Образование это движение от тьмы к свету сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 11.01.2023

Some people believe that education plays the most important role in the life of a young person between thirteen and nineteen. Others, however, are rather sceptical about this point of view. In this essay, I would like to look upon this issue.

I am certain that education is not the most valuable thing for a teenager. To start with, teenagers have to study because it is their role in modern society. In the past, most of the children were working at that age. Moreover, teenagers also study because their peers do it. Teenagers are very dependent on their peers’ opinion.

However, some people argue that studying is the most important thing for a teenager. According to them teenagers future life is highly dependent on education and it makes it the most valuable thing in their life.

Their future career, level of wages, status and happiness depend on their education.

I cannot agree with that point of view because, despite the importance of education, teenagers live here and now. They do not think much about the future. Their friends, hobbies and passions are the things which are valuable for them at that age.

To summarise, I would like to say that studying is not the most valuable thing for young people. Social interaction with peers and hobbies are more valuable for them.

Некоторые люди считают, что образование играет самую важную роль в жизни молодых людей в возрасте от 13 до 19 лет. Другие, однако, весьма скептически относятся к этой точке зрения. В этом эссе я хотел бы остановиться на этом вопросе.

Я уверен, что образование не самое ценное для подростка. Для начала подростки должны учиться, потому что это их роль в современном обществе. В прошлом большинство детей работали в этом возрасте. Кроме того, подростки учатся также потому, что это делают их сверстники. Подростки очень сильно зависят от мнения своих сверстников.

Однако некоторые люди утверждают, что обучение — самое важное для подростка. По их мнению, будущая жизнь подростков во многом зависит от образования и делает его самым ценным в их жизни. Их будущая карьера, уровень заработной платы, статус и счастье зависят от их образования.

Я не могу согласиться с этой точкой зрения, потому что, несмотря на важность образования, подростки живут здесь и сейчас. Они мало думают о будущем. Их друзья, хобби и увлечения — это то, что ценно для них в этом возрасте.

Подводя итог, хочу сказать, что учеба не самая ценная вещь для молодежи. Для них важнее социальное взаимодействие со сверстниками и хобби.

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I study in a state school. There are eleven grades with exams after 9th and 11th. Moreover, lessons in my school start at 8:30 o’clock and end between 1:00 am and 2:00 am. Pupils go to school in different ways. Some of them go by foot, others use public transport or personal family vehicles. To my mind, we don’t have strict rules. For instance, we shouldn’t smoke or drink, be late. Besides, we have to be calm during the lessons, do the homework, listen to the teachers. I love my school, because people there really friendly and helpful. What is more, there are tasty lunches every day, so students can enjoy it and then grind away at one’s studies.

Я учусь в средней школе с бесплатным обучением. Тут есть 11 классов с экзаменами после 9ого и 11ого. Более того, уроки в моей школе начинаются в 8:30 и заканчиваются в промежутке между 13:00 и 14:00. Ученики добираются до школы по-разному. Некоторые из них идут пешком, другие пользуются общественным транспортом или личным семейным транспортным средством. По моему мнению, у нас нет строгих правил. Например, мы не должны курить или пить, опаздывать. Кроме того, мы должны быть тихими на уроках, делать домашнее задание, слушать учителей. Я люблю мою школу, потому что люди там действительно дружелюбные и готовые помочь. Более того, каждый день есть вкусные обеды, так что ученики могут насладиться этим, а затем грызть гранит науки.

My school is a co-educational state school. We study all the usual subjects such as Maths, Science, History, Geography, Russian and English. Most of the students live nearby and come to school on public transport. The school day usually starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 2:30 pm and we eat our lunch at school. There are rules, but they aren’t that strict. Students must respect each other and school property for example, and we don’t have to wear a uniform.

Моя школа — это государственная школа совместного обучения. Мы изучаем все обычные предметы, такие как математика, наука, история, география, русский и английский языки. Большинство студентов живут рядом и приезжают в школу на общественном транспорте. Школьный день обычно начинается в 8:30 утра и заканчивается в 2:30 вечера, и мы едим наш обед в школе. Есть правила, но они не являются строгими. Студенты должны уважать друг друга и школьное имущество, например, но мы не должны носить униформу.

