Нет уверенности, как надо написать – «не одного» или «ни одного»? Это – не самый сложный грамматический вопрос. Достаточно понять один главный принцип.
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- Как правильно?
- Когда пишем «не одного»?
- Примеры предложений
- Когда пишем «ни одного»?
- Примеры предложений
- Ошибочное написание
- Резюмируем
Как правильно?
В русском языке допускается и первый вариант написания, и второй.
Выбор частицы «не» или «ни» зависит только от смысла выражения. Теперь подробнее об этом.
Когда пишем «не одного»?
Другая причина для этого – противопоставление или дополнительные поясняющие слова.
Примеры предложений
Рассмотрим образцы использования такого речевого оборота:
- Очевидно, что сегодня вечером меня оставят не одного.
- Поймите, это же не одного поля ягоды, это – чуть ли не противоположности.
- На встрече выпускников его все увидели не одного, а с красавицей-женой.
- Ну что же, это – дело не одного дня и даже месяца, придётся изрядно потрудиться.
Смотрите. В первом предложении есть констатация, во втором и четвёртом – пояснительные слова, в третьем – противопоставление. Все эти случаи предусматривают написание слова «один» с частицей «не».
Когда пишем «ни одного»?
Примеры предложений
Ещё раз воспользуемся наглядными примерами:
- Я не видел в этих людях ни одного потенциального соратника.
- Он не дал ни одного верного ответа из 12 возможных.
- Не существует ни одного варианта, который сейчас может гарантировать нам стопроцентную уверенность.
В каждом из этих предложений сказано об отсутствии, по меньшей мере, одного соратника, ответа и т.д. Это – аргумент в пользу написания частицы «ни».
Ошибочное написание
Большое заблуждение и признак малограмотности – путать два варианта написания. Запомните, вот так писать не нужно:
- У меня нет не одного варианта решения этой задачи.
- Ни одного его постигла такая участь.
Надо наоборот: «ни» – в первом примере, «не» – во втором.
Разумеется, слитное («ниодного») или дефисное («не-одного») написание – ещё более серьёзные нарушения языковых норм.
«Не одного» и «ни одного» – два одинаково возможных варианта написания.
Эти фигуры речи говорят совсем о разном. Когда имеется в виду «больше, чем одного», следует применять частицу «не». Если же выражение означает «нет хотя бы одного», его нужно писать через «ни». Слитное и дефисное написание этих словосочетаний не допускаются.
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО контекстный перевод на английский язык и примеры
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО контекстный перевод и примеры — фразы |
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО фразы на русском языке |
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО фразы на английском языке |
ни одно животное не пострадало | no animals were harmed |
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО контекстный перевод и примеры — предложения |
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО предложения на русском языке |
НИ ОДНО ЖИВОТНОЕ НЕ ПОСТРАДАЛО предложения на английском языке |
~ При съёмках дорамы ни одно животное не пострадало… ~ | ~ No animals were harmed during the making of this drama ~ |
Главное, чтобы ни одно животное не пострадало при изготовлении сырообразной глазури. | Well, as long as no animals were harmed in the making of that cheese-like topping. |
Ни одно животное не пострадало. | No animal is harmed in the process. |
Уверяю, ни одно животное не пострадало во время этого трюка, но этому малышу не помешало бы принять ванну. | I want to assure you no animals were harmed during this trick, but this little fella could do with a bath |
Слава богу, ни одно животное не пострадало. | Thankfully, no animal died for us today. |
Английский язык — словари
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Quotes of the Day
Цитаты дня на английском языке
«If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.»
Maya Angelou
«A place for everything, everything in its place.»
Benjamin Franklin
«Inspiration arrives as a packet of material to be delivered.»
John Updike
«Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.»
John Lennon
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «животное не пострадало» на английский
animals were harmed
animals have been harmed
При создании этого предложения ни одно животное не пострадало.
Ни одно животное не пострадало в процессе создания данного сайта.
При создании этого сайта, ни одно животное не пострадало.
Ни одно животное не пострадало в процессе создания данного сайта.
Авторы заверяют, что «ни одно животное не пострадало».
Больше всего ААГ известна своим слоганом «Ни одно животное не пострадало», который появляется в конце фильмов и тв-шоу.
It is best known for its end credit disclaimer «No Animals Were Harmed» that appears at the end of the credits of films and shows.
Уверяю, ни одно животное не пострадало во время этого трюка, но этому малышу не помешало бы принять ванну.
I want to assure you no animals were harmed during this trick, but this little fella could do with a bath
Представителей Американской гуманистической организации, которые наблюдают за этичным обращением с животными на съемочных площадках, уверяют, что во время работы над фильмом ни одно животное не пострадало.
The American Humane Association however, which is overseeing animal welfare on the films, says no animals were harmed during the actual filming.
У меня есть прекрасное пальто, ради которого ни одно невинное животное не пострадало.
При создании этого сайта, ни одно животное не пострадало.
Отмечается, что эксперимент прошёл успешно, животное не пострадало.
При создании изделий из этой кожи ни одно животное не пострадало.
При проведении спасательных операций ни одно животное не пострадало.
Ни одно животное не пострадало во время съемок этих фотографий, и все они были успешно освобождены.
No fish were harmed in the making of this film and all were released safely.
Никакое несчастное животное не пострадало ради создания моей прически».
Внимание! при съемках этого фильма ни одно животное не пострадало!
В ходе опытов ни одно животное не пострадало!
В ходе опытов ни одно животное не пострадало!
Например, многие люди хотели бы знать, что ваш продукт сделан в статусе объекта искусства, за который люди платят хорошо, ни одно животное не пострадало, или это помогает местному сообществу.
For example, many people would love to know that your product is made in a state-of-the art facility where people get paid well, no animals get hurt, and it helps the local community.
Ни одно животное не пострадало при создании моей стильной шевелюры» (Нош to Get Rich).
Результатов: 26. Точных совпадений: 26. Затраченное время: 39 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
File:MobyDick w200i 8804.jpg Because a dummy was cheaper.
«No animals were harmed» is a standard message displayed at the end of movies, and in Hollywood movies is awarded by the American Humane Association. It means exactly what it says.
In the early days of Hollywood, safety procedures were pretty lax, even when concerning actors. It would be a bit of a bore to find someone who looked enough like your leading lady at short notice. But unless you need your Wild West hero to do some show jumping, there are a dozen bargain-bin nags which you could afford to risk damaging with trip-wires. It was very common for animals to get injured, and no great loss to anyone if they did.
Well trained animals were an exception, incidentally, often getting better treatment than the human actors. Also incidentally, «no human beings were harmed in the making of this film» is a phrase you will never see outside of this sentence. [1] They applied of their own free will, they should’ve known what they were getting into.
After a while, sensitivities changed, safety improved and it became worth letting people know that the animals you used did not end up getting shot and used to make glue, so the «No animals were harmed» disclaimer is seen in most major works that use animals.
In particular, according to The Other Wiki, a scene in the 1939 film Jesse James, wherein a blindfolded horse was ridden off a cliff to its death, is the direct cause of the founding of the American Humane Association (the trademark holder on the phrase «no animals were harmed»), and the «No animals were harmed» language dates directly to the controversy over that movie.
In a more recent example, in the first Friday the 13 th, a scene where a camper cuts off the head of a snake is real; the owner and handler of the harmless bull snake was not told and reportedly had to be held back by several crew members upon witnessing the scene.
More recently, parodies of the message have become a common Credits Gag, often citing some other group who were not harmed, or making specific exceptions to the rule. It’s also common to state that while the animals may not have been killed, they did receive some minor injuries, or to stress that while no animals were killed or injured, humans on the other hand…
Compare No Celebrities Were Harmed, No Communities Were Harmed, Our Lawyers Advised This Trope, and No OSHA Compliance.
Examples of No Animals Were Harmed include:
Anime and Manga
- Samurai Pizza Cats had the disclaimer «No animals were harmed in the marking of this cartoon» in its closing credits.
- Episode 7 of Excel Saga had the disclaimer «No Puchuus were killed or injured in the production of this film. Well, okay, maybe we roughed a few of them up a bit. And we did cook and eat two of them, but that was after we finished filming. Does that count?»
- In Maken-ki!, a bear shows up at a pool, forcing the students to deal with it. They use their magical abilities to catapult it away from them towards a mountain, then immediately draw a big cushion which saves the bear from going splat, and a few scenes later the bear is a bit dizzy but then recovers and walks away.
