Кто главный герой в сказке спящая красавица

«Спящая красавица» главные герои

«Спящая красавица» главные герои

Волшебные сказки французского сказочника пользуются мировой популярностью. Каждому с детства знакомы его сказочные герои. Незатейливые сюжеты запоминаются на всю жизнь, это поучительные и добрые истории. Сказки Шарля Перро – это кладезь мудрости и духовности. Одной из таких сказок, где наглядно показано, что зло можно победить добром, что нужно быть воспитанным и внимательным, является «Спящая красавица».

Опыт работы учителем русского языка и литературы — 27 лет.

Характеристика героев «Спящая красавица»

Главные герои


Королевская дочь, юная красавица, 15 лет.

Долгожданная дочь короля с королевой. В честь её рождения устроили пышный бал, на который созвали множество гостей. Среди приглашённых гостей были и феи, они наградили её такими подарками, которые невозможно купить. Феи одарили маленькую принцессу неземной красотой, добрым сердцем и многими талантами. В 15 лет принцесса укололась веретеном, как и было предсказано старой колдуньей, и заснула на 100 лет, чтобы проснуться от поцелуя принца.


Красивый юноша, сын монарха.

Молодой и красивый сын короля, узнав, что в заколдованном замке спит принцесса, решил попытать счастья и отправился в дремучий лес, окружавший замок. Он прошёл через все препятствия и оказался в покоях, где и спала юная красавица. В это время пробил час и принцесса проснулась. Все были рады этому и тут же сыграли свадьбу.

Второстепенные персонажи


Правитель страны, отец Принцессы.

Отец принцессы, очень оберегал свою дочь, запретил пользоваться прялками, и приказал убрать все веретёна.


Супруга Короля, мать принцессы.

Мать принцессы, очень любит свою долгожданную дочь.

Наградили принцессу чудесными подарками.

Старая фея

Старая злая волшебница.

Старую фею не пригласили на праздник, и она явилась сама. Ей не досталось за столом и столового прибора, какие были перед остальными феями. Старая фея была обижена таким невниманием к своей персоне и сделала принцессе злой подарок: она предрекла ей смерть от укола веретена.

Юная фея

Юная добрая волшебница.

В сказке «Спящая красавица» героиня, которая смогла смягчить предсказание старой волшебницы. Она слышала угрозы старой феи и, когда девочку одаривали подарками, спряталась за её колыбель. Услышав пожелание старухи о смерти принцессы, юная фея пожелала, чтобы принцесса не умерла, а только заснула на сто лет, до тех пор, пока в замке не появится принц, который и разбудит её. Когда пожелание сбылось, юная фея усыпила своей волшебной палочкой всех остальных, чтобы через сто лет принцесса не осталась в одиночестве.


Одинокая пожилая женщина.

Древняя старушка, которая не знала о запрете пользоваться веретеном и явилась невольной виновницей смерти юной принцессы. Она жила в одиночестве, и её некому было предупредить о приказании короля. Очень испугалась и подняла панику.

Собачка принцессы

Маленький пёсик Принцессы по кличке Пуфф.

Пуфф сто лет проспал рядом с хозяйкой. Когда принцесса проснулась, собачка первая подала свой голос, отчего проснулись и остальные обитатели замка.

Описание главных героев «Спящей красавицы» может быть использовано для читательского дневника.

Посмотрите, что еще у нас есть:

Сказка «Спящая красавица»

Общий анализ главных героев

Их романтичные образы несут в себе следы эпохи, когда написана сказка «Спящая красавица». Анализ характеров героев позволяет лучше понять не только их поступки, но и свои собственные.

Персонажи сказки:

Персонажи сказки «Спящая красавица»

  • принцесса;
  • принц;
  • король и королева;
  • злая фея;
  • добрые феи.

Каждому герою свойственны определённые черты. Они делают персонажей более понятными, приближают к реальной жизни.

Принцесса Аврора

В сказке не говорится, как звали спящую красавицу. В одноимённом мультфильме Уолта Диснея ей дано имя Аврора. Также в книге нет точного описания внешности принцессы. Говорится только, что она была ослепительно хороша. «Щёки у неё оставались розовыми, а губы красными, точно кораллы» — так описывает уснувшую принцессу автор. Мультфильм даёт более чёткое представление, как выглядит спящая красавица. Там она предстаёт высокой, стройной девушкой с золотистыми густыми волосами.

Принцесса Аврора

Кроме того, принцесса живая, интересная героиня, озорная и любопытная. Приехав с родителями в отдалённый замок, в котором никогда не была, она прежде всего начинает с любопытством исследовать его. Она воспитывалась в красоте и роскоши и тем не менее, увидев пряжу в руках старушки, которая погубила её, восхищается красотой работы.

Ей свойственны пылкость и страстность, ведь, увидев принца, она забывает обо всём на свете. Её вышедший из моды гардероб, любимая собачка и придворные, и даже то, что она не ела вот уже 100 лет, мало интересует её сейчас. В момент рождения феи наградили девушку не только красотой, но и добрым сердцем, которое, несомненно, есть в принцессе.

Образ принца

Принц, спасший красавицу, также приобретает имя и внешность лишь в мультфильме. О характере же этого героя можно судить по его храброму поведению. В книге он не борется с драконами и прочей нечистью, как в мультфильме. Тем не менее принц не боится в полном одиночестве последовать в замок. И не покидает его, увидев внутри множество людей, похожих на мертвецов. Кровь стынет у него в жилах, и закрывшиеся за ним сами собой ветви деревьев сильно пугают, но он бесстрашно продолжает исследование замка.

Молодой человек не лишён честолюбия и уверенности в себе. Узнав, что красавицу должен разбудить прекрасный принц, он точно знает: эта роль отведена именно ему.

Король Стефан

Король Стефан

Король — любимый народом и успешный правитель своей страны. Все подданные, не исключая фей-волшебниц, поспешили разделить с ним радость от рождения его дочери. Они преподносят малышке волшебные дары и приходят на помощь правителю по его зову. Услышав страшное проклятье, король велит уничтожить все веретёна в королевстве и запрещает прясть пряжу под страхом смертной казни. Однако старушку, ослушавшуюся его приказа, в сказке не казнят. И это указывает нам на доброе сердце отца принцессы.

Мать красавицы

Королева-мать появляется лишь мельком. Но её молчаливое согласие со всеми указами короля и решениями доброй феи, говорит о смирении и покорности. Рождается образ прекрасной и полностью подчиняющейся воле судьбы женщины, что очень характеризует эпоху создания сказки.

Ведьма Малефисента

Единственный злой персонаж — это обиженная старая фея. В классическом сюжете сказки волшебницу не позвали на праздник в честь дня рождения принцессы. Тогда она явилась туда без приглашения. На её приход никто не рассчитывал, поэтому золотых столовых приборов на ведьму не хватило. Ей подали обычные, что очень обидело колдунью. В её голове созрел план мести. Жестоким проклятием она заставляет принцессу уколоться веретеном спустя годы после рождения.

Шарль Перро описывает фею, как древнюю старуху в шаге от смерти. В версии братьев Гримм ничего не говорится о её возрасте. А вот кинематограф превратил ведьму в красивую стройную женщину, правда, в неизменно чёрном, мрачном одеянии.

Ведьма Малефисента

Колдунья одинока, уже много лет никто не заглядывал к ней в башню. Все думали, что она умерла и не побеспокоились удостовериться в этом. Ведьма держит обиду на весь мир, и происшествие на дне рождения становится лишь поводом для объявления войны. Проклятье продумано давно, оно зародилось в мрачных чертогах феи, а не на балу. Об этом свидетельствует его виртуозная жестокость, намеренная отсрочка смерти принцессы. Злодейка верна принципу: месть — блюдо, которое следует есть холодным. Не только негодование, но и жалость вызывает этот персонаж сказки.

Добрые феи

Другие феи из спящей красавицы добры и прекрасны. Сказка Шарля Перро говорит об их удивительной молодости, которая не исчезает со временем. Кроме того, одна из них очень предусмотрительна и мудра. Юная волшебница единственная замечает обиду ведьмы и прячется за полог кроватки принцессы, чтобы последней высказать своё пожелание. Она же мчится по зову короля, в день, когда случилось несчастье. Добрая девушка, сжалившись над возможным одиночеством принцессы после пробуждения, погружает всё королевство в сон.

Мультфильм, кстати, сильно изменил как внешность и возраст, так и характер добрых фей, в том числе феи-спасительницы. Здесь они не только сильно постарели, но и приобрели гораздо большую наивность. В момент трагедии, когда принцесса засыпает, они не только не сохраняют самообладание, но просто теряются и не знают, что предпринять. Но в результате именно они, взяв себя в руки, принимают самое деятельное участие в спасении красавицы, преподавая урок истинного мужества.

Иные персонажи (придворные, старушка)

Старушка с веретеном и придворные — второстепенные герои истории. Первая появляется лишь как жезл судьбы, необходимый для свершения проклятия. Она не знает о запрете прясть пряжу и очень пугается, когда по её вине юная принцесса падает замертво. Придворные и слуги кидаются на помощь: брызгают водой, принимаются тереть виски. Но всё бесполезно. Со взмахом волшебной палочки доброй волшебницы они погружаются в сон, чтобы скрасить своей госпоже момент пробуждения.

Есть и русские варианты этого произведения:

«Сказка о мёртвой царевне и семи богатырях» А С. Пушкина

  1. «Сказка о мёртвой царевне и семи богатырях» А С. Пушкина.
  2. «Спящая царевна» В. А. Жуковского.
  3. Своё видение романтичной истории показывает П. И. Чайковский в одноимённом балете, известном и любимом во всём мире.

Мало кто знает, но сюжет книги был придуман гораздо раньше всех этих известных версий и содержал в себе очень жестокие сцены. Его использовал за основу Шарль Перро. И именно его рассказ стал классической версией.

Книга входит в обязательную программу по литературе за 5 класс. И несмотря на лёгкий жанр, высоко ценится во всём мире.

  • Сочинения
  • По литературе
  • Другие
  • Характеристика героев сказки Спящая красавица

Герои сказки Спящая красавица

Главные герои


Красавица и умница. Феи одарили ее красотой, добротой и нежным характером. Принцесса растет на радость своим родителям, проявляя удивительные способности. Грациозная, она превосходно танцует. У нее прекрасный голос и отличные музыкальные способности, она хорошо поет и играет на многих музыкальных инструментах.  Родители балуют ее, но характер принцессы от этого не портится.

Над принцессой тяготеет проклятие обиженной на короля и королеву старой феи.  Старая фея напророчила принцессе смерть от  веретена, которым принцесса случайно уколется. Это проклятие легло на принцессу еще в младенчестве. Другая фея смягчила предсказание злобной старой феи, сказав, что принцесса уколет руку веретеном, но не умрет, а уснет и проспит  целых сто лет.  Разбудить ее сможет только принц, который полюбит ее.

Как ни берегли принцессу родители от укола веретеном (даже запретили по всей стране прясть),  судьба принцессы складывается  в соответствии с пророчествами злой и доброй фей. Уколов руку веретеном, принцесса засыпает, спит сто лет и просыпается от поцелуя принца.

Родители принцессы: король и королева

Долгое время не имели детей.  Они молили бога о даровании им ребенка, пытались лечиться целебными водами, но все безрезультатно.  

Принцесса – их единственная долгожданная дочь, которая родилась, когда они уже потеряли всякую надежду.  Король и королева были несказанно счастливы.

По случаю ее рождения они устраивают во дворце богатый пир, на который приглашают фей.  Они приготавливают для фей драгоценные подарки, что говорит о том, что им ничего не жаль отдать ради дочери.  

Король и королева безумно любят принцессу, оберегают ее от любых неприятностей.

Когда с принцессой случается беда, напророченная старой феей, — принцесса засыпает на целых сто лет, и  молодая фея погружает всех, кто находится в тот момент во дворце, в сон, — родители принцессы остаются единственными, кого фея не усыпила.  Видимо, им суждено было умереть гораздо раньше, чем должна была проснуться их дочь.