6 Portfolio: Write a short article about your school (60-80 words). Write: type of school and classes, how.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Ticket 2: letter and essay.

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились — поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

Ticket 2: letter and essay

«. I’ve just returned from a workshop where we studied how to make plush toys. Do you prefer handmade or factory-made toys and why? What types of toys or games are popular among teenagers in Russia? What art activities — drawing, singing, or dancing — do you like?

I was very glad to get your letter. I should’ve written earlier but I have been busy at school.

I believe that making plush toys is a very interesting work. Personally, I prefer handmade toys. I remember, my mum used to make a lot for me in my childhood, I really liked them, because I felt some kind of love through these toys. As I know teenagers in Russia are fond of stuffed toys video games.

If I could choose between drawing, singing or dancing, I would prefer the first activity.

I’m looking forward to your story about exhibition. Where is it located? Are you going there alone? Is it free? Unfortunately, I have to go now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Nowadays, discussions about importance of education gain momentum. Some people say education is a must whereas others believe that it is not necessary. Who is right?

I cannot say that it is the most important possession a person can have, but it is a key that opens doors to many things. Firstly, educated person is more significant on the labour market than one that finished only a school. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Additionally, that person is “learned to learn”, so he/she is more resilient. Finally, education is very important if you want to be with interesting and intelligent people, because you could measure up with them.

One may disagree. Many people believe that the most important thing in life is love or health, for example. Moreover, today a person can find a good job without education. He/she can do a freelance.

To some extent it is right, but, as I already mentioned, I believe that education opens doors practically to everything. Education is a self development. It expends person’s best traits and gives new ones.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that education maybe not the most important possession, but it is definitely something that one should have.

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Education in Great Britain and Russia 10th form The aim of the lesson: revisi.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Education in Great Britain and Russia 10th form The aim of the lesson: revisi.

Education in Great Britain and Russia 10th form The aim of the lesson: revising the information about education in two countries Teacher: Lutovinova I.A.

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 School subjects

Vocabulary education headmaster break attend cheat fail extra-curricular voca.

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Fill the gaps with the verbs. Put them into the correct form: take learn fail.

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SYSTEM of education in Great Britan PRIMARY SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL SIXTH FORM COLLEGE UNIVERSITY or POLYTECHNIC class school age NURSERY SCHOOL 3 4 reception classyear1 INFANTSCHOOL 5 6 year2 JUNIORSCHOOL 7 year3 8 year4 9 year 5 10 year 6 11 year 7 12 year 8 13 year 9 14 year 10 15 year 11 16 year 12 17 year 13 18 first year (fresher) 19 second year 20 third/final year 21

What do you remember about Education in Great britain? 1. At what age do Brit.

What do you remember about Education in Great britain? 1. At what age do British children start and leave school? 2. What stages is British education divided into? 3. What types of schools are there in Britain? 4. Are all schools free? 5. How many terms are there in a school year? 6.What are the marks children get at school? 7. What exams do students have when they are 16? And 18? 8.What do many young people do after leaving school? What does it mean “gap” year?

Education in russia Class School Age NUSERY SCHOOL (orKindergarten) 3 - 6 yea.

Education in russia Class School Age NUSERY SCHOOL (orKindergarten) 3 — 6 year1 PRIMARY (Elementary) SCHOOL 7 year2 8 year3 9 year4 10 year5 SECONDARY SCHOOL 11 year6 12 year7 13 year8 14 year9 15 year10 SENIOR SCHOOL 16 year11 17 first year (fresher) University (Bachelor) 18 second year 19 thirdyear 20 forth year 21 fifth year University (Master) 22 sixth year 23

What do you remember about education in russia? 1. The right to be educated.

What do you remember about education in russia? 1. The right to be educated in Russia is guaranteed by the Constitution. 2.Education in Russia is compulsory between the ages of 9 and 16. 3. After leaving the 9th form, students must continue their education at secondary school. 4. Tuition in most of schools is free of charge, but there are some private schools which are fee-paying. 5. Having received the secondary education certificate, pupils get the opportunity to enter any higher educational institution. 6. Russian students study 7 years at University. True False False True True False





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write a reply to Sam, - Tell him about ways to improve motivation - Suggest s.

write a reply to Sam, — Tell him about ways to improve motivation — Suggest subjects for him to study — Explain the benefits of staying at school Write about 100-120 words.

