Ланселот однажды в сказке

Ланселот сопровождает сэра Персиваля и Артура в путешествии по Камелоту. Согласно пророчеству Мерлина, Артуру суждено стать королём после того, как он вытащит меч из камня. Их опережает сэр Кей. Не веря в пророчество, он пробует вытащить меч и рассыпается в пыль. Тогда Артур на глазах Ланселота и Персиваля достаёт заветное оружие. Но часть клинка отсутствует. На мгновение Артур впадает в панику, а затем решает сохранить это в тайне от народа. («Тёмный лебедь»)

Вернувшись в деревню, Артур объявляет себя королём. В доказательство он оголяет часть меча. Через некоторое время Артур дарует Гибельное седалище, наиболее важное место за Круглым столом, своему лучшему другу Ланселоту. («Гибельное седалище», «Разрушенное королевство»)

Со временем Артур становится одержимым идей заполучить потерянную часть меча, чего бы ему это ни стоило. Он почти не обращает внимания на свою жену, даже когда она просит потанцевать с ней в её день рождения. Ланселот замечает, что Гвиневра в одиночестве наблюдает за веселящимися жителями деревни, и приглашает её на танец. Внезапно объявляют о подарке короля для жены, которую тут же осыпают розовыми лепестками. Гвиневра радуется, пока не понимает, что сюрприз сделал Ланселот. Немного погодя к ним бросается Артур, нашедший путь к мечу. Ланселот готовиться ехать с ним, но король просит своего рыцаря защищать его жену.

Ночью Ланселот останавливает Гвиневру, которая нашла волшебную перчатку в башне Мерлина, способную указать на величайшую слабость Артура — кинжал Тёмного. Он соглашается сопровождать королеву. Перчатка приводит их к Склепу Тёмного, а после и к самому кинжалу. По дороге Гвиневра спасает Ланселота от Тьмы. Испугавшись за его жизнь, она целует рыцаря, но затем извиняется и обещает не повторять подобных ошибок. Кинжал оказывается защищён барьером. Перед ними появляется тёмный маг, который в обмен на перчатку предлагает Гвиневре зачарованный песок из Авалона, чтобы Артур поверил в целостность Экскалибура. Она принимает условия сделки несмотря на уговоры Ланселота. После возвращения домой рыцарь решает покинуть Камелот. («Разрушенное королевство»))

Ланселот переходит на службу к королю Джорджу и начинает помогать ему в охоте за Прекрасным принцем. Во время битвы он берёт в плен Белоснежку и доставляет во дворец к Королю Джорджу. По приказу короля рыцарь приносит девушке чашу с водой. Вода оказывается проклятой и лишает Белоснежку возможности иметь детей. После того, как Белоснежку отпускают, Ланселот следует за ней в лес. Девушка в ярости нападает. Ланселот объясняет, что не знал о коварном плане короля. Белоснежка позволяет ему отправиться к дому матери Принца, Рут. Тем временем, люди короля нападают на дом. Рут ранена отравленной стрелой. Как только прибывают Белоснежка и Ланселот, все четверо двинулись к озеру Ностос, чтобы спасти Рут с помощью целебных вод озера. Но оказывается, что озеро совсем высохло, осталось лишь несколько капель воды. Рут предложила Белоснежке выпить ее и исцелиться, но та отказалась. Тогда по просьбе Рут Ланселот подменяет воду и проводит свадебную церемонию для Белоснежки и Прекрасного принца, во время которой невеста выпивает ту самую воду из озера, думая, что это обычная вода. Так Белоснежка исцелилась, а Рут спокойно умерла. («Владычица Озера»)

As a child, Lancelot is raised near a lake by his mother, a powerful woman known as the Lady of the Lake. («Lady of the Lake», «Broken Heart»)

