О чем рассказ служанки вкратце

Книга «Рассказ служанки», принадлежащее перу канадской писательницы Маргарет Этвуд, ярко освещает экологические и социальные проблемы, ожидающие все население Земли в недалеком будущем. Население планеты уже в начале ХХI века ощущает на себе все последствия неразумного хозяйствования человека. Экологическая катастрофа отразилась не только на флоре и фауне Земли, но и на способности женщин к воспроизведению рода. Глубокий смысл книги «Рассказ служанки» заключается в том, что писательница честно и открыто говорит о проблемах женщин, об их социальном положении и неравенстве полов, которое пока еще невозможно уничтожить даже в самом прогрессивном обществе.

Реальность без прикрас

Книги о смысле жизни, к которым можно отнести и данный роман, заставляют задуматься о целях жизни, о выборе правильного пути, о мировоззрении. А порой заставляют пересмотреть свою социальную позицию.

Герои книги «Рассказ служанки» — это, прежде всего, женщины, а вернее одна женщина Фредова (ее фамилия символична — принадлежащая Фреду). Она не совсем служанка, а скорее суррогатная мать, которая вынашивает ребенка для богатой и высокопоставленной пары.

Интересно! Первая книга вышла в свет в 1985 году, а продолжение только спустя 15 лет. В 1990 году на экраны вышел одноименный фильм, а в 2017 году – сериал «Рассказ служанки» по мотивам книги.

Краткое содержание

Книга написана в форме дневника от имени главной героини. У нее отняли ее настоящее имя, теперь она только Фредова. У нее одно единственной назначение — родить здорового ребенка для своих хозяев.

В мире победившего теократического тоталитаризма женщины не имеют никаких прав. Они не могут учиться и думать, мечтать и творить. Женщины – это просто сосуды для вынашивания детей. Воспроизводство себе подобных – их единственный удел.

Служанка Фредова описывает в своем дневнике день за днем. Она живет, чувствует, думает, страдает. Ее мысли скорбные, тяжелые, безрадостные. Женщина тоскует о прежних временах, когда она была свободной и на что-то надеялась.

Немного о героях книги:

  • Служанка- главное действующее лицо, именно ее чувства и мысли мы узнаем по мере чтения;
  • Командор – глава дома, от которого и нужно родить здорового младенца,
  • Жена Командора- бесплодная женщина, которая молча ждет и терпит;
  • Домочадцы в доме Командора, подчиняющиеся одному владыке.

Интересно! Автор книги Маргарет Этвуд во время съемок сериала постоянно присутствовала на съемочной площадке и даже снялась в небольшом эпизоде.

книга рассказ служанки

Объяснение сюжета

В романе очень мало действия, но много размышлений и рассуждений. Это произведение оставляет несколько гнетущее впечатление. Критики называют эту книгу антиутопией, причем феминистической антиутопией.

Женщины уже несколько столетий борются за свои права. Но, по мнению автора, получается, что в недалеком будущем представительницы слабого пола эти права совершенно утратят. На них будут смотреть только как на живой инкубатор, не владеющий собственными желания и мечтами. Служанка Фредова обязана родить здорового ребенка для бесплодной богатой женщины. В этом заключается ее главное предназначение. Автор порой позволяет себе резке высказывания. Но только таким образом можно показать боль и отчаяние бесправных людей, их тревогу и страх перед властью и законом.

Смысл книги «Рассказ служанки» нельзя уловить с первых страниц. Объяснить замысел писательницы можно, прочитав книгу до конца. Книги со смыслом не дают прямых ответов на все вопросы, которые ставит общество перед людьми, но заставляет читателей самостоятельно искать эти ответы.

В чем суть концовки

Чем же закончилась книга «Рассказ служанки»? В первых главах книги женщина, главная героиня, гордая, пылкая, пытается протестовать против существующего положения вещей. В конце она превращается в забитую, покорную серую массу, одну из миллионов, которых запугивают служители закона.

Смысл книги «Рассказ служанки» не лежит на поверхности, но внимательный читатель поймет: писательница говорит о том, что следует ценить то, что имеешь, жить сегодняшним днем и находить радость в самых простых вещах. Ведь никто не знает, что произойдет завтра и, может быть, все станет еще хуже.

Цитаты из книг со смыслом всегда указывают на позицию автора. Например, в начале романа служанка думает, что она живет и дышит и это не кара, не наказание, но чествование. Таким способом она самоутверждается.

А вот в конце произведения она смиренна, сравнивает себя с мебелью. Где – то в глубине души женщина еще хочет сопротивляться, но ее воля подавлена установленными правилами и законами.

Идея романа чрезвычайно актуальна в наше время, когда много говорят о правах человека, но постоянно их нарушают. И хотя писательница не дает решения этой проблемы, читатели должны решить каждый для себя, на какой они стороне.

15 сентября, почти через год после окончания четвертого сезона, «Рассказ служанки» вернется с пятым. С тех пор в мире случилось достаточно событий, чтобы темные пророчества шоу стали реальнее. Вспоминаем, что было в предыдущих сериях.

Сериал сняли по мотивам одноименной дистопии Маргарет Этвуд — одного из самых знаменитых фантастических произведений, написанных женщинами. Она же одна из самых успешных — продолжение «Рассказа служанки», роман «Заветы», получил Букеровскую премию в 2019 году. За 5 лет эфира «Рассказ служанки» Hulu получил 75 номинаций на «Эмми» и в пятнадцати из них выиграл. А красные платья служанок стали новым феминистским символом: активистки используют их по всему миру каждый раз, когда права женщин (опять!) пытаются ограничить. «Каждый, кто видит женщин в красном, знает, что они имеют в виду — хоть в Ирландии, хоть в Аргентине, хоть в Аризоне», — говорила Этвуд в интервью The Guardian.

Драма буксовала во втором и третьем сезонах, но шоураннеры учли критику: последний сезон уходит от изображения натуралистичного насилия в сторону психологического триллера, сюжет которого двигают дилеммы. У пятого сезона есть шанс закрепить успех четвертого: судя по трейлеру, нас ждет напряженное, эмоционально заряженное противостояние двух главных героинь Гилеада — бывшей служанки Джун и ее бывшей госпожи Яснорады. В преддверии первых серий вспоминаем, что происходило в тоталитарной республике в первых четырех сезонах сериала.

В догилеадские времена Джун Осборн была редакторкой в одной из бостонских газет, счастливой матерью и любящей женой. Захватив власть, христианские фундаменталисты сделали Джун служанкой: формально потому, что та вышла замуж за прежде женатого мужчину; реально потому, что могла выносить ребенка. Вокруг Джун, которую в первых сезонах гораздо чаще называют Фредовой (Of Fred, то есть «принадлежащая Фреду»), и строится все повествование: основная интрига — когда и как именно она разрушит Гилеад. Одна или нет, внутри страны или за ее пределами, жестко или не очень — пока неизвестно.

Дом командора Фреда Уотерфорда стал первым «назначением» Джун (формально нет, но о предыдущем командоре служанки мы практически ничего не знаем; в сериале его не показывают). Уотерфорд — холодный, скользкий тип, способный на самые чудовищные пытки и насилие. А еще он важная фигура в режиме Гилеада, правда, из сериала неясно, чем именно он занимается в Совете. Но точно известно, что именно Фред был одним из тех, кто командовал вооруженным восстанием в США, в результате которого власть и захватили радикалы-христиане. В пятом сезоне его не будет: Джун убила его в финале четвертого.

Яснорада Уотерфорд сформировала ультраконсервативную идеологию Гилеада, описав свои идеи в книге под названием «A Woman’s Place» («Место женщины»), которые получили название domestic feminism («домашний феминизм»): безоговорочное подчинение мужчине, фертильность как национальный ресурс, рождение ребенка как моральный императив. В сериале Яснорада — одна из самых интересных антагонисток; спустя четыре сезона все еще не вполне ясно, что именно ею движет: природная злоба, искреннее заблуждение или нестерпимое желание иметь собственного ребенка (или все перечисленное одновременно).

Одна из главных злодеек — сериальных теток, которые совмещают в себе роли надзирательниц и политруков для новоприбывших служанок. В третьем сезоне становится известно, что жизнь Лидии Клементс в США не была счастливой: она работала учительницей начальных классов и занималась семейным правом, но своих детей у нее так и не появилось. Весь свой потенциал Лидия раскрывает, только став теткой в Гилеаде: именно она отвечает за самые жестокие и изощренные пытки — от регулярных избиений электрошокером до вырезания глаз и закидываний камнями.

Служанка, с которой мы знакомимся в самом начале сериале и за жизнью которой следим до сих пор. До Гилеада Джанин уже воспитывала одного ребенка, но в какой-то момент забеременела вторым и сделала аборт, за что христианские сектанты и обратили ее в служанку. В первой же серии первого сезона Джанин лишается глаза как раз по настоянию тетки Лидии, которая так решила перевоспитать упрямицу. Но жизнь в тоталитарной республике не озлобила служанку. Совсем наоборот, Джанин — пример эмпатии и человечности даже там, где это напрямую запрещено законом.

Охранник Уотерфорда, который довольно быстро сделал карьеру в военизированном Гилеаде: в конце четвертого сезона Блейн — один из самых влиятельных командоров. Ник не боится играть в двойную игру, втайне помогая гилеадскому сопротивлению «Мэйдэй». Движет им любовь к Джун и их общему ребенку Николь, но что будет с ним в пятом сезоне, даже предположить трудно: в трейлере о Нике не сказано ни слова.

Ретроспектива переворота

Повествование в первом сезоне нелинейное: зритель одновременно следит и за историей Джун и других служанок в Гилеаде, и за событиями, которые предшествовали появлению тоталитарного государства. Коротко ее пересказывает тетка Лидия в первой серии. Из-за экологического коллапса только одна женщина из ста может выносить и родить здорового ребенка. В США в это время приходит к власти христианская экстремистская группировка, которая называет себя «Сыны Иакова». Их представление о христианстве зиждется на ветхозаветной Библии, к которой добавили тоталитарный образ жизни — так то, что осталось от США, начинает жить по принципу «запрещено все, что не приказано».

Повествование намекает, что американцы (и, что даже точнее, американки) сами допустили усиление сектантов, когда протестам против закручивания гаек предпочитали жить «вне политики». Гилеад не щадит никого: профессорка цитологии Эмили, редакторка Джун, юристки, экономистки и многие другие становятся служанками, вопреки своей воле и вне зависимости от участия в сопротивлении тоталитарному режиму. История становления Гилеада в первом сезоне показана от лица разных людей, но в первую очередь, конечно, мы следим за ней глазами Джун.

Красный центр

После того как женщину обрекают быть служанкой, ее доставляют в Красный центр (официально Центр Рахиль и Лии) — распределительный лагерь, где все они проходят идеологическую обработку. Кому-то, как подруге Джун, Мойре, удается оттуда сбежать: женщины вместе напали на одну из теток, отобрали ее наряд и, переодев в него Мойру, попытались уехать в Бостон; Мойре удалось, Джун ловят в последний момент и избивают ступни плетьми — так, что те оставляют красные кровавые пятна. Кому-то везет еще меньше. Джанин, которая дерзила тетке Лидии на первом же сеансе промывки мозгов, вырезают глаз. Их жизнь не становится лучше, когда из Красного центра женщин отправляют к их «хозяевам» — командорам, где те превращаются натурально в матки на ножках. Служанке Эмили отрезали клитор, когда узнали, что у нее завязался роман с марфой (помощницей по хозяйству), саму марфу повесили.

Знакомство с Уотерфордами

Огромная часть первого сезона снята в доме командора Уотерфорда и его жены Яснорады. Джун сталкивается с чудовищным отношением и регулярными ритуальными изнасилованиями — так называемыми церемониями, в результате которых служанки должны забеременеть. У Джун не получилось с первого раза, тогда Яснорада ее избила (и имела на это полное право: служанки в Гилеаде — такая же собственность, как мебель или посуда). При этом командор и его жена, как и другие власть имущие, в международных отношениях выставляют Гилеад страной всеобщего счастья, раем на земле и обителью духа. Впрочем, мало кто обманывается, даже у расположенной мексиканской делегации не остается никаких вопросов к порядкам Гилеада, после того как Джун правдиво и искренне о них рассказывает.

Беременность Джун

Яснорада подозревает, что ее муж Фред Уотерфорд может быть бесплоден. Ни она, ни другая служанка не смогли от него забеременеть. Тогда она решает пойти на преступление даже по меркам Гилеада: миссис Уотерфорд приказывает Джун переспать с их охранником Ником, чтобы она забеременела от него, выносила ребенка и отдала его на воспитание Уотерфордам. Вместе с тем у Джун и Ника завязывается настоящий роман; однажды она ночью пробирается к нему в дом, чтобы заняться нормальным, а не протокольным сексом. Джун в итоге беременеет, и именно Ника потом и представляют как отца ребенка.

Элизабет Мосс

Первая попытка побега

Во время осмотра в больнице Джун предпринимает первую попытку побега. Она находит в ботинке ключ и через секретный ход покидает больницу, спрятавшись в фургоне с мясом. Джун оказывается в бывшем здании редакции Boston Globe, где проводит месяцы в ожидании удачного момента для побега из Гилеада. Служанка встречает на своем пути мусульманина Омара, который прячет ее в своей квартире — как выяснится позже, ценой собственной жизни. От него Джун бежит к взлетно-посадочной полосе, где ее ждал самолет, но безуспешно: самолет сбили, пилота расстреляли, Джун вернули Уотерфордам.

Вторая попытка побега

К концу второго сезона Джун уже на большом сроке беременности. У нее начинаются ложные схватки, которые Уотерфорды принимают за роды. Разозлившись, что служанка не разродилась, Фред при помощи Яснорады снова насилует ее, а позже, видимо, почувствовав какое-то подобие стыда, устраивает встречу Джун с ее первой дочерью Ханной, которую теперь зовут Агнес. Фредовой удается спрятаться, потом она пытается уехать на машине, но опять без результата. У нее действительно начинаются роды, и Джун рожает вторую девочку, которую называет Холли.

Вывоз Николь из Гилеада

Дочь Джун достается Яснораде, и жена командора начинает переживать за будущее ребенка: Уотерфорд решает выступить перед советом и попросить разрешения учить девочек грамоте, закончив свое выступление чтением Библии. Женщинам в Гилеаде запрещено читать, и этот запрет — один из самых суровых. За чтение отрубают палец; Яснорада лишилась мизинца. В какой-то момент репрессивная машина Гилеада снова дает сбой, и Джун снова получает шанс сбежать , на этот раз не одна, а с Холли, которую Уотерфорды назвали Николь. Джун встречает свою первую напарницу Эмили, которую вернули из радиоактивных колоний и сделали Джозефовой, приписав командору Джозефу Лоуренсу. Несмотря на его огромное влияние в Гилеаде, Джозефа сложно назвать благочестивым командором: он не совершает церемоний, и он же помогает Эмили сбежать из Гилеада. Джун отдает ей ребенка, но сама не уезжает: она должна забрать Ханну.

Элизабет Мосс

Смерть Мэттьевой

В начале третьего сезона Джун получает новое назначение (служанку определяют Джозефу Лоуренсу) и новую напарницу, набожную Мэттьеву. Она полная противоположность Джозефовой: Мэттьева истово молится и буквально жаждет как можно скорее стать матерью, чтобы «исполнить предназначение», пока Джун готовит подпольное сопротивление. В то же время Яснорада рассказывает бывшей служанке, где сейчас находится ее старшая дочь, и Джун разрабатывает план «похищения» ребенка. Об этом узнает беременная Мэттьева и сдает напарницу тетке Лидии, после чего Ханна-Агнес и ее приемная семья уезжают в неизвестном направлении. Но психика Мэттьевой тоже сдает, и служанка нападает на Джанин, которую в третьем сезоне зовут Говардовой. Мэттьева выхватывает пистолет у хранителя, за что получает пулю в плечо: служанка с кровопотерей попадает в больницу. Там врачи спасают ребенка, о жизни Мэттьевой речь уже не идет.

Предательство Яснорады

Уотерфорд, которая фактически отпустила Джун с Николь из дома, начинает сожалеть о своем поступке и решает вернуть ее из Канады в Гилеад. Чтобы встретиться с «дочерью», Яснорада летит в Канаду, где получает предложение стать беженкой и не возвращаться на родину. Яснорада отказывается и летит обратно, чтобы потом вновь оказаться в Канаде, на этот раз с мужем Фредом. Яснорада сдает его как преступника канадским властям, взамен получив от них свободу и возможность видеться с Николь. Правда, ее свобода оказывается недолгой: Фред выдвигает встречные обвинения, из-за которых Яснораду тоже арестовывают.

Спасение 86 детей

Джун готовит новый план — вывезти из Гилеада как можно больше детей. Она пробирается в бордель под названием «Иезавель» и подговаривает помочь бармена Билли, который контрабандистом летает в Канаду. Служанка также подговаривает других марф и служанок помочь ей, и в назначенное время все они собираются в доме у командора Лоуренса. Джун и другие служанки ведут детей через лес к самолету, по пути столкнувшись с отрядом военных. Операция по спасению детей заканчивается успешно, и самолет, до отказа набитый мальчиками и девочками, улетает в Канаду. Фантастически, даже нереалистично сложная акция Джун заканчивается для нее огнестрельным ранением в плечо. В Канаде же самолет встречают спасатели, медики, журналисты и родители отобранных детей.

Элизабет Мосс и Мадлен Брюэр

Побег на ферму

Скрываясь от последствий своей дерзкой операции, Джун, Джанин и другие служанки приходят на ферму, где живут командор Кис и его молодая жена Эстер. Кис слишком стар, чтобы принимать хоть какие-то решения. Эстер же зажигается сопротивлением Джун и мечтает помочь той свергнуть режим Гилеада. Пока Джун восстанавливается от ранения, зрители узнают жуткую историю жены командора: ее насиловали чуть ли не все половозрелые мужчины в радиусе многих километров, поскольку ее муж не мог уже стать отцом. Джун узнает, что неподалеку от их фермы есть еще один бордель, и проворачивает там дело: вместе с подельницами они отравили командоров на вечеринке, которую те закатили перед уходом на фронт. Но в то же время оканчивается их спокойная жизнь на ферме. Вернувшись из борделя, Джун обнаруживает, что служанок выследили, все они вместе с Эстер пропали.

Побег из Красного центра

Джун снова оказывается в Красном центре, который с первого сезона сильно изменился: теперь это не только воспитательно-распределительный центр, но и профессионально оборудованная пыточная. Тетка Лидия и ее прислужники именно пытками пытаются выяснить, куда ушли служанки; Джун стоически переносит их, но ломается, когда ей намекают, что, если та не расколется, они навредят ее дочери Ханне. Служанок ловят, чтобы потом назначить в новое место в Гилеаде — колонию беременных женщин, которые все свободное время заняты работой. По какому-то странному стечению обстоятельств их везут туда в компании только вооруженного водителя и тетки Лидии с электрошокером. Женщинам везет — их машина встает на железнодорожном переезде, они пользуются моментом и сбегают. Правда, из пяти служанок выживают только две — Джун и Джанин успевают перебежать железнодорожные пути, в то время как их напарниц на полном ходу сбивает поезд.

Побег в Чикаго

Джун и Джанин бегут в Чикаго, спрятавшись в вагоне с молоком. По пути их поезд атакуют члены сепаратистского отряда. Формально бывшие служанки оказываются на свободе, но свободной их жизнь не назвать: они зависимы от милости руководителя отряда, от скромных запасов еды и воды. Джун решает двигаться дальше, Джанин сомневается, но в итоге тоже покидает временное пристанище. Добравшись до Чикаго, они попадают под бомбежку города силами Гилеада, Джун от взрывов теряет сознание.

Побег в Канаду

Джун среди завалов находит ее давняя подруга Мойра, которая приехала на оккупированную территорию с гуманитарной миссией из Канады. Она обманом проводит ее на корабль, которым командует ее возлюбленная, прямо запретившая забирать беглую служанку из Гилеада. Чтобы пройти паспортный контроль, Джун притворяется участницей кампании, и пограничники Гилеада, конечно же, не узнают в ней самую разыскиваемую женщину тоталитарной страны.

В Канаде Джун встречается с мужем Люком, дочерью Николь, марфой Ритой, с которой она жила у Уотерфордов, Эмили и другими подругами из прошлой жизни. Сбежавшая служанка становится одной из ключевых свидетельниц в деле против командора Уотерфорда. Позже она понимает, что ее показания используют в непонятной для нее политической игре, а Уотерфорд может получить свободу, когда расскажет больше о том, как устроен Гилеад. Джун встречается с Лоуренсом и договаривается об обмене командора на 23 осужденных по разным «преступлениям» женщин в Гилеаде. Но Уотерфорду не суждено оказаться на родине: на границе во время обмена пленными Джун убивает его.

Ивонн Страховски

Что мы знаем о пятом сезоне?

Первая серия пятого сезона выйдет 15 сентября. В России смотрите ее на more.tv и на Кинопоиске в Плюсе c more.tv. Этим летом Верховный суд США отменил решение по делу «Роу против Уэйда», которое гарантировало американкам в любом штате безусловное право на аборт. Красные робы и белые «крылышки» (так в сериале называют характерный головной убор служанок) были и остаются ярким символом активистской борьбы за равный доступ к абортам, но большой вопрос, проявится ли сверхактуальный американский контекст и усиление репродуктивного давления в сериале (скорее всего, нет — просто потому, что к маю, когда Politico опубликовал черновик решения Верховного суда, продакшен сериала был завершен).

