Лыжный спорт сочинение на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Лыжный спорт/ Skiing с переводом на русский язык.

Skiing Лыжный спорт
Skiing is one of favorite things to do among the Russian people in winter because our climate is very well suited for it. However, people who like difficult ski tracks usually prefer the European mountain ski resorts where they are able to train really well and have some rest at the same time. Катание на лыжах — это одно из любимых занятий многих русских людей в зимнее время года, поскольку климатические условия нашей страны как нельзя лучше подходят для такого времяпрепровождения. Впрочем, любители сложных и хорошо оборудованных трасс предпочитают европейские горные курорты, где можно не только потренировать свое мастерство, но и комфортно отдохнуть.
There are people who doesn’t simply like skiing as a hobby but who made it their profession. Professional skiers dedicate their lives to it and start training when they are very little. That’s the only way you can get to an olympic team where you would be able to protect the honour of your country. Но есть люди, для которых катание на лыжах — это не просто хобби, а вид профессиональной деятельности. Спортсмены-лыжники посвящают этому всю свою жизнь, начиная тренироваться еще в раннем детстве. Только так можно попасть в олимпийскую сборную, чтобы иметь возможность потом защищать честь своей страны на соревнованиях.
There are different kinds of skiing. It can be simple cross-country skiing, ski jumping or freestyle — skiing down the hill and doing acrobatic tricks at the same time. Snowboarding is one of the kinds of skiing too. Существует множество разновидностей лыжного спорта. Это может быть просто бег на лыжах, прыжки с трамплина или фристайл — спуск со склона, включающий элементы акробатики. Сноубординг также является разновидностью лыжного спорта.
Of course skiing competitions were invented in the country where there was a lot of snow in winter. And this country is called Norway. That’s where in the XVIII century the first competition was held among skiers. Соревнования по катанию на лыжах, конечно же, могли впервые появиться лишь в той стране, где в зимнее время выпадает большое количество снега. И этой страной стала Норвегия. Именно там в XVIII веке было организовано первое состязание среди лыжников.
This great entertainment attracted a lot of spectators. At the same time unpredictable mountain slopes gave sportsman a lot of opportunities. Зрелищность такого мероприятия не могла не привлечь зрителей. А непредсказуемость горных склонов открыла перед спортсменами большие возможности.
Nowadays there are certain rules for skiing that allow you to evaluate sportsmen during competition. But every sportsman has his own skiing style that is allowed by the rules and individual outfit. All that helps sportsmen to achieve great results during the competition and make their fan happy thanks to setting new records. Сегодня для официальных видов лыжного спорта существуют определенные правила, которые позволяют оценивать спортсменов на соревнованиях. Но каждый участник имеет свой стиль езды на лыжах, не противоречащий этим правилам, и индивидуальную экипировку. Все это позволяет спортсменам достигать превосходных результатов на соревнованиях и радовать зрителей новыми рекордами.

Skiing is the most popular of all winter sports. It is believed that skiing comes from northern Europe and Siberia, where it was a vital means of transportation during the long, snowbound months of winter. The pre-historic people of these regions used skis to keep hunters on top of the snow. Wooden planks were strapped to feet, to prevent sinking and making it possible to glide over the snow and travel faster. Skiing was such an important way of life in Scandinavia that the Vikings worshipped Ull and Skade, the god and goddess of winter/skiing. The first written account of skiing appears circa 1000 A.D. in the Viking «Sagas» where several kings are described as being superb skiers.

The word «ski» is a Norwegian word which comes from the Old Norse word «skid», a board or a piece of split wood. The first hints to the existence of skis are on 4,500 to 5,000 years old rock carving at the Norwegian Island of Rodoy, showing a man on long runners with a hunting implement in hand. The oldest ski on record, being 1.10 m. long and 20 cm. broad was found in a peat bog in Hoting, Sweden and it is estimated to be about 4,500 years old. Several other skis have been found all throughout Scandinavia and Lapland. These ancient skis show regional differences in length and width, indicating a gradual refinement in technology.