Старая фея

Злобная, жестокая, обидчивая и мстительная фея.  Скрытная. Живет в полном уединении затворницей. На праздник, устроенный во дворце по случаю рождения принцессы,  она  является без приглашения.  Между тем, ее никто там не ждет, поскольку минуло уже лет пятьдесят, как она нигде не появлялась.  Все считают, что она давно померла.

Жадная и завистливая. Увидев золотые ящички, которые достались в подарок другим феям, а для нее не хватило, она не может спокойно этого вынести.  

Молодая фея

Добрая фея. Стремится прийти на помощь тем, кто попадает в беду. Для принцессы она является спасительницей.


Красавец, молодой, сильный  и ловкий. Любит охоту. Любопытный и смелый. Во дворец, где спит принцесса, его приводит, в первую очередь, любопытство, а во-вторых – желание помочь.  Добрый.  Способен любить.

Второстепенные герои


Особа не от мира сего. Она живет сама по себе и не знает, что происходит в государстве, какие выходят законы и какие издаются указы. Что бы вокруг ни происходило, она занимается своими повседневными делами. Она преспокойно прядет и пользуется веретеном,  хотя это давным-давно запрещено.


Феи сыграли большую роль в судьбе принцессы. Все феи, кроме одной, старой, — той, что наложила на принцессу страшное проклятие, — были добрыми. Благодаря добрым феям принцесса обладала красивой внешностью, прекрасным характером и многими удивительными способностями. Добрых фей в сказке – семь, включая ту, которая спасла принцессу, а злая фея была восьмая по счету.

Старый крестьянин

В сказке он вступает в роли своеобразного проводника. Именно он рассказывает принцу о заколдованном дворце, где вот уже сто лет, как спят принцесса  и все ее придворные.

2 вариант

Сказка с незатейливым сюжетом «Спящая красавица» очень популярна. Ведь в ней добро побеждает зло, и вся история для хороших героев имеет счастливый конец.

Принцесса – долгожданный и единственный ребёнок, родившийся в королевской семье. Во время её крестин феи, которые были созваны на празднование, проходившее во дворце, наделили малышку чудесными дарами. Она получила от них необычайную красоту, нежное сердечко, умение грациозно двигаться и виртуозно играть на музыкальных инструментах, замечательно петь и танцевать.

И только обиженная старая-престарая фея, явившаяся на торжество без приглашения и не получившая набора золотых столовых приборов, напророчила девочке преждевременную смерть от укола веретеном. Однако самая юная фея смягчила предсказание злой колдуньи и сказала, что та уснёт лишь на сто лет. А разбудит её принц.

Принцесса выросла и действительно превратилась в прекрасную, добрую, любознательную девушку. Пожелав научиться прясть, укололась веретеном и тотчас упала замертво. Через столетие пробудилась ото сна от поцелуя принца, за которого она потом и вышла замуж.

Принц – привлекательный юноша королевских кровей. Обладает пылкой душой. Жаждет славы. Любопытен и очень смел. Его не пугают страшные истории о развалинах старинного замка. Услыхав от одного крестьянина легенду о спящей красавице, захотел разбудить девушку и стать её суженым.

Не тратя времени даром, сразу отправился в замок. Красота спящей принцессы привела его в восторг. Он сразу в неё влюбился. И даже не сказал своей возлюбленной, когда та проснулась, что она старомодно одета.

Старая фея – злобная старуха, обладающая сильными магическими возможностями. Больше 50 лет не покидала своего дома, поэтому подумали, что она давно умерла, и не позвали на крестины наследницы королевской четы. Явилась во дворец нежданно. За праздничным столом бормотала сквозь зубы угрозы. Решила выместить свою досаду на ни в чём не повинной маленькой принцессе и, тряся головой, пообещала ей раннюю нелепую смерть.

Юная фея по возрасту была самой младшей из всех фей, присутствовавших на крестинах и не так сильна, как они. За столом случайно услышала тихие угрозы старой колдуньи. Зная, что побеждает тот маг, слово которого остаётся последним, спряталась за пологом детской кроватки. Когда старая фея произнесла свои ужасные слова, она вышла и сообщила, что принцесса не умрёт, а только уснёт.

Король и королева – венценосная супружеская пара, у которой долго не было детей. Из лучших побуждений в качестве крёстных для единственной дочки выбрали фей. Любят и балуют принцессу. Стремятся уберечь от проклятия.

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The Sleeping Beauty
Prince Florimund finds the Sleeping Beauty - Project Gutenberg etext 19993.jpg

The prince finds the Sleeping Beauty, in deep slumber amidst the bushes.

Folk tale
Name The Sleeping Beauty
Also known as La Belle au bois dormant (The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods); Dornröschen (Little Briar Rose)
Aarne–Thompson grouping ATU 410 (Sleeping Beauty)
Region France (1528)
Published in Perceforest (1528)
Pentamerone (1634), by Giambattista Basile
Histoires ou contes du temps passé (1697), by Charles Perrault
Related Sun, Moon and Talia

Sleeping Beauty (French: La belle au bois dormant, or The Beauty in the Sleeping Forest; German: Dornröschen, or Little Briar Rose), also titled in English as The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, is a fairy tale about a princess cursed by an evil fairy to sleep for a hundred years before being awoken by a handsome prince. A good fairy, knowing the princess would be frightened if alone when she wakes, uses her wand to put every living person and animal in the palace and forest asleep, to waken when the princess does.[1]

The earliest known version of the tale is found in the narrative Perceforest, written between 1330 and 1344. Another was published by Giambattista Basile in his collection titled The Pentamerone, published posthumously in 1634[2] and adapted by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou contes du temps passé in 1697. The version collected and printed by the Brothers Grimm was one orally transmitted from the Perrault.[3]

The Aarne-Thompson classification system for fairy tales lists Sleeping Beauty as a Type 410: it includes a princess who is magically forced into sleep and later woken, reversing the magic.[4] The fairy tale has been adapted countless times throughout history and retold by modern storytellers across a variety of media.


Early contributions to the tale include the medieval courtly romance Perceforest (published in 1528).[5] In this tale, a princess named Zellandine falls in love with a man named Troylus. Her father sends him to perform tasks to prove himself worthy of her, and while he is gone, Zellandine falls into an enchanted sleep. Troylus finds her and rapes her in her sleep; when their child is born, the child draws from her finger the flax that caused her sleep. She realizes from the ring Troylus left her that he was the father, and Troylus later returns to marry her.[6] Another early literary predecessor is the Provençal versified novel Fraire de Joi e sor de Plaser [ca] (c. 1320-1340).[7][8]

The second part of the Sleeping Beauty tale, in which the princess and her children are almost put to death but instead are hidden, may have been influenced by Genevieve of Brabant.[9] Even earlier influences come from the story of the sleeping Brynhild in the Volsunga saga and the tribulations of saintly female martyrs in early Christian hagiography conventions. Following these early renditions, the tale was first published by Italian poet Giambattista Basile who lived from 1575 to 1632.


The folktale begins with a princess whose parents are told by a wicked fairy that their daughter will die when she pricks her finger on a particular item. In Basile’s version, the princess pricks her finger on a piece of flax. In Perrault’s and the Grimm Brothers’ versions, the item is a spindle. The parents rid the kingdom of these items in the hopes of protecting their daughter, but the prophecy is fulfilled regardless. Instead of dying, as was foretold, the princess falls into a deep sleep. After some time, she is found by a prince and is awakened. In Giambattista Basile’s version of Sleeping Beauty, Sun, Moon, and Talia, the sleeping beauty, Talia, falls into a deep sleep after getting a splinter of flax in her finger. She is discovered in her castle by a wandering king, who «carrie[s] her to a bed, where he gather[s] the first fruits of love.»[10] He leaves her there and she later gives birth to twins.[11]

According to Maria Tatar, there are versions of the story that include a second part to the narrative that details the couple’s troubles after their union; some folklorists believe the two parts were originally separate tales.[12]

The second part begins after the prince and princess have had children. Through the course of the tale, the princess and her children are introduced in some way to another woman from the prince’s life. This other woman is not fond of the prince’s new family, and calls a cook to kill the children and serve them for dinner. Instead of obeying, the cook hides the children and serves livestock. Next, the other woman orders the cook to kill the princess. Before this can happen, the other woman’s true nature is revealed to the prince and then she is subjected to the very death that she had planned for the princess. The princess, prince, and their children live happily ever after.[13]

Basile’s narrative[edit]

In Giambattista Basile’s dark version of Sleeping Beauty, Sun, Moon, and Talia, the sleeping beauty is named Talia. By asking wise men and astrologers to predict her future after her birth, her father who is a great Lord learns that Talia will be in danger from a splinter of flax. The splinter later causes what appears to be Talia’s death; however, it is later learned that it is a long, deep sleep. After Talia falls into deep sleep, she is seated on a velvet throne and her father, to forget his misery of what he thinks is her death, closes the doors and abandons the house forever. One day, while a king is walking by, one of his falcons flies into the house. The king knocks, hoping to be let in by someone, but no one answers and he decides to climb in with a ladder. He finds Talia alive but unconscious, and «…gathers the first fruits of love.»[14] Afterwards, he leaves her in the bed and goes back to his kingdom. Though Talia is unconscious, she gives birth to twins — one of whom keeps sucking her fingers. Talia awakens because the twin has sucked out the flax that was stuck deep in Talia’s finger. When she wakes up, she discovers that she is a mother and has no idea what happened to her. One day, the king decides he wants to go see Talia again. He goes back to the palace to find her awake and a mother to his twins. He informs her of who he is, what has happened, and they end up bonding. After a few days, the king has to leave to go back to his realm, but promises Talia that he will return to take her to his kingdom.

When he arrives back in his kingdom, his wife hears him saying «Talia, Sun, and Moon» in his sleep. She bribes and threatens the king’s secretary to tell her what is going on. After the queen learns the truth, she pretends she is the king and writes to Talia asking her to send the twins because he wants to see them. Talia sends her twins to the «king» and the queen tells the cook to kill the twins and make dishes out of them. She wants to feed the king his children; instead, the cook takes the twins to his wife and hides them. He then cooks two lambs and serves them as if they were the twins. Every time the king mentions how good the food is, the queen replies, «Eat, eat, you are eating of your own.» Later, the queen invites Talia to the kingdom and is going to burn her alive, but the king appears and finds out what’s going on with his children and Talia. He then orders that his wife be burned along with those who betrayed him. Since the cook actually did not obey the queen, the king thanks the cook for saving his children by giving him rewards. The story ends with the king marrying Talia and living happily ever after.[10]

Perrault’s narrative[edit]

Perrault’s narrative is written in two parts, which some folklorists believe were originally separate tales, as they were in the Brothers Grimm’s version, and were later joined together by Giambattista Basile and once more by Perrault.[12] According to folklore editors Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek, Perrault’s tale is a much more subtle and pared down version than Basile’s story in terms of the more immoral details. An example of this is depicted in Perrault’s tale by the prince’s choice to instigate no physical interaction with the sleeping princess when the prince discovers her.[2]

At the christening of a king and queen’s long-wished-for child, seven good fairies are invited to be godmothers to the infant princess. The fairies attend the banquet at the palace. Each fairy is presented with a golden plate and drinking cups adorned with jewels. Soon after, an old fairy enters the palace and is seated with a plate of fine china and a crystal drinking glass. This old fairy is overlooked because she has been within a tower for many years and everyone had believed her to be deceased. Six of the other seven fairies then offer their gifts of beauty, wit, grace, dance, song, and goodness to the infant princess. The evil fairy is very angry about having been forgotten, and as her gift, curses the infant princess so that she will one day prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel and die. The seventh fairy, who has not yet given her gift, attempts to reverse the evil fairy’s curse. However, she can only do so partially. Instead of dying, the Princess will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years and be awakened by a king’s son («elle tombera seulement dans un profond sommeil qui durera cent ans, au bout desquels le fils d’un Roi viendra la réveiller«). This is her gift of protection.