Что будет с героями «Рассказа служанки»?

Трейлер намекает, что основной конфликт завяжется между Джун и Яснорадой, которой каким-то чудом удалось забеременеть от Фреда незадолго до его смерти. Яснорада вернется в Гилеад, но пока неизвестно, в каком качестве; похороны Фреда Уотерфорда кажутся грандиозным мероприятием, что намекает на то, что Яснорада сохранит свое высокое положение в Гилеаде.

Очевидно, Джун будет и дальше пытаться вернуть свою дочь Ханну, однако ее амбиции в конце четвертого сезона простираются куда дальше: нет никаких сомнений, что она захочет уничтожить Гилеад как явление. Интригой остаются ее отношения с Люком и Ником, к каждому из которых Джун неравнодушна; каждый из них — полноправный отец одной из двух ее дочерей, и пока совсем непонятно, каким именно образом авторы намерены раскручивать этот любовный треугольник.

Что мы знаем про шестой сезон?

Накануне выхода пятого сезона стало известно, что «Рассказ служанки» продлили до шестого, который станет финальным. Правда, не факт, что это конец истории. На волне успеха первого сезона сериала генеральный директор Hulu Рэнди Фрир говорил, что материала хватит и на десять сезонов.

Авторка «Рассказа служанки» Маргарэт Этвуд успела написать продолжение романа, назвав его «Заветы» («The Testaments»). Если авторы сериала захотят взять его за основу, то нас ждет еще не один сезон: Этвуд описывает события, которые сложно назвать ближайшим будущим.

Смотрите «Рассказ служанки» на more.tv и на Кинопоиске в Плюсе с more.tv

Автор: Антон Данилов

Иллюстратор: Александр Черепанов

The Handmaid’s Tale


Cover of the first edition

Author Margaret Atwood
Cover artist Tad Aronowicz,[1] design; Gail Geltner, collage (first edition, hardback)
Country Canada
Language English
Genre Dystopian novel
Speculative fiction
Publisher McClelland and Stewart
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (ebook)

Publication date

Media type Print (Hardcover and Paperback)
Pages 311
ISBN 0-7710-0813-9
Followed by The Testaments 

The Handmaid’s Tale is a futuristic dystopian novel[6] by Canadian author Margaret Atwood and published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England in a patriarchal, totalitarian theonomic state known as the Republic of Gilead, which has overthrown the United States government.[7] Offred is the central character and narrator and one of the «handmaids», women who are forcibly assigned to produce children for the «commanders», who are the ruling class in Gilead.

The novel explores themes of subjugated women in a patriarchal society, loss of female agency and individuality, suppression of women’s reproductive rights, and the various means by which women resist and try to gain individuality and independence. The title echoes the component parts of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, which is a series of connected stories (such as «The Merchant’s Tale» and «The Parson’s Tale»).[8] It also alludes to the tradition of fairy tales where the central character tells her story.[9]

The Handmaid’s Tale won the 1985 Governor General’s Award and the first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987; it was also nominated for the 1986 Nebula Award, the 1986 Booker Prize, and the 1987 Prometheus Award. In 2022, The Handmaid’s Tale was included on the «Big Jubilee Read» list of 70 books by Commonwealth authors, selected to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[10] The book has been adapted into a 1990 film, a 2000 opera, a 2017 television series, and other media. An ebook version was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.[11][12] A sequel novel, The Testaments, was published in 2019.

Plot summary[edit]

After a staged attack that killed the President of the United States and most of Congress, a radical political group called the «Sons of Jacob» uses theonomic ideology to launch a revolution.[7] The United States Constitution is suspended, newspapers are censored, and what was formerly the United States of America is changed into a military dictatorship known as the Republic of Gilead. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power, overtaking all other religious groups, including Christian denominations.

The regime reorganizes society using a peculiar interpretation of some Old Testament ideas, and a new militarized, hierarchical model of social and religious fanaticism among its newly created social classes. One of the most significant changes is the limitation of people’s rights. Women become the lowest-ranking class and are not allowed to own money or property, or to read and write. Most significantly, women are deprived of control over their own reproductive functions.

The story is told in first-person narration by a woman named Offred. In this era of environmental pollution and radiation, she is one of the few remaining fertile women. Therefore, she is forcibly assigned to produce children for the «Commanders,» the ruling class of men, and is known as a «Handmaid» based on the biblical story of Rachel and her handmaid Bilhah. She undergoes training to become a handmaid along with other women of her standing at the Rachel and Leah Centre.

Apart from Handmaids, women are classed socially and follow a strict dress code, ranked highest to lowest: the Commanders’ Wives in teal blue, the Handmaids in burgundy with large white bonnets to be easily seen, the Aunts (who train and indoctrinate the Handmaids) in brown, the Marthas (cooks and maids, possibly sterile women past child-bearing years) in green, Econowives (the wives of lower-ranking men who handle everything in the domestic sphere) in blue, red and green stripes, very young girls in pink (often married or «given» to a Commander at 14 to produce offspring), young boys in blue, and widows in black.

Offred details her life starting with her third assignment as a Handmaid to a Commander. Interspersed with her narratives of her present-day experiences are flashbacks of her life before and during the beginning of the revolution, including her failed attempt to escape to Canada with her husband and child, her indoctrination into life as a Handmaid by the Aunts, and the escape of her friend Moira from the indoctrination facility. At her new home, she is treated poorly by the Commander’s wife, Serena Joy, a former Christian media personality who supported women’s domesticity and subordinate role well before Gilead was established.

To Offred’s surprise, the Commander requests to see her outside of the «Ceremony» which is a reproductive ritual obligatory for handmaids (conducted in the presence of the wives) and intended to result in conception. The commander’s request to see Offred in the library is an illegal activity in Gilead, but they meet nevertheless. They mostly play Scrabble and Offred is allowed to ask favours of him, either in terms of information or material items. The Commander asks Offred to kiss him «as if she meant it» and tells her about his strained relationship with his wife. Finally, he gives her lingerie and takes her to a covert, government-run brothel called Jezebel’s. Offred unexpectedly encounters Moira there, with Moira’s will broken, and learns from Moira that those who are found breaking the law are sent to the Colonies to clean up toxic waste or are allowed to work at Jezebel’s as punishment.

In the days between her visits to the Commander, Offred also learns from her shopping partner, a woman called Ofglen, of the Mayday resistance, an underground network working to overthrow the Republic of Gilead. Not knowing of Offred’s criminal acts with her husband, Serena begins to suspect that the Commander is infertile, and arranges for Offred to begin a covert sexual relationship with Nick, the Commander’s personal servant. Serena offers Offred information about her daughter in exchange. She later brings her a photograph of Offred’s daughter which leaves Offred feeling dejected because she senses she has been erased from her daughter’s life.

Nick had earlier tried to talk to Offred and had shown interest in her. After their initial sexual encounter, Offred and Nick begin to meet on their own initiative as well, with Offred discovering that she enjoys these intimate moments despite memories of her husband, and shares potentially dangerous information about her past with him. Offred tells Nick that she thinks she is pregnant.

Offred hears from a new walking partner that Ofglen has disappeared (reported as a suicide). Serena finds evidence of the relationship between Offred and the Commander, which causes Offred to contemplate suicide. Shortly afterward, men arrive at the house wearing the uniform of the secret police, the Eyes of God, known informally as «the Eyes», to take her away. As she is led to a waiting van, Nick tells her to trust him and go with the men. It is unclear whether the men are actually Eyes or members of the Mayday resistance.

Offred is still unsure if Nick is a member of Mayday or an Eye posing as one, and does not know if leaving will result in her escape or her capture. Ultimately, she enters the van with her future uncertain while Commander Fred and Serena are left bereft in the house, each thinking of repercussions of Offred’s capture on their lives.

The novel concludes with a metafictional epilogue, described as a partial transcript of an international historical association conference taking place in the year 2195. The keynote speaker explains that Offred’s account of the events of the novel was recorded onto cassette tapes later found and transcribed by historians studying what is then called «the Gilead Period».


Fitting with her statements that The Handmaid’s Tale is a work of speculative fiction, not science fiction, Atwood’s novel offers a satirical view of various social, political, and religious trends of the United States in the 1980s. Her motivation for writing the novel was her belief that in the 1980s, the religious right was discussing what they would do with/to women if they took power, including the Moral Majority, Focus on the Family, the Christian Coalition and the Ronald Reagan administration.[13] Atwood questions what would happen if these trends, and especially «casually held attitudes about women» were taken to their logical end.[14]

Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid’s Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that «As with The Handmaid’s Tale, I didn’t put in anything that we haven’t already done, we’re not already doing, we’re seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress… So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil.»[15] Atwood was known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction’s basis in reality.[16] Atwood has explained that The Handmaid’s Tale is a response to those who say the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years «can’t happen here»—but in this work, she has tried to show how such a takeover might play out.[17]

Atwood was also inspired by the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1978–79 that saw a theocracy established that drastically reduced the rights of women and imposed a strict dress code on Iranian women, very much like that of Gilead.[18] In The Handmaid’s Tale, a reference is made to the Islamic Republic of Iran in the form of the history book Iran and Gilead: Two Late Twentieth Century Monotheocracies mentioned in the endnotes describing the historians’ convention in 2195.[18] Atwood’s picture of a society ruled by men who professed high moral principles, but are in fact self-interested and selfish was inspired by observing Canadian politicians in action, especially in her hometown of Toronto, who frequently profess in a very sanctimonious manner to be acting from the highest principles of morality while in reality the opposite is the case.[18]

During the Second World War, Canadian women took on jobs in the place of men serving in the military that they were expected to yield to men once the war was over. After 1945, not all women wanted to return to their traditional roles as housewives and mothers, leading to a male backlash.[19] Atwood was born in 1939, and while growing up in the 1950s she saw first-hand the complaints against women who continued to work after 1945 and of women who unhappily gave up their jobs, which she incorporated into her novel.[19] The way in which the narrator is forced into becoming an unhappy housewife after she loses her job, in common with all the other women of Gilead, was inspired by Atwood’s memories of the 1950s.[19]

Atwood’s inspiration for the Republic of Gilead came from her study of early American Puritans while at Harvard, which she attended on a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship.[14] Atwood argues that the modern view of the Puritans—that they came to America to flee religious persecution in England and set up a religiously tolerant society—is misleading, and that instead, these Puritan leaders wanted to establish a monolithic theonomy where religious dissent would not be tolerated.[14][20]

Atwood has a personal connection to the Puritans, and she dedicates the novel to her own ancestor Mary Webster, who was accused of witchcraft in Puritan New England but survived her hanging.[21] Due to the totalitarian nature of Gileadean society, Atwood, in creating the setting, drew from the «utopian idealism» present in 20th-century régimes, such as Cambodia and Romania, as well as earlier New England Puritanism.[22] Atwood has argued that a coup, such as the one depicted in The Handmaid’s Tale, would misuse religion in order to achieve its own ends.[22][23]

Atwood, in regards to those leading Gilead, further stated:[24]

I don’t consider these people to be Christians because they do not have at the core of their behaviour and ideologies what I, in my feeble Canadian way, would consider to be the core of Christianity … and that would be not only love your neighbours but love your enemies. That would also be «I was sick and you visited me not» and such and such …And that would include also concern for the environment, because you can’t love your neighbour or even your enemy, unless you love your neighbour’s oxygen, food, and water. You can’t love your neighbour or your enemy if you’re presuming policies that are going to cause those people to die. … Of course faith can be a force for good and often has been. So faith is a force for good particularly when people are feeling beleaguered and in need of hope. So you can have bad iterations and you can also have the iteration in which people have got too much power and then start abusing it. But that is human behaviour, so you can’t lay it down to religion. You can find the same in any power situation, such as politics or ideologies that purport to be atheist. Need I mention the former Soviet Union? So it is not a question of religion making people behave badly. It is a question of human beings getting power and then wanting more of it.

In the same vein, Atwood also declared that «In the real world today, some religious groups are leading movements for the protection of vulnerable groups, including women.»[8] Atwood draws connections between the ways in which Gilead’s leaders maintain their power and other examples of actual totalitarian governments. In her interviews, Atwood offers up Afghanistan as an example of a religious theocracy forcing women out of the public sphere and into their homes,[25] as in Gilead.[16][14]

The «state-sanctioned murder of dissidents» was inspired by the Philippines under President Ferdinand Marcos, and the last General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party Nicolae Ceaușescu’s obsession with increasing the birth rate (Decree 770) led to the strict policing of pregnant women and the outlawing of birth control and abortion.[16] However, Atwood clearly explains that many of these actions were not just present in other cultures and countries, «but within Western society, and within the ‘Christian’ tradition itself».[22]

The Republic of Gilead struggles with infertility, making Offred’s services as a Handmaid vital to producing children and thus reproducing the society. Handmaids themselves are «untouchable», but their ability to signify status is equated to that of slaves or servants throughout history.[22] Atwood connects their concerns with infertility to real-life problems our world faces, such as radiation, chemical pollution, and sexually transmitted disease (HIV/AIDS is specifically mentioned in the «Historical Notes» section at the end of the novel, which was a relatively new disease at the time of Atwood’s writing whose long-term impact was still unknown). Atwood’s strong stance on environmental issues and their negative consequences for our society has presented itself in other works such as her MaddAddam trilogy, and refers back to her growing up with biologists and her own scientific curiosity.[26]



Offred is the protagonist and narrator who takes the readers through life in Gilead. She was labeled a «wanton woman» when Gilead was established because she had married a man who was divorced. All divorces were nullified by the new government, meaning her husband was now considered still married to his first wife, making Offred an adulteress. In trying to escape Gilead, she was separated from her husband and daughter.[27]

She is part of the first generation of Gilead’s women, those who remember pre-Gilead times. Proved fertile, she is considered an important commodity and has been placed as a «handmaid» in the home of «the Commander» and his wife Serena Joy, to bear a child for them (Serena Joy is believed to be infertile).[27] Readers are able to see Offred’s resistance to the Republic of Gilead on the inside through her thoughts.

Offred is a slave name that describes her function: she is «of Fred» (i.e., she belongs to Fred – presumed to be the name of the Commander – and is considered a concubine). In the novel, Offred says that she is not a concubine, but a tool; a «two-legged womb». The Handmaids’ names say nothing about who the women really are; their only identity is as the Commander’s property. «Offred» is also a pun on the word «offered», as in «offered as a sacrifice», and «of red» because the red dress assigned for the handmaids in Gilead.[8]

In Atwood’s original novel, Offred’s real name is never revealed. In Volker Schlöndorff’s 1990 film adaptation Offred was given the real name Kate,[28] while the television series gave her the real name June.

The women in training to be Handmaids whisper names across their beds at night. The names are «Alma. Janine. Dolores. Moira. June,» and all are later accounted for except June. In addition, one of the Aunts tells the handmaids-in-training to stop «mooning and June-ing».[29] From this and other references, some readers have inferred that her birth name could be «June».[30] Miner suggests that «June» is a pseudonym. As «Mayday» is the name of the Gilead resistance, June could be an invention by the protagonist. The Nunavit conference covered in the epilogue takes place in June.[31]

When the Hulu TV series chose to state outright that Offred’s real name is June, Atwood wrote that it was not her original intention to imply that Offred’s real name is June «but it fits, so readers are welcome to it if they wish».[8] The revelation of Offred’s real name serves only to humanize her in the presence of the other Handmaids.

The Commander[edit]

The Commander says that he was a scientist and was previously involved in something similar to market research before Gilead’s inception. Later, it is hypothesized, but not confirmed, that he might have been one of the architects of the Republic and its laws. Presumably, his first name is «Fred», though that, too, may be a pseudonym. He engages in forbidden intellectual pursuits with Offred, such as playing Scrabble, and introduces her to a secret club that serves as a brothel for high-ranking officers.

He shows his softer side to Offred during their covert meetings and confesses of being «misunderstood» by his wife. Offred learns that the Commander carried on a similar relationship with his previous handmaid, who later killed herself when his wife found out.

In the epilogue, Professor Pieixoto speculates that one of two figures, both instrumental in the establishment of Gilead, may have been the Commander, based on the name «Fred». It is his belief that the Commander was a man named Frederick R. Waterford who was killed in a purge shortly after Offred was taken away, charged with harbouring an enemy agent.

Serena Joy[edit]

Serena Joy is a former televangelist and the Commander’s wife in the fundamentalist theonomy. Her real name is Pam and she is fond of gardening and knitting. The state took away her power and public recognition, and she tries to hide her past as a television figure. Offred identifies Serena Joy by recalling seeing her on TV when she was a little girl early on Saturday mornings while waiting for the cartoons to air.

Believed to be sterile (although the suggestion is made that the Commander is sterile, Gileadean laws attribute sterility only to women), she is forced to accept that he has use of a Handmaid. She resents having to take part in «The Ceremony», a monthly fertility ritual. She strikes a deal with Offred to arrange for her to have sex with Nick in order to become pregnant. According to Professor Pieixoto in the epilogue, «Serena Joy» or «Pam» are pseudonyms. The character’s real name is implied to be Thelma.


Ofglen is a neighbour of Offred’s and a fellow Handmaid. She is partnered with Offred to do the daily shopping. Handmaids are never alone and are expected to police each other’s behaviour. Ofglen is a secret member of the Mayday resistance. In contrast to Offred, she is daring. She knocks out a Mayday spy who is to be tortured and killed in order to save him the pain of a violent death. Offred is told that when Ofglen vanishes, it is because she has committed suicide before the government can take her into custody due to her membership in the resistance, possibly to avoid giving away any information.

A new Handmaid, also called Ofglen, takes Ofglen’s place, and is assigned as Offred’s shopping partner. She threatens Offred against any thought of resistance. In addition, she breaks protocol by telling her what happened to the first Ofglen.


Nick is the Commander’s chauffeur, who lives above the garage. Right from the start, Nick comes across as a daring character as he smokes and tries to engage with Offred, both forbidden activities. By Serena Joy’s arrangement, he and Offred start a sexual relationship to increase her chance of getting pregnant. If she were unable to bear the Commander a child, she would be declared sterile and shipped to the ecological wastelands of the Colonies. Offred begins to develop feelings for him. Nick is an ambiguous character, and Offred does not know if he is a party loyalist or part of the resistance, though he identifies himself as the latter. The epilogue suggests that he really was part of the resistance, and aided Offred in escaping the Commander’s house.


Moira has been a close friend of Offred’s since college. In the novel, their relationship represents a female friendship that the Republic of Gilead tries to block. A lesbian, she has resisted the homophobia of Gileadean society. Moira is taken to be a Handmaid soon after Offred. She finds the life of a handmaid unbearably oppressive and risks engaging with the guards just to defy the system. She escapes by stealing an Aunt’s pass and clothes, but Offred later finds her working as a prostitute in a party-run brothel. She was caught and chose the brothel rather than to be sent to the Colonies. Moira exemplifies defiance against Gilead by rejecting every value that is forced onto the citizens.


Luke was Offred’s husband before the formation of Gilead. He was married when he first started a relationship with Offred and had divorced his first wife to marry her. Under Gilead, all divorces were retroactively nullified, resulting in Offred being considered an adulteress and their daughter illegitimate. Offred was forced to become a Handmaid and her daughter was given to a loyalist family. Since their attempt to escape to Canada, Offred has heard nothing of Luke. She wavers between believing him dead or imprisoned.

Professor Pieixoto[edit]

Pieixoto is the «co-discoverer [with Professor Knotly Wade] of Offred’s tapes». In his presentation at an academic conference set in 2195, he talks about «the ‘Problems of Authentication in Reference to The Handmaid’s Tale«.[27]
Pieixoto is the person who is retelling Offred’s story, and so makes the narration even more unreliable than it was originally.

Aunt Lydia[edit]

Aunt Lydia appears in flashbacks where her instructions frequently haunt Offred. Aunt Lydia works at the ‘Red Center’ where women receive instructions for a life as a Handmaid. Throughout the narrative, Aunt Lydia’s pithy pronouncements on code of conduct for the Handmaids shed light on the philosophy of subjugation of women practiced in Gilead. Aunt Lydia appears to be a true believer of Gilead’s religious philosophy and seems to take her job as a true calling.


A servant who works at the Commander’s house because she is infertile. She hopes that Offred will get pregnant as she desires to help raise a child. She is friendly towards Offred and even covers up for her when she finds her lying on the floor one morning; a suspicious occurrence by Gilead’s standards worthy of being reported.


Rita is a Martha at Commander Fred’s house. Her job is cooking and housekeeping and is one of the members of the «household». At the start of the novel, Rita has a contempt for Offred and though she is responsible for keeping Offred well fed, she believes a handmaid should prefer going to the colonies over working as a sexual slave.


The novel is set in an indeterminate dystopian future, speculated to be around the year 2005,[32] with a fundamentalist theonomy ruling the territory of what had been the United States but is now the Republic of Gilead. The fertility rates in Gilead have diminished due to environmental toxicity and fertile women are a valuable commodity owned and enslaved by the powerful elite. Individuals are segregated by categories and dressed according to their social functions. Complex dress codes play a key role in imposing social control within the new society and serve to distinguish people by sex, occupation, and caste.

