Мораль сказки о рыбаке и рыбке на английском языке

1) I would like to say a few words about a Russian fairy Tale about a fisherman and a fish.

2) The main characters in the tale are
an old fisherman, his old wife, and a fish.

3) The plot of the story: Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman on the seaside. Every morning the old man went fishing. One day he caught a golden fish. The golden fish asked the old man to let her in the sea and said that she would fulfil any of his wishes. The old man was surprised at her words and he let the golden fish go back into the sea. When he came home and told his wife about the golden fish the old woman sent him back to the sea to ask for a new washtub. When the old woman got it from the golden fish, she sent her husband to ask for a new house, then a palace instead of the house. Then she wanted to become a queen. The golden fish made her a queen, but when the old woman demanded the golden fish become her servant, the golden fish said nothing and swam away. What happened later? The old man returned home from the sea and saw no palace, no queen but his small old house and his wife near her old washtub.

4 What moral values does the text suggest?

Sometimes the more people get the more they want.

One shouldn’t be so greedy and ungrateful.

1) Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о русской сказке о рыбаке и рыбке.

2) Главные герои сказки — старый рыбак, его жена и золотая рыбка.

3) Сюжет сказки: Давным-давно на берегу моря жили старик и старуха. Каждое утро старик ходил на рыбалку. Однажды он поймал золотую рыбку. Золотая рыбка попросила старика выпустить ее в море и сказала, что она исполнит любое его желание. Старик удивился ее словам и отпустил золотую рыбку обратно в море. Когда он пришел домой и рассказал жене о золотой рыбке, старуха отправила его обратно к морю, чтобы он попросил у рыбки новое корыто. Когда старуха получила его от золотой рыбки, она послала мужа просить новый дом, потом дворец вместо дома. Затем она захотела стать царицей. Золотая рыбка сделала ее царицей, но тогда старуха потребовала, чтобы Золотая рыбка стала ее служанкой. Золотая рыбка на этот раз промолчала и уплыла. Что случилось потом? Старик вернулся домой с моря и не увидел ни дворца, ни царицы, и ничего больше, кроме своего маленького старенького дома и жены возле своего старого корыта. 4) Какие моральные ценности предполагает текст?

Иногда, чем больше люди получают, тем больше они хотят получить. Нельзя быть таким жадным и неблагодарным.

Обновлено: 09.01.2023


Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке жанры сказок и басен. В ней рассказывается о том, как рыбак ловит золотую рыбку, она просит отпустить его, после чего исполняет его желания. Дедушка рассказал жене — бабушке. И она отослала его с самого начала за корыто, потом попросила ее стать королевой в третий раз, она хотела стать хозяйкой моря, но Золотая Рыбка отказалась и вернула все обратно.

Мне понравился сюжет этой истории и то, что жалость не приведет ни к чему хорошему.

Пошаговое объяснение:

The tale of the fisherman and the fish genres of fairy tales and fables. It tells how a fisherman catches a goldfish, she asks to let him go, and then fulfills his wishes. Grandfather told his wife-grandmother. And she sent him away from the very beginning for the trough, then asked her to become queen for the third time, she wanted to become the mistress of the sea, but the Goldfish refused and returned everything back.

I liked the plot of this story and the fact that pity will not lead to anything good.

The old man lived with his old woman at the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout exactly thirty years and three years. The old man threw the seine twice — there was nothing, the third time he pulled out a goldfish. Rybka asked to release her. The old man let go. I came home told my wife. My wife said to ask for a trough. She gave the fish a trough. The old woman said to ask the hut. Gave a fish and a hut. The old woman wanted to become a pillar noblewoman. She became a noblewoman and sent an old man to serve in the stable. I wanted to become a queen. She made her a fish and a queen. I wanted to become the sea lord, so that the fish would serve her. The old man gave the fish a request to the fish, but nothing said the fish, just a tail on the water splashed and went into the deep sea. For a long time at the sea he waited for an answer, he did not wait, he returned to the old woman-look: again there is a dugout before him; on the threshold sits his old woman, and before her a broken trough.

