Малефисента на английском как пишется

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— / —



This sentiment did not represent a maleficent doctrine antithetical to the American credo.

И эту концепцию ни в коем случае нельзя назвать вредоносной доктриной, противоречащей кредо Америки.



This sentiment did not represent a maleficent doctrine antithetical to the American credo.
И эту концепцию ни в коем случае нельзя назвать вредоносной доктриной, противоречащей кредо Америки.

Thinking about witches began to change in the Fourteenth Century, particularly in the wake of the Black Death of 1347-1350, after which Europeans became increasingly fearful of conspiracies by maleficent underground forces, mostly imaginary.
Отношение к ведьмам начало меняться в XIV веке, особенно в разгар эпидемии чумы 1347 — 1350 годов, после которой европейцы стали все больше и больше бояться заговора вредоносных демонических сил, в большинстве своем мнимых.

Stefan gave Maleficent a gift.
Стефан сделал Малефисенте подарок.

And her name was Maleficent.
И звали её Малефисента.

Oh my God, you’re maleficent.
О Боже мой, ты Малефисента.


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This article is about the Disney character. For the film, see Maleficent (film).

Sleeping Beauty character

Maleficent as she appears in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty

First appearance Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Created by Marc Davis
Portrayed by
  • Angelina Jolie (adult)
    (Maleficent & Maleficent: Mistress of Evil)
    Ella Purnell (teenager)
    Isobelle Molloy (child)
  • Kristin Chenoweth
Voiced by
  • Eleanor Audley
    (Sleeping Beauty)
  • Linda Gary
    (Fantasmic! & Disney’s Fantillusion)
  • Lois Nettleton
    (Disney’s House of Mouse)
  • Susanne Blakeslee
  • Rajia Baroudi
    (Disney Infinity)
Based on The evil fairy from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale
In-universe information
Species Fairy[2]
Title Mistress of All Evil
Mistress of Evil
Queen of the Moors
Affiliation Disney villains
Spouse Hades (ex-husband; Descendants only)
Children Mal (daughter; Descendants only)

Maleficent ( or ) is a fictional character who appears as the main antagonist in Walt Disney Productions’ 16th animated feature film, Sleeping Beauty (1959). She is represented as an evil fairy and the self-proclaimed «Mistress of All Evil» who, after not being invited to a christening, curses the infant Princess Aurora to «prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die» before the sun sets on Aurora’s sixteenth birthday.[3]

Maleficent is based on the evil fairy godmother character in Charles Perrault’s fairy tale Sleeping Beauty,[4] as well as the villainess who appears in the Brothers Grimm’s retelling of the story, Little Briar Rose. Maleficent was animated by Marc Davis.

She is voiced by Eleanor Audley, who earlier voiced Lady Tremaine, Cinderella’s evil stepmother, in Cinderella (1950).

A revision of the character appeared as the protagonist in the 2014 live-action film Maleficent, portrayed by Angelina Jolie, who reprised the role in the 2019 sequel Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.[5] This version of Maleficent is portrayed as a sympathetic character, who is misunderstood in trying to protect herself and her domain from humans.


The character was animated by Marc Davis who also animated Aurora in the film. She was aptly named «Maleficent» (an adjective which means «doing evil or harm»).[6] In determining Maleficent’s design, standard depictions of witches and hags were dismissed as Mattinson’s opted for an elegant, sinister, green-skinned beauty, depicted as «vain femme fatale, utilizing a classic archetype of a bad woman.»[7] According to Mattinson, Maleficent «was designed like a giant vampire bat to create a feeling of menace.»[8]

She was voiced by Eleanor Audley, who had previously performed Lady Tremaine, Cinderella’s evil stepmother, in Cinderella. Audley also provided some live-action recording for both of these characters, to inspire the animators. In addition, dancer Jane Fowler performed some live-action reference for Maleficent.[9][10] Animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, in their book The Disney Villain, describe animating Audley’s voice as «a difficult assignment but a thrilling one, working to that voice track with so much innuendo mixed in with the fierce power.»[11]

It was long rumored that Maleficent’s likeness was inspired by actress Maila Nurmi, best known for her character Vampira, a camp icon of the 1950s. In 2014, entries were discovered in Nurmi’s journals describing sessions for Walt Disney in November of 1956. Walt Disney was subsequently able to find archival documents corroborating Nurmi’s participation as a «live-action reference» model for the character.[12]

