Краткий рассказ о нептуне

Нептун – самая далекая планета от Солнца, которая является одним из представителей газовых гигантов. Благодаря синей поверхности ее назвали в честь римского бога морей, и с тех пор она получает много внимания со стороны ученых. К Нептуну регулярно отправляются зонды, собирающие данные и позволяющие составить полную картину об особенностях этого небесного тела. Если столетие назад люди могли лишь догадываться о характеристиках планеты, то сейчас она довольно хорошо изучена.

Общие сведения о планете

После того, как Плутон вновь перешел в состав карликовых, Нептун вернул себе звание самой далекой планеты от Солнца. Он вращается по орбите, на которой среднее состояние от звезды составляет 4,5 млрд км.

Интересный факт: при таком расстоянии солнечный свет доходит до Нептуна примерно за 253 минуты.

Расстояние от Земли до самой далекой планеты меняется в диапазоне от 4,3 до 4,553 млрд. км. Таким образом, с течением времени Нептун приближается и отдаляется на 253 млн км. Из-за такой большой дистанции люди не могут наблюдать планету без специального оборудования. Чтобы увидеть ее, требуется телескоп с радиусом минимум в 12,5 см и двухсоткратным приближением. Но даже в нем планета заметна лишь в виде небольшого пятна.

Нептун имеет синий окрас. Это из-за большого количества метана, содержащегося в атмосфере. Вещество поглощает красные цвета, имеющиеся на поверхности, из-за чего они становятся невидимыми для глаза. Также планета может похвастаться самыми быстрыми ветрами в Солнечной системе. По ней гуляют ураганы, скорость которых достигает 2400 км/ч.

Орбита и радиус

Соотношение размеров планет (Нептун справа)

Соотношение размеров планет (Нептун справа)

Орбита Нептуна представляет собой практически идеальный круг, а ее эксцентриситет равен лишь 0,011. Из-за этого по мере вращения вокруг Солнца расстояние до него слабо изменяется относительно общей дистанции. Полный оборот вокруг звезды планета совершает за 164,8 земных года, скорость движения в пространстве равна примерно 5,45 км/с.

Интересный факт: последний Новый Год был на Нептуне 12 июля 2011 года. Соответственно, следующий наступит примерно в 2176 году.

Как и другие планеты, Нептун вращается вокруг своей оси, которая наклонена на 28,3 градуса. Из-за этого на поверхности имеются сезоны с характерными изменениями погодных условий. Но здесь они длятся на протяжении 40 лет.

Сутки на Нептуне идут 16 часов, именно за столько магнитное поле поворачивается на 360 градусов. Полярные оси делают полный оборот за 12 часов, а газовая оболочка за 18. Такая разность во вращении способствует появлению сильных ураганов.

Физические характеристики планеты

Атмосфера планеты составляет примерно 20% от общей массы. Под ней скрывается ледяная поверхность, схожая по составу с урановой. Основными ее компонентами являются метан и аммиак, находящиеся в жидком состоянии. Что интересно, льдом данная смесь названа лишь условно, из-за высокой плотности, ведь ее температура варьируется в диапазоне 1700-4700 градусов Цельсия. Поверхность представляет собой большой кипящий океан.

В недрах Нептуна, на глубине 7 тысяч км, находится ядро. Оно имеет температуру в 5500 градусов Цельсия, состоит из солей кремния и железа. На него действует давление в 7 мегабар.
Ученые хорошо изучили характеристики планеты, получив точные значения:

  • масса – 1,0234*10’26 кг;
  • диаметр экватора – 48682 км;
  • площадь – 7,6408 млрд. кв. км;
  • объем – 62,54 трлн. куб. км;
  • средняя плотность 1,638 г/см3;
  • ускорение свободного падения – 11,2 м/с2.

Поскольку Нептун является газовым гигантом, многие характеристики зависят от природы его атмосферы и плотности поверхности.


Фото Нептуна, где атмосфера имеет красное свечение

Фото Нептуна, где атмосфера имеет красное свечение

Как и у большинства планет Солнечной системы, атмосфера Нептуна имеет разделение на слои. Ближе всего к поверхности находится тропосфера, затем идут стратосфера, термосфера и экзосфера.

Несмотря на то, что поверхность небесного тела сильно раскалена, на уровне тропосферы температура падает до -220 градусов Цельсия. Затем, по мере подъема вверх, она постепенно возрастает, и в термосфере составляет уже 470 градусов.

Верхние слои атмосферы на 80% состоят из водорода и на 20% из гелия. Ближе к поверхности появляются метан, придающий планете синеватый оттенок, аммиак и сероводород.

Погода и климат

Ученым довольно трудно определить среднюю температуру планеты, поскольку в конкретной области она может сильно меняться с течением времени. Ядро Нептуна разогрето до 5500 градусов Цельсия, а поверхность накаляется от 1700 до 4700 градусов. Из-за асинхронного вращения планеты и атмосферы возникают сильные ураганы. Например, с 1989 года, на протяжении пяти лет, ученые наблюдали Большое темное пятно – сильнейший ураган, скорость которого составляла 600 м/с, а размер – 85,8 тыс. км. Торнадо на поверхности не являются редкостью. Люди видят их раз в несколько лет. Последний крупный вихрь протяженностью в 9 тыс. км был зафиксирован в 2017 году.

Поскольку ось вращения планеты находится под наклоном, на ней регулярно сменяются сезоны, которые длятся по 40 лет. Только на Нептуне конкретное время года наступает не на всей поверхности, а в определенной ее области. Например, в 2020 году на северной части началось лето, а на южной – зима.

Бушующие ветра

Снимок ветров Нептуна

Снимок ветров Нептуна

Как уже говорилось выше, ураганы на Нептуне – довольно частое явление. Ветра летают над поверхностью с огромной скоростью, которая в среднем равна 1000 км/ч. Что интересно, движутся они часто против оси вращения планеты. Также благодаря непрерывным наблюдениям ученым удалось установить, что масштаб и скорость ветров увеличиваются по мере отдаления Нептуна от Солнца. Однако пока они не могут объяснить, с чем это связано.

С Земли разглядеть наличие бурь практически невозможно, на это способен разве что телескоп Хаббл, да и то при подходящих условиях. Поэтому, для наблюдения используются космические аппараты. Наиболее известным является “Вояджер-2”. Его запустили в 1977 году, отправив в сторону от Солнца. Основной его задачей является исследование дальних планет системы и попытка забраться как можно дальше в глубины космоса. В 1989 году “Вояджер-2” достиг Нептуна и сделал фотографии. Снимки помогли лучше изучить планету.


Изображение магнитосферы Нептуна

Изображение магнитосферы Нептуна

Магнитное поле Нептуна состоит из плотной оболочки, проводящей ток. Ученые установили, что она обладает большой мощностью. Магнитная ось смещена относительно планетарного вращения на 47 градусов, из-за чего на поверхности нередко появляются ураганы. Также магнитосфера Нептуна отражает солнечные ветра, не позволяя разъедать атмосферу. Возможно, именно благодаря ней планета сохраняет свои характеристики неизменными.

Температура на Нептуне

Графический макет Нептуна

Графический макет Нептуна

Несмотря на то, что Нептун находится далеко от Солнца, планета является очень горячей. Ее поверхность раскаляется до нескольких тысяч градусов Цельсия, и ученые до сих пор не могут объяснить, откуда берется такое количество тепла. От звезды планета получает на 60% меньше энергии, чем Уран, поэтому высокие температуры присутствуют явно не из-за Солнца.

Интересный факт: Нептун выделяет в пространство в 2,61 раз больше энергии, чем получает от Солнца.

Наиболее вероятной гипотезой о высоких температурах на планете является наличие химических реакций, протекающих в нижних слоях атмосферы. Например, при распаде на простые углероды метан может выделять тепло. Также есть мнение, что источником энергии является радиоактивное ядро, в котором происходят разные процессы, способствующие тепловыделению.

Состав и поверхность Нептуна

Строение Нептуна

Строение Нептуна

Несмотря на то, что Нептун находится в миллиардах километров от Земли, люди сумели довольно детально изучить его структуру.

В центре находится плотное ядро, предположительно состоящее из камня, металла и льда. Оно раскалено до 5500 градусов. Ядро не имеет идеальной круглой формы. По всей поверхности расположены впадины и торчащие скалы.

Следующий слой – это ледяная мантия. Она состоит из аммиака, метана, воды и представляет собой вязкую, вечно кипящую массу. Ученые ее называют “горячим льдом”. У нее мало общего с твердым состоянием воды, но из-за высокой плотности ее окрестили именно так.

Над ледяной мантией возвышается атмосфера, состоящая из водорода, гелия и метана. Именно последний придает планете голубоватый оттенок. В ней часто возникают сильные порывы ветра.

Верхняя атмосфера, окутывающая Нептун, состоит из тонкого слоя облаков. Нередко они образуются вокруг урагана, который движется по поверхности с большой силой и поднимает вверх все, что встречает на своем пути.

Кольца Нептуна

Кольца Нептуна

Кольца Нептуна

Установить наличие колец у Нептуна удалось с помощью космического аппарата Вояджер-2, который подобрался к планете в 1989 году. Он сделал снимки, на которых можно было разглядеть красные дуги, проходящие вокруг гиганта.

Интересный факт: наличие колец у Нептуна было обнаружено спустя почти 120 лет с момента его открытия.

Нептун имеет пять колец, имеющих определенные названия: Галле, Леверье, Лассуэлла, Арго и Адамс. Кольцо Галле находится на расстоянии 42 тыс. км от поверхности, а Адамс, как самое дальнее, располагается в 63 тыс. км. Все они имеют дуговую форму и состоят из солей кремния, льда и других веществ. Причем ученые до сих пор пытаются установить точный состав химических соединений, которые придают кольцам красноватое сияние.


Изображение Нептуна и Тритона

Изображение Нептуна и Тритона

На данный момент известно 14 спутников Нептуна. Возможно, в будущем их количество возрастет за счет новых открытий. Самым большим телом, находящимся под влиянием планеты, является луна Тритон, которую люди обнаружили спустя всего 17 дней с момента открытия гиганта.

Тритон представляет собой округлое тело, покрытое льдом. На поверхности размещены криовулканы, регулярно выбрасывающие в пространство различные вещества. Сейчас спутник расположен на расстоянии примерно в 354 760 км от гиганта и оказывает на него сильное воздействие. Есть теория, что именно благодаря Тритону планета имеет на поверхности высокие температуры. Более того, спутник постепенно притягивается Нептуном и когда-нибудь войдет в его атмосферу. Тогда луна рассыпется и войдет в состав колец.

Земля и Нептун

Соотношение размеров Нептуна и Земли

Соотношение размеров Нептуна и Земли

Нередко ученые сравнивают Землю и Нептун, пытаясь провести некоторые аналогии. Из-за большого расстояния между планетами они слишком сильно отличаются друг от друга, и это порождает довольно интересные факты:

  • на Нептуне сила притяжения на 13% сильнее земной;
  • в процессе вращения вокруг Солнца они могут отдалиться друг от друга на 4,6 млрд. км;
  • обе планеты имеют наклон оси вращения, что делает возможной смену времен года;
  • Нептун превосходит Землю в 4 раза по размерам и в 17 раз по массе.

Также гигант обладает плотностью, примерно в три раза меньшей, чем у Земли.

История открытия и исследования

Урбен Леверье - первооткрыватель Нептуна

Урбен Леверье – первооткрыватель Нептуна

Первым Нептун заметил Галилей еще в 17 веке, но посчитал его звездой, находящейся недалеко от Юпитера. Спустя два века астрономы рассчитали траекторию орбиты Урана, но при наблюдении установили, что планета движется иначе, чем они предполагали. Наиболее логичным объяснением стало то, что на Уран влияет другое небесное тело – неизвестная планета.

Через 11 лет математик Джон Кауч Адамс рассчитал возможную орбиту восьмой планеты, а Урбен Леверье улучшил его данные. Работники обсерватории из Кембриджа попытались найти небесное тело на основе расчетов, но потерпели фиаско. Студент Генрих Д’Арре из обсерватории Берлина вместе с директором Иоганном Энке предприняли вторую попытку, которая оказалась успешной. Нептун был обнаружен 23 сентября 1846 года.

В 1998 году первооткрывателем планеты признали Леверье, т.к. его данные были точнее, чем у Адамса.

Интересный факт: название планете дал лично Леверье. Ее голубоватый оттенок напомним ему бога морей.

Нептун и пояс Койпера

Пояс Койпера вокруг орбиты Нептуна

Пояс Койпера вокруг орбиты Нептуна

За пределами орбиты Нептуна располагается пояс Койпера – большой круг, окутывающий Солнечную систему. Он состоит из планет и астероидов разного происхождения. Например, Плутон, который долгое время считался девятой планетой, находится в данной области.

Орбита Нептуна лежит практически на внутренней границе пояса Койпера. Более того, планета и сформировала его. Вращаясь вокруг Солнца, она оказывает гравитационное воздействие на ближайшие объекты, находящиеся за пределами системы. Те поддаются влиянию гиганта и также начинают двигаться по определенной траектории, образуя гигантский диск толщиной примерно в 15 а.е.


Изображение Нептуна в телескопе

Изображение Нептуна в телескопе

Комфортнее всего наблюдать Нептун в период с августа по сентябрь. В это время он находится к Земле на наименьшем расстоянии, но из-за яркости всего в 7.8m невооруженным взглядом увидеть его нельзя. Зная, где точно находится планета, ее можно разглядеть в бинокль 7х50, но она будет похожа на блеклую звезду.

Чтобы гарантированно увидеть Нептун, нужно использовать телескоп не менее 200 мм, с увеличением от 200х. Тогда угловой размер диска планеты при наблюдении будет составлять 5 см. А при использовании оборудования в 400 мм получится рассмотреть на поверхности некоторые пятна.

Изображения Нептуна

Благодаря “Вояджеру-2” ученые смогли получить снимки Нептуна и Тритона на близком расстоянии. Это помогло лучше изучить небесные тела.

Кольца Нептуна

Кольца Нептуна

Кольца Нептуна

Кольца планеты практически незаметны и представляют собой тонкие нити. Космический аппарат сумел сделать снимок, когда на них падали солнечные лучи. После тщательной обработки кольца стали видимыми.

Облака Нептуна

Облака Нептуна

Облака Нептуна

На поверхности планеты встречаются облака. Чаще всего они появляются рядом с ураганами. “Вояджер-2” сфотографировал Большое темное пятно – самый масштабный ураган, когда-либо зафиксированный людьми.

Самая полная карта Тритона на сегодняшний день

Карта Тритона

Карта Тритона

Пролетая мимо самого большого спутника Нептуна, космический аппарат сделал и его снимки. Правда из-за медленного вращения Тритона большая часть северного полушария осталась в тени. Ученый Пол Шенк в свое время детально изучил фото и сделал подробную карту спутника.

Гейзеры Тритона

Гейзеры Тритона

Гейзеры Тритона

Снимок поверхности Тритона помог установить, что из-за малого количества кратеров его поверхности не более 10 млн лет. Также “Вояджер-2” запечатлел газовые испарения, вылетающие из кратеров местных вулканов.

Нептун с поверхности Тритона в представлении художника

Нептун с поверхности Тритона

Нептун с поверхности Тритона

На этом изображении объединены два снимка: Тритона и Нептуна. Композиция выстроена таким образом, словно фото сделали с поверхности спутника. Большие области с ровными поверхностями намекают, что на этом месте могли быть извержения ледяных вулканов.