The King orders that every spindle and spinning wheel in the kingdom be destroyed, to try to save his daughter from the terrible curse. Fifteen or sixteen years pass and one day, when the king and queen are away, the Princess wanders through the palace rooms and comes upon an old woman (implied to be the evil fairy in disguise), spinning with her spindle. The princess, who has never seen anyone spin before, asks the old woman if she can try the spinning wheel. The curse is fulfilled as the princess pricks her finger on the spindle and instantly falls into a deep sleep. The old woman cries for help and attempts are made to revive the princess. The king attributes this to fate and has the Princess carried to the finest room in the palace and placed upon a bed of gold and silver embroidered fabric. The king and queen kiss their daughter goodbye and depart, proclaiming the entrance to be forbidden. The good fairy who altered the evil prophecy is summoned. Having great powers of foresight, the fairy sees that the Princess will awaken to distress when she finds herself alone, so the fairy puts everyone in the castle to sleep. The fairy also summons a forest of trees, brambles and thorns that spring up around the castle, shielding it from the outside world and preventing anyone from disturbing the Princess.

A hundred years pass and a prince from another family spies the hidden castle during a hunting expedition. His attendants tell him differing stories regarding the castle until an old man recounts his father’s words: within the castle lies a beautiful princess who is doomed to sleep for a hundred years until a king’s son comes and awakens her. The prince then braves the tall trees, brambles and thorns which part at his approach, and enters the castle. He passes the sleeping castle folk and comes across the chamber where the Princess lies asleep on the bed. Struck by the radiant beauty before him, he falls on his knees before her. The enchantment comes to an end, the princess awakens and bestows upon the prince a look “more tender than a first glance might seem to warrant” (in Perrault’s original French tale, the prince does not kiss the princess to wake her up) then converses with the prince for a long time. Meanwhile, the rest of the castle awakens and go about their business. The prince and princess are later married by the chaplain in the castle chapel.

After wedding the Princess in secret, the Prince continues to visit her and she bears him two children, Aurore (Dawn) and Jour (Day), unbeknownst to his mother, who is of an ogre lineage. When the time comes for the Prince to ascend the throne, he brings his wife, children, and the talabutte («Count of the Mount»).

The Ogress Queen Mother sends the young Queen and the children to a house secluded in the woods and directs her cook to prepare the boy with Sauce Robert for dinner. The kind-hearted cook substitutes a lamb for the boy, which satisfies the Queen Mother. She then demands the girl but the cook this time substitutes a kid, which also satisfies the Queen Mother. When the Ogress demands that he serve up the young Queen, the latter offers to slit her throat so that she may join the children that she imagines are dead. While the Queen Mother is satisfied with a hind prepared with Sauce Robert in place of the young Queen, there is a tearful secret reunion of the Queen and her children. However, the Queen Mother soon discovers the cook’s trick and she prepares a tub in the courtyard filled with vipers and other noxious creatures. The King returns in the nick of time and the Ogress, her true nature having been exposed, throws herself into the tub and is fully consumed. The King, young Queen, and children then live happily ever after.

Grimm Brothers’ version[edit]

Sleeping Beauty and the palace dwellers under a century-long sleep enchantment (The Sleeping Beauty by Sir Edward Burne-Jones).

The Brothers Grimm included a variant of Sleeping Beauty, Little Briar Rose, in their collection (1812).[15] Their version ends when the prince arrives to wake Sleeping Beauty (named Rosamund) and does not include the part two as found in Basile’s and Perrault’s versions.[16] The brothers considered rejecting the story on the grounds that it was derived from Perrault’s version, but the presence of the Brynhild tale convinced them to include it as an authentically German tale. Their decision was notable because in none of the Teutonic myths, meaning the Poetic and Prose Eddas or Volsunga Saga, are their sleepers awakened with a kiss, a fact Jacob Grimm would have known since he wrote an encyclopedic volume on German mythology. His version is the only known German variant of the tale, and Perrault’s influence is almost certain.[17] In the original Brothers Grimm’s version, the fairies are instead wise women.[18]

The Brothers Grimm also included, in the first edition of their tales, a fragmentary fairy tale, «The Evil Mother-in-law». This story begins with the heroine, a married mother of two children, and her mother-in-law who attempts to eat her and the children. The heroine suggests an animal be substituted in the dish, and the story ends with the heroine’s worry that she cannot keep her children from crying and getting the mother-in-law’s attention. Like many German tales showing French influence, it appeared in no subsequent edition.[19]


He stands—he stoops to gaze—he kneels—he wakes her with a kiss, woodcut by Walter Crane

The princess’s name has varied from one adaptation to the other. In Sun, Moon, and Talia, she is named Talia (Sun and Moon being her twin children). She has no name in Perrault’s story but her daughter is called «Aurore». The Brothers Grimm named her «Briar Rose» in their 1812 collection.[15] However, some translations of the Grimms’ tale give the princess the name «Rosamond». Tchaikovsky’s ballet and Disney’s version named her Princess Aurora; however, in the Disney version, she is also called «Briar Rose» in her childhood, when she is being raised incognito by the good fairies.[20]

Besides Sun, Moon, and Talia, Basile included another variant of this Aarne-Thompson type, The Young Slave, in his book, The Pentamerone. The Grimms also included a second, more distantly related one titled The Glass Coffin.[21]

Italo Calvino included a variant in Italian Folktales. In his version, the cause of the princess’s sleep is a wish by her mother. As in Pentamerone, the prince rapes her in her sleep and her children are born. Calvino retains the element that the woman who tries to kill the children is the king’s mother, not his wife, but adds that she does not want to eat them herself, and instead serves them to the king. His version came from Calabria, but he noted that all Italian versions closely followed Basile’s.[22][23]
In his More English Fairy Tales, Joseph Jacobs noted that the figure of the Sleeping Beauty was in common between this tale and the Romani tale The King of England and his Three Sons.[24]

The hostility of the king’s mother to his new bride is repeated in the fairy tale The Six Swans,[25] and also features in The Twelve Wild Ducks, where the mother is modified to be the king’s stepmother. However, these tales omit the attempted cannibalism.

Russian Romantic writer Vasily Zhukovsky wrote a versified work based on the theme of the princess cursed into a long sleep in his poem «Спящая царевна» («The Sleeping Tsarevna» [ru]), published in 1832.[26]


According to Maria Tatar, the Sleeping Beauty tale has been disparaged by modern-day feminists who consider the protagonist to have no agency and find her passivity to be offensive; some feminists have even argued for people to stop telling the story altogether.[27]

Disney has received criticism for depicting both Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty princess as «naïve and malleable» characters.[28] Time Out dismissed the princess as a «delicate» and «vapid» character.[29] Sonia Saraiya of Jezebel echoed this sentiment, criticizing the princess for lacking «interesting qualities», where she also ranked her as Disney’s least feminist princess.[30] Similarly, Bustle also ranked the princess as the least feminist Disney Princess, with author Chelsea Mize expounding, «Aurora literally sleeps for like three quarters of the movie … Aurora just straight-up has no agency, and really isn’t doing much in the way of feminine progress.»[31] Leigh Butler of Tor.com went on to defend the character writing, «Aurora’s cipher-ness in Sleeping Beauty would be infuriating if she were the only female character in it, but the presence of the Fairies and Maleficent allow her to be what she is without it being a subconscious statement on what all women are.»[32] Similarly, Refinery29 ranked Princess Aurora the fourth most feminist Disney Princess because, «Her aunts have essentially raised her in a place where women run the game.»[33] Despite being featured prominently in Disney merchandise, «Aurora has become an oft-forgotten princess», and her popularity pales in comparison to those of Cinderella and Snow White.[34]

An example of the cosmic interpretation of the tale given by the nineteenth century solar mythologist school[35] appears in John Fiske’s Myths and Myth-Makers: “It is perhaps less obvious that winter should be so frequently symbolized as a thorn or sharp instrument… Sigurd is slain by a thorn, and Balder by a sharp sprig of mistletoe; and in the myth of the Sleeping Beauty, the earth-goddess sinks into her long winter sleep when pricked by the point of the spindle. In her cosmic palace, all is locked in icy repose, naught thriving save the ivy which defies the cold, until the kiss of the golden-haired sun-god reawakens life and activity.”[36]


«Sleeping Beauty» has been popular for many fairytale fantasy retellings. Some examples are listed below:

In film and television[edit]

  • The Sleeping Princess (1939), a Walter Lantz Productions animated short parodying the original fairy tale.[37]
  • A loose adaptation can be seen in a scene from the propaganda cartoon Education for Death, where Sleeping Beauty is a valkyrie representing Nazi Germany, and where the prince is replaced with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler in knights’ armor. The short also parodies Richard Wagner’s opera Siegfried.
  • Prinsessa Ruusunen (1949), a Finnish film directed by Edvin Laine and scored with Erkki Melartin’s incidental music from 1912.[38]
  • Dornröschen (1955), a West German film directed by Fritz Genschow.[39]
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959), a Walt Disney animated film based on both Charles Perrault and the Brother’s Grimm’s versions. Featuring the original voices of Mary Costa as Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty and Eleanor Audley as Maleficent.[40]
  • Sleeping Beauty (Спящая красавица) (1964), a filmed version of the ballet produced by the Kirov Ballet along with Lenfilm studios, starring Alla Sizova as Princess Aurora.[41]
  • Festival of Family Classics (1972-73), episode Sleeping Beauty, produced by Rankin/Bass and animated by Mushi Production.[42]
  • Some Call It Loving (also known as Sleeping Beauty) (1973), directed by James B. Harris and starring Zalman King, Carol White, Tisa Farrow, and Richard Pryor, based on a short story by John Collier.[43]
  • Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi (1976-79), 10-minute adaptation.
  • Jak se budí princezny (1978), a Czechoslovakian film directed by Václav Vorlíček.[44]
  • World Famous Fairy Tale Series (Sekai meisaku dōwa) (1975-83) has a 9-minute adaptation, later reused in the U.S. edit of My Favorite Fairy Tales.
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears/Rumpelstiltskin/Little Red Riding Hood/Sleeping Beauty (1984), direct-to-video featurette by Lee Mendelson Film Productions.[45]
  • Sleeping Beauty (1987), a direct-to-television musical film directed by David Irving.[46]
  • The Legend of Sleeping Brittany (1989), an episode of Alvin & the Chipmunks based on the fairy tale.[47]
  • Briar-Rose or The Sleeping Beauty (1990), a Japanese/Czechoslovakian stop-motion animated featurette directed by Kihachiro Kawamoto.
  • Britannica’s Tales Around the World (1990-91), features three variations of the story.[48]
  • An episode of the series Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics is dedicated to Princess Briar Rose.[49]
  • A 1986 episode of Brummkreisel had Kunibert (Hans-Joachim Leschnitz) demanding that he and his friends Achim (Joachim Kaps), Hops and Mops enact the story of Sleeping Beauty. Achim first compromises by incorporating Sleeping Beauty into his lesson about days of the week, and then finally he allows Kunibert to have his way; Hops played the princess, Kunibert played the prince, Mops played the wicked fairy and Achim played the brambles.
  • World Fairy Tale Series (Anime sekai no dōwa) (1995), anime television anthology produced by Toei Animation, has half-hour adaptation.
  • Sleeping Beauty (1995), a Japanese-American direct-to-video film by Jetlag Productions.[50]
  • Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995-99), episode Sleeping Beauty, season 1 episode 5.
  • Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995), episode Sleeping Beauty, the classic story is told with a Hispanic cast, when Rosita is cast into a long sleep by Evelina, and later awakened by Prince Luis.[51]
  • The Triplets (Les tres bessones/Las tres mellizas) (1997-2003), catalan animated series, season 1 episode 19.
  • Simsala Grimm (1999-2010), episode 9 of season 2.
  • Bellas durmientes (Sleeping Beauties) (2001), directed by Eloy Lozano, adapted from the Kawabata novel.[52]
  • La belle endormie (The Sleeping Beauty) (2010), a film by Catherine Breillat.[53]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2011), directed by Julia Leigh and starring Emily Browning, about a young girl who takes a sleeping potion and lets men have their way with her to earn extra money.[54]
  • Once Upon a Time (2011), an ABC TV show starring Sarah Bolger and Julian Morris.[55]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2014), a film by Rene Perez.[56]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2014), a film by Casper Van Dien.[57]
  • Maleficent (2014), a Walt Disney live-action reimagining starring Angelina Jolie as Maleficent and Elle Fanning as Princess Aurora.[58]
  • Ever After High, episode Briar Beauty (2015), an animated Netflix series.[59]
  • The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016), an American horror film directed by Pearry Reginald Teo.[60]
  • Archie Campbell satirized the story with «Beeping Sleauty» in several Hee Haw television episodes.
  • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019), a Walt Disney live-action sequel to Maleficent (2014).[61]
  • Avengers Grimm (2015) portrays an adult Sleeping Beauty with superpowers.

