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After Regina cast her curse to save Henry’s life, Drizella becomes Ivy Belfrey, the haughty daughter of Victoria Belfrey, whom she works for as her personal assistant at Belfrey Towers. She adopts this cursed persona but retains her memories of her past life, while continuing her plans of making her mother suffer for having never loved her. («Hyperion Heights», «Wake Up Call», «The Eighth Witch»)

One morning at work before Victoria arrives, Ivy chides the other office workers to «look busy» and reminds them to not make eye contact with her mother. As Victoria steps out from the elevator, she inquires after the whereabouts of granddaughter Lucy, who has gone missing. Ivy admits she doesn’t know but that she will try to find out, to which Victoria corrects her, telling her that instead of trying, she needs to get it done. A little later when Victoria learns from Henry about where Lucy’s mother Jacinda Vidrio took the child, Ivy accompanies Officer Rogers in his car to reach the mother-daughter pair. Ivy informs Lucy that Henry revealed their location, although Lucy insists that’s not possible. Before ushering her niece into the car, Ivy takes Henry’s storybook from Lucy’s bag and hands it to Rogers, imploring him to dispose of it as he sees fit since it has caused too much trouble for her niece. Rogers is seemingly mesmerized by the content in the book, however, when Ivy questions if something is wrong, the officer snaps out of his dazed state and assures her all is well. («Hyperion Heights»)

While working at the front desk in Belfrey Towers, Ivy is met by Jacinda, who prompts her for the ticket Victoria promised her so she could attend Lucy’s ballet recital. Ivy unceremoniously informs her that because the event is now a charity to raise money for disadvantaged children, the price of the ticket is now $550. Jacinda is floored by this, noting that her stepmother likely raised the price on purpose since her paycheck is only $500. Without missing a beat, Ivy instead simply states if she can’t pay in cash at the moment, credit is also accepted. She then smiles smugly at her stepsister, but before Jacinda can think of an answer, both girls turn to look as they notice Victoria walking out of the meeting room. («A Pirate’s Life»)

As Ivy is texting on her phone during work, she sees Jacinda coming out of the elevator, prompting her to call security to notify them of a «trash problem». Jacinda assures her stepsister that she knows she is not allowed to see Lucy but that she wanted to drop off her Halloween costume. Ivy is less than pleased about babysitting Lucy, with Jacinda offering to take her place instead, however, Ivy brushes off the suggestion, not wanting to Victoria to find out. Rather than paint Lucy’s face to match her costume, Ivy makes her wear a paper bag with a poorly drawn skeleton face on it. Lucy begs to go to the south end of the street where there is a haunted house, but Ivy annoyedly mentions how she is missing the masquerade ball because Victoria wanted Lucy to have a good time. Lucy insists she is not missing anything as she did not get invited to the ball, and further explains that she overheard her complaining about it on the phone. An irritated Ivy suggests that Lucy should consider wearing that paper bag all year around, to which Lucy storms off to a nearby house on her own. When Lucy returns, Ivy is distracted on her phone as she asks if Lucy is done getting candy for the day and complains about her shoes being ruined after she stepped in pumpkin vomit. Only when «Lucy» responds affirmatively, Ivy notices her costume is different before pulling off the bag, revealing she is not Lucy. Ivy rushes to Jacinda’s workplace, thinking the girl went to find her mother, only to get into a verbal spat with her stepsister. She mocks Jacinda for hanging around Henry, whom she dubs her «baby daddy», while Jacinda sneers at Ivy for having no friends. After Jacinda insists she can’t leave to look for Lucy or she’ll be fired, Ivy leaves to look for the child on her own. Out searching for Lucy, Henry finds a tearful Ivy sitting alone. He learns she dislikes following Victoria’s orders and that she only does it because, without her mother’s approval, she has no one, unlike Jacinda who will always have Lucy even if the two are apart from each other. Henry sympathizes with her loneliness and baggage, which he also admits to having. When Ivy expresses interest in changing, Henry suggests she has to take a risk by doing things differently. She helps to look at the list Jacinda provided with Lucy’s possible locations and points out she is likely at the haunted house. With Henry’s encouragement, Ivy goes with him to find Lucy, whom they bring back to Jacinda. Ivy sarcastically refers to Lucy as a «little ghoul» who she is returning to Jacinda, but then, in a rare act of kindness, she mentions there is an hour of trick-or-treating left for the trio to go altogether. She also agrees to take care of Victoria if anything arises, causing Jacinda to express her gratitude, though she brushes off her thanks. Later at Roni’s, Ivy pours Henry a drink, persuading him to keep her company until she is ready to face the wrath of her mother. She thanks him for helping her put herself first for once and for listening to her side of the story. Ivy asks why he didn’t go with Jacinda, with Henry admitting it’s complicated, to which she toasts him with the vow to keep things «uncomplicated». Ivy later posts the pictures of her and Henry together on her social media account. («Beauty», «Wake Up Call»)

At the reception desk, Ivy is once again texting on her phone, as Lucy complains about Victoria being late with picking her up for ballet lessons. Ivy shushes her, and without glancing up, tells the girl that she is busy looking for an «annoyed babysitter» emoji on her phone. After Sabine visits to drop off a bag of her homemade sweets for Lucy, Victoria finally arrives, with Ivy inquiring about her whereabouts as she’s been trying to get ahold of her for the last hour. Victoria brushes off the question and instead tells her daughter to pick up a few things from a herbalist shop. Ivy wonders if she is doing a cleanse without her, but Victoria denies it and simply insists that she get it done. Later, Ivy returns with the items after visiting three herbalists, remarking that the trip has slowed her down from her emails and made her hair smell. Victoria, uninterested in her prattling, goes to take the elevator, but this only makes Ivy curious enough to ask about where she is going. Still refusing to answer, Victoria cautions her to stop both her questions and complaining and start doing her job before she decides to hire another assistant to take her place. Instead, Ivy uses the security camera to spy on her mother, whom she sees accessing the top floor for where Gothel is hidden. She then phones Henry to tell him she has a lead on Victoria’s schemes. While Henry expresses interest in accepting Ivy’s help, Roni remains skeptical of the girl’s motives and replies to a text that Ivy sends Henry before deleting it from his phone. Ivy, believing Henry has agreed to meet her in the tower lobby, is in the midst of putting on lipstick when Roni shows up instead, asking her to prove she is serious about taking down her mother and that she’s not just using this as an opportunity to steal Henry from Jacinda. Ivy then leads Roni to the floor she saw Victoria go to earlier, but unbeknownst to Roni, Ivy tells Gothel to hide so that the latter does not see her. That evening, Ivy visits Victoria in her office and offers to help her mother as it seems she had a bad day. Victoria dryly remarks on her kind gesture and talks about the dream of guiding and caring for a daughter who she could lean on in the same way someday, however, she laments that not all daughters are created equal and Ivy would do best to realize just how badly she is failing right now and that she will continue to fail. Later on, Ivy goes to see Gothel, whose sudden emergence from her hiding spot causes her to break the herbal tea that Victoria prepared for Gothel. The woman questions if the plan worked and if she has gained Roni and Henry’s trust, which Ivy confirms she has and that she fooled them as much as she did to her mother. Gothel praises her cleverness; stating that while Victoria cannot see her worth but she does. Ivy is momentarily pleased by her outright approval of her before regaining her composure to instruct Gothel to continue playing her part with Victoria as they discussed. Gothel agrees, and before Ivy turns to leave, she asks her not call her by her cursed name, but her real one: Drizella; proving that she is awake. («Greenbacks»)

On another day, Ivy walks into Victoria’s office to find her mother suffering from a migraine. She offers to take the flowers away, citing that their pollen may be the cause, and Victoria grudgingly agrees, complaining that at least it’ll stop her from having to hear Ivy’s grating voice. In reality, Ivy retrieves these flowers for Gothel and brings them straight to her. Gothel examines them and detects the smallest seed of magic before instructing Ivy to bring her some dirt to plant it in. Ivy grudgingly does as she is told and later watches Gothel magically cause a thorny plant to grow. When Ivy collects liquid from one of the thorns into a bottle, Gothel warns her that the path she plans to take Regina down is a dangerous one. Ivy heads to the bar, where, as she tells Roni that she has new dirt on Victoria, she pours drinks from behind the counter and secretly mixes the plant liquid in Roni’s glass. After Roni drinks it, she begins to wake up from the curse and remember her past life as Regina and the Evil Queen. Once Regina remembers everything, she realizes that she cannot break the curse as something terrible will happen to the people she loves if she does and asks if Ivy merely woke her up to gloat. Ivy reveals she needs her help to keep the curse from breaking and blackmails her into separating Henry and Jacinda before they can share true love’s kiss. When Rogers is close to finding Eloise, Ivy poisons a criminal named Sam in order to mislead Rogers into believing Victoria was responsible and ultimately leads him to rescue Gothel, who is known by the cursed name Eloise, from her. («Wake Up Call», «Eloise Gardener»)

