Dates for its authorship vary from 1340 to 1370.[71]

Later adaptations and homages


  • The most well-known work of the 18th century writer Harriet Lee was called The Canterbury Tales, and consists of twelve stories, related by travellers thrown together by untoward accident. In turn, Lee’s version had a profound influence on Lord Byron.
  • Henry Dudeney’s 1907 book The Canterbury Puzzles contains a part reputedly lost from what modern readers know as Chaucer’s tales.
  • Historical-mystery novelist P.C. Doherty wrote a series of novels based on The Canterbury Tales, making use of both the story frame and Chaucer’s characters.
  • Science-fiction writer Dan Simmons wrote his Hugo Award winning 1989 novel Hyperion based on an extra-planetary group of pilgrims.
  • Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins used The Canterbury Tales as a structure for his 2004 non-fiction book about evolution titled The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution. His animal pilgrims are on their way to find the common ancestor, each telling a tale about evolution.
  • Canadian author Angie Abdou translates The Canterbury Tales to a cross section of people, all snow-sports enthusiasts but from different social backgrounds, converging on a remote back-country ski cabin in British Columbia in the 2011 novel The Canterbury Trail.
  • British poet and performer Patience Agbabi is one of fourteen authors who worked together to tell the stories and experiences of refugees, detainees, and asylum seekers in a book titled Refugee Tales. The collaborative efforts of the writers and displaced people create stories modeled after Chaucer’s tale of journey in The Canterbury Tales. This project is rooted in the efforts of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, a non-partisan advocacy group for detained people.

Stage adaptations

  • The Two Noble Kinsmen, by William Shakespeare and John Fletcher, a retelling of «The Knight’s Tale», was first performed in 1613 or 1614 and published in 1634.
  • In 1961, Erik Chisholm completed his opera, The Canterbury Tales. The opera is in three acts: The Wyf of Bath’s Tale, The Pardoner’s Tale and The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.
  • Nevill Coghill’s modern English version formed the basis of a musical version that was first staged in 1964.

Film and television

  • A Canterbury Tale, a 1944 film, jointly written and directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, is loosely based on the narrative frame of Chaucer’s tales. The movie opens with a group of medieval pilgrims journeying through the Kentish countryside as a narrator speaks the opening lines of the General Prologue. The scene then makes a now-famous transition to the time of World War II. From that point on, the film follows a group of strangers, each with their own story and in need of some kind of redemption, who are making their way to Canterbury together. The film’s main story takes place in an imaginary town in Kent and ends with the main characters arriving at Canterbury Cathedral, bells pealing and Chaucer’s words again resounding. A Canterbury Tale is recognised as one of the Powell-Pressburger team’s most poetic and artful films. It was produced as wartime propaganda, using Chaucer’s poetry, referring to the famous pilgrimage, and offering photography of Kent to remind the public of what made Britain worth fighting for. In one scene, a local historian lectures an audience of British soldiers about the pilgrims of Chaucer’s time and the vibrant history of England.[72]
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1972 film The Canterbury Tales features several of the tales, some of which cohere to the original tale and others which are embellished. «The Cook’s Tale», for instance, which is incomplete in the original version, is expanded into a full story, and «The Friar’s Tale» extends the scene in which the Summoner is dragged down to hell. The film includes these two tales as well as «The Miller’s Tale», «The Summoner’s Tale», «The Wife of Bath’s Tale», and «The Merchant’s Tale».[73] «The Tale of Sir Topas» was also filmed and dubbed; however, it was later removed by Pasolini, and is now considered lost.
  • Alan Plater retold the stories in a series of plays for BBC2 in 1975: Trinity Tales.
  • On 26 April 1986, American radio personality Garrison Keillor opened «The News from Lake Wobegon» portion of the first live TV broadcast of his A Prairie Home Companion radio show with a reading of the original Middle English text of the General Prologue. He commented, «Although those words were written more than 600 years ago, they still describe spring.»
  • The 2001 film A Knight’s Tale, starring Heath Ledger, takes its title from Chaucer’s «The Knight’s Tale» and features Chaucer as a character.
  • In 2003, the BBC again featured modern re-tellings of selected tales in their six-episode series Canterbury Tales.[74]