In literature[edit]

  • Sleeping Beauty (1830) and The Day-Dream (1842), two poems based on Sleeping Beauty by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.[62]
  • The Rose and the Ring (1854), a satirical fantasy by William Makepeace Thackeray.
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1919), a poem by Mary Carolyn Davies about a failed hero who did not waken the princess, but died in the enchanted briars surrounding her palace.[63]
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1920), a retelling of the fairy tale by Charles Evans, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham.[64]
  • Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) (1971), a poem by Anne Sexton in her collection Transformations (1971), in which she re-envisions sixteen of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales.[65]
  • The Sleeping Beauty Quartet (1983-2015), four erotic novels written by Anne Rice under the pen name A.N. Roquelaure, set in a medieval fantasy world and loosely based on the fairy tale.[66]
  • Beauty (1992), a novel by Sheri S. Tepper.[67]
  • Briar Rose (1992), a novel by Jane Yolen.[68]
  • Enchantment (1999), a novel by Orson Scott Card based on the Russian version of Sleeping Beauty.
  • Spindle’s End (2000), a novel by Robin McKinley.[69]
  • Clementine (2001), a novel by Sophie Masson.[70]
  • A Kiss in Time (2009), a novel by Alex Flinn.[71]
  • The Sleeper and the Spindle (2012), a novel by Neil Gaiman.[72]
  • The Gates of Sleep (2012), a novel by Mercedes Lackey from the Elemental Masters series set in Edwardian England.[73]
  • Sleeping Beauty: The One Who Took the Really Long Nap (2018), a novel by Wendy Mass and the second book in the Twice Upon a Time series features a princess named Rose who pricks her finger and falls asleep for 100 years.[74]
  • The Sleepless Beauty (2019), a novel by Rajesh Talwar setting the story in a small kingdom in the Himalayas.[75]
  • Lava Red Feather Blue (2021), a novel by Molly Ringle involving a male/male twist on the Sleeping Beauty story.
  • Malice (2021), a novel by Heather Walter told by the Maleficent character’s (Alyce’s) POV and involving a woman/woman love story. [76]
  • Misrule (2022), a novel by Heather Walter and sequel to Malice. [77]

In music[edit]

The Sleeping Beauty, ballet Emily Smith

  • La Belle au Bois Dormant (1825), an opera by Michele Carafa.
  • La belle au bois dormant (1829), a ballet in four acts with book by Eugène Scribe, composed by Ferdinand Hérold and choreographed by Jean-Louis Aumer.
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1890), a ballet by Tchaikovsky.
  • Dornröschen (1902), an opera by Engelbert Humperdinck.
  • Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant (1910), the first movement of Ravel’s Ma mère l’Oye.[78]
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1992), song on album Clouds by the Swedish band Tiamat.
  • Sleeping Beauty Wakes (2008), an album by the American musical trio GrooveLily.[79]
  • There Was A Princess Long Ago, a common nursery rhyme or singing game typically sung stood in a circle with actions, retells the story of Sleeping Beauty in a summarised song.[80]
  • Sleeping Beauty The Musical (2019), a two act musical with book and lyrics by Ian Curran and music by Simon Hanson and Peter Vint.[81]
  • Hex (2021), an upcoming musical with book by Tanya Ronder, music by Jim Fortune and lyrics by Rufus Norris due to open at the Royal National Theatre in December 2021.

In video games[edit]

  • Kingdom Hearts is a video game in which Maleficent is one of the main antagonists and Aurora is one of the Princesses of Heart together with the other Disney princesses.
  • Little Briar Rose (2019) is a point-and-click adventure inspired by the Brothers Grimm’s version of the fairy tale.[82]
  • SINoALICE (2017) is a mobile Gacha game which features Sleeping Beauty as one of the main player controlled characters and features in her own dark story-line which follows her unending desire to sleep, as well as crossing over with the other fairy-tale characters featured in the game.
  • Video game series Dark Parables adapted the tale as the plot of its first game, Curse of Briar Rose (2010).

In art[edit]

  • Perrault's La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), illustration by Gustave Doré

    Perrault’s La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), illustration by Gustave Doré

  • Prince Florimund finds the "Sleeping Beauty"

    Prince Florimund finds the «Sleeping Beauty»

  • Sleeping Beauty by Jenny Harbour

    Sleeping Beauty by Jenny Harbour

  • Book cover for a Dutch interpretation of the story by Johann Georg van Caspel

    Book cover for a Dutch interpretation of the story by Johann Georg van Caspel

  • Briar Rose

    Briar Rose

  • Sleeping Beauty by Edward Frederick Brewtnall

  • Louis Sußmann-Hellborn (1828- 1908) Sleeping Beauty,

    Louis Sußmann-Hellborn (1828- 1908) Sleeping Beauty,

  • Sleeping Beauty, statue in Wuppertal – Germany

    Sleeping Beauty, statue in Wuppertal – Germany

See also[edit]

  • The Glass Coffin
  • Princess Aubergine
  • Rip Van Winkle
  • Snow White
  • The Sleeping Prince (fairy tale)


  1. ^ «410: The Sleeping Beauty». Multilingual Folk Tale Database. Retrieved February 26, 2019.
  2. ^ a b Hallett, Martin; Karasek, Barbara, eds. (2009). Folk & Fairy Tales (4 ed.). Broadview Press. pp. 63–67. ISBN 978-1-55111-898-7.
  3. ^ Bottigheimer, Ruth. (2008). «Before Contes du temps passe (1697): Charles Perrault’s Griselidis, Souhaits and Peau«. The Romantic Review, Volume 99, Number 3. pp. 175–189.
  4. ^ Aarne, Antti; Thompson, Stith. The types of the folktale: a classification and bibliography. Folklore Fellows Communications FFC no. 184. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1961. pp. 137-138.
  5. ^ Thompson, Stith (1977). The Folktale. University of California Press. p. 97. ISBN 0-520-03537-2.
  6. ^ Jack Zipes, The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, p 648, ISBN 0-393-97636-X.
  7. ^ Camarena, Julio. Cuentos tradicionales de León. Vol. I. Tradiciones orales leonesas, 3. Madrid: Seminario Menéndez Pidal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; [León]: Diputación Provincial de León, 1991. p. 415.
  8. ^ Frayre de Joy e Sor de Plaser. Bibilothèque nationale de France.
  9. ^ Charles Willing, «Genevieve of Brabant»
  10. ^ a b Basile, Giambattista. «Sun, Moon, and Talia». Retrieved 31 March 2013.
  11. ^ Collis, Kathryn (2016). Not So Grimm Fairy Tales. ISBN 978-1-5144-4689-8.
  12. ^ a b Maria Tatar, The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales, 2002:96, ISBN 0-393-05163-3
  13. ^ Ashliman, D.L. «Sleeping Beauty». pitt.edu.
  14. ^ «Sleeping Beauty».
  15. ^ a b Jacob and Wilheim Grimm, Grimms’ Fairy Tales, «Little Briar-Rose» Archived 2007-05-20 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ Harry Velten, «The Influences of Charles Perrault’s Contes de ma Mère L’oie on German Folklore», p 961, Jack Zipes, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, ISBN 0-393-97636-X
  17. ^ Harry Velten, «The Influences of Charles Perrault’s Contes de ma Mère L’oie on German Folklore», p 962, Jack Zipes, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, ISBN 0-393-97636-X
  18. ^ «050 Sleeping Beauty – Great Story Reading Project».
  19. ^ Maria Tatar, The Annotated Brothers Grimm, p 376-7 W. W. Norton & Company, London, New York, 2004 ISBN 0-393-05848-4
  20. ^ Heidi Anne Heiner, «The Annotated Sleeping Beauty Archived 2010-02-22 at the Wayback Machine»
  21. ^ Heidi Anne Heiner, «Tales Similar to Sleeping Beauty» Archived 2010-04-30 at the Wayback Machine
  22. ^ Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales p 485 ISBN 0-15-645489-0
  23. ^ Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales p 744 ISBN 0-15-645489-0
  24. ^ Joseph Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, «The King of England and his Three Sons» Archived 2010-04-27 at the Wayback Machine
  25. ^ Maria Tatar, The Annotated Brothers Grimm, p 230 W. W. Norton & company, London, New York, 2004 ISBN 0-393-05848-4
  26. ^ Zhukovsky, Vasily. Спящая царевна (Жуковский)  (in Russian) – via Wikisource.
  27. ^ Tatar, Maria (2014). «Show and Tell: Sleeping Beauty as Verbal Icon and Seductive Story». Marvels & Tales. 28 (1): 142–158. doi:10.13110/marvelstales.28.1.0142. S2CID 161271883.
  28. ^ Hugel, Melissa (November 12, 2013). «How Disney Princesses Went From Passive Damsels to Active Heroes». Mic. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  29. ^ «Sleeping Beauty». Time Out. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  30. ^ Saraiya, Sonia (December 7, 2012). «A Feminist Guide to Disney Princesses». Jezebel. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  31. ^ Mize, Chelsea (July 31, 2015). «A Feminist Ranking Of All The Disney Princesses, Because Not Every Princess Was Down For Waiting For Anyone To Rescue Her». Bustle. Retrieved February 9, 2016.
  32. ^ Butler, Leigh (November 6, 2014). «How Sleeping Beauty is Accidentally the Most Feminist Animated Movie Disney Ever Made». Tor.com. Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  33. ^ Golembewski, Vanessa (September 11, 2014). «A Definitive Ranking Of Disney Princesses As Feminist Role Models». Refinery29. Archived from the original on February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  34. ^ «The Evolution of Disney Princesses». Young Writers Society. March 16, 2014. Retrieved March 20, 2016.
  35. ^ Dorson, Richard M. (1955). «The Eclipse of Solar Mythology». The Journal of American Folklore. 68 (270): 393–416. doi:10.2307/536766. JSTOR 536766.
  36. ^ «Myths and Myth-makers, by John Fiske».
  37. ^ «The Sleeping Princess (1939)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  38. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1949) Prinsessa Ruusunen (original title)». IMDb. 8 April 1949. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  39. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1955) Dornröschen (original title)». IMDb. 16 November 1955. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  40. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1959)». IMDb. 30 October 1959. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  41. ^ Dudko, Apollinari; Sergeyev, Konstantin, Spyashchaya krasavitsa (Fantasy, Music, Romance), Lenfilm Studio, retrieved 2022-06-28
  42. ^ Bass, Jules; Rankin, Arthur Jr. (1973-01-21), Sleeping Beauty, Festival of Family Classics, retrieved 2022-06-28
  43. ^ «Some Call It Loving (1973)». IMDb. 26 October 1973. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  44. ^ Vorlícek, Václav (1978-03-01), Jak se budí princezny (Adventure, Comedy, Family), Deutsche Film (DEFA), Filmové studio Barrandov, retrieved 2022-06-28
  45. ^ Melendez, Steven Cuitlahuac, Goldilocks and the Three Bears/Rumpelstiltskin/Little Red Riding Hood/Sleeping Beauty (Animation, Short), On Gossamer Wings Productions, Bill Melendez Productions, retrieved 2022-06-29
  46. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1987)». IMDb. 12 June 1987. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  47. ^ «Inner Dave/The Legend of Sleeping Brittany». IMDb. 11 November 1989. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  48. ^ Britannica’s Tales Around the World (Animation), Encyclopædia Britannica Films, retrieved 2022-06-29
  49. ^ Nobara hime, Grimm Masterpiece Theatre, 1988-02-17, retrieved 2022-06-28
  50. ^ Hiruma, Toshiyuki; Takashi (1995-03-17), Sleeping Beauty (Animation, Family, Fantasy), Cayre Brothers, Jetlag Productions, retrieved 2022-06-28
  51. ^ «Sleeping Beauty». IMDb. 23 April 1995. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  52. ^ «Sleeping Beauties (2001) Bellas durmientes (original title)». IMDb. 9 November 2001. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  53. ^ «The Sleeping Beauty (2010) La belle endormie (original title)». IMDb. 3 September 2010. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  54. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2011)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  55. ^ «Once Upon a Time». IMDb. 23 October 2011. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  56. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2014)». IMDb. 13 July 2017. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  57. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2014)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  58. ^ «Maleficent (2014)». IMDb. 28 May 2014. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  59. ^ «Ever After High». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  60. ^ «The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)». IMDb. 2 June 2016. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  61. ^ «Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)». IMDb. 20 Oct 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  62. ^ Hill, Robert (1971), Tennyson’s Poetry p. 544. New York: Norton.
  63. ^ Cook, Howard Willard Our Poets of Today, p. 271, at Google Books
  64. ^ «Sleeping Beauty, The». David Brass Rare Books. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  65. ^ «Transformations by Anne Sexton»
  66. ^ «The Sleeping Beauty Series». Anne Rice. 2017. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  67. ^ Tepper, Sheri S. (1992). Beauty. ISBN 9780553295276. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  68. ^ «Briar Rose». Jane Yolen. 2019. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  69. ^ «Spindle’s End». Penguin Random House Network.
  70. ^ Clementine. ASIN 0340850698.
  71. ^ Flinn, Alex (28 April 2009). A Kiss in Time. ISBN 978-0060874193.
  72. ^ «The Sleeper and the Spindle». Neil Gaiman. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  73. ^ «The Gates of Sleep (Elemental Masters Book 2)». Amazon. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  74. ^ Sleeping Beauty, the One Who Took the Really Long Nap: A Wish Novel (Twice Upon a Time #2): A Wish Novel. ASIN 043979658X.
  75. ^ «The Sleepless Beauty».
  76. ^ «Malice».
  77. ^ «Misrule».
  78. ^ «Ravel : Ma Mère l’Oye». genedelisa.com.
  79. ^ «Sleeping Beauty Wakes». bandcamp. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  80. ^ «There Was A Princess». singalong.org.uk.
  81. ^ 2019 musical website
  82. ^ «Little Briar Rose». Nintendo. Retrieved 15 April 2020.

