Музей мадам тюссо на английском рассказ


Madam Tussaud’s is the most amazing wax museums in the world that attracts more than 2.5 million people every year. This museum is located in London close to the Baker Street where the house of the well-known fiction dective, Sherlock Holmes, is situated.

Although the museum is one of the tourist attractions in London, Marie Tussaud, the founder of the museum, was French. Young Marie worked in Strasbourg for Dr. Philipp Curtis, a wax modeller. Firstly she helped him to organise an exhibition in Paris and then started doing models herself. She made her first wax model (Voltaire) being only 17 years old!

After the death of her teacher, Marie inherited the collection of models with which she moved to Great Britain. Her first exhibition took place on Baker Street and consisted of no more than 30 models. In 1884 the museum was transferred to a new place where it is still located.

There are several different halls in the unique museum: “The chamber of horrors”, “Grand Hall”, “The spirit of London”. The first one is the most thrilling place of the museum where the models of villains and their victims are presented. The second one exhibits diffirent historical, political, military figures. And the last one is dedicated to the history of London. There is also a separate hall for stars’ models.

That’s why every day hundreds of people stay in a long queue to enter Madam Tussaud’s and to see their favourite actors, singers, members of the Royal Family and many other characters and celebrities made of wax that amaze with their resemblance to reality. This museum gives an opportunity to see either great people of past decades or our contemporaries.


Мадам Тюссо – самый удивительный музей восковых фигур в мире, который ежегодно привлекает более 2.5 миллионов людей. Этот музей находится в Лондоне, неподалеку от Бейкер-Стрит, улицы, где располагается дом знаменитого детектива – Шерлока Холмса.

Хотя музей и является одной из достопримечательностей Лондона, его основательница, Мария Тюссо, была француженкой. Юная Мария работала в Страсбурге на доктора Филиппа Кёртиса, лепщика восковых фигур. Изначально она помогла ему организовать выставку в Париже, а затем и сама начала создавать фигуры. Она сделала свою первую восковую фигуру (Вольтера), когда ей было всего 17 лет!

После смерти своего учителя Мария унаследовала коллекцию его фигур, с которой она и переехала в Великобританию. Первая ее выставка состоялась на Бейкер-Стрит и состояла не более чем из 30 экспонатов. В 1884 году музей Тюссо был перемещен на новое место, где он находится и сегодня.

Этот уникальный музей состоит из нескольких залов: «Комната страха», «Главный зал», «Дух Лондона». Первый зал – наиболее захватывающее место в музее, где представлены фигуры злодеев и их жертв. В следующем находятся знаменитые исторические личности, политики и военные. А последний посвящен истории Лондона. Также в музее имеется отдельный зал для восковых фигур звезд.

Именно поэтому ежедневно сотни людей стоят в длинной очереди, чтобы войти в музей Мадам Тюссо и увидеть своих любимых актеров, певцов, членов королевской семьи и многих других персонажей и знаменитостей, сделанных из воска, которые поражают своей реалистичностью. Этот музей – уникальная возможность увидеть как великих людей прошлых веков, так и наших современников.

Полезные фразы:

Tourist attraction – достопримечательность

Wax model/figure – восковая фигура

To organise an exhibition – организовать выставку

To inherite – унаследовать, получить в наследство

To take place – состояться, проходить

To be dedicated to -быть посвященным чему-либо

To stay in a queue – стоять в очереди

Contemporary – современник

Resemblance to reality – сходство с действительностью

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Музей Мадам Тюссо (Лондон)/ Madame Tussauds London с переводом на русский язык.

Madame Tussauds London Музей Мадам Тюссо (Лондон)
Madame Tussauds is widely regarded as one of the finest and most interesting collectible museums in the world. Located in the fashionable quarter of London called Marylebone, it opens doors to thousands of tourists from various countries every day. Музей Мадам Тюссо по праву считается одним из лучших и наиболее оригинальных коллекционных музеев в мире. Расположившись в фешенебельном квартале Лондона под названием Марилебон, ежедневно он принимает в своих залах тысячи туристов из различных стран.
Why is this museum so interesting for people? Above all, it is because of a luxurious collection of wax figures dedicated to celebrities that became famous in the fields of history, science, art and politics. Here you can see sculptures of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family, say hello to Einstein or William Shakespeare, shake hands with Bruce Willis, take a picture hugging Angelina Jolie and sing along with Madonna or Britney Spears. Чем же так привлекает людей этот музей? Прежде всего роскошной коллекцией восковых фигур, посвящённой знаменитостям из мира истории, науки, искусства и политики. Здесь можно увидеть скульптуры Елизаветы II и других членов королевской семьи, поздороваться с Эйнштейном или Уильямом Шекспиром, пожать руку Брюсу Уиллису, сфотографироваться в обнимку с Анджелиной Джоли и спеть вместе с Мадонной или Бритни Спирс.
There are famous fairy tale characters and superheroes in the museum as well. For example, the largest sculpture presented at the exhibition is considered to be the figure of the Incredible Hulk which is as tall as four meters. And the smallest one is a figurine of the Tinker Bell fairy from the story of Peter Pan. Есть в музее и знаменитые сказочные персонажи, а также супергерои. Например, самой большой из представленных на выставке скульптур считается фигура Невероятного Халка, имеющая высоту более четырёх метров. А самой маленькой — фигурка феи Динь-Динь из истории о Питере Пэне.
The museum has been open in London since 1935. It was named after the famous English sculptor Maria Tussaud. It was her sculptures that formed the basis of the first stationary exhibition, opened by the descendants of the woman after her death. Музей существует в Лондоне с 1935 года. Назван он был в честь известного английского скульптора Марии Тюссо. Именно её скульптуры легли в основу первой стационарной экспозиции, открытой потомками женщины уже после её смерти.
Some of the artist’s great works have survived to this day. For example, her self-portrait made in 1842. But the oldest sculpture in the museum is Madame du Barry. This is the work of Madame Tussauds teacher Dr. Curtius that was completed in 1765. Некоторые из великих работ художницы дошли и до наших дней. Например, её автопортрет, созданный в 1842 году. Но самой старой скульптурой музея считается «Мадам дю Барри». Это работа учителя Мадам Тюссо доктора Куртиуса, выполненная в 1765 году.
The visitors who come to the museum, of course, are impressed by the striking resemblance of the sculptures to real people. To achieve this effect, the creators of exhibits have to make many accurate measurements, study photographs and videos. It takes about five weeks for each figure to be made. Зрителей, приходящих в музей, конечно же, впечатляет поразительное сходство скульптур с настоящими людьми. Чтобы добиться подобного эффекта, создателям экспонатов приходится производить множество точных измерений, изучать фотографии и видео. Работа над каждой фигурой ведётся около пяти недель.
Today, Madame Tussauds has significantly expanded and there are more than twenty branches in the world located on different continents. The first of them was the Dutch Museum, opened in 1970 in Amsterdam. Сегодня Музей мадам Тюссо значительно расширил свои владения и в мире существует более двадцати его филиалов, расположенных на разных континентах. Первым из них стал голландский музей, открытый в Амстердаме в 1970 году.

Madam Tussaud's Museum

Madam Tussaud’s Museum

Madam Tussaud’s is the most popular waxworks museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead. You can meet great characters of history and art. There are actors, film stars, pop-singers, criminals, politicians and members of the Royal family here. There is a place where you can see all the celebrities at once.
The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street which is famous as the home of the first great detective in fiction, Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
There are several halls at Madam Tussaud’s: the Grand Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and The Spirit of London exhibition.
The wax figures are extremely realistic. When they look at you their eyes are sparkling and you feel uncomfortable. Computer-controlled figures (audioanimatronics) are especially popular with the visitors. Their speech and sound are recordered onto CDs and synchronized with the movements.
In the Grand Hall you will find all kinds of celebrities and there is a special place for the Royal family.
Most people agree to be portrayed, but some refuse. Mother Teresa was one of the few who declined, saying her work was important, not her person.

