Лунтик рассказ на английском

In season 9 in new 3D

Moonzy (Russian: Лунтик, Luntik) is the main character of the Russian cartoon «The Adventures of Moonzy and his friends». It is not certainly known what kind of creature Luntik is, but anyway, he fell from the moon to Earth, and introduced himself to the inhabitants of the meadow as a moon bee. He’s kind, naive and honest and knows how to forgive and befriend others. His best friends are Skip, Dottie and Weebee.


Moonzy is pink, he has four ears and he is pretty tall, compered to other characters. He has fluffy fur. His fur is so fluffy, that you could sleep on his palms! It is shown in the episode «Самые мягкие ладошки» or in English «The softest palms» (this episode is only in russian)


Moonzy is loved by inhabitans of the meadow for his kind nature, hospitality, tenderness and desire to come to the aid of those who need her. He still doesn’t know many simple things and doesn’t understand the structure of the environment, but he’s very quick at learning, and wants to make this world better and kinder. Luntic absolutely doesn’t know how to fight, deceive others, brag, put on frills and be greedy. His simple-mindedness often draws him into awkward situations, but, with the help of friends, he understands the awkwardness and always tries to make amends and not offend and harm anyone.

Moonzy is very polite and tolerant, always considers others’ opinions and thinks over everything he heard. He never argues with anyone, doesn’t show irritation when caterpillars and Mrs Leech instigate him, and takes responsibility in everything he said. At first, he didn’t know how to befriend others, but wanted to make friends. Moonzy is often being manipulated by his best friend Skip, who does many lesser-than-good deeds, and when they realize this, they struggle to fix it together.

In the first series, Moonzy was the only inhabitant of the forest who didn’t fear Mr Webber and Toad Klava, who was awed even by adults. He was the one who told everyone that Mr Webber isn’t bad, he has a warm heart inside and is fond of art, such as writing poems, drawing and playing different musical instruments.


He was born on the Moon, but then he fell down to Earth in his shell. He fell to the Pond. On Earth, Moonzy met a lot of friends. The first of them was Skip. In episode 3, he, Weebee, and Skip made the hut where Moonzy lived in the old episodes.Starting with episode 6, he began to stay with his grandparents during the day, and then began to live with them permanently.



Skip is the very first and the best friend of Moonzy, alongside of Dottie and Weebee.


Dottie is Moonzy’s friend too, in spite of Dottie is a crybaby.


Weebee and Moonzy usually do not meet each other very often. Alongside of this, they are good friends.

Woopsie & Poopsie

Sometimes caterpillars may be called Moonzy’s friends too. But sometimes they do a lot of different revenges and dirty tricks.

Grandpa Stringer & Granny Annie

Moonzy, of course, loves his grandpa and granny, he is proud of them and respects them.


Moonzy is in good relations with all the habitants of the Forest.

Name origin

His russian name was created based on the word ‘lunatik’ (‘sleepwalker’) without one letter (‘lunatik’ became ‘luntik’) which is alike with the english word of that meaning but only having a suffix ‘-tik’ which goes after the word ‘moon’. In English, it’s ‘Moonzy’ where ‘-zy’ makes up for the lost suffix. Both of the names are associated with moon.

While Moonzy was still a dragon long before his design’s creator (Darina Schmidt) made a choice how he should look like, this character had different names such as ‘Khrustik’ (the one who makes something do crispy sounds, plus a suffix)’ and Yeroshka’ (a russian name dervived from the full name written as ‘Yerofey’ — Ерофей; the name has a suffix again which makes it easier to name a kid who Moonzy is) or simply, ‘a little dragon’ (‘drakonchik’). But Moonzy’s designer suggested a name ‘Lunatik’ (‘slepwalker’) though it wasn’t approved at first because other members of a creative team thought that associating this character’s name with such a disorder would be weird and inapproriate. But as far as the rumour goes, one member of the team once typed Moonzy’s original name without one letter and the others liked it so the name was kept.


Kids Moonzy • Moona • Skip • Dottie • Weebee • Woopsie & Poopsie • Young ant • Butterflies • Margo • Ellie
Adults Granny Annie • Grandpa Stringer • Mr Diggins • Skip’s mother • Bees • Teacher • Mr Webber
Other KlavaBeetles • Ants • Little Round BunGiant beetlesGiant ape (character)Earthworm
Unproven Mr Webber’s grandma • Tina Turtle’s momSkip’s mother
In the Pond Giles Gudgeon • Mrs Leech • Mr Crayfish • Tina Turtle • Pike • Fishes-Children • Water beetles

Обновлено: 09.01.2023

It is known that Luntik (or Loonie) hatched from an egg, as well as modern reptiles, but Luntik ranks himself as a bee, or rather, to lunar bees. Contrary to this, Luntik has nothing to do with bees. It has a different colour, a larger body, and weight, and it does not have wings. Luntik is covered with purple fur including his body, head, arms, legs, ears, nose, etc. Luntik has two legs and two arms. Unlike insects, Luntik has got four ears (double ears). The Loonie has an unknown track like a birthmark on his belly. The same track but without the spots, he has on his forehead. He has barely noticeable pinkish hedgehog hair. He has also got a small tail, the same colour as his whole body. It is unknown how, but the Luntic is somehow able to breathe underwater, he often visits the inhabitants of the pond.