For the scene when Maleficent transforms into a dragon in the original film, she was animated by Eric Cleworth, who said that the dragon was modeled on a rattlesnake, with «powerful muscles moving a bulky body over the rocky terrain.»[8] Sound effects artist Jimmy MacDonald searched for the sound of a dragon’s fiery breath by requesting the United States Army to send him some training films on flame throwing. These films provided just the right sound for him.[10]


Sleeping Beauty[edit]

In the animated film, where she is voiced by Eleanor Audley, Maleficent arrives at King Stefan and Queen Leah’s castle during the christening of their newborn daughter, Princess Aurora. She expresses displeasure about not receiving an invitation, to which one of the good fairies named Merryweather replies that she was unwanted. Angered, she prepares to leave. Queen Leah asks her if she is offended, causing Maleficent to deny her rage, and subsequently offers to bestow a «gift» on Aurora to prove that she «bears no ill will». Maleficent confirms that Aurora will grow in grace and beauty, «beloved by all who know her», but as revenge for not being invited by the kingdom, she places a curse on Aurora so that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Before the Royal Guards can seize her, Maleficent disappears, laughing triumphantly. Though Merryweather still has her gift to bestow, she cannot dispel Maleficent’s power, but she can only weaken the curse so that Aurora will fall into a deep sleep instead, which requires a kiss from her true love to awaken her.

Later, at her castle in the Forbidden Mountains, a frustrated Maleficent asks her bestial army why they have been unable to find Aurora, who had been hidden and brought up by the three good fairies. Maleficent learns that they have focused on searching for a baby the entire time, even though 16 years have passed. She flies into a destructive rage, and soon desperately instructs her pet raven, Diablo, to find Aurora. The bird manages to succeed due to a magical quarrel between Merryweather and Flora, which exposes their location.

On the evening of Aurora’s sixteenth birthday, after the three fairies have momentarily left the depressed princess alone in a castle room, Maleficent visits Aurora in the form of a will-o-the-wisp, luring the princess to a tower room where Maleficent transforms into a spinning wheel. The fairies, realizing their mistake, pursue Aurora to the tower room, trying to prevent her from touching the spindle. Unfortunately for them, Aurora pricks her finger on the spindle, fulfilling the curse. When Flora, Merryweather, and Fauna arrive too late, Maleficent appears and taunts three of her arch-rivals into defeating her. The evil fairy reveals the now sleeping Aurora on the floor, shocking the fairies as Maleficent disappears, cackling, leaving the fairies heartbroken of what happened.

Maleficent transforms into a dragon at the film’s climax.

Later on, Maleficent and her goons capture Prince Phillip, Aurora’s true love, and imprisons him. Maleficent then rests well, thinking she has triumphed.

Maleficent later wakes up and by seeing that Diablo has been turned to stone, she discovers that the fairies have freed Phillip from her dungeon. She climbs to the top of one of her castle’s towers and proceeds to blast Phillip with lightning, and after the good fairies foil these attempts, she summons a forest of thorns, through which Phillip slices his way out. Enraged, she blows away and confronts him in front of King Stefan’s castle, and transforms into a huge dark dragon. The three fairies cast an enhancing enchantment on Phillip’s Sword of Truth, which he throws into Maleficent’s heart, mortally wounding her before she falls off the crumbling cliff to her death.


Angelina Jolie as Maleficent in the 2014 live-action re-imagining film of the character

The 2014 live-action reboot presents Maleficent as a good-hearted but tragic fairy who defends the Moors, a realm of supernatural beings, from neighboring humans. She is played by Angelina Jolie.

Prior to sporting her iconic dark attire, Maleficent had a pair of giant wings and wore a brown leather dress, with sandals and an anklet. She could heal a tree’s broken branch just by touching it, and shared an immense fondness with all the denizens of her mystical domain. Maleficent befriends a thieving peasant boy named Stefan, upon being alerted to his presence by a trio of pixies: Knotgrass (Imelda Staunton), Thistletwit (Juno Temple), and Flittle (Lesley Manville).