- From The Naked Gun 33 1/3:
«NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED DURING THE FILMING…» HOWEVER, SOME SPECIES DID BECOME EXTINCT DURING PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY: SPECIES CAUSE OF DEATH Northern Horned Barn Owl (approx. 15) Soundstage Fire Striped Red Heinied Tapir (last pair) Grip Truck Wooly Fettered Tree Squirrel (approx. 100) Crew Lunch |
- Cats Don’t Dance: «No animals were harmed in making this film. Although, a few had to be erased and redrawn.»
- Brother Bear ends with Koda announcing that «no fish were harmed in the making of this film.» The message is undercut by a bear chasing a salmon crying for help in the background.
- In the Mouth of Madness has this played straight and subverted:
Animal interaction was monitored by the American Humane Association with on set supervision by the Toronto Humane Society. No animal was harmed in the making of this film. Human interaction was monitored by the Inter Planetary Psychiatric Association. The body count was high, the casualties are heavy. |
- The Flintstones movie: «No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this movie.»
- At the end of the first Guyver Live-action movie: «No zoanoids were harmed during the making of this movie.»
- A somewhat silly one occurs in the movie of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: «NO DRAGONS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS MOVIE.»
- The credits for Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of The Were Rabbit state at the end «We would like to stress that no animals were harmed in the making of this film» (Given everyone in the film was plasticene no real animals of course would have been harmed). A rabbit then floats up, hits its head on the text and falls down.
- Bionicle Mask of Light has one, substituting «animals» for Rahi
- Fierce Creatures: «No animals were harmed in the making of this film, only humans.»
- Parodied in the end credits of A Serious Man: «No Jews were harmed in the making of this film.»
- In 24 Hour Party People, Tony Wilson goes out of his way in his narration to the audience to mention that no animals were harmed at the conclusion of a scene involving Shaun and Paul Ryder killing 3,000 pigeons with poisoned breadcrumbs.
Tony Wilson: …although there are those who say they’re pests, rats with wings. |
- Feral pigeons are legally vermin in the UK, so they can be killed in any manner by any one at any time, so even if the film did kill 3,000 pigeons, they didn’t really need to add the disclaimer.
- Parodied in the ending credits of Critters 2: absolutely no critters were harmed in the making of this film.
- Spoofed awesomely in one trailer for Ninja Assassin: «Only one ninja was harmed in the making of this movie. The rest were killed.»
- According to the end of Four Lions: «One sheep was blown up in the making of this film.»
- Independence Day: «No animals or aliens were harmed in the making of this film.»
- Men in Black: «The animals and aliens used in this film were in no way mistreated and all scenes in which they appeared were under strict supervision with the utmost concern for their handling.»
- Monsters, Inc.: «No monsters were harmed during the making of this film.»
- The Single’s Ward has «No animals were harmed during the making of this film… Except that dog… Stupid dog…»
- When The Adventures of Milo and Otis was released in the US, there were allegations that the Japanese filmmakers had harmed animals. The allegations were ultimately never proven, and the American Humane Society signed off on the production.
- Flushed Away: «No slugs were a-salted in the making of this movie.»
- Deuce Bigalow Male Gigolo: «Only one fish was harmed during the making of this film. But he feels better now.»
- The Acknowledgements at the end of Star Trek: Titan: Synthesis states «No computers were harmed during the making of this production.» The novel is about a society of sentient computers.
Live-Action TV
- One show, Jon Stewart had been making a running joke about the news making him so stressed, he would destroy what was in his hands. Then he held a kitten. The kitten ‘turned into’ a glass kitten. After the bit was over, he said «The kitten is fine, by the way.»
- Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys ended with mythical creatures in the place: «No Centaurs were harmed».
- Over the course of the seasons, the messages got increasingly bizarre, including abstract concepts like «Gabrielle’s sense of self-worth».
- «The concept of linear time was harmed in this episode.»
- From an episode introducing yet another Identical Stranger: «Despite the appearance of another Xena lookalike, the gene pool was not harmed in the making of this episode».
- In The Making Of Walking with Dinosaurs: «No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this programme».
- Bill Nye once claimed «no science guys were harmed in the course of an episode».
- In one Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, one of the characters riffs, «None of the animals harmed, were harmed during the making of this film».
- At the end of the Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on PETA, Penn declares «No animals were harmed in the making of this episode»… then thinks for a moment and lists off the various animal products used during production.
- Common on Myth Busters episodes that involve animals. Averted when they investigated whether cockroaches would survive a nuclear war — they state at least twice that the insects used were bred for lab work and would have been killed anyway, but they did kill most of their test subjects in that one.
- Played with in the «Demolition Derby Special». The episode ends with an announcement by the narrator that «Automobiles were hurt in the making of this program», over «In Memoriam» clips of each car getting smashed up.
- In a viral video special, the team was trying to induce fainting goats to faint. After the segment which featured dozens of goats going stiff and falling over the narrator assures us that no goats were harmed «though several felt they were made to look stupid».
- The announcer also often notes that that Buster, the dummy that serves as a human analogue in many experiments, has a family and humorously warns them to look away at moments of carnage.
- Notably, while the cast avoid killing animals during production, they have no problem with ordering large numbers of previously killed ones from butchers and other livestock supplies. They’ve even used actual human bones on a few occasions.
- In early episodes, the narrator would point out that the dead pigs used to test myths were ones that had died of natural causes.
- In lectures, Adam relates the story of the only segment they have ever been banned from showing. They were trying to test the idea that a sugary cereal has less nutrition in it than the box it is packaged in. They obtained lab mice and put them on special diets. Mouse 1 was fed regular, Mouse 2 was fed the cereal, and Mouse 3 was fed the cardboard. They set the mice up for the weekend and went home. Upon returning Monday morning, they found (to their horror), a fat and happy Mouse 3… and two picked clean skeletons. Discovery freaked out and refused to air any part of the segment. Adam had been showing the clip during lectures, until he received as cease and desist letter from Discovery. They were terrified PETA was going to catch wind.
- In the Duct Tape Island episode, Adam uses a duct tape net inspired by Return of the Jedi to catch a wild chicken. However, immediately afterwards we get a disclaimer from Adam, saying that while they did catch a real live chicken, the net was just for proof of concept and they didn’t actually eat the chicken; it was released and the guys were given store-bought chicken.
- An episode of My Name Is Earl had copious turtle-throwing, after Joy lost Darnell’s pet, Mr. Turtle. Before the end credits, a turtle told the «crackpot» viewers that no animals were harmed.
- A programme about mishaps happening to animals would have a shot of a goat/sheep at the end and have the presenter say «No animals were harmed in the making of this programme». The animal then explodes. «Except for this one,» adds the presenter.
- Parodied in a recent episode of Time Warp. «Several stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this episode. And to be honest, they had it coming.»
- Parodied in Just Shoot Me. The cast helps Finch with a film for film class. They burn a birdhouse that’s a substitute for a real house while the bird was still inside.
Maya: «Remember that thing in movies where they say «No animals were harmed in the making of this film? Well…» |
- The episode «Slow Donnie» had a subplot concerning some birds in Nina’s office. At the end there’s a disclaimer from Dennis that «No birds were harmed in the making of this episode.» Then a tennis ball from offscreen hits one of the cages, followed by Dennis saying «Oops!»
- Parodied in ~Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace~:
Garth Marenghi: I do not believe that any form of life, be it human, animal, or plant, should be hurt in the making of a television programme. So I personally feel really bad about that cat we killed. |
- Also parodied in Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab, where people who are part of experiments are referred to as ‘Lab Rats’: Richard Hammond says «No Lab Rats were harmed…» towards the end of the credits, and then goes on to say an exception, (for example) «…But one tripped and fell».
- Not the Nine O’Clock News had a fake apology for a scene where a lorry runs over a hedgehog. «the hedgehog used was a stuffed hedgehog and we feel we exhibited less cruelty to hedgehogs per se than whoever it is that goes around stuffing them».
- On The Young Ones, after Alexi Sayle is shown drinking the contents of a goldfish bowl, a short clip of the inside of his stomach is shown:
Puppet goldfish: Don’t worry, goldfish-lovers everywhere. I am, in fact, a stunt goldfish. In fact, by the time this programme airs, I will be doing the new James Bond film. So there’s no need to write in. Puppet hunk of food: They never read the letters anyway. |
- In a memorable Las Vegas episode: «No Jean Claude Van Dammes were actually injured or killed during the filming of this episode.»
- In one episode of Two Point Four Children, Ben tries to put the kettle on but accidentally turns on the blender and liquidizes David’s goldfish, which had been put in there when the goldfish bowl got broken. In The Stinger to the episdoe, in order to demonstrate that the goldfish wasn’t harmed, they show how the scene was «really» filmed. Just before Ben turns on the blender, a stage hand pours the fish into a bowl and replaces it with an artificial one. They then try to shoot the scene, but the bowl is in shot. The director asks Ben to hide it — Ben looks around and puts the bowl in the microwave. They start filming — and Ben accidentally turns on the microwave instead of the blender.
