Крым по английскому как пишется

Republic of Crimea

  • Республика Крым (Russian)
  • Республіка Крим (Ukrainian)
  • Qırım Cumhuriyeti (Crimean Tatar)


Flag of Republic of Crimea


Coat of arms of Republic of Crimea

Coat of arms

Anthem: Нивы и горы твои волшебны, Родина
Nivy i gory tvoi volshebny, Rodina (Russian)
«Your fields and mountains are magical, Motherland»
Location of the Republic of Crimea (red) in Russia (light yellow)

Location of the Republic of Crimea (red)

in Russia (light yellow)

Location of the Republic of Crimea (light yellow) in the Crimean Peninsula

Location of the Republic of Crimea (light yellow)

in the Crimean Peninsula

Coordinates: 45°18′N 34°24′E / 45.3°N 34.4°ECoordinates: 45°18′N 34°24′E / 45.3°N 34.4°E
De jure sovereignty Ukraine
De facto control Russia
Disputed republic of Russia
  • Republic of Crimea
  • (2014–present)
Federal district Southern[1]
Economic region North Caucasus
Annexation by Russia 18 March 2014[2]
Administrative centre Simferopol
 • Body State Council
 • Head Sergey Aksyonov[3]


 • Total 26,081 km2 (10,070 sq mi)


 • Total 1,934,630
 • Density 74/km2 (190/sq mi)
 • Official
  • Russian[6]
  • Ukrainian[7]
  • Crimean Tatar[7]
Time zone UTC+3 (MSK[8])
License plates 82[9][10]
Website crimea.gov.ru

The Republic of Crimea[b] is an unrecognized federal subject (republic) of Russia, comprising most of the Crimean Peninsula, excluding Sevastopol.[11] Its territory corresponds to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a de jure subdivision of Ukraine. Russia occupied and annexed the peninsula in 2014, although the annexation remains internationally unrecognized.[12]

The capital and largest city located within its borders is Simferopol, which is the second-largest city in Crimea. As of the 2021 Russian census, the Republic of Crimea had a population of 1,934,630.[5]



Prime Minister of the Crimean Regional Government Solomon Krym, 1919

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet «About the transfer of the Crimean Oblast», 1954

The origins of the Russian historical claim to Crimea, which would culminate in the 2014 annexation of the territory, date to the 18th century, when the Russian Empire, under the Empress Catherine the Great, annexed the peninsula for the first time, in April 1783.[13] While ostensibly recognised by the Ottoman Empire in December that year, the annexation sowed tensions which ultimately contributed to the outbreak of Russo-Turkish war of 1787–1792, in which the Ottoman Empire attempted to reverse it, but to no avail: the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, which formally ended the war, reaffirmed the 1783 annexation again. From 1802, Crimea constituted a southern part of the Taurida Governorate of the Russian Empire until the collapse thereof in 1917. During the Russian Civil War (1917–1921) Crimea changed hands multiple times, being inter alia the last territory held by the White Russian government in the European part of Russia in 1920, and finally became an autonomous republic within Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in 1921.

During World War II, in 1944, the central Soviet authorities deported the Crimean Tatars for alleged collaboration with the Nazi occupation regime; in 1945, the region was stripped of its autonomy status.

In 1954, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferred the region from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, another constituent republic of the USSR, then a highly centralised state, wherein borders between constituent republics was a technical issue of administration, despite the fact that Ukraine was a separate member of the UN. The Crimean Tatars were allowed to return to Crimea in the mid-1980s under perestroika.[14]

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea became part of the newly independent Ukraine, which led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine.[c] With the Black Sea Fleet based on the peninsula, worries of armed skirmishes were occasionally raised. Crimean Tatars began returning from exile and resettling in Crimea. Ukraine restored Crimea’s autonomous status in 1991. Crimea’s autonomous status was re-affirmed in 1996 with the ratification of Ukraine’s current constitution, which designated Crimea as the «Autonomous Republic of Crimea», but also an «inseparable constituent part of Ukraine».[16]

1990s Sovereignty Dispute

In January 1991 the Crimean sovereignty referendum re-established the Crimean ASSR.[17] On 26 February 1992, the Crimean parliament renamed the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic the Republic of Crimea and subsequently declared conditional independence on 5 May 1992.[18] That independence was never confirmed by referendum amid opposition from the government of Ukraine and on 21 September 1994 the Ukrainian Parliament renamed the Republic of Crimea as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.[19] On 17 March 1995, the Ukrainian parliament abolished the Crimean Constitution of 1992 and all the laws and decrees contradicting those enacted by Kyiv, ending Crimea’s brief existence as a post-Soviet republic.[20][21][22]

Autonomous Republic within Ukraine

Following the ratification of the May 1997 Russian–Ukrainian Friendship Treaty, the 1998 Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea designated the region as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In 2006, anti-NATO protests broke out on the peninsula.[23] In September 2008, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko accused Russia of giving out Russian passports to the population in Crimea.[24] On 24 August 2009, anti-Ukrainian demonstrations were held in Crimea by ethnic Russian residents. Sergei Tsekov (of the Russian Bloc[25] and then deputy speaker of the Crimean parliament)[26] said then that he hoped that Russia would treat Crimea the same way as it had treated South Ossetia and Abkhazia.[27] The 2010 Ukrainian–Russian Naval Base for Natural Gas treaty extended Russia’s lease on naval facilities in Crimea until 2042, with optional five-year renewals.[28]

2014 annexation

In February 2014, following the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that ousted the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, the Russian leadership decided to «start working on returning Crimea to Russia»[29] (i.e. envisaged the annexation of peninsula), and after a takeover of Crimea by Russian armed forces without insignias and pro-Russian separatists, the territory within weeks came under Russian effective control.

To facilitate the annexation politically,[30] the Crimean parliament and the Sevastopol City Council announced on 6 March, in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution,[31] a referendum on the issue of joining Russia, to be held on 16 March. The upcoming vote allowed citizens to vote on whether Crimea should apply to join Russia as a federal subject of the Russian Federation, or restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea’s status as a part of Ukraine. The available choices did not include keeping the status quo of Crimea and Sevastopol as they were at the time the referendum was held.[32]

On 11 March 2014, the Crimean parliament and the Sevastopol City Council jointly issued a letter of intent to unilaterally declare independence from Ukraine in the event of a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming referendum, citing the «Kosovo precedent» in the lead part.[33] The envisaged process was so designed to allow Russia to claim that «it did not annex Crimea from Ukraine, rather the Republic of Crimea exercised its sovereign powers in seeking a merge with Russia».[34]

On 16 March 2014, according to the organizers of Crimean status referendum, a large majority (reported as 96.77% of the 81.36% of the population of Crimea who voted) voted in favour of independence of Crimea from Ukraine and joining Russia as a federal subject.[35][36][37][38] The referendum was not recognized by most of the international community and the reported results were disputed by numerous independent observers.[39][40][41][42][43] The BBC reported that most of the Crimean Tatars that they interviewed were boycotting the vote.[35] Reports from the UN criticised the circumstances surrounding the referendum, especially the presence of paramilitaries, self-defence groups and unidentifiable soldiers.[44] The European Union, Canada, Japan and the United States condemned the vote as illegal.[35][45]

After the referendum, Crimean lawmakers formally voted both to secede from Ukraine and applied for their admission into Russia. The Sevastopol City Council, however, requested the port’s separate admission as a federal city.[46] On the same day Russia formally approved the draft treaty on absorption of the self-proclaimed Republic of Crimea,[47][48] and on 18 March 2014 the political process of annexation was formally concluded,[30] with the self-proclaimed independent Republic of Crimea signing a treaty of accession to the Russian Federation.[49] The accession was granted but separately for each the former regions that composed it: one accession for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as the Republic of Crimea—the same name as the short-lived self-proclaimed independent republic—and another accession for Sevastopol as a federal city. A post-annexation transition period, during which Russian authorities were to resolve the issues of integration of the new subjects «in the economic, financial, credit and legal system of the Russian Federation», was set to last until 1 January 2015.[50]

The change of status of Crimea was only recognised internationally by a few states with most regarding the action as illegal. Ukraine refused to accept the annexation, however the Ukrainian military began to withdraw from Crimea on 19 March,[51] and by 26 March, Russia had acquired complete military control of Crimea, so the annexation was essentially complete.[52]

Post-annexation integration

The post-annexation integration process started within days. On 24 March, the Russian ruble went into official circulation with parallel circulation of the Ukrainian hryvnia permitted until 1 January 2016, however, taxes and fees were to be paid in rubles only, and the wages of employees at budget-receiving organisations were to be paid out in rubles as well.[53] On 29 March, the clocks in Crimea were moved forward to Moscow time.[54]Also on 31 March, the Russian Foreign Ministry declared that foreign citizens visiting Crimea needed to apply for a visa to the Russian Federation at one of Russian diplomatic missions or its consulates.[55]

On 3 April 2014, Moscow sent a diplomatic note to Ukraine on terminating the actions of agreements concerning the deployment of the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Ukraine. As part of the agreements, Russia used to pay the Ukrainian government $530 million annually for the base, and wrote off nearly $100 million of Kyiv’s debt for the right to use Ukrainian waters. Ukraine also received a discount of $100 on each 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas imported from Russia, which was provided for by cutting export duties on the gas, money that would have gone into the Russian state budget. The Kremlin explained that because the base was no longer located in Ukraine, the discount was no longer legally justifiable.[56] Crimea and the city of Sevastopol became part of Russia’s Southern Military District.[57]

On 11 April 2014, the parliament of Crimea approved a new constitution, with 88 out of 100 lawmakers voting in favor of its adoption.[58] The new constitution confirms the Republic of Crimea as a democratic state within the Russian Federation and declares both territories united and inseparable. The Crimean parliament would become smaller and have 75 members instead of the current 100.[59] According to the Kommersant newspaper, the authorities, including the State Council chair Vladimir Konstantinov, unofficially promised that certain quotas would be reserved for Crimean Tatars in various government bodies.[citation needed] On the same day, a new revision of the Russian Constitution was officially published, with the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol included in the list of federal subjects of the Russian Federation.[60]

Simferopol, Crimea, 9 May 2019, the celebration of the Victory Day

On 12 April 2014, the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, adopted at the session of the State Council on 11 April, entered into legal force. The constitution was published by the Krymskiye Izvestiya newspaper, becoming law on the publication date, the State Council of Crimea said. The Constitution consists of 10 chapters and 95 articles; its main regulations are analogous to the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The text proclaims the Republic of Crimea is a democratic, legal state within the Russian Federation and an equal subject of the Russian Federation. The source of power in the Crimean Republic is its people, which constitutes to the multinational nation of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the supreme direct manifestation of the power of the people is referendum and free elections; seizure of power and appropriation of power authorization are unacceptable.[citation needed]

On 1 June 2014, Crimea officially switched over to the Russian ruble as its only form of legal tender.[61]

On 7 May 2015, Crimea switched its phone codes (Ukrainian number system) to the Russian number system.[62]

In July 2015, Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, declared that Crimea had been fully integrated into Russia,[63] similar statements were also expressed at the Russian Security Council.[64]

In July 2016, Crimea ceased to be a separate federal district of the Russian Federation and was included into the Southern federal district instead.[65][66]

Russia has since the annexation supported large migration into Crimea, and the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service in Crimea and Sevastopol records as of 2021 since 2014 205,559 Russians have moved to Crimea. Ukrainian Ministry and Crimean Human Rights Group say the real number could unofficially be many times higher.[67][68][69]


On 31 March 2014, the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced a series of programmes aimed at swiftly incorporating the territory into Russia’s economy and infrastructure. The creation of a new Ministry of Crimean Affairs was announced too.[70] After 2014 the Russian government invested heavily in the peninsula’s infrastructure—repairing roads, modernizing hospitals and building the Crimean Bridge that links the peninsula to the Russian mainland.