As a young adult, Maleficent is betrayed by Stefan…who uses iron to burn off her wings so that he can succeed King Henry. (Henry declared a bounty on Maleficent’s life, after she gravely felled him while thwarting his armed invasion of the Moors.) After claiming a raven named Diaval (Sam Riley) as her henchman, Maleficent renames herself from guardian of the Moors to ruler of same. Both her clothing and her realm turn dark, reflecting the hatred with which she is now consumed. When she learns that now-King Stefan and his Queen Leila have a newborn daughter named Aurora (Elle Fanning), Maleficent acts in the name of what she considers poetic justice…by cursing the newborn Aurora to fall into a deathlike slumber on her 16th birthday; the spell can be broken only by the kiss of true love, which neither Maleficent nor Stefan believe in. Knotgrass, Thistletwit, and Flittle are assigned to look after Aurora until after her 16th birthday; the pixies prove to be grossly incompetent and negligent, however. In order to ensure that her curse comes to pass, Maleficent cares for and — when required — protects the child from afar. Eventually, as Aurora grows into an industrious and sweet-tempered young woman, Maleficent recognizes the folly of punishing Stefan’s daughter for something he alone did. This tender regard for Aurora enables Maleficent to undo the damage which she herself inflicted; after Philip’s kiss fails to break the curse (because he’s not yet truly in love with Aurora), Maleficent voices her regrets and herself kisses Aurora’s brow. Roused from her enchanted sleep, and now fully aware of her father’s true nature, Aurora foils his efforts to destroy Maleficent by returning the dark fairy’s severed wings. Completely stripped of her bitterness and thirst for vengeance, Maleficent declares an end to her feud with Stefan. But the king, driven by shame too great to bear, attempts to kill her and himself…only to take a fatal fall from his own castle’s highest turret.

Following Aurora’s ascension over her late parents’ domain, Maleficent crowns her to rule the Moors as well…as Diaval and Phillip look on proudly.

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil[edit]

Angelina Jolie reprised the role in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, in which Maleficent’s relationship with Aurora was tested. Other fairies of her species appeared, led by Conall (Chiwetel Ejiofor). In the course of the film, Prince Philip’s mother Queen Ingrith (Michelle Pfeiffer) attempts to provoke a war between the humans and the fairies by creating the impression that Maleficent has cast another curse on the king, forcing Maleficent to flee the kingdom only to be rescued by others of her kind. During this time, Maleficent’s species is identified as ‘Dark Fey’, although Maleficent’s powers are unique to her due to her being the latest reincarnation of the powerful Phoenix. The queen nearly destroys the fairies after devising a cloud of red dust that will turn all fairies exposed to it into plants and luring them into a church for Aurora’s wedding, but during the Dark Fey’s attack on the kingdom, Aurora learns the truth and is able to convince both sides to stand down, Philip appealing to his own soldiers while Aurora confronts Maleficent. After asserting that she still regards Maleficent as her mother, Aurora is knocked off a tower by the queen, but Maleficent is able to save Aurora, ending the conflict when she breaks the curse on the King and turns the Queen into a goat. With peace restored, Maleficent walks Aurora down the aisle for her wedding to Philip, and later assures Aurora that she will return when their first child is born.

Other appearances[edit]


Maleficent appears in the Disney theme park attraction Fantasmic!, voiced by Linda Gary.

House of Mouse[edit]

Maleficent is a recurring character in the animated series Disney’s House of Mouse, voiced by Lois Nettleton.[13] In the episode «Halloween With Hades», Hades falls in love with her. She also appeared as a villain in the series’ direct-to-video film Mickey’s House of Villains[14] where she takes part in the «It’s Our House Now» musical number along with the other villains.

Once Upon a Time[edit]

A version of Maleficent appears in the ABC television series Once Upon a Time, played by Kristin Bauer van Straten. She was slain by Emma Swan in dragon form in the first season finale, but was later resurrected. She acts as one of the main antagonist in the fourth season, baing part of a group known as the Queens of Darkness, along with Ursula and Cruella De Vil, and temporarily the Evil Queen. In dragon form, she mothered Lily (Nicole Muñoz (teen)/Agnes Bruckner (adult)), and did not know the identity of the father. In the series finale, it is mentioned in dialogue that Lily discovered that her father was Zorro, whom no one knew could become a dragon.

Descendants franchise[edit]

Kristin Chenoweth played Maleficent in Disney’s original Disney Channel film Descendants, which follows the teenage children of Disney’s iconic heroes and villains,[15] including Maleficent’s daughter Mal. In Descendants 3, it is revealed that Mal’s father is Hades.