The findings of old skis and its role in literature show that skiing is deeply engrained in Nordic history. As skis became quicker and more versatile, their application shifted from hunting gear towards military purposes. Skis were first used in warfare in AD 1200 in the battle of Oslo, in Norway when Norwegian scouts used skis to spy on Swedish enemies. In 1206, during the Norwegian civil war, two scouts on skis carried the infant heir to the throne 35 miles to safety in the middle of winter. The historic event is celebrated today by the «Birchleg Race» over the same route — so called because the scouts wrapped their legs in birch bark to keep them warm and dry.

Another illustrative example is found in Sweden history. In 1521 the Danes overran Sweden and massacred all the Swedish nobles but one, Gustav Vasa, who was able to escape. The Swedes were left without a leader, so two desparate peasants set out on skis to find Gustav. He came back, drove the Danes out of Sweden, and set up the kingdom that survives to this day.During the 1700s, the people of Telemark, Southern Norway developed skiing into a sport. They invented the Telemark and the Christiana (now known as the Christie) turns as methods of artfully controlling speeds on downhill descents. The ideas of these early pioneers helped pave the way for the disciplines of both downhill (Alpine) and cross-country (Nordic) skiing.

The first evolution of skiing came in 1868 for downhill skis. Sondre Nordheim from the Telemark region, an outstanding craftsman and skier, developed the first binding that went around the heel, stabilizing the boot on the ski. He also contouring his skis so that they were slightly waisted in the middle. The new binding and refinement of the ski shape gave the skier more control, allowing for sharper turns, faster speeds and the ability to negotiate steeper slopes. Sondre Norheim is often called the «father of modern skiing».

When Europeans became aware of their Norwegian neighbors’ amusement with skiing, the sport’s popularity grew. By 1870, the skiing had spread to central Europe but soon became apparent that the techniques used by the Scandinavians were unsuitable for mountainous terrain, especially in the Alps of south central Europe. Nordic techniques were therefore adapted for the steeper slopes, and Alpine skiing was born.Alpine skiing became a popular European pastime in the 1930s, as ski lifts were invented and that eliminated the labor of climbing a mountain before experiencing an exhilarating descent. The invention of the ski lift is credited to a young German engineer, Gerhard Mueller, who used parts of a motorbike and some rope to create the world’s first rope tow.

The ski industry emerged and began in earnest after the Second World War, when Austria and Switzerland came out with the first Alpine Ski Resorts. The rapid advance of materials and technology further popularized the sport all over the world. Ski manufacturers developed faster and safer equipment which combined with the improving skills of the skiers to make the sport of skiing more intense, and easier to learn.

Nowadays, skiing has about 45 million fans worldwide. There are over 6,000 ski resorts around the world in more than 70 different countries. Most of these are in Europe, with 1,000 or so each in North America and Asia (Russia/Japan). Great ski resorts also exist in Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand; they are found in hot countries such as Iran, Morocco, Lebanon, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Portugal; and since the end of the Cold War, East European countries such as Bulgaria and Romania, with their upgraded winter resorts provide excellent opportunities for ski enthusiasts of all levels.

Лыжный спорт один из самых популярных зимних видов спорта. Я расскажу  перевод - Лыжный спорт один из самых популярных зимних видов спорта. Я расскажу  английский как сказать

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Лыжный спорт один из самых популярн