Upon entering the bar and observing a growing closeness between Henry and Jacinda, Ivy chides Roni to work on pulling the two apart, lest she wants her loved ones to get hurt if the curse breaks. Meanwhile, Victoria discovers Ivy is awake and has been secretly aiding Eloise, whom she moves to another building in the hopes of cutting her off from her daughter. While Ivy is at her work desk in Belfrey Towers, Rogers bursts in demanding to see Victoria as he suspects she is the one holding Eloise captive somewhere. Ivy feigns dismay at his accusation, insisting that her mother has done many things but not that, however, Rogers convinces her into letting him borrow tracking implement on Victoria’s car so he can find her. After Rogers rescues Eloise, Ivy is there to see her mother arrested and she admits to her that she killed Sam so Rogers would connect the dots back to Victoria. Ivy relishes in seeing her mother is now the prisoner while Eloise is free, to which Victoria, as she is being placed in the police cruiser, vehemently curses her for unleashing someone who is more dangerous than she can fathom and swears that she will find out soon enough. With Victoria in jail, Jacinda arrives to pick up her daughter, believing they can go home together now that her stepmother is indisposed, but Ivy reveals social services is taking the girl in despite her insistence that Lucy should be with Jacinda. She looks on with a saddened expression as Jacinda is forced to part from Lucy. («Eloise Gardener»)

In the bar back room as Ivy is being recorded on camera by Henry, she tearfully recounts how she thought she knew everything about her mother but not that she was holding a woman captive. Henry then stops recording and thanks her for doing the interview as he knows it must not be easy for her to talk about what happened. Ivy mentions how safe she feels around Henry, not just because she can trust him with her story or because they are friends, but she has taken a shine to his writing skills and asks if he has considered making his blog into a podcast, with Belfrey Towers as his sponsor. Roni interrupts to get Henry’s help with unjamming her keg room door, and after Henry has left, she warns Ivy to stay away from him. Ivy instead mocks her for sounding very «Evil Queen» and recalls how much it must’ve hurt her to have to drive a wedge between Jacinda and Henry during the other night. Roni cautions her to tread lightly with her words or face the wrath of her baseball bat, however, Ivy reminds her that neither of them wants the curse broken and Roni is outnumbered now that Eloise is free from her mother. Roni is surprised to hear she is working with Gothel, even asking how they know each other, but Ivy scoffs, declining to villain monologue for her. As Ivy leaves, she tells Roni to inform Henry that she will call him later so they can finish the interview. She finds Gothel failing to use magic and acknowledges needing Anastasia as her sister’s body contains magic which is hers. After finding Anastasia’s coffin at her mother’s vacation home, Ivy wheels it to Gothel. The pair remove the lid together, only to find no body inside, as they deduct Victoria must have moved her elsewhere. («Pretty in Blue»)

Arriving in the prison visiting room, Ivy unsuccessfully tries to intimidate her mother into revealing Anastasia’s whereabouts. The two trade terse words, with Ivy expressing resentment for her favoritism towards Anastasia and Victoria mocking Ivy for not getting enough hugs from her. Ivy eventually leaves empty-handed, but she is accompanied by Gothel when she uses her Car to follow Victoria and Weaver to the mausoleum. Not realizing Victoria has already left, Ivy and Gothel later enter and only find Weaver still inside. Ivy then leaves while Gothel stays to chat with Weaver. After Victoria succeeds in sacrificing Lucy’s belief to awaken Anastasia, Ivy jealously watches from outside the hospital room as her mother and sister reunite before walking away with tears in her eyes. («One Little Tear»)

Anastasia, frightened of losing control of her magic after she accidentally causes a disaster, is lured into a trap by Ivy, who gives her a pair of bracelets to dampen her magic. Ivy then persuades Anastasia to go with her to a safer place, though she actually brings her to Gothel. There, Ivy attempts to finally claim Anastasia’s magic for herself by grabbing onto her sister’s hands, however, she quickly realizes something is wrong when Anastasia is unable to let go of Ivy. It is then Gothel betrays Ivy, revealing that the reverse happened and that Ivy’s magic was transferred into Anastasia as she intended for it to happen. Ivy is stunned by this deception just before Gothel pushes her into a well, where she falls to the bottom and sees her mother is also trapped there as well. («The Eighth Witch»)

After Victoria is briefly pulled out of the well and forced by Gothel to confess her many crimes to Anastasia, Ivy observes her mother being dropped back into the well and coldly asks her how it feels to get what she deserves. As Victoria fumbles around the well for a way out, Ivy sarcastically remarks she could use a fairy godmother. Victoria insists Ivy stop being petty in order to rectify her own mistake in trusting Gothel, who stole her magic and is likely done with her, seeing as Ivy is now trapped in a pit with nowhere to go. With a well-aimed shoe heel, Victoria manages to hit the trigger for a rope pulley which allows her and Ivy to be lifted out of the well. As Ivy moves to leave the area, Victoria grabs her arm, telling her that while they have not always seen eye to eye, they have accomplished great things from being aligned together and proposes they work together to defeat Gothel and save Anastasia. Ivy scoffs over her mother’s kindness towards her, which, of course, is only because of Anastasia, and bitterly muses about how her mother has never once looked at her as someone deserving of her love. Victoria insists she has never done anything to deserve it, however, Ivy informs her that the lanterns that led Victoria home all those years ago were her idea, not Anastasia’s. With this secret revealed, Ivy storms off as a shocked Victoria is left behind. Later, Ivy finds herself teleported into a magic circle at the botanical garden greenhouse, where Gothel intends to sacrifice her life to the resurrection amulet so Lucy can be revived. Victoria, who gave the amulet to Gothel, is stunned as she was unaware a life must be forfeited. As Gothel begins the ritual, Ivy accuses her mother of planning this all along and that this is what she always wanted, while Victoria pleads ignorance. A panicked Victoria tries to make Gothel stop, but when Gothel does not, she charges into the circle to push Ivy out so she can take her place as the sacrifice instead. Watching Gothel restart the ritual, only this time draining away Victoria’s life force, a weakened Ivy manages to question her mother’s actions, to which Victoria apologizes for being so focused on one daughter when she already had Ivy by her side all this time. Upon choking out one last apology, Victoria collapses and tries to be reassuring to Ivy, who weeps and witnesses her take her last breath. Some moments later, Ivy strokes her mother’s face absentmindedly as Rogers and Weaver arrive, believing they are coming across the aftermath of Gothel’s cult ritual gone wrong. Ivy tells them it was supposed to be her who should have died but her mother saved her. When asked by Rogers if she is okay, she vacantly says she is not sure. («Secret Garden»)

A week after Victoria’s death, Ivy sorts through her mother’s many belongings at Belfrey Towers, where she is grateful to see Henry, whom she asked to come over. She shares with him her confusion over what to do with herself now that the mother she hated is dead and the fact Victoria had loved her all this time without her knowing it. Having no one else to turn to in this difficult time, she considers Henry the only one who understands her as he has lost family like her and perhaps they could fix each other. She draws him into a kiss, but Henry pulls away, suggesting to her that this isn’t what she needs right now. Ivy believes otherwise and tries to kiss him again, however, Henry reasons he has been where she is and done stupid things to drown out his feelings when his family died. Ivy is upset at his insinuation of her, but he explains she’s still in the grieving process and trying to hold onto something as a distraction. Despite how alone Ivy feels, he persuades her to reach out to the remaining family she has left, Jacinda and Lucy, even if she feels they hate her because they could help her figure out the person she is meant to be now. Later, Ivy shows up at Jacinda’s doorstep with a box of her old stuff that Victoria kept. Jacinda wonders about the real reason she came and questions if she even cared that Victoria died, to which Ivy defensively states she is still working through it and what she and her mother had was not the mother-daughter bond that Jacinda has with Lucy. However, Jacinda reveals all relationships have problems, including a rift she and Lucy are having which she blames herself for. Ivy admits she is not a fan of Jacinda’s self-pitying ways but agrees that, unlike Victoria, she is a great mother who lets her daughter know she is loved. Realizing Ivy had a deeper reason for coming to see her, Jacinda envelopes her in a hug before giving her a doll, whom Ivy recognizes as her childhood toy Beatrice. As the sisters reminisce about their childhoods, Ivy comes up with an idea of how to fix things for her mother and leaves in a hurry. At Henry’s apartment, Ivy thanks him for his earlier advice with a box of mochi from Lucky Cat Cafe. She expresses a desire to continue fixing her mistakes and then asks him to help track down her other sister, Anastasia, by being the hero he is deep down inside. («Knightfall»)