Прощальный снимок

Прощальный снимок "Вояджера-2"

Прощальный снимок “Вояджера-2”

Аппарат летел мимо Нептуна на протяжении трех дней. На прощание он сделал фото, находясь уже позади объектов. Изображение показывает полумесяцы Тритона и планеты.

Интересное видео про Нептун

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Планета Нептун – восьмая и самая далекая в Солнечной системе. За свой необыкновенный синий цвет ее назвали в честь древнеримского бога морей и океанов.

Нептун  входит в группу ледяных гигантов наряду с Ураном. От газовых гигантов Юпитера и Сатурна их отличает мантия, представляющая собой океан жидких аммиака и метана. Тот же метан в виде газа в атмосфере планеты придает ей узнаваемый  синий оттенок.

планета Нептун
изображение ледяного гиганта

История открытия и исследования

Нептун – единственная из
планет Солнечной системы, которая не была обнаружена путем непосредственных
наблюдений. История открытия планеты очень интересна.

Галилео Галилей в начале
17 века дважды наблюдал небесное тело в телескоп, но принимал его за звезду,
расположенную по близости с Юпитером. Астрономы 19 века, наблюдавшие за
движением Урана, обратили внимание на аномальное перемещение его по орбите, не
соответствующее их расчетам. Англичанин Томас Джон Хасси в 1834 предположил,
что такое поведение Урана может быть связано с наличием внешнего объекта.
Одиннадцатью годами позднее британский математик Джон Кауч Адамс вычислил
орбитальный путь еще не открытой восьмой планеты. Большинство членов
астрономического сообщества не разделяло энтузиазма ученых по поводу нахождения
нового планетарного тела в Солнечной системе.

Точнее Адамса в своих
математических расчетах оказался французский математик Урбен Леверье. Опираясь
на его расчеты, первую попытку найти «восьмерку» предприняли астрономы
Кембриджской обсерватории. Но она была неуспешной. Объект был обнаружен лишь со
второй попытки студентом Генрихом Д’Арре и директором Берлинской обсерватории
Иоганном Энке. Официально Нептун был открыт 23 сентября 1846 года.

После обнаружения небесного тела разгорелись нешуточные споры, кто же на самом деле ее открыл – Леверье или Адамс. Только в 1998 году были найдены ценные бумаги из Гринвичской обсерватории, касающиеся истории этого события. После их детального изучения было установлено, что настоящим первооткрывателем восьмой планеты является все-таки Леверье, т.к. расчеты Адамса имели большую погрешность.

Долгое время после
открытия небесное тело имело название «планета Леверье». Также были предложены
такие варианты, как Янус и Океан. Современное название она получила от своего
первооткрывателя. Леверье переименовал ее за синий цвет поверхности,
ассоциировавшийся с древнеримским богом морей. Французского математика
поддержал директор Пулковской обсерватории Василий Струве, и вскоре название
прижилось за пределами Франции и Российской Империи.

Первым и пока
единственным космическим аппаратом, сблизившимся с далеким гигантом, стал межпланетный
зонд Вояджер-2. В 1989 году зонд пролетел всего в 4400 км от верхних слоев
атмосферы ледяного гиганта, собрав сведения о его магнитосфере и погодных
явлениях. Также Вояджер-2 открыл 6 нептуновых спутников и систему колец.

Общие сведения о планете

Нептун после разжалования Плутона является самой дальней из планет в Солнечной системе. Средняя удаленность его от центральной звезды составляет 4,5 млрд. км. Солнечный свет проходит расстояние до Нептуна за 253 минуты.

От Земли до Нептуна расстояние колеблется от минимального 4,3 млрд. км до максимального 4,553 млрд. км. Такая удаленность тел друг от друга не позволяет наблюдать нам планету на небосводе невооруженным глазом. Увидеть ее поможет телескоп с двухсоткратным увеличением и диаметром не менее 250 мм. Выглядит Нептун как шарообразное тело синего цвета. Такую окраску он получил благодаря своей газовой оболочке с большим содержанием метана, поглощающего красную часть спектра.

Особенностью Нептуна является невероятная скорость перемещения атмосферных масс. Вихри в его атмосфере могут достигать 600м/с, что делает их самыми быстрыми среди планетарных ураганов Солнечной системы.

Орбита и радиус

Орбита Нептуна обладает низким эксцентриситетом, по величине превосходя лишь венерианскую (0.011 и 0.007 соответственно). Полный оборот вокруг Солнца он проходит за 164,8 года, двигаясь  по орбите со средней скоростью 5,44 км/с. Новый год со времен открытия небесного тела начался 12 июля 2011 года.

Наклон оси вращения к плоскости орбиты Нептуна составляет 28,3°. Это схоже с земным и марсианским значениями, что свидетельствует о сезонности климата. Однако из-за удаленности от Солнца сезоны здесь длятся по 40 лет.

Орбита Нептуна

Вокруг своей оси гигант
оборачивается за 16 часов. Это касается его магнитного поля. С атмосферой дела
обстоят иначе. Экваториальный пояс газовой оболочки совершает полный оборот
вокруг оси за 18 часов, а полярные области – за 12. Такая разница в скорости
обусловила возникновение самых сильных ураганов в Солнечной системе.

Физические характеристики

  • Размер Нептуна: средний радиус – 24, 62 тыс. км, площадь поверхности – 7,65*109 кв. км.
  • Масса Нептуна – 1,024*1026 кг.
  • Среднее значение плотности – 1,64 г/ куб. см.
  • Ускорение свободного падения в экваториальной части планеты – 11,2 м/с2.

По строению Нептун напоминает своего соседа по Солнечной системе, ледяного гиганта Урана. Под газовой оболочкой, занимающей до 20% массы планеты, расположена ледяная мантия. Она представляет собой смесь жидких аммиака и метана. На самом деле, ледяной эту оболочку назвать трудно. Ее температура колеблется от 1700°С до 4700°С и она представляет собой огромный кипящий океан. Льдом эту жидкость прозвали за ее необычайную плотность.

Под мантией, уходящей вглубь на 7000 км, расположено ядро Нептуна. Оно состоит из железа и солей кремния, подвергнутый давлению в 7 мегабар и температуре в 5500°С.


Верхние слои атмосферы Нептуна представляют собой водородно-гелиевую смесь с соотношением компонентов 4:1.Чем ближе к ледяной оболочке, тем больше в атмосфере метановых примесей. Это простейшее углеводородное соединение придает объекту синий цвет. Также в нижних слоях газовой оболочки формируются аммиачные и сероводородные облака.

Атмосфера Нептуна, как и большинства крупных тел Солнечной системы, имеет четыре основные области: тропосфера, стратосфера, термосфера и экзосфера. В тропосфере по мере удаления от поверхности ледяного гиганта температура опускается до минимума в — 213°С, а затем в верхних слоях атмосферы поднимается до -103°С. Термосфера прогревается до аномальных 470°.

Погода и климат

Вычислить среднюю температуру Нептуна невозможно, т.к. он не имеет твердой поверхности. Ядро планеты разогрето до 5500°С, в мантии температура колеблется от 4700°С до 1700°С, а самое холодное место – верхняя часть тропосферы – охлаждается до -213°.

За счет схожего с Землей
наклона оси вращения восьмая планета подвержена смене сезонов. Правда, длятся
они очень долго – чуть более 40 лет. С 1980 года лето продолжается на южной
стороне, а в 2020 оно придет в северную ее часть.

Верхние слои атмосферы в
области экватора вращаются медленней, чем в области полюсов. За счет этого
возникают гигантские ураганы, достигающие невероятных 600 м/с. Самым крупным
вихрем считается Большое темное пятно, которое наблюдалось в период с 1989 по
1994 год. Его размеры достигали 13*6,6 тыс. км. В это же время здесь бушевали
еще два крупных урагана, расположенные южнее предыдущего. В 2017 году в области
экватора был зафиксирован вихрь диаметром 9 тыс. км.

Кольца Нептуна

Кольцевая система планеты оставалась не обнаруженной более 120 лет с момента ее открытия. В 1968 году было выдвинуто предположение о наличии у колец Нептуна, что сумел подтвердить межпланетный зонд Вояджер-2 в 1989 году.

кольца Нептуна

Всего восьмая планета имеет 5 колец. Самым близким к ее поверхности является кольцо Галле, расположенное на расстоянии 42 тыс. км. Далее последовательно идут кольца Леверье, Ласселла и Араго. Последнее кольцо Нептуна, названное в честь британского математика Адамса, удалено от планеты на 63 тыс. км. Оно имеет пять дуг, называющихся Храбрость, Свобода, Равенство 1, Равенство 2 и Братство.

Состоят кольца Нептуна из водяного льда и кремниевых солей. Предположительно, в их состав также входят органические вещества, предающие кольцевой системе красный оттенок.


Всего у самой дальней
планеты в нашей системе имеется 14 естественных спутников, открытых на данный
момент. Крупнейшей нептуновой луной является Тритон, открытый всего через 17
дней после обнаружения самой планеты. Его поверхность представляет собой
ледяную оболочку со множеством активных криовулканов.

Тритон — крупнейший планетарный спутник, движущийся в обратном направлении по отношению к своей планете. Именно благодаря этому спутнику Нептун не стал самой холодной планетой в нашей звездной системе.  Их приливное взаимодействие увеличивает температуру планеты, заставляя ее излучать больше тепловой энергии, чем Уран. По мнению ученых, Тритон постепенно сближается с «хозяином» и в итоге войдет в его орбиту, распавшись на части. Тогда Нептун станет объектом с самой мощной кольцевой системой.

Нереида – вторая открытая
нептунова луна. Свое название она получила в честь морских нимф, героинь мифов
Древней Греции. По размерам Нереида занимает третье место среди спутников ледяного

Еще 6 спутников в 1989
году обнаружил Вояджер-2. Свои названия они получили в честь морских нимф и
божеств древнегреческой мифологии. Все они покрыты льдом и имеют каменное ядро.

С 2012 по 2013 год было
еще открыто шесть мелких спутников диаметром до 60 км.

Земля и Нептун

Попробуем сравнить третью
и восьмую планеты Солнечной системы:

  • По массе ледяной гигант в 17 раз превышает
    Землю, а по размерам всего в 4.
  • Угол оси наклона к плоскости орбиты у обоих
    тел имеет приблизительно одинаковое значение, что обуславливают смену пор года.
  • Максимальное расстояние между ними
    составляет 4,6 млрд. км.
  • Гравитация здесь в 1,13 раз больше земной.

Интересные факты про Нептун

  • Его орбита одна из наименее эксцентричных среди
    планет, уступая только орбитальному пути Венеры.
  • Тритон – эквивалент древнеримского бога Нептуна
    в греческой мифологии.
  • По одной из гипотез, ранее ледяные гиганты
    были ближе к Солнцу. На более дальние орбиты планеты вытолкнуло огромной
    гравитационной силой, возникшей при 
    резонансе орбит Юпитера и Сатурна.
  • Ретроградное вращение Тритона доказывает
    то, что когда-то он был астероидом. При этом спутник продолжает медленно
    сближаться с хозяином.
  • В ближайшее время ни одно космическое
    агентство не планирует запуск зондов для изучения «восьмерки».
  • Плутон обладает более эксцентричной
    орбитой, поэтому иногда оказывается ближе к Солнцу, чем его сосед.
  • В недрах ледяного гиганта могут быть
    залежи алмазов. В мантийном слое планеты на глубине около десятка тысяч
    километров условия таковы, что метан распадается на простейшие составляющие. Углерод
    под действием крайне высоких давления и температуры кристаллизуется, выпадая в
    виде алмазного града.
  • Это самый маленький газовый гигант. При
    этом во всей Солнечной системе он занимает третье место по массе и четвертое по
  • Через сто лет после обнаружения «восьмерки»
    в честь ее был назван нептунием новый 93 элемент периодической таблицы
  • При описании планет вне Солнечной системы
    Нептун и Юпитер используются как метонимы. Так называют экзопланеты со схожими
    размерами и массой.

Нептун – восьмая планета Солнечной системы

Нептун - восьмая планета Солнечной системы


Средняя оценка: 4.3

Всего получено оценок: 16.

Обновлено 21 Декабря, 2022


Средняя оценка: 4.3

Всего получено оценок: 16.

Обновлено 21 Декабря, 2022

Нептун — планета Солнечной системы, названная в честь римского бога морей. Это восьмая по счёту и самая дальняя планета от Солнца, которую видно только через самые мощные телескопы. Первая планета Солнечной системы, открытая благодаря математическим расчётам, а не в ходе астрономических наблюдений. Относится к планетам-гигантам, имеет радиус 24764 км.

Общие сведения

Нептун является самой дальней планетой в Солнечной системе: его удалённость от небесного светила составляет в среднем 4,5 млрд км. Такое расстояние солнечный свет преодолевает за 253 минуты. Нептун — одна из самых крупных планет Солнечной системы: его масса в 17 раз превосходит земную.

Нептун находится слишком далеко от Земли, и долгое время даже астрономы не догадывались о его существовании. Планета была открыта 23 сентября 1846 года благодаря математическим расчётам. Толчком к этому событию послужило аномальное перемещение Урана по орбите, вызванное планетой-соседом.

Чтобы совершить полный оборот вокруг Солнца, Нептуну требуется 164,8 года — в 2011 году он завершил только первый оборот с даты открытия. Вращение вокруг своей оси Нептун совершает за 15 часов 58 минут. Времена года сменяются также, как на Земле, и длятся около 40 лет.

К важным физическим характеристикам планеты относят:

  • экваториальный радиус — 24764 км;
  • площадь поверхности — 7,65х109 кв. км;
  • объём — 6,254х1013 куб. км;
  • масса — 3,33×10²³ кг;
  • средняя плотность — 1,64 г/куб. cм;
  • наклон оси — 28,3°.

Нептун в Солнечной системе

Рис. 1. Нептун в Солнечной системе.


Атмосфера Нептуна похожа на газовые оболочки других крупных планет в Солнечной системе. Она в основном состоит из водорода и гелия, с примесью метана, воды, аммиака и других соединений. При этом основным компонентом атмосферы Нептуна является водород (80 %).

Из-за большой удалённости рассмотреть Нептун можно только при помощи самых мощных телескопов. Он выглядит как огромный шар синего цвета. Подобную окраску планете придаёт большое содержание метана в газовой оболочке: он поглощает красную часть спектра, и Нептун приобретает насыщенный цвет. Именно по этой причине он был назван в честь древнеримского бога морей и океанов.

Атмосфера Нептуна условно делится на 2 основные области:

  • Тропосфера, где температура снижается вместе с высотой.
  • Стратосфера, где температура с высотой, наоборот, увеличивается.

Атмосфера Нептуна

Рис. 2. Атмосфера Нептуна.

Температура Нептуна, точнее, верхних слоёв его атмосферы, позволяет ему считаться одной из самых холодных планет в Солнечной системе. Средние температурные показатели колеблются в пределах –200 °C.

В атмосфере Нептуна бушуют самые сильные ветры среди планет Солнечной системы. По некоторым оценкам, их скорость может достигать 600 м/с. Так, в августе 1989 года был зафиксирован огромный антициклон размером 13000 км х 6600 км с зафиксированной скоростью ветра 2400 км/ч.

