Нимуэ однажды в сказке

Нимуэ живёт в деревне Оксли, где, как известно, растёт цветок миддлемист. Когда Вортиган атакует деревню в поисках Святого Грааля, девушка незаметно сбегает оттуда, взяв с собой семена миддлемиста. Все жители деревни погибают. Нимуэ ищет волшебника по имени Мерлин, надеясь, что он поможет отомстить. Но волшебник убеждает её оставить это и начать новую жизнь. В знак этого, Нимуэ сажает цветы, которые с магией чародея мгновенно вырастают.

Вскоре двое полюбили друг друга. Однажды Нимуэ подшучивает над Мерлином, который не уверен, стоит ли ему делать возлюбленной предложение. Ведь много лет назад он испил из Священного Грааля и стал бессмертным, получив сильнейшую магию. Поэтому Мерлин не хочет оставаться вечно молодым и видеть, как Нимуэ медленно покидает его. Он решает с помощью искры первородного огня, известного как пламя Прометея, создать из чаши Грааля меч, способный избавить его от бессмертия.

По дороге к пламени они проходят через разрушенную деревню Нимуэ. Девушка в тайне от Мерлина пьёт из Грааля в надежде обрести могущество, вечную жизнь и никогда не расставаться с любимым. Она ещё раз просит чародея убить Вортигана, но тот отказывается, иначе убийство обратит его во тьму. Мерлин создаёт Экскалибур. В это время Нимуэ замечает присутствие Вортигана. Последний берёт её в заложницы, чтобы заполучить меч. Она вырывается и пытается убить Вортигана, который наносит ей смертельный удар. Нимуэ падает и, казалось бы, умирает на руках Мерлина. Однако через мгновение она оживает благодаря бессмертию, дарованному Граалем. Нимуэ вырывает сердце Вортигана и давит его, так и не сумев отпустить обиду на убийцу её родных. Она поддаётся тьме, что изменяет её облик. Чтобы Мерлин не отнял её власть, Нимуэ разбивает меч и крадёт последнюю искру пламени.

В конце концов, Нимуэ присваивает маску убитого Вортигана. В попытке ослабить её мощь, Мерлин делает из наконечника Экскалибура кинжал. Теперь Тёмный привязан к кинжалу и вынужден повиноваться его хозяину. («Нимуэ»)

По неизвестной причине Нимуэ создаёт Склеп Тёмного. Её первое появление на людях под именем «Тёмный» происходит, когда она выходит из склепа. («Тихие голоса»)

Зная о последствиях, к которым может привести Нимуэ в качестве Тёмной, Мерлин призывает её кинжалом, чтобы избавиться от неё навсегда. Однако волшебник не может справиться с чувствами и роняет кинжал. Нимуэ немедленно поднимает кинжал. Она использует слезу Мерлина для заточения чародея в дереве. («Ловец снов»)

Однажды Нимуэ пытается украсть Шляпу Чародея, способную разорвать связь с кинжалом. Однако ничего не выходит. («Подмастерье»)

Возможно, кто-то пронзает Нимуэ кинжалом и становится следующим Тёмным. («Нимуэ»)

This article is about the character. For the episode, see «Nimue».

Nimue is an antagonist on the ABC show Once Upon a Time. She is the former love of Merlin and the first Dark One. She debuts in the seventh episode of the fifth season, «Nimue». She has no Storybrooke counterpart. She is the true main antagonist of the first-half of season five.


Physical Appearance

As a human, Nimue had olive skin, brown hair and brown eyes. As a Dark One, she has green skin and eyes, brown hair in a bun, and wears a long black cloak.

Powers and Abilities


  • Magic of the Dark One: After drinking from the Holy Grail, Nimue was granted immortality and given her powers. When she crushed the heart of Vortigan, she was consumed by her own darkness and so underwent a physical change in appearance and became the first Dark One.
    • Darkness Generation and Control: As the first Dark One, Nimue could freely create, control and manipulate pure darkness and shadows to her will. She was the pure human embodiment of all evil, chaos and darkness in the world.
    • Immortality: Nimue had stopped aging when she gained her powers and was immune to disease and other forms of human death. (However, may be minor damage such as being cut by a sword, will have to use her powers to heal). Apparently she doesn’t feel the pain of her wounds, or at least has a great tolerance to it, and doesn’t suffer from sleep deprivation.
    • Teleportation: Nimue can move from one place to another at will, disappearing into what looks like a purple smoke formation or red, however, she can also appear without creating the smoke effect.
    • Telekinesis: Nimue is capable of manipulating objects or people without physically touching them.
    • Pyrokinesis: Nimue is able to create and manipulate fire.
    • Accelerated Healing: When Nimue uses her healing powers, her hand will glow purple and after having approached the wound, it will heal completely, leaving no visible sign.
    • Transfiguration/Shapeshifting: Nimue is able to turn human beings into animals or change the physical aspect of herself or others.
    • Superhuman Strength and Speed: Nimue is incredibly fast and strong. When battling with Merlin, she was shown to be resilient, even under the control of the dagger, and was able to take it from him.
    • Arcane Knowledge: Nimue has an almost infinite knowledge and understanding of spells, potions, and other topics related to magic, allowing her to do impossible things for common witches.
    • Summoning: Nimue is able to summon objects or beings through the magic, often materializing it in one hand via a purple smoke. (It is not known if she actually creates objects or transporting them from another place, but it is possible that both options are true depending on the circumstances).
    • Heart Extraction: Nimue can remove the hearts of other living beings without killing them and use them to control the owner or kill them by crushing the heart.
    • Extrasensory Perception: Like Rumplestiltskin and Emma, Nimue is able to sense when someone calls her name or when someone close to her.
    • Resurrection: If Nimue had died without having passed the title of Dark One to another being, she could have been resurrected by the Dark One Vault, if another person decided to open it, giving up his/her life as a result.
    • Technopathy: Nimue’s magic also allows her to control and manipulate technology.


  • Dark One’s Dagger: Anyone who owns her dagger will be able to kill Nimue, causing her to lose her status as the Dark One and the chance to rise again. In addition, anyone who owns the dagger also has full control over the actions of Nimue who is unable to disobey orders if not for a very short time.
  • Laws of Magic: Like any witch or sorceress, Nimue is subject to the laws of magic, as a result she is unable to raise the dead, create love and time travel.
  • True Love’s Kiss: Like all curses, Nimue’s curse of being the Dark One can be broken with a kiss of true love.
  • Leaving a Magical Realm: If Nimue enters into a land without magic, she will lose all her powers and become fully mortal.


Before the First Curse

Nimue with Merlin before becoming the Dark One

Nimue lived in a small village located in or around Camelot, before it was burnt to the ground. Being the sole survivor, she fled to another village that was under the protection of Merlin’s magic.

She eventually falls in love with Merlin, and wants to make a life with him. When Merlin reveals that he obtained his magic and immortality from the Holy Grail, and that he can’t be with her because she can die and he can’t, Nimue convinces Merlin to take her to the Grail so she can drink from it. They do not realize that the masked man who destroyed her village, named Vortigan, listens to their conversation.

When Merlin takes her to the spot where he found the Grail, they pass by the little remains of her former village, unaware that Vortigan had followed them. Using the Promethean Flame, Merlin turns the Grail into Excalibur. Vortigan makes himself known to them. As Merlin tries to fight him off with Excalibur, Nimue drinks from the Holy Grail. Eventually Nimue is stabbed by Vortigan and dies in Merlin’s arms. As Merlin heads off, Nimue gets up. Astonished, Merlin asks how she survived, she reveals that she drank from the Grail, giving her magical abilities and immortality.

She pulls Vortigan’s heart from his chest. Merlin tries to persuade her to put it back, as killing Vortigan would turn her dark. Nimue feels revenge is the best way to deal with him, and she crushes his heart. This allows the darkness within Vortigan’s hear to infect and she immediately turns into a dark being, called the Dark One, with her skin turning a gold-ish green, and her eyes changing color.

At some point, Merlin places Excalibur into the stone to make sure it was safe, then constructs the dagger, tethering Nimue’s spirit to it so he could control and prevent her reign of terror. She later manages to take the dagger from him after he is unable to kill her. With the power of the dagger, Nimue turns Merlin into a tree.

Nimue also constructs the Vault of the Dark One at some point in time.

Before the Third Curse

After Emma turns Hook into a co-Dark One, Nimue appears as one of the voices in his head. She also appears to Merlin. As hook prepares to enact the Dark Curse, Merlin explains that he can only do so by crushing the heart of the one he loves most. Nimue explains to Merlin, that she still loves him and as she is all Dark Ones, can take Merlin’s heart to enact the Curse. Acting through Hook, Nimue pulls Merlin’s heart from his chest, crushing it into the pot as the final ingredient.

During the Third Curse

After Emma Swan becomes the new Dark One, Nimue and all the previous Dark Ones, including Rumplestiltskin, exist as voices in Emma’s head, instructing her on what to do. Nimue convinces Emma to rejoin the dagger to the rest of Excalibur, which she succeeds in doing.

After the Third Curse

Using some of Rumplestiltskin’s blood, Hook opens up a portal to the Underworld, allowing Nimue and all the previous Dark One’s to be resurrected and enter Storybrooke as part of his plan for revenge. Nimue brands Henry with a mark, that would allow her to trade places with him, sending him to the Underworld and letting her to live in Storybrooke. Several other former Dark Ones repeat the process with other characters (such as Snow, Charming, Emma, and Regina). Eventually, Hook and the Dark Ones trap Emma and her family in the park. Emma and Hook start to fight, but Hook turns on Nimue, sucking her and all the other Dark Ones into Excalibur, containing their power in the sword.