  • British Psychedelic rock band Procol Harum’s 1967 hit «A Whiter Shade of Pale» is often assumed to be referencing the Canterbury Tales through the line, «as the miller told his tale.» However, lyricist Keith Reid has denied this, saying he had never read Chaucer when he wrote the line.[75]
  • The title of Sting’s 1993 album Ten Summoner’s Tales alludes to «The Summoner’s Tale» and to Sting’s birth name, Gordon Sumner.[76]

Ezra Winter, Canterbury Tales mural (1939), Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C. This mural is located on the west wall of the North Reading Room, and features the Miller, Host, Knight, Squire, Yeoman, Doctor, Chaucer, Man of Law, Clerk, Manciple, Sailor, Prioress, Nun, and three Priests; the other pilgrims appear on the east wall mural.[77]

  • The Knight

    The Knight

  • The Squire

    The Squire

  • Oswald The Reeve

    Oswald The Reeve

  • Robin The Miller

    Robin The Miller

  • Roger The Cook

    Roger The Cook

  • Alison The Wife of Bath

    Alison The Wife of Bath

  • The Franklin

    The Franklin

  • The Shipman

    The Shipman

  • The Manciple

    The Manciple

  • The Merchant

    The Merchant

  • The Clerk of Oxford

    The Clerk of Oxford

  • The Sergeant of Law

    The Sergeant of Law

  • The Physician

    The Physician

  • The Parson

    The Parson

  • The Monk

    The Monk

  • Madame Eglantine The Prioress

    Madame Eglantine The Prioress

  • The Second Nun

    The Second Nun

  • The Nun's Priest

    The Nun’s Priest

  • Hubert The Friar

    Hubert The Friar

  • The Summoner

    The Summoner

  • The Pardoner

    The Pardoner

  • The Canon Yeoman

    The Canon Yeoman

  • Geoffrey Chaucer

    Geoffrey Chaucer

See also

  • icon Novels portal


  1. ^ Carlson, David. «The Chronology of Lydgate’s Chaucer References». The Chaucer Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2004), pp. 246–54. Accessed 6 January 2014.
  2. ^ The name «Tales of Caunterbury» appears within the surviving texts of Chaucer’s work. Its modern name first appeared as Canterbury talys in John Lydgate’s 1421–1422 prologue to the Siege of Thebes.[1]
  3. ^ «Encyclopedia Britannica».
  4. ^ «A Digital Catalogue of the Pre-1500 Manuscripts and Incunables of the Canterbury Tales Second Edition».
  5. ^ Pearsall, 8.
  6. ^ Cooper, 6–7
  7. ^ Pearsall, 10, 17.
  8. ^ Cooper, 8.
  9. ^ Linne R. Mooney (2006), «Chaucer’s Scribe,» Speculum, 81 : 97–138.
  10. ^ [1] Ezard, John (20 July 2004). «The scrivener’s tale: how Chaucer’s sloppy copyist was unmasked after 600 years». The Guardian.
  11. ^ See Lawrence Warner, Chaucer’s Scribes: London Textual Production, 1384–1432 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).
  12. ^ a b c Cooper, 7
  13. ^ Pearsall, 14–15.
  14. ^ Text from The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 153.
  15. ^ Based on the information in Norman Davies, «Language and Versification», in The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. xxv–xli.
  16. ^ e.g. Ian Robinson, Chaucer’s Prosody: A Study of the Middle English Verse Tradition (London: Cambridge University Press, 1971).
  17. ^ See M. L. Samuels, «Chaucerian Final ‘-e'», Notes and Queries, 19 (1972), 445–48, and D. Burnley, «Inflection in Chaucer’s Adjectives», Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 83 (1982), 169–77.
  18. ^ Cooper, p. 10.
  19. ^ Bloom, Harold (11 November 2009). «Road Trip». The New York Times. Retrieved 9 September 2013.
  20. ^ Sobecki, Sebastian (2017). «A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales» (PDF). Speculum. 92 (3): 630–60. doi:10.1086/692620. S2CID 159994357.
  21. ^ Cooper, pp. 10–11.
  22. ^ Cooper, pp. 12–16.
  23. ^ Brewer, p. 227. «Although Chaucer undoubtedly studied the works of these celebrated writers, and particularly of Dante before this fortunate interview; yet it seems likely, that these excursions gave him a new relish for their compositions, and enlarged his knowledge of the Italian fables.»
  24. ^ Brewer, p. 277.»…where he became thoroughly inbued with the spirit and excellence of the great Italian poets and prose-writers: Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio; and is said to have had a personal contact interview with one of these, Petrarch.»
  25. ^ Hendrickson, pp. 183–92. Professor G. L. Hendrickson of the University of Chicago gives a detailed analysis as to Chaucer coming in contact with Petrarch.