Further reading[edit]

  • Artal, Susana. «Bellas durmientes en el siglo XIV». In: Montevideana 10. Universidad de la Republica, Linardi y Risso. 2019. pp. 321–336.
  • Starostina, Aglaia. «Chinese Medieval Versions of Sleeping Beauty». In: Fabula, vol. 52, no. 3-4, 2012, pp. 189-206. https://doi.org/10.1515/fabula-2011-0017
  • de Vries, Jan. «Dornröschen». In: Fabula 2, no. 1 (1959): 110-121. https://doi.org/10.1515/fabl.1959.2.1.110

External links[edit]

The Sleeping Beauty
Prince Florimund finds the Sleeping Beauty - Project Gutenberg etext 19993.jpg

The prince finds the Sleeping Beauty, in deep slumber amidst the bushes.

Folk tale
Name The Sleeping Beauty
Also known as La Belle au bois dormant (The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods); Dornröschen (Little Briar Rose)
Aarne–Thompson grouping ATU 410 (Sleeping Beauty)
Region France (1528)
Published in Perceforest (1528)
Pentamerone (1634), by Giambattista Basile
Histoires ou contes du temps passé (1697), by Charles Perrault
Related Sun, Moon and Talia

Sleeping Beauty (French: La belle au bois dormant, or The Beauty in the Sleeping Forest; German: Dornröschen, or Little Briar Rose), also titled in English as The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, is a fairy tale about a princess cursed by an evil fairy to sleep for a hundred years before being awoken by a handsome prince. A good fairy, knowing the princess would be frightened if alone when she wakes, uses her wand to put every living person and animal in the palace and forest asleep, to waken when the princess does.[1]

The earliest known version of the tale is found in the narrative Perceforest, written between 1330 and 1344. Another was published by Giambattista Basile in his collection titled The Pentamerone, published posthumously in 1634[2] and adapted by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou contes du temps passé in 1697. The version collected and printed by the Brothers Grimm was one orally transmitted from the Perrault.[3]

The Aarne-Thompson classification system for fairy tales lists Sleeping Beauty as a Type 410: it includes a princess who is magically forced into sleep and later woken, reversing the magic.[4] The fairy tale has been adapted countless times throughout history and retold by modern storytellers across a variety of media.


Early contributions to the tale include the medieval courtly romance Perceforest (published in 1528).[5] In this tale, a princess named Zellandine falls in love with a man named Troylus. Her father sends him to perform tasks to prove himself worthy of her, and while he is gone, Zellandine falls into an enchanted sleep. Troylus finds her and rapes her in her sleep; when their child is born, the child draws from her finger the flax that caused her sleep. She realizes from the ring Troylus left her that he was the father, and Troylus later returns to marry her.[6] Another early literary predecessor is the Provençal versified novel Fraire de Joi e sor de Plaser [ca] (c. 1320-1340).[7][8]

The second part of the Sleeping Beauty tale, in which the princess and her children are almost put to death but instead are hidden, may have been influenced by Genevieve of Brabant.[9] Even earlier influences come from the story of the sleeping Brynhild in the Volsunga saga and the tribulations of saintly female martyrs in early Christian hagiography conventions. Following these early renditions, the tale was first published by Italian poet Giambattista Basile who lived from 1575 to 1632.


The folktale begins with a princess whose parents are told by a wicked fairy that their daughter will die when she pricks her finger on a particular item. In Basile’s version, the princess pricks her finger on a piece of flax. In Perrault’s and the Grimm Brothers’ versions, the item is a spindle. The parents rid the kingdom of these items in the hopes of protecting their daughter, but the prophecy is fulfilled regardless. Instead of dying, as was foretold, the princess falls into a deep sleep. After some time, she is found by a prince and is awakened. In Giambattista Basile’s version of Sleeping Beauty, Sun, Moon, and Talia, the sleeping beauty, Talia, falls into a deep sleep after getting a splinter of flax in her finger. She is discovered in her castle by a wandering king, who «carrie[s] her to a bed, where he gather[s] the first fruits of love.»[10] He leaves her there and she later gives birth to twins.[11]

According to Maria Tatar, there are versions of the story that include a second part to the narrative that details the couple’s troubles after their union; some folklorists believe the two parts were originally separate tales.[12]

The second part begins after the prince and princess have had children. Through the course of the tale, the princess and her children are introduced in some way to another woman from the prince’s life. This other woman is not fond of the prince’s new family, and calls a cook to kill the children and serve them for dinner. Instead of obeying, the cook hides the children and serves livestock. Next, the other woman orders the cook to kill the princess. Before this can happen, the other woman’s true nature is revealed to the prince and then she is subjected to the very death that she had planned for the princess. The princess, prince, and their children live happily ever after.[13]

Basile’s narrative[edit]

In Giambattista Basile’s dark version of Sleeping Beauty, Sun, Moon, and Talia, the sleeping beauty is named Talia. By asking wise men and astrologers to predict her future after her birth, her father who is a great Lord learns that Talia will be in danger from a splinter of flax. The splinter later causes what appears to be Talia’s death; however, it is later learned that it is a long, deep sleep. After Talia falls into deep sleep, she is seated on a velvet throne and her father, to forget his misery of what he thinks is her death, closes the doors and abandons the house forever. One day, while a king is walking by, one of his falcons flies into the house. The king knocks, hoping to be let in by someone, but no one answers and he decides to climb in with a ladder. He finds Talia alive but unconscious, and «…gathers the first fruits of love.»[14] Afterwards, he leaves her in the bed and goes back to his kingdom. Though Talia is unconscious, she gives birth to twins — one of whom keeps sucking her fingers. Talia awakens because the twin has sucked out the flax that was stuck deep in Talia’s finger. When she wakes up, she discovers that she is a mother and has no idea what happened to her. One day, the king decides he wants to go see Talia again. He goes back to the palace to find her awake and a mother to his twins. He informs her of who he is, what has happened, and they end up bonding. After a few days, the king has to leave to go back to his realm, but promises Talia that he will return to take her to his kingdom.

When he arrives back in his kingdom, his wife hears him saying «Talia, Sun, and Moon» in his sleep. She bribes and threatens the king’s secretary to tell her what is going on. After the queen learns the truth, she pretends she is the king and writes to Talia asking her to send the twins because he wants to see them. Talia sends her twins to the «king» and the queen tells the cook to kill the twins and make dishes out of them. She wants to feed the king his children; instead, the cook takes the twins to his wife and hides them. He then cooks two lambs and serves them as if they were the twins. Every time the king mentions how good the food is, the queen replies, «Eat, eat, you are eating of your own.» Later, the queen invites Talia to the kingdom and is going to burn her alive, but the king appears and finds out what’s going on with his children and Talia. He then orders that his wife be burned along with those who betrayed him. Since the cook actually did not obey the queen, the king thanks the cook for saving his children by giving him rewards. The story ends with the king marrying Talia and living happily ever after.[10]

Perrault’s narrative[edit]

Perrault’s narrative is written in two parts, which some folklorists believe were originally separate tales, as they were in the Brothers Grimm’s version, and were later joined together by Giambattista Basile and once more by Perrault.[12] According to folklore editors Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek, Perrault’s tale is a much more subtle and pared down version than Basile’s story in terms of the more immoral details. An example of this is depicted in Perrault’s tale by the prince’s choice to instigate no physical interaction with the sleeping princess when the prince discovers her.[2]

At the christening of a king and queen’s long-wished-for child, seven good fairies are invited to be godmothers to the infant princess. The fairies attend the banquet at the palace. Each fairy is presented with a golden plate and drinking cups adorned with jewels. Soon after, an old fairy enters the palace and is seated with a plate of fine china and a crystal drinking glass. This old fairy is overlooked because she has been within a tower for many years and everyone had believed her to be deceased. Six of the other seven fairies then offer their gifts of beauty, wit, grace, dance, song, and goodness to the infant princess. The evil fairy is very angry about having been forgotten, and as her gift, curses the infant princess so that she will one day prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel and die. The seventh fairy, who has not yet given her gift, attempts to reverse the evil fairy’s curse. However, she can only do so partially. Instead of dying, the Princess will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years and be awakened by a king’s son («elle tombera seulement dans un profond sommeil qui durera cent ans, au bout desquels le fils d’un Roi viendra la réveiller«). This is her gift of protection.

The King orders that every spindle and spinning wheel in the kingdom be destroyed, to try to save his daughter from the terrible curse. Fifteen or sixteen years pass and one day, when the king and queen are away, the Princess wanders through the palace rooms and comes upon an old woman (implied to be the evil fairy in disguise), spinning with her spindle. The princess, who has never seen anyone spin before, asks the old woman if she can try the spinning wheel. The curse is fulfilled as the princess pricks her finger on the spindle and instantly falls into a deep sleep. The old woman cries for help and attempts are made to revive the princess. The king attributes this to fate and has the Princess carried to the finest room in the palace and placed upon a bed of gold and silver embroidered fabric. The king and queen kiss their daughter goodbye and depart, proclaiming the entrance to be forbidden. The good fairy who altered the evil prophecy is summoned. Having great powers of foresight, the fairy sees that the Princess will awaken to distress when she finds herself alone, so the fairy puts everyone in the castle to sleep. The fairy also summons a forest of trees, brambles and thorns that spring up around the castle, shielding it from the outside world and preventing anyone from disturbing the Princess.

