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№ Изображение Название Премьера 1 701Accident.png «Гиперион Хайтс»
«Hyperion Heights» 6 октября 2017

Генри покидает Сторибрук в поисках своей собственной истории. Спустя годы в другом царстве он встречает попавшую в беду Золушку, и это событие меняет траекторию его поисков навсегда. Когда злая матушка Золушки, леди Тремейн, начинает представлять угрозу, Генри понимает — чтобы следовать зову сердца он будет вынужден совершить невероятно трудный выбор, которого он даже не мог себе представить. Спустя годы, молодая Люси находит разочарованного Генри в его доме в Сиэтле и решает заставить его вспомнить свое истинное «я», чтобы победить проклятие, обрушившееся на сказочных героев «Гиперион Хайтс».

2 702LeavingForStorybrooke.png «Пиратская жизнь»
«A Pirate’s Life» 13 октября 2017

Когда Генри понимает, что влип в неприятности, он призывает часть своей семьи из Сторибрука на помощь, и вместе они отправляются на поиски Золушки. По дороге, Крюк сталкивается с неожиданным врагом, который может помешать успеху группы. Тем временем в Гиперион Хайтс, Джасинда в поисках способа увидеть Люси соглашается на нежелательную помощь от Генри, пока Виктория Белфри заручается поддержкой Роджерса и Уивера, чтобы прогнать Генри из района.

3 703IPutThisLittleGardenAtRisk.png «Сад расходящихся тропок»
«The Garden of Forking Paths» 20 октября 2017

Когда Золушка оказывается на краю опасности, помощь приходит от того, от кого она ее не ждет. Ее спасение приводит к альянсу, который может поспособствовать уничтожению правил Леди Тремейн и раскрытию темного секрета из прошлого Золушки. В Гиперион Хайтс, Джасинда прибегает к крайним мерам, чтобы остановить Викторию, которая готова разрушить общественный сад, обожаемый Люси. Люси пытается убедить Генри, что Виктории нужно нечто большее, чем просто кусок земли. Тем временем Виктория приходит к открытию, которое может изменить судьбу каждого.

4 704KissAsOldAsTime.png «Красавица»
«Beauty» 27 октября 2017

Виктория заставляет Айви отправиться с Люси за конфетами. Тем временем, Тилли пробуждается от проклятья и намеревается привести Уивера к правде — но только если Виктория поспособствует этому. В прошлом, Румпель и Белль пытаются найти ответ на пророчество, который поможет укрепить их счастливое будущее.

5 705IHaveThis.png «Лягушки»
«Greenbacks» 3 ноября 2017

Тиана просит помощи у бродячего прорицателя, культового доктора Фасилье, чтобы спасти свое королевство. Но когда оказывается, что у него был свой скрытый мотив, она берет дело в свои руки. В Гиперион Хайст, Сабина и Джасинда предпринимают рискованную деловую аферу, и сила их дружбы подвергается испытанию, когда Виктория вмешивается в их планы. Тем временем, Айви просит Генри изучить Викторию, а Рони совершает такое открытие, которое может изменить ее дружбу с Генри навсегда. Роджерс находит решающую зацепку в своих поисках Элоизы Гарденер.

6 706MySisterAnastasia.png «Пробуждающий звонок»
«Wake Up Call» 10 ноября 2017

Рони убеждает Уивера проверить рассказ Люси о том, что Реджина Миллс усыновила мальчика из Бостона. В это времяж Роджерс обращается к Тилли за помощью в поисках исчезнувшей Элоизы, а в прошлом Реджина учит Дризеллу основам магии. Чувствуя себя третьей лишней в набирающих оборотах отношениях Генри и Золушки, Реджина с удивлением обнаруживает, что нужна Дризелле, которая пытается отыскать магию. Но внезапно открывшаяся жестокая истина может привести Дризеллу на опасную дорожку.

7 707LuckyForMe.png «Элоиза Гарденер»
«Eloise Gardener» 17 ноября 2017

Движимый жаждой мести, Крюк прибегает к тёмной и мощной магии, но встреча с Рапунцель может навсегда изменить его судьбу. В это время в Хайперион Хайтс, зреет заговор Айви с целью убрать с престола Викторию. Он набирает силу, что вызывает неожиданные последствия для Джасинды и Люси. Роджерс привлекает Генри и Тилли к своей продолжающейся борьбе в поискх пропавшей Элоизы Гарденер, но то, что он находит, оказывается не тем, чем кажется.

8 708BeLostToo.png «Красотка в голубом»
«Pretty in Blue» 17 ноября 2017

Пытаясь предотвратить побег расстроенной Алисы, Генри и Элла отправляются за ней в Страну Чудес. Там Генри понимает, что у Эллы есть необычная связь с этим странным миром. В Гиперион Хайтс, Джасинда подключает старого друга и прилагает последние усилия для возвращения опеки над Люси. Но ее решение принять помощь извне создают напряженность в отношениях с Генри.

9 709ThatsElla.png «Одна маленькая слезинка»
«One Little Tear» 8 декабря 2017

Виктория заключает сделку с Уивером: она хочет выйти из тюрьмы и разбудить Анастасию, но это может стоить жизни другого человека. Тем временем, в прошлом мы узнаем что, матушка Готель некогда предложила леди Тремейн спасти её семью. Тем временем Джасинда и Ник рассказывают то, что может изменить её с Генри будущее.

10 710CurseIsComing.png «Восьмая ведьма»
«The Eighth Witch» 15 декабря 2017

Когда Дризелла угрожает королевству новым проклятьем, Генри и Элла идут на отчаянный шаг, чтобы защитить дочь и друзей. Перед Реджиной встаёт ужасный выбор. В Гиперион Хайтсе, Рони просит Генри отправиться с ней в Сан-Франциско, чтобы отыскать сестру, однако когда Генри узнаёт, что Люси без сознания, то отправляется к дочери. Тем временем, Готель старается завоевать доверие Анастасии, но последствия её действий угрожают выйти из-под контроля.

11 711ZelenaSacrifice.png «Тайный сад»
«Secret Garden» 2 марта 2018

Стремясь поскорее начать использовать свои проявившиеся магические способности, Робин вступает в рискованные отношения с Матерью Готэль. В это время в Гиперион Хайтс, Рони и Келли заключают сделку с Элоизой, отчаявшейся спасти Люси от её загадочной болезни. Однако ничего не делается бесплатно. Когда события в конце концов приводят к ссоре Виктории с Айви, кому-то приходится за это расплачиваться своей жизнью.