- A short-lived Discovery Channel show from 2004 called Animal Face Off was based around if two species dueled it out to the death, which would win. As they couldn’t actually make animals fighting to the death, they used CGI with the occasional cut to stock footage.
- In one Time Team episode, they’re excavating the grounds of one of London’s law societies, but have to get permission from the gardener to carefully lift a geranium bed. At the end of the episode, Tony says «And if any lawyers are watching, no geraniums were harmed in the making of this episode».
- Humor a-capella group Moosebutter parodied this in their song «Captain Organic Vegetable Man»:
«No animals were harmed in the making of this song, including these: *various animal noises*… No vegetables were harmed in the making of this song, including:…»] |
- The credits inside Eels’ Daisies Of The Galaxy include a note that «no samples were harmed during the making of this record».
Music Videos
- The Robbie Williams Body Horror-filled music video «Rock DJ» ends with the disclaimer «No Robbies were harmed making this video».
- The music video for Tomboy’s «It’s OK To Be Gay» ends with the disclaimer «No straight people were harmed during the production of this music video».
- One Ke$ha video opens with a «No mythological creatures were harmed» disclaimer, then blows away several humanoid unicorns (who, of course, bleed rainbows).
Newspaper Comics
- The comic strip Liberty Meadows parodied this once. The first two panels were of a character tripping and falling on a banana peel, and nothing else. The third and final panel said «No animals were harmed in the making of this comic strip, with the exception of» followed by an extremely Long List.
- In part of The Umbilical Brothers «Don’t Explain» show. That imaginary dog didn’t die! It was switched with… hm… a false one. So Yeah
- In The Secret of Monkey Island, after Guybrush feeds a drugged hunk of meat to Governor Marley’s piranha poodles, and important notice pops up: «These dogs are not dead, they are only SLEEPING. No animals were harmed during the production of this game.»
- Dreamfall ends with, among other things that happen after the credits, a reassuring message that «No grubbers were harmed in the making of this game». Grubbers are semi-sentient underground creatures whom the player must sneak past or physically disable on several occasions.
- The closing credits of Starship Titanic explain that «no starlings were harmed» for the game, referring to a puzzle where starlings are pureed using the ventilation system.
- This puzzle is optional, by the way, allowing a less squicky solution.
- This is parodied in Left 4 Dead, a video game pastiche of a Zombie Apocalypse movie. After one of the campaigns are finished, a fake «Credits» screen rolls showing various statistics about the player’s performances. This roll ends with «X zombies were harmed in the making of this film.» where X is the number of zombies the players have slaughtered. As this number is generally about 1,500, this is a very awesome moment for the players.
- In the credits for the Warhammer related game Mordheim, it is written that no animals were harmed, but several fish were consumed.
- The end credits of the first Spyro the Dragon game features the disclaimer «No sheep were harmed during the making of this game. A few Gnorcs, but no sheep.»
- The end credits of Ratchet and Clank II state something along the lines of «Almost no sheep were harmed during the making of this game. The one that was had it coming.»
- Quest For Booty: No heliogrubs were harmed in the making of this game.
- The credits for Painkiller note that a few demons were, in fact, hurt pretty badly in the making of the game.
- In the first F.E.A.R. game, the ending credits include the line «No Delta Force Operatives were harmed in the making of this game», in reference to the obscene number of them that die during the course of it.
- An advertisement for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on the Nintendo Gamecube said, «No turtles were harmed in the making of this game (that part comes when you play it)».
- But what about beta-testing?
- Blizzard, in Starcraft, included an assurance in the final credits that no pixel was harmed during the game production.
- In the ending of the shareware version of Rise of the Triad, one of numerous gag messages in the ending text is «No animals were harmed during the creation of this video game, although one dog did get its butt spanked when it peed on the carpet.»
- Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist ends with «A total of 34 animals were injured or maimed in the making of this game. After all, we could accept nothing less than total and complete realism.»
- The SNES version of Lemmings II: The Tribes has this in its end credits, presumably in homage to the Simpsons episode quoted at the top: «No Lemmings were hurt during the making of this game. One got sick, and somebody shot a duck, but that’s about it.»
- The end credits for Interstate76 proudly announce: «No polygonal animals were harmed during the making of this product.»
- Call of Duty 1 and 2 feature the line «No cows were harmed in the making of this game» at the end of their credits sequences.
- One of tips in Hedgewars (Worms/Scorched Earth style game) menu is «No hedgehogs were harmed in making this game».
- The end credits for Resistance 2 end with the line «No gargantuan monsters were harmed in the making of this game», most likely in reference to the Kaiju-sized Leviathan in the Chicago level.
- Parodied in one of Eggman’s announcements in Sonic Colors:
«No aliens were harmed in the creation of this park. They were all harmed after the park was created.» |
- Minions At Work: «No insurance salesmen were turning into gorillas and run over with a golf cart in the making of this cartoon.».
Web Originals
- No Celebrities Were Harmed and No Communities Were Harmed, right here on this very wiki.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series plays this in an episode.
YAMI: No Duel Monsters were harmed in the making of this episode — except for Kuriboh. |
- Parodied in the credits of Yahtzee’s review of Fable The Lost Chapters: «NO PUPPIES WERE HARMED DURING THE MAKING OF THIS VIDEO EXCEPT ONE WHO GENUINELY DESERVED IT»
- «The Dr. Steel Show«, Episode 1: «No Hamsters were harmed in the making of this film»
- At the end of There She Is! Step 2: Cake Dance «No animal was harmed in the making of this animation.»
- Parodied/Inverted in a recent video about Google Chrome OS and it’s laptop: «25 computers were harmed in the making of this video.»
- «No Smurfs were harmed in the making of this list.»
- College Saga reports that «No animals were harmed in the making of this film. A lettuce head was however totally beaten up by our crew members. We would like to extend our grievances to the friends and family of the abused lettuce and pray for its early arrival to Vegetable Heaven.»
- The video podcast The Idiot Box ended the credits for each episode with an example of this trope appropriate to the show being mocked. (Examples: The Magic Clown tagged «No clowns were harmed…» and Ding Dong School with «No dolls were harmed…»)
- Project Million claims that «No Spazz Puppets Were Harmed» followed shortly by «…that’s a lie». Several puppets were slashed to bits by Spazz himself.
Western Animation
- The Critic: «Celebrity voices were impersonated. No celebrities were harmed in the making of this episode.»
- At the end of the Family Guy episode «Dog Gone», which featured several graphic animal death scenes, Peter says:
We here at Family Guy want you to know that we respect all living beings, and assure you, that no animals were harmed in the makings of this episode. But we’re about to hurt the feelings of this Italian opera singer by prematurely dropping the curtain on his performance. |
- In the credits of The Emperors New School episode «The Puma Whisper», Kuzco claims that there were no emperors harmed at the episode, after that he got attacked by a puma.
- The Powerpuff Girls Movie: «No apes, monkeys, or talking dogs were harmed in the making of this film.»
- King of the Hill: In «Serves Me Right for Giving General George S. Patton the Bathroom Key», Hank announces to the audience at the end of the episode, «No pipes were harmed in the making of this episode.
- The closing credits of the 2011 Winnie the Pooh film include «No stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this film.»
Real Life
- The back of a carton of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream states that no monkeys were harmed in the making of this product, although a few bananas may have been roughed up a little…
- Top Gear has t-shirt labels stating that: «These t-shirts were tested on animals. They didn’t fit»
Films — Live-Action
- Apocalypse Now. That’s a real water buffalo getting slaughtered.
- In the movie Oldboy, The main character eats a live octopus, yes a real live octopus. (As a matter of fact as many as four octopi gave their life for that scene.)
- The Inuit film Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) was panned by the American Humane Association because it featured characters cutting up real dead animals and whipping sled dogs. It’s worth mentioning, though, that all animals killed for the movie were used in the traditional Inuit way, and no parts were wasted.
- The exploitation film Cannibal Holocaust is infamous for scenes of gratuitous animal death, among other things.
- To make a horse fall down the stairs in Andrei Rublev, the filmmakers shot it in the head. In their defense, they got it from a slaughterhouse where it was due to be shot the next day.
- They also lit a cow on fire. The fact that, in context, this is actually more or less comic relief says just…it says something, anyway.
- It should be noted that the cow wasn’t injured, since it was covered in asbestos.
- And later died from asbestosis?
- It should be noted that the cow wasn’t injured, since it was covered in asbestos.