Video games[edit]

Maleficent is the final boss in the North American version of the video game Mickey Mousecapade created in 1987 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Maleficent appears as a major antagonist in the Kingdom Hearts video game series, voiced by Susanne Blakeslee in the English versions and Toshiko Sawada in the Japanese versions. She seeks to take control of the many worlds and engulf them in darkness, with Pete acting as her second-in-command. She has appeared in every game in the series except for Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.

Maleficent is a playable character in the Disney Infinity video games series, voiced by Rajia Baroudi and sporting her modified appearance from the live-action Angelina Jolie film.[16] As with the other playable characters in the game, a tie-in figure for Maleficent was also released.

Maleficent acts as the main antagonist in the video game Disney Magic Kingdoms, where she casts a curse on the titular Kingdom.[17] She also usually appears in limited time Events known as Tower Challenges, where she takes part in the Boss Battle of the event.[18]

Printed media[edit]

Maleficent is the protagonist in Serena Valentino’s Disney Villains book franchise.[19]

Maleficent was featured in the book sequel to Sleeping Beauty called Maleficent’s Revenge.

In the book series by Ridley Pearson, Kingdom Keepers, Maleficent appears as one of the first Overtakers encountered as she intends to leave the confines of Disney World to take over the world.



This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (May 2014)

The original version of Maleficent has been called as «one of the most sinister Disney Villains».[20] She is generally described as an «evil, cold hearted fairy who can curse an innocent baby just because she is not invited to the christening ceremony.»[21] Guillermo del Toro has stated that along with Vermithrax in Dragonslayer, Maleficent is his favorite cinematic, Disney dragon.[22] Voice actress Eleanor Audley and supervising animator Marc Davis were also praised for their work on the character.[citation needed] In 2016, The Frisky described Maleficent and the Evil Queen as «two of the best-realized female villains in movie history.»[23]

Maleficent’s live-action version from the film series of the same name has received critical attention, different from its original, animated counterpart. Benjamin Justice describes this version of Maleficent as «a full person, good and evil, powerful and vulnerable, vengeful and loving» and notes that, while she and Aurora value heterosexual relationships and love, neither of them «let the idea of [one true love] define the arc of the personal or public lives.»[24] When analyzing Maleficent’s disability after she loses her wings due to Stephan’s betrayal, Colleen Elaine Donnelly compares her role to that of Elphaba in Wicked, explaining that in both cases, the story «intends to reform the stereotype of the evil witch by providing a backstory.»[7]