Promotional Images

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Quote - Nimue and Merlin



Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue and Merlin

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Flame of Prometheus Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Holding Heart

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Dark One

Nimue becomes the first Dark One

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - First Dark One

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - Stab

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - First Dark One and Tree Merlin

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - Dreamcatcher Vision

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Revealed

Nimue’s spirit meets Emma

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Removes Hood

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue and Emma

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue in Diner

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Past Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Dark Ones Arrive

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue's Plan

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue and Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - The Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue Absorbed


Once Upon A Time Logo.png

Shows: Once Upon a TimeOnce Upon a Time in Wonderland

Books: Once Upon a Time: Shadow of the QueenOnce Upon a Time: Out of the PastOnce Upon a Time: Red’s Untold TaleOnce Upon a Time: Regina Rising
Special Bonus: Good Morning StorybrookeThree Who StayedTales From The Underworld: A Knight With Cruella

Once Upon a Time:
Season One: Emma SwanSnow White/Mary Margaret BlanchardPrince Charming/David NolanRumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold/WeaverEvil Queen/Regina Mills/RoniBelle/Lacey FrenchHenry MillsHappySneezy/Tom ClarkBashfulDocDopeySleepy/WalterJiminy Cricket/Archie HopperStealthyVictor Frankenstein/Dr. WhaleBlue FairyWidow Lucas/GrannyKing George/Albert SpencerGenie/Magic Mirror/Sidney GlassNurse RatchedMad Hatter/JeffersonPrince Henry/The ValetKnave of HeartsSheriff of Nottingham/KeithFairy GodmotherAbigail/Kathryn NolanRed Riding Hood/The Wolf/RubyHuntsman/Sheriff GrahamBaelfire/Neal CassidyPinocchio/August W. BoothFrederick/JimSevere NurseMayor TomkinsHansel and Gretel/Nicholas and Ava ZimmerThe Woodcutter/Michael TillmanMartinMyrnaStephenDonnaPrince JamesBlind WitchPeterSirenPongoGastonThe King/Mitchell HermanKing LeopoldKing MidasZosoPrince Thomas/Sean HermanGraceDaniel ColterNovaBriar RoseGeppetto/MarcoGus/BillyRuthDark One

Season Two: Killian Jones/Hook/RogersAuroraPrince PhillipMulanMilahMaid MarianQuinnAlphonse FrankensteinAnita LucasJackKing XavierAntonWilliam SmeeGreg MendellTamaraThe DragonQueen EvaSeerLancelotRobin HoodWendy DarlingNanaMary DarlingGeorge DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingThe ShadowLost Boys
Season Three: Peter Pan/Malcolm/Pied PiperArielZelena/The Wicked Witch of the WestGlinda/The Good Witch of the SouthWalsh/Wizard of OzElsa the Snow QueenTinker BellBlackbeardLumiereUrsula the Sea GoddessJonathanDorothy GaleThe Witch of the EastRapunzelRapunzel’s MotherRapunzel’s FatherThe Sheriff of HamelinMedusaPrince EricLiam JonesRoland
Season Four: AnnaKristoffHansGrand PabbieSvenUrsula the Sea WitchMarshmallowLittle Bo PeepThe ApprenticeIngridLily PageColetteOakenKing of ArendelleQueen GerdaCruella De VilPoseidonDuke of WeseltonHans’ BrothersChernabogKing StefanIsaac/The AuthorMadelineMerlin/The Sorcerer
Season Five: MeridaQueen EleanorKing FergusHarris, Hubert, and HamishThe WitchLord MacGuffinLord MacintoshLord DingwallKing ArthurSir KayGuinevereGorgon The InvincibleCharonBrennan JonesHadesMegaraHerculesCerberusThe ScarecrowTotoCleo FoxAuntie EmDr. JekyllMr. HydeEvil Queen
Season Six: AladdinGideonCount of Monte CristoAlexandraJasmineRed BirdCaptain NemoLady TremaineClorindaTisbeJacobOracleRoyal GuardsThe SultanBeowulfBlack FairyTiger LilyRobertPrince AchmedStanumCowardly LionLucy
Season Seven: Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria BelfreyCinderella/Jacinda VidrioTiana/SabineAlice/TillyDrizella/Ivy BelfreyAnastasiaGothel/Eloise GardenerEudoraDr. Facilier/Mr. SamdiHansel/Jack/Nick BransonMarcus TremaineCeceliaCoven of the EightMadame LeotaNaveen/DrewBlind Witch/HildaGretelChadSeraphinaFloraIslaZorro

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: AliceCyrusAnastasia/Red QueenPercy/White RabbitEdwinJabberwockySilvermistThe Sultan/The Old PrisonerTweedle Dee and Tweedle DumMrs. RabbitElizabeth/LizardAmaraBandersnatchMillie
Both series: Will Scarlet/The Knave of HeartsCinderella/Ashley BoydRobin HoodLittle JohnFriar TuckGrumpy/LeroyCora/The Queen of HeartsCaterpillarMaleficentJafarDr. Lydgate

Season One: «Pilot» • «The Thing You Love Most» • «Snow Falls» • «The Price of Gold» • «That Still Small Voice» • «The Shepherd» • «The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter» • «Desperate Souls» • «True North» • «7:15 A.M.» • «Fruit of the Poisonous Tree» • «Skin Deep» • «What Happened to Frederick» • «Dreamy» • «Red-Handed» • «Heart of Darkness» • «Hat Trick» • «The Stable Boy» • «The Return» • «The Stranger» • «An Apple Red as Blood» • «A Land Without Magic»

Season Two: «Broken» • «We Are Both» • «Lady of the Lake» • «The Crocodile» • «The Doctor» • «Tallahassee» • «Child of the Moon» • «Into the Deep» • «Queen of Hearts» • «The Cricket Game» • «The Outsider» • «In the Name of the Brother» • «Tiny» • «Manhattan» • «The Queen Is Dead» • «The Miller’s Daughter» • «Welcome to Storybrooke» • «Selfless, Brave and True» • «Lacey» • «The Evil Queen» • «Second Star to the Right» • «And Straight On ‘Til Morning«
Season Three: «The Heart of the Truest Believer» • «Lost Girl» • «Quite a Common Fairy» • «Nasty Habits» • «Good Form» • «Ariel» • «Dark Hollow» • «Think Lovely Thoughts» • «Save Henry» • «The New Neverland» • «Going Home» • «New York City Serenade» • «Witch Hunt» • «The Tower» • «Quiet Minds» • «It’s Not Easy Being Green» • «The Jolly Roger» • «Bleeding Through» • «A Curious Thing» • «Kansas» • «Snow Drifts» • «There’s No Place Like Home«
Season Four: «A Tale of Two Sisters» • «White Out» • «Rocky Road» • «The Apprentice» • «Breaking Glass» • «Family Business» • «The Snow Queen» • «Smash the Mirror» • «Fall» • «Shattered Sight» • «Heroes and Villains» • «Darkness on the Edge of Town» • «Unforgiven» • «Enter the Dragon» • «Poor Unfortunate Soul» • «Best Laid Plans» • «Heart of Gold» • «Sympathy for the De Vil» • «Lily» • «Mother» • «Operation Mongoose«
Season Five: «The Dark Swan» • «The Price» • «Siege Perilous» • «The Broken Kingdom» • «Dreamcatcher» • «The Bear and the Bow» • «Nimue» • «Birth» • «The Bear King» • «Broken Heart» • «Swan Song» • «Souls of the Departed» • «Labor of Love» • «Devil’s Due» • «The Brothers Jones» • «Our Decay» • «Her Handsome Hero» • «Ruby Slippers» • «Sisters» • «Firebird» • «Last Rites» • «Only You» • «An Untold Story«
Season Six: «The Savior» • «A Bitter Draught» • «The Other Shoe» • «Strange Case» • «Street Rats» • «Dark Waters» • «Heartless» • «I’ll Be Your Mirror» • «Changelings» • «Wish You Were Here» • «Tougher Than the Rest» • «Murder Most Foul • «Ill-Boding Patterns» • «Page 23» • «A Wondrous Place» • «Mother’s Little Helper» • «Awake» • «Where Bluebirds Fly» • «The Black Fairy» • «The Song in Your Heart» • «The Final Battle«
Season Seven: «Hyperion Heights» • «A Pirate’s Life«• «The Garden of Forking Paths» • «Beauty» • «Greenbacks» • «Wake Up Call» • «Eloise Gardener» • «Pretty in Blue» • «One Little Tear» • «The Eighth Witch» • «Secret Garden» • «A Taste of the Heights» • «Knightfall» • «The Girl in the Tower» • «Sisterhood» • «Breadcrumbs» • «Chosen» • «The Guardian» • «Flower Child» • «Is This Henry Mills?» • «Homecoming» • «Leaving Storybrooke«

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: «Down the Rabbit Hole» • «Trust Me» • «Forget Me Not» • «The Serpent» • «Heart of Stone» • «Who’s Alice?» • «Bad Blood» • «Home» • «Nothing to Fear» • «Dirty Little Secrets» • «Heart of the Matter» • «To Catch a Thief» • «And They Lived…»

Once Upon a Time: Royal CastleBostonDark PalaceMaurice’s CastleDark Castle/Rumplestiltskin’s CastleLibraryKing’s CastleTremaine estateMaurice’s CastleDwarves’ CottageDwarf MinesGeppetto’s HomeNew York CityKing Stefan’s CastleThe BeanstalkGiant’s LairChinese VillageEnglandLondonDarling NurseryNeverlandBig BenSkull RockHamelinMaritime CastleRapunzel’s TowerVault of the Dark OneLand of OzYellow Brick RoadEmerald CityArendelleValley of the Living RockArendelle CastleElsa’s Ice PalaceWandering Oaken’s Trading Post and SaunaBald MountainRing of StonesDunBrochWitch’s CottageCastle DunBrochUnderworldMount OlympusPoppy FieldsAuntie’s Chicken & WafflesCave of WondersPleasure IslandMagical ForestSeattleHyperion HeightsBelle & Gold’s HouseFacilier’s LairGothel’s GardenTiana’s PalaceSan FranciscoMemento MoriMaldoniaFlynn’s BarcadeUnited RealmsSnow White’s Farm

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Wonderland CastleThe Mad Hatter’s HouseWhite Rabbit’s HouseUnderlandTulgey Wood
Both series: StorybrookeMaineEnchanted ForestForbidden FortressWonderlandWonderland MazeAgrabahSherwood ForestThe Sultan’s Palace

Once Upon a Time: Once Upon a Time (Book)Snow White’s Glass CoffinRed Riding HoodMaleficent’s StaffMagic WandGlass SlipperPoisoned AppleSpinning WheelMagic LampDark One’s DaggerChipped CupJefferson’s HatMagic BeansCaptain Hook’s HooksEnchanted CandlePixie DustDreamshadeSalad ForkPandora’s BoxSilver SlippersSorcerer HatEnchanted BroomTridentEnchanted ShellHeroes and Villains (Book)Merida’s BowMagical RoseExcaliburOlympian CrystalCinderella’s DressGolden Scarab BeetleRapunzel’s Frying PanMagical Golden FlowerShrinking PotionFloating LanternsTarot CardsMaui’s Fish Hook

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Vorpal Blade
Both series: Jafar’s Snake StaffEnchanted HeartsJafar’s Lamp

Songs Featured
«Give a Little Whistle» • «Heigh-Ho» • «With a Smile and a Song» • «Beauty and the Beast» • «Part of Your World» • «Fathoms Below» • «Cruella De Vil • «Some Day My Prince Will Come» • «The Unbirthday Song»

Original Songs: «Powerful Magic» • The Queen SingsLove Doesn’t Stand a ChanceRevenge Is Gonna Be MineWicked Always WinsCharmings vs. Evil QueenEmma’s ThemeA Happy Beginning

The Jolly RogerMagic CarpetRoyal ShipCruella’s carNautilusCinderella’s Coach
FairiesUnicornsDragonsBridge TrollsWerewolvesWraithOgresMermaidsKrakenFlying MonkeysRock TrollsWill O’ the WispsFuriesMunchkinsTree Nymphs

This article is about the character. For the episode, see «Nimue».