While still at the apartment, Ivy receives a cup of hot cocoa from Henry, which she fondly recalls Anastasia used to make for her all the time whenever she was feeling down. She has hopes it is not too late to make amends with her, and Henry gives her the suggestion she could give a genuine apology to show how truly sorry she is. Ivy agrees, deciding she is going to leave to find Anastasia, but when Henry wants to join her, she instead redirects him to be with someone he is meant to be with: Jacinda. Since things are not going so well with Jacinda, Henry considers maybe he is meant for a life of wallowing and that at least it’ll help him be a better writer. Ivy tells him to stop being so cynical because things will get better for him eventually, and when that happens, she hopes he can forgive her. She says that out of everyone she has wronged, she is the sorriest for what she has done to him. Henry is confused by her apology, but Ivy elaborates on how she wishes she could’ve met him before she became who she was and that she might’ve made better choices in life. Before heading out the door, she gives him a kiss on the cheek and says goodbye to him. («The Girl in the Tower»)

In her mother’s old office, Ivy yells at someone on the phone whom she hired to find Anastasia and she orders the person to get the job done soon. Gothel arrives, hoping to renew the deal they had to find Anastasia and obtain her magic, but Ivy declines to help her as it means her sister will have to die for the magic will go to Gothel so she can get her hands on the Dark One Dagger. Gothel muses that while Ivy’s desire to honor Victoria’s dying wish is noble, she won’t find Anastasia if she has run out of time. She then hands Ivy a pink bag and tells her it was already outside when she came to see her. Ivy inspects the bag, pulling out a heart-shaped box with her name on it, which means she is the next target of the same killer who recently murdered two coven members. Gothel mentions she already siphoned some of Anastasia’s magic and intends to take the rest once Ivy is gone, however, Ivy is unconcerned about the killer. Gothel insists she will end up dead like the murderer’s other victims, but Ivy refuses to give in to her, to which Gothel leaves her to her fate. As Ivy enters the parking garage, she hears someone approaching and arms herself with pepper spray but becomes scared when the lights go out. She tries to go back through the door into the building, only it’s locked, and then sees a masked man who charges at her with a knife. She pepper sprays him and is then tripped by her assailant, who attempts to stab her again. Ivy wrestles with him before kicking him with her stiletto and fleeing while he is still down. Seeking asylum at the bar, Ivy begs Roni to protect her from the killer. Roni refuses since Ivy does not have a cure for Henry’s poisoned heart, but upon seeing the girl’s desperation and fear when she has no magic or allies, Roni allows her to stay at the bar while she calls Weaver. Later, Ivy is approached by Mr. Samdi, who introduces himself as the witch doctor Dr. Facilier and does a card reading of her future. Samdi persuades her that the killer will continue coming after her and she can trust no one but herself to decide her own fate. He offers her a magic bean to escape to another realm, but it requires Anastasia’s magic and she can either sacrifice her sister or let her sister die under Gothel’s control. Ivy questions how she is even supposed to find Anastasia after days of searching for her with no success and Samdi provides a facedown card, telling her it will bring Anastasia to her. She then flips the card over to look at it, which has a picture of Anastasia with the lit lanterns that she and her sister once bonded over as children. («Sisterhood»)

In a secluded field somewhere in town, Ivy prepares several lit lanterns and releases one into the air just as Anastasia shows up, clearly distrustful of her since their last run-in. Ivy confesses she did bad things because she was scared and lost, but now she has a magic bean that can take both of them home, and she admits she needs her sister back. Anastasia softens at Ivy’s honesty and runs up to hug her, however, when she asks to see the bean so they can leave, Ivy unfurls her palm to reveal red dust which she blows into her sister’s face. As Anastasia falls unconscious from the dust’s effect, Ivy apologizes for betraying her and that while she tried to do the right thing like their mother wanted, she doesn’t want to die and has to choose to think about herself over Anastasia. After Samdi takes a portion of Anastasia’s magic and prepares to put an end to the girl’s life, Gothel arrives to wake up Anastasia. Samdi advises Ivy to do what she must do before he flees; leaving Ivy to deal with the brute of her sister’s ire as Gothel goads Anastasia into exacting revenge on her sister by killing her. Ivy owns up to the mistakes she made under Gothel’s tutelage but insists she does love and care for Anastasia despite tricking her in the worst way. She reveals Gothel will get Anastasia’s magic no matter who is killed, whether herself or Anastasia, but as she no longer wants her fate to be dictated by Gothel, she is willing to die at her sister’s hands if necessary. Hearing this, Anastasia comes to her senses and sides with Ivy while Gothel is forced to retreat with her plans failed. In the aftermath, Weaver and Roni come to find the girls. Ivy expresses regret towards Roni for not listening to her all those years ago when she was her magic student and now realizes the strongest magic really does come from love and family. Roni, while not having quite forgiven her for poisoning Henry, acknowledges Ivy wasn’t the only one culpable since the coven helped her, in addition to Gothel manipulating her. She gives Ivy her blessing to leave with Anastasia, who needs to be protected so Gothel can never use her Guardian powers. Ivy then asks if she forgives her, to which Roni states she understands her and believes she can change. After Anastasia powers up the bean, she and Ivy use it to open a portal and return to the New Enchanted Forest. («Sisterhood»)

After Regina cast her curse to save Henry’s life, Drizella becomes Ivy Belfrey, the haughty daughter of Victoria Belfrey, whom she works for as her personal assistant at Belfrey Towers. She adopts this cursed persona but retains her memories of her past life, while continuing her plans of making her mother suffer for having never loved her. («Hyperion Heights», «Wake Up Call», «The Eighth Witch»)

One morning at work before Victoria arrives, Ivy chides the other office workers to «look busy» and reminds them to not make eye contact with her mother. As Victoria steps out from the elevator, she inquires after the whereabouts of granddaughter Lucy, who has gone missing. Ivy admits she doesn’t know but that she will try to find out, to which Victoria corrects her, telling her that instead of trying, she needs to get it done. A little later when Victoria learns from Henry about where Lucy’s mother Jacinda Vidrio took the child, Ivy accompanies Officer Rogers in his car to reach the mother-daughter pair. Ivy informs Lucy that Henry revealed their location, although Lucy insists that’s not possible. Before ushering her niece into the car, Ivy takes Henry’s storybook from Lucy’s bag and hands it to Rogers, imploring him to dispose of it as he sees fit since it has caused too much trouble for her niece. Rogers is seemingly mesmerized by the content in the book, however, when Ivy questions if something is wrong, the officer snaps out of his dazed state and assures her all is well. («Hyperion Heights»)

While working at the front desk in Belfrey Towers, Ivy is met by Jacinda, who prompts her for the ticket Victoria promised her so she could attend Lucy’s ballet recital. Ivy unceremoniously informs her that because the event is now a charity to raise money for disadvantaged children, the price of the ticket is now $550. Jacinda is floored by this, noting that her stepmother likely raised the price on purpose since her paycheck is only $500. Without missing a beat, Ivy instead simply states if she can’t pay in cash at the moment, credit is also accepted. She then smiles smugly at her stepsister, but before Jacinda can think of an answer, both girls turn to look as they notice Victoria walking out of the meeting room. («A Pirate’s Life»)

As Ivy is texting on her phone during work, she sees Jacinda coming out of the elevator, prompting her to call security to notify them of a «trash problem». Jacinda assures her stepsister that she knows she is not allowed to see Lucy but that she wanted to drop off her Halloween costume. Ivy is less than pleased about babysitting Lucy, with Jacinda offering to take her place instead, however, Ivy brushes off the suggestion, not wanting to Victoria to find out. Rather than paint Lucy’s face to match her costume, Ivy makes her wear a paper bag with a poorly drawn skeleton face on it. Lucy begs to go to the south end of the street where there is a haunted house, but Ivy annoyedly mentions how she is missing the masquerade ball because Victoria wanted Lucy to have a good time. Lucy insists she is not missing anything as she did not get invited to the ball, and further explains that she overheard her complaining about it on the phone. An irritated Ivy suggests that Lucy should consider wearing that paper bag all year around, to which Lucy storms off to a nearby house on her own. When Lucy returns, Ivy is distracted on her phone as she asks if Lucy is done getting candy for the day and complains about her shoes being ruined after she stepped in pumpkin vomit. Only when «Lucy» responds affirmatively, Ivy notices her costume is different before pulling off the bag, revealing she is not Lucy. Ivy rushes to Jacinda’s workplace, thinking the girl went to find her mother, only to get into a verbal spat with her stepsister. She mocks Jacinda for hanging around Henry, whom she dubs her «baby daddy», while Jacinda sneers at Ivy for having no friends. After Jacinda insists she can’t leave to look for Lucy or she’ll be fired, Ivy leaves to look for the child on her own. Out searching for Lucy, Henry finds a tearful Ivy sitting alone. He learns she dislikes following Victoria’s orders and that she only does it because, without her mother’s approval, she has no one, unlike Jacinda who will always have Lucy even if the two are apart from each other. Henry sympathizes with her loneliness and baggage, which he also admits to having. When Ivy expresses interest in changing, Henry suggests she has to take a risk by doing things differently. She helps to look at the list Jacinda provided with Lucy’s possible locations and points out she is likely at the haunted house. With Henry’s encouragement, Ivy goes with him to find Lucy, whom they bring back to Jacinda. Ivy sarcastically refers to Lucy as a «little ghoul» who she is returning to Jacinda, but then, in a rare act of kindness, she mentions there is an hour of trick-or-treating left for the trio to go altogether. She also agrees to take care of Victoria if anything arises, causing Jacinda to express her gratitude, though she brushes off her thanks. Later at Roni’s, Ivy pours Henry a drink, persuading him to keep her company until she is ready to face the wrath of her mother. She thanks him for helping her put herself first for once and for listening to her side of the story. Ivy asks why he didn’t go with Jacinda, with Henry admitting it’s complicated, to which she toasts him with the vow to keep things «uncomplicated». Ivy later posts the pictures of her and Henry together on her social media account. («Beauty», «Wake Up Call»)