- They also lit a cow on fire. The fact that, in context, this is actually more or less comic relief says just…it says something, anyway.
- Killer of Sheep. Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Unto A Good Land features a scene where Karl Oskar and his son are caught in a snow storm, and to keep his son from freezing to death, Karl Oskar kills the ox pulling their wagon, pulls out the insides and places his son inside the dead ox. The crew got a real ox set to be slaughtered and killed it for real on camera.
- In the 1918 version of Tarzan of the Apes that is a real lion being killed.
- In the 1925 version of Ben-Hur several horses really were killed during the chariot race crash.
- In the early days of Hollywood a common technique for getting horses to fall on cue was to attach a long wire to the horse’s fetlocks. When the wire ran out the horse would fall, usually with fatal or at least debilitating results.
- In the 1939 film Jesse James the horse that jumped off the cliff really did die, after this the American Humane Association for animal rights was founded.
- Averted in-universe in The Prestige, with the disappearing bird cage trick. Played straight by the film’s makers, as the crushed sparrow seen when the trick’s method of operation is revealed is fake.
- In Dracula: Prisoner Of Frankenstein, there is a scene where a real bat is in a jar and blood starts being poured into the jar. At first the bat seems to enjoy it, happily lapping up the blood, but then they start pouring in too much and it panics as it starts to drown in it. It’s not known whether the bat drowned or not.
- Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie has «Some goats, pigs, and sheep were nuked during the original photography of some operations.»
- The infamous pseudo-nature film White Wilderness created the Lemming Suicide myth by driving lemmings off a cliff from a rotating turntable and into a river.
- A possible cause for the 1936 Errol Flynn film The Charge of the Light Brigade to never be released at home video are the battle scenes which killed and injured lots of horses with trip wires.
- Truth in Television- Some films are monitored and animals die anyway. For example, a giraffe died of unrelated causes during the filming of Zookeeper. Here’s the AHA review.
- In The Beastmaster, Sultan, the tiger who played Ruh, died two years after the movie due to complications from the black dye they used to cover his fur, since they apparently didn’t know it was toxic or realize that even large cats tend to lick their own fur. As a result the tiger in the second movie is normally colored and a different animal.
- At least two horses died during the filming of Missouri Breaks, and several more were injured. (One was drowned, and the other one had to be put down after being crippled by a tripwire.)
- In Tintorera, a Mexican Jaws knockoff, real sharks were killed.
- The intro of Seed displays footage of actual animal cruelty (raccoons being beaten, a skinned dog, a mink being flayed and stomped) borrowed from PETA.
- A rabbit was slaughtered in Nekromantik.
- Hilariously subverted in «My Nature Documentary», by Jack Handey…
Show monkey wandering around, injured, lost and alone. Make him trip, using fishing line attached to his leg. (Try to get this on first take, because after that monkey will probably try to bite off fishing line.) |
Live-Action TV
- During filming of the 1988 TV-movie Bluegrass, a pregnant mare’s labor was induced prematurely so that the birth could be caught on camera. The foal died shortly afterwards, leading to an investigation by the AHA.
- Variant: a real dead cow was bought from a slaughterhouse for an episode of The X-Files as the prop one looked too fake.
- During the filming of horse race scenes for the series Luck two horses were hurt and had to be euthanized. The production crew was cleared of charges of mistreating the horses and the deaths were attributed to the standard dangers faced by thoroughbred horses during racing. The series premiere even included a (fake) scene where a racehorse breaks a leg during a race and is euthanized on the track. The series does not use the «No animals were harmed» message in its credits. After another horse died during the filming of season two, HBO decided to simply cancel the series due to the bad publicity (and lower than desired ratings).
- In Concerned, the notes for one comic featuring a ton of seagulls mentions that said seagulls die if you so much as brush them with the physics gun, then notes that «many, many seagulls were killed in the making of this comic.»
- ↑ Well, it was a Couch Gag in the Futurama episode where Fry dates a robot, but you get our point.
File:MobyDick w200i 8804.jpg Because a dummy was cheaper.
«No animals were harmed» is a standard message displayed at the end of movies, and in Hollywood movies is awarded by the American Humane Association. It means exactly what it says.
In the early days of Hollywood, safety procedures were pretty lax, even when concerning actors. It would be a bit of a bore to find someone who looked enough like your leading lady at short notice. But unless you need your Wild West hero to do some show jumping, there are a dozen bargain-bin nags which you could afford to risk damaging with trip-wires. It was very common for animals to get injured, and no great loss to anyone if they did.
Well trained animals were an exception, incidentally, often getting better treatment than the human actors. Also incidentally, «no human beings were harmed in the making of this film» is a phrase you will never see outside of this sentence. [1] They applied of their own free will, they should’ve known what they were getting into.
After a while, sensitivities changed, safety improved and it became worth letting people know that the animals you used did not end up getting shot and used to make glue, so the «No animals were harmed» disclaimer is seen in most major works that use animals.
In particular, according to The Other Wiki, a scene in the 1939 film Jesse James, wherein a blindfolded horse was ridden off a cliff to its death, is the direct cause of the founding of the American Humane Association (the trademark holder on the phrase «no animals were harmed»), and the «No animals were harmed» language dates directly to the controversy over that movie.
In a more recent example, in the first Friday the 13 th, a scene where a camper cuts off the head of a snake is real; the owner and handler of the harmless bull snake was not told and reportedly had to be held back by several crew members upon witnessing the scene.
More recently, parodies of the message have become a common Credits Gag, often citing some other group who were not harmed, or making specific exceptions to the rule. It’s also common to state that while the animals may not have been killed, they did receive some minor injuries, or to stress that while no animals were killed or injured, humans on the other hand…
Compare No Celebrities Were Harmed, No Communities Were Harmed, Our Lawyers Advised This Trope, and No OSHA Compliance.
Examples of No Animals Were Harmed include:
Anime and Manga
- Samurai Pizza Cats had the disclaimer «No animals were harmed in the marking of this cartoon» in its closing credits.
- Episode 7 of Excel Saga had the disclaimer «No Puchuus were killed or injured in the production of this film. Well, okay, maybe we roughed a few of them up a bit. And we did cook and eat two of them, but that was after we finished filming. Does that count?»
- In Maken-ki!, a bear shows up at a pool, forcing the students to deal with it. They use their magical abilities to catapult it away from them towards a mountain, then immediately draw a big cushion which saves the bear from going splat, and a few scenes later the bear is a bit dizzy but then recovers and walks away.
- From The Naked Gun 33 1/3:
«NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED DURING THE FILMING…» HOWEVER, SOME SPECIES DID BECOME EXTINCT DURING PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY: SPECIES CAUSE OF DEATH Northern Horned Barn Owl (approx. 15) Soundstage Fire Striped Red Heinied Tapir (last pair) Grip Truck Wooly Fettered Tree Squirrel (approx. 100) Crew Lunch |
- Cats Don’t Dance: «No animals were harmed in making this film. Although, a few had to be erased and redrawn.»
- Brother Bear ends with Koda announcing that «no fish were harmed in the making of this film.» The message is undercut by a bear chasing a salmon crying for help in the background.
- In the Mouth of Madness has this played straight and subverted:
Animal interaction was monitored by the American Humane Association with on set supervision by the Toronto Humane Society. No animal was harmed in the making of this film. Human interaction was monitored by the Inter Planetary Psychiatric Association. The body count was high, the casualties are heavy. |
- The Flintstones movie: «No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this movie.»
- At the end of the first Guyver Live-action movie: «No zoanoids were harmed during the making of this movie.»
- A somewhat silly one occurs in the movie of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: «NO DRAGONS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS MOVIE.»
- The credits for Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of The Were Rabbit state at the end «We would like to stress that no animals were harmed in the making of this film» (Given everyone in the film was plasticene no real animals of course would have been harmed). A rabbit then floats up, hits its head on the text and falls down.
- Bionicle Mask of Light has one, substituting «animals» for Rahi
- Fierce Creatures: «No animals were harmed in the making of this film, only humans.»
- Parodied in the end credits of A Serious Man: «No Jews were harmed in the making of this film.»
- In 24 Hour Party People, Tony Wilson goes out of his way in his narration to the audience to mention that no animals were harmed at the conclusion of a scene involving Shaun and Paul Ryder killing 3,000 pigeons with poisoned breadcrumbs.
Tony Wilson: …although there are those who say they’re pests, rats with wings. |
- Feral pigeons are legally vermin in the UK, so they can be killed in any manner by any one at any time, so even if the film did kill 3,000 pigeons, they didn’t really need to add the disclaimer.
- Parodied in the ending credits of Critters 2: absolutely no critters were harmed in the making of this film.