Nimue is an antagonist on the ABC show Once Upon a Time. She is the former love of Merlin and the first Dark One. She debuts in the seventh episode of the fifth season, «Nimue». She has no Storybrooke counterpart. She is the true main antagonist of the first-half of season five.


Physical Appearance

As a human, Nimue had olive skin, brown hair and brown eyes. As a Dark One, she has green skin and eyes, brown hair in a bun, and wears a long black cloak.

Powers and Abilities


  • Magic of the Dark One: After drinking from the Holy Grail, Nimue was granted immortality and given her powers. When she crushed the heart of Vortigan, she was consumed by her own darkness and so underwent a physical change in appearance and became the first Dark One.
    • Darkness Generation and Control: As the first Dark One, Nimue could freely create, control and manipulate pure darkness and shadows to her will. She was the pure human embodiment of all evil, chaos and darkness in the world.
    • Immortality: Nimue had stopped aging when she gained her powers and was immune to disease and other forms of human death. (However, may be minor damage such as being cut by a sword, will have to use her powers to heal). Apparently she doesn’t feel the pain of her wounds, or at least has a great tolerance to it, and doesn’t suffer from sleep deprivation.
    • Teleportation: Nimue can move from one place to another at will, disappearing into what looks like a purple smoke formation or red, however, she can also appear without creating the smoke effect.
    • Telekinesis: Nimue is capable of manipulating objects or people without physically touching them.
    • Pyrokinesis: Nimue is able to create and manipulate fire.
    • Accelerated Healing: When Nimue uses her healing powers, her hand will glow purple and after having approached the wound, it will heal completely, leaving no visible sign.
    • Transfiguration/Shapeshifting: Nimue is able to turn human beings into animals or change the physical aspect of herself or others.
    • Superhuman Strength and Speed: Nimue is incredibly fast and strong. When battling with Merlin, she was shown to be resilient, even under the control of the dagger, and was able to take it from him.
    • Arcane Knowledge: Nimue has an almost infinite knowledge and understanding of spells, potions, and other topics related to magic, allowing her to do impossible things for common witches.
    • Summoning: Nimue is able to summon objects or beings through the magic, often materializing it in one hand via a purple smoke. (It is not known if she actually creates objects or transporting them from another place, but it is possible that both options are true depending on the circumstances).
    • Heart Extraction: Nimue can remove the hearts of other living beings without killing them and use them to control the owner or kill them by crushing the heart.
    • Extrasensory Perception: Like Rumplestiltskin and Emma, Nimue is able to sense when someone calls her name or when someone close to her.
    • Resurrection: If Nimue had died without having passed the title of Dark One to another being, she could have been resurrected by the Dark One Vault, if another person decided to open it, giving up his/her life as a result.
    • Technopathy: Nimue’s magic also allows her to control and manipulate technology.


  • Dark One’s Dagger: Anyone who owns her dagger will be able to kill Nimue, causing her to lose her status as the Dark One and the chance to rise again. In addition, anyone who owns the dagger also has full control over the actions of Nimue who is unable to disobey orders if not for a very short time.
  • Laws of Magic: Like any witch or sorceress, Nimue is subject to the laws of magic, as a result she is unable to raise the dead, create love and time travel.
  • True Love’s Kiss: Like all curses, Nimue’s curse of being the Dark One can be broken with a kiss of true love.
  • Leaving a Magical Realm: If Nimue enters into a land without magic, she will lose all her powers and become fully mortal.


Before the First Curse

Nimue with Merlin before becoming the Dark One

Nimue lived in a small village located in or around Camelot, before it was burnt to the ground. Being the sole survivor, she fled to another village that was under the protection of Merlin’s magic.

She eventually falls in love with Merlin, and wants to make a life with him. When Merlin reveals that he obtained his magic and immortality from the Holy Grail, and that he can’t be with her because she can die and he can’t, Nimue convinces Merlin to take her to the Grail so she can drink from it. They do not realize that the masked man who destroyed her village, named Vortigan, listens to their conversation.

When Merlin takes her to the spot where he found the Grail, they pass by the little remains of her former village, unaware that Vortigan had followed them. Using the Promethean Flame, Merlin turns the Grail into Excalibur. Vortigan makes himself known to them. As Merlin tries to fight him off with Excalibur, Nimue drinks from the Holy Grail. Eventually Nimue is stabbed by Vortigan and dies in Merlin’s arms. As Merlin heads off, Nimue gets up. Astonished, Merlin asks how she survived, she reveals that she drank from the Grail, giving her magical abilities and immortality.

She pulls Vortigan’s heart from his chest. Merlin tries to persuade her to put it back, as killing Vortigan would turn her dark. Nimue feels revenge is the best way to deal with him, and she crushes his heart. This allows the darkness within Vortigan’s hear to infect and she immediately turns into a dark being, called the Dark One, with her skin turning a gold-ish green, and her eyes changing color.

At some point, Merlin places Excalibur into the stone to make sure it was safe, then constructs the dagger, tethering Nimue’s spirit to it so he could control and prevent her reign of terror. She later manages to take the dagger from him after he is unable to kill her. With the power of the dagger, Nimue turns Merlin into a tree.

Nimue also constructs the Vault of the Dark One at some point in time.

Before the Third Curse

After Emma turns Hook into a co-Dark One, Nimue appears as one of the voices in his head. She also appears to Merlin. As hook prepares to enact the Dark Curse, Merlin explains that he can only do so by crushing the heart of the one he loves most. Nimue explains to Merlin, that she still loves him and as she is all Dark Ones, can take Merlin’s heart to enact the Curse. Acting through Hook, Nimue pulls Merlin’s heart from his chest, crushing it into the pot as the final ingredient.

During the Third Curse

After Emma Swan becomes the new Dark One, Nimue and all the previous Dark Ones, including Rumplestiltskin, exist as voices in Emma’s head, instructing her on what to do. Nimue convinces Emma to rejoin the dagger to the rest of Excalibur, which she succeeds in doing.

After the Third Curse

Using some of Rumplestiltskin’s blood, Hook opens up a portal to the Underworld, allowing Nimue and all the previous Dark One’s to be resurrected and enter Storybrooke as part of his plan for revenge. Nimue brands Henry with a mark, that would allow her to trade places with him, sending him to the Underworld and letting her to live in Storybrooke. Several other former Dark Ones repeat the process with other characters (such as Snow, Charming, Emma, and Regina). Eventually, Hook and the Dark Ones trap Emma and her family in the park. Emma and Hook start to fight, but Hook turns on Nimue, sucking her and all the other Dark Ones into Excalibur, containing their power in the sword.


Promotional Images

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Quote - Nimue and Merlin



Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue and Merlin

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Flame of Prometheus Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Holding Heart

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Dark One

Nimue becomes the first Dark One

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - First Dark One

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - Stab

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - First Dark One and Tree Merlin

Once Upon a Time - 5x05 - Dreamcatcher - Dreamcatcher Vision

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Revealed

Nimue’s spirit meets Emma

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue Removes Hood

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Nimue and Emma

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue in Diner

Once Upon a Time - 5x07 - Nimue - Past Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Dark Ones Arrive

Once Upon a Time - 5x10 - Broken Heart - Nimue's Plan

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue and Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - The Dark Ones

Once Upon a Time - 5x11 - Swan Song - Nimue Absorbed


Once Upon A Time Logo.png

Shows: Once Upon a TimeOnce Upon a Time in Wonderland

Books: Once Upon a Time: Shadow of the QueenOnce Upon a Time: Out of the PastOnce Upon a Time: Red’s Untold TaleOnce Upon a Time: Regina Rising
Special Bonus: Good Morning StorybrookeThree Who StayedTales From The Underworld: A Knight With Cruella

Once Upon a Time:
Season One: Emma SwanSnow White/Mary Margaret BlanchardPrince Charming/David NolanRumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold/WeaverEvil Queen/Regina Mills/RoniBelle/Lacey FrenchHenry MillsHappySneezy/Tom ClarkBashfulDocDopeySleepy/WalterJiminy Cricket/Archie HopperStealthyVictor Frankenstein/Dr. WhaleBlue FairyWidow Lucas/GrannyKing George/Albert SpencerGenie/Magic Mirror/Sidney GlassNurse RatchedMad Hatter/JeffersonPrince Henry/The ValetKnave of HeartsSheriff of Nottingham/KeithFairy GodmotherAbigail/Kathryn NolanRed Riding Hood/The Wolf/RubyHuntsman/Sheriff GrahamBaelfire/Neal CassidyPinocchio/August W. BoothFrederick/JimSevere NurseMayor TomkinsHansel and Gretel/Nicholas and Ava ZimmerThe Woodcutter/Michael TillmanMartinMyrnaStephenDonnaPrince JamesBlind WitchPeterSirenPongoGastonThe King/Mitchell HermanKing LeopoldKing MidasZosoPrince Thomas/Sean HermanGraceDaniel ColterNovaBriar RoseGeppetto/MarcoGus/BillyRuthDark One

Season Two: Killian Jones/Hook/RogersAuroraPrince PhillipMulanMilahMaid MarianQuinnAlphonse FrankensteinAnita LucasJackKing XavierAntonWilliam SmeeGreg MendellTamaraThe DragonQueen EvaSeerLancelotRobin HoodWendy DarlingNanaMary DarlingGeorge DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingThe ShadowLost Boys
Season Three: Peter Pan/Malcolm/Pied PiperArielZelena/The Wicked Witch of the WestGlinda/The Good Witch of the SouthWalsh/Wizard of OzElsa the Snow QueenTinker BellBlackbeardLumiereUrsula the Sea GoddessJonathanDorothy GaleThe Witch of the EastRapunzelRapunzel’s MotherRapunzel’s FatherThe Sheriff of HamelinMedusaPrince EricLiam JonesRoland
Season Four: AnnaKristoffHansGrand PabbieSvenUrsula the Sea WitchMarshmallowLittle Bo PeepThe ApprenticeIngridLily PageColetteOakenKing of ArendelleQueen GerdaCruella De VilPoseidonDuke of WeseltonHans’ BrothersChernabogKing StefanIsaac/The AuthorMadelineMerlin/The Sorcerer
Season Five: MeridaQueen EleanorKing FergusHarris, Hubert, and HamishThe WitchLord MacGuffinLord MacintoshLord DingwallKing ArthurSir KayGuinevereGorgon The InvincibleCharonBrennan JonesHadesMegaraHerculesCerberusThe ScarecrowTotoCleo FoxAuntie EmDr. JekyllMr. HydeEvil Queen
Season Six: AladdinGideonCount of Monte CristoAlexandraJasmineRed BirdCaptain NemoLady TremaineClorindaTisbeJacobOracleRoyal GuardsThe SultanBeowulfBlack FairyTiger LilyRobertPrince AchmedStanumCowardly LionLucy
Season Seven: Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria BelfreyCinderella/Jacinda VidrioTiana/SabineAlice/TillyDrizella/Ivy BelfreyAnastasiaGothel/Eloise GardenerEudoraDr. Facilier/Mr. SamdiHansel/Jack/Nick BransonMarcus TremaineCeceliaCoven of the EightMadame LeotaNaveen/DrewBlind Witch/HildaGretelChadSeraphinaFloraIslaZorro