Особенности строения

По своему строению Нептун мало чем отличается от своего соседа, ледяного гиганта Урана. Структура планеты включает в себя:

  • газовую оболочку, занимающую 20 % массы планеты;
  • ледяную мантию, представляющую собой смесь аммиака и метана. Температура здесь достигает 4700 °С, и мантия, по сути, является огромным кипящим океаном. Ледяной она была названа из-за своей необычайной плотности;
  • ядро, расположенное на глубине 7000 км. Оно состоит из смеси железа и солей кремния и удерживает температуру в 5500 °С.

Крупные планеты Солнечной системы — Нептун, Юпитер, Сатурн и Уран — имеют систему колец, которые вращаются по орбите вокруг планеты. Такие кольца представляют собой систему плоских концентрических образований из пыли и льда. У Нептуна таких колец пять:

  • первое — внешнее кольцо Адамса;
  • второе — кольцо Араго;
  • третье — кольцо Ласселла;
  • четвёртое — кольцо Леверье;
  • пятое — кольцо Галле.

В состав колец, помимо льда и кремниевых солей, входят органические вещества, предающие кольцевой системе красный оттенок.

Кольца Нептуна

Рис. 3. Кольца Нептуна.

В докладе для детей на тему «Нептун — 8 планета Солнечной системы» можно привести самые интересные факты и краткое описание Нептуна.


Что мы узнали?

Нептун является самой далёкой планетой в Солнечной системе. Благодаря своим внушительным размерам принадлежит к группе планет-гигантов. Отличается экстремально низкими температурами и самыми сильными ветрами в Солнечной системе. Из-за большой отдалённости от Земли стал первой планетой, обнаруженной путём математических расчётов.

Тест по теме

Доска почёта

Доска почёта

Чтобы попасть сюда — пройдите тест.

    Пока никого нет. Будьте первым!

Оценка доклада


Средняя оценка: 4.3

Всего получено оценок: 16.

А какая ваша оценка?

Нептун – римский бог моря воды, и его имя не случайно дано планете, имеющей синий окрас. Официальное открытие Нептуна как планеты относится к 1846 году и принадлежит Иоганну Галлу.
Между Солнцем и Нептуном еще семь планет. По массе он третий, а по диаметру – четвертый. До 1989 года информации о нем практически не было. Только Voyager 2 помог увеличить знания: о кольцах и спутниках, атмосфере и ее обращении планеты. Тогда же был исследован крупнейший спутник – Тритон.
Синий цвет планеты — атмосферный метан, поглощающий красные световые волны. Но метан – лишь примесь в атмосфере, основа – водород и гелий.
Климат. На Нептуне свирепствуют бури – черные пятна, длящиеся по несколько лет, и белые штормы.
Строение Нептуна – это твердое ядро и расплавленная мантия. Одно ядро имеет вес в 1,2 раза больше веса Земли, а масса мантии колеблется от 10 до 15 таких планет, как Земля. Мантия состоит из «жидкостей» (вода, аммиак, метан) имеет высокую температуру и плотность.
Поверхность Нептуна, как и положено планете с температурой ниже -230 градусов Цельсия, покрыта газовыми льдами, содержащими также водород и гелий.
Нептун обладает магнитным полем, ось симметрии которого идет не через центр планеты. Это создает разное напряжение в разных частях планеты. Если сравнивать с Землей, то в одних местах лоно будет в 3 раза меньше, в других – в 3 раза больше.
Солнечный свет достигает верхней части атмосферы планеты почти за пять часов. На основании этого было подсчитано, что один год на Нептуне идет 165 лет на Земле. Зато вокруг оси он вращается очень быстро – за 17 часов.
Сейчас насчитывается 13 объектов, относимых к спутникам Нептуна. Крупнейший из них – Тритон, имеет форму сферы, и по одной из гипотез, это планета, попавшая в поле гравитации Нептуна. Один из аргументов – обратное, ретроградное вращение Тритона относительно Нептуна. Но каков бы ни был статус Тритона – из ныне известных, это объект с самой низкой температурой в системе. Спутник был открыт в то же время, что и планета.
У Нептуна есть и кольцевая система из трех основных колец. Адамса, Леверье и Галле – такие названия носят кольца.

​Краткий рассказ о планете Нептун (вариант 2)​​​

«Eighth planet» redirects here. For other systems of numbering planets, see Planet § History.

Neptune ♆

Neptune - Voyager 2 (29347980845) flatten crop.jpg

Photograph taken by NASA’s Voyager 2 in 1989

Discovered by
  • Johann Galle
  • Urbain Le Verrier
  • John Couch Adams
Discovery date 23 September 1846
Pronunciation (listen)[2]

Named after

Latin Neptunus, via French Neptune
Adjectives Neptunian (),[3] Poseidean[4]
Orbital characteristics[9][a]
Epoch J2000
Aphelion 30.33 AU (4.54 billion km)
Perihelion 29.81 AU (4.46 billion km)

Semi-major axis

30.07 AU (4.50 billion km)
Eccentricity 0.008678

Orbital period (sidereal)

  • 164.8 yr
  • 60,195 days
  • 89,666 Neptunian solar days[5]

Orbital period (synodic)

367.49 days[6]

Average orbital speed

5.43 km/s[6]

Mean anomaly

Inclination 1.770° to ecliptic
6.43° to Sun’s equator
0.74° to invariable plane[7]

Longitude of ascending node


Time of perihelion


Argument of perihelion

Known satellites 14
Physical characteristics

Mean radius

24,622±19 km[10][b]

Equatorial radius

24,764±15 km[10][b]
3.883 Earths

Polar radius

24,341±30 km[10][b]
3.829 Earths
Flattening 0.0171±0.0013

Surface area

7.6187×109 km2[11][b]
14.98 Earths
Volume 6.253×1013 km3[6][b]
57.74 Earths
Mass 1.02413×1026 kg[6]
17.147 Earths
5.15×10−5 Suns

Mean density

1.638 g/cm3[6][c]

Surface gravity

11.15 m/s2[6][b]
1.14 g

Moment of inertia factor

0.23[12] (estimate)

Escape velocity

23.5 km/s[6][b]

Synodic rotation period

0.67125 d
16 h 6 m 36 s[5]

Sidereal rotation period

0.6713 day[6]
16 h 6 min 36 s

Equatorial rotation velocity

2.68 km/s (9,650 km/h)

Axial tilt

28.32° (to orbit)[6]

North pole right ascension

19h 57m 20s[10]

North pole declination

Albedo 0.290 (bond)[13]
0.442 (geom.)[14]
Surface temp. min mean max
1 bar level 72 K (−201 °C)[6]
0.1 bar (10 kPa) 55 K (−218 °C)[6]

Apparent magnitude

7.67[15] to 8.00[15]

Angular diameter


Scale height

19.7±0.6 km
Composition by volume
  • 80%±3.2% hydrogen
  • 19%±3.2% helium
  • 1.5%±0.5% methane
  • ~0.019% hydrogen deuteride
  • ~0.00015% ethane
  • Icy volatiles:
    • ammonia
    • water ice
    • ammonium hydrosulfide
    • methane ice (?)

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and the farthest known planet in the Solar System. It is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System by diameter, the third-most-massive planet, and the densest giant planet. It is 17 times the mass of Earth, and slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus. Neptune is denser and physically smaller than Uranus because its greater mass causes more gravitational compression of its atmosphere. Being composed primarily of gases and liquids, it has no well-defined solid surface. The planet orbits the Sun once every 164.8 years at an average distance of 30.1 astronomical units (4.5 billion kilometres; 2.8 billion miles). It is named after the Roman god of the sea and has the astronomical symbol ♆, representing Neptune’s trident.[d]

Neptune is not visible to the unaided eye and is the only planet in the Solar System found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation. Unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus led Alexis Bouvard to hypothesise that its orbit was subject to gravitational perturbation by an unknown planet. After Bouvard’s death, the position of Neptune was predicted from his observations, independently, by John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier. Neptune was subsequently observed with a telescope on 23 September 1846[1] by Johann Galle within a degree of the position predicted by Le Verrier. Its largest moon, Triton, was discovered shortly thereafter, though none of the planet’s remaining 13 known moons were located telescopically until the 20th century. The planet’s distance from Earth gives it a very small apparent size, making it challenging to study with Earth-based telescopes. Neptune was visited by Voyager 2, when it flew by the planet on 25 August 1989; Voyager 2 remains the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune.[17][18] The advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics has recently allowed for additional detailed observations from afar.

Like the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn), Neptune’s atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, along with traces of hydrocarbons and possibly nitrogen, but contains a higher proportion of ices such as water, ammonia and methane. Similar to Uranus, its interior is primarily composed of ices and rock;[19] both planets are normally considered «ice giants» to distinguish them.[20] Along with Rayleigh scattering, traces of methane in the outermost regions in part account for the planet’s blue appearance.[21] Newest data from the Gemini observatory shows the blue color is more saturated than the one present on Uranus due to thinner haze of Neptune’s more active atmosphere.[22][23]

In contrast to the hazy, relatively featureless atmosphere of Uranus, Neptune’s atmosphere has active and visible weather patterns. For example, at the time of the Voyager 2 flyby in 1989, the planet’s southern hemisphere had a Great Dark Spot comparable to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. More recently, in 2018, a newer main dark spot and smaller dark spot were identified and studied.[24] In addition, these weather patterns are driven by the strongest sustained winds of any planet in the Solar System, with recorded wind speeds as high as 2,100 km/h (580 m/s; 1,300 mph).[25] Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune’s outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the Solar System, with temperatures at its cloud tops approaching 55 K (−218 °C; −361 °F). Temperatures at the planet’s centre are approximately 5,400 K (5,100 °C; 9,300 °F).[26][27] Neptune has a faint and fragmented ring system (labelled «arcs»), which was discovered in 1984, then later confirmed by Voyager 2.[28]



Some of the earliest recorded observations ever made through a telescope, Galileo Galilei’s drawings on 28 December 1612 and 27 January 1613 contain plotted points that match up with what is now known to have been the positions of Neptune on those dates. On both occasions, Galileo seems to have mistaken Neptune for a fixed star when it appeared close—in conjunction—to Jupiter in the night sky.[29] Hence, he is not credited with Neptune’s discovery. At his first observation in December 1612, Neptune was almost stationary in the sky because it had just turned retrograde that day. This apparent backward motion is created when Earth’s orbit takes it past an outer planet. Because Neptune was only beginning its yearly retrograde cycle, the motion of the planet was far too slight to be detected with Galileo’s small telescope.[30] In 2009, a study suggested that Galileo was at least aware that the «star» he had observed had moved relative to the fixed stars.[31]

In 1821, Alexis Bouvard published astronomical tables of the orbit of Neptune’s neighbour Uranus.[32] Subsequent observations revealed substantial deviations from the tables, leading Bouvard to hypothesise that an unknown body was perturbing the orbit through gravitational interaction.[33] In 1843, John Couch Adams began work on the orbit of Uranus using the data he had. He requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who supplied it in February 1844. Adams continued to work in 1845–1846 and produced several different estimates of a new planet.[34][35]

In 1845–1846, Urbain Le Verrier, independently of Adams, developed his own calculations but aroused no enthusiasm in his compatriots. In June 1846, upon seeing Le Verrier’s first published estimate of the planet’s longitude and its similarity to Adams’s estimate, Airy persuaded James Challis to search for the planet. Challis vainly scoured the sky throughout August and September.[33][36] Challis had, in fact, observed Neptune a year before the planet’s subsequent discoverer, Johann Gottfried Galle, and on two occasions, 4 and 12 August 1845. However, his out-of-date star maps and poor observing techniques meant that he failed to recognise the observations as such until he carried out later analysis. Challis was full of remorse but blamed his neglect on his maps and the fact that he was distracted by his concurrent work on comet observations.[37][33][38]

Meanwhile, Le Verrier sent a letter and urged Berlin Observatory astronomer Galle to search with the observatory’s refractor. Heinrich d’Arrest, a student at the observatory, suggested to Galle that they could compare a recently drawn chart of the sky in the region of Le Verrier’s predicted location with the current sky to seek the displacement characteristic of a planet, as opposed to a fixed star. On the evening of 23 September 1846, the day Galle received the letter, he discovered Neptune just northeast of Iota Aquarii, 1° from the «five degrees east of Delta Capricorn» position Le Verrier had predicted it to be,[39][40] about 12° from Adams’s prediction, and on the border of Aquarius and Capricornus according to the modern IAU constellation boundaries.

In the wake of the discovery, there was a heated nationalistic rivalry between the French and the British over who deserved credit for the discovery. Eventually, an international consensus emerged that Le Verrier and Adams deserved joint credit. Since 1966, Dennis Rawlins has questioned the credibility of Adams’s claim to co-discovery, and the issue was re-evaluated by historians with the return in 1998 of the «Neptune papers» (historical documents) to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.[41][42]


Shortly after its discovery, Neptune was referred to simply as «the planet exterior to Uranus» or as «Le Verrier’s planet». The first suggestion for a name came from Galle, who proposed the name Janus. In England, Challis put forward the name Oceanus.[43]

Claiming the right to name his discovery, Le Verrier quickly proposed the name Neptune for this new planet, though falsely stating that this had been officially approved by the French Bureau des Longitudes.[44] In October, he sought to name the planet Le Verrier, after himself, and he had loyal support in this from the observatory director, François Arago. This suggestion met with stiff resistance outside France.[45] French almanacs quickly reintroduced the name Herschel for Uranus, after that planet’s discoverer Sir William Herschel, and Leverrier for the new planet.[46]

Struve came out in favour of the name Neptune on 29 December 1846, to the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences.[47] Soon, Neptune became the internationally accepted name. In Roman mythology, Neptune was the god of the sea, identified with the Greek Poseidon. The demand for a mythological name seemed to be in keeping with the nomenclature of the other planets, all of which were named for deities in Greek and Roman mythology.[e][48]

Most languages today use some variant of the name «Neptune» for the planet; indeed, in Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean, the planet’s name was translated as «sea king star» (海王星).[49][50] In Mongolian, Neptune is called Dalain van (Далайн ван), reflecting its namesake god’s role as the ruler of the sea. In modern Greek the planet is called Poseidon (Ποσειδώνας, Poseidonas), the Greek counterpart of Neptune.[51] In Hebrew, Rahab (רהב), from a Biblical sea monster mentioned in the Book of Psalms, was selected in a vote managed by the Academy of the Hebrew Language in 2009 as the official name for the planet, even though the existing Latin term Neptun (נפטון) is commonly used.[52][53] In Māori, the planet is called Tangaroa, named after the Māori god of the sea.[54] In Nahuatl, the planet is called Tlāloccītlalli, named after the rain god Tlāloc.[54] In Thai, Neptune is referred to by its Westernised name Dao Nepjun (ดาวเนปจูน), but is also called Dao Ketu (ดาวเกตุ, lit.‘star of Ketu’), after Ketu (केतु), the descending lunar node, who plays a role in Hindu astrology. In Malay, the name Waruna, after the Hindu god of seas, is attested as far back as the 1970s,[55] but was eventually superseded by the Latinate equivalents Neptun (in Malaysian[56]) or Neptunus (in Indonesian[57]).