In 2017 the Russian government also began modernising the Simferopol International Airport,[71] which opened its new terminal in April 2018.[72]

Russia provides electricity to Crimea via a cable beneath the Kerch Strait. In June 2018 there was a full electrical outage for all of Crimea, but the power grid company Rosseti reported to have fixed the outage in approximately one hour.[73]

On 28 December 2018, Russia completed a high-tech security fence marking the de facto border between Crimea and Ukraine.[74]

Ukrainian reaction

Once Ukraine lost control of the territory in 2014, it shut off the water supply of the North Crimean Canal which supplies 85% of the peninsula’s freshwater needs from the Dnieper river, the nation’s main waterway.[75] Development of new sources of water was undertaken, with huge difficulties, to replace closed Ukrainian sources.[76] In 2022, Russia conquered portions of Kherson Oblast, which allowed it to unblock the North Crimean canal by force, resuming water supply into Crimea.[77]

On 15 April 2014, the Ukrainian Parliament declared Crimea and the city of Sevastopol «occupied territories».[78]

In 2021, Ukraine launched the Crimea Platform a diplomatic initiative aimed at protecting the rights of Crimean inhabitants and ultimately reversing the illegal annexation of Crimea.[79]

Government and politics

The State Council of Crimea is a legislative body with a 75-seat parliament.[80] The polling held on 14 September 2014 resulted in United Russia securing 70 of the 75 members elected.[81]

Justice is administered by courts, as part of the judiciary of Russia. Under Russian law, all decisions delivered by the Crimean branches of the judiciary of Ukraine up to its annexation remain valid.[82] This includes sentences (for «encroaching on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and inviolability») for pre-2014 calls for an incorporation of Crimea into Russia.[82]

The executive power is represented by the Council of Ministers, headed either by the Prime Minister of Crimea or by the Head of the Republic of Crimea. The authority and operation of the State Council and the Council of Ministers of Crimea are determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea and other Crimean laws, as well as by regular decisions carried out by the Council.[83]

Crimeans who refused to take Russian citizenship are barred from holding government positions or municipal jobs.[84]

By July 2015, 20,000 Crimeans had renounced their Ukrainian citizenship.[85] From the time of Russia’s annexation until October 2016, more than 8,800 Crimean residents received Ukrainian passports.[86]

On 18 September 2016, the whole of Crimea participated in the Russian legislative election.


  • Marine Corps of the Russia «little green men»
  • Baherove (air base)
  • Theodosius-13
  • Southern Naval Base

Administrative divisions

The Republic of Crimea continues to use the administrative divisions previously used by the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and is thus subdivided into 25 regions: 14 districts (raions) and 11 city municipalities (gorodskoj sovet or gorsovet), officially known as territories governed by city councils.[87][failed verification]


Political geography

If it were to be considered a part of Russia, then Crimea would be one of two parts of European Russia that had no land connection to the rest of the country, the other being Kaliningrad Oblast on the Baltic Sea. Being a semi-exclave, the peninsula is connected to Russia by a multibillion-dollar road–rail fixed link across the Kerch Strait,[88] dubbed Crimean Bridge by the Russian government. The link is operational for road traffic since 2018, and for rail traffic since 2019 (passenger) and 2020 (freight).[89]

If Crimea were considered separate from Ukraine, which continues to claim sovereignty over the peninsula, then Ukraine would be the only country with which it shared a land border, with a number of road and rail connections. These crossings have been under the control of Russian troops since at least mid-March 2014.


Life expectancy

The best result in life expectancy the Republic of Crimea had in 2019, it reached 72.71 years. But during two years the COVID-19 pandemic the region had one of the largest summary fall in life expectancy in Russia, and in 2021 it became 69.70 years (65.31 for males and 73.96 for females)[90][91]

  • Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea [90][91]

    Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea [90][91]

  • Life expectancy with calculated differences

    Life expectancy with calculated differences

  • Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea in comparison with Crimea on average and neighboring regions of the country

    Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea in comparison with Crimea on average and neighboring regions of the country

  • Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea in comparison with Crimea on average (in detail)

    Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea in comparison with Crimea on average (in detail)

Ethnic groups

According to the 2014 Crimean Federal District census, carried out by Russia after its occupation of Crimea in 2014, the ethnic makeup of the population of the whole Crimean Federal District at the time comprised the following self-reported groups:

  • Russians: 1,188,978 (65.2%)
  • Ukrainians: 291,603 (16.0%)
  • Crimean Tatars: 229,526 (12.6%)
  • Tatars: 42,254 (2.3%)
  • Belarusians: 17,919 (1.0%)
  • Armenians: 9,634 (0.5%)

In 2021, the Russian figure had risen to 67% while the Ukrainian figure had declined to 7.5%, 161,230 people (amounting to 8.3%) did not declare an ethnicity according to the Russian census.

Ethnic groups in Crimea
Ethnicity Year
Population %
Russians 1,296,442 67%
Ukrainians 145,852 7.5%
Crimean Tatars 250,651 13%
Tatars 28,363
Armenians 7,717
Azerbaijanis 2,729
Belarusians 8,672
Uzbeks 2,476
Moldovans 1,474
Others 29,293
No ethnicity declared 161,230 8.3%
Total 1,934,630 100%


According to the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea:[93]

Article 10

1. Official languages of the Republic of Crimea are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.

According to the 2014 census, 84% of Crimean inhabitants named Russian as their native language; 7.9% named Crimean Tatar; 3.7% Tatar and 3.3% Ukrainian. The previous census was held more than decade ago in 2001, when Crimea was still controlled by Ukraine.[94]

According to the Republic of Crimea Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth,[95] most primary and secondary school pupils have decided to study in Russian in 2015.

  • In Russian – 96.74%
  • In Crimean Tatar – 2.76%. 5083 pupils (+188 to 2014 year) study in Crimean Tatar language in 53 schools in 17 districts. 37 1st grade classes of primary school have been opened.
  • In Ukrainian – 0.5%. 949 pupils study in Ukrainian language in 22 schools in 13 districts. 2 1st grade classes of primary school have been opened.

Its Education Minister Natalia Goncharova announced mid-August 2014 that (since no parents of first-graders wrote an application for learning Ukrainian) Crimea had decided not to form Ukrainian language classes in its primary schools.[96] Goncharova said that since more than a quarter of parents at the Ukrainian gymnasium in Simferopol had written an application to teach children in Ukrainian; this school might have Ukrainian language classes.[96] Goncharova also added that the parents of first-graders had written application for learning the Russian language, and (in areas inhabited by Crimean Tatars) for learning Crimean Tatar.[96] Goncharova stated on 10 October 2014 that at that time Crimea had 20 schools where all subjects were conducted in Ukrainian.[97]

A report (realised in the summer of 2015) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) claimed that the Republic of Crimea had the aim to «end the teaching of Ukrainian» by «pressure on school administrations, teachers, parents, and children».[98]


Religion in Crimea (2013)[99]

  Other religion (2%)

  Not stated (13%)

The majority of the Crimean population adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church, with the Crimean Tatars forming a Sunni Muslim minority, besides smaller Roman Catholic, Ukrainian Greek Catholic, Armenian Apostolic and Jewish minorities. In 2013, Orthodox Christians made up 58% of the Crimean population, followed by Muslims (15%, mainly Tatars) and believers without religion (10%).[99]

Catholic church in Yevpatoria

Catholic church in Yevpatoria

a Sunni mosque in Yevpatoria

A Sunni mosque in Yevpatoria

Orthodox church in Yalta

Orthodox church in Yalta


Peninsula economy is based on tourism, agriculture (wines, fruits, wheat, rice and further crops), fishing, pearls, mining and natural resources (mainly iron, titanium, aluminium, manganese, calcite, sandstone, quartz and silicates, amethyst, other), metallurgical and steel industry, shipbuilding and repair, oil gas and petrochemical, chemical industry, electronics and devices machinery, instruments making, glass, electronics and electric parts devices, materials and building.


In March 2014 Crimean GDP was estimated at $4.3 billion or 0.2% of Russia based on current prices and 0.5% based on purchasing power parity.[citation needed]

After annexation of the peninsula, Russia doubled payments to about 560,000 pensioners and 200,000 public workers (in Crimea).[100] Those raises were cut back in April 2015.[101]

In June 2015 The Economist estimated that the average salary in Crimea was about two-thirds of the average salary in Russia.[101] According to Russian statistics by March 2015 the inflation in Crimea was 80%.[102] According to the Crimean authorities local food prices have grown 2.5 times since Russia’s annexation.[103] Since then the peninsula now has to import most of its food from Russia.

After the annexation, Russian Crimean authorities started nationalization of what they called strategically important enterprises, which included not only transportation and energy production enterprises, but also, for example, a wine factory in Massandra. The enterprises which belonged to Russian citizens were nationalized against financial reimbursement, which was, however, much lower than the actual value; those which belonged to Ukrainian citizens, for example, PrivatBank owned by Ihor Kolomoyskyi or Ukrtelecom owned by Rinat Akhmetov, were expropriated without any reimbursement. The future of the nationalized enterprises is decided by the government.[104] Reasons given for this were (among others) «the company helped to finance military operations against Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic» and «the resort complex illegally blocked public access to nearby park lands».[105] The government can nationalise assets considered to have «particular social, cultural, or historical value».[105] In the case of the Zalyv Shipbuilding yard, Crimean «self-defense» forces stormed the company’s headquarters to demand nationalization.[105] Head of the Republic Sergey Aksyonov claimed that in at least one case «Employees established control of the enterprise on their own, we just helped them a little».[105] The nationalization of Ihor Kolomoyskyi’s assets was, according to Aksyonov, «totally justified due to the fact that he is one of the initiators and financiers of the special anti-terrorist operation in the Eastern Ukraine where Russian citizens are being killed».[106][107]

By late October 2014 90% of the heads of Crimean government-owned corporation were fired as part of a supposed anti-corruption campaign, although no charges have been filed against anyone. Human rights activists in the region have described the seizures as lacking a legal basis and dismissed the «anti-corruption» rationale.[108] In June 2015 the Federal Security Service (FSB) started several anti-corruption criminal cases against high ranking Crimean officials.[109] According to Aksyonov the FSB had opened these criminal cases because it was «interested in destabilizing the situation in Crimea».[109]