The story of Madam Tussaud

Madame Tussaud

Madame Tussaud

Madam Tussaud (nee Marie Grosholts) was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1761. Her father was killed two months before Marie’s birth. It happened during the Seven Years War. So Marie had to live with her uncle, Dr Philippe Curtius, a doctor and a wax modeller. 9-year-old girl helped Dr Curtius to open his wax exhibition in Paris. Marie was very interested in wax figures and very soon she learned to make them herself.
When Marie was 17, she was allowed to model the great figures of the time. Among them were Francois Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin.
The exhibition was so successful that Marie was invited to Versailles to help in the artistic education of King Louis XVI’s sister.
During the “Terror” Marie was imprisoned as a royalist but she managed to escape the guillotine by making death masks from the severed heads of its victims — often those of her friends…
After Dr Curtius’ death in 1794, Marie inherited his wax collection. In the following year she married a French engineer, Frangois Tussaud. She gave birth to three children: a daughter, who died, and two sons. Her marriage was not perfect.
In 1802, she took her collection of wax figures to England. She spent the next 33 years travelling all over the British Isles and saw neither France nor her husband again.
Madam Tussaud continued to make wax models until she was 81. She succeeded in business at a time when it was very unusual for a woman.
Great woman died in April 1850, at the age of 89. Her final work was a remarkable self-portrait.

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock

The Chamber of horrors
The Chamber of Horrors is the eeriest place in the whole museum. Visitors are quieter there than in other places.
The dark cellar is full of “villains and their victims”, as well as the instruments of torture.
Here you can also see Madam Tussaud’s original exhibition of relics from the French Revolution — the death masks of French nobility and the guillotine blade that was used to behead Marie Antoinette…

The Spirit of London
It is an exhibition dedicated to the history of London. It covers a period of more than 400 years and spans London’s history from Elizabethan times to the present day.
You can visit an Elizabethan theatre, an old tavern where the great Shakespeare is working at Hamlet…
You go through the Plague and the Great Fire, you’ll see St Paul’s Cathedral being built…

Queen Elizabeth Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip

Музей мадам Тюссо

Музей Мадам Тюссо наиболее популярный музей восковых фигур в мире. Здесь есть восковые модели известных и печально известных людей, как живых, так и мертвых. Вы можете встретить знаменитых персонажей искусства и истории. Здесь актеры, звезды кино, популярные певцы, преступники, политики и члены королевской семьи. Это место, где вы можете увидеть всех знаменитостей сразу.
Музей расположен на Мэрилебон-роуд, недалеко от улицы, которая известна как дом первого великого сыщика в художественной литературе, Шерлока Холмса (автор Конан Дойл).
В Мадам Тюссо есть несколько залов: Большой зал, Комната ужасов и выставка «Дух Лондона». Восковые фигуры очень реалистичны. Когда они смотрят на тебя, их глаза сверкают, и ты чувствуешь себя неуютно. Управляемые компьютером фигуры (аудиоаниматроникс) особенно популярны среди посетителей. Их речь записана на компакт-диски и синхронизирована с движениями.
В Большом зале вы найдете всех знаменитостей и здесь есть специальное место для королевской семьи.
Большинство людей согласны, чтобы изготовили их фигуру, но некоторые отказываются. Мать Тереза была одной из немногих, кто отказался, сказав, что была важна ее работа, а не ее личность.

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

История мадам Тюссо
Мадам Тюссо (урожденная Мари Гросхольтц) родилась в Страсбурге, Франция, в 1761. Ее отец был убит за два месяца до рождения Мари. Это произошло во время Семилетней войны. Так Мари пришлось жить со своим дядей, доктором Филиппом Кертисом, врачом и модельером из воска. 9-летняя девочка помогала доктору Кертису при открытии выставки его восковых фигур в Париже. Мари заинтересовалась восковыми фигурами и очень скоро научилась делать их сама.
Когда Мари исполнилось 17, ей позволили смоделировать великих деятелей того времени. Среди них были Франсуа Вольтер и Бенджамин Франклин.
Выставка была настолько успешной, что Мари была приглашена в Версаль, чтобы помочь в художественном образовании сестер короля Людовика XVI.
Во времена «Террора» Мари посадили в тюрьму, как одну из роялистов (сторонники монархической формы государственной власти, монархисты), но ей удалось избежать гильотины, делая посмертные маски из отрубленных голов жертв – многие из них были ее друзьями …
После смерти доктора Кертиса в 1794 году Мари унаследовала его коллекцию восковых фигур. В следующем году она вышла замуж за французского инженера, Франсуа Тюссо. Мари родила троих детей: дочь, которая умерла, и двух сыновей. Ее брак не был идеальным.
В 1802 году она перевезла свою коллекцию восковых фигур в Англию. Мари провела следующие 33 года, путешествуя по Британским островам, и больше не видела ни Франции, ни мужа.
Мадам Тюссо продолжала делать восковые модели, пока ей не исполнилось 81 год. Она преуспел в бизнесе, в то время, когда это было очень необычно для женщины.
Мари умерла в апреле 1850 года, в возрасте 89 лет. Ее последней работой стал замечательный автопортрет.


Bullseye. The first animal in Madam Tussaud’s

Комната ужасов
Комната ужасов является самым жутким местом во всем музее. Здесь посетители ведут себя тише, чем в других местах. Темный подвал полон «злодеев и их жертв», а также орудий пыток.
Здесь вы также можете увидеть оригинальную выставку реликвий Французской революции — посмертные маски французского дворянства и лезвие гильотины, которым была обезглавлена Мария-Антуанетта …

Дух Лондона
Это выставка посвящена истории Лондона. Она охватывает более чем 400 летний период и историю Лондона от елизаветинского времени до наших дней.
Вы можете посетить елизаветинский театр, старинную таверну, где великий Шекспир работает над Гамлетом …
Вы пройдете через чуму и Великий лондонский Пожар, увидите строящийся Собор Святого Павла …

charlie chaplin wax model

Charlie Chaplin

Michael Jackson wax model

Michael Jackson

Текст Madame Tussauds с переводом.

Madame Tussauds
Музей Мадам Тюссо

Where in the world can you bump into Princess Diana, meet David and Victoria Beckham or gaze into Charlie Chaplin’s eyes? Only at Madame Tussauds, the London landmark that’s been pulling in the crowds since 1835. Getting up close and personal with life-sized wax models of the famous is a feature of many family holidays of the capital, and having a model of yourself in the museum has become a symbol of success for those who seek celebrity. Где еще в мире вы можете столкнуться с Принцессой Дианой, встретить Дэвида и Викторию Бекхэм или всмотреться в глаза Чарли Чаплину? Только в музее Мадам Тюссо, в Лондонской достопримечательности, которая притягивает толпы людей с 1835 года. Лично приблизиться к восковыми фигурами естественной величины знаменитостей является характерной чертой многих семейных торжеств столицы, а иметь собственную модель в музее стало символом успеха для тех, кто ищет славы.
The story began in 1777 when Madame Tussaud learned the art of wax modelling from Dr Philippe Curtius while working as his housekeeper. Living in Paris, Tussaud’s early models, which included Voltaire, Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin, were a great success, but when her exhibition moved to England in 1802 she was unable to return because of the Franco-English war. Eventually, the exhibition settled in London and it’s been a major tourist attraction ever since. Эта история началась в 1777 году, когда Мадам Тюссо училась искусству лепки из воска у доктора Филиппа Куртиуса, в то время как она была его домработницей. Живя в Париже, Тюссо создала ранние модели, такие как Вольтера, Руссо и Бенджамина Франклина, которые имели большой успех; но когда ее выставка переехала в Англию в 1802 году, но она уже не смогла вернуться из-за Франко-Английской войны. В конце концов, выставка обосновалась в Англии и с тех пор стала главным аттракционом у туристов.
In 1958, Madame Tussauds added to its attractions with a planetarium which continues to take audiences on a voyage among the stars. Today Madame Tussauds offers a state-of-the-art experience with interactive exhibitions designed to give visitors the feeling that they can be anything from rock stars to world-famous footballers. Those who want to test their courage can explore the Chamber of Horrors while the more adventurous can take a cruise with the Pirates of the Caribbean. Madame Tussauds has a fantasy for everyone. В 1958 году музей Мадам Тюссо добавил к своим аттракционам планетарий, который продолжает собирать публику для путешествия среди звезд. Музей Мадам Тюссо предлагает получить грандиозные переживания на интерактивных выставках, спроектированных таким образом, чтобы дать посетителям чувство того, что они могут быть кем-угодно – от рок-звезд до всемирно знаменитых футболистов. Те, что хотят испытать свое мужество, могут исследовать Комнату Страха, тогда как более азартные могут съездить в круиз с Карибскими Пиратами. У музея Мадам Тюссо хватит фантазии для каждого.