Лыжный спорт один из самых популярных зимних видов спорта. Я расскажу о
Всероссийской массовой лыжной гонке «Лыжня России» . «Лыжня России» проводится ежегодно с 1982 года и всегда является большим зимним праздником. Количество ее участников увеличивается из года в год.Все больше простых любителей активного отдыха выходят на старт самой массовой лыжной гонки России. Участвуют не только любители ,но и спортсмены-профессионалы, олимпийские чемпионы, ветераны спорта. Победителей «Лыжня России» ждут традиционные медали, дипломы и памятные призы Министерства спорта Российской Федерации.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Skiing is one of the most popular winter sports. I’m going to talk about All-Russian mass ski race «ski track of Russia». «Ski track of Russia» has been held annually since 1982 year and always a great winter holiday. The number of participants increases from year to year. More simple amateurs of active rest overlook the most mass start ski racing in Russia. Involves not only amateurs, but also athletes-professionals, Olympic champions, veterans of the sport. The winners of the «ski track of Russia» are waiting for the traditional medals, diplomas and memorable prizes of the Ministry of sport of the Russian Federation.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Skiing is one of the most popular winter sports. I’ll talk about
the All-Russian mass ski race «Ski Track of Russia». «Ski Track of Russia» has been held annually since 1982 and is always a great winter holiday. The number of participants is increasing from year to god.Vse more ordinary outdoor enthusiasts come to the start of the mass ski race Russian. Involving not only fans but also professional sportsmen, Olympic champions, sport veterans. Winner of the «Ski Track of Russia» offers traditional medals, diplomas and prizes of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


skiing is one of the most popular winter sports. i’ll tell you
russian media ski race «with russia.» «with» is held annually since 1982 and is always the biggest winter celebration.the number of participants is increasing from year to год.все more simple amateur recreation go to start the mass ski race in russia. involves not only the fans, but also athletes, professionalsolympic champions, veterans of the sport. the winners of the «waiting» with traditional medals, diplomas and the gifts of ministry of sports of the russian federation.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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лыжи, хоккей, санки

With the onset of a cold winter, many people prefer to stay at home, drink hot tea and stay warm. However, this pastime is completely useless. In winter days, you need to spend as much time outside as possible, breathe clear frosty air, and to do exercise. There are many winter sports that people do professionally: snowboarding, figure skating, skiing, luge, curling, biathlon, hockey, speed skating, ski jumping.

More recently, winter sports were available during the cold season, but with the advent of artificial snow and ice, it became possible to organize competitions all year round. Winter sports are the most spectacular and interesting. They are useful for immunity, stimulate metabolism, harden the body, as well as raise the mood and keep in good shape. Winter sport is mandatory presented in the program of the Olympic Winter Games.

Most winter sports are considered extreme and very dangerous. Athletes attached special sports equipment: helmets, protective mounts for arms, legs and back, gloves, sunglasses.

It is not necessary to engage in sports professionally, many people prefer just outdoor activities in the winter. For adherents of winter tourism, ski resorts are opening up, with an ideal infrastructure. The mountain slope is equipped with a special track prepared for descents, using sports uniforms. Vacationers can always combine rest with skiing, snowboarding and sledding.


С наступление холодной зимы многие люди предпочитают сидеть дома, пить горячий чай и находиться в тепле. Однако такое времяпровождение совершенно бесполезно. В зимние дни нужно как можно больше проводить времени на улице, дышать чистым морозным воздухом и заниматься физической нагрузкой. Существует множество зимних видов спорта, которыми люди занимаются профессионально: сноубординг, фигурное катание, лыжный спорт, санный спорт, керлинг, биатлон, хоккей, конькобежный спорт, прыжки на лыжах с трамплина.

Еще совсем недавно зимние виды спорта были доступны в холодное время года, но с появлением искусственного снежного покрытия и льда устраивать соревнования стало возможным круглогодично. Зимние виды спорта самые зрелищные и интересные. Они полезны для иммунитета, стимулируют обмен веществ, закаляют организм, а также поднимают настроение и держат в тонусе. Зимний спорт в обязательном порядке представлен в программе Олимпийских зимних игр.

Большинство зимних видов спорта считаются экстремальными и очень опасными. Спортсменам прилагается специальное спортивное снаряжение: шлемы, защитные крепления для рук, ног и спины, перчатки, солнцезащитные очки.

Вовсе не обязательно заниматься спортом профессионально, многие люди предпочитают просто активный отдых в зимнее время. Для приверженцев зимнего туризма открываются горнолыжные курорты, с идеальной инфраструктурой. Горный склон оснащают специальной трассой подготовленной для спусков, с использованием спортивного обмундирования. Отдыхающие могут всегда совместить отдых с катанием на лыжах, сноубордах и санках. 

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