12 712WellWeSit.png «Вкус высоты»
«A Taste Of The Heights» 9 марта 2018

В день коронации Тианы, ссора с доктором Фасилье заставляет её отправиться на Байу, где неожиданная встреча меняет всю её жизнь, а охота на аллигатора заканчивается трагическим происшествием. В Гиперион Хайтс, Сабина воссоединяется со старым другом, планы которого могут поставить под угрозу ее кулинарные мечты. Тем временем, Роджерс и Уивер допрашивают Слепую Ведьму, которая приводит их к шокирующему открытию о Ковене.

13 713AndNeitherOfYou.png «Падение рыцаря»
«Knightfall» 16 марта 2018

Тилли предупреждает Роджерса, чтобы он не верил Готель, и скоро попадает за решетку за преступление, которого не совершала. В это время Айви пользуется советом Генри и добирается до Джасинды. В прошлом, Крюк разыскивает капитана Ахава, у которого находится магический талисман, способный освободить Алису из замка.

14 714HateThisPlace.png «Девушка в башне»
«The Girl In The Tower» 23 марта 2018

Роджерс и Генри пытаются найти способ доказать невиновность Тилли в убийстве Хильды. Айви пытается помириться с Анастасией, а Самди делает откровенное признание Рони. В прошлом, Алиса убегает из замка и обнаруживает, что она всё ещё в ловушке, поэтому она объединяется с Робин, чтобы победить тролля, угрожающего соседней деревне.

15 715Reunited.png «Союз сестер»
«Sisterhood» 30 марта 2018

Когда Сладкий убийца атакует, Айви придется рисковать оставшимися живыми родственниками, в то время как Джасинда и Генри сближаются, и Рони сомневается в правдивости отношений с Самди. Тем временем, Дризелла сталкивается с немыслимой проблемой в своей попытке присоединиться к шабашу Ведьм.

16 716StudyingTheBook.png «Хлебные крошки»
«Breadcrumbs» 6 апреля 2018

Генри стоит перед важным решением, когда перспектива работы в Нью-Йорке угрожает разлучить его с Джасиндой и Люси, но откровение в деле Сладкого убийцы может сделать отъезд из Гиперион Хайтс еще сложнее. Тем временем Марго доверяется Тилли, и в воспоминаниях Крюк помогает Генри найти способ оправдать себя перед Эллой.

17 717ZelenaFacingTheWitch.png «Избранная»
«Chosen» 13 апреля 2018

Келли встречается лицом к лицу со Сладким убийцей, после того, как тот, кого она любит, взят в заложники. Тем временем, Самди использует Дрю, чтобы выполнить смертельный план. В воспоминаниях, Зелина усваивает суровый урок после встречи с Гензель и Гретель.

18 718ThatPersonIsYou.png «Хранитель»
«The Guardian» 20 апреля 2018

После смерти Ника, Уивер обнаруживает, что «кинжал Тёмного» пропал и намеревается вернуть его, даже если это означает предательство доверия Рони. Тем временем, Марго берет Тилли на свидание, но их время вместе делает неожиданный поворот. В воспоминании, Румпель, отчаявшись воссоединиться с Белль, платит Алисе за посещение.

19 719ThatIsFreedom.png «Дитя цветов»
«Flower Child» 27 апреля 2018

Тилли и Роджерс после встречи с Элоизой попадают в опасность, и в тот момент, когда жизнь Роджерса оказывается под угрозой, Тилли принимает жизненно важное решение. В это время, отношения между Генри и Джасиндой переходят на новый уровень, но несмотря на усилия Люси, их союз не даёт ответов на вопросы, которые она ищет. В прошлом, юная Готель жаждет мщения тем, кто разрушил её дом.

20 720AndYouRemember.png «Это Генри Миллс?»
«Is This Henry Mills?» 4 мая 2018

Рони обращается к Люси за помощью, чтобы разбудить Генри и остановить Готель, но всё идёт не так, как было задумано. В это время, Роджерс и Уивер направляются к Марго в надежде проникнуть к Тилли. В прошлом, молодой Генри стремится решить, каким путём пойти, пока загадочный телефонный звонок не помогает ему найти верное решение.

21 721LastAdventure.png «Возвращение домой»
«Homecoming» 11 мая 2018

Пока жители Гиперион Хайтс празднуют разрушение проклятья, Румпель из Мира Желаний, который разработал злобный план по предотвращению уничтожения сил Темного с помощью Люси и Эллы, навещает Генри. Чтобы его остановить, Генри, Рони, Уивер и Роджерс должны отправиться в Мир Желаний, дом для версий любимых и опасных персонажей. В воспоминаниях, юного Генри навещает Румпель из Мира Желаний и предлагает сделку, последствия которой могут иметь трагический характер.

22 722LeavingStorybrooke.png «Покидая Сторибрук»
«Leaving Storybrooke» 18 мая 2018

Когда злобные планы Румпеля из Мира Желания раскрываются, Реджина понимает, что единственный способ остановить его — не дать Генри из Мира Желания встать на путь возмездия. Тем временем, Тилли и Марго ищут помощи в Сторибруке. Отчаянно надеясь на воссоединение с покинувшей его Белль, Уивер пытается победить свое дьявольское альтер-эго. Когда жизни Роджерса угрожает опасность, он решается на наивысшую жертву.

Once Upon a Time
Season 7
Once Upon a Time Season 7.jpg

Poster for season 7 and DVD cover

  • Lana Parrilla
  • Colin O’Donoghue
  • Andrew J. West
  • Dania Ramirez
  • Gabrielle Anwar
  • Alison Fernandez
  • Robert Carlyle
  • Mekia Cox
Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 22
Original network ABC
Original release October 6, 2017 –
May 18, 2018
Season chronology

← Previous
Season 6

List of episodes

The seventh and final season of the American ABC fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time was ordered on May 11, 2017.[1] It premiered on October 6, 2017, and consisted of 22 episodes, having aired on Fridays instead of Sundays in prior seasons.[2]

This season marked a significant change for the series, as it was announced at the end of the sixth season that the majority of the main cast members would not be returning in such capacity for season 7. Lana Parrilla, Colin O’Donoghue and Robert Carlyle were the only ones remaining, while Rebecca Mader and Jared S. Gilmore returned in recurring capacities. Andrew J. West and Alison Fernandez were announced as new regulars in May 2017.[3] Dania Ramirez and Gabrielle Anwar were announced as additional regulars in July 2017.[4] In August 2017, it was announced that Mekia Cox had been promoted to series regular after initially joining the cast in July as recurring.[5]

The storyline was softly rebooted[6][7][8] with a main narrative led by an adult Henry Mills, set several years after last season’s events.[9] In February 2018, it was announced the seventh season would serve as the final season of the series; the season and series concluded on May 18, 2018.[10]

Existing fictional characters introduced to the series during the season include Tiana, Mother Gothel, Eudora, Dr. Facilier, Prince Naveen, Madame Leota, and Captain Ahab. The season also introduced new iterations of various characters from earlier seasons, including Cinderella, Lady Tremaine, Drizella, Anastasia, Rapunzel, Jack, Hansel, Gretel, the Blind Witch, as well as Alice, who previously appeared in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.