1d восток или запад, дом лучший( не важно где он)
2c нет места как дом
3g дом англичанина- его замок
4b кто много путешествует- много знает
5e. Так много стран- так много обычаев
6f каждая страна сильна своими традициями
7а если тебе надое
лЛондон, тебе надоела жизнь

1. A text was translated by us .
2. Many new subjects will be studied next year by her .
3. The exams will have been passed by 3 o’clock by them.
Зделайте лучшим плиз.

Dear Helen,How are the things going on? Did something new happen in your life? Having received your letter, I wanted to answer it immediately. But I was working a lot during the last two weeks. So I was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good litterature?Tell me more about your work and free time. Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plans for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day?

Смотрите ответ во вложении

Может вы имели в виду water polo?
Special equipment for water polo includes a water polo ball, which floats on the water; numbered and colored caps; and two goals, which either float in the water or are attached to the side of the pool.
The game is thought to have originated in Scotland in the late 19th century as a sort of «water rugby». William Wilson is thought to have developed the game during a similar period. The game thus developed with the formation of the London Water Polo League and has since expanded, becoming widely popular in various places around the world, including Europe, the United States, Brazil, China, Canada and Australia

1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. I. Give me . book, please. Wc have . son and . daughter. М. I have three . sisters.

Здравствуйте, мне нужны 5 предложений про “my pocket money” (мои карманные деньги) можете даже на русском написать, заранее спас

Once upon a time, there was an old man and an old lady who lived near the black sea in their little old house for over 3 plus 3 years. Every day the man goes outside to go fishing, while the old lady sits inside her little house remembering about her old life where she had everything she could every want. A maid, a big house and whatever she wanted.

Her dad was a thief and was the one who brought home money. Every day the girl went out and one day, she got married to a young man who was just like her. But one day, her dad got sent to jail. She and her husband spent every last penny dad ever earned. The bank even took their house because they owned a lot of money.

One day the old man went out to catch fish by the sea but he couldn’t get a bite, not one. The sun already had gone down, and suddenly the fishing rod started to pull and soon after the man saw a golden colored fish.

“Please let me go, please let me go back into the sea. I’m begging you” said the fish.

“If you let me go, I’ll grant you three wishes, but please let me go”.

“What can you do anyway, little fish? But I’ll let you go back into the sea” said the man.

“Thank you, and now I’ll grant your first wish, choose wisely” the magical fish replied as the old man let it go.

“Now make a wish old man and I will grant your wish” the fish said.

“Well, I suppose I would want my bucket to be full of fish” Said the man.

As soon as the man finished his sentence, the bucket was full to the top. Happy and satisfied the old man went home and hoped that his wife will be happy. As he walked in, his wife saw the bucket full of fish and truly smiled.

“Oh, what luck I had today!” the man said as he continued to tell her all about the strange encounter with the magical fish.
As he finished telling the story, evil flashed over the eyes of his wife.

“You fool, you should’ve asked for something bigger or better rather than a bucket of fish! Like a house. Now go back to the fish and ask it for a big house with water and gas” said the woman.

The old man went back to the Black Sea and started to ask for the fish to come by. The fish swam and stopped.

“What are you ought?” Said the fish.

“My wife, she’s not happy, she wants a white stone bricks house and that there should be water and gas.” Replied the man.

“Don’t worry, go home. You will have your white stone house waiting for you” said the fish.

The man came home and sees the house he asked for from the fish. But his wife was still not happy.

“You fool, you got a house, but who’s going to clean it? Go back to your stupid magical fish. Ask him who’s going to work in it? I expect maids, who do everything I say” said the wife.

The man set off back to the Black Sea and is asking for the fish again. The fish swam by again and asked him.

“What do you need, old man?” asked the fish.

“My wife isn’t happy yet, the wants maids so that they do everything she tells them too” the man said.

“Don’t be sad, go back home and you will find yourself maids” replied the fish.

And the man came home. When the man comes home, he heard his wife screaming, beating and ordering the maids. His wife comes running towards him and says.