On 6 May 2014 the National Bank of Ukraine ordered Ukrainian banks to cease operations in Crimea; the following weeks the Central Bank of Russia closed all Ukrainian banks in the peninsula because «they had failed to meet their obligations to creditors».[110] Eight months after the 21 March 2014 formal annexation of Crimea by Russia it became impossible for clients of Ukrainian banks to access their deposits and most of them did not pay interest (on loans).[111][clarification needed] A «Fund for the Protection of Depositors in Crimea», as part of Russia’s Deposit Insurance Agency, was set up by Russia to compensate Crimeans.[111] By 6 November 2014 it paid out more than $500 million to 196,400 depositors; the fund has a limit of about $15,000 per bank account.[111] In July 2015, 25 banks were operating in Crimea while prior to the Russian annexation there were 180 banks.[112]

While many international businesses left the region, in 2015 only a few Russian companies are reported to have invested in Crimea, fearing sanctions.[100]

Under the international sanctions Crimea’s once bustling IT-sector shrunk to a few IT companies.[103]

Russia invests significantly in Crimea, according to «The Federal Target Program for the Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol» they plan to invest one trillion Russian rubles (15.3 billion dollars) before 2022[113][114] The Russian government claims that those investments are necessary because Ukrainian mismanagement of the Crimean territory caused losses of 2.5 trillion Russian rubles (38.3 billion dollars) to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol[115] Meanwhile, Ukraine estimates their losses due to Russian annexation of the peninsula to 100 billion dollars.[116]


  • JSC GENBANK[117][118]
  • JSC Bank CHBDR[119]
  • Russian National Commercial Bank

Gross regional product:[120]

Commercial Medical Clinic in the Republic of Crimea

  • Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, personal and household goods – 13%
  • Transport and Telecom – 10%
  • Real estate, renting and business activities – 10%
  • Health care and social services – 10%
  • Public administration, defense, compulsory social security – 8%
  • Agriculture, hunting and forestry – 10%
  • Other – 39%

Free economic zone

A Free Economic Zone has been established in the territory of the Republic of Crimea since 1 January 2015.[121]

By the end of 2017, the amount of investment in Crimea’s free economic zone since early 2015, exceeded 100 billion rubles ($1.69 billion).[122]

At the beginning of 2019, 215 billion rubles ($3.3 billion) were attracted to the economy of Crimea.[123]


Tourists in Crimea in June 2015

In 2014 about two million tourists holidayed in Crimea, including 300,000 Ukrainians.[124] In 2013 3.5 million Ukrainian and 1.5 million Russian tourists visited Crimea.[124] Tourism is the mainstay of the Crimean economy.[124] In August 2014 Head of the Republic Aksyonov was confident that in 2015 Crimea would welcome «at least five million visitors – I have no doubts about that».[124] Early August 2015 the press service of his government stated that in 2015 2.02 million tourists had visited Crimea (16.5% more than in 2014).[125] They stated in January 2016 (that in 2015) more than 4 million tourists had vacationed in the peninsula.[126] Over 6.4 million tourists visited Crimea in 2018.[127]

Museums and art galleries

  • Aivazovsky National Art Gallery
  • Alexander Grin house museum
  • Feodosia Money Museum
  • Lapidarium, Kerch
  • Livadia Palace
  • Massandra Palace
  • Simferopol Art Museum
  • Museum of Vera Mukhina
  • Vorontsov Palace (Alupka)
  • White Dacha

Industrial Park

  • Feodosia Industrial Park[128]
  • Bakhchysarai Industrial Park[129]


The internet connection goes via Krasnodar Krai.[130]
Cell telecom
In Crimea Peninsula worked four mobile operators already offers voice and mobile data for 2G, 3G and 4G users.[131]



Simferopol is an air transport hub of the Republic of Crimea.

  • Simferopol International Airport


  • Crimea Railway

Trolleybus Line

Crimean trolleybus line length of 86 kilometres (53 mi) long of service «Krymtrolleybus».

Routes: Airport Simferopol — Simferopol — Alushta — Yalta


  • European route E105 – Syvash – Dzhankoy – North Crimean Canal – Simferopol – Alushta – Yalta
  • Tavrida Highway A291: Kerch — Feodosia — Belogorsk — Simferopol — Bakhchisarai — Sevastopol.
  • European route E97: Dzhankoy – Feodosiya – Kerch.
  • Novorossiysk — Kerch highway A290: Crimean Bridge — Kerch
  • Highway H19 (Ukraine) – Yalta – Sevastopol
  • Highway M18 (Ukraine) – Yalta – Simferopol – Dzhankoy
  • Highway H05 (Ukraine) – Simferopol – Simferopol International Airport – Krasnoperekopsk.


  • Kerch Strait ferry line (until 2020), Kerch–Yenikale Canal


Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar education is being squeezed. [132]

  • V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University[133]
  • Simferopol gymnasium №1
  • Gymnasium 9 (Simferopol)
  • Kerch Polytechnic College


  • Crimean Astrophysical Observatory is a part of the Soviet Deep Space Network
  • Deep-Space communications center
  • RT-70
  • Simeiz Observatory


Football clubs

  • FC TSK Simferopol
  • FC Krymteplytsia Molodizhne
  • FC Ocean Kerch
  • FC Rubin Yalta

Human rights

United Nations monitors (that had been in Crimea from 2 April to 6 May 2014) said they were concerned about treatment of journalists, sexual, religious and ethnic minorities and AIDS patients.[134] The monitors had found that journalists and activists who had opposed the 2014 Crimean referendum had been harassed and abducted.[135] They also reported that Crimeans who had not applied for Russian citizenship faced harassment and intimidation.[134] Russia said that it did not support the deployment of human rights monitors in Crimea.[135] The (new) Crimean authorities vowed to investigate the reports of human rights violations.[135]

According to Human Rights Watch «Russia has violated multiple obligations it has as an occupying power under international humanitarian law – in particular in relation to the protection of civilians’ rights.»[136][72]

In its November 2014 report on Crimea, Human Rights Watch stated that «The de facto authorities in Crimea have limited free expression, restricted peaceful assembly, and intimidated and harassed those who have opposed Russia’s actions in Crimea».[137] According to the report, 15 persons went missing since March 2014; according to Ukrainian authorities 21 people disappeared.[84] Head of the Republic Sergey Aksyonov pledged to find the missing persons as well as the culprits behind the kidnappings.[84] Aksyonov regularly meets with a group of parents, whose children have gone missing, and human rights activists.[84] These parents and human rights activists have complained that rotation of the team of investigators into these missing persons has harmed these investigations.[84]

Crimean Tatars

Vladimir Putin meeting with representatives of the Crimean Tatars, 16 May 2014

The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People has come under the scrutiny of the Russian Federal Security Service, which reportedly took control of the building where the Mejlis meets and searched it on 16 September 2014. Crimean Tatar media said FSB officers also searched the office of the Avdet newspaper, which is based inside the Mejlis building. Several members of the Mejlis were also reportedly subjected to FSB searches at their homes. Several Crimean Tatar opposition figures were banned from entering Crimea for five years.[138] Since Russia annexed Crimea several Crimean Tatars have disappeared or have been found dead after being reported missing.[139][140][141] Crimean authorities state these deaths and disappearances are connected to «smoking an unspecified substance» and volunteers for the Syrian civil war; human rights activists claim the disappearances are part of a repression campaign against Crimean Tatars.[72][139][140]

In February 2016 human rights defender Emir-Usein Kuku from Crimea was arrested and accused of belonging to the Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir although he denies any involvement in this organization. Amnesty International has called for his immediate liberation.[142][143]

In May 2018, Server Mustafayev, the founder and coordinator of the human rights movement Crimean Solidarity, was imprisoned by Russian authorities and charged with «membership of a terrorist organisation». Amnesty International and Front Line Defenders demand his immediate release.[144][145]

International status

The status of the republic is disputed, as Russia and some other states recognised the annexation, whilst most other nations do not. Ukraine still considers both the Autonomous Republic and Sevastopol as subdivisions of Ukraine under Ukrainian territory and subject to Ukrainian law.

The official line of the US, EU and Australia is that they don’t grant visas to Crimeans with Russian passports.[101][146] Nevertheless, Russian media claims Crimeans get visas for some EU countries.[147][148]

On 21 March 2014, Armenia recognised the Crimean referendum, which led to Ukraine recalling its ambassador to that country.[149] The unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic also recognised the referendum earlier that week on 17 March.[150] On 22 March 2014, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan told a U.S. delegation that he recognised and supported the Crimean referendum and «respects the free will of the people of Crimea and Sevastopol to decide their own future».[citation needed] On 23 March 2014, Belarus recognised Crimea as de facto part of Russia.[citation needed] On 27 March 2014, Nicaragua unconditionally recognised the incorporation of Crimea into Russia.[151]

On 27 March 2014, the UN General Assembly voted on a non-binding resolution claiming that the referendum was invalid and reaffirming Ukraine’s territorial integrity, by a vote of 100 to 11, with 58 abstentions and 24 absent.[152][153] Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, United States and 89 other countries voted for; Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, as well as Russia, voted against.[citation needed] Among the abstaining countries were China, India, Pakistan, South Africa and Brazil. Israel was among the countries listed as absent.[citation needed] Reuters reported unnamed UN diplomats saying the Russian delegation threatened with punitive action against certain Eastern European and Central Asian countries if they supported the resolution.[154] Subsequent United Nations General Assembly resolutions also reaffirmed non-recognition of the annexation and condemned «the temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine—the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol».[155][156][157]

See also

  • Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire
  • Crimea in the Soviet Union
  • Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  • Russian occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
  • Annexation of southeastern Ukraine by the Russian Federation
    • Donetsk People’s Republic
    • Luhansk People’s Republic
    • Russian occupation of Donetsk Oblast
    • Russian occupation of Kharkiv Oblast
    • Russian occupation of Kherson Oblast
    • Russian occupation of Luhansk Oblast
    • Russian occupation of Mykolaiv Oblast
    • Russian occupation of Zaporizhzhia Oblast


  1. ^ Internationally unrecognized. See: Political status of Crimea.
  2. ^ ; Russian: Республика Крым, translit. Respublika Krym [rʲɪsˈpublʲɪkə krɨm]; Ukrainian: Республіка Крим, translit. Respublika Krym [resˈpublʲikɐ krɪm]; Crimean Tatar: Къырым Джумхуриети, Qırım Cumhuriyeti
  3. ^ In a summer 2013 poll by VTSIOM where respondents in Russia were asked what they consider Russian territory 56% said that Crimea was part of Russia.[15]


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  155. ^ «A/RES/71/205 – E – A/RES/71/205». undocs.org.
  156. ^ «General Assembly Adopts 50 Third Committee Resolutions, as Diverging Views on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity Animate Voting – Meetings Coverage and Press Releases». United Nations.
  157. ^ «UN officially recognized Russia as an occupying power in Crimea». Euromaidan Press. 20 December 2016.