Several years after the Final Battle, Henry Mills leaves Storybrooke in search of his own story, only to find himself in the New Enchanted Forest,[11] where a conflict among its inhabitants culminates in the casting of a new curse that sends the New Enchanted Forest inhabitants to a Seattle neighborhood known as «Hyperion Heights» — and back to the past, before Henry left Storybrooke. As Henry’s daughter Lucy sets out to restore his belief, Mother Gothel seeks to reclaim her former home by using her Coven of the Eight while avoiding Dr. Facilier and a vengeful witch hunter. The eventual breaking of the curse leads to the arrival of the Wish Realm version of Rumplestiltskin, who seeks to destroy everyone’s happiness. His defeat leads Regina to recast the Dark Curse one last time, which merges all the realms of story into one: the United Realms.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen / Regina Mills / Roni[3]
  • Colin O’Donoghue as Captain Hook / Killian Jones / Rogers[3]
  • Andrew J. West as Henry Mills[3]
  • Dania Ramirez as Cinderella / Jacinda Vidrio[12][13]
  • Gabrielle Anwar as Rapunzel / Lady Tremaine / Victoria Belfrey[a][4][13][14]
  • Alison Fernandez as Lucy Mills / Lucy Vidrio[3][15]
  • Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold / Weaver[3]
  • Mekia Cox as Tiana / Sabine[b][4][5]


  • Jared S. Gilmore as young Henry Mills / Sir Henry[c][16][17]
  • Adelaide Kane as Drizella / Ivy Belfrey[4][18]
  • Rose Reynolds as Alice / Tilly[4][19]
  • Bruce Blain as Samuel B. Ryce / Desk Sergeant[20]
  • Trevor Roberts as Remy[21]
  • Emma Booth as Mother Gothel / Mother Nature / Eloise Gardener[22][23]
  • Chris Gauthier as Smee[24]
  • Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West / Zelena / Kelly West[d]
  • Daniel Francis as Dr. Facilier / Mr. Baron Samdi[25][26]
  • Robin Givens as Eudora[27]
  • Meegan Warner as young Rapunzel / Lady Tremaine[28]
  • Tiera Skovbye as Robin Hood / Margot[29][30]
  • Nathan Parsons as Hansel / Jack / Nick Branson[31][24]
  • Yael Yurman as Anastasia[32]
  • Jeff Pierre as Prince Naveen / Drew[33][26]
  • Chilton Crane as the Blind Witch / Hilda Braeburn[26]


  • Jillian Fargey as the Fairy Godmother[34]
  • Liam Hall as the Prince[34]
  • Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan[e][35][36]
  • Emilie de Ravin as Belle[f][37]
  • Giles Matthey as Gideon[38]
  • Kevin Ryan as Robert[25]
  • Matty Finochio as Marcus Tremaine[32]
  • Cindy Luna as Cecelia[39][40]
  • Anna Cathcart as teenage Drizella[32]
    • Lula Mae Melench as young Drizella[32]
  • Alejandra Perez as young Ella[39]
  • Sophia Reid-Gantzert as young Anastasia[32]
  • Sara Tomko as Tiger Lily[41]
  • Suzy Joachim as Madame Leota[42][citation needed]
  • Nisreen Slim as the Hedge Witch / Dr. Andrea Sage[42][43]
  • Chad Rook as Captain Ahab[44]
  • Elle McKinnon as young Alice[44]
  • Charles Mesure as Blackbeard (Wish Realm)[45]
  • Kip Pardue as Chad[46]
  • Dan Payne as Ivo[47]
  • Seth Isaac Johnson as young Hansel[47]
  • Sara Canning as Gretel[48]
    • Lily van der Griend as young Gretel[47]
  • Kyra Leroux as Yarrow[49]
  • Emily Tennant as Isla[50]
  • Naika Toussaint as Seraphina[51]
  • Gabrielle Miller as Mother Flora[51]
  • Beverley Elliott as Widow Lucas / Granny[52]
  • Robbie Kay as Malcolm / Peter Pan (Wish Realm)[53]
  • Victoria Smurfit as Cruella De Vil (Wish Realm)[53]
  • JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Ariel (Wish Realm)[53]
  • Timothy Webber as the Apprentice (Wish Realm)[54]
  • Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White / Mary Margaret Blanchard[e][36]
  • Josh Dallas as Prince Charming / David Nolan[e][36]
  • Sean Maguire as Robin Hood[53]
  • Tony Amendola as Geppetto / Marco[53]
  • Lee Arenberg as Grumpy / Leroy[53]
  • Jack Davies as Pinocchio[55]
  • Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy / Walter[56]
  • Gabe Khouth as Sneezy / Mr. Clark[55]
  • Keegan Connor Tracy as the Blue Fairy / Mother Superior[53]
  • Raphael Sbarge as Jiminy Cricket / Dr. Archie Hopper[57]
  • David Paul Grove as Doc[56]




In January 2017, while season 6 was still in production, ABC president Channing Dungey spoke of a possible «reset» of the show’s narrative in the event that the show received a season 7 order.[9] After much speculation, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis later confirmed that certain characters would have their storylines wrapped up and that the back-end of the sixth season had been written with the season 7 narrative change in mind.[79] Despite the major changes from seasons past, the showrunners have said that they do not view season 7 as a complete reboot of the show. Horowitz said: «I hesitate to use the word ‘reboot’. We’re more thinking about it as a hybrid of a lot of things. We’re paying homage to the original premise, but there are certain characters who are returning and some who are not. It’s a combination of a lot of things, but what we’re trying to do is go in a new direction but stay true to the spirit of what the show has always been.»[80]

In July 2017, the creators announced that the season would be set in the fictitious Seattle neighborhood of Hyperion Heights, which was created under a new curse. Residents of this neighborhood included displaced characters from the original and new versions of the Enchanted Forest, as well as regular people from the Land Without Magic. This differs from Storybrooke in the first six seasons, which was an isolated town that was blocked off from real-world Maine. The initial villain is Lady Tremaine, who assumes the role of an urban developer who seeks to «gentrify the neighborhood» and push out and separate fairytale residents. Meanwhile, Storybrooke and various Fairy Tale Land locations still appear in the flashbacks of the season as the story bounces back and forth between the characters’ lives before and during the latest curse.[81]

The main flashback setting of the seventh season is the New Enchanted Forest, which is a New Fairy Tale Land realm.[82] Other locations featured in flashbacks are the Edge of Realms, the Wish Realm, the New Wonderland, Oz, and Storybrooke itself.