A hundred years pass and a prince from another family spies the hidden castle during a hunting expedition. His attendants tell him differing stories regarding the castle until an old man recounts his father’s words: within the castle lies a beautiful princess who is doomed to sleep for a hundred years until a king’s son comes and awakens her. The prince then braves the tall trees, brambles and thorns which part at his approach, and enters the castle. He passes the sleeping castle folk and comes across the chamber where the Princess lies asleep on the bed. Struck by the radiant beauty before him, he falls on his knees before her. The enchantment comes to an end, the princess awakens and bestows upon the prince a look “more tender than a first glance might seem to warrant” (in Perrault’s original French tale, the prince does not kiss the princess to wake her up) then converses with the prince for a long time. Meanwhile, the rest of the castle awakens and go about their business. The prince and princess are later married by the chaplain in the castle chapel.

After wedding the Princess in secret, the Prince continues to visit her and she bears him two children, Aurore (Dawn) and Jour (Day), unbeknownst to his mother, who is of an ogre lineage. When the time comes for the Prince to ascend the throne, he brings his wife, children, and the talabutte («Count of the Mount»).

The Ogress Queen Mother sends the young Queen and the children to a house secluded in the woods and directs her cook to prepare the boy with Sauce Robert for dinner. The kind-hearted cook substitutes a lamb for the boy, which satisfies the Queen Mother. She then demands the girl but the cook this time substitutes a kid, which also satisfies the Queen Mother. When the Ogress demands that he serve up the young Queen, the latter offers to slit her throat so that she may join the children that she imagines are dead. While the Queen Mother is satisfied with a hind prepared with Sauce Robert in place of the young Queen, there is a tearful secret reunion of the Queen and her children. However, the Queen Mother soon discovers the cook’s trick and she prepares a tub in the courtyard filled with vipers and other noxious creatures. The King returns in the nick of time and the Ogress, her true nature having been exposed, throws herself into the tub and is fully consumed. The King, young Queen, and children then live happily ever after.

Grimm Brothers’ version[edit]

Sleeping Beauty and the palace dwellers under a century-long sleep enchantment (The Sleeping Beauty by Sir Edward Burne-Jones).

The Brothers Grimm included a variant of Sleeping Beauty, Little Briar Rose, in their collection (1812).[15] Their version ends when the prince arrives to wake Sleeping Beauty (named Rosamund) and does not include the part two as found in Basile’s and Perrault’s versions.[16] The brothers considered rejecting the story on the grounds that it was derived from Perrault’s version, but the presence of the Brynhild tale convinced them to include it as an authentically German tale. Their decision was notable because in none of the Teutonic myths, meaning the Poetic and Prose Eddas or Volsunga Saga, are their sleepers awakened with a kiss, a fact Jacob Grimm would have known since he wrote an encyclopedic volume on German mythology. His version is the only known German variant of the tale, and Perrault’s influence is almost certain.[17] In the original Brothers Grimm’s version, the fairies are instead wise women.[18]

The Brothers Grimm also included, in the first edition of their tales, a fragmentary fairy tale, «The Evil Mother-in-law». This story begins with the heroine, a married mother of two children, and her mother-in-law who attempts to eat her and the children. The heroine suggests an animal be substituted in the dish, and the story ends with the heroine’s worry that she cannot keep her children from crying and getting the mother-in-law’s attention. Like many German tales showing French influence, it appeared in no subsequent edition.[19]


He stands—he stoops to gaze—he kneels—he wakes her with a kiss, woodcut by Walter Crane

The princess’s name has varied from one adaptation to the other. In Sun, Moon, and Talia, she is named Talia (Sun and Moon being her twin children). She has no name in Perrault’s story but her daughter is called «Aurore». The Brothers Grimm named her «Briar Rose» in their 1812 collection.[15] However, some translations of the Grimms’ tale give the princess the name «Rosamond». Tchaikovsky’s ballet and Disney’s version named her Princess Aurora; however, in the Disney version, she is also called «Briar Rose» in her childhood, when she is being raised incognito by the good fairies.[20]

Besides Sun, Moon, and Talia, Basile included another variant of this Aarne-Thompson type, The Young Slave, in his book, The Pentamerone. The Grimms also included a second, more distantly related one titled The Glass Coffin.[21]

Italo Calvino included a variant in Italian Folktales. In his version, the cause of the princess’s sleep is a wish by her mother. As in Pentamerone, the prince rapes her in her sleep and her children are born. Calvino retains the element that the woman who tries to kill the children is the king’s mother, not his wife, but adds that she does not want to eat them herself, and instead serves them to the king. His version came from Calabria, but he noted that all Italian versions closely followed Basile’s.[22][23]
In his More English Fairy Tales, Joseph Jacobs noted that the figure of the Sleeping Beauty was in common between this tale and the Romani tale The King of England and his Three Sons.[24]

The hostility of the king’s mother to his new bride is repeated in the fairy tale The Six Swans,[25] and also features in The Twelve Wild Ducks, where the mother is modified to be the king’s stepmother. However, these tales omit the attempted cannibalism.

Russian Romantic writer Vasily Zhukovsky wrote a versified work based on the theme of the princess cursed into a long sleep in his poem «Спящая царевна» («The Sleeping Tsarevna» [ru]), published in 1832.[26]


According to Maria Tatar, the Sleeping Beauty tale has been disparaged by modern-day feminists who consider the protagonist to have no agency and find her passivity to be offensive; some feminists have even argued for people to stop telling the story altogether.[27]

Disney has received criticism for depicting both Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty princess as «naïve and malleable» characters.[28] Time Out dismissed the princess as a «delicate» and «vapid» character.[29] Sonia Saraiya of Jezebel echoed this sentiment, criticizing the princess for lacking «interesting qualities», where she also ranked her as Disney’s least feminist princess.[30] Similarly, Bustle also ranked the princess as the least feminist Disney Princess, with author Chelsea Mize expounding, «Aurora literally sleeps for like three quarters of the movie … Aurora just straight-up has no agency, and really isn’t doing much in the way of feminine progress.»[31] Leigh Butler of Tor.com went on to defend the character writing, «Aurora’s cipher-ness in Sleeping Beauty would be infuriating if she were the only female character in it, but the presence of the Fairies and Maleficent allow her to be what she is without it being a subconscious statement on what all women are.»[32] Similarly, Refinery29 ranked Princess Aurora the fourth most feminist Disney Princess because, «Her aunts have essentially raised her in a place where women run the game.»[33] Despite being featured prominently in Disney merchandise, «Aurora has become an oft-forgotten princess», and her popularity pales in comparison to those of Cinderella and Snow White.[34]

An example of the cosmic interpretation of the tale given by the nineteenth century solar mythologist school[35] appears in John Fiske’s Myths and Myth-Makers: “It is perhaps less obvious that winter should be so frequently symbolized as a thorn or sharp instrument… Sigurd is slain by a thorn, and Balder by a sharp sprig of mistletoe; and in the myth of the Sleeping Beauty, the earth-goddess sinks into her long winter sleep when pricked by the point of the spindle. In her cosmic palace, all is locked in icy repose, naught thriving save the ivy which defies the cold, until the kiss of the golden-haired sun-god reawakens life and activity.”[36]


«Sleeping Beauty» has been popular for many fairytale fantasy retellings. Some examples are listed below:

In film and television[edit]

  • The Sleeping Princess (1939), a Walter Lantz Productions animated short parodying the original fairy tale.[37]
  • A loose adaptation can be seen in a scene from the propaganda cartoon Education for Death, where Sleeping Beauty is a valkyrie representing Nazi Germany, and where the prince is replaced with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler in knights’ armor. The short also parodies Richard Wagner’s opera Siegfried.
  • Prinsessa Ruusunen (1949), a Finnish film directed by Edvin Laine and scored with Erkki Melartin’s incidental music from 1912.[38]
  • Dornröschen (1955), a West German film directed by Fritz Genschow.[39]
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959), a Walt Disney animated film based on both Charles Perrault and the Brother’s Grimm’s versions. Featuring the original voices of Mary Costa as Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty and Eleanor Audley as Maleficent.[40]
  • Sleeping Beauty (Спящая красавица) (1964), a filmed version of the ballet produced by the Kirov Ballet along with Lenfilm studios, starring Alla Sizova as Princess Aurora.[41]
  • Festival of Family Classics (1972-73), episode Sleeping Beauty, produced by Rankin/Bass and animated by Mushi Production.[42]
  • Some Call It Loving (also known as Sleeping Beauty) (1973), directed by James B. Harris and starring Zalman King, Carol White, Tisa Farrow, and Richard Pryor, based on a short story by John Collier.[43]
  • Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi (1976-79), 10-minute adaptation.
  • Jak se budí princezny (1978), a Czechoslovakian film directed by Václav Vorlíček.[44]
  • World Famous Fairy Tale Series (Sekai meisaku dōwa) (1975-83) has a 9-minute adaptation, later reused in the U.S. edit of My Favorite Fairy Tales.
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears/Rumpelstiltskin/Little Red Riding Hood/Sleeping Beauty (1984), direct-to-video featurette by Lee Mendelson Film Productions.[45]
  • Sleeping Beauty (1987), a direct-to-television musical film directed by David Irving.[46]
  • The Legend of Sleeping Brittany (1989), an episode of Alvin & the Chipmunks based on the fairy tale.[47]
  • Briar-Rose or The Sleeping Beauty (1990), a Japanese/Czechoslovakian stop-motion animated featurette directed by Kihachiro Kawamoto.
  • Britannica’s Tales Around the World (1990-91), features three variations of the story.[48]
  • An episode of the series Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics is dedicated to Princess Briar Rose.[49]
  • A 1986 episode of Brummkreisel had Kunibert (Hans-Joachim Leschnitz) demanding that he and his friends Achim (Joachim Kaps), Hops and Mops enact the story of Sleeping Beauty. Achim first compromises by incorporating Sleeping Beauty into his lesson about days of the week, and then finally he allows Kunibert to have his way; Hops played the princess, Kunibert played the prince, Mops played the wicked fairy and Achim played the brambles.
  • World Fairy Tale Series (Anime sekai no dōwa) (1995), anime television anthology produced by Toei Animation, has half-hour adaptation.
  • Sleeping Beauty (1995), a Japanese-American direct-to-video film by Jetlag Productions.[50]
  • Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995-99), episode Sleeping Beauty, season 1 episode 5.
  • Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995), episode Sleeping Beauty, the classic story is told with a Hispanic cast, when Rosita is cast into a long sleep by Evelina, and later awakened by Prince Luis.[51]
  • The Triplets (Les tres bessones/Las tres mellizas) (1997-2003), catalan animated series, season 1 episode 19.
  • Simsala Grimm (1999-2010), episode 9 of season 2.
  • Bellas durmientes (Sleeping Beauties) (2001), directed by Eloy Lozano, adapted from the Kawabata novel.[52]
  • La belle endormie (The Sleeping Beauty) (2010), a film by Catherine Breillat.[53]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2011), directed by Julia Leigh and starring Emily Browning, about a young girl who takes a sleeping potion and lets men have their way with her to earn extra money.[54]
  • Once Upon a Time (2011), an ABC TV show starring Sarah Bolger and Julian Morris.[55]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2014), a film by Rene Perez.[56]
  • Sleeping Beauty (2014), a film by Casper Van Dien.[57]
  • Maleficent (2014), a Walt Disney live-action reimagining starring Angelina Jolie as Maleficent and Elle Fanning as Princess Aurora.[58]
  • Ever After High, episode Briar Beauty (2015), an animated Netflix series.[59]
  • The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016), an American horror film directed by Pearry Reginald Teo.[60]
  • Archie Campbell satirized the story with «Beeping Sleauty» in several Hee Haw television episodes.
  • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019), a Walt Disney live-action sequel to Maleficent (2014).[61]
  • Avengers Grimm (2015) portrays an adult Sleeping Beauty with superpowers.