“Go back to your stupid fish, I need more. I want to sit in the presidential chair, I want to rule the country, and even more I want the whole world afraid of me. I want them to bow down to me, I want to be feared. And you, I’ll put you as a deputy, you’re not fit for anything else” ordered the wife.

«The fish only promi sed to fulfill three wishes!” argued the man.

“Go back to the Black Sea, and you do whatever it takes to fulfill my desires!” the woman screamed towards him.

The man walked back to the Sea and he sits down. He doesn’t say a word, he can’t call the fish. But the fish came by itself.

“What’s the matter now? What do you need” asked the fish.

“Oh, my wife is mad again. She wants to sit in the presidential seat and she wants the whole world to fear her. I don’t know what to do.” said the man.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed down. A big black cloud covered the ground. Then came loud lightning that hit the ground. Big high waves came roaring and they roared down onto the shore.
And when the clouds cleared up, bright sunshine lighted everything up.
And their white stone house disappeared and so did the old man and his wife.
Serves the mean old lady right. And that serves the plain foolish man right.

Прослушай слова, покажи соответствующие им картинки и повтори слова за диктором.

Прослушай и прочитай продолжение сказки.
The fisherman’s wife is still very angry. “You are a fool!” she shouts and stamps her feet. “We are poor. I want to be rich! Go back and tell the fish!”
The poor fisherman goes back to the sea. The sky is grey and the old man is sad. He calls the fish and it swims up to him.
“Please don’t be angry, dear fish,” says the fisherman. “My wife wants to be rich.”
“OK. You can have your wish. Go home now,” says the fish and swims away. The fisherman goes home. Now his house is very big and beautiful. His wife is wearing new clothes and a lot of jewellery. “I hope you are happy now,” says the fisherman. But she does not answer. She sends him to live in the stable!

Прочитай сказку ещё раз и закончи предложения, выбрав правильные слова.
1 . The fisherman’s wife is still very angry / happy . She wants to be poor / rich .
2 . The fisherman is happy / sad . He asks the fish for a big / small house.


Перевод задания
Прослушай слова, покажи соответствующие им картинки и повтори слова за диктором.
Прослушай и прочитай продолжение сказки.
Жена рыбака все еще очень злится. «Ты − дурак!» она кричит и топает ногами. «Мы бедные. Я хочу быть богатой! Вернись и расскажи рыбе!»
Бедный рыбак возвращается в море. Небо серое, а старик грустный. Он зовет рыбу, и она подплывает к нему.
«Пожалуйста, не сердись, рыбка,» − говорит рыбак. «Моя жена хочет быть богатой.»
«ОК. Твое желание может исполниться. Иди домой,» − говорит рыба и уплывает. Рыбак идет домой. Теперь его дом очень большой и красивый. На его жене новая одежда и много украшений. «Надеюсь, теперь ты счастлива,» − говорит рыбак. Но она не отвечает. Она отправляет его жить в конюшню!
Прочитай сказку ещё раз и закончи предложения, выбрав правильные слова.
1 . Жена рыбака все еще очень сердита / счастлива. Она хочет быть бедной / богатой.
2 . Рыбак счастлив / грустен. Он просит у рыбки большой / маленький дом.

1 . The fisherman’s wife is still very angry / happy . She wants to be poor / rich .
2 . The fisherman is happy / sad . He asks the fish for a big / small house.
Перевод ответа
1 . Жена рыбака все еще очень злится / счастлива. Она хочет быть бедной / богатой .
2 . Рыбак счастлив / грустен . Он просит у рыбы большой / маленький дом.

Если вы собираетесь написать сочинение о сказке на английском языке, вам помогут примеры на этом сайте.

Вариант 1 (Красная Шапочка)

The fairy tale «Little Red Riding Hood» is popular in many countries of the world.

This is a story about a little girl who went to visit her grandmother. On the way, she met a wolf and talked to him. The wolf ran to the grandmother’s house, got into her bed and put on her clothes. He wanted to fool and eat the girl. Fortunately, she was saved by the woodcutters.

This story teaches children to be careful and not to trust strangers.