In May 2017, it was announced that Lana Parrilla, Colin O’Donoghue, and Robert Carlyle would be the only series regulars from season 6 to continue onto season 7.[3] The character of Henry would also return, but as a man in his late 20s-early 30s portrayed by Andrew J. West. It was teased that the four would be portraying their original characters but with cursed identities, similar to the circumstances in season 1. In July, the first promo of the season revealed that Killian is now a Seattle police officer with the last name Rogers, who is living with an unexplained sense of loss.[83] In August, it was revealed that Regina is now a bar owner named Roni, who is more dressed down and is «no longer in charge.»[84]

Former main cast member Jennifer Morrison has confirmed that she has agreed to return for at least one episode, first appearing in the second episode of the season.[85][86] Morrison announced her last filming day for the episode on July 19, 2017.[87] On July 22, it was confirmed that Emilie de Ravin would return for the fourth episode of the season.[37]

In March 2017, Andrew J. West and Alison Fernandez were cast for unknown guest roles in the season 6 finale. During the episode, it was revealed that West was portraying an adult Henry Mills, while Fernandez portrayed his daughter, Lucy. After that episode’s airing, they were confirmed as series regulars for season 7.[3] West took over the role from Jared S. Gilmore, who has been confirmed to appear in at least the first two episodes of the season.[16][88]

On July 6, 2017, it was announced that Dania Ramirez and Gabrielle Anwar would be two additional series regulars for season 7.[3] Additionally, Adelaide Kane, Mekia Cox, and Rose Reynolds were cast in recurring roles for the season.[3] On July 15, it was announced that Ramirez would be portraying Cinderella, albeit a different version from the one previously played by Jessy Schram for the first six seasons.[12] On July 22 at San Diego Comic-Con, it was revealed that Anwar and Kane will be portraying Lady Tremaine and Drizella, respectively. Cox would be portraying Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, while Reynolds would be playing an alternate version of Alice, a character previously featured in the spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.[83] In August 2017, Cox was promoted to series regular status.[5]

On August 1, it was announced that Giles Matthey would return as an adult Gideon for the season’s fourth episode. The episode, also featuring de Ravin, would be centered around Rumple.[38] On that same day, it was also announced that Emma Booth was cast in a major recurring role as the Witch,[22] whose more specific identity would be revealed later on during the season.[89] On August 25, Kevin Ryan announced that he would be making an appearance as a new prince in the upcoming season.[90] On August 30, it was announced that Robin Givens had been cast as Tiana’s mother, Eudora.[27]

On September 8, it was announced that Meegan Warner would be guest starring as an alternate version of Rapunzel, a character previously featured in the season 3 episode «The Tower».[28] It was later revealed that the character would appear in a multi-episode arc.[91] On September 20, it was announced that former regular Rebecca Mader would return for multiple episodes in the seventh season as Zelena, who would also have a cursed identity.[92][93]

On October 2, it was announced that Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog would make an appearance during the season,[94] later revealed to be portrayed by Daniel Francis in the season’s fifth episode.[25] On October 3, it was announced that flashbacks of the ninth episode would feature a «tweenage» Anastasia, Lady Tremaine’s other biological daughter.[95]

On November 1, it was announced that Tiera Skovbye would be recurring as an older version of Robin, the daughter of Zelena and Robin Hood.[29] On November 2, it was announced that Nathan Parsons had been cast in a recurring role as Nick, a lawyer and potential love interest for another character.[31] On November 3, it was announced that the show was casting for the role of Naveen from The Princess and the Frog, who will be recurring in the second half of the season.[96] It was later revealed that the role would be played by Jeff Pierre, who first appeared in the twelfth episode of the season.[33] On November 16, actor Chad Rook announced that he had been cast in an unknown role, later revealed to be Captain Ahab in the thirteenth episode.[97]

On January 23, 2018, it was announced that Kip Pardue had been cast as Chad, Zelena’s fiancé from when she was cursed as Kelly. He made his appearance in the seventeenth episode of the season.[46]

On March 16, it was announced that multiple former cast members were set to appear in one or both of the season’s (and series’) last two episodes. This includes former regulars Gilmore (who had also been confirmed to appear in the twentieth episode)[98] and Sean Maguire, as well as formerly recurring stars JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Victoria Smurfit, Robbie Kay, Beverley Elliott, Lee Arenberg, Keegan Connor Tracy and Tony Amendola.[53] On March 21, it was announced that Morrison and de Ravin would be back for a second time, along with Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas for the final episode of the series.[36] In addition, Raphael Sbarge, David Paul Grove, and Faustino Di Bauda later confirmed that they were also appearing in the finale.[57][56]



  1. ^ Credited until «Secret Garden».
  2. ^ Credited as a recurring cast member from «Hyperion Heights» to «The Garden of Forking Paths» and later promoted to the main cast starting with «Greenbacks».
  3. ^ Credited as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke» and as a recurring cast member for the remaining episodes he appears in.
  4. ^ Credited as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke» and as a recurring cast member for the remaining episodes she appears in.
  5. ^ a b c Credited as a special guest star.
  6. ^ Credited as a guest star for «Beauty» and as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke».