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: AliceCyrusAnastasia/Red QueenPercy/White RabbitEdwinJabberwockySilvermistThe Sultan/The Old PrisonerTweedle Dee and Tweedle DumMrs. RabbitElizabeth/LizardAmaraBandersnatchMillie
Both series: Will Scarlet/The Knave of HeartsCinderella/Ashley BoydRobin HoodLittle JohnFriar TuckGrumpy/LeroyCora/The Queen of HeartsCaterpillarMaleficentJafarDr. Lydgate

Season One: «Pilot» • «The Thing You Love Most» • «Snow Falls» • «The Price of Gold» • «That Still Small Voice» • «The Shepherd» • «The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter» • «Desperate Souls» • «True North» • «7:15 A.M.» • «Fruit of the Poisonous Tree» • «Skin Deep» • «What Happened to Frederick» • «Dreamy» • «Red-Handed» • «Heart of Darkness» • «Hat Trick» • «The Stable Boy» • «The Return» • «The Stranger» • «An Apple Red as Blood» • «A Land Without Magic»

Season Two: «Broken» • «We Are Both» • «Lady of the Lake» • «The Crocodile» • «The Doctor» • «Tallahassee» • «Child of the Moon» • «Into the Deep» • «Queen of Hearts» • «The Cricket Game» • «The Outsider» • «In the Name of the Brother» • «Tiny» • «Manhattan» • «The Queen Is Dead» • «The Miller’s Daughter» • «Welcome to Storybrooke» • «Selfless, Brave and True» • «Lacey» • «The Evil Queen» • «Second Star to the Right» • «And Straight On ‘Til Morning«
Season Three: «The Heart of the Truest Believer» • «Lost Girl» • «Quite a Common Fairy» • «Nasty Habits» • «Good Form» • «Ariel» • «Dark Hollow» • «Think Lovely Thoughts» • «Save Henry» • «The New Neverland» • «Going Home» • «New York City Serenade» • «Witch Hunt» • «The Tower» • «Quiet Minds» • «It’s Not Easy Being Green» • «The Jolly Roger» • «Bleeding Through» • «A Curious Thing» • «Kansas» • «Snow Drifts» • «There’s No Place Like Home«
Season Four: «A Tale of Two Sisters» • «White Out» • «Rocky Road» • «The Apprentice» • «Breaking Glass» • «Family Business» • «The Snow Queen» • «Smash the Mirror» • «Fall» • «Shattered Sight» • «Heroes and Villains» • «Darkness on the Edge of Town» • «Unforgiven» • «Enter the Dragon» • «Poor Unfortunate Soul» • «Best Laid Plans» • «Heart of Gold» • «Sympathy for the De Vil» • «Lily» • «Mother» • «Operation Mongoose«
Season Five: «The Dark Swan» • «The Price» • «Siege Perilous» • «The Broken Kingdom» • «Dreamcatcher» • «The Bear and the Bow» • «Nimue» • «Birth» • «The Bear King» • «Broken Heart» • «Swan Song» • «Souls of the Departed» • «Labor of Love» • «Devil’s Due» • «The Brothers Jones» • «Our Decay» • «Her Handsome Hero» • «Ruby Slippers» • «Sisters» • «Firebird» • «Last Rites» • «Only You» • «An Untold Story«
Season Six: «The Savior» • «A Bitter Draught» • «The Other Shoe» • «Strange Case» • «Street Rats» • «Dark Waters» • «Heartless» • «I’ll Be Your Mirror» • «Changelings» • «Wish You Were Here» • «Tougher Than the Rest» • «Murder Most Foul • «Ill-Boding Patterns» • «Page 23» • «A Wondrous Place» • «Mother’s Little Helper» • «Awake» • «Where Bluebirds Fly» • «The Black Fairy» • «The Song in Your Heart» • «The Final Battle«
Season Seven: «Hyperion Heights» • «A Pirate’s Life«• «The Garden of Forking Paths» • «Beauty» • «Greenbacks» • «Wake Up Call» • «Eloise Gardener» • «Pretty in Blue» • «One Little Tear» • «The Eighth Witch» • «Secret Garden» • «A Taste of the Heights» • «Knightfall» • «The Girl in the Tower» • «Sisterhood» • «Breadcrumbs» • «Chosen» • «The Guardian» • «Flower Child» • «Is This Henry Mills?» • «Homecoming» • «Leaving Storybrooke«

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: «Down the Rabbit Hole» • «Trust Me» • «Forget Me Not» • «The Serpent» • «Heart of Stone» • «Who’s Alice?» • «Bad Blood» • «Home» • «Nothing to Fear» • «Dirty Little Secrets» • «Heart of the Matter» • «To Catch a Thief» • «And They Lived…»

Once Upon a Time: Royal CastleBostonDark PalaceMaurice’s CastleDark Castle/Rumplestiltskin’s CastleLibraryKing’s CastleTremaine estateMaurice’s CastleDwarves’ CottageDwarf MinesGeppetto’s HomeNew York CityKing Stefan’s CastleThe BeanstalkGiant’s LairChinese VillageEnglandLondonDarling NurseryNeverlandBig BenSkull RockHamelinMaritime CastleRapunzel’s TowerVault of the Dark OneLand of OzYellow Brick RoadEmerald CityArendelleValley of the Living RockArendelle CastleElsa’s Ice PalaceWandering Oaken’s Trading Post and SaunaBald MountainRing of StonesDunBrochWitch’s CottageCastle DunBrochUnderworldMount OlympusPoppy FieldsAuntie’s Chicken & WafflesCave of WondersPleasure IslandMagical ForestSeattleHyperion HeightsBelle & Gold’s HouseFacilier’s LairGothel’s GardenTiana’s PalaceSan FranciscoMemento MoriMaldoniaFlynn’s BarcadeUnited RealmsSnow White’s Farm

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Wonderland CastleThe Mad Hatter’s HouseWhite Rabbit’s HouseUnderlandTulgey Wood
Both series: StorybrookeMaineEnchanted ForestForbidden FortressWonderlandWonderland MazeAgrabahSherwood ForestThe Sultan’s Palace

Once Upon a Time: Once Upon a Time (Book)Snow White’s Glass CoffinRed Riding HoodMaleficent’s StaffMagic WandGlass SlipperPoisoned AppleSpinning WheelMagic LampDark One’s DaggerChipped CupJefferson’s HatMagic BeansCaptain Hook’s HooksEnchanted CandlePixie DustDreamshadeSalad ForkPandora’s BoxSilver SlippersSorcerer HatEnchanted BroomTridentEnchanted ShellHeroes and Villains (Book)Merida’s BowMagical RoseExcaliburOlympian CrystalCinderella’s DressGolden Scarab BeetleRapunzel’s Frying PanMagical Golden FlowerShrinking PotionFloating LanternsTarot CardsMaui’s Fish Hook

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Vorpal Blade
Both series: Jafar’s Snake StaffEnchanted HeartsJafar’s Lamp

Songs Featured
«Give a Little Whistle» • «Heigh-Ho» • «With a Smile and a Song» • «Beauty and the Beast» • «Part of Your World» • «Fathoms Below» • «Cruella De Vil • «Some Day My Prince Will Come» • «The Unbirthday Song»

Original Songs: «Powerful Magic» • The Queen SingsLove Doesn’t Stand a ChanceRevenge Is Gonna Be MineWicked Always WinsCharmings vs. Evil QueenEmma’s ThemeA Happy Beginning

The Jolly RogerMagic CarpetRoyal ShipCruella’s carNautilusCinderella’s Coach
FairiesUnicornsDragonsBridge TrollsWerewolvesWraithOgresMermaidsKrakenFlying MonkeysRock TrollsWill O’ the WispsFuriesMunchkinsTree Nymphs
Season 5, Episode 7
MV5BMjMyNzUyODMxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDAzNDYyNzE@. V1 .jpg
Airdate November 8, 2015
Written by Jane Espenson
Directed by Romeo Tirone
Episode Guide
The Bear and the Bow

Nimue is the seventh episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on November 8, 2015.

In this episode, Merlin helps Emma, while Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Hook, and Robin are tricked by Zelena. In Camelot’s past, Merlin falls in love with the woman who becomes the first Dark One.

View the Nimue Gallery.


Opening sequence

Middlemist flowers are scattered in the forest.

Event chronology

The first Camelot flashback about Merlin take place 1000 years before Arthur becomes king in «The Broken Kingdom» and the rest of Camelot flashbacks about Merlin take place 500 years later, before «Dreamcatcher» and 533 years before Emma comes to Camelot in «The Dark Swan». The Enchanted Forest flashbacks with Merlin and Nimue at the site of the Flame of Prometheus take place before the scene with Zoso and the Apprentice in «The Apprentice». The Enchanted Forest events take place after «The Bear and the Bow». The Storybrooke events take place after «The Bear and the Bow».

In the Characters’ Past

1,000 years earlier before «the Age of Arthur» (approximately 1,800 years before the Present Day), Merlin and a friend, Adda, were deserters from an army and were trekking through a desert, desperate for water. Merlin saw a light and ran after it, revealed to be the Holy Grail, on top of a stone. Thinking that it was sacred, Merlin initially refuses to touch it, but his friend, Abbas, disregards his warnings and decides to drink from it anyway. When his friend grabbed it, he turned to ashes. Merlin then grabbed the grail after praying to God for permission, and was able to drink from it. When he put his hand down, he realized he had magic. The desert was no more — only lush greenery and forests. 500 years later, Merlin is at a village healing people, where his apprentice informs him of a woman who escaped a burning village. Merlin meets the woman, who introduces herself as Nimue. She wants revenge on Vortigan, the masked man responsible. She also had Middlemist flowers to offer, as their survival will guarantee a form of revenge. Merlin agrees to help her and places the seeds in a planter, and he uses his magic to grow them instantly. Over the course of the next several months, they fall in love, and Merlin reveals the truth about the Grail and how he acquired magic. He expresses a wish to reforge the grail into a sword that can destroy his immortality, so that he can live a normal mortal life with Nimue as his wife. However, as they start their quest, it turns out that Vortigan has been watching them.