  26. ^ Rearden, p. 458. «There can be no moral doubt but that Chaucer knew Petrarch personally. They were both in France many times, where they might have met. They were both courtiers. They both had an enthusiasm for scholarship. Whether they met then, or whether Chaucer, when on his visit to Genoa, specially visited the Italian, it does not appear.» «…but the only reason that such a visit could not have occurred lies in the fact that Petrarch himself does not record it. Still, on the other hand, would he have mentioned the visit of a man who was the servant of a barbarous monarch, and whose only claim to notice, literary-wise, was his cultivation of an unknown and uncouth dialect that was half bastard French?»
  27. ^ Skeat (1874), p. xxx. «And we know that Petrarch, on his own shewing, was so pleased with the story of Griselda that he learnt it by heart as well as he could, for the express purpose of repeating it to friends, before the idea of turning it into Latin occurred to him. Whence we may conclude that Chaucer and Petrarch met at Padua early in 1373; that Petrarch told Chaucer the story by word of mouth, either in Italian or French; and that Chaucer shortly after obtained a copy of Petrarch’s Latin version, which he kept constantly before him whilst making his own translation.»
  28. ^ «Sources and Analogues of the Canterbury Tales», 2002, p. 22.
  29. ^ Cooper, 8–9.
  30. ^ Cooper, 17–18.
  31. ^ Cooper, 18.
  32. ^ a b c Podgorski, Daniel (29 December 2015). «Puppetry and the «Popet:» Fiction, Reality, and Empathy in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales«. The Gemsbok. Retrieved 17 March 2016.
  33. ^ Cooper, 22–24.
  34. ^ Cooper, 24–25.
  35. ^ Cooper, 25–26.
  36. ^ Norman Davies, ‘Language and Versification’, in The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Larry D. Benson, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. xxv-xli (pp. xxxix-xl).
  37. ^ Prestwich, Michael (2014). Medieval People: Vivid Lives in a Distant Landscape. London: Thames & Hudson. pp. 4. An Age of Plague 1300–1400. ISBN 978-0500252031.
  38. ^ Cooper, 5–6.
  39. ^ Donald R. Howard, Chaucer and the Medieval World (London, 1987), pp. 410–17.
  40. ^ Bisson, pp. 49–51, 56–62.
  41. ^ Bisson, p. 50.
  42. ^ Bisson, pp. 61–64.
  43. ^ Bisson, pp. 66–67.
  44. ^ Bisson, pp. 67–68.
  45. ^ Bisson, pp. 73–75, 81.
  46. ^ Bisson, pp. 91–95.
  47. ^ Rubin, 106–07.
  48. ^ «The Prioress’s Tale», by Prof. Jane Zatta.
  49. ^ Bisson, pp. 99–02.
  50. ^ Bisson, pp. 110–13.
  51. ^ Bisson, pp. 117–19.
  52. ^ Bisson, pp. 123–31.
  53. ^ Bisson, pp. 132–34.
  54. ^ Bisson, pp. 139–42.
  55. ^ Bisson, p. 138.
  56. ^ Bisson, pp. 141–42.
  57. ^ Bisson, p. 143.
  58. ^ a b Cooper, 19
  59. ^ Cooper, 21.
  60. ^ Bishop, Norma J. «Liminal Space in Travellers’ Tales: Historical and Fictional Passages (Folklore, Ritual, History)». Order No. 8615152 The Pennsylvania State University, 1986. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 30 September 2015.
  61. ^ Jost, Jean. «Urban and Liminal Space in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale: Perilous or Protective?» Albrecht Classen, ed. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture: Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. Berlin, DEU: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Print.
  62. ^ Bloomfield, Morton W. «The ‘Friar’s Tale’ as a Liminal Tale». The Chaucer Review 17.4 (1983): 286–91. Print.
  63. ^ Nowlin, Steele. «Between Precedent and Possibility: Liminality, Historicity, and Narrative in Chaucer’s ‘The Franklin’s Tale'». Studies in Philology 103.1 (2006): 47–67. Print.
  64. ^ Pearsall, 294–95.
  65. ^ Pearsall, 295–97.
  66. ^ Pearsall, 298–302.
  67. ^ Trigg, Stephanie, Congenial Souls: Reading Chaucer from Medieval to Postmodern, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002, p. 86. ISBN 0-8166-3823-3.
  68. ^ Trigg, pp. 86–88, 97.
  69. ^ Trigg, pp. 88–97.
  70. ^ Brewer, Charlotte, Editing Piers Plowman: The Evolution of the Text, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 8–9. ISBN 0-521-34250-3.
  71. ^ Ohlgren, Thomas, Medieval Outlaws, Parlor Press, 2005, pp. 264–65. ISBN 1-932559-62-0.
  72. ^ Ellis, Steve, Chaucer at Large, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000, pp. 64–65. ISBN 0-8166-3376-2.
  73. ^ Pencak, William, The Films of Derek Jarman, Jefferson: McFarland & Co, 2002, pp. 178–9. ISBN 0-7864-1430-8.
  74. ^ «Canterbury Tales». BBC Drama. Retrieved 6 May 2007.
  75. ^ Butler,Mike (17 September 1994). «In truth they were at sea: Lives of the Great Songs – A Whiter Shade of Pale: Vestal Virgins, light fandangoes: Procol Harum’s classic can be baffling. Mike Butler asked its authors to help». The Independent. Retrieved 24 May 2021.
  76. ^ Marienberg, Evyatar (2021). Sting and Religion: The Catholic-Shaped Imagination of a Rock Icon. Eugene, Or.: Cascade Books. ISBN 9781725272262. Retrieved 10 July 2021.
  77. ^ «On These Walls: Inscriptions and Quotations in the Buildings of the Library of Congress». Library of Congress. Retrieved 31 December 2012.