  1. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (May 11, 2017). «‘Once Upon a Time’ Renewed for Season 7 at ABC». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved May 11, 2017.
  2. ^ Macke, Johnni (July 5, 2017). «New ‘Once Upon A Time’ Tease Reveals Where The Series Will Pick Up In Season 7». People’s Choice. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Mitovich, Matt Webb (May 16, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7: Get Fresh Details on Henry’s ‘Epic Quest’ — Plus, New Identities for Regina & Co.?!». TVLine. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d e Mitovich, Matt Webb (July 6, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7 Reset: Gabrielle Anwar, Devious Maids Alum, Reign Star Among 5 New Additions». TVLine. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  5. ^ a b c Abrams, Natalie (August 31, 2017). «Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once Upon a Time, Supergirl, Teen Wolf, and more». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 31, 2017.
  6. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ Renewed for Season 7 at ABC». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 5, 2017. The reboot comes as Once remains a valuable property for ABC.
  7. ^ Times, Music (September 6, 2017). «‘Once Upon A Time’ Soft Reboot: Emma Swan Reunites With Hook & Finds Closure in Their Story». MusicTimes. Retrieved December 5, 2017. The coming seventh season of «Once Upon a Time» will have a soft reboot and will embark on a new chapter.
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  12. ^ a b Ausiello, Michael (July 15, 2017). «Once Upon a Time: Dania Ramirez Is Playing ‘New’ Cinderella — Photo». TVLine. Retrieved July 15, 2017.
  13. ^ a b «(#701) «Hyperion Heights»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved September 18, 2017.
  14. ^ Bell, Amanda (December 8, 2017). «Once Upon a Time recap: ‘One Little Tear’«. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved December 9, 2017.
  15. ^ «Once Upon a Time: Homecoming». Disney — ABC Television Group. May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
  16. ^ a b Abrams, Natalie (July 15, 2017). «Once Upon a Time bosses drop new clues on season 7». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved July 15, 2017.
  17. ^ Abrams, Natalie (May 11, 2018). «Once Upon a Time just mocked its own complicated story lines». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved May 11, 2018.
  18. ^ Abrams, Natalie (October 3, 2017). «Once Upon a Time’s Adelaide Kane talks millennial meanie Drizella». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 3, 2017.
  19. ^ Abrams, Natalie (October 5, 2017). «Once Upon a Time’s Rose Reynolds introduces streetwise, enigmatic Alice». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 5, 2017.
  20. ^ Blain, Bruce [@BBinBKK] (April 13, 2018). «@LanaParrilla Well, twitter certainly seems to be happy with the episode! Congrats! Now, do you want to tell them about #SamuelBRyce, or should I? Oh, and here’s a BTS pic I’ve been hanging on to but couldn’t share until now. #OnceUponaTime @OnceABC #DeskSergeant» (Tweet). Retrieved April 21, 2018 – via Twitter.
  21. ^ «(#702) «A Pirate’s Life»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  22. ^ a b Andreeva, Nellie (August 1, 2017). «‘Once Upon A Time’: Emma Booth Joins ABC Fairytale Drama As Recurring». Deadline.com. Retrieved August 1, 2017.
  23. ^ Abrams, Natalie (November 17, 2017). «Once Upon a Time officially confirms identity of Hook’s daughter — and her mom!». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  24. ^ a b «(#707/708) «Eloise Gardener / Pretty in Blue»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
  25. ^ a b c «(#705) «Greenbacks»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved October 30, 2017.
  26. ^ a b c «(#712) «A Taste of the Heights»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  27. ^ a b Abrams, Natalie (August 30, 2017). «Once Upon a Time adds Robin Givens as Tiana’s mom». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 30, 2017.
  28. ^ a b Ausiello, Michael (September 8, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Casts TURN Alum Meegan Warner as the New [Spoiler]». TVLine. Retrieved September 8, 2017.
  29. ^ a b Mitovich, Matt Webb (November 1, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Casts Riverdale’s Tiera Skovbye as [Spoiler]’s Daughter». TVLine. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  30. ^ «(#714) «The Girl in the Tower»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved March 26, 2018.
  31. ^ a b Abrams, Natalie (November 2, 2017). «Once Upon a Time books The Originals star as potential love interest». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 2, 2017.
  32. ^ a b c d e «(#709) «One Little Tear»«. The Futon Critic. Retrieved December 2, 2017.
  33. ^ a b Mitovich, Matt Webb (January 30, 2018). «Once Upon a Time Casts Tiana’s Prince Naveen With Beyond’s Jeff Pierre». TVLine. Retrieved January 30, 2018.
  34. ^ a b «Once Upon a Time: Hyperion Heights (10/6)». Disney — ABC Television Group. September 18, 2017. Archived from the original on December 3, 2017. Retrieved December 2, 2017.
  35. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (May 8, 2017). «Jennifer Morrison On Why She Is Leaving ‘Once Upon a Time’, Emma’s Final Battle & What’s Next». Deadline. Retrieved May 9, 2017.
  36. ^ a b c d Goldberg, Lesley (March 21, 2018). «‘Once Upon a Time’: All the Stars — Including Jennifer Morrison and Ginnifer Goodwin — Returning for the Series Finale». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 21, 2018.
  37. ^ a b Abrams, Natalie (July 22, 2017). «Once Upon a Time: Emilie de Ravin books return in season 7». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved July 22, 2017.
  38. ^ a b Abrams, Natalie (August 1, 2017). «Once Upon a Time: Giles Matthey to return in season 7». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 1, 2017.
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  82. ^ Abrams, Natalie (December 13, 2017). «‘Once Upon a Time’ star Rebecca Mader previews Zelena’s return». Entertainment Weekly.
  83. ^ a b Swift, Andy (July 22, 2017). «Once Upon a Time @ Comic-Con: Season 7’s Secret Roles Revealed, a ‘Prominent LGBQT Storyline’ and More». TVLine. Retrieved July 22, 2017.
  84. ^ Abrams, Natalie (August 6, 2017). «Once Upon a Time reveals Hook, Regina, Rumple alt-identities». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 9, 2017.
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  88. ^ Byrne, Craig (August 9, 2017). «Once Upon A Time EPs Talk About The New «Book,» «Roni» & Returning Faces». KSite TV. Retrieved August 9, 2017.
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External links[edit]

  • Official website
Once Upon a Time
Season 7
Once Upon a Time Season 7.jpg

Poster for season 7 and DVD cover

  • Lana Parrilla
  • Colin O’Donoghue
  • Andrew J. West
  • Dania Ramirez
  • Gabrielle Anwar
  • Alison Fernandez
  • Robert Carlyle
  • Mekia Cox
Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 22
Original network ABC
Original release October 6, 2017 –
May 18, 2018
Season chronology

← Previous
Season 6

List of episodes

The seventh and final season of the American ABC fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time was ordered on May 11, 2017.[1] It premiered on October 6, 2017, and consisted of 22 episodes, having aired on Fridays instead of Sundays in prior seasons.[2]

This season marked a significant change for the series, as it was announced at the end of the sixth season that the majority of the main cast members would not be returning in such capacity for season 7. Lana Parrilla, Colin O’Donoghue and Robert Carlyle were the only ones remaining, while Rebecca Mader and Jared S. Gilmore returned in recurring capacities. Andrew J. West and Alison Fernandez were announced as new regulars in May 2017.[3] Dania Ramirez and Gabrielle Anwar were announced as additional regulars in July 2017.[4] In August 2017, it was announced that Mekia Cox had been promoted to series regular after initially joining the cast in July as recurring.[5]

The storyline was softly rebooted[6][7][8] with a main narrative led by an adult Henry Mills, set several years after last season’s events.[9] In February 2018, it was announced the seventh season would serve as the final season of the series; the season and series concluded on May 18, 2018.[10]

Existing fictional characters introduced to the series during the season include Tiana, Mother Gothel, Eudora, Dr. Facilier, Prince Naveen, Madame Leota, and Captain Ahab. The season also introduced new iterations of various characters from earlier seasons, including Cinderella, Lady Tremaine, Drizella, Anastasia, Rapunzel, Jack, Hansel, Gretel, the Blind Witch, as well as Alice, who previously appeared in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.