In Camelot, Lancelot travels with Percival and Arthur to track down the sword in the stone after Merlin prophesies that Arthur will pull it out and become the ruler of the realm. They are beaten there by Sir Kay, who foolishly tries to take the sword out, only to be turned into ash by the sword’s power. As Lancelot and Percival look on, Arthur succeeds in pulling out the sword, but strangely, the tip of the blade is missing. Arthur momentarily panics at this, but he then decides the kingdom’s people don’t need to know about it, and that all they need to know is he is now their king. («The Dark Swan»)

Afterwards, Lancelot and Percival return home with Arthur, who is met with fanfare by the local villagers in celebration of his ascension. Sometime after becoming king, Arthur bestows the Round Table’s Siege Perilous seat, which is only fit for a knight with the purest heart, to Lancelot. («Siege Perilous», «The Broken Kingdom»)

During his reign as king, Arthur becomes consumed with finding the missing piece of Excalibur, Dark One Dagger, while neglecting his wife Guinevere, who tries to coax him away from his research to dance with her on her birthday. During the party, Lancelot notices her sitting alone and joins her, trying to reassure her that Arthur will be arriving soon. While Guinevere is dancing with Lancelot, a fellow villager announces Arthur has prepared a surprise for his Queen, before showering flower petals into the air. At first, Guinevere is pleased, until she realizes Arthur didn’t prepare anything, and it is Lancelot who wanted to make her happy. For this, she thanks him, shortly before they are interrupted by Arthur rushing to them, exclaiming that he discovered the dagger is only a day’s ride away. Assuming he will be the one going, Lancelot prepares to get his horse for the journey, but Arthur asks him to stay and protect Guinevere, while he himself will go. That night, Lancelot catches Guinevere trying to leave on her own, as she found the true location of the dagger with a Magic Gauntlet, which revealed the dagger as Arthur’s greatest weakness. Lancelot accompanies her there, and the gauntlet takes them to the Vault of the Dark One, where Guinevere unlocks a staircase into it. In the vault, Lancelot is attacked by the Darkness, but Guinevere scares it off with fire. Relieved to have not lost him, she kisses him in the heat of the moment, before apologizing and stating that it can never happen again. From one door, they enter a jungle-like region and find the dagger on a table stand, but it’s protected by a barrier. In exchange for the gauntlet, the Dark One offers Guinevere magic sand that will give the illusion that Excalibur is whole. Lancelot begs her not to, but Guinevere accepts the deal. On their return to the village, Lancelot bids her farewell, deciding to leave Camelot forever, knowing that she has chosen Arthur over him. («The Broken Kingdom»)

Afterwards, Lancelot comes to the Enchanted Forest, becoming King George’s new general, and aiding him with hunting down Prince Charming. During a battle, he captures Snow White and brings her to the King. Upon order by King George, he fetches Snow White a cup of water. The water curses Snow White to be barren forever, and unable to bear any children. Afterwards, she is let go, but Lancelot follows her into the forest. Snow White is furious, and attacks him. He begs her to spare him because he, too, was unaware of the poison the king put into the cup. She allows him to come with her, and together, they return to Prince Charming and his mother, Ruth. The king’s men have them surrounded by the time they reach back, and worse yet, one of their poisoned arrows has struck Ruth. Prince Charming suggests they go to Lake Nostos and gather some of the lake’s waters, which has healing powers. When they reach there, they find the lake completely dry, except for a few droplets of water left. However, Ruth only pretends to drink the water, and as her dying wish, she asks to see her son and Snow White married. During the ceremony, Lancelot fills a cup with the lake water, stating that in Camelot there is a legend of a cup and it’s believed whoever drinks from it will become immortal. Snow White drinks it, and after the marriage is complete, Ruth passes away. Afterwards, Snow White discovers she is no longer barren and figures out Ruth must have given the water to Lancelot to put in the cup. («Lady of the Lake»)

As a child, Lancelot is raised near a lake by his mother, a powerful woman known as the Lady of the Lake. («Lady of the Lake», «Broken Heart»)