The action takes place in what once was the Harvard Square neighbourhood of Cambridge, Massachusetts;[33][34] Atwood studied at Radcliffe College, located in this area. As a researcher, Atwood spent a lot of time in the Widener Library at Harvard which in the novel serves as a setting for the headquarters of the Gilead Secret Service.[9]

Gilead society[edit]


Bruce Miller, the executive producer of The Handmaid’s Tale television serial, declared with regard to Atwood’s book, as well as his series, that Gilead is «a society that’s based kind of in a perverse misreading of Old Testament laws and codes».[35] The author explains that Gilead tries to embody the «utopian idealism» present in 20th-century regimes, as well as earlier New England Puritanism.[22] Both Atwood and Miller stated that the people running Gilead are «not genuinely Christian».[36][35]

The group running Gilead, according to Atwood, is «not really interested in religion; they’re interested in power.»[24] In her prayers to God, Offred reflects on Gilead and prays «I don’t believe for an instant that what’s going on out there is what You meant…. I suppose I should say I forgive whoever did this, and whatever they’re doing now. I’ll try, but it isn’t easy.»[37] Margaret Atwood, writing on this, says that «Offred herself has a private version of the Lord’s Prayer and refuses to believe that this regime has been mandated by a just and merciful God.»[8]

Christian churches that do not support the actions of the Sons of Jacob are systematically demolished, and the people living in Gilead are never seen attending church.[35] Christian denominations, including Quakers, Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Roman Catholics, are specifically named as enemies of the Sons of Jacob.[24][35] Nuns who refuse conversion are considered «Unwomen» and banished to the Colonies, owing to their reluctance to marry and refusal (or inability) to bear children. Priests unwilling to convert are executed and hanged from the Wall. Atwood pits Quaker Christians against the regime by having them help the oppressed, something she feels they would do in reality: «The Quakers have gone underground, and are running an escape route to Canada, as—I suspect—they would.»[8]

Jews are named an exception and classified Sons of Jacob. Offred observes that Jews refusing to convert are allowed to emigrate from Gilead to Israel, and most choose to leave. However, in the epilogue, Professor Pieixoto reveals that many of the emigrating Jews ended up being dumped into the sea while on the ships ostensibly tasked with transporting them to Israel, due to privatization of the «repatriation program» and capitalists’ effort to maximize profits. Offred mentions that many Jews who chose to stay were caught secretly practicing Judaism and executed.

Legitimate women[edit]

The top social level permitted to women, achieved by marriage to higher-ranking officers. Wives always wear blue dresses and cloaks, suggesting traditional depictions of the Virgin Mary in historic Christian art. When a Commander dies, his Wife becomes a Widow and must dress in black.
The natural or adopted children of the ruling class. They wear white until marriage, which is arranged by the government. The narrator’s daughter may have been adopted by an infertile Wife and Commander and she is shown in a photograph wearing a long white dress.

The bonnets that Handmaids wear are modelled on Old Dutch Cleanser’s faceless mascot, which Atwood in childhood found frightening.[8]

Fertile women whose social function is to bear children for infertile Wives. Handmaids dress in ankle-length red dresses, white caps, and heavy boots. In summer, they change into lighter-weight (but still ankle-length) dresses and slatted shoes. When in public, in winter, they wear ankle-length red cloaks, red gloves, and heavy white bonnets, which they call «wings» because the sides stick out, blocking their peripheral vision and shielding their faces from view. Handmaids are women of proven fertility who have broken the law. The law includes both gender crimes, such as lesbianism, and religious crimes, such as adultery (redefined to include sexual relationships with divorced partners since divorce is no longer legal). The Republic of Gilead justifies the use of the handmaids for procreation by referring to two biblical stories: Genesis 30:1–13 and Genesis 16:1–4. In the first story, Jacob’s infertile wife Rachel offers up her handmaid Bilhah to be a surrogate mother on her behalf, and then her sister Leah does the same with her own handmaid Zilpah (even though Leah has already given Jacob many sons). In the other story, which appears earlier in Genesis but is cited less frequently, Abraham has sex with his wife’s handmaid, Hagar. Handmaids are assigned to Commanders and live in their houses. When unassigned, they live at training centers. Handmaids who successfully bear children continue to live at their commander’s house until their children are weaned, at which point they are sent to a new assignment. Those who produce children will never be declared «Unwomen» or sent to the Colonies, even if they never have another baby.
Trainers of the Handmaids. They dress in brown. Aunts promote the role of Handmaid as an honorable way for a sinful woman to redeem herself. They police the Handmaids, beating some and ordering the maiming of others. The aunts have an unusual amount of autonomy, compared to other women of Gilead. They are the only class of women permitted to read, although this is only to fulfil the administrative aspect of their role.
They are older, infertile women who have domestic skills and are compliant, making them suitable as servants within the households of the Commanders and their families. They dress in green. The title of «Martha» is based on the account of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary (Gospel of Luke 10:38–42), in which Mary listens to Jesus while her sister Martha works at «all the preparations that had to be made». The duties of Marthas may be tasked to Guardians of the Faith, paramilitary officers who police Gilead’s civilian population and guard the Commanders, wherever conflict with Gilead’s laws may arise, such as with cleaning a Commander’s study where Marthas could obtain literature.
Women married to men of lower-rank, not members of the elite. They are expected to perform all the female functions: domestic duties, companionship, and child-bearing. Their dress is multicoloured red, blue, and green to reflect these multiple roles, and is made of notably cheaper material.

The division of labour among the women generates some resentment. Marthas, Wives and Econowives perceive Handmaids as promiscuous and are taught to scorn them. Offred mourns that the women of the various groups have lost their ability to empathize with each other.

The Ceremony[edit]

«The Ceremony» is a non-marital sexual act sanctioned for reproduction. The ritual requires the Handmaid to lie on her back between the legs of the Wife during the sex act as if they were one person. The Wife has to invite the Handmaid to share her power this way; many Wives consider this both humiliating and offensive. Offred describes the ceremony:

My red skirt is hitched up to my waist, though no higher. Below it the Commander is fucking. What he is fucking is the lower part of my body. I do not say making love, because this is not what he’s doing. Copulating too would be inaccurate because it would imply two people and only one is involved. Nor does rape cover it: nothing is going on here that I haven’t signed up for.[38]


Critical reception[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale received critical acclaim, helping to cement Atwood’s status as a prominent writer of the 20th century. Not only was the book deemed well-written and compelling, but Atwood’s work was notable for sparking intense debates both in and out of academia.[13] Atwood maintains that the Republic of Gilead is only an extrapolation of trends already seen in the United States at the time of her writing, a view supported by other scholars studying The Handmaid’s Tale.[39] Many have placed The Handmaid’s Tale in the same category of dystopian fiction as Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World,[16] a categorization that Atwood has accepted and reiterated in many articles and interviews.[17]

Even today, many reviewers hold that Atwood’s novel remains as foreboding and powerful as ever, largely because of its basis in historical fact.[21][23] Yet when her book was first published in 1985, not all reviewers were convinced of the «cautionary tale» Atwood presented. For example, Mary McCarthy’s 1986 New York Times review argued that The Handmaid’s Tale lacked the «surprised recognition» necessary for readers to see «our present selves in a distorting mirror, of what we may be turning into if current trends are allowed to continue».[26]

The 2017 television series led to debate on whether parallels[clarification needed] could be drawn between the series (and book) and America during the presidency of Donald Trump.[40]

Genre classification[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale is a feminist dystopian novel,[41][42] combining the characteristics of dystopian fiction: «a genre that projects an imaginary society that differs from the author’s own, first, by being significantly worse in important respects and second by being worse because it attempts to reify some utopian ideal,»[43] with the feminist utopian ideal which: «sees men or masculine systems as the major cause of social and political problems (e.g. war), and presents women as not only at least the equals of men but also as the sole arbiters of their reproductive functions».[44][45]

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction notes that dystopian images are almost invariably images of future society, «pointing fearfully at the way the world is supposedly going in order to provide urgent propaganda for a change in direction.»[46] Atwood’s stated intent was indeed to dramatize potential consequences of current trends.[47]

In 1985, reviewers hailed the book as a «feminist 1984,«[48] citing similarities between the totalitarian regimes under which both protagonists live, and «the distinctively modern sense of nightmare come true, the initial paralyzed powerlessness of the victim unable to act.»[49] Scholarly studies have expanded on the place of The Handmaid’s Tale in the dystopian and feminist traditions.[49][14][50][15][48]

The classification of utopian and dystopian fiction as a sub-genre of the collective term, speculative fiction, alongside science fiction, fantasy, and horror is a relatively recent convention. Dystopian novels have long been discussed as a type of science fiction, however, with publication of The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood distinguished the terms science fiction and speculative fiction quite intentionally. In interviews and essays, she has discussed why, observing:

I like to make a distinction between science fiction proper and speculative fiction. For me, the science fiction label belongs on books with things in them that we can’t yet do, such as going through a wormhole in space to another universe; and speculative fiction means a work that employs the means already to hand, such as DNA identification and credit cards, and that takes place on Planet Earth. But the terms are fluid.[51]

Atwood acknowledges that others may use the terms interchangeably, but she notes her interest in this type of work is to explore themes in ways that «realistic fiction» cannot do.[51]

Among a few science fiction aficionados, however, Atwood’s comments were considered petty and contemptuous. (The term speculative fiction was indeed employed that way by certain New Wave writers in the 1960s and early 1970s to express their dissatisfaction with traditional or establishment science fiction.) Hugo-winning science fiction critic David Langford observed in a column: «The Handmaid’s Tale won the very first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987. She’s been trying to live this down ever since.»[52]

Reception in schools[edit]

Atwood’s novels, and especially her works of speculative fiction, The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake, are frequently offered as examples for the final, open-ended question on the American Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition exam each year.[53] As such, her books are often assigned in high-school classrooms to students taking this Advanced Placement course, despite the mature themes the work presents. Atwood herself has expressed surprise that her books are being assigned to high-school audiences, largely due to her own censored education in the 1950s, but she has assured readers that this increased attention from high-school students has not altered the material she has chosen to write about since.[54]


There has been some criticism of use of The Handmaid’s Tale in schools. Some challenges have come from parents concerned about the explicit sexuality and other adult themes in the book, while others have argued that The Handmaid’s Tale depicts a negative view of religion. This view is supported by some academics who propose that the work satirizes contemporary religious fundamentalists in the United States, offering a feminist critique of the trends this movement to the Right represents.[55][56]

The American Library Association lists The Handmaid’s Tale as number 37 on the «100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000».[57] In 2019, The Handmaid’s Tale is still listed as the seventh-most challenged book because of profanity, vulgarity, and sexual overtones.[58] Atwood participated in discussing The Handmaid’s Tale as the subject of an ALA discussion series titled «One Book, One Conference».[59]

Some challenges include,

  • A 2009 parent in Toronto accused the book of being anti-Christian and anti-Islamic because the women are veiled and polygamy is allowed.[60][61] Rushowy reports that «The Canadian Library Association says there is ‘no known instance of a challenge to this novel in Canada’ but says the book was called anti-Christian and pornographic by parents after being placed on a reading list for secondary students in Texas in the 1990s.»[62]
  • A 2012 challenge as required reading for a Page High School International Baccalaureate class and as optional reading for Advanced Placement reading courses at Grimsley High School in Greensboro, North Carolina because the book is «sexually explicit, violently graphic and morally corrupt». Some parents thought the book is “detrimental to Christian values».[63]
  • In November 2012, two parents protested against the inclusion of the book on a required reading list in Guilford County, North Carolina. The parents presented the school board with a petition signed by 2,300 people, prompting a review of the book by the school’s media advisory committee. According to local news reports, one of the parents said «she felt Christian students are bullied in society, in that they’re made to feel uncomfortable about their beliefs by non-believers. She said including books like The Handmaid’s Tale contributes to that discomfort, because of its negative view on religion and its anti-biblical attitudes toward sex.»[64]
  • In November 2021 in Wichita, Kansas, «The Goddard school district has removed more than two dozen books from circulation in the district’s school libraries, citing national attention and challenges to the books elsewhere.»[65]

In May 2022, Atwood announced that, in a joint project undertaken with Penguin Random House, an «unburnable» copy of the book would be produced and auctioned off, the project intended to «stand as a powerful symbol against censorship.”[66] On 7 June 2022, the unique, «unburnable» copy was sold through Sotheby’s in New York for $130,000.[67]

In higher education[edit]

In institutions of higher education, professors have found The Handmaid’s Tale to be useful, largely because of its historical and religious basis and Atwood’s captivating delivery. The novel’s teaching points include: introducing politics and the social sciences to students in a more concrete way;[68][69] demonstrating the importance of reading to our freedom, both intellectual and political;[70] and acknowledging the «most insidious and violent manifestations of power in Western history» in a compelling manner.[71]

The chapter entitled «Historical Notes» at the end of the novel also represents a warning to academics who run the risk of misreading and misunderstanding historical texts, pointing to the satirized Professor Pieixoto as an example of a male scholar who has taken over and overpowered Offred’s narrative with his own interpretation.[72]

Academic reception[edit]

Feminist analysis[edit]

Much of the discussion about The Handmaid’s Tale has centred on its categorization as feminist literature. Atwood does not see the Republic of Gilead as a purely feminist dystopia, as not all men have greater rights than women.[22] Instead, this society presents a typical dictatorship: «shaped like a pyramid, with the powerful of both sexes at the apex, the men generally outranking the women at the same level; then descending levels of power and status with men and women in each, all the way down to the bottom, where the unmarried men must serve in the ranks before being awarded an Econowife».[22]

Econowives are women married to men that don’t belong to the elite and who are expected to carry out child-bearing, domestic duties, and traditional companionship. When asked about whether her book was feminist, Atwood stated that the presence of women and what happens to them are important to the structure and theme of the book. This aisle of feminism, by default, would make a lot of books feminist. However, she is adamant in her stance that her book did not represent the brand of feminism that victimizes or strips women of moral choice.[73]

Atwood has argued that while some of the observations that informed the content of The Handmaid’s Tale may be feminist, her novel is not meant to say «one thing to one person» or serve as a political message—instead, The Handmaid’s Tale is «a study of power, and how it operates and how it deforms or shapes the people who are living within that kind of regime».[16][17]

Some scholars have offered a feminist interpretation, connecting Atwood’s use of religious fundamentalism in the pages of The Handmaid’s Tale to a condemnation of their presence in current American society.[55][56] Atwood goes on to describe her book as not a critique of religion, but a critique of the use of religion as a «front for tyranny.»[74] Others have argued that The Handmaid’s Tale critiques typical notions of feminism, as Atwood’s novel appears to subvert the traditional «women helping women» ideals of the movement and turn toward the possibility of «the matriarchal network … and a new form of misogyny: women’s hatred of women».[75]

Scholars have analyzed and made connections to patriarchal oppression in The Handmaid’s Tale and oppression of women today. Aisha Matthews tackles the effects of institutional structures that oppress woman and womanhood and connects those to the themes present in The Handmaid’s Tale. She first asserts that structures and social frameworks, such as the patriarchy and societal role of traditional Christian values, are inherently detrimental to the liberation of womanhood. She then makes the connection to the relationship between Offred, Serena Joy, and their Commander, explaining that through this «perversion of traditional marriage, the Biblical story of Rachel, Jacob, and Bilhah is taken too literally.» Their relationship and other similar relationships in The Handmaid’s Tale mirror the effects of patriarchal standards of womanliness.[76]

Sex and occupation

In the world of The Handmaid’s Tale, the sexes are strictly divided. Gilead’s society values white women’s reproductive commodities over those of other ethnicities. Women are categorized «hierarchically according to class status and reproductive capacity» as well as «metonymically colour-coded according to their function and their labour» (Kauffman 232). The Commander expresses his personal opinion that women are considered inferior to men, as the men are in a position where they have power to control society.

Women are segregated by clothing, as are men. With rare exception, men wear military or paramilitary uniforms. All classes of men and women are defined by the colours they wear, drawing on colour symbolism and psychology. All lower-status individuals are regulated by this dress code. All «non-persons» are banished to the «Colonies». Sterile, unmarried women are considered to be non-persons. Both men and women sent there wear grey dresses.

The women, particularly the handmaids, are stripped of their individual identities as they lack formal names, taking on their assigned commander’s first name in most cases.


Sterile women, the unmarried, some widows, feminists, lesbians, nuns, and politically dissident women: all women who are incapable of social integration within the Republic’s strict gender divisions. Gilead exiles Unwomen to «the Colonies», areas both of agricultural production and deadly pollution. Joining them are handmaids who fail to bear a child after three two-year assignments.


Jezebels are women who are forced to become prostitutes and entertainers. They are available only to the Commanders and to their guests. Offred portrays Jezebels as attractive and educated; they may be unsuitable as handmaids due to temperament. They have been sterilized, a surgery that is forbidden to other women. They operate in unofficial but state-sanctioned brothels, unknown to most women.

Jezebels, whose title comes from Jezebel in the Bible, dress in the remnants of sexualized costumes from «the time before», such as cheerleaders’ costumes, school uniforms, and Playboy Bunny costumes. Jezebels can wear make-up, drink alcohol and socialize with men, but are tightly controlled by the Aunts. When they pass their sexual prime or their looks fade, they are discarded without any precision as to whether they are killed or sent to the Colonies in the novel.

Race analysis[edit]

African Americans, the main non-White ethnic group in this society, are called the Children of Ham. A state TV broadcast mentions they have been relocated «en masse» to «National Homelands» in the Midwest, which are suggestive of the apartheid-era homelands (Bantustans) set up by South Africa. Ana Cottle characterized The Handmaid’s Tale as «White feminism», noting that Atwood does away with Black people in a few lines by relocating the «Children of Ham» while borrowing heavily from the African-American experience and applying it to White women.[77][78]

It is implied that Native Americans living in territories under the rule of Gilead are exterminated. Jews are given a choice between converting to the state religion or being «repatriated» to Israel. Converts who were subsequently discovered with any symbolic representations or artifacts of Judaism were executed, and the repatriation scheme was privatized, with the result that many Jews died en route to Israel.


  • 1985 – Governor General’s Award for English-language fiction (winner)[79]
  • 1986 – Booker Prize (nominated)[80]
  • 1986 – Nebula Award (nominated)[81]
  • 1986 – Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction (winner)[82]
  • 1987 – Arthur C. Clarke Award (winner)[83][a]
  • 1987 – Prometheus Award (nominated)[84][b]
  • 1987 – Commonwealth Writers’ Prize: Best Book (winner of the Canada and the Caribbean region)[85]

In other media[edit]


  • An audiobook of the unabridged text, read by Claire Danes (ISBN 9781491519110), won the 2013 Audie Award for fiction.[86]
  • In 2014, Canadian band Lakes of Canada released their album Transgressions, which is intended to be a concept album inspired by The Handmaid’s Tale.[87]
  • On his album Shady Lights from 2017, Snax references the novel and film adaption, specifically the character of Serena Joy, in the song «Make Me Disappear». The first verse reads, «You can call me Serena Joy. Drink in hand, in front of the TV, I’m teary-eyed, adjusting my CC.»
  • A full cast audiobook entitled The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition was released in 2017, read by Claire Danes, Margaret Atwood, Tim Gerard Reynolds, and others.[88]
  • An audiobook of the unabridged text, read by Betty Harris, was released in 2019 by Recorded Books, Inc.[89]


  • The 1990 film The Handmaid’s Tale was based on a screenplay by Harold Pinter and directed by Volker Schlöndorff. It stars Natasha Richardson as Offred, Faye Dunaway as Serena Joy, and Robert Duvall as The Commander (Fred).


  • A dramatic adaptation of the novel for radio was produced for BBC Radio 4 by John Dryden in 2000.[90]
  • In 2002 CBC Radio commissioned Michael O’Brien to adapt Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale for radio.


  • A stage adaptation written and directed by Bruce Shapiro played at Tufts University in 1989.[91]
  • An operatic adaptation, The Handmaid’s Tale, by Poul Ruders, premiered in Copenhagen on 6 March 2000, and was performed by the English National Opera, in London, in 2003.[92] It was the opening production of the 2004–2005 season of the Canadian Opera Company.[93] Boston Lyric Opera mounted a production in May 2019.[94]
  • A stage adaptation of the novel, by Brendon Burns, for the Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke, England, toured the UK in 2002.[95]
  • A ballet adaptation choreographed by Lila York and produced by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet premiered on 16 October 2013. Amanda Green appeared as Offred and Alexander Gamayunov as The Commander.[96]
  • A one-woman stage show, adapted from the novel, by Joseph Stollenwerk premiered in the U.S. in January 2015.[97]


  • Hulu has produced a television series based on the novel, starring Elisabeth Moss as Offred. The first three episodes were released on 26 April 2017, with subsequent episodes following on a weekly basis. Margaret Atwood served as consulting producer.[98] The series won eight Primetime Emmy Awards in 2017, including Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series (Moss).[99] The series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on 25 April 2018, and in May 2018, Hulu announced renewal for a third season. The third season premiered on 5 June 2019. Hulu announced season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, with production set to start in March 2020. This was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[100] Season 4 premiered on 28 April 2021; season 5, on September 14, 2022.


In November 2018, Atwood announced the sequel, titled The Testaments, which was published in September 2019.[101] The novel is set fifteen years after Offred’s final scene, with the testaments of three female narrators from Gilead.[102]

See also[edit]

  • Canadian literature
  • Feminist science fiction
  • Reproduction and pregnancy in speculative fiction

Explanatory notes[edit]

  1. ^ The Handmaid’s Tale is the inaugural winner of this award for the best science fiction novel published in the United Kingdom during the previous year.
  2. ^ The Prometheus Award is an award for libertarian science fiction novels given out annually by the Libertarian Futurist Society, which also publishes a quarterly journal, Prometheus.