Several years after the Final Battle, Henry Mills leaves Storybrooke in search of his own story, only to find himself in the New Enchanted Forest,[11] where a conflict among its inhabitants culminates in the casting of a new curse that sends the New Enchanted Forest inhabitants to a Seattle neighborhood known as «Hyperion Heights» — and back to the past, before Henry left Storybrooke. As Henry’s daughter Lucy sets out to restore his belief, Mother Gothel seeks to reclaim her former home by using her Coven of the Eight while avoiding Dr. Facilier and a vengeful witch hunter. The eventual breaking of the curse leads to the arrival of the Wish Realm version of Rumplestiltskin, who seeks to destroy everyone’s happiness. His defeat leads Regina to recast the Dark Curse one last time, which merges all the realms of story into one: the United Realms.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen / Regina Mills / Roni[3]
  • Colin O’Donoghue as Captain Hook / Killian Jones / Rogers[3]
  • Andrew J. West as Henry Mills[3]
  • Dania Ramirez as Cinderella / Jacinda Vidrio[12][13]
  • Gabrielle Anwar as Rapunzel / Lady Tremaine / Victoria Belfrey[a][4][13][14]
  • Alison Fernandez as Lucy Mills / Lucy Vidrio[3][15]
  • Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold / Weaver[3]
  • Mekia Cox as Tiana / Sabine[b][4][5]


  • Jared S. Gilmore as young Henry Mills / Sir Henry[c][16][17]
  • Adelaide Kane as Drizella / Ivy Belfrey[4][18]
  • Rose Reynolds as Alice / Tilly[4][19]
  • Bruce Blain as Samuel B. Ryce / Desk Sergeant[20]
  • Trevor Roberts as Remy[21]
  • Emma Booth as Mother Gothel / Mother Nature / Eloise Gardener[22][23]
  • Chris Gauthier as Smee[24]
  • Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West / Zelena / Kelly West[d]
  • Daniel Francis as Dr. Facilier / Mr. Baron Samdi[25][26]
  • Robin Givens as Eudora[27]
  • Meegan Warner as young Rapunzel / Lady Tremaine[28]
  • Tiera Skovbye as Robin Hood / Margot[29][30]
  • Nathan Parsons as Hansel / Jack / Nick Branson[31][24]
  • Yael Yurman as Anastasia[32]
  • Jeff Pierre as Prince Naveen / Drew[33][26]
  • Chilton Crane as the Blind Witch / Hilda Braeburn[26]


  • Jillian Fargey as the Fairy Godmother[34]
  • Liam Hall as the Prince[34]
  • Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan[e][35][36]
  • Emilie de Ravin as Belle[f][37]
  • Giles Matthey as Gideon[38]
  • Kevin Ryan as Robert[25]
  • Matty Finochio as Marcus Tremaine[32]
  • Cindy Luna as Cecelia[39][40]
  • Anna Cathcart as teenage Drizella[32]
    • Lula Mae Melench as young Drizella[32]
  • Alejandra Perez as young Ella[39]
  • Sophia Reid-Gantzert as young Anastasia[32]
  • Sara Tomko as Tiger Lily[41]
  • Suzy Joachim as Madame Leota[42][citation needed]
  • Nisreen Slim as the Hedge Witch / Dr. Andrea Sage[42][43]
  • Chad Rook as Captain Ahab[44]
  • Elle McKinnon as young Alice[44]
  • Charles Mesure as Blackbeard (Wish Realm)[45]
  • Kip Pardue as Chad[46]
  • Dan Payne as Ivo[47]
  • Seth Isaac Johnson as young Hansel[47]
  • Sara Canning as Gretel[48]
    • Lily van der Griend as young Gretel[47]
  • Kyra Leroux as Yarrow[49]
  • Emily Tennant as Isla[50]
  • Naika Toussaint as Seraphina[51]
  • Gabrielle Miller as Mother Flora[51]
  • Beverley Elliott as Widow Lucas / Granny[52]
  • Robbie Kay as Malcolm / Peter Pan (Wish Realm)[53]
  • Victoria Smurfit as Cruella De Vil (Wish Realm)[53]
  • JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Ariel (Wish Realm)[53]
  • Timothy Webber as the Apprentice (Wish Realm)[54]
  • Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White / Mary Margaret Blanchard[e][36]
  • Josh Dallas as Prince Charming / David Nolan[e][36]
  • Sean Maguire as Robin Hood[53]
  • Tony Amendola as Geppetto / Marco[53]
  • Lee Arenberg as Grumpy / Leroy[53]
  • Jack Davies as Pinocchio[55]
  • Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy / Walter[56]
  • Gabe Khouth as Sneezy / Mr. Clark[55]
  • Keegan Connor Tracy as the Blue Fairy / Mother Superior[53]
  • Raphael Sbarge as Jiminy Cricket / Dr. Archie Hopper[57]
  • David Paul Grove as Doc[56]




In January 2017, while season 6 was still in production, ABC president Channing Dungey spoke of a possible «reset» of the show’s narrative in the event that the show received a season 7 order.[9] After much speculation, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis later confirmed that certain characters would have their storylines wrapped up and that the back-end of the sixth season had been written with the season 7 narrative change in mind.[79] Despite the major changes from seasons past, the showrunners have said that they do not view season 7 as a complete reboot of the show. Horowitz said: «I hesitate to use the word ‘reboot’. We’re more thinking about it as a hybrid of a lot of things. We’re paying homage to the original premise, but there are certain characters who are returning and some who are not. It’s a combination of a lot of things, but what we’re trying to do is go in a new direction but stay true to the spirit of what the show has always been.»[80]

In July 2017, the creators announced that the season would be set in the fictitious Seattle neighborhood of Hyperion Heights, which was created under a new curse. Residents of this neighborhood included displaced characters from the original and new versions of the Enchanted Forest, as well as regular people from the Land Without Magic. This differs from Storybrooke in the first six seasons, which was an isolated town that was blocked off from real-world Maine. The initial villain is Lady Tremaine, who assumes the role of an urban developer who seeks to «gentrify the neighborhood» and push out and separate fairytale residents. Meanwhile, Storybrooke and various Fairy Tale Land locations still appear in the flashbacks of the season as the story bounces back and forth between the characters’ lives before and during the latest curse.[81]

The main flashback setting of the seventh season is the New Enchanted Forest, which is a New Fairy Tale Land realm.[82] Other locations featured in flashbacks are the Edge of Realms, the Wish Realm, the New Wonderland, Oz, and Storybrooke itself.