- Spoofed awesomely in one trailer for Ninja Assassin: «Only one ninja was harmed in the making of this movie. The rest were killed.»
- According to the end of Four Lions: «One sheep was blown up in the making of this film.»
- Independence Day: «No animals or aliens were harmed in the making of this film.»
- Men in Black: «The animals and aliens used in this film were in no way mistreated and all scenes in which they appeared were under strict supervision with the utmost concern for their handling.»
- Monsters, Inc.: «No monsters were harmed during the making of this film.»
- The Single’s Ward has «No animals were harmed during the making of this film… Except that dog… Stupid dog…»
- When The Adventures of Milo and Otis was released in the US, there were allegations that the Japanese filmmakers had harmed animals. The allegations were ultimately never proven, and the American Humane Society signed off on the production.
- Flushed Away: «No slugs were a-salted in the making of this movie.»
- Deuce Bigalow Male Gigolo: «Only one fish was harmed during the making of this film. But he feels better now.»
- The Acknowledgements at the end of Star Trek: Titan: Synthesis states «No computers were harmed during the making of this production.» The novel is about a society of sentient computers.
Live-Action TV
- One show, Jon Stewart had been making a running joke about the news making him so stressed, he would destroy what was in his hands. Then he held a kitten. The kitten ‘turned into’ a glass kitten. After the bit was over, he said «The kitten is fine, by the way.»
- Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys ended with mythical creatures in the place: «No Centaurs were harmed».
- Over the course of the seasons, the messages got increasingly bizarre, including abstract concepts like «Gabrielle’s sense of self-worth».
- «The concept of linear time was harmed in this episode.»
- From an episode introducing yet another Identical Stranger: «Despite the appearance of another Xena lookalike, the gene pool was not harmed in the making of this episode».
- In The Making Of Walking with Dinosaurs: «No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this programme».
- Bill Nye once claimed «no science guys were harmed in the course of an episode».
- In one Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, one of the characters riffs, «None of the animals harmed, were harmed during the making of this film».
- At the end of the Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on PETA, Penn declares «No animals were harmed in the making of this episode»… then thinks for a moment and lists off the various animal products used during production.
- Common on Myth Busters episodes that involve animals. Averted when they investigated whether cockroaches would survive a nuclear war — they state at least twice that the insects used were bred for lab work and would have been killed anyway, but they did kill most of their test subjects in that one.
- Played with in the «Demolition Derby Special». The episode ends with an announcement by the narrator that «Automobiles were hurt in the making of this program», over «In Memoriam» clips of each car getting smashed up.
- In a viral video special, the team was trying to induce fainting goats to faint. After the segment which featured dozens of goats going stiff and falling over the narrator assures us that no goats were harmed «though several felt they were made to look stupid».
- The announcer also often notes that that Buster, the dummy that serves as a human analogue in many experiments, has a family and humorously warns them to look away at moments of carnage.
- Notably, while the cast avoid killing animals during production, they have no problem with ordering large numbers of previously killed ones from butchers and other livestock supplies. They’ve even used actual human bones on a few occasions.
- In early episodes, the narrator would point out that the dead pigs used to test myths were ones that had died of natural causes.
- In lectures, Adam relates the story of the only segment they have ever been banned from showing. They were trying to test the idea that a sugary cereal has less nutrition in it than the box it is packaged in. They obtained lab mice and put them on special diets. Mouse 1 was fed regular, Mouse 2 was fed the cereal, and Mouse 3 was fed the cardboard. They set the mice up for the weekend and went home. Upon returning Monday morning, they found (to their horror), a fat and happy Mouse 3… and two picked clean skeletons. Discovery freaked out and refused to air any part of the segment. Adam had been showing the clip during lectures, until he received as cease and desist letter from Discovery. They were terrified PETA was going to catch wind.
- In the Duct Tape Island episode, Adam uses a duct tape net inspired by Return of the Jedi to catch a wild chicken. However, immediately afterwards we get a disclaimer from Adam, saying that while they did catch a real live chicken, the net was just for proof of concept and they didn’t actually eat the chicken; it was released and the guys were given store-bought chicken.
- An episode of My Name Is Earl had copious turtle-throwing, after Joy lost Darnell’s pet, Mr. Turtle. Before the end credits, a turtle told the «crackpot» viewers that no animals were harmed.
- A programme about mishaps happening to animals would have a shot of a goat/sheep at the end and have the presenter say «No animals were harmed in the making of this programme». The animal then explodes. «Except for this one,» adds the presenter.
- Parodied in a recent episode of Time Warp. «Several stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this episode. And to be honest, they had it coming.»
- Parodied in Just Shoot Me. The cast helps Finch with a film for film class. They burn a birdhouse that’s a substitute for a real house while the bird was still inside.
Maya: «Remember that thing in movies where they say «No animals were harmed in the making of this film? Well…» |
- The episode «Slow Donnie» had a subplot concerning some birds in Nina’s office. At the end there’s a disclaimer from Dennis that «No birds were harmed in the making of this episode.» Then a tennis ball from offscreen hits one of the cages, followed by Dennis saying «Oops!»
- Parodied in ~Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace~:
Garth Marenghi: I do not believe that any form of life, be it human, animal, or plant, should be hurt in the making of a television programme. So I personally feel really bad about that cat we killed. |
- Also parodied in Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab, where people who are part of experiments are referred to as ‘Lab Rats’: Richard Hammond says «No Lab Rats were harmed…» towards the end of the credits, and then goes on to say an exception, (for example) «…But one tripped and fell».
- Not the Nine O’Clock News had a fake apology for a scene where a lorry runs over a hedgehog. «the hedgehog used was a stuffed hedgehog and we feel we exhibited less cruelty to hedgehogs per se than whoever it is that goes around stuffing them».
- On The Young Ones, after Alexi Sayle is shown drinking the contents of a goldfish bowl, a short clip of the inside of his stomach is shown:
Puppet goldfish: Don’t worry, goldfish-lovers everywhere. I am, in fact, a stunt goldfish. In fact, by the time this programme airs, I will be doing the new James Bond film. So there’s no need to write in. Puppet hunk of food: They never read the letters anyway. |
- In a memorable Las Vegas episode: «No Jean Claude Van Dammes were actually injured or killed during the filming of this episode.»
- In one episode of Two Point Four Children, Ben tries to put the kettle on but accidentally turns on the blender and liquidizes David’s goldfish, which had been put in there when the goldfish bowl got broken. In The Stinger to the episdoe, in order to demonstrate that the goldfish wasn’t harmed, they show how the scene was «really» filmed. Just before Ben turns on the blender, a stage hand pours the fish into a bowl and replaces it with an artificial one. They then try to shoot the scene, but the bowl is in shot. The director asks Ben to hide it — Ben looks around and puts the bowl in the microwave. They start filming — and Ben accidentally turns on the microwave instead of the blender.
- A short-lived Discovery Channel show from 2004 called Animal Face Off was based around if two species dueled it out to the death, which would win. As they couldn’t actually make animals fighting to the death, they used CGI with the occasional cut to stock footage.
- In one Time Team episode, they’re excavating the grounds of one of London’s law societies, but have to get permission from the gardener to carefully lift a geranium bed. At the end of the episode, Tony says «And if any lawyers are watching, no geraniums were harmed in the making of this episode».
- Humor a-capella group Moosebutter parodied this in their song «Captain Organic Vegetable Man»:
«No animals were harmed in the making of this song, including these: *various animal noises*… No vegetables were harmed in the making of this song, including:…»] |
- The credits inside Eels’ Daisies Of The Galaxy include a note that «no samples were harmed during the making of this record».
Music Videos
- The Robbie Williams Body Horror-filled music video «Rock DJ» ends with the disclaimer «No Robbies were harmed making this video».
- The music video for Tomboy’s «It’s OK To Be Gay» ends with the disclaimer «No straight people were harmed during the production of this music video».
- One Ke$ha video opens with a «No mythological creatures were harmed» disclaimer, then blows away several humanoid unicorns (who, of course, bleed rainbows).
Newspaper Comics
- The comic strip Liberty Meadows parodied this once. The first two panels were of a character tripping and falling on a banana peel, and nothing else. The third and final panel said «No animals were harmed in the making of this comic strip, with the exception of» followed by an extremely Long List.
- In part of The Umbilical Brothers «Don’t Explain» show. That imaginary dog didn’t die! It was switched with… hm… a false one. So Yeah
- In The Secret of Monkey Island, after Guybrush feeds a drugged hunk of meat to Governor Marley’s piranha poodles, and important notice pops up: «These dogs are not dead, they are only SLEEPING. No animals were harmed during the production of this game.»