In literature[edit]

  • Sleeping Beauty (1830) and The Day-Dream (1842), two poems based on Sleeping Beauty by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.[62]
  • The Rose and the Ring (1854), a satirical fantasy by William Makepeace Thackeray.
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1919), a poem by Mary Carolyn Davies about a failed hero who did not waken the princess, but died in the enchanted briars surrounding her palace.[63]
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1920), a retelling of the fairy tale by Charles Evans, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham.[64]
  • Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) (1971), a poem by Anne Sexton in her collection Transformations (1971), in which she re-envisions sixteen of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales.[65]
  • The Sleeping Beauty Quartet (1983-2015), four erotic novels written by Anne Rice under the pen name A.N. Roquelaure, set in a medieval fantasy world and loosely based on the fairy tale.[66]
  • Beauty (1992), a novel by Sheri S. Tepper.[67]
  • Briar Rose (1992), a novel by Jane Yolen.[68]
  • Enchantment (1999), a novel by Orson Scott Card based on the Russian version of Sleeping Beauty.
  • Spindle’s End (2000), a novel by Robin McKinley.[69]
  • Clementine (2001), a novel by Sophie Masson.[70]
  • A Kiss in Time (2009), a novel by Alex Flinn.[71]
  • The Sleeper and the Spindle (2012), a novel by Neil Gaiman.[72]
  • The Gates of Sleep (2012), a novel by Mercedes Lackey from the Elemental Masters series set in Edwardian England.[73]
  • Sleeping Beauty: The One Who Took the Really Long Nap (2018), a novel by Wendy Mass and the second book in the Twice Upon a Time series features a princess named Rose who pricks her finger and falls asleep for 100 years.[74]
  • The Sleepless Beauty (2019), a novel by Rajesh Talwar setting the story in a small kingdom in the Himalayas.[75]
  • Lava Red Feather Blue (2021), a novel by Molly Ringle involving a male/male twist on the Sleeping Beauty story.
  • Malice (2021), a novel by Heather Walter told by the Maleficent character’s (Alyce’s) POV and involving a woman/woman love story. [76]
  • Misrule (2022), a novel by Heather Walter and sequel to Malice. [77]

In music[edit]

The Sleeping Beauty, ballet Emily Smith

  • La Belle au Bois Dormant (1825), an opera by Michele Carafa.
  • La belle au bois dormant (1829), a ballet in four acts with book by Eugène Scribe, composed by Ferdinand Hérold and choreographed by Jean-Louis Aumer.
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1890), a ballet by Tchaikovsky.
  • Dornröschen (1902), an opera by Engelbert Humperdinck.
  • Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant (1910), the first movement of Ravel’s Ma mère l’Oye.[78]
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1992), song on album Clouds by the Swedish band Tiamat.
  • Sleeping Beauty Wakes (2008), an album by the American musical trio GrooveLily.[79]
  • There Was A Princess Long Ago, a common nursery rhyme or singing game typically sung stood in a circle with actions, retells the story of Sleeping Beauty in a summarised song.[80]
  • Sleeping Beauty The Musical (2019), a two act musical with book and lyrics by Ian Curran and music by Simon Hanson and Peter Vint.[81]
  • Hex (2021), an upcoming musical with book by Tanya Ronder, music by Jim Fortune and lyrics by Rufus Norris due to open at the Royal National Theatre in December 2021.

In video games[edit]

  • Kingdom Hearts is a video game in which Maleficent is one of the main antagonists and Aurora is one of the Princesses of Heart together with the other Disney princesses.
  • Little Briar Rose (2019) is a point-and-click adventure inspired by the Brothers Grimm’s version of the fairy tale.[82]
  • SINoALICE (2017) is a mobile Gacha game which features Sleeping Beauty as one of the main player controlled characters and features in her own dark story-line which follows her unending desire to sleep, as well as crossing over with the other fairy-tale characters featured in the game.
  • Video game series Dark Parables adapted the tale as the plot of its first game, Curse of Briar Rose (2010).

In art[edit]

  • Perrault's La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), illustration by Gustave Doré

    Perrault’s La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), illustration by Gustave Doré

  • Prince Florimund finds the "Sleeping Beauty"

    Prince Florimund finds the «Sleeping Beauty»

  • Sleeping Beauty by Jenny Harbour

    Sleeping Beauty by Jenny Harbour

  • Book cover for a Dutch interpretation of the story by Johann Georg van Caspel

    Book cover for a Dutch interpretation of the story by Johann Georg van Caspel

  • Briar Rose

    Briar Rose

  • Sleeping Beauty by Edward Frederick Brewtnall

  • Louis Sußmann-Hellborn (1828- 1908) Sleeping Beauty,

    Louis Sußmann-Hellborn (1828- 1908) Sleeping Beauty,

  • Sleeping Beauty, statue in Wuppertal – Germany

    Sleeping Beauty, statue in Wuppertal – Germany

See also[edit]

  • The Glass Coffin
  • Princess Aubergine
  • Rip Van Winkle
  • Snow White
  • The Sleeping Prince (fairy tale)


  1. ^ «410: The Sleeping Beauty». Multilingual Folk Tale Database. Retrieved February 26, 2019.
  2. ^ a b Hallett, Martin; Karasek, Barbara, eds. (2009). Folk & Fairy Tales (4 ed.). Broadview Press. pp. 63–67. ISBN 978-1-55111-898-7.
  3. ^ Bottigheimer, Ruth. (2008). «Before Contes du temps passe (1697): Charles Perrault’s Griselidis, Souhaits and Peau«. The Romantic Review, Volume 99, Number 3. pp. 175–189.
  4. ^ Aarne, Antti; Thompson, Stith. The types of the folktale: a classification and bibliography. Folklore Fellows Communications FFC no. 184. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1961. pp. 137-138.
  5. ^ Thompson, Stith (1977). The Folktale. University of California Press. p. 97. ISBN 0-520-03537-2.
  6. ^ Jack Zipes, The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, p 648, ISBN 0-393-97636-X.
  7. ^ Camarena, Julio. Cuentos tradicionales de León. Vol. I. Tradiciones orales leonesas, 3. Madrid: Seminario Menéndez Pidal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; [León]: Diputación Provincial de León, 1991. p. 415.
  8. ^ Frayre de Joy e Sor de Plaser. Bibilothèque nationale de France.
  9. ^ Charles Willing, «Genevieve of Brabant»
  10. ^ a b Basile, Giambattista. «Sun, Moon, and Talia». Retrieved 31 March 2013.
  11. ^ Collis, Kathryn (2016). Not So Grimm Fairy Tales. ISBN 978-1-5144-4689-8.
  12. ^ a b Maria Tatar, The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales, 2002:96, ISBN 0-393-05163-3
  13. ^ Ashliman, D.L. «Sleeping Beauty». pitt.edu.
  14. ^ «Sleeping Beauty».
  15. ^ a b Jacob and Wilheim Grimm, Grimms’ Fairy Tales, «Little Briar-Rose» Archived 2007-05-20 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ Harry Velten, «The Influences of Charles Perrault’s Contes de ma Mère L’oie on German Folklore», p 961, Jack Zipes, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, ISBN 0-393-97636-X
  17. ^ Harry Velten, «The Influences of Charles Perrault’s Contes de ma Mère L’oie on German Folklore», p 962, Jack Zipes, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, ISBN 0-393-97636-X
  18. ^ «050 Sleeping Beauty – Great Story Reading Project».
  19. ^ Maria Tatar, The Annotated Brothers Grimm, p 376-7 W. W. Norton & Company, London, New York, 2004 ISBN 0-393-05848-4
  20. ^ Heidi Anne Heiner, «The Annotated Sleeping Beauty Archived 2010-02-22 at the Wayback Machine»
  21. ^ Heidi Anne Heiner, «Tales Similar to Sleeping Beauty» Archived 2010-04-30 at the Wayback Machine
  22. ^ Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales p 485 ISBN 0-15-645489-0
  23. ^ Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales p 744 ISBN 0-15-645489-0
  24. ^ Joseph Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, «The King of England and his Three Sons» Archived 2010-04-27 at the Wayback Machine
  25. ^ Maria Tatar, The Annotated Brothers Grimm, p 230 W. W. Norton & company, London, New York, 2004 ISBN 0-393-05848-4
  26. ^ Zhukovsky, Vasily. Спящая царевна (Жуковский)  (in Russian) – via Wikisource.
  27. ^ Tatar, Maria (2014). «Show and Tell: Sleeping Beauty as Verbal Icon and Seductive Story». Marvels & Tales. 28 (1): 142–158. doi:10.13110/marvelstales.28.1.0142. S2CID 161271883.
  28. ^ Hugel, Melissa (November 12, 2013). «How Disney Princesses Went From Passive Damsels to Active Heroes». Mic. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  29. ^ «Sleeping Beauty». Time Out. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  30. ^ Saraiya, Sonia (December 7, 2012). «A Feminist Guide to Disney Princesses». Jezebel. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  31. ^ Mize, Chelsea (July 31, 2015). «A Feminist Ranking Of All The Disney Princesses, Because Not Every Princess Was Down For Waiting For Anyone To Rescue Her». Bustle. Retrieved February 9, 2016.
  32. ^ Butler, Leigh (November 6, 2014). «How Sleeping Beauty is Accidentally the Most Feminist Animated Movie Disney Ever Made». Tor.com. Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  33. ^ Golembewski, Vanessa (September 11, 2014). «A Definitive Ranking Of Disney Princesses As Feminist Role Models». Refinery29. Archived from the original on February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  34. ^ «The Evolution of Disney Princesses». Young Writers Society. March 16, 2014. Retrieved March 20, 2016.
  35. ^ Dorson, Richard M. (1955). «The Eclipse of Solar Mythology». The Journal of American Folklore. 68 (270): 393–416. doi:10.2307/536766. JSTOR 536766.
  36. ^ «Myths and Myth-makers, by John Fiske».
  37. ^ «The Sleeping Princess (1939)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  38. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1949) Prinsessa Ruusunen (original title)». IMDb. 8 April 1949. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  39. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1955) Dornröschen (original title)». IMDb. 16 November 1955. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  40. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1959)». IMDb. 30 October 1959. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  41. ^ Dudko, Apollinari; Sergeyev, Konstantin, Spyashchaya krasavitsa (Fantasy, Music, Romance), Lenfilm Studio, retrieved 2022-06-28
  42. ^ Bass, Jules; Rankin, Arthur Jr. (1973-01-21), Sleeping Beauty, Festival of Family Classics, retrieved 2022-06-28
  43. ^ «Some Call It Loving (1973)». IMDb. 26 October 1973. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  44. ^ Vorlícek, Václav (1978-03-01), Jak se budí princezny (Adventure, Comedy, Family), Deutsche Film (DEFA), Filmové studio Barrandov, retrieved 2022-06-28
  45. ^ Melendez, Steven Cuitlahuac, Goldilocks and the Three Bears/Rumpelstiltskin/Little Red Riding Hood/Sleeping Beauty (Animation, Short), On Gossamer Wings Productions, Bill Melendez Productions, retrieved 2022-06-29
  46. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1987)». IMDb. 12 June 1987. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  47. ^ «Inner Dave/The Legend of Sleeping Brittany». IMDb. 11 November 1989. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  48. ^ Britannica’s Tales Around the World (Animation), Encyclopædia Britannica Films, retrieved 2022-06-29
  49. ^ Nobara hime, Grimm Masterpiece Theatre, 1988-02-17, retrieved 2022-06-28
  50. ^ Hiruma, Toshiyuki; Takashi (1995-03-17), Sleeping Beauty (Animation, Family, Fantasy), Cayre Brothers, Jetlag Productions, retrieved 2022-06-28
  51. ^ «Sleeping Beauty». IMDb. 23 April 1995. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  52. ^ «Sleeping Beauties (2001) Bellas durmientes (original title)». IMDb. 9 November 2001. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  53. ^ «The Sleeping Beauty (2010) La belle endormie (original title)». IMDb. 3 September 2010. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  54. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2011)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  55. ^ «Once Upon a Time». IMDb. 23 October 2011. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  56. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2014)». IMDb. 13 July 2017. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  57. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (2014)». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  58. ^ «Maleficent (2014)». IMDb. 28 May 2014. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  59. ^ «Ever After High». IMDb. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  60. ^ «The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)». IMDb. 2 June 2016. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  61. ^ «Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)». IMDb. 20 Oct 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  62. ^ Hill, Robert (1971), Tennyson’s Poetry p. 544. New York: Norton.
  63. ^ Cook, Howard Willard Our Poets of Today, p. 271, at Google Books
  64. ^ «Sleeping Beauty, The». David Brass Rare Books. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  65. ^ «Transformations by Anne Sexton»
  66. ^ «The Sleeping Beauty Series». Anne Rice. 2017. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  67. ^ Tepper, Sheri S. (1992). Beauty. ISBN 9780553295276. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  68. ^ «Briar Rose». Jane Yolen. 2019. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  69. ^ «Spindle’s End». Penguin Random House Network.
  70. ^ Clementine. ASIN 0340850698.
  71. ^ Flinn, Alex (28 April 2009). A Kiss in Time. ISBN 978-0060874193.
  72. ^ «The Sleeper and the Spindle». Neil Gaiman. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  73. ^ «The Gates of Sleep (Elemental Masters Book 2)». Amazon. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  74. ^ Sleeping Beauty, the One Who Took the Really Long Nap: A Wish Novel (Twice Upon a Time #2): A Wish Novel. ASIN 043979658X.
  75. ^ «The Sleepless Beauty».
  76. ^ «Malice».
  77. ^ «Misrule».
  78. ^ «Ravel : Ma Mère l’Oye». genedelisa.com.
  79. ^ «Sleeping Beauty Wakes». bandcamp. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  80. ^ «There Was A Princess». singalong.org.uk.
  81. ^ 2019 musical website
  82. ^ «Little Briar Rose». Nintendo. Retrieved 15 April 2020.