In Camelot, Lancelot travels with Percival and Arthur to track down the sword in the stone after Merlin prophesies that Arthur will pull it out and become the ruler of the realm. They are beaten there by Sir Kay, who foolishly tries to take the sword out, only to be turned into ash by the sword’s power. As Lancelot and Percival look on, Arthur succeeds in pulling out the sword, but strangely, the tip of the blade is missing. Arthur momentarily panics at this, but he then decides the kingdom’s people don’t need to know about it, and that all they need to know is he is now their king. («The Dark Swan»)

Afterwards, Lancelot and Percival return home with Arthur, who is met with fanfare by the local villagers in celebration of his ascension. Sometime after becoming king, Arthur bestows the Round Table’s Siege Perilous seat, which is only fit for a knight with the purest heart, to Lancelot. («Siege Perilous», «The Broken Kingdom»)

During his reign as king, Arthur becomes consumed with finding the missing piece of Excalibur, Dark One Dagger, while neglecting his wife Guinevere, who tries to coax him away from his research to dance with her on her birthday. During the party, Lancelot notices her sitting alone and joins her, trying to reassure her that Arthur will be arriving soon. While Guinevere is dancing with Lancelot, a fellow villager announces Arthur has prepared a surprise for his Queen, before showering flower petals into the air. At first, Guinevere is pleased, until she realizes Arthur didn’t prepare anything, and it is Lancelot who wanted to make her happy. For this, she thanks him, shortly before they are interrupted by Arthur rushing to them, exclaiming that he discovered the dagger is only a day’s ride away. Assuming he will be the one going, Lancelot prepares to get his horse for the journey, but Arthur asks him to stay and protect Guinevere, while he himself will go. That night, Lancelot catches Guinevere trying to leave on her own, as she found the true location of the dagger with a Magic Gauntlet, which revealed the dagger as Arthur’s greatest weakness. Lancelot accompanies her there, and the gauntlet takes them to the Vault of the Dark One, where Guinevere unlocks a staircase into it. In the vault, Lancelot is attacked by the Darkness, but Guinevere scares it off with fire. Relieved to have not lost him, she kisses him in the heat of the moment, before apologizing and stating that it can never happen again. From one door, they enter a jungle-like region and find the dagger on a table stand, but it’s protected by a barrier. In exchange for the gauntlet, the Dark One offers Guinevere magic sand that will give the illusion that Excalibur is whole. Lancelot begs her not to, but Guinevere accepts the deal. On their return to the village, Lancelot bids her farewell, deciding to leave Camelot forever, knowing that she has chosen Arthur over him. («The Broken Kingdom»)

Afterwards, Lancelot comes to the Enchanted Forest, becoming King George’s new general, and aiding him with hunting down Prince Charming. During a battle, he captures Snow White and brings her to the King. Upon order by King George, he fetches Snow White a cup of water. The water curses Snow White to be barren forever, and unable to bear any children. Afterwards, she is let go, but Lancelot follows her into the forest. Snow White is furious, and attacks him. He begs her to spare him because he, too, was unaware of the poison the king put into the cup. She allows him to come with her, and together, they return to Prince Charming and his mother, Ruth. The king’s men have them surrounded by the time they reach back, and worse yet, one of their poisoned arrows has struck Ruth. Prince Charming suggests they go to Lake Nostos and gather some of the lake’s waters, which has healing powers. When they reach there, they find the lake completely dry, except for a few droplets of water left. However, Ruth only pretends to drink the water, and as her dying wish, she asks to see her son and Snow White married. During the ceremony, Lancelot fills a cup with the lake water, stating that in Camelot there is a legend of a cup and it’s believed whoever drinks from it will become immortal. Snow White drinks it, and after the marriage is complete, Ruth passes away. Afterwards, Snow White discovers she is no longer barren and figures out Ruth must have given the water to Lancelot to put in the cup. («Lady of the Lake»)

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