Nimue takes Merlin to her burnt village, Oxleigh, where they learn that Vortigan has been after the Holy Grail. They trek to the Flame of Prometheus, where Merlin uses a portion of the flame to reforge the Grail into Excalibur. Vortigan followed them in his quest for the Grail, and when he sees Excalibur, he attacks Nimue, apparently killing her, before taking Excalibur for himself. Merlin believes Nimue to be dead, and is racked by grief as Vortigan turns to him. Unexpectedly, at this point, a healthy Nimue rips out Vortigan’s heart and reveals that she had drunk from the Holy Grail, desiring power and immortality like Merlin’s, and thirsty for vengeance against Vortigan. Despite Merlin’s pleas and warning, Nimue crushes Vortigan’s heart, killing him. This allows the darkness from within Vortigan’s heart to infect her, transforming Nimue into the very first «Dark One». The Promethean Flame is extinguished to an ember, and Nimue goes on to shatter Excalibur into two pieces, in order to prevent Merlin from ending the immortality of both of them. Then, Nimue apologizes to him for her actions, but Merlin says no, that he is the one who is sorry.

In Camelot

Three weeks before the Present, Hook thinks that Merlin is not helping Emma at all, as Hook sees her making Dreamcatchers instead of sleeping now. But Merlin tells Hook that he is doing his best to help her, as he knows what it means to lose a loved one to the Dark One. Merlin tells the residents they need to acquire Excalibur from Arthur, while he takes Emma with him to the site of the Promethean Flame to acquire the spark needed to reunite Excalibur’s halves. Before they go on their mission, Hook gives Emma a necklace with a ring as reminder of their love, and as a keepsake. As Emma embarks on this quest, Merlin tells her that the quest will force her to choose between the light and darkness, which could have dire consequences for the two of them. As they reached the ruins of Oxleigh, the site of the Flame, Merlin had brought the dagger with him and gives it to Emma, in order for her to summon the oldest and darkest of the Dark Ones to obtain the Spark. As Emma looked into the dagger, its display rolls back the names of the previous Dark Ones, until they saw Nimue, who appeared to them, as she was the original Dark One. Then Nimue attacks Merlin through Emma. Nimue forces Emma’s hand to choke Merlin’s throat, with Nimue telling her to finish him off. Nimue urges Emma to kill Merlin, telling her that Merlin wants to destroy them and make her go back to being powerless, while Merlin counters by telling Emma to fight the darkness and to «let the light win.» However, Emma fights it off by telling Nimue, «I’m not nothing! I was never nothing! The power you have I don’t need!» Then, she uses the Dagger to scroll back to her name, giving her control of Nimue, before removing the Promethean Spark from Nimue’s chest. However, Nimue warns Emma that it isn’t over yet, that the reforged Excalibur «has more than one purpose,» and adds that she is still inside her head, before disappearing.

Meanwhile, the residents are coming up with plans to get into the castle and steal Excalibur, but Zelena already knew a way in, having studied the place, on the condition that her powers were restored. As Regina, Hook, David, and Robin sneak their way into the castle, Regina asked Mary Margaret to watch Zelena, with her cuff still on. At the same time, Arthur had other plans for the residents, as he showed Guinevere a potion that melts anything that it touches. It also turns out that Zelena had double crossed her fellow Storybrookers by tricking Mary Margaret with fake contractions, before knocking her out and tying her up. When they reached the Round Table, Regina freezes Arthur, and they are ready to take the sword from Arthur, only to discover that Zelena was working with Arthur and tethered Merlin to Excalibur, which now bears an inscription of his name. (This spell introduced Dark Magic into Merlin’s body.) Despite David’s pleas, Arthur uses the sword to summon Merlin. As Merlin and Emma are returning to Camelot, Emma discovers that Merlin is missing, even as he appears in front of Arthur. Arthur forces Merlin to disarm the others, but Merlin informs him that Emma had passed her test, and that he had what he needed to unite Excalibur. However, Arthur refuses to give Merlin the sword, in hopes of obtaining more glory, before ordering Merlin to make the «intruders» disappear.

In Storybrooke

In the basement, Emma has both the dagger and the sword, as the manifestations of both Rumplstiltskin, Nimue, and previous Dark Ones appear. She then uses the Promethean Spark she took from Nimue and fuses the dagger and the Excalibur fragment together, making the sword whole once again. Despite remembering Merlin’s warning not to touch Excalibur, Emma gives in to the temptation from Nimue and the other Dark One manifestations to «take the power,» and she takes control of the sword, cementing her title as the most powerful Dark One ever.


Jared S. Gilmore and Emile de Ravin were listed in the credits but were not featured in this episode.



The episode received excellent reviews.

Andrea Towers of Entertainment Weekly notes in her assessment of the review, «The moral of tonight’s Once Upon A Time might be, “Don’t play with fire.” Or perhaps it’s, “Don’t trust the man behind the curtain.” In any case, Excalibur lives! And unfortunately, so does Dark One Emma — now even more powerful and ruthless than before. For the first time since the beginning of the season, we barely spent any time in present-day Storybrooke, save for the first and last few moments of the episode. With two halves of the sword now in her possession, Emma can only see power. But Dark One Rumple claims it represents more than that — like any fairytale, it represents history. And it’s time for Excalibur’s promise, given years ago, to be fulfilled.»

In a review from Rickey.org, Nick Roman said, «Once Upon A Time served up a compelling story with “Nimue”. Granted, Merlin wasn’t the most fascinating character going into tonight’s show, but he’s far more interesting coming out of it. I’m interested to see how his character evolves, and if it evolves. I’m also far more compelled by Emma’s commitment to darkness, and whether or not it’s one big misdirect. After all, Emma has a new opponent in the form of the newly-heroic Rumplestiltskin. That’s going to be a showdown for the ages, I’d wager. Can’t wait.»

Amy Ratcliffe of IGN said of the episode, «It was obvious Nimue was going to be revealed as the first Dark One so they may as well have had Merlin say it instead of having him pull an Obi-Wan. That aside, this detour into Merlin’s backstory gave greater depth to events in the present. His close ties to the Dark One make his interactions with Emma more meaningful. A hint of what turned Emma bad would have made the last scene with Excalibur more chilling though.»n Ratcliffe gave the episode a 7.8 rating out of 10.

Gwen Ihnat of The A.V. Club gave the episode an excellent review, giving it a A-. In her recap, she gave the performances high marks: «Y’know, when I get so frustrated with OUAT, it’s because it sets a high bar up against itself. Like this episode, for example. It takes a classic myth, perfectly twists it into the show’s own purposes, and manages to be jaw-dropping in a single hour. I didn’t realize we were about to get so much out of “Nimue,” but I should have guessed once we found out that it was penned by Jane Espenson, who writes most of OUAT’s best episodes.»

Christine Orlando of TV Fanatic gave the episode a 4.4 out of 5 stars.


  • Nimue has been known in Arthur/Merlin stories as one of the names of the Lady of the Lake. She gave King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanted Merlin, and raised Lancelot after the death of his father. Nimue has been a love interest for Merlin in other shows/films.
  • In the scene where Merlin meets Nimue by the well, Merlin’s apprentice is wearing the same clothes as Mickey wears in Fantasia.
  • When Merlin and Nimue visit the ruins of Nimue’s destroyed village, Merlin says «Sometimes the sole survivor of a tragedy can feel guilty. In the future they’ll call it -» But he’s interrupted by Nimue. He was most likely going to say «Survivor’s Guilt» before he was cut off. Survivor’s Guilt is exactly what Merlin says. It’s the sensation that can sometimes happen when only one person (or a very small group of people) survive a horrible tragedy. This happens especially in cases when the victims of the tragedy are the survivor’s loved ones.
  • Nimue is the first Dark One. She’s the one who broke Excalibur. Merlin enchanted the dagger to have her name on it to control her.
  • Adam Horowitz has stated that while the captions state that the events portrayed happened 200 years ago, they actually happened 500 years ago. Which means that if there were 12 Dark Ones before Emma, there was a new Dark One approximately every 42 years. Rumple has been The Dark One much longer than most but if the others were anything like the one before Rumple none of them wanted to be The Dark One and sought someone to take over the curse.


  • When Merlin is telling Nimue about his immortality, when the camera is facing Nimue, the audio does not match up with the movement of Merlin’s jaw.
  • Merlin drank from the cup «1000 years ago,» making him immortal. Then it goes to «200 years ago» — while this is a span of 800 years, Merlin says to Nimue he drank from the cup 500 years ago.


Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: You’ll return by nightfall, right?
Emma Swan: Yes. We go get this spark thing, and then I’m working my way back to you, babe.
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: I know when you’re quoting something.
Emma Swan: And I love that you never know what it is.

Zelena: You need to sneak in so quietly no-one knows you’re there.
David Nolan: How? Hang-glider? Oh!… Giant sling-shot!
Zelena: If Sir Castic would let me speak…

Regina Mills: [Zelena is gesturing wildly] If you’re going to make a scene, you might as well make noise.
[Restores her voice]
Zelena: Oh! Thank you. I do love hearing a sensible person talk.

Zelena: You know, if you treated me fairly for once, maybe I wouldn’t turn on you.
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: Yes, you would.
Zelena: But I’d enjoy it less.

Nimue: You’re Merlin?
Merlin: Not all wizards have long white beards.

Merlin: I see two paths for our journey, Emma. On one, you resist the darkness and we succeed. On the other, you succumb to the darkness and I do not return. I die.
Emma Swan: You die? But…
Merlin: Even immortality has exceptions. A dark one does have the power to kill me.
Emma Swan: But they won’t even be there. Not really.
[Merlin looks down]
Emma Swan: Oh. It would be me. If you died, it would be me.
Merlin: If I die, it means that you lost your battle and the darkness stained your soul. Everything and everyone that you know will be at the mercy of the most powerful dark one ever… Yourself.
Merlin: No pressure.

Merlin: That power was never meant to be a weapon!
Vortigan: Then you shouldn’t have turned it into a sword.

