Представлено сочинение на английском языке Мой любимый писатель — Пушкин/ My Favorite Writer Is Pushkin с переводом на русский язык.
My Favorite Writer Is Pushkin | Мой любимый писатель — Пушкин |
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian poet and every person in our country knows his works very well from an early age. Just like many other children, I grew up listening to his wonderful fairy tales and started to love them with all my heart since I was little. | Александр Сергеевич Пушкин — это великий русский поэт, творчество которого с ранних лет хорошо знакомо каждому человеку в нашей стране. Я, как и многие дети, вырос на его замечательных сказках и еще будучи ребенком всей душой полюбил их. |
Thus, the magic poem «Ruslan and Lyudmila» amazed me with a large number of amazing fantastic images. «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» made me think about the unrestrainedness of human desires. His satirical work that tells us a story about a priest and his worker Balda, showed me how sometimes high powered people are vicious and how honest people who don’t have a penny to their name are. | Так, волшебная поэма «Руслан и Людмила» поразила меня большим количеством удивительных фантастических образов. «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке» заставила задуматься о безудержности человеческих желаний. Сатирическое произведение, повествующее о попе и работнике его Балде, показало, насколько порой порочны бывают влиятельные люди и нравственны те, кто не имеет ни гроша за душой. |
At school I learnt about Pushkin’s lyrics and was very impressed by it. Especially I was shocked by the poem «Anchar» where the poet shared his thoughts on the structure of his modern society, filling his work with a deep allegorical meaning, vivid epithets and metaphors. | В школе я познакомился с лирикой Пушкина и остался под большим впечатлением от нее. Особенно меня поразило стихотворение «Анчар», в котором поэт отразил свое отношение к устройству современного ему общества, наполнив текст глубоким аллегорическим смыслом, яркими эпитетами и метафорами. |
Pushkin’s prose works were written in the same vivid literary language: «The Queen of Spades», «The Captain’s Daughter», «Dubrovsky» and others. The plots of the writer’s novellas and novels are filled with bright adventurous events, an important place in them is devoted to the topic of love, so it is always very interesting to read Pushkin. | Таким же живым литературным языком написаны и прозаические произведения Пушкина: «Пиковая дама», «Капитанская дочка», «Дубровский» и другие. Сюжеты повестей и романов писателя наполнены яркими авантюрными событиями, большое место в них отведено теме любви, поэтому читать Пушкина всегда очень интересно. |
The writer often touches upon important social problems in his work. Thus, his books “The Belkin Tale» is devoted to the topic of a «little man», and my favorite play «Boris Godunov» tells us about the most difficult period of Russian history — the Time of Troubles. | В своем творчестве писатель часто касается важных социальных проблем. Так, цикл «Повести Белкина» посвящен теме «маленького человека», а моя любимая пьеса «Борис Годунов» рассказывает о тяжелейшем периоде русской истории — Смутном времени. |
Long story short, reading Pushkin’s works allows me not only to dive into the fascinating world of the plot but also to think about the structure of our society. Many of the problems raised by the author are still relevant, which, of course, makes his work interesting to the modern reader. | Словом, прочтение произведений Пушкина позволяет мне не только окунуться в увлекательный сюжетный мир писателя, но и задуматься об устройстве нашего общества. Многие проблемы, которые поднимает автор, по-прежнему остаются актуальным, что, безусловно, делает его творчество интересным современному читателю. |
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My favourite author is A. Pushkin. He is an outstanding poet,novelist and playwright. I enjoy reading his books for his vivid imagination and very rich,contemporaries language. Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow,in 1799. He got his education in the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. His first poems were published in 1814. Pushkin was a master of many genres. He wrote historical fiction, short stories,fairy tales,plays and novels. I enjoy his famous fairy tales. He had vivid imagination and developed fabulous plots.Alexander Pushkin died in 1837. He was honoured by his inventive as a remarkable writer. His books were translated into many languages, and they are still popular today. His birthplace is visited by many tourists
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Мой любимый автор-а. Пушкин. Он является выдающийся поэт, романист и драматург. Мне нравится читать его книги для его яркого воображения и очень богатых, современники язык. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин родился в Москве, в 1799. Он получил образование в Императорского лицея в Царском селе. Его первые стихи были опубликованы в 1814 году. Пушкин был мастером многих жанров. Он написал исторических романов, рассказов, сказок, пьесы и романов. Мне нравится его известных сказок. Он был ярким воображением и сказочные сюжеты. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин умер в 1837 году. Он получил награду от его изобретательский как замечательный писатель. Его книги были переведены на многие языки, и они по-прежнему популярны сегодня. Его родина посещают многие туристысовременники