The usual adjectival form is Neptunian. The nonce form Poseidean (), from Poseidon, has also been used,[4] though the usual adjectival form of Poseidon is Poseidonian ().[58]


From its discovery in 1846 until the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Neptune was the farthest known planet. When Pluto was discovered, it was considered a planet, and Neptune thus became the second-farthest known planet, except for a 20-year period between 1979 and 1999 when Pluto’s elliptical orbit brought it closer than Neptune to the Sun.[59] The increasingly accurate estimations of Pluto’s mass from ten times that of Earth’s to far less than that of the Moon[60] and the discovery of the Kuiper belt in 1992 led many astronomers to debate whether Pluto should be considered a planet or as part of the Kuiper belt.[61][62] In 2006, the International Astronomical Union defined the word «planet» for the first time, reclassifying Pluto as a «dwarf planet» and making Neptune once again the outermost-known planet in the Solar System.[63]

Physical characteristics

A size comparison of Neptune and Earth

Neptune’s mass of 1.0243×1026 kg[6] is intermediate between Earth and the larger gas giants: it is 17 times that of Earth but just 1/19th that of Jupiter.[f] Its gravity at 1 bar is 11.15 m/s2, 1.14 times the surface gravity of Earth,[64] and surpassed only by Jupiter.[65] Neptune’s equatorial radius of 24,764 km[10] is nearly four times that of Earth. Neptune, like Uranus, is an ice giant, a subclass of giant planet, because they are smaller and have higher concentrations of volatiles than Jupiter and Saturn.[66] In the search for exoplanets, Neptune has been used as a metonym: discovered bodies of similar mass are often referred to as «Neptunes»,[67] just as scientists refer to various extrasolar bodies as «Jupiters».

Internal structure

Neptune’s internal structure resembles that of Uranus. Its atmosphere forms about 5 to 10% of its mass and extends perhaps 10 to 20% of the way towards the core, where it reaches pressures of about 10 GPa, or about 100,000 times that of Earth’s atmosphere. Increasing concentrations of methane, ammonia and water are found in the lower regions of the atmosphere.[26]

Physical and chemical composition of Neptune’s interior

The mantle is equivalent to 10 to 15 Earth masses and is rich in water, ammonia and methane.[1] As is customary in planetary science, this mixture is referred to as icy even though it is a hot, dense fluid (supercritical fluid). This fluid, which has a high electrical conductivity, is sometimes called a water–ammonia ocean.[68] The mantle may consist of a layer of ionic water in which the water molecules break down into a soup of hydrogen and oxygen ions, and deeper down superionic water in which the oxygen crystallises but the hydrogen ions float around freely within the oxygen lattice.[69] At a depth of 7,000 km, the conditions may be such that methane decomposes into diamond crystals that rain downwards like hailstones.[70][71][72] Scientists also believe that this kind of diamond rain occurs on Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.[73][71] Very-high-pressure experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggest that the top of the mantle may be an ocean of liquid carbon with floating solid ‘diamonds’.[74][75][76]

The core of Neptune is likely composed of iron, nickel and silicates, with an interior model giving a mass about 1.2 times that of Earth.[77] The pressure at the centre is 7 Mbar (700 GPa), about twice as high as that at the centre of Earth, and the temperature may be 5,400 K.[26][27]


A time-lapse video of Neptune and its moons

At high altitudes, Neptune’s atmosphere is 80% hydrogen and 19% helium.[26] A trace amount of methane is also present. Prominent absorption bands of methane exist at wavelengths above 600 nm, in the red and infrared portion of the spectrum. As with Uranus, this absorption of red light by the atmospheric methane is part of what gives Neptune its blue hue,[78] although Neptune’s blue differs from Uranus’s milder light blue.

Neptune’s atmosphere is subdivided into two main regions: the lower troposphere, where temperature decreases with altitude, and the stratosphere, where temperature increases with altitude. The boundary between the two, the tropopause, lies at a pressure of 0.1 bars (10 kPa).[20] The stratosphere then gives way to the thermosphere at a pressure lower than 10−5 to 10−4 bars (1 to 10 Pa).[20] The thermosphere gradually transitions to the exosphere.

Bands of high-altitude clouds cast shadows on Neptune’s lower cloud deck.

Models suggest that Neptune’s troposphere is banded by clouds of varying compositions depending on altitude. The upper-level clouds lie at pressures below one bar, where the temperature is suitable for methane to condense. For pressures between one and five bars (100 and 500 kPa), clouds of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are thought to form. Above a pressure of five bars, the clouds may consist of ammonia, ammonium sulfide, hydrogen sulfide and water. Deeper clouds of water ice should be found at pressures of about 50 bars (5.0 MPa), where the temperature reaches 273 K (0 °C). Underneath, clouds of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide may be found.[79]

High-altitude clouds on Neptune have been observed casting shadows on the opaque cloud deck below. There are also high-altitude cloud bands that wrap around the planet at constant latitude. These circumferential bands have widths of 50–150 km and lie about 50–110 km above the cloud deck.[80] These altitudes are in the layer where weather occurs, the troposphere. Weather does not occur in the higher stratosphere or thermosphere.

Neptune’s spectra suggest that its lower stratosphere is hazy due to condensation of products of ultraviolet photolysis of methane, such as ethane and ethyne.[20][26] The stratosphere is also home to trace amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide.[20][81] The stratosphere of Neptune is warmer than that of Uranus due to the elevated concentration of hydrocarbons.[20]

For reasons that remain obscure, the planet’s thermosphere is at an anomalously high temperature of about 750 K.[82][83] The planet is too far from the Sun for this heat to be generated by ultraviolet radiation. One candidate for a heating mechanism is atmospheric interaction with ions in the planet’s magnetic field. Other candidates are gravity waves from the interior that dissipate in the atmosphere. The thermosphere contains traces of carbon dioxide and water, which may have been deposited from external sources such as meteorites and dust.[79][81]


Neptune resembles Uranus in its magnetosphere, with a magnetic field strongly tilted relative to its rotational axis at 47° and offset at least 0.55 radius, or about 13,500 km from the planet’s physical centre. Before Voyager 2‘s arrival at Neptune, it was hypothesised that Uranus’s tilted magnetosphere was the result of its sideways rotation. In comparing the magnetic fields of the two planets, scientists now think the extreme orientation may be characteristic of flows in the planets’ interiors. This field may be generated by convective fluid motions in a thin spherical shell of electrically conducting liquids (probably a combination of ammonia, methane and water)[79] resulting in a dynamo action.[84]

The dipole component of the magnetic field at the magnetic equator of Neptune is about 14 microteslas (0.14 G).[85] The dipole magnetic moment of Neptune is about 2.2 × 1017 T·m3 (14 μT·RN3, where RN is the radius of Neptune). Neptune’s magnetic field has a complex geometry that includes relatively large contributions from non-dipolar components, including a strong quadrupole moment that may exceed the dipole moment in strength. By contrast, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn have only relatively small quadrupole moments, and their fields are less tilted from the polar axis. The large quadrupole moment of Neptune may be the result of offset from the planet’s centre and geometrical constraints of the field’s dynamo generator.[86][87]

Neptune’s bow shock, where the magnetosphere begins to slow the solar wind, occurs at a distance of 34.9 times the radius of the planet. The magnetopause, where the pressure of the magnetosphere counterbalances the solar wind, lies at a distance of 23–26.5 times the radius of Neptune. The tail of the magnetosphere extends out to at least 72 times the radius of Neptune, and likely much farther.[86]


Neptune’s weather is characterised by extremely dynamic storm systems, with winds reaching speeds of almost 600 m/s (2,200 km/h; 1,300 mph)—nearly reaching supersonic flow.[25] More typically, by tracking the motion of persistent clouds, wind speeds have been shown to vary from 20 m/s in the easterly direction to 325 m/s westward.[89] At the cloud tops, the prevailing winds range in speed from 400 m/s along the equator to 250 m/s at the poles.[79] Most of the winds on Neptune move in a direction opposite the planet’s rotation.[90] The general pattern of winds showed prograde rotation at high latitudes vs. retrograde rotation at lower latitudes. The difference in flow direction is thought to be a «skin effect» and not due to any deeper atmospheric processes.[20] At 70° S latitude, a high-speed jet travels at a speed of 300 m/s.[20]

Neptune differs from Uranus in its typical level of meteorological activity. Voyager 2 observed weather phenomena on Neptune during its 1989 flyby,[91] but no comparable phenomena on Uranus during its 1986 fly-by.

The abundance of methane, ethane and acetylene at Neptune’s equator is 10–100 times greater than at the poles. This is interpreted as evidence for upwelling at the equator and subsidence near the poles because photochemistry cannot account for the distribution without meridional circulation.[20]

In 2007, it was discovered that the upper troposphere of Neptune’s south pole was about 10 K warmer than the rest of its atmosphere, which averages approximately 73 K (−200 °C). The temperature differential is enough to let methane, which elsewhere is frozen in the troposphere, escape into the stratosphere near the pole.[92] The relative «hot spot» is due to Neptune’s axial tilt, which has exposed the south pole to the Sun for the last quarter of Neptune’s year, or roughly 40 Earth years. As Neptune slowly moves towards the opposite side of the Sun, the south pole will be darkened and the north pole illuminated, causing the methane release to shift to the north pole.[93]

Because of seasonal changes, the cloud bands in the southern hemisphere of Neptune have been observed to increase in size and albedo. This trend was first seen in 1980. The long orbital period of Neptune results in seasons lasting forty years.[94]


In 1989, the Great Dark Spot, an anticyclonic storm system spanning 13,000 km × 6,600 km (8,100 mi × 4,100 mi)[91] was discovered by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft. The storm resembled the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Some five years later, on 2 November 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope did not see the Great Dark Spot on the planet. Instead, a new storm similar to the Great Dark Spot was found in Neptune’s northern hemisphere.[95]

The Scooter is another storm, a white cloud group farther south than the Great Dark Spot. This nickname first arose during the months leading up to the Voyager 2 encounter in 1989, when they were observed moving at speeds faster than the Great Dark Spot (and images acquired later would subsequently reveal the presence of clouds moving even faster than those that had initially been detected by Voyager 2).[90] The Small Dark Spot is a southern cyclonic storm, the second-most-intense storm observed during the 1989 encounter. It was initially completely dark, but as Voyager 2 approached the planet, a bright core developed and can be seen in most of the highest-resolution images.[96] More recently, in 2018, a newer main dark spot and smaller dark spot were identified and studied.[24]

Neptune’s dark spots are thought to occur in the troposphere at lower altitudes than the brighter cloud features,[97] so they appear as holes in the upper cloud decks. As they are stable features that can persist for several months, they are thought to be vortex structures.[80] Often associated with dark spots are brighter, persistent methane clouds that form around the tropopause layer.[98] The persistence of companion clouds shows that some former dark spots may continue to exist as cyclones even though they are no longer visible as a dark feature. Dark spots may dissipate when they migrate too close to the equator or possibly through some other, unknown mechanism.[99]

  • The appearance of a Northern Great Dark Spot in 2018 is evidence of a huge storm brewing.[100]

    The appearance of a Northern Great Dark Spot in 2018 is evidence of a huge storm brewing.[100]

  • The Northern Great Dark Spot and a smaller companion storm imaged by Hubble in 2020[101]

    The Northern Great Dark Spot and a smaller companion storm imaged by Hubble in 2020[101]

  • The Great Dark Spot, as imaged by Voyager 2

    The Great Dark Spot in a color-uncalibrated image by Voyager 2.

  • Neptune's shrinking vortex[102]

    Neptune’s shrinking vortex[102]

Internal heating

Four images taken a few hours apart with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope‘s Wide Field Camera 3. Near infrared radiation data has been used as red channel.[103]

Neptune’s more varied weather when compared to Uranus is due in part to its higher internal heating. The upper regions of Neptune’s troposphere reach a low temperature of 51.8 K (−221.3 °C). At a depth where the atmospheric pressure equals 1 bar (100 kPa), the temperature is 72.00 K (−201.15 °C).[104] Deeper inside the layers of gas, the temperature rises steadily. As with Uranus, the source of this heating is unknown, but the discrepancy is larger: Uranus only radiates 1.1 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun;[105] whereas Neptune radiates about 2.61 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun.[106] Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun, and lies over 50% farther from the Sun than Uranus, and receives only 40% its amount of sunlight,[20] yet its internal energy is sufficient to drive the fastest planetary winds seen in the Solar System. Depending on the thermal properties of its interior, the heat left over from Neptune’s formation may be sufficient to explain its current heat flow, though it is more difficult to simultaneously explain Uranus’s lack of internal heat while preserving the apparent similarity between the two planets.[107]

Orbit and rotation

Neptune (red arc) completes one orbit around the Sun (centre) for every 164.79 orbits of Earth. The light blue object represents Uranus.

The average distance between Neptune and the Sun is 4.5 billion km (about 30.1 astronomical units (AU)), and it completes an orbit on average every 164.79 years, subject to a variability of around ±0.1 years. The perihelion distance is 29.81 AU; the aphelion distance is 30.33 AU.[g]

On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first full barycentric orbit since its discovery in 1846,[109][110] although it did not appear at its exact discovery position in the sky, because Earth was in a different location in its 365.26 day orbit. Because of the motion of the Sun in relation to the barycentre of the Solar System, on 11 July Neptune was also not at its exact discovery position in relation to the Sun; if the more common heliocentric coordinate system is used, the discovery longitude was reached on 12 July 2011.[11][111][112]

The elliptical orbit of Neptune is inclined 1.77° compared to that of Earth.

The axial tilt of Neptune is 28.32°,[113] which is similar to the tilts of Earth (23°) and Mars (25°). As a result, Neptune experiences similar seasonal changes to Earth. The long orbital period of Neptune means that the seasons last for forty Earth years.[94] Its sidereal rotation period (day) is roughly 16.11 hours.[11] Because its axial tilt is comparable to Earth’s, the variation in the length of its day over the course of its long year is not any more extreme.

Because Neptune is not a solid body, its atmosphere undergoes differential rotation. The wide equatorial zone rotates with a period of about 18 hours, which is slower than the 16.1-hour rotation of the planet’s magnetic field. By contrast, the reverse is true for the polar regions where the rotation period is 12 hours. This differential rotation is the most pronounced of any planet in the Solar System,[114] and it results in strong latitudinal wind shear.[80]

Orbital resonances

A diagram showing the major orbital resonances in the Kuiper belt caused by Neptune: the highlighted regions are the 2:3 resonance (plutinos), the nonresonant «classical belt» (cubewanos), and the 1:2 resonance (twotinos).