Further reading[edit]

  • Artal, Susana. «Bellas durmientes en el siglo XIV». In: Montevideana 10. Universidad de la Republica, Linardi y Risso. 2019. pp. 321–336.
  • Starostina, Aglaia. «Chinese Medieval Versions of Sleeping Beauty». In: Fabula, vol. 52, no. 3-4, 2012, pp. 189-206. https://doi.org/10.1515/fabula-2011-0017
  • de Vries, Jan. «Dornröschen». In: Fabula 2, no. 1 (1959): 110-121. https://doi.org/10.1515/fabl.1959.2.1.110

External links[edit]

Королевская пара долгое время мечтает о рождении детей. Однажды чудо происходит. У короля с королевой рождается дочка. Во дворце устраивается роскошный праздник. Приглашаются на него не только люди, но и феи.

Семь волшебниц приглашают для того, чтобы новорожденной девочке преподнесли уникальные дары. В разгар торжества появляется восьмая фея. Ее забыли пригласить, потому что ее давно никто не видел. Все считали, что эта фея умерла. Ее усадили с почестями за стол, но не подали золотых приборов, как другим феям. Их изготовили специально по количеству приглашенных волшебниц. Это очень обидело восьмую фею.

Когда пришла пора одаривать новорожденную принцессу, обиженная фея предсказала, что девочка погибнет в расцвете молодости. Так случится, когда она уколется веретеном. Седьмая фея, которая не успела одарить девочку, утешила короля и королеву. Она пообещала, что девушка не умрет, а лишь заснет на сотню лет. Потом ее разбудит своим поцелуем очаровательный принц.

После праздника король издал указ об уничтожении всех прялок и веретен в королевстве. Но это не спасло принцессу. В 15 лет она укололась веретеном, когда забрела в старую башню. Там старая фея сидела с прялкой за работой. Любопытная девушка тоже попробовала новый для нее вид рукоделия. Так пророчество восьмой феи сбылось.

Девушка уснула крепким сном. Об этом сразу узнала седьмая фея, которая смягчила проклятье оскорбленной волшебницы. Она прибыла во дворец, утешила родителей принцессы. Они покинули замок, а фея коснулась всей королевской свиты и стражников своей волшебной палочкой. Ей хотелось, чтобы принцесса при пробуждении увидела знакомые лица и не чувствовала себя в одиночестве.

Король издал приказ, чтобы никто не смел приближаться к этому замку. Прошло много лет. Дремучий лес окружил замок. Однажды туда прибыл прекрасный принц для охоты. Он услышал от крестьянина легенду о спящей красавице и решил взглянуть на нее. Заросли сами расступались перед ним, когда он продвигался к замку.

Когда принц вошел в замок, он нашел ослепительно прекрасную принцессу. Он опустился у ее кровати на колени, и девушка очнулась ото сна. Молодые люди понравились друг другу и поженились.


  • Будем искать среди персонажей фандома




Ворон Малефисенты. Ворон помог колдунье осуществить её проклятие, именно он нашёл коттедж, где скрывалась Аврора, посредством волшебства, озарявшего лес. К концу фильма становится чрезмерно фанатичным в служении своей госпоже, в частности, пытаясь рассказать ей о побеге Филиппа, превращается в камень благодаря волшебству Мэривезы.



Персонаж сказки, принесший весть юной фее, о том, что принцесса уснула беспробудным сном.

Королева Лия

Queen Leah


Мать Авроры и жена короля Стефана.

Часто упоминается как Королева Беатрисс во французском варианте мультфильма. Высокая, изящная, светловолосая, она очень похожа на Аврору по внешности. Несмотря на то, что в фильме она практически не разговаривает, а её роль в развитии сюжета минимальна, она предстаёт, перед нами, как человек с добрым сердцем и открытой душой. Королева, кажется, очень предана своему мужу, это видно по её обращению к нему, после того, как их дочь была проклята Малефисентой. Думается, что она была бы любящей матерью для своей дочери, только, если бы судьба предоставила ей шанс побыть с ней.

Король Стефан

King Stefan


Отец Авроры. Несомненно, Стефан — превосходный монарх, и его королевство, кажется, процветает. Но, когда крещение Авроры обращается в проклятье для неё, он впадает в уныние и приказывает сжечь все прялки. Его приказ выполнен, но только эти три феи знают, что это не остановит Малефисенту. Поэтому ему приходится отдать свою дочь на воспитание трём добрым феям, соглашаясь на жизнь Авроры в лесу, Стефан проявляет себя не только как хороший отец, но и как великолепный монарх, ибо люди королевства не должны жить без будущей королевы.

Король Хьюберт

King Hubert


Является отцом Принца Филиппа и лучшим другом Короля Стефана. Два короля давно мечтали о воссоединение королевств, рождение Авроры послужило поводом к помолвке её с принцем Филиппом. Хьюберт мал ростом, но очень весёлый и часто попадает в комичные ситуации и недоразумения.



В версии сказки братьев Гримм предсказала королеве скорое рождение дочери.




В мультфильме Уолта Диснея — злая колдунья, которая наложила проклятье на Аврору. Малефисенту часто называют одной из самых величайших злодеек Диснея и небезосновательно. Она облачена в чёрно-фиолетовую робу, похожую на языки пламени, обладает колоссальной колдовской силой. Неудивительно, что король Стефан не пригласил её на крестины Авроры. Однако, его решение ввергло королевство в печаль на целых 16 лет. В конце фильма Малефисента превращается в огромного дракона. Пытается убить Филлиппа, но благодаря волшебству фей её ранили мечом, она упала с выступа, и от неё осталась только тень. Её прототипом стала фея Карабосс.

Мать принца


Жена короля, людоедка. Персонаж сказки Шарля Перро.




Персонаж, не играющий никакой роли, только добавляющий в сюжет комичности. В самом мультфильме, он просто подаёт вино двум королям, а позже показывает план замка. Его лютня, на которой он играет, позволяет ему подносить королевское вино и воровать его. От неминуемого наказания его спасает приезд принца Филиппа.

Мэривеза (Погодушка)



Третья добрая фея, очень жизнерадостный и добрый персонаж, готовая подчас вступить в волшебную дуэль не только с Флорой, но и Малефисентой. С тёмными волосами и яркими синими глазами, она изображается в более юном свете, чем её пожилые «сёстры». Любимые цвета: синий. Подарком Мэривезы для Авроры должно было стать счастье, но из-за проклятья Малефисенты ей приходится изменить свой дар. Принцесса, уколов палец о веретено прялки, не умрет, а будет спать до тех пор, пока поцелуй истинной любви не разрушит заклятье.

Принц (Филипп)



Протагонист сказки, разрушающий чары спящей Принцессы.

В мультфильме Уолта Диснея — единственный сын короля Хьюберта обручён с принцессой Авророй со дня её рождения. Их отцы верят, что брак между их детьми объединит королевства. Прошли годы, принц встречают «Дикую Розу» на опушке леса, принимая её за обычную крестьянку и влюбляется в неё, они обещают друг другу встретиться вечером около коттеджа. Когда он приходит в условленное время, Малефисента похищает его и сажает в темницу в своем замке. Добрые феи приходят на помощь Филиппу, наделяя его мечом и щитом — оружием, которое поможет ему победит зло. Принц пробивается к замку через тернии колючек и побеждает Малефисенту в обличье дракона. Он находит свою возлюбленную в самой высокой башне замка и пробуждает её с помощью поцелуя истинной любви.



Маленькая собачка принцессы. Персонаж сказки.




Благородный, белый конь принца Филиппа. На первый взгляд можно подумать, что он второстепенный персонаж, но его роль в фильме не менее важна. Он несёт принца Филиппа в лес, где он встретил Аврору, показывает доблесть при бое с драконом.

Спящая Красавица (Аврора)



Основная протагонистка сказки. Принцесса проклятая на вечный сон.

В мультфильме Уолта Диснея — единственная дочь короля Стефана. Аврора при рождении была награждена двумя волшебными дарами: голоса и красоты. Однако в день своего шестнадцатилетия она уколет палец о веретено прялки и заснёт на 100 лет, и проснется только от поцелуя истинной любви. Для того, чтобы уберечь девочку от проклятия Малефисенты, три добрые феи прячут её в лесной чаще. Аврора вырастает очень красивой застенчивой девушкой с добрым и открытым сердцем, которое помогло ей завоевать дружбу лесных зверьков. Она очень сдержанна, узнав о том, что ей не суждено увидеть своего возлюбленного, она проявляет стойкость, несмотря на то, что жизнь потеряла для неё смысл. Ей не нужны королевские почести, для неё важно обычное человеческое счастье.

Её также зовут Дикой Розой, за её красоту.

Утренняя Заря


Дочь принцессы и принца, фигурирует в сказке.




Вторая добрая фея, является воплощением доброты в её первозданном виде. Нет вещи, которая могла бы вызвать у неё злость, ведь она повелевает силами природы, являясь аллюзией на древнегреческую богиню Фауну, повелительницу всех зверей и растений. Неслучайно, что её любимым цветом является зелёный. Проклятье злой колдуньи не раздражает её, она только замечает: «А может быть Малефисента и не такая плохая?». Фауна награждает принцессу даром песни и сравнивает голос Авроры с песней соловья.

Фея Карабосс


Антагонистка сказки, старая фея, которую не пригласили на крестины принцессы, из-за чего она и предсказала девочке скорую смерть.

Фея Сирени


Самаю юная из фей, смягчившая проклятие феи Карабосс. В сказке усыпила весь королевский двор, чтобы они вместе с принцессой дождались её пробуждения.




Cамая главная из трех добрых фей в мультфильме. Любимые цвета: красный, розовый, оранжевый. Флора постоянно настаивает, что розовый — это цвет Авроры, из-за этого у неё произошла пара комичных перепалок с Мэривезой. Её дар Авроре — это редкая красота.

Ясный День


Сын принца и принцессы. Персонаж сказки Шарля Перро.

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