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Мой любимый писатель А. С. Пушкин. Он выдающийся поэт, романист и драматург. Мне нравится читать его книги за его живое воображение и очень богатой, современников языке. Александр Пушкин родился в Москве, в 1799 он получил свое образование в Императорском лицее в Царском Селе. Его первые стихи были опубликованы в 1814 году Пушкин был мастером многих жанрах. Он писал исторической фантастики, рассказы, сказки, пьесы и романы. Мне нравится его знаменитые сказки. Он был живым воображением и разработали сказочные plots.Alexander Пушкин умер в 1837 году он был удостоен его изобретательности замечательного писателя. Его книги были переведены на многие языки, и они по-прежнему популярны и сегодня. Его родина посещают многие туристы
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
мой любимый автор – а.с. пушкина.он выдающийся поэт, прозаик и драматург.мне нравится читать его книги за его яркое воображение и очень богатые, современники языка.александр сергеевич пушкин родился в москве, в 1799 г.он получил образование в императорский лицей в царском селе.его первые произведения были опубликованы в 1814 году.пушкин был мастером многих жанров.он написал исторической фантастики,рассказы, сказки, пьес и романов.я наслаждаюсь своей знаменитой сказки.у него богатое воображение и развитых сказочные участков. александр пушкин умер в 1837 году.он был в честь его изобретательный замечательным писателем.его книги переведены на многие языки, и они по — прежнему популярны сегодня.его родина посещает множество туристов
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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- Мама
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Светило науки — 8 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи
Pushkin is my favourite poet and writer. I really like his tales, which teach us wisdom, understanding others, finding yourself. Pushkin in his works, very clearly shows us that people, whatever nationality they may be, has no boundaries – we are all human, we all possess kindness, only to reveal it are able not all… This is a digression.
Before I could read, my mother read me all the stories of this remarkable poet. I knew most of my favourite passages from his stories by heart, while still in preschool age. Very well I remember when I was 5 years old and we were returning home from kindergarten, we met a friend of mom’s.
I walked, not walked, I could only jump :), you know, paving tiles, counting one by one, and did not pay attention to their conversation. And then suddenly I heard a familiar name: «Pushkin». I listened. Familiar aunt (for me then) told the mother about the child – the pupil that the school does not want to learn poems by Pushkin and anyway, he doesn’t like the works of Pushkin (can’t remember the exact words, so I write from the position of an adult, not the child).
My mom then, with such joy and even pride, as I thought then said, «And my daughter is so fond of Pushkin’s fairy tales since when mealexander Pushkin baby was that while reading them, it does not distract». I must say, I was restless and to distract me with something else, in addition to the main activities that were aimed, for example, classes in the kindergarten was very easy. And when I listened to, watched on TV, and then started to read the tale, and then other works by Pushkin, I could not be distracted by anything.
I thought then was likely surprised by the childish: «so, not to love such fabulous tales of Pushkin?!» In my child’s head did not fit…
Here and now, always love all of the works of Alexander Pushkin, read them with great pleasure. And about the fairy tales and say nothing! They have so much wisdom, so much philosophy, so much reality and no illusions. Son and daughter also really like the works of Pushkin, which, of course, heard and watched all of his fairy tales. But they still prefer tales.
My essay about the work of Alexander – my favorite poet.And what do you think, dear readers?!
I maybe wouldn’t be writing this article today, but… no accidents! Going through your personal belongings this morning, I came across the draft essays about the works of the poet, written by me for admission to the University. My surprise was that on the day of Pushkin’s birth I began to go through things and on this day found his essay. Here is an excerpt from his original version:
Love is the constant companion of poetry. Love poems is an integral part of his work. In it, the poet (in the Lyceum period) often refers to mythological images: Cupid, Cupid, Venus. Pushkin uses the traditional form of a love letter: «Natalia», «thereto», «Message Lida».
In the «Message to Lida,» the poet calls his beloved «confidante of Venus»:
You friendly bow,
Love the wreath and the lyre ringing.
In later poems, Pushkin was drawn to romanticism. To this period include the poem «the Black shawl», «went Out the day star…», «Night» and others.
«Went out the day star…» — memories of the Homeland, «reckless love», about lost youth. These memories are only suffering:
I remembered previous years crazy love,
And all that I suffered, and all that sweet heart,
The wishes and hopes of captivating deceit…
The poem «I remember a wonderful moment…» is not only the model of love poetry. But kind of poetic biography of the poet. This is addressed to A. P. Kern.
In the poem «I loved You…» embodies the idea of sacrifice:
I loved You; love maybe
My soul is not extinguished;
But let it not bother You anymore;
I don’t want to sadden You.