  1. ^ «Voice(s) of Maleficent». Behind The Voice Actors.
  2. ^ «How Well Do You Know… Sleeping Beauty?». Disney Insider. Disney. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
  3. ^ Grant, John (1998). Encyclopedia of Walt Disney’s Animated Characters (2nd ed.). Hyperion. pp. 263–264. ISBN 978-0786863365.
  4. ^ Rovin, Jeff (1987). The Encyclopedia of Supervillains. New York: Facts on File. pp. 252–254. ISBN 0-8160-1356-X.
  5. ^ Good Morning America [@GMA] (March 6, 2019). ««Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,» the sequel to Disney’s «Maleficent,» will be released nationwide October 18, 2019. gma.abc/2HNA1Wz Take a look at the new teaser poster!» (Tweet). Retrieved March 6, 2019 – via Twitter.
  6. ^ «Dictionary.com». 2012. Retrieved June 7, 2012.
  7. ^ a b Donnelly, Colleen Elaine (December 26, 2016). «Re-visioning Negative Archetypes of Disability and Deformity in Fantasy: Wicked, Maleficent, and Game of Thrones«. Disability Studies Quarterly. 36 (4). doi:10.18061/dsq.v36i4.5313. Retrieved August 29, 2019.
  8. ^ a b Elizabeth Bell (1995). Somatexts at the Disney Shop. From mouse to mermaid: the politics of film, gender, and culture. ISBN 0253209781.
  9. ^ «Animating Old Legend». Life. Vol. 45, no. 25. December 22, 1958. p. 157. ISSN 0024-3019. Retrieved December 16, 2020 – via Google Books.
  10. ^ a b «Maleficent Character History». Disney.go.com. Archived from the original on October 4, 2003. Retrieved December 16, 2020.
  11. ^ «Lady Tremaine and Stepsisters Character History». Disney.go.com. Archived from the original on August 26, 2003. Retrieved December 16, 2020.
  12. ^ R.H. Greene (15 February 2014). «The real Maleficent: The surprising human face behind the «Sleeping Beauty» villain». Salon.
  13. ^ «House of Mouse». IMDb. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  14. ^ «Mickey’s House of Villains». IMDb. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  15. ^ Kristin Chenoweth to play Maleficent in Disney’s original movie ‘Descendants’ Entertainment Weekly, Retrieved May 5, 2014
  16. ^ «Merida and Maleficent Are Coming to Disney Infinity». Disney Blogs.
  17. ^ «Disney Magic Kingdoms — Official Launch Trailer». YouTube. March 17, 2016.
  18. ^ «Update 20: Bambi | Livestream». YouTube. April 25, 2018.
  19. ^ Reif, Alex (December 28, 2017). «Book Review – «Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy»«. LaughingPlace.com. Retrieved October 4, 2020.
  20. ^ «Sleeping Beauty (1959)» Archived 2012-06-26 at the Wayback Machine. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved September 27, 2013.
  21. ^ Üner, Ayşe Melda (July 20, 2017). «Intertextual transformation of a fairy tale from Sleeping Beauty to Maleficent» (PDF). Balıkesir University the Journal of Social Sciences Institute. 20 (38): 371–382. Retrieved August 29, 2019.
  22. ^ «An Unexpected Party Chat transcript now available! from Weta Holics» (PDF). WetaNZ.com. Archived from the original on December 31, 2008. Retrieved April 18, 2017.
  23. ^ The Frisky (January 29, 2016). «Linguists Have Nailed The Exact Problem With Disney’s Princess Movies». The Frisky. Archived from the original on April 19, 2016. Retrieved April 21, 2016.
  24. ^ Justice, Benjamin (September 1, 2014). «Maleficent Reborn: Disney’s Fairytale View of Gender Reaches Puberty». Social Education. 78 (4): 194–198. Retrieved August 29, 2019.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Maleficent.

  • Disney Archives — Maleficent
  • Maleficent at IMDb
  • Maleficent at The Big Cartoon DataBase

maleficent — перевод на русский

And her name was Maleficent.

А звали её Малефисента.

Maleficent, the border guards…

Малефисента, пограничники…

I’m Maleficent.

Я — Малефисента.

Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring.

Малефисента думала о том, как Стефан выбросил своё кольцо.

Показать ещё примеры для «малефисента»…

That spell came from Maleficent.

Это заклинание я получила от Малефисент.

Yeah, Maleficent, okay?

Да, Малефисент, хорошо?

Maleficent’s back.

Малефисент вернулась.

What exactly did you do to Maleficent?

Что именно вы сделали Малефисент?

Показать ещё примеры для «малефисент»…

— Why, it’s Maleficent.

О, это Фурия.

Maleficent doesn’t know anything about love… or kindness or the joy of helping others.

Фурия не знает ничего о любви… о доброте или о радости помощи другим.

And that’s why Maleficent will never suspect—

Именно поэтому Фурия ничего не заподозрит.

— Listen! Maleficent!

Это Фурия!

Well, a bonfire won’t stop Maleficent.

Нет, огнём Фурию не остановить.

Показать ещё примеры для «фурия»…

Yes, it was about the same age you were when that sleeping beauty got the best of you, my dear maleficent.

Да, тебе было примерно столько же, когда Спящая Красавица одержала над тобой победу, моя дорогая Малифисент.

Love is weakness, maleficent.

Любовь делает человека слабым, Малифисент.

From maleficent?

От Малифисент?

That is Maleficent’s castle.

Это замок Малифисент.

Показать ещё примеры для «малифисент»…

Stefan’s ambition called him away from Maleficent and towards the temptations of the human kingdom.

Амбиции Стефана отзывали его от Малефисенты к соблазнам королевства людей.

Hey! You’re Maleficent’s daughter, aren’t you?

Ты — дочь Малефисенты?

[ whispers ] Because of us… Maleficent lost her child.

Из-за нас… у Малефисенты погиб ребенок.

And what you did to Maleficent’s child…

А то, как вы поступили с ребенком Малефисенты…

I was about to tell her she was Maleficent’s daughter.

Я собиралась ей сказать, что она дочь Малефисенты.