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“Education is the movement from darkness to light” Allan Bloom

“Education is the movement from darkness to light” Allan Bloom

Let’s sing a song Time Of Your Life Another turning point, a fork stuck in th.

Let’s sing a song Time Of Your Life Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why. It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time. It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you have the time of your life. So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind. Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial. For what it’s worth, it was worth all the while. It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you have the time of your life.

Задания Д40 C2 № 4770

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager.

2. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Education has always been a sensitive issue. Nowadays some people say it is the most important thing for teenagers, others consider it less important.

I tend to agree with people who consider it to be the most valuable thing. Firstly, there is no doubt education is important and must be financed and valued. A lot of teenagers strongly believe that education is essential. Studying helps us develop and master our skills, which are extremely useful in modern life. Various subjects are responsible for different areas. ICT and Maths help to develop planning skills, concentration and self-discipline. The humanities make teenagers more creative, work on critical thinking and elocution. All in all, if people study hard it can broaden their minds. Secondly, becoming a specialist is a key to success, as people with any kind of degree are more successful in the job market than people who did not study at university. It is a well-known fact that all well-paid jobs require higher education.

However, some people think education is not the most valuable thing for teens because other priorities require a lot of time and efforts to be invested in. They say that teenagers should have their hobbies and go out with their friends. Young people cannot spend the whole day studying hard. Teenagers are young and free, so they should enjoy their adolescence.

Still, I cannot agree with those people who say that it is really important to enjoy this wonderful period of life without worrying about studies. I strongly believe that teenagers should prioritize and understand that they need to do their best in studies to become successful people in the future.

To wrap it up, I think it is safe to say that education is the top priority for teenagers when it comes to the issue of their future career because it allows to get a well-paid job and have a happy lifestyle.

Задание выполнено в основном:
но 1—2 аспекта содержания, указанные в задании, раскрыты не полностью или неточно; стилевое оформление речи в основном правильно (допускается 2—3 нарушения нейтрального стиля)2

Задание выполнено не полностью:
в содержании не раскрыты 1−2 аспекта, ИЛИ 3−4 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно, ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 1–2 аспекта содержания раскрыты неполно или неточно; имеются ошибки в стилевом оформлении речи (допускается 4 нарушения нейтрального стиля)1

Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2020 по английскому языку., Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2021 по английскому языку.

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          Education is the light of our life. It is the key to a bright future of not only ours but also of the nation’s. It gives our thinking a different appearance and helps drive away all our ignorance. It leads us to the path of the success. Knowing the significance of it without education, we realize we are somewhere incomplete.  Without education people can be easily cheated, be-fooled & deceived. Education is the movement from darkness to light.

          Many people in our country do not receive education because of poverty, lack of educational facilities or social conditioning, especially in case of girls. Adult education is very important because many elderly people feel helpless at times of need and have been dependent on others for many various small things. There is a saying that is very popular «better late than never.» The aim of adult education is to see that every person in the country knows at least the three rules, reading, writing and arithmetic. Such knowledge is absolutely necessary for every person living in a democratic country. it also helps in boosting up the confidence of an individual, at the same time it opens new doors of success by increasing the job prospects. The same goes for the old age, when people need to maintain identity, health, social engagement and well being during the final stages of life. They can kill their boredom by reading newspapers and magazines, and broaden their mindsets. The world is changing.

          The entire human race consist of education. We are in a modern world. The very first 21st century, where scientists determine the course of the future . No knowledge is a waste. Learning starts from birth and does not end until death.

          If a man is educated, only an individual is educated. But if a woman is educated, the whole family is educated. This will even help to change the society as a whole.


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1 page, 494 words

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through autodidacticism. Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts.

Why do we have to go to school? Well because it is the best option for your future. What would you prefer, without much education you will end up working 50 hour weeks while the other person who has a better education is making more money in half the time, Because those clothes and bills aren’t going to pay themselves and because the new clothes and the new life isn’t going to be greeting you with money. Once married or left alone outside your mothers house, you are all on your own, and if you plan on living somewhere cozy, then I suggest getting a job to pay all those bills which you will be receiving for you and your life. Education is the key role in life and it is what makes a person who he is. Education is what shows the people surrounding you, your occupation that can then slowly lead to your likes and dislikes.