Источник: Spotlight, 10 класс

Топик Музей «Мадам Тюссо» (или Музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо) рассказывает о всемирно известном музее Лондона. В 1884 году музей обосновался в здании бывшего планетария, на улице Марлибон. На входе посетителей встречает сама мадам Тюссо, т.е. фигура-автопортрет, сделанная ею собственноручно ещё при жизни. Коллекция музея помещается в нескольких тематических залах. Самый большой из них называется «Мировая арена». Здесь расположены фигуры политических и культурных деятелей от Средневековья до наших дней. Часть этой экспозиции посвящена музыке. Второй зал музея «Ночь премьеры», в нём собраны фигуры звёзд Голливуда. Следующий зал — «Вечеринка списка А» вмещает в себя мировых селебрити. Самый известный зал музея — «Комната ужаса», а его экспонаты иллюстрируют самые мрачные и кровавые страницы истории. В Лондонском музее Тюссо можно проехаться в передвижном вагончике по экспозиции с видами Лондона от его истоков и до нынешнего времени. За два века своей истории музей значительно разросся – его филиалы открылись в 19 городах мира.

Every visitor to London knows who Madame Tussaud is — or was. And almost every visitor has seen her, an old lady of 81, standing at the entrance of her own exhibition. She is made of wax, like all the models of people in this museum. There are a lot of halls in the museum. The first room is the «Garden Party». Beneath a star-spangled sky, under an oak-tree, figures from the worlds of sports and the media enjoy a friendly drink and chat. There are statues of A. Schwarzenegger, E. Taylor and others there. «200 Years» room covers the history of Madame Tussaud’s over the last two centuries and shows the developing of new technology during that time. There are also other rooms such as «Legends and Superstars», rooms with popular music singers, the members of royal families and military leaders. There is the «Chamber of Horrors» which amuses visitors very much. «The Spirit of London» is a magnificent journey through London’s history. The cabs travel past the figure of W. Shakespeare, Sir Christopher Wren, who directs the building of St Paul’s Cathedral. It’s not easy to tell about all interesting things one can see in the museum. This is the place that is worth visiting.

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Madame Tussauds London


Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them….
Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud and was formerly known as «Madame Tussaud’s», but the apostrophe is no longer used. Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and infamous murderers.


Marie Tussaud, was born Anna Maria Grosholtz (1761–1850) in Strasbourg, France. Her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a physician skilled in wax modelling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling.
Tussaud created her first wax figure, of Voltaire, in 1777. Other famous people she modelled at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. During the French Revolution she modelled many prominent victims. In her memoirs she claims that she would search through corpses to find the decapitated heads of executed citizens, from which she would make death masks. Her death masks were held up as revolutionary flags and paraded through the streets of Paris. Following the doctor’s death in 1794, she inherited his vast collection of wax models and spent the next 33 years travelling around Europe. Her marriage to Franзois Tussaud in 1795 lent a new name to the show: Madame Tussauds. In 1802, she went to London having accepted an invitation from Paul Philidor, a magic lantern and phantasmagoria pioneer, to exhibit her work alongside his show at the Lyceum Theatre, London. She did not fare particularly well financially, with Philidor taking half of her profits. As a result of the Franco-British war, she was unable to return to France, so she travelled throughout Great Britain and Ireland exhibiting her collection. From 1831 she took a series of short leases on the upper floor of «Baker Street Bazaar» (on the west side of Baker Street between Dorset Street and King Street), which later featured in the Druce-Portland case sequence of trials of 1898-1907. This became Tussauds first permanent home in 1836. By 1835 Marie had settled down in Baker Street, London, and opened a museum.
Madame Tussauds London is a major tourist attraction located in Central London, housed in the former London Planetarium. It is famous for recreating famous people, or celebrities, in wax. It is the original Madame Tussauds attraction, having been situated on Marylebone Road since 1884. It was set up by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud. It is operated by Merlin Entertainments.
One of the main attractions of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors. This part of the exhibition included victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murderers and other criminals. The name is often credited to a contributor to Punch in 1845, but Marie appears to have originated it herself, using it in advertising as early as 1843.

Other famous people were added to the exhibition, including Horatio Nelson, and Sir Walter Scott. Some of the sculptures done by Marie Tussaud herself still exist. The gallery originally contained some 400 different figures, but fire damage in 1925, coupled with German bombs in 1941, has rendered most of these older models defunct. The casts themselves have survived (allowing the historical waxworks to be remade), and these can be seen in the museum’s history exhibit. The oldest figure on display is that of Madame du Barry. Other faces from the time of Tussaud include Robespierre, George III and Benjamin Franklin. In 1842, she made a self portrait which is now on display at the entrance of her museum. She died in her sleep on 15 April 1850.

By 1883 the restricted space and rising cost of the Baker Street site prompted her grandson (Joseph Randall) to commission the building at its current location on Marylebone Road. The new exhibition galleries were opened on 14 July 1884 and were a great success. However, the building costs, falling so soon after buying out his cousin Louisa’s half share in the business in 1881, meant the business was under-funded. A limited company was formed in 1888 to attract fresh capital but had to be dissolved after disagreements between the family shareholders, and in February 1889 Tussauds was sold to a group of businessmen led by Edwin Josiah Poyser. Edward White, an artist dismissed by the new owners to save money, allegedly sent a parcel bomb to John Theodore Tussaud in June 1889 in revenge.

Zones within the attraction

A-List Party

Formally Blush, this is the first room on the tour. Included in this room is the Big Brother experience, plus figures such as Robert Pattinson, Morgan Freeman, Leo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Miley Cyrus, Keira Knightley, Angelina Jolie and Tara Palmer-Tompkinson. It is designed to make the visitor feel as if they have stepped into a celebrity party, with wax figures dispersed throughout the room.

Warhol’s Women

The Warhol’s Women zone contains the figure of Andy Warhol and of the female celebrities he famously portrayed, including Liza Minnelli and Jerry Hall.

Premiere Night (Movie Room)

This zone houses celebrities from Hollywood, including Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Jim Carrey, Audrey Hepburn, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Whoopi Goldberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Marilyn Monroe in the classic pose where her skirt is blown upward. It also houses six Bollywood figures namely Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, Madhuri Dixit and several fictional characters, including Shrek and the smallest wax figure ever made, Tinker Bell.

Sports Zone
The Sports Zone has several interactive elements. Visitors can step up to the crease with batsman Sachin Tendulkar, putt a golf ball with Tiger Woods, stand on boxing scales next to Mohammed Ali and see what ‘weight’ they would qualify for in boxing, take a penalty on a virtual reality screen, and test their driving skills alongside Lewis Hamilton.

A Royal Appointment

In the Royals there is an opportunity to stand next to Diana, Princess of Wales, Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh, Charles and Camilla, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

A mixture of cultural icons fills this area, including William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Pablo Picasso and Charles Darwin.