  1. ^ Cosstick, Ruth (January 1986). «Book review: The Handmaids Tale«. Canadian Review of Materials. Vol. 14, no. 1. CM Archive. Archived from the original on 18 September 2016. Retrieved 26 June 2016. Tad Aronowicz’s jaggedly surrealistic cover design is most appropriate.
  2. ^ Brown, Sarah (15 April 2008). Tragedy in Transition. p. 45. ISBN 9780470691304.
  3. ^ Taylor, Kevin (21 September 2018). Christ the Tragedy of God: A Theological Exploration of Tragedy. ISBN 9781351607834.
  4. ^ Kendrick, Tom (2003). Margaret Atwood’s Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. p. 148. ISBN 9780814209295.
  5. ^ Stray, Christopher (16 October 2013). Remaking the Classics: Literature, Genre and Media in Britain 1800-2000. p. 78. ISBN 9781472538604.
  6. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale Study Guide: About Speculative Fiction». Gradesaver. 22 May 2009.
  7. ^ a b Isomaa, Saija; Korpua, Jyrki; Teittinen, Jouni (27 August 2020). New Perspectives on Dystopian Fiction in Literature and Other Media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 70. ISBN 978-1-5275-5872-4. Although theonomy originally refers to the Biblical past, in fiction it can be seen as a possible form of futuristic dystopian society, as is evident in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985). The theonomic government ruled by Lord Protector Cromwell in The Adventures of Luther Arkwright is quite different from the one in Atwood’s novel because there is a constant power struggle.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Atwood, Margaret (10 March 2017). «Margaret Atwood on What ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Means in the Age of Trump». The New York Times. Retrieved 21 June 2017.
  9. ^ a b Atwood, Margaret (2019). The Handmaid’s Tale. Canada: McClelland and Stewart. pp. xi–xviii. ISBN 978-0-7710-0879-5.
  10. ^ «The Big Jubilee Read: A literary celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s record-breaking reign». BBC. 17 April 2022. Retrieved 18 June 2022.
  11. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale». Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Archived from the original on 18 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  12. ^ Atwood, Margaret (17 February 1986). The Handmaid’s Tale — Margaret Atwood. Google Books. ISBN 0547345666. Archived from the original on 14 July 2019. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  13. ^ a b Greene, Gayle (July 1986). «Choice of Evils». The Women’s Review of Books. 3 (10): 14–15. doi:10.2307/4019952. JSTOR 4019952.
  14. ^ a b c d e Malak, Amin (Spring 1997). «Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and the Dystopian Tradition». Canadian Literature (112): 9–16.
  15. ^ a b Neuman, Sally (Summer 2006). «Just a Backlash’: Margaret Atwood, Feminism, and The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Toronto Quarterly. 75 (3): 857–868.
  16. ^ a b c d e Rothstein, Mervyn (17 February 1986). «No Balm in Gilead for Margaret Atwood». The New York Times. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
  17. ^ a b c Atwood, Margaret (May 2004). «The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake «In Context»«. PMLA. 119 (3): 513–517. doi:10.1632/003081204X20578. S2CID 162973994.
  18. ^ a b c Hammill 2008, p. 525.
  19. ^ a b c Hammill 2008, p. 527.
  20. ^ Croteau, David A. (1 February 2010). You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe?: A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving. Wipf and Stock Publishers. p. 152. ISBN 978-1-60608-405-2. Theonomists (or, Christian Reconstructionists) view themselves in the tradition of Calvin, the Westminster Confession, and the new england Puritans.
  21. ^ a b Robertson, Adi (20 December 2014). «Does The Handmaid’s Tale hold up?». The Verge. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g Atwood, Margaret (20 January 2012). «Haunted by the Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian. Retrieved 3 March 2016.
  23. ^ a b Newman, Charlotte (25 September 2010). «The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood». The Guardian. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  24. ^ a b c Williams, Layton E. (25 April 2017). «Margaret Atwood on Christianity, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and What Faithful Activism Looks Like Today». Sojourners. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  25. ^ Atwood, Margaret (17 November 2001). «Taking the veil». The Guardian. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  26. ^ a b McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Book Review». The New York Times. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  27. ^ a b c «The Handmaid’s Tale Study Guide: Character List». Gradesaver. 22 May 2009.
  28. ^ «The Forgotten Handmaid’s Tale». The Atlantic, 24 March 2015.
  29. ^ Atwood 1986, p. 220.
  30. ^ Getz, Dana (26 April 2017). «Offred’s Real Name In ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is The Only Piece Of Power She Still Holds». Bustle. In Margaret Atwood’s original novel, Offred’s real name is never revealed. Many eagle-eyed readers deduced that it was June based on contextual clues: Of the names the Handmaids trade in hushed tones as they lie awake at night, «June» is the only one that’s never heard again once Offred is narrating.
  31. ^ Madonne 1991[page needed]
  32. ^ Oates, Joyce Carol (2 November 2006). «Margaret Atwood’s Tale». The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  33. ^ Atwood 1998, An Interview: ‘Q: We can figure out that the main character lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts’
  34. ^ McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Breeders, Wives and Unwomen». The New York Times Book Review. Retrieved 30 July 2020.
  35. ^ a b c d O’Hare, Kate (16 April 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu: What Should Catholics Think?». Faith & Family Media Blog. Family Theater Productions. Archived from the original on 28 July 2017. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  36. ^ Lucie-Smith, Alexander (29 May 2017). «Should Catholics watch The Handmaid’s Tale?». The Catholic Herald. Archived from the original on 4 August 2018. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  37. ^ Blondiau, Eloise (28 April 2017). «Reflecting on the frightening lessons of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. America. Retrieved 21 June 2017.
  38. ^ Atwood 1998, p. 94.
  39. ^ Armbruster, Jane (Fall 1990). «Memory and Politics – A Reflection on «The Handmaid’s Tale»«. Social Justice. 3 (41): 146–152. JSTOR 29766564.
  40. ^ For articles that attempt to draw parallels between The Handmaid’s Tale and Trump’s election as President, see:
    • Nally, Claire (31 May 2017). «How The Handmaid’s Tale is being transformed from fantasy into fact». The Independent. Archived from the original on 18 June 2022. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Brooks, Katherine (24 May 2017). «How ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Villains Were Inspired By Trump». Huffington Post. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Robertson, Adi (9 November 2016). «In Trump’s America, The Handmaid’s Tale matters more than ever». The Verge. Retrieved 29 July 2017.
    • Douthat, Ross (24 May 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and Ours». The New York Times. Retrieved 28 July 2017.

    For articles that dispute such parallels, see:

    • Crispin, Jessa (2 May 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale is just like Trump’s America? Not so fast». The Guardian. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Smith, Kyle (28 April 2017). «Sorry: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ tells us nothing about Trump’s America». New York Post. Retrieved 18 June 2017.

  41. ^ Hill, Melissa Sue; Lee, Michelle, eds. (2019). «Themes and Construction: The Handmaid’s Tale». Novels for Students. Vol. 60. Gale. Gale H1430008961.
  42. ^ «Dystopias in Contemporary Literature». Contemporary Literary Criticism Select. Gale. 2008 – via Literature Resource Center.
  43. ^ Beauchamp, Gorman (Autumn 2009). «The Politics of The Handmaid’s Tale». The Midwest Quarterly. 51: 11.
  44. ^ Gearhart, Sally Miller (1984). «Future Visions: Today’s Politics: Feminist Utopias in Review». In Baruch, Elaine Hoffman; Rohrlich, Ruby (eds.). Women in Search of Utopia: Mavericks and Mythmakers. New York: Shocken Books. pp. 296. ISBN 0805239006.
  45. ^ Barr, Marleen S.; Smith, Nicholas D. (1983). Women and Utopia: Critical Interpretations. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN 9780819135599.
  46. ^ «Dystopias». The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: SFE (3rd ed.). 25 March 2019. Retrieved 27 October 2019.
  47. ^ «An Interview with Margaret Atwood on her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale» (PDF). Nashville Public Library. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 April 2016. Retrieved 27 March 2016.
  48. ^ a b Davidson, Arnold (1988). «Future Tense: Making History in The Handmaid’s Tale». In Van Spanckeren, Kathryn (ed.). Margaret Atwood: Vision and Forms. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. pp. 113–121.
  49. ^ a b Feuer, Lois (Winter 1997). «The Calculus of Love and Nightmare: The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition». Critique. 38 (2): 83–95.
  50. ^ Rubenstein, Roberta (1988). «Nature and Nurture in Dystopia: The Handmaid’s Tale». In Van Spanckeren, Kathryn (ed.). Margaret Atwood: Vision and Forms. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. p. 12. Retrieved 26 October 2019.
  51. ^ a b Atwood, Margaret (17 June 2005). «Aliens have taken the place of angels». The Guardian. UK. If you’re writing about the future and you aren’t doing forecast journalism, you’ll probably be writing something people will call either science fiction or speculative fiction. I like to make a distinction between science fiction proper and speculative fiction. For me, the science fiction label belongs on books with things in them that we can’t yet do, such as going through a wormhole in space to another universe; and speculative fiction means a work that employs the means already to hand, such as DNA identification and credit cards, and that takes place on Planet Earth. But the terms are fluid. Some use speculative fiction as an umbrella covering science fiction and all its hyphenated forms–science fiction fantasy, and so forth–and others choose the reverse… I have written two works of science fiction or, if you prefer, speculative fiction: The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake. Here are some of the things these kinds of narratives can do that socially realistic novels cannot do.
  52. ^ Langford, David (August 2003). «Bits and Pieces». SFX (107).
  53. ^ «AP English Literature and Composition Exam». College Board. 10 July 2006. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  54. ^ Perry, Douglas (30 December 2014). «Margaret Atwood and the ‘Four Unwise Republicans’: 12 surprises from the legendary writer’s Reddit AMA». The Oregonian. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  55. ^ a b Hines, Molly (2006). Margaret Atwood’s «The Handmaid’s Tale»: Fundamentalist religiosity and the oppression of women (MA thesis). Angelo State University. ProQuest 304914133.
  56. ^ a b Mercer, Naomi (2013). «Subversive Feminist Thrusts»: Feminist Dystopian Writing and Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood’s «The Handmaid’s Tale», Louise Marley’s «The Terrorists of Irustan», Marge Piercy’s «He, She and It», and Sheri S. Tepper’s «Raising the Stones» (PhD dissertation). University of Wisconsin–Madison. ProQuest 1428851608.
  57. ^ «The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000». American Library Association. 27 March 2013.
  58. ^ American Library Association (26 March 2013). «Top 10 Most Challenged Books Lists». Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. Retrieved 5 March 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  59. ^ «Annual Report 2002–2003: One Book, One Conference». American Library Association. June 2003. Archived from the original on 1 December 2009. Retrieved 21 May 2009. Concerns inaugural program featuring Margaret Atwood held in Toronto, 19–25 June 2003.
  60. ^ Rushowy 2009: «Committee reviews ‘fictional drivel’ alleged to violate board policy on respect, profanity».
  61. ^ Toronto District School Board Report in The Toronto Star, 16 January 2009: «Atwood novel too brutal, sexist for school: Parent», by Kristin Rushowy, Education Reporter
  62. ^ Rushowy 2009b: «Committee to consider objection to book; concern may centre on sexuality, religion.»
  63. ^ Doyle, Robert P. (2017). Banned Books: Defending Our Freedom to Read. American Library Association. ISBN 978-0-8389-8962-3.
  64. ^ Carr, Mitch (2 November 2012). «Guilford County moms want reading list criteria changed». Winston-Salem Journal. Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  65. ^ «Goddard school district orders 29 books removed from circulation». KMUW. 9 November 2021. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  66. ^ Pengelly, Martin (24 May 2022). «Atwood responds to book bans with ‘unburnable’ edition of Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian. New York. Retrieved 8 June 2022.
  67. ^ Hills, Megan C. (7 June 2022). «An ‘unburnable’ copy of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ sells for $130,000 at auction». CNN. Retrieved 8 June 2022.
  68. ^ Burack, Cynthia (Winter 1988–89). «Bringing Women’s Studies to Political Science: The Handmaid in the Classroom». NWSA Journal. 1 (2): 274–283. JSTOR 4315901.
  69. ^ Laz, Cheryl (January 1996). «Science Fiction and Introductory Sociology: The ‘Handmaid’ in the Classroom». Teaching Sociology. 24 (1): 54–63. doi:10.2307/1318898. JSTOR 1318898.
  70. ^ Bergmann, Harriet (December 1989). ««Teaching Them to Read»: A Fishing Expedition in the Handmaid’s Tale». College English. 51 (8): 847–854. doi:10.2307/378090. JSTOR 378090.
  71. ^ Larson, Janet (Spring 1989). «Margaret Atwood and the Future of Prophecy». Religion and Literature.
  72. ^ Stein, Karen (1996). «Margaret Atwood’s Modest Proposal: The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Rhode Island. Retrieved 27 March 2016.
  73. ^ Berry, Gregory R. (June 2010). «Book Review: Margaret Atwood The Year of the Flood New York, NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2009». Organization & Environment. 23 (2): 248–250. doi:10.1177/1086026610368388. ISSN 1086-0266. S2CID 143937316.
  74. ^ Millard, Scott (19 June 2007). «Literature Resource Center2007229Literature Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale Last visited December 2006. Contact Thomson Gale for pricing information URL: www.gale.com/LitRC/». Reference Reviews. 21 (5): 35–36. doi:10.1108/09504120710755572. ISSN 0950-4125.
  75. ^ Callaway, Alanna (2008). «Women disunited: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as a critique of feminism». San Jose State University. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  76. ^ Matthews, Aisha (18 August 2018). «Gender, Ontology, and the Power of the Patriarchy: A Postmodern Feminist Analysis of Octavia Butler’s Wild Seed and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». Women’s Studies. 47 (6): 637–656. doi:10.1080/00497878.2018.1492403. ISSN 0049-7878. S2CID 150270608.
  77. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale: A White Feminist Dystopia». theestablishment.co. 17 May 2017.
  78. ^ Bastién, Angelica Jade (June 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale’s Greatest Failing Is How It Handles Race». Vulture.
  79. ^ «Past Winners and Finalists». GGBooks. Archived from the original on 21 April 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  80. ^ «1986». Booker Prize. Archived from the original on 3 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  81. ^ «1986». Nebula Award. Archived from the original on 28 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  82. ^ «1986 Los Angeles Times Book Prize — Fiction Winner and Nominees». Awards Archive. 25 March 2020.
  83. ^ «The Arthur C. Clarke Award». Archived from the original on 15 April 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  84. ^ «Libertarian Futurist Society». Libertarian Futurist Society. Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  85. ^ «Regional Winners 1987-2007.xls» (PDF). Commonwealth Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 October 2007. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  86. ^ Gummere, Joe. «2013 Audie Awards® Finalists by category». joeaudio.com. Archived from the original on 10 July 2017. Retrieved 9 January 2017.
  87. ^ «Artists: Lakes of Canada». CBC Music. Archived from the original on 19 April 2017. Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  88. ^ The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition.
  89. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale». OverDrive. Retrieved 14 October 2021.
  90. ^ Karpf, Ann (15 January 2000). «The squeaks and drips of everyday life». The Guardian. Retrieved 9 January 2021.
  91. ^ «Tufts University: Department of Drama and Dance: Performances & Events». dramadance.tufts.edu. Retrieved 8 May 2017.
  92. ^ Clements, Andrew (5 April 2003). «Classical music & opera». The Guardian. UK.
  93. ^ Littler, William (15 December 2004), Opera Canada.
  94. ^ Allen, David (10 May 2019). «Review: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is a Brutal Triumph as Opera». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  95. ^ «The Handmaid’s tale». UKTW.
  96. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale debuts as ballet in Winnipeg». CA: CBC News. 15 October 2013. Retrieved 16 October 2013.
  97. ^ Lyman, David (24 January 2015). «‘Handmaid’s Tale’ offers extreme view of future». Cincinnati.com.
  98. ^ Hardawar, Devindra (29 April 2016). «Hulu is adapting Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. Engadget. Retrieved 30 April 2016.
  99. ^ Otterson, Joe (17 September 2017). «‘Hulu Carried to Emmys Glory by Eight Wins for ‘Handmaid’s Tale’«. Variety. Retrieved 1 April 2018.
  100. ^ Holloway, Daniel (2 May 2018). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Renewed for Season 3 at Hulu». Variety. Retrieved 2 May 2018.
  101. ^ «Margaret Atwood announces sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale». CBC News, 28 November 2018.
  102. ^ Grady, Constance (4 September 2019). «Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale sequel is a giddy thrill ride». Vox. Retrieved 4 September 2019.

General and cited references[edit]

  • (17 June 2005), «Aliens Have Taken the Place of Angels», The Guardian
  • (14 January 2009), «Complaint Spurs School Board to Review Novel by Atwood», The Toronto Star.
  • Alexander, Lynn (22 May 2009), «The Handmaid’s Tale Working Bibliography», Department of English, University of Tennessee at Martin. Hyperlinked to online resources for Alexander, Dr Lynn (Spring 1999), Women Writers: Magic, Mysticism, and Mayhem (course). Includes entry for book chap. by Kauffman.
  • An Interview with Margaret Atwood on her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale (n.d.). In Nashville Public Library.
  • Armrbuster, J. (1990). «Memory and Politics — A Reflection on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale'». Social Justice 17(3), 146–52.
  • Atwood, Margaret (1985). The Handmaid’s Tale. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. ISBN 0-7710-0813-9. Atwood, Margaret (1986). The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor Books. Atwood, Margaret (1998). The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor Books (div. of Random House). ISBN 978-0-385-49081-8. Parenthetical page references are to the 1998 ed. Digitized 2 June 2008 by Google Books (311 pp.) (2005), La Servante écarlate [The Handmaid’s Tale] (in French), Rué, Sylviane transl, Paris: J’ai Lu, ISBN 978-2-290-34710-2.
  • Atwood, M. (2004). The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake «In Context». PMLA, 119(3), 513–517.
  • Atwood, M. (20 January 2012). «Haunted by the Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian.
  • Bergmann, H. F. (1989). «Teaching Them to Read: A Fishing Expedition in the Handmaid’s Tale». College English, 51(8), 847–854.
  • Burack, C. (1988–89). «Bringing Women’s Studies to Political Science: The Handmaid in the Classroom». NWSA Journal 1(2), 274–83.
  • Callaway, A. A. (2008). «Women disunited: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as a critique of feminism». San Jose State University.
  • Curwood, Steve (13 June 2014). «Margaret Atwood on Fiction, The Future, and Environmental Crisis». Living on Earth. n.p.
  • Evans, M. (1994). «Versions of History: The Handmaid’s Tale and its Dedicatees». In C. Nicholson (Ed.), Margaret Atwood: Writing and Subjectivity (pp. 177–188). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Greene, Gayle (1986). «Choice of Evils». The Women’s Review of Books 3(10), 14–15.
  • Gruss, S. (2004). «People confuse personal relations with legal structures». An Interview with Margaret Atwood. In Gender Forum. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  • Hammill, Faye (2008). «Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». In William Seed (ed.). A Companion to Science Fiction. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons. pp. 522–533. ISBN 9780470797013.
  • Hines, M. E. (2006). Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale: Fundamentalist Religiosity and the Oppression of Women. N.p.: Angelo State University.
  • Kauffman, Linda (1989), «6. Special Delivery: Twenty-First Century Epistolarity in The Handmaid’s Tale», in Goldsmith, Elizabeth, Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature, Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 221–44. Cited in Alexander.
  • Langford, David (August 2003), «Bits and Pieces», SFX (UK: Ansible) (107).
  • Larson, J. L. (1989). «Margaret Atwood and the Future of Prophecy». Religion & Literature 21(1), 27–61.
  • Laz, C. (January 1996). «Science Fiction and Introductory Sociology: The ‘Handmaid’ in the Classroom». Teaching Sociology,24(1), 54–63.
  • Lewis, Lapham H. (September 2004). «Tentacles of rage: The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history». Harper’s Magazine.
  • Mercer, N. (2013). «Subversive Feminist Thrusts»: Feminist Dystopian Writing and Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Louise Marley’s The Terrorists of Irustan, Marge Piercy’s He, She and I. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin.
  • Miner, Madonne (1991), «‘Trust Me’: Reading the Romance Plot in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». Twentieth Century Literature 37: 148–68, doi:10.2307/441844.
  • Morris, M. (1990). «Margaret Atwood, The Art of Fiction No. 121». The Paris Review.
  • Neuman, S. C. (2006). «‘Just a Backlash’: Margaret Atwood, Feminism, and The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Toronto Quarterly, 75(3), 857–868.
  • Oates, J. C. (2 November 2006). «Margaret Atwood’s Tale». The New York Review of Books.
  • Perry, D. (30 December 2014). «Margaret Atwood and the ‘Four Unwise Republicans’: 12 surprises from the legendary writer’s Reddit AMA». The Oregonian.
  • Rothstein, Mervyn (17 February 1986). «No Balm in Gilead for Margaret Atwood». The New York Times.
  • Rushowy, Kristin (16 January 2009). «Atwood Novel Too Brutal, Sexist For School: Parent». The Toronto Star. Archived from the original on 21 April 2016.
  • Stein, K. F. (1996). «Margaret Atwood’s Modest Proposal: The Handmaid’s Tale». Canadian Literature, 148, 57–72.
  • The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000, American Library Association, 2009.
  • Andriano, Joseph. «The Handmaid’s Tale as Scrabble Game.» Critical Insights: The Handmaid’s Tale, edited by J. Brooks Bouson, Salem, 2009. Salem Online.
  • Elliott, John. «A Watershed Moment for Atwood», The Ottawa Citizen, 5 December 2004, p. A3. ProQuest, .