- Dreamfall ends with, among other things that happen after the credits, a reassuring message that «No grubbers were harmed in the making of this game». Grubbers are semi-sentient underground creatures whom the player must sneak past or physically disable on several occasions.
- The closing credits of Starship Titanic explain that «no starlings were harmed» for the game, referring to a puzzle where starlings are pureed using the ventilation system.
- This puzzle is optional, by the way, allowing a less squicky solution.
- This is parodied in Left 4 Dead, a video game pastiche of a Zombie Apocalypse movie. After one of the campaigns are finished, a fake «Credits» screen rolls showing various statistics about the player’s performances. This roll ends with «X zombies were harmed in the making of this film.» where X is the number of zombies the players have slaughtered. As this number is generally about 1,500, this is a very awesome moment for the players.
- In the credits for the Warhammer related game Mordheim, it is written that no animals were harmed, but several fish were consumed.
- The end credits of the first Spyro the Dragon game features the disclaimer «No sheep were harmed during the making of this game. A few Gnorcs, but no sheep.»
- The end credits of Ratchet and Clank II state something along the lines of «Almost no sheep were harmed during the making of this game. The one that was had it coming.»
- Quest For Booty: No heliogrubs were harmed in the making of this game.
- The credits for Painkiller note that a few demons were, in fact, hurt pretty badly in the making of the game.
- In the first F.E.A.R. game, the ending credits include the line «No Delta Force Operatives were harmed in the making of this game», in reference to the obscene number of them that die during the course of it.
- An advertisement for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on the Nintendo Gamecube said, «No turtles were harmed in the making of this game (that part comes when you play it)».
- But what about beta-testing?
- Blizzard, in Starcraft, included an assurance in the final credits that no pixel was harmed during the game production.
- In the ending of the shareware version of Rise of the Triad, one of numerous gag messages in the ending text is «No animals were harmed during the creation of this video game, although one dog did get its butt spanked when it peed on the carpet.»
- Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist ends with «A total of 34 animals were injured or maimed in the making of this game. After all, we could accept nothing less than total and complete realism.»
- The SNES version of Lemmings II: The Tribes has this in its end credits, presumably in homage to the Simpsons episode quoted at the top: «No Lemmings were hurt during the making of this game. One got sick, and somebody shot a duck, but that’s about it.»
- The end credits for Interstate76 proudly announce: «No polygonal animals were harmed during the making of this product.»
- Call of Duty 1 and 2 feature the line «No cows were harmed in the making of this game» at the end of their credits sequences.
- One of tips in Hedgewars (Worms/Scorched Earth style game) menu is «No hedgehogs were harmed in making this game».
- The end credits for Resistance 2 end with the line «No gargantuan monsters were harmed in the making of this game», most likely in reference to the Kaiju-sized Leviathan in the Chicago level.
- Parodied in one of Eggman’s announcements in Sonic Colors:
«No aliens were harmed in the creation of this park. They were all harmed after the park was created.» |
- Minions At Work: «No insurance salesmen were turning into gorillas and run over with a golf cart in the making of this cartoon.».
Web Originals
- No Celebrities Were Harmed and No Communities Were Harmed, right here on this very wiki.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series plays this in an episode.
YAMI: No Duel Monsters were harmed in the making of this episode — except for Kuriboh. |
- Parodied in the credits of Yahtzee’s review of Fable The Lost Chapters: «NO PUPPIES WERE HARMED DURING THE MAKING OF THIS VIDEO EXCEPT ONE WHO GENUINELY DESERVED IT»
- «The Dr. Steel Show«, Episode 1: «No Hamsters were harmed in the making of this film»
- At the end of There She Is! Step 2: Cake Dance «No animal was harmed in the making of this animation.»
- Parodied/Inverted in a recent video about Google Chrome OS and it’s laptop: «25 computers were harmed in the making of this video.»
- «No Smurfs were harmed in the making of this list.»
- College Saga reports that «No animals were harmed in the making of this film. A lettuce head was however totally beaten up by our crew members. We would like to extend our grievances to the friends and family of the abused lettuce and pray for its early arrival to Vegetable Heaven.»
- The video podcast The Idiot Box ended the credits for each episode with an example of this trope appropriate to the show being mocked. (Examples: The Magic Clown tagged «No clowns were harmed…» and Ding Dong School with «No dolls were harmed…»)
- Project Million claims that «No Spazz Puppets Were Harmed» followed shortly by «…that’s a lie». Several puppets were slashed to bits by Spazz himself.
Western Animation
- The Critic: «Celebrity voices were impersonated. No celebrities were harmed in the making of this episode.»
- At the end of the Family Guy episode «Dog Gone», which featured several graphic animal death scenes, Peter says:
We here at Family Guy want you to know that we respect all living beings, and assure you, that no animals were harmed in the makings of this episode. But we’re about to hurt the feelings of this Italian opera singer by prematurely dropping the curtain on his performance. |
- In the credits of The Emperors New School episode «The Puma Whisper», Kuzco claims that there were no emperors harmed at the episode, after that he got attacked by a puma.
- The Powerpuff Girls Movie: «No apes, monkeys, or talking dogs were harmed in the making of this film.»
- King of the Hill: In «Serves Me Right for Giving General George S. Patton the Bathroom Key», Hank announces to the audience at the end of the episode, «No pipes were harmed in the making of this episode.
- The closing credits of the 2011 Winnie the Pooh film include «No stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this film.»
Real Life
- The back of a carton of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream states that no monkeys were harmed in the making of this product, although a few bananas may have been roughed up a little…
- Top Gear has t-shirt labels stating that: «These t-shirts were tested on animals. They didn’t fit»
Films — Live-Action
- Apocalypse Now. That’s a real water buffalo getting slaughtered.
- In the movie Oldboy, The main character eats a live octopus, yes a real live octopus. (As a matter of fact as many as four octopi gave their life for that scene.)
- The Inuit film Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) was panned by the American Humane Association because it featured characters cutting up real dead animals and whipping sled dogs. It’s worth mentioning, though, that all animals killed for the movie were used in the traditional Inuit way, and no parts were wasted.
- The exploitation film Cannibal Holocaust is infamous for scenes of gratuitous animal death, among other things.
- To make a horse fall down the stairs in Andrei Rublev, the filmmakers shot it in the head. In their defense, they got it from a slaughterhouse where it was due to be shot the next day.
- They also lit a cow on fire. The fact that, in context, this is actually more or less comic relief says just…it says something, anyway.
- It should be noted that the cow wasn’t injured, since it was covered in asbestos.
- And later died from asbestosis?
- It should be noted that the cow wasn’t injured, since it was covered in asbestos.
- They also lit a cow on fire. The fact that, in context, this is actually more or less comic relief says just…it says something, anyway.
- Killer of Sheep. Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Unto A Good Land features a scene where Karl Oskar and his son are caught in a snow storm, and to keep his son from freezing to death, Karl Oskar kills the ox pulling their wagon, pulls out the insides and places his son inside the dead ox. The crew got a real ox set to be slaughtered and killed it for real on camera.
- In the 1918 version of Tarzan of the Apes that is a real lion being killed.
- In the 1925 version of Ben-Hur several horses really were killed during the chariot race crash.
- In the early days of Hollywood a common technique for getting horses to fall on cue was to attach a long wire to the horse’s fetlocks. When the wire ran out the horse would fall, usually with fatal or at least debilitating results.
- In the 1939 film Jesse James the horse that jumped off the cliff really did die, after this the American Humane Association for animal rights was founded.
- Averted in-universe in The Prestige, with the disappearing bird cage trick. Played straight by the film’s makers, as the crushed sparrow seen when the trick’s method of operation is revealed is fake.
- In Dracula: Prisoner Of Frankenstein, there is a scene where a real bat is in a jar and blood starts being poured into the jar. At first the bat seems to enjoy it, happily lapping up the blood, but then they start pouring in too much and it panics as it starts to drown in it. It’s not known whether the bat drowned or not.
- Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie has «Some goats, pigs, and sheep were nuked during the original photography of some operations.»
- The infamous pseudo-nature film White Wilderness created the Lemming Suicide myth by driving lemmings off a cliff from a rotating turntable and into a river.
- A possible cause for the 1936 Errol Flynn film The Charge of the Light Brigade to never be released at home video are the battle scenes which killed and injured lots of horses with trip wires.
- Truth in Television- Some films are monitored and animals die anyway. For example, a giraffe died of unrelated causes during the filming of Zookeeper. Here’s the AHA review.
- In The Beastmaster, Sultan, the tiger who played Ruh, died two years after the movie due to complications from the black dye they used to cover his fur, since they apparently didn’t know it was toxic or realize that even large cats tend to lick their own fur. As a result the tiger in the second movie is normally colored and a different animal.