Это история о маленькой девочке, которая отправилась навестить бабушку. По дороге она встретила волка и поговорила с ним. Волк побежал к дому бабушки, лег в ее кровать и одел ее одежду. Он хотел обмануть и съесть девочку. К счастью, ее спасли дровосеки.

Эта история учит детей быть осторожными и не доверять незнакомцам.

Вариант 2 (Колобок)

«Kolobok» is a Russian fairy tale for young children.

Kolobok is a ball-shaped cupcake. He runs away from everyone safely until he meets a fox. The fox flatters him, and he lets his guard down. So the fox manages to eat him.

I think this story teaches us to analyze the motives of people who say compliments.

Колобок представляет собой круглый пирожок. Он от всех благополучно убегает, пока не встречает лису. Лиса льстит ему, и он теряет бдительность. Так что лисе удается его съесть.

Думаю, эта история учит нас анализировать мотивы людей, говорящих комплименты.

Вариант 3 (Репка)

Russian folk tale about the turnip is perfect for the youngest children. It is short, but meaningful.

In the story, the turnip grew huge. One person couldn’t pull it out. Success was achieved only with the help of all the family members, pets and a small mouse.

This story teaches to cooperate. It shows that even a small contribution makes a difference.

Русская народная сказка про репку отлично подходит для самых маленьких детей. Она короткая, но поучительная.

По сюжету, репка выросла огромная. Один человек не мог ее вытянуть. Только с помощью всех членов семьи, питомцев и маленькой мышки был достигнут успех.

Эта история учит сотрудничеству. Она показывает, что даже небольшой вклад имеет значение.

Вариант 4 (Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке)

The fairy tale «About the Fisherman and the Fish» was written by Alexander Pushkin, probably based on folk tales.

In the story, a fisherman caught a magical goldfish that could talk. The fisherman let her go without any ransom. The fisherman’s wife got angry when she heard that. She sent her husband to demand the fulfillment of her wishes from the fish over and over.

The fish agreed several times, but in the end she ran out of patience. So the old woman found herself again in poverty with the broken tub.

I think the moral of the story is that no good comes from extreme greed.

По сюжету, рыбак поймал волшебную золотую рыбку, которая умела говорить. Рыбак отпустил ее без всякого выкупа. Жена рыбака рассердилась, когда узнала об этом. Она снова и снова отправляла мужа требовать у рыбки исполнения своих желаний.

Несколько раз рыбка согласилась, но, в конце концов, ее терпение лопнуло. Так старуха снова оказалась у разбитого корыта.

Полагаю, мораль сказки в том, что чрезмерная жадность до добра не доводит.

Читайте также:


  • Приключения майора звягина краткое содержание

  • Карл поппер логика научного исследования краткое содержание

  • Шикарный русский мужик причина неуспеваемости вашей дочери в школе

  • Акция ко дню народного единства в школе

  • Взаимодействие доу и семьи высказывания

By the very edge of the blue sea
lived an old man and his old woman.
For three and thirty years they had lived
in a tumbledown hut made of mud.
The old man caught fish in his fishing net;
the old woman span with her spinning wheel.
One day the old man cast his net
and all he caught in his net was slime.
The old man cast his net a second time
and all he caught in his net was weed.
A third time the old man cast his net
and what he found in his net was a fish —
no ordinary fish, but a golden fish.
The fish begged, the fish begged and implored;
the fish prayed in a human voice:
‘Release me, set me free in the sea —
and in return you’ll receive a grand ransom,
I’ll grant you whatever you wish.’
The old man was amazed and frightened.

Three and thirty years he had fished —
and not once had he heard a fish talk.
He returned the fish to the water,
saying gently as he let her go free,
‘God be with you, golden fish!
I don’t need your grand ransom.
Off you go — into the deep blue sea!
Swim free, swim where you wish!’