At the reception desk, Ivy is once again texting on her phone, as Lucy complains about Victoria being late with picking her up for ballet lessons. Ivy shushes her, and without glancing up, tells the girl that she is busy looking for an «annoyed babysitter» emoji on her phone. After Sabine visits to drop off a bag of her homemade sweets for Lucy, Victoria finally arrives, with Ivy inquiring about her whereabouts as she’s been trying to get ahold of her for the last hour. Victoria brushes off the question and instead tells her daughter to pick up a few things from a herbalist shop. Ivy wonders if she is doing a cleanse without her, but Victoria denies it and simply insists that she get it done. Later, Ivy returns with the items after visiting three herbalists, remarking that the trip has slowed her down from her emails and made her hair smell. Victoria, uninterested in her prattling, goes to take the elevator, but this only makes Ivy curious enough to ask about where she is going. Still refusing to answer, Victoria cautions her to stop both her questions and complaining and start doing her job before she decides to hire another assistant to take her place. Instead, Ivy uses the security camera to spy on her mother, whom she sees accessing the top floor for where Gothel is hidden. She then phones Henry to tell him she has a lead on Victoria’s schemes. While Henry expresses interest in accepting Ivy’s help, Roni remains skeptical of the girl’s motives and replies to a text that Ivy sends Henry before deleting it from his phone. Ivy, believing Henry has agreed to meet her in the tower lobby, is in the midst of putting on lipstick when Roni shows up instead, asking her to prove she is serious about taking down her mother and that she’s not just using this as an opportunity to steal Henry from Jacinda. Ivy then leads Roni to the floor she saw Victoria go to earlier, but unbeknownst to Roni, Ivy tells Gothel to hide so that the latter does not see her. That evening, Ivy visits Victoria in her office and offers to help her mother as it seems she had a bad day. Victoria dryly remarks on her kind gesture and talks about the dream of guiding and caring for a daughter who she could lean on in the same way someday, however, she laments that not all daughters are created equal and Ivy would do best to realize just how badly she is failing right now and that she will continue to fail. Later on, Ivy goes to see Gothel, whose sudden emergence from her hiding spot causes her to break the herbal tea that Victoria prepared for Gothel. The woman questions if the plan worked and if she has gained Roni and Henry’s trust, which Ivy confirms she has and that she fooled them as much as she did to her mother. Gothel praises her cleverness; stating that while Victoria cannot see her worth but she does. Ivy is momentarily pleased by her outright approval of her before regaining her composure to instruct Gothel to continue playing her part with Victoria as they discussed. Gothel agrees, and before Ivy turns to leave, she asks her not call her by her cursed name, but her real one: Drizella; proving that she is awake. («Greenbacks»)

On another day, Ivy walks into Victoria’s office to find her mother suffering from a migraine. She offers to take the flowers away, citing that their pollen may be the cause, and Victoria grudgingly agrees, complaining that at least it’ll stop her from having to hear Ivy’s grating voice. In reality, Ivy retrieves these flowers for Gothel and brings them straight to her. Gothel examines them and detects the smallest seed of magic before instructing Ivy to bring her some dirt to plant it in. Ivy grudgingly does as she is told and later watches Gothel magically cause a thorny plant to grow. When Ivy collects liquid from one of the thorns into a bottle, Gothel warns her that the path she plans to take Regina down is a dangerous one. Ivy heads to the bar, where, as she tells Roni that she has new dirt on Victoria, she pours drinks from behind the counter and secretly mixes the plant liquid in Roni’s glass. After Roni drinks it, she begins to wake up from the curse and remember her past life as Regina and the Evil Queen. Once Regina remembers everything, she realizes that she cannot break the curse as something terrible will happen to the people she loves if she does and asks if Ivy merely woke her up to gloat. Ivy reveals she needs her help to keep the curse from breaking and blackmails her into separating Henry and Jacinda before they can share true love’s kiss. When Rogers is close to finding Eloise, Ivy poisons a criminal named Sam in order to mislead Rogers into believing Victoria was responsible and ultimately leads him to rescue Gothel, who is known by the cursed name Eloise, from her. («Wake Up Call», «Eloise Gardener»)

Upon entering the bar and observing a growing closeness between Henry and Jacinda, Ivy chides Roni to work on pulling the two apart, lest she wants her loved ones to get hurt if the curse breaks. Meanwhile, Victoria discovers Ivy is awake and has been secretly aiding Eloise, whom she moves to another building in the hopes of cutting her off from her daughter. While Ivy is at her work desk in Belfrey Towers, Rogers bursts in demanding to see Victoria as he suspects she is the one holding Eloise captive somewhere. Ivy feigns dismay at his accusation, insisting that her mother has done many things but not that, however, Rogers convinces her into letting him borrow tracking implement on Victoria’s car so he can find her. After Rogers rescues Eloise, Ivy is there to see her mother arrested and she admits to her that she killed Sam so Rogers would connect the dots back to Victoria. Ivy relishes in seeing her mother is now the prisoner while Eloise is free, to which Victoria, as she is being placed in the police cruiser, vehemently curses her for unleashing someone who is more dangerous than she can fathom and swears that she will find out soon enough. With Victoria in jail, Jacinda arrives to pick up her daughter, believing they can go home together now that her stepmother is indisposed, but Ivy reveals social services is taking the girl in despite her insistence that Lucy should be with Jacinda. She looks on with a saddened expression as Jacinda is forced to part from Lucy. («Eloise Gardener»)

In the bar back room as Ivy is being recorded on camera by Henry, she tearfully recounts how she thought she knew everything about her mother but not that she was holding a woman captive. Henry then stops recording and thanks her for doing the interview as he knows it must not be easy for her to talk about what happened. Ivy mentions how safe she feels around Henry, not just because she can trust him with her story or because they are friends, but she has taken a shine to his writing skills and asks if he has considered making his blog into a podcast, with Belfrey Towers as his sponsor. Roni interrupts to get Henry’s help with unjamming her keg room door, and after Henry has left, she warns Ivy to stay away from him. Ivy instead mocks her for sounding very «Evil Queen» and recalls how much it must’ve hurt her to have to drive a wedge between Jacinda and Henry during the other night. Roni cautions her to tread lightly with her words or face the wrath of her baseball bat, however, Ivy reminds her that neither of them wants the curse broken and Roni is outnumbered now that Eloise is free from her mother. Roni is surprised to hear she is working with Gothel, even asking how they know each other, but Ivy scoffs, declining to villain monologue for her. As Ivy leaves, she tells Roni to inform Henry that she will call him later so they can finish the interview. She finds Gothel failing to use magic and acknowledges needing Anastasia as her sister’s body contains magic which is hers. After finding Anastasia’s coffin at her mother’s vacation home, Ivy wheels it to Gothel. The pair remove the lid together, only to find no body inside, as they deduct Victoria must have moved her elsewhere. («Pretty in Blue»)

Arriving in the prison visiting room, Ivy unsuccessfully tries to intimidate her mother into revealing Anastasia’s whereabouts. The two trade terse words, with Ivy expressing resentment for her favoritism towards Anastasia and Victoria mocking Ivy for not getting enough hugs from her. Ivy eventually leaves empty-handed, but she is accompanied by Gothel when she uses her Car to follow Victoria and Weaver to the mausoleum. Not realizing Victoria has already left, Ivy and Gothel later enter and only find Weaver still inside. Ivy then leaves while Gothel stays to chat with Weaver. After Victoria succeeds in sacrificing Lucy’s belief to awaken Anastasia, Ivy jealously watches from outside the hospital room as her mother and sister reunite before walking away with tears in her eyes. («One Little Tear»)