Neptune’s orbit has a profound impact on the region directly beyond it, known as the Kuiper belt. The Kuiper belt is a ring of small icy worlds, similar to the asteroid belt but far larger, extending from Neptune’s orbit at 30 AU out to about 55 AU from the Sun.[115] Much in the same way that Jupiter’s gravity dominates the asteroid belt, shaping its structure, so Neptune’s gravity dominates the Kuiper belt. Over the age of the Solar System, certain regions of the Kuiper belt became destabilised by Neptune’s gravity, creating gaps in the its structure. The region between 40 and 42 AU is an example.[116]

There do exist orbits within these empty regions where objects can survive for the age of the Solar System. These resonances occur when Neptune’s orbital period is a precise fraction of that of the object, such as 1:2, or 3:4. If, say, an object orbits the Sun once for every two Neptune orbits, it will only complete half an orbit by the time Neptune returns to its original position. The most heavily populated resonance in the Kuiper belt, with over 200 known objects,[117] is the 2:3 resonance. Objects in this resonance complete 2 orbits for every 3 of Neptune, and are known as plutinos because the largest of the known Kuiper belt objects, Pluto, is among them.[118] Although Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit regularly, the 2:3 resonance ensures they can never collide.[119] The 3:4, 3:5, 4:7 and 2:5 resonances are less populated.[120]

Neptune has a number of known trojan objects occupying both the Sun–Neptune L4 and L5 Lagrangian points—gravitationally stable regions leading and trailing Neptune in its orbit, respectively.[121] Neptune trojans can be viewed as being in a 1:1 resonance with Neptune. Some Neptune trojans are remarkably stable in their orbits, and are likely to have formed alongside Neptune rather than being captured. The first object identified as associated with Neptune’s trailing L5 Lagrangian point was 2008 LC18.[122] Neptune also has a temporary quasi-satellite, (309239) 2007 RW10.[123] The object has been a quasi-satellite of Neptune for about 12,500 years and it will remain in that dynamical state for another 12,500 years.[123]

Formation and migration

A simulation showing the outer planets and Kuiper belt: a) before Jupiter and Saturn reached a 2:1 resonance; b) after inward scattering of Kuiper belt objects following the orbital shift of Neptune; c) after ejection of scattered Kuiper belt bodies by Jupiter

The formation of the ice giants, Neptune and Uranus, has proven difficult to model precisely. Current models suggest that the matter density in the outer regions of the Solar System was too low to account for the formation of such large bodies from the traditionally accepted method of core accretion, and various hypotheses have been advanced to explain their formation. One is that the ice giants were not formed by core accretion but from instabilities within the original protoplanetary disc and later had their atmospheres blasted away by radiation from a nearby massive OB star.[66]

An alternative concept is that they formed closer to the Sun, where the matter density was higher, and then subsequently migrated to their current orbits after the removal of the gaseous protoplanetary disc.[124] This hypothesis of migration after formation is favoured, due to its ability to better explain the occupancy of the populations of small objects observed in the trans-Neptunian region.[125] The current most widely accepted[126][127][128] explanation of the details of this hypothesis is known as the Nice model, which explores the effect of a migrating Neptune and the other giant planets on the structure of the Kuiper belt.


Natural-colour view of Neptune with Proteus (top), Larissa (lower right), and Despina (left), from the Hubble Space Telescope

Neptune has 14 known moons.[6][129] Triton is the largest Neptunian moon, comprising more than 99.5% of the mass in orbit around Neptune,[h] and it is the only one massive enough to be spheroidal. Triton was discovered by William Lassell just 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself. Unlike all other large planetary moons in the Solar System, Triton has a retrograde orbit, indicating that it was captured rather than forming in place; it was probably once a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt.[130] It is close enough to Neptune to be locked into a synchronous rotation, and it is slowly spiralling inward because of tidal acceleration. It will eventually be torn apart, in about 3.6 billion years, when it reaches the Roche limit.[131] In 1989, Triton was the coldest object that had yet been measured in the Solar System,[132] with estimated temperatures of 38 K (−235 °C).[133]

Neptune’s second-known satellite (by order of discovery), the irregular moon Nereid, has one of the most eccentric orbits of any satellite in the Solar System. The eccentricity of 0.7512 gives it an apoapsis that is seven times its periapsis distance from Neptune.[i]

A composite Hubble image showing Hippocamp with other previously discovered inner moons in Neptune’s ring system

From July to September 1989, Voyager 2 discovered six moons of Neptune.[134] Of these, the irregularly shaped Proteus is notable for being as large as a body of its density can be without being pulled into a spherical shape by its own gravity.[135] Although the second-most-massive Neptunian moon, it is only 0.25% the mass of Triton. Neptune’s innermost four moons—Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea—orbit close enough to be within Neptune’s rings. The next-farthest out, Larissa, was originally discovered in 1981 when it had occulted a star. This occultation had been attributed to ring arcs, but when Voyager 2 observed Neptune in 1989, Larissa was found to have caused it. Five new irregular moons discovered between 2002 and 2003 were announced in 2004.[136][137] A new moon and the smallest yet, Hippocamp, was found in 2013 by combining multiple Hubble images.[138] Because Neptune was the Roman god of the sea, Neptune’s moons have been named after lesser sea gods.[48]

Planetary rings

Neptune has a planetary ring system, though one much less substantial than that of Saturn.[139] The rings may consist of ice particles coated with silicates or carbon-based material, which most likely gives them a reddish hue.[140] The three main rings are the narrow Adams Ring, 63,000 km from the centre of Neptune, the Le Verrier Ring, at 53,000 km, and the broader, fainter Galle Ring, at 42,000 km. A faint outward extension to the Le Verrier Ring has been named Lassell; it is bounded at its outer edge by the Arago Ring at 57,000 km.[141]

The first of these planetary rings was detected in 1968 by a team led by Edward Guinan.[28][142] In the early 1980s, analysis of this data along with newer observations led to the hypothesis that this ring might be incomplete.[143]
Evidence that the rings might have gaps first arose during a stellar occultation in 1984 when the rings obscured a star on immersion but not on emersion.[144] Images from Voyager 2 in 1989 settled the issue by showing several faint rings.

The outermost ring, Adams, contains five prominent arcs now named Courage, Liberté, Egalité 1, Egalité 2 and Fraternité (Courage, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity).[145] The existence of arcs was difficult to explain because the laws of motion would predict that arcs would spread out into a uniform ring over short timescales. Astronomers now estimate that the arcs are corralled into their current form by the gravitational effects of Galatea, a moon just inward from the ring.[146][147]

Earth-based observations announced in 2005 appeared to show that Neptune’s rings are much more unstable than previously thought. Images taken from the W. M. Keck Observatory in 2002 and 2003 show considerable decay in the rings when compared to images by Voyager 2. In particular, it seems that the Liberté arc might disappear in as little as one century.[148]


Movement of Neptune in front of the stars of Aquarius in 2022

Neptune visible in the night sky

In 2018, the European Southern Observatory developed unique laser-based methods to get clear and high-resolution images of Neptune from the surface of Earth.

Neptune brightened about 10% between 1980 and 2000 mostly due to the changing of the seasons.[149] Neptune may continue to brighten as it approaches perihelion in 2042. The apparent magnitude currently ranges from 7.67 to 7.89 with a mean of 7.78 and a standard deviation of 0.06.[15] Prior to 1980 the planet was as faint as magnitude 8.0.[15] Neptune is too faint to be visible to the naked eye. It can be outshone by Jupiter’s Galilean moons, the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroids 4 Vesta, 2 Pallas, 7 Iris, 3 Juno, and 6 Hebe.[150] A telescope or strong binoculars will resolve Neptune as a small blue disk, similar in appearance to Uranus.[151]

Because of the distance of Neptune from Earth, its angular diameter only ranges from 2.2 to 2.4 arcseconds,[6][16] the smallest of the Solar System planets. Its small apparent size makes it challenging to study visually. Most telescopic data was fairly limited until the advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics (AO).[152][153][154] The first scientifically useful observation of Neptune from ground-based telescopes using adaptive optics was commenced in 1997 from Hawaii.[155] Neptune is currently entering its spring and summer season and has been shown to be heating up, with increased atmospheric activity and brightness as a consequence. Combined with technological advancements, ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics are recording increasingly more detailed images of it. Both Hubble and the adaptive-optics telescopes on Earth have made many new discoveries within the Solar System since the mid-1990s, with a large increase in the number of known satellites and moons around the outer planet, among others. In 2004 and 2005, five new small satellites of Neptune with diameters between 38 and 61 kilometres were discovered.[156]

From Earth, Neptune goes through apparent retrograde motion every 367 days, resulting in a looping motion against the background stars during each opposition. These loops carried it close to the 1846 discovery coordinates in April and July 2010 and again in October and November 2011.[112]

Neptune’s 164-year orbital period means that the planet takes an average of 13 years to move through each constellation of the zodiac. In 2011, it completed its first full orbit of the Sun since being discovered and returned to where it was first spotted northeast of Iota Aquarii.[39]

Observation of Neptune in the radio-frequency band shows that it is a source of both continuous emission and irregular bursts. Both sources are thought to originate from its rotating magnetic field.[79] In the infrared part of the spectrum, Neptune’s storms appear bright against the cooler background, allowing the size and shape of these features to be readily tracked.[157]


A Voyager 2 mosaic of Triton

Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has visited Neptune. The spacecraft‘s closest approach to the planet occurred on 25 August 1989. Because this was the last major planet the spacecraft could visit, it was decided to make a close flyby of the moon Triton, regardless of the consequences to the trajectory, similarly to what was done for Voyager 1s encounter with Saturn and its moon Titan. The images relayed back to Earth from Voyager 2 became the basis of a 1989 PBS all-night program, Neptune All Night.[158]

During the encounter, signals from the spacecraft required 246 minutes to reach Earth. Hence, for the most part, Voyager 2‘s mission relied on preloaded commands for the Neptune encounter. The spacecraft performed a near-encounter with the moon Nereid before it came within 4,400 km of Neptune’s atmosphere on 25 August, then passed close to the planet’s largest moon Triton later the same day.[159]

The spacecraft verified the existence of a magnetic field surrounding the planet and discovered that the field was offset from the centre and tilted in a manner similar to the field around Uranus. Neptune’s rotation period was determined using measurements of radio emissions and Voyager 2 also showed that Neptune had a surprisingly active weather system. Six new moons were discovered, and the planet was shown to have more than one ring.[134][159]

The flyby also provided the first accurate measurement of Neptune’s mass which was found to be 0.5 percent less than previously calculated. The new figure disproved the hypothesis that an undiscovered Planet X acted upon the orbits of Neptune and Uranus.[160][161]

Since 2018, the China National Space Administration has been studying a concept for a pair of Voyager-like interstellar probes tentatively known as Interstellar Express or Interstellar Heliosphere Probe.[162] Both probes will be launched at the same time in 2024 and take differing paths to explore opposing ends of the heliosphere; the second probe, IHP-2, will fly by Neptune in January 2038, passing only 1,000 km above the cloud tops, and potentially carry an atmospheric impactor to be released during its approach.[163] Afterward, it will continue on its mission throughout the Kuiper belt toward the tail of the heliosphere, so far unexplored.

After Voyager 2 and IHP-2s flybys, the next step in scientific exploration of the Neptunian system is considered to be an orbital mission; most proposals have been by NASA, most often for a Flagship orbiter.[164] Such a hypothetical mission is envisioned to be possible in the late 2020s or early 2030s.[164] However, there have been discussions to launch Neptune missions sooner. In 2003, there was a proposal in NASA’s «Vision Missions Studies» for a «Neptune Orbiter with Probes» mission that does Cassini-level science.[165] Another, more recent proposal was for Argo, a flyby spacecraft to be launched in 2019, that would visit Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and a Kuiper belt object. The focus would be on Neptune and its largest moon Triton to be investigated around 2029.[166] The proposed New Horizons 2 mission (which was later scrapped) might also have done a close flyby of the Neptunian system. Currently a pending proposal for the Discovery program, Trident would conduct a flyby of Neptune and Triton;[167] however, the mission was not selected for Discovery 15 or 16. Neptune Odyssey is the current mission concept for a Neptune orbiter and atmospheric probe being studied as a possible large strategic science mission by NASA that would launch between 2031 and 2033, and arrive at Neptune by 2049.[168]

See also

  • Outline of Neptune
  • Hot Neptune
  • Neptune in astrology
  • Neptunium
  • Neptune, the Mystic – one of the seven movements in Gustav Holst’s Planets suite
  • Timeline of the far future
  • Stats of planets in the Solar System


  1. ^ Orbital elements refer to the Neptune barycentre and Solar System barycentre. These are the instantaneous osculating values at the precise J2000 epoch. Barycentre quantities are given because, in contrast to the planetary centre, they do not experience appreciable changes on a day-to-day basis from the motion of the moons.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Refers to the level of 1 bar (100 kPa) atmospheric pressure
  3. ^ Based on the volume within the level of 1 bar atmospheric pressure
  4. ^ A second symbol, an ‘LV’ monogram ⯉ for ‘Le Verrier’, analogous to the ‘H’ monogram ♅ for Uranus. It was never much used outside of France and is now archaic.
  5. ^ One might be tempted to say «except ‘Earth'», which in the English language is the name of a Germanic deity, Erda. The IAU policy is that one may call the Earth and the Moon by any name commonly used in the language being used. Contrary to common use by science fiction writers, ‘Terra’ and ‘Luna’ are not the official names of planet Earth and its moon. See the wikipedia article Earth for references.
  6. ^ The mass of Earth is 5.9736×1024 kg, giving a mass ratio
    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Neptune}}}{M_{text{Earth}}}}={tfrac {1.02times 10^{26}}{5.97times 10^{24}}}=17.09.}

    The mass of Uranus is 8.6810×1025 kg, giving a mass ratio

    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Uranus}}}{M_{text{Earth}}}}={tfrac {8.68times 10^{25}}{5.97times 10^{24}}}=14.54.}

    The mass of Jupiter is 1.8986×1027 kg, giving a mass ratio

    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Jupiter}}}{M_{text{Neptune}}}}={tfrac {1.90times 10^{27}}{1.02times 10^{26}}}=18.63.}

    Mass values from Williams, David R. (29 November 2007). «Planetary Fact Sheet – Metric». NASA. Archived from the original on 5 September 2014. Retrieved 13 March 2008.