Знаменито, что Лунтик (или Луни) вылупился из яичка, как и современные пресмыкающиеся, но Лунтик причисляет себя к пчелам, а поточнее, к лунным пчелам. Вопреки этому, Лунтик не имеет ничего общего с пчелами. Он имеет иной цвет, более крупное тело и вес, и у него нет крыльев. Лунтик покрыт фиолетовым мехом, включая тело, голову, руки, ноги, уши, нос и т. д. У Лунтика две ноги и две руки. В отличие от насекомых, у Лунтика четыре уха (двойные уши). У Лунтика есть неизвестный след, как родное пятно, на животике. Тот же след, но без пятен, у него на лбу. У него есть едва заметные розоватые волоски, которые стоят ёжиком. У него также есть махонький хвостик, такового же цвета, как и все его тело. Неизвестно как, но Лунтик как-то умеет дышать под водой, он нередко навещает жителей пруда.

Essay on Luntik / Сочинение про Лунтика

Luntik is a main character of a popular Russian cartoon. He was born on the moon and fall on Earth. He is a nice little creature. He is purple and he has big ears.

Luntik lives among insects. Two elderly bees became his adoptive grandparents. Luntik has many friends. His best friend is a grasshopper named Koozia.

Luntik is very kind. He always wants to help others and to make everyone happy. But he is very naive and he often gets into awkward situations.

Лунтик — главный герой популярного российского мультфильма. Он родился на Луне и упал на Землю. Он — милое маленькое создание. Он сиреневый, и у него большие уши.

Лунтик живет среди насекомых. Две пожилые пчелы стали его приемными бабушкой и дедушкой. У Лунтика много друзей. Его лучший друг — кузнечик по имени Кузи.

Лунтик очень добрый. Он всегда хочет помочь другим и сделать всех счастливыми. Но он очень наивный и часто попадает в неловкие ситуации.

мой любимый герой лунтик.Это главный герой нашего мультфильма. Он прилетел на Землю с Луны. Здесь Лунтик познакомился с кузнечиком Кузей, божьей коровкой Милой, Пчелёнком и поселился у бабы Капы и деда Шера.Это забавное розовое существо с четырьмя ушками многого не знает, но его друзья всегда рады ему все объяснить. Он очень добрый, отзывчивый и хороший друг. Я люблю Лунтика за его положительные черты характера и отзывчивость.

my favorite hero luntik. Is the main hero of our cartoon. He arrived on Earth from the moon. Here he became acquainted with Luntik Grasshopper Kuzey, ladybug, Pčelënkom and settled near Baba Capa and grandfather Shera. This fun pink creature with four ears doesn’t know much, but his friends are always happy to explain everything to him. He was very kind, helpful and a good friend. I love Luntik for his positive character traits and responsiveness.

Luntik is the moon bee, an unusual baby, who came from the Moon to Earth. He starts to live on the glade, residents of which are very fond of him for his kind disposition, hospitality, responsiveness and the desire to help everyone. Luntik does not know a lot of simple things and does not understand how the surrounding world works, but he learns very fast. He likes this world and he wants to make it even better and kinder. He settled with the Granny Kapa and grandfather Cher. Luntik absolutely does not know how to fight, to be mean and greedy. Sometimes he may be a little ridiculous at some situations, but with the help of his friends always finds the solutions. Luntik is very polite, always listens to the opinions of others. He is fond of the butterfly Elina. From the first series it is known that Luntik hatched from the egg. Luntik is covered with the purple fur. He has got two arms, two legs and a small tail. The ears are double. Luntik can breathe under the water, so he often visits the inhabitants of the pond. He has got a favorite toy called Lunia.

It is known that Luntik (or Loonie) hatched from an egg, as well as modern reptiles, but Luntik ranks himself as a bee, or rather, to — lunar bees.

Contrary to this, Luntik has nothing to do with bees.

It has a different colour, a larger body, and weight, and it does not have wings.

Luntik is covered with purple fur including his body, head, arms, legs, ears, nose, etc.

Luntik has two legs and two arms.

Unlike insects, Luntik has got four ears (double ears).

The Loonie has an unknown track like a birthmark on his belly.

The same track but without the spots, he has on his forehead.

He has barely noticeable pinkish hedgehog hair.

He has also got a small tail, the same colour as his whole body.

It is unknown how, but the Luntic is somehow able to breathe underwater, he often visits the inhabitants of the pond.

Известно, что Лунтик (или Луни) вылупился из яйца, как и современные рептилии, но Лунтик причисляет себя к пчелам, а точнее, к лунным пчелам.

Вопреки этому, Лунтик не имеет ничего общего с пчелами.

Он имеет другой цвет, более крупное тело и вес, и у него нет крыльев.