External links

  • Agreement on the accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation signed
  • Constitution of the Republic of Crimea

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Перевод «крым» на английский


Какие документы нужны для поездки в крым

What documents are needed for a trip to the Crimea

Куда лучше поехать в крым с ребенком

Much better to go with the child to Crimea

На данный момент крым фактически контролируют российские войска

With Crimea now effectively under the control of Russian forces

Я тоже считаю, что в крым лучше в сентябре…

I also think that the Crimea is better in September…

запорожье общество депортация 1944 крым крымские татары геноцид политические репрессии день памяти

Ukraine Crimea Crimean Tatars genocide history 1944 deportation of Crimean Tatars memorable date political repressions

Когда семья горького вынуждена была покинуть крым из-за репрессий царского правительства после революции 1905, маршак вернулся в петербург, куда к тому времени перебрался его отец, работавший на заводе за невской заставой.

When the Gorky family was forced to leave the Crimea because of the repression of the tsarist government after the 1905 revolution, Marshak returned to St. Petersburg, where by that time his father, who worked at the plant outside the Nevskaya Zastava, had moved.

Крым не принадлежит к приоритетным новогодним направлениям.

It is clear that Crimea does not belong to the priority new year’s directions.

Полуостров Крым всегда славился своими красотами.

The peninsula of Crimea has always been famous for its beauty.

Крым никогда больше не поменяет свою государственность.

I am confident that Crimea will not change its statehood ever in its life.

Крым будет отображаться согласно официальной позиции каждой страны.

That is Crimea will be shown according to the official position of each country.

Радары позволят обезопасить юг страны и Крым.

The new radars will reliably protect Crimea and the south of the country.

Первым официальным партнером выставки является Крым.

The first «official partner» of the UITT exhibition was the Crimea.

Крым стал вехой в истории советской дезинтеграции.

Crimea was a milestone in the history of the Soviet Union’s disintegration.

Республика Крым в соответствии с законами Украины подчиняется центральной власти.

The republic of Crimea, in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, is subordinated to the central government.

Все большее значение приобретал Крым и как курорт.

It is becoming increasingly important and the Crimea as a resort.

Крым — курорт с богатой историей и шикарным оздоровительным климатом.

Crimea — a resort with a rich history and luxurious wellness climate.

После событий марта 2014 года, когда Крым

But at the same time, in the spring of 2014, when Crimea

Флоренс отправилась в Крым во главе группы из 38 медсестер.

Nightingale arrived in the Crimea with a party of thirty eight nurses.

Русские вернули Крым без единого выстрела…

Russia took the Crimea back without a single gunshot.

У набора топографических карт Крым появилась краткая справочная статья.

A topographic map set Crimea has now a short reference article.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат крым

Результатов: 14799. Точных совпадений: 14799. Затраченное время: 64 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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  • 1

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Крым

  • 2

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > Крым

  • 3

    1) General subject: Crimea

    2) Geography: the Crimea

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Крым

  • 4

    1) General subject: Crimea

    2) Geography: the Crimea

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > крым

  • 5

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Крым

  • 6

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > Крым

  • 7

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > Крым

  • 8

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > Крым

  • 9

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > Крым

  • 10

    Русско-английский технический словарь > крым-сагыз

  • 11

    Русско-английский сельскохозяйственный словарь > крым-сагыз

  • 12

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > крым-сагыз

  • 13
    (п-ов) Крым

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (п-ов) Крым

  • 14
    Автономная Республика Крым

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Автономная Республика Крым

  • 15
    Республика Крым

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Республика Крым

  • 16
    она собирается поехать в Крым, и ей не терпится пуститься в путь

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > она собирается поехать в Крым, и ей не терпится пуститься в путь

  • 17
    п-ов Крым

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > п-ов Крым

  • 18
    Республика Крым

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Республика Крым

  • 19

    chark, coke

    * * *



    выгружа́ть кокс из пе́чи — draw (out) the coke

    выта́лкивать кокс из пе́чи — push the coke out of the oven

    гаси́ть кокс мо́крым спо́собом


    тушить кокс мокрым способом

    испы́тывать кокс на механи́ческую про́чность — subject the coke to a shatter test

    получа́ть кокс в ви́де удлинё́нных куско́в — make the coke blocky

    просева́ть кокс — sift [screen] the coke

    туши́ть кокс мо́крым спо́собом — quench the (red-hot) coke by a water spray, subject the coke to wet quenching

    туши́ть кокс сухи́м спо́собом — quench the (red-hot) coke by a stream of inert gas, subject the coke to dry quenching

    га́зовый кокс — gas coke

    до́менный кокс — blast-furnace coke

    заду́вочный кокс — bed-charge coke

    каменноу́гольный кокс — coal coke

    лите́йный кокс — foundry coke

    металлурги́ческий кокс — metallurgical coke

    нефтяно́й кокс — petroleum coke

    рето́ртный кокс — retort coke

    ски́повый кокс — skip coke

    торфяно́й кокс — peat coke, coked peat

    формо́ванный кокс — formcoke

    электро́дный, пе́ковый кокс — electrode pitch coke

    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > кокс

  • 20
    (г.) Бахчисарай

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (г.) Бахчисарай


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См. также в других словарях:

  • КРЫМ — Крымский п ов, на С. Черного моря; Украина. Наиболее раннее название Киммерия страна киммерийцев , известных во II тыс. до н. э., относилось к степной части п ова, доходившей на В. до Азовского моря (ср. древнее название Керченского пролива… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • Крым — Крымская Республика, в составе Украины, на Крымском полуострове. 27 тыс. км2. Население 2205,6 тыс. человек (1996), городское 69,2%; русские 1630 тыс. человек, украинцы 626 тыс. человек (1989, перепись), крымские татары и др. 15 районов,… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • КРЫМ — (Крымская Республика) в составе Украины, на Крымском п ове. 27 тыс. км². население 2549,8 тыс. человек (1991), городское 69,2%; русские (1630 тыс. человек; 1989, перепись), украинцы (626 тыс. человек), крымские татары и др. 15 районов, 16… …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • Крым — Государство * Армия * Война * Выборы * Демократия * Завоевание * Закон * Политика * Преступление * Приказ * Революция * Свобода * Флот Власть * Администрация * Аристократия …   Сводная энциклопедия афоризмов

  • Крым — (Ялта,Крым) Категория отеля: Адрес: Улица Московская 1/6, 98600 Ялта, Крым Описание …   Каталог отелей

  • Крым — (Ялта,Крым) Категория отеля: Адрес: Улица Московская 1/6, 98600 Ялта, Крым Описание …   Каталог отелей

  • Крым — – идеальное место отдыха.Целебный воздух, насыщенный фитонцидами хвойных деревьев и ароматами степного и горного разнотравья,… …   Города мира

  • КРЫМ — (республика Крым), в составе Украины, на территории Крымского полуострова. Население 2596 тыс. человек, городского 69,2%. 15 районов, 16 городов, 56 поселков городского типа. Столица Симферополь. Крым один из древнейших районов заселения… …   Современная энциклопедия

  • КРЫМ — В древнетюркском языке слово корум употреблялось в значении: Разбросанные камни, обломки скал, валуны. В переносном значении: несметное количество скота. Это имя было в употреблении у татар во времена Казанского ханства. Так звали деда татарского …   Словарь личных имен

  • Крым — п ов в сев. части Черного моря, соединенный с материком узким перешейком. В рус. лит. традиции популярен восходящий к античности поэтизм Таврия или Таврида . По своему географич. положению К. связан как с Вост. Европой, так и с Черноморским… …   Российский гуманитарный энциклопедический словарь

  • крым — таврида, таврия, полуостров Словарь русских синонимов. Крым Таврида (устар. ) Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык. З. Е. Александрова. 2011 …   Словарь синонимов

Crimea[a] ( kry-MEE) is a peninsula in Ukraine, on the northern coast of the Black Sea, that has been occupied by Russia since 2014. It has a population of 2.4 million.[1] The peninsula is almost entirely surrounded by the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov. The Isthmus of Perekop connects the peninsula to Kherson Oblast in mainland Ukraine. To the east, the Crimean Bridge, constructed in 2018, spans the Strait of Kerch, linking the peninsula with Krasnodar Krai in Russia. The Arabat Spit, located to the northeast, is a narrow strip of land that separates the Sivash lagoons from the Sea of Azov. Across the Black Sea to the west lies Romania and to the south is Turkey.

Crimean Peninsula

Satellite picture of Crimea, Terra-MODIS, 05-16-2015.jpg

May 2015 satellite image of the Crimean Peninsula

Crimea (orthographic projection).svg
Location Ukraine
Coordinates 45°18′N 34°24′E / 45.3°N 34.4°ECoordinates: 45°18′N 34°24′E / 45.3°N 34.4°E
Adjacent to
  • Black Sea
  • Sea of Azov
Area 27,000 km2 (10,000 sq mi)
Highest elevation 1,545 m (5069 ft)
Highest point Roman-Kosh
Status Internationally recognized as Ukrainian territory occupied by Russian Federation; see Political status of Crimea


Northern Arabat Spit (Henichesk Raion)
Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Largest settlement Sevastopol
Demonym Crimean
Population Increase 2,416,856[1] (2021)
Pop. density 84.6/km2 (219.1/sq mi)

Map of the Crimean Peninsula

Crimea (called the Tauric Peninsula until the early modern period) has historically been at the boundary between the classical world and the steppe. Greeks colonized its southern fringe and were absorbed by the Roman and Byzantine Empires and successor states while remaining culturally Greek. Some cities became trading colonies of Genoa, until conquered by the Ottoman Empire. Throughout this time the interior was occupied by a changing cast of steppe nomads. In the 14th century it became part of the Golden Horde; the Crimean Khanate emerged as a successor state. In the 15th century, the Khanate became a dependency of the Ottoman Empire. Russia was often the target of slave raids during this period. In 1783, the Russian Empire annexed Crimea after an earlier war with Turkey. Crimea’s strategic position led to the 1854 Crimean War and many short lived regimes following the 1917 Russian Revolution. When the Bolsheviks secured Crimea it became an autonomous soviet republic within Russia. During World War II, Crimea was downgraded to an oblast. In 1944 Crimean Tatars were ethnically cleansed and deported under the orders of Joseph Stalin, in what has been described as a cultural genocide. The USSR transferred Crimea to Ukraine on the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Treaty in 1954.

After Ukrainian independence in 1991 the central government and Crimea clashed, with the region being granted more autonomy. The Soviet fleet in Crimea was also in contention but a 1997 treaty allowed Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol. In 2014, the Russians occupied the peninsula and organized an illegal referendum in support of Russian annexation, but most countries recognize Crimea as Ukrainian territory.


The classical name for Crimea, Tauris or Taurica, is from the Greek Ταυρική (Taurikḗ), after the peninsula’s Scytho-Cimmerian inhabitants, the Tauri. Today, the Crimean Tatar name of the peninsula is Qırım, while the Russian is Крым (Krym), and the Ukrainian is Крим (Krym).