Season 1
Pilot • The Thing You Love Most • Snow Falls • The Price of Gold • That Still Small Voice • The Shepherd • The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter • Desperate Souls • True North • 7:15 A.M. • Fruit of the Poisonous Tree • Skin Deep • What Happened to Frederick • Dreamy • Red-Handed • Heart of Darkness • Hat Trick • The Stable Boy • The Return • The Stranger • An Apple Red as Blood • A Land Without Magic
Season 2
Broken • We Are Both • Lady of the Lake • The Crocodile • The Doctor • Tallahassee • Child of the Moon • Into the Deep • Queen of Hearts • The Cricket Game • The Outsider • In the Name of the Brother • Tiny • Manhattan • The Queen Is Dead • The Miller’s Daughter • Welcome to Storybrooke • Selfless, Brave and True • Lacey • The Evil Queen • Second Star to the Right • And Straight On ’til Morning
Season 3
The Heart of the Truest Believer • Lost Girl • Quite a Common Fairy • Nasty Habits • Good Form • Ariel (Episode) • Dark Hollow • Think Lovely Thoughts • Save Henry • The New Neverland • Going Home • New York City Serenade • Witch Hunt • The Tower • Quiet Minds • It’s Not Easy Being Green • The Jolly Roger • Bleeding Through • A Curious Thing • Kansas • Snow Drifts • There’s No Place Like Home
Season 4
A Tale of Two Sisters • White Out • Rocky Road • The Apprentice • Breaking Glass • Family Business • The Snow Queen • Smash the Mirror • Fall • Shattered Sight • Heroes and Villains • Darkness on the Edge of Town • Unforgiven • Enter the Dragon • Poor Unfortunate Soul • Best Laid Plans • Heart of Gold • Sympathy for the De Vil • Lily • Mother • Operation Mongoose
Season 5
The Dark Swan • The Price • Siege Perilous • The Broken Kingdom • Dreamcatcher • The Bear and the Bow • Nimue • Birth • The Bear King • Broken Heart • Swan Song • Souls of the Departed • Labor of Love • Devil’s Due • The Brothers Jones • Our Decay • Her Handsome Hero • Ruby Slippers • Sisters • Firebird • Last Rites • Only You • An Untold Story
Season 6
The Savior • A Bitter Draught • The Other Shoe • Strange Case • Street Rats • Dark Waters • Heartless • I’ll Be Your Mirror • Changelings • Wish You Were Here • Tougher Than the Rest • Murder Most Foul • Ill-Boding Patterns • Page 23 • A Wondrous Place • Mother’s Little Helper • Awake • Where Bluebirds Fly • The Black Fairy • The Song in Your Heart • The Final Battle
Season 7
Hyperion Heights • A Pirate’s Life • The Garden of Forking Paths • Beauty • Greenbacks • Wake Up Call • Eloise Gardener • Pretty in Blue • One Little Tear • The Eighth Witch • Secret Garden • A Taste of the Heights • Knightfall • The Girl in the Tower • Sisterhood • Breadcrumbs • Chosen • The Guardian • Flower Child • Is This Henry Mills? • Homecoming • Leaving Storybrooke
Down the Rabbit Hole • Trust Me • Forget Me Not • The Serpent • Heart of Stone • Who’s Alice • Bad Blood • Home • Nothing to Fear • Dirty Little Secrets • Heart of the Matter • To Catch a Thief • And They Lived…
Season 5, Episode 7
MV5BMjMyNzUyODMxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDAzNDYyNzE@. V1 .jpg
Airdate November 8, 2015
Written by Jane Espenson
Directed by Romeo Tirone
Episode Guide
The Bear and the Bow

Nimue is the seventh episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on November 8, 2015.

In this episode, Merlin helps Emma, while Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Hook, and Robin are tricked by Zelena. In Camelot’s past, Merlin falls in love with the woman who becomes the first Dark One.

View the Nimue Gallery.


Opening sequence

Middlemist flowers are scattered in the forest.

Event chronology

The first Camelot flashback about Merlin take place 1000 years before Arthur becomes king in «The Broken Kingdom» and the rest of Camelot flashbacks about Merlin take place 500 years later, before «Dreamcatcher» and 533 years before Emma comes to Camelot in «The Dark Swan». The Enchanted Forest flashbacks with Merlin and Nimue at the site of the Flame of Prometheus take place before the scene with Zoso and the Apprentice in «The Apprentice». The Enchanted Forest events take place after «The Bear and the Bow». The Storybrooke events take place after «The Bear and the Bow».

In the Characters’ Past

1,000 years earlier before «the Age of Arthur» (approximately 1,800 years before the Present Day), Merlin and a friend, Adda, were deserters from an army and were trekking through a desert, desperate for water. Merlin saw a light and ran after it, revealed to be the Holy Grail, on top of a stone. Thinking that it was sacred, Merlin initially refuses to touch it, but his friend, Abbas, disregards his warnings and decides to drink from it anyway. When his friend grabbed it, he turned to ashes. Merlin then grabbed the grail after praying to God for permission, and was able to drink from it. When he put his hand down, he realized he had magic. The desert was no more — only lush greenery and forests. 500 years later, Merlin is at a village healing people, where his apprentice informs him of a woman who escaped a burning village. Merlin meets the woman, who introduces herself as Nimue. She wants revenge on Vortigan, the masked man responsible. She also had Middlemist flowers to offer, as their survival will guarantee a form of revenge. Merlin agrees to help her and places the seeds in a planter, and he uses his magic to grow them instantly. Over the course of the next several months, they fall in love, and Merlin reveals the truth about the Grail and how he acquired magic. He expresses a wish to reforge the grail into a sword that can destroy his immortality, so that he can live a normal mortal life with Nimue as his wife. However, as they start their quest, it turns out that Vortigan has been watching them.

Nimue takes Merlin to her burnt village, Oxleigh, where they learn that Vortigan has been after the Holy Grail. They trek to the Flame of Prometheus, where Merlin uses a portion of the flame to reforge the Grail into Excalibur. Vortigan followed them in his quest for the Grail, and when he sees Excalibur, he attacks Nimue, apparently killing her, before taking Excalibur for himself. Merlin believes Nimue to be dead, and is racked by grief as Vortigan turns to him. Unexpectedly, at this point, a healthy Nimue rips out Vortigan’s heart and reveals that she had drunk from the Holy Grail, desiring power and immortality like Merlin’s, and thirsty for vengeance against Vortigan. Despite Merlin’s pleas and warning, Nimue crushes Vortigan’s heart, killing him. This allows the darkness from within Vortigan’s heart to infect her, transforming Nimue into the very first «Dark One». The Promethean Flame is extinguished to an ember, and Nimue goes on to shatter Excalibur into two pieces, in order to prevent Merlin from ending the immortality of both of them. Then, Nimue apologizes to him for her actions, but Merlin says no, that he is the one who is sorry.

In Camelot

Three weeks before the Present, Hook thinks that Merlin is not helping Emma at all, as Hook sees her making Dreamcatchers instead of sleeping now. But Merlin tells Hook that he is doing his best to help her, as he knows what it means to lose a loved one to the Dark One. Merlin tells the residents they need to acquire Excalibur from Arthur, while he takes Emma with him to the site of the Promethean Flame to acquire the spark needed to reunite Excalibur’s halves. Before they go on their mission, Hook gives Emma a necklace with a ring as reminder of their love, and as a keepsake. As Emma embarks on this quest, Merlin tells her that the quest will force her to choose between the light and darkness, which could have dire consequences for the two of them. As they reached the ruins of Oxleigh, the site of the Flame, Merlin had brought the dagger with him and gives it to Emma, in order for her to summon the oldest and darkest of the Dark Ones to obtain the Spark. As Emma looked into the dagger, its display rolls back the names of the previous Dark Ones, until they saw Nimue, who appeared to them, as she was the original Dark One. Then Nimue attacks Merlin through Emma. Nimue forces Emma’s hand to choke Merlin’s throat, with Nimue telling her to finish him off. Nimue urges Emma to kill Merlin, telling her that Merlin wants to destroy them and make her go back to being powerless, while Merlin counters by telling Emma to fight the darkness and to «let the light win.» However, Emma fights it off by telling Nimue, «I’m not nothing! I was never nothing! The power you have I don’t need!» Then, she uses the Dagger to scroll back to her name, giving her control of Nimue, before removing the Promethean Spark from Nimue’s chest. However, Nimue warns Emma that it isn’t over yet, that the reforged Excalibur «has more than one purpose,» and adds that she is still inside her head, before disappearing.

Meanwhile, the residents are coming up with plans to get into the castle and steal Excalibur, but Zelena already knew a way in, having studied the place, on the condition that her powers were restored. As Regina, Hook, David, and Robin sneak their way into the castle, Regina asked Mary Margaret to watch Zelena, with her cuff still on. At the same time, Arthur had other plans for the residents, as he showed Guinevere a potion that melts anything that it touches. It also turns out that Zelena had double crossed her fellow Storybrookers by tricking Mary Margaret with fake contractions, before knocking her out and tying her up. When they reached the Round Table, Regina freezes Arthur, and they are ready to take the sword from Arthur, only to discover that Zelena was working with Arthur and tethered Merlin to Excalibur, which now bears an inscription of his name. (This spell introduced Dark Magic into Merlin’s body.) Despite David’s pleas, Arthur uses the sword to summon Merlin. As Merlin and Emma are returning to Camelot, Emma discovers that Merlin is missing, even as he appears in front of Arthur. Arthur forces Merlin to disarm the others, but Merlin informs him that Emma had passed her test, and that he had what he needed to unite Excalibur. However, Arthur refuses to give Merlin the sword, in hopes of obtaining more glory, before ordering Merlin to make the «intruders» disappear.

In Storybrooke

In the basement, Emma has both the dagger and the sword, as the manifestations of both Rumplstiltskin, Nimue, and previous Dark Ones appear. She then uses the Promethean Spark she took from Nimue and fuses the dagger and the Excalibur fragment together, making the sword whole once again. Despite remembering Merlin’s warning not to touch Excalibur, Emma gives in to the temptation from Nimue and the other Dark One manifestations to «take the power,» and she takes control of the sword, cementing her title as the most powerful Dark One ever.


Jared S. Gilmore and Emile de Ravin were listed in the credits but were not featured in this episode.



The episode received excellent reviews.

Andrea Towers of Entertainment Weekly notes in her assessment of the review, «The moral of tonight’s Once Upon A Time might be, “Don’t play with fire.” Or perhaps it’s, “Don’t trust the man behind the curtain.” In any case, Excalibur lives! And unfortunately, so does Dark One Emma — now even more powerful and ruthless than before. For the first time since the beginning of the season, we barely spent any time in present-day Storybrooke, save for the first and last few moments of the episode. With two halves of the sword now in her possession, Emma can only see power. But Dark One Rumple claims it represents more than that — like any fairytale, it represents history. And it’s time for Excalibur’s promise, given years ago, to be fulfilled.»

In a review from Rickey.org, Nick Roman said, «Once Upon A Time served up a compelling story with “Nimue”. Granted, Merlin wasn’t the most fascinating character going into tonight’s show, but he’s far more interesting coming out of it. I’m interested to see how his character evolves, and if it evolves. I’m also far more compelled by Emma’s commitment to darkness, and whether or not it’s one big misdirect. After all, Emma has a new opponent in the form of the newly-heroic Rumplestiltskin. That’s going to be a showdown for the ages, I’d wager. Can’t wait.»