Лунтик покрыт фиолетовым мехом, включая тело, голову, руки, ноги, уши, нос и т.

Д. У Лунтика две ноги и две руки.

В отличие от насекомых, у Лунтика четыре уха (двойные уши).

У Лунтика есть неизвестный след, как родимое пятно на животе.

Тот же след, но без пятен, у него на лбу.

У него есть едва заметные розоватые волоски, которые стоят ёжиком.

У него также есть маленький хвостик, такого же цвета, как и все его тело.

Неизвестно как, но Лунтик как — то умеет дышать под водой, он часто навещает обитателей пруда.

Напишите пожалуйста не очень большое сочинение на тему «Моя комната (описание)» 10 — 11 предложений на английском языке с переводом ОЧЕНЬ НАДО?

Напишите пожалуйста не очень большое сочинение на тему «Моя комната (описание)» 10 — 11 предложений на английском языке с переводом ОЧЕНЬ НАДО.

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По английскому языку составить небольшое описание по английски на тему Люди на природе .

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Описание кузнечика на английском языке

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На английском языке.

Заранее большое спасибо).

Напишите пожалуйста маленькое сочинение на тему «Моя комната (описание)» 6 — 7 предложений на английском языке с переводом ОЧЕНЬ НАДО?

Напишите пожалуйста маленькое сочинение на тему «Моя комната (описание)» 6 — 7 предложений на английском языке с переводом ОЧЕНЬ НАДО.

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Помогите очень надо : Описание актера, певца, композитора, и т.

Д. на английском языке.

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Проект по английскому языку описание 4 игрушек на английском языке.

Помогите пожалуйста написать рассказ про лунтика на английском языке?

Помогите пожалуйста написать рассказ про лунтика на английском языке.

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Описание своего кита на английском языке с переводом пожалуйста.

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Кратенькое описание Волан — де — Морта из Гарри Поттера.

На английском языке.

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Have we got two sisters? Have we got school bags? Has she got a pet? Has he got an eraser? Has it got four paws? We have not got two sisters They have not got school bags. She has not got a pet. He has not an eraser. It has not got four paws.

1) ( — ) We haven’t got two sisters. (? ) Have we got two sisters? 2) ( — ) They haven’t got school bags. (? ) Have they got school bags? 3) ( — ) She hasn’t got a pet. (? ) Has she got a pet? 4) ( — ) He hasn’t got an eraser. (? ) Has he got ..

In the future, I want to fight for justice. I dream of becoming a policeman. This is a very difficult job, it requires a lot of confidence and physical preparation. I am confident that I can fulfill my dream in the future.

1. C. Are asked 2. D. Has just been made 3. B. Are said to be 4. A. Will be invited 5. D. If I pass.

Women, money, information, boxes, sheep, places, libraries, photos, mice, ladies, glasses, bushes, dresses, countries, buses, parties, wives, days, knives, knowledge, months, pens, heroes, geese, companies, lives, deer, tomatoes, cities, men, plays, ..

1The examiner asked Pete how long he had been learning English. 2She asked the policeman where she could park her car. 3He promised everything would be ready in a week. 4John asked his father how much he earned. 5They asked her why she was late. ..

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мой любимый герой лунтик.Это главный герой нашего мультфильма. Он прил перевод - мой любимый герой лунтик.Это главный герой нашего мультфильма. Он прил английский как сказать

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мой любимый герой лунтик.Это главны

мой любимый герой лунтик.Это главный герой нашего мультфильма. Он прилетел на Землю с Луны. Здесь Лунтик познакомился с кузнечиком Кузей, божьей коровкой Милой, Пчелёнком и поселился у бабы Капы и деда Шера.Это забавное розовое существо с четырьмя ушками многого не знает, но его друзья всегда рады ему все объяснить. Он очень добрый, отзывчивый и хороший друг. Я люблю Лунтика за его положительные черты характера и отзывчивость. 


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


my favorite hero luntik. Is the main hero of our cartoon. He arrived on Earth from the moon. Here he became acquainted with Luntik Grasshopper Kuzey, ladybug, Pčelënkom and settled near Baba Capa and grandfather Shera. This fun pink creature with four ears doesn’t know much, but his friends are always happy to explain everything to him. He was very kind, helpful and a good friend. I love Luntik for his positive character traits and responsiveness.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


luntik.Eto my favorite character the protagonist of our cartoon. He came to Earth from the Moon. There Luntik met with grasshopper Kuzey, ladybug Mila, Pchelёnkom and dwelt in the women Capa and grandfather Shera.Eto funny pink creature with four ears does not know much, but his friends are always happy to explain everything to him. He is very kind, sympathetic and a good friend. I love Luntik for his positive character traits and responsiveness. 

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


«my favorite лунтик.это protagonist of our cartoon. he came to earth from the moon. this lunatic met кузнечиком кузей, ladybug nice пчелёнком and moved in with baba capa and grandfather, furthermore.it’s a funny pink creature with four ears don’t know much, but his friends are always pleased him объяснить. он very kind, compassionate and good friend.i love лунтика for his positive character traits and отзывчивость. 

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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