- At least two horses died during the filming of Missouri Breaks, and several more were injured. (One was drowned, and the other one had to be put down after being crippled by a tripwire.)
- In Tintorera, a Mexican Jaws knockoff, real sharks were killed.
- The intro of Seed displays footage of actual animal cruelty (raccoons being beaten, a skinned dog, a mink being flayed and stomped) borrowed from PETA.
- A rabbit was slaughtered in Nekromantik.
- Hilariously subverted in «My Nature Documentary», by Jack Handey…
Show monkey wandering around, injured, lost and alone. Make him trip, using fishing line attached to his leg. (Try to get this on first take, because after that monkey will probably try to bite off fishing line.) |
Live-Action TV
- During filming of the 1988 TV-movie Bluegrass, a pregnant mare’s labor was induced prematurely so that the birth could be caught on camera. The foal died shortly afterwards, leading to an investigation by the AHA.
- Variant: a real dead cow was bought from a slaughterhouse for an episode of The X-Files as the prop one looked too fake.
- During the filming of horse race scenes for the series Luck two horses were hurt and had to be euthanized. The production crew was cleared of charges of mistreating the horses and the deaths were attributed to the standard dangers faced by thoroughbred horses during racing. The series premiere even included a (fake) scene where a racehorse breaks a leg during a race and is euthanized on the track. The series does not use the «No animals were harmed» message in its credits. After another horse died during the filming of season two, HBO decided to simply cancel the series due to the bad publicity (and lower than desired ratings).
- In Concerned, the notes for one comic featuring a ton of seagulls mentions that said seagulls die if you so much as brush them with the physics gun, then notes that «many, many seagulls were killed in the making of this comic.»
- ↑ Well, it was a Couch Gag in the Futurama episode where Fry dates a robot, but you get our point.
Как часто в титрах фильмов мы видим строчку: «Ни одно животное не пострадало». Впрочем, часто эта фраза была лишь простой формальностью. А на самом деле искусство требовало жертв и ради удачного кадра режиссеры могли не только причинять боль животным, но и вообще убивать их.
- 1 Животные в эпоху раннего Голливуда
- 2 Как животные страдали на съемках советских фильмов
- 3 Массовая гибель лошадей на съемках советских фильмов
- 4 Жестокость продолжается?
Животные в эпоху раннего Голливуда
Меньше всего прав у братьев наших меньших было в эпоху раннего Голливуда. Так, режиссерам разрешалось проделывать с братьями нашими меньшими любые «фокусы». В эпоху расцвета вестерна больше всех страдали кони. Они падали, прыгали через огонь и ломали ноги. Гарантией неприкосновенности для лошадей могла стать только популярность в кинематографе.
К таким животным, например, относился конь Фриц звезды вестернов Уильяма Харта (William Surrey Hart). Харт по возможности старался беречь своего любимца, который выполнял практически все трюки в картинах с его участием. Но когда по сюжету фильма «Джим Мак-Ки» (Jim McKee) 1924 года конь должен был прыгать со скалы, Уильям Харт попросил реквизиторов сделать манекен животного. В итоге получилось так правдоподобно, что артиста обвинили в излишней жестокости.
С конями вообще в кинематографе обращались очень жестоко. Например, еще в 1930-е годы, чтобы заставить лошадь упасть, использовали специальную проволоку. И после того как этот прием был применен в картине «Атака легкой кавалерии» (The Charge of the Light Brigade) Майкла Кертица (Michael Curtiz), увечья получили 125 лошадей, и 25 из них, к сожалению, погибли. После этого случая исполнитель главной роли в этой картине Эрролл Флинн (Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn) даже подрался с режиссером. Однако не было бы счастья, да несчастье помогло. Когда этот инцидент был обнародован, Конгресс США запретил использование подобных приемов.
На съемках фильма «Джесси Джеймс» (Jesse James) в 1939 году много лошадей погибли или получили жестокие травмы, несовместимые с жизнью. После того как по поручению представителей организации Американской гуманитарной ассоциацией (ASPCA), где еще в 1930 был сформулирован Кодекс Хейса (Motion Pictures Production Code, Hays Code) — этический кодекс производства фильмов в Голливуде — начато расследование этого дела, Американская ассоциация кинокомпаний (АНА) стала внимательно следить за тем, что происходит на съемочных площадках по отношению к животным.
Читайте также:
- Как Джокер Хоакин Феникс стал самым известным защитником животных
- Я просто дорисовал своего кота!
- Два происшествия, которые меня тронули: бесстрашные друзья-павлины и мама-леопард
- Перл — щенок, которого не успели съесть
- Лекарство от депрессии на самоизоляции: Энтони Хопкинс и его кот музицируют
- Кот Алексей спас хозяйку от неминуемой гибели
- Судьба Пабло Пикассо: воспитание жестокости у женщин и собак
Так, представители организации АНА предписали съемочным группам нанимать дрессировщиков, соблюдать на съемках сухой закон, поскольку некоторые животные на дух не переносят запах алкоголя, и конечно, кормить и поить зверей на съемках водой. А уж о физическом уничтожении животных ради удачного кадра не могло быть и речи.
Как животные страдали на съемках советских фильмов
А что наши кинематографисты? Отличались гуманностью по отношению к братьям нашим меньшим? Как бы не так… Любимый отечественными и западными кинокритиками Андрей Тарковский на съемках фильма «Андрей Рублев» заживо сжег корову. Не он сам, конечно, это сделали другие люди по его поручению. Долгое время создатели кинокартины делали все возможное, чтобы эта жестокая история не стала достоянием общественности. Но, тем не менее, спустя время информация все же просочилась в прессу.
На съемках советской телепередачи «Как это было» ведущий напрямую спросил директора фильма «Андрей Рублев»: «А правда ли то, что у вас на съемках была сожжена корова?» На что спикер ответил, что животное было покрыто плащом, а сверху положили ткань, которую и подожгли. Но сама корова осталась невредимой. На самом деле это, конечно, было неправдой.
Также в фильме «Андрей Рублев» есть кровавая сцена, когда во время штурма Владимира татарин перерезает шею лошади. Так произошло на самом деле.
Ходили слухи, что Тарковский снимал сцены, где лошадей сбрасывали с колокольни, чтобы передать жестокость того времени, но в итоге они не вошли в картину. Видимо, классик кинематографа испугался возможного скандала…
Маргарита Терехова также вспоминала, что на съемках фильма Тарковского «Зеркало» узнала о том, что ей предстоит рубить голову петуху и испытала шок. Увидела, как реквизиторы даже готовят для нее мешок с живыми петухами. К счастью, с помощью хитрости и смекалки удалось уговорить режиссера не совершать этот жестокий поступок. А в кадр вошло только взволнованное лицо героини и громкие петушиные крики на заднем фоне.
Массовая гибель лошадей на съемках советских фильмов
На съемках фильма «Война и мир» Сергея Бондарчука к ногам лошадей привязывали крест-накрест веревки, а когда кони начинали двигаться, то они получали увечья и умирали. Один из участников съемочной группы вспоминал тогда, как они все объелись конины после съемок.
Также в картине есть эпизод, когда с обрыва падает целая конница. Сколько лошадей погибло ради этого, пусть сильного и пронзительного кадра! Режиссер же оправдывал себя только тем, что лошади были взяты со скотобойни и все равно бы отправились на мясо.
На съемках фильма «1612» Владимира Хотиненко погиб конь Гелиополь, выполнявший подсечку. Причем он умирал очень медленно и мучительно.
На съемках фильма «Иди и смотри» Элема Климова из пулемета была расстреляна корова. Причем исполнитель главной роли Алексей Кравченко, который тогда еще был подростком, признавался, что даже не догадывался о том, что патроны были боевыми. Он вспоминал о том, что от пережитого шока животное заревело, встало на дыбы, рухнуло рядом с тем местом, где находился юный Алеша, и захрипело, как человек.
На съемках фильма «Ищи ветра» Владимира Любомудрова лошадям перевязывали ноги, чтобы только заставить их лежать смирно. Это окончилось гибелью животных.
Жестокость продолжается?
Статистика случаев гибели животных продолжала пополняться и за счет голливудского кино. Так, известно, что на съемках фильма «Паттон» (Patton) 1970 было убито два осла, на съемках картины «Апокалипсис сегодня» (Apocalypse Now) 1979— бык. На съемочной площадке фильма «Врата рая» (Heaven’s Gate) 1980 проводились петушиные бои, убивали коров.