Strabo (Geography vii 4.3, xi. 2.5), Polybius, (Histories 4.39.4), and Ptolemy (Geographia. II, v 9.5) refer variously to the Strait of Kerch as the Κιμμερικὸς Βόσπορος (Kimmerikos Bosporos, romanized spelling, Bosporus Cimmerius), its easternmost part as the Κιμμέριον Ἄκρον (Kimmerion Akron, Roman name: Promontorium Cimmerium),[2] as well as to the city of Cimmerium and thence the name of the Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus (Κιμμερικοῦ Βοσπόρου).

The city Staryi Krym (‘Old Crimea’),[3] served as a capital of the Crimean province of the Golden Horde. Between 1315 and 1329 CE, the Arab writer Abū al-Fidā recounted a political fight in 1300–1301 CE which resulted in a rival’s decapitation and his head being sent «to the Crimea»,[4] apparently in reference to the peninsula,[5] although some sources hold that the name of the capital was extended to the entire peninsula at some point during Ottoman suzerainty (1441–1783).[6]

The origin of the word Qırım is uncertain. Suggestions argued in various sources include:

  1. a corruption of Cimmerium (Greek, Kimmerikon, Κιμμερικόν).[7][8][9]
  2. a derivation from the Turkic term qirum («fosse, trench»), from qori- («to fence, protect»).[10][11][12]

Other suggestions either unsupported or contradicted by sources, apparently based on similarity in sound, include:

  1. a derivation from the Greek Cremnoi (Κρημνοί, in post-classical Koiné Greek pronunciation, Crimni, i.e., «the Cliffs», a port on Lake Maeotis (Sea of Azov) cited by Herodotus in The Histories 4.20.1 and 4.110.2).[13] However, Herodotus identifies the port not in Crimea, but as being on the west coast of the Sea of Azov. No evidence has been identified that this name was ever in use for the peninsula.
  2. The Turkic term (e.g., in Turkish: Kırım) is related to the Mongolian appellation kerm «wall», but sources indicate that the Mongolian appellation of the Crimean peninsula of Qaram is phonetically incompatible with kerm/kerem and therefore deriving from another original term.[14][15][16]

The spelling «Crimea» is the Italian form, i.e., la Crimea, since at least the 17th century[17] and the «Crimean peninsula» becomes current during the 18th century, gradually replacing the classical name of Tauric Peninsula in the course of the 19th century.[18] In English usage since the early modern period the Crimean Khanate is referred to as Crim Tartary.[19]

The omission of the definite article in English («Crimea» rather than «the Crimea») became common during the later 20th century.[citation needed]
The classical name was used in 1802 in the name of the Russian Taurida Governorate.[20] While it was replaced with Krym (Ukrainian: Крим; Russian: Крым) in the Soviet Union and has had no official status since 1921, it is still used by some institutions in Crimea, such as the Taurida National University, the Tavriya Simferopol football club, or the Tavrida federal highway.


Ancient history

The recorded history of the Crimean Peninsula begins around the fifth century BCE when several Greek colonies were established along its coast, the most important of which was Chersonesos near modern-day Sevastopol, with Scythians and Tauri in the hinterland to the north. The Tauri gave the name the Tauric Peninsula which Crimea was called into the early modern period. The southern coast gradually consolidated into the Bosporan Kingdom which was annexed by Pontus and then became a client kingdom of Rome from 63 BCE to 341 CE.

Medieval history

The south coast remained Greek in culture for almost two thousand years including under Roman successor states, the Byzantine Empire (341–1204 CE), the Empire of Trebizond (1204–1461 CE), and the independent Principality of Theodoro (ended 1475 CE). In the 13th century, some Crimean port cities were controlled by the Venetians and by the Genovese, but the interior was much less stable, enduring a long series of conquests and invasions. In the medieval period, it was partially conquered by Kievan Rus’ whose prince was baptized at Sevastopol starting the Christianization of Kievan Rus’.[21]

Mongol Conquest (1238–1449)

The north and centre of Crimea fell to the Mongol Golden Horde, although the south coast was still controlled by the Christian Principality of Theodoro and Genoese colonies. The Genoese–Mongol Wars were fought between the 13th and 15th centuries for control of south Crimea.[22]

Crimean Khanate (1443–1783)

In the 1440s the Crimean Khanate formed out of the collapse of the horde[23] but quite rapidly itself became subject to the Ottoman Empire, which also conquered the coastal areas which had kept independent of the Khanate. A major source of prosperity in these times were frequents raids into Russia for slaves.

Russian Empire (1783–1917)

Swallow’s Nest, built in 1912 for businessman Baron Pavel von Steingel

In 1774, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by Catherine the Great with the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca making the Tatars of the Crimea politically independent. Catherine the Great’s incorporation of the Crimea in 1783 into the Russian Empire increased Russia’s power in the Black Sea area.[24]

From 1853 to 1856, the strategic position of the peninsula in controlling the Black Sea meant that it was the site of the principal engagements of the Crimean War, where Russia lost to a French-led alliance.[25]

Russian Civil War (1917–1921)

During the Russian Civil War, Crimea changed hands many times and was where Wrangel’s anti-Bolshevik White Army made their last stand. Many anti-Communist fighters and civilians escaped to Istanbul but up to 150,000 were killed in Crimea.

Soviet Union (1921–1991)

In 1921 the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created as part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.[26] It was occupied by Germany from 1942 to 1944 during the Second World War. After the Soviets regained control in 1944, they deported the Crimean Tartars and several other nationalities to elsewhere in the USSR. The autonomous republic was dissolved in 1945, and Crimea became an oblast of the Russian SFSR. It was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954, on the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav.

Ukraine (1991–present)

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991 most of the peninsula was reorganized as the Republic of Crimea,[27][28] although in 1995 the Republic was forcibly abolished by Ukraine with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority.[29] A 1997 treaty partitioned the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, allowing Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol, with the lease extended in 2010.

Russian occupation (2014–present)

In 2014, Crimea saw intense demonstrations[30] against the removal of the Russia-leaning Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych in Kyiv. Protests culminated in Russian forces occupying strategic points in Crimea[31] and the Russian-organized Republic of Crimea declared independence from Ukraine following an illegal and internationally unrecognized referendum supporting reunification.[32] Russia then claimed to have annexed Crimea, although most countries still recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine.[33]


Covering an area of 27,000 km2 (10,425 sq mi), Crimea is located on the northern coast of the Black Sea and on the western coast of the Sea of Azov; the only land border is shared with Ukraine’s Kherson Oblast on the north. Crimea is almost an island and only connected to the continent by the Isthmus of Perekop, a strip of land about 5–7 kilometres (3.1–4.3 mi) wide.

Much of the natural border between the Crimean Peninsula and the Ukrainian mainland comprises the Sivash or «Rotten Sea», a large system of shallow lagoons stretching along the western shore of the Sea of Azov. Besides the isthmus of Perekop, the peninsula is connected to the Kherson Oblast’s Henichesk Raion by bridges over the narrow Chonhar and Henichesk straits and over Kerch Strait to the Krasnodar Krai. The northern part of Arabat Spit is administratively part of Henichesk Raion in Kherson Oblast, including its two rural communities of Shchaslyvtseve and Strilkove. The eastern tip of the Crimean peninsula comprises the Kerch Peninsula, separated from Taman Peninsula on the Russian mainland by the Kerch Strait, which connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Azov, at a width of between 3–13 kilometres (1.9–8.1 mi).

Geographers generally divide the peninsula into three zones: steppe, mountains and southern coast.


Given its long history and many conquerors, most towns in Crimea have several names.

West: The Isthmus of Perekop /Perekop/Or Qapi, about 7 km (4 mi) wide, connects Crimea to the mainland. It was often fortified and sometimes garrisoned by the Turks. The North Crimean Canal now crosses it to bring water from the Dnieper. To the west Karkinit Bay separates the Tarkhankut Peninsula from the mainland. On the north side of the peninsula is Chernomorskoe/Kalos Limen. On the south side is the large Donuzlav Bay and the port and ancient Greek settlement of Yevpatoria/Kerkinitis/Gözleve. The coast then runs south to Sevastopol/Chersonesus, a good natural harbor, great naval base and the largest city on the peninsula. At the head of Sevastopol Bay stands Inkermann/Kalamita. South of Sevastopol is the small Heracles Peninsula.

South: In the south, between the Crimean Mountains and the sea runs a narrow coastal strip which was held by the Genoese and (after 1475) by the Turks. Under Russian rule it became a kind of riviera. In Soviet times the many palaces were replaced with dachas and health resorts. From west to east are: Heracles Peninsula; Balaklava/Symbalon/Cembalo, a smaller natural harbor south of Sevastopol; Foros, the southernmost point; Alupka with the Vorontsov Palace (Alupka); Gaspra; Yalta; Gurzuf; Alushta. Further east is Sudak/Sougdia/Soldaia with its Genoese fort. Further east still is Theodosia/Kaffa/Feodosia, once a great slave-mart and a kind of capital for the Genoese and Turks. Unlike the other southern ports, Feodosia has no mountains to its north. At the east end of the 90 km (56 mi) Kerch Peninsula is Kerch/Panticapaeum, once the capital of the Bosporian Kingdom. Just south of Kerch the new Crimean Bridge (opened in 2018) connects Crimea to the Taman Peninsula.

Sea of Azov: There is little on the south shore. The west shore is marked by the Arabat Spit. Behind it is the Syvash or «Putrid Sea», a system of lakes and marshes which in the far north extend west to the Perekop Isthmus. Road- and rail-bridges cross the northern part of Syvash.

Interior: Most of the former capitals of Crimea stood on the north side of the mountains. Mangup/Doros (Gothic, Theodoro). Bakhchisarai (1532–1783).
Southeast of Bakhchisarai is the cliff-fort of Chufut-Kale/Qirq Or which was used in more warlike times. Simferopol/Ak-Mechet, the modern capital. Karasu-Bazar/Bilohorsk was a commercial center. Solkhat/Staryi Krym was the old Tatar capital. Towns on the northern steppe area are all modern, notably Dzhankoi, a major road- and rail-junction.

Rivers: The longest is the Salhyr, which rises southeast of Simferopol and flows north and northeast to the Sea of Azov. The Alma flows west to reach the Black Sea between Yevpatoria and Sevastopol. The shorter Chornaya flows west to Sevastopol Bay.

Nearby: East of the Kerch Strait the Ancient Greeks founded colonies at Phanagoria (at the head of Taman Bay), Hermonassa (later Tmutarakan and Taman), Gorgippia (later a Turkish port and now Anapa). At the northeast point of the Sea of Azov at the mouth of the Don River were Tanais, Azak/Azov and now Rostov-on-Don. North of the peninsula the Dnieper turns westward and enters the Black Sea through the east–west Dnieper-Bug Estuary which also receives the Bug River. At the mouth of the Bug stood Olvia. At the mouth of the estuary is Ochakiv. Odessa stands where the coast turns southwest. Further southwest is Tyras/Akkerman/Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

Crimean Mountains

The southeast coast is flanked at a distance of 8–12 kilometres (5.0–7.5 mi) from the sea by a parallel range of mountains: the Crimean Mountains.[34] These mountains are backed by secondary parallel ranges.