  7. ^ The last three aphelia were 30.33 AU, the next is 30.34 AU. The perihelia are even more stable at 29.81 AU.[108]
  8. ^ Mass of Triton: 2.14×1022 kg. Combined mass of 12 other known moons of Neptune: 7.53×1019 kg, or 0.35%. The mass of the rings is negligible.
  9. ^ {displaystyle {tfrac {r_{a}}{r_{p}}}={tfrac {2}{1-e}}-1=2/0.2488-1approx 7.039.}


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  5. ^ a b Seligman, Courtney. «Rotation Period and Day Length». Archived from the original on 28 July 2011. Retrieved 13 August 2009.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Williams, David R. (1 September 2004). «Neptune Fact Sheet». NASA. Archived from the original on 1 July 2010. Retrieved 14 August 2007.
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    Schmude, R.W., Jr.; Baker, R.E.; Fox, J.; Krobusek, B.A.; Pavlov, H.; Mallama, A. (29 March 2016). The secular and rotational brightness variations of Neptune (PDF) (unpublished manuscript). arXiv:1604.00518. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 21 February 2022.{{cite report}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  150. ^ See the respective articles for magnitude data.
  151. ^ Moore (2000):207.
  152. ^ In 1977, for example, even the rotation period of Neptune remained uncertain. Cruikshank, D.P. (1 March 1978). «On the rotation period of Neptune». Astrophysical Journal Letters. 220: L57–L59. Bibcode:1978ApJ…220L..57C. doi:10.1086/182636.
  153. ^ Max, C.; MacIntosh, B.; Gibbard, S.; Roe, H.; et al. (1999). «Adaptive Optics Imaging of Neptune and Titan with the W.M. Keck Telescope». Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 31: 1512. Bibcode:1999AAS…195.9302M.
  154. ^ Nemiroff, R.; Bonnell, J., eds. (18 February 2000). «Neptune through Adaptive Optics». Astronomy Picture of the Day. NASA.
  155. ^ First Ground-Based Adaptive Optics Observations of Neptune and Proteus Archived 19 September 2017 at the Wayback Machine Planetary & Space Science Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 1031–36, 1997
  156. ^ Uranus and Neptune Reports on Astronomy 2003–2005, pp. 147f.
  157. ^ Gibbard, S.G.; Roe, H.; de Pater, I.; Macintosh, B.; et al. (1999). «High-Resolution Infrared Imaging of Neptune from the Keck Telescope». Icarus. 156 (1): 1–15. Bibcode:2002Icar..156….1G. doi:10.1006/icar.2001.6766. Archived from the original on 23 October 2018. Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  158. ^ Phillips, Cynthia (5 August 2003). «Fascination with Distant Worlds». SETI Institute. Archived from the original on 3 November 2007. Retrieved 3 October 2007.
  159. ^ a b Burgess (1991):46–55.
  160. ^ Tom Standage (2000). The Neptune File: A Story of Astronomical Rivalry and the Pioneers of Planet Hunting. New York: Walker. p. 188. ISBN 978-0-8027-1363-6.
  161. ^ Chris Gebhardt; Jeff Goldader (20 August 2011). «Thirty-four years after launch, Voyager 2 continues to explore». NASASpaceflight. Archived from the original on 19 February 2016. Retrieved 22 January 2016.
  162. ^ Wu, Weiren; Yu, Dengyun; Huang, Jiangchuan; Zong, Qiugang; Wang, Chi; Yu, Guobin; He, Rongwei; Wang, Qian; Kang, Yan; Meng, Linzhi; Wu, Ke; He, Jiansen; Li, Hui (9 January 2019). «Exploring the solar system boundary». Scientia Sinica Informationis. 49 (1): 1. doi:10.1360/N112018-00273. ISSN 2095-9486.
  163. ^ Jones, Andrew (16 April 2021). «China to launch a pair of spacecraft towards the edge of the solar system». SpaceNews. SpaceNews. Archived from the original on 15 May 2021. Retrieved 29 April 2021.
  164. ^ a b Clark, Stephen (25 August 2015). «Uranus, Neptune in NASA’s sights for new robotic mission». Spaceflight Now. Archived from the original on 6 September 2015. Retrieved 7 September 2015.
  165. ^ Spilker, T.R.; Ingersoll, A.P. (2004). «Outstanding Science in the Neptune System From an Aerocaptured Vision Mission». Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 36: 1094. Bibcode:2004DPS….36.1412S.
  166. ^ Candice Hansen; et al. «Argo – A Voyage Through the Outer Solar System» (PDF). SpacePolicyOnline.com. Space and Technology Policy Group, LLC. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 5 August 2015.
  167. ^ «Exploring Triton With Trident: A Discovery-Class Mission» (PDF). Universities Space Research Association. 23 March 2019. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 August 2020. Retrieved 26 March 2019.
  168. ^ Abigail Rymer; Brenda Clyde; Kirby Runyon (August 2020). «Neptune Odyssey: Mission to the Neptune-Triton System» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 15 December 2020. Retrieved 18 April 2021.


  • Burgess, Eric (1991). Far Encounter: The Neptune system. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-07412-4.
  • Moore, Patrick (2000). The Data Book of Astronomy. CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-7503-0620-1.

Further reading

  • Miner, Ellis D.; Wessen, Randii R. (2002). Neptune: The Planet, Rings, and Satellites. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-1-85233-216-7.
  • Standage, Tom (2001). The Neptune File. Penguin. ISBN 978-0-8027-1363-6.

External links

  • NASA’s Neptune fact sheet
  • Neptune from Bill Arnett’s nineplanets.org
  • Neptune Astronomy Cast episode No. 63, includes full transcript.
  • Neptune Profile (archived 15 November 2002) at NASA’s Solar System Exploration site
  • Interactive 3D gravity simulation of Neptune and its inner moons Archived 22 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine

«Eighth planet» redirects here. For other systems of numbering planets, see Planet § History.

Neptune ♆

Neptune - Voyager 2 (29347980845) flatten crop.jpg

Photograph taken by NASA’s Voyager 2 in 1989

Discovered by
  • Johann Galle
  • Urbain Le Verrier
  • John Couch Adams
Discovery date 23 September 1846
Pronunciation (listen)[2]

Named after

Latin Neptunus, via French Neptune
Adjectives Neptunian (),[3] Poseidean[4]
Orbital characteristics[9][a]
Epoch J2000
Aphelion 30.33 AU (4.54 billion km)
Perihelion 29.81 AU (4.46 billion km)

Semi-major axis

30.07 AU (4.50 billion km)
Eccentricity 0.008678

Orbital period (sidereal)

  • 164.8 yr
  • 60,195 days
  • 89,666 Neptunian solar days[5]

Orbital period (synodic)

367.49 days[6]

Average orbital speed

5.43 km/s[6]

Mean anomaly

Inclination 1.770° to ecliptic
6.43° to Sun’s equator
0.74° to invariable plane[7]

Longitude of ascending node


Time of perihelion


Argument of perihelion

Known satellites 14
Physical characteristics

Mean radius

24,622±19 km[10][b]

Equatorial radius

24,764±15 km[10][b]
3.883 Earths

Polar radius

24,341±30 km[10][b]
3.829 Earths
Flattening 0.0171±0.0013

Surface area

7.6187×109 km2[11][b]
14.98 Earths
Volume 6.253×1013 km3[6][b]
57.74 Earths
Mass 1.02413×1026 kg[6]
17.147 Earths
5.15×10−5 Suns

Mean density

1.638 g/cm3[6][c]

Surface gravity

11.15 m/s2[6][b]
1.14 g

Moment of inertia factor

0.23[12] (estimate)

Escape velocity

23.5 km/s[6][b]

Synodic rotation period

0.67125 d
16 h 6 m 36 s[5]

Sidereal rotation period

0.6713 day[6]
16 h 6 min 36 s

Equatorial rotation velocity

2.68 km/s (9,650 km/h)

Axial tilt

28.32° (to orbit)[6]

North pole right ascension

19h 57m 20s[10]

North pole declination

Albedo 0.290 (bond)[13]
0.442 (geom.)[14]
Surface temp. min mean max
1 bar level 72 K (−201 °C)[6]
0.1 bar (10 kPa) 55 K (−218 °C)[6]

Apparent magnitude

7.67[15] to 8.00[15]

Angular diameter


Scale height

19.7±0.6 km
Composition by volume
  • 80%±3.2% hydrogen
  • 19%±3.2% helium
  • 1.5%±0.5% methane
  • ~0.019% hydrogen deuteride
  • ~0.00015% ethane
  • Icy volatiles:
    • ammonia
    • water ice
    • ammonium hydrosulfide
    • methane ice (?)

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and the farthest known planet in the Solar System. It is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System by diameter, the third-most-massive planet, and the densest giant planet. It is 17 times the mass of Earth, and slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus. Neptune is denser and physically smaller than Uranus because its greater mass causes more gravitational compression of its atmosphere. Being composed primarily of gases and liquids, it has no well-defined solid surface. The planet orbits the Sun once every 164.8 years at an average distance of 30.1 astronomical units (4.5 billion kilometres; 2.8 billion miles). It is named after the Roman god of the sea and has the astronomical symbol ♆, representing Neptune’s trident.[d]

Neptune is not visible to the unaided eye and is the only planet in the Solar System found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation. Unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus led Alexis Bouvard to hypothesise that its orbit was subject to gravitational perturbation by an unknown planet. After Bouvard’s death, the position of Neptune was predicted from his observations, independently, by John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier. Neptune was subsequently observed with a telescope on 23 September 1846[1] by Johann Galle within a degree of the position predicted by Le Verrier. Its largest moon, Triton, was discovered shortly thereafter, though none of the planet’s remaining 13 known moons were located telescopically until the 20th century. The planet’s distance from Earth gives it a very small apparent size, making it challenging to study with Earth-based telescopes. Neptune was visited by Voyager 2, when it flew by the planet on 25 August 1989; Voyager 2 remains the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune.[17][18] The advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics has recently allowed for additional detailed observations from afar.

Like the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn), Neptune’s atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, along with traces of hydrocarbons and possibly nitrogen, but contains a higher proportion of ices such as water, ammonia and methane. Similar to Uranus, its interior is primarily composed of ices and rock;[19] both planets are normally considered «ice giants» to distinguish them.[20] Along with Rayleigh scattering, traces of methane in the outermost regions in part account for the planet’s blue appearance.[21] Newest data from the Gemini observatory shows the blue color is more saturated than the one present on Uranus due to thinner haze of Neptune’s more active atmosphere.[22][23]

In contrast to the hazy, relatively featureless atmosphere of Uranus, Neptune’s atmosphere has active and visible weather patterns. For example, at the time of the Voyager 2 flyby in 1989, the planet’s southern hemisphere had a Great Dark Spot comparable to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. More recently, in 2018, a newer main dark spot and smaller dark spot were identified and studied.[24] In addition, these weather patterns are driven by the strongest sustained winds of any planet in the Solar System, with recorded wind speeds as high as 2,100 km/h (580 m/s; 1,300 mph).[25] Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune’s outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the Solar System, with temperatures at its cloud tops approaching 55 K (−218 °C; −361 °F). Temperatures at the planet’s centre are approximately 5,400 K (5,100 °C; 9,300 °F).[26][27] Neptune has a faint and fragmented ring system (labelled «arcs»), which was discovered in 1984, then later confirmed by Voyager 2.[28]



Some of the earliest recorded observations ever made through a telescope, Galileo Galilei’s drawings on 28 December 1612 and 27 January 1613 contain plotted points that match up with what is now known to have been the positions of Neptune on those dates. On both occasions, Galileo seems to have mistaken Neptune for a fixed star when it appeared close—in conjunction—to Jupiter in the night sky.[29] Hence, he is not credited with Neptune’s discovery. At his first observation in December 1612, Neptune was almost stationary in the sky because it had just turned retrograde that day. This apparent backward motion is created when Earth’s orbit takes it past an outer planet. Because Neptune was only beginning its yearly retrograde cycle, the motion of the planet was far too slight to be detected with Galileo’s small telescope.[30] In 2009, a study suggested that Galileo was at least aware that the «star» he had observed had moved relative to the fixed stars.[31]

In 1821, Alexis Bouvard published astronomical tables of the orbit of Neptune’s neighbour Uranus.[32] Subsequent observations revealed substantial deviations from the tables, leading Bouvard to hypothesise that an unknown body was perturbing the orbit through gravitational interaction.[33] In 1843, John Couch Adams began work on the orbit of Uranus using the data he had. He requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who supplied it in February 1844. Adams continued to work in 1845–1846 and produced several different estimates of a new planet.[34][35]

In 1845–1846, Urbain Le Verrier, independently of Adams, developed his own calculations but aroused no enthusiasm in his compatriots. In June 1846, upon seeing Le Verrier’s first published estimate of the planet’s longitude and its similarity to Adams’s estimate, Airy persuaded James Challis to search for the planet. Challis vainly scoured the sky throughout August and September.[33][36] Challis had, in fact, observed Neptune a year before the planet’s subsequent discoverer, Johann Gottfried Galle, and on two occasions, 4 and 12 August 1845. However, his out-of-date star maps and poor observing techniques meant that he failed to recognise the observations as such until he carried out later analysis. Challis was full of remorse but blamed his neglect on his maps and the fact that he was distracted by his concurrent work on comet observations.[37][33][38]

Meanwhile, Le Verrier sent a letter and urged Berlin Observatory astronomer Galle to search with the observatory’s refractor. Heinrich d’Arrest, a student at the observatory, suggested to Galle that they could compare a recently drawn chart of the sky in the region of Le Verrier’s predicted location with the current sky to seek the displacement characteristic of a planet, as opposed to a fixed star. On the evening of 23 September 1846, the day Galle received the letter, he discovered Neptune just northeast of Iota Aquarii, 1° from the «five degrees east of Delta Capricorn» position Le Verrier had predicted it to be,[39][40] about 12° from Adams’s prediction, and on the border of Aquarius and Capricornus according to the modern IAU constellation boundaries.

In the wake of the discovery, there was a heated nationalistic rivalry between the French and the British over who deserved credit for the discovery. Eventually, an international consensus emerged that Le Verrier and Adams deserved joint credit. Since 1966, Dennis Rawlins has questioned the credibility of Adams’s claim to co-discovery, and the issue was re-evaluated by historians with the return in 1998 of the «Neptune papers» (historical documents) to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.[41][42]


Shortly after its discovery, Neptune was referred to simply as «the planet exterior to Uranus» or as «Le Verrier’s planet». The first suggestion for a name came from Galle, who proposed the name Janus. In England, Challis put forward the name Oceanus.[43]

Claiming the right to name his discovery, Le Verrier quickly proposed the name Neptune for this new planet, though falsely stating that this had been officially approved by the French Bureau des Longitudes.[44] In October, he sought to name the planet Le Verrier, after himself, and he had loyal support in this from the observatory director, François Arago. This suggestion met with stiff resistance outside France.[45] French almanacs quickly reintroduced the name Herschel for Uranus, after that planet’s discoverer Sir William Herschel, and Leverrier for the new planet.[46]

Struve came out in favour of the name Neptune on 29 December 1846, to the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences.[47] Soon, Neptune became the internationally accepted name. In Roman mythology, Neptune was the god of the sea, identified with the Greek Poseidon. The demand for a mythological name seemed to be in keeping with the nomenclature of the other planets, all of which were named for deities in Greek and Roman mythology.[e][48]

Most languages today use some variant of the name «Neptune» for the planet; indeed, in Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean, the planet’s name was translated as «sea king star» (海王星).[49][50] In Mongolian, Neptune is called Dalain van (Далайн ван), reflecting its namesake god’s role as the ruler of the sea. In modern Greek the planet is called Poseidon (Ποσειδώνας, Poseidonas), the Greek counterpart of Neptune.[51] In Hebrew, Rahab (רהב), from a Biblical sea monster mentioned in the Book of Psalms, was selected in a vote managed by the Academy of the Hebrew Language in 2009 as the official name for the planet, even though the existing Latin term Neptun (נפטון) is commonly used.[52][53] In Māori, the planet is called Tangaroa, named after the Māori god of the sea.[54] In Nahuatl, the planet is called Tlāloccītlalli, named after the rain god Tlāloc.[54] In Thai, Neptune is referred to by its Westernised name Dao Nepjun (ดาวเนปจูน), but is also called Dao Ketu (ดาวเกตุ, lit.‘star of Ketu’), after Ketu (केतु), the descending lunar node, who plays a role in Hindu astrology. In Malay, the name Waruna, after the Hindu god of seas, is attested as far back as the 1970s,[55] but was eventually superseded by the Latinate equivalents Neptun (in Malaysian[56]) or Neptunus (in Indonesian[57]).