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  • 1

    maleficent [məˊlefɪsǝnt]



    1) па́губный (to — для); вредоно́сный

    2) престу́пный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > maleficent

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > maleficent

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > maleficent

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > maleficent

  • 5


    maleficent пагубный (to — для); вредоносный maleficent преступный

    English-Russian short dictionary > maleficent

  • 6



    1) пагубный; вредоносный, вредный


    2) криминальный, преступный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > maleficent

  • 7



    1. (to) пагубный

    2. преступный

    НБАРС > maleficent

  • 8


    2) Книжное выражение: ( to) пагубный

    3) Юридический термин: вредный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > maleficent

  • 9


    пагубный; вредоносный, вредный

    криминальный, преступный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > maleficent

  • 10


    1) пагубный (to — для); вредоносный

    2) преступный

    * * *

    (a) пагубный; преступный

    * * *

    пагубный; вредоносный, вредный

    * * *

    [ma’lef·i·cent || mə’lefɪsnt]
    пагубный, преступный, вредоносный

    * * *




    * * *

    1) пагубный ( to — для)
    2) криминальный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > maleficent

  • 11

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > maleficent

  • 12




    English-Russian smart dictionary > maleficent

  • 13

    1. a книжн. пагубный

    2. a книжн. преступный

    Синонимический ряд:

    hurtful (adj.) bad; corrupt; damaging; harmful; hurtful; injurious; insidious; vandalistic; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > maleficent

  • 14

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > male-

  • 15


    1) плохой, неправильный

    malformation — неправильное формирование, порок развития


    2) без-, не-


    Англо-русский современный словарь > mal(e)-

  • 16


    1) плохой, неправильный

    malformation — неправильное формирование, порок развития


    2) без-, не-


    Англо-русский современный словарь > mal(e)-

  • 17

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > criminal

  • 18

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > culpable

  • 19

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > deleterious

  • 20

    имя существительное:

    ногтоеда (whitlow, agnail, felon, hangnail)

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > felon

См. также в других словарях:

  • Maleficent — as she appears in Disney s Sleeping Beauty with her pet Diablo on her shoulder First appearance Sleeping Beauty (1959) Created by …   Wikipedia

  • maleficent — (adj.) 1670s, from L. maleficent , altered stem of maleficus (see MALEFIC (Cf. malefic)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Maleficent — Ma*lef i*cent, a. [See {Malefic}.] Doing evil to others; harmful; mischievous. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • maleficent — index bad (offensive), dangerous, deleterious, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), diabolic, disadvantageous, harmful …   Law dictionary

  • maleficent — [mə lef′ə sənt] adj. [back form. < maleficence < L maleficentia < maleficus: see MALEFIC] harmful; hurtful; evil maleficence n …   English World dictionary

  • maleficent — /meuh lef euh seuhnt/, adj. doing evil or harm; harmfully malicious: maleficent destroyers of reputations. [1670 80; back formation from L maleficentia MALEFICENCE; see ENT] * * * …   Universalium

  • maleficent — malefic, maleficent malign, baleful, *sinister …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • maleficent — adjective Etymology: back formation from maleficence Date: 1678 working or productive of harm or evil ; baleful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • maleficent — adjective Harmful or evil in intent or effect. Ant: beneficent …   Wiktionary

  • maleficent — ma lef·i·cent || mÉ™ lefɪsnt adj. harmful, evil …   English contemporary dictionary

  • maleficent — a. Harmful, mischievous, injurious, evil doing …   New dictionary of synonyms

Малефисента на английском языке с субтитрами

Смотреть онлайн фильм Малефисента на английском языке с английскими и русскими субтитрами / Watch online Maleficent in english with subtitles

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Стефан и Малефисента стали самыми негаданными друзьями.

Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends.

Эмма, что-то скрывает здесь только Малефисента и ее приятельницы.

Emma, the only ones keeping secrets Are Maleficent and her friends.

Недолго осталось, моя дорогая Малефисента.

Малефисента, я пришёл предупредить тебя.

Малефисента, не делай этого, умоляю тебя.

Maleficent, please don’t do this, I’m begging you.

Малефисента, думаю, это по твоей части.

Maleficent, I believe this is your area of expertise.

Малефисента отказывается вернуть проклятие, и товарка побеждает её в магической битве.