Music Megastars

A mixture of music stars from across the decades appears in an area with a music stage complete with glitter balls. Music icons include Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Leona Lewis, Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Gary Barlow, Tom Jones, Bob Marley, Cheryl Cole, Robbie Williams, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Freddie Mercury and Justin Bieber. The Beatles in this area are posed as they appear on the album cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

World Leaders

The World Leaders area of the attraction contains political and spiritual leaders of the world, past and present. The new figure of Barack Obama dominates this area; he is standing in a mock-up of the Oval Office which has a replica of the Resolute desk. Other leaders in this area include Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Nicolas Sarkozy, Ronald Reagan, Tony Blair, Benazir Bhutto, Martin Luther King, Eleftherios Venizelos, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Mohandas Gandhi.

The World Leaders area is also noted for its inclusion of controversial figures, including Adolf Hitler, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe. Mother Teresa is one of the very few icons to ask not to be made, saying «her work was more important, not the person». Visitors also get the chance to stand next to the present Prime Minister David Cameron in front of a facade of No.10 Downing Street. At the time of his duties as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown was a notable omission as he had proved to be unpopular, however it is now David Cameron in this room.

Chamber of Horrors and Scream

The Chamber of Horrors showcases serial killers and murders. Included in this area are Guy Fawkes and Dennis Nilsen. This area also exhibits the original guillotine blade that killed Marie Antoinette.

The Scream experience (formally Chamber Live) is a live-action, actor-led scare maze. It is based on the premise that several serial killers have been let loose in the chamber. This attraction — on account of its thrill factor which does not appeal to all visitors — can be avoided by an exit that leads visitors to the next area.

Behind the Scenes and History of Madame Tussauds
This area shows the history of Marie Tussaud, and how she started creating wax figures. It also has an area on how the sculptors make the figures, using Beyoncй as an example.

Spirit of London ride

The Spirit of London is a sit-down ride in which visitors sit in London taxis and are taken on a journey through the history of London. The ride starts in Tudor times and ends in the 1980s, passing through the times of Shakespeare, the Great Fire of London, the Industrial Revolution and the Swinging Sixties. The ride has commentary in a few languages and a photo is taken near the end of the ride which can be purchased when disembarked.

Marvel Super Heroes 4D

Marvel Super Heroes 4D starts off in the Command Centre, where you will see the likes of Wolverine (portrayed by Hugh Jackman), The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Spiderman, who is on «the roof» of an upside-down room.

Madame Tussauds (cream building) includes the former London Planetarium (dome) since 2010.

Madame Tussauds (, )[1][N. 1] is a wax museum founded in 1835 (188 years ago) by French wax sculptor Marie Tussaud in London, spawning similar museums in major cities around the world. While it used to be spelled as «Madame Tussaud’s»; the apostrophe is no longer used.[2][3] Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in many cities, displaying the waxworks of famous and historical figures, as well as popular film and television characters.



Waxwork of Marie Tussaud (sculpting a waxwork) and her memorial plaque at the wax museum she founded in London

Marie Tussaud was born as Marie Grosholtz in 1761 in Strasbourg, France. Her mother worked for Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a physician skilled in wax modeling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling beginning when she was a child. He moved to Paris and took his young apprentice, then only 6 years old, with him.[4]

Grosholtz created her first wax sculpture in 1777 of Voltaire.[5] At the age of 17, she became the art tutor to Madame Elizabeth, the sister of King Louis XVI of France, at the Palace of Versailles. During the French Revolution, she was imprisoned for three months and awaiting execution, but was released after the intervention of an influential friend.[4] During the Revolution, she made models of many prominent victims.[6]

Grosholtz inherited Curtius’s vast collection of wax models following his death in 1794. For the next 33 years, she travelled around Europe with a touring show from the collection. She married Francois Tussaud in 1795 and took his surname. She renamed her show as Madame Tussaud’s. In 1802, she accepted an invitation from Paul Philidor, a lantern and phantasmagoria pioneer, to exhibit her work alongside his show at the Lyceum Theatre, London. She did not fare particularly well financially, with Philidor taking half of her profits.

She was unable to return to France because of the Napoleonic Wars, so she traveled throughout Great Britain and Ireland exhibiting her collection. From 1831, she took a series of short leases on the upper floor of «Baker Street Bazaar» (on the west side of Baker Street, Dorset Street, and King Street in London).[7] This site was later featured in the Druce-Portland case sequence of trials of 1898–1907. This became Tussaud’s first permanent home in 1836.[8]


Poster for the Tussaud wax figures exhibition, Baker Street, London 1835

By 1835, Marie Tussaud had settled down in Baker Street, London and opened a museum.[9] One of the main attractions of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors. The name is often credited to a contributor to Punch in 1845, but Tussaud appears to have originated it herself, using it in advertising as early as 1843.[10]

This part of the exhibition included victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murderers and other criminals. Other famous people were added, including Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Henry VIII and Queen Victoria.[11]

Some sculptures still exist that were made by Marie Tussaud herself. The gallery originally contained some 400 different figures, but fire damage in 1925, coupled with German bombs in 1941, severely damaged most of such older models. The casts themselves have survived, allowing the historical waxworks to be remade, and these can be seen in the museum’s history exhibit. The oldest figure on display is that of Madame du Barry, the work of Curtius from 1765 and part of the waxworks left to Grosholtz at his death. Other faces from the time of Tussaud include Robespierre and George III. In 1842, she made a self-portrait, which is now on display at the entrance of her museum. She died in her sleep in London on 16 April 1850.[12]

First Mortgage Debenture Stock of Madame Tussaud’s Ltd., issued 15. September 1949

By 1883, the restricted space and rising cost of the Baker Street site prompted her grandson Joseph Randall to commission construction of a building at the museum’s current location on Marylebone Road. The new exhibition galleries were opened on 14 July 1884 and were a great success.[13] But Randall had bought out his cousin Louisa’s half share in the business in 1881, and that plus the building costs resulted in his having too little capital. He formed a limited company in 1888 to attract fresh capital but it had to be dissolved after disagreements between the family shareholders. In February 1889 Tussaud’s was sold to a group of businessmen, led by Edwin Josiah Poyser.[14] The first wax sculpture of a young Winston Churchill was made in 1908; a total of ten have been made since.[15] The first overseas branch of Madame Tussauds was opened in Amsterdam in 1970.[16]

Ownership changes[edit]

In 2005, Madame Tussauds was sold to a company in Dubai, Dubai International Capital, for £800m (US$1.5bn). In May 2007, The Blackstone Group purchased The Tussauds Group from then-owner Dubai International Capital for US$1.9 billion;[17] the company was merged with Blackstone’s Merlin Entertainments and operation of Madame Tussauds was taken over by Merlin.[17][18] After the Tussauds acquisition, Dubai International Capital gained 20% of Merlin Entertainment.[19]

On 17 July 2007, as part of the financing for the Tussauds deal, Merlin sold the freehold of Madame Tussauds to private investor Nick Leslau and his investment firm Prestbury under a sale and leaseback agreement.[20] Although the attraction sites are owned by Prestbury, they are operated by Merlin based on a renewable 35-year lease.[18]

Recent status[edit]

Waxwork of Elizabeth I in London

Madame Tussaud’s wax museum became a major tourist attraction in London. Until 2010, it incorporated the London Planetarium in its west wing. A large animated dark ride, The Spirit of London, opened in 1993. Today’s wax figures at Tussauds include historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars, and famous murderers. It has been known since 2007 as «Madame Tussauds» museums (no apostrophe).[21]

In July 2008, Madame Tussauds’ Berlin branch became embroiled in controversy when a 41-year-old German man brushed past two guards and decapitated a wax figure depicting Adolf Hitler. This was believed to be an act of protest against showing the ruthless dictator alongside sports heroes, movie stars, and other historical figures. The statue has since been repaired, and the perpetrator has admitted that he attacked the statue to win a bet.[22] The original model of Hitler was unveiled in Madame Tussauds London in April 1933; it was frequently vandalised and a 1936 replacement had to be carefully guarded.[23][24][25] In January 2016, the statue of Adolf Hitler was removed from the Chamber of Horrors section in the London museum in response to an open letter sent by a staff writer of The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, followed by significant support for its removal from social media.[26]

The first Madame Tussauds in India opened in New Delhi on 1 December 2017. Its operator, Merlin Entertainments, planned an investment of 50 million pounds over the next 10 years.[27][28][29] It features over 50 wax models, including political and entertainment figures such as Ariana Grande, Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Sachin Tendulkar, Kim Kardashian, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Asha Bhosle, Kapil Dev, and Mary Kom.[30]

On 30 December 2020, the holding company of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Delhi, India confirmed a temporary shutdown of the Museum.[31] It is scheduled to reopen in 2022.[32]

Museum locations[edit]

Entry of Madame Tussauds in Berlin

Madame Tussauds in New York City opened in 2000.