Further reading[edit]

  • Adami, Valentina (2011). Bioethics Through Literature: Margaret Atwood’s Cautionary Tales. Trier: WVT.
  • Atwood, Margaret (2001). Bloom, Harold (ed.). The Handmaid’s Tale. Philadelphia: Chelsea House.
  • Cooper, Pamela (1997). «‘A Body Story with a Vengeance’: Anatomy and Struggle in The Bell Jar and The Handmaid’s Tale«. Women’s Studies. 26 (1): 89–123. doi:10.1080/00497878.1997.9979152.
  • Dopp, Jamie (1994). «Subject-Position as Victim-Position in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Studies in Canadian Literature. 19 (1): 43–57.
  • Gardner, Laurel J (1994). «Pornography as a Matter of Power in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Notes on Contemporary Literature. 24 (5): 5–7.
  • Garretts-Petts, WF (1988). «Reading, Writing and the Postmodern Condition: Interpreting Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Open Letter. Seventh. I.
  • Geddes, Dan (January 2001). «Negative Utopia as Polemic: The Handmaid’s Tale». The Satirist.
  • Hammer, Stephanie Barbé (1990). «The World as It Will Be? Female Satire and the Technology of Power in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Modern Language Studies. XX (2): 39–49. doi:10.2307/3194826. JSTOR 3194826.
  • Malak, Amin (1987). «Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition». Canadian Literature. 112: 9–16.
  • McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Breeders, Wives, and Unwomen». The New York Times (review). Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  • Mohr, Dunja M. (2005), Worlds Apart: Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias, Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2005 Long chapter on The Handmaid’s Tale as utopia and dystopia.
  • Myrsiades, Linda (1999). «Law, Medicine, and the Sex Slave in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. In Myrsiades, Kostas; Myrsiades, Linda (eds.). Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 219–45.
  • Tennant, Colette (2019). Religion in The Handmaid’s Tale: A Brief Guide. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. ISBN 9781506456317.

External links[edit]

  • Atwood, Margaret (April 2003). The Handmaid’s Tale (Audio file format). World Book Club. BBC World Service..
  • The Handmaid’s Tale ballet at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet
The Handmaid’s Tale


Cover of the first edition

Author Margaret Atwood
Cover artist Tad Aronowicz,[1] design; Gail Geltner, collage (first edition, hardback)
Country Canada
Language English
Genre Dystopian novel
Speculative fiction
Publisher McClelland and Stewart
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (ebook)

Publication date

Media type Print (Hardcover and Paperback)
Pages 311
ISBN 0-7710-0813-9
Followed by The Testaments 

The Handmaid’s Tale is a futuristic dystopian novel[6] by Canadian author Margaret Atwood and published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England in a patriarchal, totalitarian theonomic state known as the Republic of Gilead, which has overthrown the United States government.[7] Offred is the central character and narrator and one of the «handmaids», women who are forcibly assigned to produce children for the «commanders», who are the ruling class in Gilead.

The novel explores themes of subjugated women in a patriarchal society, loss of female agency and individuality, suppression of women’s reproductive rights, and the various means by which women resist and try to gain individuality and independence. The title echoes the component parts of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, which is a series of connected stories (such as «The Merchant’s Tale» and «The Parson’s Tale»).[8] It also alludes to the tradition of fairy tales where the central character tells her story.[9]

The Handmaid’s Tale won the 1985 Governor General’s Award and the first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987; it was also nominated for the 1986 Nebula Award, the 1986 Booker Prize, and the 1987 Prometheus Award. In 2022, The Handmaid’s Tale was included on the «Big Jubilee Read» list of 70 books by Commonwealth authors, selected to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[10] The book has been adapted into a 1990 film, a 2000 opera, a 2017 television series, and other media. An ebook version was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.[11][12] A sequel novel, The Testaments, was published in 2019.

Plot summary[edit]

After a staged attack that killed the President of the United States and most of Congress, a radical political group called the «Sons of Jacob» uses theonomic ideology to launch a revolution.[7] The United States Constitution is suspended, newspapers are censored, and what was formerly the United States of America is changed into a military dictatorship known as the Republic of Gilead. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power, overtaking all other religious groups, including Christian denominations.

The regime reorganizes society using a peculiar interpretation of some Old Testament ideas, and a new militarized, hierarchical model of social and religious fanaticism among its newly created social classes. One of the most significant changes is the limitation of people’s rights. Women become the lowest-ranking class and are not allowed to own money or property, or to read and write. Most significantly, women are deprived of control over their own reproductive functions.

The story is told in first-person narration by a woman named Offred. In this era of environmental pollution and radiation, she is one of the few remaining fertile women. Therefore, she is forcibly assigned to produce children for the «Commanders,» the ruling class of men, and is known as a «Handmaid» based on the biblical story of Rachel and her handmaid Bilhah. She undergoes training to become a handmaid along with other women of her standing at the Rachel and Leah Centre.

Apart from Handmaids, women are classed socially and follow a strict dress code, ranked highest to lowest: the Commanders’ Wives in teal blue, the Handmaids in burgundy with large white bonnets to be easily seen, the Aunts (who train and indoctrinate the Handmaids) in brown, the Marthas (cooks and maids, possibly sterile women past child-bearing years) in green, Econowives (the wives of lower-ranking men who handle everything in the domestic sphere) in blue, red and green stripes, very young girls in pink (often married or «given» to a Commander at 14 to produce offspring), young boys in blue, and widows in black.

Offred details her life starting with her third assignment as a Handmaid to a Commander. Interspersed with her narratives of her present-day experiences are flashbacks of her life before and during the beginning of the revolution, including her failed attempt to escape to Canada with her husband and child, her indoctrination into life as a Handmaid by the Aunts, and the escape of her friend Moira from the indoctrination facility. At her new home, she is treated poorly by the Commander’s wife, Serena Joy, a former Christian media personality who supported women’s domesticity and subordinate role well before Gilead was established.

To Offred’s surprise, the Commander requests to see her outside of the «Ceremony» which is a reproductive ritual obligatory for handmaids (conducted in the presence of the wives) and intended to result in conception. The commander’s request to see Offred in the library is an illegal activity in Gilead, but they meet nevertheless. They mostly play Scrabble and Offred is allowed to ask favours of him, either in terms of information or material items. The Commander asks Offred to kiss him «as if she meant it» and tells her about his strained relationship with his wife. Finally, he gives her lingerie and takes her to a covert, government-run brothel called Jezebel’s. Offred unexpectedly encounters Moira there, with Moira’s will broken, and learns from Moira that those who are found breaking the law are sent to the Colonies to clean up toxic waste or are allowed to work at Jezebel’s as punishment.

In the days between her visits to the Commander, Offred also learns from her shopping partner, a woman called Ofglen, of the Mayday resistance, an underground network working to overthrow the Republic of Gilead. Not knowing of Offred’s criminal acts with her husband, Serena begins to suspect that the Commander is infertile, and arranges for Offred to begin a covert sexual relationship with Nick, the Commander’s personal servant. Serena offers Offred information about her daughter in exchange. She later brings her a photograph of Offred’s daughter which leaves Offred feeling dejected because she senses she has been erased from her daughter’s life.

Nick had earlier tried to talk to Offred and had shown interest in her. After their initial sexual encounter, Offred and Nick begin to meet on their own initiative as well, with Offred discovering that she enjoys these intimate moments despite memories of her husband, and shares potentially dangerous information about her past with him. Offred tells Nick that she thinks she is pregnant.

Offred hears from a new walking partner that Ofglen has disappeared (reported as a suicide). Serena finds evidence of the relationship between Offred and the Commander, which causes Offred to contemplate suicide. Shortly afterward, men arrive at the house wearing the uniform of the secret police, the Eyes of God, known informally as «the Eyes», to take her away. As she is led to a waiting van, Nick tells her to trust him and go with the men. It is unclear whether the men are actually Eyes or members of the Mayday resistance.

Offred is still unsure if Nick is a member of Mayday or an Eye posing as one, and does not know if leaving will result in her escape or her capture. Ultimately, she enters the van with her future uncertain while Commander Fred and Serena are left bereft in the house, each thinking of repercussions of Offred’s capture on their lives.

The novel concludes with a metafictional epilogue, described as a partial transcript of an international historical association conference taking place in the year 2195. The keynote speaker explains that Offred’s account of the events of the novel was recorded onto cassette tapes later found and transcribed by historians studying what is then called «the Gilead Period».


Fitting with her statements that The Handmaid’s Tale is a work of speculative fiction, not science fiction, Atwood’s novel offers a satirical view of various social, political, and religious trends of the United States in the 1980s. Her motivation for writing the novel was her belief that in the 1980s, the religious right was discussing what they would do with/to women if they took power, including the Moral Majority, Focus on the Family, the Christian Coalition and the Ronald Reagan administration.[13] Atwood questions what would happen if these trends, and especially «casually held attitudes about women» were taken to their logical end.[14]

Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid’s Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that «As with The Handmaid’s Tale, I didn’t put in anything that we haven’t already done, we’re not already doing, we’re seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress… So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil.»[15] Atwood was known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction’s basis in reality.[16] Atwood has explained that The Handmaid’s Tale is a response to those who say the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years «can’t happen here»—but in this work, she has tried to show how such a takeover might play out.[17]

Atwood was also inspired by the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1978–79 that saw a theocracy established that drastically reduced the rights of women and imposed a strict dress code on Iranian women, very much like that of Gilead.[18] In The Handmaid’s Tale, a reference is made to the Islamic Republic of Iran in the form of the history book Iran and Gilead: Two Late Twentieth Century Monotheocracies mentioned in the endnotes describing the historians’ convention in 2195.[18] Atwood’s picture of a society ruled by men who professed high moral principles, but are in fact self-interested and selfish was inspired by observing Canadian politicians in action, especially in her hometown of Toronto, who frequently profess in a very sanctimonious manner to be acting from the highest principles of morality while in reality the opposite is the case.[18]

During the Second World War, Canadian women took on jobs in the place of men serving in the military that they were expected to yield to men once the war was over. After 1945, not all women wanted to return to their traditional roles as housewives and mothers, leading to a male backlash.[19] Atwood was born in 1939, and while growing up in the 1950s she saw first-hand the complaints against women who continued to work after 1945 and of women who unhappily gave up their jobs, which she incorporated into her novel.[19] The way in which the narrator is forced into becoming an unhappy housewife after she loses her job, in common with all the other women of Gilead, was inspired by Atwood’s memories of the 1950s.[19]

Atwood’s inspiration for the Republic of Gilead came from her study of early American Puritans while at Harvard, which she attended on a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship.[14] Atwood argues that the modern view of the Puritans—that they came to America to flee religious persecution in England and set up a religiously tolerant society—is misleading, and that instead, these Puritan leaders wanted to establish a monolithic theonomy where religious dissent would not be tolerated.[14][20]

Atwood has a personal connection to the Puritans, and she dedicates the novel to her own ancestor Mary Webster, who was accused of witchcraft in Puritan New England but survived her hanging.[21] Due to the totalitarian nature of Gileadean society, Atwood, in creating the setting, drew from the «utopian idealism» present in 20th-century régimes, such as Cambodia and Romania, as well as earlier New England Puritanism.[22] Atwood has argued that a coup, such as the one depicted in The Handmaid’s Tale, would misuse religion in order to achieve its own ends.[22][23]

Atwood, in regards to those leading Gilead, further stated:[24]

I don’t consider these people to be Christians because they do not have at the core of their behaviour and ideologies what I, in my feeble Canadian way, would consider to be the core of Christianity … and that would be not only love your neighbours but love your enemies. That would also be «I was sick and you visited me not» and such and such …And that would include also concern for the environment, because you can’t love your neighbour or even your enemy, unless you love your neighbour’s oxygen, food, and water. You can’t love your neighbour or your enemy if you’re presuming policies that are going to cause those people to die. … Of course faith can be a force for good and often has been. So faith is a force for good particularly when people are feeling beleaguered and in need of hope. So you can have bad iterations and you can also have the iteration in which people have got too much power and then start abusing it. But that is human behaviour, so you can’t lay it down to religion. You can find the same in any power situation, such as politics or ideologies that purport to be atheist. Need I mention the former Soviet Union? So it is not a question of religion making people behave badly. It is a question of human beings getting power and then wanting more of it.

In the same vein, Atwood also declared that «In the real world today, some religious groups are leading movements for the protection of vulnerable groups, including women.»[8] Atwood draws connections between the ways in which Gilead’s leaders maintain their power and other examples of actual totalitarian governments. In her interviews, Atwood offers up Afghanistan as an example of a religious theocracy forcing women out of the public sphere and into their homes,[25] as in Gilead.[16][14]

The «state-sanctioned murder of dissidents» was inspired by the Philippines under President Ferdinand Marcos, and the last General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party Nicolae Ceaușescu’s obsession with increasing the birth rate (Decree 770) led to the strict policing of pregnant women and the outlawing of birth control and abortion.[16] However, Atwood clearly explains that many of these actions were not just present in other cultures and countries, «but within Western society, and within the ‘Christian’ tradition itself».[22]

The Republic of Gilead struggles with infertility, making Offred’s services as a Handmaid vital to producing children and thus reproducing the society. Handmaids themselves are «untouchable», but their ability to signify status is equated to that of slaves or servants throughout history.[22] Atwood connects their concerns with infertility to real-life problems our world faces, such as radiation, chemical pollution, and sexually transmitted disease (HIV/AIDS is specifically mentioned in the «Historical Notes» section at the end of the novel, which was a relatively new disease at the time of Atwood’s writing whose long-term impact was still unknown). Atwood’s strong stance on environmental issues and their negative consequences for our society has presented itself in other works such as her MaddAddam trilogy, and refers back to her growing up with biologists and her own scientific curiosity.[26]



Offred is the protagonist and narrator who takes the readers through life in Gilead. She was labeled a «wanton woman» when Gilead was established because she had married a man who was divorced. All divorces were nullified by the new government, meaning her husband was now considered still married to his first wife, making Offred an adulteress. In trying to escape Gilead, she was separated from her husband and daughter.[27]

She is part of the first generation of Gilead’s women, those who remember pre-Gilead times. Proved fertile, she is considered an important commodity and has been placed as a «handmaid» in the home of «the Commander» and his wife Serena Joy, to bear a child for them (Serena Joy is believed to be infertile).[27] Readers are able to see Offred’s resistance to the Republic of Gilead on the inside through her thoughts.

Offred is a slave name that describes her function: she is «of Fred» (i.e., she belongs to Fred – presumed to be the name of the Commander – and is considered a concubine). In the novel, Offred says that she is not a concubine, but a tool; a «two-legged womb». The Handmaids’ names say nothing about who the women really are; their only identity is as the Commander’s property. «Offred» is also a pun on the word «offered», as in «offered as a sacrifice», and «of red» because the red dress assigned for the handmaids in Gilead.[8]

In Atwood’s original novel, Offred’s real name is never revealed. In Volker Schlöndorff’s 1990 film adaptation Offred was given the real name Kate,[28] while the television series gave her the real name June.

The women in training to be Handmaids whisper names across their beds at night. The names are «Alma. Janine. Dolores. Moira. June,» and all are later accounted for except June. In addition, one of the Aunts tells the handmaids-in-training to stop «mooning and June-ing».[29] From this and other references, some readers have inferred that her birth name could be «June».[30] Miner suggests that «June» is a pseudonym. As «Mayday» is the name of the Gilead resistance, June could be an invention by the protagonist. The Nunavit conference covered in the epilogue takes place in June.[31]

When the Hulu TV series chose to state outright that Offred’s real name is June, Atwood wrote that it was not her original intention to imply that Offred’s real name is June «but it fits, so readers are welcome to it if they wish».[8] The revelation of Offred’s real name serves only to humanize her in the presence of the other Handmaids.

The Commander[edit]

The Commander says that he was a scientist and was previously involved in something similar to market research before Gilead’s inception. Later, it is hypothesized, but not confirmed, that he might have been one of the architects of the Republic and its laws. Presumably, his first name is «Fred», though that, too, may be a pseudonym. He engages in forbidden intellectual pursuits with Offred, such as playing Scrabble, and introduces her to a secret club that serves as a brothel for high-ranking officers.

He shows his softer side to Offred during their covert meetings and confesses of being «misunderstood» by his wife. Offred learns that the Commander carried on a similar relationship with his previous handmaid, who later killed herself when his wife found out.

In the epilogue, Professor Pieixoto speculates that one of two figures, both instrumental in the establishment of Gilead, may have been the Commander, based on the name «Fred». It is his belief that the Commander was a man named Frederick R. Waterford who was killed in a purge shortly after Offred was taken away, charged with harbouring an enemy agent.

Serena Joy[edit]

Serena Joy is a former televangelist and the Commander’s wife in the fundamentalist theonomy. Her real name is Pam and she is fond of gardening and knitting. The state took away her power and public recognition, and she tries to hide her past as a television figure. Offred identifies Serena Joy by recalling seeing her on TV when she was a little girl early on Saturday mornings while waiting for the cartoons to air.

Believed to be sterile (although the suggestion is made that the Commander is sterile, Gileadean laws attribute sterility only to women), she is forced to accept that he has use of a Handmaid. She resents having to take part in «The Ceremony», a monthly fertility ritual. She strikes a deal with Offred to arrange for her to have sex with Nick in order to become pregnant. According to Professor Pieixoto in the epilogue, «Serena Joy» or «Pam» are pseudonyms. The character’s real name is implied to be Thelma.


Ofglen is a neighbour of Offred’s and a fellow Handmaid. She is partnered with Offred to do the daily shopping. Handmaids are never alone and are expected to police each other’s behaviour. Ofglen is a secret member of the Mayday resistance. In contrast to Offred, she is daring. She knocks out a Mayday spy who is to be tortured and killed in order to save him the pain of a violent death. Offred is told that when Ofglen vanishes, it is because she has committed suicide before the government can take her into custody due to her membership in the resistance, possibly to avoid giving away any information.

A new Handmaid, also called Ofglen, takes Ofglen’s place, and is assigned as Offred’s shopping partner. She threatens Offred against any thought of resistance. In addition, she breaks protocol by telling her what happened to the first Ofglen.


Nick is the Commander’s chauffeur, who lives above the garage. Right from the start, Nick comes across as a daring character as he smokes and tries to engage with Offred, both forbidden activities. By Serena Joy’s arrangement, he and Offred start a sexual relationship to increase her chance of getting pregnant. If she were unable to bear the Commander a child, she would be declared sterile and shipped to the ecological wastelands of the Colonies. Offred begins to develop feelings for him. Nick is an ambiguous character, and Offred does not know if he is a party loyalist or part of the resistance, though he identifies himself as the latter. The epilogue suggests that he really was part of the resistance, and aided Offred in escaping the Commander’s house.


Moira has been a close friend of Offred’s since college. In the novel, their relationship represents a female friendship that the Republic of Gilead tries to block. A lesbian, she has resisted the homophobia of Gileadean society. Moira is taken to be a Handmaid soon after Offred. She finds the life of a handmaid unbearably oppressive and risks engaging with the guards just to defy the system. She escapes by stealing an Aunt’s pass and clothes, but Offred later finds her working as a prostitute in a party-run brothel. She was caught and chose the brothel rather than to be sent to the Colonies. Moira exemplifies defiance against Gilead by rejecting every value that is forced onto the citizens.


Luke was Offred’s husband before the formation of Gilead. He was married when he first started a relationship with Offred and had divorced his first wife to marry her. Under Gilead, all divorces were retroactively nullified, resulting in Offred being considered an adulteress and their daughter illegitimate. Offred was forced to become a Handmaid and her daughter was given to a loyalist family. Since their attempt to escape to Canada, Offred has heard nothing of Luke. She wavers between believing him dead or imprisoned.

Professor Pieixoto[edit]

Pieixoto is the «co-discoverer [with Professor Knotly Wade] of Offred’s tapes». In his presentation at an academic conference set in 2195, he talks about «the ‘Problems of Authentication in Reference to The Handmaid’s Tale«.[27]
Pieixoto is the person who is retelling Offred’s story, and so makes the narration even more unreliable than it was originally.

Aunt Lydia[edit]

Aunt Lydia appears in flashbacks where her instructions frequently haunt Offred. Aunt Lydia works at the ‘Red Center’ where women receive instructions for a life as a Handmaid. Throughout the narrative, Aunt Lydia’s pithy pronouncements on code of conduct for the Handmaids shed light on the philosophy of subjugation of women practiced in Gilead. Aunt Lydia appears to be a true believer of Gilead’s religious philosophy and seems to take her job as a true calling.


A servant who works at the Commander’s house because she is infertile. She hopes that Offred will get pregnant as she desires to help raise a child. She is friendly towards Offred and even covers up for her when she finds her lying on the floor one morning; a suspicious occurrence by Gilead’s standards worthy of being reported.


Rita is a Martha at Commander Fred’s house. Her job is cooking and housekeeping and is one of the members of the «household». At the start of the novel, Rita has a contempt for Offred and though she is responsible for keeping Offred well fed, she believes a handmaid should prefer going to the colonies over working as a sexual slave.