The main range of these mountains rises with extraordinary abruptness from the deep floor of the Black Sea to an altitude of 600–1,545 metres (1,969–5,069 ft), beginning at the southwest point of the peninsula, called Cape Fiolente [uk]. Some Greek myths state that this cape was supposedly crowned with the temple of Artemis where Iphigeneia officiated as priestess.[7]Uchan-su, on the south slope of the mountains, is the highest waterfall in Crimea.[35]


«Crimea river» redirects here. Not to be confused with Cry Me a River.

There are 257 rivers and major streams on the Crimean peninsula; they are primarily fed by rainwater, with snowmelt playing a very minor role. This makes for significant annual fluctuation in water flow, with many streams drying up completely during the summer.[36] The largest rivers are the Salhyr (Salğır, Салгир), the Kacha (Кача), the Alma (Альма), and the Belbek (Бельбек). Also important are the Kokozka (Kökköz or Коккозка), the Indole (Indol or Индо́л), the Chorna (Çorğun, Chernaya or Чёрная), the Derekoika (Dereköy or Дерекойка),[37] the Karasu-Bashi (Biyuk-Karasu or Биюк-Карасу) (a tributary of the Salhyr river), the Burulcha (Бурульча) (also a tributary of the Salhyr), the Uchan-su, and the Ulu-Uzen’. The longest river of Crimea is the Salhyr at 204 km (127 mi). The Belbek has the greatest average discharge at 2.16 cubic metres per second (76 cu ft/s).[38] The Alma and the Kacha are the second- and third-longest rivers.[39]

Following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Ukraine blocked the North Crimean Canal, which provided 85% of Crimea’s drinking and agriculture water.[40]

There are more than fifty salt lakes and salt pans on the peninsula. The largest of them is Lake Sasyk (Сасык) on the southwest coast; others include Aqtas, Koyashskoye, Kiyatskoe, Kirleutskoe, Kizil-Yar, Bakalskoe, and Donuzlav.[41] The general trend is for the former lakes to become salt pans.[42] Lake Syvash (Sıvaş or Сива́ш) is a system of interconnected shallow lagoons on the north-eastern coast, covering an area of around 2,560 km2 (988 sq mi). A number of dams have created reservoirs; among the largest are the Simferopolskoye, Alminskoye,[43] the Taygansky and the Belogorsky just south of Bilohirsk in Bilohirsk Raion.[44] The North Crimea Canal, which transports water from the Dnieper, is the largest of the man-made irrigation channels on the peninsula.[45]

Crimea is facing an unprecedented water shortage crisis.[46][47]


Seventy-five percent of the remaining area of Crimea consists of semiarid prairie lands, a southward continuation of the Pontic–Caspian steppe, which slope gently to the northwest from the foothills of the Crimean Mountains.
Numerous kurgans, or burial mounds, of the ancient Scythians are scattered across the Crimean steppes.

Crimean Riviera

The terrain that lies south of the sheltering Crimean Mountain range is of an altogether different character. Here, the narrow strip of coast and the slopes of the mountains are smothered with greenery. This «riviera» stretches along the southeast coast from capes Fiolente and Aya, in the south, to Feodosia. It is studded with summer sea-bathing resorts such as Alupka, Yalta, Gurzuf, Alushta, Sudak, and Feodosia. During the years of Soviet rule, the resorts and dachas of this coast served as prime perquisites of the politically loyal.[citation needed] In addition, vineyards and fruit orchards are located in the region. Fishing, mining, and the production of essential oils are also important. Numerous Crimean Tatar villages, mosques, monasteries, and palaces of the Russian imperial family and nobles are found here, as well as picturesque ancient Greek and medieval castles.

The Crimean Mountains and the southern coast are part of the Crimean Submediterranean forest complex ecoregion. The natural vegetation consists of scrublands, woodlands, and forests, with a climate and vegetation similar to the Mediterranean Basin.


Crimea’s south coast has a subtropical climate

Crimea is located between the temperate and subtropical climate belts and is characterized by warm and sunny weather.[48] It is characterized by diversity and the presence of microclimates.[48] The northern parts of Crimea have a moderate continental climate with short but cold winters and moderately hot dry summers.[49] In the central and mountainous areas the climate is transitional between the continental climate to the north and the Mediterranean climate to the south.[49] Winters are mild at lower altitudes (in the foothills) and colder at higher altitudes.[49] Summers are hot at lower altitudes and warm in the mountains.[49] A subtropical, Mediterranean climate dominates the southern coastal regions, is characterized by mild winters and moderately hot, dry summers.[49]

The climate of Crimea is influenced by its geographic location, relief, and influences from the Black sea.[48] The Crimean coast is shielded from cold air masses coming from the north and, as a result, has milder winters.[48] Maritime influences from the Black Sea are restricted to coastal areas; in the interior of the peninsula the maritime influence is weak and does not play an important role.[48] Because a high-pressure system is located north of Crimea in both summer and winter, winds predominantly come from the north and northeast year-round.[48] In winter these winds bring in cold, dry continental air, while in summer they bring in dry and hot weather.[48] Winds from the northwest bring warm and wet air from the Atlantic Ocean, causing precipitation during spring and summer.[48] As well, winds from the southwest bring very warm and wet air from the subtropical latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean sea and cause precipitation during fall and winter.[48]

Mean annual temperatures range from 10 °C (50.0 °F) in the far north (Armiansk) to 13 °C (55.4 °F) in the far south (Yalta).[48] In the mountains, the mean annual temperature is around 5.7 °C (42.3 °F).[48] For every 100 m (330 ft) increase in altitude, temperatures decrease by 0.65 °C (1.17 °F) while precipitation increases.[48] In January mean temperatures range from −3 °C (26.6 °F) in Armiansk to 4.4 °C (39.9 °F) in Myskhor.[48] Cool-season temperatures average around 7 °C (44.6 °F) and it is rare for the weather to drop below freezing except in the mountains, where there is usually snow.[50] In July mean temperatures range from 15.4 °C (59.7 °F) in Ai-Petri to 23.4 °C (74.1 °F) in the central parts of Crimea to 24.4 °C (75.9 °F) in Myskhor.[48] The frost-free period ranges from 160 to 200 days in the steppe and mountain regions to 240–260 days on the south coast.[48]

Precipitation in Crimea varies significantly based on location; it ranges from 310 millimetres (12.2 in) in Chornomorske to 1,220 millimetres (48.0 in) at the highest altitudes in the Crimean mountains.[48] The Crimean mountains greatly influence the amount of precipitation present in the peninsula.[48] However, most of Crimea (88.5%) receives 300 to 500 millimetres (11.8 to 19.7 in) of precipitation per year.[48] The plains usually receive 300 to 400 millimetres (11.8 to 15.7 in) of precipitation per year, increasing to 560 millimetres (22.0 in) in the southern coast at sea level.[48] The western parts of the Crimean mountains receive more than 1,000 millimetres (39.4 in) of precipitation per year.[48] Snowfall is common in the mountains during winter.[49]

Most of the peninsula receives more than 2,000 sunshine hours per year; it reaches up to 2,505 sunshine hours in Karabi–Yayla in the Crimean mountains.[48] As a result, the climate favors recreation and tourism.[48] Because of its climate and subsidized travel-packages from Russian state-run companies, the southern Crimean coast has remained a popular resort for Russian tourists.[51]

Strategic value

The Black Sea ports of Crimea provide quick access to the Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans and Middle East. Historically, possession of the southern coast of Crimea was sought after by most empires of the greater region since antiquity (Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Russian, British and French, Nazi German, Soviet).[52]

The nearby Dnieper River is a major waterway and transportation route that crosses the European continent from north to south and ultimately links the Black Sea with the Baltic Sea, of strategic importance since the historical trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The Black Sea serves as an economic thoroughfare connecting the Caucasus region and the Caspian Sea to central and Eastern Europe.[53]

According to the International Transport Workers’ Federation, as of 2013 there were at least 12 operating merchant seaports in Crimea.[54]


Tourism is an important sector of Crimea’s economy

In 2016 Crimea had Nominal GDP of US$7 billion and US$3,000 per capita.[55]

The main branches of the modern Crimean economy are agriculture and fishing oysters pearls, industry and manufacturing, tourism, and ports. Industrial plants are situated for the most part in the southern coast (Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Kerch) regions of the republic, few northern (Armiansk, Krasnoperekopsk, Dzhankoi), aside from the central area, mainly Simferopol okrug and eastern region in Nizhnegorsk (few plants, same for Dzhankoj) city. Important industrial cities include Dzhankoi, housing a major railway connection, Krasnoperekopsk and Armiansk, among others.

After the Russian annexation of Crimea in early 2014 and subsequent sanctions targeting Crimea, the tourist industry suffered major losses for two years. The flow of holidaymakers dropped 35 percent in the first half of 2014 over the same period of 2013.[56] The number of tourist arrivals reached a record in 2012 at 6.1 million.[57] According to the Russian administration of Crimea, they dropped to 3.8 million in 2014,[58] and rebounded to 5.6 million by 2016.[59]

The most important industries in Crimea include food production, chemical fields, mechanical engineering, and metalworking, and fuel production industries.[60] Sixty percent of the industry market belongs to food production. There are a total of 291 large industrial enterprises and 1002 small business enterprises.[60]

In 2014, the republic’s annual GDP was $4.3 billion (500 times smaller than the size of Russia’s economy). The average salary was $290 per month. The budget deficit was $1.5 billion.[61]


Agriculture in the region includes cereals, vegetable-growing, gardening, and wine-making, particularly in the Yalta and Massandra regions. Livestock production includes cattle breeding, poultry keeping, and sheep breeding.[60] Other products produced on the Crimean Peninsula include salt, porphyry, limestone, and ironstone (found around Kerch) since ancient times.[7]

The vine mealybug (Planococcus ficus) was first discovered here in 1868. First discovered on grape, it has also been found as a pest of some other crops and has since spread worldwide.[62] Sunn pests—especially Eurygaster integriceps[63] and E. maura[64]—are significant grain pests.[63] Scelioninae and Tachinidae are important parasitoids of sunnpest.[63] Bark beetles are pests of tree crops, and are themselves hosts for Elattoma mites and various entomopathogenic fungi transmitted by those Elattomae.[65][66]


Crimea also possesses several natural gas fields both onshore and offshore, which were starting to be drilled by western oil and gas companies before annexation.[67][68] The inland fields are located in Chornomorske and Dzhankoi, while offshore fields are located in the western coast in the Black Sea and in the northeastern coast in the Azov Sea:[69]

Name Type Location Reserves
Dzhankoi gas field onshore Dzhankoi
Holitsynske gas field offshore Black Sea
Karlavske gas field onshore Chornomorske
Krym gas field offshore Black Sea
Odessa gas field[70] offshore Black Sea 21 billion m3
Schmidta gas field offshore Black Sea
Shtormvaia gas field offshore Black Sea
Strilkove gas field offshore Sea of Azov

The republic also possesses two oil fields: one onshore, the Serebryankse oil field in Rozdolne, and one offshore, the Subbotina oil field in the Black Sea.