The usual adjectival form is Neptunian. The nonce form Poseidean (), from Poseidon, has also been used,[4] though the usual adjectival form of Poseidon is Poseidonian ().[58]


From its discovery in 1846 until the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Neptune was the farthest known planet. When Pluto was discovered, it was considered a planet, and Neptune thus became the second-farthest known planet, except for a 20-year period between 1979 and 1999 when Pluto’s elliptical orbit brought it closer than Neptune to the Sun.[59] The increasingly accurate estimations of Pluto’s mass from ten times that of Earth’s to far less than that of the Moon[60] and the discovery of the Kuiper belt in 1992 led many astronomers to debate whether Pluto should be considered a planet or as part of the Kuiper belt.[61][62] In 2006, the International Astronomical Union defined the word «planet» for the first time, reclassifying Pluto as a «dwarf planet» and making Neptune once again the outermost-known planet in the Solar System.[63]

Physical characteristics

A size comparison of Neptune and Earth

Neptune’s mass of 1.0243×1026 kg[6] is intermediate between Earth and the larger gas giants: it is 17 times that of Earth but just 1/19th that of Jupiter.[f] Its gravity at 1 bar is 11.15 m/s2, 1.14 times the surface gravity of Earth,[64] and surpassed only by Jupiter.[65] Neptune’s equatorial radius of 24,764 km[10] is nearly four times that of Earth. Neptune, like Uranus, is an ice giant, a subclass of giant planet, because they are smaller and have higher concentrations of volatiles than Jupiter and Saturn.[66] In the search for exoplanets, Neptune has been used as a metonym: discovered bodies of similar mass are often referred to as «Neptunes»,[67] just as scientists refer to various extrasolar bodies as «Jupiters».

Internal structure

Neptune’s internal structure resembles that of Uranus. Its atmosphere forms about 5 to 10% of its mass and extends perhaps 10 to 20% of the way towards the core, where it reaches pressures of about 10 GPa, or about 100,000 times that of Earth’s atmosphere. Increasing concentrations of methane, ammonia and water are found in the lower regions of the atmosphere.[26]

Physical and chemical composition of Neptune’s interior

The mantle is equivalent to 10 to 15 Earth masses and is rich in water, ammonia and methane.[1] As is customary in planetary science, this mixture is referred to as icy even though it is a hot, dense fluid (supercritical fluid). This fluid, which has a high electrical conductivity, is sometimes called a water–ammonia ocean.[68] The mantle may consist of a layer of ionic water in which the water molecules break down into a soup of hydrogen and oxygen ions, and deeper down superionic water in which the oxygen crystallises but the hydrogen ions float around freely within the oxygen lattice.[69] At a depth of 7,000 km, the conditions may be such that methane decomposes into diamond crystals that rain downwards like hailstones.[70][71][72] Scientists also believe that this kind of diamond rain occurs on Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.[73][71] Very-high-pressure experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggest that the top of the mantle may be an ocean of liquid carbon with floating solid ‘diamonds’.[74][75][76]

The core of Neptune is likely composed of iron, nickel and silicates, with an interior model giving a mass about 1.2 times that of Earth.[77] The pressure at the centre is 7 Mbar (700 GPa), about twice as high as that at the centre of Earth, and the temperature may be 5,400 K.[26][27]


A time-lapse video of Neptune and its moons

At high altitudes, Neptune’s atmosphere is 80% hydrogen and 19% helium.[26] A trace amount of methane is also present. Prominent absorption bands of methane exist at wavelengths above 600 nm, in the red and infrared portion of the spectrum. As with Uranus, this absorption of red light by the atmospheric methane is part of what gives Neptune its blue hue,[78] although Neptune’s blue differs from Uranus’s milder light blue.

Neptune’s atmosphere is subdivided into two main regions: the lower troposphere, where temperature decreases with altitude, and the stratosphere, where temperature increases with altitude. The boundary between the two, the tropopause, lies at a pressure of 0.1 bars (10 kPa).[20] The stratosphere then gives way to the thermosphere at a pressure lower than 10−5 to 10−4 bars (1 to 10 Pa).[20] The thermosphere gradually transitions to the exosphere.

Bands of high-altitude clouds cast shadows on Neptune’s lower cloud deck.

Models suggest that Neptune’s troposphere is banded by clouds of varying compositions depending on altitude. The upper-level clouds lie at pressures below one bar, where the temperature is suitable for methane to condense. For pressures between one and five bars (100 and 500 kPa), clouds of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are thought to form. Above a pressure of five bars, the clouds may consist of ammonia, ammonium sulfide, hydrogen sulfide and water. Deeper clouds of water ice should be found at pressures of about 50 bars (5.0 MPa), where the temperature reaches 273 K (0 °C). Underneath, clouds of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide may be found.[79]

High-altitude clouds on Neptune have been observed casting shadows on the opaque cloud deck below. There are also high-altitude cloud bands that wrap around the planet at constant latitude. These circumferential bands have widths of 50–150 km and lie about 50–110 km above the cloud deck.[80] These altitudes are in the layer where weather occurs, the troposphere. Weather does not occur in the higher stratosphere or thermosphere.

Neptune’s spectra suggest that its lower stratosphere is hazy due to condensation of products of ultraviolet photolysis of methane, such as ethane and ethyne.[20][26] The stratosphere is also home to trace amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide.[20][81] The stratosphere of Neptune is warmer than that of Uranus due to the elevated concentration of hydrocarbons.[20]

For reasons that remain obscure, the planet’s thermosphere is at an anomalously high temperature of about 750 K.[82][83] The planet is too far from the Sun for this heat to be generated by ultraviolet radiation. One candidate for a heating mechanism is atmospheric interaction with ions in the planet’s magnetic field. Other candidates are gravity waves from the interior that dissipate in the atmosphere. The thermosphere contains traces of carbon dioxide and water, which may have been deposited from external sources such as meteorites and dust.[79][81]


Neptune resembles Uranus in its magnetosphere, with a magnetic field strongly tilted relative to its rotational axis at 47° and offset at least 0.55 radius, or about 13,500 km from the planet’s physical centre. Before Voyager 2‘s arrival at Neptune, it was hypothesised that Uranus’s tilted magnetosphere was the result of its sideways rotation. In comparing the magnetic fields of the two planets, scientists now think the extreme orientation may be characteristic of flows in the planets’ interiors. This field may be generated by convective fluid motions in a thin spherical shell of electrically conducting liquids (probably a combination of ammonia, methane and water)[79] resulting in a dynamo action.[84]

The dipole component of the magnetic field at the magnetic equator of Neptune is about 14 microteslas (0.14 G).[85] The dipole magnetic moment of Neptune is about 2.2 × 1017 T·m3 (14 μT·RN3, where RN is the radius of Neptune). Neptune’s magnetic field has a complex geometry that includes relatively large contributions from non-dipolar components, including a strong quadrupole moment that may exceed the dipole moment in strength. By contrast, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn have only relatively small quadrupole moments, and their fields are less tilted from the polar axis. The large quadrupole moment of Neptune may be the result of offset from the planet’s centre and geometrical constraints of the field’s dynamo generator.[86][87]

Neptune’s bow shock, where the magnetosphere begins to slow the solar wind, occurs at a distance of 34.9 times the radius of the planet. The magnetopause, where the pressure of the magnetosphere counterbalances the solar wind, lies at a distance of 23–26.5 times the radius of Neptune. The tail of the magnetosphere extends out to at least 72 times the radius of Neptune, and likely much farther.[86]


Neptune’s weather is characterised by extremely dynamic storm systems, with winds reaching speeds of almost 600 m/s (2,200 km/h; 1,300 mph)—nearly reaching supersonic flow.[25] More typically, by tracking the motion of persistent clouds, wind speeds have been shown to vary from 20 m/s in the easterly direction to 325 m/s westward.[89] At the cloud tops, the prevailing winds range in speed from 400 m/s along the equator to 250 m/s at the poles.[79] Most of the winds on Neptune move in a direction opposite the planet’s rotation.[90] The general pattern of winds showed prograde rotation at high latitudes vs. retrograde rotation at lower latitudes. The difference in flow direction is thought to be a «skin effect» and not due to any deeper atmospheric processes.[20] At 70° S latitude, a high-speed jet travels at a speed of 300 m/s.[20]

Neptune differs from Uranus in its typical level of meteorological activity. Voyager 2 observed weather phenomena on Neptune during its 1989 flyby,[91] but no comparable phenomena on Uranus during its 1986 fly-by.

The abundance of methane, ethane and acetylene at Neptune’s equator is 10–100 times greater than at the poles. This is interpreted as evidence for upwelling at the equator and subsidence near the poles because photochemistry cannot account for the distribution without meridional circulation.[20]

In 2007, it was discovered that the upper troposphere of Neptune’s south pole was about 10 K warmer than the rest of its atmosphere, which averages approximately 73 K (−200 °C). The temperature differential is enough to let methane, which elsewhere is frozen in the troposphere, escape into the stratosphere near the pole.[92] The relative «hot spot» is due to Neptune’s axial tilt, which has exposed the south pole to the Sun for the last quarter of Neptune’s year, or roughly 40 Earth years. As Neptune slowly moves towards the opposite side of the Sun, the south pole will be darkened and the north pole illuminated, causing the methane release to shift to the north pole.[93]

Because of seasonal changes, the cloud bands in the southern hemisphere of Neptune have been observed to increase in size and albedo. This trend was first seen in 1980. The long orbital period of Neptune results in seasons lasting forty years.[94]


In 1989, the Great Dark Spot, an anticyclonic storm system spanning 13,000 km × 6,600 km (8,100 mi × 4,100 mi)[91] was discovered by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft. The storm resembled the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Some five years later, on 2 November 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope did not see the Great Dark Spot on the planet. Instead, a new storm similar to the Great Dark Spot was found in Neptune’s northern hemisphere.[95]

The Scooter is another storm, a white cloud group farther south than the Great Dark Spot. This nickname first arose during the months leading up to the Voyager 2 encounter in 1989, when they were observed moving at speeds faster than the Great Dark Spot (and images acquired later would subsequently reveal the presence of clouds moving even faster than those that had initially been detected by Voyager 2).[90] The Small Dark Spot is a southern cyclonic storm, the second-most-intense storm observed during the 1989 encounter. It was initially completely dark, but as Voyager 2 approached the planet, a bright core developed and can be seen in most of the highest-resolution images.[96] More recently, in 2018, a newer main dark spot and smaller dark spot were identified and studied.[24]

Neptune’s dark spots are thought to occur in the troposphere at lower altitudes than the brighter cloud features,[97] so they appear as holes in the upper cloud decks. As they are stable features that can persist for several months, they are thought to be vortex structures.[80] Often associated with dark spots are brighter, persistent methane clouds that form around the tropopause layer.[98] The persistence of companion clouds shows that some former dark spots may continue to exist as cyclones even though they are no longer visible as a dark feature. Dark spots may dissipate when they migrate too close to the equator or possibly through some other, unknown mechanism.[99]

  • The appearance of a Northern Great Dark Spot in 2018 is evidence of a huge storm brewing.[100]

    The appearance of a Northern Great Dark Spot in 2018 is evidence of a huge storm brewing.[100]

  • The Northern Great Dark Spot and a smaller companion storm imaged by Hubble in 2020[101]

    The Northern Great Dark Spot and a smaller companion storm imaged by Hubble in 2020[101]

  • The Great Dark Spot, as imaged by Voyager 2

    The Great Dark Spot in a color-uncalibrated image by Voyager 2.

  • Neptune's shrinking vortex[102]

    Neptune’s shrinking vortex[102]

Internal heating

Four images taken a few hours apart with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope‘s Wide Field Camera 3. Near infrared radiation data has been used as red channel.[103]

Neptune’s more varied weather when compared to Uranus is due in part to its higher internal heating. The upper regions of Neptune’s troposphere reach a low temperature of 51.8 K (−221.3 °C). At a depth where the atmospheric pressure equals 1 bar (100 kPa), the temperature is 72.00 K (−201.15 °C).[104] Deeper inside the layers of gas, the temperature rises steadily. As with Uranus, the source of this heating is unknown, but the discrepancy is larger: Uranus only radiates 1.1 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun;[105] whereas Neptune radiates about 2.61 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun.[106] Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun, and lies over 50% farther from the Sun than Uranus, and receives only 40% its amount of sunlight,[20] yet its internal energy is sufficient to drive the fastest planetary winds seen in the Solar System. Depending on the thermal properties of its interior, the heat left over from Neptune’s formation may be sufficient to explain its current heat flow, though it is more difficult to simultaneously explain Uranus’s lack of internal heat while preserving the apparent similarity between the two planets.[107]

Orbit and rotation

Neptune (red arc) completes one orbit around the Sun (centre) for every 164.79 orbits of Earth. The light blue object represents Uranus.

The average distance between Neptune and the Sun is 4.5 billion km (about 30.1 astronomical units (AU)), and it completes an orbit on average every 164.79 years, subject to a variability of around ±0.1 years. The perihelion distance is 29.81 AU; the aphelion distance is 30.33 AU.[g]

On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first full barycentric orbit since its discovery in 1846,[109][110] although it did not appear at its exact discovery position in the sky, because Earth was in a different location in its 365.26 day orbit. Because of the motion of the Sun in relation to the barycentre of the Solar System, on 11 July Neptune was also not at its exact discovery position in relation to the Sun; if the more common heliocentric coordinate system is used, the discovery longitude was reached on 12 July 2011.[11][111][112]

The elliptical orbit of Neptune is inclined 1.77° compared to that of Earth.

The axial tilt of Neptune is 28.32°,[113] which is similar to the tilts of Earth (23°) and Mars (25°). As a result, Neptune experiences similar seasonal changes to Earth. The long orbital period of Neptune means that the seasons last for forty Earth years.[94] Its sidereal rotation period (day) is roughly 16.11 hours.[11] Because its axial tilt is comparable to Earth’s, the variation in the length of its day over the course of its long year is not any more extreme.

Because Neptune is not a solid body, its atmosphere undergoes differential rotation. The wide equatorial zone rotates with a period of about 18 hours, which is slower than the 16.1-hour rotation of the planet’s magnetic field. By contrast, the reverse is true for the polar regions where the rotation period is 12 hours. This differential rotation is the most pronounced of any planet in the Solar System,[114] and it results in strong latitudinal wind shear.[80]

Orbital resonances

A diagram showing the major orbital resonances in the Kuiper belt caused by Neptune: the highlighted regions are the 2:3 resonance (plutinos), the nonresonant «classical belt» (cubewanos), and the 1:2 resonance (twotinos).