Amy Ratcliffe of IGN said of the episode, «It was obvious Nimue was going to be revealed as the first Dark One so they may as well have had Merlin say it instead of having him pull an Obi-Wan. That aside, this detour into Merlin’s backstory gave greater depth to events in the present. His close ties to the Dark One make his interactions with Emma more meaningful. A hint of what turned Emma bad would have made the last scene with Excalibur more chilling though.»n Ratcliffe gave the episode a 7.8 rating out of 10.

Gwen Ihnat of The A.V. Club gave the episode an excellent review, giving it a A-. In her recap, she gave the performances high marks: «Y’know, when I get so frustrated with OUAT, it’s because it sets a high bar up against itself. Like this episode, for example. It takes a classic myth, perfectly twists it into the show’s own purposes, and manages to be jaw-dropping in a single hour. I didn’t realize we were about to get so much out of “Nimue,” but I should have guessed once we found out that it was penned by Jane Espenson, who writes most of OUAT’s best episodes.»

Christine Orlando of TV Fanatic gave the episode a 4.4 out of 5 stars.


  • Nimue has been known in Arthur/Merlin stories as one of the names of the Lady of the Lake. She gave King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanted Merlin, and raised Lancelot after the death of his father. Nimue has been a love interest for Merlin in other shows/films.
  • In the scene where Merlin meets Nimue by the well, Merlin’s apprentice is wearing the same clothes as Mickey wears in Fantasia.
  • When Merlin and Nimue visit the ruins of Nimue’s destroyed village, Merlin says «Sometimes the sole survivor of a tragedy can feel guilty. In the future they’ll call it -» But he’s interrupted by Nimue. He was most likely going to say «Survivor’s Guilt» before he was cut off. Survivor’s Guilt is exactly what Merlin says. It’s the sensation that can sometimes happen when only one person (or a very small group of people) survive a horrible tragedy. This happens especially in cases when the victims of the tragedy are the survivor’s loved ones.
  • Nimue is the first Dark One. She’s the one who broke Excalibur. Merlin enchanted the dagger to have her name on it to control her.
  • Adam Horowitz has stated that while the captions state that the events portrayed happened 200 years ago, they actually happened 500 years ago. Which means that if there were 12 Dark Ones before Emma, there was a new Dark One approximately every 42 years. Rumple has been The Dark One much longer than most but if the others were anything like the one before Rumple none of them wanted to be The Dark One and sought someone to take over the curse.


  • When Merlin is telling Nimue about his immortality, when the camera is facing Nimue, the audio does not match up with the movement of Merlin’s jaw.
  • Merlin drank from the cup «1000 years ago,» making him immortal. Then it goes to «200 years ago» — while this is a span of 800 years, Merlin says to Nimue he drank from the cup 500 years ago.


Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: You’ll return by nightfall, right?
Emma Swan: Yes. We go get this spark thing, and then I’m working my way back to you, babe.
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: I know when you’re quoting something.
Emma Swan: And I love that you never know what it is.

Zelena: You need to sneak in so quietly no-one knows you’re there.
David Nolan: How? Hang-glider? Oh!… Giant sling-shot!
Zelena: If Sir Castic would let me speak…

Regina Mills: [Zelena is gesturing wildly] If you’re going to make a scene, you might as well make noise.
[Restores her voice]
Zelena: Oh! Thank you. I do love hearing a sensible person talk.

Zelena: You know, if you treated me fairly for once, maybe I wouldn’t turn on you.
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones: Yes, you would.
Zelena: But I’d enjoy it less.

Nimue: You’re Merlin?
Merlin: Not all wizards have long white beards.

Merlin: I see two paths for our journey, Emma. On one, you resist the darkness and we succeed. On the other, you succumb to the darkness and I do not return. I die.
Emma Swan: You die? But…
Merlin: Even immortality has exceptions. A dark one does have the power to kill me.
Emma Swan: But they won’t even be there. Not really.
[Merlin looks down]
Emma Swan: Oh. It would be me. If you died, it would be me.
Merlin: If I die, it means that you lost your battle and the darkness stained your soul. Everything and everyone that you know will be at the mercy of the most powerful dark one ever… Yourself.
Merlin: No pressure.

Merlin: That power was never meant to be a weapon!
Vortigan: Then you shouldn’t have turned it into a sword.

Season 1
Pilot • The Thing You Love Most • Snow Falls • The Price of Gold • That Still Small Voice • The Shepherd • The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter • Desperate Souls • True North • 7:15 A.M. • Fruit of the Poisonous Tree • Skin Deep • What Happened to Frederick • Dreamy • Red-Handed • Heart of Darkness • Hat Trick • The Stable Boy • The Return • The Stranger • An Apple Red as Blood • A Land Without Magic
Season 2
Broken • We Are Both • Lady of the Lake • The Crocodile • The Doctor • Tallahassee • Child of the Moon • Into the Deep • Queen of Hearts • The Cricket Game • The Outsider • In the Name of the Brother • Tiny • Manhattan • The Queen Is Dead • The Miller’s Daughter • Welcome to Storybrooke • Selfless, Brave and True • Lacey • The Evil Queen • Second Star to the Right • And Straight On ’til Morning
Season 3
The Heart of the Truest Believer • Lost Girl • Quite a Common Fairy • Nasty Habits • Good Form • Ariel (Episode) • Dark Hollow • Think Lovely Thoughts • Save Henry • The New Neverland • Going Home • New York City Serenade • Witch Hunt • The Tower • Quiet Minds • It’s Not Easy Being Green • The Jolly Roger • Bleeding Through • A Curious Thing • Kansas • Snow Drifts • There’s No Place Like Home
Season 4
A Tale of Two Sisters • White Out • Rocky Road • The Apprentice • Breaking Glass • Family Business • The Snow Queen • Smash the Mirror • Fall • Shattered Sight • Heroes and Villains • Darkness on the Edge of Town • Unforgiven • Enter the Dragon • Poor Unfortunate Soul • Best Laid Plans • Heart of Gold • Sympathy for the De Vil • Lily • Mother • Operation Mongoose
Season 5
The Dark Swan • The Price • Siege Perilous • The Broken Kingdom • Dreamcatcher • The Bear and the Bow • Nimue • Birth • The Bear King • Broken Heart • Swan Song • Souls of the Departed • Labor of Love • Devil’s Due • The Brothers Jones • Our Decay • Her Handsome Hero • Ruby Slippers • Sisters • Firebird • Last Rites • Only You • An Untold Story
Season 6
The Savior • A Bitter Draught • The Other Shoe • Strange Case • Street Rats • Dark Waters • Heartless • I’ll Be Your Mirror • Changelings • Wish You Were Here • Tougher Than the Rest • Murder Most Foul • Ill-Boding Patterns • Page 23 • A Wondrous Place • Mother’s Little Helper • Awake • Where Bluebirds Fly • The Black Fairy • The Song in Your Heart • The Final Battle
Season 7
Hyperion Heights • A Pirate’s Life • The Garden of Forking Paths • Beauty • Greenbacks • Wake Up Call • Eloise Gardener • Pretty in Blue • One Little Tear • The Eighth Witch • Secret Garden • A Taste of the Heights • Knightfall • The Girl in the Tower • Sisterhood • Breadcrumbs • Chosen • The Guardian • Flower Child • Is This Henry Mills? • Homecoming • Leaving Storybrooke
Down the Rabbit Hole • Trust Me • Forget Me Not • The Serpent • Heart of Stone • Who’s Alice • Bad Blood • Home • Nothing to Fear • Dirty Little Secrets • Heart of the Matter • To Catch a Thief • And They Lived…


По сериалу «Cursed» и графическому роману Фрэнка Миллера и Тома Уилера


По сериалу «Cursed» и графическому роману Фрэнка Миллера и Тома Уилера



2    2    0

Ведьма Волчьей Крови, Королева фейри, Владычица Озера. Главная героиня сериала и графического романа. Дочь Мерлина-волшебника и Леноры, впоследствии Верховной жрицы Небесного клана фейри. Предположительно погибла в 10 серии 1 сезона.

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Монах двадцать пять лет считал, что его душа — твердь, на вкус отдающая железом, потому что крови в его судьбе не по локоть, нет, крови по самый кадык — ещё десять сантиметров или трупов и захлебнётся в ней. Автор: elena_mint

Фандом: Проклятая

Персонажи: Плачущий Монах (Ланселот), Нимуэ, Белка (Персиваль)
Рейтинг: PG-13

Жанры: Hurt/comfort, Драма

Размер: Мини | 13 Кб

Статус: Закончен

Предупреждения: ООС


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Он знал про нее все.
Он был единственным, кто действительно знал ее настоящую.
Какая ирония, что столь глубокая связь возникла между убийцей и его жертвой.
Автор: Леди Люцифера

Фандом: Проклятая

Персонажи: Плачущий Монах (Ланселот), Нимуэ
Рейтинг: PG-13

Жанры: Ангст, Драма, AU

Размер: Мини | 7 Кб

Статус: Закончен

Предупреждения: Насилие, Читать без знания канона можно, Смерть персонажа

События: Криминал, Смерть главных героев


7-й эпизод пятого сезона сериала «Однажды в сказке»

«Нимуэ «
Однажды в сказке серия
Nimue Once Upon a Time.jpg
Эпизод №160>Сезон 5. Эпизод 7
Режиссер Ромео Тироне
Автор Джейн Эспенсон
Код производства 507
Дата выхода в эфир 8 ноября 2015 г. (2015-11-08)
Появление (а) гостя
  • Беверли Эллиот как Бабушка / Вдова Лукас
  • Кэролайн Форд в роли Нимуэ
  • Лиам Гарриган в роли Король Артур
  • Эллиот Найт в роли Мерлин
  • Джоана Метрасс как Королева Гвиневра
  • Даррен Мур как Вортиган
  • Грэм Верчер как молодой ученик
Хронология эпизодов
← Предыдущая . «Медведь и лук « Следующая →. «Рождение «
Однажды в сказке (сезон 5)
Список эпизодов Однажды в сказке

«Нимуэ »- седьмой эпизод пятого сезона американской фантастической драмы. сериал Однажды в сказке, вышедший в эфир 8 ноября 2015 года.

В этом эпизоде ​​Мерлин помогает Эмме, а Регине, Мэри Маргарет, Дэвиду, Крюку и Робин обмануты Зелиной. В прошлом Камелота Мерлин влюбляется в женщину, которая становится первой Темным.


  • 1 Сюжет
    • 1.1 Вступительная последовательность
    • 1.2 Хронология событий
    • 1.3 В прошлом персонажей
    • 1.4 В Камелоте
    • 1.5 В Сторибруке
  • 2 Производство
  • 3 Прием
    • 3.1 Отзывы
  • 4 Примечания
  • 5 Ссылки
  • 6 Внешние links


Вступительная последовательность

Цветы Миддлмиста разбросаны по лесу.