The novel is set in an indeterminate dystopian future, speculated to be around the year 2005,[32] with a fundamentalist theonomy ruling the territory of what had been the United States but is now the Republic of Gilead. The fertility rates in Gilead have diminished due to environmental toxicity and fertile women are a valuable commodity owned and enslaved by the powerful elite. Individuals are segregated by categories and dressed according to their social functions. Complex dress codes play a key role in imposing social control within the new society and serve to distinguish people by sex, occupation, and caste.

The action takes place in what once was the Harvard Square neighbourhood of Cambridge, Massachusetts;[33][34] Atwood studied at Radcliffe College, located in this area. As a researcher, Atwood spent a lot of time in the Widener Library at Harvard which in the novel serves as a setting for the headquarters of the Gilead Secret Service.[9]

Gilead society[edit]


Bruce Miller, the executive producer of The Handmaid’s Tale television serial, declared with regard to Atwood’s book, as well as his series, that Gilead is «a society that’s based kind of in a perverse misreading of Old Testament laws and codes».[35] The author explains that Gilead tries to embody the «utopian idealism» present in 20th-century regimes, as well as earlier New England Puritanism.[22] Both Atwood and Miller stated that the people running Gilead are «not genuinely Christian».[36][35]

The group running Gilead, according to Atwood, is «not really interested in religion; they’re interested in power.»[24] In her prayers to God, Offred reflects on Gilead and prays «I don’t believe for an instant that what’s going on out there is what You meant…. I suppose I should say I forgive whoever did this, and whatever they’re doing now. I’ll try, but it isn’t easy.»[37] Margaret Atwood, writing on this, says that «Offred herself has a private version of the Lord’s Prayer and refuses to believe that this regime has been mandated by a just and merciful God.»[8]

Christian churches that do not support the actions of the Sons of Jacob are systematically demolished, and the people living in Gilead are never seen attending church.[35] Christian denominations, including Quakers, Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Roman Catholics, are specifically named as enemies of the Sons of Jacob.[24][35] Nuns who refuse conversion are considered «Unwomen» and banished to the Colonies, owing to their reluctance to marry and refusal (or inability) to bear children. Priests unwilling to convert are executed and hanged from the Wall. Atwood pits Quaker Christians against the regime by having them help the oppressed, something she feels they would do in reality: «The Quakers have gone underground, and are running an escape route to Canada, as—I suspect—they would.»[8]

Jews are named an exception and classified Sons of Jacob. Offred observes that Jews refusing to convert are allowed to emigrate from Gilead to Israel, and most choose to leave. However, in the epilogue, Professor Pieixoto reveals that many of the emigrating Jews ended up being dumped into the sea while on the ships ostensibly tasked with transporting them to Israel, due to privatization of the «repatriation program» and capitalists’ effort to maximize profits. Offred mentions that many Jews who chose to stay were caught secretly practicing Judaism and executed.

Legitimate women[edit]

The top social level permitted to women, achieved by marriage to higher-ranking officers. Wives always wear blue dresses and cloaks, suggesting traditional depictions of the Virgin Mary in historic Christian art. When a Commander dies, his Wife becomes a Widow and must dress in black.
The natural or adopted children of the ruling class. They wear white until marriage, which is arranged by the government. The narrator’s daughter may have been adopted by an infertile Wife and Commander and she is shown in a photograph wearing a long white dress.

The bonnets that Handmaids wear are modelled on Old Dutch Cleanser’s faceless mascot, which Atwood in childhood found frightening.[8]

Fertile women whose social function is to bear children for infertile Wives. Handmaids dress in ankle-length red dresses, white caps, and heavy boots. In summer, they change into lighter-weight (but still ankle-length) dresses and slatted shoes. When in public, in winter, they wear ankle-length red cloaks, red gloves, and heavy white bonnets, which they call «wings» because the sides stick out, blocking their peripheral vision and shielding their faces from view. Handmaids are women of proven fertility who have broken the law. The law includes both gender crimes, such as lesbianism, and religious crimes, such as adultery (redefined to include sexual relationships with divorced partners since divorce is no longer legal). The Republic of Gilead justifies the use of the handmaids for procreation by referring to two biblical stories: Genesis 30:1–13 and Genesis 16:1–4. In the first story, Jacob’s infertile wife Rachel offers up her handmaid Bilhah to be a surrogate mother on her behalf, and then her sister Leah does the same with her own handmaid Zilpah (even though Leah has already given Jacob many sons). In the other story, which appears earlier in Genesis but is cited less frequently, Abraham has sex with his wife’s handmaid, Hagar. Handmaids are assigned to Commanders and live in their houses. When unassigned, they live at training centers. Handmaids who successfully bear children continue to live at their commander’s house until their children are weaned, at which point they are sent to a new assignment. Those who produce children will never be declared «Unwomen» or sent to the Colonies, even if they never have another baby.
Trainers of the Handmaids. They dress in brown. Aunts promote the role of Handmaid as an honorable way for a sinful woman to redeem herself. They police the Handmaids, beating some and ordering the maiming of others. The aunts have an unusual amount of autonomy, compared to other women of Gilead. They are the only class of women permitted to read, although this is only to fulfil the administrative aspect of their role.
They are older, infertile women who have domestic skills and are compliant, making them suitable as servants within the households of the Commanders and their families. They dress in green. The title of «Martha» is based on the account of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary (Gospel of Luke 10:38–42), in which Mary listens to Jesus while her sister Martha works at «all the preparations that had to be made». The duties of Marthas may be tasked to Guardians of the Faith, paramilitary officers who police Gilead’s civilian population and guard the Commanders, wherever conflict with Gilead’s laws may arise, such as with cleaning a Commander’s study where Marthas could obtain literature.
Women married to men of lower-rank, not members of the elite. They are expected to perform all the female functions: domestic duties, companionship, and child-bearing. Their dress is multicoloured red, blue, and green to reflect these multiple roles, and is made of notably cheaper material.

The division of labour among the women generates some resentment. Marthas, Wives and Econowives perceive Handmaids as promiscuous and are taught to scorn them. Offred mourns that the women of the various groups have lost their ability to empathize with each other.

The Ceremony[edit]

«The Ceremony» is a non-marital sexual act sanctioned for reproduction. The ritual requires the Handmaid to lie on her back between the legs of the Wife during the sex act as if they were one person. The Wife has to invite the Handmaid to share her power this way; many Wives consider this both humiliating and offensive. Offred describes the ceremony:

My red skirt is hitched up to my waist, though no higher. Below it the Commander is fucking. What he is fucking is the lower part of my body. I do not say making love, because this is not what he’s doing. Copulating too would be inaccurate because it would imply two people and only one is involved. Nor does rape cover it: nothing is going on here that I haven’t signed up for.[38]


Critical reception[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale received critical acclaim, helping to cement Atwood’s status as a prominent writer of the 20th century. Not only was the book deemed well-written and compelling, but Atwood’s work was notable for sparking intense debates both in and out of academia.[13] Atwood maintains that the Republic of Gilead is only an extrapolation of trends already seen in the United States at the time of her writing, a view supported by other scholars studying The Handmaid’s Tale.[39] Many have placed The Handmaid’s Tale in the same category of dystopian fiction as Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World,[16] a categorization that Atwood has accepted and reiterated in many articles and interviews.[17]

Even today, many reviewers hold that Atwood’s novel remains as foreboding and powerful as ever, largely because of its basis in historical fact.[21][23] Yet when her book was first published in 1985, not all reviewers were convinced of the «cautionary tale» Atwood presented. For example, Mary McCarthy’s 1986 New York Times review argued that The Handmaid’s Tale lacked the «surprised recognition» necessary for readers to see «our present selves in a distorting mirror, of what we may be turning into if current trends are allowed to continue».[26]

The 2017 television series led to debate on whether parallels[clarification needed] could be drawn between the series (and book) and America during the presidency of Donald Trump.[40]

Genre classification[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale is a feminist dystopian novel,[41][42] combining the characteristics of dystopian fiction: «a genre that projects an imaginary society that differs from the author’s own, first, by being significantly worse in important respects and second by being worse because it attempts to reify some utopian ideal,»[43] with the feminist utopian ideal which: «sees men or masculine systems as the major cause of social and political problems (e.g. war), and presents women as not only at least the equals of men but also as the sole arbiters of their reproductive functions».[44][45]

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction notes that dystopian images are almost invariably images of future society, «pointing fearfully at the way the world is supposedly going in order to provide urgent propaganda for a change in direction.»[46] Atwood’s stated intent was indeed to dramatize potential consequences of current trends.[47]

In 1985, reviewers hailed the book as a «feminist 1984,«[48] citing similarities between the totalitarian regimes under which both protagonists live, and «the distinctively modern sense of nightmare come true, the initial paralyzed powerlessness of the victim unable to act.»[49] Scholarly studies have expanded on the place of The Handmaid’s Tale in the dystopian and feminist traditions.[49][14][50][15][48]

The classification of utopian and dystopian fiction as a sub-genre of the collective term, speculative fiction, alongside science fiction, fantasy, and horror is a relatively recent convention. Dystopian novels have long been discussed as a type of science fiction, however, with publication of The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood distinguished the terms science fiction and speculative fiction quite intentionally. In interviews and essays, she has discussed why, observing:

I like to make a distinction between science fiction proper and speculative fiction. For me, the science fiction label belongs on books with things in them that we can’t yet do, such as going through a wormhole in space to another universe; and speculative fiction means a work that employs the means already to hand, such as DNA identification and credit cards, and that takes place on Planet Earth. But the terms are fluid.[51]

Atwood acknowledges that others may use the terms interchangeably, but she notes her interest in this type of work is to explore themes in ways that «realistic fiction» cannot do.[51]

Among a few science fiction aficionados, however, Atwood’s comments were considered petty and contemptuous. (The term speculative fiction was indeed employed that way by certain New Wave writers in the 1960s and early 1970s to express their dissatisfaction with traditional or establishment science fiction.) Hugo-winning science fiction critic David Langford observed in a column: «The Handmaid’s Tale won the very first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987. She’s been trying to live this down ever since.»[52]

Reception in schools[edit]

Atwood’s novels, and especially her works of speculative fiction, The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake, are frequently offered as examples for the final, open-ended question on the American Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition exam each year.[53] As such, her books are often assigned in high-school classrooms to students taking this Advanced Placement course, despite the mature themes the work presents. Atwood herself has expressed surprise that her books are being assigned to high-school audiences, largely due to her own censored education in the 1950s, but she has assured readers that this increased attention from high-school students has not altered the material she has chosen to write about since.[54]


There has been some criticism of use of The Handmaid’s Tale in schools. Some challenges have come from parents concerned about the explicit sexuality and other adult themes in the book, while others have argued that The Handmaid’s Tale depicts a negative view of religion. This view is supported by some academics who propose that the work satirizes contemporary religious fundamentalists in the United States, offering a feminist critique of the trends this movement to the Right represents.[55][56]

The American Library Association lists The Handmaid’s Tale as number 37 on the «100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000».[57] In 2019, The Handmaid’s Tale is still listed as the seventh-most challenged book because of profanity, vulgarity, and sexual overtones.[58] Atwood participated in discussing The Handmaid’s Tale as the subject of an ALA discussion series titled «One Book, One Conference».[59]

Some challenges include,

  • A 2009 parent in Toronto accused the book of being anti-Christian and anti-Islamic because the women are veiled and polygamy is allowed.[60][61] Rushowy reports that «The Canadian Library Association says there is ‘no known instance of a challenge to this novel in Canada’ but says the book was called anti-Christian and pornographic by parents after being placed on a reading list for secondary students in Texas in the 1990s.»[62]
  • A 2012 challenge as required reading for a Page High School International Baccalaureate class and as optional reading for Advanced Placement reading courses at Grimsley High School in Greensboro, North Carolina because the book is «sexually explicit, violently graphic and morally corrupt». Some parents thought the book is “detrimental to Christian values».[63]
  • In November 2012, two parents protested against the inclusion of the book on a required reading list in Guilford County, North Carolina. The parents presented the school board with a petition signed by 2,300 people, prompting a review of the book by the school’s media advisory committee. According to local news reports, one of the parents said «she felt Christian students are bullied in society, in that they’re made to feel uncomfortable about their beliefs by non-believers. She said including books like The Handmaid’s Tale contributes to that discomfort, because of its negative view on religion and its anti-biblical attitudes toward sex.»[64]
  • In November 2021 in Wichita, Kansas, «The Goddard school district has removed more than two dozen books from circulation in the district’s school libraries, citing national attention and challenges to the books elsewhere.»[65]

In May 2022, Atwood announced that, in a joint project undertaken with Penguin Random House, an «unburnable» copy of the book would be produced and auctioned off, the project intended to «stand as a powerful symbol against censorship.”[66] On 7 June 2022, the unique, «unburnable» copy was sold through Sotheby’s in New York for $130,000.[67]

In higher education[edit]

In institutions of higher education, professors have found The Handmaid’s Tale to be useful, largely because of its historical and religious basis and Atwood’s captivating delivery. The novel’s teaching points include: introducing politics and the social sciences to students in a more concrete way;[68][69] demonstrating the importance of reading to our freedom, both intellectual and political;[70] and acknowledging the «most insidious and violent manifestations of power in Western history» in a compelling manner.[71]

The chapter entitled «Historical Notes» at the end of the novel also represents a warning to academics who run the risk of misreading and misunderstanding historical texts, pointing to the satirized Professor Pieixoto as an example of a male scholar who has taken over and overpowered Offred’s narrative with his own interpretation.[72]

Academic reception[edit]

Feminist analysis[edit]

Much of the discussion about The Handmaid’s Tale has centred on its categorization as feminist literature. Atwood does not see the Republic of Gilead as a purely feminist dystopia, as not all men have greater rights than women.[22] Instead, this society presents a typical dictatorship: «shaped like a pyramid, with the powerful of both sexes at the apex, the men generally outranking the women at the same level; then descending levels of power and status with men and women in each, all the way down to the bottom, where the unmarried men must serve in the ranks before being awarded an Econowife».[22]

Econowives are women married to men that don’t belong to the elite and who are expected to carry out child-bearing, domestic duties, and traditional companionship. When asked about whether her book was feminist, Atwood stated that the presence of women and what happens to them are important to the structure and theme of the book. This aisle of feminism, by default, would make a lot of books feminist. However, she is adamant in her stance that her book did not represent the brand of feminism that victimizes or strips women of moral choice.[73]

Atwood has argued that while some of the observations that informed the content of The Handmaid’s Tale may be feminist, her novel is not meant to say «one thing to one person» or serve as a political message—instead, The Handmaid’s Tale is «a study of power, and how it operates and how it deforms or shapes the people who are living within that kind of regime».[16][17]

Some scholars have offered a feminist interpretation, connecting Atwood’s use of religious fundamentalism in the pages of The Handmaid’s Tale to a condemnation of their presence in current American society.[55][56] Atwood goes on to describe her book as not a critique of religion, but a critique of the use of religion as a «front for tyranny.»[74] Others have argued that The Handmaid’s Tale critiques typical notions of feminism, as Atwood’s novel appears to subvert the traditional «women helping women» ideals of the movement and turn toward the possibility of «the matriarchal network … and a new form of misogyny: women’s hatred of women».[75]

Scholars have analyzed and made connections to patriarchal oppression in The Handmaid’s Tale and oppression of women today. Aisha Matthews tackles the effects of institutional structures that oppress woman and womanhood and connects those to the themes present in The Handmaid’s Tale. She first asserts that structures and social frameworks, such as the patriarchy and societal role of traditional Christian values, are inherently detrimental to the liberation of womanhood. She then makes the connection to the relationship between Offred, Serena Joy, and their Commander, explaining that through this «perversion of traditional marriage, the Biblical story of Rachel, Jacob, and Bilhah is taken too literally.» Their relationship and other similar relationships in The Handmaid’s Tale mirror the effects of patriarchal standards of womanliness.[76]

Sex and occupation

In the world of The Handmaid’s Tale, the sexes are strictly divided. Gilead’s society values white women’s reproductive commodities over those of other ethnicities. Women are categorized «hierarchically according to class status and reproductive capacity» as well as «metonymically colour-coded according to their function and their labour» (Kauffman 232). The Commander expresses his personal opinion that women are considered inferior to men, as the men are in a position where they have power to control society.

Women are segregated by clothing, as are men. With rare exception, men wear military or paramilitary uniforms. All classes of men and women are defined by the colours they wear, drawing on colour symbolism and psychology. All lower-status individuals are regulated by this dress code. All «non-persons» are banished to the «Colonies». Sterile, unmarried women are considered to be non-persons. Both men and women sent there wear grey dresses.

The women, particularly the handmaids, are stripped of their individual identities as they lack formal names, taking on their assigned commander’s first name in most cases.


Sterile women, the unmarried, some widows, feminists, lesbians, nuns, and politically dissident women: all women who are incapable of social integration within the Republic’s strict gender divisions. Gilead exiles Unwomen to «the Colonies», areas both of agricultural production and deadly pollution. Joining them are handmaids who fail to bear a child after three two-year assignments.


Jezebels are women who are forced to become prostitutes and entertainers. They are available only to the Commanders and to their guests. Offred portrays Jezebels as attractive and educated; they may be unsuitable as handmaids due to temperament. They have been sterilized, a surgery that is forbidden to other women. They operate in unofficial but state-sanctioned brothels, unknown to most women.

Jezebels, whose title comes from Jezebel in the Bible, dress in the remnants of sexualized costumes from «the time before», such as cheerleaders’ costumes, school uniforms, and Playboy Bunny costumes. Jezebels can wear make-up, drink alcohol and socialize with men, but are tightly controlled by the Aunts. When they pass their sexual prime or their looks fade, they are discarded without any precision as to whether they are killed or sent to the Colonies in the novel.

Race analysis[edit]

African Americans, the main non-White ethnic group in this society, are called the Children of Ham. A state TV broadcast mentions they have been relocated «en masse» to «National Homelands» in the Midwest, which are suggestive of the apartheid-era homelands (Bantustans) set up by South Africa. Ana Cottle characterized The Handmaid’s Tale as «White feminism», noting that Atwood does away with Black people in a few lines by relocating the «Children of Ham» while borrowing heavily from the African-American experience and applying it to White women.[77][78]

It is implied that Native Americans living in territories under the rule of Gilead are exterminated. Jews are given a choice between converting to the state religion or being «repatriated» to Israel. Converts who were subsequently discovered with any symbolic representations or artifacts of Judaism were executed, and the repatriation scheme was privatized, with the result that many Jews died en route to Israel.


  • 1985 – Governor General’s Award for English-language fiction (winner)[79]
  • 1986 – Booker Prize (nominated)[80]
  • 1986 – Nebula Award (nominated)[81]
  • 1986 – Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction (winner)[82]
  • 1987 – Arthur C. Clarke Award (winner)[83][a]
  • 1987 – Prometheus Award (nominated)[84][b]
  • 1987 – Commonwealth Writers’ Prize: Best Book (winner of the Canada and the Caribbean region)[85]

In other media[edit]


  • An audiobook of the unabridged text, read by Claire Danes (ISBN 9781491519110), won the 2013 Audie Award for fiction.[86]
  • In 2014, Canadian band Lakes of Canada released their album Transgressions, which is intended to be a concept album inspired by The Handmaid’s Tale.[87]
  • On his album Shady Lights from 2017, Snax references the novel and film adaption, specifically the character of Serena Joy, in the song «Make Me Disappear». The first verse reads, «You can call me Serena Joy. Drink in hand, in front of the TV, I’m teary-eyed, adjusting my CC.»
  • A full cast audiobook entitled The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition was released in 2017, read by Claire Danes, Margaret Atwood, Tim Gerard Reynolds, and others.[88]
  • An audiobook of the unabridged text, read by Betty Harris, was released in 2019 by Recorded Books, Inc.[89]


  • The 1990 film The Handmaid’s Tale was based on a screenplay by Harold Pinter and directed by Volker Schlöndorff. It stars Natasha Richardson as Offred, Faye Dunaway as Serena Joy, and Robert Duvall as The Commander (Fred).


  • A dramatic adaptation of the novel for radio was produced for BBC Radio 4 by John Dryden in 2000.[90]
  • In 2002 CBC Radio commissioned Michael O’Brien to adapt Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale for radio.


  • A stage adaptation written and directed by Bruce Shapiro played at Tufts University in 1989.[91]
  • An operatic adaptation, The Handmaid’s Tale, by Poul Ruders, premiered in Copenhagen on 6 March 2000, and was performed by the English National Opera, in London, in 2003.[92] It was the opening production of the 2004–2005 season of the Canadian Opera Company.[93] Boston Lyric Opera mounted a production in May 2019.[94]
  • A stage adaptation of the novel, by Brendon Burns, for the Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke, England, toured the UK in 2002.[95]
  • A ballet adaptation choreographed by Lila York and produced by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet premiered on 16 October 2013. Amanda Green appeared as Offred and Alexander Gamayunov as The Commander.[96]
  • A one-woman stage show, adapted from the novel, by Joseph Stollenwerk premiered in the U.S. in January 2015.[97]


  • Hulu has produced a television series based on the novel, starring Elisabeth Moss as Offred. The first three episodes were released on 26 April 2017, with subsequent episodes following on a weekly basis. Margaret Atwood served as consulting producer.[98] The series won eight Primetime Emmy Awards in 2017, including Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series (Moss).[99] The series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on 25 April 2018, and in May 2018, Hulu announced renewal for a third season. The third season premiered on 5 June 2019. Hulu announced season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, with production set to start in March 2020. This was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[100] Season 4 premiered on 28 April 2021; season 5, on September 14, 2022.