Anastasia, frightened of losing control of her magic after she accidentally causes a disaster, is lured into a trap by Ivy, who gives her a pair of bracelets to dampen her magic. Ivy then persuades Anastasia to go with her to a safer place, though she actually brings her to Gothel. There, Ivy attempts to finally claim Anastasia’s magic for herself by grabbing onto her sister’s hands, however, she quickly realizes something is wrong when Anastasia is unable to let go of Ivy. It is then Gothel betrays Ivy, revealing that the reverse happened and that Ivy’s magic was transferred into Anastasia as she intended for it to happen. Ivy is stunned by this deception just before Gothel pushes her into a well, where she falls to the bottom and sees her mother is also trapped there as well. («The Eighth Witch»)

After Victoria is briefly pulled out of the well and forced by Gothel to confess her many crimes to Anastasia, Ivy observes her mother being dropped back into the well and coldly asks her how it feels to get what she deserves. As Victoria fumbles around the well for a way out, Ivy sarcastically remarks she could use a fairy godmother. Victoria insists Ivy stop being petty in order to rectify her own mistake in trusting Gothel, who stole her magic and is likely done with her, seeing as Ivy is now trapped in a pit with nowhere to go. With a well-aimed shoe heel, Victoria manages to hit the trigger for a rope pulley which allows her and Ivy to be lifted out of the well. As Ivy moves to leave the area, Victoria grabs her arm, telling her that while they have not always seen eye to eye, they have accomplished great things from being aligned together and proposes they work together to defeat Gothel and save Anastasia. Ivy scoffs over her mother’s kindness towards her, which, of course, is only because of Anastasia, and bitterly muses about how her mother has never once looked at her as someone deserving of her love. Victoria insists she has never done anything to deserve it, however, Ivy informs her that the lanterns that led Victoria home all those years ago were her idea, not Anastasia’s. With this secret revealed, Ivy storms off as a shocked Victoria is left behind. Later, Ivy finds herself teleported into a magic circle at the botanical garden greenhouse, where Gothel intends to sacrifice her life to the resurrection amulet so Lucy can be revived. Victoria, who gave the amulet to Gothel, is stunned as she was unaware a life must be forfeited. As Gothel begins the ritual, Ivy accuses her mother of planning this all along and that this is what she always wanted, while Victoria pleads ignorance. A panicked Victoria tries to make Gothel stop, but when Gothel does not, she charges into the circle to push Ivy out so she can take her place as the sacrifice instead. Watching Gothel restart the ritual, only this time draining away Victoria’s life force, a weakened Ivy manages to question her mother’s actions, to which Victoria apologizes for being so focused on one daughter when she already had Ivy by her side all this time. Upon choking out one last apology, Victoria collapses and tries to be reassuring to Ivy, who weeps and witnesses her take her last breath. Some moments later, Ivy strokes her mother’s face absentmindedly as Rogers and Weaver arrive, believing they are coming across the aftermath of Gothel’s cult ritual gone wrong. Ivy tells them it was supposed to be her who should have died but her mother saved her. When asked by Rogers if she is okay, she vacantly says she is not sure. («Secret Garden»)

A week after Victoria’s death, Ivy sorts through her mother’s many belongings at Belfrey Towers, where she is grateful to see Henry, whom she asked to come over. She shares with him her confusion over what to do with herself now that the mother she hated is dead and the fact Victoria had loved her all this time without her knowing it. Having no one else to turn to in this difficult time, she considers Henry the only one who understands her as he has lost family like her and perhaps they could fix each other. She draws him into a kiss, but Henry pulls away, suggesting to her that this isn’t what she needs right now. Ivy believes otherwise and tries to kiss him again, however, Henry reasons he has been where she is and done stupid things to drown out his feelings when his family died. Ivy is upset at his insinuation of her, but he explains she’s still in the grieving process and trying to hold onto something as a distraction. Despite how alone Ivy feels, he persuades her to reach out to the remaining family she has left, Jacinda and Lucy, even if she feels they hate her because they could help her figure out the person she is meant to be now. Later, Ivy shows up at Jacinda’s doorstep with a box of her old stuff that Victoria kept. Jacinda wonders about the real reason she came and questions if she even cared that Victoria died, to which Ivy defensively states she is still working through it and what she and her mother had was not the mother-daughter bond that Jacinda has with Lucy. However, Jacinda reveals all relationships have problems, including a rift she and Lucy are having which she blames herself for. Ivy admits she is not a fan of Jacinda’s self-pitying ways but agrees that, unlike Victoria, she is a great mother who lets her daughter know she is loved. Realizing Ivy had a deeper reason for coming to see her, Jacinda envelopes her in a hug before giving her a doll, whom Ivy recognizes as her childhood toy Beatrice. As the sisters reminisce about their childhoods, Ivy comes up with an idea of how to fix things for her mother and leaves in a hurry. At Henry’s apartment, Ivy thanks him for his earlier advice with a box of mochi from Lucky Cat Cafe. She expresses a desire to continue fixing her mistakes and then asks him to help track down her other sister, Anastasia, by being the hero he is deep down inside. («Knightfall»)

While still at the apartment, Ivy receives a cup of hot cocoa from Henry, which she fondly recalls Anastasia used to make for her all the time whenever she was feeling down. She has hopes it is not too late to make amends with her, and Henry gives her the suggestion she could give a genuine apology to show how truly sorry she is. Ivy agrees, deciding she is going to leave to find Anastasia, but when Henry wants to join her, she instead redirects him to be with someone he is meant to be with: Jacinda. Since things are not going so well with Jacinda, Henry considers maybe he is meant for a life of wallowing and that at least it’ll help him be a better writer. Ivy tells him to stop being so cynical because things will get better for him eventually, and when that happens, she hopes he can forgive her. She says that out of everyone she has wronged, she is the sorriest for what she has done to him. Henry is confused by her apology, but Ivy elaborates on how she wishes she could’ve met him before she became who she was and that she might’ve made better choices in life. Before heading out the door, she gives him a kiss on the cheek and says goodbye to him. («The Girl in the Tower»)

In her mother’s old office, Ivy yells at someone on the phone whom she hired to find Anastasia and she orders the person to get the job done soon. Gothel arrives, hoping to renew the deal they had to find Anastasia and obtain her magic, but Ivy declines to help her as it means her sister will have to die for the magic will go to Gothel so she can get her hands on the Dark One Dagger. Gothel muses that while Ivy’s desire to honor Victoria’s dying wish is noble, she won’t find Anastasia if she has run out of time. She then hands Ivy a pink bag and tells her it was already outside when she came to see her. Ivy inspects the bag, pulling out a heart-shaped box with her name on it, which means she is the next target of the same killer who recently murdered two coven members. Gothel mentions she already siphoned some of Anastasia’s magic and intends to take the rest once Ivy is gone, however, Ivy is unconcerned about the killer. Gothel insists she will end up dead like the murderer’s other victims, but Ivy refuses to give in to her, to which Gothel leaves her to her fate. As Ivy enters the parking garage, she hears someone approaching and arms herself with pepper spray but becomes scared when the lights go out. She tries to go back through the door into the building, only it’s locked, and then sees a masked man who charges at her with a knife. She pepper sprays him and is then tripped by her assailant, who attempts to stab her again. Ivy wrestles with him before kicking him with her stiletto and fleeing while he is still down. Seeking asylum at the bar, Ivy begs Roni to protect her from the killer. Roni refuses since Ivy does not have a cure for Henry’s poisoned heart, but upon seeing the girl’s desperation and fear when she has no magic or allies, Roni allows her to stay at the bar while she calls Weaver. Later, Ivy is approached by Mr. Samdi, who introduces himself as the witch doctor Dr. Facilier and does a card reading of her future. Samdi persuades her that the killer will continue coming after her and she can trust no one but herself to decide her own fate. He offers her a magic bean to escape to another realm, but it requires Anastasia’s magic and she can either sacrifice her sister or let her sister die under Gothel’s control. Ivy questions how she is even supposed to find Anastasia after days of searching for her with no success and Samdi provides a facedown card, telling her it will bring Anastasia to her. She then flips the card over to look at it, which has a picture of Anastasia with the lit lanterns that she and her sister once bonded over as children. («Sisterhood»)