Madame Tussauds opened in Washington, D.C. in 2007.

Madame Tussauds opened in Hollywood in 2009.

Wax figure of Queen Elizabeth II at Madame Tussauds in Shanghai, China

Wax figure of Tommy Cooper at Madame Tussauds in Blackpool, United Kingdom



North America[edit]


  • Australia Sydney, Australia (2012)[59]

In popular culture[edit]

Celebrity poses with their wax figures[edit]

Celebrities have often posed like their wax figures as pranks and publicity stunts:

  • On 3 November 2009, the museum’s New York City branch was featured in a segment on NBC’s Today in which weatherman Al Roker posed in place of his lifelike wax figure for two hours and startled unsuspecting visitors, who were at first led to believe they were viewing Roker’s wax counterpart.[60]
  • In 2010, Ozzy Osbourne did similarly in New York to promote his album Scream (2010).[61]
  • NBA players Carmelo Anthony and Jeremy Lin pranked fans during the unveiling of their statues at the New York and San Francisco museums, respectively.[62][63]
  • In 2015, Arnold Schwarzenegger posed as the Terminator statue in the Hollywood museum, to promote a charity event.[64]
  • Ant and Dec pranked Olly Murs by tricking him into using a machine that will «scan every part of Olly’s face and body to create the most accurate wax figure ever» as a part of their annual Undercover segment on their show, Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway.


  • Some sequences of the film Housefull 3 were shot in the Madame Tussauds, London.
  • Parts of the film Fan (2016) were shot at Madame Tussauds, making it the first Indian film to be shot there.
  • Madame Tussauds features in the film Shanghai Knights (2003).


  • Marie Tussaud is featured in an Assassin’s Creed Unity side mission, where the player is tasked with retrieving the severed heads of which Madame Tussaud was commissioned to make replicas.
  • Madame Tussaud is referenced as «Madame Tusspell» in The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, where the player is tasked to investigate in the wax museum.


  • In Thomas Hardy’s novel The Return of the Native (published 1878) the Christmas congregation at a country church is likened to «a Tussaud collection of [local] celebrities».
  • There is a brief reference to Madame Tussaud’s work in the Sherlock Holmes story «The Mazarin Stone».
  • In Jules Verne’s novel Around the World in Eighty Days, his author says that the only thing the wax figures sculpted by Madame Tussaud lack is speech.
  • In Elizabeth Bowen’s novel The Death of the Heart (1938), Portia and Eddie have tea at Madame Tussaud’s and Portia is disappointed that the waitresses are real and not made of wax.
  • In the novel Edgar Allan Poe and the London Monster (2016) by Karen Lee Street, Madame Tussaud meets twice with Edgar Allan Poe and C. Auguste Dupin at her exhibition halls.


  • In Gilbert and Sullivan’s song «My Object All Sublime», from The Mikado (1885), the title character sings of punishments fitting the crime, including:

The amateur tenor, whose vocal villainies
All desire to shirk,
Shall, during off-hours
Exhibit his powers
To Madame Tussaud’s waxwork.

  • Madame Tussauds is the focus of Steve Taylor’s song «Meltdown (at Madame Tussauds)», which describes someone turning up the thermostat and causing the wax figures to melt.[65] Taylor wrote the song as «a new metaphor to ask [the] same question» as Jesus, «What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?»[66]
  • The Beatles had their wax figures featured along with cardboard cutouts of various famous people in the cover art for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967).[67]
  • Several sculptures from the London branch (including George Bush and Tony Blair) appear in the music video «Pop!ular» by singer-songwriter Darren Hayes.
  • Madame Tussauds sculptures are used on the cover of Rick Wakeman’s album The Six Wives of Henry VIII. A waxwork of Richard Nixon also appears in the background.

Stage productions[edit]

  • Marie Tussaud is mentioned in The Scarlet Pimpernel (first run on stage in 1903, first publication 1905).

List of notable wax figures[edit]


Film Music Sports Leaders and History Marvel
Hrithik Roshan Amy Winehouse Jessica Ennis-Hill Napoleon Bonaparte Black Panther
Terminator Michael Jackson Muhammad Ali Elizabeth II Captain Marvel
Darth Vader Lady Gaga Mo Farah Nelson Mandela Hawkeye
E.T. Madonna David Beckham Richard Branson Captain America
Steven Spielberg Miley Cyrus Rafael Nadal Vincent van Gogh Hulk
Katniss Everdeen Taylor Swift Usain Bolt Donald Trump Spider-Man
Audrey Hepburn One Direction Tom Daley Barack Obama Iron Man
Kate Winslet Adele Sachin Tendulkar Albert Einstein Nick Fury
Madhuri Dixit Britney Spears Virat Kohli Charles Dickens Thor
Alfred Hitchcock Rihanna Cristiano Ronaldo Stephen Hawking Invisible Woman
Michael Caine Bob Marley Bobby Moore Pablo Picasso Wolverine
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Freddie Mercury Olga Korbut Mahatma Gandhi Shang-Chi
Daniel Craig Mariah Carey Jonah Lomu Diana, Princess of Wales
Robert Pattinson Dua Lipa Lionel Messi Narendra Modi
Shah Rukh Khan Kylie Minogue Mohamed Salah Elizabeth I
Anthony Hopkins The Beatles
Benedict Cumberbatch Little Mix


The ’90s Spirit of Hollywood Modern Classics Movies Pop Icons Marvel Country A-List Party
Sarah Michelle Gellar Bette Davis Sylvester Stallone Robin Williams Whitney Houston Iron Man Paul Newman Jennifer Lopez
Whoopi Goldberg Marilyn Monroe Tom Hanks Edward Scissorhands Michael Jackson Thor Clint Eastwood Betty White
Britney Spears Alfred Hitchcock John Travolta Jim Carrey Madonna Wolverine John Wayne Lady Gaga
Selena Quintanilla Elvis Presley E.T. Aaliyah Jason Derulo
Audrey Hepburn Demi Lovato
Joan Rivers Ariana Grande
Judy Garland Zoe Saldana
Kylie Jenner
Justin Timberlake
Snoop Dogg
Taylor Swift

New York City[edit]

Actors Musicians Athletes Leaders Icons Characters Television Fashion
Jennifer Aniston Pharrell Williams Carmelo Anthony Barack Obama Albert Einstein ET Jimmy Fallon Adriana Lima
Leonardo DiCaprio Lady Gaga Lionel Messi Ronald Reagan Marilyn Monroe Iron Man Michael Strahan Sofía Vergara
Jodie Foster Rihanna Muhammad Ali Abraham Lincoln Charlie Chaplin Captain Marvel Jon Hamm
Angelina Jolie Jennifer Hudson Eli Manning John F. Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy The Incredible Hulk Anderson Cooper
Whoopi Goldberg Taylor Swift Derek Jeter Mahatma Gandhi James Dean King Kong Tyra Banks
Julia Roberts Katy Perry Cristiano Ronaldo Martin Luther King Jr. Jenna Marbles Nick Fury
Priyanka Chopra Avicii Michael Jordan Dalai Lama Michael Jackson
Salman Khan Ed Sheeran
Bad Bunny
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande


Admissions Recording Studio Soul/Jazz MTV Opry Finale
Taylor Swift Elvis Presley Louis Armstrong Rihanna Keith Urban
Johnny Cash Carl Perkins Diana Ross Beyonce Reba McEntire
Jerry Lee Lewis Stevie Wonder Katy Perry Carrie Underwood
Avril Lavigne Ella Fitzgerald Miley Cyrus Alan Jackson
Justin Timberlake Eric Church
Bruno Mars Jason Aldean
Michael Jackson Trisha Yearwood
Kid Rock


Leaders and History Sports Music Industry Entertainment Industry Film
Elizabeth II David Beckham Lady Gaga Nicky Wu Benedict Cumberbatch
The Prince of Wales Li Xiaopeng Elvis Presley Yang Lan Johnny Depp
The Princess of Wales Lang Ping Cui Jian Liu Xiao Ling Tong Leonardo DiCaprio
Barack Obama Kobe Bryant Luhan Yang Mi Kate Winslet
Vladimir Putin Zhang Yixing Leslie Cheung
Lao She Avril Lavigne Jackie Chan
Yang Liwei Michael Jackson Deng Chao
Mei Lanfang Liu Wen
Hou Baolin Yang Yang
Zhao Liying
Huang Xiaoming

Washington, D.C.[edit]

U.S Presidents First Ladies Cultural Icons A-List Music Sports Entertainment
Donald Trump Michelle Obama Uncle Sam Marilyn Monroe Marvin Gaye Babe Ruth Jimmy Fallon
Abraham Lincoln Hillary Clinton Rosa Parks Zac Efron Taylor Swift Tyra Banks
Barack Obama Nancy Reagan George Clooney Miley Cyrus
George Washington Brad Pitt Beyonce
Angelina Jolie Rihanna
Johnny Depp Justin Bieber
Michael Jackson


History Leaders Arts/Sciences Sport Music Film Indian Film TV Hollywood
Princess Diana Queen Elizabeth II Albert Einstein Wayne Rooney Katy Perry Hugh Jackman Shah Rukh Khan Oprah Winfrey Jackie Chan
Mahatma Gandhi Michelle Obama Mark Zuckerberg Yao Ming Madonna Mario Maurer Katrina Kaif Anne Thongprasom Vin Diesel
Prince Mahidol Adulyadej Aung San Suu Kyi Ludwig van Beethoven Serena Williams Nichkun Horvejkul Leonardo DiCaprio Hrithik Roshan Theeradej Wongpuapan Brad Pitt
Princess Srinagarindra Barack Obama Pablo Picasso Cristiano Ronaldo Lady Gaga Johnny Depp Prabhas Lady Gaga
Plaek Phibunsongkhram Sunthorn Phu David Beckham Michael Jackson Nicole Kidman Bruce Lee
Pridi Banomyong Silpa Bhirasri Khaosai Galaxy Tata Young Will Smith Angelina Jolie
Ariana Grande


Music Stars Sports Comedy Best of British Gaming stars
Lady Gaga Joe Hart John Bishop Queen Elizabeth II DanTDM
Michael Jackson Ken Dodd The Prince of Wales
Britney Spears Alan Carr The Princess of Wales
Freddie Mercury The Two Ronnies Joanna Lumley
The Beatles Morecambe and Wise Hugh Bonneville
Shirley Bassey Paddy McGuinness Jane Horrocks
Tom Jones Keith Lemon Susan Boyle
Johnny Rotten Tommy Cooper Cheryl
Ariana Grande Benny Hill Simon Cowell
Dame Helen Mirren
Marvel Super Heroes Strictly Come Dancing Coronation Street I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!
Captain Marvel Bruce Forsyth Deirdre Barlow Anthony McPartlin
Thor Craig Revel Horwood Bet Lynch Declan Donnelly
Hulk Tess Daly Ken Barlow Bushtucker trial
Spider-Man Claudia Winkleman Jack and Vera Duckworth
Groot Hilda Ogden
Rocket Raccoon Michelle Connor
Iron Man David Platt

Las Vegas[edit]

TV Stars Hollywood Stars Pop Stars Athletes
Sofia Vergara Sandra Bullock Britney Spears Muhammad Ali
Simon Cowell Leonardo DiCaprio Whitney Houston Chuck Liddell
Eva Longoria Halle Berry Lady Gaga Tiger Woods
Kathy Griffin Hugh Hefner Michael Jackson Shaquille O’Neal


Justice League Film Party History & World Leaders Sports Music TV
Aquaman Audrey Hepburn Selena Gomez Donald Trump David Beckham Lady Gaga Neil Patrick Harris
Wonder Woman Kung Fu Panda Anne Hathaway Albert Einstein Serena Williams Pitbull Jim Parsons
Superman Marilyn Monroe Ryan Gosling Abraham Lincoln Tiger Woods Miley Cyrus Oprah Winfrey
Batman Jackie Chan Jennifer Aniston Madame Marie Tussaud Shaquille O’Neal Ricky Martin Jimmy Fallon
Flash (DC Comics character) E.T Will Smith Neil Armstrong Derek Jeter Madonna Sofia Vergara
Shrek and Princess Fiona Angelina Jolie Walt Disney Neymar Katy Perry
Jennifer Lawrence Brad Pitt Uncle Sam Dan Marino Rihanna
Dwayne Johnson Channing Tatum Barack Obama Peyton Manning Michael Jackson
John Travolta Johnny Depp Thomas Edison Elvis Presley
Olivia Newton-John Tom Hanks Martin Luther King Jr. Taylor Swift
Vin Diesel Samuel L. Jackson Ariana Grande
Steven Spielberg Emma Watson Justin Bieber

San Francisco[edit]

Sports History and Leaders Music Film
Jeremy Lin Edwin Lee Jimi Hendrix Leonardo DiCaprio
Muhammed Ali Steve Jobs Adele Alfred Hitchcock
Joe Montana Barack Obama Michael Jackson Whoopi Goldberg
Tiger Woods Abraham Lincoln Lady Gaga Steven Spielberg
Serena Williams George Washington Madonna Marilyn Monroe
Stephen Curry Martin Luther King Jr. Rihanna Audrey Hepburn
Mariah Carey


Sports History and leaders Music Film TV show
Sun Yang Vladimir Putin Teresa Teng Bruce Lee He Jiong
David Beckham Barack Obama Elvis Presley Brad Pitt Kangxi Lai Le
Michael Jordan Nelson Mandela Michael Jackson Nicole Kidman Zhou Libo
Ronaldo Bill Clinton Lady Gaga Angelina Jolie Fan Bingbing
Kobe Bryant Winston Churchill Madonna Marilyn Monroe Nicky Wu
Liu Xiang Kylie Minogue Audrey Hepburn Sun Li
Yao Ming Wu Yifan Donnie Yen Hu Ge
S.H.E Jackie Chan Yang Yang
Andy Lau Yao Chen William Chan
Nicholas Tse Chen Kun Lee Minho
Joker Xue Zhang Yixing

Hong Kong[edit]

Sports History and Leaders Music Film
David Beckham Mao Zedong Elvis Presley Nicole Kidman
Yao Ming Deng Xiaoping Madonna Brad Pitt
Tiger Woods Queen Elizabeth II Beyonce Angelina Jolie
Ronaldinho Diana, Princess of Wales Britney Spears Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Rudy Hartono Sukarno Lady Gaga Johnny Depp
Maria Sharapova Joko Widodo Anita Mui Jackie Chan
William Shakespeare Anggun Bruce Lee
Mahatma Gandhi Lang Lang Michelle Yeoh
Jiang Zemin Siwon Choi Amitabh Bachchan
Pablo Picasso Nichkhun Donnie Yen
Saddam Hussein Jay Chou Andy Lau
Adolf Hitler One Direction Jacky Cheung
Narendra Modi Michael Jackson Leslie Cheung
The Beatles Leon Lai
Jackson Wang Audrey Hepburn
Zhang Yixing Kim Soo-hyun
Ariana Grande Bae Yong-joon
Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine)
Pia Wurtzbach
Varun Dhawan