Хронология событий

Первое воспоминание Камелота о Мерлине происходит за 1000 лет до того, как Артур становится королем в «Разбитом королевстве », и происходят остальные воспоминания Камелота о Мерлине. 500 лет спустя, до «Ловец снов » и за 533 года до того, как Эмма приходит в Камелот в «Темный лебедь ». Воспоминания «Зачарованный лес» с Мерлином и Нимуэ на месте Пламени Прометея происходят перед сценой с Зосо и Учеником в «Ученик ». События Зачарованного леса происходят после «Медведя и лука». События Сторибрука происходят после «Медведя и лука».

В прошлом персонажей

за 1000 лет до «эпохи Артура» (примерно за 1033 года до наших дней) Мерлин и его друг Адда были дезертирами из армии и были треккинг через пустыню, отчаянно нуждающийся в воде. Мерлин увидел свет и побежал за ним, который оказался Святым Граалем на вершине камня. Думая, что это священно, Мерлин сначала отказывается прикасаться к нему, но его друг, Аббас, игнорирует его предупреждения и все равно решает выпить из него. Когда его друг схватил его, он обратился в пепел. Затем Мерлин схватил Грааль, помолившись Богу о разрешении, и смог пить из него. Когда он опустил руку, он понял, что обладает магией. Пустыни больше не было — только пышная зелень и леса. 500 лет спустя Мерлин оказывается в деревне, исцеляя людей, где его ученик сообщает ему о женщине, сбежавшей из горящей деревни. Мерлин встречает женщину, которая представляется как Нимуэ. Она хочет отомстить Вортигану, ответственному за это человеку в маске. У нее также были цветы Миддлмиста, так как их выживание гарантирует форму мести. Мерлин соглашается помочь ей и помещает семена в сеялку, и он использует свою магию, чтобы вырастить их мгновенно. В течение следующих нескольких месяцев они влюбляются, и Мерлин раскрывает правду о Граале и о том, как он приобрел магию. Он выражает желание превратить Грааль в меч, который может разрушить его бессмертие, чтобы он мог жить нормальной смертной жизнью с Нимуэ в качестве его жены. Однако, когда они начинают поиски, оказывается, что Вортиган наблюдал за ними.

Нимуэ берет Мерлина в свою сожженную деревню, Оксли, где они узнают, что Вортиган искал Святой Грааль. Они отправляются к Пламени Прометея, где Мерлин использует часть пламени, чтобы превратить Грааль в Экскалибур. Вортиган последовал за ними в поисках Грааля, и когда он видит Экскалибур, он нападает на Нимуэ, очевидно убивая ее, прежде чем забрать Экскалибур себе. Мерлин считает, что Нимуэ мертва, и терзается горем, когда Вортиган поворачивается к нему. Неожиданно в этот момент здоровая Нимуэ вырывает сердце Вортигана и показывает, что она напилась Святого Грааля, желая силы и бессмертия, как у Мерлина, и жаждет мести Вортигану. Несмотря на мольбы и предупреждения Мерлина, Нимуэ сокрушает сердце Вортигана, убивая его. Это позволяет тьме из сердца Вортигана заразить ее, превратив Нимуэ в самого первого «Темного». Пламя Прометея гаснет дотла, и Нимуэ разбивает Экскалибур на две части, чтобы не дать Мерлину положить конец бессмертию их обоих. Затем Нимуэ извиняется перед ним за свои действия, но Мерлин говорит нет, что это он сожалеет.

В Камелоте

За три недели до настоящего, Крюк думает, что Мерлин совсем не помогает Эмме, поскольку Крюк видит, что она создает Ловцов снов вместо того, чтобы спать сейчас (она не может спать и вместо этого делает Ловцов снов. ; Темным сон не нужен). Но Мерлин говорит Крюку, что делает все возможное, чтобы помочь ей, поскольку он знает, что значит потерять любимого человека из-за Темного. Мерлин говорит жителям, что им нужно приобрести Экскалибур у Артура, в то время как он берет Эмму с собой на место Прометеевского Пламени, чтобы получить искру, необходимую для воссоединения половин Экскалибура. Перед тем, как они отправятся на свою миссию, Крюк дарит Эмме ожерелье с кольцом как напоминание об их любви и на память. Когда Эмма приступает к этому квесту, Мерлин говорит ей, что квест заставит ее выбирать между светом и тьмой, что может иметь ужасные последствия для них двоих. Когда они достигли руин Оксли, места Пламени, Мерлин принес кинжал с собой и отдал его Эмме, чтобы та могла призвать самого старого и самого темного из Темных и получить Искру. Когда Эмма смотрела в кинжал, на его дисплее откатывались имена предыдущих Темных, пока они не увидели Нимуэ, которая являлась им, поскольку она была первоначальной Темной. Затем Нимуэ атакует Мерлина через Эмму. Нимуэ заставляет руку Эммы душить Мерлина горло, и Нимуэ говорит ей прикончить его. Нимуэ убеждает Эмму убить Мерлина, говоря ей, что Мерлин хочет уничтожить их и заставить ее снова стать бессильной, в то время как Мерлин возражает, говоря Эмме, чтобы она сражалась с тьмой и «позволила свету победить». Однако Эмма борется с этим, говоря Нимуэ: «Я не ничто! Я никогда не была ничем! Твоя сила мне не нужна!» Затем она использует Кинжал, чтобы вернуться к своему имени, давая ей контроль над Нимуэ, прежде чем удалить Прометейскую Искру из груди Нимуэ. Тем не менее, Нимуэ предупреждает Эмму, что это еще не конец, что перекованный Экскалибур «преследует несколько целей», и добавляет, что она все еще находится в ее голове, прежде чем исчезнуть.

Тем временем жители придумывают планы проникнуть в замок и украсть Экскалибур, но Зелина уже знала путь внутрь, изучив место, при условии, что ее силы будут восстановлены. Пока Реджина, Крюк, Дэвид и Робин пробираются в замок, Реджина попросила Мэри Маргарет наблюдать за Зеленой с наручниками. В то же время у Артура были другие планы относительно жителей, так как он показал Гвиневере зелье, плавящее все, к чему прикасается. Также выясняется, что Зелина дважды скрестила своих товарищей по Сторибруку, обманув Мэри Маргарет с помощью фальшивых схваток, прежде чем нокаутировать ее и связать. Когда они достигли Круглого стола, Реджина замораживает Артура, и они готовы забрать меч у Артура, только чтобы обнаружить, что Зелина работала с Артуром и привязала Мерлина к Экскалибуру, на котором теперь есть надпись его имени. (Это заклинание ввело Темную Магию в тело Мерлина.) Несмотря на просьбы Дэвида, Артур использует меч, чтобы вызвать Мерлина. Когда Мерлин и Эмма возвращаются в Камелот, Эмма обнаруживает, что Мерлин пропал, даже когда он появляется перед Артуром. Артур вынуждает Мерлина разоружить остальных, но Мерлин сообщает ему, что Эмма прошла испытание и что у него есть все, что ему нужно, чтобы объединить Экскалибур. Однако Артур отказывается отдать Мерлину меч в надежде получить больше славы, прежде чем приказать Мерлину заставить «злоумышленников» исчезнуть.

В Сторибруке

В подвале у Эммы есть и кинжал, и меч, поскольку появляются проявления Румпльштильцхена, Нимуэ и предыдущих Темных. Затем она использует Прометейскую Искру, которую взяла у Нимуэ, и соединяет кинжал и фрагмент Экскалибура вместе, делая меч снова целым. Несмотря на то, что Мерлин помнит предупреждение не касаться Экскалибура, Эмма поддается искушению Нимуэ и других проявлений Темного «взять власть», и она берет под свой контроль меч, укрепляя свой титул самого могущественного Темного из когда-либо существовавших.


Джаред С. Гилмор и Эмиль де Рэвин были указаны в титрах, но не были показаны в этом эпизоде.



Эпизод получил отличные отзывы.

Андреа Тауэрс из Entertainment Weekly отмечает в своей оценке обзора: «Мораль сегодняшнего« Однажды в сказке »может быть такой:« Не играй с огнем ». Или, возможно, это: «Не доверяй человеку за занавеской». В любом случае, Экскалибур жив! И, к сожалению, тоже живет Темная Эмма — теперь еще более могущественная и беспощадная, чем раньше. Впервые с начала сезона мы практически не проводили времени в нынешнем Сторибруке, за исключением первые и последние несколько моментов эпизода. Теперь, когда в ее руках две половинки меча, Эмма может видеть только силу. Но Темный Румпель утверждает, что он представляет собой нечто большее — как и любая сказка, он представляет историю. И пришло время для Экскалибура. обещание, данное много лет назад, должно быть выполнено ».

В обзоре с сайта Rickey.org Ник Роман сказал:« Однажды в сказке с «Нимуэ» была подана захватывающая история. Конечно, Мерлин не был самый увлекательный персонаж из сегодняшнего шоу, но он намного интереснее выходит из него. Мне интересно посмотреть, как развивается его персонаж, и будет ли он развиваться. Меня также гораздо больше вдохновляет приверженность Эммы тьме и то, или нет, это одна большая ошибка. В конце концов, у Эммы появился новый противник в виде новогероического Румпельштильцхена. Бьюсь об заклад, это будет битва на века. Не могу дождаться ».

Эми Рэтклифф из IGN сказала об этом эпизоде:« Было очевидно, что Нимуэ станет первым Темным, так что у них, возможно, был Мерлин. скажи это вместо того, чтобы заставить его тянуть Оби-Вана. Кроме того, этот поворот в предысторию Мерлина придает большую глубину событиям настоящего. Его тесные связи с Темным делают его взаимодействие с Эммой более значимым. Намек на то, что испортило Эмму, сделало бы последнюю сцену с Экскалибуром еще более пугающей ». Рэтклифф дал серию оценку 7,8 из 10.

Гвен Игнат из AV Club дала этот эпизод получил отличную оценку, поставив ему пятерку. В своем резюме она высоко оценила выступления: «Знаешь, когда я так расстраиваюсь из-за OUAT, это потому, что он устанавливает высокую планку против самого себя. Например, как этот эпизод. Он берет классический миф, идеально воплощает его в собственных целях шоу и умудряется стать потрясающим за один час. Я не понимал, что мы собираемся получить так много от «Нимуэ», но я должен был догадаться, как только мы узнали, что она написана Джейн Эспенсон, которая пишет большинство лучших эпизодов OUAT ».

Кристин Орландо из TV Fanatic дала эпизоду 4,4 из 5 звезд.



Внешние ссылки

  • «Нимуэ» на IMDb
  • «Nimue» на TV.com

  • Никуда не денемся как пишется
  • Нимало не беспокоиться как пишется
  • Никуда не гоже как пишется
  • Нилус полное собрание сочинений
  • Никуда не годится как пишется