The old man went back to his old woman
and told her of this great wonder:
‘Today I caught a fish in my net —
no ordinary fish, but a golden fish.
The fish spoke, she spoke in our tongue;
she begged to go home, into the blue sea.
she promised me a splendid ransom;
she said she would grant whatever I wished.
But I didn’t dare take this ransom.
I set her free in the deep blue sea.’
The old woman scolded her old man:
‘Simple fool, fool of a simpleton!
What stopped you taking this ransom?
A mere fish — and you were too frightened!
You could at least have got a new washtub.
Ours is cracked right down the middle.’

Off he went towards the blue sea.
(The blue sea looked a little troubled.)
He called out to the golden fish
and the fish swam up and asked him,
‘What is it, old man, what do you want?’
The old man bowed to the fish and said,
‘Have mercy on me, Sovereign Fish.
My old woman is cursing and scolding me.
Though I am old, she gives me no peace.
She needs a new washtub, she says.
Ours is cracked right down the middle.’
The golden fish replied straightaway,
‘Take heart — and God be with you!
Outside your hut you’ll find a new washtub!’
The old man went back to his old woman.
His old woman now had a new washtub,
but she was cursing more fiercely than ever:
‘Simple fool, fool of a simpleton,
all you got from the fish was a washtub.
What wealth can be found in a washtub?
Get on back, you fool, to the fish.
Bow down to the fish and say
you want a handsome house built of wood.’

Off he went towards the blue sea.
(The blue sea was a little rough.)
He called out to the golden fish
and the fish swam up and asked him,
‘What is it, old man, what do you want?’
The old man bowed to the fish and said,
‘Have mercy on me, Sovereign Fish.
My old woman is cursing and raging.
Though I am old, she gives me no peace.
She wants a handsome house built of wood.’
The golden fish replied straightaway,
‘Take heart — and God be with you!
You shall have your house built of wood.’
The old man set off for his hut,
but not a trace of his hut could he find.
In its place stood a house built of wood
with a whitewashed brick chimney
and two strong gates hewn from oak.
Sitting by the window was his old woman,
swearing at him for all she was worth:
‘Simple fool, fool of a simpleton,
all you got from the fish was a house.
Get on back, you fool, to the fish.
I don’t want to be a lowly peasant.
I want to be a noble lady.’

Off he went towards the blue sea.
(The blue sea was not calm.)
He called out to the golden fish
and the fish swam up and asked him,
‘What is it, old man, what do you want?’
The old man bowed to the fish and said,
‘Have mercy on me, Sovereign Fish.
My old woman is shouting and swearing,
cursing me for all she is worth.
Though I am old, she gives me no peace.
She doesn’t want to be a lowly peasant.
She wants to be a noble lady.’
The golden fish replied straightaway,
‘Take heart — and God be with you!’

The old man went back to his old woman
and saw? He saw a tall mansion.
His old woman was standing there in the porch.
She was wearing a splendid ‘soul-warmer’ —
a precious waistcoat trimmed with sable.
On her head was a brocade head-dress;
round her neck hung heavy pearls
and gold rings encircled her fingers.
On her feet were fine red boots
and before her stood zealous servants;
she was slapping them and pulling their hair.
The old man said to his old woman,
‘Good day, Lady Countess Baroness!
I hope you’ve got all you want now!’
The old woman flew at her husband
and packed him off to work in the stables.

A week passed, and another week.
The old woman grew madder than ever.
She sent her old man back to the fish:
‘Go back to the fish, bow low and say
I don’t want to be a fine lady —
I want to be a mighty tsaritsa.’
The old man took fright. He implored her:
‘What’s got into you, woman? Are you crazy?
Have you been eating black henbane?
You don’t know how to walk like a tsaritsa,
You don’t know how to talk like a tsaritsa.
You’ll be the laughing stock of your tsardom.’
The old woman flew into a fury.
She struck her husband across the cheek:
‘How dare you, peasant, answer me back?
How dare you talk like that to a lady?
Back you go again to the sea — or, upon my word,
You’ll be dragged there against your will.’