In May 2017, it was announced that Lana Parrilla, Colin O’Donoghue, and Robert Carlyle would be the only series regulars from season 6 to continue onto season 7.[3] The character of Henry would also return, but as a man in his late 20s-early 30s portrayed by Andrew J. West. It was teased that the four would be portraying their original characters but with cursed identities, similar to the circumstances in season 1. In July, the first promo of the season revealed that Killian is now a Seattle police officer with the last name Rogers, who is living with an unexplained sense of loss.[83] In August, it was revealed that Regina is now a bar owner named Roni, who is more dressed down and is «no longer in charge.»[84]

Former main cast member Jennifer Morrison has confirmed that she has agreed to return for at least one episode, first appearing in the second episode of the season.[85][86] Morrison announced her last filming day for the episode on July 19, 2017.[87] On July 22, it was confirmed that Emilie de Ravin would return for the fourth episode of the season.[37]

In March 2017, Andrew J. West and Alison Fernandez were cast for unknown guest roles in the season 6 finale. During the episode, it was revealed that West was portraying an adult Henry Mills, while Fernandez portrayed his daughter, Lucy. After that episode’s airing, they were confirmed as series regulars for season 7.[3] West took over the role from Jared S. Gilmore, who has been confirmed to appear in at least the first two episodes of the season.[16][88]

On July 6, 2017, it was announced that Dania Ramirez and Gabrielle Anwar would be two additional series regulars for season 7.[3] Additionally, Adelaide Kane, Mekia Cox, and Rose Reynolds were cast in recurring roles for the season.[3] On July 15, it was announced that Ramirez would be portraying Cinderella, albeit a different version from the one previously played by Jessy Schram for the first six seasons.[12] On July 22 at San Diego Comic-Con, it was revealed that Anwar and Kane will be portraying Lady Tremaine and Drizella, respectively. Cox would be portraying Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, while Reynolds would be playing an alternate version of Alice, a character previously featured in the spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.[83] In August 2017, Cox was promoted to series regular status.[5]

On August 1, it was announced that Giles Matthey would return as an adult Gideon for the season’s fourth episode. The episode, also featuring de Ravin, would be centered around Rumple.[38] On that same day, it was also announced that Emma Booth was cast in a major recurring role as the Witch,[22] whose more specific identity would be revealed later on during the season.[89] On August 25, Kevin Ryan announced that he would be making an appearance as a new prince in the upcoming season.[90] On August 30, it was announced that Robin Givens had been cast as Tiana’s mother, Eudora.[27]

On September 8, it was announced that Meegan Warner would be guest starring as an alternate version of Rapunzel, a character previously featured in the season 3 episode «The Tower».[28] It was later revealed that the character would appear in a multi-episode arc.[91] On September 20, it was announced that former regular Rebecca Mader would return for multiple episodes in the seventh season as Zelena, who would also have a cursed identity.[92][93]

On October 2, it was announced that Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog would make an appearance during the season,[94] later revealed to be portrayed by Daniel Francis in the season’s fifth episode.[25] On October 3, it was announced that flashbacks of the ninth episode would feature a «tweenage» Anastasia, Lady Tremaine’s other biological daughter.[95]

On November 1, it was announced that Tiera Skovbye would be recurring as an older version of Robin, the daughter of Zelena and Robin Hood.[29] On November 2, it was announced that Nathan Parsons had been cast in a recurring role as Nick, a lawyer and potential love interest for another character.[31] On November 3, it was announced that the show was casting for the role of Naveen from The Princess and the Frog, who will be recurring in the second half of the season.[96] It was later revealed that the role would be played by Jeff Pierre, who first appeared in the twelfth episode of the season.[33] On November 16, actor Chad Rook announced that he had been cast in an unknown role, later revealed to be Captain Ahab in the thirteenth episode.[97]

On January 23, 2018, it was announced that Kip Pardue had been cast as Chad, Zelena’s fiancé from when she was cursed as Kelly. He made his appearance in the seventeenth episode of the season.[46]

On March 16, it was announced that multiple former cast members were set to appear in one or both of the season’s (and series’) last two episodes. This includes former regulars Gilmore (who had also been confirmed to appear in the twentieth episode)[98] and Sean Maguire, as well as formerly recurring stars JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Victoria Smurfit, Robbie Kay, Beverley Elliott, Lee Arenberg, Keegan Connor Tracy and Tony Amendola.[53] On March 21, it was announced that Morrison and de Ravin would be back for a second time, along with Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas for the final episode of the series.[36] In addition, Raphael Sbarge, David Paul Grove, and Faustino Di Bauda later confirmed that they were also appearing in the finale.[57][56]



  1. ^ Credited until «Secret Garden».
  2. ^ Credited as a recurring cast member from «Hyperion Heights» to «The Garden of Forking Paths» and later promoted to the main cast starting with «Greenbacks».
  3. ^ Credited as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke» and as a recurring cast member for the remaining episodes he appears in.
  4. ^ Credited as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke» and as a recurring cast member for the remaining episodes she appears in.
  5. ^ a b c Credited as a special guest star.
  6. ^ Credited as a guest star for «Beauty» and as a special guest star for «Leaving Storybrooke».