The poet does not want to upset and alarm the object of his former love, does not want to hurt the memories of the past feeling. «He’s not denying it, nothing curses, all watching with love and blessings, — wrote Belinsky, — reading his creation, you can an excellent way to educate a person…»
Alexander Pushkinsky «Madonna» devoted to Pushkin’s wife N. N. Goncharova. The poet identifies the bride with Madonna. The poem is imbued with harmony and perfection:
Not many paintings of the old masters
To decorate, I always wanted his own abode,
But only one…
…to me from the canvas. As with the clouds,
Pure and our divine Savior –
She greatness, he with the mind in the eyes –
Pushkin admiringly says about his bride:
You have sent me, you, my Madonna.
The purest delights purest example.
«His poetry is alien to the entire fantasy, dreamy, false, illusory ideal; it is all permeated through and through with reality; she does not put on a person life of white and blush, but shows her in her natural, true beauty; in his poetry there is a heaven, but they are always imbued with the earth» (Belinsky).
Read Alexander Pushkin read his works to their children and instill in them a real Person.
Раксина Виктория, ученица 11а класса, учитель Лысова И.И.
Данное эссе было признано одним из лучших в международном конкурсе «Пушкин в моей жизни» среди учащихся старших классов в городе Хабаровске.
Предварительный просмотр:
Municipal Budget Educational Establishment
Lyceum of Innovative Technologies
“My Pushkin”
Done by: Raksina Victoria
(Раксина Виктория) form 11 A
Teacher: Iraida IvanovnaLysova
My Pushkin
There are lots of different writers and poets in the world. It’s obvious that they all made an enormous contribution into our lives and nowadays we can’t live without literature, great poems and stories. In my essay I want to focus on one famous writer who is well-known all over the world and whose masterpieces are still popular and actual among people of different ages. I want to write about Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and his role in my life.
My Pushkin is a great poet. My first acquaintance with Pushkin happened when I was 5 years old. A thick and very beautiful book arrived to me from Moscow. It was full of poems written by Alexander Sergeevich and they really impressed me. «Tale of the Golden Cockerel», «Ruslan and Ludmila», «Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights» and other stories with bright pictures and amazing worlds are still my favorite books. After reading the book I visited the exhibition of wax figures where the heroes of Pushkin’s stories were displayed, I felt myself like a character of these poems and, of course, a few lines from Pushkin’s book came to my mind. Nowadays I still love this poet and can find an answer on every question, friendly advice and incredible pleasure from rich Russian language in his masterpieces. Pushkin’s poetry is permeated by various events that have influenced his life, for example the desire for freedom. Freedom in Alexander Pushkin’s literary works occupies one of the central positions. Living in the period of social and political changes, in the era of the Great Patriotic War of 1812 and the revolt of Decembrist of 1825, Pushkin belonged to the generation which was in search of ideal freedom. At the beginning of Pushkin’s literary career, the issue of freedom in his literary works acquires a strong political tendency. In his early poem «Volnost» Alexander Sergeevich reveals his vision of ideal freedom.
My Pushkin is an example of kindness and talent, courage, simplicity, cheerfulness and loyalty in friendship. He saw the meaning in every moment of his life and incredibly loved it. He was great in everything: in his hopes, delusions, victories, love for nature, for his motherland, to people. Six years of life Pushkin spent in Tsarsko-Selskiy Lyceum where he was highly appreciated by his poetic gift and made real friends. In his works there is a set of poems dedicated to the Lyceum, for example » 19 October», and to his best friends » k Chaadaevy», «k Puschinu», «Friendship», «To friends». Pushkin is a national poet. His poems are filled with wealth, power and flexibility of Russian language. Pushkin affects people by his truthful poems.
My Pushkin is a person with an active lifestyle. He always had his own opinion and wasn’t afraid to express it. That was why for his bold poetry, he was sent into exile in Mikhailovskoe. Pushkin was a very bright poet, the founder of further Russian literature. Great creators always go ahead and call people for them, Pushkin was a great creator and he was always relevant for the new generation of readers.
To conclude all the above ideas, I would like to say that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is undoubtedly one of the world greatest poets. Pushkin’s poems have been living with me since my childhood and I am sure that they will help me in my future life. My Pushkin is one of those people from whom you need to take an example.
I do love Alexander Pushkin!
I would like to tell you about my favourite author. My favourite author is Alexander Pushkin. He is an outstanding Russian writer. I enjoy reading this author for his vivid imagination, his brilliant sense of humor and a very inventive language. He is so creative and imaginative.
Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799. Pushkin used his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. Alexander Pushkin was a master of many genres. He wrote fairy tales, short stories and novels.