The better options the Man or Woman has, the more chances you have on finding the right person in your life. Education is the seed of life, without it, you are unable to take life to its max, to go further than beyond, to live life to the fullest. It is what makes a person think how he thinks. It is what makes a person who he is. It makes his life. It also shows the people who he is, which result in their friendly or cruel gesture to them. With a diploma or a degree in something makes your job a lot more fun and a lot easier to do because you would be enjoying what you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have went that far in that field.

3 pages, 1139 words

The Essay on Poverty What Makes People Poor

The rich, the middle class, and the poor; are described by the way we live and the amount of money one has. There are many different ways of describing what poverty is, whether it is by how you live, how much money you have, or in statistical terms. Poverty isnt always a bad thing it is just another way of living, another way of life. There are different kinds of poverty that you can measure. …

The battle for jobs in between diploma’s versus less educated would be a match everyone knew who would win before it even started. Education has some special abilities, of which are, better salary than the common person, healthier or happier life. Education is the most important thing when it comes to job hunting. Education makes a man who he is and what he does. It chooses his faith and when he is on the right path, he leaves him on his own, to make his own decisions with his new life with Education. It shows the surrounding people who you are, what you like and what you don’t. Education has to be used the right way and what I mean by that is to use it to help others. Only education can help you in the future, so why abuse it, and take it if you can!

All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

Смотреть правильно оформленное решениe и ответ на задание Стр. 47 по английскому языку 10 класс автор(ы) Ваулина, Дули, Афанасьева


  • 3. a. Выберите правильное слово (1-7).
  • b. Прослушайте и проверьте. Объясните слова/фразы, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Затем составьте с ними предложения.
  • 4. Закройте текст и по очереди расскажите друг другу что-то, что вы помните о школах в странах, указанных в тексте.
  • 5. Портфолио: Разыграйте интервью между британским телеведущим и учеником вашей школы в вашей стране. Поговорите о том, во сколько начинаются/заканчиваются занятия, как вы добираетесь до школы, носите ли вы форму, каковы правила в школе и т.д.
  • 6. Портфолио: Напишите короткую статью о своей школе (100-140 слов). Напишите: тип школы и классы, как туда добираются ученики, расписание, правила.

3. a. Выберите правильное слово (1-7).


1 — around

2 — earn

3 — spend

4 — up

5 — however

6 — get

7 — make

b. Прослушайте и проверьте. Объясните слова/фразы, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Затем составьте с ними предложения.


dread: to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen (бояться: чувствовать крайнюю тревогу или страх по поводу того, что должно произойти или что может произойти)

invented: created something that has never been made before (изобрел: создал то, что никогда не было сделано раньше)

training: the process of learning skills for a particular job (обучение: процесс изучения навыков для конкретной работы)

skills: knowledge and/or ability to do sth well (навыки: знания и/или способность делать что-то хорошо)

unusual: uncommon, strange (необычный: незаурядный, странный)

public transport: means of travelling available to the public, e.g. bus, train, metro, etc. (общественный транспорт: общедоступные средства передвижения, например автобус, поезд, метро и т.д.)

attend: go somewhere regularly (посещать: регулярно куда-то ходить)

strict: obligatory (about the rules) (строгий: обязательный (о правилах))

smart: well-dressed (нарядный: хорошо одетый)

old-fashioned: not modern (старомодный: несовременный)

uniform: set of clothes worn for work or school (униформа: комплект одежды, который одевают на работу или в школу)

participate: to take part in or become involved in an activity (участвовать: принимать участие или быть вовлеченным в деятельность)


He’s dreading the exam — he’s sure he’s going to fail. (Он боится экзамена — он уверен, что не сдаст.)

The World Wide Web was invented in 1989. (Всемирная паутина была изобретена в 1989 году.)

Every new sales recruit must do an initial training period. (Каждый новый сотрудник отдела продаж должен пройти начальный период обучения.)

He possesses great writing skills. (Он обладает большими писательскими навыками.)

Schools for boys only or girls only seem unusual to me. (Школы только для мальчиков или только для девочек кажутся мне необычными.)

He never travels by public transport. (Он никогда не ездит на общественном транспорте.)