Сериал «Фарт» (Luck) 2011 печально известен тем, что на его съемках погибли три лошади. Во время создания фильма «Жизнь Пи» (Life of Pi) 2001 чуть не погиб бенгальский тигр, а на съемках картины «Любовь и прочие неприятности» (Failure to Launch) был случайно раздавлен бурундук.
Конечно, встречаются и положительные случаи. Например, когда снимался фильм «Железная хватка» (True Grit) было специально расчищено русло и подготовлены спасательные шлюпки, и только тогда братья Коэны разрешили лошади переплывать реку.
Хочется верить, что сегодня случаи жестокого обращения с животными на съемочной площадки — это редкое исключение. Никакой, даже самый гениальный кадр, не стоит жизни живого существа. За созданием голливудских фильмов внимательнейшим образом следят организации по защите животных, кроме того, комфортное пребывание и работа животных на съемках картин демонстрируют не только моральные качества режиссеров и продюсеров, но и в прямую влияет на кассовые сборы. Современный зритель не хочет получать удовольствие от чьих-то реальных страданий.
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По военной базе Эт-Таджи к северу от Багдада, где дислоцируются американские военнослужащие, был нанесен ракетный удар, сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на местный телеканал «Ас-Сумария».
Военнослужащие возглавляемой США международной антитеррористической коалиции не пострадали в результате ракетного удара по военной базе Эт-Таджи, расположенной к северу от Багдада. Об этом заявил во вторник официальный представитель штаба операции «Непоколебимая решимость», которую проводит в Ираке и Сирии группа стран во главе с США, полковник Майлс Кэггинс.
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«Не один» или «ни один»: как правильно писать? Не один и ни один — оба написания существуют в русской грамматике. Их выбор зависит от контекста, от смысла высказывания. Если в предложении содержится отрицание, то используем слово ни один, например: Ни один человек не помнит своего рождения. Частица «ни» усиливает отрицание, выраженное глаголом с частицей «не». Если же в предложении содержится утверждение, то используем слово не один, например: Не один учебник мне понадобится в подготовке к экзамену. В данном контексте слово «не один» равнозначно «много, несколько учебников», а у глагола нет отрицательной частицы «не», что свидетельствует об утвердительном смысле высказывания. автор вопроса выбрал этот ответ лучшим Тори Торичка 5 лет назад Написание частиц НЕ и НИ зависит от значения, в котором они употребляются в предложении. Судить о написании необходимо по контексту. Он был не один. (значение «несколько»). Ни один человек не сможет помочь вам в этом вопросе. (значение «никто»). Alexandr Quixote 6 лет назад Правильно: Ни один из предложенных вариантов мне не подошел. (двойное отрицание) Он был там не один. (просто отрицание) Читайте больше книг, не зацикливаетесь на заучивании правил и такие вопросы не будут у Вас возникать. Purgenoff 6 лет назад Написание зависит от контекста: например, если имеется ввиду человек, пришедший на праздник не в одиночестве, правильно писать «не один» (а с кем-то); если же имеете ввиду перечисление вариантов — тогда правильно писать «ни один», например: «ни один из спартаковцев не дотягивает до уровня сборной»… как-то так… Смотря какую смысловую нагрузку несет это словосочетание в нашем предложении. Если оно повествует нам о том что «Двое ни один, маху не дадим!» отрицая числительное «один», то пишется с «ни». Ну а коли смысл в уточнении — «Не один из прохожих, не остановился помочь мне», то пишется с «не». Пчела Жужа 5 лет назад Правильно и «Не один» и «Ни один». Как именно писать, напрямую зависит от значения, нужно видеть всю фразу или всё предложение полностью. В случае, если употребляется в значении много, то пишется не один. В случае, если употребляется в значении никогда, то пишется ни один. Примеры: Ни один человек не пострадал в той страшной аварии. Я был не один в этой длинной очереди. moreljuba 5 лет назад Написать в русском языке можно и «ни один» и «не один» — вариант написания будет зависеть от смысла. Если в значении «никто», то пишем с «ни». Пример: ни один человек не пришёл в магазин вчера. Если в значении «несколько», то пишем «не». Пример: Не один раз я повтор ла, что нужно приходить вовремя. Евгеша001 5 лет назад Употребление частиц НЕ и НИ зависит от значения, в котором они употребляются. Так, если данное выражение подразумевает количество больше, чем один, то правильно писать — НЕ ОДИН. Если же данное словосочетание употребляется в значении «никто», то следует писать — НИ ОДИН. Например: Tata0689 5 лет назад Пишется и так, и так. Все зависит от контекста. К примеру, «не один» пишется, если мы отрицаем. (Он был в квартире НЕ ОДИН, их было четверо). «Ни один» пишется, когда нужно усилить значение фразы, имея притом ввиду «никто»( Ни один из присутствующих не поднял руку.) ПавелНи более года назад В моём примере, как вижу, применимы обе частицы. Причём, суть сказанного не меняется. Читаем смысл — не только один час, а больше (отрицание одного часа) Либо Читаем смысл — не один, а много часов (подтверждение многих часов) ПавелНи более года назад Вот такая фраза: «…выезды на объекты, обсуждения не ограничиваются 10-минутным разговором. Повсеместно, это занимает ни один час.» Тут что — отрицание?… подтверждение?… Какую частицу использовать будет правильным? -Irinka- 5 лет назад Написание «не» или «ни» зависит от смыслового подтекста. Стоит осознать, что «не» — это отрицание, а «ни» — это усиление смысла. Приведём примеры: Поэтому при написании нужно задумываться о смысле предложения, текста. Знаете ответ? |
11 лет назад
только как эта фраза на самом деле звучит. Своих версий у меня много
Лучший ответ
11 лет назад
No animals were harmed in making this film.
No animals were harmed in the making of this film.
No animals were harmed during the filming.
No animals were harmed in making this film….only humans )))) это из «Fierce Creatures»)))
Источник: Эти все disclaimers взяты из реальных фильмов…)
КатушкаЗнаток (331)
11 лет назад
Danke shon:)
bitte sehr!…)
Остальные ответы
11 лет назад
No Animals Were Harmed ®
Вадим Лукашов
11 лет назад
онлайн переводчик для этого есть
КатушкаЗнаток (331)
11 лет назад
он-лайн переводчик переводит хуже, чем я
badBoy ^^
11 лет назад
When filming this movie, no animal has suffered
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Храбрость и умение Джосфата позволяют ему ловить рыбу там, куда не осмеливается зайти ни одно животное.
Josphat’s bravery and skill enable him to fish where no animal dares to venture.
Но с виртуальных домашних животных, ни одно животное не страдает, когда ваш ребенок забывает «кормить» его обед.
But with virtual pets, no animal suffers when your child forgets to «feed» it dinner.
Естественно, ни одно животное не сталкивалось с более суровым испытанием.
Surely no greater ordeal is faced by any animal.
На суше не выжило ни одно животное весом более 25 кг.
On land, no animal weighing more than 25 kilograms survived.
Ни одно животное не способно на такой выбор; подобное решение является как человеческим, так и религиозным.
No animal can make such a choice; such a decision is both human and religious.
Ни одно животное не может существовать без растений.
Ни одно животное не обладает способностью выйти из себя самого и воспринять себя извне, отвлечённо и беспристрастно.
No animal has the capacity to get outside itself and to perceive itself quite impersonally.
Ни одно животное не строит прекрасные церкви, не играет в теннис, не рассказывает шутки, не пишет песни и не посещает Луну.
No animal builds beautiful churches, plays tennis, tells jokes, writes songs or visits the moon.
Ни одно животное так не кричит, я знаю.
Ни одно животное не пострадало.
Уже этих причин достаточно чтобы понять, что ни одно животное, даже полностью домашнее, не застраховано от заражения паразитами.
Already these reasons are enough to understand that not a single animal, not even completely domesticated, is immune from infestation by parasites.
На «икс» ни одно животное не начинается.
До сих пор ни одно животное не проникало к нам.
No brutal has ever penetrated a vortex.
Она подходит лишь для зверей, но ни одно животное не занимается войной так часто, как это делают люди.
Я уж думала, что больше никогда не увижу ни одно животное!
Уверяю, ни одно животное не пострадало во время этого трюка, но этому малышу не помешало бы принять ванну.
I want to assure you no animals were harmed during this trick, but this little fella could do with a bath
Ни одно животное не способно сознавать себя во времени.
Ни одно животное с ним не сравнится.
Ни одно животное сегодня не может сравниться с ними по эффективности и ловкости.
Nothing alive today compares to the performance and agility of these animals.
Главное, чтобы ни одно животное не пострадало при изготовлении сырообразной глазури.
Well, as long as no animals were harmed in the making of that cheese-like topping.
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