A-list Music Marvel Fashion Sport World Leaders DJ’s Film
George Clooney Lady Gaga Loki Justin Bieber Rafael van der Vaart Barack Obama Martin Garrix E.T.
Zayn Malik Ariana Grande Thor Doutzen Kroes Rafael Nadal Angela Merkel Afrojack Marilyn Monroe
Ryan Gosling Adele Hulk Kate Moss Lionel Messi Dalai Lama
Angelina Jolie Taylor Swift Captain America Michael Jackson
Johnny Depp Dua Lipa Iron Man
Daniel Craig


World War II Party & Hollywood Sport Film Politicians & Visionaries Arts & Culture Music History
Oskar Schindler Angelina Jolie Renate Götschl Julie Andrews Dalai Lama Gottfried Helnwein Freddie Mercury Marie Antoinette
Winston Churchill Quentin Tarantino David Alaba Daniel Craig Queen Elizabeth II Friedensreich Hundertwasser Taylor Swift Napoleon
Leopold Figl Benedict Cumberbatch Hermann Maier Alfred Hitchcock Barack Obama Ludwig van Beethoven Udo Jürgens Maria Theresia
Karl Renner Morgan Freeman Herbert Prohaska Sandra Bullock Angela Merkel Gustav Klimt Michael Jackson Franz Joseph
Anne Frank Kate Winslet Franz Klammer Peter Alexander Bruno Kreisky Luciano Pavarotti Katy Perry Sisi
Will Smith Gerhard Berger Audrey Hepburn Heinz Fischer Sigmund Freud Hansi Hinterseer
Leonardo DiCaprio Dominic Thiem Romy Schneider Elvis Presley
Johnny Depp Conchita Wurst


Bollywood Justice League Film & TV History & World Leaders Marvel Music Party Sports Fashion
Shah Rukh Khan Superman Eric Bana Dalai Lama Wolverine Lady Gaga Barack Obama Layne Beachley Megan Gale
Priyanka Chopra Jonas Aquaman Jackie Chan Mahatma Gandhi Spider-Man Pink Chris Hemsworth and Liam Hemsworth Dylan Alcott Miranda Kerr
Aishwarya Rai Wonder Woman Mel Gibson Queen Elizabeth II Iron Man Adele Rebel Wilson Tim Cahill Elle Macpherson
Batman Audrey Hepburn The Prince and Princess of Wales Captain Marvel Taylor Swift Nicole Kidman Don Bradman
The Flash Alfred Hitchcock Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry John Farnham Ryan Gosling Cathy Freeman
Steve Irwin Bob Hawke Kylie Minogue Johnny Depp Lleyton Hewitt
Heath Ledger Ned Kelly Justin Bieber Rove McManus Rod Laver
Olivia Newton-John Arthur Phillip Keith Urban Dannii Minogue Glenn McGrath
Ray Meagher James Cook Katy Perry Angelina Jolie Sally Pearson
Marilyn Monroe Banjo Patterson Jimmy Barnes Cate Blanchett Ian Thorpe
Olivia Newton-John Charles Kingsford Smith Michael Hutchence Delta Goodrem Shane Warne
Ian Smith Julia Gillard Ricky Martin Leonardo DiCaprio Mark Webber
Curtis Stone Hu Jintao Rihanna Sachin Tendulkar
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Eddie Mabo Michael Jackson Yao Ming
Jacob Elordi Nelson Mandela Troye Sivan[79]
Albert Einstein Dua Lipa
Madame Marie Tussaud
Mary MacKillop


Music Cinema Sport Science and Culture VIP Party History and Leaders Stars of The Middle East
Michael Jackson Marilyn Monroe Arda Turan Marie Tussaud Angelina Jolie Mehmed the Conqueror Maya Diab
Madonna Audrey Hepburn Maria Sharapova Albert Einstein Brad Pitt Mimar Sinan Bin Baz
Beyoncé Jennifer Lawrence Rafael Nadal Leonardo da Vinci Johnny Depp Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Nancy Ajram
Lady Gaga Steven Spielberg Lionel Messi Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Julia Roberts Tansu Çiller Elie Saab
Demi Lovato Tom Cruise Hedo Türkoğlu Sabiha Gökçen Leonardo DiCaprio Rumi
Bob Marley Tarık Akan Cristiano Ronaldo Steve Jobs Beren Saat Suleiman the Magnificent
Zeki Müren Jackie Chan Muhammad Ali Yaşar Kemal Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ
Müslüm Gürses Spider-Man Usain Bolt Tolga Çevik
Murat Boz Harun Neymar Kerem Bürsin
Aleyna Tilki Vin Diesel Yasemin Dalkılıç Demet Akbağ
Justin Bieber Bruce Willis Mesut Özil David Beckham
MFÖ Shrek Ayşe Arman
Edis E.T. Victoria Beckham
Barış Manço Adile Naşit Will Smith
Neşet Ertaş


  • The Sleeping Beauty is the oldest existing figure on display. It was modeled after Madame du Barry. She appears asleep and a device in her chest makes it seem as if she were breathing.

    The Sleeping Beauty is the oldest existing figure on display. It was modeled after Madame du Barry. She appears asleep and a device in her chest makes it seem as if she were breathing.

  • Alfred Hitchcock

  • The Beatles

  • Benny Hill

  • Charles III and Queen Camilla

  • Charlie Chaplin

  • Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

  • Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, and Archbishop Makarios III

  • Princess Diana

  • John Wayne (London)

  • Olga Korbut (London)

  • Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

  • Keira Knightley

  • Kylie Minogue

  • Lady Gaga

  • Marilyn Monroe

  • Marlon Brando

  • Nelson Mandela

  • Sachin Tendulkar

  • Mahatma Gandhi

  • Adolf Hitler (formerly in the Chamber of Horrors section in London)

    Adolf Hitler (formerly in the Chamber of Horrors section in London)

  • Angelina Jolie

  • Spider-Man

  • Kate Winslet

See also[edit]

  • Chamber of Horrors (Madame Tussauds), London
  • Marie Tussaud
  • Madame Tussauds Amsterdam
  • Madame Tussauds Beijing
  • Madame Tussauds Blackpool
  • Madame Tussauds Delhi
  • Madame Tussauds Hollywood
  • Madame Tussauds Hong Kong
  • Madame Tussauds Las Vegas
  • Madame Tussauds New York
  • Madame Tussauds Rock Circus (1989–2001, London)
  • Madame Tussauds San Francisco
  • Madame Tussauds Shanghai
  • Madame Tussauds Singapore
  • Madame Tussauds Sydney
  • Madame Tussauds Vienna
  • Madame Tussauds Washington D.C.
  • Merlin Entertainments


  1. ^ The family themselves pronounce it .[citation needed]