In a secluded field somewhere in town, Ivy prepares several lit lanterns and releases one into the air just as Anastasia shows up, clearly distrustful of her since their last run-in. Ivy confesses she did bad things because she was scared and lost, but now she has a magic bean that can take both of them home, and she admits she needs her sister back. Anastasia softens at Ivy’s honesty and runs up to hug her, however, when she asks to see the bean so they can leave, Ivy unfurls her palm to reveal red dust which she blows into her sister’s face. As Anastasia falls unconscious from the dust’s effect, Ivy apologizes for betraying her and that while she tried to do the right thing like their mother wanted, she doesn’t want to die and has to choose to think about herself over Anastasia. After Samdi takes a portion of Anastasia’s magic and prepares to put an end to the girl’s life, Gothel arrives to wake up Anastasia. Samdi advises Ivy to do what she must do before he flees; leaving Ivy to deal with the brute of her sister’s ire as Gothel goads Anastasia into exacting revenge on her sister by killing her. Ivy owns up to the mistakes she made under Gothel’s tutelage but insists she does love and care for Anastasia despite tricking her in the worst way. She reveals Gothel will get Anastasia’s magic no matter who is killed, whether herself or Anastasia, but as she no longer wants her fate to be dictated by Gothel, she is willing to die at her sister’s hands if necessary. Hearing this, Anastasia comes to her senses and sides with Ivy while Gothel is forced to retreat with her plans failed. In the aftermath, Weaver and Roni come to find the girls. Ivy expresses regret towards Roni for not listening to her all those years ago when she was her magic student and now realizes the strongest magic really does come from love and family. Roni, while not having quite forgiven her for poisoning Henry, acknowledges Ivy wasn’t the only one culpable since the coven helped her, in addition to Gothel manipulating her. She gives Ivy her blessing to leave with Anastasia, who needs to be protected so Gothel can never use her Guardian powers. Ivy then asks if she forgives her, to which Roni states she understands her and believes she can change. After Anastasia powers up the bean, she and Ivy use it to open a portal and return to the New Enchanted Forest. («Sisterhood»)

Однажды в сказке
Сезон 7
Однажды в сказке Сезон 7.jpg Обложка DVD
В ролях
  • Лана Паррилла
  • Колин О’Донохью
  • Эндрю Дж. Уэст
  • Дания Рамирес
  • Габриэль Анвар
  • Элисон Фернандес
  • Роберт Карлайл
  • Мекия Кокс
Страна происхождения США
№ серий 22
Исходная сеть ABC
Исходный выпуск 6 октября 2017 г. (2017-10-06) -. 18 мая 2018 г. (2018-05-18)
Хронология сезона
← Предыдущий . 6-й сезон
Список эпизодов «Однажды в сказке»

Седьмой и последний сезон сериала «Американец» ABC фэнтези — драма Однажды в сказке была заказана 11 мая 2017 года. Она состояла из 22 серий, выходящих в эфир по пятницам, премьера состоялась 6 октября 2017 года.

Этот сезон ознаменовал собой существенное изменение в сериале, поскольку в конце шестого сезона было объявлено, что большинство основных актеров не вернутся в таком состоянии. город для сезона 7. Лана Паррилла, Колин О’Донохью и Роберт Карлайл остались единственными, кто остался, а Ребекка Мэдер и Джаред С. Гилмор вернулся в повторяющихся качествах. Эндрю Дж. Уэст и Элисон Фернандес были объявлены новыми завсегдатаями в мае 2017 года. Дания Рамирес и Габриэль Анвар были объявлены дополнительными завсегдатаями в июле 2017 года. В августе 2017 года было объявлено, что Мекия Кокс была повышена до обычного сериала после того, как впервые присоединилась к актерскому составу в июле как повторяющаяся.

Сюжетная линия была мягко перезагружена основным повествованием во главе с взрослым Генри Миллсом, действие которого происходит через несколько лет событий прошлого сезона. В феврале 2018 года было объявлено, что седьмой сезон станет последним сезоном сериала; сезон и сериал завершились 18 мая 2018 года.

Существующие вымышленные персонажи, представленные в сериале в течение сезона, включая Тиану, Мать Готель, Юдора, доктор Фасилье., Принц Навин, мадам Леота и капитан Ахав. Сезон также включал новые итерации персонажей, которые ранее появлялись в предыдущих сезонах, как Золушка, Леди Тремейн, Дризелла, Анастасия, Рапунцель, Джек, Гензель, Гретель, Слепая ведьма, а также Алиса, ранее появлявшаяся в Одна в стране чудес.


  • 1
  • 2 Актеры и персонажи
    • 2.1 Основное
    • 2.2 Повторяющееся
    • 2.3 Гость
  • 3 Эпизоды
  • 4 Производство
    • 4.1 Развитие
    • 4.2 Кастинг
  • 5 Рейтинги
  • 6 Ссылки
  • 7 Внешние ссылки


Через несколько лет после финальной битвы Генри Миллс покидает Сторибрук в поисках его собственной истории, только чтобы оказаться в Новом Зачарованном Лесу, где конфликт между его обитателями завершается наложением нового проклятия, которое отправляет жителей Нового Зачарованного Леса в окрестностях Сиэтла — в прошлом, до того, как Генри покинул Сторибрук. Воспользовавшись своим Ковен Восьми, избегая Фасилье и мстительного охотника на ведьм, воспользовавшись услугами своего врача, Люси намеревается восстановить его веру. Снятие проклятия приводит к появлению версии Румпельштильцхена из Царства Желаний, который стремится разрушить счастье каждого. Темное проклятие, которое объединяет все области истории в одно: Объединенные королевства.

Актеры и персонажи


  • Лана Паррилла как Злая Королева / Реджина Миллс / Рони / Добрая Королева
  • Колин О’Донохью в роли Капитан Крюк / Киллиан Джонс / Роджерс
  • Эндрю Дж. Уэст в роли Генри Миллс
  • Дания Рамирес в роли Золушка / Джасинда Видрио
  • Габриэль Анвар в роли Рапунцель / леди Тремейн / Виктория Белфри
  • Элисон Фернандес в роли Люси Миллс / Люси Видрио
  • Роберт Карлайл как Румпельштильцхен / Мистер Голд / Уивер
  • Мекия Кокс в роли Тиана / Сабина


  • Джаред С. Гилмор в молодости Генри Миллс / Сэр Генри
  • Аделаида Кейн как Дризелла / Айви Белфри
  • Роуз Рейнольдс как Элис / Тилли
  • Брюс Блейн как Сэмюэл Б. Райс / Дежурный сержант
  • Дженнифер Моррисон в роли Эмма Свон
  • Тревор Робертс в роли Реми
  • Эмма Бут в роли Мать Готель / Мать Природа / Элоиза Гарденер
  • Эмили де Рэвин в роли Белль
  • Крис Готье в роли Сми
  • Ребекка Мадер в роли Злой Ведьмы Запад / Зелина / Келли Уэст
  • Дэниел Фрэнсис в роли доктора Фасилье / мистер Барон Самди
  • Робин Гивенс в роли Юдоры
  • Миган Уорнер в молодости Рапунцель / Леди Тремейн
  • Тиера Сковбай в роли Робин Гуд / Марго
  • Натан Парсонс в роли Гензель / Джек / Ник Брэнсон
  • Яэль Юрман в роли Анастасия
  • Джефф Пьер в роли принца Навина / Дрю
  • Чилтон Крейн в роли Слепой ведьмы / Хильда Брэберн


  • Джиллиан Фарги в роли Крестная фея
  • Лиам Холл в роли Принца
  • Джайлза Мэтти в роли Гидеона
  • Кевин Райан в роли Роберта
  • Мэтти Финочио в роли Маркуса Тремейна
  • Синди Луна в роли Сесилии
  • Анна Кэткарт в роли подростка Дризеллы
    • Лула Мэй Меленч в молодости Дризелла
  • Алехандра Перес в роли молодой Эллы
  • София Рид-Ганцерт в роли молодой Анастасии
  • Сара Томко в роли Тигр Лили
  • Сюзи Иоахим в роли мадам Леота
  • Нисрин Слим в роли хедж-ведьмы / доктор Андреа Сейдж
  • Чад Рук в роли капитан Ахаб
  • Элль Маккиннон в роли юной Алисы
  • Чарльз Мезур в роли Черная Борода (Мир желаний)
  • Кип Пардью в роли Чада
  • Дэн Пейн в роли Иво
  • Сет Исаак Джонсон в роли молодого Гензеля
  • Сара Каннинг в роли Гретель
    • Лили ван дер Гринд в роли молодой Гретель
  • Кира Леру в роли Ярроу
  • Эмили Теннант в роли Ислы
  • Наика Туссен в роли Серафины
  • Габриель Миллер в роли Мать Флора
  • Беверли Эллиот в роли Вдова Лукас / бабушка
  • Робби Кей в роли Малькольма / Питер Пэн (Мир желаний)
  • Виктория Смурфит как Круэлла Виль (Мир желаний)
  • Джоанна Гарсия Свишер как Ариэль (Мир желаний)
  • Тимоти Уэббер в роли Ученица (Царство желаний)
  • Джиннифер Гудвин в роли Белоснежка / Мэри Маргарет Бланчард
  • Джош Даллас как Прекрасный принц / Дэвид Нолан
  • Шон Магуайр как Робин Гуд
  • Тони Амендола как Джеппетто / Марко
  • Ли Аренберг в роли Ворчун / Лерой
  • Джек Дэвис в роли Пиноккио
  • Фаустино Ди Бауда в роли Слипи / Уолтер
  • Гейб Хоут как Снизи / Мистер Кларк
  • Киган Коннор Трейси как Синяя Фея / Мать-Настоятельница
  • Рафаэль Сбардж как Джимини Крикет / Доктор Арчи Хоппер
  • Дэвид Пол Гроув as Док


Эта статья о второй итерации одной из Злых сводных сестёр.
Для первой итерации, см. Клоринда и Тисби.