Off he went towards the blue sea.
(The blue sea was blacker than black.)
He called out to the golden fish
and the fish swam up and asked him,
‘What is it, old man, what do you want?’
The old man bowed to the fish and said,
‘Have mercy on me, Sovereign Fish.
My old woman is raging again.
She doesn’t want to be a fine lady.
She wants to be a mighty tsaritsa.’
The golden fish replied straightaway,
‘Take heart — and God be with you!
Your old woman shall be a tsaritsa.’

The old man went back to his old woman.
Before him stands a splendid palace
and his old woman is there in the hall.
She is a tsaritsa sitting at table.
Nobles are standing and waiting on her,
pouring her wines from over the seas
while she nibbles on honeycakes.
All around stand fierce-looking guards
with sharp axes poised on their shoulders…
The old man was frightened. He bowed to the ground
and said, ‘Greetings, O dread Tsaritsa —
and I hope you’ve got all you want now!’
The old woman didn’t look at him;
she just ordered him out of her sight,
and her nobles and courtiers came running
and shoved the old man towards the door;
and the guards ran up with their axes
and all-but hacked him to pieces.
and everyone laughed at the old man:
‘Serves you right, you ignorant lout!
Let this be a lesson to you, bumpkin!
Don’t get too big for your boots
or sit in another man’s sleigh!’

A week passed, and another week.
The old woman grew madder than ever.
She sent her courtiers to fetch her husband.
They found him and brought him before her
and the old woman said to her old man,
‘Go back, bow down to the fish.
I don’t want to be a mighty tsaritsa,
I want to be a sea empress;
I want to live in the Ocean-Sea
with the golden fish as my servant
to bring me whatever I ask for.’

The old man did not dare say a word;
he was too frightened to open his mouth.
Off he went towards the blue sea.
Raging there was a black storm!
Waves were flinging up spray;
angry waves were crashing and howling.
He called out to the golden fish
and the fish swam up and asked him,
‘What is it, old man, what do you need?’
The old man bowed to the fish and said,
‘Have mercy on me, Sovereign Fish!
What am I to do with the wretched woman?
She no longer wants to be a tsaritsa,
she wants to be a sea empress.
She wants to live in the Ocean-Sea
with you as her faithful servant
to bring her whatever she asks for.’
Not a word did the fish reply.
She just slapped her tail on the water
and dived deep into the blue sea.
The old man waited and waited
But that was all the answer he got.
He went back — to a hut made of mud.
His old woman was sitting outside it;
And before her lay a broken washtub.

Translator’s note

Pushkin wrote ‘A Tale about a Fisherman and a Fish’ in October 1833, during the second of his ‘Boldino autumns’. Pushkin’s immediate source was the Brothers Grimm, but it would be hard to guess this. As well as being entirely Russian in manner, the tale also reflects Pushkin’s engagement with questions of Russian history. During this second ‘Boldino autumn’ Pushkin composed not only ‘The Bronze Horseman’, the greatest of his works devoted to the figure of Peter the Great, but also several works relating to Catherine the Great. As well as writing the whole of ‘The Queen of Spades’, which includes reminiscences of her reign, he completed the final draft of ‘A History of Pugachov’, a historical work about the terrible peasant and Cossack rebellion that Catherine managed to put down only with great difficulty. ‘A Tale about a Fisherman and a Fish’ also belongs — though less obviously — to this cycle of works about Catherine the Great.

As is so often the case, a hidden meaning is revealed by what appears at first to be no more than a careless slip. It seems odd that Pushkin’s old woman should see ruling over the sea as a higher destiny than that of being ‘a mighty tsaritsa’. Professor Olga Meerson, however, has pointed out to me that Catherine the Great was eager to rule over the Black Sea; between 1768 and 1792 she fought two wars against Turkey in order to achieve this. And Catherine, like Pushkin’s old woman, had usurped her husband’s place; she had deposed her husband Peter III in 1762, before these wars. In reality Catherine was generous to her favourite Prince Potyomkin and her subsequent lovers, but there is no doubt that Pushkin saw her as having treated her male favourites abusively — as the old woman does in his skazka. In The Captain’s Daughter (most of which was written two to three years later) Pushkin presents a positive picture of Catherine, but in his historical works he is more critical. In the ‘Notes on Eighteenth-Century History’, for example, he refers to her ‘serious mistakes in political economy’, to ‘the cruel reality of her despotism’ and to the ‘long list of her favourites, doomed to suffer the scorn of history’.