Maleficent refuses to return the curse, but the Queen defeats her in a magical battle, taking the curse’s scroll.

Тронешь волосок на её голове, Малефисента сгорит.

Harm one hair on her head, maleficent burns.

Малефисента думала о том, как Стефан выбросил своё кольцо.

Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring.

Часто Малефисента блуждала в одиночестве, гадая порой, где Стефан может быть.

Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be.

Малефисента, пожалуйста, не надо.

Проклятье не подействует, и Малефисента придёт за мной.

When the curse fails, Maleficent will come for me.

Малефисента разрушает церемонию, замораживая всех, кроме себя и четырёх детей.

Maleficent crashes the ceremony, freezing everyone except herself and the four children.

Когда они бросают ей вызов, Малефисента превращается в дракона.

When they defy her, Maleficent transforms into a dragon.

Малефисента — экранизация сказки о спящей процессе, где в роли главной злодейки выступает Анджелина Джоли;

Maleficent — film adaptation of the tale of the sleeping process, where the role of the main villain appears Angelina Jolie;

Но, вы знаете, в конце дня в Сторибруке, Реджина всё ещё пытается заполнить ту пустоту, о которой её предупреждала Малефисента».

But, you know, at the end of the day, in Storybrooke, she’s still trying to fill this void that Maleficent warned her about.

В 2014 году дебютировала в кино, снявшись в роли молодой Малефисенты фэнтези-фильме Disney 2014 года «Малефисента».

She had her film debut as Young Maleficent in the 2014 Disney fantasy film, Maleficent.

Особенности внешности, черты характера и магические способности были заимствованы у таких классических диснеевских злодеек, как Злая Королева (Evil Queen) из «Белоснежки» и Малефисента (Maleficent) из «Спящей Красавицы».

Narissa’s mannerisms, characteristics, powers, and physical features were inspired by such classical Disney villains as the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 32. Точных совпадений: 32. Затраченное время: 34 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

сравн. ст. превосх. ст.
more maleficent most maleficent



Корень: .


  • МФА: [mə’lefɪs(ə)nt]

Семантические свойства[править]


  1. пагубный; вредоносный, вредный ◆ Maleficent to the health — Вредный для здоровья
  2. криминальный, преступный ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).


  1. hurtful, malefic
  2. criminal, felonious




Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от ??

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]



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Красавица Малефисента поранилась и тебе предстоит помочь ей.

Beauty Maleficent get hurt and you have to help her.

Малефисента разрушает церемонию замораживая всех кроме себя и четырех детей.

Maleficent crashes the ceremony freezing everyone except herself and the four children.

Эмма что-то скрывает здесь только Малефисента и ее приятельницы.

Emma the only ones keeping secrets Are Maleficent and her friends.

Dejiko‘s Bio at Broccoli company.

гадая о судьбе Стефана. Ведь она так и не поняла людской жадности и зависти.

and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be for she had never understood the greed and envy of men.

Малефисента собирается на свидание с любимым помоги

ей подобрать красивый наряд для такого случая.

Maleficent going on a date with a loved one

help her pick a nice outfit for the occasion.

Он объясняет что Малефисента прокляла его и сослала в далекое царство в облике чудовища для того

чтобы он был дальше от Истинной любви Авроры.

He explains that Maleficent cursed him by exiling him far from his kingdom in a monstrous form

in order to keep him apart from his true love Aurora.

Малефисента отказывается вернуть проклятие и товарка побеждает ее в магической битве.

Maleficent refuses to return the curse but the Queen defeats her in a magical battle

На острове Малефисента приказывает главным героям украсть волшебную палочку Крестной феи

чтобы снять защитный барьер и чтобы она смогла захватить Аурадон.

On the island Maleficent instructs the quartet to steal the Fairy Godmother’s

magic wand to release the barrier so she can take over Auradon.

Малефисента— экранизация сказки о спящей процессе где

в роли главной злодейки выступает Анджелина Джоли;

Maleficent— film adaptation of the tale of the sleeping process

where the role of the main villain appears Angelina Jolie;

Она позвала Аврору посмотреть

какими были Топкие болота давным-давно когда Малефисента была ребенком и на душе у нее было светло.

And she invited Aurora to

see how the Moors had been once long ago when Maleficent was but a child and her heart was bright.

Это он подсказал нам путь из-за которого Малефисента потеряла свое дитя.