  • Bisson, Lillian M. (1998). Chaucer and the late medieval world. New York: St. Martin’s Press. ISBN 978-0-312-10667-6.
  • Cooper, Helen (1996). The Canterbury tales. Oxford guides to Chaucer (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-871155-1.
  • Pearsall, Derek Albert (1985). The Canterbury tales. Unwin critical library. London: G. Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-0-04-800021-7.
  • Scattered among the nations: documents affecting Jewish history, 49 to 1975. Alexis P. Rubin (ed.). Toronto, ON: Wall & Emerson. 1993. ISBN 978-1-895131-10-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)

Further reading

  • Collette, Carolyn P. (2001). Species, phantasms, and images: vision and medieval psychology in The Canterbury tales. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. doi:10.3998/mpub.16499. ISBN 978-0-472-11161-9.
  • Kolve, V.A.; Olson, Glending (2005). The Canterbury tales: fifteen tales and the general prologue: authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism. A Norton critical edition (2 ed.). New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-92587-6.
  • Sobecki, Sebastian (2017). «A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales» (PDF). Speculum. 92 (3): 630–60. doi:10.1086/692620. S2CID 159994357.
  • Thompson, N.S. (1996). Chaucer, Boccaccio, and the debate of love: a comparative study of the Decameron and the Canterbury tales. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-812378-1.
  • Spark Notes: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing. 2014.
  • No Fair: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing. 2009.
  • Dogan, Sandeur (2013). «The Three Estates Model: Represented and Satirised in Chaucer’s General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales». Journal of History, Culture & Art Research / Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Arastirmalari Dergisi. June 2013, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pp. 49–56.
  • Nicholls, Jonathan. «Review: Chaucer’s Narrators by David Lawton,» The Modern Language Review,2017.
  • Pugh, Tison. «Gender, Vulgarity, and the Phantom Debates of Chaucer’s Merchant’s Tale,» Studies in Philology, Vol. 114 Issue 3, 473–96, 2017.

External links


  • Texts and translations at Harvard University
  • The Canterbury Tales Project: publishing transcripts, images, collations and analysis of all surviving 15th-century copies
  • The Canterbury Tales at the Bibliotheca Augustana
  • The Canterbury Tales public domain audiobook at LibriVox

Online texts

  • The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems at Project Gutenberg
  • Ecker, Ronald L.; Crook, Eugene Joseph (1993). The Canterbury Tales: A Complete Translation into Modern English. Palatka, FL: Hodge & Braddock. ISBN 978-0-9636512-3-5.


  • The Hengwrt Manuscript: the oldest manuscript copy
  • MS 1084/2 Canterbury tales at OPenn
  • Ellesmere Chaucer
  • British Library, Harley MS 7334
  • British Library, Harley MS 1758
  • Caxton’s Chaucer: scans of William Caxton’s two editions of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

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