Translated by Robert Chandler

(Cardinal Points Journal)

Александр Пушкин
Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке

Жил старик со своею старухой
У самого синего моря;
Они жили в ветхой землянке
Ровно тридцать лет и три года.
Старик ловил неводом рыбу,
Старуха пряла свою пряжу.
Раз он в море закинул невод, —
Пришел невод с одною тиной.
Он в другой раз закинул невод,
Пришел невод с травой морскою.
В третий раз закинул он невод, —
Пришел невод с одною рыбкой,
С непростою рыбкой, — золотою.
Как взмолится золотая рыбка!
Голосом молвит человечьим:
«Отпусти ты, старче, меня в море,
Дорогой за себя дам откуп:
Откуплюсь чем только пожелаешь.»
Удивился старик, испугался:
Он рыбачил тридцать лет и три года
И не слыхивал, чтоб рыба говорила.
Отпустил он рыбку золотую
И сказал ей ласковое слово:
«Бог с тобою, золотая рыбка!
Твоего мне откупа не надо;
Ступай себе в синее море,
Гуляй там себе на просторе».

Воротился старик ко старухе,
Рассказал ей великое чудо.
«Я сегодня поймал было рыбку,
Золотую рыбку, не простую;
По-нашему говорила рыбка,
Домой в море синее просилась,
Дорогою ценою откупалась:
Откупалась чем только пожелаю.
Не посмел я взять с нее выкуп;
Так пустил ее в синее море».
Старика старуха забранила:
«Дурачина ты, простофиля!
Не умел ты взять выкупа с рыбки!
Хоть бы взял ты с нее корыто,
Наше-то совсем раскололось».

Вот пошел он к синему морю;
Видит, — море слегка разыгралось.
Стал он кликать золотую рыбку,
Приплыла к нему рыбка и спросила:
«Чего тебе надобно, старче?»
Ей с поклоном старик отвечает:
«Смилуйся, государыня рыбка,
Разбранила меня моя старуха,
Не дает старику мне покою:
Надобно ей новое корыто;
Наше-то совсем раскололось».
Отвечает золотая рыбка:
«Не печалься, ступай себе с богом,
Будет вам новое корыто».
Воротился старик ко старухе,
У старухи новое корыто.
Еще пуще старуха бранится:
«Дурачина ты, простофиля!
Выпросил, дурачина, корыто!
В корыте много ль корысти?
Воротись, дурачина, ты к рыбке;
Поклонись ей, выпроси уж избу».

Вот пошел он к синему морю,
Будет вам новое корыто».
Воротился старик ко старухе,
Стал он кликать золотую рыбку,
Приплыла к нему рыбка, спросила:
«Чего тебе надобно, старче?»
Ей старик с поклоном отвечает:
«Смилуйся, государыня рыбка!
Еще пуще старуха бранится,
Не дает старику мне покою:
Избу просит сварливая баба».
Отвечает золотая рыбка:
«Не печалься, ступай себе с богом,
Так и быть: изба вам уж будет».
Пошел он ко своей землянке,
А землянки нет уж и следа;
Перед ним изба со светелкой,
С кирпичною, беленою трубою,
С дубовыми, тесовыми вороты.
Старуха сидит под окошком,
На чем свет стоит мужа ругает.
«Дурачина ты, прямой простофиля!
Выпросил, простофиля, избу!
Воротись, поклонися рыбке:
Не хочу быть черной крестьянкой,
Хочу быть столбовою дворянкой».

Пошел старик к синему морю;
(Не спокойно синее море.)
Стал он кликать золотую рыбку.
Приплыла к нему рыбка, спросила:
«Чего тебе надобно, старче?»
Ей с поклоном старик отвечает:
«Смилуйся, государыня рыбка!
Пуще прежнего старуха вздурилась,
Не дает старику мне покою:
Уж не хочет быть она крестьянкой,
Хочет быть столбовою дворянкой».
Отвечает золотая рыбка:
«Не печалься, ступай себе с богом».