In November 2018, Atwood announced the sequel, titled The Testaments, which was published in September 2019.[101] The novel is set fifteen years after Offred’s final scene, with the testaments of three female narrators from Gilead.[102]

See also[edit]

  • Canadian literature
  • Feminist science fiction
  • Reproduction and pregnancy in speculative fiction

Explanatory notes[edit]

  1. ^ The Handmaid’s Tale is the inaugural winner of this award for the best science fiction novel published in the United Kingdom during the previous year.
  2. ^ The Prometheus Award is an award for libertarian science fiction novels given out annually by the Libertarian Futurist Society, which also publishes a quarterly journal, Prometheus.


  1. ^ Cosstick, Ruth (January 1986). «Book review: The Handmaids Tale«. Canadian Review of Materials. Vol. 14, no. 1. CM Archive. Archived from the original on 18 September 2016. Retrieved 26 June 2016. Tad Aronowicz’s jaggedly surrealistic cover design is most appropriate.
  2. ^ Brown, Sarah (15 April 2008). Tragedy in Transition. p. 45. ISBN 9780470691304.
  3. ^ Taylor, Kevin (21 September 2018). Christ the Tragedy of God: A Theological Exploration of Tragedy. ISBN 9781351607834.
  4. ^ Kendrick, Tom (2003). Margaret Atwood’s Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. p. 148. ISBN 9780814209295.
  5. ^ Stray, Christopher (16 October 2013). Remaking the Classics: Literature, Genre and Media in Britain 1800-2000. p. 78. ISBN 9781472538604.
  6. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale Study Guide: About Speculative Fiction». Gradesaver. 22 May 2009.
  7. ^ a b Isomaa, Saija; Korpua, Jyrki; Teittinen, Jouni (27 August 2020). New Perspectives on Dystopian Fiction in Literature and Other Media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 70. ISBN 978-1-5275-5872-4. Although theonomy originally refers to the Biblical past, in fiction it can be seen as a possible form of futuristic dystopian society, as is evident in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985). The theonomic government ruled by Lord Protector Cromwell in The Adventures of Luther Arkwright is quite different from the one in Atwood’s novel because there is a constant power struggle.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Atwood, Margaret (10 March 2017). «Margaret Atwood on What ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Means in the Age of Trump». The New York Times. Retrieved 21 June 2017.
  9. ^ a b Atwood, Margaret (2019). The Handmaid’s Tale. Canada: McClelland and Stewart. pp. xi–xviii. ISBN 978-0-7710-0879-5.
  10. ^ «The Big Jubilee Read: A literary celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s record-breaking reign». BBC. 17 April 2022. Retrieved 18 June 2022.
  11. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale». Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Archived from the original on 18 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  12. ^ Atwood, Margaret (17 February 1986). The Handmaid’s Tale — Margaret Atwood. Google Books. ISBN 0547345666. Archived from the original on 14 July 2019. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  13. ^ a b Greene, Gayle (July 1986). «Choice of Evils». The Women’s Review of Books. 3 (10): 14–15. doi:10.2307/4019952. JSTOR 4019952.
  14. ^ a b c d e Malak, Amin (Spring 1997). «Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and the Dystopian Tradition». Canadian Literature (112): 9–16.
  15. ^ a b Neuman, Sally (Summer 2006). «Just a Backlash’: Margaret Atwood, Feminism, and The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Toronto Quarterly. 75 (3): 857–868.
  16. ^ a b c d e Rothstein, Mervyn (17 February 1986). «No Balm in Gilead for Margaret Atwood». The New York Times. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
  17. ^ a b c Atwood, Margaret (May 2004). «The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake «In Context»«. PMLA. 119 (3): 513–517. doi:10.1632/003081204X20578. S2CID 162973994.
  18. ^ a b c Hammill 2008, p. 525.
  19. ^ a b c Hammill 2008, p. 527.
  20. ^ Croteau, David A. (1 February 2010). You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe?: A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving. Wipf and Stock Publishers. p. 152. ISBN 978-1-60608-405-2. Theonomists (or, Christian Reconstructionists) view themselves in the tradition of Calvin, the Westminster Confession, and the new england Puritans.
  21. ^ a b Robertson, Adi (20 December 2014). «Does The Handmaid’s Tale hold up?». The Verge. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g Atwood, Margaret (20 January 2012). «Haunted by the Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian. Retrieved 3 March 2016.
  23. ^ a b Newman, Charlotte (25 September 2010). «The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood». The Guardian. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  24. ^ a b c Williams, Layton E. (25 April 2017). «Margaret Atwood on Christianity, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and What Faithful Activism Looks Like Today». Sojourners. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  25. ^ Atwood, Margaret (17 November 2001). «Taking the veil». The Guardian. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  26. ^ a b McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Book Review». The New York Times. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  27. ^ a b c «The Handmaid’s Tale Study Guide: Character List». Gradesaver. 22 May 2009.
  28. ^ «The Forgotten Handmaid’s Tale». The Atlantic, 24 March 2015.
  29. ^ Atwood 1986, p. 220.
  30. ^ Getz, Dana (26 April 2017). «Offred’s Real Name In ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is The Only Piece Of Power She Still Holds». Bustle. In Margaret Atwood’s original novel, Offred’s real name is never revealed. Many eagle-eyed readers deduced that it was June based on contextual clues: Of the names the Handmaids trade in hushed tones as they lie awake at night, «June» is the only one that’s never heard again once Offred is narrating.
  31. ^ Madonne 1991[page needed]
  32. ^ Oates, Joyce Carol (2 November 2006). «Margaret Atwood’s Tale». The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  33. ^ Atwood 1998, An Interview: ‘Q: We can figure out that the main character lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts’
  34. ^ McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Breeders, Wives and Unwomen». The New York Times Book Review. Retrieved 30 July 2020.
  35. ^ a b c d O’Hare, Kate (16 April 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu: What Should Catholics Think?». Faith & Family Media Blog. Family Theater Productions. Archived from the original on 28 July 2017. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  36. ^ Lucie-Smith, Alexander (29 May 2017). «Should Catholics watch The Handmaid’s Tale?». The Catholic Herald. Archived from the original on 4 August 2018. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  37. ^ Blondiau, Eloise (28 April 2017). «Reflecting on the frightening lessons of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. America. Retrieved 21 June 2017.
  38. ^ Atwood 1998, p. 94.
  39. ^ Armbruster, Jane (Fall 1990). «Memory and Politics – A Reflection on «The Handmaid’s Tale»«. Social Justice. 3 (41): 146–152. JSTOR 29766564.
  40. ^ For articles that attempt to draw parallels between The Handmaid’s Tale and Trump’s election as President, see:
    • Nally, Claire (31 May 2017). «How The Handmaid’s Tale is being transformed from fantasy into fact». The Independent. Archived from the original on 18 June 2022. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Brooks, Katherine (24 May 2017). «How ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Villains Were Inspired By Trump». Huffington Post. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Robertson, Adi (9 November 2016). «In Trump’s America, The Handmaid’s Tale matters more than ever». The Verge. Retrieved 29 July 2017.
    • Douthat, Ross (24 May 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and Ours». The New York Times. Retrieved 28 July 2017.

    For articles that dispute such parallels, see:

    • Crispin, Jessa (2 May 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale is just like Trump’s America? Not so fast». The Guardian. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
    • Smith, Kyle (28 April 2017). «Sorry: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ tells us nothing about Trump’s America». New York Post. Retrieved 18 June 2017.

  41. ^ Hill, Melissa Sue; Lee, Michelle, eds. (2019). «Themes and Construction: The Handmaid’s Tale». Novels for Students. Vol. 60. Gale. Gale H1430008961.
  42. ^ «Dystopias in Contemporary Literature». Contemporary Literary Criticism Select. Gale. 2008 – via Literature Resource Center.
  43. ^ Beauchamp, Gorman (Autumn 2009). «The Politics of The Handmaid’s Tale». The Midwest Quarterly. 51: 11.
  44. ^ Gearhart, Sally Miller (1984). «Future Visions: Today’s Politics: Feminist Utopias in Review». In Baruch, Elaine Hoffman; Rohrlich, Ruby (eds.). Women in Search of Utopia: Mavericks and Mythmakers. New York: Shocken Books. pp. 296. ISBN 0805239006.
  45. ^ Barr, Marleen S.; Smith, Nicholas D. (1983). Women and Utopia: Critical Interpretations. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN 9780819135599.
  46. ^ «Dystopias». The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: SFE (3rd ed.). 25 March 2019. Retrieved 27 October 2019.
  47. ^ «An Interview with Margaret Atwood on her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale» (PDF). Nashville Public Library. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 April 2016. Retrieved 27 March 2016.
  48. ^ a b Davidson, Arnold (1988). «Future Tense: Making History in The Handmaid’s Tale». In Van Spanckeren, Kathryn (ed.). Margaret Atwood: Vision and Forms. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. pp. 113–121.
  49. ^ a b Feuer, Lois (Winter 1997). «The Calculus of Love and Nightmare: The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition». Critique. 38 (2): 83–95.
  50. ^ Rubenstein, Roberta (1988). «Nature and Nurture in Dystopia: The Handmaid’s Tale». In Van Spanckeren, Kathryn (ed.). Margaret Atwood: Vision and Forms. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. p. 12. Retrieved 26 October 2019.
  51. ^ a b Atwood, Margaret (17 June 2005). «Aliens have taken the place of angels». The Guardian. UK. If you’re writing about the future and you aren’t doing forecast journalism, you’ll probably be writing something people will call either science fiction or speculative fiction. I like to make a distinction between science fiction proper and speculative fiction. For me, the science fiction label belongs on books with things in them that we can’t yet do, such as going through a wormhole in space to another universe; and speculative fiction means a work that employs the means already to hand, such as DNA identification and credit cards, and that takes place on Planet Earth. But the terms are fluid. Some use speculative fiction as an umbrella covering science fiction and all its hyphenated forms–science fiction fantasy, and so forth–and others choose the reverse… I have written two works of science fiction or, if you prefer, speculative fiction: The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake. Here are some of the things these kinds of narratives can do that socially realistic novels cannot do.
  52. ^ Langford, David (August 2003). «Bits and Pieces». SFX (107).
  53. ^ «AP English Literature and Composition Exam». College Board. 10 July 2006. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  54. ^ Perry, Douglas (30 December 2014). «Margaret Atwood and the ‘Four Unwise Republicans’: 12 surprises from the legendary writer’s Reddit AMA». The Oregonian. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  55. ^ a b Hines, Molly (2006). Margaret Atwood’s «The Handmaid’s Tale»: Fundamentalist religiosity and the oppression of women (MA thesis). Angelo State University. ProQuest 304914133.
  56. ^ a b Mercer, Naomi (2013). «Subversive Feminist Thrusts»: Feminist Dystopian Writing and Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood’s «The Handmaid’s Tale», Louise Marley’s «The Terrorists of Irustan», Marge Piercy’s «He, She and It», and Sheri S. Tepper’s «Raising the Stones» (PhD dissertation). University of Wisconsin–Madison. ProQuest 1428851608.
  57. ^ «The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000». American Library Association. 27 March 2013.
  58. ^ American Library Association (26 March 2013). «Top 10 Most Challenged Books Lists». Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. Retrieved 5 March 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  59. ^ «Annual Report 2002–2003: One Book, One Conference». American Library Association. June 2003. Archived from the original on 1 December 2009. Retrieved 21 May 2009. Concerns inaugural program featuring Margaret Atwood held in Toronto, 19–25 June 2003.
  60. ^ Rushowy 2009: «Committee reviews ‘fictional drivel’ alleged to violate board policy on respect, profanity».
  61. ^ Toronto District School Board Report in The Toronto Star, 16 January 2009: «Atwood novel too brutal, sexist for school: Parent», by Kristin Rushowy, Education Reporter
  62. ^ Rushowy 2009b: «Committee to consider objection to book; concern may centre on sexuality, religion.»
  63. ^ Doyle, Robert P. (2017). Banned Books: Defending Our Freedom to Read. American Library Association. ISBN 978-0-8389-8962-3.
  64. ^ Carr, Mitch (2 November 2012). «Guilford County moms want reading list criteria changed». Winston-Salem Journal. Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  65. ^ «Goddard school district orders 29 books removed from circulation». KMUW. 9 November 2021. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  66. ^ Pengelly, Martin (24 May 2022). «Atwood responds to book bans with ‘unburnable’ edition of Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian. New York. Retrieved 8 June 2022.
  67. ^ Hills, Megan C. (7 June 2022). «An ‘unburnable’ copy of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ sells for $130,000 at auction». CNN. Retrieved 8 June 2022.
  68. ^ Burack, Cynthia (Winter 1988–89). «Bringing Women’s Studies to Political Science: The Handmaid in the Classroom». NWSA Journal. 1 (2): 274–283. JSTOR 4315901.
  69. ^ Laz, Cheryl (January 1996). «Science Fiction and Introductory Sociology: The ‘Handmaid’ in the Classroom». Teaching Sociology. 24 (1): 54–63. doi:10.2307/1318898. JSTOR 1318898.
  70. ^ Bergmann, Harriet (December 1989). ««Teaching Them to Read»: A Fishing Expedition in the Handmaid’s Tale». College English. 51 (8): 847–854. doi:10.2307/378090. JSTOR 378090.
  71. ^ Larson, Janet (Spring 1989). «Margaret Atwood and the Future of Prophecy». Religion and Literature.
  72. ^ Stein, Karen (1996). «Margaret Atwood’s Modest Proposal: The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Rhode Island. Retrieved 27 March 2016.
  73. ^ Berry, Gregory R. (June 2010). «Book Review: Margaret Atwood The Year of the Flood New York, NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2009». Organization & Environment. 23 (2): 248–250. doi:10.1177/1086026610368388. ISSN 1086-0266. S2CID 143937316.
  74. ^ Millard, Scott (19 June 2007). «Literature Resource Center2007229Literature Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale Last visited December 2006. Contact Thomson Gale for pricing information URL: www.gale.com/LitRC/». Reference Reviews. 21 (5): 35–36. doi:10.1108/09504120710755572. ISSN 0950-4125.
  75. ^ Callaway, Alanna (2008). «Women disunited: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as a critique of feminism». San Jose State University. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  76. ^ Matthews, Aisha (18 August 2018). «Gender, Ontology, and the Power of the Patriarchy: A Postmodern Feminist Analysis of Octavia Butler’s Wild Seed and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». Women’s Studies. 47 (6): 637–656. doi:10.1080/00497878.2018.1492403. ISSN 0049-7878. S2CID 150270608.
  77. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale: A White Feminist Dystopia». theestablishment.co. 17 May 2017.
  78. ^ Bastién, Angelica Jade (June 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale’s Greatest Failing Is How It Handles Race». Vulture.
  79. ^ «Past Winners and Finalists». GGBooks. Archived from the original on 21 April 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  80. ^ «1986». Booker Prize. Archived from the original on 3 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  81. ^ «1986». Nebula Award. Archived from the original on 28 January 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  82. ^ «1986 Los Angeles Times Book Prize — Fiction Winner and Nominees». Awards Archive. 25 March 2020.
  83. ^ «The Arthur C. Clarke Award». Archived from the original on 15 April 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  84. ^ «Libertarian Futurist Society». Libertarian Futurist Society. Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  85. ^ «Regional Winners 1987-2007.xls» (PDF). Commonwealth Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 October 2007. Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  86. ^ Gummere, Joe. «2013 Audie Awards® Finalists by category». joeaudio.com. Archived from the original on 10 July 2017. Retrieved 9 January 2017.
  87. ^ «Artists: Lakes of Canada». CBC Music. Archived from the original on 19 April 2017. Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  88. ^ The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition.
  89. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale». OverDrive. Retrieved 14 October 2021.
  90. ^ Karpf, Ann (15 January 2000). «The squeaks and drips of everyday life». The Guardian. Retrieved 9 January 2021.
  91. ^ «Tufts University: Department of Drama and Dance: Performances & Events». dramadance.tufts.edu. Retrieved 8 May 2017.
  92. ^ Clements, Andrew (5 April 2003). «Classical music & opera». The Guardian. UK.
  93. ^ Littler, William (15 December 2004), Opera Canada.
  94. ^ Allen, David (10 May 2019). «Review: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is a Brutal Triumph as Opera». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  95. ^ «The Handmaid’s tale». UKTW.
  96. ^ «The Handmaid’s Tale debuts as ballet in Winnipeg». CA: CBC News. 15 October 2013. Retrieved 16 October 2013.
  97. ^ Lyman, David (24 January 2015). «‘Handmaid’s Tale’ offers extreme view of future». Cincinnati.com.
  98. ^ Hardawar, Devindra (29 April 2016). «Hulu is adapting Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. Engadget. Retrieved 30 April 2016.
  99. ^ Otterson, Joe (17 September 2017). «‘Hulu Carried to Emmys Glory by Eight Wins for ‘Handmaid’s Tale’«. Variety. Retrieved 1 April 2018.
  100. ^ Holloway, Daniel (2 May 2018). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Renewed for Season 3 at Hulu». Variety. Retrieved 2 May 2018.
  101. ^ «Margaret Atwood announces sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale». CBC News, 28 November 2018.
  102. ^ Grady, Constance (4 September 2019). «Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale sequel is a giddy thrill ride». Vox. Retrieved 4 September 2019.

General and cited references[edit]

  • (17 June 2005), «Aliens Have Taken the Place of Angels», The Guardian
  • (14 January 2009), «Complaint Spurs School Board to Review Novel by Atwood», The Toronto Star.
  • Alexander, Lynn (22 May 2009), «The Handmaid’s Tale Working Bibliography», Department of English, University of Tennessee at Martin. Hyperlinked to online resources for Alexander, Dr Lynn (Spring 1999), Women Writers: Magic, Mysticism, and Mayhem (course). Includes entry for book chap. by Kauffman.
  • An Interview with Margaret Atwood on her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale (n.d.). In Nashville Public Library.
  • Armrbuster, J. (1990). «Memory and Politics — A Reflection on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale'». Social Justice 17(3), 146–52.
  • Atwood, Margaret (1985). The Handmaid’s Tale. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. ISBN 0-7710-0813-9. Atwood, Margaret (1986). The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor Books. Atwood, Margaret (1998). The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor Books (div. of Random House). ISBN 978-0-385-49081-8. Parenthetical page references are to the 1998 ed. Digitized 2 June 2008 by Google Books (311 pp.) (2005), La Servante écarlate [The Handmaid’s Tale] (in French), Rué, Sylviane transl, Paris: J’ai Lu, ISBN 978-2-290-34710-2.
  • Atwood, M. (2004). The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake «In Context». PMLA, 119(3), 513–517.
  • Atwood, M. (20 January 2012). «Haunted by the Handmaid’s Tale». The Guardian.
  • Bergmann, H. F. (1989). «Teaching Them to Read: A Fishing Expedition in the Handmaid’s Tale». College English, 51(8), 847–854.
  • Burack, C. (1988–89). «Bringing Women’s Studies to Political Science: The Handmaid in the Classroom». NWSA Journal 1(2), 274–83.
  • Callaway, A. A. (2008). «Women disunited: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as a critique of feminism». San Jose State University.
  • Curwood, Steve (13 June 2014). «Margaret Atwood on Fiction, The Future, and Environmental Crisis». Living on Earth. n.p.
  • Evans, M. (1994). «Versions of History: The Handmaid’s Tale and its Dedicatees». In C. Nicholson (Ed.), Margaret Atwood: Writing and Subjectivity (pp. 177–188). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Greene, Gayle (1986). «Choice of Evils». The Women’s Review of Books 3(10), 14–15.
  • Gruss, S. (2004). «People confuse personal relations with legal structures». An Interview with Margaret Atwood. In Gender Forum. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  • Hammill, Faye (2008). «Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». In William Seed (ed.). A Companion to Science Fiction. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons. pp. 522–533. ISBN 9780470797013.
  • Hines, M. E. (2006). Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale: Fundamentalist Religiosity and the Oppression of Women. N.p.: Angelo State University.
  • Kauffman, Linda (1989), «6. Special Delivery: Twenty-First Century Epistolarity in The Handmaid’s Tale», in Goldsmith, Elizabeth, Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature, Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 221–44. Cited in Alexander.
  • Langford, David (August 2003), «Bits and Pieces», SFX (UK: Ansible) (107).
  • Larson, J. L. (1989). «Margaret Atwood and the Future of Prophecy». Religion & Literature 21(1), 27–61.
  • Laz, C. (January 1996). «Science Fiction and Introductory Sociology: The ‘Handmaid’ in the Classroom». Teaching Sociology,24(1), 54–63.
  • Lewis, Lapham H. (September 2004). «Tentacles of rage: The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history». Harper’s Magazine.
  • Mercer, N. (2013). «Subversive Feminist Thrusts»: Feminist Dystopian Writing and Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Louise Marley’s The Terrorists of Irustan, Marge Piercy’s He, She and I. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin.
  • Miner, Madonne (1991), «‘Trust Me’: Reading the Romance Plot in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale». Twentieth Century Literature 37: 148–68, doi:10.2307/441844.
  • Morris, M. (1990). «Margaret Atwood, The Art of Fiction No. 121». The Paris Review.
  • Neuman, S. C. (2006). «‘Just a Backlash’: Margaret Atwood, Feminism, and The Handmaid’s Tale». University of Toronto Quarterly, 75(3), 857–868.
  • Oates, J. C. (2 November 2006). «Margaret Atwood’s Tale». The New York Review of Books.
  • Perry, D. (30 December 2014). «Margaret Atwood and the ‘Four Unwise Republicans’: 12 surprises from the legendary writer’s Reddit AMA». The Oregonian.
  • Rothstein, Mervyn (17 February 1986). «No Balm in Gilead for Margaret Atwood». The New York Times.
  • Rushowy, Kristin (16 January 2009). «Atwood Novel Too Brutal, Sexist For School: Parent». The Toronto Star. Archived from the original on 21 April 2016.
  • Stein, K. F. (1996). «Margaret Atwood’s Modest Proposal: The Handmaid’s Tale». Canadian Literature, 148, 57–72.
  • The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000, American Library Association, 2009.
  • Andriano, Joseph. «The Handmaid’s Tale as Scrabble Game.» Critical Insights: The Handmaid’s Tale, edited by J. Brooks Bouson, Salem, 2009. Salem Online.
  • Elliott, John. «A Watershed Moment for Atwood», The Ottawa Citizen, 5 December 2004, p. A3. ProQuest, .