Дризелла, также известная как Дриззи, и в настоящее время известная как Айви Белфри,[1] — персонаж сериала «Однажды в сказке».

Дризелла основана на одной из Злых сводных сестер из сказки «Золушка» и на одноимённом персонаже из Диснеевского фильма Золушка. Она также основана на одном из двух детей Рапунцель из сказки Рапунцель.


После четвёртого проклятья

Во время пятого проклятья

Магические способности[]

Бывшие магические способности[]

  • Колдовство — Возможность накладывать Заклинания и/или проклятья.
  • Обездвиживание — Способность магически обездвижить что-то или кого-то.
  • Фотокинез — Способность контролировать и манипулировать растениями.
  • Сонные чары — Способность вызывать сон.
  • Телекинез — Способность контролировать движение окружающей среды.
  • Телепортация — Способность магически телепортировать себя и/или других из одного места в другое.


Неизвестно Сесилия † Маркус Тремейн † Рапунцель Тремейн †Виктория Белфри †
ЗолушкаДжасинда Видрио Генри Миллс Анастасия Принц Грегор ДризеллаАйви Белфри


  • Сплошные линии обозначают кровное родство
  • Пунктирные линии обозначают брачные отношения, которые приводят к появлению потомства
  • † обозначает умершего
  • Дризелла и принц Грегор были помолвлены

Интересные факты[]


  • Имя «Айви» — ссылка на растение плющ, которое должно цепляться за что-то другое, например деревья или здания, чтобы выжить; Дризелла/Айви делает это с сестрой, затем с матерью, а затем с Элоизой Гарденер. Виктория ссылается на это в «Элоизе Гарденер», где она сравнивает Айви с растением и говорит, что для того, чтобы он рос, он должен цепляться за что-то другое.
    • Это также ссылка на то, что Айви является членом Культа Восьми: точно так же, как другие члены культа Элоиза Гарденер, доктор Сейдж, Хильда Брейбёрн и Тилли, имя Айви происходит от растений.
    • Это также ссылка на зелёный цвет плюща.[2] В Диснеевской «Золушке» оригинальная личность Айви, Дризелла, всегда носит одежду зеленного оттенка.
  • Фамилия «Белфри» — отсылка к слову «колокольня», которое является частью колокольни или шпиля, в котором размещены колокола. Мать Айви, Виктория Белфри, является генеральным директором Белфри Тауэр, и ее первоначальная личность также была заперта в башне.


  • Её PictYourThis ручка TheReal_IvyB.[3] («Пробуждающий звонок»)
  • Когда она была ребенком, У Дризеллы была кукла по имени Беатрис. («Одна маленькая слезинка», «Падение рыцаря», «Девушка в башне»)

Производственные примечания[]

  • Когда сводные сестры первой Золушки были вновь представлены в «Другой туфельке», сценаристы хотели назвать одну из них «Дризелла», но в конечном итоге решили назвать их Клориндой и Тисби. По словам Джейн Эспенсон, причина в том, что уже существовали два персонажа, чьи имена заканчивались на «-ella»: сама Золушка и Круэлла.[4]
  • По словам Адама Хоровица, Дризелла «восхитительно злая». Он также добавил, что «она терпит много оскорблений от своей мамы. Но мне интересно, как долго это продлится».[5]
  • Аделаида Кейн показала, что ее слоган для Дризеллы — «закрытая и стервозная». Она также описала её характер как «очень взвинченную, немного нервную молодую женщину, и она просто очень мелочная», сравнивая ее с «тем ужасным хулиганом в средней школе». Однако она также объяснила, что Дризелла «не знает, как привлечь людей на свою сторону, поэтому она просто одинока, резка, язвительна, саркастична и несчастна все время».[6]
  • Анна Кэткарт, которая играет подростка Дризеллу в «Одной маленькой слезинке» и «Союзе сестер», сыграла роль дочери Дризеллы, Диззи Тремейн, во второй и третьей части франшизы канала Дисней, «Наследники».


  • Платье и нижнее платье, которые Дризелла носит в «Пробуждающем звонке»,[7] «Восьмой ведьме»[8] и «Союзе сестер»[9] первоначально были надеты Кристен Стюарт в фильме 2012 года «Белоснежка и охотник».[10]
    • Нижнее платье отдельно было надето Дризеллой в «Красотке в голубом».[11]
    • Такое же платье ранее носила Вайолет в «Разрушенном королевстве»[12] и «Ловце снов».[13]


Once Upon a Time: Седьмой сезон
«Гиперион Хайтс»: «Пиратская жизнь»: «Сад расходящихся тропок»: «Красавица»: «Лягушки»: «Пробуждающий звонок»: «Элоиза Гарденер»: «Красотка в голубом»: «Одна маленькая слезинка»: «Восьмая ведьма»: «Тайный сад»:

«Вкус высоты»: «Падение рыцаря»: «Девушка в башне»: «Союз сестер»: «Хлебные крошки»: «Избранная»: «Хранитель»: «Дитя цветов»: «Это Генри Миллс?»: «Возвращение домой»: «Покидая Сторибрук»:



Другие появления

  • Дризелла появляется во второй книге сказок Генри в «Одной маленькой слезинке».[14]
    • Дризелла упоминается в книге сказок во «Вкусе высоты».[15]


  • Дризелла упоминается на доске Генри в «Дите цветов»[16] и «Это Генри Миллс?».[17]
  • Айви упоминается в газетной статье во «Вкусе высоты».[1]
  • Айви появляется на фотографии в «Дите цветов»[18] и «Это Генри Миллс?».[19]

См. также[]

  • Беатрис (кукла)
  • Машина Айви


«Однажды в сказке» (англ. Once Upon a Time) — американский телесериал канала ABC в жанре фэнтези. Премьера состоялась 23 октября 2011 года. Премьера седьмого сезона состоялась 6 октября 2017 года. Сезон состоял из 22 эпизодов. Для сериала этот сезон стал финальным.

1 (135) серия: «Гиперион Хайтс»
«Hyperion Heights»

Генри покидает Сторибрук в поисках своей собственной истории. Спустя годы в другом царстве он встречает попавшую в беду Золушку, и это событие меняет траекторию его поисков навсегда. Когда злая матушка Золушки, леди Тремейн, начинает представлять угрозу, Генри понимает — чтобы следовать зову сердца он будет вынужден совершить невероятно трудный выбор, которого он даже не мог себе представить. Спустя годы молодая Люси находит разочарованного Генри в его доме в Сиэтле и решает заставить его вспомнить свое истинное «я», чтобы победить проклятие, обрушившееся на сказочных героев «Гиперион Хайтс».

2 (136) серия: «Жизнь пирата»
«A Pirate’s Life»

Когда Генри понимает, что влип в неприятности, он призывает часть своей семьи из Сторибрука на помощь (Эмму, Реджину и Капитана Крюка), и вместе они отправляются на поиски Золушки. По дороге, Крюк сталкивается с неожиданным врагом, который может помешать успеху группы. Тем временем в Гиперион Хайтс Джасинда в поисках способа увидеть Люси соглашается на нежелательную помощь от Генри, пока Виктория Белфри заручается поддержкой Роджерса и Уивера, чтобы прогнать Генри из района.

3 (137) серия: «Сад расходящихся тропинок»
«The Garden of Forking Paths»

Когда Золушка оказывается на краю опасности, помощь приходит от того, от кого она ее не ждет. Ее спасение приводит в альянсу, который может поспособствовать уничтожению правил Леди Тремейн и раскрытию темного секрета из прошлого Золушки. В Гиперион Хайтс Джасинда прибегает к крайним мерам, чтобы остановить Викторию, которая готова разрушить общественный сад, обожаемый Люси. Люси пытается убедить Генри, что Виктории нужно нечто большее, чем просто кусок земли. Тем временем Виктория приходит к открытию, которое может изменить судьбу каждого.