I particularly enjoy reading his autobiography. His books are full of such suspense that you can’t stop reading them. And the characters are great. I’m his absolute No 1 fan! I’m sure you would love them too.
Я хотела бы рассказать о своем любимом авторе. Мой любимый автор Александр Пушкин. Он выдающийся русский писатель. Я с удовольствием читаю этого автора за его живое воображение, его блестящее чувство юмора и очень изобретательный язык. Он творческий и одаренный богатым воображением.
Александр Пушкин родился в Москве в 1799. Пушкин использовал своё живое воображение для создания невероятных сюжетов. Александр Пушкин был мастером многих жанров. Он написал сказки, короткие истории и романы.
Я особенно люблю читать автобиографию. Его книги полны напряжения, что ты не можешь прекратить чтение. И герои великолепные. Я его абсолютная поклонница. Я уверена, что вы любили бы их также.
I do love Alexander Pushkin!
I would like to tell you about my favourite author. My favourite author is Alexander Pushkin. He is an outstanding Russian writer. I enjoy reading this author for his vivid imagination, his brilliant sense of humor and a very inventive language. He is so creative and imaginative.
Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799. Pushkin used his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. Alexander Pushkin was a master of many genres. He wrote fairy tales, short stories and novels.
I particularly enjoy reading his autobiography. His books are full of such suspense that you can’t stop reading them. And the characters are great. I’m his absolute No 1 fan! I’m sure you would love them too.
Я хотела бы рассказать о своем любимом авторе. Мой любимый автор Александр Пушкин. Он выдающийся русский писатель. Я с удовольствием читаю этого автора за его живое воображение, его блестящее чувство юмора и очень изобретательный язык. Он творческий и одаренный богатым воображением.
Александр Пушкин родился в Москве в 1799. Пушкин использовал своё живое воображение для создания невероятных сюжетов. Александр Пушкин был мастером многих жанров. Он написал сказки, короткие истории и романы.
Я особенно люблю читать автобиографию. Его книги полны напряжения, что ты не можешь прекратить чтение. И герои великолепные. Я его абсолютная поклонница. Я уверена, что вы любили бы их также.
Предлагаю вашему вниманию топик по английскому о Пушкине. В тексте можно найти много тематических фраз и слов на английском языке, которые могут помочь составить английский рассказ о любом писателе или поэте.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799—1837) is an outstanding Russian poet, playwriter and novelist. He was born in Moscow in a noble family. However, he spent his youth mainly in the village near Saint-Patersburg where he was studying in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Pushkin’s talent was discovered rather early by his teachers. He spoke French very well and showed an interest in literature. Young poet published his first poem when he was only 15 years old. In his early poems he wrote about his friends and about girls who he was charmed with.
Despite being extremely talented, young Pushkin was also known for his quick temper. He was jealous, explosive and had no fear. In general, he had 29 duels, the last of which was fatal for the great writer. That time he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes who was trying to seduce his wife.
Alexander Pushkin was only 37 when he died. But his name and many of his works are still known by millions of people all over the world. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. He wrote the magnificent drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, different short stories, numerous fairy-tales (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”,The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”) and innumerable poems.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин (1799—1837) – выдающийся русский поэт, драматург и прозаик. Он родился в дворянской семье в Москве. Однако большую часть юности он провел в селе возле Санкт-Петербурга, где учился в Царскосельском лицее.
Талант Пушкина был открыт довольно рано его учителями. Он хорошо говорил по-французски и проявлял интерес к литературе. Молодой поэт издал свое первое стихотворение, когда ему было всего 15 лет. В своих ранних стихотворениях он писал о своих друзьях и очаровывавших его девушках.
Несмотря на свой непревзойденный талант, Пушкин был также известен своим горячим нравом. Он был ревнив, вспыльчив и не имел страха. В общей сложности, он участвовал в 29 дуэлях, последняя из которых стала для великого поэта роковой. На ней он соперничал с французским офицером Дантесом, который пытался соблазнить жену Пушкина.
Александру Пушкину было всего 37, когда он погиб. Но его имя и многие его работы до сих пор знакомы миллионным людей по всему миру. Он был известным писателем эпохи романтизма. Он написал великолепную драму «Борис Годунов», роман «Евгений Онегин», различные рассказы, многочисленные сказки («Руслан и Людмила», «Сказка о Попе и работнике его Балде», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Сказка о золотом петушке», «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке») и бесчисленные стихотворения.
Фразы и слова:
Playwriter – драматург
Novelist – прозаик
Noble family – дворянская семья
Quick temper – горячий нрав
Explosive – вспыльчивый
Jealous – ревнивый
Fatal – фатальный, смертельный
To seduce – соблазнить
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