Воротился старик ко старухе.
Что ж он видит? Высокий терем.
На крыльце стоит его старуха
В дорогой собольей душегрейке,
Парчовая на маковке кичка,
Жемчуги огрузили шею,
На руках золотые перстни,
На ногах красные сапожки.
Перед нею усердные слуги;
Она бьет их, за чупрун таскает.
Говорит старик своей старухе:
«Здравствуй, барыня сударыня дворянка!
Чай, теперь твоя душенька довольна».
На него прикрикнула старуха,
На конюшне служить его послала.

Вот неделя, другая проходит,
Еще пуще старуха вздурилась:
Опять к рыбке старика посылает.
«Воротись, поклонися рыбке:
Не хочу быть столбовою дворянкой,
А хочу быть вольною царицей».
Испугался старик, взмолился:
«Что ты, баба, белены объелась?
Ни ступить, ни молвить не умеешь,
Насмешишь ты целое царство».
Осердилася пуще старуха,
По щеке ударила мужа.
«Как ты смеешь, мужик, спорить со мною,
Со мною, дворянкой столбовою? —
Ступай к морю, говорят тебе честью,
Не пойдешь, поведут поневоле».

Старичок отправился к морю,
(Почернело синее море.)
Стал он кликать золотую рыбку.
Приплыла к нему рыбка, спросила:
«Чего тебе надобно, старче?»
Ей с поклоном старик отвечает:
«Смилуйся, государыня рыбка!
Опять моя старуха бунтует:
Уж не хочет быть она дворянкой,
Хочет быть вольною царицей».
Отвечает золотая рыбка:
«Не печалься, ступай себе с богом!
Добро! будет старуха царицей!»

Старичок к старухе воротился.
Что ж? пред ним царские палаты.
В палатах видит свою старуху,
За столом сидит она царицей,
Служат ей бояре да дворяне,
Наливают ей заморские вины;
Заедает она пряником печатным;
Вкруг ее стоит грозная стража,
На плечах топорики держат.
Как увидел старик, — испугался!
В ноги он старухе поклонился,
Молвил: «Здравствуй, грозная царица!
Ну, теперь твоя душенька довольна».
На него старуха не взглянула,
Лишь с очей прогнать его велела.
Подбежали бояре и дворяне,
Старика взашеи затолкали.
А в дверях-то стража подбежала,
Топорами чуть не изрубила.
А народ-то над ним насмеялся:
«Поделом тебе, старый невежа!
Впредь тебе, невежа, наука:
Не садися не в свои сани!»

Вот неделя, другая проходит,
Еще пуще старуха вздурилась:
Царедворцев за мужем посылает,
Отыскали старика, привели к ней.
Говорит старику старуха:
«Воротись, поклонися рыбке.
Не хочу быть вольною царицей,
Хочу быть владычицей морскою,
Чтобы жить мне в Окияне-море,
Чтоб служила мне рыбка золотая
И была б у меня на посылках».

Старик не осмелился перечить,
Не дерзнул поперек слова молвить.
Вот идет он к синему морю,
Видит, на море черная буря:
Так и вздулись сердитые волны,
Так и ходят, так воем и воют.
Стал он кликать золотую рыбку.
Приплыла к нему рыбка, спросила:
«Чего тебе надобно, старче?»
Ей старик с поклоном отвечает:
«Смилуйся, государыня рыбка!
Что мне делать с проклятою бабой?
Уж не хочет быть она царицей,
Хочет быть владычицей морскою;
Чтобы жить ей в Окияне-море,
Чтобы ты сама ей служила
И была бы у ней на посылках».
Ничего не сказала рыбка,
Лишь хвостом по воде плеснула
И ушла в глубокое море.
Долго у моря ждал он ответа,
Не дождался, к старухе воротился —
Глядь: опять перед ним землянка;
На пороге сидит его старуха,
А пред нею разбитое корыто.

October 2(14), 1833

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