4 (138) серия: «Красавица»

Виктория заставляет Айви отправиться с Люси за конфетами. Тем временем Тилли пробуждается от проклятия и намеревается привести Уивера к правде — но только если Виктория поспособствует этому. Во флешбеках Румпель и Белль пытаются найти ответ на пророчество, который поможет укрепить их счастливое будущее.

5 (139) серия: «Лягушки»

Тиана просит помощи у бродячего прорицателя, культового доктора Фасилье, чтобы спасти свое королевство. Но когда оказывается, что у него был свой скрытый мотив, она берет дело в свои руки. В Гиперион Хайст Сабин и Джасинда предпринимают рискованную деловую аферу, и сила их дружбы подвергается испытанию, когда Виктория вмешивается в их планы. Тем временем Айви просит Генри изучить Викторию, а Рони совершает такое открытие, которое может изменить ее дружбу с Генри навсегда. Роджерс находит решающую зацепку в своих поисках Элоизы Гарденер.

6 (140) серия: «Тревожный звоночек»
«Wake Up Call»

Рони убеждает Уивера проверить рассказ Люси о том, что Реджина Миллс усыновила мальчика из Бостона. В это время Роджерс обращается к Тилли за помощью в поисках исчезнувшей Элоизы, а в прошлом Реджина учит Дризеллу основам магии. Чувствуя себя третьей лишней в набирающих оборотах отношениях Генри и Золушки, Реджина с удивлением обнаруживает, что нужна Дризелле, которая пытается отыскать магию. Но внезапно открывшаяся жестокая истина может привести Дризеллу на опасную дорожку. Тем временем в Гиперион Хайтс находящаяся в поиски ответов Рони просит помощи у Уивера, а Тилли предоставляет Роджерсу несколько интригующих моментов, касающихся Элоизы Гарденер.

7 (141) серия: «Элоиза Гарднер»
«Eloise Gardener»

Движимый жаждой мести, Крюк прибегает к тёмной и мощной магии, но встреча с Рапунцель может навсегда изменить его судьбу. В это время в Хайперион Хайтс, зреет заговор Айви с целью убрать с престола Викторию. Он набирает силу, что вызывает неожиданные последствия для Джасинды и Люси. Роджерс привлекает Генри и Тилли к своей продолжающейся борьбе в поискх пропавшей Элоизы Гарденер, но то, что он находит, оказывается не тем, чем кажется.

8 (142) серия: «Красотка в голубом»
«Pretty In Blue»

Пытаясь предотвратить побег расстроенной Алисы, Генри и Элла отправляются за ней в Страну Чудес. Там Генри понимает, что у Эллы есть необычная связь с этим странным миром. В Гиперион Хайтс Джасинда подключает старого друга и прилагает последние усилия для возвращения опеки над Люси. Но ее решение принять помощь извне создают напряженность в отношениях с Генри.

9 (143) серия: «Слезинка»
«One Little Tear»

Виктория заключает сделку с Уивером: она хочет выйти из тюрьмы и разбудить Анастасию, но это может стоить жизни другого человека. Тем временем из флэшбеков становится ясно, что матушка Готель некогда предложила леди Тремейн спасти её семью. Тем временем Джасинда и Ник рассказывают то, что может изменить её с Генри будущее.

10 (144) серия: «Восьмая ведьма»
«The Eighth Witch»

Когда Дризелла угрожает новым проклятием, Генри и Элла идут на отчаянный шаг, чтобы защитить дочь и друзей. Перед Реджиной встаёт ужасный выбор. В Гиперион Хайтсе Рони просит Генри отправиться с ней в Сан-Франциско, чтобы отыскать Зелину, однако когда Генри узнаёт, что Люси без сознания, то отправляется к дочери. Тем временем Готель старается завоевать доверие Анастасии, но последствия её действий угрожают выйти из-под контроля.

11 (145) серия: «Таинственный сад»
«Secret Garden»

Стремясь поскорее начать использовать свои проявившиеся магические способности, Робин вступает в рискованные отношения с Матерью Готэль. В это время в Гиперион Хайтс, Рони и Келли заключают сделку с Элоизой, отчаявшейся спасти Люси от её загадочной болезни. Однако ничего не делается бесплатно. Когда события в конце концов приводят к ссоре Виктории с Айви, кому-то приходится за это расплачиваться своей жизнью.

12 (146) серия: «Вкус Хайтс»
«A Taste Of The Heights»

В день коронации Тианы ссора с доктором Фасилье заставляет её отправиться на Байу (болотистая дельта реки), где неожиданная встреча меняет всю её жизнь, а охота на аллигатора заканчивается трагическим происшествием. В это время Роджерс и Уивер допрашивают слепую колдунью.

13 (147) серия: «Рыцарь пал»

Тилли предупреждает Роджерса, чтобы он не верил Готель, и скоро попадает за решетку за преступление, которого не совершала. В это время Иви пользуется советом Генри и добирается до Джасинды. В прошлом Крюк разыскивает капитана Ахава, у которого находится магический талисман, способный освободить Алису из замка.

14 (148) серия: «Девушка в башне»
«The Girl In The Tower»

Роджерс и Генри пытаются найти способ доказать невиновность Тилли в убийстве Хильды. В прошлом Алиса убегает из замка и обнаруживает, что она всё ещё в ловушке, поэтому она объединяется с Робин, чтобы победить тролля, угрожающего соседней деревне.

15 (149) серия: «Сестринство»

Иви пытается помириться с Анастасией, в то время как Генри, Роджерс и Нэйт отправляются в город. В прошлом Дризелла объединяется с одной молодой колдуньей, чтобы выиграть устраиваемый Готель конкурс и поучаствовать в шабаше ведьм.

16 (150) серия: «Хлебные крошки»

В прошлом Генри просит Крюка о помощи в поиске необычного кольца, которое нужно передать Элле. В настоящем Генри получает предложение о работе в Нью-Йорке, но до этого Уивер просит его о помощи, чтобы вычислить, кто скрывается за кличкой Конфетный Убийца. В это время Тилли устраивается на новую работу, а Зелина и Марго ссорятся.

17 (151) серия: «Избранный»

После того как возлюбленного Келли захватывают в заложники, она сталкивается лицом к лицу с Конфетным убийцей. В это время Самди использует Дрю для реализации своего смертельно опасного плана. Во флешбеке Зелина, после того, как её встреча с Гензелем и Гретель оканчивается неудачей, получает суровый урок.

18 (152) серия: «Хранитель»
«The Guardian»

Тилли и Марго проводят вместе целый день, Уивер обнаруживает, что кто-то взял Кинжал, и стремится найти этого человека. В прошлом Голд подвергает проверке Алису, чтобы понять, не Стражник ли она, и сам сталкивается с проверкой.

19 (153) серия: «Дитя цветов»
«Flower Child»

Тилли и Роджерс после встречи с Элоизой попадают в опасность, и в тот момент, когда жизнь Роджерса оказывается под угрозой, Тилли принимает жизненно важное решение. В это время отношения между Генри и Джасиндой переходят на новый уровень, но несмотря на усилия Люси, их союз не даёт ответов на вопросы, которые она ищет. Во флешбеке юная Готель жаждет мщения тем, кто разрушил её дом.

20 (154) серия: «Это Генри Миллс?»
«Is This Henry Mills?»

Рони обращается к Люси за помощью, чтобы разбудить Генри, но всё идёт не так, как было задумано. В это время Роджерс и Уивер направляются к Марго в надежде проникнуть к Тилли. Во флэшбэке молодой Генри стремится решить, каким путём пойти, пока загадочный телефонный звонок не помогает ему найти верное решение.

21 (155) серия: «Возвращение домой»

Пока жители Гиперион Хайтс празднуют снятие проклятие, Румпель из мира желаний, который разработал злобный план по предотвращению уничтожения сил Темного с помощью Люси и Эллы, навещает Генри. Чтобы его остановить, Генри, Рони, Уивер и Роджерс должны отправиться в мир желаний, дом для версий любимых и опасных персонажей.

Во флешбеках юного Генри навещает Румпель из мира желаний и предлагает сделку, последствия которой могут иметь трагический характер.

22 (156) серия: «Покидая Сторибрук»
«Leaving Storybrooke»

Когда злобные планы Румпеля из Мира Желания раскрываются, Реджина понимает, что единственный способ остановить его — не дать Генри из Мира Желания встать на путь возмездия. Тем временем Тилли и Марго ищут помощи в Сторибруке. Отчаянно надеясь на воссоединение с покинувшей его Белль, Уивер пытается победить свое дьявольское альтер-эго. Когда жизни Роджерса угрожает опасность, он решается на наивысшую жертву.

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