  1. ^ Wells, John C. (2009). «Tussaud’s». Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. London: Pearson Longman. ISBN 978-1-4058-8118-0.
  2. ^ Rothstein, Edward (24 August 2007). «Ripley’s Believe It or Not – Madame Tussauds». The New York Times. Retrieved 12 May 2010. Madame Tussaud (who gave the attraction its now-jettisoned apostrophe) …
  3. ^ Times Online Style Guide – M: «Madame Tussauds (no longer an apostrophe).»
  4. ^ a b «The Baker Street Bazaar». 26 May 2012.
  5. ^ Du Plessis, Amelia. «England—Madame Tussauds». Informational site about England. Archived from the original on 13 December 2011. Retrieved 12 July 2011.
  6. ^ «Marie Tussaud Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Marie Tussaud». www.encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  7. ^ Pilbeam (2006) pp. 102–106
  8. ^ Pilbeam (2006) pp. 100–104
  9. ^ «The History of Madame Tussauds» Archived 13 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine. Madame Tussauds.com.
  10. ^ Berridge, Kate…But now British actress Emma Watson is already to set and appear here… (2006). Madame Tussaud: A life in wax. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052847-8.
  11. ^ Timbs, John (1868). Curiosities of London: Exhibiting the Most Rare and Remarkable Objects of Interest in the Metropolis, with Nearly Sixty Years’ Personal Recollections. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. p. 819.
  12. ^ Wilson, Scott (16 September 2016). Resting Places: The Burial Sites of More Than 14,000 Famous Persons, 3d ed. McFarland. p. 762. ISBN 9781476625997. Retrieved 30 November 2017.
  13. ^ Pilbeam, ibid. pp. 166, 168–9.
  14. ^ Pilbeam, ibid. p. 170.
  15. ^ Pamela Pilbeam Madame Tussaud: And the History of Waxworks. P.199.
  16. ^ «Madame Tussauds’ to open shop in Delhi – Times of India». The Times of India.
  17. ^ a b Cho, David (6 March 2007). «Blackstone Buys Madame Tussauds Chain». The Washington Post.
  18. ^ a b «Merlin conjures up leaseback deal». The Daily Telegraph. 17 July 2007.
  19. ^ «Tussauds firm bought in £1bn deal». BBC News. 5 March 2007.
  20. ^ «Alton Towers sold in £622m deal». BBC News. 17 July 2007. Retrieved 12 May 2010.
  21. ^ «10 Things You Might Not Know About Madame Tussauds Wax Museum». Mental Floss. Retrieved 15 May 2021.
  22. ^ «Adolf Hitler returns to Berlin museum after beheading». meeja.com.au. 14 September 2008. Archived from the original on 19 September 2008. Retrieved 14 September 2008.
  23. ^ Pilbeam, ibid. p. 199.
  24. ^ «Madame Tussauds to repair beheaded Hitler». Associated Press. 7 July 2008. Retrieved 7 July 2008.
  25. ^ Carrel, Paul (5 July 2008). «Man rips head from Hitler wax figure». Reuters.
  26. ^ Gur-Arieh, Noga (6 January 2016). «Madame Tussauds Museum in London Removed Hitler Figure». The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. Retrieved 14 June 2021.
  27. ^ [1]: «Madame Tussauds (no longer an apostrophe).»
  28. ^ «Madame Tussauds debuts in Delhi». BBC News. 1 December 2017. Retrieved 1 December 2017.
  29. ^ «Madame Tussauds Delhi to officially open for public on December 1». The Indian Express. 30 November 2017. Retrieved 1 December 2017.
  30. ^ «Take a sneak peek into India’s first Madame Tussauds in Delhi – Wax figure of PM Narendra Modi». The Economic Times.
  31. ^ «Wax museum feels Delhi heat, Madame Tussauds shuts». The Indian Express. 30 December 2020. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
  32. ^ «Madame Tussauds to Reopen in Delhi in 2022, to Offer Discount for Covid Warriors, Jabbed Visitors». 24 May 2021.
  33. ^ «Madame Tussauds Beijing» (in Chinese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  34. ^ «Madame Tussauds Chongqing» (in Chinese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  35. ^ «Madame Tussauds Shanghai» (in Chinese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  36. ^ «Madame Tussauds Wuhan» (in Chinese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  37. ^ «Madame Tussauds Hong Kong» (in Chinese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  38. ^ «Madame Tussauds Delhi». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  39. ^ «Madame Tussauds Opens Today at Noida’s DLF Mall | Noida News — Times of India». The Times of India.
  40. ^ «Madame Tussauds Tokyo» (in Japanese). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  41. ^ «Madame Tussauds Singapore». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  42. ^ «Madame Tussauds Bangkok». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  43. ^ «Madame Tussauds attraction to open in Dubai in 2021».
  44. ^ «Madame Tussauds Amsterdam» (in Dutch). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  45. ^ «Madame Tussauds Berlin» (in German). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  46. ^ «Madame Tussauds Blackpool». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  47. ^ “Merlin Entertainments Announces Madame Tussauds Attraction to Open in Budapest”. merlinentertainments.biz
  48. ^ «Madame Tussauds Istanbul» (in Turkish). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  49. ^ «Madame Tussauds London». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  50. ^ «Madame Tussauds Prague» (in Czech). madametussauds.com. Archived from the original on 11 September 2018. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  51. ^ «Madame Tussauds Vienna» (in German). madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  52. ^ «Madame Tussauds Holywood». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  53. ^ «Madame Tussauds Las Vegas». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  54. ^ «Madame Tussauds Nashville». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  55. ^ «Madame Tussauds New York». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  56. ^ «Madame Tussauds Orlando». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  57. ^ «Madame Tussauds San Francisco». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  58. ^ «Madame Tussauds Washington D.C.» madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  59. ^ «Madame Tussauds Sydney». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  60. ^ The Weather Channel (30 December 2009). «Al makes people jump out of their skin» – via YouTube.
  61. ^ Ozzy Osbourne scares people at Madame Tussauds. Retrieved 30 May 2010.
  62. ^ «Carmelo Anthony Takes The Time To Prank Visitors at Madame Tussaud’s » NBA.com – All Ball Blog with Lang Whitaker». National Basketball Association.
  63. ^ Pincus, Eric (11 September 2014). «Jeremy Lin pranks at Madame Tussauds, pretends to be wax likeness». Los Angeles Times.
  64. ^ «Entertain This! – Daily hits and misses in pop culture». USA Today.
  65. ^ «Meltdown (At Madame Tussaud’s) – Meltdown – Steve Taylor Discography». Sock Heaven. Retrieved 14 November 2010.
  66. ^ «Cloning Around With Steve Taylor». Todays Christian Music. Archived from the original on 12 March 2017. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  67. ^ «Beatles waxworks sell for £81,500». BBC. 28 October 2005.
  68. ^ «Now you too can play at being Sherlock Holmes». iNews. Retrieved 5 July 2020.
  69. ^ «Madame Tussauds™ London: One of London’s Best Tourist Attractions». madametussauds.com. Retrieved 9 April 2018.
  70. ^ Graphico. «Famous Wax Figures and icons – Madame Tussauds New York». madametussauds.com.
  71. ^ «EXO’s Lay Meets His Wax Figure at Madame Tussauds in Beijing».
  72. ^ «List of Wax Figures».
  73. ^ «Wax Likeness of Supermodel Liu Wen Debuts at Madame Tussauds in Beijing».
  74. ^ 3 Michael Jackson wax figures unveiled in Beijing — China.org.cn
  75. ^ «Whats Inside». Madame Tussauds Blackpool. Retrieved 30 May 2020.
  76. ^ «Madame Tussauds New York – Celebrity Wax Attraction in Times Square». madametussauds.com.
  77. ^ «Things to do in San Francisco | Madame Tussauds San Francisco». Archived from the original on 29 May 2015. Retrieved 29 May 2015.
  78. ^ «Explore Madame Tussauds Shanghai». Archived from the original on 7 March 2014. Retrieved 28 February 2014.,
  79. ^ «Oh My, My, My…Troye Sivan is Joining Madame Tussauds Sydney!». Madame Tussauds Sydney. 27 February 2020. Retrieved 28 February 2020.
  80. ^ «Madame Tussauds Istanbul». madametussauds.com.


  • Berridge, Kate (2006). Madame Tussaud: A life in wax. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052847-8.
  • Chapman, Pauline (1984). Madame Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors: Two Hundred Years of Crime. London: Constable. ISBN 0-09-465620-7.
  • Deakin, Johnston and Markesinis (2008). Markesinis & Deakin’s Tort Law. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-928246-3.
  • Hervé, Francis, ed. (1838). Madame Tussaud’s Memoirs and Reminiscences of France, forming an abridged history of the French Revolution. London: Saunders & Otley.
  • McCallam, David (2002). «Waxing Revolutionary: Reflections on a Raid on a Waxworks at the Outbreak of the French Revolution». French History. 16 (2): 153–173. doi:10.1093/fh/16.2.153..
  • Moran, Michelle (2011). Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution. Crown. ISBN 978-0-307-58865-4.
  • Pilbeam, Pamela (2006). Madame Tussaud: And the History of Waxworks. Continuum International Publishing Group. pp. 100–104. ISBN 1-85285-511-8.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

Coordinates: 51°31′22″N 0°09′19″W / 51.52278°N 0.15528°W

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