  1. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (May 11, 2017). «‘Once Upon a Time’ Renewed for Season 7 at ABC». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved May 11, 2017.
  2. ^ Macke, Johnni (July 5, 2017). «New ‘Once Upon A Time’ Tease Reveals Where The Series Will Pick Up In Season 7». People’s Choice. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Mitovich, Matt Webb (May 16, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7: Get Fresh Details on Henry’s ‘Epic Quest’ — Plus, New Identities for Regina & Co.?!». TVLine. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d e Mitovich, Matt Webb (July 6, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7 Reset: Gabrielle Anwar, Devious Maids Alum, Reign Star Among 5 New Additions». TVLine. Retrieved July 6, 2017.
  5. ^ a b c Abrams, Natalie (August 31, 2017). «Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once Upon a Time, Supergirl, Teen Wolf, and more». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 31, 2017.
  6. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ Renewed for Season 7 at ABC». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 5, 2017. The reboot comes as Once remains a valuable property for ABC.
  7. ^ Times, Music (September 6, 2017). «‘Once Upon A Time’ Soft Reboot: Emma Swan Reunites With Hook & Finds Closure in Their Story». MusicTimes. Retrieved December 5, 2017. The coming seventh season of «Once Upon a Time» will have a soft reboot and will embark on a new chapter.
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  11. ^ «Once Upon a Time: A Pirate’s Life (10/13)». Retrieved May 15, 2018.
  12. ^ a b Ausiello, Michael (July 15, 2017). «Once Upon a Time: Dania Ramirez Is Playing ‘New’ Cinderella — Photo». TVLine. Retrieved July 15, 2017.
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  15. ^ «Once Upon a Time: Homecoming». Disney — ABC Television Group. May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
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  99. ^ Porter, Rick (October 18, 2017). «‘The Orville,’ ‘Once Upon a Time,’ 5 more shows double in week 2 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on October 18, 2017. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
  100. ^ Porter, Rick (October 25, 2017). «‘The Good Doctor’ is the most-watched show on TV in week 3 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on October 25, 2017. Retrieved October 25, 2017.
  101. ^ Porter, Rick (November 2, 2017). «‘Chicago PD,’ 10 more shows double in week 4 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on November 2, 2017. Retrieved November 2, 2017.
  102. ^ Porter, Rick (November 9, 2017). «‘Grey’s Anatomy’ keeps rolling along in week 5 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on November 9, 2017. Retrieved November 9, 2017.
  103. ^ Porter, Rick (November 17, 2017). «‘This Is Us’ and 12 more shows double in week 6 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on November 17, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  104. ^ Porter, Rick (November 27, 2017). «‘This Is Us’ rides high in week 7 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on November 27, 2017. Retrieved November 27, 2017.
  105. ^ a b Porter, Rick (December 5, 2017). «‘Jane the Virgin,’ 10 other shows double in week 8 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on December 5, 2017. Retrieved December 5, 2017.
  106. ^ Porter, Rick (December 21, 2017). «‘Agents of SHIELD’ gets a good bump in week 11 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on December 21, 2017. Retrieved December 21, 2017.
  107. ^ Porter, Rick (March 15, 2018). «‘Agents of SHIELD,’ 16 other shows double in week 23 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on March 15, 2018. Retrieved March 15, 2018.
  108. ^ Porter, Rick (March 22, 2018). «‘This Is Us’ leads the week 24 broadcast Live +7 ratings – by quite a bit». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on March 22, 2018. Retrieved March 22, 2018.
  109. ^ Porter, Rick (March 29, 2018). «‘This Is Us’ goes out on top: Week 25 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on March 29, 2018. Retrieved March 29, 2018.
  110. ^ Porter, Rick (April 6, 2018). «‘The Good Doctor’ scores highest in week 26 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on April 6, 2018. Retrieved April 6, 2018.
  111. ^ Porter, Rick (April 19, 2018). «‘Will & Grace’ finale, 11 other shows double in week 28 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on April 19, 2018. Retrieved April 19, 2018.
  112. ^ Porter, Rick (April 26, 2018). «‘New Girl’ premiere doubles in week 29 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on April 26, 2018. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
  113. ^ Porter, Rick (May 7, 2018). «‘Scandal’ and ‘Criminal Minds’ get biggest finale bumps in week 30 broadcast Live +7 ratings». TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on May 7, 2018. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  114. ^ Pucci, Douglas (May 29, 2018). «Live+7 Weekly Ratings: ABC Finale of ‘Designated Survivor’ Tops Broadcast Network Telecasts’ Viewers Percentage Gains». Programming Insider. Retrieved May 29, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

Когда я начала смотреть этот сериал — я училась в университете и он меня так увлек, что я смотрела серии даже перед экзаменом. Казалось, что круче придумать сериал в таком стиле просто не могли — новые интерпретации сказок, герои, которые по-настоящему ожили на экране, подвиги и настоящая любовь! Как можно пройти мимо такого волшебства?

Как — я поняла, когда со скрипом стала смотреть шестой сезон. Он мне так никогда и не полюбился, последнюю серию я даже не досмотрела до конца с первого раза. А потом — мотала, чтобы не тратить свое драгоценное время. Странно как-то для любимого сериала, не так ли?

В общем, сейчас тут будет много букф, потому что я хочу отдать дань своему университетскому прошлому. Читаем, смотрим, наслаждаемся и комментируем Smile

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  • Косяк в новом сезоне

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Впрочем, злая Эмма мне понравилась… в каком она там сезоне-то была?

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Пролетели почти незаметно. Вставки из «прошлого» в Зачарованном Лесу, новый для меня сюжет, новые герои, появления красивых мальчиков и харизматичных мужчин, все дела… В общем, погрузилась с головой и тратила на просмотр огромное количество времени. Смотрела дома, в дороге, ночью Smile Иногда затягивало так, что я пыталась, кажется, просмотреть весь сезон за одну ночь Smile


Дались уже тяжелее, потому что была постоянно занята делами, да и сюжет уже перестал так захватывать. Мне на какой-то момент показалось, что он изжил себя. Но это было только начало перед настоящей катастрофой…


… которая грянула в шестом сезоне! Мне казалось, что более нудного и заунывного сезона просто невозможно придумать! Все перестало нравиться: сюжет, поведение героев периодически просто бесило. Концовку, как я говорила, даже не осилила. Спецэффекты и вовсе вызывали фэйсплам.



Вы видели трейлер этого сезона? Я когда посмотрела — у меня глаза на лоб вылезли. Я сказала себе, что смотреть и ждать его точно не буду, настолько он мне показался отвратительным и бредовым. Но…


…но первый десять серий, которые уже выпущены, я посмотрела за два дня Smile

3 марта — выход 11. Ждем-с.

И приятно, что Румпель остался в этом сезоне! Smile

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Любимая пара в сериале: Белль и Румпель.

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Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

Любимая девушка в сериале: Реджина.

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Девушка, которая не понравилась вообще: таких много, на самом деле. Руби (Красная Шапочка) не очень… потом не понравилась Зелена.

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Самый интересный характер в сериале: у Реджины. Было приятно смотреть за преобразованиями ее во внешности, в характере, в том, как она из Злой Королевы стала мамочкой-наседкой, в хорошем понимании этого слова.

Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

Любимый сезон: первые два.

Нелюбимый сезон: шестой.


Косяк в новом сезоне


Это косяк с Золушкой. Фээээээйспалм полный!!! Она уже была в 1 сезоне, 4 серия. У нее там ребенок, сделка с Румпелем, принц, все как надо! А в седьмом — она стала мулаткой! И вообще там все совсем с ног на голову. Можно, конечно, предположить, что это типо параллельная вселенная, другая сказка, но… объяснение подходящее под это нам дали с Капитаном Крюком (кстати, тот еще сексуальный красавчик), но там он остался самим собой, со своей внешностью (был Двойник из другого мира), а что вот сотворилось с Золушкой???!

вот такая Золушка была в первом сезоне:

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Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

а вот такая стала в седьмом:

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  • Генри

Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

  • Румпель

Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

  • Реджина

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  • Крюк

Однажды в сказке / Once Upon a Time фото

…остальные тоже поменялись, но лучше посмотрите сами Wink

А еще появились новые герои: Тиана, Рапунцель, Колдун-Вуду («Принцесса-лягушка») и многие другие!

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    Я рекомендую этот сериал к просмотру всем, кто любит старые сказки, переписанные на новый лад Smile


    Всем большое спасибо за просмотр и ваши комментарии. Смотрели этот сериал? Как он вам? Кто был ваш любимый герой? Какая любимая пара?

  • Однажды в сказке 7 сезон описание
  • Однажды в сказке 7 сезон актеры и персонажи
  • Однажды в сказке 7 сезон 8серия смотреть
  • Однажды в сказке 6 сезон сюжет
  • Однажды в сказке 6 сезон смотреть бесплатно в хорошем качестве на русском