I attend school five days a week. (Я хожу в школу пять дней в неделю.)

My history teacher is very strict. (Моя учительница истории очень строгая.)

I need a smart jacket for my interview. (Мне нужна элегантная куртка для моего интервью.)

This education system is now old-fashioned. (Сейчас эта система образования устарела.)

I have to wear a uniform at school. (Мне приходится носить униформу в школе.)

She has always participated fully in the life of the school. (Она всегда принимала активное участие в жизни школы.)

4. Закройте текст и по очереди расскажите друг другу что-то, что вы помните о школах в странах, указанных в тексте.


There are many types of schools in the world. For example, there are specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic schools in Wuqiao, China. There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga. At Eton College in England, students wear uniforms. It takes two hours or more for Japanese children to get to school on public transport.

(В мире существует множество типов школ. Например, есть специализированные школы, такие как театральные школы, школы танцев или 40 акробатических школ в Уцяо, Китай. В разных школах также существует широкий выбор школьных предметов. В средней школе Холдена в США предметы включают рисование комиксов, фотографию, написание песен и йогу. В Итонском колледже в Англии студенты носят униформу. Японским детям требуется два часа или больше, чтобы добраться до школы на общественном транспорте.)

Устная речь

5. Портфолио: Разыграйте интервью между британским телеведущим и учеником вашей школы в вашей стране. Поговорите о том, во сколько начинаются/заканчиваются занятия, как вы добираетесь до школы, носите ли вы форму, каковы правила в школе и т.д.


A: Good morning. My name is Jack. I am a reporter for a TV program about schools in Russia. Can I ask you a few questions about your school?

B: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?

A: When does school start?

B: School starts at 8 am.

A: And how do you get to school?

В: I go on public transport. It takes 20 minutes.

A: Do students wear a uniform?

B: No, we can wear whatever we like.

A: What about school rules? Do they exist in your school?

B: Yes, of course, but they are not strict.

A: The last question… When do classes end?

B: At 13 pm.

A: Well, thank you for your answers. Goodbye.

В: Goodbye.


A: Доброе утро. Меня зовут Джек. Я репортер телевизионной программы о школах России. Могу я задать вам несколько вопросов о вашей школе?

В: Да, конечно. Что бы вы хотели узнать?

A: Когда начинаются занятия в школе?

В: Они начинаются в 8 утра.

A: И как вы добираетесь до школы?

В: На общественном транспорте. Это занимает 20 минут.

A: Студентов заставляют носить форму?

В: Нет, мы можем носить то, что нам нравится.

A: Что на счет школьных правил? Существуют ли они в вашей школе?

В: Да, конечно, но они не являются строгими.

А: Последний вопрос… Когда заканчиваются занятия?

В: В 13 часов дня.

А: Что ж, спасибо за ответы. До свидания.

В: До свидания.


6. Портфолио: Напишите короткую статью о своей школе (100-140 слов). Напишите: тип школы и классы, как туда добираются ученики, расписание, правила.

Слова Мудрости

Образование — это движение от тьмы к свету.

(Аллан Блум, американский философ)


I am a student at a coeducational public school. Lessons at my school start at 9:00 and end between 13:00 and 14:00. Students get to school in different ways. Some of them walk, others use public transport or a personal family vehicle. In my opinion, we don’t have strict rules. For example, we are not allowed to smoke or drink, be late. Besides, we have to be calm during the lessons, do the homework, listen to the teachers. The staff at my school is really friendly and helpful. What’s more, every day there are delicious lunches in our canteen, so students can enjoy it and then grind away at one’s studies.

(Я учусь в государственной школе совместного обучения. Уроки в моей школе начинаются в 9:00 и заканчиваются в промежутке между 13:00 и 14:00. Ученики добираются до школы по-разному. Некоторые из них идут пешком, другие пользуются общественным транспортом или личным семейным транспортным средством. По моему мнению, у нас нет строгих правил. Например, нам нельзя курить или пить, опаздывать. Кроме того, мы должны быть тихими на уроках, делать домашнее задание, слушать учителей. Коллектив в моей школе действительно дружелюбный и отзывчивый. Более того, каждый день в нашей столовой есть вкусные обеды, так что ученики могут насладиться этим, а затем грызть гранит науки.)

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