Crimea has 540 MW of its own electricity generation capacity, including the 100 MW Simferopol Thermal Power Plant, the 22 MW Sevastopol Thermal Power Plant and the 19 MW Kamish-Burunskaya Thermal Power Plant.[71] This local electricity generation has proven insufficient for local consumption and since annexation by Russia, Crimea has been reliant on an underwater power cable to mainland Russia.[72]

This power production is set to be bolstered by the building of and near start up of two combined cycle gas steam turbo thermal plants PGU, both providing 470 MW (116 167 MW GT, 235 MW block), a build (plant) by TPE along others with turbines provided by Power Machines (UTZ KalugaTZ ?), NPO Saturn with Perm PMZ; either GTD-110M modified or GTE-160 or 180 units or UTZ KTZ or a V94.2 bought by MAPNA, modified in Russian plants for PGU Thermal plants specifics.

Also many solar photovoltaic SES plants lie along the peninsula, in addition to a smaller facility north of Sevastopol. There also is the gas thermal Saky plant located close to Jodobrom chemical plant and SaKhZ(SaChP) boosted production with Perm GTE GTU25P (PS90GP25 25 MW aeroderivative GP) PGU turbogenerators. Older plants in operation include the Sevastopol TEC (close to Inkerman) which uses AEG and Ganz Elektro turbines and turbogenerators generating about 25 MW each, Sinferopol TEC (north, in Agrarne locale) Yepvatoria, Kamysh Burun TEC (Kerch south – Zaliv) and a few others.


Crimean Bridge

In May 2015, work began on a multibillion-dollar road-rail link (a pair of parallel bridges) across the Kerch Strait.[73] The road bridge opened in May 2018, and the rail bridge opened in December 2019. With a length of 19 km, it is the longest bridge in Europe, as it overcame Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon. This bridge was damaged during an attack on October 8, 2022.

Public transportation

Almost every settlement in Crimea is connected with another settlement by bus lines. Crimea contains the longest (96 km or 59 mi) trolleybus route in the world, founded in 1959, stretching from Simferopol to Yalta.[74] The trolleybus line starts near Simferopol’s Railway Station (in Soviet times it started near Simferopol International Airport) through the mountains to Alushta and on to Yalta. The length of line is about 90 km and passengers are assigned a seat. Simferopol, Yalta and Alushta also have an urban and suburban trolleybus network. Trolleybuses are also operated in Sevastopol and Kerch

In the city of Yevpatoria a tram system is also operated. In the nearby townlet village of Molochnoye, a 1.6 km-long tram line provides the only connection between the sea shore and a holiday resort, but its operation is halted since 2015.

Railway traffic

There are two railroad lines running through Crimea: the non-electrified Armiansk—Kerch (with a link to Feodosia), and the electrified Melitopol—Simferopol-Sevastopol (with a link to Yevpatoria), connecting Crimea to the Ukrainian mainland.

Until 2014 the network was part of the Cisdneper Directorate of the Ukrainian Railways. Long-distance trains provided connection to every major Ukrainian cities, but also to many towns of Russia, Belarus and until the end of the 2000es even to Vilnius, Riga, Warsaw and Berlin.

Since 2014 the railways are operated by the Crimea Railway. Local trains belong to the Yuzhnaya Prigorodnaya Passazhirskaya Kompaniya (Southern Suburban Passenger Company), serving the entire network of the peninsula and via the Crimean Bridge three trains daily to Anapa. Long-distance trains under the name Tavriya – operated by the company Grand Servis Ekspress – connect Sevastopol and Simferopol daily with Moscow and Saint Petersburg, in the summer season Yevpatoria and Feodosia are also directly connected by them. Several times a week Simferopol is also linked with Volgograd, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Omsk and even Murmansk by train.

Further development plans consist a bypass line between Simferopol and Kerch, and a complete electrification of the network with changing the voltage of the already electrified lines from 3 kV DC to 25 kV 50 Hz AC.

International airport
  • Simferopol International Airport’s new terminal opened in from April 2018 with the ability to handle 6.5 million passengers a year.[75] It was built in 22 months and covers an area of 78,000 square meters.[76]
  • (under construction) Tavrida highway (route Yevpatoria-) Sevastopol – Simferopol (SW to W N to East ring) – Bilohirsk
    – north Feodosia – Kerch south (strait bridge)
  • E105/M18 – Syvash (bridge, starts), Dzhankoi, North Crimean Canal (bridge), Simferopol, Alushta, Yalta (ends)
  • E97/M17 – Perekop (starts), Armiansk, Dzhankoi, Feodosia, Kerch (ferry, ends)
  • A290 – Novorossiysk to Kerch via the Crimean Bridge (formerly known as Highway M25)
  • H05 – Krasnoperekopsk, Simferopol (access to the Simferopol International Airport)
  • H06 – Simferopol, Bakhchysarai, Sevastopol
  • H19 – Yalta, Sevastopol
  • P16
  • P23 – Simferopol, Feodosia
  • P25 – Simferopol, Yevpatoria
  • P27 – Sevastopol, Inkerman (completely within the city of Sevastopol)
  • P29 – Alushta, Sudak, Feodosia
  • P34 – Alushta, Yalta
  • P35 – Hrushivka, Sudak
  • P58 – Sevastopol, Port «Komysheva Bukhta» (completely within the city of Sevastopol)
  • P59 (completely within the city of Sevastopol)
Sea transport

The cities of Yalta, Feodosia, Kerch, Sevastopol, Chornomorske and Yevpatoria are connected to one another by sea routes.


The development of Crimea as a holiday destination began in the second half of the 19th century. The development of the transport networks brought masses of tourists from central parts of the Russian Empire.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a major development of palaces, villas, and dachas began—most of which remain. These are some of the main attractions of Crimea as a tourist destination. There are many Crimean legends about famous touristic places, which attract the attention of tourists.

A new phase of tourist development began when the Soviet government started promoting the healing quality of the local air, lakes and therapeutic muds. It became a «health» destination for Soviet workers, and hundreds of thousands of Soviet tourists visited Crimea.

Artek is a former Young Pioneer camp on the Black Sea in the town of Hurzuf, near Ayu-Dag, established in 1925.[77][78] By 1969 it had an area of 3.2 km2 (1.2 sq mi), and consisted of 150 buildings. Unlike most of the young pioneer camps, Artek was an all-year camp, due to the warm climate. Artek was considered to be a privilege for Soviet children during its existence, as well as for children from other communist countries. During its heyday, 27,000 children a year vacationed at Artek. Between 1925 and 1969 the camp hosted 300,000 children.[79] After the breaking up of the Young Pioneers in 1991 its prestige declined, though it remained a popular vacation destination.[78]

In the 1990s, Crimea became more of a get-away destination than a «health-improvement» destination. The most visited areas are the south shore of Crimea with cities of Yalta and Alushta, the western shore – Yevpatoria and Saky, and the south-eastern shore – Feodosia and Sudak.
According to National Geographic, Crimea was among the top 20 travel destinations in 2013.[80]

Places of interest include

  • Koktebel
  • Livadia Palace
  • Mount Mithridat
  • Scythian Treasure
  • Swallow’s Nest
  • Tauric Chersonesos
  • Vorontsov Palace
  • Bakhchisaray Palace
  • Massandra Palace and Winery
  • Novyi Svit
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden
  • Aivazovsky National Art Gallery in Feodosia
  • Naval museum complex Balaklava
  • The Valley of Ghosts


Following Russia’s largely unrecognized annexation of Crimea, the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and several other countries (including Ukraine) imposed economic sanctions against Russia, including some specifically targeting Crimea. Many of these sanctions were directed at individuals—both Russian and Crimean.[81][82] In general they prohibit the sale, supply, transfer, or export of goods and technology in several sectors, including services directly related to tourism and infrastructure. They list seven ports where cruise ships cannot dock.[83][84][85][86] Sanctions against individuals include travel bans and asset freezes. Visa and MasterCard temporarily stopped service in Crimea in December 2014.[87][88] The Russian national payment card system now allows Visa and MasterCard cards issued by Russian banks to work in Crimea.[citation needed] The Mir payment system operated by the Central Bank of Russia operates in Crimea as well as Master Card and Visa.[citation needed] However, there are no major international banks in the Crimea.[89]


Crimea is Ukrainian territory currently occupied by Russia; Ukraine has not relinquished title over the Crimean territory since the events of 2014, Crimea is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. They exercise in extremis administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea from Kyiv in the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories. Ukrainian president Zelenskiy drew attention to this fact in August 2022 when he stated that it was «necessary to liberate Crimea» from Russian occupation and to re-establish «world law and order».[90]


As of 2014, the total population of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol was 2,248,400 people (Republic of Crimea: 1,889,485, Sevastopol: 395,000).[91] This is down from the 2001 Ukrainian Census figure, which was 2,376,000 (Autonomous Republic of Crimea: 2,033,700, Sevastopol: 342,451).[92]

According to the 2014 Russian census, 84% of Crimean inhabitants named Russian as their native language; 7.9% – Crimean Tatar; 3.7% – Tatar; and 3.3% – Ukrainian.[citation needed] It was the first official census in Crimea since a Ukrainian-held census in 2001.[93]

According to the 2001 census, 77% of Crimean inhabitants named Russian as their native language; 11.4% – Crimean Tatar; and 10.1% – Ukrainian.[94] In 2013, however, the Crimean Tatar language was estimated to be on the brink of extinction, being taught in Crimea only in around 15 schools at that point. Turkey provided the greatest support to Tatars in Ukraine, which had been unable to resolve the problem of education in their mother tongue in Crimea, by bringing the schools to a modern state.[95][96]

Ethnic composition of Crimea’s population has changed dramatically since the early 20th century. The 1897 Russian Empire Census for the Taurida Governorate reported: 196,854 (13.06%) Crimean Tatars, 404,463 (27.94%) Russians and 611,121 (42.21%) Ukrainians. But these numbers included Berdyansky, Dneprovsky and Melitopolsky uyezds which were on mainland, not in Crimea. The population number excluding these uyezds is given in the table below.