Neptune’s orbit has a profound impact on the region directly beyond it, known as the Kuiper belt. The Kuiper belt is a ring of small icy worlds, similar to the asteroid belt but far larger, extending from Neptune’s orbit at 30 AU out to about 55 AU from the Sun.[115] Much in the same way that Jupiter’s gravity dominates the asteroid belt, shaping its structure, so Neptune’s gravity dominates the Kuiper belt. Over the age of the Solar System, certain regions of the Kuiper belt became destabilised by Neptune’s gravity, creating gaps in the its structure. The region between 40 and 42 AU is an example.[116]

There do exist orbits within these empty regions where objects can survive for the age of the Solar System. These resonances occur when Neptune’s orbital period is a precise fraction of that of the object, such as 1:2, or 3:4. If, say, an object orbits the Sun once for every two Neptune orbits, it will only complete half an orbit by the time Neptune returns to its original position. The most heavily populated resonance in the Kuiper belt, with over 200 known objects,[117] is the 2:3 resonance. Objects in this resonance complete 2 orbits for every 3 of Neptune, and are known as plutinos because the largest of the known Kuiper belt objects, Pluto, is among them.[118] Although Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit regularly, the 2:3 resonance ensures they can never collide.[119] The 3:4, 3:5, 4:7 and 2:5 resonances are less populated.[120]

Neptune has a number of known trojan objects occupying both the Sun–Neptune L4 and L5 Lagrangian points—gravitationally stable regions leading and trailing Neptune in its orbit, respectively.[121] Neptune trojans can be viewed as being in a 1:1 resonance with Neptune. Some Neptune trojans are remarkably stable in their orbits, and are likely to have formed alongside Neptune rather than being captured. The first object identified as associated with Neptune’s trailing L5 Lagrangian point was 2008 LC18.[122] Neptune also has a temporary quasi-satellite, (309239) 2007 RW10.[123] The object has been a quasi-satellite of Neptune for about 12,500 years and it will remain in that dynamical state for another 12,500 years.[123]

Formation and migration

A simulation showing the outer planets and Kuiper belt: a) before Jupiter and Saturn reached a 2:1 resonance; b) after inward scattering of Kuiper belt objects following the orbital shift of Neptune; c) after ejection of scattered Kuiper belt bodies by Jupiter

The formation of the ice giants, Neptune and Uranus, has proven difficult to model precisely. Current models suggest that the matter density in the outer regions of the Solar System was too low to account for the formation of such large bodies from the traditionally accepted method of core accretion, and various hypotheses have been advanced to explain their formation. One is that the ice giants were not formed by core accretion but from instabilities within the original protoplanetary disc and later had their atmospheres blasted away by radiation from a nearby massive OB star.[66]

An alternative concept is that they formed closer to the Sun, where the matter density was higher, and then subsequently migrated to their current orbits after the removal of the gaseous protoplanetary disc.[124] This hypothesis of migration after formation is favoured, due to its ability to better explain the occupancy of the populations of small objects observed in the trans-Neptunian region.[125] The current most widely accepted[126][127][128] explanation of the details of this hypothesis is known as the Nice model, which explores the effect of a migrating Neptune and the other giant planets on the structure of the Kuiper belt.


Natural-colour view of Neptune with Proteus (top), Larissa (lower right), and Despina (left), from the Hubble Space Telescope

Neptune has 14 known moons.[6][129] Triton is the largest Neptunian moon, comprising more than 99.5% of the mass in orbit around Neptune,[h] and it is the only one massive enough to be spheroidal. Triton was discovered by William Lassell just 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself. Unlike all other large planetary moons in the Solar System, Triton has a retrograde orbit, indicating that it was captured rather than forming in place; it was probably once a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt.[130] It is close enough to Neptune to be locked into a synchronous rotation, and it is slowly spiralling inward because of tidal acceleration. It will eventually be torn apart, in about 3.6 billion years, when it reaches the Roche limit.[131] In 1989, Triton was the coldest object that had yet been measured in the Solar System,[132] with estimated temperatures of 38 K (−235 °C).[133]

Neptune’s second-known satellite (by order of discovery), the irregular moon Nereid, has one of the most eccentric orbits of any satellite in the Solar System. The eccentricity of 0.7512 gives it an apoapsis that is seven times its periapsis distance from Neptune.[i]

A composite Hubble image showing Hippocamp with other previously discovered inner moons in Neptune’s ring system

From July to September 1989, Voyager 2 discovered six moons of Neptune.[134] Of these, the irregularly shaped Proteus is notable for being as large as a body of its density can be without being pulled into a spherical shape by its own gravity.[135] Although the second-most-massive Neptunian moon, it is only 0.25% the mass of Triton. Neptune’s innermost four moons—Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea—orbit close enough to be within Neptune’s rings. The next-farthest out, Larissa, was originally discovered in 1981 when it had occulted a star. This occultation had been attributed to ring arcs, but when Voyager 2 observed Neptune in 1989, Larissa was found to have caused it. Five new irregular moons discovered between 2002 and 2003 were announced in 2004.[136][137] A new moon and the smallest yet, Hippocamp, was found in 2013 by combining multiple Hubble images.[138] Because Neptune was the Roman god of the sea, Neptune’s moons have been named after lesser sea gods.[48]

Planetary rings

Neptune has a planetary ring system, though one much less substantial than that of Saturn.[139] The rings may consist of ice particles coated with silicates or carbon-based material, which most likely gives them a reddish hue.[140] The three main rings are the narrow Adams Ring, 63,000 km from the centre of Neptune, the Le Verrier Ring, at 53,000 km, and the broader, fainter Galle Ring, at 42,000 km. A faint outward extension to the Le Verrier Ring has been named Lassell; it is bounded at its outer edge by the Arago Ring at 57,000 km.[141]

The first of these planetary rings was detected in 1968 by a team led by Edward Guinan.[28][142] In the early 1980s, analysis of this data along with newer observations led to the hypothesis that this ring might be incomplete.[143]
Evidence that the rings might have gaps first arose during a stellar occultation in 1984 when the rings obscured a star on immersion but not on emersion.[144] Images from Voyager 2 in 1989 settled the issue by showing several faint rings.

The outermost ring, Adams, contains five prominent arcs now named Courage, Liberté, Egalité 1, Egalité 2 and Fraternité (Courage, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity).[145] The existence of arcs was difficult to explain because the laws of motion would predict that arcs would spread out into a uniform ring over short timescales. Astronomers now estimate that the arcs are corralled into their current form by the gravitational effects of Galatea, a moon just inward from the ring.[146][147]

Earth-based observations announced in 2005 appeared to show that Neptune’s rings are much more unstable than previously thought. Images taken from the W. M. Keck Observatory in 2002 and 2003 show considerable decay in the rings when compared to images by Voyager 2. In particular, it seems that the Liberté arc might disappear in as little as one century.[148]


Movement of Neptune in front of the stars of Aquarius in 2022

Neptune visible in the night sky

In 2018, the European Southern Observatory developed unique laser-based methods to get clear and high-resolution images of Neptune from the surface of Earth.

Neptune brightened about 10% between 1980 and 2000 mostly due to the changing of the seasons.[149] Neptune may continue to brighten as it approaches perihelion in 2042. The apparent magnitude currently ranges from 7.67 to 7.89 with a mean of 7.78 and a standard deviation of 0.06.[15] Prior to 1980 the planet was as faint as magnitude 8.0.[15] Neptune is too faint to be visible to the naked eye. It can be outshone by Jupiter’s Galilean moons, the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroids 4 Vesta, 2 Pallas, 7 Iris, 3 Juno, and 6 Hebe.[150] A telescope or strong binoculars will resolve Neptune as a small blue disk, similar in appearance to Uranus.[151]

Because of the distance of Neptune from Earth, its angular diameter only ranges from 2.2 to 2.4 arcseconds,[6][16] the smallest of the Solar System planets. Its small apparent size makes it challenging to study visually. Most telescopic data was fairly limited until the advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics (AO).[152][153][154] The first scientifically useful observation of Neptune from ground-based telescopes using adaptive optics was commenced in 1997 from Hawaii.[155] Neptune is currently entering its spring and summer season and has been shown to be heating up, with increased atmospheric activity and brightness as a consequence. Combined with technological advancements, ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics are recording increasingly more detailed images of it. Both Hubble and the adaptive-optics telescopes on Earth have made many new discoveries within the Solar System since the mid-1990s, with a large increase in the number of known satellites and moons around the outer planet, among others. In 2004 and 2005, five new small satellites of Neptune with diameters between 38 and 61 kilometres were discovered.[156]

From Earth, Neptune goes through apparent retrograde motion every 367 days, resulting in a looping motion against the background stars during each opposition. These loops carried it close to the 1846 discovery coordinates in April and July 2010 and again in October and November 2011.[112]

Neptune’s 164-year orbital period means that the planet takes an average of 13 years to move through each constellation of the zodiac. In 2011, it completed its first full orbit of the Sun since being discovered and returned to where it was first spotted northeast of Iota Aquarii.[39]

Observation of Neptune in the radio-frequency band shows that it is a source of both continuous emission and irregular bursts. Both sources are thought to originate from its rotating magnetic field.[79] In the infrared part of the spectrum, Neptune’s storms appear bright against the cooler background, allowing the size and shape of these features to be readily tracked.[157]


A Voyager 2 mosaic of Triton

Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has visited Neptune. The spacecraft‘s closest approach to the planet occurred on 25 August 1989. Because this was the last major planet the spacecraft could visit, it was decided to make a close flyby of the moon Triton, regardless of the consequences to the trajectory, similarly to what was done for Voyager 1s encounter with Saturn and its moon Titan. The images relayed back to Earth from Voyager 2 became the basis of a 1989 PBS all-night program, Neptune All Night.[158]

During the encounter, signals from the spacecraft required 246 minutes to reach Earth. Hence, for the most part, Voyager 2‘s mission relied on preloaded commands for the Neptune encounter. The spacecraft performed a near-encounter with the moon Nereid before it came within 4,400 km of Neptune’s atmosphere on 25 August, then passed close to the planet’s largest moon Triton later the same day.[159]

The spacecraft verified the existence of a magnetic field surrounding the planet and discovered that the field was offset from the centre and tilted in a manner similar to the field around Uranus. Neptune’s rotation period was determined using measurements of radio emissions and Voyager 2 also showed that Neptune had a surprisingly active weather system. Six new moons were discovered, and the planet was shown to have more than one ring.[134][159]

The flyby also provided the first accurate measurement of Neptune’s mass which was found to be 0.5 percent less than previously calculated. The new figure disproved the hypothesis that an undiscovered Planet X acted upon the orbits of Neptune and Uranus.[160][161]

Since 2018, the China National Space Administration has been studying a concept for a pair of Voyager-like interstellar probes tentatively known as Interstellar Express or Interstellar Heliosphere Probe.[162] Both probes will be launched at the same time in 2024 and take differing paths to explore opposing ends of the heliosphere; the second probe, IHP-2, will fly by Neptune in January 2038, passing only 1,000 km above the cloud tops, and potentially carry an atmospheric impactor to be released during its approach.[163] Afterward, it will continue on its mission throughout the Kuiper belt toward the tail of the heliosphere, so far unexplored.

After Voyager 2 and IHP-2s flybys, the next step in scientific exploration of the Neptunian system is considered to be an orbital mission; most proposals have been by NASA, most often for a Flagship orbiter.[164] Such a hypothetical mission is envisioned to be possible in the late 2020s or early 2030s.[164] However, there have been discussions to launch Neptune missions sooner. In 2003, there was a proposal in NASA’s «Vision Missions Studies» for a «Neptune Orbiter with Probes» mission that does Cassini-level science.[165] Another, more recent proposal was for Argo, a flyby spacecraft to be launched in 2019, that would visit Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and a Kuiper belt object. The focus would be on Neptune and its largest moon Triton to be investigated around 2029.[166] The proposed New Horizons 2 mission (which was later scrapped) might also have done a close flyby of the Neptunian system. Currently a pending proposal for the Discovery program, Trident would conduct a flyby of Neptune and Triton;[167] however, the mission was not selected for Discovery 15 or 16. Neptune Odyssey is the current mission concept for a Neptune orbiter and atmospheric probe being studied as a possible large strategic science mission by NASA that would launch between 2031 and 2033, and arrive at Neptune by 2049.[168]

See also

  • Outline of Neptune
  • Hot Neptune
  • Neptune in astrology
  • Neptunium
  • Neptune, the Mystic – one of the seven movements in Gustav Holst’s Planets suite
  • Timeline of the far future
  • Stats of planets in the Solar System


  1. ^ Orbital elements refer to the Neptune barycentre and Solar System barycentre. These are the instantaneous osculating values at the precise J2000 epoch. Barycentre quantities are given because, in contrast to the planetary centre, they do not experience appreciable changes on a day-to-day basis from the motion of the moons.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Refers to the level of 1 bar (100 kPa) atmospheric pressure
  3. ^ Based on the volume within the level of 1 bar atmospheric pressure
  4. ^ A second symbol, an ‘LV’ monogram ⯉ for ‘Le Verrier’, analogous to the ‘H’ monogram ♅ for Uranus. It was never much used outside of France and is now archaic.
  5. ^ One might be tempted to say «except ‘Earth'», which in the English language is the name of a Germanic deity, Erda. The IAU policy is that one may call the Earth and the Moon by any name commonly used in the language being used. Contrary to common use by science fiction writers, ‘Terra’ and ‘Luna’ are not the official names of planet Earth and its moon. See the wikipedia article Earth for references.
  6. ^ The mass of Earth is 5.9736×1024 kg, giving a mass ratio
    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Neptune}}}{M_{text{Earth}}}}={tfrac {1.02times 10^{26}}{5.97times 10^{24}}}=17.09.}

    The mass of Uranus is 8.6810×1025 kg, giving a mass ratio

    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Uranus}}}{M_{text{Earth}}}}={tfrac {8.68times 10^{25}}{5.97times 10^{24}}}=14.54.}

    The mass of Jupiter is 1.8986×1027 kg, giving a mass ratio

    {displaystyle {tfrac {M_{text{Jupiter}}}{M_{text{Neptune}}}}={tfrac {1.90times 10^{27}}{1.02times 10^{26}}}=18.63.}

    Mass values from Williams, David R. (29 November 2007). «Planetary Fact Sheet – Metric». NASA. Archived from the original on 5 September 2014. Retrieved 13 March 2008.

  7. ^ The last three aphelia were 30.33 AU, the next is 30.34 AU. The perihelia are even more stable at 29.81 AU.[108]
  8. ^ Mass of Triton: 2.14×1022 kg. Combined mass of 12 other known moons of Neptune: 7.53×1019 kg, or 0.35%. The mass of the rings is negligible.
  9. ^ {displaystyle {tfrac {r_{a}}{r_{p}}}={tfrac {2}{1-e}}-1=2/0.2488-1approx 7.039.}


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  164. ^ a b Clark, Stephen (25 August 2015). «Uranus, Neptune in NASA’s sights for new robotic mission». Spaceflight Now. Archived from the original on 6 September 2015. Retrieved 7 September 2015.
  165. ^ Spilker, T.R.; Ingersoll, A.P. (2004). «Outstanding Science in the Neptune System From an Aerocaptured Vision Mission». Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 36: 1094. Bibcode:2004DPS….36.1412S.
  166. ^ Candice Hansen; et al. «Argo – A Voyage Through the Outer Solar System» (PDF). SpacePolicyOnline.com. Space and Technology Policy Group, LLC. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 5 August 2015.
  167. ^ «Exploring Triton With Trident: A Discovery-Class Mission» (PDF). Universities Space Research Association. 23 March 2019. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 August 2020. Retrieved 26 March 2019.
  168. ^ Abigail Rymer; Brenda Clyde; Kirby Runyon (August 2020). «Neptune Odyssey: Mission to the Neptune-Triton System» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 15 December 2020. Retrieved 18 April 2021.


  • Burgess, Eric (1991). Far Encounter: The Neptune system. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-07412-4.
  • Moore, Patrick (2000). The Data Book of Astronomy. CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-7503-0620-1.

Further reading

  • Miner, Ellis D.; Wessen, Randii R. (2002). Neptune: The Planet, Rings, and Satellites. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-1-85233-216-7.
  • Standage, Tom (2001). The Neptune File. Penguin. ISBN 978-0-8027-1363-6.

External links

  • NASA’s Neptune fact sheet
  • Neptune from Bill Arnett’s nineplanets.org
  • Neptune Astronomy Cast episode No. 63, includes full transcript.
  • Neptune Profile (archived 15 November 2002) at NASA’s Solar System Exploration site
  • Interactive 3D gravity simulation of Neptune and its inner moons Archived 22 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine

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