Because of him we were put on the path to causing Maleficent to lose her child.

В 2014 году дебютировала в кино снявшись в

роли молодой


фэнтези- фильме Disney 2014 года« Малефисента».

She had her film debut as Young

В 2014 году Моллой дебютировала в кино снявшись в

роли молодой Малефисенты фэнтези- фильме Disney 2014 года« Малефисента» являющегося переосмыслением полнометражного мультфильма« Спящая красавица».

Molloy made her film debut playing the role of Young


in Disney’s 2014 fantasy film Maleficent a live-action reimagining of the 1959 film Sleeping Beauty.

После этого она снялась в роли юной принцессы Авроры в фильме« Малефисента».

After finishing Matilda she filmed the role of Young Princess Aurora in the 2014 film Maleficent.

А Малефисента самая могущественная фея постепенно стала покровительницей Топких болот.

While Maleficent the strongest of the fairies rose to become the protector of the Moors.

возвращается и вместе с Питом замышляет захват миров.

an exiled Pelamot has returned to try to take over Pelamar.

Малефисента вспоминала как Стефан выбросил кольцо несмотря

на свою бедность чтобы они снова могли взяться за руки. Это тронуло ее до глубины души.

Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring

he who had so little in the world so that their hands might touch again and her heart was moved.

Звездопад- встречайте Малефисенту в официозном прибавлении Disney вполне на российском языке!

Starfall- Meet Maleficent in official addition of Disney completely in the Russian language!

Малефисент о которой я читала никогда бы не сдалась.

The Maleficent I read about she would never just give up.

Малефисент помогла мне увидеть смерть слишком хороша для Белоснежки.

good for Snow White.

Результатов: 35,
Время: 0.0647

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.













Maleficent is a fictional character, of whichfirst learned in 1959.

Малефисента — это вымышленный персонаж, о котором впервые узнали в 1959 году.

Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be.

Часто Малефисента блуждала в одиночестве, гадая порой, где Стефан может быть.

Mal and her friends use a counterspell, turning Maleficent into a lizard based on the amount of love in her heart.

Мэл и её друзья используют контрзаклинание, превращая Малефисенту в ящерицу, основываясь на количестве любви в её сердце.

For Stephen this was an excellent opportunity to reach the goal because he knows Maleficent very well and she trusts him.

Для Стефана это стало отличной возможностью прийти к цели ведь он отлично знает Малефисенту и она ему доверяет.

When Aurora is fifteen, she encounters Maleficent.

Когда Авроре исполняется пятнадцать лет, девушка впервые сама знакомится с Малефисентой.

Once there, the women crash with Maleficent, who is upset that strangers are in her home.

Оказавшись там, женщины сталкиваются с Малефисентой, которая расстроена тем, что в её доме незнакомцы.

When Maleficent escapes from the castle, she is helped by dark fairies who have been hiding from people for centuries.

Когда Малефисента сбегает из замка, ей на помощь приходят тёмные феи, которые прятались от людей в течение столетий.

Maleficent crashes the ceremony, freezing everyone except herself and the four children.

Малефисента прерывает церемонию, парализовывая всех, кроме себя и четырёх детей.

Maleficent was a charming girl, with a clean and kind heart.

Малефисента была обаятельной девушкой, с чистым и добрым сердцем.

Maleficent crashes the ceremony, freezing everyone except herself and the four children.

Малефисента разрушает церемонию, замораживая всех, кроме себя и четырёх детей.

When they defy her, Maleficent transforms into a dragon.

Когда они бросают ей вызов, Малефисента превращается в дракона.

Harm one hair on her head, maleficent burns.

Тронешь волосок на её голове, Малефисента сгорит.

Won’t be long now, Maleficent, my dear.

Maleficent, I believe this is your area of expertise.

Maleficent, I’ve come to warn you.

When the curse fails, Maleficent will come for me.

Проклятье не подействует, и Малефисента придёт за мной.

Maleficent, please don’t do this, I’m begging you.

Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends.

Стефан и Малефисента стали самыми негаданными друзьями.

Maleficent, please don’t do this.

After admitting she is the beast, Maleficent transforms into a dragon and chases the prince around the room.

Признав, что она и есть зверь, Малефисента превращается в дракона и преследует принца по комнате.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 546. Точных совпадений: 546. Затраченное время: 77 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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