Date 1785 [97] 1795 [97] 1816 [97] 1835 [97] 1850 [97] 1864 [97] 1897[98][99] 1926[100] 1939[101] 1959[102] 1970 1979[103] 1989[104][105] 2001[105] 2014[106]
Carried out by Russian Empire Soviet Union Ukraine Russia
Ethnic group % % % % % % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Russians 2.2% 4.3% 4.8% 4.4% 6.6% 28.5% 180,963 33.11% 301,398 42.2% 558,481 49.6% 858,273 71.4% 1,220,484 67.3% 1,460,980 66.9% 1,629,542 67.0% 1,450,400 60.4% 1,492,078 67.9%
Ukrainians 1.3% 3.6% 3.1% 7% 64,703 11.84% 77,405 10.6% 154,123 13.7% 267,659 22.3% 480,733 26.5% 547,336 25.1% 625,919 25.8% 576,600 24.0% 344,515 15.7%
Crimean Tatars 84.1% 87.6% 85.9% 83.5% 77.8% 50.3% 194,294 35.55% 179,094 25.1% 218,879 19.4% 5,422 0.2% 38,365 1.6% 245,200 10.2% 232,340 10.6%
Belarusians 2,058 0.38% 3,842 0.5% 6,726 0.6% 21,672 1.8% 39,793 2.2% 45,000 (e) 2.1% 50,045 2.1% 35,000 1.5% 21,694 1.0%
Armenians .6% 1.3% 1.5% 1% 6.5% 8,317 1.52% 10,713 1.5% 12,923 1.1% 3,091 0.2% 2,794 0.1% 10,000 0.4% 11,030 0.5%
Jews 2.3% 2.3% 2% 2.2% 7% 24,168 4.42% 45,926 6.4% 65,452 5.8% 26,374 2.2% 25,614 1.4% 17,371 0.7% 5,500 0.2% 3,374 0.1%
Others 13.7% 3.9% 2.1% 5.5% 5.4% 7.7% 72,089 13.19% c.27,500 2.3% 92,533 4.2%
Total population stating nationality 546,592 713,823 1,126,429 1,813,502 2,184,000 2,430,495 2,401,200 2,197,564
Nationality not stated 12,000 87,205
Total population 1,201,517 2,458,600 2,413,200 2,284,769

Crimean Tatars, a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority who in 2001 made up 12.1% of the population,[107] formed in Crimea in the early modern era, after the Crimean Khanate had come into existence. The Crimean Tatars were forcibly expelled to Central Asia by Joseph Stalin’s government as a form of collective punishment, on the grounds that some had joined the invading Waffen-SS, forming Tatar Legions, during World War II. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Crimean Tatars began to return to the region.[108] According to the 2001 Ukrainian population census, 60% of the population of Crimea are ethnic Russians and 24% are ethnic Ukrainians.[107]

Jews in Crimea were historically Krymchaks and Karaites (the latter a small group centered at Yevpatoria). The 1879 census for the Taurida Governorate reported a Jewish population of 4.20%, not including a Karaite population of 0.43%.
The Krymchaks (but not the Karaites) were targeted for annihilation during Nazi occupation.

The number of Crimea Germans was 60,000 in 1939. During WWII, they were forcibly deported on the orders of Stalin, as they were regarded as a potential «fifth column».[109][110][111] This was part of the 800,000 Germans in Russia who were relocated within the Soviet Union during Stalinist times.[112] The 2001 Ukrainian census reports just 2,500 ethnic Germans (0.1% of population) in Crimea.

Besides the Crimean Germans, Stalin in 1944 also deported 70,000 Greeks, 14,000 Bulgarians[113] and 3,000 Italians.

Life expectancy at birth
  • Life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea

  • Life expectancy in Sevastopol

  • Life expectancy in Crimea and neighboring regions


Religion in Crimea (2013)[114]

  Belief without religion (10%)

  Other religion (2%)

  Not stated (13%)

In 2013, Orthodox Christians made up 58% of the Crimean population, followed by Muslims (15%) and believers in God without religion (10%).[114]

Following the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, 38 out of the 46 Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate parishes in Crimea ceased to exist; in three cases, churches were seized by the Russian authorities.[115] Notwithstanding the annexation, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) kept control of its eparchies in Crimea.[116]


Alexander Pushkin visited Bakhchysarai in 1820 and later wrote the poem The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. Crimea was the background for Adam Mickiewicz’s seminal work, The Crimean Sonnets inspired by his 1825 travel. A series of 18 sonnets constitute an artistic telling of a journey to and through the Crimea, they feature romantic descriptions of the oriental nature and culture of the East which show the despair of an exile longing for the homeland, driven from his home by a violent enemy.

Ivan Aivazovsky, the 19th-century marine painter of Armenian origin, who is considered one of the major artists of his era was born in Feodosia and lived there for the most part of his life. Many of his paintings depict the Black Sea. He also created battle paintings during the Crimean War.[117]

Crimean tatar singer Jamala dedicated her 2016 Eurovision winning song «1944» to the deported Crimean Tatars

Crimean Tatar singer Jamala won the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 representing Ukraine with her song «1944», about the historic deportation of Crimean Tatars in that year by Soviet authorities.[118]

  • People at the Kazantip music festival in 2007


Following Crimea’s vote to join Russia and subsequent annexation in March 2014, the top football clubs withdrew from the Ukrainian leagues. Some clubs registered to join the Russian leagues but the Football Federation of Ukraine objected. UEFA ruled that Crimean clubs could not join the Russian leagues but should instead be part of a Crimean league system. The Crimean Premier League is now the top professional football league in Crimea.[119]

A number of Crimean-born athletes have been given permission to compete for Russia instead of Ukraine at future competitions, including Vera Rebrik, the European javelin champion.[120] Due to Russia currently being suspended from all international athletic competitions Rebrik participates in tournaments as a «neutral» athlete.[121]


See also

  • 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine
  • Crimean Gothic
  • List of cities in Crimea
  • Politics of Crimea
  • Russian–Ukrainian Friendship Treaty of 1997
  • International recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic


Explanatory notes

  1. ^
    • Russian: Крым, romanized: Krym
    • Ukrainian: Крим, romanized: Krym
    • Crimean Tatar: Къырым, romanized: Qırım
    • Ancient Greek: Κιμμερία / Ταυρική, romanized: Kimmería / Taurikḗ


  1. ^ a b Численность населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2021 года [The population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021]. Russian Federal State Statistics Service (in Russian). Archived from the original (XLS) on 4 February 2021. Retrieved 31 January 2021.
  2. ^ Compiled from original authors (1779). «The History of the Bosporus». An Universal History,rom the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. pp. 127–129.
  3. ^ William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), s.v. Taurica Chersonesus. vol. ii, p. 1109.
  4. ^ Abū al-Fidā, Mukhtaṣar tāʾrīkh al-bashar («A Brief History of Mankind»), 1315–1329; English translation of chronicle contemporaneous with Abū al-Fidā in The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince : Abul̓-Fidā,̕ sultan of Ḥamāh (672-732/1273-1331) by Peter M. Holt, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1983, pp. 38–39.
  5. ^ Edward Allworth, The Tatars of Crimea: Return to the Homeland: Studies and Documents, Duke University Press, 1998, p.6
  6. ^ W. Radloff, Versuch eines Wörterbuches der Türk-Dialecte (1888), ii. 745
  7. ^ a b c Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch; Bealby, John Thomas (1911). «Crimea» . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 07 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 449–450, see line one. …ancient Tauris or Tauric Chersonese, called by the Russians by the Tatar name Krym or Crim
  8. ^
    Alexander MacBean; Samuel Johnson (1773). A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred, Grecian, and Roman History; Exhibiting the Extent of Kingdoms, and Situations of Cities, &c. And Illustrating the Allusions and Epithets in the Greek and Roman Poets. The Whole Established by Proper Authorities, and Designed for the Use of Schools. G. Robinson. p. 185.
  9. ^ Asimov, Isaac (1991). Asimov’s Chronology of the World. New York: HarperCollins. p. 50. ISBN 9780062700360..
  10. ^ George Vernadsky, Michael Karpovich, A History of Russia, Yale University Press, 1952, p. 53. Quote:
    • «The name Crimea is to be derived from the Turkish word qirim (hence the Russian krym), which means «fosse» and refers more specifically to the Perekop Isthmus, the old Russian word perekop being an exact translation of the Turkish qirim.

  11. ^ The Proto-Turkic root is cited as *kōrɨ- «to fence, protect» Starling (citing Севортян Э. В. и др. [E. W. Sewortyan et al.], Этимологический словарь тюркских языков [An Etymological Dictionary of the Turkic languages] (1974–2000) 6, 76–78).
  12. ^ Edward Allworth, The Tatars of Crimea: Return to the Homeland : Studies and Documents, Duke University Press, 1998, pp. 5–7
  13. ^ A. D. (Alfred Denis) Godley. Herodotus. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. vol. 2, 1921, p. 221.
  14. ^ See John Richard Krueger, specialist in the studies of Chuvash, Yakut, and the Mongolian languages in Edward Allworth, The Tatars of Crimea: Return to the Homeland : Studies and Documents, Duke University Press, 1998, p. 24.
  15. ^ Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures, BRILL, 2011, p.753, n. 102.
  16. ^ The Mongolian kori is explained as a loan from Turkic by Doerfer Türkische und mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen 3 (1967), 450 and by Щербак, Ранние тюркско-монгольские языковые связи (VIII-XIV вв.) (1997) p. 141.
  17. ^ Maiolino Bisaccioni, Giacomo Pecini, Historia delle guerre ciuili di questi vltimi tempi, cioe, d’Inghilterra, Catalogna, Portogallo, Palermo, Napoli, Fermo, Moldauia, Polonia, Suizzeri, Francia, Turco. per Francesco Storti. Alla Fortezza, sotto il portico de’ Berettari, 1655, p. 349: «dalla fortuna de Cosacchi dipendeva la sicurezza della Crimea». Nicolò Beregani, Historia delle guerre d’Europa, Volume 2 (1683), p. 251.
  18. ^ «State Papers». The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature for the Year 1783. J. Dodsley. 1785. p. 364. ISBN 9781615403851.
  19. ^ Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1, 306f. «the peninsula of Crim Tartary, known to the ancients under the name of Chersonesus Taurica»; ibid. Volume 10 (1788), p. 211: «The modern reader must not confound this old Cherson of the Tauric or Crimean peninsula with a new city of the same name». See also John Millhouse, English-Italian (1859), p. 597
  20. ^ Edith Hall, Adventures with Iphigenia in Tauris (2013), p. 176:
    «it was indeed at some point between the 1730s and the 1770s that the dream of recreating ancient ‘Taurida’ in the southern Crimea was conceived. Catherine’s plan was to create a paradisiacal imperial ‘garden’ there, and her Greek archbishop Eugenios Voulgaris obliged by inventing a new etymology for the old name of Tauris, deriving it from taphros, which (he claimed) was the ancient Greek for a ditch dug by human hands.»
  21. ^ John Julius Norwich (2013). A Short History of Byzantium. Penguin Books, Limited. p. 210. ISBN 978-0-241-95305-1.
  22. ^ Slater, Eric. “Caffa: Early Western Expansion in the Late Medieval World, 1261–1475.” Review (Fernand Braudel Center) 29, no. 3 (2006): 271–83. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40241665. pp. 271
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  116. ^ (in Russian) Статус епархий в Крыму остался неизменным, заявили в УПЦ Московского патриархата NEWSru, 10 March 2015.
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External links

  • Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch; Bealby, John Thomas (1911). «Crimea» . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 449–450.
  • Lists of Crimean Tartar villages emptied in the May 1944 deportations, and most of them renamed in Russian

  • Крым по английски как пишется артикль
  • Крым на английском языке как пишется
  • Крым в сердце моем сочинение 8 класс
  • Крылышки или крылышки как пишется
  • Крылова на английском как пишется