Further reading[edit]

  • Adami, Valentina (2011). Bioethics Through Literature: Margaret Atwood’s Cautionary Tales. Trier: WVT.
  • Atwood, Margaret (2001). Bloom, Harold (ed.). The Handmaid’s Tale. Philadelphia: Chelsea House.
  • Cooper, Pamela (1997). «‘A Body Story with a Vengeance’: Anatomy and Struggle in The Bell Jar and The Handmaid’s Tale«. Women’s Studies. 26 (1): 89–123. doi:10.1080/00497878.1997.9979152.
  • Dopp, Jamie (1994). «Subject-Position as Victim-Position in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Studies in Canadian Literature. 19 (1): 43–57.
  • Gardner, Laurel J (1994). «Pornography as a Matter of Power in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Notes on Contemporary Literature. 24 (5): 5–7.
  • Garretts-Petts, WF (1988). «Reading, Writing and the Postmodern Condition: Interpreting Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Open Letter. Seventh. I.
  • Geddes, Dan (January 2001). «Negative Utopia as Polemic: The Handmaid’s Tale». The Satirist.
  • Hammer, Stephanie Barbé (1990). «The World as It Will Be? Female Satire and the Technology of Power in The Handmaid’s Tale«. Modern Language Studies. XX (2): 39–49. doi:10.2307/3194826. JSTOR 3194826.
  • Malak, Amin (1987). «Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition». Canadian Literature. 112: 9–16.
  • McCarthy, Mary (9 February 1986). «Breeders, Wives, and Unwomen». The New York Times (review). Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  • Mohr, Dunja M. (2005), Worlds Apart: Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias, Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2005 Long chapter on The Handmaid’s Tale as utopia and dystopia.
  • Myrsiades, Linda (1999). «Law, Medicine, and the Sex Slave in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. In Myrsiades, Kostas; Myrsiades, Linda (eds.). Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 219–45.
  • Tennant, Colette (2019). Religion in The Handmaid’s Tale: A Brief Guide. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. ISBN 9781506456317.

External links[edit]

  • Atwood, Margaret (April 2003). The Handmaid’s Tale (Audio file format). World Book Club. BBC World Service..
  • The Handmaid’s Tale ballet at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet

В самом разгаре третий сезон популярнейшего шоу Hulu, которое практически с премьеры вышло за рамки обычного телепроекта.

Первый сезон «Рассказа служанки» вышел в 2017 году. Шоу мгновенно завоевало любовь зрителей и критиков: хорошие рейтинги, пять премий «Эмми», два «Золотых глобуса», премия канала MTV. Сериал стал символом движения за права женщин.

В чем же секрет популярности проекта? Попробуем разобраться в том, какие вопросы поднимает «Рассказ служанки» и есть ли что-то пророческое в творении Маргарет Этвуд (сериал снят по ее книге).


Экологический кризис привел к резкому падению рождаемости. Революционеры-фундаменталисты свергли правительство США и основали насильственную теократию под названием Гилеад. Самые удачливые женщины прикованы к дому как жены «командоров», которые управляют новой страной. Несчастное большинство призвано обслуживать правящий класс.

Одна из ролей — «служанки». Это фертильные женщины, которых вырвали из прежней жизни и перевоспитали в жестоких тренировочных лагерях. Каждая подверглась ритуальному изнасилованию. Теперь их единственная задача — обеспечивать детьми правящий класс. Главный герой сериала — служанка Фредова, названная по имени назначенного ей командора.

Литературная основа «Рассказа служанки»

Книга, которая легла в основу шоу, была впервые опубликована в 1985 году. Вскоре ее уже продавали по всему миру в нескольких переводах, роман был удостоен Премии генерал-губернатора в 1985-м, Премии Артура Кларка в 1987-м, номинирован на премию «Небьюла», Букеровскую премию в 1986-м, а также премию «Прометей» в 1987-м. Популярность книги объясняется тем, что свою историю Маргарет Этвуд построила на реальных социальных и политических событиях.

«Групповые повешения, раздирание людей, одежда, характерная для каст и классов, принудительное рождение детей и присвоение результатов, дети, похищенные режимами и помещенные для воспитания у высокопоставленных чиновников, запрет на грамотность, отрицание прав собственности — у всего были прецеденты, многие из которых можно найти не в других культурах и религиях, а в западном обществе и в самой „христианской“ традиции», — рассказывает Маргарет Этвуд Lithub.com.

Сюжет романа ссылается к политике повышения рождаемости в Румынии при Николае Чаушеску; к военно-политическому режиму Фердинанда Маркоса на Филиппинах, при котором инакомыслие каралось смертью; к Аргентине 1976 года, когда дети низших классов «пропадали» и оказывались в семьях важных людей. Но основная отсылка — к пропаганде пуританства в Америке 80-х.

Кадр из сериала «Рассказ служанки»
Кадр из сериала «Рассказ служанки»

Как создавали сериал

По книге уже ставили спектакли, балет, оперу, выпустили аудиокнигу и сняли фильм. Но наибольшую популярность история Маргарет Этвуд приобрела после выхода сериала — на фоне громких изменений в политике США. Когда с избранием Дональда Трампа устоявшиеся права женщин, ЛГБТ-сообществ и свобода прессы оказались под угрозой, события романа перестали казаться отдаленной фантастикой.

На следующий день после инаугурации Трампа состоялся массовый женский протест: участники марша несли плакаты с надписями: «„Рассказ служанки“ — это не инструкция» и «Книги Этвуд снова должны стать художественными!». Фирменные красные мантии и белые головные уборы служанок стали популярным символом протеста.

Роберт Томпсон, профессор телевидения в Сиракузском университете, утверждает, что секрет шоу не только в удачном выборе времени.

Политический контекст дебюта «определенно поднял напряжение и дал кое-что для всех критиков и рецензентов, — говорит Томпсон. — Но я думаю, что все же шоу сделало успешным красивое исполнение».

Когда продюсер Брюс Миллер выступал перед боссами Hulu, он ни слова не сказал про политику. Миллер просто хотел экранизировать роман Маргарет Этвуд, который так любил еще с семинара по английскому языку в Брауновском университете. Его целью было «перенести в жизнь тон, язык, эффект присутствия и ужас». В «Рассказе служанки» он исследовал антиутопическое общество, на которое книга только намекала — на полную Гилеад разворачивался только в его голове.

Если первый сезон шоу тесно связан с романом, то второй и третий вышли за пределы первоначальной идеи Этвуд. Миллер смог представить, что будет дальше, впрочем, не без дебатов со стороны фанатов книги. При этом сериал бережно придерживается общей концепции — например, во втором сезоне главная героиня прячется в бывшей редакции либерального издания The Boston Glove, которое в начале нулевых расследовало дело о сексуальных домогательствах священников-католиков.

Кадр из сериала Рассказ служанки

По ключевой теме «Рассказа служанки» — семье, создателей шоу консультирует Энди Гитоу, исполнительный продюсер медиаподразделения ООН, журналистка, освещавшая вооруженные конфликты и гуманитарные кризисы по всему миру. Сотрудничество Миллера и Гитоу направлено на то, чтобы события в Гилааде выглядели наиболее достоверно.

Элизабет Мосс, играющая главную героиню, рассказала The Hollywood Reporter о сотрудничестве с продюсером ООН: «Мы сталкиваемся со множеством сложных проблем, поэтому хотим убедиться, что понимаем их правильно. Хотим изобразить их точно как в жизни».

Сама Энди Гитоу выражает признательность не только сценаристам и актерам, но и всей съемочной группе — за желание выяснить, как наилучшим образам представить тот или иной уровень реальности:

«„Рассказ служанки“ — очень важен… Для некоторых это не выдумка, это жизнь».

Влияние шоу

Реальность «Рассказа служанки» органично вписалась в нашу действительность, став символов борьбы за права женщин. Например, активистки выходили в нарядах служанок на митинги против запрета абортов в штате Огайо и на острове Мэн. Красные плащи надевают и участницы движения #MeToo.

Протест в штате Огайо / Jo Ingles/Ohio Public Radio and TV

А 7 июня 2019-го в нью-йоркском Мэдисон Сквер Парке было установлено 140 зеркальных женских фигур, чтобы сократить гендерную разницу между уже существующими в городе статуями. Из 150 памятников в Нью-Йорке только пять посвящены женщинам. Организаторы акции считают это несправедливым, поскольку немало женщин, так же как и мужчин, боролись за свободу и равенство в США. Меж зеркальных статуй снова ходили «служанки» — и раздавали информационные листовки.

В преддверии 3-го сезона «Рассказа служанки» в Москве состоялась тематическая фотосессия от сервиса Videomore. Как сказал Александр Бланарь, арт-куратор и директор по коммуникациям аукционного дома Phillips:

«Это некий вызов и напоминание о том, что женский дух не сломить».

Акция в Москве / Videomore

Ну и самое удивительное, что произошло благодаря сериалу: 10 сентября 2019 года выйдет продолжение «Рассказа служанки» под названием «Заветы» (The Testaments). Действие романа развернется через 15 лет после событий первой части и будет вестись от лица трех героинь.

Третий сезон «Рассказа служанки» можно посмотреть эксклюзивно на Videomore.

Больше подобных рецензий — в Telegram-канале @Serialka и на MyShows. Также не пропустите недавний обзор сериала «Джетт» — нового шоу Cinemax, наполненного сексом и насилием.

На чтение 9 мин Просмотров 38.9к. Опубликовано 02.09.2019

Для тех, кому понравился сериал «Рассказ служанки», – подробное описание серий (1, 2, 3 сезон), а также краткое содержание эпизодов, которое можно читать прямо на странице. Здесь мы будем обновлять список всех серий.

рассказ служанки 3 сезон описание серий подробное

  1. Фредова

Джун спасается от преследователей, которые отбирают у нее дочь, а саму женщину отправляют в центр, где обучают служить хозяевам. Одна из заведующих – тетка Лидия – учит девушек, как служить библейской цели и рожать детей благородным парам. Так Джун оказывается в семье Фреда Уотерфорда и становится Фредовой.

  1. День рождения

Прогуливаясь с Гленовой, Фредова лучше узнает напарницу. Оказывается, ее новая подруга участвует в сопротивлении и просит ее вступить в ряды недовольных. Водитель Уотерфордов – Ник – передает требование хозяина Фредовой, чтобы та пришла к командору ночью в его кабинет, хотя это запрещено. Ник предупреждает, чтобы Фредова не доверяла Гленовой.

  1. Задержка

Джун вспоминает, как женщин с ее работы увольняли, а счета блокировали, передавая в подчинение мужьям или ближайшим мужчинам-родственникам. Если среди людей оказывались недовольные, их расстреливали. Так начиналась республика Галаад.

  1. Не позволь ублюдкам растоптать тебя

Фредову наказали изоляцией в комнате, где, спасаясь от одиночества и уныния, она находит выцарапанную надпись на латыни. Она размышляет о своем времени с Мойрой в центре подготовки. Проблемы во время церемонии угрожают выживанию Фредовой в семье командора.

  1. Верный

Серена делает Фредовой странное предложение – раз уж командор бесплоден, она может забеременеть от другого мужчины – от водителя Ника, который уже согласился на предложение. Фредова вспоминает, как начинались ее отношения с мужем.

  1. Место женщины

Мексиканский посол в гостях у Галаада расспрашивает о жизни служанки. Серена думает о своем браке и своей роли, которую она когда-то играла в создании ныне существующей республики.

  1. Обратная сторона

Вспоминая попытку побега своей семьи, Люк пытается выжить в условиях Галаада и ищет выход выбраться заграницу. Обосновавшись позже в Канаде, он неожиданно узнает, что его жена все еще жива.

  1. Иезавель

Командор готовит для Фредовой секретное приключение вне рамок их дома в Галааде. Непростое прошлое Ника приводит к тому, как его в свое время завербовали в Сыновья Иакова.

  1. Мост

Фредова готовится к опасной миссии для их движения сопротивления. Для этого ей снова нужно попасть в бордель, где они раньше были с командором. Джанин уверена, что останется с ребенком и своим хозяином. Серена подозревает неверность мужа.

  1. Ночь

Серена требует от Фредовой сделать тест на беременность. Командор пытается наладить отношения с супругой после того, что произошло в семье Уоррена. Служанкам предстоит казнь над Джанин.

рассказ служанки краткое содержание

Сезон 2

  1. Джун

Фредову с другими служанками везут на заброшенное бейсбольное поле, где их должны казнить. Джун вспоминает, как в прошлом живет с мужем и дочерью. Служанки вынуждены сидеть под дождем с вытянутыми руками, держа камень. Тетка Лидия узнает о беременности Фредовой. В прошлом Джун вспоминает, как пыталась забрать Ханну, у которой была лихорадка, из больницы. Там ей задают вопросы о том, как она воспитывает дочь. Фредова отправляется на осмотр к врачу.

  1. Неженщины

Джун отправляется в безопасное место, которое выглядит как заброшенное промышленное здание, но позже она выясняет, что это бывший дом газеты Бостон Глоб. Эмили работает на токсичных полях в колонии, очищая землю от отходов. В воспоминаниях Эмили читает лекцию по микробиологии. В разговоре с одним из сотрудников, она узнает, что не будет преподавать в следующем семестре.

  1. Багаж

Джун провела в здании бывшего издательства около двух месяцев. Там она бегает. Тем временем мы видим Мойру, которая тоже бегает, но уже по улицам Канады, а по возвращению в квартиру готовит завтрак для Люка и Эрин. Джун слушает запись интервью с одним из членов Сыновей Иакова и копается в газетах, вырезая отдельные фрагменты. Она прикрепляет вырезки к стенам, рассказывая историю Галаада.

  1. Другие женщины

Джун возвращается в центр, где ее приковывают и наказывают. Как объясняет тетка Лидия, Уотерфорды готовы снова принять Джун обратно. Если она останется в комнате центра, то будет казнена после родов. Уотерфорды встречают Джун довольно прохладно. Командор подчеркивает, каких огромных усилий требовало ее спасение. Джун возвращается в свою комнату и видит, что Ника нет дома. Серена угрожает Джун безопасностью ее дочери, если что-то случится с ребенком, которого она носит.

  1. Семена

Ночью Фредова сжигает письма в кухонной раковине и это видит Ник, который берет оставшиеся письма себе. Тетка Лидия все еще следит за беременностью Джун. Она взвешивает Джун, измеряет размер живота и изучает ее психическое состояние. В туалете Фредова видит кровь. Ник должен жениться на молодой девушке Иден. Позже в больнице Джун дает обещание своему нерожденному ребенку обязательно о нем позаботиться.

  1. Первая кровь

Во время УЗИ врач говорит Серене, что кровотечение Фредовой было вызвано гематомой, но теперь она должна быть в порядке, добавив, что ребенок нуждается в гармонии и домашнем уюте. Вернувшись домой, Серена предложила переехать Фредовой в гостиную, поэтому ей не нужно больше подниматься и спускаться по лестнице. На мгновение, оставшись наедине с Фредовой, Ник говорит, что у него не было выбора в отношении Иден и он все еще думает о ней.

  1. После того, как…

Нападение провоцирует шок и панику как в Галааде, так и во всей Америке. Серена делает опасный выбор, который может иметь непростые последствия. Мойра ищет кого-то из своего прошлого.

  1. Женская работа

Фредова и Серена работают вместе за командора Фреда, пока он находится в больнице. Серена, кажется, счастлива работать, но, когда Фредова спрашивает, скучает ли она по работе, та отвечает, что «это небольшая жертва, чтобы ее снова приняли в Божий рай». Командор возвращается после госпитализации. Он благодарен за проделанную работу жены, но выпроваживает ее из кабинета. Наверху Фредова находит музыкальную шкатулку и розу на своей кровати, полагая, что это благодарность от Серены за ее работу.

  1. Умная сила

Уотерфорды отправляются в дипломатическую поездку за границу. Серена сталкивается с искушением жизни за пределами Галаада. Люк и Мойра борются с чувством вины выживших. Фредова ищет поддержки у союзников.

  1. Последняя церемония

Расстроенная Серена впадает в отчаяние и не знает, как выбраться из своей боли. Командор пытается загладить вину перед Фредовой. Ник отталкивает Иден еще сильнее, запутавшись в своих чувствах. Фредова сталкивается с неожиданным воссоединением.

  1. Холли

Фредова оставлена в заброшенном особняке. Она пытается открыть боковую дверь гаража, но не может, в окне она видит машину. Фредова вспоминает день, когда оставила Ханну в школе, и как Ханна не хотела отпускать ее. После поисков ключей Фредова, наконец, заводит машину, настраивает радио и слышит «Свободную Америку». Серена и командор приезжают в особняк, пытаясь найти Фредову. Та прячется и слышит их ссору. Вечером она рожает девочку.

  1. Послеродовой период

После того, как Джун поправляется, ее держат в Красном центре, чтобы сцедить молоко для малышки. Ее возвращают в дом Уотерфордов, чтобы вызвать лактацию, когда она не производит достаточно грудного молока. Тем временем, Ник возвращается к своим обязанностям, а Иден решает сбежать из Галаада со своим любовником Исааком.

  1. Это слово…

Фредова и Рита занимаются стиркой. Рита признается, что плохо обращалась с Иден. Ник навещает отца Иден, который извиняется за дочь и ее поступок. Девушку и ее любовника приговаривают к смерти. Джун показывает Нику дочь. Серена обращается в Совет, чтобы они внесли правки в закон. Она прочитала отрывок из Библии, за что должна была понести наказание. У Фредовой есть возможность сбежать с дочерью.

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Сезон 3

  1. Ночь

Джун отправляется в смелое путешествие, но оно закончится неожиданными последствиями. Эмили и Николь отправляются на границу, чтобы спастись в Канаду. Неизвестно, получится ли это у них. Фред Уотерфорд узнает, что Серена решила отослать Николь подальше.

  1. Мэри и Марта

Джун помогает марфе с опасной задачей. Ее отношения с новым хозяином складываются неоднозначно. С одной стороны, он помог другой девушке и ее дочери. С другой – жесток и холоден с Джун.

  1. Полезно

Джун предстоит сложная встреча. Серена пытается восстановить силы после потери ребенка. Лоуренс преподает Джун суровый урок о трудных решениях, которые он принимает как ее командор.

  1. Да благословит Господь это дитя

Джун ведет переговоры о перемирии в отношениях с Уотерфордами. Служанки собираются в одном из домов при рождении нового ребенка. Джун вспоминает, как проходили крестины ее старшей дочери Ханны. Ей показывают видео, где она видит своего мужа Люка.

  1. Неизвестный абонент

Новости о Николь приводят к инциденту, который обернется серьезными последствиями для всех. Уотерфорды думают, как им вернуть дочь. Джун предлагают позвонить мужу, чтобы назначить встречу для Серены.

  1. Домашнее хозяйство

Джун сопровождает Уотерфордов в поездке в Вашингтон, где могущественная семья принимает их у себя дома. Здесь порядки, касающиеся служанок, отличаются. И это не может не трогать тетку Лидию.

  1. Прямо у него под носом

Джун прикладывает усилия, чтобы найти Ханну, но это очень рискованно. Эмили вспоминает свои прошлые преступления. Серена думает о новом доме для своей семьи.

  1. Непригодный

Ранее Фрэнсис была менеджером по продажам. Служанки присутствуют при рождении Энди. В доме Лоуренсов Джун спрашивает командора Лоуренса, узнал ли он что-нибудь о Ханне или семействе Маккензи и где они могут быть. Он грубо говорит Джун, что ничего не знает о том, где они находятся, и просит ее больше не спрашивать об этом.

  1. Героический

Оказавшись в больнице, Джун теряет рассудок. Встреча с Сереной заставляет Джун пересмотреть свои недавние действия.

  1. Свидетель

Джун придется иметь дело с хитрой уловкой со стороны командора Уотерфорда. Элеонора ведет ее в подвал, где Джозеф хранит досье Красного Центра. Внизу Джун роется в нескольких коробках с файлами служанок.

  1. Лжецы

Возвращение к Иезавели ставит все под угрозу. Серена и командор Уотерфорд отправляются в тайное путешествие. Серена уверена, что дипломатические усилия Галаада по возвращению Николь увенчаются успехом.

  1. Жертвоприношение

Крупная перемена сотрясает семейство Лоуренсов. Люк и Мойра привыкают к новой жизни в Канаде.

  1. Мэйдэй

Джун должна решить, как далеко она готова зайти. Уотерфорды думают о новом пути развития.

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